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The God Theory Podcast Profile

The God Theory Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 52 episodes, 1 day, 20 hours, 45 minutes
A Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student and a literary analyst talk about topics surrounding atheism and disbelief in a predominantly Christian culture.
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49- Mother Fucking Theresa

We dismantle the PR spin and modern day myth of the sadistic Albanian hypocrite who was recently given sainthood by an international cabal of child rapists.
11/19/201658 minutes, 49 seconds
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48- The Trumpocalypse

WTF just happened?  Also, happy Veteran's Day?
11/12/201646 minutes, 13 seconds
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Back from summer hiatus, we talk about the rising number of Millennials who identify as nonbelievers, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the existential threat of Trump and his theocratic goons.
10/2/201658 minutes, 16 seconds
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46- The Psychology of Belief in Miracles

Why do so many people believe in miracles and the supernatural?  Are they lying  or do they genuinely believe in magic? Short answer: Memory is fallible as fuck.
5/15/201656 minutes, 28 seconds
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45- Philosophy of Violence with Dr. Dan Fincke

We interview Dr. Dan Fincke of Camels with Hammers concerning violence.  Is it ever justified?  What is the metric we can use to determine the appropriate use of violence if it is?  Check out or  if you'd like to hear more from Dr. Fincke or sign up to one of his myriad classes on philosophy, ethics, religion and atheism. 
4/24/20161 hour, 12 minutes, 57 seconds
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44- Just Admit You're Wrong

Why do people resist admitting that they're wrong? Why is "let's agree to disagree" preferable to actually updating your worldview to be more accurate with reality?  The old bugbear of confirmation bias haunts us again this episode.
4/18/201653 minutes, 3 seconds
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43- God's Not Dead 2

God's even less dead with the sequel that hit theaters yesterday! Find out what happens to a teacher who so much as MENTIONS Jesus in a school in Arkansas that exists inside the deranged martyr fantasies of evangelical Christians!  Seriously, what is up with Christians wanting to be persecuted so much that they invent insane stories like this?  
4/4/201639 minutes, 28 seconds
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42- The Morality of Health and Happiness

Another terror attack.  Yay religion!     Also, motivated reasoning, liberal extremism and why universal healthcare is a moral issue.
3/27/201650 minutes, 11 seconds
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41- Is Trump a Narcissist?

Narcissism is a word that gets used colloquially.  But it is also a diagnostic used in psychological medicine.  Does Trump suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder or is he just a dick?
3/13/201652 minutes, 59 seconds
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40- Why the Hillary Hate?

We read an article about Hillary Clinton that attempts to defend her from her Democrat detractors.  Some points sway us, others, not so much.  Also: Bernie Sanders as potentially the first non-Christian president since the 1700's?  Exciting times.
3/7/20161 hour, 19 minutes, 20 seconds
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39- What is Kafkatrapping?

We discuss the concept of kafkatrapping and how to avoid it.  How can the left have constructive discourse where all ideas can be scrutinized while still signal boosting the voices of minorities?  No easy answer, but an important discussion to consider.
2/21/20161 hour, 14 minutes, 45 seconds
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38- Motivated Reasoning and Social Media Civics

Should we support the troops even if we don't agree with them?  Why is secular government part of the Constitution?  Are American laws based on the 10 Commandments? What is the psychology behind motivated reasoning and how can we learn to be less wrong?
2/1/20161 hour, 18 minutes, 36 seconds
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37-5 Secrets About Being a Mormon Missionary

We discuss an old article offering a behind the scenes look at life as a Mormon Missionary, aka cult brainwashing 101.  David gives his own personal glimpse behind the curtain.  To read the original article, visit
1/24/201659 minutes, 4 seconds
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36- Is the Oregon Standoff Mormon Terrorism (rerelease)

Reupload of episode 36 with better sound quality after I effed up the compression.   Hopefully this sounds much better.  Sorry, folks! :)
1/14/20161 hour, 11 minutes, 30 seconds
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35- Secular Students with JT Eberhard (rerelease)

Due to audio issues, we've recompressed and rereleased the last two podcasts.  Sorry for the audible assault!
1/14/201641 minutes, 41 seconds
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36- Is the Oregon Standoff Mormon Terrorism?

We look into the issues of racism, terrorism and the Mormon background to the Oregon militia standoff.
1/10/20161 hour, 11 minutes, 30 seconds
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35- Secular Students with JT Eberhard

We respond to a listener's question about being a high school atheist in a Catholic school, and give advice for secular students everywhere.  JT Eberhard joins us to share his expertise.
1/3/201641 minutes, 41 seconds
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34 - Does Atheism Make Everything Better?

After a series of unfortunate events, David found himself taking comfort in being an atheist. What does atheism help with and what is more difficult because of atheism? That's a good question, thanks for asking. 
12/19/201540 minutes, 28 seconds
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33 - Is Atheist Proselytizing a Thing?

Last one was just a text file, oops! Can atheists proselytize? Are we really pressing our beliefs, thoughts, or "religion" on others? Should we? When should we play nice, and when should we stand up for ourselves? 
12/18/201550 minutes, 42 seconds
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33 - Is Atheist Proselytizing a Thing?

Can atheists proselytize? Are we really pressing our beliefs, thoughts, or "religion" on others? Should we? When should we play nice, and when should we stand up for ourselves? 
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32- Trigger Warnings

We discuss the function and effects of trigger warnings, as well as how America has behaved after the November 13th terrorist attacks in France.
11/23/20151 hour, 14 minutes, 53 seconds
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31- Halloween and Hell

Leaving the supernatural behind makes demons and witchcraft a lot less scary.  How Heaven and Hell are behavioral control mechanisms dialed up to the max.
11/2/201545 minutes, 12 seconds
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30- Euthyphro's Dilemma

We discuss Plato's dialogue in which Socrates deconstructs the ideas of justice, piety, and divinity.  Why do Christians have a double standard for mythologies that don't come from ancient Israel?
10/26/201548 minutes, 54 seconds
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29- PhD...Really?

We get a little snooty about academia.  Not every PhD is created equal.  Also, schools continue to get confused about what the separation of church and state means.
10/19/201549 minutes, 49 seconds
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28- Religious News Blues

Odds and ends as the Republicans continue to self destruct, going down kicking and screaming as gay marriage sweeps the nation and God threatens to destroy any county not protected by non binding prayer resolutions passed by a three fourths majority.
10/12/201513 minutes, 31 seconds
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27- Religious Football and Gun Violence

Mississippi makes headlines about school football and religion...again.  Another horrifying mass shooting takes place in an American college...again.  Not a cheerful episode.
10/4/201544 minutes, 11 seconds
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Dangers of Skepticism

The Pope's visit brings adulation from the media, who seem willing to ignore a host of horrific bigoted nonsense for a few trite talking points.  Also, what happens when skepticism becomes cynicism? 
10/2/201557 minutes, 18 seconds
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25- Christian Terrorism and Pornography Addiction

The Oathkeepers bring to light just how big a problem Christian terrorism is in this country and abroad.  Also: Is pornography addiction a real thing and can Jesus cure it?
9/21/201552 minutes, 57 seconds
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24- Kim Davis Hilarity with JT Eberhard

We speak with JT Eberhard of WWJTD to discuss Kim Davis, the first martyr of the war on Christianity! Also, we get taken in by an elaborate Poe account.  Well played, sir or madame.
9/6/201525 minutes, 45 seconds
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23- Religious Trends in the U.S.

Jeremiah runs through the most recent PEW survey data on recent trends in the U.S. while David conjectures on why Christians are so eager to point the blame on evil pop culture when their Christian celebrities cheat on their spouses.
8/31/201551 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 22 - Jesus as a Myth with Jared Smith

This week, we talk about a contemporary historical theory that states that Jesus was likely a myth and not an actual historical figure. We had an interesting discussion. Enjoy!
8/23/20151 hour, 10 minutes, 14 seconds
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21 - Bernie Saaaaaaaaaanders

Jeremiah is interested in politics for the first time ever! Jeremiah and David discuss Trump and Sanders, his bizarro-world doppleganger.  Will we finally see the long awaited political reforms we need? And why do evangelicals hate socialism exactly?
8/17/201545 minutes, 39 seconds
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20- Seer Stones Revealed by Mormon Church

David discusses the Mormon Seer Stone revealed by the LDS church, the history behind the Mormon Church, and 19th century Mormon magical thinking.  Jeremiah is astounded by the 'crazy pants' value of it all.
8/11/201539 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 19 - Catholic Sins and Women Badassery

Catholics are doing some very immoral things, many women are very excited about an event that just occurred, and black people are still being targeted by law enforcement disproportionately. We've come a long way, and still have a long way to go. 
8/3/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 32 seconds
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18 - Conversation with Russell Glasser

Russell Glasser from The Atheist Experience joins us this week to discuss myriad topics. This one was a lot of fun. Enjoy!
7/19/201556 minutes, 58 seconds
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17 - Superstitious Behaviors

Superstitions and religions have their roots in behavioral psychology, confirmation bias, and the infallibility of memory.  Come give pigeons religion!
7/13/20151 hour, 12 minutes, 4 seconds
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16 Being Outted as an Atheist

God gets credit for David's charity, Jeremiah's wife is outted as an atheist at work, and we bathe in the tears of Christian temper tantrums now that gay marriage is the law of the land.
7/6/201544 minutes, 1 second
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15- Leaving Pentecostal with Mat from Positive Dissent

We talk with Mat Boes of the Positive Dissent podcast about language, censorship, and his experience growing up Pentecostal and experiencing spiritual gifts.
6/29/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 32 seconds
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14- 8 Steps to Confront Your Wife About Sex

Jeremiah and David dredge through the mire that is to read the most misogynistic and patronizing marital advice they have ever encountered.  Surprise! It comes from a Christian reading the Bible.  Learn how to rebuke your wife when she is refusing you sex, and why Jesus is cool with that.
6/21/201543 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 13 - Changing Opinions

This week, David talks about a new theory about the Bible that might clarify the narrative! Also, a new study came out revelaing more information about how people view some of the icons in the debate on religion. Enjoy!
6/15/201542 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 12 - Get Your Values Straight

In the light of LBGT controversies, Jeremiah and David discuss getting values straight. People from all walks of life make decisions that put them in an entirely different direction than what they want out of life. Let's talk about that.
5/31/201534 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 11 - Article - 5 Ways Atheists Argue Their Cause That Aren't Working

A recent article was published on that was meant to help atheists better argue their cause. David and Jeremiah go over this article this week. Enjoy!
5/25/201551 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 10 - Atheist Gamers with JT Eberhard

JT Eberhard joins us this week. Social support structures are critical for behavioral and psychological health in primates. How are atheist communities addressing this very real need in human life? Enjoy!
5/19/201545 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 9 - Inheriting Doucheyness

Our culture has inherited some really unsavory and unproductive ideals. David and Jeremiah talk about that in this week's episode. Enjoy!
5/4/201557 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 8 - Vox Populi

The power of the everyday citizen having a voice in huge matters has really changed the social flow of power. There have been so many applications in recent events to illustrate this that we felt compelled to make an episode on it. Enjoy!
4/27/201549 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 7 - Door to Door Missionaries

David spent two years as a door-to-door missionary. His technique was actually incredibly well-aligned to what therapy is designed to do. Like...incredibly well-aligned. 
4/20/201551 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 6 - featuring JT Eberhard - Atheist Conventions

JT Eberhard and Steve Cauthren join Jeremiah and David in discussing the future of atheist conventions in America. After returning from the American Atheists convention in Memphis, a lot of questions came to mind. Hear about them here and give us your thoughts on our social media pages. Enjoy!
4/13/20151 hour, 12 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 5 - Why Believers Rarely Listen

Have you ever felt frustrated when talking to someone with different veiws? As it turns out, we're all predisposed to this stance. Find out why. Enjoy!
4/8/201538 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 4 - Screw the Pope

There has been a lot of positive press contrasting the current pope to previous, more conservative popes. Does the hype live up to his behaviors? Enjoy!
4/8/201553 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 3 - Psychology vs Religion

Is there a cold war between religion and psychology? They both make prescriptions for pursuing a "good life." What do you think? Enjoy!
4/8/201553 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 2 - Psychology of Persecution Complex

How is it possible that a cultural majority in the United States perceives itself as persecuted? As it turns out, there's a psychological reason behind this. Enjoy!
4/8/201540 minutes, 27 seconds
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The God Theory Podcast Ep.1 - Who Are We

Hello, and welcome to The God Theory Podcast. Let us tell you a little about us, and we'll see if we're a good fit. Thanks for giving us a listen. Enjoy!
4/8/201534 minutes, 2 seconds