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The Langley Files: A CIA Podcast Cover
The Langley Files: A CIA Podcast Profile

The Langley Files: A CIA Podcast

English, National/National politics/National assembly, 3 seasons, 23 episodes, 12 hours, 39 minutes
The mission of The Langley Files: A CIA Podcast is to educate and connect with the general public, sharing insight into the Agency’s core mission, capabilities, and agility as an intelligence leader…and to share some interesting stories along the way! Each episode is approximately 15-30 minutes in length and will feature our hosts leading conversations with a range of special guests.
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FILE 018: PART III - The 9/11 Survivor Turned CIA Usama Bin Laden Tracker - Finding Bin Laden

PART THREE: FINDING BIN LADEN. On May 2, 2011, officials with a “need to know” monitored the highly sensitive US operation against the most wanted terrorist in the world in real time. But for a CIA officer named Kevin watching that night, the mission against Al Qaeda’s seniormost leader had a uniquely personal resonance. Because as a young Navy officer working in the Pentagon, he had nearly died on September 11th, 2001. Sustaining extensive injuries in the attack, he was rushed to Walter Reed Medical Center, where doctors were unsure whether he would survive; later, in recovery, he would flatline twice. But his story was far from over. Because Kevin would overcome his injuries, join the CIA, and ultimately take his place on the CIA team tracking down the terrorist leader who oversaw the attacks: Usama Bin Laden. And on this special, three-part episode of The Langley Files, Kevin returns to CIA Headquarters to share his incredible journey.In this third and final part of FILE 018, Kevin's story comes full circle. As the clock ticks down to perhaps the most famous special forces mission in history, Kevin shares with you a one-of-a-kind, insider's look at the final chapter of the search for Bin Laden. Hear what it was like in one of the designated centers watching the operation unfold live, the unique role Kevin played in the aftermath of the raid--and about the first phone call he made upon learning its outcome, to a person he met on September 11th, 2001. It's the powerful conclusion to a part of this story that's never been told--until now.Look Inside FILE 018 – Part Three: Kevin discussed the extreme secrecy in which the mission against Usama Bin Laden was planned, but you can now see a replica of the model of Bin Laden’s Abbottabad compound that was used to prepare for the operation: Model of Abbottabad Compound - CIA.  It stands today in the CIA Museum. US forces recovered an enormous amount of material from Bin Laden’s compound—and you can see much of it for yourself here, after public releases by the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in the interest of transparency and to enhance public understanding. The materials were sent all the way from Abbottabad to the United States for analysis—and you now know the CIA officer who brought key portions of it back to Langley just days after the raid.
9/13/202430 minutes, 32 seconds
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FILE 018: PART II - The 9/11 Survivor Turned CIA Usama Bin Laden Tracker - Joining CIA's Manhunt

PART TWO: JOINING CIA'S MANHUNT. On May 2, 2011, officials with a “need to know” monitored the highly sensitive US operation against the most wanted terrorist in the world in real time. But for a CIA officer named Kevin watching that night, the mission against Al Qaeda’s seniormost leader had a uniquely personal resonance. Because as a young Navy officer working in the Pentagon, he had nearly died on September 11th, 2001. Sustaining extensive injuries in the attack, he was rushed to Walter Reed Medical Center, where doctors were unsure whether he would survive; later, in recovery, he would flatline twice. But his story was far from over. Because Kevin would overcome his injuries, join the CIA, and ultimately take his place on the CIA team tracking down the terrorist leader who oversaw the attacks: Usama Bin Laden. And on this special, three-part episode of The Langley Files, Kevin returns to CIA Headquarters to share his incredible journey.In Part Two, Kevin recounts returning from the hospital - and what he did next. First, turn his focus to understanding the events behind the attacks, by serving as an investigator for the 9/11 Commission. Then, turn his focus to tracking down and stopping future threats - by joining the CIA. It's the chapter of his story that will see him join CIA's HVT1 Team - the CIA team tracking down High Value Target #1. If you've ever wondered what the search for Bin Laden was like inside the team spearheading it, you won't want to miss this episode.Look Inside FILE 018 – Part Two: Are you interested in a career as the kind of “high-tech CIA detective” that Kevin described? Check out the Agency’s Targeting Officer role here.  Kevin just shared with you a firsthand, insider’s account of a pivotal chapter in CIA’s search for Usama Bin Laden. You can read more about that search—and see photos of the AC1 compound for yourself—here. 
9/12/202437 minutes, 20 seconds
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FILE 018: PART I - The 9/11 Survivor Turned CIA Usama Bin Laden Tracker - Surviving 9/11

PART ONE: SURVIVING 9/11. On May 2, 2011, officials with a “need to know” monitored the highly sensitive US operation against the most wanted terrorist in the world in real time. But for a CIA officer named Kevin watching that night, the mission against Al Qaeda’s seniormost leader had a uniquely personal resonance. Because as a young Navy officer working in the Pentagon, he had nearly died on September 11th, 2001. Sustaining extensive injuries in the attack, he was rushed to Walter Reed Medical Center, where doctors were unsure whether he would survive; later, in recovery, he would flatline twice. But his story was far from over. Because Kevin would overcome his injuries, join the CIA, and ultimately take his place on the CIA team tracking down the terrorist leader who oversaw the attacks: Usama Bin Laden. And on this special, three-part episode of The Langley Files, Kevin returns to CIA Headquarters to share his incredible journey. In Part One, Kevin recounts his experiences on 9/11: the US Navy service that led to his posting at the Pentagon, his fight to survive amid the chaos of the attack, and how a stranger saved his life on that dark day. You may have heard of some of the people involved in the search for Usama Bin Laden, but you haven’t yet heard this part of the story—until now.Look Inside FILE 018:A memorial to those lost on September 11th, 2001 stands on the grounds of CIA’s Headquarters in Langley, VA: a steel column from World Trade Center Building Six that still carried the smell of smoke from that day over a decade later. You can read about that solemn tribute here.  Kevin discussed following news of the United States’ response to the 9/11 attacks as he recovered from his injuries; CIA played a key role in that response, with a legendary CIA team “first in” on the ground in Afghanistan just 15 days after the attack. The helicopter that carried that team now sits at CIA Headquarters at Langley, Virginia, but you can see it here.Johnny Micheal Spann, a CIA paramilitary officer serving in that initial Agency response to the 9/11 attacks, was the first American killed in combat in Afghanistan. His last act was to warn a CIA colleague of imminent danger, helping that colleague get to safety. You can read about Johnny’s story and sacrifice here.  A sign in Afghanistan honoring him still resides at the CIA Museum today. 
9/11/202443 minutes, 24 seconds
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FILE 017 - CIA Cyber Safety 101

CIA’s digital systems need to process some of the most sensitive data in the world—intelligence that is vital to keeping Americans safe and must be kept from falling into the wrong hands. But who is responsible for ensuring the security of those systems? And do they have any best practices that you could incorporate into your own tech life? On this episode of The Langley Files, you’ll find out. Dee and Walter are sitting down with Jennifer Link, CIA’s Chief Information Security Officer, to discuss her background and responsibilities, and how she goes about keeping herself cyber-safe in everyday life. So, from mystery phone calls and online pop ups to the increasing world of cyber-enabled home appliances—this is an episode chock full of CIA cyber safety news you can use. Look Inside FILE 017Want to dive deeper into today’s episode? Here's a look into more of Langley's (unclassified) files:Interested in cyber security and want to take your skills to the next level? Put them to the test defending CIA—and the nation—from cyber threats. Check out career opportunities as a CIA Cyber Security Officer here.   Looking for handy factsheets on keeping yourself, your family, or your business safe online? The US Government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has you covered.  Did you know that Morocco borders both the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea? Learn incredible facts about places near and far with CIA’s World Factbook. 
8/22/202438 minutes, 3 seconds
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FILE 016: PART II - Meet the Legendary Black CIA Officer who Made Cold War History

PART TWO: CIA OPERATIONS. In Part One of this special two-part episode, George E. Hocker, Jr.—the trailblazing Black CIA operations officer who joined the Agency in the 1950s and ultimately rose to its seniormost ranks—shared with Dee and Walter the trials and triumphs of undergoing CIA operations, paramilitary, and survival training—and doing so as the only Black officer in his class. But George’s career with the Agency was just getting started—and only going to get more intense. In Part Two, you’ll hear about the CIA operations George led overseas—directly from this legendary CIA officer himself. Tune in to learn how George ended up on the wrong end of an AK-47 rifle, in the middle of a mystery that had beguiled the local CIA station for years, and tasked with getting a key Soviet officer sharing information with CIA to safety under cover of darkness. It’s a journey that’ll see George overcome discrimination and break down barriers at Langley, serve as a trusted advisor to not one but two Directors of Central Intelligence, and ultimately achieve a feat still considered a Cold War espionage first.   Look Inside FILE 016:Want to dive deeper into today’s episode? Here's a look into more of Langley's (unclassified) files: Read more about George E. Hocker, Jr.’s remarkable career—and see photos from his time at CIA, including his original Agency job offer letter—here.Want to follow in George’s footsteps and become one of the CIA operations officers gathering intelligence across the globe to keep Americans and others around the world safe? Apply here.  Interested in the other high-impact CIA Directorate of Operations jobs? Check out the Collection Management Officer, Targeting Officer, Staff Operations Officer, Directorate of Operations Language Officer positions.Does this episode’s trivia have you curious about the adventures of Mischief the Fox and Secret Squirrel? Check out this article.
5/24/202438 minutes, 17 seconds
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FILE 016: PART I - Meet the Legendary Black CIA Officer who Made Cold War History

PART ONE: CIA TRAINING. George E. Hocker, Jr. joined CIA in the 1950s, as one of just a few Black employees in the Agency’s records office. Over three decades later, he retired from CIA’s senior ranks as a veteran clandestine operations officer with a series of intelligence successes to his name—including a Cold War espionage history first. Now, for the first time ever, hear about those espionage feats—and the barriers George broke as he rose through the Agency’s ranks back home—directly from the CIA officer who lived them. In part one of this special two-part episode, George returns to Langley to share with Dee and Walter the path that led him from a childhood in a still-segregated Washington, DC, to the CIA; what inspired him to apply for the Agency’s clandestine service; and the challenges and triumphs he experienced as the only Black officer in his CIA operations training class. From a moment of revelation watching Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech to overcoming the elements in some of CIA’s toughest trainings, this is a story you won’t want to miss.Look Inside FILE 016:Want to dive deeper into today’s episode? Here's a look into more of Langley's (unclassified) files: Read more about George E. Hocker, Jr.’s remarkable career—and see photos from his time at CIA, including his original Agency job offer letter—here.Want to follow in George’s footsteps and become one of the CIA operations officers gathering intelligence across the globe to keep Americans and others around the world safe? Apply here.  Interested in the other high-impact CIA Directorate of Operations jobs? Check out the Collection Management Officer, Targeting Officer, Staff Operations Officer, Directorate of Operations Language Officer positions.
5/24/202434 minutes, 36 seconds
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FILE 015 - Spies Supercharged: Talking AI and Digital Innovation at CIA

As part of The Langley Files’ ongoing focus on tech at CIA, Dee and Walter sit down with CIA’s Deputy Director for Digital Innovation, Juliane Gallina, and CIA’s Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, Lakshmi Raman, to talk about the ones and zeros of spycraft in the 21st century, and how CIA is applying the latest in digital technology to help protect America from threats around the world.Want to dive deeper into today’s episode? Here's a look into more of Langley's (unclassified) files:CIA Names Juliane Gallina as Deputy Director for Digital Innovation For more about the trivia answer: Want to know a little more about Nathan Hale – American patriot, Army Ranger, spy? Check out this article.  Read more about the Nathan Hale statue here.  Do you think you have what it takes to join a team of world-class experts in digital innovation and artificial intelligence? Check out CIA’s career offerings here. In the private sector and have a tech idea to share with CIA?
3/28/202442 minutes, 16 seconds
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FILE 014 - A Conversation with CIA's Spymaster in Chief

From glittering capitals to active warzones, CIA operations officers work across the world to uncover the information needed to keep Americans safe -- and ultimately, they’re all overseen by the Agency’s Deputy Director for Operations at CIA Headquarters. It’s a position traditionally shrouded in secrecy, but on this premiere of The Langley Files Season 3, Dee and Walter sit down with the CIA official who recently assumed that mantle, a veteran CIA operations officer who played a central role in CIA’s efforts to help Ukraine defend itself as Russia’s full-scale invasion commenced. In his first-ever public remarks, you’ll learn what CIA operations officers actually do, what the Agency is looking for in its next generation of them, and why human intelligence remains vital in the era of AI—all straight from the spymaster-in-chief of the world’s premiere foreign intelligence organization.Look Inside FILE 014: Want to dive deeper into today’s episode? Here's a look into more of Langley's (unclassified) files:Want to become one of the CIA operations officers gathering intelligence across the globe to keep Americans and others around the world safe? Follow in Tom’s footsteps and apply here.  Interested in the other high-impact Directorate of Operations roles Tom mentioned? Check out the Collection Management Officer, Targeting Officer, Staff Operations Officer, Directorate of Operations Language Officer positions. Read an overview of CIA’s Directorate of Operations, which conducts human intelligence (or HUMINT) operations and—as directed by the President—covert action, here.*Nothing in this podcast should be construed to be an endorsement by the CIA or the US Government of any particular company, product, or service.*
2/28/202445 minutes, 19 seconds