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Storyline Church (Audio) Cover
Storyline Church (Audio) Profile

Storyline Church (Audio)

English, Religion, 1 season, 666 episodes, 4 days, 10 hours, 14 minutes
These are audio messages from Storyline Church. We seek to encounter God, grow together and serve the world. For more information, check us out at
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Your Name Is Israel

The series finale! In our final installment we see Jacob broken (literally) and remade as God’s covenant man. On his way home, while fearing Esau, another encouraging encounter with Yahweh, like the one at Bethel, solidifies his calling and identity as Abraham and Issac’s heir to the great promise of land and descendants. And following Jacob’s night of intense combat, Israel is born! Jacob’s story is not over, but he is, at last, God’s man!
3/4/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 16 seconds
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Your Name Is Israel

The series finale! In our final installment we see Jacob broken (literally) and remade as God’s covenant man. On his way home, while fearing Esau, another encouraging encounter with Yahweh, like the one at Bethel, solidifies his calling and identity as Abraham and Issac’s heir to the great promise of land and descendants. And following Jacob’s night of intense combat, Israel is born! Jacob’s story is not over, but he is, at last, God’s man!
3/4/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 16 seconds
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Family Feud

Jacob’s life of struggle continues. By this time, we are not surprised. His sister-wives and many children, and especially their feuding, are adding to his struggle. Furthermore, Laban’s consistent dishonesty and manipulation drive Jacob to a difficult but unavoidable decision: he must leave Padan Aram and return to his homeland, though risking death at the hands of Esau! Incredibly, through this giant and relatable mess, the children of Israel are on the verge of becoming a nation…
2/25/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 54 seconds
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From Pillow to Pillar

We’ve all heard the saying, “between a rock and a hard place.” More than just hearing it, we’ve all been there! Jacob was also there, big time. In fact, his situation was so dark and difficult that he had to use a rock for a pillow! Here’s another well-known saying that applies well to this part of Jacob’s story, “it’s always darkest before the dawn.” In the darkest part of Jacob’s story, Yahweh shows up in a profoundly revelatory way. The story of “Jacob’s ladder” is actually the story of “Jesus’ ladder,” as we will see in this presentation.
2/11/20231 hour, 6 seconds
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The Faking of a Man

Jacob’s life contains many of the best-known stories in all of Scripture, and this study looks at one of them: Jacob’s deception of his aging and visually-imparied father, Isaac, under the enthusiastic advisement of his mother, Rebekah. Jacob’s choice to trick his father and deceitfully secure the coveted blessing will change his life forever. For the modern reader, there’s a great deal to learn and personally apply from this ancient story.
2/4/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Struggle Begins

Of all the patriarchs in Genesis, Jacob’s life was characterized by conflict and struggle. In this eight-part series we’ll take an in-depth look at the conflicts and struggles of Jacob’s long, and often sad, life. Though it is an ancient story, there is so much here for us, its modern readers. We will be inspired, encouraged, challenged, and warned. Like Jacob himself, we will not leave these experiences unchanged. The series begins… and so does the struggle…
1/21/202359 minutes, 54 seconds
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Seated at God's Right Hand

The crucifixion was a dark event, but the resurrection, with all its joy and glory, contains a beautiful truism: God didn’t raise Jesus from the dead simply because He’s God and He could. Sin causes death and love gives life. Jesus died with God’s love fully intact, so the resurrection was inevitable. The good news is that you can receive resurrection life too, right now.
12/17/202259 minutes, 52 seconds
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An Almost Unbelievable Report

One of the most profound truths in the universe is the fact that God is all powerful and all knowing, but He can still suffer, cry, and even sob uncontrollably. In the suffering of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, He identified Himself with the sin and shame of the world. Because Jesus chose to suffer as we suffer, we are brought closer to God than angels will ever be.
12/10/202246 minutes, 35 seconds
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Are you alive? “Of course I am, or else I wouldn’t be reading this.” OK, yes, you are biologically alive. But are you alive on all levels of your being—emotionally, spiritually, morally, relationally? It’s not merely biological life Jesus offers, it’s zoe life, which is so much more.
10/1/202240 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sinai: All are Invited into God’s Presence

God called Moses into His presence at Mount Sinai. In this remarkable story, we glimpse God's plan for all of us to enjoy His presence.
6/25/202232 minutes, 29 seconds
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Dealings with Feelings

We want to live by principle, so we regard emotions as obstacles to righteousness. But could our feelings be reframed? How about raw power to be channeled, and colorful experiences to be appreciated? This message helps us rediscover the wonder of being made in the image of a deep-feeling God.
4/9/202225 minutes, 25 seconds
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Juggling Judging

According to Jesus, judging people is a bad thing. But why is it bad? Well, according to Jesus, judging others is bad because it blinds us to our own condition and prevents us from engaging in spiritual growth. In the end, all judgment backfires on ourselves.
3/12/202255 minutes, 10 seconds
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But I Say Part 2

Our world is characterized by retaliatory violence. If you do something evil to me, I’m going to do something evil to you. Jesus comes along and completely overturns retaliatory violence in favor of a far superior relational ethic: respond to evil with good and love your enemies.
2/12/202253 minutes, 10 seconds
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But I Say Part 1

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reenacted the giving of the Law by Moses on Mount Sinai. The religious leaders imagined He was destroying the Law, but the fact is they were destroying the Law by reducing it to a legalistic list of rules that must be kept to earn God’s favor. Jesus came to “fulfill” the Law by showing that it applies to the inner motives as well as the outer deeds, which means all of us are guilty, even those who imagine they are keeping the Law by obeying it outwardly. Therefore, we all need God’s mercy.
2/12/202256 minutes, 5 seconds
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Pain and Evil

Hardly a day goes by that we don't hear about some horrifically evil thing happening in the world. If God is good, why does evil exist in the first place? In this session we will explore the origin of evil and in the process discover that a lot more is going on in the world than meets the eye.
1/1/202224 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Cool Kids’ Table

According to Paul, justification by faith is not merely about me and my personal salvation. It’s about us and our covenantal status in fellowship with one another.
10/16/20211 hour, 20 minutes, 12 seconds
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Is God a Control Freak?

Is God a Control Freak?If there’s one thing Almighty God does not want, it’s control. Within the biblical narrative, NO only exists for the sake of YES. All of God's prohibitions are actually promises pointing to better things.
9/25/202139 minutes, 31 seconds
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Is God a Genocidal Murderer?

Let’s not pretend there aren’t hard things in the Old Testament. What’s with God telling the Israelites to conquer the Canaanites and kill everything that breathes? Some have interpreted this as genocide. Is that really what’s going on here?
9/18/202150 minutes, 51 seconds
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There Is Laid up for Me a Crown

In this second installment of our three-part Life and Death series we turn our attention to the resurrection. We take a look at what the gospel is and how it reverses the twin problems of sin and death. Once again, our title is taken from Paul’s words to young Timothy: “There is laid up for me the crown of righteousness.”
7/24/202142 minutes, 25 seconds
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How to Become Beautiful

You loving God and God loving you is not the full Christian experience. God actually wants you to change the way you relate to other people. In part 6 of our series, Power Dynamics, a study through Ephesians, we look at Paul's explanation of the practical implications of God's love. How should this love change our relationships?
5/8/20211 hour, 59 seconds
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God’s Big Unity Project

When I was seven, everybody in my class was chosen to be on one of the two teams, except me. When I was 13, the prettiest girl in the room chose me to dance with her. According to Paul, you've been chosen by God because He wants you. And the reason He wants you, is because He loves you.
4/17/202147 minutes, 15 seconds
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You Are the Product

We humans were moving along creating technology and then, at some point along the way, our technology began creating us. And our moral maturity is no match for the monster we've made.
3/27/202132 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Failure of the Fairytale

Harry and Meghan have shocked the world with their revelations about the royal family. And Jesus, in the Gospel of Matthew, long ago explained that God doesn't like monarchies to begin with.
3/13/202134 minutes, 50 seconds
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Are We There Yet?

No matter who you are, we all know what it’s like for life to not go as planned. Your dream job turns out to be your worst nightmare. You think you’re gonna grow old with your childhood sweetheart and then they tell you they don’t want to be with you anymore. What do we do when that happens? How can we grow when life doesn’t go according to script?
12/5/202041 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Gospel According to Marvin Gaye

It is a law of reality that the truth always floats to the surface of human consciousness. With Rolling Stone Magazine naming Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On” the greatest album of all time, the gospel and the Second Coming of Christ are unexpectedly brought to prominence.
9/26/202034 minutes, 33 seconds
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A Strange Case of Mistaken Identity

The Bible is the story of two distinct human identities. The first is defined by deception, broken trust, and shame, the second by truth, trust, and innocence.
8/22/202056 minutes, 27 seconds
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A Personality Profile of Lucifer

What’s going on in Lucifer’s mind? What is his agenda, his MO, his endgame? In this message, we will psychoanalyze the devil with the aid of Scripture. We will also discover the key factor in his defeat.
8/8/202055 minutes, 2 seconds
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Justice Deferred is Violence Invited

Bible prophecy foretold that a demon-possessed Christianity would generate massive wealth for the nations by making merchandise of humans and thereby bring upon itself violent retribution. Jesus is the original non-violent protester. His death on the cross conquered the violence of both the oppressor and the oppressed.
6/27/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Great Realisation

The world is not the way it should be, and we know it. In a recent viral children’s story, a young British poet suggests that the coronavirus may bring the world to “The Great Realisation” that greed and selfishness are destroying the world, and that people are meant for relationships, not consumption and materialism. He’s right, and the Bible tells the same story.
5/9/202028 minutes, 55 seconds
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Getting High

People get high. All of us do, on something, and the options are many. Believe it or not, the God of the universe invites us to get high in the best way imaginable. And once you get high on what God has to offer, you will never want to come down.
4/18/202048 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Existential Itch

As the current pandemic requires that we go into isolation, it is inevitable that we will come face-to-face with ourselves in ways that we are accustomed to repressing or evading. Like an itch that won’t stop, all of us are possessed by a deep nagging suspicion that something essential and fundamental is missing from our lives.
3/28/202057 minutes, 34 seconds
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When we provide environments/space for people to heal and ultimately flourish we are providing one of the purest expressions of love.
2/22/202016 minutes, 30 seconds
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To understand love and be able to extend it to the ones we love we must enter a sacred space with our creator where we are willing to explore ourselves with grace and compassion. This act of thoughtful deconstruction ultimately leads to an acceptance of how well we are loved by our Creator and allows us to transform ourselves and our relationships.
2/15/202027 minutes, 11 seconds
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Give Space

The best marriages are those in which each one's freedom and individuality are cherished. The surest way to kill love is to try to control it. The husband’s number one job is to protect the wife from his control, and the wife’s number one job is to protect the husband from her control.
2/8/202047 minutes, 16 seconds
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1/4/202038 minutes, 29 seconds
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Alive Again

12/7/201934 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Unholy Trinity

There are three primary means by which human beings are dehumanized: power, money and sex. These are the three great idols of our world. In the kingdom of God, power, money and sex are subordinate to love.
10/12/201944 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Psychology of Idolatry

If I worship the idols of our celebrity culture, I am worshiping myself vicariously through the image they project.
9/14/201942 minutes, 30 seconds
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Street Cred

What we say is only as believable as what we do. Love alone gives credibility to our witness for Christ. The church’s street cred is lost when our loyalties are given to hurtful political agendas.
7/13/201950 minutes, 45 seconds
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Gospel Principles & Promises

5/18/201941 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Safest Place in the World

The church should be the safest place in the world. But it is only safe to the degree that it can embrace people, without judgement, no matter where they are in their life journey.
5/11/201937 minutes, 17 seconds
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One of the greatest illusions of the human mind is that “I am here and you are over there.” The truth is, we’re all connected. “Us vs them” is a patently false construct of reality.
4/20/201941 minutes, 58 seconds
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Turf Wars

Planting a church in any location on earth constitutes a strategic territorial claim for the kingdom of God. We are saying, “This city was purchased by the blood of Christ, it belongs to Him, and we are here to take it for Him, person by person, home by home.
3/30/201940 minutes, 34 seconds
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Often, we feel that our failures and mistakes have separated us from God, leaving us uncertain of our standing with Him. We know that we’re saved by grace, and not works, but most of us fail to experience it in our relationship with God. But if we’re not saved because we were good, are we lost because we were bad?
2/16/201936 minutes, 42 seconds
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Toxic Masculinity

1/19/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 1 second
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1/12/201940 minutes, 31 seconds
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Born Again

12/29/201839 minutes, 27 seconds
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Tell The Story

12/22/201824 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Wood & The Fire

12/1/201849 minutes, 58 seconds
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By Heart

11/10/201845 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Dilemma of Denial

11/3/201843 minutes, 51 seconds
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Open My Eyes

10/6/201824 minutes, 59 seconds
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Things That Defy Effort

9/1/201841 minutes, 28 seconds
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8/4/201830 minutes, 33 seconds
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Weaponizing Religion

7/21/201845 minutes, 13 seconds
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Paradigm Shift

6/30/201835 minutes, 16 seconds
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Flickering Flame

4/21/201851 minutes, 42 seconds
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Up And Up Close

3/24/201839 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sometimes it’s scary to let go. But you can only live fully alive if you’re willing to detox your life. For best results, you must think of detox as an act of generosity toward yourself. God, the most generous being in the universe, wants to lead you through a gentle detoxification process. His goal is to empower you to let go of the things that do not bring you joy. The best part? He never takes anything away without providing something better.
1/27/201848 minutes, 48 seconds
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Still in the Flesh

Jesus came forth from the grave still bearing our humanity. The Incarnate One is still incarnate. He is “not ashamed to call us brethren.” God entered into eternal solidarity with us as a model for the church entering into solidarity with the world as the real power of the gospel to win our hearts.
12/30/201727 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Manner of Grace

10/14/201746 minutes, 27 seconds
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Echoes of Eve

9/16/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Universal Subconscious Question

7/15/201754 minutes, 6 seconds
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Coming True

6/24/201746 minutes, 10 seconds
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It's Not Your Fault

4/29/201750 minutes, 39 seconds
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When Jesus Put Shame to Shame

Is there anything you feel ashamed of? Your appearance, performance, or past mistakes? Discover how Jesus feels about you in your most embarrassing moments.
4/1/201743 minutes, 18 seconds
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All That I Am

Worship isn't a part of our lives. It is the very definition of every act we perform. The human being is a worshipping creature. All that we do is directed to ourselves or to God.
3/18/201751 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Beauty of Worship

We are called upon by Scripture to bring artistic beauty into our worship of God. This message explores the place of aesthetic arts in our approach to and our representation of God.
3/4/201754 minutes, 30 seconds
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Talking to God

What if prayer is not a means to an end, but an end in itself?
2/11/201736 minutes, 19 seconds
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Jesus Loves His Church

For a significant portion of the world, the word “Christian” is basically a synonym for a judgmental bigot. Unfortunately, this stereotype of the professed followers of Christ is too often true. The Jesus of the church and the Jesus of the Bible are regularly light-years apart. But in this sermon, Yamil breaks down the three parables of Luke 15 and reveals how God relates to humanity with a love so scandalous, it shocks us all. And it’s a love He wants His church to have too.
1/21/201757 minutes, 51 seconds
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Tabitha the Great

We are familiar with the famous towering figures of the Bible, those we would enlist in the Hall of Faith. But there are other players in the biblical narrative that defy our notions of what it means to be a great Christian. In Acts 9, Luke introduces us to Tabitha (or, Dorcas). She is an unfamiliar name; she is not famous and is rarely mentioned. Yet she exemplifies a different kind of greatness, one we can all resonate with. Tabitha challenges to resist the tendency of waiting for some extraordinary thing to do, and instead, to do ordinary things in extraordinary ways.
1/14/201738 minutes, 3 seconds
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Give Thanks with Sadness

11/26/201643 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Comfort of Condemnation

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Solomon Plays With Fire

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Ruth and the Kinsman

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Gideon: A Faith Journey

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Rebellion of Korah

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Moses and Economics

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Aaron's Golden Calf

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Joseph: Kiss the Trauma Goodbye

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Israel My Beloved

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Rachel and Leah

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Father Abraham

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Secrets of Lifelong Love

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Cain and Abel

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The Image of Adam

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Do You Want To Be Made Well?

In this message, Jeffrey Rosario revisits John 5 to reflect on the story of Jesus’ encounter with the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda.
43 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Lair of the Liar

Jacob finds himself, freshly encouraged by the promises of Yahweh, arriving in the land of the eastern people. Things start well enough, but quickly take an unexpected turn for the worse. Jacob the deceiver finds himself on the receiving end of a cruel deception. Of course, we’ve all been lied to and we’ve all lied, so, once again, there’s a great deal here to learn and apply for us.
2/18/20231 hour, 9 seconds
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No Soup For You

Two brothers, two personalities, two nations, one pot of stew. In this well-known story of conflict, Jacob secures the long-treasured birthright from his elder brother, but has he really obtained it? Does he even understand it? The Bible says that, “Esau despised his birthright” (Genesis 25:34). This is true, but as we’ll see in this study, so did Jacob!
1/28/202359 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Gospel Tribe

If you take a deep dive into Galatians 3, you’ll discover some stunning truths: the gospel has always been more about God’s promises to us and less about our promises to Him; Jesus is the hero of the story; and, through Jesus becoming “a curse,” the whole world has been reconciled. Every nation, tribe, and people have a seat at God’s table.
1/14/202358 minutes, 48 seconds
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A Judgement to Look Forward to

Many imagine the judgment as God on a massive throne with a big red button He pushes to send people to hell. But there’s actually beauty in the judgment. We don’t have to be afraid: God isn’t waiting to pounce on us. He respects our free will. We can rejoice in the judgment because it means God is righting wrongs on our behalf. Lastly, the judgment isn’t fair, because it is rigged in our favor.
1/7/202339 minutes, 50 seconds
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From Glory to Glory

Augustine said, “Love God and do as you please.” Is that idea heresy or truth? The answer is found in Paul’s story of the woman in Romans 7. When we are drawn to Christ out of love, we will do as we please and it will be glorious obedience in Christ.
12/31/202250 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Faith of Jesus

Explore the background of one of the most famous Bible promises: Galatians 2:20. The account of Paul rebuking Peter for refusing to eat with the gentiles teaches us that the law—back then and now—can’t save us. We can’t even rely on our own faith to save us but only on the faithfulness of Jesus.
12/24/202257 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Light of Life

Is it good news that there is a God? You might be tempted to say yes right away, but the truth is that it depends. What kind of a God are we talking about? Jesus deliberately made choices to publicly love people when it was not politically, religiously, or socially wise to do so. So, is it good news that there is a God? Yes, because He looks like Jesus.
12/3/202250 minutes, 57 seconds
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God in the Flesh

Can God try something new? God became a man when God had never been a man before. Our familiarity with the incarnation often robs us of the wonder we can and should feel for such a mysterious event. When we take a deep dive into the meaning of God becoming flesh, we find we have a Savior who breathes stars and also weeps. He is literally like us for eternity.
11/26/202241 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Counter-Kingdom

Going to a library might lead you to believe there are millions of stories in the world, but perhaps there’s really only one story being told by human history. It’s called the myth of redemptive violence: to win in life, you must be stronger, fight harder, and move faster. Good guys conquer bad guys with more force and violence. But then Jesus comes along and tells a completely different story: the way to move up in the world is to go down, the way to lead is to serve, and the way to conquer is through sacrifice.
11/19/202249 minutes, 50 seconds
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Contours of the Covenant

We tend to think of righteousness in terms of personal, moral piety, but that’s not how the biblical authors understood it. Righteousness toward God means healed social relations and righting wrongs with people. The story of Cornelius and Peter illustrates that, for the church to embrace God’s covenant, we must participate in the breaking down of social, political, and racial walls.
11/12/202249 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Greek word pistis, from which we get the English word faith, means far more than simply believing something to be factually true. It means . . . well, you’ll just have to tune in for this message to explore with us what it means.
9/24/202242 minutes, 20 seconds
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When Jesus called His first Disciples to follow Him, he made them a promise. This promise involved more than professions. It was a call to redefine their identity.
7/30/202242 minutes, 50 seconds
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Posttraumatic Growth

Everyone’s talking about trauma these days. The increased understanding of its impact upon human functioning has been largely helpful, with one caveat–it can sometimes leave us feeling permanently damaged. This is why in this message we will turn to a body of biblical and scientific data showing the benefits that can come through trauma. Bitter or better? The choice is ours.
4/30/202232 minutes, 42 seconds
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Deliver Us from Evil

Jesus acknowledged the presence of evil as real, but He didn’t see it as a depersonalized force or balancing principle of the universe, running alongside goodness. He prayed that we would be delivered from the evil one. Evil, suffering, and temptation do not come from God, Jesus taught, but are traceable to a satanic being, the devil. We are promised though that one day, God will resolve evil and suffering for good, for His is “the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”
2/26/202251 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Setting of the Sermon

The Sermon on the Mount is not a one-off sermon, one topic in a lineup of topics, an interesting subject among other subjects. No, it is the announcement of a revolutionary new kingdom. In Christ, the whole history of Israel was reenacted with covenantal faithfulness and the Sermon on the Mount is the entire message of the Old Testament restated.
1/22/202255 minutes, 36 seconds
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Law and Sin

Sin at first looks like freedom but gradually leads to greater and greater restriction. God’s law at first looks like restriction and gradually leads to greater and greater freedom. What does the Bible actually teach us about these two important topics?
12/18/202118 minutes, 54 seconds
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Beautiful Scars

In Christ, a new creation has been set in motion. All who find their identity in the love of Christ will also find that they are crucified to the world. They are no longer in harmony with the general value system that defines fallen humanity. Forgiveness, generosity, and goodness is their new way of living.
11/20/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 37 seconds
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Is God a Sadistic Monster?

Is God a Sadistic Monster? We all know that torture is wrong. We regard a person as evil if they deliberately inflict physical pain on another human being. And yet, the popular Christian doctrine of Hell claims God subjects countless people to torture for all eternity. In this message we discover that the Bible teaches no such thing.
9/4/202150 minutes, 38 seconds
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Is God On a Power Trip?

Often, the first thing that comes to a person’s mind when they think of God is “power,” by which they usually mean extreme force of might. Yes, God is powerful. But almost all bad theology begins with power as the main thing about God. Jesus came into the world to completely reframe the power of God.
8/21/202146 minutes, 52 seconds
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Your soil is where your planted and what your planted in. That is, your environment. In our opening message we take a look at aspects of our environment—our soil—that we do and do not have control over.
6/12/202140 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Jordan Peterson Phenomenon

Jordan Peterson is one of the most controversial figures of our time. People hate him and others love him. Regardless of what you think of his political perspectives, maybe God is trying to get his attention, as well as yours and mine.
3/6/202143 minutes, 17 seconds
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You Are Called

God calls you out of the world into His church in order to immerse your life in a powerful three-fold experience. The church is an identity incubator, a fellowship of love, and a theater of grace.
2/13/202126 minutes, 51 seconds
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Four-Dimensional Wonder

What does the Bible mean when it says, “God is love.“ Is it merely a pretty idea or a theological proposition? In this message, we discover four beautiful dimensions of God‘s love that apply to our actual lives.
1/9/202147 minutes, 17 seconds
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My Love-hate Relationship with the Fourth of July

On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglas, escaped slave and abolitionist, asked an audience of freedom-loving white Americans, “What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July?” The history that followed answered the question. It is an answer that requires sober reflection and has profound implications for our understanding of the gospel. Israel’s liberation from slavery is the Old Testament story from which the New Testament idea of salvation is derived. From the crucible of black slavery in America, “liberation theology” emerged.
7/4/202045 minutes, 56 seconds
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Do What You Want To Feel

The mantra of our time is, “If you don’t feel it, don’t do it.” Countless people in our feelings-obsessed culture follow their feelings straight into divorce. But the fact is, feelings follow actions wherever actions lead. Actions of love will produce feelings of love.
5/2/202024 minutes, 36 seconds
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Coronavirus Killers

We’ve all heard that one of the most important things we can do to defeat the coronavirus is to strengthen our immune system with good food, moderate exercise, and sounds sleep. In this message, we discover a fourth and even more powerful boost for our immune systems.
4/4/202041 minutes, 46 seconds
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Pure Religion

“Religion” is not a word that has a good ring to it, because so much bad religion has owned it. But the Bible tells us exactly that good religion is, by telling us what it does. And what it does is the most beautiful thing ever: it cares for the needs of the most vulnerable people in the world—parentless children.
2/1/202050 minutes, 10 seconds
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A Kingdom is Launched

As soon and the Christ Child was born, the powers of evil flew into a murderous rage and sought to end Him before He even got started. They failed and He proceeded to launch a kingdom unlike any the world has ever known.
12/21/201952 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Originals

In the dark fiction of vampire legend, there are those who are known as “The Originals.” These are those who first transitioned from humans to vampires. Yeah, it's fiction. But every fiction contains elements of truth.
9/7/201951 minutes, 31 seconds
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Bad Things Happen

8/10/201954 minutes, 15 seconds
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Storyboard Your Life

7/20/201955 minutes, 50 seconds
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My Father's Son

6/15/201931 minutes, 46 seconds
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Table of Strangers

Our world is divided. Tribalism, nationalism, and denominationalism define humanity. The church is called to be a table where strangers meet and find common ground.
4/27/201935 minutes, 6 seconds
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Pura Vida

4/13/201933 minutes, 16 seconds
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Do You Have a Mandate?

Before Jesus left, His parting words commissioned us to go and make disciples. What does that look like today within the church of the twenty-first century? How can we live out our mandate in intentional discipleship with those around us?
2/23/201935 minutes, 11 seconds
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We Are One

9/8/201823 minutes, 17 seconds
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Becoming Yourself

7/14/201847 minutes, 9 seconds
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Mirror Neurons and Moms

5/12/201833 minutes, 13 seconds
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Open Your Mind Open Your Heart

4/7/201828 minutes, 3 seconds
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Social Contagion

11/25/201742 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Blessing

11/18/201751 minutes, 48 seconds
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Necessary Unbelief

7/22/201748 minutes, 24 seconds
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Donuts and Ding Dongs

7/1/201754 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Second Law of Thermodynamics

The world is fast moving toward entropy, while God looks at the disorder of self and the view that we are "junk" and longs to restore our parts. Jesus the Restorer patiently collects our parts to cut, weld, paint, and polish to repair us back to vibrant life. He restores us back to useful service through His love and passion.
6/3/201748 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Love of a Father

12/17/201628 minutes, 35 seconds
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Little Boy Samuel

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Called by God

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Noah and God's Rainbow Covenant

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The ancient Greeks believed that all of reality is undergirded by one essential principle of truth that forms the basis for all rational thought. They called it “the logos.” The bold claim of the New Testament is that the logos became flesh in Jesus Christ.
41 minutes
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The Lair of the Liar

Jacob finds himself, freshly encouraged by the promises of Yahweh, arriving in the land of the eastern people. Things start well enough, but quickly take an unexpected turn for the worse. Jacob the deceiver finds himself on the receiving end of a cruel deception. Of course, we’ve all been lied to and we’ve all lied, so, once again, there’s a great deal here to learn and apply for us.
2/18/20231 hour, 9 seconds
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From Pillow to Pillar

We’ve all heard the saying, “between a rock and a hard place.” More than just hearing it, we’ve all been there! Jacob was also there, big time. In fact, his situation was so dark and difficult that he had to use a rock for a pillow! Here’s another well-known saying that applies well to this part of Jacob’s story, “it’s always darkest before the dawn.” In the darkest part of Jacob’s story, Yahweh shows up in a profoundly revelatory way. The story of “Jacob’s ladder” is actually the story of “Jesus’ ladder,” as we will see in this presentation.
2/11/20231 hour, 6 seconds
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No Soup For You

Two brothers, two personalities, two nations, one pot of stew. In this well-known story of conflict, Jacob secures the long-treasured birthright from his elder brother, but has he really obtained it? Does he even understand it? The Bible says that, “Esau despised his birthright” (Genesis 25:34). This is true, but as we’ll see in this study, so did Jacob!
1/28/202359 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Struggle Begins

Of all the patriarchs in Genesis, Jacob’s life was characterized by conflict and struggle. In this eight-part series we’ll take an in-depth look at the conflicts and struggles of Jacob’s long, and often sad, life. Though it is an ancient story, there is so much here for us, its modern readers. We will be inspired, encouraged, challenged, and warned. Like Jacob himself, we will not leave these experiences unchanged. The series begins… and so does the struggle…
1/21/202359 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Gospel Tribe

If you take a deep dive into Galatians 3, you’ll discover some stunning truths: the gospel has always been more about God’s promises to us and less about our promises to Him; Jesus is the hero of the story; and, through Jesus becoming “a curse,” the whole world has been reconciled. Every nation, tribe, and people have a seat at God’s table.
1/14/202358 minutes, 48 seconds
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A Judgement to Look Forward to

Many imagine the judgment as God on a massive throne with a big red button He pushes to send people to hell. But there’s actually beauty in the judgment. We don’t have to be afraid: God isn’t waiting to pounce on us. He respects our free will. We can rejoice in the judgment because it means God is righting wrongs on our behalf. Lastly, the judgment isn’t fair, because it is rigged in our favor.
1/7/202339 minutes, 50 seconds
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From Glory to Glory

Augustine said, “Love God and do as you please.” Is that idea heresy or truth? The answer is found in Paul’s story of the woman in Romans 7. When we are drawn to Christ out of love, we will do as we please and it will be glorious obedience in Christ.
12/31/202250 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Faith of Jesus

Explore the background of one of the most famous Bible promises: Galatians 2:20. The account of Paul rebuking Peter for refusing to eat with the gentiles teaches us that the law—back then and now—can’t save us. We can’t even rely on our own faith to save us but only on the faithfulness of Jesus.
12/24/202257 minutes, 36 seconds
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Seated at God's Right Hand

The crucifixion was a dark event, but the resurrection, with all its joy and glory, contains a beautiful truism: God didn’t raise Jesus from the dead simply because He’s God and He could. Sin causes death and love gives life. Jesus died with God’s love fully intact, so the resurrection was inevitable. The good news is that you can receive resurrection life too, right now.
12/17/202259 minutes, 52 seconds
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An Almost Unbelievable Report

One of the most profound truths in the universe is the fact that God is all powerful and all knowing, but He can still suffer, cry, and even sob uncontrollably. In the suffering of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, He identified Himself with the sin and shame of the world. Because Jesus chose to suffer as we suffer, we are brought closer to God than angels will ever be.
12/10/202246 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Light of Life

Is it good news that there is a God? You might be tempted to say yes right away, but the truth is that it depends. What kind of a God are we talking about? Jesus deliberately made choices to publicly love people when it was not politically, religiously, or socially wise to do so. So, is it good news that there is a God? Yes, because He looks like Jesus.
12/3/202250 minutes, 57 seconds
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God in the Flesh

Can God try something new? God became a man when God had never been a man before. Our familiarity with the incarnation often robs us of the wonder we can and should feel for such a mysterious event. When we take a deep dive into the meaning of God becoming flesh, we find we have a Savior who breathes stars and also weeps. He is literally like us for eternity.
11/26/202241 minutes, 31 seconds
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Imagine a jar positioned directly under a waterfall. What happens? The jar is continually filling and overflowing at the same time. This is the rich image communicated in the Greek word perisseuo. Jesus is the waterfall and you are the jar.
10/8/202242 minutes, 46 seconds
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Are you alive? “Of course I am, or else I wouldn’t be reading this.” OK, yes, you are biologically alive. But are you alive on all levels of your being—emotionally, spiritually, morally, relationally? It’s not merely biological life Jesus offers, it’s zoe life, which is so much more.
10/1/202240 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Greek word pistis, from which we get the English word faith, means far more than simply believing something to be factually true. It means . . . well, you’ll just have to tune in for this message to explore with us what it means.
9/24/202242 minutes, 20 seconds
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Jesus came to “save” us. But what does that mean? Going to heaven rather than hell when we die? The Greek word for salvation is sozo, and it has far more to do with our present experience in this world than what happens after this life is over.
9/17/202236 minutes, 56 seconds
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Our culture is obsessed with “love.” But often what the world calls “love” is little more than temporary attraction. What does the New Testament mean when it says, “God is love”? The answer lies in the Greek word agape.
9/10/202240 minutes, 42 seconds
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You. Follow.

Peter thought he was done. He had failed the greatest test of discipleship. Jesus invites him on a walk by the beach, and back to himself.
8/27/202232 minutes, 47 seconds
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Wounded Healers

The call to discipleship is a call to community. In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus calls us to see ourselves as a community of wounded healers.
8/20/202234 minutes, 11 seconds
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Born. Again.

Jesus said to Nicodemus that to see The Kingdom, he must be born again. What did Jesus mean, and how do we experience this new birth as modern day disciples?
8/13/202240 minutes, 9 seconds
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Counting the Cost

Jesus made no qualms about the cost of discipleship. He made sure his listeners understood it would cost them everything to follow, even their lives. With such a seemingly high cost, what makes following Jesus worth it?
8/6/202235 minutes, 29 seconds
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Paradigm Shift

What is discipleship? It is a term that is used often to describe the Christian life, but do we truly understand what Jesus had in mind when He called His disciples, and by extension us, to this Journey? Or do we need a paradigm shift?
7/23/202240 minutes, 30 seconds
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New Jerusalem: More than Eden Restored

Through four stories about bread, we glimpse God’s welcome extended to all nations. This story culminates with something better than a return to Eden.
7/16/202233 minutes, 49 seconds
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Jesus: The Presence of God Actualized

Through the ministry of Jesus, the presence of God was once again available—”God with us!” In Jesus, we witness the restoration of all God has planned for us from the beginning.
7/2/202225 minutes, 34 seconds
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Sinai: All are Invited into God’s Presence

God called Moses into His presence at Mount Sinai. In this remarkable story, we glimpse God's plan for all of us to enjoy His presence.
6/25/202232 minutes, 29 seconds
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Abraham: The Journey Back to Eden Begins

When our first parents tragically misused their freedom, alienation replaced intimacy. Humanity rejected their created purpose and was driven east of Eden. With Abraham, God set in motion His plan to welcome humanity back into His presence.
6/18/202225 minutes, 34 seconds
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Eden: The First Cosmic Sanctuary

Planet earth was originally created by God as a sanctuary to host His presence with humanity. The garden Eden was the place where heaven and earth met and God’s presence flowed out to the world.
6/11/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
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An actual human being is seated upon the throne of the universe at the right hand of God. His name is Jesus and He is our eternal brother in the flesh. Just as He occupies throne status with the Father, He has invited us to occupy throne status with Him.
5/28/202232 minutes, 58 seconds
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You are an heir, according to the gospel, and your inheritance is mind boggling. As if being eternally saved isn’t amazing enough, God has promised to give “all things” to His redeemed children.
5/21/202239 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Mighty Power of Awed

God tells us to stand in awe of Him. And this is right, for He is God, the illimitable, unfathomable Creator and Sustainer of all that is. Worshiping Him, we take a shape for which He ingeniously designed us, availing ourselves of the global health benefits of syncing with that design. This message will shine a light on the awesomeness of awe.
5/14/202225 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Power of Belonging

Loneliness is pandemic. Even when surrounded by people we can fail to connect in meaningful ways. This message shows not only the blessings wrapped up in human connection, but the choices that lead to it.
5/7/202236 minutes, 12 seconds
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Growth Mindset

God really does want us to be happy. But there’s a rub. If He prioritized our temporal happiness over all else, He could never address the big-picture exigencies of the cosmic conflict. This message will help us reset our priorities to align with God’s purposes and promises.
4/23/202232 minutes, 2 seconds
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Such a Shame

Can we live conscientious, careful lives without being bogged down with overwhelming guilt and shame? Yes, we can. God gave us the conscience as a blessing, not a curse. The point of the gospel is that God's grace takes away our sin. Who, then is rubbing our faces in it? Certainly not Him!
4/16/202227 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Why of Joy

We want to be cheerful, but not delusional. Are positive feelings in the midst of human brokenness warranted? Is there a positivity that is fully grounded in reality? This message walks us through the biblical reasons for joy.
4/2/202233 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Coming Crash

Jesus closes His Sermon on the Mount with a parable that encapsulates the contrast between the two structures of life we can build. The wise man built his house on the rock and the fool on sand. What are these two foundations? And which one am I building on?
3/26/202246 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Narrow Gate

The straight path and the narrow gate of which Jesus speaks, according to His own context, is the way of non-judgmental love, non-violent response to evil, love of neighbor, and love of enemy.
3/19/202256 minutes, 57 seconds
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Money Matters

Jesus talked a lot about money, but not in the way many religious leaders talk about money. Jesus wasn't trying to get people to give Him money but rather to get people to understand that the way they handle money reveals what's going on in their hearts. As a general rule, your life will follow the trajectory of your financial pursuits.
3/5/202257 minutes, 34 seconds
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Deliver Us from Evil

Jesus acknowledged the presence of evil as real, but He didn’t see it as a depersonalized force or balancing principle of the universe, running alongside goodness. He prayed that we would be delivered from the evil one. Evil, suffering, and temptation do not come from God, Jesus taught, but are traceable to a satanic being, the devil. We are promised though that one day, God will resolve evil and suffering for good, for His is “the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”
2/26/202251 minutes, 47 seconds
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Keep it Real

Jesus warns His followers away from pretentious and performative religion, which He says is motivated by a desire to be “seen by men.” True righteousness, He insists, is motivated by love and springs from “the heart.”
2/19/202255 minutes, 47 seconds
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Keep it Real

Jesus warns His followers away from pretentious and performative religion, which He says is motivated by a desire to be “seen by men.” True righteousness, He insists, is motivated by love and springs from “the heart.”
2/19/202255 minutes, 47 seconds
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But I Say Part 1

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reenacted the giving of the Law by Moses on Mount Sinai. The religious leaders imagined He was destroying the Law, but the fact is they were destroying the Law by reducing it to a legalistic list of rules that must be kept to earn God’s favor. Jesus came to “fulfill” the Law by showing that it applies to the inner motives as well as the outer deeds, which means all of us are guilty, even those who imagine they are keeping the Law by obeying it outwardly. Therefore, we all need God’s mercy.
2/12/202256 minutes, 5 seconds
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But I Say Part 2

Our world is characterized by retaliatory violence. If you do something evil to me, I’m going to do something evil to you. Jesus comes along and completely overturns retaliatory violence in favor of a far superior relational ethic: respond to evil with good and love your enemies.
2/12/202253 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Setting of the Sermon

The Sermon on the Mount is not a one-off sermon, one topic in a lineup of topics, an interesting subject among other subjects. No, it is the announcement of a revolutionary new kingdom. In Christ, the whole history of Israel was reenacted with covenantal faithfulness and the Sermon on the Mount is the entire message of the Old Testament restated.
1/22/202255 minutes, 36 seconds
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Pain and Evil

Hardly a day goes by that we don't hear about some horrifically evil thing happening in the world. If God is good, why does evil exist in the first place? In this session we will explore the origin of evil and in the process discover that a lot more is going on in the world than meets the eye.
1/1/202224 minutes, 22 seconds
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Beautiful Scars

In Christ, a new creation has been set in motion. All who find their identity in the love of Christ will also find that they are crucified to the world. They are no longer in harmony with the general value system that defines fallen humanity. Forgiveness, generosity, and goodness is their new way of living.
11/20/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 37 seconds
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Live Out Your Liberty

Paul explains that Christ has already accomplished the salvation of humanity apart from anything we might do to earn His favor. Now it’s just a matter of believing and living that reality. You are free, so live free.
11/13/20211 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
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There Is No Them

Everyone who identifies with Christ by faith is a child of Abraham and an heir of all that was promised to Abraham. Paul wants us to understand that the law excludes nobody because the Messiah has embraced everybody. So, then, what purpose does the law serve? Paul answers the question with absolute clarity.
10/30/202157 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Curse Reversed

Paul says Jesus bore “the curse of the law” for us. What does this mean? In this session, we explore God's covenant relationship with Abraham, and through Abraham with humanity and the difference between a penal curse and a covenant curse.
10/23/20211 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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The Cool Kids’ Table

According to Paul, justification by faith is not merely about me and my personal salvation. It’s about us and our covenantal status in fellowship with one another.
10/16/20211 hour, 20 minutes, 12 seconds
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Is God a Control Freak?

Is God a Control Freak?If there’s one thing Almighty God does not want, it’s control. Within the biblical narrative, NO only exists for the sake of YES. All of God's prohibitions are actually promises pointing to better things.
9/25/202139 minutes, 31 seconds
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Is God a Genocidal Murderer?

Let’s not pretend there aren’t hard things in the Old Testament. What’s with God telling the Israelites to conquer the Canaanites and kill everything that breathes? Some have interpreted this as genocide. Is that really what’s going on here?
9/18/202150 minutes, 51 seconds
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Is God On a Power Trip?

Often, the first thing that comes to a person’s mind when they think of God is “power,” by which they usually mean extreme force of might. Yes, God is powerful. But almost all bad theology begins with power as the main thing about God. Jesus came into the world to completely reframe the power of God.
8/21/202146 minutes, 52 seconds
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Is God an Egomaniac?

Why does God tell us to worship Him, praise Him, exalt Him? Seriously, what’s that all about? Is God insecure? Does He have a fragile ego? Does He need to be told how great He is for His sake? Or is there something deeper going on here?
8/14/202133 minutes, 53 seconds
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The God of the Living

In our third and final part the Life and Death series we see that the line that separates the living from the dead is blurrier than it at first appears. Incredibly, according to Scripture, there are those that are alive and yet are already dead; too, there are those that appear to be dead, but whom God regards as quite alive! A little confused? Watch this concluding sermon and you won’t be.
7/31/202152 minutes, 8 seconds
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There Is Laid up for Me a Crown

In this second installment of our three-part Life and Death series we turn our attention to the resurrection. We take a look at what the gospel is and how it reverses the twin problems of sin and death. Once again, our title is taken from Paul’s words to young Timothy: “There is laid up for me the crown of righteousness.”
7/24/202142 minutes, 25 seconds
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I Am Ready to be Poured Out

In this new three-part series we take a look at the biblical perspective of life and, especially, death. Part one addresses the looming reality that is death. Coming face to face with our own mortality can be disorienting. The apostle Paul wrote to his young friend and student Timothy: "I am ready to be poured out like a drink offering" and "my time is at hand." In this first presentation we use this passage from 2Timothy 4 to begin our exploration of death from a biblical perspective.
7/17/202154 minutes, 41 seconds
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This presentation is all about identity. Did you know that there are 60,000 different species of tree in the world? What lessons are there for us contained in this incredible variety? Is there such a thing as an “average” tree? Or an “average” person? This presentation will definitely have you thinking in a new and encouraging way!
6/26/202145 minutes, 6 seconds
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The roots of a tree or a plant serve several essential functions. In this presentation, we take a closer look at two of those functions: anchoring and absorbing.
6/19/202140 minutes, 32 seconds
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Your soil is where your planted and what your planted in. That is, your environment. In our opening message we take a look at aspects of our environment—our soil—that we do and do not have control over.
6/12/202140 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Tale of Two Yous

In Christ a new human identity has been created. We see in him exactly what we were always meant to be. There are two yous: the old you defined by sin and guilt vs the new you defined by righteousness and innocence. The gospel intends to grow us up into the mastery of love-motivated relational dynamics.
5/8/202146 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Long Game of Love

If God is all powerful, why doesn't He just crush evil instantaneously the moment it raises its ugly head? Well, because God is aiming for something superior to control. Rather, He is working out the long game of love, taking wise steps to ensure that all who say yes to Him do so voluntarily and to make certain sin never rises up again for all eternity future.
5/1/202148 minutes, 16 seconds
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Your Future is Now

Your future is a present reality, which sounds weird, but it's true. And it's a pretty amazing future. Will you identify with all Christ has already achieved for you? That's the crucial question.
4/24/202149 minutes, 55 seconds
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God’s Big Unity Project

When I was seven, everybody in my class was chosen to be on one of the two teams, except me. When I was 13, the prettiest girl in the room chose me to dance with her. According to Paul, you've been chosen by God because He wants you. And the reason He wants you, is because He loves you.
4/17/202147 minutes, 15 seconds
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Human Identity

The single most important issue of life is identity. If you don't know who you are, you don't know what to do with yourself or how to relate to others. But the moment your identity is clearly defined, everything changes.
4/10/202136 minutes, 36 seconds
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You Are the Product

We humans were moving along creating technology and then, at some point along the way, our technology began creating us. And our moral maturity is no match for the monster we've made.
3/27/202132 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Storyline

In today's simple message we look at four threes that tell that central story of Scripture. What? "Four threes," you say? Well, listen and find out! I/We think you'll love it.
3/20/202147 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Failure of the Fairytale

Harry and Meghan have shocked the world with their revelations about the royal family. And Jesus, in the Gospel of Matthew, long ago explained that God doesn't like monarchies to begin with.
3/13/202134 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Jordan Peterson Phenomenon

Jordan Peterson is one of the most controversial figures of our time. People hate him and others love him. Regardless of what you think of his political perspectives, maybe God is trying to get his attention, as well as yours and mine.
3/6/202143 minutes, 17 seconds
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You Are Called

God calls you out of the world into His church in order to immerse your life in a powerful three-fold experience. The church is an identity incubator, a fellowship of love, and a theater of grace.
2/13/202126 minutes, 51 seconds
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God's Obsession With Your Forehead

What does it mean to receive the seal of God in our foreheads, as described in the book of Revelation? Modern neuroscience holds insights that help us answer the question.
1/30/202150 minutes, 25 seconds
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Password Anxiety

Password anxiety is a thing. A high percentage of people experience it. Religious anxiety is a thing, too, and it afflicts even more people. But any picture of God that puts your nerves on edge, isn’t an accurate picture of God.
1/16/202146 minutes, 33 seconds
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Four-Dimensional Wonder

What does the Bible mean when it says, “God is love.“ Is it merely a pretty idea or a theological proposition? In this message, we discover four beautiful dimensions of God‘s love that apply to our actual lives.
1/9/202147 minutes, 17 seconds
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Artificial Intelligence vs Human Identity

As we launch into 2021, we are faced with the exponential rise of artificial intelligence and robotic technologies. And the implications are very serious. What’s next for the human race?
1/2/202158 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jesus and the Justice League

What can we learn about the mission of Jesus from the superheroes of the DC and Marvel universe? This message will challenge you to the very core of your value system.
12/19/202046 minutes, 37 seconds
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Are We There Yet?

No matter who you are, we all know what it’s like for life to not go as planned. Your dream job turns out to be your worst nightmare. You think you’re gonna grow old with your childhood sweetheart and then they tell you they don’t want to be with you anymore. What do we do when that happens? How can we grow when life doesn’t go according to script?
12/5/202041 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Hardest Truth In the Bible

Are you the kind of person who wants to know the truth even if it hurts? Or do you prefer to be lied to in order to maintain your comfort? In this message, you’ll find yourself face-to-face with the hardest truth in the Bible. Good luck.
8/29/202049 minutes, 28 seconds
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Running From The Wrong Person

The only way to break the power of sin on the behavioral level is to break the power of shame on the subconscious level.
8/15/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 42 seconds
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A Personality Profile of Lucifer

What’s going on in Lucifer’s mind? What is his agenda, his MO, his endgame? In this message, we will psychoanalyze the devil with the aid of Scripture. We will also discover the key factor in his defeat.
8/8/202055 minutes, 2 seconds
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My Love-hate Relationship with the Fourth of July

On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglas, escaped slave and abolitionist, asked an audience of freedom-loving white Americans, “What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July?” The history that followed answered the question. It is an answer that requires sober reflection and has profound implications for our understanding of the gospel. Israel’s liberation from slavery is the Old Testament story from which the New Testament idea of salvation is derived. From the crucible of black slavery in America, “liberation theology” emerged.
7/4/202045 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Architecture of Evil

The Bible clearly teaches that evil manifests itself through structures and systems, as well as through individuals. Demonic forces work through earthly institutions. Bible prophecy foretold that the United States as a nation and Christianity as an institution would be the vehicle through which Satan would establish the evil of chattel slavery.
6/20/202053 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Great Realisation

The world is not the way it should be, and we know it. In a recent viral children’s story, a young British poet suggests that the coronavirus may bring the world to “The Great Realisation” that greed and selfishness are destroying the world, and that people are meant for relationships, not consumption and materialism. He’s right, and the Bible tells the same story.
5/9/202028 minutes, 55 seconds
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Things That Will Take You Down

We are fragile creatures with infinite power at our disposal. In this message, we explore three things that can take us down for the count, but we also discover where the victory lies.
4/25/202032 minutes, 33 seconds
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Getting High

People get high. All of us do, on something, and the options are many. Believe it or not, the God of the universe invites us to get high in the best way imaginable. And once you get high on what God has to offer, you will never want to come down.
4/18/202048 minutes, 18 seconds
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Coronavirus Killers

We’ve all heard that one of the most important things we can do to defeat the coronavirus is to strengthen our immune system with good food, moderate exercise, and sounds sleep. In this message, we discover a fourth and even more powerful boost for our immune systems.
4/4/202041 minutes, 46 seconds
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Who Am I?

We humans are experiencing a major identity crisis. All kinds of voices are coming at us all the time trying to dictate what and who we ought to be. The Bible is an identity narrative. It reveals who God created us to be, how we've missed the mark of our true identity, and God's plan for restoring us to our true selves in Christ.
3/7/202053 minutes, 57 seconds
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Give Space

The best marriages are those in which each one's freedom and individuality are cherished. The surest way to kill love is to try to control it. The husband’s number one job is to protect the wife from his control, and the wife’s number one job is to protect the husband from her control.
2/8/202047 minutes, 16 seconds
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Pure Religion

“Religion” is not a word that has a good ring to it, because so much bad religion has owned it. But the Bible tells us exactly that good religion is, by telling us what it does. And what it does is the most beautiful thing ever: it cares for the needs of the most vulnerable people in the world—parentless children.
2/1/202050 minutes, 10 seconds
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Yes, It's Time to Freak Out!

Broken trust—by means of wrongdoing on the part of those who are in political, financial, and religious power—will lead to the complete collapse of the world system. Bible prophecy warns that the consolidation of power and wealth will inevitably lead to the backlash of revolution and violence.
1/25/202054 minutes, 41 seconds
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On April 4, 1968, a shot was fired in Memphis, Tennessee, and a prophet of God was killed. In this message we remember Martin Luther King Jr by revisiting the horrific history that led up to the Civil Rights movement and we identify what made Dr. King such a powerful figure in the movement: a singular combination of prophetic clarity and nonviolent love.
1/18/202041 minutes, 53 seconds
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1/4/202038 minutes, 29 seconds
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A Kingdom is Launched

As soon and the Christ Child was born, the powers of evil flew into a murderous rage and sought to end Him before He even got started. They failed and He proceeded to launch a kingdom unlike any the world has ever known.
12/21/201952 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Idolatry of Sex

Our sexual utopia has gradually become a sexual dystopia. By detaching sex from love, we have reduced it to a mere animal act. As a result, we are witnessing the apocalypse of human sexuality. Objectification has given way to commodification, which is now giving way to depersonalization. But you are more than your sexuality. Much more!
11/23/201952 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Idolatry of Poverty

Many Christians shy away from wealth because they associate it with excess and evil. Society spends wealth as fast as it can. On the whole, the West has had an obsession with poverty. Not only does God not condemn wealth, He wants us to have wealth to expand His kingdom. But how do we avoid the pitfalls of false piety and materialism?
10/19/201941 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Idolatry of Pleasure

God created us to experience pleasure. What happens when we put the gifts of God in the place of God in our lives.
10/5/201927 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Idolatry of the Best

It’s easy to get caught up in the idolatry of becoming the "best" and being focused on building your own legacy. If we are not careful, we will become the center of our own universe.
9/21/201925 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Face of God

8/17/201947 minutes, 42 seconds
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Unleashing Your Potential

The genius is not a special kind of person, rather each person is a special kind of genius. Each member of the church is gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve the needs of others and advance the good news of God’s love to the world.
6/29/201943 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Identity Incubator

The church is an incubator for the development of healthy human beings. The traumas of life shut us down. The love of God opens us up. The church exists to communicate God’s healing love.
6/22/201939 minutes, 57 seconds
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My Father's Son

6/15/201931 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Most Dangerous People in the World

Jesus is the most dangerous person in history because He threatens the destruction of this world’s self-serving systems. The most dangerous people in the world are those who actually believe His message.
5/25/201957 minutes, 45 seconds
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The (Un)Christian Culture

Ontologically and culturally, God relocated to where we are. The church should do the same with the world. We should get as close to the world as we can without sinning or apostatizing.
5/4/201948 minutes, 41 seconds
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Pura Vida

4/13/201933 minutes, 16 seconds
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Get Out!

“Get out!” With those words, God launched His church with an ancient man named Abram, and the movement to “get out” continues today. Real Christianity is a cycle-breaking enterprise of revolutionary proportions.
3/23/201943 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Upside Down

If the church is merely an extension of the world's value system of greed and political power-mongering, then the church is unnecessary.
3/16/201935 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Recurring Dream

3/2/20191 hour, 1 minute, 55 seconds
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Do You Have a Mandate?

Before Jesus left, His parting words commissioned us to go and make disciples. What does that look like today within the church of the twenty-first century? How can we live out our mandate in intentional discipleship with those around us?
2/23/201935 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Parakletos

The Holy Spirit operates within the realm of human intellect, memory and emotion, calling, attracting, wooing us back in God’s love. C.S. Lewis heard from the Spirit and became "the most reluctant convert in all England.”
2/9/20191 hour, 57 seconds
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The Logos

The Greeks sensed that there must be some underlying logic and meaning to life and called it the “logos.” Jesus is the Logos in the flesh. Antony Flew found the Logos inescapable.
2/2/20191 hour, 58 seconds
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The Shema

According to the biblical story, God is a social unit of self-giving love, Father, Son, and Spirit. In this message, we encounter the Father as we consider the case of Bertrand Russell.
1/26/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 25 seconds
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Toxic Masculinity

1/19/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 1 second
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1/12/201940 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Art of Fulfilling Your Dreams

1/5/201958 minutes, 12 seconds
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Born Again

12/29/201839 minutes, 27 seconds
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Jesus: First Responder

12/8/201840 minutes, 6 seconds
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Of Monsters And Men

10/27/201846 minutes, 20 seconds
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Of Monsters And Men

10/27/201846 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Antidote

10/13/201830 minutes, 7 seconds
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When You've Been Hurt

9/29/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 33 seconds
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Long Distance Love

9/15/201837 minutes, 51 seconds
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We Are One

9/8/201823 minutes, 17 seconds
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Calculating Creatures

8/25/201846 minutes, 3 seconds
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An Oath in Blood

8/11/201838 minutes, 31 seconds
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Words Like Daggers

6/23/201830 minutes, 22 seconds
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Tears on the Border of Fatherhood

6/16/201843 minutes, 21 seconds
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Hesitation Marks

6/9/201853 minutes, 31 seconds
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Love Reveals Itself

6/2/201837 minutes, 18 seconds
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A Terrifying System

4/28/201848 minutes, 15 seconds
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Flickering Flame

4/21/201851 minutes, 42 seconds
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Follower of Jesus

4/14/201855 minutes, 26 seconds
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Humanity 2.0

3/31/201847 minutes, 49 seconds
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Shift Happens

3/17/201859 minutes, 42 seconds
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We are engineered to move. God gave us a direction to move in, gave us a reason why and told us how. All of us, regardless of our circumstances, have the ability and freedom to move towards others and add value to their lives. God is less concerned with our usefulness than He is with our value and is asking us to share this idea with others by moving in close.
2/24/201840 minutes, 49 seconds
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The universe is wired to give. So are you. Scripture says there is “more happiness in giving than in receiving.” Generous people experience better health, increased confidence, less stress, a stronger sense of purpose, enhanced relationships, etc.God, the most generous being in the universe, invites you to join in His mission of extravagant generosity. Why? He knows it will help you (and others) become more fully alive.
2/17/201859 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Pharisees called Jesus “a friend of sinners” as an insult, but He took it as a compliment, because at the core of His mission is the goal of saving us by befriending us. He knows that in order to be “Fully Alive” we must be fully engaged with God and other human beings.
2/10/201850 minutes, 39 seconds
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Our physical bodies require nutritional intake on a daily basis, and let's be honest, food is amazing. How much more so do our spiritual bodies need the nutrients of God’s word? Much more! But how does someone consume the Word of God and allow its nutrients to fuel their lives? Listen in and receive a practical tool on how someone can eat God’s Word and live more fully alive.
2/3/201833 minutes, 32 seconds
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Sometimes it’s scary to let go. But you can only live fully alive if you’re willing to detox your life. For best results, you must think of detox as an act of generosity toward yourself. God, the most generous being in the universe, wants to lead you through a gentle detoxification process. His goal is to empower you to let go of the things that do not bring you joy. The best part? He never takes anything away without providing something better.
1/27/201848 minutes, 48 seconds
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Still in the Flesh

Jesus came forth from the grave still bearing our humanity. The Incarnate One is still incarnate. He is “not ashamed to call us brethren.” God entered into eternal solidarity with us as a model for the church entering into solidarity with the world as the real power of the gospel to win our hearts.
12/30/201727 minutes, 45 seconds
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Prophetic Whispers

Old Testament prophets foretold that the Messiah would come as a deliverer of the captives and a mender of broken hearts, to establish a new kind of kingdom: “The government shall be upon His shoulders.”
12/2/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 11 seconds
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Social Contagion

11/25/201742 minutes, 34 seconds
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What Manner of Grace

10/14/201746 minutes, 27 seconds
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A Weakly Service Announcement

9/23/201732 minutes, 40 seconds
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Echoes of Eve

9/16/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 33 seconds
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A Different Kind of Sacrifice

9/2/201753 minutes, 6 seconds
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Bliss Beyond the Door

8/26/201737 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Brutal Wakeup Call

8/19/201749 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Love Ambush

8/12/201750 minutes, 54 seconds
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Necessary Unbelief

7/22/201748 minutes, 24 seconds
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Coming True

6/24/201746 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Me Inside of Me

5/27/201737 minutes, 56 seconds
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Astronomical Love

In this message, we take a journey through the astronomical heavens in order to discover God's astronomical love. Download Ty's slides using the link above.
5/20/201754 minutes, 10 seconds
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Livin' On The Edge

Loneliness is a seldom talked about topic. There's a lot of shame involved, but not talking about it is dangerous. You're not alone in being alone and through the realization of God's Word, we're never truly alone!
5/6/201759 minutes, 29 seconds
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Jesus and the Easter Bunny

For many, the resurrection of Jesus is just a myth—a fairy tale passed down to us, like Cupid, the Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunny. But the Gospel of John seeks to prove that Jesus was real, that He lived, died on the cross, and rose from the dead. We just have to turn around and look a little closer.
4/15/201743 minutes, 45 seconds
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New Life in Jesus

Jesus' love unlocks our hearts so He can take away our shame and sin. As we let ourselves be seen, love with our whole hearts, and lean into the joy, we become the creation we were intended to be. We are free to explore who we can be in Jesus.
4/8/201739 minutes, 12 seconds
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When Jesus Put Shame to Shame

Is there anything you feel ashamed of? Your appearance, performance, or past mistakes? Discover how Jesus feels about you in your most embarrassing moments.
4/1/201743 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Beauty of Worship

We are called upon by Scripture to bring artistic beauty into our worship of God. This message explores the place of aesthetic arts in our approach to and our representation of God.
3/4/201754 minutes, 30 seconds
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Talking to God

What if prayer is not a means to an end, but an end in itself?
2/11/201736 minutes, 19 seconds
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Worship Gone Wrong

True worship is the act of accurately assessing God's character and ascribing worthiness to Him for who He is. All false worship happens on the premise of false conceptions of God's character. False worship systems of ancient times deified power, money, and sex, giving to them names like Mars, Plutus, and Aphrodite. Power, money, and sex are still the prominent gods of our time. In this message, Ty explores that fact that we become like the gods we worship, and presents by contrast the God revealed in Christ as alone worthy of our worship.
2/4/201750 minutes, 42 seconds
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Jesus Loves His Church

For a significant portion of the world, the word “Christian” is basically a synonym for a judgmental bigot. Unfortunately, this stereotype of the professed followers of Christ is too often true. The Jesus of the church and the Jesus of the Bible are regularly light-years apart. But in this sermon, Yamil breaks down the three parables of Luke 15 and reveals how God relates to humanity with a love so scandalous, it shocks us all. And it’s a love He wants His church to have too.
1/21/201757 minutes, 51 seconds
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Tabitha the Great

We are familiar with the famous towering figures of the Bible, those we would enlist in the Hall of Faith. But there are other players in the biblical narrative that defy our notions of what it means to be a great Christian. In Acts 9, Luke introduces us to Tabitha (or, Dorcas). She is an unfamiliar name; she is not famous and is rarely mentioned. Yet she exemplifies a different kind of greatness, one we can all resonate with. Tabitha challenges to resist the tendency of waiting for some extraordinary thing to do, and instead, to do ordinary things in extraordinary ways.
1/14/201738 minutes, 3 seconds
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God's Love and Jesus' Death

12/31/201656 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Love of a Father

12/17/201628 minutes, 35 seconds
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When God Has Beef

12/3/201645 minutes, 57 seconds
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Faith Through the Fire

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Hosea's Heartbreak

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Bold Before the Throne

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Ruth and the Kinsman

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Little Boy Samuel

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The Prophet for Profit

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Moses and Economics

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Moses and Moral Development

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Jethro and the Power of Weakness

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Aaron's Golden Calf

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Called by God

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Joseph: Kiss the Trauma Goodbye

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Isaac and Rebekah and Epigenetics

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Father Abraham

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Nimrod and His Tower

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The Image of Adam

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Eve and Her Daughters

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Adam and the Space Between

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The ancient Greeks believed that all of reality is undergirded by one essential principle of truth that forms the basis for all rational thought. They called it “the logos.” The bold claim of the New Testament is that the logos became flesh in Jesus Christ.
41 minutes
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The Counter-Kingdom

Going to a library might lead you to believe there are millions of stories in the world, but perhaps there’s really only one story being told by human history. It’s called the myth of redemptive violence: to win in life, you must be stronger, fight harder, and move faster. Good guys conquer bad guys with more force and violence. But then Jesus comes along and tells a completely different story: the way to move up in the world is to go down, the way to lead is to serve, and the way to conquer is through sacrifice.
11/19/202249 minutes, 50 seconds
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Not only are we joint heirs with Christ of “all things” and invited to rule and reign with Him over the entire universe, He has asked us to be His eternal bride. We are invited into the most beautiful love imaginable.
6/4/202235 minutes, 22 seconds
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Posttraumatic Growth

Everyone’s talking about trauma these days. The increased understanding of its impact upon human functioning has been largely helpful, with one caveat–it can sometimes leave us feeling permanently damaged. This is why in this message we will turn to a body of biblical and scientific data showing the benefits that can come through trauma. Bitter or better? The choice is ours.
4/30/202232 minutes, 42 seconds
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Juggling Judging

According to Jesus, judging people is a bad thing. But why is it bad? Well, according to Jesus, judging others is bad because it blinds us to our own condition and prevents us from engaging in spiritual growth. In the end, all judgment backfires on ourselves.
3/12/202255 minutes, 10 seconds
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Blessed Are the Unblessed

With the beatitudes, Jesus pronounced His covenant blessing upon the most unlikely people. Those who found themselves on the outside of the religious system looking in suddenly found themselves invited to the front row. Suddenly and unexpectedly, those at the lowest level of the social hierarchy were acknowledged by none other than God Himself as the very ones who would turn the world upside down with the gospel.
1/29/202253 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Bible says our life is short, like a mist that passes through the air and vanishes away. Then what? In this session we will allow the Bible to paint the most beautiful picture imaginable of the new heavens and new earth that God has planned for us.
1/15/202219 minutes, 53 seconds
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Some people believe that millions if not billions of people will be tortured in flames for all eternity. Does this idea line up with the idea that “God is love”? In this session we will discover what the Bible teaches regarding hell and make the surprising discovery that even this topic persuades us that God is good and beautiful.
1/8/202229 minutes
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Spiritual Spies and False Followers

It is a sad truth that wherever Jesus is setting people free with God's unconditional love, there will always be individuals who feel it is their God-ordained mission to pull them back into bondage. Paul says you can identify these “false brethren” by the fact that they seek to “compel” others with their views.
10/9/202155 minutes, 18 seconds
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Are You Kidding Me?

Are You Kidding Me?As Paul opens his letter to the Galatians, it is evident that he is fired up, even angry. Something terrible is happening to people he loves dearly and has led to Christ, and he hits the issue head-on. Along the way, he reminds them that Christ, by His death, launched a new Exodus for the whole world and it is utter foolishness to turn back.
10/2/20211 hour, 55 seconds
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Is God a Sadistic Monster?

Is God a Sadistic Monster? We all know that torture is wrong. We regard a person as evil if they deliberately inflict physical pain on another human being. And yet, the popular Christian doctrine of Hell claims God subjects countless people to torture for all eternity. In this message we discover that the Bible teaches no such thing.
9/4/202150 minutes, 38 seconds
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Is God an Arbitrary Tyrant?

Is God an Arbitrary Tyrant?The answer, according to popular Christian doctrine is, Yes. It is not surprising that so many thinking and feeling people have turned away from Christianity. The horrific combination of predestination and eternal torment has driven many people straight in to atheism.
8/28/202155 minutes, 32 seconds
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Are you a fruit lover? Well, guess who else is. God! Jesus Himself said it this way: “When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father” (John 15:8, NLT).
7/3/202145 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Become Beautiful

You loving God and God loving you is not the full Christian experience. God actually wants you to change the way you relate to other people. In part 6 of our series, Power Dynamics, a study through Ephesians, we look at Paul's explanation of the practical implications of God's love. How should this love change our relationships?
5/8/20211 hour, 59 seconds
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More Than Words

Between 70 and 93% of all communication is nonverbal. Your posture, your attitude, your tone of voice, the look in your eyes, all communicate. Words are actually the smaller part of communication and love is the universal language nobody can refute.
11/21/202040 minutes, 37 seconds
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I Forgive You, But I Don’t Trust You

When Jesus commands His followers to “forgive,” He’s not telling them to feel something, He’s telling them to do something. You can literally call the police on someone, press charges, put them in prison, while simultaneously forgiving them.
10/3/202047 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Gospel According to Marvin Gaye

It is a law of reality that the truth always floats to the surface of human consciousness. With Rolling Stone Magazine naming Marvin Gaye’s “What’s Going On” the greatest album of all time, the gospel and the Second Coming of Christ are unexpectedly brought to prominence.
9/26/202034 minutes, 33 seconds
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Jesus Was A Politician

Jesus was a politician. Yes, you read that right. Now brace yourself and process the implications in this message.
9/19/202038 minutes, 56 seconds
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Disruptive Miracles

Benjamin Lundquist shares a powerful message on our need to lay down excuses, embrace disruptions, and step forward into God’s call for our life.
9/5/202039 minutes, 9 seconds
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A Strange Case of Mistaken Identity

The Bible is the story of two distinct human identities. The first is defined by deception, broken trust, and shame, the second by truth, trust, and innocence.
8/22/202056 minutes, 27 seconds
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Justice Deferred is Violence Invited

Bible prophecy foretold that a demon-possessed Christianity would generate massive wealth for the nations by making merchandise of humans and thereby bring upon itself violent retribution. Jesus is the original non-violent protester. His death on the cross conquered the violence of both the oppressor and the oppressed.
6/27/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 54 seconds
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One Idea That Will Radically Change Your Future

In 1963 an experiment was conducted that revealed one of the most powerful insights ever discovered. But 2000 years ago the apostle Paul understood this profound reality.
5/23/202028 minutes, 25 seconds
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Do What You Want To Feel

The mantra of our time is, “If you don’t feel it, don’t do it.” Countless people in our feelings-obsessed culture follow their feelings straight into divorce. But the fact is, feelings follow actions wherever actions lead. Actions of love will produce feelings of love.
5/2/202024 minutes, 36 seconds
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Life Has A Name

Modern scientists are discovering that love is the underlying law of life, but they don’t know why. The biblical storyline claims to know why: God is love and God made humanity in His own image. When Jesus declared, “I am the resurrection and the life,” He laid claim to life itself as His domain. He is the author of the love that makes life worth living. Life centered in Jesus is life centered in love.
4/11/202036 minutes, 49 seconds
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Scarier Than Coronavirus

In Matthew 24, Jesus warned that as the end of human history approaches a number of signs will increase in frequency and intensity. The spread of contagious diseases is in His list. The coronavirus it's pretty scary for a lot of people, but according to Jesus there is something even scarier than the coronavirus. What is the sign of the end of the world that we should be most concerned about?
2/29/202045 minutes, 39 seconds
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To understand love and be able to extend it to the ones we love we must enter a sacred space with our creator where we are willing to explore ourselves with grace and compassion. This act of thoughtful deconstruction ultimately leads to an acceptance of how well we are loved by our Creator and allows us to transform ourselves and our relationships.
2/15/202027 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Idolatry of Power

Idolatry of Nation is the most dangerous force in world history and the most serious threat to the mission of the church.
10/26/201954 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Unholy Trinity

There are three primary means by which human beings are dehumanized: power, money and sex. These are the three great idols of our world. In the kingdom of God, power, money and sex are subordinate to love.
10/12/201944 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Originals

In the dark fiction of vampire legend, there are those who are known as “The Originals.” These are those who first transitioned from humans to vampires. Yeah, it's fiction. But every fiction contains elements of truth.
9/7/201951 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Happiness Illusion

Our culture is obsessed with personal happiness. But what if there is no such thing. What if the only actual happiness available is in direct relation to the happiness of others?
8/24/201937 minutes, 9 seconds
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I Spy

8/3/201935 minutes, 13 seconds
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The One Percent

7/27/201943 minutes, 11 seconds
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Storyboard Your Life

7/20/201955 minutes, 50 seconds
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Street Cred

What we say is only as believable as what we do. Love alone gives credibility to our witness for Christ. The church’s street cred is lost when our loyalties are given to hurtful political agendas.
7/13/201950 minutes, 45 seconds
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Gospel Principles & Promises

5/18/201941 minutes, 59 seconds
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Table of Strangers

Our world is divided. Tribalism, nationalism, and denominationalism define humanity. The church is called to be a table where strangers meet and find common ground.
4/27/201935 minutes, 6 seconds
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One of the greatest illusions of the human mind is that “I am here and you are over there.” The truth is, we’re all connected. “Us vs them” is a patently false construct of reality.
4/20/201941 minutes, 58 seconds
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Crashing Systems

Both capitalism and socialism have pros and cons, but both systems are prone to corruption and ultimately unsustainable. The church is called to operate by an alternative economic system defined by the positive elements of both.
4/6/201946 minutes, 39 seconds
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Tell The Story

12/22/201824 minutes, 6 seconds
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11/17/201851 minutes, 58 seconds
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By Heart

11/10/201845 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Dilemma of Denial

11/3/201843 minutes, 51 seconds
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8/4/201830 minutes, 33 seconds
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Making You Like Me

7/28/201834 minutes, 46 seconds
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Weaponizing Religion

7/21/201845 minutes, 13 seconds
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Becoming Yourself

7/14/201847 minutes, 9 seconds
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Love Reveals Itself

6/2/201837 minutes, 18 seconds
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No Other Name

5/26/201857 minutes, 32 seconds
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Mirror Neurons and Moms

5/12/201833 minutes, 13 seconds
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Open Your Mind Open Your Heart

4/7/201828 minutes, 3 seconds
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Up And Up Close

3/24/201839 minutes, 5 seconds
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Dashed Hopes

Israel's messianic hopes took on the form of political and military aspirations. By the time Jesus came, nobody expected a suffering Messiah who would advance an agenda of enemy-love in place of enemy-conquest. Jesus dashed their expectations of a military empire in order to rebuild in their hearts a different kind of hope for a different kind of kingdom, one established on love and not violence.
12/9/201747 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Blessing

11/18/201751 minutes, 48 seconds
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Cutting Deep Into God

11/11/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Many Shoes Does God Have?

11/4/201758 minutes, 52 seconds
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Still Protesting

10/28/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 52 seconds
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Our Spaghetti Universe

10/7/201748 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Wrath of the Lamb

8/5/201746 minutes, 4 seconds
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Donuts and Ding Dongs

7/1/201754 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Second Law of Thermodynamics

The world is fast moving toward entropy, while God looks at the disorder of self and the view that we are "junk" and longs to restore our parts. Jesus the Restorer patiently collects our parts to cut, weld, paint, and polish to repair us back to vibrant life. He restores us back to useful service through His love and passion.
6/3/201748 minutes, 8 seconds
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Bless the Lord O My Soul

As humans, we have been building walls between each other ever since we left the Garden of Eden. We each wear our favorite mask. But what happens when we fully understand the love of Jesus? Can we let others in past those walls?
5/13/201722 minutes, 54 seconds
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Stormy With A Chance of Memory Loss

Everyone has storms in their lives at times that make them lose hope and faith. Even though the Bible records our forefathers' great moments of faith, it also records the moments where they failed and where God lovingly asked them, “What are you doing here?”
4/22/201735 minutes, 23 seconds
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All That I Am

Worship isn't a part of our lives. It is the very definition of every act we perform. The human being is a worshipping creature. All that we do is directed to ourselves or to God.
3/18/201751 minutes, 30 seconds
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Giving to God

We worship with our money. In this message, Ty lays out the bold proposition that, “Apart from giving, a person ceases to be a viable part of creation." A human being is, by divine design, a giver. You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.
3/11/201735 minutes, 45 seconds
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Listening to God

Most of us understand the concept of prayer: it’s talking to God. But in order for a relationship to exist, there has to be a two-way dialogue; we need to listen to God speak as well. This part of the deal isn’t always very easy. Most of us don’t hear God speak audibly, and we tend to worry about the ones who claim they do. But God does want to communicate with us, so how can we hear Him better? In this message, Yamil breaks down in a practical way how we can be in tune with the voice of God.
2/25/201747 minutes, 6 seconds
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Solomon Plays With Fire

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The Man Behind God's Heart

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Now Samson Saw a Woman

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Moses and the Rule of Law

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The Day Death Died

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Jacob and Quantum Growth

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From the Valley to the Mountains

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Do You Want To Be Made Well?

In this message, Jeffrey Rosario revisits John 5 to reflect on the story of Jesus’ encounter with the paralytic at the pool of Bethesda.
43 minutes, 9 seconds
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Family Feud

Jacob’s life of struggle continues. By this time, we are not surprised. His sister-wives and many children, and especially their feuding, are adding to his struggle. Furthermore, Laban’s consistent dishonesty and manipulation drive Jacob to a difficult but unavoidable decision: he must leave Padan Aram and return to his homeland, though risking death at the hands of Esau! Incredibly, through this giant and relatable mess, the children of Israel are on the verge of becoming a nation…
2/25/20231 hour, 9 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Faking of a Man

Jacob’s life contains many of the best-known stories in all of Scripture, and this study looks at one of them: Jacob’s deception of his aging and visually-imparied father, Isaac, under the enthusiastic advisement of his mother, Rebekah. Jacob’s choice to trick his father and deceitfully secure the coveted blessing will change his life forever. For the modern reader, there’s a great deal to learn and personally apply from this ancient story.
2/4/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 37 seconds
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Contours of the Covenant

We tend to think of righteousness in terms of personal, moral piety, but that’s not how the biblical authors understood it. Righteousness toward God means healed social relations and righting wrongs with people. The story of Cornelius and Peter illustrates that, for the church to embrace God’s covenant, we must participate in the breaking down of social, political, and racial walls.
11/12/202249 minutes, 5 seconds
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Father Abraham and His Kids

Father Abraham had many sons, but why do we care? The biblical authors were obsessed with the story of Abraham and his family. In fact, you can’t really understand what’s happening in the New Testament if you don’t understand the story of Abraham. When we study his story, we find God’s call for Abraham (and for us today) was never regional or exclusive but always global and inclusive—for everyone.
11/5/202246 minutes, 31 seconds
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Father Abraham and His Kids

Father Abraham had many sons, but why do we care? The biblical authors were obsessed with the story of Abraham and his family. In fact, you can’t really understand what’s happening in the New Testament if you don’t understand the story of Abraham. When we study his story, we find God’s call for Abraham (and for us today) was never regional or exclusive but always global and inclusive—for everyone.
11/5/202246 minutes, 31 seconds
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The First Gospel Promise

The Bible is all about...babies? God’s original plan for humans centered on us growing, flourishing, and populating the world. But Adam and Eve sinned, and it was both a moral and governmental fall. God’s answer? He promised to send a Baby—the Baby—who would grow up to become a Man and win back the world, not as God but as God in man, to give it back to man.
10/29/202247 minutes, 49 seconds
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The First Gospel Promise

The Bible is all about...babies? God’s original plan for humans centered on us growing, flourishing, and populating the world. But Adam and Eve sinned, and it was both a moral and governmental fall. God’s answer? He promised to send a Baby—the Baby—who would grow up to become a Man and win back the world, not as God but as God in man, to give it back to man.
10/29/202247 minutes, 49 seconds
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Imagine a jar positioned directly under a waterfall. What happens? The jar is continually filling and overflowing at the same time. This is the rich image communicated in the Greek word perisseuo. Jesus is the waterfall and you are the jar.
10/8/202242 minutes, 46 seconds
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Jesus came to “save” us. But what does that mean? Going to heaven rather than hell when we die? The Greek word for salvation is sozo, and it has far more to do with our present experience in this world than what happens after this life is over.
9/17/202236 minutes, 56 seconds
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Our culture is obsessed with “love.” But often what the world calls “love” is little more than temporary attraction. What does the New Testament mean when it says, “God is love”? The answer lies in the Greek word agape.
9/10/202240 minutes, 42 seconds
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You. Follow.

Peter thought he was done. He had failed the greatest test of discipleship. Jesus invites him on a walk by the beach, and back to himself.
8/27/202232 minutes, 47 seconds
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Wounded Healers

The call to discipleship is a call to community. In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus calls us to see ourselves as a community of wounded healers.
8/20/202234 minutes, 11 seconds
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Born. Again.

Jesus said to Nicodemus that to see The Kingdom, he must be born again. What did Jesus mean, and how do we experience this new birth as modern day disciples?
8/13/202240 minutes, 9 seconds
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Counting the Cost

Jesus made no qualms about the cost of discipleship. He made sure his listeners understood it would cost them everything to follow, even their lives. With such a seemingly high cost, what makes following Jesus worth it?
8/6/202235 minutes, 29 seconds
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When Jesus called His first Disciples to follow Him, he made them a promise. This promise involved more than professions. It was a call to redefine their identity.
7/30/202242 minutes, 50 seconds
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Paradigm Shift

What is discipleship? It is a term that is used often to describe the Christian life, but do we truly understand what Jesus had in mind when He called His disciples, and by extension us, to this Journey? Or do we need a paradigm shift?
7/23/202240 minutes, 30 seconds
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New Jerusalem: More than Eden Restored

Through four stories about bread, we glimpse God’s welcome extended to all nations. This story culminates with something better than a return to Eden.
7/16/202233 minutes, 49 seconds
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Jesus: The Presence of God Actualized

Through the ministry of Jesus, the presence of God was once again available—”God with us!” In Jesus, we witness the restoration of all God has planned for us from the beginning.
7/2/202225 minutes, 34 seconds
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Abraham: The Journey Back to Eden Begins

When our first parents tragically misused their freedom, alienation replaced intimacy. Humanity rejected their created purpose and was driven east of Eden. With Abraham, God set in motion His plan to welcome humanity back into His presence.
6/18/202225 minutes, 34 seconds
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Eden: The First Cosmic Sanctuary

Planet earth was originally created by God as a sanctuary to host His presence with humanity. The garden Eden was the place where heaven and earth met and God’s presence flowed out to the world.
6/11/202229 minutes, 59 seconds
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Not only are we joint heirs with Christ of “all things” and invited to rule and reign with Him over the entire universe, He has asked us to be His eternal bride. We are invited into the most beautiful love imaginable.
6/4/202235 minutes, 22 seconds
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An actual human being is seated upon the throne of the universe at the right hand of God. His name is Jesus and He is our eternal brother in the flesh. Just as He occupies throne status with the Father, He has invited us to occupy throne status with Him.
5/28/202232 minutes, 58 seconds
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You are an heir, according to the gospel, and your inheritance is mind boggling. As if being eternally saved isn’t amazing enough, God has promised to give “all things” to His redeemed children.
5/21/202239 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Mighty Power of Awed

God tells us to stand in awe of Him. And this is right, for He is God, the illimitable, unfathomable Creator and Sustainer of all that is. Worshiping Him, we take a shape for which He ingeniously designed us, availing ourselves of the global health benefits of syncing with that design. This message will shine a light on the awesomeness of awe.
5/14/202225 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Power of Belonging

Loneliness is pandemic. Even when surrounded by people we can fail to connect in meaningful ways. This message shows not only the blessings wrapped up in human connection, but the choices that lead to it.
5/7/202236 minutes, 12 seconds
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Growth Mindset

God really does want us to be happy. But there’s a rub. If He prioritized our temporal happiness over all else, He could never address the big-picture exigencies of the cosmic conflict. This message will help us reset our priorities to align with God’s purposes and promises.
4/23/202232 minutes, 2 seconds
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Such a Shame

Can we live conscientious, careful lives without being bogged down with overwhelming guilt and shame? Yes, we can. God gave us the conscience as a blessing, not a curse. The point of the gospel is that God's grace takes away our sin. Who, then is rubbing our faces in it? Certainly not Him!
4/16/202227 minutes, 35 seconds
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Dealings with Feelings

We want to live by principle, so we regard emotions as obstacles to righteousness. But could our feelings be reframed? How about raw power to be channeled, and colorful experiences to be appreciated? This message helps us rediscover the wonder of being made in the image of a deep-feeling God.
4/9/202225 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Why of Joy

We want to be cheerful, but not delusional. Are positive feelings in the midst of human brokenness warranted? Is there a positivity that is fully grounded in reality? This message walks us through the biblical reasons for joy.
4/2/202233 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Coming Crash

Jesus closes His Sermon on the Mount with a parable that encapsulates the contrast between the two structures of life we can build. The wise man built his house on the rock and the fool on sand. What are these two foundations? And which one am I building on?
3/26/202246 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Narrow Gate

The straight path and the narrow gate of which Jesus speaks, according to His own context, is the way of non-judgmental love, non-violent response to evil, love of neighbor, and love of enemy.
3/19/202256 minutes, 57 seconds
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Money Matters

Jesus talked a lot about money, but not in the way many religious leaders talk about money. Jesus wasn't trying to get people to give Him money but rather to get people to understand that the way they handle money reveals what's going on in their hearts. As a general rule, your life will follow the trajectory of your financial pursuits.
3/5/202257 minutes, 34 seconds
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Blessed Are the Unblessed

With the beatitudes, Jesus pronounced His covenant blessing upon the most unlikely people. Those who found themselves on the outside of the religious system looking in suddenly found themselves invited to the front row. Suddenly and unexpectedly, those at the lowest level of the social hierarchy were acknowledged by none other than God Himself as the very ones who would turn the world upside down with the gospel.
1/29/202253 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Bible says our life is short, like a mist that passes through the air and vanishes away. Then what? In this session we will allow the Bible to paint the most beautiful picture imaginable of the new heavens and new earth that God has planned for us.
1/15/202219 minutes, 53 seconds
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Some people believe that millions if not billions of people will be tortured in flames for all eternity. Does this idea line up with the idea that “God is love”? In this session we will discover what the Bible teaches regarding hell and make the surprising discovery that even this topic persuades us that God is good and beautiful.
1/8/202229 minutes
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Law and Sin

Sin at first looks like freedom but gradually leads to greater and greater restriction. God’s law at first looks like restriction and gradually leads to greater and greater freedom. What does the Bible actually teach us about these two important topics?
12/18/202118 minutes, 54 seconds
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When you hear the word, “God,” what do you think? What do you feel? Are they positive thoughts and feelings or negative ones? We will discover that the one true God is radically different than popular religion has made God out to be, and radically beautiful, too.
12/11/202121 minutes, 1 second
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When you hear the word, “God,” what do you think? What do you feel? Are they positive thoughts and feelings or negative ones? We will discover that the one true God is radically different than popular religion has made God out to be, and radically beautiful, too.
12/11/202121 minutes, 1 second
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Paul foretold that Christianity would undergo a “great falling away”—an apostasy—from the pure gospel of Christ. John foretold that the church would prostitute itself to the state and use the power of the state to force its will on the world. History reveals that this is exactly what happened. It is vital then, to distinguish between Christ and Christianity.
12/4/202129 minutes, 55 seconds
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Paul foretold that Christianity would undergo a “great falling away”—an apostasy—from the pure gospel of Christ. John foretold that the church would prostitute itself to the state and use the power of the state to force its will on the world. History reveals that this is exactly what happened. It is vital then, to distinguish between Christ and Christianity.
12/4/202129 minutes, 55 seconds
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Live Out Your Liberty

Paul explains that Christ has already accomplished the salvation of humanity apart from anything we might do to earn His favor. Now it’s just a matter of believing and living that reality. You are free, so live free.
11/13/20211 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
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They Want to Exclude You

Legalism drives exclusion, division, and hostility. The gospel of Christ is all about inclusion, unity, and love. The world operates in ways that create polarized groups. The gospel invites everyone into a new shared identity in Christ.
11/6/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 2 seconds
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They Want to Exclude You

Legalism drives exclusion, division, and hostility. The gospel of Christ is all about inclusion, unity, and love. The world operates in ways that create polarized groups. The gospel invites everyone into a new shared identity in Christ.
11/6/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 2 seconds
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There Is No Them

Everyone who identifies with Christ by faith is a child of Abraham and an heir of all that was promised to Abraham. Paul wants us to understand that the law excludes nobody because the Messiah has embraced everybody. So, then, what purpose does the law serve? Paul answers the question with absolute clarity.
10/30/202157 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Curse Reversed

Paul says Jesus bore “the curse of the law” for us. What does this mean? In this session, we explore God's covenant relationship with Abraham, and through Abraham with humanity and the difference between a penal curse and a covenant curse.
10/23/20211 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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Spiritual Spies and False Followers

It is a sad truth that wherever Jesus is setting people free with God's unconditional love, there will always be individuals who feel it is their God-ordained mission to pull them back into bondage. Paul says you can identify these “false brethren” by the fact that they seek to “compel” others with their views.
10/9/202155 minutes, 18 seconds
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Are You Kidding Me?

Are You Kidding Me?As Paul opens his letter to the Galatians, it is evident that he is fired up, even angry. Something terrible is happening to people he loves dearly and has led to Christ, and he hits the issue head-on. Along the way, he reminds them that Christ, by His death, launched a new Exodus for the whole world and it is utter foolishness to turn back.
10/2/20211 hour, 55 seconds
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Is God an Arbitrary Tyrant?

Is God an Arbitrary Tyrant?The answer, according to popular Christian doctrine is, Yes. It is not surprising that so many thinking and feeling people have turned away from Christianity. The horrific combination of predestination and eternal torment has driven many people straight in to atheism.
8/28/202155 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is God an Egomaniac?

Why does God tell us to worship Him, praise Him, exalt Him? Seriously, what’s that all about? Is God insecure? Does He have a fragile ego? Does He need to be told how great He is for His sake? Or is there something deeper going on here?
8/14/202133 minutes, 53 seconds
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The God of the Living

In our third and final part the Life and Death series we see that the line that separates the living from the dead is blurrier than it at first appears. Incredibly, according to Scripture, there are those that are alive and yet are already dead; too, there are those that appear to be dead, but whom God regards as quite alive! A little confused? Watch this concluding sermon and you won’t be.
7/31/202152 minutes, 8 seconds
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I Am Ready to be Poured Out

In this new three-part series we take a look at the biblical perspective of life and, especially, death. Part one addresses the looming reality that is death. Coming face to face with our own mortality can be disorienting. The apostle Paul wrote to his young friend and student Timothy: "I am ready to be poured out like a drink offering" and "my time is at hand." In this first presentation we use this passage from 2Timothy 4 to begin our exploration of death from a biblical perspective.
7/17/202154 minutes, 41 seconds
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Are you a fruit lover? Well, guess who else is. God! Jesus Himself said it this way: “When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father” (John 15:8, NLT).
7/3/202145 minutes, 39 seconds
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This presentation is all about identity. Did you know that there are 60,000 different species of tree in the world? What lessons are there for us contained in this incredible variety? Is there such a thing as an “average” tree? Or an “average” person? This presentation will definitely have you thinking in a new and encouraging way!
6/26/202145 minutes, 6 seconds
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The roots of a tree or a plant serve several essential functions. In this presentation, we take a closer look at two of those functions: anchoring and absorbing.
6/19/202140 minutes, 32 seconds
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Vanquishing Evil

According to Paul, we live in a world that is under attack from demonic "rulers and authorities" that operate on the spiritual plane of reality. Our world is a territory under dispute. Every city, home, and individual person is claimed by Satan and counterclaimed by God.
5/29/202152 minutes, 7 seconds
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Vanquishing Evil

According to Paul, we live in a world that is under attack from demonic "rulers and authorities" that operate on the spiritual plane of reality. Our world is a territory under dispute. Every city, home, and individual person is claimed by Satan and counterclaimed by God.
5/29/202152 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Darkness of This Age

We live in a world defined by the abuse of power. Each human being possesses power, and the foundational question of life is, how will we use it?
5/22/202157 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Darkness of This Age

We live in a world defined by the abuse of power. Each human being possesses power, and the foundational question of life is, how will we use it?
5/22/202157 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Tale of Two Yous

In Christ a new human identity has been created. We see in him exactly what we were always meant to be. There are two yous: the old you defined by sin and guilt vs the new you defined by righteousness and innocence. The gospel intends to grow us up into the mastery of love-motivated relational dynamics.
5/8/202146 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Long Game of Love

If God is all powerful, why doesn't He just crush evil instantaneously the moment it raises its ugly head? Well, because God is aiming for something superior to control. Rather, He is working out the long game of love, taking wise steps to ensure that all who say yes to Him do so voluntarily and to make certain sin never rises up again for all eternity future.
5/1/202148 minutes, 16 seconds
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Your Future is Now

Your future is a present reality, which sounds weird, but it's true. And it's a pretty amazing future. Will you identify with all Christ has already achieved for you? That's the crucial question.
4/24/202149 minutes, 55 seconds
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Human Identity

The single most important issue of life is identity. If you don't know who you are, you don't know what to do with yourself or how to relate to others. But the moment your identity is clearly defined, everything changes.
4/10/202136 minutes, 36 seconds
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Living Life Alive

The resurrection of Christ isn't just a historical event, it is the triumph of the principle of self-sacrificing love over selfishness.
4/3/202136 minutes, 44 seconds
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Living Life Alive

The resurrection of Christ isn't just a historical event, it is the triumph of the principle of self-sacrificing love over selfishness.
4/3/202136 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Storyline

In today's simple message we look at four threes that tell that central story of Scripture. What? "Four threes," you say? Well, listen and find out! I/We think you'll love it.
3/20/202147 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Gospel Tribe

The Gospel tribe is made up of all tribes. We live in increasingly fragmented and polarized times. Fortunately, the gospel shows us the way forward.
2/20/202154 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Gospel Tribe

The Gospel tribe is made up of all tribes. We live in increasingly fragmented and polarized times. Fortunately, the gospel shows us the way forward.
2/20/202154 minutes, 14 seconds
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God's Obsession With Your Forehead

What does it mean to receive the seal of God in our foreheads, as described in the book of Revelation? Modern neuroscience holds insights that help us answer the question.
1/30/202150 minutes, 25 seconds
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Finally Comes the Poet

After all the politicians told us how much they hate each other after they engaged in all their debates perfectly calculated to cut one another down with words, after all their angry rhetoric and arrogant pontificating about how great they are compared to all the other options, finally comes the poet. And the poet, Amanda Gorman, pointed us to Scripture.
1/23/202159 minutes, 13 seconds
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Finally Comes the Poet

After all the politicians told us how much they hate each other after they engaged in all their debates perfectly calculated to cut one another down with words, after all their angry rhetoric and arrogant pontificating about how great they are compared to all the other options, finally comes the poet. And the poet, Amanda Gorman, pointed us to Scripture.
1/23/202159 minutes, 13 seconds
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Password Anxiety

Password anxiety is a thing. A high percentage of people experience it. Religious anxiety is a thing, too, and it afflicts even more people. But any picture of God that puts your nerves on edge, isn’t an accurate picture of God.
1/16/202146 minutes, 33 seconds
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Artificial Intelligence vs Human Identity

As we launch into 2021, we are faced with the exponential rise of artificial intelligence and robotic technologies. And the implications are very serious. What’s next for the human race?
1/2/202158 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jesus and the Justice League

What can we learn about the mission of Jesus from the superheroes of the DC and Marvel universe? This message will challenge you to the very core of your value system.
12/19/202046 minutes, 37 seconds
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More Than Words

Between 70 and 93% of all communication is nonverbal. Your posture, your attitude, your tone of voice, the look in your eyes, all communicate. Words are actually the smaller part of communication and love is the universal language nobody can refute.
11/21/202040 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Amplifying Voice In Your Head

Social media is built to force you into an isolating echo chamber of your own thinking. You click and click and click until the worst version of yourself becomes the only version of yourself. Here’s an alternative way to form your opinions.
11/14/202047 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Amplifying Voice In Your Head

Social media is built to force you into an isolating echo chamber of your own thinking. You click and click and click until the worst version of yourself becomes the only version of yourself. Here’s an alternative way to form your opinions.
11/14/202047 minutes, 55 seconds
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Get the Hell Outta Here!

The words we speak have the power to open and close doors to good and evil forces. Demons preside over gossip.
10/31/202052 minutes, 42 seconds
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Get the Hell Outta Here!

The words we speak have the power to open and close doors to good and evil forces. Demons preside over gossip.
10/31/202052 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Church Has Left the Building

What does the world think when they look at the church? How would they define what they see? Are we open to even hearing their honest critique?
10/24/202052 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Church Has Left the Building

What does the world think when they look at the church? How would they define what they see? Are we open to even hearing their honest critique?
10/24/202052 minutes, 3 seconds
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God Will Repurpose Your Pain

God is not the source of your suffering, but He does recycle your suffering into beautiful new things.
10/10/202033 minutes, 7 seconds
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God Will Repurpose Your Pain

God is not the source of your suffering, but He does recycle your suffering into beautiful new things.
10/10/202033 minutes, 7 seconds
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I Forgive You, But I Don’t Trust You

When Jesus commands His followers to “forgive,” He’s not telling them to feel something, He’s telling them to do something. You can literally call the police on someone, press charges, put them in prison, while simultaneously forgiving them.
10/3/202047 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jesus Was A Politician

Jesus was a politician. Yes, you read that right. Now brace yourself and process the implications in this message.
9/19/202038 minutes, 56 seconds
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Disruptive Miracles

Benjamin Lundquist shares a powerful message on our need to lay down excuses, embrace disruptions, and step forward into God’s call for our life.
9/5/202039 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Hardest Truth In the Bible

Are you the kind of person who wants to know the truth even if it hurts? Or do you prefer to be lied to in order to maintain your comfort? In this message, you’ll find yourself face-to-face with the hardest truth in the Bible. Good luck.
8/29/202049 minutes, 28 seconds
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Running From The Wrong Person

The only way to break the power of sin on the behavioral level is to break the power of shame on the subconscious level.
8/15/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Architecture of Evil

The Bible clearly teaches that evil manifests itself through structures and systems, as well as through individuals. Demonic forces work through earthly institutions. Bible prophecy foretold that the United States as a nation and Christianity as an institution would be the vehicle through which Satan would establish the evil of chattel slavery.
6/20/202053 minutes, 12 seconds
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Our Present Perfect Storm

We are currently witnessing a perfect societal storm composed of three primary elements. Whenever wrongs are committed by the few who are in power against the many who are on the downside of power, it is inevitable that all hell will eventually break loose. In this message, we seek to understand the social factors that produce the perfect storm.
6/6/202052 minutes, 9 seconds
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Our Present Perfect Storm

We are currently witnessing a perfect societal storm composed of three primary elements. Whenever wrongs are committed by the few who are in power against the many who are on the downside of power, it is inevitable that all hell will eventually break loose. In this message, we seek to understand the social factors that produce the perfect storm.
6/6/202052 minutes, 9 seconds
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One Idea That Will Radically Change Your Future

In 1963 an experiment was conducted that revealed one of the most powerful insights ever discovered. But 2000 years ago the apostle Paul understood this profound reality.
5/23/202028 minutes, 25 seconds
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Things That Will Take You Down

We are fragile creatures with infinite power at our disposal. In this message, we explore three things that can take us down for the count, but we also discover where the victory lies.
4/25/202032 minutes, 33 seconds
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Life Has A Name

Modern scientists are discovering that love is the underlying law of life, but they don’t know why. The biblical storyline claims to know why: God is love and God made humanity in His own image. When Jesus declared, “I am the resurrection and the life,” He laid claim to life itself as His domain. He is the author of the love that makes life worth living. Life centered in Jesus is life centered in love.
4/11/202036 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Existential Itch

As the current pandemic requires that we go into isolation, it is inevitable that we will come face-to-face with ourselves in ways that we are accustomed to repressing or evading. Like an itch that won’t stop, all of us are possessed by a deep nagging suspicion that something essential and fundamental is missing from our lives.
3/28/202057 minutes, 34 seconds
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Alone Together

The coronavirus pandemic is bad for sure. But, believe it or not, there’s another pandemic that is even more pervasive and more deadly. But unlike coronavirus, there is a cure for this pandemic.
3/21/202048 minutes, 35 seconds
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Alone Together

The coronavirus pandemic is bad for sure. But, believe it or not, there’s another pandemic that is even more pervasive and more deadly. But unlike coronavirus, there is a cure for this pandemic.
3/21/202048 minutes, 35 seconds
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The World is Ending, So Relax

With coronavirus taking the world by storm, people are afraid. That’s understandable. But Jesus said that we can have peace because He has overcome the world. In the light of His love, here are some practical ways to navigate the anxiety of our times.
3/14/202046 minutes, 22 seconds
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The World is Ending, So Relax

With coronavirus taking the world by storm, people are afraid. That’s understandable. But Jesus said that we can have peace because He has overcome the world. In the light of His love, here are some practical ways to navigate the anxiety of our times.
3/14/202046 minutes, 22 seconds
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Who Am I?

We humans are experiencing a major identity crisis. All kinds of voices are coming at us all the time trying to dictate what and who we ought to be. The Bible is an identity narrative. It reveals who God created us to be, how we've missed the mark of our true identity, and God's plan for restoring us to our true selves in Christ.
3/7/202053 minutes, 57 seconds
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Scarier Than Coronavirus

In Matthew 24, Jesus warned that as the end of human history approaches a number of signs will increase in frequency and intensity. The spread of contagious diseases is in His list. The coronavirus it's pretty scary for a lot of people, but according to Jesus there is something even scarier than the coronavirus. What is the sign of the end of the world that we should be most concerned about?
2/29/202045 minutes, 39 seconds
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When we provide environments/space for people to heal and ultimately flourish we are providing one of the purest expressions of love.
2/22/202016 minutes, 30 seconds
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Yes, It's Time to Freak Out!

Broken trust—by means of wrongdoing on the part of those who are in political, financial, and religious power—will lead to the complete collapse of the world system. Bible prophecy warns that the consolidation of power and wealth will inevitably lead to the backlash of revolution and violence.
1/25/202054 minutes, 41 seconds
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On April 4, 1968, a shot was fired in Memphis, Tennessee, and a prophet of God was killed. In this message we remember Martin Luther King Jr by revisiting the horrific history that led up to the Civil Rights movement and we identify what made Dr. King such a powerful figure in the movement: a singular combination of prophetic clarity and nonviolent love.
1/18/202041 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Victory is Won

The Christ Child was born to die. It was inevitable that His character and principles would pose a threat to the powers that be. And yet, even as they crucified Him, they were unwittingly crowning Him the rightful king of the world. His death was the victory they did not see coming.
12/28/201945 minutes, 54 seconds
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A Victory is Won

The Christ Child was born to die. It was inevitable that His character and principles would pose a threat to the powers that be. And yet, even as they crucified Him, they were unwittingly crowning Him the rightful king of the world. His death was the victory they did not see coming.
12/28/201945 minutes, 54 seconds
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A Child is Born

The Christ Child was born to our world, not to make sure people get to go to heaven, but to overturn all coercion-based empires and launch a new government based on justice for the establishment of eternal peace.
12/14/201939 minutes, 46 seconds
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A Child is Born

The Christ Child was born to our world, not to make sure people get to go to heaven, but to overturn all coercion-based empires and launch a new government based on justice for the establishment of eternal peace.
12/14/201939 minutes, 46 seconds
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Alive Again

12/7/201934 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Murder of God

“God is dead, and we have killed him,” declared Friedrich Nietzsche, the famed German philosopher. Western civilization has murdered the idea of God. Atheism is on the rise. And yet, we can’t escape our longing for a love that transcends all this world has to offer. People are running from religion and returning to God by the droves.
11/30/201953 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Murder of God

“God is dead, and we have killed him,” declared Friedrich Nietzsche, the famed German philosopher. Western civilization has murdered the idea of God. Atheism is on the rise. And yet, we can’t escape our longing for a love that transcends all this world has to offer. People are running from religion and returning to God by the droves.
11/30/201953 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Idolatry of Sex

Our sexual utopia has gradually become a sexual dystopia. By detaching sex from love, we have reduced it to a mere animal act. As a result, we are witnessing the apocalypse of human sexuality. Objectification has given way to commodification, which is now giving way to depersonalization. But you are more than your sexuality. Much more!
11/23/201952 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Idolatry of Selfishness

Marriage can be a medium through which we can grow and experience God’s love, but only when husband and wife are both submitted to Christ.
11/16/201940 minutes, 1 second
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The Idolatry of Selfishness

Marriage can be a medium through which we can grow and experience God’s love, but only when husband and wife are both submitted to Christ.
11/16/201940 minutes, 1 second
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The Idolatry of Money

Money isn’t good or bad of itself. It’s a neutral medium. But the love of money is the root of all evil. Those who love it, horde it to the disadvantage and hurt of others rather than use it to lift others up. Right now the eight richest men in the world possess more wealth than half the human race, many of who work for them and can’t even afford rent. We are currently witnessing the fulfillment of the prophecy that in the last days “men will be lovers of money” and amass their wealth by refusing to “pay their workers” what they deserve. Hopefully, this sermon will upset a good way.
11/9/201950 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Idolatry of Money

Money isn’t good or bad of itself. It’s a neutral medium. But the love of money is the root of all evil. Those who love it, horde it to the disadvantage and hurt of others rather than use it to lift others up. Right now the eight richest men in the world possess more wealth than half the human race, many of who work for them and can’t even afford rent. We are currently witnessing the fulfillment of the prophecy that in the last days “men will be lovers of money” and amass their wealth by refusing to “pay their workers” what they deserve. Hopefully, this sermon will upset a good way.
11/9/201950 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Idolatry of Power

Idolatry of Nation is the most dangerous force in world history and the most serious threat to the mission of the church.
10/26/201954 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Idolatry of Poverty

Many Christians shy away from wealth because they associate it with excess and evil. Society spends wealth as fast as it can. On the whole, the West has had an obsession with poverty. Not only does God not condemn wealth, He wants us to have wealth to expand His kingdom. But how do we avoid the pitfalls of false piety and materialism?
10/19/201941 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Idolatry of Pleasure

God created us to experience pleasure. What happens when we put the gifts of God in the place of God in our lives.
10/5/201927 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Theology of Idolatry

The devil does his best work within the realm of theological systems. Idolatry is the satanic art of attributing to God traits of character that do not belong to him. If I can be made to believe bad things about God, I will either serve Him as a slave or run from Him into unbelief.
9/28/201944 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Theology of Idolatry

The devil does his best work within the realm of theological systems. Idolatry is the satanic art of attributing to God traits of character that do not belong to him. If I can be made to believe bad things about God, I will either serve Him as a slave or run from Him into unbelief.
9/28/201944 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Idolatry of the Best

It’s easy to get caught up in the idolatry of becoming the "best" and being focused on building your own legacy. If we are not careful, we will become the center of our own universe.
9/21/201925 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Psychology of Idolatry

If I worship the idols of our celebrity culture, I am worshiping myself vicariously through the image they project.
9/14/201942 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Happiness Illusion

Our culture is obsessed with personal happiness. But what if there is no such thing. What if the only actual happiness available is in direct relation to the happiness of others?
8/24/201937 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Face of God

8/17/201947 minutes, 42 seconds
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Bad Things Happen

8/10/201954 minutes, 15 seconds
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I Spy

8/3/201935 minutes, 13 seconds
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The One Percent

7/27/201943 minutes, 11 seconds
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Unleashing Your Potential

The genius is not a special kind of person, rather each person is a special kind of genius. Each member of the church is gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve the needs of others and advance the good news of God’s love to the world.
6/29/201943 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Identity Incubator

The church is an incubator for the development of healthy human beings. The traumas of life shut us down. The love of God opens us up. The church exists to communicate God’s healing love.
6/22/201939 minutes, 57 seconds
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Four Things We Do

Apostolic Christianity was devoted to habitualizing God’s love by means of four specific practices: study, prayer, fellowship, and hospitality.
6/8/201938 minutes, 44 seconds
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Four Things We Do

Apostolic Christianity was devoted to habitualizing God’s love by means of four specific practices: study, prayer, fellowship, and hospitality.
6/8/201938 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Silence of God

6/1/201955 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Silence of God

6/1/201955 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Most Dangerous People in the World

Jesus is the most dangerous person in history because He threatens the destruction of this world’s self-serving systems. The most dangerous people in the world are those who actually believe His message.
5/25/201957 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Safest Place in the World

The church should be the safest place in the world. But it is only safe to the degree that it can embrace people, without judgement, no matter where they are in their life journey.
5/11/201937 minutes, 17 seconds
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The (Un)Christian Culture

Ontologically and culturally, God relocated to where we are. The church should do the same with the world. We should get as close to the world as we can without sinning or apostatizing.
5/4/201948 minutes, 41 seconds
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Crashing Systems

Both capitalism and socialism have pros and cons, but both systems are prone to corruption and ultimately unsustainable. The church is called to operate by an alternative economic system defined by the positive elements of both.
4/6/201946 minutes, 39 seconds
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Turf Wars

Planting a church in any location on earth constitutes a strategic territorial claim for the kingdom of God. We are saying, “This city was purchased by the blood of Christ, it belongs to Him, and we are here to take it for Him, person by person, home by home.
3/30/201940 minutes, 34 seconds
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Get Out!

“Get out!” With those words, God launched His church with an ancient man named Abram, and the movement to “get out” continues today. Real Christianity is a cycle-breaking enterprise of revolutionary proportions.
3/23/201943 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Upside Down

If the church is merely an extension of the world's value system of greed and political power-mongering, then the church is unnecessary.
3/16/201935 minutes, 51 seconds
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A History Of Violence

3/9/201947 minutes, 23 seconds
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A History Of Violence

3/9/201947 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Recurring Dream

3/2/20191 hour, 1 minute, 55 seconds
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Often, we feel that our failures and mistakes have separated us from God, leaving us uncertain of our standing with Him. We know that we’re saved by grace, and not works, but most of us fail to experience it in our relationship with God. But if we’re not saved because we were good, are we lost because we were bad?
2/16/201936 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Parakletos

The Holy Spirit operates within the realm of human intellect, memory and emotion, calling, attracting, wooing us back in God’s love. C.S. Lewis heard from the Spirit and became "the most reluctant convert in all England.”
2/9/20191 hour, 57 seconds
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The Logos

The Greeks sensed that there must be some underlying logic and meaning to life and called it the “logos.” Jesus is the Logos in the flesh. Antony Flew found the Logos inescapable.
2/2/20191 hour, 58 seconds
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The Shema

According to the biblical story, God is a social unit of self-giving love, Father, Son, and Spirit. In this message, we encounter the Father as we consider the case of Bertrand Russell.
1/26/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Art of Fulfilling Your Dreams

1/5/201958 minutes, 12 seconds
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What Is It?

12/15/201834 minutes, 37 seconds
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What Is It?

12/15/201834 minutes, 37 seconds
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Jesus: First Responder

12/8/201840 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Wood & The Fire

12/1/201849 minutes, 58 seconds
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11/17/201851 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Antidote

10/13/201830 minutes, 7 seconds
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Open My Eyes

10/6/201824 minutes, 59 seconds
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When You've Been Hurt

9/29/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Rub

9/22/201842 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Rub

9/22/201842 minutes, 34 seconds
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Long Distance Love

9/15/201837 minutes, 51 seconds
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Things That Defy Effort

9/1/201841 minutes, 28 seconds
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Calculating Creatures

8/25/201846 minutes, 3 seconds
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Like Stars Forever

8/18/201842 minutes, 45 seconds
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Like Stars Forever

8/18/201842 minutes, 45 seconds
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An Oath in Blood

8/11/201838 minutes, 31 seconds
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Making You Like Me

7/28/201834 minutes, 46 seconds
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Paradigm Shift

6/30/201835 minutes, 16 seconds
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Words Like Daggers

6/23/201830 minutes, 22 seconds
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Tears on the Border of Fatherhood

6/16/201843 minutes, 21 seconds
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Hesitation Marks

6/9/201853 minutes, 31 seconds
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No Other Name

5/26/201857 minutes, 32 seconds
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Theology of a Four-Year-Old

5/5/201852 minutes, 34 seconds
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Theology of a Four-Year-Old

5/5/201852 minutes, 34 seconds
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A Terrifying System

4/28/201848 minutes, 15 seconds
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Follower of Jesus

4/14/201855 minutes, 26 seconds
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Humanity 2.0

3/31/201847 minutes, 49 seconds
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Shift Happens

3/17/201859 minutes, 42 seconds
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One Another, One Another

3/10/201854 minutes, 22 seconds
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One Another, One Another

3/10/201854 minutes, 22 seconds
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We are engineered to move. God gave us a direction to move in, gave us a reason why and told us how. All of us, regardless of our circumstances, have the ability and freedom to move towards others and add value to their lives. God is less concerned with our usefulness than He is with our value and is asking us to share this idea with others by moving in close.
2/24/201840 minutes, 49 seconds
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The universe is wired to give. So are you. Scripture says there is “more happiness in giving than in receiving.” Generous people experience better health, increased confidence, less stress, a stronger sense of purpose, enhanced relationships, etc.God, the most generous being in the universe, invites you to join in His mission of extravagant generosity. Why? He knows it will help you (and others) become more fully alive.
2/17/201859 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Pharisees called Jesus “a friend of sinners” as an insult, but He took it as a compliment, because at the core of His mission is the goal of saving us by befriending us. He knows that in order to be “Fully Alive” we must be fully engaged with God and other human beings.
2/10/201850 minutes, 39 seconds
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Our physical bodies require nutritional intake on a daily basis, and let's be honest, food is amazing. How much more so do our spiritual bodies need the nutrients of God’s word? Much more! But how does someone consume the Word of God and allow its nutrients to fuel their lives? Listen in and receive a practical tool on how someone can eat God’s Word and live more fully alive.
2/3/201833 minutes, 32 seconds
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Pain shuts us down emotionally and steals our capacity for articulating our lives as a meaningful, coherent story of beauty and worth. Prayer opens us back up again and facilitates our healing. Like the inhalation of energizing oxygen into our lungs, prayer is the breath of the soul.
1/20/201845 minutes, 35 seconds
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Pain shuts us down emotionally and steals our capacity for articulating our lives as a meaningful, coherent story of beauty and worth. Prayer opens us back up again and facilitates our healing. Like the inhalation of energizing oxygen into our lungs, prayer is the breath of the soul.
1/20/201845 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Better Story

1/13/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Better Story

1/13/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 3 seconds
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Incredible You

1/6/201849 minutes
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Incredible You

1/6/201849 minutes
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God in the Flesh

The birth of Christ in Bethlehem is the most scandalous thought imaginable because it contradicts all our notions of how power ought to behave. The idea of “God” equates in our minds to omnipotence, or the highest form of power. The idea of a “baby” equates in our minds the ultimate weakness and vulnerability. The fact that God shows up as a baby completely re-frames our notions of power. The fact is, vulnerability is the most powerful power of all.
12/23/201739 minutes, 11 seconds
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God in the Flesh

The birth of Christ in Bethlehem is the most scandalous thought imaginable because it contradicts all our notions of how power ought to behave. The idea of “God” equates in our minds to omnipotence, or the highest form of power. The idea of a “baby” equates in our minds the ultimate weakness and vulnerability. The fact that God shows up as a baby completely re-frames our notions of power. The fact is, vulnerability is the most powerful power of all.
12/23/201739 minutes, 11 seconds
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Breaking the War Spell

The cross of Christ was shock therapy for a world addicted to violence, war, and retribution methods for conflict resolution. By voluntarily subjecting Himself, without retaliation, to the violent impulses of humanity, Jesus was demonstrating that the only way to establish lasting peace is by breaking the cycle of violence through forgiveness.
12/16/201757 minutes, 40 seconds
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Breaking the War Spell

The cross of Christ was shock therapy for a world addicted to violence, war, and retribution methods for conflict resolution. By voluntarily subjecting Himself, without retaliation, to the violent impulses of humanity, Jesus was demonstrating that the only way to establish lasting peace is by breaking the cycle of violence through forgiveness.
12/16/201757 minutes, 40 seconds
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Dashed Hopes

Israel's messianic hopes took on the form of political and military aspirations. By the time Jesus came, nobody expected a suffering Messiah who would advance an agenda of enemy-love in place of enemy-conquest. Jesus dashed their expectations of a military empire in order to rebuild in their hearts a different kind of hope for a different kind of kingdom, one established on love and not violence.
12/9/201747 minutes, 46 seconds
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Prophetic Whispers

Old Testament prophets foretold that the Messiah would come as a deliverer of the captives and a mender of broken hearts, to establish a new kind of kingdom: “The government shall be upon His shoulders.”
12/2/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 11 seconds
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Cutting Deep Into God

11/11/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Many Shoes Does God Have?

11/4/201758 minutes, 52 seconds
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Still Protesting

10/28/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 52 seconds
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Prodigal God and His People

10/21/201745 minutes, 31 seconds
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Prodigal God and His People

10/21/201745 minutes, 31 seconds
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Our Spaghetti Universe

10/7/201748 minutes, 37 seconds
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A Weakly Service Announcement

9/23/201732 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Different Kind of Sacrifice

9/2/201753 minutes, 6 seconds
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Bliss Beyond the Door

8/26/201737 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Brutal Wakeup Call

8/19/201749 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Love Ambush

8/12/201750 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Wrath of the Lamb

8/5/201746 minutes, 4 seconds
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Selling Ice to Eskimos

7/29/201742 minutes, 50 seconds
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Selling Ice to Eskimos

7/29/201742 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Universal Subconscious Question

7/15/201754 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Abba Awakening

6/17/201746 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Abba Awakening

6/17/201746 minutes, 7 seconds
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Questions, Christianity, and Logic

6/10/201737 minutes, 27 seconds
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Questions, Christianity, and Logic

6/10/201737 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Me Inside of Me

5/27/201737 minutes, 56 seconds
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Astronomical Love

In this message, we take a journey through the astronomical heavens in order to discover God's astronomical love. Download Ty's slides using the link above.
5/20/201754 minutes, 10 seconds
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Bless the Lord O My Soul

As humans, we have been building walls between each other ever since we left the Garden of Eden. We each wear our favorite mask. But what happens when we fully understand the love of Jesus? Can we let others in past those walls?
5/13/201722 minutes, 54 seconds
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Livin' On The Edge

Loneliness is a seldom talked about topic. There's a lot of shame involved, but not talking about it is dangerous. You're not alone in being alone and through the realization of God's Word, we're never truly alone!
5/6/201759 minutes, 29 seconds
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It's Not Your Fault

4/29/201750 minutes, 39 seconds
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Stormy With A Chance of Memory Loss

Everyone has storms in their lives at times that make them lose hope and faith. Even though the Bible records our forefathers' great moments of faith, it also records the moments where they failed and where God lovingly asked them, “What are you doing here?”
4/22/201735 minutes, 23 seconds
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Jesus and the Easter Bunny

For many, the resurrection of Jesus is just a myth—a fairy tale passed down to us, like Cupid, the Tooth Fairy, or the Easter Bunny. But the Gospel of John seeks to prove that Jesus was real, that He lived, died on the cross, and rose from the dead. We just have to turn around and look a little closer.
4/15/201743 minutes, 45 seconds
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New Life in Jesus

Jesus' love unlocks our hearts so He can take away our shame and sin. As we let ourselves be seen, love with our whole hearts, and lean into the joy, we become the creation we were intended to be. We are free to explore who we can be in Jesus.
4/8/201739 minutes, 12 seconds
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Reality Check

Reality isn't determined by how we feel about reality. Reality is determined by what God says about reality.
3/25/201741 minutes, 37 seconds
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Reality Check

Reality isn't determined by how we feel about reality. Reality is determined by what God says about reality.
3/25/201741 minutes, 37 seconds
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Giving to God

We worship with our money. In this message, Ty lays out the bold proposition that, “Apart from giving, a person ceases to be a viable part of creation." A human being is, by divine design, a giver. You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.
3/11/201735 minutes, 45 seconds
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Listening to God

Most of us understand the concept of prayer: it’s talking to God. But in order for a relationship to exist, there has to be a two-way dialogue; we need to listen to God speak as well. This part of the deal isn’t always very easy. Most of us don’t hear God speak audibly, and we tend to worry about the ones who claim they do. But God does want to communicate with us, so how can we hear Him better? In this message, Yamil breaks down in a practical way how we can be in tune with the voice of God.
2/25/201747 minutes, 6 seconds
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Singing to God

Song is a form of worship that has been given to us from God to unite our hearts in one voice, to help us remember the things we should have remembered, and that enable us to testify of the greatness and the goodness of God.
2/18/201745 minutes
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Singing to God

Song is a form of worship that has been given to us from God to unite our hearts in one voice, to help us remember the things we should have remembered, and that enable us to testify of the greatness and the goodness of God.
2/18/201745 minutes
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Worship Gone Wrong

True worship is the act of accurately assessing God's character and ascribing worthiness to Him for who He is. All false worship happens on the premise of false conceptions of God's character. False worship systems of ancient times deified power, money, and sex, giving to them names like Mars, Plutus, and Aphrodite. Power, money, and sex are still the prominent gods of our time. In this message, Ty explores that fact that we become like the gods we worship, and presents by contrast the God revealed in Christ as alone worthy of our worship.
2/4/201750 minutes, 42 seconds
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Made For Worship

History is filled with kings and monarchs who have demanded and forced human beings to grovel at their feet in worship and adoration. Now, even though we’re in the twenty-first century, not much has changed. Politicians and celebrities still lie, cheat, and manipulate in order to win humanity’s approval and maintain their own egos. Unfortunately, when we read the biblical commands to worship, it’s easy for us to lump God into the same pool of controlling, insecure rulers we’ve always known. In this presentation though, Ty breaks down what true worship is and how, when we see God for who He is, worship will be our natural and instantaneous response.
1/28/201753 minutes, 32 seconds
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Made For Worship

History is filled with kings and monarchs who have demanded and forced human beings to grovel at their feet in worship and adoration. Now, even though we’re in the twenty-first century, not much has changed. Politicians and celebrities still lie, cheat, and manipulate in order to win humanity’s approval and maintain their own egos. Unfortunately, when we read the biblical commands to worship, it’s easy for us to lump God into the same pool of controlling, insecure rulers we’ve always known. In this presentation though, Ty breaks down what true worship is and how, when we see God for who He is, worship will be our natural and instantaneous response.
1/28/201753 minutes, 32 seconds
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God's Love and Jesus' Death

12/31/201656 minutes, 42 seconds
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Revolution Child

12/10/201638 minutes, 44 seconds
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Revolution Child

12/10/201638 minutes, 44 seconds
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When God Has Beef

12/3/201645 minutes, 57 seconds
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Give Thanks with Sadness

11/26/201643 minutes, 36 seconds
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Justice Like a River

11/12/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 38 seconds
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Justice Like a River

11/12/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 38 seconds
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Faith Through the Fire

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Hosea's Heartbreak

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The Comfort of Condemnation

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Bold Before the Throne

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Job's Intuitive Question

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Job's Intuitive Question

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The Man Behind God's Heart

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The First and the Last King

Sermon on Saul
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The First and the Last King

Sermon on Saul
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Now Samson Saw a Woman

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Gideon: A Faith Journey

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Caleb and Joshua

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Caleb and Joshua

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The Canaanites

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The Canaanites

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The Prophet for Profit

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Rebellion of Korah

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The Legacy of Moses

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The Legacy of Moses

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Moses and Moral Development

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Jethro and the Power of Weakness

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Moses and the Rule of Law

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Moses and the Inversion of Power

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Moses and the Inversion of Power

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Israel My Beloved

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Rachel and Leah

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The Day Death Died

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Jacob and Quantum Growth

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Isaac and Rebekah and Epigenetics

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From the Valley to the Mountains

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Nimrod and His Tower

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Secrets of Lifelong Love

Episode Artwork

Noah and God's Rainbow Covenant

Episode Artwork

Cain and Abel

Episode Artwork

Eve and Her Daughters

Episode Artwork

Adam and the Space Between

Episode Artwork

What Does God Want From Me?

Episode Artwork

What Does God Want From Me?
