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Summit Life with J.D. Greear

English, Religion, 1 season, 655 episodes, 4 days, 2 hours, 23 minutes
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the source of our life, a deep well of grace that transforms us and propels us into the world. Join Pastor J.D. Greear each weekday to learn how the gospel can bring new life in you and through you.
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How Not to Die, Part 2

In this message, Pastor J.D. talks about why David was not the king Israel was looking for and how, just like God brought David and Jesus to the throne through chaos, he is sovereign in the mess of our lives, too.
9/18/202425 minutes
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How Not to Die

In this message from 1 Samuel, Pastor J.D. walks through the tragic last chapter of Israel’s first king. King Saul held such promise in the beginning. But the longer he reigned, the more it became clear that he wanted God’s blessing much more than he wanted God.
9/17/202425 minutes
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A Crack in the Armor: the Episode with Abigail, Part 2

When life takes an unexpected turn, we have a choice: We can take matters into our own hands, or we can do things God’s way and wait on him to fulfill his promises. In this message, Pastor J.D. uses Abigail’s story of wisdom and discretion to show us why we cannot accomplish the promise of the Spirit in the power of the flesh and how to instead leave vengeance to God and respond with grace.
9/16/202425 minutes
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A Crack in the Armor: the Episode with Abigail

One day, the story of your life will be told to the next generation. How do you want today’s chapter to be told? In this message from 1 Samuel 25, Pastor J.D. shows us King David at a critical juncture, fresh off his faithful response to the murderous King Saul. But when a smaller obstacle meets David, he stumbles and nearly falls. The only thing that prevents David from veering into a pattern of sin and foolishness is an obscure figure—one of the wisest (and least known) people in the entire Bible.
9/13/202425 minutes
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Wait for It, Part 2

David did not spend time in the wilderness, running from Saul, so we could believe that if we trust God more, he will accept and provide for us. That’s the wrong order—and the order is critical. Pastor J.D. explains in this message how David’s confidence and steadfast faith in God’s purpose developed because he believed God had already accepted him and how you can have the same faith.
9/12/202425 minutes
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Wait for It

What do you do when the path you’re on takes an expected turn for the worst? In this message from 1 Samuel 24, Pastor J.D. follows King David into an unexpected place—the wilderness. At this point in his life, David had been chosen to be king. And yet circumstances sent him running for his life. David’s temptation in this season echoes our own.
9/11/202425 minutes
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You’ve Got a Friend in Me, Part 2

We all need the kind of friendships in our lives that will shield us, strengthen us, and shape us into the person God created us to be. In this message, Pastor J.D. shows how Jonathan’s friendship with David modeled this kind of friendship and how friendship with Jesus enables us to be to others this kind of friend—healthy, complete, trusting, and forgiving.
9/10/202425 minutes
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You’ve Got a Friend in Me

In this message from 1 Samuel, Pastor J.D. looks at one of the greatest friendship stories of all time—between the presumptive heir, Prince Jonathan, and the anointed king, David. This unlikely friendship challenges us to choose our own response to the one true King, Jesus. Will we, like Saul, resist him? Or will we, like Jonathan, yield the throne of our life to him?
9/9/202425 minutes
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Courage, Your Giants, and the Giant, Part 2

For anyone who struggles to find courage in adversity, the story of David and Goliath does not give us hope because God promises to help us defeat all of our “giants” if we trust him enough. Pastor J.D. teaches in this message how the story of David shows us that, because of Jesus’ victory over death, we can have audacious courage in the face of obstacles.
9/6/202425 minutes
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Courage, Your Giants, and the Giant

In this message from 1 Samuel, Pastor J.D. walks through the most famous story in the Old Testament—David and Goliath. Everyone knows this story, but few truly understand what it’s about. Goliath’s downfall isn’t an encouragement to underdogs or a guarantee that you’ll overcome every “giant” in your life. Goliath’s story shows us what true courage is, where courage comes from, and what God is up to when the Accuser’s voice is all we hear.
9/5/202425 minutes
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The Blank Spaces, Part 2

Do you ever feel like you’re just biding your time doing mundane tasks that aren’t really leading anywhere? In this message, Pastor J.D. continues to look at David’s ordinary years in the pasture before he became king and explains how the blank spaces—the sections in the Bible where all the activity seems to stop—are where our hearts are shaped by God to be faithful in the big and small things.
9/4/202425 minutes
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The Blank Spaces

In this message from 1 Samuel, Pastor J.D. finally introduces us to the person of David. But David’s first appearance is hardly a commanding one: He is overlooked before being anointed as king, then seemingly forgotten immediately afterwards.
9/3/202425 minutes
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Better Not Call Saul, Part 2

Most of us don’t want to be poor in spirit. We’d rather be upper middle class in spirit, so we can do what we want, when we want. Pastor J.D. helps us understand in this message why God blesses those who are poor in spirit and how a posture of humility leads to dependence, surrender, and ultimately peace and life and power.
9/2/202425 minutes
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God is Great but Give Us a King, Part 2

All earthly kings that we demand, whether a literal king or a metaphorical one, like success or money or romance, are going to not only let us down; they are also going to enslave us.
8/29/202425 minutes
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God is Great but Give Us a King

In this teaching from The Life of David, Pastor J.D. shows us how all of us—religious or irreligious, Christian or not—seem hard-wired to chase after someone (or something) to make us feel okay. Like the people of Israel, we desire a king.
8/28/202425 minutes
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Better Not Call Saul

There’s a fine line between “thy kingdom come” and “my kingdom come.” Friday on Summit Life, Pastor J.D. shows us how Saul was a king who at first displayed humility, yet, as time passed his main concern became making a name for himself.
8/28/202425 minutes
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Abusive Leaders and Faithful Shepherds, Part 2

The stories of the Old Testament often show us what not to do, even through some of its most famous characters—but every story points to Jesus, who faithfully delivered God’s truth to us and refused to forsake us when we rejected his words.
8/27/202425 minutes
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Abusive Leaders and Faithful Shepherds

In this teaching, Pastor J.D. highlights the radical difference between God’s faithful shepherds and spiritual abusers. Throughout history—and throughout the Bible—it is tragically common to find spiritual leaders who exploit and wound others.
8/26/202425 minutes
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Hannah’s Hope, Part 2

It’s easy to read Hannah’s story in 1 Samuel and think the lesson is that if we ask God for something in faith, he will answer. But Hannah’s song of praise and trust in God’s faithfulness point to an even greater promise.
8/23/202425 minutes
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Hannah’s Hope

Pastor J.D. kicks off our series following the biography of David, Israel’s greatest king. A king who began his life as an obscure shepherd boy, but became a warrior who brought rival nations to their knees.
8/22/202425 minutes
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And So We Came to Rome, Part 2

Sometimes, the worst situations in life provide the best opportunities for God to use us. As we conclude our study in the book of Acts, Pastor J.D. reminds us that it’s usually during the middle of life’s storms that God uses us to make the biggest impact on those around us.
8/21/202425 minutes
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And So We Came to Rome

Life doesn’t always go the way we want. But even in the midst of those difficult seasons, God calls us to make the most of our time.
8/20/202425 minutes
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Paul’s Tombstone, Part 2

Sometimes it can feel like the weight of the world is on our shoulders. But Pastor J.D. explains that there’s only one person who is responsible for saving the world, and it’s not us!
8/19/202425 minutes
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Paul’s Tombstone

Have you ever considered what you’d like to have written on your tombstone? Well, death isn’t something we like to think about very often.
8/16/202425 minutes
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The Gospel vs. Idolatry, Part 2

I bet we all have things we’re not willing to give up. And if we’re holding too tight to something, it might be an idol! So, Pastor J.D. is helping us to examine our hearts to identify any idols in our lives. J.D. is teaching from the book of Acts as we continue our series called SENT.
8/15/202425 minutes
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The Gospel vs. Idolatry

When we hear the word “idol,” we probably conjure up images of ancient statues and graven images. But idols are still with us today. They just come in different packages. That’s our subject as Pastor J.D. continues our SENT series, teaching from Acts, Chapter 19.
8/14/202425 minutes
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Starting Where People Are, Part 2

Bank tellers don’t waste their time looking at counterfeit bills. Instead, they learn to spot fakes by studying the genuine article! As we continue our series titled, SENT, Pastor J.D. explains that if we want to share God’s redemptive plan in a counterfeit culture, we’ve got to start by studying God’s Word.
8/13/202425 minutes
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Starting Where People Are

When it comes to cross-cultural communication, there’s a lot that can get lost in translation. We’re learning that in order for others to understand the gospel, we first need to understand where they’re coming from!
8/12/202425 minutes
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Three Gospel Conversations, Part 2

In the midst of trials and tribulations, we may not be aware that we’re making an eternal impact on those around us. Our reactions can either draw people closer to God or push them further away. Pastor J.D. continues our study in the book of Acts, picking up in Chapter 16.
8/9/202425 minutes
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Three Gospel Conversations

A businesswoman, a slave girl, and a jailer. What do all these people have in common? No, they’re not the punch line for a joke, but three biblical examples that remind us that the gospel message is for everyone! Pastor J.D. is continuing a study in the book of Acts, providing the foundational principles for faith.
8/8/202425 minutes
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When Drinking, Politics, Cussing, and Circumcision Divide a Church, Part 2

From the outside, it might seem like there are a lot of rules and regulations when it comes to being a Christian. But Pastor J.D. explains how to remove the barriers that may keep people from coming to Jesus.
8/7/202425 minutes
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When Drinking, Politics, Cussing, and Circumcision Divide a Church

The early Church was anything but vanilla! It was full of people from all kinds of backgrounds and ethnicities. As we study the book of Acts, Pastor J.D. is explaining the power of diversity in the body of Christ.
8/6/202425 minutes
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Earnest Prayer and Opened Prison Doors, Part 2

In the art of war, every strategy and every opportunity should be employed, and it’s no different for Christians in the battle to further God’s mission.
8/5/202425 minutes
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Earnest Prayer and Opened Prison Doors

It’s easy to tell someone that you will pray for them, or that you’ll be lifting up their needs to God. But is that all there is to a healthy prayer life? Pastor J.D. answers that question as we continue our series called SENT. We’re studying the book of Acts, Chapter 12, to learn God’s view on prayer.
8/2/202425 minutes
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The Insanity of God, Part 2

I’m sure we’ve all wondered why God works the way that he does. And Pastor J.D. explains that God has a method to what might look like madness! We’re continuing to discover God’s ultimate plan in the book of Acts, and today we’re in Chapter 9 verses 19 through 31.
8/1/202425 minutes
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The Insanity of God

When most of us think of demons, we picture something from the latest Hollywood horror film. It’s just the stuff of fiction to us. But Pastor J.D. shows us that the spirit world is very real, and it affects our lives a lot more than we probably think.
7/31/202425 minutes
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“Standing in God’s Way” of Racial Integration, Part 2

Tapestries are formed by weaving together many different-colored threads to create a beautifully textured picture. And the church is like a tapestry: colorful and culturally integrated. We’re continuing our series titled SENT, and today Pastor J.D. is teaching from the book of Acts, Chapter 10.
7/30/202425 minutes
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“Standing in God’s Way” of Racial Integration

When you think of racial diversity, what comes to mind? Well, today we’re learning that God’s plan is a true multi-cultural celebration!
7/29/202425 minutes
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Paul, Part 2

As we continue studying the life of Paul, we’re discovering the difference between religion and relationship with God!
7/26/202425 minutes
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When most people think of the apostle Paul, they picture this bigger-than-life, champion of the faith. But before his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, Paul was a pretty undesirable character!
7/25/202425 minutes
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Being Strong in God, Part 2

We would never forget to put on clothes before we leave the house in the morning. But often, we forget to get dressed spiritually.
7/24/202425 minutes
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Being Strong in God

A firefighter would never run into a burning building without their gear. Being properly equipped is important! But often as Christians, we enter the spiritual battlefield without any protective gear.
7/23/202425 minutes
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Mysteries of the Unseen World, Part 2

Some believers tend to forget about spiritual forces like angels and demons, while others obsess over them and are constantly worried about demonic influences. But neither of these are biblical responses!
7/22/202425 minutes
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Mysteries of the Unseen World

When most of us think of demons, we picture something from the latest Hollywood horror film. It’s just the stuff of fiction to us. But Pastor J.D. shows us that the spirit world is very real, and it affects our lives a lot more than we probably think.
7/19/202425 minutes
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God’s Laboratories, Part 2

For many people, our views on love and relationships were shaped by the songs we listened to growing up or the movies we watched as a teen. But there’s only one relationship model we should care about, and it doesn’t come from Hollywood!
7/18/202425 minutes
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God’s Laboratories

If you were to ask most couples why they got married, they would probably say something about being in love, making each other happy, or physical attraction. And there’s nothing wrong with any of those things!
7/17/202425 minutes
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Life is War, Part 2

When life is hard, where do you turn for comfort? Some people lean on alcohol or sex, while others turn to subtler crutches such as T.V. binges or overeating. But no matter what form our vices take, they’re never going to fill us the way we want them to.
7/16/202425 minutes
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Life is War

Our culture tends to portray Christianity as bland and boring. If you want an interesting life, the last place you’re going look is the church. But as he continues our study of Ephesians called Mystery and Clarity, Pastor J.D. reveals that the Christian life is far from boring.
7/15/202425 minutes
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Sex, Idols, and Darkness: New Life, Part 2

They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, and it’s something we should aspire to in our relationship with God. But that’s easier said than done! Pastor J.D. describes the key to being more like Jesus as he continues our study of Ephesians called “Mystery and Clarity.”
7/12/202425 minutes
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Sex, Idols, and Darkness: New Life

Throughout our study of Ephesians called “Mystery and Clarity,” Pastor J.D. has been showing us that God isn’t just concerned about our actions; he’s concerned about reshaping our hearts and our desires.
7/11/202425 minutes
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The New Life, Part 2

Most religions share the same basic moral code. We might vary on certain points and nuances, but we all agree that it’s bad to lie, steal, or murder. And everyone has met good, kind people from others religions. So if that’s the case, then how is Christianity different than any other faith?
7/10/202425 minutes
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The New Life

For a lot of people, Christianity seems like just a list of rules. But is that really all it is? Does Jesus just want us to live by a certain moral code? Pastor J.D. addresses that question as he continues our study of Ephesians called, Mystery and Clarity. We’re in Ephesians 4:17-5:2.
7/9/202425 minutes
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Grow Up, Part 2

Part of the fun of Christmas morning is seeing all of the pretty packages wrapped up under the tree. But no matter how pretty they are, it would be silly to leave them there! Presents are meant to be opened and used.
7/8/202425 minutes
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Grow Up

When you’re a baby, it’s okay to wear a diaper and use a pacifier. But at some point, you have to grow up. You can’t exactly show up to high school with a pacifier in your mouth! As he continues our series called Mystery and Clarity, Pastor J.D. reveals that the same is true of our faith. We can’t be spiritual babies forever!
7/5/202425 minutes
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The Mystery and Mission of the Church, Part 3

It’s not uncommon to meet people who consider themselves Christians but aren’t really involved in a church. They might have been hurt by a congregation in the past, or maybe their Sunday mornings are busy and it’s hard to make it out the door. Is it okay to just listen to a sermon online? Is it really any different than going to church? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he continues our study in Ephesians Chapters 2 and 3.
7/4/202425 minutes
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The Mystery and Mission of the Church, Part 2

By itself, a single Lego doesn’t really do much. You can’t build anything or do anything with it. And as he continues our series called, Mystery and Clarity, Pastor J.D. reveals that Christians are kind of like Lego bricks in that sense. We can only accomplish our mission when we’re working together!
7/3/202425 minutes
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The Mystery and Mission of the Church

Everyone wants to know who they are and where they belong, so it’s not surprising that ancestry testing is all the rage right now. But does our family tree really define our identity? Pastor J.D. is helping us understand our identity and purpose as he continues our series called Mystery and Clarity in Ephesians 2:11-3:13.
7/2/202425 minutes
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But God…, Part 2

The Bible makes it clear that without Christ, every single person is dead in their sins. But because of the cross, we don’t have to stay that way! Pastor J.D. reveals how we can be made alive in Christ as he continues our series called, Mystery and Clarity.
7/1/202425 minutes
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But God…

When something goes wrong in the world, we tend to look for someone to blame, like the other side of the political line, corrupt businesses, or the education system. But Pastor J.D. reveals that the blame doesn’t lie with one political party or system; it’s in all of us. It’s part of our series called Mystery and Clarity.
6/28/202425 minutes
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Prayer for Clarity, Part 2

Shakespeare was right when he wrote, “All the World’s a Stage.” And even though we’re not the lead actors of this particular play, we still have an essential role!
6/27/202425 minutes
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Prayer for Clarity

Prayer is a personal and intimate privilege in the life of every believer. But is there a way we can add power to our prayers?
6/26/202425 minutes
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Mystery #1: We Are Chosen, Part 2

A lot of us spend our lives trying to earn God’s approval. We’re plagued by guilt when we miss church or fall back into an old sin, and we feel like we have to make it up to God.
6/25/202425 minutes
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Mystery #1: We Are Chosen

When considering adoption, there are many costs and factors to take into account, but throughout Scripture, God repeatedly shows us he is willing to do whatever it takes to make us his children!
6/24/202425 minutes
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Christianity Enters Ephesus, Part 2

As Pastor J.D. continues our series called, Mystery and Clarity, he’s teaching from Acts 18 to 20 to help us understand the historical context for Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus.
6/21/202425 minutes
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Christianity Enters Ephesus

When we first give our lives to Christ, most of us are excited for this new adventure with God. We want to learn more, do more, and grow more! But then, the excitement fades, and our faith becomes part of the routine.
6/20/202425 minutes
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The Five Laws of Sowing and Reaping, Part 2

As Christians, we know that the blood of Jesus has completely washed away all our sins. And sometimes when we hear that, we might start thinking of God’s grace as a “get out of jail free card.” But Pastor J.D. reminds us that being forgiven and justified before God, doesn’t mean we won’t still face consequences for our actions here on earth.
6/19/202425 minutes
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The Five Laws of Sowing and Reaping

As believers, we know that, through the blood of Jesus, all of our sins have been completely forgiven. And yet, we still suffer the consequences for our mistakes.
6/18/202425 minutes
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Freed to Love, Part 2

As we continue our series called, “Freedom in the In-Between,” Pastor J.D. is talking about a subject that comes up a lot: love. What does genuine Christian love actually look like, and how do we live it out? We’re diving into those questions as we continue our study in Galatians 5:25-6:18.
6/17/202425 minutes
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Freed to Love

Jesus said that the world would know we are his disciples by our love. As believers, our love for each other and for the world ought to set us apart from any other group. So what does Christian love actually look like, and how do we start to live it out? Pastor J.D. answers those questions as he continues our series called, Freedom in the In-Between.
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Freed to be Alive, Part 2

Next time you’re in a bookstore, go take a peek at the self-improvement section. You’ll see rows and rows of books promising to unlock the secret to a better life. But no matter how many diets you follow or how much positive thinking you do, none of those tricks are going to fill your deepest needs or fix your greatest problems! As Pastor J.D. continues our series called, “Freedom in the In-Between,” he explains the only way for us to truly change and be set free from our own sinful hearts.
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Freed to be Alive

Stop and feel your wrist, or put a finger under the edge of your jaw. If you do it right, you’ll be able to feel your own heartbeat—proof that you are alive. So if that’s the case, then what does the Bible mean when it talks about our need for spiritual life? Pastor J.D. tackles that subject as he continues the series called, Freedom in the In-Between.
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Freed from the Law, for the Law, Part 2

As we continue our series called, Freedom in the In-Between, Pastor J.D. is tackling an issue that’s critical to understanding the gospel: the relationship between grace and actions. We’re in Galatians chapter 3, and J.D. is answering the question, “If we’re saved by grace, then what’s the point of obeying God’s law?”
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Freed from the Law, for the Law

It’s been said that Christianity is more like a relationship than a religion. Religions are about what you do, while the gospel is about what God did for you. But if that’s the case, why do Christians still follow certain rules?
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Freed to Love, Part 2

As we continue our series called, “Freedom in the In-Between,” Pastor J.D. is talking about a subject that comes up a lot: love. What does genuine Christian love actually look like, and how do we live it out? We’re diving into those questions as we continue our study in Galatians 5:25-6:18.
6/7/202425 minutes
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Freed to Change, Part 2

Next time you’re in a bookstore, go take a peek at the self-improvement section. You’ll see rows and rows of books promising to unlock the secret to a better life. But no matter how many diets you follow or how much positive thinking you do, none of those tricks are going to fill your deepest needs or fix your greatest problems!
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Freed to Change

Our Western culture is highly individualistic. We all want to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and make our own way in the world. We don’t want to be dependent on anyone. But Pastor J.D. cautions us that a self-made mindset doesn’t work when it comes to holiness!
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Freed To Unite, Part 2

Most everyone agrees that freedom is a good thing. And yet, freedom inevitably leads to conflict. If I’m free to have my opinion, then you’re free to disagree! But as Pastor J.D. continues our study of Galatians, he’s explaining how our freedom in Christ actually leads to greater unity!
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Freed To Unite

If you turn on the news these days or browse through Facebook for a bit, it will be pretty apparent that we’re living in turbulent times. Emotions are running high over issues like politics and race relations.
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A Freedom That Could Only Come From God, Part 2

Paul’s transformation from a Jesus-hating Pharisee to a passionate Christ-follower is nothing short of miraculous. But if you’re a follower of Christ, then your story is a miracle, too! And your testimony is powerful proof of the truth of the gospel! That’s our subject as Pastor J.D. continues our study of Galatians called, “Freedom in the In-Between.”
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A Freedom That Could Only Come From God

The word “gospel” literally means, “good news.” It assures us that we’re saved by Jesus’ blood alone, not by anything we do. But how can we really know if the gospel we find in scripture is accurate? How do we know it wasn’t just a clever conspiracy the disciples came up with to gain a following?
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A Freedom Worth Fighting For, Part 2

On October 31, 2017, Christians around the world celebrated the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the door of the Wittenberg church and called Christians to return to the true gospel.
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A Freedom Worth Fighting For

In a new study of Galatians called, Freedom in the In-Between, we’re discovering how the gospel frees us to live with confidence in a world of uncertainty. Pastor J.D. kicks off the study with a message he preached in October of 2017, on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
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One Small Step, Part 2

Plenty of people have high aspirations.But as easy as it is to dream about our goals, it’s a lot harder to take the little, everyday steps to reach them.
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One Small Step

When most of us pray, we typically spend the bulk of our time telling God about our needs and desires. There’s nothing wrong with that, but what does it say about our hearts?
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Clear Eyes Full Heart, Part 2

If you wear glasses, you know how important they are for everyday life. And if you ever lose or break them, you’re not going to waste any time getting a replacement, because without our eyes, most of us are pretty helpless. And we also miss out on seeing all the beauty around us! As we continue our series called, Something Greater, Pastor J.D. reveals that you might be going through life blind, without even knowing it!
5/24/202425 minutes
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Clear Eyes Full Heart

Imagine driving down a windy mountain road and having your headlights go off! When we’re driving blind, we’re asking for trouble. And as we continue our series called, Something Greater, Pastor J.D. explains that many of us are going through life with spiritual blindness.
5/23/202425 minutes
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Making Room for the Greater Things, Part 2

In Christian circles, we tend to throw the word “blessing” around a lot. And it’s true that every good gift is from God! But even non-believers enjoy the “common grace” of everyday blessings. There’s a big difference between good things happening to us, and God actively moving in a miraculous way.
5/22/202425 minutes
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Making Room for the Greater Things

What do you think a “blessed life” looks like? Wealth? Health? A happy family? Pastor J.D. describes what it looks like to be blessed by God, and explains how we can make room for him to move in our lives! It’s part of our study of the prophet Elisha titled, Something Greater.
5/21/202425 minutes
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Burn the Plows: The Call of Elisha, Part 2

Most decisions in life are reversible. Take choosing a college, for example. If you don’t like it after a semester or two, you can always transfer! And the same goes for your major, your career, and where you choose to live.
5/20/202425 minutes
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Burn the Plows: The Call of Elisha

Most of us would say we want to be used by God. But Pastor J.D. is challenging us to consider whether or not we’re really willing to take up our cross and follow wherever God leads. As we wrap up First Kings, we’re shifting our focus from the prophet Elijah to his protégé, Elisha.
5/17/202425 minutes
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When Godly People Get Depressed, Part 2

First Kings Chapter 18 records a definite high point in the life of the prophet Elijah, when he faced off against the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel. God came through for Elijah in an awesome way, and the people repented and turned back to the One True God!
5/16/202425 minutes
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When Godly People Get Depressed

Depression is stigmatized in a lot of Christian circles. We either avoid the topic entirely, or we talk about it in hushed, shameful tones. We act as if believers are just supposed to be happy-go-lucky all the time.
5/15/202425 minutes
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One God or Many, Part 2

False gods aren’t always little golden statues. They can be anything, even good things like family, health, and financial security. Pastor J.D. explains how we turn good things into idols, and how to spot false gods that are growing up in our hearts.
5/14/202425 minutes
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One God or Many

Every once in a while, you’re bound to come to some crossroads in life, like a marriage proposal or a new career. And either way you choose, you know your life will never be the same again. The nation of Israel had defining moments like that, too, when they had to choose between serving God or idols.
5/13/202425 minutes
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A God Like No Other, Part 2

When most of us think of “false gods,” we picture different world religions, mythologies, and little golden statues on altars. But the truth is, we might actually be worshiping a false god even if we think we’re worshiping Jesus!
5/10/202425 minutes
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A God Like No Other

Often, we think of people from the Old Testament as primitive and backward because they worshiped idols like the god of the harvest or the god of the sun. But in reality, we still worship idols today. They just look a little different! In fact, we might be worshiping a false god even if we think we’re worshiping the God of the Bible.
5/9/202425 minutes
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Preparation for the Battle, Part 2

Many people these days tend to see religion as a personal choice. It’s not so much about truth as it is about finding a faith that “works for you.” But in our brand new series called, Something Better, Pastor J.D. explains why that attitude doesn’t really work!
5/8/202425 minutes
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Preparation for the Battle

Many people these days tend to see religion as a personal choice. It’s not so much about truth as it is about finding a faith that “works for you.” But in our brand new series called, Something Better, Pastor J.D. explains why that attitude doesn’t really work!
5/7/202425 minutes
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The First Short Term Mission Trip, Part 2

Have you ever wanted to take a mission trip but didn’t know where to begin? Or maybe you’re waiting for God to present the perfect opportunity. Monday on Summit Life, Pastor J.D. Greear tells us what it takes to be SENT!
5/6/202425 minutes
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The First Short Term Mission Trip

Does God speak to ordinary believers like you and me, or just to the super spiritual? Friday on Summit Life, we’re looking at the life of an ordinary guy named Philip, who heard and answered the Holy Spirit’s call.
5/3/202425 minutes
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Philip and the Samaritans, Part 2

We’ve all seen people who say they follow Jesus. But when you look closely, their lives seem to be a reflection of their own gain, NOT God’s.
5/2/202425 minutes
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Philip and the Samaritans

Most people say they want peace and unity, but few people will do the work to obtain it.  Because it usually requires crossing cultural barriers to bridge the divide.
5/1/202425 minutes
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Stephen: 5 Important Lessons from an Ordinary Christian, Part 2

Many people are being called on right now to glorify God in their hour of trial or in a situation where it is costly to obey him.
4/30/202425 minutes
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Stephen: 5 Important Lessons from an Ordinary Christian

One of the out workings of the gospel is that it will inevitably reorder your value system. This is exactly what we find in the book of Acts, in the life of an ordinary man name Stephen—he realized the value of the gospel and was willing to risk everything to preach it.
4/29/202425 minutes
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A Church’s Sin and God’s Amazing Grace, Part 2

As human beings, our natural tendency is to focus on ourselves, as we try to cover up our flaws. But outward appearances can be deceiving, resulting in some serious consequences.
4/26/202425 minutes
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A Church’s Sin and God’s Amazing Grace

What characterizes a gospel-centered life? Praying? Going to church? Being kind to your neighbor? Pastor J.D. provides the answer as he continues our series titled, SENT.
4/25/202425 minutes
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The Heroic Heart that Propelled the Movement. Part 2

What does a hero look like? Does they wear a red cape? Do they shoot across the sky like a bird or a plane?
4/24/202425 minutes
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The Heroic Heart that Propelled the Movement

When bad things happen, many of us focus so much on the problem that we lose sight of the solution.
4/23/202425 minutes
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The Inclusive Exclusivity, Part 2

Most of us have no problem telling others about our favorite movie or the latest TV show we’ve seen. So why is sharing the gospel so difficult?
4/22/202425 minutes
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The Inclusive Exclusivity

Whether it’s money, fame, power, or even health, it’s human nature for us to want what we “think” will make us happy. But Pastor J.D. shows us that oftentimes getting what we think we want, is not what we need. In our series called SENT, Pastor J.D. is teaching us about God’s greater gifts.
4/19/202425 minutes
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The Miracles and the Message, Part 2

Whether it’s money, fame, power, or even health, it’s human nature for us to want what we “think” will make us happy. But Pastor J.D. shows us that oftentimes getting what we think we want, is not what we need. In our series called SENT, Pastor J.D. is teaching us about God’s greater gifts.
4/18/202425 minutes
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The Miracles and the Message

The world today is full of suffering and pain. But is that how it's supposed to be? Wednesday on Summit Life, Pastor J.D. Greear explains that God has a better plan for us—both now and in the world to come.
4/17/202425 minutes
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The Word of the Apostles as the Foundation of Movement, Part 2

Is the Bible really the Word of God? The apostles and the first-century believers certainly staked their lives on it! That’s our subject Tuesday on Summit Life as Pastor J.D. Greear continues our study in the book of Acts. Discover the validity of the Bible today when you tune in Tuesday to Summit Life with J.D. Greear!
4/16/202425 minutes
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The Word of the Apostles as the Foundation of Movement

Crime scene experts often confess that eyewitness testimony is subject to personal interpretation. But Pastor J.D. shows us that the testimony of the first-century disciples all points to the same rock-solid evidence.
4/15/202425 minutes
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Church at the Ballpark

The early church grew faster than any other religious movement in history. In fact, after the Apostle Peter’s first message, three thousand people got saved! What made this movement so powerful? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he continues our study in the book of Acts titled, SENT.
4/12/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Coming of the Spirit and the Birth of the Church, Part 2

When we’re picking a movie theater for an evening out, we usually consider a few different factors, such as which one has more comfortable seats or better snacks.
4/11/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Coming of the Spirit and the Birth of the Church

As Pastor J.D. continues our study of Acts called, SENT, we’re looking at the book of Acts and learning what it means to be a follower of Christ.
4/10/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Vision Weekend, Part 2

If you’re like most people, you probably think that mission work is for someone else who’s more spiritual or more talented. But we’re gaining a whole new perspective and taking a fresh look at what it means to be on the mission field as Pastor J.D. continues our series called, SENT. 
4/9/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Vision Weekend

Sometimes life feels like an Olympic event with a panel of judges scoring us on everything we do. We constantly feel the need to be better. In fact, that’s how a lot of people imagine God: as an angry judge who’s constantly disappointed.
4/8/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Failure, Part 2

Sometimes life feels like an Olympic event with a panel of judges scoring us on everything we do. We constantly feel the need to be better. In fact, that’s how a lot of people imagine God: as an angry judge who’s constantly disappointed.
4/5/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Failure

If we’re honest, we’ve all had days where we’ve messed up big time. Maybe we fell back into an old sin, or we did something we swore we’d never do. And in that moment, maybe you wondered if God could ever forgive you.
4/4/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Skeptic, Part 2

Many people who reject the resurrection like to think that their issue is an intellectual one. They say the evidence isn’t convincing, or that they just can’t believe in some ancient myth. Well, Pastor J.D. presents an alternative explanation for their unbelief.
4/3/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Skeptic

How can we trust a God that we don’t fully understand? Today, Pastor J.D. tackles that question and more as we continue our series called, "Can’t Believe."
4/2/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Passive, Part 2

Pastor J.D. explains that not making a decision is, in itself, a decision! We might not be actively rejecting God, but are we willing to step out in faith and follow him?
4/1/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Was There

As Easter approaches, Pastor J.D. helps us answer two incredibly important questions by pointing us to two statements that Jesus made to people at his crucifixion and after he had risen.
3/29/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Passive

As we continue our series called Can’t Believe, we’re discovering the barriers that can hold us back from saving faith. And in today’s message, we’re looking at the arrest and trial of Jesus while learning about several people who missed out on salvation because it was easier to stay on the sidelines.
3/28/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Disappointed, Part 2

We all know someone who was involved in the church and believed what the Bible says, but then life went wrong. They experienced some tragedy like the sudden death of a loved one, or a debilitating illness. And suddenly, they didn’t know if they could really believe in God anymore, let alone love him.
3/27/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Disappointed

When life goes tragically wrong, a lot of people end up questioning their faith, wondering how a good God could allow so much suffering. We start to wonder if he’s even there, and if he actually cares.
3/26/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Shortsighted, Part 2

If you’ve ever spent much time around toddlers, you know how shortsighted they can be. Waiting in line is agonizing for them, even if they’re waiting for something really cool!
3/25/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Shortsighted

These days, it seems like everyone is always up in arms about something or other. There are so many good causes out there we can fight for that it gets overwhelming!
3/22/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Sexual Captive, Part 3

In parts 1 and 2 of this message, we looked at the story of the woman at the well and discovered how her desire for romantic love had taken her captive and was holding her back from finding true joy and satisfaction in God.
3/21/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Sexual Captive, Part 2

The 1960s are often described as a period of sexual revolution when traditional morality was tossed aside. And while that era definitely reframed the way sex was discussed in the public forum, the truth is that sexual sin is as old as time.
3/20/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Sexual Captive

As we continue our series called, Can’t Believe, we’re talking about an important but sensitive topic: sexual sin. Despite what many people think, the Bible isn’t against sex. In fact, God designed it! But sex can easily turn from a good gift, to something that enslaves us and holds us back from saving faith. We’re looking at two different examples from John Chapters 4 and 8.
3/19/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Religiously Immunized, Part 2

Immunizations are a marvel of modern medicine. One little shot and you suddenly leave the world’s most dangerous diseases weak and ineffective! Diseases that used to take countless lives are now virtually unheard of. But what if you could be immunized against a good thing, like faith?
3/18/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Religiously Immunized

In our new series called, Can’t Believe, we’re looking at some of the most common barriers that hold people back from saving faith. And the first one might surprise you: religion. Most of us think of religion as a good thing.
3/15/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Healing Love, Part 2

Often, after hearing a powerful sermon, we’ll get excited and make all kinds of promises to God about how we’re going to change and be more like Jesus. But over time, we lose our focus and our excitement begins to wane. If you’ve ever been there, you’re not alone!
3/14/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Healing Love

A lot of people consider themselves religious. They go to church on Sunday, tithe, and even read their Bible during the week. But that’s not necessarily the same thing as having a relationship with God!
3/13/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hope-Giving Love, Part 2

There’s nothing wrong with having a favorite book of the Bible. But we have to be careful that we don’t miss out on the rest of God’s word! As Pastor J.D. continues our series called, Come Back to Me, he’s turning our attention to a book you might not be as familiar with: Habakkuk.
3/12/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hope-Giving Love

At some point or another, we’ve all asked the question, “Where was God when my life went wrong?” You might have even been angry with God. But as Pastor J.D. continues our series called, Come Back to Me, he’s helping us wrestle with those doubts and find the hope to carry us through the painful seasons.
3/11/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Unpopular Love, Part 2

As we continue our series called, Come Back to Me, we’re talking about a prophet named Amos. He was an ordinary guy who was given an uncomfortable task: to call Israel out on their sin.
3/8/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Unpopular Love

No one likes being corrected. It’s always painful, especially when we know that they’re right! And even though it doesn’t feel good, being called out on our sin is often the most loving thing someone can do for us!
3/7/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Only One Thing Is Wrong, Part 2

In our series called, Come Back to Me, we’re looking at a part of the Bible you probably haven’t thought much about: the Minor Prophets.
3/6/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Only One Thing Is Wrong

Why would a loving God let so many bad things happen in the world? That’s a question nearly everyone wrestles with from time to time, even solid, Bible-believing Christians! But Pastor J.D. is flipping the question on its head.
3/5/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Scandelous Love, Part 2

Sometimes, when we’re struggling with sin, it’s tempting to just pull away from God for a little bit. We feel like we need to clean ourselves up before we go back to him, so we stop going to church for a while and try to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps.
3/4/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Scandelous Love

As we kick off a series called, "Come Back to Me," we’re looking at a part of the Bible that most of us probably don’t pay much attention to: the Minor Prophets. As we’re going to see, there’s a lot to learn from these short Old Testament books!
3/1/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Winning at Conflict, Part 2

If you think the Son of God never engaged in conflict while he was on earth, then think again! Jesus had lots of interpersonal conflicts, but they were always done from a place of love.
2/29/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Winning at Conflict

No matter what the structures look like, we all have one thing in common when it comes to family: there will always be conflict.
2/28/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Just Sex?, Part 2

Sex is no big deal, right? That’s what the world wants you to believe, but God wants us to trust him so that we can view sex rightly and experience his best for us when we wait on him.
2/27/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Just Sex?

Our culture has some deeply held, deeply untrue ideas about sex. To fully understand and respect the sanctity of sex, we have to go to God, who created it, and his Word, which is very clear about how we should view it.
2/26/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Six Radical Resolutions of Biblically-Wise Dating, Part 2

Dating is not easy—whether you’re 16 or 56! When you choose to apply God’s biblical standard to dating, you’re going to stand out, because the world has not figured out how to be successful in relationships without God’s wisdom.
2/23/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Six Radical Resolutions of Biblically-Wise Dating

Most people want fulfilling, happy, lifelong marriages, but we don’t get a lot of direction on how to get there. The Bible teaches that if you want something not many people seem to have, then you’ve got to do what few people are willing to do.
2/22/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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God’s Plan in Singleness, Part 2

Singleness is a gift. That might not be how we’re told by culture to view it—or even what the church sometimes tells us about it. In this message from the “Forever Family” series, Pastor J.D. teaches how to see singleness as a unique opportunity in ministry, relationships, and God’s kingdom.
2/21/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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God’s Plan in Singleness

If you’re single, do you ever feel like the world is telling you that you’re missing out on something because you’re not married? Even in the church, we often equate marriage with completion—but Jesus taught something altogether different and more beautiful.
2/20/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Jesus on Marriage, Part 2

What does God really think about divorce? In this message from “Forever Family,” Pastor J.D. walks us through Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 19 and helps us see that, though God’s command about divorce is clear, there is no situation that he cannot redeem.
2/19/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Jesus on Marriage

Even if you’re not married, how you think about marriage affects the way you view so much more of life, like dating, sex, conflict, and even singleness.
2/16/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Generosity Matrix, Part 2

When it comes to giving, many of us want rules to follow and boxes to check. As Pastor J.D. continues in the “First” series, he helps us see why, though our tithe is a great place to start, God wants our giving to display what is first and best in our hearts.
2/15/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Generosity Matrix

Have you ever felt guilty about your giving? Many people assume that, because there are still people in need around the world, God’s only purpose for our money is to get the gospel to them.
2/14/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Out of this World Giving, Part 2

Jesus doesn’t just expect his followers to give their tithe. He expects us to be out-of-this-world generous! As part of the “First” series, Pastor J.D. helps us understand in this message how being a spender, saver, or steward defines what kingdom we serve and if we have surrendered our finances to God
2/13/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Out of this World Giving

If we were really living for Jesus’ kingdom, how would it change our giving? In this message from the “First” series, Pastor J.D. explains what our decisions on money reveal about what we love and treasure in this world.
2/12/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Time’s Up, Part 2

Something is going to be first in our lives, and the Bible makes it very clear that it should be God. Pastor J.D. continues in “Time’s Up” to show us that, while both God and money can be important to us, we cannot serve both of them.
2/9/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Time’s Up

Why does the church have to talk about money? As Pastor J.D. begins this series on why God should be “First” in our lives, he helps us see that to become a committed disciple, we must understand how to have the right relationship with money.
2/8/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Prayers That Heal the Sick and Alter the Weather, Part 2

In this final teaching from our series through the book of James, Pastor J.D. Greear reminds us that in the end, we can be encouraged that God does indeed hear the prayers of his children, and it is often through them that he chooses to accomplish his work on earth.
2/7/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Prayers That Heal the Sick and Alter the Weather

Is prayer actually effective? And if it is, should we still pray even if we have a less-than-robust faith? In this brand new teaching, Pastor J.D. sheds light on a crucial—and often misunderstood—passage about prayer from James 5.
2/6/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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You Can’t Hurry Patience, Part 2

In this teaching from the book of James, Pastor J.D. Greear shows us how even in the midst of suffering and the many challenges thrown at us by life, we can be sure that God is working all things for our good—we need only be patient and wait on him.
2/5/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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You Can’t Hurry Patience

In a society of one-click shopping and seemingly endless streaming services, patience is one thing that is often in short supply. In today’s teaching from James 5, Pastor J.D. Greear explains what patience is, why it's necessary, and how we can develop it.
2/2/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Make the Most of Your Mist, Part 2

In this teaching from James 4 and 5, Pastor J.D. Greear provides a helpful perspective on how to approach our lives in light of the fact that God is the one in control, not us. The choice is ours: a life characterized by trust in God, leading to humility and generosity—or one characterized by self-sufficiency, leading to arrogance and greed.
2/1/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Make the Most of Your Mist

We all make plans, whether they concern what we will do the next day or in the coming years. While the Bible acknowledges that it is certainly wise to plan, it also recognizes that the posture behind our planning is crucial. In this teaching from the book of James, Pastor J.D. shows us how to make the most of the short time God has given to each of us.
1/31/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Let’s Get Ready to RUMBLE, Part 2

In this teaching from James 4, Pastor J.D. answers the question James poses to us all: Why do we fight? At the deepest levels, where do our quarrels and jealousies come from? For most of us, we might think we know the answer. We fight because THEY started it! But James has a much different answer.
1/30/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Let’s Get Ready to RUMBLE

In this teaching from James 4, Pastor J.D. answers the question James poses to us all: Why do we fight? At the deepest levels, where do our quarrels and jealousies come from?
1/29/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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It’s Hard to Lick Your Tongue, Part 2

Taming the explosive power of our words is a difficult battle that we have to fight every day. But in today’s teaching, Pastor J.D. shares the good news that, through the transforming power of the gospel, we can become people whose words are used to encourage others and to restore life.
1/26/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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It’s Hard to Lick Your Tongue

The tongue is such a small part of our bodies, and yet it has astonishing power—both to wound and to heal, to bless and to curse. In this teaching, Pastor J.D. walks through James 3 to show us the dangers of the tongue and what it can reveal about the state of our hearts.
1/25/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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People Who Don’t Belong in Church, Part 2

In today’s teaching, Pastor J.D. unpacks a section of Scripture that talks about what a serious error it is when we show partiality to anyone… especially in the church!
1/24/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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People Who Don’t Belong in Church

Though we don't like to admit it, we are often guilty of judging others based on very limited information. In this teaching from James 2, Pastor J.D. describes the dangers of showing favoritism, particularly within the church.
1/23/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Shaky Foundations and Deadly Off-ramps, Part 2

Unfortunately, trials can present us with the temptation to sin, rather than wait on God. Pastor J.D. Greear shows us how, in the face of such temptation, we can either embrace the truth that every good gift comes from God—or we can turn to other things for comfort and peace.
1/22/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Shaky Foundations and Deadly Off-ramps

The Book of James takes the lofty doctrines of the gospel and brings them down to earth. You can’t read James without being confronted, and Pastor J.D. Greear continues introducing us to one of the most practical books of the Bible in this teaching called “Here Comes Trouble.”
1/19/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Here Comes Trouble, Part 2

The Book of James takes the lofty doctrines of the gospel and brings them down to earth. You can’t read James without being confronted, and Pastor J.D. Greear continues introducing us to one of the most practical books of the Bible in this teaching called “Here Comes Trouble.”
1/18/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Here Comes Trouble

No other New Testament book is quite like James. Catchy, practical, and in your face, the book of James jumps straight into the nitty gritty of daily life.
1/17/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Kainos People, Part 2

When the church pursues ethnic unity, the Enemy usually sends obstacles to try to stand in the way. In this teaching, Pastor J.D. shows us that the effort and commitment needed to achieve ethnic unity are undoubtedly well worth it.
1/16/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Kainos People

Pastor J.D. Greear leads us through a beautiful passage in Ephesians 2 that speaks to the power of Jesus’ death and resurrection to do what we could not: break down the wall of hostility between us.
1/15/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Something Greater Than Jonah, Part 2

As Pastor J.D. concludes our series called Castaway, he explains how Jonah’s message to the Ninevites compares to Jesus’ message to a lost and dying world. Pastor J.D. is teaching from Matthew 12.
1/12/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Something Greater Than Jonah

Pastor J.D. wraps up our study of the reluctant prophet, Jonah, by turning to the New Testament. We’re discovering that Jonah’s whole story is really a sign that’s pointing ahead to something greater!
1/11/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Whole New Kind of Obedience, Part 2

In your high school English class, you probably learned that any good book or movie has something called a dénouement at the end, where the story gets wrapped up and we get closure for all the characters.
1/10/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Whole New Kind of Obedience

For generations, the book of Jonah has challenged believers because we see ourselves reflected in Jonah: his disobedience, fear, and reluctance to obey.
1/9/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Making of a Witness, Part 2

As Pastor J.D. continues our study in Jonah 3, he shows us that evangelism isn’t about schmoozing or entertaining—it’s about sharing the free gift of salvation.
1/8/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Making of a Witness

As we continue to study the life of Jonah, Pastor J.D. reminds us that people don’t come to Christ through our eloquent speeches or our persuasive arguments.  People come to Christ through God’s relentless love.
1/5/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Moment of Crisis, Part 2

Haven’t we all gone through the motions to do something we really didn’t want to do? Like pulling weeds, or taking out the trash!  Pastor J.D. is continuing our Castaway series with another teaching from the book of Jonah.  We’re in Chapter 2 to learn what obedience really means.
1/4/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Moment of Crisis

In the middle of life’s storms, it’s easy to think God’s mad at us. Have we done something wrong? In our new series title Castaway, Pastor J.D. explains how God turns our tribulations into restoration.
1/3/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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I am Jonah, Part 2

Have you ever found yourself resisting God’s will? You hear him calling you in one direction, but you have another direction in mind?
1/2/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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I am Jonah

We’re looking at the life of one of the most important figures in human history. Pastor J.D. investigates how God multiplied Abraham’s life for eternal significance. How can our lives matter in a significant way as well?
1/1/202424 minutes, 58 seconds
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Stand at the Door and Knock, Part 2

The biggest cause of atheism is people who claim to follow Jesus but are in no way distinct from the world. Jesus said this kind of complacency in the church makes him sick, and it tells the world a lie about him.
12/29/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Stand at the Door and Knock

Jesus said that when the church becomes so complacent that it is neither hot with the passion that fuels sacrifice nor cold and refreshing, it makes him sick.
12/28/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Cradle that Rocked the World, Part 2

While Christmas may not be a season of hope for many people, there is a vision of Jesus beyond the cradle that will help us remember his love and power and worship him in the midst of trouble.
12/27/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Cradle that Rocked the World

Christmas is not a season of hope for many people. Good cheer and glad tidings are a painful reminder of a broken relationship, a long sickness, or an empty place at the table.
12/26/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is He Worthy?

In this teaching from one of Summit Church’s Christmas services, Pastor J.D. teaches us that there are only two responses to Jesus: worshipping or weeping.
12/25/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Seeker’s Chapter, Part 2

It’s been said that there’s a “God-shaped hole” in every heart. We all have a sense that there’s something missing—something bigger than us that would give us purpose and meaning. And yet, we often look in all the wrong places.
12/22/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Seeker’s Chapter

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind some of your favorite Christmas songs? Well, Pastor J.D. takes us behind the scenes of the holiday favorite, Hark! the Herald Angels Sing. You’ll never hear it the same way again! It’s part of our series called, Carols.
12/21/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hark, the Herald Angels Sing

Have you ever wondered about the meaning behind some of your favorite Christmas songs? Well, Pastor J.D. takes us behind the scenes of the holiday favorite, Hark! the Herald Angels Sing. You’ll never hear it the same way again! It’s part of our series called, Carols.
12/20/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Go Tell It on the Mountain, Part 2

Sometimes the road ahead is blocked by obstacles or “mountains” that seem too big to overcome.
12/19/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Go Tell It on the Mountain

You’re in for a special treat as the Summit Worship team opens this teaching with a stirring rendition of the popular Christmas classic, Go Tell It on the Mountain.
12/18/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Christmas is supposed to be a time of joy and peace. But the reality is for most of us, December is just as hard as the rest of the year, if not more!
12/15/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Blessed, Part 2

As Christians, we tend to use the term “blessed” pretty loosely. When something good happens, we say we’re blessed.
12/14/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Imagine this: It’s the First Century A.D. You’re an unmarried teenage girl. And suddenly, you learn that you’ve got a baby on the way.
12/13/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery, Part 2

Have you ever had one of those moments when you’re singing along with a song that you’ve heard a million times before, but all of a sudden something clicks, and you realize what the lyrics are actually about?
12/12/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery

If you really think about it, the incarnation can seem pretty mysterious and confusing. God coming to earth and becoming flesh.
12/11/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Wise Men Still Seek Him, Part 2

Just like the Wise Men chose to respond with great joy to finding King Jesus, we, too, have to choose how we will respond to the stars, or the signs, that God puts in our lives to point us to him. Pastor J.D. explains the four responses you can have and how, when you choose to keep seeking Jesus, you can experience the same joy the Wise Men had.
12/8/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Wise Men Still Seek Him

In this teaching from Matthew 2, Pastor J.D. walks us through one of the most recognizable, iconic stories of Christmas: the coming of the Magi, or “Wise Men,” to see Jesus.
12/7/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Surrender to Me and Multiply

Abraham is given the ultimate test of surrender and sacrifice as Pastor J.D. Greear concludes the series called, Multiply. God is committed to us far more than we could ever imagine.
12/6/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Prioritize Me and Multiply, Part 2

Pastor J.D. asks a few important diagnostic questions to determine your value systems and priorities. Are you more like Lot who valued his own self interests? Or are you more like Abraham who prioritized generosity?
12/5/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Prioritize Me and Multiply

Does God get your first and best? Where does he fall in your list of priorities? Pastor J.D. explains that whatever it is that gets our first and best reveals what serves as god in your life. 
12/4/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Trust Me and Multiply, Part 2

See how serious God is about teaching us to live by faith. Before God can do something through us, he’s got to do something in us. Discover the path you must walk for God to multiply your life.
12/1/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Trust Me and Multiply

See how serious God is about teaching us to live by faith. Before God can do something through us, he’s got to do something in us. Discover the path you must walk for God to multiply your life.
11/30/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Follow Me and Multiply

Pastor J.D. looks at the life of Abraham, a man who gives us a picture of how God wants to use all of us in the world.
11/29/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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First Things First, Part 2

Pastor J.D. continues our brand new “Begin Again” teaching series by taking us to the tiny book of Haggai
11/28/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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First Things First

Pastor J.D. continues our brand new “Begin Again” teaching series by taking us to the tiny book of Haggai
11/27/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Whoever Is of a Generous Heart …,Part 2

God has done great things for us, liberating us from the slavery of sin. Now he invites us to become a part of his rescue plan for our neighbors and the nations.
11/24/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Whoever Is of a Generous Heart …

In a brand new teaching from our series called “Begin Again,” Pastor J.D. invites us to rediscover God’s purposes for our church.
11/23/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why ‘Begin Again’?, Part 2

The world seems darker and more confusing by the day, but now is not a time to shrink back in fear. It’s a moment for us to renew our commitment.
11/22/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why ‘Begin Again’?

In this teaching from Exodus 13, Pastor J.D. invites us to learn from the Old Testament people of God, who—like us—were coming out of their own trauma into a new land of opportunity.
11/21/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Disciple, Part 2

If you were to ask a hundred people what it means to be “Christian,” you’d probably get a ton of different answers. Some think it means that you come from a Christian family.
11/20/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The term “Christian” has become almost meaningless in recent years, especially in America. If you believe in God and don’t really identify with any other religion, then you probably call yourself a Christian.
11/17/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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In Earth as It Is in Heaven, Part 2

Most people are familiar with the parable of the Good Samaritan. It’s a nice story about loving others and being the bigger person. Isn’t it?
11/16/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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In Earth as it Is in Heaven

How good do we have to be to get into heaven? J.D. Greear answers that question as we jump into a brand new series called, In Earth as it Is in Heaven.
11/15/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Together We Overcome

As we come to the end of our time in First Peter, our theme has been “together we endure”---together, we press through difficult times.
11/14/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Experience Good Days

In the middle of summer heat you know how good a moment of shade can feel, like when you’re in a parking lot and look for that one tree to park under.
11/13/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Submissions, Part 2

We’re jumping into a sensitive and controversial subject: the biblical roles of husbands and wives
11/10/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Submissions, Part 1

Our nation has experienced an unusual few years, and the amount of stress that comes with following the authorities set before us is at an all time high.
11/9/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Exile Resolutions

1 Peter says we’re supposed to be different than the world around us. What does that mean to leave as a citizen of heaven and not of earth?
11/8/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Grow Up.

Grow up. It’s a simple command God gives in 1 Peter. But what does that mean? In our spiritual lives, it can be hard to judge whether or not we’re really “growing up.”
11/7/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Exile Commands

Most of us don’t feel like exiles – we live in communities that we enjoy, with shelter and friendships that sustain us.
11/6/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Not an Immigrant, Not a Tourist

This teaching series called “Together We Endure” was originally preached during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the world was on lockdown — and yet, over three years later, our world is still in the midst of so much chaos!
11/3/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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This Worldwide Movement, Part 2

What do you think is the greatest sign of Christian maturity? We close the “Romans” series in today’s message by looking at a seemingly unimportant list of acknowledgements of people serving in the church that fill the last pages of the letter.
11/2/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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This Worldwide Movement

After spending 15 chapters in Romans explaining how the gospel has the power to change the world, the Apostle Paul then closes the book with a list of commendations.
11/1/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Living with Purpose, Part 2

Do you know what your calling is? It’s a big concept that many people want to talk about, because if we knew what ours is, then we would be able to make decisions that fall in line with God’s bigger purpose.
10/31/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Living with Purpose

Have you turned the will of God into an idol? Many people today desire to know God’s will more than they do his purposes and seek it more than they do his glory.
10/30/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Unity > Uniformity, Part 2

What are the issues not directly addressed in Scripture that you would let divide you and someone else in the church?
10/27/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Unity > Uniformity

What do you think would happen if the church made unity in the gospel more important than divisions over debatable things?
10/26/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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#NotMyKingdom, Part 2

Jesus once told the Pharisees to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s but to God what is God’s.” In today’s message, Pastor J.D. continues to look at Romans 13 and its instructions on how to honor and obey those in government.
10/25/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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For the first century church and the worldwide church today, one of the most difficult places to overcome evil with good is in its relationship with the government.
10/24/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Loving Your Enemies, Part 2

When you’re fighting evil in the world, you’re facing two battlefronts: the evil in another person but also the evil that wants to grow in you in response to what someone has done to you. In today’s message, Pastor J.D. continues to show us how to overcome evil with good.
10/23/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Loving Your Enemies

How do you normally respond when someone treats you unfairly or disappoints you? We can all probably quote verses from the Bible about what gospel love looks like, but it’s often difficult to show that kind of love to our enemies.
10/20/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Loving Your Friends, Part 2

Can you imagine a church that didn’t need great musicians or special events to attract people because of the way that it loved each other and the world?
10/19/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Loving Your Friends

The only way to love like Jesus is to understand how great a love you are a recipient of. In this teaching, we turn to Romans 12, where Paul shows us how we should love in light of God’s mercy to us.
10/18/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Gifted, Part 2

Pride messes up our lives in a lot of ways. But one way you may not have thought about it being a problem is when it keeps you from pursuing your spiritual gifts.
10/17/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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You don’t hear a lot about pride when people talk about spiritual gifts. But the truth is, when we think rightly about ourselves because of the gospel, then we realize how desperately we need the spiritual gifts.
10/16/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Therefore, Part 2

Do you want to know what the will of God is for your life? Pastor J.D. continues in this message from Romans 12 to talk about the two things that summarize what Christianity is all about.
10/13/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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If you grew up in the church, you may have viewed the gospel as a starting point in Christianity, and then you had a bunch of new things you had to do.
10/12/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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It Ends in Wonder, Part 2

Does thinking about God’s mercy ever lead you to pour out your heart in worship? In today’s message, Pastor J.D. turns to Romans 11 and Paul’s exuberant response to the gospel.
10/11/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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It Ends in Wonder

Does thinking about God’s mercy ever lead you to pour out your heart in worship? In today’s message, Pastor J.D. turns to Romans 11 and Paul’s exuberant response to the gospel.
10/10/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Will God Forsake His People?, Part 2

If you were put on trial for being a Christian, and the only evidence came from what your friends observed about you at work or at school, would you be convicted?
10/9/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Will God Forsake His People?

How do you think God feels about people who claim him as Lord but do not walk with him or submit to his lordship? In this message, Pastor J.D. looks at Romans 11 to show us how, while God has kept his promise to Israel, he will also remove anyone who does not demonstrate a staying faith, like he did with Israel.
10/6/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Life Is Absurd … Now What?, Part 2

Everyone wants to be happy, so why does happiness seem so elusive? Is there a secret to obtaining happiness that we’ve all been missing?
10/5/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Life is Absurd … Now What?

The Bible offers plenty of practical wisdom. For instance, Proverbs says that, “A generous person will prosper.” Or, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
10/4/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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It’s All Gone to Hevel, Part 2

The author of Ecclesiastes repeatedly states that life is meaningless, “a chasing after the wind.” But as Pastor J.D. continues our series called, Full of Nothing, we’re discovering what that phrase means, and we’re finding hope in this seemingly pessimistic passage!
10/3/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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It’s All Gone to Hevel

Have you ever been in the middle of a crisis—maybe a spouse left you, a loved one passed away, or your business went under—and you started to question whether or not there’s any meaning to all the seemingly random tragedies of life?
10/2/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Bring a Good Man Down … and Back Again, Part 2

Though it’s rarely pleasant, honest introspection is an important part of life. It’s essential to regularly search our own hearts, to see if there’s any secret sin we might be ignoring.
9/29/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Bring a Good Man Down … and Back Again

The Hoover Dam is one of the most impressive feats of modern engineering. And yet, all it would take is one little crack being overlooked, and the entire structure would come tumbling down.
9/28/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Solomon’s Knowledge of God, Part 2

In a commencement address, the speaker usually tries to summarize all their wisdom and life advice into one speech. And that’s what King Solomon did at the dedication of the temple.
9/27/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Solomon’s Knowledge of God

Popular thought says there are lots of ways to know God, and claiming to have exclusive access makes you sound prejudiced and narrow-minded. But is that really how it works? Does every religion get you to God in the end?
9/26/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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World-Renowned Wisdom, Part 2

A lot of us tend to see pastors and missionaries as “super Christians,” and we think that getting serious about God means giving up our day job and going into full-time ministry. But as he continues our series called, “The Man Who Had it All,” Pastor J.D. reveals that every job is a full-time ministry! 
9/25/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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World-Renowned Wisdom

Have you ever noticed that most of us have different personas for different places? We have our “work self,” our “home self,” and our “church self.” It’s not that we want to be hypocritical or disingenuous.
9/22/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ask Me Anything, Part 2

Have you ever been facing a really big decision and you prayed for God’s guidance, but all you heard back were crickets? What’s the secret to unlocking God’s wisdom?
9/21/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ask Me Anything

As we kick off a new series called, “The Man Who Had It All,” we’re looking at the life of King Solomon, a fascinating Old Testament figure whose story is a string of seeming contradictions.
9/20/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Goodness in Me, Part 2

As we wrap up our brand new teaching series in Psalm 23, Pastor J.D. reminds us how the Apostle Paul never asked for his “thorn in the flesh.”
9/19/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Goodness in Me

Have you ever wondered how much goodness God can bring about in your life? Pastor J.D. Greear tackles that question as he examines the sufferings of the Apostle Paul.
9/18/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Suffering, Saving, and Serving, Part 2

As we continue our series through Psalm 23, Pastor J.D. Greear examines the life of Namaan—a powerful king with a powerful problem: leprosy. Naaman would eventually get the healing he was after, but not before God led him in a direction he never expected to go.
9/15/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Suffering, Saving, and Serving

As we continue our series through Psalm 23, Pastor J.D. Greear examines the life of Namaan—a powerful king with a powerful problem: leprosy. Naaman would eventually get the healing he was after, but not before God led him in a direction he never expected to go.
9/14/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Surely Goodness and Mercy Will Follow Me, Part 2

As we continue through Psalm 23, we’re finishing up a look into the life of Joseph. Joseph’s life was characterized by betrayal, injustice, confusion, and—above all—years and years of waiting.
9/13/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Surely Goodness and Mercy Will Follow Me

In the next teaching from our series called “Goodness In the Middle,” Pastor J.D. draws a parallel between this psalm of David and the life of Joseph – one of the most engaging characters in the entire Bible. Joseph lived a life of high’s and low’s, but through it all, he trusted that God was ultimately in control.
9/12/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Have No Needs, Part 2

Ever wondered what it would be like to say, “I have no needs?” As Pastor J.D. wraps up the first teaching from a brand new series through Psalm 23 called “Goodness In the Middle,” he shows us exactly what it looks like to have no needs—straight from one of the most famous chapters in the Bible.
9/11/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Have No Needs

Theology isn’t just about learning a lot of impressive terminology. Good, biblical theology is practical, and it changes the way we interact with our world.
9/8/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Does My Life Have a Purpose?, Part 2

In the rush of everyday life, we often find ourselves hungry for a bigger destiny. Pastor J.D. describes the only thing that can fill that desire.
9/7/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Does My Life Have a Purpose?

Everyone wants to feel that their life has a bigger purpose. But does anything we do actually last into eternity?
9/6/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Will Life Ever Get Better?, Part 2

What does it mean to have faith through trials? Does it mean that we just put on a smile and act like everything’s fine, even when we’re hurting inside?
9/5/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Will Life Ever Get Better?

It seems like we’re constantly hearing news of hurricanes, wildfires, and mass shootings. And on a more personal level, we face chronic pain, broken marriages, and unfulfilled dreams. Will it ever get better?
9/4/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is Something Wrong With Me?, Part 2

We all have a deep-seated sense that we don’t quite measure up and we need to do better. Where does that feeling come from?
9/1/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is Something Wrong With Me?

Most of us would say that we’re a pretty good person. We have faults, but our hearts are in the right place. But if our hearts are truly in the right place, then why do we keep doing wrong things? Why do we still hurt people, act selfishly, or lash out in anger?
8/31/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Am I Not Happy?, Part 2

If there’s one thing that everyone wants in life, it’s happiness. And yet, for so many people, happiness seems like a pipe dream. We either spend our whole lives chasing the next thrill, never completely satisfied, or we end up settling for comfort and trying to drown out the nagging sense that we’re meant for more.
8/30/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Am I Not Happy?

In a brand new study in the book of Psalms called Question Everything, we’re discovering how an ancient book of music lyrics can help us answer some of the most pressing questions on our hearts, like, “Why am I not happy?” and “Does my life have a purpose?”
8/29/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The King’s Joy, Part 2

As Pastor J.D. is concluding our series titled "Kingdom Come," he is explaining how we can have joy today, knowing that what we do in this life will count for eternity!
8/28/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The King’s Joy

As Pastor J.D. wraps up our series titled Kingdom Come, he reminds us that the resurrection of Jesus isn’t folklore or myth, but a factual, historical account supported by hundreds of eyewitnesses.
8/25/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Imminence of the Kingdom, Part 2

In a teaching called The Imminence of the Kingdom, Pastor J.D. is teaching from the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 17, reminding us that more people will miss the Kingdom of God because they neglect it, rather than reject it.
8/24/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Imminence of the Kingdom

You’ve probably noticed that Christian books and ministries offer endless speculation about the end times and the Kingdom of God. Pastor J.D. Greear explains that the Kingdom of God is already here, but also, not yet.
8/23/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Who’s at Your Party, Part 2

Many people think they have to go overseas to fulfill the Great Commission. But Pastor J.D. reminds us that we have a mission field right here at home! Today’s message is part of our series called Kingdom Come. And Pastor J.D. is teaching from Luke, Chapter 14.
8/22/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Who’s at Your Party

As Pastor J.D. teaches from the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 14, he explains who God puts on his A-list, and he notes that it’s much different than our own. This message is part of our series called "Kingdom Come."
8/21/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Weightiness of the Kingdom, Part 2

We’re learning a lesson in gospel irony as Pastor J.D. continues our study in the Gospel of Luke. In Luke, Chapter 14, he unpacks the meaning of two seemingly different parables. But when we see how they tie together and how much God truly loves and cares for us, we’ll never be the same.
8/18/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Weightiness of the Kingdom

Not all invitations are equal. A backyard BBQ invite might show up in an email or a text message, whereas a wedding invitation is probably going to make a splash.
8/17/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Hiddenness of Jesus, Part 3

Have you ever wondered why God doesn’t just show up and announce himself? Wouldn’t that quiet down all the skeptics? As we continue our series titled "Kingdom Come," Pastor J.D. explains that God reveals himself to those who want to know him but hides from those who want to use him.
8/16/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Hiddenness of Jesus, Part 2

In this passage of Luke 10, Pastor J.D. explains that Jesus conceals the truth from those who seek to use God as a means to an end.
8/15/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Hiddenness of Jesus

The Gospel of Luke records several times when Jesus told people not to reveal who he is. If God wants everyone to know him, why did Jesus take such great pains to hide his accomplishments?
8/14/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Surprised by God’s Willingness to Listen, Part 2

When someone asks, “What’s the point of prayer?” there are probably a couple of ways we could answer. As we continue our series, titled “Kingdom Come,” Pastor J.D. turns to the Gospel of Luke to teach us how to pray boldly and with persistence.
8/11/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Surprised by God’s Willingness to Listen

Almost every religion teaches prayer, and even non-religious people pray. But what makes Christian prayer different? For starters, it’s not about twisting someone’s arm, or cajoling a distant god, but speaking with boldness to our loving, Heavenly Father.
8/10/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Amazing Tenderness, Part 2

We’ve all heard the saying: “Nothing in life is certain, except death and taxes.” But Pastor J.D. explains how Jesus removed the sting and power of death
8/9/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Amazing Tenderness

Wherever Jesus went, crowds followed. But no matter a person’s class or station, Jesus extends compassion and tenderness to anyone who comes to him in faith.
8/8/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Jesus’ Upside Down Kingdom, Part 2

As we continue our study in the Gospel of Luke, we’re exploring what Jesus says about the Kingdom! It’s part of our series titled Kingdom Come.
8/7/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Jesus’ Upside Down Kingdom

What comes to mind when you think about the Kingdom of God? Jesus robed in white, walking beside your loved ones on streets of gold? Well, it’s likely that we all need to broaden our perspective.
8/4/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Inauguration, Part 2

The temptation of Jesus is a passage of scripture that raises a lot of questions. It may even cause us to wonder why Jesus seemed to be playing Satan’s game. Pastor J.D. clears up the confusion, offering us practical application for overcoming temptation in our lives today.
8/3/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Everyone enjoys the good things in life. But when those “good things” become our focus, we’ve landed in enemy territory. Learn how to steer clear of the temptations.
8/2/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Surprise, Part 2

Can God’s plan triumph over all of life’s hurts and disappointments? It’s a question most of us have asked. Pastor J.D. provides the answer as he continues the series called Kingdom Come.
8/1/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Do you have pain, disappointment, or unanswered questions in your life? This message, titled “Surprise,” teaches us what real faith is—in spite of the challenges that life throws at you. Don’t miss it Monday on Summit Life with J.D. Greear.
7/31/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Unless We Are Sent, Part 2

In this message from Romans 10, Pastor J.D. continues to lean into the truth that those of us who have heard the message have an obligation to share it and how to send or be sent.
7/28/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Unless We Are Sent

Are you ready to say “yes” to whatever God asks you to do? In this message, Pastor J.D. looks at four important verses from Romans 10 that show us why, as the ones who believe in the gospel message, we owe it to those who have not heard to take it to them.
7/27/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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As Close As Your Mouth and Your Heart, Part 2

Do your circumstances feel pretty dark and heavy right now? When we feel far from God, it’s easy to doubt that we have what it takes to be saved. But in this message from Pastor J.D. on Romans 10, we see why we can trust that what was required for salvation has been fulfilled in Jesus and how, when we confess and believe that Jesus is Lord, we will never be disappointed.
7/26/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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As Close As Your Mouth and Your Heart

In this message, Pastor J.D. looks at Romans 10 to show us how, no matter how much shame we feel from our past or how far we feel from God, he is as close as our mouth and our heart.
7/25/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Mystery and Assurance, Part 2

Do God’s ways often seem confusing to you? Pastor J.D. continues today’s teaching from Romans 9 to teach us how trusting in the mystery of God’s wisdom and his goodness to save us gives us assurance that he will finish the work he has started in us.
7/24/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Mystery and Assurance

To answer this and some other tough questions in today’s message, Pastor J.D. looks at Romans 9 to show us how the mystery of God’s ways should point us to his sovereignty and our unworthiness. When we see ourselves rightly, we are emboldened to share his mercy with the least likely.
7/21/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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More than Conquerors: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible, Part 2

As Pastor J.D. continues today in Romans 8, he teaches us that persecution and opposition may affect our situation, but, as God’s children, our lives are not defined by our situation. When we suffer, we have the assurance of being called, justified, and glorified—and that makes us more than conquerors.
7/20/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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More than Conquerors: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible

In this message, Pastor J.D. takes us back to the greatest chapter in the Bible, Romans 8, to show us how God not only delivers us from our suffering. Even more—he makes our pain and suffering serve his purposes.
7/19/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hope: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible, Part 2

Pastor J.D. continues in this message to draw from the deep well of gospel truth in Romans 8 to remind us of how God is working in our suffering and the fact that, even when you feel like you’re barely holding onto God in the midst of your pain, he is still holding onto you.
7/18/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hope: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible

In today’s teaching, Pastor J.D. turns to Romans 8 to show us the myths we believe about suffering as Christians and how we can hope in our suffering, knowing that God is going to finish his good work in us.
7/17/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Spirit: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible, Part 2

Pastor J.D. continues in today’s message from Romans 8 to show us how the Holy Spirit gives us assurance that God is with us and working for our good, even in our pain.
7/14/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Spirit: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible

Do you know what to do with the Holy Spirit? Many Christians repeat familiar phrases about the Spirit but still don’t know what they mean. In this message, Pastor J.D. teaches from Romans 8 about why the Holy Spirit is necessary.
7/13/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Freedom: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible, Part 2

What if the worst effect of sin is not how it hurts you or someone else, but how it cuts you off from the Holy Spirit? When there is total surrender to God’s Spirit, we’re free to walk in righteousness and resurrection power.
7/12/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Freedom: The Greatest Chapter in the Bible

If some part of your life feels dead because of the effects of sin, then you need to hear this: there is resurrection hope for you. In this message, Pastor J.D. turns to what many people consider the greatest chapter in the Bible, Romans 8.
7/11/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Life-Long Struggle, Part 2

Can you relate to the Apostle Paul, who was so torn between his desire to do good and the ongoing sin in his life that he needed to cling desperately to God’s mercy? We’ll see how acknowledging the battle with sin and our ultimate victory over it doesn’t just change how we view the fight.
7/10/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Life-Long Struggle

Ever feel like you’re living a double life? There’s one side of you that wants to do the right thing and another that doesn’t want to do it at all—and that can’t be right, because you’re a Christian, and you think you shouldn’t struggle with sin anymore.
7/7/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Releasing the Power of Life, Part 2

Have you ever wondered why, even though you made Jesus Lord of your life, sin still seems so powerful? It’s a question every believer asks at some point, and it’s a struggle the Apostle Paul understood firsthand.
7/6/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Releasing the Power of Life

At some point, every follower of Jesus will ask, “If Jesus is Lord of my life, then why do I keep sinning?” In today’s teaching from the “Romans” series, Pastor J.D. shows us how believing in our righteous identity in Christ releases power in us to live up to that identity.
7/5/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Resurrection Makes it Real, Part 2

Some of us think if only we could see Jesus with our own eyes, like Paul, then we would never have any doubts about faith.
7/4/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Resurrection Makes it Real

Do you ever have doubts about faith? If so, you’re not alone. Even the first disciples had unanswered questions. In today’s message from Romans 6, Pastor J.D. walks through how the resurrection shows us not just that Jesus is who he said he was and that his death accomplished what he said it would.
7/3/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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But I’m Not Enough, Part 2

Many of us felt confident and invincible as young kids, but as we grew older, insecurities set in and we started questioning ourselves. Pastor J.D. explains that those insecurities aren’t really a reflection of ourselves — they’re a reflection of our view of God.
6/30/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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But I’m Not Enough

Self-improvement is an American obsession, and the self-help industry churns out an endless supply of books, seminars and training programs, raking in about $10 billion each year! But Pastor J.D. teaches about the real path to confidence and significance.
6/29/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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You Don’t Get Your Own Personal Jesus, Part 2

When God doesn’t show up when we want him to, we tend to get worried and anxious, which often leads to disaster.
6/28/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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You Don’t Get Your Own Personal Jesus

Sometimes when we’re afraid or in a bind, we try to bargain with God. We’ve all been there — trying to get Jesus to agree to our demands.
6/27/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Your God is Too Small, Part 2

Conflict isn’t anything new. It’s as much a part of life as breathing! And while most of us run from conflict, what if conflict is the very thing God wants to use to shape our lives?
6/26/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Your God is Too Small

Remember how frustrating it was when you were in school and the teacher was describing a big concept, but you couldn’t make heads or tails of it? Nobody likes when they can’t understand something
6/23/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Stop Sinning, Part 2

The battle for holiness was won two thousand years ago on the cross. So why do we still struggle with sin today? And what tools has God given us to break free?
6/22/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Stop Sinning

When we’re facing a personal tragedy, we might wonder if we’re being punished for something we did wrong. Certainly, we can cause ourselves a lot of pain when we ignore God’s Word.
6/21/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Marriage and the Gospel, Part 3

Deep down, a lot of people believe the biblical view of submission in marriage is outdated and unequal. But God’s design for marriage is perfect, timeless, and beautiful.
6/20/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Marriage and the Gospel, Part 2

A quick look at the divorce statistics in the U.S. will make one thing abundantly clear: as a culture, we’re bad at marriage. Even couples that manage to stay together often end up living parallel lives rather than the “happily ever after” they dreamed of. So what are we missing?
6/19/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Marriage and the Gospel

As Pastor J.D. often says, the gospel is the power for the Christian life. And on this edition of Summit Life, we’re discovering how the gospel transforms our view of marriage.
6/16/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Mysterious Witness of Submission and Suffering, Part 2

The Bible makes it clear that if you’re really following Jesus, then the world is going to oppose you in one way or another. So what do we do when we’re mocked or excluded because of our faith?
6/15/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Mysterious Witness of Submission and Suffering

The Bible clearly calls believers to submit to authority, whether that’s parental authority, a boss at work, or the government. But what about when those in authority are morally corrupt?
6/14/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Who We Are, Where We Come From, and What We Do, Part 2

In the book of First Peter, Christians are called to be aliens on this earth. That phrase appears on plenty of bumper stickers and T-shirts, but what does it actually mean?
6/13/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Who We Are, Where We Come From, and What We Do

As Christians, we’re supposed to be different than the world around us. We’re called to be outsiders and aliens. But what does that look like on a practical level?
6/12/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Grow Up, Part 2

Most teens start feeling grown up when they get their driver’s license or graduate high school. But what are the marks that a person is growing up spiritually?
6/9/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Grow Up

We can’t help getting older, but growing up is a choice. Pastor J.D. challenges us to Grow Up spiritually and reach true maturity in our faith.
6/8/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Battlefront, Part 2

The word “holiness” gets thrown around a lot in church, and most of us have a vague idea of what it means, but do we really understand the implications of calling God holy?
6/7/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Most Christians think that trusting God means we just have to put on a happy face no matter what, even when we’re hurting inside. But that’s not at all what the Bible teaches us.
6/6/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Don’t Belong Here, Part 3

Most Christians think that trusting God means we just have to put on a happy face no matter what, even when we’re hurting inside. But that’s not at all what the Bible teaches us.
6/5/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Don’t Belong Here, Part 2

A lot of people come to Jesus with the expectation that he’ll make their life better. But Jesus said that in this world, we will have trouble. So how should we respond when life gets hard?
6/2/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Don’t Belong Here

From the first century to the 21st, Christians around the world have gladly given their lives for the sake of the gospel. There are countless stories of believers singing as they went to their execution and praying for their enemies. Where did they get that otherworldly courage? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he begins a brand new series called, I Am an Alien. We’re learning what it means to be in the world but not of the world. 
6/1/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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You Are Sent, Part 2

We talk a lot on Summit Life about living our lives on a mission… “sent” into the mission field God has placed us in. Today, we’ll hear more about how we can fulfill the Great Commission in our families, our workplaces, and whatever situation we find ourselves in. Because, no matter what season of life we’re in, our calling as followers of Jesus is to “Live Sent.”
5/31/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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You Are Sent

Did you know that every single worship service at The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, where Pastor J.D. pastors, ends with the same three words? Those words are: “You are sent.” We love gathering to worship God together every weekend, but we always want to remind ourselves that once we leave the church service, the real work begins… because we’re all missionaries being “sent out” into our mission field!
5/30/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Tale of Two Adams, Part 2

This is the Tale of Two Adams: While one man brought the curse of death upon the human race, another man sacrificed and took that curse into himself. Pastor J.D. continues to teach in this message how we have chosen sin, like the first Adam, but we can choose life through the second man, Jesus Christ. When we do, we’ll understand why every son and daughter of Adam needs to hear how they, too, can be redeemed.
5/29/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Tale of Two Adams

We all have a problem: We are living under the curse of sin and death, all because of the choice of one man: Adam. That’s pretty depressing, isn’t it? But there’s hope in the gospel. In today’s message, Pastor J.D. walks through Romans 5 and shows us how, even though we all made the same choice as Adam to sin, we can all make the choice today to accept salvation through another man—the second Adam, Jesus Christ.
5/26/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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This Changes Everything, Part 2

We won’t always know how God is working in our suffering. That doesn’t sound very comforting, but we know from the Bible that we can trust in two things: first, the cross shows us that he hasn’t forgotten us and, two, the resurrection shows us that he always finishes what he has started. Pastor J.D. continues in this message from Romans to remind us how and why we can have joy in the midst of our suffering.
5/25/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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This Changes Everything

How is it possible to rejoice when we are suffering? You may think it’s not possible. But, Romans 5 shows us that the gospel changes everything, including how we look at suffering. In this message, Pastor J.D. teaches us how we can rejoice in the hope that God will keep all his promises ... a hope rooted in the assurance that one day, even if nothing else in our lives works out, God will restore everything that is broken.
5/24/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Anatomy of Faith, Part 2

Do you have the kind of faith Abraham had? The Apostle Paul says that, even when he faltered, Abraham “did not waver in unbelief.” As Pastor J.D. continues to teach from Romans 4, he helps us understand that faith is not about never failing; it’s about placing your trust in the God who always keeps his promises. Faith is about admitting that you cannot save yourself, but that, in God’s grace, he has done it for you.
5/23/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Anatomy of Faith

One of the most common questions about Christianity is, “How did people in the Old Testament get to heaven?” In today’s teaching, Pastor J.D. teaches us not only when and how Abram — the “father of our faith” — was saved, but also how our faith is the same as Abraham’s. Through his story, we see that the Christian life is started and sustained by faith that God will keep his promises and that he fulfilled his most important one in Jesus.
5/22/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Inclusive Exclusivity, Part 2

When we experience division in the church, the first question we should ask is, “What are we boasting in?” As he continues in Romans 3, Pastor J.D. shows us in this message the three things we tend to boast in and why they contribute to conflict. When we understand that, while God only accepts those who are repentant, he also accepts repentant people from every background and race, only then will we have unity in God’s family.
5/19/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Inclusive Exclusivity

We often like the concept of diversity, as long as other people adapt to our customs and styles. But the gospel teaches us a different way. In this message, Pastor J.D. teaches from Romans 3, where we learn that, while there is only one way to salvation, God doesn’t accept us because of anything about us but because of what he’s done for us. This makes Christianity, as Tim Keller says, “the most inclusive exclusivity there is.”
5/18/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Righteousness Revealed, Part 2

If you’ve never known how to reply to someone who asks, “What’s the big deal about Jesus?” then this is the message for you. Pastor J.D. continues through the passage in Romans 3 that some scholars say is the most important in the Bible. Through its message, we learn what makes Christianity so different from every other religion and how accepting Jesus’ forgiveness changes the foundation of our lives.
5/17/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Righteousness Revealed

Have you ever wondered how to respond when someone asks you why you think Jesus is the only way to salvation? In this message, Pastor J.D. walks through one of the most important passages in Romans, what Martin Luther called “the very central place ... of the whole Bible.” In it, we find not only the answer to why Jesus saves but also a confidence that is found only through our justification.
5/16/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Religion—What is it Good for?, Part 2

Billy Graham said that what sends most people to hell is not their sins but their good works, because good works make us think there is something good about us that can save us from ourselves. Pastor J.D. continues in this message from Romans to show us how religion cannot reform us and willpower cannot change our hearts—and the one thing we need to come to Jesus for salvation.
5/15/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Religion—What is it Good for?

You’ve got a problem. We all do! Salvation through Jesus has always been available, but many people still have not received it because they’re not willing to admit that there’s a problem with their heart. In this message, Pastor J.D. walks through Romans 3 and helps us see how the law showed us our need for a Savior, but that we cannot do anything to be made righteous except believe in Jesus who kept the law in our place.
5/12/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Religion Can’t Save You, Part 2

Good news! Though religion can’t change us, the gospel gives us a new heart. In Romans 2 Paul admonishes religious people who have grown up in church and have never recognized their need for repentance but reminds us that there is hope. In this message, Pastor J.D. shows us the only way for religious and irreligious people to be saved and how God stands ready not with condemnation but mercy and kindness.
5/11/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Religion Can’t Save You

In Romans 2, Paul goes after religious people who think they’re better because they know the Bible and go to church—and he’s talking to us. Pastor J.D. continues in the “Romans” series in this message as he explains why, on the final day, God will look beyond the outward performance of religion to our inward motivations and how both religious and irreligious sinners are welcomed back into God’s family through the cross.
5/10/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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How the Fall Affects Us All, Part 2

It’s easy to look at the sins listed in Romans 1 and think, “What was wrong with those people?” But the gospel teaches us that the same idolatry in the hearts of people throughout history still exists in us today. In this message, Pastor J.D. continues to show us in Romans that, while we all stand under judgment of a righteous God, he is also a merciful God who spares us through his grace.
5/9/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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How the Fall Affects Us All

We often look back at our country’s history of slavery, oppression, and racism and think, “How could they have been so blind?” And yet we continue to practice the same idolatry today, where we reject God as the center and ruler of our lives. As Pastor J.D. returns to the “Romans” series in this message, he shows us why, thank God, it doesn’t matter what kind of sinner we are but what kind of Savior Jesus is.
5/8/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Houston, We Have a Problem, Part 2

Have you ever wondered what happens to people who have never heard the name of Jesus? In this message, Pastor J.D. turns to Romans, where the Apostle Paul shows us that God has revealed truth to us in creation and in us through a longing for meaning and eternity. Learn why those longings are no cruel joke; they are, as C.S. Lewis said, evidence that we were made for another world.
5/5/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Houston, We Have a Problem

When it comes to the gospel, you have to get lost before you get saved. Pastor J.D. shows us in this message from the “Romans” series that though the Bible makes it clear that we have all turned away from God and our hearts are corrupt, God did not stop pursuing us. If you’re lost, just look to the cross, where God shows you his holiness, your unrighteousness, and his willingness to come after you anyway.
5/4/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Man, the Message, and the Mission, Part 2

What would it take for you to give up your life as you know it so others could hear the gospel? In this message, Pastor J.D. continues to examine the life of Paul, who wasn’t just unashamed to share the good news around the world—he was eager to faithfully proclaim what Christ had done. His example shows us just how unworthy we were to hear the gospel and how much we owe to Jesus for giving it to us.
5/3/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Man, the Message, and the Mission

The gospel that compelled Paul to forsake his life and carry its message around the world for the sake of the lost is the same gospel that calls you today to do the same. Pastor J.D. continues in the “Romans” series by examining the life of Paul—the former Pharisee who understood that with the privilege of hearing the gospel comes the responsibility of sharing it—and showing how the gospel should change the way you look at your life.
5/2/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Who’s Your One?, Part 2

The power to continue in the Christian life comes from the same place you got the power to start in the Christian life. In this message, Pastor J.D. continues his introduction to the “Romans” series and explains what it means for the gospel to go deeper in you and through you in the world.
5/1/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Who’s Your One?

In this introduction to the “Romans” series, Pastor J.D. explains how the gospel is not just the diving board off of which we jump into the pool of Christianity. It is the pool itself.
4/28/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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But Concerning That Day, No One Knows, Not Even the Son, Part 2

Is it possible for Jesus to be God but not know everything God the Father knows? Pastor J.D. answers that question as he concludes our series called, The Difficult Sayings of Jesus.
4/27/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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But Concerning That Day, No One Knows, Not Even the Son

When it comes to end-time prophecy, some Christians spend a ton of time trying to map out the last days. Others want to focus on the here and now. So which approach is correct?
4/26/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Saw Satan Fall Like Lightning, Part 2

Jesus told his followers that they would have authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. What exactly did he mean by that?
4/25/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Saw Satan Fall Like Lightning

When many of us picture Satan, we think of little red horns and a pitchfork. But is Satan just a figment of Hollywood’s imagination, or is he really alive and active in our world today?
4/24/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Judge Not, That You Be Not Judged, Part 2

It’s incredibly frustrating to have your words twisted or taken out of context. And Pastor J.D. explains that many of us do that to Jesus without even knowing it!
4/21/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Judge Not, That You Be Not Judged

A lot of people use Matthew 7:1 to argue that we should never tell anyone that they’re sinning. But is that what Jesus really meant when he told us not to judge others?
4/20/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Came Not to Bring Peace, but Division, Part 2

In our culture, it’s a common belief that every religion leads to God, as long as you’re sincere. But the offensive truth is: that’s not what Jesus taught!
4/19/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Came Not to Bring Peace, but Division

Everyone likes the idea of Jesus bringing peace on earth and goodwill to men. But uncontroversial people don’t get crucified.
4/18/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Have You Forsaken Me?, Part 2

In the Garden of Gethsemane, we witness one of the most shocking moments in all of history. God the Father turned his face away from his Son so that he could welcome us into his presence.
4/17/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Have You Forsaken Me?

Have you ever felt abandoned? Maybe a spouse left you, a friend betrayed you, or a parent wasn’t there when you needed them most. Jesus knows exactly how that feels.
4/14/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Not Dead, Sleeping, Part 2

Most people believe that they’re going to go to heaven when they die because they’re a good person. But in truth, our salvation has nothing to do with our moral successes and failures.
4/13/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Not Dead, Sleeping

As Pastor J.D. begins a series called The Difficult Sayings of Jesus, we’re putting aside our assumptions and taking a fresh look at who Jesus really is.
4/12/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Tapas Chapter, Part 2

In this message on 1 Corinthians 16, Pastor J.D. continues to walk through Paul’s concluding thoughts to the Corinthian church, through which we get a helpful look into the biblical motivation for giving and how to make a Spirit-led decision.
4/11/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Tapas Chapter

As Paul bounces from topic to topic—principles on giving, the need for courage, dealing with opposition, discerning God’s will—we see a snapshot of a faithful Christian life.
4/10/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Because He Lives, Part 2

Pastor J.D. helps you understand what Jesus has done for you and how to make the most important decision of your life.
4/7/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Because He Lives

In this Easter message, Pastor J.D. explains that whether or not the resurrection is true, we should all want it to be true.
4/6/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is Life Over for Me? Part 2

Pastor J.D. teaches the four ways the truth of the resurrection should make a difference in our lives and how to be included in the resurrection to eternal glory.
4/5/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is Life Over for Me?

In this message from 1 Corinthians 15, Pastor J.D. takes a look at how Paul responds to some of the Corinthians who are saying there’s no resurrection of the dead.
4/4/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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​​The Rowdy Chapter, Part 2

Pastor J.D. helps us understand how to be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit might be putting on our hearts to bless and encourage other people.
4/3/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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​​The Rowdy Chapter

In this message from 1 Corinthians, Pastor J.D. walks through what some might call “the rowdy chapter” of Paul’s letter, the one about spiritual gifts of tongues and prophecy.
3/31/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Love > Gifts, Part 2

Pastor J.D. explains why the love that is described in 1 Corinthians 13 must be received before it is shown—and how that love is found only in Jesus.
3/30/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Love > Gifts

A dive into 1 Corinthians 13 shows us the most profound, powerful, and counter-cultural description of love ever written.
3/29/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Now Concerning the Spirit Stuff, Part 2

Pastor J.D. continues in this message to show how God works in your life not just through your spiritual gifts but also the spiritual gifts of others.
3/28/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Now Concerning the Spirit Stuff

None of us—and none of our brothers or sisters—can truly flourish until we know and exercise our gifts. In God’s community, everybody has a special role to play. Every. Body. Including you.
3/27/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why People Sometimes Die after Communion, Part 2

When the apostle Paul was completely exasperated by the divisions in the Corinthian church, he laid out a theology of communion, because remembering the gospel cuts through all the noise of the chaos in the church.
3/24/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why People Sometimes Die after Communion

In this message from 1 Corinthians 11, Pastor J.D. picks up the most fundamental element of Christian worship—the bread and the cup of communion.
3/23/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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He/Her/Xem and Head Coverings, Part 2

Pastor J.D. wants you to see how difficult topics demonstrate created order and the gospel. In this message, Pastor J.D. continues to look at what this passage in 1 Corinthians 11 communicates to us today.
3/22/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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He/Her/Xem and Head Coverings

Pastor J.D. walks through one of the most confusing and misinterpreted passages in the entire New Testament. Along the way, we’ll learn just how relevant first-century head coverings are for the hot button questions about gender (and gender identity) in the twenty-first
3/21/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Pursuing Dust, Part 2

Pastor J.D. helps you understand what competes with God for first place in your life so that you can get rid of your idols, put God first, and surrender to and serve him.
3/20/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Pursuing Dust

In this message, Pastor J.D. helps you understand what competes with God for first place in your life so that you can get rid of your idols, put God first, and surrender to and serve him. The only way to overcome idolatry is to lean in to God’s presence and faithfulness!
3/17/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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That I Might Save Some, Part 2

If athletes train like they do for crowns that perish and names in rafters that fade into oblivion, how much more should we be willing to discipline our lives for the souls of people that last forever? Pastor J.D. explains in this message how to order your life when the crown you are striving for is the soul of your neighbor, coworker, or family member.
3/16/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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That I Might Save Some

Athletes are ruthless, eliminating everything that stands in the way of winning. And we should be the same. Whether we’re looking at our personal preferences, our worship services, our political decisions, even our ethnic identity … we lay it all on the line for the sake of the gospel—that we might save some.
3/15/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Difficult Marriages and Divorce, Part 2

As Pastor J.D. continues to look at what the Bible says about divorce, he answers three practical questions about staying in a difficult marriage, remarriage, and how God views divorced people.
3/14/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Difficult Marriages and Divorce

Broken marriages affect so many of us in the church, and we often fail to apply gospel hope to this painful experience.But the Apostle Paul offers real-world wisdom and gospel hope to those who are divorced, those who have considered divorce, those who have been hurt by divorce. Essentially, to all of us.
3/13/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Singleness Matters, Part 2

Pastor J.D. wants to help believers know when it’s the right time to be married, because God created you for relationship, but also that the ultimate place you find companionship is in the church.
3/10/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Singleness Matters

Outside the church, marriage seems less and less important. But inside the church, it can sometimes be elevated to the status of idol! So how do we understand God’s design for both marriage and singleness?
3/9/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Sex Matters, Part 2

Pastor J.D. continues in this message to help Christians know how to respond to a culture that says sex is no big deal and how to flee temptation with the help of the Holy Spirit.
3/8/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Sex Matters

In this message from our series in 1 Corinthians, Pastor J.D. explores a topic that is as contentious to us today as it was to the people in Corinth—sex.
3/7/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Church Gone Wild: The 4 Whys of Church Discipline, Part 2

Because sin is serious, the church has to take it seriously and follow the example of church discipline Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 5.
3/6/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Church Gone Wild: The 4 Whys of Church Discipline

In this message from 1 Corinthians 5, Pastor J.D. teaches about the messy but necessary process of church discipline.
3/3/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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So You Want to Be a Leader…, Part 2

In this message, Pastor J.D. explains further the four characteristics the apostle Paul says should be championed in those who lead.
3/2/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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So You Want to Be a Leader…

Join Pastor J.D. as he unpacks what biblical leadership looks like as we continue our series in 1 Corinthians, Cutting Through the Noise.
3/1/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Church Divided, Part 2

The same divisions that were present in the early church are still at work in the church today. Because of this, it’s important for those in the church to recognize the roots of self-righteousness and separation.
2/28/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Church Divided

Pastor J.D. kicks off our series in the book of 1 Corinthians, showing how the gospel cuts through the noise and chaos of our lives.
2/27/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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This is War, Part 2

As Pastor J.D. continues in this message from the “Love Incorruptible” series, he shows us why feeling weak and unqualified makes us more likely to lean on God’s power and how, when we apply gospel truth to our lives, we are strengthened knowing we are fighting from a victory Jesus has already won.
2/24/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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This is War

In this message, Pastor J.D. walks through each piece of spiritual armor so that you know how to arm yourself for the spiritual attack happening right now but also so you understand that you need every part of your body covered—because where the gospel has built you up, Satan cannot attack you.
2/23/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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God’s Laboratories, Part 2

Pastor J.D. continues in this message from Ephesians 5 and helps us understand the biblical meaning of submission and how, when we use our relationships in marriage, family, and work to love and serve like Christ, we grow deeper in joy and unity and put the gospel on display.
2/22/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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God’s Laboratories

In this message, as part of the “Love Incorruptible” series, Pastor J.D. walks us through Ephesians 5, a passage that stirs up a lot of confusion about submission, and helps us see that God uses the relationships in marriage, family, and work as laboratories to help us grow in spiritual maturity.
2/21/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Walk this Way, Part 2

You can find plenty of instruction in the Bible on how you should walk as a Christian. As he continues this message from Ephesians 5, Pastor J.D. helps us see that we don’t just need to know how to walk. We need to know how to get the power to walk with Jesus. When we are transformed by the gospel, the wonder of it fills our hearts, and we are compelled to walk in love, light, and wisdom.
2/20/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Walk this Way

You may think you’re being a good Christian because you’re trying to imitate God. But are you doing it because you adore him?
2/17/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Church, Part 2

In this message, Pastor J.D. continues in a study of Ephesians, where we learn how moving beyond awareness to engagement helps us create the kind of gospel community that celebrates our cultural differences.
2/16/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Church

As the church, we cannot insist that people bow to our preferences when it comes to worshiping a Savior who gave up all his rights to rescue us.
2/15/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Saved, Part 2

As sinners, we don’t just need improvement. We need to be saved. We don’t need a life coach to help us start over. We need a resurrected Savior to raise us from death.
2/14/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Believing in the gospel is kind of inconvenient, isn’t it? When we don’t understand how necessary it is in our lives, the demands it makes on us, like giving generously and reaching out to people who are different, can seem pretty bothersome.
2/13/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Open Up Our Eyes, Part 2

If you feel dry spiritually or just plain bored in your faith, then you don’t need to learn some new facts about Jesus. You just need to have the eyes of your heart enlightened to the truth you already know.
2/10/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Open Up Our Eyes

Have you ever felt like something is missing in your spiritual life? What’s often missing is the difference in knowing something in our head and having it come alive in our heart.
2/9/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Chosen, Part 2

If God has already chosen the people who will be saved, then why do we keep sharing Christ with people?
2/8/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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There are a lot of things in the Bible that are hard to understand. In this introduction to the “Love Incorruptible” series from Ephesians, Pastor J.D. explains predestination.
2/7/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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From Ruthless to Generous and Enslaved to Empowered, Part 2

The gospel is the power for the Christian life. And in the book of Philemon, we see a real life example of the gospel transforming two first-century believers who couldn’t be more different.
2/6/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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From Ruthless to Generous and Enslaved to Empowered

The gospel is the power for the Christian life. And in the book of Philemon, we see a real life example of the gospel transforming two first-century believers who couldn’t be more different.
2/3/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Amazing Grace, Amazing Graciousness, Part 2

Phrases like “resurrection,” “salvation,” and “born again” can become kind of worn out, and we can lose sight of how incredible they really are. So we’re taking a fresh look at the glory of the gospel.
2/2/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Amazing Grace, Amazing Graciousness

When we talk about the gospel, everyone wants to get to the part about God’s love and forgiveness. But without the bad news of sin, the good news wouldn’t be good!
2/1/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Extraordinary Ordinary, Part 2

When you’re coaching a team, it’s essential that your players are clear on their position and role. And the same is true in our spiritual lives.
1/31/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Extraordinary Ordinary

The word “theology” usually brings up images of seminary professors in dusty libraries. It doesn’t seem very practical. But good theology is actually essential in our everyday lives.
1/30/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Separating the True Gospel from False Ones, Part 2

Over the past 70 years or so, our country has become increasingly secular. So how do we continue standing for the truth when it seems like everyone’s against us?
1/27/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Separating the True Gospel from False Ones

Theology isn’t just about learning a lot of impressive terminology. Good, biblical theology is practical, and it changes the way we interact with our world.
1/26/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Soul-Destroying Busyness, Part 2

Our society tends to define success by how many things you accomplish. But God has a different standard! Pastor J.D. challenges us to slow down and make room for rest.
1/25/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Soul-Destroying Busyness

Most of us live our lives at a frantic pace. But Pastor J.D. urges us to observe the principle of the Sabbath, explaining why it’s so important to make space for rest and relationships.
1/24/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Work as Worship, Part 2

Why do you get up and go to work every morning? Pastor J.D. explains how God wants us to think about our careers and challenges us to view them through the lens of the gospel.
1/23/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Work as Worship

Whether you’re working your dream job, or are dreaming of the day you can retire, your work is way more important than you think!
1/20/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ready to Launch, Part 2

There are many different parenting theories, and it can all be a little overwhelming. But Pastor J.D. reminds us of our most important task when it comes to raising kids.
1/19/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Ready to Launch

We all want to be good parents and do right by our kids, but they don’t exactly come with a manual! So how do we know what to do and what to prioritize?
1/18/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Mission: Making Disciples, Part 2

Everyone wants to find a career where they can use their gifts and talents. But Pastor J.D. reminds us that as believers, we all have one calling that outweighs any other!
1/17/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Mission: Making Disciples

Everyone wants to have a calling in life, a task that they are specifically designed to accomplish. And Pastor J.D. explains that if you’re a follower of Christ, you do have a calling!
1/16/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Prayer to God, Your Sovereign Father, Part 2

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably been through seasons when you felt like your prayers were just bouncing off the ceiling and wasting your time. But get ready for a perspective shift!
1/13/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Prayer to God, Your Sovereign Father

What is prayer? It’s not a wish list, a way to unleash the power of positive thinking, or a ritual we have to go through to gain God’s favor. It’s so much more.
1/12/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Read the Bible Because…, Part 2

Most Christians know that the Bible is important. And yet, many of us struggle to read it on a regular basis. So how can we start to want to read the Bible?
1/11/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Read the Bible Because…

For most Christians, reading the Bible is like getting a shot. We know it’s good for us, but it’s not something we look forward to. But is that really how God wants us to approach his word?
1/10/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Finding the Assurance of Salvation, Part 2

How do you know if you’re saved? Is it because you prayed a prayer at some point asking Jesus into your heart, or because you were baptized?
1/9/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Finding the Assurance of Salvation

In our new series called START, we’re looking at the foundational elements of our faith. Whether you’re a new believer trying to figure out this whole Christianity thing, or if you’ve been following Christ for years but want to get back to the basics, this study is for you! 
1/6/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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What Has God Called ME To? Part 2

When you’re trying to discern God’s call, don’t just look for where his Spirit is moving in your life but also in the world—because even more important than what the Spirit says to you is what the Word of God says to everybody. In this message, Pastor J.D. walks through how to figure out what God is doing in the world and conform your life to his mission.
1/5/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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What Has God Called ME To?

In this message from Romans 15, Pastor J.D. challenges us to lift our eyes to the ends of the earth. When Jesus left his disciples, he promised that his gospel would go to every nation, tribe, language, and tongue. That task isn’t finished. And God is calling many of us to follow him to the most unreached parts of the planet. Is it difficult? Yes. Is it dangerous? Yes. Is he worthy of it? Absolutely.
1/4/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Jerusalem to RDU and Beyond, Part 2

Pastor J.D. demonstrates how to expect great things of God and attempt great things for God as you work to complete your mission on Earth.
1/3/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Jerusalem to RDU and Beyond

Pastor J.D. takes us on a march throughout church history. The journey of a church doesn’t begin when it’s planted. It began 2,000 years ago, with 11 frightened disciples on a hillside outside of Jerusalem.
1/2/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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Change is scary. But Pastor J.D. explains that, if we want to do great things for God’s kingdom, it’s going to involve some risk!
12/30/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Keeping Sight of the Beginning, Part 2

An age-old question asks, “Do you own your things, or do your things own you?” And that’s our subject as Pastor J.D. continues our series called, Staying Faith.
12/29/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Keeping Sight of the Beginning

For most people, money is one of the biggest stressors in our daily lives. But Pastor J.D. reminds us that God never intended for us to be slaves to wealth.
12/28/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Strong from Start to Finish

As Pastor J.D. kicks off a new series called, Staying Faith, we’re learning how to persevere to the end in the race of faith.
12/27/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hope Has a Name

Hope has a name, and his name is JESUS. For all that you aren’t, for all that you need, for all that you fear, for all that you crave, for literally all that you ever cannot be, he is the great I AM.
12/26/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Everlasting Father, Part 2

Pastor J.D. continues today to identify four types of father wounds that our Everlasting Father heals and shows us how Jesus fills those longings and is the heavenly Father we’ve always craved.
12/23/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Everlasting Father

Today, Pastor J.D. identifies four types of father wounds from the series “Hope Has a Name” to show us how Jesus came to heal those wounds.
12/22/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Wonderful Counselor, Part 2

Pastor J.D. continues today in Isaiah 9 to show us how to approach the Wonderful Counselor, who knows our sin but instead of condemnation offers us the righteousness of Christ.
12/21/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Wonderful Counselor

Today, Pastor J.D. is unpacking the promise of Isaiah 9 and showing us how we should approach the Wonderful Counselor, who brings light to our darkness and gives us the gift of himself.
12/20/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Friendship Is so Important, Part 2

If someone looked at your Facebook profile, it might seem like you have hundreds of friends. But many of us are feeling more lonely and disconnected than ever before.
12/19/202225 minutes
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Why Friendship Is so Important

Friendships require an incredible amount of effort and vulnerability to maintain. Many people decide it’s not worth the effort. But deep, intimate friendships are essential for our happiness and holiness.
12/16/202225 minutes
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How Am I Supposed to Find a Spouse? Part 2

Dating is a confusing process, so today Pastor J.D. offers some biblical wisdom on how dating is supposed to work.
12/15/202225 minutes
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How Am I Supposed to Find a Spouse?

Because courtship looked so different in ancient times, many singles feel like scripture is irrelevant for dating. But God’s word is timeless and it gives us everything we need for life and godliness.
12/14/202225 minutes
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When is it OK to Divorce and Remarry? Part 2

God designed marriage to be for life. So how can we restore a sinking relationship? And what is God’s plan for those who have already gone through a divorce?
12/13/202225 minutes
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When is it OK to Divorce and Remarry?

When the joy of the honeymoon wears off, most couples discover that their spouse isn’t the saint they imagined. So is it ever okay to divorce and remarry?
12/12/202225 minutes
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God’s Love and Same Sex Attraction, Part 2

Many members of the LGBT community feel like they’re outside the reach of God’s love. But today, Pastor J.D. reveals what the Bible really says about God’s grace and same sex attraction.
12/9/202225 minutes
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God’s Love and Same Sex Attraction

Some churches have embraced gay marriage. And other churches have shamed the gay community. Are either of these responses biblical?
12/8/202225 minutes
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Preparing for the Ultimate Marriage, Part 2

Whether you’re married or not, every Christian should be focused on the marriage to come.
12/7/202225 minutes
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Preparing for the Ultimate Marriage

When attending church, single people often admit that they feel like second class Christians. But the Bible has a lot to say about the benefits of singleness.
12/6/202225 minutes
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The Power of Sex, Part 2

Contrary to popular opinion, God’s plan for sexual boundaries isn’t repressive. His design for marital intimacy was intended to produce joy.
12/5/202225 minutes
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The Power of Sex

Many people get uneasy when the preacher starts talking about personal issues.  Especially when the subject is sex. But the fact is, sex is one of the few issues that’s addressed in nearly every book of the Bible. God has a lot to say about this topic, and in this series called From the Beginning, J.D. will explore the Scriptures for clarity and direction on sexual expression and cultivating healthy relationships.
12/2/202225 minutes
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The Power of Prayer and the Problem of Pride, Part 2

Though he served God throughout most of his reign, the end of King Hezekiah’s life shows you how easy it is to receive God’s blessings and then make them all about you. Pastor J.D. teaches in this message how to leverage your successes, health, and resources for God’s mission so that yours is a life of faithful obedience.
12/1/202225 minutes
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The Power of Prayer and the Problem of Pride

In the face of overwhelming odds, King Hezekiah led the people of Israel to believe in God, who delivered them from their trouble. Today Pastor J.D. uses Hezekiah’s prayer as an example of how you should pray for deliverance and why the prayers that are heard by heaven are the ones that start in heaven.
11/30/202225 minutes
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Stand in the Gap, Part 2

Spiritual awakening will not happen in your city when other people become less wicked or when the politicians finally get it right or the professors at the local university become more moderate. Pastor J.D. continues to show in this message how revival will only happen when God’s people offer their lives so that others can live through their sacrifice.
11/29/202225 minutes
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Stand in the Gap

God is looking for people who will stand in the gap between him and the faithlessness and disobedience of the world. In this message, Pastor J.D. walks through what it will take for you to be part of a spiritual awakening that starts with repentance in the church and spreads throughout every nation.
11/28/202225 minutes
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The Love of Christ Controls Us, Part 2

The gospel declares that Christ bore our sin in our place—but it doesn’t do the world any good if they never hear about it! Pastor J.D. continues in this message to demonstrate how your generosity contributes to a ministry of reconciliation and why it is best invested in the work of your local church.
11/25/202225 minutes
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The Love of Christ Controls Us

Today Pastor J.D. looks at the apostle Paul’s example of what it means to be controlled by Christ’s love when it comes to your giving and what your generosity says about Jesus’ value to you.
11/24/202225 minutes
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A Life Responding to the Gospel, Part 2

What are the core components of the gospel centered life? Find out, as Pastor J.D. wraps up a study on King David with a look at his end-of-life legacy.
11/23/202225 minutes
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A Life Responding to the Gospel

David may have been a man after God’s own heart, but he also made some terrible mistakes. But it’s how he responded to that sin that makes him a great example for our lives.
11/22/202225 minutes
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Still Searching for a King, Part 2

When bad things happen, some people try to blame God, while others try to absolve him from all blame. But as King David learned, the truth is often somewhere in between.
11/21/202225 minutes
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Still Searching for a King

Why would a census from a “man after God’s own heart” incite divine wrath? Pastor J.D. teaches from one of the most perplexing stories in the Old Testament.
11/18/202225 minutes
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Consequences, Part 2

King David lost his family and kingdom through a single night of lust. But thankfully, that’s not where his story ends!
11/17/202225 minutes
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Because of the cross, our sins are forgiven, and believers are no longer under condemnation. And yet, sin still has consequences in this life.
11/16/202225 minutes
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Repentance, Part 2

When the sun comes up in the morning, our natural response is to pull the pillow over our head and pretend it’s still dark. Do we respond the same way when our sins come to light?
11/15/202225 minutes
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When you’ve messed up big time and done something that you can’t take back, how do you move forward? What’s the next step?
11/14/202225 minutes
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Self Destruction, Part 2

If there’s one area where almost everyone has regrets, it’s in the realm of sexual sin. But even in our greatest failures, God can bring redemption.
11/11/202225 minutes
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Self Destruction

King David is known as a man after God’s own heart, but even he wasn’t perfect. As we learn about his greatest failure, we’ll discover the importance of fleeing from sexual sin.
11/10/202225 minutes
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Who is Giving to Whom, Part 2

How much do you have to give to please God? Is an hour of your Sunday morning enough or ten percent of your income?
11/9/202225 minutes
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Who is Giving to Whom

What do we have to do to be good enough for God? Some people think they just have to live a decent life. Others constantly worry if they’ve done enough!
11/8/202225 minutes
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Still Small, Part 2

If you visit a few different churches, you’ll probably notice that some people sing in solemn reverence, while others raise their hands, dance, or even fall to their knees. Is one way better than the other?
11/7/202225 minutes
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Still Small

It’s popular to say that “all roads lead to God.” But while that philosophy may sound nice, it just isn’t true. We can only approach God on his own terms.
11/4/202225 minutes
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The Tragedy of Dying Without God, Part 2

When our prayers don’t seem to get any response, we often start to wonder if God is even hearing us. And if he does hear us, does he just not care?
11/3/202225 minutes
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The Tragedy of Dying Without God

Lots of people go to church every week but still feel distant from God. So how can we be sure that God has accepted us?
11/2/202225 minutes
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Patience, Part 2

Have you ever taken a shortcut in life? We all cut corners sometimes because we want a better life now, but Pastor J.D. explains that we can’t rush God’s timing!
11/1/202225 minutes
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We’re all living in one kingdom or another. So who, or what, is the king in your life? That’s the subject of this new study called Search for a King.
10/31/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Despair, Part 2

It’s a tragic fact that many marriages fall apart after a sudden loss. So how do we keep it together when our life seems to be falling apart?
10/28/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Whenever we struggle with depression, despair, or doubts about God, we tend to feel a lot of shame. Do we just not have enough faith?
10/27/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Bitterness, Part 2

One of the deadliest poisons to relationships is bitterness. The only cure is to be transformed by the grace of God!
10/26/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Everyone wants justice. But the Bible makes it clear that Christians are called to forgive. So does that mean we’re supposed to let justice fall by the wayside?
10/25/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Self-Centeredness, Part 2

Our natural tendency is to focus on our own needs and desires above all else. But for a relationship to work—whether it’s a marriage, friendship, or family—we need to learn selfless love.
10/24/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The divorce rates in America today are shocking, yet the media continues to paint marriage as the key to happiness and wholeness. What are we missing?
10/21/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Fear, Part 2

Have you ever felt like a deer in the headlights, paralyzed by fear? Pastor J.D. explains that the cure for unhealthy fear is learning to fear the right things.
10/20/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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If you were asked to list some common sins, you’d probably mention things like lying, lust or inappropriate anger. But what about fear?
10/19/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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What Makes Our Work, Part 2

Work may seem like a strange topic to include in a series on building strong, godly families. But in actuality, our approach to work has an enormous effect on our homes.
10/18/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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What Makes Our Work

No matter what your job is, we all have days when we feel like just another cog in the machine. But Pastor J.D. challenges us to take a higher view of our careers.
10/17/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Redeeming Ambition, Part 2

The word “ambition” tends to conjure up images of greedy Wall Street executives or ruthless dictators. But is there such a thing as good ambition?
10/14/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Redeeming Ambition

In a brand new series called Home Wreckers, we’re taking an in-depth look at the pitfalls that corrode our relationships and destroy our homes.
10/13/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Gods that Never Existed to Begin With, Part 2

As he concludes our series called Unknown God, Pastor J.D. argues that the god many of us believe in isn’t the God of the Bible.
10/12/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Gods that Never Existed to Begin With

For most Americans, statue worship isn’t something we’ve seen or experienced. But in truth, many of us—even Bible believing Christians—are buying into false images of God without even knowing it.
10/11/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Considering Whether Jesus Really Was Who He Said He Was, Part 2

No one enjoys being confused. We want to make sense of things. But God’s understanding is much bigger than our own, and even though we can never grasp it all, we can trust in the God who does.
10/10/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Considering Whether Jesus Really Was Who He Said He Was

Whether you’re an atheist or a seminary professor, everyone has doubts about God. So how can we have faith if we still have unanswered questions?
10/7/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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What We All Know About God, Part 2

Faith is often portrayed as nothing more than a comforting alternative to the more “rational” approach of atheism. But is that actually the case?
10/6/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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What We All Know About God

Many people struggle to believe in a God they can’t see or touch or hear. But not only can you know that God exists, you can know him personally!
10/5/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Assured Because of Our Love for Others, Part 2

As we conclude our powerful series called Assured, we’re discovering how we can know with absolute certainty whether or not we’re saved. God doesn’t want you living in fear and doubt!
10/4/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Assured Because of Our Love for Others

We tend to use the word “love” pretty loosely. It can refer to your feelings about your pets, your spouse, or your favorite food! So what does the Bible mean when it talks about loving your neighbor?
10/3/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Assured Because of Your Love of the Father, Part 2

When most people think of idolatry, they picture a temple with little golden statues. But while worshiping a statue is certainly a form of idolatry, it’s not the only kind!
9/30/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Assured Because of Your Love of the Father

Jesus made it clear that it’s possible to call yourself a Christian and believe all the right things, but not truly be saved. So what’s the difference between knowing about Jesus and knowing him?
9/29/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Three Attitudes Toward Sin, Part 2

Even in Christian circles, the subject of sin tends to get glossed over. But Pastor J.D. explains that the way we think about our sin is a crucial sign of where we stand with God.
9/28/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Three Attitudes Toward Sin

Sin is usually an uncomfortable subject. But the way you think about your own sinfulness can actually give you assurance of your salvation!
9/27/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Certainty Through Experience, Part 2

Usually, our deepest beliefs are based on the things we’ve experienced, not on philosophical reasoning. But is it possible to really experience God if you can’t see him?
9/26/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Certainty Through Experience

The first disciples believed in Jesus because of the miracles they witnessed. But how can we in the 21st century have that same experience and the same level of assurance?
9/23/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Being Certain You Can Be Certain, Part 2

Everyone’s conversion story is different. Some people grew up in church and have always believed. Others had a dramatic conversion later in life. Are both those experiences valid? Or is there a specific formula you need to follow?
9/22/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Assurance of Salvation, Part 2

Many believers think ministry is a job for pastors and missionaries, not the work of “ordinary Christians.” But there’s no such thing as an “ordinary Christian!”
9/20/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Assurance of Salvation

A healthy relationship with God requires trust. Yet many of us doubt God’s ability to really save us. We feel like we need to earn his forgiveness.
9/19/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Generous Spirit, Part 2

Money is a personal topic, and it’s often considered off-limits in polite conversation. But the Bible doesn’t shy away from uncomfortable issues, and it has a lot to say about finances.
9/16/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Generous Spirit

Some of us feel guilty for being wealthy. Others see money as a sign of God’s favor. But what does the Bible really say about our finances?
9/15/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Mission, Part 2

A lot of people think of missionaries as “super Christians.” But every Christian is called to the mission field—whether it’s across the country or across the street.
9/14/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Many believers think ministry is a job for pastors and missionaries, not the work of “ordinary Christians.” But there’s no such thing as an “ordinary Christian!”
9/13/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Community, Part 2

For many Christians, church is just an event that they attend on weekends. But that’s not what God intended when he designed the church.
9/12/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Healthy believers will produce the Fruit of the Spirit. But first, you have to be rooted in Christ, and second, you need to have community.
9/9/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Godly Character, Part 2

Jesus said, “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” In this message, we’ll discover how good fruit is produced by a life that’s rooted in Christ."
9/8/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Godly Character

When was the last time you decided to make a change and become a better person? On this edition of Summit Life, Pastor J.D. describes the only path to genuine transformation.
9/7/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Word, Part 2

Many Christians struggle to read the Bible for themselves. Isn’t it enough to just listen to Bible teaching or read a devotional?
9/6/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Word

We often refer to the first four books of the New Testament as “the gospels.” But from Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is all about the gospel.
9/5/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Gospel-Centered Change, Part 2

Our journey with God begins when someone explains the gospel to us. But then the question becomes, “What do I do next?” The answer? Keep going deeper into the gospel.
9/2/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Gospel-Centered Change

If you’ve been a believer for a while, you might think you’ve moved beyond the gospel. But the truth is, we never outgrow the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
9/1/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Defiant Prayer, Part 2

Every Christian knows that prayer is important, but if we’re honest, a lot of us wonder what the point is. If God is in control, and he already knows what we need, then why bother telling him?
8/31/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Defiant Prayer

How’s your prayer life been lately? For most Americans, it usually consists of just a stock prayer before meals and an S-O-S when you’re in the middle of a crisis.
8/30/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Wrestling All Night, Part 2

All families have some level of drama. But Isaac’s sons, Jacob and Esau, had more than most. We’re looking at the important role of prayer in their reconciliation.
8/29/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Wrestling All Night

A lot of us struggle to pray consistently, and we end up only going to God when we’re facing a crisis. So how do we start treating prayer as more than just an emergency hotline?
8/26/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Does Prayer Change the Mind of God? Part 2

Even after several days of Pastor J.D.’s teaching on prayer, we might still feel like our prayers aren’t heard by God. He gives one more attempt to meet us where we are.
8/25/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Does Prayer Change the Mind of God?

Have you ever heard the saying, “Prayer doesn’t change God, prayer changes me”? Pastor J.D. is going to challenge that sentiment head-on as he continues the series, ASK.
8/24/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Actually Pray, Part 2

Pastor J.D. continues walking through the familiar passage of the Lord’s Prayer. He will specifically show us how we can cast our anxiety on God.
8/23/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Actually Pray

Most of us can recite the Lord’s Prayer, but do we really know what we’re praying and how to use it as a guide for all of our prayers?
8/22/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Deal with Unanswered Prayer, Part 2

Pastor J.D. is showing us that’s exactly how we should approach God in prayer -- desperately, boldly, and persistently.
8/19/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Deal with Unanswered Prayer

We’re beginning a new series from Pastor J.D. that takes a look at the revolutionary teaching of Jesus regarding prayer.
8/18/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayer? Part 2

Time and time again, the Bible gives us examples of how important persistent prayer is. As we finish Jacob's story, we'll look at how God rewarded his persistence, and how that might be exactly what God wants from us, as well.
8/17/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayer?

Through Jacob, we learn that many of the blessings of God are released into our lives only through persistent, unrelenting prayer.
8/16/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Danger of Worldliness and the Duty of Prayer, Part 2

The constant battle of what the heart loves reveals to us our desperate need for prayer. In our own battle, will we be like Lot, captured by the wonders of the world? Or like Abraham, interceding on behalf of the Lots God has placed in our lives?
8/15/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Danger of Worldliness and the Duty of Prayer

Jesus said we should pray like children. Children don’t think about how they approach, whether they are using the right words, or whether their parents are pleased with them. They just ask. Astoundingly, that’s the beginning of learning to pray.
8/12/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Am, Part 2

We all have days when we feel insufficient. Like we’re not strong enough or smart enough. But the Bible says that in our weakness, God is strong.
8/11/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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I Am

Throughout history, people have invented and named mythological gods. But the God of the Bible was not invented by mankind. And unlike Zeus or Thor, he chose his own name.
8/10/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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By No Means, Part 2

If there’s one aspect of God’s character that most people wish they could erase from the Bible, it’s the wrath of God. But God’s wrath isn’t something we should resent. His wrath should cause us to rejoice.
8/9/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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By No Means

Most of us have never taken scissors to our Bibles, but in our minds, we often cut out the uncomfortable passages about God’s wrath. But the wrath of God isn’t a demeaning doctrine to be ignored. It’s a glorious reality!
8/8/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Abounding in Love, Part 2

Everyone likes hearing about God’s love. It stirs up warm sentimental feelings and makes us feel good about ourselves. But Pastor J.D. explains that God’s love has nothing to do with our worthiness.
8/5/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Abounding in Love

Everyone wants to feel loved and cherished. But if we’re honest with ourselves, we know that we don’t deserve unconditional love. So why does God pursue us anyway?
8/4/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Holy and Awesome, Part 2

Knowing someone’s name is an important part of your relationship with them. So Pastor J.D. is helping us know God personally by knowing his name.
8/3/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Holy and Awesome

If you really want to know God, you have to know everything about him, not just the parts we find appealing. So on this edition of Summit Life, we’re gaining a bigger view of God.
8/2/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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His Presence is in His Name, Part 2

What is the presence of God like? Does he give us a warm fuzzy feeling? Or an emotional worship encounter? For something we all want to experience, why can God’s presence seem so elusive?
8/1/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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His Presence Is in His Name

Some people think God set the world in motion and then stepped away. Others think he’s an impersonal force. But Pastor J.D. describes how we can know God personally.
7/29/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Practical Christianity, Part 2

As Pastor J.D. concludes our study in the book of Hebrews, we’re looking at how the power of the gospel connects to real-life—in our work, our marriages, our finances, and our churches.
7/28/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Practical Christianity

The gospel is the power for the Christian life. And like a lamp, you can’t shine for Jesus unless you’re plugged in! But what does that “plugging in” look like on a practical level?
7/27/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Finding the Unshakeable City, Part 2

Everyone wants to be comfortable and safe from the unknown, but that’s not always God’s plan. And even when it’s scary, God always knows best!
7/26/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Finding the Unshakeable City

If there’s one thing people want, it’s security. But we’re looking in all the wrong places! True peace of mind isn’t found in burglar alarms or home insurance.
7/25/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Four Helps to Faith, Part 2

From day one, Christians worldwide have faced physical and intellectual attacks. So in a world that’s opposed to everything we believe, how can we stand strong?
7/22/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Four Helps to Faith

When a prayer goes unanswered, or you just don’t feel that connected to God, faith can be hard to come by! But throughout our study of Hebrews, we’re finding that there are reasons to believe!
7/21/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Impossible Without Faith, Part 2

It’s not hard to say you trust God until trusting him becomes a matter of life and death. But as we’ll discover, faith is always a matter of life and death—whether we realize it or not!
7/20/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Impossible Without Faith

It’s really not hard to be a cultural Christian in America! But claiming to be a Christian doesn’t really require faith. So what’s the difference between mere belief and saving faith?
7/19/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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No More Consciousness of Sin, Part 2

All of us have made mistakes that haunt us. And whether we embrace our sins or try to hide them, apart from Christ, we’re all slaves to them. But there is hope!
7/18/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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No More Consciousness of Sin

All of the Old Testament points to Jesus. On this edition of Summit Life, we’re seeing shadows of the gospel in Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
7/15/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Persevere, Part 2

If you’ve been in church for any length of time, you’ve probably known people who you thought were genuinely saved, but then they turned away from God completely. How does that happen?
7/14/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Once you’ve been saved, you’re secure forever. You can’t ever lose that salvation. Or can you? Pastor J.D. challenges each of us to evaluate where we stand with God.
7/13/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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On this edition of Summit Life, we’re studying a mysterious Old Testament figure named Melchizedek, who provides an important picture of Jesus’ role as High Priest and King.
7/11/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Finding Inner Rest, Part 2

Most of us are running so hard after success, that we miss out on God’s best for us! That’s the danger of busyness.
7/8/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Finding Inner Rest

Everyone feels the pressure to work harder and longer so they can get the next raise and be successful. But all that busyness takes a toll on our spiritual lives.
7/7/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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King, Champion, Brother, and Priest, Part 2

What fears control you? Is it fear of missing out? Or fear of pain, loneliness, or rejection? J.D. Greear describes how you can be freed from all of that.
7/6/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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King, Champion, Brother, and Priest

The gospel flips the script of religion and frees us from every fear and every chain. It’s the difference between Christianity and every other religion!
7/5/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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God’s Final Word

Imagine the best thing that could ever happen to you. Christ is better! In fact, Christ is better than anything this world has to offer.
7/1/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Christian Atheism, Part 2

We’re looking at a collection of stories from Judges, Chapters 17 to 21–accounts that reveal the tragic outcome when a society turns its back on God’s leading.
6/30/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Christian Atheism

This message looks at the final chapters of the book of Judges. It’s a time when the Israelites turned their backs on God’s leading. They still acknowledged him with their lips, but they’d become, in essence, a nation of atheists.
6/29/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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When the Weak Become Strong, Part 4

Just like Samson, we’ve all fallen into the trap of our own desires. So what’s the answer?
6/28/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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When the Weak Become Strong, Part 3

Pastor J.D. reveals that your own heart is usually your worst enemy. This message is the third part of a four-part message on the life of Samson.
6/27/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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When the Weak Become Strong, Part 2

Today, we’re continuing our study called “Broken Saviors.” As we come to the end of Judges later this week, we’ll find out that the entire book is just one portion of a much bigger story.
6/24/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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When the Weak Become Strong, Part 1

During this message, Pastor J.D. invites us to look at one of the most familiar characters in the Old Testament. His life teaches us that God can accomplish amazing things through ordinary people--when they submit to his leadership.
6/23/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hotdog Faith, Part 2

Man is incapable of constructing, or living up to, the true Gospel. In fact, left to our own devices we tend to twist and misconstrue what God designed as perfect.
6/22/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hotdog Faith

In this message, we’ll see how over and over again, God’s people substituted his plan for their own, with tragic consequences.
6/21/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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When the Good Goes Bad, Part 2

Beginning in Judges Chapter 8, we see how Gideon’s victory as a warrior began to inflate his ego. Rather than giving glory to God, he chose to act like a king who deserved special treatment. In a real sense, Gideon manufactured his own “broken savior.”
6/20/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Underdog’s Secret, Part 2

Behind every hero in the Bible, we see a God who remains faithful even though our heroes--and let’s admit it--we are often faithless. Good news for those of us who feel unworthy--thankfully God is the one who gives us value!
6/16/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Underdog’s Secret

Pastor J.D. shows us how God can use anyone to accomplish his plan even when we feel stretched and afraid!
6/15/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Calling and Courage, Part 2

When God transforms our generation, he’ll use ordinary men and women just like Gideon; those who are willing to step up and take the lead.
6/14/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Calling and Courage

Today we look at the story of Gideon--one of God’s mighty warriors of the Old Testament--and we see that even he had doubts and struggles as he considered the mantle of leadership being handed to him by God.
6/13/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Calling All Leaders, Both Male and Female, Part 2

Pastor J.D. invites us to follow along as he teaches from the book of Judges, Chapters 4 and 5, as he shares five key points that will apply to both men and women in leadership.
6/10/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Calling All Leaders, Both Male and Female

When God inspires a woman to step forward and give leadership in ministry, how can the church help her become all God intended?
6/9/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Southpaw Savior, Part 2

When we suffer, we look for any means possible to escape. But according to Scripture, sometimes God uses our pain to draw us back to him.
6/8/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Southpaw Savior

Through the Isrealites’ example, we’ll discover how to overcome our fears and choose faith instead.
6/7/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Causes and Cure for Spiritual Inconsistency, Part 2

Pastor J.D. explains how we can find power and freedom in following Christ.
6/6/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Causes and Cure for Spiritual Inconsistency

On today’s program, we’re launching a new study in the book of Judges called “Broken Saviors.” Over the next few weeks, we’ll discover that we’re a lot like the Israelites who let their fear get in the way of their progress.
6/3/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Follower or Consumer? Part 2

Do you know any “zombie Christians,” who look and act like they’re saved but are only going through the motions? Pastor J.D. explains the vital signs that reveal whether or not you’ve been born again.
6/2/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Follower or Consumer?

Christians might be “in the world” and not “of it,” but we’re still impacted by our consumerist culture! But what works in the marketplace doesn’t work in the church.
6/1/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Christians Aren’t Just Forgiven, Part 2

What does the Bible mean when it says believers are dead to sin? Does it mean that Christians never mess up?
5/31/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Christians Aren’t Just Forgiven

If you ask someone when they became a Christian, they’d probably point to a moment where they prayed “the sinners prayer!” But is praying a certain prayer really a magic ticket into heaven?
5/30/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Stop Negotiating, Part 2

Have you ever tried negotiating with God? “Oh God, if you just give me this one thing, then I’ll do this or that for you?” Pastor J.D. points out the absurdity of that kind of bargaining because God doesn’t need anything from us in the first place!
5/27/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Stop Negotiating

As we dive into a brand new study called, Phantom Faith, Pastor J.D. explains the difference between true, saving faith and just going through the motions.
5/26/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sex Mystery, Part 2

Paul shows us in Ephesians 5 that marriage is a divine mystery that points us to something higher - and that is Christ and the Church.
5/25/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Sex Mystery

Today, we’ll look to Ephesians 5 for clarity and direction on intimacy in relationships. Actually, sex is one of the few topics that’s addressed in almost every book of the Bible.
5/24/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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God’s Purpose and Plan for Gender, Part 2

If we’re honest, a lot of us would admit that the biblical view of marriage seems pretty outdated and patriarchal. Pastor J.D. is talking about what it actually means for a husband to lead.
5/23/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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God’s Purpose and Plan for Gender

Today we’re jumping into the delicate and controversial subject of the biblical roles of husbands and wives. Whether you’re single, married, divorced, or widowed, you’ll wanna listen!
5/20/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Fighting, Jesus Style, Part 3

“Sticks and stones may break our bones but words will never hurt us.” Pastor J.D. gives us practical wisdom for how our words can be grace-saturated during conflict.
5/19/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Fighting, Jesus Style, Part 2

Pastor J.D. encourages us to mind the smoke detectors of anger and bitterness before they turn into fires in our relationships.
5/18/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Fighting, Jesus Style

To live happily ever after doesn’t mean you never fight with your spouse. Good couples have learned to fight fairly.
5/17/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Friendship and Communication, Part 2

For many people, our views on love and relationships are shaped by the songs we listen to and the movies we watch. But there’s only one relationship model we should care about, and it doesn’t come from Hollywood!
5/16/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Friendship and Communication

If you were to ask most couples why they got married, they would probably say something about making each other happy. But Pastor J.D. reveals one of the most forgotten and important elements of marriage.
5/13/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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One Simple Question, Part 2

What if every time you saw your spouse, or your friends, or your parents, or boss or your employees, you had a thought, that if obeyed, would change every relationship?
5/12/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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One Simple Question

At the end of the day, the interests of others are almost always secondary to our own. Pastor J.D. shows us just how important the interests are of those we love!
5/11/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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This Light and Momentary Marriage, Part 3

What are you looking for when you yearn for love and romance? Pastor J.D. looks at our expectations in marriage and God’s plan for singleness.
5/10/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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This Light and Momentary Marriage, Part 2

Our culture often acts like romantic love is the pinnacle of human existence. But, is that really the case? Pastor J.D. gives us a balanced, biblical view of marriage and singleness.
5/9/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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This Light and Momentary Marriage

As we begin a series called "First Love," we’re getting a biblical perspective on the purpose of marriage and singleness. It’s a drastic shift from what our culture usually portrays!
5/6/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Distinguishing Good and Bad Distractions, Part 2

Pastor J.D. shows us that distraction and the feeling of being overwhelmed and hurried often comes from being terribly out of fellowship with Jesus.
5/5/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Distinguishing Good and Bad Distractions

It’s safe to say that our society deals with more distractions than any previous society in history. Most of us feel like we are constantly pulled in different directions. Today, Pastor J.D. talks about being a distracted people who need focus.
5/4/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Finding Rest, Part 2

You know, Jesus promised that for all who came to him, he would give them rest. But in today’s society, where overworking is the new norm, most of us hear Jesus’ invitation as wishful thinking.
5/3/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Finding Rest

Pastor J.D. shows us that those most mature in Jesus are not those working hardest for him but those resting most in him.
5/2/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Tenants and the Vineyard, Part 2

All throughout his ministry, Jesus explained that if your heart is in the right posture, and you have ears to hear, then the truth about him will be evident.
4/29/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Tenants and the Vineyard

We feel like we’ve learned from the past and look down on the actions of previous generations. But what’s different about our hearts?
4/28/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Either a Sheep or a Goat, Part 2

Are you a sheep or a goat? Are you a lukewarm person? We all struggle with seasons where we are lukewarm, where we are striving to maintain a commitment to Christ but we falter.
4/27/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Either a Sheep or a Goat

Today, Pastor J.D. shares another one of Jesus’ parables. And this one is going to show us what it looks like to be a Christian in today’s world.
4/26/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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11th Hour Faith, Part 2

Friday, Pastor J.D. covered the first two signs that you might be in a contract relationship with God. And today he’s going to present three more in order for us to see that we must get rid of our contract and embrace the goodness and grace of God!
4/25/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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11th Hour Faith

Pastor J.D. teaches about the dangers of believing God owes us something and wanting him to give us what we deserve.
4/22/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hidden Treasure, Part 2

Have you had an encounter with God that you would describe like finding a hidden treasure? Like finding a treasure that brought you so much joy that you gladly left everything else to possess it?
4/21/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Hidden Treasure

Jesus once told a story about two men - both of them come across something of such value that it makes everything else in their lives look worthless by comparison.
4/20/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Parable about Parables, Part 2

In the parables, Jesus reveals the beauty of the gospel, but only for those whose heart is in a posture to perceive it—only for those who truly listen.
4/19/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Parable about Parables

Today Pastor J.D. begins teaching through the parables of Jesus, stories so simple a child can understand them, yet so profound that we can never exhaust their wealth of wisdom!
4/18/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Alive in Me, Part 2

Every message in this series, Pastor J.D. has shown us how Matthew places people in the story of Jesus that give us possible ways we might respond. Which ones describe you?
4/15/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Alive in Me

We have arrived at the joy of the resurrection in our series titled, Instead of Me. This has been a heavy series, but today we find Jesus alive! And he’s not just alive, he’s alive for me!
4/14/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Punished for Me, Part 2

If you had been present during Jesus’ crucifixion, how would you have responded? Pastor J.D. is going to walk us through four characters to give us pictures of how we might have responded then and how we can still respond to Jesus today.
4/13/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Punished for Me

Pastor J.D. will help us see how the responses of the people surrounding the events of Jesus’ crucifixion give us pictures of how we respond to Jesus.
4/12/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Accused for Me, Part 2

The events surrounding the trial of Jesus are recorded to show us that we are the ones who are actually on trial. These stories should make us consider how we are responding to Jesus.
4/11/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Accused for Me

We are marching toward the cross in our series titled, Instead of Me. Our prayer during this series is that you will see these days that led up to Jesus’ death with fresh eyes.
4/8/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Abandoned for Me, Part 2

Have you ever thought that the cross must have been a scary place? Even for Jesus? But he went, when he could have fled, for us.
4/7/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Abandoned for Me

Jesus was well accustomed to getting a clear response from God when he prayed. But there was once where God was completely silent.
4/6/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Betrayed for Me, Part 2

Judas betrayed Jesus for only 30 pieces of silver, but Jesus told the disciples that they would all fall away, sending a message that all of us, even at our very best, still fall short and need a Savior.
4/5/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Betrayed for Me

By looking at the way Jesus’ friends and enemies responded to him during his final hours, we will see how we, also, respond to Jesus’ shocking, upside-down, precious sacrifice.
4/4/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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There’s Room at My Table for You, Part 2

Pastor J.D. addresses some of the obstacles and excuses to show us how our careers and even our dinner tables are a place to practically serve others.
4/1/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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There’s Room at My Table for You

Do you ever wonder, sometimes, if anything about your life matters? Jesus used the occasion of a banquet, a party, to teach people about his Kingdom and our significance and role in it.
3/31/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Everything is Ready, Part 2

It’s good news when Jesus tells us to “come to the table.” It’s an invitation to you!
3/30/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Everything Is Ready

Meal time was just as important to the life of Jesus as it is in our lives today. Pastor J.D. dives into Luke 14 in our new series called Come to the Table.
3/29/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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It’s All Part of the Plan, Part 2

Pastor J.D. shows us how these final chapters of the book teach that in Christ, the suffering here on earth is limited, the resurrection is eternal, and the power of God is available to all who believe in him.
3/28/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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It’s All Part of the Plan

As we live in the in-between, Daniel encourages us that though things are dark—and they are likely only to get darker—we don’t despair. It’s all part of the plan.
3/25/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Prayer and a Forgotten Pair of Air Jordans, Part 2

Have you ever wondered how prayer works? Of course, we won’t ever have all the details, but Daniel, Chapter 9 gives us a behind-the-scenes look at how prayer works and demonstrates why prayer is so important.
3/24/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Prayer and a Forgotten Pair of Air Jordans

In Daniel 9, we not only see five principles that make for effective prayer; we also get a one-of-a-kind glimpse into what happens in heaven as we pray.
3/23/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Antichrists Far, Near, and Right in Front of You, Part 2

As Pastor J.D. moves into the prophetic portion of the book of Daniel, he shows us how it’s Daniel’s prophecy about the future that makes the difference an outlook between peace and stress.
3/22/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Antichrists Far, Near, and Right in Front of You

What God says to Daniel he says to believers in every generation: If you are going to faithfully shine in the present, you need to have a crystal clear vision of the future. There’s two ways to look at the future--a stress-producing way and a peace-producing one.
3/21/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Courage is a Habit, Part 2

What was it that gave Daniel so much courage in the lion’s den? Is there a way to have that same courage in our own lives?
3/18/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Courage Is a Habit

As much as we make of Daniel’s night with the lions, his courage was actually forged long before that fateful night. Courage is not summoned in a moment; courage is developed through a lifetime.
3/17/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Writing Is on the Wall, Part 2

Have you heard the phrase “The writing is on the wall?” It usually means that something bad is about to happen; that your fate has been sealed. That phrase actually comes from Daniel, Chapter 5.
3/16/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Writing Is on the Wall

Today on Summit Life, we come to another story of God taking down a prideful, rebellious, selfish king. We’re going to see that this problem is much bigger than just one king.
3/15/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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Knockout, Part 2

In this message, we’ll take a look at what God has to say about pride’s fruits and pride’s cure. It’s something we all need from time to time, so let’s dig in.
3/14/202224 minutes, 58 seconds