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Stand to Reason Weekly Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 247 episodes, 2 days, 18 hours, 21 minutes
This podcast rebroadcasts our weekly radio program. Our purpose is to help Christians think more clearly about their faith and to help them make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity. Released every Wednesday.
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Advice for Young People Leaving Home

Greg gives advice to young people on how to live well on their own, then he talks to a caller about the point of glory and honor and why we need to give it to God.   Topics: Commentary: Advice for young people leaving home (00:00) What’s the point of glory and honor, and why do we need to give it to God? (39:00)   Mentioned on the Show:  When Culture Hates You: Persevering for the Common Good as Christians in a Hostile Public Square by Natasha Crain Reality Student Apologetics Conference – October 18–19 in Seattle, WA; November 8–9 in Minneapolis, MN; February 21–22, 2025 in Dallas, TX; March 21–22, 2025 in Philadelphia, PA STR U Online Training Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis   Related Links: Ten Tips to Help Your Prayer Life by Greg Koukl How I Pray...Even When It’s Hard by Greg Koukl Tips for Developing a Habit of Bible Reading by Greg Koukl How (and Why) to Make Habits, Not Just Resolutions by Amy Hall (quoting Joe Carter) Why Would God Want Us to Praise Him? by Amy Hall (quoting C.S. Lewis) How to Think about God Promoting His Own Glory by Amy Hall
9/18/202458 minutes
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An Interaction with a Mormon

Greg talks to a caller about his interaction with a Mormon, then he answers questions about how he keeps his cool in debates, how to prove biblically that Jesus is 100% God and 100% man, and whether Jesus ever asked to be worshiped.   Topics: A caller reports back on his interaction with a Mormon. (02:00) How do you keep your cool in debates? (16:00) How can I prove biblically that Jesus is 100% God and 100% man? (31:00) Did Jesus ever ask to be worshiped? (45:00) Download the mp3...   Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 13–14 in Los Angeles, CA; October 18–19 in Seattle, WA; November 8–9 in Minneapolis, MN; February 21–22, 2025 in Dallas, TX; March 21–22, 2025 in Philadelphia, PA Greg Koukl vs. John Baker: Do Moral Truths Exist? Deity of Christ: Case Closed by Greg Koukl Was Jesus Worshiped? by Greg Koukl   Related Links: Discussing “17 Points of the True Church” with Mormons by Amy Hall Who Is the God of Mormonism? by Amy Hall Verses for Your Conversations with Mormons by Amy Hall
9/13/202458 minutes
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Is Mormonism to Christianity as Christianity Is to Judaism?

Greg talks about his New Zealand trip then answers questions about whether the creation of new fruits by farmers is an example of evolution, the definition of holiness, the definition of knowledge, and whether Mormonism is to Christianity as Christianity is to Judaism.   Topics: Commentary: Greg’s trip to New Zealand (00:00) When farmers create new kinds of fruit, isn’t that evolution? (14:00) What’s the definition of holiness? (25:00) What’s the distinction between knowledge and wisdom? (36:00) How would you respond to the claim that “Mormonism is to Christianity as Christianity is to Judaism”? (49:00) Download the mp3...   Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 13–14 in Los Angeles, CA; October 18–19 in Seattle, WA; November 8–9 in Minneapolis, MN; February 21–22, 2025 in Dallas, TX; March 21–22, 2025 in Philadelphia, PA Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers STR U Online Training When Culture Hates You: Persevering for the Common Good as Christians in a Hostile Public Square by Natasha Crain STR Outposts The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Greg Koukl Is Mormonism Just Another Christian Denomination? by Greg Koukl
9/11/202458 minutes
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A Simple Case Against Atheism

You’re betting your life on your answer to the question “Does God exist?” Greg considers what we can learn about the nature of reality simply by reflecting on two obvious facts that are available to everyone and then asking what best explains those two facts.   Topics: Message: You Bet Your Life: A Simple Case Against Atheism (08:00) Things exist. (17:00) Torturing babies for fun is wrong. (43:00) What best explains these two facts? (51:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Be One of the 100 – Become a strategic partner Related Links: Who Created God? by Amy Hall Can a Non-Physical Being Affect the Physical World? by Amy Hall
8/30/202458 minutes
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Does a Private Commitment Create a Legitimate Marriage?

Greg answers questions about whether a private commitment can create a legitimate marriage, what Romans 14:12 means when it says we’ll give an account to God, baby dedications for same-sex couples, and reaching a spouse for Christ when they’re skeptical of your faith.   Topics: If people make a commitment privately, is that a legitimate marriage? (06:00) When Romans 14:12 says that “each one of us will give an account of himself to God,” does that mean something will be based on our good works? (26:00) Is it wrong for a church to do a baby dedication for a same-sex couple? (36:00) Any advice for reaching my husband for Christ when he thinks my recent return to the faith is just a temporary fix and doesn’t take it seriously? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Be One of the 100 – Become a strategic partner Submit a question on the Open Mic Line
8/28/202458 minutes
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Is Morality Just Based on Society’s Definition of Human Flourishing?

Greg answers questions about interpreting and using Paul’s list of qualifications for elders, the vetting process for church leaders and workers, what charismatics think about speaking in tongues, and the idea that morality is based on society’s definition of human flourishing.   Topics: Is everything on Paul’s list of qualifications for elders required, and how do you interpret the “husband of one wife” requirement? (04:00) What should the vetting process be for church leaders and workers? (20:00) Do charismatics say that speaking in tongues is speaking in a language that exists, or do they say it’s speaking words that only a spiritual gift can interpret? (31:00) How would you respond to someone who says that morality is subjective, based on the society’s definition of human flourishing, and that we only feel an obligation not to go against it because of the consequences imposed by the society? (43:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Be One of the 100 – Become a strategic partner
8/23/202458 minutes
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Interview: David Halevy – Bring the Gospel Back to the Jewish People

Greg talks to David Halevy about his outreach to Jews in Israel and his book, Returning the Favor, written to train people who want to share the gospel with Jewish people but don’t know how or are afraid of offending them.   Topics: Interview: David Halevy, author of Returning the Favor: An Ambassador's Guide to the Jewish People (00:00) What is the biggest barrier Jews have to taking the gospel and Jesus as the Messiah seriously? (29:00) Responding to “I’m just not interested in Jesus.” (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Returning the Favor: An Ambassador’s Guide to the Jewish People by David Halevy Builders of Israel Dr. Michael Brown’s responses to Jewish objections to Jesus and the gospel
8/21/202458 minutes
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Apologetics on Mission

Greg chats with Ben Clifton of Apologetics on Mission about his work training Christian leaders around the world, then he answers a question from a concerned mom about how to respond to a “queer prom” at a children’s museum where she frequently takes her children.   Topics: Interview: Ben Clifton, president of Apologetics on Mission (00:00) Do you have any advice about how I should respond to a “queer prom” that will be held at a children’s museum where I frequently take my children? (39:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Apologetics on Mission John Warwick Montgomery’s International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human Rights in Strasbourg Be One of the 100 Greg’s Message to His School Board Regarding Proposed Sex Ed Curriculum by Greg Koukl Paul Carden’s CFAR (Greg mistakenly referred to this as CARM)
8/16/202458 minutes
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What Should I Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Like Organized Religion?

Greg answers questions about Jesus’ commands, what it means to follow Jesus, responding to someone who doesn’t like organized religion, the reasonableness of the Trinity, and whether belief in an eternal Hell is essential to the Christian faith.   Topics: How many commands does Jesus have? (02:00) How would you respond to someone who said, “What does it mean to follow Jesus—not STR or any other organization, but Jesus”? (09:00) What would you say to someone who says he doesn’t like organized religion? (16:00) How should I respond to someone who thinks the Trinity is unreasonable? (33:00) Why don’t you think belief in an eternal Hell is essential to the Christian faith? (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Submit a question on the Open Mic Line Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl A Simple Survey to Help Initiate Spiritual Conversations by Greg Koukl Hell Interrupted Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
8/14/202458 minutes
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Why Isn’t the Holy Spirit More Active in His People?

Greg answers questions from callers about why the Holy Spirit isn’t more active in his people, whether monotheism is essential to the Christian faith, feeling like giving up at the end of one’s life, why we arrange worship services the way we do, and the transcendental argument.   Topics: Why isn’t the Holy Spirit more active in his people? Why doesn’t he prevent divisions in the body of Christ? (04:00) Is monotheism essential to the Christian faith? (18:00) I’m old, tired, and in pain, and I just feel like giving up. (31:00) Is there a reason why we arrange our worship services the way we do? (42:00) What do you think about the transcendental argument for the existence of God? (52:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 13–14 in Los Angeles, CA; October 18–19 in Seattle, WA; November 8–9 in Minneapolis, MN; February 21–22, 2025 in Dallas, TX; March 21–22, 2025 in Philadelphia, PA The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis Be One of the 100 – Become a strategic partner Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl
8/9/202458 minutes
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A Conversation About Hell and the Gospel

Greg describes a conversation he had with someone about Hell and the gospel, then he answers questions about what to look out for when hiring a new pastor, whether or not it’s wrong to use instruments in worship, and why Greg ended up getting married later in life.   Topics: Commentary: A conversation about Hell and the gospel (00:00) What should our church look out for when hiring a new pastor? (29:00) How would you respond to someone who says it’s wrong to use instruments in worship? (41:00) Why did you end up getting married later in life? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Be One of the 100 – Become a strategic partner STR Outposts Related Links: #STRask: What Questions Should I Ask Pastors When Looking for a New Church?
8/7/202458 minutes
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There Are No Bible Verses

Greg talks about not interpreting Bible verses out of context as if they were originally written as discrete verses, then he answers a question about whether inclusivism is true or people need to know and trust in Jesus to be saved.   Topics: Commentary: There are no verses in the Bible. (00:00) Do Protestants still disagree with Catholics on whether or not people need to know and believe in Jesus to be saved? (36:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Be One of the 100 – Become a strategic partner One Way or Any Way – Part 1 and Part 2
8/2/202458 minutes
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Interview: J. Warner Wallace – The Truth in True Crime

Greg talks to J. Warner Wallace, author of The Truth in True Crime: What Investigating Death Teaches Us About the Meaning of Life, about the Christian worldview and human flourishing—the nature of wisdom, stable identity formation, selflessness and humility, and more.   Topics: Interview: J. Warner Wallace, author of The Truth in True Crime (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  J. Warner Wallace The Truth in True Crime: What Investigating Death Teaches Us About the Meaning of Life by J. Warner Wallace Operation Heal Our Patriots
7/31/202458 minutes
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Differences Between Protestants and Catholics

Greg talks to callers about differences between Protestants and Catholics, whether Jesus ever told people to worship him, how to tell if an experience was spiritual, emotional, or demonic, whether or not Greg is a cessationist and why, and how to reach nominal Christians.   Topics: Can you explain the differences between Protestants and Catholics? (00:00) Did Jesus ever tell people to worship him? (15:00) Is this sensation I’m experiencing something spiritual, something emotional, or something demonic? (28:00) Are you a cessationist, and what is the reasoning behind your position? (38:00) How do I reach nominal Christians? (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Was Jesus Worshiped? by Greg Koukl Decision Making and the Will of God: What the Bible Doesn’t Say Decision Making and the Will of God: The Biblical Model STR Outposts Related Links: The “Gospel for Believers” in 3 Quick Verses by Greg Koukl Did Jesus Receive Worship? by Tim Barnett Another Claim to Deity? by Amy Hall Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (online articles) by Greg Koukl
7/26/202458 minutes
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What Is Humility?

Greg talks about the nature and importance of humility, then he answers questions about whether we can determine which writings are Scripture just by looking at those writings and whether the fact that the Catholic church chose the canon is evidence of their authority.   Topics: Commentary: What is humility? (00:00) Can we determine which writings are Scripture just by looking at those writings, and since the Catholic Church was the first to recognize the books of the Bible, shouldn’t that mean they are the ones with authority? (34:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 13–14 in Los Angeles, CA; October 18–19 in Seattle, WA; November 8–9 in Minneapolis, MN; February 21–22, 2025 in Dallas, TX; March 21–22, 2025 in Philadelphia, PA Related Links: Is Sola Scriptura Self-Refuting?
7/24/202458 minutes
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The Bible Doesn’t Have a Second-Level Spiritual Meaning

Greg responds to the idea that the Bible has a second-level spiritual meaning you have to find, then he answers questions about “once saved, always saved,” apologetics in the evangelical church, and what it means to number our days if we’re already either elect or non-elect.   Topics: Commentary: The Bible doesn’t have a second-level spiritual meaning. (00:00) What does the Bible have to say about the doctrine of “once saved, always saved”? (23:00) Do you think there’s a lack of apologetics in the evangelical church today? (37:00) Why should we number our days if we’re already either elect or non-elect? How can we have a healthy fear of the Lord if we believe Calvinism is true? (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Submit a question on the Open Mic Line Grace Defined and Defended: What a 400-Year-Old Confession Teaches Us about Sin, Salvation, and the Sovereignty of God by Kevin DeYoung Related Links: Silly Putty Bible Study by Greg Koukl
7/19/202458 minutes
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Don’t Presume You Know God’s Intentions

Greg responds to the claims Christians are making about the failed assassination of Trump, then he talks to callers about moral vs. political issues, talking to LDS missionaries, having peace about lost loved ones, and loving LDS neighbors when you’re angry about harm caused by their religion.   Topics: Commentary: Don’t presume you know God’s intentions. (00:00) What is the difference between a moral issue and a political issue? (20:00) What should I say to Mormon missionaries who still want to talk to me after hearing my objections to Mormonism? (30:00) When we’re in Heaven and know fully, will we have peace about our friends and family members who rejected the gospel? (46:00) How can I love my Mormon neighbors when I’m angry about their false religion hurting my family? (51:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Is Mormonism Just Another Christian Denomination? by Greg Koukl Related Links: Who Is the God of Mormonism? by Amy Hall Verses for Your Conversations with Mormons by Amy Hall Is It Possible Some Mormons Are Saved? by Amy Hall
7/17/202458 minutes
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Nothing Is Wrong with the World if There Is No God

Greg talks about why atheists can’t say something is wrong with the world, then he answers questions about children going to Heaven, a good Bible for New Agers, repeating numbers in the Bible, medication in the Bible, and whether the church is really the “bride of Christ.”   Topics: Commentary: Nothing is wrong with the world if there is no God. (00:00) If children die before the age of accountability, do they go to Heaven? (05:00) Can you recommend a Bible for someone who has been affected by New Age beliefs? (13:00) How do I respond to those who say the Bible seems less true because there are so many repeating numbers in it? (33:00) How does the Bible address the use of medication and pharmacies? (39:00) Is the church really the “bride of Christ”? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl When a Baby Dies by Ronald Nash STR U Online Training Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 13–14 in Los Angeles, CA; October 18–19 in Seattle, WA; November 8–9 in Minneapolis, MN; February 21–22, 2025 in Dallas, TX; March 21–22, 2025 in Philadelphia, PA
7/12/202458 minutes
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The Surprise of Death

Greg reflects on the surprise of death and the surprise of what many will experience on the other side, then he talks to callers about whether mental illnesses exist and whether dispensational and Reformed views teach the same gospel.   Topics: Commentary: The surprise of death (00:00) Do mental illnesses exist? (26:00) Do dispensational and Reformed views teach the same gospel? (44:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Is the Bible Sufficient? by Greg Koukl Driven to Distraction by Edward M. Hallowell and John J. Ratey The Bible: Fast Forward – DVD (Also available as a digital download)
7/10/202458 minutes
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Will Steak Be on the Menu in Heaven?

Greg answers questions about whether steak will be on the menu in Heaven, a Christian high school requiring students to use the Enneagram in a class, and questions to ask a New Ager who is big on “spirituality” but doesn’t like the cross or the forgiveness of sins.   Topics: Will steak be on the menu in Heaven? (02:00) How would you approach staff at a Christian high school where students are required to take a “life calling” class that uses the Enneagram? (29:00) What questions should I ask a New Ager who is big on “spirituality” but doesn’t like the cross and the concept of the forgiveness of sins? (40:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Become a Strategic Partner Melissa Dougherty Not God’s Type by Holly Ordway
7/5/202458 minutes
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There’s No Silver Bullet

Greg talks about how some questions about how to reach people are just hard to figure out, then he answers questions about who created God, using apologetics with someone who is mentally ill and hostile towards Christianity, and the best way to do corporate prayer.   Topics: Commentary: There’s no silver bullet. (00:00)  If the universe had to have a cause, then who created God? (17:00) How do you recommend using apologetics with someone who is mentally ill and hostile towards Christianity? (37:00) Do you have any thoughts on the best way to do corporate prayer so that it’s more effective and joyful? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Become a Strategic Partner Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Greg Koukl Related Links: Who Created God? by Amy Hall A Simple Explanation of the Cosmological Argument by Amy Hall Why You Shouldn’t Lose Heart When Prayer Is Difficult by Amy Hall (quoting John Newton) Prayer Begins with Hope in God by Amy Hall
7/3/202458 minutes
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How to Be a Good Ambassador for Christ to Muslims

Guest Host: Alan Shlemon   Alan Shlemon talks about how to be a good ambassador for Christ to Muslims, the largest unreached people group on the planet, explaining their foundational objection to Christianity and how to address it, three things you need to engage them, and more.   Topics: Our identity and job as ambassadors for Christ (00:00) Step one: Learn about Islam (12:00) The three primary authoritative sources in Islam (14:00) Muslim views on Jesus and jihad (22:00) Step two: Engage Muslims—three things you need (38:00) How to respond to the foundational objection that the Bible is corrupted (39:00) Who the real enemy is and what our job is (48:00) Q&A (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  A Closer Look at Islam by Alan Shlemon The Life of Muhammad by Ibn Ishaq The Ambassador’s Guide to Islam by Alan Shlemon Related Links: Jihad and War in Islam and Christianity by Alan Shlemon How to Reach Your Muslim Neighbor by Alan Shlemon The Cross Is Good News for Muslims by Alan Shlemon
6/28/202458 minutes
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How Do We Connect with God in a Way That’s Biblically Sound?

Greg responds to a request for advice on how to move from a “listening for the voice of God” view to connecting with God in a way that’s biblically sound, discussing stages of Christian maturity and explaining how God matures Christians through suffering.   Topics: What advice would you give to someone who’s transitioning from a “listening for the voice of God” view to connecting with God in a way that is biblically sound? (01:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Ambassador’s Guide to the Voice of God (booklet) by Greg Koukl Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (online articles) by Greg Koukl Newton on the Christian Life by Tony Reinke A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis Newton on How You Can Be Deceived While Reading the Bible by Amy Hall Meaningful Suffering by Amy Hall (includes the hymn by John Newton on God’s use of suffering to mature Christians) Related Links: Why You Shouldn’t Lose Heart When Prayer Is Difficult by Amy Hall (quoting John Newton) God’s Amazing Grace Could Only Have Been Revealed in a Fallen World by Amy Hall (on John Newton’s life)
6/26/202458 minutes
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Don’t Give Your Kid a Smartphone

Guest Host: Jonathan Noyes   Jon talks about the negative effects of social media on mental health and gives tips for raising kids in this culture, then he answers questions about why God redeemed humans and whether or not we still have a responsibility to preach the gospel to all nations.   Topics: Commentary: Don’t give your kid a smartphone. (00:00) Why do you think God chose to redeem human beings when he didn’t need to? (27:00) Do we still have a responsibility to preach the gospel to all nations, and was it wrong for the missionary who was recently killed along with his wife in Haiti to have brought her with him to a dangerous place? (26:00) Commentary: More on how smartphones affect mental health and other societal problems (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 13–14 in Los Angeles, CA; October 18–19 in Seattle, WA; November 8–9 in Minneapolis, MN; February 21–22, 2025 in Dallas, TX; March 21–22, 2025 in Philadelphia, PA STR U Online Training Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up by Abigail Shrier #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy STR Outposts
6/21/202458 minutes
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Action Beats Intention

Greg talks about the satisfaction of having done something useful, then he answers questions about advancing the truth with an unbelieving wife and whether withholding sex from a spouse is grounds for divorce.   Topics: Commentary: Action beats intention. (00:00) If you were in my situation, how would you advance the truth of Christianity with your unbelieving wife? (12:00) Does Paul indicate that withholding sex from your spouse is a sexual sin that could be grounds for divorce? (31:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Submit a question on the Open Mic Line Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy? by Gary Thomas Related Links: The Beauty of Submission by Amy Hall The Beauty of Leadership by Amy Hall
6/19/202458 minutes
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Are Science and Faith Compatible?

Guest Host: Tim Barnett   Tim Barnett discusses the compatibility of faith and science by first defining “faith” and “science” and then exploring the three problems a naturalist has to overcome in order to explain how even a single, small protein could come about on its own by chance.   Topics: What is faith? (05:00) What is science? (13:00) How do we explain the existence of functional proteins? (32:00) The chirality problem for naturalists (37:00) The bonding problem for naturalists (40:00) The sequence problem for naturalists (45:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Are Science and Faith Compatible? by Tim Barnett – DVD “Kinesin protein walking on microtubule” – Animation Related Links: Can Science Explain Everything? by John Lennox Why Intelligent Design Isn’t a God-of-the-Gaps Argument by Tim Barnett Why Intelligent Design Is an Argument from Knowledge, Not Ignorance by Amy Hall (quoting Stephen Meyer) Building a Protein by Chance by Tim Barnett
6/13/202458 minutes
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Don’t Participate in Pagan Ceremonies

Greg answers questions from callers about participating in “smudging ceremonies” at a pastor’s training session and whether an apparent contradiction could reach a level where it became evidence against that Gospel being an eyewitness account.   Topics: Should Christians be participating in “smudging ceremonies” to release our bad energies (as we were asked to do in a pastor’s training session), and how should we be reaching out to indigenous people in places like Canada? (03:00) If apparent contradictions offer evidence of authentic eyewitness accounts, is there a level of contradiction that would hurt the case, like Matthew 8 contradicting Mark 5 in the number of demoniacs helped by Jesus? (37:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Submit a question on the Open Mic Line Smudging Protocols and Guidelines for Schools – Information on smudging Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels by J. Warner Wallace
6/12/202458 minutes
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People No Longer Know What the ”Final Solution” Was

Greg talks about people no longer knowing about the Nazi phrase “Final Solution,” then he talks to callers about questions to ask an atheist family member who’s extremely moral and how to respond to someone who says they have a message from God for you.   Topics: Commentary: People no longer know what the “Final Solution” was. (00:00) Do you have any advice for questions I can ask my atheist brother who’s extremely moral? (17:00) How should I respond to someone who says they have a message for me from God? (41:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Conspiracy – Film about the meeting where the Nazis planned their “Final Solution” Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed by Douglas Axe Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Related Links: Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 by Greg Koukl
6/7/202458 minutes
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What to Say to a Consistent Moral Relativist

Greg chats with Frank Turek about CIA, then he answers questions about what to say to a consistent moral relativist, whether a lack of persecution indicates anything about a person’s Christianity, and where the Bible says you can’t lose your salvation.   Topics: Commentary: Greg talks to Frank Turek about the upcoming CrossExamined Instructor Academy. (00:00) How should I talk to someone who is consistent about denying objective morality? (18:00) Does the fact that I haven’t suffered any persecution say anything about my Christianity? (27:00) Where in the Bible does it say you can’t lose your salvation? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  CrossExamined Instructor Academy – August 1–3, Charlotte, NC #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy How to Be Sure You’re Saved by Greg Koukl Related Links: Losing Your Salvation in Ephesians 1:14–3 by Amy Hall
6/5/202458 minutes
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How Many Ancient Copies of the Quran Exist?

Guest Host: Alan Shlemon   Alan answers questions about ancient copies of the Quran, an intersex person unintentionally entering into a homosexual relationship, whether Deuteronomy’s apostasy law is the same as Islam’s, and how to respond to companies during Pride Month.   Topics: Do you know how many ancient copies of the Quran exist? (01:00) How would you advise an intersex person who fears their parents may have chosen the wrong sex for them and is worried about unintentionally entering into a homosexual relationship? (25:00) Is the law in Deuteronomy 13:6–10 about putting apostates to death the same as the law of apostasy in Islam? (36:00) How should we respond to sports teams, coffee shops, etc. during Pride Month? (51:00) Mentioned on the Show:  interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth
5/31/202458 minutes
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How Can Anyone Have Assurance of Salvation?

Greg answers questions about how we can have assurance of salvation in light of Jeremiah 17:9 and Matthew 7:21–23, whether someone with a phobia of water needs to get baptized by full immersion, and whether the devil could go back to Heaven if he repented.   Topics: In light of Jeremiah 17:9 and Matthew 7:21–23, how can anyone have assurance of salvation? (04:00) Would God require someone with a phobia of water to get baptized by full immersion, or is sprinkling on the head enough? (44:00) If the devil told God he was sorry and did kind things, would he go back to Heaven or stay in Hell? (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Stand to Reason’s Ambassador’s Creed God’s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement by Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec Submit a question on the Open Mic Line Related Links: Faith and Works: Paul vs. James by Greg Koukl
5/29/202458 minutes
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How Jesus Practiced Apologetics

Guest Hosts: Tim Barnett and Robby Lashua   Tim and Robby talk about how Jesus practiced apologetics, then they answer questions about which day Jesus was crucified on, what you should do when someone asks a question you don’t know the answer to, and whether psychiatry is against God.   Topics: Commentary: How Jesus practiced apologetics (05:00) What does Sam Harris mean when he says the Gospels contradict each other on which day Jesus was crucified, and how would you respond? (28:00) What do you do when someone asks you a question you don’t know the answer to? (49:00) Is psychiatry against God? (51:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 13–14 in Los Angeles, CA; October 18–19 in Seattle, WA; November 8–9 in Minneapolis, MN; February 21–22, 2025 in Dallas, TX; March 21–22, 2025 in Philadelphia, PA STR U Online Training STR Outposts CrossExamined Instructor Academy Red Pen Logic with Mr. B Did John Contradict Mark on the Day Jesus Died?
5/24/202458 minutes
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Is a Second Marriage as Illegitimate as a Same-Sex Marriage?

Greg answers Open Mic questions about whether a second marriage is as illegitimate as a same-sex marriage, attending services that have elements you disagree with, and whether feelings of morality are simply the result of evolution.   Topics: Is a second marriage for a Christian as illegitimate as a same-sex marriage? (04:00) Should we not attend funeral masses where we disagree with what’s happening in the service? (21:00) How would you respond to an atheist who says our feelings of morality are just evolved tribal protectiveness? (34:00) Mentioned on the Show:  What the Bible Says about Divorce and Remarriage by Wayne Grudem
5/22/202458 minutes
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A Mission Trip to New Agers

Guest Host: Robby Lashua   Robby talks about taking high schoolers on a mission trip to New Agers, then he answers questions about applying 2 Corinthians 10:5, escaping from sins, public versus Catholic school, whether Jesus had a pet, and whether Jesus loves us more than the Father does.   Topics: Commentary: A mission trip to New Agers (00:00) How is 2 Corinthians 10:5 to be applied within a group of Christians? (19:00) How does apologetics help us escape from sins that have a grip on us? (29:00) What are your thoughts on public school versus Catholic school? (34:00) Do you think Jesus had a pet? (44:00) Does Jesus love us more than the Father does? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  STR Outposts Four Questions about the Love of God to Ask Jehovah’s Witnesses by Robby Lashua STR U Online Training Related Links: What Motivates Sin (and How to Fight It) by Amy Hall A Warning to Apologists about Sin by Amy Hall
5/17/202458 minutes
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Interview: Titus Kennedy – The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands

Guest Host: Robby Lashua   Robby talks to archaeologist Titus Kennedy, author of The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands: Uncovering Biblical Sites of the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World, about archaeological finds that shed light on various Old Testament accounts.   Topics: Interview: Titus Kennedy, author of The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Titus Kennedy The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands: Uncovering Biblical Sites of the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean World by Titus Kennedy Titus Kennedy’s Instagram Related Links: Interview: Titus Kennedy – Excavating the Evidence for Jesus Archaeological Evidence for the Exodus – Greg interviews Titus Kennedy and Stephen Meyer
5/15/202458 minutes
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We Were Enemies of God

Greg talks about how we were enemies of God before we were reconciled to him through the atonement, then he answers questions about how to determine a guest pastor’s theology and whether all Christians ought to embrace Jewish traditions.   Topics: Commentary: We were enemies of God. (00:00) Can you suggest a few questions to help determine the theology of a guest pastor who will be speaking at our youth retreat and is possibly progressive? (23:00) If Christianity truly is the fulfillment of covenantal Judaism, then why don’t all Christians embrace truly Jewish traditions? (40:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Why the Blood? by Greg Koukl Subscribe to Solid Ground The Bible: Fast Forward by Greg Koukl Faithfulness Is Not Theologically Complicated by Greg Koukl Related Links: #STRask: What Questions Should I Ask Pastors When Looking for a New Church? Why We’re Not Under the Mosaic Law by Amy Hall Should Followers of Christ Observe the Torah? by Amy Hall How Does the Old Testament Law Apply to Christians Today? by Greg Koukl The Law Is Good by Amy Hall
5/10/202458 minutes
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Jesus Revolution and the Jesus Movement

Greg chats about Jesus Revolution after finally seeing it, then he talks to a caller about good questions to ask an agnostic friend and answers a question about why he says Jesus  saved us from the Father rather than from our sins.   Topics: Commentary: Jesus Revolution and the Jesus Movement (00:00) What are some good questions I can ask an agnostic friend? (25:00) Why would you say Jesus was saving us from the Father rather than from our sin, as if the Father were our enemy? (36:00) Mentioned on the Show:  CrossExamined Instructor Academy Jesus Revolution – Film Why the Blood? by Greg Koukl  
5/8/202458 minutes
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What Should I Say to Someone Who’s Apathetic?

Greg responds to questions he received about speaking to someone who’s apathetic and the Spirit’s role in evangelism, then he talks to callers about whether churches need a lead pastor, Jesus’ words in Matthew 27:46, and answering a Mormon’s objections to the Trinity.   Topics: Commentary: What should I say to someone who’s apathetic? (00:00) Even if we have several rotating preaching pastors, should we still have a lead pastor guiding the church? (20:00) Why didn’t you include Jesus’ words in Matthew 27:46, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” in your Solid Ground on the atonement? (28:00) How should I respond to a Mormon who challenges the Trinity by claiming it’s an extra-biblical concept created by the Council of Nicea and by asking who Jesus was praying to if he’s God? (38:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Why the Blood? by Greg Koukl Red Pen Logic with Mr. B Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl The Trinity: A Solution, Not a Problem Part 1 and Part 2
5/3/202458 minutes
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Thoughts on “The Chosen”

Greg gives his thoughts on the good and bad of The Chosen, then he talks to callers about whether Hell is simply the absence of God and whether it’s inappropriate to speak with a pastor about his unbiblical teaching and the direction of his church if he isn’t your pastor.   Topics: Commentary: Thoughts on The Chosen (09:00) What do you think of my idea that Hell is not so much the presence of something as it is the absence of Someone? (38:00) Is it inappropriate to speak with a pastor about his unbiblical teaching and the direction of his church if he isn’t your pastor? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show: The Christ Child: A Nativity Story – Short film
5/1/202458 minutes
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How Does the Holy Spirit Communicate with Believers?

Greg answers questions about how the Holy Spirit communicates with believers, giving prophetic words to people, resources on Christian nationalism, whether Satan is at work in the world, increasing our aggressiveness in this culture, and Ray Comfort’s approach.   Topics: How does the Holy Spirit communicate with believers? (00:00) What can I do to soften someone’s heart who has rejected the prophetic word I received for them? (15:00) Can you recommend any resources on the topic of Christian nationalism? (25:00) How should I respond to someone who says Satan is no longer at work in the world? (35:00) Has the time come for us to be more aggressive with our apologetics in order to be heard by the culture? (44:00) What are your thoughts on Ray Comfort’s approach to evangelism, and how does it differ from the approach you would take? (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Ambassador’s Guide to the Voice of God (booklet) by Greg Koukl Decision Making and the Will of God – Audio by Greg Koukl Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Related Links: Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (online articles) by Greg Koukl
4/26/202458 minutes
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Why the Apocrypha Is Not Part of the Canon

Greg explains why the Apocrypha isn’t part of the canon, then he talks to callers about what to say to a good pastor who has been taking verses out of context and thoughts on cessationism.   Topics: Commentary: Why the apocrypha is not part of the canon (00:00) How should I approach a pastor I love about taking verses out of context? (26:00) What do you think about cessationism? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Scribes and Scripture: The Amazing Story of How We Got the Bible by John D. Meade and Peter J. Gurry Why Jesus Rebuked Doubting Thomas by Greg Koukl
4/24/202458 minutes
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When Should You Interpret a Passage of Scripture Symbolically?

Greg answers questions about interpreting Scripture symbolically, distinguishing between the Lord’s discipline and suffering, how to get over a fear of talking about your faith, and whether Jesus was separated from the other persons of the Trinity on the cross.   Topics: When should I interpret a passage of Scripture symbolically? (01:00) What are your thoughts on the discipline of the Lord (Hebrews 12:4–11) vs. suffering we should push back on? (18:00) How can people get over their irrational fear of talking to others about their faith? (31:00) Is there any indication in the Bible that Jesus was separated from the other two persons of the Trinity as a result of the sin of humanity being placed on him? (46:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA A Simple Survey to Help Initiate Spiritual Conversations by Greg Koukl Related Links: #STRask: In light of Hebrews 12:5–11, how can a Christian know when they’re being disciplined vs. experiencing a consequence of a sinful act? #STRask: Can you give any examples of what Christians are to expect in terms of God’s discipline?
4/19/202458 minutes
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Do We Have a Right to End Our Own Lives?

Greg talks about a case in the Netherlands where a 28-year-old woman who doesn’t want to live is planning to be euthanized, then he answers a question about how you can “trust in the Lord with all your heart” when our hearts are wicked.   Topics: Commentary: Do we have a right to end our own lives? (00:00) How do you “trust in the Lord with all your heart” when our hearts are wicked? (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  ‘I’m 28. And I’m Scheduled to Die in May.’ by Rupa Subramanya The age limit for euthanasia requests in the Netherlands: a Delphi study among paediatric experts – Journal of Medical Ethics Reality Student Apologetics Conference – April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA  
4/17/202458 minutes
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They Are Waking up to Reality

Greg talks about the current trend of people realizing their values can’t be sustained by an atheist worldview, then he answers questions about a common ancestor and transitional forms, prayer and God’s predestined plan, and advice for praying with OCD.   Topics: Commentary: They are waking up to reality. (00:00) Do you agree with William Lane Craig that there’s evidence for a common ancestor and transitional forms? (10:00) How effective are our prayers and petitions if God’s plan is predestined? Does God ever alter his plan because of our prayers, or are our prayers only answered when they’re already in line with God’s plan? (34:00) Do you have any advice for me as I try to pray with OCD and feel like I have to get my words exactly right? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God: Why New Atheism Grew Old and Secular Thinkers Are Considering Christianity Again by Justin Brierley
4/12/202458 minutes
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The Unique Nature of a Total Eclipse of the Sun

Greg reflects on the unique nature of a total eclipse and his experience seeing one yesterday, then he describes conversations he had with people about Christianity while he was traveling and answers a question about the slippery slope fallacy.   Topics: Commentary: The unique nature of a total eclipse of the sun. (10:00) Commentary: Two conversations (28:00) If someone says he was born gay and we must just accept it, would it be a slippery slope fallacy to respond by saying that by that logic we would have to accept the idea that a murderer must be accepted because it’s who he is? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA STR U Online Training Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers STR Outposts The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery by Jay W. Richards and Guillermo Gonzales
4/10/202458 minutes
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When It Comes to the Atonement, People Do Not Take the Blood Seriously

Greg discusses what the Bible says about penal substitutionary atonement, then he answers questions about what to do if your pastor secretly holds to pro-LGBTQ theology and why God no longer gives direct messages to people like he did in the Old Testament.   Topics: Commentary: When it comes to the atonement, people do not take the blood seriously. (05:00) If you find out your pastor secretly holds to pro-LGBTQ theology, should you expose him to the church or leave quietly? (23:00) Do you think people in the Old Testament got direct messages from God (through the prophets, etc.), and if so, why has this changed now? Has the Bible replaced the old means of communication? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  STR U Online Training The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Greg Koukl The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings: J.R.R. Tolkien, C. S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams by Philip and Carol Zaleski Related Links: Gay or Straight, We All Must Decide if We Love Jesus above All Else by Amy Hall Be Willing to Submit to Our Good God on the Issue of Homosexuality by Amy Hall
4/5/202458 minutes
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Dawkins Says He’s a Cultural Christian

Greg talks about how Dawkins’s objections to Islam don’t make sense within his own worldview, then he answers a question from a caller about how a person can say something is right or wrong if they don’t believe in God.   Topics: Commentary: Dawkins says he’s a cultural Christian. (00:00) How can a person say something is right or wrong if they don't believe in God? (40:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Famous atheist says he identifies as a ‘cultural Christian’ and is ‘horrified’ by promotion of Islamic holiday by Hannah Grossman Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case by Frank Turek Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Greg’s interview with Justin Brierley The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God: Why New Atheism Grew Old and Secular Thinkers Are Considering Christianity Again by Justin Brierley Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis Reality Student Apologetics Conference – April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA
4/3/202458 minutes
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You Can Challenge Mandatory DEI Trainings

Greg talks about how religious accommodations are possible when it comes to DEI trainings, then he answers questions about restoring a friendship that broke up over theology and whether John 3:13 indicates Jesus was in Heaven while he was on earth.   Topics: Commentary: You can challenge mandatory DEI trainings. (00:00) What can I do to restore a relationship with a friend who ended our friendship because I disagree with his Calvinism? (21:00) Does John 3:13 indicate Jesus was in Heaven during the time he was also on earth? (41:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Can Religious Employees Challenge Mandated DEI Trainings? by Jorge Gomez for First Liberty The King James Only Controversy: Can You Trust Modern Translations? by James White
3/29/202458 minutes
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Greg’s Conversation with a Catholic on a Plane

Greg recounts a conversation he had with a Catholic campus ministry director on a plane, then he answers a question about rebaptism.   Topics: Commentary: Greg’s conversation with a Catholic on a plane (00:00) What do you think about rebaptism? (38:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA
3/27/202458 minutes
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Why Is the Question of Significance so Important?

Greg answers questions about whether one must believe in eternal generation to be saved, why the question of significance is so important, reconciling Matthew 7:21–23 with grace, and justifying self-defense in light of Jesus telling us to turn the other cheek.   Topics: Is my salvation at stake if I don’t believe in eternal generation, contrary to the Athanasian Creed? (01:00) Why is the question of significance the most important question facing America today? (11:00) How do you reconcile Matthew 7:21–23 (“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of Heaven”) with other verses, like Ephesians 2:8–9, that describe a gospel of grace? (23:00) Taking into consideration Matthew 5:38–39, where Jesus says to turn the other cheek, how do we justify self-defense? (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything by Fred Sanders Retrieving Eternal Generation – Edited by Fred Sanders and Scott Swain Submit a question on the Open Mic Line Reality Student Apologetics Conference – March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA
3/22/202458 minutes
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The Sudden Finality of Death

Greg reflects on the sudden finality of death and what that means for how we should live, then he answers questions about whether the Apocrypha was in the Bible for 1,000 years before Protestants removed it and whether Jesus had a soul.   Topics: Commentary: The sudden finality of death (00:00) Was the Apocrypha in the Bible for 1,000 years before Protestants removed it? (30:00) Why would Jesus need a soul, and did he have one? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Scribes and Scripture: The Amazing Story of How We Got the Bible by John Meade and Peter Gurry Related Links: Are Jesus’ Two Natures Compatible? by Melinda Penner
3/20/202458 minutes
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You Can’t Hope for Something You Know Won’t Happen

Greg discusses the Pope’s statement about hoping Hell is empty, then he talks to callers about how to have good conversations with a Jehovah’s Witness, Dallas Willard’s book on the spiritual disciplines, and a follow-up call about an atheist vs. Christian dialogue at a church.   Topics: Commentary: You can’t hope for something you know won’t happen. (00:00) How can I stay on the same page with my brother when we’re discussing his Jehovah’s Witness beliefs? (08:00) What’s your opinion on Dallas Willard’s book on the spiritual disciplines? (33:00) A follow-up call on a dialogue between an atheist and a Christian that was held at a church. (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Being Tactical with Jehovah’s Witnesses by Tim Barnett Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl The previous call about the atheist vs. Christian dialogue Related Links: Deity of Christ: Case Closed by Greg Koukl Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (online articles) by Greg Koukl The Ambassador’s Guide to the Voice of God (booklet) by Greg Koukl
3/15/202458 minutes
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Love Does Not Rejoice in the Unrighteousness of Same-Sex Weddings

Greg explains why not attending a same-sex wedding is not just a matter of conscience, answers challenges to his comments last week on original sin, and responds to arguments for Catholicism.   Topics: Commentary: Love does not rejoice in the unrighteousness of same-sex weddings. (00:00) Were your answers to my questions about original sin contradictory? (27:00) How would you respond to these arguments for Catholicism that are attracting my friend? (46:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA Questions about Original Sin – Last week’s episode referenced by first caller When a Baby Dies by Ronald Nash Related Links: Should a Christian Attend a Same-Sex Wedding? by Alan Shlemon
3/13/202458 minutes
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Separation of Church and State Doesn’t Mean This

Greg talks about people misusing the idea of “separation of church and state” to punish ideological disagreement, then he answers questions about responding to “anyone who doesn’t believe just like you goes to Hell,” using preferred names, and hypnotism.   Topics: Commentary: Separation of church and state doesn’t mean this. (00:00) Is there a quick way to answer someone who asks if we think anyone who doesn’t believe just like us will go to Hell? (23:00) When a student wants to use a name other than their given name, where’s the line between using the name of a different gender and just taking on a nickname? (42:00) Would it be okay for Christians to make use of hypnotism to overcome addictions? (51:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Submit a question on the Open Mic Line Iron Curtain Diary Indiana parents warn nation after child is removed from home for improper pronoun usage: ‘Can happen anywhere’by Kendall Tietz Related Links: Why Agree to Use Preferred Names but Not Preferred Pronouns? by Amy Hall Why Pronouns Matter…a Lot by Greg Koukl
3/8/202458 minutes
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Questions about Original Sin

Greg answers Open Mic questions about whether embryonic human beings are unsaved, innocent, or saved, how Jesus could have been tempted to sin if the inclination to sin comes from a corrupt human nature, how Christ could have not had a corrupt human nature, and whether clones are fallen.   Topics: Is the two-celled human being unsaved and condemned to Hell, innocent, or saved with eternal life? If you think infants are saved, but you believe in original sin and guilt, then by what means is that infant saved? (00:00) If the inclination to sin comes from a corrupt human nature, then how could Jesus have been tempted to sin? (39:00) If true humanity involves having a corrupt human nature, then how could Christ not have a corrupt human nature? And if it’s because Jesus didn’t have a human father, do clones not have a corrupt human nature because they don’t have a biological father? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Submit a question on the Open Mic Line When a Baby Dies by Ronald Nash Hell Interrupted Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
3/6/202458 minutes
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Critical Theory’s Oppression by Ideology

Greg answers a question about critical theory and relativism, comments on the idea of oppression by ideology, and answers questions about whether it’s okay for a Christian to own a gun and how a husband should navigate having a wife who thinks he’s unintelligent.   Topics: Is critical theory related to relativism? (02:00) Commentary: Critical theory’s oppression by ideology (22:00) Is there a biblical reason for a Christian to own a gun, and would it be okay for him to use it? (28:00) How should I navigate fulfilling my biblical role as a husband when my wife thinks I’m unintelligent? (37:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Critical Dilemma: The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology―Implications for the Church and Society by Neil Shenvi and Pat Sawyer Neil Shenvi: Are Social Justice, Critical Theory, and Christianity Compatible? – Video Related Links: Interview: Neil Shenvi on Critical Theory – On the STR podcast
3/1/202458 minutes
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How Today’s Parenting Is Hurting Kids

Greg talks about how today’s parenting is hurting kids, then he answers questions from callers about whether it’s okay for a church to host a debate with an atheist and what to say to someone who rejects God because of things the church has done.   Topics: Commentary: How today’s parenting is hurting kids (00:00) Is it wrong for a church to host a debate between an apologist and an atheist since a Christian might be swayed by the atheist’s arguments? (39:00) What can I say to someone who rejects God because of things the church has done? (51:00) Mentioned on the Show:  How touchy-feely parenting and therapy have created the loneliest, most helpless, depressed, and fearful young people ever by Abigail Shrier Temple Grandin film Reality Student Apologetics Conference – March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA Order the Reality live stream Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels by J. Warner Wallace
2/28/202458 minutes
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Interview: J.P. Moreland – The Substance of Consciousness

Greg talks to J.P. Moreland, author of The Substance of Consciousness, about the significance of the topic of our souls, developing our soul, reasons to think we have a soul, whether we could be in a simulation, machines becoming conscious, and more.   Topics: Interview: J.P. Moreland, author of The Substance of Consciousness: A Comprehensive Defense of Contemporary Substance Dualism (00:00) What’s the significance of this discussion for Christians? (14:00) What is a soul, and what does having a soul mean for developing virtue in that soul? (22:00) Why think we have a soul? (34:00) Do you think souls are gendered? (50:00) Are we in a simulation? (51:00) If machines ever become conscious, would that prove we don’t have a soul? (53:00) Quick thoughts on near death experiences (56:00) Mentioned on the Show:  J.P. Moreland’s Website The Substance of Consciousness: A Comprehensive Defense of Contemporary Substance Dualism by J.P. Moreland The Soul: How We Know It's Real and Why It Matters by J.P. Moreland (This is the one to read if you’re starting out on this topic.) Body & Soul: Human Nature the Crisis in Ethics by J.P. Moreland and Scott Rae Beyond Death: Exploring the Evidence for Immortality by J.P. Moreland and Gary Habermas
2/23/202458 minutes
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Interview: Natasha Crain on the “He Gets Us” Campaign

Greg talks to Natasha Crain about her insightful article on the “He Gets Us” campaign, examining the view of Jesus promoted by the campaign, the message of the foot washing Super Bowl commercial, and the four questions Natasha used to evaluate the campaign.   Topics: Interview: Natasha Crain on the “He Gets Us” campaign (00:00) What view of Jesus are they promoting? (14:00) What’s the message of the foot washing commercial? (20:00) The four questions Natasha used to evaluate the campaign (29:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Natasha Crain’s website “He Gets Us” campaign Here Comes the He Gets Us Campaign Again: Why Its Portrayal of Jesus is Still a Problem by Natasha Crain 7 Problems with the He Gets Us Campaign by Natasha Crain Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture by Natasha Crain The Legend of the Social Justice Jesus by Greg Koukl Sean McDowell’s interview with Ed Stetzer on “He Gets Us” The Christian Super Bowl Ad They Should Have Made by Jamie Bambrick (“He Saves Us”)
2/21/202458 minutes
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Is God in Hell?

Greg answers questions about whether God is in Hell, whether a prayer request is more likely to be answered if a lot of people are praying, whether any physical component to the UFO phenomenon would be a physical manifestation of a demon, and how to respond to arguments for relative morality.   Topics: If God is everywhere, wouldn’t he also be in Hell, but wouldn’t that negate the idea that Hell is separation from God? (00:00) Is a prayer request more likely to be answered if a lot of people are praying for it? (14:00) Could there be a physical component to the UFO phenomenon, and could this be explained as a physical manifestation of a demon? (31:00) How should I respond to someone who is arguing for relative morality? (45:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Record an Open Mic question
2/16/202458 minutes
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A Marriage License Isn’t Just a Piece of Paper

Greg responds to the idea that a marriage license is “just a piece of paper” and talks about why we need public vows to be married, then he answers questions about attending a wedding of two non-believers, what to say to an atheist who says his life is meaningful, and helping a pastor see the value of apologetics.   Topics: Commentary: A marriage license isn’t just a piece of paper. (00:00) Can you clarify the difference between a same-sex marriage and a marriage of two non-believers that would explain why it’s okay to attend one but not the other? (31:00) What would you say to someone who says he doesn’t believe in God but his life is meaningful? (47:00) How can I get started as an apologist in my church and get my pastor on board with it? (55:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Here Comes the He Gets Us Campaign Again: Why Its Portrayal of Jesus is Still a Problem by Natasha Crain 7 Problems with the He Gets Us Campaign by Natasha Crain Related Links: So You Want to Be an Apologist? by Alan Shlemon For the Student Who Wants to Be a Christian Apologist by Amy Hall Why Apologetics? by Tim Barnett
2/14/202458 minutes
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Interview: Tim Barnett and Alisa Childers – The Deconstruction of Christianity

Guest Host: Tim Barnett   Tim Barnett and Alisa Childers, authors of The Deconstruction of Christianity, talk about what “deconstruction” means, why we shouldn’t embrace the term, problems with the deconstruction process, how we should go about evaluating our beliefs, what to say to someone going through deconstruction, and more.   Topics: Interview: Tim Barnett and Alisa Childers, authors of The Deconstruction of Christianity: What It Is, Why It’s Destructive, and How to Respond (00:00) What is deconstruction? (10:00) What are the problems with deconstruction? (24:00) What triggers people to question their faith, and why do some end up leaving but others don’t? (41:00) What should I say to someone who is going through deconstruction? (53:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Deconstruction of Christianity: What It Is, Why It’s Destructive, and How to Respond by Tim Barnett and Alisa Childers Why I Changed My Mind about Deconstruction by Tim Barnett Related Links: A Tale of Two Paintings: Reformation vs. Deconstruction by Tim Barnett
2/9/202458 minutes
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Why Won’t We Sin in Heaven?

Greg answers questions about whether God’s moral perfection is a communicable property we will have after the resurrection or there’s some other reason we won’t sin, whether the proverbs about not arguing are anti-apologetics, and a biblical defense of apologetics.   Topics: Why do you think God’s moral perfection is a communicable property we will have in Heaven? If it were, wouldn’t he have given it to us from the beginning? (08:00) What should I say to Christians who are anti-apologetics because Proverbs says we’re not supposed to argue (20:3, 19:11, 17:14, 15:18)? What’s a biblical defense of apologetics? (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl Related Links: Why Apologetics? by Tim Barnett
2/7/202458 minutes
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Is a Sex-Change Surgery the Same Kind of Thing as Fixing a Cleft Palate?

Greg talks to Tim Barnett about the release of his new book, The Deconstruction of Christianity, then he answers questions about why a sex-change surgery isn’t the same kind of thing as fixing a cleft palate, which kinds of weddings we shouldn’t attend, and Jesus’ limitations as an infant.   Topics: Interview: Tim Barnett on the release of his new book (00:00) Is a sex-change surgery the same kind of thing as repairing a cleft palate? (09:00) Commentary: Which kinds of weddings should we not attend? (30:00) When Jesus was an infant, was he limited to only the knowledge and wisdom an infant would have, or was there a part of him that existed outside the limitations of an infant? (40:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Deconstruction of Christianity: What It Is, Why It’s Destructive, and How to Respond by Tim Barnett and Alisa Childers Donate to Stand to Reason #STRask: Should We Correct a Wrongly-Gendered Body Just as We Correct Bad Eyesight? #STRask: Why Is It Wrong to Have Surgery to Alter Your Sex? What the Bible Says about Divorce and Remarriage by Wayne Grudem Related Links: Why I Changed My Mind about Deconstruction by Tim Barnett Don’t Assume We Should Change the Body to Match the Mind by Amy Hall
2/2/202458 minutes
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What Would You Say to a Wife Whose Husband Has Decided to Live as a Woman?

Greg talks to Alan Shlemon about what one should say to a wife whose husband has decided to live as a woman, then he offers some thoughts on how Christians are responding to Alistair Begg’s advice about attending a wedding where one person is transgender.   Topics: Interview: Alan Shlemon on what one should say to a wife whose husband has decided to live as a woman (00:00) Commentary: Grace is the antidote to cancel culture (thoughts on how Christians are responding to Alistair Begg’s advice about attending a wedding where one person is transgender). (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Should You Accommodate an LGBT Person’s Requests? by Alan Shlemon Greg’s comments on Alistair Begg’s advice last week Would You Attend a Gay Wedding? by John Piper Related Links: Transgender: Truth and Compassion by Alan Shlemon
1/31/202458 minutes
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Should You Tell Your Children Your Spouse Has Left Christianity?

Greg responds to a question about whether you should tell your children your spouse has left Christianity, then he takes Open Mic calls about why John was called the greatest “among those born of women,” transgender children, and whether taking fertility drugs would interfere with God’s timing and plan.   Topics: Commentary: Should you tell your children your spouse has left Christianity? (00:00) How should I understand the saying in Matthew 11:11 and Luke 7:28 that John was the greatest “among those born of women” if Jesus was also born of a woman? (27:00) Would this question help a parent realize what’s best for their child? “If you could snap your fingers and get the best outcome for your child, would you choose for your child’s body to match their mind or to not match?” (38:00) Is it okay to take fertility drugs, or would that be interfering with God’s timing and plan? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy Record an Open Mic question Related Links: When Transgender Children Are Harmed by the People Who Intended to Help Them by Amy Hall How to Help Transgender Children by Amy Hall The Tragic Consequences of the IVF Industry by Amy Hall How IVF Is Changing Our View of Human Beings by Amy Hall The Black Box of IVF by Alan Shlemom What You Might Not Know about IVF – Alan Shlemon and Amy Hall
1/26/202458 minutes
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When a Good Man Says Something Foolish

Greg discusses Alistair Begg’s advice about attending the wedding of a transgender person, then he answers a question about how Jeremiah 31:31 can apply to Christians when it says the promise is for “the house of Israel” and “the house of Judah.”   Topics: Commentary: When a good man says something foolish (09:00) How can I say Jeremiah 31:31’s words about the New Covenant apply to me if it says the promise is for “the house of Israel” and “the house of Judah”? (39:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Desert Apologetics “Anchored” Conference Reality Student Apologetics Conference – February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA Interview: Justin Brierley – The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God Record an Open Mic question The Bible: Fast Forward – DVD (Also available as a digital download)
1/24/202458 minutes
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Greg Answers Questions from an Atheist

In this compilation of calls from an atheist, Greg answers questions about the nature of objective morality, who goes to Hell, and how one can move from the cosmological argument for the existence of God to the God of the Bible.   Topics: If we can unify our understanding of morality by agreeing on a common goal, then isn’t that objective morality? (02:00) Who goes to Hell? (18:00) How do we move from the need for a first cause to the existence of the God of the Bible? (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Conversations with an Atheist – Download the compilation of Greg’s discussions with Ian (includes an additional question) Related Links: #STRask: Why conclude the beginning of the universe points to the Christian God rather than one of the other explanations people offer? A Simple Explanation of the Cosmological Argument – Short video from Reasonable Faith
1/17/202458 minutes
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What Is the Nature of Consciousness?

Greg talks about the soul, then he answers questions about why God made it so hard for humans to know he exists, the informal fallacy of special pleading, and how Christians can effect positive change in states where the culture is opposed to a biblical worldview.   Topics: Commentary: What is the nature of consciousness? (00:00) If God made humans, why did he make it so hard for them to know he exists? (21:00) Can you explain the informal fallacy of special pleading? (45:00) How can Christians effect positive change in states where the culture is opposed to a biblical worldview? (54:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (online articles) by Greg Koukl The Ambassador’s Guide to the Voice of God (booklet) by Greg Koukl STR U Online Training Related Links: Psychologist Recommends Intentionally Suppressing Intuition of Design by Amy Hall (on atheists needing to suppress the natural intuition children have that nature was designed)
1/12/202458 minutes
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There’s No Sense in Which You Can Bless a Sinful Relationship

Greg discusses the Pope’s statement on how Roman Catholic priests can give blessings to same-sex couples, then he talks to callers about a tactical way to tell people who think they’re Christians that they aren’t and what Jesus meant when he said in Mark 13:32 that only the Father knows “that day or hour.”   Topics: Commentary: There’s no sense in which you can bless a sinful relationship. (00:00) What’s a tactical way to tell people who think they’re Christians that they aren’t Christians? (26:00) What does Jesus mean when he says in Mark 13:32 that only the Father knows “that day or hour,” not the Son? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Doctrinal dicastery explains how, when gay couples can be blessed by Cindy Wooden Reality Student Apologetics Conference – February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA The Deconstruction of Christianity by Tim Barnett and Alisa Childers  
1/10/202458 minutes
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An Assertion Isn’t an Argument

Greg responds to a video by Dan McClellan that claims the Bible has no authority, then he answers questions about the extent to which Satan influences non-believers and how we can know when we should continue witnessing to someone and when we should move on.   Topics: Commentary: An assertion isn’t an argument. (00:00) To what extent does Satan influence non-believers? (26:00) How do we know when we should continue witnessing to a person and when we should move on? (46:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA The Bible Has No Authority – Video by Dan McClellan Related Links: A Response to Atheistic Moral Platonism by Amy Hall (quoting William Lane Craig)
1/5/202458 minutes
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Don’t Be Surprised When You Have to Fight Spiritual Battles

Greg explains the biblical understanding of spiritual warfare, then he talks to callers about concerns about how a pastor is presenting the Lord’s Supper and how to navigate conversations with friends and family who are following false teachers and false teachings.   Topics: Commentary: Don’t be surprised when you have to fight spiritual battles. (00:00) How concerned should I be about how a pastor is presenting the Lord’s Supper? (36:00) How should I navigate conversations with friends and family who are following false teachers and false teachings? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  STR U Online Training The Deconstruction of Christianity: What It Is, Why It’s Destructive, and How to Respond by Tim Barnett and Alisa Childers Related Links: Seeing the Unseen: The Nature of Spiritual Warfare by Greg Koukl
1/3/202458 minutes
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The Birth Narratives

Greg talks about how to think about apparent contradictions in the Gospels, describes some relevant historical, religious, cultural, and geographical aspects of the birth narratives, and explains how Jesus’ birth fits into the unified story of the Bible and fulfills God’s covenants.   Topics: Commentary: The birth narratives (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Life of Christ by Greg Koukl The Bible: Fast Forward DVD by Greg Koukl (audio version is also available) The Legend of the Social Justice Jesus by Greg Koukl Donate to Stand to Reason
12/27/202358 minutes
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Why Does It Seem like Things Aren’t Working out for Good?

Greg reflects on the words in Christmas carols, talks about the promise in Romans 8:28 that “God causes all things to work together for good,” then answers questions about his process for reading books, a defense for Noah’s ark, and the Calvinist view of free will.   Topics: Commentary: Why does it seem like things aren’t working out for good? (00:00) What process do you use for reading books to get the most out of them? (16:00) Do you have a good defense for Noah’s ark? (35:00) Is the Calvinist view of free will correct? (45:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reading Less, More—and Twice as Fast by Greg Koukl The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and its Scientific Implications by John Whitcomb and Henry Morris Grace Defined and Defended: What a 400-Year-Old Confession Teaches Us about Sin, Salvation, and the Sovereignty of God by Kevin DeYoung Related Links: “Forced Love” Is the Wrong Way to Look at It by Amy Hall Excusing Sinners and Blaming God: A Calvinist Assessment of Determinism, Moral Responsibility, and Divine Involvement in Evil by Guillaume Bignon How Can We Condemn Evil if God Is Sovereign? by Amy Hall
12/22/202358 minutes
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A Christmas Poem

Greg reads a Christmas poem, then he answers questions about being required to ask patients for their pronouns and “sex assigned at birth,” a biblical perspective on extreme sports and dealing with the pitfalls of fame in a sports career, and whether people need to hear the gospel to be saved.   Topics: Commentary: A Christmas poem (00:00) What should I do about the new patient intake forms at the Catholic hospital where I work that require me to ask people for their pronouns and “sex assigned at birth” and put the answers on their chart? (10:00) Does the Bible have anything to say about participating in extreme sports? How should a person deal with the pitfalls of fame in sports, and would a career in sports be okay? (29:00) If people in the Old Testament were saved by faith without hearing of Jesus, does that still occur today, and does Acts 17:30–31 address that? (46:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Life of Christ by Greg Koukl Donate to Stand to Reason Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Bye Bye Barry The Heathen and the Unknown God by Greg Koukl
12/20/202358 minutes
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Questions to Ask When Someone Accuses God of Genocide

Greg gives a series of questions you can ask when someone accuses God of genocide, then he answers questions about Operation Rescue, how we can know that the religious feelings we have are from the true God, and how important it is to have a clear position on Arminianism vs. Calvinism.   Topics: Commentary: Questions to ask when someone accuses God of genocide (00:00) You were completely wrong about Operation Rescue a couple of weeks ago. (31:00) How do we, as Christians, know that what we’re feeling is from the true God as opposed to what people in other religions are feeling? (38:00) How important is it that I have a clear position on Arminianism vs. Calvinism? (49:00)
12/15/202358 minutes
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The Problem Is Not with the Evidence

Greg encourages Christians not to be discouraged when people don’t respond to their arguments, then he answers callers’ questions about whether Christians should be involved in the stock market and whether Christians should be calling out sin in the culture as aggressively as Jesus did.   Topics: Commentary: The problem is not with the evidence. (00:00) Should Christians be involved in the stock market? (33:00) Should we be calling out sin in the culture as aggressively as Jesus did? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Stand to Reason’s tweet summarizing some evidence for God, and the atheist’s response No Evidence for God? – Greg’s previous commentary on the atheist’s tweet You’ll Never Change Anyone’s Mind about God by Greg Koukl Donate to Stand to Reason Reality Student Apologetics Conference – February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA
12/13/202351 minutes, 16 seconds
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Are Christians Who Say There’s Only One Way to God Closed-Minded Religionists?

Greg responds to questions about why Christians recommend Dennis Prager when he teaches things antithetical to Christianity, whether Christians who say there’s only one way to God are closed-minded “religionists,” and a challenge to Greg’s response to the Euthyphro dilemma.   Topics: Why do so many Christians recommend Dennis Prager when much of what he teaches seems to be antithetical to Christianity? (00:00) How do I respond to someone who says I shouldn’t be a closed-minded “religionist” who thinks there’s only one way to God? (17:00) In light of the fact that it seems God has given conflicting commands in the past, if God were to do something evil but call it good, how could we make that determination? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Greg Koukl Related Links: God Cares More about Behavior Than Most People Think by Amy Hall (responding to the idea that God cares about behavior rather than theology)
12/8/202358 minutes
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Is Jesus Dependent on the Father?

Greg answers questions about whether Jesus is dependent on the Father, whether he should be quoting someone who has a mistaken view on homosexuality, whether it’s ever okay for Christians to stand up for their rights, helping a non-believing couple move in together, and circular reasoning.   Topics: Is Jesus dependent on the Father (which would mean he can’t be God), or is he independent (which would mean there are two Gods)? (08:00) Should you be quoting Andrew Klavan given his views on homosexuality? (23:00) As Christians, is it ever right to stand up for our rights, or should we always turn our cheek and suffer for Christ? (30:00) What would you do if a non-believing couple asked you to help them move in together? (41:00) Can you help me understand the fallacy of circular reasoning, and is saying “the Bible tells me so” an example of it? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Donate to Stand to Reason Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Eternity Is Now: Just Ask Scrooge and George Bailey by Andrew Klavan
12/6/202358 minutes
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The Problem with Positive Rights

Greg talks about the difference between positive rights and negative rights, then he answers questions about how to respond when a spouse initiates divorce, whether it’s moral to kill abortionists, the biblical guidelines for putting yourself in danger, and the biblical way to pray and connect with God.   Topics: Commentary: The problem with positive rights (00:00) Do you have any advice for how I should respond to my wife who has initiated a divorce? (27:00) Is it morally wrong to kill abortionists? (40:00) What are the biblical guidelines for putting yourself in danger? (49:00) In light of your arguments against the common understanding of hearing the voice of God, what is the biblical way to pray and connect with God? (53:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Donate to Stand to Reason STR Violence Statement The Lord’s Prayer: Learning from Jesus on What, Why, and How to Pray by Kevin DeYoung Related Links: Bomb Discovered at Abortion Clinic by Amy Hall
12/2/202358 minutes
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Interview: Jason Jimenez – Hijacking Jesus

Greg talks to Jason Jimenez, author of Hijacking Jesus: How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him and Taking Over His Church, about what progressive Christians believe and why, why their theology is so popular right now, beliefs they reject, their view of the atonement, and more.   Topics: Interview: Jason Jimenez, author of  Hijacking Jesus: How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him and Taking Over His Church (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Hijacking Jesus: How Progressive Christians Are Remaking Him and Taking Over His Church by Jason Jimenez
11/29/202358 minutes
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Is Intelligent Design Pseudoscience?

Greg responds to the claim that intelligent design is pseudoscience, then he answers questions about preaching against abortion even though people in the congregation have had abortions, Bible translations, and the biblical definition of the image of God.   Topics: Commentary: Is intelligent design pseudoscience? (00:00) How can I make a biblical argument to help my pastor see that it’s okay to teach about the case against abortion even if there are people in the congregation who have had abortions? (19:00) What translation do you use and/or consider to be the best out there on the market? (34:00) How is the image of God described in the Bible? (45:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Rock Solid Apologia Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Stephen Meyer’s books Submit a question on the Open Mic Line Making Abortion Unthinkable: The Art of Pro-Life Persuasion by Greg Koukl and Scott Klusendorf Scribes and Scripture: The Amazing Story of How We Got the Bible by John Meade and Peter Gurry STR Outposts Related Links: How Can God Forgive Me? by Amy Hall (for people who are struggling to understand God’s forgiveness)
11/24/202358 minutes
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The Problem with Altar Calls

Greg talks about the problem with altar calls, then he answers questions about why it matters what kind of arguments we make for Christianity if only God can change a person’s mind and how best to use the LDS Gospel Topic Essays when witnessing to Mormons.   Topics: Commentary: The problem with altar calls (00:00) If our arguments always fail unless God changes the person’s mind, why does it matter what kind of arguments we make for Christianity? (30:00) How can we best use the LDS Gospel Topic Essays when witnessing to Mormons? (44:00) Mentioned on the Show:  You’ll Never Change Anyone’s Mind about God by Greg Koukl Reality Student Apologetics Conference – February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA Gospel Topic Essays Index – Mormonism Research Ministry lists links to the Gospel Topic Essays along with links to responses
11/22/202358 minutes
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Don’t Use Empty Rhetoric

Greg responds to a caller’s story about being accused of hate because of his pro-life bumper stickers, then he answers questions about whether the blood sprinkled on the mercy seat was cleaned off, a family whose pastor objects to their spending time out of town, and whether God created the possibility to sin.   Topics: A story about a note the caller received responding to the pro-life stickers on his car. (02:00) Did the blood sprinkled on the Day of Atonement (Lev. 16:14–15) stay on the mercy seat in the most holy place year after year, or did they clean it off? (23:00) Is it legalism if my pastor is objecting to my family missing Sundays at our church when we’re staying at our vacation house out of town? (33:00) Did God create the possibility to sin? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy
11/17/202358 minutes
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Should Christians Make Judgments about Other Christians?

Greg answers questions about the differences between rules, principles, etc., Christian nationalism, Christians making judgments about other Christians, how people who haven’t heard the gospel will be judged, how to respond to someone who says God isn’t real, and an explanation of the book of Job.   Topics: What are the differences between rules, principles, guidelines, and policies? (03:00) What’s your understanding of the definition of “Christian Nationalism”? (13:00) Can you clarify how and when Christians ought to make judgments about other Christians? (30:00) Does John 15:24 mean that people who haven’t heard the gospel will be judged based solely on how they responded to their conscience? (43:00) What do you do if someone says to you that God’s not real? (50:00) I no longer believe in the Bible because I can’t accept that a loving God could do such a horrible thing to Job and his family. (53:00) Related Links: #STRask: How can God be a loving Father when he allows a “blameless and upright man” like Job to suffer so much instead of protecting him? Five Truths for Sufferers from the Book of Job by Eric Ortlund
11/15/202358 minutes
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Well Done, Melinda

Greg talks about Melinda Penner, cofounder of Stand to Reason, who went home to be with the Lord last week, then he answers questions about men teasing each other, the biblically appropriate role of the military, and whether 1 Timothy 3 is descriptive or prescriptive.   Topics: Commentary: Well done, Melinda. (00:00) Since men who are close to each other tend to tease each other, do you think that’s part of being a man, and do you think the Bible has anything to say about this kind of behavior? (07:00) What is the biblically appropriate role of the military? (14:00) Is 1 Timothy 3 descriptive or prescriptive? (39:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Melinda Penner’s Homecoming – 1959–2023
11/10/202358 minutes
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Interview: Justin Brierley – The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God

Greg interviews Justin Brierley, author of The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God: Why New Atheism Grew Old and Secular Thinkers Are Considering Christianity Again, about the rise and fall of the New Atheist movement, why he thanks God for Richard Dawkins, a shift in many atheists’ view of Christianity, and more.   Topics: Interview: Justin Brierley, author of The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God: Why New Atheism Grew Old and Secular Thinkers Are Considering Christianity Again (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Justin Brierley The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God: Why New Atheism Grew Old and Secular Thinkers Are Considering Christianity Again by Justin Brierley The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God – The podcast Unbelievable?: Why After Ten Years of Talking with Atheists, I'm Still a Christian by Justin Brierley Coming to Faith Through Dawkins: 12 Essays on the Pathway from New Atheism to Christianity The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality by Glen Scrivener Related Links: Jesus Built Western Civilization by Amy Hall (quote by Tom Holland) We Take Christianity’s Influence on the World for Granted by Amy Hall (video of Tom Holland) Answering the New Atheists—Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 Greg Koukl and Michael Shermer at the End of the Decade of the New Atheists To the Atheist Who Called Jesus “The Magic Carpenter” (And a Warning to Churches) by Amy Hall
11/8/202358 minutes
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No Evidence for God?

Greg talks about an atheist’s response to his quote summarizing some evidence for God, then he answers questions about why he will be speaking at a church that has women pastors and why Protestants don’t view the works of the early church fathers as authoritative for doctrine.   Topics: Commentary: No evidence for God? (00:00) Why do you think it’s okay to speak at a church that has women pastors? (28:00) Why don’t Protestants view the works of the early church fathers as authoritative for doctrine? (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Stand to Reason’s tweet summarizing some evidence for God, and the atheist’s response Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Related Links: Should Women Teach in Church? by Greg Koukl
11/3/202358 minutes
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Getting around the Watchful Dragons

Greg gives some thoughts about C.S. Lewis after attending 1517’s conference on Lewis last weekend, then he answers a caller’s questions about whether or not a woman should be a lead pastor and whether he should be concerned about his pastor planting a church with a woman lead pastor.   Topics: Commentary: Getting around the watchful dragons (00:00) What do you think about a woman being a lead pastor? (28:00) Mentioned on the Show: Related Links: Should Women Teach in Church? by Greg Koukl
11/1/202358 minutes
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Does It Make Sense for an Atheist to Claim He Used to Be a Real Christian?

Greg adds another quick thought about the last call on the previous episode, then he answers questions about atheists claiming they used to be “real Christians,” whether the word “relationship” accurately describes our connection with God, and non-Christians receiving benefits from their prayers.   Topics: Commentary: One more thought on the last call from the previous episode about old-earth creationism (00:00) What do you think about my view that it’s inconsistent with an atheist worldview for an atheist to claim he was once a real Christian? (05:00) Is the word “relationship” an accurate word for our connection with God, or is there a more biblical way of describing it? (26:00) What do you think of people from other religions appearing to receive benefits from their prayers? (41:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – November 10–11 in Minneapolis, MN; February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy Decision Making and the Will of God episodes: Part 1 and Part 2 Hot Tub Religion by J.I. Packer A Quest for Godliness: The Puritan Vision of the Christian Life by J.I. Packer Knowing God by J.I. Packer Preaching God’s Love in Acts? by Greg Koukl
10/27/202358 minutes
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A Recipe for Faithfulness

Greg shares information about the film Nefarious that an Open Mic caller mentioned last week, talks about faithfully hitting singles and doubles, then answers a question about how much of creation can be explained by natural causes on an old-earth creationist view.   Topics: Commentary: A recipe for faithfulness (00:00) On the old-earth creationist view, how much of creation can be explained by natural causes alone? (35:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – November 10–11 in Minneapolis, MN; February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA Related Links: Theistic Evolution: Drifting toward Darwin by Greg Koukl
10/25/202358 minutes
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Are People Who Divorce and Remarry Living in Continuous Adultery?

Greg talks about how the tactics are tools for “gardening,” then he talks to callers about whether Luke 16:18 means that divorced people who remarry are living in continuous adultery, whether Bible versions violate the command not to add to God’s words, the brains of transgender people, and the origin of evil.   Topics: Commentary: The tactics are tools for gardening. (00:00) If I’m divorced, does that mean I’m living in continuous adultery according to Luke 16:18? (09:00) Do the different versions of the Bible violate the commands in Deuteronomy 4:2 and Revelation 22:18–19 not to add to or subtract from the words of God? (24:00) Do brain scans really show that the brains of transgender people are different from other people’s brains? (41:00)  Did Eve sin because she had evil in her heart, or was she simply tricked by Satan? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Primal Heresy by Greg Koukl Related Links: 3 Reasons Those Who Are Unbiblically Remarried After a Divorce Should Not Leave Their New Spouse by Justin Taylor (citing John Piper)
10/20/202358 minutes
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Jesus’ Circles and Lines

Greg talks about Andy Stanley’s response to Al Mohler in which he said Jesus drew circles instead of lines, then he answers questions about responding to Ralph Waldo Emerson’s transcendentalism and advice for making an argument to a school board about pornographic material in the library.   Topics: Commentary: Jesus’ circles and lines (00:00) How can I respond well to the philosophy of transcendentalism in my literature class? (32:00) I have three minutes to make an argument to the school board against pornographic materials in the school library. Do you have any advice for me? (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Jesus Drew Circles and Lines: A Response to Andy Stanley by Hunter Beaumont An Assessment of Andy Stanley’s Unconditional Conference by Alan Shlemon The Future of Faith: A Debate – Greg Koukl and Deepak Chopra Greg’s Message to His School Board Regarding Proposed Sex Ed Curriculum by Greg Koukl Related Links: Why Is the Old Covenant Obsolete? by Amy Hall (on Andy Stanley’s call for pastors to “unhitch [their] teaching of what it means to follow Jesus from all things old covenant.”
10/18/202358 minutes
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The Number One Indicator of Apostasy in the Church

Greg explains why embracing pro-gay theology is a serious warning sign, offers a tactical approach for answering a question about whether one can be a gay Christian, then answers questions about the most important apologetics topics, non-believers taking communion, what we’ve earned vs. God’s blessings, and more.   Topics: Commentary: The number one indicator of apostasy in the church (00:00) A tactical approach for answering a question about whether one can be a gay Christian. (16:00) What apologetics topics do you think are the most important to introduce to a group of men whom I’ll have the opportunity to teach for two hours? (29:00) Comments from a caller on sola Scriptura (35:00) What should we do in a situation where a non-believer is taking communion? (43:00) What’s the relationship between what we’ve earned and God’s blessings, and does our work affect God’s blessings? (52:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Five Things to Look for in a Christian College by Greg Koukl Andy Stanley’s Unconditional Conference: Deep Dive Response – Sean McDowell’s interview of Alan Shlemon Never Read a Bible Verse by Greg Koukl STR U Online Training Scribes and Scripture: The Amazing Story of How We Got the Bible by John D. Meade and Peter J. Gurry
10/13/202358 minutes
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Interview: Alan Shlemon – Concerns about the Unconditional Conference

Greg talks to Alan Shlemon, who attended the Unconditional Conference at Andy Stanley’s church, about the good and bad of what was taught there, how those who promote pro-gay theology viewed the conference, Alan’s concerns, Andy Stanley’s sermon explaining his position, etc.   Topics: Interview: Alan Shlemon – Concerns about the Unconditional Conference (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Andy Stanley's Unconditional Conference: Deep Dive Response – Sean McDowell’s interview of Alan Shlemon A Reformation the Church Doesn’t Need – Part 1 and Part 2 by Alan Shlemon and Greg Koukl Related Links: Alan Shlemon: Matthew Vines’s Reformation Project Conference – Podcast Answering Matthew Vines’s 40 Questions – Podcast A Response to Matthew Vines: The Bible Doesn’t Support Same-Sex Relationships by Amy Hall Sean McDowell and Matthew Vines on the Bible and Homosexuality – Video Should We Downplay the “Clobber Passages” on Homosexuality? by Alan Shlemon
10/11/202358 minutes
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Decision Making and the Will of God: The Biblical Model

Greg explains what the Bible has to say about decision making and the will of God, making the case that when you choose within the bounds of wisdom and God’s moral guidelines, you have the freedom to do whatever you want with God’s blessing.   Topics: Commentary: The biblical model for decision making and the will of God (00:00) Choose within the circle of God’s moral will. (06:00) Choose within the circle of wisdom. (11:00) Choose within the circle of personal desires (taken into consideration, but not decisive). (21:00) Your choice is within the circle of the sovereignty of God. (32:00) Examples from Scripture where we see this process play out (39:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy? by Gary Thomas Related Links: Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (online articles) by Greg Koukl The Ambassador’s Guide to the Voice of God (booklet) by Greg Koukl Decision Making and the Will of God (book) by Garry Friesen
10/6/202358 minutes
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Decision Making and the Will of God: What the Bible Doesn’t Say

How is God involved in the process of our decision making? Is there a plan we need to discover? Do we need to employ certain techniques in order to hear God’s voice and find his will? Greg challenges the conventional view of decision making and the will of God by examining the biblical texts on this topic.   Topics: Commentary: What the Bible doesn’t say about decision making and the will of God. (00:00) The Bible doesn’t teach that we determine God’s will from a feeling. (14:00) The Bible doesn’t teach that we determine God’s will from inner peace. (24:00) The Bible doesn’t teach that we determine God’s will from open and closed doors. (28:00) The Bible doesn’t teach that we determine God’s will from “fleeces” or providential signs. (32:00) The Bible doesn’t teach that we determine God’s will from confirmations. (36:00) What it looks like when God gives personalized guidance in the Bible. (39:00) What is God’s will? (45:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Never Read a Bible Verse by Greg Koukl Related Links: Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (online articles) by Greg Koukl The Ambassador’s Guide to the Voice of God (booklet) by Greg Koukl Decision Making and the Will of God (book) by Garry Friesen
10/4/202358 minutes
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A Conversation with Special Guests

Tim and Greg chat with Frank Beckwith, Frank Turek, Scott Klusendorf, Brett Kunkle, Natasha Crain, and Alan Shlemon about their involvement with Stand to Reason, what they’ve learned from this ministry, stories from the last 30 years, and more.   Topics: Tim and Greg chat with friends and colleagues who have had a significant relationship with Stand to Reason over the last 30 years. (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Politically Correct Death: Answering the Arguments for Abortion Rights by Frank Beckwith Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air by Frank Beckwith and Greg Koukl Decision Making and the Will of God: A Biblical Alternative to the Traditional View by Garry Friesen Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (on decision making) by Greg Koukl Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Hell Interrupted Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 CrossExamined Instructor Academy Is Truth True? – Greg’s debate with Marv Meyer Scaling the Secular City: A Defense of Christianity by J.P. Moreland How Should We Use Graphic Images? – Video of Scott Klusendorf Making Abortion Unthinkable: The Art of Pro-Life Persuasion by Greg Koukl and Scott Klusendorf Frank Beckwith – Baylor University Frank Turek – Brett Kunkle – MAVEN Scott Klusendorf – Life Training Institute Natasha Crain – Speaker, author, blogger, podcaster Alan Shlemon – Stand to Reason
9/29/202358 minutes
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30 Years of Stand to Reason

Tim talks to Greg about the last 30 years of Stand to Reason—the purpose and unique focus of our work, the major topics and controversies we’ve addressed, the ideas we’ve developed, advice and cautions for budding apologists, where Stand to Reason will be 30 years from now, and more.   Topics: Were you called into this ministry? (03:00) Why did you call this organization Stand to Reason? (11:00) What is unique about Stand to Reason? (16:00) What advice would you give to a budding apologist? (22:00) What are some of the topics and controversies Stand to Reason has covered? (30:00) What ideas has Stand to Reason developed over the years? (49:00) Where do you see Stand to Reason 30 years from now? (53:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Bloom Where You’re Planted by Greg Koukl Only One Question by Greg Koukl Same-Sex Marriage Challenges and Responses by Greg Koukl “The Secret”: A Fatal Attraction by Greg Koukl Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air by Greg Koukl Answering the Challenge of Evolution by Greg Koukl Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (on decision making) by Greg Koukl Freedom Fading by Greg Koukl
9/27/202358 minutes
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A Response to Someone Struggling to Find Reasons for His Faith

Greg continues answering a question about how he annotates his Bible, then he answers questions about whether Deuteronomy 21:10–14 condones rape, advice for someone struggling to find reasons for his faith, how to respond to people who say you can’t write a book that includes elements of other cultures, and more.   Topics: Greg continues answering a question from the last episode about how he annotates his Bible. (00:00) Does Deuteronomy 21:10–14 condone rape? (21:00) Do you have advice for someone who is struggling with finding reasons for their faith? (26:00) How would you respond to someone who says you can’t write a book that includes elements of other cultures? (46:00) How should I respond to people who say I seemed happier before I was a Christian? (52:00) Mentioned on the Show: – You can make an appointment to talk with an expert on your particular question. Related Links: The Thomas Factor by Gary Habermas – A book on the different kinds of doubt and how to address each kind
9/22/202358 minutes
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Evangelism Is Easier When You Have a Plan

Greg recommends a film about the Bible and talks about a conversation he had with a waitress, then he answers a question about whether the command to love one another trumps the command to love God and explains how he annotates his Bible.   Topics: Commentary: Evangelism is easier when you have a plan. (00:00) Does the command in John 13:34 to love one another trump the command to love God first? (26:00) How do you annotate your Bible? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 22–23 in Los Angeles, CA; October 13–14 in Seattle, WA; November 10–11 in Minneapolis, MN; February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA The God Who Speaks – Film You Don’t Have to Choose between the Head and the Heart by Greg Koukl
9/20/202358 minutes
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Can We Argue for God from the Existence of Beauty?

Greg answers questions about arguing for the existence of God based on the beauty we see in the world, what Paul means when he says we are “fellow heirs with Christ,” whether the Father poured out his wrath on Jesus at the cross, and a response to a neighbor’s Halloween decorations.   Topics: Can we argue for the existence of God based on the beauty we see in the world? (01:00) What does it mean to be fellow heirs with Christ as Paul says in Romans 8:17? (18:00)  Is there a biblical case for saying the Father poured out his wrath on Jesus on the cross? (35:00) Did I go too far with my response to my neighbor’s Halloween decorations? (51:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Beauty: A Very Short Introduction by Roger Scruton
9/15/202358 minutes
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Tactics for the Street

Greg talks about the ideas in his new book, Street Smarts, explaining how it expands his Tactics material and how it will give people more confidence responding to objections and making the case for Christianity, then he answers a question about recommendations for starting an apologetics group.   Topics: Commentary: Tactics for the street (00:00) Do you have any recommendations for starting an apologetics group?  (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 22–23 in Los Angeles, CA; October 13–14 in Seattle, WA; November 10–11 in Minneapolis, MN; February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers STR Outposts
9/13/202358 minutes
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Could Gentiles Be Saved Prior to Christ’s Crucifixion?

Greg responds to questions about what approach to take with a child who has started dating a Jehovah’s Witness, whether there was any way for Gentiles to be saved prior to Christ’s crucifixion, and how to respond to someone wearing a “Protect trans kids” shirt.   Topics: Would you apply the same approach to a child who started dating a Jehovah’s Witness as you would to a family member who came out as gay? (04:00) Was there any way for Gentiles to be saved prior to Christ’s crucifixion? (31:00) How would you engage someone wearing a “Protect trans kids” shirt? (52:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Record an Open Mic question   Related Links: How to Help Transgender Children by Amy Hall When Transgender Children Are Harmed by the People Who Intended to Help Them by Amy Hall
9/8/202358 minutes
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Interview: J. Warner Wallace – Updated and Expanded Cold-Case Christianity

Greg talks to J. Warner Wallace about the updated and expanded version of Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels—what’s new in the book, chain of custody, direct and circumstantial evidence, how to evaluate eyewitnesses, and more.   Topics: Interview: J. Warner Wallace, author of the updated and expanded version of Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  J. Warner Wallace Cold-Case Christianity (Updated & Expanded Edition): A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels by J. Warner Wallace Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that Rejects the Bible by J. Warner Wallace God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe by J. Warner Wallace J. Warner Wallace’s books (including books for kids) Related Links: What Counts as Evidence? by Amy Hall (quoting J. Warner Wallace on circumstantial evidence)
9/6/202358 minutes
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Why Did God Put the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden?

Greg responds to questions about why God put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden, taking a job at a Quaker school, the implications of all biological men starting off like females in the womb, and whether the stories of Gilgamesh and Horus are evidence the Bible isn’t true.   Topics: Why did God put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden, giving Adam and Eve a chance to betray him? (03:00) What should I take into account in terms of theology and practical issues as I consider a job opportunity to work at a Quaker school? (12:00) How would you respond to the claims that 1) all biological men start off as females in the womb, so therefore all men are actually trans, and 2) if sex is not determined until later, then life doesn’t really begin at conception? (21:00) Are the parallels between the Bible and the stories of Gilgamesh and Horus evidence the Bible is not the true book? (38:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Record an Open Mic question   Related Links: Jesus, Recycled Redeemer? by Greg Koukl
9/1/202358 minutes
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Interview: Nancy Pearcey – The Toxic War on Masculinity

Greg talks to Nancy Pearcey, author of The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes, about the competing ideas of masculinity, the “good man” versus the “real man,” expectations of men in the pre-industrial age, the stats on Christian men today, “boy culture,” and more.   Topics: Interview: Nancy Pearcey, author of The Toxic War on Masculinity (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Nancy Pearcey The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes by Nancy Pearcey Nancy Pearcey’s books Soft Patriarchs, New Men: How Christianity Shapes Fathers and Husbands by Brad Wilcox (reporting on the study he did on Christian men)
8/30/202358 minutes
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If God Can Save Everyone, Is He Loving if He Doesn’t?

Greg answers questions from callers about whether God is loving if he can save everyone (per Reformed theology) but doesn’t, what Christians should think about shopping at stores that promote harmful ideologies, how God could have foreknowledge of infinite future events if an actual infinite isn’t possible, and more.   Topics: If, according to Reformed theology, God can save everyone, is he loving if he doesn’t? (03:00) What should Christians think about shopping at stores that promote harmful ideologies? (34:00) How could God have foreknowledge of infinite future events if an actual infinite isn’t possible? (42:00) Challenges to Greg’s thoughts about aliens in the previous episode. (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Be One of the 100 Related Links: Why Did God Create People if He Knew So Many Would Go to Hell? by Amy Hall #STRask: Should Christians boycott Starbucks and other corporations that have taken a side against Christianity in the culture war?
8/25/202358 minutes
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The God Question Is the First Question You Have to Answer

Greg explains why your answer to the foundational question of whether or not God exists will affect your ideas about everything else, then he answers questions from a caller about aliens and UFOs.   Topics: Commentary: The God question is the first question you have to answer. (00:00) What’s your take on aliens and UFOs? (31:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Be One of the 100
8/23/202358 minutes
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An Example of Gardening

Greg talks about an exchange he had with someone on a recent trip, then he answers questions about philosophy topics to cover in an hour-long apologetics class, signs from God, whether the disciples made up the story about Jesus, and how to discuss doctrine with Mormons who seem to be hiding their beliefs.   Topics: Commentary: An example of gardening (00:00) What topics would you cover if you only had one hour to teach philosophy in an apologetics and evangelism class? (06:00) What should I say to someone who told me two blue jays flying by were signs from God? (32:00) How should I respond to someone who claims the apostles made up the story about Jesus? (43:00) How can I have effective conversations about doctrine with Latter-day Saints (Mormons) who seem to be trying to hide their beliefs? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Thinking About God: First Steps in Philosophy by Greg Ganssle Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 22–23 in Los Angeles, CA; October 13–14 in Seattle, WA; November 10–11 in Minneapolis, MN; February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA Decision Making and the Will of God (audio) by Greg Koukl The Ambassador’s Guide to the Voice of God (booklet) by Greg Koukl Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (online articles) by Greg Koukl Related Links: Who Is the God of Mormonism by Amy Hall LDS View of Atonement Clarified by Amy Hall Verses for Your Conversations with Mormons by Amy Hall Is It Possible Some Mormons Are Saved? by Amy Hall – More ideas for your conversations
8/18/202358 minutes
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The Bible’s Teaching on Marriage and Sexuality Didn’t Change in 1946

Greg talks about an upcoming movie that claims a 1946 mistranslation of a word in the Bible led to homophobia and persecution of the LGBT community, then he answers a caller's question about what to say to a pastor who referred someone to a counseling service that seems problematic.   Topics: Commentary: The Bible’s teaching on marriage and sexuality didn’t change in 1946. (00:00) What should I say to a pastor who referred me to a counseling service that seems problematic? (32:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Pro-Gay Theology, the Film 1946, and the Multiverse by Alan Shlemon Be One of the 100 Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 22–23 in Los Angeles, CA; October 13–14 in Seattle, WA; November 10–11 in Minneapolis, MN; February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA
8/16/202358 minutes
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Were Portions of the Gospels Made up to Match Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53?

Greg talks to callers about what to say to a skeptic who claims portions of the Gospels were made up to match Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53, whether Hell is something we choose or an enforced punishment, and how to convince another Christian of how important it is to read the Bible and make it part of their life.   Topics: What should I say to a skeptic who claims portions of the Gospels were made up to match Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53? (06:00) Is Hell something we choose (i.e., the doors are “locked on the inside”), or is it a more a matter of just judgment (i.e., like prison)? (28:00) How can I convince another Christian of how important it is to read the Bible and make it part of their life? (44:00) Mentioned on the Show:  God Reforms Hearts: Rethinking Free Will and the Problem of Evil by Thaddeus Williams Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth: 12 Questions Christians Should Ask About Social Justice by Thaddeus Williams Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 22–23 in Los Angeles, CA; October 13–14 in Seattle, WA; November 10–11 in Minneapolis, MN; February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Greg Koukl Bart Ehrman on the Existence of Jesus by Amy Hall – Video clip of Bart Ehrman Be One of the 100 Related Links: You Want to Be a Good Apologist? by Amy Hall (about reading the Bible) James Gray on Mastering the Bible by Fred Sanders The Simple Way to Know and Be Shaped by Your Bible by Amy Hall
8/11/202358 minutes
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Are You Discipling Someone?

Greg talks about the need for churches (and Christian individuals) to disciple other Christians, then he answers a caller’s questions about Reformed theology.   Topics: Commentary: Are you discipling someone? (00:00) Why do you believe in Reformed theology? (34:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 22–23 in Los Angeles, CA; October 13–14 in Seattle, WA; November 10–11 in Minneapolis, MN; February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA Summit Ministries God Reforms Hearts: Rethinking Free Will and the Problem of Evil by Thaddeus Williams Be One of the 100 Related Links: Grace Defined and Defended: What a 400-Year-Old Confession Teaches Us about Sin, Salvation, and the Sovereignty of God by Kevin DeYoung – A book about the Canons of Dort (Reformed theology) “Forced Love” Is the Wrong Way to Look at It by Amy Hall
8/9/202358 minutes
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The Church Is for Anyone, Not Everyone

Greg talks about Calvary Church Albuquerque’s “cultural axioms” and encourages churches to likewise be “more concerned with reaching the lost than pacifying the critics,” then he answers questions about how AI relates to the image of God in people and attending a church that affirms one’s sin.   Topics: Commentary: The church is for anyone, not everyone (00:00) Considering AI’s unsettling human-like ability to process language and complex ideas, how does the current AI relate to the image of God in people, and could it ever become truly self-aware? (26:00) Am I right in thinking a person with same-sex attraction shouldn’t attend a church that affirms their sin, and what’s the difference between someone who is practicing homosexuality and someone who is living in any other sin? (45:00) Mentioned on the Show:  CrossExamined Instructor Academy Calvary Church Albuquerque’s “cultural axioms”
8/4/202358 minutes
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Christians Should Be Able to Recognize Jesus’ Voice

Greg talks about the positive response of some Christians to an imitation of a Bible passage supposedly created by AI about transgenderism, then he answers questions about what the word “worship” should refer to and whether it’s possible to tell if the congregation is truly worshiping.   Topics: Commentary: Christians should be able to recognize Jesus’ voice. (00:00) Am I too concerned about people using the word “worship” to refer only to the music portion of the service? (42:00) Is it possible to tell if the congregation is truly worshiping? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  STR U Online Training Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Be One of the 100
8/2/202358 minutes
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Communicate Truth in a Way People Can Understand

Greg talks about our need to communicate truth in a way people can understand, then he answers questions about evangelizing people in AA and whether the sins of divorce and homosexuality will keep a person out of Heaven.   Topics: Commentary: Communicate truth in a way people can understand. (00:00) Can you give me wisdom about when to encourage spirituality in people in AA and when to confront them about the fact that they don’t yet know the true God? (27:00) Are divorce and homosexuality the same in that we can’t go to Heaven if we’ve committed either of those sins? (43:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl
7/28/202358 minutes
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Interview: Frank Turek – Correct, Not Politically Correct

Greg talks to Frank Turek, author of the newly re-released Correct, Not Politically Correct, about the worldview behind same-sex marriage and transgenderism, the damage caused by transgender surgeries, how parents should respond to children who say they’re transgender, and more.   Topics: Interview: Frank Turek, author of Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism(00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Frank Turek CrossExamined Instructor Academy Correct, Not Politically Correct: About Same-Sex Marriage and Transgenderism by Frank Turek #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy #STRask: Is It Okay to Attend a Pride-Themed Happy Hour at Work? What Is a Woman? – Watch the full documentary for free at that link. Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier Sex Change Regret website Legislating Morality: Is It Wise? Is It Legal? Is It Possible? by Frank Turek and Norm Geisler Related Links: You Can’t Tear Down the Norm and Then Be Surprised by What Comes Next by Amy Hall Understand the Same-Sex Marriage Issue by Amy Hall It’s About the Difference between Men and Women by Amy Hall #STRask: Why Is It Wrong to Have Surgery to Alter Your Sex? by Amy Hall Don’t Assume We Should Change the Body to Match the Mind by Amy Hall
7/26/202358 minutes
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Are We Now Made in the Image of Adam Rather Than God?

Greg talks to callers about the extent of Satan’s influence, whether we’re now made in the image of Adam rather than God, the test for infidelity in Numbers 5, whether the right to life is truly unalienable, and a possible interpretation of “this generation not passing away” in Matthew 24:34.   Topics: What’s the extent of Satan’s influence? (02:00) Does Genesis 5:1–3 indicate we’re no longer made in the image of God but are now in the image of Adam? (13:00) Does the test for infidelity in Numbers 5 assume the woman is guilty before proven innocent? (27:00) Is the Declaration of Independence’s claim that our God-given rights are unalienable correct? The Bible seems to indicate we can lose our right to life. (35:00) Is it possible Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:34 about “this generation not passing away” were referring to the record of that generation in Scripture not passing away? (45:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 22–23 in Los Angeles, CA; October 13–14 in Seattle, WA; November 10–11 in Minneapolis, MN; February 23–24, 2024 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2024 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2024 in Augusta, GA
7/21/202358 minutes
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We Should Address God the Way He Wants to Be Addressed

Greg talks about the Archbishop of York’s statement that referring to God as “Father” is problematic, then he answers questions about how to treat kids who claim to be other species, a possible contradiction in Exodus 9, and the existence of neutral supernatural beings.   Topics: Commentary: We should address God the way he wants to be addressed. (00:00) Should we treat kids as if they’re the species they say they are in order to highlight the absurdity of their claims? (29:00) If God killed all of the Egyptians’ livestock in Exodus 9:6, why did he warn the Egyptians to bring their livestock indoors to avoid the hail in 9:18–21? Is this a contradiction? (37:00) Are there any neutral supernatural beings? (46:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Lord’s Prayer opening may be ‘problematic,’ says archbishop by Harriet Sherwood Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Schools let children identify as horses, dinosaurs...and a moon by Gordon Rayner Related Links: The Beauty of Submission by Amy Hall The Beauty of Leadership by Amy Hall
7/19/202358 minutes
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Does God’s Will Affect Everything That Happens in Our Lives?

Greg responds to a question he received about the legitimacy of churches requiring people to be baptized in order to receive communion, then he answers questions about whether God’s will affects everything that happens in our lives and Bible references for Greg’s view on tithing.   Topics: Commentary: Is it okay for churches to require baptism before communion? (00:00) Does God’s will affect everything that happens in our lives? (13:00) Do you have Bible references and other resources to explain your views on tithing? (43:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Sacred Marriage: What If God Designed Marriage to Make Us Holy More Than to Make Us Happy? by Gary Thomas Related Links: Providence by John Piper #STRask: Is Every Decision We Make Part of God’s Will? How Can We Condemn Evil if God Is Sovereign? by Amy Hall Excusing Sinners and Blaming God: A Calvinist Assessment of Determinism, Moral Responsibility, and Divine Involvement in Evil by Guillaume Bignon Making Sense of Unanswered Prayer by Amy Hall Christians, You Will Suffer by Amy Hall Why It Isn’t Naïve to Trust God in Your Suffering by Amy Hall Should Christians Tithe? by Greg Koukl Why We’re Not Under the Mosaic Law by Amy Hall Should Followers of Christ Observe the Torah? by Amy Hall
7/14/202358 minutes
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The Logical Slippery Slope from Gender Fluidity to Species Fluidity

Greg talks about British schools allowing children to identify as other species, then he answers questions from callers about what worship music should be like and whether Jesus’ divine nature would have prevented him from incurring any guilt by becoming unclean.   Topics: Commentary: The logical slippery slope from gender fluidity to species fluidity (00:00) What should worship music be like? (29:00) How would the laws in Leviticus 5 that connect guilt with being ceremonially unclean have applied to Jesus as a Torah-observant Jew? Did his divine nature prevent him from becoming unclean? (52:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Schools let children identify as horses, dinosaurs...and a moon by Gordon Rayner STR U Online Training Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air by Greg Koukl and Frances Beckwith Related Links: The Art of Leading Congregational Worship by Amy Hall At what point does playing music beautifully during worship actually become a distraction? – #STRask
7/12/202358 minutes
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Why Won’t Love Require the Possibility of Sin in Heaven?

Greg answers questions about what our free will in Heaven will be like if we can’t sin there, whether there’s a problem with adding a section against “isms” to a statement of faith, what to focus on after a loved one kills herself, and whether Ephesians 4:17–18 contradicts earlier chapters.   Topics: If evil exists because we can’t freely love without free will, what will our free will in Heaven be like if we can’t sin there? (02:00) Should I be concerned about my son’s school adding a section to their statement of faith on why they’re against racism, sexism, and ageism? (30:00) After my ex-daughter-in-law, who was not a believer, killed herself, should I be focused on her eternal destiny or God’s goodness and justice? (37:00) Does Ephesians 4:17–18 contradict the first three chapters of Ephesians that say Gentiles are united with Jews in Christ? (48:00) Related Links: “Forced Love” Is the Wrong Way to Look at It by Amy Hall
7/7/202358 minutes
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How Does Genesis 1:5 Fit with an Old-Earth View?

Greg answers a question about how Genesis could say, “It was evening and it was morning, the first day,” if the earth is old, then he clarifies his view on hearing the voice of God.    Topics: If the earth is old, how do we explain the phrase “It was evening and it was morning, the first day [second day, etc.]”? (04:00) Can you clarify what you’re saying God does not do and what he does do in your “Does God Whisper?” articles? (22:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Record an Open Mic question Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 by Greg Koukl The Ambassador’s Guide to the Voice of God by Greg Koukl
7/5/202358 minutes
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Should Women Be Wearing Head Coverings in the Church Today?

Greg answers questions about why the instructions about head coverings in 1 Corinthians 11 don’t apply to women in the church today and the best way to respond when asked to submit a DEI statement as part of the hiring process for a new job.   Topics: How can I concisely explain why 1 Corinthians 11:13–16 doesn’t apply to women in the church today? (02:00) What’s the best way to respond when asked to write and submit a DEI statement as part of the hiring process for a new job? (36:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Submit a question on the Open Mic Line Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher   Related Links: The Beauty of Submission by Amy Hall The Beauty of Leadership by Amy Hall
6/30/202358 minutes
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How Do We Know Christianity Is True?

Greg responds to questions from a skeptical student about how we know Christianity is true, whether any religion can be proven, Bible translations and the creation of the canon, how creation fits with science, whether faith is blind, a perfect God creating imperfect beings, and more.    Topics: Commentary: How do we know Christianity is true? (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Greg Koukl and Michael Shermer at the End of the Decade of the New Atheists – A transcript of a dialogue between Koukl and Shermer on the Hugh Hewitt Show
6/28/202358 minutes
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Master These Three Informal Fallacies

Greg talks about how to recognize and handle three informal fallacies you’ll encounter in spiritual conversations, then he answers questions about whether Satan knows what we’re thinking and how to respond to a friend who strongly believes the Bible teaches the earth is flat.   Topics: Commentary: Master these three informal fallacies. (00:00) Does Satan know what we’re thinking? (43:00) How can I use the Bible to respond to a friend who strongly believes the Bible teaches the earth is flat? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Try This Simple, Three-Step Maneuver When You’re Hit with a Barrage of Objections by Greg Koukl (on the Aaron Rodgers interview)
6/23/202358 minutes
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Punished for Expressing the Christian View of Marriage

Greg talks about a situation where a police officer was forced to quit his job because he expressed the Christian view of marriage on Facebook, then he answers a question about whether parental love is a fair analogy to use when arguing that libertarian free will isn’t necessary for real love.   Topics: Commentary: Punished for expressing the Christian view of marriage (00:00) The love we have for God isn’t the same kind of love parents have for children, so is parental love really a fair analogy to use when arguing that libertarian free will isn’t necessary for love? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Iron Curtain Diary by Greg Koukl The Primal Heresy by Greg Koukl Freedom Fading by Greg Koukl Critical Race Theory: Civil Rights Upside Down by Greg Koukl The Evening News by Greg Koukl The Legend of the Social Justice Jesus by Greg Koukl First Liberty Institute Georgia Police Officer is Forced to Quit His Job Over Religious Facebook Post by Jorge Gomez Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Related Links: God Reforms Hearts: Rethinking Free Will and the Problem of Evil by Thaddeus Williams (on the question of whether libertarian free will is required for real love) “Forced Love” Is the Wrong Way to Look at It by Amy Hall
6/21/202358 minutes
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Is It Okay to Use Mockery against Harmful Ideologies?

Greg answers questions about dealing with distractions in worship services, an employer’s inconsistencies on the topic of gender, using mockery against transgender ideology, and whether using apologetics and discernment indicates a lack of trust in the Holy Spirit.   Topics: Do you have any thoughts on how I can deal with the distractions of those who are more charismatic in worship than I am? (03:00) Could I use the “sibling rivalry” tactic to show that my company is being inconsistent by saying that gender doesn’t matter and then promoting the idea that they’re a great place for women to work? (12:00) Should Christians support humorous mocking of transgender ideology by conservatives, or does that fall into the category of mocking people rather than just ideas? (27:00) How should I respond to someone who thinks the use of apologetics and discernment indicates a lack of trust in the Holy Spirit? (40:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Submit a question on the Open Mic Line Related Links: Why Not Use Ridicule? by Amy Hall
6/16/202358 minutes
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Thoughts about D-Day

Greg talks about D-Day and thanks D-Day veterans for their service, then he answers questions about indoctrination, what we can do about what’s happening in public schools, whether someone can be responsible for another person being in Hell, and the use of the word “bond-servant” in the New Testament.   Topics: Commentary: Thoughts about D-Day (00:00) What would you say to someone who says 9/11, vaccines, and the Vietnam War are all hoaxes about government control, and what is indoctrination? (20:00) Is there something we can do in addition to praying for California and other states whose public school systems are inappropriately bringing sex into the classrooms? (30:00) Can some people be in Hell now because of something someone else did in their lives that convinced them not to be a Christian? (49:00) What is your understanding of the literal vs. the metaphorical uses of the word “bond-servant” in the New Testament? (55:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Submit a question on the Open Mic Line D-Day: June 6, 1944: The Climactic Battle of World War II by Stephen E. Ambrose Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest by Stephen E. Ambrose STR U Online Training Greg’s Message to His School Board Regarding Proposed Sex Ed Curriculum by Greg Koukl Related Links: How Should We Handle Outrage? by Amy Hall
6/14/202358 minutes
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Are We Claiming to Know the Unknowable?

Greg corrects some of his speculations about Neanderthals from the previous episode, then he answers questions about what “weeping and gnashing of teeth” indicates, the influence of the Jesus Movement, advice for finding a church, and claiming to know the unknowable.   Topics: Commentary: Greg corrects some of his speculations about Neanderthals from the previous episode. (00:00) Do the verses that talk about weeping and gnashing of teeth in Hell indicate the people there will still be in open defiance against God, or are those verses referring to suffering? Why would non-believers, who have rejected God, want to go to Heaven? And does the fact that “every knee will bow” indicate those in Hell will have a change of heart? (12:00) How has the American church been affected for the good and the bad by the Jesus Movement of the ’70s, and what’s your advice for finding a new church that’s biblically sound? (25:00) How can we claim to know the unknowable? (48:00)
6/9/202358 minutes
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Morally Velocitized by the Culture

Greg talks about the the danger of letting the culture form us, then he answers questions about how to respond to a family member who says he’s transgender and how Christians should interpret studies that show humans and Neanderthals interbred.   Topics: Commentary: Morally velocitized by the culture (00:00) How should I respond to a family member who told me he’s transgender and I have to use his female name or he’ll break off contact? (32:00) How should we, as Christians, interpret studies that show humans and Neanderthals interbred? (44:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Greg corrects some of his speculations about humans and Neanderthals interbreeding in the next episode (June 9). Related Links: Morally Velocitized by Greg Koukl Why Agree to Use Preferred Names but Not Preferred Pronouns? by Amy Hall Problems with Preferred Pronouns by Alan Shlemon Should You Accommodate an LGBT Person’s Requests? by Alan Shlemon
6/7/202358 minutes
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No Need for Confusion—Faithfulness Is Not Theologically Complicated

Greg talks about five areas—salvation, abortion, gender, marriage, and sex—where Christians are drifting into falsehood because of pressure in the culture and not because of ambiguity in the text. Despite the confusion of many Christians on these topics, faithfulness is not theologically complicated.   Topics: Commentary: No need for confusion—faithfulness is not theologically complicated. (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Faithfulness Is Not Theologically Complicated by Greg Koukl The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Greg Koukl Another Gospel? A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity by Alisa Childers Jesus, the Only Way: 100 Verses Related Links: The Legend of the Social Justice Jesus by Greg Koukl
6/2/202358 minutes
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Disagreement Is Not Oppression

Greg talks about the relatively new idea that we can be oppressed through others’ ideology, then he answers questions about whether Christian fellowship is simply brainwashing, the need for epistemological certainty, whether the Bible requires 100% certainty, and why God isn’t as self-evident as 2+2=4.   Topics: Commentary: Disagreement is not oppression. (00:00) Does the fact that we derive encouragement and psychological benefit from gathering with other believers show we are simply brainwashing ourselves? (23:00) Should I feel so obligated to truth that if I can’t have epistemological certainty, I should abandon my faith? (29:00) When studying apologetics and philosophy, it seems as though 100% certainty is unachievable, but does the Bible require 100% certainty that God exists? (42:00) Why isn’t the truth of God’s existence as self-evident as the mathematical equation 2+2=4? (37:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Submit a question on the Open Mic Line Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl
5/31/202358 minutes
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Four Reasons We Can Be Confident the Gospel Accounts Are Eyewitness Accounts

Guest Host: J. Warner Wallace   J. Warner Wallace gives four reasons we can be confident the Gospel accounts are eyewitness accounts, answers a question about family planning, discusses how Christian principles cause people to thrive, then talks to callers about the Old Testament prophets and why God created Satan.   Topics: Commentary: Four reasons we can be confident the Gospel accounts are eyewitness accounts (00:00) Is family planning okay, or should we put our family size in the hands of God? (24:00) Commentary: The data shows that the principles that cause people to thrive point to the truth of Christianity. (32:00) How did the Old Testament prophets know that what they were hearing was really from God? (38:00) If God wanted us to be with him, why did he create Satan? (51:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels (Updated and Expanded 10th Anniversary Edition) by J. Warner Wallace Women in Apologetics Conference – June 9–10, Anaheim, CA Person of Interest by J. Warner Wallace
5/26/202358 minutes
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A Training Model for Equipping Young People

Guest Host: J. Warner Wallace   J. Warner Wallace talks about a training model for equipping young people, then he talks to callers about a argument for the certainty of coming judgment that doesn’t refer to the Bible and how to share the gospel with family members who think they’re already Christians.   Topics: Commentary: A training model for equipping young people (00:00) Do you have an “outside-the-room” argument for the certainty of coming judgment? (22:00) How can I share the gospel with family members who think they’re already Christians? (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  J. Warner Wallace Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 22–23 in Los Angeles, CA; October 13–14 in Seattle, WA; November 10–11 in Minneapolis, MN; February 23–24, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 22–23, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 19–20, 2023 in Augusta, GA STR U Online Training Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl
5/24/202358 minutes
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Objections to the Moral Argument for the Existence of God

Greg responds to objections to the moral argument in this interview from the Reasoned Hope podcast with Parks Edwards. They discuss cultural relativism and its inability to explain moral progress, the Euthyphro dilemma, moral Platonism, the evolutionary explanation for morality, and more.   Topics: Commentary: Objections to the moral argument for the existence of God (00:00) Download the mp3...   Mentioned on the Show:  Reasoned Hope podcast with Parks Edwards Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Related Links: Euthyphro’s Dilemma by Greg Koukl
5/19/202358 minutes
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Why God Is the Best Explanation for the Existence of Objective Morality

Greg explains why we should think objective morality exists and why God is the best explanation for its existence in this interview from the the Reasoned Hope podcast with Parks Edwards.   Topics: Commentary: Why God is the best explanation for the existence of objective morality (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reasoned Hope podcast with Parks Edwards   Related Links: Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air by Greg Koukl and Francis Beckwith Hitchens’s Challenge Solved by Amy Hall
5/17/202358 minutes
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Hollywood Is Changing Women into Men

Greg talks to a caller about how to deal with doubts, then he talks about Hollywood’s depiction of women and answers a question about churches that do more “seeker-friendly” sermons and focus on presenting the gospel rather than doing expository preaching.   Topics: How can I deal with my doubts? (00:00) Commentary: Hollywood is changing women into men. (27:00) What are your thoughts on churches that do more “seeker-friendly” sermons and focus on presenting the gospel rather than doing expository preaching? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes by Nancy Pearcey Related Links: The Thomas Factor: Using Your Doubts to Draw Closer to God by Gary Habermas Why God? Part 1 and Part 2 by Greg Koukl (about God being the best explanation for the way things are) When (and Why) Feminism Is Anti-Feminine by Amy Hall (quoting Alastair Roberts)
5/12/202358 minutes
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Do the Right Thing before God

Greg talks about putting faithfulness to God above appeasing friends who disagree with you, then he answers questions about whether God is evil if he created a world where he knew so many people would suffer and what a teacher should do when he’s told to use preferred pronouns.   Topics: Commentary: Do the right thing before God. (00:00) Since God knew how many people would suffer when he created the world, does that make him an evil God who caused the suffering? (32:00) What should a teacher do when he’s asked to use preferred pronouns? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Amy Grant will host a same-sex wedding by Rick Pidcock Should You Accommodate an LGBT Person’s Requests? by Alan Shlemon Why I No Longer Use Transgender Pronouns—and Why You Shouldn’t, Either by Rosaria Butterfield A Response to an Employer’s Request for Pronouns by Amy Hall Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers STR Outposts Related Links: How Can We Condemn Evil if God Is Sovereign? by Amy Hall Evil and the Cross by Amy Hall Why Did God Create People if He Knew So Many Would Go to Hell? by Amy Hall Why Pronouns Matter…a Lot by Greg Koukl #STRask: How Can I Lovingly Explain to Someone That I Will Not Be Using Their Pronouns? Why Agree to Use Preferred Names but Not Preferred Pronouns? by Amy Hall
5/10/202358 minutes
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Is Christianity a Mind-Control Cult?

Greg talks to callers about whether Christianity is a mind-control cult because it says you’re fallen and need someone to save you, the view that the Jews of today are not the real descendants of Abraham, reason vs. the Bible, Jesus’ view of social justice, and when to apply 1 Corinthians 5:11.   Topics: How should I respond to someone who says Christianity is a mind-control cult because it says you’re fallen and need someone to save you? (00:00) Is it possible to be a Christian and believe that the Jews of today are not the real descendants of Abraham, and is this a dangerous belief to have in your church? (17:00) If the Bible were to contradict the laws of reason, which should take precedence for the Christian? (31:00) How would you respond to someone who says that since the way we understand social justice now wasn’t around during the time of Jesus, we can’t know what Jesus would have thought of it? (38:00) How should 1 Corinthians 5:11 be applied to someone’s daughter who claims to be Christian but isn’t living a godly life? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Legend of the Social Justice Jesus by Greg Koukl Christopher Yuan’s books Rosaria Butterfield’s books
5/5/202358 minutes
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A 30-Year Ride

Greg talks about the first 30 years of Stand to Reason, then he answers questions about universalism, the Roman Catholic view of the authority of tradition, and the difference between tradition and the objective truth of Scripture.   Topics: Commentary: A 30-year ride (00:00) Can you help me respond to people in my church who have been influenced by a theologian’s YouTube videos to accept the idea that all people will eventually accept Jesus, whether now on earth or later in Hell (universalism)? (37:00) Why do Roman Catholics view tradition as authoritative, and how can I show them the difference between tradition and the objective truth of Scripture? (52:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Hell Interrupted Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
5/3/202358 minutes
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A Real-Life Example of the Tactical Game Plan

Greg talks about how he managed a spiritual conversation he had on a plane with someone who was challenging him, then he answers questions about where our passions come from and whether Matthew 25:31–46 ties our salvation to how we treat the poor.   Topics: Commentary: A real-life example of the tactical game plan (00:00) Do our passions come from God? (28:00) What’s your take on Matthew 25:31–46, which seems to tie our salvation to how we treat the poor and oppressed? (37:00) Mentioned on the Show:  STR U Online Training Purchase the Reality Livestream Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers
4/28/202358 minutes
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Did Jesus Ever Exist?

Greg talks to Frank Turek about the upcoming CrossExamined Instructor Academy, then he answers questions about whether Jesus existed and how we should view God’s sovereignty when it comes to tragedies that result from non-moral decisions we’ve made.   Topics: Commentary: The upcoming CrossExamined Instructor Academy (00:00) Did Jesus ever exist? (20:00) How should one view God’s sovereignty when it comes to tragedies that result from non-moral decisions we’ve made? (39:00) Mentioned on the Show:  CrossExamined Instructor Academy Unshaken Conference The Story of Civilization: Caesar and Christ by Will Durant Related Links: Bart Ehrman on the Existence of Jesus by Amy Hall Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 by Greg Koukl
4/26/202358 minutes
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Is Critical Race Theory Really an Issue?

Greg answers questions about whether he’s fighting a ghost when it comes to critical race theory, whether the famous Christians who have been deconstructing were ever truly regenerated, the “Divine Council” in Psalm 82, and how to be satisfied where we are.   Topics: Are you sure you’re not fighting a ghost when it comes to critical race theory? (04:00) Were the famous Christian musicians and YouTubers currently going through the deconstruction process ever truly regenerated? (17:00) Is the idea of a “Divine Council” a biblical concept? (36:00) How can I be satisfied where I am and stay focused on the tasks God has for me right now? (45:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers STR Outposts The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible by Michael Heiser The Hurt Locker – Film Mr. Holland’s Opus – Film Related Links: Intro to Critical Theory by Neil Shenvi What is Critical Race Theory? by Neil Shenvi How to Be Content in Suffering by Amy Hall The Value of Disappointment by Amy Hall
4/21/202358 minutes
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What’s the Relationship between Apologetics and Our Experience of God?

Greg talks about the only two schools he would recommend these days, then he answers a question about the relationship between apologetics and our experience of God.   Topics: Commentary: The only schools Greg recommends (00:00) What is the relationship between apologetics and Christian experience? (10:00) Related Links: Apologetics Aren’t Enough to Connect You with a Person by Amy Hall Do You Convey a Sense of the Reality, Centrality, and Desirability of Jesus with Your Apologetics? by Amy Hall
4/19/202358 minutes
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Circular and Absurd Definitions of a Woman

Greg talks about Alan Shlemon’s excellent article on the definition of a woman, then he answers questions about how parents who just reconnected with a daughter should respond to her claim to be gay, what to say to someone whose child overuses video games, and whether Christianity is militant.   Topics: Commentary: Circular and absurd definitions of a woman (00:00) How should parents in our Tactics small group respond to their daughter’s claim to be gay? (11:00) What should I say to my sister about my nephew’s overuse of video games? (26:00) Why is Christianity so militant? (40:00) Mentioned on the Show:  What Is a Woman? by Alan Shlemon The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert by Rosaria Butterfield The Question that Stops Christians in Their Tracks by Greg Koukl Greg’s debate with Deepak Chopra Bart Ehrman on the Existence of Jesus by Amy Hall
4/14/202358 minutes
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How to Interpret and Apply God’s Promises in the Old Testament

Greg explains how to interpret promises God made in the Old Testament and when to apply them to Christians today, then he answers a question about whether verses in Romans about the Holy Spirit testifying in our hearts indicate Christians should expect to receive an experience of the Holy Spirit.    Topics: Why do you disagree with John Piper’s understanding that some promises to the Jewish people apply to Christians today, and how do you tell which promises apply to us and which don’t? (00:00) When Romans 5:5 and 8:16 talk about the Holy Spirit testifying in our hearts, does that mean Christians should expect to receive an experience of the Holy Spirit? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  God Rejoices to Do You Good by John Piper Reality Student Apologetics Conference – April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Confessions of a French Atheist: How God Hijacked My Quest to Disprove the Christian Faith by Guillaume Bignon Related Links: Promises We Can’t Claim. Promises We Can. by Greg Koukl How Can I Know Which Bible Promises Apply to Me? by Amy Hall
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Is Sola Scriptura Self-Refuting?

Greg answers questions about whether there are internal inconsistencies in Protestantism when it comes to sola Scriptura, whether Jesus has severed his personal relationship with John now that he’s Lord over all, and reading the Bible with the assumption that it’s a divinely-inspired book.    Topics: Do you have answers for the internal inconsistencies of Protestantism? (01:00) Has Jesus severed his personal relationship with John now that he is Lord over all? (36:00) One of Michael Heiser’s seven rules for reading the Bible is that we should read it as a divine book, but should that really be a starting point when we’re approaching a text? (47:00)
4/7/202358 minutes
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“If the World Is against the Truth, Then I Am against the World”

Greg talks about the speech Calvin Robinson gave on same-sex marriage at the Oxford Union, then he answers questions about responding to false teachings and William Lane Craig’s view of God’s relationship to time.   Topics: Commentary: “If the world is against the truth, then I am against the world.” (00:00) How should we respond to false teachers and false teachings today? (28:00) Do you agree with William Lane Craig’s view of God’s relationship to time? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Calvin Robinson’s Oxford Union Debate Speech – Video and transcript Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Reality Student Apologetics Conference – April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA A Reformation the Church Doesn’t Need – Part 1 by Greg Koukl and Alan Shlemon A Reformation the Church Doesn’t Need – Part 2 by Greg Koukl and Alan Shlemon The Legend of the Social Justice Jesus by Greg Koukl
4/5/202358 minutes
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Morality Doesn’t Depend on Belief in God, but It Does Depend on God

Greg explains why objective morality doesn’t depend on belief in God but does depend on God, then he answers questions about responding to Mormon missionaries about how they know the Book of Mormon is true and whether it’s ever appropriate for a Christian to give a forceful or rude response.   Topics: Commentary: Morality doesn’t depend on belief in God, but it does depend on God. (00:00) Do you have any verses I can use when responding to Mormon missionaries about how they know the Book of Mormon is true? (24:00) Is it ever appropriate for a Christian to be forceful or rude when responding to someone? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Mormonism Research Ministry 10 Awesome Book of Mormon Passages to Use with Latter-day Saints! by Eric Johnson Top 10 Teachings of Mormonism Not Supported by the Book of Mormon by Eric Johnson Reality Student Apologetics Conference – April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA STR U Online Training Advice for Apologists – Previous podcast with STR speakers Related Links: Hitchens’s Challenge Solved by Amy Hall Verses for Your Conversations with Mormons by Amy Hall Why You Shouldn’t Ask God if the Book of Mormon Is True by Aaron Brake Is It Possible Some Mormons Are Saved? by Amy Hall Who Is the God of Mormonism? by Amy Hall LDS View of Atonement Clarified by Amy Hall How Should We Handle Outrage? by Amy Hall
3/31/202358 minutes
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The Trans Resistance Network’s Statement on Monday’s Shooting

Greg talks about the Trans Resistance Network’s statement on Monday’s school shooting, then he answers questions about how to enjoy corporate prayer when you’re aware of how people are misusing Scripture and the moral culpability of an Uber driver transporting people to do sinful things.   Topics: Commentary: The Trans Resistance Network’s statement on Monday’s shooting (00:00) Is there a way to still enjoy corporate prayer even though I now notice when people are misusing Scripture and misunderstanding how God works? (34:00) What’s the moral culpability of an Uber driver transporting people to do sinful things? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Trans Resistance Network’s statement STR U Online Training Reality Student Apologetics Conference – April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Related Links: What Is Promised to the Two or Three Who Are Gathered in Jesus’ Name? by Amy Hall Use Your Knowledge to Serve Others, Not Judge Them by Amy Hall
3/29/202358 minutes
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A-Theory vs. B-Theory of Time

Greg answers questions about how to think through the issue of A-theory vs. B-theory of time, practical tips for sharing the gospel with family members who aren’t interested in hearing about it, whether metaphysics precede epistemology, and copying Greg’s presentation of Tactics.   Topics: Can you help me think through the A-theory of time vs. the B-theory? (02:00) Do you have any practical tips for sharing the gospel with family members who live in another country and don’t seem very interested in hearing about it? (28:00) Do metaphysics precede epistemology, or is it the other way around? (39:00) If I present Tactics to an audience the way you do, is that considered plagiarism? (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Time and Eternity: Exploring God’s Relationship to Time by William Lane Craig
3/24/202358 minutes
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Strengthen Your Argument with Modest Assertions

Greg talks about how making modest assertions can actually strengthen your argument (referencing an article by Dolores Morris), then he answers a question about why God would predestine people for salvation if he gave us free will.   Topics: Commentary: Strengthen your argument with modest assertions. (00:00) If God gave us free will, why would he predestine anyone for salvation at all? (35:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers STR Outposts STR’s Ambassador’s Creed Weaker Assertion → Stronger Argument by Dolores G. Morris Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Question about predestination from the previous episode Related Links: God Reforms Hearts: Rethinking Free Will and the Problem of Evil by Thaddeus Williams (on the question of whether libertarian free will is required for real love) “Forced Love” Is the Wrong Way to Look at It by Amy Hall
3/22/202358 minutes
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Did Adam Have a Belly Button?

Greg answers questions about whether Adam had a belly button, the difference between microevolution and macroevolution, and predestination.   Topics: Did Adam have a belly button? (00:00) What is the difference between microevolution and macroevolution? (07:00) Could you explain your understanding of predestination? (25:00)
3/17/202358 minutes
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Why Would a Good God Create a World That Has So Much Evil in It?

Greg answers questions about why God would create a world that has so much evil in it, how a book written by men could be the divine word of God, whether it’s okay to date a Christian who doesn’t think homosexuality is a sin, and why people believe in creationism over evolution.   Topics: Why would a good God create a world that has so much evil in it? (00:00) How could a centuries-old book written by men be the divine word of God? (16:00) Is it okay to date a Christian who thinks homosexuality is not a sin? (29:00) Why believe in a creationist worldview now that we have the theory of evolution? (46:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Design of Life DVD Collection by Illustra Media Related Links: What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? by Kevin DeYoung Not That Kind of Homosexuality? by Kevin DeYoung A Reformation the Church Doesn’t Need: Answering Revisionist Pro-Gay Theology Part I by Greg Koukl and Alan Shlemon A Reformation the Church Doesn’t Need: Answering Revisionist Pro-Gay Theology Part 2 by Greg Koukl and Alan Shlemon
3/15/202358 minutes
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Has the Text of the Bible Been Corrupted?

How can we know that the Bible we have today is the same as the original if no original manuscripts exist? Greg explains why the number and age of the manuscripts we do have make it possible for textual critics to sift through the variant readings and confidently reconstruct the original writings.   Topics: Commentary: Has the text of the Bible been corrupted? (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  “Misquoting” Jesus? Answering Bart Ehrman by Greg Koukl Related Links: The Bible Is Not a Game of Telephone by Amy Hall (quoting Dan Wallace) An Interview with Daniel B. Wallace on the New Testament Manuscripts by Justin Taylor Textual Variants: It’s the Nature, Not the Number, That Matters by Tim Barnett A Clarification on How Bible Variants Are Counted by Amy Hall
3/10/202358 minutes
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Is the Bible a Human Book or a Supernatural One?

Is the Bible a human book by men about God, or is it a supernatural book from God to men? Greg talks about how the supernatural fingerprints of God in the Bible give us good reason to trust that this book truly has the objective authority to answer the deepest questions of life.   Topics: Commentary: Is the Bible a supernatural book? (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Confessions of a French Atheist: How God Hijacked My Quest to Disprove the Christian Faith by Guillaume Bignon Related Links: What We Read Is What God Said by Brett Kunkle The Historical Jesus: Ancient Evidence for the Life of Christ by Gary Habermas The Bible: Different from All the Rest by Amy Hall (quoting Rosaria Butterfield)
3/8/202358 minutes
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Scattered as Aliens in a Foreign Land

Greg talks about 1 Peter’s words to those who live in a hostile culture, then he answers questions about how Satan tempts us, a high school assigning a sexually graphic novel, not making Christ seem like merely a utilitarian solution to cultural problems, and how to deal with loneliness.   Topics: Commentary: Scattered as aliens in a foreign land (00:00) How does Satan tempt us? (13:00) How should I address the issue of a private high school assigning a novel that graphically depicts sexual sin, and how can we appropriately prepare our children for the real world without exposing them to books like this one? (23:00) How do I avoid making Christ into merely a utilitarian solution to our current cultural problems when discussing the Christian worldview with unbelievers? (35:00) How should I deal with loneliness? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers
3/3/202358 minutes
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Interview: Jeff Myers – Truth Changes Everything

Greg talks to Jeff Myers of Summit Ministries, author of Truth Changes Everything: How People of Faith Can Transform the World in Times of Crisis, about the shifting definition of truth in the culture, how truth can be known, the difference truth has made in the world, and more.   Topics: Interview: Jeff Myers, author of Truth Changes Everything: How People of Faith Can Transform the World in Times of Crisis (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Dr. Jeff Myers Truth Changes Everything: How People of Faith Can Transform the World in Times of Crisis by Dr. Jeff Myers Summit Ministries How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland’s Heroic Role From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe by Thomas Cahill The Soul of Science by Nancy Pearcey and Charles Thaxton Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Related Links: The True Story of Christian Missionaries by Amy Hall (on how truth changed entire cultures) Values Fight Poverty by Amy Hall A Daily Prayer for This Cultural Moment by Amy Hall (about valuing truth)
3/1/202358 minutes
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How to Assess Christianity

Greg explains that we can’t assess the church’s legitimacy by the way the world reacts to it, then he answers questions about who, according to 1 John 2, is an antichrist, our relationship to time after death, why people use the term “Calvinism” but not “Arminianism” in a derogatory fashion, and more.   Topics: Commentary: How to assess Christianity (00:00) Is John calling everyone who rejects Jesus a liar and an antichrist in 1 John 2:22–23 (even Dennis Prager), or is he referring to specific people? (08:00) Is it a sin to work at a supermarket where cigarettes and alcohol are among the goods that are sold? (19:00) Are people who have died waiting in time for the resurrection, or are they in the presence of God outside of time? (29:00) Why is it that people use the term “Calvinism” in a derogatory fashion, but I’ve never heard anyone speak of Arminianism that way? (44:00) What does the reference to Jeremiah in Hebrews 8:11 mean when it says there will be no need to teach a neighbor or brother to “know the Lord” in the New Covenant? (51:00) Related Links: The Truth of Christianity Isn’t Measured by People’s Hatred of It by Amy Hall God Cares More about Behavior Than Most People Think by Amy Hall What We Believe About the Five Points of Calvinism – Desiring God explains the biblical reasoning behind Calvinism
2/24/202358 minutes
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Does “He Gets Us” Get Him?

Greg critiques the “He Gets Us” campaign, then he answers a question about whether it’s okay to join a church you have some theological disagreements with and interacts with a caller who says people have good reasons to have bad impressions of Christians.   Topics: Commentary: Does “He Gets Us” get him? (00:00) Is it okay to become a member of a church you have some theological disagreements with? (34:00) People have good reasons to have bad impressions of Christians. (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  He Gets Us website The Legend of the Social Justice Jesus by Greg Koukl 7 Problems with the He Gets Us Campaign by Natasha Crain “Alone with Just a Story” by Negativland Related Links: What We Believe About the Five Points of Calvinism – Desiring God explains the biblical reasoning behind Calvinism
2/22/202358 minutes
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Tips for Discipling Your Children

Jon and Robby talk about habits and values they’re trying to develop in their kids and give general tips for raising kids to love Jesus and have a Christian worldview.   Topics: Commentary: Tips for discipling your children (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Blue’s Clues Pride Parade Song
2/17/202358 minutes
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Advice for Apologists

Robby, Tim, Jon, and Amy discuss the mistakes we can make as apologists and give advice for how we can stay balanced in our study, treat people with dignity, exhibit the kind of character that reflects Christ when interacting with others, improve our skills, and more.   Topics: Commentary: Advice for apologists (00:00) Related Links: For the Student Who Wants to Be a Christian Apologist by Amy Hall How Should We Interact with the Uncivil? by Amy Hall Eight Lessons on Being an A-Paul-ogist by Tim Barnett Proverbs for Apologists by Amy Hall You Want to Be a Good Apologist? by Amy Hall Apologetics Aren’t Enough to Connect You with a Person by Amy Hall Do You Convey a Sense of the Reality, Centrality, and Desirability of Jesus with Your Apologetics? by Amy Hall A Daily Prayer for This Cultural Moment by Amy Hall
2/15/202358 minutes
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A Grad Student Taking a Stand

Greg reads a note from a student whose grad school program is requiring that he join an association that explicitly promotes values he disagrees with, then he answers questions about leaving a church if they won’t let you serve, trusting God to bring another “gardener” into a person’s life, and what people will know in Hell.   Topics: Commentary: A grad student taking a stand (00:00) Should I leave a church that won’t let me serve because of sin in my past? (27:00) Do you have any advice about trusting God to bring another “gardener” into a person’s life when my opportunity is gone? (37:00) Do people in Hell want to get out, do they know God exists, and do they remember their lives on earth? (47:00) Related Links: Harvester or Gardener? by Greg Koukl
2/10/202358 minutes
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Just Ask the Question

Greg tells a story about what happened when a pastor he was dining with asked the waiter a question, then he takes two calls about reparations for slavery and answers a question about translating some Christian terms into everyday language when talking to non-believers.   Topics: Commentary: Just ask the question. (00:00) How should I respond to someone who says they’re owed reparations because of slavery? (12:00) A response to Greg’s comments on reparations (35:00) How would I translate “miracles” and “God's glory” into everyday language when talking to non-believers? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reparations: A Critical Theological Review by Kevin DeYoung Reality Student Apologetics Conference – February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA
2/8/202358 minutes
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Slavery in the Bible

Greg answers questions about slavery in the Bible, whether men wrote the Bible to control people, the biblical definitions of love and judgment, and whether Jesus is still both fully man and fully God now that he’s been resurrected.   Topics: Can you help me understand the verses in the Bible that talk about slavery? (05:00) Did men write the Bible to control other people? (17:00) Another note on slavery (25:00) What is the biblical definition of love and the biblical definition of judgment? (29:00) Is Jesus still fully human now that he’s been resurrected, or was his humanity temporary? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Is God a Moral Monster? by Paul Copan Interview: Paul Copan on Slavery in the Bible Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges by Greg Koukl Amazing Grace film Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl The Chalcedonian Creed Related Links: Did God Condone Slavery? by Amy Hall
2/3/202358 minutes
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Abortion Is Not Merely a Political Issue

Greg talks about a crisis pregnancy center that’s having trouble getting help from churches because the pastors don’t want to be “political,” then he answers questions about the Passion Translation and Jesus’ human nature and sinlessness.   Topics: Commentary: Abortion is not merely a political issue. (00:00) Do you have any advice for explaining the problems with the Passion Translation of the Bible to someone who’s promoting it? (27:00) Was Jesus a real human being if he didn’t have a human father, and how could he have been sinless if he was human? (51:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Information about the Passion Translation
2/1/202358 minutes
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Visions of Mary, Yoga, and Prophecies about Jesus

Greg answers questions from callers about visions of Mary, the biblical view of yoga, how we can know Hosea 11:1 is really a prophecy about Jesus, and whether people are misusing prophecies about earlier events to make a case for Jesus.    Topics: Do you have any insight on why Mary reveals herself to people through visions rather than Jesus? (03:00) What is the biblical view of yoga? (28:00) How do we know Hosea 11:1 is really a prophecy about Jesus as Matthew says? (42:00) Are the verses people claim are prophecies about Jesus really just examples of people misusing prophecies about earlier events to make a case for Jesus? (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Interview: Melissa Dougherty – Christians and New Age Beliefs
1/27/202358 minutes
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Is It Appropriate to Ask God for a Sign?

Greg answers a question about whether it’s appropriate to ask God for a sign to indicate his approval of a decision, then he gives a caller advice about how to interact with a family member who now says he’s gay.   Topics: Is it appropriate to ask God for a sign to indicate approval of a decision? (10:00) Can you give me advice as to how my family and I should interact with my brother now that he’s told us he’s gay? (35:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Becket Cook’s website Christopher Yuan’s website Rosaria Butterfield’s website The Gospel Comes with a House Key: Practicing Radically Ordinary Hospitality in Our Post-Christian World by Rosaria Butterfield
1/25/202358 minutes
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Can’t I Just Appreciate the Bible’s Moral Value without Taking It Literally?

Greg answers questions about whether one can just appreciate the Bible for its moral value without taking it literally, whether a worship leader attending a gay pride fundraising event indicates a problem with the church, and what the Bible has to say about free will.   Topics: How would you respond to someone who says the Bible doesn’t need to be taken literally and we can just appreciate it for its moral value? (08:00) Should I be concerned by the fact that one of the main worship leaders in my church attended a gay pride fundraising event? (25:00) Many scientists claim free will is not a reality, but what does the Bible have to say about this? (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  STR U Online Training Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Reality Student Apologetics Conference – February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Related Links: “Forced Love” Is the Wrong Way to Look at It by Amy Hall
1/20/202358 minutes
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Design or Adaptation?

Greg reflects on the amazing design evident in the way largemouth bass feed, then he answers a question about the roots of the label “evangelical” and responds to a caller’s concerns about things he’s seeing in the large, multi-campus church he’s attending.   Topics: Commentary: Design or adaptation? (00:00) What are the roots of the label “evangelical,” and what is the classical definition? (28:00) What should I do when I’m seeing so many things to be concerned about in the large, multi-campus church I’m attending? (44:00) Mentioned on the Show:  STR U Online Training Reality Student Apologetics Conference – February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA
1/18/202358 minutes
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Has the Time for Winsome Christianity Passed?

Greg and Amy respond to questions about why it’s okay to have plastic surgery to alter your appearance but wrong to have surgery to alter your sex, whether a tactical, winsome approach is still viable in a non-civil culture, and whether the time for winsome Christianity has passed.   If you enjoyed this episode, you can subscribe or listen to archived episodes of #STRask here.   Topics: How is claiming to be a different gender different from claiming to be a blonde if you dye your hair, and why is it okay to have plastic surgery to alter your appearance but wrong to have surgery to alter your sex? (00:00) Can a tactical, “winsome” approach still be viable in such a non-civil culture? (16:00) Has the time for “winsome” Christianity passed, and is it now time for a more direct, hard-edged approach? (:00) Mentioned on the Show:  #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here) Submit a question for #STRask Related Links: How Should We Interact with the Uncivil? by Amy Hall
1/13/202331 minutes, 50 seconds
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Does Our Childlessness Mean We’re Not Fearing God Enough?

Greg and Amy respond to questions about whether childlessness is a sign of not fearing God enough and whether it’s a genetic fallacy to point out the eugenics philosophy of the founder of Planned Parenthood when arguing against abortion.   If you enjoyed this episode, you can subscribe or listen to archived episodes of #STRask here.   Topics: Since God gave the Hebrew midwives families because they feared him, does my childlessness mean my husband and I aren’t fearing God enough? (00:00) Is it a genetic fallacy to point out the eugenics philosophy of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, when arguing against abortion? (17:00) Mentioned on the Show:  #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here) Submit a question for #STRask
1/11/202326 minutes, 1 second
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Is the Bible Unclear about Homosexuality?

Greg reads a letter he received from a listener whose biblical views on homosexuality are being challenged by others in his church, then he addresses their objections and answers a question about whether Greg’s method of determining the reason why Jesus came is faulty.   Topics: Commentary: Is the Bible unclear about homosexuality? (00:00) Is your argument in “The Legend of the Social Justice Jesus” making the same mistake as those who say Jesus never spoke about abortion? (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  David Limbaugh’s interview on a previous podcast The Legend of the Social Justice Jesus by Greg Koukl Related Links: The Claim about Homosexuality in the Film 1946 Is Irrelevant by Alan Shlemon Jesus Didn’t Say Anything about Homosexuality by Alan Shlemon What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? by Kevin DeYoung What Motivates Sin (and How to Fight It) by Amy Hall Why We’re Not Under the Mosaic Law by Amy Hall Should Followers of Christ Observe the Torah? by Amy Hall How Does the Old Testament Law Apply to Christians Today? by Greg Koukl Think of the Mosaic Covenant Like a State Law by Amy Hall (quoting Greg Koukl) The Law Is Good by Amy Hall
1/6/202358 minutes
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Respect the Order of Leadership

Greg talks about the goodness of respecting one’s parents and other elders and how our culture has lost this value, then he answers a question about how we can expect to never sin again in Heaven if evil exists in the world now because God wanted to allow free will.   Topics: Commentary: Respect the order of leadership. (00:00) If evil exists in the world because God wanted to allow free will, then how can we expect to never sin again in Heaven? (37:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Greg Koukl Related Links: The Beauty of Submission by Amy Hall The Beauty of Leadership by Amy Hall
1/4/202358 minutes
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How Should Medical Professionals Interact with Transgender Patients?

Greg talks about how medical professionals should interact with transgender patients, reflects on the fact that this is the one time of year when everyone extols the virtues of Jesus in song, answers a question about a framework for deciding between theological positions, and more.   Topics: Commentary: How should medical professionals interact with transgender patients? (00:00) Commentary: It’s the one time of year when everyone extols the virtues of Jesus in song. (27:00) What do you do when you have to go beyond proof texts because you have verses on both sides? (33:00) Commentary: Harry Reasoner’s commentary on Christmas (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here) Eternity Is Now: Just Ask Scrooge and George Bailey by Andrew Klavan The Power of Christmas by Cal Thomas (quoting Harry Reasoner)
12/23/202258 minutes
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Two Principles of Giving

Greg talks about two principles to follow when donating to charities, then he talks to callers about how we know we won’t sin in Heaven and the minimal facts argument vs. the maximal data argument for the resurrection.   Topics: Commentary: Two principles of giving (00:00) If Satan sinned while he was in Heaven, how do we know we won’t also sin in Heaven? (16:00) What do you think about the minimal facts vs. maximal data arguments for the resurrection? (29:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Donate to Stand to Reason Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture by Natasha Crain The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Greg Koukl Related Links: Natasha Crain Can Help You Be Faithfully Different by Amy Hall (review of the book) Where Did These Minimal Facts about the Resurrection Come From? by Amy Hall
12/21/202258 minutes
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There Is No Battle between Science and the Christian Worldview

Greg talks about how naturalistic philosophy, not scientific methodology, is opposed to Christianity, then he answers questions about shaping the worldview of children when the spouse isn’t a believer and the difference between Reformed theology and Darwinistic determinism.   Topics: Commentary: There is no battle between science and the Christian worldview. (00:00) Do you have any practical and specific tips for shaping the worldview of my daughters when the burden is entirely on me since my husband is not a believer? (22:00) Can you explain the difference between Reformed theology and Darwinistic determinism? (43:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Big Picture Story Bible by David R. Helm Natasha Crain’s books Natasha Crain’s website The Chronicles of Narnia – Focus on the Family Radio Theater (digital version here)
12/16/202258 minutes
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Christianity Has Nothing to Fear from Science

Greg talks about what science can and cannot determine when it comes to religious claims, then he talks to callers about whether there was a doctrine he couldn’t have seen in the Bible on his own and why God isn’t partly responsible for whether or not we follow him if he created our personalities.   Topics: Commentary: Christianity has nothing to fear from science. (00:00) Was there a doctrine that had to be explained to you because you couldn’t have seen it in the Bible on your own? (36:00) If God created our personalities, why is he not partly responsible for whether or not we decide to follow him? (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Donate to Stand to Reason
12/14/202258 minutes
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Questions about the Old-Earth View of Creation

Greg answers questions about what evidence convinces him the earth is old that couldn’t be explained just as easily by a young-earth view, a book that explains what old-earth creationists believe, a church devoting an entire service to first responders, and more.   Topics: What evidence convinces you the earth has to be old that couldn’t be explained just as easily by a young-earth view? (05:00) Can you recommend a book that explains what old-earth creationists believe that isn’t heretical? (24:00) Isn’t saying that “if you have scientific evidence that appears to contradict the Bible, then you should conclude you’ve misread the Bible” a dangerous line of thought since we have scientific evidence that men don’t rise from the dead? (34:00) What do you think about my church devoting an entire service to first responders? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Seven Days that Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science by John Lennox A Matter of Days: Resolving a Creation Controversy by Hugh Ross Related Links: Have Grace for Fellow Christians on the Age of the Earth by Amy Hall Theistic Evolution: Drifting toward Darwin by Greg Koukl
12/9/202258 minutes
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You Can Start a Bible Education Program at Your Local Public School

Greg talks to Tara Schwartz, a field rep for LifeWise Academy, an organization that helps people start Bible education programs at their local public schools, then he answers a question about the current assault on biblical values and offers encouragement to disappointed missionaries.   Topics: Interview: Tara Schwartz of LifeWise Academy (00:00) What do you think explains the assault on biblical values we’re living through, and where do you think it’s going next? (31:00) Do you have any encouragement for disappointed and anxious missionaries who are having to return home for health reasons after only eight weeks? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Tara Schwartz LifeWise Academy Donate to Stand to Reason Related Links: Seeing the Unseen: The Nature of Spiritual Warfare by Greg Koukl
12/7/202258 minutes
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Natasha Crain on Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture

Greg talks to Natasha Crain about her book Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture (your gift for any donation to STR this month), then he answers questions about intersex people and whether or not all living beings have souls.   Topics: Interview: Natasha Crain on biblical clarity in a secular culture (00:00) How should I respond to people who say they’re intersex? (31:00) Do all living beings have souls, or do some living beings not need a soul in order to be alive? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Natasha Crain’s website Natasha Crain’s books Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture by Natasha Crain Natasha’s interview on Focus on the Family Donate to Stand to Reason Related Links: Natasha Crain Can Help You Be Faithfully Different by Amy Hall (review of the book) Interview: Natasha Crain – Faithfully Different – Greg’s previous interview with Natasha Crain Intersex People Don’t Prove There Are More Than Two Sexes by Amy Hall (quoting Alastair Roberts) Humans Come in Only Two Sexes by Alan Shlemon
12/2/202258 minutes
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Interview: David Limbaugh – The Resurrected Jesus

Greg talks to David Limbaugh, author of The Resurrected Jesus: The Church in the New Testament, about the unity of the Bible, how the biblical worldview resonates with our deepest intuitions, and some of the main themes in Paul’s Pastoral Epistles.    Topics: Interview: David Limbaugh, author of The Resurrected Jesus: The Church in the New Testament (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  David Limbaugh The Resurrected Jesus: The Church in the New Testament by David Limbaugh The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important That Happens in Between by Greg Koukl
11/30/202258 minutes
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You Can’t Be Thankful without Someone to Thank

Greg explains how his Inside Out tactic relates to Thanksgiving, talks to a caller about what, if anything, to say to pastors who aren’t addressing cultural issues, reflects on a book that provides a liturgy for daily worship, and answers a question about whether we should address the devil in prayer.   Topics: Commentary: You can’t be thankful without someone to thank. (00:00) What, if anything, should I say to my pastors about the fact that my church is not addressing any cultural issues? (18:00) Commentary: Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship (38:00) What are your thoughts on addressing the devil during prayer? (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Inside Out by Greg Koukl Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy for Daily Worship – Compiled by Jonathan Gibson Related Links: Don’t Lose Sight of the Big Picture by Amy Hall – On how pastors can address the cultural issues of the day by teaching the foundational doctrines of Christianity
11/25/202258 minutes
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Interview: Melissa Dougherty – Christians and New Age Beliefs

Greg talks to apologist Melissa Dougherty about how she fell into New Age beliefs, thinking they were Christian, her return to biblical Christianity, the importance of biblical literacy and clear thinking for all Christians, and New Age beliefs in the church.   Topics: Interview: Melissa Dougherty on Christians and New Age Beliefs (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Melissa Dougherty The #1 Thing That Drove Me into False Christianity Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Is Mormonism Just Another Christian Denomination? by Greg Koukl Forensic Faith: A Homicide Detective Makes the Case for a More Reasonable, Evidential Christian Faith by J. Warner Wallace Counterfeit Kingdom: The Dangers of New Revelation, New Prophets, and New Age Practices in the Church by Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec Top Five New Age Teachings in the Church by Melissa Dougherty
11/23/202258 minutes
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Interview: Eric Johnson – Misconceptions about Mormons

Guest Host: Robby Lashua   Robby talks to Eric Johnson of Mormonism Research Ministry about the rules Mormons have to follow, the LDS view of authority and the way they view their prophets, the LDS need to keep all their commandments, and how Mormons and Christians talk past each other by using the same terms with different definitions.   Topics: Interview: Eric Johnson of Mormonism Research Ministry (00:00) Can Mormons drink caffeine? What are the rules they have to follow? (06:00) What’s the LDS view of authority and their structure of leadership? (24:00) Christians and Mormons use the same terms but mean different things. (41:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Eric Johnson Mormonism Research Ministry Introducing Christianity to Mormons: A Practical and Comparative Guide to What the Bible Teaches by Eric Johnson Viewpoint on Mormonism – Podcast Utah Lighthouse Ministry Temple Recommend Interview Questions
11/18/202258 minutes
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Interview: Eric Johnson – Introducing Christianity to Mormons

Guest Host: Robby Lashua   Robby interviews Eric Johnson of Mormonism Research Ministry about his new book, Introducing Christianity to Mormons: A Practical and Comparative Guide to What the Bible Teaches.   Topics: Interview: Eric Johnson, author of Introducing Christianity to Mormons: A Practical and Comparative Guide to What the Bible Teaches (00:00) Why are so many Latter-day Saints leaving their faith? (15:00) Why does the historicity and reliability of the Bible matter so much when talking to Latter-day Saints? (28:00) What is the LDS view of faith? (37:00) Are Mormons Christians? (40:00) How can we share the truth with LDS friends and family? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Eric Johnson Mormonism Research Ministry Introducing Christianity to Mormons: A Practical and Comparative Guide to What the Bible Teaches by Eric Johnson. Gospel Topics Essays on LDS website MRM’s reviews of the Gospel Topics Essays The Next Mormons: How Millennials Are Changing the LDS Church by Jana Riess Utah Lighthouse Ministry Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball (LDS book) Related Links: Verses for Your Conversations with Mormons by Amy Hall Who Is the God of Mormonism? by Amy Hall
11/16/202258 minutes
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Prophecy Is Not Something One Learns to Do

Greg critiques the concept of “practicing prophecy,” explaining why prophecy is not something one learns to do, then he answers questions about taking a sick child to a Christian who claims to be a healer and whether some people are called by God to be single.   Topics: Commentary: Prophecy is not something one learns to do. (00:00) What do you think of my decision to not take my eleven-year-old son, who has scoliosis, to a Christian who claims to be a healer? (32:00) Is it true that some people are called by God to live a life of singleness, and what’s your view on Matthew 19:12 and 1 Corinthians 7? (44:00) Mentioned on the Show:  #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here) Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA EPS Apologetics Conference in Littleton, CO on November 17–19 Info for front office manager position at Stand to Reason Submit a question on the Open Mic Line
11/11/202258 minutes
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Keep Your Eyes Open for Smoke and Mirrors

Greg examines the rhetoric in an article about a “Center for Transgender Health,” then he answers a question about what “give it to the Lord” means when we’re facing difficult times.   Topics: Commentary: Keep your eyes open for smoke and mirrors. (00:00) Does “giving it to the Lord” mean not doing something about our situation? (27:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Info for front office manager position at Stand to Reason Johns Hopkins Hospital Opens Center for Transgender Health by Mark Hamby
11/9/202258 minutes
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Count the Cost of Following Jesus

Greg responds to Doug the atheist’s comments on one of Tim Barnett’s videos, then he answers questions about what Christians mean when they say God told them to do something, slavery, going on vacation without one’s spouse, and whether if a Christian isn’t healed, it’s because he lacks faith.   Topics: Commentary: Count the cost of following Jesus. (00:00) What do Christians mean when they say God told them to do something? (18:00) Slavery is never condemned in the Bible, so why does it seem wrong? (26:00) Is it appropriate for a married person to go on a vacation without his or her spouse? (37:00) If a Christian doesn’t get healed, is it because he didn’t have enough faith? (46:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Acts and the Voice of God by Greg Koukl The Ambassador’s Guide to the Voice of God by Greg Koukl Is God a Moral Monster? by Paul Copan Related Links: Be Willing to Submit to Our Good God on the Issue of Homosexuality by Amy Hall Gay or Straight, We All Must Decide if We Love Jesus above All Else by Amy Hall Be Obedient Even When You Don’t Understand the Command by Amy Hall Is It God’s Will to Always Heal? by Tim Barnett
11/4/202258 minutes
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Are Evangelicals Bad Representatives of Jesus?

Greg responds to an author’s evaluation of evangelicals, then he answers questions about churches not working together, the appropriateness of separating from a spouse who’s addicted to prescription drugs, and the ideals and virtues that encompass masculinity.   Topics: Commentary: Are evangelicals bad representatives of Jesus? (00:00) Do you have any thoughts on churches not working together to solve what’s going on in the culture today? (34:00) At what point is it necessary to separate from a spouse who is addicted to prescription drugs? (42:00) What are the ideals and virtues that emcompass masculinity, and how do I practice those ideals on a day-to-day basis in order to communicate my beliefs more effectively? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reading Less, More—and Twice as Fast by Greg Koukl Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Days of Wine and Roses – Film
11/2/202258 minutes
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Do Pro-Lifers Compromise?

Greg comments on whether an incremental approach to fighting abortion is compromising, then answers questions about recommended resources on objective truth, whether we should reflect on conversations after the fact, and whether homosexuality should be a capital offense.   Topics: Do pro-life advocates compromise when they fight for incremental changes instead of an all-or-nothing outlawing of abortion? (0:00) What books or resources do you recommend for learning more about objective truth? (22:00) What is a healthy way to reflect on conversations after the fact for future improvement? (44:00) Should Christians be working to make homosexuality a capital offense? (52:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by Frank Turek and Norman L. Geisler Reasonable Faith by William Lane Craig Thinking About God by Gregory Ganssle Tactics by Greg Koukl The Primal Heresy by Greg Koukl
10/28/202258 minutes
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A Creeping Totalitarianism in the Public Education System

Greg comments on a school district making national headlines for its handling of sex education, then he answers questions about the language describing homosexuality in the Bible and about a fear that God will answer prayer with hardship.   Topics: Commentary:  A Creeping Totalitarianism in the Public Education System (0:00) Are other uses of the word "homosexuality" in the Bible the same root word as that used by Paul in Corinthians? (25:00) How can I face my fear that prayer for bold faith will lead to hardship? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Besieged by a Worldview Foreign to Jesus’ View of Reality Related Links: When it Comes to Homosexuality, the Bible Addresses Behavior
10/26/202258 minutes
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Greg’s Thoughts on Replacement Theology

Greg answers questions about “replacement theology,” whether pro-life advocacy is wrong since if the children live, many will go to Hell, and whether there are still apostles in the church today (per “five-fold ministry”).   Topics: Can you discuss “replacement theology” and give your opinions on that topic? (04:00) Is pro-life advocacy morally wrong since if the children live, many of them will go to Hell? (28:00) Are there still apostles in the church today (per “five-fold ministry”)? (45:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers The Bible: Fast Forward by Greg Koukl Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA God’s Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement by Douglas Geivett and Holly Pivec
10/21/202258 minutes
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Darwinism Can’t Account for Objective Morality

Greg explains why Darwinism can’t account for objective morality, then he answers a question about whether our sins are covered or washed away and takes a follow-up call from a caller about the origin and development of the cosmos.   Topics: Commentary: Darwinism can’t account for objective morality. (00:00) Are our sins covered or washed away, or is there a difference? (24:00) A follow-up on a previous conversation about the origin and development of the cosmos. (38:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher Totalitarianism: Can It Happen in America? by Rod Dreher We’re Living in a War on Reality with Rod Dreher Related Links: Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA
10/19/202258 minutes
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Be Faithful to the Truth

Greg talks about our need to be faithful to the truth, then he answers questions about reconciling texts about apostasy with texts about perseverance and how we can evaluate whether or not a prophet is from God if prophecies sometimes take centuries to come to pass.   Topics: Commentary: Be faithful to the truth. (00:00) How can we reconcile texts about apostasy in the church with texts that teach perseverance of the saints? (14:00) Since prophecies sometimes take centuries to come to pass, how can we ever evaluate whether or not a prophet is from God? (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reasons to Believe Seeing the Unseen: The Nature of Spiritual Warfare by Greg Koukl Submit a question on the Open Mic Line
10/14/202258 minutes
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Interview: Sean McDowell – A Rebel’s Manifesto

Greg interviews Sean McDowell, author of A Rebel’s Manifesto: Choosing Truth, Real Justice, and Love amid the Noise of Today’s World, about helping students understand the moral issues of our day so they can think biblically and act justly as they seek to love their neighbor and do good in the world.   Topics: Interview: Sean McDowell, author of A Rebel’s Manifesto (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Sean McDowell A Rebel’s Manifesto: Choosing Truth, Real Justice, and Love amid the Noise of Today’s World by Sean McDowell Alliance Defending Freedom Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA
10/12/202258 minutes
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How Do We Close the Gap between Who We Are and Who We Should Be?

Greg answers questions about living consistently with who we should be as new creations in Christ,  Johns Hopkins reversing their position on transgender surgeries, advice for a returning missionary on whether or not to start a home church, and using a person’s own values to persuade them to adopt your position.   Topics: How do we close the integrity gap between who we are and who we should be as new creations in Christ? (06:00) Johns Hopkins reversed their position on transgender surgeries. (24:00) Do you have any advice on whether or not to start a home church as a returning missionary who is seeking deeper fellowship? (41:00) How can you use someone’s own values to persuade them to adopt your moral position? (50:00) Download the mp3...   Mentioned on the Show:  Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers #STRask: What Questions Should I Ask Pastors When Looking for a New Church? Related Links: What Motivates Sin (and How to Fight It) by Amy Hall When Spiritual Heroes Fall by Greg Koukl Long shadow cast by psychiatrist on transgender issues finally recedes at Johns Hopkins by Amy Ellis Nutt
10/7/202258 minutes
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Besieged by a Worldview Foreign to Jesus’ View of Reality

Greg talks about the policies concerning transgender students in his local school district, how the worldview being promoted conflicts with Jesus’ view of reality, and our need to uphold the truth, then he answers a question about how Orthodox Jews atone for sin.   Topics: Commentary: Besieged by a worldview foreign to Jesus’ view of reality (00:00) A caller talks to Greg about his commentary. (41:00) How does an Orthodox Jew atone for sin? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  CVUSD Allows Boys in Girls’ Bathrooms, Punishes Students for Using ‘Wrong Pronouns’ by Joel Kilpatrick #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here)
10/5/202258 minutes
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Does Loving Our Neighbor Entail Facilitating Abortions?

Greg discusses harmonizing our observations of nature with Scripture, talks about a billboard that uses a Bible verse to advertise getting an abortion in California, then answers questions about David saying he sinned only against God and whether desires can be sinful, not just actions.   Topics: Commentary: All truth is God’s truth. (00:00) Commentary: Does loving our neighbor entail facilitating abortions? (09:00) Why does David say, “Against you only have I sinned,” in Psalm 51? (31:00) What do you think of the phrase “Attractions are not actions”? (42:00) Is it really the case that if you don’t act on homosexual feelings, then they’re not sinful, or are thoughts sins? (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Billboard in Mississippi advertising getting an abortion in California Related Links: Have Grace for Fellow Christians on the Age of the Earth by Amy Hall Are We Accountable for Unchosen Sinful Desires? by Alan Shlemon
9/30/202258 minutes
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When Is It Appropriate for Christians to Resist Those in Authority?

As a follow-up to a previous question, Greg talks about how some Christian thinkers in the past have resolved the question of when it’s appropriate for Christians to resist those in authority, then he answers a question about whether we should use the Big Bang theory if parts of it contradict Scripture.   Topics: Commentary: When is it appropriate for Christians to resist those in authority? (00:00) Should we use the Big Bang theory for arguments like the kalam cosmological argument if parts of it contradict Scripture? (36:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here) The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates by Matthew J. Trewhella Crimson Tide film Listen to the original question: Should a Christian Take up Arms to Defend Himself against Physical Persecution? Related Links: Have Grace for Fellow Christians on the Age of the Earth by Amy Hall
9/28/202258 minutes
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Is Science Incompatible with Faith in God?

Greg responds to the claim that science is incompatible with faith in God, answers a question about ideas for an apologetics topic for a school research project, then talks to a caller about why God allows evil to exist.   Topics: Commentary: Is science incompatible with faith in God? (00:00) Do you have any suggestions for an apologetics topic that would work for a research project at school? (26:00) Why does God allow evil to exist? (39:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Greg Koukl
9/23/202258 minutes
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Is It Suspicious That Jesus Only Appeared to His Followers?

Greg responds to the idea that we shouldn’t trust the testimony about Jesus rising from the dead since the testimony came from his followers, shares a listener’s thoughts on Christians defending themselves, then answers questions about James vs. Paul and praying to the Son and Holy Spirit.   Topics: Commentary: Is it suspicious that Jesus only appeared to his followers? (06:00) Commentary: A response to Greg’s thoughts on Christians defending themselves (16:00) How would you respond to someone who said James’s understanding of justification was different from Paul’s because his was the earliest epistle and he didn’t yet understand? (29:00) Is it appropriate to pray to the other persons of the Trinity? (50:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Related Links: Faith and Works: Paul vs. James by Greg Koukl
9/21/202258 minutes
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Should a Christian Take up Arms to Defend Himself against Physical Persecution?

Greg answers questions about whether it would be okay for a Christian to defend himself against physical persecution, how to determine if a child is ready to be baptized, responding to the claim that people are born gay, whether Adam and Eve would have faced more tests if they had passed the first one, and more.   Topics: If I were a Jew living during the Holocaust, would I have been justified in getting an AK-47 to defend myself, and during the tribulation, would we lose our martyr’s crown if we were to die fighting back rather than just allowing them to kill us? (05:00) What’s the best way to determine if my 12-year-old grandson is truly a Christian and should get baptized? (19:00) How should I respond to the claim that people are born gay? (36:00) Would Adam and Eve (and/or their children) have had other tests if they had passed the first test in the garden? (43:00) How should I respond to a Catholic friend who says only Catholic priests have the ability to read the Bible? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Magic Prayer by Greg Koukl
9/16/202258 minutes
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What Greg Said to Law Students

Greg talks about the ideas he shared with some law students last week, then he answers questions about whether there will be different levels of punishment in Hell and whether the old prophet in 1 Kings 13:11–32 was always a false prophet.   Topics: Commentary: What Greg said to law students (00:00) Are there different punishments in Hell, or will everybody receive the same punishment? (36:00) Was the old prophet in 1 Kings 13:11–32, who led the other prophet astray, faithful at one time, or was he simply a false prophet? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers The Primal Heresy by Greg Koukl The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Greg Koukl
9/14/202258 minutes
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It’s Not Loving to Affirm a Damaging Lie

Greg answers questions about how to respond to a brother who says he’s trans, whether Paul ever got a chance to stand before Caesar, whether we can trust the Bible, and how we can say we have knowledge if we don’t have 100% certainty.   Topics: How should I treat my brother who says he’s trans, and how should I talk to the rest of my family members about this? (04:00) Did Paul ever get a chance to stand before Caesar as the angel said he would in Acts 27:23–24? (27:00) There are a lot of things the Bible says that cause me to doubt, so can I trust it? (41:00) If I can’t close the gap to 100% certainty, can I say I have knowledge if knowledge is justified true belief? (51:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Live Not by Lies by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher Iron Curtain Diary by Greg Koukl Related Links: True Compassion Is Determined by the Mind, Not by Feelings by Amy Hall Why Agree to Use Preferred Names but Not Preferred Pronouns? by Amy Hall
9/9/202258 minutes
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Do Your Work Heartily, as for the Lord

Greg talks about how we’re made to work, so we ought to “do our work heartily, as for the Lord,” then he answers questions about how to interpret John 20:23 about forgiving people’s sins and why we should think the Bible is inerrant.   Topics: Commentary: Do your work heartily, as for the Lord. (08:00) How should I interpret John 20:23, which says, “If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them”? (27:00) What is the biblical support for inerrancy, and if God meant for the text to be inerrant, why would he allow so many things to trip us up in the Scriptures—ambiguous passages, apparent contradictions, unclear doctrines, etc.? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA STR Outposts
9/7/202258 minutes
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Alisa Childers Interviews Greg

In an episode from the Alisa Childers Podcast, Alisa chats with Greg about the nature of truth, the need to understand the objective nature of morality in order to understand sin and the gospel, how truth claims are viewed as power grabs, how we can keep from being overwhelmed by this chaotic, relativistic culture, and more.   Topics: The nature of truth (00:00) The need for a moral standard (10:00) Why is Christian morality so out of fashion today? (16:00) The gospel is only good news for people who recognize their sin, which requires objective morality. (26:00) The influence of postmodernism in churches (29:00) The problems we’re seeing now with relativism go all the way back to Genesis 3. (36:00) Truth claims are viewed as power grabs and responded to with ad hominem attacks, not reason. (44:00) How can we keep from being overwhelmed by this chaotic, relativistic culture? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Alisa Childers Alisa’s podcast Related Links: The Primal Heresy by Greg Koukl (includes many of the ideas in this interview)
9/2/202254 minutes, 55 seconds
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Should I Talk to My Children about LGBTQ Views?

Greg answers questions about staying in a hotel that’s had paranormal activity, talking to one’s children about LGBTQ views before they encounter them, and using consciousness as indirect evidence for God’s existence.   Topics: Is there anything to be fearful of when you’re staying in a hotel that claims to have had paranormal activity? (06:00) Should I talk about LGBTQ views with my children before they hear them from the culture, and if so, how should I start the conversation? (25:00) What do you think of my argument that consciousness is indirect evidence for God’s existence? (48:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Be One of the 100 Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Critical Conversations: A Christian Parents’ Guide to Discussing Homosexuality with Teens by Tom Gilson Mind & Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception of Nature is Almost Certainly False by Thomas Nagel
8/31/202258 minutes
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What’s the Best Approach to Take with Militant Atheists?

Greg talks to callers about the meaning of Matthew 7:21–23, how one should respond to friends who are convinced they’re receiving messages from God, the best approach to take with militant atheist friends, and what to say to someone who thinks the only way to connect with God is through psychedelic drugs.   Topics: Am I using Matthew 7:21–23 correctly? (02:00) How should I respond to friends who are convinced God is giving them messages and are very emotional about it? (20:00) What’s the best approach to take with militant atheist friends who think Christianity is stupid? (39:00) What approach should I take with someone who thinks the only way to connect with God is through psychedelic drugs? (52:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Record a question for Greg on the Open Mic Line STR Outposts Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (online articles) by Greg Koukl Decision Making and the Will of God (book) by Garry Friesen The Ambassador’s Guide to the Voice of God by Greg Koukl Be One of the 100 Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl? Related Links: What’s a good biblical response to the phrase “I don’t want to put the Holy Spirit in a box”? – #STRask How to Respond to the Problem of Evil by Greg Koukl
8/26/202258 minutes
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Can Atheists Be Good without God?

Greg talks about how you can’t have objective good without God, then he answers questions about what it means to say we’re made in the image of God, whether the image of God can be gained or lost, and how this relates to the abortion issue.   Topics: Commentary: Objective morality is good evidence for God. (00:00)  What is your understanding of the image of God, can it be gained or lost, and how does this relate to the abortion issue? (29:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Be One of the 100 Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Related Links: Hitchens’s Challenge Solved by Amy Hall Human Personhood Begins at Conception by Peter Kreeft “A Form of Killing That We Need to Be Able to Defend” by Amy Hall Abortion and Slavery: The Same Old Arguments by Amy Hall Interview: Josh Brahm – Responding to “My Body, My Choice” Unstringing the Violinist by Greg Koukl A New Response to the Violinist Argument by Amy Hall
8/24/202258 minutes
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Keep Gardening

Greg talks with Amy about an update she received from someone she had an interaction with a few years ago and reminds us to keep gardening, then he answers questions about whether we can thwart God and whether the scientific method and empathy can ground morality.   Topics: Commentary: Keep gardening. (00:00) Can man thwart God? (18:00) Can the scientific method provide a basis for morality and empathy provide an obligation for morality? (35:00) Mentioned on the Show:  #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here) C.S. Lewis: The Most Reluctant Convert – Film Be One of the 100 Record a question for Greg to answer
8/19/202258 minutes
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Can You Lose Your Salvation?

Greg explains why he thinks a saved person can’t lose his salvation, then he answers questions about the last verse of John and whether evolution could have given us a common set of moral rules.   Topics: Commentary: Can you lose your salvation? (00:00) What do you think of the last verse of the book of John? (32:00) Is there a common set of moral rules that evolution could have tricked us into? (46:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Be One of the 100 Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA STR Outposts C.S. Lewis: The Most Reluctant Convert – Film Related Links: Losing Your Salvation in Ephesians 1:14–3 by Amy Hall
8/17/202258 minutes
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Stand with Courage and Grace

Greg talks about our need to have courage and grace as we stand in the truth, then he answers questions about how we know the devil didn’t raise Jesus, whether the Holy Spirit can use descriptive passages to affirm a decision, and Christians’ involvement in politics.   Topics: Commentary: Stand with courage and grace. (00:00) How do we know it wasn’t the devil who raised Jesus? (20:00) Can the Holy Spirit use descriptive passages (as opposed to prescriptive) to affirm a decision? (29:00) Regarding Christians’ involvement in politics, how should I respond to the claim that Christians can’t expect non-believers and their cultures to conform to Christian values before they have been made new in Christ? (46:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Be One of the 100 Jaelene Daniels refuses gay pride jersey, sits out NWSL game Live Not by Lies by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
8/12/202258 minutes
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How Can I Go about Writing a Book?

Greg talks to a student about STR’s “Be One of the 100” campaign, corrects a stat he gave about slavery, talks about how to go about writing a book, then talks to a caller about how to find a good church.   Topics: Commentary: Be one of the 100. (00:00) Commentary: Greg corrects a stat he gave about slavery. (16:00) Commentary: How can I go about writing a book? (17:00) How can I find a good church? (42:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Be One of the 100 STR Outposts Apply to Launch an STR Outpost at Your Church
8/10/202255 minutes, 14 seconds
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Is There Really a Difference between Microevolution and Macroevolution?

Greg answers questions about whether there’s a legitimate difference between microevolution and macroevolution, concern about a pastor’s response to the reversal of Roe v. Wade, whether it’s wrong to take contraceptives, and why God doesn’t get rid of Satan immediately.   Topics: How should I respond to someone who says there’s no difference between microevolution and macroevolution and that it’s just an illegitimate distinction made up by Christians? (04:00) What do you think about my pastor’s response to the reversal of Roe v. Wade, and should I not stay at this church? (29:00) Is taking contraceptives wrong like abortion is wrong, or is it okay to prevent pregnancy before conception? (45:00) Why doesn’t God just rid of Satan immediately? (52:00)
8/3/202258 minutes
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Statistics Show LGBTQ Lifestyles Are Harmful

Greg discusses the fact that even though our culture glorifies LGBTQ lifestyles, the statistics show these lifestyles are actually harmful to people, then he answers a question about the timeline for end-time events.   Topics: Commentary: Statistics show LGBTQ lifestyles are harmful. (09:00) You’ve convinced me about the rapture being post-trib, but what is the timeline for the rest of the end-time events? (41:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Thinking About God: First Steps in Philosophy by Greg Ganssle Reasonable Faith by William Lane Craig Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview by J.P. Moreland and William Lane Craig STR Outposts info Straight & Narrow? Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate by Thomas Schmidt The Rap on the Rapture by Greg Koukl
7/29/202258 minutes
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An Example of the Helpfulness of Tactics

Greg talks about the helpfulness of tactics, even for those who are new to using them, tells about hearing from a pastor that virtually all of the junior high girls in their youth group identify as bisexual, and talks to a caller about Trinitarian vs. Unitarian views of God.   Topics: Commentary: An example of the helpfulness of tactics (00:00) Commentary: Virtually all of the girls in a junior high youth group are openly identifying as bisexual. (36:00) Follow-up call regarding last week’s question about the number of persons in the Trinity—comments on a video debate between William Lane Craig (Trinitarian) and Dale Tuggy (Unitarian) (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here) Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Greg Koukl Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA Last week’s call about the Trinity William Lane Craig and Dale Tuggy Dialogue Opposing Views – Video
7/27/202258 minutes
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Should the Church Be Celebrating the End of Roe v. Wade?

Greg answers questions about whether the church should be celebrating the end of Roe v. Wade, the idea that people with same-sex attraction are “born that way,” whether it’s possible there are more persons in the Trinity, and discerning whether a spiritual gift is from God or some other source.   Topics: Should the church be celebrating the end of Roe v. Wade, and what should I think of my church remaining silent about it? (06:00) How can I argue that gay people aren’t “born that way” if I seem to have been born with the desire for premarital sex? (19:00) Is it possible there are more than three persons in the Trinity? (39:00) How can I determine if a spiritual gift is coming from God or some other source? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers Submit a recorded question to the show
7/22/202258 minutes
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The Fight against Crisis Pregnancy Centers

Greg talks about Senator Warren’s call to shut down crisis pregnancy centers and Jane’s Revenge’s attacks against them, then he talks to a caller about his experience volunteering at a CPC and answers questions about our nation vs. Sodom and Gomorrah and how to respond to someone who’s walking away from Christianity because God didn’t protect him from abuse.   Topics: Commentary: The fight against crisis pregnancy centers (00:00) A former crisis pregnancy center volunteer explains why these centers wouldn’t dare to mislead people. (28:00) What are the differences between our nation and Sodom and Gomorrah, and why is God not destroying us? (39:00) What should I say to someone who is walking away from Christianity because God didn’t protect him from abuse? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here) Elizabeth Warren Wants to Shut Down All of the Country’s Crisis Pregnancy Centers by Liz Wolfe Elizabeth Warren Exposes Very Scary Pregnancy Center – Parody video by Allie Beth Stuckey
7/20/202258 minutes
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A Moral Perspective on Abortion

Greg discusses the moral argument against abortion and answers questions about how to respond to “God made me this way” and how to make a case for Jesus’ deity to a Muslim.   Topics: Commentary: A moral perspective on abortion (00:00) What is a proper, biblical understanding of “God made me”? (29:00) How can I expand upon the argument that since the Quran affirms the New Testament, Muslims should worship Jesus? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Faithfulness Is Not Theologically Complicated by Greg Koukl
7/15/202258 minutes
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The Rule of Law Protects Us

Greg talks about the legal and moral questions behind the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade, then he answers a question about trusting God when you have a life-threatening illness and talks to a caller about the role Greg and Stand to Reason have played in his life.   Topics: Commentary: The rule of law protects us. (00:00) How can I trust God in the middle of a life-altering illness? (33:00) A caller thanks Greg for the role he played in his faith as a new Christian. (51:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Greg’s Solid Ground, The Primal Heresy
7/13/202258 minutes
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Does Psalm 91 Promise That God Will Protect Us from Suffering?

Greg and Amy respond to questions about whether praying once in faith for something is better than repeatedly requesting the same thing and how to read and apply psalms like Psalm 91 that say God will save us from “deadly pestilence” and other kinds of suffering.   Topics: Is praying once in faith for something and leaving it with God better than repeatedly raising up the same requests? How should I read and apply psalms like Psalm 91 that say God will save us from “deadly pestilence” and other kinds of suffering? If you enjoyed this episode, you can subscribe or listen to archived episodes of #STRask here.
7/8/202227 minutes, 5 seconds
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How Can We Explain Spiritual Experiences in Other Religions?

Greg and Amy respond to questions about what to say to a Wiccan who says her beliefs are proved by the efficacy of her spells, how to explain people having spiritual experiences outside of Christianity, and recommended materials for teaching elementary-aged kids critical thinking.   Topics: What would you say to a Wiccan who says her beliefs are proved by the efficacy of her spells? How do we explain the fact that people have had spiritual experiences outside of Christianity? What materials would you recommend for teaching elementary-aged kids critical thinking skills? If you enjoyed this episode, you can subscribe or listen to archived episodes of #STRask here.
7/6/202226 minutes, 8 seconds
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Interview: Mike Winger on Progressive Christianity

Guest Host: Tim Barnett   Tim talks to Mike Winger about different aspects of progressive Christianity and the core belief that ties it all together.   Topics: Interview: Mike Winger on Progressive Christianity (00:00) Download the mp3...   Mentioned on the Show:  Mike Winger’s website: Bible Thinker Divorce and Remarriage: Everything the Bible Says about It by Mike Winger Related Links: The Danger of Building Your Theology on Anything Other Than the Bible by Amy Hall
6/29/202258 minutes
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More Responses to Popular Pro-Choice Memes

Guest Host: Tim Barnett   Tim and Alan continue their discussion about responses to popular pro-choice memes that say the Bible gives instructions on how to perform an abortion, if you don’t support requiring vasectomies for men, you shouldn’t support controlling women’s bodies, and nobody has the right to use your body against your will.   Topics: More responses to popular pro-choice memes. (00:00) The only time the Bible mentions abortion is to give you a magic potion to perform one. (02:00) If you don’t support giving every young man a reversible vasectomy, then don’t support controlling women’s bodies. (12:00) It doesn’t matter when life begins because nobody has the right to use your body against your will. (17:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Did God Ordain Abortion as Punishment for Infidelity? by Alan Shlemon Related Links: Pro-Life Crash Course by Amy Hall Only One Question (What Is the Unborn?) by Greg Koukl Does This Bible Verse Support Abortion? by Tim Barnett (Red Pen Logic) Do Pro-Lifers Want the Government to Regulate a Woman’s Body? by Alan Shlemon Unstringing the Violinist by Greg Koukl A New Response to the Violinist Argument by Amy Hall
6/24/202229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Responding to Pro-Choice Memes

Guest Host: Tim Barnett   Tim and Alan make a quick pro-life case then chat about responses to some popular pro-choice memes that claim life begins at first breath, a fetus is only a potential human, you can freeze an embryo because it isn’t alive, saving one newborn vs. five embryos, no brain activity means legally dead, if you think abortion is wrong, don’t get one, and more.   Topics: Responding to Pro-Choice Memes (00:00) Life begins at first breath. (14:00) You can only ban safe abortions. (25:00) An acorn is only a potential tree, so a fetus is only a potential human. (29:00) You can freeze an embryo but not a baby because an embryo isn’t alive. (35:00) Would you save one newborn or five frozen embryos? (39:00) A person who doesn’t have brain activity is legally dead, so a heartbeat doesn’t mean the embryo is alive. (46:00) Meme: If you think abortion is wrong, don’t get an abortion. (52:00) Mentioned on the Show:  The Matter of Life film Red Pen Logic – YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook Related Links: Pro-Life Crash Course by Amy Hall Does the Bible Teach That Life Begins at First Breath? by Tim Barnett Does Human Life Begin When We Take Our First Breath? by Amy Hall Fetal Personhood: It’s Simple by Greg Koukl Does the Fertility Clinic Illustration Disprove the Value of Human Embryos? by Greg Koukl Toddlers or Embryos: Which Would You Save? by Tim Barnett (Red Pen Logic)
6/22/202258 minutes
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Interview: Mark Mittelberg – Contagious Faith

Guest Host: J. Warner Wallace   J. Warner Wallace talks to Mark Mittelberg, author of Contagious Faith: Discover Your Natural Style for Sharing Jesus with Others, about the five styles of evangelism people’s personalities and gifts generally fit into, the book’s curriculum, and the Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics.   Topics: Interview: Mark Mittelberg, author of Contagious Faith: Discover Your Natural Style for Sharing Jesus with Others (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Mark Mittelberg Mark Mittelberg’s books Contagious Faith: Discover Your Natural Style for Sharing Jesus with Others by Mark Mittelberg – Book’s website Contagious Faith curriculum 5 Contagious Faith Styles – Assessment of your style of evangelism Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics (Colorado Christian University) STR U Online Training
6/15/202258 minutes
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How Should We Respond to Pride Month?

Greg reflects on the strangeness of designating a month to celebrate some people’s sexual appetites, then he answers questions about a tactical way to address pride banners in the workplace, Exodus 21:22, whether it’s a violation of 1 Corinthians 5 to be a pastor in the United Methodist denomination, and more.    Topics: Commentary: How should we respond to Pride Month? (00:00) What’s a tactical way to talk to my bosses about not putting up pride banners in our workplace? (09:00) Can you respond to this interpretation of Exodus 21:22 that differs from yours? (23:00) Am I violating 1 Corinthians 5 by being a pastor in the United Methodist denomination? (39:00) When Jesus speaks in the Gospels, is he speaking to the Jews specifically or in a more universal way to all people? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  What Exodus 21:22 Says about Abortion by Greg Koukl Article by pro-life Christian philosopher Matt Flannagan referenced in the second call
6/10/202258 minutes
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Interview: Guillaume Bignon – Confessions of a French Atheist

Greg talks to former atheist Guillaume Bignon about his book telling the story of his conversion to Christianity, Confessions of a French Atheist: How God Hijacked My Quest to Disprove the Christian Faith.   Topics: Interview: Guillaume Bignon, author of Confessions of a French Atheist: How God Hijacked My Quest to Disprove the Christian Faith (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Confessions of a French Atheist: How God Hijacked My Quest to Disprove the Christian Faith by Guillaume Bignon Guillaume Bignon’s website Guillaume’s Bignon’s previous book: Excusing Sinners and Blaming God: A Calvinist Assessment of Determinism, Moral Responsibility, and Divine Involvement in Evil Why I Am a Christian – David Wood’s video about his conversion
6/8/202258 minutes
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A Response to Tim Keller’s Tweet Thread

Greg responds to a tweet thread by Tim Keller about Christianity and politics, then he answers questions about defining knowledge as justified true belief, the meaning behind a supernatural experience, and how to start a conversation with an agnostic who has already heard arguments for Christianity.   Topics: Commentary: A response to Tim Keller’s tweet thread (00:00) If knowledge is justified true belief, how can I know which of the things I’m confident about I actually know? (27:00) Can you explain why I had this seemingly supernatural experience many years ago? (42:00) How can I start a conversation with an agnostic who has already heard arguments for Christianity? (51:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Tim Keller’s tweet thread
6/3/202258 minutes
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Abortion Is Not an Act of Love

Greg responds to a woman’s Instagram post that said it would be an act of love to have an abortion rather than give a “brown child” to white evangelicals, then he answers questions about how we can have the joy of the Lord during this difficult time and whether Jesus caused his disciples to believe he would return in their lifetime.   Topics: Commentary: Abortion is an act of love? (00:00) How can I have the joy of the Lord during this difficult time? (27:00) Did Jesus cause his disciples to believe he would return in their lifetime, and if so, what does this mean for us today? (49:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA The Instagram post about abortion being “an act of love” 
6/1/202258 minutes
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Jesus’ Brother’s Belief Is Evidence for the Resurrection

Guest Host: Robby Lashua   Robby talks about how the fact that Jesus’ brother James came to believe in Jesus’ divinity is evidence for the resurrection, Starbucks’ new policy of paying for employees’ travel expenses for abortions, and how God matures us through suffering, not miracles.   Topics: Commentary: Jesus’ brother’s belief is evidence for the resurrection. (00:00) Commentary: Starbucks is paying employees’ travel expenses for abortions. (30:00) Commentary: God matures us through suffering, not miracles. (41:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA What Convinced James His Brother Was God? by Robby Lashua Starbucks to cover employees’ travel expenses for abortions, gender-affirming surgeries
5/27/202258 minutes
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Interview: Titus Kennedy – Excavating the Evidence for Jesus

Guest Host: Robby Lashua   Robby talks to archaeologist Titus Kennedy, author of Excavating the Evidence for Jesus: The Archaeology and History of Christ and the Gospels, about archaeological evidence for Jesus.   Topics: Interview: Titus Kennedy, author of Excavating the Evidence for Jesus: The Archaeology and History of Christ and the Gospels (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Titus Kennedy Titus Kennedy’s Instagram Excavating the Evidence for Jesus: The Archaeology and History of Christ and the Gospels by Titus Kennedy Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2023 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2023 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2023 in Augusta, GA James Ossuary
5/25/202258 minutes
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How the Claims about Jesus Differ from Claims about Peter Pan

Guest Host: J. Warner Wallace   J. Warner Wallace talks about how the claims about Jesus are historical and can be tested (unlike claims about Peter Pan), then he answers a question about whether one should be happy that a child has entered into a homosexual relationship and is no longer depressed.   Topics: Commentary: How the claims about Jesus differ from claims about Peter Pan (00:00) If my son, who recently told me he’s bisexual, finds a man to be with and is no longer depressed, should I be happy that he’s happy? (19:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Sean McDowell and Matthew Vines on the Bible and Homosexuality Christopher Yuan Becket Cook Related Links: A Response to Matthew Vines: The Bible Doesn’t Support Same-Sex Relationships by Amy Hall An Evaluation of the Dialogue between Sean McDowell and Matthew Vines  Answering Matthew Vines’s 40 Questions A Reformation the Church Doesn’t Need Part 1 and Part 2 by Alan Shlemon Be Willing to Submit to Our Good God on the Issue of Homosexuality by Amy Hall What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? by Kevin DeYoung
5/20/202242 minutes, 10 seconds
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Three Reasons to Celebrate Christianity

Guest Host: J. Warner Wallace   J. Warner Wallace explains three reasons to celebrate Christianity, answers a question about what to do when you lose motivation and feelings in your Christian walk, then discusses how social media is affecting two forms of autonomy and contributing to a shift in our priorities and perspectives.   Topics: Commentary: Three reasons to celebrate Christianity (00:00) What do you do when you lose motivation and feelings in your Christian walk? (21:00) Commentary: How social media affects two forms of autonomy (and how it’s contributing to a shift in our priorities and perspectives) (32:00) Mentioned on the Show:  J. Warner Wallace’s website Reality Student Apologetics Conference – September 23–24 in Orange County, CA; October 14–15 in Seattle, WA; November 11–12 in Minneapolis, MN; February 24–25, 2022 in Dallas, TX; March 24–25, 2022 in Philadelphia, PA; April 21–22, 2022 in Augusta, GA STR U Online Training Three Good Reasons To Celebrate Your Christian Worldview by J. Warner Wallace Three Ways Social Media Has Changed Our Priorities And Perspectives by J. Warner Wallace Related Links: Apologetics Aren’t Enough to Connect You with a Person by Amy Hall Prayer Begins with Hope in God by Amy Hall How I Pray...Even When It’s Hard by Greg Koukl
5/18/202258 minutes
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The Magnitude of the Loss of Life Due to Abortion

Greg talks about the magnitude of the loss of life due to abortion, responds to arguments made by Alex Berenson, who thinks abortion is murder but should remain legal, then answers questions about leaving a church that’s teaching questionable prayer practices and when it’s proper for a pastor to address politics in the pulpit.   Topics: Commentary: The magnitude of the loss of life due to abortion (00:00) My church is teaching ways of praying that seem New Age to me; is this grounds for leaving? (57:00) When is it proper for a pastor to address politics in the pulpit? (47:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Women in Apologetics Conference – June 9–11 in Boca Raton, FL On Roe v. Wade: And Why Abortion Should Be Legal by Alex Berenson Getting “Political”—Vice or Christian Virtue? by Greg Koukl   Related Links: Abortion and Slavery: The Same Old Arguments by Amy Hall
5/13/202258 minutes
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The Supreme Court’s Leaked Draft Opinion

Greg talks to Megan Almon of Life Training Institute about the Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion, then he answers questions about relativism, having an opposite-sex roommate, and applying 1 Corinthians 5 to a professing believer who is in sexual sin.   Topics: Interview: Megan Almon of Life Training Institute (00:00) Is it relativism if I think it’s okay to lie in a certain situation but someone else doesn’t think it’s okay? (37:00) Some thoughts on the response you gave on #STRask about people having opposite-sex roommates. (45:00) How should I apply 1 Corinthians 5 when interacting with a professing believer who is in sexual sin? (52:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Megan Almon – Life Training Institute Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here) #STRask episode referenced by the caller
5/11/202258 minutes
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Overturning Roe Will Restore Integrity to the Constitution

Greg explains how overturning Roe will restore integrity to the Constitution, discusses with Robby Lashua what pro-lifers should do now, Robby answers a question about how the STR outposts will work, and then they both give some thoughts on the series The Chosen.   Topics: Commentary: Overturning Roe will restore integrity to the Constitution. (00:00) Can you give some more detail about what the outposts will involve so I can propose this to my church? (15:00) Commentary: Thoughts on The Chosen (36:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl The Chosen Is Not ‘Produced by Mormons,’ the Series’ Facebook Page Says
5/6/202258 minutes
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Stand to Reason’s 29th Anniversary

Greg chats about STR’s anniversary and talks to Robby Lashua about the new STR outposts and the Reality conference, Robby explains how the change from Saturday to Sunday worship in the early church points to the truth of the resurrection, and they respond to the news about the probable overturning of Roe v. Wade.   Topics: Commentary: Stand to Reason’s 29th anniversary (00:00) The change from Saturday to Sunday worship is evidence for the resurrection. (35:00) What’s your take on the news about the probable overturning of Roe v. Wade? (44:00) Mentioned on the Show:  STR’s statement of faith
5/4/202258 minutes
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Do All Babies Automatically Go to Heaven?

Greg answers questions about whether Zaccheus’s statement about giving back four times as much as he stole supports the idea of reparations, the biblical evidence that babies go to Heaven, where we go immediately after death, the Christology of George MacDonald, and how to evangelize someone who’s been hurt by Christians.   Topics: Does Zaccheus’s statement that he would give back four times as much as he stole support the idea of reparations? (01:00) Is there biblical evidence that all babies automatically go to Heaven? (11:00) Do people go to Heaven immediately when they die, are they in a holding place, or are they simply in the grave? (21:00) Can you elaborate on the Christology of George MacDonald? (33:00) How can I evangelize my brother who thinks, after being mistreated by people in the church, that there’s no redemptive power in Jesus? (46:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Reparations: A Critical Theolgical Review by Kevin DeYoung Heaven: A Comprehensive Guide to Everything the Bible Says About Our Eternal Home by Randy Alcorn When a Baby Dies by Ronald Nash #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here) Related Links: Why Did God Create People if He Knew So Many Would Go to Hell? by Amy Hall Sinners in the Hands of a Good God: Reconciling Divine Judgment and Mercy by David Clotfelter (Clotfelter contrasts the ideas embraced by George MacDonald with those promoted by Jonathan Edwards.) The Life and Spirituality of John Newton by John Newton (an incredible story of redemption and change)
4/29/202258 minutes
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Interview: Frank Turek – Hollywood Heroes

Greg talks to Frank Turek about the upcoming CrossExamined Instructor Academy and Frank’s new book, Hollywood Heroes: How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God.   Topics: Interview: Frank Turek, author of Hollywood Heroes: How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God (00:00) Mentioned on the Show:  CrossExamined Instructor Academy Hollywood Heroes: How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God by Frank Turek and Zach Turek Click here to get the audiobook for free if you buy the book before May 3. #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here) Too Good to Be False: How Jesus’ Incomparable Character Reveals His Reality by Tom Gilson Related Links: Harry Potter Is a Danger to Modern Society (In a Good Way) by Amy Hall Should Christians Avoid Reading Harry Potter? by Amy Hall (includes two caveats about reading Harry Potter)
4/27/202258 minutes
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The Science and Theology of Adam and Eve

Greg talks to callers about integrating the science and theology of Adam and Eve, the series The Chosen, why we don’t focus more on the fact that Jesus explained his resurrection using the Old Testament, and whether demons have the ability to perform miracles.   Topics: What are your thoughts on integrating the science and theology of Adam and Eve? (04:00) What’s your opinion of the series The Chosen? (29:00) Why don’t we focus more on the fact that Jesus explained his resurrection to his followers using the Old Testament? (45:00) Do demons have the ability to perform miracles? (52:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe by Stephen C. Meyer William Lane Craig’s view on evolution (short video)
4/22/202258 minutes
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You Ask Me How I Know He Lives...

Greg talks about evidence for the resurrection, then he answers a question about how his decision making material impacts his personal relationship with God.   Topics: Commentary: You ask me how I know he lives... (00:00) People are afraid that your decision making teaching removes the personal nature of our relationship with God. What is your relationship with God like? (34:00) Download the mp3...   Mentioned on the Show:  The Story of Reality: How the World Began, How It Ends, and Everything Important that Happens in Between by Greg Koukl Decision Making and the Will of God (audio) by Greg Koukl The Ambassador’s Guide to the Voice of God (booklet) by Greg Koukl Does God Whisper? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (online articles) by Greg Koukl Related Links: Decision Making and the Will of God (book) by Garry Friesen
4/20/202258 minutes
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Another Conversation with YouTube Atheist PineCreek Doug

In audio from Canadian Catholic’s YouTube show, Greg interacts with YouTube atheist PineCreek Doug and others.   Topics: Interview: Greg interacts with YouTube atheist PineCreek Doug and others on Canadian Catholic’s YouTube show (00:00) What is your view on Street Epistemology? (01:00) Do you think it’s okay for atheists to ask Christians questions designed to make them doubt? (06:00) Do Christians take advantage of people in crisis when they evangelize them? (09:00) Is having a warm tingly feeling in your chest a good reason to become a Christian? (22:00) Since it’s God’s fault that I’m not a Christian, doesn’t it follow that I’m going to Hell because of what God didn’t do? (28:00) What does “good” mean? (45:00) What’s your stance on evolution? (49:00) What do you think about Platonic Forms? (51:00) Couldn’t you just respond back to Doug with a similarly emotional argument? (53:00) Do you think you had good reasons at the time of your conversion to Christianity? (56:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Ask Greg Koukl Anything – Canadian Catholic’s YouTube show Questions from an atheist about using tactics in conversations with Christians – Greg’s first conversation with Doug A Conversation with an Atheist – Greg’s second conversation with Doug Is Christianity a Religion of Carrots and Sticks? – Greg’s response to Doug’s “carrots and sticks” claim  Related Links: Christians Don’t View Jesus as a Means to an End by Amy Hall (another response to Doug’s “carrots and sticks” claim
4/6/202258 minutes
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Does Christianity Make Sense? Part 2

Rajat Dhiman of the “Biblical Dhiman” YouTube channel continues interviewing Greg, asking him to explain what the Bible means when it says Jesus is the only way to Heaven and to give advice to young Christians in this internet age who are being influenced by other philosophies.   Topics: Interview: Greg is interviewed by YouTuber Rajat Dhiman on the topic “Does Christianity make sense?” (Part 2) (00:00) Greg sums up his thoughts on testing a religion for truth. (01:00) What does it mean when the Bible says Jesus is the only way to Heaven? (08:00) What advice would you give to young Christians who, in this internet age, are being influenced by other philosophies? (17:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Does Christianity Make Sense? with Greg Koukl – Biblical Dhiman YouTube video
4/1/202228 minutes, 47 seconds
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Does Christianity Make Sense? Part 1

Greg is interviewed by Rajat Dhiman of the “Biblical Dhiman” YouTube channel, who asks how Greg became a Christian, what’s wrong with worshiping created things rather than the Creator, and how we can test the truthfulness of a religion.   Topics: Interview: Greg is interviewed by YouTuber Rajat Dhiman on the topic “Does Christianity make sense?” (Part 1) (00:00) How Greg became a Christian (01:00) What’s wrong with worshiping created things rather than the Creator? (15:00) How can we test a religion for truth? (39:00) Mentioned on the Show:  Does Christianity Make Sense? with Greg Koukl – Biblical Dhiman YouTube video
3/30/202258 minutes