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Talking Tendons

English, Sciences, 20 seasons, 38 episodes, 9 hours, 31 minutes
This podcast will delve deep into the best and most clinically relevant new studies on tendinopathy. The focus is what questions the researchers tried to answer and why, how they did it, what they found, and very importantly, the so what factor. That is, how can it be applied to the clinic and to individual tendinopathy patients.
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Do psychological, cognitive, and contextual factors influence rehab outcomes in Achilles tendinopathy?

This week I talk about a feasibility cohort study which sought to determine whether a larger cohort study addressing this question would be feasible. Listen to hear some interesting preliminary findings.  Merza, E.Y., Pearson, S.J., Mallows, A.J. and Malliaras, P., 2023. The relationship between psychological, cognitive, and contextual factors and rehabilitation outcomes in Achilles tendinopathy: A prospective feasibility cohort study. Physical Therapy in Sport.Mallows, A., Jackson, J., Littlewood, C. and Debenham, J., 2020. The association of working alliance, outcome expectation, adherence and self‐efficacy with clinical outcomes for Achilles tendinopathy: A feasibility cohort study (the MAP study). Musculoskeletal Care, 18(2), pp.169-176.See for privacy information.
3/1/20237 minutes, 27 seconds
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Does high load and high strain exercise have any benefit for Achilles tendinopathy?

We have known for a while that type of exercise intervention (e.g. intensity, frequency, etc) does not seem to influence self-reported outcomes such as pain. Maybe all the benefits from exercise are explained by non-specific effects, or maybe exercise has benefits that do not depend on the type of exercise. In this episode, I discuss 3 studies that look into (at least partly) other benefits that we may see at the level of the muscle and tendon from higher-load exercise interventions.  References: Radovanović, G., Kunz, J., Bohm, S., Arampatzis, A. and Legerlotz, K., 2021. Reliable and effective novel home-based training set-up for application of an evidence-based high-loading stimulus to improve triceps surae function. Journal of Sports Sciences, 39(24), pp.2786-2795. Radovanović, G., Bohm, S., Peper, K.K., Arampatzis, A. and Legerlotz, K., 2022. Evidence-Based High-Loading Tendon Exercise for 12 Weeks Leads to Increased Tendon Stiffness and Cross-Sectional Area in Achilles Tendinopathy: A Controlled Clinical Trial. Sports Medicine-Open, 8(1), pp.1-19. Radovanović, G., Bohm, S., Arampatzis, A. and Legerlotz, K., 2023. In Achilles Tendinopathy the Symptomatic Tendon Differs from the Asymptomatic Tendon While Exercise Therapy Has Little Effect on Asymmetries—An Ancillary Analysis of Data from a Controlled Clinical Trial. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(3),See for privacy information.
2/21/202314 minutes, 42 seconds
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Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy - the forgotten tendinopathy

This week, I had an engaging conversation with Anthony Nasser, an up-and-coming researcher on tendinopathy who recently completed his PhD on proximal hamstring tendinopathy. Our discussion covered the reasons for the lack of research attention towards this condition, the current state of evidence, and insights from his doctoral studies. You can find the full conversation here.Here are Anthony's related publications: Nasser, A.M., Pizzari, T., Grimaldi, A., Vicenzino, B., Rio, E. and Semciw, A.I., 2021. Proximal hamstring tendinopathy; expert physiotherapists’ perspectives on diagnosis, management and prevention. Physical Therapy in Sport, 48, pp.67-75. Nasser, A.M., Vicenzino, B., Grimaldi, A., Anderson, J. and Semciw, A.I., 2021. Proximal hamstring tendinopathy: a systematic review of interventions. International journal of sports physical therapy, 16(2), p.288. Nasser, A., Semciw, A., Grimaldi, A., Rio, E., Pizzari, T. and Vicenzino, B., 2022. Core outcome set development for proximal hamstring tendinopathy (COS-PHT): a study protocol. Physical Therapy Reviews, 27(4), pp.313-319.    See for privacy information.
2/15/202324 minutes, 56 seconds
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How useful is palpation for diagnosis and assessment?

Palpation can be useful for the diagnosis and assessment of tendinopathy, but there are limits. This is because non-painful tendons can be tender, and tenderness in painful tendons seems to be very slow to get better.  Link to Evidence for Improvement in Local but not Diffuse Pressure Pain Thresholds Following Physical Therapist Interventions for Tendinopathy: A Systematic Review Link to  Reproducibility and clinical utility of tendon palpation to detect patellar tendinopathy in young basketball playersSee for privacy information.
2/7/202314 minutes, 30 seconds
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Muscle and tendon tuning and implications for tendon rehabilitation

Interesting perspective paper from Arampatzis et al talking about how we should consider tuning of muscle tendon unit in terms of muscle strength and tendon stiffness when considering training for specific groups. See for privacy information.
1/31/20237 minutes, 18 seconds
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Achilles forces during common rehab exercises and habitual activities.

This talking tendons episode will discuss a study by Igor Sancho, PhD, assessing Achilles forces during common rehab exercises and habitual activities and how this relates to reported pain among runners. Some interesting implications for practice. Achilles tendon forces and pain during common rehabilitation exercises in male runners with Achilles tendinopathy. A laboratory studySee for privacy information.
1/25/20239 minutes, 12 seconds
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Graded exposure in tendinopathy rehabilitation.

In this episode, I am discussing kinesiophobia in the context of tendon rehab and how rehab can be conceptualised as graded exposure for some people.  References 1) Physiotherapy management of Achilles tendinopathySee for privacy information.
12/12/20227 minutes, 50 seconds
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Load test pain and kinesiophobia and how they interact in tendinopathy assessment

In this episode, I talk about load test pain assessment and how this can also be used to assess kinesiophobia and movement apprehension.  References 1) Physiotherapy management of Achilles tendinopathy: 2) Kinesiophobia Severity Categories and Clinically Meaningful Symptom Change in Persons With Achilles Tendinopathy in a Cross-Sectional Study: Implications for Assessment and Willingness to Exercise: for privacy information.
12/8/202211 minutes, 45 seconds
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Functional impairments persist in Achilles tendinopathy when people are returning to running

This is an interesting study from the Delaware tendinopathy group among others investigating a host of structural, tissue property, functional and pain factors that may persist among people with Achilles tendinopathy making a return to running. Provides guidance to clinicians about potential impairments to consider assessing.  Here's the link to the study: Corrigan, P., Hornsby, S., Pohlig, R.T., Willy, R.W., Cortes, D.H. and Silbernagel, K.G., 2022. Tendon loading in runners with Achilles tendinopathy: Relations to pain, structure, and function during return‐to‐sport. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. Here's the link to my upcoming course series in the UK in Sept: for privacy information.
7/25/202211 minutes, 16 seconds
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Understanding the patient perspective in Achilles tendinopathy

In this episode I talk about three qualitative studies that aim to understand the patient perspective and patient motivations in Achilles tendinopathy. I find this work really helps clinicians to understand what patients are gong through so we are able to be empathic and help them. Hope you enjoy! Here's a link to courses in the UK: Here are the studies: Turner, J., Malliaras, P., Goulis, J. and Mc Auliffe, S., 2020. “It's disappointing and it's pretty frustrating, because it feels like it's something that will never go away.” A qualitative study exploring individuals’ beliefs and experiences of Achilles tendinopathy. PloS one, 15(5), p.e0233459. Mc Auliffe, S., Synott, A., Casey, H., Mc Creesh, K., Purtill, H. and O'Sullivan, K., 2017. Beyond the tendon: experiences and perceptions of people with persistent Achilles tendinopathy. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 29, pp.108-114. Mallows, A., Head, J., Goom, T., Malliaras, P., O'Neill, S. and Smith, B., 2021. Patient perspectives on participation in exercise-based rehabilitation for Achilles tendinopathy: A qualitative study. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 56, p.102450.See for privacy information.
7/19/20229 minutes, 59 seconds
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Humans are lazy (or efficient!) hoppers: the importance of instructions in submaximal human hopping

This paper is more than 30 years old but it is a beauty. Farley et al talk about human preferred hopping frequency and how it relates to metabolic cost and how fast muscles are contracting, and also how our instructions can influence how well people hop (and the mechanisms that drive this). Important to consider hopping instruction when assessing submaximal hopping in the clinic.  Here's a link to the paper Farley, C.T., Blickhan, R., Saito, J. and Taylor, C.R., 1991. Hopping frequency in humans: a test of how springs set stride frequency in bouncing gaits. Journal of applied physiology, 71(6), pp.2127-2132.See for privacy information.
7/16/20229 minutes
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Steroid injection for Achilles tendinopathy?

There is so much debate about the use of steroids for tendinopathy. Opinions vary between 'you should never use steroid as will lead to recurrence, worse pain or rupture' to 'it's fine, do as much steroid as you like'. Opinions dominate as we have limited data. Until now. This is the first trial looking at 2 year outcome for exercise +/- steroid for Achilles tendinopathy. Interesting findings! Here's the link to the study: Johannsen, F., Olesen, J.L., Øhlenschläger, T.F., Lundgaard-Nielsen, M., Cullum, C.K., Jakobsen, A.S., Rathleff, M.S., Magnusson, P.S. and Kjær, M., 2022. Effect of Ultrasonography-Guided Corticosteroid Injection vs Placebo Added to Exercise Therapy for Achilles Tendinopathy: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open, 5(7), pp.e2219661-e2219661.See for privacy information.
7/15/202210 minutes, 50 seconds
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Does pain science education improve outcomes for Achilles tendinopathy?

This is a new and lovely to read randomised trial comparing pain science education (including lots of good biopsychosocial info) versus placebo education for Achilles tendinopathy. Some interesting findings and potential avenues for further study. Definitely worth a listen and read.  Here is a link to the actual paper: for privacy information.
6/28/20228 minutes, 15 seconds
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Strength and other impairments in runners with Achilles tendinopathy

This is a new study from my PhD student, Igor Sancho. He looks at strength, psychological and other factors that may be different between health runners and runners with Achilles tendinopathy. Seated calf raise 6RM seems to be the strongest predictor of having Achilles tendinopathy. Some interesting other findings and clinical implications.  Here is a link to this paper, and Igor's other PhD papers: Sancho, I., Morrissey, D., Willy, R.W., Tayfur, A., Lascurain-Aguirrebeña, I., Barton, C. and Malliaras, P., 2022. Recreational runners with Achilles tendinopathy have clinically detectable impairments: A case-control study. Physical Therapy in Sport, 55, pp.241-247. Sancho, I., Malliaras, P., Barton, C., Willy, R.W. and Morrissey, D., 2019. Biomechanical alterations in individuals with Achilles tendinopathy during running and hopping: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Gait & posture, 73, pp.189-201. Sancho, I., Morrissey, D., Willy, R.W., Barton, C. and Malliaras, P., 2019. Education and exercise supplemented by a pain-guided hopping intervention for male recreational runners with midportion Achilles tendinopathy: a single cohort feasibility study. Physical Therapy in Sport, 40, pp.107-116. See for privacy information.
6/15/202211 minutes, 42 seconds
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Exciting new insights into tendon adaptation with load

On this episode I focus on a new study from my PhD student Eman Merza. It is a cross-over randomised trial testing the effect of high and low contraction time and high and low intensity isometric contractions on acute changes to tendon volume and stiffness. Some very interesting potential insights for tendon adaptation. Good work, Eman! Hope you enjoy.  Peter Here is a link to the study (open access for a few weeks): for privacy information.
5/26/202210 minutes, 14 seconds
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Achilles tendinopathy clinical and patient subgroups

Had a lovely chat with Shawn Hanlon who is a PhD candidate about his relatively new paper exploring patient features and clinical characteristics and how they may define certain subgroups of Achilles tendinopathy . Lots more to learn in this field and this is early work, but we discuss some of the juicy potential clinical implications. Hope you enjoy! And here is the link to the paper and also the  1/ Hanlon, S.L., Pohlig, R.T. and Silbernagel, K.G., 2021. Beyond the diagnosis: Using patient characteristics and domains of tendon health to identify latent subgroups of Achilles tendinopathy. journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 51(9), pp.440-448. 2/ And this is the bumper issue of JOSPT from 2015 that is all about tendinopathy: journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy, 45(11) See for privacy information.
5/5/202239 minutes, 24 seconds
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Central pain processing and Achilles tendinopathy

There is lots of debate about the pain mechanisms, particularly if there are central changes, in Achilles and other tendinopathies. Most studies in the literature use proxy measures of central sensitisation like pressure pain threshold away from the painful site, Other measures like conditioned pain modulation have been investigated less frequently. In this episode of talking tendons I discuss a huge new study investigating CPM in Achilles tendinopathy with some interesting findings and implications. Hope you enjoy! Here is the link to the study: Mkumbuzi, N.S., Mafu, T.S., September, A.V., Posthumus, M. and Collins, M., 2021. Conditioned pain modulation is not altered in recreational athletes with Achilles tendinopathy. Translational Sports Medicine, 4(1), pp.147-153.See for privacy information.
4/23/202211 minutes, 24 seconds
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The amazing benefits of biologic springs like the Achilles tendon

This is one of my favourite narrative expert reviews that discusses the benefits of human biologic springs like the Achilles tendon. These benefits can be summarised as follows:  Metabolic energy conservation Amplification of muscle power output Attenuation of muscle power input Some really interesting mechanisms and insights for rehabilitation . I hope you enjoy! Here is the link to the study: Roberts, T.J. and Azizi, E., 2011. Flexible mechanisms: the diverse roles of biological springs in vertebrate movement. Journal of experimental biology, 214(3), pp.353-361.See for privacy information.
4/20/202212 minutes, 47 seconds
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Gluteal tendinopathy chat with Chris Clifford

I had a great time talking Gluteal tendinopathy with Chris Clifford. Chris is an experienced clinician from Glasgow who is in the throws of completing his PhD on this condition. We chatted about rehab, the use of isometrics, difficult patient groups and how to navigate them, and much more.  I hope you enjoy! Here is 2 related publications from Chris' PhD:  1/ Clifford, C., Paul, L., Syme, G. and Millar, N.L., 2019. Isometric versus isotonic exercise for greater trochanteric pain syndrome: a randomised controlled pilot study. BMJ open sport & exercise medicine, 5(1), p.e000558. 2/ Clifford, C., Challoumas, D., Paul, L., Syme, G. and Millar, N.L., 2020. Effectiveness of isometric exercise in the management of tendinopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials. BMJ open sport & exercise medicine, 6(1), p.e000760.See for privacy information.
4/18/202235 minutes, 27 seconds
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Education interventions in rotator cuff tendinopathy

We all understand providing education for people with rotator cuff tendinopathy (and other conditions) is really important but we have very few resources or guidance regarding what should be delivered and how. In this episode I discuss two qualitative studies exploring the views of patients and expert clinicians about what needs to be included in education for rotator cuff tendinopathy. We the findings to develop an education resource which is embedded in one of the papers (Cridland et al). Some interesting insights - I hope you enjoy.  Here are links to the papers: White, J., Mc Auliffe, S., Jepson, M., Burstein, F., Hopman, R., Morrissey, D., Haines, T. and Malliaras, P., 2020. ‘There is a very distinct need for education’among people with rotator cuff tendinopathy: An exploration of health professionals' attitudes. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 45, p.102103. Cridland, K., Pritchard, S., Rathi, S. and Malliaras, P., 2021. ‘He explains it in a way that I have confidence he knows what he is doing’: A qualitative study of patients' experiences and perspectives of rotator‐cuff‐related shoulder pain education. Musculoskeletal Care, 19(2), pp.217-231.Vancouver See for privacy information.
3/9/202217 minutes, 36 seconds
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Chat with Ruth Chimenti: 'the best exercise is the one your patient will do'

Here is my recent chat with Dr Ruth Chimenti about Achilles tendinopathy We touched on some interesting topics, including Kinesiophobia and whether it changes with treatment Pain education for tendinopathy - what should it involve? does it work? Patient centred rehabilitation Here is a link to some brand new trial data from Ruth's lab - she tested efficacy of pain education which is novel for Achilles tendinopathy. And here is a link to the protocol paper: for privacy information.
2/21/202228 minutes, 15 seconds
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Chat with Colin Griffin: top tips about assessment and management for Achilles tendinopathy

Enjoyable chat with Colin Griffin who is undertaking an exercise trial for Achilles tendinopathy. We touched on so many important rehab considerations, including: Strength profiling for Achilles tendinopathy Assessing endurance, maximal dynamic and isometric calf capacity, and plyometric function and reactivity Home vs gym based rehab Why some people may have poorer outcomes Here is a link to his open access trial protocol: for privacy information.
2/6/202231 minutes, 19 seconds
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Systematic review on plantarflexor muscle impairments in Achilles tendinopathy.

In this episode I talk about a new systematic review on plantarflexor muscle impairments in Achilles tendinopathy. It is clear that the relationship is not as clear as what you might think, and there are also some very interesting insights to how plantarflexor dysfunctions may change following rehabilitation. Link to paper Are Plantarflexor Muscle Impairments Present Among Individuals with Achilles Tendinopathy and Do They Change with Exercise? A Systematic Review with Meta-analysisSee for privacy information.
6/15/20217 minutes, 51 seconds
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New Exercise Evidence for Patellar Tendinopathy

This high quality trial provides further evidence to shift us away from eccentric training for Patelar Tendinoapthy.See for privacy information.
12/5/202013 minutes, 33 seconds
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Investigating pressure massage vs eccentric exercise in Achilles tendinopathy.

In this episode I talk about a relatively new trial investigating pressure massage versus eccentric exercise for Achilles tendinopathy in a randomised trial. I hope you enjoy!  Also, if you have some time on your hands during this time of isolation and need to catch up on CPD head on over to I am offering my online Mastering Lower Limb Tendinopathy course for $295.See for privacy information.
4/13/202012 minutes, 57 seconds
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Isometric exercise and their effect on tendon pain

Hi All, On this talking tendons episode, I dive into the very murky world of isometric exercise and their effect on tendon pain. A new study by Sinead Holden and team brings some (just a little) light to the evidence. I argue that isometrics are useful for managing tendinopathy, but using them for short term pain reduction is just the tip of the iceberg. Also if you're wanting to earn some extra CPD before Christmas check out my two upcoming workshops in December in Sydney and Melbourne (bookings).See for privacy information.
11/20/20199 minutes, 30 seconds
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Interview with Igor Sancho - Feasability of jumping and hopping as rehabilitation for Achilles tendinopathy.

Hi All, In this episode of Talking Tendons I have an enjoyable chat with PhD student and Spanish physio, Igor Sancho. He has recently published a study that assessed the feasibility of using jumping and hopping as rehabilitation for people with Achilles tendinopathy. We discuss the study and how to apply these findings in clinic.See for privacy information.
11/2/201925 minutes, 30 seconds
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Isometrics in Tendinopathy: they are useful but they are not the cure for cancer

Isometric exercise for tendinopathy has exploded onto the scene over the last few years. Unfortunately, the certainty of evidence surrounding their use is far less certain and compelling than what we are told about them but some people. They may work, but the reality is we don't fully understand how and for whom. This episode delves into this uncertainty and provides lots of top tips for how to use isometrics and when they are useful. Enjoy!See for privacy information.
5/21/201925 minutes, 7 seconds
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Injection Therapy - What does the evidence tell us?

Despite our best intentions, not everyone with tendinopathy will respond to conservative treatments. Clinicians need alternative options like injection therapy. Injections such as steroid and platelet-rich plasma continue to be popular for tendinopathy, and there are other emerging injections such as the high-volume injection.   Injection TherapyIn Tendinopathy: Art & Science - 4th May 2019 MELBOURNE booking via link below: See for privacy information.
4/10/201919 minutes, 13 seconds
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Something IS happening in the tendon! Collagen turnover in people with Achilles tendinopathy

Understanding how tendon recovers from injury and adapts to load is so important and has huge implications on how we manage tendons and the education and advice that we provide patients. This podcast features a relatively new study providing insights into the collagen turnover in healthy tendons and those with tendinopathy, adding critical knowledge to what we know about tendon collagen adaptation over time.    See for privacy information.
3/4/201913 minutes, 26 seconds
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Isometric exercise for tendinopathy - Variation between humans does exist!

In this week's podcast, I delve into the minefield that is isometric exercise. Is it the best thing since sliced bread? Does everyone respond? What are the key questions we need to understand?See for privacy information.
11/26/201810 minutes, 30 seconds
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Does your psychological wellbeing affect your tendinopathy treatment outcome?

In this podcast we consider some new research exploring psychological factors and tendinopathy. There is emerging evidence that, as per other musculoskeletal conditions and as you would expect, they do play a role. I discuss which ones appear to be most strongly linked with tendinopathies.See for privacy information.
10/8/201813 minutes, 19 seconds
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Finally some quality exercise research for the management of gluteal tendinopathy!

Hi all, this episode we focus on two recent randomised controlled trials evaluating education and exercise interventions for gluteal tendinopathy, One of them is the best RCT I have read in ages. Well worth a look at their methods, findings and exercise interventions. Hope you enjoy!See for privacy information.
6/3/201815 minutes, 26 seconds
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Some cool new technology focused systematic reviews that will change our practice

This episode we focus on technology use in rehab. I'm inspired by the patient will see you now by Dr Eric Topol which I recently read so this weeks podcast covers 2 technology focused systematic reviews. The first is on the efficacy of exergames for treating musculoskeletal pain, and the second is on basically the use of accelerometers and other wearable sensors to monitor rehab exercises. An exciting area that is set to grow hugely and will be part of all of our practices soon.   References to include at the bottom of the podcast and blog:   O’Reilly M, Caulfield B, Ward T, Johnston W, Doherty C. Wearable Inertial Sensor Systems for Lower Limb Exercise Detection and Evaluation: A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine. 2018;1-26.   Collado‐Mateo D, Merellano‐Navarro E, Olivares PR, García‐Rubio J, Gusi N. Effect of exergames on musculoskeletal pain: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. 2018;28:760-771.See for privacy information.
5/8/201812 minutes, 39 seconds
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Non-uniform Achilles tendon strain: what is it and should we care?

Hi all This week on Talking Tendons we discuss Non-uniform Achilles tendon strain and displacement and tackle the important questions…what is it? And should we care? The paper is by Prof Finni from Finland supported by an international team. This is an exciting space that has already and will continue to improve our understanding of tendon function and ultimately our ability to prevent and manage these injuries. Hope you enjoy. Subscribe to the podcast to get the latest episodes. Join the tendinopathyrehab website for exclusive resources and blog posts, and access to the Mastering Lower Limb Tendinopathy course. See you next time PeterSee for privacy information.
4/2/201813 minutes, 3 seconds
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Efficacy of PRP injections for tendinopathy...really?

This episode I discuss a recent systematic review that concluded that PRP is more efficacious than control injections for tendinopathy, but the plot thickens when we scratch the surface a little.See for privacy information.
3/7/201813 minutes, 16 seconds