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SoulFood FM

English, Religion, 1 season, 276 episodes, 2 days, 19 hours, 50 minutes
Podcast by SoulFood FM
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10.9 - Service

One of the most beloved actions to Allah ﷻ is to be of service to His creation. In this episode, we will cover: • Serving the elderly • The importance of service • Serving with humility
7/24/202413 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 10.8 - Modesty

Modesty beautifies and dignifies us. Without it, we become dehumanized and humiliated. In this episode, we will cover: • The danger of unrestrained desires • The beauty of modesty • Preserving the purity of the Fitra
7/17/202413 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 10.7 - Virtue

One of the greatest tragedies that affects people is the loss of virtue that comes with being cut off from divine guidance. In this episode, we will cover: • What makes a civilization? • The culture of irreverence • The healing nature of virtue
7/10/202413 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 3.30 | Eid

Eid is a time of joy, celebration, and gratitude for the great blessing of being given Ramadan. In this episode, you will learn: • The realities of Eid • The Greatest Eid • Love & yearning Recommended link: • Eid Glorification: Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
4/10/202411 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 3.29 | Determination

Whoever has a good intention, God opens for them seventy doors of His enabling grace. In this episode, you will learn: • The way to form your determination • The importance of sincerity in intention • Multiplying blessings through intentions Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
4/9/202413 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 3.28 | Restraint

Restraint and self-discipline are both necessary elements on the path of spiritual refinement. In this episode, you will learn: • The best act of worship • Controlling speech and desires • Achieving restraint with excellence Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
4/8/202411 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 3.27 | Endings

The Prophet ﷺ said, "Truly, actions are judged based on their endings." In this episode, you will learn: • Good endings • Taking the means to achieving a good end • How sins bring wretchedness Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
4/7/202412 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 3.26 | Differences

One of the dangers of the ego is that it likes to become entrenched in its own opinions and look at everyone else as wrong. In this episode, you will learn: • The broadness of Islam • Etiquette in disagreement • Strength & love in valid differences Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
4/6/202410 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 3.25 | Honor

Being able to forgive others and let go of grudges is heavy on the selfish ego, but is one of the ways to refine the soul in order to attain everlasting honor. In this episode, you will learn: • The spiritual nature of forgiveness • The One goal on the spiritual path • How forgiveness has healing power Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
4/5/202410 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 3.24 | Openings

If you had the upper hand over someone who wronged you, how would you deal with them? In this episode, you will learn: • Choosing our heroes • The Prophetic Way (Sunna) • Guidance vs. Dominance Recommended Links: • Stories of mercy from the life of the Prophet ﷺ: • "Muhammad ﷺ: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources" by Martin Lings: Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
4/4/202412 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 3.23 | Miracle

The greatest miracle occurs when you remain upright in your words, deeds, and states. In this episode, you will learn: • The greatest miracle • The tribulation of the Dajjal • Importance of the Prophet's prayers ﷺ Supplication for Laylat ul-Qadr: • Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun, tuḥibb ul-'afwa fa'fu 'annī (Translation: O Allah, You are the Pardoner and You love to pardon, so pardon my sins). Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
4/3/202413 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 3.22 | Giving

God says in the Quran, “None of you [believers] will attain true piety unless you give out of what you cherish.” [Quran 3:92] In this episode, you will learn: • How giving is a sign of faith • The intentions of seeking wealth • Importance of striving to be independent Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
4/2/202414 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 3.21 | Dhikr

Choosing your words with excellence has consequences on your heart and your state in the Hereafter. In this episode, you will learn: • The potential of speech • The heart's reaction to speech based on its state • Why you should busy yourself with remembrance Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
4/1/202412 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 3.20 | Quran

One of the greatest ways to bring life to your heart is through listening to the Quran. In this episode, you will learn: • The impact of the Quran • Importance of actively listening • Connecting to people of understanding The Best Chapter of the Quran: Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/31/202411 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 3.19 | Time

The spiritual seeker is someone who takes full advantage of the present moment. In this episode, you will learn: • A breakdown of the Islamic calendar • The importance of commemorating major events Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/30/202413 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 3.18 | Aspirations

One of the most important actions of the heart is having aspirations in attaining God's generosity and grace. In this episode, you will learn: • The story of Sayyiduna Haritha (may God be pleased with him) • Being true with God • Raising your aspirations Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/29/202412 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 3.17 | Badr

The Battle of Badr was one of the most significant events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his Companions, but what can we learn from it today? In this episode, you will learn: • Reflections on the Battle of Badr • The importance of being principled • Being upright in all that you do Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/28/202411 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 3.16

In the vast majority of cases, argumentation only serves to inflate the ego and causes division between the hearts. In this episode, you will learn: • Harms of arguing • Importance of reconciliation • Etiquette of disagreement Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/27/202412 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 3.15 | Home

Protecting our homes from dubious things is one of the ways we cultivate a healthy spiritual environment in our lives. In this episode, you will learn: • How honor comes through goodness • Why staying away from doubtful things is the way of salvation • How to protect our homes from harm Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/26/202413 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 3.14 | Asking

Extending your hands to the Allah and expressing your need to Him is believer's first response in times of need. In this episode, you will learn: • The dangers of asking people • The honor of asking Allah • Recognizing the Gift-giver Recommended Link: • The Prayer of Need: Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/25/202413 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 3.13 | The Stomach

“But eat the lawful and good things that God provides for you. Be mindful of God, in whom you believe.” [Quran 5:88] In this episode, you will learn: • The importance of carefully seeking halal food • A story of Abu Bakr's scrupulousness • The imperative to be conscious with food Recommended links: • Food, Inc.: Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/24/202412 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 3.12 | Blood

In a polarized world, one must be especially careful from engaging in hate and contributing to any sort of harm and oppression. In this episode, you will learn: • The dangers of oppression • The man who hit his servant • A caution against bloodshed Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/23/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 3.11 | Scruples

Taking dubious or forbidden things diminishes the light of faith within the heart. In this episode, you will learn: • The importance of honoring others' rights • How the religion emphasizes good interactions • That scrupulousness is the path to God's good pleasure Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/22/202415 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 3.10 | Embrace

Have you ever thought of shaking hands as a spiritual experience? In this episode, you will learn: • The effects of shaking hands on the heart • The Angels' descent in Ramadan • The etiquette of shaking hands Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/21/202411 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 3.9 | Contemplation

Looking at nature, the heavens, and the beauty around us gives birth to contemplation, which is necessary for spiritual growth. In this episode, you will learn: • How to connect your gaze to the majesty of the Creator • Contemplating nature • The importance of contemplating the state of humanity Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/20/202413 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 3.8 | Mercy

Using your eyes to look at creation with mercy, compassion, and honor beautifies the heart and the world. In this episode, you will learn: • How the gaze is connected to worship • Looking at creation with mercy • The effects of looking with mercy Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/19/202413 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 3.7 | Insight

Using one's sight to look upon that which is pleasing to the Creator gives life to the spiritual insight of the heart. In this episode, you will learn: • Using your sight for spiritual insight • The effects of looking at forbidden things • How to rectify one's glances Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/18/202413 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 3.6 | Advice

Seeking sound advice opens up the heart's insight and helps with one's understanding, guidance, and growth. In this episode, you will learn: Thankfulness to God through obedience | How to benefit from advice | The impact of advice on the community. Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/17/202411 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 3.5 | Listening

What you listen to shapes your thoughts and choices. In this episode, you will learn: • Importance of hearing • Why you should seek to listen to good things • How you purify your heart through listening Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/16/202412 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 3.4 | Words

Words have a profound impact on the individual, family, and society. But are we conscious of the words we say? In this episode, you will learn: • The effect of words upon the individual and society • How foul speech affects our standing before God • The fruits of beautiful speech Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/15/202413 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 3.3 | The Tongue

The tongue is the translator of the heart and its words have a serious impact upon the heart. In this episode, you will learn: • Directly proportional impact between the heart and limbs • Worship’s affect on speech • The tongue’s effect on the other limbs Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/14/202413 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 3.2 | The Limbs

Imam Ibn Ata' Illah said, "Your limbs are like irrigation channels that flow to the heart." In this episode, you learn: • The place of moral accountability • The connection between the heart and limbs • How actions are based on the state of the heart Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/13/202416 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 3.1 | The Heart

Your heart is the center of your being, and your limbs are connected back and have an impact on the heart. In this episode, you will learn: • The unique qualities given to the heart • The relationship between the heart and limbs • The reality of the heart Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
3/12/202414 minutes, 16 seconds
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10.6 - Miracles

In a world of pseudo-spirituality and "augmented" reality, we have to differentiate between true spiritual experiences and counterfeits. In this episode, we will cover: • Miracles of delusion • The Prophet Muhammad's miracles ﷺ • Uprightness
2/28/202418 minutes, 15 seconds
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Special • Heavenly Ascent

In commemoration of the Isrāʾ & Miʿrāj, we're re-releasing the episode on the Prophet's wondrous journey ﷺ ——— Part 2 of the Night Journey & Heavenly Ascent After the Night Journey to Jerusalem, the Prophet ﷺ begins his ascent through the seven levels of Paradise to the Lote Tree––and then is given a vision of his Lord the Blessed and Exalted. In this episode, we cover: • The Seven Heavens • The Lote Tree • The Divine Meeting Additional Resource: • Seedlings of Paradise: Subḥān Allāh, al-ḥamdu lillāh, wa lā ilāha illā Allāh, wa Allāhu akbar––wa lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illā billāh [Glorious is God, all praise belongs to God, there is no deity except God, and God is the Greatest––and there is no power nor might except by God] Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
2/12/202437 minutes, 37 seconds
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Special • Night Journey

In commemoration of the Isrāʾ & Miʿrāj, we're re-releasing the episode on the Prophet's wondrous journey ﷺ. ——— The greatest spiritual journey occurred on the night when the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was taken to Jerusalem, then ascended to Paradise. In this episode, we cover: • Purity of the Prophet’s Heart ﷺ • Blessed places • Manifestations of the Unseen • The Imam of the Messengers Additional Resource: • 'The Night Journey & Heavenly Ascent' by Al-Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki (translated by Gibril Fouad Haddad): • Dua for Protection: Aʿūdhu bi-wajhillāhi al-Karīm wa bi kalimātillahi al-tāmmāt al-latī lā yujāwizuhunna barrun wa lā fājir min sharri mā yanzilu min al-samāʾ wa min sharri mā yaʿruju fīhā wa min sharri mā dharaʾa fil-arḍ wa min sharri mā yakhruju minhā wa min fitani al-layli wal-nahār wa min ṭawāriq al-layli wal-nahār illā ṭāriqan yaṭruqu bi-khayrin yā Raḥmān Translation: I seek refuge in Allah’s Noble Countenance and in Allah’s perfect words which neither the righteous nor the disobedient overstep from evil that descends from the heavens and evil that ascends to it and evil that is created in the earth and the trials of night and day and the visitors of night and day save the visitor that visits goodness upon us, O Most Merciful! Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
2/8/202427 minutes, 56 seconds
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10.5 - Infallibility

Understanding the level of authority and divine protection given to the Prophets and Messengers helps us develop our certitude. In this episode, we will cover: Infallibility of the Prophets • The Prophet's Heart ﷺ • Spiritual Perfection. Additional resource: اللهم صلِّ على سيدنا محمدٍ وآله وصحبه وسلم | Allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā Sayyidinā Muḥammadin wa ālihi wa ṣaḥbihi wa sallim | O Allah send blessings and peace upon our master Muhammad, and upon his Family and Companions
1/18/202413 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 10.4 - Wisdom

Prophets are the key-holders to the spiritual realm and are granted a superior wisdom given to them by Allah. In this episode, we will cover: • The rank of prophets • True wisdom • Understanding the Sunna Additional resource: اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ حُبَّكَ وَحُبَّ مَنْ يُحِبُّكَ ، وَحُبَّ عَمَلٍ يُقَرِّبُ إِلَى حُبِّكَ ِ Transliteration: Allāhumma innī as'aluka ḥubbik, wa ḥubba man yuḥibbuk, wa ḥubba ʿamalin yuqarribu ilā ḥubbik. Translation: “O Allah, I ask You for Your love, and the love of those who love You, and the love of actions that bring me closer to Your love.”
1/5/202419 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 10.3 - Certitude

Faith helps us see past the superficiality of this worldly life and recognize divine truths. When your faith is strengthened and nurtured, it becomes certitude. In this episode, we will cover: • The strong believer • Being heart-blind • Ways to strengthen your imān
12/27/202314 minutes, 2 seconds
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Replay • Tribulations

In light of the tragedies taking place in the world, we decided to share an episode from Season 5 on tribulations. We ask for the restoration of peace and justice for all those facing oppression in the world. --- In the face of tribulations one experiences in this world, patience is the best response. In this episode, we will cover: • Difficulties on the spiritual path • The great rewards for patience • The way to exhibit patience Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass Additional Resource: • The Prayer of Need (Ṣalatul Ḥāja):
11/29/202313 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 10. 2 - The Unseen

Faith is connected to the Unseen realm, and the purer your soul becomes, the more attuned to it you become. In this episode, we will cover: • How Prophets connect us to the Unseen • Guardian Angels • Witnessing the Unseen at death Recommended Prophetic invocation for leaving the home: In Arabic: بِسْمِ اللَّهِ، تَوَكَّلْتُ عَلَى اللَّهِ، لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ Transliteration: Bismillāh, tawakkaltu 'alā Allah, wa lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illā billāh Translation: [I go out] in the Name of Allah. I am placing my trust in Allah, and there is no power nor ability except by Allah.
11/22/202315 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 10.1 - Reality

We live in confusing times. Falsehood masquerades as truth and it seems like ugliness and indecency are widespread. We have lost touch with our Creator, which has made us lose touch with our own humanity. It is precisely in times such as these that we need to nurture Prophetic Beauty within our souls. We need to recognize truth in order to navigate through the deception. In this episode, we will cover: The Current State | The Illusory Nature of the World | Being Anchored to the Truth
11/15/202319 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 9.28 - I'tikaf

The spiritual retreat (i'tikaf) helps you find stillness and allows your heart to become more present with Allah ﷻ. In this episode, we will cover: • Spiritual refuge • The Prophet’s heart ﷺ • Always standing at Allah’s door ﷻ
4/25/202311 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 9.28 - I'tikaf

The spiritual retreat (i'tikaf) helps you find stillness and allows your heart to become more present with Allah ﷻ. In this episode, we will cover: • Spiritual refuge • The Prophet’s heart ﷺ • Always standing at Allah’s door ﷻ
4/20/202311 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 9.27 - Breaking the Fast

Every action of the Prophetic Way (Sunna) is filled with blessings, and brings light to the heart. In this episode, we will cover: • The blessings of Suhur • Hastening to break one’s fast • Rewards for feeding a fasting person
4/19/202311 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 9.26 - Blessed Days

The blessed days throughout the year are gentle forms of encouragement that help us keep to the path of worship and obedience. In this episode, we will cover: • The wisdom in fasting 6 days of Shawwal • Blessings of the Day of ‘Arafa • Fasting the White Days
4/18/202313 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 9.25 - Ramadan Nights

Ramadan teaches us to see beyond the special times of worship and to seek the Most High ﷻ. In this episode, we will cover: • The Night Prayer • Devotion without arrogance • Laylat ul-Qadr
4/17/202311 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode 9.24 - Fasting

Fasting is unique in that Allah the Exalted said in a Hadith Qudsi, "Fasting is for Me, and I will give its reward." In this episode, we will cover: • Benefits of fasting • Resembling the Angels • How Allah honors the fasting person
4/17/202311 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 9.23 - Thankfulness

Shaykh Abu Bakr bin Salim (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "Whoever is not thankful for small things will not be thankful for great things." In this episode, we will cover: • The blessings of gratitude • Being thankful for even the small things • Always witnessing the Giver
4/17/202314 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 9.22 - Feeding People

Feedings others, especially when done with love for Allah, has an immense impact on the heart and is a means for people's souls to connect at a deep level. In this episode, we will cover: • The first teaching in Madina • Feeding people with love • Giving water to drink
4/15/202313 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 9.21 - Spending

Money has the power to bring out the best and the worst in us—which is why being generous and giving brings light to the heart. In this episode, we will cover: • The great virtue of generosity • The Prophet’s generosity ﷺ • Finding the balance
4/14/202312 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 9.20 - Good Loan

A sign of a healthy Muslim community is that there is a culture of looking out for one another and giving loans to those in need. In this episode, we will cover: • The benefit of giving a loan • Seeking a livelihood to take care of others • The rewards for forgiving a debt
4/14/202315 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 9.19 - Charity

When you are giving out of love, you have to give of what you love. And Allah says in the Quran, “You will never achieve righteousness until you donate some of what you cherish.” [3:92] In this episode, we will cover: • Blessings of giving charity • Giving away what you love • Secretly giving
4/13/202313 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 9.18 - Work

So much of our lives are spent gaining the skills needed to become employed. But before we begin seeking a livelihood, we should first strive to acquire contentment. In this episode, we will cover: • Acquiring contentment and practicing restraint • Recognizing the true treasure • Working to be independent
4/11/202313 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 9.17 - Zakat

Zakat is one of the pillars of practicing Islam. Without even one of the pillars, the foundation collapses. In this episode, we will cover: • The importance of Zakat • Allah’s promise of increase • Giving Zakat out of love Resources: • Zakat: A Comprehensive Reader:
4/10/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 9.16 - Jumuʿa

The Angels sit at the entrance of the mosque on Friday, writing down the names of those who attend. In this episode, we will cover: • The blessings of Jumu‘a • The time when prayers are answered • Other Friday devotions
4/9/202313 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 9.15 - Guidance

There are many times in our lives when we come to a crossroad. The Prayer for Guidance (Salat al-Istikhara) is a powerful means to be granted direction and clarity. In this episode, we will cover: • What type of people to seek counsel from • The Prayer for Guidance • How to respond to the signs Resources: • How to perform the Prayer for Guidance:
4/7/202315 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 9.14 - Prayer Of Need

Imam al-Shaʿrani says, "The delay of prayers being answered is most often due to sins." In this episode, we will cover: • How to have your prayers answered • Having no entitlement with Allah • The Prayer of Need Resources: • How to Perform the Prayer of Need:
4/6/202312 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode 9.13 - Repentance

The Prophet ﷺ taught us to regularly ask Allah ﷻ for forgiveness. This helps us stay humble and recognize that we are imperfect. In this episode, we will cover: • The virtue of repentance • Never giving up on the spiritual path • The Prayer of Repentance (Salat al-Tawba) Resource: • The Prayer of Repentance (to be said after praying 2 rak'as of an extra Prayer): اللهُمَّ مَغْفِرَتُكَ أَوْسَعُ مِنْ ذُنُوبِي، وَرَحْمَتُكَ أَرْجَى عِنْدِي مِنْ عَمَلِي Transliteration: Allāhumma maghfiratuka awsa‘ min dhunūbī wa raḥmatuka arjā ‘indī min ‘amalī. Translation: O Allah, Your forgiveness is more immense than my sins and I have more hope in Your mercy than in my own actions.
4/5/202312 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 9.12 - Glorification

One of the special Prayers we should add to our spiritual toolkit is the Prayer of Glorification, which the Prophet ﷺ said is so valuable that we should pray it at least once in our life. In this episode, we will cover: • How the various acts of devotion are like medicine • The virtues of Salat al-Tasbih • The way to perform Salat al-Tasbih Resources: • The Prayer of Glorification (Salatul Tasbih):
4/4/202312 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 9.11 - Duha

Each period of the day has unique blessings, and engaging in the acts of devotion associated with that time bring out those blessings. In this episode, we will cover: • Prayer fills our life with blessings • How Imam al-Junayd would open his shop • Benefits of the Duha Prayer
4/2/202310 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode 9.10 - Night Prayer

One of the ways to prepare the heart to yearn for the Night Prayer (Qiyam al-Layl) is by freeing it from love of the world. In this episode, we will cover: • Spiritual and physical relief • Untying the devil’s knots • The believer’s honor
4/1/202311 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 9.9 - Purity

Each and every Sunna of the Prophet ﷺ contains immense benefits. One of these Sunnas that impacts us at a deeper level is the wudu. In this episode, we will cover: • Wudu as the believer’s shield • Sleeping in a state of purity • Connection to the Unseen realm
3/31/202310 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 9.8 - Nearness

The way to seek Allah's love is through extra acts of devotion. In this episode, we will cover: • Attaining Allah’s love • Praying extra Prayers • The Witr Prayer
3/30/20239 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 9.7 - Presence

You want to attain a state of presence in the Prayer that stays with you outside of the Prayer. What are ways to maintain that Presence? In this episode, we will cover: • Preparing the heart for Prayer • Presence of heart is the essence of the Prayer • Being still to attain presence
3/29/202312 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 9.6 - The First Row

The Prayer is like a delegation standing before Allah, and those in the first row are its most honored members. In this episode, we will cover: • The first row of Prayer • The importance of straightening the rows • When to hold back
3/28/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 9.5 - Invocations

When you love someone, you remember them often. This is why the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ would remember Allah ﷻ all the time—because he loved Him so completely. In this episode, we will cover: • The importance of remembrance (Dhikr) • Remembering Allah ﷻ after the Prayers • A duʿa given with love Resources: • Saying 'Subhān Allah' 33 times, then 'Al-hamdu lillāh' 33 times, then 'Allāhu Akbar' 33 times after every Prayer and before going to sleep • Saying: رَبِّ أعِني على ذِكْرِكَ وَشُكْرِكَ وَحُسْنِ عِبَادَتِك | Allāhumma aʿinnī ʿalā dhikrika wa shukrika wa ḥusni ʿibādatik | O Allah, assist me in remembering You, thanking You, and worshipping You with excellence
3/27/202313 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 9.4 - Spiritual Retreat

To benefit spiritually, we need times of stillness and serenity. One of the best times to do that is after Fajr Prayer until sunrise. In this episode, we will cover: • Spiritual stillness • Sitting in Allah's presence • Getting the reward for Hajj and 'Umra daily Resources: • Wird al-Latif (pdf): | Wird al-Latif (recitation):
3/26/202313 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode 9.3 - Living Homes

The spiritual life of our homes is a reflection of the spiritual life of our own hearts. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Truly, a house within which Allah is remembered shines for the inhabitants of the heavens just as the stars shine for the inhabitants of the earth.” In this episode, we will cover: • Why the congregational Prayer is an important symbol of the religion • How homes become like graveyards • The spiritual reality of our homes Intro music is 'Salamun ala Hadha al-Nabi' by Shaykh Salih al-Ja'fari (may Allah have mercy on him)
3/25/202311 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 9.2 - Congregation

When praying in congregation, the other worshippers' presence of heart helps your Prayer become accepted. The collective state of the congregation compensates for an individual's shortcomings in the Prayer. In this episode, we will cover: • Praying at the beginning of the time • The Merit of the Congregation • Praying Fajr and ‘Isha in Congregation
3/24/202313 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 9.1 - The Prayer

Prayer without presence of heart is like a body without a soul—it's dead. How do we begin to truly appreciate the Prayer so that it impacts us at a deeper level? In this episode, we will cover: • The centrality of the Prayer (Salah) • How the Prayer purifies us spiritually • The beauty of Sujūd
3/23/202315 minutes, 45 seconds
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Night Journey

In commemoration of the Isra' & Mi'raj, we're re-releasing the episode on the Prophet's wondrous journey ﷺ. ——— The greatest spiritual journey occurred on the night when the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was taken to Jerusalem, then ascended to Paradise. In this episode, we cover: • Purity of the Prophet’s Heart ﷺ • Blessed places • Manifestations of the Unseen • The Imam of the Messengers Additional Resource: • 'The Night Journey & Heavenly Ascent' by Al-Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki (translated by Gibril Fouad Haddad): • Dua for Protection: Aʿūdhu bi-wajhillāhi al-Karīm wa bi kalimātillahi al-tāmmāt al-latī lā yujāwizuhunna barrun wa lā fājir min sharri mā yanzilu min al-samāʾ wa min sharri mā yaʿruju fīhā wa min sharri mā dharaʾa fil-arḍ wa min sharri mā yakhruju minhā wa min fitani al-layli wal-nahār wa min ṭawāriq al-layli wal-nahār illā ṭāriqan yaṭruqu bi-khayrin yā Raḥmān Translation: I seek refuge in Allah’s Noble Countenance and in Allah’s perfect words which neither the righteous nor the disobedient overstep from evil that descends from the heavens and evil that ascends to it and evil that is created in the earth and the trials of night and day and the visitors of night and day save the visitor that visits goodness upon us, O Most Merciful! Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
2/17/202327 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 8.29 - Duʿa

“O Allah assist us through knowing You, allow us to taste Your love, and resurrect us with Your Prophets." In this episode, we will cover: • Turning to Allah at beginnings and ends • Shaykh Abu Bakr Bin Salim's Duʿa • Thank you
3/27/20226 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 8.28 - Cultivation

“Know that the world is the field to cultivate for the Hereafter. Have determination and strive for the Day of Resurrection." In this episode, we will cover: • Sowing your seeds • Focusing on what matters • Good company
3/25/202214 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 8.27 - Provisions

"There is no moving creature on earth whose provision is not guaranteed by Allah. And He knows where it lives and where it is laid to rest. All is ˹written˺ in a perfect Record." [Quran 11:6] In this episode, we will cover: • The Divine guarantee • Trusting in Allah • How planning blinds one's inner-sight
3/11/202213 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 8.26 - Night Prayer

In one of the previous scriptures, it is reported that Allah said, “He has lied who claims to love Me but when night falls, he sleeps and leaves Me. Does not every lover love to be alone with their Beloved?” In this episode, we will cover: • Virtues of Qiyam al-Layl • The splendor of Night Prayer • Festival of Holiness
5/14/202117 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 8.25 - The Awliya

Ma‘rūf al-Karkhī (may Allah be well pleased with him) said, ‘Mentioning the smallest quality of one of the Awliya (elect servants of Allah) brings down mercy.’ In this episode, we will cover: • Sitting with the righteous • Having the right heroes • Respecting the Awliya
5/12/202116 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 8.24 - Avoiding the Unlawful

In order to preserve the light in the heart, one must be careful to avoid things that are unlawful and forbidden. In this episode, we will cover: • Refraining from backbiting • Lowering your gaze • Eating lawful food
5/10/202114 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 8.23 - Good Opinions

Imam al-Ghazali says, “You should not look at any other person without seeing that he is better than you, that his merit surpasses yours, and see yourself as nothing." • Looking for the good in others • Spiritual benefits of ḥusn al-ẓann • Imam ‘Abdul Qadir al-Jīlānī & the two travelers
5/9/202115 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 8.22 - The Book & Sunna

Allah the Exalted says, “Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ ‘If you ˹sincerely˺ love Allah, then follow me; Allah will love you and forgive your sins. For Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.’” [Quran 3:31] In this episode, we will cover: • The path of belovedness • The realization of imān • Failure occurs in abandoning the Sunna
5/8/202116 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 8.21 - No Rest

If one doesn't know how his life will end at the moment of death, how can he rest? In this episode, we will cover: • Trials in the world • Leaving the world at any moment • The unknown end to one's life Recommended Duʿa: يا الله بِحُسْنِ الخَاتِمَة Transliteration: Yā Allah bi ḥusnil khātima Translation O Allah, grant me a good end!
5/7/202116 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 8.20 - Prison

“Know that this abode is a place of troubles. Rest in it is rare, and only attained by people of spiritual experience and pure inner secrets who witness Allah’s beauty in everything.“ In this episode, we will cover: • Feeling intimacy in deprivation • The 3 aspects of imprisonment in the world • Being owned by what one loves
5/6/202117 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode 8.19 - Contentment

The one content with Allah’s decree is always joyful and happy. The one who dislikes Allah’s decree is always worried and sad. In this episode, we will cover: • Witnessing the Creator and creation • Contentment as the means for everlasting comfort • The source of all success Additional Resource: • Wird al-Latif (Prophetic Invocations):
5/5/202117 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 8.18 - Arrogance

How can arrogance come from an impoverished, insignificant, lowly person who can neither benefit nor ward off harm from himself? In this episode, we will cover: • The sign of arrogance • The 3 causes for arrogance • Realizing your poverty
5/4/202113 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 8.17 - Mercy

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Allah the Exalted created one hundred mercies, placing one in the world between a mother and her child and between animals. By this one portion, they show one another compassion and mercy. He reserved ninety-nine mercies with Him.“ [Narrated by Imam Ahmad and al-Hākim] In this episode, we will cover: • 100 mercies • Verses on Allah's mercy • Hope & Fear Recommended Duʿa: اللهُمَّ مَغْفِرَتُكَ أَوْسَعُ مِنْ ذُنُوبِي، وَرَحْمَتُكَ أَرْجَى عِنْدِي مِنْ عَمَلِي Transliteration: Allāhumma maghfiratuka awsa‘ min dhunūbī wa raḥmatuka arjā ‘indī min ‘amalī Translation: O Allah, Your forgiveness is more immense than my sins and I have more hope in Your mercy than in my own actions.
5/3/202111 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 8.16 - Ease & Difficulty

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Make yourself known to Allah in times of ease, He will make Himself known to you in times of difficulty.” In this episode, we will cover: • Being with Allah in all states • Turning to Him with hope • The 2 types of hope
5/2/202115 minutes
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Episode 8.15 - Punishment

Being veiled from Allah is the very essence of punishment. In this episode, we will cover: • The worst punishment • Seeking spiritual experiences • Worshipping Allah because He is absolutely deserving of it
5/1/202116 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 8.14 - The Masters

Sidi Abu Madyan (may Allah have mercy on him) said, "The only pleasure in life is keeping the company of the mystics They are the sultans, the masters, and the princes." In this episode, we will cover: • The story of the lion • Witnessing only Allah • The masters and the kings
4/30/202115 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 8.13 - House

“The heart is like a house: if a [good] state [with Allah] settles within, it is well-kept. If nothing settles within, it ruins.” In this episode, we will cover: • Keeping your heart alive • The ruined house • Uns: having intimacy with Allah ﷻ
4/29/202114 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode 8.12 - Dhikr

“The remembrance of Allah illuminates the heart and purifies it, but Dhikr is of two types: Dhikr with the heart and Dhikr with the tongue." In this episode, we will cover: • The 2 types of Dhikr • Perseverance in Dhikr • The key to love's door
4/28/202113 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 8.11 - Veils

“The souls yearn for Allah in every moment and they feel homesick, but the souls are covered by veils.” In this episode, we will cover: • The soul's yearning • Preparing the heart for gifts • Types of veils
4/27/202115 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 8.10 - Servitude

One of the Prophets (peace be upon them all) asked his Lord ﷻ, ‘Where will I find you?’ Allah said, ‘You will find me with those whose hearts are broken for My sake.’ These are the true servants!” In this episode, we will cover: • Realizing servitude • Where will you find Allah? • Allah's Supreme Self-Sufficiency
4/22/202116 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 8.9 - Honor

“Whoever seeks honor with Allah, everything humbles itself before him and his honor remains everlastingly. Whoever seeks honor with other than Allah, he becomes humiliated before everyone, and his humiliation remains everlastingly.” In this episode, we will cover: • True honor • The Duʿa of Sayyiduna ʿAlī • Being elevated by Allah Additional Resource: • Recommended Duʿa of Sayyiduna ʿAli (may Allah be well pleased with him): كَفانِي عِزَّاً إذْ كُنْتَ لي رَبَّاً، وكَفَانِي فَخْرَاً إذْ أنَا لَكَ عَبْداً، أنتَ كَمَا أُحِبُّ فَوَفِّقْنِي لِمَا تُحِبّ، أنْتَ كَمَا أُريدُ فَوَفِّقْنِي لِما تُرِيد. Kafānī ‘izzan idh kunta lī Rabban, wa kafānī fakhran idh anā laka ‘abdan. Anta kamā uḥibb, fawaffiqnī limā tuḥib. Antā kamā urid, fawaffiqnī limā turīd It is enough honor for me that You are my Lord, and it is enough eminence for me that I am Your servant. You are as I love, so enable me to be as You love. You are as I want, so enable me to be as You want.
4/21/202113 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 8.8 - Reliance

“Rely upon your Lord, O servant, in every state. Do not rely on yourself, because the one who relies on himself is always exhausted and displeased." In this episode, we will cover: • Everlasting comfort • The most intense punishment • The best advice
4/20/202113 minutes
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Episode 8.7 - The All-Seeing

"Know that Allah the Exalted is looking at your inner-secrets and thoughts." In this episode, we will cover: • Muraqaba • Always seeking Allah's help • The 'distance' between you and Allah
4/19/202115 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 8.6 - The Grave

The Prophet ﷺ said, “The grave is either a garden from the gardens of Paradise, or a pit from the pits of Fire.” In this episode, we will cover: • A Garden or a Pit • The two outcomes • Attaining certainty Additional Resource: • Prophetic Duʿa after 2nd Tashhahud: اللهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ عَذَابِ جَهَنَّمَ، وَمِنْ عَذَابِ الْقَبْرِ، وَمِنْ فِتْنَةِ الْمَحْيَا وَالْمَمَاتِ، وَمِنْ شَرِّ فِتْنَةِ الْمَسِيحِ الدَّجَّالِ Allāhumma innī a‘ūdhu bika min ‘adhāb Jahannam, wa min ‘adhāb al-qabr, wa min fitnat al-maḥyā wa’l mamāt, wa min sharri fitnat al-Masīḥ al-Dajjāl. O Allah, I seek refuge in You for the torment of the Fire and from the torment of the grave, and from the tribulation of life and death, and from the evil of the tribulation of the Antichrist.
4/18/202114 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 8.5 - The Mirror

“Truly, the heart is like a mirror—if you polish it, then it reflects; but if you let it remain opaque, it stays that way and becomes blind.” In this episode, we will cover: • The heart is the mirror • The 5 states of the mirror • Seeing the signs
4/17/202116 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 8.4 - Worldliness

"You must abandon [love of] the world, for it is the cause of every mistake." In this episode, we will cover: • Inward & outward worldliness • One love • The world serves the righteous
4/16/202115 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 8.3 - Worship

“Know, may Allah grant us and you the tawfiq granted to the righteous: you must engage in obedience, for it is the basis of salvation, and by it one attains success in the Gardens of Paradise." In this episode, we will cover: • The basis of salvation • Cutting hopes short • Limping towards Allah
4/15/202114 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 8.2 - Witnessing

All of creation is an indication of the beauty, majesty, and perfection of the Creator—but how do we witness that? In this episode, we will cover: • Witnessing Allah • The greatest pleasure • Enabling grace (Tawfiq)
4/14/202114 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 8.1 - Fakhr Al-Din

In this season of SoulFood, we'll be studying a book by Shaykh Abu Bakr Bin Salim titled, 'The Key to Inner-Secrets.' In this episode, we will cover: • The life of Shaykh Abu Bakr Bin Salim • His character and immense generosity • A few of his sayings Recommended Duʿa: اللهمَّ إني أسألكَ العلمَ اللَّدُنِّي والْـمَشربَ الْصَافي الـهَنِي، يا وَهّابُ يا غَنِي. Allāhumma innī as’aluka al-‘ilm al-ladunnī, wa’l mashrab al-ṣāfī al-hanī, ya Wahhābu ya Ghanī. “O Allah, I ask You for direct knowledge from Your presence and a pure spring to drink from, O Bestower, O Self-Sufficient! • The Imams of the Valley by Shaykh Amin Buxton:
4/13/202113 minutes, 57 seconds
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Replay | Heavenly Ascent

In commemoration of the Isra' & Mi'raj, we're re-releasing the episode on the Prophet's wondrous journey ﷺ ——— Part 2 of the Night Journey & Heavenly Ascent After the Night Journey to Jerusalem, the Prophet ﷺ begins his ascent through the seven levels of Paradise to the Lote Tree––and then is given a vision of his Lord the Blessed and Exalted. In this episode, we cover: • The Seven Heavens • The Lote Tree • The Divine Meeting Additional Resource: • Seedlings of Paradise: Subḥān Allāh, al-ḥamdu lillāh, wa lā ilāha illā Allāh, wa Allāhu akbar––wa lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illā billāh [Glorious is God, all praise belongs to God, there is no deity except God, and God is the Greatest––and there is no power nor might except by God] Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
3/3/202137 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 7.28 • Good Opinion

You need to have a good opinion of God to successfully traverse the spiritual path. In this episode, we will cover: • Provisions for the Hereafter • Sincere repentance • Having a good opinion of God Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/24/202016 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 7.27 • People

Knowing how to deal with various types of people helps you navigate relationships with wisdom. In this episode, we will cover: • Responding to different people • The affinity of the souls • The wisdom of Jesus ﷺ Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/23/202015 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 7.26 • Secrets

You should be discerning about what you share with others, because this limits envy and harm. In this episode, we will cover: • Maintaining privacy • Knowing that every blessing is envied • Seeking protection from envy Additional resource: حَسْبِيَ اللهُ لا إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَهُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ • Transliteration: Hasbī Allahu lā ilāha illā Huwa, ‘alayhi tawakalt wa Huwa Rabbul ‘arsh al-‘aẓīm • Translation: God is sufficient for me, there is no god but Him, I place my trust in Him and He is the Lord of the Exalted Throne. Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/22/202011 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode 7.25 • Bad Company

Avoid gatherings which contain argumentation, backbiting, and accusation. Being cautious is always a means to safety. In this episode, we will cover: • Avoiding bad company • Being tested by people with bad character • Feigning ignorance Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/21/202013 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 7.24 • Happiness

The Companions would rush to give someone good news because of the great reward of bringing happiness to another believer. In this episode, we will cover: • The danger of breaking someone's heart • Rushing to share good news • The reward for making a believer happy Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/20/202014 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 7.23 • Equilibrium

On the spiritual path, when developing good character and wisdom, everything needs to be put in its proper place. In this episode, we will cover: • Being firm with people • Never hating others • Striking a balance Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/19/202013 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 7.22 • Praising Others

Praising one's peers is a sign of a strong intellect and sound religious practice. In this episode, we will cover: • Speaking of other's virtues • Covering people's flaws • Never having an evil opinion Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/18/202015 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 7.21 • Listening

Listening is a part of the spiritual path because it forces your nafs to be humble by giving consideration to others. In this episode, we will cover: • Active listening • Listening in group settings • The way the Prophet ﷺ listened to others Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/17/202011 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 7.20 • Manners

The result of true knowledge is that it translates into beautiful Prophetic manners. In this episode, we will cover: • Good manners and knowledge • The virtue of good character • A list of important etiquettes Additional Resource: • Islamic Manners by Sh. Abdul-Fattah Abu Ghudda: Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/16/202014 minutes
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Episode 7.19 • Dhikr

After acquiring sacred knowledge, you must act upon that knowledge by turning it into worship, devotion, and remembrance. In this episode, we will cover: • Acting upon knowledge • A list of important acts of devotion • Being a person of Dhikr Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/15/202013 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 7.18 • The Shaykh

A Shaykh is a person of realization, knowledge, wisdom, radiant inner-sight, and beautiful character inwardly and outwardly. In this episode, we will cover: • The definition of a Shaykh • Being connected to the Prophet ﷺ • Having good manners Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/14/202013 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 7.17 • Seeking

Seeking knowledge illuminates the inner sight, gives life to the soul, and successfully takes you into the Hereafter. In this episode, we will cover: • The virtue of seeking knowledge • The special sustenance for the seeker • What to study Additional resource: • Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/13/202015 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 7.16 • Silence

Silence helps us become more reflective and allows us to gain knowledge and wisdom. In this episode, we will cover: • How silence is safety • The harvest of the tongues • Minding your own business Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/12/202013 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 7.15 - Lying

Lying only makes a person lose honor with God and with His creation. In this episode, we will cover: • The harms of lying • Never to lie, even when joking • Caution against quoting liars Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/11/202014 minutes, 22 seconds
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Special Replay Episode • Badr

This episode was previously released in Season 4, but in commemoration of the Battle of Badr, we are releasing it as a special replay episode. ••• One of the greatest events in the history of the early community of believers was the Battle of Badr, which occurred in Ramadan. In this episode, we will cover: • The significance of history • The Great Battle of Badr • A blessed night Intro and outro music by Sidi Nader Khan (
5/10/202012 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 7.14 • Diseases of the Heart

You must rid your heart of ostentation, arrogance, and envy. These are the core diseases of the spiritual heart. In this episode, we will cover: • Diseases of the heart • Ostentation and its cure • Arrogance and its cure • Envy and its cure Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/9/202015 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 7.13 • Verify

If news reaches you about someone that detracts from you, do not rush to retaliate against them without first verifying. In this episode, we will cover: • How to respond to backbiting and slander • Conveying only that which beautifies • Deliberation is from God Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/7/202012 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 7.12 • Tact

Being tactful helps us minimize conflicts with those who have rights over us, helping us focus our energy on the most important things in our life. In this episode, we will cover: • Being patient with those closest to you • Using tact when visiting relatives • Being constantly tactful with people Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/6/202013 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 7.11 • The Best Stories

The way to continuously benefit people despite their ingratitude is by learning from the patience of the Prophets. In this episode, we will cover: • The whispering of the nafs • The patience of the Prophets • Stories of the righteous Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/4/202014 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 7.10 • Be With Allah

"Be with Allah as if there was no creation, and be with creation as if you have no nafs." In this episode, we will cover: • Being with Allah and being with creation • Unwavering commitment to doing good • Dealing with opposition Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/3/202017 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 7.9 • Foul Language

“Be extremely cautious of foul speech, for foul speech only takes away from the one who speaks it, not from the one who it said to." In this episode, we will cover: • How foul language affects the one using it • How good speech ennobles the speaker • Always responding with beauty & honor Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/2/202014 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 7.8 • Nobility

Your heart will truly be purified when it is prepared to receive revelation. In this episode, we will cover: • People of truth • Being receptive to revelation • Righteous families Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
5/1/202014 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 7.7 • Balance

When we put everything in its proper place, we achieve beauty inwardly and outwardly. In this episode, we will cover: • Balanced spending • The Oneness of God • Respecting sacred boundaries Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
4/30/202014 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 7.6 - Servants of the All-Merciful

The Servants of the All-Merciful are those given a special attribution to Him. What are the qualities that make them worthy of that? In this episode, we will cover: • Walking humbly on the earth • Praying at night • Never feeling entitled Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
4/29/202016 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 7.5 • Wisdom

Part of having a heart that is alive is witnessing God's nearness to you and knowing that He sees you. In this episode, we will cover: • God's Oneness • Prayer as the foundation for the spiritual path • Having dignified composure Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
4/28/202016 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 7.4 • Restraint

“Deal with all of creation such that you spare them of your evil. If you do so, then God will certainly spare you of their evil." In this episode, we will cover: • Why it's important to spare others of your evil • Intending good for all Muslims • Having a pure heart Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
4/27/202017 minutes
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Episode 7.3 • Mercy

One of the ways to receive Divine mercy is by being merciful to His creation. In this episode, we will cover: • Boundless mercy • Cultivating mercy towards envious people • Receiving Divine mercy Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
4/26/202013 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 7.2 • Taqwa

Taqwa (God-consciousness) is a state of the heart that influences all of your actions. In this episode, we will cover: • The importance of giving advice lovingly • The meaning of taqwa • The benefits of taqwa Recommended Duʿa: • Allāhumma aʿinnī ʿalā dhikrika, wa shukrika, wa ḥusni ʿibādatik (O Allah, assist me in remembrance of You, gratitude to You, and excellence in worshipping You) Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
4/25/202014 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 7.1 • Counsel

When you put the principles of Islam into practice, it translates into fulfilling other's rights over you with sincerity. In this episode, we will cover: • Counsel • The rights of God, His Book, His Messenger, and the Ummah • The compassion of the Companions Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Massara
4/24/202019 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 7.0 • The Divine Gaze

As the month of Ramadan approaches with God's mercy, rewards, and spiritual gifts, it is important to prepare our hearts. This episode, which starts off the 7th season of SoulFood, talks about that first night of Ramadan and the beautiful divine gift given on that night and the practical ways we can prepare for it. Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra
4/22/202012 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 6.11 • Siwak

Adab—having deep reverence and good manners—is the key to spiritual openings. A small amount of actions done with adab is better than abundant actions done without adab. In this episode, we will cover: • The exaltedness of the Prophetic Way (Sunna) • The importance of adab • Benefits of using the siwak Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
11/2/201917 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 6.10 • Light

Wudu stores a light within you that will shine on the Day of Resurrection. In this episode, we will cover: • The emblem of the Ummah • The benefits of wudu • Always being in a state of purity Additional Resource: • The Sunna Wudu, performed by al-Habib ʿUmar bin Hafiz: Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
10/26/201915 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 6.9 • Heavenly Ascent

[Part 2 of the Night Journey & Heavenly Ascent] After the Night Journey to Jerusalem, the Prophet ﷺ begins his ascent through the seven levels of Paradise to the Lote Tree––and then is given a vision of his Lord the Blessed and Exalted. In this episode, we cover: • The Seven Heavens • The Lote Tree • The Divine Meeting Additional Resource: • Seedlings of Paradise: Subḥān Allāh, al-ḥamdu lillāh, wa lā ilāha illā Allāh, wa Allāhu akbar––wa lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illā billāh [Glorious is God, all praise belongs to God, there is no deity except God, and God is the Greatest––and there is no power nor might except by God] Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
4/5/201937 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 6.8 • Night Journey

The greatest spiritual journey occurred on the night when the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was taken to Jerusalem, then ascended to Paradise. In this episode, we cover: • Purity of the Prophet’s Heart ﷺ • Blessed places • Manifestations of the Unseen • The Imam of the Messengers Additional Resource: • 'The Night Journey & Heavenly Ascent' by Al-Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al-Maliki (translated by Gibril Fouad Haddad): • Dua for Protection: Aʿūdhu bi-wajhillāhi al-Karīm wa bi kalimātillahi al-tāmmāt al-latī lā yujāwizuhunna barrun wa lā fājir min sharri mā yanzilu min al-samāʾ wa min sharri mā yaʿruju fīhā wa min sharri mā dharaʾa fil-arḍ wa min sharri mā yakhruju minhā wa min fitani al-layli wal-nahār wa min ṭawāriq al-layli wal-nahār illā ṭāriqan yaṭruqu bi-khayrin yā Raḥmān Translation: I seek refuge in Allah’s Noble Countenance and in Allah’s perfect words which neither the righteous nor the disobedient overstep from evil that descends from the heavens and evil that ascends to it and evil that is created in the earth and the trials of night and day and the visitors of night and day save the visitor that visits goodness upon us, O Most Merciful! Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
4/3/201927 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 6.7 • Learning

When you commit to learning the words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), your heart fills with light. In this episode, we cover: • The importance of learning Hadith • Sitting with scholars • Disseminating knowledge Additional Resources: • Nawawi's 40 Hadith Explained: • Riyad al-Salihin [English Commentary]: Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
3/9/201915 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 6.6 • Knowledge

Sacred knowledge is the foundation for true spiritual development, which is why the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “Whoever goes out on a path seeking knowledge, by that Allah the Exalted makes easy for him the path to Paradise.” [Muslim] In this episode, we cover: • The virtues of seeking knowledge • 'True' knowledge • Traveling to acquire sacred knowledge Additional Resource: • SeekersGuidance Courses: Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
2/20/201915 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 6.5 • Goodness

The Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us to be at the forefront of every good action, but he also warned us of showing off. So how do we find the balance? In this episode, we will cover: • Hiding acts of goodness • Public benefit • Finding the balance Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
2/13/201914 minutes, 34 seconds
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Special • Resolve

What's your strategy to fulfill your spiritual goals? In this episode, we will cover: • The strong believer • The potential for change • A spiritual plan Additional Resources: • WOOP Method: • WOOP Activity:
12/30/201817 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 6.4 • Sunna

The Way of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the way of the most sublime honor. In this episode, we will cover: • The purification process • Safety of the Sunna • The conformity of the Companions Additional resource: • Reviving the Neglected Sunnah: Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
12/20/201816 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 6.3 • Sincerity

Performing a few actions with sincerity is better than performing many acts of worship without sincerity. In this episode, we will cover: • The perspective needed for sincerity • Hadiths about sincerity • Acting upon knowledge Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
12/10/201812 minutes, 52 seconds
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SoulFood Replay | Jesus ﷺ

As the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ falls very close to the time many people celebrate the birth of Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him), we decided to re-release this episode of SoulFood from 2015. This episode focuses on the story of Lady Mary (peace be upon her) and the miraculous birth of Jesus ﷺ in the Quran. In this episode, you will learn: • The Family of 'Imran • The Lady Mary ﷺ • The Birth of Jesus ﷺ • His Life and Miracles • Relationship between Prophets Jesus and Muhammad (upon them both be peace) Recommended Links: • Lessons from the Life of Jesus ﷺ by Habib Ali al-Jifri ( • "The Muslim Jesus" by Tarif Khalidi ( • "Mary: the Blessed Virgin of Islam" by Aliah Schleifer ( Intro and outro music by Nader Khan (
12/1/201824 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 6.2 • Prophetic Way

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ translates spiritual realities into practice. His Way is the path to God the Exalted. In this episode, we will cover: • The obligation of following the Prophet ﷺ • Overcoming desires • Purification from lowly qualities Intro and outro music by Ahbab al-Mustafa
11/24/201813 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 6.1 • The Covenant

The Grand Covenant we took with God is fulfilled in this world by our covenants with the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. In this episode, we will cover: • The Grand Covenant with God • How to fulfill that Covenant in this life • The Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Additional Resource: • Formula of Salawat: اللهم صلِّ على سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمّدٍ وآلِهِ وصَحْبِهِ وسَلِّم Transliteration: Allāhumma ṣallī ʿalā Sayyidinā Muhammadin wa Ālihi wa Ṣaḥbihi wa sallim. Translation: God, send Your blessings upon our master Muhammad, and upon his Family and Companions, and prayers of peace.
11/17/201815 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 5.30 • The End

The greatest happiness is experienced when attaining everlasting honor in the Hereafter. In this episode, we will cover: • The 20 gifts given to righteous servants in the next life • The 4 qualities we must hold to • Conclusion to Season 5 SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Special Eid Takbiraat intro and outro by Dr. Omar Mahmood. Listen to the full track at
6/15/201818 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 5.29 • Honor

Out of His generosity and mercy, God grants a special honor to His righteous servants. In this episode, we will cover: • The 20 gifts given to righteous servants in this life SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
6/14/201814 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 5.28 • The Price

Good things don't come easy, as the price on the spiritual path is immense. But it's very much worth it. In this episode, we will cover: • Why the stakes are high • Safety in both worlds • Honor in both worlds SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
6/14/201813 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 5.27 • Steadfastness

Even at this advanced stage on the spiritual path, you must be careful of pitfalls and constantly ask God for steadfastness. In this episode, we will cover: • How adab (good etiquette)brings an increase • Seeking protection from failure • Distance on the spiritual path Additional resource: رَبَّنَا لاَ تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ Transliteration: Rabbanā lā tuzigh qulūbana baʿd idh hadaytanā, wa habb lanā min ladunnka raḥma, innaka anta al-Wahhāb. Translation: ‘Our Lord, do not let our hearts deviate after You have guided us. Grant us Your mercy: You are the Ever Giving.’ SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
6/13/201812 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 5.26 • Gratitude

In addition to thanking God ﷻ for the worldly blessings we have, we should think more deeply about the religious and spiritual blessings in particular. In this episode, we will cover: • True blessings • The dishonor of ingratitude • The Greatest Blessing SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
6/12/201811 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 5.25 • Blessings

When you show thankfulness to God, He preserves that blessing and grants you an increase in it. In this episode, we will cover: • The benefits of gratitude • The highest form of gratitude • Gratitude & patience SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
6/11/201813 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 5.24 • Looking Away

When you realize the Exaltedness of God and creation's utter neediness of Him, then you are able to turn your heart’s gaze away from other beings and focus on God. In this episode, we will cover: • Attachment to others' opinions • Raising your standards • Quality of worship SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
6/10/201812 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 5.23 • Danger

If you've made it this far on the spiritual path, the stakes are still very high and you have to be extra careful not to destroy all the good that has been established so far. In this episode, we will cover: • The delicacy of this stage • The importance of acceptance • Focusing on God SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
6/9/201812 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 5.22 • Self-Admiration

Self-admiration (ʿujb), another spiritual impediment, occurs when a person becomes impressed with their own actions, rather than appreciating God's enabling grace (tawfīq). In this episode: • The dangers of self-admiration • Recognizing God’s favors • Treating self-admiration SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
6/8/201812 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 5.21 • Insincerity

Doing things insincerely––or for the sake of showing off for others––is one of the most dangerous diseases of the heart. In this episode, we will cover: • The necessity of sincerity • The first people to be judged in the Hereafter • Ways to deal with ostentation (riyāʾ) SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass Prophetic Dua for protection from ostentation: اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ أَنْ أُشْرِكَ بِكَ وَأَنَا أَعْلَمُ ، وَأَسْتَغْفِرُكَ لِمَا لا أَعْلَمُ Transliteration: Allāhumma innī ʿaudhu bika an ushrika bika wa anā aʿlam, wa astaghfiruka limā lā aʿlam. Translation: O Allah, I seek refuge in You from associating partners with you knowingly, and I seek Your forgiveness for what I do not know of.
6/7/201816 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 5.20 • Afterlife

One of the ways to make the virtues of hope & fear remain steadfast in the heart is reflecting upon what occurs in the afterlife. In this episode, we will cover: • The 4 phases of the afterlife • The better of the two paths? • Jamal & Jalal SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
6/6/201818 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 5.19 • Promise & Warning

The nafs needs to be continuously reminded of God's promises and warnings in order to remain steadfast upon the path of obedience. In this episode, we will cover: • The 3 foundations for steadfastness • God's promise and warning • Manifestations of rewards and punishment SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
6/5/201816 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 5.18 • Incentives

After overcoming the 4th obstacle of hindrances, the nafs is exhausted and becomes lazy. At this point, you inspire the nafs through hope of great reward and fear of punishment. In this episode, we will cover: • Benefits of hope & fear • Precursors to each • The middle way SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
6/4/201817 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 5.17 • Letting Go

If you are going to commit your heart fully to God the Glorious and Majestic, then it cannot be controlled by the endless stream of passing thoughts that weigh us down. In this episode, we will cover: • Reviewing the 4 hindrances • Freeing the heart • The end result SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
6/2/201811 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 5.16 • Tribulations

In the face of tribulations one experiences in this world, patience is the best response. In this episode, we will cover: • Difficulties on the spiritual path • The great rewards for patience • The way to exhibit patience SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass Additional Resource: • The Prayer of Need (Ṣalatul Ḥāja):
6/1/201813 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 5.15 • Fate

The past can weigh heavily on our hearts, but by having contentment in God's decree, we find true peace. In this episode, we will cover: • The benefits of contentment • The dangers of being discontent • Blessings & difficulties SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/31/201813 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 5.14 • What If?

The way to have peace of heart when faced with decisions is by turning it over to Allah ﷻ and accepting His decree and will. In this episode, we will cover: • The dangers of decisions • The 3 kinds of decisions • How the doctor provides the medicine SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass Additional Resource: • Istikhara Prayer:
5/30/201814 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 5.13 • Provisions

If you desire divine assistance, true strength, and real wealth, then put your trust in Allah ﷻ. In this episode, we will cover: • The power of trusting in Allah • The way to strengthen tawakkul • Provision & decree SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/29/201818 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 5.12 • Purity

If you want to be successful on the path of worshipful servants, you have to protect yourself from illicit or dubious food. In this episode, we will cover: • Avoiding illicit and doubtful food • The harms of eating excessively • Taking what you need SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/28/201815 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 5.11 • Haste & Arrogance

Our souls need time to cultivate and grow, like a seed that turns into a tree, but haste prematurely ruins that process. In this episode, we will cover: • Dangers of haste • The sickness of arrogance • The heart SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/27/201815 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 5.10 • Long Hopes & Envy

Having long hopes make a person lazy in worship, and envy eats away at good deeds like fire eats away at wood––so how do we protect our heart from these afflictions? In this episode, we will cover: • The importance of the heart • The four afflictions • Long hopes & envy SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/26/201817 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 5.9 • Sight & Speech

The eyes, ears, and tongue are inroads to the heart––whatever enters them reaches the heart. In this episode, we will cover: • Controlling the eyes • Being mindful about what we listen to • Guarding the tongue SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/25/201814 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode 5.8 • Nafs

On the spiritual path, your greatest and most dangerous enemy exists within you: the nafs. In this episode, we will cover: • The nafs is an enemy • Ways to tame the nafs • The 12 benefits of taqwa SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/24/201813 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 5.7 • The Devil

If you are on the spiritual path and seeking to dedicate yourself to worship, the devil becomes incensed and works even harder to make you fail. So how do you recognize and avoid his traps? In this episode, we will cover: • 5 Ways to overcome the tricks of the devil • Understanding where inner thoughts come from • How the devil tries to ruin your worship SoulFood FM is brought to you by the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Support their programs and services today by donating at Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/23/201817 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 5.6 • Creation

Creation can be a veil between us and God, and intentional seclusion helps us have sincerity in worship. In this episode: • How creation busies you from worship • Sincerity in seclusion • Being in good company Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/22/201813 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 5.5 • Dunya

One of the things that gets in the way on the spiritual path is our attachment to 'stuff'. In this episode, we will cover: • How less is more • Detaching the heart • Knowing the true nature of the Dunya Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/21/201817 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 5.4 • Repentance

On the spiritual path, sins are shackles that prevent us from moving forward. In this episode, we will cover: • The shackles of sins • True repentance • Never giving up Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/20/201815 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 5.3 • Knowledge

The first obstacle on the spiritual path is gaining the knowledge necessary to fulfill God's commands, in order to move forward. In this episode, we will cover: • Knowledge & worship • What kind of knowledge? • The fruits of knowledge Resources: • Being Muslim: A Practical Guide by Asad Tarsin - • Absolute Essentials of Islam (Shafi'i): • Absolute Essentials of Islam (Hanafi): • Absolute Essentials of Islam (Maliki): Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/19/201816 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 5.2 • The 7 Obstacles

If you are able––by God's enabling grace––to overcome these seven obstacles, you will taste the sweetness of nearness. In this episode, we will cover: • The 7 obstacles on the spiritual path • The Glorious Result Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/18/201815 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 5.1 • The Beginning

The beginning of the spiritual path is caused by a heavenly urge which is cast into the heart. In this episode, we will cover: • Imam al-Ghazali's intro to 'The Path of Worshipful Servants' • How worship is the currency of our dealings with Allah ﷻ • The question of meaning Intro and outro music by Sidi Ibrahim Nass
5/17/201815 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 4.29 | Consistency

Now that Ramadan is over, how do you continue to progress spiritually? In this episode, we will cover: • Fasting Virtuous Days • Keeping the momentum • Advice for the path SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode is brought to you by BlossomPure Organic. Start eating right today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/25/201714 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 4.28 | Community

Eid is a time of eating, drinking, and showing love to one another as part of our spiritual community. In this episode, we will cover: • Enjoying Eid • Being with loved ones • The real Eid SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode is brought to you by BlossomPure Organic. Start eating right today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/25/201714 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 4.27 | Eve of Eid

Giving life to Eid gives life to your heart on the day when only a sound heart avails you. In this episode: • Spiritual celebration • Having a living heart • Beautiful glorification Additional resource: • Takbiraat of Eid: SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode is brought to you by Islamic Relief Canada. Donate today to save a life at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/23/201713 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 4.26 | Zakat ul-Fitr

Your fast is suspended between the heavens and earth, and what makes it ascend is zakat ul-fitr. In this episode, we will cover: • The obligation of zakat ul-fitr • When to give it • Accepting Ramadan Additional resource: • The Fiqh of Eid al-Fitr: SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode is brought to you by Islamic Relief Canada. Donate today to save a life at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/22/201712 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 4.25 | Farewell

How will you say farewell to Ramadan? In this episode, we will cover: • Seeking forgiveness • Not underestimating the end of Ramadan • Being granted freedom SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode is brought to you by Islamic Relief Canada. Donate today to save a life at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/21/201711 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 4.24 | Freedom

In each night of Ramadan, God frees 60,000 people from the Fire. On the last night of Ramadan, He frees the same number as He did throughout the month of Ramadan. Wouldn't you want to be included in that? In this episode: • Seeking forgiveness • Not underestimating the end of Ramadan • Being granted freedom SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode is brought to you by Islamic Relief Canada. Donate today to save a life at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/20/201712 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 4.23 | Mecca

One of the greatest acts of mercy and clemency in human history was the Prophet's Conquest of Mecca, which occurred in Ramadan. In this episode, we will cover: • The Conquest of Mecca • Mercy trumps revenge • Guiding people to God SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode is brought to you by Islamic Relief Canada. Donate today to save a life at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/20/201713 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 4.22 | Glory

Within Ramadan, there is a night worth more than 1,000 months––blessed are those who seek it! In this episode: • When is Laylat ul-Qadr • What to ask for on this night • The Ultimate Treasure SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/18/201713 minutes, 18 seconds
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Epsiode 4.21 | Seclusion

As Ramadan draws closer to its end, take time to focus exclusively on Allah. In this episode, we will cover: • The purpose of spiritual seclusion • The rewards of spiritual seclusion • Increasing in good deeds towards the end Additional resource: • Spiritual Retreat (itikaf): SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline. Support their work today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/18/201712 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 4.20 | Last Ten

As the end of Ramadan approaches, now is the time to finish strong. In this episode, we will cover: • Whoever strives, tastes • The description of the Prophet ﷺ in the last ten • Seeking Laylat ul-Qadr SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline. Support their work today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/17/201712 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 4.19 | Pulse

Time to check in with yourself and to take your spiritual pulse. In this episode, we will cover: • Importance of reflection • Healthy regret • Finishing strong SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline. Support their work today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/15/201711 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 4.18 | Generosity

How giving has your heart become this Ramadan? In this episode, we will cover: • The description of the Prophet in Ramadan • Seeking refuge from miserliness • Relationship between courage and generosity. SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline. Support their work today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/15/201713 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 4.17 | I Am Near

"If My servants ask you about Me, I am near. I respond to those who call Me, so let them respond to Me, and believe in Me, so that they may be guided." [Quran 2.186] In this episode, we will cover: • God’s mercy • The power of dua • Responding to the call SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline. Support their work today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/13/201714 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 4.16 | Badr

One of the greatest events in the history of the early community of believers was the Battle of Badr, which occurred in Ramadan. In this episode, we will cover: • The significance of history • The Great Battle of Badr • A blessed night This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline. Support their work today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/12/201712 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 4.15 | Backbiting

Backbiting is spiritual cannibalism and one of the most dangerous ways to nullify the reward for fasting. In this episode, we will cover: • The dangers of backbiting • The virtues of silence • Only mentioning what is good SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline. Support their work today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/12/201712 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 4.14 | Recitation

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "The people of the Quran are the people of God and His most chosen." So ask yourself, what level of recitation do you have? In this episode, we will cover: • The reward for recitation • The levels of recitation • Commitment to the Quran SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline. Support their work today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/11/201713 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 4.13 | Anger

Don't jeopardize the benefit of your fast by giving in to anger. In this episode: • How fasting can affect anger • Controlling your tongue when angry • Constraining the nafs SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline. Support their work today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/9/201712 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 4.12 | Umrah

All blessed acts of worship and combined in the month of Ramadan, and one of the greatest acts of worship to perform in Ramadan is the Umrah (lesser Pilgrimage). In this episode, we will cover: • The reward of Umrah in Ramadan • The Companions' love for the Prophet ﷺ • Love is the spirit of worship SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by SeekersHub Global. Support their online Islamic Seminary at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/7/201713 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 4.11 | Expiation

Out of God's mercy, He ﷻ gave us a way to make up for violating the fast. In this episode: • The way to expiate a fast when it is violated. • Holding ourselves to a higher standard • Being merciful towards others Additional Resource: • Paying the expiation by feeding poor people: SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/6/201712 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 4.10 | Violation

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, "Whoever eats during the day in Ramadan without a valid excuse or illness—were he to fast for eternity, it would still not make up for it.” [Tirmidhi] In this episode, we will cover: • The great warning of violating the fast • The honor of worship • How fasting is essential SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline. Support their work today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/5/201712 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 4.9 | Night Worship

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Whoever stands [at night in prayer], in Ramadan, faithfully and sincerely, will have their previous sins forgiven." [Bukhari & Muslim] In this episode, we will cover: •The reward for praying at night in Ramadan • How communal taraweeh began • Four statements for Ramadan Additional Resource: • Ramadan Invocation: "Ashhadu a'llā ilāha illa Allah, astaghfirullah, as'aluka al-Jannata wa a'udhu bika min al-Nar" (I bear witness that there is no god but God, I seek God's forgiveness, and I ask You for Paradise and seek refuge in You from the Fire). SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by SeekersHub Global. Support their online Islamic Seminary at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/5/201713 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 4.8 | Feeding Others

Don't sleep on the great rewards of feeding a fasting person. Even the angels seek out the person who feeds others in Ramadan. In this episode, we will cover: •The reward of feeding a fasting person •Shaking hands with the Angel Gabriel •Using a tooth stick (siwak) while fasting Please donate today to Islamic Relief's campaign to get food to feed those affected by the famine in East Africa: SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by SeekersHub Global. Support their online Islamic Seminary at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/4/201713 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 4.7 | Breaking Fast

Another one of the beautiful Prophetic practices in Ramadan is hastening to break the fast as soon as the sun sets. In this episode, we will cover: • The virtue of hastening to break the fast • What the Prophet ﷺ preferred to break his fast on • Dua when breaking the fast Additional Resource: • Prophetic Dua when breaking the fast: 'Allahumma laka sumt, wa 'ala rizqika aftart' (Translation: O Allah, for You I have fasted, and upon Your provision I break my fast). SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by SeekersHub Global. Support their online Islamic Seminary at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/2/201711 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 4.6 | Suhur

Learn about one of the blessed Prophetic practices that should be performed during the month of Ramadan. In this episode: • The description of the Prophet ﷺ in Ramadan • The importance of seeking barakah (blessing) • Taking advantage of Suhur • Dua during Suhur SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at This episode of SoulFood is sponsored by SeekersHub Global. Support their online Islamic Seminary at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
6/1/201710 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 4.5 | Work

Ramadan is the time to dedicate yourself to being alone with Allah ﷻ and getting to work in performing acts of worship. In this episode, we will cover: • The description of the Prophet ﷺ in Ramadan • The importance of generosity • The need for worship SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
5/31/201713 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode 4.4 | On Guard

Fasting is not merely refraining from food and drink but controlling our limbs and tongues from sin. In this episode, we’ll cover: • The state of your heart in Ramadan • Dangers of vile speech in Ramadan • Increasing in Taqwa SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
5/30/201714 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 4.3 | Degrees

God calls us in Ramadan to seek ever higher levels of spiritual achievements. So ask yourself, what degree is my fasting at? In this episode, we will cover: • The 3 degrees of fasting • Goals in Ramadan • Seeking Allah ﷻ SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
5/29/201713 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 4.2 | Fasting

This season of SoulFood focuses on the spiritual blessings and opportunities of Ramadan. In this episode, we will cover: • The Prophet's dua for the new moon • The importance of intention when fasting • The Virtues of fasting SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
5/28/201713 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 4.1 | Ramadan

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "When the month of Ramadan arrives, the Gates of Paradise are opened, the Gates of the Fire are closed, and the devils are chained." [Bukhari & Muslim] As the month of blessings, mercy, and forgiveness is upon us, we embark on another season of SoulFood! This year's episodes will focus on the spiritual blessings and benefits of Ramadan. In this episode, we will cover: • The meaning of 'Ramadan' • The purpose of fasting • The importance of fasting SoulFood is a project of the Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto. Please support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by becoming a monthly donor today at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (
5/28/201712 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 3.11 | Scruples

Taking dubious or forbidden things diminishes the lights of faith within the heart. In this episode, you will learn: • The importance of honoring others' rights • How the religion emphasizes good interactions • That scrupulousness is the path to God's good pleasure Support the Muslim Chaplaincy today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201715 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 2.1 | Nobility

Episode 2.1 | Nobility by SoulFood FM
5/26/201716 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 3.30 | Eid

Eid is a time of joy, celebration, and gratitude for the great blessing of being given Ramadan. In this episode, you will learn: • The realities of Eid • The Greatest Eid • Love & yearning Recommended link: • Eid Glorification: Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201711 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 3.29 | Determination

Whoever has a good intention, God opens for them seventy doors of His enabling grace. In this episode, you will learn: • The way to form your determination • The importance of sincerity in intention • Multiplying blessings through intentions Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project by donating today at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 3.28 | Restraint

Restraint and self-discipline are both necessary elements on the path of spiritual refinement. In this episode, you will learn: • The best act of worship • Controlling speech and desires • Achieving restraint with excellence Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project by donating today at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201711 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 3.27 | Endings

The Prophet ﷺ said, "Truly, actions are judged based on their endings." In this episode, you will learn: • Good endings • Taking the means to achieving a good end • How sins bring wretchedness Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project today by donating today at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201712 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 3.26 | Differences

One of the dangers of the ego is that it likes to become entrenched in its own opinions and look at everyone else as wrong. In this episode, you will learn: • The broadness of Islam • Etiquette in disagreement • Strength & love in valid differences Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201710 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 3.25 | Honor

Being able to forgive others and let go of grudges is heavy on the selfish ego, but is one of the ways to refine the soul in order to attain everlasting honor. In this episode, you will learn: • The spiritual nature of forgiveness • The One goal on the spiritual path • How forgiveness has healing power Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project by donating today at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201710 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 3.24 | Openings

If you had the upper hand over someone who wronged you, how would you deal with them? In this episode, you will learn: • Choosing our heroes • The Prophetic Way (Sunna) • Guidance vs. Dominance Recommended Links: • Stories of mercy from the life of the Prophet ﷺ: • "Muhammad ﷺ: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources" by Martin Lings: Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201712 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 3.23 | Miracle

The greatest miracle occurs when you are able to remain upright in your words, deeds, and states. In this episode, you will learn: • The greatest miracle • The tribulation of the Dajjal • Importance of the Prophet's prayers ﷺ Supplication for Laylat ul-Qadr: • Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun, tuḥibb ul-'afwa fa'fu 'annī (Translation: O Allah, You are the Pardoner and You love to pardon, so pardon my sins). Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 3.22 | Giving

God says in the Quran: “None of you [believers] will attain true piety unless you give out of what you cherish.” (3.92) In this episode, you will learn: • How giving is a sign of faith • The intentions of seeking wealth • Importance of striving to be independent Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201714 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 3.21 | Dhikr

Choosing your words with excellence has consequences on your heart and your state in the Hereafter. In this episode, you will learn: • The potential of speech • The heart's reaction to speech based on its state • Why you should busy yourself with remembrance Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201712 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 3.20 | Quran

One of the greatest ways to bring life to your heart is through listening to the Quran. In this episode, you will learn: • The impact of the Quran • Importance of actively listening • Connecting to people of understanding Recommended Link: • The Divine Opening with Sh. Yahya Rhodus: Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201711 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 3.19 | Time

The spiritual aspirant is someone who takes full advantage of the present moment. In this episode, you will learn: • A breakdown of the Islamic calendar • The importance of commemorating major events Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 3.18 | Aspirations

One of the most important actions of the heart is having aspirations in attaining God's generosity and grace. In this episode, you will learn: • The story of Sayyiduna Haritha (may God be pleased with him) • Being true with God • Raising your aspirations Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project by donating today at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201712 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 3.17 | Badr

The Battle of Badr was one of the most significant events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his Companions, but what can we learn from it today? In this episode, you will learn: • Reflections on the Battle of Badr • The importance of being principled • Being upright in all that you do Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201711 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 3.16 | Arguing

In the vast majority of cases, argumentation only serves to inflate the ego and causes division between the hearts. In this episode, you will learn: • Harms of arguing • Importance of reconciliation • Etiquette of disagreement Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201712 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 3.15 | Home

Protecting our homes from doubtful things is one of the ways we cultivate a healthy spiritual environment in our lives. In this episode, you will learn: • How honor comes through goodness • Why staying away from doubtful things is the way of salvation • How to protect our homes from harm Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project by donating today at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 3.14 | Asking

Extending your hands to the heavens and expressing your need to God is the first response of the believer. In this episode, you will learn: • The dangers of asking people • The honor of asking Allah • Recognizing the Gift-giver Recommended Link: • The Prayer of Need: Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 3.13 | The Stomach

“But eat the lawful and good things that God provides for you. Be mindful of God, in whom you believe.” (Quran 5.88) In this episode, you will learn: • The importance of carefully seeking halal food • A story of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr's scrupulousness • The imperative to be conscious with food Recommended links: • Food, Inc.: Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201712 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 3.12 | Blood

In a polarized world, one must be especially careful from engaging in hate and contributing to any sort of harm and oppression. In this episode, you will learn: • The dangers of oppression • The man who hit his slave • A caution against bloodshed Support the Muslim Chaplaincy's expansion project today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 3.10 | Embrace

Have you ever thought of shaking hands as a spiritual experience? In this episode, you will learn: • The effects of shaking hands on the heart • The Angels' descent in Ramadan • The etiquette of shaking hands Support the Muslim Chaplaincy today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201711 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 3.9 | Contemplation

Looking at nature, the heavens, and the beauty around us gives birth to contemplation, which is necessary for spiritual refinement and faith. In this episode, you will learn: • How to connect your gaze to the majesty of the Creator • Contemplating nature • The importance of contemplating the state of humanity Support the Muslim Chaplaincy today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 3.8 | Mercy

Using your eyes to look at creation with mercy, compassion, and honor beautifies the heart and the world. In this episode, you will learn: • How the gaze is connected to worship • Looking at creation with mercy • The effects of looking with mercy Support the Muslim Chaplaincy today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 3.7 | Insight

Using one's sight to look upon that which is pleasing to the Creator gives life to the spiritual insight of the heart. In this episode, you will learn: • Using your sight for spiritual insight • The effects of looking at forbidden things • How to rectify one's glances Support the Muslim Chaplaincy today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 3.6 | Advice

Seeking sound advice opens up the heart's insight and helps with one's understanding, guidance, and growth. In this episode, you will learn: • Thankfulness to God through obedience • How to benefit from advice • The impact of advice on the community Support the Muslim Chaplaincy today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201711 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 3.5 | Listening

What you listen to shapes your thoughts, perspectives, and choices. In this episode, you will learn: • Importance of hearing • Why you should seek to listen to good things • How you purify your heart through listening Support the Muslim Chaplaincy today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201712 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 3.4 | Words

Words have a profound impact on the individual, family, and society. Are we conscious of the words we speak and listen to? In this episode, you will learn: • The effect of words upon the individual and society • How foul speech affects our standing before God • The fruits of beautiful speech Support the Muslim Chaplaincy today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 3.3 | The Tongue

The tongue is the translator of the heart and its words have a serious impact upon the heart. In this episode, you will learn: • Directly proportional impact between the heart and limbs • Worship’s affect on speech • Why rectifying your speech is part of faith • The tongue’s effect on the other limbs Support the Muslim Chaplaincy by donating today at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 3.2 | The Limbs

Imam Ibn Ata Illah said, "Your limbs are like irrigation channels that flow to the heart." In this episode, you learn: • The place of moral accountability • The connection between the heart and limbs • How actions are based on the state of the heart Support the Muslim Chaplaincy today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201716 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 3.1 | The Heart

Your heart is the center of your being, and your limbs are connected back and have an impact on the heart. In this episode, you will learn: • The unique qualities given to the heart • The relationship between the heart and limbs • The reality of the heart Support the Muslim Chaplaincy by donating today at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201714 minutes, 16 seconds
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SoulFood Extra | Tragedy

This episode of SoulFood is different. When bad things happen in the world in the name of Islam, it brings us all down. But this episode is meant to give guidance, hope, and a better perspective on dealing with tragedies. Support the Muslim Chaplaincy at the University of Toronto today by donating at
5/26/201710 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 2.9 | Action

Truthfulness of speech has profound consequences that affect all other actions, since the tongue is the translator of the heart. In this episode, you will learn: • The impact of truthful speech • What "truthfulness of actions" means • The dangers and harms of insincerity • Truthfulness in Prayer Support the wide-ranging work of the Muslim Chaplaincy today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan (
5/26/201715 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 2.8 | Speech

The tongue is the interpreter of the heart. If the tongue is upright, it is a sign of the soundness of one's heart. And that is why truthfulness of speech is an integral part of a Muslim's character. In this episode, you will learn: 1. The importance of telling the truth 2. How truthfulness leads to Paradise 3. The importance of practicing what you preach 4. A story of Imam Abdul Qadir Al-Jilani Support the Muslim Chaplaincy today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan (
5/26/201717 minutes, 16 seconds
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SoulFood Special | Jesus

This year the birth of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ coincides with Christmas. That's why we wanted to record a special episode of SoulFood focusing on the story of Lady Mary (peace be upon her) and the miraculous birth of Jesus ﷺ in the Quran. In this episode, you will learn: • The Family of 'Imran • The Lady Mary ﷺ • The Birth of Jesus ﷺ • His Life and Miracles • Relationship between Prophets Jesus and Muhammad (upon them both be peace) Recommended Links: • Lessons from the Life of Jesus ﷺ by Habib Ali al-Jifri ( • "The Muslim Jesus" by Tarif Khalidi ( • "Mary: the Blessed Virgin of Islam" by Aliah Schleifer ( Support the Muslim Chaplaincy by donating today at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan (
5/26/201724 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 2.7 | Family

Maintaining family ties is one of the most important duties of a believer, especially in times of individualism and selfishness. In this episode, you will learn: • The danger of severing family relations • The unique honor God gave the womb • Being good to parents • Comprehensive qualities of the Prophet ﷺ Support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy at the University of Toronto today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan (
5/26/201721 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 2.6 | Magnanimity

The foundation of magnanimity is to realize the underlying truth that the universe runs according to a will other than yours, by a decree other than yours, and by a plan other than yours. In this episode, you will learn: • The meaning of magnanimity • Molding our naifs inclinations • How magnanimity is related to faith • Learning to leave it in God's hands Suggested Invocation: • La ḥawla wa la quwwata illā billāh (there is no power nor might, except by God). Support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan (
5/26/201715 minutes, 12 seconds
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Episode 2.5 | Forbearance

One of the signs of a refined soul and beautiful character is the ability to display forbearance. In this episode, you will learn: • The definition of forbearance • True strength • The miraculous nature of forbearance • Acquiring forbearance • Being upset for the right reasons To support the programs and services of The Muslim Chaplaincy at the University of Toronto, donate today at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan (
5/26/201717 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 2.4 | Struggle

The road to Paradise is paved with difficulties and struggle. Part of the refinement of one's soul is the recognition that patience and struggle against the nafs are needed in order to achieve nearness to Allah ﷻ and success in the Hereafter. In this episode, you will learn: • The path to Paradise • Patience is struggle • Patience in obedience • Acquiring patience Show Notes: • Surah Yusuf: • Story of Prophet Yusuf from Shaykh Ahmed Saad Al-Azhari: Support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by donating today at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan (
5/26/201714 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 2.3 | Fortitude

Fortitude is the foundation upon which the realities of faith are built. In this episode, you will learn: • Verses on the results of fortitude • How patience is a soldier of the intellect • The three different kinds of fortitude Support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy at the University of Toronto today by donating at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan (
5/26/201716 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 2.2 | Intellect

The intellect is a gift from God that helps us differentiate between right and wrong. But how does the intellect play a role in the development of noble character? In this episode, you will learn: • The relationship between the intellect and character • The essence of good character • Imam al-Ghazali's analogy of the intellect • A crucial way to seek the soul's purity Recommended link: • The Prayer of Need (Salat al-Haja): Support the programs and services of the Muslim Chaplaincy by donating today at Intro and outro music by Nader Khan (
5/26/201714 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 30 | Joy

The believer expresses their joy in the grace and blessings of God. We pray that our Ramadan has been accepted and that you all have a blessed Eid! In this episode: • The point of Eid • Importance of consistency • Expressing joy • Glorifying God Recommended Link: • Takbiraat of Eid: Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201710 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 29 | Paradise

This world is fertile soil where we sow the seeds of eternal life. But what awaits us after the final Judgment? In this episode: • Verses about the Fire • A brief glimpse of Paradise • The Greatest Joy • The vastness of God's mercy Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201716 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 28 | Hereafter

Remembering death helps the believer prepare for the meeting with Allah ﷻ, and it is one of the most powerful remedies to remove rust from the heart. In this episode, you will learn: • The importance of remembering death • Reflecting on the life of the grave • Asking Allah ﷻ for a good ending • Events of Judgment Day Suggested Reading: • "The Lives of Man" by Imam al-Haddad: Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201720 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 27 | Friends

The love you give others has eternal consequences, as it affects the faith in your heart. As the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, "A person has the faith of their close friend; so be careful who you take as a close friend." In this episode, you will learn: • Love's eternal consequences • Friendship in the Quran • The effects of good and bad company • How friends affect your faith Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201716 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 26 | Vigilance

Spiritual excellence, as defined by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, is "To worship God as though you see Him; and if you do not see Him, knowing that He sees you." The latter degree is vigilance. In this episode, you will learn: • Imam Ibrahim ibn Adham's advice • What spiritual excellence is • Vigilance in the Quran • How to remind the soul of vigilance Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201712 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 25 | Reflection

One of the sages of Islam said, "Reflection is the lamp of the heart; if it departs the heart will have no light." In this episode, you will learn: • The relationship between Dhikr and reflection • Reflecting on God's Power and Ability • Reflecting on Divine blessings • Reflecting on the nature of the world Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201716 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 24 | Dhikr *LIVE*

"Truly it is in the remembrance of God that hearts find peace." [Quran 13.28] In this episode, you will learn: • Dhikr in the Quran • How Dhikr gives life to the heart • The best form of Dhikr • Rewards for gatherings of Dhikr Recommended Link: • The Book of Remembrances: • Wird al-Latif: Note: This episode of SoulFood was recorded in front of a live audience, which accounts for the difference in sound experience. Music performed by Nader Khan and the Blacksmiths
5/26/201716 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 23 | Sincerity

Sincerity is the essence of one's worship. Therefore, you must work on having sincere intentions. God the Exalted says, "All they are ordered to do is worship God alone, sincerely devoting their religion to Him as people of true faith." [Quran 98.5] In this episode, you will learn: • The importance of sincerity • Where sincerity exists • Multiplying intentions for one act • That intentions don't change sin • How good outweighs evil Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201718 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 22 | Contentment

Abu’l Fatḥ al-Dimashqi, may God have mercy on him, said, “Contentment is to be content inwardly with God’s acts, and outwardly to do what pleases Him.” So what is the state of our souls in relation to contentment? In this episode, you will learn: • Contentment in the Quran • God's good pleasure • Love and contentment • The story of Prophet Musa ﷺ and Khidr • Prayer as part of contentment Intro & outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201718 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 21 | Qadr

As we enter into the last few days of Ramadan, we must prepare for Laylat ul-Qadr. As God ﷻ says, “What will explain to you what that Night of Glory is? The Night of Glory is better than a thousand months.” [Quran 97.2-3] In this episode, you will learn: • What is Laylat ul-Qadr? • The value of Laylat ul-Qadr • When is Laylat ul-Qadr? • The Prayer of that night Recommended Prayer: • Allāhumma innaka 'afūwwun tuḥib ul-'afwa fa'fū 'annī (O Allah, You are the Pardoner, You love to pardon, so pardon [my sins]). Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201714 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 19 | Trust

When a person recognizes God's exclusive and complete power over all things, then placing their trust in Him ﷻ is only natural. Cultivating a strong sense of trust in God is central in the path of spiritual refinement. In this episode, you will learn: • The Prophet's trust ﷺ • The relationship between certainty and trust • Trust in the Quran • What the basis of trust is • Action and trust Recommended Prayer: • Lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illā billāh (there is no power or ability except by God) Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201716 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 20 | Love

Islam is built upon the foundations of love and reverence. Love of God and His Messenger ﷺ is the axis of faith. "Say [O Prophet]: 'If you love God, then follow me and God will love you.'" [Quran 3.31] Obedience doesn't necessarily translate into love; but love naturally inspires obedience. In this episode, you will learn: • Love and obedience • Love in the Quran • Why faith is built upon love and reverence • Causes of love • Fruits of God's love Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201717 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 18 | Hope & Fear

Hope and fear are two wings that work seamlessly together as the believer travels towards God the Exalted. True hope makes one work for God's rewards; whereas healthy fear prevents a person from committing sins. In this episode, you will learn: • Hope and fear in the Quran • Importance of hope • Having a healthy sense of fear • The importance of balance Intro & outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201717 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 17 | Thankfulness

Thankfulness is one of the greatest virtues that adorns the heart in relationship with one's Lord. It's a beautiful expression of a believer's faith, servitude, and love. In this episode, you will learn: • How thankfulness is related to patience • The opposite of thankfulness • How thankfulness leads to more blessings • Different expressions of thankfulness • True thankfulness Intro & outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201716 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 16 | Patience

The life of this world is one of tests, so how does a believer face challenges and difficulties? By turning to God and seeking His assistance through patience. In this episode, you will learn: • Patience in the Quran • The nature of the world • The four kinds of patience • Patience of the Prophets ﷺ Recommended Link: • The Prayer of Need ( Intro & outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201714 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 15 | Repentance

The first step towards God the Exalted is repentance. Whereas sins are like smoke that veil the heart from the Divine, repentance purifies the heart and helps make it whole once again. In this episode, you will learn: • The Divine urge sent to the hearts • Effects of sins on the heart • Conditions of repentance • Benefits of repentance Intro & outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 14 | Suspicion

A beautiful heart interprets the world around it through the lens of beauty. But a heart that still suffers from spiritual diseases sees things through the lens of suspicion and ill-thoughts. In this episode, you will learn: • The Quranic warning against suspicion • Suspicion is the most false thinking • Imam al-Haddad's counsel • The importance of having a good opinion Intro & outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201717 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 13 | Vanity

One of the subtle diseases of the heart manifests when a believer becomes impressed with his or her own worship and actions, instead of recognizing God's enabling grace. In this episode, you will learn: • The danger of vanity ('ujb) • False piety • A wisdom from Ibn Ata' Illah • To recognize the Giver Intro & outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201714 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 12 | Arrogance

Arrogance: it took the Devil from the highest station of honor into eternal damnation and humiliation. It is one of the most vile and dangerous of spiritual diseases. In this episode, you will learn: • Why arrogance is so dangerous • The definition of arrogance • The fall of Iblīs • How to treat arrogance. Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201718 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 11 | Showing Off

Seeking a place in the hearts of creation distracts a person from their true purpose: seeking honor with Allah ﷻ. Riya (showing off) is such a spiritual disease that the Prophet ﷺ called it the Hidden Shirk. In this episode, you will learn: • What 'riya' is • Why it's so serious that it's labeled 'minor polytheism' • The importance of doing things solely for Allah ﷻ • Dealing with riya Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201719 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 10 | Fame

So much of social media pushes us to advertise ourselves in some way, seeking recognition, attention, and fame. The nafs loves status in people's hearts, though the believer ultimately seeks status with Allah ﷻ. In this episode, you will learn: • Blameworthiness of fame • Benefits of anonymity • Why the nafs loves compliments and hates criticisms • How to cure the love of fame Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201718 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 9 | Money

Is having money our goal in life? What happens when it becomes a distraction from our true purpose? God the Exalted says, "Believers, do not let your wealth and your children distract you from remembering God: those who do so will be the ones who lose." [Qur'an 63.9] In this episode, we cover: • The blameworthiness of loving money • The extravagance we're warned of • How to use money for good • The everlasting treasure Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201717 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 8 | Worldliness

Imam al-Shafi'i (God have mercy on him) said, "The world is but a moment; so make it a moment of obedience." In this episode, you will learn: • Why we shouldn't love worldliness • That the world will never give us complete satisfaction • What worldliness is • How to achieve balance Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201719 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 7 | Envy

Islam guides us to having a healthy connection to the Divine and healthy relationships with creation. Envy veils a person from God's wisdom and power, and it destroys relationships between people. In this episode, you will learn: • The communal importance of having open hearts • To be cautious of false piety • The two kinds of envy • How to cure envy Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201719 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 6 | Enmity

Controlling anger is important, but it's not enough on its own. If anger festers in the heart, it turns into enmity and hatred. The believer is taught to treat enmity through forgiving the one who angered them––a task that can sometimes be heavy on the nafs. In this episode, you will learn: • The danger of controlling anger • The importance of forgiveness • How good overcomes evil Intro and outro music by Nader Khan
5/26/201713 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 5 | Anger

Anger is like a fire that ignites within the nafs, lashing out when things don't go your way. The Quran praises those who are able to rein in their anger and not give in to their selfish desires. In this episode, you will learn: • The blameworthiness of anger • What true strength is • Avoiding extremes • The forbearance of the Prophet ﷺ
5/26/201718 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 4 | Lust

One of the ways the human being has been honored is through the intellect. Giving in to lust goes against better judgment and is a sign one's nafs has taken over, making the intellect take a back seat. The path of purification teaches us to control and direct one's desires in a way pleasing to our Lord. In this episode you will learn: • The Quranic command to beware of lustful gazes • The Prophet's warning about looking at forbidden things • Why we should be careful of the obsession with image • How forbidden images damage us Recommended Links: • "How is Porn Addictive" (
5/26/201716 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 3 | Food

Food intensifies the desires of the nafs, and part of the process of spiritual refinement is being careful from falling into excess–and feeding the greed of the nafs is a major part of that. In this episode you will learn: • The connection between the desire of food and lust • The danger of food in excess • The Prophet's ﷺ hunger and fasting • How to strike the balance Recommended Links: • "Disciplining the Soul and Breaking the Two Desires" by Imam al-Ghazali ( • "Fasting is Mine" (
5/26/201715 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 2 | Character

Ibn Abbas, may God be well pleased with him, said, "Every building has a foundation, and the foundation of Islam is good character." Working on beautifying one's character is the path of spiritual refinement. In this episode, you will learn: • The importance of good character • One of the biggest reasons people turn away from religion • How to change one's character • The sublimity of the Prophet's ﷺ character
5/26/201715 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 1 | Nafs

It is said, "Whoever knows themselves will know their Lord." Part of spiritual refinement is to understand the nafs, which is the greatest barrier between you and the Divine. In this episode, you will learn: • The honor of the soul (Arabic: rūḥ) • What the nafs is • The degrees of the soul • The path of spiritual refinement Recommended Links: • "Marvels of the Heart" by Imam al-Ghazali ( • "Man and the Universe" by Dr. Mostafa Badawi (
5/26/201720 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 0 | Why SoulFood?

SoulFood is about changing yourself in the spirit of what the great scholar and poet Rumi once said, “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” In this episode, you will learn: • About the host • Why we chose to do soulfood • The Hadith of Primacy • How to live more mercifully in our lives Recommended Links: • “Mercy: the Stamp of Creation” by Dr. Umar F. Abd-Allah ( • “Soul of Islam Radio” ( • “SeekersHub Podcast” ( • "Diffused Congruence" ( Intro and outro music by Nader Khan (
5/26/201717 minutes, 29 seconds