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Sincerely, Yours - a talk show by Yaqeen Institute Cover
Sincerely, Yours - a talk show by Yaqeen Institute Profile

Sincerely, Yours - a talk show by Yaqeen Institute

English, Religion, 2 seasons, 31 episodes, 1 day, 6 hours, 6 minutes
Did you ever wish you knew the scholars, preachers and teachers of Islam better? What if you could get to know on a more personal level? Yaqeen is back with a new talk-show style Islamic podcast that will help you get the answers! Join Sh. Ibrahim Hindy and Sh. Abdullah Oduro weekly as they bring on different guests, sheikhs, Islamic scholars, teachers, Muslim personalities and learn their stories, the challenges they face and share a laugh or two.
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What is a Madhhab?

Many modern Muslims view the Islamic legal tradition as needing a complete overhaul with many among them calling to bypass the madhhabs in favor of the Qur’an and Sunnah. This approach is based on the incorrect assumption that the maddhabs are not evidence-based but simply the guesswork or opinions of a few jurists. This paper on Exploring the Role of Islamic Schools of Law will explain what the madhhabs are, how they emerged and what their function is in Islamic law. Learn about the importance of the madhhabs and their relationship with the Qur’an and Sunnah.Note: The audio files are generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out
7/18/202444 minutes, 54 seconds
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Are All Religions the Same?

Is Islam the final form of Allah’s guidance, meant to replace everything before it? Or is Islam, as is understood through the lens of perennialism, merely one valid religion amongst others?This paper on Islam and the False Promise of Perennialism contextualizes perennialism as a response to the problem of religious diversity and evaluates this response in light of Islam’s own solution.   Note: The audio files are generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out
6/14/20241 hour, 4 seconds
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Understanding Aisha’s Age: An Interdisciplinary Approach

In recent years, few criticisms of Islam have taken the spotlight as much as condemnations of the Prophet’s marriage to Aisha. Muslims are accused of following the example of a man who had inappropriate relations with a 9-year-old girl. However, this criticism is based on fallacious reasoning.This paper elucidates the flawed nature of accusations of the Prophet’s alleged immorality as well as how Islam teaches us to adapt the message of the Qur’an to changing circumstances.Note: The audio files are generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out
6/7/202439 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Prophecies of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: Proofs of Prophethood Series

Some of the greatest and most convincing testimonies to the prophethood of Muhammad ﷺ are the numerous occasions on which he correctly predicted future events. Only one to whom God had granted access to the realm of the unseen could have, time and again, accurately foretold the future. This paper will seek to capture some of these predictions—all derived from Qur’anic verses and authentic hadith—and how each one of them came to pass, just as he ﷺ predicted.Note: The audio files are generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out
5/17/202440 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Issue of Apostasy in Islam

One of the most common accusations leveled against Islam involves the freedom of religion. The problem, according to critics: Islam doesn’t have any.So what are these critics talking about? Like the issues of stoning and hand chopping, apostasy—the generic act of renouncing or leaving one’s religion—in Islam can only be understood if one is willing to look beyond provocative headlines and delve into the nature of how jurisprudence developed in the pre-modern world and in Islam in particular.Note: The audio files are generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out
5/10/202439 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Character of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ: How His Noble Qualities and Personality Are Proof of His Prophethood

The Bible reports that Jesus Christ (as) offered logical criteria for distinguishing true prophets from false ones. Through that criteria the Prophet Jesus (as) may have intended that actions speak louder than words about a person’s character, and therefore the personal conduct of a true prophet must be good. He may have also intended that the positive impact of his teachings on others would be good, or that the message itself must be a clear call to purity and goodness. The beauty of analyzing the ministry of Muhammad ﷺ is that all three interpretations would stand true for him. This paper will illustrate how just his character makes a powerful case for his prophethood.Note: The audio files are generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out
4/26/202437 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Overcome Addiction through Faith: Ibn Al-Qayyim's Rehabilitation Program

We are living in a dopaminergic society. Addictions to devices, social media, video gaming, films, Netflix, sexual content, and illicit substances have gripped all levels of society. While these problems are recognized and investigated in various academic disciplines such as psychology and neuroscience, the Islamic tradition also has much to offer. What is the Islamic approach to treating addiction? What are some preventative and therapeutic strategies that can be found in Islam? Explore Ibn Al-Qayyim's Rehabilitation Program for 50 strategies for treating addiction through faith. Note: The audio files are generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out
4/19/202457 minutes, 43 seconds
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Predestination vs. Free Will in Islam: Understanding Allah's Qadr

Divine providence—the idea that everything has already been decreed by the Creator from eternity—has troubled theologians and philosophers for centuries. How can we reconcile the two apparently contradictory facts that Allah has absolute power and sovereignty over all creation, and that at the same time we are responsible for our actions?  Are we forced to do what we do, or are our choices meaningful?Note: The audio files are generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out
4/12/202426 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Palestinian Struggle Through the Prophetic Lens

Is Palestine a Muslim issue? What is the Islamic response to the Palestinian question? Put differently, “What would the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ do?”Rarely do we encounter political situations in our lifetime in which the prophetic way is as clear as it is in the case of the Palestinian struggle. Learn more about how the Prophet  ﷺ  approached a political situation similar to the current situation unfolding in Palestine.Note: The audio files are generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out
3/22/202431 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Alchemy of Divine Love: How Our View of God Affects Our Faith and Happiness

This paper introduces the topic of “God image” and attachment. We explain what a God image is and how a healthy or distorted God image develops. We also explain God attachment styles and how our image of God influences how we relate to Him. Finally, we discuss the consequences of a distorted God image on religious and self-concept struggles. We present a theory of God image based on classical Islamic sources and modern psychology, and the results of our scientific study on the topic.Note: The audio files are generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out
3/15/202446 minutes, 1 second
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Islam and the LGBT Question: Reframing the Narrative

Within one generation, LGBT ideas and behaviors have gone from being taboo to mainstream. The questions we need to ask are:How did we get here and why should we care?How can we build a conceptual framework on gender, sex, and morality based on Islamic sources?Note: The audio files are generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out
3/1/20241 hour, 20 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to be a Mindful Muslim: An Exercise in Islamic Meditation

How can we have more control over our thoughts in this time of information overload and anxiety? Exercising mindfulness, or muraqabah, can help discipline our minds in order to handle the current situation and focus on our connection with Allah.Note: The audio files are generated using AI technology. As such, the intonations and pronunciation of certain words may not reflect human speech patterns. For the original written research paper check out
2/21/202436 minutes, 14 seconds
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Sincerely, Abdirahman Kaariye

This week we sit down with Abdirahman Kaairye!  Don't forget to ask questions, share feedback:
3/17/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 6 seconds
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Sincerely, Jinan Yousef

This week Sh. Ibrahim and Sh. Abdullah sit down with Dr. Jinan Yousef!Don't forget to ask questions, share feedback:
3/10/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sincerely, Osman Umarji

Did you ever wish you knew the scholars, preachers, and teachers of Islam better?Join our all-new talk show, every Wednesday, hosted by Sh. Ibrahim Hindy and Sh. Abdullah Oduro to learn their stories, the challenges they face, and share a laugh or two! Ask questions, share feedback:
3/4/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sincerely, Daood Butt

He’s a Shaykh with a degree in Automotive Technology. Meet Sh. Daood Butt.Make sure to submit your questions and feedback here!
2/24/20221 hour, 20 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sincerely, Omar Suleiman

Dr. Omar Suleiman makes his way on our weekly Shaykh Talks where we bring on your favorite scholars, teachers, shaykhs and learn more about their stories and the challenges they face.Make sure to submit your questions and feedback here!
2/18/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 18 seconds
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Sincerely, Navaid Aziz

He's an Imam, and he's also a board game fanatic. Meet Sh. Navaid Aziz.Did you ever wish you knew the scholars, preachers, and teachers of Islam better?Join our all-new talk show, every Wednesday, hosted by Sh. Ibrahim Hindy and Sh. Abdullah Oduro, to learn their stories, the challenges they face, and share a laugh or two!Make sure to submit your questions and feedback here!
2/11/20221 hour, 15 minutes, 32 seconds
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Sincerely, Ovamir Anjum

Did you ever wish you knew the scholars, preachers, and teachers of Islam better?Join our all-new talk show, every Wednesday, hosted by Sh. Ibrahim Hindy and Sh. Abdullah Oduro to learn their stories, the challenges they face, and share a laugh or two! Make sure to submit your questions and feedback here!
2/3/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 41 seconds
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Sincerely, Maryam Amir

She's a Qur'an Hafidha, and she has a black belt in Taekwondo. Meet Maryam Amir.Make sure to submit your questions and feedback here!
1/27/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 28 seconds
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Sincerely, Yahya Ibrahim

Join Sh. Ibrahim Hindy and Sh. Abdullah Oduro as they bring on Sh. Yahya Ibrahim, hear some of his stories, share some wisdom, and learn from each other. Don't forget to share your questions and feedback in the link below:
1/20/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 50 seconds
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Trailer: Sincerely, Yours - an Islamic talk-show by Yaqeen Institute

Did you ever wish you knew the scholars, preachers and teachers of Islam better? What if you could get to know on a more personal level? Join me, Sh. Ibrahim Hindy and my co-host Sh. Abdullah Oduro weekly as we bring on different guests, learn their stories, the challenges they face and share a laugh or two! Catch the talk-show weekly on live on YouTube or your on favorite podcast channel!Watch live on YouTube or catch weekly on your podcast app!You can also submit questions or share feedback here!
1/18/202230 seconds