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The Aaron Doughty Podcast Profile

The Aaron Doughty Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 759 episodes, 19 hours, 6 minutes
Hello, my name is Aaron Doughty and I help people expand their consciousness by making daily content intended to help people raise their vibration and shift to a new level of consciousness. I believe there is a consciousness shift happening on the planet, an awakening where more and more people are becoming aware of who they are at a greater level as well as how to create the life they always dreamed of. New episodes go live Tuesday and Friday and Youtube audio will be posted daily as well. On this podcast I will share practical tools, techniques and perspectives that have the potential to shift your level of consciousness and listening to this podcast daily will accelerate that process in a very powerful way.
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EP#645 This is holding you back from shifting to a new reality (the familiar trap)

Break out of the matrix you’ve been living in your entire life. We are confined by the familiar, and this video will help you understand why people stay stuck in conditions where they’re unhappy. A leap in consciousness, a leap in vibration, and a shift in your energy will lead to a completely transformed outer reality. I’ll show you what you need to know to break free from the box you’re in right now. Join the Magnetic Abundance Challenge here!
9/18/202418 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP#644 Why the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working for you.

If the law of attraction isn’t working for you, it’s not your fault. Join the Magnetic Abundance Challenge here! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️
9/16/202419 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP#643 if you can see this, your timeline is about to change...

If you can see this, your life is about to change. What if I told you that a single moment, a single piece of information, could alter the course of your journey forever? Today, you stand on the edge of the unknown, ready to take a step that could redefine your path. Join the Magnetic Abundance Challenge here!
9/13/202415 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP#642 Once You Master This, You’ll Shift Into Abundance…

It's time to shift out of a lack mentality and move into an abundant mindset. In this video, I'll show you how to allow yourself to open up to abundance in love, money, and opportunities. Join the Magnetic Abundance Challenge here!
9/11/202418 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP#641 Once I learned how to "let go correctly" I became a millionaire

If you want to become the most abundant version of yourself, it’s more about letting go than letting in. In this video, I will show you how I went from working 9-to-5 jobs selling women's shoes to becoming a millionaire in just a few short years. Join the Magnetic Abundance Challenge here!
9/9/202419 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP#640 The Door to Your New Reality Is Opening… Are You Ready to Step In

Experience more magic in your life by stepping into the unknown. People often cling to what's comfortable, and that's why they're not reaching their goals. In this video, I’ll explain how to break free from the limitations of your current reality and start achieving what you truly desire. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
9/6/202419 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP#639 the new earth timeline shift is already happening

On one hand, we have the New World Order—a timeline of control, marked by more polarity and duality, keeping people in fear so they can be controlled. On the other hand, we have the New Earth Energy—an energy where we can create more freedom for ourselves and do what we love. In this video, I will show you whether you are in the New World Order or New Earth Energy. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
9/4/202418 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP#638 How to LET GO & Detach to attract what you want (power of detachment)

The more attached you are to something, the more resistant you become to it. When you detach, it then attaches itself to you. The truth is, attachment is blocking what you want. Learn how to let go and be free from attachment—I’ll show you how in this video. Join the High Vibe Tribe: 
9/2/202419 minutes, 51 seconds
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EP#637 Why overthinking is lowering your vibration. (how to FIX it)

The more you think, the less you actually do. Don't get caught up in your head. Understand that the fewer thoughts you have, the higher your vibrations. Learn more by watching this video, so you will be free to achieve what you want without hesitation. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/30/202418 minutes, 56 seconds
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EP#636 Once you Stop Caring, the Results come IMMEDIATELY

If you stop trying, you actually allow the very thing you intend to avoid to happen. I will explain in this video why that is, so it will help guide you in achieving your goal. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/28/202422 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP#635 Once You LET GO like this, Your Vibration will Raise Instantly

The reason you're not feeling love, joy, and peace is because of attachments that are holding you in survival emotions like fear, guilt, and shame. In this video, I will show you how to let go of these emotions. J Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/26/202424 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP#634 When you think of someone you are sending them energy (energy stands)

When you are in your own frame of reality and feel whole, complete, and grounded, you have more magnetic energy than when you dissipate your energy by sending it out to others. In this video, I will discuss the Frame Technique, an energetic practice, to help you feel safe within your own body. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/24/202422 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP#633 What they DON'T tell you About Manifestation.

Low vibration and toxicity are the dark side of manifestation. Manifesting often involves a form of manipulation. In this video, I will show you something more powerful than manifestation—something that removes the ego, which tends to seek control. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/21/202416 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP#632 The REAL Reason you’re NOT Getting what you want.

The secret to getting what you want is letting go of the need for it to happen in the first place. In this video, I will show you how to make the process of getting what you want much easier by understanding how attachments can block it. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/19/202418 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP#631 How to Heal Your Inner Child and End Neediness FOREVER

Do you abandon yourself to make others happy? That's codependency, and it's harmful to you, as it attracts negative people. Watch this video as I show you the cure for codependency. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/16/202423 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP#630 You’re BLOCKING what you Want Unknowingly (how to Fix It)

You can want something and still resist it from actually coming into your life. In this video, I will show you why that happens and what you can do to transform yourself. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/14/202422 minutes, 32 seconds
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EP#629 Why Caring Less Makes YOU More Powerful INSTANTLY (shift your reality)

Whatever you consider important, you are literally blocking from coming into your life. When you learn how to master importance, you will experience one of the secrets of our reality. Discover more about this in the video, where I will show you how. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/12/202421 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP#628 If you're not SHIFTING...use the "Quantum Law of Being" [works fast]

You are thinking, feeling, and acting equal to your current reality. If you are working a 9-to-5 job you don't like, your thoughts, feelings, and actions are aligned with that job. Understand the Quantum Law of Being so you can use it to your advantage in achieving your life goals. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/9/202425 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP#627 Once you LET GO like THIS, REALITY SHIFTS instantly (How To LET GO)

If attachment is the root of all suffering, how do we let go and let that thing into our life without being aloof and needy? The most important and powerful insight I have ever had around attachment and being in the frequency of what I want to experience, I will show you in this video. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/7/202411 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP#626 If you’re seeing these signs, the world is resetting.

People who are in a lot of fear and anger are easier to control. The more division you can create, the more polarity there is, and the more people are in survival emotions, the easier they are to control. In this video, I will show you how you can take your power back from being controlled. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/5/202424 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP#625 IF you just LET GO it would be YOURS (how to do it)

The key to manifesting what you want is to let go of what you want completely. I will show you in this video why letting go actually allows you to have that which you want. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
8/2/202422 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP#624 the easiest way to quantum jump into parallel reality (warning: no coming back)

Do not normalize feeling a lack of love. Do not normalize feeling scarcity. Do not normalize feeling confined. Shift to a more probable reality that you actually want to experience. I will show you how in this video. Join the High Vibe Tribe: 
7/31/202424 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP#623 thinking in reverse changed my life (the backwards law)

The more you chase anything, the more you affirm that it is not here now; the more it runs away. The Backwards Law will give you a clear understanding of your reality and how you can effortlessly achieve your goals. I will discuss it here in this video. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
7/29/202423 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP#622 this is the key to matching the frequency of your dream reality.

Vibrational resonance is when the more detached from the outcome you are, the more that outcome will attach itself to you. Learn more about vibrational resonance so you can let go of the resistance that is keeping you from achieving your goals. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  Join the High Vibe Tribe:
7/26/202425 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP#621 Once you realize this, reality changes Instantly [mirror principle]

Reality is like a mirror that reflects how you are, not what reality is. So if you see people criticizing you, you may be judging yourself. Learn how to make a shift so you can change what you see in the mirror. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
7/24/202425 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP#620 If you see this, a parallel version of you has a message for you.

Imagine an alternative version of you that exists right here, right now. You can connect to it and even be like that version depending on how you perceive your reality. Let me explain it to you in this video. Calibrate your vibe here:
7/22/202422 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP#619 If You're an EMPATH, these Energy Secrets Will Change EVERYTHING

Would you consider yourself an empath, someone who feels other people's energy? What I will discuss in this video will completely change your life from the inside out. Join the High Vibe Tribe: 
7/19/202423 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP#618 Why Letting Go and NOT Wanting is the key to TRANSFORMATION.

In this video I am going to show you why attachments are keeping you stuck on negative timelines. Then, I'll show you the most powerful process for letting go that I've ever found. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
7/17/202426 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP#617 The Secret to Controlling the Energy Field with Your Mind (Only Few Knew)

The people we meet in our life, the synchronicities in our lives, may be reflections of what is active within our own field of energy. Learn the process of shifting your vibration to a higher level to obtain more love, more joy, more abundance, more synchronicities, and more opportunities here! 
7/15/202418 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP#616 How to SHIFT into a Higher Vibrational YOU (PERMANENTLY)

Everything in your life is a reflection of your vibration. Learn the process of shifting your vibration to a higher level to obtain more love, more joy, more abundance, more synchronicities, and more opportunities here!
7/12/202438 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP#615 How to Bounce BACK from Low Vibration INSTANTLY

The less you think, the more divinely connected you will feel. Learn to reduce the amount of thinking to achieve higher vibration or state of consciousness here!
7/10/202418 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP#614 I found out how to shift into parallel realities.

this is the step by step process I used to shift out of my old reality into my dream reality doing what I love. It's time to experience THE SHIFT with Weekly LIVE coaching into a NEW YOU Grab your spot here!
7/8/202418 minutes, 17 seconds
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EP#613 people will never drain your energy again if you do THIS

What can you do energetically to shift your energy so that instead of being affected by other people, you are the one setting the frame? What I'm about to share with you in this video, completely shifted my energy. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
7/5/202418 minutes, 56 seconds
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EP#612 How to shift reality "correctly" by matching the frequency (instant shift)

There is a future version of you that is trying to connect to you to give you a message that will completely shift the timeline you are on. If you receive that message, you will then experience a completely new reality. Join the 21 day new you challenge here: Join the High Vibe Tribe:
7/3/202420 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP#611 5 things you think are HIGH Vibration but are TOXIC AF

When I raised my vibration back in 2012, my whole life changed. Once you become aware that you are trapped in toxic patterns, you can then allow yourself to grow. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
7/1/202425 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP#610 What actually happens when you let go.

Attachment and desire are the root of all suffering. In this video, I want to show you the science of attachment. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
6/28/202421 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP#609 signs your second awakening is about to happen...

If you can see this episode, then it is very likely that your second awakening is about to happen. This next awakening is a completely new reality and there is a second ego that is created.  Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  Join the High Vibe Tribe:
6/26/202423 minutes, 10 seconds
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EP#608 once I learned how to "vibrate correctly" my whole life changed

When you learn how to vibrate correctly more can change in your life in a short period of time than what would've normally taken a year or two to shift in your life... Learn how to vibrate correctly to tune to the reality that already exists and you will find that your reality shifts so much quicker. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
6/24/202422 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP#607 A new shift is happening in 2027… how to prepare

There is a consciousness shift that is happening right now on the planet and most people are not even aware of it. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
6/21/202427 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP#606 why toxic people are attracted to high vibrational people

The more you raise your vibration, the more you will repel people that no longer resonates with the energy that your are embodying. The challenge becomes, are you attached to the old toxic dynamics that may have felt familiar since childhood? In this video, I want to show you how to make it easy to detach. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
6/19/202425 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP#605 Detach, and get EXACTLY what you want INSTANTLY

Have you ever noticed that the more you want anything the more you end up resisting that thing from coming into your life? You can have anything you want, as long as you don't want it. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
6/17/202424 minutes, 51 seconds
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EP#604 if you trigger other people WATCH THIS...

If you find that simply by being you, you trigger other people then this video will completely transform your life... Help you understand more about why you may be triggering people and also, why triggering other people may actually trigger you. Join the High Vibe Tribe: 
6/14/202420 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP#603 the lesson from Narcissists Empaths MUST LEARN (to break the cycle)

In this episode I want to show you how to finally stop attracting narcissists. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
6/12/202423 minutes, 56 seconds
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EP#602 when you DETACH from outcome it will ATTACH to you

Why is it that it's normally the moment to which you are detached from outcome, from which the outcome will then attach itself to you. Think about that. The more detached you are, the more magnetic you are. Attachment implies resistance. Anything you really, really want you are really creating resistance around. What if the thing you believe you want the reason it's not coming into your life is because you are over inflating it. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
6/10/202421 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP#601 Once You KNOW How To Think In 4 Dimensions, Life will NOT be the Same

The biggest shift in consciousness you can have is when you move from thinking in this third dimensional way of thinking and staying blocked in familiar patterns it will keep you stuck. When you learn how to think in four dimensions it will change your entire life. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
6/7/202420 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP#600 If you have ABANDONMENT Issues, WATCH THIS (cure instantly)

If as kids we did not feel seen, heard, soothed or nurtured we will project those desires onto other people into our life. What happens is a lot of people do not even have the awareness of this inner child and they're not aware that if they were to develop a relationship with their inner child that it could completely transform their life from the inside out. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
6/5/202436 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP#599 Once you vibrate correctly, things will never be the same

What if you were meant to feel high the majority of the time. And anytime you do certain things, whether it be drinking alcohol or smoking certain substances, what if then it actually lowers your level of consciousness. In this video, I want to calibrate the different substances and show you where on the vibrational scale these may lay. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
6/3/202430 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP# 598 Once you do this, reality is yours (jump timelines)

There are an infinite number of realities that exist. I want to show you a simple step by step process that will allow you to perceive a completely different reality to shift your life to more abundance, love, synchronicity, and more opportunity than ever before. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
5/31/202419 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP#597 Things you agreed to before you were born…

you knew this when you were born but is what to remember. Join the upcoming coaching process for going full time with your purpose here 
5/29/202421 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP#596 The secret to conscious manifestation (how to control the mind)

Most people are creating from their unconscious mind. When you become conscious of what you are creating and you become conscious that what you want to create already exists within your own consciousness that's when things come to you easier then ever. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
5/27/202423 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP#595 How to detach yourself and still get what you want

You can have anything you dream of as long as you don't want it. When you think of vibrational resonance understand the thing you must really embody is matching the energy to where it is natural for your current identity. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
5/24/202422 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP#594 This will shift you into parallel reality (there is no going back)

This is one of the most empowering idea when it comes to creating your dream reality and manifestation. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe: 
5/22/202421 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP#593 Why setting boundaries makes you attractive (life changing)

When it comes to boundaries, most people know what external boundaries are however, internal boundaries are even more powerful and make it to where you don't even need to set external boundaries with other people. Join the High Vibe Tribe: 
5/20/202425 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP#592 a parallel version of you has a message for you (if you can see this)

You can only see that which you are the vibration of. When you understand parallel reality shifting, which is something that already naturally happens, what you think of as movement is the shifting through different realities. If you are seeing this right now, I believe there is something here for you that will completely shift your life from this moment going forward. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
5/18/202417 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP#591 How to get what you want by Letting Go (life-changing)

Have you ever noticed that the more detached you are from something happening, the more likely it is to happen? In this video, I want to show you that whatever you want, if you were to let go of attachment around that thing, you increase the probable likelihood of that thing actually happening and this will better help you understand the power of vibrational resonance. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
5/15/202417 minutes, 56 seconds
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EP#590 Once You Do THIS, you will shift into a parallel reality.

Even as you watch this video right now, you are shifting through different parallel realities and you may not even know it. These are some of the most powerful things I've learned, that have helped me create the life that I have and is a direct reflection of my ability and understanding of parallel realities. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
5/13/202428 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP#589 How being "real" makes you magnetic af...

Freedom is the ability to be disliked. When you are free to be you, not attached to what other people think and feel about you, you end up becoming more expressive, more free and more magnetic because you are being the real you. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
5/10/202422 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP#588 how to BE the new you vibrationally

If you want to experience more transformation in your life than ever before, then understand that all you have to do is tune to the frequency of the reality that you want. You don't have to create it. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
5/8/202426 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP#587 the secret to matching the frequency of your dream reality

What if there was a science to you matching the frequency of your dream reality. What if the abundance, the love, the health, the opportunities... was simply a matter of you matching the frequency of a reality that already exists. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
5/7/202428 minutes, 11 seconds
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EP#586 If you can feel other people’s energy, YOU MUST fix this now.

You take on other people's energies because you believe that you are responsible for how other people feel. The key to change is to understand that what was a survival mechanism as a kid, may now be holding you back. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
5/3/202424 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP#585 most people are stuck in childhood and don't even know it (how to break FREE)

What if an empty chair was the key to you finally healing, letting go of the past, letting go of relationships that no longer serve you...and what if this is the key to you really experiencing a shift to a new version of yourself...Join the High Vibe Tribe:
5/1/202424 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP#584 How Mastering Detachment will change your life (my method)

The degree to which you are attached is the degree to which you are repelling people from coming into your life. No matter how much you try to force something to work, what is not meant for you will never be yours for long. Join the High Vibe Tribe: 
4/29/202424 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP#583 if you attract Narcissists, Energy Vampires or Manipulators WATCH THIS

Why is it that you attract people who manipulate, people who are narcissists and energy vampires? Why is it that you feel that you must be loyal or try to fix some of these people subconsciously? Let me show you how to break the pattern. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
4/26/202428 minutes, 28 seconds
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EP#582 If you don’t feel worthy of what you want WATCH this

You only attract into your life that which you believe and feel worthy of. If you have a feeling that you aren't worthy you will reflect back that which you feel. Let me show you how you can heal your energy from the inside out to finally feel love, abundance, and opportunity. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
4/25/202427 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP#581 if you can see this, your second awakening is about to happen...

The more you think, the lower vibrational attachment and resistance is within your own energetic field. The key to "thinking" better thoughts is not the answer...the key is thinking less thoughts. Join the High Vibe Tribe: 
4/22/202426 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP#580 Match the frequency of your dream reality by doing THIS...

if you match the frequency of your dream reality things shift quickly. The energy of "make it natural" allows you to experience it without resistance here is how to do it. To join the High Vibe Tribe and get access to my new course called High Vibe 101 for free click here:
4/19/202427 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP#579 If you absorb other people's energy watch this IMMEDIATELY

People who absorb other people's energies tend to attract manipulators, narcissists, and energy vampires, leaving them feeling weighed down. Unless they learn what I am about to share in this video it will put them on a path of a lot of pain. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
4/17/202427 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP#578 Why thinking is B.S...(it's a survival mechanism)

thinking is a survival mechanism that seperates you from the divine. One of the biggest shifts in consciousness you will have is when you begin relating to your thoughts in a different way. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
4/15/20242 hours, 53 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP#577 if you're afraid to shine WATCH THIS

People who are afraid to shine are afraid of their own power. Until you learn to tap into your true power and express it into the world, you will find yourself playing small and avoiding the limelight. If you want to check out and apply for the women's retreat in July click here: join the high vibe tribe here
4/12/20242 hours, 53 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP#576 The less you think, the higher your vibration...

This is one of the most powerful insights that I have ever had, that has allowed me to elevate my vibration to a completely new level... Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
4/10/202424 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP#575 This meditation will make you confident.

listen to this meditation to feel confident, safe in your own body and to be in your own frame. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
4/8/202436 minutes, 1 second
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EP#574 Things that feel good, but are actually toxic traits...

there are some concepts spiritual people get trapped in thinking they are "high vibe" when actually they keep people trapped in toxic patterns. here they are and how to break FREE . Join the High Vibe Tribe:
4/5/202451 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP#573 if you attract toxic people WATCH THIS

here is why and HOW to break the cycle of attracting toxic people into your life. We attract what we tolerate and what feels "familiar." here is what to do about it that will change your life. Join the High Vibe Tribe:
4/3/202426 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP#572 If you can feel energy of people around you, watch this IMMEDIATELY

if you can feel peoples energy, this is a game changer for feeling safe in your own frame, feeling magnetic and easily setting boundaries. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the High Vibe Tribe:
4/1/202433 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP#571 If fear is holding you back WATCH THIS

I discovered humanity's greatest secret: fear is not a weakness, but an essential strength. Join the High Tribe here ➡️ 
3/29/202430 minutes, 51 seconds
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EP#570 Music Frequency is keeping you PROGRAMMED to a lower state...(440hz)

Music and the frequency of 440hz has a powerful effect on consciousness. here is the story of what happened and how to break FREE from it's grip. Join the High Vibe Tribe here ➡️ 
3/27/202427 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP#569 Freedom is being disliked

Freedom is being disliked, spiritual grandiosity, Adlerian psychology, why you are clingy and the cure, and MORE Q&A in Costa Rica. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ if you want to join my free new community OFF of FB join here I'll be going LIVE with workshops and doing live meditations. join it here ➡️:
3/20/202424 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP#568 This workshop will Raise Your Vibration Permanently (with meditation)

If you feel stuck in the past, have blocks keeping you where you are and feel like you always fall back into old patterns... this workshop is for you. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ if you want to join my free new community OFF of FB join here I'll be going LIVE with workshops and doing live meditations. join it here ➡️:
3/11/20241 hour, 36 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP#567 “trauma isn't real” -Alfred Adler (a radically new perspective)

Trauma does not exist (according to one of the grandfathers of psychology) and in this video I'll explain how this one simple philosophy will transform your life from the inside out. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Calibrate and raise your vibration for FREE here: ➡️
3/4/202426 minutes, 28 seconds
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EP#566 Pleasing THEM is keeping YOU stuck (break the cycle now!)

Stop enabling others by doing THIS... Stop enabling others by doing THIS... Grab your early bird ticket to the shift experience live event in Austin (March 2nd-3rd) here ➡️:  Calibrate and raise your vibration for FREE here: ➡️ 
2/16/202414 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP#565 This workshop will TRANSFORM your Self-Image and change your life. (powerful meditation)

This 90 minute workshop reveals how to manifest your dream reality by shifting your identity. If you want to join and have access to workshops like this one FOR FREE, join my new group here:
2/6/20241 hour, 17 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP#564 You can REWRITE your past... Revision Technique FULL Training (with meditation)

This is a FULL workshop and meditation to show you how to rewrite the past and transform your life. If you want to join and have access to workshops like this one FOR FREE, join my new group here: Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️
1/30/20241 hour, 24 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP#563 Why forgiveness is B.S (according to enlightened people)

This heals you MORE than forgiveness... Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ This meditation will help you heal your inner child, listen it FOR FREE here:
1/16/202430 minutes, 35 seconds
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EP#562 Once I did this, I became unstoppable... [the winners effect]

If you're ready to become a new you in 2024, watch this! The 21 Day New You Challenge Starts Tomorrow! Grab your spot here: 
1/12/202416 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP#561 if you're feeling stuck in 2024.... WATCH THIS

being stuck is the result of an attachment to the past. This is how to break free and create a whole new reality. also the 21 Day New You Challenge Starts in just few days! Grab your spot here: Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ 
1/9/202416 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP#560 if people call you "nice" WATCH THIS (they don't respect you)

Stop being nice and become MAGNETIC AF by doing this! If you’re ready to heal your inner child, listen to this FREE meditation here:
1/6/202423 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#559 Money Will Come To You After Doing This "Attraction Technique"

If you want money to chase YOU, watch this video… The 21 Day New You Challenge starts Jan 11th, click here to join!: 
1/2/202427 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP#558 Your past can be changed...(revision technique)

You won’t need to heal your inner child after this episode… Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  If you’re ready to shift into a new you, join my brand new challenge here!:
12/29/202321 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP#557 What nobody tells you about grief and loss (my healing journey)

By far the most difficult video to record and share with you… hopefully this video will help you on your own healing journey.
12/28/202324 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP#556 if you try to control or force things to happen... WATCH THIS

This is why you’re not manifesting the things you want into your life (and how to fix it!) Calibrate and raise your vibration here:
12/22/202325 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP#555 Why "wanting" is holding you back [detach to attract]

This episode I'll reveal the SECRET to having the things you want....want YOU! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  Calibrate and raise your vibration here:
12/19/202321 minutes
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EP#554 Using the "expectation effect" changes your reality..

If you’re ready to shift your reality, listen to this episode!… This new information reveals how to manifest a new reality by shifting your expectations. Calibrate and raise your vibration here:
12/16/202324 minutes, 56 seconds
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EP#553 The 8 word sentence 10,000 people said in hypnosis about reality

This episode will help you shift into the New Earth! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Calibrate and raise your vibration here: 
12/14/202318 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP#552 How to become more magnetic (scientifically)

Calibrate your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level here: ➡️
12/12/202326 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#551 don’t try, don’t do, BE and it will be YOURS

Are You Ready To SHIFT Into A NEW YOU? Join the challenge: Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️ 
12/7/202319 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP#550 If you can feel other peoples energy WATCH THIS

Heal your inner child:
12/5/202321 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP#549 you woke up first to do THIS (this is your purpose)

Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️ 
12/3/202312 minutes, 26 seconds
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EP#548 This video will Activate your HIGHEST Timeline INSTANTLY (WARNING NO GOING BACK)

In this episode I'll share with you how to shift into your highest timeline! Join the challenge: 
11/30/202321 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP#547 The Effect of Emotional Neglect in Childhood..."still face" experiment

This meditation will help you heal your inner child: ➡️:  Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ 
11/28/202325 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP#546 The secret to creating you dream life in 2024

Get lifetime access to all of my most powerful courses here: ➡️ Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level: ➡️
11/25/202311 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP#545 "Excess Importance": Master this and Reality is YOURS

Join the challenge: Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️ 
11/24/202329 minutes, 28 seconds
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EP#544 This Video Will SHIFT You Into A NEW YOU NOW

Join the 21-Day New You Challenge here: ➡️:
11/23/202322 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP#543 5 things you must give up to be on NEW EARTH

Join the 21-Day New You Challenge here: ➡️: Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️
11/22/202331 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP#542 If you want to Activate Your Highest Timeline WATCH THIS

Join The 21-Day New You Challenge and shift into your highest timeline here: Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level here: ➡️ 
11/16/202319 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#541 10,000 in hypnosis said this about the New Earth

Unlock profound insights on the New Earth and consciousness shift from 10,000+ hypnotized voices. Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️ 
11/14/202319 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP#540 How to shift to the new earth energy...

In this episode we'll go deeper on how to finally let go of the old so you can shift to the new earth energy... Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
11/11/202319 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP#539 Promise me you'll use this manifestation secret for good...

In this episode I'll share with you a powerful manifestation technique that has allowed me to manifest my dream reality... Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
11/10/202322 minutes, 35 seconds
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EP#538 When you STOP LOOKING it finally comes... (secret of reality)

Unlock the magic of letting go and attracting your dreams effortlessly. Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️ 
11/4/202320 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP#537 if you haven't shifted to New Earth Energy... WATCH THIS

Discover the shift to a "New Earth" and how to elevate your consciousness in this eye-opening video. Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
11/4/202319 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP#536 These 5 words shifted 30K+ people into a New Reality

In this episode I'll teach you how to finally shift to the reality you want. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
10/28/202324 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP#535 "decrease importance" and it will come... (missing key for MOST people)

In this episode you'll learn the secret to effortless manifestation by letting go of importance. Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
10/26/202319 minutes, 39 seconds
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EP#534 - 3,000 people just shifted to New Earth and most didn't realize...

In this episode I'll share how you can raise your vibration and shift to a new state of consciousness using the power of group meditation. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
10/24/202321 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP#533 The MAGIC of Neville Goddard Manifestation techniques

In this episode I'll teach you how to unlock your dream reality with Neville Goddard's divine imagination and powerful techniques. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
10/21/202320 minutes, 46 seconds
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EP#533 Empaths Are Stuck In Childhood (THE CURE)

If you're an empath, this episode is for you! Join the 21 day Confidence Love Challenge to become a confident version of you and attract love here: 
10/17/202322 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP#532 The vibration of the Middle East...

Join the live meditation this Sunday here: ➡️ and share this link with as many people as you can! This Sunday we will be doing a LIVE meditation for grounding in our own energies, raising our vibration and sending love and peace to those that need it in the middle east. You do not need meditating experience to join, this meditation is meant for anyone that wants to set the intention for peace in the middle east and to send love and healing to those that need it. It does not matter your race, religion, political affiliation, culture or meditation experience if you want to ground your energies in and send your love and set a unified intention for peace and love then your energy and intention will be appreciated. The intention is that we can unify our energy fields together, we can have an intention that we all set to send to that part of the world to all the people that need it There is a phenomenon called the Maharishi effect, which involves thousands of people all meditating on love and peace in the world that can decrease violent crimes on the planet by a very substantial percentage, this is a phenomenon that's been shown many times over. I believe that us coming together and having a unified intention, feeling grounded in our own bodies and sending that intention to that of the Middle East and all of its people can have a very powerful effect, especially the more people that join. Please share this link with as many people as you can as the more people that join the more powerful the energy is. Back in 2020 we did this with 12,000 people live on the YouTube channel and the energy was powerful. There were other people doing it too from other channels and the next day the Schumann Resonance (the frequency of the planet) was off the charts. Let's do it again and come together. Let’s unify our energies and intentions and come together in love and support for those in need. Share this link and let’s do this!
10/13/202311 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP#531 Why most people wont shift into the new earth

The 5d consciousness is here, and in this episode I'll share with you how you can finally shift. Join the 21 day Confidence Love Challenge to become a confident version of you and attract love
10/10/202318 minutes, 43 seconds
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EP#530 I was WRONG about “empaths” (the age of spiritual manipulation)

In this episode we'll go deeper on the shadow side of being an empath and how to break free and finally heal. Join the 21-Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️  Heal your inner-child with this mediation here: ➡️ 
10/6/202318 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP#529 WARNING* they've been keeping you asleep (but they can't control you anymore)

In this episode I'll show you step by step how to finally wake up and create the reality you want.  Also, if you're ready to become the most magnetic version of you and attract love in 21 days or less, join the confidence love challenge here:
10/3/202322 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP#528 If You're an Empath, You NEED to Hear Immediately...

Discover how empaths can reclaim their energy, set firm boundaries, and harness the power of vulnerability for personal transformation and authentic living. Join the 21 day Confidence Love Challenge to become a confident version of you and attract love
9/30/202325 minutes, 54 seconds
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#EP527 If you're an Empath that Absorbs Negative Energy... this will change your life

Come with me to explore the duality of being an empath, from its superpower origins in childhood traumas to grounding techniques like the "frame technique" for authentic self-expression and personal boundaries. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join the 21-day Confidence Love Challenge to become a confident version of you and attract love ➡️
9/26/202326 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP#526 "Permission slips" the key to shifting to a new reality fast

In this video, you'll discover how to unlock a new reality quickly with the power of the Permission Slip. Join the 21-day Confidence Love Challenge to become a confident version of yourself and attract love ➡️     
9/19/202324 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP#525 Reclaiming My Zone of Genius, Letting Go, The Frame Technique and Just START!

If you're a coach or an aspiring coach, join the FREE Conscious Coaching Accelerator coming up September 13th here: ➡️ 
9/13/202337 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP#524 I reprogrammed myself with this powerful technique.

In today's episode, I'll share with you how I reprogrammed myself with this powerful technique that you will be able to apply in your life! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Heal your inner-child with this mediation here ➡️
9/12/202326 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP#523 I shifted my identity and my whole life changed…

I applied this technique that completely shifted my reality and I'm sharing with you in this video what that is today. Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
9/6/202318 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP#522 I found the missing "page 25" of The Gateway Process... this changes everything.

In this episode I will dive into the missing"page 25" of the Gateway Process and how it has changed everything. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
8/29/202331 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP#521 "thought forms" once you shift this, reality is controllable..

In this episode I'll share with you the most powerful concept there is for you to shift your reality! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
8/22/202335 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP#520 I found the key to reality creation. "Once you master this, consciousness is controllable"

In this episode, I open your eyes to the concept of balancing energy centers (chakras) within the body to achieve a permanent elevation in vibrational frequency. Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level here: ➡️
8/15/202324 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP#519 I shifted into a parallel reality... this is how...

In this episode, I dive into how I shifted into a parallel reality and how you can too. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ There are just a few more tickets if you'd like to join me in Los Angeles for my Live Event (and there virtual tickets too!) ➡️ Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
8/8/202324 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP#518 "the key to shifting" The Akashic Records

In this episode I'll expand on the concept called Akashic records. The Akashic records encompass the entirety of universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intentions that have occurred in the past, present, and future for all entities and life forms, extending beyond just human beings. Join me in Los Angeles for my Live Event ➡️ Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
8/1/202326 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP#517 "I was punished for sharing a past life" the TRUTH about parallel realities..

The truth about parallel realities and how people can access information about their past lives through deep regression. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join me in Los Angeles for my Live Event ➡️ 
7/25/202321 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP#516 REVEALED** Before you were born, you signed this contract

Before you were born, you signed this contract, and if you are watching this video, you are on the Leading Edge of Consciousness. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Join me in Los Angeles for my Live Event ➡️ 
7/18/202316 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP#515 Morphic Resonance: the hidden secret to reality control

In this episode, I will discuss the concept of morphic resonance, which involves energetic fields that transcend time and space and connect individuals to their ancestors. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  Join me in Los Angeles at my Live Event (Aug 11-13th) ➡️ Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
7/11/202335 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP#514 "this is complete healing"... the power of the Holographic Divine Matrix

In this episode, we are going to explore the notion that you are in fact, you are a spiritual being having a temporary human experience to learn and grow. To experience a process that will shift you into a higher vibrational YOU join The Daily Vortex here ➡️ Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level. Visit ➡️
7/4/202317 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP#513 *WARNING* This will shift you to a parallel reality.

In this episode I'll dive into the concept of parallel realities and will illustrate the power of tuning into them can profoundly transform your life. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level here: ➡️
6/27/202320 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP#512 I healed my younger self with Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono stands out as the most powerful method of healing that I have ever encountered. The extraordinary effects of this meditation practice have the ability to transform your life indefinitely. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️    Discover your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise it to a whole NEW level here: ➡️
6/20/202342 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP#511 aging can be reversed.

Aging is believed to be a mental construct and can be influenced by our beliefs. In this video, I'll explain the esoteric truths and metaphysical practices that can potentially reverse the aging process. Discover Your Vibration and Receive a Personalized Meditation That Will Help You Raise It To a Whole NEW Level. Visit 
6/14/202327 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP#510 "thought forms" the key to bending reality

Thoughts have an energetic form and this understanding may change the way you see the world forever like it did me.  Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  To experience a process that will shift you into a higher vibrational YOU join The Daily Vortex here 
6/7/202332 minutes, 10 seconds
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EP#509 6 tips for attracting love in your 30's

In this video, I'm going to share with you 6 tips for attracting love in your 30's. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ If you're ready to raise your vibration to a whole new level, click here: ➡️ Join the highest vibe community on the planet here: iPhone: ➡️ Android: ➡️
5/29/202338 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP#508 Things you forgot before you were born.

There are 10 rules that we may have agreed to before birth but have forgotten. Understanding and internalizing these rules can lead to a significant transformation in our lives. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ If you'd like to raise your vibration to a whole new level, access live meditations and join the highest vibe community on the planet, download my new app HighViber here: iPhone: ➡️ Android: ➡️
5/19/202315 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP#507 I spent $15,000 on shadow work coaching...this is what happened

Over the course of a year, I spent over $15,000 on a shadow work coach. Here's what I learned that transformed my life. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ If you'd like to raise your vibration to a whole new level, access live meditations and join the highest vibe community on the planet, download my new app HighViber here: iPhone: ➡️ Android: ➡️
5/16/202344 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP#506 Forbidden Esoteric Knowledge that will Change your Life FOREVER

They kept this as CONFIDENTIAL information and it'll shock you... Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
4/24/202330 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP#505 5 Traits of Irresistibly Magnetic People (Be Attractive AF)

These 5 traits will make you MAGNETIC AF instantly! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
4/17/202342 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP#504 The Magic of "choose yourself instead"

This works like MAGIC! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ If you're ready to let go of your past and become emotionally free in 7 days or less, join my brand new challenge here: ➡️ 
4/10/202318 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP#503 The Scariest Secrets of the Universe: Insights from Mystics That Will Leave You Speechless

You won't believe how powerful these secrets are... If you're ready to let go of your past and become emotionally free in 7 days or less, join my brand new challenge here: ➡️ 
4/3/202338 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP#502 How Choosing Myself Changed my life FOREVER (and how it can change yours too)

How to (finally) stop abandoning yourself. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  If you're ready to let go of your past and become emotionally free in 7 days or less, join my brand new challenge here: ➡️ 
3/27/202330 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP#501 Be Magnetic AF by Owning Your Insecurities

I challenge you to become the most magnetic version of you right meow! If you're ready to let go of your past and become emotionally free in 7 days or less, join my brand new challenge here: ➡️ 
3/24/20235 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP#500 LET GO of ALL insecurities and feel Confident AF by watching this video

Feeling insecure? This is how you raise your confidence energy and become magnetic af! If you're ready to let go of your past and become emotionally free in 7 days or less, join my brand new challenge here: ➡️ 
3/20/202322 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP#499 Stop forcing an outdated identity (and embrace the unknown)

How to (finally) shift your identity and manifest your dream life. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ If you're ready to let go of your past and become emotionally free in 7 days or less, join my brand new challenge here: ➡️ 
3/13/202326 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP#498 Just Let Go and it will come (detach to attract)

Detachment is the key to attracting your dream life. Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
3/6/202319 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#497 How to (finally) trust again

If you find it difficult to trust, this video will change your life. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
2/27/202320 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP#496 The Power of Vulnerability: How Being Real Makes You Irresistible

How to (finally) be magnetic af. Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
2/20/202321 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP#495 Why is letting go necessary to receive?

How to (finally) let go. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  Download my most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
2/13/202321 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP#494 Shadow Work that will Change Your Life from the Inside Out

How to finally heal your past and inner child (it's a 4 step process). Download my most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
2/6/202320 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#493 The law of attraction is surface level. (do this instead)

This is why most people never manifest their true desires (and how to fix it). Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️
1/30/202316 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#492 This Reveals What You Agreed to Before You Were Born... (Purpose & Love)

I've found a hidden secret that reveals our true purpose on earth, watch this video now. Let's activate our highest timeline together in my very first live event of 2023! Get your tickets here!: ➡️
1/23/202322 minutes, 23 seconds
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EP#491 Letting Go of Control: How to Embrace Uncertainty and Live in the Moment

Letting go is easy AF when you do this! Let's activate our highest timeline together in my very first live event of 2023! Get your tickets here!: ➡️ 
1/19/202321 minutes, 47 seconds
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EP#490 How to Let Go Even if You Believe You Can't (7 TIPS)

The 7 steps to finally let go so that you become free and magnetic af. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
1/16/202324 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#489 do NOT set goals for 2023 (do THIS instead)

If you do what 99% of people do, 2023 won't be your best year. Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
1/9/202315 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#488 Feel Them Pulling Away? - AVOID THIS MISTAKE!

Tired of chasing them? Then make them chase YOU instead... This is how you finally get them back. Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
1/2/202310 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP#487 The 5 RED FLAGS You're Dating A Narcissist!

You may be dating a narcissist and this video will reveal the truth... Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
12/30/202217 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP#486 The POWER Of Walking Away & Why It's EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE

Stop chasing them. If you do this one simple thing they will chase YOU! Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
12/28/202212 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#485 This "Letting Go" video will change your life forever.

Letting go will be EASY AF after this one video! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
12/26/202228 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#484 The most IMPORTANT Video to Watch to make 2023 YOUR Year (DO NOT SKIP)

2023 won't be the same after you watch this video. Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
12/23/202224 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#483 3 Life Changing Rules That Will Raise Your Vibration Permanently

Raising your vibration is easy when you do this! Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
12/21/202213 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#482 2023 will be your best year EVER if you do this ONE thing...

What nobody is telling you about 2023... This one thing will change it all. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
12/19/202228 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#481 Magnetic Energy Secret for Being in Your Own Frame

Setting boundaries is easy AF when you do this one thing! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
12/16/202211 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#480 My HONEST love Advice for Empaths (life changing)

Took me years to learn this one thing. If you're an empath you must watch this. Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
12/14/202212 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#479 The Moment You Start it, you are it (FINALLY START LIVING YOUR DREAM LIFE)

This one single concept has allowed me to raise my vibration and manifest my dream reality. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
12/12/202227 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#478 2023 The Year of Experimentation and a NEW YOU

This one thing will allow you manifest whatever you want in 2023. Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
12/9/202226 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#477 This video will give you permission to BE yourself and attract your dream life

I'll share with you the most powerful way to shift your reality and become who you truly came here to be. Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
Episode Artwork

EP#476 This video will prove you are worthy (and not broken)

If you let go of this one simple idea, you then will feel worthy AF... Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
12/5/202235 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#475 5 Things I do every Morning for Irresistibly Magnetic Energy

This is the morning routine that has allowed me to raise my vibration and manifest my dream reality. Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
12/2/202215 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#474 This episode will make you unstuck.

If you feel stuck in life, this episode will change your life. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️
11/30/202232 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#473 This Was A Kept Secret By Guru's - It Only Takes 3 Days!

I'm sharing this secret on my channel for the very first time... Only use for good. Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
11/28/202216 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#472 Expand Your Identity in 2023 and WATCH what happens

Here is what you need to know about 2023 and how you can prepare. Get lifetime access to all of my most powerful courses here: ➡️ My good friend Victor and I will teach you how to finally build your purpose based business, grab your spot here: ➡️ 
11/25/202222 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#471 Find your frame and be Attractive AF (by doing this ONE thing)

This one single concept has changed my life (and it'll change yours too). Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
11/23/202223 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#470 manifesting is f*cking up your life.

You're never going to attract what you want if you keep doing this. This meditation will help you feel 100% worthy, whole and complete: ➡️ 
11/19/202218 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#469 To Attract Higher Conscious Love WATCH THIS!

This is the most effective way to manifest the love you want! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️ Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
11/18/202216 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#468 How Overstimulation Is DESTROYING Your Vibration...

Fixing this will allow you to manifest faster and easier! Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
11/16/202228 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#467 Leave It Alone & It Will Come! (Manifest Your Future)

Let go to let in, this is the key for you to manifesting your dream life right meow! Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
11/11/202215 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#466 The 4 Steps I used to Create My Dream Life

Manifestation isn't working? Use these 4 simple steps to manifest whatever you desire! Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
11/9/202217 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#465 How to Let go and Be free even if you believe it's impossible

This one single concept will change your life forever. This FREE meditation will raise your dominant vibration permanently: ➡️ 
11/7/202216 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#464 The Secret to Identity Level Change (WARNING NO GOING BACK)

This one video will shift your identity, and there's no going back. This meditation will raise your dominant vibration permanentely!: ➡️ 
11/4/202214 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#463 I Raised My Vibration PERMANENTLY By Letting Go of THIS!

The one thing you must let go of in order to raise your vibration right now! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
11/2/202219 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#462 The Most Honest Attract Love Advice (I wish I knew earlier)

This honest advice will allow you to receive love in ways you never thought possible... Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
10/31/202213 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#461 If Someone Goes No Contact on You DO THIS NEXT!

If you don't do this, you will regret it for life... Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
10/28/202214 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#460 Use Vibration NOT WORDS To Manifest Your DREAM FUTURE In 2023

This one simple shift will allow you to manifest literally your deepest desires into your life. Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
10/26/202240 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#459 The NO Contact Manifesto Do THIS and NOT THIS!

Use the NO CONTACT RULE the right way like this! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount here: ➡️  Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
10/24/202216 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#458 INSTANTLY Turn Awkwardness Into ATTRACTIVENESS By Doing This ONE Thing!

This one simple shift will make you ATTRACTIVE AF instantly! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
10/21/202213 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#457 This Nightly Routine Raised my Vibration Permanently (in only 7 Days)

I'll be vulnerable with you and share exactly what I've been doing in order to raise my vibration permanently. Get your Whoop and TRY IT FOR FREE here: ➡️ Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
10/19/202237 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#456 You Will NEVER Find Love Without THIS...

This one belief is BLOCKING LOVE from your life! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
10/17/202214 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#455 Letting Go Will SKYROCKET Your Vibration!

Raising your vibration is EASY AF when you do this one thing! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
10/16/202215 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#454 Unleash Attractive AF Energy by Maintaining your Frame

This is the key to becoming ATTRACTIVE AF INSTANTLY! Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
10/14/202221 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#453 If You're Going Through a Break Up WATCH THIS!

If you're going through a break up, this video is for you... Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
10/13/202216 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#452 What Does the NO Contact Rule do to Your EX (and YOU) Energetically?

Find out how is the no contact rule affecting YOUR EX and YOU energetically! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
10/12/202212 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#451 The 3 Ways The NO CONTACT Rule Is Used INCORRECTLY!

Are you using the NO CONTACT Rule correctly? Find out right meow! Manifest Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️  Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
10/10/202215 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#450 just f*king start.

This episode will help you make the choice to finally start! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️
10/9/202214 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#449 Why Not Giving a F*ck Makes You Attractive AF

The one thing you must know that makes you ATTRACTIVE AF! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
10/7/202213 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#448 The Best Heart Break Advice that will Change Your Life (and help you heal)

If you're going through a break up, this video is for you... Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ Find out your vibration now and receive a personalized meditation that will raise your vibration to a whole new level here: ➡️ 
10/6/202214 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#447 How To Shift Your Identity Easily In 12 Minutes! (Most Powerful Way)

This is they key to shifting into your desired reality right meow! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
10/5/202212 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#446 No Contact Rule Works 99% of the time when you do this ONE thing!

This one thing will make them CHASE YOU!!! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
10/3/202212 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#445 4 Mantras for EXTREMELY Magnetic Energy (say this EVERY day)

Learn the most powerful mantras for creating magnetic energy! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
10/2/202217 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#444 WATCH THIS To Make Them Call & Talk To You EVERY DAY

This is how you make them to call you! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
9/30/202214 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#443 This WILL Make Them Come Back & Beg To be With You Again... (GUARANTEED)

Make them CHASE YOU! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
9/29/202214 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#442 SKYROCKET Your Vibration to a Whole New Level by doing this ONE Thing!

This will raise your vibration PERMANENTLY! Join The New Raise Your Vibration Challenge Here: ➡️  Find out what's your vibration here: ➡️  
9/28/202214 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#441 How To INSTANTLY Turn Awkwardness Into ATTRACTIVENESS & Charisma

This is what you must know in order to become attractive af instantly! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
9/26/202216 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#440 How To BRAINWASH Yourself For Love & Abundance

This ONE thing will Instantly reprogram yourself for love and abundance! Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
9/25/202220 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork


Become ATTRACTIVE AF like this! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Manifest Your Dream Life With The Magnetic Activation Process here: ➡️ 
9/23/202219 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#438 DO THIS For 7 Days To Manifest The Future You Want!

Raise your magnetic energy and attract the future you want right meow! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️  Find out what's your vibration here: ➡️ 
9/22/202220 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#437 The MOST POWERFUL Strategy To Reprogram Your Mind For LOVE

This ONE thing will make them CHASE YOU! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ Find out what's your vibration here: ➡️ 
9/21/202222 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#436 2 Things that GUARANTEE You Manifest Your Dream Life this YEAR!

Manifesting your dream life is EASY AF when you do this! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
9/19/202215 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#435 NEVER Get Ghosted Again By Doing this ONE Thing!

Become MAGNETIC AF and you'll NEVER be ghosted again! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
9/18/202217 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#437 DO THIS For 7 Days To Manifest The Future You Want!

Manifesting your dream life is EASY AF when you do this! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
9/16/202213 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#436 3 Habits That Make People Immediately FALL IN LOVE With You! (Start Doing This)

Start doing this and they will chase you ! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ Download FOR FREE The 5 Secrets To Having Irresistible Attractive Energy here: ➡️ 
9/15/202214 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#432 The #1 Technique for Irresistible Attractive Energy (only use for good)

This ONE technique will make you ATTRACTIVE AF! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ Learn The 5 Secrets To Having Irresistible Attractive Energy here: ➡️ 
9/14/202217 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#431 If you’re losing attraction in a relationship DO THIS NOW!

Make them CHASE YOU like this! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Get my 3 most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ 
9/12/202216 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#430 How To Design Your Dream Life (STEP BY STEP)

Manifesting your dream life becomes EASY AF when you do this! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
9/11/202219 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#429 Nice Guys and People Pleasers MUST Watch this for the CURE

Let go of needy energy and become attractive AF right meow! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️  Get my 3 most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ 
9/9/202217 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#428 NO CONTACT Only Works When You Do THIS!

This is how you get your ex back! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ Get my 3 most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ 
9/8/202217 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#427 The #1 Secret to Sexual Attraction and Polarity

This one thing will make them CHASE YOU! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️
9/7/202215 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#426 Become Irresistibly Attractive by NOT GIVING A F*CK!

The secret to becoming ATTRACTIVE AF in less than 10 minutes! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
9/5/202214 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#425 Unleash Irresistible Magnetic Energy by Doing this ONE thing!

The ONE THING you must do for you to become MAGNETIC AF! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
9/4/202212 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#424 Why They Will Come Back & Why They Beg To be With You Again...

Become MAGNETIC AF and make them CHASE YOU like this! Get my 3 most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
9/2/202218 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#423 The 3 Things That Make Women Lose Attraction To Men

If you keep doing these 3 things you will repel love! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️  Get my 3 most powerful meditations FOR GREE here: ➡️ 
9/1/202216 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#422 Manifest Your Greatest Desires After Letting go of This!

Fix this now and attract the love you want right meow! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
8/31/202222 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#421 Why Do Empaths Struggle to Attract Love?

Letting go is the key to manifesting your greatest desires! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️  Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️
8/29/202214 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#420 ASK THESE 3 Questions On A Date To Find The PERFECT Partner!

These questions will make you MAGNETIC AF!Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️  Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
8/28/202219 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#419 Why do Setting Boundaries Make You Magnetic?

Setting boundaries is EASY AF when you do this! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
8/26/202218 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#418 The 5 Biggest Mistakes That KILL Attraction...

Fixing these mistakes will make you ATTRACTIVE AF right meow! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
8/25/202221 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#417 Why when you Detach they ATTACH!

This video will explain why detachment is the key to being MAGNETIC AF! Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
8/24/202215 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#416 5 Reasons High Vibe People Struggle to Attract Love (The TRUTH!)

Find out why is it so hard for high vibe people to attract the love they trule want and how to fix it! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Are you ready to become the most magnetic version of you? Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
8/22/202221 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#415 The #1 Belief that BLOCKS Attracting Love More than Anything Else!

Unleash the most magnetic version of you by changing this ONE belief! Are you ready to become the most magnetic version of you? Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
8/21/202216 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#414 Why is Not Giving a f*ck SO Attractive?

Detachment is the key to being attractive af, this video will explain it all! Are you ready to become the most magnetic version of you? Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
8/18/202211 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#413 3 Traits of EXTREMELY Attractive People That are Irresistible

Being IRRESISTIBLE AF is easy AF when you do this! Are you ready to become the most magnetic version of you? Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
8/17/202214 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#412 If someone goes no contact on you, do this!

This is the key to being ATTRACTIVE AF! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Are you ready to become the most magnetic version of you? Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
8/15/202218 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#411 3 Things that DESTROY Attractive Energy and How to Transform it and Be Irresistible

Love will chase you when you apply these 3 secrets into your life! Are you ready to become the most magnetic version of you? Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
8/14/202212 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#410 To Unleash Non-Attached Magnetic Energy WATCH THIS!

Let go of needy energy and become MAGNETIC AF right meow! Are you ready to become the most magnetic version of you? Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
8/12/202214 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#409 The #1 Key to Magnetic Energy that Makes You Attractive AF

This video will help you raise your magnetic energy so that you become ATTRACTIVE AF! Are you ready to become the most magnetic version of you? Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️
8/11/202213 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#408 The 3 Biggest Mistakes That KILL Attraction...

Fix this now and become ATTRACTIVE AF right now! Are you ready to become the most magnetic version of you? Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡️ 
8/10/202218 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#407 3 Confidence Secrets of EXTREMELY Attractive People

This video will raise your confidence energy so that you become a more magnetic you! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️  
8/8/202220 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#406 If You Want Them To Commit To You, DO THIS!

Stop chasing people and learn how to make them CHASE YOU! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
8/7/202213 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#405 How do I Stop Fearing the End? Stop Sabotaging Love Like This...

Fearing the end? Watch this now to finally stop sabotaging love! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
8/5/202213 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#404 5 Subtle Ways to Make a Man Chase You

Learn how to MAKE HIM CHASE YOU like this! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
8/4/202215 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#403 Secrets to Attract Your Ex Back (only use for good)

ONLY USE FOR GOOD! These secrets will make you MAGNETIC AF! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️
8/3/202215 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#402 Heartbreak Advice to Let go and (Finally) Move on… (life changing)

This ONE advice is what you really need to hear right now! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
8/1/202213 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#401 Why is NO CONTACT So Magnetic Energetically?

In this video you'll learn the secret to magnetic energy! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
7/31/202213 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

EP#400 5 of the WORST Pieces of Dating and relationship Advice that doesn’t work!

Stop doing this and become MAGNETIC AF right meow! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
7/29/202216 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#399 If You Want To Be Impressive To Women, WATCH THIS!

This will make you ADDICTIVE! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
7/28/202215 minutes
Episode Artwork

EP#398 The 5 Ways To SPOT Their Current FEELINGS FOR YOU!

Stop wasting your time and spot their feelings for you right now! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
7/27/202214 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#397 3 Rules Of The Game Only 1% Of Men KNOW...

Learn these 3 rules and become MAGNETIC AF right meow! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ 
7/25/202221 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#396 3 Dating Secrets for Empaths that make them IRRESISTIBLE

If you're an Empath, this video will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
7/24/202211 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#395 Why the Less F*cks You Give The More Attractive You Are...

This video will help you become ATTRACTIVE AF right meow! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️
7/22/202213 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#394 The REAL Law Of Attraction Part NOBODY TALKS About!

The missing key for you to attracting what you truly want! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️
7/21/202214 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#393 The #1 Belief ALL Highly Magnetic People Have

This ONE belief will make you MAGNETIC AF right meow! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️
7/20/202213 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#392 If You Want To Find A High-Value Man, WATCH THIS!

This will help you attract your ideal partner! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
7/18/202221 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#391 This Detachment Style Releases Pure MAGNETIC ATTRACTION...

Fix this and become MAGNETIC AF NOW! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
7/17/202214 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#390 Why Does Attracting a Specific Person Never Work? (unless you do this)

Fix this now to attract your ideal partner! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️
7/15/202212 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#389 The ONLY WAY To Heal & Move On From Abandonment Issues...

This video will help you heal abandonment wounds and raise your confident energy! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
7/14/202214 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

EP#388 DO THIS To Make Someone Want You AGAIN! (Tips You Need To Know)

What you need to know to make them CHASE YOU! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
7/13/202213 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#387 What Happens When You Go NO CONTACT Energetically?

This one thing will make them chase you! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
7/11/202213 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#386 3 Traits that Make Spiritual People NOT Attractive

Raise your confidence energy and become attractive af now! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️
7/10/202214 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#385 Why Do I Attract People Who Don't Commit? (The SECRET Reason)

Fix this and attract your ideal partner now! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️
7/8/202213 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#384 This Common Love Advice Will Keep You Lonely FOREVER...

This will stop you from attracting love, FIX THIS NOW! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
7/7/202213 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#383 The 3 LOVE BLOCKS That Make You Less Attractive (FIX THIS!)

Fix this now and become attractive af! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️
7/6/202214 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#382 STOP trying to attract love and you’ll have it! The Backwards Law

This LAW will change your life! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️
7/4/202211 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#381 Why He COMES BACK After You Give Him DISTANCE!

This is how he'll CHASE YOU! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️
7/3/202214 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#380 If You Want Them To Call You Instantly, WATCH THIS! (You Will Be On Their Mind)

Make them CHASE YOU! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
7/1/202213 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#379 Say This ONE AFFIRMATION To Manifest Magnetic Energy & Miracles!

Manifest MAGNETIC ENERGY now! Today is THE LAST DAY to Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge! Join here to become a more confident and magnetic version of you: ➡️ 
6/30/202214 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#378 The Magnetic Frame (Destroy Needy Energy for GOOD!)

This will STOP NEEDY ENERGY now! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️  If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️
6/29/202214 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#377 3 Magnetic Secrets for Empaths that make them IRRESISTIBLE

Being IRRESISTIBLE is EASY AF if you apply these 3 secrets! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
6/27/202218 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#376 3 Things You MUST Let Go of to be Magnetic AF

Being MAGNETIC AF is easy when you let go of these 3 things! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️  If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️  
6/26/202212 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#375 DO THIS To Get Them Hooked IN The EARLY STAGES Of Dating!

Make them CHASE YOU like this! Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
6/24/202212 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#374 5 Traits That Make You Confident and Attractive AF.

These secrets will raise your magnetic energy and make you ATTRACTIVE AF! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️  Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
6/23/202215 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#373 If You DO THESE 3 Things, The Universe Will GIVE YOU What You Want!

These 3 things will make you MAGNETIC AF! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️  Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next YouTube video? Text me your question here: ➡️ 
6/22/202215 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#372 The WEIRD REASON Walking Away Gets Your EX BACK...

This will make him CHASE YOU! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next Podcast episode? Text me your question here: ➡️
6/20/202217 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#371 DON'T FORGET What Life Is REALLY About...

Would you like me to answer one of your questions in my next Podcast episode? Text me your question here: ➡️ If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
6/19/202214 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#370 The 3 Signs You Should KEEP TRYING With Him!

Not sure if you should keep trying with him? WATCH THIS! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ 
6/17/202215 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork


Be UNFOTGETTABLE on a date like this! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ 
6/16/202215 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#368 STOP CHASING A Guy & Do This Instead! (He Will CHASE YOU)

This is how you MAKE HIM CHASE YOU! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️
6/15/202213 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#367 What Happens When You Let Someone Go Energetically?

This is why letting go is the key to being attractive af! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️
6/13/202218 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#366 If You Feel LONELY In Life, WATCH THIS!

YOU'RE NOT ALONE! This video will transform your life! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
6/12/202215 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#365 Do These 3 Things & They Will CHASE YOU! (Try It & See Results)

Attracting Love is EASY AF when you do this! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
6/10/202212 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#364 3 Magnetic Secrets for Introverts (that make you Irresistible AF)

Introverts are MAGNETIC AF when they do this! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
6/9/202212 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#363 3 FATAL Mistakes People Make Attracting a Specific Person

These mistakes are blocking you from attracting love! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
6/8/202214 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#362 The "NO CONTACT" Rule Explained (How To Do It CORRECTLY)

Become MAGNETIC AF and make them chase YOU like this! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
6/6/202211 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#361 3 Things Magnetic People Do to be IRRESISTIBLE!

This video will help you raise your magnetic energy so you can attract the reality you want! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
6/5/202213 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#360 After WATCHING THIS, You Will NEVER Manifest The Same!

This will help you manifest whatever you want in your life! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
6/3/202212 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#359 WATCH THIS To Set Boundaries So You Don't Get PUSHED AROUND

Setting Boundaries is EASY AF when you do this! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
6/2/202215 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#358 What really happened on December 21, 2012? The Scary TRUTH

Nobody wants you to know this about December 21, 2012! f you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
6/1/202227 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#357 3 Secrets to Confidence that Makes You IRRESISTIBLE AF

These secrets will raise your confidence energy and make you attractive AF! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
5/30/202220 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#356 3 EASY WAYS To Become Irresistible so THEY NEVER WANT To Leave

Becoming IRRESISTIBLE is EASY AF when you do this! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
5/29/202213 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#355 5 Traits of EXTREMELY Attractive People and What makes them Irresistible

This is how you become ATTRACTIVE AF! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
5/27/202214 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#354 The Secret Embodiment Technique That Makes You Attractive AF

This ONE thing will make you ATTRACTIVE AF! If you feel ready to become a more confident and magnetic version of you, Join The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge here: ➡️
5/26/202211 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#353 3 Confidence Secrets To Being Attractive AF

Raise your confidence energy and become magnetic af like this! The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge starts on July 1st! Join here: ➡️ 
5/25/202213 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#352 Why Men ALWAYS Come Back.. (& What To Do!)

They will CHASE YOU after this! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ The 21 Day Confidence Love Challenge starts on July 1st! Join here: ➡️
5/23/202217 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#351 How To ATTRACT Without Chasing & Make Them DESIRE YOU

Make them CHASE YOU like this! If you're ready to remove love blocks and become more magnetic, join the Magnetic Love Challenge here: ➡️
5/22/202212 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#350 Why Haven't I Found My Soul Family Yet? The TRUTH!

This will help you manifest your soul family! Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ 
5/20/202219 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#349 The Magnetic Power of "That's Your Sh*t NOT MINE"

This MANTRA will change your life! If you're ready to remove love blocks and become more magnetic, join the Magnetic Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
5/19/202211 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#348 Why Does He Run Away The More You Like Him? (what to do about it)

Make HIM CHASE YOU! If you're ready to remove love blocks and become more magnetic, join the Magnetic Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
5/18/202213 minutes
Episode Artwork

EP#347 What causes you to be Magnetic, Confident and Attractive?

This is what makes you MAGNETIC AF! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ If you're ready to remove love blocks and become more magnetic, join the Magnetic Love Challenge here: ➡️
5/16/202216 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#346 How to LET GO of Attachment in 10 Minutes (No B.S)

Letting go is EASY AF when you do this! Listen to the Ho'oponopono Meditation for 21 days here: ➡️ 
5/15/20229 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#345 Why Being MORE DETACHED Makes You Attractive AF!

The key to becoming MAGNETIC AF is DETACHMENT! Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ 
5/13/202215 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#344 The Most EYE-OPENING 15 Minutes Of Your Life (YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME)

These SECRET concepts will change your entire life! Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ 
5/12/202214 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#343 The 3 Reasons He STOPPED Chasing You...

They will CHASE YOU! If you're ready to remove love blocks and become more magnetic, join the Magnetic Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
5/11/202215 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#342 The HARDER You Try, The WORSE It Gets! (Law of Reversed Effort)

This one law explains how to attract what you truly want! Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ 
5/9/202215 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#341 Why is it Hard for High Vibrational People to Attract love?

Become a MAGNET for love like this! If you're ready to remove love blocks and become more magnetic, join the Magnetic Love Challenge here: ➡️
5/8/202216 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#340 Why Are Empaths MAGNETS to Narcissists? (NOT What you think!)

Stop being a MAGNET to Narcissists like this! If you're ready to remove love blocks and become more magnetic, join the Magnetic Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
5/6/202212 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#339 If you are the Lone Wolf in Your Family WATCH THIS!

In this episode I'll explain why being the Lone Wolf in your family is a gift from the universe! Join The Shift Experience Live Event to remove the blocks holding you back from embodying your purpose! Grab your spot here (Last time to join!): ➡️ 
5/5/202215 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#338 3 Ways to QUANTUM SHIFT to a NEW Reality in 21 Days

These secret techniques will help you shift and manifest a whole new reality! Join The Shift Experience Live Event to remove the blocks holding you back from embodying your purpose! Grab your spot here: ➡️ 
5/4/202213 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#337 THEY LEFT? This Reaction Makes Them Fight For You!

They WILL CHASE YOU! If you're ready to remove love blocks and become more magnetic, join the Magnetic Love Challenge here: ➡️ 
5/2/202215 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#336 Manifest 10x FASTER By Releasing Resistance TODAY

These manifestation secrets will make you MAGNETIC AF! Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ 
5/1/202213 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#335 3 Ways To SET BOUNDARIES With The Universe (Why It's Important)

Manifest your dream life by setting boundaries with the universe like this! Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ 
4/29/202214 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#334 Why Did Johnny Depp Attract Amber Heard?

Why do people attract Narcissists and why did Johnny Depp attract Amber Heard? This meditation will help you set boundaries and heal co-dependency, listen it for 21 days here: ➡️ 
4/28/202222 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#333 3 Things You MUST Do to Manifest Your Dream Life in 90 Days!

What you must know to manifest whatever you want! If you're ready to remove the blocks holding you back from embodying your purpose, join The Shift Experience Live Event here: ➡️ 
4/27/202215 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#332 I Spent 241K On Self-Improvement To Learn These 3 Lessons

These 3 lessons will change your life! Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ 
4/25/202215 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#331 If You Get OBSESSED When You Like Someone, WATCH THIS!

They will CHASE YOU! If you're ready to remove love blocks and become more magnetic, Join the Magnetic Love Challenge here: ➡️   
4/24/202216 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#330 Why Setting Boundaries Makes You Attractive AF (how to set them like a BOSS)

Setting boundaries is easy AF when you do this! Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ 
4/22/202215 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#329 The Surprising Reason You Control and Don't Trust the Universe

Let go of control and allow amazing things coming into your life right meow!. Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️
4/21/202214 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#328 5 Signs You're in 5D Energy NOW (ARE YOU IN IT?)

What you MUST know about 5D! Join The Shift Experience Live Event to remove the blocks holding you back from embodying your purpose! Grab your spot here: ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/20/202214 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#327 5 Secrets to Confident Magnetic Energy (they will chase you)

Raise your confidence energy like this! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ Join The Shift Experience Live Event to remove the blocks holding you back from embodying your purpose! Grab your spot here: ➡️ Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/18/202216 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#326 5 Things Empaths MUST Know (to Survive and Thrive in 2022)

If you're an Empath you MUST WATCH THIS! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ Join The Shift Experience Live Event to remove the blocks holding you back from embodying your purpose! Grab your spot here: ➡️ Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/17/202214 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#323 5 Secrets to Letting Go that Make You Confident AF

Setting Boundaries is EASY AF when you do this! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/15/202217 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#322 The Suprising Reason You Attract Emotionally Unavailable People into your life

Stop attracting emotionally unavailable people now! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/14/202212 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#321 5 Things You MUST do for the HUGE ENERGY SHIFT coming...

They don't want you to know this! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ This Meditation Will Shift You to a Parallel Reality. Click here to listen: ➡️ Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/13/202225 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#320 Why Being DISTRACTED By Everything Means You're NOT MANIFESTING

This is blocking your manifestations! Join The Shift Experience Live Event to remove the blocks holding you back from embodying your purpose! Grab your spot here (Limited spots!): ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/11/202215 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#319 The Surprising Reason You Attract Narcissists (How to Break the Cycle)

Stop doing this and break the cycle! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/10/202214 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#318 STOP Being A Nice Guy Or You Will REGRET IT!

Stop doing this and become MAGNETIC AF! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/8/202212 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#317 STOP WAITING For His Text & DO THIS Instead!

Make them CHASE YOU! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/7/202214 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#316 The 3 Scariest Secrets Of The Universe (that makes letting go easy AF)

Letting go is easy AF when you do this! Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/6/202215 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#315 5 Ways to manifest love from a HIGH Vibration and be Magnetic As F*ck

Attracting love becomes easy AF when you do this! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/4/202242 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#314 Why are High Vibrational People Lonely? (Hard to Hear)

The truth about high vibrational people! Join The Shift Experience Live Event to remove the blocks holding you back from embodying your purpose! Grab your spot here (Limited spots!): ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/3/202213 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#313 How To STOP OBSESSING Over Someone & Start LETTING GO...

Let go and become MAGNETIC AF like this! Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ Join The Shift Experience Live Event to remove the blocks holding you back from embodying your purpose! Grab your spot here (Limited spots!): ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/1/202228 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#312 If Perfectionism is Holding You Back WATCH THIS!

Stop doing this to master your life! Join The Shift Experience Live Event to remove the blocks holding you back from embodying your purpose! Grab your spot here (Limited spots!): ➡️ Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/31/202220 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

EP#311 This ONE INVISIBLE FORCE Is In Control Of Your Life! (How To Master It)

The one thing you need to do to master your life! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/30/202217 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#310 3 Secrets to Letting Go in 15 mins (Let Go of Outcome and Attachment)

Letting go is EASY AF when you do this! Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/28/202215 minutes
Episode Artwork

EP#309 The 3 Ways To Get Over Your Ex & ATTRACT LOVE

Attracting love becomes EASY AF when you do this! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/27/202212 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#308 Listen To THIS EVERYDAY To Manifest Anything (POWERFUL TECHNIQUE)

This technique will make you MAGNETIC AF! Learn how to raise your vibration permanently with my new and FREE guide! Download it here: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/25/202214 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#307 Why Do They Come BACK Once You Let Them Go?

Make them CHASE YOU! Listen to the most powerful meditation for attracting a relationship for 21 days here: ➡️ Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/24/202218 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#306 The 3 Things To MASTER Before You Meet Someone

Manifest whatever you want now! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: ➡️ Watch my video on YouTube "The Most Effective Way To Manifest Love. Period." Here: ➡️ Learn how to raise your vibration permanently with my new and FREE guide! Download it here: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/23/202219 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#305 The 3 Keys to Effortless Manifestation (it's time for you to chill)

Make them CHASE YOU! Listen to the most powerful meditation for healing your inner child here: ➡️ Learn The SECRET HACKS To Shift Your PARADIGM (Do This Today!) here: ➡️ Download my NEW and FREE guide on How To Raise Your Vibration Permanently here!: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/21/202214 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#304 Letting Someone Go... (Taoism For BROKEN HEARTS)

Letting go is EASY AF when you do this! Starting on March 18-20 we will be doing a FREE 3 Day Own Your Vibe Challenge Grab your spot here! ➡️ Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/18/202241 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#303 5 Signs You Are Raising Your Vibration to the New Earth

What you must know to ascend to the New Earth in 2022! Starting on March 18-20 we will be doing a FREE 3 Day Own Your Vibe Challenge Grab your spot here! ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/16/202235 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#302 Why Being NEEDY Is Destroying Your Life & Making You LESS ATTRACTIVE!

I'll reveal my secrets on how I've manifested my dream life! Starting on March 18-20 we will be doing a FREE 3 Day Own Your Vibe Challenge Grab your spot here! ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/11/202226 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#301 STOP CHASING A Girl & Do This Instead! (She Will CHASE YOU)

They will CHASE YOU! Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/4/202229 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#300 2022 Predictions for the NEW EARTH with Bracha Goldsmith

What you must know about the NEW EARTH! Watch my interview and subscribe to Bracha's channel here: ➡️ Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/2/202247 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#299 If Someone Has Ghosted You, WATCH THIS!

They will CHASE YOU if you do this! Join The Shift Experience Live to elevate your consciousness, embody your purpose and TRANSFORM your life from the inside out here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/23/202232 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#298 You Will MANIFEST More Than Ever Before In 2022 AFTER THIS...

Manifestation becomes EASY AF when you do this! Join The Shift Experience Live to elevate your consciousness, embody your purpose and TRANSFORM your life from the inside out here: ➡️  Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/21/202237 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#297 Why CHASING A Specific Person Is DESTROYING Your Life!

This will make you MAGNETIC AF! Join The Shift Experience Live to elevate your consciousness, embody your purpose and TRANSFORM your life from the inside out here: ➡️ Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/18/202238 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#296 Set Boundaries Like a BOSS and Win at Love, Money and LIFE

Become MAGNETIC AF by setting boundaries like this!. Join the Magnetic Love Challenge to heal and release love blocks so that you attract love easily into your life! Join here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/16/202247 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#295 9 Signs You Have LOW VIBRATION & Why It's Making You LESS ATTRACTIVE!

Raise your vibration and become MAGNETIC AF like this! Join The LIVE 3 Day Full Time Purpose Challenge here: ➡️  The Full Time Purpose Challenge starts on February 18th to the 20th and you will learn how to build your purpose based business (from scratch) so that you can earn what you're worth and enjoy a lifestyle of abundance. Register here: ➡️   Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/14/202232 minutes, 55 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#294 3 EASY WAYS To Become Irresistible So They NEVER WANT To Leave

They will never leave you if you apply these secrets! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/11/202235 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#293 How The Law Of Attraction REALLY WORKS! (Manifest Anything You Want) | John Assaraf

These secrets about the law of attraction will blow your mind! John Assaraf will help you remove blocks that are holding you back from achieving your financial goals and dream life! Sign up FOR FREE here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/2/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#292 LET THEM MISS YOU, Let Go and Let the Universe work it out

This one shift will make you magnetic AF! Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here: ➡️ Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/31/202234 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#291 The #1 Thing HOLDING YOU BACK From Achieving SUCCESS

The one thing you need to know in order to create the success you want. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/26/202246 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#290 REMOVE THESE 4 Roadblocks To Enter 2022 As A NEW PERSON

Remove these blocks to create your dream reality! Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here: ➡️ Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/24/202233 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#289 Attract Love in 30 Days or Less by doing THIS!

Become MAGNETIC AF like this! Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here: ➡️ Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/21/202236 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#288 DO THIS DAILY To Turn Your Dreams Into REALITY

This is how you manifest your dream reality! Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/19/202230 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#287 DO THIS EVERYDAY To Start Manifesting LOVE In Your Life!

Manifesting LOVE becomes EASY AF when you do this. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/14/202236 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#286 How To LET GO, MOVE ON & Make 2022 Your Year!

Letting go is easy when you do this! Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/12/202228 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork


What you need to know to become ATTRACTIVE AF! Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/7/202239 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#284 5 Ways Not Giving a F*ck will Raise Your Vibration (and how to do it)

Stop giving a f*ck and become MAGNETIC AF by doing this! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/5/202243 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#283 Remove these Money Blocks and Money Will FLOW Like Crazy

Fix this now and become a MAGNET FOR ABUNDANCE! Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/31/202141 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#282 This ONE Magnetic Energy SHIFT will Make You Attractive AF

Raise your energy and become magnetic af like this! Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/29/202129 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#281 The MOST EFFECTIVE Way To Manifest MONEY. Period

This is how MONEY will chase you! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/27/202132 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#280 EVERYTHING You've Been Taught About Manifesting Success IS WRONG!

Fix this now to unlock money and abundance from coming into your life! Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/24/202130 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#279 YOUR NEXT 6 Steps To COMPLETELY CHANGE Your Life For 2022

What you must know to make 2022 your best year yet! Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/22/202148 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#278 5 Life Changing Truths About Money That will Make You RICH

The 5 truths you need to know to manifest money! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/20/202147 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#277 How to prepare for 12-21-2021 (and what we must do for 2022)

Here is what you need to know about 12-21-2021 and how you can prepare! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/17/202133 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#276 The 5 Ways To INSTANTLY Become More ATTRACTIVE

These 5 ways will make you ATTRACTIVE AF! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Join the Magnetic Love Challenge to heal and release love blocks so that you attract love easily into your life! Join here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/15/202137 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#275 The Law Of Vibration EXPLAINED - What It Is & How To USE IT!

This one law is more POWERFUL than the Law Of Attraction! Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here: ➡️  To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/13/202136 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#274 5 Confidence SECRETS that Make You Attractive AF

Become ATTRACTIVE AF like this! Join the 21 Day Magnetic Abundance Challenge to remove limiting beliefs about money and become a more abundant you in just 21 days! Join here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/10/202135 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#273 Why Letting Go to Let IN is Manifestation MAGIC (and how to do it)

This episode reveals the secret that will allow you manifest your dream life! Join the Magnetic Love Challenge to heal and release love blocks so that you attract love easily into your life! Join here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/8/202129 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#272 The #1 REASON You're Single & Can't FIND LOVE

In this episode I'm going to reveal the #1 reason you may have trouble finding love. Join the waitlist for the brand new challenge where I'll help you raise your abundance vibration here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/1/202130 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork


In this episode I'll share with you why being nice leads to rejection and how to change this in your life. Get EVERY meditation and EVERY workshop I've ever created here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/24/202129 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#270 The Cure to Seeking Validation and People Pleasing (that will change your life)

In this episode you will learn the cure to seeking validation so that you can step into your highest self! Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/17/202129 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#269 Let Go of People Thinking You Are A "Good" Person To Have MAGNETIC Energy

In this episode you'll share with you how to let go of caring what people think so that you have magnetic energy AF! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/15/202133 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#268 3 Secrets to Letting Go of Caring What People Think

In this episode you'll learn my most powerful secrets to letting go of caring what people think! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Get my top three most powerful meditations FOR FREE here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/10/202127 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#267 SHIFT into Alignment PERMANENTLY by doing this ONE thing

In this episode I'll share with you how to align permanently to your HIGHEST purpose by doing ONE THING. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Learn how to build your purpose based business (from scratch) so that you can earn what you're worth and enjoy a lifestyle of abundance here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/3/202126 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#266 Secrets To Letting Go Of An Ex/Past Relationships, Drugs, And Outcome That Will Make You Free AF

Here are my secrets to letting go that will change your life! Find out your vibration and receive a personalized meditation that will help you raise your level of consciousness: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/27/202133 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#265 This ONE Secret to Manifestation is EXACTLY what you need to hear Right MEOW!

There's ONE THING you need to know to manifest your dream life and in this episode I'll share with you what that is. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Learn how to build your purpose based business (from scratch) so that you can earn what you're worth and enjoy a lifestyle of abundance here: ➡️ To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/20/202131 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#264 My Secrets That Make Letting Go Easy AF

Letting go is easy when you make detachment easy like this. In this episode you will learn my secrets that make letting go easy AF! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: To join my high vibe tribe text me @ +1 (424) 304-0104 and I'll send you my top epiphanies, insights and books I'm currently reading! or click here ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/13/202121 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#263 The Dopamine And Manifestation problem (And How To Fix It)

In this episode I'm going to be sharing with you one of the most powerful realization I've had about Dopamine and how you can totally hack this in your favor to help you achieve your goals. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Join the Magnetic Love Challenge to heal and release love blocks so that you attract love easily into your life! Join here: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/6/202151 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#262 Your Comfort Zone IS Your Identity (STOP "Stepping Out" And Instead Do THIS)

There's something even more powerful than stepping out of your comfort zone. It has completely transformed how I've expanded my sense of self to create my dream life and in this episode you'll learn exactly how to do it. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Join the Magnetic Love Challenge to heal and release love blocks so that you attract love easily into your life! Join here: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/29/202142 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#261 5 Ways to STOP Abandoning Yourself in Love, Purpose and LIFE

Get rid of needy energy and become magnetic AF with these techniques! Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Join the Magnetic Love Challenge to heal and release love blocks so that you attract love easily into your life! Join here: ➡️ (Join and you'll also get The Frame Technique as a bonus to help you set boundaries!) Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/21/202153 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#260 BRUTALLY Honest Advice To The MANY Past Versions Of Me As Told From My Ipad Photos And Memories

On today's episode my intention is to inspire you through the different stages of your spiritual journey. We'll go back in time and I'll give honest advice on how you can create your dream life.Join the next LIVE GROUP ACTIVATION: ➡️ to raise the collective consciousness using the power of group Intention and heal the world to make it a better place. Go FULL Time Doing What You LOVE & Create A Life Of Freedom, Abundance, & IMPACT here: ➡️ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/14/202152 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#259 How To Manifest Using Parallel Realities (Step By Step)

In this episode we will talk about shifting through parallel realities and why this may be the most powerful way to manifest. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Join the next LIVE GROUP ACTIVATION: to raise the collective consciousness using the power of group Intention and heal the world to make it a better place. Join The Shift Academy here: to shift into the highest vibrational you so that you can create your dream life. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/7/202131 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#258 My Secrets to Bouncing BACK from Low Vibration INSTANTLY

In today's episode I'll share with you the most powerful techniques that I personally use to get out from feeling stuck in low vibration. Join The Daily Vortex at to access premium meditations, unity meditations and live workshops so we all raise our vibration together! Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/31/202132 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#257 The Vibration of Surrender and Control (How I use them to Manifest and Raise my Vibration)

In today's episode I'll share with you how to trust the universe and following the guidance we need so we can step into the unknown and allow magic into your life. Join The Daily Vortex at to access premium meditations, unity meditations and live workshops so we all raise our vibration together! Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/26/202155 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#256 7 Habits of High Vibrational People and 7 Ways You Raise Your Vibration Permanently TODAY

I believe your natural state of being is to be high all of the time (without any substances) and today's episode will be all about how to shift to a higher and new version of you so that you feel in alignment with who you really are.  Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Join the next LIVE GROUP ACTIVATION: to raise the collective consciousness using the power of group Intention and heal the world to make it a better place. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/24/202143 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#255 The Vibration of Addiction: How I Released Codependency and How I Feel High Most Of The Time (Without Substances)

In this episode we're going to understand how to break free from our attachments so that we can raise our vibration naturally. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Join HighViber today to access FREE meditations, live activations and workshops at: Join the 21 Day Raise Your Love Vibration Challenge to get rid of love blocks and become a more magnetic version of you in less than 21 days: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/19/202139 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#254 My Secret Manifestation Formula for Becoming My Future Self INSTANTLY

In today's episode you'll learn my secret formula for becoming my future self so that you can apply it in your life and create your dream life! Join the 21 Day Magnetic Love Challenge to get rid of love blocks and become a more magnetic version of you in less than 21 days: Join HighViber Live TODAY at to access live monthly workshops and meditations that will help you raise your vibration and create your dream life. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/17/202133 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#253 5 Secrets to Becoming so Vibrationally RICH that Money Chases YOU

On this podcast we'll talk about the aspects and things that will help you become vibrationally rich so that you can create your dream life. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Join HighViber today to access FREE meditations, live activations and workshops at: Go FULL Time Doing What You LOVE & Create A Life Of Freedom, Abundance, & IMPACT here:  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/12/202146 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#252 Conor McGregor's Vibrational FALL And What We Can Learn From The EGO's Desires To Manifest

In this episode you will learn how the negative ego blocks manifestation and how can we get more in alignment to create the things that our soul really wants. Join HighViber today to access FREE meditations, live activations and workshops at: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/10/202150 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#251 Polarity Pitfalls And How To IGNITE Your Feminine or Masculine Energy with Mat Shaffer

To join Mat's FREE 3 week Mastery Of Connection Coaching Group click here:  In today's episode I'm with my good friend Mat Shaffer! We're going to be talking about the three most common feminine and masculine polarity pitfalls in relationships and how you can heal them. Get Your 20% Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/5/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#250 Alchemizing The Past To Tap Into Your Psychic Abilities with Activation Vibration

I'm very excited that you will get to know Heather AKA Activation Vibration in this episode! We're going to be talking about transforming a difficult past to tap into intuitive abilities and much more! Connect with Heather and her content here: and @ActivationVibration on Instagram! Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/3/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#249 The Vibration of ADHD And How I RID Myself Of It

In this episode we'll talk about the Vibration of ADHD and how I overcame this in my own life. Join HighViber today to access FREE meditations, live activations and workshops at: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/29/202145 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#248 The Vibration of BEING it! The Secret to Attracting Your Dream Reality

If you're feeling stuck right now, feeling like maybe you're not ready for whatever goal you have in mind, then the intention of this episode is to help you become who you need to be in order to just go for it! Join HighViber today to access FREE meditations, live activations and workshops at: Go FULL Time Doing What You LOVE & Create A Life Of Freedom, Abundance, & IMPACT here:  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/27/202128 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP#247 Abandonment: Healing From Emotional Abandonment And Loving YourSELF

In this episode we'll talk about abandonment, how we may have experienced it growing up and how that led to us abandoning ourselves later in life. Get Your Organifi Discount: Join HighViber today to access FREE meditations, live activations and workshops at: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/22/202140 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP#246 The Vibration Of Imposter Syndrome And How To Overcome It Once And For ALL

The goal of this episode is to help free you from the Vibration Of Imposter Syndrome so that you can be who you came here to be and feel confident in who you are. Join HighViber today to access FREE meditations, live activations and workshops at: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/20/202131 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP#245 The 3 Worthiness And Self-Love Wounds (And How To Heal Them)

In this episode I'll share with you the 3 biggest blocks when it comes to self-love and self-worthiness, how do they affect in our adult life and how to heal them. Access The Frame Technique Workshop here (It's 100% FREE): Join HighViber today to access FREE meditations, live activations and workshops at: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/15/202130 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP#244 Q&A on Dating, Ayahuasca, Manifestation Secrets, Frame Control And More!

In this episode I'll be answering a lot of questions that I received on my Instagram @Aaron_Doughty44 about Manifestation, Ayahuasca, Dating and much more! Get Your Organifi Discount: You're invited to join our next ‌AYAHUASCA‌ ‌Transformation‌ ‌Retreat in‌ ‌Costa‌ ‌Rica‌: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/13/202131 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP#243 How To Change Your Vibration PERMANENTLY (No Going Back)

Our reality is a direct reflection of our vibration. In this episode I'm gonna be speaking and going deeper on understanding how to change your dominant vibration permanently. Join The Daily Vortex at to access premium meditations, unity meditations and live workshops so we all raise our vibration together! Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/8/202125 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP#242 Your Starseed DNA with Bridget Nielsen (Ancestral Healing To Bring In The Star Connections)

Today I'm with my good friend Bridget and in this episode we're gonna be talking about ancestral healing, starseed connections and understanding our own connection to our multidimensional selfs. Get Your Organifi Discount: Get Bridget's Course here: If you want to learn how to heal your ancestral energies, let go of negative patterns and bring in a higher vibrational version of you! Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/6/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
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EP#241 My "Low Vibe" Guilty Pleasures (And How I Manage Them To Raise My Vibration)

How to manage low vibration? In this episode I'll share how you can navigate through low vibration without affecting your vibration. Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/1/202134 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP#240 The Bulletproof Process To Attracting Love (Step By step)

In this episode you will learn the 5 step bulletproof process to attracting love into your life or deepening the love that already exist in your life. Join the 21 Day Raise Your Love Vibration Challenge to get rid of love blocks and become a more magnetic version of you in less than 21 days: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/29/202139 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP#239 5 Things I Had To Do To Attract Love (LET THESE GO)

In this episode we'll go deeper into a wound that many of us have and how this led to a feeling of abandonment not only from physical abandonment but also having emotional unavailable parents growing up. Join the 21 Day Raise Your Love Vibration Challenge to get rid of love blocks and become a more magnetic version of you in less than 21 days: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/24/202139 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP#238 The Vibration of SEX, PERIODS and Spiritual Initiations with Jocelyn Daher

This amazing talk I had with my good friend Jocelyn will help you understand the vibration of sex, the energy of femenine and masculine initiations and more fun stuff that many of you may be unaware of! Get Your Organifi Discount: Join the 21 Day Raise Your Love Vibration Challenge to get rid of love blocks and become a more magnetic version of you in less than 21 days: Join Jocelyn's newsletter to get a weekly dose of womb wisdom here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/22/20211 hour, 27 seconds
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EP#237 The Abandonment Wound You Don't Know You Have (And How To HEAL It)

In this episode we'll go deeper into a wound that many of us have and how this led to a feeling of abandonment not only from physical abandonment but also having emotional unavailable parents growing up. Get Your Organifi Discount: Join the 21 Day Magnetic Love Challenge to get rid of love blocks and become a more magnetic version of you in less than 21 days: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/17/202133 minutes, 51 seconds
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EP#236 Attracting Emotionally Available Love by Becoming Emotionally Available

In this episode you're going to learn how to unroot negative core beliefs that aren't true and how to wire in a new sense of worthiness and values so that you attract people you really desire into your life. Enrollments are now open for the the 21 Day Magnetic Love Challenge! Join here: to heal and release love blocks so that you raise your love vibration and become a more magnetic version of you in 21 days or less! Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/15/202144 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP#235 5 Habits For Feeling High AF As Your Natural Set-Point Vibration (Without Drugs)

Back in 2012 I went through a huge shift in consciousness. I believe our natural state of being is to feel high all of the time without any substances and in this episode I'll share how you can feel high AF as your natural set-point vibration. Join the 21 Day Magnetic Love Challenge to heal and release love blocks so that you raise your love vibration and become a more magnetic version of you in less than 21 days! Join here:  Learn The Frame Technique for creating magnetic energy: Join HighViber at to access live meditations and connect with the highest vibe community on the planet. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/10/202140 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP#234 Love Attraction Is Wound Based (How To HEAL It And Attract Love)

In this episode we're going to be looking into understanding more about love attraction, how love attracting is wound based and how to start the healing process. Get Your Organifi Discount: Join the 21 Day Magnetic Love Challenge to get rid of love blocks and become a more magnetic version of you in less than 21 days: Join The Daily Vortex at to access live workshops and inner child meditations that will help you with this process. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/8/202145 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP#233 The Starseed Initiation Episode (And My Starseed Story)

In this episode I'm gonna show you the different realizations step by step you need to know if you've ever heard of the term Starseed or you feel called to this episode. Join The Daily Vortex at to access premium meditations, unity meditations and live workshops so we all raise our vibration together! Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/3/202150 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP#232 Discover Your Dharma and Find Your Dosha with Sahara Rose

Want to learn how to find our soul's purpose? In this amazing talk I had with Sahara Rose we'll learn and understand how our soul chose our dharma, how to find out what that is and how to express that in this lifetime. Get Your Organifi Discount:  Access Sahara's content to discover your Dharma and find your Dosha here:  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/1/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP#231 The IMAGO: Why You Are Attracted To Who You Are REVEALED

In this episode I'll reveal some of the secrets to why we are attracted to who we are attracted to and understanding different patterns we keep active over and over again that comes from childhood wounding that may be affecting our current relationships. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/27/202136 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP#230 My Shadow Work Integration Process (I Finally Share It)

A no-bullsh*t episode about the most powerful insights I've ever had around shadow work and around understanding how to relieve childhood trauma. Get Your Organifi Discount: Listen to the Inner child meditation here:  Join HighViber at to access live meditations and connect with the highest vibe community on the planet. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/25/202134 minutes, 39 seconds
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EP#229 The Vibration of Money with Julie Marie Murphy

Do you have any money blocks? If you do, this amazing talk I had with Julie Marie Murphy will help you understand your energy around money, how to get rid of different blocks and have a much better relationship with it. Get a copy of Julie's new book here:  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/20/202159 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP#228 Ayahuasca Insights on Shadow work, Love and Recap of Our Plant Medicine Retreat

In this episode I'll share my insights on how plant medicine allows us to see different layers of our inner world and helps us understand more about ourselves. Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/18/202155 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP#227 7 Mistakes I Made Raising My Vibration (Avoid These Or Else)

I see a lot of people going through this process now and avoiding these mistakes will save you a lot of time and energy. I’m super excited to announce that my new app is finally here! Check to start your 14-day free trial and access new meditations, premium meditations and live activations so we all raise our vibe together! Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/13/202148 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP#226 The Hidden E.T Agenda (The GOOD, The BAD And The UGLY)

In this episode we'll explore some different esoteric ideas. How I think about Aliens or ET's and how probable is for us in this lifetime to be aware and have our "first contact". Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/11/202144 minutes, 20 seconds
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EP#225 Insights On San Pedro With Victor Oddo (Letting Go, Upleveling And The New Energy That Is Here)

Insights on plant medicine and how powerful they are to open up different levels of consciousness. You're invited to join our next ‌AYAHUASCA‌ ‌Transformation‌ ‌Retreat in‌ ‌Costa‌ ‌Rica‌: Join Women's Only AYAHUASCA‌ ‌Transformation‌ ‌Retreat in Costa Rica: Join The Full Time Purpose Challenge:  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/6/202155 minutes, 23 seconds
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EP#224 The Co-Dependent CURE To NEVER Being Needy Again In Love, Relationships And LIFE

Get rid of co-dependency patterns, neediness and craving validation like THIS! Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/4/202142 minutes, 26 seconds
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EP#223 The Magical Law of Subtraction and How To LET GO To LET IN PODCAST

All suffering comes from ATTACHMENT and here is HOW TO LET GO to LET IN. Join The 21 Day Raise Your Vibration Challenge Now and WIRE IN a New Higher Vibrational YOU:  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/29/202144 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP#222 5 NEW Daily Habits For Raising Your Vibration PERMANENTLY Podcast

Raising our vibration can be hard if we don't have the right habits in place. During my journey I've found new daily habits and how powerful they are to raise our vibration permanently. Join The 21 Day Raise Your Vibration Challenge Now and WIRE IN a New Higher Vibrational YOU: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/27/202139 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP#221 My Spiritual Initiation Journey into Wholeness (this will save you TIME) PODCAST

Right now on the planet, I believe that we are going through a massive shift in consciousness and many people are going to go through a spiritual initiation. In this episode, I share the insights from my spiritual initiation journey which will save you A LOT of time.    Get Your Chilipad Discount:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |
4/22/202155 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP#220 The Law of Subtraction (why LETTING GO is the NEW LOA) PODCAST

The Law of Subtraction is something that I've found to be really powerful in letting go and creating space for attracting new realities.   Get Your Organifi Discount:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |
4/20/202132 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP#219 The Twin Flame Belief System: The GOOD the BAD and the UGLY PODCAST

In this episode, I share my experiences and opinions on twin flames and soulmates, and how I perceive those relationships in my own life.   Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |
4/15/202139 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP#218 The Magic Power of Frame and "oh that's your sh*t, not mine"

I used to be really sensitive to the energies around me... But once I stopped taking on other people's emotions and energies as my own, I realized how much more in my own frame I felt.    Access the Inner Child Meditation here:​   Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty   iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |
4/13/202147 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP#217 The Vibration of Control and how to FINALLY Break free

As a recovering control freak myself, it has been SO powerful to really start trusting the universe and learning how different reflections of control in my life stemmed from childhood trauma.    Get your Kion discount:   Check out Fresh n Lean Meal Prep:    Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |
4/8/202144 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP#216 The Healing the Root Cause of Feeling Unworthy Episode

Feeling unworthy comes from a place deep within that you can often trace back to your childhood experiences. The belief patterns that you inherit require your awareness to help you understand the root causes.    Get Your Organifi Discount:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |
4/6/202143 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP#215 The Meaning Episode that completely changed your life (most powerful episode I've done yet)

Everything in life is neutral; when we give something meaning, we are creating attachment and significance around it.    Get Your Organifi Discount:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty   iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |
4/1/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 56 seconds
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EP#214 3 Pillars of High Vibration I live by that SKYROCKETED my Vibration (and changed my life)

After learning these 3 fundamental secrets to elevating my vibration, my life has never been the same and my vibration has SKYROCKETED to a whole new level.    Get Your Organifi Discount:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty   iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |
3/30/202139 minutes, 28 seconds
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EP#213 Your vibration didn't start with you

Sometimes you may be unaware of how different external factors have impacted your vibration; but once you become aware, you can make the choice to become independent of those influences and CHOOSE your vibration.    Get Your Chilipad Discount:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty   iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |
3/25/202142 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP#212 Frequency Shifting: The New Way I've been shifting that has changed my life

The key to changing your outer reality lies in shifting your internal frequency dial. This is something that I started to learn about myself and apply in my life which has helped me increase my vibrational set point and gain a new sense of being.   Get Your Organifi Discount:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty   iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |
3/23/202142 minutes, 51 seconds
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EP#211 The Vibration of a Magnetic Frame REVEALED (only use for good)

Having a magnetic frame is the KEY to taking back your power and being unapologetically yourself.    Join the Full Time Purpose Program:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |  
3/18/202146 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP#210 The Vibration of a High Vibe Millionaire Revealed

Remember that money is energy and in this episode, I share with you the VIBRATION of a high vibe millionaire, and what type of energy dynamics prevail.    Text "vibe" to (424) 304-0104 for the High Vibe Thought of the Day.    Join Full Time Purpose:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty   iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |
3/16/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP#209 The Vibration of SEX feat Jocelyn Daher

In this episode, my good friend Jocelyn and I talk about deeper dynamics of masculine and feminine energy, sexuality and the vibrational frequency of sex that many of you may not have known before.    Join Jocelyn's free Masterclass on Divine Feminine Magnetism:   Instagram:   Youtube:   Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty   iTunes |   Spotify |   Stitcher |
3/11/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 51 seconds
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EP#208 Becoming Your Future Self Roadmap (what I wish I knew 5 years ago)

If I knew the secrets that I share in this episode 5 years ago, I would've been living a way more abundant, aligned and fulfilling life. This episode is for YOU to understand how to embody your future self NOW.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/9/20211 hour, 8 seconds
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EP#207 My Top 10 Vibrational Secrets (I am scared to share)

In this episode, I share a little more insight on my personal top 10 vibrational secrets that help me be in high vibrations and have changed the way I live my life.  Text the word "vortex" to (424) 304-0104 to be notified about the Daily Vortex app.  Access the Inner Child Meditation here:​ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/4/202149 minutes, 39 seconds
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EP#206 Secrets to Having Irresistible Magnetic Energy (that I am scared to share)

This was one of the most fun episodes I've ever made because I really get into the true secrets of being irresistibly magnetic and how I've experienced that in my own spiritual awakening.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/2/202153 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP#205 The Magnetic Vibration of Boundaries and how to set them (without feeling guilty)

Everything I share in this episode has taken me years to learn and embody. I have found it to be so empowering and powerful to practice setting boundaries and it has completely transformed my life.  Get one month of WHOOP for free: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/25/202148 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP#204 5 Things NOT Allowed in 5D (I think you should know about)

As we ascend into the 5D reality in 2021, there are certain things we CANNOT bring with us that might surprise you and this is why...  Get Your Chilipad Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
2/23/202135 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP#203 The Heal the Bottom 3 Chakras to move into the Heart Episode

Chakra healing is a powerful way to cleanse old energy that is holding you back and allows you to connect with your authentic self.  Get Your Chilipad Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/18/202145 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP#202 3 Ways Your Shadow is BLOCKING Love (and you don't even know it)

If you are trying to attract love and find a lot of resistance surfaces in the process, then you might actually be blocking love from finding you.  Get 10% off your Organix Bed: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
2/16/202152 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP#201 Turn being an Empath into a Superpower (instead of a curse) by doing this

Being empathic sometimes can cause you to believe that it's a bad thing. Realize that being an empath is actually a superpower and this is how to understand and apply it.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/11/202153 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP#200 MUST READ Books and Resources for 2021 (updated)

I get a lot of questions about what my top book recommendations are and what resources to use to obtain knowledge. In this episode, I share all of that in depth and how it has helped me become more aware and conscious in many ways.  Watch the Spiral Dynamics Youtube Series:\ Listen to the Spiral Dynamics 101: A Practical Guide with Examples Podcast Episode: Listen to EP#199 Why being a Control Freak in 2021 will NOT fly (and how to heal it) Podcast Episode:  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/9/202149 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP#199 Why being a Control Freak in 2021 will NOT fly (and how to heal it)

I used to be a control freak myself and as we go into 2021, being extremely controlling will not work out anymore. In 2021, it's more about letting go and being in divine flow. Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
2/5/202152 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP#198 Crossing the 5D Bridge in 2021 (what we must do)

It's time... in 2021, crossing the bridge into 5D requires us to do this.  Get a FREE one month membership with WHOOP: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |    
2/2/202149 minutes
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EP#197 My Top Lessons of 2020 on my own Shadow (opening up)

As we enter the beginning of 2021, I wanted to share some of my top lessons and insights of 2020. 2020 was a powerful year of shadow work and in this episode I open up about the real lessons and experiences I went through.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
1/29/202153 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP#196 The Vibration of not giving a Sh*t (most powerful episode you'll ever listen to)

When you stop caring about what others think, you become dangerously authentic and confident. Living true to yourself and being completely detached from the external opinions makes you extremely powerful and magnetic.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
1/26/202143 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP#195 Releasing Love Blocking Beliefs to Attract your Dream Partner with Mat Shaffer

In this fun episode, my great friend Mat Shaffer and I go deep into the dynamics of how to heal blocks in love and relationships. Additionally, Mat and I share the biggest secrets of magnetic love attraction and how to manifest your ideal partner. Apply to Mat Shaffer's Mastery of Connection course: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
1/22/20211 hour, 25 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP#194 The Magnetic Frame (the key to polarity and boundaries that will change your life)

I used to think that polarizing and being authentic created tension which was bad. What I realized actually was that being comfortable in my own frame made me more magnetic and I discovered the secret to owning my own power.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/19/202141 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP#193 5 Reasons the Elite's Plan to Control The Masses will FAIL

In 2020, there were many revelations about the elite and their plans for the masses. As more and more things unfold, it becomes evident that the elite's plans WILL NOT work and here's exactly why.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
1/15/202147 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP#192 The Galactic Federation goes mainstream (what's next)

If you ever wondered about aliens and the truth behind so secrets that are kept hidden from us, this is the episode I go into details on all things aliens, galactic federation and government mysteries.  To receive high-vibe texts from me, click here: Get your ChiliPad discount here: Get a FREE one month membership with WHOOP: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Daily Vortex Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
1/12/202143 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP#191 Attachment is Blocking Love (if you let go it would come)

Attachment and desire to a person, belief or outcome is actually what is stopping it from appearing in your life. When you release attachment and desire, you are creating less resistance and more room for that which you want to come to you effortlessly.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/8/202150 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP#190 I lost 20lbs of Fat by Doing Shadow work (how I did it)

With the powerful shadow work that 2020 brought, one of the outcomes was a transformational self-image journey that brought fitness and profound realizations about weight loss. Get Your Organifi Discount: Get a FREE one month membership with WHOOP: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
1/5/202152 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP#189 Our Crazy Ayahuasca Insights with Victor Oddo

Ayahuasca and plant medicine ceremonies have been extremely powerful and transformative for me. In this episode, I share with you some of the insights Victor Oddo and I had during our most recent Ayahuasca ceremony.  Check out the next Costa Rica plant medicine trip details here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
1/1/20211 hour, 40 seconds
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EP#188 what the Mayans taught me about 2021 (and what we must do)

The Mayans were an advanced ancient civilization that predicted many of the world events that we've experienced. In regard to 2021, the Mayans had a powerful message about ascension and raising our vibration as a collective.    Join the 21 Day Raise Your Vibration Challenge: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
12/28/202051 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP#187 The Let Go of Control and Expectation Episode that changed your life

Letting go of control is one of the key ways to releasing tension and resistance to a goal. If you have a certain goal or desired outcome, it's most important to let go of control and release expectations. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
12/25/202048 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP#186 The 5 Laws of Creation and my San Pedro Insights (life-changing)

After a recent trip to Costa Rica and doing various plant medicine ceremonies, I had many powerful insights and life changing realizations about the truths of creation and our being.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/22/202058 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP#185 The Great Awakening Timeline Split of 2021 (what to do)

Very soon, we will be experiencing a transformative timeline split.. The Great Awakening is among us and this is everything you need to know about what to expect and why. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
12/18/202037 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP#184 December 21, 2020 (what I think will happen)

It's happening right now... the shift from 3D to the 5D timeline is already prevailing. it's up to YOU to decide where you put your energy and December 21st 2020 is one of the most important dates among that timeline transition. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
12/15/202047 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP#183 Conspiracy Theories, Aliens and what may be REALLY happening right now

This episode gets a little weird and very deep into the "conspiracy theories", alien talk and all other aspects of current events that have been surfacing.  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
12/11/202056 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP#182 Why Letting Go and NOT Wanting is the Key to Receiving

When manifesting, the key is detachment and letting go. Letting go allows you to make room for the new to come into your life. In this episode, I talk about why letting go has been so powerful during this time and how that translates to receiving that which you desire. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
12/8/202042 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP#181 The 3 Pillars of Raising My Vibration that I live and die by

Many of you ask me what keeps me grounded in raising my vibration and in this episode, I explain my 3 pillars of raising my vibration and how it changed the way I manifest into my life.    Join the 21 Day Raise your Vibration Challenge: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/4/202043 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP#180 3 Manifestation Principles that took me 8 Years to Learn

Manifestation a powerful result of setting intentions and then take action toward the goal. After 8 years of intense spiritual leaning and practices, I found these 3 manifestation principles that are the most powerful and effective.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/1/202035 minutes, 47 seconds
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EP#179 The Great Awakening Climax of 2021 (5 things you need to know)

It's finally here... all the experiences of 2020 are culminating into the Great Awakening Climax of 2021 and there's some things you must know before that...   This Meditation will SHIFT You to The Most Optimal Timeline INSTANTLY (WARNING NO GOING BACK): Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast Youtube Channel: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
11/27/202043 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP#178 Harry Potter and Shadow Work (Voldemort's mommy issues)

As many of you already might know, I am a huge Harry Potter fanatic and I find so much fun and magic from reading Harry Potter. To me, the series is more than just a fiction- I see so much resemblance of the lessons and deeper meaning in Harry Potter that relate to each one of us and life.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/24/202043 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP#177 The Pros and Cons of Raising Your Vibration (my story)

Most of the time when you think about raising your vibration- it might seem like it's all fluffy and perfect. But the truth is that raising your vibration has it's pros as well as its' cons.  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |    
11/20/202056 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP#176 The Cabals Desperate attempt to Shifting to a Negative Timeline (and what we can do about it)

A lot of people ask me about what I think of everything that's going on right now. In this episode, I deep dive into all of the things that I personally think are happening and how we should deal with it.  Check out the High-Vibe Art: Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/17/202050 minutes, 17 seconds
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EP#175 Inner Child Healing: The KEY to feeling Worthy

Healing the inner child is such an important aspect of healing parts of your shadow. Think about when your worthiness is tied to someone or something else: what would you be willing to do to get that person or thing back into your life in order to feel worthy? The key to feeling worthy within YOURSELF is to heal, love and nurture the inner child that was once hurt and traumatized.  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/13/202029 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP#174 The Truth about Manifesting 1 Million Subscribers that I am scared to share

Recently I hit a long term goal of reaching a million subscribers on Youtube. For the past 3 years, I manifested this goal into my life through these manifestation secrets.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
11/10/202048 minutes, 47 seconds
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EP#173 What's Your Love Attachment Style (how to heal it)

I spent a lot of time doing shadow work, specifically in ancestral healing where I was able to heal my love attachment style more. In this episode, I talk about how to identify different love attachment styles and how to heal them.  Get access to the Ancestral Healing course: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/6/202044 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP#172 How to Remove Hidden Trauma that is Blocking love, Money and Success

Hidden trauma is something that your inner child remembers, but you may've forgot over the course of the years. But this hidden trauma might be exactly what is creating limiting beliefs subconsciously and blocking love, Money and Success.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
11/3/202038 minutes, 20 seconds
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EP#171 Minimalism and Mushrooms to Raise Your Vibration with Victor Oddo

On this episode, my good friend Victor Oddo and I talk about our experience using micro-doses of mushrooms and how it helps bring awareness and raise our vibrations. Micro-doses are a powerful way to go beyond the physical reality and our senses and be receptive to dimensional shifts.  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
10/30/202058 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP#170 Trauma in the body is blocking Love and Abundance (how to release it)

Trauma is not only stored within our minds, but our bodies also remember traumatic experiences. In order to release trauma and become fully magnetic to love and abundance, there are specific exercises and healing modalities that help set you free.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/27/202035 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP#169 Parallel Reality Shifting (step-by-step)

Whenever you're able to visualize a certain reality of yourself, that reality actually exists in the present moment; all you have to do to manifest that into your physical reality is make the decision to embody that perceived identity. Parallel Reality Shifting is a powerful tool to help you make the decision to be the ideal version of yourself and manifest your dream reality. This Meditation Will Shift You to a Parallel Reality (WARNING THERE'S NO GOING BACK): Join The Shift Experience: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/23/202039 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP#168 Shadow work for Attracting Love that will Change your Life and Magnetize love to you

Are you an anxious, avoidant or secure lover? In this episode, I go over what it means to be an anxious, avoidant or secure lover and how to really heal the inner child of those identities through transformative shadow work. Once you do this, you can let go of the label and begin to attract love that is healthy and meaningful.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/20/202047 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP#167 7 Habits that have Raised My Vibration and Transformed me from the Inside OUT

In order to really raise your vibration to a whole new level, you must incorporate daily habits that help you wire in a new identity. Many of you ask me what my habits are to raise my vibration and in this episode, I share with you exactly what I do everyday to raise and maintain high vibrations which helped me transform my life.  Get a free membership trial with WHOOP: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
10/16/202042 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP#166 How to Design Your Future Reality Now and Wire it in (Identity Shift)

Why wait for the "future" in order to be the ideal version of yourself that you desire? You see, the "future" version of yourself starts now; whoever you are and whatever decisions you make in the now are a direct reflection of your timeline in reality. In this episode, I share with you exactly how to design and wire in your ideal future reality now and start a complete identity shift.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |    
10/13/202045 minutes, 6 seconds
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EP#165 My Shadow and Inner Child Work (opening up)

As some of you already know, 2020 has been an immensely transformative year for me because I started diving more into shadow work and healing my inner child. In this episode, I finally open up about what shadow work really does to improve your life and how you can practice shadow work and healing your inner child with some practical and effective tools.  Integrating Your Shadow Course: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/9/202042 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP#164 5 Things I Learned in 2020 (Vulnerable and RAW)

2020 has been an insane year filled with shadow work and truly learning more about myself. I realized that part of me was kind of holding back from being completely honest and myself about my personal experiences, so in this episode, I dive into the more vulnerable and raw lessons of my life this year.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
10/6/202037 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP#163 The Ancestral Family Healing Episode that changed my life forever

Something I started doing recently is ancestral family healing. This experience has allowed me to go into deep shadow work within my family lines on both sides and helped realize and become aware of a lot of existing generational characteristics within myself. In this episode, I talk more about how ancestral healing has brought in profound awakening and transformations into my life and how you can experience those same things.  Ancestral Family Healing Course: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
10/2/202043 minutes, 10 seconds
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EP#162 The Spiritual Bypassing Trap Many are in and don't even know it (how to become FREE)

Avoiding the shadow work and keeping that same "nice guy" and people pleaser on autopilot is only stopping you from being on the other side of claiming your power back. Spiritual bypassing is something a lot of people do that hold them back from their true potential as spiritual beings and confine them to their identity beliefs on autopilot.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/29/202036 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP#161 what is REALLY happening right now (an esoteric perspective)

With all the world events that have surfaced in 2020, many people have resorted to fear and frantic as the answer. In this more esoteric episode, I take a different approach in addressing my knowledge on the significant events that have taken place in 2020 and my perspective on some of that.  21 Day Raise Your Vibration Challenge: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
9/25/202037 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP#160 Beliefs About Women that keep me from opening up and attracting love

What are your beliefs about men and women? What about your beliefs about relationships? Whether you are aware of them or not, they definitely exist and impact the way you attract certain people or relationships in your life. On a more personal episode, I talk about what my beliefs were about women that kept me from fully opening up in romantic relationships.    Get Your Organifi Discount: Get a FREE one month membership with WHOOP: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
9/22/202046 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP#159 High Vibe Leadership: How to Be a High Vibe Leader

It's time to say goodbye to that 9-5 job that you hate and hello to the possibility of living your dream life and doing your dream job. In this episode, I share all my tips and experience in high vibe leadership and show you how to become a high vibe leader.  Full Time Purpose: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/18/202034 minutes, 32 seconds
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EP#158 The Be Do Have Episode that changed your life

Instead of acting as if, you have to be as if. So many times we think the identity shift is secondary, but in reality that is the first thing you must allow to happen in order to manifest everything that you want.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/15/202035 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP#157 My Weird Habits For Raising My Vibration and Manifestation

I often get asked by people what my personal manifestation and raising vibration hacks are. Some of these habits might seem weird, but I'm sharing them because all of these techniques are personalized and have helped me get to where I am now.  Full Time Purpose Webinar/ Registration: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/11/202041 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP#156 Why Your Masculine and Feminine Energy SWAPS during a Spiritual Awakening

The masculine is the more logical, linear energy while the feminine energy is more emotional and creative. Both masculine and feminine energy coexist within us, but obtaining that awareness through shadow work on their roles in our life is one of the key parts of a spiritual awakening. In this episode, I will be showing you why your masculine and feminine energy swap during a spiritual awakening.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/8/202045 minutes, 35 seconds
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EP#155 7 Ways to NEVER Fall Back into Low Vibration Again

Once you raise your vibration PERMANENTLY, you completely transform your identity and self-image. The most important part of raising your vibration is never falling right back into the old habits and patterns of low vibration. In this episode, I'll be showing you 7 ways to NEVER fall back into a low vibrational state again.  21 Day Raise Your Vibration Challenge: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/4/202030 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP#154 How to Attract the Spiritually Evolved Man feat. Rebecca Boatman

In this fun episode, my good friend and relationship expert, Rebecca Boatman, and I will be talking about how to attract a spiritually evolved partner. If you’ve ever wondered how you can manifest your special someone who is also spiritually conscious and understanding, then this is the episode that will show you exactly how to attract that into your life!  Rebecca's Manifest Your Evolved Man Course: Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/1/20201 hour, 15 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP#153 The Cure for Nice Guys and People Pleasers

No more Mr. Nice Guy! No more people pleasing! It's time to take your power back say yes to yourself. When you understand how to love and validate yourself, you'll start to be authentic and true to yourself. In this episode, I'll be showing you exactly how to become that version of yourself.   Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Aaron Doughty Podcast with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/28/202037 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP#152 The STRETCH Identity Experience Episode

Have you ever done anything to break out of your identity box? A lot of times we don't do things because we tell ourselves, "this isn't something I would do, it's not for me." But, the key to breaking out of your old story and transforming your identity comes from interrupting the autopilot mind patterns. In this episode, I'll be talking about my recent stretch identity experience and how it can completely transform your life.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/25/202027 minutes, 23 seconds
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EP#151 Magnetic Love Attraction: Make Them Chase YOU (sort of)

Ever wonder why when you really, really want someone and have a desperate longing for them, you actually end up pushing them away? This is because neediness is NOT attractive! In this episode, I will be explaining how to stop chasing love and instead become a magnet to attracting the right love into your life.  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/21/202039 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP#150 The Hidden Agenda, The Cabal, QAnon, Hollywood Elite and more

In this episode, I will be going down the rabbit hole of everything behind the scenes in the matrix. From the hidden agendas to the Hollywood elite; everything I have learned about will be discussed in this episode.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/18/202044 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP#149 Public Challenges I did to Break OUT of the Box- DEBRIEF Identity Shift Experience

Join the 21 Day Raise Your Vibration Challenge here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/14/202027 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP#148 Astral Sex and Astrology with Leeor Alexandra

Right now, our planet is shifting from a masculine energy to a feminine energy. In this episode, Leeor Alexandra and I will be talking about this significant shift and all things planets, astral sex and the astral dimension.  Get Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/11/202059 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP#147 How to Raise Your Vibration using Music and Sound

Using music and sound is a powerful way to raise your vibration. Music and sound has the ability to change your entire state of being in a significant way. In this episode I'll talk more about using various forms of music and sound to aid in raising your vibration to a whole new level.  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/7/202027 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP#146 This Episode will SHIFT You to the Most Optimal Timeline

Right now on the planet we're experiencing an incredible period of transformation. In order to ascend, we must learn to shift beyond the vibrations of fear and anger. This episode I'll reveal exactly how to take your power back and truly SHIFT to the most optimal timeline.  Get Your Organifi Discount: This meditation will SHIFT You to the Most Optimal Timeline: itunes: spotify: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/4/202035 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP#145 Top Books I am Currently Reading on Raising Vibration, Sexual Polarity and More...

In this episode I'll reveal the Top Books I'm currently Reading. Every single night before I go to bed, I make sure to read for about 30-60 minutes. Once you have access to these life changing books, you'll easily raise your vibration to a whole new level. Much love & namaste  Get Your Organifi Discount: Get Your Free Audiobooks: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/31/202029 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP#144 Q&A with Aaron Doughty and Life Update Lessons

In this unique episode I'll be answering a wide variety of questions from a recent Q&A post I made on Instagram! One of the biggest themes we'll be working with in this episode is the concept of detachment and letting go. Once you learn to go with the natural flow of life, you'll be able to navigate your daily experiences in an extremely optimal fashion.  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/28/202039 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP#143 The Cabal is Falling (How we are defeating the Elite)

Right now on the planet more and more people are becoming aware of the hidden agendas going on behind the scenes. This episode I'll expose some of the more sinister agendas, showing you  exactly how to take your power back in the most optimal fashion. Always remember that the more we raise our vibration, the less powerful "they" are.  Join The SHIFT Experience: Raising Your Vibration 101: itunes: spotify: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/24/202031 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP#142 Let go of the Old Identity (and Wire in the New)

In life you don't always get what you want, but you always get a reflection of who you are. In essence, letting go of your old identity is the key to manifesting the life you prefer. This episode I'll show you exactly how make that shift. Once you realize that your identity is controlling your life experience'll finally be able to transform form the inside out.  Join The SHIFT Experience: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/21/202033 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP#141 The Ultimate Letting Go Episode That Changed Your Life Forever

Do you feel attached to different labels or people in your life? This episode I'll show you exactly to how to let go once and for all. By releasing your grip of control, you'll feel more free than ever before and easily create the life you prefer.  For Your Organifi Discount: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/17/202030 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP#140 Identity Shifting (The Key to PERMANENT Transformation)

Most people walking the planet today are completely identified with their 3D avatar body. Yet the truth is ...we're all infinite spiritual beings having temporary human experiences. Once you learn how to expand your sense of identity, reality becomes much more dream-like and flexible. This episode I'll show you exactly how to do that so that you start to create the reality you prefer once and for all.   Join The SHIFT Experience: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/14/202024 minutes, 57 seconds
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EP#139 This meditation will SHIFT You to the Most Optimal Timeline

In this special episode we'll move through a powerful guided meditation which is specifically designed to SHIFT us onto the most optimal timeline. Right now on the planet we're experiencing an incredible period of deep transformation. As we come together with positive energy and intention, we're creating an extremely potent stream of love, connection and wellbeing for all.  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/10/202026 minutes, 39 seconds
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EP#138 My Personal Bashar Reading Summary ET's, The Great Awakening and more

Right now on the planet more and more people are raising their vibration and experiencing higher states of consciousness. In this extremely esoteric episode we'll be exploring the world of metaphysics, different extraterrestrial races, dreams and more. Once you understand this unique vibrational perspective, you'll be able to raise your vibration and create the life you prefer easier than ever before. Join the Emotional Transformation Process: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/7/202031 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP#137 7 Conspiracy Theories that may be True (but sound crazy)

Right now on the planet so many people are diving deep into conspiracy theories. This episode I'll be talking about 7 different conspiracy theories that may turn out to be 100% true. Get ready to go down the rabbit hole, as some of these will sound crazy!  Start Your Gaia TV Trial: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/3/202033 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP#136 How to Heal Racism and Change the World (Step-by-Step)

Right now on the planet we're going through a powerful period of transformation. It's time to release the old paradigms of racism and prejudice by stepping into a whole new level of consciousness. This episode I'll show you exactly how to make that shift, raise your vibration and so much more.   Join the SHIFT Experience: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
6/30/202031 minutes, 5 seconds
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EP#135 The Great Awakening Pulling Back the Curtain (plus Resources)

Right now on the planet we're experiencing an epic period of transformation. This episode I'll share some things going on behind the scenes and how you can best navigate through it all. Once you totally embrace the great awakening and raise your vibration, you'll easily manifest the life you prefer.  Join MindSHIFT Meditations: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/26/202028 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP#134 Ayahuasca: Our Experiences and Insights with Victor Oddo and Pattie Papa

This episode we'll be diving deep into the amazing world of Ayahuasca. I'll be conversing with special guests Pattie Papa & Victor Oddo. They're great friends of mine and will help you explore the world of plant medicine from a fresh perspective. Whether you have experience with Ayahuasca or not, this episode will be of tremendous help to you on a practical level, giving you powerful tools to help you transform your life.  To Connect with Pattie & Victor via Podcast click below: itunes: spotify: Click below for your Ayahuasca Experience: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/23/202049 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP#133 7 Ways to Raise Your Vibration PERMANENTLY

Everything you experience externally is simply a projection of your inner state. So if you'd like to experience more love, joy, peace and synchronicity must first learn to raise your dominant vibration. This episode I'll show you exactly how to do that and more. Once shift into a high vibe state, you'll finally be able to create the reality you prefer easier than ever before.  Join the 21 Day Raise Your Vibration Challenge: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/19/202029 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP#132 The 5th Dimension Shift (What You Need to Know)

In a 5D level of consciousness, things are much more fun, flexible and magical. This episode I'll show you exactly how to make that shift so that you start to experience the reality you prefer. Once you make that shift into a 5D level of consciousness, your world will quite literally transform before your eyes. Join the 21 Day Raise Your Vibration Challenge: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/16/202024 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP#131 Raise Your Vibration to the most Optimal Timeline by listening to this

Right now now on the planet we're experiencing an incredible time of transformation. As we all individually continue to raise our vibration, we're helping the planet shift onto the most optimal timeline. This episode I'll reveal exactly what you can do to keep your vibration high so that you don'y get left behind.  Join The 21 Day Raise Your Vibration Challenge: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/12/202026 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP#130 How to Set Boundaries (and take back your power) without feeling Guilty

Once you start to set Boundaries, you'll start to feel empowered. If you're someone who feels guilty or responsible for other people, this is the episode for you. Most people lack the ability to say "no" and end up doing things that deep down they'd rather avoid. This episode I'll show you exactly how to develop strong boundaries and finally start to live life on your own terms.  Experience The SHIFT: Get 15% Off Organifi Gold: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/9/202032 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP#129 7 Things I Gave up That Raised My Vibration (Almost) Instantly

Once you learn the 7 things I gave up to raise my vibration, you'll be equipped with an amazing set of tools and techniques that'll help you do the same. When it comes to creating your ideal life situation and finding true happiness, first and foremost it all starts with your vibrational set-point. This episode look forward to receiving those 7 insights and exactly how to apply them into your own life step by step.  For The Free FTP Webinar: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/5/202033 minutes, 43 seconds
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EP#128 Spirituality and Beta Males: Embody Your True Masculinity like this

Is it possible to be spiritual and masculine at the same time? In this episode I'll reveal the answer to that fascinating question and more. Once you learn to harness the power of your masculine energy, you'll instantly become more attractive and polarizing. Integrate Your Shadow with The Emotional Transformation Process: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/2/202027 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP#127 Spiral Dynamics 201: Practical Application and Examples (life-changing)

If you'd like to take your vibration to the next level of consciousness, this is the episode for you. Get ready to explore the world of evolutionary psychology through the framework of Spiral Dynamics. Once you understand the ins and outs of this unique psychological  perspective, you'll be shocked by the results. For The Free FTP Webinar: Spiral Dynamics 101: itunes: Spotify: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
5/29/202044 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP#126 Spiral Dynamics My Personal Journey of Raising My Vibration

This episode we'll explore the world of Spiral Dynamics and Evolutionary Psychology. Once you understand this unique vibrational perspective, you'll be able to raise your vibration easier than ever before. I'll be sharing vulnerable aspects of my own journey and lessons I've learned along the way which will be of tremendous help to you in more ways than one.  For The Free FTP Webinar: To Experience Rythmia click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/26/202035 minutes, 40 seconds
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EP#125 My Plant Medicine Journeys: Ayahuasca, DMT, San Pedro and Mushrooms

This episode we'll be exploring the wonderful world of psychedelics. I'll be sharing my experience with different plant medicine such as Ayahuasca, DMT, San Pedro and Mushrooms. Whether you have experience with plant medicine or not, this episode will be of tremendous help to you on a practical level, giving you powerful tools to help you transform your life.  To Experience Rythmia click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/22/202030 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP#124 Shadow work and Your Parents: What did you Crave growing up? It's running you now

Once you integrate your shadow you'll transform your life like never before, and this episode I'll show you exactly how to do it. Shadow work is all about expanding awareness to become conscious of things previously hidden or unknown. Beyond that of general shadow work, this episode is specifically designed to reveal the nature of the relationship between you and your parents, and how it's influencing you to this day.  Integrate Your Shadow with The Emotional Transformation Process: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/19/202025 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP#123 Spiral Dynamics, The Great Awakening and My Bashar Reading with Leeor Alexandra

In this diverse episode, we'll be exploring the world of spirituality with special guest Leeor Alexandra. I'm extremely excited to talk about my recent private session with Bashar, The Great Awakening and Spiral Dynamics. Once you immerse yourself in the wide variety of insight revealed here, you'll be able to create the life you prefer easier than ever before. Enjoy!  Leeor Alexandra's YouTube Channel: Leeor Alexandra's YouTube Channel:➡ Connect with Leeor on Instagram: ➡ Spiral Dynamics 101: A Practical Guide with Examples: ➡ To listen on Spotify click here: ➡ Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/15/20201 hour, 13 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP#122 Spiral Dynamics 101: A Practical Guide with Examples

This episode has the potential to completely change the way you look at reality and how you relate to other people. Once you understand the powerful principles of spiral dynamics, you'll be able to raise your vibration to a whole new level easier than ever before.  For The Free FTP Webinar: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/12/202037 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP#121 5G and Atlantis: What it is and What you can do about it

In this controversial episode, we'll be diving deep into 5G and how it relates to Atlantis. Recently people have been asking me about 5G technology and what it might be doing to our consciousness. So if you've been fearing the consequences of 5G, you're exactly where you need to be as I'll be sharing specific strategies about energetic protection and how to enhance your overall immunity.  For The Emotional Transformation Process: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
5/8/202024 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP#120 Atlantis, Lumeria and what's happening on the planet

Right now on the planet there's an opportunity for us to elevate our level of consciousness in a powerful way. In this special episode I'll open your mind to what really happened during Atlantean times and how it relates to the current state of the world. So sit back, relax and get ready to dive deep into the esoteric past.  To Access Your Gaia Trial Click Here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/5/202027 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP#119 My Spiritual Ascension Journey (Part 2)

In this vulnerable episode, I'll reveal sensitive details about my spiritual ascension journey. We're all on a unique spiritual path, and by learning more about my journey I know you'll walk away with tons of valuable insight and clarity. I never though I'd share some of the stories contained in this episode, so sit back relax and enjoy the show.  For The Free FTP Webinar: For my Spiritual Ascension Journey Part 1: iTunes: Spotify: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
5/1/202052 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP#118 How to Attract Women in a High Vibrational Way and have Magnetic Energy

Recently I released an amazing podcast episode featuring my friend Rebecca Boatman, which was all about attracting masculine energy from a feminine perspective. Since everyone loved that episode, I figured I'd switch things up a bit and explain the opposite dynamic, how to attract women from a masculine perspective. So if you're looking to attract love and new relationships, you are exactly where you need to be.  For MindSHIFT Meditations Click Here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/28/202030 minutes, 51 seconds
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EP#117 My Top Mind-Expansion Movie and Show List every Spiritual Seeker Should Watch

Right now on the planet it seems like the world has come to a standstill. You probably have extra time on your hands, which opens the door for introspection and going within. This episode, I'll reveal my top mind-expansion movie and show list every spiritual seeker should watch. Once you watch some of these movies, you'll open your mind in an extremely powerful way.  Download Your FREE Audiobooks here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/24/202028 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP#116 How to Raise Your Vibrational Set-Point Step-by-Step

The truth is, your vibration is naturally high. All of us are meant to feel happy, worthy and joyful yet many times life tends to weigh us down. The good news is, this episode is specifically designed to help you raise your vibration step-by-step. Understand that you're a powerful spiritual being having a temporary human experience. Once you learn to raise your vibrational set-point, you'll easily enhance all areas of your life.  For MindSHIFT Meditations Click Here: Find Out Your Vibration NOW and Receive a Personalized Meditation: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/21/202024 minutes, 56 seconds
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EP#115 3 Steps to BEING the Future Identity NOW without feeling fake (life-changing)

No matter what your current life situation looks like, once you start to live in the vibration of your ideal reality now, external reality will start to transform before your eyes. Much like a radio station, the exact realty you prefer already exists, all you have to do is tune to it! In this powerful episode, I'll show you exactly how to do that and so much more.  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/17/202024 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP#114 Attract Your Dream Man and Activate Magnetic Energy feat. Rebecca Boatman

If you'd like to attract your dream partner once and for all, you must first activate your own magnetic energy. This unique episode features attraction expert Rebecca Boatman, and we'll show you exactly how to do that. Once you learn to cultivate your own gravity and magnetism, your life will quite literally transform before your eyes. To Discover the 3 Biggest mistakes that keep quality men away & good-hearted women single click here: Connect with Rebecca on Instagram: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/14/202052 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP#113 The Great Awakening is here (and What to Expect)

Now that The Great Awakening is upon us, it's becoming more and more evident that reality is not what it seems. There's a lot going on behind the scenes, and in this episode I'm extremely excited to reveal that information. People are starting to question their reality, and as we do we'll slowly but surely take our power back once and for all.  For Your FREE Gaia TV Trial Click Here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/10/202032 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP#112 How to Manifest Using Detachment and Letting Go (Works Like MAGIC)

Once you raise your vibration to a higher level, you'll naturally start to detach from your desires and let go. The paradox is, once you reach that frequency you'll actually manifest the things you've been desiring. This episode I'm extremely excited to reveal the process that helped me detach and let go, that way you'll line up with your desires easier then ever before. To Join MindSHIFT Meditations Click Here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/7/202021 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP#111 5 Ways Astrology and Numerology Have Changed My Life and What I've Learned

Numerology and Astrology has changed my identity for the better, and the information I share here will do the same for you. This episode i'm extremely excited to share an alternative version of Astrology that is actually way more accurate than the traditional system!  To Join MindSHIFT Meditations Click Here: For your Free Numerology Report Click Here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
4/3/202030 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP#110 How to Start Raising Your Vibration Even If You've Never Meditated

This episode is specifically designed to be starter kit for raising your vibration. I'm extremely excited to share this unique episode because even if you've never meditated before, you'll learn how to release negative emotions and step into your true power. I'll be sharing aspects of my journey that allowed me to raise my vibration to a completely new level.  If you'd like to Increase your energy and tap into the flow state, use my 15% discount code "AARON15" to get Organifi Pure here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/31/202039 minutes, 21 seconds
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EP#109 The TRUTH on Conspiracy Theories that will Blow Your Mind

Once you know the truth about conspiracy theories, you'll open yourself up to a whole new reality you may have never though of. While many people fall into the trap of feeding negative paradigms via conspiracy theories, this episode is specifically designed to help you take your power back in an extremely uplifting way.  To Download Your FREE Audiobook click here:  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/27/202036 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP#108 Your Inner Shaman, Plant Medicine and Plant Dietas with Pattie Papa

If you'd like to tap into your inner shaman and learn more about planet medicine, this is the episode for you. I'll be interviewing special guest Pattie Papa, she's a great friend of mine and will help you dive deep into the world of plant medicine. In addition, Pattie is here to empower women around the world, so in this episode we'll be taking a close look at divine feminine energy.  To Join The SHIFT Academy click here:  To Connect with Pattie on instagram click here: To Connect with Pattie via Podcast click below: itunes: spotify: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/24/202056 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP#107 Top 10 Spiritual and Transformational Books that changed my life

Reading books is one of the most powerful ways to consolidate an immense amount of information within a short period of time. This episode I'm extremely excited to share my top 10 spiritual and transformational books that changed my life. Once you attune your focus and thought energy to the immense amount of rich knowledge contained within these books, you'll be extremely impressed with the effects you experience in everyday life.  Download Your FREE Audiobooks here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
3/20/202038 minutes, 26 seconds
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EP#106 How to Use Sexual Energy to Manifest (Secrets of Sexual Transmutation)

Simply put, manifestation and sexual energy are closely associated for a reason. Once you stop mindlessly wasting your sexual energy, you then have the opportunity to channel that powerful flow into alternative outlets. Whether it's your finances, relationships or physical health, utilizing your sexual energy properly opens the door to endless enhancement. This episode I'm extremely excited to show you exactly how to channel your sexual energy in a powerful way. If you'd like to Increase your energy and tap into the flow state, use my 15% discount code "AARON15" to get Organifi Pure here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/17/202029 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP#105 Dr Joe Dispenza's Teachings Simplified and How to Apply them

This is one of the most informative episodes I've ever released, filled with powerful tools and techniques to help you transform your reality. We'll be diving deep into all of Dr. Joe Dispenza's teachings, and once you start to apply them into your own life, you'll be extremely impressed with the results.  For the most amazing sleep of your life, use my 15% discount code "AARON15" to get Organifi Gold Chocolate here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
3/13/202033 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP#104 The Attract Love by Letting Go Episode that changed your life

This episode I'll reveal an extremely powerful realization which will change your life. It's all about attracting love and new relationships. The truth is, once you implement this knowledge, you'll be extremely impressed with the results. If you'd like to finally be the star of your own movie and experience states of freedom, confidence, love and joy ...this is the episode for you.  To join The Shift Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
3/10/202023 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP#103 Starseeds: A Relatable Explanation that will change your life

If you normally would't be open to content about Starseeds, you are exactly where you need to be. In this special episode I'll share a relatable starseed explanation so you finally understand more about starseeds. Simply listen to this episode with an open mind, knowing that it has the powerful to expand your consciousness in a powerful way.  For the most amazing sleep of your life, use my 15% discount code "AARON15" to get Organifi Gold Chocolate here: For some of my favorite starseed content: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/6/202045 minutes, 27 seconds
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EP#102 3 Ways I Used Quantum Physics to Manifest My Dream Life

Applying the principles of Quantum Physics allows you to manifest the life you prefer once and for all. In this episode I'll show you exactly how to utilize those principles in your everyday life. Understand that this life is so much more flexible than you can even imagine. We always experience a reality that is equal to our state of being. You must simply give yourself permission to exist in the energetic state of your ideal reality now. Do that and you'll be extremely impressed with the results.  For the FREE BOOK and Trial to Audible click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/3/202028 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP#101 Living in the End Hacks that manifested my DREAM life

This is the most powerful manifestation process I have ever found. Understand the present moment is all that truly exists, and everyone has the ability to access their ideal frequency right here, right now. This episode I'm extremely excited to reveal a powerful process called Living In The End. It's specifically designed to help you manifest the life you prefer from the inside out. For the most amazing sleep of your life, use my 15% discount code "AARON15" to get Organifi Gold Chocolate here: For my Living In The End Meditation Click Here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |    
2/27/202024 minutes, 17 seconds
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EP#100 The Vibration of Numbers and how Numerology Changed my Life

Once you understand the vibration of numbers, you'll be able to work with numerology in a whole new way. The truth is, the universe is always speaking to us though numbers and patterns. In this special episode, I'm extremely excited to show you how to decode the numerology all around us. Much love & namaste  For your FREE Numerology Report click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: To join The Shift Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
2/25/202020 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP#99 Raising Your Vibration 101: The Fundamentals

Once you understand the fundamentals of raising your vibration, life will start to transform in a powerful way. If you'd like to attract love, money, improve current relationships or increase synchronicity, it all starts with the basics. This episode I'm very excited to reveal those fundamentals, which will open new opportunities you previously never imagined. Much love & namaste. To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: To join The Shift Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/21/202028 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP#98 3 Traps of Spirituality that keep you TRAPPED in Low Vibration

Throughout my spiritual awakening journey, I've experienced a number of traps along the way. This episode I'll share exactly how to avoid these traps. Whether it's money, relationships or the spiritual ego ...we'll be diving deep into some vulnerable aspects of my awakening process. Much Love & Namaste  To join The Shift Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/18/202026 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP#97 Events that Shaped My Self-Image and how you can change yours

In this vulnerable episode, I'll share the events that shaped my self-image. No only that, I'll also be showing you exactly how to modify  your current self-image. The truth is, our identity and self-image completely controls our life.  Once you drop the story of your past and give yourself permission to create a new Identity, your life will transform in an extremely powerful way. Much Love & Namaste  To join The Shift Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/14/202031 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP#96 The Seasons of Manifestation Episode you will never forget

When it comes to the process of manifesting your vision, it's quite common for most people to rush the process. The truth is, there's certain cycles and seasons to everything in life. This episode I'm excited share with you the 4 seasons of manifestation, so that you can better determine which season you're currently experiencing. Once you release your grip of control, you'll learn to enjoy and trust the manifestation process. Much Love & Namaste  To join The Shift Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
2/11/202021 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP#95 The How I Manifested My House Episode

This episode I'll share exactly how I manifested my new house. Three 3 years ago I was working a 9-5 job I was not passionate about, yet now I live the life of my dreams. I'm super excited to share with you how you can apply certain tools and techniques to manifest the life you prefer also. Much Love & Namaste  For your Free Numerology Report: To join The Shift Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/7/202029 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP#94 A Crash Course on Ascension

Right now on the planet more and more people continue to expand their consciousness. As we continue to awaken individually, each and every one of us has an amazing opportunity to help others make the shift in a powerful way. This episode is specifically designed to unlock your true frequency so that you can shine your light once and for all. Much Love & Namaste  To join The Shift Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
2/4/202033 minutes, 4 seconds
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EP#93 What Kobe Bryant is Doing in the Higher Dimensions (the Life after death episode)

The recent death of the NBA legend Kobe Bryant took us all by surprise. This episode we'll take a deep dive down the esoteric rabbit hole and discuss exactly what Kobe is now doing in the higher dimensions. Let's send love to Kobe's friends and family today. Enjoy this unique episode, much love & namaste.  To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: To join The Shift Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/31/202025 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP#92 The Wizard Episode that made you Magical AF

I believe that you are a wizard. The truth is, you are capable of creating true magic in your life and in this episode I'll show you exactly how to do it. We all have the ability to tap into the frequency of magic, yet most of us are held back by the logical mind. This reality is so much more flexible than you can even imagine, and I'm extremely excited to share this episode with you. Much Love & Namaste  To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: To join The Shift Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/28/202027 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP#91 The Detachment Episode that Made You Like Buddha and changed your life forever

Reality starts to transform in magical ways once you master the art of detachment. The truth is ...all suffering arises due to attachment and desire. In this powerful episode I'll show you exactly how to free up your energy so that you create the life you prefer in an extremely detached manner. Much Love! To join The Shift Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/24/202025 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP#90 The We Live in a Virtual Reality Episode and here is what it means...

The truth is ...we live in a form of virtual reality or simulation. Although the term "virtual reality" sounds a bit cold and technological ...there's actually a deep spiritual meaning underlying it all. In this special episode I'll reveal exactly what that meaning is, and how you can use it to completely transform all aspects of your life. Much Love & Namaste  To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: To join The Shift Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/21/202021 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP#89 The Episode where you realize you are a Lightworker and find out EXACTLY your mission

This episode is specifically designed to help you realize that you are a Lightworker. There is a massive shift in consciousness taking place on Planet Earth right now, and If you are reading this right now are part of the shift! We all have a higher mission in life ...and in this special episode I'll help to reveal exactly what it is. Much Love & Namaste  To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: To join The Shift Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/17/202020 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP#88 My 5 Life-Changing Insights from Tony Robbins Date With Destiny Event

Recently I attended Tony Robbin's Date With Destiny Live Event was truly Life-Changing to say the least. This episode I'm extremely excited to reveal some Incredible Insights that have the potential to transform every single aspect of your life. Much Love & Namaste  To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: To join The Shift Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/14/202027 minutes, 17 seconds
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EP#87 7 Weird Vibrational Rules that once you know, Changes Everything

These 7 Weird Vibrational Secrets will help you see reality in a completely new way. This episode I'm excited to reveal certain energetic rules that have changed the way I show up in the world. Once you know these secrets, you'll be able to enhance every single area of your life. Much Love & Namaste  To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: To join The Shift Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/10/202023 minutes, 45 seconds
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EP#86 Post-Relationship Review with Leeor Alexandra (Part 1)

In this special episode, Leeor Alexandra and I reflect back on our relationship with one another. The truth is, Leeor is my Twin Flame. We are each others divine mirror. As some of you already know, recently we've decided to separate romantically. All relationships help us to learn & grow, so I hope this episode helps you to learn from our experience in a powerful way. Much Love & Namaste  Connect with Leeor Alexandra: To join The Shift Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/7/202043 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP#85 My Top 5 Life-Changing Spiritual Lessons from 2019

This episode I'm extremely excited to share the top 5 life-changing lessons I've learned in 2019. As we approach the new year, It's crucial we move forward with the valuable insights & lessons recently learned. Simply listening to my experiences here will give you the opportunity to shift your frequency in a powerful way. Much Love & Namaste    To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: To join The Shift Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
1/3/202029 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP#84 5 Ways to Change Your Dominant Vibration in 2020

If you're looking for a powerful strategy to change your dominant vibration in 2020, this is the episode for you. The practical techniques I share here are specifically designed to transform your self-image, along with the way you currently think, feel and act. In order to truly make a permanent shift, you must first step into the unknown and release old ways of being. This episode I'll show you exactly how to do it. Much Love & Namaste  To join The All Access Pass click here: To join The Shift Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/31/201930 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP#83 Leeor Alexandra's Life Changing Ayahuasca Experience

In this special episode, Leeor Alexandra and I share our life changing Ayahuasca experience. Ayahuasca is plant medicine native to the Amazon region, noted for its healing and transformational properties.The stories shared here may tigger some people, you have been warned! This vulnerable episode contains incredible insights which have the potential to severely enhance your life. Much Love & Namaste  Connect with Leeor Alexandra: To join The Shift Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/27/201957 minutes, 10 seconds
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EP#82 3 Ways to RADICALLY Transform Your Identity (How I did it)

When it comes to making positive changes in life, It all starts with the decision to do so. Countless processes & techniques exist around life-transformation, yet most of them operate at the surface level. In order to truly follow-through with your commitment to transform, you must learn to adjust your identity. The truth is, your life is severely influenced by your self-image. This episode I'll show you exactly how I was able to shift my Identity in a powerful way. Much Love & Namaste   To Join The Shift Experience Click Here: To join The Shift Academy Click Here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click Here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar Click Here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/24/201930 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP#81 The Esoteric Visualization Episode (my personal process)

In order to create the life you prefer, you must first line up with it on a vibrational level. The truth is, your vibration is a combination of the way you think, act and feel. This episode I'll reveal a powerful process which is specifically designed to help permanently shift your frequency. These powerful esoteric techniques have allowed me to experience the life of my dreams, I'm extremely excited to share them with you. Much Love & Namaste  To join The Shift Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/20/201928 minutes, 28 seconds
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EP#80 Before you Give Up on Your Manifestations LISTEN TO THIS

In order to create the reality you prefer must never give up. Consistency is the key when it comes to allowing your ideal reality to manifest. The truth is do not have to "create" this reality ...quantum physics shows us that each and every reality already exists. If you'd like to completely shift timeline in a profound way ...this episode is for you. Much love & namaste  To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/17/201927 minutes, 2 seconds
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EP#79 5 Life Changing Insights I've Had from Ayahuasca

I'm so excited to share some transformative insights from my Ayahuasca experience. This vulnerable episode is all about inner work, profound realizations and Ayahuasca in general. I'll reveal some personal information about my past that I've never shared before and so much more. Much Love & Namaste.  
12/13/201942 minutes, 55 seconds
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EP#78 The Vibration of Music and Sound Episode (how music influences you plus my personal music selection)

The music we listen to has the potential to raise our vibration, yet on the other side of that same coin ...our vibration can also decrease severely. Not only does music influence our vibration ...but also our beliefs. Since our beliefs create our reality's crucial for you to become more mindful of the music you allow into your consciousness. This episode I'll show you exactly how to do that and so much more. Much love & namaste.  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/10/201926 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP#77 The Esoteric Visualization Episode (my personal process)

The truth is ...when you change your vibration you also change your life. In order to really hack your frequency and take it to a whole new level ...practicing the art of visualization is a must. This episode I'll show you exactly how I created a life of passion, abundance and health. Once some of these visualization techniques are revealed ...there truly is no going back. I'm excited this episode will literally create magic in your life. Much love & namaste :) To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
12/6/201928 minutes, 28 seconds
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EP#76 The stop trying to control your manifestations episode that changed your life (instead do this)

Once you let go of control'll finally allow amazing things to enter your life. Most people try to control their manifestations, yet quite often this causes resistance and frustration. In order to truly manifest the life you prefer must learn to release your grip of control & allow your vision to come to fruition. If you feel resistance in your life ...this episode is specifically designed to shift your frequency. Much love & namaste  To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
12/3/201927 minutes, 23 seconds
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EP#75 3 Weird Rituals That Have Skyrocketed My Vibration

When it comes to raising your vibration, consistency is the absolute key. For this reason I've Implemented various habits and rituals into my life which severely increase my state of being. Once you get a certain momentum going, acting on these rituals becomes so much easier. This episode I'm extremely excited to share 3 weird rituals which have completely skyrocketed my vibration. I'll see you on the inside, much love & namaste.  Get the ALL ACCESS PASS NOW: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/29/201927 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP#74 Spiritual People and Money watch me critique money beliefs

When it comes to spiritual people & beliefs about money....the common themes sound a bit like this: "I don't deserve abundance" or "I shouldn't charge for my services". In this episode I'll show you exactly why theses themes exists....and how to reframe your beliefs about money. The truth is not good or's simply a neutral tool. Our beliefs create our reality....once you shift them everything instantly changes. I'm very excited to get into this episode with you. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
11/26/201933 minutes, 22 seconds
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EP#73 The Esoteric Manifestation Techniques I am scared to share on YouTube because they are so powerful

This episode I'll share some Esoteric Manifestation Techniques that have the power to completely transform everything. The truth is....certain organizations around the world use these very techniques in not so great ways. My Intention is for you to use these processes for good.....this way we all increase the frequency of planet earth together. I've honestly never shared anything like this before.....but I know that now is the right time. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/22/201929 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP#72 Never Go To Bed without using this Sleep Technique

As you fall asleep each have an incredible window of opportunity to reprogram the subconscious mind. Once you learn how to tap into the power of the as you know it will completely change in ways you cannot even imagine. This episode I'll share 2 powerful techniques which enable you to do exactly that. I've seen the results in my own I'm extremely excited for you to get started. Much Love & Namaste   To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/19/201928 minutes, 1 second
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EP#71 DEEP Shadow work with Leeor Alexandra

In order to truly live a happy must first heal your past and integrate your shadow. I'm very excited to say that this episode features special guest & fellow YouTuber Leeor Alexandra. We'll show you exactly how to complete the past and transmute negative energy once and for all. Get this episode runs deep! I'll be revealing sensitive information about my life experience for the very first time. Much love & namaste  Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/15/201956 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP#70 The BEING Frequency Reversed Engineered Episode that changed your life forever

Understand that the best possible version of you already exists.....all you have to do is tune to the frequency like a radio dial. Everything is energy.....and your vibration is a combination of the way you think, act and feel. Once you adopt the thoughts, actions and emotions of the ideal version of you.....external reality will start to rearrange in a magical way. This episode I'll show you exactly how to release your current state of being and replace it with a new one. Much love & namaste.  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/12/201926 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP#69 "BE it Till You See it" 3 Step Process that changed your life

Our beliefs create our reality.....yet in order to truly materialize the life you prefer, you must first shift beyond the paradigm of belief. The truth is....all you have to do is give yourself permission to BE the ideal version of yourself right now. Every reality you could possibly imagine already a radio dial....simply match the frequency you want to experience. In this episode I'll share an incredible 3 step process which will show you exactly how to do that and so much more. Much love & namaste.   To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/8/201930 minutes, 38 seconds
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EP#68 The Vibration of Attention Episode that changed your life

Where attention flows. Once you start to become aware of where your attention'll instantly shift your frequency. The truth is, awareness is always the simply cannot change that which you are unaware of. This episode I'll show you exactly how to utilize your mental energy in a powerful way....which will accelerate the manifestation process once and for all. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/5/201923 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP#67 The Esoteric Earth School Episode that changed Your life FOREVER

The truth is....planet earth is a form of school for master souls. We all came here learn certain lessons and remember our divine essence. In this esoteric episode I'll talk about why so many souls are incarnating here at this time and exactly what to do about it. Once you understand why you are become so much more enjoyable. It's truly time to take life to the next level in a completely new way. Much love & namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
11/1/201935 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP#66 The BEING Frequency and why it will change your life forever

Are you ready to BE the best possible version of yourself? Know that this version of you quite literally already exists.....all you have to do is tap into the frequency. Once you as you know it will completely change. This episode I'll show you exactly how to access and actualize the ideal version of yourself. What I share with you here will immediately impact your current life situation....prepare to shift! Much love & namaste   To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/29/201926 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP#65 7 "Weird" Habits that Keep me in High Vibration no matter what

The age-old saying holds true....we are what we repeatedly do....excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. In this episode I'll share some personal habits that continue to take my vibration to a whole new level. Ten truth is....once you raise your frequency, manifestation becomes so much easier. If you simply adopt and implement some of the habits I'll be sharing with you as you know it will completely transform. Much love & namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
10/25/201938 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP#64 90% of Reality Creation is Complete When You Do This One Thing

In order to successfully manifest the life you prefer you must first shift beyond belief and into being. When it comes to reality creation....most people try to "act as if"....yet one missing ingredient continues to hold them back. This episode I'll reveal exactly what that ingredient is and how to easily apply it. Once you truly give yourself permission to embody the frequency your prefer.....everything begins to change in a magical way. Much love & namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/22/201924 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP#63 The Enlightenment Manifestation Episode That Changed Your Manifestations Forever

Once you understand the perspective of enlightened individuals manifestation becomes easier than ever. You are already 100% worthy whole and complete....this is the secret all enlightened people know. So rather than using your manifestations to fill the void of emptiness must first learn to merge with the divine. This reality is extremely flexible....once you raise your vibration and release rigid belief systems you'll finally create the life you prefer. Much Love & Namaste     To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/18/201933 minutes, 15 seconds
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EP#62 Levels of Vibration Transformation and How to Move up

In order to truly transform your life must first transcend your current level of consciousness. This episode I'll show you why a spiritual awakening is the most powerful shift in identity you'll ever have. We've all seen well-known brands like Harley-Davidson Motorcycles.....there's a certain level of vibration there which allows for massive prosperity and abundance. Once you know how to access this level of identity in your own life.....external reality starts to rearrange in a profound way. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/15/201933 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP#61 The Belief System of Massive Abundance Episode That made You More Abundant than Ever

Anything you consistently focus on you will perceive more of.....this is why it's so important to program your mind with abundant & uplifting thoughts. Most people are completely stuck in the autopilot mind...unconsciously perpetuating the same stories over and over again. Understand that you'll always have an abundance of something in your life........there's even an abundance of lack....which is what most people focus on. Simply'll always get an abundance of whatever you pay attention to. This episode I'll show you exactly how to focus on what you do prefer...rather than what you do not prefer. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/11/201926 minutes, 9 seconds
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EP#60 The Closing The Story Gap Episode that Changed your life

In order to truly transform you must first become aware of the story you've been telling yourself. Most people are completely stuck within the confines of the autopilot.....continuously recreating the same frequency over and over again. Yet once you learn to release stories and beliefs which no longer serve.....everything changes in amazing way. This episode I'll show you exactly how to do that and so much more....this way you'll finally revolutionize your outdated story and embody the frequency you prefer. Much Love & Namaste   To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/8/201930 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP#59 My Top Teachers And Recommended Books (since the start of my awakening)

Once you start to activate higher states of consciousness life becomes so much more exciting. We all awaken in a unique way.....yet it's always interesting and beneficial to revisit the earlier parts of our spiritual journey. In this special episode I'll be analyzing and discussing the early stages of my awakening. We'll be looking at my old books, notes, ideas and so much more. I'm truly looking forward to sharing my spiritual awakening journey with all of you. Much Love & Namaste.  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: To Calibrate Your Vibration Click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/4/201939 minutes, 47 seconds
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EP#58 Why "Acting As If" Is not enough & what to do instead

In order to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.....simply give yourself permission to exist in the frequency you prefer. Rather than "acting as if" must learn to "be as if". Understand that your reality is a reflection of what you think, feel and do.......all you have to do is match the frequency of the reality you prefer. This episode I'll show you exactly how to do that and so much more. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
10/1/201929 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP#57 The Evolving your Vibration episode that changed Your life Forever

In order to transform your life you must first shift your level of consciousness. The truth can only experience that which you are the vibration of. Everything in reality is forming according to your beliefs, stories, and overall frequency. This episode I'll show you exactly how to evolve your vibration to a completely new level. Once you shift on the inside.....external reality will start to rearrange in an amazing way. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/27/201946 minutes, 58 seconds
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EP#56 Levels of Manifestation (my story and how I personally manifest)

As you raise up the vibrational scale of consciousness.....manifestation becomes so much easier. Once you start to create from this higher paradigm everything speeds up and effortlessly comes together. This episode I'll show you exactly how to increase the level of manifestation your currently at. You'll learn how to shift beyond dreaming and doing......into an entirely new state of being. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/24/201942 minutes, 39 seconds
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EP#55 The Vibration Of Money episode that made you RICH

Once you change your relationship with money life becomes so much more enjoyable. Know that money has a certain must resonate with it in order to experience true abundance. If you do not appreciate money or view it in a negative'll never attract more of it. This episode I'll show you exactly how to experience wealth and create a truly opulent lifestyle. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
9/20/201931 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP#54 The Attachment episode that changed your life forever (5 levels)

Once you learn to release your becomes so much more enjoyable. Most people are unconsciously tied to things that keep them in states of low vibration. In order to gain true freedom and raise your must first let go of your negative story and limiting beliefs. This episode I'll reveal the 5 levels of attachment and exactly how to transcend them. The truth is......your vibration is naturally high. The moment you release your the moment you end all forms of suffering and take your power back in an amazing way. Much Love & Namaste  For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
9/17/201938 minutes, 44 seconds
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EP#53 Soulmate Attraction In 3 Steps With Victor Oddo

As more and more people continue to raise their frequency......soulmate relationships are forming all around the world. It's an amazing time to be alive on planet earth......right now we all have the opportunity to link-up with true soul-friends. This episode features special guest Victor Oddo! We'll reveal an incredible 3 step formula which is specifically designed to help you attract soulmates into your life. Once you start to attract your high-vibe becomes so much more enjoyable. Much Love & Namaste  Follow Victor Oddo here! ➡ For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |   
9/13/201932 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP#52 The Don’t Believe In Yourself Episode (Do This Instead)

Our beliefs create our reality.....yet higher paradigms exist far beyond the realm of belief. This episode I'll show you exactly how to transcend your current state of consciousness and tap into the power of the divine. We are all infinite spiritual beings having temporary human experiences......once you access the unlimited potential of your true self everything shifts in a profound way. Much Love & Namaste  For The SHIFT Experience Webinar click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/10/201933 minutes, 28 seconds
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EP#51 Thought Forms 201: Advanced Understanding of Thoughts In Reality

Once you increase the quality of your thoughts manifestation becomes so much easier. This episode I'll elaborate on the topic of thought forms......I'll reveal advanced knowledge which has the power to shift your reality in a profound way. Understand that your thoughts are literal things. Here you'll learn how to apply an incredible 3 step formula which is specifically designed to raise your vibration in order to amplify the power of your thoughts. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
9/6/201935 minutes, 42 seconds
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EP#50 Thought Forms 101: The Esoteric Perspective of Thoughts Creating Reality

Whether we can see them or not.....our thoughts are literal things. Most people are completely unaware of the fact that thoughts have an electromagnetic reality and exist far beyond the head. The truth is.....thoughts we think over and over again accumulate within our energy field and severely effect our life experience. In addition to that....the world is filled other peoples thought forms which can easily influence your vibration. This episode I'll show you exactly how to control your thoughts and take your power back once and for all.  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
9/3/201932 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP#49 Twinflames VS Soulmates My Personal Experience & How to Find Yours

The difference between soulmates and twinflames might just surprise you. After you watch this episode you'll have a whole new perspective. I'll show you exactly how to attract love into your life in a profound way. This is something I've never shared before.....I'll share some deep stories and insights about my personal life. I hope you enjoy this special episode! Much Love & Namaste  For The Love Mastery Program click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/30/201935 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP#48 Vibration of Belief Systems (and how to change them)

In order to transform your must first shift your self-image. The perception you have of yourself is closely linked to your beliefs.....and beliefs create reality. Most people are completely stuck within the confines of the autopilot mind......utterly unaware of their beliefs. This episode I'll shed some light on the nature of belief systems which will shift your life in a tremendous way. Awareness is always the key. You simply cannot change that which you are unaware of. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/27/201951 minutes, 33 seconds
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EP#47 The Self-Image Transformation Episode that Changed your Life

Once you shift your self-image life becomes so much more enjoyable. The truth is… are an eternal spiritual being having a temporary human experience. The goods of life are available to everyone…..all you have to do is expand your awareness. This episode I’ll show you exactly how to wire in a new self-image which will completely transform your life. Know that you are worthy of health, wealth and amazing relationships. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/23/201942 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP#46 Psychedelics, Plant Medicine and Substances (the vibration of each revealed)

This episode is dedicated to psychedelics, plant medicine and other substances. I'll share some personal experiences along with the vibrational calibration of each substance. Plant medicine helps us increase our awareness in a profound way. These methods are certainly not for everyone.....but if your reading this right now theres a good chance this podcast is for you. Much love & Namaste  To experience THE SHIFT Webinar Click Here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/20/201947 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Harvest into 4th Density: The #1 Thing YOU Must Do to make the Shift

Right now on the planet more and more people are shifting into higher states of consciousness. As the collective transition accelerates....we'll start to experience a direct reflection of this high vibrational energy. This episode I'll show you exactly how to make the shift so that you don't get left behind. Once you get a taste of this new energy....there is no going back. Much Love & Namaste  For my 5th Dimension Meditation click here... To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/19/201917 minutes, 48 seconds
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3 Huge Spiritual Awakening Mistakes I made (that changed my life)

The spiritual awakening journey tends to include a fair share of unwanted turbulence. We all awaken in a different way.....yet most of us experience off-putting events at one point or another. This episode I'll share some big mistakes I made while waking up. Once you know about these'll have a chance to avoid them. Awareness is always the key. Much Love & Namaste  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/18/201919 minutes, 17 seconds
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The DANGER of Over Intention and Over Surrender with the Law of Attraction

When it comes to the law of attraction.....the subtleties make all the difference. Most people are too attached to the outcome OR completely stuck in the repetitive thought patterns of the autopilot mind. In order to truly manifest your ideal must take a balanced approach. This episode I'll show you exactly how to activate the 'middle way'. Once you master the minor nuances of manifestation'll create the life you want with ease. Much Love & Namaste  For My Feeling is The Secret Meditation Click Here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/17/201920 minutes, 43 seconds
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EP#45 My Top 5 Law of Attraction Techniques

The truth of attraction techniques work only if you believe they do. The real power lies not in the technique....but in you. In order to shift must first give your permission to do so. The paradox is....certain tools and techniques allow us to active our own energy in a profound way. This episode I'll share my top 5 law of attraction techniques so that you start to create the life once and for all. Much Love & Namaste  For The Reality Transurfing Academy $1 trial click here: " data-userid="569995228640636928" data-orgid= "569995228745494528"> Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/16/201926 minutes, 14 seconds
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3 DEEP ideas that will Raise Your Vibration and Transform Your Life

We are all eternal spiritual beings......your true essence extends far beyond the typical 5 senses. Most people believe they are the 3D avatar body....yet this temporary human experience is not as solid as it seems. The truth becomes so much more enjoyable once you release the ego and activate your divine essence. This episode is specifically designed to help you unleash your divinity and raise your vibration. Much Love & Namaste  For My Ho'oponopono Meditation click here: For My 5D Activation Meditation click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/15/201926 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Free Will MYTH Revealed I'm Sorry (it's time you know)

Most people are completely trapped within the confines of the autopilot mind. If you think the same thoughts....feel the same emotions....and take the same actions day after day.....reality remains stagnant. The truth is.....the autopilot mind negates freewill. In order to activate the freedom of choice all you have to do is guide you focus and live in the moment. This episode I'll show you exactly how to reclaim your freewill and take you power back once and for all. Much Love & Namaste   For My 5D Activation Meditation click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/14/201914 minutes, 47 seconds
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EP#44 Aliens and being Multidimensional with Leeor Alexandra

We are all multidimensional beings having temporary human experiences. It's an amazing time to be more and more people are becoming aware of their deep connection to the universe at large. This special episode features fellow YouTuber Leeor Alexandra.....we'll be exploring some incredible esoteric content which has the power to completely shift your level of consciousness. Once you connect to your true essence...everything instantly changes. Much Love & Namaste  Leeor's amazing videos can be found here ➡ To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/13/201949 minutes, 12 seconds
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STOP Chasing Money, Relationships and Success and instead do this (they will chase you)

In order to manifest your ideal must first release your desire to do so. The truth is.....desire implies lack. Whenever you really desire automatically emphasize the fact that you do not already have the object of your desire. Everything is can only experience that which you are the vibration of. Once you shift your inner state....the outside world will reflect your new frequency. This episode I'll show you the truth about manifestation and exactly how to create the life you prefer. Much Love & Namaste  For my Complete The Past Meditation click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/12/201919 minutes, 48 seconds
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Telepathy: How to Send Telepathic Messages

Right now on the planet we are transitioning into 5D levels of consciousness. As this shift takes place.....more and more people are activating extraordinary abilities. Simply put.....telepathy is real. Once you learn how to send telepathic messages....everything instantly changes. This episode i'll show you exactly how to do it. Much Love & Namaste  For My 5th Dimension Meditation click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/11/201916 minutes, 5 seconds
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The TRUTH on Full Moon Energy Updates REVEALED (NOT WHAT YOU THINK)

Full Moon energy is extremely powerful.....yet ultimately the true power lies within you. Everything in life is a self-fulfilling get to decide the meaning things have. Having said that....the Moon tends to amplify energy and influence us in certain ways. This episode I'll share exactly what Full Moon energy is and how you can harness it in the most productive way. Much Love & Namaste   For My Full Moon Meditation Click Here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/10/201916 minutes, 3 seconds
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EP#43 Shadow-Work (my experience)

Once you become aware of your own shadow you'll instantly take your power back. We are all unconscious beings to a certain extent......yet the moment you become aware of your own blind-spots is the moment everything shifts. In order to live an authentic must increase your level of awareness and let go of what no longer serves you.....yet you simply cannot change that which you are unaware of. This episode I'll show you exactly how to integrate your shadow.....increase your awareness and live from your authentic core. Much Love & Namaste  To Experience the LIVE Webinar click here:   To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
8/9/201929 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Purpose of our Simulated Reality (and how to HACK the Matrix)

More and more people are starting to realize that we live in a form of simulated reality..... a huge collective shift in consciousness is taking place right now on the planet. This episode I'll show you exactly how to navigate the 3D simulation. Once you truly expand your awareness.....everything begins to shift in a miraculous way. Much Love & Namaste  To experience THE SHIFT, click here:    To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
8/8/201917 minutes, 58 seconds
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3 Autobiography of a Yogi Stories that will change your life FOREVER

Autobiography of a Yogi is one of the most powerful books I have ever read. The great Steve Jobs read this book every single year for the last 40 years of his life.....the information I'm about to share with you has the potential to permanently shift your level of consciousness. This episode we'll be analyzing 3 incredible stories from the book. Sit back, relax, and get ready to raise your vibration. Much Love & Namaste  For my Guided Meditation on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join The Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Subscribe to The Aaron Doughty podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty  ITunes | Spotity | Stitcher | Artwork
8/7/201922 minutes, 39 seconds
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EP#42 How to Manifest from Source Energy

We all create our life from source energy.....the truth is we are all sorcerers. This high vibrational energy is all around us.....all you have to do is tap into it. Once you access this energy consciously.....manifestation becomes so much easier. This episode is specifically designed to help you harness the power of universal energy. This simple yet profound paradigm shift has the potential to completely transform your life. Much Love & Namaste  For my Power of Intention Meditation Click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/6/201924 minutes, 38 seconds
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The 5D Earth Timeline SPLIT That is Happening Now (2019-2022)

A collective shift in consciousness is taking place right now on the planet. As more and more people continue to elevate their awareness.....5D energy is becoming readily available. This episode I'll show you exactly how to tap into the 5D energies so you don't get left behind. Once you experience the shift within.....everything on the outside takes care of itself. Much Love & Namaste  To experience THE SHIFT, click here:    To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/5/201917 minutes, 5 seconds
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Parallel Reality SHIFTING Visualization The Secret to Manifestation

You are who you choose to be in the present moment. This episode is specifically designed to help you shift realty. Understand that this life is so much more flexible than you can even imagine. We always experience a reality that is equal to our state of being. Simply give yourself permission to exist in the energetic state of your ideal reality now. Much Love & Namaste  For My Decreasing Importance Meditation Click Here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/4/201917 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to SHIFT From "begging" to "hoping" to "Commanding" (this changes everything)

Once you start commanding the shifts in a miraculous way. Everything is simply must become aware of your relationship to the world at large. This episode I'll show you exactly how to create the life you want by shifting from "begging" to "hoping" to "commanding". Your state of being determines your future here on order to create a happy life on the outside you must first become aware of your inner frequency. Much Love & Namaste  For my Ho'oponopono Meditation click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
8/3/201915 minutes, 38 seconds
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Once you treat every moment as if you chose it.....your life will quite literally transform before your eyes. In this unique episode we'll be exploring the concept of karma. Reality is so much more flexible than you can even imagine.....i'll show you exactly how to manifest your ideal life situation. Everything is energy....all you have to do is control it. This episode I'll show you precisely what to do. Much Love & Namaste  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |    
8/2/201924 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Vibration of Desire REVEALED (not what you think)

The truth is.....desire is actually a low vibrational emotion. Once you transcend the limitations of the lower'll create the life you want easier than ever before. This episode I'll show you exactly how to shift you frequency beyond that of desire. The moment you release the moment everything changes. Much Love & Namaste  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
8/1/201916 minutes, 24 seconds
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The DANGER of "Act As if" and "Fake it till You Make it" that NO ONE TELLS YOU

When it comes to the law of's important to know about the danger of "act as if" and "fake it till you make it". These concepts contain massive amounts of benefits.....yet you must also become aware of their dark side. "Acting as if" could potentially shift you out of alignment with your true authentic self. This episode I'll show you exactly how to avoid the dark side and extract the benefits. Much Love & Namaste  For my Guided Meditation on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join The Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Subscribe to The Aaron Doughty podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty  ITunes | Spotity | Stitcher | Artwork  
7/31/201917 minutes, 41 seconds
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EP#40 How Victor Oddo and I overcame Money Beliefs to live in Absolute Abundance

Once you overcome your limiting beliefs about money.....everything instantly changes. The truth is a direct reflection of the value you put out. This special episode features fellow YouTuber and spiritual phenom Victor Oddo. We'll talk about the true nature of abundance.....share personal stories....and show you exactly how to create an opulent lifestyle. You absolutely have the ability to do what you love for a living.....if that sounds exciting....this episode is for you. Much Love & Namaste  To Join The Free FTP Webinar click here: " data-userid="569995228640636928" data-orgid= "569995228745494528">     For my Guided Meditation on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join The Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Subscribe to The Aaron Doughty podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty  ITunes | Spotity | Stitcher | Artwork
7/30/201949 minutes, 38 seconds
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This Meditation will SHIFT You into the 5th Dimension (WARNING NO GOING BACK)

Right now on the planet more and more people are waking up.....this collective shift is all about the 5th Dimension. In this special episode I'll be guiding you through a powerful meditation which will allow you to experience 5D levels of consciousness. The external world is simply a projection of your own frequency......once you change on the inside.....your life will quite literally transform before your eyes. Much Love & Namaste.  For my Guided Meditation on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join The Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Subscribe to The Aaron Doughty podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty  ITunes | Spotity | Stitcher | Artwork
7/29/201936 minutes, 7 seconds
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3 Reasons to NOT Ascend into 5D reality (and STAY in 3D)

The truth may not want to ascend into 5D reality. The spiritual awakening process can be disorienting from time to time.....right now on the planet more and more people are waking up. This episode I'll share 3 reasons not to ascend into 5D reality. Once the reasons are revealed.....your perspective will never be the same. Much Love & Namaste     For my Guided Meditation on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join The Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Subscribe to The Aaron Doughty podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty  ITunes | Spotity | Stitcher | Artwork
7/28/201920 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to ESCAPE a Negative Parallel Reality Timeline INSTANTLY

There is an infinite number of parallel realities that exist. Right now on the planet a splitting of timelines is taking place. Some people are getting stuck in negative parallel reality timelines.....while others are shifting to more positive timelines. It all comes down your point of attention.....your focus quite literally determines your reality. This episode I'll show you exactly how to escape negative timelines and experience the reality you prefer. Much Love & Namaste   To experience THE SHIFT, click here:  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/27/201916 minutes, 43 seconds
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EP#39 The Law of Attraction and the Purple Cow: Why Being Different will Help You Attract What You Want

Once you embody your true authentic essence everything begins to transform in an amazing way. Most people think it's difficult to be authentic.....yet the most difficult thing is to pretend to be someone your not. This episode I'll show you exactly how to transcend social conditioning and accept yourself 100%. All you have to do is go your own way and listen to your heart. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/26/201921 minutes, 7 seconds
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3 Things that Happen After Death (WARNING NOT WHAT YOU THINK)

It's empowering to know that we are immortal spiritual beings having temporary human experiences. Most people on the planet are completely afraid of death.....yet once you acknowledge your divine essence that all begins to change. The truth is.....death is less of a shock to the body than being born. This episode I'll reveal 3 things that happen after death. The moment you understand these things.....the fear of death will fall away and life will become so much more enjoyable. Much Love & Namaste For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point Click Here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/25/201921 minutes, 39 seconds
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The MAGICAL Power of "I AM" and How to Use it

Once you tap into higher states of consciousness everything begins to change. The truth are an infinite spiritual being living a temporary human experience. Most people are completely trapped within the confines of the 3D ego.....this episode I''ll show you exactly how to break free and take your power back. In order to create lasting change in your life you must first sink into the truth of who you really are as a divine being. Much Love & Namaste       For my Self-Image Mediation click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/24/201915 minutes, 52 seconds
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EP#38 The SHIFT from 3rd Density to 4th (don't get left behind)

Incredible things are happening on the planet right now. As more and more people continue to shift their level of consciousness a new earth is beginning to form. This episode I'll show you exactly how to shift from the 3rd Density to the 4th so that you don't get left behind. Once your on a high vibrational timeline you'll be able to bring friends and family along for the ride. Much Love & Namaste  ➡To experience THE SHIFT Free Webinar Click Below:             To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/23/201926 minutes, 33 seconds
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Wanderer Souls VS Walk In Souls Signs YOU Are One and How to KNOW

Right now on the planet we are moving through massive shifts in consciousness. Everyone wakes up to higher states of consciousness in their own way.....once you learn to enjoy and embrace your individual journey life instantly becomes so much more enjoyable. In this special episode I'll share some unique ways to awaken. Our soul contains infinite potential.....all you have to is honor your true essence. Much Love & Namaste     To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/22/201920 minutes, 18 seconds
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3 Things You Must Know BEFORE You Raise Your Vibration (NOT WHAT YOU THINK)

You are an infinite spiritual being having a temporary human experience. The truth is.....your vibration is naturally high. This episode I'll show 3 things you must know before you raise your vibration and increase your frequency. Once you expand beyond the limits of the 3D begins to shift in an amazing way. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/21/201919 minutes, 35 seconds
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3 Vibrational Levels of Relationships (which one are you?)

In this unique episode we'll be analyzing 3 different vibrational levels of relationships. Your about to meet 3 different people who all have a different perspective about relationships. Understanding these 3 perspectives will allow you to clearly see your own perspective when it comes to your own interpersonal connections. Once you increase your level of'll have the ability to shift your vibration. You simply cannot change that which you are unaware of. Awareness is always the key. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/20/201924 minutes, 12 seconds
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EP#37 Secrets of the HOLOGRAM and how to transform your life

Once you tap into the Holorgram of reality.....every single aspect of your life begins to improve. Everything is order to live the life you really want you must first focus on your own energy field. The truth is.....external reality is simply a reflection of your inner state. This episode I'll show you exactly how to amplify your own energy and transform your life once and for all. Much Love & Namaste  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/19/201921 minutes, 36 seconds
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Higher-Self Manifestation: The Secret to Manifesting in 5D

Manifestation becomes so much easier once you shift your level of consciousness. Right now on the planet.....more and more people are shifting out of the ego and into alignment with their higher self. This episode I'll show you how to let the divine flow through you. Once you embody your divine essence life becomes so much more flexible. Much Love & Namaste  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |    
7/18/201914 minutes, 56 seconds
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5th Dimensional SECRETS to our Reality that will change your life FOREVER

In order to shift your reality you must first understand the different dimensional states of consciousness. Right now on the planet we are experiencing massive upgrades in many ways. As time goes on.....we will continue to ascend into the 5th dimension. This episode I'll show you exactly how to upgrade your consciousness. Once you shift your inner state everything begins to improve on the outside. Much Love & Namaste.     For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/17/201920 minutes, 1 second
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EP#36 The Story of How You Came To Earth from the Higher Dimension and WHY You are here NOW

We are all eternal spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. Right now on the planet.....more and more people are becoming aware of their divine essence. Once you realize that you are so much more than your 3D ego.....everything begins to shift in an amazing way. This episode I'll show you exactly how to raise your vibration and merge with your higer self. Much Love & Namaste.  To join The Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Subscribe to The Aaron Doughty podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty  ITunes | Spotity | Stitcher | Artwork
7/16/201926 minutes, 20 seconds
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Life After Death According to Autobiography of a Yogi (NOT WHAT YOU THINK)

Autobiography of a Yogi is a a book that Steve Jobs read every single year for the last 40 years of his life. This extraordinarily powerful book contains an incredible amount of profound information. This episode we'll be looking at the topic of life after death according to Autobiography of a Yogi. Once you internalize this unique perspective.....everything begins to change in an amazing way. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/15/201921 minutes, 35 seconds
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3 Manifestation Warnings you MUST know about (be careful what you ask for)

When it comes to manifestation.....things may come to fruition in mysterious ways. Everything is connected.....and our intentions may contain hidden suprises. This episode I'll show you exactly how to avoid the negative side effects of your intentions. Once you understand manifestation in this'll truly take conscious control of your reality. Awareness is the key. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |   
7/14/201920 minutes, 24 seconds
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3 Vibrational Levels of Money

In this special episode we'll be analyzing 3 different vibrational levels of money. Your about to meet 3 different people who all have a different perspective about money. Understanding these 3 perspectives will allow you to clearly see your own perspective when it comes to wealth and abundance. Once you increase your'll have the ability to shift your vibration. You simply cannot change that which you are unaware of. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/13/201917 minutes, 28 seconds
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EP#35 3 State of Being HACKS for using the Law of Attraction

This episode I'll show you exactly how to increase your frequency. When it comes to all comes down your own vibration. The external world simply reflects your own energy. Once you shift your inner state.....everything begins to change in an amazing way. In order to successfully manifest your ideal must first shift your inner state. In this special episode I'll show you exactly how to make the shift. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/12/201922 minutes, 32 seconds
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Higher-Self Manifestation: 3 Ways to Manifest from a Totally New Paradigm

Once you become aware of who you truly are at a greater level...everything begins to change. The ego represents a small portion of your authentic essence... you are not just your physical avatar are so much more than that. This episode I'll show you exactly how to access higher levels of consciousness. Unconditional love and bliss is who you really are. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/11/201922 minutes, 38 seconds
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3 DANGEROUS Words Keeping you STUCK in the 3rd DImension

This episode I'll show you exactly how to let go of 3 words that keep you trapped in the 3rd dimension. The words we speak influence our reality in a profound way. In life we always experience a reflection of what we believe to be true and the words we speak reveal the beliefs we have. Once you shift your vocabulary life will begin to completely transform before your eyes. Much Love & Namaste     To experience THE SHIFT, click here:  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/10/201919 minutes, 7 seconds
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EP#34 How to ENGAGE with Life and SHIFT your Level of Consciousness

In order to truly shift your level of must first move beyond the autopilot mind. Once you change your inner state, everything begins to unfold in an amazing way. In this episode I'll show you how exactly how to transform your frequency and embody your true essence. Life becomes so much more enjoyable when you say 'yes' to the present moment. True power exists here and now. Much Love & Namaste    To experience THE SHIFT, click here:  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/9/201926 minutes, 48 seconds
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The DANGER of Everyone is YOU Pushed Out (NO ONE TELLS YOU THIS)

In order to change must first change yourself. Life always reflects your own energy back to you. Once you shift your inner world...everything on the outside begins to transform. This episode I'll show you exactly how to take control of your inner state. The true power lies within you. Much Love & Namaste  For my Ho'oponopono meditation Click Here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
7/8/201916 minutes, 24 seconds
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Beyond Intention: the NEXT Level of Manifestation REVEALED

Once you shift the way you relate to the begins to transform in an amazing way. The truth is...external reality simply reflects your inner state. This episode I'll show you how to shift your paradigm and completely take your power back. In order to manifest the life you must first embody your true essence as a divine spiritual being. Much Love & Namaste  For my Ho'oponopono meditation Click Here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |     
7/7/201916 minutes, 50 seconds
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WARNING: The Manifestation DELAY is Going AWAY (what to do about it)

The more you realize that life is a form of dream, the more dream-like your life will become. We are going through a collective shift in consciousness right now on the planet. Everything is connected.....our collective vibration has the power to influence physical reality. The earth is becoming less dense as more and more people wake up. This episode I'll show you exactly how to shift your vibration.....and manifest the life you prefer. Much Love & Namaste  For my Complete The Past Meditation click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/6/201916 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP#33 How to change the Mirror of Reality (The ONLY Way)

Everything in life is a reflection of what you believe to be true. Once you shift your inner state.....external reality starts to transform in an amazing way. We're all here to undergo a massive shift in consciousness.....this episode I'll show you exactly how to shift your focus and expand your awareness. Everything you want to experience on the outside already exists within you. In order to change the mirror of must first pay attention to your inner state. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/5/201922 minutes, 49 seconds
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Beliefs Do NOT Create Reality The TRUTH (it's time you know about)

Once you know how reality really becomes so much more enjoyable. The truth is.....beliefs do not create reality. Our brain can only pick up on a certain amount of information.....reality is truly vast beyond measure. This episode I'll show you a new perspective that has the power to completely enhance your experience here on earth. Much Love & Namaste  " data-timestamp="1538671414781" data-userid="569995228640636928">To experience THE SHIFT, click here: " data-timestamp="1538671414781" data-userid= "569995228640636928">  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
7/4/201918 minutes, 14 seconds
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Beliefs of Enlightenment and how to go BEYOND the Avatar

Once you shift beyond the 3D becomes so much more enjoyable. Our beliefs create our life we always get a reflection of what we believe to be true. In order to change your external must first shift your inner reality. This episode I'll show you the belief system of an enlightened person. Learning more about the inner atmosphere of enlightenment has the power to completely transform your life. Much Love & Namaste  " data-timestamp="1538671414781" data-userid="569995228640636928">To experience THE SHIFT, click here: " data-timestamp="1538671414781" data-userid= "569995228640636928"> To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/3/201915 minutes, 19 seconds
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EP#32 How to Architect Your Own Reality Step-by Step

We are all conscious creators.....we came to planet earth to shape and design reality. Simply set more intentions.....and your life will begin to transform in a powerful way. This episode I'll show you exactly how to architect your own reality step-by-step. As you set more'll increase the probability of certain things happening. Once you take your power back in this becomes so much more enjoyable. Much Love & Namaste.    To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/2/201922 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ho'oponopono Meditation: The Most Powerful Healing Meditation EVER

This Hawaiian healing technique has the power to completely transform your life. The Ho'oponopono process gets to the root of how reality works in general...and will help you heal the various aspects of your life. This ground breaking modality goes deeper than you can even imagine. In this special episode, I'll be guiding you through an incredible Ho'oponopono mediation. Listen to it for 21 days and wire it in! Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
7/1/201934 minutes, 31 seconds
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This Episode will Raise Your Vibration INSTANTLY (WARNING NO GOING BACK)

You are an eternal spiritual being having a temporary human experience. The truth is.....your vibration is naturally high. This episode I'll show you exactly how to raise your vibration and increase your frequency. Once you expand beyond the limits of the 3D begins to shift in a magical way. Much Love & Namaste  For my Complete The Past Meditation click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/30/201923 minutes, 43 seconds
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How to Get into The LOVE Frequency INSTANTLY

Life has no meaning other than the meaning you give it. In order to take your power back...never allow external circumstances to govern your internal condition. This episode I'll show you exactly how to control your inner state and shift into the love frequency. Once you make the shift, everything begins to transform in an amazing way. Much Love & Namaste    For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/29/201917 minutes, 53 seconds
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3 Dangerous TRICKS of the Ego that Keep You TRAPT in 3D

The ego does everything it can to remain consistent to the way it defines itself.....and the ego always tries to stay in survival mode.  Once you shift your awareness beyond the 3D physical avatar.....everything begins to change. This episode I'll show you exactly how to make the shift. Much Love & Namaste   To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/28/201920 minutes, 2 seconds
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The TRUTH about the EVENT, Ascension and the Great Solar Flash NO ONE TELLS YOU

It's an exciting time to be alive, as we continue to raise our vibration as a collective consciousness. Once you know the truth about the event, ascension and the great solar flash.....there's no going back. This episode I'll share my perspective about how reality works in general, which will enhance your ability to fine tune your own personal outlook. Much Love & Namaste  For my Guided Meditation MP3 on raising your vibrational set-point click here: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/27/201920 minutes, 24 seconds
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High-Vibration Intention Setting Process with Meditation

Intentions are so much more powerful when infused with high vibrational emotion. In this special episode I'll be guiding you through a meditation that is specifically designed to elevate your emotions. Once you consistently apply this kind of'll be able to manifest your ideal reality. Consistency is key when it comes to setting intentions.....feel free to repeat this meditation as many times as you want. Much Love & Namaste.  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |   
6/26/201923 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP#31 Autobiography of a Yogi Ideas that Changed My Life

Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda is a magical book that has completely transformed my life. In this episode I'll review some key points that have the power to instantly shift your reality. Steve Jobs.....The CEO and co-founder of this book every single year for the last 40 years of his life. There is a reason why Steve read this book specifically. This special episode will help you tap into your true power once and for all. Much Love & Namaste.           " data-timestamp="1538671414781" data-userid="569995228640636928">To experience THE SHIFT, click here: " data-timestamp="1538671414781" data-userid= "569995228640636928"> To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/25/201929 minutes, 12 seconds
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3 Secrets of the MATRIX you've NEVER heard of...(HACK the simulation like this)

You are an eternal spiritual being having a temporary human experience. Most people are completely stuck in the autopilot mind.....unaware of their true power. In order to escape the matrix and take your power must shift beyond the ordinary. In this episode I'll show you exactly how to make the shift. Much Love & Namaste      To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/24/201915 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Holographic Reality, Chakras and Dimensions REVEALED (it's time you know)

It's such a phenomenal time to be alive right now as we continue to move through this collective shift in consciousness. We live in a form of holographic reality, life is not what it seems to be. Once you understand the virtual nature of reality, your experience becomes so much more enjoyable. This episode has the power to completely shift your paradigm and transform your life. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/23/201922 minutes, 52 seconds
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3 Starseed MYTHS it's time you know about (The TRUTH)

We are all eternal spiritual beings having temporary human experiences. Right now on the planet, more and more people are having this realization. As lightworkers and starseeds...part of our mission is to help raise the vibration of planet earth at this time. This episode I'll show you exactly how to embody your true essence and increase your frequency. Much Love & Namaste    To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |   
6/22/201919 minutes, 6 seconds
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EP #30 Vibrational Secrets That Will Change Your Life

If you truly want to understand the universe...think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. Everything has its own unique energetic signature...from the clothes you wear to the food you eat. Once you become fully conscious of the energy that surrounds starts to change in a profound way. This episode I'll show you exactly how to interpret different energetic signatures...this has the power to completely shift your paradigm and enrich your life. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |      
6/21/201912 minutes, 55 seconds
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Everyone is YOU Pushed out (the TRUTH NO ONE TELLS YOU)

We are all deeply connected to one another whether we realize it or not. Once you realize that everyone is you pushed out, everything starts to change in your life. Everyone you meet is just another reflection of you. This episode I'll share with you the truth no one tells about this deep esoteric idea. If you begin to apply this idea into your life...your life will transform in a magical way. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/20/201916 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Vibration of Celebrities REVEALED (Reality Transurfing)

Understanding the true vibration of celebrities will completely shift your perspective. Whenever a large number of people focus on one person, a very interesting momentum of energy is created. This episode I'll talk to you about the energy dynamics of all celebrities. This will be a powerful perspective you may have never heard before. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
6/19/201921 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP #29 The Money Belief Episode that Changed Your Life

This episode is specifically designed to shift your beliefs about money. Everything is energy, what you put out is what you get back. Once you start adding value to others, that value will return to you like a boomerang. Money is energy, and energy cannot be created or destroyed. In order to manifest more money, you must first change your relationship to it. This episode i'll show you exactly how to do that. Much Love & Namaste  " data-timestamp="1538671414781" data-userid="569995228640636928">To experience THE SHIFT, click here: " data-timestamp="1538671414781" data-userid= "569995228640636928"> To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/18/201923 minutes, 59 seconds
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3 Things Keeping you STUCK in the Bottom 3 Chakras (how to TRANSCEND them)

Once you transcend the bottom 3 chakras your life will completely transform. This episode I'll show you exactly how to transcend them. In order to live in a state of well being you must keep your chakras in alignment. Shifting beyond the bottom 3 chakras will help keep all of your chakras in good shape. This episode has the potential to completely change your life. Much Love & Namaste. To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/17/201923 minutes
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Reality Transurfing "Frailing" Technique for Attracting What You Want FASTER

What you put out is what you get back. Once you truly become aware of this, everything begins to change. This episode I'll show you exactly how to utilize this powerful principle, so that you start to create the life you want easier than ever. Abandon the intention of receiving, replace it with the intention of giving, and you will receive the very thing you gave up. It's a funny paradox but it works every-time. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
6/16/201916 minutes, 25 seconds
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Parallel Reality Frequency SHIFTING: SHIFT LIKE THIS

This episode I’ll show you exactly how to shift to the reality you prefer. Parallel reality frequency shifting is the key to experiencing the life you want. You can easily connect to the ideal version of yourself using your imagination. By placing your attention on that version of bring that version of you into the now. This episode you’ll learn how to work with parallel realities in a powerful way. Much Love & Namaste " data-timestamp="1538671414781" data-userid="569995228640636928">To experience THE SHIFT, click here: " data-timestamp="1538671414781" data-userid= "569995228640636928"> To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/15/201918 minutes, 39 seconds
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EP #28 The Healing and Changing other people Episode

Most enlightened individuals are known for their ability to heal others in a profound way. This episode I'll show you how to tap into that perspective, so that you start to change and heal other people. Once you shift your inner perspective, the outer reality will match your frequency in a beautiful way. This is something I've never shared before, so prepare to be blown away.....I hope you enjoy this special podcast. Much Love & Namaste " data-timestamp="1538671414781" data-userid="569995228640636928">To experience THE SHIFT, click here: " data-timestamp="1538671414781" data-userid= "569995228640636928"> To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |      
6/14/201926 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Shadow Side of Being a Starseed that NO ONE TELLS YOU

Most people are completely unaware of the shadow side of being a starseed. Once you know how to integrate the shadow, you will activate your true power. This special episode features fellow YouTuber Victor Oddo, we truly have something amazing in store for you. If you want to fully embody your true essence as a starseed, this episode is for you. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/13/201919 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to TRANSCEND the bottom 3 Chakras and Raise Your Vibration INSTANTLY

Learning how to transcend the bottom 3 chakras and raise your vibration will completely change your life. Transcending the bottom 3 chakras doesn't mean we no longer have energy there. This is all about purifying energy in order to access the rest of our chakra system. Many people have a hard time dealing with their bottom 3 chakras. This episode I'll show you exactly how to clear the energy. Much Love & Namaste. To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/12/201919 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP#27 The Expanded Awareness Training EXPERIENCE

This episode I'll be sharing with you something called Expanded Awareness Training (EAT). This experience is specifically designed to guide your awareness as you move throughout your day. Take advantage of this unique active it has the potential to absolutely transform your life. I've created this awareness training be sure to let me know how you like it. Much Love & Namaste.    To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
6/11/201928 minutes, 4 seconds
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Do the Backdrop People Have Souls? (The TRUTH about Reality)

In this episode I'll share with you whether or not the backdrop people have souls. Reality is not what you think it is. Many of the people you see out in public may just be backdrop people. The idea is that these people act as filler characters to take up space. Reality is a form of simulation and the truth about reality is stranger than fiction. This episode will completely blow your mind. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/10/201918 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Infinite Versions of YOU REVEALED (the TRUTH on reality)

There are an infinite number of parallel realities that exist. We are all constantly shifting through these realities, yet most post people think, act and feel the same way every single day. This only creates more of what already is, and as a result the difference between parallel realities is barely noticeable. This episode I'll share with you something that goes beyond parallel realities in general. This is something I've never shared before, and it has the power to completely transform your life. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
6/9/201921 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Most Powerful Technique for SHIFTING to a Parallel Reality INSTANTLY WARNING NO GOING BACK

We are all constantly shifting from parallel reality to parallel reality whether you know it or not. This episode I'll share with you the most powerful technique for shifting to a parallel reality instantly. This will allow you to start living the life you want easier than ever. There are an infinite number of parallel realities that exist, I'll show you exactly how to shift to the one you prefer. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/8/201916 minutes, 18 seconds
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EP #26 The Higher-Self from Channeling's of Bashar, Abraham Hicks, And Ra from the Law of ONE

We are eternal spiritual beings having a temporary human experience. Once you truly connect to your higher self and divine essence, everything begins to change in a powerful way. In this special episode, I'll show you how I connected to my higher that you can do the same. If you wan to raise your vibration, shift your paradigm and come into alignment with your true essence.....this is the episode for you. Much Love & Namaste  To experience THE SHIFT, click below: To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/7/201930 minutes, 13 seconds
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Archetypal Energy Manifestation: This works like MAGIC

Archetypal Energy can be used as a powerful tool to make manifestation so much easier. Archetypes represent collective energies that are all around us. Once you learn how to connect with these powerful energies, your life will transform in a magical way. In this episode I'll show you exactly how to utilize the power of Archetypal Energy. Much Love & Namaste. To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/6/201918 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Vibration of "Wanting" VS "Having" and How to Make the SHIFT

Understanding the vibrational difference of "Wanting" VS "Having" will completely change your life. Whenever you "Want" something, you are emphasizing the fact that you do not already have the thing that you want. This creates a vibration of lack. In order to experience what you want, you must first shift to the vibration of "Having." This simple shift in vibration is a complete game changer. In this episode, I'll show you exactly how to make the shift. Much Love & Namaste. To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/5/201916 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP#25 The Chakra Ascension Episode (that changed your life)

There is a massive shift in consciousness taking place right now on the planet. Everyone is starting to realize that we create our own reality, and the earth is becoming less dense. We now have the opportunity to shift beyond the bottom 3 chakras and into the heart.This episode is specifically designed to help you take your power back and disengage from the things that no longer serve you. Much Love & Namaste  DISCOVER How “S.E.F.I” Allowed me to Let Go of My Painful Past, Raise My Vibrational Set-Point and Become Emotionally FREE: " data-userid= "569995228640636928" data-orgid= "569995228745494528"> To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/4/201930 minutes, 54 seconds
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3 Reality Transurfing Techniques for Decreasing Importance (Law of Attraction Alternative)

In order to achieve your goals, you must first decrease their level of importance. Whenever you put something on a pedestal, you create resistance and immediately distance yourself from that thing. Once you relax your grip of control, things will start to happen in a much more natural way. This episode i'll show you 3 powerful techniques  that will help you decrease the amount of importance you give to things. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/3/201920 minutes, 48 seconds
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The DANGER of getting STUCK in the Bottom 3 Chakras (how to TRANSCEND)

We are going through a massive shift in consciousness right now on the planet. As we move through this transition, it's important to not get stuck in the bottom 3 chakras. In order to successfully raise your vibration and enter this new paradigm, you must integrate all of your chakras. This episode I'll show you exactly how to do that. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/2/201923 minutes, 21 seconds
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Shift Your Language SHIFT your life (and how to do it)

Our inner dialogue controls our outer reality more than most people realize. The moment you shift your language your life will begin to change in a powerful way. Language creates a foundation for how we perceive the world. In order to shift your world you must first shift your language. In this episode i'll show you exactly how to make the shift. Much Love & Namaste. To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
6/1/201916 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP#24 How to go BEYOND Belief and into TRANSFORMATION

What we believe to be true is always reflected back to us. Once you become aware of of your current beliefs you have the opportunity to shift them. This episode I'll show you exactly how to make the shift so that you start to create the life you want easier than ever. Everything in our life is a pattern. This episode is specifically designed to shift you out of the auto-pilot mind, and into transformation. Much Love & Namaste  To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/31/201925 minutes, 25 seconds
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The DANGER of Manifestation Symbols and the Dark Side of the Law of Attraction

Great danger exits around the dark side of the law of attraction.This episode I'll show you what to be aware of so that you can avoid this danger. The dark side of the law of attraction has to do with the ego. Many times people try to manifest just so they can feel superior to those around them. This episode will help you avoid making this mistake. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/30/201917 minutes, 30 seconds
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The TRUTH on being a Backdrop Person (and how to know you are one...)

This episode I'll share with you the truth about being a backdrop person. When you go out into society, you see people everywhere...but who exactly are all these people? The idea is that some of the people you encounter are like filler characters in a movie. Reality itself is a form of simulation, the idea is that some people are just simply part of the simulation. They may just be there as a projection to fill up space. By the end of this episode you will know whether or not you are a backdrop person. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/29/201914 minutes
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EP#23 The Archetype Episode for Manifesting and Shadow-Work

Archetypes are influencing your life whether you are aware of it or not. Once you know how to tap into the power of archetypal energy, manifestation becomes easier than ever. In this episode I'll show you exactly how to do it. Archetypes can be thought of as energetic patterns which influence us through our identity. This episode will allow you to become aware of the archetypes in your own life and completely take your power back. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/28/201943 minutes, 32 seconds
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In this episode i’ll show you the link between Starseeds and ADHD-ADD. People with ADHD-ADD operate in a certain frequency which get misjudged and mislabeled. If you have ADHD-ADD don't beat yourself up, understand that you can start to let go of the label and redefine it. This episode will help you activate more of your starseed self. Much Love & Namaste. To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/27/201916 minutes, 7 seconds
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The A, B, C's of Raising Your Vibration INSTANTLY

Learning the A, B, C's of raising your vibration can instantly increase your state of being. Applying this three step process into your life will increase your vibration and allow you to feel so much better. In this episode I'll show you how to tap into your infinite nature as an immortal spiritual being having a temporary human experience. Our vibration is naturally high, I'll show you how easy it is to raise your vibration. Much Love & Namaste. To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/26/201920 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ascension from 3D to 4D Reality (how to go back and forth)

There is a massive shift in consciousness taking place right now on the planet. More and more people are beginning to shift back and forth from 3D to 4D reality. As we continue to experience this collective shift in vibration there will be more of an opportunity to remain in the 4D level of consciousness. In this episode I'll show you exactly how to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/25/201920 minutes, 47 seconds
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EP#22 The 7 Hermetic Principles Episode

The 7 Hermetic Principles have the power to totally transform your life. In this episode I'll be sharing with you my perspective on the 7 Hermetic Principles and how you can easily begin to apply them in your life. I'll be explaining each principle to you so that you can really allow this powerful teaching to permeate your consciousness. If you are looking to transform your life in a practical way...this is the episode for you. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/24/201932 minutes, 21 seconds
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Power of Paradox: The HACK to Reality (that will change your life)

The power of paradox has the potential to completely change your life. A paradox is something that can be seen as true from multiple different perspectives at the same time. Once you understand that life is one big paradox, you will immediately begin to take your power back. Everything in life can be seen as neutral, nothing has built in meaning. There is no built in meaning other than the meaning you to give things. In life we always get a reflection of what we believe to be true. In this episode, I'll help you tap into the power of paradox, so that you start to experience the life you want easier than ever. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/23/201915 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ascension and Manifestation: The NEW Law of Attraction

As you go through this ascension, manifestation will become easier than ever when you know what to do. The Law of attraction concepts most people use BLOCK them from attracting what they want when the vibration is not first raised. In this episode, I will show you how ascension will make manifestation easy and effortless. To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/22/201917 minutes, 14 seconds
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Your story is literally creating your life experience. The timeline you experience is always equal to the story you tell yourself. In this powerful episode, I’ll show you how to completely re-frame your story. This is something that will allow you to create the life you want easier than ever. We all have a certain story about success.... relationships…. money…. we have a story about everything. However, for most people, these stories are on auto-pilot. Until you become aware of the stories you have about the different aspects of your life, you will continue to experience a reality of familiarity. In order to change your life, you must first shift your stories. In this episode, I’ll show you exactly how to make the shift. Much Love & Namaste To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/21/201927 minutes, 1 second
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This video will SHIFT you to the 4th Dimension INSTANTLY WARNING NO GOING BACK

Simply listening to this episode will SHIFT you to the 4th Dimension INSTANTLY. Right now on the planet we are going through a massive shift in consciousness. Understanding EXACTLY how to SHIFT to the 4th Dimension will completely transform your life. (WARNING NO GOING BACK) Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/20/201916 minutes, 31 seconds
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5D Manifestation Techniques that go BEYOND the Law of Attraction

This episode will show you 5D Manifestation Techniques that go BEYOND the Law of Attraction. This is the new paradigm we are moving into and this is how to manifest in it. To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/19/201918 minutes, 36 seconds
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3 Things that Are BLOCKING You from Raising Your Vibration INSTANTLY

These 3 things are blocking you from instantly raising your vibration. Your vibration is what is directly controlling the course of your life. In this episode, I'll show you how to easily raise your vibration. Shifting beyond these 3 things will completely change your life. Much Love & Namaste Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/18/201920 minutes, 10 seconds
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EP#20 Manifesting from Source Energy 101

In this episode, I'm going to be doing something new which is a way to a more guided meditations. By the end of this episode, you will learn that actually there is a universal source intention that flows through every single person, and this spiritual energy is the power of intention. This is a source energy that everyone has access to. Everyone can connect with the focus, with the decision, the choice to connect to it, and the more that we connect to this power, the more we begin to tap into who we really are. To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/17/201927 minutes, 10 seconds
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3 Ways to Break OUT of the Matrix that will change your life

You live in the matrix and may not even know it. When you "unplug" from social conditioning, you unplug from the "pull" the matrix has over you. When you do these 3 things, you will BREAK into a new state of being and create the life you want easier than ever. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/16/201915 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Ascension Timeline SHIFT How to NOT get left behind

There is an ascension happening on the planet and as time goes on, there will be a splitting of parallel realities. The key to shifting to the reality you want has to do with your choices and your vibration. In this episode, I will show you how to ascend to the highest timeline in the easiest way so that you don't get left behind. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/15/201920 minutes, 35 seconds
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EP#19 Celebrities and Energy Fields (the TRUTH NO ONE TELLS YOU)

Celebrities are idolized by those who pay attention and that attention adds the fuel of their energy. In this episode, I reveal how that works and show you how to manage what is called "pendulums" which run most of our life experience without us even knowing. To join the Reality Shifting Academy click here:   Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/14/201926 minutes, 1 second
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The Backdrop People: The TRUTH About Reality (it's time you know about)

Is there such thing as the "Backdrop people?" The Backdrop people is a concept from the work of Dolores Cannon in regards to if there are holographic "people" that aren't really "there." In this episode, I show you a new perspective as to what that is and show you what you can do knowing this. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/13/201917 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Belief System of Magical Abilities and how YOU can tap into it NOW

This is how changing your belief system will allow you to tap into Magical abilities. We all have unlimited potential that is filtered through the mind. When we remove those filters, we remove the limitations and in this episode, I show you how to do that. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/12/201915 minutes
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The Ascension Timeline: What to expect in the next 10 to 15 years

Here is the Ascension timeline of what we can expect moving forward over the next 10 to 15 years. There is currently a timeline shift happening and depending on which vibration we are at... that will determine which one we SHIFT too. In this episode, I will show you how to choose the timeline you want to be on, show you how to raise your vibration and what to expect over the next 10 to 15 years. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/11/201919 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP#18 3 Ways Extraterrestrials Communicate with you (and you don't even know it)

Some things are happening in our lives right now that you may not be aware of. Honestly, a lot of these has to do with the beliefs that you have. You may not even know that these things are already happening in your life in certain ways. If you believe or understand the awareness, you could say that extra-terrestrials exist and you are open to the idea of it and to experience it. In this episode, I'll be sharing with you the three ways that extra-terrestrials are communicating with you, and it's time you know about it. Much Love & Namaste. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/10/201921 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ascension in 2019: The SPLITTING of Timelines begins

There is an ascension splitting of timelines happening right now on the planet and here is how to SHIFT to the reality you want. The key to this is raising your vibration and in this episode, I show you how to raise it to a higher state of consciousness.   Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |    
5/9/201916 minutes, 24 seconds
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SHIFTING the Frequency of Belief (the SECRET to Manifestation)

Shifting the frequencies of your beliefs is the secret to manifestation. In this episode, I’ll share with you how beliefs create your reality. Raising the frequencies of your beliefs will help you shift to a higher vibrational timeline. By the end of this episode, you will know exactly how to create the life you want with ease. Much Love & Namaste   Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/8/201916 minutes, 24 seconds
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EP#17 Spiritual Awakening, Victor Meeting his Soulmate and our Top Recommended Books with Victor Oddo

Victor Oddo and I share some stories we have never shared before in relation to spiritual awakening and the process we have gone through. Victor shares how he met his soulmate and we show you our top recommended books that we think everyone on a spiritual awakening path should read. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/7/201955 minutes, 51 seconds
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3 Signs you are in the 4th Dimension and how to make the SHIFT

These are the 3 Signs you are in the 4th Dimension AND how to make the SHIFT if you don't feel you are in it. There is currently a SHIFT in consciousness happening on the planet from 3 to 4d reality and this is how to know you are making the shift. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/6/201919 minutes, 27 seconds
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The TRUTH on Synchronicity REVEALED (Time vs Timing)

This episode, will show you The TRUTH on Synchronicity and show you how to use timing instead of focusing on "time." When we make that shift of focus EVERYTHING changes... Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/5/201915 minutes, 13 seconds
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Raise Your Vibration INSTANTLY and go Beyond Belief and into BEING

Moving beyond your beliefs and into your being will allow you to raise your vibration in a powerful way. Shifting from belief into being will help you raise over the current identity you have into a new level of consciousness. This episode has the power to radically change your life in an amazing way. What we think about our identity has everything to do with what kind of vibrational reality we experience. I’ll show you how to change the perception you have of yourself so that you can raise your vibration. Much love & Namaste. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/4/201920 minutes, 1 second
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EP#16 4th Dimensional Belief Systems and how to SHIFT out of 3D

This powerful episode will show you how to shift from a 3D level of consciousness into a 4D level of consciousness. Making this shift allows you to create what you want in your life easier than ever. Things become so much more flexible when you start to develop 4th-dimensional belief systems. This episode is for you if you want to let go of the seriousness of life and have more fun. In the 4D level of consciousness, things happen for you instead of to you. The 4th-dimensional belief systems I'll share with you have the power to completely change your life. Much Love & Namaste. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/3/201928 minutes, 4 seconds
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The 3 Steps to SHIFTING to a Parallel Reality INSTANTLY

Learning the A, B, C's of shifting to a parallel reality has the power to completely transform your life. In this episode, I’ll share with you a powerful mantra that will help you shift to the parallel reality you want to experience. The outer reality you experience in your life is a direct reflection of your inner reality. The mantra I share with you in this episode will give you permission to exist in the parallel reality you prefer. Much Love & Namaste. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
5/3/201915 minutes, 44 seconds
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The LOVE Vibration: Going BEYOND Belief and into BEING

Your true vibration is that of unconditional love. The key to tapping into unconditional love is to go beyond the intellect and the "reasons" you think you may need and into a state of BEING. In this episode, I show you exactly how to do that as well as how to transcend the past which carries with it lower vibrational states of consciousness. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
5/1/201916 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP#15 The Permission Slip And Belief Episode

Our beliefs are more powerful than we can even imagine. Whatever you believe to be true will always be reflected back to you. When you change your beliefs, you change your world. Our beliefs create our reality! In this episode, I’ll show you how to work with permission slips. Permission slips are tools and techniques which allow you to easily shift your vibration. Permission slips enable you to shift your beliefs so that you can truly be, act and feel the way you've always wanted to. By developing your own permission slips, you are better able to create the life you want in a powerful way. Much love & Namaste. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/30/201930 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Biggest BLOCK to Raising Your Vibration INSTANTLY

Shift beyond this one block to raise your vibration instantly. In this episode, I’ll show you how to push through the biggest obstacle to raising your vibration. The number one block that holds us back from raising our vibration is the story we continuously tell our-self. By the end of this episode, you’ll know exactly how to live in a high vibrational state. Much Love & Namaste Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
4/29/201916 minutes, 38 seconds
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Zero-Point Energy Manifestation: The Key to MASSIVE Results

Zero-point manifestation is the secret to massive results and when you tap into it you tap into the power of the universe. In this episode, I will show you exactly how to do that and how to tap into the power of the moment when manifesting. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/28/201920 minutes, 1 second
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3 Secrets of Your Shadow-Self (it's time you know about)

When you integrate what is called your "shadow" you then let go of the pain of the past that keeps you in lower consciousness. The key is knowing the tricks of the ego and the tricks of the shadow aspect of us. Some call this the "pain-body" in this episode, I will show you exactly how to integrate your shadow and heal the past so you can move into a higher state of consciousness. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/27/201919 minutes, 59 seconds
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EP#14 Raise Your Vibration INSTANTLY by Changing Your Story

Listening to this episode will raise your vibration INSTANTLY and show you the most powerful technique I have found for increasing my frequency. We all have a story. A story about relationships...A story about our health...A story about money, etc and these stories keep us within a certain frequency band. When we change our story we change our life. In this episode, I will show you EXACTLY how to do that and how I did it too. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/26/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Vibration of the Law of Attraction REVEALED (BEYOND the Law of Attraction)

There are levels BEYOND the law of attraction and when we are aware of what that is, we have the ability to shift our life in a powerful way. The Law of Attraction is a powerful modality when it comes from expansive energy. In this episode, I show you exactly how you can go BEYOND the law of attraction and into a higher level paradigm. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/25/201915 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ascension Timeline SHIFTING the TRUTH about getting left behind

The TRUTH about getting left behind. There is currently an ascension happening on the planet and the key to SHIFTING to the timeline you want has to do with your vibration. If you change your vibration, you change your life. In this episode, I will show you EXACTLY how to shift to the ascension timeline you want. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/24/201920 minutes, 35 seconds
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EP#13 The Belief System of the 3rd and 4th Dimension (How to Make the SHIFT)

We are currently shifting from the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension and part of this SHIFT has to do with our beliefs about reality itself. When we change our "framework" for how reality works we then receive a new reflection. At a soul level, we CHOOSE to come here at this time to raise our frequency. In this episode, I show you exactly how to make this shift and show you how to embody a 4D level of consciousness. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/23/201936 minutes, 10 seconds
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Belief SHIFTING: The Key to Effortless Manifestation

This is the most powerful episode I have done yet and by the end of it, you will know and process that can totally change your life. Your beliefs create your reality and when you change them, you change your whole life. I'll show you exactly how to do that in this episode. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/22/201920 minutes, 18 seconds
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This episode will SHIFT your timeline simply by watching it. The truth is, we are ALWAYS shifting to a parallel reality... the key is knowing this and knowing that you can create a greater degree of change from 1 parallel reality to another. This episode will help you do that. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/21/201920 minutes, 21 seconds
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Higher Vibrational Manifestation Process for FAST Results (Beyond Law of Attraction)

This goes BEYOND the Law of Attraction and will show you a simple manifestation process that will raise your vibration and allow you to manifest FAST. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/20/201915 minutes, 13 seconds
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EP#12 The ENLIGHTENED Intention Episode

This is why enlightened people could do the things they could do. If you read The Autobiography of a Yogi then you will see that much more is possible than we believe. In this episode, I show you how to set intentions with powerful energy behind them so that you not only get closer to your goals but also raise your consciousness as well. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/19/201938 minutes, 15 seconds
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3 Law of Attraction Concepts that are Totally Misunderstood and RUINING Your Life w/ Leeor Alexandra

Want to know how to "let go" and "intend" at the same time? In this episode, Leeor and I share the most commonly misunderstood concepts of the Law of Attraction that may be ruining your life and show you exactly how to turn it around. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/18/201921 minutes, 44 seconds
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3 Things You MUST do to make the 3D to 5D Earth Split

There is currently a 3D to 5D earth split happening on the planet and if you want to ascend to a higher dimension the opportunity is there. In this episode, I show you exactly what that looks like as well as to how you can make the shift. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/17/201922 minutes, 25 seconds
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EP# 11 The "Everyone is YOU Pushed Out" Episode

What you perceive in your reality is a reflection of you and your relationship with YOU. People can feel how you feel about yourself and respond to you based on that. In this episode, we look at the quote, which comes from Neville Goddard, and I show you exactly what it means as well how you can use it to transform your life. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/16/201938 minutes, 27 seconds
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This Meditation will SHIFT your Level of Consciousness INSTANTLY WARNING There's NO Going Back

Listen to this meditation and you will SHIFT your level of consciousness INSTANTLY. There are 3 parts to this meditation and each part will elevate your level of consciousness to the next level. You will learn how to observe the old reality and relate to it from a higher level of awareness. Then you will move into a state of unconditional love beyond that which you have experienced. Listen to this for 21 days and watch how much your life changes. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/15/201942 minutes, 45 seconds
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4th Dimensional Habits that will Raise Your Vibration INSTANTLY

Doing these 4th-dimensional habits regularly has the potential to shift your level of consciousness. We are currently shifting from a 3d level of reality to a 4 and 5D level of reality and our habits keep us perceiving that which we are the vibration of. In this episode, I will show you exactly what to do to SHIFT your level of consciousness in a powerful way using 4th-dimensional habits. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/15/201916 minutes, 55 seconds
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Reality Transurfing Morning Routine Process (Law of Attraction Alternative)

Reality Transurfing is the most powerful manifestation process I have ever found. This goes beyond the law of attraction and will show you how to manifest easier than ever due to the higher vibrational awareness Reality Transurfing provides. In this episode, I will show you my step by step process I personally use for manifesting what I want. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/13/201916 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP #10 High Vibe Relationships with Leeor Alexandra

Find your high-vibe tribe (whether that be in a relationship or friendship) by listening to this new episode with special guest Leeor Alexandra. The Spiritual Awakening path isn't always easy and along that way, much can happen that makes you feel alone in the process. However, if you do the things we share in this episode, you will attract more and more of what you want. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/12/201952 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Great Solar Flash Event it's time you know about...

There is a Solar Flash coming that will change the consciousness of the planet. There are many solar flashes that have BEEN happening and as each one hits, it changes the timelines of humanity. The sun is connected to us and when we tap into the energy of it and use it for growth we accelerate that process. The Solar flash is not to be feared, however, it is to be prepared for. In this episode, I will show you exactly what to do to prepare and what may happen. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/11/201916 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Divine MATRIX of Reality and How to HACK the System

Hack the Divine Matrix by knowing the rules of how reality works. Most people are reacting to their environments, totally unaware that there is MORE to life than what is perceived through the senses. We are Divine spiritual beings living temporary human experiences and when we know this, we upgrade our level. In this episode, I will show you how to hack the system and tap into your divine essence. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |  
4/10/201917 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP# 9 The Letting Go Episode that will Raise Your Vibration

The key to raising your vibration is letting go of what is holding you in the lower vibrational states of consciousness. People ask me often how to "let go" and "set an intention" at the same time and in this episode I reveal the most powerful way to do that. Whether it be letting go of negative thoughts, letting go of limiting beliefs, letting go of attachment or letting go of the outcome, this episode will show you the most powerful ways I do that plus show you some stories from my own life, some of which I have NEVER shared. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/9/201943 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ascension into the 4th Dimension and Why it's Happening NOW

We are currently Ascending into the 4th Dimension and NOW is the time to make the SHIFT. Ascension is about raising our vibrations PAST that of the old 3d reality and then embodying our higher vibrational state of consciousness. In a way we are merging our "lower self" with our "higher self." I'll show you exactly how you can make this shift in consciousness and raise your vibration to a whole new level. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/8/201918 minutes, 31 seconds
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3 Things Keeping you TRAPPED in the 3rd Dimension and you don't even know it

Many people are trapped in the third dimension due to their focus, emotions, and energy. The key is learning how to break out the matrix to then experience higher levels of consciousness. We are spiritual beings having temporary human experiences and when we wake up to this, we wake up from the mass hypnosis of social conditioning which keeps us in a narrow frequency band of experience. In this episode, I will show you how to break out of it. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/7/201921 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Secret to How Enlightened People Manifest REVEALED

Enlightened people have an extremely HIGH vibration and therefore can manifest very quickly. We must understand that first off, we can apply these enlightened principles in our own life AND that we must come from a very pure place. In this episode, I will show you EXACTLY how they do it and how you can too. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/6/201918 minutes, 11 seconds
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EP# 8 Belief Shifting Step by Step Process

Go BEYOND Beliefs and into BEING with this new episode. The Shift Experience is about shifting into a new way of being. Our beliefs create our reality and when we change our beliefs, we change our lives. However what happens when we go BEYOND beliefs? Beyond the 3D ego structure and into a level of consciousness of a much higher vibration. This episode will show you exactly how to do that in a practical and simple way. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/5/201946 minutes, 32 seconds
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Astrology and Ascension: The TRUTH it's time you know...

Here is the TRUTH on Astrology and Ascension...and it has to do with MORE than what you think. When you wake up from social conditioning and break out of the "matrix" you start to create from a new paradigm. Astrology will then take on a new role in the process of influence and Ascension will take precedent and have a MUCH more powerful effect. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/4/201915 minutes, 48 seconds
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Guided Meditation for Choosing the Parallel Reality You Want (life-changing)

You are SHIFTING through parallel realities every second. The key to shifting to the reality you want has to do with CHOOSING it from a level of awareness. This is one of the most powerful meditations I have ever done and will let you shift easier than ever. The reality you want to experience already exists and this meditation will help you SHIFT to it. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/3/201931 minutes, 37 seconds
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EP #7 Beyond the Law of Attraction and into Ascension with Leeor Alexandra

Go Beyond the law of attraction by raising your vibration and experiencing a spiritual ascension. The paradox is, by doing this you not only manifest easier than ever, but you feel better during the process as well. The higher your vibration, the easier it is to manifest. In this episode, Leeor and I talk about the stages of Spiritual Awakening/Ascension and show YOU how to move through this process. Into the realization that you are an immortal spiritual being having a temporary human experience. This episode will help you to raise your vibration and shift your consciousness. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/2/201948 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Most Powerful Meditation for Trusting the Universe and Letting Go of the Outcome

This is the most powerful meditation for trusting the universe 100% and will help you manifest what you want easier than ever. This meditation uses metaphors and NLP to help you to wire in the subconscious mind making the manifestation process easy. Listen to this meditation to 21 days and watch how your life begins to change. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
4/1/201928 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Cosmic Experiment and TRUTH about Earth NO ONE TELLS YOU

The Earth is a meeting point between many different types of races. There is currently an experiment that has been going on for 1,000's of years and it has to do with DNA, ascension and many different agendas. NOW is the time to remember the Cosmic Experiment and in this episode, I will show you exactly what you need to know to move through this time on earth in a empowering way. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/31/201920 minutes, 14 seconds
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3 Ways Your Belief Systems Are BLOCKING The Law of Attraction From Working

Your beliefs create your reality and when you change your beliefs, you change your life. Any blocks you are experiencing in your life are due to your beliefs. In this episode, I will show you EXACTLY how you can change your beliefs to then change your life. This will make manifestation easier than ever allow you to architect your life in a very powerful way. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/30/201918 minutes, 48 seconds
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EP#6 My Spiritual Ascension Journey (Part 2)

During my spiritual ascension journey, I had to go through some things that were not so pleasant including going back into the "3D" world and doing some things I did not enjoy. Part of me believed that once I meditated and raised my vibration, I would not have to deal with things I did not want to. In this episode, I show you part 2 to my spiritual ascension journey and once again share things I have NEVER shared before. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/29/201946 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Akashic Records: The TRUTH it's time you know about

The Akashic Records are something you can tap into once you understand how to do it. There is an energetic grid around the planet that contains within it the "records" of all beings past, present, and future. Tapping into this can allow for powerful healing within the timelines and can also aid in the process of awakening. In this episode, I will show you exactly how to tap into what is called the Akashic Records as well as to what it really is. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/28/201917 minutes, 58 seconds
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Frequency SHIFTING: How to SHIFT Your Vibration and change your life

Shift your frequency and your vibration by doing these 'vibrational hacks.' Your life is a direct reflection of your vibration and in order to change your life, you must change your vibration. Your vibration is a combination of what you think, act and feel. When you SHIFT these things, you shift your life. In this video I will show you EXACTLY how to do that. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/27/201917 minutes, 30 seconds
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EP#5 The Funny (and Dark) Stories of Awakening with Victor Oddo

Victor and I both believed there may be a planetary ascension on December 21st, 2012. We told friends, and family and went through much ups and downs through the process. We realized the parallels while in a plant medicine ceremony and found an amazing correlation that seemed almost "too" similar. In this episode, we share the funny (and dark) sides of this awakening. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/26/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 25 seconds
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Karma and Ascension Why you can ACCELERATE Karma Release in 2019 (and what to do)

This is the life to release Karma quicker than ever before. Because of this planetary shift in consciousness, we can move through so much of what took lifetimes. Some say this lifetime of ascension is a form of "graduation." In this episode, I show you how you can accelerate the process of releasing Karma in 2019. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/25/201923 minutes, 1 second
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Reality Transurfing Guided Meditation for Decreasing Importance and Attracting What You Want

Reality Transurfing is the most powerful manifestation process I have ever found. Anytime we give something "importance" we vibrationally distance ourselves from it and BLOCK it out of our life. This meditation will show you exactly how to "Decrease importance" so that you vibrationally resonate with what you want to manifest. If you want to release resistance and ALLOW more things into your life, then this episode is for you. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/24/201914 minutes, 23 seconds
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3 Things You Do in Dream State (and YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT)

You are doing so much more than you know when you go to bed at night. You are awake in higher states of consciousness and you "forget" this when you wake up in the morning. In this episode, I will show you exactly what you are doing as well as how you can remember more of this. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/23/201917 minutes, 6 seconds
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EP#4 Psychedelics, Plant Medicine and Shadow-work with Leeor Alexandra

We open up on plant medicine, psychedelics and shadow work and show you how we have used it in our own life's in a very transformative way. I share a story of how something called "DMT" changed my life back in 2012 and then we both share how our lives were effected from doing Ayahuasca back in November 2018. Maybe you have seen the massive change in both us and are content since then... and in this episode we share personal stories about how it impacted us. Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/22/20191 hour, 30 minutes, 8 seconds
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The 3D to 5D Ascension Earth SPLIT that is happening NOW

There is a SHIFT happening on the planet and it has to do with dimensions. As the planetary vibrations increase, our vibration has the potential to as well. There is a metaphorical "split" happening and it has to do with different reality tracks. In this episode, I will show you exactly what to do to make the shift and also what we can look forward to in the future. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/21/201918 minutes, 7 seconds
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My Starseed Awakening Revealed (and how to have your own)

In 2012, I went through my "Starseed" awakening... At first, I didn't understand it, however as the time I went on I gained more and more clarity. We ALL have a connection to the stars... and are multidimensional. This is how you can have your own experience of this and tap into more of who you are at a spiritual level. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/20/201925 minutes, 49 seconds
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EP#3 The TOTAL Vibrational Set-Point Upgrade Episode

Let's TRANSFORM your vibrational set-point in a very powerful way. In this episode I show you my top hacks for raising my vibrational set-point.  Your vibrational set-point is a benchmark for your emotional range of experience.  I will show you how to increase that by changing your beliefs, habits, and thoughts with simple practical techniques.  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/19/201949 minutes, 47 seconds
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3 things all Starseeds MUST GIVE UP in 2019

If you can see this, then you are a Starseed. A starseed is someone who recognizes their multidimensionality and embodies that energy. Now on the planet is the time of waking up to more of who we are. In this video I'll show you who you REALLY are as well as show you some things that are holding you back from fulfilling your mission on earth. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/18/201918 minutes, 21 seconds
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How To Tap into Higher States of Consciousness and Feel Higher Vibrational Emotions

Your natural vibration is high and the key is tapping into it more and more. In this episode I will show you the most powerful ways I have learned to do this. I recorded this while in Costa Rica having a very profound experience. I show you what I learned through this process and how you can raise your vibration to a whole new level. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/17/201921 minutes, 17 seconds
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How to Set intentions Using Source Energy REVEALED (the missing key)

Setting intentions will change your life once you start to set more of them. When you tap into what is called "source" energy, you tap into a higher vibrational energy that allows you to manifest easier than ever. This episode will show you exactly how to do that as well as how to take manifestation to a totally new level. Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/16/201919 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Starseed Agenda in 2019 you MUST Know About

This is the Starseed Agenda for 2019... If you are seeing this then know it is relevant to you.  You can only perceive that which you are the vibration of. There is a starseed awakening happening on the planet and in this episode I show you exactly what to look out for as well as how you can be involved.  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/15/201918 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#2 My Spiritual Ascension Journey (Part 1)

In 2012, I thought there was going to be a revolutionary planetary shift in consciousness. My Ascension story has yet to be shared in this much detail, depth and with this much vulnerability. When I raised my vibrational set point and began to tap into the spiritual part of me, everything changed. This episode is part 1 to that process and I show you what Ascension really is as well as how to most easily go through it.  I learned a lot throughout the way and made many mistakes.  Here is my story...  Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/13/201952 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

EP#1 Twin Flame Connection (Our Story) with Leeor Alexandra

Our Twin Flame Connection Story with Leeor Alexandra. We talk about things we have never shared before and address the topic of Twin Flames in depth. We show the signs of a Twin Flame connection and show you how you can attract yours as well. It was a special conversation, we open up about things we have NEVER shared and I am excited to share it with you for the first ever episode of the new podcast.  Instagram: Youtube: Follow Leeor Alexandra here: Instagram: Youtube: Subscribe to the Expand Your Awareness Podcast 2.0 with Aaron Doughty iTunes | Spotify | Stitcher |
3/10/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 31 seconds