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Solid Joys Daily Devotional

English, Religion, 1 season, 787 episodes, 1 day, 21 hours, 39 minutes
Solid Joys is a daily devotional written and read by John Piper. These short and substantive readings will feed your joy in Jesus every day of the year. Discover more from Piper at (
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Our Unspeakable Privilege

In Jesus Christ we who are born of God have the unspeakable privilege of knowing Yahweh as our Father.
9/19/20242 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Only True Freedom

Only Jesus, the Son of God who died and rose for us, can make us truly free.
9/18/20242 minutes, 44 seconds
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Worship in a Lightning Storm

Sit down to the feast of joy in Christ and worship the King of Glory. The banquet hall is very large.
9/17/20242 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Soul’s Final Feast

To see God, and know him, and be in his presence is the soul’s final feast.
9/16/20243 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Only Enduring Happiness

Two things have to be true if your joy is never to be taken from you. One is that the source of your joy lasts forever and the other is that you last forever.
9/15/20242 minutes, 59 seconds
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God Will Supply All Your Needs

If we live by faith in God’s promise of future grace, it will be very hard for anxiety to survive.
9/14/20242 minutes, 40 seconds
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7 Reasons Not to Worry, Part 3

God will see to it that you are not tested in any given day more than you can bear.
9/13/20245 minutes, 18 seconds
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7 Reasons Not to Worry, Part 2

God will certainly take his energy and creative skill, and use it to care for his children since they will live forever.
9/12/20244 minutes, 12 seconds
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7 Reasons Not to Worry, Part 1

Jesus helps us to fight the good fight against unbelief and to be free from anxiety.
9/11/20244 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to Fight Anxiety

The way you fight the good fight for faith is by meditating on God’s assurances of future grace and by asking for the help of his Spirit.
9/10/20243 minutes, 29 seconds
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Grace Must Be Free

If you treated your salvation no longer as a gift, but as a purchase, God would no longer be the free benefactor.
9/9/20242 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Repay God

You can’t give anything to God or do anything for God that he hasn’t first given to you and done for you.
9/8/20244 minutes, 32 seconds
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God-Given Foes and God-Given Faith

Fear not. Your adversaries can do no more than God grants. And he will grant you the faith you need. Those are gospel promises.
9/7/20243 minutes, 41 seconds
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Present and Powerful Love

Nothing will separate us from the love of Christ because Christ is alive and is still loving us right now.
9/6/20244 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Goal of Christ’s Love

God loves us so much that he will not allow our preciousness to become our god.
9/5/20244 minutes, 53 seconds
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What’s New About the New Covenant

In the old covenant, the gracious enabling power to obey God was not poured out as fully as it is since Jesus.
9/4/20243 minutes, 50 seconds
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The “I Will” of God

If you feel vulnerable, you can say to God, “Lord, help me. I’m not even sure how to pray.” Trust that he will respond and will help you.
9/3/20244 minutes, 38 seconds
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Devastated and Delighted

This is one of the beauties of the biblical doctrines of grace: their worst devastations prepare us for their greatest delights.
9/2/20244 minutes, 14 seconds
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He Does All That He Pleases

God is never forced into a situation where he must do something in which he cannot rejoice.
9/1/20243 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Lion and the Lamb

The worth and beauty of the Son come not just from his majesty, nor just from his meekness, but from the way these mingle in perfect proportion.
8/31/20243 minutes, 3 seconds
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Church Growth God’s Way

By all means work. But always look to the Lord for the decisive, supernatural work needed to fulfill his purposes.
8/30/20243 minutes, 55 seconds
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Six Things It Means to Be in Christ Jesus

Never grow weary of exploring and exulting in the inexhaustible privilege of being “in Christ Jesus.”
8/29/20243 minutes, 13 seconds
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Forgiven for Jesus’s Sake

The Father’s infinite pleasure in his own perfections is the fountain of our everlasting joy and forgiveness.
8/28/20243 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jesus Will Trample All Our Enemies

The extent of Christ’s reign reaches to the smallest and biggest enemy of his glory in your life, and in this universe. It will be defeated.
8/27/20242 minutes, 13 seconds
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Shadows and Streams

God rejoices in the works of creation because they point us beyond themselves to God himself.
8/26/20243 minutes, 25 seconds
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When God’s Love Is Sweetest

The sweetest experience of God’s love is conditional on our transformation into the kind of people whose emotions and choices and actions please God.
8/25/20243 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Message of Creation

Day and night are saying one thing: God is glorious! Turn away from the creation as your supreme satisfaction, and delight yourself in the Lord of glory.
8/24/20242 minutes, 46 seconds
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God Is Not an Idolater

God is love precisely because he relentlessly pursues the praises of his name in the hearts of his people.
8/23/20243 minutes, 16 seconds
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Pleased to Praise

If God loves us enough to make our joy full, he must not only give us himself; he must also win from us the praise of our hearts.
8/22/20243 minutes, 54 seconds
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An Unshakably Happy God

God’s pursuit of praise from us and our pursuit of pleasure in him are the same pursuit.
8/21/20243 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jesus Is Who You’re Looking For

The Bible is a window that opens onto the sunrise glory of the risen Christ.
8/20/20243 minutes, 4 seconds
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What the Resurrection Means for Us

Christ’s resurrection is God’s declaration that we cannot work our way to glory, but that he intends to do the impossible to get us there.
8/19/20242 minutes, 47 seconds
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Hope to Obey Hard Commands

You will always be better off to obey than to disobey Jesus, even if that obedience costs you your life.
8/18/20243 minutes, 19 seconds
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What It Means to Bless the Lord

Authentic speaking about God’s goodness and greatness must come from the soul. Blessing God with the mouth without the soul would be hypocrisy.
8/17/20242 minutes, 37 seconds
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Why You Give In to Sexual Sin

If we are to be sexually pure, God must have the supreme place in our feelings and thoughts.
8/16/20241 minute, 58 seconds
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What We Were Made For

All the other gifts of the gospel — forgiveness, justification, propitiation, eternal life — exist to make fellowship with God possible.
8/15/20242 minutes, 44 seconds
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God Forgives and Is Still Just

The death of the Son of God is outrageous enough, and the glory of God that it upholds is great enough, that God is vindicated to forgive our sins.
8/14/20244 minutes, 19 seconds
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Three Examples of How Faith Fulfills Good Resolves

The power of God to fulfill your resolves will come to you as you trust in the future grace of his promises.
8/13/20243 minutes, 39 seconds
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My Soul Thirsts for God

When we see the face of Christ, we see the face of God. And we see the glory of his face when we hear the story of the gospel of his death and resurrection.
8/12/20243 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Different Tenses of Grace

Grace is not only God’s disposition to do good for us when we don’t deserve it. It is also a power that makes good things happen in us.
8/11/20243 minutes, 30 seconds
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Have Mercy on Me, O God

We know more of the mystery of our redemption than David did. We know Christ. But we lay hold of the mercy in the same way he did.
8/10/20242 minutes, 17 seconds
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The End of the Gospel

The gospel is the good news that God bought for us the everlasting enjoyment of God.
8/9/20243 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ruler of All Nature

Stand in awe and be at peace, knowing that no natural event is outside of God’s wise and good purposes, and perfect control.
8/8/20242 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Point of Creation

God made humans in his image so that the world would be filled with reflectors of God. Images of God. So that nobody would miss the point of creation.
8/7/20243 minutes, 24 seconds
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Jesus Bought Your Endurance

God is totally committed to the perseverance and eternal security of his blood-bought children.
8/6/20242 minutes, 49 seconds
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10 Things “Yahweh” Means

Yahweh is a proper name (like Peter) built out of the word for “I am.” It teaches us that God absolutely is.
8/5/20245 minutes, 3 seconds
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As Secure as God Is Faithful

Between eternity past in God’s predestination, and eternity future in God’s glorification, none is lost.
8/4/20242 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why You Have a Body

God will honor the work of his Son by raising our bodies from the dead, and we will use our bodies to glorify him forever.
8/3/20242 minutes, 31 seconds
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Afraid of Death No More

God has justified us. There is only future grace in front of us. Satan cannot overturn that decree.
8/2/20244 minutes, 16 seconds
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Our Weakness Reveals His Worth

Sometimes God makes seemingly strong people weaker so that his divine power will be the more evident.
8/1/20243 minutes, 4 seconds
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Suffering That Crushes Faith

Suffering must not drive you from God. Instead, it should drive you from everything but God.
7/31/20242 minutes, 20 seconds
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Suffering That Strengthens Faith

Faith is like muscle tissue: if you stress it to the limit, it gets stronger, not weaker. When your faith is tested, the result is greater capacity to endure.
7/30/20243 minutes, 13 seconds
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God’s Plan for Martyrs

Our sovereign God says there is an appointed number of martyrs. They have a special role to play in planting and empowering the church.
7/29/20243 minutes, 38 seconds
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Why We Don’t Lose Heart

Strengthen your heart and renew your courage by fixing your gaze on the invisible truth you see in the testimony of those who saw Christ face to face.
7/28/20244 minutes, 3 seconds
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If You Don’t Fight Lust

If you don’t fight lust with a seriousness that is willing to gouge out your own eye, you will go to hell and suffer forever.
7/27/20243 minutes, 45 seconds
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What It Means to Love Money

The heart that loves money is a heart that pins its hopes, and pursues its pleasures, and puts its trust in what human resources can offer.
7/26/20243 minutes, 6 seconds
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Satan’s Strategy and Your Defense

The way to thwart the devil is to strengthen the very thing he is trying most to destroy — your faith.
7/25/20243 minutes, 48 seconds
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Jesus Keeps His Sheep

Jesus is interceding for us today that our faith might not fail. Our endurance in faith and joy is finally and decisively in the hands of God.
7/24/20243 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to Defy Sinful Desire

When God’s word feeds faith’s appetite for God, it weans our hearts away from the deceptive taste of lust.
7/23/20243 minutes, 44 seconds
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Preach to Yourself

Trusting God’s future grace comes by hearing the word. Therefore, preaching the word to ourselves is all-important in overcoming spiritual depression.
7/22/20243 minutes
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Models for Combating Discouragement

The Bible is replete with saints struggling with sunken spirits. But God includes such testimonies so that we might use them to fight the unbelief of despondency.
7/21/20243 minutes, 26 seconds
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Grace for Every Need

Prayer is the great link of faith between the soul of the saint and the promise of God’s future grace.
7/20/20242 minutes, 43 seconds
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His Timing Is Perfect

God promises not merely that we will find grace “to help in time of need,” but that the grace is well-timed by God.
7/19/20243 minutes, 38 seconds
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God’s Grace in Spiritual Gifts

Moment by moment, God supplies the strength in which we serve. He does this because the ongoing, inexhaustible supplier of power gets the glory.
7/18/20243 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Power to Profess Christ

Whatever added signs and wonders God may show to amplify our witness to Christ, they will come through his grace and power.
7/17/20243 minutes, 8 seconds
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Energy for Today’s To-Dos

Believe the promise that in this day God will be at work in you to will and work for his good pleasure.
7/16/20244 minutes, 16 seconds
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We Work by Grace

Paul prayed for grace for the day, trusted that it would come with power, and then acted with all his might.
7/15/20244 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ministry — More Important Than Life

You may think you need to save your life in order to do your ministry. On the contrary, how you lose your life may be the capstone of your ministry.
7/14/20243 minutes, 24 seconds
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What Moves You to Minister?

Costly acts of love don’t just happen. They are impelled by a new appetite — the appetite of faith for the fullest experience of God’s grace. We want more of God.
7/13/20242 minutes, 45 seconds
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Faith Expels Guilt, Greed, and Fear

The glory of Christ is magnified when we are more satisfied with his future grace than we are with the promises of sin.
7/12/20244 minutes, 20 seconds
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We Experience the Spirit Through Faith

When we don’t believe all the promises of God, we won’t receive the full measure of the Spirit.
7/11/20243 minutes, 32 seconds
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Proud Works vs. Humble Faith

“Works” longs for the joy of being glorified as strong. “Faith” longs for the joy of seeing God glorified as strong.
7/10/20243 minutes, 37 seconds
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Six Ways Jesus Fought Depression

When he was in anguish, Jesus rested his soul in the sovereign wisdom of God.
7/9/20243 minutes, 53 seconds
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Saving Faith Loves Forgiveness

Faith in God’s forgiveness means savoring the truth that a forgiving God is the most precious reality in the universe.
7/8/20243 minutes, 33 seconds
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When Another Christian Hurts You

All the wrongs that have been done against us by believers were avenged in the death of Jesus. Look to the cross of Christ.
7/7/20243 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Christ Conquered Bitterness

No one has ever lived who was more worthy of honor than Jesus; and no one has been dishonored more. But he triumphed by entrusting himself to God.
7/6/20243 minutes, 18 seconds
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Give God Your Revenge

Your very soul is in danger if you hold on to an attitude of unforgiving bitterness. Leave it to the wrath of God.
7/5/20244 minutes, 2 seconds
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When Will I Be Satisfied?

Imagine being able to enjoy what is most enjoyable with unbounded energy and passion forever. That is not our experience now, but it will be one day.
7/4/20243 minutes, 25 seconds
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Good News: God Is Happy

It is good news that God is gloriously happy. No one would want to spend eternity with a gloomy, unhappy God.
7/3/20242 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Well Do You Know God?

As the source of every good pleasure, God himself pleases fully and finally. It is therefore astonishing how little effort is put into knowing God.
7/2/20242 minutes, 58 seconds
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God’s Pleasure to Do You Good

Even if we know that God is good to us, we may believe that his goodness is constrained. But Jesus is at pains to help us not feel that way.
7/1/20243 minutes, 19 seconds
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Heaven’s Relief in the Coming Wrath

The unwillingness of others to repent will not hold the saints hostage. Hell cannot blackmail heaven into misery.
6/30/20242 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Powerful Root of Practical Love

Faith in God’s promises must be so real that the love it produces proves the reality of the faith.
6/29/20243 minutes, 39 seconds
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Enduring When Obeying Hurts

What can sustain the will to die for others, when you are innocent? Jesus banked on love and future joy.
6/28/20243 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Hiding Place for the Helpless

The experience of future grace often depends on whether we will take refuge in God, or whether we will run for cover to other shelters.
6/27/20242 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Fear That Draws Us In

There is a fear that is slavish and drives us away from God, and there is a fear that is sweet and draws us to God.
6/26/20243 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Death Trap Called Covetousness

What’s at stake in fleeing covetousness and fighting for contentment in future grace is eternal life.
6/25/20243 minutes, 1 second
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I Can Be Content in Every Circumstance

Whenever we sense the slightest rise of covetousness in our hearts, we must turn on it and fight it with all our might using the weapons of faith.
6/24/20243 minutes, 47 seconds
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Faith Honors Him Whom It Trusts

God is glorified when the power to be holy comes from humble faith in future grace.
6/23/20242 minutes, 51 seconds
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How We Must Fight for Holiness

The fight for good works is a fight to believe in future grace. Therefore, learning to fight for holiness by faith in future grace is supremely important.
6/22/20243 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Satisfaction That Defeats Sin

The essence of faith is being satisfied with all that God is for us in Jesus. Faith embraces God — not just his promised gifts — as our treasure.
6/21/20243 minutes, 13 seconds
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Grace Is Pardon — and Power!

Grace is not simply the pardon of our sins; it is the power to press on in obedience. We trust in God’s ever-arriving gracious power to enable us to do what we should.
6/20/20243 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Offense of Fearing Man

When we hear God’s promises and trust him with courage, fearing the reproach brought upon God by our unbelief, then he is greatly honored.
6/19/20243 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Plead for Unbelievers

Prayer ascribes to God the right and honor to be the free and sovereign God that he is to choose and to save sinners.
6/18/20242 minutes, 20 seconds
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What Kind of Prayer Pleases God?

The prayer of the upright that delights God comes from a heart that at first feels precarious in the presence of God. It trembles at his word.
6/17/20242 minutes, 53 seconds
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Serve God with Your Thirst

The Lord is pleased not by those who treat him as a needy watering trough, but as an inexhaustible, all-satisfying spring.
6/16/20243 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Honeymoon That Never Ends

With God the honeymoon never ends. He is infinite in power and wisdom and creativity so that there will be no boredom for the next trillion ages of millenniums.
6/15/20242 minutes, 13 seconds
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How Much God Wants to Bless You

God’s anger must be released by a stiff safety lock, but his mercy has a hair trigger. He is infinitely energetic with unbounded and unending enthusiasm to do us good.
6/14/20243 minutes, 33 seconds
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Who Killed Jesus?

God did not spare his own Son, because it was the only way he could spare us and still be a just and holy God.
6/13/20243 minutes, 49 seconds
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Help My Unbelief

Not only are spiritual gifts a work of God’s free grace in our lives, but so also is the very faith with which we use those gifts.
6/12/20243 minutes, 1 second
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Faith for the Future

In order to live the radical lives Christ calls us to live, we must embrace him as the only one who can truly satisfy our souls.
6/11/20243 minutes, 6 seconds
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When Reason Serves Rebellion

Our hearts exploit our minds to justify what our hearts want. Our deepest desires incline our minds to perceive and think in a way that will make our desires look right.
6/10/20243 minutes, 4 seconds
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Prayer Is for Sinners

If we recognize our sin, fight it, and cling to the cross of Christ as our hope, then God will hear us and answer our prayers.
6/9/20243 minutes, 54 seconds
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Glorify God in Your Body

Worship is all the acts of the heart and mind and body that intentionally express the infinite worth of God.
6/8/20243 minutes, 14 seconds
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We Live by Faith

The faith that justifies and the faith that sanctifies are not two different kinds of faith.
6/7/20243 minutes, 2 seconds
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All Hostile to God

The best news in all the world is that our alienation from God is ended. We have been reconciled to the Judge of the universe.
6/6/20242 minutes, 32 seconds
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Dependable in the Mundane

Be devoted to glorifying the dependability of God. Lives of faith are the great mirror of his faithful love and provision.
6/5/20243 minutes, 3 seconds
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What Makes God Proud

Open your eyes to the better country, the city of God that he has prepared for us, and let yourself desire it with all your heart. God will not be ashamed to be called your God.
6/4/20243 minutes, 9 seconds
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Faith for the Impossible

Faith glorifies God because it is a future-oriented confidence in God’s integrity and power and wisdom to follow through on all his promises.
6/3/20242 minutes, 49 seconds
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Who Are the Children of Abraham?

We don’t become heirs of Abraham’s promises by working for God but by being confident that God works for us.
6/2/20244 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Faith That Magnifies Grace

Why does faith not nullify the grace of God? Because faith calls all attention to grace and magnifies it, rather than nullifies it.
6/1/20243 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Gain of Serving God

The worship of daily obedience is not at bottom a burdensome giving to God, but a joyful getting from God. That is the true service that God demands.
5/31/20244 minutes, 18 seconds
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Something to Boast About

Faith nullifies boasting and glorifies grace. Wherever faith looks, it sees grace behind every praiseworthy act. So it cannot boast, except in the Lord.
5/30/20242 minutes, 46 seconds
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When God Goes Against His Will

God has wise and holy purposes when he does not answer our prayers as we want. Trust him. He knows what he is doing.
5/29/20244 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Payout for Patience

The sovereign grace of God can turn the unplanned place and the unplanned pace into the happiest ending imaginable.
5/28/20243 minutes, 34 seconds
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Authentic vs. Phony Faith

We can know that our sins are taken away and that we will be safe in the judgment, if we trust Christ in such a way that it makes us eager for his coming.
5/27/20242 minutes, 54 seconds
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Strength to Wait with Patience

Patience is indeed a fruit of the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit empowers us (with all his fruit) through hearing with faith.
5/26/20242 minutes, 45 seconds
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God’s Design in Detours

What feels to us like a waste is what God plans. He works through the most hopeless circumstances.
5/25/20243 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Bedrock of Your Assurance

Our election is unconditional in the strictest sense. Neither our faith nor our obedience is the basis of it. It is free and utterly undeserved.
5/24/20244 minutes, 14 seconds
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Is Christ Worth It?

When we sit down to calculate the cost of following Jesus — when we weigh the “worst” and the “best” — he is worth it. Abundantly worth it.
5/23/20243 minutes, 35 seconds
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Jesus Knows His Sheep

Jesus knows all his sheep by name; that is, he knows them individually and intimately.
5/22/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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God Works for You

God is so eager to work for us that he goes around looking for more work to do for people who will trust him.
5/21/20244 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Hate Your Life

When you love Christ, you don’t take much thought for your life in this world. Rather, you live for the glory of God’s grace.
5/20/20243 minutes, 33 seconds
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What Makes Jesus Rejoice

What makes the whole Trinity rejoice together? The free, electing love of God to hide the true spiritual identity of Christ from the intellectual elite and to reveal it to babes.
5/19/20243 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Light Beyond the Light

Don’t replace Christ this summer with trifles. Seek the things that are above. Flight from Christ into Christless leisure makes the soul parched.
5/18/20244 minutes, 28 seconds
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Five Digital Dangers

Consider these five digital dangers and some accompanying resolutions to avoid and redeem them.
5/17/20244 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Freest Love

God’s electing love is absolutely free. It is the gracious overflow of his boundless happiness guided by his infinite wisdom.
5/16/20244 minutes, 22 seconds
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What Is Meekness?

Trust God. Commit your way to him. Roll onto him your anxieties, frustrations, and plans — indeed, your very life.
5/15/20243 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ideas Have Consequences

Hope and love do not come from nowhere. They grow out of ideas — views of reality — revealed in the Scriptures.
5/14/20244 minutes, 2 seconds
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At the Bottom of It All

How did you come to be a Christian? Join Charles Spurgeon and joyfully confess, “I ascribe my change wholly to God!”
5/13/20243 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why We Should Love Our Enemies

When God becomes our treasure, we treat our adversaries out of our own fullness with the all-satisfying glory of God.
5/12/20243 minutes, 39 seconds
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Go on to the Meal

You have heard echoes of God’s glory everywhere; tune your heart to the original music. The best place to get your heart tuned is at the cross of Jesus Christ.
5/11/20243 minutes, 6 seconds
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A People for His Name

God is pursuing with omnipotent delight a worldwide purpose of gathering a people for his name from every tribe and language and nation.
5/10/20243 minutes, 32 seconds
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What It Means to Love God

This is the essence of what it means to love God: to be satisfied in him — not just his gifts, but God himself, as the glorious person that he is.
5/9/20243 minutes, 16 seconds
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Pleased with His Precepts

Faith overcomes our inborn hostility to God and his will, and frees us to keep his commandments.
5/8/20243 minutes, 16 seconds
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Don’t Serve God

God will gladly receive anything from us that shows our dependence and his all-sufficiency. Therefore, we can gladly cast all our anxieties on him.
5/7/20243 minutes, 33 seconds
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Truer Knowledge Brings Greater Joy

The only joy that reflects the worth of God and overflows in God-glorifying love is rooted in true knowledge of God.
5/6/20242 minutes, 44 seconds
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Seven Sources of Joy

Joy comes from the Holy Spirit, not our own efforts or imagination or family upbringing. Therefore, the call to joy is a call to earnest prayer.
5/5/20243 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Dangerous Motive

Gratitude looks back to past grace received and feels thankful. Faith looks forward to future grace promised and feels hopeful.
5/4/20243 minutes, 37 seconds
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How to Ask Forgiveness

Praying for forgiveness should be based not only on an appeal to God’s mercy, but also on an appeal to his justice in crediting the worth of his Son’s obedience.
5/3/20243 minutes, 29 seconds
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God Demonstrates His Love

The goal of everything God takes us through is hope. He wants us to feel unwaveringly hopeful through all tribulations. He wants us to know he loves us.
5/2/20243 minutes, 34 seconds
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Dirty Rags No More

God requires good works not as the ground of our justification (which is the righteousness of Christ alone), but as an evidence of it.
5/1/20244 minutes, 10 seconds
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Fifteen Tactics for Joy

In this life of sin and pain, how shall we fight for joy? Here are fifteen ways.
4/30/20243 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Day Is at Hand

The age of sin and misery and death is almost spent. The day of righteousness and peace and total joy is dawning.
4/29/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Great Exchange

Our sins are laid on Christ and his righteousness is laid on us. That is the great exchange — and it becomes ours not by works but by faith.
4/28/20243 minutes, 27 seconds
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Children of a Singing God

It could not be otherwise but that Christianity be a singing faith. The founder sang. We are a singing people because we are the children of a singing God.
4/27/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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You Were Made for God

When we speak of being a God-centered people, remember, this is because we are joining God in his God-centeredness.
4/26/20243 minutes, 54 seconds
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Paul’s Salvation Was for You

The point of Paul’s conversion happening the way it did is to make Christ’s incredible patience vivid for you.
4/25/20243 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Liberating Power of Forgiveness

When we live by faith, rooted in God’s forgiveness, we are freed from the lingering, paralyzing effects even of shame we deserve to feel.
4/24/20244 minutes
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Seek Your City’s Good

Christians care about all suffering — especially eternal suffering. That’s the greatest danger every city faces.
4/23/20243 minutes, 26 seconds
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Five Reasons to Be Fearless

Not being afraid shows that you treasure God as your generous Shepherd, Father, and King.
4/22/20244 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Key to Radical Love

The key to joy is faith in God’s future grace — that is, being satisfied in all that God promises to be for us.
4/21/20244 minutes, 38 seconds
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Afraid to Stray

Cherish the goodness of the Lord, fear straying from him, flee from every sin, and take refuge in him.
4/20/20244 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Future for Failures

This is the gospel: Even though you have sinned greatly, nevertheless there is a future and a hope. Fear not!
4/19/20243 minutes, 43 seconds
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God, Touch Our Hearts

The One with infinite power in the universe reaches down to personally touch and transform us.
4/18/20243 minutes, 31 seconds
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Embracing Jesus

Faith in Christ is not just assenting to what God is for us, but also embracing all that he is for us in Christ.
4/17/20245 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mercy for Today

We won’t bear tomorrow’s load on today’s resources. Today’s mercies are for today’s troubles. Tomorrow’s mercies are for tomorrow’s troubles.
4/16/20243 minutes, 3 seconds
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Don’t Be Like the Mule

Come to God in prayer, to confess your sins, and to accept, as needy little farmyard chicks, the direction of God into the barn of his protection and provision.
4/15/20243 minutes, 5 seconds
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Pray for His Fame

God delights in having his name known and honored. The first and most important prayer that can be prayed is, “Hallowed be your name.”
4/14/20243 minutes
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Talk to Your Tears

Sheer sowing produces reaping. You must remember this, even when your tears tempt you to give up.
4/13/20243 minutes, 28 seconds
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You Cannot Lose in the End

Trust Christ, no matter what. Go with him, no matter where. You cannot lose in the end.
4/12/20243 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Great King’s Wine

When you are cast into the cellars of affliction, remember that the great King keeps his best wine there.
4/11/20243 minutes, 13 seconds
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What Is Well-Placed Shame?

The biblical criterion for misplaced shame and for well-placed shame is radically God-centered.
4/10/20243 minutes, 28 seconds
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Talk to God, Not Just About Him

It is good not to talk very long about God without talking to God. Frequently interrupt your talking about God by talking to God.
4/9/20242 minutes, 43 seconds
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Make Satan Know His Defeat

When Christ died and rose again, Satan was defeated. Jesus struck the decisive blow at Calvary.
4/8/20243 minutes, 10 seconds
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What It Means to Pray for Your Enemy

Don’t just do good things for your enemies. Desire their best, and express those desires in prayer, even when they’re nowhere around.
4/7/20242 minutes, 43 seconds
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Two Ways to Remember Jesus

Jesus is not just alive from the dead, but he is alive as the King who will reign forever — of his kingdom there will be no end.
4/6/20243 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Books at the Judgment

Salvation is secured for all who are written in the book of life, not because of their deeds, but because Christ was slain for them.
4/5/20244 minutes, 42 seconds
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God Strengthens Us Through Others

Sometimes God will strengthen your faith directly. But most of the time, he does so through another person.
4/4/20242 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Respond When You Falter

O God, help us to feel worse about our own shortfalls than the failure of others.
4/3/20242 minutes, 35 seconds
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Better Than Everest

If you live inside the massive promise of Romans 8:28, your life is more solid and stable than Mount Everest.
4/2/20242 minutes, 20 seconds
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Two of Our Deepest Needs

In the Father, you are under God’s care and protection. In the Son, you are under God’s charge and authority.
4/1/20243 minutes, 29 seconds
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What Binds the Hands of Love?

Only one thing satisfies the heart whose treasure is in heaven: doing the works of heaven. And heaven is a world of love!
3/31/20244 minutes, 31 seconds
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If He Calls, He Keeps

Our perseverance doesn’t rest decisively on the reliability of our own resolve. It rests decisively on God’s work to keep us trusting him.
3/30/20243 minutes, 36 seconds
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As Sure as God’s Love for His Son

God will not spare any effort to give you all that Christ died to purchase — all things, all good, and all bad working for your good.
3/29/20243 minutes, 43 seconds
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When Everyone Deserts You

When others abandon you, strengthen your heart with God’s inexorable oath: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
3/28/20244 minutes, 30 seconds
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10 Results of the Resurrection

Because Christ rose from the grave, God’s children are forgiven. No one can successfully bring a charge against those who are in Christ.
3/27/20243 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Delight in God’s Word

Never reduce Christianity to a matter of demands and resolutions and willpower. It is a matter of what we love, what we delight in, what tastes good to us.
3/26/20243 minutes, 40 seconds
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Forever Satisfied

When we trust Jesus, his presence and promise is so satisfying that we are not dominated by the alluring pleasures of sin.
3/25/20242 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ministry and the Fear of Man

Hear God say to you in all your troubles, “I will deliver you. You will triumph in the end. You will be more than a conqueror.”
3/24/20242 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ignorance Guarantees Ungodliness

Knowledge doesn’t guarantee godliness. But it seems that ignorance guarantees ungodliness. The power that leads to godliness is given through knowing God.
3/23/20243 minutes, 34 seconds
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Satan’s Candy Store

When temptations come, arm yourself with this thought: When my Lord suffered and died to free me from sin, I died to sin!
3/22/20243 minutes, 40 seconds
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God’s Best Promise

Whatever else gives way, whatever else disappoints, whatever else fails, God’s all-encompassing promise of future grace can never fail.
3/21/20243 minutes
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Jesus Died for This Moment

If there is any hope for eternity in the presence of God, we need a Redeemer, a Substitute, a Savior. Christ died and rose to be that hope.
3/20/20243 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Six-Point Summary of the Gospel

Good news! Eternal life is a free gift to all who will trust in Christ as Lord and Savior and supreme Treasure of their lives.
3/19/20245 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why We Must Hold Fast Our Hope

The salvation Jesus obtained through his blood was everything it takes to save his people, not just part of it.
3/18/20242 minutes, 45 seconds
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Prayer’s Exclamation Point

Prayer is the confident plea for God to make good on his promises of future grace — for Christ’s sake.
3/17/20242 minutes, 55 seconds
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Jesus Will Finish the Mission

Christ can promise universal victory because he is sovereign. He knows the future because he makes the future.
3/16/20242 minutes, 49 seconds
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Subversive for the Savior

Since Satan’s doom is sure, and he knows it, we can always remind him of it when he tempts us to follow him.
3/15/20242 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Triumph Is Sure

God is so powerful and so gracious that in the end he will turn ruthless nations to revere him. He cannot fail.
3/14/20242 minutes, 39 seconds
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Jesus Is God’s Amen

Because of Christ, we say Amen to God in our prayers to show that God gets the glory for the future grace we are counting on.
3/13/20243 minutes, 15 seconds
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When the Potter Is for Us

With all the power in the universe and with the absolute right to do as he pleases with what he made, God is for us.
3/12/20242 minutes, 48 seconds
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Two Infinitely Strong and Tender Truths

The mercy and the sovereignty of God are the twin pillars of your life. They will stand by your deathbed, and with strong and tender hands lift you to God.
3/11/20243 minutes, 30 seconds
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Let Us Adore the Lamb

Your prayers are the aroma of heaven, sweet smelling before the throne of God and before the Lamb.
3/10/20243 minutes, 41 seconds
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God Cares for You

Pride is a form of unbelief. Faith admits need. Pride won’t. Faith banks on God. Pride won’t. Faith casts anxieties on God. Pride won’t.
3/9/20244 minutes, 15 seconds
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Open the Windows of Your Heart

A mustard seed of faith is infinitely closer to being a mountain of faith than it is to being no faith. There is an infinite difference between a spark and no spark.
3/8/20243 minutes, 4 seconds
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How Can I Be Filled with the Spirit?

How can you experience an outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Meditate day and night on the promises of God.
3/7/20242 minutes, 47 seconds
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God Regards the Lowly

You cannot sink so low in despairing of your own resources that God does not see and care. He is at the bottom waiting to catch you.
3/6/20243 minutes, 6 seconds
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The ‘Ask Pastor John’ Book Is Now Available

The ‘Ask Pastor John’ book is now available at a 40% discount through our friends at Westminster Bookstore. We encourage you to order through them as you consider supporting faithful, independent Christian booksellers.
3/5/20243 minutes, 12 seconds
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Look to Jesus for Your Joy

Turn from self and come to Jesus as your source for true joy. His fullness will satisfy your itch of emptiness.
3/5/20243 minutes, 43 seconds
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God Rejoices to Do You Good

There are no lapses in God’s commitment or in his joy in doing good to his children — to those who trust him.
3/4/20243 minutes
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God Works Through Good Resolves

The evidence of God’s power in our lives is not the absence of our willing, but the strength and joy of our willing.
3/3/20243 minutes, 59 seconds
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Arm Yourself with Promises

When some fear or craving threatens to lead us into sin, we are to take the sword of the Spirit and kill it.
3/2/20243 minutes, 28 seconds
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Where Our Comfort Comes From

Pilate’s authority over Jesus was subordinate to God’s authority over Pilate. So, Jesus did not fear.
3/1/20244 minutes, 29 seconds
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Five Rewards for Generosity

God gives us money and homes so that we might show they are not our God.
2/29/20244 minutes, 16 seconds
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Finally and Totally Justified

God declares us righteous, which gives us unshakable security in the face of tremendous suffering.
2/28/20243 minutes, 1 second
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Radical Effects of the Resurrection

The hope of the resurrection radically changed the way Paul lived. His life counted. His suffering was meaningful.
2/27/20243 minutes, 52 seconds
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When God Becomes 100% for Us

God’s wrath was once on us. But because he made us alive, all that wrath is removed. He is now 100% for us.
2/26/20244 minutes, 30 seconds
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You Are Greatly Loved

Take heart. If you have faith in Jesus, God himself declares, “You are greatly loved.”
2/25/20243 minutes, 15 seconds
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God Opens the Heart

The clearest answer in Acts to the question why a person believes the gospel is that God opens the heart.
2/24/20243 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Hour of Unusual Threat

Those who suffer for Christ will receive the Holy Spirit’s power and rest at their greatest hour of need.
2/23/20243 minutes, 30 seconds
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Enjoying His Fullness

The fullness of Jesus Christ is a divine, accessible, glorious, delivered, blessed, true fullness.
2/22/20243 minutes, 58 seconds
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Our Servant, Jesus

Jesus Christ is exuberant with omnipotent service for the sake of all who trust him.
2/21/20243 minutes, 34 seconds
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Amazed at the Resurrection

Because of Jesus’s resurrection, he now has the glory for which we were made. Our ultimate destiny is to see him as he is.
2/20/20242 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Kind of Cold That Kills

When it’s forty degrees warmer in your freezer than it is outside, the message is clear: Don’t mess with God.
2/19/20243 minutes, 18 seconds
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When You Are Immortal

Christ said Paul was going to Rome. And that was that. No ambush can stand against the promise of Christ.
2/18/20242 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Sweet Designs of God

Oh, how sweet are the designs of God in the sovereign salvation of hardened, hopeless sinners!
2/17/20243 minutes, 55 seconds
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When Obedience Feels Impossible

Do you desire God? Will you trust him? The word of God to you is: God is worthy and God is able.
2/16/20242 minutes, 31 seconds
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Every Calvary Step Was Love

Every step Jesus took on the Calvary road meant, “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
2/15/20243 minutes, 2 seconds
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Christ as Means and End

Jesus is the end for which the universe was made, and the means that makes that end possible to enjoy.
2/14/20244 minutes
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The Perfect City

When you desire the city of God above everything else on the earth, he is not ashamed to be called your God. Your life pleases him.
2/13/20241 minute, 57 seconds
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Lincoln’s Providence

It is a most striking thing how personal and national suffering drew Abraham Lincoln into the reality of God, rather than pushing him away.
2/12/20243 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Best Form of Slavery

Amazingly, Paul connects our liberation with Jesus as our Master, and he connects our new slavery with Jesus as our Messiah.
2/11/20243 minutes, 24 seconds
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Saving Faith Isn’t Easily Satisfied

Living and dying by faith means having new desires and seeking new satisfactions.
2/10/20242 minutes, 11 seconds
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Better Than Money, Sex, and Power

Take all the things that drive this world, and ponder how much better and more abiding God is.
2/9/20243 minutes, 18 seconds
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Are You Glad You Are Not God?

Submitting to God enables us to have the supremely satisfying experience of not being God, but admiring the Godness of God.
2/8/20244 minutes, 14 seconds
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Eleventh-Hour Breakthroughs

God surely has reasons for waiting to give you the breakthrough you have sought for decades. Keep asking in hope.
2/7/20243 minutes, 59 seconds
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Reviled Here, Rewarded There

Because Jesus died in our place, he guaranteed that every good deed will prosper — sooner or later.
2/6/20244 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Main Purpose of Ministry

The main task of all the ministries of the church is helping people see the greatness of what Christ has purchased for everyone who will value it above the world.
2/5/20242 minutes, 56 seconds
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Five Ways Affliction Helps

Suffering has a great sin-killing effect. The more pure we are, the more clearly we see God.
2/4/20243 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Greatest Love

We should emphasize that God loves and forgives for his own glory because the Bible does, and because it makes clear that God loves us with the greatest love.
2/3/20244 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Forgiveness Cycle

God forgave us when we first believed in Christ. Then, from that broken, joyful, grateful, hopeful experience of being forgiven, we offer forgiveness to others.
2/2/20243 minutes, 41 seconds
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Included in the Covenant

Christians are included in the Davidic covenant. What David received, we will also receive in Christ Jesus.
2/1/20243 minutes, 49 seconds
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Five Purposes for Suffering

Don’t let your ignorance of the micro reasons for suffering cause you to overlook the massive help God tells us in his word of his macro purposes for us.
1/31/20244 minutes, 59 seconds
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Prevailing Grace

Irresistable grace does not mean grace cannot be resisted. It means that when God chooses, he can and will overcome that resistance.
1/30/20244 minutes, 38 seconds
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Caused to Return

There is no hope for God’s people unless he causes them to return from their leaping into sin and unbelief.
1/29/20243 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Repent

Feeling rotten about your sin is not the same as repenting from it. But it can lead there.
1/28/20244 minutes, 17 seconds
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He Knows Your Need

The same God who feeds billions of birds every hour around the world will take care of you.
1/27/20243 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Giver Gets the Glory

We get the help; God gets the glory. That arrangement keeps us humble and happy, and keeps him supreme and glorious.
1/26/20242 minutes, 44 seconds
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Delayed Deliverances

Times of suffering and deliverance are both God’s stages of care for you. He has not left you or forsaken you.
1/25/20242 minutes, 38 seconds
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Served in Serving Others

Jesus will take care of you when you take care of others. That’s why there were leftovers after Jesus fed the multitudes.
1/24/20242 minutes, 24 seconds
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Go Directly to God

Jesus provides an ever-present, ever-living witness to the removal of the Father’s wrath from us.
1/23/20243 minutes, 32 seconds
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We Will Rule All Things

When Jesus says, “I will grant him to sit with me on my throne,” he promises us a share in the rule of all things.
1/22/20243 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Anchor of Joy

Jesus anchored the happiness of suffering saints in the reward of heaven. And he anchored the happiness of successful saints in the same.
1/21/20242 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Battle to Remind

If we don’t call to mind what God has said about himself and about us, we will languish. Never forget that our God is the God of the impossible.
1/20/20243 minutes, 25 seconds
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How to Serve a Bad Boss

Every little thing you do that is good is seen and valued and rewarded by the Lord. And he will pay you back for it.
1/19/20244 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Remedy for Pride

Yield to the sovereignty of God in all the details of life, and rest in his infallible promises to show himself mighty on your behalf.
1/18/20244 minutes, 36 seconds
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Authentic Faith Is Eager for Christ to Come

Receive Christ, welcome Christ, embrace Christ — not just as your fire insurance policy, but as your eagerly awaited Treasure and Friend and Lord.
1/17/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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Words for the Wind

Be patient and loving as despairing people wake up from their dark night and regret their hasty words.
1/16/20243 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Freeness of Grace

What act could be more one-sidedly free and non-negotiated than one person raising another from the dead? This is the meaning of grace.
1/15/20243 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Window of the Heart

Our emotions are governed in large measure by what we consider — what we dwell on with our minds.
1/14/20243 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Command That Creates

When the command of God comes with the creating, converting power of the Holy Spirit, it gives life. And we believe and rejoice and obey.
1/13/20244 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Experiential Key

Freedom from greed comes from the deeply satisfying faith in God’s future grace.
1/12/20243 minutes, 25 seconds
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Passionate for God and Truth

If God exists, then he is the measure of all things, and what he thinks about all things is the measure of what we should think.
1/11/20243 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Believers Will Be Judged

When God judges believers in the end, he will forgive us all our sins and grant us life everlasting.
1/10/20243 minutes, 56 seconds
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Only a Little While

God is not the God of some grace. He is the God of all grace — including the infinite, inexhaustible stores of future grace that we need to endure to the end.
1/9/20242 minutes, 26 seconds
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Gain What You Cannot Lose

Christ promises to work for us, and to be for us so much that, when our missionary life is over, we will not be able to say we’ve sacrificed anything.
1/8/20243 minutes, 17 seconds
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Grace Denied and Supplied

God gives both the sustaining grace we need in times of trouble, and the suffering which makes us depend on his grace.
1/7/20244 minutes, 20 seconds
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God’s Will Is That You Draw Near

This is God’s will for you and this is why Christ died: that you would draw near to God.
1/6/20242 minutes, 47 seconds
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Our Toothless Enemy

Satan is helpless to do the one thing he wants to do most: damn us. Christ bore our damnation.
1/5/20243 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hope for Imperfect Christians

Does your faith make you eager to forsake sin and make progress in holiness? That’s the kind of faith God requires.
1/4/20242 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Smallest Faith

The strength of your faith does not uproot trees. God does. The object of your faith is more important than the quantity of your faith.
1/3/20244 minutes, 29 seconds
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What Jesus Did to Death

If you are a Christian, death is no longer a punishment for sin. Your sin has been put away by the death of Christ. Christ took the punishment.
1/2/20242 minutes, 48 seconds
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Grace for the New Year

Be thankful for the past grace from the last year, and be confident in the future grace for the new year.
1/1/20242 minutes, 35 seconds
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Death Rehearsal

The lifetime of this year passes before our eyes, and we face the inevitable question: Did we live it well?
12/31/20235 minutes, 18 seconds
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Outfitted and Empowered

When God works in our hearts by the blood of Christ, we feel and think and act in ways more pleasing to him.
12/30/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Appeal from John Piper

Your prayers and financial support help us bring more people into the fullest enjoyment of the greatest treasure ever found. For every $10 per month you give, we can reach 70 more people with God-centered resources. Would you join us as a monthly partner?
12/29/20235 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Horrible Destiny

Flee from the wrath of God, tremble with joy that you are saved, and rescue others along the way.
12/29/20234 minutes, 54 seconds
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Glory Is the Goal

Study the glory of God. Treasure it in all things and above all things. Then study your soul. Know why you treasure glories that are not God’s glory.
12/28/20233 minutes, 57 seconds
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What Is Your Aim?

God did not create humans in his image to be aimless, like lifeless leaves blown around in the backyard of life. He created us to be purposeful.
12/27/20232 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Contemplate Calamity

Christ’s death was judgment on him because he bore our sins (not his own), and it was mercy toward us who trust him.
12/26/20238 minutes, 56 seconds
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Three Christmas Presents

Jesus offers you a clear purpose for living, hope that your failures will be forgiven, and help in your fight against sin.
12/25/20237 minutes, 55 seconds
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Two Purposes for Christmas

Jesus appeared in the world for two reasons: to help us stop sinning, and to satisfy God’s anger when we do sin.
12/24/20234 minutes, 14 seconds
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God’s Indescribable Gift

Look to Jesus this Christmas. Receive the reconciliation that he purchased. Don’t put the gift on the shelf unopened.
12/23/20233 minutes, 50 seconds
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That You May Believe

The whole Bible is written that you might be awakened to the wonder that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came into the world.
12/22/20234 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Birth of the Ancient of Days

Jesus’s birth was not a coming into being of a new person, but a coming into the world of an infinitely old person.
12/21/20233 minutes, 56 seconds
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Christmas Solidarity

If you want to give a gift to God this Christmas, walk off the assembly line of sin and don’t go back. Take up your place, instead, in the picket line of love.
12/20/20233 minutes, 20 seconds
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Christmas Is for Freedom

Forgiven, we are indestructible. Satan’s plan was to condemn God’s followers in God’s own courtroom. But now, in Christ, there is no condemnation.
12/19/20234 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Christmas Model for Missions

Distrust God’s mercy, and all is lost. But conquer here, and nothing can harm you for a million ages.
12/18/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Greatest Salvation Imaginable

God put our sins on his Son and judged them there, so that he could put them out of his mind, and deal with us mercifully and remain just.
12/17/20234 minutes, 1 second
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God’s Most Successful Setback

God delights to show his power through apparent defeat. He sometimes retreats in order to win strategic victories.
12/16/20233 minutes, 40 seconds
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Life and Death at Christmas

Jesus came that we might have Life, now and forever. Make your Now the richer and deeper this Christmas by drinking at the fountain of Forever. It is so near.
12/15/20233 minutes, 54 seconds
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Making It Real for His People

The meaning of Christmas is that God takes salvation, puts it in your heart, and seals you as his child.
12/14/20233 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Final Reality Is Here

Our High Priest is seated at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. No Old Testament priest could ever say that.
12/13/20232 minutes, 57 seconds
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Replacing the Shadows

Jesus came to orient all our attention on himself, ministering for us first on Calvary as our final Sacrifice and then in heaven as our final Priest.
12/12/20232 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why Jesus Came

In dying, Christ de-fanged the devil. How? By covering all our sin. This means that Satan has no legitimate grounds to accuse us before God.
12/11/20235 minutes, 33 seconds
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Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh

Giving gifts to Christ is like fasting — going without something to show that Christ is more valuable than what you are going without.
12/10/20233 minutes, 46 seconds
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Two Kinds of Opposition to Jesus

Let this Christmas be the time when you ponder what it means — what it costs — to worship and follow Jesus, the Messiah.
12/9/20233 minutes, 14 seconds
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Bethlehem’s Supernatural Star

God influenced the stars in the sky to get a little handful of foreign magi to Bethlehem so that they would worship his Son.
12/8/20235 minutes, 23 seconds
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Messiah for the Magi

Christmas proves how Jesus is Messiah — a King, and Promise-Fulfiller — for all the nations, not just Israel.
12/7/20232 minutes, 25 seconds
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Peace to Those with Whom He Is Pleased

The key that unlocks the treasure chest of God’s peace is faith in the promises of God.
12/6/20233 minutes, 59 seconds
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No Detour from Calvary

God could have seen to it that Jesus have a room at his birth. But that would have been a detour off the Calvary road.
12/5/20233 minutes, 21 seconds
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For God’s Little People

Do not think, because you experience adversity, that the hand of the Lord is shortened.
12/4/20234 minutes, 1 second
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The Long-Awaited Visitation

For the mind of faith, a promised act of God is as good as done.
12/3/20232 minutes, 18 seconds
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Mary’s Magnificent God

The only people whose soul can truly magnify the Lord are people like Elizabeth and Mary. So, this Advent, imitate their lowliness and cheerful humility.
12/2/20233 minutes, 5 seconds
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Prepare the Way

This Advent, bend the efforts of your imagination to make the wonder of Jesus’s arrival visible for your children.
12/1/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Triumphant Shame of the Cross

No matter how dirty with sin you are, through Christ you can see the light of God’s glory and believe.
11/30/20233 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Only Conscience-Cleanser

Our greatest problem is alienation from God. The only solution is the blood of Christ.
11/29/20233 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Root of Ingratitude

At the root of all ingratitude is the love of one’s own greatness. But genuine gratitude glorifies God because it admits that we need him.
11/28/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to Magnify God

The whole duty of the Christian can be summed up in this: feel, think, and act in a way that will make God look as great as he really is.
11/27/20232 minutes, 53 seconds
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Jesus Prays for Us

Our salvation is as secure as Christ’s priesthood is indestructible. His deity and resurrection from the dead secure his indestructible priesthood for us.
11/26/20232 minutes, 30 seconds
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Glorify God by Giving Thanks

A life that gives glory to God for his grace and a life of deepest gladness are the same life. And what makes them one is thankfulness.
11/25/20232 minutes, 52 seconds
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Hold Fast to Your Hope

When Christ died for us, he did not buy the freedom from having to hold fast, but the enabling power to hold fast.
11/24/20233 minutes, 3 seconds
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When God Swears by God

It is as unlikely that God will break his word of promise to bless us as it is that he will despise himself.
11/23/20232 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Key to Spiritual Maturity

Getting ready to feast on all God’s word is not first an intellectual challenge; it is first a moral challenge.
11/22/20233 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Gravity of Gratitude

A thankful spirit is others-exalting and glad-hearted. Therefore, pray for a great awakening of humble gratitude.
11/21/20233 minutes, 6 seconds
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Five Reasons Death Is Gain

Death is gain because Christians will then be perfect, pain-free, rested, at home, and with Christ.
11/20/20235 minutes, 4 seconds
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We All Need Help

Because we have a Great High Priest, the throne of God is a throne of grace.
11/19/20233 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Piercing Power of the Word

The word of God is our only hope. It is sharp, living, and active. Therefore, be of good cheer in your battle to believe.
11/18/20232 minutes, 19 seconds
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Change Is Possible

Don’t be a fatalist. Be a Christian. Change is possible. God is alive. Christ is risen. The promises are true.
11/17/20234 minutes, 16 seconds
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When I Am Anxious

Take up the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit for help, lay the promises up in your heart, and fight the good fight — to live by faith in future grace.
11/16/20233 minutes, 14 seconds
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Fighting Words

When you feel discouraged and anxious, cling to God’s promises to be with you and uphold you.
11/15/20233 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Marvel of Creation

When you marvel at the wonders of creation, do not marvel at the processes of chance but at the creativity of God.
11/14/20234 minutes, 17 seconds
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Do Not Harden Your Heart

The Bible’s warnings are written that you might believe and endure, and have life.
11/13/20233 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Satan Serves God

Satan cannot destroy us. In fact, God turns all his attacks finally against him and for us.
11/12/20233 minutes, 44 seconds
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We Are His House

Becoming a Christian and being a Christian happen in the same way: by hoping in Jesus.
11/11/20233 minutes, 56 seconds
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Wipe Your Fears Away

When anxiety blurs our vision of God’s glory, it does not mean that we are faithless. It means our faith is being attacked.
11/10/20233 minutes, 3 seconds
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Marveling at the End of History

One day, we will see God’s glory, and marvel at it in such a way that he will be glorified in us for all the world to see.
11/9/20233 minutes, 39 seconds
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We Honor What We Enjoy

It is possible to pursue God without glorifying God. If we want our quest to honor God, we must pursue him for the joy of fellowship with him.
11/8/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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Is God’s Love Conditional?

There are precious experiences of the love of God that require that we fight pride, seek humility, and cherish the nearness of God.
11/7/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Love One Another Gladly

Loving acts are genuine to the degree that they are not done begrudgingly.
11/6/20233 minutes, 31 seconds
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Do You Neglect Your Salvation?

Being a Christian is a very serious business, though not a sour business. We are simply blood-earnest about being happy in our great salvation.
11/5/20233 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Real Problem with Anxiety

What you thought was a mere struggle with an anxious disposition might really be a far deeper struggle with trusting God.
11/4/20232 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Meaning of Suffering

It is truer in suffering than anywhere else that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.
11/3/20232 minutes, 58 seconds
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Rejoicing in Pain

Whether we focus on the riches of the reward or the refining effects of suffering, God’s purpose is that our joy in suffering be sustained.
11/2/20233 minutes, 53 seconds
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Christ’s Sufferings in Us

We exhibit the sufferings of Christ when we ourselves suffer for those we are trying to win.
11/1/20232 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Seminary of Suffering

God designs suffering not only as a way to wean Christians off of self and onto grace, but also as a way to spotlight that grace and make it shine.
10/31/20233 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Danger of Drifting

Be satisfied in Jesus so that you do not get lured downstream by deceitful desires.
10/30/20233 minutes, 13 seconds
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Sin, Satan, Sickness, or Sabotage

Suffering proves our allegiance to Christ’s goodness and reveals his worth as an all-sufficient prize.
10/29/20234 minutes, 37 seconds
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Radical Recompense

Jesus himself makes up for every sacrifice he will ever call us to make. It is worth it to lose it all in order to gain Christ.
10/28/20232 minutes, 45 seconds
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Possible with God

God has a people in every people group. He will call them through the gospel with Creator power. And they will believe!
10/27/20233 minutes, 17 seconds
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Medicine for the Missionary

“All things are possible with God!” — in front the words give hope, and behind they give humility. They are the antidote to both despair and pride.
10/26/20232 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Great Missionary Hope

God’s call is irresistible in the sense that it can overcome all resistance. It is infallibly effective according to God’s purpose.
10/25/20233 minutes, 56 seconds
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Christ Is Like Sunlight

We see the sun by means of seeing the rays of the sun. So also we see God the Father by seeing Jesus.
10/24/20233 minutes, 7 seconds
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God’s Final, Decisive Word

The Word that God spoke by his Son is the decisive Word. It will not be followed in this age by any greater word or replacement word.
10/23/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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Hedonism for Husbands and Wives

When Christ redeems marriage, he does not dismantle loving headship and willing submission. He restores it.
10/22/20234 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Mystery of Marriage

Husbands and wives should seek to live after the distinctive model of God’s pure and glad design for Christ and the church.
10/21/20233 minutes, 50 seconds
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Prayer’s First Priority

The first priority in praying is to ask our heavenly Father to cause his name to be hallowed. In us. In the church. In the world. Everywhere.
10/20/20233 minutes, 14 seconds
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Love’s Greatest Happiness

The union between Christ and his bride is so close that any good done to her is a good done to himself.
10/19/20233 minutes, 20 seconds
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Jesus’s Joy in Marriage

Jesus did not want a dirty and unholy wife. Therefore, he was willing to die to cleanse her so that he could present her to himself.
10/18/20233 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Purpose of Prosperity

You can steal to get; or you can work to get; or you can work to get in order to give.
10/17/20233 minutes, 13 seconds
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Fear and Hope in God’s Jealousy

It is a horrifying thing to use your God-given life to commit adultery against the Almighty.
10/16/20233 minutes, 6 seconds
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Plan for Prayer

One of the main reasons we so often fail to have consistent habits of happy, fruitful prayer is simply that we don’t plan to.
10/15/20233 minutes, 26 seconds
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God Heals by Humbling

God takes out our old proud hearts and gives new soft ones, which are easily humbled and crushed by the sin that remains.
10/14/20234 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Master Servant

The very heart of God’s glory is the fullness of grace that overflows in kindness to needy people.
10/13/20233 minutes, 49 seconds
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Beware of Serving God

God aims to be our servant, because he aims to get the glory as the Giver.
10/12/20233 minutes, 44 seconds
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We Can Do Nothing

God is glorified when we turn away from ourselves to him in the confidence that he will provide the help we need.
10/11/20233 minutes, 41 seconds
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Best Passage Ever

The greatest news is that the cross upholds the worth of God’s glory, the honor of his Son, and the eternal salvation of his elect.
10/10/20233 minutes, 42 seconds
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God’s Wise Mercy

The good news is that God himself has decreed a way to satisfy the demands of his justice without condemning the whole human race.
10/9/20232 minutes, 53 seconds
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Our Good Is God’s Delight

All the omnipotent energy that drives the heart of God to pursue his own glory also drives him to satisfy the hearts of those who seek their joy in him.
10/8/20232 minutes, 43 seconds
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We Wait, He Works

Be freed from the burden of bearing your own load. Let God do that work. God loves to show his God-ness by working for us.
10/7/20233 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Happy God

When we share in the happiness of God, we share in the very pleasure that the Father has in the Son.
10/6/20233 minutes, 25 seconds
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Justice Will Be Done

When you lay down the burden of vengeance, God will pick it up.
10/5/20234 minutes, 4 seconds
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Joy Unbound

Imagine being able to enjoy what is most enjoyable with unbounded energy and passion forever. One day, God’s delight in his Son will be in us.
10/4/20233 minutes, 15 seconds
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Absolute, Sovereign, Almighty Love

God does not need us. Instead, his infinite self-sufficiency spills over in love to us who need him.
10/3/20233 minutes, 8 seconds
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God Isn’t Gloomy

If none of God’s purposes can be frustrated, then he must be the happiest of all beings.
10/2/20233 minutes, 48 seconds
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The All-Satisfying Object

The quest for joy is not optional, but commanded.
10/1/20232 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Most Liberating Discovery

Joy is not a mere option alongside worship. It is an essential component of worship.
9/30/20233 minutes, 42 seconds
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Make War with Unbelief

Take up the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit for help, lay the promises up in your heart, and fight the good fight — to live by faith in future grace.
9/29/20233 minutes, 17 seconds
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Our Good Is His Glory

God’s greatest interest is to glorify the wealth of his grace by making sinners happy in him.
9/28/20234 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Power of a Superior Promise

The truth of Christ frees us from the slavery of sin, for the freedom of holiness.
9/27/20233 minutes, 29 seconds
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Live Confident in God’s Sovereign Power

Confidence in God’s absolute control is the source and power of radical obedience to the call of God.
9/26/20232 minutes, 24 seconds
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Life Hangs on the Word of God

The Bible is no empty word. It is your very life — the foundation and kindling of your joy!
9/25/20233 minutes, 15 seconds
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Jesus’s Pursuit of Joy

What sustained Christ in the dark hours of Gethsemane was the hope of joy beyond the cross.
9/24/20233 minutes, 1 second
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Hope for the Worst of Sinners

When it comes to being a candidate for grace, your background has nothing to do with God’s choice. That’s good news.
9/23/20233 minutes, 4 seconds
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Let Goods and Kindred Go

You have a possession in heaven that is better, and lasts longer, than anything this world can offer.
9/22/20233 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ammunition Against Anxiety

God intends for particular promises to help you fight against particular anxieties.
9/21/20233 minutes, 53 seconds
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Not Nearly Hedonistic Enough

The Lord has spoken: It is more blessed to love than to live in luxury! More blessed now, and forever.
9/20/20232 minutes, 34 seconds
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Our Unspeakable Privilege

In Jesus Christ we who are born of God have the unspeakable privilege of knowing Yahweh as our Father.
9/19/20232 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Only True Freedom

Only Jesus, the Son of God who died and rose for us, can make us truly free.
9/18/20232 minutes, 44 seconds
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Worship in a Lightning Storm

Sit down to the feast of joy in Christ and worship the King of Glory. The banquet hall is very large.
9/17/20232 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Soul’s Final Feast

To see God, and know him, and be in his presence is the soul’s final feast.
9/16/20233 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Only Enduring Happiness

Two things have to be true if your joy is never to be taken from you. One is that the source of your joy lasts forever and the other is that you last forever.
9/15/20232 minutes, 59 seconds
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God Will Supply All Your Needs

If we live by faith in God’s promise of future grace, it will be very hard for anxiety to survive.
9/14/20232 minutes, 40 seconds
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7 Reasons Not to Worry, Part 3

God will see to it that you are not tested in any given day more than you can bear.
9/13/20235 minutes, 18 seconds
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7 Reasons Not to Worry, Part 2

God will certainly take his energy and creative skill and use it to care for his children who will live forever.
9/12/20234 minutes, 12 seconds
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7 Reasons Not to Worry, Part 1

Jesus helps us to fight the good fight against unbelief and to be free from anxiety.
9/11/20234 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to Fight Anxiety

The way you fight the good fight for faith is by meditating on God’s assurances of future grace and by asking for the help of his Spirit.
9/10/20233 minutes, 29 seconds
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Grace Must Be Free

If you treated your salvation no longer as a gift, but as a purchase, God would no longer be the free benefactor.
9/9/20232 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Repay God

You can’t give anything to God or do anything for God that he hasn’t first given to you and done for you.
9/8/20234 minutes, 32 seconds
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God-Given Foes and God-Given Faith

Fear not. Your adversaries can do no more than God grants. And he will grant you the faith you need. Those are gospel promises.
9/7/20233 minutes, 41 seconds
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Present and Powerful Love

Nothing will separate us from the love of Christ because Christ is alive and is still loving us right now.
9/6/20234 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Goal of Christ’s Love

God loves us so much that he will not allow our preciousness to become our god.
9/5/20234 minutes, 53 seconds
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What’s New About the New Covenant

In the old covenant, the gracious enabling power to obey God was not poured out as fully as it is since Jesus.
9/4/20233 minutes, 50 seconds
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The “I Will” of God

If you feel vulnerable, you can say to God, “Lord, help me. I’m not even sure how to pray.” Trust that he will respond and will help you.
9/3/20234 minutes, 38 seconds
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Devastated and Delighted

This is one of the beauties of the biblical doctrines of grace: their worst devastations prepare us for their greatest delights.
9/2/20234 minutes, 14 seconds
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He Does All That He Pleases

God is never forced into a situation where he must do something in which he cannot rejoice.
9/1/20233 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Lion and the Lamb

The worth and beauty of the Son come not just from his majesty, nor just from his meekness, but from the way these mingle in perfect proportion.
8/31/20233 minutes, 3 seconds
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Church Growth God’s Way

By all means work. But always look to the Lord for the decisive, supernatural work needed to fulfill his purposes.
8/30/20233 minutes, 55 seconds
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Six Things It Means to Be in Christ Jesus

Never grow weary of exploring and exulting in the inexhaustible privilege of being “in Christ Jesus.”
8/29/20233 minutes, 13 seconds
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Forgiven for Jesus’s Sake

The Father’s infinite pleasure in his own perfections is the fountain of our everlasting joy and forgiveness.
8/28/20233 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jesus Will Trample All Our Enemies

The extent of Christ’s reign reaches to the smallest and biggest enemy of his glory in your life, and in this universe. It will be defeated.
8/27/20232 minutes, 13 seconds
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Shadows and Streams

God rejoices in the works of creation because they point us beyond themselves to God himself.
8/26/20233 minutes, 25 seconds
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When God’s Love Is Sweetest

The sweetest experience of God’s love is conditional on our transformation into the kind of people whose emotions and choices and actions please God.
8/25/20233 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Message of Creation

Day and night are saying one thing: God is glorious! Turn away from the creation as your supreme satisfaction, and delight yourself in the Lord of glory.
8/24/20232 minutes, 46 seconds
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God Is Not an Idolater

God is love precisely because he relentlessly pursues the praises of his name in the hearts of his people.
8/23/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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Pleased to Praise

If God loves us enough to make our joy full, he must not only give us himself; he must also win from us the praise of our hearts.
8/22/20233 minutes, 54 seconds
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An Unshakably Happy God

God’s pursuit of praise from us and our pursuit of pleasure in him are the same pursuit.
8/21/20233 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jesus Is Who You’re Looking For

The Bible is a window that opens onto the sunrise glory of the risen Christ.
8/20/20233 minutes, 4 seconds
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What the Resurrection Means for Us

Christ’s resurrection is God’s declaration that we cannot work our way to glory, but that he intends to do the impossible to get us there.
8/19/20232 minutes, 47 seconds
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Hope to Obey Hard Commands

You will always be better off to obey than to disobey Jesus, even if that obedience costs you your life.
8/18/20233 minutes, 19 seconds
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What It Means to Bless the Lord

Authentic speaking about God’s goodness and greatness must come from the soul. Blessing God with the mouth without the soul would be hypocrisy.
8/17/20232 minutes, 37 seconds
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Why You Give In to Sexual Sin

If we are to be sexually pure, God must have the supreme place in our feelings and thoughts.
8/16/20231 minute, 58 seconds
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What We Were Made For

All the other gifts of the gospel — forgiveness, justification, propitiation, eternal life — exist to make fellowship with God possible.
8/15/20232 minutes, 44 seconds
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God Forgives and Is Still Just

The death of the Son of God is outrageous enough, and the glory of God that it upholds is great enough, that God is vindicated to forgive our sins.
8/14/20234 minutes, 19 seconds
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Three Examples of How Faith Fulfills Good Resolves

The power of God to fulfill your resolves will come to you as you trust in the future grace of his promises.
8/13/20233 minutes, 39 seconds
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My Soul Thirsts for God

When we see the face of Christ, we see the face of God. And we see the glory of his face when we hear the story of the gospel of his death and resurrection.
8/12/20233 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Different Tenses of Grace

Grace is not only God’s disposition to do good for us when we don’t deserve it. It is also a power that makes good things happen in us.
8/11/20233 minutes, 30 seconds
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Have Mercy on Me, O God

We know more of the mystery of our redemption than David did. We know Christ. But we lay hold of the mercy in the same way he did.
8/10/20232 minutes, 17 seconds
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The End of the Gospel

The gospel is the good news that God bought for us the everlasting enjoyment of God.
8/9/20233 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ruler of All Nature

Stand in awe and be at peace, knowing that no natural event is outside of God’s wise and good purposes, and perfect control.
8/8/20232 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Point of Creation

God made humans in his image so that the world would be filled with reflectors of God. Images of God. So that nobody would miss the point of creation.
8/7/20233 minutes, 24 seconds
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Jesus Bought Your Endurance

God is totally committed to the perseverance and eternal security of his blood-bought children.
8/6/20232 minutes, 49 seconds
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10 Things “Yahweh” Means

Yahweh is a proper name (like Peter) built out of the word for “I am.” It teaches us that God absolutely is.
8/5/20235 minutes, 3 seconds
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As Secure as God Is Faithful

Between eternity past in God’s predestination, and eternity future in God’s glorification, none is lost.
8/4/20232 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why You Have a Body

God will honor the work of his Son by raising our bodies from the dead, and we will use our bodies to glorify him forever.
8/3/20232 minutes, 31 seconds
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Afraid of Death No More

God has justified us. There is only future grace in front of us. Satan cannot overturn that decree.
8/2/20234 minutes, 16 seconds
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Our Weakness Reveals His Worth

Sometimes God makes seemingly strong people weaker so that his divine power will be the more evident.
8/1/20233 minutes, 4 seconds
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Suffering That Crushes Faith

Suffering must not drive you from God. Instead, it should drive you from everything but God.
7/31/20232 minutes, 20 seconds
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Suffering That Strengthens Faith

Faith is like muscle tissue: if you stress it to the limit, it gets stronger, not weaker. When your faith is tested, the result is greater capacity to endure.
7/30/20233 minutes, 13 seconds
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God’s Plan for Martyrs

Our sovereign God says there is an appointed number of martyrs. They have a special role to play in planting and empowering the church.
7/29/20233 minutes, 38 seconds
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Why We Don’t Lose Heart

Strengthen your heart and renew your courage by fixing your gaze on the invisible truth you see in the testimony of those who saw Christ face to face.
7/28/20234 minutes, 3 seconds
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If You Don’t Fight Lust

If you don’t fight lust with a seriousness that is willing to gouge out your own eye, you will go to hell and suffer forever.
7/27/20233 minutes, 45 seconds
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What It Means to Love Money

The heart that loves money is a heart that pins its hopes, and pursues its pleasures, and puts its trust in what human resources can offer.
7/26/20233 minutes, 6 seconds
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Satan’s Strategy and Your Defense

The way to thwart the devil is to strengthen the very thing he is trying most to destroy — your faith.
7/25/20233 minutes, 48 seconds
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Jesus Keeps His Sheep

Jesus is interceding for us today that our faith might not fail. Our endurance in faith and joy is finally and decisively in the hands of God.
7/24/20233 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to Defy Sinful Desire

When God’s word feeds faith’s appetite for God, it weans our hearts away from the deceptive taste of lust.
7/23/20233 minutes, 44 seconds
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Preach to Yourself

Trusting God’s future grace comes by hearing the word. Therefore, preaching the word to ourselves is all-important in overcoming spiritual depression.
7/22/20233 minutes
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Models for Combating Discouragement

The Bible is replete with saints struggling with sunken spirits. But God includes such testimonies so that we might use them to fight the unbelief of despondency.
7/21/20233 minutes, 26 seconds
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Grace for Every Need

Prayer is the great link of faith between the soul of the saint and the promise of God’s future grace.
7/20/20232 minutes, 43 seconds
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His Timing Is Perfect

God promises not merely that we will find grace “to help in time of need,” but that the grace is well-timed by God.
7/19/20233 minutes, 38 seconds
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God’s Grace in Spiritual Gifts

Moment by moment, God supplies the strength in which we serve. He does this because the ongoing, inexhaustible supplier of power gets the glory.
7/18/20233 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Power to Profess Christ

Whatever added signs and wonders God may show to amplify our witness to Christ, they will come through his grace and power.
7/17/20233 minutes, 8 seconds
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Energy for Today’s To-Dos

Believe the promise that in this day God will be at work in you to will and work for his good pleasure.
7/16/20234 minutes, 16 seconds
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We Work by Grace

Paul prayed for grace for the day, trusted that it would come with power, and then acted with all his might.
7/15/20234 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ministry — More Important Than Life

You may think you need to save your life in order to do your ministry. On the contrary, how you lose your life may be the capstone of your ministry.
7/14/20233 minutes, 24 seconds
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What Moves You to Minister?

Costly acts of love don’t just happen. They are impelled by a new appetite — the appetite of faith for the fullest experience of God’s grace. We want more of God.
7/13/20232 minutes, 45 seconds
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Faith Expels Guilt, Greed, and Fear

The glory of Christ is magnified when we are more satisfied with his future grace than we are with the promises of sin.
7/12/20234 minutes, 20 seconds
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We Experience the Spirit Through Faith

When we don’t believe all the promises of God, we won’t receive the full measure of the Spirit.
7/11/20233 minutes, 32 seconds
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Proud Works vs. Humble Faith

“Works” longs for the joy of being glorified as strong. “Faith” longs for the joy of seeing God glorified as strong.
7/10/20233 minutes, 37 seconds
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Six Ways Jesus Fought Depression

When he was in anguish, Jesus rested his soul in the sovereign wisdom of God.
7/9/20233 minutes, 53 seconds
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Saving Faith Loves Forgiveness

Faith in God’s forgiveness means savoring the truth that a forgiving God is the most precious reality in the universe.
7/8/20233 minutes, 33 seconds
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When Another Christian Hurts You

All the wrongs that have been done against us by believers were avenged in the death of Jesus. Look to the cross of Christ.
7/7/20233 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Christ Conquered Bitterness

No one has ever lived who was more worthy of honor than Jesus; and no one has been dishonored more. But he triumphed by entrusting himself to God.
7/6/20233 minutes, 18 seconds
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Give God Your Revenge

Your very soul is in danger if you hold on to an attitude of unforgiving bitterness. Leave it to the wrath of God.
7/5/20234 minutes, 2 seconds
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When Will I Be Satisfied?

Imagine being able to enjoy what is most enjoyable with unbounded energy and passion forever. That is not our experience now, but it will be one day.
7/4/20233 minutes, 25 seconds
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Good News: God Is Happy

It is good news that God is gloriously happy. No one would want to spend eternity with a gloomy, unhappy God.
7/3/20232 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Well Do You Know God?

As the source of every good pleasure, God himself pleases fully and finally. It is therefore astonishing how little effort is put into knowing God.
7/2/20232 minutes, 58 seconds
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God’s Pleasure to Do You Good

Even if we know that God is good to us, we may believe that his goodness is constrained. But Jesus is at pains to help us not feel that way.
7/1/20233 minutes, 19 seconds
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Heaven’s Relief in the Coming Wrath

The unwillingness of others to repent will not hold the saints hostage. Hell cannot blackmail heaven into misery.
6/30/20232 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Powerful Root of Practical Love

Faith in God’s promises must be so real that the love it produces proves the reality of the faith.
6/29/20233 minutes, 39 seconds
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Enduring When Obeying Hurts

What can sustain the will to die for others, when you are innocent? Jesus banked on love and future joy.
6/28/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Hiding Place for the Helpless

The experience of future grace often depends on whether we will take refuge in God, or whether we will run for cover to other shelters.
6/27/20232 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Fear That Draws Us In

There is a fear that is slavish and drives us away from God, and there is a fear that is sweet and draws us to God.
6/26/20233 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Death Trap Called Covetousness

What’s at stake in fleeing covetousness and fighting for contentment in future grace is eternal life.
6/25/20233 minutes, 1 second
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I Can Be Content in Every Circumstance

Whenever we sense the slightest rise of covetousness in our hearts, we must turn on it and fight it with all our might using the weapons of faith.
6/24/20233 minutes, 47 seconds
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Faith Honors Him Whom It Trusts

God is glorified when the power to be holy comes from humble faith in future grace.
6/23/20232 minutes, 51 seconds
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How We Must Fight for Holiness

The fight for good works is a fight to believe in future grace. Therefore, learning to fight for holiness by faith in future grace is supremely important.
6/22/20233 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Satisfaction That Defeats Sin

The essence of faith is being satisfied with all that God is for us in Jesus. Faith embraces God — not just his promised gifts — as our treasure.
6/21/20233 minutes, 13 seconds
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Grace Is Pardon — and Power!

Grace is not simply the pardon of our sins; it is the power to press on in obedience. We trust in God’s ever-arriving gracious power to enable us to do what we should.
6/20/20233 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Offense of Fearing Man

When we hear God’s promises and trust him with courage, fearing the reproach brought upon God by our unbelief, then he is greatly honored.
6/19/20233 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Plead for Unbelievers

Prayer ascribes to God the right and honor to be the free and sovereign God that he is to choose and to save sinners.
6/18/20232 minutes, 20 seconds
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What Kind of Prayer Pleases God?

The prayer of the upright that delights God comes from a heart that at first feels precarious in the presence of God. It trembles at his word.
6/17/20232 minutes, 53 seconds
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Serve God with Your Thirst

The Lord is pleased not by those who treat him as a needy watering trough, but as an inexhaustible, all-satisfying spring.
6/16/20233 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Honeymoon That Never Ends

With God the honeymoon never ends. He is infinite in power and wisdom and creativity so that there will be no boredom for the next trillion ages of millenniums.
6/15/20232 minutes, 13 seconds
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How Much God Wants to Bless You

God’s anger must be released by a stiff safety lock, but his mercy has a hair trigger. He is infinitely energetic with unbounded and unending enthusiasm to do us good.
6/14/20233 minutes, 33 seconds
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Who Killed Jesus?

God did not spare his own Son, because it was the only way he could spare us and still be a just and holy God.
6/13/20233 minutes, 49 seconds
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Help My Unbelief

Not only are spiritual gifts a work of God’s free grace in our lives, but so also is the very faith with which we use those gifts.
6/12/20233 minutes, 1 second
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Faith for the Future

In order to live the radical lives Christ calls us to live, we must embrace him as the only one who can truly satisfy our souls.
6/11/20233 minutes, 6 seconds
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When Reason Serves Rebellion

Our hearts exploit our minds to justify what our hearts want. Our deepest desires incline our minds to perceive and think in a way that will make our desires look right.
6/10/20233 minutes, 4 seconds
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Prayer Is for Sinners

If we recognize our sin, fight it, and cling to the cross of Christ as our hope, then God will hear us and answer our prayers.
6/9/20233 minutes, 54 seconds
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Glorify God in Your Body

Worship is all the acts of the heart and mind and body that intentionally express the infinite worth of God.
6/8/20233 minutes, 14 seconds
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We Live by Faith

The faith that justifies and the faith that sanctifies are not two different kinds of faith.
6/7/20233 minutes, 2 seconds
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All Hostile to God

The best news in all the world is that our alienation from God is ended. We have been reconciled to the Judge of the universe.
6/6/20232 minutes, 32 seconds
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Dependable in the Mundane

Be devoted to glorifying the dependability of God. Lives of faith are the great mirror of his faithful love and provision.
6/5/20233 minutes, 3 seconds
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What Makes God Proud

Open your eyes to the better country, the city of God that he has prepared for us, and let yourself desire it with all your heart. God will not be ashamed to be called your God.
6/4/20233 minutes, 9 seconds
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Faith for the Impossible

Faith glorifies God because it is a future-oriented confidence in God’s integrity and power and wisdom to follow through on all his promises.
6/3/20232 minutes, 49 seconds
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Who Are the Children of Abraham?

We don’t become heirs of Abraham’s promises by working for God but by being confident that God works for us.
6/2/20234 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Faith That Magnifies Grace

Why does faith not nullify the grace of God? Because faith calls all attention to grace and magnifies it, rather than nullifying it.
6/1/20233 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Gain of Serving God

The worship of daily obedience is not at bottom a burdensome giving to God, but a joyful getting from God. That is the true service that God demands.
5/31/20234 minutes, 18 seconds
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Something to Boast About

Faith nullifies boasting and glorifies grace. Wherever faith looks, it sees grace behind every praiseworthy act. So it cannot boast, except in the Lord.
5/30/20232 minutes, 46 seconds
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When God Goes Against His Will

God has wise and holy purposes when he does not answer our prayers as we want. Trust him. He knows what he is doing.
5/29/20234 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Payout for Patience

The sovereign grace of God can turn the unplanned place and the unplanned pace into the happiest ending imaginable.
5/28/20233 minutes, 34 seconds
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Authentic vs. Phony Faith

We can know that our sins are taken away and that we will be safe in the judgment, if we trust Christ in such a way that it makes us eager for his coming.
5/27/20232 minutes, 54 seconds
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Strength to Wait with Patience

Patience is indeed a fruit of the Holy Spirit, but the Spirit empowers us (with all his fruit) through hearing with faith.
5/26/20232 minutes, 45 seconds
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God’s Design in Detours

What feels to us like a waste is what God plans. He works through the most hopeless circumstances.
5/25/20233 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Bedrock of Your Assurance

Our election is unconditional in the strictest sense. Neither our faith nor our obedience is the basis of it. It is free and utterly undeserved.
5/24/20234 minutes, 14 seconds
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Is Christ Worth It?

When we sit down to calculate the cost of following Jesus — when we weigh the “worst” and the “best” — he is worth it. Abundantly worth it.
5/23/20233 minutes, 35 seconds
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Jesus Knows His Sheep

Jesus knows all his sheep by name; that is, he knows them individually and intimately.
5/22/20232 minutes, 50 seconds
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God Works for You

God is so eager to work for us that he goes around looking for more work to do for people who will trust him.
5/21/20234 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Hate Your Life

When you love Christ, you don’t take much thought for your life in this world. Rather, you live for the glory of God’s grace.
5/20/20233 minutes, 33 seconds
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What Makes Jesus Rejoice

What makes the whole Trinity rejoice together? The free, electing love of God to hide the true spiritual identity of Christ from the intellectual elite and to reveal it to babes.
5/19/20233 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Light Beyond the Light

Don’t replace Christ this summer with trifles. Seek the things that are above. Flight from Christ into Christless leisure makes the soul parched.
5/18/20234 minutes, 28 seconds
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Five Digital Dangers

Consider these five digital dangers and some accompanying resolutions to avoid and redeem them.
5/17/20234 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Freest Love

God’s electing love is absolutely free. It is the gracious overflow of his boundless happiness guided by his infinite wisdom.
5/16/20234 minutes, 22 seconds
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What Is Meekness?

Trust God. Commit your way to him. Roll onto him your anxieties, frustrations, and plans — indeed, your very life.
5/15/20233 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ideas Have Consequences

Hope and love do not come from nowhere. They grow out of ideas — views of reality — revealed in the Scriptures.
5/14/20234 minutes, 2 seconds
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At the Bottom of It All

How did you come to be a Christian? Join Charles Spurgeon and joyfully confess, “I ascribe my change wholly to God!”
5/13/20233 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why We Should Love Our Enemies

When God becomes our treasure, we treat our adversaries out of our own fullness with the all-satisfying glory of God.
5/12/20233 minutes, 39 seconds
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Go on to the Meal

You have heard echoes of God’s glory everywhere; tune your heart to the original music. The best place to get your heart tuned is at the cross of Jesus Christ.
5/11/20233 minutes, 6 seconds
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A People for His Name

God is pursuing with omnipotent delight a worldwide purpose of gathering a people for his name from every tribe and language and nation.
5/10/20233 minutes, 32 seconds
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What It Means to Love God

This is the essence of what it means to love God: to be satisfied in him — not just his gifts, but God himself, as the glorious person that he is.
5/9/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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Pleased with His Precepts

Faith overcomes our inborn hostility to God and his will, and frees us to keep his commandments.
5/8/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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Don’t Serve God

God will gladly receive anything from us that shows our dependence and his all-sufficiency. Therefore, we can gladly cast all our anxieties on him.
5/7/20233 minutes, 33 seconds
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Truer Knowledge Brings Greater Joy

The only joy that reflects the worth of God and overflows in God-glorifying love is rooted in true knowledge of God.
5/6/20232 minutes, 44 seconds
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Seven Sources of Joy

Joy comes from the Holy Spirit, not our own efforts or imagination or family upbringing. Therefore, the call to joy is a call to earnest prayer.
5/5/20233 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Dangerous Motive

Gratitude looks back to past grace received and feels thankful. Faith looks forward to future grace promised and feels hopeful.
5/4/20233 minutes, 37 seconds
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How to Ask Forgiveness

Praying for forgiveness should be based not only on an appeal to God’s mercy, but also on an appeal to his justice in crediting the worth of his Son’s obedience.
5/3/20233 minutes, 29 seconds
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God Demonstrates His Love

The goal of everything God takes us through is hope. He wants us to feel unwaveringly hopeful through all tribulations. He wants us to know he loves us.
5/2/20233 minutes, 34 seconds
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Dirty Rags No More

God requires good works not as the ground of our justification (which is the righteousness of Christ alone), but as an evidence of it.
5/1/20234 minutes, 10 seconds
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Fifteen Tactics for Joy

In this life of sin and pain, how shall we fight for joy? Here are fifteen ways.
4/30/20233 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Day Is at Hand

The age of sin and misery and death is almost spent. The day of righteousness and peace and total joy is dawning.
4/29/20232 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Great Exchange

Our sins are laid on Christ and his righteousness is laid on us. That is the great exchange — and it becomes ours not by works but by faith.
4/28/20233 minutes, 27 seconds
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Children of a Singing God

It could not be otherwise but that Christianity be a singing faith. The founder sang. We are a singing people because we are the children of a singing God.
4/27/20232 minutes, 33 seconds
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You Were Made for God

When we speak of being a God-centered people, remember, this is because we are joining God in his God-centeredness.
4/26/20233 minutes, 54 seconds
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Paul’s Salvation Was for You

The point of Paul’s conversion happening the way it did is to make Christ’s incredible patience vivid for you.
4/25/20233 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Liberating Power of Forgiveness

When we live by faith, rooted in God’s forgiveness, we are freed from the lingering, paralyzing effects even of shame we deserve to feel.
4/24/20234 minutes
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Seek Your City’s Good

Christians care about all suffering — especially eternal suffering. That’s the greatest danger every city faces.
4/23/20233 minutes, 26 seconds
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Five Reasons to Be Fearless

Not being afraid shows that you treasure God as your generous Shepherd, Father, and King.
4/22/20234 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Key to Radical Love

The key to joy is faith in God’s future grace — that is, being satisfied in all that God promises to be for us.
4/21/20234 minutes, 38 seconds
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Afraid to Stray

Cherish the goodness of the Lord, fear straying from him, flee from every sin, and take refuge in him.
4/20/20234 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Future for Failures

This is the gospel: Even though you have sinned greatly, nevertheless there is a future and a hope. Fear not!
4/19/20233 minutes, 43 seconds
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God, Touch Our Hearts

The One with infinite power in the universe reaches down to personally touch and transform us.
4/18/20233 minutes, 31 seconds
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Embracing Jesus

Faith in Christ is not just assenting to what God is for us, but also embracing all that he is for us in Christ.
4/17/20235 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mercy for Today

We won’t bear tomorrow’s load on today’s resources. Today’s mercies are for today’s troubles. Tomorrow’s mercies are for tomorrow’s troubles.
4/16/20233 minutes, 3 seconds
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Don’t Be Like the Mule

Come to God in prayer, to confess your sins, and to accept, as needy little farmyard chicks, the direction of God into the barn of his protection and provision.
4/15/20233 minutes, 5 seconds
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Pray for His Fame

God delights in having his name known and honored. The first and most important prayer that can be prayed is, “Hallowed be your name.”
4/14/20233 minutes
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Talk to Your Tears

Sheer sowing produces reaping. You must remember this, even when your tears tempt you to give up.
4/13/20233 minutes, 28 seconds
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You Cannot Lose in the End

Trust Christ, no matter what. Go with him, no matter where. You cannot lose in the end.
4/12/20233 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Great King’s Wine

When you are cast into the cellars of affliction, remember that the great King keeps his best wine there.
4/11/20233 minutes, 13 seconds
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What Is Well-Placed Shame?

The biblical criterion for misplaced shame and for well-placed shame is radically God-centered.
4/10/20233 minutes, 28 seconds
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Talk to God, Not Just About Him

It is good not to talk very long about God without talking to God. Frequently interrupt your talking about God by talking to God.
4/9/20232 minutes, 43 seconds
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Make Satan Know His Defeat

When Christ died and rose again, Satan was defeated. Jesus struck the decisive blow at Calvary.
4/8/20233 minutes, 10 seconds
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What It Means to Pray for Your Enemy

Don’t just do good things for your enemies. Desire their best, and express those desires in prayer, even when they’re nowhere around.
4/7/20232 minutes, 43 seconds
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Two Ways to Remember Jesus

Jesus is not just alive from the dead, but he is alive as the King who will reign forever — of his kingdom there will be no end.
4/6/20233 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Books at the Judgment

Salvation is secured for all who are written in the book of life, not because of their deeds, but because Christ was slain for them.
4/5/20234 minutes, 42 seconds
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God Strengthens Us Through Others

Sometimes God will strengthen your faith directly. But most of the time, he does so through another person.
4/4/20232 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Respond When You Falter

O God, help us to feel worse about our own shortfalls than the failure of others.
4/3/20232 minutes, 35 seconds
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Better Than Everest

If you live inside the massive promise of Romans 8:28, your life is more solid and stable than Mount Everest.
4/2/20232 minutes, 20 seconds
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Two of Our Deepest Needs

In the Father, you are under God’s care and protection. In the Son, you are under God’s charge and authority.
4/1/20233 minutes, 29 seconds
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What Binds the Hands of Love?

Only one thing satisfies the heart whose treasure is in heaven: doing the works of heaven. And heaven is a world of love!
3/31/20234 minutes, 31 seconds
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If He Calls, He Keeps

Our perseverance doesn’t rest decisively on the reliability of our own resolve. It rests decisively on God’s work to keep us trusting him.
3/30/20233 minutes, 36 seconds
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As Sure as God’s Love for His Son

God will not spare any effort to give you all that Christ died to purchase — all things, all good, and all bad working for your good.
3/29/20233 minutes, 43 seconds
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When Everyone Deserts You

When others abandon you, strengthen your heart with God’s inexorable oath: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
3/28/20234 minutes, 30 seconds
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10 Results of the Resurrection

Because Christ rose from the grave, God’s children are forgiven. No one can successfully bring a charge against those who are in Christ.
3/27/20233 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Delight in God’s Word

Never reduce Christianity to a matter of demands and resolutions and willpower. It is a matter of what we love, what we delight in, what tastes good to us.
3/26/20233 minutes, 40 seconds
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Forever Satisfied

When we trust Jesus, his presence and promise is so satisfying that we are not dominated by the alluring pleasures of sin.
3/25/20232 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ministry and the Fear of Man

Hear God say to you in all your troubles, “I will deliver you. You will triumph in the end. You will be more than a conqueror.”
3/24/20232 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ignorance Guarantees Ungodliness

Knowledge doesn’t guarantee godliness. But it seems that ignorance guarantees ungodliness. The power that leads to godliness is given through knowing God.
3/23/20233 minutes, 34 seconds
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Satan’s Candy Store

When temptations come, arm yourself with this thought: When my Lord suffered and died to free me from sin, I died to sin!
3/22/20233 minutes, 40 seconds
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God’s Best Promise

Whatever else gives way, whatever else disappoints, whatever else fails, God’s all-encompassing promise of future grace can never fail.
3/21/20233 minutes
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Jesus Died for This Moment

If there is any hope for eternity in the presence of God, we need a Redeemer, a Substitute, a Savior. Christ died and rose to be that hope.
3/20/20233 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Six-Point Summary of the Gospel

Good news! Eternal life is a free gift to all who will trust in Christ as Lord and Savior and supreme Treasure of their lives.
3/19/20235 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why We Must Hold Fast Our Hope

The salvation Jesus obtained through his blood was everything it takes to save his people, not just part of it.
3/18/20232 minutes, 45 seconds
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Prayer’s Exclamation Point

Prayer is the confident plea for God to make good on his promises of future grace — for Christ’s sake.
3/17/20232 minutes, 55 seconds
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Jesus Will Finish the Mission

Christ can promise universal victory because he is sovereign. He knows the future because he makes the future.
3/16/20232 minutes, 49 seconds
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Subversive for the Savior

Since Satan’s doom is sure, and he knows it, we can always remind him of it when he tempts us to follow him.
3/15/20232 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Triumph Is Sure

God is so powerful and so gracious that in the end he will turn ruthless nations to revere him. He cannot fail.
3/14/20232 minutes, 39 seconds
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Jesus Is God’s Amen

Because of Christ, we say Amen to God in our prayers to show that God gets the glory for the future grace we are counting on.
3/13/20233 minutes, 16 seconds
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When the Potter Is for Us

With all the power in the universe and with the absolute right to do as he pleases with what he made, God is for us.
3/12/20232 minutes, 48 seconds
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Two Infinitely Strong and Tender Truths

The mercy and the sovereignty of God are the twin pillars of your life. They will stand by your deathbed, and with strong and tender hands lift you to God.
3/11/20233 minutes, 30 seconds
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Let Us Adore the Lamb

Your prayers are the aroma of heaven, sweet smelling before the throne of God and before the Lamb.
3/10/20233 minutes, 41 seconds
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God Cares for You

Pride is a form of unbelief. Faith admits need. Pride won’t. Faith banks on God. Pride won’t. Faith casts anxieties on God. Pride won’t.
3/9/20234 minutes, 15 seconds
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Open the Windows of Your Heart

A mustard seed of faith is infinitely closer to being a mountain of faith than it is to being no faith. There is an infinite difference between a spark and no spark.
3/8/20233 minutes, 4 seconds
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How Can I Be Filled with the Spirit?

How can you experience an outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Meditate day and night on the promises of God.
3/7/20232 minutes, 47 seconds
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God Regards the Lowly

You cannot sink so low in despairing of your own resources that God does not see and care. He is at the bottom waiting to catch you.
3/6/20233 minutes, 6 seconds
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The ‘Ask Pastor John’ Book Is Now Available

3/5/20233 minutes, 12 seconds
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Look to Jesus for Your Joy

Turn from self and come to Jesus as your source for true joy. His fullness will satisfy your itch of emptiness.
3/5/20233 minutes, 43 seconds
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God Rejoices to Do You Good

There are no lapses in God’s commitment or in his joy in doing good to his children — to those who trust him.
3/4/20233 minutes
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God Works Through Good Resolves

The evidence of God’s power in our lives is not the absence of our willing, but the strength and joy of our willing.
3/3/20233 minutes, 59 seconds
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Arm Yourself with Promises

When some fear or craving threatens to lead us into sin, we are to take the sword of the Spirit and kill it.
3/2/20233 minutes, 28 seconds
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Where Our Comfort Comes From

Pilate’s authority over Jesus was subordinate to God’s authority over Pilate. So, Jesus did not fear.
3/1/20234 minutes, 29 seconds
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Finally and Totally Justified

God declares us righteous, which gives us unshakable security in the face of tremendous suffering.
2/28/20233 minutes, 1 second
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Radical Effects of the Resurrection

The hope of the resurrection radically changed the way Paul lived. His life counted. His suffering was meaningful.
2/27/20233 minutes, 52 seconds
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When God Becomes 100% for Us

God’s wrath was once on us. But because he made us alive, all that wrath is removed. He is now 100% for us.
2/26/20234 minutes, 30 seconds
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You Are Greatly Loved

Take heart. If you have faith in Jesus, God himself declares, “You are greatly loved.”
2/25/20233 minutes, 15 seconds
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God Opens the Heart

The clearest answer in Acts to the question why a person believes the gospel is that God opens the heart.
2/24/20233 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Hour of Unusual Threat

Those who suffer for Christ will receive the Holy Spirit’s power and rest at their greatest hour of need.
2/23/20233 minutes, 30 seconds
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Enjoying His Fullness

The fullness of Jesus Christ is a divine, accessible, glorious, delivered, blessed, true fullness.
2/22/20233 minutes, 58 seconds
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Our Servant, Jesus

Jesus Christ is exuberant with omnipotent service for the sake of all who trust him.
2/21/20233 minutes, 34 seconds
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Amazed at the Resurrection

Because of Jesus’s resurrection, he now has the glory for which we were made. Our ultimate destiny is to see him as he is.
2/20/20232 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Kind of Cold That Kills

When it’s forty degrees warmer in your freezer than it is outside, the message is clear: Don’t mess with God.
2/19/20233 minutes, 18 seconds
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When You Are Immortal

Christ said Paul was going to Rome. And that was that. No ambush can stand against the promise of Christ.
2/18/20232 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Sweet Designs of God

Oh, how sweet are the designs of God in the sovereign salvation of hardened, hopeless sinners!
2/17/20233 minutes, 55 seconds
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When Obedience Feels Impossible

Do you desire God? Will you trust him? The word of God to you is: God is worthy and God is able.
2/16/20232 minutes, 31 seconds
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Every Calvary Step Was Love

Every step Jesus took on the Calvary road meant, “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
2/15/20233 minutes, 2 seconds
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Christ as Means and End

Jesus is the end for which the universe was made, and the means that makes that end possible to enjoy.
2/14/20234 minutes
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The Perfect City

When you desire the city of God above everything else on the earth, he is not ashamed to be called your God. Your life pleases him.
2/13/20231 minute, 57 seconds
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Lincoln’s Providence

It is a most striking thing how personal and national suffering drew Abraham Lincoln into the reality of God, rather than pushing him away.
2/12/20233 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Best Form of Slavery

Amazingly, Paul connects our liberation with Jesus as our Master, and he connects our new slavery with Jesus as our Messiah.
2/11/20233 minutes, 24 seconds
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Saving Faith Isn’t Easily Satisfied

Living and dying by faith means having new desires and seeking new satisfactions.
2/10/20232 minutes, 11 seconds
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Better Than Money, Sex, and Power

Take all the things that drive this world, and ponder how much better and more abiding God is.
2/9/20233 minutes, 18 seconds
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Are You Glad You Are Not God?

Submitting to God enables us to have the supremely satisfying experience of not being God, but admiring the Godness of God.
2/8/20234 minutes, 14 seconds
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Eleventh-hour Breakthroughs

God surely has reasons for waiting to give you the breakthrough you have sought for decades. Keep asking in hope.
2/7/20233 minutes, 59 seconds
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Reviled Here, Rewarded There

Because Jesus died in our place, he guaranteed that every good deed will prosper — sooner or later.
2/6/20234 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Main Purpose of Ministry

The main task of all the ministries of the church is helping people see the greatness of what Christ has purchased for everyone who will value it above the world.
2/5/20232 minutes, 56 seconds
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Five Ways Affliction Helps

Suffering has a great sin-killing effect. The more pure we are, the more clearly we see God.
2/4/20233 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Greatest Love

We should emphasize that God loves and forgives for his own glory because the Bible does, and because it makes clear that God loves us with the greatest love.
2/3/20234 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Forgiveness Cycle

God forgave us when we first believed in Christ. Then, from that broken, joyful, grateful, hopeful experience of being forgiven, we offer forgiveness to others.
2/2/20233 minutes, 41 seconds
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Included in the Covenant

Christians are included in the Davidic covenant. What David received, we will also receive in Christ Jesus.
2/1/20233 minutes, 49 seconds
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Five Purposes for Suffering

Don’t let your ignorance of the micro reasons for suffering cause you to overlook the massive help God tells us in his word of his macro purposes for us.
1/31/20234 minutes, 59 seconds
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Prevailing Grace

Irresistable grace does not mean grace cannot be resisted. It means that when God chooses, he can and will overcome that resistance.
1/30/20234 minutes, 38 seconds
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Caused to Return

There is no hope for God’s people unless he causes them to return from their leaping into sin and unbelief.
1/29/20233 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Repent

Feeling rotten about your sin is not the same as repenting from it. But it can lead there.
1/28/20234 minutes, 17 seconds
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He Knows Your Need

The same God who feeds billions of birds every hour around the world will take care of you.
1/27/20233 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Giver Gets the Glory

We get the help; God gets the glory. That arrangement keeps us humble and happy, and keeps him supreme and glorious.
1/26/20232 minutes, 44 seconds
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Delayed Deliverances

Times of suffering and deliverance are both God’s stages of care for you. He has not left you or forsaken you.
1/25/20232 minutes, 38 seconds
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Served in Serving Others

Jesus will take care of you when you take care of others. That’s why there were leftovers after Jesus fed the multitudes.
1/24/20232 minutes, 24 seconds
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Go Directly to God

Jesus provides an ever-present, ever-living witness to the removal of the Father’s wrath from us.
1/23/20233 minutes, 32 seconds
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We Will Rule All Things

When Jesus says, “I will grant him to sit with me on my throne,” he promises us a share in the rule of all things.
1/22/20233 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Anchor of Joy

Jesus anchored the happiness of suffering saints in the reward of heaven. And he anchored the happiness of successful saints in the same.
1/21/20232 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Battle to Remind

If we don’t call to mind what God has said about himself and about us, we will languish. Never forget that our God is the God of the impossible.
1/20/20233 minutes, 25 seconds
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How to Serve a Bad Boss

Every little thing you do that is good is seen and valued and rewarded by the Lord. And he will pay you back for it.
1/19/20234 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Remedy for Pride

Yield to the sovereignty of God in all the details of life, and rest in his infallible promises to show himself mighty on your behalf.
1/18/20234 minutes, 36 seconds
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Authentic Faith Is Eager for Christ to Come

Receive Christ, welcome Christ, embrace Christ — not just as your fire insurance policy, but as your eagerly awaited Treasure and Friend and Lord.
1/17/20232 minutes, 36 seconds
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Words for the Wind

Be patient and loving as despairing people wake up from their dark night and regret their hasty words.
1/16/20233 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Freeness of Grace

What act could be more one-sidedly free and non-negotiated than one person raising another from the dead? This is the meaning of grace.
1/15/20233 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Window of the Heart

Our emotions are governed in large measure by what we consider — what we dwell on with our minds.
1/14/20233 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Command That Creates

When the command of God comes with the creating, converting power of the Holy Spirit, it gives life. And we believe and rejoice and obey.
1/13/20234 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Experiential Key

Freedom from greed comes from the deeply satisfying faith in God’s future grace.
1/12/20233 minutes, 25 seconds
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Passionate for God and Truth

If God exists, then he is the measure of all things, and what he thinks about all things is the measure of what we should think.
1/11/20233 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Believers Will Be Judged

When God judges believers in the end, he will forgive us all our sins and grant us life everlasting.
1/10/20233 minutes, 56 seconds
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Only a Little While

God is not the God of some grace. He is the God of all grace — including the infinite, inexhaustible stores of future grace that we need to endure to the end.
1/9/20232 minutes, 26 seconds
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Gain What You Cannot Lose

Christ promises to work for us, and to be for us so much that, when our missionary life is over, we will not be able to say we’ve sacrificed anything.
1/8/20233 minutes, 17 seconds
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Grace Denied and Supplied

God gives both the sustaining grace we need in times of trouble, and the suffering which makes us depend on his grace.
1/7/20234 minutes, 20 seconds
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God’s Will Is That You Draw Near

This is God’s will for you and this is why Christ died: that you would draw near to God.
1/6/20232 minutes, 47 seconds
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Our Toothless Enemy

Satan is helpless to do the one thing he wants to do most: damn us. Christ bore our damnation.
1/5/20233 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hope for Imperfect Christians

Does your faith make you eager to forsake sin and make progress in holiness? That’s the kind of faith God requires.
1/4/20232 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Smallest Faith

The strength of your faith does not uproot trees. God does. The object of your faith is more important than the quantity of your faith.
1/3/20234 minutes, 29 seconds
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What Jesus Did to Death

If you are a Christian, death is no longer a punishment for sin. Your sin has been put away by the death of Christ. Christ took the punishment.
1/2/20232 minutes, 48 seconds
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Grace for the New Year

Be thankful for the past grace from the last year, and be confident in the future grace for the new year.
1/1/20232 minutes, 35 seconds
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Death Rehearsal

The lifetime of this year passes before our eyes, and we face the inevitable question: Did we live it well?
12/31/20225 minutes, 18 seconds
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Outfitted and Empowered

When God works in our hearts by the blood of Christ, we feel and think and act in ways more pleasing to him.
12/30/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Horrible Destiny

Flee from the wrath of God, tremble with joy that you are saved, and rescue others along the way.
12/29/20224 minutes, 54 seconds
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Glory Is the Goal

Study the glory of God. Treasure it in all things and above all things. Then study your soul. Know why you treasure glories that are not God’s glory.
12/28/20223 minutes, 57 seconds
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What Is Your Aim?

God did not create humans in his image to be aimless, like lifeless leaves blown around in the backyard of life. He created us to be purposeful.
12/27/20222 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Contemplate Calamity

Christ’s death was judgment on him because he bore our sins (not his own), and it was mercy toward us who trust him.
12/26/20228 minutes, 56 seconds
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Three Christmas Presents

Jesus offers you a clear purpose for living, hope that your failures will be forgiven, and help in your fight against sin.
12/25/20227 minutes, 55 seconds
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Two Purposes for Christmas

Jesus appeared in the world for two reasons: to help us stop sinning, and to satisfy God’s anger when we do sin.
12/24/20224 minutes, 14 seconds
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God’s Indescribable Gift

Look to Jesus this Christmas. Receive the reconciliation that he purchased. Don’t put the gift on the shelf unopened.
12/23/20223 minutes, 50 seconds
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That You May Believe

The whole Bible is written that you might be awakened to the wonder that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came into the world.
12/22/20224 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Birth of the Ancient of Days

Jesus’s birth was not a coming into being of a new person, but a coming into the world of an infinitely old person.
12/21/20223 minutes, 56 seconds
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Christmas Solidarity

If you want to give a gift to God this Christmas, walk off the assembly line of sin and don’t go back. Take up your place, instead, in the picket line of love.
12/20/20223 minutes, 20 seconds
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Christmas Is for Freedom

Forgiven, we are indestructible. Satan’s plan was to condemn God’s followers in God’s own courtroom. But now, in Christ, there is no condemnation.
12/19/20224 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Christmas Model for Missions

Distrust God’s mercy, and all is lost. But conquer here, and nothing can harm you for a million ages.
12/18/20223 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Greatest Salvation Imaginable

God put our sins on his Son and judged them there, so that he could put them out of his mind, and deal with us mercifully and remain just.
12/17/20224 minutes, 1 second
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God’s Most Successful Setback

God delights to show his power through apparent defeat. He sometimes retreats in order to win strategic victories.
12/16/20223 minutes, 40 seconds
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Life and Death at Christmas

Jesus came that we might have Life, now and forever. Make your Now the richer and deeper this Christmas by drinking at the fountain of Forever. It is so near.
12/15/20223 minutes, 54 seconds
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Making It Real for His People

The meaning of Christmas is that God takes salvation, puts it in your heart, and seals you as his child.
12/14/20223 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Final Reality Is Here

Our High Priest is seated at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. No Old Testament priest could ever say that.
12/13/20222 minutes, 57 seconds
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Replacing the Shadows

Jesus came to orient all our attention on himself, ministering for us first on Calvary as our final Sacrifice and then in heaven as our final Priest.
12/12/20222 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why Jesus Came

In dying, Christ de-fanged the devil. How? By covering all our sin. This means that Satan has no legitimate grounds to accuse us before God.
12/11/20225 minutes, 33 seconds
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Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh

Giving gifts to Christ is like fasting — going without something to show that Christ is more valuable than what you are going without.
12/10/20223 minutes, 46 seconds
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Two Kinds of Opposition to Jesus

Let this Christmas be the time when you ponder what it means — what it costs — to worship and follow Jesus, the Messiah.
12/9/20223 minutes, 14 seconds
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Bethlehem’s Supernatural Star

God influenced the stars in the sky to get a little handful of foreign magi to Bethlehem so that they would worship his Son.
12/8/20225 minutes, 23 seconds
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Messiah for the Magi

Christmas proves how Jesus is Messiah — a King, and Promise-Fulfiller — for all the nations, not just Israel.
12/7/20222 minutes, 25 seconds
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Peace to Those with Whom He Is Pleased

The key that unlocks the treasure chest of God’s peace is faith in the promises of God.
12/6/20223 minutes, 59 seconds
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No Detour from Calvary

God could have seen to it that Jesus have a room at his birth. But that would have been a detour off the Calvary road.
12/5/20223 minutes, 21 seconds
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For God’s Little People

Do not think, because you experience adversity, that the hand of the Lord is shortened.
12/4/20224 minutes, 1 second
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The Long-Awaited Visitation

For the mind of faith, a promised act of God is as good as done.
12/3/20222 minutes, 18 seconds
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Mary’s Magnificent God

The only people whose soul can truly magnify the Lord are people like Elizabeth and Mary. So, this Advent, imitate their lowliness and cheerful humility.
12/2/20223 minutes, 5 seconds
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Prepare the Way

This Advent, bend the efforts of your imagination to make the wonder of Jesus’s arrival visible for your children.
12/1/20223 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Triumphant Shame of the Cross

No matter how dirty with sin you are, through Christ you can see the light of God’s glory and believe.
11/30/20223 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Only Conscience-Cleanser

Our greatest problem is alienation from God. The only solution is the blood of Christ.
11/29/20223 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Root of Ingratitude

At the root of all ingratitude is the love of one’s own greatness. But genuine gratitude glorifies God because it admits that we need him.
11/28/20223 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to Magnify God

The whole duty of the Christian can be summed up in this: feel, think, and act in a way that will make God look as great as he really is.
11/27/20222 minutes, 53 seconds
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Jesus Prays for Us

Our salvation is as secure as Christ’s priesthood is indestructible. His deity and resurrection from the dead secure his indestructible priesthood for us.
11/26/20222 minutes, 30 seconds
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Glorify God by Giving Thanks

A life that gives glory to God for his grace and a life of deepest gladness are the same life. And what makes them one is thankfulness.
11/25/20222 minutes, 52 seconds
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Hold Fast to Your Hope

When Christ died for us, he did not buy the freedom from having to hold fast, but the enabling power to hold fast.
11/24/20223 minutes, 3 seconds
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When God Swears by God

It is as unlikely that God will break his word of promise to bless us as it is that he will despise himself.
11/23/20222 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Key to Spiritual Maturity

Getting ready to feast on all God’s word is not first an intellectual challenge; it is first a moral challenge.
11/22/20223 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Gravity of Gratitude

A thankful spirit is others-exalting and glad-hearted. Therefore, pray for a great awakening of humble gratitude.
11/21/20223 minutes, 6 seconds
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Five Reasons Death Is Gain

Death is gain because Christians will then be perfect, pain-free, rested, at home, and with Christ.
11/20/20225 minutes, 4 seconds
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We All Need Help

Because we have a Great High Priest, the throne of God is a throne of grace.
11/19/20223 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Piercing Power of the Word

The word of God is our only hope. It is sharp, living, and active. Therefore, be of good cheer in your battle to believe.
11/18/20222 minutes, 19 seconds
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Change Is Possible

Don’t be a fatalist. Be a Christian. Change is possible. God is alive. Christ is risen. The promises are true.
11/17/20224 minutes, 16 seconds
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When I Am Anxious

Take up the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit for help, lay the promises up in your heart, and fight the good fight — to live by faith in future grace.
11/16/20223 minutes, 14 seconds
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Fighting Words

When you feel discouraged and anxious, cling to God’s promises to be with you and uphold you.
11/15/20223 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Marvel of Creation

When you marvel at the wonders of creation, do not marvel at the processes of chance but at the creativity of God.
11/14/20224 minutes, 17 seconds
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Do Not Harden Your Heart

The Bible’s warnings are written that you might believe and endure, and have life.
11/13/20223 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Satan Serves God

Satan cannot destroy us. In fact, God turns all his attacks finally against him and for us.
11/12/20223 minutes, 44 seconds
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We Are His House

Becoming a Christian and being a Christian happen in the same way: by hoping in Jesus.
11/11/20223 minutes, 56 seconds
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Wipe Your Fears Away

When anxiety blurs our vision of God’s glory, it does not mean that we are faithless. It means our faith is being attacked.
11/10/20223 minutes, 3 seconds
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Marveling at the End of History

One day, we will see God’s glory, and marvel at it in such a way that he will be glorified in us for all the world to see.
11/9/20223 minutes, 39 seconds
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We Honor What We Enjoy

It is possible to pursue God without glorifying God. If we want our quest to honor God, we must pursue him for the joy of fellowship with him.
11/8/20223 minutes, 16 seconds
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Is God’s Love Conditional?

There are precious experiences of the love of God that require that we fight pride, seek humility, and cherish the nearness of God.
11/7/20223 minutes, 47 seconds
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Love One Another Gladly

Loving acts are genuine to the degree that they are not done begrudgingly.
11/6/20223 minutes, 31 seconds
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Do You Neglect Your Salvation?

Being a Christian is a very serious business, though not a sour business. We are simply blood-earnest about being happy in our great salvation.
11/5/20223 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Real Problem with Anxiety

What you thought was a mere struggle with an anxious disposition might really be a far deeper struggle with trusting God.
11/4/20222 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Meaning of Suffering

It is truer in suffering than anywhere else that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.
11/3/20222 minutes, 58 seconds
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Rejoicing in Pain

Whether we focus on the riches of the reward or the refining effects of suffering, God’s purpose is that our joy in suffering be sustained.
11/2/20223 minutes, 53 seconds
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Christ’s Sufferings in Us

We exhibit the sufferings of Christ when we ourselves suffer for those we are trying to win.
11/1/20222 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Seminary of Suffering

God designs suffering not only as a way to wean Christians off of self and onto grace, but also as a way to spotlight that grace and make it shine.
10/31/20223 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Danger of Drifting

Be satisfied in Jesus so that you do not get lured downstream by deceitful desires.
10/30/20223 minutes, 13 seconds
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Sin, Satan, Sickness, or Sabotage

Suffering proves our allegiance to Christ’s goodness and reveals his worth as an all-sufficient prize.
10/29/20224 minutes, 37 seconds
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Radical Recompense

Jesus himself makes up for every sacrifice he will ever call us to make. It is worth it to lose it all in order to gain Christ.
10/28/20222 minutes, 45 seconds
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Possible with God

God has a people in every people group. He will call them through the gospel with Creator power. And they will believe!
10/27/20223 minutes, 17 seconds
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Medicine for the Missionary

“All things are possible with God!” — in front the words give hope, and behind they give humility. They are the antidote to both despair and pride.
10/26/20222 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Great Missionary Hope

God’s call is irresistible in the sense that it can overcome all resistance. It is infallibly effective according to God’s purpose.
10/25/20223 minutes, 56 seconds
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Christ Is Like Sunlight

We see the sun by means of seeing the rays of the sun. So also we see God the Father by seeing Jesus.
10/24/20223 minutes, 7 seconds
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God’s Final, Decisive Word

The Word that God spoke by his Son is the decisive Word. It will not be followed in this age by any greater word or replacement word.
10/23/20223 minutes, 16 seconds
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Hedonism for Husbands and Wives

When Christ redeems marriage, he does not dismantle loving headship and willing submission. He restores it.
10/22/20224 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Mystery of Marriage

Husbands and wives should seek to live after the distinctive model of God’s pure and glad design for Christ and the church.
10/21/20223 minutes, 50 seconds
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Prayer’s First Priority

The first priority in praying is to ask our heavenly Father to cause his name to be hallowed. In us. In the church. In the world. Everywhere.
10/20/20223 minutes, 14 seconds
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Love’s Greatest Happiness

The union between Christ and his bride is so close that any good done to her is a good done to himself.
10/19/20223 minutes, 20 seconds
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Jesus’s Joy in Marriage

Jesus did not want a dirty and unholy wife. Therefore, he was willing to die to cleanse her so that he could present her to himself.
10/18/20223 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Purpose of Prosperity

You can steal to get; or you can work to get; or you can work to get in order to give.
10/17/20223 minutes, 13 seconds
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Fear and Hope in God’s Jealousy

It is a horrifying thing to use your God-given life to commit adultery against the Almighty.
10/16/20223 minutes, 6 seconds
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Plan for Prayer

One of the main reasons we so often fail to have consistent habits of happy, fruitful prayer is simply that we don’t plan to.
10/15/20223 minutes, 26 seconds
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God Heals by Humbling

God takes out our old proud hearts and gives new soft ones, which are easily humbled and crushed by the sin that remains.
10/14/20224 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Master Servant

The very heart of God’s glory is the fullness of grace that overflows in kindness to needy people.
10/13/20223 minutes, 49 seconds
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Beware of Serving God

God aims to be our servant, because he aims to get the glory as the Giver.
10/12/20223 minutes, 44 seconds
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We Can Do Nothing

God is glorified when we turn away from ourselves to him in the confidence that he will provide the help we need.
10/11/20223 minutes, 41 seconds
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Best Passage Ever

The greatest news is that the cross upholds the worth of God’s glory, the honor of his Son, and the eternal salvation of his elect.
10/10/20223 minutes, 42 seconds
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God’s Wise Mercy

The good news is that God himself has decreed a way to satisfy the demands of his justice without condemning the whole human race.
10/9/20222 minutes, 53 seconds
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Our Good Is God’s Delight

All the omnipotent energy that drives the heart of God to pursue his own glory also drives him to satisfy the hearts of those who seek their joy in him.
10/8/20222 minutes, 43 seconds
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We Wait, He Works

Be freed from the burden of bearing your own load. Let God do that work. God loves to show his God-ness by working for us.
10/7/20223 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Happy God

When we share in the happiness of God, we share in the very pleasure that the Father has in the Son.
10/6/20223 minutes, 25 seconds
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Justice Will Be Done

When you lay down the burden of vengeance, God will pick it up.
10/5/20224 minutes, 4 seconds
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Joy Unbound

Imagine being able to enjoy what is most enjoyable with unbounded energy and passion forever. One day, God’s delight in his Son will be in us.
10/4/20223 minutes, 15 seconds
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Absolute, Sovereign, Almighty Love

God does not need us. Instead, his infinite self-sufficiency spills over in love to us who need him.
10/3/20223 minutes, 8 seconds
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God Isn’t Gloomy

If none of God’s purposes can be frustrated, then he must be the happiest of all beings.
10/2/20223 minutes, 48 seconds
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The All-Satisfying Object

The quest for joy is not optional, but commanded.
10/1/20222 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Most Liberating Discovery

Joy is not a mere option alongside worship. It is an essential component of worship.
9/30/20223 minutes, 42 seconds
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Make War with Unbelief

Take up the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit for help, lay the promises up in your heart, and fight the good fight — to live by faith in future grace.
9/29/20223 minutes, 17 seconds
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Our Good Is His Glory

God’s greatest interest is to glorify the wealth of his grace by making sinners happy in him.
9/28/20224 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Power of a Superior Promise

The truth of Christ frees us from the slavery of sin, for the freedom of holiness.
9/27/20223 minutes, 29 seconds
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Live Confident in God’s Sovereign Power

Confidence in God’s absolute control is the source and power of radical obedience to the call of God.
9/26/20222 minutes, 24 seconds
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Life Hangs on the Word of God

The Bible is no empty word. It is your very life — the foundation and kindling of your joy!
9/25/20223 minutes, 15 seconds
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Jesus’s Pursuit of Joy

What sustained Christ in the dark hours of Gethsemane was the hope of joy beyond the cross.
9/24/20223 minutes, 1 second
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Hope for the Worst of Sinners

When it comes to being a candidate for grace, your background has nothing to do with God’s choice. That’s good news.
9/23/20223 minutes, 4 seconds
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Let Goods and Kindred Go

You have a possession in heaven that is better, and lasts longer, than anything this world can offer.
9/22/20223 minutes, 28 seconds
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Ammunition Against Anxiety

God intends for particular promises to help you fight against particular anxieties.
9/21/20223 minutes, 53 seconds
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Not Nearly Hedonistic Enough

The Lord has spoken: It is more blessed to love than to live in luxury! More blessed now, and forever.
9/20/20222 minutes, 34 seconds
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Our Unspeakable Privilege

In Jesus Christ we who are born of God have the unspeakable privilege of knowing Yahweh as our Father.
9/19/20222 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Only True Freedom

Only Jesus, the Son of God who died and rose for us, can make us truly free.
9/18/20222 minutes, 44 seconds
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Worship in a Lightning Storm

Sit down to the feast of joy in Christ and worship the King of Glory. The banquet hall is very large.
9/17/20222 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Soul’s Final Feast

To see God, and know him, and be in his presence is the soul’s final feast.
9/16/20223 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Only Enduring Happiness

Two things have to be true if your joy is never to be taken from you. One is that the source of your joy lasts forever and the other is that you last forever.
9/15/20222 minutes, 59 seconds
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God Will Supply All Your Needs

If we live by faith in God’s promise of future grace, it will be very hard for anxiety to survive.
9/14/20222 minutes, 40 seconds
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7 Reasons Not to Worry, Part 3

God will see to it that you are not tested in any given day more than you can bear.
9/13/20225 minutes, 18 seconds
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7 Reasons Not to Worry, Part 2

God will certainly take his energy and creative skill and use it to care for his children who will live forever.
9/12/20224 minutes, 12 seconds
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7 Reasons Not to Worry, Part 1

Jesus helps us to fight the good fight against unbelief and to be free from anxiety.
9/11/20224 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to Fight Anxiety

The way you fight the good fight for faith is by meditating on God’s assurances of future grace and by asking for the help of his Spirit.
9/10/20223 minutes, 29 seconds
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Grace Must Be Free

If you treated your salvation no longer as a gift, but as a purchase, God would no longer be the free benefactor.
9/9/20222 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Repay God

You can’t give anything to God or do anything for God that he hasn’t first given to you and done for you.
9/8/20224 minutes, 32 seconds
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God-Given Foes and God-Given Faith

Fear not. Your adversaries can do no more than God grants. And he will grant you the faith you need. Those are gospel promises.
9/7/20223 minutes, 41 seconds
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Present and Powerful Love

Nothing will separate us from the love of Christ because Christ is alive and is still loving us right now.
9/6/20224 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Goal of Christ’s Love

God loves us so much that he will not allow our preciousness to become our god.
9/5/20224 minutes, 53 seconds
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What’s New About the New Covenant

In the old covenant, the gracious enabling power to obey God was not poured out as fully as it is since Jesus.
9/4/20223 minutes, 50 seconds
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The “I Will” of God

If you feel vulnerable, you can say to God, “Lord help me. I’m not even sure how to pray.” Trust that he will respond and will help you.
9/3/20224 minutes, 38 seconds
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Devastated and Delighted

This is one of the beauties of the biblical doctrines of grace: their worst devastations prepare us for their greatest delights.
9/2/20224 minutes, 14 seconds
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He Does All That He Pleases

God is never forced into a situation where he must do something in which he cannot rejoice.
9/1/20223 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Lion and the Lamb

The worth and beauty of the Son come not just from his majesty, nor just from his meekness, but from the way these mingle in perfect proportion.
8/31/20223 minutes, 3 seconds
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Church Growth God’s Way

By all means work. But always look to the Lord for the decisive, supernatural work needed to fulfill his purposes.
8/30/20223 minutes, 55 seconds
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Six Things It Means to Be in Christ Jesus

Never grow weary of exploring and exulting in the inexhaustible privilege of being “in Christ Jesus.”
8/29/20223 minutes, 13 seconds
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Forgiven for Jesus’s Sake

The Father’s infinite pleasure in his own perfections is the fountain of our everlasting joy and forgiveness.
8/28/20223 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jesus Will Trample All Our Enemies

The extent of Christ’s reign reaches to the smallest and biggest enemy of his glory in your life, and in this universe. It will be defeated.
8/27/20222 minutes, 13 seconds
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Shadows and Streams

God rejoices in the works of creation because they point us beyond themselves to God himself.
8/26/20223 minutes, 25 seconds
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When God’s Love Is Sweetest

The sweetest experience of God’s love is conditional on our transformation into the kind of people whose emotions and choices and actions please God.
8/25/20223 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Message of Creation

Day and night are saying one thing: God is glorious! Turn away from the creation as your supreme satisfaction, and delight yourself in the Lord of glory.
8/24/20222 minutes, 46 seconds
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God Is Not an Idolater

God is love precisely because he relentlessly pursues the praises of his name in the hearts of his people.
8/23/20223 minutes, 16 seconds
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Pleased to Praise

If God loves us enough to make our joy full, he must not only give us himself; he must also win from us the praise of our hearts.
8/22/20223 minutes, 54 seconds
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An Unshakably Happy God

God’s pursuit of praise from us and our pursuit of pleasure in him are the same pursuit.
8/21/20223 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jesus Is Who You’re Looking For

The Bible is a window that opens onto the sunrise glory of the risen Christ.
8/20/20223 minutes, 4 seconds
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What the Resurrection Means for Us

Christ’s resurrection is God’s declaration that we cannot work our way to glory, but that he intends to do the impossible to get us there.
8/19/20222 minutes, 47 seconds
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Hope to Obey Hard Commands

You will always be better off to obey than to disobey Jesus, even if that obedience costs you your life.
8/18/20223 minutes, 19 seconds
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What It Means to Bless the Lord

Authentic speaking about God’s goodness and greatness must come from the soul. Blessing God with the mouth without the soul would be hypocrisy.
8/17/20222 minutes, 37 seconds
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Why You Give In to Sexual Sin

If we are to be sexually pure, God must have the supreme place in our feelings and thoughts.
8/16/20221 minute, 58 seconds
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What We Were Made For

All the other gifts of the gospel — forgiveness, justification, propitiation, eternal life — exist to make fellowship with God possible.
8/15/20222 minutes, 44 seconds
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God Forgives and Is Still Just

The death of the Son of God is outrageous enough, and the glory of God that it upholds is great enough, that God is vindicated to forgive our sins.
8/14/20224 minutes, 19 seconds
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Three Examples of How Faith Fulfills Good Resolves

The power of God to fulfill your resolves will come to you as you trust in the future grace of his promises.
8/13/20223 minutes, 39 seconds
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My Soul Thirsts for God

When we see the face of Christ, we see the face of God. And we see the glory of his face when we hear the story of the gospel of his death and resurrection.
8/12/20223 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Different Tenses of Grace

Grace is not only God’s disposition to do good for us when we don’t deserve it. It is also a power that makes good things happen in us.
8/11/20223 minutes, 30 seconds
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Have Mercy on Me, O God

We know more of the mystery of our redemption than David did. We know Christ. But we lay hold of the mercy in the same way he did.
8/10/20222 minutes, 17 seconds
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The End of the Gospel

The gospel is the good news that God bought for us the everlasting enjoyment of God.
8/9/20223 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ruler of All Nature

Stand in awe and be at peace, knowing that no natural event is outside of God’s wise and good purposes, and perfect control.
8/8/20222 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Point of Creation

God made humans in his image so that the world would be filled with reflectors of God. Images of God. So that nobody would miss the point of creation.
8/7/20223 minutes, 24 seconds
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Jesus Bought Your Endurance

God is totally committed to the perseverance and eternal security of his blood-bought children.
8/6/20222 minutes, 49 seconds
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10 Things “Yahweh” Means

Yahweh is a proper name (like Peter) built out of the word for “I am.” It teaches us that God absolutely is.
8/5/20225 minutes, 3 seconds
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As Secure as God Is Faithful

Between eternity past in God’s predestination, and eternity future in God’s glorification, none is lost.
8/4/20222 minutes, 10 seconds
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Why You Have a Body

God will honor the work of his Son by raising our bodies from the dead, and we will use our bodies to glorify him forever.
8/3/20222 minutes, 31 seconds
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Afraid of Death No More

God has justified us. There is only future grace in front of us. Satan cannot overturn that decree.
8/2/20224 minutes, 16 seconds
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Our Weakness Reveals His Worth

Sometimes God makes seemingly strong people weaker so that his divine power will be the more evident.
8/1/20223 minutes, 4 seconds
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Suffering That Crushes Faith

Suffering must not drive you from God. Instead, it should drive you from everything but God.
7/31/20222 minutes, 20 seconds
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Suffering That Strengthens Faith

Faith is like muscle tissue: if you stress it to the limit, it gets stronger, not weaker. When your faith is tested, the result is greater capacity to endure.
7/30/20223 minutes, 13 seconds
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Five Rewards for Generosity

God gives us money and homes so that we might show they are not our God.
2/29/20204 minutes, 16 seconds