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The Aida Azlin Show Profile

The Aida Azlin Show

English, Religion, 1 season, 30 episodes, 21 hours, 50 minutes
"The Aida Azlin Show" is a series of frank conversations between Aida, a writer who loves to talk, and her weekly special guests on anything and everything. This is a show where good energy thrives, creativity flows, and judgements are absolutely not allowed.
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Honouring The Present Moment

For the longest time, we were all told to multi-task, to hustle, to do, do, do until we forget to just... be. I realised that the biggest reason why I've been so overwhelmed and anxious is because I was either in "overthinking about the future" mode or "stuck in the past" mode - never just "being and living in the present" mode. Working on my mindfulness muscle has helped changed the quality of my life so much, so I'm sharing with you some of the things I've learned on how to honour the now. May it be of benefit, In Sha Allah!
8/8/202111 minutes, 59 seconds
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Redefining & Refining Beauty: With Saphia Moulana

Join me and my soulmate Saphia as we candidly talk about beauty and answer some of these (heart) questions: do we beautify our character as much as we beautify our looks? Have we "glow-ed up" in terms of our spirituality? Do we put in the same dedication and work on the beauty of our character? 
8/2/202124 minutes, 6 seconds
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"So..... What do you do for a living?" (And why it's a boring question)

Sharing with you more meaningful questions which were asked to me, or I've asked, when meeting someone new as an alternative to the most FAQ ever. PS: what are some of your favourite non-conventional questions to ask someone you are meeting for the first time? Share with me!  
7/22/20217 minutes, 19 seconds
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When I Fixed My Relationship With Time (Great Things Happen)

Time. It's something that we all want most, but use worst. In this episode, I shared some important truths about time that I've learned, and how realising it has been life-changing. If you are struggling with "not having enough time", procrastination and / or time-wasting, I hope this episode will be of benefit and gives you some things to think about.  
7/11/202110 minutes, 57 seconds
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On Confidence & Embracing Yourself (As An Introvert) feat Karim Boubker

On this episode, I sat down with my most fav introvert, Karim, aka my husband, and spoke about "gentle confidence", embracing oneself, trusting one's intuition, and more. Karim is one of my biggest teachers in life, and I learned a number of important things in this conversation, and it is my hopes that you'll get to take away a few gems too. 
7/7/202127 minutes, 37 seconds
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I'm Flawed & Sometimes I Overthink

I'll be the first to admit that I've struggled with overthinking too much, especially in my 20s! But something changed when I learned about one of Allah SWT's 99 Names, and in this episode, I'll share with you the one thing I'll do when I find myself nearing the dangerous edge of "thinking too much". I hope it will be of benefit! 
7/4/20215 minutes, 59 seconds
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An Invitation to Living Your Best Life

Assalammualaikum everyone! It's been a while, and as I battled with excuses and procrastination, I suddenly got an epiphany and learned a valuable lesson. My hope for Season 3 is to be able to share with you more of my thought processes and things that are close to my heart. New episodes will drop Mondays and Thursdays, In Sha Allah! I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do recording these episodes - try to see it as something you'd listen to as you sip your morning cuppa. <3
6/30/20215 minutes
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Anse Dr Tamara Gray: Esteemed Teacher, Compassionate Mentor, And The Life Long Student

OMGGGGGGG I am beyond excited for the season finale of #theaidaazlinshow because it's with none other than my beloved teacher, Anse Dr Tamara Gray! I have so much love for her (and I know I'm not the only one, every Sister who has studied under her can vouch for her ginormous heart and contagious humour and of course, boundless wisdom!) and I'm so proud to have her as the special guest who will conclude Season 2! I pray this episode will be of benefit to you and you'd enjoy it just like how I did when speaking to Anse Tamara! 
11/4/202055 minutes
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Noor Mastura: It Only Takes One Person To Effect Change 💪

Joining me this week is Noor Mastura - she is an advocator, Singaporean of the Year (woop woop!), and an all-round inspiring human being. I've seen how she has positively impacted society through her various works, one of which is her Instagram Platform called BBW - Being Bravely Woman. And brave is definitely a word that I would use to describe Noor as she highlights some important, but uncomfortable topics that we as a society always try to sweep under the rug.  I can't wait for you guys to listen in to Noor's inspiring journey, and learn! Let's start, Bismillah!
10/28/202051 minutes, 42 seconds
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Ayesha Syahira: The Quran Tag Girl & Giving Your Feelings Its Rights

Joining me this week, is Ayesha Syahira or as she is more famously known as the 'Quran Tag Girl'. So many of you requested that I speak to her, and Ma Sha Allah, I learned so much during our conversation! We spoke about how her journey of falling in love with the Quran started, how she started as a student and now has become a teacher of the Quran, how she give her feelings its Haqq or its rights, how one particular event in her life changed everything for her and so much more! I can't wait for you guys to listen in to Ayesha's beautiful stories, let's start, Bismillah!
10/21/202051 minutes, 44 seconds
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Zehra Allibhai: Sports, Self Love and The Power of "Failure"

Joining me this week, is Zehra Allibhai, and she is my virtual fitness instructor all the way from Toronto, Canada! I literally shrieked when I saw her on Zoom, coz it's so surreal to actually be speaking to the lady whos always cheering and motivating you when you are about to give up while doing a plank lol! Zehra's energy is contagious Ma Sha Allah, and I hope you guys will be motivated to change into your workout gear and start moving after this episode because that's exactly what happened to me! Zehra makes us see working out as a form of self-love, not torture, and I can't wait for u to listen in to this conversation!
10/14/202051 minutes, 29 seconds
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Yasmin Redzuan: From A K-Pop Fan To A Beloved Mother

Joining me this week, is Yasmin Redzuan, or better known as Princess Meenie! Although we've yet to meet IRL, I knew Yasmin would be a true sweetheart, and my conversation with her confirmed it 100%. We spoke about the true story behind her nickname, how she blossomed from a young K-Pop fan to being a beloved mother to her super cute daughter, Inara, our shared love for Seoul, what exactly she does for a living and so much more! Also, apologies in advance for my non-malay listeners as I lapsed into my mother tongue often this episode - I was just too excited to speak to Yasmin! Can't wait for you to listen to this conversation with our Princess Meenie! 
10/7/202037 minutes
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Esma Bošnjaković: The Illustrator Who Taught Me The Power of Intentions

Joining me this week, is Esma Bošnjaković , a talented self-taught illustrator all the way from Austria! I've been a big fan of her work, and after this conversation with her, I'm an even bigger fan of her, Ma Sha Allah! Esma has such a pure heart and I really believe her illustrations can change this world - it was such an honour having her. We spoke about her Niyyah Chronicles, the power of intentions, our love for books, why she started illustrating, her fascination with The Great British Bake-Off and so much more. I'm excited for u to get to know Esma and to step into her world that is full of beauty and inspiration - so Bismillah, let's start!
10/1/202050 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sumi Nasaruddin: Embracing Her Muslim Identity, How Seerah Changed Her Life & More

Sumi is like a dream elder sister whom I never had, because not only does she make super beautiful clothes over at her brand 'Olloum', she also shares really cool gems like the Seerah with such passion and her love for her faith and the deen is just so contagious. In this episode, Sumi candidly shares about how she fell in love with her Muslim identity, how she doesn't shy away from calling her business a 'Muslimah business', not just a "modest fashion" brand, but a Muslimah brand, her beautiful life lessons that we can all learn from and so much more!
9/16/202050 minutes, 42 seconds
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Norfasarie: Her Unflinching Connection With Allah & The #1 Reason For Her Strength

Joining me this week, is the super-strong, super inspiring Norfasarie. I call her Kak Norfa and I see her as the Singaporean version of Victoria Beckham, because yes, she's married to one of our best national footballer in SG, but more importantly, she holds her own ground by running not one, not two, but three businesses of her own! Kak Norfa is one of the most humble ladies I've ever met and my respect for her grew millionfold after this episode because she's so honest with her struggles. In this episode, Kak Norfa bravely shares about her recent struggle with the law and how through that, she learned one of the most important lessons in her life. She also shared the importance of always trusting and relying on Allah in everything, to always bounce back after a failure, how having the redha of our parents is the foundation to success and so much more!
9/9/202057 minutes, 55 seconds
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A Helwa: The Best-Selling Writer on Overcoming Criticism, Choosing Love & More!

I'm so excited for this week's episode because the fangirl in me got to speak to one of my fav writers, A Helwa. Helwa wrote "Secrets of Divine Love"  - a book that I cannot recommend enough (if you haven't get it, please do!) -  and only Allah knows how much I've highlighted the heavens out of it! This episode with Helwa was also the first one I recorded for Season 2, and I was nervous that I'd be rusty from the break, but... Subhanallah, this conversation that I had with Helwa filled me in ways I cannot even imagine. We spoke about how we all plagiarised from Allah as writers and creatives, we spoke about how criticisms are sometimes the best round of applause, her choice to stay anonymous even with a following of almost 550k, but most importantly we spoke about love. This is honestly, one of my fave episodes on TAAS!  PS: If you want to hear more from me, I also write the Tuesday Love Letters and I'd love for you to subscribe. To know more:
9/2/202049 minutes, 48 seconds
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Miss Nina: The Internet's Cool Soulsister And Her Love Affair With Quran + Ilm'

My conversation with Miss Nina is hands down one of my favourites - I felt like I'm talking to a soul sister of mine. We spoke about the Quran and how important it is in our lives, the importance of seeking knowledge, her top 3 defining moments in her life, her marriage and so many things in between, I promise you that you'll feel full at the end of this episode In Sha Allah! (This episode is made possible by our Sustaining Supporters!
8/26/202051 minutes, 8 seconds
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Siti Hawa: The Viral Pharmacist Shares All!

Siti Hawa is a professionally trained Pharmacist, and Ma Sha Allah she's been dishing out beneficial content on usually dry topics like health, but with an entertaining twist on her various platforms for us all. Since she's currently based in Manchester, I pleaded her to come to London where I'm currently at and Alhamdulillah, being the sport that she is, she agreed and the rest is history! We spoke about how she stays grounded despite moving across so many countries, despite her newfound fame, her real goal in life, the one thing she looks forward to doing in Manchester (her answer made me smile), AND she even taught me a little bit of the Kedahan loghat and so much more! (This episode is brought to you by our Sustaining Supporters - to know more + support:
8/19/202050 minutes, 30 seconds
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Malaque Mahdaly: Welcome Back, Queen!

I'm so hyped for this episode! It's gonna be a special one because I have the super cool, super hilarious, super amazing Malaque Mahdaly on this episode with me! She's known for many things, Ma Sha Allah, but she first won our hearts back in 2009, when she was on Singapore Idol, and ever since then, alongside with her husband Syarif, they have been growing their businesses steadily, and now have two beautiful children! Malaque and I spoke about so many things - how she moved from the entertainment industry to being a full-fledged entrepreneur, to her pursuing everything that excites her spirit, motherhood, her #1 advise she told herself when she turned 30 (this one was hilarious btw), the whirlwind of her childhood history (FYI she has a Yemeni-Indonesian heritage, so how she ended up in SG is fit for a telenovela), AND SO MANY OTHER THINGS. You gotta listen to it - her energy is just contagious! (This episode is proudly sponsored by
4/23/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 14 seconds
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Hana Ismail: More Than Just A TV Personality

My guest for today is the super warm and super incredible Hana Ismail. A TV host, a content creator and a sincere seeker of Knowledge, Hana is just one bubbly individual whom you can't help but fall in love with. My conversation with her today led us both to have some eye-opening realisations! We spoke about how she got into the entertainment industry, what she's learned from it, her life-changing Ramadhan last year, her super cool Japanese revert ex-housemate Nora, how beautifully Allah has timed everything in her life, and so many other things in between in! (This episode is proudly sponsored by
4/15/202052 minutes, 53 seconds
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Imam Bashir + Alia Diaz: A Story of Muslim Spaniards Travelling Across The World + Their Adventures

Joining me today is a super inspiring couple, hailing all the way from Granada, Spain: Imam Bashir and his wife, Sister Alia Diaz. I wanted them on my the show because their story is just so beautiful: both their parents were reverts who left their hometowns in Spain to make the migration or the Hijrah to Granada to be a part of a small Muslim community. That is also where Alia and Imam Bashir met, and their "halal" love story is one that is so pure and precious! I won't spoil it for you guys, but from Imam Bashir being the youngest Imam of Granada at 18, to Alia's contagious energy and her love for Arabic, and how they've travelled the world together with their family - you are bound to learn SO MANY things from them, I PROMISE!  (This episode is brought to you by )
4/2/202053 minutes, 56 seconds
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Najwa Latif: On Humility, being "Hannah Montana", and her Celebrity Journey 

Joining me today is Najwa Latif, the popular, well-beloved, singer-songwriter from Malaysia. Najwa, or Wawa, as some of us affectionately call her, is such a sweetheart, and there's a certain sense of calmness and humility that she exudes, which made it easy for me to fall in love with her. Having been a recording artist ever since she was 16, one could definitely tell how mature she is, even for her age. In this episode, Najwa shares more about how she started singing, how her amazing parents encouraged and motivated her and her sisters to pursue both music and academics, we even played a very "competitive" game in the middle of the episode and of course, how can I not ask her to sing in this episode too right? (This episode is brought to you by )
3/25/202050 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ustaz Mizi Wahid: On "Celebrity" Ustaz, His Life Story, MLM & many more

Joining me today is the CEO of Safinah Institute, author of the best selling book, "The Art of Letting God", everyone's fav Ustaz - Ustaz Mizi Wahid! Ustaz Mizi and I go a long way back: he was my Kadi during my wedding, and it is not an exaggeration when I say that Ustaz Mizi's classes at Safinah are the #1 reason why I fell back in love with the Deen. In this episode, we spoke about so many things - from how he juggles his multiple roles, as a dad, a husband, a CEO, a writer, a podcaster etc etc, we spoke his beautiful daughter Hana, if MLM is haram, what he thinks of the term "celebrity Ustaz", how he became the man he is today and so much more! (This episode is proudly sponsored by )
3/18/20201 hour, 1 minute, 43 seconds
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Iman Azman: Of TED Talks, Loneliness, Royal Families & How They All Connect

Joining me this episode, is the adorable, the vivacious, and the charming Iman Azman. Iman is a mom, a writer, and one of the most authentic content creator out there - and in this episode, we spoke about so many things under the sun, such as what topic will be her TED talk about, if she ever had one, on how she's trying to not make any grand proclamations on anything this year, on loneliness, and even on Meghan Markle! This is honestly one of the most entertaining, most random, yet insightful conversations I've had in a while. (This episode is proudly sponsored by )
3/11/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 5 seconds
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Siu Lim: Of Polygamy, Pilates and the Powerful Strength that is Siu Lim

Joining me is the beautiful, the brave, the ball of energy that is Siu Lim - she's a single mom of 4, a Certified Pilates Instructor, a Content Creator and also a Lululemon Ambassador.  This episode was an emotional one for me as I listened through Siu Lim's story on her reversion to Islam, her experience with polygamy, her eventual divorce but also how all of this shaped the strong woman that she is today. By the end of it, my respect for Siu Lim increased a million fold and made me love her even more. (This episode is brought to you by
3/4/20201 hour, 15 seconds
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Syaira Suhimi (Mrs Fluff): On Infertility, Adopting Baby Noah, Being "Syasya from the Block" + more!

Join Syaira Suhimi, or better known as Mrs Fluff, and I, as we have a super candid conversation on infertility, her "adventures" of adopting baby Noah, her success with Fluff bakery, her "minah Choa Chu Kang" roots and so much more. A lot of laughter and love on this episode, plus you won't want to miss Syaira's infectious energy and personality too! PS: This episode is proudly brought to you by )
2/26/202058 minutes, 46 seconds
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Yana, Farah + Azrina Khairuddin (CalaQisya): On humble beginnings, sisterly synergy, zombie apocalypse (??!!) and more!

I felt like the honorary 4th CQ sister in this episode as I sat down with Yana, Farah and Azrina Khairuddin in their beautiful CQ HQ in Shah Alam to talk about their 10-year journey of running a modest wear fashion business, the importance of minding our own business, bullying, which brand they would love to be sponsored by, who'd survive in Mars, and A LOT OF OTHER THINGS IN BETWEEN! This one made me laugh so much, I hope you guys will like it too! PS: This episode is proudly brought to you by
2/19/20201 hour, 1 minute, 15 seconds
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Aiman Azlan: On body issues, marriage, fatherhood & more!

I sat down with Aiman Azlan on this episode and spoke about so many topics, ranging from light-hearted themes to more deeper issues and I learned so much from him. Aiman is incredibly inspiring, super positive and just all-round major good vibes kinda guy who has been creating quality content and serving his community for 8 years, so it was extremely humbling to hear and learn from his experiences. I hope you guys will love this one as much as I do! PS: This episode is proudly brought to you by
2/12/202059 minutes, 15 seconds
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Asma' Nasaruddin: On Faith, Fashion, Love and Everything in Between

Joining me in this inaugural episode is Asma' Nasaruddin, who is such a joy to be around with! She's one of my favourite people on the internet and she's also one of the few content creators who I believe truly shares because she genuinely cares for her community. On this episode, you'll get a chance to listen in to our super candid conversation on faith, fashion, love, her relationship with the Quran, the new business that she's working on, and so much more in between! PS: This episode is proudly brought to you by
2/5/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 41 seconds
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Salam! (teaser episode)

OMG! YOU ARE HERE! I AM HERE! WE ARE HERE! LETS DO THIS. Don't forget to follow so that you'll be kept updated when a new episode drops. 
1/30/20201 minute, 2 seconds