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The Journey with Ron Moore Profile

The Journey with Ron Moore

English, Religion, 1 season, 368 episodes, 6 days, 2 hours, 50 minutes
At The Journey, we strive to share the unchanging Word of God with an ever-changing world to help encourage, embolden, and challenge our listeners. We believe God has uniquely gifted Ron to teach scripture with compassion and unwavering truth, providing practical application to life’s greatest issues.
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The Worthy One Download Is it narrow-minded to follow the narrow way, to extol its exclusiveness, and claim its truth?  Or is it simply the wisest choice? Today, Ron Moore answers that question with the authority found in the Bible’s final prophecy.
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A Heavenly Picture

The keen eye of the artist takes in the scene before him and his hand sketches its outlines onto the canvas. Today, Ron Moore uses the words of the Apostle John to brush the first strokes to a masterpiece of the City of God and its central figure. Listen…and see.
9/18/202425 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Church at Laodicea Download Riding high on the spiritual fence is a dangerous exercise. There’s a false sense of security up there when a fatal tumble is a more likely outcome. In this half-hour, Ron Moore issues a challenge to the fence rider, and that challenge comes straight from the mouth of Jesus.
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The Church at Philadelphia

At work and school, do you sometimes stand cold and alone in a storm of conflicting beliefs and values? A place where none have gone with you and still you follow?
9/16/202425 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Church at Thyatira

Purchase the finest French perfume and then add a dash of vinegar to the bouquet. Would you wear it to the ball…or even the ballgame? Ron Moore outlines the spiritual scent of error combined with truth. It is a stench in the nostrils of God and not a fragrance to be worn in His presence.
9/12/202426 minutes
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The Church at Pergamum Download God has scratched a line in the sand of human behavior and the thoughts that drive it. It is a line of love that protects and also warns. On today’s program, Ron Moore looks at what happens to those who cross that line, even a little, and how they can move back to safe ground.
9/11/202426 minutes
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The Church at Pergamum Download God has scratched a line in the sand of human behavior and the thoughts that drive it. It is a line of love that protects and also warns. On today’s program, Ron Moore looks at what happens to those who cross that line, even a little, and how they can move back to safe ground.
9/11/202426 minutes
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The Church at Smyrna Download Will you die for Christ and will you live for Him?  The two are twin virtues. The first never separated from the second.  The second-ever shadowed by the first. Today Ron Moore shares the story of a congregation who lived and died for their Lord and the riches they found in the center of their sufferings.
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The Church at Ephesus Download He holds the stars in His hand and you in His eyes.  His love is like thundering velvet, offering both commendation and correction. Today, Ron Moore shares that all-knowing-love as expressed to the people of a first-century congregation.  Listen and see if Christ’s love for them could be shared by you and whether your love for Him will be commended or corrected.
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The Church at Ephesus Download He holds the stars in His hand and you in His eyes.  His love is like thundering velvet, offering both commendation and correction. Today, Ron Moore shares that all-knowing-love as expressed to the people of a first-century congregation.  Listen and see if Christ’s love for them could be shared by you and whether your love for Him will be commended or corrected.
9/9/202426 minutes
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Jesus: The First and Last

What kind of man is entrusted with the deepest mystery of the ages… the closing acts of earth’s history? On today’s program, Ron Moore answers that question and begins to unravel the mystery that was entrusted to John, son of Zebedee.
9/6/202426 minutes
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The Revelation of Jesus Christ

It’s described as the most frightening book in the Bible.  Its majestic scenes and descriptive prose at once thrill and humble the soul. Today, Ron Moore begins a survey of this, the last book of the Bible, not merely to inform and enlighten but to change your life for good.
9/5/202426 minutes
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Sex, Sin and Grace – Part 2

Have you just exited the backseat of your car? Just climbed into the light. Just discovered the destination of your sexual sin isn’t where you wanted to be?
8/14/202426 minutes
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Sex, Sin and Grace – Part 1

Sex in the backseat has you imprisoned, looking at the road behind, as you travel farther and farther from home. It’s taking you for a ride you think you control when you don’t. But there’s someone closing fast. Someone who wants a word. Someone who loves you.
8/13/202426 minutes
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Adultery: Breaking the Covenant Part 2

To be an accurate marriage guide our moral GPS must be fixed on a lofty reference point. It must acquire and lock-on to the signal and together husband and wife must follow its instructions.
8/12/202426 minutes
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Adultery: Breaking the Covenant Part 1

There are dead ends down many marital byways. Those deceptive and hidden places invite a casual drive-by relationship.  There, just when you think you can cruise on down the road and exit at the other end, you’re trapped.  Adultery is a lot like that.  Despite how long and exciting the trip might be, it always ends in a marriage roadblock. That’s the place Ron Moore takes us to in the next half-hour.  In his examination of adultery, you’ll clearly see the dead-end signs and perhaps avoid the heartrending aftermath.   This Week's Resource Do you remember the traditional standard in marriage and family? It used to be a man and a woman marrying, having a family, and for better or worse, joined as one, as long as they both should live. Today that standard is in tatters. In the United States, fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Many couples in our country have concluded that living together before matrimony makes good sense. And Americans are deeply divided over the issue of same-sex marriage. Not surprisingly, those conflicts are challenging Christian beliefs. So, in order to contend for biblical marriage, we first must understand what the Bible has to say about it. Only when its truth is fully grasped will we have the confidence to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. To help you with that Ron Moore has written the booklet: “Created for Oneness.” It offers a Biblical framework for marriage and sexuality. We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount. [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”GIVE NOW” ]
8/9/202426 minutes
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Homosexuality: Is It Really an Alternative? Part 2

Sexually speaking, when you’ve driven off the road and into the darkness how do you find your way back? What hope is there to travel again down a lighted and narrow way? Such a U-turn is possible, but you’ll need directions and a guide. In this broadcast, Ron Moore will be that guide for those caught in homosexuality. He’ll offer clear and compassionate directions from God’s Holy Word.   This Week's Resource Do you remember the traditional standard in marriage and family? It used to be a man and a woman marrying, having a family, and for better or worse, joined as one, as long as they both should live. Today that standard is in tatters. In the United States, fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Many couples in our country have concluded that living together before matrimony makes good sense. And Americans are deeply divided over the issue of same-sex marriage. Not surprisingly, those conflicts are challenging Christian beliefs. So, in order to contend for biblical marriage, we first must understand what the Bible has to say about it. Only when its truth is fully grasped will we have the confidence to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. To help you with that Ron Moore has written the booklet: “Created for Oneness.” It offers a Biblical framework for marriage and sexuality. We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount. [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”GIVE NOW” ]
8/8/202425 minutes, 51 seconds
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Homosexuality: Is It Really an Alternative? Part 1

The road is lonely when we travel outside God’s clearly marked lanes. The solid lines are there, not to restrict our freedom, but to keep us in fellowship with Him. They warn us away from the ditch and the dark woods that lie beyond. Perhaps the loneliest of our fellow travelers are those who have left “the narrow way” and driven into the darkness of homosexuality. Today Ron Moore shares a compassionate look at God’s way while offering a new direction for those caught in the gay lifestyle.   This Week's Resource Do you remember the traditional standard in marriage and family? It used to be a man and a woman marrying, having a family, and for better or worse, joined as one, as long as they both should live. Today that standard is in tatters. In the United States, fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Many couples in our country have concluded that living together before matrimony makes good sense. And Americans are deeply divided over the issue of same-sex marriage. Not surprisingly, those conflicts are challenging Christian beliefs. So, in order to contend for biblical marriage, we first must understand what the Bible has to say about it. Only when its truth is fully grasped will we have the confidence to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. To help you with that Ron Moore has written the booklet: “Created for Oneness.” It offers a Biblical framework for marriage and sexuality. We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount. [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”GIVE NOW” ]
8/7/202426 minutes
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Test Drive: Why Living Together Tears Couples Apart

Living together . . . taking a test-drive before making a commitment . . . can yield important information, but only if your intended is a car.  People are a “bit” more complicated and marriage isn’t a “trade-in” institution.  If you want a marriage to last you’ll need better ways of ensuring a life-long relationship. Ron Moore will tell you why in today’s broadcast.   This Week's Resource Do you remember the traditional standard in marriage and family? It used to be a man and a woman marrying, having a family, and for better or worse, joined as one, as long as they both should live. Today that standard is in tatters. In the United States, fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Many couples in our country have concluded that living together before matrimony makes good sense. And Americans are deeply divided over the issue of same-sex marriage. Not surprisingly, those conflicts are challenging Christian beliefs. So, in order to contend for biblical marriage, we first must understand what the Bible has to say about it. Only when its truth is fully grasped will we have the confidence to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. To help you with that Ron Moore has written the booklet: “Created for Oneness.” It offers a Biblical framework for marriage and sexuality. We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount. [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”GIVE NOW” ]
8/6/202426 minutes
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Lust: Visual and Emotional – Part 2

Sometimes we drive, sometimes we are driven and sometimes we know the difference. Lust of the eyes and the heart frequently take us on a ride that we think we control. And when we fall into that line of thinking, lust has wrestled the wheel from our hands. Men, you know the struggle. Women . . . you too. So what do you do? That’s Ron Moore’s focus in this half-hour. He’ll share biblical and practical solutions to regaining control of your life in the war against lust.   This Week's Resource Do you remember the traditional standard in marriage and family? It used to be a man and a woman marrying, having a family, and for better or worse, joined as one, as long as they both should live. Today that standard is in tatters. In the United States, fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Many couples in our country have concluded that living together before matrimony makes good sense. And Americans are deeply divided over the issue of same-sex marriage. Not surprisingly, those conflicts are challenging Christian beliefs. So, in order to contend for biblical marriage, we first must understand what the Bible has to say about it. Only when its truth is fully grasped will we have the confidence to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. To help you with that Ron Moore has written the booklet: “Created for Oneness.” It offers a Biblical framework for marriage and sexuality. We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount. [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”GIVE NOW” ]
8/5/202426 minutes
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Lust: Visual and Emotional – Part 1

Some crave life on the edge. They drive headlong around blind, mountain curves, trusting in their firm control while drifting closer and closer to the precipice. Lust can be like that. It seems manageable, controllable, exhilarating, until one slip and we find ourselves falling into an abyss. Why do we play with lust? And how does it play with us in return? Ron Moore will be along in a moment to talk about that with compassion and clear direction.   This Week's Resource Do you remember the traditional standard in marriage and family? It used to be a man and a woman marrying, having a family, and for better or worse, joined as one, as long as they both should live. Today that standard is in tatters. In the United States, fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Many couples in our country have concluded that living together before matrimony makes good sense. And Americans are deeply divided over the issue of same-sex marriage. Not surprisingly, those conflicts are challenging Christian beliefs. So, in order to contend for biblical marriage, we first must understand what the Bible has to say about it. Only when its truth is fully grasped will we have the confidence to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. To help you with that Ron Moore has written the booklet: “Created for Oneness.” It offers a Biblical framework for marriage and sexuality. We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount. [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”GIVE NOW” ]
8/2/202426 minutes
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God’s Idea: The Gift – Part 2

Remember those easy summer nights cruising with your boy or girlfriend, listening to classic love songs playing on the radio? Do you remember their messages about love and sex? Would you want your son or daughter to follow their philosophy? We have an oldie but goodie for you. One written not only for a new love but for your love too. And in its lyrics, you’ll find sexual instruction everyone can live by. Ron Moore shares it in just a moment.   This Week's Resource Do you remember the traditional standard in marriage and family? It used to be a man and a woman marrying, having a family, and for better or worse, joined as one, as long as they both should live. Today that standard is in tatters. In the United States, fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Many couples in our country have concluded that living together before matrimony makes good sense. And Americans are deeply divided over the issue of same-sex marriage. Not surprisingly, those conflicts are challenging Christian beliefs. So, in order to contend for biblical marriage, we first must understand what the Bible has to say about it. Only when its truth is fully grasped will we have the confidence to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. To help you with that Ron Moore has written the booklet: “Created for Oneness.” It offers a Biblical framework for marriage and sexuality. We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount. [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”GIVE NOW” ]
8/1/202425 minutes, 52 seconds
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God’s Idea: The Gift – Part 1

Imagine for a moment you look out on your driveway and there sits a brand new, gleaming Lexus. It sports a big red bow and a gift card with your name on it.  How would you treat it? Better yet, how carefully would you drive it? Ron Moore continues his series on Biblical Sexuality with a look at an even greater gift. One provided you by the Creator. One that most people would give up a Lexus to keep. The gift of sex. Just ahead are care and maintenance instructions that will keep your gift shining for the rest of your life.   This Week's Resource Do you remember the traditional standard in marriage and family? It used to be a man and a woman marrying, having a family, and for better or worse, joined as one, as long as they both should live. Today that standard is in tatters. In the United States, fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Many couples in our country have concluded that living together before matrimony makes good sense. And Americans are deeply divided over the issue of same-sex marriage. Not surprisingly, those conflicts are challenging Christian beliefs. So, in order to contend for biblical marriage, we first must understand what the Bible has to say about it. Only when its truth is fully grasped will we have the confidence to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. To help you with that Ron Moore has written the booklet: “Created for Oneness.” It offers a Biblical framework for marriage and sexuality. We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount. [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”GIVE NOW” ]
7/31/202425 minutes, 52 seconds
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Do we Really Need to Talk about This? – Part 2

Why a car leaves us stranded on a lonely road, or worse, smashed against a fence, can often be traced to a singular fact…it wasn’t operated according to the manufacturer’s instructions. In a way, sex is like that. When used outside of the creator’s guidelines, when not maintained by the Book, sex leaves its drivers broken and lost. In this half-hour, Ron Moore picks up where he left off last time. . . looking at the design and maintenance of biblical sexuality. It’s the introduction of a series that insures you arrive whole and happy at your final destination.   This Week's Resource Do you remember the traditional standard in marriage and family? It used to be a man and a woman marrying, having a family, and for better or worse, joined as one, as long as they both should live. Today that standard is in tatters. In the United States, fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Many couples in our country have concluded that living together before matrimony makes good sense. And Americans are deeply divided over the issue of same-sex marriage. Not surprisingly, those conflicts are challenging Christian beliefs. So, in order to contend for biblical marriage, we first must understand what the Bible has to say about it. Only when its truth is fully grasped will we have the confidence to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. To help you with that Ron Moore has written the booklet: “Created for Oneness.” It offers a Biblical framework for marriage and sexuality. We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount. [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”GIVE NOW” ]
7/30/202425 minutes, 51 seconds
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Do we Really Need to Talk about This? – Part 1

Sexual expression is like a sleek racecar…beautiful, powerful, hard to ignore, and hard to stop when out of control.  To be skillfully handled, it requires mastery of the inventor’s directions. And if not driven precisely—if not kept on the right course—it will crash and burn, injuring driver and bystander alike. Today, in view of its wonderful and yet potentially destructive power, Ron Moore begins a series that speaks to sexual expression from the instructions of its inventor.   This Week's Resource Do you remember the traditional standard in marriage and family? It used to be a man and a woman marrying, having a family, and for better or worse, joined as one, as long as they both should live. Today that standard is in tatters. In the United States, fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. Many couples in our country have concluded that living together before matrimony makes good sense. And Americans are deeply divided over the issue of same-sex marriage. Not surprisingly, those conflicts are challenging Christian beliefs. So, in order to contend for biblical marriage, we first must understand what the Bible has to say about it. Only when its truth is fully grasped will we have the confidence to pass it on to our children and grandchildren. To help you with that Ron Moore has written the booklet: “Created for Oneness.” It offers a Biblical framework for marriage and sexuality. We’ll send it to you for a gift of any amount. [maxbutton id=”1″ url=”” text=”GIVE NOW” ]
7/29/202426 minutes
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Worship: Loving Each Other

Sitting in a high place among our most treasured possessions is our taste in music.  It often rules over our choice in churches, friends, and spiritual leaders.  It can be the most healing or destructive of our closely held values. Ron Moore offers spiritual insight from four periods of church-music history and challenges us to place our musical taste in its proper position.
7/18/202426 minutes
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Worship: Respecting Each Other

A healthy spirit contributes to a healthy body. And there’s nothing more invigorating to our heart and soul than the balm of music. Unfortunately, we often disagree about which medicine is best. Ron Moore offers a glimpse into our musical past to offer a healthy perspective on music in the now.
7/17/202426 minutes
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Worship: Respecting Each Other

A healthy spirit contributes to a healthy body. And there’s nothing more invigorating to our heart and soul than the balm of music. Unfortunately, we often disagree about which medicine is best. Ron Moore offers a glimpse into our musical past to offer a healthy perspective on music in the now.
7/17/202426 minutes
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Worship: Respecting our Roles

While the organs must all work together for a healthy body, there is a hierarchy of function.  The brain cannot live without the heart, but the heart receives its commands from the brain. What that means for Christ’s body, the Church, is Ron Moore’s focus in this half-hour.
7/16/202426 minutes
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Worship: Responding to God

Like a rubber hammer to the knee, God is expecting a response when he gently raps on our soul. Today Ron Moore shows us what that reflexive action says about the health of our spirit.
7/15/202426 minutes
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Freedom: Body Building

In the frontier between black and white are the “No Sin Zones.” Those gray areas where believers often differ over our freedom in Christ. Ron Moore shares four principles that should drive your behavior the next time you find yourself in the “No Sin Zones.”
7/12/202426 minutes
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Freedom: Never Confuse the Message

Freedom draws a very large circle…love draws it smaller.  In between looms the possibility that the Gospel can be misunderstood. Ron Moore shares how the Apostle Paul dealt with that situation and how you can follow his example.
7/11/202426 minutes
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Freedom: Handle with Care

Liberty has limits.  While that statement may seem contradictory it actually grants even greater freedom…the freedom to do “as you should,” and not merely “as you want.” Ron Moore explains what it means to be truly free--within “loving boundaries.”
7/10/202426 minutes
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Unity: Displayed in Spiritual Maturity

You are an architect.  Each day you design and build a life in front of God and others.  The question is, what do you build it with?  And how does your structure impact the community around you? Today Ron Moore shares construction standards that will ensure the integrity of your spiritual neighborhood and provide awards that will never fade.
7/9/202426 minutes
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Unity: Driven by the Spirit

There are some things in this world, and the next, which are seen only through brighter eyes…some thoughts that must be interpreted by a greater mind. On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore reminds us that such sight and understanding is a favor to the chosen, from the third person of the Trinity.  It’s a gift that binds us together as one.
7/8/202426 minutes
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Unity: Desired by God

What are the signs of a healthy church? Today Ron Moore begins a new series to address that question.  And in the next half-hour he introduces a key marker that can determine the vitality of your church.
7/5/202426 minutes
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Living the Bible

Successful spiritual living isn’t a matter of happenstance.  It takes training in the truth. Training that only comes when we hold to the fundamentals of the faith. Today, Ron Moore continues that instruction from an ancient document.
7/4/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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Living the Bible

Successful spiritual living isn’t a matter of happenstance.  It takes training in the truth. Training that only comes when we hold to the fundamentals of the faith. Today, Ron Moore continues that instruction from an ancient document.
7/4/202426 minutes
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Believing the Bible

The surest evidence you’ve spent time in the Bible is not how long you’ve been at it, it’s how far God’s Word has taken you down the road to maturity. In the minutes ahead, Ron Moore puts you on that road and encourages you to truly believe the essentials of the scriptures.
7/3/202426 minutes
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The Bible’s Translation and Distribution

Can you trust the integrity of God’s Word? After all, it did pass through the hearts, minds, and hands of countless sinful men. Ron Moore comes to offer convincing evidence that the Bible is true and worthy of your trust.
7/2/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Bible’s Context

Where does the Bible fit in the context of truth and life? Does it really matter and is it truly reliable? Today, Ron Moore will offer that context so that you can discover the importance of God’s Word for every circumstance and every need.
7/1/202426 minutes
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Equipped to Serve

Do you ever wonder about the scope of your purpose in life?  What you’re supposed to be doing with your knowledge of God and His Word? Ron Moore will offer some “accessories” for the fully devoted student.
6/28/202426 minutes
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The Great Adventure of Prayer – Part 3

Who’s first on your spiritual speed dial? When things are well or ill who do you contact before any other?
6/27/202424 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Great Adventure of Prayer – Part 2

There’s a truism in sports that claims, “You play like you practice.” In your spiritual life, it could also be said that “You pray like you practice.”
6/26/202424 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Great Adventure of Prayer – Part 1

Like the stony faces on Mt. Rushmore we sometimes feel as if our prayer life looms over us with an accusing stare. And too often we bow our heads in guilty confession.
6/25/202423 minutes, 50 seconds
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Barriers to Worship – Part 2

Detours keep us from arriving at our destination in a timely manner. And sometimes we don’t get there at all. We get lost on winding, back roads. And so it is on the path to worship.
6/24/202424 minutes
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Barriers to Worship – Part 1

Attempts to enter into worship are sometimes aborted journeys. That’s often because of the billboard-size distractions that hail us along the way.
6/21/202426 minutes
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The God We Worship – Part 2

How do you want others to think of you and how important are their thoughts? Now ask that question about God. Blessedly, we don’t have to wonder who it is we worship.
6/20/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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The God We Worship – Part 1

Who is the God you praise? You may be surprised to find He’s not exactly who you think He is. And that can make all the difference in your adoration.
6/19/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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In Spirit and in Truth – Part 2

God will not be worshipped in a box.  Even a pretty one with colored windows and soaring arches does not impress Him.  He’s looking for intimate and open and often messy places.
6/18/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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In Spirit and in Truth – Part 1

Where do you find the highest pinnacle of worship?  The place where God inhabits the praise of His people?
6/17/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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Understanding Worship

What one gift can you present to God that will gladden and delight His heart?
6/14/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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Filled Up

One prayer with four levels.  Honestly embraced it will take you from a shallow spiritual existence to the deep life God has created for you. In just a moment Ron Moore comes to share that prayer.  Are you ready?
6/13/202426 minutes
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The Mystery Made Known

It was hidden from human understanding for millennia…a mystery so profound that only God’s Son could reveal it. Today, Ron Moore pulls back the curtain of sacred history so that you can see the secret of the ages and your place in it.
6/12/202426 minutes
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We were adrift…separated from help and hope and one another.  But now, God has gathered us to Himself and made us one people, one body—bound together by the hope of eternal life. Today Ron Moore explores that miracle and what it means for you and for the world in which we live.
6/11/202426 minutes
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The sails of life were limp and directionless.  We had driven ourselves to this spiritual Sargasso Sea and it had claimed us.  We were captains of lost slave ships, doomed to Hell’s deep. But, as Ron Moore is coming to share, an amazing power billowed our sails to life and led us to the lighthouse and home.
6/10/202426 minutes
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There is no power in the spiritual grave.  No emotional need or physical desire can break its curse.  And we are all under that curse.  Helpless and hopeless we’re unresponsive to the call of our creator.  But God has a way to raise the dead. Today, Ron Moore shows us that way and the power of God that grants everlasting life.
6/7/202426 minutes
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A dynamic light has shined in our hearts.  But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that its all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. And in this half-hour, Ron Moore will show you how that came to be and the supernatural things God wants you to do with it.
6/6/202426 minutes
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Do you have the mark of authenticity…the eternal certification that you’re God’s priceless treasure, secured for all eternity? Ron Moore talks with us about that peace-giving seal and its promise of the riches to come.
6/5/202426 minutes
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You are like an expensive pearl, once owned by an uncaring collector, now purchased, at great personal cost, by a loving Lord. Ron Moore will detail that transaction and what it means to your life.
6/4/202426 minutes
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Like the world’s richest jewel mine you have been chosen as a repository of untold riches by the Creator of all things. And today Ron Moore shares, in what may be a surprising revelation, how these gems of sparkling grace found their place in your heart and how you can reveal them to the world.
6/3/202426 minutes
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Living Hope: Hope

We live in a world where the love of many is growing cold and men’s hearts are failing them for fear. In the face of this mounting angst how does the believer live with confidence and joy before a watching world?
5/3/202426 minutes
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Living Hope: Harmony – Part 2

Why should we assemble ourselves together when today’s organized church seems so insular and judgmental? Ron Moore looks at God’s design for churches and churchgoers alike.
5/2/202426 minutes
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Living Hope: Harmony – Part 1

Strength and submission seem odd companions. Yet, in a biblical household, their union is not only desired but demanded. The rationale for the directive of that union and the peace that it brings to home and heart.
5/1/202426 minutes
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Living Hope: Endure

An unfortunate result of the fall is that our work came under the curse. The thing at which we spend the balance of our waking hours is also the place that tries our soul…especially when injustice enters the workplace. Ron Moore offers biblical solutions to unfairness on the job.
4/30/202426 minutes
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Living Hope: Chosen

Jesus told us in John 6: “All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.”  What did he mean by that and what does it mean to you? Ron Moore talks about the meaning and comfort for believers, anchored by a truth that’s hard to understand.
4/29/202426 minutes
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Living Hope: Living Stone

How do you build a life that will stand the storms and earthquakes of living? It begins with one critical part and continues as we align every wall, in every room to that spiritual building-block.
4/26/202426 minutes
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Living Hope: Crave

Spiritual fashion week occurs every week for the believer…and the runway runs right through your town. In view of that public display, Ron Moore helps you ditch the old man’s knock-offs and dress in the eternal Designer’s fresh creations.
4/25/202426 minutes
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Living Hope: Prepare

The rigors of boot camp, no matter how severe, are not the same as war...but they can make a soldier ready for it.  So it is in spiritually training for our fight with the world system. A system that would gladly crush Christian soldiers. Be more than conquerors through Christ who loved us.
4/24/202426 minutes
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Living Hope: Imperishable

More certain than an eastern sunrise…surer than the foundations of earth…that is the hope to which we are anchored in Christ. Ron Moore details our security and its evidence.
4/23/202426 minutes
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Living Hope: Strangers

How do you live for the next world when life in this one is reasonably comfortable? How do you live as a stranger in this world rather than its friend?
4/22/202426 minutes
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Relent: The Ultimate Surrender

He made us, He became us, and He died for us. With that résumé how could He not know us? The truth is He knows us better than we know ourselves. So, doesn’t it make sense that we can confidently return His surrender with our own? That’s the challenge Ron Moore brings us in this half-hour.
4/17/202426 minutes
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Relent: Abandoning My Agenda

Expectations are often borrowed disappointments. And disappointments are often His appointments. When we surrender our expectations to Christ, He replaces them with something better than we can expect or even imagine. That’s Ron Moore’s challenge in this half-hour, to give up our desires for God’s. As you’ll see, it’s an exchange of our faith for divine blessing.
4/16/202426 minutes
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Relent: Ritual or Reality

When does the phrase: “I give up” signal victory instead of defeat? When does “my sacrifice” mean getting everything I truly want? Ron Moore shares those paradoxes through the story of Abraham and Isaac. It’s there that you’ll find triumph and plenty.
4/15/202426 minutes
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God, Are You Listening to My Prayers?

Submission to God in prayer is more than surrender.  To lie face down in the dust is only a start.  It is a yielding of not only your fate but also your will, your expectations, your fervent requests. And, it is one thing more. Ron Moore deals with that kind of prayer and that one thing in today’s broadcast. During our time together you’ll discover a model for surviving a shaken world.
4/12/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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Do All Things Really Work Out for Good?

Perhaps you’ve been to the place where dark clouds of trouble have obscured the Sun and their thunderclaps have rattled your world. Perhaps you’re there now. There at the place where life has turned a pale gray and you wonder if it’s still worth the time and effort. Today Ron Moore assures you that it is. He’ll take you to another place where the light never dims and clouds never gather. And from that perspective, you’ll discover a way to redeem your time in this dark and shaken world.
4/11/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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God, What Are You Trying to Teach Me? – Part 2

Standing at the edge of your life, gazing at a landscape leveled by an earthquake, what do you see? Disaster? Opportunity? Disappointment? Hope? If you said “all of the above” then you see the truth. But there is one truth that informs them all. One truth that once seen, offers promise for the future. In the next half-hour, Ron Moore examines that truth, and its promise, from the story of Job.
4/10/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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God, What Are You Trying to Teach Me? – Part 1

When life collapses around you…when you lie prostrate, beneath the weight of shattered dreams, a broken family, or sagging finances, there is one lesson that will ultimately free you. One truth that will light the darkness so you can see. That lesson—that truth is Ron Moore’s focus in this half-hour.
4/9/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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God, Who are You in My Shaken World?

Do you know the God who walks with you down this storm-tossed road?  Is He an anchor when pounding waves threaten to batter you into submission? Well, who you think God is when troubles crash into your life, is critical to conquering the storm. Today, Ron Moore uncovers the sure foothold that’s anchored in God’s character…in who he is. It will bring comfort to your trembling soul.
4/8/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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God, Where are You in My Shaken World?

Where is God when life’s tremors rattle the walls of your world? Does He care? Did He command the earthquake? Does your faith stand or falter? Those are the issues we all battle when pain fractures our hearts. Ron Moore begins an answer to those questions with a blueprint for unshakable faith.
4/5/202425 minutes, 55 seconds
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Confronting Anger

The hot coals of anger smoldering within can burn those around you and your own heart as well.  It is no respecter of persons. In this half-hour, Ron Moore helps you identify anger, both appropriate and inappropriate, and shares ways to quench the coals.
3/4/202426 minutes
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Is there a quiet earthquake undermining the integrity of your foundation…  a shaking so subtle that no one else feels it? Perhaps you aren’t aware of it either, even though you are its cause. On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore takes you below the surface of your life to expose the thoughts and actions that can topple your character and reputation.  During that inspection you’ll also learn how to protect and shore-up your spiritual foundation.
3/1/202426 minutes
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Dealing with Trials – Part 2

Somewhere between the start and finish line of the spiritual race you’ll face hurdles, high walls and muggers.  They will slow you and roll you and mow you down.  When that happens, the question “why” rarely works.  The issue then becomes “What do I do now?” On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore will answer that question so you can confidently run the race that is set before you.
2/29/202426 minutes
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Dealing with Trials – Part 1

Like the flames of a raging fire chewing away at your heart, testing and trials can burn your faith to the ground, unless you’re ready for them. So, on today’s broadcast, Ron Moore will offer words of preparation from someone well acquainted with fiery trials and how to quench them.
2/28/202426 minutes
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Faith That Works

Tough-faith. It changed the world in the first century and it’s changing the world now.  The question is…is that kind of faith yours? Ron Moore shares an introduction to such a faith, so that you can be a partaker.  Listen and let your be faith be toughened…for good.
2/27/202426 minutes
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Garments of Grace – Part 3

Do you wear feelings on your sleeve? Do you want everyone to notice what adorns your heart at any given moment? Ron Moore offers spiritual attire that will adorn the heart of God and uplift your emotions for all to see and desire.
2/26/202426 minutes
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Garments of Grace – Part 2

We all desire the coat of many colors...the one that identifies us as special when we walk down the avenues of life.  But there are spiritual garments that are far more valuable in the streets of heaven, and when you learn their features, the coat of many colors will pale in comparison. Today Ron Moore describes those spiritual vestments and their many benefits.
2/23/202426 minutes
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Garments of Grace – Part 1

You are beloved by the Heavenly Father.  And with that love He has clothed you in righteousness.  In addition, he’s provided apparel that identifies you as His child to a watching world. Ron Moore details the first two pieces of that wardrobe in just a moment.
2/22/202426 minutes
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The Grace of Prayer

When the winds of need, both great and small, blow against you, how do you find the grace to help? Ron Moore directs you to shelter and to the One who will greet you there.
2/21/202426 minutes
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The Grace of Admonition

What if you were the last lifeguard where the river of life plunged over the cliff and into the sin-soaked abyss. Would you know what to do to save a believer drifting close to the spiritual edge? On today’s broadcast Ron Moore offers biblical training that could save someone from death and cover a multitude of sins.
2/20/202426 minutes
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The Grace of Handling Conflict

Conflict.  Few of us like it but all of us experience it.  So how do we deal with it in strength and God’s grace? On today’s broadcast Ron Moore shares biblical guidance that will ensure both you and God are winners the next time conflict arises.
2/19/202426 minutes
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Grace of Strength

A powerful foe is stalking you…calculating your weaknesses and your next moves. Perhaps he’s already wounded you and you feel it’s only a matter of time before he closes for the kill. Today Ron Moore offers spiritual encouragement to overcome Satan’s attacks and to resist his temptations. Listen and discover untapped strength for the fight.
2/16/202426 minutes
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Grace of Weakness

Pressed into a corner, wounded and weak, is the last place you want to be.  But it may be the first place where God can truly use you. Ron Moore explains in just a moment.
2/15/202426 minutes
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Grace of Contentment

In a landscape of confusing promises, where can you find true peace and confidence? Ron Moore is here to provide a spiritual map, where contentment marks the spot.
2/14/202426 minutes
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Grace of Commitment

Like Isaac, obediently waiting for death on a makeshift altar, we are to offer our own lives to God, not for death but as living sacrifices. What that truly means, how it’s done and what it produces, is Ron Moore’s topic in this half-hour.
2/13/202426 minutes
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Overflowing: Fully Devoted

The pulse of the Christian heart is clearly detected in the monitor of life. It beats out a rhythm of devotion to the risen Christ and to those around us. Especially to our partner in marriage. Today Ron Moore points out the peaks and valleys of our heart monitor and helps us keep the rhythm of devotion clear and consistent.
2/12/202426 minutes
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Fully Overflowing

“I tell you the truth,” Jesus said in John 12:24, “unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” And those seeds sprout into the fruit of the Spirit and of righteousness. With that in mind, on today’s broadcast, Ron Moore explains how we can put to death the sin nature and bear fruit unto eternal life.
2/9/202426 minutes
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Overflowing: Fully Dead

“I tell you the truth,” Jesus said in John 12:24, “unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” And those seeds sprout into the fruit of the Spirit and of righteousness. With that in mind, on today’s broadcast, Ron Moore explains how we can put to death the sin nature and bear fruit unto eternal life.
2/8/202426 minutes
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Overflowing: Fully Focused

A simple magnifying glass, aimed at the Sun, can produce a roaring fire in the kindling below it. So it is with the life focused on God’s Son. His light is brought into sharp power that ignites everyone around with God’s love and mercy. Today Ron Moore shares how we can find that devoted focus in our own life.
2/7/202426 minutes
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Overflowing: Fully Free – Part 2

A shadow has passed over humankind. It wasn’t the real thing but it caused us to seek the source of the eclipse. And in the finding we discovered true freedom. Today Ron Moore shows us that real thing—the shadow-maker—that transforms a darkened heart into the light of the world.
2/6/202426 minutes
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Overflowing: Fully Free – Part 1

Freedom, as defined by our licentious culture, is a gilded cage. Rather than giving us the liberty to pursue God’s best, it makes us free from righteousness and slaves to sin. Today Ron Moore hands us the key that makes escape possible and soaring flight a reality.
2/5/202426 minutes
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Overflowing: Fully Convinced

Christian martyrdom was never the lot of the wavering. Neither is Christian growth. Today Ron Moore prepares us for both with a tutorial on building a strong altar for our living sacrifice.
2/2/202426 minutes
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Overflowing: Fully Supreme

Though not created, Christ sustains creation. Though once dead, He is the giver of life. Though He emptied Himself, the fullness of God dwells in Him. And though rejected He has reconciled you to Himself. In this half-hour, Ron Moore holds these truths up to the light and challenges you to believe them.
2/1/202426 minutes
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Overflowing: Fully Rescued

How does the cover of the passport written on your heart read?  Kingdom of Darkness or Kingdom of Light?  If it’s the latter your citizenship entitles you to everlasting benefits that begin right now. Ron Moore details some of them in the next half-hour.
1/31/202426 minutes
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Overflowing: Fully Engaged

A rail car will rust away when left by itself on a side-track. But when it’s fully engaged to a powerful locomotive it can carry precious cargo and climb distant mountains. Today Ron Moore proclaims that that kind of power is available to the believer, as revealed by Paul in the book of Colossians.
1/30/202426 minutes
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Ending Abortion

How can the inhumane practice of abortion be ended? That’s Ron Moore’s and special guest Brian Fisher’s focus in this broadcast. They speak to the five groups who can sweep abortion into the dustbin of history.
1/29/202426 minutes
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What Difference Does It Make?

The world is watching us.  It’s looking for a reason to believe…or an excuse to disbelieve, and disobey, the Creator. In this half-hour, Ron Moore and special guest Brian Fisher talk about that scrutiny as it impacts the world we live in…and in which the unborn can be killed and cast aside.
1/26/202426 minutes
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Men Behaving Badly

There’s a closely held secret in the culture of abortion.  It’s cynical, deceitful and crafty. In this broadcast, Ron Moore and special guest Brian Fisher unveil that secret and its awful consequences for women.
1/25/202426 minutes
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The Great Contradiction

Sometimes freedom can become bondage.  A legal “right” can be very wrong and the highly valued can be callously discarded. Ron Moore and special guest Brian Fisher are here to examine those spiritual inconsistencies as they relate to the sin of abortion.
1/24/202426 minutes
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Grace for Life

What do you offer someone who has committed great sin? What can you give them that is greater than their guilt? In this broadcast, Ron Moore and special guest Brian Fisher talk about that as it relates to ending the sinful practice of abortion.
1/23/202426 minutes
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Welcome to a Life of Contentment

What is true contentment and what does it feel like? Ron Moore teaches you how to learn its secret and thereby find lasting satisfaction.
1/22/202426 minutes
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Welcome to a Life of Significance

A legacy is not left in a snapshot. It is the sum-total of a life lived for self or for God or some combination of both. Today, Ron Moore outlines the life whose legacy stands the test of time and eternity.
1/19/202426 minutes
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Welcome to a Life of Connection

If we’re to successfully scale the challenges of life we must be connected to Christ and other believers.  Without a firm union to both we will fall. On today’s podcast, Ron Moore helps us “rope-in” to our climbing partners so we can summit the peak together.
1/18/202426 minutes
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Welcome to a Life of Freedom

Have the shackles of pain or circumstance left you feeling bereft of freedom?  Are you chained to past hurts and sins?  Did you know you can live in liberty bound by the former, while the latter can imprison you in a cell of your own making? On today’s podcast, Ron Moore shares the “why” and “how.”
1/17/202426 minutes
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Welcome to a Life of Confidence

Are you sure?  It’s a question all of us have been asked, at one time or another, but it takes on greater importance when it’s your spiritual strength that’s at issue So today, with a special challenge to Moms, Ron Moore prepares you to answer with a firm; “Yes, I’m sure.”
1/16/202426 minutes
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Welcome to a Life of Joy

He was under house arrest…chained to centurions…living a life that everyone dreams about…his days filled with purpose and great joy. Today, Ron Moore shares the secret of living that kind of life, as demonstrated by the Apostle Paul, and outlined in a short prison-letter to his brothers and sisters in Christ.
1/15/202426 minutes
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Imparting My Influence

You can’t leave a legacy of Godly faith and practice unless you truly own it.
1/9/202425 minutes, 21 seconds
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Sharing My Influence

Hospitality has gotten a first-world makeover. In fact, it’s almost unrecognizable from the original design
1/8/202426 minutes
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Living My Influence

What frames your internal world? Are the thoughts and intents of your heart a cluttered structure of wood, hay, and stubble, or do precious metal and costly stone form the building blocks of your life?
1/5/202425 minutes, 15 seconds
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Controlling My Influence

Like a downhill skier in the winter Olympics, the Christian often teeters between a winning run to the finish line and crashing into a snow bank. We’re constantly balancing between the liberty of the Gospel and the constraints of a holy life.
1/4/202425 minutes, 17 seconds
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Impressing My Influence

Your delegated power to shape a watching world begins in a place much more intimate. Fail there and the world stops watching.
1/3/202425 minutes, 14 seconds
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Demonstrating My Influence

There’s a biblical measurement that marks the influential Christian life. How effectively you impact the world, your neighbors and family for Christ hangs on that yardstick.
1/2/202425 minutes, 19 seconds
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Accepting My Influence

When you accepted Christ’s forgiveness you were assigned a mission and promised rewards. Together they offer a life lived with passionate purpose.
1/1/202425 minutes, 16 seconds
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Community: The Most Neglected Part

There is an often-forgotten aspect of love that wastes away in the dark closets of our fellowships. It’s rarely if ever, brought out, dusted off, and employed. Remarkably, it’s the one quality that can rescue a church, and individual believer, from spiritual destruction. That aspect of “love in action” is Ron Moore’s focus on today’s broadcast.
12/29/202323 minutes, 44 seconds
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Community: Why Doesn’t It Work?

The pulse of a healthy church is the sum of each individual heart beating in unison with the others. Sadly, that’s not the case in many faith communities. Instead, they need a spiritual defibrillator to shock them back to normal sinus rhythm. Ron Moore does just that with a divine diagnosis and a jolt from God’s powerful Word.
12/28/202325 minutes, 55 seconds
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Community: How Does It Work?

Being bound together in the body of Christ doesn’t just happen. The chain links that interlock us to one another must be carefully fashioned on the anvil of life and living. Ron Moore outlines the forging processes that will help to create an unbreakable bond in your church.
12/27/202325 minutes, 55 seconds
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Community: Why Do I Need It?

Community is an individual responsibility.The whole can’t grow into full fellowship without the committed participation of each one. Ron Moore offers five essentials for the individual Christian that can build up the larger communion of believers.
12/26/202325 minutes, 55 seconds
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Community: What Does it Look Like?

The Church is supposed to be a masterpiece of Christ’s image on earth, but the canvas is marred and the pigment muddied. So how can the world see the risen Savior in such a messy medium? With the master’s brush, Ron Moore paints a revealing portrait of genuine connection in the Body of Christ. It’s a communion that proclaims “Christ lives here.”
12/25/202325 minutes, 55 seconds
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Community: What is it?

Community has become a buzz word in modern culture and in the Body of Christ, but do we truly know what makes a community work? Ron Moore shares an ancient model for community that, once understood, can transform the way we do church.
12/22/202325 minutes, 55 seconds
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The King’s Presence

Merry Christmas! Christ in you, the hope of glory. That’s how Paul describes believers. But sometimes you wonder about that. Sometimes it seems your old nature has pushed God out of your life. Ron Moore has some good news. It comes in the form of four truths that evidence the presence of Christ in your spirit.
12/21/202321 minutes, 41 seconds
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The King’s Humility

The One who created the world with just a word entered that world through a humble birth, to humble parents, as a humble baby. Was it a weakness in the face of his rebellious creatures that determined this meek arrival?  Or was it a power greater than creation? That’s Ron Moore’s focus in this half-hour. Listen and discover what it means for your life. .
12/20/202322 minutes, 41 seconds
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The King’s Message

You have a message to share, handed down by your sovereign.  But it isn’t popular, just as it wasn’t in the days of the King.  So, what do you do with it? As Ron Moore is about to explain, you take your cues from the author of the message. .
12/19/202324 minutes, 44 seconds
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The King’s Arrival

Imagine you’re a king promising to share the table of your subjects. But when you finally arrive their houses are dilapidated, dirty, and desperately messy. Ron Moore is coming to look at such a situation and the King of Heaven’s gracious response. .
12/18/202325 minutes, 30 seconds
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Zechariah’s Song

At the first Advent, John the Baptist was chosen by God to be the “voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord.” So, who is God calling to prepare the way for Christ’s second coming? Ron Moore shares the answer to that question in this half-hour.
12/15/202325 minutes, 28 seconds
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His Name is John

Who are you? In a broken and desperate world, where do you fit? What purpose do you serve? Today Ron Moore shares three principles that will give you purpose, direction, and meaning. Learn them well and they’ll change your life for good.
12/14/202325 minutes, 29 seconds
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Mary’s Song

How do you respond when God asks you to do something difficult? Something that could alienate your closest friends. Something that could alter your life forever. For biblical insight, today Ron Moore shares the story of one remarkable woman who was asked by God to bear the unimaginable. In her faith response, you’ll discover a way to live your life.
12/13/202325 minutes, 27 seconds
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Angelic Proclamation

What does it mean to know Jesus? What is it to accept Him on His terms? What must our attitude be as we welcome Him into our lives? Ron Moore is here to answer those questions. He’ll do that with a look at one person’s response to the announcement of the first Christmas.
12/12/202325 minutes, 28 seconds
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Preparing Our Hearts

It was a still, silent night when the light began to shine in one man’s darkened heart. It was the night that gave him, and us, some of the most treasured words found in scripture. In this broadcast, Ron Moore takes you to a secret place, there to ponder those words and in them, to discover new dawn of true hope and change. Prepare to witness a brilliant light. .
12/11/202325 minutes, 26 seconds
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Preparing His Son

The road from Heaven’s glory to Christ’s birth to Calvary’s Cross and on to victorious resurrection was paved in shame and heartache. On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore leads us down the broken path Jesus walked when he came to make us whole.  It’s a story prophesied long before the first Christmas. .
12/8/202325 minutes, 28 seconds
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Preparing His People

The first Christmas was planned well before Mary was with child. The reason for that birth was decided long before Calvary’s Cross. In this half-hour, Ron Moore examines the first whisper of those events and the tragic Good News it foreshadowed. .
12/7/202325 minutes, 27 seconds
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Preparing the World

The world does not wander from event to happenstance event.  There are purpose and direction in its history.  Language, culture, and political power must all bend the knee to a sovereign God. Today Ron Moore looks at that glad reality as he recounts the timing, place, and people God arranged to welcome His Son to Earth. .
12/6/202325 minutes, 31 seconds
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“Why am I here?” It’s the bracing question that lurks around the edges of our consciousness, sometimes charging into the open with a challenge we struggle to meet. Ron Moore offers biblical insights that will help you confidently face the reason for your being and how you live it out.
12/5/202325 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ours is a historic faith. As Paul said to King Festus, regarding the resurrection: “What I am saying is true and reasonable…it was not done in a corner.” In this half-hour, Ron Moore explores that claim and offers a firm foundation for belief.
12/4/202325 minutes, 55 seconds
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Your life is an asset…a resource provided by your Creator. How will you spend that life and all that goes with it? How much will you return to God and how much will you keep? That’s Ron Moore’s question as he looks at four foundational investment principles and their application in the life of Mary, mother of Jesus.
12/1/202325 minutes, 32 seconds
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It’s more trustworthy than tomorrow’s dawn, more certain than Earth’s gravity. It’s the promise Jesus made to believers: “I will never leave you or forsake you.” In this broadcast, Ron Moore shares that truth and tells you how to experience its certainty in your life.
11/30/202325 minutes, 33 seconds
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For those who believe, an eternal indictment has been satisfied. Every transgression has been expunged—the document tossed into the deepest sea. And with that justification, God has freed himself to welcome us home. In this half-hour, Ron Moore recounts that great, good news and its ongoing meaning for your life.
11/29/202325 minutes, 31 seconds
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When does retreat mean victory? How can you know when you’re heading in the right direction? And what will it look like when you reach the objective? Today Ron Moore answers those questions and sets you on a conquering “about-face.”
11/28/202325 minutes, 31 seconds
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You are being hunted. As you stumble through the forest of earthly delights and fears, a hound is on your trail. But, when he finds you, you’ll not be harmed. Instead, you will be saved. What that word means, in all its richness, is Ron Moore’s topic on today’s broadcast.
11/27/202325 minutes, 32 seconds
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What do you do when you’ve set aside the faith you long held dear? How do you repair a commitment to Christ that has crumbled under the stresses of life? Ron Moore talks about that on today’s program, by recalling the example of one whose renewed faith changed the world.
11/24/202326 minutes
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Have you resolved to be more kind-hearted in your dealings with others? To share true love with those you encounter each day? What exactly will that look like, what will it be like for others and for you? Those are the questions Ron Moore addresses on today’s program. Through the answers, you’ll discover joy and faith that draws others to the love of Jesus.
11/23/202326 minutes
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Whenever we fall into trials, which is all too often in these “shadowlands,” we long for someone who has the strength to lift us out of our predicament. In this half-hour, Ron Moore shows us the only one whose power is sufficient to our troubles and how we can experience it in our lives.
11/22/202326 minutes
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As we stumble through the tangled vines and hidden snares of life it’s essential to have a leader who’s been down this trail before us.  One who was undeterred by the difficult and uneven path he traveled. Today Ron Moore points to such a one and shows us how to closely follow him.
11/21/202326 minutes
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Till Death Do Us Part

At what point in the Christian life should you anticipate taming the sinful nature? How long should you expect to struggle with doing what’s right in God’s eyes?
11/20/202324 minutes, 1 second
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Living with the Consequences of Sin

When God has forgiven our sin, thrown them into the depths of the sea, and remembered them no more, we’re off the hook…right? Well, not necessarily.
11/17/202325 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Principles of True Repentance – Part 2

What are the signs that our repentance is complete? What will we feel and how will we think?
11/16/202325 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Principles of True Repentance – Part 1

You’ve sinned…perhaps greatly. Now, you want the joy of your salvation restored…but how?
11/15/202325 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Need for Nathans

How do we reconcile the Lord’s warning to “Judge not lest you be judged” with His command: “If anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one?”
11/14/202325 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Classic Pattern of Disobedience

What are the steps we take when setting off on a journey into sin? And, once on our way, what trespassing side-trips will be necessary to ensure our desired destination?
11/13/202325 minutes, 55 seconds
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What is Sin Anyway?

We sin. And while that’s not news, it is often perplexing. We wonder why we continue to do the things we’ve resolved not to do. So, what is this thing called sin and why is it here in the first place?
11/10/202325 minutes, 55 seconds
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Grace Given, Grace Received

It’s the attribute of God that banishes fear and invites us to enjoy Him forever. Absent it, we’re lost without hope.
11/9/202325 minutes, 44 seconds
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When God says NO

Have you laid a dream to rest?  A dream that occupied your heart and mind for years?  One that inspired you and helped you face each day?
11/8/202325 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Joy of Loving God – Part 2

Worship is best offered with feeling.  So what do your feelings toward God, and the expression of those emotions, say about the condition of your heart?
11/7/202325 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Joy of Loving God – Part 1

How much do you love God and how do you show it? What about when God doesn’t act the way you want Him to…what do you do then?
11/6/202325 minutes, 48 seconds
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Winning at Work, Losing at Home

What if you gained the world of business and career but lost your family?  Would that count as success or failure?
11/3/202325 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Tenderizing Process of Waiting

We like to “do” stuff.  We want to go places and make things happen…even in our spiritual life. And we want God to keep to our schedule.
11/2/202325 minutes, 45 seconds
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Strong Hands, Tender Heart

A.W. Tozer said, “What comes into our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” That statement reveals a staggering truth: real change begins when we see God in all his wonder, sovereignty, and grace.
11/1/202325 minutes, 44 seconds
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Finishing Well

You’ve run the race. Sometimes well, sometimes faltering, but you’re still on your feet and looking toward the finish line. What can you do to ensure you don’t stumble and fall before you reach it?
10/31/202325 minutes, 44 seconds
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Can a Christian Suffer Depression?

The steel-gray clouds have rolled into your life and you wonder if the sun will ever shine again. Worse still, you’ve been told believers should never experience these dark days.
10/30/202325 minutes, 40 seconds
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Things are not always what they seem. Sometimes God places situations in your path, not to tempt you, but to reveal you…to show whether you’re opportunistic or principled.
10/27/202325 minutes, 45 seconds
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A sure measure of our spiritual condition is found in how we deal with those who threaten or wrong us.
10/26/202325 minutes, 46 seconds
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Surviving a Spiritual Slump

Has spiritual dryness staked a claim in your heart? Have you descended into a cave of depression that borders desperation and despair?
10/25/202325 minutes, 45 seconds
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Characteristics of True Friendship – Part 3

The Bible says it better; “people who need people, are the most blessed people in the world.”
10/24/202325 minutes, 48 seconds
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Characteristics of True Friendship – Part 2

Do you know who your true friends are? Those you can count on to be strong and weak with you in every season of life?
10/23/202325 minutes, 47 seconds
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Characteristics of True Friendship – Part 1

Who would you take a bullet for? Who would take one for you? Perhaps more to the point, who would you stand with in the face of powerful opposition?
10/20/202325 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Slippery Slope of Success

Have you ever felt you were sliding down into success…headed for a place the world considers you know to be a destination glittering with corruptible gold?
10/19/202323 minutes, 10 seconds
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Defiers of God

There are giants in the world and in your heart. Their stature is so imposing you fear they will overpower you and your faith.
10/18/202323 minutes, 10 seconds
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A Matter of the Heart

Too often we make “audition room” judgments of ourselves and others. We ask whether we have the right “look”…the “X factor” appearance that marks our culture’s ideal of successful people.
10/17/202325 minutes, 48 seconds
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Does Character Count? – Part 2

Remove the bridle from a spirited horse and you’ll be in for a dangerous ride. So it is with the impulsive person. Without character to steer him or her, only tragedy awaits along the path of real life.
10/16/202322 minutes, 16 seconds
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Does Character Count? – Part 1

In the gritty, mean streets of real life who can you trust, the man or woman of character or those who will cut corners to win a temporary victory?
10/13/202325 minutes, 44 seconds
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Wanted: Men and Women of Integrity

If someone took a magnifying glass to your real life and inspected it thoroughly, what would He find? Integrity in the tiniest places or compromise in the spots we thought were hidden?
10/12/202325 minutes, 48 seconds
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King of Hearts

In real life, we rarely take time to look at the character of people, so we settle for their outward appearance.
10/11/202325 minutes, 44 seconds
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When God Is Not Enough

What happens on the day you decide God can’t meet your needs? When you choose to fill that empty space in your real life with someone or something other than Him?
10/10/202322 minutes, 42 seconds
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Taking God Seriously

In real life, designed by God for purpose and meaning, we're often confronted with trivial, hollow religion. A dead faith that sucks the marrow from living. How can we avoid its poison and thrive in the spirit of Christ?
10/9/202325 minutes, 45 seconds
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God in a Box

God will never disappoint you, but you may be disappointed with God. What’s the difference? Expectations.
10/6/202323 minutes, 14 seconds
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Responding to the Voice of God

Sometimes real life crowds our commitment to Christ—threatens to push it into a dark corner that we hope God and others never look into. But, of course, He does—and eventually they do too. What happens then?
10/5/202325 minutes, 49 seconds
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When it Storms…Indoors

Have you raised the gale warning flags over your heart? Determined to signal the anxiety-storm that rages out of sight and out of control?
10/4/202323 minutes, 31 seconds
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God in Real Life

Real Life. We experience it every day. Unfortunately, our view of God rarely matches that reality.
10/3/202325 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Man and His Temptations – Anger – Part 2

We all experience anger…sometimes for good, sometimes in sin. And sometimes it hurts…it hurts others, it hurts us and it hurts those we love.
10/2/202324 minutes, 12 seconds
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A Man and His Temptations – Anger – Part 1

Three types of anger desire to have you. They crouch at your door seeking entrance to your soul and your family’s.
9/29/202325 minutes, 36 seconds
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A Man and His Temptations – Pride

There are hidden aspects to sinful pride. They lurk around the edges of our lives concealing the arrogance that we condemn in others. Do you want to see what they look like?
9/28/202325 minutes, 36 seconds
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A Man and His Temptations – Addictions – Part 2

What are some common threads in addictions? How do they weave a fabric that threatens to pattern every inch of your life?
9/27/202325 minutes, 36 seconds
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A Man and His Temptations – Addictions – Part 1

You like something. You like it a lot. How do you know if you like it too much? How do you know if you’re addicted?
9/26/202325 minutes, 37 seconds
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A Man and His Temptations – The Steps of True Repentance – Part 2

You’ve had an affair and now your heart is broken. You’ve repented and God has forgiven you. You’re back on the straight and narrow. But, what about your wife? How long before she can forgive?
9/25/202325 minutes, 37 seconds
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A Man and His Temptations – The Steps of True Repentance – Part 1

Men, what steps are necessary to demonstrate one has left sin behind? How can we, and the ones we’ve wronged, know that we’re serious about changing?
9/22/202325 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Man and His Temptations – Leaving an Affair

You’ve had an affair; maybe you’re still in it. But, along with the excitement and pleasure, is the disquieting realization that God knows your secret sin and it will find you out.  What do you do?
9/21/202325 minutes, 37 seconds
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A Man and His Temptations – Lust

What’s one of the temptations faced by men that their wives often don’t understand? And what steps can a man take to resist, and even avoid, such a temptation?
9/20/202325 minutes, 57 seconds
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A Man and His Temptations – Anatomy of an Affair – Part 2

What are the barriers to satisfying sex in marriage...those roadblocks that can detour you or your partner into a disappointing affair?
9/19/202325 minutes, 36 seconds
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A Man and His Temptations – Anatomy of an Affair – Part 1

Men, what are the warning signals that you could fall prey to an affair? And wives, do you understand how the men in your life are sexually wired by God?
9/18/202325 minutes, 37 seconds
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A Man and His Integrity – Part 2

Men, what can you leave for your children that will never fade and will enrich them forever?
9/14/202325 minutes, 57 seconds
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A Man and His Integrity – Part 1

What does it mean to be a whole man…a man complete in himself and with God?
9/14/202326 minutes
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A Man and His Marriage – Part 2

By God’s grace you’ve been the best husband you know how to be. But now she’s gone. Not by her choice but God’s. Now what?
9/13/202326 minutes
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A Man and His Family

What do sons and their fathers need in order to be equipped to lead their families?
9/12/202325 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Man and His Marriage – Part 1

You want to be God’s man in your marriage. But just what does that mean? Is it spending time with your wife or spending time providing for her? And are those things mutually exclusive?
9/11/202326 minutes, 19 seconds
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A Man and His Identity – Part 2

Many men, even those who profess Christ, worship at the altar of masculinity.
9/8/202326 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Man and His Identity – Part 1

Where does a man get his sense of self and self-worth? And what happens when that source changes?
9/7/202326 minutes
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A Man and His God – Part 2

What is the greatest act a “man’s man” can perform?
9/6/202326 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Man and His God – Part 1

In today’s gender-confused culture how can men recapture their God-designed roles and purpose? What does a man, made in God’s image, look like, and how does he act?
9/5/202326 minutes, 19 seconds
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So What?

Truth begs to be lived out. It implores you to order life under its teaching. But first, you must learn how it applies in your situation. Ron Moore concludes his series in Hebrews with a look at what it all means for you.
9/4/202326 minutes
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There are rumbles in every heart. Trouble, temptation, weakness, or despair. All have the capacity to shake your faith. Ron Moore shares a key gift from God that can strengthen your wavering heart when earthquakes threaten. The post Unshakable appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
9/1/202326 minutes
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Running with Endurance

We’re in a race for our lives. To live abundantly requires passionate concentration and unwavering endurance in Christ. On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore shares how both are available through God’s training program for the race set before us. The post Running with Endurance appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/31/202326 minutes
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Fresh Faith

What is faith? Can you define it with biblical clarity? Today Ron Moore offers a description of faith from the book of Hebrews that will help to keep your faith focused and new. The post Fresh Faith appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/30/202326 minutes
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Holding Fast

What’s a Christian to do when persecution or trouble never leaves or returns again and again? In this half-hour Ron Moore presents answers, from the book of Hebrews, that will strengthen you for the trials ahead. The post Holding Fast appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/29/202326 minutes
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Jesus Plus Nothing

Who are you? What does it mean to be in Christ? And what do you need to be the person God created you to be? Today on the program Ron Moore looks at those questions, and from the book of Hebrews, provides a livable answer. The post Jesus Plus Nothing appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/28/202326 minutes
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What does Jesus do that keeps your faith fresh? That’s Ron Moore’s focus on today’s program. Follow the Lord’s teaching and rivers of living water will flow from your life. The post Redemption! appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/25/202326 minutes
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Serving the Living God

There were many items and architectural details in the tabernacle that inform your story today. In this half-hour, Ron Moore details those symbols and shares what they mean in your walk with Jesus. The post Serving the Living God appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/24/202326 minutes
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The Better Covenant

You can tear up the old, flawed agreement.  A fresh, lasting one has been signed in blood and it is very good news. In this half-hour, Ron Moore examines the old document that condemned you and its replacement that was endorsed at the cross. The post The Better Covenant appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/23/202326 minutes
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Perfect Forever

Who was the king of righteousness and peace? And what does he have to do with your salvation? Today Ron Moore looks at this mysterious character from the Old Testament to help you discover the Great High Priest. The post Perfect Forever appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/22/202326 minutes
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Secure – Part 3

How would you like to be free? Truly free to live your life with significance and purpose. Free from fear and from guilt. Ron Moore speaks from experience and scripture to share the security of God’s promised liberty in Christ. The post Secure – Part 3 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/21/202326 minutes
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Secure – Part 2

How secure are you, really? How many and how awful must your sins be to drive you away from God’s salvation? That’s Ron Moore’s topic today. Listen and learn the power of God’s judgment on sin. The post Secure – Part 2 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/18/202326 minutes
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Secure – Part 1

How easily pleased are you? What about in your spiritual life? What are you willing to settle for in your walk with Christ? With those questions as a backdrop, today Ron Moore explores one of the hardest and most difficult passages in scripture. The post Secure – Part 1 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/17/202326 minutes
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Solid Food

How healthy is your spiritual appetite? Are you on a liquid diet or does the offer of a hearty meal sound more appealing? Your answer will determine whether your faith stagnates or flourishes. Ron Moore examines the link between a nourishing doctrinal feast and mature faith. His study will challenge you to expand your menu. The post Solid Food appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/16/202326 minutes
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The Source

Who will represent you before a holy God? Who will stand up and speak for you when all the evidence of your life condemns you? Who can offer an acceptable sacrifice to satisfy God’s wrath against your sin? In this half-hour, Ron Moore shares the qualifications of such a person. In them, you will find […] The post The Source appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/15/202326 minutes
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Approaching the Throne

A road trip is so much easier when we have an experienced navigator to share the miles. Someone who has been down this road. Someone who has reached your intended destination. So it is on the journey of faith. With that in mind, today, Ron Moore presents a traveling companion who knows all about you […] The post Approaching the Throne appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/14/202326 minutes
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Hold Fast

How’s your grip on faith? Will it hold fast whatever comes? Will it remain secure even in your times of weakness? Ron Moore helps you to strengthen your grasp on the faith you profess. The post Hold Fast appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/11/202326 minutes
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Engage in God’s Word

Scripture is a divine tool for the forming of souls. In the hands of the Holy Spirit, it can mold you into the person God created you to be. But first, you have to hear its instructions. In this half-hour, Ron Moore teaches the Bible’s importance and how you can ensure it marks your life. The post Engage in God’s Word appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/10/202326 minutes
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The Danger of Disobedience

“Almost” is never a good response when eternity is on the line.  I “almost” made it results in the same destination as it does for the one who was never close. Ron Moore offers warning and encouragement for the “Almost Christian.” He implores you to take that last step into faith and discover the peace […] The post The Danger of Disobedience appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/9/202326 minutes
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Consider Him

C.S. Lewis said: “Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.”  Significantly, the truth claims of Christ are evident for all to examine. Today, from the book of Hebrews, Ron Moore presents that evidence and asks you to consider the importance […] The post Consider Him appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/8/202326 minutes
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The Complete Composer

There is a symphony that echoes through the universe.  Its strains undetectable by the largest space telescope but readily heard by the listening heart. On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore plays that gracious masterpiece one more time.  Tune in and hear the celestial music of redemption. The post The Complete Composer appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/7/202326 minutes
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Drifting Away

As when a maritime fog obscures a firm shore, taking your eyes off Jesus can result in a slow drift into dangerous waters. Today, from the book of Hebrews, Ron Moore urges you to pay close attention to the anchor of your soul. The post Drifting Away appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/4/202326 minutes
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Better than Angels

Many in the modern world have rediscovered an ancient fascination with angels. For some that fascination borders on worship. Ron Moore offers four ways in which Jesus is superior to the angels. Listen and learn why we must never allow a created thing to compete for our worship of the incomparable Christ. The post Better than Angels appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/3/202326 minutes
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Better than Heaven’s Best

In the unseen realm, and in the known universe, there is One who is supreme…and He wants to know you. Today, Ron Moore shares the “Seven Excellencies” of Jesus Christ so that you can have confidence in his saving power. The post Better than Heaven’s Best appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/2/202326 minutes
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Hebrews: An Introduction

Tragedy, evil, and pain can blind us to God’s love and purpose.  But as we grope through the darkness there is One who pursues us.  One who wants to lift the veil and help us see. In this half-hour, Ron Moore tells the story of a man who once was blind but who, right now, […] The post Hebrews: An Introduction appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
8/1/202326 minutes
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You’ve surrendered your soul and its salvation to God. You’re eternally committed to him and to his Christ. But that’s not the highest commitment there is. Today, Ron Moore examines the supreme commitment. One that impacts your eternal life and living in the present as well. The post Committed appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/31/202326 minutes
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How do you establish the truth of a matter? What part does repetition play in confirming your faith? Today, Ron Moore offers foundational propositions that make Christian faith certain. The post Testimony appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/28/202326 minutes
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What do you know? Are you confident in your walk with Jesus or uncertain where you stand with him? Your answer to those questions will indicate the condition of your faith. Today, Ron Moore shares encouraging instruction so you can confidently proclaim, “I know, that I know.” The post Affirmation appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/27/202326 minutes
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With apologies to Jackie Deshannon, “What the world needs now is perfect love sweet love.” It’s the only thing that can banish the fear permeating the world. On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore tells us where that love is found and how you can share it with your world. The post Fearless appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/26/202326 minutes
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What is this faith that overcomes the world? What does it look like and how is it expressed? Just ahead, Ron Moore gives us definitions and direction. The post Re-Born appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/25/202326 minutes
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Love Perfected

Would you like everyone to know you’re a disciple of Jesus? According to him, that realization doesn’t start in your interactions with unbelievers. It starts with other disciples. In this half-hour, Ron Moore shares the perfect sign of your devotion to Christ. Display it and the world will know the One you follow. The post Love Perfected appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/24/202326 minutes
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Shiny new things will always capture our attention. And, if we let them, they’ll blind us to the truth that was settled long ago. In view of that hard reality, today Ron Moore offers instruction from the “disciple whom Jesus loved.” It’s divine guidance to help ensure you aren’t blinded by false light. The post Test appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/21/202326 minutes
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Uncertainty and doubt stall your Christian growth. It keeps you bound at the beginning of your walk with Jesus. At your second birth. Ron Moore outlines certain things that will release the chains and give rest to your uncertain soul. The post Rest appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/20/202326 minutes
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Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” He proceeded to the cross as proof of his great love for us. In today’s broadcast, Ron Moore explores that evidence and encourages you to offer the same kind of proof for your friends and family. The post Sacrifice appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/19/202326 minutes
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Christian, you are sinful…and you are righteous. The question is: which of those identities define your daily behavior? Your answer will indicate your actual identity. In this half-hour, Ron Moore warns of the difference so you can be sure you have true, saving faith. The post Righteous appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/18/202326 minutes
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Sons and Daughters

This is the first day of the rest of your life and it’s critical you start it with the ending in mind. That focus will guide you, as a son or daughter of God, to your eternal new day. Today, Ron Moore looks at that long view and the motivation it supplies. The post Sons and Daughters appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/17/202326 minutes
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Believer, you have been enabled, entrusted, and empowered to know the truth by the Holy Spirit who lives in you. You’re able to discern truth from error. Today, Ron Moore examines that anointing so you can walk in the light. The post Anointed appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/7/202326 minutes
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Abiding Forever

The eternal investment strategy is this: “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Ron Moore identifies those treasures and reveals the dividend they pay. The post Abiding Forever appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/6/202326 minutes
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A Heart for God – Part 2

As you gaze into the spiritual future who do you see? Is there a more mature “you” beckoning in the distance?  Have you lifted your eyes to look? Ron Moore offers a lens that will magnify your spiritual vision and help you to reach your goal. The post A Heart for God – Part 2 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/5/202326 minutes
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A Heart for God – Part 1

Believer, what do you want to do with the Gospel of Christ? And what does that desire say about your walk of faith? Today Ron Moore examines that question as he encourages you to fulfill the ministry to which God has specifically called you. The post A Heart for God – Part 1 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/4/202326 minutes
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Weak and Strong – Part 2

What are the essential characteristics of the Kingdom of God on Earth? Moreover, what can you do to destroy them…and what can you do to maintain them? Ron Moore talks about that on today’s broadcast and offers practical guidance on keeping the peace of God in your heart and your church. The post Weak and Strong – Part 2 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
7/3/202326 minutes
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Weak and Strong – Part 1

How does your church deal with conflicting values and views? What happens when one believer thinks something to be permissible and another thinks it to be sin? Ron Moore shares Paul’s guidelines in dealing with those gray areas of Christian conduct. The post Weak and Strong – Part 1 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/30/202326 minutes
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Sovereign Submission

A believer’s spiritual apparel is woven from three beautiful threads. Wear them and the world will want to know their designer. On today’s program, Ron Moore is going to show us those true colors from the fashion catalog of Christ Jesus. The post Sovereign Submission appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/29/202326 minutes
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Living Sacrifices

Give up. Submit. Surrender. We don’t like those synonyms very much. But they’re the attitudes that must govern our hearts if we’re to live a transformed life. On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore shows us what that looks like and how it’s done. The post Living Sacrifices appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/28/202326 minutes
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God’s Sovereignty – Part 2

The truths of God’s sovereignty and our responsibility stand as two mighty pillars rising beyond the clouds.  We can’t see their connection, but we’re asked to believe they hold our eternal destiny in place. In this half-hour, Ron Moore examines our part in that heavenly architecture and what it means for us today. The post God’s Sovereignty – Part 2 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/27/202326 minutes
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God’s Sovereignty – Part 1

We see the underside of life’s tapestry. The dangling threads there hint at a design, but it’s hard to decipher. Ron Moore focuses our attention on the designer so we can better visualize the masterpiece he’s weaving through our lives. The post God’s Sovereignty – Part 1 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/26/202326 minutes
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More than Conquerors

Do you ever wish God could take the smoking rubble your life has become, and with it, fashion a shining trophy? Ron Moore will reveal the transforming craftsmanship that can do just that. The post More than Conquerors appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/23/202326 minutes
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Eagerly Waiting

The daily news and our own painful experiences tell us we’re a long way from Eden.  But, for the redeemed, God promises, “that” will not always be the case. Today, Ron Moore takes a look at the coming restoration of God’s original design. It’s a truth that will make today’s hurts easier to bear. The post Eagerly Waiting appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/22/202326 minutes
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No Condemnation!

Is your thought-life centered in today or in eternity? You see, with salvation God gives us a new way of thinking that, with our partnership, can make heavenly living an everyday experience. It’s a reality the unbeliever cannot know. On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore will share how that works out in your life. The post No Condemnation! appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/21/202326 minutes
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The War Within

Do the rumblings of self-doubt echo in your heart? Does the victory you claim as a follower of Christ sometimes mock you? Ron Moore shares those same struggles from an unlikely source. Listen and discover the companionship of a fellow warrior. The post The War Within appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/20/202326 minutes
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Recognizing Sin

We are made right before a holy God by His grace. But, since that’s true, what are we to do with the Law of Moses? Do we keep it or ignore it? Today, Ron Moore looks at that issue and what it means for the believer living under God’s unmerited favor. The post Recognizing Sin appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/19/202326 minutes
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Gift of God

For believers in Christ Jesus, the yoke and chains of sin have been removed.  But we are not free like the culture defines freedom.  Instead, we have been liberated so that we can choose our master. Today, Ron Moore looks at our emancipation and our ongoing struggle to live only as slaves to the Master […] The post Gift of God appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/16/202326 minutes
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Dead or Alive

There is limitless life-giving power available to the Christian…power to live as Christ desires…power to live in victory.  So how do we turn it on? Ron Moore tells you where to find the switch so you can live in the new life Jesus promised. The post Dead or Alive appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/15/202326 minutes
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The Gift of Grace

Two men have decided the eternal destiny of the human race. You belong to one of them. The question is: which one? On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore compares their deeds so that you may choose the one who brings life. The post The Gift of Grace appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/14/202326 minutes
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The Road to Reconciliation

We are powerless in our hostility toward God. Try as we might we can’t love Him on our own. We can’t fear Him as we should. We can’t be at peace. But, as Ron Moore is about to explain, God, in His love, has a hope and cure that doesn’t depend on us. The post The Road to Reconciliation appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/13/202326 minutes
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Trusting the Builder

Did you know the promise of the Gospel is made worthless by relying on good works for your salvation? On today’s broadcast, Ron Moore will tell you why…and what you can do about it. The post Trusting the Builder appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/12/202326 minutes
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Righteousness through Faith

Is there such a thing as “cheap grace?” Can a spiritual “pearl of great price” be bought on credit? Can justification be put on “lay-away” until you can manage the payment? In this half-hour, Ron Moore supplies the answers as he discusses the cost of salvation for you and me and for Christ. The post Righteousness through Faith appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/9/202326 minutes
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No Not One

Is the New Testament teaching of salvation by faith “new?” Did God have one way to save the Jewish people and another way to save the rest of us?  Or can we all find peace with God by doing good things and being good people? Those are the issues Ron Moore is going to address […] The post No Not One appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/8/202326 minutes
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The Heart of the Matter

How many righteous things do you need to do to gain a right standing before God?  And once you have God’s righteousness how many unrighteous things can you get away with? The Apostle Paul dealt with both of those issues and today Ron Moore shares his conclusions. The post The Heart of the Matter appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/7/202326 minutes
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Reality of Rejection

We have a problem…a big one. God is holy and we are not. To underscore that reality, in this half-hour, Ron Moore introduces us to the Apostle Paul’s teaching on the nature of sin and its consequences for all of us. The post Reality of Rejection appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/6/202326 minutes
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Reality of Rejection

What about the primitive people living beyond communication with the rest of the world? Those raised in a culture of animism, superstition, or ignorance of the Gospel?  Then again, what about you? As Ron Moore is about to share from the book of Romans, mankind has everything it needs to respond to the creator of […] The post Reality of Rejection appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/5/202326 minutes
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God’s Plan Revealed

What is the Gospel?  How would you describe it? Today, Ron Moore explains the foundation that Paul laid in Romans to address that very question. It’s the only basis upon which we can stand before God the Father. The post God’s Plan Revealed appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/2/202326 minutes
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Surveying the Land

As you look across the vast expanse of the Gospel message one book rises above the rest. Today, Ron Moore offers an overview of its landscape. It’s in preparation for a sojourn through this book…a letter from Paul that has influenced most of the revivals and reformations of the Christian era. The post Surveying the Land appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
6/1/202326 minutes
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Failing Forward: A Second Chance

Do-overs, thankfully, are a common theme in scripture. We stumble into the mire only to look up and find the hand of Jesus ready to lift us out. In this program Ron Moore encourages you to look up and find your do-over through the example of one of the Lord’s closest friends. The post Failing Forward: A Second Chance appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/30/202326 minutes
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Radical Repentance

Sometimes changing your mind and heart can be dangerous. It can upset your most treasured values and beliefs. Ron Moore warns about this kind of danger and the abundant life it promises. The post Radical Repentance appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/29/202326 minutes
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On My Terms

When the waters of the Christian life become rough where do you sail your vessel? Do you harbor in a sheltered cove or strike out for the challenge of the open sea? Choose the cove and you may miss seeing your savior walking on the waves and calming the storm. In this broadcast Ron Moore […] The post On My Terms appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/26/202326 minutes
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Counting the Cost

What are you willing to give in order to have it all? Would you give everything you can’t keep in order to gain a prize you can never lose? That’s the decision one man in scripture faced and Ron Moore is here to tell his story so that you can choose wisely. The post Counting the Cost appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/25/202326 minutes
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In His Footsteps

To step onto a bridge over troubled waters requires faith. But faith must be undergirded by evidence. So where does one go to find that evidence when the bridge you’re asked to cross is spiritual? Today Ron Moore answers that question with examples from the lives of people like us. People who discovered that the […] The post In His Footsteps appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/24/202326 minutes
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The Solid Foundation

When storms blow into your life will your faith stand? Is it built on firm ground with quality materials? Have you looked behind the outward curb-appeal to determine its inward strength? In this broadcast Ron Moore opens the blueprints found in scripture to help you compare your spiritual house to the heavenly building standards. The post The Solid Foundation appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/23/202326 minutes
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Living GeneroCITY

Having good intentions is “good” only when those intentions are put into action. Without implementation, needs are left unmet and the intentions are worthless. In the minutes ahead, Ron Moore shares how we can turn our good intentions into good works that God created for us to do. The post Living GeneroCITY appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/22/202326 minutes
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Seeing GeneroCITY

The heavens declare the glory of God—but that’s not the best place to see it. Ron Moore will offer a glimpse of that glory and when he’s done you may be able to see it in the mirror. The post Seeing GeneroCITY appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/19/202326 minutes
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Knowing GeneroCITY

We are drowning in God’s favor, forgiveness and love. So what should that mean as we look on a world dry and dying of thirst? Ron Moore begins with the former so that we can act on the latter. The post Knowing GeneroCITY appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/18/202326 minutes
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Following with the Right Expectation

For many, the Christian faith is more about what they can get from following Christ, than where and who the Lord wants them to go and be. And that can make all the difference in the world. Today, Ron Moore challenges us to live for a purpose larger than our wants and greater than ourselves. The post Following with the Right Expectation appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/17/202326 minutes, 20 seconds
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Following with the Right Connection

Those plump, juicy grapes delivered to your supermarket each week are the result of a healthy connection to proven vine branches. So it is in the fields of the Lord. A harvest of spiritual fruit provides a reunion with eternal life. Today, Ron Moore assists with diagnosing that connection in your life. The post Following with the Right Connection appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/16/202326 minutes, 29 seconds
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Anchored in Jesus

When the winds of adversity blow through your soul your first question is often the most unanswerable. The aching question, “why?” The post Anchored in Jesus appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/15/202324 minutes, 52 seconds
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God’s Design for Parenting – Part 2

Do you desire to be a godly mom or dad and just need some scriptural guidance to help you along the way? The post God’s Design for Parenting – Part 2 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/12/202324 minutes, 30 seconds
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God’s Design for Parenting – Part 1

Children are a gift from God. Sometimes we doubt that. Especially when parenting isn’t going the way we thought it would. The post God’s Design for Parenting – Part 1 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/11/202325 minutes, 16 seconds
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Attack on His Design: Homosexuality

They are the people we work with. They are friends and family. Many are living lives of quiet desperation, hiding a secret from the world. Some have come out of the closet. All are people whom God loves. The post Attack on His Design: Homosexuality appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/10/202325 minutes, 18 seconds
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Attack on the Structure: Relationships

Marriage is a package deal. The Bible details the three key ingredients of that package and why they cannot be successfully separated. The post Attack on the Structure: Relationships appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/9/202326 minutes, 7 seconds
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Interview: “Divorce in Real Life” – Part 2

How do the children of divorce process the confusing and conflicting emotions that tear at their hearts? What can you say to them that will restore a lost relationship and keep them close to God? The post Interview: “Divorce in Real Life” – Part 2 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/8/202325 minutes, 50 seconds
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Interview: “Divorce in Real Life” – Part 1

Any way you slice it, divorce is painful. It cuts deeply into both partners and even deeper into their children. The post Interview: “Divorce in Real Life” – Part 1 appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/5/202326 minutes, 8 seconds
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Attack on the Foundation: Divorce

What is marriage, really? What great purpose does it serve? What should your marriage focus on in order to find that purpose? And what do you do when that bond is severed? The post Attack on the Foundation: Divorce appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/4/202325 minutes, 37 seconds
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Biblical Sexuality

What makes sex biblical, beautiful, and fun? More importantly, how should we honor it and experience it? The post Biblical Sexuality appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/3/202325 minutes, 40 seconds
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God’s Design for the Family

Inside your home, nearer than you may have imagined, the greatest threat to your marriage is lurking. The post God’s Design for the Family appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/2/202325 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Attack

The foundations of our culture are under siege. From the intact family to sexual expression, society is chipping away at God’s design for stable homes.  Even the Church is groaning under the onslaught. The post The Attack appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
5/1/202325 minutes, 26 seconds
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Our Protector

There is a quid-pro-quo to the victorious Christian life.  An exchange that determines whether you become all you can be or limp into eternity with downcast eyes. On today’s program, Ron Moore describes that exchange and the exciting challenge it offers. The post Our Protector appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/28/202326 minutes
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Caleb’s Calling

Wholehearted faith is forged in the kiln of experience, faithfulness, and courage. Today Ron Moore shares the three principles, that fire that kiln, to make ironclad shields for the battles you face. The post Caleb’s Calling appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/27/202326 minutes
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Covenant Restored

Somewhere deep in your soul the old song, “Is That All There Is” plays a wistful tune. The exciting tempo that once animated your walk with Christ has slowed. Now you’re beginning to wonder if this monotonous ballad will fill the remainder of your days. Ron Moore helps you evaluate that score and offers sheet-music […] The post Covenant Restored appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/26/202326 minutes
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Saw. Wanted. Took.

Sometimes darkness is hidden under the false glow of glittering idols. They catch our eyes and when we don’t look away they lure us into the latent shadows. On today’s program, Ron Moore shines the light of truth on disobedience and its consequences, so that we may instead be drawn to the bright joy of […] The post Saw. Wanted. Took. appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/25/202326 minutes
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Tear Down the Walls

Some things God demands of us don’t make practical sense.  But if we’re to grow in grace we must do the things that make sense to God alone.  And in the doing, we’ll experience things beyond human understanding. Today, Ron Moore shares those things that make for fresh encounters with our strong and gracious God. The post Tear Down the Walls appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/24/202326 minutes
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Stones of Remembrance

How do you mark significant spiritual advances, and what does that marker do for your continued journey toward heaven? Ron Moore looks at those questions and the difference a simple memorial can make in a believer’s life. The post Stones of Remembrance appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/21/202326 minutes
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Forward by Faith

In the higher land beyond today’s roiling torrent, there are stunning vistas and green pastures.  But to get there you’ll have to trust someone and cross the hammering current according to His instruction. Ron Moore shares that instruction in this half-hour.  We’ll see you on the other side. The post Forward by Faith appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/20/202326 minutes
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Fear Not

You’ve happened upon a roadblock in your journey to spiritual fulfillment. You weren’t looking for it, didn’t want it and yet here you stand…missing the supernatural delights on the road ahead. What now? Ron Moore looks at ways around that obstacle and on to the adventure that beckons. The post Fear Not appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/19/202326 minutes
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Strong and Courageous

If we stop to listen, there are four brooding questions beating an uncertain cadence in our hearts.  They drum and we step lightly into a world where a Sousa march is desperately needed. Today, Ron Moore is here to re-chart those doubtful rhythms so we can triumphantly march to a different drummer. The post Strong and Courageous appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/18/202326 minutes
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It’s a New Day

It’s widely known that a joyful heart is easily displaced by a complaining spirit. But often overlooked are the more damaging aspects of grumbling. Ron Moore shares two principles that will guard your spiritual satisfaction and maintain your heart’s joy. The post It’s a New Day appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/17/202326 minutes
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The Messiah

The Son of God entered the world as a baby who was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Immanuel. God with us. But his purpose was much greater than the incarnation. Much greater than his perfect example. Greater than his miracles and teaching. Today Ron Moore explains that eternal purpose, which was […] The post The Messiah appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/14/202326 minutes
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The Mission

It’s been said that life is what happens while you’re planning for the future. But for those who follow Christ the planning has all been done. Discovering that plan is where we find not only life but “life abundant” and full of joy. Ron Moore helps you in that discovery during this half-hour. The post The Mission appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/13/202326 minutes
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The Miracle Worker

Great spiritual opportunities are waiting for you. The signs are everywhere if you know what to look for. Ron Moore points out the latest signs by looking at an old one. The post The Miracle Worker appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/12/202326 minutes
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The Man

Temptation is subtle and glaringly overt.  It’s mild-mannered and demanding.  And the one who wields it, in all its glitter and grime, is crouching at your door…desiring to trip you up. Jesus faced him down in the wilderness and showed those who would follow how to stand their ground and to remain standing in the face of […] The post The Man appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/11/202326 minutes
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The Manger

Mankind’s salvation was planned from before the foundation of the world.  It was promised from the beginning and glimpsed down through the ages.  But we didn’t behold its glory until a stone feeding trough cradled the promised one. It is the greatest story ever told.  And in this broadcast, Ron Moore begins its retelling with […] The post The Manger appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/10/202326 minutes
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Risen Indeed!

He is risen! He is risen indeed! The post Risen Indeed! appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/9/20232 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Cross

Friday was the day of the cross. We call it Good Friday. But from Mary’s viewpoint, “good” was not the word she would use. The post The Cross appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/8/20233 minutes, 43 seconds
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Four Days Dead

Lazarus was four days dead. When Jesus said, “Lazarus, come out,” the dead man responded. Lazarus stood up and shuffled out of the tomb. His resurrected body still showed signs of death—strips of linen wrapped around his body and a burial cloth around his face. The post Four Days Dead appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/7/20231 minute, 50 seconds
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Owning My Influence

What kind of character does it take to change the world? And where are those virtues found? The post Owning My Influence appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/7/202324 minutes, 21 seconds
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Come Out!

Come out! Those are the words Jesus spoke to a man who was dead. Here’s the account in John 11:43. The post Come Out! appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/6/20231 minute, 54 seconds
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Multiplying My Influence

Your affections guide your journey. They can steer you down a narrow way with eternal, exponential influence, or to a dead-end place where your reward must be left behind. The post Multiplying My Influence appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/6/202325 minutes, 23 seconds
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Disappointment. Anger. Confusion.

Hurt. Disappointment. Anger. Confusion. Fear. Mary was probably feeling all those emotions following the death of her brother Lazarus. She made her way to Jesus, fell at his feet, and let him know exactly what was on her mind. “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” (John 11:32). Those words were spoken with tears running down her cheeks and between the loud sobs of grief. The post Disappointment. Anger. Confusion. appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/5/20232 minutes, 3 seconds
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Molding My Influence

Like a potter’s hands smoothly gliding over wet clay, so is the formation of a godly heritage. Recurring rash moments could damage the vessel and the legacy.  But gentle care will yield a beautiful expression of the artist and her God. The post Molding My Influence appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/5/202325 minutes, 14 seconds
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Never Die

Jesus has made a way to escape death, to never die. He first gave that promise to a woman grieving the loss of her brother. Today we begin following Jesus to the cross. As Jesus entered the Jerusalem area for the last time, he performed a significant miracle just outside of town. This miracle centered around a man named Lazarus—who was dead and buried. Let’s consider Jesus’ words to Martha, one of the dead man’s sisters.  The post Never Die appeared first on The Journey with Ron Moore.
4/4/20232 minutes, 43 seconds
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Problems with the Plan

Sometimes we have problems with the plan—God’s plan. We misunderstand what he is up to. That’s what happened to the disciples.
4/3/20231 minute, 54 seconds
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Holding Out

Have you ever felt like Jesus was holding out on you? Check out today’s passage.
4/2/20231 minute, 42 seconds
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Eternal Life

The early followers of Jesus misunderstood. They wanted a better temporal life. Jesus came to deliver eternal life. Subsequently, many of the disciples stopped following Jesus.
4/1/20232 minutes, 20 seconds
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Family Strong: Strong and Courageous

Strong and courageous. That is the call on every Christian parent. We need to stand firm and resolute in forming the hearts and minds of our children. If we don’t, there are plenty of people standing in a long line who want to control the next generation. Check out today’s passage.
3/31/20232 minutes, 52 seconds
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Family Strong: The Book

Many Christian homes are filled with books on parenting. The books address everything from discipline to college decisions. Most of the books are good as far as they go, but there is one Book that must be on the top of the pile. Honestly, we would be better served if we would put down all the other books and pick up “The Book”.
3/30/20232 minutes, 13 seconds
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Family Strong: Time to Grow Up

“It’s time to grow up and get serious about your walk with Christ.” Those are the words that parenting shouts at us. It’s no longer just about you (it never was!). Every parent takes on a heavy responsibility, and with that should come humility. Our gut churns with a farrago of emotions that range from excitement to downright fear. Every parent can relate to Joshua’s feelings in the opening chapter of this book.
3/29/20231 minute, 50 seconds
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Family Strong: Shine

God makes his light to shine on us. I love the concept, but what does that mean? We have been using Psalm 118 this week as a guide for praying for our children. So, let’s wrap up our time by asking God to shine his light on them. Our prayer will explain what this powerful truth means.
3/28/20232 minutes, 41 seconds
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Family Strong: God’s Success

What does success look like? What does God’s success look like? There are often two different answers to those questions. Our success doesn’t always look like God’s success. But his “win” is the only success that matters.
3/27/20232 minutes, 55 seconds
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Family Strong: Pushed Hard

Do you ever feel like you are being pushed hard? Feel like you are falling? Happens to us all and to our children. This week we are using Psalm 118 as a guide to praying for our children (and grandchildren). Today’s verses speak to the real-life experience of being pushed hard.
3/26/20232 minutes, 28 seconds
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Family Strong: Where Do You Place Your Trust?

So…where do you place your trust? In man? In government? In a human system? At the end of the day, all human efforts will fail, and all systems will falter. This week, using Psalm 118 as our guide, we are praying for our children (and grandchildren). Today let’s pray that they always place their trust in the living God.
3/25/20232 minutes, 48 seconds
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Family Strong: God On My Side

When I understand that God is on my side, fear and dread are driven away. We all want to live with a “God on my side” confidence. And we want our children to do the same. This week we are using Psalm 118 as our guide to praying for our children. Let’s pray they will know and experience this promise that God is always on their side.
3/24/20232 minutes, 21 seconds
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Seeking Spiritual Protection

Putting a tether on the lion of temptation is not only doable…it’s demanded. Ron Moore offers a leash, a whip, and a way of escape. With those means, you’ll find prayerful defense from the dangers of temptation.
3/24/202326 minutes
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Family Strong: Freedom!

This week we are focusing on prayers for parents using Psalm 118 as our guide. Today’s prayer is about freedom. Don’t you want your children to live in the freedom Jesus provides?
3/23/20232 minutes, 22 seconds
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Living in Daily Dependence

Dependence is a negative word in our culture.  We rely on our can-do self-sufficiency to build a prosperous and successful society. But, in God’s economy, that attitude fails and leaves us poorer than we should be. Today, Ron Moore directs us back to the peace and prosperity gained by reliance on God’s provision.
3/23/202326 minutes
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Family Strong: A Parent’s Prayer of Thanksgiving

This week we will focus on prayer, specifically how parents can pray for their children. Our guide will be Psalm 118. Today let’s begin with a parent’s prayer of thanksgiving.
3/22/20232 minutes, 59 seconds
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Submitting to God’s Sovereign Will

If you ask the Father for a fish He won’t give you a snake, Jesus said.  But what if you asked, unknowing, for the snake?  Would you trust Him to deny your request? Ron Moore sheds light on bowing before the throne as we lift our hearts in prayer.
3/22/202326 minutes
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Family Strong: Words Matter

Words matter. They have the power to build up and tear down. And once they escape our mouths, you cannot retrieve them. Words matter and the apostle Paul gives parents a needed warning about our words and our actions.
3/21/20233 minutes, 27 seconds
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Living in Awe of God

He’s the genie in our prayer bottle.  With one heartfelt petition we expect God to appear and grant our wish.  That done we’ll stuff Him back in the flask until our next crisis. Or, as Ron Moore is about to share, He’s the sovereign of the universe, deserving our worship even as we approach Him in prayer.
3/21/202326 minutes
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Family Strong: A Parenting Evaluation

Today’s passage, the Shema (from the Hebrew word “hear”), is a confession of faith. It is recited every day by pious Jews and every Sabbath in the synagogues. We have been using these powerful verses as a parenting evaluation.
3/20/20232 minutes, 44 seconds
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Demystifying Prayer

Does prayer seem as if you’re casting words into the ether? Trying to perform some kind of supernatural trick that you can’t seem to get a handle on? Ron Moore will be along to share the beginning principles of true prayer from the One who knows it best.
3/20/202326 minutes
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Family Strong: The Parenting Assignment

Today’s passage, the Shema (from the Hebrew word “hear”), is a confession of faith recited every day by pious Jews and every Sabbath in the synagogues.
3/19/20233 minutes, 15 seconds
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Family Strong: The Parenting Assessment

Today’s reading is called the Shema. Shema is the Hebrew word hear, the first word that begins this passage. This is the parenting assessment. The Shema is a confession of faith recited every day by pious Jews and every Sabbath in the synagogues.
3/18/20232 minutes, 48 seconds
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Family Strong: Time Flies

Young parents, cherish every day. Time flies. The psalmist says it this way:
3/17/20237 minutes, 17 seconds
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Living Without Fear

What does it take to conquer anxiety in your life? What three principles can enable you to face your fears and win? Those principles, distilled from a widely known story, are Ron Moore’s topic in this half-hour. Employ them and you’ll be equipped to battle the paralyzing fears that hinder your spiritual growth.
3/17/202326 minutes
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Family Strong: Blink of an Eye

Life goes by fast. In the blink of an eye. And in the blink of an eye, our children grow up. There is not a moment to lose. 
3/16/20232 minutes, 50 seconds