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Spiritual Entrepreneur Profile

Spiritual Entrepreneur

English, Religion, 1 season, 306 episodes, 20 hours, 37 minutes
This highly popular show covers everything from practical business tips, tools, and best practices of spiritual entrepreneurship to lifestyle design, innovation, love, soul awakening, and spiritual habits for success. Devi created this show to help us all to upgrade our consciousness, practices, and fulfillment in business and life. You will get to view the world of spiritual entrepreneurship through the eyes and lives of Devi and other present-day spiritual entrepreneurs, who share their journeys and best practices with you. Welcome Friend!
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EP 306: A Message of Gratitude

(Devi download) This episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur is a message of Gratitude from me to you. You may or may not know, but I was born on Thanksgiving day in the US.  Thanksgiving in the US moves around every year, but on my particular birth year - it was the day I was born.  Thanksgiving holds a special place in my heart as a day of true gratitude for life - for the people, blessings, and many gifts we have been given. On this special day, I have a message of Gratitude for you!  A sneak peek at the episode: [01:14] Thank you for being with me on this journey and thank you for who you choose to be in this world right now [02:30] The light that you were anchoring on our planet right now. [10:01] I promise you that it will actually have a big impact that you will be very grateful for over time.  Happy Listening & Happy Thanksgiving, my friend!
11/24/202211 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP 305: "Going First" Spiritually

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about “Going First" Spiritually. I was having a conversation recently with some deeply beautiful souls and I was present to the fact that many of the most divinely conscious souls on the planet are still living spiritually "cloaked",  not fully sharing the truth of their soul in concern for how it might "land" on "the other side". And, these divinely aware souls are those of us who are meant to lead with light and "go first" spiritually.Can you relate?  Have you ever found yourself holding back on sharing your truth, in fear of how it will "land" or the impact it may have on some aspect of your life and/or business?  Listen to this episode to learn about how you can start to "go first" spiritually and what you may expect when you do.  A sneak peek at the episode: [00:43]  If you don't know that story, you can always go back and listen to the first episode of the show.  (  [01:00] I was scared they'd come and lock me up in a rubber room when I started sharing some of the spiritual things that my family experiences, some of the things that I live through, some of the things that I do.  [02:00] Allow people to get to witness the conversation, light and gifts. Happy Listening!
11/11/20228 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP 304: Filtering the Flow

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about “Filtering the Flow”. I was having a conversation recently with a dear friend and she was saying that there have been so many things coming at her right now in her business.  All of these different stimuli and opportunities and things, keep flowing in and it's been way too much for her.  Can you relate?  As spiritual entrepreneurs, we have so much that comes at us on a day-to-day basis.  How do we know what we should filter in and what we should filter out and how do we actually do the filtering?” Listen to this episode to learn about how you can filter what is in highest alignment into your life and business as you let the “overflow” go.  A sneak peek at the episode: [02:52] What happens when we lose focus is we start to randomly create, and our results end up being more by chance than by choice. [04:05]  Imagine that with your left hand, you have the volume with your right hand, you have the tuner… [08;29] If it doesn't feel in alignment with you, if it doesn't feel like the right thing for you, it's not gonna have the same effect for you that it will have for someone else. Happy Listening!
11/4/20229 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP 303: The Divine Reset

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about initiating a "Divine Reset" in your life and/or business.  The Divine Reset starts with a shift in perspective and a Divine Ask.  Listen to this episode to create that shift and reset.  A sneak peek at this episode: [00:15] I've been seeing this happening a lot with clients and friends and partners and people in general.  [00:56] Where we can start to look at things that are no longer in vibrational alignment with us, and start to consciously choose to move into those areas where we are in divine alignment. [04:33] Give yourself the space this week to make a new choice. Happy Listening Love
10/28/20228 minutes, 10 seconds
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EP 302: Take it to a Higher Authority

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about taking life matters to a higher authority. Are you experiencing divine discontent in some area of your life? Listen to this episode where we share how you can easily shift out of that Divine Discontent by going to a higher authority. A sneak peek at the episode: [02:06] Deepening your connection to your own intuition in co-creating with the divine is a beautiful way [05:44] There are many different ways that we can address things on a physical level. We can deal with things on an emotional level. We can move the energy of it, listen to the energy of what's happening, and feel into what the guidance is there. [12:43] We allow the divine to be the guide and direct us from a perspective that maybe we don't even see from right now because of being in this divine discontent. Happy Listening Love
9/30/202216 minutes, 46 seconds
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EP 301: Grateful for ALL of it

We’ll be launching a new set of episodes in September, but in the meantime, I am popping in to share a little bit of this journey that I’ve been on this summer. One thing I’m learning in this season of my life is that all my life with everything that is happening, joy-full or challenging, my plan or not - It is ALL a part of the journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship and it is ALL my life.  There is never anything that takes me “out of my life” or anything that I need to “get back to”… I am always right where I am… on the journey. In today’s episode: 00:40 “So here's one of the things that I've really been learning all summer and that is…” 02:25  “Like every part of it is my life and there's nothing to get back to. I'm here, right? I'm here in my life fully present” 03:29  “I'm gonna share a little story about when I was in the hospital with my dad…” I’m sending you so much love dear spiritual entrepreneur!  I hope you're having a wonderful summer and that you're fully “taking in” ALL of the gifts that your life is offering, no matter the “wrapping”.
7/29/20226 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP 300: Celebrating 300 Episodes

In this very special episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we embark on the 300th episode of our show! Thank you for being with us on this journey and for being such a special part of our community.  Are you ready to see what comes after 300 episodes?  We are ramping up some new value adds to the show that we will be announcing in the coming weeks.  In the meantime, Let’s CELEBRATE!!! Share your thoughts with us! PS - Ready to manifest great things in your life! I’d love to help you…. Join me here
5/27/202213 minutes, 23 seconds
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EP 299: Cashing in Your Karma Chips

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, I talk about a technique that I learned from my uncle that allows you to literally “cash in” on the good karma in your life.   Just like last week's episode, I will share with you the technique and some stories about when I have used it in my own life. This technique is great to use when you're wanting to create something or shift something in your experience, and you're wanting to have it happen quickly. A sneak peek at the episode: [01:47] “I'm cashing in my karma chips” [01:27] “We'll go back and take a listen where we have a five-step manifestation process that I teach. It's my framework for manifesting. ” Happy Listening! PS - Do you want to explore more about manifesting? Learn more here…
5/20/20224 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP 298: Moving into the Dimension

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about something my uncle taught me - “Moving into the Dimension”.  It is a powerful practice that you may enjoy using in your own life and business to shift your experience through intention.   A sneak peek at the episode: [01:20] “There are multiple dimensions where reality is happening with different experiences.” [03:00] this is an affirmation that you can use and a statement of intention that you can use that actually will shift you from one place to the next.” Happy Listening! PS - Want to manifest more easily and gracefully in your life and business? Click here to join our 21 Day Manifestation Challenge:
5/13/20226 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP 297: “Dream” it Differently

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk more in-depth about one of the practices I shared with you in my “Growing Up in a Mystical Family” episode…  How to “Dream” it Differently - your life, your business, … your relationships.  You can use this technique to transform your experience.   A sneak peek at the episode: [06:00] “I'm willing to be changed at depth, meaning within the deepest parts of my being, all of my consciousness, I'm willing to be changed at depth and I choose to “dream” this differently. So you can start to move into alignment with what you want to create.” [07:14] “It's almost like lucid dreaming, but it's actually lucid dreaming in your life, creating things differently because truly the life experience we have is the effect of the consciousness that we're bringing to it.” Happy Listening! PS - Do you want to explore more about manifesting? Learn more here…
5/6/20228 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP 296: Growing Up in a Mystical Family (Part III)

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we are on Part III of the “Growing up in a Mystical Family” series and for this episode I talk about my family in general and some of their mystical gifts… A sneak peek at the episode: [09:59] “My mom was someone who used to communicate with these people who would travel, which is really interesting.” [10:37] “There's this thing called astral projection and astral travel, you can actually move out of your body and travel like within this realm, or you can move out of your body, and travel in different realms.” [14:46] “It's a gift to be used to help with this awakening. It's a gift to be used for you to get to know the truth of who you are. It's a gift for you as a spiritual entrepreneur, to be able to step even more into serving humanity, with the truth, with the light within you, with the gifts within you.” Happy Listening! PS - Want some support with Manifesting?  We can help… PPS- If you'd love to join us and deepen your own spiritual gifts, these are some of the types of things that we work on inside of the playground would love to have you come and join us:
4/29/202219 minutes, 23 seconds
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EP 295: Growing Up in a Mystical Family (Part II)

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we are in the middle of a new series about growing up in a mystical family and for this episode, I talk more about my grandparents. Ready for more mystical stories that I had growing up? Let me introduce you to my father's side of the family. A sneak peek at the episode: [06:05] When my father was being born he actually consciously remembers being on the “other side”, in a group of people, and being called to “come in” and saying he had to go, he was teaching (over there) and he came through and he has a memory pre-birth of what he was doing on the other side. [13:25] “The root cause of all pain in life is an attachment …  The love that you feel is gone now, already lives inside of you.” Happy Listening! PS - Interested in manifestation? Want to manifest great things this year? Start by joining us at   PPS- If you'd love to join us with more of these types of spiritual practices, these are some of the types of things that we work on inside of the playground would love to have you come and join us over at
4/22/202223 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 294: Growing Up in a Mystical Family

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, I share what it’s like to grow up in a mystical family. This is the first episode of this new series where I open the doors of my life and share some fun with you so that you get to know more about my mystical family. I start off with my wonderful grandmother, I share stories about her when I was growing up and how it shaped me into who I am today. A sneak peek at the episode: [06:48] “She really witnessed the divine in all of her family. She served the divine in her life” [12:35] “My grandma used to also allow her guidance to guide her. So she would basically turn the “wheel over” and allow her guidance to be how she did everything ” Happy Listening! PS - As the new month enters what things do you want to manifest into your life? Join us here and let’s manifest together:
 PPS- Do you love all the spiritual topics, practices and stories?  Join us on the Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Playground here
4/15/202214 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP 293: Awakening to Your Gifts

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talked about awakening to your gifts. I had a  lot of spiritual things that I've had my whole life that has been a part of my journey, and there are a lot of us going through this awakening right now.  Awakening can be a little for everybody.. A little unsettling, a little exciting, and other times a little like what the heck is going on at times as well. So whether you've been doing this journey for a long time and it's a part of who you are and, your gifts are ready, or if you know, this is new to you and you're just starting to discover them, I kind of want to talk from both places and invite you to listen in… A sneak peek at the episode: [05:45] “One of the things that I had heard from him is paying attention to what moves you to tears because they are signs of your purpose. So like really paying attention to those things that bring you that moves you so deeply that it brings tears to your eyes. ” [11:30] “Ask of that higher self of the divine of your connection to that highest truth. Ask to be shown. What are your gifts? What are the things that you're meant to and then start to listen and notice what shows up”   Happy Listening! PS - The world is ready for you to manifest! Join us here PPS- If you want to talk more about your spiritual gifts and expand your knowledge about Spiritual tools and entrepreneurship  Join the Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Playground here at use the coupon FREEGIFTSEPLAY for 30 day free trial
4/8/202218 minutes, 50 seconds
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EP 292: Three Ways to Scale Your Business as a Spiritual Entrepreneur

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, I share with you 3 ways you can scale your business as a spiritual entrepreneur.   I'm really excited to talk to you about this topic because I believe that there are things that you can do tactically that will support us in growing and scaling your business. There are a lot of things that we can do strategically and tactically to scale, but what I absolutely believe is consciousness is the key piece that makes all the difference in the results that we get as we take inspired aligned action. A sneak peek at the episode: [10:026 “Is something that is really good for you? Is it something that you're creating out of fear, you can even ask the question, is this actually a really great strategy? ” [07:08] “What would be in the highest alignment for your business to help them to grow and pay attention to any downloads?”   Happy Listening! PS - The world is ready for you to manifest! Join us here PPS- If you want to come and deepen your spiritual journey and utilize more of these spiritual tools for helping you to scale and grow and develop your business as a spiritual entrepreneur, Join the Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Playground here
3/25/202230 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP 291: Moving Past Manifestation Blocking

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we are still on the Manifestation series, and this week we talk about moving past manifestation blocking. We have been talking a lot about manifesting and sometimes there are “bumps in the road” that we face during manifestation. You may find it hard or frustrating to manifest or have doubts and wonder if what you want to manifest can really turn into reality. But let me tell you that you can manifest.  You are already manifesting all of the time, even if it is not what you want, whether you are conscious of it or not.  And, manifesting what you really “want’ is supported by out of the conversation of it being hard and shifting your feelings of being frustrated by it. In this episode, we show you how to do that. A sneak peek at the episode: [11:18] “Again, go back into your body and start to find where you are holding resistance? What's showing up for you and start to move that through and work that energy through the same way.” [13:54] “if you can get aligned with that and you can feel the alignment with it, do that.” Happy Listening! PS - Interested in manifestation? Want to manifest great things this year? Start by joining us at PPS- If you'd love to join us with more of these types of spiritual practices, these are some of the types of things that we work on inside of the playground would love to have you come and join us over at
3/18/202216 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP 290: Five Signs of Spiritual Alignment

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we are still in the Manifestation series, and this week we talk about Five Signs of Spiritual Alignment.  Do you wonder how you’ll know when you're operating from that space where you will attract your desired intentions effortlessly into your life? When you're really aligned with what it is that's in your highest and best? When you step into divine alignment through spiritual practice, fulfillment of your desires is the natural result and the more that you live your life in spiritual alignment, the more joy you will experience. A sneak peek at the episode: [00:46] “One of the easiest ways to get a sense for if you're in alignment is the “feeling nature’ with which you're moving through life.”[03:38] “Follow along the lines of the synchronicities” Happy Listening! PS - If you are wanting to manifest great things in your life, I can help you with that. Join us here PPS- If you want to come and deepen your spiritual journey and utilize more of these spiritual tools for helping you to scale and grow and develop your business as a spiritual entrepreneur, Join the Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Playground here
3/11/202219 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP 289: Creating Space for Your Soul

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we are still on the Manifestation series, and this week we talk about creating space for your soul. It is important to notice what we need to create space for in our lives for our own connection to Self. There are a lot of other energies that are present in our lives right now and it can be easy to fill up life with those to the exclusion of our own soul’s wisdom and voice..   In this episode, we create some spaciousness for you to listen to and be attuned to that amazingly radiant, and extraordinary voice that is within your own Self.  A sneak peek at the episode: [04:19] “I've manifested amazing things inside of the space of a lot of other people and a lot of activity, but there is something that is so soul-soothing to give yourself an open clearing and space for you to really fill it up with your own soul light, with your own energy.” [06:39] “Sometimes you don't even notice when you're doing that. Where are some areas where you are on high alert or you're tuned into things that maybe are pulling some of your focus from what it is that you're intentionally choosing to create.” Happy Listening! PS - If you are wanting to manifest great things in your life, I can help you with that. Join us here PPS- If you want to come and deepen your spiritual journey and utilize more of these spiritual tools for helping you to scale and grow and develop your business as a spiritual entrepreneur, Join the Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Playground here
3/4/202211 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP 288: The "What If" Game

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the “What if” Game. Maybe you can relate to this - You have something “BIG” that you want to create and you are feeling a bit scared to step into it…  In the pause when you are waiting to make the “leap” your mind starts to create scenarios that create resistance…  “What if, …”  you can fill in the dots… ;)The "What ifs" that we run through in our mind are either "spiraling us up" in consciousness (moving us towards what we desire) or "spiraling us down" in consciousness (moving us away from what we desire).  You can play the "What if" Game in a way that has these internal conversations accelerate us towards our desired manifestation.  Woo Hoo!  A sneak peek at the episode: [06:31] “Your energetic experience will affect your outcome.” [09:38] “What if you are being divinely guided moment by moment to step into even greater light, even greater expression of who you are, and what if your business was meant to flourish?” Let’s play the “What if” Game! Happy Listening! PS - You are never too late to start Manifesting!  Join us and others that are starting their 2022 in light with the Manifestation Challenge at
2/25/202211 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP 287: Have Fun to Get it Done!

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk more about Manifesting and the power of fun for creating results. Most people put off having fun until they have gotten everything else done.  What if I told you that fun will help you to get your manifestation “done” more quickly.   You have an opportunity to speed up the creation in your life, to enjoy more of your life, to co-create in a more joyful way with the Divine by making fun a habit. A sneak peek at the episode: [01:57] “I'd love for you for a minute, just to think about when was the last time that you had so much fun that your face was sore from smiling or you had so much fun that you were just exhausted because you were played out” [05:54] “Fun is something that can speed up your manifesting process in a way that you may not even intellectually understand” [10:00] “Pick three things, put it on the calendar this week. They don't have to be done this week, but just book them and give yourself the gift of the joy of fun in the journey, and also the gift of the acceleration in your manifestation through bringing fun and more play to your life” Listen in to know how having fun and manifesting works together.  Happy Listening! PS - Start manifesting and having fun! Join us in the 21-day manifestation challenge at! 
2/11/202212 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP 286: Let's Talk Manifesting! (Part II)

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk more about Manifesting and we deepen the conversation that was started in last week’s episode where Devi shares the five steps of manifesting anything.  If you missed that episode you can catch it here. The Steps are:  Step One: Awareness Step Two: Ask/Intend Step Three: Align Step Four: Listen Step Five: Take Aligned Inspired Action These steps will make even more sense with the stories shared in this episode and maybe you’ll have the same situation and this episode will help you to manifest the outcome you want to have.  When we co-create in this way, we ask and witness the answer as our life experience.  It is truly special.  This is not a linear process - but rather an upward spiral.  We move through these steps circularly and upgrade our consciousness, life, and business as we follow the steps of our manifestation and co-create with the Divine. A sneak peek at the episode: [02:56] “How I met my husband” [10:35] “Buying a house” [24:40] “My travel story in Sardinia” Happy Listening! PS - 21-day manifestation challenge has already begun but it’s not late for you...  Join us at! 
2/4/202230 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP 285: Let's Talk Manifesting

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about manifesting. This truly is one of my favorite spiritual practices.  Not only, because it gives us the ability to create awesome things in our lives, but more importantly - it is a way of witnessing the Divine in your day-to-day world.   When we co-create in this way, we ask and witness the answer as our life experience.  It is truly special.  In this episode, I share with you a 5 Step Process that you can use to create anything in your life…. Step One: AwarenessStep Two: Ask/IntendStep Three: AlignStep Four: ListenStep Five: Take Inspired Action This is not a linear process - but rather an upward spiral - we move through these steps circularly and upgrade our consciousness, life, and business as we follow the steps of our manifestation and co-create with the Divine. Here is a sneak peek at the episode: [01:19] “It took me a long time to come to the place where I started to realize that true fulfillment in life comes from experiencing and expressing the voice of your soul in service to humanity in a bigger way. Through the journey of learning that, one of the things that I've discovered is - not only can we manifest and create what we want to create in our lives just by a simple process, but also I have realized that the gift is in the response of the Universe.” [15:39] “One of the most beautiful things in this experience is when you follow that intuitive guidance when you listen, you are in a place of deeper alignment with that soul's voice within you.” [16:15] “There are no big or small manifestations. I know people might think “I couldn't manifest that because that's big, but I could manifest a dime on the street or a dollar.”.   Thinking that these two things  are in some way different, but what matters is the positive expectancy and the alignment with what it is that you are wanting to create through the process of manifesting.” Happy Weekend Listening, my friend! PS - I would love to support you and to have you come and join us in the 21-day manifestation challenge, starting the first week of February…  Join us at
1/28/202224 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP 284: Happy New Year Message

I LOVE to start every new year with a clean slate, from my office drawers to physical clutter to the emotional connections that I need to let go of, in order for me to create a beautiful spaciousness.  In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the New Year that is upon us, creating that spaciousness, and I take you on a guided visualization that will help you to reverse engineer your highest alignment 2022.   What you will learn in this episode: Creating spaciousness Questions to ask yourself as you enter a new year Starting with a clean slate for another year A sneak peek at the episode: [03:12] “I just want to tell you one of the things that I love to do this time of year, that is really kind of strangely gratifying to me and that is creating spaciousness.” [09:45] “I would invite you to … look at what is the theme of what you're creating this year.” [46:34] “And know that everything that you have created in consciousness becomes made manifest in form as you stay in alignment with that. So you've prepaid the way now for the year ahead.  Go ahead and open your eyes and just breathe that in and exhale it out.” Happy Listening!   PS - We are preparing for the Manifestation Challenge going LIVE on February 1, 2022! We will also have a limited number of Media VIP Days available to book coming up! Make sure to keep updated check and If you have any questions or know that you want to go VIP with me, please feel free to reach out at [email protected].
12/28/202149 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP 283: End of Year Soul Downloading

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about soul downloading and planning for the year ahead. This time of year is often when we will start to reevaluate and take stock of what this year has been and begin to bring in a new awareness and a plan for what we want to “call-in” for the year ahead. It’s not the time necessary when we're doing the full-on plan, but it is a time where we move into the zone of filtering and paying attention to the wisdom and “downloads” that we're getting around what we might choose to birth in consciousness in the next year. In the midst of all the holiday cheer and preparations, I invite you right now to step into expressing that voice of your soul even more, as a part of the awakening that we're going through as humanity.  Make sure to download your FREE “Soul Download: Planning the Year Ahead Guide” at to support you in this process. What you will learn in this episode: Pausing into this time of year Inquiry to assist you in mapping out what matters to you for 2022 Soul Downloading Your One Year, One Word Here is a sneak peek at the episode: [05:25] “We're in an accelerated time where we're receiving a lot of help to clear those things.” [14:25] “A legacy that really serves that light in a big way… So ask yourself those questions and then I invite you just to play inside of that and see what comes through for you as you do” Thank you for your light and for saying yes to your soul's gifts. Happy Listening! PS - We are gearing up for 2022 and we are starting with a Manifestation Challenge on February 1st! Tune in for more details.
12/21/202121 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP 282: Create Momentum in Your Business through "Voworking"

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about “Voworking”. You can use this practice to not only powerfully wrap up 2021, but also really step into 2022 in an extremely powerful way.  This can help us not only build momentum in our business, but also help us to experience the journey of spiritual entrepreneurship in a way where we feel really supported by others and where we don't feel like we're doing this journey alone.  What you will learn in this episode: What is “Voworking” How to create momentum in your business through “Vowoking” Co-creating with a team and it’s benefits  A sneak peek at the episode: [11:14] “Cause there's something that happens whenever two or more of us are gathered together, So. When two of us come together, one in one does not equal two, It really equals 11” [20:42] “I encourage you, If you'd be willing just this week, sit down, map that out for 2022. Just even that piece of when this is going to happen, meditate on who is the perfect divine partner for you for working. ”   Happy Listening!   PS - Join us in our private listener community! Go to - we’d love to have you join us.  You can listen to episodes there and ask questions for us to feature on the show.. and reach us at [email protected] if you are interested in our upcoming Manifestation Challenge!   To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
12/14/202122 minutes, 26 seconds
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EP 281: Fill Up the Cup

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about filling up the cup of yourself and/or a loved one. Life gets really busy especially during this holiday season and I want to invite you to take a pause and just make time for yourself to fill up your cup.  And if you're a person who’s cup is full and overflowing... I invite you to close your eyes and take a deep breath and think of the people around you, the people who you love that haven't been filling up their cup. Think of a way to overflow your cup to theirs. What you will learn in this episode: Importance of filling up your cup Prioritizing your own wellbeing Benefits of giving psychic space, emotional space, and mental space to yourself A sneak peek at the episode: [06:04] “I didn't realize how much I actually needed some physical space for myself and I found myself canceling everything that I had for the day to be at home to cuddle up with my kitties. [11:34] “This is for the people that are really good at filling up your cup. I have a different invitation for you this week. For a minute, I’d love for you to close your eyes for a minute and just take a deep breath.. and think about who is in your life who is always there for you, who you just love and adore, but you know that they are not filling up their cup..” [15:32] “I think we could really do some good this week by taking that time out and helping us all to “refill” at the end of this time of year.” Happy Listening! PS - Join us in our private listener community! Go to and we’d love to have you join us.  You can listen to episodes there and ask questions for us to feature on the show.. See you there!  To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
12/7/202117 minutes, 50 seconds
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EP 280: My Birthday Download

This is a very special episode! In this episode I’ll be sharing with you some of the things that I've been thinking about as I've had this week of celebration. It is easy to keep flowing through life without taking time to pause and take stock of the fullness of our life experience. I invite you to take a minute to breathe, pause and come into the awareness of right here right now.  A lot has shifted for me this year and I imagine that it has for you as well. Things have really been shifting quickly as we're going through this awakening in our collective.  It is so important to pay extra attention to what these changes are bringing.   What you will learn in this episode: The Pause in between and all that means Changes in my past year A sneak peek at the episode: [08:42] “Big shifts and changes in my life that I didn't actually anticipate were going to be there when I was starting out in 2021, but that have proven to be beautiful.” [02:45] “Today, I'm going to be sharing with you some of the demarcation for me and the things that I've been thinking about as I've had this week of celebration, and I've kind of turned the dial on the next year of my life” [17:39] “So I invite you to live in the pause with me. Maybe it's going to be “Blursday”, but let's allow some time in between the blur, in the pause in between to really experience...” Happy Listening! PS - Join us in our private listener community! Go to and we’d love to have you join us.  You can listen to episodes there and ask questions for us to feature on the show.. See you there!  To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
11/30/202123 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP 279: Opening To Grace

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about “Opening to Grace”. This is a practice that I learned years back when I was training in Anusara Yoga which literally means “Flowing with Grace”. The first principle of Anusara was said to be Open(ing) to Grace and I just love that as a starting principle for any endeavor in life or business.  We talk about how to apply this principle to life and business. “Opening to Grace” means when you step into doing anything, any endeavor and your life and your business, the very first thing that you do is literally open up to that Divine essence that is behind and within everything and allow it to flow in. What you will learn in this episode: What is Opening to Grace Applying the Open to Grace principle in life What you can expect to experience when you start with this principle A sneak peek at the episode: [02:02] “What Open to Grace means is when you step into doing anything, any endeavor and your life and your business, the very first thing that you do is literally open up.” [03:22] “If there's an area maybe where you're feeling like, wow, this feels a little bit stuck or this area over here feels like I'm really trying to get this to happen or you just can't quite mentally figure it out…” [07:48] “In a way that my actions couldn't even force into existence right now when I Opened to Grace and I allow Grace to enter and I allow Grace to guide...” Happy Listening!   PS - Join us in our private listener community! Go to and we’d love to have you join us.  You can listen to episodes there and ask questions for us to feature on the show.. See you there!    To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
11/23/202110 minutes, 43 seconds
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EP 278: 4 Types of Meditation to Support Your Life & Business

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about four different types of meditation that you can use to support you in your life and your business. If you’re somebody who can’t figure out how to meditate, can’t quiet your mind long enough to meditate, or are somebody who wants to go deeper into meditation, but doesn’t know where to start… This episode is for you! Meditation is one of the most amazing gifts we have been given as a species.  It is a human technology that creates a Quantum leap in our life experience and our business.   The more you meditate, the more your frequency shifts & lifts. As a Spiritual Entrepreneur, I imagine that you are committed to deeply serving humanity through your life & business. One of the greatest contributions that you can give to yourself and others is to meditate regularly - it has a tremendous positive impact on humanity. What you will learn in this episode: Four types of meditation Mantra Meditation Simple Breath Meditation Pranayama Meditation Guided Meditation Some of the benefits of meditation A sneak peek at the episode: [07:36] “Mantra is basically using a sound or a word of a certain vibration to help you to quiet the mind” [14:00] “Something that I think is very accessible to people. Our breath has something that can change our energy and our vibration and our heartbeat, literally.” [17:15] “Pranayama is where you combine the breath with moving energy in your body” [19:01] “Simple breathing - inhale and exhale”   Happy Listening!   PS - Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground is OPEN! Join us as a Founder and enjoy a safe place to expand your spiritual gifts and elevate your business with spiritual practice. Join here >   To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
11/16/202127 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP 277: Slowing Down to Speed Up

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about how to slow down to speed up. Do you often find yourself running around and juggling “ALL of the things”, finding that there is just not enough space in the day to get it ALL done? Maybe, juggling priorities and realizing that something has to give or your wellbeing will? I realized moving back here to DC that in order to be of the support that I need to be to the people that I love here, something had to give. I can’t run at the same pace that I used to in my business and life in California. I have had to slow down. What I didn’t realize is what would happen in the process of me slowing down, letting go of the “extra” and creating space in my day for what matters most. Listen in this week to hear what I discovered. It has been life-expanding for me. What you will learn in this episode: Slowing down Creating spaciousness  How this leads to speeding up in a new way A sneak peek at the episode: [11:07] “I also recognize that this is a period of time when these things are needing to be done in my life and they are a season for me.” [17:48] “And now there's spaciousness for you to be present in this season, in your life with the things that matter most to you right here, right now” Happy Listening! PS - Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground is going LIVE for founder this 11/11 at 11 EST Make sure to check out if you are interested to be part of the founding members’ group! To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
11/9/202123 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP 276: Who Should You Connect with this Week for Your Business?

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about how to know who you should connect with this week for your business. At times when we are looking at who it is that we're meant to reach out to in order to find our ideal clients, partners, or connections in general we can get very much in our heads. As spiritual entrepreneurs, intuition is a key ingredient in the formula with which we create solutions for our business.  Listen in to help guide you with it this week. What you will learn in this episode: Connecting with the spirit Using intuition as a main ingredient in the formula when we create solutions for your business How to identify your perfect clients and reach out to them A step-by-step process on who you should connect with this week for your business A sneak peek at the episode: [1:37] “As spiritual entrepreneurs, a lot of times we like to have intuition as an ingredient in the formula with which we create solutions for our business.”  [11:08] “You know, there's alignment there in whoever you're reaching out to, especially when they share the same kind of path as you and are in alignment with your mission.  it’s really going to support you in having those conversations” Happy Listening! EP 268 How to Recognize Signs From the Divine: PS - We are opening the Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground for founders! If you are interested in getting more information about that, you can go to We'd love to have you join us in that community.   To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
11/2/202112 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP 275: Letting Go of Worry

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about letting go of worry. If you were to “tap into” your body right now and scan it for any level of anxiety and rate those feelings on a scale of 0 to 10 (with 0 being none and 10 being a mega ton), what would you find? You may be experiencing a lot or at least more pronounced anxiety or you may have something just beneath the surface that is affecting your overall peace and well-being. What we focus on and worry about creates these emotions in our bodies. My husband and I have been talking about how the low-grade anxiety that a lot of us live in, as we are experiencing this “new normal”, and the impact that it can have on our wellbeing and manifestations. Worry starts because we are thinking about a future outcome that is not yet here. It could be that maybe we're thinking about plans we have, concerns about maybe how you're going to get something done that we're not sure about or what if something were to happen to someone that we love. Worry affects the outcome of what we're doing because it shifts our vibrational alignment. What you will learn in this episode: How to let go of worry What worry is How to start to shift your life experience by shifting out of worry How to handle worry and anxiety A sneak peek at the episode: [02:14] “What is worry really? I mean, worry is just an emotion that we have when we are thinking about something that hasn't happened yet that may or may not truly happen in our future, but that we're thinking about with anticipation. It's almost like negative anticipation of something that could happen that hasn't yet.” [07:30] “You feel the feelings, but you don't really hear what's being said...” [15:28] “That feels good to your soul. That puts you in that place of just gratitude and joy and creativity and love. Operate from there this week. ” PS - The Spiritual Entrepreneur Playground is open. If you are interested in getting more information about that, you can go to We'd love to have you join us in that community. To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
10/26/202117 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP 274: Episode From the Road: Part 2

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we share our adventures on our ongoing Northeast Fall Foliage road trip. We open ourselves to possibilities and let the divine take over and let serendipitous events happen to make our RV trip even more amazing! Plus pumpkin spice, autumn colors, and pumpkin muffins this week! What you will learn in this episode: How on the road synchronicity takes place Serendipitous accident stories RV trip tips and tricks A sneak peek at the episode: [02:57] “We don't have a great plan of where we're going to be and when we're going to be there, but we try to let things come to us and open ourselves to the possibilities.” [10:13] “Pretty epic and extraordinary like synchronous events that come from really living in this space of the unknown.” [36:11] “If we do get out of alignment, like when you're traveling sometimes and stuff falls apart.” PS -The Spiritual Entrepreneur Playground is opening. If you are like me wanting to leverage your spiritual consciousness as an entrepreneur please join us at We'd love to have you join us in that community. To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
10/19/202123 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP 273: Episode From the Road

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, my husband and I share the things we are enjoying and learning throughout our RV trip. Together with our 3 cats— Bart, Nugget, and Juniper we've been through all sorts of different states and states of consciousness as we've traveled. What you will learn in this episode: Our RV trip stops and routes RV trip tricks-- toll booths, parking ideas, styles of RV, and more Travel stories from the road A sneak peek at the episode: [1:00] “We started in Germantown where we picked up the RV in Maryland and then swung by home in DC and then hit the highway and went up to Delaware.” [23:28] “You can get coffee and have breakfast in the RV with the cats, and they're eating their food and you're having yours wherever you want to be with the windows open. It's like having a really nice window view of whatever natural place you're in this. Fantastic!” [36:11] “But I enjoy that kind of thing. And that's why we're very spontaneous, which serves us both really well. If you're traveling with someone, another trick is to travel with someone with similar values to you, because it's way easier.” PS - The Spiritual Entrepreneur Playground is open. If you are interested in getting more information about that, you can go to We'd love to have you join us in that community. To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
10/12/202147 minutes, 23 seconds
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EP 272: We Are All So Connected

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, I share a very personal experience about how we are all so connected with each other. Have you ever felt depressed and despondent all of the sudden or wake up in tears not knowing what is wrong or why? Even when there is nothing logically in your environment that would have you feeling sad? That was me last weekend and what I learned may surprise you. What you will learn in this episode: How we are truly connected with each other Some great practices for your life & business The impact of your legacy on others A sneak peek at the episode: [02:15] “Sometimes you have this feeling and you're not sure, like they're not connected to your current reality, but you don't know why they're happening, but you're really clear that they're happening.” [11:54] “The impact that people are having and how we all are connected and how one person's experience of doing something for another forever changes them” [19:09] “And just this week, pick one to three people that have been an amazing gift in your life and pour into them. However, that feels....” The Spiritual Entrepreneur Playground is launching very, very, very soon. If you are interested in getting more information about that, you can go to and be one of the first to know. To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
10/5/202121 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP 271: Virtual Meetings with Your Spiritual Board of Directors

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about virtual meetings with your spiritual board of directors. Did you know you have a spiritual board of directors that is available to you at all times?  This is an incredible resource for you and your business.  Let me connect you to your “SBOD” in this episode. What you will learn in this episode: Inviting your spiritual board of directors in to give you guidance and support How to have virtual meetings with you spiritual board of directors Connecting with you spiritual board of directors How your spiritual board of directors can help you with your business  A sneak peek at the episode: [04:43] “That is an incredible resource for you and your business. And I really would encourage you to do this at least quarterly and have a board meeting with your spiritual board of directors and do a planning session with them and set an agenda of the things that you want to set up.” [03:32] “Ask again that this space be surrounded in the white light of God's love and protection, and that only the highest truth be brought into the room.”  [08:48] “Your Guides, your Angels and if you have any Divine teachers that you work with, if you have a connection to any particular Avatar or whatever your team is that you work with, invite them in..” PS - if you're wanting to also be in a community and environment where we talk about spirituality and how it helps your business,  we are putting together the Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground and  we're going to be launching it soon! If you are interested please join us at to be the first to know when the doors to our Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground open. To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea. 
9/28/202114 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP 270: A Spiritual Solution to Challenging Conversations

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, I share with you the spiritual process that I use when I am faced with a challenging conversation.   Whether I am meeting someone face-to-face, over the phone, on zoom, … this technique is extremely powerful at giving you the best possible outcome for any conflict or “scary” conversation. What you will learn in this episode: How to handle challenging conversations Spiritually Pre-framing conversations on an energetic level What to do before going in an important conversation How prayer can shift the outcome  A sneak peek at the episode: [05:32] “Allow your soul to speak through you that way.” [06:34] “Is there an intention that you have and listen inside for what the answer is? Allow that energy to “pre-pave”. And then just really wrap that up with gratitude and thank them for working with you on this, in the spiritual realm with you.  [08:47] “The Divine is on it. Everything is, it is working. Truly in the highest Divine harmony for you at that point.” I hope that you will try this out in your own life and let us know how it goes. Your soul is more powerful than you know and always working on your behalf behind the scenes. PS - if you're wanting to also be in a community and environment where we're going to be really next leveling these types of gifts in our Spiritual Entrepreneur enterprises,  we are putting together the Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground and we're going to be launching it soon! If you are interested please join us at to be the first to know when the doors to our Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground open. To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea. 
9/21/202114 minutes, 17 seconds
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EP 269: How to Know Your Gifts

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about how to know your gifts. How aware are you of your unique spiritual gifts? Are you fully embodying or living them on the daily? Are you setting them aside to focus on more “practical” things? Are you curious about what they might be or how to deepen your access to them? Whatever your gifts are, you have been given them for your unique life path and to help move humanity forward. What you will learn in this episode: How to know your gifts The different categories of spiritual gifts Gifts that go beyond the five senses Your zone of genius A sneak peek at this episode: [01:35] “Let's say that you have a natural innate sense of feeling like you can feel other people's feelings.” [04:10] “And some of us … have a heightened sense of empathy” [09:18] “You can see things that are coming. You may be very good at being a visionary and seeing things that are needing to be done.” Start to go beyond your five senses, go beyond even just co-creating with the Divine and witnessing your life. And start to use those other next-level parts of your soul's knowing, and see what shows up for you. Want to deepen your spiritual gifts, please join us at to be the first to know when the doors to our Spiritual Entrepreneur's Playground open. To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea
9/14/202126 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP 268: How to Recognize Signs From the Divine

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about how to recognize signs from the Divine. There are different ways that we receive signs. They can be something that we ask consciously for, or they can actually be the guidance that is moving for us through us, around us all of the time. What you will learn in this episode: How you receive signs in your life How those signs appear in your life How to get an answer from the Universe with a question How to know if “it’s” a sign from the Divine A sneak peek at the episode: [01:48] “How do you receive signs in your life? What is it that gives you the awareness that you're receiving a message from the Divine? ” [04:15] “So another thing that's a great sign for me are repeated messages from people.” [05:26] “So trust your intuition when they come in, the signs like that for you, that you're being guided.” If you have been really feeling called to having a community and working with some other like-minded like-hearted spiritual entrepreneurs, as well as receiving some guidance from me, inside of a community type of environment, we are going to be launching the spiritual entrepreneur's playground coming up very soon and I would LOVE to have you join us. If you are interested please join us at to be the first to know when the doors to our Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground open. To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
9/7/202119 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP 267: How to Stay in Your Joy When "Shift Happens”

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about how to stay in your joy when “shift happens”. With everything that is happening in the world right now, how do we stay in a high vibrational point of attraction? If you are going through “shift” in your life right now, join in! Because this episode is for you. What you will learn in this episode: How to stay in your joy The importance of finding and recognizing the gift in the “shift” Finding the next best feeling for you right now?   How to shift your energy when “shift happens” Quick and easy ways to shift and transform when “shift” is happening to stay in your joy A sneak peek at the episode: [05:07] “What is that next emotion that I am willing to move up to?” [09:53] “Asking - What would be the gift?”... “What is that next rung that I could reach for? ” [10:29] “Those are some of the really quick and easy ways. If you're wanting to shift and transform when “shift” is happening in order to stay in your joy.” If you are looking for a community, a group of women spiritual entrepreneurs that are living and enjoying using spiritual tools to build their businesses, to help serve humanity, with “all the woo, and business too” ----> we are going to be launching the Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Playground in September and I would LOVE to have you join us. If you are interested please join us at to be the first to know when the doors to our Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground open. To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, Follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
8/31/202117 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP 266: Channeling into Structure

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about channeling into structure. Are you a “downloader” or a creative, where your inspiration comes “through you” rather than “from you”? If so, this episode this week is for you! What you will learn in this episode: What is channeling into structure? How you can be way more efficient by creating the structure for your business first? One thing that has really helped me in my own business A sneak peek at the episode: [01:13] “What is channeling into structure? Well, what that means is we change the way that we normally would do creative parts of our business” [03:14] “And maybe you can relate to this. If you're someone who ‘downloads’ a lot of information and you're like, how do I organize all this? ” [04:16] “So these are things that we can create as creative, spiritual entrepreneurs.” If you are wanting more structure to channel into and you are you looking for an amazing “like-hearted” community, a group of women spiritual entrepreneurs with “all the woo, and business too” ----> we are going to be launching the Spiritual Entrepreneur’s Playground in September and I would love to have you join us. If you are interested please join us at to be the first to know when the doors to our Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground open. To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, Follow me on Instagram @deviadea.
8/24/202111 minutes, 11 seconds
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EP 265: The Practice of Gratitude, Beyond the Journal

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the practice of gratitude beyond the journal. With everything that is going on with the world right now we still have a lot to be thankful for. I know it’s been a rough couple of years or maybe even more. You may be struggling right now with your business situation where things are not going how you want them to go, but there is a light behind everything that is happening, no matter how dark the moment may seem. There is always a light projecting through that is the essence behind whatever you are experiencing. When you turn your attention towards that light, the picture changes, the experience changes and life shows up very differently. Listen in and discover a practice of gratitude that will transform your experiences and will bring so much grace into your life. Living in gratitude on the regular, puts you into vibrational alignment with what it is that you’re wanting to create in your life and the more that you live in this vibration, the more resilient you are. No matter what's going on in the world, when you live in gratitude, you will automatically attract more to be grateful for. . BONUS - This week we did something completely new on the show - Surprise! Listen in to see what it is. :) What you will learn in this episode: How to practice gratitude at the next level How to witness the light behind the “appearance” What to do to experience Grace How you can use the power of questions How to “pre-pave” your day A sneak peek at the episode: [00:35] “There are different practices that we may have for putting ourselves into a space of gratitude and really focusing on those things that we're most grateful for” [07:00] “No matter how dark a moment can seem, there is always light projecting through that is behind the essence of that.” [16:29] “Witness that light inside of that picture and be grateful for it” [16:51] Surprise - See what we did that was new this week. :) What are you most grateful for? If you are wanting to bridge spirituality and entrepreneurship at a deeper level, connect with a community of high vibe women spiritual entrepreneurs and start to truly live spiritual practice in your life and business, please join us at to be the first to know when the doors to our Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground open. To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, Follow me on Instagram @deviadea
8/17/202124 minutes, 20 seconds
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EP 264: I'm Back!

Hey there Love!  I know that I have been gone for a “minute”, but I am back and I am so excited to pick up where we left off and share some of my journey in 2021 so far with you.  We are always being guided by the small still voice within - what I like to call the “voice of your soul”.   “What has the voice of your soul been telling you lately?”.  Well, mine had me put our house on the market and sent me on a journey across the country in an RV with 3 Cats and my husband to my hometown of Washington, DC. (Details are in this week’s episode, if you’re curious.  It has been a year of big and wonderful change.) One thing that I know for sure is when the voice of your soul speaks, it is time to turn down all of the other voices and listen up.  When we don’t listen, a “whisper” can become a “shout” and a “tap on the shoulder” can shift into a “Cosmic 2x4 upside your head”.  Can you relate? Are you being guided to make a change that you know is right for you? Are you listening to or ignoring that voice?  The choice is always yours.  Choose wisely.  I have a feeling that you are saying, “Yes, Devi. I hear my soul’s voice talking to me!’.  Now is the time to listen…  What is it telling you to do?  This is your “Sign from the Universe” that you have been waiting for right here... Do whatever that voice says without delay.    What you will learn from this episode: Why your intuition is your best guide Why shifting your environment can be so good for you How important it is to your soul to be with your family (“soul family”, “family of origin” or “family of choice”) - the people who truly get you, where there is a deep love and mutual understanding and support. A sneak peek at the episode: [2:55] “The whole experience of Covid or the pandemic, and everything that all of us have been through in the last year and some, has really had me look at the precious moments with my family.” [4:58] “Just put out the intention and see what shows up to support you.”  [7:22] “Make some time for that beautiful ‘small voice’ or maybe ‘big voice’ depending on how you hear it.”  [7:29] “Listen in, listen up. And start to take action whatever that voice is telling you.”  If you’d love to see some pictures of the journey across the country in an RV with 3 cats and my husband, connect with me on Instagram @deviadea.   Also, if you enjoyed this episode, please consider rating the Spiritual Entrepreneur podcast and share it with a friend that you think would benefit from it. As a result, I'll be able to help more people like you who are interested in Spiritual Entrepreneurship and expressing the voice of their soul.
8/10/20217 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP 263: Some Big News in 2021!

(Announcement) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, I share some news that is pretty big for my husband and I, as we share this journey of spiritual entrepreneurship together.  Listen in to get the update.  Connect with Devi on her website @  or follow my journey on Instagram @deviadea. PS - If you want to create your online course this year with a 45 Day Free trial of Kajabi, join us for the "Idea to Income" Challenge.  You can get your free trial and access to the challenge here with my affiliate link: Looking forward to creating together! 
1/8/20216 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP 262: Happy New Year 2021!

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we bring in the New Year together! We go through a "guided journey"... Mining the Gold from 2020 and closing it out Setting the energy for 2021 Visualizing what will be coming to create your dream 2021 and more… Connect with Devi on her website @  or on Instagram @deviadea. Many Blessings for an amazing 2021!  
12/31/202045 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP 261: Celebrating the Holidays From Our Home to Yours

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, I am coming to you on Christmas Day from our home to send you some light.  This is not our traditional episode, but just me sharing a special moment on Christmas day with you.  Whether you celebrate Christmas or another Holyday this season, let's share it together in light.  Stay tuned for next week's episode where I will guide you through a process for mapping out 2021.   Sending so much light & love to you this Holyday Season!  May your life and business be deeply blessed, dear one!  Merry Christmas & Happy Holydays!
12/25/202012 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP 260: Radical Abundance for Spiritual Entrepreneurs in Radical Times

In this episode, Devi chats with Kristian Strang about “Radical Abundance for Spiritual Entrepreneurs in Radical Times”. Kristian Strang is a bestselling author and messenger for The Highest Light, led by Mary Magdalene. She has written nine books, including her recent releases Radical Abundance in Radical Times and Love Now: Your Daily Dose of Love & Miracles along with her spiritual romance The Quest series. She has been featured in publications such as Bustle, The Huffington Post, Elephant Journal, Thrive Global, Elite Daily, and on the cover of the Sedona Journal of Emergence. She has also been a featured speaker on a number of podcasts and summits, including our very own Spiritual Entrepreneur (Episode 215).  Kristian has facilitated metaphysical healings, training, and meditations for thousands of women, couples, and families worldwide.  Devi and Kristian discuss: How we are the “highest technology” Stepping into Divinity  How our finances tie into our worth The Law of Magnetism How the best thing you can do for your life’s work is your spiritual development How to know if your magnetics are aligned Our field of energy when we are co-creating in alignment with our highest destiny The gifts that Kristian received when she left Facebook Using an affirmation like “I am magnetizing to me all that serves my highest destiny” to create what is in Divine alignment with you Whether to include specifics or not in your Divine Co-creation What your field of Divine Magnetism depends upon How to optimize your human technology Misinformation about meditation Upgrading your meditation practice Only working with one energy medicine practitioner at a time Asking your higher wisdom to bring your practitioner to you Reparenting yourself Healing your relationships with your parents Where “witnessing” fits into the equation of radical abundance What happened when Kristian asked her spirit team to help her become enlightened How these radical times that we are living in are “developing” us The New Reality Networking with other light beings How Kristian came to know her team and to channel Mary Magdeline How we are here to embody radical abundance Working with Family Dynamics The importance of reading transmissions “out loud” Affirming that you are a Divine Being of the Light Receive a special FREE masterclass for our community through the end of 2020 when you get a copy of her book here. Connect with Kristian:On her website @ On her YouTube Channel here
12/18/202056 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP 259: How to Tell if a Business Strategy is Right for You

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about how to “How to Tell if a Business Strategy is Right for You”. December is the time of year when we often take inventory of the past year, wrap up projects, and make a plan for the upcoming year.  You may be evaluating new business strategies for your business and also deciding what parts of your previous strategic business plan to release or shift from this past year.  In this episode, we talk about a simple litmus test that you can use to help you to know if a business strategy is right for you or not.  We are being called to collectively follow the wisdom within us as Spiritual Entrepreneurs more now, than ever!   Make sure to schedule an appointment with yourself to see if the strategies that you are putting in place for 2021 are in alignment with that inner wisdom and your soul's voice.  PS - If you’d be interested in being supported by me in 2021 as your "guide on the side" to help you with some of the tools that you can use to build and/or scale a business with and from your own soul's voice and wisdom, please email my team @ [email protected].  It would be an honor to support your soul's work in the world. 
12/12/202017 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP 258: Connecting With Higher Wisdom In Changing Times with Christopher Dilts

In this episode, Devi chats with Christopher Dilts about "Connecting With Higher Wisdom In Changing Times".  Christopher works with individuals and organizations to help them connect with their Soul’s Wisdom, Intelligence, and Intuition for making business and personal decisions with the highest levels of love and insight. He has lead high tech startups and worked with Fortune 500 tech and Biotech companies. Christopher is known as an Angel Intuitive Expert and has opened World Angel Day in London, Los Angeles, and Vancouver as well as other events and gatherings. He had his first Angel encounter 25 years ago. Connect with Christopher @ Happy Listening! 
12/4/20201 hour, 20 minutes, 50 seconds
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EP 257: Intention Series - On Creativity and Imagination featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri

(Intention Series) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the power of intentions, and Devi shares intentions on Creativity and Imagination featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri from her Godfather's book, "Creating a Life YOU LOVE, 1001 Intentions". You can listen to this episode over and over if you want to take in the intentions or use it to create one of your own that you can practice with this week around Creativity and Imagination. If you create your own intention around Creativity and Imagination, please share it with us here in the comments below. If you'd be interested in being the first to know about our Spiritual Entrepreneur Community Membership, please join the waitlist here: May you experience Creativity and Imagination this week!
11/27/202015 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP 256: Intention Series - On Self-Energizing featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri

(Intention Series) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the power of intentions, and Devi shares intentions on Self-Energizing featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri from her Godfather's book, "Creating a Life YOU LOVE, 1001 Intentions". You can listen to this episode over and over if you want to take in the intentions or use it to create one of your own that you can practice with this week around Self-Energizing. If you create your own intention around Self-Energizing, please share it with us here in the comments below. If you'd be interested in being the first to know about our Spiritual Entrepreneur Community Membership, please join the waitlist here:
11/20/202012 minutes, 56 seconds
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EP 255: Intention Series - On Releasing Negative Emotions featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri

(Intention Series) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the power of intentions, and Devi shares intentions on Releasing Negative Emotions featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri from her Godfather's book, "Creating a Life YOU LOVE, 1001 Intentions". You can listen to this episode over and over if you want to take in the intentions or use it to create one of your own that you can practice with this week around Releasing Negative Emotions. If you create your own intention around Releasing Negative Emotions, please share it with us here in the comments below. If you'd be interested in being the first to know about our Spiritual Entrepreneur Community Membership, please join the waitlist here: May you release any Negative Emotions this week!
11/13/202021 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP 254: Intention Series - On Oneness featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri

(Intention Series) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the power of intentions, and Devi shares intentions on Oneness featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri from her Godfather's book, "Creating a Life YOU LOVE, 1001 Intentions". You can listen to this episode over and over if you want to take in the intentions or use it to create one of your own that you can practice with this week around Oneness. If you create your own intention around Oneness please share it with us here in the comments below. If you'd be interested in being the first to know about our Spiritual Entrepreneur Community Membership, please join the waitlist here: May you experience deeply connected Oneness this week!
11/6/202013 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP 253: Intention Series - On Freedom featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri

(Intention Series) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the power of intentions, and Devi shares intentions on Freedom featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri from her Godfather's book, "Creating a Life YOU LOVE, 1001 Intentions". You can listen to this episode over and over if you want to take in the intentions or use it to create one of your own that you can practice with this week around Freedom. If you create your own intention around Freedom, please share it with us here in the comments below. If you'd be interested in being the first to know about our Spiritual Entrepreneur Community Membership, please join the waitlist here: May you experience expanded Freedom this week!
10/30/202011 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP 252: Intention Series - On Gratitude featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri

(Intention Series) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the power of intentions, and Devi shares intentions on gratitude featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri from her Godfather's book, "Creating a Life YOU LOVE, 1001 Intentions". You can listen to this episode over and over if you want to take in the intentions or use it to create one of your own that you can practice with this week around gratitude.  If you create your own intention around gratitude, please share it with us here in the comments below. If you'd be interested in being the first to know about our Spiritual Entrepreneur Community Membership, please join the waitlist here: May you experience deep heartfelt gratitude!  
10/23/202016 minutes, 11 seconds
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EP 251: Intention Series - On Intuition & Self Guidance featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri

(Intention Series) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the power of intentions, and Devi shares intentions on Intuition & Self Guidance featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri from her Godfather's book, "Creating a Life YOU LOVE, 1001 Intentions". You can listen to this episode over and over if you want to take in the intentions or use it to create one of your own that you can practice with this week around Intuition and Self Guidance.  If you create your own intention around Intuition & Self Guidance, please share it with us here in the comments below. If you'd be interested in being the first to know about our Spiritual Entrepreneur Community Membership, please join the waitlist here: May you experience enhanced Intuition & Self Guidance!  
10/16/202015 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP 250: Intention Series - On Expanded Understanding featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri

(Intention Series) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the power of intentions, and Devi shares intentions on Expanded Understanding from her Godfather's book, "Creating a Life YOU LOVE, 1001 Intentions". You can listen to this episode over and over if you want to take in the intentions or use it to create one of your own that you can practice with this week around expanded understanding.  If you create your own intention around expanded understanding, please share it with us here in the comments below. If you'd be interested in being the first to know about our Spiritual Entrepreneur Community Membership, please join the waitlist here: May you experience Expanded Understanding!  
10/9/20209 minutes, 23 seconds
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EP 249: Intention Series - On Health & Healing featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri

(Intention Series) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the power of intentions, and Devi shares intentions on Health & Healing from her Godfather's book, "Creating a Life YOU LOVE, 1001 Intentions". You can listen to this episode over and over if you want to take in the intentions or use it to create one of your own that you can practice with this week around health and healing.  If you create your own intention around health and/or healing, please share it with us here in the comments below. If you'd be interested in being the first to know about our Spiritual Entrepreneur Community Membership, please join the waitlist here: Envisioning you healthy & healed!  
10/2/202016 minutes, 32 seconds
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EP 248: Happy Spiritual Entrepreneur Day!!!

In this "shout out" episode, WE ARE CELEBRATING YOU TODAY, SPIRITUAL ENTREPRENEUR! Today is Spiritual Entrepreneur Day (September 23rd)!!! Take a moment to pause and celebrate the journey you have been on. I honor you for your beautiful work in the world! It may not always be easy, but your work matters! I am very grateful that you are here sharing your unique mix of awesome with the world, during this time (especially)! The world needs your light!  Thank you for who you "BE" in the world!    Wishing you a very Happy Spiritual Entrepreneur Day 2020!
9/23/20201 minute, 49 seconds
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EP 247: Intention Series - On Abundance featuring works from Swamiji Shankarananda Giri

(Intention Series) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the power of intentions, and Devi shares intentions on Abundance from her Godfather's book, "Creating a Life YOU LOVE, 1001 Intentions". You can listen to this episode over and over if you want to take in the intentions or use it to create one of your own that you can practice with this week around abundance.  If you create your own intention around abundance, please share it with us here in the comments below. If you'd be interested in being the first to know about our Spiritual Entrepreneur Community Membership, please join the waitlist here: Be Abundant!  
9/18/202018 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP 246: Let's Play the Creating Peace Game

(Devi Download) In this Episode, We play the Creating Peace Game.  Are you up for a game of "Creating Peace"? It doesn't take long and it feels really great and can make a big difference in the world when played together. Have a listen, if you are game... I send You Love. I send you light. I send you peace.  If you enjoyed today's game, please enjoy playing it anytime, and please pass it on so that we can spread the peace!  Our world needs it right now. Here is a quick typed up cheat sheet for you to use in the future, in case you don't have time to do the guided audio version: The Creating Peace Game  1. Take 3 Deep Breaths (in through the nose & out through the mouth) 2. Think of someone that you love. See their face in your mind and feel their essence. Then say their name and say… “I send you love. I send you light. I send you peace.” (Repeat for 3-5 or more people) 3. Think of a pet or a species of animals. See them in your mind. Then say the name of the pet or species of animal (“Fido” or “Dolphins” or “Elephants”, etc.) and then say… “I send you love. I send you light. I send you peace.” (Repeat for 3-5 or more animals or species) 4. Imagine that you are looking at the Earth from space. Envision the planet and say whatever word you like most for Earth (Earth, Planet, Globe, Mother Nature, Gaia, Father/Mother Earth, World). Then say “I send you love. I send you light. I send you peace.” (Repeat for 3-5 or more times, continuing to envision the planet in your mind) 5. See your own face in your mind and then say your name (out loud), followed by “I send you love. I send you light. I send you peace.” (Repeat for 3-5 or more times). NOTE: On the last round of step 5, stretch your arms out wide and then wrap them around your upper body and give yourself a big HUG as you say your name and then “I send you love. I send you light. I send you peace.” You can play this game with others in quarantine, you can play it solo. You can do it out loud or silently to yourself.  If you feel like you don’t have the space to do this at home, you will definitely benefit from playing this game - find a space for it somewhere in your world! If you feel called and you speak a different language, please feel free to translate this and share this game in your own language with your community. From my heart to yours…. “I send you love. I send you light. I send you peace.” Thank you for Creating Peace with me. 
9/11/20208 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP 245: Pinterest for Podcasters with Kim Sutton

XOver Episode!  This is our very first ever XOver episode, where we introduce you to one of Devi's other podcasts, Podcast on Purpose.  In this episode, Devi chats with Kim Sutton, the Host of the Positive Productivity podcast about "Pinterest for Podcasters".  You'll learn how you can use Pinterest to grow your podcast audience.  Kim Sutton is the author of the forthcoming book, Chronic Idea Disorder: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Overcoming Idea Overwhelm.  Kim Sutton has learned the hard way that just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. The Positive Productivity podcast launched in October 2016, after Kim recovered from a three-year cycle of chasing everyone else’s successes and severe sleep-deprivation. In addition to her podcast, Kim is a marketing automation mentor, wife, and mom of 5. She has found her passion and purpose empowering broke, broken, and burnt-out business owners to set up the systems and support they need to make time for the self-care they deserve. Happy Listening!  Connect with Kim on her website and learn more about Pinterest for Podcasters at  PS - this link is an affiliate link...  If you should decide to purchase her course through this link, Devi will receive a referral fee.
9/4/202043 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP 244: Lessons from the Masters with George Adams

In this episode, I sit with my father, as he shares some of his favorite "Lessons from the Masters".   We’ll be doing a few of these special episodes, while I am here in DC with them.  If you have any questions that you’d love for us to answer on the show, you can email us a quick voice memo from your phone (to use the audio on the show) or email us the question to [email protected] with the subject line “ask the folks”. We'd love to have you join us in our FREE Facebook community @ My father will be leading a special talk this next Wednesday evening, September 2nd @ 7:30 pm ET over there, talking about "Towards the Light".  ALSO - if you'd like to be notified when we launch our private membership community, you can join the waitlist to be notified here:  Wishing you a wonderful and blessed week!
8/29/202032 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP 243: Moving Your Business Forward While You Move

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about how to "Move Your Business Forward, While You Move".   A lot of people are moving their homes to new homes or are feeling the call to move out of town and into places with more open space.  I have been in DC, helping my family move from the upstairs to the first floor of their home and it has been really challenging to sort through and move 55 years' worth of things. Moving requires extra energy and focus and can be challenging even when we are not experiencing a pandemic.  In this episode, we share some great practices that you can use to keep your business moving forward in the middle of a physical move.  If you have a favorite practice for moving your business forward while moving, we'd love to hear it too.  Please share it in the comment section below.  If you'd be interested in a Spiritual Entrepreneur Community Membership, please let us know here or email my team @ [email protected]. Happy Listening! 
8/21/202020 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP 242: DC Series - Strategic Planning During the Pandemic with Dad

In this episode, I sit with my father (and my mother who is with us silently lending her beautiful energy) and we talk about some of the big questions that we are facing as a family right now.  My father was an estate planning attorney for years and worked in the banking industry and we discuss what you may want to be thinking about (that we are thinking about) during the pandemic from a strategic planning perspective. This is not legal advice, but I decided to tap into the wealth of wisdom that my father has to share on this topic with you from many years in this field on the show this week.   We’ll be doing a few of these special episodes, while I am here in DC visiting.  If you have any questions that you’d love for us to answer on the show, you can email us a quick voice memo from your phone (to use the audio on the show) or email us in text the question to [email protected] with the subject line “ask the folks”. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed week! PS – If you’d like some support from me on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship or during this time, you can: Connect on Instagram. Connect on Facebook. or email my team to see how we might work together @ [email protected].
8/14/202028 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP 241: Staying Connected While Social Distancing

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about how to "Stay Connected While Social Distancing".  We share some great practices that you can use to stay connected to family, friends, clients, team members, and yourself while you are social distancing - both tactical and practical, as well as spiritual.  If you have a favorite practice for staying connected while social distancing, we'd love to hear it too.  Please share it in the comment section below.  PS – If you’d like some support from me on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship or during this time, you can: Connect on Instagram. Connect on Facebook. or email my team to see how we might work together @ [email protected]. Happy Listening! 
8/7/202019 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 240: DC Series - Dinner Chat With Mom & Dad

In this episode, we sit around the kitchen table with my parents and talk philosophy, relationships, and what it is like growing up in a Spiritual Entrepreneur household.  Welcome to a very special conversational series with my folks from their kitchen table, in the house where I grew up in Washington, DC.  I hope that you will join us for this special time with me and my parents, who have been two of my greatest spiritual and business mentors.  We'll be doing a few of these special episodes, while I am here in DC visiting.  If you have any questions that you'd love for us to answer on the show, you can email us a quick voice memo from your phone (to use the audio on the show) or email us in text the question to [email protected] with the subject line "ask the folks".   Wishing you a wonderful and blessed week! PS – If you’d like some support from me on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship or during this time, you can: Connect on Instagram. Connect on Facebook. or email my team to see how we might work together @ [email protected].
7/31/202053 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP 239: 7 Words That Will Change Your Life

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, I share the “7 Words That Will Change Your Life".  These 7 words have been a huge lifeline for me in my own life and have granted me so much grace and ease in manifesting what is needed in the moment.  If you are challenged in any area of your life or business right now or are wanting to upgrade any area of your business, I invite you to listen in to this episode and try out these 7 words this week and then pay attention to what "shows up".  Please let us know what beautiful "miracles" (which truly are available every day of your life - one breath and 7 words away) transpire for you. PS - If you’d like some support from me on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship or during this time, you can: Connect on Instagram.  Connect on Facebook. or email my team to see how we might work together @ [email protected]. Wishing you a beautiful week, dear friend!!!
7/24/202016 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP 238: Gaining Momentum in Challenging Times

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about “Gaining Momentum in Challenging Times” through a simple practice that you can use in quarantine and beyond.  Many of us are faced right now with unique circumstances and are also in a growth phase in business and life.  Listen in to learn a simple practice that you can put in place that will help you to move things forward, no matter what is going on in your current experience.  PS - If you’d like some support from me on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship or during this time, you can: Connect on Instagram.  Connect on Facebook. or email my team to see how we might work together @ [email protected]. Be well, dear friend!!!
7/17/202012 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP 237: Expanding Your Reach on Stages with Lorianne Vaughan Speaks

In this episode, Devi chats with Lorianne Vaughan Speaks about "Expanding Your Reach on Stages".  Lorianne Speaks is an expert in the area of Speaker/Author support. She amplifies the visibility of Authors/Speakers/Messengers while they do what they love - SPEAK! Lorianne has helped spearhead multiple best-selling book campaigns - editing, proofing, through to launch and social media marketing to help authors create buzz and momentum throughout the social media platforms and increasing their message World-Wide. Lorianne and her team have made it their mission to empower speakers to deliver their message by handling the rest of the details! Prior to starting her own Virtual Assistance company, Lorianne had over 15 years of professional experience supporting a Top 100 Thought Leader as she built her businesses. When her boss decided to sell her company, Lorianne found herself laid off at 60 years of age. Today she has a team of five who support Speaker/authors in various stages of their business growth. Connect with Lorianne on her website @ 
7/10/202049 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 236: 6 Steps to Everything You Desire with Fred DiDomenico

In this episode, Devi chats with Dr. Fred DiDomenico about "6 Steps to Everything Your Desire".  This is 6 Steps to tapping into your Innate Divinity, releasing the pain of your past, hearing the whispers of Divine guidance and finding, living, and fulfilling your soul purpose, the reason you are here in this life. This is written in his book, “You Are More Powerful Than You Think,” and the coaching system found on Dr. Fred DiDomenico graduated Chiropractic School in 1987.  In the next 14 years of practice, he led 1000’s of patients and families into an optimal spine/optimal health lifestyle of corrective chiropractic. He was fulfilling his soul and life purpose being a health care provider, teacher, inspired, and healer. He then felt an urge, a bigger purpose, to move beyond practice and help chiropractors fulfill their purpose, serve, and help more people live a healthy, exceptional life with chiropractic. He started Elite Chiropractic Coaching, a chiropractic coaching group training doctors in the communication, team training, leadership, and business skills to become exceptional to help them and their patients live a healthy fulfilling, purpose-driven life. He has influenced over 1 million patients around the world through doctors, presentations, and online videos and programs. After the passing of his late wife with cancer in 2004, who passed telling him she was dying with the regret of NOT living or fulfilling her soul purpose, through his faith and unwavering, lifelong desire to living an enlightened life, he was Divinely given H.E.A.L.E.D. The H.E.A.L.E.D. and “You Are More Powerful” system has already brought hundreds of people into their Higher Self, raised their consciousness and advanced EVERY area of their life.  It is a miracle because YOU ARE the miracle. The question is, “Are you Conscious of it?” Connect with Dr. Fred DiDomenico @  You Are More Powerful Then You Think Facebook Page: Email: [email protected] Website: Podcast: Resurrecting Our Freedom Please SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favorite Podcatcher to receive the latest episodes as they are released! Happy Listening! 
7/3/202040 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP 235: Profiting From Your Experience with Lori Lyons

In this episode, Devi chats with Lori Lyons about "Profiting From Your Experience".  So many people in today's world - whether they work for small businesses or large corporations, find themselves downsized, reduced, or laid off. They are scared and panicked because they are overqualified or want too much money or "too old" - aka too MUCH experience. They decide to start their own business but are overwhelmed and confused with all the marketing out there and haven't a clue where to start.  This is where Lori comes in... Lori is a non-technical person living in a technical world. As a marketing strategist and owner of a website design company, she strives to help her clients with marketing confusion in simple everyday terms. She marries the woo and the doo and uses stories and analogies to make the complex simple. Lori has over 30 years as an entrepreneur and marketer. She has been fired, downsized, reduced, and laid off twice in the space of 2 years yet she still maintains a sense of humor and fun about life and business. She loves her Atlanta Braves baseball, sports in general and enjoys her backyard bird habitat. Connect with Lori @ SUBSCRIBE to our show on your favorite Podcatcher to receive the latest episodes as they are released! Happy Listening! 
6/26/202043 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP 234: Flip Time Love Life with Karen Briscoe

In this episode, Devi chats with Karen Briscoe about "Flip Time Love Life".  Karen Briscoe is the creator of the transformative "5 Minute Success" concept. Karen has been on a Heroine's Journey from being too busy and overwhelmed to loving the life she has while she creates and co-creates the life of her dreams. In her personal life, she has enjoyed good health for her age, long and happy marriage to Andy since 1987, and 2 healthy, well-established kids. Yet there never seemed to be enough time or money. She felt as though there was something more that was hers to do. Busy had become a competitive arena, a badge of honor. What she found is the only one truly stopping Karen was Karen. She learned how to "flip" time to focus on meaningful activities and work. If she can do it, you can too!  Karen is the principal owner of the Huckaby Briscoe Conroy Group (HBC) with Keller Williams. The HBC Group has been recognized by the Wall Street Journal as one of the 250 Top Realtor® teams in the United States. Since 1977, HBC Group has sold over 1,500 homes valued at over $1.5 billion. The team consistently sells over 100 residential properties annually ranging from multi-million dollar luxury estates to condominiums and townhomes. Primary market areas include Northern Virginia, suburban Maryland, and Washington, DC. Connect with Karen @ Please SUBSCRIBE to our show on your favorite Podcatcher to receive the latest episodes as they are released! Happy Listening! 
6/19/202045 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP 233: Priority Management with Jen Du Plessis

In this episode, Devi chats with Jen Du Plessis about "Priority Management". Jen is the Founder of Kinetic Spark Consulting, Black Fox Investments, and Valor Home Solutions. She the Author of “LAUNCH! How to Take your Business to New Heights,” and her just released book “Business Boosts” where she collaborated with 12 other national speakers. Her next book “From Success to Significance - Life After Breaking through Glass Ceilings,” will be released in Spring of 2020. She is also the host of first mortgage specific and top-rated Podcast “Stop Talking, Take Action, Get Results!” Jen spent over 35 years in residential mortgage lending and was ranked in the top 1% of Loan Originators in the U.S. for many years; as well as being in the Top 200 for 4 years. She is a self-proclaimed serial entrepreneur with extensive leadership and sales experience. Today, Jen is a highly sought after national and international Speaker and Coach (traveling with and sharing stages with Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Barbara Corcoran, Darren Hardy, Magic Johnson, and many more international personalities); who specializes in creating Lifestyle Businesses to help solopreneurs, sales professionals, mortgage loan originators, and realtors to multiply their results in record time, while maintaining a commanding and prosperous personal lifestyle. Her mission is to help people identify and then align their core values to enable them to attain more value everywhere in their lives (Personal, Health, Finance, Relationships, and Business), resulting in the ability to make concise business decisions to create an amazing lifestyle first, and then designing a successful business to fit into that lifestyle. Jen has been seen and heard on Good Morning America, Sirus/XM Radio, Voice America, Federal News Radio, and Mortgage News Network. Jen has been featured in such publications as The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post; And she is a regular contributor for Mortgage Executive Magazine and Mortgage Women Magazine.  And, today she is here joining us on the Spiritual Entrepreneur.   Connect with Jen and get her FREE Gift @ Please SUBSCRIBE to our show on your favorite Podcatcher to receive the latest episodes as they are released! Happy Listening!   
6/12/202041 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP 232: Discovering Your Unconscious Bias with Tresté Loving

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, Devi chats with Tresté Loving about "Discovering Your Unconscious Bias".   Tresté spent 26 years in the U.S. Navy. She uses her awesome skills and talents to work with police and sheriffs’ departments helping them with internal and external race relationships. She has over 25 years of experience in race relations and diversity. Tresté provides the framework for the departments to improve teamwork, create stronger community connection and work environment where everyone can thrive. Please join us in this conversation, as we navigate the global awakening that is happening on our planet right now.  Connect with Tresté @  Many Blessings to You! 
6/6/202044 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP 231: Overcoming Unwanted Genetic Patterns with Ariann Thomas

In this episode, Devi chats with Ariann Thomas about "Overcoming Unwanted Genetic Patterns".  Ariann Thomas a leading expert in Ancestral Wisdom. She has been practicing Ancestral Lineage Clearing and Genetic Healing internationally for over 16 years in private and group sessions, and trains other practitioners. Her energy healing work is based on her 35 years of metaphysics and science studies and healing in the native traditions of North and South America. Ariann primarily carries the profound subtle energy of an elder, teacher, advisor, and wisdom carrier. She is part Cherokee by heritage and is a ceremonialist, an intuitive reader, and healer. She combines ancient wisdom with science to clearly explain our connection to the past to clear present life difficulties. Ariann is the author of Healing Family Patterns: Ancestral Lineage Clearing for Personal Growth (2012) and Changing Our Genetic Heritage: Creating a New Reality for Ourselves and Future Generations (2018) and co-author of The Female Factor: A Confidence Guide for Women (2017), The Total Woman (2019) and a contributing author to Yoga for the Brain (to be released February 2020). She writes a monthly column for Conscious Shift Magazine. Connect with Ariann on her website @ If you’d like some support from Devi on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship, you can: Email the team @ [email protected] Join us in our Facebook group @ Connect with Devi on her website @ or her Facebook page @
5/29/202032 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP 230: Building Compassionate Communities with Richard Villasana

In this episode, Devi chats with Richard Villasana about "Building Compassionate Communities".  Richard is the founder of Forever Homes for Foster Kids and is a leading international authority on immigration issues and foster families. A proud Navy veteran, Richard has been featured on CNN International, Univision, AP News, ABC TV, Costco Connections, Washington Post, and EFE, the world’s largest Spanish language media company. He is a columnist with Foster Focus Magazine and an international speaker. He was honored as a California Hero. He has also translated for the United Nations. For 25 years, his non-profit has worked with government agencies across the country to reunite immigrant and foster children with their families. Connect with Richard on his website @  or If you’d like some support from Devi on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship, you can: Email the team @ [email protected] Join us in our Facebook group @ Connect with Devi on her website @ or her Facebook page @
5/22/202040 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP 229: Building Trust on Video with Jennie Edwards

In this episode, Devi chats with Jennie Edwards about "Building Trust on Video".  Jennie is a photographer and videographer who helps entrepreneurs create and share their message online to make a bigger impact in the world. She teaches how to show up confidently and vulnerably, in alignment with their branding and values.  Over the last 12 years, Jennie has run a successful business of empowering her clients to grow their audience, connect authentically, and gain greater clarity of their goals and vision through their video and photographs. Connect with Jennie: Free Gift: Facebook: Personal FB: Website: If you’d like some support from Devi on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship, you can: Email the team @ [email protected] Join us in our Facebook group @ Connect with Devi on her website @ or her Facebook page @ If you feel inspired to do so, please leave us a 5-star review on iTunes and subscribe at
5/15/202036 minutes
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EP 228: How Your Subconscious Controls Your Business with Ilyse Soutine

In this episode, Devi chats with Ilyse Soutine about "How Your Subconscious Controls Your Business". Ilyse Soutine is an author, speaker, and subconscious transformation coach and a National Guild of Hypnotists Certified Hypnotherapist. She helps entrepreneurs become more confident in their ability to make more financially. She accomplishes this by uncovering her clients’ deep, subconscious limiting beliefs around money so that they can fulfill what they were born to contribute to this world and get compensated generously for doing so. Ilyse’s signature methodology, The Subconscious Shift Method, is designed to tap into the subconscious mind using brain science, subconscious reprogramming, spiritual principles and the somatic to help shift old limiting subconscious beliefs and stories. Ilyse has is a frequent contributor to the online magazine Thrive Global and has been featured on The Daring Woman Podcast, and The Mind Flipping Podcast and many others. Learn more about Ilyse on her website @ Also mentioned in this episode: Transcendental Meditation with David Lynch If you’d like some support from Devi on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship: Email the team @ [email protected] Join us in our Facebook group @ Follow Devi on Instagram @deviadea Be well during this time, dear friend!!! 
5/9/202035 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP 227: Managing High Conflict Relationships with the Radical Rabbi, Emily Brenner

In this episode, Devi chats with the Radical Rabbi, Emily Brenner about “Managing High Conflict Relationships ”. What do you get when you cross a divorce lawyer, a counseling psychologist, and a rabbi.?... the Radical Rabbi…Elisheva (Emily) Brenner!  Drawing on nearly four decades of personal and professional experience with divorce, high conflict relationships, stress, depression, and lack of meaning-making tools, Elisheva has developed her unique programs to help people of all backgrounds live self-empowered, purpose-driven, meaningful lives. She is the creator of God’s Five-Steps for Overcoming Absolutely Anything, and its sister program designed for people dealing with high-conflict Ex’s: D.A.M.N. (Disengage. Assess. Manage. Nurture). Learn more about the Radical Rabbi on the Radical Rabbi podcast, blog, and If you’d like some support from Devi on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship: Questions?  Email the team @ [email protected] To join the 28 Day Kajabi Challenge go here to get the 28 Day Free Trial and Challenge Lessons and then join us @ Join us in our Facebook group @
5/1/202054 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 226: Discovering Your "Hot Spots" with Simone Butler

In this episode, Devi chats with Simone Butler about "Discovering Your 'Hot Spots'".  In case you are considering relocation during this time of quarantine or checking to see if where you live is the most optimal place for you to be located, you'll enjoy this episode. Simone Butler is an expert astrological guide with more than 30 years of experience in helping people find their purpose and passion. She began her career as an L.A. fashion editor and has since written for many platforms, including the Starscroll and Simone’s books, Astro Feng Shui: Making Magic in Your Home and Life, and Moon Power: Lunar Rituals for Connecting with Your Inner Goddess, bring ancient secrets into modern living. You can read her blogs and learn about her weekly Patreon show, Simone Sez, at Simone lives in San Diego with her cats, Max and Nora. In this episode, Simone does a reading for Devi and teaches you about how you can discover your "hot spots" for where it is best for you to live, work, have relationships, ... you name it!   Connect with Simone on her website @  If you would like a "Hot Spots" reading with Simone, she is offering a special $25 discount for our community at  
4/24/202043 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP 225: The Consciousness of Cashflow with Julie Steelman

In this episode, Devi chats with Julie Steelman about "The Consciousness of Cashflow".  As a toddler, Julie dreamed of traveling to Africa and knew the only way she could make that happen was to make her own money. This ignited her quest to create financial freedom and have cashflow for life. She earned her way out of the corporate world at the young age of 47 by generating over $100MM in online advertising revenue. Julie is the CEO and founder of The Financial Freedom Institute and is known to her clients as a financial visionary, wealth coach and selling expert. Her intriguing and innovative approach to helping pioneering entrepreneurial women change their financial destiny has resulted in her clients being able to design sustainable business models, generating healthy cash flow and building wealth. Julie authored the highly praised book, The Effortless Yes, and has a 25+ year career in Iconic corporate brand sales. She uses her Masters degree in Spiritual Psychology to translate her award-winning wildlife photography into teaching metaphors. Connect with Julie @  and take the Blooming Rose Quiz!
4/17/202044 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP 224: Bring Your Business Online

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about bringing your business online.  In this episode, we share some resources to help you to take your business online and/or up your online business presence.  We'll be adding these resources to as well, but here are the ones that were mentioned in this episode: ****** May contain affiliate links. I only recommend products that I use and love. But please do not feel obligated to purchase anything through my links. ****** Basic Online Setup (Taking Your Office Desk, Online): Zoom ( Point your face towards the window for lighting Use earbuds Background images from Canva to use as a virtual background in Zoom More Advanced Setup: Zoom (pro account) Lighting (Diva Ring Light | Neeewer Ring Light) Audiotechnica AT2005 USB Microphone (with USB-C adapter for Mac) Boom Arm (Neewer) or OnStage Microphone stand Stand for Laptop  Logitech C920 HD Pro camera Online Courses: Kajabi 28 Day FREE Trial (with the 28 Day Kajabi Challenge Training):  If you are wanting to stream into a Facebook group, you can use: Zoom Webinars Be.Live ECamm Streamyard Simple Video Setup: A tripod or gorilla pod Ailun Tripod Phone Mount Holder If you don't have a tripod, you can use a "pop socket" on the back of your phone and hang your phone over the top of your laptop or another surface to record. You can use your AirPods Ring Light (Diva Ring Light | Neeewer Ring Light) or Box Lights  For Advanced Video Recommendations: Check out Sean Cannell and the Think Media on YouTube Channell Other Resources: Blue Light Glasses  Make invitation pages: Quiet background noise using Scheduling Software: AcuityScheduling Payment processors: PayPal Stripe Online Course Platform: Kajabi Online Shopping Carts: Etsy Shopify If you’d like some support from Devi on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship: Questions?  Email the team @ [email protected] To join the 28 Day Kajabi Challenge go to to get the 28 Day Free Trial and Challenge Lessons and then join us @ Join us in our Facebook group @
4/11/202045 minutes, 20 seconds
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EP 223: How to Change Your Mindset

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about "How to Change Your Mindset" through some simple tools that you can use in quarantine and beyond.  Journaling Questions: What new question could you ask right now, that when answered by you, could completely change your life and your life experience? What questions are you asking yourself on a consistent basis that you could answer in a more "upward and forward-moving" way? What new perspective could you see things from that would open up your world up to a whole new experience right here, right now? Resources: The Global Creating Peace Game EP 101 with Dana Wilde Connect with Devi on Instagram @deviadea
4/4/202036 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP 222: Quarantined In San Diego

(Devi download) This episode comes to you from Devi's home in San Diego, while we are in quarantine. The global issues that face us are leading us to a new spiritual awakening.  In this episode, Devi shares her quarantine experience with you and some new perspectives, inquiries, and tools that you can use during this time, including the Global "Creating Peace" Game and a couple of prayers from her grandmother's prayer book.   Here are the instructions on how to play: Take 3 Deep Breaths (in through the nose & out through the mouth) Think of someone that you love.  See their face in your mind and feel their essence.  Then say their name and say… “I send you love.  I send you light.  I send you peace.”  (Repeat for 3-5 or more people) Think of a pet or a species of animals.  See them in your mind.  Then say the name of the pet or species of animal (“Fido” or “Dolphins” or “Elephants”, etc.) and then say… “I send you love.  I send you light.  I send you peace.”  (Repeat for 3-5 or more animals or species) Imagine that you are looking at the Earth from space.  Envision the planet and say whatever word you like most for Earth (Earth, Planet, Globe, Mother Nature, Gaia, Father/Mother Earth, World).  Then say “I send you love.  I send you light.  I send you peace.”  (Repeat for 3-5 or more times, continuing to envision the planet in your mind) See your own face in your mind and then say your name (out loud), followed by “I send you love.  I send you light.  I send you peace.”  (Repeat for 3-5 or more times). NOTE: On the last round of step 5, stretch your arms out wide and then wrap them around your upper body and give yourself a big HUG as you say your name and then “I send you love.  I send you light.  I send you peace.” PLEASE pass this game along.  Share the “Creating Peace” game with your community, your friends, family, clients, and coworkers.  It is a game that we can play virtually together and it can be so very powerful! You can play this game with others in quarantine, you can play it solo, you can do it out loud or silently to yourself.  We have been doing prayer at 11:11 (in the morning & evening) around the globe.  If you pray, please join us in consciousness and intention and if you don’t pray - you can always play this game at that time with us or any time throughout the day or night.  If you feel called and you speak a different language, please feel free to translate this game and share it in your own language with your community to have it spread to others that may not be able to play in English. If you’d like some support from Devi on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship or during this quarantined time, you can: Please connect on Instagram.  She is doing some extra IGTVs right now and also on Facebook.   Be Well, dear friend!!!  
3/27/202035 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP 221: The Calling for Leadership with Heart with Mari Smith & Special Guest Christopher Dilts

In this episode, Devi has an in-depth, heartfelt discussion with her very dear longtime friend, Mari Smith with a cameo appearance with Angel expert and friend, Christopher Dilts. We talk about what is happening on the planet today with the massive call for unity, and strong leadership with heart. We can’t have Community without unity!  Mari composed a beautiful article from our conversation that provides a great list of resources and inspiration for us.  You can access all of those resources here:  The Calling for Leadership with Heart: Resources, Tools & Inspiration for Entrepreneurs, SMBs et al Please connect with us on Facebook and Instagram, as we navigate this time together in community.  Mari Smith: FB @ IG @ Christopher Dilts: FB @ IG @ Devi:  FB @ IG @ We are sending you so much love and support during this time.  
3/21/20201 hour, 11 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP 220: Creating the New Human with Jewels Arnes

In this episode, Devi chats with Jewels Arnes about “Creating the New Human”. Jewels, the Founder of Eternal Gold, has been practicing Vibrational Therapy for decades. With a vast background in multiple healing modalities, she truly knows how to identify the root of disease, allowing her to bring in the frequencies of youth and vitality. It isn’t combining the latest chemical cocktail, it is using ancient elements of the Gods and specific frequencies to truly elevate beyond the Program of Aging.     Taking Anti-Aging to the next level, Jewels was given a transformative formula through her Divine Council, that evolved into a revolutionary skincare line. Developing products which awaken human potential, transcend perceived limitations of Aging, Elevate Cellular Health, and diminish signs of aging! High Frequency skincare that unlocks the keys to Eternal Youth. A powerful blend of ORMUS (Orbited Rearranged Monoatomic Elements), Scalar Energy and Nano-Gold provides YOU with the most advanced Living Skincare Line in the world. Start looking 10 years younger TODAY! This is Skin Care of the Future NOW!    Devi and Jewels discuss: Jewels' journey into high frequency skincare Reading energy patterns The visitation that Jewels had with her dear friend who passed over The Council of Light What Jewels' skincare is all about ORMUS elements How you can extract gold from Dead Sea salts and put it into a "spin state" Creating intelligence in skincare Why ORMUS is called the "5th Dimension Element" Being conscious as we apply the skincare How our cells are receptors that are waiting for us to tell them what to do How our skin has synapse responses similar to the heart and brain Creating the New Human Unity Consciousness The pathway to creating the New Human Connecting to your Divine Council Finding the comfortable in the uncomfortable How to connect with your soul family Automatic writing Practices for connecting with the “Cosmic Grid” or “Divine Mind” Healing with the “Cosmic Grid” Intelligence coming through frequency, vibration or codes The color of the "Cosmic Grid" and the "Void" The role of the body in creating the New Human What Jewels has downloaded from the Council of Light Shifting from the "Mortality Code" to the "Immortality Code" Activating the dormant part of the mind with ORMUS The effects of using the Eternal Gold Skincare Downloads from the Council of Light on the New Human Our new soul purpose as new humans Jewels’ spiritual practices The Hourglass Method The importance of managing your frequency The importance of the frequency of your business name Moving from "Infinity" to "Eternity" and more… Connect with Jewels on her website @
3/13/202042 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP 219: The Love Practice with Sherry Richert Belul

In this episode, Devi chats with Sherry Richert Bulel about “The Love Practice”.  Sherry Richert Belul helps people find creative, intentional and impactful ways to celebrate life and to express love for family and friends. As a certified high performance coach, Sherry supports people in living their best lives, full of joy, success, engagement, and meaningful relationships. She is the author of “Say it Now: 33 Creative Ways to Say I Love You to the Most Important People in Your Life.” Devi and Sherry discuss: A really special acknowledgment practice that Sherry has The different ways that people receive love and the power of appreciation How to send an audio message of appreciation to someone special Tuning in to who someone is for you The powerful impact of Sherry’s 30-year meditation practice How Sherry came to what she does now Sherry’s early struggle with “being here” on the planet Sherry’s first breath of “no pain” that opened up her world Gravitating towards the light through “Pinpricks of Light” Devi’s “State Changer” list The importance of the “moments” to take us down a different path “The Love Practice” with ourselves and “The Love Practice” that we have with others The “first recipient” of love given Making a “Love List” Living Namaste Expanding the Container of Love Expanding in the “Right and Wrong” about who and how we are expected to love  Finding safety in Love, rather than fear How Love is a Practice Volunteering to “Be Love” How to bring Love into your business as a Spiritual Entrepreneur Our connection as humans The “We” that is created when you bring two of us together Giving love without the expectation of “getting back” “Receiving gifts” that have taken years to truly receive The Golden Key Making time to be quiet and listen within Trusting ourselves and everything that moves through us and more… Connect with Sherry on her website @
3/6/202048 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 218: Global Yoga Retreats in Service with Jordan Ashley

In this episode, Devi chats with Jordan Ashley about “Global Yoga Retreats in Service”.  While embracing New York City’s fast-paced and driven yoga culture, Jordan Ashley recognized a need for service-based yoga; a need for experiences which give perspective to the self through selflessness. Feeling extremely blessed to not only be given the opportunity for education, but to have a voice in society, she felt it was imperative to raise both awareness and funds for girls all over the planet who are denied such essential human rights. She launched Souljourn Yoga in 2016, a US 501(c)3 non-profit inspired by seva, the Sanskrit word and yogic principle of selfless service. Souljourn Yoga creates opportunities to explore, practice, and educate through yoga both on and off of the mat by offering a spectrum of workshops, teacher immersions, and global retreats to continue to promote female empowerment and education in communities where equal opportunities aren't always readily available. Jordan has been featured in Forbes, Women’s Health, Yoga Journal, Medium, Marie Claire UK, and is a Tedx Speaker whose life mission is to take the practice out of the studio and around the world to support women’s empowerment. Devi and Jordan discuss: Jordan’s journey into providing Global Yoga Retreats in Service Yoga in and out of the studio The choice between taking a stance of neutrality vs. making an impact Creating a platform to support girl’s education Using seva to be of greater use to the world Vetting partnerships to support your mission Orphanage Tourism Vetting the teachers for this movement The importance of surrounding yourself with a supportive community Managing a global offering in different countries Allowing each destination to stand on its own and highlighting each location Providing Cultural Immersion and Political awareness in each country A verbal walkthrough of one of the global yoga retreats in Peru Creating Sustainability with the girl’s education initiatives The ripple effect of these retreats & trainings The styles of yoga that the teachers provide on the retreats Where retreats take place What keeps Jordan going and thriving when things get tough The biggest challenge that Jordan had to overcome in creating these retreats What surprised Jordan in creating these retreats Jordan’s ultimate dream and vision for this work in the world The power of Kindness in Spiritual Entrepreneurship and more… Connect with Jordan on her website @ On Facebook:@souljournyoga On YouTube: @souljournyoga Email: [email protected] Connect with us in our Facebook community:
2/28/202035 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP 217: Anniversary Episode with Andrew Alter

In this episode, Devi chats with her husband, Andrew Alter, in celebration of their 10 Year Wedding Anniversary!  Andrew is always "behind the scenes" in the office next to hers and in this episode, she brings him on the microphone to meet you and talk about their life together.  We hope that you enjoy getting to know Andrew and celebrate this special time with them.  Their wedding anniversary is on 02-20-2020.  They have been married 10 years and been together 13 years overall.  So many rich experiences to share with you on this journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship as a married couple.  If you want to hear the story of how Devi and Andrew met and see some of their wedding photos and a video of where they stayed on their honeymoon, come and join The PodTribe (a totally free community just for listeners of the show).   Join The PodTribe @ Thanks for being the best part of the Spiritual Entrepreneur!  Happy Listening! 
2/21/20201 hour, 1 minute, 45 seconds
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EP 216: Joint Ventures with Jay Fiset

In this episode, Devi chats with Jay Fiset about Joint Ventures.  Jay Fiset is a Best selling author, student of human nature, avid outdoorsman at 5 star hotels, speaks fluent smart ass, can see and reflect your life mission in 5 minutes flat, loves having 2 sons so he can play with their toys, still fantasizes about his wife after 25 years, loves ideas, but loves results even more, can simultaneously laugh and cry for different reasons at the same time, has never been star struck (but did not get a chance to meet Martin Luther King, and he would have been like a teenage girl screaming if He had). He is dedicated to instigating a global movement of Conscious Creators and supporting people to organize their life and resources around their passions and gifts. Devi and Jay discuss: The facts that over two-thirds of businesses in North America make less than $100,000 per year and only 7% make more than $1,000,000 per year The cost of having your “blinders on” and focusing only on your “magic trick” “Upstream” and “Downstream” partnerships What determines your value to your clients The right questions to ask in creating joint ventures How to create a never-ending source of leads that need what you have to offer Freeing yourself from the constant pursuit of individual sales Software used for tracking affiliate relationships Building your business around a new model through JVology The shift that will lead to more leads than you can handle for free and consistent recurring passive income The 10 and 10 model The importance of recurring revenue to predictively run your business over time Moving from a "launch mindset" to a longer-term recurring income mindset Upgrading your beliefs around being paid for referrals The deep spiritual lessons in designing your business in a 10 and 10 model Giving your gifts in a more “clean” and powerful manner “Spiraling up” together in Spiritual Entrepreneurship Joint ventures as a game of “I’ll go first" The abundance that is created when you operate from “we are all in this together” and ask “how can I serve and support you and make a contribution to you?”  What makes for a great JV relationship How to find your best JV partners Shifting from the question from “Who has my clients?” to the question “Who creates the problem that I solve best?” and “Who solves the problems that my clients have?” Why you want to joint venture with partners who understand what a JV relationship is all about Making sure that your JV’s have an abundance mindset What causes JV relationships to go “wrong” “The Power Between” in relationships The dynamics of human relationships Loving people for who they are, rather than who they are not The importance of having aligned values in JV relationships The #1 thing that creates problems in JV relationships The #1 thing that creates success in JV relationships The different "levels" of Joint Ventures (Affiliates, JVs, and Strategic Partnerships) What percentage of JV relationships is about mailing emails JVology - the perfect mix of people fun and profit The invitation to know that you are not alone in the journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship and more… Connect with Jay @  You can also listen to this FREE webinar "7 Steps to Unlocking Lead Flow with Joint Ventures" here. Jay is now a JV partner of ours too.  See how this works?  Thanks for listening!  Get supported.  Build out your 10 and 10. 
2/14/202048 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP 215: The Frequency of Love with Heather Kristian Strang

In this episode, Devi chats with Heather Kristian Strang about “The Frequency of Love”.  Kristian is a bestselling author, writer and Love Activist. She has written eight books, including her recent #1 bestseller on Balboa Press, Love Now: Your Daily Dose of Love & Miracles and her spiritual romance The Quest series endorsed by New York Times bestselling authors Gabrielle Bernstein and James Twyman. She has written for and been featured in Bustle, The Huffington Post, Elite Daily, Elephant Journal, Spirit Guides Magazine, FinerMinds, Sedona Journal of Emergence, The Oregonian, Portland Monthly, and the book Fierce on the Page. Kristian is an Ordained Minister, Master-level Success Coach, Certified PaRama BodyTalk Practitioner, Barefoot Doctor and graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelors degree in English and Women’s Studies. She is currently completing her Doctorate in Metaphysical Psychology. Kristian has facilitated metaphysical healings, trainings and meditations for thousands of women, couples and families worldwide. She is also the founder of Rising Up for Love, a Love-based organization that brings more Love to the earth through meditations, Love Activism trainings, emotional empowerment tools and more. Receive a free Love meditation when you visit: Devi and Kristian discuss: How love is the most important frequency and force on the Earth Plane The most sacred and precious love is with the Divine How to “tune in” to the Frequency of Love “Returning” to Love Attuning your business and offers to the Frequency of Love Aligning your business with a cause that creates the Frequency of Love The impact of everything that we do in alignment with the love vibration A practice for "tuning" your email to Love Connecting with your guides The Psychic Surgery that made Kristian available to who she really is Connecting with your higher self in addition to your guides The importance of asking and giving permission for Divine help Moving beyond Romantic Love Pulling yourself out of externalizing love The "Purple Bubble Practice" Dealing with “Haters” online and maintaining a frequency of love Demonstrating what Fierce Love in Action looks like Having an “Entourage” "You don’t have to be a big deal to be a big deal" Fostering and magnifying the Frequency of Love in your community Being Love Fueled and Spirit-Led through the frequencies that we live in every day Intention Setting for the highest good to take place Releasing attachment to intentions Bringing the Frequency of Love to a full schedule Tapping into Vertical Time The ability that we have to stretch, expand, and bend time Working with Comparison Getting back into your natural state of joy Having a "magic journal" The importance of doing your emotional trauma work and more… Connect with Kristian on her website @ Free meditations from Kristian: Rising Up For Love Meditation: Spirit-led Business Meditation: Join our FREE online community:
2/7/202051 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP 214: Genetic Energetics with Larry Michel

In this episode, Devi and Larry Michel chat about "Genetic Energetics". AKA “The Love Shepherd” Larry is a relationship coach, author, speaker and host of The Larry Love Show. As founder of and Institute of Genetic Energetics they have served over 1 million people worldwide with the only online compatibility system unlocking the mysteries and motivations behind our actions, from emotional upsets to our most joyous experiences. Larry dedicates his life to creating possibility for us to live in courageous intimacy and in our full loving expression. Devi and Larry discuss: Larry’s Energetic life story Being emotionally healthy Being courageously intimate Making a profile about yourself Aspects of business Learning more about yourself Belief systems that run our lives How we engage sexually The four key lifestyle traits Picking your words to mean exactly what you have to say Figurative vs Literal talking styles Different ways of communicating Being closely connected with your friends Your Sexual Response type Matching with your Sexual Response type Sexually mismatched couples Energetic mismatched couples Stopping long enough to really be curious Connecting on a large scale with people Pulling out of unhealthy relationships and more… Connect with Larry @ [email protected] or visit his website Join the PodTribe on Facebook for FREE @
1/31/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP 213: Interviewing a Dream Guest

(Devi Download) Hey, there Radiant Spiritual Entrepreneur!  Ever since I interviewed Marianne Williamson on the show last week, I have been getting all sorts of comments and questions, such as:“Was she a dream guest for you?” “I have wanted to have her on my show!  How did you get her on the show?” “Were you nervous?”“I LOVE her!” … so many wonderful comments!  So, this week - I thought I would answer some of these questions and talk about what it is like to interview someone who is a dream guest… (Spoiler alert: Yes Marianne was, and continues to be, a dream guest for me!) In this episode, I share with you... The backstory on how this episode came about What it was like for me to interview a dream guest The unexpected blessings from this conversation Shifting consciousness in business and politics What you can do to move towards your dream interview or any other inspired goals If you have not listened to Marianne Williamson’s episode on the show, please make a point to check it out - “Episode 212: A Politics of Love”.  If you want to get your free manifestation meditation audio, go to Come and join us in the PodTribe, our online community on Facebook here:
1/25/202026 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP 212: A Politics of Love with Marianne Williamson

In this episode, Devi speaks with Marianne Williamson about "A Politics of Love".  This episode was recorded on January 9, 2020, the day before Marianne Williamson suspended her campaign for President of the United States.  Regardless of your political affiliation or who you plan to vote for in the next presidential election, this episode shines a beautiful light on the importance of bringing our conscious awareness and stand to the world of Politics as Spiritual Entrepreneurs.  Marianne Williamson has opened up a new spiritual conversation in the world of politics that is based upon love and added a new energetic frequency to politics, that has not been witnessed before in the US Presidential Race.  Listen in, as Marianne shares her unique and powerful perspectives on "A Politics of Love".  More about Marianne Williamson: Marianne Williamson is an author, activist, non-denominational faith leader and Democratic candidate for President. For 35 years, Williamson has been a leading progressive voice on spirituality and its intersection with politics. She is the author of 14 books (4 #1 NYT best-sellers) including Healing the Soul of America and her most recent, A Politics of Love: Handbook for a New American Revolution. Williamson is the founder of several non-profit organizations including The Peace Alliance and Project Angel Food, a non-profit that has delivered more than 12 million meals to ill and dying homebound patients since 1989. Her signature policy issues include establishing a U.S. Department of Children & Youth and a U.S Department of Peace. Williamson seeks to educate, inspire and organize citizens to reclaim their power as the true governing force in our democracy.  Connect with Marianne Williamson @ Did you enjoy this episode?  If so, you can subscribe to the show on one of your favorite podcatchers here: Itunes: Spotify:  iHeart Radio:  Radio Public: Google Podcasts: Deezer: TuneIn:  Come and join us in our new community, The Podtribe @  If you feel inspired by Marianne's words, please follow that inspiration and move into action.  Our world needs your light and our political world needs more Spiritual Entrepreneurs, like you, to join in this new conversation!     
1/17/202034 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 211: The Heart Freedom Method with Dr. Lise Janelle

In this episode, Devi chats with Dr. Lise Janelle about "The Heart Freedom Method". Dr. Lise is a Human Potential Coach and founder of the Centre for Heart Living. She has made it her life’s mission to help as many people as she can achieve true success and lead extraordinary lives. Dr. Lise is the creator of the Heart Freedom Method, a powerful mind-body tool to help you find and dissolve self-sabotaging subconscious beliefs and patterns to unlock your full potential, he results: a more efficient, powerful and successful mindset. She is currently co-writing her third book, ‘Unstuck’ with Jack Canfield. Lise has been a guest expert on national news, TV talk shows and reality series including: CBC News, CTV’s Canada AM, CHCH, and The W Network. Devi and Dr. Lise discuss: Dr. Lise’s experience as a chiropractor The feeling of "being blocked" The process of the Heart Freedom Method Feeling the sadness Seeing the benefits of a bad experience Seeing struggles as blessings Seeking love and approval from other people Realizing that you are safe and that you are protected Knowing that your body is your friend Moving creative energy to a more effective area Knowing that you are loved The idea of molecular emotions Finding the molecules of emotion in your body Being present with your emotions and experiences Finding gratitude in everything that’s "happened to you" Seeing the trueness of who you are Being fully present in the moment Visualizing yourself 20 years from now Spiritual development Dr. Lise’s bigger vision in life Healing the hearts of others Bringing light into the world Connect with Dr. Lise @ Join the PodTribe on Facebook for FREE @  
1/10/202046 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP 210: Creating With 2020 Vision

(Devi Download) Happy New Year and New Decade, Spiritual Entrepreneur!  Can you believe that it is already 2020?  WOW!  In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we reverse engineer this next year together and talk about "Creating With 2020 Vision"! We talk about:  Creating “White Space” in your calendar Releasing things that no longer are supporting you Creating a “One Word Theme” for the year ahead Her “One Word Theme” for 2020 Reverse Engineering your year ahead (a guided visualization) and more… Here is the link to the quick survey: THANK YOU for taking the time to share your insights and feedback!   Happy New Year, 2020! 
1/4/202024 minutes, 56 seconds
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EP 209: Conscious Philanthropy with Lindsay Andreotti

In this episode, Devi chats with Lindsay Andreotti about “Conscious Philanthropy”. When it comes to the topic of conscious entrepreneuring, my guest today, Lindsay Andreotti, has certainly been blazing the trail. Since 1996 (yes, last century), Lindsay has been working with leaders and entrepreneurs to bring more love, light, passion, and compassion to the business world. She's taught entrepreneurship at 5 Universities in Washington State and held countless companies accountable for making 'the right decision' in a world that would otherwise cut corners. Now, Lindsay has created an all-new venture of her own, called Earth.University. She believes that the world in our classroom, and that when we learn to learn about ourselves, we can become the fullest expression of who we are meant to be. Her passion right now is creating a center for Trust and Conscious Philanthropy so that entrepreneurs can take their magic to the next level--paying it forward to humanity. She's the maven of humanity+ organization acceleration. Devi and Lindsay discuss: Lindsay’s vision for Conscious Philanthropy Doing something to make Earth the "happiest place" What is "Conscious Philanthropy" The Life Classroom Learning how to observe who you are What it means to be here on Earth and grow Creating experiences for others The distinctions between charity and philanthropy Being of service on a larger level Aligning with your purpose Listening to your inner voice Identifying your vision and your purpose The gift of being able to see other people’s energy Aligning with one another Loving your debt The connection between energy and resources Planning out your time and activities as an entrepreneur Identifying who you want to serve Planning how you want to serve Having a system to track your time better Planning out the team for your service Remembering who you are Connect with Lindsay @ [email protected] Join the PodTribe on Facebook for FREE @
12/27/201947 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP 208: Authoring Your Life with David McCrae

In this episode, Devi chats with David McCrae about “Authoring Your Life”. David is the author of two #1 Amazon bestselling books and a highly acclaimed seminar leader and inspirational speaker who delivers to audiences across the UK. He is a national public speaking champion in his home country of Scotland. When David lost his dad to cancer at age 22, he realized that he was not making the most of his life, and serving others to his full potential. From this point, he endeavored to commit fully to life, create transformational impact for others, and to honor the memory of his dad. His mission is to help people create new narratives for themselves and their lives, and become the Hero of their Story. David empowers people through his Author Your Life seminars and programs, which develops three key principles of Consciousness, Calling and Connection. He is creating transformation one page and one stage at a time. Devi and David discuss: David inspiring journey to becoming an author Aspirational goals Deciding what your life is going to look like in advance How David lived to honor the memory of his dad The gift of being able to say goodbye to a loved one Starting your life of service to others Authoring your life Being happy with how you live David’s “3 Key Principles of Consciousness” The deeper purpose and meaning of the work that you do Different forms of relationships The spiritual notion of "consciousness" Being the true and best version of yourself Authentically and facing your fears David’s journey authoring his own book Learning your craft as a writer Marketing your book Finding your own path and more… Connect with David @ Join the PodTribe on Facebook for FREE @
12/20/201950 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP 207: Instantaneous Manifestation with Brandy Gillmore

In this episode, Devi chats with Brandy Gillmore about "Instantaneous Manifestation". Brandy is an internationally known speaker and mind/body expert. She is most well-known for her discoveries using the power of the mind. The discoveries Brandy made were a result of her own devastating injury that had left her disabled, using a wheelchair or walker for mobility and in extreme physical pain for over six years. Without hope for recovery, Brandy began to research the placebo and then her own mind in search for a cure. What she discovered about the mind not only changed her health, it transformed her entire life including her health, relationships, business, finances and most importantly her level of happiness and joy in everyday life. Due to the incredible results that Brandy has been able to demonstrate, her work has been quickly captivating audiences around the world. She coaches top celebrities, entrepreneurs, Olympic Athletes, CEO’s and groups worldwide in using their minds to transform their health and their life. She has been featured on stages internationally, given a mind-expanding TEDx talk and is being featured in four new upcoming documentaries set to release in 2019. In addition to her incredible work, Brandy has a genuine heart and sincere desire to create a better world for us all. Devi and Brandy discuss: Brandy’s beautiful and inspiring story Restoring your health Discovering something "new" Researching about the mind Understanding how to use your mind to heal your body Creating real change by using your mind Getting in touch with your energy and body Trying to do what’s logical Shifting into a non-logical perspective Seeing radical results in life Making money as an entrepreneur Being spiritual in the physical world Manifesting something from your experience instantaneously Being very authentic while shifting Getting rid of negative thoughts The leading cause of death Understanding your mind The amazing human mind and more… Connect with Brandy @ Join our private Facebook Community @
12/13/201943 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP 206: Christian Faith & Entrepreneurship with Russell Fugett

In this episode, Devi chats with Russell Fugett about “Christian Faith and Entrepreneurship”.  Russell, a certified Project Management Professional (PMP), has over 20 years of entrepreneurial leadership and project management experience. Currently, Russell is a Project Manager at Cook Ross, a diversity & inclusion and change management training and consulting firm. Previously, Russell was President and Chief Revenue Officer of Good Word Digital (GWD), a business and internet communications consultancy where he advised and partnered with a variety of businesses and startups. A blogger, podcaster, and author, he released his first book, entitled “Patience Perseverance Prayer: A Devotional for Entrepreneurs” available on Earlier this year, Russell volunteered in South Africa and continues to support an informal initiative there. Sponsored by the US Embassy, the initiative is designed to help spur innovation, economic development, new businesses, and job creation through improved university technology transfer, training for entrepreneurs, and business financing. Russell holds a B.A. from Trinity College, Hartford, CT and an M.S. in Project Management from The George Washington University School of Business. He is an alum of The Greater Baltimore Committee Leadership Program class of 2016. Devi and Russell discuss: Russell’s inspiring story as an entrepreneur Russell’s important lessons to pass on Russell’s understanding of faith Your relationship with Jesus Christ Pursuing business while in a relationship with Christ Putting God first Putting your pride and ego aside Maintaining a relationship with God on a daily basis The true measure of success Taking the time to listen to other people Taking the time to meditate Encouraging everybody The need for leadership Having a strong relationship with God Serving more people Russell’s entrepreneurial lineage Surrounding yourself with great people Creating opportunity as an entrepreneur Trusting God and taking the time for Him every day Letting the Holy Spirit abide in you and more… Connect with Russell @ Join our private Facebook Community @
12/6/201940 minutes, 11 seconds
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EP 205: Tough Conversations for Spiritual Entrepreneurs with David Wood

In this episode, Devi chats with David Wood about “Tough Conversations for Spiritual Entrepreneurs.” David built the world’s largest coaching business, becoming #1 on Google for life coaching, and serving an audience of 150,000 coaches around the globe. He now coaches high performing entrepreneurs, executives, and leaders to play the best game they possibly can, deepening connection and living a regret-free life. How? By setting life-changing goals, taking laser-focused action, and increasing their levels of Truth, Daring, and Caring - in both life and work. He loves sharing his message of Playing for Real on live stages, podcast interviews, and radio shows, and has been best described as "playful and deep". A former Consulting Actuary to Fortune 100 companies - including Sony Music, Proctor & Gamble, and Exxon - David left his cushy Park Avenue job 20 years ago to explore both the outer world and his own inner world. Along the way, he's coached thousands of hours in a dozen countries around the globe and is the author of "Get Paid For Who You Are," with foreword by Jack Canfield. He was nominated to the Transformational Leadership Council, alongside such thought leaders as Don Miguel Ruiz, John Gray, Marci Shimoff, and Vishen Lakhiani. David combines the left brain of a consulting actuary, with a right brain of a personal growth junkie - making him the ideal bridge between the worlds of amazing results and deep connection. Devi and David discuss: David’s inspiring and exceptional back story David’s journey in the Himalayas Expanding your life Facing your fears Being daring & self-expression Going beyond the sweet spot of challenge Fully expressing yourself Feeling more complete in your life Freedom and self-expression Going back into your list of regrets Learning something from a tough conversation How to start a tough conversation Sharing your intention and hope Checking for the impact of your conversation Defining moments in relationships Finding alignment in conversation Avoiding tough conversations Setting the intention of a conversation David’s grand vision for entrepreneurial teams and more… Connect with David @ Join the PodTribe on Facebook for FREE @  
11/29/201956 minutes, 1 second
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EP 204: Animal Artivism with Meredith Skyer

In this episode, Devi chats with Meredith Skyer about “Animal Artivism”.  Meredith’s world revolves around two things, animals and art. Meredith is a ceramic artist specializing in functional, whimsical pieces inspired by the animal kingdom. She uses her artwork to make joyful spaces and smiling faces for fellow animal lovers. When Meredith isn’t working in the studio, she’s teaching both children and adults how to overcome their limiting self-beliefs about creativity and find happiness in making art. Meredith teaches online and in-person art workshops to bring out the inner artist in us all. Meredith is also the founder of the Backyard Chicken Project, a place for people to master the art of loving chickens, together. Meredith encourages self-sufficiency and animal advocacy by teaching the art of keeping backyard chickens as pets with benefits. Her upcoming project, Animal Artivism, will help to draw awareness to nature conservation and animal welfare through the power of art. Devi and Meredith discuss: Meredith’s artistic and inspiring story as an advocate and entrepreneur Meredith’s Backyard Chicken Project Giving people encouragement and confidence in raising chickens Meredith’s community for chicken lovers Meredith’s blog for the Backyard Chicken Project The art of raising animals Meredith’s Lama pots Virtually adopting animals Animal Artivism The biggest issues our planet is facing right now Visual Arts Creating a movement through Social Media Etsy for spiritual entrepreneurs Marketing your shop  Allowing yourself to be vulnerable Putting in the effort for your movement Meredith’s vision for Animal Artivism Organizing a movement for Animal Artivism Being true to yourself And more… Connect with Meredith @ Join our private Facebook Community @ Connect with Meredith and Devi LIVE on Instagram @deviadea on 11/27 @ 9 AM PT.
11/22/201946 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP 203: Unlocking Your Genetic Potential with Jodi Kittelman

In this episode Devi chats with Jodi Kittelman about "Unlocking Your Genetic Potential". Jodi is a gifted intuitive holistic healer and owner of True Vitality Healing. Her mission is to unlock and expand people’s energy to optimize their genetic potential. She has a vision to see all people living in the fullness of their God-given purpose. Jodi has transformed the lives of thousands of tough cases that no one else has been able to find solutions for by tapping into the body’s wisdom and ability to heal. Her clients have nicknamed her “The Body Whisperer” because of her gift to quickly identify blockages and identify the underlying cause of stress and disease. Jodi’s passion for healing was ignited as a young child. She struggled to heal her own health issues that continued to get worse through adulthood. The doctors had no answers or solutions except to label her with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and irritable bowel. She tried everything she could with little success. This led her to pursue alternative methods of healing where she was finally able to get the answers and solutions she had so desperately been searching for. Because she felt a strong desire to help others find answers to their health puzzles, she pursued a degree from Bastyr University as well as a Nutritional Therapist degree. Jodi has also mastered several different advanced muscle testing techniques that she has uniquely combined to make her own. She has vowed to always continue learning. Jodi is a mother to an amazing 17-year-old son and has practiced in both Encinitas, California and Auburn, Washington. Devi and Jodi discuss: Jodi’s inspiring journey Jodi’s health issues Being desperately normal Finding health answers through alternative medicine Unlocking your genetic potential Clarity of consciousness Balancing the entire body chemistry The role of the Vitamin-D receptor in your body Human genetic variation Reaching the fullness of body potential God’s role in Jodi’s entrepreneurship Praying for more healing Being connected to God Witnessing the transformation of others' lives Energy Testing Looking for clarity of mind Increasing your energy naturally Realizing that emotional health is important Food that changes DNA Being gluten sensitive Different types of collagen Doing whatever you can do, naturally Jodi’s latte collagen recipe The difference between "whole food" and "non-whole food" supplements Listening to your body Eating your food consciously and more… Connect with Jodi @ Facebook @ True Vitality Nutritional Healing Join us in the PodTribe - our community gathering place over on Facebook @
11/15/201959 minutes, 56 seconds
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EP 202: The Astrology of Success with Team Astro Biz Strategy

In this episode, Devi discusses the "Astrology of Success with Team Astro Biz Strategy.  Rebecca and Joshua help conscious entrepreneurs, business owners, and CEOs increase profits while making a bigger impact... without having to do more marketing. As a Success Coach for over 7 years… Rebecca holds Masters degrees in Ecopsychology and International Education… she's a certified Ayurvedic lifestyle counselor, yoga instructor, and reiki practitioner. Joshua is a second-generation astrologer and a licensed clinical therapist. Their mission is to revolutionize how entrepreneurs are using their intuition… along with a practical approach to astrology... in order to thrive in business... and in life! Devi, Joshua, and Rebecca discuss: Rebecca’s journey in starting coaching using astrology The back story on Joshua & Rebecca  How Joshua and Rebecca align professionally The meaning of astrology Looking at your astrology Getting to know who you are becoming The transits in astrology Devi’s astrological chart Shifting your focus into light  The language of “Pluto” in astrology Taking astrology into business Devi’s astrology Neptune as the planet of intuition Taking care of yourself and getting energized Utilizing astrology for success Following your heart Allowing yourself to make brave decisions Our commitment to making changes Strengthening your intuition Allowing yourself to see the opportunities around you Working with your astrology to create success Shifting your mindset Giving yourself permission to slow down Feeding your soul with spiritual practices Moving forward using your intuition and more… Connect with Rebecca and Joshua @ Join the PodTribe on Facebook for FREE @  
11/8/201959 minutes, 32 seconds
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EP 201: Intuition in Business Growth with JJ Flizanes & Devi Adea

(Unplugged) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, JJ Flizanes and Devi talk about "Intuition in Business Growth".   JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the host of several podcasts including People’s Choice Awards nominee Spirit, Purpose & Energy. She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, a best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life and The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight and End Body Shame. Named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine, JJ has been featured in many national magazines, including Shape, Fitness, and Women’s Health as well as appeared on NBC, CBS, Fox, the CW, and KTLA. Grab a free copy of the Invisible Fitness Formula at Devi & JJ Discuss: Dipping "in and out" of your intuition  Knowing your intuition Intuition alignment practices The gift of putting yourself in a high-frequency environment How to know when you are moving with or against your intuition and how to course correct "Shower Ideas", "Bathroom Ideas" & "Outuition" Situations where Devi and JJ have not followed their intuition in business and what they have discovered from that Living in "I don't know" to keep us from moving forward "Living Namaste" Advocating for yourself based upon intuitive insights The intuition that lives in your body Sitting in your own energy and truth Intuition and Astrology JJ's new show that she is launching Trusting your truth about yourself Not taking on other people's projections Knowing when something is a limiting belief vs. intuition Your "Truth Center" Dealing with the "shoulds" that are projected on us "Staying open" and "trying things on" Choosing your own voice over someone else's Creating spaciousness between speaking truth and taking action Trusting what your path is for you and more… Learn more about JJ here: Listen to her earlier episode on the Spiritual Entrepreneur here: Building Health and Wealth webinar: j If you’d like some support from Devi on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship, you can: Email the team @ [email protected] Apply to have a conversation with Devi here Join us in our Facebook group @ Connect with Devi on her website @ or her Facebook page @ If you feel inspired to do so, please leave us a 5-star review and subscribe at
11/2/201951 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP 200: Celebrating 200 Episodes!

(Unplugged) This is a VERY special episode for us at the Spiritual Entrepreneur, as we share the experience of celebrating the 200th episode of our show in our very first ever “car cast” on Route 1 in Northern CA!  Don’t worry - you can go “hands-free” and “car cast”.  Can you believe that we are already at this milestone?  Devi brought her microphone and portable show recording studio with her on her trip to share this special occasion with you on her way home from being featured as a podcast panelist at Your Authority Blueprint LIVE this week. She shares what it has been like doing these 200 episodes and the ripple effect of having a show with 200 episodes.  Thank you for sharing this journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship with us!!!   Please let us hear from YOU over on Facebook ( or on our show blog (  Let us know what was your very favorite episode of our first 200.  Looking forward to 200 more episodes with you! Connect with Devi on her website @  or on Facebook:
10/26/201925 minutes, 6 seconds
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EP 199: How Money is Spiritual with David Hayward

In this episode Devi chats with David about “How Money is Spiritual”. David Hayward is the founder of the Naked Pastor blog and has over 30 years professional pastoral experience. David was baptized Anglican as a baby, came to faith in a Baptist church when he was a teenager, changed to Pentecostal in his late teens, married another Pentecostal named Lisa, was ordained Presbyterian, pastored a Vineyard church, went Independent, and planted others. He has a Masters in Theological Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, as well as a Diploma in Religious Studies and Ministry from McGill University in Montreal. In 2010 David left the professional paid clergy after almost 30 years of ministry. He is passionate about how people can find and follow their own spiritual path with courage and joy, as well as in how people can freely gather and form community in healthy ways. He helps people deconstruct without the self-destruct. He helps people lose their faith without losing their minds. He helps people undress their religion to the core essence of their own unique spirituality. He calls this spiritual independence. David started this blog called nakedpastor in 2006, and initiated his public undressing of religion, religious community and spirituality through his writings, art, and cartoons. Thousands of people are challenged and entertained by nakedpastor every day. In 2012, he launched The Lasting Supper, an online resource site and community for spiritually independent people to help themselves to companionship and support for their spiritual journeys. It’s like nakedpastor’s small group. His art, cartoons, writings, and books have found their way all around the world, and he coaches people who want spiritual freedom from everywhere. Devi and David discuss: David’s inspiring life experience with money and spirituality How David started writing about money and spirituality Doing the work of healing yourself Realizing that you can be spiritual and have money The “poverty mentality point” Enriching yourself through money Being afraid to ask for money How to heal your mindset around money "being the root of evil" How to bring more consciousness into handling money How handling money is a blessing Denying your natural desires Living openly without fear and resentment What abundance truly means Appreciating the money that you have Having an abundant attitude towards money Realizing that everybody needs money in order to live Dealing with money Embracing the fact that we need money Living a comfortable life Being more helpful to people Cultivating a healthy relationship with money Growing your self-awareness about your work and money and more… Connect with David @ www.nakedpastor.comBook: “Money and Spirit” David's Instagram: Connect with Community & Guests: Devi’s Instagram: Group:
10/18/201958 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP 198: Body Language & Signature Storytelling with Holley Mignosi

In this episode, Devi chats with Holley Mignosi about “Body Language and Signature Storytelling.” Speaker, Storyteller, and Body Language Expert, Holley Mignosi helps speakers and experts increase their influence and impact through the art of Hypnotic Body Language and the Neuroscience of Storytelling. Holley is on a mission to help experts share their Signature Story and express their Life Purpose with Passion, Presence, and Power. As a former modeling and acting coach for over 15 years, Holley imparts experts with proven charisma skills, storytelling techniques, and uncovers hidden talents tapping into their signature star power on stage. Holley is the CEO and Founder of The Dynamic Dream Life Group Inc. She holds multiple certifications in mindset and physicality specialties such as Neuro-linguistic Programming, Hypnosis, and Hypnotic Presentation Skills. Devi and Holley discuss: Holley’s journey of courage Holley’s experience as a celebrity model Feeling like the “bad apple of the bunch” Maintaining your own positivity The need for a mindset shift Knowing how to eat healthy Loving your body and your physicality Loving your feminine power Living your dream life Helping heal other people Allowing a person to fully heal their past Understanding your strengths Sharing your story in the right way Revealing the Divine Plan for your life Dreaming bigger Thinking bigger and beyond The process of signature storytelling The 4 elements of story telling Hypnotic body language patterns Alpha body language Embracing your story Using your story to do incredible work in the world and more… Connect with Holley @ Free Gift: 15 Hand Gestures Link: Instagram: Connect with Community & Guests: Devi’s Instagram: Group:  
10/11/201944 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP 197: Clairsentience with Caroline Britton

In this episode, Devi chats with Caroline Britton about “Clairsentience”. Caroline is a highly intuitive clairsentient coach specializing in helping people find their true calling in life or in their business. After working in the corporate world for 14 years Caroline was left feeling empty, lost, anxious & full of self-critical beliefs. Having gone on to completely change her mindset and to tap into her soul’s true calling Caroline went on to resign & build a 6-figure coaching business within 18 months. Caroline is completely changing her client's lives around with soul led coaching & getting some remarkable results. Caroline also speaks on topics to do with mindset, fear and finding your true purpose. Caroline runs the popular Fear to Founder program helping people transition through all the mindset blocks to start, build or grow their successful business and runs a Soul Mastermind which helps people implement the 8 pillars of soul expansion to transform their lives from the inside out. Devi and Caroline discuss: Caroline’s life and business experiences Being stuck in your fears How Caroline started and set up her own coaching business Caroline’s experiences with “clairsentience” Devi’s viewpoint about “clairsentience” What is “clairsentience”? Understanding what other people are experiencing How to start coaching Managing and feeling the energy of the planet The difference between ego and self Dealing with your self-limiting thoughts Being authentic and truthful to who you are and what you want Opportunities to change your path Being agents of change Serving people Experiencing the voice of your soul in the world Being conscious of yourself Being called to helping people The leader within you Experiencing a Consciousness UpgradeTM The opportunity to learn things and to heal Caroline’s journey into the corporate world Being aligned with what you truly want Being "called" collectively The opportunity to heal Following your dreams Embracing the magic of the Universe and more… Connect with Caroline @ Connect with Community & Guests: Devi’s Instagram:  Facebook Group:
10/4/201942 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP 196: Transforming Your Fear of Selling and Self-Promotion with Alex Rudnicka

In this episode, Devi chats with Alex Rudnicka about “Transforming Your Fear of Selling and Self-Promotion”. Alex is the founder of CEO Female Entrepreneur, a mentorship company that teaches women who to connect with their inner Badass CEO, rock their sales and run their business like a PRO. She is a living example of what is possible with hard work and dedication as she built her business as a single mother and an immigrant despite many challenges. Alex is hugely passionate about empowering women to follow their desires no matter what their circumstances. Devi and Alex discuss: Alex’s inspiring story of transformation in business Identifying your target market Having a system-thinking in your business Having the desire to help people with your business Building your life, business, and career from scratch Alex’s gift for reading people very quickly Helping people to make an impact Unhealthy relationship between sales and marketing How Alex started her business The fear of not selling Seeing yourself as a seller Changing your perception about business  Going deep into your skillset Transforming different areas of your life Seeking out books, videos and other resources for selling How you could feel about selling How Alex transformed her perception of selling Questioning where your feelings come from about sales Looking deep into your beliefs The consciousness behind sales Doing the “dirty laundry” for your business Being comfortable with your skills Realizing that there is no other way but to improve and get even better Claiming your space Creating alignment with your identity The art of selling Believing in yourself and more… Connect with Alex @ www.ceofemaleentrepreneur.comInstagram: @alexrudicka Connect with Community & Guests: Devi’s Instagram: Facebook Group:
9/27/201950 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP 195: Empowerment Through Spiritual Awakening with Monica Dubay

In this episode, Devi chats with Monica Dubay about “Empowerment Through Spiritual Awakening”. Monica is a spiritual mentor, energy healer and founder of Heal Your Mind Heal Your Life, programs that bring about profound spiritual awakening. Her mission is to enlighten 1000 people by 2021 by releasing fear, loving others and changing the world. She has been a teacher of A Course in Miracles since 1990, when she had a profound and surprising spiritual awakening. She later joined a dedicated community with a Master Teacher, spent 12 years in service and traveled the world extending her expertise with the Course. Her programs are a catalyst for those who want to embrace more spiritually aligned and powerful lives. Monica began her life as a classically trained musician, and teaches people to apply the practice of daily inner work to become a master of their mind with the same dedication. Those who are committed to serve humanity with humility, power and compassion will resonate with her story and mission. Devi and Monica discuss: Monica’s empowering story about her personal journey through spiritual awakening Being grateful with the little things Cleaning up your body Opening up your spiritual channel Learning and tapping into real power Coming into a whole new state of being Realizing the light of who you are The feeling of anxiety Getting out of fear Healing the anxiety that we feel within Being aligned with the divine Witnessing the unseen behind the scene Awakening to the fullness of who we are Facing your greatest fear Letting go of your fear Creating a bigger life for yourself Reaching out to more people Being unlimited Being aligned with the creator Healing our woundedness around Christianity Knowing where empowerment comes from Taking a stand for yourself Creating possibilities and more… Connect with Monica @ www.monicadubay.comFree Gift: Free Mind Alignment Session
9/20/201943 minutes, 26 seconds
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EP 194: Love Alignment with Ana Levin

In this episode, Devi chats with Ana Levin about “Love Alignment" for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Ana was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the age of 21 she moved to the US where she continued her college studies. Ana became a teacher for nearly ten years. She taught children of all ages, from early childhood to high school to assistant professor in college. It was during her experience as a high school teacher that she discovered her passion for helping people gain a new perspective by empowering them and loving them without conditions. She pursued a Masters of Science degree in psychology and enrolled in the Robbins Madanes Life Coaching Program. In addition, she enrolled in the professional coaching program through IPEC. Most importantly, it has been Ana’s life experiences of loss and achievements, intention and belief, that has given her a compassionate yet powerful outlook on life and relationships. Ana is a quantum energy healer, a reiki master and clear channel. It is Ana’s life mission to help people trust in the power of their hearts. Devi and Ana discuss: Ana’s inspiring and beautiful life story Getting in touch with the intimate part of you Practicing Love Alignment Trusting in the power of your heart Being a Quantum Energy Healer Connecting to Source energy Ana’s passion for helping others Loving yourself enough Allowing yourself to digest all of the emotions Realizing when you do not know yourself deeply Knowing what exactly you’re meant to do Experiencing Love Alignment  Setting aside your ego Breaking the mental constraints that we create ourselves Some guidance on having your heart and your mind in alignment Breathing slowly to drop into your heart Doing an alignment session with a person Ana’s vision for the world  Connecting and deepening your connection with your "team" Removing certain emotional blocks Listening to what the heart is guiding you to do Learning what it means to trust in the power of your heart Having the courage to see what you need and more... Connect with Ana @
9/13/201939 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 193: (Summerfest) Re-Inventing Yourself for a Higher Purpose with Nancy Guberti

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Nancy Guberti about “Re-Inventing Yourself for a Higher Purpose”. Nancy has eighteen years in private practice in functional medicine and nutrition, creating customized regimes to reach peak performance in body, mental health, and overall wellness. She is the founder of Total Wellness Empowerment membership, Total Wellness Empowerment podcast, Look & Feel Great Method, and Raising Achievers program and podcast.  Recognized as a thought leader in healthy living, Nancy has been featured in Associated Press, P&G Everyday, Shape, Oxygen, Eat This Not That, Bella NY & LA and other media outlets. She shares her expertise on the DDP Yoga shows and teaches practitioners for homeopathic and supplement companies. She believes awareness will empower others to take charge of their health!   Prior to private practice, Nancy enjoyed fifteen years in brokerage and was former Vice President of Goldman Sachs, E-Commerce division, where she managed and worked with high performers at 150 institutional clients. For Raising Achievers program, now more than ever you need to be proactive in raising achievers, the next generation world leaders. The program combines the corporate achiever’s traits and discipline, along with the clinical research in biomedical science for optimizing focus, drive, positive mental health, mentoring to turn purposeful passion into achievement for your youth. It’s never too young to start raising achievers and givers. Devi and Nancy discuss: Nancy’s wonderful and inspiring life story Living from spiritual connection How Nancy started and worked hard for this calling The 12-steps to healthy living Letting go of what you love for the one that you love Nancy’s advice to people who are shifting into their calling Figuring out what it is you want to go into Having stability and abundance Planning strategically what you need to do How to deal with being paralyzed when the overwhelm sets in Making  some quiet time to think about your current situation Looking at your “circle” Being aware of your current state Learning from other people’s experiences How to stay balanced when reinventing yourself for a higher purpose Finding out what it is that you have to do with your current situation The importance of researching in moving into your new calling Following and being successful with your plan  Setting your goals Checking on your plans and goals at least once a week Keeping walking even when you’re going through hell Being aligned with someone who can guide you on your path and more... Connect with Nancy @ Free Gift:
9/10/201926 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 192: (Summerfest) Living an Out-Rageously! Good L.Y.F.E. with Debbie White

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Debbie White about “Living an Out-Rageously! Good L.Y.F.E.”. Debbie is a “Chief Inspirer”, speaker and author, enthusiastic about encouraging women to live their full life experiences, reminding them that they also are a priority. Debbie’s commitment to advocating for others to aspire to live an Out-Rageously! Good L.Y.F.E. (Live. Your. Full. Experience.) ™ stems in large part from her being a young widow left to raise her then one-year-old daughter, quickly followed by her father-in-law experiencing a massive stroke due to grief over the loss of his son. She is the author of Weekly Reflections for an Out-Rageously! Good L.Y.F.E.™, a year-long guide on weekly topics to keep you encouraged to continue pushing toward living your full experience, and Stay Marriageable™ - Guidelines for EVERYONE, Yep That Means YOU! Devi and Debbie discuss: Debbie’s extraordinary and outrageously Good L.Y.F.E. stories Appreciating your life along with the good and bad experiences Traveling with her daughter The very recent passing of Debbie’s father and how she continues to show up Knowing that women need to prioritize themselves and live their Good L.Y.F.E. Focusing on what you can be grateful for Prioritizing yourself as an entrepreneur Taking care of yourself Acknowledging and awarding yourself  Following whatever is in your heart Realizing that this is what you’re path is supposed to be Debbie’s spiritual practices in living an Out-Rageously! Good L.Y.F.E.™ Starting your day by saying what you’re thankful for Asking for more patience and grace Being thankful for the things that happened throughout the day Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes Always taking care of you Doing what makes you happy as much as possible and more... Connect with Debbie @ Free Gift:  
9/9/201922 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP 191: (Summerfest) The Spirituality and Wellness Connection with Rico Caveglia

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Rico Caveglia about “The Spirituality and Wellness Connection”. Rico’s Chronological Age is 77 but his Fitness Age is 35.  He is America’s Healthy Aging Trainer and creator of The Ageless Living Lifestyle, The Vitality For Life Training System and the Be Bold Never Be Old Wellness Club. Rico is a professional speaker, author of 29 books/DVD programs and a personal trainer and health coach, for 37 years. He is a multi-Gold and Silver Medalist in the California State Senior Olympics. Devi and Rico discuss: Rico’s healthy and inspiring stories as a health coach Rico’s secrets for creating a high level of health  Realizing how bad smoking is Taking care of your physical body Learning more about nutrition Being able to make better choices Bringing more wellbeing into your life Being healthy enough to do whatever you want to do in your life Getting clear on what your values are and what your purpose is Believing that you can stay healthy The process that you can do to help cultivate your belief Focusing on what you want and not on what you don’t want How to become healthy How to take care of yourself Having a strong mindset for achieving your goals Committing to your mindset and your goals Having time for exercise and fitness Committing to making your health a top priority Acknowledging that you have the obligation to stay fit and healthy Rico’s 7-word diet Eating a variety of whole organic foods Identifying the foods that are good for you and more... Connect with Rico @ Free Gift:
9/8/201922 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP 190: (Summerfest) Empowerment After Abuse with Rosie Aiello

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Rosie Aiello about “Empowerment After Abuse”. After a 25 year relationship, Rosie Aiello, (pronounced “i-L-o”) engineered an international escape from the Middle East to save her daughter and herself from domestic violence. Stunned by PTSD and nearly mentally destroyed, she reinvented herself since arriving back in the United States, started her own business, and became a speaker, best-selling author, and an international awarding-winning entrepreneur.  She's on a mission to help women like her take their life back and reclaim their voice, worth, confidence and courage so that they can create the joyful, productive and prosperous life they deserve. Devi and Rosie discuss:  Rosie’s inspiring and powerful life story Rosie’s story  in conquering abuse Getting away from abuse Realizing that you deserve a happy life away from abuse Making a conscious decision for your loved ones against abuse The struggle to get your own voice and your own power back Reminding yourself that you need to get your life back Believing that you know the truth, regardless of anyone else’s voice or opinions Keeping yourself busy as a coping mechanism Holding onto the hope that you have Realizing that you deserve better Realizing that you need to be treated with kindness Giving yourself compassion Remembering that self-compassion is different from self-pity Realizing that you are worthy You are responsible for healing yourself Healing as a process Taking responsibility one step at a time Tips for gathering your income amidst abuse Focusing on the life you can create without abuse Fighting the person who is destroying you and your children Stepping in and making a choice Thinking about the freedom that you can have and more... Connect with Rosie @ Free Gift: Guidebook:
9/7/201931 minutes, 26 seconds
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EP 189: (Summerfest) Being the Observer of Your Own Entrepreneurial Mind with Danielle Roberts

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Danielle Kunkle Roberts about “Being the Observer of Your Own Entrepreneurial Mind”. Danielle is a founding partner at Boomer Benefits, a national agency specializing in Medicare-related insurance. Serving thousands of policyholders, Boomer Benefits helps boomers learn the ropes regarding Medicare. Danielle writes frequently about Medicare and personal finance topics for Forbes and is a member of the Forbes Finance Council. A nationally-recognized expert in the Medicare insurance industry, Danielle is a Medicare Supplement Accredited Advisor and past president of the Fort Worth chapter of the National Association of Health Underwriters. She has spoken about Medicare to hundreds of groups and her educational webinars are attended by thousands of baby boomers annually. Devi and Danielle discuss: Her inspiring story as an entrepreneur How Danielle came to doing what she is doing now Working with group health insurance Getting started with Medicare-related insurance Understanding your basic Medicare Quick tips in choosing insurance The insurance that all spiritual entrepreneurs should carry The importance of having your health insurance in place The impact of comparing your business with other businesses Focusing on what you can do and not what you can’t do Observing your own thoughts Danielle’s choice points along the journey of Entrepreneurship Recharging as an introvert Choosing the labels that you have for yourself Telling yourself a different story Realizing that you’re making a difference How to observe your own entrepreneurial mind Stopping yourself from thinking negative thoughts Knowing yourself very well in your business Running your own race  Putting your blinders on and focusing on your business Finding a mentor for your business Connect with Danielle @ and Free Gift:
9/6/201930 minutes, 46 seconds
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EP 188: (Summerfest) Animal Communication 101 with Rachel Augusta

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Rachel Augusta about “Animal Communication 101”. Rachel works with animals all over the world who are sick, injured, have a terminal illness or suffer from trauma due to previous abuse. Rachel’s business was featured in a best-selling Hay House published book, Women Rocking Business.   She has been interviewed by the international animal protection organization In Defense of Animals, on numerous podcasts and radio shows, and was a keynote speaker at the Woman Speak International Festival.   Because of her activism, Rachel has also been interviewed by the New York Times, CNN, BBC and was on the cover of People Magazine.  Rachel has worked with thousands of animals and her techniques have created miraculous results in her patients. Rachel is the Modern “Dr. Dolittle” and she's committed to helping us keep our furbabies healthy. Devi and Rachel discuss: Rachel’s experiences in working with animals How Rachel’s “soul-sister”, her cat, brought her to this calling How Rachel started working with animals Acknowledging your work and your calling Communicating with your cats Ways to communicate with your furbabies How to talk to animals in a simple way Being clear about what you’re thinking when communicating with your animals Telling your animals about what you want them to do Helping your animals identify their roles with you Helping your furbabies become nice to each other Appreciating and celebrating the good things your animal does How to bring comfort to your furbabies How to calm your furbabies when you are away from them Closing your eyes and energetically calling your furbabies Loving and honoring your pets through communication Realizing that your furbabies are a part of your team and more... Connect with Rachel @ Free Gift:
9/5/201926 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP 187: (Summerfest) Loving Yourself Healthy with Kathleen Gage

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Kathleen Gage about “Loving Yourself Healthy”. From on the streets in her twenties, to 35 years sober, to an award-winning marketing strategist running a highly successful consulting business for 25 years and becoming an in-demand keynote speaker, to going completely plant-based at the age of 64 and running a half marathon for her 65th birthday, life is never boring for this country gal.  At 65, let's just say, "Kathleen is not your typical senior." Besides health and fitness, she is also into animal rescue and has a whole lotta critters who call her place home. For her recent B-Day (65th) Kathleen ran a half marathon. Plant powered for sure.  After nearly 25 years in business, she is doing what most entrepreneurs would never dream of doing; changing her business direction and market in a big way. Creating a level of success many entrepreneurs aspire to achieve, Kathleen discovered a passion that had been percolating under the surface for years; a whole food, plant-based lifestyle. As an author and marketing and business strategist, she has made it her mission to teach solo and small business owners how to become visible to their market through the power of clarity of their message and to package their core message into speaking engagements, books, information products and consulting and coaching services. Devi and Kathleen discuss: Kathleen’s inspiring and enthusiastic life story Working with people who have a higher level of consciousness Being more conscious of what you eat Loving yourself healthy Looking at the quality of life that you deserve Fruit as nature’s candy Making the decision to give up drinking and alcohol Living an effective life Making choices that are loving enough to make a change Taking care of yourself Realizing what you have done with your body Realizing that the decisions you make today will affect you in 5 years Going plant-based in your diet Being honest with the quality of life you want Looking at what you are willing to do to get your goal Taking your goals one day at a time Having the ability to make decisions Living a disease-free quality of life Starting right here, right now Being mindful and conscious of what you’re putting into your body Putting your energy into the food that you eat Being happy and grateful for the food that you feed your body with Being happy and grateful for everything in your life and more... Connect with Kathleen @ Free Gift:
9/4/201928 minutes, 28 seconds
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EP 186: (Summerfest) Three Spiritual Ways to Reintegrate a Fragmented Busy Life with Joy Idries

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Joy Idries about "Three Spiritual Ways to Reintegrate a Fragmented Busy Life". Joy is an expert facilitator of deep and transformational life changes. What if it were possible to discover true consistent freedom happiness and joy by connecting with your true nature in a way that, frankly, blows your mind? Joy’s spiritual therapeutic work is designed to completely dissolve inner turmoil and open her clients to the real possibility of living a truly happy, fulfilled life. Author of 'Joy Unleashed: How to Delightfully Navigate the Path of Conscious Awakening', Joy shares how she healed a lifetime of trauma, chronic illness, and pain in just ONE WEEKEND! It unleashed so much joy and freedom it fired a passion in her to show how everyone else can do the same. As an inner journey practitioner, intuitive, spiritual teacher and guide she expertly facilitates rapid healing and the unleashing of true joy and well-being in all areas of life, often where conventional methods seem to fail. Devi and Joy discuss: Joy’s motivating life story Trying different things to heal yourself from trauma chronic illness Setting yourself completely free from trauma Living in the present Claiming the transformation for yourself Getting the chance to say the things you didn’t have the chance to say The power of acknowledgment Being aware of the part that you play in your life Improving relationships with the people around you Tuning into being grateful for the environment around you Being brought into “wholeness” Allowing yourself to unfold Controlling the outcome of your thoughts Joy’s tips to someone who is trying to move forward from trauma Seeing the other side of contrast in your life How awareness is an important part of moving on Identifying and being aware of what you are feeling Giving yourself some space through meditation Being aware when you are in the overwhelm and more... Connect with Joy @ Free Gift:
9/3/201923 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP 185: (Summerfest) Instead of Trying to Fit In Allow Yourself to Believe You Belong with Marie-Elizabeth Mali

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Marie-Elizabeth Mali about "Instead of Trying to Fit In Allow Yourself to Believe You Belong". Marie-Elizabeth is a Midlife Transformation Specialist who works with successful professionals who struggle in their personal relationships. She also shows people how to let the love and pleasure they cultivate in their relationships expand their professional success. She believes accessing your spiritual essence is the key to transforming limiting beliefs about yourself and what you’re capable of. Experiencing the depth of who you are (however you describe it) is the path to wholeness, personal power, and being proactive in your life. Marie-Elizabeth is also a published poet with an MFA in Poetry from Sarah Lawrence College and an underwater photographer who has a thing for sharks. Devi and Marie-Elizabeth discuss: Marie-Elizabeth’s experiences of diving with sharks The special characteristics of sharks Holding power within yourself, just like sharks do Trying to fit into the “norm” The unique experience of growing up inside of three different cultures Connecting and “fitting in” with others The deep need we have for “fitting in” as humans Settling into who you really are Connecting with people in the most authentic way Believing that you belong Meditation  What you can do to move into believing that you “fit in” Working with your thoughts to “fit in” Learning to discern your inner critic’s voice Is it important to “fit in” within the environment you are in Expressing yourself How to express yourself in calibration Learning how to translate yourself Speaking with our words and our energy The impact of bringing your words into alignment with your self Moving your energy outward Getting your words down to the most simple communication  as possible Connect with Marie-Elizabeth @ Free Gift: “4 Key Things to do in a Midlife Crisis” Link:
9/2/201922 minutes, 11 seconds
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EP 184: (Summerfest) Protecting Yourself from Negative Energy with Julie Saillant

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Julie Saillant “The Best Way to Protect Yourself from Negative Energy”. Julie is a Certified Life Optimization Coach, Intuitive Empath, Equine Communicator, Lightworker, Healer, Speaker, and Writer. Through her experience with equine communication, horses have given her powerful lessons on how to be Self-Aware, Mindful and fully step into your power. She is “the bridge” that links humans with the sacred wisdom of horses, and has the ability to connect the soul with the highest expression of who you are.  From sacred wisdom teachings, she shows you how to achieve a state of Divine Flow, which connects the intuition and the heart, putting you into perfect Mind-Body-Spirit alignment. Through these teachings, she is able to motivate, inspire and help her clients remove obstacles and make choices that honor their authentic self and uncover their true-life purpose. Devi and Julie discuss: Julie’s exceptional life story as an equine communicator How Julie became a bridge that links humans with horses How horses have their own personalities like people Having the gift to understand horses and people Horses as great teachers  What horses teach us How horses feel negative energy Being aware of what is happening around you Being as self-aware as you possibly can be When negativity hits your electro-magnetic field Identifying if you are feeling your energy or somebody else’s Having the power to choose your feelings over someone else’s feelings Grounding exercises to release negative energy Realizing that the simplest things can be the most powerful  Living 100% in the present Warding off negative energy  The process of finding self-forgiveness Focusing on the good instead of the bad Trusting yourself and your gifts Connect with Julie @
9/1/201922 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP 183: (Summerfest) Growing Your Company with J.P. McAvoy

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with J.P. McAvoy about "Growing Your Company".  Jeffrey (J.P.) McAvoy is the founder and Managing Partner of Conduct Law and practices corporate and commercial law. He is also a business consultant with CPLS, P.A. He assists his clients with a wide range of business transactions including incorporations, financings and acquisitions, re-organizations, and related corporate entity structuring matters. He acts for clients buying, selling, and starting up businesses. J.P. represents a diverse range of corporations in Canada, the United States, and Asia.  J.P. works with professionals and business owners to help them understand the impact of the law and how it can affect their business and personal needs.  Prior to commencing private practice, J.P. was a founding employee of the Silicon Valley start-up Zip2, which was sold to Compaq and later merged with Alta Vista. During this time, J.P. worked with Elon Musk and they were able to successfully grow the business into the largest all-cash transaction of its time. Since then he has worked with startups and established business from California to Toronto to Seoul. In addition to practicing law, J.P. hosts the popular Business Breakout Podcast, is a contributing writer for the New Economy Watch and has taught a college course in Corporate Law. Over the previous five years, JP has led over sixty-five significant corporate and commercial transactions totaling more than $80 million. In 2011, J.P.’s accomplishments earned him an Ottawa Business Journal Forty Under Award. Devi and J.P. discuss: J.P.’s inspiring business experiences Seeking some advice from professionals Starting as a solopreneur Looking at how other businesses are organized Looking into really significant growth The things that might be important to shift inside of a corporation Different Business Roles  Limiting liability Reducing the taxes we pay in having a corporation The pros and cons of incorporating your business Addressing the limitations of incorporation Setting your company up for future success Should you commit to a corporation in the  earlier stages of your business Growing your business Discussing your business with a lawyer Making sure that things are done properly in your business Protecting your company assets Justifying company expenses Anticipating what your company needs in the future When to look at advanced incorporation strategies for your company Just do it, take the first step, work with your dream Connect with JP @
8/31/201920 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP 182: (Summerfest) Stepping Forward Into Conscious Expansion with Debora Hollick

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Debora Hollick about “Stepping Forward into Conscious Expansion”. Debora is a consultant and entrepreneur with a diverse background. She currently owns an established marketing business and is a consultant, serving individuals and corporate clients. She is recognized as a talented, effective, inspirational trainer, motivational speaker, and coach, having developed and facilitated seminars, workshops, and programs, delivered throughout North America. Debora enjoys and is highly effective in helping her clients “smash through” what might be holding them apart from getting to where they want to be, with a fun, direct approach. Devi and Debora discuss: Debora’s inspiring life and business experiences How Debora started as an entrepreneur Trusting the words and ideas that come when talking to people Helping someone “smash through” Translating ideas into words Debora’s tips for Spiritual Entrepreneurs Starting your business consciously Focusing on what you’re feeling, thinking and what you’re getting Knowing that everyone has their own intuition Believing that we do get better Stepping forward into conscious expansion Debora’s process for launching her book Having creative people around you Doing those things that you feel you’ve been called to do Living more consciously Listening openly and consciously Appreciating consciously Connect with Debora @ Free Gift: 5 easy Steps for People to Quickly Release Fear
8/30/201918 minutes, 28 seconds
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EP 181: (Summerfest) Conscious Birthing with Michelle Smith

(Summerfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Michelle Smith about "Conscious Birthing".  Known for the soothing sound of her voice and calming presence, Michelle serves as an educator and advocate for families as they navigate our challenging medical system which often strips women of their autonomy and their right to be heard. Michelle is the founder of the Birth Ease Method—a childbirth education program which teaches parents how to connect with their inner wisdom, release their fears, and create a deep and profound relaxation habit. Vital skills that serve families not only throughout their pregnancy and birth, but ultimately for the rest of their lives. With first-hand experience regarding the deep and far-reaching impacts of stress, birth trauma, and perinatal loss; Michelle has developed a specialization that includes stress reduction, natural childbirth, parenting, grief, trauma, and birth-related post-traumatic stress. An expert in the field, Michelle possesses twenty years of experience a clinical hypnotherapist, educator, birth and bereavement doula, ordained interfaith minister, and energy healing practitioner. She is creating transformation in the lives of families one birth at a time. Devi and Michelle discuss: Michelle’s beautiful life experiences Michelle’s experiences with birth and pregnancy The pain of losing someone, especially at birth Bringing consciousness to birthing Being conscious of the process of pregnancy Dealing with loss in pregnancy Giving space to parents who experienced loss The kind of grief of losing someone Being connected with your baby inside the womb Trusting with your inner wisdom Creating space to welcome your baby Listening to your soul Having the divine connection Acknowledging your baby during pregnancy Connecting with and trusting your inner wisdom Mitigating stress to connect with your baby Choosing your caregiver as part of the process Contemplating what’s important for you Knowing that you have a divine connection with your baby and more… Connect with Michelle @
8/30/201919 minutes, 6 seconds
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EP 180: "The Shark Tank Effect" and Xero Shoes with Steven Sashen

In this episode, Devi chats with Steven Sashen about “The Shark Tank Effect" and Xero Shoes. Steven is a serial entrepreneur who has never had a job, former professional stand up comic and award-winning screenwriter, and a competitive sprinter -- one of the fastest men over 55 in the country. He and his wife, Lena Phoenix, co-founded the footwear company Xero Shoes, and appeared on Shark Tank, where they turned down a $400,000 offer from Kevin O'Leary. Devi and Steven discuss: Steven’s inspiring story of spiritual entrepreneurship The story behind Xero Shoes Spiritual Entrepreneurship as a married couple Understanding and listening to your other half The "Shark Tank Effect" Managing crises in your business How Steven managed to fix his website after it "blew up" from too much traffic Growing your company Being on the same page as your partner The general process of making footwear The secret to the success of Xero Shoes The power of intention Paying attention to the way that the mind works Paying attention to the sensations in your foot Steven's spiritual practices Noticing that there’s a giant gap between what’s going on today and what you’re envisioning as possible for the future The value of "going back" to what is "natural" What to do with feet with high arches Dealing with a lack of confidence Loving yourself more and more… Connect with Steven @
8/23/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP 179: How Relationships Impact Your Business and Your Life with Dr Rhoberta Shaler

In this episode, Devi chats with Dr. Rhoberta Shaler about “How Relationships Impact Your Business and Your Life.” As a relationship consultant, mediator, speaker, and author, Dr. Rhoberta Shaler, The Relationship Help Doctor, provides urgent and ongoing care for relationships in crisis.  Her mission is to help people stop tolerating abuse. Even the United States Marines have sought her help.  Dr. Shaler focuses on helping the partners, exes, and adult children of the relentlessly difficult people she calls “Hijackals®.” She offers strategies for dealing with the constant uncertainty and jaw-dropping behaviors of the difficult, toxic people she calls Hijackals®. Author of sixteen books including Escaping the Hijackal Trap and Stop! That’s Crazy-Making! How to Stop Playing the Passive-Aggressive Game.  She is the host of three podcasts: Emotional Savvy: The Relationship Help Show, Save Your Sanity: Help for Handling Hijackals, and Focus on Forward: Fuel for a Fearless Future. Her YouTube channel, has reached over 200,000 views. Devi and Dr Rhoberta discuss: Dr Rhoberta’s experiences as a relationship coach The definition of a “Hijackal” The characteristics of a “Hijackal” Marriage as a "union of two souls for the perfection of the both" When to stop working on yourself The benefits of shifting and working on yourself, when you are in a relationship The unbalanced relationship Three things that help to develop a positive relationship The importance of equality in a relationship Expanding the equality in a relationship Mutuality in a relationship Creating oneness in a relationship Knowing when it’s time to step away from a “Hijackal” relationship Hallmarks of “Hijackals” Seeing the patterns and cycles in a “Hijackal” relationship Getting some help in withdrawing from a “Hijackal” relationship Having a healthy exit from a relationship Sustaining strong boundaries Acknowledging that you deserve space and progress Stating what you prefer in a relationship, rather than blaming Listening to other people’s feelings and not "fixing" them Documenting everything when there is physical violence Not rationalizing and justifying bad behavior The fine line between a giver and seeing a person who doesn’t have mutuality in mind Believing that you matter and more… Learn more about Dr Rhobera: Connect with her on her website @ Youtube: For Relationship Help Podcast: Emotional Savvy Book: “How to Spot a Hijackal”
8/16/201942 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP 178: "Thinking Beyond" with Jesse Doubek

In this episode, Devi chats with Jesse Doubek about “Thinking Beyond.” Jesse is one of the most successful online marketers of our time. As Co-Founder and CEO of Doubek Digital Media, his agency has worked with some of the greatest online entrepreneurs in the world (including NYT Bestselling Authors like Brendon Burchard, Chalene Johnson, and Sonia Choquette) and driven a documented $10M+ in sales. At Doubek Digital Media, we're more than just online marketers. We're on a mission to help the top "heart-centered" entrepreneurs serve more customers through smart marketing automation and powerful content creation, advertising strategies, and phone lead generation strategies.  Devi and Jesse discuss: Jesse’s inspiring journey as an entrepreneur The reason why Jesse "thinks beyond" Doing things outside your comfort zone Experiencing life every single day Knowing that every single day is a blessing Taking action on every opportunity How excuses kill dreams The importance of "thinking beyond" The more you get uncomfortable the more you’ll get comfortable Pushing yourself to become uncomfortable Having people view you as a leader Leading by example How to become an effective leader Staying true to yourself Enjoying being yourself  Figuring out your own path Ways to help other people to "think beyond" Working with the Four Core Offers "Thinking beyond" with your offers Establishing a new relationship through Facebook Starting the conversation on Social Media Connecting on LinkedIn through Sales Navigator Pro "Thinking beyond" within the rules The essence of "thinking beyond" on the internet Investing in yourself Getting into your goals Going out there and just doing it Getting addicted to "thinking beyond" Being positive in the face of negativity and more… Learn more about Jesse & Get Your Free Gifts: Connect with Jesse @ Free Gift 1: Free Gift 2:
8/9/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP 177: The "Terrible Toos"

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the "Terrible Toos", having too much in your life!  Devi shares about the "Terrible Toos": The inner voice inside that sometimes says “You are too XYZ” The feeling like there is something wrong with you  Recognizing your superpower Being afraid of being rejected Knowing your unique mix of AWESOME Embracing your “Terrible Toos” as a very precious gift and more... If you'd like some support from Devi on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship, you can: Email the team @ [email protected]  Apply to have a conversation with Devi here  Join us in our Facebook group @ Connect with Devi on her website @ or her Facebook page @ If you feel inspired to do so, please leave us a 5-star review and subscribe @   
8/2/20198 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP 176: Leadership and the Environment with Joshua Spodek

In this episode, Devi chats with Joshua Spodek about “Leadership and the Environment.” Joshua, PhD MBA, wrote the #1 bestselling Leadership Step by Step, hosts the award-winning Leadership and the Environment podcast, is a professor at NYU, writes a column for Inc., and blogs daily at He holds five Ivy League degrees, including a PhD in astrophysics and an MBA from Columbia, where he studied under a Nobel Laureate. He left academia to found a venture to market an invention that showed animated images to subway riders between stations. He teaches and coaches leadership and entrepreneurship at NYU and Columbia Business School. He has spoken at Harvard, Princeton, West Point, MIT, BCG, PwC, S&P, and IBM. Appearing on every major network, the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, and more, he has been called “best and brightest” in Esquire’s Genius issue, “astrophysicist turned new media whiz” by NBC, and “rocket scientist” by Forbes and ABC. He visited North Korea twice, swam across the Hudson River, has done burpees daily since 2011 (108,000 and counting), takes 16 months to produce one load of garbage, and hasn’t flown (by choice) since March 2016. Devi and Joshua discuss: Joshua’s inspiring journey as a leader His definition of leadership Having leadership goals Making BIG shifts  What the environment means to Joshua Having a deep connection with nature How leaders work with emotions and people The advantage of having managerial skills as a leader Communicating creatively as a leader The feeling of making a difference What drives people Leading by example Being aware of the environment around you Interacting with nature Achieving greater freedom in leadership Joshua's choice to no longer travel by plane Influencing other people’s belief systems The feeling of having an emotional reward Leading effectively Living consistently with your values Influencing other people through your leadership Acting within your values and more...  More about Joshua: Connect with Joshua @ Listen to Joshua's TEDx Talk:
7/26/201942 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP 175: Building a Purposeful Brand with AnnMarie Rose

In this episode, Devi chats with AnnMarie Rose about “Building a Purposeful Brand".  AnnMarie Rose is a brand development expert who empowers purpose-driven creative entrepreneurs to elevate and evolve their brands so they can make a meaningful impact online while growing businesses that align with the work they’re truly meant to do in the world. After spending more than half a decade working with a wide range of clients -- from multimillion dollar international brands, to startups and solopreneurs -- AnnMarie knows the key to creating long-term business growth and success online isn’t a viral video or a popular Facebook Page. It’s a clear, compelling message and a streamlined brand strategy. AnnMarie is the creator of the Brand Impact Foundation method -- a brand development framework that’s helped hundreds of creative entrepreneurs gain clarity, eliminate overwhelm and take their businesses to the next level while experiencing freedom and fulfillment in the process. She also shares her best brand development insights weekly on her live YouTube show “Ask AnnMarie Rose”.  Devi and AnnMarie discuss: AnnMarie’s life story as a brand development expert Building a purposeful brand Considering a purposeful brand The impact that you want to make in the world How to grow your brand online Knowing that you can’t read the label from inside the bottle Bridging two different aspects of your work Creating a unified brand across platforms Having a signature platform to share your services Having a social platform to engage with Starting conversations on Instagram Wearing what reflects the real you Consistency as an important tool in branding Showing the different versions of who you are on your social platform Being mindful of how your audience is going to receive your message Reflecting what people are feeling with your brand visuals Cross-checking the alignment of your ideas with your message Determining how you want your voice or message to come across Sharing a message that reflects your soul Allowing your gut to tell you if you are making a good decision or not Knowing that you don’t need everything to be perfect Getting enough clarity with your message Starting conversations with people online  and more… Connect with AnnMarie @
7/19/201939 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP 174: Yoga with Shanthi Yogini

In this episode, Devi chats with Shanthi Yogini about “Yoga". Shanthi, International Yoga Master Trainer, is a leading exponent on the ancient science of Yoga. Her ideal students are aspiring leaders and change makers willing to liberate Yoga from being chained to mere fitness exercises and eager to develop spiritual leadership through Yoga. Shanthi offers training for independent 2-minute Yoga-practices in order to be liberated from any limitation physically, mentally, intellectually and socially, be it ill-health, depression or lack of focus. Thus her movement is called “Liberate Yoga! Liberate You! Liberate the World!” Shanthi is #1 international best-selling author twice and a speaker who offers an eye-opening presentation of Yoga not just as a solution for life problems but as a path to live life to one’s highest potential. Shanthi, a former software engineer, comes from a lineage of Yoga Masters. She is the founder of Yoga for Happiness Academy, where students become teachers by learning the authentic, pristine and purest form of Yoga presented as a science through in-person, online and digital media. Shanthi is also a trained classical dancer, storyteller, interactive workshop presenter, and art & culture educator. She uses story creation and story narration through dance as a means of healing past hurts of her students. Devi and Shanthi discuss: Shanthi’s life story and the history of Yoga The root of Yoga HowShanthi perceives Yoga Knowing what’s separated that needs union Yoga means "to join" or "to unite" Uniting with something bigger or larger than oneself Feeling the union within you Synchronizing your body and mind Having the feeling of integration Yoga as a science “Asanam” as one branch of Yoga Learning how to breathe right with Yoga Utilizing all parts of your respiratory system How breathing is connected to your mental state Taking a few right breaths when you are stressed Learning how to calm your body with Yoga Learning how to breathe properly using the diaphragm The three chamber breath Working on the diaphragm when breathing Understanding why breath is relevant Yoga as a pathway to union Training your mind to "be with" your body Giving your fullest attention to your body and what you are doing Creating the union within us Training your mind to be in the present Letting good vibrations prevail Letting all your negative emotions out and being aware of the present Taking care of whole well-being and more… Connect with Shanthi @ You can download Shanthi’s book “Happiness: The Key to Success” for FREE at
7/12/201944 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP 173: The Paradigm and Vibration of the Business Space with Jen Mavros

In this episode, Devi chats with Jen Mavros about "The Paradigm and Vibration of the Business Space." Hailed by Influencive Media as "a woman you need to know because of her ability to stir your soul", Jen Mavros is a Modern Day Spiritual Messenger, Hostess of the hit podcast - The Jen Mavros Show, which is ranked one of the top Spiritual podcasts on iTunes. She is the creator of the Loving Humanity Forward movement and The Mavros Method of Manifestation - a holistic pathway into empowered living. As a voice for Love, she's dedicated her life to helping individuals manifest their soulfully aligned desires and dreams in life and in business - so you can be inwardly aware and outwardly successful. A student of holistic self-mastery, she is an Internationally certified and licensed Life Coach having received training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming [NLP] and is currently obtaining her Doctorate Degree in Metaphysical Science. Jen also has a comprehensive understanding of energy through her work in the Akashic Records, as a Reiki and Pranic Healing Practitioner and her studies in Metaphysics and Meditation. For the past several years, through her soulful online courses, retreats, and 1-to-1 offerings, she has had the pleasure of having served and supported over 5900+ purpose-driven leaders, entrepreneurs, businesswomen, healers, coaches, creatives and holistic network marketers from around the world, to co-create the lives and businesses they truly desire. Jen is looking forward to connecting with you, heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul.  Devi and Jen discuss: Jen’s soulful story as a spiritual entrepreneur Learning how to be a successful spiritual entrepreneur Being aligned with your message Definition of “hustle energy” Being aligned body, mind, and spirit Understanding the whole puzzle Doing business with the new energy and paradigm Transforming your feelings and being aligned with your purpose Allowing your emotions to run through you Emotions as "energy in motion" Stepping forward with your authentic Self Embracing all of our human experience Creating “oneness” Collaboration as a foundation for your business Empowering marketing Divine energy for the new marketing Being in our most authentic and radiant self Being in the “flow space” Making an impact through Contribution Taking a stand for what you believe in Being more thoughtful and mindful with the whole chain of your business Creating a sustainable business Making people the priority The “5 D" energetic paradigm The definition of dimension Being called to a greater standard Being an advocate of what we truly believe in Listening to the voice within us Bridging the gap and creating awareness and more… Connect with Jen @ Resources: “The Jewel of Abundance” by Ellen Grace O’Brian *** Note: this is an affiliate link on Amazon***
7/5/201942 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP 172: How Individual Entrepreneurs Can Build Consistent, Stable, Revenue with David Shriner-Cahn

In this episode, Devi chats with David Shriner-Cahn about "How Individual Entrepreneurs Can Build Consistent, Stable, Revenue." David is a recognized authority on entrepreneurship, leadership development, and the host of the business podcast Smashing the Plateau. Featured in Forbes and Inc. Magazine, over 400 episodes of Smashing the Plateau offer a wealth of personal experiences and practical advice about achieving business breakthroughs. The mission of Smashing the Plateau is helping solopreneur experts build more stable and consistent recurring revenue in their business. David provides expert individual and team mentorship, peer support and curated educational content to help solopreneur experts do what they love and get paid what they’re worth. Devi and David discuss: His journey as a spiritual entrepreneur What it means to become an individual entrepreneur Being clear on your emotions Having an abundance mindset Being clear on what you love doing Being clear on your target market Figuring out what you want to do with your business Knowing your story Paying attention to your innate potential and developed skills Bringing out the best in your clients Compartmentalizing your talents Surrounding yourself with like-minded people Getting a mentor for your business Tips on finding the right mentors Figuring out where you need help Sharing our gifts consistently Building consistent revenue Kicking starting your own business Helping other people with your gifts Figuring out what’s easiest for you to do Having a good financial plan for your business Prioritizing generating revenue Knowing where your generation of revenue comes from Knowing your definition of success Having metrics for success Doing what you love and being paid what you’re worth and more… Connect with David @
6/28/201937 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP 171: Moving from "to-do" Lists to "Intention" Lists with Melinda Wittstock

In this episode, Devi chats with Melinda Wittstock about “Moving from 'to-do' Lists to 'Intention' Lists.” Melinda is a four-time serial entrepreneur, acknowledged influencer and visionary in all things tech and media, and an award-winning journalist and host. A passionate advocate for women entrepreneurs, Melinda's mission is to catalyze the ecosystem where women "lift as they climb" by mentoring each other, investing in each other and throwing business to each other. Melinda is the host of the acclaimed and fast-growing Wings Of... Inspired Business podcast and a growing curated community, coaching and content platform called Wings of Success. She is also the CEO and Founder of Verifeed, the social intelligence company that assures its clients a Return on Authenticity™ from social media engagement. A meditation, yoga and visualization devotee, as well as a Maverick adventurer whose travels have taken her to many exotic places including Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island and the Amazon rainforest, Melinda is also passionate about encouraging conscious leadership and evolved enterprise company's that do well by doing good. She's a loving mom to two teenage kids and a golden retriever. Devi and Melinda discuss: Melinda’s journey as a spiritual entrepreneur Getting into the balance of your left and right brain Having success on your own terms Moving from using “to-do” lists to “intention” lists Turning your meditation into asking for inspiration Knowing that you received inspiration Knowing your intentions for the day Moving your ego to the side Believing in visualization Becoming really involved in your environment Setting your intention in the morning Creating something new as a spiritual entrepreneur Being present Practicing meditation and gratitude Managing the process of having a supportive team Predicting your success in business Knowing what you love to do and what only you can do Making sure your team loves what they do Being smart about hiring Taking things off your plate Finding a really good team for your business Being open to inspiration Working on something that’s game-changing Creating value as a spiritual entrepreneur Dealing with sales as a spiritual entrepreneur Finding the right people for your team The first 3-steps for upscaling Hiring the right sales person Being clear on what you want Allowing people the chance to have initiative Managing your different ideas Setting up and measuring your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) Loving yourself Connect with Melinda @
6/21/201946 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP 170: LEAF and Affirmative Inquiry with Jon Berghoff

In this episode, Devi chats with Jon Berghoff about "LEAF and Affirmative Inquiry". Jon is co-founder and president of Flourishing Leadership Institute [FLI]. Companies like BMW, Facebook, Google, the US Navy, Army, VISA, depend on FLI, when they need to engage the strengths of an organization towards solving a problem, building a strategic plan, or accelerated culture shaping. Learning organizations (masterminds) like MMT, YPO, Vistage, Gobundance, FRD, Quantum Leap Mastermind, and Keller Williams, have all turned to FLI to help multiply the individual and collective intelligence of their groups. FLI is the creator of the LEAF Certification, where over 150 leaders and consultants from 15 countries have learned to facilitate conversations and collaborations of all types, utilizing the latest science in Psychology, Experiential Learning, Design Thinking, and Strengths Based Management. Jon previously led sales at Vitamix where, in less than five years, his division organically grew revenue from $42M to $174M, and from 175 to 600 team members. His large-group facilitation has brought him to Europe, South America, Japan and Australia, and he teaches Appreciative Leadership and Emotionally Intelligent Negotiating through Executive Education at Weatherhead School of Management, at Case Western Reserve University. Jon is passionate about connecting with nature, music, and food. He loves his family more than anything in the world - spends as much time as possible with his wife Mara, and kids Ace (8), Sierra (6), and Kaizen (3). Devi and Jon discuss: Jon’s journey as a Spiritual Entrepreneur Tapping on the collective intelligence of a group What is LEAF and Affirmative Inquiry How Jon started his entrepreneurial journey How to accelerate the rate of strategically renewing ourselves Revitalizing our strategy Building action plans Having theoretical conversations about what could be possible in the future Ways to explore what is possible Realizing that it’s a lot easier to "show" what a thing looks like Exponentially evolving the experience of your customers Trying to act out the future Regenerating your company Leading a community, team, or organization Co-creating your own set of values Aligning your personal values with the company values Finding out what people value Making sure that there isn't a conflict of values Revitalizing your set of values How to bring your values to life Recognizing another’s personal values Designing interactions Generating outcomes that we want Facilitating conversations The meaning of “LEAF” The most effective way to create change How Jon came up with the rebranding of his company Unlocking collective intelligence Living inside of the conversation Elevating the importance of conversations Experiencing a glimpse of the future Enabling people to connect with their individual strengths Attracting coaches, leaders, and facilitators Creating change Giving away 100% of your intellectual property Creating a model for your learning community Empathizing with other people Creating solutions and healing and more… Connect with Jon via email @[email protected]
6/11/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP 169: BIG SHIFTS in the "Collective"

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about the BIG SHIFTS in the "Collective" that are happening right now!   Devi shares: How we are each being guided to move through the core wound that has brought us to the place that we are on our path and to our work as Spiritual Entrepreneurs. The collective calling to express our gifts together collectively in service to humanity. The new model of leadership that Devi is being called to and some of the shifts that she is currently going through right now. and more... If you'd like some support from Devi on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship, you can: Email the team @ [email protected]  Apply to have a conversation with Devi here  Join us in our Facebook group @ Connect with Devi on her website @  or her Facebook page @  If you feel inspired, please leave us a 5-star review and subscribe @ 
6/7/201916 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP 168: The Benefits of Sharing Your Story as a Spiritual Entrepreneur with Joie Cheng

In this episode, Devi chats with Joie Cheng about “The Benefits of Sharing Your Story as a Spiritual Entrepreneur.” Joie, M.S.W., The Queen of Transformational Book Publishing, is passionate about helping people write and publish their books so they can make the income and impact they desire and deserve. She believes that when we share our stories we heal ourselves and we heal the world. Joie is a Patrick Snow certified publishing coach, international best-selling author, professional keynote speaker, mentor, healer, circle facilitator, and a trained yoga teacher. She is the best-selling author of The Naked Truth: A Woman’s Journey to Self-Love about her personal journey of healing herself naturally from deep depression and suicidal thoughts through self-love. Joie is a featured author in the international best-selling book Being Unapologetic and will be featured in the upcoming book Success is all B.S. She is the host of the podcast The Naked Truth Movement where she interviews guests who are willing to share inspiring stories and be vulnerable so less people feel alone.  Devi and Joie discuss: Joie’s inspiring journey as a spiritual entrepreneur Sharing your own story Leaving a legacy through your story The fear of reliving what you’ve been through Joie's journey through depression and suicidal thoughts Connecting with your readers through your story The benefits of sharing your story as a spiritual entrepreneur Standing out through your story Knowing that your story makes you unique The importance of using your story in your books Deciding which story to tell Tips on how to share your story Figuring out the theme of your story Believing that we have a lesson to learn in each story Joie's biggest challenge Tips for people who are struggling to share their story Getting your story out there Making more money on Amazon through your audiobook Remembering your "why"  and more… Connect with Joie Cheng @
5/31/201935 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP 167: The Serial Entrepreneur Journey as a Spiritual Entrepreneur with Tracy Higley

In this episode, Devi chats with Tracy Higley about “The Serial Entrepreneur Journey as a Spiritual Entrepreneur”. Tracy has been an entrepreneur since childhood, and is currently CEO of several ecommerce and logistics companies. She’s also a prolific author, having written over a dozen novels and nonfiction books. She’s the founder and CEO of Impactivity, which coaches entrepreneurial women to thrive by integrating business, health, and spirituality. She can be found at, and on Facebook and Instagram @impactivity. Devi and Tracy discuss: Tracy’s amazing journey of entrepreneurship The childhood experiences that led Tracy into entrepreneurship Figuring out how to be passionate about multiple things Where did “Impactivity” come from Tracy's wonderful business experience with her daughter Tracy's online e-commerce business Tracy's Shopify business with her daughter HowTracy grew her online businesses Getting in touch with Tracy's manufacturers The process of trying out a good product Looking out for a new product on Amazon Tracy's online shipping business through Amazon Being aligned with your goals Tracy's journey as a writer Focusing on what we want to do in life and in our business Being intentional about understanding yourself and what works for you Knowing that you are built differently and uniquely Selecting a team for your business How to know when to bring a new person on Knowing that everyone work on things differently Balancing family life and work life Stopping comparing yourself to other people Feeling grounded within your faith Understanding yourself better Starting to believe that there’s a power outside of yourself The true power to serve Tracy's daily routine to create more balance Organizing your emails  and more…  Connect with Tracy @
5/24/201957 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP 166: How Failure Can Set You Up for Success with Erica Ormsby

In this episode, Devi chats with Erica Ormsby about "How Failure Can Set You Up for Success". Erica is the creator of the Soaring Mastermind Membership, a first-of-its-kind monthly subscription that helps people stay committed and equipped to create their dreams by sharing resources, strategies and key support.  Her flagship course, Powerful YOU Master Program, empowers people to awaken their power within and live their purpose while having fun and not losing themselves along the way. Erica’s personal journey from misery to mastery has laid the groundwork for over two decades of deep study and rich life experience to help individuals and organizations close the gap between where they are and where they actually want to be. Erica has been on a progressive speaking circuit since 2013. She has presented lectures at, Universities, business conferences, wellness retreats, non-profit organizations, and TEDxModesto, among many other notable organizations. Erica has also partnered with the trailblazing global lifestyle organization, Liv, aligning with her desire to serve as a catalyst for people to live their dreams all over the world. Her team LivInspired is not only helping people travel the world and turn their “bucket lists” into “liv lists” but creating more financial freedom for the many people that desire so much more living in their life. Erica is a Life-Lover, Inspirational Speaker, Thought- Leader and Wellness Entrepreneur. She has created and sold several successful companies, designing programs in physical, emotional, and organizational wellness for the past 18 years. She is a powerhouse who finds joy in the little things and loves to laugh. She jokes that she eats books for breakfast. Her passion is fueled by her desire to help elevate joy in humanity by strategically inspiring possibility and personal power through the integration of ancient wisdom, leading edge science and courageous life experience. Erica’s husband Brad and son Kai are the lights of her life. As she pursues her Ph.D in I/O Psychology; International Business and her first book I AM : Happy. Healthy. Free launches, every step of her effort is focused on empowering people to live, laugh, and love to their highest potential in mind, body, and business. Devi and Erica discuss: Erica’s inspiring story, from failure to success Doing what we love and make a living from that Doing what it takes to succeed Erica’s defining moment Erica’s turning point in life The concept of "failure" Being secure in what you’re doing Being dedicated to assisting others How failure is part of the success Welcoming the roadblocks on your journey How to face failure Succeeding amidst failure Redefining success Creating your own business Being gentle with yourself Tips on how to keep growing Feeling your body Allowing your emotions to flow Doing whatever it takes to achieve success  and more…  Connect with Erica @
5/18/201943 minutes, 17 seconds
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EP 165: Debunking the Myth That the Brain Produces Consciousness with Mark Gober

In this episode, Devi chats with Mark Gober about Consciousness and Spiritual Entrepreneurship.  Mark is an author, a Partner at Sherpa Technology Group in Silicon Valley, a former investment banker with UBS in New York, and former captain of the Princeton tennis team where he graduated magna cum laude. His worldview was turned upside down in late 2016 when he was exposed to world-changing science which suggested that, contrary to mainstream assumptions, consciousness is not produced by the brain. After researching extensively, he wrote An End to Upside Down Thinking to introduce the general public to these cutting-edge ideas -- all in an effort to encourage a much-needed global shift in scientific and existential thinking. Mark's book has been endorsed by leading thinkers such as former Harvard neurosurgeon Eben Alexander MD, Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr. Ervin Laszlo, Pixar founder Loren Carpenter, University of Virginia professor of neurobehavioral sciences and Harvard PhD Dr. Ed Kelly, Chicken Soup for the Soul author Jack Canfield, actress Goldie Hawn, and many others (for full endorsement list, see: Devi and Mark Discuss: The truth about the myth that the brain produces consciousness The impact of the brain on the conscious state 'Correlation' does not equal 'Causation' How the brain and body are related to consciousness Consciousness as the primary aspect of reality The role of consciousness in Spiritual Entrepreneurship Knowing our identity and how we fit into the Universe The set of beliefs that stem from the belief that the brain creates consciousness  Breaking down the structures of separation that get in the way of productivity The impact of the belief that consciousness is non-local to the body The quieting of the mind that is associated with psychic abilities like telepathy, precognition, and remote viewing Psychedelic research  Near-death experiences Quieting the mind for better decision making in business Practices for attracting desired outcomes with others in business Psychokinesis and the random number generator experiments Setting strong intentions The brain is the limiter of our perception The witnessing state What is "it" that is having the experiences in our lives? Allowing stress to be a trigger to pull us back into the "witness state" Sensory deprivation tanks Surviving bodily death and life review Quantum Entanglement Identical Twins and Telesomatic events Tuning into other forms of consciousness and energy Highly Sensitive and Empathic perception and consciousness People who have near-death experiences and how they impact electronic devices Acknowledging that our identity is tied to our consciousness and not our mind and body Constellation work and group consciousness Collective intention and the Global Consciousness Project The importance of having a genuine intention How we are connected and how what we do to others matters in this physical realm Connect with Mark @ Get a copy of Mark's Book An End to Upside Down Thinking: Dispelling the Myth That the Brain Produces Consciousness, and the Implications for Everyday Life on
5/11/201947 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP 164: The Ashram Exit Strategy with Kim Carpenter

In this episode, Devi chats with Kim Carpenter about "The Ashram Exit Strategy". Kim is the Founder of World Changing Women, where she helps women successfully grow businesses that make the world a better place. Her career began in 1996, leading accounts in New York City's top advertising and digital marketing agencies, where her client roster included The United Nations, MasterCard, Blue Shield, Nike, Pepsi and Office Max. Kim has mentored hundreds of entrepreneurial women in how to create stand-out marketing strategies so they can exponentially grow their reach, revenue and impact.  Devi and Kim discuss: Kim’s inspiring life journey in taking a leap off of the corporate ladder into an ashram How Kim started her career Starting on your own spiritual path Doing good for the World Kim's dream of going to India Taking a transformational journey Meditating to "loosen up" Kim's exciting ashram experience Sitting and being grateful Coming out from the ashram Dealing with culture shock through meditation Having a community of support Aligning with your soul Being successful as a woman Listening to that small still voice Where the truth will always be and more… Connect with Kim @,
5/3/201941 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP 163: Creating a Seven-Figure Coaching Business with Sam Frentzas

In this episode, Devi chats with Sam Frentzas about "Creating a Seven-Figure Coaching Business." Sam grew up in an Entrepreneurial family rooted in his father’s belief that you must treat a customer well, and offer a quality product. Spending time with his family is his biggest driver to his continued success. This goes back to even when he was working at his father’s clothing stores during the summers and while attending Loyola University. There Sam built a strong work ethic that carried over as a Commodity Trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. During the span of a ten-year trading career, Sam also graduated from the Conservatory Program at Second City, performing and writing many sketch comedy acts on stage. In 2005 Sam also became a member of the Screen Actors Guild, which he still belongs to today. Sam’s real passion lies in being an entrepreneur. Then he earned the coveted position of Director of Sales for a financial information company, Sam saw the value in smart marketing and opened his own successful financial information company and takes real pride in helping other entrepreneurs reach their maximum potential.  Sam and Devi discuss: Sam’s inspiring seven-figure life journey How Sam started his business How to bring your level of expertise to the next level Having "service in your heart" when it comes to your business Solving problems for your business and for your clients Accelerating your business Diversifying your portfolio and offer packages  Getting your business "out there" Having fast and consistent sales Putting together a sales fuse for your clients Automating your business systems Finding the right salespeople  Finding out what you need for your business Solving business problems When to implement systems in your business Having a system for following up with your prospects and clients The ideal structure for people who are starting their business Visually demonstrating your offer Asking your prospects qualifying questions to save time later Hacks for growing your business to a seven-figure level Committing to your business Investing in your business and yourself Knowing the value of your services and products How happy customers will lead to a seven-figure business and more... Connect with Sam @ Email Sam @ [email protected]
4/25/201943 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP 162: The "X-JET" Movement with Robert Murray

In this episode, Devi chats with Robert Murray is a facilitator and coach helping organizations and individuals shift the idea of “work” to a sense of joy and meaning. He leads events where people see a much bigger vision for themselves and how they can connect to something that really matters to them. He believes businesses and organizations can be agents of change for good in the world. He coaches people on the leadership skills necessary to be successful in today’s world. He helps connect them to mission and shares how to foster collaboration and a magnification of collective strengths which turns “work” to a sense of joy and meaning. Devi and Rob discuss: Rob’s inspiring mission-based life story The "old way" of doing business Exponential improvement in Joy, Engagement, and Teamwork Rob's aspirational mission  Levels of separation with each other Disconnection within people because of technology The “phone barrier” between people How being present in a conversation is now a Super Power Your "Prolific Quality Output" How Deep Quality Conversation does not equal Social Media Rob's “X-JET” movement and how it is creating change for people Knowing what you truly care about and where you add value to the world What creates a true feeling of "happiness" in an organization  The habit of sharing our visions and dreams with each other The greater impact of the "X-JET" movement Applying the “X-JET” movement to a larger organization Becoming a learning organization Witnessing the shift that could happen in your business Becoming an effective speaker How joy comes along with engagement and teamwork Finding and creating a mission for yourself Finding out who you are and what fulfills you Showing up fully and authentically as you Connect with Rob @ (coming soon) & Email @ [email protected]
4/20/201937 minutes, 23 seconds
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EP 161: Connecting a Disconnected World with Daniel Levin

In this episode, Devi chats with Daniel Levin about “Connecting a Disconnected World.” Levin walked away from an opportunity to a billion dollar business that was a household name in order to hitchhike around the world to find happiness and inner peace. The people he met along his journey remind him a lot of the characters in his new book, The Mosaic. For most of his life, Levin felt different. He saw things differently than others and thought in ways that were unlike the ways of his peers. Though initially, he felt alone and isolated, this all changed when he started to use his vision to create new opportunities within the book industry. Time/Warner asked him to come to NY to start a Special Sales Division, but his choice was made for him when he found that his wife was dying of cancer. He spent the next 5 years taking care of her until she transitioned. It was his work, as Director of Business Development at Hay House, that catapulted the once boutique publisher into international recognition and also gave him notoriety. He created a new genre of product for an industry steeped in tradition, The Boxed Card Decks. These not only drew to the company's, NY Times Bestselling Authors but expanded the reach of the company to non-book store revenue as well. It became one of the fastest growing lines of product in the book industry. While he was there, Hay House grew from $3million a year in sales to $100million dollars a year in revenue. It was again his ability to see differently that brought huge success to Hay House. Later, he was brought in to work with the Government of Jamaica and corporations, such as Elizabeth Arden, The National Asian American Coalition, The International Spa Association, St. Regis, Willow Stream, Hard Rock, and Maroma seeking innovation. Suddenly, it was his ability to see differently that made him a sought out commodity. Again the key to his success was what he once thought was his biggest flaw, his ability to see differently. It makes sense then, that Levin, the author of The Mosaic, a fable about finding a connection would use the same magic that has taken him through life to write a story about seeing what we don’t see. He is the founder and creator of The Mosaic Process, a methodology of connection that he shares in keynote presentations and workshops with organizations. He is also the founder and creator of The BeKind2U 21 Consecutive Day Challenge. Levin is a rare blend of mystic and businessman whose keynote presentations and workshops help strengthen a company by creating real connections between people. He is a connectivity activist who works with government organizations, corporations, and businesses to improve the flow of how a group works together and the interactions people have with themselves and others. Sharing a message of unification, he is a sought-after speaker for groups whose focus is on improving connection and creating a stronger team. Devi and Danny discuss: Danny’s inspiring life journey Touching the heart of somebody Making a connection with each other Being aware of how to get to the end Practicing being kind to ourselves Putting self-care, self-love, and kindness at the top of your list Acknowledging the soul of someone Honoring the light inside of us Becoming vulnerable Allowing another person to empty themselves from pain and suffering Hearing each other’s story How you can say "no" with your mouth but you always say "yes" to your heart Thriving with a simple act of connection How to have a practice of immersion Doing what you came here to do Receiving what the world wants to give us Living your purpose Taking the time to know and do your purpose Appreciating the beauty of “mosaic” Knowing that our power comes through being connected to each other Building our “Mosaic” Connecting ourselves to other people Putting together broken pieces of glass to make it extraordinary  Connect with Daniel @
4/12/201956 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP 160: Redefining Success with Roberta Ross

Roberta Ross is a highly successful business coach and entrepreneur, who empowers entrepreneurs, practitioners and real estate agents to create a business and life they love. It is her unique ability to help others make more money, experience more joy, and succeed with ease, that sets her apart. Roberta has founded/co-founded three companies, given over 1,000 speeches, Been the #1 Salesperson, breaking all company records in her first year, invested in over 300 investment properties, and authored 7 books and/or publications and courses. She is also the host of Success Series, a subscription-based audio series program since 2010, and Host of Free Yourself to Success Podcast and Six Figure Real Estate Coach Podcast. Devi and Roberta discuss: Roberta’s successful and inspiring journey Roberta’s definition of success Discovering true success Succeeding with ease and enjoying the process Understanding the fundamentals of business How life and business is about alignment Doing a business that you enjoy Getting clear on what you want in your business Bridging the gap between you and your client Having clarity about what you want The fear of charging what you’re really worth Faith and trusting in something unseen Trusting our “gut” as your second brain Fear is a sign that the answer is “no” Knowing that the choices we make have a result How to say "no" and being honest with how you feel Moving in the state of “appreciation” Being aligned with yourself Recognizing what’s real in your life and in your business The most effective way to get away with what holds you back Doing things “one step at a time” Doing what you’re aligned with Trusting that everything is providing an opportunity Living in a state of faith Trusting in the truth and stepping forward and more… Connect with Roberta @
4/5/201941 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP 159: Demystifying Subtle Energy: How Energy Can Help Your Business with Mark Tanaka

In this episode, Devi chats with Mark Tanaka about “Demystifying Subtle Energy: How Subtle Energy Can Help Your Business”. Mark has a huge background in meditation, personal development, yoga, Qigong, Buddhism, Yogic Philosophy and how it all applies in practical contexts. He teaches Yoga, Qigong, Meditation, Philosophy and Subtle Body workshops in Silicon Valley. Mark performs a unique form of 1 on 1 healing/coaching work that uses elements from meditation, counseling, therapy and energy work based on an understanding of character styles and attachment/bonding. His work is something he has refined over 20 years in the field of alternative healing and it works. Mark quickly identifies the roots of what's blocking an individual on a deep emotional/psychological level and using the awareness of the body and "energy".  He helps people rewire the pattern. His work creates huge changes in people's way of relating to the world and changes relationships, work, and health. Devi and Mark discuss: Mark’s life story and his passion for his business The impact of subtle energy on your business What is subtle energy The correlation between subtle energy and business Connecting with your feelings and energy body Understanding your client's needs Being in tune with your sensitivity Getting into that “pure awareness state” Discharging stress through movement and spending time in nature Grounding your energy body through “Qigong” Paying attention to your energy and your body Tuning into the tone of your business Tips on the integration of your body state and your business Seeing your body as spiritual and sacred Taking care of your body Knowing and listening to all the vibrations around you Examining your resistance and insecurities Transforming your fundamental perspectives Merging meditations with your day-to-day activities Life as a moving meditation Knowing that you are enough  and more… Connect with Mark @
3/29/201955 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP 158: The Hidden Link Between Relationships and Business with Alexandra Stockwell

In this episode, Devi Chats with Alexandra Stockwell about “The Hidden Link Between Relationships and Business.” Alexandra is a Family Physician turned Relationship Coach. Drawing on her experience as a Medical Doctor, Trained Clairvoyant, Relationship Coach, Emotional Intimacy and Sensual Passion Expert, as well as her marriage of 22 years, she helps committed couples discover how to create the emotional and sensual intimacy they crave--once your marriage is truly nourishing, your whole life is delicious! For 20 years she has been guiding men and women to bring pleasure and purpose into all aspects of married life--from the daily grind of running a household to ecstatic experiences in the bedroom! Devi and Alexandra discuss: Alexandra’s fruitful and juicy life story Alexandra’s work as a coach to couples Some blocks that can exist in the relationships Growing your business Growing your business through a “dry spell” Being relatable, connectible and able to be present with your business The "grip" that forms the pearl Slowing down and opening to the new ways of seeing things Working in the relationship in order to help the business When something is not working, STOP, BREATH, PAUSE Learning to be genuine about what you need Being willing to take 100% responsibility to make the relationship work Engaging in truly intimate relationships The relevance of creating chemistry with someone Having a deep, soulful, loving and happy relationship Being more objective with your business How your business impacts your partner Creating the right intention for your business and relationship Steps for communication in your business and relationship Finding the access points for your Self The weak position of anger How the emotion of shame can be a business and relationship block The difference between shame and guilt Pausing and asking "How do I really feel?" Knowing that you are worthy  and more... Connect with Alexandra @  
3/22/201954 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP 157: Living in Extra-Ordinary Life, Finding your Passion, Purpose and Calling with Trevor Perry

In this episode, Devi chats about “Living in Extra-Ordinary Life, Finding your Passion, Purpose and Calling” with Trevor Perry. Ordinary lives are the result of a world narrowing as life progresses beyond childhood. Extraordinary lives exceed goals, fulfill dreams, and make a difference in the world of their sphere of influence.  Living an extraordinary life requires upending your perspective and looking at the world with the same awe, curiosity, and wonder of your youth, intensified with the wisdom of your age and experience. To live an extraordinary life, you’ll need some extraordinary guidance.   Devi and Trevor discuss: Trevor’s extraordinary life journey Challenging yourself to live an extraordinary life Having your own passion, purpose, and calling Making a difference The ingredients of having an extraordinary life The spiritual component for an extraordinary life Gathering information of the story you want to tell Putting things in a unique perspective How to be purposely aware Finding the means to keep yourself focused How to start an extraordinary journey with purpose, passion, and calling Understanding the walls and barriers from starting an extraordinary journey Having an outside and open perspective Stepping out behind the walls and being genuine Seeing into someone’s soul How to connect with people Being willing to listen How to have a perspective in conversation Finding your passion Being aware of your procrastination Using our energies more efficiently Being aware of what’s happening Finding things you are passionate about Becoming more curious about things Finding the things that you need help with and more... More about Trevor: Trevor Perry is your guide. He is an influential and motivational storyteller, author, speaker, coach, and technologist. His Australian heritage and life experiences offer him a unique perspective, allowing him to translate complex topics into straightforward concepts. Trevor continues to make a difference in the lives of people from all cultures around the globe. Trevor believes we are all extraordinary. Through storytelling and coaching, he motivates people to find and follow their passion. He guides people, in groups, or one-on-one, to build their transformative roadmap to achieve their dreams and unfulfilled goals. Trevor challenges, entertains, delights, and reveals ordinary things in new and extraordinary ways. Trevor offers three transformational keynote sessions. - Never Iron When You Are Naked - Five Practical Steps to Living an Extraordinary Life - What the F*** Was I Meant to Do? Connect with Trevor @ and
3/15/201954 minutes, 43 seconds
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EP 156: Let's talk Money Karma with Abby Rohrer

In this episode, Devi chats with Abby Rohrer about “Let’s talk Money Karma”. Abby is a Master Healer, Karma and Anxiety Expert with her own healing technology, and a certified Big Money Business Coach. She works with business owners/entrepreneurs to free them from money, sales, and success karma, blocks, and fears, and teaches people worldwide how-to self-heal their karma and anxiety so they can achieve their dreams and thrive in business and in life. Devi and Abby discuss: Abby's inspiring entrepreneurial journey What is “Money Karma” Abby's process with “Money Karma Healing” Abby's journey through becoming an “energy healer” Abby's visibility challenges Five different areas of the entrepreneur’s business money picture “Soul-Level Frozen Trauma” Different levels of “Frozen Trauma” How Abby's business impacts entrepreneurs Figuring out what’s going on your energy field Clearing out your "Revenue Sector" Syncing up your mind and your gut Clearing out the interference in yourself and in your business “Karma” Emotional energies that our soul is holding onto Moving your business forward Being aware of the energies that are in your body Freeing up the outer layers of anxiety Owning your expert status Stepping into our purpose as entrepreneurs and more…  Connect with Abby @
3/8/201928 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP 155: Shifting Your Mindset From Sales to Service with Tamara Celeste

In this episode, Devi chats with Tamara Celeste about “Shifting Your Mindset from Sales to Service”, Tamara, the Home Buying Coach, is a real estate financial empowerment coach and the #1 bestselling author of Buy Homes Not Shoes (or other stuff) a Women’s Guide to Buying Her First Home. She coaches women who are looking to buy their first home or invest in real estate so that they feel comfortable and confident when starting the home buying investment process.  Tamara’s believes “Buying a home should be exciting and easy, not complicated or confusing”. Tamara also coaches female real estate agents to teach them how to grow their business and align their work with their passion. Tamara has always had a passion and a gift.  Her passion is for people; always expressing a genuine interest in getting to know the people she meets. Her gift is being able to talk to, and find a commonality with almost anyone. Tamara started her career on Wall Street after graduating from law school.  After almost a decade on Wall Street Tamara realized that she could never be fulfilled in a job unless she was making a difference.  Upon moving to Florida in 2006 she obtained her real estate license and finally found her passion.  Having joined real estate at a time when the market was tumbling she soon found her niche in short sales and became one of the top agents in her County serving others in their time of need and helping her clients navigate the long, arduous and complicated short sale process with dignity. Tamara is the owner of Sweet Life Realty Group in West Palm Beach, Fl.  Tamara has earned numerous real estate awards throughout her career such as Broker of the Year and Global Realtor of the Year from her Realtors Association.  In her spare time, she loves spending time with her family and traveling to visit friends and exploring new countries.  She also volunteers her time and currently sits on the Boards of The Sonoran Initiative, which is a non-profit based in Miami whose mission is to break the cycle of generational poverty among underprivileged youth and Pace Center for Girls in Fort Pierce FL, which is an intervention and educational program for at-risk girls. Devi and Tamara discuss: Tamara’s inspirational and passionate journey from sales to service Tamara’s journey from Wall Street to living her passion Tamara’s experience in her shoe business Tamara’s journey through becoming a real estate agent What is a “short sale” Giving the opportunity to get out of a bad situation The shift from sales to service The difference between sales and service Buying homes, not shoes The transition from Real Estate Agent to Real Estate Broker How to make sure your clients are happy What to do when you get more money How to grow and sustain your business and your passion Keeping your motivation going Steps to getting your first investment property Buying the "right" property Getting into the market Real Estate as the safest investment Real Estate for entrepreneurs A good entry point into the market Benefits of shifting your mindset from sales to service Being genuine in your business The shift that will make the biggest difference Realizing that you are the "conduit" Sharing your gifts with the world and not holding it back  and more… Connect with Tamara @ Book: “Buy Homes, Not Shoes”
3/1/201945 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP 154: The Business of Speaking with Thom Singer

In this episode, Devi chats with Thom Singer about “The Business of Speaking.” Devi and Thom discuss: Thom’s motivating life journey as a speaker His ambition of being an actor The evolution of “networking” How to connect with people Understanding the meaning of business The “Paradox of Potential” Building a process of being a speaker Building business relationships The qualifications needed to join the NSA Finding your niche Characteristics of a professional speaker Dealing with stage fright as a speaker Redirecting inappropriate questions Thom's rituals and practices before speaking Having private time with the Divine Building influence for your business How to help others build their influence as a speaker Trying new things Being passionate with your calling Finding your connection with your clients How to find “speaking topics” Connecting with people in a gadget crazy world Figuring out who you are and just being okay with it and more… Learn more about Thom: Thom has an eclectic background working in sales, marketing and business development roles for Fortune 500 Companies, Law Firms, and entrepreneurial ventures. He is a business growth speaker whose work gets people to build influence, unlock potential, and drive performance.  He believes that all opportunities come from people, and when we work together to find “cooperative significance” with others we all discover more success and illuminate their possibilities. Singer is the author of twelve books, and he speaks regularly at business and association conferences around the United States and beyond. He is also the host of the widely popular “Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do” podcast. On this show he interviews entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and business leaders from a variety of industries. He encourages his guests to share tips and ideas that can help those with an “entrepreneurial spirit” understand their potential and then go for it. Thom and his wife, Sara, make their home in Austin, Texas and are the parents of two highly spirited daughters. Connect with Thom @
2/21/201959 minutes, 23 seconds
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EP 153: Turn up the "Dial" of Your Soul

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about Turning up the "Dial" of Your Soul!   We discuss: How you can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it and a simple practice that you can use to step into a more soulful approach to moving through life's challenges An invitation to join us in our new Facebook group @ and more... Connect with Devi on her website @  or her Facebook page @  If you feel inspired, please leave us a 5-star review and subscribe @ 
2/16/201917 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP 152: The Importance of Color with Danielle Fuhrman

In this episode, Devi chats with Danielle Fuhrman about “The Importance of Color” Bestselling author, Danielle, has 30 years’ experience as a Color, Style and Image Expert. She is the founder of Reflections of You, a full-service image consulting company.  As a Certified YCG Life Coach, Danielle is using The Ultimate Life Tool (ULT) to successfully coach clients in their image bringing authenticity to her clients. No other tool taps into one’s natural gifts and supports the new ways of success and manifest personal understanding of themselves like the ULT. She has created a system that combines both image and the assessment tool to assess a client’s needs in a unique way that is accurate and authentic in choosing colors and style. Danielle’s mission is helping you feel and look confident, comfortable and make a lasting first impression. What separates her from other image consultants are the hundreds of individuals she has helped present themselves more effectively and successfully. Her clients make a greater impact, get promotions, close sales, receive better jobs, and find new relationships, all with increased confidence.  Devi and Danielle discuss: Danielle’s colorful life journey Wearing the colors that are authentic to you Making an impression The importance of the “first impression”  The process of choosing the colors that are authentic to you The color recipe Colors and authenticity When to wear dramatic colors How colors help you to stand out Tips on wearing makeup on different occasions  Tips on colors for branding The compliments of colors based on the color wheel Color palettes based on the four seasons Color as a spectrum of the light that is sent to our eyes Colors to compliment you and your personality Intensifying the colors that you have when your skin tone changes Using colors to make a bigger impact Color and inner beauty Shining the light from the "inside out" The process you undergo in the color program The transformation you get when you have the right color spectrum Being authentic with who you are and more… Connect with Danielle @
2/8/201946 minutes, 32 seconds
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EP 151: The Neuromarketing, Psychology and What Influences People to Behave Way They do Online with Chris Dayley

In this episode, Devi chats with Chris Dayley about "Neuromarketing, Psychology and What Influences People to Behave Way They do Online". Chris is a digital marketing entrepreneur, speaker, and neuromarketer who gets excited about helping businesses learn what their users want on their website, using psychology based testing and analytics. He started his Conversion Optimization agency Dayley Conversion in 2014, which he later merged with Disruptive Advertising, where he currently works as VP of site testing and optimization. Chris and Devi discuss: Chris’ journey into Neuromarketing Understanding Neuromarketing Designing AB Tests Getting more qualified leads Identifying your target customer or persona Taking advantage of opportunities that you’re not aware of Steps for converting more traffic Understanding your profit origins Identifying your target budget with marketing Giving yourself some time before quitting the trial and error The process of a split test Being willing to test your own audience Why you don't want to copy your competitors Starting testing and figuring out what resonates your audience “Existence testing” Identifying your conversion rates Making sure that you squeeze all the juicy content out of your products Presenting the best options to your audience The “micro" and the "macro” conversion The “standard conversion rate” Knowing that your audience and your products are unique Working towards improving your “conversion rate” and more… Connect with Chris on his website @
2/1/201950 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP 150: Reinventing Your Business with Matt Sweetwood

In this episode, Devi chats with Matt Sweetwood about "Reinventing Your Business". Matt Sweetwood, with over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience, is a thought leadership and personal branding expert. He was the U.S. CEO of beBee and as president of Unique Photo, he was credited with the reinvention of the modern camera store, as well as the country’s largest in-store photography education program. However, by far, his greatest achievement is having raised five successful children to adulthood as a single dad. He is a business consultant, life coach and is a regular contributor on national TV in the social media, photography, business and parenting arenas and he is a regular contributor to Entrepreneur magazine. Matt was the winner of the 2014 CMO Club President's Award, the 2015 Aish Center’s Continuity award and the Photography Industry’s 2016 person of the year. He has a bestselling self-help book, “Leader of the Pack: How a single dad of five led his kids, his business and himself from disaster to success.” Devi and Matt discuss: Matt’s inspiring journey in business as a single parent Fighting and standing up for what you believe in How Matt started his own company The nature of "business" How to reinvent your business Realizing the need to reinvent Deciding “when” to reinvent Deciding “what” to reinvent Identifying the problems in your business Having multiple solutions How to put yourself in a resourceful state Tips and practices for growing your business Starting your business with an intention Testing your intention Doing a "mind experiment" Having a divine intervention with your business Believing in miracles in your business How to manage reinvention in your business and personal life Looking at the positive and unique part of your business Identifying the assets of your business Controlling your panic Channeling your energy into something positive Remembering that “You never fail until you quit.” and more… Connect with Matt on his website @
1/25/201948 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP 149: The Innovative Spirit of Entrepreneurship & The Drive to Improve the Human Condition with Ilana Landsberg-Lewis

In this episode, Devi chats with Ilana about “Combination of The Innovative Spirit of Entrepreneurship and The Drive To Improve the Human Condition”. Ilana Landsberg-Lewis has spent her entire adult life engaged in the struggle for the rights of women and girls. From her early days as a human rights and labor lawyer to her years at the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Ilana has worked with women’s groups around the world, and has learned that no amount of so-called expertise can replace that of women at the frontlines of their own struggle for justice. Ilana has been the executive director of the Stephen Lewis Foundation since she co-founded it in 2003 – a charitable foundation that has sent over 100 million dollars (every penny raised) to sub-Saharan Africa, to community-based organizations at the frontlines of the AIDS pandemic. She launched the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign in 2006, and it has since grown into a social movement – with over 10,000+ grandmothers in Canada, Australia, the U.K. and the U.S. to support African grandmothers raising millions of orphaned grandchildren. The G2G Campaign has raised over $27 million dollars in the last decade, and Ilana has been deeply grateful to learn from indomitable grandmothers the world over.  Devi and Ilana discuss:  Ilana’s journey to her calling Ilana’s way of making a contribution Being a human megaphone for the women of the world Illana's personal challenges as a woman Finding your own voice Our role to play in improving the human condition The struggle with AIDS in Africa Helping people understand the crisis in Africa How Illana was able to raise millions of dollars for charity Charity as it relates to entrepreneurship Creativity in entrepreneurship The misconception about entrepreneurship and philanthropy The peace from our soul Human connection Committing to yourself is an important part of your life Going out and doing something for other people Understanding Grandmotherhood Illana's campaign for grandmothers in Africa Expanding your understanding of who human beings are and what they are capable of Getting more involved in your community and in your environment Thinking carefully about what contribution you want to make Finding your passion and expressing your light and your soul  The true definition of success and fulfillment and more… Connect with Ilanna @ Podcast @ “Grandmothers on the Move”
1/18/201948 minutes, 39 seconds
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EP 148: Quantum Success As a Spiritual Entrepreneur with Christy Whitman

In this episode, Devi chats with Christy Whitman about “Quantum Success as a Spiritual Entrepreneur.” Christy is a Transformational Leader, Celebrity Coach and the New York Times Bestselling Author of The Art of Having It All. She has appeared on The Today Show and The Morning Show and her work has been featured in People Magazine, Seventeen, Woman’s Day, Hollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, among others. Christy is the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Learning Academy & Quantum Success Coaching Academy, a 12-month Law of Attraction coaching certification program. Christy has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, and coaching sessions and products. Christy’s life-changing message reaches over 200,000 people a month and her work has been promoted by and featured with esteemed authors and luminaries such as Marianne Williamson, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marci Shimoff, Brian Tracy, Neale Donald Walsch, Abraham-Hicks, and Louise Hay. She currently lives in Arizona with her husband, Frederic, and their two boys, Alexander and Maxim. Devi and Christy discuss: Christy’s journey of Quantum Success The “7 Essential Universal laws” How your thoughts create your reality Paying attention to what you are thinking and feeling Applying and practicing the universal laws Bringing in the sense of freedom and purpose Reflecting the freedom that you are feeling Going through the energy first before going through the form Remembering that everything is energy Sending out signals of energy by how we feel and what we do Watching and controlling what you say Focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want Words are the beginning of creation Watching the words that we say to ourselves The law of sufficiency and abundance Finding the place of satisfaction Thinking about the positive aspects Being honest with yourself and how you’re feeling Christy's favorite form of meditation Allowing your “bigger you” to come through The definition of “Quantum Success” Aligning with the fullness of who we are and more… Connect with Christy @, Get Christy's Book @
1/11/201945 minutes, 10 seconds
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EP 147: How To Stand Out in a Noisy World and Get Your Message Heard with Ruby Fremon

In this episode, Devi chats with Ruby Fremon about “How To Stand Out in a Noisy World and Get Your Message Heard”. Ruby is the coach for the new generation of thought leaders. As a Top Breakthrough Coach for purpose-driven leaders who are ready to bring their big missions into the spotlight, her no-bullshit approach ignites true transformation, while flipping fear into actualized ambition, and doubt into absolute confidence. Ruby works with leaders, from artists to entrepreneurs, who are ready to rise above their limitations and amplify their message. Coaching 100+ clients, she’s a catalyst for change and is hugely successful at helping her clients embody radical resiliency and an unstoppable mentality. Named “An Inspirational Woman” by The Huffington Post, and creator of the 3-day leadership training intensive, Amplified Soul Live®, Ruby’s bold, no-nonsense approach helps leaders rise up to fulfill their missions and make their voices heard. Devi and Ruby discuss: Ruby’s fully loaded life journey Listening to your inner voice Starting to choose differently Wanting to feel better about yourself Ruby's experience with “Concussion Syndrome” How Ruby's story made an impact on others Acknowledging Ruby's life journey and purpose The Spiritual Entrepreneur Journey Standing out and being who you are Utilizing & Owning all that you are Having unshakable ownership of who you are Identifying the parts of you that you are denying to the world Authenticity as “auto-filtration” Accumulation of all the different traits that makes you unique Understanding the reasons why you’re holding back Bringing your aspects all-out in your business Dealing with haters How to process interactions with haters How visibility is essential to business Posting things about yourself that would benefit your audience Understanding that it’s not you, it’s them. Having confidence in what you offer online Keeping your head up Incorporating your values with your brand  and more… Connect with Ruby @
1/4/201938 minutes, 1 second
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EP 146: Happy New Year 2019!

(Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we greet the New Year together!   Learn about... Some practices that Devi uses at the turn of the year The New Podcast that Devi will be launching in 2019 An invitation to join us in our new Facebook group @ and more... Connect with Devi on her website @  or her Facebook page @  If you feel inspired, please leave us a 5-star review and subscribe @ 
12/31/201816 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP 145: Wealth Dynamics for the Spiritual Entrepreneur with Marie Ruzicka

In this episode, Devi chats with Marie Ruzicka about “Wealth Dynamics for the Spiritual Entrepreneur”. If, like Buckminster Fuller said, “We are all born a Genius but the process of life Degenuises us,” imagine what it would look if we could rediscover & reconnect with what our Genius is and live from that place?  When you are in your Genius, you are in your Flow, and synchronicities happen easily - so much so that they appear as Magick. That is the playground where Marie Ruzicka (roo-ZEE-ka) has frolicked for over 30 years.  Her chosen place to land is with the navigation of Abraham-Hicks, & Wealth Dynamics, with Roger James Hamilton. Marie is an International Transformational Storyteller, Catalyst for Joy, and NOW. Creatrix, Guardian & Caretaker of the Magickal Land of Awesome - A podcast that dives into imagining & Co-Creating a place of truly experiencing Magick. In every, moment. Like no kidding…Every Moment.  Wake up…it’s time to play… Devi and Marie discuss: Marie’s inspiring life journey as a spiritual entrepreneur A tale about simply stepping into the "flow" Only focusing on the things that you’re good at The concept of "flow" The definition of Wealth Wealth is what is what you’re left with when you lost all your money The Wealth Square The Wealth Dynamic Spectrum Wealth is about "everything" The three levels of a lighthouse in the “Wealth Spectrum” The infrared level of the Wealth Spectrum The red level of the Wealth Spectrum The orange level of the Wealth Spectrum The best teacher of the Universe  Finding your “Rhythm” The “Dynamo Energy” Slowing down, strategizing and systemizing your world The Mechanic profile in the Wealth Spectrum Devi’s specific Wealth Dynamics profile “Three Deep Breaths” with Devi The Wealth Dynamics aspects and more… Connect with Marie @ If you are inspired to Discover Your Genius & the Discover the Flow of Your Wealth there are 2 ways…you can start. There is a Free Test to Find Your Path to Genius.  Takes one minute and it’s called the Genius Test, that will start you on your journey. The 2nd way is to schedule at 30-Minute Clarity Call with Marie. Here is the link for that. And ...If you're inspired, check out the Magickal Land of [Awe]some podcast: For your reference: We discuss the picture of the Wealth Spectrum & Wealth Square.  You can see that here:
12/28/201851 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP 144: The Power of Enneagram in Business with Ben Saltzman

In this episode, Devi chats with Ben Saltzman about "The Power of Enneagram in Business". Ben is an igniter of human potential, the coaches coach, an internationally known World Class facilitator, shadow dancer, fortune 500 leadership trainer, coach to spiritually minded multi-millionaire entrepreneurs, and designer of the year-long Relational Mastery Course for Emerging Leaders. Ben has a Masters Degree in Organizational Development from John F. Kennedy University where he teaches regularly, he taught seminars in the Enneagram and Transformational Coaching at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, and co-founded the Israeli Enneagram Center in Tel Aviv, Israel where he facilitates the master level classes. Thousands of people from many countries have been through his seminars in the past 20 years. His coaching clients have raised hundreds of millions of dollars for projects that support the environment and social justice causes. In corporate America, he’s passed from CEO to CEO behind closed doors and referred to as “That Magic Coach” Past clients include: Hewlett Packard, The Gap, Levi Strauss, the United States Airforce, Guidant, Broadview, Intel Corp., Hunt Oil, Exar, BOSCH, The Global Fund for Women, Capricorn Investments, and numerous high profile entrepreneurs. Devi and Ben discuss: Ben’s spiritual journey The definition of “Enneagram” Keeping your options open and learning how to commit The background of spiritual evolution The mystical mystery of spiritual evolution The best modalities for the spiritual evolution type Discovering your type 9 different personality types Having a creative and authentic relationship Example of a type 5 client Characteristics of each type Observing yourself doing what you do Witnessing your Enneagram type Cultivation of your weakness Definition of “shadow work” The similarity of “shadows” and “Enneagram type” Building trust and connection Bringing society together The “Enneagram ripple effect” and more… Connect with Ben @
12/21/201845 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP 143: How to Create Rock Star Joint Ventures with Tammy Lawman

In this episode, Devi chats with Tammy Lawman about “How to Create Rock Star Joint Ventures”. Entrepreneur and CEO of Lawman Communications Inc., Tammy Lawman is a master networker and one of the top Joint Venture and Affiliate Managers in the personal development industry. With over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing, she has created a thriving business model where you can create a solid and reliable work-from-anywhere career that fulfills you and allows you to connect and co-create with incredible authors, speakers and experts in any industry you love! Devi and Tammy discuss: Tammy’s journey into Affiliate Marketing The definition of Affiliate Marketing Tammy's first set up with Affiliate Marketing Marketing yourself and your business The structure of the Affiliate Relationship Setting up your Affiliate Program Identifying the perfect affiliates Cultivating relationships for your product Paying your affiliates Creating a bigger affiliate team Knowing your target audience Trust-based relationships with your audience Looking at the many aspects of your promotion Gauging your audience Unspoken rules around reciprocation Communicating and being honest with your partners Running your products and knowing your audience Doing your research before promoting The "anatomy of a launch” Knowing the timeframe for your “launch” Be very clear with your intentions Trusting your intuition Taking responsibility for your energy  and more… Connect with Tammy @  
12/14/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP 142: Walk Your Why: Change the World with Your Work with Thom Harrison

In this episode, Devi chats with Thom Harrison about “Walk Your Why: Change the World with Your Work”. Born in Newport News, VA, Thom’s early life was shaped by a traditional, conservative, southern, Christian upbringing in the 1960s - in a town built upon devout service to the massive military-industrial complex in which it was immersed. There was little room for questioning authority and little support for views that did not fit the norm. Self-righteousness and hypocrisy ran rampant. Thom had a growing sense that “the norm” was not at all “normal”, and his discomfort ultimately led him to his current home just north of San Francisco. Along the way, it became increasingly clear to him that questioning authority is necessary, openness to various viewpoints is crucial, and war is not the answer to peace. Drawn into the fledgling green building movement by the common sense principles and underpinnings of compassion for the earth and all beings, Thom extended his lifelong connection with building construction by becoming a partner in a pioneering consensus-based natural building company. He then experienced a mind-blowing, life-affirming epiphany that his mission here on earth was simply this: Ecology, Compassion, Oneness. Knowing not what else to do with such a call from the Universe, Thom founded an interior design business, called AlterECO. Over 20 years since answering that call from the perspective of “ECO-designer and green-builder”, his Vision has now pulled him into a deeper understanding of and commitment to his calling, as he joyfully discovers his evolving role as the Whys. Guide - helping professionals, small business owners, and entrepreneurs change the world with their work, by awakening to work that truly matters. To Thom, this is what it means to Walk Your Why.  Devi and Thom discuss: Thom’s entrepreneurial and spiritual journey Thom’s journey into coaching as a spiritual entrepreneur The definition of ecology, compassion, and oneness Deciding to stay or not to stay with your business Taking care of the Ecology Healing relationships Having a meaningful conversation The need to help other people Reflecting on higher ideals Awakening the “dreamer” Being on purpose with your work The “Pachamama Alliance” Walking your “why” and advancing your life and work Harmony in your life, family, and environment Living the deepest purpose of your life Changing the ways of the world Compassion and oneness Spiritual entrepreneurship as the voice of your soul The concept of “oneness” Opening your eyes to the connection Believing your reason to live The importance of love to your life and more... Connect with Thom @,,
12/7/201852 minutes, 11 seconds
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EP 141: Resolving Conflict and Creating Positive Relationships with Kristine Grant

In this episode, Devi chats with Kristine Grant about “Resolving Conflict and Creating Positive Relationships”. Kristine is a Marriage Family Therapist, and Relationship Expert and author of the forthcoming book “Relationshift: The Right Words for What You Really Want to Say.” She is the creator of the Relationshift Process, that helps people resolve conflicts and learn Conscious Communication skills in order to Create Positive Connections in ALL their relationships including romance, work, family etc. She is also the creator of Inspired Heart Letters and has helped clients write letters to heal their relationships. She has appeared on numerous Television and Radio Shows including CBS, ABC, Fox, The CW Channel and is a popular speaker nationally.  Devi and Kristine discuss: Kristine’s empowering life and business journey Turning negative things into positive outcomes Going on autopilot: “fight or flight” mode How to communicate when you’re in “fight or flight” mode Becoming more vulnerable and open Not being fearful of being transparent Upgrading your writing skills Being open to “problem solve” Letting go of pain, anguish, and hostility Raising the frequency without negative body language towards confrontation Strategies for overcoming “fight or flight” mode Practices for making the shift from “fight or flight” mode Maintaining a state of gratitude Standing up to and moving fast amidst crisis Honoring yourself Resolving conflicts and creating positive relationships Opening up a "window" in your life Achieving a point of trust How to have healthy boundaries Discernment A smile or a gesture of kindness can change the vibration around you Paying attention to your environment  and more… Connect with Kristine @
11/30/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
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EP 140: Addiction Recovery with Chris Dayley

In this episode, Devi chats with Chris Dayley about “Addiction Recovery”. Chris is a digital marketing entrepreneur, speaker, and neuromarketer who gets excited about helping businesses learn what their users want on their website, using psychology based testing and analytics. He started his Conversion Optimization agency Dayley Conversion in 2014, which he later merged with Disruptive Advertising, where he currently works as VP of site testing and optimization. Devi and Chris discuss: Chris’ Triumphant Recovery Journey Chris’ Entrepreneurial Journey How addiction brings disruption Living an impeccably honest life in the middle of the recovery journey What addiction to “pornography” means The definition of addiction Frequency of addiction How “dopamine” from addiction numbs out your senses Making a commitment to yourself Signs and symptoms of addiction Addiction as an escape Connection as a way to prevent addiction Turning your life over to God Realizing that God only knows what’s best for us Tracking the big disruptive behaviors in your life Recognizing that you have an addiction problem Finding some kind of accountability from support groups Gaining awareness with your addiction Making a choice to overcome addiction Healing relationships with God and others Understanding that there is a way to change Understanding that you have the power to choose Being present and feeling your emotions Calling someone else to get support Believing that you are worth fighting for  and more…  Connect with Chris @
11/23/20181 hour, 22 minutes, 28 seconds
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EP 139: Financial Fraud Protection with Jim Vogt

In this episode, Devi chats with Jim Vogt about "Financial Fraud Protection".  Financial fraud is a Threat to Every Organization and the Greatest Risk Within the Organization. How Great is the Risk and What Steps Can Be Taken? Jim is located in San Diego, Jim Vogt is presently a Lecturer with the University of Colorado Denver and San Diego State University, teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in Fraud Examination, Forensic Accounting, White Collar and Financial Crimes, and Fraud Auditing. He is also an entrepreneur and John C. Maxwell Certified Leadership Coach, Teacher, Trainer, and Speaker. Devi and Jim discuss: Jim’s life story and experiences How to protect your business from financial fraud Awareness of financial fraud The Entrepreneur’s mindset around fraud Jim's recommendations for people about “outsourcing services” How to do background checks on organizations “Expectations” - one of the greatest enemies of a spiritual entrepreneur Reviewing your transactions “Identity theft” in business The “Dark Web” Reporting “Identity theft” to the authorities The reality of “fraud” The benefits of having a little bit of “skepticism” Doing a risk assessment in your business Insurance that protects against “employee theft” Protecting yourself and your business in company partnerships Being aware of the money that’s coming in and that’s going out Being aware of your company activities What unexplained changes in lifestyle can signal Trusting your own intuition Maintaining alignment with your values and principles Walking your “talk” and more... More about Jim: Jim has undergraduate degrees from Regis University in Business Administration and Psychology. In 2007, he completed his MS in Economic Crime Management from Utica College of Syracuse University. In 2008, he earned his credentials as a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and began teaching with the University of Colorado Denver.  Prior to this, Jim had a long career in financial services, primarily in operations and treasury management. As a payment systems expert, he became very interested in fraud. He is passionate about teaching and the subject matter and relishes the opportunity to bring this subject matter to MS Accounting and MBA students, as well as business professionals. His subject matter is multi-disciplinary - involving accounting, law, criminology, and psychology, among other things. Jim finds it most rewarding to introduce students to this material for the first time and help them discover a new potential interest or career path. He loves making a difference in the lives of his students, as well as business owners and professionals. Connect with Jim @ Resources Mentioned: “All the Queens Horses” Netflix Stories
11/16/201849 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP 138: From Possibility to Profitability - 5 Strategies to Sustainable Success with Ivy Slater

In this episode, Devi chats with Ivy Slater about moving “From Possibility to Profitability: 5 Strategies to Sustainable Success”. Ivy Slater is a professionally certified business coach, speaker, author and podcast host. After owning and operating a 7-figure printing business she started Slater Success Coaching (SSC), now in its 10th year. SSC focuses on developing great leaders and facilitating business growth and expansion. Ivy holds masterminds and retreats with her private client base and corporate training on communication and strategic planning. She speaks nationwide on the topics of leadership, money and sales. Devi and Ivy discuss: Ivy’s successful life and business journey Ivy's "16 counts" routine Owning a business in your 20's Practices for creating a 7-figure business Having discipline as a part of the equation Consistency in everything that you do Relearning how to walk after any tragedy Looking at the big picture in business Creating a strategic plan How you look at money in business Laying out a financial goal monthly for your business How to set your first main number in business Creating your sales goals based on facts Showing up with a purpose Thinking about what financial goals will give you your revenue Creating systems that work for you in your business Being willing to do the hard things in your business Taking action in your business 5 strategies for business success Creating and seeing the possibility Envisioning your game in your business Getting out of consistent action Finding things that move your business forward  and more…  Connect with Ivy @
11/9/201853 minutes, 17 seconds
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EP 137: Tragedy to Triumph - Overcoming Adversity with Scott Sargeant

In this episode, Devi chats with Scott Sargeant about “Tragedy to Triumph – Overcoming Adversity”. Scott is the founder of Champion Results Academy which focuses on helping business owners get a competitive edge to increase revenues and profits while creating more balance and freedom with their time, fitness and fulfillment. Scott was an Olympic hammer thrower until a tragic accident turned him into a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the neck down. But, with the help of his coach, Scott designed his own recovery program and defied the odds--walking out of the hospital only 6 weeks later.  That's right, walked out.  Since then he's been inspiring audiences the world over with his story of triumph.  But, there's something he's been hiding about the whole story.  Hiding, that is, until now...  Devi and Scott discuss: Scott’s triumphant life journey Scott’s passion for athletics and outdoors The powerful life lessons of his unique journey Scott’s own recovery plan from his spinal cord injury Overcoming pain and challenges The power of language The power of positivity Finding out your first flicker Values of honesty and integrity Fighting for the chance of recovery Having freedom of choice despite the pain and challenges Receiving the "divine blessing" Becoming a real inspiration Fulfillment for your Soul’s Journey Being willing to share the richness of your journey Taking the steps in life How Lies can be more damaging than the life experience Stopping lying to yourself How the truth will set you free How courage is not about being fearless Taking the first little steps and more... Connect with Scott on LinkedIn @
11/2/201847 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP 136: How Your Destiny is Tied to Your Name with Sharón Wyeth

In this episode, Devi chats with Sharón Lynn Wyeth about "How Your Destiny is Tied to Your Name". Sharón has accomplishments to her credit in many fields. Her impact in education has benefited thousands of students and has been highlighted in nationally syndicated television programs, as well as in the President of the United States yearly conference for the fifty governors. In addition, Sharón has used her innate gift of intuition, combined with her keen observation skills, and reasoning mind to create Neimology® Science as an indicator to analyze an individual’s personality, in the same category, yet differently than the Myers-Briggs and Enneagram methodologies. Devi and Sharón discuss: Sharón’s interesting “name” story “Name” as an overriding umbrella Changing your name means adapting to your environment Interpreting last names Learning how you fit in with your “new last name” Techniques on adding onto your last name How your environment influences you How your last name defines “who you bring to you” Adding “EA” or “AE” in your last name to have more balance in your life Combining your last name with your environment Interpreting “middle names” How your original first name is your “Blueprint”  How having more nicknames means “exploring possibilities” Knowing your potential health problems through your name Knowing your weakest link through your name About Neimology® Science The letters and position in your name Interpreting the first vowel in your name “D” (the divine letter) Which letter in your name lets you know what people say behind your back The elements to creating names for business Why you should meditate without expectations and more...  More about Sharón: Sharón is recognized internationally as a name expert as she can determine one's strengths, challenges and the purpose of one's life by deciphering a person's name. Sharón created Neimology® Science, the study of the placement of the letters in a name, after 15 years of research followed by 3 years of testing her theories in over 70 countries, including Russia, India, and China.  She then continued to develop how to interpret names over the next twenty-two years, which is why Neimology® Science is so accurate today.   Sharón combines Neimology®Science and her intuition to give exacting, accurate readings to individuals assisting them to get answers on topics such as love, career, money, relationships, and other aspects of life. She is trusted by her international clientele to guide them by providing discerning, perceptive, and insightful suggestions as her vast experiences and wisdom come through her readings. The greatest gift that came from developing Neimology® Science was being able to see all people as One, as our basic desires remain the same regardless of where we live or what culture we are experiencing.   Over the years, she has been able to support thousands of people around the world in understanding themselves and others better.  Today she assists different individual groups: Human Resource departments of different businesses in choosing appropriate candidates to interview, assists lawyers in how to present cases to judges,  and in picking their juries, and couples and families on how to better communicate with each other to improve their relationships. She also creates names for new business, new products and when people wish to change their name. Her bestselling book, “Know the Name; Know the Person” has won an award for excellence in writing. Sharón is a frequent guest worldwide in the media via articles, radio, and television along with hosting her own radio show, “Know the Name; Know the Genius in You” originating in Canada and rebroadcast in twenty countries and on overseas military bases via iHeart radio. Connect with Sharón @
10/26/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 11 seconds
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EP 135: The Difference Between the Spiritual and Work World with Denise Harrington

In this episode, Devi chats with Denise about "What is the Difference Between the Spiritual and the Work World". Denise leads a business that focuses on transforming the way that corporations and businesses communicate.  She stepped on the stage of a major business club to give a speech on the “Art of Speaking with Impact” and on that day a company and legacy began! Denise, works with C-Suite Executives, Premier Athletes, and individuals, giving them the tools to capture their “Signature Style” and presence. Denise is well known as “THE” go-to person for assisting brands in having stronger messages and messengers.  Her influence on brands and those who represent them helps companies’ soar in the marketplace.  Denise has prepared individuals to speak on some of the most visible global topics such as sustainability, disruptive innovation, global workforce, emerging markets and women’s initiatives. Her client list consists of companies like: Nike, Autodesk, Microsoft, and Cisco…including developing and delivering programs for University of Oregon’s Masters program in Sports Product Management.  Devi and Denise discuss: Denise’s inspiring life journey Denise's favorite form of meditation How to present yourself Learning how to communicate yourself Diving deep to the spiritual core of yourself The connection between your heart and your mind The difference between spiritual and work world The schism between the spiritual and corporate world Finding yourself The outward expression of life Contributing to the corporate world Money as a spiritual instrument Knowing and feeling your connection with the divine Recognize your expertise Silence as a divine authority Invitation for people to be stronger with their voices Keeping your eye on the purpose Speak to be more visible and powerful Meditation in the corporate world Working on media space Letting go of schism Life is about evolving and more... Connect with Denise @    
10/19/201858 minutes, 35 seconds
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EP 134: LinkedIn Advertising with AJ Wilcox

In this episode, Devi chats with AJ Wilcox about "LinkedIn Advertising and Entrepreneurial Journey". AJ Wilcox is a LinkedIn Ads pro who founded, a LinkedIn Ads-specific ad agency, in 2014. As official LinkedIn partners, they manage among the world’s most sophisticated advertising accounts worldwide. He's a ginger & triathlete. He & his wife live in Utah, with their 4 kids, and his company car is a wicked-fast gokart. Devi and AJ discuss: AJ’s entrepreneurial journey Taking a leap into Spiritual Entrepreneurship LinkedIn as a great platform LinkedIn as a reflection of our professional life Demographics for LinkedIn How LinkedIn works in growing your network “First-degree connection” on LinkedIn How “Pulse Feed” works Success stories or anecdotes on LinkedIn Advertising on LinkedIn LinkedIn Ads features A.M.O. (Audience, Message, Offer) Having the right offers on LinkedIn Ads “Sponsored content” on the newsfeed “Text Ads” on LinkedIn “Sponsored In Mail” on LinkedIn Setting up a new campaign on LinkedIn Defining your audience on LinkedIn Rapportive or Sales Navigator as an extension for LinkedIn “3 Segments” of Business on LinkedIn Spiritual practices for business Acts of service for others and more... Connect with AJ @
10/12/201834 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP 133: Kabbalah and the Western Mysteries with Devin Galaudet

In this episode, Devi chats with Devin Galaudet about "Kabbalah" and the Western Mysteries. Devin is the editor and publisher of the In The Know Traveler and In The Know Bride, which chronicles his endeavor to marry his wife in 100 countries around the world. (20 times in 15 countries, so far). Devin has written for the Huffington Post, The Good Men Project and many others. A frequently sought-after guest expert on relationship and travel, Devin has appeared on FOX-TV, NBC-TV, Reinvention Radio, the California Writers Coalition,, the Jewish Journal, and hundreds of podcasts. And Devin’s memoir, 10,000 Miles with my Dead Father’s Ashes, is available "everywhere" and was officially released September 18. Devi and Devin discuss: Devin’s extraordinary life journey Devin’s interesting occult story Devin’s book and its significance in his life The definition and origin of “Kabbalah” The number 13’s significance and it’s relation to “Kabbalah” The secret key of “Kabbalah” The major key focus of your life Prayer and meditation "Doing" and "reacting" with your consciousness Devin’s stories about “Western Mysteries” Having a connection with the divine The “3-Word Prayer” The role of “Kabbalah” in your life Loving your neighbor Devin's consciousness behind writing a book The major key focus of your life Being "conscious" as often as possible Taking action and accepting its results How to write the “memoir” in a book Understanding how to write a book Deciding to have more faith Understanding what is consciousness Starting to move forward with your Spiritual Self The actions of praying and more… Connect with Devin @ Resources Mentioned: “Sefer Yetzirah” by Aryeh Kaplan and “The Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Ben Clifford” by Lon Milo Duquette.
10/5/20181 hour, 42 seconds
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EP 132: Upgrading Your Conciousness with Devi Adea

(Septemberfest) (Devi download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, Devi talks about "Upgrading Your Consciousness". Learn about... Devi's extraordinary life experiences as a singer-songwriter and as a Spiritual Entrepreneur Devi's secret love of innovation and technology How consciousness plays a big role in our lives How we can remove old programming Having our own connection to the divine through our “inner wisdom”  Ways to upgrade your consciousness Optimizing your “connection” to the Divine Having a “presence practice”  Practices to deepen your connection to the “Divine Cloud” Connecting through “meditation” Practices to shift your energy Embracing your “bad" experiences as a Divine teacher Letting your feelings come up and move through you Accepting and connecting with your emotions Devi's life practice that she calls “Living Namaste” Focusing and giving attention to the “light” within Being filled with “grace and acceptance" and more... Connect with Devi on her website @  or her Facebook page @  If you feel inspired, please leave us a 5-star review and subscribe or join our tribe @
9/30/201835 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP 131: Coming Out Of Your Shell So That You Can Sell with Emerald GreenForest

(Septemberfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Emerald GreenForest about “Coming Out Of Your Shell So That You Can Sell". Emerald GreenForest is an internationally known Speaker, Transformation Artist and Hostess of the Men On Purpose Podcast, hired by inspired executives and visionary change agents to who want to become crystal clear in their vision, wholeheartedly committed to their mission and massively motivated to advance their biggest ideas and profit from their purpose. Devi and Emerald discuss: • Emerald’s journey into her spiritual awakening • Learning how to sell yourself • Recognizing and delivering your gifts • Selling your gifts • Questioning your sanity • How to receive your own transformation • Acknowledging and honouring the value of your gifts • The 5 Steps to selling (S.H.E.L.L) • Standing your ground and owning your greatness • Holding your space • Loving what you have to offer • Valuing yourselves and your gifts • Finding and identifying your clients • The Perfect Prospect Process • Employing your gifts • Emerald's skunk medicine methods • Opening your business to the right people • Circulating your money with love and gratitude through service • Standing your ground • Spirituality and money and more...  Connect with Emerald on her website @ On Facebook @
9/29/201842 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP 130: Enlightenment Begins with the Body with Erin Burch

(Septemberfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Erin Burch about “Enlightenment Begins with the Body”. Erin Burch, also known as 'The Body Whisperer" and Founder of The Burch Method, quite simply, gives you your body back. If Humpty Dumpty had a dream, it would be her. Her fascination with healing took her from her roots as a Physical Therapist to in-depth yoga to reversing an impossible situation in her own body. She draws on your Body's Blueprint to create profound, lasting phenomenal results. Clients from the east and west coast as well as Hollywood A-list Actors, Professional musicians, rock-n-roll icons, professional athletes and network executives and producers have found relief from the rigors of pain and aging from The Burch Method. Erin is taking her work global and she is committed to breaking through the belief barriers we all have about what’s possible for our middle and later life outcomes! Erin enjoys speaking to Women’s groups about her passion to change the way we relate to our bodies to avoid unnecessary pain and problems that are associated with aging. She is launching a landmark program in 2019 for women who want to stay Juicy For Life! Devi and Erin discuss: • Erin’s exceptional life transformation with “Yoga” • How enlightenment begins with the body • “Yoga” before and today • Our body as a container • The power of Yoga • The elevation of energy through “chanting” • Integrating “Yoga” into Physical Therapy practice • “Movement” as a sign of life • Your inquiry connection to your body • Learning the language of your body • Sensation as the language of the body • Making God as your witness • Sifting through your sensations and finding out what they are made of • Understanding what the body needs • The “Burch Method” • Returning to your essential body • The definition of “Aging” • The three “A’s” Alignment, Attunement, and Assemble • Dispelling your fears • Consciousness as a powerful force in our lives • Tips to apply “Yoga” into your busy schedule and more… Connect with Erin on her website @ Podcast: Luscious For Life
9/28/201854 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP 129: The Physical Aspect of Spiritual Healing with Eva Vennari

(Septemberfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Eva Vennari about “The Physical Aspect of Spiritual Healing”.  Eva Vennari is the founder and CEO of The Elevate Institute, a cutting-edge health coaching firm specializing in empowering individuals to take charge of their body and their health. She is the Creator of REVEAL – a hair analysis technique that lets you understand what it is exactly your body needs to heal and rejuvenate, EVOLVE Academy – the school of purposeful living, and ELEVATE – high-end retreat experiences to create lasting shifts. She is on a mission to dismantle the status quo of the sickness industry. Having spent most of her adult life suffering from all kinds of conditions and fighting for her sanity she decided to take matters into her own hands. That’s when everything shifted and her body went from being the enemy to being her best and most devoted ally and partner. Eva now teaches worldwide how sensitive people can take charge of their wellbeing and thrive in their lives. Devi and Eva discuss: • Eva’s journey to spiritual healing • Putting yourself first • Starting to take in the minerals that the body prefers • Fortifying your body in what it is made of • Allergies and physical responses to what you take in • Overdoing it with your body • Working on the physical healing process to catalyze the spiritual healing process • Conversation from your consciousness to your body • The beginning of a spiritual journey • Flushing your body of toxins • “Meditation” as a special aspect of healing • A perfect way to “meditate” • State of “automatic detox” • Constant state of healing • Letting your intuition guide your next steps • Allowing time to heal your body • Clearing out energies from your body • Following your intuition • The cause of misalignment in your body • Ways to start reinventing yourself • Taking care of yourself • Embracing who you are • The process of "transformation" • Finding out what it is that you need • Building a support system around you and more… Connect with Eva on her website @
9/27/201837 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP 128: How to Move Forward When You Don’t Know How with Kim O'Neill

(Septemberfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Kim O'Neill about “How to Move Forward When You Don’t Know How”. Kim is a former Crime Analyst who now provides personal empowerment and interview confidence coaching for heart-centered professionals and youth. She’s also the host of the “Every Day is a New Day” Show - inspired conversations about moving forward and choosing to embrace a positive outlook. In 2017, she co-authored the Amazon bestseller “Positive Minded People: Inspiring Stories of Overcoming Adversity for Living a More Positive Life.” As an inspirational speaker, Kim aims to remind audiences of the importance of knowing who they are; about the informational value of their emotions; and how to move forward when they don’t know how. Kim’s philanthropic work includes youth mentoring and interview workshops. Devi and Kim discuss: • Kim's exciting journey through CSI as a crime analyst • Kim's inspiring life journey • Finding the right coaching program • Processing and releasing your emotions • Kim's coaching program from the Field Graduate University and Quantum Success Academy • Some tips and practices for holding that space for yourself amidst intense emotions • Understanding the contrast between positive and negative • Envisioning a thin white bubble to protect your energy • Kim's way of connecting Spiritual Entrepreneurship with her being a full-time crime analyst • Bridging the head and the heart • The foundation of moving forward, even when you don't know how • Releasing the need for things to be perfect • Having the outlook of “Done is better than perfect.” • How to start using the things you know as a spiritual being • Setting your “intentions” • Visualizing and connecting the energy with your intentions and space • Getting more into the headspace and connecting with the spiritual fluid • Tips on how to keep moving forward • Alignment with yourself • Looking at the bigger picture • Realizing the shifts and changes in your life • Being compassionate with yourself amidst resistance and tensions • Manifesting more people in your life and more... Connect with Kim on her website @ On Facebook: @ KimOneillCoaching Resources Mentioned: Ask and It is Given Book
9/26/201839 minutes
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EP 127: Creating a Soul-big Life with Lea Bayles

(Septemberfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Lea Bayles about “Creating a Soul-big Life”. Lea Bayles is a holistic wellness expert, leadership mentor, speaker and radio show host. Recovering from an immune system crash woke her up to the extraordinary power of healing within and led her to a 20-year career in holistic wellness. Entrepreneurs, creatives, and change-makers hire Lea when they realize they are playing a too-small game and they want to expand into the creative power, joy, and magic of their true potential. Lea blends a master’s in psychology with extensive experience in education, spirituality, theater, energy medicine, mind-body healing, and expressive arts. She is the host of the We Are More Radio Show and has created numerous meditations, interview series, articles, spoken word performances, and the popular guidebook, Take Back Your Life: Moving from Chronic Pain to Lifelong Healing. Devi and Lea discuss: • Lea’s interesting journey of creating a soul-big life • About waking up and playing with your soul • Realizing and creating the opportunity to listen to your body • Tips on Hearing the internal call of your soul • Paying attention to the inner experience of our lives • Unplugging yourself from the expectations of the outer world • Reconnecting with your sacred source • Creating an intention to guide you • Conversing with the Divine • Cultivating the mind space to open bigger solutions • Having time to spend with your own personal space • Structuring your schedule within your business and personal life • Focusing on your priorities • Having the discipline to get what needs to be done • Surrendering yourself and your situation to the Divine • Experiencing the Divine Intervention • Cultivating "miracle mindset" • Shifting to the positive bias from the negative bias • Remembering who you really are beyond your roles • Realizing that you are a miracle • Remembering that little things over time make a big difference • Tuning in to your vibes and more... Connect with Lea on her website @ On Facebook @
9/25/201832 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP 126: Indicos and Indie Empaths “Who We Are and How We Heal” with Sarah Anne Dordel

(Septemberfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Sarah Anne Dordel about, Indicos and Indie Empaths “Who We Are and How We Heal”. Sarah Anne is a dear friend and she is a talented speaker, promoter, and a conscious business consultant who provides huge visibility in rapid transformation for conscious entrepreneurs and businesses. Sarah Anne is the leader of the Conscious Business Network of San Diego, a thriving community of 2000 plus professionals, and she recently founded the Conscious Business Chamber of Commerce in order to take her leadership global and support good people doing good things across the country and beyond. Devi and Sarah Anne discuss: • Sarah Anne’s extraordinary life experience • Identifying an "Indico" • A new type of “empath” • Benefits of being an “Indico and Indie Empath” • Traits of an “Indico" and an "Indie Empath” • Creating a strong career by identifying your “Indico side” • Setting up healthy boundaries • Tips for establishing healthy boundaries • Setting your life up for success • Types of awakenings and activations • Going through each of your challenges • “Slowing down” is essential • Finding a community that you can relate to • Managing the energy in your body • Being relentlessly selfish • Making time for “self-care” • Becoming solution oriented • Stop easing the pain of other people • Caring for ourselves first • Having our own divine source • Intimacy for “Indicos” • The balance in doing the “soul-calling” • Being aware to be empowered to say “no” • Allowing all your energies to blend • Having your own “sacred space” • Tips on setting boundaries • Being prepared for people to hurt you and more… More about Sara Anne: In 2014 and at the top of her career game, Sarah Anne's life started to crumble around her when she experienced a very abrupt and hostile job loss, followed by a spontaneous spiritual awakening. These experiences, although traumatic, were gifts as they ignited her passion to advocate for leaders who are truly ethical and heart centered in the world of work today, Sarah Anne specializes in helping others like her to awaken their business and healed themselves in the process. Her clients are emerging leaders and she teaches them how to launch, lead and build their own large-scale network in order to position themselves as powerful influencers through trust of visibility and savvy event marketing. Sarah Anne prides herself on being a big dreamer, a passionate problem solver, and an expert in growing businesses organically and cost-effectively. Your intuitive branding, strategic relationships, top-notch educational events, and exceptional systems. Her big dream is to elevate humanity through conscious collaboration, compassion, and a hardy appreciation for the imperfect moments on the path of life. Connect with Sarah Anne on her website @
9/24/201852 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP 125: How to Grow Your Bottom Line with Feng Shui as a Secret to Success with P.K. Odle

(Septemberfest) In this episode, Devi chats with PK Odle about, “How to Grow Your Bottom Line with Feng Shui as a Secret to Success”. P.K. Odle is a master Feng Shui consultant and the executive director of the renowned American Feng Shui Institute, where she taught since 1998 when P.K. met its founder master Larry Sang Feng Shui, she walked away from her corporate career and seize the opportunity to make positive changes in the world by improving client's health, relationships, and Finances because revolutionary lifetime keys, personal direction, self-mastery toolbox is the only step by step system that teaches how to locate and manage precise 15 degree Feng Shui personal directions according to your date of birth and gender, including your prosperous, consuming, creative, and intellectual directions. P.K. creates you're one of a kind of toolbox that reveals your supportive versus sabotaging, 15-degree magnetic directions, and teaches you how to maximize them anywhere on earth for your entire lifetime. Her private consulting firm, the Feng Shui advantage offers onsite and remote evaluations of existing structures and project development for residential and commercial clients worldwide. She is just an epic Expat and extraordinary spiritual entrepreneur and she's really a master of luxury. Devi and P.K. discuss: • P.K.’s exciting “Feng Shui” journey • The history and background of “Feng Shui” • “Feng Shui” an ancient Chinese science • Locating and Managing Directions • “Clutter” brings impact your wealth • Going with your nature • The “15 Degree Directions” • Releasing your “clutter” to avoid financial setbacks • Locating your “Magnetic North” • Bottom line and “Feng Shui” • Using “Anchor” to fill in the missing corner • How to expand your business using “Feng Shui” • How to map out your area using the “Feng Shui corners” • Looking at the elements in your “garage” • Adding some positive energy in your “garage” and other areas • Fire colors in the “garage” • Tracking your prosperous month and day • Adjusting your “money lock” • Deflecting the “chi” with fabric • Fire colors affecting your “bottom line” • Learning to embrace “change” and more… Connect with P.K. on her website @
9/23/201839 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP 124: Sketch Questing with Paula Brown

(Septemberfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Paula Brown about “Sketch Questing”. Paula Brown is a Heartist, she gets folks UNSTUCK: from invisible to seen. An intuitive quick sketch artist/purpose coach. Leaders hire her to literally and figuratively draw out their authentic story, the true heartbeat of their purpose and vision. Paula’s heart questing was born from her heart stopping. Her unique life stories and after death experience lit her purpose quest skills, and forged her belief that the masterpiece of your story is your heart, your purpose. Emerging from Brand Creative Director for international clients, Paula marries both intuition and strategic process for influencers to discover, and communicate their “what” with her Sketch Questing and purpose coaching. She takes her clients into focused clarity…out of the frustration of knowing their vision and not being able to communicate it. Devi and Paula discuss: • Paula’s powerful life purpose and sketch questing journey • Doing everything from “heart to heart” • All about being safe • Finding your heart’s purpose • The true values of “essences” in your businesses • Working by your purpose • Igniting your heart by telling yourself what to do • “Sketch Questing” and it’s benefits for Spiritual Entrepreneurs • Communicating through pictures and sketches • Her sketch quest samples • Developing your purpose • How to use Sketch Questing in your business • “Coaching defined purpose” as part of Sketch Questing • Calming your “egos” • Sketch questing to finding and activating your path • Heart as a masterpiece of your story • Allowing your true voice to speak through • Expecting the best in your life journey • Trusting yourself in your own “quest” journey and more… Connect with Paula on her website @ [email protected]
9/22/201831 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 123: Feng Shui to Attract Abundance with Kim Julen

(Septemberfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Kim Julen about "Feng Shui to Attract Abundance”. Kim Julen founder of Finding Your Fiji, is a Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) expert and psychic. Her Feng Shui expertise, intuitive skills, personal development and business knowledge create a unique approach to resolving your business and life issues. Kim graduated with a business degree from the University of St. Thomas and is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, International Feng Shui Guild Red Ribbon Practitioner and Mentor and Certified Angel Card Reader. In 2017 Kim moved from Minnesota to Maui, sight unseen, to make her dream life a reality. Through her private coaching, Feng Shui consultations and Angel Readings, Kim brings awareness to those things that are keeping you stuck and helps bring Harmony to your Head, your Heart and your Home. She is passionate about creating a life and business filled with ease, daily magic and joy and guiding you in “Finding Your Fiji”, whatever that may be for you! Devi and Kim discuss: • Kim lifelong journey into Feng Shui • The definition of Feng Shui • Feng Shui as an energetic space • Bringing the elements of nature into our spaces • Feeling good about your space • The three key areas that impact wealth • The role of front doors in your space for impacting wealth • The “Bagua” or the mental map of your space • Objects that take the energetic heat for us • The “Poison Arrows” in your space • Using “Cures” or adjustments to shift the energy • The difference it makes when painting your front doors with favorite colors different from your home • The effect of writing on your intentions on the wall or front door before painting • Intention as one of the biggest keys of Feng Shui • The specific actions that bring in more flow of abundance to your life • Tips for front door spaces to welcome more abundance and wealth • Creating a gateway through the front doors • Creating an energetic support in the back of your space • Bells on the doors for ringing and calling energy • Paying attention to the events in your space or your life • Bathrooms as the biggest drain in your wealth • Mirrors for raising the energy in your space • Tips for bringing in prosperity in your home office space • Shifting your office facing the door • Paying attention to how you feel in your space • Letting go of the things that don’t get you up Connect with Kim on her website @ On Facebook @ On YouTube @ Kim Julen To see videos of Septemberfest and get the latest conversations, join us @
9/21/201838 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP 122: How to Build a Radical Platform with Media Visibility with Debbi Dachinger

In this episode, Devi chats with Debbi Dachinger about "How to Build a Radical Platform with Media Visibility".  Debbi is a media visibility expert who works with professionals and entrepreneurs who are ready for the next big step. These are leaders who want to write a page-turner book, take their book to guaranteed international bestseller, and get scheduled on media interviews. Debbi gets her clients to turn their visibility into customers and become the go-to authority in their field. Debbi is a speaker, has been featured on the cover of Spirit, My Authentic Life, and Published magazines. A popular media guest, Debbi has been interviewed on more than 800 media outlets, and hosts the syndicated “Dare to Dream” radio show now in its eleventh year.  She was the keynote at the Women’s Calgary Red Carpet event; Global Influence Summit, the Business Success Summit, the Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo, and San Francisco’s New Living Expo. Awards: Editor’s Pick Featured Intriguing Creator, Successful Achievements from Voices of Women Worldwide, and recipient of Heart and Spirit Award from the Evolutionary Business Council. Debbi has been featured as an 'Icon of Influence,' is a certified coach, and a three-time international bestselling author. Devi and Debbi discuss: Debbi’s life encouraging story Debbi’s coming out on the “radio show” Playing and embracing your gift Debbi’s journey to media visibility Following the energy around you Saying "yes" to opportunities Finding ways to reach out people Debbi's practices during the self-seeking journey Believing that someone cares about what you are doing Practicing devotion, kindness, and patience Trusting that money will come when it’s tight Her trials that turned into transformation Faith as an essential tool to Spiritual Entrepreneurship Sharing your “gifts” Understanding how to write a book Secrets and tips in creating a “page turner” Keeping everything in a “cliffhanger” Knowing your ultimate dream The importance of personality Tips on “leveraging” the media Saving all your interviews Repurpose what you have already done Creating a lot more ease with business and more ... Connect with Debbi on her website @
9/15/201855 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP 121: The Journey from Powerlessness to True Power with Jessica Chilton

In this episode, Devi chats with Jessica Chilton about "The Journey from Powerlessness to True Power". Jessica Chilton is an Expressive Arts Therapist and Business Coach. In the past ten years, she has helped thousands of people around the world discover who they are and what they’re meant to do. Through her signature program, Love Liberate Launch, Jessica blends business building with spiritual growth, personal transformation, and creative expression to help entrepreneurs lead their business to soul-satisfying success.

  After facing death and illness at an early age, Jessica’s passion for making the most of this precious life radiates through her inspiring presence. Jessica has presented at Princeton University, performed at TEDx, collaborated on stage with singer-songwriter David Wilcox, appeared on the cover of Mogul Muse Magazine, and improvised on TV in her favorite tutu.  Jessica holds a BA in Cultural Anthropology from Duke University, an MA in Counseling and Expressive Arts Therapy, and a Post-Master’s in Expressive Arts Therapy. Devi and Jessica discuss: Jessica’s powerful life story "Walking out" of failures Learning to fully trust yourself Birthing your True Self Overcoming powerlessness Surrendering to the True Source of Power Creating a business you were born to lead Rediscovering your "essence" Bringing the love into the places that need it most Clarifying your gifts Tips and practices for spiritual business The definition of Expressive Arts Therapy Starting your workday with inner guidance Listening to your Inner Guidance Special practices with Expressive Arts on marketing Helping people to bring out their own patterns for life and business Shaping your products, services, and offerings Transforming pain into art, beauty, and healing Intimately talking with God to start your work day and more… Connect with Jessica on her website @ and
9/7/201838 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP 120: Tips for Spiritual Empaths to Thrive in Business & Relationships with Natasha Che

Natasha Che is the founder of Soundwise, the world’s first audio publishing platform that gives podcasters detailed knowledge about their subscribers and the ability to reach out to subscribers in multiple ways. Natasha is also a personal growth teacher, an award-winning podcaster, and a contributing author to the Huffington Post and Entrepreneur. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Economics from Georgetown University. Devi and Natasha discuss: Natasha's extraordinary empathic life Natasha's favorite practice as an empath Definition of an Empath Taking on other people’s energy Your own empathic traits The reflective and philosophical side of being empathic Perceiving other people’s emotions The process of transforming emotions or energy Living more intentionally as an empath Creating your sacred or safe space Tips on how to embrace your gift as an empath Your ability to be empathic Distinguishing your feelings as an empath Awareness through your feelings Embracing your feelings with love Utilizing your empathic gifts in your business Identifying other people’s energy or point of view The role of an empathic person in your business Setting your intention before going into a situation Taking your first step in any direction Finding more clarity and more purpose to make better decisions and more… Connect with Natasha on her podcast @ School of Intuition To Sign up for Soundwise, visit (Coupon Code: PodcastonPurpose)
9/1/201844 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP 119: Entrepreneurship as a Spiritual Awakening Journey with Melanie Benson

In this episode, Devi chats with Melanie Benson about “Entrepreneurship as A Spiritual Awakening Journey”. Melanie is an Optimizer and has a gift for guiding fast-paced, mission driven entrepreneurs to thrive as they emerge as leaders in their business and industry. With over 15 years mentoring high achieving game changers, Melanie is a revenue strategist – removing productivity and progress detailers while identifying high payoff, profit-boosting opportunities that position the entrepreneur to achieve their dream business. Melanie is a lifestyle enthusiast and spends her free time in search of the best spas and beaches in the world. Devi and Melanie discuss: Melanie's extraordinary entrepreneurial journey Melanie's spiritual practices for business How to become a person who can thrive no matter what How to start a spiritual journey through entrepreneurship Realizing that being spiritual is not enough Learning how to market yourself How to be at peace and fall in love with the marketing side of your business How to start or move forward through an obstacle  What to do when you are "falling apart" and "being blocked" The inquiry process that Melanie uses Falling in love with marketing and sales The idea of Bold Goals Being willing to do Bold Goals to achieve what you want How to get past your fear The importance of having community around you Sharing your Bold Goal with people around you Bold Goals for your business The "4 Prompt Approach" Teaching the body to be limitless Knowing the difference between fear and intuition Learning the difference between feeling contractive and feeling expanded and more… Connect with Melanie on her website @ and 
8/25/201839 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP 118: Going "Up on the Mount'"

(Devi Download) In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, Devi shares with you an experience that she had this week that is a great reminder for all of us about making time for what is most important in life.  It all started with a practice that her Grandma used to have and is referenced by what her grandpa used to call it. We hope that you will enjoy this story from her youth and that it will instruct your life this week, as it has hers.  We would love to hear from you over on Facebook ( or on our show blog (  Let us know your practice for going "up on the mount'"!  Connect with Devi on her website @  or on Facebook:
8/18/20186 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP 117: Transformation From the Inside Out with Amy Schuber 

In this episode, Devi chats with Amy Schuber about “Transformation from the Inside Out”. Amy Schuber is a Life & Business Coach. She has been working with women leaders, entrepreneurs and individuals for the past decade. She loves guiding women back to themselves with her strategic mind, savvy spirituality, curated resources and straight up smarts. She has an innate ability to see a client’s true potential and strategies needed to unlock the possibilities. Amy is also the host of the Inspired Conversations bringing insight from today’s thought leaders to help all of us live into life and business in the most conscious, mindful way!  Amy truly believes, "You are the one you’ve been waiting for".  Devi and Amy discuss:   Amy's Inspiring Life Transformation from the Inside Out  The meaning of "Transformation from the Inside Out"  Realizing that you have the power   Realizing that you are the one that you’ve been waiting for  Your possible transformation in business from the inside out  Learning to trust yourself   Allowing yourself to be vulnerable Some inner cues that can help you stay in alignment with the "You" that you’re waiting for  Taking care of yourself  Listening to your own body  Keeping yourself grounded  Tips on how to have a good solid “No”  Giving yourself some space  Owning and honoring your “Yes”  Allowing yourself to take opportunities  Learning how to do some self-exploration  Putting your own voice out into the world Taking a leap of faith vs. a “super calculated plan”  Tips on how to discover your perfect path as you take the next step of the journey  Experiencing the internal journey   Asking people about your unique or top qualities and knowing what to do with them Tips on how to integrate your top qualities into your business Allowing yourself to be "present"   and more…   Connect with Amy on her show website "Inspired Conversations with Amy Schuber" @  
8/11/201852 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP 116: How Astrology Affects Your Success with JJ Flizanes

In this episode, Devi chats with JJ Flizanes about “How Astrology Affects Your Success.” JJ Flizanes is an Empowerment Strategist and the host of several podcast shows including Fit 2 Love and Spirit, Purpose & Energy. She is the Director of Invisible Fitness, an Amazon best-selling author of Fit 2 Love: How to Get Physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually Fit to Attract the Love of Your Life, and author of Knack Absolute Abs: Routines for a Fit and Firm Core. She was named Best Personal Trainer in Los Angeles for 2007 by Elite Traveler Magazine. JJ has been featured in many national magazines, including Shape, Fitness, Muscle and Fitness HERS, Elegant Bride, and Women’s Health as well as appeared on NBC, CBS, Fox 11, the CW and KTLA. Her newest book, The Invisible Fitness Formula: 5 Secrets to Release Weight and End Body Shame debuted at #2 on the Amazon Best Seller List for Women’s Health and #2 as a Hot New Release on May 18th, 2017.  Devi and JJ discuss:   JJ's 20+ years of study about Astrology  The moon’s relationship to the earth  Astrology and energy  Astrology as science  Astrology as a straight line  Astrology as a “blueprint” or ingredient list  How Astrology can make more sense to people  The four elements on Astrology “fire, earth, air and water”  Energy from the planets  Astrology for life purpose, relationships, and business  Kind of signs and personality  Dealing with emotions based on signs and elements  Your “true node” and “north node” position  Mercury as the communication planet  Planet retrograde cycle and its effect  Love & attraction in connection with Astrology  Being you as the creator of your reality  The character differences of each sign and element  Being compassionate to other people through Astrology  Finding your earth to be able to stay grounded  Keeping yourself out with your comfort zone with Astrology  and more…   Connect with JJ on her website @ Join JJ for her upcoming event in Los Angeles! Resources Mentioned: Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller 
8/4/20181 hour, 37 seconds
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EP 115: The Intimacy Between Love and Money with Allana Pratt

In this episode, Devi chats with Allana Pratt about “The Intimacy Between Love and Money”.  Allana Pratt inspires open-hearted unapologetic living, with delicious sass and sacred transparency. Featured on CBS, TLC, FOX and Huff Post, this cum laude graduate of Columbia University is the Author of 4 books. She’s a coach to celebrities such as Leeza Gibbons during Dancing with the Stars and the Host of the sexy empowering Podcast “Intimate Conversations” to guests like Emmy Award-winning Alanis Morissette. After working with thousands of men and women who struggle to open their hearts again in the aftermath of a harsh breakup, Allana helps them learn how to successfully date again and find lasting love. She inspires women to embrace vulnerability and value their sacred sensual nature to attract all the love and attention they deserve. She heals men’s emasculated hearts, cures their ‘nice guy’, and awakens their ‘noble badass’ so they can create hot, healthy intimate relationships. Allana is a divine Spiritual Entrepreneur with a heart of gold. Devi and Allana discuss: Her extraordinary story around money and intimacy Learning how to keep your heart open in the face of the unthinkable and unspeakable The "Inner Queen and King" Learning to Forgive The deep forgiveness of the self The Energy of "allowance" Self-Love Intimacy as "Into me I see" The theatre of redemption The process of equilibration Keeping your heart open The capacity to keep going Guilt and self-punishment and how it affects our flow of money and embodiment Creating an intimate relationship with money The healthy way of releasing the toxicity we hold in our bodies Love and intimacy in a corporate company The practice of handling fear when expanding to the next level Honoring your emotions The intimacy between Love and Debt Giving Self-Love and Kindness to yourself rather than self-judgment Tips on facing a “new big bully” in life and more… Connect with Allana on her website @ ("Vulnerability is the New Sexy" for women) & ("How to be a Nobel Badass" for men).  Listen to her on her Podcast, "Intimate Conversations". "If you follow an emotion long enough, you reach bliss." - Joseph Campbell.   
7/28/201851 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP 114: Money Matters with Leisa Peterson

In this episode, Devi chats with Leisa Peterson about “Money Matters”. Leisa Peterson is a sought-after author, podcaster, educator, and coach who helps her clients create a life of abundance.  She’s the founder of, the Art of Abundance podcast, and maintains a thriving business and money coaching practice in Sedona, AZ where she’s a regular guest on podcasts, radio shows and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, FastCompany, Forbes, The Week and Huffington Post.  She combines her skills of being a long time entrepreneur and money expert (CFP®, MBA in finance, 25 years in finance) then mixes in mindfulness practices, and other mindset shifting techniques to help entrepreneurs reconnect to their true selves while growing businesses that make the world a better place. A native of northern California, Leisa now lives in Sedona, AZ with her husband and college sweetheart, Tim and their two children, Aidan and Zoe. Devi and Leisa discuss: Integrating the inner spiritual journey and outer journey of success The “top-down” vs. “bottom-up” approach to wealth The many dimensions of money The 7 Chakras and how they relate to money Creating an integrated relationship with money Power vs. Force around money Identifying where you are struggling most with money  Accessing the wisdom of your body to heal that struggle The 7th Chakra and the wisdom that can be found there The role models from our youth that may be running our money experience behind the scenes  Clearing beliefs from past lives Debunking some of the common unsupportive beliefs around money Creating a new pathway for receiving in your life Writing out your Money Story Working on your money issues serially How to add working on your money beliefs into your calendar Clarity is power The shame and guilt that is hidden in each of the money areas Forgiveness of oneself How to integrate different parts of yourself into the work that you do Loving and embracing each part of ourselves  and more… Connect with Leisa on her websites @ & Resources Mentioned:  "YNAB":
7/21/201848 minutes, 26 seconds
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EP 113: Essentials to Understanding How to Raise Your Consciousness with Kasey & Brad Wallis

In this episode, Devi chats with Kasey & Brad Wallis about "Essentials to Understanding How to Raise Your Consciousness". Kasey and Brad Wallis are renowned speakers, global workshop leaders, and facilitators of consciousness and why we are here. Since Brad's near-death experience, they have been conduits for an advanced intelligence named Julius, a Higher Light Teaching Group, who offers messages of empowerment and enlightenment for humanity.  For over 10 years, the Wallis’ have been inviting people worldwide to embrace their true limitlessness. Originally Kasey was trained as a hairdresser of 35 years, and Brad was drafted to play for a professional baseball team. They came together because of a car accident in 2007. Today Brad is the author of several books, while he and Kasey travel the country speaking, leading workshops and being interviewed.  Through their programs, retreats, online courses, and personal readings, they guide and support people in eliminating judgement, resistances, and lack in their life. Kasey and Brad (and the energy known as Julius that comes through to teach and guide) assist people to heal themselves, offer online classes as well as their latest workshop, R-Factoring, using unique techniques that heal repeated, negative patterns for people on a neurological level Devi and Kasey & Brad (along with Julius) discuss: Brad’s near death experience How Julius appeared What it was like to die and come back The question that Brad was asked on the “other side” The first conversation that Kasey and Brad had with Julius Transitioning into their new life with Julius Dealing with life after a brain injury The importance of communication and non-judgement after a traumatic brain injury “Sometimes it serves you to just be a little bit deaf” Their daily physical, mental and emotional practices How Kasey and Brad interact with Julius in their life and relationship How to deepen the connection and alignment with your soul How to raise consciousness The role of emotions & perspective How your reality is created for you Daily practices of recognition Most important practices to stay in a higher consciousness Loving and accepting yourself "You are the God that you are seeking outside of yourself" What it was like for Kasey to start channeling LIVE for people How they "shut down" at night The first thing that they did to share about Julius outside of their relationship How to access new thought and more… Connect with Kasey, Brad and Julius on their website @ Get your FREE Course “Empowerment Explains Everything”:      
7/14/201849 minutes, 35 seconds
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EP 112: Speaking the Secret Language of Your Ideal Customers with Jeffrey Shaw

In this episode, Devi chats with Jeffrey Shaw about “Speaking the Secret Language of Your Ideal Customers”. Having a keen eye isn’t just for what one sees, but also for what one senses. Having been one of the most sought after portrait photographers in the U.S. for more than three decades, Jeffrey Shaw, a.k.a. the Lingo Guy, uses this honed intuition to teach entrepreneurs how to attract their ideal customers by speaking their Secret Language. Jeffrey is host of the popular business podcast Creative Warriors, a nationally acclaimed keynote speaker, a business coach for entrepreneurs, and author of the bestselling book, LINGO: Discover Your Ideal Customer’s Secret Language and Make Your Business Irresistible. Devi and Jeffrey discuss: The story of how Jeffrey went from having a failing photography business to a highly successful one Lingo and why it is critical to your success Knowing your ideal customer's values How defining your ideal customer begins with you The powerful question of “Who will love that?” The impact of empathy in building your business The unique way that Jeffrey structured his book  Jeffrey's tour of Bergdorf Goodman and what he learned  How your pricing may be causing you to attract cost-conscious customers Busting up the Pareto principle The secret language of IKEA Why people may choose to work with you The gift of giving before someone asks How to know if you are not speaking your customer’s Lingo Jeffrey's 5 step process for Speaking the secret language of your ideal customers and making your business irresistible The impact of Style on your business Pricing triggers The main mistake that Jeffrey sees people make around the Lingo that they use in their business What to consider when building your website Writing like you speak rather than in someone else's voice Why you may want to reverse whatever you write Leveraging your natural being Why you may want to do everything “ backwards” as a Spiritual Entrepreneur and more… Connect with Jeffrey on his website @ Get Jeffrey’s Book “Lingo: Discover Your Ideal Customers Secret Language and Make Your Business Irresistible” on Amazon @ Resources Mentioned: The kid’s toy that we were speaking about in this episode is a Hoberman Sphere:    
7/7/201859 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP 111: SOUL-Driven Leadership with Dov Baron

In this episode, Devi chats with Dov Baron about SOUL-Driven Leadership. Dov Baron has been speaking internationally for over 30 years, he’s the man with a finger on the pulse of the evolving world of NextGen leadership. Twice cited as one of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire. Dov Baron is a master storyteller, who has had the honour of presenting for The World Business Conference in Tehran as well as speaking for the State Department, and The United Nations on Leadership. He is considered by many as the leading authority on Authentic Leadership, and the founder of Full Monty Leadership and The Authentic Speaker Academy for Leadership. Outside of his speaking and training Dov works with multi-disciplinary leaders and executive teams to build the bonds that create organizational cultures that become Fiercely Loyal. Devi and Dov discuss: Dov's personal journey into the work that he is doing today How Dov views SOUL-Driven Leadership The meditation of Dov's work "Reconciling your soul" through business and leadership Embracing your own spiritual journey in the exchange of money and in business How your spiritual and business journeys are one and the same Claiming something to make it real How your life is a manifestation of your psyche and your soulful journey The litmus test of being on track for the evolution of your soul Aligning in all three realms (physical, mental, and emotional) with your soul’s journey Wrapping the unfamiliar in the familiar to remove resistance Communicating in the language of your audience Backing up Spirituality with Science Dumping spiritual language and using metaphor when communicating in the corporate world The consciousness conversation in corporate Using language that allows for rapport Getting off of the “Spiritual high horse” and checking your “Spiritual Ego” Authenticity in the context of what we know about ourselves How some things you can’t “Om your way out of” Embracing the multi-faceted nature of our "beingness" How your soul's journey is gifted to you in your anger and pain Transformation "through the fire" The people who teach us who we don’t want to be Serving every reflection of “me” in the world Who we are really judging Finding compassion for oneself in compassion for another The common "theme" for powerful SOUL-Driven Leadership Living your purpose in the face of resistance How your passion is not your purpose Where you find your passion and your purpose How your passion is just a vehicle - Your purpose is the fuel How your passion will transition, but your purpose is weaved into you How you become the gift to the world that you are here to be and a SOUL-Driven Leader What to do with your “shoulds”  What you must reveal in order to be a SOUL-Driven Leader The price of admission to stepping into SOUL-Driven Leadership Reciprocal vulnerability Looking in the mirror The gift of you, three steps back and more… Connect with Dov on his website @  or by Email @ [email protected]  On Twitter: @TheDovBaron Instagram: DovBaronLeadership Facebook: DovBaronLeadership LinkedIn: @DovBaron More about Dov: Dov is a bestselling author of several books. His latest book is Fiercely Loyal; How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent. He is the host of the national (US) TV show “Pursuing Deep Greatness with Dov Baron” on ROKU TV, and the host of the Number One Podcast for Fortune 500 Listeners (globally) “Dov Baron’s Leadership and Loyalty Show” on iTunes. He also writes for and has been featured in many industry magazines including being featured on CNN, CBS Small Business Pulse, SHRM, Yahoo Finance, Boston Globe, Business in Vancouver, USA today, CEO, Entrepreneur and many more. 
6/30/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP 110: Conscious Creation with Dee Wallace

In this episode, Devi chats with Dee Wallace about Conscious Creation. Ms. Wallace is an internationally known actress (130 films, 4 series, over 200 commercials) best known for her role as the mother in Steven Spielberg’s E.T.! She has appeared on every major network and talk show, including Oprah and The Today Show. Ms. Wallace earned her teaching credentials from The University of Kansas, and has worked as a teacher in the public school system, as well as her own dance and acting studios. Ms. Wallace expanded her love of teaching, and the principles she found empowering for children, into daily sessions, a radio show, and five books. Her work is based on the principles of accepting responsibility, and loving ourselves early in life to create the life we desire. Devi and Dee discuss: The role of Conscious Creation in Dee’s Career What it was like to work with Steven Spielberg in the movie E.T. How energy works in response to how it is “directed” What it takes for the Universe to intercede on your behalf The power of laughter to get us back into balance How you must "claim it" to "create it" Your I AM Presence as the creative force of you The hypnosis and impact of pharmaceutical ads on our wellbeing How to wake up to being a more conscious creator The process of loving yourself more in every moment What your inner child can teach you about yourself as an adult Three quick ways to get yourself back into balance when your energy is “switched” Holding the focus of love to create anything Going to your “love place” Claiming what you want from an emotionally charged place Using the light within you to heal yourself How light manifests into material form through intention and focus What the word “ask” means in the original Hebrew Claiming "I know" to access the light & wisdom inside and more… Learn more about Dee: Dee is a strong advocate for accepting (at an early age) our own magnificence and power in a positive, loving way. A child’s personality is set between 4-7 years of age which has a direct impact on the creation of their life. Dee’s important message to the world is: Love yourself beyond anyone or anything else. Love yourself so much that you can’t do anything that doesn’t make you love yourself more. Dee has authored five books on the subject of self-creation: Conscious Creation, The Big E!, Bright Light, Getting Stuff and Wake Up Now! She conducts a live (call-in) internet radio show each Sunday morning at 9 AM Pacific, and offers monthly webinars on a variety of creation subjects. Dee conducts private sessions from her home in Woodland Hills, California via phone and in person. As a much sought-after speaker, Dee has spoken at numerous national and international venues including the Love and Harmony Forum in Japan, The Dillon Lecture Series, Unity Temple, The Kansas Film Commission, and asked to speak in China, New Zealand, Amsterdam, Australia, England and all across the United States and Canada. Dee has appeared on every major news and talk show and has been featured on E! True Hollywood Stories, and Oprah. Connect with Dee on her website @  On Instagram: @thedeewallace On Twitter: @dee_wallace On Facebook: her free call-in show: (319) 527-6305... Resources Mentioned: Dolores Cannon:
6/23/201847 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP 109: How You Can Use the Power of Media to Build Your Brand with Bonnie Bruderer

In this episode, Devi chats with Bonnie Bruderer about “How You Can Use the Power of Media to Build Your Brand”.  Bonnie is a film and TV producer with over 700 television segments, and the writer, director, producer of the documentary: INFLUENCER on the social media generation and the advertising industry.  Devi and Bonnie discuss: Bonnie’s unique journey into starting Binge Networks Where to start for expanding your presence through media Leveraging what you are doing on multiple platforms How you can easily share your content from one format to another What are the important aspects to consider when wanting to brand yourself Thinking with the “end in mind” Recognizing your brand in the size of a nickel The best colors to use for branding How to brand as a multi-niche spiritual entrepreneur How to make your channel look nice How to create a studio at home The importance of good audio and lighting Using natural light to enhance your video How to take advantage of the exposure you get Making sure to tell people what you want them to do in your videos How to receive feedback from your content Teaching people how to treat us How media begets other media Utilizing your media for credibility Great tips on how to get booked in the media Communicating with people the way that they want to be communicated to How to shine the light of your soul out on media How to get over the fear of “being seen” and more… Get your DEEP DISCOUNT on Binge: More about Bonnie: With a strong background in technology and media, she started her career at companies like CitySearch, NBC Internet, Active Networks and learned first hand how to build and sell emerging media. She worked for two decades, touring with some of the world’s top personal development gurus including Tony Robbins, Harvey Mackay, and others. She founded BINGE networks, which is a multi-channel media network for creators and brands, with syndication on 50 top OTT television networks. The company has a proprietary technology that can instantly get any video content featured in outlets all over the world. She is a kickboxer, an avid dog-lover, and auntie and has starred in multiple fight movies. She is also a four-time author and holds 10 certifications in human potential and coaching, including Columbia University’s Executive Coaching Program. Bonnie is also a member of the National Television Academy Of Arts Resources Mentioned: iMovie Neewer Camera Photo Video Lighting Kit   
6/16/201836 minutes, 11 seconds
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EP 108: Finding Love and Keeping Love with Arielle Ford

In this episode, Devi chats with Arielle Ford about Finding Love & Keeping Love. Arielle is a love and relationship expert and a leading personality in the personal growth and contemporary spirituality movement. For the past 25 years she has been living, teaching, and promoting consciousness through all forms of media. She is a speaker and the producer and host of Evolving Wisdom’s Art of Love series. Her mission is to help people find love, keep love and most importantly, be love. Devi and Arielle discuss: the amazing story of how Debbie Ford's new book came to be Arielle's definition of a soulmate identifying your soulmate partner how to properly create your "Soulmate Wishlist" the story of how Arielle found her soulmate “living as if” the important characteristics of a soulmate relationship what to do when we change over the years inside of a soulmate relationship creative solutions vs. compromises a surprising statistic about how many irreconcilable differences exist in every couple’s relationship the different kinds of chemistry "Fast food sex" vs. "Gourmet sex" how to ask for what you need in a relationship what to do when your husband leaves the toilet seat up the purpose of taking the sacred vows of marriage whether soulmates are predestined or just chance encounters "Soul Tribes" & "Recognition School" raising your "Love Frequency" the best way to maintain good communication over time “Purefiction” Wabi Sabi taking personal responsibility in your relationship what to do if the chemistry is gone in your relationship how to get someone to commit to you in a relationship the surprising statistics of divorce and more… Connect with Arielle on her website @  (Click on the tab at the top that reads: “Free Stuff”)  If you are single get access to her FREE webinar for you @ More about Arielle: Arielle is a gifted writer and the author of 11 books including the international bestseller, THE SOULMATE SECRET: Manifest The Love of Your Life With The Law of Attraction. She has just created the world’s first transformational coloring book based upon The Soulmate Secret, entitled, Inkspirations Love by Design: Coloring the Divine Path to Manifest Your Soulmate. This book blends Arielle’s step-by-step method for manifesting love with the romantic, original artwork of artist Manja Burton.  It’s a fun, creative and powerful process! She is also the author Turn Your Mate Into Your Soulmate devoted to exploring a simple, fun and effective way to attain groundbreaking shifts in perception so that you can embrace and find the beauty and perfection in yourself and your mate.  She calls this “going from annoyed to enjoyed!” She has been called “The Cupid of Consciousness” and “The Fairy Godmother of Love.” She lives in La Jolla, CA with her husband/soulmate, Brian Hilliard, and their feline friends. More about Arielle’s sister, Debbie Ford: Debbie Ford was an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation and a pioneering force in incorporating the study and integration of the human shadow into modern psychological and spiritual practices. A transformational coach, speaker, and teacher for more than 20 years, she was the creator of The Shadow Process Workshop, the executive producer of The Shadow Effect movie, and founder of The Ford Institute, a premier transformational training company. Debbie was the New York Times bestselling author of nine books including The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, Spiritual Divorce, and The Best Year of Your Life. Your Holiness is her tenth book and was discovered after her passing through a mind-blowing session with world-renowned medium James Van Praagh. Debbie died of cancer on February 17, 2013, but her legendary work lives on.    Resources Mentioned: Your Holiness Discover the Light Within by Debbie Ford:  (bonuses with the books) James Van Praagh: & Dr. John Gottman: Alison Armstrong: John Gray: Harvel Hendricks (The Marriage Whisperer): Gay Hendricks:     
6/9/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP 107: Living in the Question

(Devi Download) Learn a small tip that will lead to a BIG shift in your life and business... "Living in the Question".  In this episode, Devi shares two of her favorite questions and the special tip that will help you to powerfully benefit from them in your life & business.   We would love to hear from you over on Facebook ( or on our show blog (  Let us know what shows up for you when you "Live in the Question" this week!  Remember to GET YOUR FREE 30 Day Audible Trial Membership & your FREE Audible audiobook download @ with Devi on her website @  or on Facebook:
6/2/20187 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP 106: How You Can Build Your Income & Influence with Online Video with Sean Cannell

In this episode, Devi chats with Sean Cannell about "How You Can Build Your Income and Influence with Online Video". Sean is a YouTuber, international speaker, and coach that helps entrepreneurs build their influence and income with online video.  Sean's YouTube channels have over 700,000 subscribers, his videos have been viewed over 43 million times and he has been featured in the "20 Must Watch YouTube Channels That Will Change Your Business" by Forbes. Devi and Sean discuss: Sean’s journey from doing the video for his church to his current career in media and marketing Sean's vision of helping 10,000 people do what they love with online video The online video revolution that is happening around the world  The advantage of using video in your business The growth of video (80% of the Internet will be video by 2019) The adoption of video on all of the social media platforms The best platform to start with for using video & stories Sean's theory of “Practicing in Public” Facebook Watch The current players that are competing to be THE video platform The market need for original content The two big mistakes that Sean sees people make in video & online marketing in general The importance of having a North Star on your video journey How to be in the top 10% of the content creators online Lessons learned from Sean's first video channels What every video should include Why the first 5 to 10 seconds of your video matter How “small tweaks can lead to giant peaks” Growing your influence, income, and impact on video How to get views and subscribers on YouTube How frequently you should post a new video Why YouTube offers advantages over other platforms What you can do with the top 10-30 FAQs in your business Leveraging your videos for client questions Tips for creating ranked videos on YouTube “Getting views while you snooze” How you can use YouTube to "get discovered" Growing your income on YouTube Affiliate Marketing  How you make money with Amazon Associates program How to select tags on YouTube  Using one video for one specific keyword phrase Creating a video series on YouTube vs. one huge video How Google knows if something is relevant and effective “Minutes matter most” on YouTube How predictable content creates return viewers The importance of "Time on Site" An actionable strategy for adding video to your existing business Wisdom from his mentor: “Be brief, be bright, be fun, be done”  YouTube LIVE vs. Facebook LIVE The role of spirituality in Sean's life and business Sean's definition of True Success Staying grounded and focused in a world of so many platforms, opportunities, ...  "Legacy over currency" and more… Get a FREE Hour Long Training with Sean @ Connect with Sean on his website @ On Facebook: On Twitter: On Instagram: On YouTube: Think Media & Video Influencers Mentioned in this episode: Heather Torres’ Youtube channel: Homeschooling for Motherhood  Sometimes You Win — Sometimes You Learn on AmazonThe Miracle Morning on Amazon  “Gift Ideas for Him” video on YouTube“Coffee Beans and Tea Leaf Pods” video on YouTubeMarie Forleo & Marie TVChalene JohnsonAmazon Affiliate ProgramJohn Maxwell Quote from the Holy Bible (Matthew 8:36)  “What good is it to gain the whole world and lose your own soul?”   
5/25/20181 hour, 17 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP 105: Building Your Authority with Michael Neeley

In this episode, Devi chats with Michael Neeley about “Building Your Authority” in your market. Michael is a mentor and business strategist for visionary solopreneurs. He is a former professional actor and medieval knight, an author and speaker, and he hosts the podcasts Consciously Speaking, Buy This – Not That, and Something to Wine About. His mission is to wake up the planet, and as the founder of Your Authority Blueprint, he does it by coaching heart-centered entrepreneurs on how to go from being the best-kept secret to the go-to expert, so that their message gets heard far and wide.  Michael is also a mindset master, a certified dharma teacher and meditation guide with a gift for helping people to get out of their own way. Devi and Michael discuss: Michael’s impactful story of realizing how the power of authority can even save your life The four pillars of authority that Michael teaches in his Authority Blueprint Building authority with podcasting Building authority with virtual summits How to monetize your virtual summit  “Greatness by association” Building authority with speaking When to start doing your own live events vs. speaking on someone else’s stage Where to find speaking opportunities Why you'd want to pay to be on someone else’s stage Building authority with your own book The top mistakes that Michael sees people make in each of the four pillars of authority The top success principles that Micheal suggests in each of the four pillars of authority Why you want to build one pillar of authority at a time and in a set order How to “relaunch” your podcast over time Spiritual principles for creating authority Treating your tribe as "family" Michael's spiritual business practices What to do if you are "meditation averse" The most important spiritual practice there is, "Love" and more… Connect with Michael @ AND JOIN US IN MONTEREY, CA IN JUNE @ Your Authority Blueprint LIVE! Get your special gift of a $100 discount to Michael’s LIVE Event by using DEVI100 @
5/18/201849 minutes, 17 seconds
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EP 104: The Now-ist with Billy Mandarino

In this episode, Devi chats with Billy Mandarino about “The Now-ist”.  Billy is an artist, musician, and business owner. Billy experienced a flash of enlightenment, one very unusual day on a golf course. A mystical series of synchronistic events led him to find his ultimate calling: teaching, speaking and sharing his inspiration and love of The Now-ist with the world. Devi and Billy discuss: Billy’s transformative journey to teaching about the Now-ist Moving through fear into the Now Moving from “doing” into “being” The Power of Positive Imaging  Synchronicity Being of service, while "thinking from the end" The illusion of time The "Satori" that Billy experienced on the golf course The Now-ist symbol and what it represents Where Physical and Divine time intersect, you find the Now The gift of the breath to get us out of time and into the present The power to co-create through imagination Living 90% of the day as a "Now-ist" Billy's 4 Count Breathing Meditation technique  The Contrast of Living in the "Now" vs. the "Past" or "Future" Why Billy no longer sets goals  Thinking "from the end" vs. "about the end"  The greatest gift from God is found in your imagination The immensity that your soul desires Connecting to the mind of God and the I AM presence  Living as a bi-terrestrial How Billy created his book "Now" | "Won" The power of the present moment A typical "day in the life" of a "Now-ist" and more… Connect with Billy on his website @ On Facebook: @ On Instagram: @ Get the Now-ist on Amazon @ Learn more about Billy: Billy lives in Santa Barbara, California with his wonderful wife, Desa Marie, and their incredible daughter, Gianna. Billy claims that he fell in love with his wife and Santa Barbara simultaneously. This is the magical city that brought them together more than twenty-five years ago. The inspiration and truth Billy Mandarino presents in The Now-ist is a life-changing creation. Not only for the author but more importantly, the readers and souls he serves. With a spiritual hunger that is never quenched, Billy dives deep into the essence of us all. He takes the commonplace and makes it “real.” Growing up in a five-sibling, multiple-divorces family, with all its dynamic layers and change, initially shaped the author’s spirituality. Transformed by various religious practices and study throughout his life, he has recognized via life experience, the treasures that reside within us all to be discovered. It is his ultimate calling to light the way, for the ones called to the same magnetic energy that inspired him to write this very book. Billy has a presence that is felt in his writing and penetrates even deeper in person. Most of his life, people are drawn to him for advice and direction in all areas of life. He is incessantly of service to others and has recognized that the inspiration to write The Now-ist is his highest calling. He feels uniquely blessed to share his light with millions around the globe. Resources Mentioned: The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho:
5/12/201854 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP 103: Purpose Hacking & Winspiration with Wolfgang Sonnenburg

In this episode, Devi chats with Wolfgang Sonnenburg about Purpose Based Business & Winspiration.  Born in Germany and growing up during post-WWII, Wolfgang Sonnenburg has always felt there was more to life and what he was put on this earth to accomplish. He was a successful lawyer and CEO of a tax accounting firm but after realizing he was on the wrong path and not truly living his purpose, he decided to make a radical change leaving his business behind and starting on a new journey. He since then has become a successful author, network marketing guru and sought-after consultant teaching clients in various avenues to discover their purpose, define their vision and make purpose driven profit. Wolfgang’s motto is "purpose before profit. Better the whole world against me than my soul" which is also the names of one of his books. Devi and Wolfgang discuss: Wolfgang's inspiring personal journey to finding his soul's purpose  "Apples" vs "Pears" The defining moment when he chose to leave his successful law practice Moving from a million in debt to millions in income, following his soul path Discovering the "essence" of what you really want to do The gift of choosing to do what your soul tells you to do What does a business need to exist? The connection between market leadership and living your purpose Aligning the company's mission with the leader of the company The legacy of the "O" in CEO  Government made for the people, not the institution Spiral Dynamics and the cycle of "Me" and "We" The importance of moving out of survival state The Winspiration Movement  We are the creator of what happens What is happening on Winspiration Day and more… Tune in to Winspiration Day's free Super Stream and watch Wolfgang teaching along with 100+ speakers... myself included!  Connect with Wolfgang on his website @  and @ On Facebook:   
5/4/201858 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP 102: Career Transitioning for Spiritual Entrepreneurs with Sara McArdle

In this episode, Devi chats with Sara about “Career Transitioning for Spiritual Entrepreneurs”. Sara McArdle coaches women to find work that delights and energizes them and aligns with a deeper sense of purpose.  Devi and Sara discuss: How Sara transitioned into her current career Nonviolent and Compassionate Communication What Sara did when she realized that she was not fulfilled in her original career of choice The question that Sara asked her friends to help her dial-in on what she might love to do for work Following the "signs from the Universe" Living as a complete expression of yourself Giving yourself permission to look at the things that are calling to you How to use a "Connecting Meditation" to guide you forward "Passions" vs "Interests" What are the things that you lose time doing or that you find yourself talking excitedly about vs. what are the things you think you should be doing How to stay open and present to the clear "signs from the Universe" that show up Keeping a synchronicity journal Great tips for distinguishing what is your “yes” vs what other people want you to do What to do when you get sucked into making other people happy How to communicate the transition that you are choosing to the people in your life The importance of support in making a significant career transition How to build support networks for your transition What to consider when you are making the leap from corporate to having your own business Advice for people who have multiple career interests and more… More about Sara: Sara wasn't born with an obvious "calling.” In fact, while she knew when she started working as a professional graphic designer that something was missing, she waited nearly 20 years to make a change. In 2013, she began practicing Compassionate Communication—a discipline that helps people transform negative self-talk, identify what matters most to them and take steps toward a more wonderful life. Her experience of empowering herself and others was so transformative and inspiring that she pursued a Whole Person Coach® certification and launched a business to help women recognize and make the most of their unique gifts, and—like her—find work they’re madly in love with. Today, she works one-on-one coaching women, she hosts workshops and events, and she chairs the board of a youth organization which builds interfaith communities that embody a culture of peace. More than anything, Sara loves to help others connect more deeply with themselves and each other to make the rest of their lives the best of their lives.  Connect with Sara on her website @’s Podcast: Women Who Went For It On Facebook: SaraMcArdle Coaching & Women Who Went For It  On Instagram: Sara McArdle Coaching
4/27/201840 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP 101: Train Your Brain: WHY You Bring About What You Think About with Dana Wilde

In this episode, Devi chats with Dana Wilde about “How to train your brain and WHY you bring about what you think about”.  After growing her own business from zero to a million dollars a year in under 19 months, Dana Wilde now teaches other entrepreneurs how to do the same.   With nearly 100,000 followers in 68 countries, Dana is the bestselling author of Train Your Brain and featured in the movies, The Abundance Factor, Dream Big, and True Prosperity, among others. Fascinated by neuroscience and the power of the mind, she affects lives daily on The Mind Aware Show, where she interviews thought leaders, brain scientists, and celebrities about how to intentionally think wealthier, happier, and healthier thoughts.  Devi and Dana discuss: How you use the brain to create what you want. The true function of the reticular activating system. The four-step process that Dana uses to train her brain and that helped her to move from zero to a million dollar a year business in under 19 months: Step One: Awareness Step Two: Decide Step Three: Talk About the Current Situation In a Way that Feels Good Step Four: Feel that Good Feeling "The problem is not the problem. The problem is that you keep thinking and talking about the problem." The Four pathways available in every situation. How the story that you are telling about an action builds your business, not the action that you are taking. Using the word “but” in your favor. The power of “positive rants”. Some great sentences to use in a “positive rant”. 72 hours until you’ll see the results. The exact phrase that Dana used to build her business: “This is the fastest growing team in the history of the company.” Why you should create a powerful mantra that feels good to you. Saying now what you would say when your goal has already been achieved. You already have everything that you need to succeed.  Getting "into" your comfort zone, rather than "out of" your comfort zone. Spirituality and Money. Why you should make a list of what is going "right" every day. and more… Connect with Dana on her website @ Get Your FREE Training from Dana @ Enjoy & Subscribe to The Mind Aware Show on iTunes @  
4/21/201841 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP 100: Celebrating 100 Episodes!

(Devi Download) This is a VERY special episode for us at the Spiritual Entrepreneur Podcast, as we share the experience of celebrating the 100th episode of our show at the Kona Kai Resort in Sunny San Diego California!  Yes - This is our Centennial episode!  Can you believe that we are already at this milestone?  Devi brought her microphone and portable show recording studio to the resort to share this special occasion with you and she is also celebrating as an “Icon of Influence” at the New Media Summit this weekend. She also shares what she has found to be two of the successful principles that have helped with publishing 100 episodes of the show.  Please let us hear from YOU over on Facebook ( or on our show blog (…  Let us know what was your very favorite episode of our first 100.  Looking forward to 100 more episodes with you! Connect with Devi on her website @  or on Facebook: And, if you would like to attend the next New Media Summit - you can get more info on the next one coming up as the details are released @
4/14/201811 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 099: Goddess Archetypes with France Barringer

In this episode, Devi chats with France Barringer about Goddess Archetypes and receives a personal Goddess Archetype Reading from France on the show. France is the founder of “The Goddess Formula ©” Institute which is designed to help a woman discover her goddess types and through that discovery, to embrace her own gifts, abilities, strengths and better understand her life challenges. Devi and France discuss: What is a Goddess Archetype and how it benefits us to connect with our Goddess Archetypes Different characteristics of Goddess Archetypes How the specific Goddess Archetypes are reflected in Devi’s life Rejuvenating yourself as a Goddess The ability to embody multiple Goddess Archetypes The beautiful reflections of the Goddess Archetypes in and through our friends How to integrate all of the different parts of us through Goddess Archetypes The use of Goddess Archetypes to activate aspects of your soul’s blueprint How you can embody more power & abundance as a woman through your Goddess Archetypes Life as our greatest teacher and more… Connect with France on her website @ Don’t miss France’s Goddess Workshop that is happening on May 5th and 6th of 2018 in San Diego, CA.  Details can be found on her website @ Email France to GET YOUR FREE GIFT (The Top 5 Secrets to Magnetize Your Inner Goddess): [email protected] More about France: France's personal story is the perfect backdrop to become a voice for the next era of the women’s evolution. She has overcome many difficulties to create a life of joy and purpose for herself.  After France experienced a deep healing and discovered the meaning of her own life's journey, she felt a greater sense of purpose by helping others. As their coach, she helps clients find empowering ways to live a more meaningful life.  In addition to being a mentor and a coach, France is a transformational author,  a Reiki healer and high-frequency channel. She is a certified hypnotherapist, a motivational speaker, and an intuitive soul reader. She is a graduate agent of conscious evolution through the Barbara Marx Hubbard Institute, she studied the process of authentic awakening with the mystic Thomas Hubl and has been initiated in the lineage of Paramahansa Yogananda.
4/6/201841 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 098: Accessing Hidden Resources & Strategies for Your Business and Life with Dr Steven Gardner

In this episode, Devi chats with Dr Steve Gardner about ”Accessing Hidden resources and strategies for your business and life”. Dr Steve, a doctor of chiropractic, is the only practitioner to obtain level 3 certification in Network Spinal Analysis in the state of Maryland and the Washington DC metropolitan area.  Internationally, he was one of the first 100 chiropractors to obtain this highest level of certification.  He has given public presentations in the principles and practice of self-healing and personal growth to diverse audiences, ranging from spiritual meditation practice groups to medical professionals at the Oncology division at National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and the Integrative Medicine Department at Kernan Hospital, University of Maryland in Baltimore. Devi and Dr Steve discuss:  Spinal gateways The 3 qualities of love that bring us into deeper connection and rapport with life The power of appreciating “the force” within you How everything inside of you is conspiring to serve you Being the peaceful observer and going where you find the most peace How to be in rapport with nature How to create peace with pain and receive it as a resource Appreciating very small increments of peace How everything in the Universe wants to be acknowledged and loved Getting to “I love you. Thank you” How to access wisdom How desperation can push away answers Steve’s spiritual practices that have helped him to be more resourceful in his business Whenever you are teaching, you are receiving How Dr Steve creates balance in his schedule The biking lifestyle Touch, movement, and respiration in rapport Transcendental Meditation The role of organization in Dr Steve's life The gift of connecting through writing things by hand Tuning into how you can gracefully cultivate your attention and more…  Resources Mentioned: The Gift of Fear Book: Somato Respiratory Integration: Connect with Dr Steve on his website Human being owner’s manual: For over 30 years, Network Spinal Analysis Care has been on the leading edge in helping people to connect to their internal resources – the intelligence and energy within for unleashing breakthroughs in personal growth and healing.  Steve Gardner, a doctor of chiropractic, is the only practitioner to obtain level 3 certification in Network Spinal Analysis in the state of Maryland and the Washington DC metropolitan area.  Internationally, he was one of the first 100 chiropractors to obtain this highest level of certification.  He has given public presentations in the principles and practice of self-healing and personal growth to diverse audiences, ranging from spiritual meditation practice groups to medical professionals at the Oncology division at National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and the Integrative Medicine Department at Kernan Hospital, University of Maryland in Baltimore. Earlier in his career, while working as a doctor’s assistant at the Maharishi Ayur-Ved Medical Center in Washington DC, Dr. Gardner began his private practice experience in Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis, shiatsu, and CranioSacral Therapy. For the past 21 years, his work has been instrumental in bringing the Network Spinal Analysis chiropractic system of care to the Washington DC Metropolitan area and Mid-Atlantic region.
3/30/201835 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 097: Dealing with Divorce as a Spiritual Entrepreneur with Rebecca Zung

In this episode, Devi chats with Rebecca Zung about "How to Deal with Divorce as a Spiritual Entrepreneur". Rebecca is a Divorce Attorney, and has been named America's Divorce Authority, and Best Lawyer in America honoree, she is also and Divorce Transformation Strategist, and author of the Bestselling book, Breaking Free: A Step by Step Guide to Achieving Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Freedom. Rebecca has appeared on numerous Television, and Radio shows including CBS, ABC Fox, Newsweek, Forbes, and more.  She lives with her husband and daughter in Southern California. Devi and Rebecca discuss: Rebecca's personal journey with divorce How to prepare for divorce The importance of changing your passwords Why you should not leave your home for an extended period of time during a divorce The impact of social media during divorce What happens to your business and your business ownership during divorce Prenuptial vs Postnuptial agreements Personal Good Will vs Enterprise Good Will  Valuation of your business Equitable Distribution vs. Community Property states Advice for what to do when you are going through a divorce with children Why you should not disparage your spouse in front of your child Parental Alienation and the impact on children  What to do if your previous partner is trying to alienate you from your child How to overcome the fears that come up with divorce What to do to protect your child when you are afraid for their safety What to do when you are in fear for your own safety Mediation vs Trial and which is better How to find a great mediator Resources to empower your child during divorce Spiritual Practices for Divorce and more…  Connect with Rebecca on her website @ www.rebeccazung.comGet her book on Amazon @ YOUR FREE GIFT: Get Your Free Divorce Survival Guide @  
3/24/201849 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 096: Authentic Branding & Why Marketing the 'Normal' Way Can Actually Sabotage Your Heart-Based Business with Julia Stege

In this episode, Devi chats with Julia Stege about Authentic Branding and Why Marketing the "Normal" Way Can Actually Sabotage Your Heart-Based Business.  Devi and Julia discuss: What Julia learned about marketing when she worked on Madison Avenue The tactics that a lot of people use in marketing that sabotage their heart-based business How to become fulfilled through your marketing rather than marketing to just "get clients" The cultural shift in attunement to the truth that makes it so important, to be honest in your marketing Julia's story of "coming out" spiritually in her business The deep relationships that you can attract by being authentically you in your brand The two types of messaging Knowing what your "visuals" say about you Putting your vibration "out there" in a way that the Universe will connect you to your ideal clients Saying what you need to say and revealing yourself through your aesthetic Integrating all of the parts of yourself in your brand The mantra questions to ask yourself in order to align yourself and to have an attractive brand How to find your "tick" statement and what makes your ideal clients "tick" Integrating your "tick" words into your offer Coming out with what makes you "weird", so your "weirdo" tribe can find you Empathizing with your client's problem  The importance of surveying your clients regularly The 2 secs that you have to get across what makes you "tick" and to let your potential client know that you understand their problem The power of beauty to hold the attention of a potential client Doing the 2-3 things that are fun, fulfilling and sustainable for you and your business on a regular basis Remembering to be yourself in your marketing and your business and more… Learn more about Julia Stege: Julia helps out-of-the-box entrepreneurs and change-makers to clarify and express their purpose through marketing that attracts their perfect customers from across the globe. Her magical realm of talent is branding and creating inspired websites for clients who are as serious about attracting divinely aligned clients online as they are about changing the world. Since 1997, hundreds of clients united in their desire to show up authentically in their marketing have worked with Julia to showcase what makes them special and distinct online. Their Wildly Attractive WebsitesTM serve as magnets that attract leads, clients, and difference-making opportunities from around the world.  Connect with Julia on her website @  Her FREE Book: Branding from the Heart How to Share Your Purpose Through Marketing That Attracts Your Tribe and Inspires a Revolution  Resources Mentioned: Jan Stringer:  You can listen to Jan's episode here. Abraham Hicks   
3/17/201845 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 095: $100K Prosperity Game

(Devi Download) Learn how to play the $100K Prosperity Game to help you to increase the flow and abundance in your life and business. Our lives are shaped by the consciousness that we have and this game will UpLevel your consciousness and you may very well find that you experience noticeable shifts in your life, as a result as well. We would love to hear from you over on Facebook ( or on our show blog (  Let us know what game you chose to play this month and what you learned and received from playing!  And, remember - Have FUN! Join us in Uplevel Club @  Use coupon code "PODCASTSPECIAL" to get over 50% off of your membership. Connect with Devi on her website @  or on Facebook:
3/9/20187 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 094: Overcoming Expectation Hangovers & Millennial Marketing with Christine Hassler

In this episode, Devi chats with Christine Hassler about Overcoming Expectation Hangovers and Millennial Marketing. Christine Hassler is the best-selling author of three books, most recently Expectation Hangover: Free Yourself From Your Past, Change your Present and Get What You Really Want.  Devi and Christine discuss: What is an Expectation Hangover The benefits of having an expectation hangover Avoiding the “Spiritual Bypass”  The importance of "releasing" vs. "recycling" our feelings Asking questions to make you curious and pull you out of your hangover Accepting "what is", learning from it, and living in a way that is self-honoring Being a student and a seeker The power and benefit of having a coach and getting support Spending less time in expectation hangovers and having them a lot less frequently The “wake up” call  Responding to the hardest moments in a way to move us forward instead of moving us back How Christine created her podcast Millennials (Ages early 20s to early 30s) and the new I Generation What makes Millineals show up as they do Generation X expectations of millennials How to work with Millennials Marketing to Millennials The Social Media platforms for Millennials The importance of video for reaching Millennials I Generation vs Millennials Generations repeating The Market sizing for each generation The evolution of consciousness Millennials The biggest mistakes that Christine sees people making in marketing to Millennials The importance of knowing which Millennials you are marketing to vs. marketing to a stereotype The importance of doing corporate research in marketing to Millennials The Spiritual Business Practices that Christine uses to create success The importance of having a great team and surveying your clients Hiring people who are different than you Leaving space in your vision and calendar for things to "come in" If it is not a “Hell Yes” it is a “Hell No” Feeling into where people are struggling and helping them to overcome it Staying in your zone of genius and delegating the rest Making yourself, your evolution and your healing a priority Being kind and gentle with yourself and more… More about Christine: Christine left her successful job as a Hollywood agent to pursue a life she could be passionate about. For over a decade, as a keynote speaker, retreat facilitator, spiritual psychologist and life coach, and host of the top-rated podcast “Over it and On With It”, she has been teaching and inspiring people around the world. Christine believes once we get out of our own way, we can show up to make the meaningful impact we are here to make. Connect with Christine on her website @ www.christinehassler.comInstagram: @ChristineHassler Facebook: @ChristineHassler Email [email protected] to get on her waitlist for being coached on her podcast. or on her podcast Over and On with It
3/2/201840 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 093: Attracting Perfect Customers with Jan Stringer

In this episode, Devi chats with Jan Stringer about Attracting Perfect Customers.  Jan is the founder of Perfect Customers, Inc.  She helps you eliminate costly mistakes and take the struggle out of reaching your business goals. Formerly a Corporate Sales Executive, Sales Manager, and VP Sales, Jan’s approach has been known to speed up her clients' results because of her keen business acumen and unique approach.  Today Jan has gained an International reputation for helping businesses to learn the art of attracting clients and customers that would be described as a perfect fit.  Devi and Jan discuss: How to identify YOUR perfect customers Jan’s 5-step signature process for attracting your perfect clients Building powerful relationships How to deal with the complaint of people not paying you on time Jan’s transition from being a VP of sales of a corporation to a successful Spiritual Entrepreneur Getting into “being-ness” in your business first, before getting into action Creating a declaration statement  "Taking attractive action and avoiding dazzling distractions" Tips on how to figure out the actions to take that are in alignment with you How to implement your Strategic Action Plan The importance of taking action, even if it is simply a baby step How often to work on your Strategic Action Plan How to be more authentically yourself when you are in a sales situation The "Zen Master of Closing Sales" Presenting your perfect client’s natural next step The Power of "Strategic Synchronicity" Attracting perfect customers online How to know if someone is a good fit for you when they walk into a room How to handle situations where a person comes to you who you perceive to not be a perfect customer for you Being the “lighthouse” in your business Not needing to be something to everyone and more… Connect with Jan on her website @ Learn more about Jan: Jan is Author of two global best-selling books, “Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity” and “BEE-ing Attraction: What Love Has to Do with Business and Marketing.” Both books are must-have guides for developing right relationships and successful, heart-centered businesses.    Jan lives in Santa Fe, NM and shares her love of business through Speaking, Private Coaching, Group Coaching &Trainings, & On-line study programs.  Jan is Founder of the Strategic Attraction™ Coaches Academy and Training, a Certification Training Program for Coaches, Trainers, Speakers, and Leaders.    
2/23/201842 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 092: The Abundance Project with Derek Rydall

In this episode, Devi chats with Derek Rydall about the Abundance Project.  Derek is part of the new generation of spiritual visionaries and thought leaders. He is the author of the #1 best-seller EMERGENCE: Seven Steps for Radical Life Change, which reveals the revolutionary principle The Law of Emergence, showing people how to tap into the pattern of perfection in any area of their life and create the right conditions for it to unfold. In his latest book, The Abundance Project, Derek presents a time-tested system for activating the Abundance Principle, which sets you free from the belief that outer conditions determine your life and shows you how to generate everything you need no matter what conditions you face.  Devi and Derek discuss: Derek's extraordinary journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship The moment of surrender that transformed his life What happens when we make anything outside of ourselves our "source" Discovering the peace of God The Abundance Principle How to create a life of abundance, regardless of the conditions that you are facing Creating out of "no thing" Hypnotic Wealth Spells and Abundance Blindspots Moving into "doing" from "being" The Core Initiation Wealth Shadows Why it is hard for heart-centered people to ask for what they want and charge what they are worth without shame, blame or apology and how to change that Debunking the myth that you can't be wealthy and successful and also really spiritual and conscious The relationship between "action" and "being" The truth about consciousness Being "in the world" and "not of it" What "spirituality" really is Developing the soul senses that will help you to perceive the "real world" The foundation of existence Living "Heaven on Earth" Replacing your "wishbone" with a "backbone" The Core principles of the Abundance Project The Great Reversal The Big Betrayal Understanding the real nature of wealth and abundance The "non-stuff" out of which all stuff is created Debunking the myth around the belief that "the love of money is the root of all evil" The 7 Wealth Activators  The role of "Circulation" in wealth The formula of Abundance Stay in the consciousness of "I have"  Saying "Yes" to your "Yes" Keep trying to outgive God and the Universe and more… Get over $1200 in FREE Gifts and his Book @ More about Derek: Derek has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies (from American Express to Disney) in empowered leadership and communications and has coached celebrities and media professionals, including Oscar and Emmy winners, on creating conscious entertainment. As a regular Huffington Post contributor, a frequent guest on many podcasts, and the host of his own top-rated Emergence podcast, Derek reveals cutting-edge spiritual principles and success strategies to achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. With his global platform, Derek has touched hundreds of thousands around the planet with his message on finding your path, living your purpose and making a powerful impact! Connect with Derek on his website @ DerekRydall.comDerek's Podcasts: Emergence and The Abundance Project Check out Derek's Book: “The Abundance Project" presents a time-tested system for activating the Abundance Principle, which sets you free from the belief that outer conditions determine your life. It empowers you to achieve your dreams from the inside-out, no matter what you’ve been through or what you’re facing.  As you apply these practices you will discover how to generate real-world abundance in every area of your life.  You’ll learn: *The real nature and source of abundance *The seven gifts that give you everything *The five most common blind spots and how to break through them *The forty-day boot camp for lasting success *And much more” Get over $1200 in FREE Gifts and his Book @
2/17/201850 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 091: The Truth About Prosperity with Ande Anderson

In this episode, Devi chats with Ande Anderson about "The Truth About Prosperity".  Ande Anderson, MS, RD, is the co-founder of AVAIYA, with her partner iKE ALLEN. AVAIYA creates positive films and courses such as The Truth About Prosperity, MPower: Empowering Women in Business & Beyond, The Tao of Quantum Physics, A Course in Miracles The Movie, and more. Devi and Ande discuss: Ande's journey from working in a job that she hated to living her dream life and how that all unfolded How Ande met her perfect life & business partner What guided her to quit her job Becoming aware of limiting thoughts that are affecting your life The disconnect that exists in the personal spiritual development space around money The importance of questioning your limiting voice in your head The three-step "Process" for bringing more prosperity into your life How things shift when you commit yourself to the "Process" Disidentifying with what you tell yourself on a daily basis Flipping your "what if's" The dance of "pushing towards" vs. "allowing" How to deal with self-sabotaging your success Busting the word "deserve" Empowering beliefs around prosperity Self-generating ways of being that attract prosperity How to embody the "beingness" of wealth VIBE Technology - "Visually Interlaced Brainwave Entrainment"  Enlightenment Village and more… Get Your Free Gift and Connect with Ande @ AVAIYA: The Truth About Prosperity free film series: It is finally HERE! Enlightenment Village has just launched this month (February 2018), which includes spiritual and personal development films, courses, meditations, a thriving community, and more. Enlightenment Village…A Community to find YOUR Truth! Enlightenment Village @ AVAIYA: More about Ande: Ande Anderson, MS, RD, is the co-founder of AVAIYA, with her partner iKE ALLEN. AVAIYA creates positive films and courses such as The Truth About Prosperity, MPower: Empowering Women in Business & Beyond, The Tao of Quantum Physics, A Course in Miracles The Movie, and more.  Other Resources Mentioned: Dana Wilde ("Bust Yourself"):
2/9/201847 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 090: Take Charge of Your Internal Currency with Martine Negro

In this episode, Devi chats with Marine Negro about how to take charge of your internal currency and stay energetically fit.  Martine has spent 30 years practicing Oriental “Mind Body Health” and has helped thousands of students understand the energetic dynamics of the human system. She is the co-founder of the Diploma of Energetic Healing at Nature Care College, co-initiator and life member of The International Energetic Healing Association, and president of The Dowsers Society of NSW. Devi and Martine discuss: Energetic interior design Decluttering your internal energetic system Raising your energetic currency How to get connected to your body Using your body as a realization mechanism for your subconscious How to move out of chronic illness How your energetic patterns can affect your business The importance of clearing old energy patterns to be present in your life and business CEO as a "Chief Energy Officer" Shifting your energy to shift your finances How to know if you have stuck energy that needs to be cleared The power of our words over our body Processing and shifting energy in the moment Practicing "tuning in" on the "easy things" first The importance of checking in with your heart Witnessing every experience as spiritual training How to know when you are in your full power and more… Connect with Martine on her website @ More about Martine: Originally born in France, Martine always felt she was an explorer. She started by exploring the world, traveling to many countries, before settling in Australia, and discovering the even more amazing inner (and outer) world of Energy through the study of Oriental medicine. Since then, she has been exploring the magical field of Mind-Body Energetics through the ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine (Australia, China), Shiatsu and Oki Yoga (Japan), Bowen therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Au), Imagery, Energetic Radiance Stress Management (USA), Thought Field Therapy/Emotional Freedom Technique, Focusing technique (Au), training also in the Science of Intuition with C. Myss (USA), Dowsing with multiple teachers, and as a Divine Healing Hands practitioner with Dr Sha. She has also studied esoteric wisdom for 13 years with the late Dr. Groves who was able to link nature and science to spiritual laws and truths. Through the synergy of ancient wisdom and the latest quantum physics researchers, Martine believes we can establish a true “HEALTH” care system in which every person can re-empower his or herself through energetic management, and fully engage with their practitioners in the process of returning to wellness.
2/3/201842 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 089: Everyday Enlightenment with iKE ALLEN

In this episode, Devi chats with iKE ALLEN about Everyday Enlightenment. iKE is an Enlightenment Coach, Seminar Leader, and the founder of AVAIYA. AVAIYA creates positive films and courses such as The Truth About Prosperity, The Tao of Quantum Physics, A Course in Miracles The Movie, Leap! A Quantum Awakening, and more.  Devi and iKE discuss: Everyday Enlightenment, defined "Universal" truth and how it is affected by perception How Perception creates reality Asking the enlightening question of "What is my truth?" "The Process" to enlightenment Taking inspired action in alignment with your truth "The longest journey back to the place you never left" How to know what your truth is The importance of tuning into the body Everyday Enlightenment in daily business activities How interpretations affect reality The role of money in Everyday Enlightenment How to use "the process" on the topic of money  Why ask "Why?"  The truth and transformation in "What is" Helping others with their "process" Planting the seeds for future change Doing what is best for others in business Divine inspiration  "The Holy Trinity" of Intellect, Inspiration, and Intuition iKE's transition from the restaurant business into the media industry Putting "I" in the back of the bus and letting divinity drive A typical day living "Everyday Enlightenment" Flexible time freedom vs. unlimited time freedom Getting present to "what is" in your business and staying present to it and moving forward and more... Watch Your FREE "Vibe" Films HERE Connect with iKE on his website @ and Learn about Enlightenment Village HERE Resources Mentioned:Gay and Katie Hendricks Mike Dooley Gary Crowly Dana WildeJoe Vitale
1/24/201846 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 088: Outsourcing with Mary Boisselle

In this episode, Devi chats with Mary Boisselle about Outsourcing to grow a successful business and to allow time to focus on what you love. Mary has been providing professional personal assistant, concierge, and organization services to her clients for over 20+ years. Mary shares how she has set up her business and how she works with her clients to create a successful outsourcing relationship. Devi and Mary discuss: Identifying what to outsource The Myth of Time Management Mary’s system for setting your low, medium and high priorities When to start outsourcing your business How to phase into outsourcing  Creating a hierarchical outsourcing team The peace of mind that comes from having a team that you trust The importance of creating a powerful team relationship Finding great people to help you in your business Hiring "local" vs "virtual" Bringing people on who do what they love to do Communicating with your team remotely How to manage multiple projects at once Multitasking Spiritual practices for attracting your team and clients The importance of releasing control and surrendering to your good Saying “yes” to the opportunities that come Connecting with your own inner wisdom, using a pendulum Making time to feel your breath Trusting and allowing and more… Resources Mentioned: EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) & Carol Look: Learn more about Mary: Mary Boisselle is a creator, connector and get-it-done kind of person.  She’s been providing professional personal assistant, concierge and organization services to her clients for over 20+ years.  Busy executives, successful professionals and families in the Seattle area and nationwide rely on Mary and her team to help make their lives run smoothly.  She has a passion for connecting with people, a commitment to excellence of service, and is a creative problem-solver extraordinaire.  Mary’s mission is to educate and support her clients in creating a life they enjoy by well-managing their priorities and projects.  Finding that there really is more than enough time to get it all done and Enjoy Life! Connect with Mary on her website @ Facebook: By Email: [email protected]  (30-minute free consultation)
1/20/201838 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 087: The Samurai Code with Lori Tsugawa Whaley

In this episode, Devi chats with Lori Tsugawa Whaley about the Samurai Code and how to apply it to Spiritual Entrepreneurship. Lori is a third generation Japanese American and a descendant of the Samurai Warrior.  Devi and Lori discuss: How she came to know her Samurai Heritage The history of the Samurai The principles of the Samurai Surviving Traumatic Brain Injury The Samurai spirit of never giving up The special diet that is recommended for traumatic brain injury The practices that Lori has used to heal her brain from TBI Business processes that Lori uses to manage TBI Applying the Code of Bushido to Spiritual Entrepreneurship Interesting Japanese historical facts Japanese cultural practices in business Lori's mother's legacy of "Try your hardest, do your best, never give up and go for broke. There is always a way." and more… Connect with Lori on her website @ By Email: [email protected] By Phone: +1 253-318-3768 On Facebook On YouTubeHer book: The Courage of a Samurai: Seven Sword-Sharp Principles for Success Resources Mentioned: Brian HQ: Clinic and Dr. Amen: Stones Coffee in Seattle, WA: More about Lori: A third-generation Japanese American and a descendant of the Samurai Warrior, Lori Tsugawa Whaley is an inspirational speaker on a mission to empower others to reach their God-given potential, no matter their path, heritage, or circumstances. Whether she is inspiring prison inmates at the local correctional facility to create better lives, empowering women business owners at Money Wise Women conferences to honor their financial resources, or addressing business executives at the Project Management Institute to celebrate cultural diversity, Lori Tsugawa Whaley captivates attention and compels listeners to live inspired, purposeful lives of powerful contribution that extend far beyond the day to day realities of commerce. Growing up in a predominately Caucasian farming community, Lori struggled with being different.  She channeled her unrest into tireless research and curiosity to study and embrace her Japanese heritage.  Today, she models the ways of the Samurai Warrior with every story she tells and every move she makes.  Without judgment and with a full heart, she lives the principles of honor, courage, benevolence, rectitude, honesty, honor, and loyalty, while inspiring others to do the same. Having endured and painstakingly continuing to recover from not one, but two auto collisions, Lori’s resilience has been strongly tested.  It is one thing to model the ways of the Samurai Warrior in good times.  It is another thing to do so after being diagnosed with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), endure years of rehabilitation, and now is a TBI survivor.  Her compassion to guide others through tough times is informed by her own journey to regain wellness against demanding odds.
1/12/201846 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 086: Get Your Book Done with Christine Kloser

In this episode, Devi chats with Christine Kloser about how to "Get Your Book Done". Christine is an international speaker on the topic of transformational authorship, and transformational leadership. She is the founder of the Transformational Author Experience, and author of thirteen books, including the best-selling and award-winning books, Conscious Entrepreneurs, The Freedom Formula, Pebbles In The Pond and Get Your Book Done. Devi and Christine discuss: The "Transformation Quadrant" and how you can use it to map out your book SELF (Upper Left): What is the transformation that you want for yourself through your book? READER (Bottom Left): What is the transformation that you want for your reader? BUSINESS (Upper Right): What is the transformation that you want for your business? WORLD: (Bottom Right): What is the transformation that you want your book to have in the world? The success secret of writing your book for only one person The Three Big "Whys" Why are you writing the book? Why you? Why now? Your Life is a roadmap leading to the destination of your book Creating your book’s North star by writing your back cover copy, first: Who is your book for? How are you going to help them? What kinds of a result are you going to deliver? What may be possible in their life, from reading the book? What goes on the back of your book: Headline Descriptive Paragraphs Bullet points Short Author Bio Endorsements Writing your dream endorsements How to get endorsements How to utilize endorsements to help your book popularity on your Amazon page, your website, and press releases Self-publishing, hybrid publishing, vs. traditional publishing What traditional publishers are looking for in new authors The difference between “available in bookstores” and “in bookstores” What happens if your book doesn’t fly off of the shelves in a bookstore after it is published How to leverage your book, as a speaker How to use your book to build your list Inviting the reader to take the "next step" with you Creating a simple companion to your book The importance of not making your book look like an advertisement Sharing success stories in your book Coming from a place of service How long it typically takes to write and publish a book How to brainstorm and organize your book with index cards and a spreadsheet The importance of trusting that part of you that is deeper than reason, that doesn’t need approval, that knows what you know what you know, even if it goes against the grain. and more… Learn More about Christine: A master facilitator and trainer on discovering your core message, writing your transformational book, and making a difference as a leader in the world, Christine has trained 70,000 writers in more than 125 countries. Christine facilitates her premier My Time to Write author mentorship program for members around the world, teaches her signature Get Your Book Done program online to thousands, and facilitates transformational writing retreats throughout the year... including fabulous destinations like Costa Rica, and Tulum, Mexico! Connect with Christine on her website @ ChristineKloser.comGet her aspiring author action guide @ freegiftfromchristine.comReach out with inquiries to [email protected] On Facebook: @ ChristineKloserFanPage On YouTube: @ Resources Mentioned:The Freedom Formula: How to Put Soul In Your Business and Money in Your Bank  by Christine Kloser The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
1/6/201849 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 085: Creating a Powerful New Year in 2018

(Devi Download) Creating a Powerful New Year in 2018: When we transition from one year to the next, it is a great time to pause and consciously complete the old and create the new.  In this episode, Devi shares with you a practice that she loves to do this time of year to help you to create your new year 2018, powerfully! We would love to hear from you over on Facebook ( or on our show blog ( about what you discovered in 2017 and what you are creating for yourself in 2018! If you haven’t been added yet, please join our new Spiritual Entrepreneur Facebook Community Connect with Devi on her website @ or on the podcast show site @ Resources Mentioned: Get your FREE Audio Download of Closing out 2017 and Creating 2018 Powerfully:  
12/29/201711 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode 084: The Life-transforming Power of Forgiveness with Dean Smith

In this episode, Devi chats with Dean Smith about the life-transforming power of forgiveness.  Dean is a forgiveness expert and Certified Life & Leadership Coach. He was the subject of an award-winning documentary (Live To Forgive) that chronicles his journey from the debilitating murder of his mother to the monumental breakthroughs that have uniquely prepared him to teach and inspire audiences around the nation.  If you are dealing with an area of your life, where you are holding bitterness, resentment or non-forgiveness, this is an episode that you don’t want to miss. Devi & Dean discuss...  Dean's life-transforming journey of forgiveness Being adopted by a loving pastor after his mom died Dealing with addiction to drugs and alcohol Going to the very “bottom” to look “up” The moment of choice when Dean decided to forgive The gift of knowing that "You’ll never live in the fullness of your God-given potential until you have made forgiveness a priority" "Unshackling" from pain and bitterness The different aspects of forgiveness The significance of the last few moments before you go to sleep What is available in the absence of bitterness and non-forgiveness What Dean said to his mother’s killer when he spoke to him upon his release from jail (this may surprise you) The making of the documentary "Live to Forgive" One of the amazing conversations that took place when Dean met up with his mom’s murderer in person for the first time The two things that Dean did that started him down the path of forgiveness Making a choice, speaking it, and asking for help The freedom that comes from "making the choice to keep making the choice"  How bitterness and unforgiveness are like cyanide to your soul, keeping you from your full potential The new possibility that “I can forgive anyone, for anything” The two things that neuroscience has discovered that will move your brain most powerfully and how to use them to assist you in forgiveness: the words that you speak the pictures that you make in your mind Powerful steps towards forgiveness Why it is not always practical or appropriate to reconcile with the person that you choose to forgive How choosing to be a loving person doesn’t mean that you don’t have boundaries anymore Dean's journey of self-forgiveness Choosing to be a "victor" vs. a "victim" Taking the hardships of your life and turning them into a blessing for others and more…  Connect with Dean on his website @ On Facebook: YouTube: To receive your FREE Gift from Dean text YEP to 38470 If you are outside of the US:  Email YEP to [email protected] More About Dean: With a diverse and extraordinary background in professional sports, entrepreneurialism, and high-end sales, Dean has dedicated his life through ministry, executive coaching and as a keynote speaker to transform and empower leaders to live and perform with passion and purpose. He is the founder/director of Live To Forgive Ministries and the President of Dean Smith Consulting Group, LLC. In addition to earning a Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership, Dean was given the highly coveted, ‘Class Clown’ award his senior year of high school.
12/22/201748 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 083: Intuitive Art with Rachel Archelaus

In this episode, Devi chats with Rachel Archelaus about Intuitive Art and How to Have a Two-Way Conversation with Your Higher Self. Rachel is the founder of the Intuitive Art Academy where she teaches people how to have a two-way conversation with their intuition. She is an internationally known spiritual teacher and business mentor to lightworkers.  Devi and Rachel discuss: How to have a two-way conversation with your higher self How to create Intuitive Art Decoding your color meanings in Intuitive Art The types of questions that you can answer through Intuitive Art The importance of being in complete alignment with your higher self How to use Intuitive Art to set up your launch, freebie opt-in, or email sequence Using intuitive art to find your tone and message for your copy Attracting Leads with Intuitive Art Using Intuitive Art to create your day in a more fun way Using your Intuitive Art to prioritize your business Knowing how to recognize if something is aligned with your higher self or not Trusting yourself as the best expert on yourself Turning up the volume on your inner world through feeling-based meditation How intuition is the "first voice" that answers your questions How to make tapping into your intuition a habit The importance of putting yourself into "feeling good" to enhance your business and life Choosing ease When your biggest impact happens and more… Connect with Rachel on her website @ On Facebook On YouTube On Twitter More about Rachel: Rachel Archelaus is an internationally known spiritual teacher, artist, and business mentor. She is the founder of the Intuitive Art Academy which teaches people how to have a two-way conversation with their Higher Selves in an easy, creative way. The Certified Intuitive Artist program helps healers, therapists, and coaches to create a lucrative & impactful business by using Intuitive Art with their clients. Rachel is the co-host of Soulfullpreneur Radio and the host of the Intuitive Art Show. In 2008 she also founded Sephyrus Press which publishes poetry and self-help. Rachel is also the first visual artist to have performed at the ZMR Music Awards. Rachel grew up seeing angels and talking with her spirit guides so she has always known that there is more to this world than what meets the eye. Her connection to the spirit world has shown her first hand that creating the life you want is more energetic than linear. Rachel’s core teaching is to align with the Higher Self to manifest your desired life because that is the part of us that creates our reality. Her approach may be far from mainstream, but her clients will tell you that it works.  
12/16/201733 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 082: Doubling Your Business with Cassie Parks

In this episode, Devi chats with Cassie Parks about Doubling Your Business. Cassie Parks is a 7x best-selling author in the areas of business and money. She's coached thousands through her program to attract more money and amp up their money mindsets. Cassie retired at 32 by leveraging her money mindset and real estate investing. She helps her clients turn their wildest dreams into dreams come true. Her books include, Manifest $10,000 and Double Your Business. When Cassie isn't supporting her clients, she acts, is an improviser, writes fiction and enjoys spending time with those she loves. Devi and Cassie discuss: Getting clarity on your soul’s income intention Dealing with resistance to your income goals Allocating your future earnings in advance "Pre-paving" your financial future energetically Scripting your best future Reverse engineering your best future from where you are now Noticing where what you desire already exists Mentorship by your future self Rewiring your brain in 3 days Cassie's client that doubled her business in ten days with two emails Letting "her" (your future self) come out to play Decision making as your future self Looking at how your future self "showed up" every week Learning how to hear your future self's voice vs. your current self’s voice The one word that will differentiate between your current self's voice and the voice of your future self What to do when your future self is telling you to do something uncomfortable Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable Practicing the “trust” muscle Experiencing growing pains as you develop into your future self The importance of community Introducing yourself as your future self in community How to script How long to script for each week Scripting as if you had lived your ideal future for years Why you should repeatedly script the same day of your life  The benefits of scripting vs. visualization How to script if you don’t believe you are a writer Living life fully here on the planet Owning how you want to show up in life Moment by moment spirituality Empowering beliefs around money Finding examples of where people use money to do good Growing your money through Real Estate How your numbers, inspiration, and intention all play together with investing in Real Estate Finding your “sweet spot” How the story you tell today is the life you live tomorrow and more… Connect with Cassie on her website @ Find out your Money Story (FREE GIFT) @ Cassie’s Books: Manifest $10,000: Learn How to Manifest 10,000 by Using the Law of Attraction and Improving Your Money Mindset: Money Mindset for a Champagne Life: Money Management That Focuses On Investing In Your Happiness And Creating A Budget To Attract Abundance: Choose Me: Marketing to Serve: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Marketing to Your Ideal Client and Making Money with Heart and Authenticity: Lifestyle Design for a Champagne Life: Find Out Why the Law of Attraction Isn't Working, Learn the Secret to Lifestyle Design, and Make Your Dream a Reality: Investing Secrets for a Champagne Life: Get Started Investing In Real Estate, Create Cash Flow With A Passive Income Stream, And Design A Plan For Early Retirement: Double Your Business: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Double Your Profits Without Doubling Your Hours so You Can Actually Enjoy Your Life:
12/9/201742 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 081: Using Your Psychic Gifts in Business with Emma Perry

In this episode, Devi chats with Emma Perry about awakening to and using your psychic gifts in business.  Emma is a holistic accountant from London.  She balances the books of businesses, as well as the books of the body, mind, heart, and soul. Devi and Emma discuss: Letting go of the life that you have created for your true calling Emma's life-transforming car accident How Emma's spiritual gifts opened up to her The Conscious Networkers  Emma's new mission of raising Star Children The three groups of people in the world The importance of having mentors "Waking up" and getting support The training that Emma went through with her spiritual teachers Emma’s definition of success Following the light and the highest vibration and intention The 6 stages of creating a purposeful business How to utilize your spiritual gifts every day Checking in with the spirit world Meeting soul family at Starbucks The origination of the Soul Stars Practices for bringing your psychic gifts into your business Balancing your body, mind, heart, and soul Communicating with your physical body Preparing for important meetings and being present Where Emma receives her clearest guidance Channeling from Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, & Emma’s Soul Husband Doing what you Love Why people don’t do their purpose The importance of trusting yourself How to fully trust yourself and more… Connect with Emma on her website @ Resources Mentioned:Landmark Forum: More about Emma: Emma was born in London, and studied psychology at The University of Birmingham from 2002 to 2005. In 2006 she left psychology behind to become a chartered accountant so that she could create a financially secure life for her self. In 2009 she qualified and headed off to live in the USA, where she worked with Harvard Business School on a project in counter-terrorism analysis. Whilst living in the USA she began to feel that she was not in alignment with herself, but had no idea of how to deal with these feelings of being lost. So in March 2010, she asked her mother to come and visit. During her mother's visit, Emma was driving them to New Mexico, when she had a car accident in the depths of the Mojave desert. This was a freak accident in which Emma watched her mother die. Emma promised that she would use the pain of the accident to live a life where she would help the world. It took her a long time to realize how this would come to fruition, and so she had several attempts at trying to build a life that was meaningful.  Her first attempt was to find meaning by becoming a business analyst where she worked at Fitch Ratings in the leveraged finance department. Three years into her new career she had encountered a few roadblocks, including being hit by a car and suffering two mental breakdowns.  It was after the second breakdown that she went on sick leave and decided to set up a chartered accountancy practice with the tagline: modern accountants, with old-fashioned values. This was her attempt to do good in the world by changing the way business was conducted, especially in light of all that she had witnessed in the financial services arena. She found that she enjoyed the freedom of not having a boss, but was soon to fall into a depression once she realized that the freedom alone was not enough to bring her fulfillment. In the summer of 2017, she realized that she was not achieving the promise that she had made in the desert seven years earlier. She decided she would sell her flat and go traveling around the world, working as a holistic accountant, and expanding The Conscious Networkers.  She now uses her psychic gifts throughout all of her work in order to create a life where she is fully aligned with all that she is meant to be, in order that she can be fully balanced in her body, mind, heart, and soul. It is this holistic approach that she has used to give birth to The Conscious Networkers.
12/2/201745 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 080: Sharing Your Story on Video with Debbie Brodsky

In this episode, Devi chats with Debbie Brodsky about How you can share your story on video.  Debbie is the founder of DMB Pictures, a boutique video production company specializing in producing broadcast-quality personal stories for businesses, non-profits, and families. Brodsky, a three-time Emmy Award-winning television producer with more than 25 years of experience, focused much of her early career in public television, working for South Carolina ETV (PBS), WETA (PBS), and MHz NETWORKS. Her many years of professional interviews have included such notables as Senator John McCain, Bob Dole, Tiger Woods, and former Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig. In addition to the many documentary-style films she has produced for families and family foundations, she has also worked with several nonprofits and businesses, including Johns Hopkins Medicine (Suburban & Sibley Hospitals), Federal Realty, and the National Association of Broadcasters. With her company DMB Pictures, she enjoys helping people get to the heart of their story and feel comfortable while telling it.  Devi and Debbie discuss: The process Debbie takes her clients through to draft their story How Debbie helps her clients to feel more comfortable on video The questions that Debbie asks to help people share their story Reaching multiple "avatars" through your video Tips for powerfully branding through video The best colors to wear on video  Things not to wear when doing video The importance of having a nice background Sitting vs. Standing in video How to position yourself in your space to show up as your best What to expect to spend on a well-done video of your business story How to repurpose your video for multiple purposes What format of video you need for different mediums How to prepare for sharing your story on video When to “hire out“ video and when to “do it yourself” Being authentic when you share your story DIY Equipment options Filming outdoors vs indoors Adjusting the “auto settings” on your camera What types of microphone you need for good video How to trick out your iPhone for “do it yourself” video Leaving your legacy through video The importance of follow-up in creating success and more… Connect with Debbie on her website @ On Facebook: On Twitter: On LinkedIn: Resources Mentioned: Gif: Daylight CRM:
11/25/201749 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 079: Love-Based Copywriting with Michele PW

In this episode, Devi chats with Michele PW about Love-Based Copywriting for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Michele PW (Pariza Wacek) is the best-selling author of the "Love-Based Business" series of books that share how to sell more with love and build a solid, profitable business on a foundation of love. In addition, she owns a copywriting and marketing company along with writing and publishing fiction. Devi and Michele discuss: Direct Response Copy Selling yourself "one to many" through copy Love-Based Copy vs Fear-Based Copy What emotions to tap into to persuade someone Why some marketing feels inauthentic and slimy The steps to take to persuade someone through your marketing How to identify your ideal client The difference between an ideal client vs. niche or target market How to connect with your ideal client The things we do to avoid pain in our lives Feeling our fear-based emotions for healing Why fear-based marketing can cause buyer’s remorse The reason why fear-based marketing strategies are not working anymore Knowing your mindset and your “come from” The importance of "coming from" abundance in your copy and marketing Exercises to help you to shift your fear-based emotions Your public authentic persona and voice vs. your personal persona and when to use each one What is important to know about long page sales letters What people need in order to make a decision The delivery mediums for love-based copy Rituals that Michele uses for writing books & copy Writing out who your ideal client is How to get into a mindset of abundance before writing your copy and more… Connect with Michele PW on her website @ To grab your free book "How to Start a Business You Love & That Loves You Back," visit Enjoy episodes of Michele’s podcast, Love-Based Money @
11/18/201737 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 078: Facebook Marketing Success Strategy with Mari Smith

In this episode, Devi chats with Mari Smith about Facebook Marketing Success Strategy.  Mari often referred to as “the Queen of Facebook,” is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on Facebook marketing and social media.  This episode is one that you will want to listen to over and over again.  It is chock full of great tips to help you to grow your business and reach, through Facebook marketing. Devi & Mari discuss: Why you should not use the Facebook Boost Button for more than 10% of your ad budget How you can use Messenger to grow your list, through Many Chat Apps that you can use to create your own Facebook TV station & to deliver great training The Future of Facebook What metrics matter when it comes to growing your business on Facebook Why you shouldn’t automatically increase post frequency when your engagement is low What types of posts perform best on Facebook Personal Profiles vs. Business Pages: when and how to use both What percentage of organic reach you can expect from your business Facebook page How to best schedule your social media posts Mari’s favorite apps for Facebook Live and Video Mari’s personal social media posting sequence that she uses in her business The latest announcement about Facebook Live Producer What percentage of repeat visits you can expect from your business page likes How you can create and use Facebook Ad Breaks The latest upgrades to the Facebook Desktop Live App How to turn your profile picture into a video Why you should adapt to video in your Facebook marketing now The importance of FOCUS and Outsourcing for growing your business Proxy metrics and which metrics matter most The impact of scheduling your Facebook Live posts on your post reach Mari’s secret formula for getting the most out of your posts and ads The role of spirituality in Mari’s business What to do if you have a limited budget and limited time to get started with Facebook and more… More About Mari: Often referred to as “the Queen of Facebook,” Mari Smith is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on Facebook marketing and social media. She is a Forbes’ Top Social Media Power Influencer, author of The New Relationship Marketing and coauthor of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day. Forbes recently described Mari as, “Probably the preeminent Facebook expert. Even Facebook asks for her help.” She is a recognized Facebook Partner; Facebook headhunted and hired Mari to lead the Boost Your Business series of live events across the US. Mari is an in-demand speaker and travels the world to keynote and train at major events. Her digital marketing agency provides professional speaking, training and consulting services on Facebook and Instagram marketing best practices for Fortune 500 companies, brands, SMBs and direct sales organizations. Mari is also an expert webinar and live video broadcast host, and she serves as Brand Ambassador for numerous leading global companies. Connect with Mari on her website @ MariSmith.comOn Facebook: Twitter: @Mari_smith Mari’s Inner Circle: Mari Gear List for Facebook Live: The Mari Method Article: Hooking up Manychat with Zapier: Resources Mentioned: Brené Brown: Video: Animate: Spark: Questhaven: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative: DISC: Myer’s Briggs: Ecamm Live: Wirecast: BeLive: Gotowebinar: Zoom: Live Producer: Facebook Pages Manager App: Facebook Ad Breaks: Facebook Ads Manager: Manychat: Planner:  
11/10/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 077: Power Partners

(Devi Download) Power Partners: If you are finding it difficult to grow your business or to find your perfect clients or you are doing it all yourself and realizing that some of what you are delivering in your business is not what you are wanting to offer…  Power Partners can really help! We would love to hear from you over on Facebook ( or on our show blog ( about your experience with Power Partners and any tips that you have on how to find the right ones. Remember, success in business is never achieved solo.   
11/4/20177 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 076: Building Community & Increasing Productivity Through Music with Erin Guinup

In this episode, Devi chats with Erin Guinup about building community and increasing productivity through music. Erin Guinup is a singer, voice teacher, speaker, and conductor and the founder and conductor of the Tacoma Refugee Choir. She is passionate about uniting communities with music and helping us to find common ground as a human race. Devi and Erin discuss: * The Tacoma Refugee Project * Empowering and building community through music * How music can heal communities and find common ground and collective mission * Music, the international language * The need to express ourselves and be heard * Finding and feeling safe with your voice * Finding harmony in a group setting and bringing people together * The myth that you can not sing * There is no “wrong” in singing unless you are not doing it * Watching for our strengths and sharing who we are authentically with our voice * Finding the courage to follow your calling * Not making our message about ourselves * The spiritual process that Erin went through to create the Tacoma Refugee Project * Pursuing the thing that will make the biggest difference, even if it seems hardest * How to step into a project that is outside of your current tools and resources * Building out a non-profit * When it is time the pieces come together and the opportunities present themselves * The impact of music on the mind and our neural health * The chemicals that are released in our brain when we sing * How these chemicals assist in motivation and trust * How singing can assist us in enhanced productivity * Studies that link singing to innovation * The benefits of taking regular singing breaks throughout the day * How you can lower your stress hormones * How getting past judging our voice correlates with quieting our inner voice that keeps us from sharing who we are in the world * How to get over self judgement around your voice * When to focus on the technical development of your voice and when to throw it out the window * How singing is about expressing an idea in your body * Feeling the energy in your body as you sing * What happens to our energy when we are nervous and self conscious * Radiating your energy out when you are singing and sharing your voice * Being our true selves and how what we think may be ugly can become our strength both physically and in our voice * Where the voice lives in the body * Voice as a whole body experience or it is not a complete sound * Where the power of the voice resides in the body * Getting present with music * Erin’s Why We Sing Podcast * Expressing the voice of your heart and connecting with other people through your voice * How singing brings us back to our core humanity and counteract the negative impacts of technology and vitreal in the world * How to bring more music into your life * Paying attention to how music moves you * Connections to how music helps with Altzeimers * The benefits of Heavy Metal music, if you love it * Finding a way to connect with your whole self and more… Connect with Erin on her website @ Refugee Choir Site: Resources Mentioned: Everyone Has a Song: TedX: Simon Sinek “Start with Why” More about Erin: Erin Guinup is a singer, voice teacher, speaker, and conductor. As a classically-trained soprano, Erin Guinup has performed a wide range of operatic and musical theatre repertoire with ensembles including Tacoma Opera, Northwest Repertory Singers, Ensign Symphony and Tacoma Concert Band. Her one-woman show “The Ladies of Lyric and Song: Female Composers and Lyricists of the American Musical Theatre” has been performed internationally and praised as “an amazing tour-de-force." Her voice students have appeared on Broadway, regional musical theatre and operatic stages and TV’s The Voice, American Idol and America’s Got Talent. She teaches masterclasses internationally, hosts the “Why We Sing” podcast, and speaks on musical topics, including the neuroscience of singing and how music can change history. Erin is the founder and conductor of the Tacoma Refugee Choir, produces Community Sing-alongs and is a vocal proponent of bringing people together through singing. She directed the world premiere of Mark Mitchell and Orson Scott Card’s He is There and conducts annual performances of Rob Gardner's Lamb of God. Her Musically Spoken workshops share the practical benefits of improving our voice with doctors, teachers and leaders at companies such as Amazon and Honeywell. Erin is Passionate about uniting communities with music and helping us to find common ground as a human race.
10/28/201744 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 075: Manifesting Your Inner Freedom, Outwardly with the "Naked Pastor" David Hayward

In this episode, Devi chats with David Hayward about David's journey from pastor to blogger and cartoonist and how to manifest your inner freedom, outwardly. David left the professional paid clergy after almost 30 years of ministry and has created a successful career as a cartoonist, writer, and blogger of the well-known blog, the nakedpastor.  And, in case you are wondering - "the Naked Pastor" does, in fact, wear clothes.  It is not about being physically naked, but rather being fully seen for who you are. David is passionate about how people can find and follow their own spiritual path with courage and joy, as well as in how people can freely gather and form community in healthy ways. Devi and David discuss: The human desire to be free David’s winding journey through ministry What drew David into ministry, to begin with The dream that David had in May of 2009, that led him to leave the ministry What divides us from seeing oneness How David made the big transition to leave the ministry The pressure to stay in the church Dealing with the beliefs that you have when you leave the church The trauma of learning to live in the “real world” post leaving the church Losing your faith without losing your mind Making the leap into a new vocation that has deep meaning David’s 21 year long daily cartooning practice How David created and grew his successful blog, the Naked Pastor The spiritual practices that David does on a regular basis to open up to his creative work The power of daily perseverance How to unify our global perspectives & language around God Where the problems begin in communicating about God The layer that transcends our differences The bridging power of metaphor and story Bridging conflicting ideologies in the world with the current political climate Speaking truth with compassion Spiritual practices to increase empathy Dealing with blocks to your creativity The need to manifest our inner freedom, outwardly How to deal with the fear of stepping into something new and expressing yourself creatively How to deal with “haters” online Remembering that “it is about the work” When to “block” someone online To niche or not to niche What is most creatively inspiring The importance of doing your creativity every day You can’t keep putting out something of value into the Universe, without a positive return in time and more… More about David: David Hayward is the founder of the Naked Pastor blog and has over 30 years professional pastoral experience.  David was baptized Anglican as a baby, came to faith in a Baptist church when he was a teenager, changed to Pentecostal in his late teens, married another Pentecostal named Lisa, was ordained Presbyterian, pastored a Vineyard church, went Independent, and planted others. He has a Masters in Theological Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, as well as a Diploma in Religious Studies and Ministry from McGill University in Montreal. In 2010 David left the professional paid clergy after almost 30 years of ministry. He is passionate about how people can find and follow their own spiritual path with courage and joy, as well as in how people can freely gather and form community in healthy ways.  He helps people deconstruct without the self-destruct. He helps people lose their faith without losing their minds. He helps people undress their religion to the core essence of their own unique spirituality. He calls this spiritual independence. David started this blog called nakedpastor in 2006, and initiated his public undressing of religion, religious community and spirituality through his writings, art, and cartoons. Thousands of people are challenged and entertained by nakedpastor every day. In 2012, he launched The Lasting Supper, an online resource site and community for spiritually independent people to help themselves to companionship and support for their spiritual journeys. It's like nakedpastor's small group. His art, cartoons, writings, and books have found their way all around the world, and he coaches people who want spiritual freedom from everywhere. Connect with David: On his website @ On Facebook @ Resources Mentioned: Questions Are The Answer: on Amazon
10/21/201759 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 074: Creating & Establishing Healthy Boundaries with Erin McDonald

In this episode, Devi chats with Erin McDonald about Creating and Establishing Healthy Boundaries in your life and business as a spiritual entrepreneur.  Erin is an international life and business coach, obsessed with transformation - both her own and that of her incredible clients.  She has a course called “6 Weeks to Better Boundaries” and she shares some of her expert boundary advice with us in this episode.  Devi and Erin discuss: How to establish healthy boundaries in your business The impact of not setting healthy boundaries How to have difficult conversations around boundaries Knowing the intended outcome behind your boundary conversation How to communicate when you are ending a relationship with a client Owning your part of a relationship “Being messy and cleaning things up later” What to do when people choose to test your boundaries How Erin sets boundaries around personal time with her kids Powerful agreements that create powerful relationships Choosing the relationships that we want to have Creating the space for your “why” Letting go of the desire to multitask Reverse engineering your business from the lifestyle that you want to create Setting office hours Not trying to “mom” and “work” at the same time Putting your phone in the drawer Setting boundaries around work/life balance Creating dedicated time to “fill back up” and have personal self-care Using a scheduler, like Acuity Scheduling “Book it” to make it happen Creating clarity around who you are willing to work within your business Setting boundaries in the beginning of the relationship and only working with the people that you are here to serve Creating powerful copy and branding that comes from you being yourself Not allowing your branding to create a barrier between you and your ideal clients Being delighted in being yourself Moving from “It is not personal, it’s business” to “It is not business, it is personal” How to set boundaries in the online space The need for both boundaries and blurred lines Knowing “who you are for” and “who you are not for” How to find your own voice in your copy by sharing what you like Using copy to automatically set the boundaries around who you want to work with How humor is such an underrated tool in spirituality Be curious about what is interesting for you and always assume that someone will find it interesting, fun or inspirational The number one boundary that Erin set in her business and life that made the most difference for her Acting on the red flags that you are overlooking Watching out for the victim mentality The importance of keeping going and not settling Why “clumsy grace” and more… Connect with Erin on her website @ On Facebook: More about Erin: Erin is an international life and business coach, obsessed with transformation - both her own and that of her incredible clients, also tacos.  When she’s not coaching the funniest, most creative, purpose-filled, biggest-hearted-bad-asses on the planet earth, she enjoys parenting her two hilarious kids and wife-ing it up with her rad subbed.  She considers herself a kitchen dance party enthusiast and is a self-proclaimed whack-a-mole champion.  She believes that most success comes from mindset, that coaching creates miracles, that relief is an underrated emotion, and that Happy Potter’s birthday should be a national holiday. Resources Mentioned:Acuity Scheduling for scheduling Get Rich, Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield-Thomas
10/13/201745 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 073: Creating Wealth & Attracting Clients Automatically with Jeanna Gabellini

In this episode, Devi chats with Jeanna Gabellini about creating wealth and attracting clients automatically.  Jeanna is a Master Business Coach who makes it effortless and exciting for spiritual entrepreneurs to attract all the clients they want without doing more, working more, or marketing more.  Devi and Jeanna discuss: The Flow of Money Money Beliefs and the Cashflow Game Playing for “more than enough” How Jeanna helps her clients make more money & attract clients automatically How to set your money goals in a way that "opens you up", rather than "shuts you down" How Jeanna created clients without a website when she started out Focussing on the potential client in front of you The two things that Jeanna does to attract her own clients automatically Connecting to your five-star client and creating your offers with them How to find your 5-star clients “Connecting with” clients vs. “getting” clients Handling your limiting beliefs around money Holding people “capable” Making the process pleasurable How to stay vibrationally in alignment with what you want to attract Creating games that help you to win in business Playing the “No Game” Play a game around “Being Visible” Making it fun to ask for support How to powerfully ask for what you need in your business What to do when you feel stuck in your business Creating roles for your intuition in your business Your “Inner Business Expert” Practices for tapping deeply into your intuition Tips for creating successful launches The worst thing that you can do during a launch The importance of having fun, as your number one priority and more… More about Jeanna: Leveraging attraction-based principles, revolutionary mindset strategies, and over 20 years of business success, Jeanna has helped thousands of entrepreneurs consistently increase their profits, create more wealth, and have a lot more fun building a business they love. Jeanna is the co-author of Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, along with Eva Gregory and Jack Canfield. Her newest books are 10 Minute Money Makers and Rock Your Profits. She’s an advocate for using fun as your compass in your business and Jeanna’s masterful at showing you how to attract clients…automatically.  Connect with Jeanna: Get the FREE resources that Jeanna mentioned @ or visit her website. Resources Mentioned: Loral Langemeier  Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow Game 
10/7/201736 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 072: Lifestyle Solopreneurship for the Spiritual Entrepreneur with Flavia Berys

In this episode, Devi chats with Flavia Berys about Lifestyle Solopreneurship for the Spiritual Entrepreneur. Flavia is the host of the Lifestyle Solopreneur Podcast, an attorney, law professor, author, real estate investor, and founder of several online academies. During this conversation, Flavia shares powerful tools, mindset shifts, and tactical insights that will help you to be highly successful in creating your lifestyle business, as a Spiritual Entrepreneur.  Devi and Flavia discuss: How Flavia has created her Solopreneur Lifestyle Businesses The distinction that Flavia received between “active” vs. “passive” income when her daughter was born two months premature The two things to do, when you are wanting to shift into living on passive income Should you quit your day job to become an entrepreneur? Why you might want to cut your cable bill this month How to pick your best avenue for passive income Flavia's podcast, the Lifestyle Solopreneur The benefits that Flavia has received from her best seller What to think about when pitching major media How to get more exposure from keynoting What materials you will need to put together to be hired as a keynote speaker What to do when you hit a wall in business The importance of having a powerful support group and network “Voworking” (aka Virtual co-working) How to be successful as a Multi-niche personality Is niching necessary? Growing money through real estate Buying “dirt” with “air” The Absolute Triple Net Commercial Lease The role of intuition in business The importance of taking action “When you pray, move your feet!” and more… Connect with Flavia on her Lifestyle Solopreneur website @ Attend Flavia's FREE Real Estate Investing Webinar @ If you would like to reach Flavia for real estate law or cheerleading, you can also visit one of these websites: Flavia’s law practice: Flavia’s real estate practice: Flavia’s pro cheerleader training site: Pom Fit: Pom Fit Resources Mentioned: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell:  On Amazon Mora about Flavia: Flavia Berys is an attorney, law professor, author, real estate investor, and founder of several online academies. She’s also the host of the LIFESTYLE SOLOPRENEUR podcast, the community for entrepreneurs who put lifestyle first! She's been featured in major media including BBC World News, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, ESPN television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Inside Edition and other major media. Here’s another fun fact: She’s also a former NFL Cheerleader and founder of the Pro Cheer Life online community. Flavia is a recovering workaholic who once worked for one of the largest global law firms, involved in large-scale legal matters for Fortune 500 companies and other high-profile clients worldwide. But other than that stint as a 90-hours-per-week lawyer in Silicon Valley, she has always been an entrepreneur and loves helping other entrepreneurs build businesses that complement their life and create balance. She feels supremely blessed to be able to combine work with play. Her career has allowed her to earn a living while traveling and working in the Czech Republic, Hawaii, Guam, Uruguay, and Spain. She was able to choreograph and direct halftime routines at NFL games. She travels nationwide to keynote at events. She volunteers for several non-profits. She has time to cultivate unique hobbies like horse polo, dual sport motorcycle riding, airplane camping, trapeze, and iron cookware restoration, all while earning a living with a combination of passive and active income. Her life, in short, combines fun with making a living.
9/30/201744 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 071: Secrets to How the Law of Attraction REALLY Works with Eva Gregory

In this episode, Devi chats with Eva Gregory about How the Law of Attraction Really Works.  Eva shares her story of how she completely turned her company around and generated a highly profitable corporate buyout, using these very same principles that you will learn in this episode. This episode is chock-full of great practices, tips, and mastery level information on how to use the law of attraction in your life & business, how to master your mindset, and how to access your inner guidance to create what is in your heart.  Eva is a master coach, law of attraction expert, intuitive and mentor to spiritual entrepreneurs.  She’s simply one of the best when it comes to helping coaches, healers, holistic practitioners and other spiritual entrepreneurs learn how to tap into their own Inner Guidance and blend it with the proven practical strategies for creating a successful business.  Eva has shared the virtual stage with some of the most respected thought leaders, including John Assaraf, Neale Donald Walsch, and Dr. Michael Beckwith among others and has co-authored the book, Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction, with Jack Canfield. Devi and Eva discuss: The most important aspect of the Law of Attraction (that most people miss) Your Emotional Guidance System How to know if what you are wanting to create is in alignment with your inner truth Your Inner GPS ("Inner Guidance Powered by Spirit") Her journey from Corporate into a prosperous business that is in alignment with her soul’s calling The Prosperity Account Game that Eva put in place in her company that transformed her business and led to a profitable buyout What the Universe responds to The Synergies of Law of Attraction, Mindset, and Guidance The "Placemat Process" Practices Eva uses to raise her energy How to move through the "breakdown" before the "breakthrough" True Mastery The "something greater" that is wanting to be born  The Mindset Mastery Formula (Thought + Emotional Charge + Action = Outcome) What creates over 90% of your success Channeling with Eva's guides - Theos Eva's personal journey to channeling The "What If Up" Game How to know if something is your truth or not How to connect with your inner guidance The specific meditation that Eva recommends to help you to open to your inner guidance and your higher self Three areas where people get in their own way when they are receiving guidance The four ways that you receive your guidance (Divine Knowing, Transcendental Love, Nature, or Spiritual Openness) How to stay vibrationally in alignment with receiving your desired result, when you are experiencing the fear of stepping outside of your comfort zone Making peace with “What is” in your life to create what you desire and more… Connect with Eva on her website @ On Facebook: Get the Mindset Mastery Formula & the "What If Up" Game @ Resources Mentioned in this Episode:Abraham Hicks: More about Eva:Eva is the author of The Feel Good Guide to Prosperity and Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction which she co-authored with Jack Canfield. She won the Law of Attraction Leaders Award for Best Law of Attraction Coach in 2013 and 2014 consecutively, was a 2013 California Excellence Award recipient, was named one of the top 100 Women in E-commerce in 2012 and named International  Coach of the Year in 2006.  
9/23/20171 hour, 47 seconds
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Episode 070: How to Effect Change in Our World

(Devi Download) How to Effect Change in Our World: If you are dealing with something in your life that is challenging you or you are looking at recent events in our world and feeling like you want to do something to help out spiritually (not talking politics here) then this episode is for you!  We talk about what you can do to effect change in your own life and for our world through your own spiritual practice.  Remember, whatever the circumstance, whatever the situation, you DO have the power to effect change! We would love to hear from you over on Facebook @ ( or on our show blog @ ( What is your wish for our world and for your own personal life & business? Want to work with Devi to create your own podcast like this one?  Check out our new course - “Podcast on Purpose” @  
9/15/20179 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode 069: Fit To Lead - The New Model of Fitness with Holley Mignosi

In this episode, Devi chats with Holley Mignosi about being “fit to lead” - the New Model of Fitness.  Holley is on a mission to guide female Speakers, Entrepreneurs, and Thought Leaders to Lose Weight and Fall in Love with their Dream Body, by mastering proven Transformational Techniques and Releasing Hidden Habits that hold them back so that they feel Fit To Lead with Passion, Purpose, and Charisma on Command for all of life's stages.   In this episode, Devi and Holley chat about: How to get over the fear of being seen The new body image that is showing up in media The impact of photoshopping and filters for photos on social media Being authentic with the advent of technology that is designed to make you look perfect How to embrace your authentic body as your brand Self-validation and being perfect in all of your imperfections The "Taboo of Cellulite" Photoshopping our lives on social media Spiritual practices for fitness and being fit to lead Having a gratitude practice for your body Moving meditation Invigorating mantras to use while exercising How to transform unsupportive habits Our primal language What we need to do in order to be able to lead others How to communicate better with your body The benefit of an early morning habit “Don’t erase - Replace!” The Four Pillars of Health The impact of not getting enough sleep Why Holley loves to work with Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Business women What you can do to fit your exercise and health habit into your busy life Life hacks for successful fitness Outsourcing meals with delivery services The 4 Stages of Learning in fitness The impact of negative self-talk on our fitness level How to stay motivated Watching what you choose to make your identity The three biggest mistakes that people make in their fitness Eating "Lean, Clean and Green" and more… About Holley:Holley’s mission is to L.I.F.T. women to step into their Dream Body and Dream LIfe.  L.I.F.T. Lose weight & love your body Inspire your mind and stop negative self-talk Free your spirit Transform your life to lead with passion Holley began helping models and actors get in top shape as an Image, Fitness, and Runway Coach in 1991.  Then in 2005, she opened LIFT Beyond Fitness Training Studio in San Diego.  Motivating mom’s, brides, business executives, and spiritual entrepreneurs to lose weight, feel strong and confident quickly became a labor of love for Holley. Now she waves the flag of health and fitness freedom for all. Get fit to lead & download your FREE visualization audio @ Resources Mentioned: “What the Health” Film
9/9/20171 hour, 1 minute, 25 seconds
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Episode 068: Jumpstarting Your Life & Business with Michael Gebben

In this episode, Devi chats with Michael Gebben. Michael is a JUMPstarter for LIFE!  Michael LOVES to use the analogy of a car with a dead battery - all it needs is a little Jumpstart & off it goes. He does that for people! It’s his passion to help people LIVE LIFE to the FULLEST and get up every day full of energy getting to do what they LOVE! Devi and Michael discuss: The journey to finding what brings you fulfillment and success The “My Way” Decision The disservice that we provide when we don’t do what lights us up from the inside How to serve your clients at the highest level Finding your "sweet spot" in Spiritual Entrepreneurship The impact of being mentored to follow a “one size fits all" approach in business The 80/20 Principle Reaching out and creating opportunities that most people won’t even attempt What is possible when you give value first without expectation of return Massive Imperfect Action (“MIA”) What tends to be the missing link in the Law of Attraction Not letting limited opinion determine the worth of your creative enterprise or dictate what you get done in life Literally thinking "outside of the box" in business A common characteristic of people who do well with creating and selling online courses The importance of taking the DISC and Motivators Assessment and knowing who you are in relation to your business How self-awareness can completely shift your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship Strengthening your strengths vs strengthening your weaknesses The Question of “What would you do if you didn’t need money?”  “What things would you keep doing?" "What would you stop doing?" and "What would you start doing?” You are enough! More about Michael Gebben:  Michael’s goal is to get YOU RESULTS much faster from all the Experience he’s gained, like starting a Video Production Company  called GEBBSTV right of high school with NO COLLEGE and going on to work with some of the biggest names on the planet such as Tim Ferriss, Tony Robbins and Sir Richard Branson among other great people and now running a new kind of Transformational Company Called Jumpstarters!  Michael shares with you how you can jumpstart your life and business, wherever you are on the road of spiritual entrepreneurship. Connect with Michael @ or on: Facebook YouTube Instagram Resources Mentioned in This Episode: The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris Zen Habits Screw It, Let’s Do It by Sir Richard Branson DISC Assessment through Myers Briggs Kolbe Assessment Tony Robbins Brendon Burchard Sir Richard Branson Tim Ferris  
9/2/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 067: Evaluating Your Values

(Devi Download) Evaluating Your Values.  In this episode, Devi presences the importance evaluating your values in your life & business as a Spiritual Entrepreneur.  You'll often hear of evaluating the value of a company or enterprise, but when was the last time that you evaluated your values?  Your values and how you speak to and align with your client's values will greatly affect the market value of your company. Resources Mentioned in this episode: Dr Demartini’s Episode: Values assessment on their site @ Carl Hick’s episode: Birkman Assessment from the Growth Group: DISC Values Assessment: Connect with Devi on her main website Have you ever thought about hosting your own podcast?  If so, we’d love to have you join us in Devi’s new online course, Podcast on Purpose.  To get all of the details, visit
8/26/201711 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 066: Early Female Spiritual Entrepreneurship & Raising Sensitive Children with Charlie Adams

In this episode, Devi chats with Charlie Adams about her experience creating a business during the early days of female spiritual entrepreneurship and raising sensitive children.  Charlie was one of the very early female spiritual entrepreneur trailblazers.  She created a Virtual Assistant business in the 1980s before VAs were a thing.  Charlie ran her own business for over 25 years and helped other aspiring entrepreneurs to set up their own home based businesses.  During her entrepreneurial career, she has been listed in the ranks of the top female executive in the industry and she has been a mother to two spiritually guided children.  She is my very favorite expert on raising sensitive children and on what it takes to be a female spiritual entrepreneur and trusting in your inner gifts to guide you in the work that you do in the world.  Today, she works in the real estate industry and can guide you to your perfect realtor.  She has been one of my first and most important spiritual teachers in life because she is also my mother. Devi and Charlie discuss: What beliefs Charlie has that helped her to start her own business in the early days How to adapt to new technology Owning your value as a Spiritual Entrepreneur How to know what to charge for your services Creating your business systems How Charlie built her business Getting your first major clients The role of spirituality in Spiritual Entrepreneurship “The Golden Key” Life Purpose Raising sensitive children Conflict resolution The Spiritual Principle of "Oneness" How to help your child when they experience things spiritually that you don't experience  How to guide your child in making good decisions What to do when your child says that they hate you The healing power of love and more...  Resources mentioned in this episode: The Little Me & The Great Me by Lou Austin (What she calls “The Big Me & The Little Me”) The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein What Feelings Do You Feel by Devi Adea and Illustrated by Chrissy Welter? Connect with Charlie: Charlie is a licensed Real Estate Agent with Metro Referral Associates in DC, MD, and VA and can help you to find a great realtor for your next home purchase or sale. Charlie’s Email: [email protected] Metro Referral AssociatesAddress: 14501 George Carter Way, Chantilly, VA 20151 Website: Broker's Phone: (800) 781-4860   
8/18/20171 hour, 1 minute, 5 seconds
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Episode 065: Evolve Your Consciousness with Dr John Demartini

In this episode, Devi and Dr John Demartini share a conversation that will evolve your consciousness. Dr Demartini is a world renowned specialist in human behavior, a researcher, author and global educator.  He provides so many profound insights in this interview, including discussion around: What blocks the development of an entrepreneurial venture How to create sustainable fair exchange in Spiritual Entrepreneurship How to maximize returns as a spiritual entrepreneur What using imperative language towards yourself or others shows you What your values will teach you about expressing your life purpose  Value determination Dr Demartini’s process for determining delegation and prioritization Value Application Processes The powerful question to ask in an interview that will let you know instantly if you have the right candidate for the job How to find a person who will highly value working for you How Dr Demartini has grown his speaking engagements Building momentum by doing the highest priority things Living by priority and delegating every day How big of a vision you need in order to make a global difference Dr Demartini's global vision for humanity Accessing the Intelligence in the Universe through full conscious awareness and alignment of our behaviors with the laws of the Universe "The Greatest Worship" Dr Demartini’s daily practices of gratitude  How to change your destiny by prioritizing your daily actions Subordinating to others vs standing on the shoulder’s of giants Honoring your own hero and villain inside of you The Demartini Meditation How to evolve your consciousness Dispelling the myth around money and spirituality Creating a soul’s immortal legacy And so much more… Resources Mentioned: The Time Trap by Alec Mackenzie ( The Values Factor by Dr John Demartini ( Freeman Dyson ( Bragg  ( Great Book of Wealth  Hubert H Bancroft Connect with Dr Demartini: On the web @ http://www.drdemartini.comOn Facebook @ More about Dr Demartini: Dr. John Demartini is a world renowned specialist in human behavior, a researcher, author and global educator. He has developed a series of solutions applicable across all markets, sectors and age groups. His education curriculum ranges from corporate empowerment programs, financial empowerment strategies, self-development programs, relationship solutions and social transformation programs. His teachings start at the core of the issue, addressing the human factor and range out to a multitude of powerful tools that have proven the test of time. He has studied over 29000 books across all the defined academic disciplines and has synthesised the wisdom of the ages which he shares on stage in over 60 countries. His presentations whether keynotes, seminars or workshops, leave clients with insights into their behaviour and keys to their empowerment. Dr. Demartini has addressed public and professional audiences up to 11000 people at a time across the world and shared the stage with some of the world’s most influential people such as Sir Richard Branson, Stephen Covey, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Donald Trump and many more. From the thousands of testimonials he receives annually, Dr Demartini’s work changes people’s lives forever.    
8/12/201749 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 064: Billionaire Parenting with Stéphane Provencher & Jennifer Luc

In this episode, Devi chats with Dr. Stéphane Provencher & Jennifer Luc about Billionaire Parenting.  According to Dr. S and Jenn, “Every child is born a billionaire.  They are born with 100 billion brain cells.  It is the goal of every parent to raise their child the best they can. Part of the upbringing should include finding strategies that will fully develop all of those brain cells. When done correctly their child will be able to meet their full physical, emotional, mental and soul’s potential.” Topics discussed in this episode, include: The Whole-Listic Children’s Foundation Jenn’s story of helping her children find their voice, literally Connecting with your children through love Infertility Balancing stress levels to assist with proper healing The link between nutrition and our thoughts and emotions The emotion that hits parents when they realize that their child is dealing with a diagnosis and how to work with it The technique that was used to heal 8,000 diseases Our Emotional Guidance System How to gain access to our well being and greatness How to systematically quiet your mind Dr. S’s tool that he uses to hack his meditation How to tweak the law of attraction to create consistent results The missing component to law of attraction Loving your child into their greatness When to create a spiritual routine to support your child as a parent The impact of using phrases like “Be Careful” with your child The unpublished formula for all of the illnesses in the world How Jenn used music to help her child to learn to speak The Gifted Academy and more... Resources Mentioned in this episode: Dr. Joe Dispenza: Brain Tap: Louise Hay: Dr. Emoto: Psychoneuroimmunology: Learn More About Dr. S: Stéphane Provencher D.C., F.I.M., B.C.H.H.P., D.I.C.S., C.K.T.P. Founder of Gainesville Holistic Health Center Co-Founder, Whole-Listic Children’s Foundation and Hospital Chairman of Research, Sacro Occipital Research Society International Stéphane Provencher’s earliest memories resounded with cries of pain and discomfort. Massively obese and bullied throughout childhood, he knew one thing for certain; he was not normal. “By the time my parents divorced, it was clear that any personal road map I might have developed was shattered, my destiny was a vague memory wrapped in the solitude of despair. It was years later, after leaving school and traveling to Europe, after reading The Alchemist that I discovered my limiting beliefs were no more than an illusion. I began to ask Who am I? Why am I here? Stéphane was now free to recall how his gift for intuiting where in their bodies’ people held pain, enabled him to feel what they were feeling and help heal their emotional wounds. This awareness guided his dedicated studies and career in chiropractic as he began to understand how the intertwined relationship of the body, mind, and spirit worked together. For Stéphane, learning how emotions—not purely physical ailments—cause 90% of all pain and dis-ease, was not as much revelatory as confirmatory. The staggering realization that emitting or sending frequencies of love can restore proper balance forever changed Stéphane Provencher’s life and the lives of those he serves. “I am 100% clear that I am a vehicle. My commitment and passion is to guide as many as possible to wellness through self-love and knowledge. I invite you to initiate your own extraordinary journey of the soul.” Dr. Provencher’s dream from a young age to unite a multi-faceted model of health care in one place is underway and coming to fruition with the building of the Whole-Listic Children’s Hospital. Connect with Dr. S.:;;;; Learn More About Jenn: Jennifer Luc has a diverse background that has provided her with myriad exposure to the forms of physical, emotional and energetic healing realms. She double-majored in Psychology and Sociology in her undergraduate studies focusing on sub-specialties Organizational Developmental Psychology, Industrial Organizational Psychology, Developmental and Abnormal Psychology and the Sociology of Death and Dying.  She knew her passion was to alleviate pain and suffering from people’s lives and wanted to understand the intricacies of the human psyche and its interrelationships to things and processes. She has extensive hands on experience volunteering in pathology, cardiology, physical therapy and pediatric departments in private practices and renowned Hospitals. Jennifer has also spent the last two years volunteering at the Gainesville Holistic Health Center to practice the Energy Medicine principles she acquired. Additionally, she has a combination of 17 years of experience in the business-technical arena of both private and public organizations and worked for the Big 5 firm Accenture. She also operated a small graphic design business. Jennifer broadened her educational perspectives and graduated Suma Cum Laude with an MBA and Magna Cum Laude with a Masters in Information Technology. Her passion is in International Business with a Marketing sub-specialty which allows her to use her innate gifts of innovation and creativity. Jennifer is a Visionary Leader who combines psycho-business trends to guide her decision-making process and leadership. She is the President of the Whole-Listic Children’s Foundation and is working tirelessly on building the dream of the Whole-Listic Children’s Hospital to serve the next generation’s needs for total wellness from a mind + body + energized spirit perspective. Jennifer enjoyed mystery novels when she was younger, and read each entire Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew and Bobbsey Twins’ series. Her favorite books were ones that taught her the skills of creativity; the Choose Your Own Adventures were ingenious to her. Connect with
8/5/201758 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 063: Humanitarian Photojournalism with Jacob Foko

In this episode, Devi chats with Jacob Foko about the path of Humanitarian Photojournalism. Jacob Foko, Prince of the Baleng in West regional part of Cameroon, Africa, is an award-winning photojournalist, experienced multimedia producer, and passionate humanitarian.  Devi & Jacob discuss: Humanitarian Photojournalism defined The “University of Life” What Jacob learned when doing the project of “Hundred Faces of Poverty” Giving a voice to the story of those who do not have a voice in society Africa in miniature The inspiration of Jacob's exceptional mother Guiding countries to do good work through the power of Humanitarian Photojournalism What gave Jacob the courage to face death, so that the stories of other’s could live What it took for him to be Valedictorian Doing what you do best and doing it very well How to know what stories to tell The lens that is necessary to shine light on what is invisible to most of the society How humanitarian photojournalism fits into Spiritual Entrepreneurship The powerful lesson that Jacob learned from his encounter with President Bill Clinton and more...  More about Jacob: He spent fourteen years as a staff photographer and reporter for Cameroon Radio and Television (CRTV) as well as the magazines Libre Afrique, Africa Express, Africa International and Jeune Afrique Economie. His most celebrated project, “Cameroon’s 100 Faces of Poverty” in 2002, earned him an invitation from the U.S. Ambassador to Cameroon to speak about the challenges of being a photojournalist in an unfriendly political environment. He is a visual and multimedia producer and documentary filmmaker graduated from Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, California with a Bachelor’s Degree in Visual Journalism and a Master of Arts in New Media Journalism from Full Sail University in Orlando, Florida. He served as keynote speaker at both graduations and simultaneously received an “Outstanding Achievement Award” and an “Advance Achievement Award.” In addition, he was presented the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities (APSCU) “GREAT Award for Excellence, Achievement and Talent” on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. Jacob has established a non-profit organization and a production company called Global Humanitarian Photojournalists, Inc. (GHPJ) in 2007, and Blue World Media Network (BWMN) in 2011. The aim is to document and spread awareness of worldwide poverty and human rights abuses, as well as to present the stories of people and organizations making a difference to abused and at-risk populations.
7/28/201754 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 062: The Cycle of Triumph and Tragedy & One Timing Your Business with Tina Mitchell

In this Episode, Devi chats with Tina Mitchell about going from Triumph to Tragedy and Tragedy to Triumph.  You'll also hear about Tina's "One Time Your Business" signature system that has created extraordinary efficiency and results for so many Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Included in this episode: Turning triumph into tragedy and tragedy into triumph What you can expect on the other side of a big tragedy Regaining your self-esteem and self-belief after tragedy The Power of Perception Tina’s Personal Core Practices that have moved her into the top 1% in her industry Tina’s formula for happiness The importance of having a dream, intention, and a plan Being alert and witnessing the small surprises Watching for the "gain" Learning to prosper from failure How to release shame Fighting for your life or letting life take you down Acceptance, accountability, and love for others and ourselves "One Timing" Your Business The benefits of challenges in our business Embracing mistakes as a way to improve your business systems Making small radical changes to take your business to the highest level of efficiency possible The game changing exercise that will give you a quantum leap in your business Taking control of your time, so that it doesn't control you Living your dream now Visualizing the life that you want and knowing that it is waiting for you and more... More About Tina: Tina Michell has been in the mortgage industry for over 2 decades and has been recognized in the top 1% in the nationwide. She is owner and founder of Mortgage Triangle so ware available to mortgage professionals nationwide. Tina is committed to the Real Estate community and has been awarded Partner Of The Year from Washington REALTORS, Media Of The Year from Sea le King County REALTORS and Member Of The Year from Women’s Council of REALTORS. She is a radio personality and host of The Money Hour on 1150AM KKNW and is a speaker, coach, and author of “Journey With Me”. Tina is most proud of her work with the homeless community, sharing her message of tragedy into triumph and how they too can live their dream now. Tina’s personal motto is “Live Your Dream Now!”
7/22/201745 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 061: Leaving a Legacy

(Devi Download) Leaving a Legacy.  In this episode, Devi presences the importance of consciously choosing the legacy that we plan to leave through our work as spiritual entrepreneurs.  We'd love to hear about your egacy!  Please hop over to Facebook and tell us about the legacy that you plan to leave in the comments section of our Facebook page: You are invited to join us for the Uplevel Challenge! Go to: and UpLevel Your Life & Business with us!
7/15/20177 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 060: The Psychology of Style with Bella Verita

In this episode, Devi chats with Bella Verita about the Psychology of Style.  Bella is a nationally-recognized authority in personal image and self-awareness.  She launches and amplifies the careers of speakers by dramatically elevating her clients’ confidence, performance, and success. Devi & Bella discuss: The Psychology of Style The Style Core Process The Six Style Cores: Authoritative, Entrepreneur, Dharmic, Marketer, Politician, and the Influencer Home Based Business Fashion vs. Fashion for the stage Dressing with purpose Creating more energy from your outfits How to know what to wear for different companies and different situations Four different professional levels of dress How to dress in relation to your clients How to find out the company culture of dress in advance for a business engagement What you should never wear as a woman when going to speak What never wear as a man when going to speak “Tucked in” vs “Tucked out” Does it matter what fabrics you wear? How your clothes can affect the energy that exudes from you Building trust with better dress Tips for helping your feet when wearing heels How to get around NYC comfortably, yet fashionably Whether you should get your colors done or not Determining your own colors What to look for in your features when testing a color to see if it is a good color for you How wearing the right colors can take years off of your perceived age Tips to help you to organize your clothes in your closet Bella’s favorite types of hangers to use What outfits to start with first, when you are assembling your perfect wardrobe Resell apps and stores for purchasing on a budget Quality vs Quantity Price per wear Mixing and matching separates to maximize your wardrobe Bella’s thoughts on having a signature color And more... More about Bella:  Bella is a nationally-recognized authority in personal image and self-awareness.  She launches and amplifies the careers of speakers by dramatically elevating her clients’ confidence, performance, and success. At 19, she became a six-figure income earner in a leading network marketing company overseeing hundreds on her team. She transitioned into commercial real estate at the age of 26. She was responsible for closing over several million dollars in business and commercial real estate as the top earning agent in her firm, quickly launching the top team in Nevada for three consecutive years. Three years later in 2006, Ms. Verita launched Image Empowering, a full-service image and visionary empowerment firm that connects speakers to their audience through image. With her unique approach, speakers recognize their unique style and personal power to transform their personal success and that of their audiences with the expanding effectiveness of their speeches. She has worked with several major companies including ERC of Nevada, Cintas, Appreciation Financial, Eccoci, Limited Editions for Her, MGM Resorts, Caesar’s Entertainment, Harrah’s Entertainment and Four Seasons. Bella has also been featured in her own segment covering fashion trends on ABC. Ms.Verita is now dedicated to supporting speakers pursued audiences with their sexiness! “Your style tells the world what you think about you.” -Bella Verita Connect with Bella online @ #highvibebella Or through her websites @ &    
7/8/201748 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 059: The Power of Appreciation with Joey Chandler

In this episode, Devi chats with Joey Chandler about the incredible power of appreciation for your life and business. Joey is the founder of the Appreciation Nation, LLC and is focused on raising the appreciation we have for ourselves and each other. For this his company offers three services - "You Are Videos" which are tribute videos for birthdays and weddings, the "You Are App" which helps people learn what others appreciate about them and "You Are Training" which helps change makers increase their clarity, confidence, and consistency During this conversation, Devi and Joey discuss: How Joey defines appreciation The importance of expressing appreciation to another person How acts of appreciation lead to the development of courage The power of posting appreciation on Facebook Joey’s mission to raise our level of appreciation for ourselves and others The effect of the energetic resonance of appreciation Appreciating the wholeness of ourselves and others What you need to appreciate first before you can give the gift of appreciation The "You Are App" movement “It’s not about the biggest step, it’s not about the right step, it is simply about taking the next step” The edge of discomfort in asking to be appreciated by another Leading others through appreciation Practices that help to deepen the appreciation in your life and business Silent appreciation vs verbal appreciation Advice on what you must do when building an app The power of getting your purpose down to one sentence and more... Connect with Joey on his website and on Facebook in the Appreciation Nation Facebook Community: Resources Mentioned in this Episode:  Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris and If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to be notified of future episodes and if you love the show, please leave us a nice review on Itunes @
6/30/201745 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 058: Accelerating Your Business Growth with Frédérique Irwin of Her Corner

In this episode, Devi chats with Frédérique Campagne Irwin about accelerating your business and scaling your business operations.  Frédérique is the founder and CEO of Her Corner Inc., a global community of women business owners committed to growth in their businesses. Her Corner applies a systematic, process-based approach in peer group settings that include business-driven agendas, carefully selected facilitators, and metrics-focused growth measures in order to give women the springboard they need to move forward. Topics that Devi and Frédérique discuss include: How Her Corner got started Frédérique's multi-business journey of entrepreneurship Accelerating the growth of your business Scaling past your personal cap When to hire out to scale your business The RACING Model How to know what to do yourself vs. what to delegate in your business The benefit of having a partner in your business The common sense question that Frédérique asks herself to determine what content to develop What Frédérique learned from expanding her business into a new city How to have difficult conversations in business Processing difficult challenges in business The role of intuition in Frédérique's business decisions How to recognize fear How Frédérique nurtures a positive attitude with humor and excitement Tips for hiring The importance of knowing your intrinsic values How to utilize references to ensure that a hiring candidate meets your top five values Dealing with overwhelm in business Your “Not Doing Now” list The importance of doing what you know is true for you and more... About Frédérique & Her Corner:  Her Corner is Frédérique's fourth business that grew out of a personal need for access to other motivated and ambitious women business owners with whom she could collaborate in order to accelerate growth in their businesses.  When Frédérique is not managing the business operations of Her Corner, she can be found either running accelerator programs for Her Corner members or at the Kogod School of Business at American University where she teaches entrepreneurship, business management, and organizational behavior. Frédérique is frequently asked to speak and present on the topic of Entrepreneurship, the State of Entrepreneurship in the United States, or the State of Entrepreneurship for Women. Recently she spoke on behalf of the U.S. State Department to a delegation of women from Saudi Arabia on the State of Entrepreneurship in the United States and its relevance to Saudi businesses. She was also recently selected as a speaker at the White House for their Summit on Women and Girls on the topic of Entrepreneurship for Women. She has spoken to companies such as Marriott, Chobani, Microsoft, AstraZeneca, TD Bank, and others. Frédérique holds an MBA from the Mason School of Business at the College of William and Mary and a BA in International and Russian Studies from Davidson College. She is a dual citizen of the United States and the European Union, is fluent in English, French, and Spanish, and conversant in Russian and Italian. Connect with Frédérique and discover more about Her Corner: The Her Corner Website: Her Corner on Twitter: @hercorner Frédérique's Email Address: [email protected] Resource Mentioned: Holy Cross Abby Silent Retreat:    
6/23/201750 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 057: Getting “Intuit” with Your Business Advisor & Higher Self Awareness

(Devi Download) Getting "Intuit" with Your Business Advisor & Higher Self Awareness:  In this episode, Devi talks about the power of intuition in your business. You'll discover: Devi's definition of intuition How to access your best "business advisor" How to know whether you are being led by higher awareness or fear What practices to put in place to get "intuit" with your higher self-awareness Let us know how you use intuition in your business in the comment section or on our Facebook page: You are invited to join us for the next Uplevel Challenge! Go to: to get on the list!
6/17/201714 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 056: Resilience with Francis Piché

In this episode, Devi chats with Francis Piché about the power of resilience in your life and in realizing success as a Spiritual Entrepreneur! Devi & Francis discussed: The "resilience element" in success Training your brain for resilience "Seminar junkies" The miracle of us Doing what makes your heart come alive Francis’ journey and how he discovered the gift of resilience in his life Following the “aliveness” The importance of your right environment The gift of the crisis in our lives How to follow the aliveness in your life What Francis loves about sales Sales as service The importance of enthusiasm in Sales Dealing with rejection A powerful question that Francis' coach asked him that changed his life Disconnecting to Connect with yourself The documentary that he is doing on Resilience The Five Components of Resilience How to start your own movement The gift of being curious Shifting your focus from the pain to the beauty in our lives and so much more... Connect with Francis: On his website @ The The challenge: For the challenge, use hashtag #RE75CHALLENGE on Facebook Books mentioned: The Surrender Experiment The Alchemist The Power of the Heart Movie Let the Life Flow More about Francis: Francis Piché is the host of The Resilience Element Show that explores how individuals can follow their heart to accomplish their dreams despite delay and adversity encountered along the way. Raised in Quebec, Francis began cutting his teeth in sales at just 8-years-old by going door-to-door selling products for charities and fundraisers. Pounding the pavement pounded into Francis a love for connecting with people and fueled his meteoric rise to top sales performer status at multiple international corporations, including Xerox. Soon after, Francis realized sales teams driven by numbers and dollar signs alone resulted in individuals who felt defined by numbers and disillusioned by signs of despair. Refusing to believe that making massive money and having huge happiness must exist in opposition, Francis embarked on a journey to discover the key element to sustained and sustainable satisfaction in life. His answer? The Resilience Element. Francis has mastered advanced communication techniques that he uses to uncover the secrets of some of the world’s most successful and noteworthy individuals, thanks to years of certifications and training with world-leading coaches such as: Roger Love (Master Presenter & Voice of Success) Tony Robbins (Unleash the Power Within Attendee) Brendon Burchard (Experts Academy, World’s Greatest Speaker Training Attendee) Bo Eason (Personal Story Power Attendee) Steve Siebold (Bill Gove Speech Workshop Graduate) His excellence in public speaking has been recognized by: Dale Carnegie courses (including the Highest Award for Achievement) The Toastmasters International and Humorous Speech Contest (three-time Communicator of the Year) Corporate Speaker designation in accordance with the guidelines of the International Association of Corporate Speakers (IACS) Transforming Speakers Hoping to share his resilience revelation with the world and help others discover it for themselves, Francis created The Resilience Element Show. Each episode contains inspiring and entertaining interviews with celebrities and remarkable leaders as they explore the ups, downs, do’s and don’ts on the journey to following your heart and making it big.
6/9/201756 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 055: 21st Century Leadership with Kirsten Stendevad

In this episode, Devi chats with Kirsten Stendevad about 21st Century Leadership and the book publishing process from a 5-time bestseller's perspective.  Kirsten, visionary feminine leader and founder of Illumina International, is an expert in 21st-century leadership paradigms, which she has been teaching leaders with and without titles since 2003. The co-author of five trendsetting bestsellers about innovative and visionary leadership, she has also given workshops on these topics at Harvard Business School, MIT, and McKinsey & Co., among others. Devi & Kirsten Discuss:  21st Century Leadership Yang vs Yin Energy Defining Success & Lifestyle How to be most creative Using your heart and passion in business Prioritizing your vocation How to find your vocation The Entrepreneurial "Fusion Kitchen" How to Apply the 21st Century Leadership Model The shift in speed from the 20th century to the 21st century The importance of carrying a bigger vision Advice on writing your book The importance of a good editor Writing a book as a blog Traditional Publishing vs Self Publishing Hybrid Publishing Tips for working with a transitional publisher What size of followers or number of alliances will help you to secure a traditional publisher How to create a best seller How to build alliances as a spiritual entrepreneur How to find a really good editor Understanding the “feminine” and the “masculine” and how to balance them Cultivating Balance between the Yin & Yang in your business Spiritual Practices for Creativity Surrounding yourself with people who can see your vision and your greatest light & who are unstoppable on your behalf and more... More about Kirsten: Kirsten is well-known among the creative class in Scandinavia as a transformative role model, a community leader, and an inspiring mentor, not least for female changemakers and entrepreneurs. Her book Motherhood as a Career Booster and her latest book, The Future is Feminine are soon available in English. Kirsten is also a Kundalini yoga teacher, evolutionary coach and the mother of three. She lives in Copenhagen, Denmark and teaches globally through her online programs Connect with Kirsten @ or  
6/2/201754 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 054: Loving More, Being the Change & Monetizing Your Gifts with Abby Gooch

In this episode, Devi chats with Abby Gooch about Loving More, Being the Change, & Monetizing Your Gifts as a Spiritual Entrepreneur. Abby shares her incredible journey and so much beautiful wisdom in this episode.  This is an that you won't want to miss! Devi & Abby discuss: The importance of trusting your own truth The hidden gifts and messages in our wounding Building her first business at 19 Healing the heart Creating her certification program Modeling business structure How to access your inner guidance How to know your gifts & purpose "Stop, Drop and Love" Dropping your awareness in (head, heart & belly) & Following the "pull" How she partnered with a University and opened a wellness center Putting what you "know" into action Trusting what you "know" beyond what your mind fears Dissolving fear with love Integrating the body and mind What it means to totally love and not be defined by anything outside of oneself The wholeness of our world and how we are all connected in our heart How her heart broke into a million pieces and then spread its light across the world The contrast of love & judgment in a single moment Loving more not less to allow your heart to expand "Moving" Meditation Abby's creative process How to Attract your clients from a heart resonance, rather than a mental place Communicating with the Universe through rings of energy How we can move in resonance with the Universe Holding the space of unconditional love & non-judgement to help others to know the truth How sometimes we can’t see the truth in the moment, we can only feel it with our heart. Living Namaste The role of money in the Universe Being the change "Root to Rise" from LOVE and so much more... More about Abby: Abby Gooch is an Intuitive Success Coach, Author, Speaker and Teacher who trains men, women, and children throughout the world to develop their intuitions to heal and create the lives they desire. She is the Founder of Life Force Connection, One Heart Global and the author of Touch The Light, The Miracle of U, and the Intuitive Success Coaching Process. Her work with children and adults began professionally when she opened her practice at 19 years old and went on to build a wellness center, certification school and is now working on her non-profit One Heart Global to support the children of our world to have a home of love and safety, and to provide the education, support, and mentorship to live their highest potential. Connect with Abby: Her website: Non-profit: Contact Abby & Team @ [email protected]  
5/26/201740 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 053: “Tech Fasting”

(Devi Download) "Tech Fasting":  In this episode, Devi talks about her recent "Tech Fast" (fasting or taking a break from technology) and she invites you to try your own.  To do you own "Tech Fast", here are your steps: Pick your date(s) and the duration (could be a day, a weekend, a week, an afternoon, ... you choose) Define what your "tech fast" will include (phone, computer, tv, ...?) Enroll a friend or a few friends to do it with you Schedule it on your calendar and GO FOR IT! Report back after you complete it on and let us know how it went for you! You will learn quite a lot from doing your very own tech fast!  Enjoy giving yourself this gift!
5/18/20176 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 052: Being Connected with Rich Oceguera

In this episode, Devi chats with Connection Expert Rich Oceguera about "Being Connected" - connecting with other people organically, authentically, consciously, as well as connecting to your own inner source.  Drawing on 33 years of personal, business and spiritual development experience, Rich Oceguera shows you how to deeply align your Body, Mind, and Spirit so you can authentically connect with new customers and build a successful business. Author, award-winning business leader and co-founder and president emeritus of New York City's first-ever LGBT chamber of commerce (, Richard loves to share his expertise with mindful professionals around the globe in his private coaching, online trainings, live events and his popular, LIVE Motivational Monday broadcasts on Facebook. Enjoy listening in on the following topics that Devi & Rich discuss: How to "Be Connected" How to transform the thoughts and limiting beliefs that may prevent you from connecting with others Mind Mastery & Consciously creating who you are going to be, in order to create extraordinary results with others Creating a new soundtrack in your mind to shift your dominant thoughts The healing power of the heart and the heart chakra Utilizing your source of past pain to bring you into deeper connection with yourself and others The Divine Excavation of the Heart The power of being intentional when you are networking When NOT to go to a networking event How to create “quality contacts” Having fun at networking events Spiritual Practices that enhance connecting with others Conscious Listening Being Divine and Seeing Divine as a practice Rich's story of how he created and grew the NYC LGBT Chamber of Commerce out of a vision and his kitchen table Believing in what you are selling Enrolling people into the possibility of a vision The farming term of “Broadcasting” Tips for connecting & creating community on social media How Rich has built and runs his Motivation Monday Facebook Live program Living a conscious life How to authentically use Facebook LIVE for your business to grow an online community How to grow an online show through creating a community culture of sharing Owning your vulnerability - Being courageous and being vulnerable and more... Get Connected with Rich @  Learn more about Rich @
5/13/201753 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 051: Visualizing Success & Following Your Intuition with Alma Lara

In this episode, Devi chats with Alma Lara about how she visualized success and followed her intuition to create her dream career on TV, to gain her true self & calling after “losing everything”, to transform and serve through her son's diagnosis of autism and to create an online community of more than 100,000 members.  Alma has been referred to as “the next Oprah”.  She is a real life example of how visualizing success and having the tenacity to chase your dreams can make them real. Devi & Alma chat about: Alma's journey moving to the US from Mexico without the ability to speak English, but with a BIG dream! Finding her way around the language barrier, so that she could live her life on purpose How Alma created her dream job on TV Where miracles happen The Power of Visualization Creating a Facebook group of over 100,000 members Finding her true self & calling by “losing everything” and her journey back from that Alma's journey in dealing with her son's Autism diagnosis Inspiring people to look for the best place in their hearts and their gifts and talents Supportive practices for your life and business The gift of your intuition in dealing with Autism or a diagnosis of any kind Receiving messages from God through written word and meditation Making time for "everything" Being open and guided The importance of authenticity and intention in building an online community Tips for managing an online Facebook community of 100,000+ members In coming from a place that we are already 100% capable, everything else will follow and more... Connect with Alma: On Her Website: On Facebook: (English) or (Spanish) More about Alma:  Alma has been referred to as “the next Oprah”.  Alma is a real life example of how visualizing success and having the tenacity to chase your dreams can make them real. Alma moved to the USA from Mexico 20 years ago with her husband Carlos with zero English but with a vision and became a host on Televisa and Univision.  They have three beautiful kids. In 2011 she moved with her family to Washington state from Michigan and her personal and professional lives were transformed, after receiving their son’s diagnosis of Autism the same year. Sharing her journey and her compelling story with other families, at work with friends, and wherever she had the chance to do it, gave her the opportunity to inspire others with her example of strength and hope, awakening her true calling in life. Alma realized that she wanted to help families that were going through what she experienced with her son and decided to become a Life Coach and got her Certification in 2015. Her learning experience as a Life Coach gave her the tools to help others as she was able to transform her own struggles with Autism into incredible opportunities of growth and through this process she was able to unlock her dusty memories and dreams misplaced over time. She recently resigned as an HR Coordinator at The Fairmont Olympic Hotel and followed her calling and passion to be a inspirational speaker, transformational coach and author. She also committed part of her time to work as a Family Resource Coordinator at FEAT (Families for effective Autism Treatment) where she is now helping families in this emotional, physical and financial challenging transition; supporting them, sharing great resources and critically important information. Today, Alma is a transformational life coach, an author, a motivational speaker and a powerful mother who is supporting families with Autistic children. She also leads her Facebook community of over 100,000 inspired chefs called ‘Que Hago de Comer Hoy.’  Alma’s personal mission is to inspire others to create the best version of themselves, and to transform lives for the better.
5/5/201755 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 050: Building a Brand With Your Story with Deborah Ager

In this episode, Devi chats with Deborah Ager about building a brand around your story.  Deborah helps small businesses and nonprofits craft their business story to sparkle in the "Sea of Blah", so they can build brand believers and income. If you are looking to craft your story to build your business or create a book, a signature speech, a framework, a product or any other aspect of your brand, this episode is for you! Devi and Deborah Discuss:  How to identity the right story to brand your business Creating and publishing a literary magazine Highlighting your "weirdness" to separate yourself and your brand Deborah's Signature Story Lab Blueprint for creating your brand story Psychographics and Demographics The “I Believe” exercise The power of story to promote you, even when you are not physically present Finding your pathway for building your brand around your story Deborah's proven 5 step Book Activation Process The myth of “writer’s block” and what it is really about Self publishing vs “Traditional” publishing Shortening the sales cycle of your services through authorship Managing your time as an author How much time should you set aside for completing your book Operating in “sprints” How soon you should bring on an editor and why Developmental editing What types of contracts to consider for your book creation process What to consider if you want to create a magazine Testing your messaging and stories How to use your intuition for your writing process and more... More about Deborah:  Deborah believes in serving those who serve humanity. She helps small businesses and nonprofits craft their business story to sparkle in the "Sea of Blah", so they can build brand believers and income. With 15 years of marketing, writing, and business experience, she brings a powerful combination to her work with clients. Her results can look like increased leads for your business, more speaking opportunities and referrals for you, and copywriting that converts. Connect with Deborah @ and get support in her free community.
4/28/201736 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 049: Master Channeling with Amanda Marie

In this episode, Devi chats with Amanda Maria about channeling messages from the masters and fine tuning your body, energy and spiritual practices as a Master Channel.  Amanda has been featured as a leading Spiritual Expert on TV for her Energy Work. Amanda is a Master Channel, Reiki Master, Theta Healing Practitioner, Transformation Coach and Mother of three who owns a Healing Private Practice. Amanda is a Master Channel who directly connects and trance channels the Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, loved ones, and beings from the light to provide direct information about our World, The Universe, and life circumstances improving health, wealth, relationships, and love. She will profoundly shift YOU through healing, clearing, and activation on multiple levels mind, body, Spirit, by bringing in these higher energies to raise your frequency on a cellular level and conduct a DNA Reactivation. Amanda is an expert in Energy Work and Essential Oils and will teach you tools to bring Balance into your life and Relieve Stress. In this episode, we discuss: Amanda’s journey into being a master channel What is channeling How to prepare for a channeling session Being a divine bridge of light for whomever you are channeling for Encapsulating your energy when you are channeling The importance of grounding to keep the energy of channeling flowing Physical & energetic practices to help with preparing your body for channeling The power practices of Gratitude and Intention Setting Cleansing and Anti-inflammatory superfoods to help your body Speaking to your body and asking for the best assimilation of food Developing a love relationship with your body to support you in your life practices The magical healing properties of your body The importance of not ignoring our body signals Master Channeling A message channeled by Amanda from Dr Wayne Dyer The importance of managing your thoughts, which become your emotions and create your reality The impact of participating in the energy that we don’t want to forward The hours of a master channeler Writing a book with the masters Trance channeling Processes for allowing higher frequencies to come through and guide your steps as a Spiritual Entrepreneur Also Mentioned in this Episode: John Edward:  Sylvia Browne:  Brian Weiss’ book “Many Lives Many Masters” Soulscape:  Lynn Kay: Yogi Brand “Perfect Energy” tea: Theta Healing: Reiki: Soul Coaching: Dr Wayne Dyer: Lahiri Mahasaya Swamiji Yogananda The Council of Light Archangel Michael Automatic Writing Connect with Amanda: You can find Amanda's Daily Videos with Channeled Messages from the Ascended Masters on her YouTube Channel by typing in Amanda Marie Channeling or: Facebook at her Business Page Highest Living @ Book an appointment with Amanda @ To access the Amazing Spiritual Summit hosted by Amanda Marie and beginning on May 1st that features Devi Adea and 21 other Spiritual experts go to Legal Disclaimer: The "Channeling of Dr Wayne Dyer" as a "guest" in this episode is for entertainment purposes only.
4/21/201758 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 048: Devi Adea chats with Mellissa Seaman

In this episode, Devi chats with Mellissa Seaman about doing business and living life in alignment with your Soul's Gift! Mellissa is a Stanford-educated former attorney turned professional Intuitive. She is the creator of the Soul Gift Quiz, which has helped thousands of people around the world to discover their deepest gifts and how to bring them to the world. In this episode, Devi & Mellissa discuss: Mellissa's ecstatic birth experience that was her "awakening" moment The journey that Mellissa took from Lawyer to Intuitive Business Coach How to organize your invisible team Creating agreements & setting boundaries with your invisible team Working as the CEO with your spiritual “board of directors” Creating your mission statement for your board Setting your own desires for your own self care and lifestyle Doing "your part" How to create money through sharing your soul gift The Five types of soul gifts Which type of soul gift most Spiritual Entrepreneurs embody The importance of aligning your business with the soul gift Positioning yourself as an expert within your soul gift Outsourcing around your soul gift Creating deeper intimacy with those you love, by knowing their soul gift Doing what your soul came here to do More About Mellissa Seaman: Mellissa is a powerful oracle and business strategist that helps people connect to the power and purpose of their soul. She is the creator of the Soul Gift Quiz which has helped thousands of people around the world to discover their deepest gifts and how to bring them to the world.  Her clients range from Fortune 100 executives to inspired women leaders from all walks of life.  Mellissa provides intuitive readings privately at her office in San Diego and in Silicon.  She has led workshops around the world and at her forest retreat house, Upper Meadow Lodge, atop Palomar Mountain in Southern California. Discover Your Soul Gift: take the Soul Gift Quiz @ Connect more with Mellissa @  
4/14/201746 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 047: Dealing with Overwhelm

(Devi Download) Dealing with Overwhelm: In this episode, Devi talks about how to Deal with Overwhelm by making sure that you are managing the "BIG ROCKS" in your life first. Take great care of yourself this week and make sure to get your "BIG ROCKS" in this week!  You deserve it! You are invited to join us for the next Uplevel Challenge!  Go to: to get on the list!
4/8/20175 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 046: Devi Adea chats with Ronit Gabay

In this episode, Devi chats with Ronit Gabay.  Ronit is the author of Walking in the Footsteps of the Masters and a Soul Speaking Coach. She speaks the language of the soul in 4 different “languages”: Judaism, Islam, Christianity and Buddhism. She teaches coaches to use the language of the soul, while working with their clients to increase self-worth, improve relationships, and act as leaders in all walks of life. Her Soul Speaking Certified Coaching Program is certified by the ICF (International Coaching Federation) and gives coaches a credit of 34.5 toward adult education. Devi & Ronit chat about: What is the “Language of the Soul” Getting in touch with our values How our values create our experiences Ronit’s awakening experience The soul journey Walking in the Footsteps of the Masters Living in accordance with your truth Being Seen Role Modeling from the Masters Working through inner conflict to find our truth Ronit's healing journey from cancer & tips for people dealing with a health challenge Turning fear driven action into love driven action The power and vulnerability of asking for help Gratitude and allowing the miracle to happen The importance of being authentic Compassion and the Golden Rule Connect with Ronit: On her website @ or in her Soul Speaking Facebook Community:
3/31/201735 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 045: Devi Adea chats with Wade Galt

In this episode, Devi chats with Wade Galt about the 4 Day Workweek, his God Equals Love Series, and creating 4 Dimensional Wealth & Fulfillment. Devi & Wade have a great chat about:  Doing what you love "on the side" vs. "full time" "A-geographical" business Working 4-Dimensionally Working “for a cause" vs. “for other people" Managing and Leading people vs. Leveraging people How to create alignment in the “4 Dimensions” of Business & LIfe How addiction is meeting a need with a mismatched dimension The flow of nature and listening to when there is a lack of flow The role of God in Wade's business 4 Dimensional Wealth Intentional Service Creative Visualization (Shakti Gwain) Serving people "where we stand" The 4 Day Workweek How to motivate yourself to fulfill on a 4 Day Workweek How to connect the physical and material world The gift of having a 4 Day Workweek What makes marriage last Sacred Work vs. Soul Work How to structure your 4 Day Workweek Free Days, Buffer Days and Focus Days (Dan Sullivan) How to set down an "open loop" or unfinished activity on Day 4 of a 4 Day Workweek Tuning in and opening up to that voice within More about Wade:  VOCATIONALLY...  Wade has written the GOD Equals Love book series to help people connect to the divinity within them, so that they receive guidance and support to create the life they most desire and to help them to love themselves and others the way the divine loves us. PROFESSIONALLY... • Wade helps Employees, Entrepreneurs & Business Owners create a sustainable 4-Day Work Week lifestyle. • Some benefit from his books on life coaching, parenting & spirituality. • Insurance Agency Owners follow his strategies Automate and Grow their businesses. Wade has a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, a Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling Psychology, and has been a Certified Integrative (Life) Coach with the (Debbie) Ford Institute. Connect with Wade: - You can start creating your 4-Day Work Week Game Plan for free at - Get all God Equals Love books for free at - Find Wade on LinkedIn@ Also mentioned in this episode: Debbie Ford, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Brendon Burchard, Roger Love
3/25/201758 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 044: Dancing on the “Edge” in Business & Life

(Devi Download) Dancing on the "Edge" in Business & Life: In this episode, Devi talks about dancing on the edge in business & life and how to move in and through it.   You'll discover: What is your "edge" How to recognize your "edge" How to move through your "edge" in your life and business We would love to hear from you over at our Facebook group ( or on our show blog ( about where your edge is and how you move through it this week Take great care of yourself this week!  You deserve it! You are invited to join us for the next Uplevel Challenge!  Go to: to get on the list!
3/18/20177 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 043: What to Do When Self Care & Existing Commitments Collide

(Devi Download) What to Do When Self Care & Existing Commitments Collide In this episode, Devi talks about what to do when your self care directly collides with your existing commitments in life and business.  Have you ever been moving along in your life and business and all of a sudden you have an urgent need for self care arise?  How do you manage balancing your self care with your commitments.  In this episode, Devi shares her most recent experience of this on her journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship and how she handled it.    In this episode, Devi talks about: The criteria she uses to make decisions between self care and existing commitments How to add in self care pauses to help avoid self care conflict into the future What is your criteria that you use to make decisions when your self care directly conflicts with your commitments in life and business What are some of the ways that you bring self care into your regular habits in a way that has you feeling nurtured and supported on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship We would love to hear from you over at our Facebook group ( or on our show blog ( Take great care of yourself this week!  You deserve it! You are invited to join us for the next Uplevel Challenge!  Go to: to get on the list!
3/11/20178 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 042: Devi Adea chats with George R Adams, J.D.

In this episode, Devi chats with George R Adams about life and business lessons and Spiritual Entrepreneurship. This is an extra special episode, because George is Devi's father.  Devi is so delighted to get to share one of her favorite people on the planet and one of her most important teachers in her life with you in this episode. During this episode, Devi & George discuss: The concept of “with what consciousness” How we view our purpose in life and our relationship to one and other and the universe The role that spirituality has played in George’s many roles in the world What is a Spiritual Entrepreneur from George’s perspective Creating your business plan and model for Spiritual Entrepreneurship The concept of the body as an “instrument” The purpose of meditation The changeless reality The oneness of the Universe The “Noble Qualities” of who we are Leading with Love What George believes has been the cause of his successful 52 year marriage The chapter of spirit The impermanence of life How to stay centered on your spiritual journey Freemasonry Creating a metaphor for life Star Wars The importance of having a spiritual teacher Being in the flow Divine scheduling The concept of “tone” Exercise for discovering your “unique ability” The importance of authenticity and love How to prepare for speech How to memorize ritual Speaking from the heart Wealth preservation Living the moment More About George R Adams, JD: George R. Adams started his journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship in the banking industry at Riggs National Bank in the capacity of Vice President and Trust Officer in charge of Personal and Institutional Business Development. George served in related capacities at Chevy Chase FSB and First National Bank of Maryland including President of Chevy Chase Securities, President of Chevy Chase Insurance Agency and Manager of Trust Administration and Business Development at Chevy Chase Trust Group and at the Greater Washington Trust Office of First National Bank of Maryland. He was President of Exeter Trust Corporation, a registered investment advisory firm. George has been an estate planning attorney for many years and is also a practicing Immigration Attorney in the Greater DC Metropolitan area. He is Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the District of Columbia, Provincial Grand Treasurer of the Royal Order of Scotland and Past Deputy of the Supreme Council, AASR in the United States of America. He is author of the book, Inner Journey to the East, and was recently awarded the title of Grand Cross which is the highest honor bestowed by the Supreme Council. George is a yogi, a minister, a family man, and an extraordinary Spiritual Entrepreneur. More recently, he has been teaching about Advanced Spiritual Self Mastery. You can connect with George on Facebook @  
3/4/20171 hour, 17 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 041: Taking the Show on the “RODE”!

(Devi Download) Taking the Show on the "RODE"! In this episode, Devi literally takes the Spiritual Entrepreneur Podcast on the "RODE" microphone and on the road to LA.  During this episode, Devi shares about her trip to LA to learn from Roger Love and talks about the power of our voice and how important it is to our message, as Spiritual Entrepreneurs. In this episode, Devi talks about: the power of your physical voice to touch others setting the tone for your conversations expressing the voice of your soul through business technology that you can use on the road to share your message teaching you how to Podcast on PurposeTM and, more... Here are links to some of the technology that Devi uses on the road for sharing her message: RODE SmartLav+ Microphone: RODE SC1 Extension Cable: OMAR'S Lightening Flash Drive: GLIF Tripod Mount: Gorilla Pod Mini Tripod: This is a link to an amazon store for the video studio equipment that Devi uses that is in her home studio: You can learn more about her Podcast on Purpose Course @
2/24/20179 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 040: Devi Adea chats with Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz

In this episode, Devi chats with Maricris Dominique Dela Cruz about Soul Activation, DNA Activation, Shamanism, and Psychic surgery for Spiritual Entrepreneurs.  Maricris is a Shamanic Soul Activator and Priestess, Divine Channel of love and light and a Medical Oracle.  Her vision and purpose on this beautiful planet is to Activate Soul's to their truest and highest potential by stepping into their power, reconnecting to the truth of who they are, illuminating their path to embrace their unique light and living out their Soul's purpose and passion. Using her powerful and magical gifts, Maricris supports Souls to connect to the deepest parts of their heart and soul to bring about healing on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. She has worked with people that are experiencing physical ailments or physical symptoms that aren’t healing despite their best efforts to obtain an overall feeling of health and wellness.  Maricris empowers people to heal on a holistic level where she utilizes multi-dimensional healing frequencies, DNA Activations along with Shamanism to ensure that people receive powerful healing transformations. During this episode, Devi and Maricris discuss: DNA Activation Turning up the volume on your spiritual gifts Shamanism Working with Past Lives & Ancestral healing Psychic Surgery Shamanic Journeys Soul Activations Empowering people to connect in with their own soul Maricris' journey of deep awakening and healing Practices to support you when you do energy work Dissolving chords of attachment The importance of feeling the full spectrum of your feelings for health Being your most authentic self and much more... Have a Listen! You can learn more about Maricris on their website @
2/17/201740 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 039: One Action Per Day Brings Your Goal Your Way!

(Devi Download) One Action Per Day Brings Your Goal Your Way: We just wrapped up a FREE 10 Day UpLevel Challenge and the momentum and results that were created was extraordinary!  It brought to awareness the power of taking one small action every day towards your big UpLevel Goal for your life and/or your business as a Spiritual Entrepreneur.  In this episode, Devi invites you to pick an UpLevel Goal for your life or business and to reverse engineer the critical milestones that you would have taken to reach that goal and then to calendar one of those action items each month.  You'll be amazed and delighted at the forward momentum that you will create towards your goal this month, especially if you add in setting up accountability for your big goal! We'd love to hear how it goes for you in the next 30 days... You can either comment on this post or join our Facebook community online: If you'd like to join us for the next FREE 10 Day UpLevel Challenge, you can sign up here: To learn more about Devi and her work, visit her at her main website: or on Facebook @
2/10/20177 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 038: Devi Adea chats with Che’Lisa and Tim

In this episode, Devi chats with Che'Lisa and Tim about living a mobile lifestyle as Spiritual Entrepreneurs, doing business as a conscious couple, and spiritual business practices for your life and business.  Che'Lisa and Tim have been on the Spiritual Entrepreneurial journey for quite some time together. They both live a shared mobile lifestyle and are partners in business in life. This very conscious couple speaks about their journey and share tips with the Spiritual Entrepreneur that they teach in their Soul Coaching business and use in operating their distributorship of Helo, a health and lifestyle wearable tracking technology. Some of the topics covered in this episode, include: The Two kinds of relationships Living and working together in a “tiny house” motor coach Freedom and sovereignty from choosing a mobile lifestyle Ho'oponopono Our bodies as a projection of our mind The importance of honoring your body A new paradigm for marriage The feminine principle of informing, inviting and then giving space for accepting an offer Your inner thinking and how it creates your abundance The "Art of Revision" Cultivating imagination Loving a situation back to yourself Keeping a balanced life through the values of health, deep intimate relationships, and money and finances The effect of Spiritual Entrepreneurship on the consciousness of the world Multi Level Marketing The process that they went through to move into the mobile lifestyle Systems for supporting their mobile lifestyle Using your creative mind to create at least 10 solutions to any problem and much more... Have a Listen! You can learn more about Che'Lisa and Tim on their website @ and    
2/4/201749 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 037: Devi Adea chats with Michelle Humphrey

In this episode, Devi chats with Michelle Humphrey about the role of consciousness in Spiritual Entrepreneurship and how to create a thriving business that is in alignment with what makes you happy. Michelle is a leading authority on business growth and development for conscious business owners. As a business coach for over 17 years, she’s helped thousands of business owners around the world experience rapid growth and prosperity and she shares some of her secret tips to success in this episode. You don't want to miss this one! Some of the topics covered in this episode, include: The role of consciousness in creating a thriving business Staying out of the "how hole" Connecting to your inner guidance system through muscle testing "Will force" vs Universal Flow GSP (Guided State of Presence) as a measure for living in higher levels of consciousness Creating alignment in your relationship to prosperity and to time The point at which you manifest Creating progress in your business rapidly by doing your top optimal action every day 10x-ing your business Outsourcing Creating Successful events How long to give yourself to plan a successful event Key members to have on your event team Spiritual business practices for setting up and filling a live event The gift of making decisions based on a "full body yes" How to know when you are a "no" Starting with the end in mind Faith over facts The role of your feelings in your success and much more...  Have a Listen! More about Michelle: Michelle Humphrey is the creator of the powerful life changing “More Money, Less Work” program and the “Financial Stress Eliminator Blueprint”. Michelle is a Co-Star in the personal development film “Pass It On” and a #1 best selling author in the series “Wake Up And Live The Life You Love”. Michelle has cracked the code on rapid results that up until now she only reserved for her most exclusive coaching clients. Today she’s on a mission to share these secrets that have allowed her to effortlessly double, triple, and then 10x her business, so that more people around the world can experience the immensely fulfilling lifestyle her and her clients experience every single day… Michelle loves living in San Diego with her outstanding husband of 16 years John and their amazing 6 year old son John Robert. Connect with Michelle:   You can connect with Michelle and take her free wealth assessment on her website @ Get a free ebook from Michelle:
1/27/201753 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 036: Devi Adea chats with Jolie Dawn

In this episode, Devi chats with Jolie Dawn about spirituality in business, creating prosperity, and the power of being authentically you. Jolie Dawn is the Best-Selling Author of Empowered, Sexy and Free, the creator of Prosperity Posse (a business accelerator for women), and an unapologetic visionary. Jolie created San Diego’s largest women’s empowerment gathering, Inner Goddess Unleashed Summit, and was named by Pacific Magazine as one of San Diego’s top 30 under 30 entrepreneurs. Through her own journey of spirituality and self-discovery, along with thousands of hours of transformational training, Jolie discovered her innate ability to guide women back to their creative potential and inner brilliance so they can create a business and live that truly thrive. Her passion is working with women to help them build purpose-driven businesses from the ground up. Some of the topics covered in this episode, include: The Spiritual Journey of Entrepreneurship How to become a frequency match to what you really desire How to use all 5 senses to activate emotions in the body to experience the feelings of being prosperous and hack the system for connecting with money Money essential oil Aligning your feeling nature to attract what you are wanting to create Being e a frequency match to prosperity through rituals and practices every single day Taking yourself on a prosperity date to activate the feeling and emotion of prosperity within you How Jolie helps women to build their businesses from the ground up Calendaring practices and structures to support a prosperous business Rituals that Jolie uses for setting up her week Journaling to rewire your brain every single day as a non-negotiable practice Coming into the divine synergies of life How to manage and process the rejections and internal conversations that we face as spiritual entrepreneurs The gift of psychic awareness in being a business coach Jolie's personal formula for success The power of being yourself Witnessing of the "bigness" of yourself and giving that a place in the world How to be more yourself in the different parts of your life What Jolie did to create San Diego's largest women empowerment gathering Some insights into the different views of different generations and much more...  Have a Listen! You can connect with Jolie: On her website @, email @ [email protected], or Facebook @
1/20/201734 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 035: Devi Adea chats with Julie Holley

In this episode, Devi chats with Julie Holley about intuition and the power of our own inner guidance system as Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Julie even shares a guided experience to help you to connect more deeply with your own intuition and inner knowing. Julie Holley is a naturally born intuitive, Certified Doreen Virtue Angel Therapy Practitioner and Medium, and Relationship Coach, specializing in helping you to discover and create relationships that you love and that love you. Some of the topics covered in this episode, include: What is intuition? How to deepen your connection to your intuition the "Vacuuming Technique" Emptying out to access what is within How to receive every day intuition How to connect with your spirit guides How to use dreams to access intuitive guidance Intuition in relationship Using intuition in hiring employees Daily practices to help your team access more clarity How to deepen your personal relationships How to listen with your heart, rather than your ears and much more...  Have a Listen! You can connect with Julie: On her website@  or via mail @[email protected]  
1/14/201738 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 034: Devi Adea chats with Christina Salerno

In this episode, Devi chats with Christina Salerno about trailblazing your own path as a Spiritual Entrepreneur, living quirky, and how to harness your innate superpowers. Christina is a former professional Rockstar (seriously!) turned expert in Individuality, Mindset, and Creativity for people who think differently, break the mold, and are too extraordinary to fit into typical boxes. As the Founder of Living Quirky, and a Leadership Coach of Secret :: Lightning, her mission is to help you harness your innate superpowers and carve your own path to fulfillment. Honoring who you really are, not who everyone else thinks you should be. Through deep internal reflection and real world playful experiments, she pairs science + mysticism in order to awaken a more fully alive way of being. Yoda for your Mind. Alchemist for your Heart. Peter Pan for your Soul. Some of the topics covered in this episode, include: Christina's journey from Rockstar to Leadership Coach How to harness your innate superpowers How to carve your own path to fulfillment Creating sacred space, even if you live in a busy city like NYC Practices to help you move energy, when you source a lot of people in your business Sound advice for multi passionate Spiritual Entrepreneurs Balancing Science and Mysticism The "Journey of a Quirkster" How being sensitive is "normal" for creative, multi passionate Spiritual Entrepreneurs How Christina booked over 200 gigs in one year as a Rockstar Popping the "Coaching Bubble" in the Samurai Coaching Dojo What Christina says creates success and much more... Have a Listen! Find more about Christina:  On her websites or or @SecretLightening or @SamuraiCoachingDojo  
1/7/201741 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 033: Rituals for Transitioning into the New Year 2017

(Devi Download) Rituals for Transitioning into 2017: When the end of the year rolls around, there is a unique and special opportunity to take stock of what the previous year has shown us and an opportunity to consciously create the new year upon us with clear intention.  In this episode, Devi shares the rituals that she uses at this transition point and invites you to look at creating your own this New Year. Wishing you a very Happy New Year 2017 from your Spiritual Entrepreneur community! You can learn more about Devi and her work, at her main website:
12/31/201611 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 032: Devi Adea chats with Tiamo De Vettori

In this episode, Devi chats with Tiamo about how he combined his love of music, speaking, and coaching to create a multi-six figure business doing what he loves... selling out "Keynote Concerts", living his music and message, being the dream, and coaching and inspiring others to do the same.  Tiamo is a passionate creative that will inspire you to urgently step into living your life "on purpose" as a Spiritual Entrepreneur, NOW!  You don't want to miss this episode, where he shares the tools that he used to create an extraordinary life on purpose as a Spiritual Entrepreneur.  Tiamo is a transformational speaker-singer-songwriter who was recently named L.A. Music Award's "Singer/Songwriter of the Year". He has spoken to over 75,000 people at seminars and conferences and combines speaking with live music to deliver "Keynote Concerts". Tiamo has been featured on FOX, CBS, and NBC and appeared as a guest on Jimmy Kimmel’s stage.  As Founder and CEO of Fearless Speaker Academy, Tiamo leads his own multi 6-figure live seminars where he inspires emerging speakers and performing artists to share their gift and message with the world. Some of the topics covered in this episode, include: Creativity as a key to success What to do when you feel like you need to “cut off a limb” in business The importance of staying on your path until you can traction and it grows for you The huge gift of resistance How to know if the path that you are taking is your purpose "Fear is the one thing that gets smaller when you run towards it" How to cultivate the courage to go after your purpose and your dreams What is on the other side of the fear we experience on the journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship What to do with the fear that comes up when we pursue our purpose The move from "hobby energy" into successful business creation The 28 Day Commitment Letter Where to start if you want to be a speaker How telling your stories can help you find your message The new model of speaking and sharing your vulnerability Discovering your audience "Keynote Concerts" How to know if you have the correct pricing Working through the discomfort of raising your prices Spiritual Practices to help you on the entrepreneurial journey How to move out of "needy energy" into "attractive energy" through the practice of gratitude The power of having "neutral energy" in business The practice that Tiamo uses before he makes his big ticket offers at live events Tiamo’s Big Dream for the world The difference between Passion and Purpose What Tiamo considers to be the greatest mistake of humanity and how to correct it in your own life and much more... Have a Listen! Resources Mentioned In this Episode: Free Gift for Speakers: Free Gift for Music Artists: Learn more about Tiamo and his music:
12/24/20161 hour, 4 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 031: Devi Adea chats with Erin Loman Jeck

In this episode, Devi chats with Erin Loman Jeck about getting your message out through the platform of speaking.  Erin shares some great tips, including: Getting clear on your message What platforms are available for creating a successful speaking business What stories to share to create human connection Establishing yourself as an expert How to identify your legacy talk How to link stories to your teaching points The power of your "hero's journey" stories What to do when TedX contacts you Hosting your own workshops Doing Live Video Speaking at workshops and conferences How to search locally for speaking engagements How to make sure that you are speaking to what your audience wants and needs What tools you will need to speak at smaller groups and larger organizations At what point to transition from only one speaking topic to having multiple topics How to create your video reel Getting started with contracts Different types of clauses you need to have in your contracts to cover yourself The question to ask when speaking with an event planner to make sure that you are pricing yourself at the optimal level How to price your speaking services "Seeding" your talks Erin’s cheat sheet formula for identifying offer pricing, based on speech duration Erin’s spiritual practices for business and speaking Creating space for “downloading” and more... About Erin: Erin is the CEO of Transformational Speakers Agency and the Creator of Speakers Success Summit. This highly sought after business coach, transitioned to opening her own Speakers Agency when she was 8 months pregnant with her second child, so that she could be home more with her daughter, as family is one of her top priorities . She is the leading authority on assisting thriving purpose-driven entrepreneurs in how to monetize their message, make an impact, influence change, and inspire action in others. Erin leads a variety of in person workshops, online courses, and a two day speaker summit, where she provides tools to get clarity in your ideal audience, learn how to get noticed, booked and paid to speak. Erin is an expert in working with speakers in strategizing their big business goals, assisting them to monetize their message, and helping them maximize their impact on the planet. Her clients rave that “Erin sees the big vision for your business and then breaks it down into actionable steps with her intuitive gifts she understands what it takes to THINK BIG and PLAY TO WIN!” “Working with Erin is the masterclass for transformational speakers, leaders, and influencers.” You can connect with Erin on her website @ Have a listen!
12/16/201641 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 030: Devi Adea chats with Toku McCree

In this episode, Devi chats with Toku McCree about the Spiritual Business practices and life lessons of an ex Zen monk gone Spiritual Entrepreneur.  Toku McCree's awesome journey as a Spiritual Entrepreneur started out in the music industry and took some unexpected turns through a Zen monastery and a preschool.  Now he has a highly successful coaching business and works with brilliant leaders who are obsessed with greatness and understand that ‘success’ is just the beginning of an amazing life and not the destination.  Toku runs the "Unexecutive" and has a coaching incubator called "The Samurai Coaching Dojo". In this episode, Devi and Toku discuss: His journey: From... Music Industry professional to Zen Monk to Preschool teacher to Spiritual Entrepreneur and Coach. The "Unexecutive" "Facing ourselves" through Zen practice Living the life of a Shaman out in the world of business vs. a Monastic in a monastery Being willing to experience the “guilt” of what we want Being comfortable with and responsible for what we receive Recognizing that the money that we are receiving is about creating value for the client and has nothing to do with our perception of our own value The challenges facing "young" coaches The main issue that Toku sees coaches having and how he and his partner address it in their coaching incubator. How Toku created a six figure coaching business within 18 months. "Trickle Down Enlightenment" Creating a tribe of leaders who are working to be the wisest most compassionate version of themselves How he works with his clients to be in full alignment with the leader within How to enroll high end clients into your business Coaching as a two person meditation Tools vs. Being for coaching success The power of listening to your clients for success The “Golden Cage of Success” Toku's Spiritual Business Practices How to create powerful context in your life and business Aligning yourself with your values Values based business and serving people in a deep and meaningful way How to know your real life purpose Toku's big dream for the world Getting into the place of seeing everything in business as Spiritual Practice and more... Learn more about Toku: On His Website: Coaching Dojo: Resources Mentioned: The Prosperous Coach The Coaching Habit Have a listen!
12/10/201645 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 029: How to Love Yourself More & Not Be So Hard on Yourself

(Devi Download) How to Love Yourself More and Not be so Hard on Yourself: In this episode of Spiritual Entrepreneur, Devi addresses the question of how to love yourself more and to not be so hard on yourself.  Spiritual Entrepreneurship can be a great journey of self discovery and self expression.  While it can be very fulfilling, it is can also be easy to put ourselves last on the list when we are pouring our heart and soul into the work that we do in the world and the service that we are called to provide.  And, when we have high standards it can be easy to judge the work that we do and to be hard on ourselves. Devi shares how to: Love yourself more, by discovering your personal love language and creating practices to give yourself more love in a way that touches your unique heart and soul. Change your inner dialogue to shift how you perceive yourself and ultimately how you treat yourself. You can learn more about Devi and her work, at her main website:  
12/2/201617 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 028: Devi Adea chats with Caroline Oxberry

In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, Devi chats with Caroline Oxberry about her work with people with Autism, energetic healing modalities for self and others, and using the chakras to heal your body and life. Caroline was born an empath, and helping others was something she has felt that she always needed to do.  After exploring an early career in Journalism working for a local magazine, Caroline began a second career in supporting adults with autism.  She spent 7 years in this field, and she absolutely loved it. Natural and alternative living was something that was becoming more prominent in her life at that time and her whole life changed when she found Reiki; her way of thinking, her way of acting, her way of being. She discovered her spiritual side and was driven to use these fields of natural and alternative healing to help others to fulfill certain parts of their lives that they felt were in need. Caroline is qualified in a range of massage therapies as well as being a Reiki Master, Meditation and Mindfulness Coach, Law of Attraction Practitioner and EFT Practitioner and Coach.  Working with people's energies is her real passion, and helping people to overcome barriers in their lives when assessing their energies is where her love lies. In this episode, Devi and Caroline discuss: the changes that Caroline has seen using healing modalities with people dealing with autism helping clients to deal with communication and anxiety who have Autism through massage and Reiki using energy to connect with and help people who have Autism differences between "Hyper" vs. "Hypo" Sensitive Autism how Reiki has changed her whole outlook on life from Meditation, Mindfulness and Reiki the ripple effect that our work can have on our family and community how to find confidence in new areas of work practices for developing & trusting your intuition the transformative effect of energy work on the practitioner transitioning from a more analytical career to a more spiritual career advice to caregivers on the Spiritual Entrepreneur Journey rejuvenation practices for those who are caregivers or highly interactive service professionals working with the Chakras to help people clear issues in their lives and bodies advice and tips on how to heal ourselves the Chakra System how we can use colors to help with balancing our chakras tips for Self Healing practices for people who do energy work with others or who are sensitive to energy in general and more... Learn more about Caroline: On her website: White Feather Therapies On Facebook: On Instagram: Have a listen!
11/25/201632 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 027: Devi Adea chats with davidji

In this episode of Spiritual Entrepreneur, I chat with davidji about "destressifying", present moment living, meditation and the practical application of spiritual practices in modern day life and business. davidji has trained over 200,000 people to meditate and is a wealth of wisdom in the true embodiment of present moment living. After listening to this episode, you'll understand why I say that Davidji is a "sweetspot" in the universe and why he is often referred to as the "velvet voice of stillness". During this episode, Devi and davidji discuss: davidji's personal journey as a Spiritual Entrepreneur how to deepen your awareness sitting with ourselves alternative ways to fill our "free" moments that enhance our life experience & how we respond to stress 16 seconds to clarity and tactical breathing how to be in the present moment "yogastha kuru karmani" heart opening meta meditation practice transforming the world by transforming ourselves the "sweetspot" what stress really is "destressifying" how to communicate about meditation with people who are not open to the term "meditation" davidji's morning sadhana RPM "restful dullness" vs. "restful awareness" 3 things that determine if stress will hurt you or heal you how to interrupt unhealthy patterns integrating spirituality and business and the role of meditation in that integration what to do when your needs are not being met money and spirituality spiritual business practices the 5 realms of our lives and more... Learn more about davidji:  davidji is a globally recognized mindbody health & wellness expert, mindful performance trainer, meditation teacher & author of Amazon’s Best Seller: destressifying: The Real-World Guide to Personal Empowerment, Lasting Fulfillment, and Peace of Mind; and Secrets of Meditation: A Practical Guide to Inner Peace & Personal Transformation, winner of the Nautilus Book Award. He is credited with creating the 21-day meditation process, which spawned hundreds of 21-day meditation experiences & challenges around the world. Often referred to as the Velvet Voice of Stillness, he can be heard on more than 500 guided meditations, available on iTunes,,, GooglePlay, Spotify, Pandora, SoundCloud, & on After a 20-year career in business, finance, and mergers and acquisitions, davidji began a new journey to wholeness, apprenticing for a decade under Drs. Deepak Chopra and David Simon, serving as the Chopra Center COO, Lead Educator and then as the first Dean of Chopra Center University, where he trained more than 200,000 people to meditate and certified more than 1,000 meditation teachers. He has since left the Chopra Center to teach the practical integration of stress management, mindful performance, meditation, and conscious choice making into our real-world, modern-day experiences. For more than 12 years davidji has helped thousands of people around the world to perform at higher levels, become more reflective and less reflexive, make better decisions, sleep better, enhance their relationships, experience abundance, and live purpose-driven lives. He has a passion for working with entrepreneurs, business leaders & those in high-pressure, high-stress situations. His teachings on stress release, conflict resolution, and mindfulness are now practiced in many of the top Fortune 500 companies, the military, and some of the largest police precincts and academies in the country. davidji is a certified Vedic Master, and every week, throughout the world, he hosts empowerment workshops, corporate trainings, life-change immersions, transformational retreats, and teacher trainings. You can listen to davidji each week on Hay House Radio where he hosts LIVE! from the SweetSpot – a free, global internet radio show with tens of thousands of listeners around the world. To join davidji’s free SweetSpot Community and receive tools, tips, techniques,
11/18/201641 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 026: Devi Adea chats with Matthew Ferry

In this episode, Devi chats with Matthew Ferry about spiritual life hacks, advanced manifestation practices, spiritual success principles, and wealth alignment to help you on this journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship.  During this episode, Devi and Matthew dive into: Matthew's personal journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship The power of recontextualization in every life or business endeavor Lessons learned from the spiritual principle of "Attachment" The power of coaching and accountability in goal attainment What happens when you are courageous enough to speak"out loud" about the thing you want to do Dipping your hand into the "River of Abundance" and what is available right now in the this moment The "Placebo King" effect Basic vs. advanced manifestation techniques The Law of Attraction debunked Secret success principles that Matthew learned from his hyper-successful coaching clients How to let go of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty The practice of total and complete acceptance How to be in the most "allowing" state Joy and it's role in your life & business The importance of scheduling Powerhouse games of accountability that will shift your reality fast How to make your life relevant and enjoyable Wealth and spirituality myths The gift in the things that "hammer" you in life The "Success Paradox" Powerful spiritual practices that Matthew and his wife Kristen do together on a daily basis "Forceful Selling" vs. "Powerful Selling" and "Inspired Millionaires" "Universal Reciprocity" vs. "Tit for Tat" Where opportunities come from How to have profound accelerating moments in your life and more... Learn more about Matthew: Known for his unorthodox approach, Matthew Ferry is not your typical author, speaker and coach.  He is a revealer, illuminator & awakener whose point of view creates instant transformation in peoples lives. As a global thought leader in personal transformation, Matthew Ferry has penned powerful books and life-changing training programs including The Mental Journey to Millions, The Truth Virus, Ridiculous Bliss and Transforming Fear Into Action. Get more of Matthew and his teachings: Free webinar on the "3 Money Mindset Myths": Have a listen!
11/11/201656 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 025: Devi Adea chats with Robert Richman

In this episode, Devi chats with Robert Richman about hacks that you can leverage to make quantum shifts in your life, your business, your community, your relationships, and your mindset as a Spiritual Entrepreneur.  During this episode, Devi and Robert dive into: What is company culture and what is culture hacking? How do you hack mindset to shift the culture of a company? How to hack the interview process to hire employees that truly share in the company values. How to identify vulnerabilities in a company system. How to identify and leverage frustrations within a company to create a more productive and profitable business. His number one hack for getting the most honest feedback from your customers, employees and personal relationships. How to connect with high powered executives and win with your clients by putting a clear "yes" in front of them. NPS & The Ultimate Question. The power of experience. The story behind Zappos Insights and how it came to be. 3 big takeaways Robert received working at Zappos. Belief Hacking The BS test for the true values of a company. Tony Hsieh's book "Delivering Happiness". Harrison Owen and the Open Space Event concept. Robert's new book that is coming out "The Power of Nothing". How to move onto a bigger stage for your mission and message. How to find your next big innovative idea. Why you should step into new ventures from a place of data. Travel hacks. High Performance hacks. The power of community in our spiritual experience. The Pomodoro technique. How to identify your values. Robert's favorite hacks for time management. His number one hack for finding your "why" in life. Robert's #1 Mobile App Hack. Apps that Robert likes: Zoom, Focus List, Boomerang, Shazam, Spotify, ... The hack of Silence. and more... Learn more about Robert:  Robert Richman is a culture strategist and was the co-creator of Zappos Insights, an innovative program focused on educating companies on the secrets behind Zappos’ amazing employee culture. Robert built Zappos Insights from a small website to a thriving multi-million dollar business teaching over 25,000 students per year. Through his work, Robert has been helpful for improving the employee culture at hundreds of companies. As one of the world’s authorities on employee culture, Robert is a sought after keynote speaker at conferences around the world and has been hired to teach culture in person at companies like Google, Toyota, and Eli Lilly. He has pioneered a number of innovative techniques to build culture, such as bringing improv comedy to the workplace. His new book, The Culture Blueprint, is a systematic guide to how a workplace can help people grow, inspire amazing service, and ultimately drive revenue through amazing culture. Robert graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in film, as well as from Georgetown University’s Leadership Coaching Program. He is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council, and he is based out of Los Angeles (though he’s on the speaking tour most of the time). Resources Mentioned in this episode: On his website: Robert's podcast, Culture Hackers: The "X Pill": Special gift from Robert for the listeners of the show (FREE audio version of his book, The Culture Blueprint): Have a listen!  
11/5/201652 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 024: Devi Adea chats with De’Anna Nunez

In this episode, Devi chats with De'Anna Nunez about Heart Connected Peak Performance, the power of the subconscious mind and how to use the subconscious mind to thrive in your life and business. During this episode, Devi and De'Anna take a deep dive into: the difference between Heart Connected Peak Performance vs. Standalone Peak Performance the hidden impact and power of the phrase "as if" how to put yourself into a peak state 3 parts of the cycle of the conscious and subconscious relationship Seeding Cultivating Harvesting how the subconscious mind doesn't differentiate between "real" or "imagined" thoughts the power of being in a heart connected peak state the roles of the conscious mind vs. the subconscious mind the "truth" about hypnosis tools that you can use to put you into a peak state audio practices journaling meditating lisenting to harmonic music how we create the "meaning" in our lives the impact of the "meaning" that we give to our experiences considering people's highest good in the work that we do as Spiritual Entrepreneurs what the mythical "watch" is really used for in hypnosis the definition of hypnosis - "a state of mind in which you have heightened focus and concentration" how trance, peak state and "the zone" relate listening to our "fear" vs. our "faith" and how to turn that around how to release old subconscious patterns that are no longer serving us how our feelings are the entry point to our subconscious mind how we get to experience the past powerfully how the subconscious mind, the conscious mind and the divine fit together and more... Learn more about De'Anna: De’Anna Nunez dishes up a nutritious serving of humor, peak performance, and leadership mindset. Most people think her job as a Hypnotist is to put them to sleep, when really it is to wake them up to their own abilities, creativity and ultimate confidence. De’Anna is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Humanistic Neuro-linguistic Practitioner, and seasoned leader from the stage for over eighteen years. Fortune 500 companies such as Aflac, Mercury Insurance, Coldwell Banker, EMC and Harley Davidson have brought her in as their keynote speaker/entertainer. Through a recipe of interactive and fun visualization techniques using Hypnosis, participants and audiences alike lessen stress as they learn how to leverage their strengths and cash in on their subconscious. In November, she’ll be touring Japan and Korea for the US Marines, both entertaining and empowering the troops. Her passion to speak, entertain and train is seeded from overcoming tumultuous teen years that could have taken her life. Having survived and thrived, she developed a zest for living a healthy, vibrant life and enjoys teaching and sharing all over the world rich antidotes that help propel people into the healthiest version of themselves. Even when she’s easing your day with a few laughs from the stage, her goal is to plant the seeds of confidence and personal leadership. De’Anna considers her work to be purpose driven. Whether it’s improving your leadership style or your health, De’Anna says, “Addressing both the conscious and subconscious mind is vital to your success. You must engage the emotions, beliefs and habits that reside below the surface to truly grow to your full potential.” Her clever training style has lead health initiatives for working women in twenty-four states where ladies shed 20 to 120 pounds using her self-hypnosis and peak performance techniques. In another project, hundreds quit a life-long addiction to nicotine in a program sponsored by the California Department of Health and Human Services. De’Anna herself has completed thirty marathons, and a few ultra-marathons, putting her vital-mind-power teachings to the test. Downtown sunny San Diego is the heart where De’Anna calls home. She enjoys an urban,
10/29/20161 hour, 5 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 023: Clues to Discovering Your Life Purpose

(Devi Download) Clues to Discovering Your Life Purpose: In this episode of Spiritual Entrepreneur, Devi shares three clues to help you to discover your life purpose.  Each one of us is here on this earth, at this time in history, in our individual body, with our own unique mix of talents to perform our life purpose and fulfill our own inner calling.  And yet, we are not given an instruction manual when we arrive with what that purpose is or how to fulfill it or figure it out.  Our life purpose is not discovered in a vacuum or in our minds, it is revealed in action towards these three clues that Devi shares in this episode. Use these clues to help you discover your life purpose: Pay attention to where your heart is literally "calling you" in your everyday life experiences Uncovering your unique mix of natural talents by: studying what people come to you for looking at what you do naturally that comes easily and is joyful to you surveying your community for your unique abilities Noticing where you called to serve in your life by asking yourself What transformation do I want to cause in the world around me? Who do I want to serve and how? What problem am I uniquely equipped to solve from my own life experiences and challenges? To piece these clues together, look for where these three things intersect.   In the end, the greatest gift of living a life "on purpose" is experiencing and learning about our own soul through our unique life expression. In this episode, Devi also invites you to join her in her new online membership program - UpLevel Club.  If you are feeling called to live a life "on purpose" and that purpose feels a little outside of your current comfort zone or resources, you owe it to yourself to learn more about this new program that Devi has put together to help you on your journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship. You can learn more about UpLevel Club @    
10/21/201612 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 022: How to Communicate so That People “Feel Heard”

(Devi Download) How to Communicate so That People "Feel Heard": In this episode of Spiritual Entrepreneur, Devi Adea addresses how to have people "feel heard" in conversation.  If you have been in any type of relationship in your life, business related or personal, it is likely that at some point during that connection you or someone that you are relating to will not "feel heard". Devi shares a couple of techniques to help with this: The "echo" or "repeat" technique for helping someone else "feel heard" The "broken record" technique to help you to "feel heard" Then Devi shares a few "soulful" spiritual techniques of communicating so that each person feels loved, heard and appreciated. She shares: How to use intention to create a different outcome and experience from your conversations How to have a "soul to soul" conversation through meditation How to communicate with your own soul using this type of "soul to soul" conversation With all of the distractions in our lives that pull our focus, it is so easy to become unconscious in our relationships and conversations.  In this episode, Devi reminds us that we have the power to create powerful, intentional and loving communication so that everyone feels loved, heard, appreciated. You can learn more about Devi and her work, at her main website:
10/15/201614 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 021: Devi Adea chats with Judi Bonilla

In this episode, Devi chats with Judi Bonilla about her mission to shift the global conversation and consciousness around aging. Devi and Judi discuss: what led Judi into being an advocate for a new paradigm for aging the "practice" of aging as a journey and pathway to discovering the calling of who we are meant to be being "propelled" through each decade of our lives into a new discovery of who we are how an "exit" at the other end of life, brings us into the present moment and gives us perspective on our lives modeling the behavior of aging for future generations being mindful that it is a privilege that we "get to have" the larger number birthdays the power of mentoring across generations building social capital in our communities the transitional points that we go through in aging and some great ways to prepare how to have the tough conversations that come with aging how to live and work in another country straight out of school resources for helping a loved one that is needing to transition out of driving the ripple effect of moving from independence to interdependence learning to be a gracious receiver how long to stay in our homes, as we age the "great American disconnect" around aging the amount of "millennials" vs. "baby boomers" how to market to a group of people who are not necessarily online the different phases of the aging population who the key decision makers are in the aging marketplace acknowledging the things that people who are older get right "embracing the future", also known as "aging" and much more… Judi Bonilla is an aging expert, author, and Director of Innovation at Advocates For Aging. This Boomer Spiritual entrepreneur launched the first lifelong learning incubator almost a decade ago. Judi believes lifelong learning is the key to aging well and empowerment.  Her highly acclaimed programs have really struck a chord with older seniors. Brain Fit Now, an interactive workshop uses research based data to reduce the risk factors for Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia; Come Back Cupid, an online dating and sexual education program; Encore 101 HQ, an entrepreneur mentorship program for adults age 50 and over; and We Get Around, a comprehensive driving retirement and public safety program for older adult drivers and their families. Judi is a deeply heart centered spiritual entrepreneur, bridging generations through interdependence and helping seniors enjoy their golden years by teaching them that growing older is a time for opportunity and discovery.   You can connect with Judi: On her website: On her Facebook Page: On Twitter: Get her book "Freewheeling After Sixty: Design Your Personalized Transportation System": More about Judi: A Unique Voice Most noteworthy is her unique voice in the field of aging. Judi intertwines her caregiving, entrepreneur, and gerontology experiences into her blogs and on social media. In the summer of 2016 she plans to release her first book Freewheeling after Sixty. This information packed book focuses on empowering experienced drivers by building a personalized transportation system. In addition, those purchasing the book are invited to join a community and share tips on maintaining freedom and mobility. Multigenerational Approach While some aging experts focus on a specific age segment Judi believes aging well begins when aging is understood at every age. As a result she focuses on bridging generations through interdependence. The idea we are connected and dependent on one another for a better future. In 2016 demographics solidified her vision as Millennials number 75.4 million. Therefore today’s 74.9 million Boomers are just the first wave in aging America and have the power to influence future generations.
10/8/201647 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 020: Devi Adea chats with Jessica Reid

In this episode, Devi chats with Jessica Reid about discovering your life purpose, awakening your inner soul gifts and intuition, and connecting with your guides.  Devi and Jessica discuss: how to discover your life purpose how to handle being "overly sensitive" spiritual business practices how to connect to your intuition spiritual practices for connecting with your guides and keeping the "channel" open what do do when you are attached to the message you want to receive, when seeking inner wisdom how to set energetic boundaries and temporarily "turn off" your inner messaging to get your grocery shopping done aligning with your value in business to be fairly compensated false beliefs around money making sure that money gets into the hands of people who will do good with it energetic aspects of money and much more... Jessica shares her own journey into the work that she does today as a Global Clairvoyant, Channel and Purpose Fulfillment Coach from New Zealand, Currently living in Bali! Jessica's purpose is to help people understand and Illuminate their soul, access the power of their consciousness and to live their purpose and highest potential.  She shares her clairvoyant gifts to help people gain the enlightenment, insight, information, guidance and empowerment that they need along their journey. Her services include Soul Consciousness Readings, 90 day Empowered Purpose Leaping Mentorships and she has her own VIP Membership, where she works with her guides to provide a platform of Spiritual / Consciousness training's on a weekly basis Jessica's greatest passion is helping people align with their soul's path, their purpose, their joy and sharing this with the world through online business and she shares her gifts to help you along your journey as a Spiritual Entrepreneur in this episode. You can connect with Jessica: On her website: On her Facebook Profile: On her Facebook Page: On Purpose TV: Have a listen!
9/30/201654 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 019: Devi Adea chats with Joey Chandler

In this episode, Devi chats with Joey Chandler who owns "You Are Video" company about answering the age old question of "Do I matter?".  Joey's company creates "You Are" videos, that literally let the viewer know "who they are" from the people in their community.  This service has provided some extraordinary insights for Joey and given him the perspective that we are much more than we think we are.  Devi and Joey discuss the power of acknowledgement and what it takes to really hear "who you are" for people.  Joey also shares a great new practice for wishing people "Happy Birthday" and some wonderful insights and stories about what he has discovered in the process of making these videos for his clients. In this episode, you'll also learn about Joey's most recent product offering "You are emails", where his clients receive daily emails to help them embody another aspect of their own greatness.  Each email acknowledges some aspect of the person receiving the message in a "You are..." statement.  Then, the email asks the questions: Where have you expressed this quality in your life? Who do you know in your life that expresses this quality? How can you apply this quality to your life or a goal that you have Devi hopes that you will be as inspired as she was from sharing in this very special mission that Joey's company has.  Have a listen! You can find more about Joey Chandler and his company "You Are Videos" at:  & you can sign up to receive "You Are Emails" via text if you want, as well:  Just text YOU to 66866 and you can get going.
9/23/201629 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 018: The Inspiring Power of Acknowledgement

(Devi Download) The Inspiring Power of Acknowledgement:  In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, Devi shares with you an awareness that has been on her heart this week, the inspiring power of acknowledgement.  It has been an extraordinary journey doing this podcast and Devi talks about how hosting the Spiritual Entrepreneur Podcast has deeply effected her life for the better! From alkalizing more in her life, to re-organizing her home to add a home video studio, to creating online courses and videos, to inspiring nurturing spiritual practices, to new books she is reading - each guest has impacted her life so much already! Specifically, Devi talks about a recent episode that she recorded with a gentleman who has a company that makes "you are" videos to help answer the question for people of "Do I matter?".  This episode is being released next Friday (Episode 019), but like so many other guests, this one has inspired a new practice for Devi that she shares with you during this episode.  Devi invites you to create a similar practice to enjoy the gift of the inspiring power of acknowledgement. Have a listen! You can learn more about Devi on her website  You can also view her Devi TV channel at Please share with us in the comment section how you acknowledge the extraordinary people in your life!    
9/16/201612 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 017: Devi Adea chats with Dr Ken Graham

In this episode, Devi chats with Dr Ken Graham about Spiritual Entrepreneurship, living a fulfilling and healthy life and creating affinity in your relationships.  Dr Ken is a healer, teacher and philosopher. He serves people through chiropractic, nutrition, stress management and lifestyle choices. He is the owner and clinic director of Crossroads Health Solutions with over thirty years of healing spiritual entrepreneurship. His truth and message is about aligning with the laws of the universe to maximize health, growth, service and reward. Devi and Dr Ken cover some deep topics, including: How Dr Ken views Spiritual Entrepreneurship and the "Grand Organized Design" Techniques to help you to find the work that is meant for you How to manage and enjoy those areas of Spiritual Entrepreneurship that are not your favorite The benefits of "team" vs. "no team" How to pick your team The number one question to ask in an interview that is better than any personality test in assessing if your candidate is right for the job Systems to create in business that will serve your mission Great spiritual and business book recommendations (Hint: Dr Ken is very "well read") Pairs of opposites What is the benefit of embracing both positive and negative How to raise your vibration The illusion that on the spiritual path, you won't encounter challenge or pain The power of contingency planning in avoiding the need for contingencies Powerful relationships and what help to sustain them Dr Ken's two categories of Love How relationship can help you love the parts of yourself that you have disowned What to do to help you move into affinity, in relation to past relationships and painful experiences How to align your values for the most successful form of romantic relationship The power of appreciation And so much more... Dr Ken's Contact information:  His practice website: Phone: (760) 945-8282 Address: 2191 El Camino Real suite 105 Oceanside CA 92054 Book Recommendations mentioned from this episode: Tao Te Ching The Laws of Success by Napoleon Hill The Heart of Love by Dr John Demartini Circles by Ralph Waldo Emerson The Laws of Compensation by Ralph Waldo Emerson Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes The Bible The Power of Full Engagement BY Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz · Psychology of Success by Brian Tracy Instantaneous Personal Magnetism by Edmund Shaftesbury Have a listen!
9/10/201645 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 016: Devi Adea chats with Tracy Paye

In this episode, Devi chats with Tracy Paye about organization and Feng Shui tips to help you in your life and business.  Tracy is the owner of Miss Organized Professional Organizing Services and is a certified professional organizer, feng shui consultant and interior re-design specialist. Topics discussed during this episode include: What it takes to create a supportive space and organized business with high energy and great success How clutter can drain your energy and what to do about it The SPACE method of organizing that Tracy learned from studying Julie Morgenstern How clutter can use up your "psychic ram" and creative part of your brain, cause overwhelm and stress and effect the executive functioning on of the brain and what to do about it How to deal with "decision fatigue" and "choice overload"  through Tracy's "Think in 3s Strategy" The Mouth of Chi and how it effects the energy that comes into your home "Snake Lady" from her book of "If Clutter Could Talk... The Stories It Would Tell" Bagua Maps for managing the energy of your home How to help deflect energy from negative neighbors using bagua mirrors How to best organize your office Setting up your office in the "command position" for success What type of desk is best to have in your office Tracy's "Prepare to Act" system Tracy's "Desk Clearing Method" that will free you up within 15 minutes, using her "Stop and Sort Strategy" The energetic imprinting of clutter Feng Shui "no nos" such as having broken glass and dead plants in your office or home What three elements to use to improve the energy of your office or home The benefits of carrying 8 aventurine crystals to your prosperity in business The effect of your words, especially the "h word" Tracy's "BOPA (Brainstorm, Organize, Plan and Action) system" for managing "bright shiny object syndrome" More about Tracy:  For over 30 years, Tracy has used her talents for organizing, feng shui and interior re-design to transform homes and offices into spaces that look great, feel amazing, function efficiently and improve lives dramatically.  Fascinated with the psychology behind clutter, Tracy shares her insights through her client's stories in her book, "If Clutter Could Talk.....The Stories It Would Tell". Tracy's mission is to help people thrive in life by clearing their mess to relieve their stress and spread the message that an organized life is an easier life. Resources mentioned in this episode: Tracy's website: Tracy's Book: SPACE Method of Organizing by Julie Morgenstern: What the Bleep movie and Messages From Water with Dr Emoto: David Allen's Book "Getting Things Done":
9/2/201644 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 015: Devi Adea chats with Dr Dolores Fazzino, DNP, RN

In this episode, Devi chats with Dr Dolores about her work in bridging spirituality and wellness.  As Spiritual Entrepreneurs it is so important to maintain our energy levels and physical wellbeing. During this interview, Devi and Dr Dolores discuss: How to bridge spirituality & business How energy patterns move through our endocrine and lymphatic systems to create dis-ease in our physical bodies and what to do about it The uniqueness of each body and how you need to treat each person individually, based on their own energetic and physical needs and patterns The new medical model that is inclusive of all types of healing and medical modalities How to manage when someone that you love is dealing with a health challenge Why we sometimes get imbalanced and go into full on caretaker mode in order to avoid other things in our own life experience Self care and self love The importance of fully feeling your feelings and a process to help you to "drop in" to your heart to gain deeper access to your feelings The importance of meditation for spiritual and physical health The messages of her two books: "The importance of telling your personal story" "How to navigate the healthcare system" The power of gratitude and appreciation Dr Dolores (Doctor of Nursing Practice), Nurse Practitioner, and Author is a distinguished pioneer and visionary bridging the world of spirituality and wellness. Her company Recovering Healthcare, Breathes new life into patient wellness through Education, Empowerment, Compassion and Connection and prepares patients for a successful surgery. With over 38 years of nursing experience and has assisted in approximately 9000 surgeries, so she know what works to create positive outcomes for patients undergoing surgery. Gifted since she was a child with intuitive abilities, she’s always been on the cutting edge. Entrusted as a surgeon’s right hand on complex procedures, Dolores has worked in the specialties of neurosurgery, orthopedics, urology and gynecology using minimally invasive and robotic techniques. Always a visionary, she founded the Concierge Surgical Coaching program to offer enhanced preparations to patients prior to surgery employing complementary and alternative therapies. This kind of preparation is now commonly accepted as an adjunct to traditional surgery preparation today. Dr Dolores trained at the prestigious Yale New Haven Hospital, where she worked under the revolutionary Dr Bernie Siegel, an international expert and surgeon in the field of cancer treatment and complementary, holistic medicine. She earned a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in 2008 from Case Western Reserve University, one of the top nursing programs in the nation. Again on the cutting edge, Dolores now takes us beyond the mind-body paradigm to include spirituality in health and wellness.  Her books “HELP! How do I get the most out of my healthcare experience” is a must have resource book to assist people to maneuver through the healthcare system, and Spiritual Wellness For Life share stories about those Aha moments that change your life forever, are available through her website Dr Dolores resides and has a virtual practice in Encinitas, CA Learn more about Dr Dolores here: Her Practice Website:   Email: [email protected]  Direct Phone: (760) 579-2440 You can find her books:
8/26/201645 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 014: Devi Adea chats with Leslie Deems, LAc.

During this episode, Devi chats with Leslie Deems, LAc. about how to maintain balance on all levels as a Spiritual Entrepreneur.  Leslie is the founder of Awaken Balance, an integrative medicine health practice in Carlsbad, CA.  Leslie is an Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist, NAET practitioner, and lecturer. She holds a Masters degree in Traditional Chinese medicine and is licensed by the state of California.  She has been studying and practicing Chinese Medicine for 20 years. During this interview we cover: three power practices that Leslie and her patients use to maintain balance, energy and wellness the importance of balance to create a successful enterprise and life the power of mentorship and what to look for when selecting a mentor supplementation and what to look for when selecting supplements how to prepare yourself for maintaining balance if you or someone that you love is dealing with dis-ease in the body how to listen to your body and learn from it in a time of imbalance what is Chinese Medicine and what is included in practice of Chinese Medicine a technique that Leslie teaches to help your body to deal with and heal from allergies the importance of really listening and following your body's guidance how to get more done using short and long lists productivity practices that Leslie uses to maintain a healthy business/play balance what to do when clients who are undergoing change, project their fears and anger on you as a healing practitioner how to deal with rejection in the area of client acquisition and so much more... Have a listen! More about Leslie Deems, LAc.:  Leslie was drawn to the art of Chinese Medicine when facing her own healing crisis in 1995. Her personal journey with the efficacy of acupuncture is what drew her to apprentice with the world famous Dr. Richard Tan in San Diego. Leslie treats a variety of illnesses and diseases, but she has a passion for helping people with chronic pain issues and food allergies.  Leslie has lectured at California State University, San Marcos, on alternative health care and facial diagnosis. Her manuscript on Face Reading is presently in the works. Currently, she is a volunteer for the Buddhist Tzu Chi medical foundation, providing free medical care for underserved individuals. She presently sees patients in both the San Diego and San Francisco Bay Area. In addition to her private practice, Leslie resides on the Board of Directors of the Patricia Rincon Dance Collective, San Diego. Leslie enjoys being in nature, gardening and composting, dance, travel, and time spent with family and friends. Leslie is dedicated to providing quality care in a caring and compassionate way. In the pursuit of wellness, she believes it is best to use an integrative approach, considering all options, while treating the whole person. Resources mentioned in this episode: The Awaken Balance website: Alternate nostril breathing video: Click here to Access Video Leslie's direct phone number: (510) 846-8451
8/20/201640 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 013: Devi Adea chats with Micole Noble

In this episode, Devi speaks with Micole Noble, a certified life coach and Chopra Center Master Educator about how to create total wellbeing through self-awareness, and the practice of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda.  They cover a lot of ground in this interview, including: * The power of having a mantra to support a deep meditative practice * How Primordial Sound Meditation Mantras are chosen * How to overcome "monkey mind" * How to get started in meditation and create a sustainable practice * What times of day are best for your meditation practice * What body position is optimal for practicing meditation * The gifts of meditation in your life * Whether it is better to use a guided meditation audio or practice silent meditation practice * How to weave meditation, yoga and Ayurveda into your life to support your wellbeing and business * How much sleep you should have and the kind of sleep that is important for your wellbeing * The power of coaching in your life and business as a Spiritual Entrepreneur * Micole's favorite Spiritual Business Practices based on the 7 Spiritual Laws of Yoga * Accountability and structuring your day for optimal success and well being * How your word can effect your self worth and what you create in your life * The three different constitutions or "Doshas" in Ayurveda and what they mean. * and so much more... Have a listen! More about Micole:   With 15+ years of experience as a Corporate Recruiter, Micole began her personal journey to wellness and a balanced lifestyle in 2007. In 2009, she became certified as a Life Coach and began working with individuals who sought more meaning in their lives and to make a real difference in the world. Micole has worked since 2011 at The Chopra Center for Wellbeing in Carlsbad CA, the premier provider of experiences, education, teacher trainings and products that improve the health and wellbeing of body, mind and spirit. She is a Chopra Center Master Educator who teaches an integrative approach to total wellbeing through self-awareness, and the practice of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda. She fully believes and lives these consciousness-based teachings of Vedic science, as translated by Deepak Chopra and David Simon, the Chopra Center for Wellbeing founders. Micole collaborates with other business owners in her area to educate and inspire seekers to have the lives of their dreams. Micole is an organizer in her community and has co-led such groups as the Holistic Moms Network, (Carlsbad Chapter Co-Founder). Since 2010, she has created space in her home each month for women to connect as friends and spiritual beings with others who are looking for deeper meaning and connection. Micole is passionate about her family, health/wellness, meditation/consciousness, yoga/exercise, and connecting people. She loves traveling around the world, spending time with her animals and in nature, and continually growing and learning. It is Micole’s mission to create community wherever she goes and to one day own a wellness space for going within and connecting to what’s most important – our Selves. Micole resides in Carlsbad, CA and can be found mostly in La Costa – either working at the Chopra Center, luxuriating at the spa, and/or getting her OM on. Websites Mentioned:  * Micole's Main Website for her business and programs that she leads: * The 21 Day Meditation Experience website with Deepak Chopra and Oprah: * The Chopra Center Ayurveda Dosha Quiz that was referenced in this episode can be found at: * The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga:
8/13/201642 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 012: How to Overcome Feeling Isolated as a Spiritual Entrepreneur

(Devi Download) How to Overcome Feeling Isolated as a Spiritual Entrepreneur: In this episode of Spiritual Entrepreneur, Devi Adea addresses the feeling of isolation that often occurs somewhere along the journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship.  As Spiritual Entrepreneurs, we are deeply blessed to have a natural connection to the energy of our own soul and our own inner team.  And even still, in being a leader and creating something new and innovative, sometimes the path can seem lonely because it is a path less traveled. Devi shares with you 5 strategies that you can use to help you to overcome any feelings of isolation in your business life, especially if you are someone that works from home, that doesn't have a team, or that has a peer group that doesn't fully relate to the life path and creative spirit of a Spiritual Entrepreneur.  We don't want to let go of the amazing people in our lives.  Each person that we are blessed to call friend is true gold.  However, it is so important to surround ourselves with additional like hearted, like minded connections and to create an environment where our greatest and highest vision for our lives and businesses are not only supported, but are demanded of us. The five different options that Devi shares in this episode, include: "Working alone together" Coworking in a shared coworking space Creating a calendared appointment with another like hearted Spiritual Entrepreneur on a recurring basis Powerful Coaching & Masterminding "Voworking" or Virtual Coworking There is no reason to ever feel isolated in doing the work that you are here to do and answering the calling of your own soul.  Devi challenges you to choose one of these options and take action on it right now.  Your work in the world is important and needed. You deserve to be fully supported and surrounded in love. You can learn more about Devi and her work, at her main website:
8/6/201614 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 011: Devi Adea chats with Carl Hicks

In this episode, Devi speaks with Carl F. Hicks, Jr., Ph.D., who serves as President and CEO of The Growth Group, LLC and principal management consultant. Carl's results-oriented approach combines his management education and his approachable, conversational style with more than 30 years of Executive Coaching and Management Consulting experience. With wit and a unique ability to align individual performance with organizational objectives, Carl enables clients to free themselves from non-value added details to focus on mission-critical, strategic initiatives. Concentrating on The Human Side of Management, Carl helps clients identify, think through and effectively address interpersonal and performance issues that act as a drag on their success. Working with firms ranging in size from emerging entrepreneurs to Fortune 100 companies, Carl has helped them identify and develop their top managerial talent, strengthen their work teams and optimize their organization’s performance. Carl received his Ph.D. in Business Administration and MBA from the University of Arkansas and his BS in Management with distinction from Mississippi State University. Carl and his wife, Carolyn, are the proud parents of daughter, Natalya, founder and CEO of Natalya Bah Consulting in Washington D.C., and the happy grandparents of three grandchildren. He and his wife divide their time between their homes in Chevy Chase, MD and Hilton Head Island, SC. During this episode, we discuss: Carl's recent experience on silent retreat and some of the major takeaways and insights that he has received over the years from this practice. What it takes to find true fulfillment in life. How slowing down can give us insights that we might otherwise miss out on, during our day-to-day life experiences. Carl's daily routine and how he balances all aspects of his life, including taking 10 weeks of vacation a year, while maintaining a highly lucrative and thriving coaching and consulting practice. What one question to ask yourself to help you discover your life purpose. What to be thinking about if you are transitioning into the position of CEO. How to get started in a new business venture as a Spiritual Entrepreneur and so much more...  Have a listen! During this episode, Carl also shares some powerful quotes, one-liners, and great books for you to read. You can learn more about Carl Hicks at his website: or you can contact him directly by phone: (240) 351-4897 or by email: [email protected] His books, High Impact Ideas for Your Life and Unlock the Growth Potential of Your Organization, are available at
7/29/201653 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 010: Devi Adea chats with Brittney Carmichael

Brittney Carmichael, better known as “Brit”, helps spirited women share their creative gifts with the world. She is a trailblazing light worker with a mission to inspire + empower badass females to live a life you love + SHINE from the inside. She is like the truth-telling bestie you’ve always wanted. She embodies a unique method of combining intuitive awareness + compassionate honesty with spiritual truths + techniques to help you break free of fear + discover your deepest desires. In this episode, we talk about everything from loving yourself and your body, to travel, to alkalizing your body through plant based living, to how to manage your weekly schedule to enjoy a great lifestyle as a spiritual entrepreneur. Brit really brings home that we get to choose our life experiences moment by moment and we can always select what brings us the most joy. That is how she chooses what goes on her calendar and it has played a big part in her going from 75 pounds overweight to fully expressing her unique exceptional beauty and loving herself, shining from the inside as a healthy and radiant Spiritual Entrepreneur. This episode is a great reminder to love yourself and to be yourself unapologetically! You can find more of Brit at  
7/23/201640 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 009: Devi Adea chats with Kelley Grimes

In this episode, Devi chats with Kelley Grimes about self nurturing and the impact that it can have on our life experiences and the pathway to success as Spiritual Entrepreneurs.  Kelley Grimes, MSW, is a counselor, author, speaker, self-nurturing expert, and founder of Cultivating Peace and Joy. She is passionate about empowering overwhelmed and exhausted individuals to live with more peace, joy, and meaning through the practice of self-nurturing. She believes in nurturing peace in the world from the inside out. She also teaches self-nurturing to women overcoming domestic violence, homelessness and other major life challenges at local non-profits. She is married to an artist, has two empowered daughters, and loves singing with a small women’s group. You can learn more about Kelley and her work at and download your free Self-Nurturing Mobile App with daily inspirations and reminders to nurture yourself.
7/16/201638 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 008: Devi Adea chats with Jen Hoffman

In this episode, Devi chats with Jen Hoffman. Jen is not your average yogi. A public accountant turned certified personal trainer and registered yoga instructor, she is the founder of Jen uses this virtual studio to help students all over the world to weave healthy movement into the fabric of their day. She relies on her husband to keep their three lovely children off camera through Namaste. In this episode, we chat about: How Jen balances her busy schedule as a Spiritual Entrepreneur and home schooling Mom and keeps self nurturing alive in her life The defining moment for Jen in choosing the work that she does today and how she "knew" it was her purpose How Jen transitioned from working as a Certified Public Accountant with a brick and mortar business to having a successful online studio How you can use your breath to create a better life A unique and profound spiritual practice for serving your clients at a whole new level And so much more... Take a listen! You can find more about Jen at and access a free class at If you loved this episode, please leave us a review at  Thank you!
7/9/201645 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 007: Devi Adea chats with Marcy Morrison

In this episode, Devi chats with Marcy Morrison.  Marcy, the founder of Careers with Wings, embodies that which she strives to evoke in others – energy, enthusiasm, passion and fun.  Often referred to as bringing sunshine to every room she enters, Marcy helps others uncover and find their dream career via her books “Finding Your Passion: The Easy Guide to Your Dream Career" and "Falling in Love with Me:  A Personal Journey and A Guide to Falling in Love with You" (in English and Spanish), coaching, speaking engagements, workshops and trainings.  With the formula Passion + Purpose = World Change, Marcy’s vision is a world where everyone connects to their passion and purpose to change the world. Marcy has held workshops/trainings/speaking engagements for organizations including the San Diego Junior League Super Training Day, University of California San Diego, University of San Diego, Workforce Partnership, Lead San Diego, Jenna Druck Foundation, Jaycees, and many others.  Marcy is a sought out career expert nationwide with her work appearing in/on MSN CareerBuilder, San Francisco and San Diego Univision, CBS Los Angeles, ABC Washington D.C., FOX New York City, San Diego Business Journal, and regularly on San Diego stations including KUSI, Channel 6, FOX, and Channel 10.   Marcy is a coach for RiseSmart ( where she assists people through their career transition after a layoff.  Marcy also has served as a consultant for Right Management where she facilitated layoffs and career transition workshops in both English and Spanish. Marcy is equally dedicated to her vision of giving children and communities opportunities – or wings – to rise above poverty - Children with Wings.   Marcy also serves on the Steering Committee of the Community Alliance for Youth Success (CAYS) with Stedman Graham, Bobbi De Porter of Quantum Learning Network and other youth education/empowerment thought leaders. CAYS launched Youth Success Week in January 2016 with the Oceanside Unified School District in San Diego to serve as a nationwide model that is pulling together community resources and leaders to ensure youth success.  Marcy is a former Board Member of Just in Time for Foster Youth where she also helped build Career Horizons for Young Women and teaches classes on finding your passion and mentors 6 young women.  Her work with Just in Time was written up in the San Diego Union Tribune - you can read the story here.  Marcy received Just in Time's Volunteer of the Year Award.  Marcy is the proud Mom of two boys and lives in San Diego, California. Marcy has a Master's Degree in International Management/Latin America from the University of California, San Diego and a Bachelor's Degree in International Affairs/Spanish from James Madison University.  Her interesting career journey ranges from international business, development, sales, marketing in the non-profit, governmental and for-profit sectors has given her a wide-range of understanding when working with a diversity of clients. To Learn more about Marcy, visit her website:  
7/2/201630 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 006: Devi Adea chats with Natalie Vartanian & Bob Schwenkler

In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of love, communication, and relationships in business and life with Natalie Vartanian & Bob Schwenkler. As lovers turned business partners, Natalie and Bob help singles AND couples create miracles in their love lives to get the intimacy, confidence, and passion that they truly want.  During our time together, Natalie and Bob share more about this work and about how they have created and continue to nurture their successful partnership in business. Natalie and Bob believe that epic love IS possible, and that you get to have the relationship of your dreams (and better!). They are trained life coaches and founders of Sex the Podcast.  They are committed to honesty in communication and cultivating relationships where all parties are feeling seen, heard, valued and honored, whether those relationships are at work, at home, with family or friends. You can connect more with Natalie and Bob at or by emailing them at [email protected].
6/25/20161 hour, 21 seconds
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Episode 005: Powerful Practice for Spiritual Entrepreneurs – “Living Namaste”

(Devi Download) Powerful Practice for Spiritual Entrepreneurs - "Living Namaste": This episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur podcast kicks off the very first "Devi Download" episode of our show, where Devi shares one of her power practices for her life and business. The practice that she shares, called "Living Namaste", is one that she has used for years to create a sense of having a friend anywhere she travels in the world, for having the people in her life show up as their best selves and for having a deeper connection to her own self.  Devi attributes this practice to the extraordinary relationships she has in her life and to a large part of the success that both she and her clients experience. This is an episode that you don't want to miss!
6/18/20169 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 004: Devi Adea chats with Dr Morgan Oaks

In this episode, we get a look into the journey of Spiritual Entrepreneur, Dr Morgan Oaks.  "Dr Morgan" is an international teacher, author and speaker who is also a practicing chiropractor in Seattle, WA.  His passion is empowering people in every facet of their life.  While guiding people in identifying their pain, power, passion and personal role models, he helps them to begin living their best life.  The winding life path of this mechanical engineering, fire fighting, standup comedian doctor will entertain and enlighten you in a way that invites you to get clear about what you love and start living it today.   To learn more about Dr Morgan, visit his website:
6/10/201629 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 003: Devi Adea chats with Lauren Gaggioli

In this episode, we get a look into the journey of Spiritual Entrepreneur and Successful Podcaster, Lauren Gaggioli.  Lauren is the founder of Higher Scores Test Prep & Host of The College Checklist Podcast After graduating from New York University with her B.F.A. in Theater, Lauren moved to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career. To make time for auditions during the day, she called upon her academic roots from her high school days and began tutoring the SAT and ACT. She quickly fell in love – not with the exams, but with the feeling that she was helping students put their feet on a firm path towards a big, bright future. (Ok, maybe she fell a little bit in love with the exams too. Her dad didn’t nickname her #2 Pencil Nerd for nothing.) After 7 years working as an in-home tutor with a large test prep firm and then in her own independent tutoring company, Lauren distilled her experiences into the personalized ACT prep courses that are now available through Higher Scores Test Prep. Lauren’s love of teaching and compassion for what students are facing in today’s complex, competitive college admissions landscape allows her to bring a little bit of calm to her corner of the college admissions process. Lauren is also the host of The College Checklist podcast. On the podcast, she interviews college counselors and other college admissions professionals, bringing timely, relevant information to today’s college bound families. You can subscribe to the podcast for free on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts! Lauren lives in Carlsbad, CA with her husband Mike and their two energetic “babies” – Giada the Chihuahua and Captain Malcolm Reynolds their mischievous cat. When she’s not teaching, she can be found creating content for her fellow entrepreneurs, training for her next half marathon, or whipping up a new recipe in her teeny-tiny kitchen. You can discover more about Lauren, on any of her websites:    or Sit back and enjoy this insightful conversation with Spiritual Entrepreneur, Lauren Gaggioli!
5/31/201632 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 002: Devi Adea chats with Jodi Komitor

In this episode, I have the absolute pleasure of speaking with Jodi Komitor about her journey as a Spiritual Entrepreneur.  Jodi is a leading authority and pioneer in the Kids Yoga industry.  She is the founder of Next Generation Yoga & The Biz of Kids Yoga and a frequently sought after subject expert, mentor, speaker, educator, coach and writer. Jodi is the author of the best-selling book The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Yoga with Kids (Macmillan 2000), the star of Activity TV Yoga for Comcast on Demand and Gaiam Kids Yoga DVD’s, the Kids Yoga expert on Grokker and the creator of Whale Yoga DVD. Jodi has been featured in Time Magazine, The Associated Press,,US News & World Report, Child, New York Post, New York Newsday, The Today Show, EXTRA, Inside Edition, BBC, CBS Early Show, ABCNews and more. She is most proud of having taught Yoga to thousands of children around the world and certified hundreds of Kids Yoga Teachers in the Next Generation Yoga Teacher Training. Jodi’s Kids Yoga certifications include Yoga for the Special Child™, YogaKids®, Radiant Child Yoga Program® and Integrative Movement Therapy™ for Children. Jodi has completed a 300-hour adult yoga certification with the American Yoga Academy as well as a 200-hour Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga Teacher Training with the Chopra Center. In addition to her commitment to her own Yoga and meditation practice, dancing, personal development, time in nature, being Aunt JoJo and connecting in community; Jodi is passionate about volunteering with foundations that support her mission with children. She is an Ambassador for Africa Yoga Project as well as a proud sponsor of a teenager in Uganda. As well, Jodi serves as a Board Member for Kids for Peace 501(c)(3). Take a listen and enjoy our conversation as we talk about Jodi's 19 year journey as a Spiritual Entrepreneur!
5/31/201639 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 001: Welcome to the Spiritual Entrepreneur Podcast

Welcome to the Spiritual Entrepreneur Podcast! Hello and welcome to the Spiritual Entrepreneur!  This is Devi Adea and I will be your host of Spiritual Entrepreneur.  I am delighted and excited to get to share this podcast with you and am so grateful that you are here and joining us! I decided to launch this podcast, in order to get the conversation started on Spiritual Entrepreneurship at a greater scale.  In my personal interactions with other very successful Spiritual Entrepreneurs, I have found that there are some amazing life stories and practices we all have and use on an on-going basis, but don't speak about openly or lead with in conversations about business in order to not come across as "woo woo" or "unprofessional".  It has been really evident to me that these spiritual perspectives, practices, experiences, and tools are a big part of what creates a fulfilling life, self awakening, quality service to humanity, and successful business.  On this show, I'll be interviewing some extraordinary Spiritual Entrepreneurs and opening up this conversation.  We'll be sharing spiritual business best practices, life and business tools, talking about lifestyle, intuition, creativity, innovation, ... no topic is off the table as it relates to Spiritual Entrepreneurship. This show is for you if you: are a Spiritual Entrepreneur, thought leader, innovator and/or creative and are looking for others like yourself that are undertaking this journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship. have a knowing inside of yourself that you are here for a reason and that it is time to express the voice of your soul through business. desire to be of service in the world through a business that you create. desire to learn about your own soul through your business. desire to create a lifestyle that supports your life purpose and gives you the freedom for what your heart desires most. have a big vision of what you want to bring to the world and are looking for how to create it. want to be in the conversation where we transparently share the journey of Spiritual Entrepreneurship and all that is involved in it. During this episode, I welcome you to the show, let you know how this show came to be and give you some backstory about myself and what my journey to date has been into Spiritual Entrepreneurship.  We have a great lineup of extraordinary Spiritual Entrepreneurs that will be joining us in the up-coming episodes and I can't wait to share them with you! Welcome to the Spiritual Entrepreneur community!  Let's get this conversation started and support each other in each of our life journeys as Spiritual Entrepreneurs.  If you like what you hear here, please subscribe to receive future episodes and share the show with your friends and other Spiritual Entrepreneurs who would benefit!  If you LOVE what you hear, please give us a 5 star review to help us get the word out about the show! Thank you so much for being here!!!
5/31/201616 minutes, 1 second