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The History of Cyprus Podcast

English, History, 1 season, 65 episodes, 1 day, 11 hours, 23 minutes
Welcome to the History of Cyprus Podcast. Follow us on Instagram! I’d like to thank each and every participant (and every future guest) in this project as without their time and hard work in their respective fields of archaeology, linguistics, social and political history, this would not have been possible. I’ve released three episodes that I know you will find as fascinating to listen to as it was for me to record – Dr. Alan Simmons, professor Emeritus from the University of Nevada shares with us his seminal research on Akrotiri-Aetokremnos where the first occupants of Cyprus hunted pygmy elephants and hippopotami. Dr. Pippa Steele from the University of Cambridge discusses early languages in pre-Roman Cyprus, from the late Bronze Age to the Ptolemaic and Dr. Drew Wilburn from Oberlin College will discuss magic and curses from Ancient Amathus. And there are more to come. Every month I will be releasing a new episode as it relates to Cypriot history. In this podcast we’ll cover Cyprus from 10,000 BCE to the 20th century – we’ll discuss language, culture, war, economy, religion, political and social history. I’m confident that there’ll be something here for everyone. If you’d like to reach me, my name is Andreas. Please feel free to send me an email at [email protected]
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*NEW EPISODE!* 30. Living on the Edge: Earthquakes and The Kourion Urban Space Project with Laura Swantek

In the 4th century, a series of powerful earthquakes shook the island of Cyprus, leaving a profound impact on its inhabitants and Kourion in particular. These seismic events not only disrupted daily life but also reshaped the landscape, causing widespread destruction and challenging the resilience of Cypriots. The earthquakes of the 4th century stand as a testament to the enduring spirit of those who faced and rebuilt their communities in the wake of nature's formidable fury. This month, I speak with the co-director of the Kourion Urban Space Project, Dr. Laura Swantek, as KUSP enters its 14th season at Kourion.
9/1/20241 hour, 37 minutes, 24 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XXX: The Sibylline Oracle

The Sibyls of ancient Greece and Rome were oracles that divined the future by channeling the god, Apollo. Sibyls were considered to be intermediaries between the mortal world and the divine realm, and their pronouncements were highly regarded by the Greeks. Sibyls were often consulted by individuals, city-states, and rulers seeking guidance on important matters such as warfare, politics, and religion. They were believed to possess deep wisdom and knowledge of the future, and their utterances were typically written down and preserved as sacred texts. For this month's primary source, we hear an amalgam of prophesies as they relate to Cyprus -- specifically a series of ominous predictions of earthquakes and floods predating the infamous 4th century earthquake that levelled parts of Cyprus including Kourion. Fitting, as next I interview Laura Swantek, the assistant director of the Kourion Urban Space Project!
8/14/20241 minute, 17 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 29. Dedicating to your God: The Votive Tradition with Erin Averett

Votive practices in Cyprus have long been an integral part of the island's rich cultural and religious traditions. Cypriots have engaged in diverse acts of votive offerings to express gratitude, seek divine favor, or fulfill vows. In ancient Cyprus, votives played a significant role in the worship of various deities. The sanctuaries dedicated to gods and goddesses were adorned with votive objects such as statues, terracotta figurines, and ceramic vessels. If you're looking at a statuette in a museum -- there's a good chance that you're looking at a votive that was once offered to a god/or goddess and was excavated from a temple. These offerings were given as tokens of devotion, seeking blessings, protection, or even healing. This month I welcome Dr. Erin Averett, associate director of the Athienou-Malloura site, to discuss the Votive Tradition in Cyprus.
8/1/20241 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XXIX: The Idalion Bilingual

The Idalion Bilingual inscription comprises a dedication composed in Phoenician and Greek, using the Cypriot syllabic script. This inscription played a crucial role in deciphering the Cypriot syllabic writing system and is often referred to as the equivalent of the 'Rosetta stone' in Cyprus. Despite Idalion being under Phoenician rule at that time, Greek was still widely spoken as it was most certainly a multilingual city. The Idalion Bilingual was discovered in an area within the Sanctuary of Apollo that appears to have been utilized by both Greeks and Phoenicians.  Originally, the stone carrying the inscription would have supported a statue honoring Apollo/Reshep. Though quite a short primary source, the reading offers a look into the traditions of temple dedications as we discuss votives and rural sanctuaries with Dr. Erin Averett next month.
7/15/202450 seconds
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BONUS EPISODE: A New Paradigm Shift? The Peopling of Cyprus with Dora Moutsiou

There's a good chance that you might have heard of a recent study published in May 2024 that revises our understanding of when Cyprus was first settled. You can read more on it here: Archaeology Magazine. ...but to borrow a short excerpt from the article, "It had been argued that hunter-gatherers only traveled to inhospitable islands in the eastern Mediterranean because mainland coastal areas were flooded by rising sea levels... [but] modeling indicates that the temperature and rainfall on the island at the time would have been able to support large hunter-gatherer populations."  I've been fortunate to speak with one of the co-authors behind the study, Dr. Dora Moutsiou from the University of Cyprus, who, with her team of colleagues, argue that mathematical modeling can show us that Cyprus was likely settled even earlier than was once previously thought: 14,000 years ago. Join me as I speak with Dora on their recent study/finds and learn more about the earliest settlers on Cyprus!*  Enjoy this BONUS episode and consider becoming a Patron on Patreon where your donations help with the show's production.  *Also check out "The Cliffs of the Eagles: Prehistoric Cyprus with Alan Simmons" for some historical context.
7/10/202438 minutes, 50 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 28. Holy Men & Heathens: The Last Pagans of Cyprus with Georgios Deligiannakis

**My apologies on my audio quality for this episode. Working off an old laptop for this particular recording. Early Christianity in Cyprus dates back to the first century AD, when the island was part of the Roman Empire. According to tradition, the apostles Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark traveled to Cyprus to spread the message of Christianity. The island is, of course, mentioned in the New Testament as the birthplace of Barnabas. In the early centuries of Christianity, Cyprus was an important center of Christian activity and played a key role in the spread of the religion in the Eastern Mediterranean (even producing Britain's first bishop -- St. Aristoboulos!). The Island of Saints was home to a number of significant early Christian figures, including St. Epiphanius, the bishop of Salamis, who wrote extensively about Christian theology and doctrine and Cyprus' bishops were active participants in the early Church Councils (such as The Council of Nicaea). While we know that violence erupted between pagans and Christians in cities such as Alexandria, what was the transition in Cyprus like? This month, I discuss The Last Pagans of Cyprus with Professor Georgios Deligiannakis!
7/1/20241 hour
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*NEW!* Primary Source XXVIII: The Apocryphal Acts of Barnabas

If you're listening to this month's Primary Source, you're hearing from the acts of Cyprus' patron saint, St. Barnabas. St. Barnabas was a Cypriot Jew who converted to Christianity and undertook missionary work across the island and beyond. In the Acts of the Apostles, he was accompanied by St. Paul most famously confronting a magician named Elymas, also known as "Bar-Jesus," and converting the Roman proconsul of Cyprus, Sergius Paulus -- that is, until an unknown disagreement where Barnabas and Paul went their separate ways. But this month's Primary Source reading isn't from the Bible. This is from a non-canonical work called the "Apocryphal Acts of St. Barnabas." They are one of many works of early Christianity that were rejected by the early Church Councils. The Acts of Barnabas is believed to have been composed in the 5th or 6th century and describes the missionary activities of Barnabas. The Acts of Barnabas includes stories of his travels to Cyprus, Antioch, and Rome, where he is said to have performed miracles, converted many people to Christianity, and established churches.  In this particular excerpt, we hear of Barnabas' missionary work in Cyprus, specifically in Amathus, where he encounters both pagans and Christian converts. He mentions condemning pagan athletics occurring in the nude outside of Kourion (which are promptly destroyed by an earthquake) and later, condemning a religious ceremony on the Acropolis of Amathus. In Salamis, however, Barnabas is taken and burned at the stake -- his remains were recovered in secret where he was buried with a copy of the Gospel of St. Matthew. These remains were said to have been found in the 5th century which would grant the Church of Cyprus autocephalic status. Next month, I welcome Professor Georgios Deligiannakis to discuss the transformative years of early Christianity: "Holy Men & Heathens: The Last Pagans of Cyprus" 
6/15/20243 minutes, 32 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 27. Between Constantinople & the West: The Middle Byzantine Period with Tassos Papacostas

For this month's episode, I speak with Tassos Papacostas (King's College London) about Cyprus during the Middle Byzantine Period. We touch upon the political and economic changes that characterize the period in addition to the population movement from urban centers to rural ones (focusing on the 10th century settlement of the Troodos region in particular). What precipitated the rise in villages and monasteries that dot the landscape? How did they fare as we transitioned into the Frankish period? We also discuss the architectural markers that are unique to the Painted Churches in the Troodos and how they contrast with typical church architecture on the coastal centers. 
6/1/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 11 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XXVII: St. Neophytos the Recluse

St. Neophytos the Recluse (Άγιος Νεόφυτος ο Έγκλειστος ca. 1134–1214) was a twelfth century Cypriot hermit and saint whose short chronicle, "On the Calamities Against the Country of Cyprus," provides us with an invaluable look into the Third Crusade and, more specifically, its impact on Cyprus which he considers an unmitigated disaster. He is decidedly critical of both the Byzantine usurper, Isaac Comnenus, who "despoiled the land" and King Richard the Lionheart, "the wretch," and laments Cyprus' loss to the Latins in 1191. Next month, Tassos Papacostas (King's College London) joins me to discuss Cyprus in the Byzantine period with a particular focus on the settlement of the Troodos Region.
5/15/20243 minutes, 20 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 26.The Most (In)visible Minority: Black Cypriots with Serap Kanay

The roots of the Black Cypriot community can be traced back to different historical periods. Cyprus, being under various foreign dominations, witnessed the movement of people from Africa, particularly through trade routes and often forced migrations. The archaeological record can certainly attest to a Black presence as far back as the Archaic Period (for more on this see "Blacks in Ancient Cypriot Art" by Vassos Karageorghis). However, most Black Cypriots today can trace their origins to the Ottoman Period which has left an indelible mark on their identity. With me this month to discuss the Black experience in Cyprus is published author and freelance artist, Serap Kanay.
5/1/20241 hour, 17 minutes, 33 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XXVI: An excerpt from The Ottoman Judicial Register

According to late Ottoman historian, Ronald C. Jennings, little is known “about the places of origins of Black slaves or free blacks in Ottoman Cyprus except that their presence can be documented by the 1590s in the judicial registers from Nicosia” -- as can be heard in this excerpt. Though a very short Primary Source, it is revealing. As was common practice, they assimilated into the Turkish Cypriot community, adopting Turkish names, embracing Islam and integrating themselves into the community. Next month I interview Serap Kanay who speaks about Cyprus' historic Black Cypriot community, its place and its enduring presence. Here is the text in full: “Raziye ibn Murid of Lefkosa made a claim against a black man named Rukan ibn Adbullah. Rukan has taken possession of 25 olive trees. Raziye has no proof of his claim.  Rukan claims to have bought them from Sumbul Aga 8 years prior. Rukan is invited to take an oath which he does. The Lefkosa judicial register, 17th century."
4/14/20241 minute, 7 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 25. 1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed with Eric Cline

My guest this month is renowned archaeologist, Eric Cline. You might be familiar with Dr. Cline from his seminal work, "1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed," which was shortlisted for the Pulitzer Prize in 2014, in addition to "Three Stones Make a Wall" and "Digging up Armageddon." Eric, in collaboration with renowned illustrator, Glynnis Fawkes*, is releasing 1177 BC as a graphic novel this month to coincide with its 10 year anniversary since its initial release, along with a much anticipated sequel to 1177 called, "After 1177BC: The Survival of Civilizations."** Today, Eric is discussing both 1177 and its sequel -- and Cyprus' pivotal role during the Bronze and Iron ages! * In case you missed my interview with Glynnis, check out Primary Source XXV: 1177 BC: An Interview with Glynnis Fawkes, published on March 15th, 2024. ** You can purchase the Graphic Novel, 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed" from major bookstores or order it from by clicking here! And "After 1177 B.C.: The Survival of Civilizations" here! 
4/2/20241 hour, 4 minutes
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*ZENO OF CITIUM NOW ON PATREON!* Follow Where Reason Leads: Zeno of Citium with Andrew Erskine

For all Patreon members, you can access my interview on Zeno of Citium with Andrew Erskine now on Patreon. For as little as $1 a month, your contributions help fund the History of Cyprus Podcast and keep it ad free. Please consider supporting the History of Cyprus Podcast and help build this digital repository of Cypriot history! The History of Cyprus Podcast | Patreon In this episode, Professor Andrew Erskine (University of Edinburgh) delves into the life and legacy of Zeno of Citium, the ancient philosopher whose teachings laid the foundation for the Stoic school of thought. Born in Citium (Kition) Cyprus, Zeno's journey from humble beginnings to philosophical prominence is a testament to the power of resilience and intellectual curiosity. Shipwrecked in Athens, he established his own philosophical school in the Stoa where his students became known as "Stoics." Stoicism had many famous adherents, including of course, Emperor Marcus Aurelius. But Andrew shares with us a lesser known Stoic, Persaeus of Citium, a favourite student of Zeno's, who becomes an influential member in the Macedonian Court. So who was Zeno? What were the tenets of Stoicism? And what impact did Zeno's thought have on the Greco-Roman world? Join us as we explore Zeno's upbringing in Cyprus, his philosophical influences, and the enduring impact of Stoicism on modern thought.
3/23/20241 minute, 29 seconds
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*SPECIAL!* Primary Source XXV: 1177 BC: An Interview with Glynnis Fawkes

This month's primary source is bit different! Glynnis Fawkes, a highly acclaimed cartoonist and illustrator, has made significant contributions to the field of archaeology by illustrating numerous excavations in the Eastern Mediterranean (and in Cyprus) since 1998. Some of her work is featured in the book, "Cartoons of Cyprus" -- with a wonderful forward from celebrated archaeologist, Vassos Karageorghis.  In addition to her archaeological work, Glynnis has authored several graphic novels and has lent her artistic talents to various books such as "Kinyras the Divine Lyre," "Persephon's Garden" and "the Homeric Hymns." For this Special Episode, Glynnis and I discuss her time in Cyprus as a Fulbright Scholar, her role as an educator, and the publication of the graphic novel edition of Dr. Eric Cline's seminal work, "1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed,*" next month! (in which Cyprus makes a prominent appearance!)  *1177BC can be purchased from major bookstores (e.g., Barnes & Noble in the U.S. or Indigo/Chapters in Canada) or you can order it from by clicking here!
3/15/202446 minutes, 42 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 24. King Kinyras and the Cypria: Cyprus in the Homeric World with John Franklin

*My apologies; I had a broken microphone on the day of the recording. But thankfully John's audio quality is perfect! The Epic Cycle, also known as the Trojan Cycle, refers to a collection of ancient Greek epic poems that were composed between the 8th and 6th centuries BCE. It is a series of narratives that revolve around the events related to the Trojan War and its aftermath. Certainly most are familiar with The Iliad and the Odyssey. But there are other poems that exist today only in fragments or as references in other works including, of course, "The Cypria," which describes the origins of the Trojan War (e.g., the Judgment of Paris) and the events leading up to it.* But why is it called "The Cypria?" And then, of course, there is the King of Cyprus, Kinyras, mentioned in the Iliad. Who was he and where does he fit in this Homeric world? Join me as we discuss The Cypria and the mythical King of Cyprus, Kinyras** with John Franklin, from the University of Vermont. If you're interested in reading up on some of the existing fragments of the Cypria, check out this website. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *For a full background to the Epic Cycle, refer to February 15th's Primary Source episode description **According to Apollodorus in The Library: "This Cinyras in Cyprus, whither he had come with some people, founded Paphos; and having there married Metharme, daughter of Pygmalion, king of Cyprus, he begat Oxyporus and Adonis, and besides them daughters, Orsedice, Laogore, and Braesia. These by reason of the wrath of Aphrodite cohabited with foreigners, and ended their life in Egypt. And Adonis, while still a boy, was wounded and killed in hunting by a boar through the anger of Artemis."  You can read more on Kinyras here:
3/1/20241 hour, 23 minutes, 27 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XXIV: The Hosting of the Achaeans

Bear with me. This is a long (but important!) episode description. Cyprus is mentioned only once in The Iliad. Kinyras, The King of Cyprus, gifts Agamemnon a breastplate as he prepares for war against Troy: "First [Agamemnon] strapped the splendid greaves around his shins, fitted with silver bindings around his ankles; Next he girt about his chest a breastplate, which in time before, Kinyras gave him to be a guest friend, for the great rumor had been heard in Cyprus that the Achaeans were about to sail out in their ships to Troy; for this reason Kinyras gave it to him, seeking favor with the king." -The Iliad 11:15-21 However, Cyprus is more intertwined in the Homeric Epics than that sole reference would seem to suggest. According to the ancient scholar and historian, Apollodorus, Kinyras was a legendary King of Cyprus and Priest of Aphrodite who was known for his beauty and musical skill. Apollodorus describes Kinyras as the father of several notable figures in Greek mythology, including the handsome Adonis. In his most famous work, The Library and Epitome (Bibliotheca), Apollodorus informs the reader that in the prelude to the Trojan War, Menelaus and Odysseus visited Kinyras to solicit him for ships to send to Troy. However, the King of Cyprus, being the Priest of Aphrodite, deceived them. Though he promised to send 50 ships, Kinyras provided only one for Agamemnon's cause -- and the rest were made of clay: "Menelaus went with Odysseus and Talthybius to Kinyras in Cyprus and tried to persuade him to join the battle. But he [Kinyras] made a gift of a breastplate for Agamemnon, who was not present; and vowing to send fifty ships, he sent one, which [name lost] the son of Mygdalion commanded. And molding the rest out of clay, he launched them into the sea." -Apollodorus 3.9 Kinyras technically fulfilled his obligation but drew the ire of Agamemnon. In later fragments and references, we learn that Agamemnon had, in fact, cursed the King of Cyprus, and drove him from his lands with his Achaean fleet (which some have said corresponds to the so-called Mycenaean Colonization that took place after the Trojan War). Kinyras would ultimately find refuge in Amathus -- the last "indigenous" city on Cyprus.* And then there is The Cypria -- one of the lost Epics that make up the Trojan Cycle.** It is possible that Apollodorus' story is referenced in its fragments but unfortunately, we know very little about The Cypria. The poem is thought to have covered the events leading up to the Trojan War, including the infamous Judgment of Paris and the Rape of Helen. It is believed to have been authored not by Homer, but by one Stasinus...of Cyprus. Next month I welcome John Franklin from University of Vermont to discuss the very Cypriot connections to this important lost Trojan Tale! --------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more on Amathus' "indigeneity," see episode 2, "The Linguistic History of Cyprus with Pippa Steele" and "Amathus with Thierry Petit" on Patreon! ** The Trojan Cycle (often referred to as the Epic Cycle) was a collection of the epic poems related to the Trojan War. Most readers are familiar with The Iliad and the Odyssey simply because they are the only works to have survived. Unlike the Homeric epics, these other poems exist only in fragmented pieces and summaries. There are, in fact, six other poems that made up the Epic Cycle. The order is as follows: The Cypria, The Iliad, Aethiopis, Little Iliad, Iliou Persis, Nostoi, the Odyssey and the Telegony.
2/14/20241 minute, 18 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 23. The Cypriot Fiddler with Nicoletta Demetriou

When we think of traditional Cypriot music, typically we picture the fiddle -- ubiquitous to both Greek & Turkish communities in Cyprus. But just what is "traditional" Cypriot music? And who exactly was the Cypriot Fiddler? My guest this month is ethnomusicologist, Dr. Nicoletta Demetriou, whose work and book, The Cypriot Fiddler, frames the bulk of this episode. More information on the Cypriot Fiddler can be found here including a NEW online resource called Cyprus Music Archive. (Greek)** (English)**   **Nicoletta Demetriou's new site will be moving over from to in the coming weeks/months so keep an eye out for that!
2/1/202453 minutes, 52 seconds
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UPDATE: Let's keep the project going together!

A huge thank you to everyone for your unwavering support to The History of Cyprus Podcast. Stay tuned for my next episode (Feb 2nd) with ethnomusicologist, Nicoletta Demetriou. If you're looking for something to tide you over until then, you can find my interview with Thierry Petit, the Director of Excavations at Amathus, on Patreon . The episode is available to all members, regardless of the tier, and for as little as $1 your donations help keep the podcast going. Great episodes are planned including episodes on Kourion & Earthquales, Alexander the Great and Cyprus...and even Commandaria! If you're able to, join The History of Cyprus Podcast and help keep the project alive!
1/26/20242 minutes, 2 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XXIII: An excerpt from Magda Ohnefalsch-Richter on Cypriot Music (1913)

Magda Ohnefalsch-Richter was an ethnographer who lived in Cyprus in the latter part of the 19th century. Her published work provides us an invaluable insight into the customs and mores of Cypriots in the period. In this excerpt, Ohnefalsch-Richter notes the different instruments used in Greek and Turkish communities. However, we can't quite speak of "Greek" and "Turkish" music -- as only the instruments were/are different. If you're familiar with Cypriot music, you'll notice the Cypriot Zeimbekiko/Zeybegi played by both Greek and Turkish communities. Next month my guest is Dr. Nicoletta Demetriou who shares with us more information on the history of the 20th century Cypriot Fiddler!  
1/14/20242 minutes, 26 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 22. The Kyprogenes: Aphrodite with Stephanie Budin

Aphrodite is associated with love, beauty and, I learn -- quite erroneously -- with fertility. Often through this sanitized lens, we lose sight of who Aphrodite was: the Goddess of Sex. But who was she? What are her origins? How was she understood in antiquity? And, perhaps more importantly, why is she so intimately associated with Cyprus? Join me as I interview historian and prolific author, Dr. Stephanie Budin, as we discuss "The Kyprogenes."
1/1/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 14 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XXII: A reading from Hesiod’s The Theogony

Cyprus has been intimately associated with the Greek goddess Aphrodite for centuries. According to Hesiod, in a calculated act of violence, she was born from the severed genitals of Ouranos near the coast of Cyprus. It is one of the earliest surviving works of Greek literature and is considered a foundational text of Greek mythology. But who exactly was Aphrodite that is so intimately associated with Cyprus? Next month, my guest is prolific author and historian, Stephanie Budin, who discusses the origins of "The Goddess," of Aphrodite, our "Kyprogenes." 
12/15/20232 minutes, 1 second
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*NEW EPISODE!* 21. Tα Kυπριακά: The Cypriot Greek Dialect with Stavroula Varella

Stavroula Varella (King's College London) joins me this month to discuss the origins of the modern Cypriot Greek dialect. We explore the meaning and origins of a myriad of words (e.g., ίντα, θωρώ, έσσω, ηὗρεν and έννε...) and their possible roots. We touch on all the parent languages that inform the Cypriot vernacular including French, Italian, Turkish & English and not only identify potential etymologies (which, I learn, is notoriously difficult) but also their mode and places of transmission. You won't want to miss this!
12/1/20231 hour, 1 second
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*NEW!* Primary Source XXI: The Cypriot Greek Dialect: An excerpt from Leontios Machairas

Listen closely. You'll hear snippets of the Cypriot Greek dialect in this excerpt from the Chronicles of Leontios Machairas as he describes a particularly compelling event during Genoese invasion of Nicosia in the 14th century. But this excerpt was chosen not for the story per se. Rather, it was chosen for its rich Cypriot vernacular. Word use, such as θωρώ (i.e., to see) heard in this excerpt, have their roots in antiquity (see: θεωρῶ) and were preserved from the Koine into medieval Greek. Many are commonly used today in Cypriot vernacular. Other noticeable words in this recording, such as έσσω (home) and ηὗρεν (found), should be familiar to the modern ear. The Chronicles of Leontios Machairas is one of our earliest sources that both documents the historical developments in medieval Cyprus and provides us the distinct beginnings of the modern Cypriot dialect (though not the first. That would be the medieval law code, The Assizes). There are, however, roots that may go further back into antiquity. Next month, I invite Stavroula Varella (King's College London) author of the fantastic book "Language Contact and the Lexicon in the History of Cypriot Greek" to discuss the origins and evolution of the Cypriot Greek dialect! ...and if you've enjoyed this particular Primary Source, please consider becoming a Patreon member! For as little as $1 a month, your financial support helps keep the podcast ad-free, offsets the costs of hosting the podcast and funds future primary source recordings like the one you just enjoyed. All members, regardless of which tier they subscribe to, can have access to this month's primary source recording entirely in its Medieval Greek, allowing you to get a better sense of the nuances of the Cypriot dialect in full! And if you become a third tier member, you can have early access to upcoming episodes. Thank you for your support in helping make The History of Cyprus accessible to all! 
11/14/20233 minutes, 23 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 20. The Dragoman: The Ottoman Period with Antonis Hadjikyriacou Part 2

A dragoman was an interpreter and guide who facilitated communication between individuals or groups who spoke different languages, particularly in the context of diplomatic, commercial, or cultural exchanges. During the Ottoman Empire, the position of dragoman was highly respected and influential. For Part 2 of my interview with Antonis Hadjikyriacou, we discuss the impact of Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios in 19th century Cyprus.
11/1/202341 minutes, 36 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XX: Cabi Omer Efendi 1809

Cabi Omer Efendi was an Ottoman statesman and military commander who lived from 1750 to 1814. He served as the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire three times, and was known for his military successes, administrative skills, and political influence. For this month's primary source, he provides a direct account of the execution of Dragoman Hadjigeorgakis Kornesios in 1809 and as a springboard for Part 2 of my interview with Professor of Ottoman and Turkish Studies, Antonis Hadjiantoniou. The text in full: "The dragoman of Cyprus caused sedition and discord by performing a great deal of villainy to the Muslim worshippers. He escaped from Cyprus, and when he arrived at Istanbul he was then arrested and executed in front of the Sublime Gate. His corpse was put upside-down in the basket of a broom-seller, carried around, and left outside the gate of the fish market. He thus became a warning to others. He was going to escape to Russia by converting his property and cash to bills of exchange. His house in Beşiktaş was given to the Chief tax inspector. It was rumored that all his property and cash totaled 5,500,000 kurush." -Cabi Omer Efendi 1809
10/15/20231 minute, 40 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 19. Osmanlı Kıbrısı: The Ottoman Period with Antonis Hadjikyriacou Part 1

The Ottoman Period in Cyprus, which lasted from 1571 to 1878, was a significant era in the island's history as it had a lasting impact on its culture, society, and economy. During this period, the Ottoman Empire brought Islam to the island and established a system of local administration through appointed governors and officials. This resulted in a diverse population with a mix of Greek Orthodox Christians and Turkish Muslims. The Ottomans also left their mark on the island's architecture, art, and cuisine. The Ottoman Period also saw significant economic development, with the introduction of new crops such as tobacco and the establishment of trade links with other parts of the Ottoman Empire. This is part one of two part interview with Panteion & Stanford University Professor of Ottoman and Turkish Studies, Antonis Hadjikyriacou. ***Apologies for the audio quality on my end. My external microphone refused to connect prior to the recording.
10/1/20231 hour, 12 minutes, 38 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XIX: Grand Vizier Sokollu Mehmet Pasha 1571

Sokullu Mehmed Pasha  was a prominent Ottoman statesman who served as the grand vizier (chief minister) of the Ottoman Empire for over a decade during the 16th century, under the reigns of Suleiman the Magnificent and Selim II. In this excerpt, he addresses the Venetian Ambassador, acknowledging their recent defeat at the Battle of Lepanto but reminding them that they now have Cyprus in their hands. Next month we have a two part interview with Professor of Ottoman and Turkish History, Antonis Hadjikyriacou. Here is the text in full: "I am sensible, Ambassador. You have desired this audience with no other intention than to show the pretentiousness natural to your countrymen. I advise you as a friend, to lay aside those vain airs and consider that though you have indeed shaved us pretty close in Lepanto, we have shaved off your arms. And as the beard, when shaved, grows bigger than before, so our fleet, unless our woods fails us, will in a short space become larger and more numerous, whilst you can’t so much as think of recovering your arms -- for so I call the spacious and famous kingdom of Cyprus." - Grand Vezier Sokullu Mehmet Pasha addressing the Venetian Ambassador, 1571
9/15/20231 minute, 21 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 18. Felis Cypria: Felid Domestication in Prehistoric Cyprus with Jean-Denis Vigne

My guest this month is Dr. Jean-Denis Vigne, Emeritus Director of Research from the Natural History Museum in Paris. In this episode, we discuss the oldest farming village in a Mediterranean island (i.e., Klimonas) in addition to the significance of the Chirokitia Culture to the Neolithic Period and, of course, the earliest evidence of domesticated cat: his finds in Shillourokambos.
9/2/202359 minutes, 42 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XVIII: Friar Francesco Suriano’s Observations on the Cats of Cyprus 1484

If you have ever visited Cyprus, you would have certainly noticed the abundance of cats on the island. On his way to Jaffa in 1484, the Venetian Friar, Francesco Suriano, noticed the same thing. His observations on the number of cats on the island is a perfect springboard in introducing my next month's guest: Dr. Jean-Denis Vigne, esteemed paleozoologist and Emeritus Director of Research at the Natural History Museum in Paris. His digs in Cyprus have changed our understanding of prehistory on the island and it is his work at Shillourokambos that revealed the earliest evidence of tamed cats. Please join me next month as I interview Dr. Vigne and discuss Cyprus and the first cats! Don't forget to follow the History of Cyprus Podcast on Instagram and support the Channel through Patreon!
8/13/20232 minutes
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*NEW EPISODE!* 17. Venexia e l’ixola de Zipro: Venetian Cyprus with Benjamin Arbel

The Venetian period in Cyprus has been characterized as one of decline and decay. But was it? In this month's episode, Benjamin Arbel (Professor Emeritus Tel Aviv University) and leading historian on Venetian Cyprus challenges the "Black Legend" and discusses the social, economic and political impact of La Serenissima on the island of Cyprus. 
8/2/20231 hour, 16 minutes, 32 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XVII: George Boustronios and the Last Queen of Cyprus, Catherine Cornaro

George Boustronios, in his Narrative of the Chronicle of Cyprus 1456–1489, documents the transition from the Lusignan dynasty to Venice. In this month's excerpt, you'll hear a dramatized reading of last Queen of Cyprus, Catherine Cornaro, as she abdicates her throne, bequeathing Cyprus to the Republic of Venice, and departing Cyprus forever. Next month I invite Benjamin Arbel (University of Tel Aviv) to discuss Cyprus under Venetian rule.
7/15/20231 minute, 29 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 16. Eύώδεα Κύπρον: Perfumery Production in Ancient Cyprus with Maria Rosaria Belgiorno

There are seven olfactory families to categorize fragrances. Yet of the seven, only one is named for a place: Chypre. It's no surprise, then, that Cyprus' importance in perfumery has been known throughout antiquity. Maria Rosaria Belgiorno (Senior Associate Researcher of the Institute for Applied Technology to Cultural Heritage of the Italian National Research Council) has published dozens of articles on the Pyrgos-Mavroraki site in Cyprus, an industrial complex known for its metallurgical, viticultural, and for the purposes of this month's episode, its perfumery production. Her experimental work in recreating the techniques, scents and processes involved in ancient perfumery have been integral in our understanding of Cyprus' role in the production of perfume and its role in ancient life. Cyprus is, after all, Eὐώδεα Κύπρον (Fragrant Cyprus).
7/2/202359 minutes, 24 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XVI: Hymn to Aphrodite

The Homeric Hymns -- named for their "Homeric" style -- are a collection of anonymously authored hymns dedicated to the major gods and goddesses in the Hellenic Pantheon. This particular excerpt, from the Hymn to Aphrodite, was chosen as this month's Primary Source to emphasize Aphrodite's and Cyprus' connection to "sweet-smelling temples" "heavenly oils," and "fragrant altars." For my next episode, I invite archaeologist Maria-Rosaria Belgiorno (ITABC-CNR) to discuss Cyprus' integral role in perfumery from the Bronze Age to the present and the archaeological finds at Pyrgos in Limassol.
6/15/20231 minute, 19 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 15. Le Coeur de Lion: King Richard’s Conquest of Cyprus with Angel Nicolaou-Konnari

In 1191, during the Third Crusade, King Richard I of England, also known as Richard the Lionheart, led his army to capture the island of Cyprus. The island was controlled by an illegitimate, self-styled emperor, Isaac Komnenos (Comnenus). Richard would rout Isaac's forces and, as legends have it, bind him in silver chains. The island remained under English rule until Richard sold it to the Knights Templar in 1192.  Richard's conquest of Cyprus provided a valuable base for his military operations in the Eastern Mediterranean and allowed him to resupply his troops and ships. But what exactly transpired? What were Richard's motivations? And who was this usurper, Isaac Komnenos? Today, I welcome Dr. Angel Nicolaou-Konnari from the University of Cyprus to discuss King Richard the Lionheart's Conquest of Cyprus.
6/2/202359 minutes, 24 seconds
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How you can support The History of Cyprus Podcast...!

Thank you for listening to the History of Cyprus Podcast. I'm incredibly grateful for your support, and I'm thrilled to have you as a listener. Creating this podcast is a labor of love. It's not monetized -- and I'd like to keep it that way, ad free and accessible to all. With that said, it also comes with real costs -- from hosting fees to equipment, research materials, producing the Primary Sources and editing expenses.  If you enjoy the podcast and want to help continue to produce new episodes, I kindly ask that you consider supporting The History of Cyprus Podcast through Patreon. Your financial support will allow me to continue bringing you fascinating stories and insights into the rich history of Cyprus and offset the costs involved in producing the episodes. Thank you again for your support -- I couldn't do it without you!
5/20/20231 minute, 37 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XV: King Richard’s Letter on the Conquest of Cyprus 1191

In this primary source, King Richard of England (The Lionheart) addresses his judiciary, providing us a firsthand account of the events leading up to the capture of the Cyprus and sheds light on the political and military strategies employed by King Richard. This is a valuable source as it is one of only two letters that come from King Richard himself. Contrary to popular belief, Richard -- although King of England -- would have spoken French as his first language (hence the voice-over). This recording is a springboard to next month's interview with Dr. Angel Nicolaou-Konnari (University of Cyprus) as we discuss King Richard's Conquest of Cyprus in 1191.
5/15/20232 minutes, 13 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 14. The Copper Island: Copper Production in Ancient Cyprus with Lina Kassianidou

For thousands of years, Cyprus exploited its richest resource: copper. The copper trade was, after all, synonymous with Cyprus and integral for its wealth. While the importance of copper is known, certain questions remain: how did ancient Cypriots source copper? What processes were involved in its extraction? What were the risks and dangers involved with mining? How was copper refined and exactly how much was produced? Archaeologist Lina Kassianidou (University of Cyprus) joins us to answer these questions and more in this month's episode.
5/2/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 15 seconds
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*NEW!* Primary Source XIV: Aristotle on Cyprus’ Natural Resources

Although many of Aristotle's observations on Cyprus' natural resources have proven to be false or misleading, this excerpt certainly speaks to Cyprus' perceived wealth in natural resources -- renowned for centuries. Next month, my guest is Lina Kassianidou (University of Cyprus) who shares with us the history of Copper Production on Cyprus and how it was sourced, extracted and refined in antiquity. If you haven't had a chance yet, you can also check out "Primary Source VII: The Hand of Nergal" for another look at the Copper Trade in the period.
4/15/20231 minute, 22 seconds
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*NEW EPISODE!* 13. Halloumi & Ethnoarchaeology with Rafael Laoutari

Rafael Laoutari (Cambridge University) shares a lesser known aspect of archaeology, namely, that of ethnoarchaeology, using it as a lens to explore cheese-making in antiquity. We discuss cheese-making on Cyprus in the archaeological record and the earliest literary references to Halloumi that we know of. By studying how Halloumi is produced in rural settings and recreating its traditional methods, Rafael gives us insight into our past and helps us better understand the act of dairying culture in Cyprus and beyond. 
4/2/202353 minutes, 18 seconds
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Primary Source XIII: Richard Pococke & Cypriot Cheese 1738

Richard Pococke (18th century) was an avid traveler providing us with one of the earliest literary allusions to Halloumi. Though not the first reference (that honour may go to the Doge of Venice, Leonardo Dona, who lived in Cyprus for a period during the Venetian era), it does show that Halloumi was well known throughout the Levant. Next month, I invite Rafael Laoutari (Cambridge University) to discuss Halloumi as a lens in which to explore cheese-making in antiquity, and specifically, in Cyprus. 
3/15/20231 minute, 50 seconds
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12. Travelling Artists in Cyprus: 1700-1960 with Rita Severis

The canvas isn't simply a medium that the artist uses to capture an image. The paintbrush can be loaded with preconceived notions, biases and agendas. What is more, it can be revealing in ways never considered and provide a unique lens into the past. Rita Severis (the Co-Founder of the Costas & Rita Severis Foundation and Honorary Consul of Canada) is this month's guest. And for this month's episode, Rita shares with the History of Cyprus Podcast, a new lens in which to explore Cypriot history: that of the travelling artist. To borrow from her book jacket, her research "examines these works through the prism of the political, historical and social context, spanning three centuries...and throws light on the changes from the Ottoman/Oriental to the British/Occidental in the portrayal of both domestic and public scenes." Please visit the CVAR website to learn more about the cultural history of Cyprus: The heart of the Foundation, the Centre of Visual Arts & Research, which houses thousands of books, works of art, textiles and memorabilia, is a "non-profit organisation for the promotion of Cypriot culture, reconciliation and peaceful coexistence."
3/2/202354 minutes, 34 seconds
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Primary Source XII: From the Diary of Esmé Scott-Stevenson 1880

Esmé Scott-Stevenson, wife of the Commissioner of Kyrenia, authored several books documenting her travels across the Mediterranean. She traveled throughout Cyprus with a number of dignitaries and, in 1880, she published "Our Home in Cyprus," observing Cypriot customs in 19th century Cyprus. Her work offers us a springboard into this month's episode, "Travelling Artists in Cyprus 1700-1960," with Rita Severis, the co-founder and Executive Director of the "Centre of Visual Arts and Research" (CVAR) in Cyprus. 
2/16/20231 minute, 11 seconds
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11. Between Constantinople & the Caliphate: Cyprus in Late Antiquity with Luca Zavagno

Luca Zavagno's (Bilkent University) work, "Cyprus Between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages" frames the bulk of this month's episode. Traditional narratives suggest that the late Roman Period (i.e., Byzantium) for Cyprus was a period of physical dislocation, social disruption and economic turmoil precipitated by the infamous 7th century Arab Raids. But Zavagno, using archaeological evidence and material culture, redresses the impact of the Arab Raids on Cyprus and explores how Cypriots navigated between Constantinople and the Caliphate showing this to be a period of both continuities and change. 
2/3/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 59 seconds
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Primary Source XI: al-Baladhuri and the Arab Invasions of Cyprus

Aḥmad ibn Yaḥyā ibn Jābir al-Balādhurī was a 9th century Arab (or possibly Persian) historian whose work, "Futūh al-Buldān" (Conquest of Lands) provides us a valuable non-Roman/Byzantine perspective on the Arab invasions of Cyprus. You'll hear al-Baladhuri reference Cyprus' infamous "condominium" where the island's tax revenues were split between the Caliphate and Constantinople until Cyprus was reintegrated into the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine) in the 10th century. Next month, I invite Professor Luca Zavagno from Bilkent University to discuss Cyprus in late antiquity.
1/15/20232 minutes, 29 seconds
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10. Cythereia Cypros: Roman Cyprus with Ersin Hussein

For this month's episode I welcome Dr. Ersin Hussein (Swansea University in Wales) to discuss Cyprus' political and social history as a Roman province. Ironically, although Romans were sticklers for record-keeping, the textual evidence on Cyprus is surprisingly scarce. Using epigraphic (e.g., monuments, inscriptions), coins and textual evidence, Ersin pieces together a better understanding of Cypriot identity in Roman Cyprus and sets out to recover those marginalized voices in antiquity. Instead of "disappearing" in the Roman Empire, Ersin discusses how Cypriots maintained a surprising level of agency and identity (even forming the famous "Koinon Kyprion" in this period) and leveraging their collectivity to exert influence in Rome.
1/2/20231 hour, 25 minutes, 26 seconds
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Primary Source X: Ammianus Marcellinus

Ammianus Marcellinus was a Roman soldier and an historian from the late Roman Period whose historical works, Res Gestae, provides us a brief glimpse into Rome's policy towards Cyprus. He describes Roman policy as "voracious" and implies opportunism as Rome sought to replenish its depleted coffers by seizing Cyprus and draining it of its treasury. Of course, the situation is significantly more complex. That's why next month, Ersin Hussein, from Swansea University, joins us to describe Cyprus in the Roman Period!
12/15/20221 minute, 36 seconds
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9. Rule Britannia: Cyprus in the British Empire with Andrekos Varnava

Held in secret in 1878, the Cyprus Convention negotiated the administrative handover of Cyprus from the Ottoman Empire to the British. It was certainly an opportunity to strengthen British presence in the Eastern Mediterranean. Lulled by romanticized images of what Cyprus was thought to be, they found a very different reality. Some, in fact, would call its first years on the island an unmitigated disaster. Troops were ill-prepared for the island's oppressive heat, swarms of mosquitoes that infested swamps and deadly bouts of malaria.  Roads were virtually non-existent and there was hardly a functional port. How were the British received? And how did they cope with the island's challenges? This month's episode, we're joined by Professor Andrekos Varnava from Flinders University who sheds some light onto Cyprus in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
12/2/202259 minutes, 57 seconds
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Primary Source IX: Archbishop Sophronios Speech 1878

In 1878, Cyprus Archbishop Sophronios III delivered a speech celebrating Cyprus' new status as a protectorate of Great Britain. The speech would've been delivered to Sir Garnet Wolseley, the island's first appointed High Commissioner, in French, and presumably in front of a large crowd. Sophronios held high hopes for Cyprus' future as a British Protectorate. He espoused British ideals of equality and justice for the benefit of both Christian and Muslim. Why did the British want Cyprus? What did they find? And how did they acclimate? Next month, Professor Andrekos Varnava, from Flinders University in Australia, discusses Cyprus and the British Empire with the History of Cyprus Podcast.
11/15/20223 minutes, 4 seconds
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8. A Cyprocentric Perspective: Cyprus’ History of Research with Maria Iacovou

Cyprus' history has, in many respects, been skewed. Historically speaking, its been beholden to more predominant narratives -- a passive recipient of culture. Yet this thinking is wrong. And we still deal with the reverberations from some of these archaeological fallacies in mainstream literature. Pick up a travel brochure. You'll certainly read that Cyprus was "colonized" by Mycnenaeans -- suggesting that it lay fallow, bereft of culture, until that pivotal moment in history. If not explicit, it is certainly implied. Or that its art has distinct "Assyrian" and Near Eastern influences -- rather than its own unique and innovative styles. Or that it, like the rest of the Near East, ignominiously collapsed during the Crisis Years rather than what it did: continued to thrive and persevere, maintaining complex trade networks, architecture and literacy. Maria Iacovou, from the University of Cyprus, problematizes these all too common narratives and explores the origins of these erroneous assumptions. She challenges us to rethink how we discuss archaeology and invites us to consider Cypriot history with a new lens. Please join me as I discuss Cyprocentricity with Maria Iacovou. 
11/2/20221 hour, 26 minutes, 48 seconds
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Primary Source VIII: The Sargon Stele

The Sargon Stele 722–705 BCE , also known as the Kition Stele, is the only of its kind discovered in Cyprus, written entirely Akkadian using the cuneiform script. It was erected by King Sargon II of the Neo-Assyrian Empire near Kition (modern Larnaca) and describes his conquests and the voluntary submission of the Seven Kings of the Land of Ia (which has been identified as Cyprus) and Iatnana meaning the Islands of the Danaans, i.e., Greece. Likely this act of submission provided the Cypriot kings a trade network and a source of stable markets for the exportation of copper and other trade goods. The stele, found in modern day Larnaca, references its deposition near "Mount Ba'al-harri" (quite possibly Stavrovouni). You'll hear Professor Maria Iacovou reference King Sargon II in my next interview where she discusses the history of archaeology on Cyprus and the importance of the new concept of "Cypro-centricity!" Look out for that on November 2nd!
10/15/20222 minutes, 34 seconds
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7. Gripped by the Hand of Nergal: Cyprus in the Bronze Age with Louise Hitchcock

This month, we travel back to the 12th century BCE with Professor Louise Hitchcock (University of Melbourne) where we discuss Cyprus' role in the Bronze Age. Rather than being a passive island, swept up in a sea of empires, Cyprus (Alashiya) was an integral piece in a well-oiled Bronze Age machine. With its vast reserves of copper, Cyprus more than held its own in this period as the Amarna Letters can attest. In fact, its unique decentralized political system had allowed it to weather the infamous Bronze Age collapse. Its systems survived, and in some cases thrived, while other Bronze Age empires crumbled. And while literacy was snuffed out in Mycenaean Greece, Cyprus' own writing systems persisted. Join me for Cyprus in the Bronze Age!
10/2/202255 minutes, 22 seconds
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Primary Source VII: EA 35 The Hand of Nergal

This month's primary source dates to circa 1350BCE. It is a Letter from the King of Alashiya (i.e., Cyprus) to the Pharaoh of Egypt. This particular letter, EA 35, has been dubbed, "The Hand of Nergal." The Amarna Letters are a series of correspondences between the Great Powers in the Bronze Age written in Akkadian using the cuneiform script (the diplomatic language of the Bronze Age). In this abridged reading, you'll hear the King of Alashiya call the Pharaoh "brother" a number of times. This "honorific" reflects their equal footing as sovereigns and hints at Cyprus' strength as a regional power. Chillingly, however, you'll hear him refer to the "Hand of Nergal" -- the plague god that has decimated the island and impacted his ability to export copper. Next month's episode, we'll learn about the Amarna Letters, Alashiya and more. Join us we explore the Bronze Age with Louise Hitchcock!
9/15/20223 minutes, 25 seconds
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6. Multiculturalism and the Medieval Period: Frankish Cyprus with Nicholas Coureas

In 1191, Richard the Lionheart conquered Cyprus from the illegitimate despot, Isaac Komnenos, setting in motion several hundred years of Western rule and influence. The Medieval Period is, perhaps, one of the richest and conspicuous on the island – after all, the island’s landscape is dotted with castles, medieval fortifications and beautiful cathedrals. And so, to explore these political events and cultural changes, I interview Medieval historian, Professor Nicholas Coureas from the University of Cyprus. We discuss Cyprus’ transition as a province in Byzantium, into a truly independent Medieval State in the eastern Mediterranean that was, surprisingly, quite multicultural and multilingual.
9/2/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 55 seconds
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Primary Source VI: A reading from Jacobus de Verona

This month’s primary source is an excerpt from Jacobus de Verona -- an Augustinian monk who visited Cyprus in 1335. Intriguingly, you’ll hear him mention a peculiar drink called “Marea.” Supposedly, this drink was popular enough that it was even exported to the papal court at Avignon in the fourteenth century. However, as with all primary sources, we must be cautious. Travel texts were often lifted from other travelogues. Though Jacobus de Verona highlights the multicultural and multireligious aspects of medieval Cyprus, he often does so uncritically, making a number of mistakes in what he says about non-Latin religious customs. That still shouldn't detract from what he says about the surprising amount of diversity in medieval Cyprus. Next month, we’ll learn more about this often misunderstood period in Cypriot history. Join me as I discuss “Multiculturalism & the Medieval Age: Frankish Cyprus with Nicholas Coureas.”
8/16/20222 minutes, 32 seconds
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5. On the Periphery: Cyprus Between the Assyrian & Persian Empires with Christian Körner

Let's start with the end in mind. The end of the fourth century BCE was a tumultuous period in Cypriot history. According to Diodorus Siculus, "Ptolemy...crossed with an army from Egypt into Cyprus against those of the kings who refused to obey him."  (Diod Sic 79.4) The ruler of Kition, Pygmalion, was put to death. King Praxippus of Lapethos was arrested. The city of Marion was razed. And King Nicocles of Paphos, seeing the writing on the wall, chose to hang himself. His wife, Axiothea, tragically killed her daughters and then herself before burning the palace down in defiance. Their deaths, among others, brought an end to the Cypriot City-Kingdoms and ushered in the Ptolemaic Age. However, for centuries, the Cypriot City-Kingdoms (i.e., poleis) thrived on the periphery of Assyrian, and later, Persian rule. Though never truly "independent," Cypriot Kings skillfully wielded their political currency. But just how did they navigate the changing geo-political landscape? Let us be clear: Cyprus, as a whole, was never passive. In fact, these poleis were as dynamic as their rulers. City-Kingdoms forged and severed alliances; willfully provoked and pacified regional powers; and even dared to defy Achaemenid (Persian) will in the Eastern Mediterranean. In this month's episode, Christian Körner, from the University of Bern, discusses "Cyprus Between the Assyrian and Persian Empires."
8/2/202256 minutes, 52 seconds
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Primary Source V: A reading from Isocrates’ The Evagoras

Primary sources are invaluable as they give us direct insight into the period in question -- but they also need to be treated with caution. Let's take today's reading for example: Isocrates' The Evagoras is one of our principal sources for the Classical Period in Cyprus. For Isocrates, Evagoras was the model ruler. It depicts the king through the lens of Isocrates’ personal beliefs, which, however, need to be critically analyzed. He is a rhetorician and a sophist. Ostensibly, Isocrates wants there to be unity between Spartans and Athenians -- but under Athenian hegemony. For Isocrates, to truly be a Hellene one must learn to think and live as a Hellene, i.e., possess Athenian education. Athens to Isocrates is, of course, the pinnacle of Greek culture to which a great debt is owed.   Evagoras of Salamis, then, fits the Isocratean mould and we can see what makes his character so appealing to Isocrates. According to Isocrates, Evagoras “inspired respect, not by the frowning of his brow, but by the principles of his life” (Isoc. Evagoras 9.44). Not only is Evagoras philhellenic, he is more specifically phil-Athenian. As king he “observed Greek institutions,” “the liberal arts” and “[Greek] education” (Isoc. Evagoras 9.50). He possessed all the qualities that made him a Philosopher King in his own right but most importantly, in the view of Isocrates, he was a true philhellene.  We must be cautious though; the Evagoras was written as an encomium (a eulogy) and according to Plutarch, was commissioned by his son and heir, Nicocles. Evagoras’ qualities are showed as unparalleled, if not, divinely bestowed -- inherited from his ancestors, endowed by nature and willed by Zeus himself. It presents a romanticized -- and idealized -- philhellenic king. Isocrates tells the reader that, lamentably, in the years preceding Evagoras “the best rulers were those who treated the Greeks in the most cruel fashion” (Isoc. Evagoras 9.49). Yet Evagoras paradoxically campaigned against other philhellenic city-states on Cyprus. We must remember that historically, Cyprus had been fragmented politically into quasi-city kingdoms as each vied for its own independence (even the term "city-kingdoms" can be somewhat problematic). They were hardly driven by nationalistic or patriotic Hellenic sentiment, but by self-preservation. The Evagoras makes no mention of this, nor does it navigate the questionable Persian/Athenian alliance during the Corinthian War. That, of course, would be inconsistent with the story Isocrates weaves. Isocrates is decisively not an historian. But I’m far from an expert on this time period. That’s why I hope you join me on August 2nd  as Professor Christian Körner from the University of Bern discusses "Cyprus Between the Assyrian and Persian Empires." For more frequent updates, follow The History of Cyprus on Instagram:   
7/16/20223 minutes, 29 seconds
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4. Magic, Spells & Incantations: The Curse Tablets of Roman Cyprus with Drew Wilburn

I invoke you demons… dead by violence and dead before your time and deprived of who lie here below, dead before your time and nameless…If you lived in Cyprus 2,000 years ago, you may have been the target of just such a curse. Dr. Drew Wilburn discusses spells, magic and curses in ancient Cyprus and the Amathusian Curse Tablets. *Apologies, folks. The microphone quality on my end is a bit subpar for this recording. Will try and fix that for future episodes
7/2/20221 hour, 11 minutes, 18 seconds
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Primary Source IV: Cypriot Curse Tablet (Roman Period)

This (creepy) rendition uses a bit of dramatic license to reimagine the writing of the 2nd/3rd century CE curse tablet. With that being said, it is a Primary Source, so you're hearing the exact wording from one of the Cypriot curse tablets excavated from Amathus, Cyprus! Our reader invokes the Furies and all the underworld chthonic deities to muzzle its intended target. You'll hear some unintelligible mutterings as well. These were written to be "magical invocations" that had no discernable meaning. If you haven't had a chance to listen to my interview with Drew Wilburn, check it out!
6/15/20222 minutes, 45 seconds
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3. Early Medicine in Cyprus with Demetrios Michaelides

Cypriot doctors were renowned – not just in treating patients but producing treatises and even their own schools. With me today is Professor Emeritus, Demetrios Michaelides, who shares his knowledge of ancient medicine and its function in Cyprus.
6/3/202251 minutes, 40 seconds
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Primary Source III: Galen’s visit to Cyprus

Galen (AD 129-216) was a prominent Greek physician and philosopher who lived during the Roman Empire who was known to have visited Cyprus. During his visit, Galen conducted medical research and treated patients, and he also wrote about the plants and natural resources of the island. In particular, he was interested in the medicinal properties of the local herbs and plants, in addition and he conducted experiments and observations to study their effects on the human body. Check out "Early Medicine in Cyprus with Demetrios Michaelides!"
5/15/20221 minute, 36 seconds
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2. 𐠊𐠒𐠫𐠥𐠨𐠮: The Linguistic History of Cyprus with Pippa Steele

𐠊𐠒𐠫𐠥𐠨𐠮 Make sure you read that from right to left. Cypriot Syllabary preceded the Greek alphabet by several centuries but it certainly wasn’t the only script (or language) in use in Cyprus at the time. My guest today is Dr. Pippa Steele, Senior Research Associate at the Faculty of Classics from the University of Cambridge where we will be discussing Cyprus’ first recorded languages and their scripts. Check out Charles "Pico" Rickleton's work on Speculative Syllabic. He uses his visual communication background to reimagine Cypriot Syllabary in the 21st century.
5/2/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 18 seconds
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Primary Source II: Pseudo Scylax

Scylax (or Pseudo-Skylax) was a Greek geographer who lived during the fourth century BCE. He is known for writing a work called ""Periplus", which is a description of the coastlines and ports of the Mediterranean, the Black Sea, and the Red Sea. His exact identity is not known, but it is believed "Scylax" was used as a pseudonym to give the work more authority. Although not much has been said in antiquity about the languages spoken in Cyprus, Scylax's observations on the different settlements in Cyprus (i.e., some being Greek and others "barbarian") implicitly reveal the linguistic diversity of the island. Check out "The Linguistic History of Cyprus with Pippa Steele!"
4/15/20221 minute, 15 seconds
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1. The Cliffs of the Eagles: Prehistoric Cyprus with Alan Simmons

Pygmy elephants and dwarf hippos, oh my! Professor Emeritus, Alan Simmons, from the University of Nevada, shares with us his experiences excavating at Akrotiri-Aetokremnos where we have the evidence of the Cyprus' earliest occupants.
4/2/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 21 seconds
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Primary Source I: A reading from Cornelius van Bruyn

Cornelius van Bruyn was a Dutch traveller who visited many countries throughout his life, including Cyprus in the 17th century. In this excerpt, we hear van Bruyn mention "bones of men and animals incorporated in the rock" (i.e., fossils). "Some," he says "were human bones, others those of beasts and some teeth of surprising size." It's quite probable that van Bruyn is describing the bones of pygmy hippos and pygmy elephants. If you haven't had a chance yet, check out "The Cliffs of the Eagles: Prehistoric Cyprus with Alan Simmons!"
3/15/20222 minutes, 8 seconds
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Introduction to the History of Cyprus Podcast

Hello everyone. My name is Andreas Charalambous and welcome to the History of Cyprus Podcast. Several months ago, I took it upon myself to host a podcast with the broad aim of discussing the various facets of Cypriot history. At first I thought that maybe I could do the research myself and present it in a narration of sorts, but for an island the size of Cyprus, cataloging its history was a full time job and certainly not something I could undertake on my own. And then I had the thought of reaching out to the experts – those in the fields of archaeology, linguistics, social and political history – to share their research, their finds and their insight into the vast history of Cyprus. And this is just that. As far as I am aware, it is the first such English podcast dedicated to Cypriot history while providing a platform for academics to share new and exciting research in their respective fields. After months of hard work, I'm happy to say that the History of Cyprus has truly turned out to be an interdisciplinary podcast.  I’d like to thank each and every participant (and every future guest) in this project as without their time and hard work in their respective fields, this would not have been possible. Every month I will be releasing a new episode as it relates to Cypriot history. In this podcast we’ll cover Cyprus from 10,000 BCE to the 20th century – we’ll discuss language, culture, war, economy, religion, political and social history. I’m confident that there’ll be something here for everyone. If you’d like to reach me, or have any comments or questions. Please feel free to send me an email at [email protected].
3/3/20222 minutes, 38 seconds