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The Inside Edge

English, Sports, 1 season, 36 episodes, 1 day, 4 hours, 59 minutes
Seeing sport grow in professionalism has brought so many benefits in the world of high-performance. However, this constant search for the next edge in high performance has led to more analysis, more box-ticking and more distractions than ever before. The Inside Edge Podcast aims to explore how the best in the world navigate all the noise to consistently perform in the most rugged and high-pressure environments. The purpose? To bring back enjoyment, simplicity and connection. To help the next generation live from the inside-out, have the courage to be themselves and simply enjoy the journey.
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Tom Scollay | How the best in the world train their physical and mental skills

Welcome back to the Inside Edge Podcast, this is the show that turns the journeys of some of the leading coaches, athletes, and leaders into actionable lessons you can implement into your own lives.Our guest today is Tom Scollay - a former professional cricketer and founder of one of the leading coaching companies in the world in Cricket Mentoring. Tom is someone I've worked with for a few years and am incredibly inspired with how he has gone about building his life to revolve around doing what he loves and having such a large impact on others.There are 2 parts to his story that can provide so much value: The first is based on his coaching philosophy - the difference between Tom and your regular coach is his focus on holistic coaching. We go deep into his pillars of performance: technical, tactical, mental, physical, emotional and lifestyle. In particular, Tom's focus on helping with the mental side of the game, and the lifestyle habits that accompany personal growth set him apart form most coaches out there. I found this conversation a great follow up to the episodes we've had with Viv Paver and Paddy Upton - a common theme in all of them is the focus on all parts of performance, rather than just the technical or tactical side. Many of the athletes that come across to us are sick of not performing when they are putting in the work physically, and I truly believe that this is the way forward for performance. Tom talks through great examples of athletes who are in high performance programs with access to some of the best cricket coaches and facilities in the world, yet still find so much benefit in having a mentor outside the system to lean on. The second part that is beneficial for all listeners is paying attention to how Tom has responded after not quite making it to the big time as a professional cricketer. Rather than being bitter about it, he is driven by the purpose of being the mentor he never had. He has taken what we call ultimate responsibility; working extremely hard to build the lifestyle that allows him to do what he is passionate about have big impact and still spend time with his wonderful young family. Many people see the success on the outside with Cricket Mentoring's huge online following, but not many realize the amount of work Tom and his team put in behind the scenes. That in combination with the courage to consistently put himself out there before anyone else had done so and cop the judgement of others in those early days in something truly inspiring. As always, feel free to get in touch if you'd like to know more about how to implement some of these themes into your own lives. I've loved reading some of the messages coming through and it certainly keeps me going to hear that so many of you are finding some benefit in what we are creating. LINKS:http://insideedgeproject.com
5/31/202255 minutes, 45 seconds
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Viv Paver | How to train effectively to convert your performances to the next level

 Welcome back to the Inside Edge Podcast, this is the show that turns the journeys of some of the leading coaches, athletes, and leaders into actionable lessons you can implement into your own lives.Today we welcome back Coach Viv Paver onto the podcast. If you haven’t listened to viv;s previous podcast with us, I highly recommend going back to episode 2 where we had an incredible discussion about his journey as a cricketer and a coach, as well as the philosophies that make him different from so many. Calling Viv my batting coach doesn’t quite do his skill set justice, not only is he outrageously good at understanding the mechanics of batting, he has an incredible ability to understand the mechanics of performance, which includes so much more. We start the discussion with the most common question we both receive as coaches: Why can't I transfer how I'm playing in the nets, or at training to a game? Or alternatively, why don't I perform to the same standard when I'm playing at a higher level of cricket?  Viv explains things very simply in terms of the equation: performance = potential - interference. We have to do the work to keep increasing our potential to execute in any given moment. Most athletes and coaches work with increasing their potential through physical training - hitting balls, getting in the gym, running, and even having a mental routine to train their focus. To then realize this potential, we have to decrease what gets in the way - known as interference. The more variables, or noise you allow in, the less your performance is on the other side.  Both Viv and myself deeply believe in a holistic approach to performance, and this includes helping each student to understand what variables they need to work through. There are the obvious ones that include conditions, a type of bowler and the game situation, but it you dive deeper - most interference stems from emotional variables.  These emotional variables are mostly stemmed around our perspective - what is our relationship with the game? Do we place our entire self worth on outcomes achieved, on looking good to others, or do we value ourselves on growing, serving and connecting? Do we become perfectionists as a result of living in fear of future outcomes? Or are we able to embrace imperfection and have excitement for the unknown? Curiosity for what might happen if we have the courage to be all we can be now. For me, this is the key, it's the courage to work as hard as you can, and then be completely present in the moment, even though that might not get you to where you wan to go.  What has been amazing to see as I've embarked on deeper levels of coaching, is that this approach tends to get people to not just where they want to  be, but they often exceed their expectations and go well beyond what they initially thought was possible. Viv and I ended up having an incredible discussion as he asked me some excellent questions around my values, my personal philosophies and the background story behind them. He is a master of bringing philosophy into performance, which is critical part of maximising potential.  As always, if you know you have more in you and are struggling to get the best out of yourself when it matters, feel free to get in touch with either myself or Viv. I hope you enjoy this conversation.  LINKS:http://insideedgeproject.com
5/2/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 27 seconds
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Suzie Bates | Connect, Have Purpose, Inspire

Welcome back to the Inside Edge Podcast with Bhavi Devchand, this is the show that turns the journeys of some of leading coaches, athletes and leaders into actionable lessons you can implement into your own lives.  Now for our guest today featuring one of the all-time greats - Suzie Bates. A staggering 288 caps for New Zealand, over 8000 international runs to go alongside 125 international wickets. She is a highly sought after cricketer on the domestic T20 scene, and all of this doesn't even include being an Olympian in Basketball!Suzie and I first met when she came over to play for WA under well known coach, Steve Jenkin. She immediately struck me as self-assured, confident and very successful. As with most of the stories we've had on the show, we soon find out this was not the case at all. Suzie had many struggles with self-doubt, body image, performance anxiety and fear of others opinions.  She has since been on a remarkable journey where she now talks openly about the importance of owning who you are and then having the courage to display that version of yourself to those around you, especially when you're not feeling great. So many of us want to withdraw when struggling as it can be a lot easier. However, as Suzie mentions, the depth of connection that we all crave is done through being brave and opening up to the people close to us.  We are all craving the need to belong and connect, however there is a specific type of connection termed "high-quality connection" by psychologist Dr. Scott Barry Kaufmann. The difference between the general feeling of connection and the depth of high quality connection comes down to the ability to let yourself be seen at the most authentic level, and then having someone else respond empathetically to make you feel safe and worthy despite your imperfections.One of the great distractions occurs when we think we can get to this depth of connection through external achievements, looking good to others and being superior to them. However these are all temporary states that are ultimately out of our control. Getting sucked into this world of chasing the next goal post, only results in an unhealthy cycle that keeps our stress response chronically activated. Something special happens within each of us when we are vulnerable and experience moments of high quality connection: Our stress response is downregulated as our calm and connect system comes alive. On a biological level, we see an increase in oxytocin, which is a neurotransmitter commonly known as the love hormone, that increases our willingness to trust and cooperate with others. The strength of our vagus nerve increases, resulting in an increased ability to adapt to stress phsycially and mentally. This parasympathetic response also soothes a racing heart and opens up more activity in our frontal cortex allowing us to make rational decisions under pressure. From a leadership point of view - this is the science behind unlocking performance by allowing each individual to be themselves. It is a hot topic at the moment, empathy and a human-first approach. And for good reason. You can have the perfect structure and tick all the boxes physically, However, if you want to unlock true performance, you have to start with connection. The only way to get to this level of connection is by shedding the masks we wear. They are usually there to protect us from rejection, however the irony is that they serve as a barrier to the depth of connection. The first step of removing the masks is to embrace our imperfections. And Suzie's story is a wonderful example of how she has done this to find contentment and plenty of runs on the other side of it. InstagramLinkedInTwitter
4/12/202248 minutes, 35 seconds
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Mignon Du Preez | Find your flow on and off the field

Welcome back to the Inside Edge Podcast, this is the show that turns the journeys of some of leading coaches, athletes and leaders into actionable lessons you can implement into your own lives. I'm so excited for this episode - with one the best people I've ever met, Mignon Du Preez.  Minnie is one of the most loved people in the Elite cricket world, and it's not just for her cricket. I have no doubt that one of the main reasons she is one of the most sought-after players in domestic tournaments like the WBBL and the Hundred, is what she brings off field as well.   I was lucky enough to spend some time with her at the Melbourne Stars and it was incredible to watch her batting and fielding, especially as I was someone who thought I was too small to be successful in t20 cricket. However, What I loved the most was seeing her beaming smile every day, no matter what was going on for her personally, she lit up a room with her presence and positive energy.  It was easy to sit back and assume that life was easy for her, she was one of the best players in the world, incredibly skillful, a full-time pro, and loved by those around her. However when you hear her story, and the many demons she has had to deal with, it begs the question, how does she continue to bring this positivity despite all that she has been through? She has been through long dips in form, been dropped when she was meant to be a senior player having played over 100 games for South Africa, she stepped down from captaincy, suffered from over-training, and ultimately lost herself completely in worrying about her results or trying to please others.  After reflecting on our conversation, I understood that Mignon's ability to bring positive energy had nothing to do with her accomplishments on the field, but more to do with the perspective and humility she has gained by going through these experiences. She is the very example of post-traumatic growth, constantly reinventing herself after tough times to be better on the other side. This is combined with a wonderful attachment to a higher power, something that is so, so important in the ability to let go and trust that things will be ok. It is something that is very common in those that are the best in their field. In Mignon's case, she is a devout Christian, however, we discuss how it does not need to be a specific religion that helps this ability to let go and flow. It is more to do with accepting your place in the world, and that there is so much more out there. It is a sense of deep humility, combined with the determination to continue to grow. As always, feel free to get in touch if you'd like to know more about how to implement some of these themes into your own lives. For those that really want to go into the weeds, we will be running some workshops to help you shift your perspective and perform with freedom. Contact us through or our social media if you are interested and would like to apply for the program. Instagram: 
3/28/202247 minutes, 22 seconds
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Joanne Broadbent | Creating environments for athletes to thrive

Welcome to the Inside Edge Podcast with Bhavi Devchand, this is the show that turns the journeys of some of the leading coaches, athletes and leaders into actionable lessons you can implement into your own lives.Our guest today is Jo Broadbent. Jo averaged a staggering 109 in tests, took 38 ODI wickets and was a World Cup winner in 1997. Like our recent guest Charlotte Edwards, Jo made an incredibly successful transition to the coaching world, leading NSW to over 10 WNCL titles, and was awarded an Order of Australia Medal in 2018 for her services to cricket.  She gives incredible insights into managing a wide variety of teams, from the superstars at NSW to ICC developing nations and now in her role as head coach of Northern Districts in New Zealand. A common theme in Jo's philosophies is connection. Connection with each individual player - understanding what makes them tick and allowing them to embrace their quirks and individuality. At the same time, it is about connecting to a common purpose, taking a group of varied individuals and getting them to work towards a common goal. In essence, she creates environments where people can belong, rather than have the need to fit in. There is a big difference. Belonging is where you can be your most authentic, natural self and now that despite your imperfections, the people around you still accept you. Fitting in occurs when you think you need to change who you are, in order to be accepted by those around you. By creating a psychologically safe environment, we can clear some of this noise, creating space to be in the moment and focus on the task at hand. All of this is easier said than done, however, Jo has done a great job of articulating some methods you can use to move towards a culture based on connection.  Feel free to get in touch if you'd like to know more about how you can leverage the power of connection in your own life. The amazing part is that you don't have to be a professional athlete or coach at the elite level to apply some of the tools and techniques discussed, you just need to be open and willing to go into the weeds, do the work and know that you'll be ok on the other side. Instagram: 
3/14/202250 minutes, 56 seconds
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Corinne Hall | The Art of Cricket

 Welcome back to the Inside Edge Podcast with Bhavi Devchand, this is the show that turns the journeys of some of leading coaches, athletes and leaders into actionable lessons you can implement into your own lives. Our guest today is the incredible cricketer and artists Corinne Hall. Corinne has been a mainstay of the domestic competition in Australia for over 10 yrs, captaining Tasmania and the Hobart Hurricanes, before moving across to her hometown team the Sydney Thunder. What makes Corinne different to most is her incredible talent as an artist as displayed in her book Victress: which is an amazing read about women who have paved the way in Australian sport. The book is an ode to some of Australia’s most cherished female athletes who, not just through achievements in their chosen sport, but through their unwavering conviction and commitment to women’s sport, blazed a trail for their sisterhood.From legends like Dawn Fraser and Cathy Freeman, to the new breed of powerful sportswomen like Ellyse Perry, Tayla Harris and Ash Barty, each athlete is honoured and celebrated, thanks to  Corinne's unique artistic talents. In this podcast, we dissect the cross-overs between performance, perfectionism, and perspective in both art and cricket. Corinne also speaks a lot about kindness and how it has been so integral to the resilience of herself and those around her. Instagram: 
3/7/202242 minutes, 14 seconds
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Charlotte Edwards | Determination, Intensity and Empathy

Welcome back to the Inside Edge Podcast with Bhavi Devchand, this is the show that turns the journies of some of the leading coaches, athletes and leaders into actionable lessons you can implement into your own lives. Today is a belter, with one of the greatest female cricketers to ever play the game, she has scored over 10000 international runs, won multiple world cups and ashes series. She is the first-ever female president of the PCA and a highly successful coach. She is Charlotte Edwards, now Commander of the British Empire. Beneath all the external success is a determined, ultra-competitve athlete, and a caring, empathetic coach. She has found a way to channel her natural strengths to not only lead others, but lead herself through some truly challenging periods on and off the field. Instagram: 
2/28/202253 minutes, 7 seconds
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Will Stibbs | A remarkable story of resilience, hope and following the fire within

Welcome back to the Inside Edge Project with Bhavi Devchand, where explore a counter-intuitive approach to performance based on connection, instinct and enjoyment. Through deep conversations with those living in the Arena, we hope to help you, and the culture you are part of shift your perspective and perform with freedom. Our guest this week is the legendary coach of UWA CC, Will Stibbs. We start this podcast with the usual topics; coaching, leadership & holistic performance. However, after I asked a simple question of how to develop empathy, we take a deep dive into Stibbsy's story, which is one of the most incredible examples of looking pain and grief directly in the eye and coming out on the other side. with incredible skills to impact other people. Check out this series of events:A knee injury that was meant to recover within a few weeks, turning into 5 different operations, a golden staph infection and coming very close to losing his leg. Within that period he lost 32kg to be 50 kg at the age of 21 and a subsequently had 2.5 years out of the game to the point where his leg was stuck straight for a year - to change this he decided to manually snap all the calcification himself rather than going under general anesthetic for the 6th time in a yearGetting caught up in political troubles in the west indies, contracting Hep A, leading to his first bout of chronic fatigue. Soon after, Stibbsy's best mate gets diagnosed with brain cancer,  undergoes multiple craniotomies and subsequent chemotherapy. Stibbsy does all his rehab with him.  The battles with grief settled in from there. Glandular fever hits and he enters a 2nd and much more severe bout of chronic fatigue. This lead to not being able to get out of bed for weeks on end, having a darkness come over him and not knowing if he would ever recover. What he has been through so far is absolutely mind-blowing, and perhaps the best part is seeing where he is now, using his experiences to lead with pure empathy for others. The holistic culture he has helped develop at UWA has significantly impacted many men and women to be the very best version of themselves on and off the field. If you're wondering how our previous guests on the podcast, Viv Paver and Corey Rocchicioli, have developed their incredible philosophies on performance, you don't have to stray too far from the philosophies Will talks about on this podcast. This is a story of hope, resilience and following the fire within. I hope you enjoy. Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter: 
1/18/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 19 seconds
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Shikha Pandey | Staying present and in the process to make your dreams come true

Shikha Pandey | Indian Cricketer | Inside Edge PodcastEver wondered what it’s like to be the opening bowler for the biggest cricketing nation on the planet? In this week's podcast, we catch up with the legendary fast bowler for India, Shikha PandeyDuring our conversation, we discussed a range of tips on how to grow from setbacks, perform under pressure and get into the zone. We also discuss how Shikha maintains her perspective away from cricket to keep grown as a human first, and an athlete second. Each week, the Inside Edge podcast catches up with high-performance athletes, as they talk about how they navigate all the noise to consistently perform in that high-pressure environment.Hit the ‘Subscribe’ button below to catch our latest podcasts and follow us on our socials.  -------------------------------- SOCIAL --------------------------------Spotify: Apple: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook: Twitter: Seeing sport grow in professionalism has brought so many benefits in the world of high-performance. However, this constant search for the next edge in high performance has led to more analysis, more box-ticking and more distractions than ever before.The Inside Edge Podcast aims to explore how the best in the world navigate all the noise to consistently perform in the most rugged and high-pressure environments. The purpose? To bring back enjoyment, simplicity and connection. To help the next generation live from the inside-out, have the courage to be themselves and simply enjoy the journey.
1/3/202253 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ray Chamberlain | Owning your story and finding flow in the most hostile environments

Welcome back to the Inside Edge Project with Bhavi Devchand, where we explore a counter-intuitive approach to performance based on connection, instinct, and enjoyment. Through deep conversations with those living in the Arena, we hope to help you, and the culture you are part of, shift your perspective, lead with purpose, and perform with freedom. Our guest today is one of the most well-known and charismatic figures in Australian sport with over 350 AFL games, multiple finals series, incredibly fit and diligent in preparation to do his job to the best of his ability. Most would think of someone like Gary Ablett or Dustin Martin, but we all forget about the umpires who have one of the toughest jobs in sport - and our guest today, Razor Ray Chamberlain certainly has experienced all the ups and downs that come with being in a high-pressure environment.  Behind the charisma that Ray has become famous for, is an incredible story of fighting against the persona created in the media to later own his story and find an incredible amount of freedom after that shift in perspective. We go deep into the "if-and-then model of happiness", how to deal with so much being completely out of your control and what it truly means to be successful. Perhaps most importantly, Ray has been deeply impacted by people close to him battling through struggles with mental health. Rather than this weighing him down, he has used the tougher periods to inspire the work he does with the EJ Whitten Foundation and his own Chamberlain foundation.   With lines like "winning sucks, no one cares and people don't buy into bullshit" I'm sure you'll enjoy a very entertaining, yet fascinating conversation. http://insideedgeproject.comYoutubeInstagramTwitterLinkedin
11/24/202158 minutes, 9 seconds
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WBBL Bitesize | Elyse Villani: How to work through being out of form

"I kept searching for answers, and I found out too late that there are none"Welcome to another bitesize episode of the Inside Edge podcast where we will be diving back into parts of our previous episodes to give you a quick hit of inspiration to help you grow through the week.Today's clip is from our previous episode with Elyse Villani which can be found here www.insideedgeproject.comElyse discusses how she has got sucked into searching outside of herself for form when struggling, and how it took her a very long time to realize that there are no answers. It is about owning who you are on and off the field. Tune into the full episode to hear an entertaining conversation!YoutubeInstagramTwitterLinkedin
11/19/20217 minutes, 19 seconds
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WBBL Bitesize | Meg Lanning: Own your preparation

Welcome to another bitesize episode of the Inside Edge podcast where we will be diving back into parts of our previous episodes to give you a quick hit of inspiration to help you grow through the week. Todays clip is from our previous episode with Meg Lanning which can be found here www.insideedgeproject.comMeg discusses her preparation for games, including how being injured at the 2017 world cup completely changed her approach to batting. "You can either talk yourself into something or you can talk yourself out of something before you even start"YoutubeInstagramTwitterLinkedin
11/10/20218 minutes, 1 second
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WBBL Bitesize | Nicole Bolton: Finding freedom, trust and courage through batting

Welcome to another bitesize episode of the Inside Edge podcast where we will be diving back into parts of our previous episodes to give you a quick hit of inspiration to help you grow through the week. Today's clip is from our very first episode with a good friend and superstar of Australian cricket, Nicole Bolton. Bolts is a very spiritual person and like myself, has a deep connection to her craft. Through working with legendary coach Noddy holder, she has continued to develop this connection and now uses it to help dealing with the fears and worries that we all experience in everyday life. Bolts speaks openly about her significant battle with mental health in the full podcast so I'd highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already. Her journey reminds me of the saying, "the obstacle is the way" - rather than fighting everything that stops you, maybe working through it is the way to get where you want to go.Ps. If you want to watch this episode we are now on Youtube!www.insideedgeproject.comYoutubeInstagramTwitterLinkedin
11/2/20216 minutes, 42 seconds
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WBBL Bitesize | Sophie Devine: From depression and panic attacks to dominating world cricket

After seeing Sophie Devine score a massive 100 in a recent game of WBBL07 I initially wanted to play a clip where she talked about batting, her changes in technique, and how she has found a way to get through tough periods to make a big score. However, when watching her bat over the weekend, my favorite part was seeing her smile once reaching triple figures. It wasn't a massive celebration, but you could certainly see how content she was and it reminded me of how far she has come from having panic attacks and completely breaking down just at the thought of walking onto a cricket field. Rather than dive into her physical approach to the game, which is well worth listening to if you check out the full version of the podcast, I thought it would serve as a good reminder that if you are struggling, things can, and will get better. Be kind to yourself, lean on your support network, and know that you, like Sophie can turn things around to find joy again.www.insideedgeproject.comInstagramTwitterLinkedin
10/25/20218 minutes, 10 seconds
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Piepa Cleary | Finding freedom and redefining success

Episode 21 with Piepa Cleary - cricketer for the Perth Scorchers, Welsh Fire and Lancashire Thunder. Piepa made headlines last year as she decided to step away from a professional contract with the Western Australian Women's team in the WNCL as the constant grind of high-performance programs chipped away at her wellbeing and enjoyment of the process. Like many of the guests on the podcast, a change in environment and thought processes have led to a remarkable turnaround. Spending a summer in England helped her rediscover who she is, why she plays and what is important to her in life. In this episode we discuss:How to create cultures where you can work hard, but maintain the enjoyment of the gameHow Piepa has redefined success from external achievements to living in accordance with her values Leveraging the dark side to thrive following significant setbacks, including being suspended from the game for 6 monthsGratitude and connection being critical to wellbeingHer experiences in the Hundred, the WBBL and more!Be sure to listen through to the end of the podcast where I give a fantastic tool to help you discover that freedom that Piepa talks about. Follow us:InstagramLinkedInTwitterWebsite
10/16/202145 minutes, 56 seconds
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Peter Clarke | Cricket Australia Psychologist on coaching, culture and dealing with fear

Welcome to the Inside Edge Podcast,  our guest today is Peter Clarke - sport psychologist from the Australian Cricket Team and head coach of the University of Queensland CC who are one of the most successful team in the Queensland Premier Competition. A lot of criticisms of sport psychologists is they don't understand what it is actually like to have the pressures of being out in the middle, and on the flip side, a lot of coaches don't understand how to help players who are struggling with the mental side of the game. This is something that makes Pete incredibly special. In this episode we discuss:The key elements that make up the UQCC successful cultureThe neurobiology of our fear response and how it explains performance anxiety, nervousness and getting into the zoneThe 90/10 principle on focus and acceptanceHow Pete focuses on building relationships when working with international cricketers and coachesSome practical tools to implement in your game or with your team straight away.For more content:LinkedInInstagramIEP WebsiteTwitter
9/6/202152 minutes, 20 seconds
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Beth Mooney | Living on the edge of unhealthy vs healthy obsession

Welcome to the inside edge podcast with Bhavi Devchand. Our guest this week is Australian cricketer, Perth scorcher and proud Queenslander, Beth Mooney. Beth is one of the most sought after and dominant batters in world cricket, having hit #1 in the world following the Women's World cup in 2020 and topped batting charts for 3 years prior to that. Her story of getting there is a fascinating one, where she found herself leveraging her dark side in some grueling fitness regimes, that by her own admission crossed the line into an unhealthy obsession. Beth is someone who can hit thousands of balls and is still able to flick a switch to let go and trust the skills she has developed. This has not always been the case, but as she discusses, leading with deep humility and deep gratitude has helped her perform in huge games like the WT20 final in front of 87000 people. I'll go into these concepts and how they are relevant to performance at the end of the podcast, so be sure to hang around until the end. insideedgeproject.com
8/23/202153 minutes, 37 seconds
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Steve Dent | How creating psychological safety creates freedom on and off the field

This week's episode is with Steve Dent, coach and expert in all things leadership and culture. Steve was my coach at Gloucestershire back in 2016 and he completely shifted the way I thought about performance. I remember completely nerding out on one of the books he gave me called Ahead of the Game by Jeremy Lazarus. Little did I know that some of these concepts really were ahead of where the game was. Steve has spent over 25 years working in leadership and development and his insights into how to create psychological safety through a shared purpose are incredible. I'd recommend grabbing a pen and paper for this one as there are so many actionable tools to implement into your culture straight away. For more episodes and bonus content check us out on:Insideedgeproject.comInstagramLinkedInTwitterThanks for listening, Bhavi Devchand - Inside Edge Project
8/11/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 32 seconds
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Meg Lanning | Leading with empathy, courage and instinct

Season 3 kicks off with the captain of the Australian Cricket team and one of the best batters of all time, Meg Lanning. 5 world cups, 3 Belinda Clark medals, 3 domestic titles & 16 international hundreds and so many more achievements.  She is clearly very talented, however, in this podcast we dive deep into how she has sustained such a high level of performance over a long period - without losing a sense of who she is. Empathy, Instinct, Trust & Growth are common topics both on and off the field, all crucial when living from the inside out. For Meg, It's not about over-training, living up to the expectations of others, or even trying to be the best in the world. It's about trust, channeling her natural drive to discipline, and winning the game for the team, knowing that it's the process of going after a goal that brings that deep satisfaction. If you do get something out of this podcast, I'd love it if you can pass it on and keep the conversation going.  Thanks for tuning in, I hope you enjoy it. 
7/25/202155 minutes, 6 seconds
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Corey Rocchiccioli | Third grade to professional cricketer through stillness, authenticity & depth

Our guest this week is Corey Rocchiccioli,  contracted cricketer with WA, the Perth scorchers and University CC. Although not a household name yet, he has an unbelievable journey that includes going from 3rd grade to state cricket in 5 years.  Corey is one of the most incredible young men I've ever met. He is only 23, works harder than anyone I have seen, yet does it from a place of authenticity. Most people who work at that level do so from a place of fear, of some need that they have to excel or they will be a failure. Corey is special, in that he genuinely loves the journey and leads from the inside out. He has developed a framework to live his life around 4 pillars and a range of values beneath them. These have come from adversity as well as drinking deeply from good books listening to podcasts and surrounding himself with good people. Most importantly he attributes his incredible growth to the courage to be himself, to be present to each moment, and bring that best self to the task at hand. Easy to say, not always easy to do, but Corey goes a long way to living this way and the external results are there to show for it. I hope you enjoy it. Topics CoveredThe framework he lives his life by - pillars & values to live from the inside-out Sit still: the importance of not chasing the external success, being present to what is in front of you N77: The foundation for Corey's drive, the perspective gained from a difficult period in his life Depth over distance: go deep in the weeds of relationships, career, personal growthOff-beat: embrace your weird, own your story and find your tribeHow Corey coped with entering a WA and Perth Scorchers environment full of very big names in Australian CricketThriving through non-selection, using it as leverage to simply get better Body - MInd - Spirit in actionHis definition of success, failure, and high performanceLinks:TwitterInstagramLinkedIn
5/16/202159 minutes, 47 seconds
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Holly Ferling | Overcoming perfectionism by leading from the inside-out

Welcome to episode 15 of the IEP. Our guest this week is Australian, QLD and Melbourne Stars fast bowler Holly Ferling. Holly didn't follow the normal path of a cricketer working through the ranks of state cricket to play for Australia, instead, she found herself playing for Aus at the young age of 17. She has since battled a number of injuries, constantly in and out of teams and fighting her way back to bowling at her best for QLD and the Melbourne Stars. She is honestly one of the most genuine and kind people I've ever, however behind that big smile is a gritty character who works incredibly hard. A self-confessed perfectionist, Holly has battled with the dark sides of her identity being wrapped up in being a high achiever,  however, through the journey she has learned so much about herself, what she values, and the way she wants to go about life on and off the field. She has done some of the work that we talk about so much here at the Inside Edge Project and is starting to see some really cool benefits in her wellbeing and performance. As always feel free to reach out to Holly or myself if you have any questions or feedback. I hope you enjoy it!Topics covered:Having consistent injuries for 5+ years and how she was worked through them"When you're just about getting up to perform, you start to struggle to believe you can do it. You almost lower your expectations, what will be will be…it is not lowering your standards, but lowering your expectations."Debuting for Australia so easy and managing the expectations that come with that"That expectation has hindered me in those following years. In what you deem to be good enough."Dealing with the expectation that comes with being a high achiever"You constantly feel this weight over you the whole time, and really, all that was expectation" "There was a while there I was chasing performance at the detriment of who I really was"The impact on focusing on her values of Love, Impact, and Improvement. How they have transformed her performance and wellbeingHow she deals with missing out  on squads. The perfect example of post-traumatic growth!IEP LinksTwitterInstagramLinkedIn
5/3/202148 minutes, 29 seconds
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Anthony Stubbs - The Fast Bowler | Pillars of performance, simplicity & authenticity

Our guest this week is Fast bowling coach Anthony Stubbs. Known as 'The Fast Bowler' on Instagram, Stubbzy has helped many cricketers improve on and off the field through his 4 pillars of technical, tactical, mental and physical skills. He is one of the most holistic coaches I've seen in the cricket world and we connected over our shared philosophies of incorporating body, mind and spirit into performance coaching. Stubbzy is certainly a free spirit and that's what makes him so good to work with. This podcast is more of an informal chat where we hit record halfway through as we found the conversation we were having might useful for many cricketers and coaches alike. We definitely go on a few tangents, however, it ended up being one of those conversations that seemed to get better and better as we went on.  I also talk a fair bit about my own journey and the reason why I started the Inside Edge Project in the first place. As always, if you think anyone might benefit from some of this content, please feel free to share it around. I hope you enjoy!Topics CoveredStubbzy's pillars of performance The importance of considering the holistic athlete - body, mind, and spiritHow to find long-term mentors that you truly connect with The importance of having mentors and coaches outside a high-performance program How you need to maintain your perspective when entering a high-performance programBeing comfortable with reality as a way of pursuing your dreamsHow to deal with technical issues in season Links:Instagram - The Fast BowlerWebsite Inside Edge Project InstagramBhavi Devchand LinkedIn
4/18/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 25 seconds
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Dr. Fraser Carson | Sport Psychology and Hypnotherapy for performance

Welcome to episode 13 of the Inside Edge Podcast. This week's guest is Dr. Fraser Carson - a sport psychologist who received his PhD from the University of Hull and a Masters in Coaching Education from Ohio University. Over the years he has worked with a a range of elite individual athletes, coaches and sports organizations such as Melbourne Football Club and is also lecturing at various universities around the world. Dr Carson is also a former professional rugby league player and his current passion is triathloth where he has completed an incredible 9 Ironman events  in Australia.  I have worked with a few psychologiests over the years, but Fraser was different in that he offered hypnotherapy as a method of overcoming limiting beliefs and increasing confidence. It's been a fascinating journey working with him and I'm sure you'll enjoy hearing from an expert in the field of performance psychology. Topics covered:How pressure affects our thought processesWhere our limiting beliefs come from and how to overcome them How to deal with perfectionism mindsets  Creating cultures by focusing on individual needsEffective goal setting - going away from setting outcome goals to setting performance and process goalsTools to implement to help out mental game wihtout the need to sepnd lots of money on psychologists or training programsHow sports hypnotherapy has helped a range of athletes with their confidence and feelings of controlI was getting better and quicker results doing it this way than more traditional sports psychologyOptimal performance states and how to reach them
4/4/202152 minutes, 2 seconds
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Jodie Hawkins | Building successful teams through inclusion and social impact

Welcome to this episode of the IEP with Jodie Hawkins. Jodie is currently the General Manager of the Sydney Sixers and has been part of the team that has helped the club been one of the most successful in WBBL and BBL history. The reason I wanted to get her on is that the culture built at the sixers is one that prioritizes giving back - whether it's pride rounds or supporting cancer patients, Jodie has helped build a brand that clearly prioritises building a legacy beyond the cricket pitch, a big difference to the traditional model that is based on sponsorship deals with companies with big platforms, paying big money. The sixers also prioritize good characters in their recruitment, seeing the human before the athlete has helped unlock performance both on and off the field. A lot of what we talk about in the performance space is about shifting perspective.  Shifting away from finding purpose in being individually successful, to finding purpose in helping others. It's also about making sure we don't get caught up in the crazy world of professional sport and maintain our perspective on what is really important. Topics DiscussedThe importance of social impact in creating a successful sports business How to get the best out of people through allowing them to be authentic and create a feeling of belongingHow the Sixers go about recruitment by prioritizing character traitsThe importance of values and how the Sixers go about developing them to actually have an impact What makes Greg Shepperd one of the most successful coaches in T20 cricketHow to go about delisting playershe growth of the WBBL and how the Sixers have learnt from mistakes made early in the competitionHow Jodie deals with failure as someone who is extremely passionateHow standing still is dangerousLinks
3/15/202143 minutes, 20 seconds
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Yogesh Golwalkar | The power of passion to succeed in extremely competitive environments

Our guest this week is Yogesh Golwalkar, first-class leg spinner who has represented, India A, Madhya Pradesh in the Ranji Trophy, Middlesex CCC and was part of the Kings XI Punjab squad in the IPL. Yogesh is a genius when it comes to the art of leg-spin bowling. Although not a big name, his knowledge gained from competing in the most competitive leagues in India is incredible. His thoughts on finding your mental rhythm and avoiding getting too analytical were game changers for me and I'm sure you'll get a lot out of this one. I truly believe the best coaches are usually the ones that have had to grind their way to the top and this is certainly the case for Yogesh.Topic DiscussedBattling through the system in India to play first class cricket Power of mentors and what made them goodHow focusing on being your best helps to deal with the elements of sport you can't controlHow combining the theory of marginal gains and growth mindset are the keys to progressing as a leg spinnerThe key elements to include in your bowling routine Relying on hunger and passion rather than numbers and analysis How lessons from his cricket career have helped his career in business
3/1/202152 minutes, 51 seconds
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Kate Cross | Embracing Expectation & Growing Through Setbacks

"I remember being at third man, I'd bowled an over and it didn't go very well. I put my sunglasses on and I had tears in my eyes. I remember thinking, I'm so out of my depth; I don't know what I'm doing here"Welcome to this episode of the IEP with Kate Cross. Crossy has Represented England in all 3 formats of the game, as well as playing for both the Brisbane Heat and Perth Scorchers in the WBBL. I first met Crossy when she came to play in WA and she is hands down one of the best people I've ever met. She always has a smile on her face and made a huge contribution to shifting the culture of our team. At the time, I had no idea that she had been suffering from significant mental health problems to the point where she had to step away from the game in her prime and rediscover why she played and how to manage her mind in the process. She is brilliant in this podcast, opening up on how she worked with a psychologist, her family and coaches to not only get back to being healthy, but also to be able to thrive from the lessons she has learnt through her journey. Topics discussed in this episode:Embracing the expectation that came with being born into a sporting family and the first female to enter the Lancashire Academy Getting dropped from the England Academy Understanding why she played the game and the worth ethic required to reach the topExperiencing a significant mental health breakdown Missing out on the 2017 home world cup Working with a psychologist, coaches and family to work through mental health and performance anxiety issuesPost-traumatic growth and FOPOCrossy's definition of success & high performance
2/14/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 26 seconds
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Naomi Dattani | Finding The Courage To Trust The Process

The first episode of season 2 is with professional cricketer Naomi Dattani. Naomi is the captain of Middlesex in the UK, has played and won the KIA superleague with the Western Storm and is contracted with the London Spirit in The Hundred.  We first met in Perth when she was playing grade cricket for MGCC and I was immediately struck by how incrediblly hard she worked, especially for someone relatively young and having not had the privilege of growing up in a professional environment. She has had many battles, but as you'll learn, each one has inspired her to keep working hard and developing her mindset to eventually achieve her dream of being a fully professional sportswoman, when so many people around her were telling her to give up and get a real job.  
1/31/202148 minutes
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Paddy Upton | Personal Mastery and the Art of Performance

Welcome to Ep 8 of the Inside Edge Podcast. Our guest this week is world renown leadership and mental skills coach Paddy Upton. Paddy has redefined coaching and performance in both cricket and the business world and I can't recommend his book, 'The Barefoot Coach' enough.Some of his accomplishments include:Helping the Indian Cricket team win the 2011 ICC Cricket World Cup and become the no1 test team for the first time, As performance director helped SA cricket to #1 in all 3 formats,The head coach of 5 different t20 teams in 12 tournaments despite not having a strong professional playing backgroundHe also has 4 degrees from 4 different universities including a professor of practice at Deakin UniversityHe has been the personal mental coach to over 100 pro athletes from 11 different sport codes and delivered over 250 keynote speeches. Topics discussed include:The missing piece of high performance and how {addy leveraged true leadership to maximize successHow learning from the business world has had a big impact on sport What it means to leverage the art of high performance How to create cultures through being rather than doingHarnessing eh collective intelligence of the group to co-create the culture you want to buildDealing with big ego's and how to harness them to collaborate in a team environment The difference between inner-knowing, self-belief and operating from a place of egoHow to actually let go and trust your instincts in a high-pressure environmentIntegrating spirituality into performance and how it can accelerate resultsLinks:Paddy Upton
12/1/202049 minutes, 5 seconds
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Michael Hussey | Finding Balance Between Intensity and Enjoyment

Huss does not need much of an introduction, a legend of the aussie game and one of my heros growing up. He was widely regarded as one of the and hardest workers in world cricket and a very intense man. Along with this came many internal battles, he was constantly battling low self-belief and openly admits he crossed the line of pushing things too far. After getting dropped from the WA team he found a new sense of balance and freedom which then catapulted his career to playing for Australia and scoring thousands of runs across all 3 formats. He goes into great detail around his training strategies and mental routines and I'm sure you will all get a lot out of this one. Being too intense and working too hard having a detrimental effect on his performanceHow comparing himself to others led to inconsistency and getting droppedThe basics of his batting mechanics and how he trained thatHuss' 4 step batting routine that helped him navigate high pressure environmentsManaging his emotions during his test debut The importance of celebrating success in being able to maintain a high intensity when on the field How the Chennai Super Kings have maintained a strong team culture and sustained performance in the IPLHow he helped the Sydney Thunder go from being at the bottom of the league to winning the BBLHow he approaches coaching in the IPL with players such as MS Dhoni, Faf Du Plessis, Rayudu
10/31/202049 minutes, 54 seconds
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Elyse Villani | Owning Who You Are and How You Play

Topics DiscussedDealing with limited prep and COVID lockdowns leading into WBBL Trying to find the balance between being attacking and recklessDealing with being in and out of formComparing herself to others and falling in to the trap of searching for answers external to herHow Junior moved through the 3 stages of the Heroes journey to find fulfillmentAdvice received from Rachel Haynes to help deal with being dropped over and over againThe common traits in the best team culturesWhat makes her coach Dulip Samaraweera so goodManaging being in a cricket bubble when personal performances aren't going well The pressure Junior put on herself during WBB05 by looking too far aheadDealing with missing out on the squad for the T20 world cup at her home groundHow she is managing her mind and planning for the upcoming WBBL
10/17/202050 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sophie Devine | Managing Diabetes, Mental Health and Leadership

Our guest this week is the captain of the White Ferns and #1 ranked t20 player, Sophie Devine. She has close to 200 international caps, broken numerous records and is arguably the most sought after player in franchise cricket. To top it off, she has also represented the NZ women's hockey team and was extremely close to playing for them at the Olympics. The list of accolades could go on forever, however, Sophie's story so far is filled with some significant challenges, including getting diagnosed with type 1 diabetes as a teenager, giving up cricket to chase an Olympic dream, only to miss out oat the last moment and battling a serious bout of depression. Through her journey she has learned some valuable lessons and continues to use tools such as yoga and meditation to help her both on and off the field. In this podcast:The dangers of early specialization and how playing a wide range of sport make a huge difference to her skillset nowGetting Diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes - thinking she was never going to play sport again and the role her support network played in getting her back on trackMaking the decision to step away from cricket to chase an Olympic dreamExperiencing the professionalism of the Balck Sticks and how that had a significant effect on how she operated as an athleteProfessionalism vs perfectionism How Sophie maintains focus on her natural strengths when she is under pressureYoga and mindfulness practice leading to ease and peace at the crease and in lifeDealing with clinical depression and anxiety where Sophie could not get out of bed or go onto the cricket field without breaking downHow the White Ferns are integrating purpose mindset into their cultureHow Sophie has changed how she values herselfWhat Sophie hopes the next generation gets right The Inside Edge:InstagramTwitterLinkedIn 
10/1/202049 minutes, 44 seconds
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Drewe Broughton | The Fear Coach on finding courage, letting go and trust

Drewe Broughton is a former professional footballer and now a performance coach. As a young man, he was exceptionally talented, representing England U20s alongside a golden generation. He had a deep drive to succeed, however, an inability to control this desire and fall into the trap of the fear led to a continuous rollercoaster, jumping to 22 different clubs in 17 years and eventually ending up alone -  bankrupt, suffering from addiction and contemplating life. As always, the lessons learned from suffering can provide us with the power to really impact the lives of others, and Drewe has certainly been able to do that. He is now a performance coach, working with Premier League Footballers, elite golfers and business leaders to help them navigate performing at their edge while in the arena. He is also a husband and father that really does live the same pearls of wisdom he shares with his clients. Reading his book and following his work has had a deep impact on my journey so far and  I'm sure you will get a lot out of tuning in. Topics discussedWhat caused Drewe to go from 25 goals/season to less than 10 even though he was doing more and in more professional environments Hard work is not a given. What it really means to work hard. How the gift of work ethic can lead to the curse of perfectionism. Where the line is and how push yourself without crossing that line.The missing component of coaching qualifications Why Drewe had a significantly different career path to Cristiano Ronaldo despite having the same work ethic and starting out as a talented playerThe one thing Kobe Bryant, The All Blacks, Cathy Freeman and many more have in commonTools used by Drewe to help the best athletes in the world overcome fearHow spirituality simply means being more of yourself and trusting in something bigger than yourselfThe search leading Drewe to addiction, severe depression and loss of selfLinks:Drewe Broughton websiteInstagramLinkedInThe Inside Edge:InstagramTwitterLinkedIn
9/22/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 23 seconds
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Molly Strano | Finding Enjoyment in High Performance

Molly Strano is an Australian off-spinner and well known as one of the great characters of the game. She is the reigning domestic player of the year & leading all-time wicket-taker in WBBL. A Self-described raging extrovert, she genuinely believes she was born in the wrong era and has been best on ground at numerous mad-mondays. Behind all the shenanigans off the field, she is a big cricket badger, lover of the game and I hope you enjoy hearing her story. 4:09 - Making her Debut in a star-studded Victorian side as a 16 year old5:30 - Dealing with the pressures of fitness tests and professionalism 6:15 - How she learned about work ethic and enjoyment from leaders in the Victorian team such as Kristen Beams, Kelly Applebee, Catherine Fitzpatrick and Elyse Villani, 10:00 - How comparing yourself to others can be so detrimental12:00 - Experiencing the 'second-year blues' and falling out of love for the game before going to England to play for Staffordshire16:00 - The keys to dealing with the pressure she puts on herself17:50 - Developing from bowling very slow and loopy to flat and into the wicket and one of the best at opening the bowling in t2018:40 - What makes Kristen Beams a great mentor21:10 - How embracing her natural strengths ended up completely changing the direction of her career 25:20 - The keys to preparing to play at her best29:36 - Molly talks us through conceding 17 runs in an over as the Renegades lost a close battle with the Scorchers33:45 - What the best captains do to help Molly perform35:50 - Dealing with injury setbacks including a stress fracture that kept her out of an entire WNCL season39:50 - Going from club cricket to opening the bowling in the t20 world cup41:30 - How the Australian leadership group dealt with being under pressure in the t20 world cup46:00 - How Molly's definition of success has shifted through her career48:00 - Who is Molly at her bestThe Inside Edge:InstagramTwitterLinkedIn
9/11/202049 minutes, 33 seconds
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Viv Paver | Transforming Coaching & Performance through Growth, Connection & Service

This episode is with Viv Paver - cricketer, coach, and one of the best people I've ever had the pleasure of working with. Viv had a lot of promise as a young cricketer, he was captain of the WA U17 team and was also part of an All-Australian Universities Championship. A senior playing career spanning 5 professional seasons in the UK & well over 140 Premier cricket games, he has a staggering high score of 257 and best bowling figures of 5/21. He is now coaching the Subiaco-floreat women in the WACA 1st grade competition and runs his own coaching business called Project Rubicon - where his holistic coaching methods have helped many professional cricketers such as Mitch Marsh and Dom Sibley in the Men's game, and Chloe Piparo and Piepa Cleary in the female game. Despite being touted as one of the next big things in cricket, Viv failed to crack the professional set up in Australia. This led him down a path exploring psychology & philosophy - both critical in understanding how we can access our inside edge. Working with Viv completely shifted the way I approach the game, bringing a sense of simplicity and freedom that I didn't have access to for many years prior. I hope you enjoy. 4:10 - Experiencing fear as an 8-year-old before struggling with the rollercoaster of emotions despite having a lot of success as a young cricketer7:50 - How focusing on being recognized and liked as a cricketer ended up ruining his professional career causing a crisis in his mid-20s10:50 - Why it is so hard to not base your self-worth on looking good to others and how to deal with your ego if it has control over you14:30 - What does mastery mean and how does it is the most important component of sustained success22:00 - The effect on your relationships with others and your ability to perform consistently on and off the field27:30 - Routines put into place that allowed Viv to find freedom and consistently score big hundreds including a high score of 257 31:40 - How to get our of your own way and have your performance match your potential35:00 - Growth, Connection & Service: the keys to long term success 43:00 - Managing your mind if you have a lot going on away from the game 49:10 - Optimise your game by focusing on what is relevant and what is not55:00 - Workshops Viv is running with male and female teams to help with the mental and emotional side of the game59:50 - The difference in the mistakes made in the male and female game 1:02:30 - Recommended resources to continue development1:05:20 - The transformation of Viv's definition of success1:06:30 - Who is Viv Paver at his bestReferences in the podcast:Coach Paver Instagram Twitter WebsiteBooks mentioned: The Courage To Be Disliked, The Go-Giver, The 7 Laws of Spiritual SuccessIkigai The Inside Edge: InstagramTwitterLinkedIn
9/3/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 43 seconds
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Nicole Bolton | Managing Mental Health and Elite Performance

"For a number of years, success to me was operating in a really unhealthy manner. I would need to be under significant duress away from the game to then step over that white line and go perform, as it was the only time I would feel like I was in control of my life." This episode is with Nicole Bolton - Australian opening batter and arguably one of the best Western Australian cricketers of all time. Bolts has a fascinating story, battling inner demons for the majority of her career, yet finding a way to be one of the most consistent performers in the best team in the world. 5:10 - Why she stepped away from the game at 18 after being in the Australian set-up10:30 - How younger players get derailed and burnout in the current professional environment and the way to change it13:35 - How she focuses her attention in the middle irrelevant of what is happening off the field 17:45 - The search for perfectionism and how it derailed her mental health to the point where she had to leave the game she loved18:30 - Having an out of body experience due to being under serious distress leading into a WBBL game26:05 - Tools Bolts uses to help manage her wellbeing32:00 - How yoga taught her the basics of performance - simplicity, flow, presence and enjoyment 33:10 - Her batting philosophy and how it is centred on trust, courage and freedom34:40 - What makes batting coach Noddy so good, and how their definition of success has nothing to do with hitting cricket balls36:30 - How she uses playing fast bowling to help face her adversities in life41:15 - The 3 most important cricket shots 43:20 - How returning to club cricket reignited her love of the game47:30 - Why it is so difficult to just let go and trust yourself49:20 - How her positive personal narrative leading into the 2019 Ashes ended up being self-destructive52:10 - Bolts' definition of success52:60 - Who is Nicole Bolton at her bestLinks:Stitch in time article: 
8/25/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 40 seconds