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STUDIO Greenville

English, Religion, 3 seasons, 131 episodes, 3 days, 3 hours, 44 minutes
STUDIO is a place where God and people meet – where beautiful things happen and beautiful things are created. Eric and Candace Johnson are the Lead Pastors and founders of STUDIO. Our talks cover a wide range of topics on Faith, Creativity, Culture, and Community. STUDIO is Located in Greenville, South Carolina. Please visit for more info or better yet come visit us for one of our gatherings or events.
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Power of Proximity

This past Sunday, Pastor Candace shared with us the “Power of Proximity”. In her talk, she walked us through the story of Elisha, the Shunammite woman, and her son. He was a part of letting her know that God was going to give her a son, and he did. Many years later this son dies and Elisha’s response was to go and lay on top of the boy and in doing so the dead boy came back to life. It’s one of the remarkable stories in the bible of how life overcame death. Within this story there is a principle we can learn from, it’s the Power of Proximity. Elisha was in proximity to this woman for many years. It is what led him to be involved in her life from letting her know that God was going to give her a son to God raising him from the dead. Proximity put Elisha close to her so he could be used by God to help her. Proximity matters!She provoked us to ask ourselves who we are in proximity to? Who are we laying our lives over? Are there people you are in proximity to that are outside of your normal circles? Listen to this talk and be challenged to move towards humanity.For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. We are also on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
8/7/202434 minutes, 49 seconds
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Dual Citizens Pt 3 - "Humanity"

On Sunday, Eric did the third installment for the Dual Citizen series. We have been diving into Philippians 3:20:“We are citizens of heaven…”For this talk we looked at Philippians 1:21:“To live is Christ, to die is gain” This one line gives us insight into the mind of a man who realizes his life is not his own. As much as Paul wanted to go be with Jesus in eternity, he recognizes that for him to stay would be more beneficial and that is to see the message of Jesus touch humanity. As citizens we often want to know what our rights and privileges are, but we often forget we also have responsibilities. Paul introduces the responsibility of a citizen of heaven - which is “humanity”. Built into our faith is the value for human life. It is one of the unique distinctions of our faith compared to other world religions. The challenge for us is to be a people who not only want access to our rights and privileges but also carry the burden for humanity whether it be doing good to healing the sick. Listen to the talk to be challenged in your own life to grow in your faith and following Jesus.For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. We are also on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
8/4/202431 minutes, 54 seconds
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Betrayal, Wounds and Healing

"And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love." 1 Cor 13:13Experiencing rich fulfilling relationships is what we all want, but to have these we must be open. It is in that place of hope, trust, and openness that makes this possible for us, but it is also these very things that make us vulnerable to being hurt. This past Sunday, Pastor Candace talked about some of this and how we can experience healing in those areas of pain inside us. Inspired by Joseph, she shared his journey of healing, after walking through some of the deepest betrayal and challenges anyone could face.We are created for relationship with God and people and He wants to heal our wounds so that we can be free to love and live.Prayer of healing and forgiveness:We trust you God with our hearts, our lives, and our journeys. We invite you into the places where we have been hurt and/or are still hurting. Show us any ways where we have acted out or sinned against you, ourselves or others. Forgive us for _______ (putting up walls, numbing, hate, jealousy, judging, bitterness..), as we forgive those who have done wrong toward us or hurt us unintentionally. We surrender to you and release those who have hurt us. Fill our hearts with your love - the love “that bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” - and heals our wounds so that we can be whole, free and healthy. It’s time to heal!For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. We are also on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
8/16/202345 minutes, 55 seconds
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He is not here

"Why do you seek the living among the dead, he is not here". The battle for the soul of humanity had reached its climax. The battle wasn’t just about good and evil but it was about the eternal. The life of Jesus culminates in this moment of going to the cross to endure the most barbaric and brutal invention of killing someone. In order for life to happen, death had to take place. In order for all of humanity to be able to cross over the chasm between death and life, Jesus death was the only way. This talk is a reflection on the death of Jesus and celebrating that He is risen. Happy Easter!For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. We are also on YouTube. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
4/11/202312 minutes, 39 seconds
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The story isn't over yet

One of the most remarkable dynamics in the life of Jesus with his death on the cross and his resurrection, is it changes the entire reality and narrative of your life. Redemption, restoration and healing is now introduced to your story. In this talk, Pastor Candace shares from her own personal life and reminds all of us that our story isn't over yet. Whatever story you are living in, whatever narrative is at play, Jesus is the one who rewrites stories and starts new sentences and chapters in your life.For more info you can go to our website. You can also check us out on Youtube, instagram and Facebook. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
1/23/202331 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Intelligence of our Soul

Being human is a never ending experience of the spectrum of resonance and dissonance. Our days are filled with moments and experiences where we feel a deep resonance and other times a dissonance. Whether it be the song we are listening to, the person we are chatting with, the place where we work or the kids we are trying to raise. We respond differently to what resonates with us and what doesn't. When we experience dissonance we usually try to control, manipulate or get rid of whatever it is that is causing it. Pastor Eric shares the dissonance in our lives has the potential to create a resilience where your inner world is stronger than your external world. Jesus lived in a world where dissonance was happening all around him, yet he was never overcome by it. In fact, it actually strengthened him and he ushered in another dimension called the "Kingdom". For more info you can go to our website and also check us out on instagram and Facebook. If you want to support STUDIO financially you can do so here. Have a great week!
11/29/202237 minutes, 46 seconds