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The Living Waters Podcast

English, Religion, 3 seasons, 290 episodes, 2 days, 11 hours, 21 minutes
Enjoy the ride with this hilarious new Podcast as hosts (Ray Comfort, Emeal (“E.Z.”) Zwayne, Mark Spence, and Oscar Navarro) and special guests explore the pressing questions of our day with sound theology and apologetics! We would love to hear from you. How has the podcast encouraged you? Are there any subjects you’d like the guys to cover or questions you’d like them to answer? Email us at [email protected] and you may hear your feedback and questions quoted on the next episode!
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Ep. 260 - How to Kill Sin in Your Life

Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar open the discussion by defining what sin is. Sin is rebellion against God's wisdom, often cloaked in deception and constantly evolving. It's the belief that we know better than God, though God's omniscience reigns supreme. Recognizing sin's deceptive allure is imperative; it lurks, patiently waiting like a lion crouching before pouncing, instilling a false sense of security until it strikes. This realization is the first step towards combating sin. In a Christian’s journey, there are often blind spots to our sin, which is why community is so important. Amidst the plethora of false teachings prevalent today, Christians must stand firm, rejecting erroneous doctrines such as antinomianism that undermine the battle against sin. The core of sin lies in disordered love, where we direct our affections towards the wrong objects at the wrong times. Even seemingly minor transgressions, like a little white lie, bear significance in the eyes of God.Fleeing from sin is imperative yet truly squashing it requires something deeper—the affectionate embrace of Christ's love. Understanding the gravity of sin should propel us towards repentance, redirecting our desires towards the infinite joy found solely in Christ. The believer’s journey is not merely about abandoning sin but embracing the transformative power of God’s love. This involves shedding our old selves and embracing the new identity found in Christ. This transformation is not an isolated event but a continual process of renewal, grounded in the pursuit of God's will and everlasting joy. The intervention of Christ not only awakens a longing for righteousness but also initiates a profound transformation within the heart. However, the effect of sin lingers, requiring grace and reflection to confront. Understanding our individual vulnerabilities allows us to guard against sin's temptations. After succumbing to sin, the tendency to rush towards self-comfort stifles spiritual growth. Instead, the guys encourage believers to surrender to God's peace and undergo continual sanctification. In the absence of genuine repentance, sin will inevitably stunt our spiritual development, hindering us from fully experiencing the abundant life that Christ offers.In essence, the battle against sin is both arduous and ongoing. However, the promise of redemption and transformation through Christ provides hope and strength for the journey ahead. As we embrace the love of Christ and walk in His ways, we find the fulfillment and joy that can only be found in Him. Thanks for listening! If you’ve been helped by this podcast, we’d be grateful if you’d consider subscribing, sharing, and leaving us a comment and 5-star rating! Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!You can find helpful counseling resources at out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.Ray ComfortEmeal (“E.Z.”) ZwayneMark SpenceOscar Navarro
5/16/202451 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ep. 259 - How to Guide a Prodigal Back to the Lord

The church often finds itself grappling with the challenge of discerning true believers among a sea of professed believers. Like Adam in the garden, the prodigal son didn’t realize what he had until he was sitting in the pigsty. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar focus on two types of prodigals: those who have strayed yet remain under the umbrella of salvation, and those who have yet to find redemption. Central to this discussion is the doctrine of eternal security, and the guys unanimously assert the irrevocability of salvation.Generally the cause of drifting away from the faith is in the heart, not the brain. This introspective journey confronts believers with the reality of their devotion, urging them to move beyond mere cognitive acknowledgment toward a genuine, transformative relationship with Christ.A poignant dilemma plaguing many congregations today is the absence of church discipline— a practice rooted in biblical illiteracy and a reluctance to confront sin. This reluctance is compounded by the perception of discipline as a punishment rather than a restorative act. True biblical discipline is a manifestation of love, seeking the repentance and restoration of the soul. Scripture states that sparing your child from discipline will spoil them, and this serves as an analogy for the nature of discipline within the church. Just as a loving parent disciplines their child, the church discipline its members out of love and concern.The process of church discipline is imbued with grace—a concept often misunderstood in contemporary Christian discourse. It is not an act of condemnation but a redemptive endeavor aimed at guiding individuals back into the fold of God's grace. At the heart of effective church discipline lies a profound understanding of grace. Grace confronts sin yet extends mercy, and disciplines yet restores. It is a grace that mirrors God’s, seeking to emulate God's redemptive love in every aspect.Ultimately, the church's mission extends far beyond the walls of its sanctuaries. It encompasses the pursuit of prodigals, both within and beyond its fold. It is a mission grounded in love, propelled by grace, and animated by the unwavering conviction that no soul is beyond the reach of God's saving grace. In summary, the church's pursuit of authenticity in discipleship, coupled with a commitment to biblical discipline rooted in love and grace, serves as a beacon of hope in a world rife with spiritual uncertainty. It is a call to embrace the transformative power of grace and extend it to all who stand in need of redemption. Thanks for listening! If you’ve been helped by this podcast, we’d be grateful if you’d consider subscribing, sharing, and leaving us a comment and 5-star rating! Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!You can find helpful counseling resources at out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.Ray ComfortEmeal (“E.Z.”) ZwayneMark SpenceOscar Navarro
5/14/202449 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ep. 258 - How to Handle Emotional Pain

Emotional pain parallels physical suffering and requires compassion from Christians. The guys discuss how through faith, we find resilience and healing, embracing gratitude while trusting in God's provision and presence amid life's trials.Emotional pain often goes unnoticed, yet its impact can rival that of physical suffering. While a gaping wound elicits immediate attention, the wounds of the heart often remain hidden, leading to isolation and deep distress. Ray, E.Z., Mark, and Oscar remind us that as Christians, we're called to recognize the significance of emotional pain and respond with compassion and support. In the journey of faith, trials and tribulations serve to refine us. Despite an inclination to avoid pain, the guys discuss how all things work together for our good, aligning with God's divine purpose. When faced with emotional anguish, believers are encouraged to lean into their faith, seeking solace at the foot of the cross. Jesus himself experienced profound emotional pain, offering us an example of resilience and trust in God's plan. As His followers we are not exempt from the trials of life. Rather than withdrawing in times of distress, we're challenged to reach out for help as well as extend a comforting hand to those in need.One of the most significant sources of emotional anguish is rejection, exacerbated by the pervasive nature of social media in today's society. The constant exposure to others' lives can breed feelings of inadequacy and jealousy, prompting us to question our worth and identity. However, as Christians, we find our truest identity in Christ, whose love and acceptance is the only thing that matters. When dealing with emotional pain we must allow God to search our hearts, revealing any sin or bitterness that may hinder our healing process. The guys discuss surrounding ourselves with like-minded believers who can offer empathy, encouragement, and prayer. Gratitude as a powerful antidote to despair, shifting our focus from our pain to God's abundant blessings. By cultivating a spirit of thankfulness, we guard against entitlement and discontentment, recognizing the goodness of God in every circumstance.God's grace extends to all aspects of our lives, including our mental and emotional well-being, and seeking help is not a sign of weakness but of courage and wisdom. Ultimately, our hope lies in the promise of God's provision, even in the midst of our deepest pain. Through Christ's sacrifice, we find healing and restoration, knowing that God is close to the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. As we journey through life's trials, may we cling to the hope that surpasses all understanding, trusting in God's faithfulness to carry us through. Thanks for listening! If you’ve been helped by this podcast, we’d be grateful if you’d consider subscribing, sharing, and leaving us a comment and 5-star rating! Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!You can find helpful counseling resources at out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.Ray ComfortEmeal (“E.Z.”) ZwayneMark SpenceOscar Navarro
5/9/202452 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ep. 190 - Ray Comfort’s Pastor Tells All

Get ready for a deep dive into the complexities of pastoral ministry with our special guest, Bruce Garner. Bruce, best known for being Ray Comfort's pastor and author of 'The Resilient Pastor', offers a unique insight into the trials and triumphs of pastoral life. Drawing on his unique upbringing as an American living in Mexico and his spiritual journey, Bruce paints an intimate picture of the challenges that pastors face, the resilience needed to overcome them, and the crucial role of the congregation in supporting their leaders.Strap in as we rummage through the gritty realities of ministerial burnout. Delving into Bruce's research, we uncover a staggering fact - a third of pastors in a national survey reported signs of burnout. But the conversation doesn't stop there. Bruce shares his profound insights on how pastors can sidestep the pitfall of burnout and his strategies to keep his congregation connected. We also explore the significant role that lay people play in understanding and supporting their pastors.Finally, we delve into the vital topic of sustaining spiritual and mental health amidst the pressures of ministry life. Bruce shares his wisdom on cultivating a fear of the Lord, finding solace in scripture, and striking a healthy balance between work and rest. We gain new insights on navigating the challenges of exhaustion and parenting, and the importance of finishing well in ministry. This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for those in the ministry or anyone keen to understand the intricacies of pastoral life. Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation!Thanks for listening! If you’ve been helped by this podcast, we’d be grateful if you’d consider subscribing, sharing, and leaving us a comment and 5-star rating! Visit the Living Waters website to learn more and to access helpful resources!You can find helpful counseling resources at out The Evidence Study Bible and the Basic Training Course.You can connect with us at [email protected]. We're thankful for your input!Learn more about the hosts of this podcast.Ray ComfortEmeal (“E.Z.”) ZwayneMark SpenceOscar Navarro
8/29/202358 minutes, 39 seconds