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Strength to Strength

English, Religion, 1 season, 183 episodes, 2 days, 12 hours, 38 minutes
*Strength to Strength* is a virtual, live meeting held every other week. The purpose of Strength to Strength is to advance Jesus’ kingdom by tackling thought-provoking topics, by stimulating candid discussions, and by sharing faith-building testimonies. All are welcome to join and participate; the meeting is led by an invited guest. We host speakers who are supportive of a Christ-centered, Kingdom-focused, Scripture-based way of life, specifically as modeled by the Anabaptist tradition. We encourage you to invite your friends to our meetings.
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S2S Sisters: "Battleground of the Mind" by Linda Amendt

Strength to Strength welcomed Linda Amendt to take a closer look at what winning on this battleground may look like.“Sow a thought, reap an action. Sow an action, reap a character. Sow a character, reap a destiny.”“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”Proverbs 23:7Linda will share a bit of her journey in relation to her learning how powerful our thoughts are and where they can lead us. We will explore some ways that as daughters of God and yet soldiers, we can fight this battle and win. It is God’s will that we overcome the enemy of our souls, Satan, the father of lies, who can come as an angel of light. Is positive thinking enough to make our minds new as spoken in Romans 12:2? What does it actually look like to put on the armor of God? Let’s explore this together.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
9/14/20241 hour, 38 minutes, 27 seconds
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S2S Roundtable: "Behind the Scenes: Updates, Reflections, and Stories"

We, as the admin team at S2S, met virtually to have another Roundtable discussion. We discussed some of the latest happenings, reflect on things such as the recent Kingdom Fellowship Weekend, and have a guest on to hear his story. Evan Smith joined us to tell his story about journeying into the kingdom of God and with fellowship with other kingdom minded folks.
8/29/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 48 seconds
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"Metamorphosis: A Look at the New Birth" by Justin Zehr

Strength to Strength welcomed Justin Zehr to discuss Jesus’ interaction with Nicodemus.In this talk we’ll be taking a look at the miracle of New Birth and the metamorphosis of one who is transformed into the likeness of Christ. The miracle of one who is dead in sin and trapped in the state of fallen humanity then becoming a new creature in Christ through the new birth.We are going to let a little creature (the monarch) teach us big things of our awesome Creator and his renewal or redemption plan for all of us.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
8/12/20241 hour, 23 minutes, 30 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "God’s Design for Healthy Marriage: A Wise Woman Builds Her House" by Marji Wagler

Strength to Strength welcomed Marji Wagler to discuss marriage as God inteneded.God designed an other-centered union for a me-centered world."With the unfading charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit which isn’t wrought up or anxious… adapting themselves to their husbands."-adapted from 1 Peter 3:3–5, Amplified BibleThat inner person is reflected in your words and even your body language. There is only one way to have a peaceful and gentle heart – that is to yield to and trust our Father God."The biggest investment that a wife or a husband can make in their spouse is the investment they make in their own souls."-John PiperAn interactive question-and-answer period follows.
8/12/20241 hour, 16 minutes, 53 seconds
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S2S Books: "Romans Commentary" by David Bercot

David Bercot. There are hundreds of commentaries on Romans in print today, and thousands have been written over the centuries. So what is the point of still one more commentary? The reason is that this is not “still one more commentary.” In this commentary, the reader will be seeing Romans through the eyes of the Christians who lived in the first few centuries after Romans was written. Some of these men personally knew the apostles. They all lived in the same culture in which Paul lived. Their native tongue was koiné Greek.This commentary enables the reader to share the same experience that a Christian living in the first four centuries would have experienced when hearing Romans explained on a given Sunday. You will hear the same explanations they would have heard. As you will see, those early Christians understood Romans quite differently than what most Christians do today. That is because they lived prior to the two major reinterpretations of Romans: that of Augustine and that of Luther. After hearing the early Christian understanding of Romans, the readers can then decide whether they think the entire church got Romans wrong from the very beginning—or if Christians today are badly misreading this important book of Scripture.
7/27/20241 hour, 11 minutes, 30 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "God’s Design for Headcovering: My Search for Answers" by Renee Miles

Strength to Strength welcomed Renee Miles to discuss how God’s instruction for sisters’ headcovering compliments His design for womanhood.There is an agreement among Christians that the verses in 1 Corinthians 11 are talking about a head covering, but this is where the agreement ends. Beyond that there is much debate and differences of opinion:Is it a practice for today?Is it an actual item to wear?Do we wear it all the time?What should a head covering look like?The journey to discovering solid answers to the many questions and arguments in this area was a long one but worth the effort. Renee will share the experience of what she and her husband learned that led to their conviction.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Resource: More-detailed testimony by Renee Mills, 2023 (audio MP3).Resource: YouTube: “Head Coverings: History, Context, and Exegesis” by Carlton C. McLeodResource: YouTube: “Headcovering Series” by Finny Kuruvilla:Part 1: “Cultural or Counter-Cultural”Part 2: “Long Hair or a Fabric Covering? Just in Church, or for Everyday Life?”Part 3: “As Modesty, Liberation, and a Gateway to the Spirit’s Power”Resource: YouTube: “Headship Series” by Matthew Milioni:Part 1: “The Order of the Headship”Part 2: “Patterns of the Headship Order”Part 3: “The Practical Manifestation of Veiling”Part 4: “Women Are the Glory of Man”
7/16/20241 hour, 57 minutes, 37 seconds
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"Practical Discipleship in the Local Church" by Josh Wray

Strength to Strength welcomed Josh Wray for a discussion about discipleship modeled after Jesus.As disciples of Jesus, we are invited to follow Him in fellowship with other believers. Through the joys and challenges of interacting with other disciples, we are being conformed into the image of Christ. In this message, Josh will share what practical discipleship has looked like in his life, and his dream of seeing equipped disciples rise up as mighty men and women in our day.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Resource: “Disciplecast” is a podcast about discipling, which is organized in part by Josh Wray. Join this Telegram group for updates and more!
7/12/20241 hour, 29 minutes, 22 seconds
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S2S Book Interview: “You Are Precious in His Sight” by Sherilyn Shirk

Sherilyn Shirk. This delightful children’s book is a full-color, beautifully illustrated treasure for young children aged 2–10. “You Are Precious in His Sight” was designed by a mother of six, and dedicated to foster children. It introduces the child to Jesus as the Creator and Designer of all things good. Further, it assures the child that the hurts they face were never God’s intention, and that their obedience to Jesus’ way will lead to happiness and fulfillment.Bryant and Lynelle Martin interview Andrew and Sherilyn Shirk to discuss Sherilyn’s new book, “You Are Precious in His Sight.”
7/3/202425 minutes, 19 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "God’s Design for Personhood: My Whole Self Unified for God’s Glory" by Renita Petersheim

Strength to Strength welcomed Renita Petersheim to discuss a biblical view of what it means to be a person and why it is integral to our faith today.In Genesis 1 and 2, when God created the earth, particularly mankind, He pronounced “very good”. Sometimes that is hard to believe as we experience life through our bodies, personalities, sexuality, and stories. We’ll talk about the incongruence we may feel at times and examine God’s creative design and purpose for us.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
6/19/20241 hour, 36 minutes, 21 seconds
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"Is Your Christian Life Hard?" by Glenn Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Glenn Martin for a discussion about the yoke of Jesus. What does it mean that Jesus’ yoke is “easy” and his burden is “light?”In this Talk, Glenn discusses how our perception of God and the motivations for our obedience affect our joy – or lack thereof.Many Christians believe there is “pie in the sky by and by when I die,” essentially supposing that while life is depressing now, our joy will finally be realized in heaven. What does the Bible say about that?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
6/6/202459 minutes, 42 seconds
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"Into the AI Flood" by Benjamin Harris

Strength to Strength welcomed Benjamin Harris to discuss artificial intelligence, and how to relate to its implications as it affects everyday life.Artificial Intelligence is ushering in a new era of questions, both in the workplace and in our lives. We’ll briefly work to separate the reality from the hype. Finally, we’ll touch briefly on how AI can be a double-edged sword in our lives and things we should consider in stewarding our work and lives well.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
5/30/20241 hour, 17 minutes, 19 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "God’s Design for Nurturing: Cultivating Life in Those Around You" by Beth Byler

Strength to Strength welcomed Beth Byler to discuss God’s design for women to be nurturing those around them.Do women naturally nurture? What is God’s call to us as women as we raise children, minister to our husbands, or reach outside our homes? How can we nurture each other as sisters? Can we nurture if we aren’t being nurtured? We want to raise children that are emotionally secure and well prepared to face life. We have a huge part to play in making that happen.How can we be used of God as women to nurture life and what is our calling in that?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
5/10/20241 hour, 12 minutes, 24 seconds
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"Communicating the Forgotten Foundation of the Gospel" by Shawn Miller

Strength to Strength welcomed Shawn Miller to discuss how the Gospel’s central tenant has been shaken, and how we can rebuild with a better understanding.To be a “kingdom person” means to be under the reign of God. Like earthly nations, Jesus’ kingdom has four components including a leader, constitution, domain, and citizens. However, in contrast to the nations of the world, Jesus’ kingdom is international. He came as a King with all the intended consequences of that terminology. His citizens are dispersed among all nations of the world.While this is the most common and important theme of Jesus’s teaching, it has been largely lost and forgotten. It is of utmost importance to return these foundational concepts and show the whole world what it would look like if we truly lived under the kingship of Jesus. Understanding the emphasis on the kingdom of God will change the way we think, live, and evangelize.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
5/8/20241 hour, 1 minute, 46 seconds
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S2S Event: "God’s Design for Masculinity – part 2" by Sam Baer

Strength to Strength welcomed Sam Baer to discuss this relevant topic to our time: the proper role of men as God intentioned from the Creation.For the second installment on God’s design for masculinity we take a look at who we are as leaders. All of us find ourselves in a leadership role whether it is in the church, home, or occupation. How do we respond when we run into problems with people? Let’s take an honest look at how we relate to those who are difficult to lead.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
4/25/202457 minutes, 7 seconds
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S2S Event: “God’s Design for Masculinity – part 1” by Sam Baer

Strength to Strength welcomed Sam Baer to discuss this relevant topic to our time: the proper role of men as God intentioned from the Creation.How does society view masculinity and how does that relate to God’s design? How much has society influenced the church in regards to masculinity?Join us as we discover God’s design in the scriptures for men. My goal in this talk is to show that only in Christ can a man be the man God created him to be.An interactive question-and-answer period follows. Strong Men, Caring Women research articleThis is the first part of a two-part S2S Event called “God’s Design for Masculinity” to be held on April 20, 2024.Also, see part 2 by Sam Baer.
4/24/20241 hour, 18 minutes, 16 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "God’s Design for Mentoring: A Simple Term for Older Women Teaching the Younger" by Anita Yoder

Strength to Strength welcomed Anita Yoder to discuss mentoring – an underappreciated opportunity for the older to disciple the younger.“Could I have your recipe?” Women ask each other this all the time. We are good at sharing tips about laundry and cooking. What if we could be just as eager to learn and share on a deeper level–“recipes” of prayer, relationships, and knowing God’s character? What have you learned from others, and how could you in turn give others what you’ve been given? Let’s explore the possibilities!An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Recommended book: “Life is for Living” by Anita Yoder
4/12/20241 hour, 18 minutes, 33 seconds
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S2S Book Interview: “What Jesus Refused to Do” by Gary Miller

Gary Miller. How can we make this world a better place? We watch with dismay as ungodly leaders are elected and evil advances. What can we do to bring change? What did Jesus do—and what did He refuse to do? Are there opportunities that we, like Jesus, should refuse?
4/12/202422 minutes, 2 seconds
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"Walk the Talk: Spotlight on Kingdom Work" – part 3 by four brothers

Strength to Strength welcomed four brothers to discuss what their lives look like being a disciple of Jesus. They will share with us ways to pray and partner with them in their work.The unsung heros of Jesus’ kingdom are the faithful disciples who serve their Lord without fanfare or applause.Whether you are a warrior in secret prayer, a widow who casts in the last two mites, or a worker advancing the bleeding edge of the kingdom, you can rest assured that deeds of service do not escape the eye of our benevolent King.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Strength to Strength will typically host two Talks a year to spotlight Kingdom initiatives that can be an inspiration to others in the greater community of Jesus’ followers. If you know of a project that you would like to see spotlighted please contact us here.
4/11/20241 hour, 22 minutes, 15 seconds
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S2S Event: “God’s Design for Community – part 2” by Merle Burkholder

Strength to Strength welcomed Merle Burkholder to discuss how mankind best thrives in community with others.God has designed us as social beings. We are relational and function not only as part of families, but also as part of a community. God’s design for community helps us to care for one another and represent the Kingdom of God to a world that has lost its way. In these talks we will look at God’s design for community and how we can use community to bring healing to a broken world.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/28/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 8 seconds
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S2S Event: “God’s Design for Community – part 1” by Merle Burkholder

Strength to Strength welcomed Merle Burkholder to discuss how mankind best thrives in community with others.God has designed us as social beings. We are relational and function not only as part of families, but also as part of a community. God’s design for community helps us to care for one another and represent the Kingdom of God to a world that has lost its way. In these talks we will look at God’s design for community and how we can use community to bring healing to a broken world.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/28/20241 hour, 17 minutes, 3 seconds
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"Tables in the Wilderness" by Bryant Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Bryant Martin to share about practical ways to reach the hearts and minds of those we are called to serve.Have you ever experienced a “table in the wilderness”? Have you ever created a “table in the wilderness” experience for someone?We live in a “wilderness.” As our world descends into chaos, we have a powerful opportunity to be “servers of tables.” As many people retreat and defend, Jesus followers step forward and serve. But what does that look like? Join us on for a talk on subject that I believe is close to the heart of our King and our Father in heaven.“Our primary task is not so much to give answers to impossible philosophical questions as to bring signs of God’s new world to birth.” -N.T. WrightAn interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/14/20241 hour, 41 minutes, 11 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Knowing the Hero: Why Your Whole Life Depends on the Story You’re In" by Rachelle Wenger

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Rachelle Wenger to discuss why understanding your identity is essential to understanding your life.Everyone has a story they live in—a narrative of where this universe came from, where it’s going, and how I fit in. The Bible’s long, tightly-woven story from Genesis to Revelation (which I believe is the true one, for reasons we don’t have time to go into in this talk) is more and more astounding the more I understand it. I am one of the (minor) characters in this story. You are too. And the hero of the story is God.Unless we deeply engage with this story and see the Hero accurately, we end up living by one of the competing (false!) stories. I want to retell a bit of this story and highlight how, in my life and the lives of people around me, the story we live in makes all the difference.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/8/202446 minutes, 35 seconds
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"God’s Design for the Home – Marriage" by John Byler

Strength to Strength welcomed John Byler to encourage healthy dynamics in husband/wife relationships.God created marriage to be wonderful and beautiful. However, many people’s experience in marriage is sadly disappointing. Is there a way to experience what God originally intended?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/29/20241 hour, 17 minutes, 49 seconds
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"God’s Design for the Home – Raising Children" by John Byler

This is the first part of a two-part S2S Event called “God’s Design for the Home” to be held on February 24, 2024.Also, see part 2 “God’s Design for the Home – Marriage” by John Byler.Strength to Strength welcomed John Byler to encourage healthy dynamics in raising our children into the fear of God.Our children are faced with a world of challenges. Let’s take a look at our heavenly Father to understand how we can best prepare our children for life.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/29/20241 hour, 14 minutes, 35 seconds
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"Thy Kingdom Come: Kingdom Promises to Israel Fulfilled" by Paul Garber

Strength to Strength welcomed Paul Garber to unpack how the long awaited prophecies have been fulfilled in the Messiah’s kingdom.“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.” Those were the words of Jesus of Nazareth as he began his public ministry two thousand years ago. Could this humble man from the backwaters of Galilee really be the long awaited Messianic King who was to restore Israel and inaugurate a time of universal peace and justice?How was this reign of God going to come to pass, by military might and power as the Jews expected? Or by laying down his life for his enemies and calling his followers to do the same?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Jesus, not Jerusalem, would now become the central place within God’s purpose, the place around which God’s true people would be gathered.Peter Walker
2/16/20241 hour, 19 minutes, 26 seconds
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"Thy Kingdom Come: Kingdom Promises to Israel" by Paul Garber

Strength to Strength welcomed Paul Garber to share about how the Messianic anticipation raised by the prophets shaped Israel.Since the glory days of Israel’s greatest kings, David and Solomon, many prophets foretold a time when one of David’s descendants would rise to power and establish and restore God’s kingdom like never before. This descendant of David would be called the Messiah, the anointed King of Israel. His reign would be marked by universal peace and righteousness.The prophet Daniel in particular gave prophecies that had to happen within a specific window of time. And time was running out. Where was the promised Messiah?As the Romans swept through and conquered their ancient homeland, anticipation grew among the Jews. Was this the time when the Messiah would appear as the prophets predicted?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/13/20241 hour, 19 minutes, 40 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "God’s Design for Womanhood: Valuable, Gifted, Feminine, Meek" by Mariel Frost Frost

Strength to Strength welcomed Mariel Frost to discuss God’s design of womanhood.This talk is specifically for sisters only. Thanks!Whether you’re single or married, a mature Christian, or new to the faith, you probably have questions about what it means to be a woman. Throughout the ages, Satan has been equally satisfied with two opposite tactics concerning women. On the one hand, he has promoted the abasement of women. He wants them used, oppressed, and subservient. He wants them resigned, discouraged, and powerless. On the other hand, he has also encouraged the exaltation of women. He wants them to be independent, brash, argumentative, and discontent. Either way, Satan wins.But what does God want? What is God’s design for womanhood? Let’s explore what the Bible tells us…and what it does not. Let’s look at what a woman is… and what she is not.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/10/20241 hour, 20 minutes, 29 seconds
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Guest Interview: Church Index

In this interview, Strength to Strength (Sam Baer and Bryant Martin) interview representatives of Church Index (Darvin Martin and David Miller).Church Index is a new initiative that seeks to build an online resource to allow seekers to find churches on an interactive map. In their own words:"Today’s online church environment cannot adequately provide what Jesus desires for us to experience in fellowship and community with His family on earth. It is for that reason we desire to see people engaged with a local fellowship; we designed this website to help the church accomplish this purpose."Our mission is to create and maintain a public database of Anabaptist and similar churches from around the world who strive to live out the teachings of the New Testament. We endeavor to take the teachings of the New Testament seriously, intending to live and teach the doctrine and sound faith that was delivered to the apostles, as described in the New Testament. In general, we believe that churches today should believe and practice what was commonly believed and practiced by the New Testament church. To that end, Church Index humbly offers this database of churches."You may access Church Index at service is made financially possible by freewill contributions to cover the expenses. Please consider making an online contribution at, or by mailing a check payable to "Church Index" to:David Miller1017 Houserville RoadState College, PA 16801
1/24/202417 minutes, 22 seconds
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“Thy Kingdom Come: Who Is Israel?” by Paul Garber

Strength to Strength welcomed Paul Garber to think through the identity of the nation of Israel as the prophets conceptualized it in the Old Testament.Throughout the Old Testament we read of a unique and special nation called Israel. God had a special relationship with this nation and even called them the apple of His eye. With the nation of Israel, God made special promises of land and prosperity if they continued faithful in His covenants. First with God’s covenant with their forefather Abraham, and secondly with God’s covenant given on Mt. Sinai to Moses, the nation’s founding prophet.Reading about the special place that this nation has in God’s heart, we need to ask the questions: Who is Israel? What defined Israel as a nation in the Old Testament? And, what defines Israel as a nation today?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/17/20241 hour, 15 minutes, 58 seconds
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“Thy Kingdom Come: God’s Kingdom Vision for the World” by John D. Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed John D. Martin to discuss his favorite topic, the Kingdom of God.God’s kingdom here on earth is to be a colony of heaven that demonstrates how God intends the whole world to be. However, as humans there are times that we fail in being ambassadors that represent our nation well. After laying the groundwork for this marvelous kingdom, John will then look at three challenges we face in making this a credible present reality: two kingdom confusion, two kingdom clarification, and two kingdom caution.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Credit: In this Talk, John D. Martin shares the “Eight Powerful Effects of the Kingdom” by John Piper.
1/16/20241 hour, 15 minutes, 21 seconds
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S2S Sisters: “Service Versus Sensationalism: Our Response to Human Trafficking” by Rosa Nolt

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomes Rosa Nolt to share on the difference between service and sensationalism and its impacts on ministry.What is the difference between service and sensationalism and how do they impact ministry? Are some avenues of serving more glamorous than others?Rosa will be sharing some about her experiences in Thailand and working with women at risk. She will also share about the transition she went through in serving overseas on the mission field to becoming a wife and mother and finding new avenues of serving. She’ll talk some about human trafficking and how we can be aware of our surroundings and aid in prevention, even as we go about our everyday lives.We’ll zero in on what it looks like to minister with a servant’s heart in whatever role we find ourselves in right now, and on remaining faithful even when serving doesn’t look or feel as glamorous as we had hoped or envisioned.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/11/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 13 seconds
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S2S Book Interview: “Sidetracked” by Gary Miller

Christians want good to triumph! Yet at times it feels we are doing very little to fight the growing darkness here in America. Should Christians vote, sign petitions, or boycott ungodly corporations?
1/6/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 45 seconds
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“Testimonies of God’s Leading in 2023” by Kyle Yule and Darren Amendt

Strength to Strength welcomes two brothers to share their stories of God’s leading in their lives in the past year.The power of telling one’s story of God’s leading in our lives is often underestimated. The apostle John speaks of those who found victory by their testimonies:And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.Revelation 12:11In this talk, we welcome these two brothers to share their testimony of God’s work in their lives in 2023, with the hope to bring encouragement for each of us in the upcoming year.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/3/20241 hour, 18 minutes, 46 seconds
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“Masoretic Text versus Septuagint” by Adam Boyd

Strength to Strength welcomed Adam Boyd to discuss the selection of Old Testament text sources.In light of the increased attention the Septuagint has received in recent years, Adam discusses what role the Septuagint should have in translating the Old Testament into English and other languages, including whether or not it should replace the Masoretic Text as the primary source text for translation.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/20/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 2 seconds
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"Righteous Lot?" by Glenn Martin

“Righteous Lot?” is a historical retelling of the story of Lot, Abraham’s nephew, as recorded in the book of Genesis. The typical depiction of Lot portrays him as an example of selfishness, love of the world, poor parenting, and depravity—everything we should not be. Yet Peter’s commentary on Lot was stellar: he was a righteous man in Sodom, saved by his virtuous conduct.What excuse can be granted for selfishly choosing the better land from his uncle? Or for acclimating to the vile environment of the doomed cities while serving at the city gates as their judge? How could any good father offer his daughters to a savage mob in exchange for his own security? No excuse can suffice for this.In this book, Glenn Martin reexamines the biblical and historical narratives, and makes the bold conclusion that the modern telling bears little resemblance to the biblical character. According to the author, in Peter’s understanding of the narrative, Lot was guilty of none of the aforementioned things, and indeed, Lot was a righteous man and his conduct is defensible when the story is properly understood.
12/13/202345 minutes, 41 seconds
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S2S Sisters: “Navigating the Seasons: Living Well with Our Emotions” by a panel of three sisters

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomes three sisters to join a panel discussion on navigating our emotions and using them for God’s glory.This talk is specifically for sisters only. Thanks!Women were created beautifully as emotional beings, but these God-given emotions can sometimes be destructive. How can we navigate these feelings and use them for His glory? Join us as we hear from three sisters in different ages of life as they answer questions on how they are living well with their emotions.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/7/20231 hour, 20 minutes, 32 seconds
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“From Baghdad to the Netherlands, from Babylon to Zion” by Saher Haddad

Strength to Strength welcomed Saher Haddad to discuss his journey of faith into Jesus’ kingdom.Saher was born in Baghdad, Iraq, as a Catholic minority, and fled to the Netherlands in 1997. In this Talk, he will be sharing how God has changed his life from addictions to devotion to Christ, and his quest for true kingdom doctrine as he reads it in the Bible.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/7/20231 hour, 19 minutes, 44 seconds
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“Jesus and the Mennonites” by Hector Troyer

Hector Troyer and his wife Lois have five boys and one girl. They are a part of the Followers of Jesus congregation in State College, Pennsylvania.They are praying towards establishing an Anabaptist community in Hawaii. Because interpersonal conflict often derails fledgling church plants he has made a particular effort to understand how conflicts develop.He believes that it is essential that the Gospel be presented in the context of a faithful community of believers. To that end he is particularly interested in church multiplication through the aggressive colonization of new territory. His desire is to assist and encourage those attempting to start churches in cities and areas previously unoccupied by the Anabaptist / kingdom church.
12/2/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 22 seconds
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S2S Roundtable: "Behind the Scenes: History, Vision/Mission, Exciting Update in Interview with S2S"

Reagan Schrock from Anabaptist Perspectives joins us to at the table to interview us on how Strength to Strength got started (did you know what S2S was originally called!?). We lay out the vision and mission, and also get into what’s currently happening at here. We wrap up with talking about something we have been working on behind the scenesJoin us for our first-ever roundtable discussion with the S2S Admin and an invited guest. Enjoy!
11/30/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 27 seconds
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S2S Roundtable: "Behind the Scenes: History, Vision/Mission, Exciting Update in Interview with S2S"

Reagan Schrock from Anabaptist Perspectives joins us to at the table to interview us on how Strength to Strength got started (did you know what S2S was originally called!?). We lay out the vision and mission, and also get into what’s currently happening at here. We wrap up with talking about something we have been working on behind the scenesJoin us for our first-ever roundtable discussion with the S2S Admin and an invited guest. Enjoy!
11/29/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 16 seconds
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"Walk the Talk: Spotlight on Kingdom Work – part 2" by three brothers

Strength to Strength will typically host two Talks a year to spotlight Kingdom initiatives that can be an inspiration to others in the greater community of Jesus’ followers. If you know of a project that you would like to see spotlighted please contact us here. See part 1.Strength to Strength welcomed three brothers to discuss what their lives look like being a disciple of Jesus. They will share with us ways to pray and partner with them in their work.The unsung heros of Jesus’ kingdom are the faithful disciples who serve their Lord without fanfare or applause.Whether you are a warrior in secret prayer, a widow who casts in the last two mites, or a worker advancing the bleeding edge of the kingdom, you can rest assured that deeds of service do not escape the eye of our benevolent King.An interactive question-and-answer period follow
11/22/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 15 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Cultivating Meaningful Relationships With Our Daughters" by Carol Nisly

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Carol Nisly to share on how mothers can best build and strengthen their relationships with their daughters.Carefully stacked in a little-used cupboard, the Homer Laughlin bluebird set from one great-grandma is nestled beside another pattern handed down from another great-grandmother. These old dishes are among the treasures our daughters will inherit – and yes, we use them for special occasions! But there are other, more durable treasures I hope they will cherish and put to good use.Mothers shape family culture. What legacy will your daughters inherit? Are you unsure about the balance of work and play? How to cultivate healthy relational patterns? How to tell them the facts of life?Our children will inherit something, and by God’s grace, it can be more than our failures and fears! In this talk, I want to explore some anchors to steady the soul in stormy seasons. I hope by stories from my house, to encourage you to use your influence to facilitate enduring faith in family, community and church life.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
11/8/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 23 seconds
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“The First Great Commission” by Jon*

Strength to Strength welcomed Jon* to discuss reaching the unreached.Many Christians are familiar with Jesus’ Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20. However, there’s another great commission in the gospels, and it occurs before the well-known “Go Ye Therefore.”When Jesus saw the unreached multitudes, he gave a commission to all his disciples for all time: “Pray Ye Therefore.”An interactive question-and-answer period follows.* “Jon” is a fictitious name being used for security purposes in this talk. Thank you for your understanding.
11/8/202357 minutes, 42 seconds
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"Perspectives on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict" by Steven*

Strength to Strength welcomed Steven* and Elijah* to discuss the impact of the present Palestinian-Israeli conflict.UPDATE: Sadly, Elijah* was unable to join due to the tragic news that several of his close relatives were killed by an Israeli bombing in Gaza that occurred next to a church where they and hundreds of other Christians were staying. We hope to have Elijah* join us at a later time.Steven* is an Anabaptist brother working in Jerusalem; he joins us to help understand what life has been like there the last two weeks, and how Christians should think and respond to challenging conflicts such as this one.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.* “Steven” and Elijah* are fictitious names being used for security purposes in this talk. Thank you for your understanding.
10/21/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 21 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Intentional Growth: Reflecting with Prayer & Journaling" by Dorcas Showalter

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Dorcas Showalter to share on intentional growth, specifically through the ways of reflection with prayer and journaling.Often amidst the difficulties in this broken world, we can feel stuck between what is our reality and what we wish our lives would be like. Through many of these times in her own life, Dorcas learned that reflecting deeply on certain intentional questions alongside prayer and journaling, she was able to continually move forward in growth.Join us in this space to be inspired that growth is possible in any circumstance and how you can also incorporate the trio of reflection, prayer, and journaling as an aid in your journey.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Resource: Days of Month Verse Prayers
10/13/20231 hour, 38 minutes, 13 seconds
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"God Wins at Midnight" by Glenn Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Glenn Martin to explore a little-known Messianic prophesy.What does the final plague of Egypt have in common with the Incarnation? What does the Wisdom of Solomon offer to bring together these two accounts? And what classic Christmas hymn do we sing that foretells the birth of the Messiah by invoking the death angel’s arrival at the Passover?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
10/13/202355 minutes, 7 seconds
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"Our World and Our Wealth" by John D. Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed John D. Martin to discuss what sacrificialism in finances looks like.Join us for a heart-searching message on possessions. This message is intended to encourage Christians everywhere to spend more on helping the needy. The kingdom calls for it. In this Talk, John D. Martin will challenge this generation to be the most sacrificial generation.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
9/28/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 44 seconds
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S2S Sisters: Intentional Rest – Living in Belovedness by Dawn Nolt

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Dawn Nolt to share on how to connect with others and help encourage rest for their souls.Living in a world driven by technology, and in a culture devoted to family, productivity and ministry, many of us find ourselves busy and exhausted. Regularly quieting our hearts and replenishing our souls has become an elusive dream rather than reality.Join us in this space to explore the possibility of living in a place of rest and belovedness of the Father, which empowers us to minister to those around us out of fullness rather than scarcity.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
9/8/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 33 seconds
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"Building Healthy Church Culture" by Bill Shiley

Strength to Strength welcomed Bill Shiley to discuss what church life should and can be, and how to get there.Often, when we think about culture, our discussions center around dress, vehicles, technology, etc. The problem is that Jesus and the apostles don’t really spell out a lot of details on many of the specifics we deliberate over. But what DO Jesus and his apostles teach us about culture and how to create change in people? Is there a third way besides love and hope things get better, or lay down the law and drive people away?While I don’t have the answer to it all, I will be sharing some culture foundations Jesus teaches that are often ignored in efforts to create culture causing us to be unsuccessful, as well as some lessons we have been learning as a brotherhood at Chambersburg Christian Fellowship that have helped us build unity in our diversity and accomplish intrinsic change as individuals and as a group.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
8/16/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 27 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Intentional Finances – Using Our Resources for the Kingdom" by Lynelle Martin

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Lynelle Martin to share how we can “cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days,” and how this can relate to our finances.Let’s look at some resources that God has entrusted us with and also at why He has done this. How should we use them? What should we spend our time, and money on? What about the Old Testament concept of tithing?Do we look at money as a necessary evil that we need to have to live, or is it a tool that is to be used in advancing the kingdom of God? What are some ways to use our resources with eternity in focus? What is our place as sisters and what role do we fill with finances? How does our vision and values affect what we spend money on? Join us as we explore this subject together.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
8/11/20231 hour, 32 minutes, 35 seconds
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"Overcoming Evil God’s Way" by Stephen Russell

Strength to Strength welcomed Stephen Russell to discuss radical peacemaking.The early church and the first Anabaptists heard not only that God loves us and wants to save us, but they also heard, more clearly than many other Christians, that turning to Jesus has definite and clear implications, namely, that God’s people are to cooperate with Him so that His grace will change us on the inside, thus enabling us more fully and effectively to be His ambassadors to a lost, hurting world.Today we will look at the biblical, historical, and theological foundations of nonresistance and perhaps consider some practical ideas for living as peacemakers (the literal word used in the Sermon on the Mount) in a very violent, hate-wracked world.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
8/3/20231 hour, 23 minutes, 18 seconds
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"A Testimony of Learning to Walk as He Walked" by Anan Twijjukye

Strength to Strength welcomed Anan Twijjukye to share his testimony of coming to Jesus.Anan lived a very chaotic life as young teenager, trapped in addictions, particularly pornography, which is a habit he caught when he was still a dancer and entertainer in clubs. Having grown up in nominal Christian family, he considered himself a Christian, and went to church. But his life took a turn when a Christian challenged his walk and introduced the Scriptures.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Resource: Antioch Resource Center
7/20/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 42 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Intentional Bible Study – Reflect, Learn, Steward" by Irene Bontrager

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Irene Bontrager to share helpful tools to strengthen your Bible study.This talk begins by discussing how intentional Bible study can reflect God’s love to those around us. The Bible is the story how God made a covenant with Abraham to bless His people. The overarching theme is about God’s creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. This theme is found throughout the Bible and is still true today.A book from the Old Testament will be used to learn how to study a book and what to do with difficult passages and stories. The study will conclude with ways to become good stewards of God’s Word by studying about who God is. He is the “I AM.”An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
7/5/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 45 seconds
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“The Kingdom That Turned the World Upside Down” by David Bercot

Strength to Strength welcomed David Bercot to discuss his book on the 20th anniversary of the first edition.Join us for an interview/discussion of what led to the writing of this book, some of the concepts shared in this book, as well as David’s journey into his understanding of the centrality of this message.If you’re a skeptic that Jesus’ message of the “Kingdom of God” is central to understanding God’s work in the world today, this Talk is for you.Resources:Book by David Bercot: “The Kingdom That Turned the World Upside Down” available on Scroll Publishing and on AmazonAudio message by David Bercot: “The Kingdom of God” available on Scroll Publishing and on YouTube
7/4/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 5 seconds
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"Early Christian Understanding of the Empire" by Zack Johnson

Strength to Strength welcomed Zack Johnson to discuss how the early Christians viewed the governments of men.In August of 2019 a well known American actor named Rain Wilson wrote on Twitter, “The metamorphosis of Jesus Christ from a humble servant of the abject poor to a symbol that stands for gun rights, prosperity theology, anti-science, limited government (that neglects the destitute) and fierce nationalism is truly the strangest transformation in human history.”Has the Christian understanding of Jesus and empire undergone a metamorphosis?In this talk, Zack Johnson explores some of the behaviors and thoughts associated with Christian nationalism and compares them with the early Christian understanding of the empire and its implications.He urges Christ followers to return to sacrificialism instead of embracing Christian nationalism. He concludes that Jesus has imperium, not empire, and that the two are often incompatible.Resources:“No Blood but Our Own” by Zack Johnson“Four Quadrants of Peace” by Zack Johnson
7/4/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 21 seconds
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"Tips for Reading the Bible" by Darvin Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Darvin Martin to explore how we can shed light on obscure Biblical passages.In this Talk, Darvin first establishes a basic framework for sound interpretation. Then through examples of commonly misunderstood passages, he examines how context and author’s intent uncovers a more faithful interpretation.If you think Biblical hermeneutics is an exercise for the experts, this Talk is for you.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
6/26/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 6 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "From Selfishness to Serving" – A Sister’s Testimony by Kalya Rogers

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Kayla Rogers to share her testimony.Kayla comes from a worldly, broken upbringing. While on her own in college at the young age of 17, God showed her the truth that she will share in this Talk: life is only worth living when you devote yourself to God.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
6/7/202357 minutes, 19 seconds
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"Speech and Patterns of Life" by Delbert Weaver

Strength to Strength welcomed Delbert Weaver to discuss how our words precede our destiny.No one disputes that our words are a window to our heart. Yet few recognize how our words steer our lives and ultimately our destiny. With amazing accuracy, the measure we use will be measured back to us (Matthew 7:1-2). In this Talk, Delbert encourages care in our critiques of those around us, and ponders what impact that could have on the fragmentation of our fellowships.Life and death are in the hand of a tongue, and those who rule over it will eat the fruits thereof.Proverbs 18:21 SAASAn interactive question-and-answer period follows.Recommended: “The Patient Ferment of the Early Church” by Alan Kreider
6/7/20231 hour, 18 seconds
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"Sacred Writings: A Meal That Makes You Hungrier" by Chuck Pike

Strength to Strength welcomed Chuck Pike to explore the joy of finding and sharing Jesus through the Scriptures.Do you have the Scriptures, but feel too weary to dig in? Has Bible study become a drudgery instead of a joy?If that’s your experience, the good news is that there’s a goldmine awaiting your discovery. With the right tools, and a heart for the truth, God is waiting to reveal Himself to you.In this presentation, Chuck shares how the Scriptures became alive for him and led him to faith in Jesus Christ.Furthermore, he shares tips on how to lead Bible studies that encourage meaningful spiritual growth rather than fruitless and divisive debate.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
5/23/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 1 second
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S2S Sisters: "Intentional Relationships: Peace Within, Between, and Among" by Janelle Glick

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Janelle Glick to share on the blessings and challenges of intentionally creating peaceful relationships among ourselves.This talk begins with noting friendship strengths of women in Scripture, and then moves on to explore the adventure of opening ourselves to God’s call to live at peace with ourselves, in one-on-one relationships with others, and in larger communities.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
5/12/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 19 seconds
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"How to Answer Catholic and Orthodox Claims – part 2" by Lynn Martin

Strength to Strength welcomes Lynn Martin to examine the claims of the oldest Christian denominations.Today, many Christians are drawn to the ancientness of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions, who claim to be the very church that was established by Jesus. This is an opportunity to bring people to kingdom Christianity, which is rooted in the true original faith. This talk will teach how to demonstrate how the apostolic faith differs from the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.This is the second part of a two-part series called “How to Answer Catholic and Orthodox Claims” to be held on May 6, 2023.Also, see part 1: “How to Answer Catholic and Orthodox Claims – part 1” by Lynn Martin.
5/12/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 25 seconds
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"Sacred Writings: Living the Message" by Stephen Russell

Strength to Strength welcomed Stephen Russell to explore a defense of Biblical authority against its critics.Stephen begins by giving a summary of what the Scriptures consist of and how they were formed.Following this, he speaks of all people’s quest to understand their own lives and the world around them. In our desire to share the Gospel with others, we should do so winsomely, drawing from Peter’s advice in 1 Peter 3:8-17.The Christian’s defense should not use Scripture as a weapon. Instead, we should supersede confrontational apologetics with gentleness and respect, seeking to live an attractive Gospel message through our lives.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
4/28/20231 hour, 10 minutes, 20 seconds
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S2S Sisters: Bonus Talk: "Navigating the Seasons: A Discussion on Purposeful Motherhood" by four sisters

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed four sisters to join a panel discussion on motherhood.Four mothers in different seasons of life will answer questions on subjects like meeting God in mothering, serving with our children, and more.Listen to this episode, thinking about your mothering and how God wants to grow you in your current season.Speakers: Lindsey Kirkland, Janie Wagoner, Christina Baer, & Valerie Hurst
4/15/20231 hour, 33 minutes, 19 seconds
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"Sacred Writings: Biblical Languages Can Live Again!" by Finny Kuruvilla

Strength to Strength welcomed Finny Kuruvilla to explore the value of grasping the Biblical languages.Are you reliant on commentators and online translation tools to inform you of the meaning behind the strange characters that consititute the original writings?If you’re linguistically inclined, “It sounds like Greek to me” does not need to be your posture going forward. The Biblical languages are attainable, as demonstrated by history when learning Greek, Latin, and Hebrew was commonplace among academics.Is Biblical language for you? Is the investment worth the return? Does a grasp on the language retain its valuable in a world of online tools? Finny will answers these questions and more.For those who are not prepared to venture into this field, Finny will share tips for the use of interlinear tools, as well as caution in their limitations.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
4/8/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 54 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Intentional Formation: Living Young Adult Years with Purpose" by Joy Weiler

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Joy Weiler to discuss living with purpose and intentionality, and avoiding an aimless wandering through life.For many people, the young adult years are a time of discovering who we are, what we are passionate about, and what gifts and abilities God has given us. Scripture calls youth to be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, and in purity.These years are formational, and our choices can shape the trajectory of our lives. We will explore some ways to be intentional to use the young adult years well to serve and grow and build Christ’s kingdom.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
4/1/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 2 seconds
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"How to Answer Catholic and Orthodox Claims – part 1" by Lynn Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Lynn Martin to examine the claims of the oldest Christian denominations.Today, many Christians are drawn to the ancientness of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions, who claim to be the very church that was established by Jesus. This is an opportunity to bring people to kingdom Christianity, which is rooted in the true original faith. This talk will teach how to demonstrate how the apostolic faith differs from the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/25/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 9 seconds
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"Reading Paul Through First Century Eyes" by Paul Garber

Strength to Strength welcomed Paul Garber to help us refocus our vision to better read Paul’s epistles in their historical context.When we open our Bibles and read Romans, Ephesians, Colossians or Galatians, (or any book of the Bible for that matter) we must realize that these letters or books are part of a larger story, and that to properly understand their message we must read them as part of that larger story. The larger story is the entire story of human history from creation to new creation. But if we zoom in a little bit, a big part of this larger story is God’s covenants with Abraham and later the nation of Israel.Through Israel, Jesus the long awaited redeemer and King, the Messiah, appears on the scene and announces the arrival of the kingdom of God.Paul was an apostle of Jesus Christ, and as an apostle his message expounded upon the message of Jesus. The Good News of the kingdom of God as promised to Israel. And through Israel to the whole world.With this history and context in mind, we approach the writings of the great apostle Paul.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Recommended: “Salvation by Allegience Alone” by Matthew W. Bates
3/11/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 12 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Intentional Forgiveness: Keeping our Spirits Free and Clean" by Edith Burkholder

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Edith Burkholder to discuss how to move on from difficult situations, make peace with our past, and grow through it all by learning to forgive eachother as God has forgiven us.As we live and serve with other people, there are sometimes misunderstandings and problems in relationships. Edith will share about things that have helped her in times when she felt stuck in ruts of thinking and helped to bring her to more full forgiveness.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/4/20231 hour, 14 seconds
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"Biblical Counseling and Christian Psychology Meet the Sermon on the Mount" by Seth Mattson

Strength to Strength welcomed Seth Mattson to discuss the intersection of Jesus’ constitution with Biblical counseling and Christian psychology.The world of Christian counseling, ranging from integrated Christian psychology to direct biblical counseling, has a vibrant and ongoing history, although not without controversy. What do Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount as well as early Christian ideas have to offer to this discussion?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/25/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 54 seconds
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“A Proper Theology of the Body – part 2” by Kyle Stoltzfus

Strength to Strength welcomed Kyle Stoltzfus to discuss God’s perspective of our bodies He has given us.What does your body have to do with your relationship with God? When Paul argues for a spiritual body in I Corinthians 15, does he mean a ghostly, disembodied spirit? We respond in this session by laying out the contours of biblical reflection on human bodies. Then, we evaluate five Christian claims about human bodies.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/11/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 6 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Intentional Discipleship: A New Testament Vision for Women in the Church" by Kristi Mast

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Kristi Mast to share on the importance of discipleship among sisters.If women are told to be silent in the church, keepers at home, and meek and quiet, what does it look like for them to participate in the life of the church? Why does the church need women to study God’s Word if they aren’t preaching and teaching the body? And what’s the connection between the Scriptures and a life of discipleship? We’ll wrestle with these questions and more in our discussion together!An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/4/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 29 seconds
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"Sacred Writings: The Deuterocanonicals: Your Friend or Foe?" by David Bercot

Strength to Strength welcomed David Bercot to explore the books of the Old Testament apocrypha.These books from the so-called intertestamental period, largely written in Greek, have had a strong influence throughout the history of the church. This extended to Anabaptism in Europe, and significantly was a part of the King James Version of 1611. The Apocryphal books were often printed with the KJV up until about the 19th century.David explores the history and controversy surrounding these books, and offers a great perspective for our consideration today.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/28/20231 hour, 22 minutes, 17 seconds
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"Spiritual Disciplines Versus Spiritual Disaster" by Micaiah

Strength to Strength welcomed Micaiah to discuss the benefits of fidelity in prayer, fasting, solitude, and community.In this Talk, we discuss the benefits of a disciplined life in the throws of our present cultural anarchy and spirtual numbness that has deadened our walk and service to the King.The fidelity to daily rythyms of prayer and other practices will cause the life of the Creator to blow into the depths of our being leaving in its wake an army of well-trained disciples ready for active duty.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/28/20231 hour, 17 minutes, 47 seconds
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Bonus Talk: "Walk the Talk: Spotlight on Kingdom Work – part 1" by three brothers

Strength to Strength welcomed three brothers on an off-Saturday to discuss what their lives look like being a disciple of Jesus.The unsung heros of Jesus’ kingdom are the faithful disciples who serve their Lord without fanfare or applause.Whether you are a warrior in secret prayer, a widow who casts in the last two mites, or a worker advancing the bleeding edge of the kingdom, you can rest assured that deeds of service do not escape the eye of our benevolent King.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.“Where your talents and the needs of the world cross, there lies your vocation.”Aristotle
1/21/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 54 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Intentional Modesty: Seeking God's Heart for His Daughters" by Laura Kuruvilla

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Laura Kuruvilla to share her journey in the area of modesty and headcovering and addresses some of the pressing questions that surround us in this age.Why does God want us to dress modestly? How do we even come up with a definition of modesty? Is modesty defined by the culture in which we live? Are pants permissible for women?Join us to explore God’s heart for his daughters on this practical subject.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/14/20231 hour, 48 minutes, 58 seconds
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"The New Humanity" by John D. Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed John D. Martin to discuss Jesus’ ultimate purpose of coming to this world.God created a perfect humanity. All of us still carry the ideals of that humanity in our hearts. But attempts to fulfill those ideals in a fallen world usually end in disillusionment. Have these ideals been left to mock fallen man, or has God given us a way for their genuine fulfillment?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/14/20231 hour, 15 minutes, 13 seconds
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"From Bondage and Darkness to Liberty and Light" by Micah Hozen

Strength to Strength welcomed Micah Hozen to share his testimony of faith with us.From the suburbs and beaches of Southern California, to the forests and rivers of Oregon, I was restless, always looking for something, for somewhere to belong, for what truly pleased God. But my sin was always there confounding my search. This is the story of how God brought me to the end of myself, set me free, and delivered me into His Kingdom.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/31/20221 hour, 31 minutes, 18 seconds
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"A Proper Theology of the Body - Part 1" by Kyle Stoltzfus

Strength to Strength welcomes Kyle Stoltzfus to discuss God’s perspective of our bodies He has given us.What does your body have to do with your relationship with God? When Paul argues for a spiritual body in I Corinthians 15, does he mean a ghostly, disembodied spirit? We respond in this session by laying out the contours of biblical reflection on human bodies. Then, we evaluate five Christian claims about human bodies.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/17/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 47 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Called to the Kingdom – Ways Sisters Can Serve" by Crystal Miller, Susan Schlabach and Charlene Stoltzfus

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Crystal Miller, Susan Schlabach and Charlene Stoltzfus for a panel discussion on ways sisters can serve others in specific roles.Crystal will be sharing on members on the foreign fields and the vital roles that sisters can play.Susan will speak on those in leadership positions and ways sisters can walk alongside, encourage, be there for, and minister to.Charlene will be talking about single sisters and their important role in the Kingdom and how we can serve them.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/3/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 26 seconds
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"Sacred Writings: Preserved or Reconstructed? The Nature of the Greek New Testament" by Adam Boyd

Strength to Strength welcomed Adam Boyd to explore the different manuscript families of the Greek New Testament and to present the case for why the text preserved in the vast majorities of manuscripts is to be preferred.It is apparent that something is amiss. In Matthew 6:13 the King James Version concludes the Lord’s prayer with the words, “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” However, most modern English translations like the ESV and NIV exclude these words from the Lord’s prayer. Why do some translations include these words while others do not?Which is right, and why does it matter? Join Adam as he addresses these and other related questions about the text of the Greek New Testament.An interactive question-and-answer period will follow.
12/3/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 24 seconds
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"Sexual Addiction? Get Help for Yourself!" by Arthur Nisly

Strength to Strength welcomed Arthur Nisly to speak on the problem of sexual addiction among conservative Anabaptists. In Part 2, he speaks about the tools and concepts that he has found most helpful in working with over 40 men who long to be free from sexual addiction. He has invested more than 1,000 hours in the trenches.An interactive question-and-answer period will follow.
11/19/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 32 seconds
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"Sexual Addiction? Help Others!" by Arthur Nisly

Strength to Strength welcomed Arthur Nisly to speak on the problem of sexual addiction among conservative Anabaptists.In Part 1, he speaks to church leaders and those who want to help sexual strugglers, but don’t know how. He gives suggestions about how churches can make it safe to give help and to deal redemptively with those who come forward.An interactive question-and-answer period will follow.
11/19/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 46 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Born Crucified: The Secret to Finding Our Way" by Mariel Frost

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Mariel Frost for a discussion of their family’s spiritual journey.Leaving the culture in which we were raised can be unsettling. Finding our way to a Kingdom lifestyle is often especially difficult for us women. So, what is the secret to success? How can we help others in this transition? How can we ensure that our own journey won’t begin with enthusiasm but end in lukewarmness? And what should our attitude be towards those that walked with us for a time but have chosen a different path? An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
11/5/202252 minutes, 1 second
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"Sacred Writings: The Bible Jesus Read" by Chuck Pike

Strength to Strength welcomed Chuck Pike to explore Jesus’ Bible with us.Have you ever wondered why Jesus and the apostles misquote Old Testament texts? Are these sloppy quotations, sketchy transmission over the millennia, or shoddy translation in modern times? Or perhaps New Testament authors were trying to revise the Old Testament text to better represent their goals?For example, Isaiah says,“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,Because the Lord has anointed MeTo preach good tidings to the poor;He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,To proclaim liberty to the captives,And the opening of the prison to those who are bound.- Isaiah 61:1 NKJVBut when Jesus quoted this in Luke, He inserted the phrase “and recovery of sight to the blind:"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,Because He has anointed MeTo preach the gospel to the poor;He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,To proclaim liberty to the captivesAnd recovery of sight to the blind,To set at liberty those who are oppressed.- Luke 4:18 NKJVIf these discrepancies concern you, join Chuck as he illustrates Jesus’ and the apostles’ frequent use of a different Old Testament text than the one most English Bibles are translated from today. If you’ve heard confusing terms like “Masoretic” and “Septuagint” – that confusion is about to melt away.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
11/5/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 19 seconds
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Bonus Talk: "Would Jesus Vote? Thoughts From a Conscientious Abstainer" by Dan Ziegler

Strength to Strength welcomed Dan Ziegler on an off-Saturday to discuss the politics of Jesus’ nation.According to recent research from Barna Group, more practicing Christians believe the government is responsible to create meaningful change, rather than the church.Dan’s essay, “A Question of Power,” provides an outline of Jesus’ relation to the world as a model for His followers.With Election Day in the United States only ten days away, this talk is not only timely but important for those who wish to follow the King Jesus while residing in a world with the church enamored by political power.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Recommended, also by Dan Ziegler:Essay: Following Jesus into the Bible – How Anabaptists Understand Scripture, Part 1Essay: Jesus means what He says and He is talking to us! – How Anabaptists Understand Scripture, Part 2YouTube video: Why Do They Live That Way, Part 1YouTube video: Why Do They Live That Way, Part 2
10/29/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 21 seconds
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"The Weak and the Strong Being Church Together" by Lamar Showalter

Strength to Strength welcomed Lamar Showalter to discuss God’s desire for relationships within the church.What does it mean to bear with the weak? Am I weak or am I strong? The differences between the weak and the strong can cause some tension in church life. But as we read in John 13:35, it is critical that we learn to work together and support each other. This talk will share some thoughts and perspectives on constructively navigating this aspect of relationships.We then who are strong ought to bear with the scruples of the weak, and not to please ourselves.Romans 15:1 NKJVAn interactive question-and-answer period follows.
10/22/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 20 seconds
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"Sacred Writings: The Revelation of Jesus Christ" by Greg Weaver

Strength to Strength welcomed Greg Weaver to introduce this series about God’s written revelation known as the Bible. Note how the apostle Paul brilliantly illustrates the path to faith:So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 NKJVJoin us as we explore foundational concepts in our approach to Scripture. Consider these statements and ask yourself how you would respond:“Hermeneutics and interpretation is for those who don’t want to accept the plain words.”“The Bible is not the Word of God; Jesus is.”“Leave ‘Christocentrism’ for the theologians to discuss.”“The Bible is God’s love story (or, a history book; or, a science book).”Do you feel confident responding to such statements?In this talk, Greg portrays the Scriptures as a painting of an epic theme, drawing its readers into a cohesive understanding of a person as the unified center of the book.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
10/8/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 30 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Room at the Table" by Jamila Kurtz

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Jamila Kurtz for a conversation in missional hospitality.Do you spend your days changing diapers, washing dishes and sorting through piles of laundry?Does doing something to advance the kingdom of God seem like an elusive, distant dream?My life was changed forever when I began to see our home as one of my greatest tools in bringing the kingdom of God to those around me on this earth.I’m excited to share what God has taught me about welcoming the stranger and making room for others today … right where we are.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
10/1/20221 hour, 38 minutes, 36 seconds
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Bonus Talk: "A Life Sold Out to Jesus" by Pablo Yoder

Pablo Yoder has dedicated his life to the furtherance of the kingdom of God. For the past twenty-seven years, he has worked among the Nicaraguan people to bring a message of Jesus’ love.On August 15, 2022, he was diagnosed with stage-four kidney cancer. Now, in the sunset of his life, he shares life lessons he has learned with those of us who remain.Pablo grew up in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and moved to Costa Rica as a child. After marriage, Pablo and his wife Euni were blessed with six children and moved to plant a church in Waslala, Nicaragua.Of particular note, between 1995 and 2000, Pablo and his family have lived through dozens of tests of faith while encountering robberies and death threats in Nicaragua. His responses are predictably creative and consistently filled with love for his enemies.Pablo lives in Nicaragua with his wife Euni and six children.This interview has been done by Zack Johnson, along with the assistance of Clark Wray from the Followers of the Way church in Boston, Massachusetts. We thank them for the use of this production.His books range from his love of nature such as “The Work of Thy Fingers,” biographical sketches such as “Unconditional Surrender,” inspirational works such as “Footprints of Christ,” and personal journeys such as “Angels Over Waslala," and many others available at many others available at
9/30/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 26 seconds
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"Three Trees and a Computer Bug: Lessons in Crisis Leadership" by Ryan Hoover

Strength to Strength welcomed Ryan J. A. Hoover to share stories, observations, and lessons learned from leadership in crisis.In August 2003, 55,000,000 people in eight states and Ontario lost power – some for several hours, some for multiple days – because of three trees and a computer glitch. The ensuing cascade jammed traffic, released toxic chemicals into rivers, flooded subways, closed airports, cost more than $ 10 billion, and caused the death of a hundred people.While the global COVID-19 pandemic has been a significant challenge for society over the past 2+ years, it has been acutely difficult for the healthcare sector. When that healthcare facility is operated by volunteers that live in dorms, infectious diseases are more difficult to manage. Further, the intersection of Anabaptists, government regulations, individual rights, and infectious disease, has been complex.As the Administrator of Mountain View Nursing Home through this time, Ryan Hoover has seen much, failed often, and learned some in organizational leadership during crises.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
9/24/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 41 seconds
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"Peacemaking Through Conflict" by Hector Troyer

Strength to Strength welcomed Hector Troyer to survey causes of and solutions to interpersonal conflict.Hector will look at healthy and unhealthy responses to conflict-triggering situations. Even more importantly, he will be exploring simple techniques that can reduce the negative power of conflicts in our lives.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Recommended book: “Radical Collaboration” by Jim Tamm
9/10/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 12 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Our Homeschool Journey" by Lisa Peters

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Lisa Peters to discuss their family’s journey into the unchartered territory of homeschooling.My husband and I were both public schooled, I never even dreamed of homeschooling my own children… that is until our first child was born. The love and responsibility we felt to train him up in the Lord weighed heavily on our hearts, and we only wanted what was right.When he was five, after a long battle of deciding which route to take, we finally made the decision to homeschool. I was so excited, yet so scared. I felt privileged for the opportunity, yet anxious for the responsibility. What if I did something terribly wrong? What if I neglected to teach a very important concept? What if…???I want to share what we’ve learned over the years, though we’ve made many mistakes. I want to share our homeschool journey, though it’s far from finished.My prayer is that someone might be inspired, be encouraged, be strengthened, as I often have been when listening to other moms share their journey.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
9/3/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 30 seconds
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"Four Kingdom Cautions" by John D. Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed John D. Martin to share some words of Jesus as a reminder to those who diligently seek Him.The Sermon on the Mount presents Jesus’ ideal, a colony of Heaven on earth as visualized in the Lord’s prayer, “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”In Matthew 7, Jesus presents four rules of life for those on the kingdom road:“Judge not”“Do not cast your pearls before swine”“Ask, seek, and knock”“Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them”Put aside your pat interpretations, and allow yourself a fresh perspective from Jesus’ Constitution.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
8/13/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 9 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "The God Who Sees" by Natasha Sweazy

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Natasha Sweazy to contrast the worldviews from women in the Bible to the world today. From the cries of women saying, “give me children or I will die” to “give me children and I’ll die”.No matter what stage of life you are in, whether it be women with a lot of small children, a child who has walked away from God, or women unable to have children of her own, God sees us and he knows our heart.Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.Ephesians 3:20-21An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
8/6/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 23 seconds
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Bonus Talk: "Kingdom Opportunities 2022 – part 2" by five brothers

Strength to Strength welcomed five brothers on an off-Saturday to introduce and discuss ministry opportunities in 2022.Jesus said,Do you not say, “There are still four months and then comes the harvest”? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! John 4:35 NKJVOur goal with these updates is to raise awareness of ministry opportunities around the world, and also to serve as inspiration for you to seek out opportunities for outreach in your area.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
8/6/20221 hour, 31 minutes, 24 seconds
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"Why Don’t We Love God?" by Darvin Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Darvin Martin to discuss what Peter meant when he said:“But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts…”1 Peter 3:15aThe primary command that God has given us is to love Him with all of our being. But how can we love a God whom we mistrust?From the garden of Eden to our present day, Satan’s scheme has been to deceive people into believing that God is not working in their interest.In this Talk, we want to learn from Peter’s exhortation, and explore why it is so important, and how it relates to becoming an overcoming Christian.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Recommended: Darvin is developing this topic more extensively with a series of short videos on his personal YouTube channel.
7/30/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 22 seconds
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"Thinking Well – How Our Communities Have Failed and How They Can Succeed" by Lynn Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Lynn Martin to discuss how we can encourage intellectual sustainability in our thought processes.Are thinkers necessary to Anabaptist culture? Should we care that the most talented young people often leave the Anabaptist community? This talk will address these questions.Lynn suggests ways that our communities can support better thinking without losing our values and distinctives.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Resources:Think Truth blog and podcast: “Thinking more so we can better love God and others.”The Trailhead (subscribe by email at [email protected]):“From breakfast to bedtime, marriage to business management, preaching to parenting, . . . the delights and dilemmas of manhood.”The Curator blog for literature and the arts: “building a community of writers, readers, and thinkers.”Anabaptist Viewpoint (subscribe by email at [email protected]):“addressing issues facing conservative Anabaptist leaders”and more on our Resources page
7/16/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 58 seconds
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Bonus Talk: "Understanding Trauma, OCD, and Scrupulosity – part 2" by Conrad Eby

Strength to Strength welcomed Conrad Eby to discuss his experience in understanding and dealing with behaviors resulting from trauma.Trauma, defined as any extraordinary disruption of a person’s inner world, can be the beginning of emotional distress and mental illness. Anxiety disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be a result of trauma.Scrupulosity is a form of OCD that gets wrapped up in conscience issues, making it difficult for very good people to be at rest. Join us as we unpack why, what, when, and where, along with how to treat it effectively.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
7/9/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 27 seconds
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"The Power of the Kingdom Realized Through Weakness" by Marvin

Strength to Strength welcomed Marvin* to discuss the story of the Bible as the story of God’s love towards his people, in which God condescends—takes on weakness—to form a special people set apart to him.This paradigm of God’s purposes being accomplished through seeming weakness, is also the paradigm adopted by Jesus, Paul, and the early church. It is also the paradigm that we are called to follow. But how should that look in cross-cultural contexts? In this talk we explore the examples we have from Scripture and the early church, and then provide a few practical suggestions for what this could look like in overseas ministry.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.* alias used for security purposes.Resource: see Marvin’s interview with All-Nations Bible Translation
7/2/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 31 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Return to Thy Mistress" by Bernice Troyer

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Bernice Troyer to share lessons from the experiences of Sarai and Hagar.Full of frustration with her own her faulty plan to help God, Sarai deals hardly with Hagar. Hagar runs to the desert to escape the abuse, but the Lord’s angel asks her to return to her mistress and submit under her hand. (Genesis 16)Why? And how does this apply to the difficult relationship in my life? What can I do about the woman who controls / manipulates me and makes my life difficult? Let’s talk about it in this next session.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
7/2/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 22 seconds
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"Understanding Trauma, OCD, and Scrupulosity – part 1" by Conrad Eby

Strength to Strength welcomed Conrad Eby to discuss his experience in understanding and dealing with behaviors resulting from trauma.Trauma, defined as any extraordinary disruption of a person’s inner world, can be the beginning of emotional distress and mental illness. Anxiety disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be a result of trauma.Scrupulosity is a form of OCD that gets wrapped up in conscience issues, making it difficult for very good people to be at rest. Join us as we unpack why, what, when, and where, along with how to treat it effectively.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Resource: diagram to accompany this talk
6/18/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 14 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Visiting the Fatherless in Their Distress" by Marcia Zimmerman

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Marcia Zimmerman to share about seeking God’s heart for ways to minister in the brokenness that comes with trauma and prenatal exposure to substance abuse.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
6/4/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 28 seconds
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"From a Life of Sin to a Family Music Ministry" by Brackin Kirkland

Strength to Strength welcomed Brackin Kirkland to share his life testimony.In Brackin’s own words:I grew up in a Christian home, but I made many bad decisions in my teenage years, which led me into a life of sin and rebellion. But the Lord was with me all along the way, and His grace brought me back to life again in my early 20’s. As a result, now I’m thankful for the opportunity to share His grace – His power – with a lost and dying world.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
6/4/20221 hour, 24 minutes, 9 seconds
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"Critique of Classic Dispensationalism - part 2" by Adam Boyd

Strength to Strength welcomed Adam Boyd to discuss the dangers of dispensationalism, and how a Biblical perspective can inform our understanding of where we are in God’s plan.Part 2 is a critique of the teachings of Classic Dispensationalism based on the teachings of the New Testament.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
5/21/20221 hour, 26 minutes, 52 seconds
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"Overview of Classic Dispensationalism - part 1" by Adam Boyd

Strength to Strength welcomed Adam Boyd to discuss the dangers of dispensationalism, and how a Biblical perspective can inform our understanding of where we are in God’s plan.Part 1 is an overview of the teachings of classical dispensationalism, particular as it relates to Israel and the church.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.This was the first part of a two-part S2S Event held on May 21, 2022.Also, see part 2: “Critique of Classic Dispensationalism” by Adam Boyd.
5/21/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 21 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "From the World and Into His Kingdom" by Christina Baer

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Christina Baer to share her life testimony.Christina grew up in a home with her mom and younger sister in Calgary, Alberta. She had little religious influences and God was not part of their home. Christina struggled with depression and in her search for joy, she found it in a place she didn’t even think of looking, Jesus Christ. Join us as Christina shares her testimony.An interactive question-and-answer period followsRecommended: Testimony by Christina Baer’s husband, Sam Baer
5/7/202256 minutes, 33 seconds
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"Patriotic Ambassadors: Hospitality Worthy of a Jesus Embassy" by Bryant Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Bryant Martin to discuss how we can be ambassadors of radical welcome.What on earth is hospitality anyhow? Is it a hallmark of our King and his kingdom? If so, how are we going to remove the bottlenecks to be obedient citizens?My goal is to convince you that at the heart of Christianity and kingdom advance is bringing-heaven-to-earth hospitality.There are two mandates in the New Testament. One is witness, the other is service. To ignore either of them is to seriously cripple the church . . . to engage in evangelism of soul without recognition that those souls also have bodies is foolish and unreal . . . love which is demonstrated in tangible acts of Christian caring is irresistible.-Stanley MooneyhamJesus wants a society of redeemed people to show the world what the whole world would look like if everybody obeyed the King.-John D. MartinAn interactive question-and-answer period follows.Bryant recently shared a topic with Anabaptists Perspectives called “Christian Hospitality and Why It Matters.” Listen to these two episodes for a foundation for this talk.YouTube: Episode 1YouTube: Episode 2
5/7/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 21 seconds
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"The Economics of the Kingdom of God" by Edsel Burdge

Strength to Strength welcomed Edsel Burdge to discuss God’s vision of how economics should work within His nation.Where is your treasure?This survey of the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus and the apostles will demonstrate a consistent attitude toward economics and the accumulation and distribution of riches.His talk highlights some of the teaching he presented in this four-part series.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
4/23/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 55 seconds
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"Singlehood: a Calling to Be Stewarded" by Bill Shiley

Strength to Strength welcomed Bill Shiley to share about Christian singlehood.Is singlehood a season to be endured? Does God, in fact, place a premium on marriage?Is the common perception that singles need to “find their fulfillment in God” an adequate response? In this presentation, Bill shares about where the New Testament teaches fulfillment is to be found.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.This poem, shared during the presentation, captures an important reminder to all:As the King Passed ByAs the king passed by, thro’ the narrow street,With a thousand menials in his train,Ready to catch the downcast rein,Or lie in the dust at his princely feet,A peasant sat in his lowly door,And the sunshine lay on his cottage floor,As the king passed by.And unto himself the peasant said,As he caught the shimmer of purple and gold,And saw the menials young and oldAttend each turn of the royal head:“How enviable a man is he —A life of ease and minstrelsy!”As the king passed by.As the king passed by, his eyes beheldThe peasant sitting by his door,And the golden sunlight on his floor.And beneath the purple his weary heart swelled,And he sighed: “What were it worth to beLike yonder peasant, trammell free”As the king passed by.Charles Stebbins
4/9/20221 hour, 27 minutes, 17 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Beauty in Suffering" by Linda Miller

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Linda Miller to share on how God redemptively lightens the dark journeys of our lives.In a world of brokenness, we experience pain and hardship. We shy away form suffering, longing for healing and relief from the pain. How can there be beauty in my difficult circumstances? Can any good come out of the hard situation I’m in? God is our Redeemer; He makes all things beautiful in His time. He walks with us in our suffering, to bring about His purpose.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
4/2/202258 minutes, 51 seconds
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"Serving the King in Mexico" by Josué Moreno

Strength to Strength welcomed Josué Moreno to share his testimony of faith as a disciple of Jesus in Mexico. Josué tells his life story of growing up in a happy evangelical home. Growing up, he experienced doubts and fears, and departed from the Lord for a season of his life. He came across the Anabaptists at age 15. In his words, “The Lord brought me home again. I just want to follow and serve My King here in Mexico!” An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/26/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 22 seconds
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"Patriotic Ambassadors: The Kingdom Message, Visually Presented" by Shawn Miller

Strength to Strength welcomed Shawn Miller to share an overview presentation of the kingdom of God.To be a “kingdom person” means to be under the reign of God. Like earthly nations, Jesus’ kingdom has four components including a leader, constitution, domain, and citizens. However, in contrast to the nations of the world, Jesus’ kingdom is international. He came as a King with all the intended consequences of that terminology. His citizens are disbursed among all nations of the world.How can we present this idea of God’s kingdom to the world around us? A visual presentation can help people firmly grasp the meaning of this concept and open the door for deep discussions about what it means to be a part of the marvelous kingdom of God.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/12/202246 minutes, 40 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "The Battle for Emotional Purity" by Darla Weaver

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Darla Weaver for a practical topic for women of all ages.What happens when we bring God into the secret longings of our heart? What does emotional purity look like for a young woman? How does God fit into that vulnerable part of our life and what do we do with these desires for intimacy and connection?Join us as we talk about God’s heart for purity, His desire for a relationship of intimacy with His daughters, and the why’s behind His standards of holiness.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Mothers, please be conscious of the age and maturity of your listening daughters. Thank you!
3/5/20221 hour, 44 minutes, 12 seconds
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Bonus Talk: "Ukraine Crisis" by four brothers

Strength to Strength welcomed four brothers from four different countries on an off-Saturday to join us to discuss the current Ukrainian crisis. Each of the four brothers are directly involved in providing assistance through various channels.Jesus’ words in the Judgment scene are a reminder that while we serve others, we are serving Jesus:“Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”Matthew 25:40 NKJVAn interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/5/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 15 seconds
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"Patriotic Ambassadors: Reclaiming Responsibility" by Zack Johnson and David Anderson

Strength to Strength welcomed Zack Johnson to discuss how those politically uninvolved are to remain active in effecting change in the world.Given voting is an abdication of responsibility, then how should Christ followers be reclaiming responsibility? This talk explores Christianity’s burden in global poverty and world change. Together with David Anderson, the two introduce James Hunter’s paradigms in To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/26/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 11 seconds
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“'Creation to New Creation' Curriculum" by Charlton Sweazy

Strength to Strength welcomed Charlton Sweazy to introduce and discuss a new Bible study course.Many people don’t have a comprehensive understanding of the storyline of the Bible. As a result they blindly follow false teachers who strip them of their money, life and dignity while fanning a false hope of a better future. We believe everyone should understand the storyline of the Bible from creation to new creation, freeing them to love and create a better world without being stripped of their possessions by scamming pastors.The new “Creation to New Creation” (C2NC) Bible study course is no ordinary course where you go and do as you please. Instead, the goal is deep, biblical transformation over time.We want to empower and equip Gospel-informed disciples of the Kingdom to answer the call to a serious and holy witness for our King Jesus.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/12/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 51 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "Faithfully Running the Race, Seeing Eternity" by Deborah Bercot

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Deborah Bercot to reflect on characters whose lives are worth replicating.Running the race faithfully to the end, even unto death. Our sisters and brothers have done this through the ages. Deborah presents a glimpse into the lives of some early Christian and Anabaptist sisters who faithfully ran their race toward Christ and eternity.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/5/20221 hour, 13 seconds
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"Kingdom Reductionism: an Atonement Talk & Discussion" by Dean Taylor

Strength to Strength welcomed Dean Taylor to discuss the atonement.When it comes to the doctrine of the Atonement, most theologically minded Anabaptists (including myself) would consider ourselves a “Christus-Victor-guy.” What I mean by this is that we believe that the story of what Jesus accomplished on the cross includes the bigger picture of Christ’s victory over Satan and all of Satan’s kingdom. That’s good. However, what’s not good is that in the process of championing Jesus’ victory over Satan, we have often thrown the sacrifice of Christ under the bus.As a historical theologian, I feel that many in the neo-Anabaptist world have gone way too far with “Christus Victor” and “Ransom Atonement” theories of the Atonement. I think I understand why we have done this. But we were wrong. For this reason, I wrote a paper (see link below) where I discussed a few possible reasons why this reductionism occurred. I called this problem “Kingdom Reductionism.”The current rhetoric among neo-Anabaptist (and many in the academic world) is that the sacrifice themes of the Atonement, commonly known as “Penal Substitutionary Atonement (PSA),” started centuries after the early Church with Anselm in the middle ages. In my paper and in this presentation, I look at several critical early Christian passages related to the Atonement. In doing so, I demonstrate that from a historical perspective, this rhetoric is complete nonsense.In saying that, please understand that I will not be trying to claim that PSA was the exclusive view of the early Church. All that I am saying is that PSA was very clearly one of the metaphors used by the early Church to describe the miracle of the Atonement. From a historical perspective, this is easily proven.As a conclusion, I argue that pastorally I believe that the loss of PSA has hurt our churches producing unnecessary division, a loss of holiness, spiritual pride, and anemic worship.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Download: Kingdom Reductionism by Dean Taylor
1/29/20221 hour, 52 minutes, 44 seconds
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Bonus Talk: "Kingdom Opportunities 2022 - part 1" by four brothers

Strength to Strength welcomed four brothers on an off-Saturday to introduce and discuss ministry opportunities in 2022.Jesus said,Do you not say, “There are still four months and then comes the harvest”? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!John 4:35 NKJVOur goal with these testimonies is to raise awareness of ministry opportunities around the world, and also to serve as inspiration for you to seek out opportunities for outreach in your area.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/22/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 7 seconds
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"Sing the New Song" by John D. Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed John D. Martin to share about music and what it means to “Sing the New Song.”In the first part of the discussion, John D. spoke about the importance of music and what it accomplishes in the life of the Christian.In the second part of the discussion, he covered more practical aspects of what our music should be like, using Revelation 5:9 as a model for the music of the redeemed:And they sang a new song, saying:“You are worthy to take the scroll,And to open its seals;For You were slain,And have redeemed us to God by Your bloodOut of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.Revelation 5:9 NKJVAn interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/15/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 11 seconds
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"Rise Up, O Man of God" by Lamar Showalter

Strength to Strength welcomed Lamar Showalter to encourage us to rise up in this new year.Hunger and starvation are not new tragedies. But did you know people are dying of starvation right in your own town? This is a challenge for 2022 to rise up and feed the “starving” people around you with the fruit of the Spirit.Rise up, O men of God!Have done with lesser things;Give heart and soul and mind and strengthTo serve the King of kings.William MerrillAn interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/1/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 52 seconds
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Bonus Talk: "Experiences as a Hostage in Haiti" by Sam Stoltzfus

Strength to Strength welcomed Sam Stoltzfus on an off-Saturday to share about his experiences during the highly-publicized Haiti hostage crisis.On October 16, 2021, the 400 Mawozo gang kidnapped seventeen volunteer missionaries serving in Haiti under Christian Aid Ministries. Most remained captive until their miraculous escape on December 16, 2021.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/25/20211 hour, 50 minutes, 31 seconds
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"Patriotic Ambassadors: Crossing Cultures" by Leonard Hege

Strength to Strength welcomed Leonard Hege to discuss bringing the written word of God to unreached people groups.Being an effective ambassador requires a familiarity with the society in which we represent our King. What about our host culture is hostile to the message we bring? What provides an open door for ministry? This talk provides a case study in thinking about strategic ambassadorship.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/18/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 50 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "God, Grace, and Godly Womanhood" by Darla Weaver

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Darla Weaver for this important and timely topic.What does it mean to walk in grace as a woman of God? In a conservative Christian culture that embraces obedience to the Word of God, grace can easily get lost in the details. My personal journey from obedience rooted in fear and a desire for perfection, to obedience rooted in love, relationship, and freedom has been long and varied, but it’s also been life changing in the best kind of way. Legalism demands perfection from everyone, especially ourselves, but grace points to the finished work on the cross, enabling us to walk in obedience with a heart of joy and surrender.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/4/20211 hour, 18 minutes
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"Patriotic Ambassadors: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities" by Gary Miller

Strength to Strength welcomed Gary Miller to discuss his recent book, Reaching America.Few of our unbelieving American neighbors are coming to faith and joining our conservative Anabaptist fellowships. Does our culture lack spiritual interest, are we doing something wrong, or should this be considered normal?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/4/20211 hour, 32 minutes, 1 second
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"Hope in Depression, a Mental Health Challenge" by Verlynn Yoder

Strength to Strength welcomed Verlynn Yoder to provide hope to those struggling with depression, and answer.Some of us may ask ourselves, why am I feeling down so often lately? Circumstances and pressures can feel large and looming. Stress levels rise without us identifying how they affect us. We should be asking ourselves honestly, am I depressed?The world of depression is an awful world. It is a lonely place. A place that seems to have no end in sight. Everyone else seems to come out of their lows except me. Is there some switch to flip so that life can be like it was before? Yes, there is hope. There is a journey out of depression. For most it is a steady process that requires discipline, hard work and humility. With God’s promise of grace to the humble there is hope. With depression can come anxiety and much insecurity but this too can be overcome.Others have walked this dark valley and have come out better than before. I know because I have been there and by the grace of God, I have come back. There is hope.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Recommended book: “The Secret of the Singing Heart” by C. W. Naylor
11/20/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 54 seconds
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"Patriotic Ambassadors: Plundering the Strong Man’s House – part 2" by Chuck Pike

Strength to Strength welcomed Chuck Pike to discuss expanding the borders of the kingdom of God.Join Chuck as he shares practical insights on evangelism based on decades in a very evangelistic, church-planting movement that emphasized repentance, commitment, and discipleship.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
11/6/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 52 seconds
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"Patriotic Ambassadors: Plundering the Strong Man’s House – part 1" by Chuck Pike

Strength to Strength welcomed Chuck Pike to discuss expanding the borders of the kingdom of God.Join Chuck as he explores how we can use the Old Testament prophecies to convince unbelievers.We can learn from the earliest Christians how we too can do the same today to great effect.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
11/6/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 32 seconds
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"Patriotic Ambassadors: Advancing Jesus’ Kingdom" by John D. Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed John D. Martin to discuss his favorite topic, the Kingdom of God.God’s kingdom here on earth is to be a colony of heaven that demonstrates how God intends the whole world to be.God’s righteous rule is just, and kind, and good, and right. The problem is that the gospel is presented a lot of times as a “save me” gospel. Salvation is a means to an end, not an end in and of itself.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
10/23/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 56 seconds
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"Patriotic Ambassadors: Politics, Culture, and Kingdom Church Planting" by Dwight Nisly

Strength to Strength welcomed Dwight Nisly to discuss his experiences with expanding the kingdom of God.Have you ever wrestled with the role of politics and culture in advancing God’s Kingdom? The Apostle Paul answers these questions with a call to “the ministry of reconciliation” and a profound political analogy!What is the message Christians should be communicating to the world?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
10/16/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 40 seconds
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S2S Sisters: "The Woman’s Role in the Kingdom" by Tania Taylor

Strength to Strength Sisters welcomed Tania Taylor for our first S2S Sisters’ topic.Is your heart’s deepest longing to advance the kingdom of God, right where you are today? Join us as we explore with Tania what a woman’s role should be in the kingdom of God. And come prepared – we want to hear your questions and input afterward!An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
10/9/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 14 seconds
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"Managers in God’s Household – The Second Side of Stewardship" by Marlin Sommers

Strength to Strength welcomed Marlin Sommers for a discussion about stewardship.Christians talk a lot about stewardship. Being stewards is indeed a biblical idea (though “servant managers,” or “household managers” may be better terms). We know that what we are entrusted with is ultimately God’s resources.What we may miss is that stewardship also describes our social roles in our various communities. We are stewards of God’s resources for the individuals or communities he intends those resources to bless.This broadens our perspective on stewardship to include our skills, roles, and responsibilities, not just our money.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Resource: Business People Are StewardsResource: Stewards Are God’s Household Managers
10/9/202156 minutes, 15 seconds
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"The Joys, Challenges, Tears and Laughs of a Dad with Special Children" by Tony Zook

Strength to Strength welcomed Tony Zook to discuss his experiences with parenting children with special needs.Have you struggled with your children’s disabilities? Do you wonder “Why me?”Tony will share things that encouraged him and his wife Martha when their daughter was born with down syndrome. He will also share tips from their family’s experience on how to relate to families with special needs.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
10/2/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 17 seconds
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"Afghan Refugee Crisis: How Can We Help?" by four brothers

Strength to Strength welcomed four brothers to discuss the refugee flow from Afghanistan.There are urgent and long-term opportunities to provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support to needy people-groups arriving at our doorsteps.Join us as we explore ways help immigrants in our communities arriving from Afghanistan. How can we offer assistance to the most needy among us?I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.Matthew 25:35 NKJVAn interactive question-and-answer period follows.Resource: Plain News: Helping Afghan Refugees #2You can help: contribute to Christian Aid MinistriesYou can help: contribute to Advance 1040
9/25/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 32 seconds
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"In My Father's House Are Many Mansions" by Darvin Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Darvin Martin for a Bible study of John 14.Are you looking forward to a mansion in heaven? Waiting for Christ to come again and take us to the place which He has prepared?Scores of Gospel songs feed this anticipation. But what specifically did Jesus promise in John 14?2 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.John 14:2,3 NKJVJoin me as we listen once again to Jesus’ last words with the disciples before going to the cross. Let us believe the promise that He gave! It may be better than you thought!An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
9/18/202152 minutes, 41 seconds
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"The Name We Trust" by Aaron Crider

Strength to Strength welcomes Aaron Crider for a Bible study of God’s name.The name of the LORD is a strong tower;The righteous run to it and are safe.Proverbs 18:10 NKJVJoin us for a worshipful meditation on “The Name We Trust.” Does the name of our God matter? Why is it hidden in most of our Bibles? What happens to The Name after the Old Testament?Read the Bible with fresh appreciation, and marvel at who our God really is. A study of The Name is a study of our God Himself!An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Resource: “How Shall We Translate THE NAME?” by Aaron CriderResource: “Pronouncing & Translating the Divine Name: History & Practice” by Andrew Case
9/11/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 30 seconds
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"Revival or Heresy? the So-called New Apostolic Reformation" by Joel Nisly and Dru Lattin

Strength to Strength welcomed Joel Nisly and Dru Lattin to discuss the so-called New Apostolic Reformation.The New Apostolic Reformation, also known as Independent Network Charismatic Christianity is a rapidly-growing and influential global movement led by so-called apostles and prophets who claim an authority like that of the Twelve. While many groups have traditionally used the term apostle to mean one gifted or commissioned as a church planter, this movement views these offices as speaking directly for God.The teachers and theology from this movement are exerting an influence upon the Anabaptist faith tradition. Our goal is to expose these errors, and call us to contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Recommended article: Dangerous Doctrine: The New Apostolic Reformation in Plain Clothes by Joel Nisly
9/4/20211 hour, 19 minutes, 47 seconds
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"Overcoming the Overwhelm" by Austin Lapp

Strength to Strength welcomed Austin Lapp to discuss practical steps for how knowledge workers can better manage their digital world.Digital tools and toys continue to permeate every corner of our world introducing new issues that require new, creative solutions. Knowledge workers, which include educators, students, pastors, authors, analysts, consultants, administrators, and others, depend on uninterrupted, focused time during which their minds can operate at optimal capacity.Unfortunately, the digital world wasn’t designed with knowledge workers in mind. As a so-called knowledge worker, you have likely experienced an overwhelming barrage of emails, instant messages, interruptions, and notifications keeping you from maintaining your commitments and from dedicating sufficient focused time on your most important projects.In this talk, we will better understand the nature of the problem and be introduced to systems and tools you can use right now to overcome the overwhelm, freeing you from the tyranny of the urgent to be fully present with your family, walk with integrity towards your commitments, and produce high quality work.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Download: Slides and ResourcesYouTube: The Social DilemmaRecommended book: Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy WorldRecommended book: Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
8/28/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 13 seconds
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"Witnessing Jesus" by Zach Barkman

Strength to Strength welcomed Zach Barkman to discuss reaching unbelievers through apologetics.Here’s Zach’s burden for this talk:After years of street/open-air/campus evangelism, I surveyed all of Jesus’ Gospel conversations — and compared them to methods of evangelism that I’d been taught. The results surprised me and provided me with a few principles that I hope can help us have conversations about Jesus in the current culture.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
8/15/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 48 seconds
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"King and Country: the King’s Final Victory" by Sam Baer

Strength to Strength welcomed Sam Baer to discuss the seventh and final segment of this “King and Country” series.What is the final victory of our King? Has His victory been won, or is it coming? What does the victory of Jesus mean for us, His followers? These questions are addressed in this final installment of the “King and Country” series.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
8/7/20211 hour, 36 seconds
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"Reflections on My Use of Apologetics" by Bill Shiley

Strength to Strength welcomed Bill Shiley to discuss reaching unbelievers through apologetics.Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.1 Peter 3:15In this talk Bill relayed lessons he has been learning from his personal reliance on and use of apologetics, as well as its typical use in the public arena. Also, he shared the most productive and often neglected apologetics of the Christian faith.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
7/31/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 5 seconds
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"King and Country: the King’s Constituents" by Leo Eby

Strength to Strength welcomes Leo Eby to discuss the sixth segment of this “King and Country” series.A King and a country without humanity wouldn’t be a kingdom at all! The bride of the King is His “purchased possession,” His “inheritance,” human beings whose transformation transcended race, language, gender, culture, bondman or freeman, Jew or Gentile. They live to please their King and to bring Heaven to His country in spite of the hostility of Satan, the world, and the flesh!The “new humanity” rejoices in tribulation, uses crucified flesh to do the will of their King, speaks truth in love, overcomes evil with good, loves their enemies, and is obsessed with obeying and worshipping their King!But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.1 Peter 2:9, 10An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
7/24/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 11 seconds
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"King and Country: the King Inaugurated" by Ken Miller

Strength to Strength welcomed Ken Miller to discuss the fifth segment of this “King and Country” series.How does the Resurrection of Jesus Christ “inaugurate” Jesus as King of kings and why is the resurrection central to our faith? Can the resurrection be documented historically, and if so, how? What difference should the resurrection make in our lives at 9:55 on Thursday morning?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
7/17/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 41 seconds
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"From Atheist to Follower of Jesus" by Shihua Zhu

Strength to Strength welcomed Shihua Zhu to describe his spiritual journey into the kingdom of God.Shihua is a former atheist whose life has been completely transformed by God. His story of salvation is full of God’s love and work in his heart, and a worthy example to all.In his testimony, he discusses his life in China, his immigration to the United States, and most importantly his experiences of being introduced to Jesus and his subsequent coming to faith.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
7/10/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 22 seconds
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"In God We Don’t Trust" by Matthew Milioni

Strength to Strength welcomed Matthew Milioni to discuss the relationship that God wants his people to have with the kingdoms of the world.How is a Christian to relate to a national holiday such as Independence Day and the celebration of the American Revolution? What is our role as Christians who belong to the Kingdom of Heaven?Join us for a very important conversation around the Christian and the empire.Thanks to Kevin Brechbill who helped to develop this presentation, but was unexpectedly unable to participate.
7/3/20211 hour, 24 minutes, 53 seconds
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"King and Country: the King’s Stories" by David Adams

Strength to Strength welcomed David Adams to discuss the fourth segment of this “King and Country” series.When the promised King became flesh to dwell with man, He brought with Him a new constitution with new laws. He also came telling stories, wonderful stories. These stories, He told His followers, contain the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.We will explore the parables of the King, what are they, how Jesus used them, and how they fit with His other teaching. As an example, we will look at an unusual parable, the parable of the unjust steward in Luke 16, plumbing its depths for the King’s wisdom as to how His followers are to use their money.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
6/26/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 23 seconds
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"Discovering the Kingdom" by Daniel Willis

Strength to Strength welcomed Daniel Willis to discuss his spiritual journey from nominal Christianity into Jesus’ kingdom.His testimony is that “although the Kingdom of God was right in front of me, I was so nearsighted, believing the lies of the worldly church, that I could not see the narrow gate. I kept seeking, wanting to know the truth, and I believe God brought me to China so that I can see that Jesus actually means everything He says.”An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
6/19/20211 hour, 17 minutes, 2 seconds
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"King and Country: The King's Constitution" by John D. Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed John D. Martin to discuss the third segment of this “King and Country” series.The Sermon on the Mount is often referred to as the constitution of the Kingdom of God. Is that just an oft-repeated phrase, or is there reason to understand this sermon as foundational?When Jesus concluded this sermon, “the people were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes” (Matthew 7:28, 29). If we understand Jesus’ authority in these words, how will it affect our lives?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
6/11/202157 minutes, 23 seconds
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"My Word Shall Not Return Void" by Joseph

Strength to Strength welcomed Joseph* for an interview of his church planting work.Bryant Martin, representing All-Nations Bible Translation, interviews Joseph* on his work of Bible translation, community development, and church planting among a large unreached Muslim people group in Asia.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.* alias used for security purposes.Resource: see Joseph’s interview with All-Nations Bible Translation
6/5/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 36 seconds
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"King and Country: the King Arrives" by Wendell Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Wendell Martin to discuss the second segment of this “King and Country” series.From Alexander the Great to Julius Caesar to King James, rulers have grabbed power and controlled empires. But Jesus of Nazareth was made in a different mold. As Pilate asked: “Are you really a King then?”Let’s look at the arrival of King Jesus and how He controls creation, governs his citizens, and conquers his enemies.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
5/29/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 24 seconds
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"Does My Understanding of the Atonement Matter?" by Philip Hess

Strength to Strength welcomed Philip Hess to discuss the implications of Jesus’ atonement.Does it matter how we understand Christ’s death? How do our views about this topic affect our view of God and the Christian life? In this talk we discuss biblical teaching about the atonement, and historical developments in the doctrine. In particular, we will look at the popular Protestant understanding of the Atonement, known as “Penal Substitution.”An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Recommended audio message from David Bercot of Scroll Publishing about the atonement: book by Philip Hess: Penal Substitution on Trial.Recommended book by Keith Crider about the atonement: Sacrifice or Penalty.
5/22/20211 hour, 22 minutes, 22 seconds
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"When Jesus Says 'Follow Me'" by Siraji Admomati

Strength to Strength welcomed Siraji Adomati to share his testimony.Born and raised as a Muslim, Siraji shares his journey from Islam to a follower of Jesus Christ. He is now an active church-builder in a kingdom church in Uganda.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
5/15/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 19 seconds
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"King and Country: the King Foreshadowed" by Chuck Pike

Strength to Strength welcomes Chuck Pike to discuss the first segment of this “King and Country” series.For centuries, the Holy Spirit pointed to an eternal kingdom that would come, and the great King who would reign over it.In this session, we explore many prophecies that reveal clues about this kingdom: beginning in Genesis, sweeping throughout the Old Testament, and ultimately fulfilled by Jesus in the New Testament. This will show the importance of the kingdom in God’s plan, and lay a solid foundation for sessions to follow.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
5/8/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 43 seconds
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"Contending Earnestly for the Faith" by Clark Wray and Zack Johnson

Strength to Strength welcomed Zack Johnson and Clark Wray to discuss the ministries of The Historic Faith, and Sattler College.Clark Wray joined to discuss The Historic Faith, a project by Sattler College in collaboration with Scroll Publishing to deliver online courses that combine intellectual honesty, spiritual integrity, and sound scholarship.Zack Johnson discussed Sattler College in Boston, Massachusetts. Sattler College was founded upon the biblical vision of Christian discipleship that addresses the mind, soul, and heart. Their mission is to provide an education that instructs the mind, discipleship that shapes the soul, and inspiration that inflames the heart.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
5/1/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 2 seconds
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"Leveraging Business for Kingdom Advance - part 2" by Finny Kuruvilla

Join Finny Kuruvilla as he outlines how business can be leveraged for advancing Jesus’ kingdom.In the last ten to twenty years, business has come to the foreground for its potential to alleviate global poverty in a more sustainable and dignified manner compared to traditional charity.In this talk, Finny Kuruvilla outlines the potential of using business for the advance of the church. This two-part talk will include theological foundations and applications.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
4/24/20211 hour, 38 minutes, 18 seconds
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"Leveraging Business for Kingdom Advance - part 1" by Finny Kuruvilla

Join Finny Kuruvilla as he outlines how business can be leveraged for advancing Jesus’ kingdom.In the last ten to twenty years, business has come to the foreground for its potential to alleviate global poverty in a more sustainable and dignified manner compared to traditional charity.In this talk, Finny Kuruvilla will outline the potential of using business for the advance of the church. This two-part talk will include theological foundations and applications.An interactive question-and-answer period follows in Part 2.
4/24/202157 minutes, 16 seconds
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"Reaching Prisoners: Literature, Covid-19, and Criminal Justice Trends" by Mike Fisher

Strength to Strength welcomed Mike Fisher to effective ways to reach prisoners.There are more than two million people locked up in prisons and jails of the USA. Many of these people are hurting and looking for answers.Mike introduces the Loaves and Fishes Magazine, which is a free Christian discipleship magazine for prisoners. Also, he discusses implications of Covid-19, as well as trends of violent crime and incarceration rates in the past sixty to seventy years.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
4/17/202157 minutes, 8 seconds
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"Rooted and Built Up in Him" by Jimmy Nsanze

Strength to Strength welcomed Jimmy Nsanze to share his testimony.Here he shares his life story, and particularly how God in recent years has brought him from the Pentecostal tradition into a kingdom church. Among other factors, he notes the impact that The Historic Faith online courses have had on his faith journey.He also speaks about the importance of an obedient love-faith relationship with Jesus, and accountability in Christian community.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
4/10/20211 hour, 1 minute, 46 seconds
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"The Unreached People Group Next Door" by Clyde Zimmerman

Strength to Strength welcomes Clyde Zimmerman to discuss practical evangelism. What would the the impact if our churches became intentional about being missionaries as part of our daily lives?Are our neighbors in North America a new “unreached people group”?Has the Anabaptist community simply accepted the lost around us as normal, and believe we need to board an airplane to be a missionary?Using tools like SALT Microfinance by Christian Aid Ministries, Clyde has worked among the poorest communities in the world. In the past few years, be started asking, “What about our neighbors afflicted in generational poverty at home? Can’t these same Bible principles work at home?”An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
4/3/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 33 seconds
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"Stories of Enemy Love" by Pablo Yoder

Join Pablo Yoder as he outlines what it means to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16). This two-part event highlights proactive peace-making and loving your enemies, illustrated through first hand experiences.In the afternoon session, Pablo’s presentation is accessible to younger children. Besides story-telling, he shows a collection of items left behind by the robbers.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/27/20211 hour, 24 minutes, 42 seconds
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"The Power of Enemy Love" by Pablo Yoder

Join Pablo Yoder as he outlines what it means to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16). This two-part event highlights proactive peace-making and loving your enemies, illustrated through first hand experiences.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/27/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 33 seconds
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"Tools for Developing Sexual Integrity" by Tim Kuepfer

Strength to Strength welcomed Tim Kuepfer to open conversation around sexual sin in the church.We know pornography and other sexual sins are a big problem in the church because we’ve heard scary statistics thrown around. How can families and churches safely navigate the age of the internet in a sexualized world? What tools are effective for setting men and women free from addictive sexual sin?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/20/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 15 seconds
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"The Power of a Story" by Merle Burkholder

Strength to Strength welcomed Merle Burkholder to discuss how stories connect with people in a wholistic way. They communicate a truth, connect with our emotions, and bring understanding that leads to change.Merle also shares his personal experiences through his YouTube channel with 180+ stories (and counting), many from his time in Haiti, and all with valuable instruction.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/13/202158 minutes, 54 seconds
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"Economics Jesus' Way" by John D. Martin

Strength to Strength welcomes John D. Martin to discuss what Jesus intended for his followers in relation to finances.Using the Sermon on the Mount as his text, he explores the difficult words of Jesus. Can we make sense of these passages without dodging its plainest meaning?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
3/6/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 10 seconds
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"Life Lessons from a Zillion Canoe Trips" by Brian Martin

Strength to Strength welcomes Brian Martin to discuss his experiences as “Chief Brian” at the Bald Eagle Boys Camp and the Allegany Boys Camp.Using stories, he shares Scriptural discipleship lessons drawn from many years of experience discipling boys.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/27/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 28 seconds
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"Vaccines: Efficacy and Ethics" by Philip Hess

Strength to Strength welcomes Philip Hess to discuss the history of vaccines, as well as the health and moral implications.Of particular relevance in the Covid-19 era, Philip helps to carefully sort through the known data, while identifying popular myths circulating online.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/20/20211 hour, 27 minutes, 27 seconds
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"Christians & Politics: A Challenge From History - part 2" by Dean Taylor

Join Dean Taylor as he surveys the landscape of Christian involvement in politics. Dean takes a historical approach to expose the devastating results when Christians get involved in the political arena.Constantinianism was not only a fourth, twelfth, or sixteenth-century problem for the church. It is still a corrupting influence in the twenty-first century. Dean will challenge you to reconsider how the Church should engage the culture today.Recommendations of books shared during the presentation:“The Anatomy of a Hybrid” by Leonard Verduin“The Reformers and Their Stepchildren” by Leonard Verduin“How Christians Made Peace with War: Early Christian Understandings of War” by John DriverThough this presentation used a PowerPoint presentation, you will still be able to glean a lot if listening to audio-only.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/13/20211 hour, 44 minutes, 52 seconds
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"Christians & Politics: A Challenge From History – part 1" by Dean Taylor

Join Dean Taylor as he surveys the landscape of Christian involvement in politics. Dean takes a historical approach to expose the devastating results when Christians get involved in the political arena.Constantinianism was not only a fourth, twelfth, or sixteenth-century problem for the church. It is still a corrupting influence in the twenty-first century. Dean will challenge you to reconsider how the Church should engage the culture today.Though this presentation used a PowerPoint presentation, you will still be able to glean a lot if listening to audio-only.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/13/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 4 seconds
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"Give Me This Mountain!" by Glenn Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Glenn Martin to discuss the story of the twelve spies who were sent into Canaan.When they returned, Joshua and Caleb were ready to face the giants and conquer: “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.”The other ten said: “There we saw the giants… and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight.” What was the root of their “grasshopper syndrome?” too risk-averse? or faithlessness?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
2/6/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 26 seconds
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"My Journey into Kingdom Christianity" by Adam Boyd

Strength to Strength welcomed Adam Boyd to share about his journey into kingdom Christianity.Join us to hear the story of Adam’s journey over the past 20+ years. From an early life growing up in the church, to a season of hostility towards Christians, and ultimately to a radical surrender to Christ, his story shows the unrelenting pursuit by God. After growing disillusioned with evangelical Christianity’s support of Trump, he and his wife began a spiritual search that eventually led them to embrace many of the tenets of Kingdom Christianity. Adam and his family live in Papua New Guinea where he serves as a Bible translation advisor.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/30/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 12 seconds
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"Story of God's Hand in Bangladesh" by Arnold Eby

Strength to Strength welcomed Arnold Eby to share about his experiences in Bangladesh.We believe God orchestrates the events of life but many times it is hard for us to tie the story line together. Other times, the narrative seems to jump at you in very obvious ways. Join us as we retrace this story of God at work.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/16/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 2 seconds
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"Direction in Chaos Q&A" by David Bercot

2020 has been a year like none other. Who could have imagined the Covid-19 pandemic, rioting in the streets, a contested election, and restrictions of freedoms we’ve always taken for granted – all in one year!?2021 has opened with high tensions culminating with violence in the US Capitol.This has resulted in an abundance of fake news, conspiracy theories, and a highly divided society.In this second session on January 9, Strength to Strength welcomed David Bercot to help us navigate through these challenges, and project a way for the Kingdom of God to move forward in these times.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/9/20211 hour, 19 minutes, 8 seconds
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"Don't Let This Crisis Go to Waste" by three brothers

2020 has been a year like none other. Who could have imagined the Covid-19 pandemic, rioting in the streets, a contested election, and restrictions of freedoms we’ve always taken for granted – all in one year!?2021 has opened with high tensions culminating with violence in the US Capitol.This has resulted in an abundance of fake news, conspiracy theories, and a highly divided society.In this first session on January 9, Strength to Strength welcomed three speakers to share about practical ways in which you can exploit the challenges of our time for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom of Jesus.Patrick Matthews lives in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. In the past ½ year, he has organized a “Matthew 25 Project” and has distributed 10,000,000+ pounds of free food to organizations within a four-state area that can then distribute those food resources to their local ministries.Andrew Kurtz lives in Granby, Massachusetts, and has organized a distribution with his church family to address food-insecurity in their local area. He will share how with minimal effort you can reproduce this model in your own community to establish connections and turn strangers into relationships.Jonathan Heisey lives in Pueblo, Colorado, and will be sharing about his interactions in ministry with international students at their local college. Now with the pandemic, they’ve utilized Zoom for an international reach. Learn how he is stewarding this crisis as an opportunity for the advancement of the Kingdom.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/9/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 27 seconds
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"The Lord's Prayer" by John D. Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed John D. Martin to share about the Lord’s Prayer, as recorded by Matthew:Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.Matthew 6:9-13 KJVHow is this easily memorized and commonly recited prayer applicable to us? How did the early believers use this prayer? Is this a prayer for us to pray, or is Jesus illustrating the types of concerns to be prayerful of?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
1/2/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 15 seconds
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"The Moravian Option" by Ken Miller

Strength to Strength welcomed Ken Miller to share about “The Moravian Option.”The Moravian Option is one response to Rod Dreher’s “The Benedict Option.” Despite their doctrinal problems, what can the 18th century Moravians teach us about “Strong Group” community life, and worldwide mission enterprise?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/26/20201 hour, 11 minutes, 26 seconds
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"The Glorious Majesty of His Kingdom" by Leo Eby

Strength to Strength welcomed Leo Eby to share about the Kingdom of God as described by David:They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power; To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.Psalm 145:11-13 KJVAn interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/19/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 7 seconds
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"All-Nations Bible Translation" by Aaron Crider

Strength to Strength welcomed Aaron Crider from All-Nations Bible Translation. He shared about how this organization partners with Anabaptist churches for the unreached, pursuing the All-Nations’ vision: Communities of believers in every language group living out the Word of God.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.Though this presentation used a PowerPoint presentation, you will still be able to glean a lot if listening to audio-only.Check out more information about All-Nations Bible Translation on their website.
12/12/20201 hour, 12 minutes, 43 seconds
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"The Fuel That Drives" by Harold Troyer

Strength to Strength welcomed Harold Troyer to speak on the topic of prayer life, which he referred to as the fuel that drives.What is driving your life and how do you get from point A to point B? Is your life filled and driven by fervent prayer in the Holy Ghost? In this topic, Harold shares a few thoughts on how to obtain and maintain a passionate prayer life.Harold Troyer also spoke about an endeavor to have folks commit to a 24/7 prayer chain. Learn more at Eternal Prayer Flame.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
12/5/20201 hour, 29 seconds
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"Cultivating Kingdom Communities of Faithful Practice - part 2" by Bryant Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Bryant Martin to share a message on the hope of the world, “Cultivating Kingdom Communities of Faithful Practice – part 2.”What is the answer for our world? How does God’s Kingdom get advanced?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
11/28/20201 hour, 17 minutes, 35 seconds
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"Cultivating Kingdom Communities of Faithful Practice - part 1" by Bryant Martin

Strength to Strength welcomed Bryant Martin to share a message on the hope of the world, “Cultivating Kingdom Communities of Faithful Practice – part 1.”What is the answer for our world? How does God’s Kingdom get advanced?An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
11/21/20201 hour, 14 minutes, 11 seconds
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"Families Perpetuating the Faith" by Philip Hess

Strength to Strength welcomed Philip Hess to share about the importance of family in perpetuating the faith.Closely tied in is the change from the historic church’s teaching about family planning and birth control, and how that change has opened Pandora’s box toward the destruction of society and the family.Not advised for children.
11/14/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 30 seconds
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"He Drew Me Back" by Sam Baer

Strength to Strength welcomed Sam Baer to share about his faith journey. He grew up in Alberta as a conservative Mennonite, but left that about twelve years ago.He shared the story of his journey, and how in the past two years God has brought him and his wife into the Kingdom and is leading them in the paths of King Jesus.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
11/7/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 6 seconds
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"No Blood but Our Own" by Zack Johnson

Strength to Strength welcomed Zack Johnson from Sattler College to share about peacemaking.He has previously served in the US Air Force, but was granted dismissal after coming to an understanding of Jesus’ teaching of peacemaking.An interactive question-and-answer period follows.
10/31/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 50 seconds