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The Baptist Bias

English, Religion, 1 season, 47 episodes
A Christian program analyzing current events, the culture war and theology through the lenses of scripture - with a Baptist bias. Hosted by Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist, The Baptist Bias discards political correctness for Biblical correctness. Tune in!
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#46 - Friendly Atheist Interview w/ Hemant Mehta

Hemant Mehta, the Friendly Atheist, who is no fan of Pastor Shelley or The Baptist Bias - has decided to come on as a guest for a back and forth discussion on a number of topics, from the sodomites to the death penalty. Watch a two completely opposite worldviews collide in this special edition of our podcast.
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#45 - Daniel Series Debut w/ Pastor Steven Anderson

Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist Church joins us for a PREVIEW and DEBUT of the Daniel series.
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#44 - Flat Earth Debate Recap Show

Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist recap the flat earth debate and provide further insight into the arguments made by Austin Whitsitt.
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#43 - An Interview on Prison w/ Owen Shroyer

Owen Shroyer stops in for this special edition of The Baptist Bias to talk about his short tenure in prison, why he was sentenced and MORE!
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#42 - Flat Earth Debate w/ Austin Whitsitt, Owen Benjamin

A debate on the FLAT EARTH with moderator Owen Benjamin. This was a wild and controversial edition of The Baptist Bias. Tune in!
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#41 - The Attack on Free Speech w/ Nick Holt

Nick Holt joins us on The Baptist Bias for an all encompassing discussion on the following: Free speech rights in Australia and the totalitarian leftist regime silencing free expression, the "Antisemitism Awareness Act" recently passed in the House, Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, Rumble getting banned in Russia, the influence of Israel and MUCH MORE! Check it out!
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#40 - Bad Preaching w/ Pastor Bruce Mejia

On this edition of The Baptist Bias, Pastor Bruce Mejia joins us to talk about BAD PREACHING! We react to some of the worst false prophets preaching lies about salvation, the sodomites and more.
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#39 - Fighting: Carnally & Spiritually w/ Jornel Lugo

On this edition of The Baptist Bias, MMA Fighter Jornel Lugo joins us for a discussion on his MMA career, how he got started in MMA, fighting for Bellator, what it's like to be in a professional fight, training and weight cutting, the spiritual battle, soul winning, the importance of contending for the faith and much more! This was a fun show, check it out!
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#38 - Red Heifer Debate RECAP w/ Pastor Steven Anderson

Pastor Steven Anderson joins us for a Red Heifer debate recap to get his take on the outrageous false doctrine and blasphemy spewed by Adam King and Byron Stinson. Topics include: The sojourning of Israel in Egypt, the Jews and the coming Antichrist AND MUCH MORE! Tune in!
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#37 - Red Heifer Debate Hosted by Owen Shroyer

On this special BONUS edition of The Baptist Bias, Owen Shroyer of hosts a RED HEIFER DEBATE between Byron Stinson and Adam King vs Pastor Jonathan Shelley and Pastor Roger Jimenez. Is the Red Heifer Biblical? The two opposing sides will debate that question and hash it out! AN EPIC ENCOUNTER! Tune in!
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#36 - Audience Q&A w/ Pastor Steven Anderson

On this edition of The Baptist Bias, Pastor Shelley and Pastor Anderson take audience questions via live call in! Questions included how to best interpret 2 Peter 3:10 "spirits in prison," what to do if you attend a pre-trib church, Mystery Babylon, the difference between a reprobate and someone who is demon processed, Chinese Bible translations and more! There was A LOT covered on this podcast, tune in!
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#35 - End Times w/ Brian Wilson From Infowars and Red Pilled TV

On this edition of The Baptist Bias, Brian Wilson of Red Pilled TV and joins us to talk about end times Bible prophecy. Topics covered: The solar eclipse and whether or not it has any Biblical significance, the Antichrist, the false prophet, the United States as Mystery Babylon, the timing of the rapture and much more! You don't want to miss this lively discussion. Tune in!
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#34 - Foreign Missions w/ Pastor Matthew Stucky

Pastor Matthew Stucky of Verity Baptist Church in Manila joins us for a live discussion on MISSIONS: The good, the bad and the ugly. We'll cover liberal church mission trips and talk about where they go wrong, plus we'll talk about what foreign missions SHOULD look like according to the Bible. Additionally, Pastor Stucky will share his testimony of what it's like to win souls in the Philippines and provide more information on the work he is doing out there.
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#33 - Good Friday Debunked w/ Pastor Steven Anderson

Pastor Jonathan Shelley sits down with Pastor Steven Anderson for a discussion on the TIMING of the death, burial and resurrection. Specifically, this podcast offers a thorough REFUTATION of the Catholic "Good Friday" doctrine. PLUS - Pastor Anderson offers proof from astronomy for what day Jesus died on the cross. An epic show with tons of information!
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#32 - Leadership w/ Pastor Roger Jimenez

Pastor Roger Jimenez of Verity Baptist Church joins The Baptist Bias podcast for a discussion on Biblical leadership! We will cover: What it means to be a leader according to the Bible, leadership within marriage and the importance of the HUSBAND leading the wife, BAD preaching on leadership, learning to be a follower and more!
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#31 - Beware of Predators w/ Alex Rosen (Listener Discretion Advised)

Predator catcher Alex Rosen joins The Baptist Bias to talk about catching predators on his YouTube channel and how he brings them to justice. He talks about what it's like to film his catches, some of the filthy pedophile freaks he has caught and much more. A jam packed show, tune in! ***LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED FOR THIS SHOW GIVEN THE SUBJECT MATTER***
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#30 - RECAP of Creation Discussion

Pastor Jonathan Shelley and Ben the Baptist recap the creation discussion with Pastor Anderson and Kent Hovind, and offer their thoughts on how the episode went.
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#29 - Creation Discussion w/ Pastor Steven Anderson and Kent Hovind

Pastor Steven Anderson has a discussion with Kent Hovind on the doctrine of creation, the apparent age of the earth, the moon and much more! This was an EXPLOSIVE show with some spicy disagreement. We offer creation from two different perspectives on this stream. Tune in!
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#28 - The War on God's Word w/ Pastors Jimenez and Mejia

Pastor Roger Jimenez and Pastor Bruce Mejia join us for a podcast on the war on God's Word!
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#27 - Freedom and Liberty w/ Chuck Baldwin

Chuck Baldwin joins the show to talk about liberty, freedom and other Biblical topics. Check it out!
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#26 - Feminism w/ Elijah Schaffer

Elijah Schaffer joins the podcast to talk about FEMINISM, among other topics! Tune in!
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#25 - New World Order Agenda w/ Brian Wilson of Infowars. com

Brian Wilson of Infowars joins us for a thought provoking discussion on the New World Order agenda. We talk about the NWO Bible Versions documentary, the Mark of the Beast and end times prophecy, the latest Donald Trump indictment, AI technology and more!
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#24 - Textual Criticism vs King James Bible w/ Dr. Jeff Riddle

On this episode of the Baptist Bias, we're joined by Dr. Jeff Riddle to talk about the preservation of scripture, the Received Text, debating James White, the philosophy of modern textual criticism, controversial passages such as Mark 16:9-20, 1 John 5:7 and more.
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#23 - Serving God Without Distractions w/ Pastors Anderson and Berzins

The Baptist Bias is LIVE at the Red Hot Preaching Conference! We sit down with Pastor Steven Anderson and Pastor Dave Berzins to talk about how to stay focused on the things of God without getting distracted by the world. There are many distractions that can derail your Christian life, this podcast will cover exactly what you need to do to overcome those distractions and the importance of fighting the spiritual fight.
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#22 - Signs of the Times w/ Pastors Thompson, Mejia and Robinson

The Baptist Bias is LIVE a the Red Hot Preaching Conference! Pastors Bruce Mejia, Aaron Thompson and Jason Robinson join us for a discussion on the signs of the times. Are we getting closer to end times prophecy being fulfilled? What are the signs that we are getting closer and closer to the return of Christ? Tune in to find out!
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#21 - Why Have the Red Hot Preaching Conference? w/ Pastors Jimenez and Pozarnsky

The Baptist Bias is LIVE at the Red Hot Preaching Conference! On this episode, Pastors Jimenez and Pozarnsky stop by to talk about the importance of the conference.
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#20 - Season 2 Finale - Calling Christian Hotlines w/ Cassady Campbell

On this edition of The Baptist Bias, hosts Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist, along with YouTube comedian Cassady Campbell, call Christian hotlines using different accents to ask about how to go to heaven. Many of the salvation hotlines teach a works salvation, and this podcast exposes their damnable heresy while having a little fun. Tune in!
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#19 - Christian Nationalism

On this week's podcast, Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist review Andrew Torba's book on Christian Nationalism.
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#18 - Bible College Exposed w/ Pastor Bruce Mejia

On this week's podcast, Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist are joined by Pastor Bruce Mejia of First Works Baptist Church to talk about BIBLE COLLEGE. Pastor Mejia offers his thoughts on Bible College as an institution and talks about the various false doctrines being taught there. In addition, he shares his testimony of what it was like to go to Bible College, the many problems associated with it and why he doesn't recommend it for young Christians. We also take calls. Tune in!
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#17 - Jan. 6 Insurrection Exposed

On this week's edition of The Baptist Bias, hosts Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist discuss the recent January 6th tapes released by Tucker Carlson of Fox News. Additionally, Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist discuss how propagandists have exploited the J6 event to promote a false narrative about conservatives and Christians. After the first hour, the podcast turns into a Rumble exclusive and that's when the gloves REALLY come off. Check it out!
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#16 - Popular YouTubers w/ Cassady Campbell

On this edition of The Baptist Bias, YouTube comedian Cassady Campbell joins the show to talk about popular YouTubers. Also, hosts Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist play a fun game where they guess whether a church name is real or fake. Tune in!
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#15 - The Future of America w/ Owen Shroyer

On this edition of The Baptist Bias, Infowars host Owen Shroyer joins us to talk about the insanity of modern liberalism, t
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#14 - Fad Diets

On this edition of The Baptist Bias, Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist cover fad diets (Keto, vegan, paleo, etc.) and compare them to what the Bible teaches about food. 
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#13: Steven Crowder vs Daily Wire (Ben Shapiro)

On this edition of The Baptist Bias, Pastor Jonathan Shelley and Ben the Baptist break down the online feud between Steven Crowder and The Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro. Also, they take a look at the dubious theology of Daily Wire host Matt Walsh. Check it out!
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#12 - The Preserved Bible Preview

On this edition of The Baptist Bias, Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist will preview The Preserved Bible documentary prior to its Internet release. They talk about what it was like to edit the film, shoot the film and the importance of the King James Only issue. Check it out!
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#11 - Season 2 Premiere - The Preserved Bible w/ Pastor Steven Anderson

Pastor Steven Anderson joins Pastor Jonathan Shelley to talk about THE PRESERVED BIBLE documentary, coming out January 31!
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#10 - Season 1 Finale - Censorship w/ Pastor Roger Jimenez

This week, Bro. Dillon Awes (in for Ben the Baptist) and Pastor Shelley interview Pastor Roger Jimenez on CENSORSHIP! They'll ask Pastor Jimenez about his church getting persecuted for his preaching against the sodomites, what it was like to be censored by the enemies of the Lord, what Christians can do in response and more! Tune in!
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#9 - The Southern Baptist Convention Exposed

Episode 10 covers the many PROBLEMS associated with the Southern Baptist Convention - from its false gospel to its soft stance on the sodomites. Additionally, listeners call in to discuss their personal testimony with the SBC. Tune in!
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#8 - Russia Ukraine War Conflict

On this episode of The Baptist Bias, hosts Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist cover the Russia-Ukraine crisis, what led to the situation we are seeing today, the absurdity of anti-Russian cancel culture and how CHRISTIANS should react to the news. Plus - what the Bible says about warfare. Tune in!
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#7 - Self Defense w/ Chris Segura

On this edition of The Baptist Bias, Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist are joined by Bro. Chris Segura from Faithful Word Baptist Church to talk about SELF DEFENSE. What does the Bible have to say about this topic? Is it sin to use lethal force in some instances? The crew will answer these questions AND MORE on this episode. Check it out!
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#6 - Shake Off the Dust

On this episode, Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist talk about SHAKING OFF THE DUST OF YOUR FEET! It's a special eviction-edition of The Baptist Bias covering Stedfast Baptist Church getting evicted for preaching the Bible. Tune in!
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#5 - The Sin of Drinking Alcohol

On this episode, Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist talk about the sin of drinking alcohol, what the Bible says about alcohol, bad arguments that are made to justify this sin and much more. Don't miss it!
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#4 - Christian Persecution w/ Pastor Bruce Mejia

On this edition of "The Baptist Bias," Pastor Bruce Mejia of First Works Baptist Church joins us! We'll cover what the Bible says about Christian persecution, instances of Christians being afflicted for the faith throughout recent history and more. Plus - we ask Pastor Mejia about the sodomites protesting outside his church and eventually BOMBING the building. You don't want to miss this so check it out!
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#3 - Critical Race Theory Debunked w/ Bro. Marcel Lugo

On this edition of The Baptist Bias, hosts Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist will dismantle the lies associated with Critical Race Theory (CRT). Bro. Marcel Lugo joins the crew to talk about the false narrative of "systemic racism," whites as "oppressors," Marxism, leftist hypocrisy on race and the Biblical response to CRT. Plus: A few fun games to lighten the mood. Don't miss this episode!
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#2 - Ray Comfort Exposed

On this crucial episode, Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist expose the damnable heresies of Ray Comfort - the fake "evangelist" of "Living Waters" ministries. The podcast will demonstrate that Comfort believes in a hardcore works salvation, an incorrect definition of the word "repent" and a corrupted false gospel. Tune in and share with friends and family to warn them about this dangerous false prophet.
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#1 - The Cancer of Liberalism

On the first episode of "The Baptist Bias," Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist cover the CANCER OF LIBERALISM. Listen for analysis of how exactly leftism resembles a mental disease, how it has infected several different aspects of society and what we can do in response. If you're easily offended, this is not the podcast for you.
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Pilot - End Times Prophecy w/ Pastor Steven Anderson

The Baptist Bias kicks off with a pilot episode about END TIMES BIBLE PROPHECY! Join Pastor Shelley and Ben the Baptist with special guest, Pastor Steven Anderson, as they talk about Daniel's 70th Week, the tribulation period, the correct interpretation of Daniel 9:27, the Abomination of Desolation and more. Ever wonder what the Bible says about the end times? This show is for you.