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The Boundless Show Profile

The Boundless Show

English, Religion, 1 season, 187 episodes, 5 hours, 55 minutes
The Boundless Show is a fun and feisty weekly podcast for young adults that gives a Christian perspective on dating, culture, career and faith. Our host, Lisa Anderson, isn’t afraid to get all up in your bitnit with hilarious, edgy interviews with an always changing roundtable panel, cultural influencers, and experts who answer your tough questions about all things dating, friendship, adulthood and life in general. Ask us your question and it might be featured on the podcast. Email questions to [email protected]. You can also connect with us at and join our community for Christian young adults who want to grow up, own their faith, date with purpose, and prepare for marriage and family.
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Single and Ready to Mingle: Episode 868

Ideas for getting out and making friends, plus author Jerry Jenkins on boundaries with the opposite sex, and signs you’re in an abusive relationship.        Featured musical artist: JJ Heller   Roundtable: Make New Friends   You may be asking, “Where are all the great people to hang out with?” Maybe, just maybe, they’re outside your front door? In order to find them, you may need to get creative. You may need to try something new. Visit new places. Join a new group. This week we discuss ways to step out of your comfort zone and meet quality people. Plus, if you’re single and looking for potential dates, we’ll offer thoughts on how to look without obsessing over whether every cute person could be the one.    Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Boundaries With the Opposite Sex   Marriage experts talk often about creating boundaries when you’re married to guard against infidelity. But great boundaries with the opposite gender work best when you start early — when you’re dating someone, or even before. Setting up what bestselling novelist and author Jerry Jenkins calls “hedges” can be a great and practical way to do that. In our interview, he shares what hedges might look like in dating and marriage, how to set them, and how to avoid potential excuses and pitfalls when temptation strikes.     Hedges: 7 Ways to Love Your Wife and Protect Your Marriage   Visit Jerry’s Website   Inbox: Am I in a Toxic Relationship?    The word toxic is too often tossed around to describe people we simply don’t like. But what are signs that you’re in a truly toxic or abusive relationship? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.    Link to Counseling Services  Article: Just Annoying or Truly Unsafe?: How to Navigate Get-Togethers With Difficult Family  Link: Help for Abusive Relationships  Article: Destructive Conflict: Recognize It. Stop It.  Link to Show: Setting Boundaries in Toxic Relationships  Find us on YouTube   
9/19/202457 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Curse of Christianese: Episode 867

Weird things Christians should stop saying, plus trusting God in a waiting season, and how to own your behavior in a world that shrugs responsibility.       Featured musical artist: About a Mile Roundtable: Enough With the Spiritual Platitudes God helps those who help themselves. I’m praying a hedge of protection. God will never give you more than you can handle. Some of our Christian clichés, while well-intentioned, can actually do more harm than good. Our guests share their least-favorite Christian cliches — plus ones they’re guilty of. They’ll also suggest better ways to encourage, exhort, and instruct others with our words.  Article: 5 Christian Clichés that Need to Die Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Waiting (Well) on God So much of life is spent waiting. Not just waiting in line or for your next Netflix series, but waiting to find a spouse, to have kids, to achieve your career goals and more. When your patience and even your faith is tested, how do you wait well? Pastor Mark Vroegop reminds us that waiting is a normal part of life and something that God uses to refine us. It’s not easy, though, so this conversation will give you things to cling to as you sort and struggle through your next wait.  Waiting Isn’t a Waste: The Surprising Comfort of Trusting God in the Uncertainties of Life Visit Mark’s Website Inbox: Owning My Decisions and Behavior  As a Christian, how do you stay accountable for your thoughts and actions in a world that would rather make excuses? Counselor Kari A weighs in.  Link to Counseling Services  Find us on YouTube
9/12/202452 minutes, 40 seconds
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Social Media Savvy: Episode 866

Productive ways to use social media, plus confronting hard stuff from childhood, and is your therapist offering biblically sound advice?       Featured musical artist: John Waller Roundtable: Making Social Media Work for You Social media is usually blamed for all the bad stuff: negativity, political arguments, superficial relationships, cancel culture. But are there ways to use it productively? Absolutely, if you recognize the value of social media for job hunting, sharing your faith, connecting with others, or learning a new skill. Our team has ideas for making the most of social platforms, so rather than ditching social altogether, let us show you how to make your accounts work for instead of against you.   Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Checking Childhood Baggage Childhood trauma and other negative experiences and patterns follow us well into adulthood. When memories and habits resurface, how can you address the pain, face the facts, and move ahead? Ike Miller is a pastor with a rough past that threatened to define him. Learn how he revisited his childhood baggage to give him the necessary tools for shaping a healthy future.  Good Baggage: How Your Difficult Childhood Prepared You for Healthy Relationships Visit Ike’s Website Inbox: Is My Counselor’s Advice Biblical?  Many counselors profess to be Christians. But how can you discern if your counselor’s advice is in line with Scripture? Counselor Rob Jackson weighs in.  Link to Counseling Services  How to Find a Christian Counselor  Find us on YouTube 
9/5/202451 minutes, 11 seconds
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Let’s Review Our 20s: Episode 865

Honestly assessing your life as a 20-something, plus more with Debra Fileta on soul care, and how do you address personal shame after you’ve sinned?         Featured musical artist: Tauren Wells   Roundtable: Lessons Learned in Our 20s    For some of us on this week’s panel, our 20s provided new opportunities, fun adventures, and lots of growth; for others, that decade is loaded with regrets. Yet all of us agree that our 20s were filled with trial and error as we learned to navigate life. As you review your 20s, how can you assess them honestly and learn from your mistakes without beating yourself up? We’ll give advice based on our lessons learned.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Caring for Your Soul (Part 2)   Millennials and Gen Z report unprecedented rates of burnout and exhaustion. When our to-do lists keep growing and our frustrations add up, how do we find strength and stamina to continue? Our friend Debra Fileta shares how to create life-giving rhythms of caring for your soul, and why doing so honors God. In part two of our discussion, she outlines how to establish good boundaries, maintain your inner world, and savor life.    Soul Care: Find Life-Giving Rhythms, Live Restored, Avoid Burnout, Discover Unspeakable Joy   Visit Debra’s Website Inbox: What to Do With Sin and Shame   We tend to isolate ourselves when we sin, especially if we can’t shake the sense of shame that lingers. Is it possible to break free? Counselor Tim Sanford offers hope.    Link to Counseling Services    Find us on YouTube   
8/29/202456 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Habits of Jesus: Episode 864

Living out your faith in a dark world, plus Debra Fileta on Jesus’ example of soul care, and dating someone in a different life stage.         Soul Care: Find Life-Giving Rhythms, Live Restored, Avoid Burnout, Discover Unspeakable Joy   Featured musical artist:  Zach Williams    Roundtable: When the World Is Messed Up   Inflammatory news headlines, political division, divorce, abuse, people denying their Christian faith. When our world feels especially dark, what’s the godliest and most loving way for Christians to respond? Our guests wrestle with this topic, discuss how to have hope, and show us where Jesus is in all the chaos.    Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Caring for Your Soul (Part 1)   Millennials and Gen Z report unprecedented rates of burnout and exhaustion. When our to-do lists keep growing and our frustrations add up, how do we find strength and stamina to continue? Our friend Debra Fileta shares how to create life-giving rhythms of caring for your soul, and why doing so honors God. In part one, she discusses sources of burnout and how we can learn from Jesus’ example of rest.       Soul Care: Find Life-Giving Rhythms, Live Restored, Avoid Burnout, Discover Unspeakable Joy   Visit Debra’s Website   Inbox: Too Much Drama to Date?   They started dating after he picked her up from a car accident. But he’s currently in grad school and she just finished her master’s degree. With these and other factors at play, is pursuing a dating relationship the best move? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.   Link to Counseling Services    Find us on YouTube   
8/22/202458 minutes, 55 seconds
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Shouldering Sorrow: Episode 863

Processing sadness, plus how our bodies glorify our Creator, and should you barter with God?      Featured musical artist:   Covenant Worship   Roundtable: When Sorrow Runs Deep The loss of a loved one; betrayal by a trusted friend; local and international tragedies. We live in a broken world, and heartbreaking things happen. When grief and tragedy strike, how do you process the sadness? Is it possible to continue your work, your commitments, your routines as you seek to make sense of things? Our guests share how they’ve learned to find comfort from God in the midst of deep sorrow.  Leave Us a Voicemail Link to Counseling Services Culture: How a Healthy Body and Mind Glorify God The human body is incredibly complex. Science keeps revealing new truths about how God has designed us, leading to insights in how we can best steward how we’re made. Stephen Ko is a medical doctor, public health specialist and pastor. He offers motivation and methods for taking care of our physical and mental health, and why doing so is connected to our spiritual well-being.      Faith Embodied: Glorifying God with Our Physical and Spiritual Health Visit Stephen Ko’s Website Inbox: Can I Barter With God? Our listener really wants to be married, but he also wants his dad to get saved. Is it OK to offer up a chance at marriage as a barter to God so his dad can come to Christ? Counselor Jerry Jones weighs in. Link to Counseling Services  Donate Now Find us on YouTube 
8/15/202456 minutes, 11 seconds
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Feeling Misunderstood: Episode 862

When others don’t seem to understand you, plus the pros and cons of artificial intelligence, and God-honoring ways to spend your free time.      Featured musical artist:  Hollyn  Roundtable: That’s Not What I Meant We’ve all felt misunderstood — whether in our personalities, friendships, opinions or even intentions. So how do we respond when that happens? If you feel like people don’t get you, you’ll be encouraged to know you’re not alone. This week’s guests share personal stories and tips for navigating the frustrations of misunderstanding.  Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: How Should We Engage With A.I.? Artificial intelligence is here to stay. From medicine to transportation to Bible translation, innovators rely on the marvels of A.I. to expedite searches, aggregate information, and push the boundaries of invention. But are there dangers that A.I. could kill creativity and even relationships? What does the Bible say about it? John Greco shares his researched perspective on using A.I. appropriately without letting it run our lives.     God, Technology, and the Christian Life Article by John Greco: The Promise of AI Visit John Greco’s Website Inbox: Is My Free Time Honoring God? The time we call our own — away from work and other obligations — can be some of our most treasured moments. But does it matter that your free time is being used for God’s glory? If so, how can you be confident that it is? Lisa Anderson weighs in. Find us on YouTube 
8/8/202455 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why Date?: Episode 861

The goal in dating, plus how to process the 2024 U.S. election, and is there too much intimacy in studying the Bible with your date? Featured musical artist:  Phil Wickham Roundtable: The Purpose of Dating Why should you date? Is it to casually have fun or to seek a marriage partner? What are the pitfalls of each, and is there a balance between the two? Our guests share their opinions on what dating should look like, what it means to get serious, and how to not get too worked up in the process.  Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Confidence and Compassion for Election Season The landscape of the 2024 election season is changing daily. What doesn’t seem to change is the collective mudslinging, hand-wringing and doomsday-predicting among candidates, pundits and voters. How can Christians rise above the fray and trust God in all things? How do we make God-honoring choices from the ones laid before us? And how do we love others in the process? Summit Ministries’ Dr. Jeff Myers helps us frame our perspective and navigate election season with confidence and grace.    Truth Changes Everything: How People of Faith Can Transform the World in Times of Crisis Summit Ministries Website Politics Without the Passion Inbox:  If you and your boyfriend or girlfriend want to grow spiritually, praying and reading Scripture together can be a great step. But is there a danger in becoming too spiritually intimate before marriage? Counselor Jerry Jones weighs in. Link to Counseling Services  Find us on YouTube 
8/1/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 22 seconds
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True Confessions: Episode 860

Being content in every circumstance, plus tips for connecting with your neighbors, and responding when someone confesses a sin struggle.      Featured musical artist: Je’kob Roundtable: Finding Contentment Opportunities to buy into the lie, “I’d be happy if I had (fill in the blank),” surround us everywhere we go. But what if there were a way to truly be content regardless of the circumstance or season? Our guests share their struggles with contentment and how they’ve learned to seek trust and gratitude instead.  Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Neighborhood Watch In a world of increasing isolation, it’s easy to overlook our neighbors. But what if you discovered creative opportunities to connect with and be a light to the people on your street and in your community? Chris and Elizabeth McKinney felt God’s call to do just that. They’re here this week to share their best strategies for becoming a friend to the people (literally) around you.  Neighborhoods Reimagined: How the Beatitudes Inspire Our Call to be Good Neighbors Placed for a Purpose Podcast Inbox: When a Friend Confesses Sin What should you do if a friend confesses a sin struggle to you? Counselor George Stahnke weighs in. Link to Counseling Services  Find us on YouTube
7/25/202455 minutes, 15 seconds
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Getting to Know You: Episode 859

How to really get to know people, plus Kris Swiatocho gives advice to her 20-something self, and why are many Christians OK with gossip?        Featured musical artist: Darlene Zschech  Roundtable: Study Others to Show You Care When you meet someone, he or she makes an impression on you. But truly getting to know someone takes intention, time and effort. Our guests discuss lessons they’ve learned in forming connections and going deeper in their understanding of others. They also share some of the hallmarks of a good friendship.   Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Lessons From a Lifelong Single (Part 2) Kris Swiatocho had a rough start as a young adult. She admits she wasn’t walking with the Lord, so after a season of partying and poor relationship choices, Kris saw the chance to join a Christian community — and took it. After witnessing what churches do well and not so well in ministering to the unmarried, she started The Singles Network Ministries. Looking back on all she’s learned, she shares advice she’d give to her young adult self.  Intentional Relationships for Singles: Prepare, Plan, Pursue, Propose Visit Kris’s Website Inbox: Why Are Christians OK With Gossip?  Does it seem like Christians in your church and friend groups are OK with gossip and white lies? Why is this, and what can we do about it? Counselor Angel Perez weighs in. Guest: Angel Perez Link to Counseling Services  Find us on YouTube
7/18/202456 minutes, 35 seconds
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Be Yourself on Dates: Episode 858

Don’t be fake while dating, plus Kris Swiatocho’s testimony as a single adult, and should a guy ask a girl out even after he’s been friendzoned?         Featured musical artist: Jeremy Rosado   Roundtable: Dating as the Real You   It’s great to date someone who’s comfortable in their own skin. So why do so many of us try to impress a date by acting like someone else? Whether we fake interest in their hobbies or we exaggerate (lie) about our accomplishments, we think becoming a version of someone they might like is better than being just plain old us. But no one wants to date a poser, so our panel delves into a spirited discussion on the topic and gives encouragement to be real, whatever the cost.     Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Lessons From a Lifelong Single (Part 1)   Kris Swiatocho had a rough start as a young adult. She admits she wasn’t walking with the Lord, so after a season of partying and poor relationship choices, Kris saw the chance to join a Christian community — and took it. After witnessing what churches do well and not so well in ministering to the unmarried, she started The Singles Network Ministries. Today she speaks to singles around the world about friendship, dating, finding community, and following Jesus — whatever your relationship status.    Intentional Relationships for Singles: Prepare, Plan, Pursue, Propose   Visit Kris’s Website   Inbox: After She’s Friendzoned You    A girl at church has already friendzoned him. Should he still try to ask her out, or just let it be? Counselor Patrick Hill weighs in.   Link to Counseling Services    Find us on YouTube   
7/11/202455 minutes, 16 seconds
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Test Your Knowledge of the United States: Episode 857

A quiz to celebrate America’s birthday, plus Dr. Ken Wilgus on relating to your parents as an adult, and should you be passionate about your job?         Featured musical artist: Daniel Bashta    Roundtable: How Well Do You Know the U.S.A.?   How many Justices of the Supreme Court can you name? What was the last state admitted to the Union? What was the first U.S. capital city? In honor of Independence Day, we’re taking a quiz on these and other fun United States trivia questions. So grab a pen and paper, keep track of your answers, and test your knowledge of United States history and government.     Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: We’re All Adults Here   Getting along with your mom and dad as an adult has its challenges. What do your parents want from you, and what if they’re having a hard time letting go? Conversely, are you taking ownership of your life and responsibilities? Do you care about them and their interests? Dr. Ken Wilgus has counseled families for decades. He joins us this week to provide guidelines for healthy conversations and behaviors between parents and adult children.        Praying the Scriptures for Your Adult Children: Trusting God with the Ones You Love   Visit Ken’s Website   Inbox: Should I Feel “Called” to My Job?    You want fulfilling work, but does that mean you have to be passionate about your job? Lisa Anderson shares from her career experience.     Link to Counseling Services    Find us on YouTube
7/4/202452 minutes, 14 seconds
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Women on Modesty: Episode 856

Women discuss the implications of modesty, plus more with Dr. Jake Porter on singles and sexuality, and can you save money in a spend-centric culture? Guests: Georgia Dunham, Megan Linser, Taylor Loftus, Jake Porter, Glenn Lutjens Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts Roundtable: Men and Women Talk Modesty (Part 2) Many of us heard about the importance of modesty growing up: “Dress appropriately.” “Don’t cause your friend to stumble.” “What would Jesus do?” But what is modesty, what’s the biblical instruction on it, and is it just about clothes (or a lack of them)? This week we conclude a two-part discussion on the underlying motivations and practical application of modesty. A panel of women shares how modesty is a matter of the heart, what they appreciate from brothers in Christ, and some of the challenges women face in the world of fashion.  Guests: Georgia Dunham, Megan Linser, Taylor Loftus Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Singles and Sexuality (Part 2) What if sexuality is about so much more than having sex and not breaking the rules? What are the unique takeaways for singles in particular? Dr. Jake Porter is a therapist who has researched extensively on sexuality, especially as it manifests apart from marriage and sex. He joins us for a provocative discussion featuring findings from his own background and the state of singleness in the United States today.    Guest: Jake Porter Featured resource: Rethinking Sexuality: God's Design and Why It Matters Visit Jake's Website Inbox: Saving Money in a Spending Culture How can you save money when your friends and others are spending at the drop of a hat? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.  Guest: Glenn Lutjens Link to Counseling Services  Find us on YouTube   
6/27/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
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Men on Modesty: Episode 855

Men discuss the implications of modesty, plus Dr. Jake Porter on singles and sexuality, and what about dating couples who act married?       Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker     Roundtable: Men and Women Talk Modesty (Part 1)   Many of us heard about the importance of modesty growing up: “Dress appropriately.” “Don’t cause your friend to stumble.” “What would Jesus do?” But what is modesty, what’s the biblical instruction on it, and is it just about clothes (or a lack of them)? This week we begin a two-part discussion on the underlying motivations and practical application of modesty. In part one, a panel of guys shares how modesty is a matter of the heart, what they appreciate from sisters in Christ, and their encouragement to girls who feel overlooked. (Next week, the women have their turn.)    Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Singles and Sexuality (Part 1)   What if sexuality is about so much more than having sex and not breaking the rules? What are the unique takeaways for singles in particular? Dr. Jake Porter is a therapist who has researched extensively on sexuality, especially as it manifests apart from marriage and sex. He joins us for a provocative discussion featuring findings from his own background and the state of singleness in the United States today.        Rethinking Sexuality: God’s Design and Why It Matters   Visit Jake’s Website   Inbox: Should a Dating Couple Act Married?   Is there a point in a dating relationship where a couple can and should act married? Why or why not? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.     Link to Counseling Services    Find us on YouTube    Link To Hope Restored  
6/20/20241 hour, 15 seconds
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Summer Plans: Episode 854

What will make this a great summer? Plus, a biblical approach to grief and trauma, and does sporadic Bible reading make you a bad Christian?       Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust Roundtable: Summer Planning Tips Summer is upon us, and that means long days, warm weather, outdoor activities and vacations (except for you southern hemisphere folks — sorry!). In order to maximize the season, should you plan your every decision or be as spontaneous as possible? Our guests share what they’re excited about doing this summer, how they pace themselves with summer obligations, and they’ll offer ideas for making summer unique, fun and fulfilling. Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Healing What You Can’t Erase All of us have experienced grief, hardship, and even trauma. When your soul feels exhausted, where do you go for help? Christopher Cook is candid about how the death of his mother followed by an unexpected medical diagnosis sent him into a tailspin. He was faced with giving in or pushing through. Biblical truth plus concrete strategies for addressing toxic thoughts helped him choose the latter. Learn about it all in this week’s conversation.    Healing What You Can’t Erase: Transform Your Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health from the Inside Out Inbox: Should I Read the Bible Daily? If you don’t read the Bible every day, does that make you a terrible Christian? Counselor Rob Jackson weighs in.   Link to Counseling Services  Find us on YouTube
6/13/202453 minutes, 12 seconds
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Boundless Answers: Episode 853

Questions for the Boundless team, plus part two of Joshua Broome’s journey out of the porn industry, and interacting with LGBT coworkers.    Featured musical artist: Mosaic MSC   Roundtable: Your Questions, Our Answers   We’re mixing it up on this week’s Roundtable by answering questions you sent to us on a wide variety of topics. Some of what you’ll hear: Is love transactional? How do I move on from a situationship? Can I stay connected to siblings who live far away? Tune in for answers to these questions and more!   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: My Journey Out of the Porn Industry (Part 2)    Joshua Broome was one of the porn industry’s top stars — but he was lonely, depressed, and without purpose. He eventually contemplated suicide, but an encounter with a bank teller put him on a different path. Where he went from there is the substance of his miraculous story. In part two of his testimony, Joshua shares about leaving the sex industry, meeting his future wife, and coming to Christ.            7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life: What My Journey from Porn Star to Preacher Taught Me About the Truth That Sets Us Free   Watch Our Bonus Interview with Joshua Broome   Inbox: Your Relationship With LGBT Coworkers   As a Christian, how can you interact with and show Christ’s love to coworkers who identify as LGBT? Our friend Jeff Johnston weighs in.     Link to Counseling Services    Find us on YouTube 
6/6/202457 minutes, 40 seconds
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From Porn Star to Evangelist: Episode 852

Being fun vs. serious in dating, plus part one of Joshua Broome’s journey out of the porn industry, and when a woman wants marriage but not kids.         Featured musical artist:  Danen Kane    Roundtable: Balancing Fun and Intention in Dating   Some of us gravitate toward lightheartedness and fun, while others are naturally more measured and serious. When it comes to dating, how do you enjoy spending time with a person while also getting to know important information about them? Our guests share ideas for finding the balance between fun and facts in a growing relationship.    Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: My Journey Out of the Porn Industry (Part 1)    Joshua Broome was one of the porn industry’s top stars — but he was lonely, depressed, and without purpose. He eventually contemplated suicide, but an encounter with a bank teller put him on a different path. Where he went from there is the substance of his miraculous story. In part one of his testimony, Joshua shares how his difficult home life as a child and teen influenced decisions he made later on.            7 Lies That Will Ruin Your Life: What My Journey from Porn Star to Preacher Taught Me About the Truth That Sets Us Free   Inbox: She Doesn’t Want Kids   Is it wrong if a woman wants to get married but doesn’t want kids? Counselor Kari A weighs in.     Link to Counseling Services    Find us on YouTube
5/30/202457 minutes, 22 seconds
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Protect Your Mental Health: Episode 851

Mental health strategies for everyday life, plus more on how singles can make the most of today, and handling awkward same-gender friend dynamics.      Featured musical artist: Ginny Owens Roundtable: Mental Health Self-Care May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Whether or not you have a particular mental health diagnosis, we all need to practice self-care in this area. Our panelists discuss guarding our minds and spirits with helpful strategies including good sleep, friendships, boundaries and more.    Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Loving Singleness Today (Part 2)  There are two enemies of enjoying your single season: yesterday and tomorrow. When you fixate on either one for too long, you miss opportunities to make the most of today. Ryan Wekenman is a single young adult, pastor, and author of the book, “Single Today.” In part two of our conversation, he’ll answer questions sent in by show listeners.        Single Today: Conquer Yesterday’s Regrets, Ditch Tomorrow’s Worries, and Thrive Right Where You Are Inbox: She’s Making Me Uncomfortable She met a girl at a dance class who is acting in a way that makes our listener uncomfortable. Is this a reason for concern or suspicion? What should our listener do? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.   Link to Counseling Services  Find us on YouTube 
5/23/202457 minutes, 34 seconds
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You Need to Calm Down: Episode 850

Choosing peace when you are angry, plus Ryan Wekenman challenges singles to make the most of today, and how should we respond when God seems silent?        Featured musical artist: James Peden   Roundtable: Choosing Peace Over Contention   You hear some news you don’t like, the person whose behavior drives you crazy just called you out, or you have to deal with a difficult family member. These situations are prime opportunities to get you riled up, so how do you prioritize peace when you’d rather lash out? Our guests describe their biggest triggers, why they react, and how they manage their emotions and behaviors with God’s help.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Loving Singleness Today (Part 1)    There are two enemies of enjoying your single season: yesterday and tomorrow. When you fixate on either one for too long, you miss opportunities to make the most of today. Ryan Wekenman is a single young adult, pastor, and author of the book, “Single Today.” In part one of our conversation, he’ll discuss some of his own journey in singleness, plus why we’re so prone to fixate on regrets and fears instead of the joys right in front of us.            Single Today: Conquer Yesterday’s Regrets, Ditch Tomorrow’s Worries, and Thrive Right Where You Are   Inbox: When God Seems Silent     Most of us go through seasons where it feels like God is distant and refuses to answer our questions. When this happens, how can we stay hopeful and keep our hearts in a healthy place? Counselor Linda Miller weighs in.   Link to Counseling Services    Find us on YouTube
5/16/202456 minutes, 29 seconds
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Breaking Up and Moving On: Episode 849

Learning from a breakup, plus part two on finding joy in difficulty, and a correct interpretation of Jesus’ command to “turn the other cheek.”     Featured musical artist: Ellie Holcomb Roundtable: Overcoming a “Square One” Dating Mindset Going through a breakup can be one of the toughest things to work through emotionally. Many daters refer to it as feeling back at “square one.” But what if there’s a more constructive way to view a breakup than taking an all-or-nothing approach? Our panel talks about the pitfalls of a “square one” mindset in dating, and how breakups can actually teach you valuable relationship lessons.            Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Finding Joy in a Messed-Up World (Part 2)  Everyone’s chasing happiness, but do you sometimes feel like everything around you is falling apart? The fact is: Life is hard, but God is good. Brant Hansen reminds us of this as he challenges us to live in joy despite our circumstances. In part two of our discussion, he’ll encourage you to laugh at yourself and live with eternal hope as a Christian.         Life is Hard. God is Good. Let’s Dance.: Experiencing Real Joy in a World Gone Mad Inbox: Set Boundaries or Turn the Other Cheek?   Jesus said that if someone strikes you on the cheek, to turn the other one to them as well. But we also are to create good boundaries with others, so what’s a correct response when people treat us with disrespect and even violence? Counselor George Stahnke weighs in.   Link to Counseling Services  Find us on YouTube 
5/9/202458 minutes, 37 seconds
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Maximizing Alone Time: Episode 848

How to use alone time productively, plus Brant Hansen on seeking joy in discouraging circumstances, and what to do when you feel devalued as a single.    Featured musical artist: About a Mile   Roundtable: The Value of Being Alone If you’re an introvert, you cherish being alone, while extroverts may find alone time more challenging. Regardless of personality type, all of us can benefit from solitude — or be in danger of using it excessively or unwisely. Our guests discuss what helps them enjoy time alone, why silence can be a wonderful thing, and how they use solo time to recharge, process and create, rather than simply escape.            Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Finding Joy in a Messed-Up World (Part 1)  Everyone’s chasing happiness, but do you sometimes feel like everything around you is falling apart? The fact is: Life is hard, but God is good. Brant Hansen reminds us of this as he challenges us to live in joy despite our circumstances. In part one of our conversation, he explains that he’s naturally a pessimist, and shares how he overcame a difficult childhood.         Inbox: When You Feel Looked Down On As a Single Adult  Many Christian singles feel as if marriage is put on a pedestal while their own relationship status is looked down upon. If you’re in that spot, how do you walk with God faithfully and maintain a sense of hope? Lisa Anderson weighs in.        Find us on YouTube 
5/2/202451 minutes, 23 seconds
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Fun Books and Serious Books: Episode 847

Fun Books and Serious Books: Episode 847 Reading both fun and thought-provoking books, plus Jordan Raynor answers career questions, and should you fall into a relationship or pursue one?     Featured musical artist: Jonathan Cain  Roundtable: Reading to Think — Or for Fun? What’s on your reading list? What genres do you gravitate toward? Whether fiction or nonfiction, most books tend to either make us think and learn, or they allow us to relax and escape. It’s good to have a balance of both types, so our guests share their preferences, how they stretch their reading horizons, and what books they recommend you add to your reading lineup.            Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: The Sacredness of Secular Work (Part 2)  It’s easy to think your job matters to God only if you’re a pastor, missionary, or ministry worker. But what does God think of “secular” jobs? What if our jobs are just “average”? What if we’re not even sure what we want to do for a career? Jordan Raynor is an expert at helping people get connected to their calling, and this week he answers listener questions about navigating your workplace and career options.         The Sacredness of Secular Work: 4 Ways Your Job Matters for Eternity (Even When You’re Not Sharing the Gospel)  Inbox: Can a Relationship “Just Happen”?  When it comes to romantic journeys, some people seem to unexpectedly meet someone, while other relationships are the result of intentional pursuit. Is one way better? What’s the balance between providence and effort? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.        Link to Counseling Services  Find us on YouTube 
4/25/202452 minutes, 49 seconds
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Every Job Matters: Episode 846

Your willingness to change, plus Jordan Raynor on why your job’s important, and when a ministry leader is dating a non-Christian.     Featured musical artist: Love and the Outcome  Roundtable: What Do You Need to Change? One of the most difficult yet rewarding things about adulthood is being honest with yourself when change needs to happen. Whether it’s making better choices, breaking bad habits, spending time with God, or improving your relationships, it’s healthy to own your stuff and start making adjustments. Our guests admit some of the struggles they’ve had to overcome, how they became aware of them, and what motivated them to push forward toward change and growth.           Boundless Article: I Want Honest Feedback - But Not Really Boundless Article: God’s Sovereignty Doesn’t Excuse My Lazy Boundless Article: God’s Promptness is Worth Practicing Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: The Sacredness of Secular Work (Part 1)  It’s easy to think your job matters to God only if you’re a pastor, missionary, or ministry worker. But what does God think of “secular” jobs? What if our jobs are just “average”? What if we’re not even sure what we want to do for a career? Jordan Raynor is an expert at helping people get connected to their calling, and this week he joins us to explain why your job has eternal value, even if it seems insignificant.         The Sacredness of Secular Work: 4 Ways Your Job Matters for Eternity (Even When You’re Not Sharing the Gospel)  Inbox: When a Ministry Leader Is Dating a Non-Christian She recently found out one of her friends, who happens to be a church ministry leader, is now dating a non-believer. Is it time for a hard conversation? Our counselor friend Kari weighs in.       Link to Counseling Services  Boundless Article: Why I’m Attracted to Guys Who Aren’t Good for Me
4/18/202455 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Music We Hear: Episode 845

The influence of music, plus more from Jeanine Amapola on healthy perspectives, and Lisa Anderson shares life-altering moments in her walk with God.     Featured musical artist: Austin Stone Worship Roundtable: The Power and Influence of Music It’s nearly impossible to escape the influence of music in today’s world, and with so many streaming services, curating your own sound experience is easier than ever. While there are enough styles of music to suit every mood, it’s also wise to use discernment on how we consume and internalize the songs we hear. Our guests share what music they like, how they find it, what’s nostalgic and what’s new — then they finish by each listing some of their favorite songs.  Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Healthy Perspectives for Young Adults (Part 2)  What does it look like to be a truly happy and healthy person? Podcaster and young adult influencer Jeanine Amapola shares what it took for her to become a better version of who God made her to be. In part two of our conversation, she addresses the need for good habits, how to make godly choices, and living with a sense of adventure.         Becoming Happy & Healthy: Real Life Advice on Friendship, Dating, Career, and Everything Else You Care About Inbox: Lisa’s Big “God Moments” The longer you walk with God, the more you will experience life-changing moments in your faith and how you live it out. Lisa Anderson recaps what some of those moments have been for her.
4/11/202454 minutes, 2 seconds
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Jeanine Amapola on Confidence: Episode 844

How long should my quiet time be? Plus Jeanine Amapola on healthy perspectives, and when someone ill withholds the news from family and friends.     Featured musical artist: Abandon Roundtable: Am I Spending Enough Time With God? Read the Bible. Go to church. Listen to worship music. Pray. All of these are encouraged in our Christian walk. But is there a “magic number” of how much time we should dedicate to God when our schedules are loaded with work, friends, family and other activities? Our guests share strategies that have helped them make time for God, what “enough time” looks like for them, and why prioritizing God matters.           Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Healthy Perspectives for Young Adults (Part 1)  What does it look like to be a truly happy and healthy person? Podcaster and young adult influencer Jeanine Amapola shares what it took for her to become a better version of who God made her to be. In part one of our conversation, she shares about a life-changing trip she took in 2019, how to submit your expectations to God, and embracing the life He gave you with confidence.         Becoming Happy & Healthy: Real Life Advice on Friendship, Dating, Career, and Everything Else You Care About Inbox: Should Someone Who’s Sick Inform Others? When someone gets a serious diagnosis, should they tell family and friends or is it OK to keep quiet? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.
4/4/202455 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Beauty Of Spring: Episode 843

Unique ways to enjoy spring, plus trusting God with your vocational dreams, and why should we pray if God’s plan will happen anyway?     Featured musical artist: Hollyn  Roundtable: Spring is Here! What’s your favorite part about spring? For some, it’s the warm weather; for others it may be flowers blooming, spring activities or something else. This week we gather around the table to share why we love this time of year, what we look forward to, and what common and unique activities might inspire you to make the most of spring.         Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Making Sense of Your Big Dreams Are your dreams big enough? Maybe you have big dreams but are afraid to admit them. You want to follow God anywhere, use your talents and passions, and see lives changed — but what about being comfortable? What about family? What about earning a paycheck and building your 401K? Wai Jia Tam felt the call as a teenager to help underserved children around the world. She also wanted to be a doctor, earn money and please her parents. She shares her incredible story of how God unfolded and enabled her dream one step at a time. God has used Wai Jia in ways she never imagined, and her encouragement to us is to never underestimate what God can do to move us for His purposes and kingdom.        Dream Brave: A Dare to Live by Faith When You Feel Too Small Find Wai Jia’s Website Wai Jia’s Instagram Articles by Wai Jia Tam Inbox: Why Pray if God’s in Control? We know that God is sovereign and His plans will prevail. If that’s the case, why should we pray? Counselor Jerry Jones weighs in.      
3/28/202459 minutes, 57 seconds
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Toxic Masculinity: Episode 842

How to maximize your weekends, plus Nancy Pearcey talks toxic masculinity, and should you tell a guy at church you want him to ask you out?   Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts   Roundtable: Ready for the Weekend!   We all look forward to the weekend, but how should we make the best use of our time and freedom? Our guests share what they love about Saturdays and Sundays, plus a few helpful ideas for prioritizing and managing our time, and common pitfalls to avoid that can gobble up precious hours and leave us feeling unproductive.           Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: The Truth About Toxic Masculinity   Men today hear cultural messages on what it means to be a man: make lots of money, drive a nice car, date a beautiful girl; in short, be powerful and successful. But these things are self-driven and the opposite of what God calls masculinity: leading selflessly; protecting, providing for, and serving others. Professor Nancy Pearcey is a well-known researcher and writer on this topic, and joins us to separate the truth from the lies when it comes to appropriate manifestations of manhood in our families, churches and communities.       The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes   Find Nancy’s Website   Inbox: Should I Tell Him I Like Him?    She’s known a guy at her church for two years and has hung out with him socially many times. She really wants him to ask her out, so is it time to admit her feelings? Lisa Anderson weighs in.         Boundless Episode: I’ll Ask You Out If…: Episode 138   Boundless Article: Is it OK for a woman to ask out a man?
3/21/202457 minutes, 44 seconds
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Dating Trajectory: Episode 841

Know if the person you’re dating is maturing or not, plus overcoming body image issues, and favorite foods of the Boundless team.    Featured musical artist: David Dunn Roundtable: Prioritizing Growth in Dating Maturing together can be one of the greatest joys of dating someone. But how can you tell if the person you’re seeing is truly pursuing growth — or if they’re all talk and no action? Our panel shares strategies for assessing if your significant other is actually maturing, how to not be someone’s Holy Spirit, and why you need to be humble and teachable yourself.         Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: A Conversation About Body Image Dr. Becky Taylor battled disordered eating and body image as a teenager and young adult — a struggle that still has ramifications in her life today. She’s now an eating disorder expert and professor at Colorado Christian University where she daily counsels young adults on body image issues of all kinds (e.g. not just food). In our conversation, she shows us how to embrace our God-given identities, how to recognize wrong perspectives, and where to start on a journey toward healing — including a powerful lesson from the children’s book “When God Made You.”      Table for Two: Biblical Counsel for Eating Disorders  Link to Counseling Services Find Becky Taylor Inbox: What’s Your Favorite Food?  We received a light-hearted question about our favorite foods. The entire Boundless team weighs in with our opinions! 
3/14/202456 minutes, 16 seconds
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Trendy or Traditional?: Episode 840

What your style aesthetic says about you, plus finding value in entertainment, and how to be a better listener.     Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker Roundtable: Trendsetters and Old Souls Fashion choices, home decor, life hacks, music and more. All of these are indicators of our culture — or our resistance to it. When it comes to being current or wishing for times past, where do you fit in? Our guests describe their place on the cultural continuum, talk through the pros and cons, and suggest how to appreciate people who are different from yourself.        Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: What Good Entertainment Teaches Us We can learn a lot from the entertainment we consume — especially films and television. Understanding a culture, or someone’s unique experience, or even learning about history — all of these can be accomplished by watching a well-told story. This week our Plugged In experts address how movies can be good conversation starters, and they’ll give us some of their best recommendations to get us going.       Becoming a Screen-Savvy Family: How to Navigate a Media-Saturated World–and Why We Should  Link to Plugged In Website  Inbox: Am I Talking Too Much?  Our listener says that when she gets together with friends, she finds herself talking too much. She wants to be a better listener, but how? One of our counselors weighs in.      Link to Counseling Services
3/7/20241 hour, 50 seconds
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What Do You Love More Than Jesus?: Episode 839

Identifying sneaky (and often accepted) idols, plus how to stay away from online scammers, and understanding the basics of holistic health.    Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust   Roundtable: Tearing Down Our Most Common Idols   We all have things we enjoy — and many of them are very good things. Maybe you love sports, or working out, or doing the job you do. Maybe you desire to be married, or maybe you have fun following your favorite celebrities or even Christian influencers on social media. But at what point do these things become idols? Are you afraid they’ve eclipsed your faith and even God himself in your own time and affections? Our guests describe some of the idols they’ve propped up, how they finally got honest with themselves, and what they did to reprioritize their hearts and attention.         Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Protect Yourself From Online Scams   Identity theft. Social media scams. Bank account hacks. With so many opportunities to fall prey to online scammers, how do you keep yourself safe? Cybersecurity expert Rhett Saunders divulges the latest tricks and traps, and shares steps you can take to avoid being ripped off online.        The 40-Day Social Media Fast: Exchange Your Online Distractions for Real-Life Devotion    PDF: Tips for a Safe Online Life   Inbox: Taking Care of Your Temple    Living a healthy lifestyle is not just nutrition, sleep or mental health. It’s all of that and so much more. God cares about our bodies — not just our souls — so how do we follow biblical principles for treating our bodies as the temples He says they are? Counselor Patrick Hill weighs in.        Link to Counseling Services
2/29/202457 minutes, 17 seconds
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Female Friendship: Episode 838

Finding fun and inspiration in other women, plus Bailey Hurley on what to look for in a friend, and when you’re frustrated with where life has you.    Featured musical artist:  All Sons & Daughters   Roundtable: Finding Quality Female Friends   Ladies, who’s someone from your friend group you can laugh and have fun with? And who inspires and challenges you? The truth is, we need both types of friends. This week, a group of women tells which of their friendships bring out the best in them, how they cultivate them, and why these types of friendships matter.        Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Friendship That Goes the Distance   What’s the current state of your friendships? As a friendship coach, Bailey Hurley is passionate about helping people develop healthy relationships. She joins us this week to share strategic filters she applies for choosing friends, how to have realistic expectations of others, and what it looks like to be a giver and not just a taker.           Together Is a Beautiful Place: Finding, Keeping, and Loving Our Friends    Inbox: Should I Be Further Along in Life?    At age 25, our listener isn’t sure what he wants to do for a career. It’s to a point where he’s feeling aimless and frustrated. How can he figure out what kind of job he wants and if it’ll be enough to provide for a family? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.
2/22/202455 minutes, 38 seconds
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Male Friendship: Episode 837

Finding fun and inspiration in other men, plus Scott Kedersha on doing devotions as a dating couple, and how guys can serve single moms.             Featured musical artist:  Love and the Outcome    Roundtable: Finding Quality Male Friends   Guys, who’s someone from your friend group you can laugh and have fun with? And who inspires and challenges you? The truth is, we need both types of friends. This week, a group of guys tells which of their friendships bring out the best in them, how they cultivate them, and why these types of friendships matter.                               Leave Us a Voicemail   Find Us on YouTube   Culture: Devotions for Dating Couples Spiritual compatibility is the most important part of your dating relationship, but we’ve heard that going too deep spiritually with your date can force inappropriate intimacy. Is there a balance? Pastor Scott Kedersha from Harris Creek Baptist Church has written a devotional for couples who are dating or engaged. He’ll discuss healthy boundaries in praying with your date, how to study the Bible together, and why knowing a person’s spiritual patterns and beliefs is good intel for assessing marriage potential.           The Ready or Knot Prayer Guide: 100 Prayers for Dating and Engaged Couples    Inbox: Men Serving Single Moms   Our listener has many friends who are single mothers. He wants to reach out and offer practical help, but how can he do so without overstepping his bounds? Counselor Patrick Hill weighs in.
2/15/202454 minutes, 21 seconds
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Successful Setups: Episode 836

Help your married friends set you up, plus how to read the news with discernment, and thoughts on dating couples doing devotions together.   Featured musical artist: JJ Heller  Roundtable: Your Role in Being Set Up It’s flattering when friends and family try to set you up. It can lead to a happy and successful dating relationship — or even marriage. At other times, it can lead to awkwardness and strained friendships. Our guests share their perspectives on the dos and don’ts of successful setups. With funny stories and practical takeaways, this conversation will give you tools to make your dating journey smoother and more fun.                   Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: How to Navigate the News Today’s news is littered with bias. Everyone has an agenda, and it’s hard to separate the facts from opinion, interpretation, and flat-out manipulation. How can we determine what’s actual news and ensure we’re getting all sides of a story? Paul Batura and Gary Schneeberger are both communications pros and news junkies, having worked in radio, newspapers, public relations and beyond. They’ll share their best tips for practicing discernment when taking in headlines and commentary from around the world.       A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World  Link to Daily Citizen Inbox: Doing Devotions as a Couple You and your boyfriend or girlfriend want to encourage growth in each other’s relationship with God, but should that involve praying and studying Scripture together? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.
2/8/202457 minutes, 15 seconds
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Does Modesty Matter?: Episode 835

Improve your listening skills, plus breaking negative family patterns, and why should Christians dress modestly?          Featured musical artist:  About a Mile   Roundtable: Improve Your Listening Skills Listening is a lost art. It’s also a skill that requires focus, intention, and care for the other person. While some people are naturally better listeners, anyone can get better at making others feel heard. Our guests discuss their own struggles with listening and talk through ideas for improvement including focus, honest feedback, and how to handle interactions with a poor listener.                Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Breaking Bad Family Cycles We’ve all been affected by family brokenness. For some, it was our parents’ divorce. Others had a parent abandon them. Still others grew up in homes filled with anger, blame, shame or grief. With so much heartbreak and negative history, many young adults wonder if having their own family someday is even worth it. Members of our Focus on the Family counseling team give us  hope for starting over, breaking cycles, and honoring God in the process.       Hope Again: When Life Hurts and Dreams Fade  Link to Counseling Services Inbox: Does God Care What I Wear? Christians talk about how it’s important to dress modestly, but why, and what does that actually mean? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.
2/1/202458 minutes, 19 seconds
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Get Smarter This Year: Episode 834

Fun ideas for boosting your intelligence, plus Alisa Childers tackles more sneaky cultural lies, and is dating multiple people at once OK?           Featured musical artist:  John Waller Roundtable: Boost Your Intelligence You don’t need to spend all your free time scrolling social media or binging Netflix. What if you resolved to improve your intelligence in 2024? Our guests share what areas they want to become more competent in this year and why. They’ll also discuss how they plan to make it happen without becoming performance-driven or arrogant.                   Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: The World Is Lying to Us (Part 2) Have you heard someone reference “their truth”? It may sound harmless — even affirming — but it’s a concept that is founded on a lie. Sadly, numerous untruths have infiltrated our cultural vocabulary, and sometimes even Christians don’t recognize how deceptive they are. Christian apologist and author Alisa Childers joins us for a candid conversation around unbiblical statements, platitudes and promises that sound good but are in fact dangerous. In part two she addresses the myths of “God just wants you to be happy,” “You shouldn’t judge,” and “It’s all about love.”     Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make Us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed   Inbox: Is Dating Multiple People OK? Is it acceptable to date multiple people at the same time? Our host Lisa Anderson weighs in.
1/25/202456 minutes, 55 seconds
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Alisa Childers Debunks Cultural Lies: Episode 833

Staying inspired even when it’s tough, plus Alisa Childers tackles sneaky cultural lies, and should you move to a new state for a fresh start?           Featured musical artist:  Tauren Wells Roundtable: How Can I Stay Motivated?  We’re several weeks into the new year — and it’s already hard to sustain those big plans and goals we made on January 1 for starting something great or stopping something unhealthy. Staying the course is no easy task, but what if there are ways to remain inspired and continue making progress, even on days when you feel like giving up? Our panel discusses how they’re staying motivated this year.                  Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: The World Is Lying to Us (Part 1) Have you heard someone reference “their truth”? It may sound harmless — even affirming — but it’s a concept that is founded on a lie. Sadly, numerous untruths have infiltrated our cultural vocabulary, and sometimes even Christians don’t recognize how deceptive they are. Christian apologist and author Alisa Childers joins us for a candid conversation around unbiblical statements, platitudes and promises that sound good but are in fact dangerous. In part one she covers the myths of “Live your truth,” “You are enough,” and “You should put yourself first.”     Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make Us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed   Inbox: Should I Move to a New State? Our listener wants to move somewhere with a higher percentage of young adults who love the outdoors and hiking. But is this enough reason to uproot and relocate? Boundless producer John Peardon weighs in.  
1/18/202454 minutes, 10 seconds
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How Do I Know I’m a Christian?: Episode 832

Finding activities in colder months, plus Mark Bates outlines the essentials of Christianity, and is playing lots of video games a sin?        Featured musical artist: Zach Williams    Roundtable: Don’t Wish Winter Away   Now that the holidays are over and the hustle and bustle has died down, the temptation to hibernate is strong. The days are short and cold, activities are limited, and creativity and motivation easily give way to Netflix and napping. Can you make the most of the winter months, both inside and outdoors? Our guests offer their best ideas.                   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Marks of a True Christian   Lots of people call themselves Christians. But even the Bible says that not everyone who claims Christ belongs to Him. So how can you know if you’re truly saved? What are the essentials we must believe and do? Pastor Mark Bates breaks down the necessary things for true Christians to agree on.      True Community    The Focused Pastor   Inbox: How Much Time Playing Video Games Is Sinful?   If you enjoy playing video games, how do you gauge if the amount of time you play them is too much? Can it even become sinful? And are certain games just flat-out wrong to play? Counselor Jeff Brown weighs in.        Link to Counseling Services   Link to Plugged In Website
1/11/202455 minutes, 52 seconds
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Thoughts on a New Year: Episode 831

Bringing optimism into 2024, plus Kait and JJ Tomlin answer your questions, and what if your church lacks a ministry to singles?          Boundless Guides to Marrying Well   Featured musical artist:  Covenant Worship   Roundtable: A Healthy Perspective for the New Year People are forecasting growth and setting goals for 2024, but what does it look like to bring  genuine hope into your new year? Our guests discuss setting a healthy framework for the coming months, and how they (and we) can focus on blessings and opportunities rather than the discouraging headlines and circumstances around us. Whether you’re a natural optimist or more prone to cynicism and discouragement, this conversation will help.                Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: “Heart of Dating” Hosts Kait & JJ Tomlin (Part 2) You may know Kait Warman as the host of the popular “Heart of Dating” podcast. Now married to JJ Tomlin, Kait is back on our show (with JJ this time). Last week they shared their story of meeting, dating, and marrying, and this week they answer relationship questions from our listeners.   Boundless Guides to Marrying Well   Link to Heart of Dating Website  Inbox: No Church Ministry for Singles  You long for connection with other singles at your church, but what can you do if your congregation doesn’t have a dedicated space for that — especially for those who are post-college? Lisa Anderson weighs in. 
1/4/202459 minutes, 34 seconds
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Are You Spiritually Mature?: Episode 830

Reasons to go on a missions trip, plus Kait and JJ Tomlin from the “Heart of Dating” podcast, and how can you measure spiritual maturity?             Featured musical artist:   Hollyn  Roundtable: Why Go on a Missions Trip? Churches and organizations are already advertising opportunities to join them on missions trips next year. Should you give one a try? Our guests have seen firsthand the fruit of giving their time and talent in other cultural contexts, and give helpful insight into what to expect, how to find a good fit, and what missions trips are and aren’t.                Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: “Heart of Dating” Hosts Kait & JJ Tomlin (Part 1) You may know Kait Warman as the host of the popular “Heart of Dating” podcast. Now married to JJ Tomlin, Kait is back on our show (with JJ this time) so they can tell their story of meeting, overcoming assumptions and an age difference, preparing for marriage, and now doing ministry together. Heads-up: Next week they’ll answer your dating questions.  Resource Offer: Boundless Guides to Marrying Well    Link to Heart of Dating Website  Inbox: Is My Faith Growing?  Spiritual maturity is essential for Christians, but it’s a process. How do you know if there’s growth in your life, and how do you actively pursue it? Pastor Mark Bates offers advice.
12/28/202358 minutes, 48 seconds
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These Pastors Were Addicts: Episode 829

A 2023 goals report card, plus firsthand help for addiction recovery (part two), and can you study the Bible without it getting repetitive?           Featured musical artist:  Phil Wickham   Roundtable: What Happened to Our 2023 Resolutions?   Do you remember what your goals were at the beginning of the year? Our team looked back at our aspirations for 2023 and how (if?) we actually saw them through. We share the highs and lows of this year, how we hoped to grow, what we wanted to accomplish, and what we might change heading into 2024,   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: An Inside Look at Addiction (Part 2)   Addiction is no small thing, and one of the most painful experiences is falling prey to it, or seeing a friend or family member do so. Addicts either don’t think they have a problem, or assume it’s something to “fix” if they can muster up the willpower — but it goes so much deeper than that. Dr. Ken Harmon and Dr. Trent Langhofer, both former addicts, are now pastors and recovery experts whom God is using to help others. In part two of our conversation, they share the dos and don’ts of helping someone trapped in addiction.     Healing the Scars of Addiction: Reclaiming Your Life and Moving Into a Healthy Future     Link to Counseling Services   Inbox: Does Your Bible Reading Seem Repetitive?   Is there a way to read the Bible or devotional books without them feeling repetitive? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.    Boundless Advent Devotional   
12/21/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 2 seconds
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Successful Small Groups: Episode 828

Pastors’ tips for finding a great small group, plus firsthand help for addiction recovery, and should a guy give a girl a gift on the first date?   Featured musical artist:  Je’kob   Roundtable: How to Choose a Small Group   We talk a lot about how one of the best ways to connect to other believers and truly grow is by “making the big church small.” Getting involved in a small group can do just that. But how do you find a small group that’s a good fit? And what makes a small group successful? Two pastors with tons of experience in Christian community and discipleship share what makes a good small group, how groups can go deeper, different types of groups to try, and when to walk away and try something else.                   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: An Inside Look at Addiction (Part 1)   Addiction is no small thing, and one of the most painful experiences is falling prey to it, or seeing a friend or family member do so. Addicts either don’t think they have a problem, or assume it’s something to “fix” if they can muster up the willpower — but it goes so much deeper than that. Dr. Ken Harmon and Dr. Trent Langhofer, both former addicts, are now pastors and recovery experts whom God is using to help others. In part one of our conversation, they share their stories and give common misconceptions about addiction and recovery.      Healing the Scars of Addiction: Reclaiming Your Life and Moving Into a Healthy Future     Link to Counseling Services   Inbox: Should Guys Give a Gift on a First Date?   Is bringing a gift on your first date appropriate? Lisa Anderson weighs in.   Boundless Advent Devotional
12/14/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 4 seconds
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Planning a Fun Christmas Party: Episode 827

Killer Christmas party ideas, plus Mark Ballenger on prioritizing God while dating, and a question about same-sex attraction and celibacy.   Featured musical artist:  Darlene Zschech    Roundtable: Christmas Party Planning   It’s that time of year: decorations, holiday tunes, Christmas cookies, ugly sweaters, and yes, Christmas parties. Most people can host a ho-hum Christmas party, but if you want yours to be next-level, you need this conversation. Our party people share tips for including introverts, melding friend groups, serving food, curating music, making memories and more.                 Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: God’s Role in Your Dating Life   If you’ve ever watched the popular YouTube channel, you’ve seen Mark Ballenger offer biblical dating and marriage advice. This week he shares his personal stories, plus how to overcome past hurts, blow past preconceived notions, and keep God at the center of all your dating decisions.      Christ-Centered Dating: Pursuing a Relationship That Glorifies God     Watch Mark’s YouTube Channel  Mark’s Website   Our listener struggles with same-sex attraction and is wondering if this means he’s destined to remain celibate forever. Gender and sexuality expert Jeff Johnston weighs in.        Link to Counseling Services Boundless Advent Devotional  Hear Jeff Johnston’s Testimony Find Articles by Jeff Johnston
12/7/202355 minutes, 22 seconds
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Should Singles Be Good with Kids?: Episode 826

How singles can connect with kids, plus more with Michael Johnson on dating must-dos, and how to deal with friends who’ve gotten married.   Featured musical artist: Jeremy Rosado   Roundtable: Is Being Good with Kids Required for Marriage?   Some singles consider themselves great with kids, while others find that children make them uncomfortable. But is being good with children a prerequisite for being a healthy spouse? We interviewed some people who love children on ways you can learn to be more comfortable around kids, and why doing so is beneficial for marriage.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Dating to Find a Spouse (Part 2)   Dating should be fun, but when stakes are high (like actually looking for a mate), things can easily get complicated. How can you be sure you’re dating in a way that will lead to a godly marriage? Our friend Michael Johnson’s new book breaks it all down, helping Christian daters get clarity and intention in how to make dating count. In part two of our discussion, he’ll address ways to guard against sexual temptation, the need for good friends, and whether or not you’re ready to date.   Date Like You Know What You’re Doing: Your DatePrep Guide    Future Marriage University Inbox: When Your Friends Have Gotten Married How do you move forward when you feel abandoned by your friends who’ve gotten married, and you’re still single? Lisa Anderson weighs in.      Guest: Lisa Anderson Article: Friends Beyond Marriage, Part 1  Article: Friends Beyond Marriage, Part 2  Link to Counseling Services Boundless Advent Devotional
11/30/202357 minutes, 1 second
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What We Love About Thanksgiving: Episode 825

Favorite Thanksgiving traditions, plus Michael Johnson on dating must-dos, and what if you strongly disagree with your siblings’ choices?   Featured musical artist:  Daniel Bashta   Roundtable: Our Thanksgiving Traditions   Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday for many (well, Americans, at least). To help you celebrate, we took a lighthearted look at some of our most treasured Turkey Day traditions. We discuss holiday food (the debate: stuffing or dressing?), favorite activities, general vibes, and how we emphasize thankfulness with our families and friends.    Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Dating to Find a Spouse (Part 1)   Dating should be fun, but when stakes are high (like actually looking for a mate), things can easily get complicated. How can you be sure you’re dating in a way that will lead to a godly marriage? Our friend Michael Johnson’s new book breaks it all down, helping Christian daters get clarity and intention in how to make dating count. In part one of our conversation, he’ll share fun (read: both amazing and awkward) stories from his own dating experience, plus how to spot a Mr. or Ms. Wrong, and why dating can actually be fun.   Date Like You Know What You’re Doing: Your DatePrep Guide     Future Marriage University   Inbox: When You Disagree with Your Siblings’ Choices   It’s tough when your sibling makes a life choice that goes against your core convictions. When that happens, how do you respond? Is it possible to stand for truth and still love your brother or sister? Counselor Angel Perez weighs in.        Link to Counseling Services   Boundless Advent Devotional  
11/23/202354 minutes, 18 seconds
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Shallow Relationships: Episode 824

When going deep with others is difficult, plus handling rough family dynamics during the holidays, and bitterness over being left out.   Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts   Roundtable: When a Relationship Feels Shallow   Some friendships bring instant connection. You both have something in common and you hit it off. Soon you’re able to be real, challenging and sharpening each other. But for others, no matter how hard you try, the connection or the will to go deep just isn’t there. This can happen with family, too — or even a boyfriend or girlfriend. What do you do when it feels like a relationship lacks a heart and mind connection? That’s the question we get to the bottom of this week.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Family Doesn’t Guarantee Holiday Happiness   Holiday hype promises warmth, family and nostalgia, but family gatherings can be anything but fun if you have to face that relative. If your family is less than picture perfect, how do you survive? Can you celebrate without hurt, resentment, confrontation or even an all-out war? Counselor Tim Sanford offers practical ways to manage expectations, establish boundaries and keep the peace, even around the most challenging family members.   Forgive for Real: Six Steps to Forgiving   Just Annoying, or Truly Unsafe? How to Navigate Get-Togethers with Difficult Family  Inbox: No Room in the Apartment   She was planning to move out with friends, but then they got a place without her. She found out after the fact and wants to know how to move on from feeling betrayed. Counselor Linda Miller weighs in.        Link to Counseling Services
11/16/202353 minutes, 29 seconds
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Madi Prewett Troutt on Love: Episode 823

When your beliefs are challenged at work, plus Madi Prewett Troutt talks “The Bachelor,” love and singleness, and how to lean on God after a breakup.                            Featured musical artist:  David Dunn   Roundtable: When Your Workplace Challenges Your Convictions (Part 2)   Managing the daily grind at work is hard enough, but it’s particularly challenging when the environment is hostile to your faith and convictions. It’s not unheard of to see Christians ridiculed, canceled, pressured or even fired for standing up for what they believe. How should this kind of workplace culture be navigated? Our guests come from fields in education, medicine, mental health and the corporate world, and have experienced ideological challenges on the job. They continue a great discussion from last week on how to stay true to your convictions in an increasingly hostile world.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Beyond “The Bachelor” With Madi Prewett Troutt   In 2020, Madi Prewett Troutt became a both beloved and maligned contestant on TV’s “The Bachelor.” Her season in the public eye taught her much, especially what love is — and what it isn’t. She shares lessons learned from the show, dating in high school, marrying her husband, Grant, and most importantly — from God himself. Get Madi’s take on how to get the love you want instead of what will never last.   The Love Everybody Wants: What You’re Looking For Is Already Yours   Inbox: God Will Get You Through Your Breakup   Breakups aren’t easy, especially when you had high expectations for the relationship. People tell you to “lean on God” to deal with the pain, but what does that look like? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.
11/9/202359 minutes, 38 seconds
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Standing for Truth at Work: Episode 822

When your beliefs are challenged at work, plus how introverts can win on the job, and balancing your priorities with your family’s needs.   Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker   Roundtable: When Your Workplace Challenges Your Convictions (Part 1)   Managing the daily grind at work is hard enough, but it’s particularly challenging when the environment is hostile to your faith and convictions. It’s not unheard of to see Christians ridiculed, canceled, pressured or even fired for standing up for what they believe. How should this kind of workplace culture be navigated? Our guests come from fields in education, medicine, mental health and the corporate world, and have experienced ideological challenges on the job. They spark a great discussion on how to stay true to your convictions in an increasingly hostile world.      Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Introverts at Work   Are extroverts more successful in their careers? Listening to workplace lore, you’d assume that it’s easier for extroverts to get ahead, make friends, influence others, and be recognized on the job. Sometimes that’s true — but introverts, take heart. Introvert Dr. Mike Bechtle says that introverts have unique gifts and temperaments that can spell success on the job. Whether you’re an introvert or you want to better understand your introverted friends and coworkers, you’ll be encouraged by this discussion.   The Introvert’s Guide to Success in the Workplace: Becoming Confident in a Culture of Extroverted Expectations    Inbox: When Your Family Needs You   You want to focus on your own projects, priorities and friendships, but your family sometimes needs your help. How should you respond when things feel out of balance? Counselor Linda Miller gives a few tips. 
11/2/202357 minutes, 21 seconds
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From Meth Addict to Musician: Episode 821

Finding hobbies beyond entertainment, plus the testimony of worship leader Stephen McWhirter, and when you feel burned out from loving others.    Featured musical artist:   Aaron Shust   Roundtable: Purposeful Hobbies    A new show to binge, a football score to check, and then some gaming (got to level up!). These pastimes are fun, but in an entertainment-saturated world, how can we balance our go-to media interests with hobbies that are more productive? Our guests open up about their struggles with consuming too much entertainment — and how they’re learning to stretch their minds and skills in other directions.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Link to Plugged In Website    Culture: Stephen McWhirter’s Journey From Meth to Ministry   Before Stephen McWhirter became known for the song “Come Jesus Come,” he spent a long season openly hating God. Growing up watching his dad, a pastor, abuse Stephen’s mom, Stephen wanted nothing to do with Christians. He turned to drugs, and for over a decade they consumed his life. But that’s where God met him. Hear Stephen tell how God redeemed his broken story and gave him a platform to show others the path to true freedom.   The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus     Stephen’s Music   Inbox: Burned Out From All the Takers   Ever feel like you’re giving your time and energy to everyone else, but getting nothing in return? If loving others is leaving you exhausted, counselor Jerry Jones offers hope.         Link to Counseling Services
10/26/202357 minutes, 28 seconds
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Spiritual Compatibility in Dating: Episode 820

Determining if you and your date align in matters of faith, plus female execs help women succeed, and pursuing a woman post-breakup.    Featured musical artist:   Mosaic MSC   Roundtable: Are You Spiritually Compatible?    You and the person you’re dating may both be Christians, but that doesn’t guarantee you’re compatible. What are your theological disagreements? Does their spiritual maturity matter? What about worship style or church experience? Our panel gives their best advice to help you determine what’s important to stay in sync spiritually with your significant other.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Helping Women Succeed in the Workforce   Today’s career landscape has exploded with new opportunities for women, but that doesn’t mean success isn’t hard-won. Three female execs and business owners who’ve been there spearhead a discussion on how to be a successful working woman and leader while honoring God and achieving work-life balance.   The Way We Work: Taking Charge of Your Own Success     4-Word Women   Inbox: What If She Just Ended a Relationship?    He’s been on a couple dates, but both women recently came out of dating relationships. He’s wondering: Should a guy pursue a woman if she just ended a relationship with someone else? Lisa Anderson weighs in.   Link to Counseling Services
10/19/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 19 seconds
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Feeling Unwelcome at Church: Episode 819

When you’re ignored or unwelcome at church, plus dating after trauma, and should you date someone who’s recently divorced? Featured musical artist: Danen Kane  Roundtable: When People at Church Ignore You  Have you ever visited a church only to have no one shake your hand or say hello? Maybe you haven’t been included in conversation, asked a question, or invited to participate. Most of us have faced some version of this. When it happens, what should you do? Walk out the door forever, snub people in return, or try something else? We talk about the awkward and disappointing effects of not feeling welcome at church, and offer suggestions for how to handle it short- and long-term.  Leave Us a Voicemail Culture: Dating After You’ve Experienced Trauma Whether it’s childhood trauma, circumstantial trauma or trauma related specifically to a past relationship, picking yourself up and moving on is no easy task. How do you know you’re ready to date after such an experience or season? Counselors Angel Perez and Kari Aho have experienced trauma and currently counsel many clients navigating these tricky waters. They’ll define trauma, suggest first steps, identify roadblocks, and outline healthy ways to re-enter the dating scene.  From Trauma to Transformation: A Path to Healing and Growth  Inbox: What If He’s Been Divorced?  She discovered that the guy she’s dating was recently divorced. Where does she go from here, and what does she need to know? Counselor Kari Aho weighs in, sharing how she addressed this when dating her husband.   Link to Counseling Services
10/12/202358 minutes, 32 seconds
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Your Questions About Sex: Episode 818

Ways to be a good gift giver, plus a sex Q&A with Dr. Juli Slattery, and is a second date recommended if the first one didn’t go well?    Featured musical artist:   Ginny Owens      Roundtable: Creative Gift Giving   Yes, Christmas is coming, but you don’t have to wait until the holidays to learn how to give good gifts. Even if gifts isn’t your love language, you’ll be inspired by this conversation to be more generous and creative in blessing others. Our guests share their gift-giving and -receiving experiences, what gifts have meant a lot to them and why, and how to think out of the box when considering gifts for friends, family and everyone in between.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Dr. Juli Slattery Answers Questions About Sex   We asked you to submit your questions about sex and sexuality, and this week Dr. Juli Slattery is here to answer them. Offering clinical expertise, biblical wisdom and practical application, Juli answers questions including: how to talk about sex when you’re engaged to be married, how to navigate a relationship with someone who has a sexual past, sexuality and singleness, loving your LGBT friends while affirming God’s design, and more.   Rethinking Sexuality: God’s Design and Why It Matters   Article: What’s the Purpose of Sexuality if I’m Single Article: Promise Rings and Purity Talks Aren’t Enough Article: Is It OK to Masturbate?   Inbox: Should I Try a Second Date?   If a first date didn’t go well, should you give a second one a chance? How do you know if it’s worth it? Counselor Angel Perez weighs in.         Link to Counseling Services 
10/5/202359 minutes, 6 seconds
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Setting Up a Wedding Registry: Episode 817

Creating a useful wedding registry, plus Peter Mutabazi’s journey from street kid to foster dad, and do most adults know if they want kids?   Featured musical artist:   James Peden   Roundtable: Wedding Registry Advice   One of the most iconic tasks of the engagement season is setting up a wedding registry. But if you hop online and haphazardly add items, or run around a store with a scanner like your life depends on it, you’ll soon second-guess if you’re doing the whole registry thing right. (You’ll also be downright exhausted.) For advice on putting together a thoughtful and practical registry, we asked several of our newlywed friends to share lessons learned, out-of-the-box ideas, and how to avoid offending gift-givers. They also discuss gifts they got that have proven especially meaningful.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: From Street Kid to Single Dad   As a child in Uganda, Peter Mutabazi experienced life in a violent home. He escaped and ran hundreds of miles away to Kampala, where he lived on the streets. He survived this way for years until a young man showed him kindness; this small encounter changed everything. Now living in the United States, Peter is a foster and adoptive dad in addition to running a business and working in the nonprofit world. His story will inspire you as a reminder that God can redeem even the most broken situations.   Now I Am Known: How a Street Kid Turned Foster Dad Found Acceptance and True Worth    Inbox: Do You Want Kids or Not?   Do most people know if they eventually want children? How much should having kids be prioritized, especially when so many young adults are delaying marriage? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.   Link to Counseling Services
9/28/202353 minutes, 51 seconds
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Celebrating 25 Years of Boundless!: Episode 816

The advice we need most, plus Steve and Candice Watters tell the Boundless origin story, and how to effectively ask a girl out.   Featured musical artist:  Ellie Holcomb    Roundtable: Where Do You Need Advice?    As we celebrate 25 years since the launch of, our guests tell how they first heard about Boundless. They’ll also share the ways they’ve benefited personally from Boundless content, areas in which they need advice, and how to prioritize growth as a young adult. Finally, they list some of their favorite show moments through the years.   The Dating Manifesto: A Drama-Free Plan for Pursuing Marriage With Purpose    Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Steve & Candice Watters Tell the Boundless Story   Have you ever wondered how Boundless got started? Or where the name Boundless came from? Boundless founders Steve and Candice Watters join us for a special conversation to answer these questions and more. They’ll also share their thoughts on how the world has changed for young adults since Boundless launched in 1998.   The Dating Manifesto: A Drama-Free Plan for Pursuing Marriage With Purpose    Inbox: Ways to Ask a Girl Out   When pursuing a girl, what are ways to be upfront about asking her out — without being creepy? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.
9/21/20231 hour, 25 seconds
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Looking for Spiritual Maturity: Episode 815

Stories of porn addiction recovery, plus finding belonging as a Christian, and how to know if your boyfriend is spiritually mature.   Featured musical artist:   Liz Vice    Roundtable: Overcoming Porn Addiction (Part 2)    Pornography addiction is increasingly common today, even among Christians. It’s a struggle many don’t want to admit, and freedom often feels out of reach. But our guests have broken the pornography cycle, and they join us this week to share more from the stories they began last week, including what worked (and what didn’t) and why through God’s grace, freedom from sexual sin is possible.       Leave Us a Voicemail   Link to Counseling Services    Culture: Fitting Into the Family of God   Katy McCown and her family moved six times in 10 years thanks to her husband’s NFL career. Uprooting yet again, her feelings of loneliness were acute. As an antidote, she had to aggressively pursue community at church and in smaller circles. She’ll share some of her best tips for making it work, with Scriptural applications for plugging in, welcoming others, and carrying friendships into a new season.   She Belongs: Finding Your Place in the Body of Christ    Inbox: Is My Boyfriend Spiritually Mature?    Her boyfriend is 20 years old and she’s wondering if his maturity is “on par” for his age. She’s nervous about predicting the health of their relational future with little data. How much spiritual maturity should she expect from him right now? Counselor Jerry Jones weighs in.
9/14/20231 hour, 1 minute
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How to Break a Porn Addiction: Episode 814

Stories of porn addiction recovery, plus how God saved a marriage from pornography, and when to talk about past traumas in a dating relationship.   Featured musical artist:  About a Mile   Roundtable: Overcoming Porn Addiction (Part 1)    Pornography addiction is increasingly common today, even among Christians. It’s a struggle many don’t want to admit, and freedom often feels out of reach. But our guests have broken the pornography cycle, and they join us this week to share their stories: what worked (and what didn’t) and why through God’s grace, freedom from sexual sin is possible.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Link to Counseling Services    Culture: When Porn Shows Up on Your Honeymoon   Mark and Rosie Makinney were on their honeymoon when a terrible secret was discovered — Mark was addicted to pornography. Rosie confronted him and together they began a journey to see if Mark was serious about his sin and if their marriage could be saved. You’ll hear their incredible testimony of God’s redemption, plus Mark’s no-holds-barred account of what he had to give up to finally crush porn’s hold on him.   Fight for Love: How to Take Your Marriage Back from Porn   Hope Restored   Inbox: When To Reveal Trauma to Your Date    Everything from past sexual experiences to self-harm, abuse and other traumas can be hard to discuss when dating. If you’ve made decisions you deeply regret, when is the right time to bring them up in a relationship? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.
9/7/202359 minutes, 36 seconds
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Take a Break From Dating: Episode 813

When you need a dating “time out,” plus Q&A with Tovares and Safa Grey, and how to respond when your gay friends ask you to affirm their choices.   Featured musical artist:  About a Mile   Roundtable: How to Pause Your Dating Life    Dating can be exciting, but for certain reasons you may need to occasionally take a break. How do you know when a pause is necessary? And how long should it be? Our guests share the benefits they’ve seen in seasons of flying solo, and how to make a break work best for you. Oh, we also talk about how to not over-spiritualize non-dating or use it as an excuse for passive behavior or bitterness.   Leave Us a Voicemail   Culture: Q&A With Tovares and Safa Grey   Our friends Tovares and Safa Grey, founders of Godly Dating 101, have returned — this time in person! They address the most common dating questions they get from followers, the biggest mistakes singles make in waiting for a spouse, and lessons they’ve learned since tying the knot.    Link to Godly Dating 101   Inbox: When a Gay Friend Asks for Affirmation   You have a gay friend who asks for your support of their sexual choices. Amid intense cultural pressure and the desire to love your friend, how do you respond in a God-honoring way? Gender and sexuality analyst Jeff Johnston weighs in.
8/31/202353 minutes, 8 seconds
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Why Aren’t You Dating?: Episode 812

When friends and family urge you to date, plus Hannah Schermerhorn on lessons she learned in singleness, and being a sympathetic listener.   Featured musical artist:  Love and the Outcome    Roundtable: Feeling Pressured to Date    Friends and family are our biggest cheerleaders, but it’s unhelpful when they keep asking, “Have you found someone yet?” If you’ve fielded that question for what seems like the thousandth time, what can you do? We share ideas for responding with grace when others pressure you to date.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: One Woman’s Singleness Journey   For Hannah Schermerhorn, being single felt like admitting failure. After a broken engagement, she struggled to put the pieces of her heart together. But through that journey, she learned singleness can actually be a wonderful season with unexpected blessings. She joins us to tell her story, including an assurance that being a single adult doesn’t make you a second-class citizen.   A Single Life to Live: Stop Waiting for Your Life to Begin and Thrive Where God Has You Today    Inbox: How Can I Listen to a Friend’s Problem?    When anyone approaches our listener with a problem, he finds himself wanting to give advice rather than listening and showing compassion. How can he beef up his listening skills? Counselor Linda Miller weighs in.
8/24/202356 minutes, 15 seconds
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Summer Reflections: Episode 811

Discussing how we spent the summer, plus Covenant Eyes’ Sam Black on the church’s role in porn recovery, and how do you stop a panic attack?   Featured musical artist: Audio Adrenaline   Roundtable: Did You Have a Productive Summer?    Now that summer is coming to a close, it’s time to take stock: What went well with this season of longer and supposedly carefree days, and what do you wish you’d done differently? Lisa and our guests started out with high hopes and open calendars, and now admit their share of both highlights and disappointments. If you wish your summer had gone differently (or you’re discouraged heading into fall), we’ll give a few ideas for redeeming the remaining days and staying hopeful for the months to come.    Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Why Porn Addicts Need the Church   Sam Black is director of recovery education at Covenant Eyes, a trusted ministry designed to help people in their journey out of porn addiction. Sam shares his story and provides reasons and ways the church must (and can) be a safe place of recovery for addicts. Join us for this hopeful and practical conversation about the power of vulnerable community done right.   The Healing Church: What Churches Get Wrong About Pornography and How to Fix It     Find the Victory App   Inbox: How to Stop a Panic Attack    Whenever our listener faces a stressor – whether it’s money, work or relationships – he finds himself battling a full-blown panic attack. What can he do? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.
8/17/202352 minutes, 57 seconds
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Where Do I See God?: Episode 810

Recognizing God in daily life, plus cultivating a good relationship with your parents, and what to do when you disagree with your parents’ advice.   Featured musical artist:  David Dunn   Roundtable: Seeing God’s Hand in Everyday Life   We look at big, life-changing events and say, “Only God could’ve done that!” But what about the everyday moments? What about the situations that seem entirely ordinary? Is God in those, too? This week we’re talking about the many ways we’re currently seeing God’s hand in our lives, and we’ll give you a few ideas for recognizing Him in yours as well.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Do You Get Along With Your Parents?   One of the hardest parts about becoming an adult is navigating the tricky relational shift with your parents. You want to honor and respect them, but what if they still treat you like a kid? What if you struggle to understand their lifestyle or decisions? What if they’re a bit too clingy or nosy? For Rhonda Stoppe and her son Brandon, the journey has had plenty of ups, downs, and lightbulb moments along the way. In our conversation, they offer hope for a healthy, mature and balanced parent-child relationship. In fact, they’ll even argue that parents and their adult children can (gasp!) become friends.   Moms Raising Sons to Be Men: Guiding Them Toward Their Purpose and Passion    Rhonda’s Website   Inbox: When You Don’t Like a Parent’s Advice   Your parents may mean well, but what happens when you flat-out disagree with their advice? Is this a time to take it, ignore it, or call them out? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.
8/10/202352 minutes, 58 seconds
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Friendly Interference: Episode 809

Butting into a friend’s dating life, plus making church a haven for victims of abuse, and what if your best friend doesn’t like your other friends?   Featured musical artist:  Austin Stone Worship Roundtable: Getting Involved in Your Friend’s Dating Life Your friend is dating and you see something in the relationship that concerns you. Is it time to speak up? If so, how? How much input should you have in friends’ relationships, anyway? Our guests (one married, one engaged, one single) offer pointers on how to “meddle with grace” in situations like these. Leave us a Voicemail Culture: Is Church a Safe Place for the Abused? Dr. James Reeves felt God call him to make the church he pastored a place of healing for those who’ve been sexually abused. The impact of the church’s ministry has been felt throughout the Dallas community since its inception, and now it is leading the way for other churches to follow suit. Dr. Reeves and Focus on the Family counselor Geremy Keeton discuss why church should be the safest place for those who’ve been abused, and what it looks like to make that happen.       The Fearless Series Website   The Wounded Heart Link to Counseling Services Link to Articles for Help for Abusive Relationships Inbox: Best Friend vs. Other Friends Your best friend feels he or she doesn’t fit in with your other friends, and isn’t afraid to say so. Is this a problem with your bestie or with everyone else? How can you discuss this in a loving and constructive manner? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in. 
8/3/202359 minutes, 44 seconds
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Career Conundrums: Episode 808

Struggling to find your dream job, plus recovery from religious trauma, and when you’re in a relationship but have a crush on someone else.   Featured musical artist:  Vertical Worship   Roundtable: What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?   Figuring out your career path can be intimidating, and it’s rarely a straight line of opportunities and decisions. Few of us knew for certain what we wanted to do upon graduating from college, and some of us still haven’t found our career sweet spot. What’s the answer? Is it trial and error? Taking another career assessment? Prayer and fasting? All of the above? Our roundtable guests have been there, and they infuse this week’s conversation with practical tips and encouragement for trusting God with our vocational futures.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Hope After Spiritual Trauma   Most Christians have at some point experienced a version of church hurt. In many cases, it’s been emotionally and spiritually traumatic. Whether it’s abuse, rejection, betrayal, moral failure or a massive church split, spiritual trauma is real. In the midst of it (or in the aftermath), how do you stay close to God? How do you trust His heart, and how do you find healing? Counselor Rob Jackson has years of pastoral and clinical counseling experience and has worked with many people on recovery in this sphere. If you’re struggling with pain from church wounds, this discussion may help you move forward.   Walking with God through Pain and Suffering   Link to Counseling Services   Inbox: When You Have a Crush on Someone Else   What do you do if you’re in a serious relationship but you have a crush on someone else? Counselor Kari Aho weighs in.
7/27/202352 minutes, 6 seconds
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Is Marriage Worth Pursuing?: Episode 807

Maintaining hope for your future marriage, plus ways to share the gospel online, and how do you break a cursing habit?        Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker   Roundtable: Why Marriage Is Worth It   With all the negative messages about marriage these days, it’s easy to wonder: Can marriage really work? Isn’t it easier to remain single? While singleness is itself a great calling, for those who are meant to marry some extra encouragement may be necessary. Our guests this week provide inspiration to stay the course and believe in marriage as a good thing. As Lisa says, “God’s still in the business of making great matches.” If marriage is in your future, there is hope.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Sharing the Gospel Online   Australian evangelist Ryan Hemelaar is taking advantage of life in an increasingly digital age to share the gospel with people around the world — all from the comfort of his home. As the founder of, he shares exciting stories of what God is doing in online conversations, and why technology is an increasingly effective way to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.        Honest Evangelism: How to talk about Jesus even when it’s tough   NeedGod.Net    Inbox: How Can I Stop Cursing?   Using profanity is a persistent struggle for many. Our listener admittedly has a cursing problem and wants strategies for how to stop. Counselor Jerry Jones weighs in.
7/20/202355 minutes, 38 seconds
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Is It God Speaking?: Episode 806

Knowing God’s voice, plus part two of a conversation on self-control, and how to stop imagining worst-case scenarios.      Featured musical artist: Stu Garrard   Roundtable: Distinguishing God’s Voice From Mine   As Christians, we want to hear God’s voice, but how do we know it’s actually Him speaking? We second-guess a decision or direction, or we put out another proverbial fleece, or we wait for a bright light or booming voice — that never comes. Our guests break down their own challenges in hearing from God, including overcoming the paralysis of not knowing who or what to believe.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Learning Self-Control (Part 2)   You started the year with good intentions, but they were short-lived. Now more than halfway through 2023, all of your goals, resolutions, and “I’ll do betters” have fallen by the wayside. Fortunately, author Drew Dyck is here to help. He’s consulted both the Bible and brain science to find out why self-control is so hard, but also how we can strategically build the muscle to help us form good habits that will go the distance. In part two of our conversation, Drew talks about The Habit Loop, relying on God’s strength, and how to beat technology addiction.    Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science   Inbox: Help for Overthinkers   Our listener is struggling with overthinking things to the point where he imagines scenarios that don’t happen. Our producer, John Peardon, is no stranger to this — so he’ll encourage us with strategies that have helped him find peace of mind.
7/13/202355 minutes, 27 seconds
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Overcoming Summer FOMO: Episode 805

Don’t feel left out this summer, plus a conversation on self-control, and breaking up with a friend who isn’t good for you.   Featured musical artist: All Sons & Daughters   Roundtable: Left Out of Summer Fun?   You’re going about your summer and having a good time — until you discover some of your friends planned an event but didn’t invite you. Now that you think about it, a lot of things seem to be happening without you…at least if Instagram has anything to say about it. How do you respond? This week we talk about what makes us feel left out and how we can craft a contented summer regardless of who’s doing what.      Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Learning Self-Control (Part 1)   You started the year with good intentions, but they were short-lived. Now more than halfway through 2023, all of your goals, resolutions, and “I’ll do betters” have fallen by the wayside. Fortunately, author Drew Dyck is here to help. He’s consulted both the Bible and brain science to find out why self-control is so hard, but also how we can strategically build the muscle to help us form good habits that will go the distance. In part one of our conversation, Drew extols the virtues of self-control, explains why willpower isn’t enough by itself, and how a conversation with his wife helped him take some personal inventory.      Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science   Inbox: When a Friend Isn’t Good for You   You’re noticing that a friendship isn’t bringing out the best in you, and you’re wondering: Is it time to cut ties? Counselor Kari Aho weighs in.
7/6/202353 minutes, 46 seconds
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Roommate Relationships: Episode 804

How to live successfully with roommates, plus Gary Thomas on the desire for marriage, and is coffee addiction sinful?    Featured musical artist: Various Artists   Roundtable: Tips for Getting Along With Roommates   Having a roommate (or more than one) is a great option for young adults who want to save money, live in community, and grow as an individual. But not every roommate situation is created equal; some roommates are naturally easy to get along with while others can be difficult. This week we share the highs and lows we’ve experienced with roommates, how to vet potential candidates, how to have productive conversations (even around conflict), how to set expectations in a living situation, and even how to be a good roommate yourself.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Gary Thomas on Desiring Marriage   Seeing friend after friend get married can feel discouraging if you’re still single with virtually no prospects. Will it ever be your turn? Pastor Gary Thomas, author of “The Sacred Search,” offers advice to those who are in a season of hoping and waiting for marriage. He’ll also suggest ways to grow in maturity and purpose as you seek a spouse.   The Sacred Search: Updated & Revised   Inbox: Is Coffee Addiction a Sin?    We naturally label as “addiction” a dependence on things like drugs and alcohol. But what about caffeine? Is being coffee-dependent a sin? Lisa Anderson weighs in. 
6/29/202358 minutes, 12 seconds
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Doubts About God: Episode 803

Wrestling with doubts about your faith, plus Gary Thomas gives book recommendations, and prioritizing time with your family.    Featured musical artist: Abandon     Roundtable: What If I Have Doubts About My Faith?   At some point in your Christian walk, you’ll have questions about God, faith, the Bible and more. While seeking answers is a good thing, what about entertaining doubts? Does God want us to question Him? Is doubting a sign of a lack of faith — or of not being saved? Our guests open up about things they’ve struggled with and what has helped them seek and trust God amid questions, doubts and dark nights of the soul.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Book Recommendations From Gary Thomas   Summer is here, and with it comes summer reading. Pastor and author Gary Thomas (hello, “The Sacred Search”) is a popular guest who is also an avid reader. If you’re looking for great books to read this summer (or anytime!), be sure to listen in as Gary gives some of his top recommendations across a wide variety of genres.   The Sacred Search: Updated & Revised; When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom from Toxic People     Inbox: Spending More Time With Family   Time is a precious gift — and so is family — so how do you prioritize your loved ones when your days and weeks are jam-packed with work, activities, and other pastimes? Our host Lisa Anderson weighs in.  
6/22/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 32 seconds
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Men and Friendship: Episode 802

What guys need in a friend, plus Alisha Plummer on singles in church, and are most Christian men on dating sites OK with premarital sex?      Featured musical artist:  Aaron Strumpel       Roundtable: What Men Need From Friendships   Friendships are essential for emotional and relational health; without them, our lives can easily become self-centered and empty. But what exactly do men and women need from their friends, and what should we be willing to give? This week, a group of guys discuss friendship from a male perspective. They share what makes a friendship meaningful, how to go deeper in friendship, and how to call each other out when necessary.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Including Singles at Church    With most churches programmed for couples and families, it’s easy for single adults to feel left out. But Scripture affirms singles as a vital part of the family as well as the body of Christ. Alisha Plummer is a Christian single with constructive ideas for how the church can better integrate its unmarried members. If you’re feeling alone at church, this will be an encouraging discussion.   Confessions of a Christian Spinster: Finding Purpose in a Perplexed and Paired-Up Church     Inbox: Men and Premarital Sex    Our listener says many of the guys she’s met on dating apps say their faith is important — yet they don’t have a problem justifying premarital sex. She’s pretty upset about it. Is this a male problem, or is there something bigger here? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.
6/15/202351 minutes, 59 seconds
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Women and Friendship: Episode 801

What girls need in a friend, plus Laurie Polich Short on trusting God’s timing, and tips for those struggling in their first job out of college.    Featured musical artist:  Covenant Worship       Roundtable: What Women Need From Friendships Friendships are essential for emotional and relational health; without them, our lives can easily become self-centered and empty. But what exactly do men and women need from their friends, and what should we be willing to give? This week, a group of ladies discuss friendship from a female perspective. They share what makes a friendship meaningful, how to go deeper in friendship, what to do when a relationship fizzles, and more. (Next week: the men!)   Leave us a Voicemail   Hear Laurie’s Story of Waiting for Marriage!   Culture: Trusting God’s Timing  What do you do when God says, “Wait”? Or maybe you’re wondering if He’s saying anything at all. Trusting God’s timing and plan is no easy feat. Laurie Polich Short has relied on God during several seasons of waiting, including years of being single (she got married for the first time at age 49). Laurie will share strategies for waiting well, how to listen to God in what seems like silence, and why letting God call the shots is always worth it.   Faith, Doubt and God’s Mysterious Timing: 30 Biblical Insights About the Way God Works     Hear Laurie’s Story of Waiting for Marriage!   Watch Laurie’s Video Series   Inbox: Launching a Career   She’s struggling with her first job out of college. Is there a way to get a jump-start and make progress when you’re new to the workforce? HR expert Marshonda Dixon weighs in. 
6/8/202358 minutes, 12 seconds
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Happy 800th!: Episode 800

Reflecting on 800 episodes, plus more with Dr. Greg Smalley on preparing for a great marriage, and is church membership biblical?   Featured musical artist:  David Baloche   Roundtable: Celebrating #800   Thanks to you, our listeners, we’ve reached our 800th episode! To mix things up, show producer John Peardon and audio engineer Alex Seeley take a turn hosting the roundtable — with Lisa Anderson as their guest. They ask her to reflect on hosting 800 episodes, plus everything from which Bible character she’d want to trade places with for a day, to things she wants Christians to stop doing, and skills she’s used from previous jobs in her current role.   Leave us a Voicemail   Culture: Preparing for Your Future Marriage (Part 2)    Many singles dream of finding a spouse. But after that comes…marriage. Marriage is fantastic, but not easy. Are there things to learn before marriage that will set you up for better success in marriage? To help frame our perspective on what makes marriage work, Dr. Greg Smalley instructs us how to think about love from a godly perspective. In part two, he’ll address how love needs time to grow, plus why true love embraces and endures.    Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage Podcast   Marriage Assessment   Inbox: Should You Join a Church?    Most Christians would agree that being part of a local church is important; but is it necessary to be a member rather than just attend? Is that biblical? Lisa Anderson weighs in.          Is Church Membership Important?
6/1/20231 hour, 2 minutes
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Independence While Dating: Episode 799

Dating without losing yourself, plus Dr. Greg Smalley on preparing for a great marriage, and when does a relationship reach the “serious” stage?   Featured musical artist:  Stu Garrard   Roundtable: Don’t Lose Yourself in Dating   It happens all the time: Two people fall in love — then go MIA. You don’t see them except when they’re together (if that). But it’s not healthy to lose yourself in another person at any stage, so how can we encourage a healthier approach to dating? What are appropriate boundaries and rhythms to keep in mind? Our guests have walked the dating journey with ups and downs in this area, and they’ll offer ideas for enjoying and getting to know another person without losing your independence.   Culture: Preparing for Your Future Marriage (Part 1)    Many singles dream of finding a spouse. But after that comes…marriage. Marriage is fantastic, but not easy. Are there things to learn before marriage that will set you up for better success in marriage? To help frame our perspective on what makes marriage work, Dr. Greg Smalley instructs us how to think about love from a godly perspective. In part one of our conversation, he’ll address the principles of commitment, seeking God, and honoring your significant other.   Receive the book Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage: 12 Secrets for a Lifelong Romance for your donation of any amount!   Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage Podcast   Inbox: When Does a Relationship Become “Serious”?    He’s not been in a serious dating relationship before, but recently started chatting with a girl who lives 1,300 miles away. He’s planning to visit her soon and sees her as someone he could date. But he’s wondering: When does a relationship reach the “serious” stage, and what does he need to know in light of that? Lisa Anderson weighs in.          Boundless Guides to Marrying Well 
5/25/202356 minutes, 58 seconds
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Christians and Alcohol: Episode 798

Finding joy amid depression, plus Jonathan Pokluda on Christians and alcohol, and should high-schoolers date? Featured musical artist:  Hollyn  Roundtable: Finding Joy When It Feels Impossible Christians are called to live joyful lives; after all, joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit. But how do you find joy when your entire world feels dark and hopeless? Our guests know the deep valleys of depression and anxiety; they have fought for joy in the trenches and have seen God show up. They’ll share their personal journeys as well as insight and encouragement for those struggling to trust God’s goodness from under the heaviness of life’s burdens. Paul’s Book: Beauty in the Browns: Walking With Christ in the Darkness of Depression Link to Counseling Services  Culture: What Does the Bible Say About Booze? For Christians, consuming alcohol is a divisive subject. Wherever you are on the “is it OK?” spectrum, there is biblical wisdom around the issue that everyone should consider. Pastor Jonathan Pokluda shares his own relationship, past and present, with drinking, and he and Lisa discuss current cultural cues around alcohol that could benefit from a healthier, God-honoring perspective. Link to Article: The Latest Buzz Around Christians and Alcohol Inbox: Dating in High School Are high-schoolers too young to date? Why or why not? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
5/18/202356 minutes, 4 seconds
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Social Media Rehab: Episode 797

Detoxing from social media addiction, plus more with JP Pokluda on killing bad habits, and is it wrong to date if you aren’t ready for marriage?    Featured musical artist: Je’kob   Roundtable: How to Detox From Social Media   You intend to “just check” your social media accounts, but a few minutes turn into an hour or more of mindless scrolling. You’ve tried to stop before, but the lure of the screen and its endless notifications are too much. You promise to do something about it…tomorrow. If this sounds like you, it may be time for a detox. To help motivate you, our guests describe what has helped them control the time spent on their phones, specifically with social media. They’ll also talk about the life gains they’ve seen as a result, and share ideas for replacing screen time with real relationships.    Culture: JP Pokluda on Breaking Bad Habits (Part 2)     Why Do I Do What I Don’t Want to Do? Replace Deadly Vices With Life-Giving Virtues    Inbox: Dating Without Marriage in Mind   Is it wrong to date if you aren’t ready to get married? Counselor Kari Aho weighs in.     In Romans 7, the Apostle Paul is candid about his struggle with sin: “Why do I do what I don’t want to do?” Pastor Jonathan Pokluda asks the same question in his latest book (titled exactly that!). We can all relate, but what do we do about it? Is it possible to replace vices with virtues and bad habits with good ones? Is it possible to not let sin have mastery over us? In part two of our conversation, JP will tackle three battles we all face: perception management vs. authenticity, busyness vs. rest, and cynicism vs. optimism.
5/11/202357 minutes, 44 seconds
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Replacing Vices With Virtues: Episode 796

Evaluating your morning routine, plus JP Pokluda on killing bad habits, and advice for a virgin considering marriage to someone who isn’t. Featured musical artist:  Darlene Zschech Roundtable: The Importance of Morning RoutinesHow you start your day is incredibly important to your productivity and overall well-being — but what works for you may not work for someone else. Our guests share what they like best about their morning routines, what they’d like to change, and the gains they’ve seen from structuring their mornings (even a little bit). If you’re looking to craft a better start to your day, you’ll definitely want to tune in. Culture: JP Pokluda on Breaking Bad Habits (Part 1)  In Romans 7, the Apostle Paul is candid about his struggle with sin: “Why do I do what I don’t want to do?” Pastor Jonathan Pokluda asks the same question in his latest book (titled exactly that!). We can all relate, but what do we do about it? Is it possible to replace vices with virtues and bad habits with good ones? Is it possible to not let sin have mastery over us? In part one of our conversation, JP will share how Christians drift into sin, and tackles two of the book’s main themes: replacing pride with humility, and choosing self-control over lust.Why Do I Do What I Don’t Want to Do? Replace Deadly Vices with Life-Giving Virtues  Inbox: When a Virgin Marries a Non-VirginOur listener is still a virgin but wants to marry someone who isn’t. Are there things to consider? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in with hope and practical advice.
5/4/202357 minutes, 2 seconds
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Are Revivals Real?: Episode 795

Insight on recent campus revivals, plus the gospel in light of CRT and racial unity, and when your spouse seems spiritually stunted.Featured musical artist:  Jeremy Rosado Roundtable: Understanding Mass RevivalsEarlier this year, we saw spiritual revivals happen at college campuses around the country. There was both excitement and skepticism around these much-publicized events, leaving many asking about the nature of revival as well as its spiritual impact and implications. Two pastors join us this week to explain the biblical interpretation of revival as well as what true revival looks like, plus lessons learned from various revivals throughout history.8 Simple Ways to Boost Your Faith This Year    Culture: The Gospel and Racial UnityFor years, Monique Duson was an advocate of critical race theory (CRT); as a black woman from south central Los Angeles, it seemed like the natural fit. But when she was challenged to look at CRT through the lens of the gospel, Monique changed her tune. While she agrees that CRT raises some necessary questions, she feels most of the assumptions and conclusions presented by CRT run far afield from truth. Monique challenges Christians to approach racial unity from a posture of biblical grace, recognizing what is already ours in Christ. Listen in for a fascinating discussion from a leading thinker in this space. Featured Article: Beyond Racial Division: A Conversation With Sociologist George Yancey    Featured Website: Center for Biblical Unity  Featured Resource: Boundless Guides to Marrying Well Featured Video: Monique Duson’s Lighthouse Voices Event Inbox: When You Question Your Spouse’s Christian WalkWhat can a believer do when his or her spouse professes Christ, but isn’t evidencing the Fruit of the Spirit in their life? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
4/27/202347 minutes, 42 seconds
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What Is Grace?: Episode 794

Pastors discuss the meaning of grace, plus decluttering and cleaning tips from a professional organizer, and should we fast to discern God’s will?Featured musical artist: Daniel BashtaRoundtable: A Practical Understanding of God’s Grace Christians love talking about God’s grace — but what does grace really mean for our everyday lives? Is it about salvation? Forgiveness? Just getting through the day? Two pastors discuss some of the misconceptions Christians have about grace, why a biblical understanding of grace is unique, and how grace can empower us to live the Christian life.Culture: Spring Cleaning and DeclutteringSpring is typically the season when we clean out our clutter, tidy up, and get more organized — or at least we say we will. Professional organizer Jaimi Stewart joins us with practical tips for bringing your good intentions to life. She’ll tackle everything from closets to tech to papers to your wardrobe. Get ready to toss, file and give away!Featured Article: The Spiritual Practice of Spring Cleaning Featured Website: The Simple SortInbox: Fasting to Find God’s WillOur listener has some big decisions coming up and has been told fasting can help as she prays for God’s direction. How can she practically approach this? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
4/20/202350 minutes, 49 seconds
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Identity Check: Episode 793

When your identity is in the wrong things, plus unique advice for Hispanic young adults, and concerns about Christians and romantic entertainment.Featured musical artist:   Covenant Worship  Roundtable: The Identity Traps of Work, Relationships and HobbiesWe all struggle with giving something we value too much influence over us. Whether it’s our career, a relationship or a favorite hobby, anything we love can become a competitor with God for our time and affection. How can we find our identity in who God says we are instead of relying on people, experiences or acclaim to declare our worth? Our guests share their identity traps, how they put them in their proper place, and why they’re learning to find joy in Christ.                  Culture: Reaching the Hispanic Community for ChristEsteban Porras grew up in church, watching his dad preach and seeing many in his community and beyond come to Christ. But as a young adult, he had to travel his own faith journey, and it was influenced by his cultural context growing up in Costa Rica. He recently got married, had a baby and moved to the United States to continue Christian ministry to the Hispanic community here. As an integral part of the Enfoque a la Familia team, Esteban has his finger on the pulse of faith and family among Hispanics worldwide. In this interview, he talks about what trends he’s seeing among Spanish-speaking young adults, dating advice for them as they navigate unique family contexts, and how God is uniquely growing the faith of those in the Hispanic community.    Link to Enfoque a la FamiliaInbox: Romantic Entertainment and the ChristianWho doesn’t love a good love story? In light of that, is it a wise or unwise thing for Christians to watch romantic movies and TV? Is enjoying them a sign that we’re not being careful to guard our hearts? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
4/13/202350 minutes, 18 seconds
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Prayer for the Common Christian: Episode 792

Learning to pray, plus thoughts on sexual purity before marriage, and what to do when singleness feels like suffering.Featured musical artist:   David Baloche  Roundtable: How to Pray in a Meaningful WaySome people seem to pray with ease, while others struggle with it. Are there “good” prayers and ways to pray? Our guests discuss some of their challenges with prayer, how they’ve learned to pray, and what it means to be honest with God. If you find prayer a difficult discipline, you’ll be encouraged by this conversation.Culture: Sexual Purity in Preparation for Marriage If you grew up in the church, you may have been taught (or at least assumed) that a discussion around purity was about not having sex before marriage. But instead of a list of don’ts, what if it’s something deeper and ultimately freeing? Tovares Grey is back to discuss ideas around biblical sexuality that are helpful in preparing for a godly marriage. As the founder of Godly Dating 101, he’ll share misconceptions he had about sex, sin and temptation; why we should trust God with our sexuality, and how God redeems sexual brokenness in those who want to be healed. Godly Dating 101: Discover the Truth About Relationships in  a World That Constantly Lies Inbox: Suffering in Singleness?Our listener is struggling to see singleness as a gift. While the Bible says it’s an honorable calling, what do you do when it feels more like suffering? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
4/6/20231 hour, 56 seconds
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Long-Distance Dating: Episode 791

Successfully dating long-distance, plus becoming a master communicator, and is it OK to keep finances separate in marriage?Featured musical artist:   Kerrie Roberts    Roundtable: Living Through a Long-Distance RelationshipLong-distance dating can be exciting, but it’s not without its pitfalls. To help those working through long-distance relational dynamics, we brought in guests who’ve walked that journey to engagement and marriage. They’ll share some of the challenges they had to overcome, what God taught them in that season, and what you need to be aware of if you pursue a relationship across states, time zones or even continents.Culture: Improve Your Communication Skills Despite technology that keeps us incredibly connected and reachable, record numbers of young adults feel isolated and lonely. Are real relationships, conversations and connections a thing of the past? Dr. Heather Holleman is a professor at Penn State who joins us this week to offer practical wisdom on improving your communication skills by looking others in the eye, staying attuned to them, avoiding toxic conversations, and learning to listen well.The Six Conversations: Pathways to Connecting in an Age of Isolation and Incivility   Inbox: His and Hers Finances?Her friend recently met a guy online, but the relationship is already revealing some red flags. In particular, he has said that if they eventually get married they should each have their own bank accounts, and their assets would always be kept separate in case of divorce. Is this biblical? Should our listener provide counsel to her friend? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.
3/30/202356 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sibling Love: Episode 790

Having a good relationship with your siblings, plus understanding your conflict style, and finding hope after losing a parent.Featured musical artist:   David Dunn Roundtable: Getting Along With Your SiblingsYour siblings will always be part of your story, even when you’re an adult. Learning to love and understand them can be a challenge, whether because of age, gender, personality or experience. This week’s guests discuss some of the challenges they’ve overcome in their sibling relationships, plus how the dynamics have changed with age and life stage, and how to have hope if a sibling relationship is strained or distant.  Culture: What’s Your Conflict Style? Conflict is an inevitable part of life, but everyone handles it differently. To offer practical understanding for managing conflict, Dr. Danny Huerta shares five common conflict styles. He helps us determine our style, the pitfalls of each, and how we can do conflict better by understanding our tendencies. Sharing practical examples from his own relationships, Danny gives us the tools to turn conflict into a positive part of loving others. Link to Counseling ServicesConflict Styles Quiz: Which Conflict Style Do You Have? Inbox: Finding Healing After Losing a ParentFive years ago, Lisa’s mom died after a long battle with dementia. Losing a parent is one of the most difficult things to experience, but healing is possible with God’s help and peace. Lisa offers a few insights that will help you or someone you know walk through the pain of personal loss and grief.
3/23/202352 minutes, 6 seconds
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Are You a Lifelong Learner?: Episode 789

Keeping yourself motivated to learn, plus navigating mental health issues and dating, and some of Lisa’s favorite Scriptures.Featured musical artist: Aaron ShustRoundtable: How to Love LearningWhether you’re still in school or have long since graduated, you should always strive to grow and try new things. But where do you get started? Our guests share their journeys with learning, including why getting outside your comfort zone is a good thing, finding opportunities to learn new things, and if they had to try something new, what would it be?Culture: Mental Health Struggles and DatingMany have written to us wondering if their mental health struggles might keep them from ever entering the dating pool. To bring some clarity on what’s needed to be ready to date, we invited Dr. Danny Huerta to the conversation. He’ll share the most common mental health struggles, how to know if you’re healthy enough to date, and when mental health issues are a red flag.Link to Counseling ServicesWhat is Mental Health and Why Is It Important for Your Family? Inbox: Lisa’s Favorite Scriptures Have you ever wondered what Lisa Anderson’s favorite Bible verses are and why? She answers that very question this week.
3/16/202350 minutes, 27 seconds
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Seasons of Life: Episode 788

Appreciating different seasons of life, plus lessons from the American story, and is embryo freezing OK for Christians?Featured musical artist:   Mosaic MSCRoundtable: Navigating Life’s Varied SeasonsSpring is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Fresh starts, new life, longer days. To help us anticipate it, we talk about what we’re most looking forward to in this colorful season. We also discuss the changing seasons of life including job changes, big moves, and when friendships come and go.           Culture: How We Learn From HistoryMany have a cynical view of where things are in America. But one of the best ways to engage the culture may be as simple as learning where we came from. Tim Goeglein is passionate about American history, working in Washington, DC as a policy liaison and government operative. Tim talks us through the lessons from history we’d do well to learn, plus insight on election exhaustion and how to put Christ above politics.Receive the book "Toward a More Perfect Union: The Moral and Cultural Case for Teaching the Great American Story" for your donation of any amount!Inbox: How Should Christians Discuss Embryo Freezing?She doesn’t think embryo freezing is a good idea, but knows others who think it’s OK, especially when considering future family planning. Is it morally right or wrong? Our friend and medical expert David Davis weighs in.
3/9/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Faith of Elisabeth Elliot: Episode 787

A proper perspective on influencers, plus an insider’s look at Elisabeth Elliot, and helping a friend in an unplanned pregnancy.Featured musical artist:  Nathan Tasker  Roundtable: Admiring or Idolizing an Influencer? We all have that person we admire or enjoy following on social media and beyond — the star athlete, actor or musician, famous pastor/theologian, or popular influencer. While we may have good reason to look up to a person for their wisdom, talent or accomplishments, at what point does admiring someone cross a line over into idolatry? Our guests discuss people they admire and why, how to keep perspective, and why the blueprint for our lives has to come from somewhere other than the people around us — no matter how amazing they are.Culture: Elisabeth Elliot on the Heart of GodIf you ask for the names of the most influential Christian women of the past century, the name Elisabeth Elliot is usually one of the first names mentioned. Missionary, author, speaker, teacher: Elisabeth was a pioneer in Christian service and discipleship. Kathy Reeg is the president of the Elisabeth Elliot Foundation, an organization dedicated to preserving Elisabeth’s legacy and making her writings and wisdom available for the next generation. Kathy shares insider insight into Elisabeth’s giftings and passions, what we can learn from Elisabeth’s life, and a sneak peek at a previously unpublished and recently discovered book of Elisabeth’s titled “Heart of God.”Heart of God: 31 Days to Discover God’s Love for YouThe Elisabeth Elliot Foundation Timeline of Elisabeth Elliot’s Life Inbox: Helping a Friend Through an Unplanned PregnancyShe’s asking a very important but sensitive question: What are some dos and don’ts for supporting an unmarried friend who is now unexpectedly pregnant? Also, are there any recommended resources for me as I navigate this season with her? Our friend Robyn Chambers weighs in.See Life Video SeriesValuing Life from the Start Option Ultrasound Support Your Local Pro-Life Pregnancy Medical ClinicAlternatives to Abortion: Pregnancy Resource CentersHopeful Choice: What is a Pregnancy Help Center?
3/2/202354 minutes, 56 seconds
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Cross-Cultural Dating: Episode 786

Advice for dating someone from a different culture, plus finding godly and gifted pastors, and do mental health issues make marriage off-limits?     The Focused PastorFeatured musical artist:  Danen Kane   Roundtable: Cultural Differences in DatingWhat are some things you should know when dating someone from a different cultural background? To help answer this question and address some dos and don’ts for the process, our panelists are ready to speak the truth. With personal experience in making cross-cultural relationships work, they’ll share their own stories of meeting and falling in love, the most common barriers they had to overcome, and why an open mind and an appreciation for healthy differences makes marriage even richer.Culture: What Makes a Good Pastor?Josh Zeichik’s job is to support, equip and encourage pastors. In this role, he rubs shoulders with seasoned pastors, new pastors, visionary pastors, and pastors just trying to stay afloat in a world of increasingly challenging ministry. Josh tells us the signs of a healthy pastor, plus the red flags you’ll find flying around those who probably shouldn’t be leading a church. He’ll also share how to best get to know and support your pastor, and what you should expect from a shepherd leader.Inbox: Do Mental Health Issues Mean I Shouldn’t Marry?She’s very much aware that the Bible says, “Those who marry will face many troubles in this life.” So does that mean that with her mental health challenges she should steer clear of marriage and avoid throwing fuel on the fire? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.Link to Counseling Service
2/23/202357 minutes, 4 seconds
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Moving Somewhere New: Episode 785

Tips for relocating to a new city, plus more from Debra Fileta on healthy habits, and should you be a bridesmaid when there are red flags?Featured musical artist:  Ginny Owens   Roundtable: Adjusting to Life in a New PlaceRelocating to a new city or state can be one of life’s most daunting yet exciting opportunities. To truly build community in a new place takes time, patience and intention. Listen in this week as we discuss the struggle to settle in, how to make friends in a new place, and fun ways to discover the best your new hometown has to offer.Culture: Need a Life Tune-Up? (Part 2)We’re more than a month into the new year, so maybe you’ve strayed a bit from your well-intentioned goals and resolutions. Fear not: To get back on track, we brought in our counselor and friend Debra Fileta to discuss how to press the “reset” button and establish healthy habits in multiple life spheres. In part two of our discussion, she’ll address taking your unhealthy thoughts captive, dealing with feelings of discouragement, and finding healing from emotional baggage.True Love DatesInbox: Can I Support Her as a Bridesmaid?A friend recently asked her to be a bridesmaid in her upcoming wedding, but our listener sees red flags in the relationship. Is it best to stand up for her as a friend — or decline out of principle? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
2/16/202356 minutes, 47 seconds
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Single on Valentine’s Day: Episode 784

Enjoying Valentine’s Day as a single, plus Debra Fileta on healthy habits, and recovering from an ambiguous breakup.Featured musical artist:  James Peden   Roundtable: Valentine’s Day Won’t Kill YouValentine’s Day when you’re single can feel lonely and “less than,” but it doesn’t need to be a day wasted. With a little creativity, the day can still be meaningful and fun, even if you don’t have a date lined up. Our guests (all single!) discuss ways to avoid mental ruts and self-pity on Valentine’s Day, how to make the most of the holiday, and their idea of an ideal Valentine’s Day date.  Find True Love on Valentine’s Day Culture: Need a Life Tune-Up?We’re more than a month into the new year, so maybe you’ve strayed a bit from your well-intentioned goals and resolutions. Fear not: To get back on track, we brought in our counselor and friend Debra Fileta to discuss how to press the “reset” button and establish healthy habits in multiple life spheres. In part one of our discussion, she’ll discuss wanting to change, starting with a pause, owning your faults, and why life is not a one-man show.Inbox: Remind Me Why We’re Breaking Up?She recently went through a breakup where there was a lack of clarity from the guy. He claims that he was attracted to her but the romance in their relationship was lacking. Now she’s wondering how important romance actually is for marriage. Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
2/9/202350 minutes, 39 seconds
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Creative Ways to Grow With God: Episode 783

Getting closer to God solo and with others, plus Nick and Chelsea Hurst’s tips on marriage-minded dating, and discussing marriage with your parents.Featured musical artist:  Ellie Holcomb   Roundtable: You, God, and OthersGetting closer to God doesn’t happen by accident — you must make it a priority and have supportive friends who’ll spur you on in your faith. To offer practical ideas for growing in your walk with Jesus, our roundtable panelists share practices that have helped them personally, and discuss why community is critical to our spiritual growth.Culture: Marriage-Minded DatingNick and Chelsea Hurst’s love story started through a DM on Twitter. After meeting in person, they quickly got to know one another, fell in love, and felt God’s call to get married. But they still had things to work through as their relationship progressed. In this conversation, Nick and Chelsea address working through communication problems, handling secrets, and how to know if you’re spiritually compatible with your significant other. Marriage Minded: 10 Ways to Know If You’ve Found the OneInbox: Talking Marriage With Your ParentsHer boyfriend recently had a conversation with her dad about proposing to her. However, she’s not in the best place financially, and doesn’t feel comfortable discussing marriage with her parents. What can she do? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.
2/2/20231 hour, 49 seconds
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Celebrating 15 Years of “The Boundless Show”: Episode 782

Celebrating 15 Years of “The Boundless Show”: Episode 782The podcast turns 15 years old, plus founder Steve Watters on how the show started, and Lisa Anderson recounts several favorite episode momentsFeatured musical artist:   Liz ViceRoundtable: Happy 15th Birthday to “The Boundless Show”!Exactly 15 years ago today, on January 26, 2008, the first episode of “The Boundless Show” went live. We appreciate the ways you, the listener, have supported this podcast and made this special anniversary possible. To celebrate what God has done, we’re recapping some amazing memories and moments from the show. Join Lisa as she takes a look back at the show through the years.  Culture: “The Boundless Show’s” Origin StorySteve and Candice Watters started in 1998 as a “webzine” to help Christian young adults live out their faith. In this special interview, Steve joins Lisa to share how Boundless went from being an online magazine to also becoming a weekly podcast. He tells us how the podcast got started, why Lisa was chosen as the host, and gives advice to listeners on following Jesus Inbox: Lisa’s Favorite Show MomentsAfter 15 years of hosting “The Boundless Show,” we thought it would be fun to ask Lisa what some of her favorite moments have been throughout the show’s history. If you’ve ever wondered, this is your chance to find out. Episode 52: Fighting Against Sex Trafficking Episode 80: I Love Bill Gaither!Episode 254: All in the Family Episode 242: Randy Alcorn InterviewEpisode 288: Who is Lisa Anderson? Episode 341: Live From PursuitEpisode 385: Laurie Polich Short InterviewEpisode 386: Francis & Lisa Chan InterviewEpisode 549: How to Handle Conflict Well Episode 550: Tony Evans Interview - Part 1Episode 551: Tony Evans Interview - Part 2Episode 771: Why Church Matters (Part 1)Episode 772: Why Church Matters (Part 2)
1/26/202359 minutes, 2 seconds
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Do You Need Counseling?: Episode 781

How therapy can improve your life, plus Debbie Laaser on trauma recovery, and hope for a strained sibling relationship. Featured musical artist:  About a MileRoundtable: When to Look for a CounselorCounseling isn’t just for people in crisis. All of us need a personal growth tune-up from time to time, and occasionally the best wisdom might come from a good Christian counselor. How can you know when it might be a good season to get help? And what should you look for in finding a counselor who’s a good fit? Our panel of three experienced counselors will share tips for making counseling work for you.Counseling ServiceFind a CounselorCulture: Healing From TraumaWhether it’s a breakup, losing a loved one, or feeling the sting of betrayal, your heart can take years to recover from a traumatic season or experience. Professional counselor Debbie Laaser has walked through several heart-wrenching events but learned how instead of staying stuck, God wanted to transform her through them. She’ll tell some of her story and give hope for healing beyond the darkness.From Trauma to Transformation: A Path to Healing and Growth Inbox: Sibling BullyingDiagnosed with schizophrenia, she’s experienced a spectrum of relational challenges, including bullying. Even her brother is making light of her condition, and it’s put a strain on their relationship. Is it time for a difficult conversation? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.
1/19/202354 minutes, 9 seconds
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Be More Productive: Episode 780

Small but measurable changes in productivity, plus the state of the pro-life movement post-Dobbs, and how to avoid online scams.Featured musical artist:  Jonathan Cain Roundtable: How to Increase Your ProductivityWhen you consider your habits and goals from 2022, what went well? What areas still need improvement? As we settle into a rhythm for 2023, our guests share small changes they’re making to accomplish their goals in the new year. Listen to the discussion on cutting the clutter, managing your time, and being more productive; then implement strategies for taking your own personal growth to the next level.Culture: What’s Changed Since the Roe v. Wade Reversal?Despite the Supreme Court’s landmark Dobbs decision last June, tension has remained high around the topic of abortion in America. Some states have instituted more restrictive abortion measures while others have sought to expand abortion rights. Protests continue, but what’s the real story? Months after the ruling, what has actually changed, and what are the implications for women, babies, the courts and the future of life in our nation? Focus on the Family’s Robyn Chambers sets the record straight and offers guidance for how to champion life where it matters most.Option Ultrasound ProgramInbox: Preventing an Online Scam She was recently scammed by someone on Instagram who posed as a well-known Christian leader. She gave money to the individual and is now dealing with the repercussions. How did this happen, and how can she prevent it from happening again? Cybersecurity expert Rhett Saunders weighs in. PDF: 3 Steps to a Secure Online Presence
1/12/202353 minutes, 12 seconds
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Relationship Goals: Episode 779

Setting relational goals in the new year, plus Jeanine Amapola’s breakup recovery tips, and how to politely say “no” to a second date.Featured musical artist: Love and the Outcome Roundtable: Goals for Your RelationshipsSince a new year usually prompts conversations around goals and resolutions, we thought it would be fun to discuss our relational goals for the next 12 months. Whether in dating, friendship, family, or just general communication and interpersonal prowess, our guests take a look back at their relationships in 2022, the areas they hope to grow in this year, and how to have hope for your relational future in singleness, dating and more.I Wasn’t Born to Be a MomCulture: Jeanine Amapola on Recovering From a BreakupLet’s face it: Breakups are hard. If you’ve recently or not-so-recently walked through a relationship implosion, you know it’s not something you just “get over.” And it’s doubly tough when your friends are in a season of romantic bliss (or so it seems). Jeanine Amapola, host of the “Happy and Healthy Podcast,” has seen her share of heartache. She’ll talk through a couple of her breakups, honestly dissecting what she did both wrong and right. Her insights will give us encouragement as we navigate our own stories of relational loss.Happy & Healthy PodcastInbox: What If I Don’t Want a Second Date? She was recently asked out by a guy but isn’t excited about it. She’s willing to give him a chance, but is already questioning how to turn down a second date if he asks for it. Is she overthinking this, or is there a way she can prepare for the conversation? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
1/5/202357 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Have an Amazing First Date: Episode 778

Ideas for a successful first date, plus popular misconceptions about dating, and the dangers of seeing every guy as a potential spouse.Featured musical artist:  Austin Stone Worship Roundtable: First Date Strategies for SuccessYou’re going on a first date! Just the thought sparks more questions than answers. Will we have a good conversation? Will he be a gentleman? Is she who I think she is? To help make your first date experience better, we brought in a group of friends to share some dos and don'ts for making a good first impression, infusing fun into whatever you do, having a meaningful interaction, and determining whether a second date is a good idea.Culture: Common Misconceptions About Dating and MarriageLast spring, Boundless’ show engineer, Alex Seeley, got married. For he and his wife, Megan, it’s been a fun and eye-opening journey of learning to adjust to married life. Looking back on their dating days, Alex and Megan share common myths people believe about dating and marriage (they even admit a myth or two that tripped them up). We’ll discuss dating choices, being “too picky,” maturity in marriage, and more.Roots Episode: Debunking Popular Myths About Dating and MarriageBusting 10 Christian Dating MythsInbox: Not Every Man Is a Potential Mate How can she stop viewing every cute guy as a potential spouse? It’s making her kind of crazy, and she wants more balance in the way she approaches the men she meets. Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
12/29/202259 minutes, 49 seconds
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Should Everyone Experience a Breakup?: Episode 777

Expressing your faith on social media and in person, plus more from Tim Challies on processing grief, and should a breakup be part of your story?Featured musical artist:  AbandonRoundtable: Living Your Faith Online and IRLAs Christians, our identity is in Christ, so there’s no way we can separate our faith from who we are and what we do. As such, our faith is reflected in everything, including our interactions with others. As we consider how we show up in relationships — whether real or virtual — what should that look like? How do we set the tone, language, actions and reactions to everything we communicate? Our panelists talk through ways they’re learning to be open about their faith, whether face-to-face or via a post, meme or Reel. Listen in as they share how to glorify God and share the love of Christ through our communication and conversations.Culture: Grief When You Least Expect It (Part 2) On November 3, 2020, Tim Challies got the call every parent dreads — his 20-year-old son, Nick, had died unexpectedly while away at college. As the grief and shock hit and then continued in waves, Tim found incredible comfort in grieving through the seasons of the following year by writing out his thoughts and emotions. In part two of our conversation, Tim discusses the spring and summer seasons after Nick’s passing — including what should have been Nick’s wedding day — and shares hard-won peace in keeping an eternal perspective on the days we are given.Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God Inbox: Is a Breakup Necessary for Relationship Success?We all know someone who’s gone through a breakup; in fact, most people experience one before they ever meet their mate. But our listener is wondering: Is a breakup a necessary part of the dating process? She’s reluctant to date because of the pain she’s seen breakups cause her friends. Lisa Anderson weighs in.
12/22/202254 minutes, 4 seconds
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Cheap but Meaningful Christmas Gifts: Episode 776

Christmas shopping on a budget, plus blogger Tim Challies on processing grief, and appropriate age gaps for dating.Featured musical artist: Ecclesia Roundtable: A Budget-Conscious ChristmasAre you still trying to finish your Christmas shopping? You’re not the only one. And with inflation and other financial pressures, gift-giving this year can seem more of a burden than a blessing. But what if truly meaningful gifts aren’t always the most expensive ones? Our panel shares ideas for fun and creative Christmas gifts and activities that will still leave money in your pocket.Culture: Grief When You Least Expect It (Part 1) On November 3, 2020, Tim Challies got the call every parent dreads — his 20-year-old son, Nick, had died unexpectedly while away at college. As the grief and shock hit and then continued in waves, Tim found incredible comfort in grieving through the seasons of the following year by writing out his thoughts and emotions. In part one of our conversation, Tim talks about the early days after receiving the tragic news, how he wrestled with God’s sovereignty amid the intense grief, and what helped him get through the dark days of that fall and winter.Inbox: Appropriate Age Gaps in DatingMany of us know a couple where the man and woman are several years (or more) apart in age.  At what point does an age gap become too weird or problematic? Is there a formula for figuring out how to view age differences for relational success? Lisa Anderson weighs in.  Get the book "Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God " for your donation of any amount! 4 Things to Consider When Dating With an Age DifferenceWhat to Ask When There’s an Age Difference
12/15/202254 minutes, 53 seconds
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Masculine Instincts: Episode 775

Are you a planner or more spontaneous? Plus, five instincts of masculinity, and is it normal to be regularly annoyed at your boyfriend?Featured musical artist: Hollyn Roundtable: Structure or Spontaneity? While some people map out their daily routines, others prefer to be more “off the cuff” and ready for anything. Each tendency has strengths and weaknesses. Our panelists share their unique approaches to life, how they both maximize and guard their temperaments, and how they flex to accommodate those who are different.Culture: 5 Masculine Instincts and What They MeanWhat does it mean to embrace godly masculinity? Pastor Chase Replogle has written “The 5 Masculine Instincts” to explore this topic. Listen in as he and Lisa break down the manifestations of sarcasm, adventure, ambition, reputation and apathy in men — how they are not necessarily sinful, yet how they can go awry. Most importantly, Chase will show us what it looks like to submit each instinct to the Lord.Get the book "The 5 Masculine Instincts: A Guide to Becoming a Better Man" for your donation of any amount: She’s Annoyed With Her BoyfriendShe and her boyfriend have been together for almost two years, yet she finds herself regularly annoyed at him. Is this normal? Her friends tell her that annoyances get worse once you get married. Counselor Elaine Humphries weighs in.
12/8/202254 minutes, 56 seconds
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Boomers Aren’t All Bad: Episode 774

Honoring people of different generations, plus going eyes wide open into marriage, and what if your parents don’t like your significant other?Featured musical artist:  Kerrie RobertsRoundtable: Showing Honor to Other GenerationsGen X, Baby Boomers, Gen Z and Millennials. Every generation is distinctive, each with its unique perspectives, habits, and cultural references. Is it possible for these generations to learn from each other and even — wait for it — get along? Members of four generations sit at the table this week to discuss the hallmarks of their own “tribe” but also to approach work, relationships, communication and more with generational differences (not to mention humility) in mind.Culture: Preparing for an Honest MarriageNobody walks into marriage perfectly prepared. Whether it’s baggage, misconceptions, pride or all three, all married couples must confront their brokenness if their relationship is to survive. With decades of pre-marital counseling experience and wisdom from his 40-plus-year marriage, Bob Lepine has mentored a wide variety of couples with an even wider scope of issues. He’ll offer insights on how to approach marriage with your eyes and heart open, and how to make the most important things the main things both before and after tying the knot.Build a Stronger Marriage: The Path to Oneness (Ask the Christian Counselor)Inbox: When Your Parents Don’t ApproveThe holidays are a great time to introduce your boyfriend or girlfriend to your parents. But what do you do when your mom and dad say they don’t approve of your match? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.
12/1/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 53 seconds
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Afraid to Commit: Episode 773

Overcoming the fear of commitment, plus tips for being a better communicator, and is asking a guy out for coffee too forward?Featured musical artist:  David Dunn Roundtable: Overcoming the Fear of CommitmentShould I take that job? Can I serve in this ministry? Is it time to pop the question? It’s good to ask such questions, but they can also spark a reluctance to commit. Deciding to commit to something or someone can be an intimidating thing, but if you don’t want to sit on the sidelines of life, at some point you have to make a decision. Our guests share examples of how they’ve struggled with commitment and suggest ways to use discernment when making a choice.Culture: Improving Your ConversationsFor any healthy relationship, communication is key — and Dr. Mike Bechtle has worked for years to help us do it well. In our interview, he’ll address ways to handle conflict, how to ask good questions, and how to “gain more weight” in what you say.Inbox: Should I Ask Him Out?  She attends a megachurch but finds it tough to have conversations with single guys since they’re involved in different activities. Should she take matters into her own hands and ask one or more out for coffee? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
11/24/202255 minutes, 33 seconds
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Worry Is a Waste of Time: Episode 772

A panel of pastors on why church matters (part two), plus overcoming anxiety and perfectionism, and how to be friends with moms your age. Featured musical artist:   Nathan TaskerRoundtable: Why Church Matters (Part 2)The Boundless team recently held a live event at Third Space Coffee in Colorado Springs to talk about why the local church is an essential part of the Christian life. Joining us were three pastors from the area. We put mics in front of them, Lisa asked a bunch of questions, and over 80 young adults sipped coffee and listened in. Now you can, too, as we share what was recorded in a two-part roundtable last week and this week. In part two, the pastors discuss overcoming church hurt, how to respond to church discipline, and ways to get plugged into a local congregation.Culture: Beating Perfectionism, Fear and WorryIn a culture that thrives on projecting strength, how can we possibly overcome the relentless drive toward perfectionism? Counselor Tim Sanford has some amazing insights into recognizing the difference between fear, anxiety and worry. He’ll show you how to retrain your brain against worry, and will give strategies for bucking perfectionism in favor of excellence. Inbox: Befriending the Moms at My ChurchShe’s a single woman who hopes to have a family someday. She wants to become better friends with the moms at her church, but they seem so busy, and she’s not confident around kids. What can she do? Ashley Bazer weighs in.
11/17/202253 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Importance of Church: Episode 771

A panel of pastors on why church matters, plus Tovares and Safa Grey on honoring God in dating, and will a new city improve your dating chances?Featured musical artist:  Aaron ShustRoundtable: Why Church Matters (Part 1)The Boundless team recently held a live event at Third Space Coffee in Colorado Springs to talk about why the local church is an essential part of the Christian life. Joining us were three pastors from the area. We put mics in front of them, Lisa asked a bunch of questions, and over 80 young adults sipped coffee and listened in. Now you can, too, as we share what was recorded in a two-part roundtable this week and next. In part one, the pastors discuss how the pandemic affected their congregations, what the Bible has to say about the local church, and what to look for in your search for a church community.Culture: Dating to Honor GodJust because someone says they’re a Christian doesn’t mean they are. How can you know if the person you’re interested in actually has godly character? Tovares and Safa Grey are passionate about guiding young adults through a godly dating relationship in a culture that cares little about honoring God. They’ll address good boundaries in dating, the need to surround yourself with healthy friends, and will offer specific encouragement to the black community on this topic.Get the book Godly Dating 101: Discover the Truth About Relationships in a World That Constantly Lies for your donation of any amount!Inbox: Better Dating Options in a Different City?She’s leading a young adults ministry, has a great job, and is enjoying her church community. However, she’s struggling to find a guy she’d want to date. Is it time to change cities in hopes of finding someone? Lisa Anderson weighs in. 
11/10/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 34 seconds
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Sorting Through a Situationship: Episode 770

Addressing a situationship, plus more of Dr. Bob Paul’s landmark relationship advice, and when your ex has stopped all communication.Featured musical artist:  All Sons & DaughtersRoundtable: Navigating a SituationshipYou and someone have been talking or hanging out for a while now. You like each other, but instead of going on dates, you keep the pseudo-relationship rolling without defining it. Sound familiar? Taking cues from the culture, many now describe these scenarios as a “situationship” (similar to what we often call a “friendlationship” at Boundless), and most of the time they lead to frustration and resentment. Our guests share openly about times they’ve been in these go-nowhere arrangements and how you can get out of one.Culture: Foundational Tools for Healthy Relationships (Part 2) As the leader of Focus on the Family’s Hope Restored program, Dr. Bob Paul regularly conducts four-day marriage intensives where he counsels couples who are on the brink of divorce. Lisa Anderson had the opportunity to observe an intensive and says, “Hope Restored is doing great work for marriages in crisis, but in my opinion, every unmarried person should go through this incredible program.” Learn why Lisa speaks so strongly of Hope Restored as she interviews Bob about the foundational lessons he teaches couples and how they can benefit your own personal growth and relationships. In part two, Bob discusses codependency in relationships and what to do when someone triggers you. 9 Lies That Will Destroy Your Marriage: And the Truths That Will Save It and Set It Free     Inbox: When an Ex Cuts All TiesWhen you’ve been in a long-term relationship and he or she cuts off communication, how do you handle that? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
11/3/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 7 seconds
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Big Questions for God: Episode 769

Asking God honest questions, plus Dr. Bob Paul shares landmark relationship advice, and encouragement for 30-something single men.Featured musical artist:  Love and the OutcomeRoundtable: My Biggest God QuestionsSince none of us are God, it’s normal to have questions about who He is, what He’s thinking, and what He’s up to today and, well — forever. Some questions are lighthearted, but others are serious and have big implications. Our guests share questions they’ve had about God, ones they still have, and where some safe places are to get them answered. Culture: Foundational Tools for Healthy Relationships (Part 1) As the leader of Focus on the Family’s Hope Restored program, Dr. Bob Paul regularly conducts four-day marriage intensives where he counsels couples who are on the brink of divorce. Lisa Anderson had the opportunity to observe an intensive and says, “Hope Restored is doing great work for marriages in crisis, but in my opinion, every unmarried person should go through this incredible program.” Learn why Lisa speaks so strongly of Hope Restored as she interviews Bob about the foundational lessons he teaches couples and how they can benefit your own personal growth and relationships. In part one, Bob discusses the importance of safety in relationships, and why boundaries are so important.Receive the book  9 Lies That Will Destroy Your Marriage: And the Truths That Will Save It and Set It Free  Inbox: Hope for Single Men in Their 30sHe’s in his mid-30s and is struggling to find a potential spouse. Even though he’s tried online dating, it’s only resulted in a few dates. The waiting is difficult and he’s getting more and more discouraged. Is there hope for him? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.  
10/27/202257 minutes, 26 seconds
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Everyday Worship: Episode 768

Worshiping God seven days a week, plus a firsthand look at helping Ukrainian refugees, and when a man feels insecure about being short.Featured musical artist: JJ Heller Roundtable: Worship as a LifestyleWorship is a meaningful and at times deeply emotional experience that connects us to God’s heart. But it’s meant to be much more than just a church service on the weekend. Our guests describe ways they’ve learned to connect with God during the routines of everyday life. Whether it’s through listening to music, prayer, serving, or even working a 9-to-5 job, you’ll see that worship is expressed in many ways.Culture: Lessons From Helping RefugeesThe Russia-Ukraine war has been a devastating reality this year. Many are asking, “What’s the best way to offer help to those in need?” Psychiatrist Dr. Karl Benzio recently got to serve Ukrainian refugees in Warsaw, Poland. He’ll share his inspiring story of how he and his daughter, an art therapist, provided mental health support to the refugees and pastors in that region. He’ll also share ways we can pray for the people affected by this conflict.American Association of Christian CounselorsInbox: Short and Lacking Confidence   He listened to a past segment titled “Height Hang-Up” and is wondering how to express genuine confidence in life and relationships, even though he’s shorter than most guys. And how can he be both confident and humble? Josh Zeichik weighs in.
10/20/202256 minutes, 24 seconds
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Encourage, Don’t Enable: Episode 767

The difference between encouraging and enabling, plus dating someone with mental health issues, and should she get back together with her ex? Featured musical artist: About a Mile Roundtable: An Encourager or an Enabler?We all want to be liked, and what better way to be appreciated by friends than to be an encourager? But what do you do when someone has a bad pattern or habit in their lives? Should you call them out or sweep it under the rug and tell them they’re still a good person? Our panel of guests share about the ways they have benefitted from constructive criticism, and how you can be an encourager, without enabling poor behavior.Culture: Dating and Mental Health IssuesEven with all of our gadgets and technology, mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are on the rise. What do you do when the person you’re dating is struggling? Dr. Karl Benzio is a friend of Boundless, and he’s also an experienced psychiatrist. He’ll address that all of us are a work in progress, and how to know if your dating relationship can survive a mental health struggle.The American Association of Christian CounselorsLink to Counseling ServicesInbox: Should I Reach Out to an Ex Again?  She recently ended a six month relationship, but now, she’s recognizing some fears she had about marriage. They also crossed some boundary lines sexually, but they’re both repentant. Now that she recognizes the fears she had and is living repentant of the sexual sin, should she reach out to her ex or not? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.
10/13/202253 minutes, 41 seconds
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Awareness Vs. Worry: Episode 766

The line from awareness to worry, plus readying your relationship for trials, and should you attend a Christian’s wedding to a non-Christian?Featured musical artist: John WallerRoundtable: Informed but Calm Life is filled with unknowns. No matter how hard we try to predict the future, we can’t — nor can we adjust our circumstances to avoid pain. As we ponder what’s ahead, it’s one thing to be aware of what’s happening in the world, but it's very draining to always worry about it. But is staying worry-free even possible? Our guests discuss ways they’ve struggled with worry, plus how they’re learning to trust God now while still acknowledging and being concerned by what’s going on around them.Culture: When Your Relationship Faces a StormAs an expert on marriage, Gary Thomas loves to see couples fall in love. However, with 38 years of marriage experience, he’s very aware of the types of challenges couples inevitably walk through. Is there a way to prepare mentally, spiritually and emotionally for the tough times? When you’re dating someone, can you know if he or she will stay committed through thick and thin? Gary offers several examples and lots of biblical truth and encouragement to prepare you for marriage’s bumpy road.Making Your Marriage a Fortress: Strengthening Your Marriage to Withstand Life’s StormsInbox: A Christian Marrying a Non-Christian Her Christian friend is engaged to a non-Christian, and she’s been invited to their wedding. When her friend was dating this guy, friends spoke up but were ignored. The couple has now moved in together. In light of these concerns, should our listener attend the wedding or not? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in. 
10/6/202254 minutes, 32 seconds
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You Deserve a Break: Episode 765

How to take a mental break, plus practicing EQ and good mental health, and how should Christians address entertainment with LGBT content?Featured musical artist: Tauren WellsRoundtable: A Break From Life’s BusynessWhen life gets busy and stressful, how do you find time to pause? Even taking a few minutes to pray, reflect, or breathe deeply can go a long way in keeping your soul healthy. Our guests describe ways they’re learning to tune out distractions and regroup during the busier seasons of life, and the difference it makes in their overall well-being.Culture: Healthy Adulthood on the InsideMany of us think we’re healthier than we actually are. We often don’t notice our own blind spots, shortcomings or weaknesses, let alone know what to do about them. Josh Burnette and Pete Hardesty are passionate about helping young adults live life well from the inside out. They’ll discuss how to practice healthy self-awareness and build your EQ. Plus, they’ll address strategies for battling depression and finding your identity in Christ. Get the Book: Adulting 101 Book 2: An In-Depth Guide to Developing Healthy Habits, Becoming More Confident, and Living Your Purpose for Graduates and Young Adults  Inbox: Is LGBT Content in Entertainment Off-Limit for Christians?Our listener affirms the biblical definition of marriage, but with so many TV shows, films and even kids programs featuring pro-LGBT content, is it realistic for Christians to avoid it? After all, most entertainment also includes explicit language, violence and other problematic elements which many Christians consume without issue. Plugged In’s Adam Holz weighs in. 
9/29/202249 minutes, 33 seconds
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What I’d Tell My Dating Self: Episode 764

Marrieds share lessons from their dating years, plus staying out of the comparison trap, and guarding your heart while waiting to get engaged.Featured musical artist: Zach WilliamsRoundtable: If I Had to Date AgainMarriage has a way of giving you a fresh perspective on dating; sometimes hindsight is 20/20. While getting to know someone with romantic potential can be exciting, how do you know if you’re discovering the things that are truly important in marriage? To help you date successfully with the future in mind, our guests share things they did well in dating, things they wish they’d done differently, and lessons they learned from their dating journeys.Culture: Letting Go of ComparisonFor Richella Parham, comparing herself with others began in childhood with a rare and embarrassing birthmark. Comparison seemed innocuous and inevitable until years later when her husband politely pointed out that doing so had become a bad habit. Since then, Rochella’s been on a mission to let go of what others think about her, eliminate negative self-talk from her vocabulary, and embrace who God says she is. If you’ve ever struggled with comparison (and who hasn’t?), you’ll benefit from this discussion.Richella’s Blog:  Imparting GraceMythical Me: Finding Freedom From Constant Comparison  Inbox: Guarding Your Heart While Waiting to Get EngagedOur listener and her boyfriend have talked about getting engaged, but it will likely be next year before he pops the question. Amidst the waiting, she’s struggling to find a balance between guarding her heart and preparing it for marriage. Is there a way to balance the two? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in. 
9/22/202253 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Question Game: Episode 763

The art of asking good questions, plus more with Brant Hansen on purposeful men, and a listener fears her boyfriend will use porn again.Featured musical artist: Ecclesia Roundtable: Asking Good QuestionsOne of Lisa Anderson’s favorite ways to get to know people is to play question games — the more meaningful or intriguing the question, the better. She cites recent research on the relational value of putting thought into questions, and asks this week’s guests how comfortable they are answering and asking questions. Then she poses three questions that everyone has to answer. Play along and join in the fun!Get the Book: The Men We Need: God’s Purpose for the Manly Man, the Avid Indoorsman, or Any Man Willing to Show Up  Inbox: Will a Past Porn Struggle Resurface?Her boyfriend previously struggled with pornography, but it was months before they met. She’s concerned that even though he’s doing well now, he may fall back into this sin at some point. Are her fears founded? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
9/15/202256 minutes, 51 seconds
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Love Songs and Rom-Coms: Episode 762

Should singles consume romantic content? Plus Brant Hansen on being a man of purpose, and how long should you wait to get engaged?Featured musical artist: Covenant WorshipRoundtable: Is It Wise to Consume Romantic Content?Love songs, romantic comedies, sappy novels. Who doesn’t enjoy a good love story – especially if it has a happy ending? While romance can be heart-warming, is there a way to gauge if you’re consuming too much of it, especially as a single adult? Our guests share love stories they enjoy, but with insights on how to have healthy boundaries in consuming romance as entertainment.Plugged In Website Culture: The Men We Need (Part 1)Brant Hansen is on a mission to remind men of the vital role they play in making a society healthy. An “avid indoorsman” who plays the accordion, Brant assures us that being a man isn’t about beards or blowing things up, but about taking responsibility and doing good in the world. In his book “The Men We Need,” he offers six principles around what it means to be a godly man. This week we’ll discuss the first three: 1) Forsake the fake and relish the real, 2) protect the vulnerable and 3) be ambitious about the right things.The Men We Need: God’s Purpose for the Manly Man, the Avid Indoorsman, or Any Man Willing to Show Up Inbox: How Long Before You Get Engaged?  She and her boyfriend have been dating for about six months, and they know they want to get married. She wants to get engaged soon, but he feels like they should wait. Is there an ideal timeframe for engagement? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in. 
9/8/202254 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Good From Your Childhood: Episode 761

Feeling like a kid again, plus the Roe v. Wade reversal’s effect on the dating market, and does the kinsman redeemer principle still apply today?Featured musical artist: HollynRoundtable: Revisiting Your Childhood in Healthy WaysIt’s easy to look back on your childhood and pine for the “good ole days.” But while some nostalgia is good, staying stuck on missing the past can hinder you from enjoying the present. Our guests share favorite childhood memories and touchpoints and why they’re so meaningful. You’ll also hear what makes them feel like a kid again and ways they’ve wrestled with wanting to return to and relive the past.Culture: The Dating Market After DobbsSince the recent Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, emotions are running high and ideological skirmishes continue. But amid the political unrest, this decision is affecting many other areas of our lives, including dating. Wait, what? Dr. Mark Regnerus, professor of sociology at the University of Texas, argues that the abortion debate and resulting lack of access has big implications, especially for young adults. He’ll also address conversations that Christians should be having to set themselves up for a good marriage. The Future of Christian Marriage  Inbox: Is the Kinsman Redeemer Concept Still Applicable?  In ancient Israel, when a husband died, it was customary for the closest male family member to marry the widow. A listener has a friend who recently lost her husband and wonders, “Does this principle still apply today?” Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
9/1/202259 minutes, 19 seconds
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Your Dating Life on Social Media: Episode 760

Sharing your relationship on social media, plus responding to life’s “almosts,” and should a Christian remember the exact day of their salvation?Featured musical artist: Phil WickhamRoundtable: What Relationship Stuff Should You Post on Social?You’re scrolling through social media when you see it — your friend is “in a relationship.” Now what? Is there an accepted etiquette for what, how and when you post information about your relationship online? Should a status be enough? What about photos, personal messages, and what some may consider TMI? Our guests this week have walked through this experience multiple times, and they break down the pros and cons of social media sharing about your significant other, including all the feels.Culture: Trusting God in the “Almosts” of LifeYou thought you were going to marry her, but she broke up with you. You were the perfect candidate for the job, but the company chose someone else. We’ve all faced the disappointment of getting close to something we want only to come up short. Jordan Lee Dooley joins us to explain how these opportunities, while painful, are the perfect time to trust God, grow as individuals, and see what better opportunities may come. Sometimes God uses “almosts” to steer us toward the “for sures” that we can’t yet see.Get the Book: Embrace Your Almost: Find Clarity and Contentment in the In-Betweens, Not-Quites, and UnknownsInbox: Should I Remember When I Got Saved? Some churches teach that to truly be a Christian, you must remember the exact day you were saved. But is this biblical? And even if you do remember a certain day, how do you know if your profession of faith was real? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
8/25/202254 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Wait on God: Episode 759

Trusting God in a waiting season, plus pursuing sexual purity with godly motives, and handling conflict well in dating.Featured musical artist: Je’kob ( )Roundtable: When God Tells You to WaitWhat does it look like to trust God’s plan in a season of waiting? Our guests discuss times they’ve waited on God in their careers, relationships and faith journeys — even when doing so was hard. They’ll also address how to balance trusting God with taking action toward something you want.Culture: Lessons From Purity CulturePurity culture has gotten a bad rap — some of it for good reason. But don’t throw the proverbial baby out with the bath water. Purity culture placed a high value on God’s design for sexuality and its place within marriage. That said, pastor and author Dean Inserra acknowledges the movement’s shortcomings. While we should always prioritize sexual integrity, he reminds us that obedience around our sexuality shouldn’t become an idol in our efforts to serve God. Dean reframes the conversation around God’s truth and grace, allowing us to submit our sexuality to God for His glory and our good.Pure: Why the Bible’s Plan for Sexuality Isn’t Outdated, Irrelevant, or Oppressive Get the book "Pure: Why the Bible’s Plan for Sexuality Isn’t Outdated, Irrelevant, or Oppressive" for your donation of any amount: Different Ways to Handle Conflict She and her boyfriend are wondering: Is there a difference between compromising, yielding, and resolving conflict? Counselor M.T. Wilson breaks down different ways to handle conflict, and explains how you can determine if you’re applying it effectively in dating.
8/18/202258 minutes, 52 seconds
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Boundaries During Engagement (Part 2): Episode 758

Having good boundaries while engaged, plus overcoming an eating disorder, and when to try to repair a damaged friendship.Featured musical artist: Darlene Zschech ( ) Roundtable: Boundaries Leading up to Marriage (Part 2)The temptation to blur lines and push physical, emotional and relational boundaries is often stronger during engagement than other phases of dating. It’s also tricky to navigate compromise and common ground in the areas of finances, family and more. We brought in marriage mentors Roger and Diane Ingolia to shed light on appropriate boundaries to set for yourselves and others during the critical pre-marriage season. You’ll also hear from newlyweds Gabriel and Hannah Nymeyer on how they tackled these challenges while engaged. In part two, the couples address the importance of healthy physical boundaries.Culture: Beating an Eating DisorderMany young adults live with an eating disorder. Because the struggle is rooted in shame, most suffer in silence, even denying that there’s a problem. Grace McCready shares her own journey with an eating disorder — something she still fights every day. She’ll address the lies Satan uses to trap us, how she wrestled with body image and wrong thinking, and ways that counseling and community provide much-needed hope.Link to Counseling Services: the book "Real Recovery" for your donation of any amount: Should I Reconnect With a Friend Who Hurt Me? She was friends with a woman a number of years ago. While things weren’t always stable in their friendship, a bridge was burned when the friend made a very hurtful comment. Now, our listener is questioning if it’s best to reconcile or move on. Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
8/11/202252 minutes, 29 seconds
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Boundaries During Engagement (Part 1): Episode 757

Having good boundaries while engaged, plus important info before you get married, and is it OK to work alone with coworkers of the opposite sex?Featured musical artist: Jeremy Rosado ( )Roundtable: Boundaries Leading up to Marriage (Part 1)The temptation to blur lines and push physical, emotional and relational boundaries is often stronger during engagement than other phases of dating. It’s also tricky to navigate compromise and common ground in the areas of finances, family and more. We brought in marriage mentors Roger and Diane Ingolia to shed light on appropriate boundaries to set for yourselves and others during the critical pre-marriage season. You’ll also hear from newlyweds Gabriel and Hannah Nymeyer on how they tackled these challenges while engaged. In part one, the couples address family dynamics and finances.Culture: Things to Know Before Getting MarriedThere are many cultural lies circulating around marriage, most making marriage out to be either a drudgery or a fairy tale. A good marriage takes work, intention, an open heart and a sense of fun. Dana Che, host of “Real Relationship Talk,” joins us to discuss a few things she wished she had known before walking the aisle. Whether you’re newly married or someday hope to be, this is a must listen.Link to ( )Link to Real Relationship Talk Podcast ( ) Inbox: Should I Work Alone With Someone of the Opposite Sex? She works as an EMT where her job requires her to be alone with male colleagues for long periods of time. Some of her Christian friends have cautioned against this, but didn’t support their opinions with Scripture. In this type of situation, what is necessary and wise? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
8/4/202255 minutes, 49 seconds
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Am I Really Saved?: Episode 756

Launching into adulthood, plus Todd Friel on how to know if you’re a true Christian, and the pressure to use preferred pronouns.Featured musical artist: Daniel Bashta ( ) Roundtable: Welcome to AdulthoodDo you feel like everyone else is independent: paying their bills, doing their taxes, making decisions and just generally “adulting”? It’s easy to feel left behind or experience anxiety around the many changes you must navigate in this season. Some of it is “life stuff” like the above. Some of it is relational — learning how to let go of your parents, make friends and find community. Our guests share the ups and downs of their own adulthood journeys and give encouragement for making the transition a smooth and (mostly) successful one. Culture: A Question of SalvationNews flash: Just because you walked an aisle or prayed a prayer doesn’t mean you’re saved. So what does? All of us have questioned our salvation at one time or another, so can we really be sure? Evangelist and apologist Todd Friel shows how the prosperity gospel, “get out of hell free” gospel, churchgoer gospel and other false gospels lull people into complacency, yet Scripture itself is clear on what it means to be saved. Get ready for an insightful and empowering conversation on what matters most when it comes to salvation and eternity. Link to to Todd's "Ten Point Test to See if You Are Saved": Should Christians Use Preferred Pronouns?As a Christian, is it lying or loving to address someone with their preferred pronouns — even if they don’t align with their biological sex? When asked to declare pronouns at work, school or on social media, how should we respond? Family and gender analyst Jeff Johnston weighs in.
7/28/202258 minutes, 23 seconds
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Humility in Marriage: Episode 755

Qualities of a humble spouse, plus dating someone who confesses a sin pattern, and how to respond when your friend has a porn problem.Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts ( )Roundtable: The Humble SpouseHumility is to relationships what gasoline is to cars; without it, a relationship can’t move forward. In marriage, humility is especially important since spouses are in covenant together as one flesh. Our guests are honest about where they were on the humility scale going into marriage, and how they’ve learned to be more humble since. They’ll also give insights on how to spot humility in the people you date.Culture: Spotting a Sin Stronghold in DatingAll of us have hang-ups and sins we must address. But what do you do when the person you are dating confesses a serious sin pattern like alcoholism, drugs or porn? Is there a way to balance grace with truth, and at what point do you need to cut off the relationship? Christine Snyder tells her story of facing an unwanted divorce due to her husband’s addictions and unfaithfulness, while counselor Glenn Lutjens provides expert advice on when to pull the plug on a problematic dating relationship.Link to Counseling Services: ( ) Inbox: Does Everyone Have a Porn Problem?She’s known more than a few friends in her Christian community who’ve confessed a problem with pornography. She’s frustrated that porn seems to be “winning” in the hearts and minds of those around her, and doesn't know what to do. When the next friend confesses, what should be her response? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
7/21/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 14 seconds
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Making Women Feel Safe: Episode 754

How women experience safety with men, plus leaving an abusive relationship, and navigating political differences in dating.Featured musical artist: David Dunn ( )Roundtable: How Women Experience Relational SafetyFor women, safety is very important. Not just physical safety, but emotional, spiritual and relational safety. But what does this look like in everyday life? This week’s guests share what makes them feel safe when they interact with guys. They’ll also discuss how they feel when a man isn’t a safe person, and some cues for discerning the difference.Get the book "Do Hard Things": Leaving an Abusive RelationshipSadly, many people face the reality of an abusive relationship. Some are in toxic situations and don’t even know it. What are the signs, and is there a way and a time to get out? Counselors Glenn Lutjens and Jenny Coffey offer hope to those suffering abuse, whether manipulation, gaslighting, physical, emotional or spiritual. In this conversation they define the difference between an abuser and an everyday jerk, what to do in an abusive situation, and how you can support a friend who’s currently being abused.Inbox: When Dating and Politics Don’t MixHe’s dating a girl, and they’re both serious about their faith. But he’s curious if it’s important for them to agree on political and social issues that aren’t explicitly addressed in Scripture. How should they talk about it, if indeed they have a disagreement? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
7/14/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
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Getting Married in Your 30s: Episode 753

Advice for marrying in your 30s, plus part two of a dating Q&A with Jonathan Pokluda, and maximizing your engagement season.Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker ( )Roundtable: Marriage Challenges For 30-SomethingsMarrying in your 30s gives you the benefits of a little more life experience, stability and (hopefully) maturity. But it also comes with unique challenges. You’ve become more settled in your ways, you’ve accumulated some baggage, and you’re maybe a bit more cynical. Nate and Melinda recently married in their 30s and did the hard work of addressing some of their individual issues before tying the knot. Dr. Trent Langhofer counseled them individually as well as together to help give their marriage the healthiest start possible. All three join us this week to share their journey. Culture: Dating Q&A With Jonathan Pokluda (Part 2) After years of working with young adults, Pastor Jonathan (JP) Pokluda has fielded just about every dating question you could imagine. He joins us to answer even more, and this time they’re your questions — asked by live audience members and submitted on social media. In part two this week, JP answers questions about reaching the commitment stage of a relationship, how to know if a guy is truly interested in you, and the worst dating advice he’s ever heard.Get the book: "Outdated" for your donation of any amount:: Making the Most of EngagementShe’s recently engaged and is wondering how to maximize this season. What are the best ways to prepare for marriage? What should she and her fiance keep in mind? Besides doing premarital counseling, should they read a book, set some goals, focus on certain conversations — or all of the above? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.Get the book: "How We Love":
7/7/202254 minutes, 26 seconds
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Managing Money Despite Inflation: Episode 752

Managing Money Despite Inflation: Episode 752Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust ( )Tips for fighting inflation, plus part one of a dating Q&A with Jonathan Pokluda, and having boundaries with opposite-sex friends. Roundtable: Don’t Let Inflation Get You DownInflation is hitting all of our wallets. From higher gas prices to the cost of groceries and travel, it seems like everything is getting more expensive. How do we cope? We share money-saving tips, corners we’re cutting, and investment opportunities we’re exploring for the future. We also admit what we’re not willing to let go. Join us for this fun yet practical conversation!Culture: Dating Q&A With Jonathan Pokluda (Part 1) After years of working with young adults, Pastor Jonathan (JP) Pokluda has fielded just about every dating question you could imagine. He joins us to answer even more, and this time they’re your questions — asked by live audience members and submitted on social media. In part one this week, JP tackles questions about crushing on a coworker, not having time to date, and how to handle it when someone doesn’t text you back. Receive the Book "Outdated: Find Love That Lasts When Dating Has Changed" for your donation of any amount: Inbox: Boundaries With Opposite-Sex FriendsWhile having friends of the opposite gender is great, it’s important to have good boundaries to avoid confusion, false intimacy, and the dreaded “friendlationship.” The question is, which boundaries are recommended? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
6/30/202253 minutes, 26 seconds
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I’m Into You: Episode 751

Insider tips to express romantic interest, plus evangelism for everyday people, and when you struggle to make friends at church.Featured musical artist: Mosaic MSC ( ) Roundtable: How Do I Know If They’re Interested?Men and women are very different, including how we express romantic interest. This can lead to miscommunication, assumptions or long periods of wishing and wondering where you stand. Our guests share the many missteps they’ve taken in pursuing, wooing and (dare we say it?) flirting with the opposite sex, and what they learned from those experiences. They’ll also break down what works and what doesn’t when it comes to making a move, and what makes a person stand out from the crowd.Culture: Sharing Your Faith in Simple Ways“People don’t care what you know until they know that you care.” This principle also applies to how you share your faith, because without a relationship, your attempts at evangelism can only go so far. Pastor Jay Benson and Jill Hill are both passionate about sharing Jesus in their communities and friend circles, and they have many stories of how they’ve invited non-Christians into their everyday lives. They’ll also share simple and effective ideas for engaging our neighbors, coworkers and others who need the gospel.Inbox: Time to Find a New Church? She’s been going to the same church for five years but still doesn’t feel connected. Her schedule is also very busy, so socializing outside of work hours is not an easy thing. Is it time to find a new church or stick it out and hope to make friends? Our friend Josh Zeichik weighs in.
6/23/20221 hour, 25 seconds
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What Must They Think of Me?: Episode 750

Letting go of what others think of you, plus Nick Hall’s modern vision for evangelism, and is it too early to define the relationship?Featured musical artist: Danen Kane ( )Roundtable: Don’t Be a Slave to Others’ OpinionsWe’ve all been guilty of walking into a room and immediately wondering what everyone thinks of us. But truth be told, most people aren’t thinking about us — they’re thinking about themselves. How can we live confidently without constantly worrying about others’ good opinion? Our guests share their own struggles in this area and give helpful ways to be aware of how we are viewed by others without being ruled by it.Culture: An Evangelism WoodstockIn 1972, a massive event called Explo ‘72 took place in Dallas, Texas. Thousands of young adults gathered from all over the country and were inspired and equipped to take the gospel of Jesus Christ into their communities and around the world. On this year’s 50th anniversary of Explo ‘72, evangelist Nick Hall is hosting a 21st-century version of that historic gathering. Called Together ‘22, this free event will take place at Cotton Bowl stadium in Dallas on June 24-25. Nick joins us to talk about how sharing the gospel in 2022 is both similar to and different from how it was done 50 years ago. What are the unique challenges and opportunities he sees today? Join us for this exciting conversation and details on this once-in-a-lifetime event.Sign up for Together ‘22 ( )Inbox: Defining the Relationship Already? She’s been going on dates with the same guy for eight weeks, but neither of them has defined their relationship. Is it time for her to say something, or should she wait for him to take initiative and speak up? Our host Lisa Anderson weighs in.Article: Whose Job Is It to Define the Relationship? ( )
6/16/202251 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Family You Came From (Part 2): Episode 749

How family affects us, plus what happens if Roe v. Wade is overturned, and should you have contact with an ex?Featured musical artist: Ginny Owens ( )Roundtable: How Your Family of Origin Affected You (Part 2)Like it or not, we’ve all picked up patterns and proclivities from our family of origin. For some, what we learned was relatively good. For others, talking about our family background is painful. Our guests share the good, bad and ugly attitudes and habits they adopted from their families, as well as the lessons they’ve learned and the cycles they’ve broken by growing and changing. In part two this week, our panelists discuss where they are now in relation to their families as well as the lingering effects of their family systems.Culture: Abortion Laws in America & See Life 2022Since the recent leak of the draft opinion from the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court case, many Americans anticipate the possible reversal of Roe vs. Wade. If that happens, what are the legal implications? John Stonestreet and Robyn Chambers give us a primer on the ins and outs of this historic decision. They’ll detail what we can expect, how we can pray, and will encourage us to value life not just through legislation but in everyday opportunities. We’ll also talk about the exciting See Life 2022 scheduled for June 14, 2022.Register for See Life 2022 Livestream: ( ) Get the book "A Practical Guide to Culture" for your donation of any amount: No Contact After a Breakup? Is it wise to have any contact with an ex after a breakup? Some say “absolutely no contact” while others recommend giving it a certain amount of time before you reach out. Our host Lisa Anderson weighs in.
6/9/202254 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Family You Came From (Part 1): Episode 748

How family affects us, plus blessing others with your words, and when you’re more introverted than the person you’re dating.Featured musical artist: James Peden ( )Roundtable: How Your Family of Origin Affected You (Part 1)Like it or not, we’ve all picked up patterns and proclivities from our family of origin. For some, what we learned was relatively good. For others, talking about our family background is painful. Our guests share the good, bad and ugly attitudes and habits they adopted from their families, as well as the lessons they’ve learned and the cycles they’ve broken by growing and changing. In part one this week, they tell their stories and share their observations about what was healthy and unhealthy in their childhood homes and relationships.Culture: Using Words to Bless OthersThe book of Proverbs says that “a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.” Knowing what to say when is a mark of a mature person as well as a mature Christian. Whether an encouragement, a rebuke, or a word of instruction, we’ve all been on the receiving end of words we needed to hear. Authors Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser have navigated many necessary conversations. They discuss insights from their book “When Words Matter Most” and help us discover ways to use words in different situations to bring blessing and healing.Get the book "When Words Matter Most" for your donation of any amount: Do They Have to Go Out So Often?She’s seeing a guy, but he’s more extroverted than she is, and he often wants to be together and on the go. Is it OK to express her desire to go out only once a week, or is that not enough for a sustainable dating relationship? A pastor and young adults mentor weighs in.
6/2/202251 minutes, 26 seconds
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Women Out-Earning Men: Episode 747

When women make more money than men, plus advice for difficult relationships, and does a physical disability hurt your dating chances?Featured musical artist: Ellie Holcomb ( )Roundtable: When Women Make More Money Than MenStudies show that in many cases, women now outpace men in education and in the workplace. What are the implications? In an age where career and calling are so important, does money play a part? Many Christians are uncomfortable with the conversation about salaries and earning power, especially in a dating relationship or when thinking about a future marriage and family. Our guests discuss their experience with this topic, including biblical wisdom and common sense for addressing it in their own lives. Culture: Dealing With Difficult PeopleIt’s easy to assume that we should never have conflict with fellow Christians. But such an approach to relationships is unbiblical — even dangerous — and can prevent us from leveraging growth opportunities. Pastor Brian Noble admittedly struggled with this until he realized that not facing conflict produced a harvest of contention in the long run. Now the CEO of Peacemaker Ministries, Brian shares how he’s learned to deal with difficult people in varied situations, and why handling conflict healthily sets you up for relational success.Get the book "'Living Reconciled" for your donation of any amount: Dating With a DisabilityShe’s interested in getting to know a guy, but feels limited by her physical disability. How much will this impact her ability to date? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in with encouragement and advice.
5/26/202252 minutes, 2 seconds
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Advice for Planning a Wedding: Episode 746

Our best wedding planning strategies, plus God and technology, and when your friend can’t seem to break up with her boyfriend. Featured musical artist: Liz Vice ( ) Roundtable: Insider Wedding TipsWedding season is officially in full swing, but planning the big day takes a lot of work. Between choosing the right dress, sending invitations, booking a DJ and finding a venue, the stress can be overwhelming. To help sort through the madness, we invited newlyweds to share their best tips for planning a wedding, including prioritizing their wish lists, navigating timing issues, and managing others’ expectations. They also share their “must-haves” for a meaningful wedding day. Culture: What’s God’s Opinion on Technology?With technology seemingly taking over the world today, it’s fair to ask, “How does God feel about all of this?” Desiring God’s Tony Reinke co-hosts the “Ask Pastor John” podcast with John Piper, and joins us this week to share a biblically-balanced approach on everything from smartphones to cryptocurrency to space travel. He’ll answer questions including: What’s God’s relationship with technology? What are technology’s limitations? How can we use tech for God’s glory?Get the book "God, Technology, and the Christian Life" for your donation of any amount: Breaking Up Is Hard to DoHer best friend is in an unhealthy dating relationship and has expressed a desire to break it off, but it seems like nothing is changing. Is it time for our listener to speak up? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
5/19/202256 minutes, 3 seconds
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Should You Both Want Kids?: Episode 745

The “children/no children” conversation, plus navigating death with a loved one, and when you and your friend like the same person.Featured musical artist: About a Mile ( )Receive the book "The Value of Wrinkles: A Young Perspective on How Loving the Old Will Change Your Life" for your donation of any amount: Let’s Talk About Having KidsWhen dating someone and considering marriage, it’s common to eventually ask: Do you want children? Obviously, it’s a big decision that should be discussed before tying the knot. But what if the two of you disagree on the subject? What if one is undecided, or you both have different opinions on timing, number of kids, or something else? Is the “kids” convo a dealbreaker? Our guests talk through this tricky issue with grace and wisdom for us all. Culture: Death and DyingHelping a friend or loved one navigate the dying process — whether in old age, sickness or tragedy — is one of the most challenging things you will ever do. At the same time, it is also a journey filled with meaningful moments. Dr. Margaret Cottle and Dr. Bill Toffler are physicians specializing in end of life issues. They’ll share helpful perspectives on how to cope when you receive hard news, how to support someone who is dying, how to walk through grief, and how to embrace caregiving and be a support to other caregivers. They also share a biblical perspective on assisted suicide.Article by Lisa: My Mom Is Killing Me ( )Inbox: When Your Friend Likes the Same GuyShe’s liked a guy for a while but didn’t tell anyone, and now one of her friends happens to like him too. What should she do — confess her feelings for this man, or wait and see what happens? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
5/12/202250 minutes, 23 seconds
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Men and Self-Esteem: Episode 744

Men overcoming low self-esteem, plus a Q&A with pastor Jonathan Pitts on grief, and should you change churches when dating?Featured musical artist: Jonathan Cain ( )Roundtable: Low Self-Esteem in MenWhen you’re one click away from seeing the highlight reels of your friends' lives, it’s easy to think you’re not as important or special as anyone else. Or maybe you’ve thought that since childhood; old wounds don’t always heal, do they? Hurtful experiences, poor relationships and false comparisons can drag us into the pit of low self-esteem. Is there a way to protect yourself and even overcome the lies? In part two of our series on low self-esteem, we’ll ask a group of men what brings them down, and more importantly, what it looks like to turn things around by understanding our limitations and embracing our identity in Christ.Culture: Surviving Grief and Loss (Part 2) When Jonathan Pitts and his wife, Wynter, celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary, they had much to look forward to, including writing books and doing ministry together. But less than a month later, Wynter died suddenly at age 38. Her passing sent Jonathan and their four daughters into a tailspin. But through that difficult season, Jonathan saw God’s faithfulness. In part two of our conversation, he’ll answer your questions on grief and loss.Get the book "My Wynter Season: Seeing God’s Faithfulness in the Shadow of Grief" here: ( )Inbox: Dating Someone From Another ChurchIf you start dating someone who attends another church, should you leave your own congregation to join theirs? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
5/5/202254 minutes, 1 second
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Women and Self-Esteem: Episode 743

Women overcoming low self-esteem, plus pastor Jonathan Pitts on grief, and how do you share your opinions humbly?Featured musical artist: Love and the Outcome ( )Roundtable: Low Self-Esteem in WomenWhen you’re one click away from seeing the highlight reels of your friends' lives, it’s easy to think you’re not as important or special as anyone else. Or maybe you’ve thought that since childhood; old wounds don’t always heal, do they? Hurtful experiences, poor relationships and false comparisons can drag us into the pit of low self-esteem. Is there a way to protect yourself and even overcome the lies? In part one of a two-part series on low self-esteem (men, you’re next week!), we’ll ask a group of women what brings them down, and more importantly, what it looks like to turn things around by understanding our limitations and embracing our identity in Christ.Culture: Surviving Grief and Loss (Part 1) When Jonathan Pitts and his wife, Wynter, celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary, they had much to look forward to, including writing books and doing ministry together. But less than a month later, Wynter died suddenly at age 38. Her passing sent Jonathan and their four daughters into a tailspin. But through that difficult season, Jonathan saw God’s faithfulness. In part one of our conversation, he shares the impact of grief and how God can sustain us in unexpected waysInbox: How Can I Share My Opinion? Whenever she gives her thoughts on a matter, people push back. How can she speak up and give her opinion with kindness and humility? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.That's Just My Opinion: ( )Link to Counseling Services ( )
4/28/202253 minutes, 26 seconds
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Learning to Say “No”: Episode 742

How to set boundaries and say “no,” plus the pros and cons of marrying young, and where to turn when it feels like your life has stalled.Featured musical artist: Audio Adrenaline ( )Roundtable: It’s OK to Say “No” Your friend invited you to a party, your church is asking you to volunteer, and you’re thinking about joining a new small group. While opportunities in life are endless, saying “yes” to all of them is a recipe for burnout. Sometimes it’s best to decline, even when the opportunities are good ones. Our guests describe how they’ve struggled with setting boundaries in life, and why doing so is important.Culture: Better to Marry Earlier or Later? Many of us think that before getting married, we need to have our lives, careers and finances in order. But research shows this is not always the best approach. Dr. Jason Carroll is a respected professor and researcher who co-authored a study on the pros and cons of marrying young. In this thought-provoking discussion, he shares what the study shows about timelines and milestones for tying the knot.Inbox: Getting Your Life Back on TrackShe took care of her mom who was struggling with serious health issues. But she feels this necessary “detour” got her stuck, and now she’s discouraged and wondering how to get her life back on track. Where should she start? Counselor George Stahnke offers a word of encouragement.
4/21/202254 minutes, 34 seconds
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What Is Real Repentance? (Part 2): Episode 741

Repenting for real, plus signs of a healthy dating relationship, and should you leave a church over theological differences?Featured musical artist: David Dunn ( )Roundtable: Signs of True Repentance (Part 2)Repentance is an important part of the Christian life, and because we’re all sinners, we should be experts at repenting, right? The truth is, living in genuine repentance is harder than you think. Pastor Mark Bates and professional counselor Tim Sanford talk about how to recognize true repentance in ourselves and others. In part two of our discussion, they address whether ministry leaders can be reinstated after showing repentance, choosing to forgive someone who has sinned against you, and finding victory over strongholds.Counseling Consultation and Referrals: ( )Culture: Are You Dating the Right Person? As a mentor mom who loves seeing God write young adults’ love stories, Rhonda Stoppe has a lot of real-world dating advice. In this thought-provoking discussion, she shares some vital tips for knowing if the person you’re dating is someone you should marry. She’ll address the topics of kindness, purity, evaluating your motives and more. Donate a gift of any amount to Boundless and you’ll receive "Real-Life Romance: Inspiring Stories to Help You Believe in True Love" by Rhonda Stoppe.10 Christian Dating Advice Tips to Pursue a Godly Relationship: ( )Inbox: Questioning a Church Leader’s TheologyShe recently broke up with her boyfriend after learning that he and his family believe in “open theism.” Since his dad is a church leader, she’s now questioning whether or not it’s time to leave the church they all attend. Pastor Mark Bates addresses the problematic nature of theological differences and what to do when you’re torn about leaving a church you love.
4/14/202257 minutes, 50 seconds
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What Is Real Repentance? (Part 1): Episode 740

Repenting for real, plus hope for women struggling with sexual sin, and should you date someone with a criminal record?Featured musical artist: Austin Stone Worship ( )Roundtable: Signs of True Repentance (Part 1)Repentance is an important part of the Christian life, and because we’re all sinners, we should be experts at repenting, right? The truth is, living in genuine repentance is harder than you think. Pastor Mark Bates and professional counselor Tim Sanford talk about how to recognize true repentance in ourselves and others. In part one of our discussion, they define repentance, explain the difference between sinning and struggling, and offer hope to those caught in cycles of sin.Counseling consultation and referrals: for Breaking Pornography Addiction article: and Putting Away Porn For Good article: Dating Someone With a Criminal Record She met a guy at church, but is concerned about his past as a convicted sex offender. It happened before he became a Christian, but should this be a disqualifier for dating him? Counselor Yale Kushner balances God’s grace with the practical implications of this man’s felony record.
4/7/202252 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ask the Boundless Team (Part 2): Episode 739

Part two of a Q&A with the Boundless team, plus questions about practicing humility, and should she be friends with an ex-boyfriend?Featured musical artist: Vertical Worship ( )Roundtable: The Boundless Team Answers Your Questions (Part 2)Our team got together to answer questions sent in by you, our listeners. The questions range from what’s on our current playlists to favorite places to travel, dating advice, getting through a difficult season of life and more. Hear part two of our discussion with Lisa, Hannah and John.Culture: What Is True Humility? (Part 2)We’re all convinced we’re humble enough. It’s everyone else who needs to work on being less prideful, right? But what’s the definition of humility, and what does it look like in everyday life? Pastor David Mathis from Desiring God uses biblical examples to address what it means to be humbled by God, how to humble yourself, and what we can learn about humility from the life of Jesus. In part two, he answers listener questions. Get the book "Humbled: Welcoming the Uncomfortable Work of God" here: ( )Inbox: Letting an Ex-Boyfriend Back In A guy broke up with her because he felt he could never live up to her standards of moral purity. Now he wants to be friends again. Is it wise to let him back in her life? Counselor Wendy Brown weighs in.
3/31/202252 minutes, 33 seconds
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Ask the Boundless Team (Part 1): Episode 738

Part one of a Q&A with the Boundless team, plus what true humility looks like, and is dating a non-Christian always a bad move? Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker ( )Roundtable: The Boundless Team Answers Your Questions (Part 1)Our team got together to answer questions sent in by you, our listeners. The questions range from what’s on our current playlists to favorite places to travel, dating advice, getting through a difficult season of life and more. Hear part one of our discussion with Lisa, Hannah and John. Culture: What Is True Humility? (Part 1)We’re all convinced we’re humble enough. It’s everyone else who needs to work on being less prideful, right? But what’s the definition of humility, and what does it look like in everyday life? Pastor David Mathis from Desiring God uses biblical examples to address what it means to be humbled by God, how to humble yourself, and what we can learn about humility from the life of Jesus. Get your free copy of Humbled: Welcoming the Uncomfortable Work of God here: Is Missionary Dating Unwise? She recently met a guy online and they have great chemistry. The only problem is, he’s not a Christian. Could dating him introduce him to Jesus, or is the whole idea risky and unwise? Lisa Anderson weighs in. For the culture segment, John Peardon mentioned that he’d like to start having the GOAA URL in the description, but I don’t think hyperlinks go through onto podcast descriptions. I went ahead and just put the link natively in there. Let me know if that works/what you think might be best.
3/24/202255 minutes, 55 seconds
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Pay Off That Debt: Episode 737

Creative ideas for paying down debt, plus a Q&A on friendships with the opposite gender, and dating without disappointing your parents. Featured musical artist: Stu Garrard ( )Roundtable: Creative Ways to Tackle DebtSchool loans, car payments, credit cards. Many young adults walk into adulthood staring at a mountain of debt. Is there a way to take control and start chipping away at the problem? Surprisingly, small steps make a big difference, and being creative in your approach will get you even further. Our guests share their most unique and efficient ways to pay off debt and save money. Culture: Guy and Girl Friendships (Part 2) Ambiguous male/female friendships — they happen to the best of us. Fortunately, Boundless contributors Joshua Rogers and Suzanne Gosselin have written about the subject and are here to talk about it. Are opposite-gender friendships possible? What happens when one party develops feelings for the other? In part two of our discussion, Joshua and Suzanne answer your questions about guy and girl friendships. Links to Articles: "Not Your Buddy"& "Your Friendgirl Deserves Better" & "Whose Job Is It to Define the Relationship?" & "Revisiting 'Not Your Buddy'"Inbox: Will My Parents Feel Left Out? She’s close with her parents, and is somewhat of a social and emotional support for them. She wants to start dating, but doesn’t want her parents to feel abandoned in the process. What’s the best move? Counselor Elaine Humphries weighs in.
3/17/202249 minutes, 50 seconds
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Lost in Love: Episode 736

Date without compromising who you are, plus a discussion on friendships with the opposite gender, and should your parents approve of your date? Featured musical artist: All Sons & Daughters ( )Roundtable: Dating Someone Without Losing YourselfYour friend started dating someone, but now they’ve gone MIA. Or you know someone who got in a relationship and turned into a different person. Too many people are willing to compromise their values, personality and time for someone else, and the results are usually disastrous. Our guests share how they brought balance and accountability to their relationships in order to stay true to who they really are. Culture: Guy and Girl Friendships (Part 1) Ambiguous male/female friendships — they happen to the best of us. Fortunately, Boundless contributors Joshua Rogers and Suzanne Gosselin have written about the subject and are here to talk about it. Are opposite-gender friendships possible? What happens when one party develops feelings for the other? In part one of our discussion, Joshua and Suzanne share the possibilities and pitfalls of being “just friends.” Related Articles: Not Your Buddy & Your Friendgirl Deserves BetterInbox: Should Your Parents Approve? He has a new girlfriend and wonders if his parents need to approve of the relationship. He feels they tend to be controlling, but he also wants to honor their opinion. What should he do? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.
3/10/202255 minutes, 7 seconds
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Let Him Lead?: Episode 735

The desire for control in dating, plus navigating life transitions, and are you spending too much time with your boyfriend or girlfriend? Featured musical artist: Various Artists ( )Roundtable: Who’s Leading Your Relationship?In an ideal world, everyone in a relationship would be perfectly sacrificial, always seeking the good of the other person, and finding a just-right balance of leadership and following, giving and taking. But we’re not in the real world. Here at Boundless, we find that daters get especially frustrated because they don’t think their partner is doing the “right thing.” Generally, women say men are too passive, and men say women are too controlling. Is this true? How do we encourage godly leadership in men while not taking a woman’s voice away? Our guests share how they navigated the tricky space of leadership and control while dating and discussing marriage with their now-spouses. Culture: The Only Constant Is ChangeChanges and transitions are part of life. You go from college to the professional world, you move to a new place, change jobs, change jobs again, start dating, then transition to marriage and having kids. But is there a way to do life transitions well when there are no easy formulas? Pastor Mark Bates just went through a major career transition and shares how he trusted God to get him through. He also reflects on transitions back when he was a young adult, and how everything has prepared him for where he is today. Inbox: Am I Spending Too Much Time With My Girlfriend? He recently started dating a girl, but she always wants to spend time together. It’s very early in the dating relationship, and with work and other commitments he’s starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. How should he handle this? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
3/3/202255 minutes, 12 seconds
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Breaking Up Is Hard to Do: Episode 734

Moving on after a breakup, plus Plugged In’s Adam Holz on the latest movies and Oscar buzz, and Lisa recommends her favorite books. Featured musical artist: Abandon ( )Roundtable: Finding Hope After a BreakupBreakups are tough. Your dreams for the relationship are dashed, and your heart is left wondering if it will ever recover. Is there a healthy way to move on? Our guests share their breakup experiences and what they learned through the process. If you or someone you know is in a dark place after a relationship went south, this conversation will remind you there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Culture: Minding Your MoviesThe Oscars are almost here, and they always seem to be a mixed bag. Plugged In director Adam Holz watches movies for a living, so he’ll break down this year’s Academy Award contenders, share a few of his all-time favorite flicks, and offer helpful strategies for media discernment any time of year. Inbox: Lisa's Favorite BooksMany listeners to the show know that host Lisa Anderson loves a good book. But have you wondered what her all-time favorites are? This week she’ll offer her best recommendations in the categories of Christian living, fiction, biographies and more.
2/24/20221 hour, 29 seconds
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Church Since the Pandemic: Episode 733

How COVID has impacted the way we do church, plus discovering your life purpose, and should single adults foster and adopt children? Featured musical artist: Aaron Strumpel ( )Roundtable: COVID and the Local ChurchSince the start of the COVID pandemic, many churches have seen a big drop in both attendance and volunteers. Congregations are divided on things like mask mandates, vaccines, livestream technology and more. Our panelists share what has changed for them in experiencing church post-pandemic, and what has stayed the same. They also offer encouragement for staying focused on the gospel and making in-person worship a priority. Culture: The Research Behind Finding Your PurposeGod made our lives to have direction and meaning. But struggles and disappointments abound, and it’s easy to lose our way. Dr. Stephanie Shackelford is a senior fellow at the Barna group where she’s done excellent research on how one can find their unique calling in life. She shares practical insights for moving ahead with clarity, including a four-step process: define, discover, decide, and do. Inbox: Should a Single Adult Foster and Adopt Children?She’s strongly considering adopting a child. But the big question looming in her mind is, does the Bible say anything about single adults adopting children? And either way, what are the pros and cons? Dr. Sharen Ford, Focus on the Family’s director of foster care and adoption, weighs in.
2/17/202253 minutes, 32 seconds
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Unrequited Love: Episode 732

When the person you like isn’t attracted to you, plus hope for people-pleasers, and how to respond to a single pastor’s romantic interest.Featured musical artist: Covenant Worship ( )Roundtable: When Attraction Isn’t MutualYou happen to really like someone, but as you get to know them it becomes clear that the feelings of attraction aren’t mutual. Should you hold on to the hope that their feelings will change, or is it safer to just move on? Our panel shares ideas for navigating the awkwardness and disappointment of unrequited love, and how you can find peace even when someone doesn’t like you back. Culture: Taming the People-Pleasing Monster (Part 2)People-pleasers abound. In fact, if you’re honest, you probably are one. People-pleasers do the hard work, hoping someone will notice or give us a compliment for our efforts. Or we never say “no,” afraid to face disapproval or rejection. But constantly looking for approval will only leave us feeling used and depleted. Dr. Mike Bechtle shares how he’s struggled with and learned to stop trying to live for the approval of others. In part two of our discussion, he’ll share some practical tips for overcoming people-pleasing tendencies. Inbox: My Pastor Wants to Date MeShe just moved and started attending a young adults group at her new church. However, the pastor is a single guy who has started showing interest in her. She appreciates his attention, but isn’t interested in dating right now. How should she respond? Counselor MT Wilson weighs in.
2/10/20221 hour, 11 seconds
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Learning to Rest: Episode 731

Making time for rest, plus common fears of a people-pleaser, and should you and your spouse have separate bank accounts?Featured musical artist: David Baloche ( )Roundtable: How to Rest WellYour to-do list is full and it seems like you don’t have enough time to catch your breath. Are you taking on too much? Are your priorities off? Maybe you don’t know the difference between “checking out” and getting true restorative rest. Our guests share ways they’ve learned to practice self-care and rest well, even with busy lives. Culture: Taming the People-Pleasing Monster (Part 1)People-pleasers abound. In fact, if you’re honest, you probably are one. People-pleasers do the hard work, hoping someone will notice or give us a compliment for our efforts. Or we never say “no,” afraid to face disapproval or rejection. But constantly looking for approval will only leave us feeling used and depleted. Dr. Mike Bechtle shares how he’s struggled with and learned to stop trying to live for the approval of others. In part one of our discussion, he’ll share the common fears that people-pleasers face. Inbox: Separate Finances in Marriage? She and her boyfriend are close to getting engaged, but she’s troubled by some of his requests. Years ago, he went through a tough divorce where he lost a lot. Now, he’s wanting to have separate bank accounts and has even mentioned her signing a prenuptial agreement. What’s the best way for her to respond to these concerns? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in.
2/3/202258 minutes, 34 seconds
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When Your Life Goals Seem Vague: Episode 730

Uncertainty around goals and calling, plus a live Q&A with Carey Nieuwhof, and should you speak up if a friend is engaged to a non-Christian?Featured musical artist: Stu Garrard ( )Roundtable: Clarifying Your Life GoalsLate January is typically the time of year when many give up on their New Year's resolutions. But what if you aren’t even sure what your goals are? What if the trajectory of your life seems vague at best? Our panel opens up about times they felt discouraged about their goals and what they learned from those seasons. If you’re feeling down about the direction of your life in 2022, this will give you some hope. Culture: Make the Most of Your Time (Part 2)Last week he told us how to live and work at our best. Join us this week for a Q&A with pastor, author and leadership expert Carey Nieuwhof as he answers questions from a live audience about priorities, time management, influence and more. Inbox: When a Friend Is Engaged to a Non-ChristianHer friend recently got engaged — but her friend’s fiancé is not a Christan. She’s deeply concerned and is wondering if she should say something. Counselor Wendy Brown weighs in.
1/27/202255 minutes, 56 seconds
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Serving in Your City: Episode 729

Volunteering in your community, plus Carey Nieuwhof on maximizing effectiveness, and should you reconnect with a high school love interest?Featured musical artist: Hollyn ( )Roundtable: Volunteering Where You LiveWhether it’s helping the homeless, being on a neighborhood committee, tutoring, or something out-of-the-box, the options for serving your community are endless. But how do you pick something and actually make it happen? How do you find a great fit that uses your gifting and passions? Our guests share how they volunteer locally and the process they went through to choose great ways to jump in and make a difference. Culture: Make the Most of Your Time (Part 1)For years, Carey Nieuwhof struggled with workaholism, which eventually led to his burnout. After much prayer and recovery, he started budgeting his time and energy, and has seen incredible results. In part one of our conversation, Carey shares lessons from research and his own journey, discussing how to find the time when you’re most productive, why achieving balance in your schedule isn’t the best goal, and insights for eliminating ever-present distractions. Inbox: That Crush From High SchoolHe asked her out in high school and she rejected him. Since then, he’s grown a lot in his faith, and recently started thinking about her again. Should he try to reconnect with her and see if she’d be interested now? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
1/20/202251 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Proper Care of Extroverts: Episode 728

How to love your extroverted friends, plus a Q&A with author Gary Thomas, and making room for a romantic interest when you have a full life.Featured musical artist: Je’kob ( )Roundtable: Understanding ExtrovertsHow well do you understand your extroverted friends? Do you know what makes them tick? Do you celebrate their strengths? Our panel of extroverts shares some of the dos and don’ts of a successful extrovert relationship, so if you’ve ever wondered how to connect with your people-centric friends, you’ll enjoy this conversation. (Also hear from our introverts if you haven’t already.) ( Q&A With Gary ThomasAuthor and marriage expert Gary Thomas is here to answer a variety of questions sent in by Boundless fans. He’ll address topics like boundaries with toxic people, happiness vs. holiness in marriage, how men can prepare for a great marriage, and what humble leadership looks like. He’ll also share both the biggest disappointment and the biggest joy he’s encountered in marriage. Inbox: Making Time for DatingShe’s interested in getting to know someone romantically, but her calendar is already full. Amid her busy schedule and full life as a single adult, is making time for a dating relationship even possible? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
1/13/202254 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Proper Care of Introverts: Episode 727

How to love your introverted friends, plus a Q&A with counselor and author Debra Fileta, and what makes a good small group? Featured musical artist: Darlene Zschech ( )Roundtable: Understanding IntrovertsHow well do you understand your introverted friends? Do you know what makes them tick? Do you celebrate their strengths? Our panel of introverts shares some of the dos and don’ts of a successful introvert relationship, so if you’ve ever wondered how to connect with your energy-conserving friends, you’ll enjoy this conversation. (Don’t worry, extroverts. You’re up next week.) Culture: Q&A With Debra FiletaAuthor and relationship expert Debra Fileta is here to answer a variety of questions sent in by Boundless fans. She’ll address topics like femininity, maintaining strong mental health, and navigating tricky dating scenarios. She’ll also share both the biggest disappointment and the biggest joy she’s encountered in marriage. Inbox: Finding a Good Small GroupCommunity is essential to living the Christian life well. But how can you find a group of friends who’ll also be a reliable community and a catalyst for growth? Is it best to find a group that only studies the Bible? How deep should the subject matter and sharing be? Does age, life stage or gender matter? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
1/6/202255 minutes, 19 seconds
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A Fresh Look at a New Year: Episode 726

Healthy attitudes for approaching a new year, plus self-care and goal-setting strategies, and hope for emotional eaters.Featured musical artist: Jeremy Rosado ( )Roundtable: Out With the Old, In With the New‘Tis the season to straddle the “what-ifs” of last year and the “if-onlys” of the year to come. But what’s the right attitude and a healthy balance to have as the calendar turns the page? Our guests reflect on both the victories and missed opportunities from 2021 as well as what helps them stay optimistic about 2022. How to Survive Christmas as a Single Girl: The Right Kind of GoalsSetting resolutions is all the rage in a new year. But it’s common to set lots of lofty goals only to have them fail by mid-January. The first step in successful goal setting is having the right goals and the right ways of going after them. Licensed professional counselor Easton Coleman and organizational development specialist Andrew Montgomery get down to the nitty-gritty in talking goals and strategies for everything from mental health to professional development to life plans. Inbox: Emotional EatingHer struggle with weight has been lifelong, as has her mom’s nagging about it. She knows her mom means well, but the pressure leads to anxiety which leads to more emotional eating. Can she develop a healthy mindset about food that will give her the tools necessary to move forward? Counselor Elaine Humphries weighs in.Counseling consultation and referrals:
12/30/202149 minutes, 9 seconds
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Family and the Holidays: Episode 725

Enjoying your family at Christmas, plus a Q&A with Jonathan Pokluda, and is it wrong to be attracted to others when you’re engaged? Featured musical artist: Daniel Bashta ( )Roundtable: Making Peace With Family at ChristmasWhile getting together with your family for the holidays can be fun, it can also be challenging. What do you do when your family members don’t get along, or you’re the only Christian around the dinner table? Our guests discuss ways they’ve learned to compromise, set expectations, and enjoy quality time with their families, even when it’s not easy. Culture: Q&A With Pastor Jonathan PokludaAs a pastor and former leader of The Porch, Jonathan “JP” Pokluda has a lot of experience helping young adults. In this fun and thought-provoking conversation, we ask him a variety of questions on topics like: where young adults need to mature, how to develop spiritual rhythms in life, the importance of church, and how he navigates the temptation to be a “celebrity” pastor. Inbox: A Wandering Eye?Her fiancé recently proposed after three years of dating. Before their engagement, she only had eyes for him. However, since getting engaged, she’s noticing other guys and is tempted to compare them to her man. Is this normal or sinful? Counselor Joannie DeBrito weighs in.Counseling consultation and referrals:
12/23/202153 minutes, 15 seconds
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When You Choose to Keep the Baby (Part 2): Episode 724

Part two of a difficult pro-life story, plus teaching men to pursue marriage, and when your date reveals childhood abuse.Featured musical artist: Covenant Worship ( )Roundtable: The Hard Side of Choosing Life (Part 2) High school sweethearts at a Christian school, they seemed to be heading toward a bright future. Then came the news that they were pregnant. When faced with this reality, Jarod and Glory Adducci had a big decision to make: have the baby and forever alter their life plans, or choose abortion — something they had said they would never do. Listen to part two of Jarod and Glory’s powerful story.Option Ultrasound ( )Culture: A Mentor for Young MenShortly after his wife, Lori, died, Chris Peardon felt God calling him to teach young men lessons he learned in his own 33-year marriage. He started a small group with men from his church, and together they’ve talked through how to relate to women, how to prepare for marriage, and how to date well. In this thought-provoking conversation, Chris shares some of the principles he’s taught and the outcomes he’s seen. Inbox: Dating After Childhood Sexual AbuseThe guy she likes recently shared that he was sexually abused as a young boy. Out of the pain he experienced, he struggled with same-sex attraction and pornography before becoming a Christian. Even though he’s grown immensely, she’s wondering, “Has he truly healed from his past?” Counselor M.T. Wilson weighs in. Counseling consultation and referrals:
12/16/20211 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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When You Choose to Keep the Baby (Part 1): Episode 723

Part one of a difficult pro-life story, plus accepting grace after an abortion, and honoring God with your sexuality as a single adult.Featured musical artist: David Baloche ( )Roundtable: The Hard Side of Choosing Life (Part 1) High school sweethearts at a Christian school, they seemed to be heading toward a bright future. Then came the news that they were pregnant. When faced with this reality, Jarod and Glory Adducci had a big decision to make: have the baby and forever alter their life plans, or choose abortion — something they had said they would never do. Listen to part one of Jarod and Glory’s powerful story. Culture: When You Regret a Past AbortionBehind every abortion is a story. For many, that story is filled with trauma, shame and regret. But even in the midst of the tears, God forgives and shows grace. Greg Smalley and Joanna Brown share their journeys through abortion including the resulting fallout and the restoration only God could provide. Post-Abortive Recovery Resources: Sexual Energy and the Single ChristianSexual desire is a gift from God. But what do you do with those desires as a single person? Is there a productive way to channel sexual energy outside of marriage? Counselor Glenn Lutjens offers some thoughts on the subject.John Thorington's Inbox: consultation and referrals:
12/9/202158 minutes, 55 seconds
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Opposite-Sex Friendships (Part 2): Episode 722

Guys on being friends with girls, plus finding stability in a transient world, and losing a parent when you're single. Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts ( ) Roundtable: Being Friends With GirlsHaving friends of the opposite gender can be a lot of fun, but without healthy boundaries and respect, things will quickly get weird. We brought in a panel of guys who describe what it's like to be friends with girls their age. They'll address expectations, appropriate attitudes and behaviors, ways to avoid the awkward "friend zone" and more. Culture: Growing Roots (Part 2)We've all heard the myth, "The grass is greener on the other side." We laugh, but if we're honest, we've all believed it in some way. But what if true joy and fulfillment comes in being content where God has put us today? In part two of our conversation, Pastor Daniel Grothe shares about finding stability with family, making time for meaningful friendships, and what it looks like to find a life-giving church. Inbox: Losing a Parent as a Single PersonShe recently lost her dad and is feeling lonely. He was not only a great friend and fix-it guy, but since she is single, he was the main man in her life. Is moving on even possible during the grief process? Lisa Anderson weighs in with some hope and encouragement.Counseling consultation and referrals:
12/2/202156 minutes, 35 seconds
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Opposite-Sex Friendships (Part 1): Episode 721

Girls on being friends with guys, plus finding stability in a transient world, and when your personality interferes with dating. Featured musical artist: David Dunn ( )Roundtable: Being Friends With GuysHaving friends of the opposite gender can be a lot of fun, but without healthy boundaries and respect, things will quickly get weird. We brought in a panel of girls (heads-up: next week is the guys' turn) who describe what it's like to be friends with guys their age. They'll address expectations, appropriate attitudes and behaviors, ways to avoid the awkward "friend zone" and more. Culture: Growing Roots (Part 1)We've all heard the myth, "The grass is greener on the other side." We laugh, but if we're honest, we've all believed it in some way. But what if true joy and fulfillment comes in being content where God has put us today? In part one of our conversation, Pastor Daniel Grothe shows us that our futures aren't necessarily somewhere else, how he's found joy in the here and now, and why many church saints throughout history were effective by simply staying put. Inbox: Is Being Type A a Dating Downfall?She's been told by past boyfriends that the traits which make her good at her job — specifically her ability to problem solve and having a stubborn streak — make her bad at dating. Is a personality overhaul in order? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.Counseling consultation and referrals:
11/25/202156 minutes, 3 seconds
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Christmas on a Budget: Episode 720

Enjoy the holidays without going broke, plus a pastor's take on depression, and tips for beating burnout. Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust ( ) Roundtable: Save Money This ChristmasThe holidays are fun, but they're also very expensive. Between gifts, travel expenses and parties, it can feel like you're drowning in expenses. To help solve this dilemma, we brought in some friends who shared what helps them enjoy the holidays without breaking the bank. They'll also discuss how some of the best gifts don't require spending money at all. Culture: How a Pastor Beat DepressionThere's a myth in Christian circles that pastors shouldn't struggle with depression. To debunk that theory, pastor Chris Hodges talks to us about times when he felt like he was trapped in a dark cave with no way out. Using the story of Elijah from the Old Testament, Chris shares the ins and outs of this common struggle, plus hope for life beyond its lows. Inbox: Beating BurnoutMillennials and Gen Z adults are regularly referred to as the "burnout generation." With so much to do and so little time to do it, is rest even possible? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in with some practical ideas for beating burnout.Counseling consultation and referrals:
11/18/202155 minutes, 37 seconds
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Overcoming Holiday Blues: Episode 719

Beating cynicism during the holidays, plus more on taming the anxiety monster, and when is it time to change your career? Featured musical artist: Mosaic MSC ( )Roundtable: Don't Be a GrinchThe holiday season can be a lot of fun, but it's also a time when negativity and depression unexpectedly creep in. Between stress, discouragement, unmet expectations and other pressures, it's easy to get angry and overwhelmed. Our guests admit their struggles with cynicism during the holidays, but have ultimately found ways to reframe their perspectives and infuse the season with peace and joy. Culture: Peace in an Anxious World (Part 2)Anxiety in today's world is at an all-time high — especially among young adults. Whether money, work, relationships or the future, there's always something to worry about. Is there a way to find calm in the storm? Pastor David Marvin is one of the leaders of The Porch — the largest church gathering of young adults in the U.S. — and he's passionate about finding peace and helping others do the same. In part two of our conversation, he shares what Scripture says about beating anxiety and how to overcome it in the areas of dating, career and money. Inbox: Time to Change Careers?She's working a stressful job as a nurse, and thinks it might be time to pull the plug. But how much should job stress be a factor in whether or not to change your career? Are there other options? Counselor Easton Coleman weighs in.Counseling Consultation and Referrals:
11/11/202151 minutes, 50 seconds
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Favorite Games With Friends: Episode 718

In praise of game nights, plus taming the anxiety monster, and do mental health struggles mean you’re not ready to date? Featured musical artist: Nathan Tasker ( )Roundtable: How to Host a Game NightPlaying games can deepen friendships, create fun memories and brighten an otherwise ho-hum week. We brought in a panel of guests who’ve hosted friends for party games, strategy games, card games and more. They'll give a few of their favorite game recommendations, plus tips on how to invite and include friends in the fun, what food to serve, and how to please both the competitive and casual game-players in your midst. Culture: Peace in an Anxious World (Part 1)Anxiety in today’s world is at an all-time high — especially among young adults. Whether money, work, relationships or the future, there's always something to worry about. Is there a way to find calm in the storm? Pastor David Marvin is one of the leaders of The Porch — the largest church gathering of young adults in the U.S. — and he's passionate about finding peace and helping others do the same. In part one of our conversation, he shares how we got so anxious, why some things seem scarier than others, and yes, why he even dreaded his own honeymoon. Inbox: Dating With Mental Health StrugglesShe wants to date but is struggling with her mental health. Since the fight may never stop, will it disqualify her from ever being in a serious relationship? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.Counseling Consultation and Referrals:
11/4/202154 minutes, 34 seconds
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Healthy Confrontation: Episode 717

When you should confront someone, plus a psychiatrist on the topic of suicide, and taking initiative vs. letting God run your love life. Featured musical artist: Danen KaneRoundtable: Christians and ConfrontationConflict. It happens, though most of us avoid it when we can. But sticking our heads in the proverbial sand won't accomplish anything. Instead, conflict and confrontation are a part of life, and the Bible has wisdom for how Christians should approach disagreements and even sin in one another. Our guests discuss conflicts and confrontations they've encountered and how they navigated hard conversations with grace. This discussion is a necessary primer for anyone who wants to mature in their relationships. Culture: An Honest Look at SuicideSuicide statistics are at an all-time high worldwide. Most of us know of someone – perhaps even a pastor or Christian leader – who has taken their own life, leaving us to wonder: Why is this happening? Is there anything we can do? How can we recognize acute depression and suicidal thoughts in ourselves and our friends, and what’s the best course of action when we do? Psychiatrist Karl Benzio gives us tools to rightly understand and address the warning signs of suicide. Inbox: Trying Hard and Trusting GodHe's trying to be more intentional about meeting girls and dating, but could he be trying too hard? Is there a balance between taking initiative in dating versus letting God be in charge? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
10/28/202158 minutes, 11 seconds
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John Cooper of Skillet: Episode 716

Practical ways to stay healthy as a young adult, plus Skillet's John Cooper on discerning truth, and how much do women want to be pursued? Featured musical artist: Ginny Owens Roundtable: Staying Healthy in Your 20s and 30s You're young, you're busy – you really don't have time or money to eat right, exercise, or visit the doctor. You can worry about that later, right? Not according to our panel of medical and fitness experts. They say that the habits you form now will pay off in the future – stuff like eating healthy, getting proper rest, and setting up wellness visits with a doctor. Get a jump start on your whole-body health with practical tips from our wellness pros. Culture: Being a Bold Witness for ChristAs the lead singer of the world famous rock band Skillet, John Cooper knows firsthand the pressures of today's culture. Years ago, when his band was just becoming famous, a music executive promised John fame if he would "stop talking about Jesus." But John knew that doing so would compromise everything he believed. In this powerful conversation, Cooper shares ways we can stand strong for truth in a relativistic world. Inbox: Do Women Want to Be Pursued?He's trying online dating, but the women he talks to eventually seem to lose interest. Even when conversations start out fine, they eventually drop off. Don't women want to be pursued? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
10/21/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Are Your 20s Going?: Episode 715

The reality of life in your 20s, plus the highs and lows of young adult life, and setting boundaries with an overly strict parent. Featured musical artist: James Peden Roundtable: Expectations Vs. Reality of Life in Your 20s In college, you dreamed about doing big things when you launched into adulthood. But then the real world hit – bills to pay, assignments to finish, a job to find, and learning to be an adult on every level. The truth is, reality doesn't always live up to our expectations. Your 20s are a decade of excitement, but also a time of overwhelming changes and even disappointments. Our guests share the good, bad and ugly of being a 20-something today. They also discuss ways to maximize this season in all its ups and downs. Culture: The Gap Decade When Katie Schnack found herself drained by a job she hated, it seemed like her whole world was falling apart. But even then, God was working things out behind the scenes. Katie joins us to explain how the decade of your 20s is really a journey about trusting God and figuring life out, even during the hard times. Whether life is great or not for you right now, this conversation will give you hope as a young adult who wants to move forward in what God has for you. Inbox: Parental OverloadHer mom set very strict standards for her growing up, and is still trying to impose these standards on her as a young adult. She now feels manipulated into making the "right" decisions in everything from career to dating. Is it time to set some boundaries in the relationship? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
10/14/202154 minutes, 54 seconds
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A Healthy Kind of Humor: Episode 714

Using humor appropriately, plus a conversation on humility, and when you're interested in one guy but another asks you out. Featured musical artist: Ellie Holcomb Roundtable: Using Humor AppropriatelyThere's nothing like laughing with your friends and family. A good punchline, a quick-witted response, and before you know it the room is roaring with laughter. But admittedly, crude joking and cheap low blows are easy to come by. As Christians, what kind of humor is appropriate and what is not? Our guests share the types of humor they appreciate, how they balance the funny and the serious, and what it looks like to tell jokes without tearing others down. Culture: The Truth About Our Bad Selves We hear it all the time: "He's good at heart." "I'm perfect just the way I am." But while it sounds nice, we know it's not really true. In reality, all of us think we're better than we really are, and comparing ourselves to others helps us believe it. Author and radio personality Brant Hansen calls it a humility problem, describing the ways he's struggled with pride and how God's Word points us to put others above ourselves. Inbox: Waiting in the WingsShe really likes a guy and wants to get to know him. However, a different guy just asked her out on a date. Should she hope the guy she likes will like her back, or go out with the man who's already offered? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
10/7/202159 minutes, 8 seconds
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Are Your Standards Too High?: Episode 713

Evaluating your dating standards, plus part two on a Christian's approach to dating, and finding a match when your options are limited. Featured musical artist: Liz Vice Roundtable: Are Your Dating Standards Too High?There are essential qualities to look for in a future spouse: must be a solid Christian, growing as an individual, has a humble spirit. But what about the gray areas ... like personality? Likes and interests? Or church preference and worship style? Our guests talk about evaluating their dating standards to focus on the essentials. They also remind us that we're all a work in progress, and discuss how to work through important issues that may or may not be deal-breakers in dating. Culture: How Should I Date? (Part 2)You long to be married someday, but before you find a mate, you must be willing to go on some dates. Well, is there a right way to date? Eric Demeter is a single guy who knows the ups and downs of dating, and has sought the wisdom of both Scripture and godly mentors. In part two of our conversation, he'll discuss practical ways to find a spouse, explain how love is similar to baking a cheesecake, and share his take on finding The One. Inbox: Slim Pickin's She wants to find a Christian husband, but the number of single guys her age in her community is rather small. Plus, she's looking for some specific qualities in a guy. What can she do? Lisa Anderson weighs in.Get the book "The Dating Manifesto: A Drama-Free Plan for Pursuing Marriage With Purpose":
9/30/202153 minutes, 5 seconds
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Bias in the News: Episode 712

Sifting through bias in today’s news, plus part one on a Christian’s approach to dating, and are you taking your relationship too slowly? Featured musical artist: About a Mile Roundtable: Spotting Media BiasYou scan the morning headlines to find out what’s happening in the world. But the more you read, the more it feels like the reporter wrote an opinion column instead of a news story. That can only mean one thing: bias! The fact is, we all have it, but is there a way to read or watch the news without letting bias cloud the truth? Our guests share their experiences working in various media outlets and how they keep up with current events while maintaining a balanced perspective. Culture: How Should I Date? (Part 1)You long to be married someday, but before you find a mate, you must be willing to go on some dates. Well, is there a right way to date? Eric Demeter is a single guy who knows the ups and downs of dating, and has sought the wisdom of both Scripture and godly mentors. In part one of our conversation, he’ll debunk some common myths about dating that many of us believe, and tell us how to start with a solid relationship foundation. Inbox: Are We Going Too Slow?She just started dating her boyfriend and doesn’t want to take things too quickly. However, his friends typically get engaged and married within a short time of starting a relationship. How can she know if their relationship is on track or moving too slowly? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
9/23/202150 minutes, 22 seconds
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Shane and Shane Lead Worship: Episode 711

Celebrating favorite fall traditions, plus Shane and Shane on worship, and is it wise for a new Christian to be a ministry leader? Featured musical artist: Jonathan Cain Roundtable: It’s Fall, Y’all!The leaves are turning and the temperature is dropping. All this can only mean one thing: Fall is here! To celebrate, our guests describe their favorite fall traditions and what they enjoy most and even least about this season. From corn mazes to pumpkin patches, college football, warm drinks and bonfires, there’s sure to be something here for you. Culture: Worked Up About WorshipYou go to church, sing the songs and pray the prayers. Sometimes you’re into it, and other times it feels ho-hum. The fact is, worshiping God is one of the greatest things a believer in Jesus will participate in. But what if worship is something so much deeper than just the songs we sing and words we read or recite? Christian music artists Shane and Shane join us to discuss what true worship is through their story as worship leaders. They’ll also address the tension of worship styles in today’s churches and how we can get a right perspective on it all. Inbox: Should a New Christian Lead?His friend is a new Christian and now feels called to lead a young adults’ ministry. But there are signs that he still needs to be humbled, discipled, and have a more teachable spirit before becoming a teacher himself. Is it right to let him lead or to make him wait? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
9/16/202151 minutes, 55 seconds
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Calling All Sports Fans: Episode 710

Enjoying sports without idolizing them, plus embracing God’s purpose for your life, and a “sleeping together” conundrum.    Featured musical artist: Love and the OutcomeRoundtable: Do Sports Rule Your Life?With football season officially here, many will now be glued to their TVs for weeks. For some, sports are a fun pastime. For others, seeing their favorite team lose will ruin their day. Is there a way to enjoy watching your favorite team without letting their performance and your fandom run your life? Our guests discuss sports they enjoy and ways they’ve learned to be avid sports fans while still keeping their priorities straight.Culture: When Purpose Feels Far AwayAll of us deal with doubt when it comes to our true calling. Jonathan Evans wrestled with that same feeling after his NFL career fell apart. Being the son of famous preacher Dr. Tony Evans, Jonathan felt intense pressure to make his life count. But in the middle of his disappointment, God opened some amazing and unexpected doors. If you’re struggling with finding your purpose in life, you’ll be encouraged by this discussion.    Inbox: My Brother Sleeps With His Girlfriend at My House She lives with her mom, and when her brother and his girlfriend come over, her mom lets them sleep together. She’s uncomfortable with her brother’s behavior, but her mom (also a Christian) doesn’t seem to want to speak up. Is it time to confront this? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in.
9/9/202151 minutes, 12 seconds
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Let’s Cook a Meal: Episode 709

The importance of cooking (even for yourself), plus what it means to find true love, and wisdom for interacting with a gay friend.    Featured musical artist:  Austin Stone WorshipRoundtable: Cooking Hacks for SinglesThe late Truett Cathy said, “Food is essential to life, therefore make it good.” While everyone enjoys a tasty meal, what if you don’t know how to cook one? And what if you don’t feel like buying groceries and going through the effort of cooking if it’s just for yourself? Our guests explain how cooking is beneficial for more reasons than just having something to eat, and they give some of their best tips for making simple, nutritious and fast meals any time of the week.      Culture: Finding True LoveWe all long to find true love. With so many songs and movies about it, it’s easy to make this elusive quest our main goal in life. But what if marriage (and even singleness) are meant to point us to something much deeper and more meaningful? Pastor Evan Reedall takes us to the book of Proverbs to tackle the question: How do I find true love? He’ll discuss why marriage is a wonderful gift from God, but it’s temporary — and will never replace the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.   Inbox: Talking Truth With a Gay FriendThey’ve been friends for months, but she’s never shared her convictions about sexuality with her gay friend. She now feels like a hypocrite for playing it safe and not sharing what Scripture says about homosexuality. How can she tell her friend the truth, but do so in love? Counselor Wendy Brown weighs in.
9/2/202151 minutes, 29 seconds
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Entertainment Discernment: Episode 708

Wisdom in entertainment choices, plus the seeds of the transgender movement, and being vulnerable in a dating relationship.    Featured musical artist: AbandonRoundtable: Making Healthy Entertainment ChoicesMovies, music, books, binge-worthy TV, and everything on demand — the world is simply flooded with entertainment. With so much access to content, it’s never been more important to use discernment in the types of entertainment we consume. But where do you personally draw the line, and how do you decide? Our panel of guests discuss what they enjoy watching and listening to, and what is a no-go. Whether it’s sexual content, language, violence or certain themes, they give principles for wise decision-making when taking in what’s out there today.   Culture: History of TransgenderismIt’s an old saying: “To understand the present, you have to look at the past.” The same is true for the shift in sexual ethics we’re seeing today. Dr. Carl Trueman has done extensive research on this topic, and traces transgenderism and other gender fluidity and choice issues back to prominent philosophers and cultural watersheds. He also suggests an appropriate response to this complicated topic.   Inbox: Feeling Confident … Except in DatingShe’s forthright in friendships and her career. But when it comes to dating, she struggles with vulnerability and confidence. She doesn’t want this pattern to continue in her new relationship. What can she do? Counselor Elaine Humphries weighs in.
8/26/202155 minutes, 11 seconds
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Questions College Grads Ask (Part 2): Episode 707

Navigating life after college and when someone you like is spiritually stuck.   Featured musical artist:  EcclesiaRoundtable: Burning Post-College Questions (Part 2)Making the jump from college to the “real world” is daunting. While starting a career and living life outside of campus can be fun and freeing, there also comes a whole new set of challenges and questions. How do I get along with my parents? How do I find a job? What are ways to save money? Can I make meaningful friendships outside of college? To help answer these questions, we brought in a team of experts to share lessons they’ve learned about life after graduation. In part 2, we’ll also feature a Q&A with our fabulous summer interns.   Inbox: A Spiritually Stuck Love InterestShe was introduced to him by some friends, and she happens to like him. However, he’s admitted that he’s gotten spiritually lazy and isn’t regularly going to church. Both of them are Christians, so should she refuse to go on a date with him? Our friend Josh Zeichik weighs in.
8/19/202128 minutes, 22 seconds
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Questions College Grads Ask (Part 1): Episode 706

Navigating life after college, plus a Q&A on building a godly marriage, and when you aren’t getting traction with online dating.   Featured musical artist: HollynRoundtable: Burning Post-College Questions (Part 1)Making the jump from college to the “real world” is daunting. While starting a career and living life outside of campus can be fun and freeing, there also comes a whole new set of challenges and questions. How do I get along with my parents? How do I find a job? What are ways to save money? Can I make meaningful friendships outside of college? To help answer these questions, we brought in a team of experts to share lessons they’ve learned about life after graduation.   Culture: Preparing for a Great Marriage (Part 2) It’s easy to enter marriage with rose-colored glasses; hopes are high and everything is so exciting. But what if real love has little to do with feelings? Diane and Roger Ingolia have been married for 44 years and have counseled many couples about what it means to love your spouse with a Christ-like love. In part 2 of our conversation, they’ll answer questions from a studio audience about how to do marriage well. Inbox: When Online Dating Stalls OutShe’s dating online but is hitting a brick wall. She’s had a few conversations, but it just seems like guys aren’t interested in her — or they are at first, but then they disappear. What can she do to change this? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
8/12/202159 minutes, 32 seconds
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Biblical Submission in Marriage (Part 2): Episode 705

Part two on living out Ephesians 5 in marriage, plus building a godly marriage from scratch, and potential disconnects on sexual sin.  Featured musical artist: Kerrie RobertsRoundtable: What Biblical Submission Should Look Like (Part 2)Submission is a touchy subject, and people can get pretty heated talking about it. If you’ve ever wondered what the Bible really says about submission or what biblical submission should look like in a marriage, listen to this conversation. Our panel discusses these questions and more, bringing their wisdom and sometimes hilarious personal experiences to the table.  Culture: Preparing for a Great Marriage (Part 1) It’s easy to enter marriage with rose-colored glasses; hopes are high and everything is so exciting. But what if real love has little to do with feelings? Diane and Roger Ingolia have been married for 44 years and have counseled many couples about what it means to love your spouse with a Christ-like love. In part 1 of our conversation, they’ll share from their own dating journey plus some of the wisdom they’ve given to couples during pre-marital counseling.  Inbox: Navigating Confusing Sexual ConvictionsShe’s been talking with him online for a few months, and he seems like a good Christian guy. However, he’s admitted he wasn’t taught that pre-marital sex is a sin, and he was sexually active in other dating relationships. Should these be reasons to cut off communication or not?  Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
8/5/202155 minutes, 51 seconds
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Biblical Submission in Marriage (Part 1): Episode 704

Living out Ephesians 5 in marriage, plus the inside scoop on progressive Christianity, and addressing masturbation in a relationship. Featured musical artist: David DunnRoundtable: What Biblical Submission Should Look Like (Part 1)Submission is a touchy subject, and people can get pretty heated talking about it. If you’ve ever wondered what the Bible really says about submission or what biblical submission should look like in a marriage, listen to this conversation. Our panel discusses these questions and more, bringing their wisdom and sometimes hilarious personal experiences to the table. Then tune in next week for more!Culture: Is Progressive Christianity Really Christianity?In today’s culture, it's easy to confuse progressive Christianity with a passion for social justice or even an affiliation with a political party. But what is it really? Most progressives by definition have actually rejected certain tenets of orthodox Christianity. Alisa Childers, musician and author of “Another Gospel?,” talks through the particulars and shares her own deconstruction story and how in the process (and with the influence of a pastor) she almost walked away from her faith. Instead, she reconstructed with a more confident view of God, His Word and the gospel.Inbox: My Boyfriend Still Masturbates DailyHer boyfriend told her that he no longer views porn, but still struggles with daily masturbation. She’s wondering what this means for their relationship, and what help is available to him moving forward. Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
7/29/202152 minutes, 42 seconds
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Pet Lovers (And the Rest of Us): Episode 703

The pros and cons of owning a pet, plus establishing better habits in your life, and is it wrong to attend a gay wedding? Featured musical artist: Nathan TaskerRoundtable: Should I Get a Pet?If you’ve ever wondered whether to add a furry (or not furry) friend to your home, you definitely want to tune in to this conversation. While having a pet can be a lot of fun, it’s also a tremendous amount of work — and often money. Our panel describes the ups and downs they’ve experienced with their pets. They also put a pet’s place in one’s life in perspective, and of course try to convince Lisa that pet ownership is in her future.   Culture: Good Habits for a Healthy LifeIn a world filled with worry and discouragement, it’s easy to give in, kick up our feet, and just watch television. But lazy habits only feed bad results. As a pastor, Steve Poe is passionate about helping people replace bad habits with good ones. In this candid conversation, he’ll share some of the worst habits that plague Christians today, and provide biblical insights and practical strategies for replacing them with life-giving ones instead.   Inbox: Should I Attend a Gay Wedding?She’s been invited to her coworker’s wedding — however, her coworker happens to be gay. They’ve worked together a long time and are friends, so should she attend the wedding, or must she as a Christian decline the invitation? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
7/22/202155 minutes, 32 seconds
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Disagree Kindly: Episode 702

How to be kind to those you disagree with, plus safeguarding your emotional health, and when the desire to marry isn’t strong. Featured musical artist: Aaron Shust Roundtable: Disagreement Without DivisionWhether on social media or elsewhere, it seems everyone is angry these days. Polarizing issues abound; even issues on which reasonable Christians can disagree are driving a wedge in churches, friend groups and families. As Christians, how should we respond? What if we’re part of the problem? Our guests share their biggest triggers and how they try to maintain peace in relationships rather than sowing discord. They’ll also give tips for engaging in civil conversations and loving others even when opinions differ and emotions run high.  Culture: Emotional Health CheckupFor millennials and Gen Z, terms like depression, anxiety, burnout and stress are part of our daily vocabulary. Will our generation ever find the path to mental and emotional health? Licensed professional counselor Debra Fileta joins us to share her own struggles in these areas, and how it’s possible to identify and address the challenges we face. If you or someone you know is struggling to stay mentally and emotionally afloat, this conversation will give some much-needed hope.    Inbox: What If I Don’t Want to Get Married?She’s feeling a lot of pressure from others to get married. But when she searches her own heart, the desire for a spouse isn’t that strong. Is this a problem or a good thing? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
7/15/202155 minutes, 47 seconds
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Cheap Vacations: Episode 701

Tips for saving money on your next vacation, plus navigating the seasons of dating, and when your dream job feels out of reach. Featured musical artist: All Sons & DaughtersRoundtable: Saving Money on VacationNow that COVID restrictions are easing up, we are traveling again — especially on vacation. But the age-old question remains: Can I go on a trip without spending too much? Our panel of seasoned travelers is here to share insider tips for vacationing far and near on a budget. If you’re looking to travel anytime soon, you’ll want to listen in.      Culture: Seasons of a Dating RelationshipJust like the weather changes throughout the year, dating relationships also go through seasons. Some seasons are filled with excitement and joy, while others feel chilly and distant. Licensed professional counselor Debra Fileta has a passion for helping single adults do relationships well. Using spring, summer, fall and winter as her guide, she describes the unique patterns couples can expect in a dating relationship.    Inbox: Should He Go For His Dream Job?He wants to work at a non-profit organization, but getting there won’t be an easy task. Should he take a step of faith and go for it, or stay where he’s currently working and wait? Human resources expert Marshonda Dixon weighs in.
7/8/202156 minutes, 54 seconds
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Celebrating #700: Episode 700

A special tribute to our fans on episode 700, plus more about intentional friendships and dating, and why won’t guys ask girls out?Featured musical artist: Love and the Outcome Roundtable: It’s Our 700th EpisodeAfter more than 13 years, Boundless is now 700 episodes strong! To celebrate, we asked you, our fans, to send in your comments about ways our show has helped you navigate the ins and outs of adulthood. Listen in for some fun testimonials from Boundless listeners as well as a few favorite memories from Boundless staffers.     Culture: Intentional Relationships (Part 2)As a single adult, your life is full of opportunities to cultivate life-giving relationships. Whether it’s making good friends, searching for a spouse, or preparing for marriage, it’s a wonderful time to lay a solid foundation for your relational future. Dan Houk and Kris Swiatocho are passionate about helping Christian singles build healthy friendships and date well. In part two of our conversation, they explain something called “intentional friendships,” show how to move from friendship to dating, and outline what a healthy dating relationship looks like.    Inbox: Waiting for Him to Make a MoveShe’s noticing a pattern in her circle of friends: A girl really likes a guy, but he won’t ask the girl out. Is it wrong for girls to hope guys will change their minds? If not, how long should a girl wait? Josh Zeichik weighs in.
7/1/202152 minutes, 44 seconds
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What’s Marriage Really Like?: Episode 699

Marriage expectations versus reality, plus intentional friendships and dating, and should she take back her ex after getting dumped?Featured musical artist: JJ Heller Roundtable: Marriage Expectations Meet RealityIt’s easy to daydream about a wedding and what a great marriage will look like. Romantic settings, expensive dates, love that lasts for decades. Those thoughts make you feel good, but how realistic are they? To discuss the reality of marriage, we brought in some newly-married couples to share about their experiences with the realities of marriage. They’ll share ways marriage has been both more challenging than they thought but also better than they expected.   Culture: Intentional Relationships (Part 1)As a single adult, your life is full of opportunities to cultivate life-giving relationships. Whether it’s making good friends, searching for a spouse, or preparing for marriage, it’s a wonderful time to lay a solid foundation for your relational future. Dan Houk and Kris Swiatocho are passionate about helping Christian singles build healthy friendships and date well. In part one of our conversation, they discuss their own experiences with dating, why relationships fail, and how to recognize your own blind spots.   Inbox: Give Your Ex a Second Chance?She’s still reeling over how he dumped her for another girl. However, he’s apologized and wants her back. Should she give him a second chance? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
6/24/202152 minutes
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When You Don’t Feel “Good Enough”: Episode 698

Struggling with inferiority, plus the value of being a Christian “nobody,” and his girlfriend’s past eating disorder still bothers him.   Featured musical artist: About a MileRoundtable: Think You Don’t Measure Up?Another engagement announcement on social media, a married couple you know is expecting, and your best friend just landed a new job. While you celebrate your friends, deep inside you wonder, “Will it ever be my turn? Maybe I’m just not good enough.” Our panel shares how they’ve wrestled with those feelings in relationships and beyond, yet learned to overcome feelings of inferiority and despair.   Culture: Christians Behind the ScenesIt’s easy to think that God only uses those with a platform. The well-known pastor, the social media influencer, the worship leader on stage at big conferences. But what about those who are faithfully serving God when nobody knows their name? Dr. Jeff Iorg reminds us how God uses unknown people in big ways. He should know; he was led to Christ by one.  Inbox: Eating Disorders & DatingHis girlfriend previously had an eating disorder, and he’s concerned she still struggles but won’t admit it. What should he do? Counselor Elaine Humphries weighs in.
6/17/202153 minutes, 57 seconds
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Pride Month Meets Grace and Truth: Episode 697

Healthy conversations with homosexual friends, plus responding to rejection in dating, and when your crush works at your church.     Featured musical artist: John WallerRoundtable: Grace-Filled Conversations With LGBT FriendsBack in February, our panel shared how same-sex attraction has impacted them and those they know. The panel returns this week to discuss how to have healthy, grace-filled conversations with those who identify as LGBT. Especially relevant now during Pride Month, their ideas provide a framework for loving our SSA family members and friends while still standing for biblical truth. Homosexuality ResourcesBook: Is God Anti-Gay? by Sam AllberryBook: Loving My (LGBT) Neighbor by Glenn T. StantonCulture: Rejection in DatingIt’s one of the worst parts about dating: getting rejected. You invest so much emotional energy and put hope in the process — only to have it all come crashing down. Kait Warman is the host of the Heart of Dating podcast and has lots of experience with overcoming rejection. In this candid conversation, she shares how to manage your emotions when you’ve been rejected and what it looks like to find your identity in Christ. Inbox: Church Staff CrushHe recently moved to start an internship at a church. It just so happens that one of the girls on staff has caught his eye. Is it too soon to make a move? How can he get to know her without coming across too strong? Lisa Anderson offers advice.
6/10/202151 minutes, 59 seconds
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Any Prayer Requests?: Episode 696

Responding appropriately to requests for prayer, plus how our culture’s sex narrative came to be, and does location hurt her dating chances?Featured musical artist: Tauren Wells Roundtable: Responding to a Prayer RequestSome are serious, some are “unspoken,” and others are just plain awkward. Yes, we’re talking about prayer requests. As Christians, we’re called to pray for people, but how should we respond when asked to pray for that deeply personal request in our small group? What about random requests on social media? What about something we’re not sure we even agree with? Our guests share their experiences around the pain and privilege of praying for others.         Culture: Who Defines Sex, Anyway?As the world keeps “progressing” in its definition of sexuality and sexual expression, the lines between black and white are turning gray. Jeff Grenell is a passionate youth leader who reminds us that regardless of what the culture does, God’s standard for sexuality remains consistent. With clear explanations, he discusses how several sexual revolutions (some historic, some current) have affected young adults today, and how we can discern truth from lies.Inbox: Keeping Hope for MarriageShe lives in a small town and feels like there aren’t many Christian guys to choose from. She feels called to stay put, so what should she do when her options are so limited? Lisa Anderson offers a dose of encouragement.
6/3/202154 minutes, 20 seconds
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Christian Leaders and Moral Failure (Part 2): Episode 695

Finding family as a single, plus pastors discuss how to respond when a Christian leader falls, and overcoming different backgrounds in dating. Featured musical artist: Zach Williams Roundtable: Finding Family as a SingleSingleness can feel lonely, but it also has unique opportunities for wonderful friendships. While you might not have found that special someone yet, you still have amazing chances to make last memories and connect with friends who feel like family. Our guests share how they’ve learned to find family as a single Christian after moving to a new town. They’ll also discuss how they’re learning to combat feelings of loneliness.       Culture: When a Pastor or Christian Leader Falls (Part 2)It’s become an all-too-common headline: another pastor caught in a scandal — whether sexual, financial, an abuse of power, or some other egregious failure. For certain followers, the news is so devastating, they walk away from the church. The rest of us are left to ask: What do I do? Are there any faithful leaders left? Can I trust my own pastor, or will he be next? We brought in a panel of pastors to answer the hard questions. In part two this week, they’ll address whether someone can be a Christian after a big moral slide, and how to respond when a leader fails us.        Inbox: Different Backgrounds in DatingShe’s dating a solid Christian guy, but wonders if their pasts disqualify them from dating? For one, he struggled with a porn addiction, which he has dealt with. Plus, her dad is skeptical that their background differences could eventually cause problems in the relationship. Counselor Patrick Hill offers hope and gives some practical thoughts.
5/27/202155 minutes, 58 seconds
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Christian Leaders and Moral Failure (Part 1): Episode 694

The importance of attraction in dating, plus pastors discuss how to respond when a Christian leader falls, and navigating post-college regrets. Featured musical artist: Ecclesia Roundtable: The Importance of AttractionHow attracted should you be to the person you’re dating? Does chemistry have to be there right away, or can you wait for it to grow? If so, how long do you wait before throwing in the towel? Attraction is a multi-layered thing that goes beyond liking the way someone looks. Our panel of married folks talks about how important physical attraction and chemistry was in the stages of their relationships, and gives advice for daters on what you need to know about gauging attraction in your own romantic journey. Culture: When a Pastor or Christian Leader Falls (Part 1)It’s become an all-too-common headline: another pastor caught in a scandal — whether sexual, financial, an abuse of power, or some other egregious failure. For certain followers, the news is so devastating, they walk away from the church. The rest of us are left to ask: What do I do? Are there any faithful leaders left? Can I trust my own pastor, or will he be next? We brought in a panel of pastors to answer the hard questions. In part one this week, they’ll talk about their own experiences with the effects of church scandals, and they’ll address the all-important question: Why does this stuff happen in the first place? Inbox: Did I Waste My College Years?She recently talked with her girlfriends about their time in college. As the conversation rolled on, they all felt like they had missed some great opportunities back then with dating, ministry outreach and developing deep friendships. How can she let go of these feelings of regret and move on? Lisa Anderson offers hope and advice.
5/20/202155 minutes, 8 seconds
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Breaking Into the Job Market: Episode 693

Landing a great job, plus more from Greg and Michael Smalley on guys and relationships, and should your parents be involved in your love life?   Featured musical artist: Covenant Worship Roundtable: Finding Your Dream JobOne of the most intimidating journeys is the job search. You want that dream career, but questions churn in your head: How do I get hired? Will I nail or fail the interview? Will I be told I need more experience? To help settle the questions and bring practical advice, we brought in a team of hiring experts. As professionals on the lookout for great recruits, they’ll discuss how to job-hunt, network, interview, and stay positive when you feel discouraged in the process.      Culture: How Guys Do Relationships (Part 2)It’s a common perception that guys are less competent at relationships than girls. But what if that’s not the case? Marriage experts Greg Smalley and Michael Smalley compare the ways men communicate to a set of tools, and give some insights on how to use those tools efficiently. They also get real about the trials and errors of learning to communicate with the women in their lives. And ladies, if you’ve ever wondered how to talk to guys, you’ll want to tune in.      Inbox: Parents’ Involvement in DatingShe’s in her second dating relationship, but Mom and Dad always want to offer advice. It’s to a point where it feels like they’re “helicopter parents.” How can she get some peace and privacy? Counselor Jenny Coffey offers ways to respect yet set healthy boundaries with parents when you’re in a dating relationship.
5/13/202155 minutes, 17 seconds
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Overcoming a Porn Addiction (Part 2): Episode 692

Getting real about the dangers of pornography, plus Greg and Michael Smalley on guys and relationships, and advice for relating to your parents.Featured musical artist: Hollyn Roundtable: When Pornography Controls You (Part 2)According to Barna, over 60% of Christian men say they’ve viewed pornography within the last month. But before you ladies start pointing fingers, statistics also show that an increasing number of Christian women are falling prey to sexualized content and entertainment, whether online pornography or more subtle and insidious offerings like the Fifty Shades franchise. With such a pervasive problem, how can people find true freedom? In part two of a two-week discussion, our panel discusses how porn affects men and women differently, and what it means to truly defeat porn versus simply “managing” it.      For a free counseling consultation, check out How Guys Do Relationships (Part 1)It’s a common perception that guys are less competent at relationships than girls. But what if that’s not the case? Marriage experts Greg Smalley and Michael Smalley compare the ways men communicate to a set of tools, and give some insights on how to use those tools efficiently. They also get real about the trials and errors of learning to communicate with the women in their lives. And ladies, if you’ve ever wondered how to talk to guys, you’ll want to tune in.      Inbox: Having a Healthy Relationship With Your ParentsWhen you become an adult, maintaining a mature, respectful relationship with your parents can be a struggle. So how do you do it? Lisa Anderson weighs in with some practical tips.
5/6/202157 minutes, 12 seconds
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Overcoming a Porn Addiction (Part 1): Episode 691

Getting real about the dangers of pornography, plus Joe Rigney on winning the war against lust, and spouse-hunting in a different culture.   Featured musical artist: Lara Landon Roundtable: When Pornography Controls You (Part 1)According to Barna, over 60% of Christian men say they’ve viewed pornography within the last month. But before you ladies start pointing fingers, statistics also show that an increasing number of Christian women are falling prey to sexualized content and entertainment, whether online pornography or more subtle and insidious offerings like the Fifty Shades franchise. With such a pervasive problem, how can people find true freedom? In part one of a two-week discussion, our panel shares their stories of pornography addiction and the sad and sneaky ways the culture enables sexual bondage.Culture: It All Begins With LustWhen Joe Rigney was first exposed to pornography, he never imagined it would lead to a decade-long addiction. But once he gave sexual sin a chance, it settled in his heart for the long haul. When Joe got engaged and was on the verge of jumping into full-time ministry work, he experienced a big wake-up call. In this insightful conversation, he explains how choosing obedience started him on the long road to freedom.Inbox: Cross-Cultural Spouse SearchShe’s just moved to a new continent and is looking for a church to meet guys. However, she feels like her chances of finding a mate in her new home are slim. In such a scenario, what can she do? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
4/29/202152 minutes, 9 seconds
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Obsessing About Marriage: Episode 690

Wanting marriage vs. obsessing about it, plus Tim Ross on sharing the gospel with difficult people, and trusting God with unanswered questions.  Featured musical artist: Phil WickhamRoundtable: Do You Want Marriage Too Much?We dream of the beautiful wedding and of doing life with an amazing spouse. After all, that’s what God wants for us, right? While desiring marriage is a gift from God, it’s dangerous when it consumes our thoughts and becomes the thing. Our guests explain ways they and others they know have struggled with marriage obsession. They’ll also share thoughts on how to rightly prioritize marriage while being content in singleness.    Culture: How to “Upset” People by Pointing to JesusMany say we’re living in the “age of outrage.” One post or comment on social media, and before you know it, people who were friends are severing ties. How can we share Christ’s love in such a hostile environment? How do we break the ice when many in the world want nothing to do with Christians? Pastor Tim Ross reminds us that as we learn to love God, we can love difficult people through our words and actions, and, with God’s help, see transformation in their lives and ours.       Inbox: God’s Voice or Mine?How do you discern God’s will when your heart is weighed down by unanswered questions? Is there a way to be certain God himself is speaking to you rather than just another voice in your head? Counselor John Thorington offers some insights.
4/22/202151 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Fun and Fright of Asking Girls Out: Episode 689

Guys tell all about asking girls out, plus J.D. Greear on making your life count, and should she settle for a social media pursuer?  Featured musical artist: Je’kobRoundtable: How Guys Feel About Asking Girls OutAsking a girl out is one of the hardest things for guys; it’s nerve-wracking and takes a lot of courage. Our guests relive what it was and is like for them to invite a girl on a date, and give guys tips for minimizing weirdness in the process. They also give the ladies advice for responding when a guy makes a move.   Culture: Living With Eternity in MindWe’re told the American Dream will make us happy, and many of us chase it relentlessly. But at the end of your life, will you care about your net worth or what car you drove? Pastor J.D. Greear reminds us that what we do for Jesus Christ will be what truly lasts. In the process, he downplays bucket lists and elusive “callings.” Oh, and as president of the Southern Baptist Convention, he briefly addresses the recent controversy surrounding Beth Moore’s denominational exit.     Inbox: Social Media PursuitThey’re in different states, and he stays in touch by frequently messaging her on Facebook. He seems to really like her, but she’s not interested. Time is ticking and no one else is asking; are chances running out for her to get married? Should she encourage this guy to make a move? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
4/15/202157 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Creators of “The Chosen” (Part 2): Episode 688

Helping a friend through a hard time, plus part two with Dallas and Jerry Jenkins on dramatizing the life of Christ, and rebuilding friendships after sexual sin. Featured musical artist: Darlene ZschechRoundtable: How to Help a Friend in NeedHaving a true friend to help you through life’s tough seasons makes such a difference. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, a break-up, a bleak medical diagnosis or some other discouraging situation, God loves to use other Christians to help carry our burdens when we’re low. Our guests share how they’ve both helped others and been helped by others in practical and encouraging ways when life got especially tough.   Culture: Behind the Scenes of “The Chosen” — Part 2Many filmmakers have tried to tell the story of Jesus Christ and His disciples. Some have done a good job; others, not so much. The series making headlines today is called “The Chosen,” with season one surpassing 57 million views as of last fall, and season two just released this week. Lisa went to the show’s set in Texas and visited with series creator Dallas Jenkins to get the stories behind the production as well as a sneak peek of what’s to come. She also talked to Dallas’ dad, Jerry (mega-author of the Left Behind books), about the brand-new novel based on season one. Don’t miss this exclusive interview! (part two of two)      Inbox: Friendship After Sexual SinHealthy friendships with the opposite gender can be great, but are they possible after a history of sexual sin? How do you start the process appropriately? And is there a point where it’s OK to date again? Counselor John Thorington weighs in.
4/8/202158 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Creators of “The Chosen” (Part 1): Episode 687

Reasons to end a dating relationship, plus Dallas and Jerry Jenkins on dramatizing the life of Christ, and how to recognize a manipulator. Featured musical artist: Jeremy RosadoRoundtable: Dating Deal-BreakersLet’s be honest: None of us have it all together. Especially when dating, it’s easy for quirks and flaws to create tension between us and our significant other. But what about when an issue or sin is serious or persistent? Could it become a relationship deal-breaker? The fact is, some things are a big red flag that scream caution or even stop. Our guests share how to spot a deal-breaker in a dating relationship, and offer wisdom for how to address a serious situation when it crops up.   Culture: Behind the Scenes of “The Chosen” — Part 1Many filmmakers have tried to tell the story of Jesus Christ and His disciples. Some have done a good job; others, not so much. The series making headlines today is called “The Chosen,” with season one surpassing 57 million views as of last fall, and season two set to release any day now. Lisa went to the show’s set in Texas and visited with series creator Dallas Jenkins to get the stories behind the production as well as a sneak peek of what’s to come. She also talked to Dallas’ dad, Jerry (mega-author of the Left Behind books), about the brand-new novel based on season one. Don’t miss this exclusive interview! (part one of two)      Inbox: Spotting a ManipulatorYou meet someone who seems nice, but as you get to know them, something doesn’t feel right. They always seem to have a hidden agenda and often succeed in making you feel bad or “not enough.” Surprise! You may have found a classic manipulator. So what do you do? Counselor Patrick Hill weighs in.
4/1/202152 minutes, 47 seconds
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Healthy Habits Heading Into Marriage: Episode 686

Keeping friendships strong during the pandemic, plus more lies young adults believe, and what are essential habits to establish before marriage?    Featured musical artist: Daniel BashtaRoundtable: Preserving Friendships During a PandemicAs the world still reels from the effects of COVID-19, isolation is a common challenge nearly everyone is facing. Not being able to gather in public places, see family or visit friends has now become the norm. Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, no one likes to feel completely cut off from everyone else. Is it possible to keep friendships alive during seasons of isolation? Our guests describe what the friendship journey has been like for them over the past year, and they give helpful tips for staying in touch, prioritizing in-person connections, and making good use of technology when necessary. Guests: Peter Gooch, Laura Williams, Bill ArbuckleCulture: Lies Young Adults Believe (Part 2)Many millennials and Gen Z adults are discouraged. The seemingly impressive accomplishments of our peers are only a click away. By fixating on others, it’s easy to feel like our lives aren’t special. Or that we’re not far enough along in our life plans. Paul Angone has a passion for helping young adults discover their true identity in Christ. In part two of our discussion, he’ll address why technology doesn’t necessarily make us better connected, the dangers of being too nostalgic, the difference between knowing information and being informed, and he finishes with positive declarations to debunk the lies of the world.      Inbox: Getting Myself Ready for MarriageGood habits and character qualities are important no matter what season of life you’re in. But what’s especially important to cultivate before tying the knot? What are those essential skills, habits and maturity markers to master in order to best ensure relational harmony with your future spouse? Counselor Jenny Coffey weighs in.
3/25/202151 minutes, 33 seconds
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Respectable Sins (Part 3): Episode 685

The struggle with impatience, plus lies young adults believe, and how does God speak into our dating experiences?   Featured musical artist: Kerrie RobertsRoundtable: The Sin of ImpatienceIt’s easy to judge someone who sins big. After all, we would never do that, right? But what about those sneaky, subtle sins that we excuse, ignore or explain away? The late Jerry Bridges called them “respectable” sins. But sin is sin. So what do we do? In part three of our roundtable series, our guests tackle the topic of impatience and irritability. Whether it’s losing your temper with a family member, obsessing about getting married, getting mad at your friends’ social media posts, or just not getting your way, impatience and frustration can creep in through many doors. Our guests discuss the subtle ways they’ve struggled with (and tried to excuse) these sins, and how God has shown them a way out. Guests: Steve Kammer, Charles Berry, Diana BlaschkeCulture: Lies Young Adults Believe (Part 1)Many millennials and Gen Z adults are discouraged. The seemingly impressive accomplishments of our peers are only a click away. By fixating on others, it’s easy to get discouraged and feel like our lives aren’t special. Or that we’re not far enough along in our life plans. Paul Angone has a passion for helping young adults discover their true identity in Christ. In part one of our discussion, he’ll debunk the myth of “I’m the only one struggling” and talk through missing chances on opportunities, the dangers of comparison, and what it’s really like to pursue our dreams.      Inbox: Did I Really Hear From God?She dated her boyfriend for over three years before they broke up, then prayed about whether or not they should get back together. After feeling like God told her yes, they dated for another six months, only to break up again. Did she hear God correctly? Or at all? Counselor Yale Kushner weighs in.
3/18/202150 minutes, 6 seconds
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Respectable Sins (Part 2): Episode 684

The struggle with discontentment, plus making Bible reading a daily habit, and what’s your role in finding a spouse?  Featured musical artist: David DunnRoundtable: The Sin of DiscontentmentIt’s easy to judge someone who sins big. After all, we would never do that, right? But what about those sneaky, subtle sins that we excuse, ignore or explain away? The late Jerry Bridges called them “respectable” sins. But sin is sin. So what do we do? In part two of our roundtable series, our guests tackle the topic of discontentment. It may look like obsessing over getting married, comparing yourself to your friends’ adventures on social media, or hating your job and wishing you had a better one. Our guests discuss the subtle ways they’ve struggled with discontentment, and how being grateful for God’s blessings makes the ultimate difference.Culture: Make Bible Reading a Daily HabitIn college, Stacey Thureen was a competitive swimmer who was poised for athletic greatness. But something was missing. After a friend introduced her to Jesus, she found the peace she was longing for. Yet even after becoming a Christian, reading her Bible consistently was a daily struggle, and her spiritual growth stalled. Maybe you can relate? Stacey shares her story of coming to Christ and how she’s learned to read her Bible consistently amid a busy life.      Inbox: Finding a Mate: God’s Job or Mine?  He’s single and wants to date, but feels like his options are limited right now. The big question running through his head is: Does God lead you to your spouse, or do you have to find one yourself? Lisa Anderson weighs in.
3/11/202155 minutes, 21 seconds
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Respectable Sins (Part 1): Episode 683

The struggle with self-control, plus more real-life dating advice from Jonathan Pokluda, and a listener’s boyfriend is estranged from his family. Featured musical artist: Nathan TaskerRoundtable: The Sin of Self-IndulgenceIt’s easy to judge someone who sins big. After all, we would never do that, right? But what about those sneaky, subtle sins that we excuse, ignore or explain away? The late Jerry Bridges called them “respectable” sins. But sin is sin. So what do we do? In part one of our roundtable series, our guests tackle the topic of self-indulgence. It may be with food or another addictive behavior; or maybe it’s spending money, or outbursts of anger. Our guests discuss their self-control struggles, how they’ve tried to minimize them, and how in God’s grace they’ve now committed to a daily fight against this stronghold of sin.   Guests: Kat Bittner, Diane Ingolia, Austin LightCulture: Dating in a 2021 World (Part 2)With the tech revolution, social media, smartphones and dating apps — not to mention a nasty pandemic all but squelching our opportunities for true connection — finding a mate is not for the faint of heart. But the question we’re all asking is: “What actually works?” Pastor Jonathan “JP” Pokluda offers excellent advice for how Christians should approach dating in an “anything goes” world. In part two of our conversation, he discusses how to stop playing games in dating, and debunks the myth of “you know when you know.”    Inbox: Family FeudHe seems like a godly young man, and she wants to keep dating him. But he’s estranged from his family, and her mom is especially concerned about it. Is this scenario a deal-breaker for their dating relationship? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in with wisdom for navigating this situation.
3/4/202151 minutes, 57 seconds
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Jonathan Pokluda on Dating: Episode 682

A compassionate conversation on same-sex attraction, plus Jonathan Pokluda’s real-life dating advice, and distinguishing sexual desire from lust. Featured musical artist: Aaron ShustRoundtable: God’s Grace Amid Sexual Identity StrugglesMany of us have struggled with same-sex attraction or gender identity confusion — or know someone who has. In a culture that consistently tries to cancel biblical truth, what’s the current conversation around homosexuality, transsexuality, and an application of God’s grace for it all? Our guests tell their stories of walking this journey personally and with friends and family members, offering hope and clarity on this ever-important issue.   Links to Resources:Speak to a CounselorBook: Is God Anti-Gay? by Sam AllberryBook: Loving My (LGBT) Neighbor by Glenn T. StantonHomosexuality ResourcesCulture: Dating in a 2021 World (Part 1)With the tech revolution, social media, smartphones and dating apps — not to mention a nasty pandemic all but squelching our opportunities for true connection — finding a mate is not for the faint of heart. But the question we’re all asking is: “What actually works?” Pastor Jonathan “JP” Pokluda offers excellent advice for how Christians should approach dating in an “anything goes” world. In part one of our discussion, he’ll address some myths about singleness and finding the “perfect” match. Inbox: Sexual Desire or Lust?Sexual desire is God-given. But Jesus clearly taught that lust is a sin. So what’s the difference? Is there a way to distinguish between normal sexual desires and lust? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in with helpful thoughts on this difficult topic.
2/25/202158 minutes, 49 seconds