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The Archers Podcast Profile

The Archers Podcast

English, Public-Community, 1 season, 422 episodes, 3 days, 20 hours, 19 minutes
Contemporary drama in a rural setting
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Jim hatches a cunning plan, and Kenton has reservations.
2/28/202413 minutes, 14 seconds
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The walls close in on Harrison, and Jazzer has a confession to make.
2/27/202413 minutes, 9 seconds
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It’s crunch time for Alice, and Alistair seeks a shoulder to cry on.
2/26/202413 minutes, 2 seconds
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Upstairs at The Bull Kenton tells Jolene he slept well and wants to take on running this week’s pub quiz. Jolene says she’ll let Jim know he can stand down as Quizmaster, then hears a noise outside the window, which makes her suspicious. She rings Harrison, telling him someone’s just tried to break in. Worried Fallon tells Harrison to be careful when he goes to investigate. Plus, neither of them have slept well for worrying about Alice and Harry. But when Harrison sees Tracy in The Bull car park he realises it’s a false alarm. Restless Tracy was out walking before coming in for her first shift since getting ill. She saw the pub’s logs left out in the rain and thought she’d move them under cover. That’s why she tried the back door before stacking them under a table. Jolene offers to make them a bacon sandwich for messing up their Sunday morning. Harrison demurs, but still wants Jolene to call him if anything worries her. Tracy then comforts Jolene, who’s upset about overreacting. Jolene admits she’ll be glad to have Tracy back – she’s had enough of David and Lilian fighting each other behind the bar.When he gets home Harrison tells Fallon he thinks Jolene might benefit from counselling. But he’s more worried about Harry possibly making a complaint about him. Fallon reckons Alice won’t spill the beans. They reconfirm their love for one another, with or without children, before Fallon talks him out of going round to see Harry and possibly making things worse.
2/25/202413 minutes, 15 seconds
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Writer: Nick Warburton Director: Julie Beckett Editor: Jeremy HoweDavid Archer…. Timothy Bentinck Jolene Archer…. Buffy Davis Natasha Archer …. Mali Harries Tony Archer …. David Troughton Harrison Burns …. James Cartwright Alice Carter …. Hollie Chapman Vince Casey …. Tony Turner Harry Chilcott …. Jack Ashton Ed Grundy …. Barry Farrimond Emma Grundy …. Emerald O’Hanrahan Will Grundy…. Philip Molloy Elizabeth Pargetter… Alison Dowling Fallon Rogers…. Joanna Van Kampen Markie… Greg Hobbs
2/23/202413 minutes, 8 seconds
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David swallows his pride, and Fallon thinks on her feet.
2/22/202413 minutes, 8 seconds
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Harrison has some advice for Harry, and Tony’s at the abattoir.
2/21/202413 minutes, 3 seconds
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Natasha is shown a new perspective, and Jolene has a sinister encounter.
2/20/202413 minutes, 16 seconds
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Jolene comes to a decision, and Ed has reason to celebrate.
2/19/202413 minutes, 4 seconds
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As Ed frets over how they are going to get the tree surgery business off the ground, Emma stuns him with her initiative, having worked out a plan to graze on the ten acres of land they crave. Ed's sceptical about trying Miles Titchener, but Emma has already found a number and called him directly - and Miles is thinking about it. Next step is to meet.At the Bull, David and Jolene chuckle over Tony’s ‘larky’ behaviour last Friday. They agree that things seem brighter since the dog attack – and David’s little disagreement with Lilian is all sorted too. Jolene admits she's concerned about Fallon, who has been quiet and is probably worried herself about Harrison who’s having a problem at work. Vince sidles up to Jolene at the Bull and unnerves her by insisting he's making progress tracking down the scumbags who attacked Kenton. He has a name - Markie - and is on the way to sniffing out a couple of other thugs. Jolene plays down her worry, trying to steer Vince away from his detective work, insisting things have gone quiet now. But Vince is determined. Later, David casually asks Jolene whether Vince has been bothering her, but she says it’s fine. But when Vince pushes things, jumpy Jolene finally snaps, and Vince realises that she has had a visit from this guy Markie. Jolene just wants to stay quiet and Markie will leave her alone, but Vince reckons that won't happen. He says she should go to the police – or Harrison. She’ll need to do something, sooner rather than later.
2/18/202413 minutes, 15 seconds
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Writer: Sarah McDonald Hughes Director: Pip SwallowDavid Archer… Timothy Bentinck Kenton Archer…. Richard Attlee Jolene Archer …. Buffy Davis Pip Archer…. Daisy Badger Ruth Archer…. Felicity Finch Tony Archer …. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy …. Sunny Ormonde Harrison Burns …. James Cartwright Alice Carter …. Hollie Chapman Susan Carter …. Charlotte Martin Harry Chilcott …. Jack Ashton Clarrie Grundy …. Heather Bell Alistair Lloyd …. Michael Lumsden Adam Macy …. Andrew Wincott Paul Mack …. Joshua Riley Denise Metcalf …. Clare Perkins Fallon Rogers …. Joanna Van Kampen Norris …. Bharti Patel
2/16/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Whilst Alistair and Denise are finishing up an operation on a cat he takes the opportunity to apologise for accusing her of sending him a Valentine’s card at work. She’s slightly mollified when Alistair tells her the whole episode was completely humiliating, then encourages him to make the most of his dating app. They’re interrupted by Paul, who tells Denise his Dad’s been trying to call her. John’s mother - Paul’s grandmother - has had another fall, and this time it’s bad enough to put her in hospital. Paul had planned to fly out to St Lucia in the summer to see her, but now he’s fearful that if she takes a turn for the worse he might not see her again. Denise insists Paul should fly out with his father tomorrow. Alistair then arranges with Lovell James for Paul to have compassionate leave so he can go. Alistair and Denise agree they’ll cope with the extra work in Paul’s absence. After a potential wedding client for the Brookfield barn cancels their booking, Pip and Ruth discuss how thinly stretched they are on the farm without David. On top of a relentless stream of admin they still have to be out in the fields doing actual farming. Pip reveals that she asked Lily whether the new events manager at Grey Gables, where Lily’s doing work experience, might promote Brookfield to their guests as a venue for an authentic barn dance and farm experience. If it works David will be impressed. But in the meantime, they need him back as soon as possible.
2/15/202413 minutes
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Fallon and Harrison are due for a chat, and Kenton’s had enough.
2/14/202413 minutes, 13 seconds
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At the vets, Paul and Alistair are heading for a drink at The Bull, where Denise will join them. But first Paul wants Alistair to open an envelope that’s addressed to him. Alistair says it can wait, as Denise will be annoyed if they’re late. But Paul thinks she’ll be more annoyed about Alistair signing Hilda up for Kitten Club. Later, Denise enthuses about her plans for Kitten Club before Alistair produces a Valentine card, presuming she sent it. Denise is half-amused, half-annoyed he thinks it was her. Paul sees the card and starts playing detective, but Alistair’s in no mood to speculate. Denise spots a QR code and discovers the card is a promo from Countryside Courting, a dating app Alistair signed up to but never used.Awkward Alistair says he lost his password. And anyway, he prefers the idea of getting to know someone in person. Paul scoffs, the only people Alistair ever sees are Jim, Jakob, Paul and Denise, then promises he’ll sign Alistair up again.Despite Fallon’s enthusiasm Harrison’s downbeat at the prospect of playing mini golf with Harry and Alice. He reckons they move in different circles to ‘horsey types’ like Harry. Later, in the middle of their round, Harry clumsily asks whether Fallon and Harrison have children, then if Fallon is pregnant. Harrison walks off, irritated. When Fallon follows him, Harry worries that he hasn’t made a good impression. But in the end, he asserts, his relationship with Alice is what matters most. Alice agrees, before the others return, with Harrison apologising for walking off. They resume playing golf and harmony is restored.
2/13/202412 minutes, 56 seconds
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Revenge is sweet for Adam, and Tony’s on the ropes.
2/12/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Fallon has a suggestion for Alice, and David lends a hand.
2/11/202413 minutes, 14 seconds
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WRITER: Keri Davies DIRECTOR: Peter Leslie WildJolene Archer… Buffy Davies Kenton Archer …. Richard Attlee Pat Archer…. Patricia Gallimore Tom Archer …. William Troughton Tony Archer …. David Troughton Harrison Burns …. James Cartwright Alice Carter …. Hollie Chapman Chris Carter…. Wilf Scolding Susan Carter …. Charlotte Martin Eve Chilcott …. Juliet Aubrey Harry Chilcott …. Jack Ashton Clarrie Grundy …. Heather Bell Adam Macy …. Andrew Wincott Fallon Rogers …. Joanna Van Kampen Lynda Snell …. Carole Boyd
2/9/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Alice is in the firing line, and a decision is reached at Bridge Farm.
2/8/202413 minutes, 12 seconds
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A new arrival causes problems at Bridge Farm, and Susan is up to mischief.
2/7/202412 minutes, 58 seconds
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Alice is nervous as she and Harry meet his mum for lunch. He distracts her by asking how things are going at her family’s farm. When Eve arrives she is very charming, rhapsodising about Alice’s dress and her eye for fashion. They get on well during the lunch, with conversation flowing easily, and Eve asks to take a photo of the two of them. Then she asks Alice to join her on a shopping trip to help her choose an outfit for a Valentine’s Ball. Alice excuses herself to go to the loo and Eve’s tone changes as she quizzes Harry about how he is doing in himself. He insists he is fine and, thanks to Alice, the happiest he has been in years.Jolene turns up unannounced to visit Lynda. She is desperate to find somewhere for Kenton to recuperate. Having discharged himself from the hospital, and unable to negotiate the stairs in The Bull, he had spent the night on Fallon’s sofa. Lynda has the perfect solution. She tells Jolene that Kenton can stay at Ambridge Hall in her accessible room on the ground floor. She and Robert set it up, complete with an en-suite wet room, after she was injured in the explosion at Grey Gables. When Kenton arrives he’s rude and churlish about the offer. Later he apologises, explaining he hadn’t taken his painkillers on time that morning, and they bond over their mutual experiences of injury and trauma – Lynda tells him how horrible she was to Robert after she was injured.
2/6/202413 minutes, 4 seconds
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There’s trouble at the Bull, and Adam stamps his authority.
2/5/202413 minutes, 2 seconds
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Alice and Harry are on a fundraising horse ride. They’re both in good spirits when conversation turns to the upcoming meeting with Harry’s mum. Alice is feeling nervous. Harry is reassuring, telling her he thinks his mum will love her, when they spot Chris’s van. Chris tells them he has had an emergency call out to a horse who has lost a shoe. They have an awkward conversation where Harry tries to be jocular. Later, Alice and Harry bump into Chris again, at The Bull, where Harry tries to make a joke, saying they aren’t stalking Chris. But it just leads to another awkward atmosphere. He makes matters worse when Chris mentions he’s there with his parents, exclaiming: “It’s wonderful! I can meet Martha’s grandparents at last.”Fallon is worrying about Jolene and tells Harrison she is going to The Bull later to help her with Yorkshire Pudding Day preparations. She goes on to ask if he can find out how the investigation is going. Harrison is reticent but he tells her he will see what he can do. He finds Jolene later and gives her an update on the investigation. He says he can’t get involved directly but it’s progressing and the team are doing their best. He reminds her that if she remembers anything – people acting suspiciously or unfamiliar customers – to call the number she has been given. He suggests that he and Fallon could move in until Kenton is back from hospital. Jolene panics and refuses, telling him she’s fine.
2/4/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Writer: Liz John Director: Julie BeckettDavid Archer …. Timothy Bentinck Jolene Archer…. Buffy Davies Kenton Archer …. Richard Attlee Lilian Bellamy …. Sunny Ormonde Harrison Burns …. James Cartwright Susan Carter ….. Charlotte Martin Vince Casey …. Tony Turner Eddie Grundy …. Trevor Harrison Emma Grundy …. Emerald O‘Hanrahan Mia Grundy …. Molly Pipe Brad Horrobin …. Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin …. Madeleine Leslay Tracy Horrobin …. Susie Riddell Fallon Rogers…. Joanna Van Kampen Markie …. Greg Hobbs
2/2/202413 minutes, 8 seconds
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Shula and Vince come to visit Kenton at the hospital. Vince tells them that he has spoken to Harrison, and it sounds like the police will be launching an investigation. He talks about the attack and Shula cuts him off, seeing how much it is upsetting Kenton. Jolene offers to get them coffee and Vince follows her. Once they are alone, Kenton opens up to Shula about how he is really feeling. He tells her the reason he was moved to a private room is that he had been shouting in his sleep and is struggling to drown out feelings of terror as he relives the attack. Shula sympathises, telling him it will take time to get over the ordeal. Kenton adds that he will have to undergo more surgery - the wound in his thigh is very deep and the plastic surgeons need to sort it out.Whilst waiting for the queue to go down in the cafeteria, Vince manages to coax Jolene into telling him her suspicions about Kenton’s attackers – she recognised them from years ago and thinks they were the same thugs who started a brawl, using knives and chains, outside one of her gigs near Wolverhampton. She remembers being terrified, locking her band inside the dressing room. She says the venue burned to the ground a week later. She worries what it could mean for The Bull and their safety. Vince suggests he will put out some feelers to see if anyone has heard of this crew, but it will take time because he’ll have to be very careful.
2/1/202413 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ambridge is reeling after the dog attack on Kenton. Jolene remains by his side in hospital. David arrives to offer support but both Kenton and Jolene are shell-shocked and struggling to remember exactly what happened. Jolene tells him Kenton had to have a blood transfusion and is on an antibiotic drip in case of infection. At The Bull, Harrison goes to review the CCTV footage, only to find that there is no video for that day owing to the electricians turning off the power. When Kenton and Jolene are told this they are still too traumatised to take it in. Despite the attack, Kenton insists that the fashion show must go on. David offers to take Jolene home. She’s reluctant to go and a still-terrified Kenton begs her not to leave - but David insists.At the Dower House Susan and Chelsea have come to pick up Lilian’s donations. Before she leaves Lilian tells them to let themselves out when they’ve finished. Chelsea comments to Susan how she can’t cope with Brad moping over Mia. As they start looking through the clothes they get carried away, wondering what it would be like to own and wear such beautiful things. The temptation is too great and they are trying them on when Lilian returns unexpectedly. Far from being angry, she is just glad to see her clothes being worn - coming alive again rather than being stuck in a box. Lillian comments that, with Kenton in hospital, the show has lost its senior male model again. Chelsea tells them that she and Brad have an idea.
1/31/202413 minutes, 3 seconds
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As the fashion show draws nearer Mia is starting to unravel under the stress. In the village shop while collecting boxes she unintentionally offends Susan, implying that Neil wouldn’t be suitable as her senior male model. She’s unable to conceal her anger over Eddie dropping out. Unfortunately, she seems to be offending people left and right, with the Button sisters angry with her for comments she has made about their hair and Chelsea furious about the fallout. Later when Brad is helping her sort through clothes, Mia gets a message saying that Kenton has agreed to be her senior model. This good news doesn’t seem to quiet her nerves, however. And they have an argument when Brad refuses to model for her in his green velvet suit. Brad storms out.At the Bull, Kenton and Jolene are pleased with how the evening has gone, praising Tracy for her hard work in tidying up the beer garden to make it look inviting. Whilst clearing up at the end of the night, Jolene notices some men with vehicles in the car park. Kenton tells her he saw them earlier but assumed they had taken a wrong turn. Alarmed, Jolene goes to call the police but realises she’s left her phone upstairs. While she’s gone Kenton goes out and yells at the men that they can’t stay there when a large dog breaks loose and attacks him. When Jolene returns she finds him lying in the car park, in agony and covered in blood, with the men having disappeared. Distraught, she calls an ambulance, pleading for them to come quickly.
1/30/202413 minutes, 2 seconds
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Emma and Tracy are trying to make themselves useful by giving the pub a spring clean while it is closed. They are hard at work when Eddie arrives asking for a favour. He wants them to tell Mia that he won’t be modelling in the show on Friday, as Mike has asked him to do some work in Birmingham and he needs the cash. Tracy and Emma refuse, knowing that Mia is going to be furious, and telling him to do his own dirty work. Before he leaves he pleads with them to find a way to get the electricians to work faster as the village isn’t the same without the pub.Later while Tracy is cleaning Jolene’s car – and larking about in a water fight with Emma - the alarm goes off. Jolene comes out and tells her it is faulty and needs to be looked at. Kenton and Jolene break the good news to Emma and Tracy that they’ve found a way to open the Ploughman’s – only offering bottled beers and soft drinks - to start bringing in some revenue. The reopening is a success with them enjoying a good trade - a mixture of regulars and casual customers. A rowdy group of newcomers are happy to flash the cash, flirting and giving Emma and Tracy large tips. But Jolene seems uneasy, avoiding the group and making excuses to disappear. At the end of the evening Kenton finally announces the winner of the longest drinker competition as Neville Booth.
1/29/202413 minutes, 16 seconds
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Jolene and Kenton are having to make difficult phone calls cancelling pre-arranged functions due to the power outage in the pub. Both are worried about what this will do to the business and how long The Bull might be closed for. The only saving grace is that at least they have electricity still in their flat. The couple are struggling to find an electrician who can come at short notice when they realise that neither of them has asked Lilian to speak to the contractors she employs through Amside. Later Lilian comes up trumps, having persuaded a contractor called Pete away from his Sunday roast to come and have a look. Kenton is hopeful the power will be back in time for the Renew Fashion Show. Lilian suggests that they should put Tracy and Emma to work doing other tasks since they can’t do their normal jobs behind the bar. In the tea room, Fallon and Mia are discussing the final details for the show. Mia seems stressed and overwhelmed, complaining about Lily and her over-the-top ideas for the choreography and special effects for the catwalk. It’s obvious she is worried about the pub and whether the power will be back on by Friday. Later, as they sort donated clothes at The Bull, Lilian suggests creating a glossy programme and generously offers to pay for it. Mia is horrified, insisting it is an eco-friendly, paperless show. When Lilian suggests she may be excluding older audience members, Mia is dismissive and Lilian leaves, disgruntled.
1/28/202413 minutes, 12 seconds
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WRITER: Caroline Jester DIRECTOR: Kim GreengrassBrian Aldridge… Charles Collingwood Helen Archer … Louiza Patikas Jolene Archer … Buffy Davis Kenton Archer … Richard Attlee Natasha Archer … Mali Harries Tony Archer … David Troughton Lilian Bellamy … Sunny Ormonde Alice Carter … Hollie Chapman Susan Carter … Charlotte Martin Harry Chilcott … Jack Ashton Clarrie Grundy … Heather Bell Ed Grundy … Barry Farrimond Eddie Grundy … Trevor Harrison Emma Grundy … Emerald O‘Hanrahan Brad Horrobin … Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin … Madeleine Leslay Adam Macey … Andrew Wincott Azra Malik … Yasmin Wilde Rebecca Price … Rose Robinson
1/26/202413 minutes, 13 seconds
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Susan and Clarrie read the article in The Borchester Echo promoting the Tearoom and Dairy. Adam turns up to have a refresh of the dairy in preparation for covering when Helen goes on holiday. Susan’s nose is put a bit out of joint and she tells Adam that they’ve held the fort before. Adam explains he’s just going to observe them. When he compliments them on their work, Susan takes the opportunity to put some streamlining ideas his way, much to Clarrie’s irritation. Afterwards Adam suggests going for a drink at The Bull where Burns Night is being celebrated. Susan pushes Clarrie into having a whisky even though she doesn’t want one. Whilst Adam’s at the bar, Susan thinks they might have a bit of fun with Adam while Helen’s away.Ed and Eddie get ready to herd the Texels to the cricket ground. Ed wonders if it’s such a good idea after all – they haven’t got permission for the sheep to be there. Brad arrives to help Eddie and Ed, while Emma and Mia are waiting in position further on. Things get tricky at St Stephen’s church when a ewe and her twins head for the church porch whilst there’s a funeral on. But they manage to move them on and successfully reach the cricket ground. The experience has made Ed make up his mind about the tree surgery business. He just needs to get some money for the equipment by selling the new rams in August. Ed feels luck might be coming his way.
1/25/202413 minutes, 16 seconds
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Alice drops in on Brian who hasn’t got dressed and is watching TV. They discuss the news and then Alice asks Brian if he’s ok. Brian reluctantly explains that he’s had a tightening in his chest since the weekend. Alice postpones her hack with Harry to sit with Brian, who guesses Alice has something else on her mind. Alice admits she’s wondering whether it’s too soon to introduce Harry to Martha. Brian tells her to stop over-thinking it and just ask Harry if he feels ready for it. Alice agrees to do that, but only if Brian makes an appointment with his GP.Brad’s still stressed about working out who’s the Longest Drinker for The Bull’s competition. Added to that Mia’s asked him to find a model for the ReNew Fashion Show. Chelsea says Brad just needs to learn to say 'no' and reckons that Mia will think Brad’s really assertive if he gets Eddie Grundy on the catwalk.Ed thinks Adam’s suggestion of the cricket field might work, although he couldn’t get hold of Grey Gables to ask if it would be alright. Brad appears and tries to convince Eddie to be a model at The ReNew Fashion Show. Eddie refuses until Chelsea arrives demanding that Eddie gets changed ready for a catwalk practice. Eddie gets into role and is convinced to put on a pair of heels, until Brad and Chelsea start laughing, and he realises he’s been had. Ed appears and asks for Brad’s help tomorrow. Brad reluctantly agrees and Chelsea wonders what’s happened to Brad being more assertive.
1/24/202413 minutes, 1 second
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There’s surprising news for Harry, and Chelsea turns detective.
1/23/202412 minutes, 55 seconds
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Clarrie worries to Susan about Ed’s sheep as despairing Ed’s now starting to think there’s no point in pursuing the tree surgery idea. Adam mentions that his family’s holding a cake baking contest to mark the anniversary of Jennifer’s death. When Susan and Clarrie ask for some advice about Ed’s sheep, Adam suggests sticking them on the outfield of the cricket pitch. Later Susan tells Clarrie that Emma likes the sound of the cricket pitch and is going to talk to Ed. Clarrie and Susan aren’t impressed when Helen explains her plan for cheese Easter eggs. When Helen then lets them know about her forthcoming holiday to Paris with Henry and Jack, Susan and Clarrie don’t fancy the idea of managing the dairy in her absence. However later Helen explains that she’s asked Adam to step in. Out of earshot, Clarrie and Susan aren’t keen on having Adam on board either.Brian, Alice and Adam compare their Victoria sponges which Lilian’s judging. Lilian mentions Harry and Alice wishes everyone would stop going on about him. Lilian thinks Jennifer would’ve approved of the cake competition as a way of bringing the family together. Though Jennifer would’ve been surprised at seeing Brian baking a cake! Lilian declares Brian the winner and disqualifies Adam; she saw him buying a cake from the Tearoom earlier. Later, Alice insists on keeping Brian company and asks him what he thinks about Harry. Brian tells her to trust her feelings and is emotional when he mentions that Jennifer would just want Alice to be happy. He tells her to go and live her life.
1/22/202413 minutes, 7 seconds
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Natasha apologises to Helen about the Grange Farm land misunderstanding, realising how insensitive she must’ve sounded. Helen tells her not to worry, although she’s finding it hard to move forward from Rob. Natasha’s surprised that Clarrie asked Helen to approach Miles about using the auctioned land for Ed’s sheep. The Echo photographer arrives and Natasha checks whether it’s ok for him to take photos in the Farm Shop as well as the Tearoom. Helen says that’s ok as long as she isn’t in shot. Echo journalist Rebecca appears to interview Natasha, who reminds her that the feature is to celebrate the Tearoom, not to scrutinise it. Rebecca agrees to promote all the right things, including Helen’s dairy window and cheese. When Rebecca asks if she can refer to Helen by name in her feature, Helen doesn’t mind at all. Later when Natasha mentions she was surprised Helen was alright about having her name in print, Helen says she surprised herself, but it felt like the right thing to do. Helen’s spent so many years looking over her shoulder, but now she feels liberated.The Longest Drinker competition at The Bull is taking its toll on Jolene and Kenton who’re witnessing Neville and Bert’s competitive sides over the title. They’re always there, at opposite ends of the bar glaring at each other. Kenton and Jolene try to find a system to decide who’s the longest drinker but can’t agree, until Jolene comes up with the idea of asking Brad to do the calculations.
1/21/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Writer: Naylah Ahmed Director: Pip SwallowBrian Aldridge…. Charles Collingwood Helen Archer …. Louiza Patikas Natasha Archer ….. Mali Harries Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy ….. Sunny Ormonde Clarrie Grundy …. Heather Bell Ed Grundy …. Barry Farrimond Eddie Grundy …. Trevor Harrison Emma Grundy…. Emerald O‘Hanrahan Mia Grundy …. Molly Pipe Brad Horrobin …. Taylor Uttley Joy Horville …. Jackie Lye Alistair Lloyd ….. Michael Lumsden Azra Malik …. Yasmin Wilde Rebecca Price…. Rose Robinson Fallon Rogers …. Joanna Van Kampen Adil Shah …. Ronny Jhutti Lynda Snell …. Carole Boyd
1/19/202412 minutes, 58 seconds
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Brian arrives at Susan’s with Hilda in tow and tries to convince her that one of her ‘six things at sixty’ might be to have a pet. But Hilda runs off when she’s let out of her basket. Susan says she’ll help to find her but makes it clear to Brian that Hilda is his cat now and she doesn’t want her. Later Brian finds Hilda outside The Lodge and resigns himself to being her keeper.Fallon apologises to Natasha about what happened with Echo journalist Rebecca the other day and thanks Natasha for having their backs. Natasha admits that she and Tom can be like two bulls in a China shop. It’s because they’re so enthusiastic now that the Tearoom’s under the Bridge Farm brand. Fallon’s relieved when Natasha explains she’s paid back everything that she and Tom owe for coffees and cakes in the Tearoom. Talk turns to children and Fallon says she doesn’t want any; she’s happy enough looking after Harrison’s nieces. Natasha asks Fallon’s advice about the Tearoom music and agrees to revert back to the old music; all she wants is what’s best for business.Clarrie and Eddie check Grange Farm land to see if it’s dry enough for the sheep, but it’s completely waterlogged. They move to the auctioned land which is dryer and Eddie suggests asking Helen to contact Miles to ask if Ed’s sheep could temporarily graze there, as Miles’s solicitors have refused. Clarrie’s really not keen on the idea, but she agrees to do it, for Ed’s sake.
1/18/202413 minutes, 10 seconds
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Clarrie, Eddie and Emma are all worried about Ed, particularly when the grazing fields are still water-logged. There won’t be anywhere for the ewes and lambs to go. Emma explains that she’s asked Oliver for details of Miles’s solicitor to ask if they can temporarily use the land for grazing. Eddie says they should use it anyway, but Clarrie advises waiting to hear what the solicitor says. Emma discusses the Tearoom mentioning that Rebecca from The Echo will be coming back next week with her photographer to do a write up on the Tearoom. Emma feels bad about how critical she and Fallon were about the music.Adil greets Lynda in Grey Gables’ new foyer while Robert drops off their bags in the room. Adil thinks there’s no-one better to test Grey Gable’s first day than the Snells, whose stay is on the house. Lynda admires the new-look Grey Gables and Adil confirms that he’s leaving today. Lynda bumps into Azra in the Spa Rooms remarking how spacious and comfortable their room is. They chat about Adil and Azra mentions that she’s taking over Adil’s allotment while he’s away. Lynda offers to help there with Robert. Later Azra catches Adil as he’s packing his car. He tells her he’s going to his grandfather’s farm in Rawalpindi and he’ll stay with Azra’s husband Akram. When Azra points out that’s news to her, Adil explains he’s going to surprise Akram too. Azra and Adil say they love each other, and Adil shares he’ll be back when his next project comes in.
1/17/202413 minutes, 10 seconds
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Natasha comes to the rescue, and new horizons beckon for Brad.
1/16/202413 minutes, 9 seconds
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Lilian turns up at Blossom Hill Cottage to see Brian with Hilda the cat in tow. Lilian can’t keep her – she’s been driving all of them up the wall, including Justin and Ruby. Brian tries to get out of having her, but Lilian’s determined to off-load Hilda. The only problem is the latch wasn’t properly closed on Hilda’s basket and she’s now run off. They look everywhere for her and eventually find her pining for Peggy at The Lodge’s back door. Brian’s forced to take her in but stresses that Hilda had better not get too comfortable, as she won’t be there for long!Clarrie’s helping Ed with lambing at Grange Farm, but Ed despairs when a ram lamb doesn’t survive. Alistair turns up to see how they’re getting on and ends up helping with a ewe’s problematic twin birth. Unfortunately one of the rams doesn’t make it which adds to Ed’s despondency. Alistair’s understanding when Ed’s upset about how badly it’s all going when he’s been doing everything right. Later Ed’s snappy with Clarrie and then explains his worries that the fields won’t be dry in time for when the ewes and lambs need to be out. He’s sick of living on a wing and a prayer and wonders whether he made a mistake taking on the Texels in the first place. Ed doesn’t know how he’ll be able to afford getting the tree surgery business off the ground. Clarrie puts it all down to the winter blues – once spring comes, Ed will be back on his feet.
1/15/202412 minutes, 57 seconds
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At the Tearoom Fallon and Emma dread their catch-up meeting with Natasha. Her music choices have been driving them mad! They draw up a list of talking points. Chat turns to Ed’s lambing and Emma mentions that he’s worried about all of the rain. It means the Grange Farm fields are too wet for grazing. Unfortunately the higher dry ground is the land that Oliver’s just sold. Later Emma and Fallon broach a few suggestions to Natasha on how to improve things at the Tearoom, but she brushes them aside. Fallon and Emma think the vintage music that’s always been played worked really well but Natasha wants to try out a few more types of music. They can survey the customers to see what they think.Lilian and Tony are at The Dower House sorting through boxes of Peggy things that won’t fit at The Laurels, including Peggy’s cottage teapot, which Lilian lays claim to. They’re interrupted by a phone call from Brian who has something else that won’t fit in there – Hilda the cat. There’s been some complaints at The Laurels including from the woman next door to Peggy who says Hilda sits in her doorway staring at her. When Brian asks where he should unload Hilda’s things, shocked Lilian clearly states that she won’t be looking after her. Especially after Hilda knocks over and breaks the prized cottage teapot. Lilian suggests Tony, but he’s equally forceful in his refusal to take Hilda on. Brian puts his foot down, refusing to leave until either Tony or Lilian agree to take her.
1/14/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Writer, Tim Stimpson Director, Rosemary Watts Editor, Jeremy HoweHelen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Henry Archer ….. Blayke Darby Natasha Archer ….. Mali Harries Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Tom Archer ….. William Troughton Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy ….. Sunny Ormonde Brad Horrobin ….. Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin ….. Madeleine Leslay Alistair Lloyd ….. Michael Lumsden Paul Mack ….. Joshua Riley Denise Metcalfe ….. Clare Perkins Elizabeth Pargetter ….. Alison Dowling Lily Pargetter ….. Katie Redford Mr Reed ….. Dan Hagley Oliver Sterling ….. Michael Cochrane
1/12/202413 minutes, 7 seconds
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Paul is rhapsodising about the new product display units and how easy it will be to sell. Denise reluctantly agrees it looks smart and thanks Alastair again for agreeing to the puppy parties. When Denise leaves Paul begs Alastair to come to her dance fit class as she is worried that no one will turn up. He goes on to say how much it would mean to her. Later, during a water break at the dance fit class Alastair and Denise have an awkward yet flirty conversation about each other’s appearance. Paul receives a message from his dad saying he’ll also be coming and apologising for being late. Denise is shocked and surprised, with things becoming decidedly awkward for her. Later when Alastair is saying goodbye he tells her how pleased he is that the class was a success but he won’t be returning next week. Natasha suggests to Tom again that Helen is in a different place regarding the 10 acres and perhaps they could create something positive by renting the land from Miles. Then they could put a share of any profits into trust for Henry. Tom is unsure but Natasha tells him it could be very healing. Later on Tom concedes that Rob died thinking he had the last laugh and this way they could get one over on him. He says Miles would have to agree but Natasha argues that he is duty bound to manage the land in Jack’s best interest and who better to rent to than his family. Natasha thinks Helen will love the idea.
1/11/202413 minutes, 16 seconds
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Henry takes a big step, and Lily makes a deal with the enemy.
1/10/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Whilst dropping in at Lower Loxley, Lily learns from Elizabeth that another valued member of staff has handed in their notice to go to Grey Gables. Elizabeth is concerned but Lily reassures her that things will be OK. Later while getting her hair done, Lily probes Chelsea on whether she knows if anyone else is thinking of leaving. Lily flatters her by saying she seems to talk to everybody. Chelsea covers, saying she doesn’t know of anyone thinking of leaving. She adds that if there are any opportunities for better-pad work she would be interested as she loves working at Lower Loxley and asks if Lily could put in a word with Elizabeth. Lily counters she doesn’t get involved in business decisions. Before Chelsea leaves she reiterates she will let Lily know if anyone is unhappy. Lillian has brought Ruby to the vets with a sore leg. During the examination Denise comes in and things are obviously frosty between her and Alastair. Later when Lillian goes to pay, Alastair asks Denise to upsell some dog food. She flatly refuses so he reluctantly does it himself. As a result he makes a mess, with dog food packages falling all over the floor, and Lillian discovers the reason for the tension between them both. She suggests that they could combine Denise’s passion for caring for the animals with Alastair’s objective of selling owners more products by holding puppy parties, reasoning that pet owners would be far more likely to buy from people they trust.
1/9/202413 minutes, 10 seconds
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Tom’s working outside in the cold and Natasha brings a warming flask of soup. Tom says had he known the Titcheners were bidding for the ten acres, he wouldn’t have pulled out of the auction no matter the cost. Later, Helen asks Henry about his day. He sarcastically tells her it ‘was splendid mother’. When she tries to probe further he tells her he doesn’t care about the inheritance as Rob wasn’t his dad and storms off. She catches up with him in Tony’s workshop and suggests there’s help if he wants to talk. He becomes angry and reiterates he is fine and doesn’t need any help. Natasha and Helen catch up over a coffee. Helen says she is starting therapy and isn’t sure how she feels about it, which seems silly considering she’s had therapy in the past. Natasha then confides that she had therapy for six years after growing up with a bipolar father. Helen replies that after Rob’s death she finally feels that she can start to lay things to rest. During a staff meeting Alastair reveals to Paul and Denise that Lovell James wants its veterinary nurses to start upselling impulse purchases. Paul is enthusiastic. Denise, however, is angry and says if she had known this was what she was coming back to she might not have returned. Later, things are frosty between them, with Alastair revealing he is not happy with the situation either but feels they have no choice. Denise says, regardless of Alastair’s orders, she is not doing it – and he can’t make her.
1/8/202413 minutes, 7 seconds
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Helen faces a dilemma, and Brad seeks a new opportunity.
1/7/202413 minutes, 15 seconds
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Writer: Sarah Hehir Director: Dave PayneBrian Aldridge…. Charles Collingwood Helen Archer …. Louiza Patikas Henry Archer …. Blayke Darby Jolene Archer …. Buffy Davis Kenton Archer …. Richard Attlee Tony Archer …. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy …. Sunny Ormonde Alice Carter …. Hollie Chapman Chris Carter …. Wilf Scolding Eddie Grundy …. Trevor Harrison Jakob Hakansson …. Paul Venables Brad Horrobin …. Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin …. Madeleine Leslay Tracy Horrobin …. Susie Riddell Joy Horville …. Jackie Lye Kate Madikane …. Perdita Avery Oliver Sterling …. Michael Cochrane
1/5/202413 minutes, 15 seconds
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Kenton puts his foot down, and Alice faces a challenge.
1/4/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Brad is on a mission, and there’s concern for Chris.
1/3/202413 minutes, 8 seconds
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Helen makes the effort, and Jakob struggles to put things right.
1/2/202413 minutes, 14 seconds
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Henry has reservations, and Kate faces a difficult start to the new year.
1/1/202413 minutes, 6 seconds
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Resolutions are made at The Bull, and Lilian has a favour to ask.
12/31/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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Writer: Katie Hims Director: Dave PayneBrian Aldridge…. Charles Collingwood Jolene Archer …. Buffy Davis Kenton Archer …. Richard Attlee Ruth Archer …. Felicity Finch Lilian Bellamy ….Sunny Ormonde Alice Carter…. Hollie Chapman Chris Carter …. Wilf Scolding Harry Chilcott … Jack Ashton Justin Elliot …. Simon Williams Ed Grundy …. Barry Farrimond Emma Grundy…. Emerald O‘Hanrahan Jakob Hakansson …. Paul Venables Tracy Horrobin …. Susie Ridell Alistair Lloyd …. Michael Lumsden Paul Mack …. Joshua Riley Kate Madikane …. Perdita Avery Jazzer McCreary …. Ryan Kelly Denise Metcalfe …. Clare Perkins Lily Pargetter …. Katie Redford
12/29/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Justin takes a big step, and Ed has a controversial suggestion.
12/28/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Alice finds herself on the spot, and Kate has reservations.
12/27/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Disaster strikes at Little Grange, and Tracy hatches a plan.
12/26/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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There’s a Christmas crisis at the vets, and it’s all systems go for Lily.
12/25/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Alistair has some news to impart, and Jazzer offers Christmas cheer.
12/24/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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WRITER: Nick Warburton DIRECTOR: Kim GreengrassDavid Archer…. Timothy Bentinck Jill Archer …. Patricia Greene Pip Archer …. Daisy Badger Alice Carter …. Hollie Chapman Chris Carter …. Wilf Scolding Susan Carter …. Charlotte Martin Harry Chilcott …. Jack Ashton Alan Franks …. John Telfer Usha Franks …. Souad Faress Emma Grundy…. Emerald O’Hanrahan George Grundy …. Angus Stobie Jakob Hakansson …. Paul Venables Freddie Pargetter …. Toby Laurence Stella Pryor…. Lucy Speed Lynda Snell MBE …. Carole Boyd Syksey …. Jasper Carrott
12/22/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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There are surprises galore at the comedy night, and Stella refuses to back down.
12/21/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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Susan offers some encouragement, and Jill’s hackles are raised.
12/20/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Life gets awkward for Alice, and George makes the most of a situation.
12/19/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Alan faces a last-minute hitch, and Emma finds herself in a precarious position.
12/18/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Chris finds his confidence knocked, and David puts his foot in it.
12/17/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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WRITER: Sarah McDonald Hughes DIRECTOR: Jeremy HoweBrian Aldridge…. Charles Collingwood Ben Archer…. Ben Norris David Archer…. Timothy Bentinck Pip Archer…. Daisy Badger Tony Archer …. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy …. Sunny Ormonde Leonard Berry …. Paul Copley Alice Carter …. Hollie Chapman Harry Chilcott …. Jack Ashton Ian Craig …. Stephen Kennedy Justin Elliott …. Simon Williams Jakob Hakansson…. Paul Venables Joy Horville …. Jackie Lye Paul Mack …. Joshua Riley Adam Macy …. Andrew Wincott Freddie Pargetter …. Toby Laurence Lily Pargetter …. Katie Redford Stella Pryor …. Lucy Speed Lynda Snell …. Carole Boyd
12/15/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ian and Adam are at Xander’s Nativity play, when Ian notices some people staring at them. Ian thinks it’s because they are the only same-sex couple in the room and goes to confront them. When Ian returns, he tells Adam that a group of people recognised him from his pizza van. Once the performance has finished, Adam and Ian talk about how proud they are of Xander, and marvel at his singing voice. Lynda catches Jakob at the Vets to ask him about his rehearsal schedule as director. When Jakob tells her there won’t be one and that he’ll let people get on with it themselves, Lynda is horrified. She waits for him all afternoon and collars him once his last client has left. Lynda tries to get Jakob to reconsider his plans, but he waves her concerns away. Justin tries to win back Lilian’s affection with presents and a dinner at a fancy restaurant, but she tells him this isn’t something he can fix with money. She goes on to say that he hurt her, and she needs him to accept that he’s caused real damage. Lilian accepts that she made a mistake by not being straight with Shula, but never in a million years did she think it would be Justin who would expose her. Lilian tells him if the situation was reversed she would not have sabotaged him like that. Lilian’s going to spend Christmas away with Leonie and James. Lilian needs some space to decide whether there is a future for her and Justin.
12/14/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Life gets complicated for Paul, while Leonard offers the benefit of experience.
12/13/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Lily has something to look forward to, and Stella makes an impression.
12/12/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Alice faces a big decision, and old wounds open for Ian.
12/11/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
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Lynda proves a friend indeed, and Justin makes the most of his situation.
12/10/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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WRITER: Keri Davies DIRECTOR: Pip SwallowBrian Aldridge…. Charles Collingwood Natasha Archer …. Mali Harries Tom Archer …. William Troughton Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy …. Sunny Ormonde Justin Elliott …. Simon Williams Clarrie Grundy …. Heather Bell Eddie Grundy …. Trevor Harrison Emma Grundy …. Emerald O’Hanrahan Will Grundy …. Philip Molloy Jakob Hakansson…. Paul Venables Kate Madikane …. Perdita Avery Oliver Sterling …. Michael Cochrane Graham …. Malcolm McKee
12/8/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Tony and Tom discuss how to cover Bridge Farm work without Johnny. They agree to ask George to cover Johnny’s work. Tony asks whether Tom and Natasha bidding for the Grange Farm land is a good idea, as they are both looking exhausted and barely able to cover the work they already have. Tony also mentions that he is going to help Peggy with an Estate Agent who is coming to value The Lodge, musing that he was hoping that his children would have got the benefits of that. Later Tom confides to Tony that he’s worried about the idea of building a house on the land but doesn’t know how to tell Natasha. Tony suggests just being honest. Later Natasha and Tom agree that now isn’t the right time for the land project.Clarrie and Eddie clear out the old barn. Clarrie finds her old pram and becomes emotional telling Eddie all of her memories are at Grange Farm. She wonders what they’ll do when Oliver eventually sells. Eddie tells her about the Almshouses he’s been researching and asks her to keep an open mind until she has read more. Later after reading the information Clarrie and Eddie feel much more hopeful about the future and Clarrie congratulates Eddie on finding something official rather than one of his half-baked schemes. Later on they both wonder who will buy the land and hope its Brian who at least is a farmer and with whom they already have a good relationship.
12/7/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Justin makes a surprising decision, and Kate struggles to let go.
12/6/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Lilian faces the music, and Eddie waves the white flag.
12/5/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Justin goes too far, and Clarrie reaches the end of her tether.
12/4/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Kate is on a mission, and debate rages at Bridge Farm.
12/3/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Oliver and Ian turn up on the back lawn of Grey Gables at six-thirty as requested, still none the wiser. Following the sound of music, Oliver tells Ian they’re installing La Femme du Monde’s kitchen by the end of the month, but they’re still paying the catering staff in the meantime. To their amazement they see a lit-up polytunnel ahead, with guests milling about, before Adil welcomes them. They admit they like his surprise. Everyone else – business partners, staff, suppliers - looks happy too. Adil calls it a showcase of what Grey Gables is about: Local food, drink and hospitality. Ian and Oliver are seriously impressed. Adil suggests keeping the polytunnel going as a pop-up venue, using Ian’s pizza van, until they’re ready to open the restaurant. Ian and Oliver are quickly on board with The Polytunnel Pizzeria idea, and Ian’s happy to make a fresh start with Adil.Alice and Harry are on their rearranged date at an Indian restaurant. Harry had thought things were over when she cancelled on Wednesday, but Alice apologises, it was her nerves. They talk horses and Alice thinks she might try competing again. Rueful Harry tells her about his forced retirement after an eventing accident - the fallout from it broke his marriage. It feels easier telling Alice than it usually does, but she’s awkward when Harrison approaches. Once he’s gone Alice explains he’s her ex’s best friend and she’s worried what he’ll tell Chris, before catching herself. She’s not doing anything to be ashamed of. Enjoying spending time with Harry is all that matters.
12/1/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Instead of going into work Fallon contemplates the chaos of a house filled with upcycled furniture. Harrison treats it lightly, but Fallon’s in a real funk about Tom’s attitude. At least Lynda’s taking the festoon lights, though. When Lynda arrives she says they’re for Adil, but more chaos ensues when a stack of chairs tumbles over. It’s the last straw for Fallon. She tells Lynda how horrible Tom’s being over the Tearoom, though Lynda doesn’t quite seem to get it. However, Lynda does propose that Adil will be happy to take the furniture off Fallon’s hands too. It’s precisely what he needs - and urgently at that.Helen delivers veg boxes to Grey Gables even though Ian didn’t order them. Adil’s ordered Helen’s cheese and Fallon’s cheese biscuits, too. Ian scrutinises the order form but has no idea what it’s all for. When Adil arrives Helen says she’s relieved Bridge Farm’s agreement with Grey Gables is still in place. Adil reassures her, the hotel will deliver on its promises - even if having his bossy big sister around will present a personal challenge. Helen sympathises, she and Tom have their moments too. Adil tells her he’s also ordered wine from Lower Loxley, adding mysteriously that Helen should keep tomorrow night free. Adil continues being enigmatic with frustrated Ian, assuring him he’s paid for the orders himself and wants to build bridges with colleagues and suppliers. Adil tells Ian to take tomorrow off, then adds he has a proposal for him. He won’t say any more now, but promises all will be revealed.
11/30/202312 minutes, 53 seconds
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Natasha puts her foot down, and Ian believes in seizing the day.
11/29/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Fallon and Emma vent their frustrations about Tom and Natasha’s imminent takeover – Tom’s already started micro-managing them and they fear his meddling will only get worse. They feel completely undermined, despite creating the perfect cheese biscuit for Grey Gables. Predictably, Tom then badgers Fallon with some ludicrous suggestions for vegetable-based bakes, citing Heston Blumenthal’s experimental approach as inspiration. Tom keeps pushing until Fallon agrees to give his ideas a go. Later, reluctant Emma does a taste test of Tom’s suggestions: kale croissant and cauliflower éclair. But the croissant is too watery and has turned into mush. Then, when Emma pronounces the cauliflower éclair one of the most disgusting things she’s ever tasted, Tom suggests the problem is in the baking, not the concept. However, when Fallon brings out some delicious cauliflower and kale empanadas even Tom has to concede they work better than his ideas. But he still wants another dish for the new menu: how about sprout strudel? Lynda has called Jakob in for a health check on her llamas, but really wants to tackle him about the Christmas comedy show. Jakob says the favourite title so far is ‘The Gagricultural Show’. Lynda offers to get involved, but Jakob turns her down – Kate’s already assisting him. Lynda corrects Jakob, she wants to perform, not help out. Jakob tries turning her down on the grounds that she is not a farmer, but Lynda persists with several examples of her humour until he gives in. He’ll put her down for the show – but not in the veterinarian sense!
11/28/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Last-minute replacement Jakob turns up to play the organ at Ted Barrett’s funeral, a former resident of The Laurels. Alan tells him Ted’s family requested an upbeat service with a funny eulogy, before Alan gently relieves Jakob of his duties helping organise this year’s Christmas Show. Sykesy arrives for the service, sharing some fond and funny memories of Ted. Alan’s eulogy then goes down really well, with lots of laughter. After the service Sykesy is full of praise for Alan’s delivery. It’s also given Jakob an idea for the Christmas Show: an evening of stand-up comedy delivered by local farmers. Sykesy thinks it’s a brilliant idea, his enthusiasm overwhelming any objections from Alan. It looks like they’ve got a Christmas Show! Justin helps Natasha get her buggy out of the shop, then praises her and Tom on their plans to remodel the Tearoom, starting on Wednesday when they take over from Fallon. Justin feigns surprise when Natasha mentions their intention to bid for Oliver’s land, but quickly offers to run an eye over their proposal, if it would help. Natasha suspects there is more to Justin’s altruism than meets the eye, but goes along with it for now. Later in The Bull, once he’s had a look, Justin gravely informs Natasha that their figures simply don’t add up. In which case, Natasha responds, they could just aim to build a house on the land instead of trying to farm it. Canny Natasha thanks Justin for pushing her in the right direction and goes quickly, with her buggy, leaving Justin feeling frustrated.
11/27/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Justin hatches a plot, and Alice sees potential.
11/26/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Tom apologises to Helen for passing on the news about Rob dying, and how people kept talking to her about it at Brian’s party. Helen insists it doesn’t matter. They talk about the effect it’s had on Henry and Jack. Helen is more concerned about Jack, particularly with Lee having moved out so recently too. Helen feels guilty, as the boys loved Lee so much. Helen then offers to let delighted Henry order pizza and some other treats for dinner. She hopes Tom doesn’t think she’s a bad mother for bailing out of cooking, but he’s fine with it. Later, Henry tells Helen he overheard her conversation with Tom and thinks she did the right thing splitting up with Lee. Despite missing Lee Henry assures Helen both him and Jack will be okay. They share a warm moment, before Helen promises she will try and organise tickets for them to see a football match in Paris. Stella tells Ed they can’t let him graze his sheep at Home Farm. Ed understands the reasons why, but cannot hide his disappointment. Later, in The Bull with Adam, Ian and Stella, Ed gives vent to his true feelings about how unfair life is: the rich get richer and the poor, like the Grundys, end up struggling to survive. It’s not right. Ian’s still thinking about Adil’s attempt to persuade him to stay on at Grey Gables. Adam thinks he should, as he clearly wants to. Ian agrees, but only so long as he’s got Adam’s support.
11/24/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Oliver is confident that selling the land at Grange Farm will give them enough money to finish the bedrooms at Grey Gables. Adil thinks getting the kitchen right first is more important and reckons he has the perfect solution: buying the kitchen from ‘La Femme du Monde’ restaurant, which has closed down. But then Ian hands in his notice. Despairing Adil confides in Azra, who boosts his confidence and suggests he can still change Ian’s mind. Adil ropes Oliver in to help him talk to Ian, promising that he won’t run away again, despite Oliver overhearing him say to Azra that he felt like doing so. Tearful Adil then explains that the day he packed his bags was Sabha’s birthday, when he basically falls apart. Sympathetic Oliver cites his experience with Caroline, telling Adil he could have helped. Ian then spurns Azra’s attempt to mediate on her brother’s behalf. But when Adil tells Ian about the chance to buy this amazing kitchen, Ian is clearly tempted to stay, before Azra reveals she got the job as GP at the local surgery. Brian reveals to Oliver that Natalia knew Jennifer from the WI and was on the cookery course Brian did. He bumped into Natalia last week in Felpersham and invited her to the party to make it go with a zing. But that’s all. Brian then expresses his disappointment that Oliver hasn’t offered to sell him the land at Grange Farm before going to auction, but Oliver won’t budge. He needs the best price he can get.
11/23/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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In the shop Helen gets flustered about mislaying her bank card, then accidentally smashes a jar of mayonnaise. Helen cuts herself picking up the glass, so Jim invites her to sit down for tea and biscuits, sensing how discombobulated she is. Helen tells Jim how she feels worse since seeing Miles yesterday. She still can’t quite believe Rob is dead. Jim tells her about his experience going to the funeral of his abuser, Harold Jayston. Although he couldn’t bring himself to go inside the church it still helped, by providing an ending of sorts, knowing he could never come across the man again. Helen admits she’s ridiculously tired, thoughts constantly whirring, having disturbing dreams about Rob. Jim reassures, it will get easier over time. For him, in the end, the abuser hasn’t defined his life because he’s only a small part of it. Jim thinks it will be the same for her and that Helen will start to thrive from now on. Helen agrees, maybe she will. Stella teases Brian about the expensive watch his family have given him. Brian is very pleased with it and proud of his family. They talk about what they could do with the Grange Farm land, if their bid is successful. Ed then collars them to make the case for grazing his Texels at Home Farm. Stella’s initial response is to turn Ed down, but Brian persuades her that they could at least think about it.
11/22/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Miles turns up at Bridge Farm without warning and persuades Helen to go for a walk. He apologises for not being there when Helen visited Rob last week, grateful she stayed as long as she did, before admitting he now believes what she said in Court about her relationship with Rob. Nevertheless, Miles also talks about how protective Rob was towards him when they were children, and how difficult their upbringing was. Miles goes on to say he was with Rob when he died, remarking on how Rob looked more serene in death than he ever did in life. He tells Helen about Rob’s last wish, that she should have his wedding ring to keep. Helen is appalled by the idea, before taking the ring and throwing it as far away as she can. Denise teases Paul about his hangover, after Brian’s party last night. Brian was still going strong when Paul left at 2.00 am. Josh is equally hungover, but he’s managed to blag a day off work to recover. Josh brings up the subject of Ruairi with Paul, who admits he didn’t want to end up in a drunken snog last night, then reaffirms his commitment to his current boyfriend. Josh queries how much longer Denise is going to stay with them at the Stables and Paul promises to talk to her. When Denise comes back in though they talk instead about Paul’s rather dull relationship with reliable Etienne. Denise knows Paul fancies Ruairi and suggests he should follow his heart rather than settle for second best.
11/21/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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It’s Brian’s eightieth birthday and he’s been thrown out of Blossom Hill while Adam, Ian, Kate, Jakob and Alice prepare a party for him. Despite Adam’s reservations about pushing Brian into having a party Tom thinks Brian will love it. Tom then passes on the news about Rob’s death and Helen’s confused reaction. Jakob mentions a mystery guest Brian’s invited, Natalia. There’s much speculation, particularly from Kate, about her being Brian’s new girlfriend. But Brian confesses to Stella how much he misses Jennifer on a day like this, and does the same later with Adam. He could never have imagined losing her so soon, admitting that he misses her every day. Later, the party’s already in full swing, with meat evangelist Freddie as DJ, when Josh and Paul turn up. They have a present for Brian: a fancy, initialled pen-knife. Josh then joshes Paul about avoiding Ruairi, while dissing Paul’s current boyfriend, before they both add to the speculation about who exactly Natalia is. Adam’s surprised when Helen turns up. She tells him she needs the distraction from thinking about Rob, before Jakob consoles Helen in his own, inimitable blunt manner. Brian admits to Adam that he’s enjoying himself, while Natalia turns out to be a great dancer, leading Brian on the dance floor. Neither Adam nor Stella think Brian has any designs on Natalia, which Adam reiterates to Josh and Paul later. Then, when a cake with candles is produced, Brian makes a very moving speech about his beloved Jenny, before the dancing resumes.
11/20/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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Whilst destressing on his allotment, Adil tells Azra the reason he came back to Ambridge is the terrible guilt he feels over messing things up so badly for Oliver, Lynda, Ian and everyone else. Azra probes into why he hasn’t been keeping in touch with Sabha’s parents. Adil admits how difficult he finds it talking to them about her. They keep their front room as a shrine to her memory. He also admits he isn’t always honest with people about Sabha being his fiancée when she died, rather than his wife. He thinks fiancée sounds lesser somehow. Then Azra tells him she’s applied for a permanent position as a GP at the surgery. Adil would have liked more warning of her working close by, and Azra admits that if she gets the job she will definitely want to move somewhere local, though not necessarily Ambridge itself. As she helps Tom with the veg boxes, Helen ignores several calls and texts from Miles. She tells Tom how awful it was on Thursday, with Rob. In the end she just couldn’t bear the idea of being there when he died. It wouldn’t have felt right sharing that intimate moment with someone she didn’t love. Tom tells her not to beat herself up – she did the right thing. Miles messages again and Helen doesn’t read it, dreading what she knows it will say. Tom reads it for her: Rob died last night at 9.09pm. Helen works out what she was doing then, before admitting how confused she is about how she feels.
11/19/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Pat knocks at Joy’s door after midnight, asking after Helen. Helen’s still not home and sounded strange on the phone. Joy says Helen’s told her nothing, but Pat knows it’s to do with Rob. Pat insists on going to Rob’s flat, and Joy says in that case she’ll drive. On the way Joy explains how she’s been there before with Helen and Jack, but ends up soothing Pat about the fact Helen didn’t go to her for support instead. When Rob wakes up in his flat Helen is there. He still wants her to smother him with a pillow, but Helen refuses. She didn’t come to help Rob die. She came for Jack, even though he didn’t want to see Rob in the end. Helen remains calm as Rob gets meaner. He intuits that Helen and Lee are no longer together, and says she’s not a good liar. Unlike you, she replies. Rob’s room reminds Helen of her remand cell. It was horrible there, but still better than being with Rob. Rob tells her once more to end his life, but Helen says he’ll have to do it himself. Rob then throws insults at Helen, saying she caused his tumour. Helen compares Rob to his father, before recalling Rob’s words when he put a knife in her hand. She won’t put him out of his suffering though, he’ll have to wait to die. And then she goes. Outside, Helen hugs Pat and Joy. When Pat asks, Helen confirms Rob is still alive - but they won’t be coming back.
11/17/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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One resident makes a shocking request, and Lilian offers some advice.
11/16/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Lilian suggests to Alice that the Grange Farm land could be a good acquisition for The Stables. Perhaps Harry might have an opinion? Alice admits he gave her his card, but she dismisses Lilian’s urge to matchmake. By coincidence, Harry appears with treats for Sadie. Lilian launches into her idea of creating an equine wellness centre, while Alice is cagey, keen to end the conversation. Later, Lilian tells Alice off for being rude to Harry. Alice apologises and Lilian points out that spending a bit of time with him wouldn’t be the end of the world. Alice rings Harry to apologise for her behaviour earlier. Harry tells her not to worry. Before hanging up Alice says perhaps she could still take him on that tour of The Stables sometime. On their way to Ruairi’s birthday party, Kate justifies saying no to Alan’s idea of church yoga sessions. Jakob tells her Alan’s vetoed this year’s Christmas tree to save money. Kate then rules herself out of volunteering to help produce a Christmas show. On arrival at the party, Jakob spots no-one else is in costume - Kate forgot to tell the others. Jakob feels like a prize idiot, dressed as a centurion. Both Ben and Alice try to make Jakob feel better, while later on Kate admits she was wrong about Jakob - he’s a team player when it counts. Jakob then reveals he’s helping Usha with the Christmas show and thinks Kate should help too, if she wants, whatever Peggy’s position. Kate agrees to do it, just for Jakob.
11/15/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Events spiral out of control for Helen, and there’s a surprising confrontation for Alice.
11/14/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Alan tells Jakob that Kate turned down his invitation to hold a weekly Spiritual Home session at the church, in support of Peggy’s stance. Jakob can’t believe it after what she said yesterday, but goes to see Usha on Kate’s behalf about borrowing a sari. At The Stables Lilian quizzes Jakob about the Grange Farm land sale, but he can’t tell her anything. He then asks Lilian if she thinks he’s a kill-joy. Of course not, she replies quickly, before things become awkward and Jakob beats a retreat. Harry Chilcott then introduces himself to Lilian, demanding to see someone about Sadie, the horse he bought for his niece. He considers the horse’s recent injury to be the result of poor decision-making by The Stables. Learning the manager isn’t around, he says he’ll return tomorrow. Helen looks for a card in the shop that Jack can give Rob. She tells Joy she doesn’t want Jack giving Rob his handmade one in case Rob says something hurtful. When Helen’s phone rings, it’s Miles. He tells her Rob’s deteriorating quickly but has refused a hospice, so now has nurses visiting his flat and Helen needs to bring forward Jack’s visit to tomorrow. Helen’s not sure Jack should see Rob in his condition, but Miles presses her to say yes. Supportive Joy then agrees to go with Helen when she takes Jack to see Rob. Helen is fearful of how Jack will respond to seeing Rob, but Joy thinks if he’s anything like Helen, he’ll brave it out.
11/13/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Alan finally sees the light, and Kate is not impressed.
11/12/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Helen and Kirsty discuss upcoming rewilding work, how helpful Joy is being and Hannah staying in Ambridge, but Jazzer not wanting her job anyway. Helen then confides her worries about Jack, who’s told her he wants to meet Rob. Kirsty can’t understand why Helen would even contemplate letting Jack meet him, but Helen can’t risk Jack resenting her forever by not allowing it. Kirsty tries convincing Helen that all will be fine if she sits tight. Helen though is adamant, she has to do right by Jack. Helen reads out a letter Jack’s written to Rob. Kirsty doesn’t get its significance, but Helen believes it shows nothing she does will change Jack’s mind. Every bone in her body is screaming at her to keep Jack away from Rob - but for Jack’s sake she has to allow him to go. Kirsty thinks Jack could end up traumatised. Helen just has to hope she’s strong enough to protect him. At Grange Farm Eddie finds George watering the ground around the barn that’s up for sale. George hopes it’ll put Martyn Gibson off by making it look like marshland. Eddie thinks it’s a silly plan, but is touched by George’s good intentions. After Martyn’s visit, Eddie shares some cider with George, who’s embarrassed at how rubbish his waterlogging idea was. Eddie reckons that you only really learn things through failing first. George worries about what the sale will lead to, but Eddie won’t be disheartened. He may have had a miserable week, but George has cheered him no end.
11/10/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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At Berrow, Jazzer gets increasingly frustrated when the computer he’s using crashes again. Hannah encourages him to keep going with the management training, but quickly realises he doesn’t actually want the job. Jazzer’s worried about letting Tracy down, but Hannah tells him to stop beating himself up. Later, in The Bull, Jazzer tells Tracy he’s not going for Hannah’s job after all – he’s good around pigs not being stuck in an office. He thought Tracy would be fuming, but she says she loves him no matter what. Jazzer then gets a message from Hannah saying she’s moving in with Stella, so she can stay on at Berrow after all. At the Tearoom George talks Tracy and Emma through the merchandising methods Bridge Farm are using to boost sales. Emma thinks he sounds just like Natasha. Helen comes in and asks Emma about Oliver’s land sale progress. She mentions Bridge Farm could be interested, then switches focus to the newly arrived promo stands, yet to go out on the tables. Sensitive to Fallon’s issues with the Tearoom ownership, Helen compromises by having just one stand at the till. Later, Emma reports the promotion is doing well. When Helen has to leave suddenly to collect Jack from school, George offers to man the shop. Emma is proud of him for stepping up. George asks about the Grange Farm land sale and Emma says Martyn Gibson is going to look round tomorrow. George wonders if he can put Martyn off somehow, but Emma tells him to stay out of it.
11/9/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Emma seeks reassurance, and there’s a difficult balancing act for Helen.
11/8/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Joy drops her latest Sacher Torte round at Helen’s and asks how they are all coping since Lee left. She offers to babysit and Helen grabs the chance to join Kirsty at a meditation class. On her return, Helen learns that Henry and Jack argued and Jack went to bed crying. Henry is rude in front of Joy and storms off upstairs. Helen goes to him and he explains what happened. Jack wants to meet his dad before he dies and Henry told him he wasn’t allowed to, which Jack thought was unfair, because Henry got to see Rob, so why can’t he? Afterwards, Helen discusses the boys’ argument with Joy. Did Lee’s departure leave a void that’s made Jack start thinking about Rob? Refreshingly for Helen, Joy is understanding about her and Lee’s split, no one else seems to get it. Helen so wishes she could explain fully to Jack about Rob, but he's too young - he really needs to know why he can’t see Rob, though. Usha chats to Tracy while waiting for Alan, who is late leaving work. Tracy is confident Jazzer will get Hannah’s job when she leaves Berrow. Meanwhile, Usha admits her concern that Alan is strung out with worry over the church finances. When Alan arrives, Usha and Tracy are stunned to hear he’s planning to cancel the Christmas tree at church this year. Tracy enthusiastically suggests other ways to save and raise money. Alan dismisses them all, but Usha thinks an event to bring in non-churchgoers is a good idea.
11/7/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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Relationships are tested at Grange Farm, and Jazzer has reservations.
11/6/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Alan hangs back at St Stephen’s, stalling going to Bonfire Night. Joy comes in to retrieve her gloves. Alan is pleased to see her. She hopes he understands why she hasn’t been able to come to church until today. He doesn’t think anyone at Bonfire Night will want to see him but Joy encourages him to go. On The Green, last minute preparations are made for Bonfire Night. Kirsty’s impressed with it all and Kenton credits Mia for inspiring the eco-friendly initiatives. Kenton worries The Bull will lose out next year with a group of neighbours wanting the event moved to Jubilee Field. Eddie shuts down the conversation when Kenton asks about Oliver planning to sell part of Grange Farm. Later, while George assists Eddie with bonfire and firework tasks, he asks if Eddie’s worried about Oliver selling some land. Eddie says it’s just rumours, he’s sure it will work out fine. At the bonfire, Alan feels paranoid. Are people actively avoiding him? Usha says people won’t be able to stay angry for long, especially if Alan shows his face at public events. However, Alan is worried about the church’s finances, with a number of regular donations being cancelled. He can’t get into the event and leaves early. Everyone is looking forward to the quiet fireworks Eddie has supplied, but they explode with loud bangs. Angry Kenton tracks down Eddie – these fireworks are going to lose The Bull the event! Eddie can’t see the problem, everyone loved the display. Kenton says Eddie owes him, big time.
11/5/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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As Harrison and Alan set up for an eco-meeting in the church, Harrison describes tending to Rob yesterday. Alan’s not expecting anyone to turn up for the meeting, but to his surprise there’s a good attendance. Harrison admits he did pull in some favours, which leads Alan to think it’s an entirely false picture. However, one person Harrison didn’t prime is Brian. Unaware of the meeting Brian would like a private word with Alan. After the meeting, Brian explains he’s brought a message from the family. Or, more specifically, from Peggy. He relays that Peggy doesn’t intend returning to church. Nor will she forgive Alan for supporting Rob. She’s cancelling her regular donation to the church and she’ll make a public statement to this effect, in the hope that others follow their consciences and do the same. While dinner cooks Pip brings up Ruth and Stella laughing at her yesterday. As Pip sees it, Stella can’t wait for Hannah to move in, while Pip’s suggestion of living together is a big joke. Stella insists they are totally different scenarios. Stella thinks Pip’s being ridiculous, wanting Stella to turn Hannah down. Pip apologises, saying she feels muddled and got at. Stella assures her, both she and Pip’s parents care about Pip very much. They agree Pip needs to make up with Ruth, and also see if they can scrounge some dinner, as the spaghetti is ruined. Over at Brookfield, Ruth and Pip make amends for the misunderstanding yesterday, before Stella and Ruth reaffirm their friendship under the new dynamic.
11/3/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Harrison faces a difficult negotiation, and Stella puts her foot in it.
11/2/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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As they start cleaning up after their Halloween party, Lily and Josh mention Paul’s contract at the vets being extended. They wonder how much longer Denise will be staying and agree to ask her face-to-face. Later, they find Denise has finished tidying the house and left a note to say she’s making dinner tonight. They decide to be more chill about her staying and see how things go. Bruce Titchener grumbles ahead of Rob’s baptism. No-one else, other than Miles and Alan, has shown up, but then Tony arrives. Privately, Alan asks Tony if he plans to disrupt the service, but Tony can’t give Alan the assurance he’s seeking. They’re interrupted by Bruce and Rob. Bruce is impatient, while Rob notices Tony and says hello. Tony and Alan witness Bruce bullying Rob, accusing him of wanting to be pitied and telling Rob off for turning away while he’s speaking. Alan calls an end to Bruce’s tirade. After the service, Rob thanks Tony for coming. He’d hoped to see Helen too as he still loves her. Tony doesn’t respond and when Rob questions his silence, Tony says he has nothing to say to him. Alan then catches up with Tony, who admits he had meant to do something during the service, but seeing Bruce’s aggression towards Rob changed his mind. He saw something in Rob’s eyes that he’d seen in Helen’s expression – a feeling of worthlessness. Tony has wanted Rob punished more than anything else, but he now sees, with an unloving father, that Rob’s whole life has been a punishment.
11/1/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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After a chat with Alistair, Jazzer’s decided to go for Hannah’s job. Hannah’s pleased and walks him through all the office-based work she does. Denise bumps into Hannah in the shop. Hannah explains she’ll have to move because she can’t find anywhere to live near Ambridge. Stella mentioned she had a spare room, but it’s not hers to rent out. Denise encourages Hannah to get Stella to ask Brookfield. Later, Hannah calls on Stella and, after some stalling, asks about the spare room. Stella can’t believe Hannah was nervous about asking. She will give it serious consideration and run it past David and Ruth. Alistair bangs on the door at The Stables, complaining about the noisy party inside. To his surprise Denise answers. She shouts to Paul for the music to be turned down. Alistair has been meaning to stop by to say hello. Denise teases him gently. Alistair suggests they try out the Grundys’ Halloween Trail. They have a great time. Alistair recounts how he received a ring token with the barmbrack Eddie gave him the other week. He thinks it’s all rubbish, but Denise is less dismissive. Denise passes Alistair another helping of barmbrack, but declines to have one herself. When he gets another ring token Denise thinks Alistair’s fate is sealed. Alistair changes the subject to Denise’s work placement. It’s coming to an end, but Denise says she’ll find something else to save usurping Paul, who’s benefitted from working at the vets. Hiding his dismay, Alistair says he’ll do what he can.
10/31/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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While doing a routine health check at Berrow pig unit, Paul tells Hannah that his mum is staying, so he’s sleeping on the sofa. He invites Hannah to join his quiz team tonight, but she doesn’t fancy it. Meanwhile, on another part of the unit, Jazzer recommends the Grundys’ Halloween Trail to Alistair because he looks like he could do with a laugh. Jazzer reports that Hannah still hasn’t found anywhere to live locally. If she ends up moving away he’ll be gutted. After the vet visit, Hannah says she needs to be realistic about her housing prospects. She was thinking Jazzer should take on her role if she leaves. Jazzer says he does pigs, not paperwork. At the pub, Stella’s despondent that it’s only her and Paul on their quiz team. When Hannah turns up, she says she’ll join the team, but doesn’t plan on joining in. Hannah and Stella meet one another properly and Hannah ends up providing plenty of quiz question answers. After the quiz, Paul, Stella and Hannah celebrate winning the first prize of bar credit. While Paul gets the drinks in, Hannah explains her homeless situation. Stella mentions the Bungalow has a spare room, but then pulls back saying it would actually be a decision for Brookfield. Hannah understands and presumes it’s a no-go. Meanwhile, outside the pub, Alistair tells Jazzer he knows Denise is staying at The Stables, but hasn’t yet gone over to say hello. Jazzer says Hannah would recommend him for her Berrow job, but Jazzer doesn’t feel it would be right. However, Alistair convinces him to give it a go.
10/30/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Brian has some difficult news to deliver, and Denise needs a favour.
10/29/202312 minutes, 54 seconds
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Writer: Daniel Thurman Director: Marina Caldarone Editor ..... Jeremy Howe Helen Archer…. Louiza Patikas Henry Archer …. Blayke Darby Lilian Bellamy ….. Sunny Ormonde Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Alice Carter ….. Hollie Chapman Ian Craig ….. Stephen Kennedy Eddie Grundy ….. Trevor Harrison Mia Grundy ….. Molly Pipe Will Grundy ….. Philip Molloy Jakob Hakansson ….. Paul Venables Adam Macy ….. Andrew Wincott Azra Malik ….. Yasmin Wilde Adil Shah ….. Ronny Jhutti Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd Oliver Sterling ….. Michael Cochrane
10/27/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
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Lynda opens the door to Azra, Adil’s sister. She says a family crisis hasn’t called Adil away. Lynda bristles, pointing out everything that has been cancelled in Adil’s absence. Azra explains that Adil’s fiancé died in a tragic hit and run car accident at a bus stop. Adil still feels guilty for not collecting her when he should have. Lynda is understanding. Azra adds that Adil needs distraction but sometimes he gets overwhelmed and now he’s embarrassed about all the disruption he’s caused. When Adil calls Azra he’s surprised to learn that Lynda’s not angry with him. Azra says he needs to speak to Lynda in person. Mia is sorry for messing up the campaign against the Bonfire Night. Alice tells her not to be so hard on herself. Mia’s going to take flowers to Hilary Noakes. To her dismay, Lilian reports the incident was the talk of The Bull last night. However, Mia has had some positive impact as the bonfire committee want to put on their first eco-friendly event. It will include quiet, biodegradable fireworks. They want Mia’s input and she’d be happy to help. Lynda travels to Azra’s house to speak with Adil. He admits he lost control. Lynda encourages him not to give up on his ambitions for Grey Gables. She says his home is in Ambridge but Adil’s not sure he can go back as he’s let everyone down. Lynda doesn’t deny he has some tough conversations ahead but if he wants to put things right then he has to return.
10/26/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Reality sets in for Helen, and Mia fears the worst.
10/25/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Helen’s reluctant to talk but Lee perseveres. Helen admits she handled Sunday badly, and Lee suggests she owes him an apology. Helen counters that she actually owes him an explanation. Lee is floored when Helen tells him their relationship is over. A nerve is touched when Helen says that Rob can’t be blamed for the end of their relationship and Lee lashes out. He grasps at anything as an alternative to breaking up, but Helen remains sure there is nothing that will change her mind. Lee graciously says he will start to look for somewhere else to live. But he makes clear he doesn’t understand what’s happening and is yet to give up on their relationship. Will’s noticed that Clarrie’s got the hump and Eddie explains that Oliver needs funds for Grey Gables and he hasn’t ruled out selling Grey Gables. Will wonders about having a word with Oliver but Eddie doesn’t want to trouble him. He’s really busy with Grey Gables plus it’s his birthday tomorrow. Will remarks his parents never tackle a problem but just hope it will go away. An emotional Ian apologises to Adam for dropping his hand yesterday and all the other times he’s not wanted to hold it in public. He can’t shake the shame and awkwardness he’s felt since he was a teenager. They delve into Ian’s experience of growing up gay. Ian wants Xander to know his dads love one another both at home and in public. They resolve to work on it together.
10/24/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Mia calls in at The Stables to check on the injured horse, Sadie. Jakob remarks that considering the severity of the injury, she is doing well. Alice doesn’t want the village bonfire and fireworks to go ahead, and Mia joins forces with her. When Lilian hears they’re planning to petition for the Bonfire Night event to be cancelled, she’s dubious. It’s only just been reinstated, and she knows The Bull won’t want to lose all the custom. Lilian suggests a compromise of stabling the horses and playing them calming music. Mia still thinks they should tell Jolene and Kenton that fireworks aren’t fair on animals. Lilian catches Alice and Mia outside the pub. Unsurprisingly, Kenton and Jolene said no to cancelling Bonfire Night, though they were sympathetic about the injured horse. Determined Mia wants to do more. Lilian suggests educational flyers, but Mia thinks they can do better than that. Adam and Ian mull over what happened last night with Helen and Lee. Adam can only think it’s Rob that’s stressing Helen out and causing the tension between her and Lee. They move on to Pip and Stella who Adam spotted holding hands. They’re both really pleased for them. It leads them to discussing why they don’t show affection for one another in public. They hold hands on their way to The Bull, but then, to Adam’s dismay, Ian quickly lets go when he sees Jakob. Later, Ian tries to explain while Adam hides his hurt with a joke and tells Ian not to worry.
10/23/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jakob tips off Lilian and Alice about an early fireworks display on Manorfield Close. Lilian wonders if she should have a word but Alice doesn’t think she’d convince them to cancel. They plan to stick to the usual routine with the horses and stick around to see how they fare. Later, Lilian reports to Jakob that the horses are very agitated with the noise of the fireworks. Alice suddenly appears to say one of the horses is badly injured after trying to jump some fencing. Jakob heads over straight away. He assesses the horse in the field. Lilian and Alice are shocked when he says she needs surgery immediately. With Helen out with the boys, Lee and Ian catch up. Lee enthuses about their family hike yesterday. Ian wonders about Lee and Helen being able to have time to themselves. He invites them to join him and Adam bowling and Lee accepts. At the bowling lanes, Helen is reserved. She wasn’t expecting to go out again today and is feeling weary. Lee’s excitement grates on Helen and she dismisses his attempts to help her bowl. The evening is punctured by Helen turning on Lee and walking out. Lee’s bereft, and Adam advises him to let Ian go after her. Outside, Helen says she should have listened to her instincts and not come. Ian’s sorry he pushed for both Helen and Lee to join them. Helen realises this evening confirms that she and Lee can’t go on like this.
10/22/202313 minutes
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Writer: Sarah Hehir Director: Pip Swallow Editor ..... Jeremy Howe Cast: Helen Archer …. Louiza Patikas Henry Archer …. Blayke Darby Pip Archer …. Daisy Badger Lee Bryce …. Ryan Early Ian Craig …. Stephen Kennedy Alan Franks …. John Telfer Clarrie Grundy …. Heather Bell Eddie Grundy …. Trevor Harrison George Grundy …. Angus Stobie Brad Horrobin …. Taylor Uttley Alistair Lloyd …. Michael Lumsden Kirsty Miller ..... Annabelle Dowler Stella Pryor …. Lucy Speed Lynda Snell …. Carole Boyd Oliver Sterling …. Michael Cochrane
10/20/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Alan faces a difficult conversation, and George has something up his sleeve.
10/19/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Pip and Stella have breakfast together. Pip thinks they should go to the Grey Gables ball, and they plan to look for matching suits to wear. Pip visits Lynda to secure tickets and helps her manhandle a pumpkin. Pip tells Lynda that she and Stella are attending together. Lynda compliments them and thinks back to how she and Robert fell in love. Helen accosts Oliver to seek certainty over what Bridge Farm will be supplying to Grey Gables. She has finalised bespoke packaging and a new logo now. If Grey Gables doesn’t open it’s really bad news for Bridge Farm. Oliver can only apologise. He assures her they will open but may be delayed with so many teething problems. Helen is conscious of adding to Oliver’s stress. He looks exhausted. Lynda tracks down Oliver who’s discovered the hot water isn’t working in the hotel bedrooms. It’s just one of many issues – no wonder Adil was feeling the strain. Oliver’s feeling overwhelmed by what still needs to be done. He decides that the gala opening has to be cancelled as there’s no way they’ll be ready on time. Pip’s gutted that the Grey Gables Ball has been cancelled. Lynda goes to talk to Jolene and Kenton about reinstating the village Bonfire Night. Stella and Pip set their sights on going to that instead. Then Pip raises the idea of living together but Stella doesn’t want to rush. They share a cuddle. Helen’s on the phone to Pat while filling the washing machine. She finds a can of red paint in Henry’s P.E. kit. Oh no, it was Henry!
10/18/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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There’s chaos at Grey Gables, and Ian offers some advice.
10/17/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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Over lunch, Pip and Stella talk pets. Alistair arrives to attend a lame Hereford and Stella outlines the kind of dog she’d like. Alistair tells them to leave it with him. It comes out in conversation that Pip and Stella are now a couple. They agree it felt good to tell Alistair without any drama or questions. Unlike Jill, remarks Pip. Stella laughs that Jill did her best. Pip’s just glad they’re public now. Eddie seeks Alistair’s wisdom on Poppy’s growing guinea pig herd. He gets him to open the barmbrack Clarrie’s given him, and Alistair unearths a ring as his charm. Eddie declares he’ll be married within the year. Alistair laughs saying he hopes he defies that fate. Eddie hopes he’s coming to their Halloween Trail. Ian’s frustrated that Adil’s not answering calls. The Grey Gables kitchen is unfinished, and sub-standard. He tells Oliver the builders were ready to walk when he spoke to them. The place is a health and safety nightmare. He shows Oliver the kitchen, and Oliver agrees. Neither of them can understand the thinking behind some of the decisions. Ian remarks it might look like a kitchen to the people dining, but it’s a recipe for chaos. Ian questions whether Adil’s even competent. Oliver says they’ll sit tight for one more day, then he’ll call a meeting and make Adil accountable. Later Oliver confides to Eddie that he thinks it might be time to stop putting everything he has into Grey Gables. Eddie counters that they are both men of vision, and Oliver should hold on to his.
10/16/202313 minutes
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In the shop, Clarrie and Eddie speculate about the graffiti on the church door. Eddie reckons it might not stop there. Clarrie observes it may not be a coincidence as it happened after Rob issued invitations to his baptism. Their chatter’s interrupted by Lee, who’s come in with Jack and Henry. Lee points out how awful this is for everyone; their gossip isn’t helping. Chastened, they apologise. Henry’s curious and Lee explains. He tells Henry not to worry, the police will take care of it. Later Helen’s hard on Lee for weighing in. She doesn’t want incidents like this to be all about them. That’s exactly what Rob wants. She wishes Lee had stayed out of it. Lee reacts, and Henry entreats him to stop shouting at Helen. Lee’s mortified, and Helen explains to Henry that it’s ok for people to argue. Later Lee thanks her for her support, and offers tea and some television together. Helen accepts the tea, but says she’ll read in the kitchen. Clarrie reports Poppy’s making a scrapbook of guinea pigs. There are now five at No.1 The Green. Clarrie remarks she’s not sure Will would have agreed to a pet if he’d known he’d end up with so many. Eddie checks on the turkeys and Clarrie comments that it feels like Christmas is just around the corner. Eddie wants Halloween done first. He offers to show Clarrie their Halloween Trail. Later Eddie loves Clarrie’s idea of a piece of barmbrack with a charm in it for everyone. Now they just need a witch – but who? Clarrie reckons she’d be perfect, and Eddie agrees.
10/15/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Writer..... Keri Davies Director ..... Jess Bunch Editor ..... Jeremy Howe Kenton Archer ….. Richard Attlee Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Helen Archer …… Louiza Patikas Neil Carter ….. Brian Hewlett Susan Carter ….. Charlotte Martin Ian Craig ….. Stephen Kennedy Alan Franks ….. John Telfer Usha Franks ….. Souad Faress Eddie Grundy ….. Trevor Harrison Will Grundy ….. Philip Molloy Emma Grundy ….. Emerald O’Hanrahan George Grundy ….. Angus Stobie Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd Oliver Sterling …. Michael Cochrane Adil Shah …. Ronny Jhutti
10/13/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Lynda can see Adil is under a lot of strain and suggests a couple of days away. Adil thinks that’s impossible. Everyone seems to be on his case at the moment. Ravenous George calls into the Tea Room. Emma admits she’s missing him and that he was right about how living separately would make things better between them all. Emma catches George up on her Grey Gables tickets and Rob’s baptism. Helen comes in to say Susan and Neil have fallen off their tandem bike. Emma rushes out to them, leaving George and Helen awkwardly in each other’s company. Later with Helen, Emma brings up Rob and George’s involvement. She acknowledges things have been strained but she’s always there if Helen needs her. Helen refuses to let Rob affect her and Emma thinks she sounds strong. When George delivers salad, Helen asks him to help in the dairy. While they work, Helen tells George her concern over raising boys and how that can lead to behaviour that might seem extreme from the outside. George gets it. Helen wants Jack and Henry to understand there’s a right way to behave. She thinks George is starting to understand this too. George apologises for the misuse of his video-making skills. Emma helps Lynda with the seating plan for the Grey Gables Ball. Monty keeps hassling them, so Lynda takes him for a walk. Adil’s then surprised to find Emma at Ambridge Hall as he departs for a short break. She gives him a hand with his heavy luggage. On her return, Lynda’s pleased to hear from Emma that Adil has taken her advice.
10/12/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Chaos reigns at Grey Gables, and George finds himself with double trouble.
10/11/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Neil brings Susan breakfast in bed along with her 60th birthday cards. One turns out to be an invitation to Rob’s baptism. Susan immediately informs Pat. Usha apologises to Alan for what she said the other day. Her anger over the Rob situation was misdirected. He appreciates her support. Later, Usha notices that Susan is cold with her. Helen, who is making a delivery to the shop, also clocks this. She asks Susan what’s going on and Susan tells her to prepare herself. Usha reports back to Alan Susan’s cold behaviour. Alan tells her not to worry. Suddenly the doorbell rings urgently. Pat’s at the door with Susan’s baptism invitation from Rob. It highlights the support he’s received from both Alan and Usha. Pat is furious and orders them to stay away from her family. Usha can see Rob is seeking revenge on her. Alan goes to Bridge Farm. Pat doesn’t want to see him, but Helen persuades her to hear him out. Alan has to believe that Rob has found God. Pat thinks it’s just Rob’s mind games. Helen is stoic saying she refuses to let Rob hurt her. Helen goes, then Pat tells Alan that while Helen might be forgiving she isn’t, and the rest of the family are furious. Before everyone arrives for dinner, Neil gives Susan her big present. With Emma looking on, Neil uncovers a tandem bike. Susan, who’d been hopeful of a helicopter ride, tries to hide her disappointment. Neil then reveals that the whole family have clubbed together for a seat in a chopper too!
10/10/202313 minutes
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Lynda and Kenton approach Adil to discuss the impact of Bonfire Night being held in the Country Park rather than on The Green. Stressed Adil doesn’t receive their beer tent suggestion well. He accuses Lynda of exceeding her remit and having a poor understanding of Grey Gables. Adil gives Kenton a full apology for earlier. He’s dealing with a lot of problems but that doesn’t excuse how he spoke, he says. He agrees to a beer tent as long as it’s stylish. Kenton thanks Adil but doesn’t let him go without pointing out that Lynda did not deserve his take-down. Adil seeks out Lynda at Ambridge Hall to apologise. She admits what he said was hurtful. Adil almost opens up but then instead promises to face his challenges with the motto – Be More Snell. Eddie’s heard about Susan’s Six Things To Do Before She’s Sixty. He suggests she can overcome her fear of ghosts by testing out his Halloween Trail in Leader’s Wood. After being turned down by Tracy, Susan asks Emma to come along on the Trail too. After a bit of persuading, Emma agrees. Meanwhile, Susan’s hoping Neil’s arranged a helicopter ride for her birthday – he keeps dropping transport-related hints. On the Halloween Trail, Emma and Susan are unnerved by eerie sounds nearby. Then, when someone quickly approaches, Emma throws a punch only to learn that it’s Will. Eddie insists he couldn’t spoil the surprise. Emma’s proud to have proven she isn’t afraid of ghosts. Nursing a sore nose, Will quits being the witch for Eddie’s Halloween Trail.
10/9/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Usha’s looking forward to when Alan hands over Rob to Reverend Berry. Then they’ll be shot of him, but Alan says it’s not that simple. Pat, who’s brought Peggy to church, stays for the service. She’s interested in the refugee discussion group Alan is hosting. Pat invites Alan to join them for dinner with a refugee friend of hers on Wednesday, but Alan turns her down, saying he has a meeting that evening. Later, Pat mentions to Usha that Alan didn’t seem quite himself and she notices Usha gives a different reason for Alan being unavailable on Wednesday. Back at The Vicarage Alan can’t believe Usha’s put her foot in it. Usha blames all the stress on Rob. When Alan’s insistent he can’t turn his back on a dying man, Usha accuses him of playing out a saviour fantasy. Lynda talks about the Grey Gables Black Tie Ball to anyone who will listen. She’s organising it. She encourages Emma to attend but the cost makes it out of the question. Later, Kenton riles at the two free tickets he and Jolene have been given for the Ball. The event will take away a lot of their custom by shifting the Bonfire Night bonfire away from The Green. He offers the tickets to Emma who excitedly accepts. Kenton moans to Lynda about Grey Gables taking away one of their big earners. Lynda wonders if The Bull can be involved somehow. She’s sure if they present Adil with a strong proposal he will accept. After all, he wants to maintain good relations with local businesses.
10/8/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Writer ..... Tim Stimpson Director ..... Peter Leslie Wild Editor ..... Jeremy Howe Alan Franks ….. John Telfer Usha Franks ….. Souad Faress Eddie Grundy ….. Trevor Harrison Emma Grundy ….. Emerald O’Hanrahan Brad Horrobin ….. Taylor Uttley Tracy Horrobin ….. Susie Riddell Azra Malik ….. Yasmin Wilde Jazzer McCreary ….. Ryan Kelly Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd Oliver Sterling ….. Michael Cochrane Adil Shah ….. Ronny Jhutti Miles Titchener ….. Adam Astill Rob Titchener ….. Timothy Watson Student ….. Ntombizodwa Ndlovu
10/6/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Emma attempts to solve a mystery, and Brad has a confession to make.
10/5/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Alan is approached by Miles, who has a question: why is Alan refusing to baptise his brother? Rob is a dying man, and is crushed that Alan won’t do it. Alan questions whether Rob is actually dying. Miles is appalled. He explains that Rob’s prognosis is genuine, and baptism is giving him something to hope for. For his part, Miles thinks it’s a bad idea for Rob to move nearer Helen, and as for religion, their father thinks Rob’s gone mad. However Miles can’t understand why Alan won’t fulfil Rob’s wishes. Alan explains he’s concerned about Rob’s real motivation. Miles becomes desperate; he knows his brother’s made mistakes but he’s not a bad person and just wants to be forgiven. He talks about their bullying father. Alan agrees to think about it. Jazzer and Tracy set off early with Brad for the university open day. Brad cringes at the smart clothes they’ve chosen, but it’s too late to change them now. Once there panicked Brad has trouble reading the map – it’s all so massive and he doesn’t want to be late for his session. A student comes to their rescue, and while Brad’s in his maths session, chats with Tracy and Jazzer about her work and the fun she’s having. She gives them all a tour, and when she’s gone Tracy seeks Brad’s opinion on his day. Brad’s lukewarm about it; it’s the first uni they’ve seen and he might not even get an offer. Tracy’s so proud of her son: the very first Horrobin to go to university.
10/4/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Alan asks Usha if she’s heard anything about Rob lately. As far as Usha knows, the family’s heard nothing from him since his access application was denied. Oliver asks Emma how things are at the Tearoom. Emma reports she’s just keeping her head down and doing her job. Oliver mentions he’s still looking for housekeeping staff, but Emma declines. They chat about Emma’s English Literature course, and Eddie’s witch story of Leader’s Wood. Emma thinks it might have some basis in truth. Eddie swears blind he’s not making it up. Later Emma quizzes Alan on heaven, hell and spirits. She’s not sure witches deserved to be punished. Alan accepts she may have a point. Lynda overhears and offers to lend Emma a book on old Borsetshire tales. Lynda’s keen to get information about the black tie ball, but Adil’s prickly with her. She hopes he’s not regretting ask her to organise things. She’s cancelling a holiday so she can focus on it. Later she asks Oliver whether Adil’s ok. He seems exhausted. Oliver’s thought the same. He asks Lynda to leave it with him. He suggests Adil takes some away. Adil initially resists, but concedes Oliver’s right. He’ll take Friday off. Alan speculates as to what might happen if Rob turned up again now. Usha retorts he’d be a fool to do that. There’s no reason for him to be around. Alan ventures that people like Rob can change. Usha’s pragmatic. All the law can do is look at past behaviour and weigh up current risk. Redemption is Alan’s arena.
10/3/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Alan wrestles with what to do for the best, and Tracy finds herself out of her comfort zone.
10/2/202313 minutes
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Alan and Usha chat as the last of the harvest service congregation leaves. Alan’s about to close up the church when Rob arrives. He’d like to be baptised, and discloses to Alan the details of his health condition. It’s forced him to look back on all his mistakes and seek forgiveness. He’d like Alan to conduct the baptism. Alan explains he can’t – Rob doesn’t live in one of his parishes. Rob reveals he’s moved to Penny Hassett. Alan insists it’s difficult; he has the community to consider and some people could be very upset. Usha calls out to Alan, who tells Rob he must leave. Alan’s torn when Rob hands him his address in the hope of a visit. As he goes, Rob reminds Alan that he once told him that no-one’s beyond redemption. Oliver praises Emma’s reading at last night’s harvest supper. Emma’s pleased. She was nervous, but observes people enjoy an evening of tale-telling. This gives Eddie an idea: ghost tales for Halloween. He tries some out on Emma, who’s not buying them. He’s going to have to come up with better ones than that. Eddie recounts his experience of the hound of Leader’s Wood. This one hits home and Emma thinks he might be on to something. Flustered Adil calls on Oliver. He’s lost some paperwork for Grey Gables – has Oliver got copies? Oliver finds the relevant email and tries to pacify stressed Adil, who feels time’s getting tight for the relaunch. Oliver offers to take some of the strain, but distracted Adil heads off.
10/1/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Nervous Susan has a riding lesson. With some coaxing from Lilian she gets in the saddle. She’s not at all comfortable with it at first, and particularly unimpressed with Emma taking photos. However Emma assures her she’s the bravest person she knows, and today’s about facing another challenge. As the lesson progresses Susan realises she’s actually doing it and begins to really enjoy herself. Emma whoops that her mum’s just nailed the first of her ‘six at sixty’ birthday challenges. Josh goes cap in hand to Jim, in the hope of reinstating Jim and Kiki’s booking for the harvest supper now that the Straw Crows have cancelled. Jim had found out from Chelsea that this was the case, and enjoys the moment of karma before refusing Josh. Instead he asks Josh for a lift – he owes him a favour. Once they’re underway Josh discovers they’re heading to Kiki’s, to get her back on board. Jim explains that whilst he wanted Josh to squirm, he doesn’t want the whole village to suffer. However they’re too late, and they find out Kiki’s gone away for the weekend. The gig’s off. Jim apologises, but Josh acknowledges this is all on him. Jim invites Josh to the Lark Rise to Candleford readings, and Josh is happy to accompany him. They all settle in cosily at No.6 The Green with hot chocolate and candles, and the evening’s a success. Jim and Josh agree that their harvest supper entertainment dilemma is solved - they will recreate Lark Rise by Candlelight!
9/29/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Neil and Jazzer talk about Chelsea’s upcoming visit to Berrow Farm off the back of her interest in Lark Rise to Candleford. When she arrives she’s keen to get stuck in, but Jazzer’s protective of the pigs and teaches Chelsea some livestock etiquette. Chelsea’s sad to think of the pigs all going off to the abattoir in a few months. Jazzer cheers her up with a promise of a trip to the Bull. Jazzer’s not looking forward to the book reading tomorrow but concedes to Chelsea that if it’s for the Prof, he supposes it’s ok. He’s horrified to find out that Neil’s been reading bits of the book too – even if it is only the pig-related sections. Neil declares it interesting; Jazzer should have a look. Jazzer retorts that’s not going to happen. Pip and Stella watch the seed drill in action. It may have caused her some heartache to get it, but Stella’s having fun showing it off to Pip. They enjoy a picnic and some flirtation before Stella ventures that she wants to tell Rosie about their relationship. To her surprise Pip agrees; they’ll do it when they get home. Later in the pub Chelsea notices Pip has a glow about her. As they all chat about tomorrow’s book reading, Pip gets a message about an emergency family meeting – Josh’s band has pulled out of the harvest supper event on Saturday. They have no idea what they’re going to do.
9/28/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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It’s an emotional day for Will, and the end of an era for Emma.
9/27/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Chelsea is on a mission, and George shows a different side.
9/26/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Eddie’s fears escalate, and Stella struggles to find the right words.
9/25/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jazzer and Neil swap grumbles on their respective partners having their noses buried in Lark Rise To Candleford. Emma tells them not to knock it until they’ve tried it. She announces proudly she’s started her English literature course, and Neil comments it’s nice to see her smiling. Emma’s keen to talk about her mum’s upcoming sixtieth. She reckons they can’t let it pass without a big bash. Jazzer remarks that Alistair’s fed up with being the Prof’s personal taxi service. Neil suggests they lend Jim back the Riley, but Jazzer says Jim won’t hear of it. Pip’s not looking forward to telling Toby about Stella – her parents knowing is bad enough. Stella agrees it’ll be weird for a while, but they’ll all get their heads round it. She offers to help Pip tell Toby, but Pip wants to do it herself. When she does so, Toby bombards her with questions and Pip fields them awkwardly. When the penny drops with nonplussed Toby that Stella’s actually there in the cottage, he makes a hasty exit. Stella’s overheard Toby mentioning the night he spent with Pip. Stella thinks it’s a bit weird. She explains she’s been in a similar situation before, and it didn’t work out well. Stella worries Toby will always be the safe space Pip runs to. Later Toby assures Pip he’s pleased for her, and happy her relationship with Stella won’t tread on his role as Rosie’s father. He reckons Pip’s a go getter, and she needs to get Stella. Pip insists the ball’s in Stella’s court.
9/24/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Writer, Sarah McDonald Hughes Director, Gwenda Hughes Editor, Jeremy Howe David Archer ...... Timothy Bentinck Ruth Archer ..... Felicity Finch Josh Archer ...... Angus Imrie Pip Archer ..... Daisy Badger Jolene Archer ...... Buffy Davis Natasha Archer ..... Mali Harries Tom Archer ...... William Troughton Harrison Burns ..... James Cartwright Vince Casey ..... Tony Turner Emma Grundy ..... Emerald O'Hanrahan George Grundy ..... Angus Stobie Elizabeth Pargetter ..... Alison Dowling Freddie Pargetter ..... Toby Laurence Stella Pryor ..... Lucy Speed Fallon Rogers ..... Joanna Van Kampen
9/22/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Fallon makes a decision, and there’s first day nerves for Freddie.
9/21/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Josh tells Pip excitedly that his mate’s band, The Straw Crows, are booked to play at the Harvest Supper. He’s been in touch with the violinist. Josh is aware of something going on between Pip and their parents. Pip admits they’ve had words and explains that she and Stella are dating, and she thinks David and Ruth are being weird about it. Fallon’s full of ideas about growing her upcycling and catering businesses. Harrison is confident in her but admits he’s worried about money. Later, Harrison returns to apologise for his attitude earlier. Fallon points out that she supported him when he went part time and she’d like that to be reciprocal. He wants them to think it through before committing. He doesn’t think the catering and upcycling incomes will be enough, at least in the short term. Ruth accepts that she handled talking to Pip about Stella badly. She and David discuss why they don’t feel completely happy about this new relationship. They’re joined by Pip, and Ruth apologises for the way she reacted on Monday. She hopes they can start again. Over a tea break, Ruth, David and Pip clear the air. They invite Stella and Pip for dinner but Pip’s not ready for a formal, family dinner, especially if Jill’s there. Josh joins them and confirms that Harvest Supper arrangements are all in hand. Ruth suggests dinner with Stella at The Bull instead. They settle on just a drink, on the condition that David and Ruth won’t be embarrassing.
9/20/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Vince makes a surprising offer, and Emma attempts to maintain her position.
9/19/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Fallon’s feeling positive. She’s created a survey for customers. She wants to be on the front foot for when the charging station café opens next summer. Emma tries to get Pip to fill in the survey but she’s distracted by a text message. By the time Tom and Natasha arrive to have a word with Fallon, they’ve gathered some useful feedback from other customers. Fallon’s incredulity grows as Natasha and Tom go through their plans for the Tea Room. They assure her it’s not personal and they hope she’ll consider the manager’s position. Emma is as stunned as Fallon. Emma encourages Fallon to go her own way and not work for the Archers. Fallon is galvanised – she won’t be gratefully accepting Tom and Natasha’s manager job. Emma’s been accepted on to her English Literature course. Fallon reports that Jolene has enjoyed Lark Rise to Candleford on Emma’s recommendation. Emma can imagine it being based on Ambridge hundreds of years ago. Pip tells Ruth that Stella rang her last night. They agree it’s time to talk. Pip explains she hasn’t been ready to tell Ruth and that their new relationship took both Pip and Stella by surprise. Pip challenges Ruth’s response. She thought her mum would be happy for her once she was over the shock but Ruth says it’s not as simple as that. Pip and Ruth talk openly leading to Ruth saying she doesn’t think Stella is right for Pip. Pip puts on a brave face and tells her mum she doesn’t need her approval.
9/18/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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There’s trouble at the Flower and Produce Show, and Freddie has a confession to make.
9/17/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Writer, Katie Hims Director, Jess Bunch Editor, Jeremy Howe David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck Josh Archer ….. Angus Imrie Pip Archer ….. Daisy Badger Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Natasha Archer ….. Mali Harries Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Ian Craig ….. Stephen Kennedy Usha Franks ….. Souad Faress Jim Lloyd ….. John Rowe Paul Mack ….. Joshua Riley Azra Malik ….. Yasmin Wilde Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed Lottie ….. Bonnie Badoo
9/15/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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When Lottie suggests setting up Pip with someone she knows, Pip comes clean about her new relationship status. Pip’s relieved to share her news with a friend and explains that her mum knows she’s with a woman but doesn’t yet know it’s Stella. Ruth calls and invites Madison and Lottie over to Brookfield for dinner that evening. Ruth, Pip and Lottie chat over the meal. Pip recommends that Lottie bring Madison along to the Flower and Produce Show even though she and Rosie will be away. Ruth praises Usha’s work on the event. Lottie wants to attend her ex-boyfriend’s engagement party and wonders what to wear. Pip tells her she’ll look great in anything and that she’s beautiful. She seeks agreement from her mum. While Ruth’s out of the room, Lottie flags to Pip that Ruth thinks Lottie is Pip’s girlfriend – she could see sudden realisation on Ruth’s face. Pip says she will explain but not right away. Lottie can see the funny side. Things are tense between Helen and Lee while there’s still no news from the solicitor on Rob’s appeal. Lee’s trying to be nice but Helen doesn’t want to be treated like she’ll break. Lee tells Helen he rang a helpline for eating disorders to get some advice. He wants to do the right thing but doesn’t know what that is. They reconnect as they reflect on the last few months and share a hug. They’ve missed one another. Helen finally gets a call from Dominic – Rob’s application has been denied. It’s over!
9/14/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Pat gets teary while discussing Flower and Produce preparations with Usha. The event reminds her of Jennifer. With the reappearance of Helen’s eating disorder, Pat really feels the absence of her sister-in-law. Usha comforts her. Helen momentarily joins them and afterwards Pat worries that Helen overheard them talking. Usha assures her that Helen wouldn’t have heard. Helen’s pleasantly surprised to hear from Ian that Grey Gables wants to make a regular cheese order. Ian suggests going to the pub to celebrate. Over their drinks, Helen apologises for rigging the cheese competition. Ian tells her to forget about it – she’s been through a lot and deserves a break. Helen’s still waiting to hear from her solicitor about Rob’s appeal. She’s on edge every time the phone rings. Paul’s unimpressed with Josh’s birthday plan – a drink at The Bull with a few relatives. After Paul presses him to do something bigger, Josh agrees that Paul can invite those who are coming to the pub to see a mate’s band in Felpersham. Once at the venue, Josh is glad Paul forced him to go. He really likes the music as well as the girl playing the violin. Paul encourages him to approach her but Josh doesn’t want to make a fool of himself. When they get home Paul suggests Josh books the band for the Harvest Supper – then he could ask out the violin player. Josh is initially unsure but then goes ahead and messages his friend in the band.
9/13/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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As they score their sheep, Ruth asks David if he thinks Pip’s OK. She’s noticed she’s a bit on edge. David puts Pip’s behaviour down to just being busy. Ruth wonders if Pip has had a row with the woman she’s involved with. Later, after thinking back to Friday at the pub, Ruth wonders if Pip’s new girlfriend is Stella. David isn’t convinced and suggests that Stella is simply supporting Pip. They wonder instead if it could be a mum Pip has met at the school gates. Natasha outlines her and Tom’s proposal for the Tearoom. In order to cash in on Grey Gables making Ambridge more of a destination she thinks it needs to be more aspirational. When Helen’s hesitant about chasing confirmation of Grey Gables using Bridge Farm cheese, Natasha tells her she shouldn’t feel like she’s hassling – it’s just business. Natasha suggests that Fallon and Emma both become Bridge Farm employees rather being independent. Natasha’s confident she can break this news to Fallon. Helen and Pat mull over Natasha’s proposal. Pat understands that change has to happen to not get stuck in the past. Helen doesn’t think Fallon will be happy about it but first they need to know if the proposal is realistic. Pat asks about Helen’s GP appointment. Helen says she plans to cancel it as her usual GP is away and she thinks Pat and Lee are enough support for her. Pat pleads for Helen to get professional help and Helen agrees to go the appointment on Friday.
9/12/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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There’s a surprise for Jim, and Helen faces an emotional reunion.
9/11/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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When Pip pops into Brookfield, Ruth suggests she changes her plan of a picnic with Stella and Rosie and joins them for lunch. Pip turns the offer down but then worries to Stella – she’s paranoid they gave away their new relationship on Friday. Pip would hate Ruth to find out before they tell her, but at the same time isn’t ready to tell her mum. Stella makes clear what makes it tricky is that Ruth is Pip’s mum and Stella’s friend. They’re not concerned about Ruth’s attitude to them being in a gay relationship. Over lunch at Brookfield, Paul is stunned to learn that it’s Josh’s birthday this week. He can’t believe Josh hasn’t told him already. Josh insists to Paul and his parents that he has no plans to mark the occasion. Later, as they drive home, Josh complains about Paul showing him up by being the perfect guest. Paul asks Josh why he’s so miserable and Josh admits he’s not looking forward to turning twenty-six. Paul insists that Josh makes a plan and invites people to celebrate. Back from their picnic, Pip panics that Rosie saw her and Stella kissing. Stella’s sure that Rosie’s eyes were closed before she kissed Pip, but Pip’s not so sure. Stella encourages her to try to find out from Rosie what she saw. Pip says she’s never considered how she would talk to her daughter about her meeting someone; she’d just cross that bridge when she came to it. Maybe you’re now at that bridge, replies Stella.
9/10/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Writer, Katie Hims Director, Rosemary Watts Editor, Jeremy Howe Ben Archer ..... Ben Norris Pip Archer ..... Daisy Badger Ruth Archer ..... Felicity Finch Helen Archer ..... Louiza Patikas Henry Archer ..... Blayke Darby Natasha Archer ..... Mali Harries Pat Archer ..... Patricia Gallimore Susan Carter ..... Charlotte Martin George Grundy ..... Angus Stobie Mia Grundy ..... Molly Pipe Brad Horrobin ..... Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin ..... Madeleine Leslay Tracy Horrobin ..... Susie Riddell Stella Pryor ..... Lucy Speed Sykesy ..... Jasper Carrott
9/8/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Pat faces an uphill struggle, and there’s sad news at Brookfield.
9/7/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mia and Brad meet on a corridor in college. They share a brief kiss and pledge to coordinate some free time together. George calls Brad and accuses him of avoiding George. He asks him to the pub on Friday. Brad agrees, but later Mia asks to see him on Friday too. It’s the only night they’re both free. Brad says he’ll cancel George. He broaches this with George, who accuses him of ditching their arrangement for Mia. Everyone’s giving him a hard time, and he needs a mate at the moment. Since the video he made of Helen, he’s trying to be more respectful. He knows he went too far. So is Brad still going to say no to one night at the pub with him? Chelsea reckons she’d be happy down the pub with family and a few mates for her birthday. She wonders if she’s got boring. Tracy assures her she hasn’t. Chelsea declares she’d like to start driving again. Susan calls round and spots a book of hers propping up the kitchen table. It must have got into the car boot stuff by mistake. It’s Lark Rise to Candleford and she’d like it back. Tracy says she can’t have it until Jazzer’s fixed the table leg, but Susan insists it’s precious to her. They get into a sisterly row. Later with the table fixed, Chelsea’s engrossed in the book. Tracy suggests she might read something easier, but Chelsea wants a challenge. Tracy suggests they both read it – then they’d meet the challenge together.
9/6/202313 minutes
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Pat’s looking after Henry, who’s less than forthcoming about his school day. As they chat Henry receives a text. He assures Pat it’s just a mate – he’s blocked Rob and will never be in touch with him again. Pat assures Henry she trusts him. But his mum doesn’t, counters Henry. He feels bad about the trouble he’s caused, and goes over some of the things Helen said to him in her anger. Pat explains Helen spoke out of turn because she was under pressure. She adores Henry. Henry acknowledges this. Helen returns and is pleased to see Henry happier. She admits she hasn’t told Lee about the incident with Henry and Rob. She’ll tell him when he’s back from America. Pat’s doubtful, but Helen asserts there’s no need to involve Lee until he’s back. Pat concedes that Helen needs to do what she thinks is best. Pat reports her conversation with Henry, and Helen chats with him. She apologises for her harsh words. Henry says he’d never seen her so angry. Helen explains she just wants to keep him, and Jack, safe. Henry gets it, and they hug, bonding over a video game. Unhappy Sykesy tells Ben that Jill’s been to see him and bawled him out for being ungrateful and upsetting Ben. Ben can’t understand how she knew about the situation, but it occurs to Sykesy that he might have told her himself. Contrite, he offers Ben a cheque. Ben thanks him but explains he can’t accept it. Sykesy doesn’t like rules, and tries to give Ben the cheque. But to Ben’s horror he falls and hurts himself.
9/5/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Susan greets smiling Mia in the shop, who’s come in to buy breakfast for Brad. Spotting Mia also has a flask of coffee with her, she delves for information on their relationship. Stella overhears and scolds Susan good naturedly for her interrogation. When Mia’s gone Stella remarks on how happy she looked. Susan agrees wistfully. There’s nothing like being in love. Later Stella and Pip chat about when they first met, and how far they’ve come. Stella admits to being jealous of Mia’s ‘in love’ feeling. She’d like to take back her recent harsh words to Pip and admits she was wrong to make Pip feel so bad. Stella wonders if they could hang out more and see what happens. Pip would love to see what happens and thanks Stella for giving her a chance. Stella’s just grateful Pip hasn’t told her to get lost. Ben admits to his mum that the residents at The Laurels don’t yet know he’s leaving. Ruth reckons he needs to get on with it, today. Sykesy takes the news badly. He’s cross that Ben didn’t tell him earlier, and accuses him of picking things up and dropping them when he gets bored. Later Ben reports Sykesy’s angry reaction to Ruth. Ruth reassures him but Ben feels bad; no-one comes to see Sykesy and he needed Ben. Ruth worries to Pip that Ben’s still quite vulnerable. Ruth also wonders to Pip whether she’s offended Stella, who she’s finding quite distant. Could Pip do some digging? Sure, no problem, replies Pip.
9/4/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Brad takes a big step, and suspicions are raised for Natasha.
9/3/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Writer, Caroline Jester Director, Dave Payne Editor, Jeremy Howe David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch Pip Archer ….. Daisy Badger Neil Carter ….. Brian Hewlett Susan Carter ….. Charlotte Martin Rex Fairbrother ….. Nick Barber Emma Grundy ….. Emerald O'Hanrahan Mia Grundy ….. Molly Pipe Brad Horrobin ….. Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin ….. Madeleine Leslay Tracy Horrobin ….. Susie Riddell Jazzer McCreary ….. Ryan Kelly Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd Oliver Sterling ….. Michael Cochrane Hannah Riley ….. Helen Longworth Adil Shah ….. Ronny Jhutti
9/1/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Mia and Brad are pulling ragwort at the rewilding site. Brad relates the events of the wedding. He caught the bouquet. Mia declares she doesn’t believe in marriage. Brad hastily agrees with her. Later Rex reports he’s struggling to convince one of a group of boy scouts to say goodbye to the worms – he’s inspecting them and won’t leave. Brad observes being in a group can be hard sometimes. Mia suggests he has a go at encouraging the boy. Brad succeeds, and grateful Rex doesn’t know what they’d have done without him. Mia thinks Brad was brilliant. She suggests they do something together and they settle on watching a film. Mia wonders if things will be different once term starts – it's been a great summer. She tells Brad he’s special. Pip reports to Rex that Rosie’s having a good time in Cornwall with Toby. Rex beats about the bush before telling Pip she needs to tread carefully with Toby. He’s all over the place at the moment and Rex doesn’t want to see his brother messed around. Pip makes it clear everything that needs to be said to Toby, has been. Pip apologises to Stella for her recent behaviour and hopes they can be more than friends. Stella’s flattered, but asserts Pip needs to find someone else to explore things with. She’s been in this situation before and can’t do it again. Pip persists, and asks Stella on a date. Stella’s evasive, but surprises Pip later at Rickyard. Pip suggests she joins her for something to eat, and Stella accepts.
8/31/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Will Jazzer and Tracy make it down the aisle? And Lynda makes a surprising confession.
8/30/202312 minutes, 51 seconds
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Adil and Oliver sift the applications for the Head of Housekeeping job at Grey Gables. Adil declares Emma doesn’t have what they’re looking for. Oliver argues she has potential, but Adil thinks it’s too risky. Emma would be suitable as a Domestic Services Assistant. Oliver breaks the news to Emma that she’s not shortlisted. He suggests the lesser qualified role, but Emma’s not interested in being a cleaner. Oliver apologises for his insensitivity, but Emma reckons he’s helped her. She’s decided to go back to college and improve her qualifications. Oliver thinks this is an excellent idea. Brad finds himself stuck in the middle as he relays messages between feuding Jazzer and Tracy at breakfast. They move on to arguing directly with each other, and Brad implores them to give it a rest before leaving the table. Later Brad finds downcast Tracy engaged in displacement activity when she’s meant to be sorting stuff for tomorrow’s wedding. She apologises for fighting with Jazzer in front of him. Brad thinks it’s all nonsense – they love one another and Jazzer would never do anything to hurt Tracy. She’s just looking for holes where there are none. Tracy gets that, but is upset she doesn’t seem to know about everything in Jazzer’s past. Brad reassures her; Jazzer’s not like his dad. As if to reinforce this Jazzer returns from work with a fish supper for everyone. Tracy admits to behaving like a teenager, and Jazzer declares he’s made sure Hannah’s got other places to stay. They make up. Here’s to wedding number two.
8/29/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Jazzer makes a promise he might not be able to keep, and Emma sets out to impress.
8/28/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Tracy’s helping Susan at a car boot sale. Susan asks if she’s ready for Wednesday, her ‘real’ marriage day. Tracy confirms she’s checked the Register Office booking so there’s not much else to do. Susan reckons there’ll still be a lot of organising. Who’s looking after the rings? And they’ll definitely need another cake. Tracy suggests a Tearoom leftover, and declares they can just wear the same clothes as last time. Susan thinks it's a shame Tracy doesn’t think she deserves nice things. Susan starts to pack up her stall – she wants to help Tracy sort things out. Ruth and David are grateful for Pip’s help clearing up the barn after a wedding event. Ruth goes back to the house, and David notices Pip’s not herself. She snaps at him and he asks if everything’s ok. He wonders if Toby’s upset her, but she insists she’s fine. David persists, and Pip confesses she feels bad about leading Toby on. She has feelings for someone else and used him, and now she might have messed things up with both of them. She tells her dad the other person’s a woman. David can’t hide his surprise but is glad she’s told him. He suggests Pip lets the woman know that she’s got feelings for her. Later David updates Ruth on the situation with Toby, and Ruth squeezes out the rest of the detail from him. She’s glad Pip confided in him, and relieved that they know now what’s troubling her. It must be someone pretty great if Pip’s this mixed up about them.
8/27/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Writer, Tim Stimpson Director, Pip Swallow Editor, Jeremy Howe David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Natasha Archer ….. Mali Harries Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch Pip Archer ….. Daisy Badger Tom Archer ….. William Troughton Susan Carter ….. Charlotte Martin Rex Fairbrother ….. Nick Barber Toby Fairbrother ….. Rhys Bevan Emma Grundy ….. Emerald O’Hanrahan George Grundy ….. Angus Stobie Will Grundy ….. Philip Molloy Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed
8/25/202313 minutes
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Pip jumps in with both feet, and Natasha has a brainwave.
8/24/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Toby enjoys helping Ruth collect honey from Jill’s hives and Ruth invites him for dinner with the family later in the week. Will tells George that both he and Emma are very concerned that George thought it was ok to post the video of Helen’s outburst. George knows what Rob did to Helen, so he must understand why she freaked out about George helping Henry to meet Rob. Will’s looked up some of the influencers George has been watching. He can see the appeal of all the money, flash cars and girlfriends, but it’s not the real world. George counters he doesn’t agree with everything that the influencers say, but he likes the stuff about it not being a crime to be a man. Will says if he’d put his anger and bruised ego above everything else when Emma chose Ed over him, he’d not only have still lost Emma, but probably George and his family too. Unrepentant George says he’s not going to grovel to Helen. Later Emma explains to George that a lot of what he’s said recently shows how he feels about women in general. And the other person who thinks like that is Rob Titchener. When George admits he saw how Rob was with Henry, Emma wonders why George would want to be a misogynist like him. Emma and George reconcile, but Emma points out that she’s not the only person he’s hurt. Later George goes round to apologise to Helen, but Helen can’t forget about what George did and asks him to leave.
8/23/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Emma struggles to keep control, and Tom puts his foot down.
8/22/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Toby and Rex take Rosie for a walk in the rewilding meadow, where Toby tells Rex he’s done with the playboy thing. He’s now looking for long-term commitment. But Pip went a bit weird when Toby showed her his dating site and asked her which woman she’d choose. Pat explains to Susan that Helen’s not up to working at the dairy. Susan broaches Helen’s outburst in the Tearoom, saying that George only did what Henry asked him to do. Tearful Pat concedes that Helen may’ve over-reacted but what if Henry had been persuaded to bring Jack with him? Rob might’ve tried to kidnap Jack again. Later Emma tells Susan it says it all that Helen’s not shown her face at work, after the scene she made. And George has gone off sick from Bridge Farm, so he doesn’t risk getting another mouthful. She hopes Susan asked for an apology from Pat. Later while sorting through things for the car boot, Emma comes across Susan’s copy of Lark Rise to Candleford. Emma’s always wished she had more time to lose herself in a good book. Talk turns back to Helen and George, and Susan counsels that Helen deserves a little understanding after what Rob did to her and how he tried to kidnap Jack. Imagine if it was the other way round with Emma’s children and someone had put them in danger. How would Emma feel? Susan understands why Emma wants to defend George, but sometimes Emma needs to stop turning a blind eye to him.
8/21/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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Pip apologises to Stella for being tetchy at the roller skating the other day – she’s just feeling a bit confused. Stella says their kiss was a stupid, drunken moment and didn’t mean anything. They agree not to let it ruin their friendship and head to the Tearoom. Helen worries about how she tore into Henry on Friday. She just wanted Henry to understand that Rob only cares about himself. Pat points out that Henry never wants to see Rob again and that whatever game Rob was playing has backfired. But Helen thinks it’s part of his plan; Rob wants Helen to know that if he can get to Henry, he can get to Jack too. Helen’s surprised when Pat reveals that Henry opened up to her about why he contacted Rob. He wanted to Rob to leave them alone, but then Rob got his hooks into him, saying Helen was unhinged when she was pregnant with Jack. Henry’s cross with himself for being taken in. Pat adds that Henry didn’t arrange the meeting by himself; George helped Henry contact Rob. Helen’s furious and storms over to the Tearoom where she confronts George. He retaliates with a stream of vitriol, and then starts filming Helen as she loses control and calls him crazy. When Helen says she hopes Emma’s proud of George, Emma demands she leaves and as she does so, Helen tells George to stay away from Henry. Afterwards, sobbing Helen tells Pat what happened in front of the whole Tearoom. Now everyone will know about Rob. Why can’t she ever escape?
8/20/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Writer, Liz John Director, Jess Bunch Editor, Jeremy Howe Ben Archer ….. Ben Norris David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Henry Archer ….. Blayke Darby Pip Archer ….. Daisy Badger Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch Ian Craig ….. Stephen Kennedy Eddie Grundy ….. Trevor Harrison Emma Grundy ….. Emerald O'Hanrahan George Grundy ….. Angus Stobie Tracy Horrobin ….. Susie Riddell Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed Adil Shah ….. Ronny Jhutti Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd Oliver Sterling ….. Michael Cochrane Rob Titchener ….. Timothy Watson Announcer ….. Jack Ashton Lottie ….. Bonnie Baddoo
8/18/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Archers

Ruth tells Tracy that although she’s given a lot of thought to a long-term let for Hannah, she thinks Brookfield B and B has run its course. It would be less stressful for Ben, and Pip has a lot on and seems really out of sorts at the moment. Henry’s achieved his 1000 metre swimming badge at Borchester Leisure Centre, and Kirsty and Helen are delighted. When Kirsty heads off to pick up Henry’s badge, Helen’s shocked to bump into Rob in the car park. She threatens to call the police, but he points out that Helen’s already visited him twice of her own volition. Helen thinks Rob’s bluffing when he says he met up with Henry at the County Show yesterday. But when Henry appears demanding to know what Rob’s doing there, Rob says Helen has a right to know about their meet-up. He taunts Henry, and Helen threatens again to call the police. Rob goes and Kirsty rings Natasha to make sure Jack’s safe. Helen’s incredulous that Henry contacted Rob, reminding him that Rob’s dangerous. Henry explains that Rob told him his dream was to see Henry and Jack before he died. Upset Helen tells Henry that Rob doesn’t care about him, all he wants is Jack. Rob’s a liar and now Henry is too. He could’ve put Jack in danger. When Henry storms off Kirsty tries to calm Helen down pointing out Henry’s as much as a victim as Helen. Now Henry’s been rejected all over again. Distraught Helen wonders what she’s done to Henry. Writer, Liz John Director, Jess Bunch Editor, Jeremy Howe Ben Archer... Ben Norris David Archer... Timothy Bentinck Helen Archer... Louiza Patikas Henry Archer... Blayke Darby Pip Archer... Daisy Badger Ruth Archer... Felicity Finch Ian Craig... Stephen Kennedy Eddie Grundy... Trevor Harrison Emma Grundy... Emerald O'Hanrahan George Grundy... Angus Stobie Tracy Horrobin... Susie Riddell Kirsty Miller... Annabelle Dowler Stella Pryor... Lucy Speed Adil Shah... Ronny Jhutti Lynda Snell... Carole Boyd Oliver Sterling.. Michael Cochrane Rob Titchener... Timothy Watson Announcer.. Jack Ashton Lottie... Bonnie Baddoo
8/18/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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It the day of the County Show, where Emma thinks it’s great that George is looking out for Henry. When George complains that Helen’s over-protective of him, Emma explains Helen’s back-history with Rob. Helen attacked Rob because she was provoked, and Rob was trying to take Henry away. Henry witnessed the whole thing. George is unnerved and when Henry reveals later that he’s waiting for Rob, tries unsuccessfully to head him off. Eddie smells a rat when he makes a bet on a friend’s sheep herding. He asks Emma to watch the crowd to see if she can spot anything. Emma notices a woman with a silent whistle and manages to stop her distracting the sheep dog. It works and Eddie’s in the money. The event’s given Eddie an idea for another type of herding – turkeys! Rob engages Henry in chat about his life and Henry presents him with a gift of a boat key ring, because Rob saved people in the Ambridge flood. When George tries to steer Henry away, menacing Rob says he’s sure Helen wouldn’t want to know that George had a hand in arranging today’s meeting. She might even sack him. Rob abruptly ends the call to Henry. He asks about Henry and Jack’s social lives and Henry mentions his upcoming swimming challenge at Borchester pool. Rob suggests a meet up with Henry and Jack, but Henry’s hesitant, saying it would just have to be with him, not Jack. When Henry tries to go, Rob tells him he’s dying. Rob’s tone changes as he sees Henry’s not acquiescent. But Henry’s adamant about not bringing Jack, and walks away.
8/17/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ruth has cause for concern and David attempts to offer reassurance
8/16/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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Pip, Lottie and Ben are on a night out, where talk turns to Pip’s love life. Lottie can’t believe there’s been no-one since Toby, but when she probes her further, Pip shuts Lottie down. Later back at Rickyard Ben and Pip unwind. Ben’s surprised to see David’s precious toy farm on the floor and Pip explains that David’s lent it to Rosie. When Ben unloads about how much work is involved in running the B and B, Pip suggests Hannah staying there might make things easier. But Ben’s not convinced; it would still be work, especially when he’s back at uni. Pip suggests mentioning his concerns to Ruth. Disaster strikes when Ben unwittingly treads on David’s toy farm base and it cracks. Trying to regain his balance, he then causes more damage. When Pip comments that Ben’s like Godzilla, Ben wonders how he’s going to tell David. George and Henry unload the Bridge Farm van and George talks about his forthcoming family day out to the County Show. Ed’s showing his Texels and he’s convinced that they’ll get a ton of rosettes. When Henry asks Helen if he can go along with them, she agrees, saying Henry will have a fantastic time. Later Henry tells George that his stepdad’s been texting him. When George wonders if he means Lee, Henry says no, the real one. Rob’s going to meet Henry at the show, so Henry will probably do his own thing there without George. George says that’s fine he can hang out with his mates.
8/15/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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There’s an awkward encounter for Ian and Adil finds himself under pressure
8/14/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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Tracy and Ruth discuss Brookfield B and B. Tracy wonders if they were to do longer lets, might it be somewhere that Hannah could stay? Ruth says she’ll check with Ben. Toby’s taking Rosie to Cornwall soon and Pip wishes she’d done more with Rosie over the holidays. Ruth proposes that they take Rosie to the new roller-skating rink this week. And as Pip looks like she could do with a night out, Ruth also offers to babysit so that she can go out with Lottie. Oliver tells Tracy that Grey Gables recruitment advertising starts this week for its opening in the Autumn. He’d happily recommend Tracy for one of the Welcome roles there. Tracy declines; she’s really happy at The Bull and it has none of the stresses of a big hotel. They’re interrupted by Adil ringing to tell Oliver that their launch plans have got the green light. When Adil’s keen to find an event planner, Oliver mentions tempting their previous staff back. Adil hopes he doesn’t mean Lynda – she’s completely unmanageable. Oliver agrees she can be challenging, but in a good way. They agree to discuss it further tomorrow. Overhearing them, Tracy asks Oliver who is unmanageable. Oliver bluffs that they were talking about the ‘challenging’ role and that things can get ‘unmanageable’. Later Tracy mentions the role to Lynda who would relish the challenge, but wonders why Adil didn’t mention it to her. She may be forced to blow her own rather considerable trumpet and convince Oliver and Adil that there’s life in the old dog.
8/13/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Tom gives Fallon the news that they won’t be giving her a long lease on the Tearoom. He reassures her it’s nothing she’s done wrong. Perceptive Lynda sees Fallon’s upset when she confuses an order. Fallon explains her conversation with Tom. Lynda assures her she’s doing brilliantly, the Tearoom is a success. Yes, but for how long, declares Fallon. She understands the Bridge Farm Archers might want to keep their options open, but with the possibility of competition in the form of a coffee chain just down the road, she doesn’t want to lose vital footfall. It couldn’t come at a worse time, with Harrison about to reduce his hours. Lynda reckons Fallon needs some work-life balance too. Fallon counters she loves her job, it doesn’t feel like work, but concedes a holiday would be nice. Lynda offers her a loan. Fallon’s touched by her kindness, but says she doesn’t need one at the moment. Lynda declares she’ll make it her mission to ensure the community supports the Tearoom. Pip returns Stella’s bag, feeling awkward about last night. She scuttles off, leaving Stella exasperated. She catches up with Pip, saying she doesn’t want things to be weird between them. Pip wants to forget it ever happened, but Stella says there’s no need to be embarrassed. It was just a kiss and not a big deal. Pip thaws, and they drink tea together. She thanks Stella for making it normal. Stella reassures Pip; last night was down to both of them. They agree they’re really glad they’re mates.
8/11/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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There’s an awkward encounter at Brookfield, and Helen puts her foot down.
8/10/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Stubborn Stella’s having trouble accepting relief help from Ed and George, but she finally gives in and offers George a day’s trial at Home Farm, at the going rate. Joy reports Harrison isn’t able to help with finding Marvin. Clarrie thought as much. Eddie’s too depressed even for George to do his appeal video. Joy offers to speak to Eddie, coaxing him not to wallow and to take positive action. They can continue the search without Harrison’s help. Undeterred by his doom-mongering, Joy manages to get Eddie to do the video. She’ll get George to edit and tidy it, and see if the Echo will post it on their socials. Eddie and Clarrie are grateful. Clarrie wants to go with Ed and Emma to the Bull to celebrate George’s successful day at Home Farm, but Eddie’s not keen. However Clarrie insists, and sends him upstairs to change his clothes. Jubilant Eddie finds Marvin curled up the pocket of his trousers. It’s a double celebration at the Bull! George has made a good fist of his tractor driving trial, and Stella offers him some casual shifts. George promises he won’t let her down, but not before divulging that Weaver’s the second dog Ed’s killed. Later Ed offers to buy Stella a drink. She’s looking forward to overnight camping with Pip and Rosie now she’s got some help with the farm. She’s also had time to arrange a proper burial for Weaver. Ed tries to explain what happened with Baz, Will’s dog, but Stella’s fine with it. She’s appreciated Ed’s kindness.
8/9/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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George surprises everyone, and Neil makes a difficult admission.
8/8/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ian and Adam discuss Ian’s Grey Gables job offer. It puts the dampers on his summer plans. Adam says it’s fine to turn it down. The money would be useful but they’re not desperate. Ian resolves to think it over. Ian comments that Xander fell asleep late last night as he’s still upset about Weaver. He’s drawn Stella a picture. Ian suggests they call in on Stella today with it. Adam agrees it would be better to have Stella as a friend than an enemy. Stella loves the picture, and their gift of flowers. Prompted by Ian, Adam apologises for the recent tensions between them. But when he talks about the cherries, Stella takes it the wrong way and cuts short their visit. Later Ian declares he’ll take the Head of Food job. It might just give him the money to start expanding the pizza business. Ed cooks Emma a birthday breakfast. She reports ruefully that George only sent her a card via Clarrie. She tells Ed that Eddie’s lost Marvin, his favourite ferret. Ed’s still feeling bad about Weaver; he thinks Stella’s avoiding him. Emma suggests he tells Stella again how sorry he is. He approaches harassed Stella, who’s trying to get the combine fixed and field a call from the vet about releasing Weaver. Ed offers help, and another apology. Stella assures him it’s not his fault; she just wants to be able to get on with the harvest. Emma reminds disconsolate Ed that Stella’s grieving, and has a lot on. Ed resolves to help Stella take a break.
8/7/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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The pressure is on for Eddie, and Ian’s suspicions are raised.
8/6/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Writer, Nick Warburton Director, Jess Bunch Editor, Jeremy Howe Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Tom Archer ….. William Troughton Eddie Grundy ….. Trevor Harrison Mia Grundy ….. Molly Pipe Brad Horrobin ….. Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin ….. Madeleine Leslay Joy Horville ….. Jackie Lye Alistair Lloyd ….. Michael Lumsden Paul Mack ….. Joshua Riley Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed Adil Shah ….. Ronny Jhutti Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd
8/4/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Out for an evening walk, Mia updates distracted Brad on George moving out of Little Grange and setting his sights on No.1 The Green, and the hash Eddie’s made of organising the fete. But Brad isn’t listening. He has a confession to make. He’s betrayed the whole Grundy family by answering Lynda’s many questions about the fete, and now Eddie’s in trouble. Mia reckons Eddie would have been found out anyway; Brad shouldn’t worry. And no-one will say anything as it’s all turned out fine. But Brad insists Eddie will find out who dobbed him in, and he’ll be for it. He knows these situations; the truth always comes out. He intends to confess to Eddie. Mia reiterates Brad’s done nothing wrong; in fact his actions saved the fete. Brad’s adamant – he’ll talk to Eddie first thing tomorrow. Stella and Ruth watch the barley harvest at Home Farm. Ruth offers to take Weaver back to the bungalow and feed him. As she takes his lead Stella’s distracted by a call from Alistair. Ruth loses control of Weaver, who runs off. It’s soon clear he’s been hit by Ed’s trailer. In the vet surgery Stella awaits news. She insists to Ruth that it wasn’t her fault; a hare had caught Weaver’s attention. Ruth says Ed feels awful too, but again Stella reassures her. Alistair confirms that as a greyhound, Weaver would have a high prey drive and it’s doubtful anyone could have stopped him. He’s being treated, but Stella needs to be prepared for a difficult decision.
8/3/202313 minutes
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Eddie enthuses to Mia about the ferret themed fete. Mia points out some shortcomings she’s heard about. Eddie declares these are all blips – inevitable when working within a budget. He spots Lynda approaching and tries to hide, but she spots him. Lynda challenges him about the fete, suggesting it’s chaos. Defeated, Eddie admits it’s all got away from him. He can’t see a solution. Lynda suggests they join forces. With Eddie’s ideas and her organisational skills, all will be well. Chelsea bumps into Stella on her way to the rewilding site. They’re joined by Paul, who wonders about Weaver doing a photo shoot for a feature on rescue dogs – he’d be perfect. Chelsea thinks Stella should jump at it. After some hesitation Stella agrees, however Weaver isn’t the perfect model. Mia and Chelsea work together on the labels for the rewilding stall. They talk about Brad, both noting aspects of his personality. Chelsea’s surprised Mia’s observed so much, feeling that as Brad’s sister, she herself should know him best. She doesn’t want him messed about. Mia assures her she won’t – she doesn’t want Brad hurt or laughed at either. The pair agree they’re on the same page. Helen wants to rebrand Sterling Gold to Grey Gables Gold for Adil. Pat thinks it’s selling out, but Helen’s determined to do anything to keep the cheese business afloat. Pat suggests a compromise, which Helen agrees to think about. If she can win back the cheese agreement with Adil, everything else will fall into place.
8/2/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Mia and Kirsty are prepping for the rewilding stall at Sunday’s fete. Chelsea turns up and Mia’s on the defensive. But Chelsea insists she’s there to volunteer her help. She reckons it would give them an opportunity to chat. But Mia rebuffs her olive branch, declaring her offer to paint nails at the stall is off-brand. Chelsea retreats. Mia seeks Kirsty’s advice. She explains that Chelsea’s confrontational and they don’t get on, but she’s Brad’s sister, and the siblings are close. What would Kirsty do? Later Chelsea comes to Kirsty with exactly the same issue. Mia’s an up herself eco-geek and they’re totally different people, but she’s Brad’s girlfriend and she doesn’t want to hurt him. So does she just put up with Mia? Kirsty points out the thing they have in common – both of them care about Brad. Perhaps they can learn to put up with one another. Tom begins his charm offensive on Adil, leaving Alistair baffled. Tom asks Adil if he’d like to join the cricket team to fill absent Johnny’s place. Adil protests he’s no good, but Tom offers to throw him a few balls on the Green as a trial, and then stand him coffee and cake at lunch. After a few tips hopeless Adil makes contact with the ball just once – and hits a plant pot at Greenacres. Alistair points out it’s Jim’s prizewinning hydrangea, in a replica Grecian urn which is now broken. Tom immediately takes the blame, but Adil knows what he’s up to, and declares the charm technique won’t work.
8/1/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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Tom hatches a cunning plan, and Brad finds himself on the spot.
7/31/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
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Adil’s preparing for some Sunday work; he buys peppermints to cheer him. Joy reminds him it’s the fête next Sunday. Lynda joins them and declares she’s looking forward to putting her feet up this year. Privately, Joy admits to Lynda she’s not happy with the Grundy fête arrangements. Lynda asserts they need to learn to live with it not being as polished this year. But Kirsty too calls on Lynda’s services; she and Rex have a rewilding display planned, and they’re not sure what’s going on. Lynda agrees to have a word with Eddie. Later, she reports to Joy that she was fobbed off by the Grundys. She fears something fishy’s going on. Joy tells her the Hollerton Silver Band has been cancelled, which is enough for Lynda to feel the need to recruit an undercover operative. Joy suggests Brad Horrobin. Kirsty and Tom chat about Johnny’s new adventure, and explore how they feel about the news that Rob’s dying. For Tom, it’s a good thing, though sometimes he wonders if it’s real, or if it’s a set-up. Kirsty’s questions prompt Tom to ask Helen how she’s doing. Helen says she’s okay; it’s time to focus on the farm again. She suddenly remembers she needs to put in her bid to supply Grey Gables with cheese, and renew her supplier accreditation before it lapses. They meet with Adil, who’s just dismissed his recently appointed Head of Food. Adil disappoints them; he already has a mozzarella supplier. Helen declares she won’t give up. She’ll get this contract signed and sealed.
7/30/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Tracy’s cherry-picking at Home Farm. She chats with Adam about Bert’s clandestine party while Tracy and Jazzer were away. Talk turns to Jennifer’s love of the cherry trees. Adam’s shocked when he hears the cherries are for the chop. He confronts Brian, who says it’s unfortunate – he’s aware Adam’s put a lot of hard work into them. Adam blames Stella, thinking she has an agenda. But Brian stops him short – Stella’s reasoning is sound. When Adam mentions Jennifer’s love of the cherries, Brian’s furious. Home Farm is a business and Adam needs to apologise to Stella. He grudgingly does so. Henry quietly dials Rob’s number. Rob’s been waiting for Henry’s call. Nervous, Henry tells him to leave his mum alone. Rob doesn’t blame Henry for protecting Helen, but points out that in the past, it should’ve been Helen protecting Henry. When Rob says he’s missed Henry and Jack, Henry wonders why Rob’s only bothering to try and see them now. He thinks Rob’s only aiming to hurt them all over again. But Rob says he was the one who got hurt. On the night of the incident, Helen was acting irrationally and trying to tear the family apart, because she didn’t want to share Henry. Henry doesn’t believe him and again tells Rob to leave them alone. Rob chooses that moment to announce he’s unwell. The most precious things to him are Jack, Henry and Helen. All he wants from Henry is the odd text – but he mustn’t tell Helen. When Henry agrees, Rob says that’s my boy.
7/28/202313 minutes, 17 seconds
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There’s a shock for Hannah, and Eddie turns the screw.
7/27/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Helen’s overseeing Henry’s school project when they’re interrupted by George wondering if Henry’s free. George is taking Keira to the skatepark; might Henry like to join them? Henry begs Helen to let him go and she concedes, but George has to look after Henry. At the skatepark, George says Helen’s a nag and he thought Emma was bad. He’s going to move in with Will to get some peace. Henry wishes he could move out. They treat him like a little kid. He knows there’s something big going on but they just shut him out. Henry says he really needs to talk to a ‘sort of relation’, but his mum would go mad. George says he’ll look for the number on his phone. Johnny’s been offered the chance to crew on a round the world yacht. Bridge Farm has a meeting about how to manage things while he’s away. The family decide that the farm can manage without Johnny for another four months; they’ll find support for Tony with the extra milking shifts. Later, Helen and Tom agree they’re going to miss Johnny’s steadying influence. George drops Henry home and when Helen remarks that Henry and George are getting on well, Henry says it’s because George listens to him and treats him like an equal. Helen apologises for being over-protective earlier. When Helen’s distracted, Henry nips into the garden where George is waiting for him with the requested phone number. George presses Henry to ring the number straight away, but Henry wants to think about it first.
7/26/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Will finds himself with a dilemma, and Pip is in need of some advice.
7/25/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Tracy’s suspicious that Brad or Chelsea and her college friends have held a party while she and Jazzer were away, because the house is so clean. But Tracy believes them when they have matching alibis. It remains a mystery. Emma despairs about George treating her and Ed like dirt. After all they’ve done for him, all they get is a bucketful of abuse. And she can’t get over what George called her last week. They join the rest of the family for fete preparation duties, which Ed reckons might help take her mind off George. But Emma’s feeling guilty about slapping George. They meet up with Will and Mia and they all wonder about Eddie’s secret fete project in the barn. Later Ed tells Will Emma’s in a state because of what George said. Ed thinks Will should’ve been tougher on George growing up. But Will says although George was out of order, he obviously feels strongly about a lot of stuff. Punishment won’t work and they’ve got to ask themselves what they’re trying to achieve. Brad appears with a bunch of flowers for Mia, to mark their new start. When Mia starts to say cut flowers are bad for the environment, Brad butts in that he’d found out they were Nic’s favourite flowers. He thought Mia might like to put them on Nic’s grave. Brad could come with Mia, if she wanted. Mia’s touched and later at the graveside with Brad, tells Nic that Brad’s a great boyfriend. This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for her.
7/24/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Frustration builds for Henry, and Brad has a confession to make.
7/23/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Writer, Naylah Ahmed Director, Pip Swallow Editor, Jeremy Howe Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Tom Archer ….. William Troughton Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Harrison Burns ….. James Cartwright Neil Carter ….. Brian Hewlett Susan Carter ….. Charlotte Martin Ed Grundy ….. Barry Farrimond Emma Grundy ….. Emerald O'Hanrahan George Grundy ….. Angus Stobie Will Grundy ….. Philip Molloy Tracy Horrobin ….. Susie Riddell Jazzer McCreary ….. Ryan Kelly Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler Hannah Riley ….. Helen Longworth Fallon Rogers ….. Joanna Van Kampen Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd Miles Titchener ….. Adam Astill
7/21/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Fallon’s pleased with the birthday cake she’s made for Nova and Seren, until Harrison points out Tom said ‘two’ cakes. Fallon’s horrified; the cake was supposed to help clinch the Tea Room’s longer lease. Fallon has no choice but to make another cake – she needs to impress those Archers! Harrison tells busy Fallon he bumped into Lynda. She still has concerns about the fete. The Grundys have thrown out many of the initial ideas and Joy has no idea what’s replaced them. Eddie and co are even having private meetings about it. Fallon doesn’t see the problem, as long as there is a fete. She thinks Eddie should be allowed to have a tilt at it. If it’s a disaster, then everyone will know who to blame. Harrison tells Fallon later that when he called Lynda to let her know Fallon’s quitting the committee, Lynda declared the idea of letting Eddie dig himself a hole was a very good one. Will, Ed and Emma chat about George. Will says George was really upset by Hannah’s gossiping, but when Ed points out George’s misogyny, Emma thinks Hannah would do anything to save herself. Will’s not so sure about it all after talking to Neil. Ed expands that Berrow is just the latest in a line of ‘George situations’. They agree they all want what’s best for George and need to help him now, before it’s too late. But George is defensive when they try to talk to him, and things escalate when Ed lets slip that Emma helped get George’s Bridge Farm work. George tells them they’re pathetic - Will couldn’t even get his wife back when she was shagging Ed behind his back. When he calls Emma a slut, she slaps him. George storms out.
7/20/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Neil struggles to hold his tongue, and Helen faces a dilemma.
7/19/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Neil and Hannah are unhappy to hear Martyn’s visiting Berrow. Neil thinks he’s miffed about George’s sacking. Hannah says she’ll leave if Martyn petitions to get George back. Later angry Emma has a go at Hannah for getting George sacked and bad-mouthing him. Hannah admits she may’ve mentioned it to Johnny. When Hannah points out George has a problem with women, Emma tells her to shut up and to stop spreading rumours. Emma visits Tony with a croissant and cappuccino, and he guesses that it’s about George working on the farm. When Emma stresses that George’s confidence has slipped since he left Berrow, Tony wonders if George has the right attitude to work on a busy farm. Emma thinks someone’s told Tony about what happened at Berrow, and Tony admits he’d heard George has a tongue in him. Tony agrees to have George on a trial basis. Tom, Tony and Pat discuss the news from Helen that Rob’s dying. Tom thinks it’s a good thing, but Pat points out it’s still the end of someone’s life. Upset Tony tells Tom to leave it and walks out. Later Tony admits to Tom that Rob dying means he’s got away with all his abuse, he should be publicly recognised for each crime he’s committed. Tony’s furious when Tom wonders how he’d feel it if happened to his daughters. Does Tom know what’s it’s been like to watch Helen be abused by a manipulative animal? Rob’s ending is too easy after what he did to Helen. Tony tells Tom to leave him alone.
7/18/202313 minutes, 8 seconds
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Helen finds herself cornered, and George ends up fighting a losing battle.
7/17/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Tracy and Jazzer enjoy a honeymooner’s breakfast at Ambridge View. When Neil asks if they’re married now, Tracy says they tried when they were in Scotland, but needed to give more notice. They had a relaxing holiday though and loved driving Jim’s Riley. Talk turns to Berrow and with Jazzer’s cast removed, Jazzer will start back there next week. Neil’s relieved when Jazzer’s supportive over George’s sacking. But Susan tells Tracy that Emma’s still fuming about it. Susan thinks George is just misunderstood. Tracy’s confused to find her house is cleaner than went she went away, but when she asks, discovers it wasn’t down to Susan. Susan’s relieved that Bert’s going back to Tracy’s. Kirsty helps Helen make decorations for Seren and Nova’s birthday party on Friday. When Miles messages Helen asking to meet, Kirsty reminds Helen that Rob’s not her problem. Helen thinks that when she told Lee that Rob was dying, he was shocked, but also seemed relieved. Helen admits that when she’d heard Rob only had months to live, just for that moment, she felt sorry for him. She comforted him when he cried but being that close to him made her feel sick. She wonders if she’s regressed, but Kirsty says Helen showed her humanity and strength. When Kirsty offers to postpone her Prague trip with Erik to support Helen, Helen’s fine, saying she can’t wait to hear the details of Kirsty’s holiday on her return.
7/16/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Tom’s evasive with Fallon over the Tearoom lease renewal. Lynda overhears them and notices the tension in the room. Fallon explains the situation – she really needs to pin down Tom urgently. Lynda has urgent business of her own. She’d like Fallon to enlist Emma as an undercover spy on the fête committee. Lynda has her eye on Fallon too. But Fallon’s mind’s on pressing Tom for an answer. He eventually admits eight years might be too long for a lease; he needs to discuss it with Helen. Fallon’s baffled at this response, seeing it as a turnaround from the positive reception she received when she broached the idea. After a sleepless night Helen’s decided to go to Rob’s appointment. Kirsty doesn’t agree with the trip but is happy to drive her friend. As nervous Helen enters the consulting room it’s clear Rob thinks she’s superfluous to requirements. He feels his previous appointment simply lacked clarity. He underplays the seriousness of his symptoms, implying that he’s not as ill as the medics are making out. Helen’s seen all this before, and makes to leave. She’s persuaded to stay on, as Rob suggests treatments he might explore. Dr Webber explains gently that his tumour is inoperable. Rob demands to see an expert; Helen points out Dr Webber is the lead consultant neurologist. A second opinion then? The consultant explains the focus would be on minimising symptoms rather than prolonging life. Hearing he has months to live, Rob leaves. Helen catches up with him, and after some bluster he breaks down. Helen comforts him.
7/14/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Helen finds herself on the spot, and the fallout continues for George.
7/13/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Brian and Stella are talking silaging, combining and cherries before Stella heads off with Pip for a swim at the lido. Brian wonders whether Ben might have time to help with the cherry harvest next week in case they need back-up. Pip comments that there can’t be much profit in the cherries. Later over wine at Rickyard, having cut short their cold swim at the lido, Stella observes Home Farm has hosted quite a few ‘pet’ projects. Brian’s far too indulgent. She’d prefer to concentrate on the arable – maybe some heritage grains. They chat about their dreams and ambitions, and Pip teases Stella about her penchant for obscure Argentinian street food. Susan observes to Neil that since losing his job, she’s never seen George so quiet. He just packed his stuff and Eddie drove him back to Little Grange. She tells Neil Will’s been over, and Emma’s coming today. Susan hopes there’s a way to sort things out, but Neil’s adamant – George broke the rules, and lied. When Emma arrives Susan tries to smooth the way between her and her dad, as Neil points out the harsh truth about George. Emma promises she and Will intend to speak to him. When Neil refuses to give George another chance Emma gets angry. Neil points out George has had at least two verbal warnings, but Emma changes tack, accusing Hannah of bullying. They continue to argue until Emma walks out. Horrified, Susan turns on Neil, but Neil’s angry. He can’t believe his own wife can’t see that he didn’t have a choice.
7/12/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Things come to a head at Berrow, and Harrison makes a decision.
7/11/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Joy arrives at Ambridge Hall on fête business, while Eddie’s finishing off some jobs in the garden. He recommends Joy goes round the back – Lynda’s engrossed in her brochure work and may not hear her. Lynda shares some of her findings with Joy, before Joy pulls them back to the business in hand. Reporting proceedings at the fête committee meeting, she’s concerned that whilst events seemed well planned, it was all a little vague. Compared to the usual proposition, this year could be virtually unrecognisable. None of the usual stalls were mentioned. Lynda thinks perhaps some innovation isn’t a bad thing. Joy stresses it was hard to pin down what exactly was to be featured. Emma kept the list covered up, and each stall was referred to by a number rather than a name. Joy was also alarmed at the mention of a warrener – both women realise this could mean ferrets. It dawns on Lynda that this is a ‘coup de fête’; Eddie’s trying to push his vision through regardless. Joy points out Lynda fell easily for Eddie’s distraction technique. Lynda agrees. Newly focused, she’s determined to find out what Eddie’s up to. Fallon finally pins Tom down. She shares her concerns over competition from the charging station, suggesting some innovative solutions and emphasising her need for certainty and stability. She’d like to fix the rent for eight years. Tom tells Tony privately that it’s too long to tie themselves in. Tony reckons they can’t risk losing Fallon. Tom won’t turn her down yet, but he’s really not sure.
7/10/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Susan finds herself in a war zone, and Fallon attempts to secure her position.
7/9/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Writer, Katie Hims Director, Rosemary Watts Editor, Jeremy Howe Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Henry Archer ….. Blayke Darby Jolene Archer ….. Buffy Davis Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Neil Carter ….. Brian Hewlett Susan Carter ….. Charlotte Martin George Grundy ….. Angus Stobie Mia Grundy ….. Molly Pipe Brad Horrobin ….. Taylor Uttley Tracy Horrobin ….. Susie Riddell Jim Lloyd ….. John Rowe Jazzer McCreary ….. Ryan Kelly Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler
7/7/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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It’s the day of Tracy and Jazzer’s wedding. Jazzer’s blown away by how gorgeous Tracy looks. Jim still feels bad about the crisis he caused Jazzer over his birthplace. He tells Susan he’ll be glad when today’s over. Worse follows when Jazzer and Tracy find themselves locked in the bathroom. Brad saves the day by removing the door, releasing panicked Tracy and relieved Jazzer. At the Bull the guests are gathering. Mia’s surprised when George reveals that Brad’s staying at Ambridge View for the next ten days. Mia asks George what Brad’s done to wrong him – surely it’s the other way round. George concludes that Mia definitely fancies Brad. George tells Susan that Brad thinks he’s staying home alone while Tracy’s away. Then George stirs things by happily chatting to Mia and Brad, just as Brad’s nervously asking Mia if there’s a bit of a vibe between them. When George tells Brad he’ll be sharing a room with him, Brad declares he despises George. Jolene hands round more prosecco to the waiting guests. Finally she gets a message: the couple are all done at the Register Office and are on their way. They arrive, and Jim makes a moving speech. When Jolene asks if all went well with the ceremony, Tracy and Jazzer obfuscate. As the dancing gets underway they agree everyone’s been brilliant. Privately they whisper about not being properly married yet. Tracy reckons when they do it on the sly they could spend the night before apart, to avoid any bad luck. Jazzer looks forward to them getting married.
7/6/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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There are difficult questions for Helen, and Jazzer makes a friend.
7/5/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
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Susan’s keen to offer wedding help, but Tracy reckons there’s not much left to do. Tracy enthuses to subdued Susan about the theme – Jazzer’s even wearing a kilt. Later Susan frets to Helen that there’s nothing left for her to get involved in. She’s worried too about Brad and George. Brad will be staying at Ambridge View, and Neil’s decorating a bedroom, so it looks like Brad and George will have to share a room together. Helen in turn shares her concern over Henry getting into a fight at school. Susan’s reassuring when Helen suggests that she might not have looked after Henry properly. Over a break they share their memories of prison. Helen tells Susan that Emma said to her once that it hadn’t affected her close relationship with her mum. Susan’s pleased to hear this. Helen’s worried about what Henry thinks of her, and is afraid to find out. Jim’s discovered some rather startling information about Jazzer during research for his speech. Jazzer’s knocked sideways when he discovers he isn’t actually Scottish. His parents were in the northernmost tip of England when he was born. Jazzer takes it very badly; the foundation of his existence is shaken. Distraught Jim messages Tracy, but she misunderstands his text and thinks Jazzer wants to call off the wedding. This leads to an even more heartfelt apology from Jim, who feels he should never have been best man. Tracy declares Jazzer more Scottish than bagpipes. With Jazzer suitably mollified, they all drink a toast to this sentiment.
7/4/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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There’s trouble for Henry, and plans are afoot for the wedding of the year.
7/3/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Neil’s impressed with George’s work at Berrow. George isn’t convinced his grandad’s sincere, since he’s given him two verbal warnings already. And Hannah’s still not happy with him. Neil agrees Hannah’s a tough nut to crack, but George will get there. Neil says Susan’s more concerned about George sorting things with Brad before the wedding. Neil suggests George be the bigger man; he’s shown a lot of maturity lately. Neil also breaks the news that Brad will be staying at Ambridge View while Tracy’s on her honeymoon. George is horrified. He agrees reluctantly to talk to Brad, but not today; it’s his day off. Tracy urges Brad to hurry round to Jim’s to help Jazzer – he’s aiming to transform the Bull into a Scottish paradise for the wedding reception. Tracy’s fine about Jazzer’s obsession with a Scottish theme, she’s just happy to be getting married to him. Brad admits he’s worried about an eccentric choice he’s made himself for the wedding day – a green velvet suit. Tracy insists he shows her before he heads off. When she sees it she thinks he looks amazing; every girl on the planet will fall for him. He just needs to get out there. Brad points out wryly that the last time he did that, he got arrested. And his dating history is a disaster. Tracy assures him he has all the time in the world – he’s a catch. Mia appears to help with the wedding prep. Tracy asks her opinion on the suit. Mia thinks it’s great – Brad should definitely wear it.
7/2/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Lynda mentions to Eddie that he and his family haven’t done much towards the fete. He says actually Mia suggested Lynda might want to research a souvenir brochure about its history. Lynda hasn’t time, but later shows Eddie some old fete photos. When Eddie asks if she’s going to do the brochure, Lynda retorts she’s already started. Helen apologises to Tom for being so distant and asks if he paid her solicitor’s bill. Tom says it came from Seren and Nova’s modelling job. It’s just a loan; he’ll pay them back. They hug, saying they’ve missed each other. Rob and Lee meet, and Rob apologises for the problems he’s created. Lee’s grateful Rob’s dropped the Community Resolution Order. Rob was completely thrown when Tom turned up out of the blue, but knows it was unforgivable reporting Lee to the police. His biggest regret is not being around to see his boys grow up. When Lee takes offence, Rob back-pedals saying Lee must think of the boys as his now. Rob asks Lee about his daughters, saying Lee must miss them. It’s how Rob feels about Jack and Henry. Rob knows Helen’s never going to let him see Jack again, but not a day goes past when Rob doesn’t think of him. Later Lee tells Helen that Rob was friendly and apologetic. But Helen’s not buying it, saying Rob doesn’t care about anyone. Lee realises that talking about his daughters has made him really miss them. Helen’s supportive when Lee declares he wants to visit them sooner than planned.
6/30/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Questions are raised about the charging station, and Jim has a battle on his hands.
6/29/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Jim checks the Tearoom has a ‘Hands off Ambridge’ poster ready for tomorrow’s charging station meeting. When Fallon says it’s been a nightmare practising making Scottish dishes for Tracy and Jazzer’s wedding, Jim says it’s very generous of her to do it. Fallon reckons it’s good advertising, especially if the Tearoom’s going to have a future. When Pip mentions there might be a café at the charging station, Fallon’s worried, especially when Jim shows her the plan with a cafe marked on it. Jim convinces Fallon to go to tomorrow’s meeting. The drill arrives at Home Farm and Justin turns up to see it. Brian can’t wait to have a go, but when Stella describes all the things it’s capable of, Justin teases Brian wondering if he understands it all. Brian says it’s perfectly straightforward and anyway, they have a trainer to help them all get the hang of things. However, later when Stella mischievously goes into all its high-tech, Brian suddenly realises he has work to do and leaves Stella and Ed to it. Later after a meal out with Pip, Stella celebrates the success of the new drill over a glass of wine at Rickyard. At The Bull Brian worries about the cost of the drill to Justin, but Justin says it will pay for itself in the long run. Talk turns to the charging station and Brian asks if Justin thinks there’s still a lot of opposition. Justin doesn’t know but says Jim’s campaign has been relentless. They’ll have to sweeten the pill if Jim’s going to swallow it.
6/28/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Ruth proves to be a friend indeed, and there’s a dilemma for Harrison.
6/27/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Will worries that Lynda might smell a rat when all the family turn up for the fete committee meeting, and thinks Clarrie’s right when she said they need to think of a way to distract Lynda. Angry Mia refuses to go the meeting, telling Eddie he’s double-crossed her. She’d only agreed to go if Eddie went to the EV charging station meeting, but she’s heard that Eddie’s having Oliver over for a meal that evening. Eddie promises to rearrange it but asks for ideas to distract Lynda from their take-over. Later Mia suggests encouraging Lynda to research the history of the Village Fete for a brochure. Eddie thinks Mia’s a genius. Lee apologises to Tom about his behaviour last week; he was worried about losing his job. Tom’s understanding, explaining he’d been feeling guilty for making Lee visit Rob with him. Lee thinks he’s the one who messed it up by shoving Rob, but Tom thinks Rob might have fallen deliberately. When Tom advises Lee not to meet with Rob on Friday, Lee says it’s the price he’s paying for not being taken to court. Although he’s worried it’s a trap, Helen reckons it could see an end to things once and for all. Tom suggests visiting Harrison for tips on handling difficult situations. Helen’s delighted when she notices someone’s paid her massive solicitor’s bill. But she has no idea who it was. Lee tells Helen that Tom thinks he shouldn’t meet up with Rob. Helen reminds him that he needs to go so they can draw a line under the whole wretched business.
6/26/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Eddie has a trick up his sleeve, and tension rises at Beechwood.
6/25/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Writer, Tim Stimpson Director, Jess Bunch Editor, Jeremy Howe Ben Archer ….. Ben Norris Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Henry Archer ….. Blayke Darby Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Tom Archer ….. William Troughton Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Harrison Burns ….. James Cartwright Eddie Grundy ….. Trevor Harrison Joy Horville ….. Jackie Lye Adam Macy ….. Andrew Wincott Kate Madikane ….. Perdita Avery Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed Fallon Rogers ….. Joanna Van Kampen Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd
6/23/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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When Harrison lets off steam about his job to Fallon, she says if it’s getting too much, he shouldn’t have to carry on with it. Her only concern was the impact on their finances. Harrison acknowledges they’re a team and that any career change will affect Fallon too. Fallon thinks back to her chat with Lynda earlier in the week when Lynda asserted how important it is to be happy. If Harrison needs to make a change, they just need to do it together. Ben wonders why he hasn’t seen Lee at the Laurels lately. When Ben mentions that Sykesy’s not happy about Lee’s absence and has gone on strike with the replacement physiotherapist, Lee makes his excuses and hurries off. Later Lee asks Ben to pass on a message to Sykesy telling him to keep up his physio, otherwise he’ll make him work twice as hard on his return! Pat apologises to Helen for not reacting to the news about Helen’s visit to Rob in the way Helen wanted. They were scared for Helen. Helen explains it felt like something she needed to do. She’s looked Rob in the eye and shown him she wasn’t frightened. From now on everything will be through the solicitors, just like Pat and Tony had advised. Pat says that whatever Helen does, and however uncomfortable it makes them feel, they’re always on her side. Later Helen’s solicitor tells her that Rob’s asked for a phone meeting tomorrow with everyone concerned. Helen doesn’t know why. They’ll find out the reason tomorrow.
6/22/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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Stella puts her foot down, and Helen makes a promise.
6/21/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Lynda asks Fallon to be a fete committee member, but Fallon brushes her off saying she’s got too much on. When Eddie mentions that Fallon was a bit harsh with Lynda, Fallon counters that Eddie should do it himself then. Later Lynda asks Fallon if she’s ok and Fallon opens up about Harrison wanting to change his job for ‘something in nature’. Lynda’s supportive saying that Robert changed direction mid-career, sparking their move to Ambridge. Fallon and Harrison need to work through it together and have time for other things… like the fete committee. Fallon agrees to join. Later Eddie tells Fallon he’s thinking of joining the committee too. Lee’s frosty with Tom, explaining that he’s on ‘restricted duties’ at work because he might be charged with assault and could be a risk to patients. Later Tom tells Tony how bad he feels about involving Lee in the visit to Rob. He had no idea that it would impact on Lee’s job. Tony points out that it also led to Helen going to see Rob. Tony thinks they should all just leave it to the lawyers. Henry has fun digging up beetroot with Tom and Tony, and they have a competition to see who can pull up the biggest. They reminisce about Tom and Helen as children. When Tom drops Henry off, he tries to apologise to Lee, asking if it would help if he explained things to Lee’s manager. But Lee’s dismissive saying there’s nothing Tom can do. He’s done enough already.
6/20/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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The grass may be greener for Harrison, while Adam waves the white flag.
6/19/202313 minutes
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Worried Lee discusses with Kirsty the possibility of being suspended from work. When Kirsty points out that Rob’s agreed to the Community Resolution Order, Lee explains that it was before Rob’s seizure. What if Lee’s found guilty of grievous bodily harm? He would lose his job and couldn’t visit his daughters in the States. Tony and Pat struggle to absorb the news that Helen visited Rob on Friday and think Helen should’ve left it to the solicitors. When Helen explains she went to stop Rob getting access to Jack, Tony and Pat are further frustrated to discover that Rob still wants to see Jack. Helen explains she felt sick seeing Rob, but she did it so that Rob could hear from her that he can’t win this time. Helen then tells them about Rob’s seizure. Her reason for going to hospital with him was because she’s worried that it might be due to his scuffle with Lee. When Tony and Pat tell Helen not to see Rob again, angry Helen tells them she’s better off dealing with it on her own. Afterwards Pat despairs but Tony counsels staying strong and being there when Helen needs them. Later Helen tells Lee and Kirsty that it couldn’t have gone any worse with her parents. When Kirsty tries to talk Helen round to seeing her parents’ point of view, Helen counters it just shows they haven’t seen how far she’s come. Anyway, she hasn’t time to worry about it because she needs to concentrate on discovering what Rob’s going to do next.
6/18/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Writer, Tim Stimpson Director, Rosemary Watts Editor, Jeremy Howe Brian Aldridge ….. Charles Collingwood Ben Archer ….. Ben Norris David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch Tom Archer ….. William Troughton Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Harrison Burns ….. James Cartwright Vince Casey ….. Tony Turner Ruiari Donovan ….. Arthur Hughes Justin Elliott ….. Simon Williams Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler Elizabeth Pargetter ….. Alison Dowling Freddie Pargetter ….. Toby Laurence Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed Anna Tregorran ….. Isobel Middleton Waiter/Doctor ….. Rhoda Ofori-Attah
6/16/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Bonus Episode: When Helen met Rob – the story so far

In April 2016 Helen Archer was arrested for stabbing her husband Rob Titchener during a row. One of the most closely followed trials in British radio drama history saw calls to domestic abuse helplines increase by 17%. This bonus catch-up edition charts the romance and the emerging coercive control, including Rob’s physical abuse of Helen, through to Helen taking her life in her own hands and stabbing Rob, and the insidious impact of Rob’s return on the family at Bridge Farm. If you are suffering domestic abuse or violence, a list of organisations that can provide help and support in the UK is available at Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Rob Titchener ….. Timothy Watson Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Tom Archer ..... William Troughton Johnny Phillips ….. Tom Gibbons Anna Tregorran ….. Isobel Middleton Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Jury foreman ….. Nigel Havers Narrator: Annabelle Dowler Written and produced by Mel Ward The Archers Editor is Jeremy Howe A BBC Audio Drama Birmingham production
6/16/202320 minutes, 43 seconds
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Kirsty has huge reservations, and there’s an emotional farewell for Brian.
6/15/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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As Elizabeth cooks dinner, she tells Vince about Freddie’s decision to quit his job at Lower Loxley. She made it clear that he can’t come waltzing back if he changes his mind, but Freddie was adamant. Elizabeth vents her frustration, wishing that Freddie would grow up and not be quite so hot-headed. Over dinner, Vince asks Freddie about his plans. The more he questions them, the more he reveals how unrealistic they are. Triggered, Freddie storms out. Later, Vince finds Freddie looking for flights. Vince apologises. He doesn’t blame Freddie for resigning after the way the trustees stitched him up. But he needs to have something to fall back on. To Freddie’s surprise, Vince offers him the position of Management Trainee at his firm. Freddie thanks him, but thinks it’s ludicrous. There’s no way he’s working at Casey Meats. Brian isn’t pleased when Justin joins him at the bar in The Bull and needles him about the upcoming emergency board meeting. He’s even less pleased to discover that Justin’s meeting Stella. Later, Justin outlines his plan to persuade the board to terminate Home Farm’s contract unless Brian reinstates her. Stella is uneasy with the idea, especially when Brian has a private word and appears to plead with her not to abet Justin. She’d be squandering all her hard work if Home Farm lost the contract. As Stella and Justin leave, she expresses her discomfort, but Justin says that if she really wants her job back, he can’t see any other way of persuading Brian to reinstate her. Can she?
6/14/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Freddie takes the bull by the horns, and Helen’s situation becomes more desperate.
6/13/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Brian welcomes Ruairi to Blossom Hill Cottage. Ruairi apologises for his behaviour after Jennifer died and for not being in touch much since, but Brian bats it away. Upstairs he shows Ruairi his new bedroom, which Brian has made an effort to arrange nicely. Ruairi is delighted. He’s sorry he can only stay for a few days, but he has a bar job to get back to in London. Brian senses Ruairi has money troubles and wonders if he needs a bigger allowance, but Ruairi insists he can’t keep relying on other people. Helen is telling Lee that Dominic thinks Rob has a very weak case, when the doorbell rings. It’s Harrison. He needs to take Lee in for questioning under caution. Rob has accused him of assault. Helen can’t believe what she’s hearing and tries to get some answers from Tom. He explains that Rob was winding Lee up. When Rob wouldn’t let him walk away, Lee shoved him and Rob fell, hitting his head on the yard. Miles was there too. Helen is furious. They’ve made everything ten times worse. Later, Pat comforts Tom. Whilst it was misguided, she understands why Tom went to see Rob. Lee returns and reveals to Helen he’s accepted a Community Resolution. If Rob won’t agree to it though, Lee may be charged with common assault, and faces up to six months in jail. Helen tells Lee coldly that their priority is keeping Rob away from Henry and Jack. Everything else they’ll have to deal with as best as they can.
6/12/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ruth is delighted to see Stella at Open Farm Sunday. Stella explains she’s been advised she has a strong case for unfair dismissal against Brian. Part of her would love to drag him through a tribunal, but Justin is urging to hold tight until the emergency BL board meeting he’s called for later this week. Later, David suggests to Stella that managing Home Farm has many benefits and not much risk. All she has to do is make Brian feel like he’s still in charge. Maybe that’s not too high a price to pay. Meanwhile, Harrison has also dropped in at Brookfield. Ben teases him gently about his increased interest in outdoor activities. Compared to farming, the tasks are pretty lightweight. Nonetheless, Harrison is enjoying connecting with nature. Ben invites him to join him the next time he takes Bess out. Lee gets into Tom’s car. He feels guilty about lying to Helen that he’s going to a friend’s karate tournament. Tom reassures him that all they’re going to do is speak to Rob and tell him to stay out of Helen’s life and that he can’t see Jack. On the way, Tom opens up about John’s death and how it made him want to hold the family together. Lee talks about his daughters and how hard it is not being around to protect them. Pulling into Manor Farm, they see Rob. Later, Tom and Lee jump back into the car, after some kind of altercation. Despite their panic, Tom urges Lee not to worry. Hopefully Rob got the message. It’ll be fine.
6/11/202312 minutes, 41 seconds
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Writer, Sarah Hehir Director, Marina Caldarone Editor, Jeremy Howe Brian Aldridge ….. Charles Collingwood Ben Archer ….. Ben Norris David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch Tom Archer ….. William Troughton Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Lilian Bellamy ….. Sunny Ormonde Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Alice Carter ….. Hollie Chapman Neil Carter ….. Brian Hewlett Susan Carter ….. Charlotte Martin Justin Elliott ….. Simon Williams Emma Grundy ….. Emerald O’Hanrahan George Grundy ….. Angus Stobie Adam Macy ….. Andrew Wincott Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler Elizabeth Pargetter ….. Alison Dowling Freddie Pargetter ….. Toby Laurence Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed
6/9/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Brian has the rug pulled from under him, and Freddie is feeling restless.
6/8/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Tom reaches the end of his tether, and Susan has a brainwave.
6/7/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Freddie is getting excited about the DJ gig he’s got tomorrow evening in Birmingham. Ben has been persuaded to come. Freddie’s enthusiasm reminds Elizabeth of his dad. Later, she tells Freddie how much she appreciates having him at Lower Loxley. She’ll be only too pleased when Freddie inherits, so she can be shot of dealing with the trustees. Elizabeth reiterates, they need Freddie there for their summer activities. But right now Freddie’s focus is on tomorrow night’s gig. He can’t wait! Adam hasn’t time to stop and chat with Alice. With Stella gone, he’s taken up the slack at Home Farm. Alice thinks it was out of character for Brian to fire Stella and worries he’s not coping. Resolving to check in on him, Alice later finds Brian busy worming the deer. She steers the conversation around to Stella, but Brian insists he can no longer trust her with Home Farm’s finances. As for his health, he’s fighting fit. He assures Alice he’s more than capable of managing the farm. Meanwhile, Adam confides in Lilian. Brian clearly can’t manage Home Farm in the long term, but Adam hadn’t expected to be dragged back quite so soon. He’s worried working relations with Brian will be just as fraught as they were before. Over dinner at Honeysuckle Cottage, Justin suggests it’s in Adam’s interest to have a safe pair of hands managing Home Farm until Brian retires. Adam feels guilty about Stella and thinks it will be a challenge to replace her. Justin agrees, which is why he has a plan…
6/6/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Things get desperate at Bridge Farm, and Emma struggles to maintain control.
6/5/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ben has just finished serving a B&B guest her breakfast. He and David talk about Open Farm Sunday next weekend. Ben is surprised to hear that Bridge Farm are not doing it, although neither he nor David know the reason why. Ben is really looking forward to it and is confident Brookfield has everything under control. David’s just pleased to see Ben looking so happy. Later, Freddie drops by and shows Ben his new DJ Freddie P website. Freddie tells Ben he’s given up hope of the Lower Loxley trustees ever appreciating his hard work. DJing is all he cares about now. Later, Freddie calls Ben. His website has already succeeded in attracting a last-minute booking from a club in Birmingham. Ben should come too. Ben says he’ll think about it, but admits to David that he’s worried he won’t be able to handle it. He’d prefer not to go. Bumping into Stella in the yard, Ruth can see she’s upset. Only now does Stella reveal that Brian’s sacked her. Ruth is the first person she’s told. Stella explains the circumstances of her dismissal. She insists that Adam knew he was authorising her to purchase the disc drill when he told her she was in charge. But he’s claiming he only meant the day-to-day running of the farm. Ruth is furious with Brian and expects him to quickly realise his mistake. Stella isn’t so hopeful. She’s considering getting legal advice. She’s put her heart into the management of Home Farm and she’s not leaving without a fight.
6/4/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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Writer, Nick Warburton Director, Kim Greengrass Editor, Jeremy Howe Brian Aldridge ….. Charles Collingwood Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Tom Archer ….. William Troughton Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Harrison Burns ….. James Cartwright Susan Carter ….. Charlotte Martin Ian Craig ….. Stephen Kennedy Justin Elliott ….. Simon Williams Tracy Horrobin ….. Susie Riddell Jim Lloyd ….. John Rowe Adam Macy ….. Andrew Wincott Jazzer McCreary ….. Ryan Kelly Elizabeth Pargetter ….. Alison Dowling Freddie Pargetter ….. Toby Laurence Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed Adil Shah ….. Ronny Jhutti Oliver Sterling ….. Michael Cochrane Harriet ….. Janice Fryett
6/2/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Oliver finds himself in trouble, and Harrison finds himself a new challenge.
6/1/202312 minutes, 46 seconds
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Adil is at Late Mayfest at Lower Loxley. He introduces himself to Brian, who hadn’t realised the event was happening. Brian now regrets not letting his family badger him into marking his and Jennifer’s anniversary and had come to Lower Loxley for some quiet contemplation. Later, Brian shows Adil the knitted ferrets he’s bought Xander and Martha from Eddie’s stall. Together, they joke about Jim losing his glasses, the latest lead being that Chris put them on a statue of a dog in Borchester. Having hit it off with Adil, Brian opens up about Jennifer and his family. None of them are shy about sharing their opinions. Brian and Adil raise a teacup to families. May they remain ever close, but not too close. Freddie reveals to Elizabeth that he’s hidden Eddie’s ‘Ferrety Fun’ stall behind the greenhouse. Then Ian rushes up, unhappy with his pitch. Eddie has moved next to his pizza van, and it won’t do. Freddie agrees to relocate Eddie, later explaining to Ian that he made up some regulations about not allowing animals and food in close proximity. Also, Eddie can’t let the ferrets out of their cages now because they’re next door to the birds of prey display. Freddie is pleased with himself, but then Elizabeth approaches and informs him that the trustees have decided to delay his inheritance. Freddie wonders if they’ll ever think he’s fit to inherit Lower Loxley. He feels like throwing in the towel. Elizabeth urges him not to. She tells him to have some time off instead.
5/31/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Lee makes a big gesture, and Ian struggles with a complicated situation.
5/30/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Adam calls Brian at Blossom Hill Cottage, ostensibly to check about today’s shearing of the Brookfield sheep at Home Farm. Brian doesn’t seem particularly interested and gives him short shrift. Later, Adam is surprised to find Brian watching the shearing. Brian knows that the real reason Adam called was because it’s his and Jennifer’s anniversary. He thanks Adam for not making a big deal of it, unlike Kate and Alice. Visiting the farm has reinvigorated Brian. He appreciates Adam holding the fort, but he’s determined to get back into the swing of things – starting with the accounts. Later, Brian discovers Stella’s purchase of the new disc drill. He’s furious. He didn’t approve this. Adam claims he didn’t either. Helen and Pat are cleaning the dairy’s viewing window. It’s been a hit with the public, although Helen mentions one nasty piece of feedback online. A tap on the window makes Helen jump. It’s Harrison asking to speak to her. Alone together, he tells Helen that the Crown Prosecution Service have decided not to charge Rob with kidnapping Jack. Later Helen, Pat, and Tony try to make sense of the decision. Once again, the justice system seems to have failed them. Tony is especially angry and storms out. Having calmed down, he explains he’d convinced himself Rob was heading for prison. He wonders if there are other offences they could go after him for. But Helen can’t bear the idea of another court case. Unlike Tony, she doesn’t want to nail Rob. She just wants him out of her life.
5/29/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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There’s trouble at the cricket, and Oliver offers some words of encouragement.
5/28/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Writer, Daniel Thurman Director, Jess Bunch Editor, Jeremy Howe Helen Archer ..... Louiza Patikas Pat Archer ..... Patricia Gallimore Tom Archer ..... William Troughton Tony Archer ..... David Troughton Lee Bryce ..... Ryan Early Alice Carter ..... Hollie Chapman Chris Carter ..... Wilf Scolding Susan Carter ..... Charlotte Martin Ian Craig ..... Stephen Kennedy Emma Grundy ..... Emerald O'Hanrahan Tracy Horrobin ..... Susie Riddell Adam Macy ..... Andrew Wincott Jazzer McCreary ..... Ryan Kelly Kirsty Miller ..... Annabelle Dowler Oliver Sterling ..... Michael Cochrane Anna Tregorran.... Isobel Middleton
5/26/202312 minutes, 49 seconds
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Kirsty bumps into Pat at Bridge Farm. They chat, but Kirsty can see Pat is out of sorts. There’s still no news about whether the Crown Prosecution Service is going to prosecute Rob. Kirsty accompanies Pat while she feeds the goats, where Pat admits she’s scared of testifying in court again – especially after letting Helen down last time. What if she loses focus with Rob in the room? Pat’s hatred of him is becoming overwhelming. Pat feels Tom and Tony are handling it much better than her. Also, Rob is Jack’s father, and when he took him it wasn’t for long. Will he even get convicted for that? And what about justice for everything else Rob did? Pat can’t see how they’ll ever get that. Susan’s serving Oliver in the shop. Lamenting George and Brad’s break-in at Grey Gables, Susan hopes Tracy and Emma can bury the hatchet before tomorrow’s hen party – if there is a party, that is. She still hasn’t found a venue. Tracy enters and guesses what they’re talking about. Learning that Oliver hasn’t been invited, Tracy insists he must come. He should have been top of the list. Oliver can’t be persuaded though. It’s really not his scene. Later, however, he finds Susan. He would like to contribute by offering the refurbished lounge bar at the as yet unopened Grey Gables as a venue. He’ll even pay for a cocktail waiter. Susan is delighted. With that problem solved, she’s sure Tracy will have a wonderful time.
5/25/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Old feelings stir for Adam, and Tom strikes a controversial deal.
5/24/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Emma discusses wedding buffet plans with Jazzer and Tracy. She gets side-tracked, bragging about George impressing Martyn Gibson at Berrow. Irritated Tracy walks out, leaving Jazzer to cover that the reception is in his remit. He wants a Scottish feast. Once Emma has left, Tracy vents to Jazzer. She can’t stand Emma crowing about George, when it was him who persuaded Brad to lie to the police. Jazzer advises Tracy to forgive and forget. Emma will be at her hen party after all. Tom is helping Adam with the first Edible Forest Garden herb harvest. Tom reveals he’s going to try to persuade Tracy to let him have Chris for their T20 team. They go on to talk about Brian and his lack of interest in Home Farm. Adam confesses he’s enjoyed filling in for Stella and reconnecting with big arable. Even with her pushing through changes, he still thinks the family farm could benefit from his ideas. However, with Brian lost in grief, it’s hard to tell who’ll be overseeing its future. Alice has dropped into the village shop. Susan picks her brains about where to hold Tracy’s hen night, but without success. Susan mentions that today is Ed and Emma’s wedding anniversary, prompting Alice to mention that it’s Brian and Jennifer’s anniversary next Monday. Alice feels compelled to mark it in some way, such as going somewhere connected with Jennifer, but Brian doesn’t seem keen. Later, Susan suggests that even if Brian doesn’t want to, Alice should follow her instincts and do what’s right for her.
5/23/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Susan drops in on Tracy and Jazzer, who is still at home with a broken ankle. Having briefly discussed Jim’s obsession with opposing the electric charging station, they move on to Tracy’s hen party this Friday. Susan has recruited Chelsea, Lynda, Jolene and Emma, amongst others. However, they still haven’t decided where to go. They discuss various options – chocolate-making, laser tag, karaoke – but Tracy doesn’t want anything fancy or, more importantly, expensive. A drink with mates is fine. Susan doesn’t think that will do and confides in Jazzer. She’ll at least find a special location for it. Tony talks to Pat. He’s determined to keep on at the police until they refer Rob’s kidnapping of Jack to the Crown Prosecution Service. Tony’s confident Rob will be charged, but Pat doesn’t want to jump the gun. Meanwhile Helen tries to focus on work, especially making Open Farm Sunday a success. Her positive mood is destroyed when Tony brings her a letter from Stephen South, Rob’s solicitor, formally requesting access to Jack. Pat and Tony remind her there’s a Prohibited Steps Order in place, but Helen frets that Rob has found a way to challenge it. Having failed to reach her solicitor Dominic, Tony calls Anna Tregorran for advice. While Anna says they can refuse a change to the Child Arrangement order, she also offers to meet Helen later in the week while visiting her mother, Carol. Helen worries that Anna knows something she’d prefer to tell her in person. Does she think Helen may have a fight on her hands?
5/22/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Adam and Tom are in Little Croxley cricket pavilion preparing for the match. They discuss Tom’s captaincy of next weekend’s village T20. Tom has a head start on Tracy having already recruited players, including Adam, to his team. They’re determined to nab Chris before Tracy gets to him. Later, Chris completes an impressive batting innings, despite turning his ankle. Tom and Adam try to persuade him to join their T20 side, but Chris reveals that Tracy has already used family ties to compel him to join hers. He’d rather play for Tom, but he’s not brave enough to disappoint his aunt. Buoyed by their victory over Little Croxley, Tom vows to stand up to Tracy. Helen and Lee are trying to celebrate Jack’s birthday at a restaurant with an outdoor pirate play area. Helen’s on edge, knowing now that Rob wants to see Jack. She thought going somewhere away from Ambridge would feel safer, but the crowded location feels anything but. Lee attempts to reassure her, but she snaps at him. When Ian arrives with Xander they try to look forward to visiting Lee’s daughters in San Francisco at Christmas, but Helen remains tense. Ian suggests they go back to Honeysuckle Cottage, where he’ll make pizza. They do so and Helen is much happier. Jack’s having a great time. Lee worries to Ian that Ian’s better at handling Helen’s anxiety than he is. Nonetheless, when Adam returns from the match, Ian confides his fears. With Rob back on the scene, he’s worried what will be next.
5/21/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Writer, Liz John Director, Jeremy Howe Editor, Jeremy Howe Brian Aldridge ….. Charles Collingwood Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Natasha Archer ….. Mali Harries Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Tom Archer ….. William Troughton Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Harrison Burns ….. James Cartwright Alice Carter ….. Hollie Chapman Neil Carter ….. Brian Hewlett Ian Craig ….. Stephen Kennedy Alan Franks ….. John Telfer Emma Grundy ….. Emerald O'Hanrahan George Grundy ….. Angus Stobie Adam Macy ….. Andrew Wincott Kate Madikane ….. Perdita Avery Martyn Gibson ….. Jon Glover Hannah Riley ….. Helen Longworth Erin ….. Amy McAllister
5/19/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Emma struggles to let go, and Adam’s meeting takes a unexpected turn.
5/18/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Helen thinks it’ll be too stressful having more than two friends at Jack’s birthday party. Pat sympathises with Helen, especially now the issue with Tom and Natasha has blown up. Helen’s shocked when Pat tells her that Tony said he can’t work with Tom. Pat hopes she can bring them back together, for the sake of the farm’s future. Later, when Pat tries to talk Tony round, he tells her he’s lost faith in Tom. Pat points out it’s Helen’s feelings that really matter, as Tom’s business partner. The future of the farm is in their hands, not Pat and Tony’s. Tom’s still in shock about what Tony said. Natasha agrees that life would be so much easier if they didn’t have to answer to anyone else. But Natasha thinks Tom can’t keep avoiding Tony. Tom has the germ of an idea, though. There’s an organic market garden in Evesham up for sale… Later, Tony apologises to Tom for flying off the handle. But Tony’s efforts at rapprochement come across as lukewarm, even with Natasha acting as mediator. Tom then reveals the idea of leaving Bridge Farm altogether, making it clear to Tony that it really could happen one day. They have a right to make their own decisions, even if that means making them somewhere else. Meanwhile, Pat and Helen agree the police should do more to protect them from Rob. Pat’s convinced the stress has affected the way Tony is with Tom. She tells Helen she’s an example to them all, staying so calm and strong.
5/17/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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There’s a dilemma for Neil, and the Aldridge sisters make their presence felt.
5/16/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Adam and Ian try to agree some ground rules for when Stella’s dog, Weaver, comes to stay. Adam’s concerned about Brian’s plans for Home Farm and his evasiveness over his will. When Adam meets Brian for lunch they tussle lightly over the pros and cons of spraying the wheat at Home Farm, which Stella has chosen not to do. Adam tells Brian that Alice is still trying to give money away to the other grandchildren. Brian becomes defensive when talk moves on to his will, changing the subject to Paddy, Adam’s biological father, and his half-sister, Erin, who’s visiting Ambridge on Thursday. Ian joins them, passing on news from Stella that her holiday cover has dropped out at the last minute. Adam thinks it unlikely Tony would let him when Brian asks if Adam could step in. Brian then declares he’ll manage fine by himself. Furious Tony confronts Tom and Natasha about the twins’ modelling job for Schaeffer Baas. They justify as best they can, but Tony hammers home the message: it’s against everything Bridge Farm stands for. He accuses Tom and Natasha of pure, unadulterated greed, taking Schaeffer Baas’ blood money. Later, after speaking to upset Pat, Tom finds Tony to apologise properly, explaining how uncomfortable they were taking the job. And they have put an end to the modelling work now. But it’s not enough for Tony, who rejects Tom’s apology before telling him finally that he doesn’t see how he can work with Tom at Bridge Farm anymore. And that’s something he never thought he’d say.
5/15/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Tony unearths a shocking secret, and the pressure increases at Berrow.
5/14/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Writer, Keri Davies Director, Gwenda Hughes Editor, Jeremy Howe Ben Archer ….. Ben Norris David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Lilian Bellamy ….. Sunny Ormonde Leonard Berry ….. Paul Copley Harrison Burns ….. James Cartwright Eddie Grundy ….. Trevor Harrison Brad Horrobin ….. Taylor Uttley Tracy Horrobin ….. Susie Riddell Joy Horville ….. Jackie Lye Jim Lloyd ….. John Rowe Jazzer McCreary ….. Ryan Kelly Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler Elizabeth Pargetter ….. Alison Dowling Freddie Pargetter ….. Toby Laurence Adil Shah ….. Ronny Jhutti Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd Brandon ….. Samuel James Mick ….. Martin Barrass Rebecca ….. Rose Robinson Rylan ..... Rylan Clark
5/12/202312 minutes, 52 seconds
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Elizabeth tells Freddie that a trustee, Brandon, is coming to discuss the damage to the painting. Freddie asks to come to the meeting too, since he’s got nothing to hide. When Brandon arrives, he disarms Freddie, who had expected an old crusty, by showing a keen interest in Freddie’s DJing. Elizabeth tells Brandon she takes full responsibility for the damage caused, but under questioning has to admit she had no oversight of the removal procedure itself – Freddie was in charge. Brandon’s disappointed at Elizabeth misleading him. Knowing Freddie’s issues with the painting, Brandon suspects Freddie’s diligence in supervising its removal. Furthermore, following wider discussions between the trustees, Brandon doesn’t think Freddie is ready to take over Lower Loxley in two years’ time as planned. Therefore, he is going to recommend they review the age at which Freddie inherits. Freddie reacts badly. Despite Elizabeth’s attempts to reassure him, Freddie declares he's had enough of trying to prove himself at Lower Loxley. He’s done with it. Lilian welcomes Adil to the Dower House and they discover a shared appreciation of electric vehicles, before Lilian sets off in her own for lunch with a friend in Exeter. Later, frazzled Lilian returns after a nightmare journey back due to charging issues. Adil confesses it’s the anniversary of his wife Sabha’s death in a hit and run incident. He found Jazzer’s accident quite triggering. Lilian is very understanding and sympathetic, after losing Jenny and being made a widow herself many years ago. Adil is very grateful for her support.
5/11/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Jim seizes an opportunity, and there’s a surprise for Harrison.
5/10/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jazzer’s in a good mood after pranking Martyn Gibson at work. He practises his Azerbaijani wrestling moves with Tracy ahead of tomorrow night’s Eurovision Show mini-rehearsal. Brad thinks it’s gross and embarrassing, nothing like the showmanship in World Wrestling Entertainment. Jazzer and Tracy determine to make it more of a spectacle, whipping themselves up by swapping insults. But then Tracy loses it and slams Jazzer against the sideboard, which leads to Jazzer storming out in high dudgeon. Later, Tracy’s dragged Brad to The Bull to do his homework while she’s serving. Jim’s dismayed to hear about the friction between Jazzer and Tracy. He mollifies Tracy by telling her that Jazzer thinks he’s the luckiest man alive to be marrying her. He’s grateful every day. Later, Tracy’s discussing with Brad what he should wear to the wedding, when Jim rushes in. It’s Jazzer - there’s been an accident! Elizabeth’s impressed by Freddie’s Let It Grow gardening initiative in the grounds at Lower Loxley. Brad’s impressed by Freddie’s plans for putting together a mini-mix of Swedish bangers for the Eurovision Show. Later, Elizabeth confronts Freddie with evidence that the controversial painting of the ship’s officer has been badly damaged during its removal process. Freddie is stunned that Elizabeth thinks he deliberately cut it. Freddie insists it wasn’t him, eventually managing to convince Elizabeth. But now they will have to get a restorer in to repair it at great expense – and she dreads to think what the trustees will have to say about the matter.
5/9/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
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There’s panic at Beechwood, and Lynda digs herself a hole.
5/8/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Leonard faces a crisis of confidence and David tries to make his presence felt
5/7/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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It’s Kirsty’s birthday and she jokes about Helen setting up the light show in her honour. Helen admits she feels better than she did the other day, when she had to go to the police station. Now they’ve just got to wait and see if Rob will be prosecuted. But until they know she’ll do her best to try and forget about him. Later, Kirsty asks Helen again about teaming up for Eurovision. She suggests Helen could cook a traditional Spanish dish while Kirsty talks about the cultural significance of what she’s making. Helen agrees to take a look at the recipe first. After Natasha pops in, looking for Tom, Helen reports to Kirsty things aren’t going well between them, but nobody knows why. Ben recounts how a booking came in for the Brookfield B&B just before Lynda asked him if they could host Rylan. So, frustratingly, now they can’t. Ruth and Ben reflect on Sykesy’s visit. Ruth’s not sure they could do the same again for other Laurels residents. Ben thinks they’d be missing a trick by not running more farm visits, especially seeing how Bridge Farm are diversifying. Ruth invites Ben along to the Bridge Farm Coronation Illumination preview tonight. Tom finally comes clean to Natasha about what’s bothering him. It’s the modelling job the twins did recently – they should never have done it. Natasha’s relieved Tom’s not telling her he doesn’t love her anymore. They agree – no more modelling for the twins. Then, just as they kiss, the Coronation Illumination lights up Bridge Farm.
5/5/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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Lynda faces an unexpected hurdle, and Jill finds herself entertained.
5/4/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Joy seems to have come up trumps, and Natasha has concerns.
5/3/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Kirsty is on the spot, and Jolene smells a rat.
5/2/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Jim interrupts Harrison’s breakfast to ask how his name got on the list for the Eurovision show. Harrison works out that the J. Lloyd on the list is in fact Julian Lloyd-Jones, who recently moved on to Beechwood. Jim’s horrified that Julian is representing Greece after confusing Roman and Greek gods at a pub quiz. Jim determines to seek Julian out – he can’t have inaccuracies being spread on his specialist subject. Later, Jim reports that his approach didn’t go down well – Julian has now pulled out of the show. Harrison asks Jim to fill the breach and, by default, Jim agrees to do a reading from Homer’s Iliad. Justin turns up at Bridge Farm looking for Natasha. He needs to see if it’s a practical proposition to have the Coronation light installation there. With Natasha unavailable Tom walks Justin round. Justin’s impressed by the Edible Forest Garden. Tom thinks Justin’s cutting it fine to have everything up and running by Friday, but Justin reassures Tom before confirming the Coronation Illumination will be at Bridge Farm. Helen’s arranged a child-free evening and cooks Lee a curry. She encourages Lee to skip the washing up and retire to the sofa, so they can watch something not involving car chases or cartoon characters. Later they kiss, but Lee pulls away, feeling that Helen is tense. Helen is heartbroken. She thought a romantic atmosphere would help, but it’s just not working. Lee reassures her; she doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to. It will all be okay.
5/1/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jim finds himself out of his comfort zone, and the race for illumination hots up.
4/30/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Writer, Sarah McDonald-Hughes Director, Dave Payne Editor, Jeremy Howe Brian Aldridge ….. Charles Collingwood Jolene Archer ….. Buffy Davis Kenton Archer ….. Richard Attlee Natasha Archer ….. Mali Harries Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Lilian Bellamy ….. Sunny Ormonde Harrison Burns ….. James Cartwright Alice Carter ….. Hollie Chapman Chris Carter ….. Wilf Scolding Susan Carter ….. Charlotte Martin Justin Elliott ….. Simon Williams Brad Horrobin ….. Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin ….. Madeleine Leslay Tracy Horrobin ….. Susie Riddell Paul Mack ….. Joshua Riley Adam Macy ….. Andrew Wincott Freddie Pargetter ….. Toby Laurence Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd Den ….. Laurence Saunders
4/28/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Alice announces she wants to start making payments to her nephews and nieces, because of Jennifer’s bequest to Martha. Neither Brian nor Adam thinks that’s necessary, but Alice is insistent, before joking that there’d better not be any nasty surprises in Brian’s will. Things turn awkward, though, when Brian won’t be drawn on what’s in it. Later Alice and Adam talk over Brian’s reaction to being asked about his will. Adam thinks it’s a generational thing, being so secretive. But Alice worries Brian might now make changes to his will because she’s annoyed him by asking. Jolene’s very confident about her pitch for the Coronation Illumination and Kenton reluctantly agrees to support his wife. But Jolene tells Freddie she’s not letting Kenton anywhere near Justin; he might sabotage The Bull’s bid. Later Justin congratulates Freddie on his excellent pitch before inviting in Jolene. Freddie tells Kenton he wishes he’d talked more about farming, as that’s a key interest of King Charles. He adds that thankfully there’s no competition from farms, as far as he knows. This plants an idea in Kenton’s head. Justin is mightily impressed by Jolene’s pitch, admitting he’s already biased towards The Bull, with Lilian’s involvement. He can’t declare the winner just yet, but hints heavily that The Bull could well end up in the spotlight next weekend. Meanwhile Kenton calls Natasha to let her know about the competition Justin’s running. He persuades Natasha to enter Bridge Farm and she’s grateful he’s thought of them. It’s a good idea. Kenton’s keeping everything crossed for them.
4/27/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Jolene attempts to keep order, and Freddie is on a mission.
4/26/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Susan disapproves of Den being back in touch, warning Chelsea not to get her hopes up. As Susan asks Chelsea to sign the petition against the EV charging station, Stella enters the shop. She likes the look of the plans for the station. When Chelsea learns there could be a job for her there, she holds off signing the petition until she knows more. Den apologises for how he was when Brad and Oliver visited – he was in a bad place. Den explains, having turned fifty he’s realised he’s been wasting his life. He’d like to get to know Chelsea and Brad. Den is floored when Chelsea reveals she had a termination. Brad delivers another blow when he says he doesn’t want to see Den more regularly. Den admits to Chelsea that he’s lonely. He wonders if Chelsea would visit him occasionally, but she says no. She’s standing by her brother – they’ve got each other’s back on this. Lilian offers to buy Susan a drink to make up for the trouble Justin caused by volunteering in the shop. They turn down Kenton’s Coronation-inspired cocktails and the three of them discuss the village’s Coronation and Eurovision plans. Justin is putting on a light show to mark the Coronation, but he’s yet to choose a venue. Kenton twigs that Justin’s using the money he originally promised to the Eurovision celebrations and immediately rules out The Bull as venue for Justin’s illuminations. Stella comments that Susan is now praising Justin after disparaging him in the shop earlier.
4/25/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Harrison and Paul aren’t enthused when Lynda suggests a cut-price cheese tasting event to mark Eurovision. Harrison gasps when Paul calls Lynda’s idea boring. Paul proposes scaling down the original variety show idea instead. They discuss how it could be done on a shoestring budget by pulling in a number of favours. Lynda suggests they let people choose the country they want to represent with their acts. She’ll make sure people don’t choose the same place. Later, in The Bull, Lynda tells Paul she’s made all the necessary arrangements with Jolene. Paul apologises for saying her idea was boring. Lynda assures him she wasn’t offended. In fact, she actually found his directness refreshing! Stella tells Adam she’s been asked to be a bridesmaid at her sister’s wedding, but she can’t go because of her commitments at Home Farm. Brian hasn’t returned to work since Jennifer died and Stella feels she can’t ask for the time off. Adam counsels Stella, if she never takes any breaks she’ll burn out. He offers to look after her dog, Weaver, and pushes her to ask Brian to let her go. Later, Stella brings Adam a bottle of wine as a thank you. Brian has agreed she can take the time off and she can’t wait to tell her sister. Adam confirms they’d be very happy to look after Weaver, as Xander is obsessed with dogs. Stella has a nagging doubt, though. It’s a critical time of year on the farm and she’s just not sure Brian’s ready to return to work yet.
4/24/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Harrison explains to Pat how the Ambridge Variety Show for Eurovision is going to work. But all Pat really wants to know is whether Harrison’s heard anything from the police in Hampshire regarding Rob. She says they’re all terrified by the thought of what Rob might do. Harrison listens sympathetically, then reminds Pat of the orders they’ve got in place to protect Helen and Jack. Harrison promises to chase up Hampshire police and Pat thanks him for listening. Alice has her first go at bellringing with Chris. She enjoys it and has fun reminding Chris of the time he got distracted by her watching him ring and missed the rope. Alice thanks Chris for helping take her mind off everything that’s been going on recently. After Alice has collected Martha, Susan and Chris talk about Alice looking happy for the first time since Jennifer died. Susan warns Chris to be careful – it’s clear he still has feelings for Alice. Chris insists they are co-parents and friends, nothing more. Paul tells Harrison and Susan he’s splashed out on decorations for the Eurovision event. Harrison reports that Justin hasn’t yet paid the money he promised. Later, Harrison tells Paul that Justin won’t be providing funding after all. Harrison thinks they’ll have to cancel, but Paul’s not giving up yet. He remembers talking to a woman with loads of experience, offering her advice on village events. Harrison guesses it’s Lynda, warning she can be full on. But Paul thinks she’s lovely. Who needs Justin when you’ve got Lynda Snell?
4/23/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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Writer, Paul Brodrick Director, Kim Greengrass Editor, Jeremy Howe David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch Ben Archer ….. Ben Norris Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Ian Craig ….. Stephen Kennedy Ed Grundy ….. Barry Farrimond Brad Horrobin ….. Taylor Uttley Chelsea Horrobin ….. Madeleine Leslay Tracy Horrobin ….. Susie Riddell Jim Lloyd ….. John Rowe Adam Macy ….. Andrew Wincott Jazzer McCreary ….. Ryan Kelly Elizabeth Pargetter ….. Alison Dowling Freddie Pargetter ….. Toby Laurence Sykesy ….. Jasper Carrott Den ….. Laurence Saunders Erin ….. Amy McAllister
4/21/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Tracy faces a ghost from the past, and Pat is in a reflective mood.
4/20/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Adam’s sanguine about the fact he was too late to meet Paddy, and is pleased he’s spoken to his half-sister Erin. He’s looking forward to getting to know her. Ian reports relations between Helen and Pat seem improved since their argument. Adam’s pleased they’ve made up. Buoyant Ben asks Ruth and David if Sykesy can visit Brookfield sometime for a look round, before heading off to replenish stocks for the B&B. David reckons they might just have got the old Ben back. Freddie’s anxious to know what decision will be reached by the trustees on the controversial painting. They’re meeting today. He’s hoping they’ll recommend selling it; he’s ashamed every time he sees it. But the decision doesn’t go his way. The trustees want to keep the painting. Elizabeth isn’t prepared to erase part of their family history either, though she’s happy to keep the explanatory text panel in place. She suggests Freddie trains the guides to talk about it. Freddie’s bitterly disappointed and struggles to make Elizabeth understand his frustration. Later at Elizabeth’s birthday dinner with the family, Freddie can’t let it go, and leaves for some air. David goes after him. He suggests to Freddie that his mum must really believe her stance on the painting is right. Freddie appreciates all his mum’s done for him, but insists this time she’s wrong. He draws parallels between the painting and the modern slavery which caused the Grey Gables explosion, something of which he has first-hand experience. Having to see the picture every day is completely unbearable. David says he’ll speak to Elizabeth.
4/19/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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There’s a shock for Adam, and Ben has a brainwave.
4/18/202313 minutes, 2 seconds
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Jim gets Ed and Jazzer on board with his stag pub scoring system, though the atmosphere is frosty. Jim gets the two men reminiscing about past japes and a thaw begins but then stalls. Jazzer gets chatting to Dennis, who’s keen to join their group. Jim’s taken Ed aside for a chat, drawing a parallel between his and Jazzer’s colourful pasts and current events between George and Brad. Ed sees that the situation shouldn’t get in the way of his friendship with Jazzer. With that Jazzer introduces them to Dennis, who recommends another pub. Jazzer agrees to meet him there on Thursday to check it out. Ian tells Lee about Adam’s search for his birth father Paddy. He’s going to be talking to someone tomorrow who claims she knows Paddy. Lee asks Ian to tell him more about Rob – he feels like he’s running to catch up and wants to understand the situation better. Ian explains how Rob’s charm made it hard to spot his controlling side at first, and gives some examples. He recalls how everyone lost Helen for a while. Lee wishes he could have been there, but Ian reckons Lee’s doing a great job now. Lee thinks it’s not surprising Pat and Tony still feel afraid to this day. Ian comments that the one thing to fear is that Jack is Rob’s son. Lee admits this is how Pat made Helen feel yesterday, and he was angry. Ian thinks Helen is in a good place now and has moved on. Lee hopes he’s right.
4/17/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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There’s panic at Bridge Farm, and tension rises for Jim.
4/16/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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Writer, Nick Warburton Director, Marina Caldarone Editor, Jeremy Howe Brian Aldridge ….. Charles Collingwood Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas Natasha Archer ….. Mali Harries Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore Tom Archer ….. William Troughton Tony Archer ….. David Troughton Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early Harrison Burns ….. James Cartwright Alice Carter ….. Hollie Chapman Chris Carter ….. Wilf Scolding Ian Craig ….. Stephen Kennedy Justin Elliot ….. Simon Williams George Grundy ….. Angus Stobie Mia Grundy ….. Molly Pipe Brad Horrobin ….. Taylor Uttley Tracy Horrobin ….. Susie Riddell Jim Lloyd ….. John Rowe Adam Macy ….. Andrew Wincott Adil Shah ….. Ronny Jhutti Oliver Sterling ….. Michael Cochrane
4/14/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Chris talks to Ian and Adam about looking out for Alice, and they’re on board. Ian hints at concern for Xander’s future, and Chris mentions his thought about dividing the money and the difficulty around it. Ian reckons Jennifer didn’t think it through, which slightly offends Adam. There’s some bickering as the three misunderstand one another. After some smoothing out and clarification, they all apologise. Chris suggests Jennifer’s will is a sort of tribute to Ian and Adam. It shows she had faith in them. They all agree Jennifer would have been sad to see them squabbling. She wanted the best for the whole family. They bring the discussion back to Alice, and Chris suggests bellringing might be a good distraction for her. Adam’s not so sure. Helen’s grateful Natasha’s with her to meet Jess. They haven’t told Tom. Helen’s nervous the court order isn’t in place yet, but Natasha buoys her. Helen fills Natasha in on some background about Jess. Once Helen and Jess meet they find common ground in their gut-churning dread of Rob, and break the ice with some small talk. Tense Helen wants to find out why she’s been summoned here, and is disappointed when Jess merely confirms Rob’s back in the country. But Jess does have new information: Ursula, Rob’s mother, has died. Rob’s attending the funeral. Afterwards Helen tells Natasha she finds this reassuring. Natasha agrees. Rob will go to the funeral, and then go back where he came from. Helen has to believe that. Helen laughs that she will.
4/13/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Oliver faces a dilemma and Brian has concerns
4/12/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Brad gets his wires crossed, and Jim has a cunning plan.
4/11/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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The walls close in on George, and Natasha has a controversial idea.
4/10/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Mia, Jim and Justin are enjoying hot cross buns at the Bull. Jim reminds Justin about his shift at the shop tomorrow, while Mia wants a chat. She admires Jim for taking a stand for what he believes in, but she can’t agree with him on his objection to the electric vehicle charging station plans. She’s in favour of such schemes, pointing out their importance for the future. Jim agrees in principle. He just doesn’t want them in inappropriate settings, citing the potential increase in traffic. But Mia’s determined to stop his protest. Both claim to have local support. Jim blurts out that Mia’s support comes from fat cat Justin Elliott. This is new information for Mia, and Jim backtracks, advising her to forget he said anything. Later Mia tackles Justin, who’s circumspect about his involvement. Mia assures him she’s on his side, and if he wants her help with a counter protest, she’s available. Lee wants Helen to tell her parents about Rob. She doesn’t agree. She has all the steps to protect herself and her children in place, and she wants to keep things in proportion and not let their lives be disrupted. However Lee’s unable to fend off suspicious Pat and Tony, and tells them the news. Helen tries to reassure her worried parents, and promises she’ll keep them informed, but she doesn’t want anyone else to know. Helen’s angry with Lee for taking away her control, but soon concedes he acted for the right reasons. She can cope with this. There’s no evidence Rob’s planning anything.
4/9/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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George and Brad get thrown out of a taxi after George was burning hash. They text Rex, who can pick them up in 45 minutes. Brad suggests they tell ghost stories while they wait. George doesn’t know why Brad would suggest that when they are outside Grey Gables in the dark. Harrison passes and asks if they’re OK. Once the coast is clear, Brad and George use a bench to climb into Grey Gables through a ballroom window. George is confident he can talk his way out of it if anyone catches them. George asks Brad to take a video of him. He then gets spooked by a noise and runs to get out, with Brad following him. As they make their escape, Brad worries they’ll be found out. George can’t wait to brag about the trespass to his mates, which only worries Brad more. Susan and Helen meet to discuss how to acknowledge the increased responsibilities in the dairy. Susan credits Helen as a decent boss but she doesn’t think a positive blog post is enough. Helen agrees to give Susan and Clarrie a small pay rise. They also review the job description. Helen says they’ll look at getting in help if it’s really busy over the summer. As their meeting ends, Susan spots a police car arriving. Harrison comes in and once Susan has left, tells Helen that Rob Titchener is back in the country. Harrison tells her to try not to worry, but Helen is terrified. She’s certain Rob will return to Ambridge.
4/7/202312 minutes, 57 seconds
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Lee finds Pat shooting the pigeons that are decimating the brassicas. He shares his worry for Helen’s feelings after they laughed off Susan’s mention of an engagement ring. Pat reassures Lee that Helen had never given any hint that she’s interested in marrying Lee. She advises Lee not to be unsettled by Susan’s comment. Helen joins them, reporting there’s been a steady stream of interested visitors at the new dairy window. Chelsea and George clash as she cuts his hair. Chelsea’s surprised to learn that Brad’s going on George’s birthday night out. She’s not sure George will take care of Brad. George winds up Chelsea, suggesting he might add something to Brad’s drink, and Chelsea purposely ruins George’s hair. Helen and Lee talk warmly of their children. Lee’s daughters are messaging him more than when they lived in the UK. With Henry twelve years old, Helen sees raising a teenager as a marathon not a sprint. Henry messages Lee to say he’s at the skate park after being on his games console earlier. Meanwhile Jack and Lee have been ordering Lee’s Marvel figures in order of strength and kindness. George gives his version of Chelsea ruining his hair to Susan. Susan says she will try to fix things, something she’s always done since he was little. She sorts out another hairdresser to repair George’s hair, and makes him sausage and mash for dinner to cheer him up. George tells her she’s the best and they hug. Susan tells him he’s a good lad.
4/6/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ahead of the first Eurovision committee meeting, Harrison tells Jolene that he knows why Justin has been getting involved in community activities. He wants to win the Borsetshire Business Angel of the Year award. When Justin arrives, he struggles to join in with Harrison and Jolene reminiscing about their favourite past Eurovision moments. Harrison emphasises the importance of fully committing to volunteer roles and he and Jolene subtly convey to Justin that they’ve rumbled him. Justin confesses he is competing for the business angel award and admits defeat: he can’t pretend to love Eurovision. He thought he’d signed up for a Coronation committee. He goes to leave but then remembers he needs a signature to confirm his volunteering activity. Harrison and Jolene don’t think a few minutes at one meeting qualifies as proper volunteering and Justin begs them. He’s shouldered so much with his time in the shop, but he thinks Martyn may still have the edge for the award. Harrison and Jolene agree to sign off Justin’s Eurovision volunteering in exchange for a financial contribution to the community Eurovision activities. Adam and Kate share the hurt they feel over Jennifer singling out Martha in her will. Kate can’t help feeling angry towards their mother for leaving them with something so contentious. They’re all worried about the effect it’s having on Alice. Adam and Kate talk through Jennifer’s motivations for leaving money just to Martha. They agree they need to support Alice and be grateful that Jennifer didn’t think their own children needed the money.
4/5/202313 minutes, 16 seconds
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Henry and Jack have set a treasure hunt for Lee to help cheer him up, because they know he’s missing his daughters. Helen and Lee work through the clues but with Henry and Jack away on their bikes, Helen suggests skipping ahead to the final clue. Susan helps them solve it and Lee unwraps his gift, a guidebook to San Francisco. They don’t have dates for their visit yet but can now get planning. Susan says she thought the parcel would have held an engagement ring. She reminds Helen about the recognition for the changed nature of her job that she’d mentioned yesterday. Susan was thinking a pay rise, whereas Helen thought it would be a blog post on her and Clarrie’s efforts. They agree to fix a meeting to discuss. Helen and Lee laugh at Susan’s engagement ring suggestion. Lee thinks the guidebook is perfect. Brian finally speaks to Alice. He knows she’s not been answering Kate and Adam’s calls. Alice insists she’s busy but Brian is keen to talk after the revelation of Jennifer’s will on Sunday. Alice can’t stop thinking about why Jennifer only left money to Martha. Brian thinks it’s a lovely gesture. Alice sees it as insurance against her being an absent mother. Brian assures Alice that Jennifer was full of admiration for what she’s achieved, but nothing he says makes things better for Alice. Even though Jennifer saw her reach sobriety, Alice believes that her mother didn’t trust her. Brian comforts Alice as she cries.
4/4/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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At the Bridge Farm Open Day Pat is eager to impress Adil; he’s a potential valued customer. At the last minute she’s called away and has to postpone giving Adil a tour. George steps in. He wants to impress Adil with the film he’s made of Tom. But the QR code won’t work. Having memorised Tom’s words, George rises to Adil’s challenge of giving the talk himself. After George has talked to a small crowd about Bridge Farm produce, Adil congratulates him. George asks Adil about his job role. Adil warns a sceptical George that while ambition can get you some way, it’s hard work that matters most. A steady stream of interested visitors have been asking lots of questions through the new dairy window. Susan finds a private moment to ask Adam about his search for Paddy Redmond. Adam says Brian has been very good about him seeking out Paddy. Just as another family arrives at the window, something goes wrong with the cheese-making machinery. Susan takes a look while Adam entertains the visitors with information about yoghurt and ice-cream making. Helen is grateful to Susan for fixing the machine. Later Helen, Pat, Susan and George reflect on the busy day. It’s been hard work but it’s been a success. Helen mentions giving Susan proper recognition for saving the day. George becomes the focus of attention for overcoming the failed film. Pat’s confident that their new attractions and a decent spring is going to put Bridge Farm on the map.
4/3/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Helen presses Tom on a list of things he said he would do for their open day tomorrow. He asks if her anger is really about the twins’ modelling job but Helen doesn’t think there’s anything else to say. George is helping out with preparations too, and suggests making a film with Tom talking about organic growing that visitors can watch in his absence. George has big ideas for it. They get some of it done and then start recording in the packing shed. George gets annoyed when Helen interrupts them. Tom sends George off to get more general shots. Helen and Tom talk again about the modelling job. Helen hates that they’re taking it; she thinks it’s hypocritical. She makes it clear that she won’t be telling their parents about it. It’s not her place – this is Tom’s mess. Alice is keen to help as Brian cooks a Sunday lunch for Adam, Kate and Alice. Afterwards, they congratulate Brian on a lovely meal. They are surprised to discover Jennifer’s will has arrived but Brian is yet to open it. Kate opens it and announces that Jennifer has left Martha £15,000, but nothing to her other grandchildren. Alice quickly leaves. Brian says he didn’t know about this bequest or when Jennifer added it to her will. As they tackle the clearing up, Adam and Kate are left stumped. Their mother must have had a good reason but they’ll never know what it is. Kate feels it’s not like her mum to disregard the rest of her grandchildren. What was she thinking?
4/2/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jim and David compare notes on finding out who’s behind the proposed charging station. David’s tracked down some information on Damara’s website which confirms Justin would be interested in rural charging infrastructure. Jim makes a call pretending to be Justin. He’s put through by a receptionist and when the call is connected the person at the other end says “Hello, Justin” in a familiar manner. Jim hangs up and is now clear that Justin’s been playing him for a fool. Jim intends to play him at his own game. Alice quizzes Brian about what he’s up to. The less he says, the more she’s intrigued. The smoke alarm goes and Brian has to throw away the food he was cooking. He reveals he’s been going to cookery classes. He admits to feeling self-conscious about it. Alice is encouraging and suggests he does a family Sunday lunch. It can be a house-warming. Jennifer would have done the same. Tom’s grumpy with the amount of extra work he has preparing Bridge Farm for its open day on Monday. Helen thinks it’s only fair with him and Natasha not being around on the day. Helen quickly unravels the cover story for the twins’ modelling job and is furious they’ve agreed to be part of advertising for an agrochemical company. They argue the rights and wrongs of the decision. Tom thinks Helen would do the same for her children but she refutes this. Tom insists they’re going through with it. As for telling Pat and Tony, that’s up to Helen, says Tom.
3/31/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Elizabeth and Jim struggle to make conversation before David joins them to make up Team Détente for The Bull’s quiz night. Jim acknowledges he shouldn’t have been so forceful with David over the charging station campaign. David reveals to Jim that Justin had warned him that Jim had Brookfield in his sights. Later, David and Jim wonder about Justin’s involvement in the planned charging station. David tells Jim the name of the person who bought their land is Marcus Bonneville. Jim relishes the detective work they now have to do. During the quiz Elizabeth tells David that Lily wouldn’t feel confident moving nearer to university right now. The Stables a is good move for her towards living completely independently. Justin startles the horses by arriving at the Stables in an almost silent electric car. He’s bought if for Lilian and he casually announces that Damara is an investor in the proposed electric vehicle charging station. Lilian is wise to him simply wanting to spoil her, but still, has no objections to the new car. On their way into The Bull, Lilian tries to convince Justin to stick with the Eurovision committee even though he’s not really enjoying it at the moment. After trying to locate Brian all day, Alice finally speaks to him on the phone. Relieved, she heads home. Lilian reports to Justin that Alice was getting concerned. Justin wonders if Brian’s up to his old tricks and doesn’t want anyone to know what he’s up to.
3/30/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
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Neil and Oliver discover that their visitors are not a from retirement village but a school. Instead of a pensioners’ tour group, Oliver and Neil are hosting Year Sixes! Oliver’s relieved to know there’s a similarly named retirement village and he’s not going mad. Oliver and Neil try to find a way out but Elizabeth says they’ll just have to do the best they can. After the tour, Oliver and Neil catch their breath. Oliver feels like it didn’t go well but Neil says one of the teachers was impressed with how engaged the children were. They made them laugh. They report back to Elizabeth that the tour was a success. Elizabeth can see there’s no harm done. Oliver hopes Freddie will see that he and Neil can handle anything. As Will and Ed clean the limo they talk about Oliver’s investment offer for George. They’re in awe of Oliver’s generosity and Will confirms they’re going to tell him yes. George comes to test the limo’s sound system but when the engine’s started there’s an unhealthy noise. George is devastated that the limo won’t be fixed in time for his eighteenth. Embarrassed by his family, he’d rather cancel the whole thing than have Will and Ed drive him and his mates. Will seeks out George who reveals that some of his friends tease him about Ed being both his uncle and the husband of his mum. George can’t understand how Will can be okay with Ed and Emma being a couple. He thinks the whole thing is weird.
3/29/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Ed and Will weigh the Texel lambs. Will mentions Clarrie’s still trying to persuade him to allow George to have an eighteenth birthday party. Ed says Susan’s been doing the same with him and Emma. George must have been coaching them both. Delayed by planning for Bridge Farm’s big open day, Tom’s busy but Natasha has an important update on the Schaeffer Baas modelling job. Now she knows how much they’d be paid, Natasha doesn’t see how they can turn it down. Tom can’t get past how the company clashes with their organic farming principles. Natasha’s confident no-one would know it was Seren and Nova in the campaign. Tom needs more time to think. Later, Tom agrees to the job. Natasha reveals it’s on the same day at Bridge Farm’s open day. They’ll need to find a cover story but even then the family won’t be happy. Oliver brushes up on Lower Loxley facts for the tour he and Neil have taken on. He breaks off to ask George about his pig biosecurity college project. The more George talks, the more enthused he becomes. Oliver asks if George wants to follow in Neil’s footsteps. George is non-committal but is sure he wants to be in charge. George tries to persuade Oliver to agree to an eighteenth birthday party. Will and Ed overhear and insist there’ll be no party. Instead they’ll chauffeur him and his mates in the limo. Oliver tells Ed he’d like to offer George investment as a birthday gift. Ed’s stunned that Oliver’s willing to put up £5,000.
3/28/202313 minutes, 11 seconds
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Oliver complains to Elizabeth that he’s been allocated the scullery for the next month as a Lower Loxley guide. Elizabeth thinks it’s best he speaks to Freddie. Neil joins them – Oliver’s surprised to find Neil’s task today is even less interesting than his own – minding visitors’ belongings at the main entrance. Oliver joins Neil mid shift to complain about the more experienced volunteers getting all the plum positions. Neil reckons that Freddie was hoping to find some younger blood in his volunteer recruitment. Oliver takes matters into his own hands and arranges swaps with other volunteers so that he and Neil can lead the tour for Abberton Wood later in the week. Elizabeth catches up with David while waiting for Jill. The pressure of lambing is starting to ease while Elizabeth is still seeing a lot of Lily even though she’s moved to The Stables. They’re joined by Jim who has come to apologise for his protest occupation last week. Elizabeth persuades David to accept Jim’s offer of joining him on the pub quiz team on Thursday. With no one else available from Brookfield that evening, David ropes in Elizabeth to make up the numbers for the team. Justin quizzes Jim on his next strategy to protest the planned electric vehicle charging station. Jim explains he’s putting together a crack team of experts to challenge every detail of the station’s planning application. Justin says it sounds like a much more formidable plan.
3/27/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Tom, Natasha, Helen and Lee have a day out at Netherbourne Hall with the kids and the agreement that they won’t talk about work at Bridge Farm. Tom and Natasha report the approach they’ve had for a modelling job for Nova and Seren for a multinational company. Helen’s relieved to hear they’re not planning to accept, as amongst the company’s products are environmentally controversial agrochemicals. Lee is subdued on the day out and Helen explains to Tom and Natasha that his daughters left for America last week. Tom kicks himself for going on about his daughters when Lee has had to say farewell to his so recently. Lee tells him not to worry about it. He’s heard from his daughters and they seem to be settling into San Francisco very well. Tom points out that Lee still has family around him in him, Natasha and Helen. Alice, Adam and Ian help Brian move house from Willow to Blossom Hill Cottage. As Alice and Brian close the door on Willow Cottage, Brian comments that it was only supposed to be a stopgap. Alice reassures him that Jennifer was happy there and she herself is grateful for the time she was there too while she battled alcoholism. Over at Blossom Hill Cottage, Alice starts to search for the kettle but Brian tells her to head home like Adam and Ian have done. She insists it’s no problem to keep him company but Brian ushers her out of the door saying he’ll be fine on his own.
3/26/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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David shows the latest video Jim’s posted online of himself giving updates from the Brookfield guest room. No-one’s been able to coax him out. Then Ruth spots one of the replies online. She may have just found someone who can help. Reluctant Chelsea turns up at Ruth’s request. Jim opens the door to her and pulls her into campaign HQ. He wants her advice on clickbait. His posts aren’t doing well. Chelsea reckons he should be playing to his strengths rather than appearing online in a top hat. In no time she has him happily coming downstairs with his bag. He declares Chelsea’s convinced him this phase of his campaign has served its useful purpose. Jim thanks nonplussed Ruth and David for their hospitality, and leaves. Adam begs Brian not to let Debbie return to Hungary on a bad note. He doesn’t want to fall out with her as well as Ruairi. He should talk to her. Brian’s not sure he can. Adam tries Debbie, but she thinks the best thing she can do is just get going. Then Brian appears at the door of Honeysuckle Cottage. They talk, Debbie putting the case for her defence. She admits her vulnerabilities and being stuck in the past. Brian softens. They can make it right. Why doesn’t she come back to Ambridge and run the farm? Of all his children, she’s the one who can do it. Debbie acknowledges you can’t escape your roots – she loves Ambridge, the farm and Brian. But for better or worse, Hungary’s her home now.
3/24/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Harrison reminds Justin about tonight’s meeting. Justin hasn’t forgotten; he’s looking forward to it. At the meeting he joins in enthusiastically. This is the sort of thing that brings not just villages but whole nations together. Paul gives Justin a Union flag to wave, and declares himself a superfan. After some more misunderstandings, Justin realises he’s at a Eurovision meeting, not a Coronation event meeting. He reluctantly accepts he has to go along with it. Harrison has a friendly word of advice for David about his response to Jim’s demonstration. It’s always best not to inflame these situations. David acknowledges this. Harrison in turn lets Jim know he’s spoken to David just as Jim is leaving his house with a suitcase. David checks whether Ben’s got the room ready for tonight’s B&B guest. Ben hasn’t, and hopes there’s enough time before they arrive. When he answers the door to the guest, he’s wrongfooted to see Jim there. Jim announces he’s anticipating a very pleasant stay. David wants him to leave but Jim insists he’s a paying guest. David threatens to call the police again – Jim’s given a false name on the booking. His mother’s maiden name, replies Jim, and he paid in his own name. David’s deflated. Ben suggests they let Jim stay – he’ll have to check out in the morning anyway. David capitulates and Jim locks the bedroom door. Later they spot a huge banner hanging from Jim’s window. Again Ben recommends leaving Jim to it. David’s dubious; what if he won’t leave?
3/23/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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George wants an eighteenth birthday party and when he asks Susan if it could be at Ambridge View, she says Grange Farm would be much more suitable. George reckons they don’t want it there either. They chat about the new dairy window and Susan’s struggles with the mock questions. Susan thinks she’ll be fine once she’s sure of her facts. George offers to lend a hand. He fires her some questions based on the manual but soon gets bored of that. He poses some more interesting ones. Susan sees the merit in these and asks for more. George declares he needs to get home for his tea, and to persuade his mum and Ed about the party – he’s sure they’ll still say no. Suitably softened, Susan offers to put in a word. Later George gives Clarrie his dairy patter as he did with Susan, flattering Clarrie’s ability to chat about her job. The desired result is achieved when she also agrees to talk to Emma and Ed for George. Debbie admits to Adam that she jumped to the wrong conclusion over Brian and Joy. Adam thinks Brian will understand. She just needs to say sorry. But Brian’s unwilling to accept her apology. Debbie elaborates – he can’t blame her for thinking the worst, he does have form. Brian accuses Debbie of still not trusting him, and harsh words are exchanged. Debbie goes too far, implying that Brian’s affairs contributed to Jennifer’s heart condition. Instantly regretting her words, Debbie tells Adam there were things said that can’t be unsaid. She doesn’t think there’s a way of putting this right.
3/22/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Harrison drops into the vet surgery and tells Paul about the spate of dog attacks on sheep. Paul promises they’ll do their bit to spread the word among their clients regarding keeping dogs on a lead. Paul knows from Denise that Harrison played Jesus in the Ambridge Mystery Plays. He asks if there are any other productions planned that he could get involved in. Harrison has to disappoint him. There’s nothing doing at the moment. However he suggests Paul might want to get involved in the Eurovision committee celebrating the event. Paul declares he loves everything Eurovision – count him in! Debbie’s slightly perturbed by the amount of decluttering Brian’s doing prior to his move. She suggests he join her for dinner at Kate’s later as he has no plans, but Brian’s happy to be on his own tonight. When Debbie calls at the shop, Joy confirms with Justin that she’s Jennifer’s daughter. Remembering how seeing her mum’s scarf upset Alice, Joy rushes past Debbie. She’s wearing it again and is keen for it not to have the same effect. Debbie’s puzzled by Joy’s evasion. Joy heads to Brian’s to return everything of Jennifer’s she bought at the bring and buy, including a brooch. Brian insists she keep it. He’s helping her with the catch when Debbie walks in and misinterprets the situation. Brian protests his innocence, but Debbie’s seen it all before, and doesn’t believe him. When Joy explains the brooch was Jennifer’s, it makes things worse. Debbie declares Brian doesn’t change. She's just grateful her mum doesn’t know.
3/21/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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Clarrie’s not liking the new window in the Bridge Farm dairy at all. Susan soothes her. They’ll get used to it and it will be good for business. She suggests they have a practice with the microphone, and poses Clarrie some sample questions. Clarrie gets flustered and can’t answer any of them. They swap places – Susan will show Clarrie how it’s done. However Susan doesn’t do much better at the hands of Clarrie’s questioning. Clarrie’s smug, but Susan reckons it’ll be fine when they’re doing it for real. Ruth and David have their hands full – a lamb’s had a dog bite, and Ben’s deserted his B&B duties in favour of visiting Sykesy. Things go from bad to worse when Ben returns to break the news there’s a disturbance at the entrance to the farm. It’s a demonstration against the EV charging station, led by Jim. The placards read ‘Stop the Brookfield car park’ and ‘Brookfield collusion concretes countryside’. David lays into Jim, while Ben tries in vain to mediate. David calls the police, who won’t attend unless they break the law. Jim maintains the protest is peaceful, and David notes they’re being careful not to trespass. Jim’s called the press. Ben suggests they let him have his publicity photo and then he’ll go, but David doesn’t want Brookfield’s name dragged through the mud. He moves a stack of bales between Jim’s protest spot and the farmhouse, ensuring the house is protected from view and Jim won’t get his picture. Jim promises David he hasn’t heard the last of this.
3/20/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Adam welcomes Debbie, who apologises for leaving in haste after the funeral. She’s enjoyed spending some time in Scotland with her father, Roger. She’s thrown by Brian’s intention to move from Willow Cottage. Adam remarks wryly that they all are. He shows Debbie the Bridge Farm edible garden, which impresses her. Debbie’s amazed Brian agreed to a new disc drill at Home Farm. Adam admits it was him, not Brian, who gave Stella the final go ahead to purchase. They both agree they’re happy at where they find themselves, even though it’s strange not having family involved so much in the farm. The loss of her mum, and the family home, has made Debbie realise how much where you come from matters. Adam tells her he’s started looking for his birth dad. Adam reports to David that he, Kate and Alice have been to lay flowers on Jennifer’s grave for Mother’s Day. Later as David stocks up on chocolate to see him through lambing, Jim raises the EV charging station. It would add weight to their campaign if David got on board. David sighs that he’ll sign the petition but no more. Justin doesn’t think David should be hounded; the station application isn’t his responsibility. Whose is it then, challenges Jim. Justin insists it’s not unusual for companies not to make themselves obvious at this stage. Jim maintains that Brookfield is part of the problem. Justin warns David he might have trouble from Jim. Then Justin makes a call, advising the recipient he’s kept Damara’s name out of it.
3/19/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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Paul, Jakob and Alistair are at an escape room, Paul’s choice for his leaving event. They’re having great fun and Jakob’s a whizz at it. As they solve the riddles Jakob’s put off by both Alistair and Paul’s phones buzzing. Paul spots a missed call from his mum. They switch to airplane mode so Jakob can concentrate. They escape with minutes to spare, with Jakob disappointed there isn’t a prize. Paul’s amused. Suddenly he remembers he has to ring his mum, who gives him the same news Alistair’s heard: Lovell James are sending Denise to cover another post. Paul isn’t leaving after all. Alistair hides his disappointment not to have Denise back. The three pledge to continue their fun evening, newly dubbed a ‘we’re glad you’re not leaving’ celebration. Alistair suggests Paul could now take up Josh on his offer of the room at The Stables. Paul’s delighted and makes the call. Jakob and Alistair brace themselves for more high-octane veterinary nursing. Brian’s being shown around Blossom Hill Cottage by Usha, with a view to renting it. He has some memories of his time there with Jennifer so he knows the place. He reminisces about his marriage proposal, and his certainty that it was the right thing. The fact the cottage is a little out of the village is a selling point. He doesn’t want to burden his children with responsibility for him, though he appreciates they mean well. He confirms he’ll take the cottage. He’ll stay a while now and get a few things sorted. Home sweet home.
3/17/202313 minutes, 6 seconds
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Susan’s looking forward to her new summer house, and is pleased for Clarrie that she’s loving the pergola. Susan’s new Bridge Farm uniform has arrived. It’s smaller than the last and she frets. Neil assures her it looks good on her. Susan reckons the new window might give them more than they bargained for, but reports later it’s been an uneventful day. Neil spots Jim has left his petition clipboard with Susan. She confirms they need to get on with the objection to the vehicle charging station. She mentions Jim’s looking for a top hat. Neil warns her Jim can be like a dog with a bone when he’s on to something. Brian’s intention to move from Willow Cottage worries Adam and Alice. Alice wonders if he’s waiting for one of them to suggest he moves in with them. When Adam asks if Alice would consider having Brian at The Nest, she mentions his penchant for an evening tipple might not be ideal. Adam understands; he’ll have a word with Ian. Later Jakob points out to Alice the benefits to children of having a grandparent living with them, which gives Alice food for thought. Jakob admits he’s dreading Paul’s leaving do tomorrow – he’s worried just what he might have organised. Later Alice tells Adam she’d like Brian to live with her after all. Adam also wants Brian; it might benefit Xander too. They agree to ask Brian to choose. Later Alice reports she’s spoken to Brian; he doesn’t want to live with either of them. As to where he’s going, it’s anybody’s guess.
3/16/202313 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ben gets curmudgeonly Sykesy talking about his memories of Brookfield. As he warms to his subject Ben uses the moment to announce it’s his birthday, and Sykesy should join them for tea and cake in the residents’ dining room. After some obfuscation, Sykesy agrees. As Ben tries to jolly him along Jill appears with homemade cake, and the two are introduced. They have common ground as Jill remembers his name and that he worked the farms around Ambridge. Ben’s horrified when Jill asks if Sykesy’s still grumpy, but Sykesy laughs it off. He enjoys Ben’s embarrassment at his Gran’s birthday fussing, and offers enthusiastically to help cut the cake. Eddie’s under the impression Clarrie’s at work, but Neil tells him the dairy’s shut while the observation window’s being installed. They wonder what’s going on, and where their wives are. Neil calls Susan but gets no response. Later Eddie gets a text from Ned; Clarrie’s been spotted at a music festival. The men are even more puzzled, but at least it means they won’t be disturbed while they work in the garden at Grange Farm. When Clarrie gets home Eddie makes it clear he knows where she’s been. Why didn’t she tell him? Clarrie says it was payback for his own mysterious behaviour recently. Eddie shows her the reason. He and Neil have relocated Susan’s pergola to Grange Farm, while Susan’s having a new summer house. Clarrie’s delighted and touched he made this effort on his birthday. He declares Clarrie is the best birthday present he could have.
3/15/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Clarrie’s attempting to fix a leaking pipe. Susan suggests escaping to a craft fair. If Eddie thinks she’s at work he’ll be none the wiser, and she can leave him a to do list. Clarrie capitulates. She has a great time, but keeps getting odd texts from Eddie asking about her colour preferences. Susan’s smugness is punctured when Neil too sends a text saying he might be late home. They note wistfully there’s a music festival on tomorrow. Clarrie arrives home to find Eddie’s to do list untouched. Why should she bake him a birthday cake when he can’t be bothered to pitch in? She tells Susan she’ll go to the music festival after all. At the Cheltenham Festival Adam and Brian happily eye up winning prospects. Brian’s grateful. This was a good idea. They’re amused that Brian was ambushed by Lavinia Rafferty, but at least she didn’t avoid him like most people do just now. Adam remarks he’s really enjoying working at Bridge Farm. Brian’s pleased to hear it. He’s really proud of what Adam’s achieving there, and of his young family. He’s been a good son, and Brian hasn’t always been the father he ought to be. Touched, Adam says if he’s thought of anyone as his dad, it’s Brian. He confesses he discovered the letter from Paddy and might try to find him. Worried he’s upset Brian he apologises, but Brian’s more taken aback at Jennifer keeping the letter than at Adam looking for Paddy. He thinks it’s sensible, assuring Adam he’s there if he needs him.
3/14/202313 minutes, 10 seconds
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Paul’s delighted to witness his first Brookfield lamb birth. It’s his last week in Ambridge. He’ll miss the farming side of vetting very much, but Denise is due back at the practice. He’s in no hurry to go back to city life. Josh suggests he might like to consider living at The Stables. There’s still a room available in addition to the one Lily’s having, and he’s clearly reliable and clean. Paul admits it would be ideal, but he doesn’t know where he’ll be sent next. Alistair reckons Paul will be an asset wherever he works. He offers him drinks and dinner as a leaving do on Friday. Paul asks if he can organise his own do – watch this space! Clarrie grumbles to Susan. Eddie’s spending so much time helping his mate Ned, things aren’t getting done – and he just keeps telling her not to worry. Susan admits Eddie was out for a drink with Neil when he claimed to be with Ned. At that moment Helen walks in and declares the window will be done tomorrow – so they’ll need to do all the packing up tonight in readiness. Clarrie’s still not keen, but resigns herself. It’s the lesser of the evils; she’s reluctant to go home and tackle Eddie, so she might as well stay on and work. Helen tries to get her on board with the promise of new uniforms, but Clarrie’s struggling to see the silver lining. Helen adds that they’ll get two days off while the window’s being fitted. Excited Susan wonders what they’ll do?
3/13/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Clarrie has a list of outstanding jobs for Eddie, who protests it’s Sunday. Irritated Clarrie’s weighed down with things to do, and still anxious about the installation of the observation window at the dairy. Later she comments to Susan that maybe she should have a word with Helen about it. Susan points out they’ve agreed the window’s a good thing, but Clarrie still has worries. Susan reckons she’s overthinking it. Reporting this back to Eddie, Clarrie’s frustrated to find he’s only half listening, in a hurry to head off to help a mate, and declaring he might be late home. Brian knows his children are trying to keep him busy. Lightly denying this, Alice is pleased Adam’s arranged a trip to Cheltenham Festival this week. Suddenly Alice is distracted by something she sees, and heads towards the shop. It’s clear she’s following Joy, but is embarrassed when Joy turns round. Brian later explains to Joy that Alice had caught a glimpse of her scarf and had briefly mistaken Joy for Jennifer. Joy’s mortified. She’s bought the scarf from a WI stall, not realising it had been Jennifer’s. Brian’s kind; he’s just glad to see it being worn. She takes it off, but Susan reassures her – she shouldn’t feel bad about it. Later Brian comforts Alice. She was clearly taken by surprise; he assures her Joy understood. They share the history of the scarf. Brian asserts memories are what matter, not the material stuff. And that’s why he intends to leave Willow Cottage.
3/12/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Making Mince Pies with Jill Archer

Join Jill in the kitchen at Brookfield as she makes a batch of her much loved mince pies
12/9/201912 minutes, 50 seconds