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English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 163 episodes, 6 days, 13 hours, 33 minutes
America Out Loud Network © – Dr. Peter McCullough is joined by experts in medicine, biotechnology, public health, and policy to bring critical information and insights to the listeners in a concise and understandable format.
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Vegan cardiologist fights back against the Keto-Carnivore craze

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – My patients have more and more questions about diet as the years go on, given the new approaches being trialed by physicians in the community. The goals for many with the diet include: 1) weight loss, 2) diabetes prevention, 3) cardiovascular risk reduction. Can any single diet deliver all three? I invited Dr. Joel Kahn, a cardiologist and expert on the...
9/30/202458 minutes, 58 seconds
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Natural medicine assisting the care of HIV and cancer patients

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – It should become readily apparent that prescription pharmaceuticals can only do so much in battling these illnesses. Harnessing the body’s own ability to fight disease is much of what her approach is all about. The other amazing aspect of our conversation is the degree of complexity involved in holistic medicine. Advanced use of the clinical laboratory opens up new...
9/23/202458 minutes, 30 seconds
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Medical tips for handling spike protein syndromes

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Virtually every American has been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein either through COVID-19 infection or vaccination, and because the vaccines are ineffective, many have had both exposures. As a result, the Spike protein and possibly the antibodies raised against it are producing a burden of disease never before seen in the clinic. Parry et al. have referred to this as “spikeopathy.”
9/17/202458 minutes, 53 seconds
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COVID-19 mRNA vaccine-induced suicidal neuropsychiatric disease, a survival story

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – The primary series of mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine drove Lynnette Milakovich to the brink of life and death. She is a courageous former court reporter with a background history of mild depression who had her life turned upside down after two Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine injections. Previously, she was a fit marathon runner and felt she was in the...
9/9/202458 minutes, 34 seconds
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Dissolving illusions, disease, vaccines, and the forgotten history

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Why did scarlet fever, tuberculosis, leprosy, syphilis, bubonic plague, yellow fever, and malaria all come under control and, in some cases, nearly wiped from modern medicine without a vaccine? I decided to bring on the show an author and historian, Roman Bystrianyk, to review what happened during the 19th and 20th centuries and present the data...
9/3/202458 minutes, 57 seconds
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Can we change our aging process with new biotechnology?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – A review by Pereira et al. stated: “The pursuit for the fountain of youth has long been a fascination amongst scientists and humanity. Ageing is broadly characterized by a cellular decline with increased susceptibility to age-related diseases, being intimately associated with epigenetic modifications. Recently, reprogramming-induced rejuvenation strategies have begun to greatly alter...
8/26/202458 minutes, 37 seconds
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Bird-brained public health response to H5N1 avian influenza in full-swing

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Moderna received an infusion of US government dollars ($176M) to develop mRNA human bird flu vaccines. Like a bad science fiction movie, none of the WHO, CDC, or other public health agency briefings have recognized that the virus is spreading, reinfecting farm after farm by migratory waterfowl. To sort out all of this madness and give us a practical approach to influenza A (including H5N1)...
8/19/202458 minutes, 37 seconds
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Crooks and rally security team, an inside job? Biden tosses in towel & a trans assault in Paris!

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Mounting pressure from fellow Democrats and celebrities, the Trump assassination attempt, and an embarrassing bout of acute COVID-19 in heavily vaccinated President Biden prompted an awkward withdrawal from the presidential race. Team Biden had weeks, if not months, to plan for this transition. Thus, when it happened on a Sunday, it looked clumsy and poorly executed...
8/12/202459 minutes, 2 seconds
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What is needed now: Unbiased peer-reviewed scientific literature and discourse

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – There are always multiple opinions on any new drug, device, or medical product — some favorable and others unfavorable. You deserve to hear from both sides. Today, more than ever, we are barraged with government media narratives on emerging crises (COVID-19, MonkeyPox, Bird Flu, Immigration, Climate, etc.) without any ability to vet information or hear other points of view...
8/5/202457 minutes, 54 seconds
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Personalized Peptides for Cancer patients provide new hope with targeted therapeutics

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Many patients with advanced cancer who do not respond to traditional surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation ask what else is available for them. One answer may be on our show this week with Dr. John A. Catanzaro, N.M.D., Ph.D., CEO and Co-founder of Neo7 Bioscience. Our discussion is about mRNA and the protein products that can be made as designer peptides...
7/29/202457 minutes, 13 seconds
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Biden resigns 2024 candidacy for president due to medical reasons

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Biden’s neurological history was reviewed with former White House Correspondent Emerald Robinson on the Absolute Truth. She believes he was not mentally sharp early in 2020, shortly after he took his first of six publicly disclosed COVID-19 vaccines, which deposit Spike protein in the brain of recipients. Could the cumulative burden of neurological insults have been too much for him?
7/22/202458 minutes, 48 seconds
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Fear-based marketing to sell vaccines by the bio-pharmaceutical complex

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – The CDC understood marketing was a problem as the Jynneos Bavarian Nordic Monkeypox vaccine flopped. So, they changed the name of the virus to MPOX, but it was too late. Now, we have a soon-to-be-declared emergency in highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza. Europe and the US have invested in vaccines with great hope of public enthusiasm for the shots...
7/16/202457 minutes, 37 seconds
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Kids not right after infections, could it be PANS or PANDAS?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – PANDAS is a subset of PANS and is the diagnosis given when the triggering infection is known to have been caused by streptococcal bacteria specifically (1). PANDAS stands for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections. These are introduced in the context of what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic and what can we...
7/9/202458 minutes, 33 seconds
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How the pandemic changed us all

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – McCullough Protocol Base Spike Protein is essential for the vaccinated as the most evidence-based, available, safe, and reasonable approach to take as more research is conducted to guide the public to safety after the mass vaccination debacle. There is an update on the avian influenza (H5N1) situation, and the group finishes on a hopeful note that with an awakening to health risks...
7/1/202458 minutes, 54 seconds
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High-spirited Leigh Dundas, up close and personal

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – I sat down with Dundas for a segment about her life as a child prodigy with her full disclosure style of the trials and tribulations from a precocious little girl to a firebrand power attorney. Her work on child sex trafficking in Southeast Asia is remarkable, and this interview will be worth all your time and attention...
6/24/202458 minutes, 59 seconds
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Trevor Loudon joins America Out Loud

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – It is a great pleasure to welcome iconic geopolitical commentator Trevor Loudon to the America Out Loud News platform. His new show, Trevor Loudon Reports, airing 3 PM ET on Saturdays and Sundays. You’re going to enjoy getting to know Trevor Loudon. For more than decades, he has researched radical left and how their covert influence on mainstream...
6/17/202458 minutes, 37 seconds
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Debate over the existence of viruses

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – In Descartes's Meditations on First Philosophy, a classic of Western philosophy, Descartes pointed out our common experience of discovering that much of what we have been presented consists of prejudices and that our senses may not provide us with an accurate picture of reality. This may cause us to wonder if many things that we regard as obvious are, in fact, not as they seem...
6/11/202458 minutes, 29 seconds
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Escalating pediatric vaccine schedules have become unavoidably unsafe

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – From the historical triumphs of polio eradication to the complexities of modern immunization schedules, Geehr and Barke unravel the layers of vaccine development and regulation. They shed light on the unintended consequences of vaccine mandates and the erosion of informed consent in the face of mounting pharmaceutical influence...
6/4/202459 minutes, 8 seconds
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Vaccine update on frameshifted peptides produced from synthetic mRNA

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Dr. McCullough sat down with biochemist Dr. Laszlo G. Boros, MD, to discuss his recent paper on the production of frameshifted polypeptides as ribosomes read the synthetic mRNA from Pfizer and Moderna and came across the non-human code. He believes there is sufficient molecular rationale and emerging data suggest the body may make a dozen or more proteins beyond the Wuhan Spike...
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Wuhan Institute of Virology, the hot zone for SARS-CoV-2

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Why has Baric not released the genetic code for this engineered virus? Does it match the “wild-type” original Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2? Why was Daszak chosen by the WHO to inspect the Wuhan hot zone in January 2020 and tell us the virus came from nature when he knew all along it was the product of his coordinated work with Baric and Zhengli?
5/20/202458 minutes, 16 seconds
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Vitamin C as a therapeutic response to cellular oxidative stress

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Both SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination have deposited large quantities of the Wuhan Spike protein and subsequent variants into our bodies, with nearly all of us having serological evidence of exposure. The Spike protein causes cellular oxidative stress. Our special guest this week is Dr. Thomas Levy, who has published extensively on ascorbic acid or vitamin C as an antioxidant...
5/13/202459 minutes, 7 seconds
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‘Unyielding’ story of exposing military anthrax vaccine debacle

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Tom is a top gun, and for over 20 years, he has been gunning down our military and government leaders who forced a bad anthrax vaccine on our soldiers. He has been fighting for corrected discharges for soldiers who rightfully declined anthrax vaccination. The full story is told in his book “Unyielding.” There is so much packed into this interview that I...
5/7/202458 minutes, 53 seconds
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Autism Epidemic! Under-studied problems with pressing issues

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – A significant increase from the 2021 estimate of 1 in 44, which was a big jump from 1 in 110 in 2006. In the 1960’s, the rate of autism was 1:10,000. Certainly, there have been advancements in screening and detection, but has the rate always been about 3% of the population? As an epidemiologist, I can tell you there is a real rate of rise. The real issue at hand is what is causing this population surge in...
4/30/202458 minutes, 28 seconds
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Vaccination of poultry for Bird Flu has backfired

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough –In countries that do not vaccinate poultry, flock outbreaks are managed by culling (extermination) supported by government subsidies. Among the big poultry producers, there appears to be no attempt to allow natural immunity from infection to take effect in bird populations. Vaccination likely has backfired and may have been the artificial introduction of H5N1 Bird Flu into farming operations and the food supply...
4/22/202458 minutes, 24 seconds
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Controlling blood pressure naturally

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Hypertension is diagnosed if, when it is measured on two different days, the systolic blood pressure readings on both days is ≥140 mmHg and/or the diastolic blood pressure readings on both days is ≥90 mmHg. Modifiable risk factors include unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, consumption of tobacco and alcohol, and being overweight or obese...
4/15/202458 minutes, 52 seconds
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FDA misleads the world on Ivermectin, and what else? Why?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – The American Out Loud News platform congratulates Dr. Bowden, her co-plaintiffs Dr. Robert Apter, Dr. Paul Marik, and Boyden, Gray & Associates, the DC-based law firm, who fought against fraudulent, public deception by the US FDA. In our first interview, let’s listen to the reaction to this stunning development from lead Texas plaintiff Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, who is an authority on...
4/8/202457 minutes, 53 seconds
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Four Horseman Edition… Sold out Souls, SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, simple truths ignored

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – “Interesting - due to the need of people to deny vaccine injuries, the medical conditions that have spiked are still treated with methods used prior to 2020 without treating the root cause as we talked about—SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Spike protein mediated inflammation. I have over 2 dozen patients who did steroids when atrial fibrillation or heart issues arose and they abated."
4/1/202458 minutes, 24 seconds
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Health benefits of the ketogenic diet: A conversation with the amazing Dr. Boz

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – "From curing diabetes, to getting off prescription meds, to removing joint pain for the first time in decades, fixing GI issues, improving brain power, and even reversing dementia. Countless studies have now proven the power of ketones, to the point you’d think every doctor in the land would be promoting their benefits!” Dr. Annette Bosworth joins me on The McCullough Report this week...
3/25/202459 minutes, 1 second
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China RX: How China Got Control of America’s Drug Supply

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Millions of Americans are taking prescription drugs made in China and don't know it--and pharmaceutical companies are not eager to tell them. This is a disturbing, well-researched wake-up call for improving the current system of drug supply and manufacturing. This week’s show is an exclusive long-format issue with Rosemary Gibson, author of China Rx...
3/18/202459 minutes, 3 seconds
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Adverse effects: A critical review of COVID vaxgenes: Do you choose to understand?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – For so many who now have this new form of vaccine in their body, this book is a must. Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse currently works at the Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Autonomous University of Queretaro. Acevedo-Whitehouse does research on Immune Plasticity, Molecular Epidemiology of disease in wildlife, and Cancer in free-ranging species...
3/12/202459 minutes, 3 seconds
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COVID-19 vaccine safety hits prime time news

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Most would be surprised, if they heard former CNN prime time anchor Chris Cuomo, come out and discuss a new major study on vaccine safety involving a sample of 99 million vaccine recipients. Cuomo turned to his personal physician, Dr. Robin Rose. Several times, Cuomo tried to position long-COVID as the bigger problem, but Rose was true to her clinical observations that it was really the vaccine causing major...
3/5/202459 minutes, 5 seconds
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Be wary of hypersensitivity reactions with repeated, annual influenza vaccination

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – What happens when you mix medicine with politics? — you get politics. We find out firsthand in the last part of the show when we have Dr. Mavrakakis introduce libertarianism to the Report. More about Dr. Mavrakakis from her conference website: “Irene Mavrakakis, M.D is the Founder of Liberty Speaks and Delaware Initiative for Science and Ethics. Promoting the anti-war message and advocating for Free and Equal Elections...
2/27/202458 minutes, 11 seconds
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Calls for market removal of boosters intensify as more vaccine deaths reported

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Dr. Corona states the pandemic has resulted in skyrocketing rates of mental illness in our country, with tragedies playing out in childhood developmental problems, adult psychiatric disorders, and sadly, family adjustment difficulties after disability and loss of loved ones. This occurred during waves of pandemic hospitalization and death and now stochastically in the years after COVID-19 vaccination
2/20/202458 minutes, 7 seconds
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Indoctrination created moralistic fallacies among college students; why so few mass protests occurred

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – I delve into the sociological impacts of COVID-19 vaccine mandates on university campuses. Through my interview with Dr. Claudia Chaufan, we uncover startling insights about student compliance, moralistic beliefs regarding vaccination, and the broader implications on freedom of speech and societal norms. Join me in unraveling this complex web of health, education, and cultural dynamics...
2/12/202458 minutes, 16 seconds
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After three years, COVID-19 vaccination campaign declared a failure!

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – There is a plethora of papers in the scientific literature that disclose horrific, serious adverse events after COVID-19 vaccination, including hospitalization and death, or failure of the products to stop infection, transmission, or serious outcomes like hospitalization or death. Yet somewhere in the paper, the authors insert a gratuitous promotion such as “vaccination has saved millions of lives” or...
2/6/202458 minutes, 42 seconds
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Should Renal Transplantation require COVID-19 vaccination?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Each transplant rejection episode is a step closer to death. So the questions on the table are:  1) how long will COVID-19 vaccination remain in organ transplant programs?  2) will ISHLT - International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation analyze the loss of life BEFORE and AFTER transplantation attributable to COVID-19 vaccination? 3) will transplant directors ever reverse course and admit vaccination was a mistake? 4) will doctors and...
1/29/202457 minutes, 36 seconds
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Multi-hit hypothesis of mRNA vaccine-induced oncogenesis presented in Congress

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Please listen to this focus segment on cancer, where the lawmakers ask questions, and the panel gives their responses. They discuss what can be done as the next steps in removing COVID-19 vaccines from public use. Very few Americans are taking shots, but some remain in the dark, and others are being forced to take them through mandates at work, school, or other endeavors...
1/23/202458 minutes, 22 seconds
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Havoc in the human body: Clumping of blood cells caused by SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 vaccination

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – I have always wondered why SARS-CoV-2 infection creates low oxygen levels in the bloodstream that are so well tolerated compared to forms of common consolidative pneumonia or heart failure. We were able to treat patients with oxygen saturation levels
1/16/202458 minutes, 58 seconds
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Bio-Pharmaceutical complex wages war against respiratory syncytial virus

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – As ambient aerosolized RSV virions are present in hospitals, clinics, and homes, the monoclonal antibody may backfire and enable the inhaled virion to gain access to the bronchial epithelial lining and cause worse bronchiolitis than the baby would have with their own developing natural immunity. This would explain why the efficacy for RSV hospitalization was NOT compelling from the two RCTs of Nirsevimab...
1/9/202458 minutes, 6 seconds
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McCullough protocol base spike detoxification rapidly becoming standard of care

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Syndromes and diseases occurring as post-acute sequelae are caused by the Spike Protein and the inflammation and damage it inflicts on the body. While various supplements and medications can manage symptoms, McCullough Protocol Base Spike Protein Detoxification is the only published method offering...
12/19/202357 minutes, 17 seconds
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Former CEO Senior Marathoner Sentenced to Wheelchair After COVID-19 Vaccination

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – I had the chance to sit down with Mr. Rod Shears, who is a 77-year-old former CEO and senior circuit marathon runner who lives just outside of central London. Please listen to the description of what happened to him in 2021 after two AstraZeneca adenoviral COVID-19 shots and then a Pfizer mRNA booster...
12/12/202358 minutes, 48 seconds
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Chinese Pediatric Pneumonia Outbreak

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – With the outbreak of pneumonia in China, children's hospitals in Beijing, Liaoning and other places were overwhelmed with sick children, and schools and classes were on the verge of suspension. Parents questioned whether the authorities were covering up the epidemic. In the early morning, Beijing Children's Hospital was still overcrowded...
12/4/202358 minutes, 8 seconds
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Will Anyone Be Spared Long-Term Damage From mRNA?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – In this issue of the McCullough Report, I delve into a recent interview with media mogul Maria Zeee, discussing serious medical events following mRNA injections. We explore the regret felt by the public, the potential risks of cancer, and the varying side effects of COVID-19 vaccines. The reluctance of leaders and health systems to acknowledge these issues is also highlighted.
11/27/202358 minutes, 57 seconds
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Doctors Counterpunch Medical Boards in Pandemic Aftermath

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Join me as I discuss with Dr. David Hartsuch, an emergency physician and former State Senator, about his innovative COVID-19 treatments and legal battles against medical boards. We delve into the crucial issues of medical freedom, the suppression of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and the fight for First Amendment rights in healthcare.
11/20/202358 minutes, 51 seconds
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Hippocratic Medicine: What Is It? What Issues Are Defined by the Oath?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – In this week's show, we delve into the mysterious death of a young, prominent minister in Highland Park and the community's reaction to vaccine-induced health concerns. We also feature an enlightening interview with Dr. Donna Harrison, exploring the Hippocratic Oath, medical abortion, and the contentious pro-life vs. pro-choice debate in today's healthcare landscape. Join us...
11/13/202358 minutes, 28 seconds
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How To Handle Conspiracy Theorist, Anti-Vaxxer, & Disinformation

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – In this week's show, we navigate the charged landscape of health and communication. I share a compelling interview with Dr. McCullough, discuss startling health news, and reflect on my enriching dialogue with Michelle McLean—Miss Universe 1992—on her humanitarian work and unique pandemic insights. Join us as we explore these pivotal discussions, aiming to enlighten and...
11/7/202358 minutes, 50 seconds
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COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns: McCullough’s Committee Insights

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – The Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee convenes to delve into pressing concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine and informed consent for childhood vaccinations. As I recount emotional testimonies and expert insights, we explore the broader implications for public health, safety, and policy. From individual experiences to legal and military perspectives, join me in...
10/30/202358 minutes, 19 seconds
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Medicinal Properties of Lutein Found in Olive Oil

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Diving into the intriguing world of biosecurity labs, I explore how an engineered coronavirus Spike protein from Wuhan has impacted our global landscape. Join me as I converse with Dr. Antonis Kyriakopoulos on the medicinal power of olive oil's antioxidant, lutein. Discover how extra-virgin, medicinal-grade olive oil can complement the Base Spike Detoxification protocol for post-COVID...
10/23/202358 minutes, 11 seconds
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Covid’s Silent Impact on College Life: Dr. Kosma Reveals

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – As we approach the fourth year of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and the COVID-19 pandemic, I delve into the profound impact on young individuals, notably silent on civil liberties restrictions and life changes. Join me in a candid conversation with Dr. Maria Kosma from Louisiana State University, revealing the surprising aftermath on college campuses. Dive deep into the effects of...
10/16/202358 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Body: A New Vision for Health Care

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – I join The Body, offering insights on scientific matters, diverging from mainstream narratives on COVID-19 vaccination. Discover how The Body serves as a health asset, ensuring unbiased, private care aligned with your best interest. Explore with me and Dr. Jackson a future of wellness and education, untainted by bias. Your journey towards informed, empowered health choices starts here.
10/9/202358 minutes, 2 seconds
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Will Calls for Nuremberg 2.0 Be Answered?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – I recount my eventful September in Europe after a prolonged pandemic hiatus. Dive into the discussions held in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, my subsequent appearances across various cities, and the poignant reminders of the Nuremberg Trials. History's shadows loom as we reflect on medical decisions during the pandemic. Also, discover insights from the "Facts Matter"...
10/3/202358 minutes, 45 seconds
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Health and Democracy Under WHO’s New Proposed Rules

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Sept 13, 2023, Strasbourg's European Parliament witnesses a momentous session chaired by German MEP Christine Anderson. A diverse team of professionals brings forth pressing concerns about the WHO, the EU's pandemic strategy, and the looming WHO plans for global dominion. Delve into the details of the proposed WHO Pandemic Treaty and the poignant presentations...
9/26/202358 minutes, 57 seconds
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World Suffers: President Deceived by Trusted COVID Advisor

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – In many ways, how both Biden and Trump handle Dr. Anthony Fauci and the consequence of his role in the pandemic response will shape a considerable amount of election politics. How will Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump come to reckon with the reality he was lied to on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, misled on contagion, and badly deceived on the safety and efficacy...
9/19/202358 minutes, 51 seconds
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Is There Really Medical Consensus on Transgender Medicine?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Is there really a consensus? I asked Dr. Goldfarb to lay out the issues and relate them to informed consent, the real outcomes of transgender medicine, detransitioning in regret, and talk about his new organization, Do No Harm. I can tell you firsthand Dr. Goldfarb is of the highest integrity and taking on this issue directly with the physician societies. The debate should be among...
9/11/202359 minutes, 11 seconds
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CPSO’s Overreach: A Risk to Medical Privacy?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – During the pandemic, a wave of corrupt authoritarianism has swept through the House of Medicine, and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Canada, is leading this new dark campaign against physicians by extending their probe into the private affairs of other patients not involved in the case at issue. I sat down with Dr. Kilian and her pro bono attorney, Paul Slansky...
9/4/202358 minutes, 23 seconds
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Long COVID Vaccine Syndromes a Pain in the Neck: Now Relief

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Taking multiple COVID-19 shots that failed miserably as vaccines and then getting multiple rounds of SARS-CoV-2 infections can literally be a “pain in the neck.” Common post-COVID-19 and mRNA vaccine injury symptoms include headache, loss of taste and smell, neck and shoulder pain, numbness, tingling, involuntary tremors, and fasciculations. Many of these symptoms...
8/28/202359 minutes, 5 seconds
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Pfizer Commits Fraud Under the Cover of Operation Warp Speed

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – How could the mRNA vaccines have looked so good in the Fall of 2020, with >90% efficacy in preventing COVID-19 and no serious safety issues? Then, the next few months after release, have the bottom fall out with massive breakthrough cases and horrific injuries, disabilities, and death? Could it be that Pfizer manipulated their randomized trials to hide safety issues and make...
8/21/202358 minutes, 20 seconds
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Contamination of mRNA Vaccine, the Threat of “SV40”

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Early in the manufacturing of mRNA for COVID-19 vaccines, the companies used a slower process to make the mRNA from the DNA code of the Wuhan Spike protein. Late in the Pfizer trials, the company switched to a fast, mass production method using E. Coli to ramp up huge production of DNA from which the mRNA could be cranked out. Pfizer apparently used the simian...
8/14/202358 minutes, 43 seconds
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Supplemental Female Human Hormones:  When, How, and Why?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – The pharmaceutical industry entered the field of menopause in a big way and dominated the center stage. In the 1970s, the International Menopause Society was established. The first International Congress on Menopause was also organized in Paris, France, in 1976. Various countries have...
8/8/202358 minutes, 4 seconds
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Power of Xylitol in Dentistry

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Most of us as children were never told about xylitol as a key component of dental products, gum, and mints. As adults, many of you have heard conflicting information on toothbrushes, water picks, flossing, toothpaste, and fluoride. You're going to love this interview since so many of the things she said surprised me...
7/31/202358 minutes, 43 seconds
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Shedding of mRNA & Spike Protein: Is It Real? What Can We Do To Handle It?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Patients can get a big head start if they self-initiate Base Spike Detox as they get organized for appointments. I have found three months is a minimum duration, and some require more than a year. I have a major manuscript under review for publication that summarizes the clinical rationale and evidence supporting Base Spike Detox...
7/24/202355 minutes, 15 seconds
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Clinical Pearls from the Ancient East

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Modern research indicates that acupuncture needles stimulate neuro-vascular nodes that in turn stimulate healing processes throughout the whole body, including increased blood flow to damaged areas, regulation of the hormone and endocrine systems, release of the pain relieving biochemicals such as...
7/17/202358 minutes, 4 seconds
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Red Pill for a Young Doctor

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Unlike many physicians, Dr. Turner frequently works with patients suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, which can be markedly worsened by long-COVID-19 syndrome and multiple COVID-19 injections every six months. Whether patients have a chronic pain condition, low energy, or...
7/10/202359 minutes, 3 seconds
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Lost in Trans Nation, with Author Dr. Miriam Grossman

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – The beliefs that male and female are human inventions, that the sex of a newborn is arbitrarily “assigned,” and that as a result, the child requires “affirmation” through medical interventions — these ideas are divorced from reality and therefore hazardous, especially to children. The core belief — that biology can and should be denied — is a repudiation of...
7/4/202357 minutes, 20 seconds
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Pandemic Updates, Environmental Health, and Paramedic Runs after Vaccination

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – This is the type of interchange we should be seeing on mainstream media with experts who should know the data cold and have the alacrity to move quickly from topic to topic. Hear additional coverage on Rochelle Walensky, Demar Hamlin, Jamie Foxx, Kathy Hochul, and Propagandized...
6/26/202358 minutes, 29 seconds
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Dr. McCullough Rocks the Pennsylvania State Capitol

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – It was a historic testimony at the Pennsylvania State Capitol on the COVID-19 vaccine debacle. On Friday, June 9, 2023, Dr. McCullough returned to the Pennsylvania Senate on request by Senator Doug Mastriano (R-33). The session was co-chaired by Senator Cris Dush (R-25). Co-presenters included Steve Kirsch...
6/19/202358 minutes, 38 seconds
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Australia Amped up for Change

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – AMPS has joined tens of thousands of other workers who had decided to form independent associations under the AMPS moniker. AMPS is committed to defending patients’ caregivers’ rights to treat patients as they see fit and respects the enormous amount of medical training undergone to...
6/13/202358 minutes, 59 seconds
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Special Conversation with Dr. Robert Clancy on The Nasopharyngeal Microbiome

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Dr. Robert Clancy stood with doctors across the world, calling for treatment of acute COVID-19 early in order to prevent invasive disease. Professor Clancy and his team’s groundbreaking research into Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease concentrated on the link between the gut and the lung...
6/5/202358 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ozone and Related Therapies for Post COVID-19 & Vaccine Injury Syndromes

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Ozone therapy uses medical-grade ozone created using an ozone generator device. The intent of ozone therapy is to increase the amount of oxygen in your body. A higher oxygen level can boost your immune system while promoting healing, explains Dr. Tejwani. It does that through cell regeneration...
5/30/202358 minutes, 47 seconds
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Corrupt Group Purchasing Organizations Raise Costs for Consumers

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – GPOs use tactics to squeeze out small suppliers of medications and intentionally create drug shortages of commonly used generic agents in order to replace them on the formulary with more expensive options. Since GPOs make a percentage of the sale of products, their overall revenues increase with...
5/23/202356 minutes, 14 seconds
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Ethical and Religious Directives Confront the Biopharmaceutical Complex

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – What was unique about his case is that the alleged misinformation was done out of a personal financial conflict of interest to promote the Institute's "Campaign for Cures" to develop a competitive vaccine. The alleged public misinformation he was accused of was that the COVID-19 vaccines were ineffective...
5/16/202358 minutes, 6 seconds
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Triad of Vaccine Injury Syndromes Converges on Victims

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – These are not cardiac arrests but are syncopal (fainting) spells due to COVID-19 vaccine-induced POTS. Because the Spike protein seeds the lining of vital organs, it commonly causes some chest discomfort on motion, surface pressure, or deep breathing. This is called pleurodynia...
5/8/202355 minutes, 33 seconds
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Genetically Modified Organisms and Your Diet

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – How are GMOs created? Typically, scientists transfer genes from one species (like bacteria or viruses) and force them into the DNA of other species (like soybeans or corn.) Alternatively, instead of transferring genes, gene-editing equipment rearranges genes in the sequence, takes genes out...
5/1/202358 minutes, 18 seconds
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Future of Edible Vaccines and Importance of Your Microbiome

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Kurup and Thomas published one of many papers describing the lofty goals of using foods, mainly plants, to deliver vaccines to humans in order to induce mucosal immunity. Protection in the sinuses, oral cavity, and GI tract is not strong from intramuscular injections unless the pathogen is invasive and...
4/24/202359 minutes, 11 seconds
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Sovereignty Coalition Stands in the Way of WHO Global Dominance

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – The US House, Senate, and White House cannot seem to muster the courage and are powerless to resist the WHO. It appears as if House votes or Senate ratifications or even treaty signatures will not be required. The greatest hope now is the “Sovereignty Coalition” led by attorney Reggie Littlejohn...
4/18/202358 minutes, 40 seconds
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Grace Under Pressure – A Father’s Courage to Face the Biopharmaceutical Complex

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – This is an emotionally gripping interview and story of a father and mother who a few years earlier lost their son to suicide and now their daughter Grace, who may have turned the corner on acute COVID-19 but instead had her life snuffed out with a trio of drugs that suppressed her...
4/10/202358 minutes, 37 seconds
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US Senators Become a Front for the Biopharmaceutical Complex

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – In the last several weeks, the United States Congress, with multiple witnesses, established that the origin of SARS-Co-V2 was the Wuhan Institute of (WIV)  Biosecurity Annex Level 4 lab in Wuhan, China. In my view, the Senators missed asking five key question sets...
4/3/202358 minutes, 46 seconds
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Maryland HB 699 Vaccination by Choice Act Spearheads Push for Freedom

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Informed consent is the discussion and acceptance or rejection of the risks, benefits, and alternatives to any medical procedure. It has always been and always will be critical for patients to take ownership of their own bodies, using their own unique value systems, not legislated or mandated herd mentality...
3/28/202357 minutes, 27 seconds
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Attack on Education Started as Virus Came Ashore

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – There was clear evidence that our public health agencies, including the National Institutes of Health, the Center for Disease Control, and the US FDA, all were colluding to deceive America with a false narrative that the virus arose from a fish market in the Chinese city as opposed to...
3/20/202357 minutes, 17 seconds
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Medical Freedom through Independent Direct Clinical Practice

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Many Americans in today's world are seeking that degree of independence and privacy. This will show features Dr. Brian Procter, MD, who has spent the last year converting from insurance-based practice to independent direct primary care practice. He was an early treatment specialist for COVID-19 and has published several papers on...
3/14/202357 minutes, 35 seconds
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Deep South Calls to Stop the Shots

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Shockingly, the estimate of current fatalities from the COVID-19 vaccine estimated from VAERS using an accepted under-reporting factor of 30 through February 17, 2023, is ~509,000. The crude CDC reported composite of hospitalizations, urgent care visits, and clinic appointments caused by...
3/7/202358 minutes, 55 seconds
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College Mandates Stick as COVID-19 Crisis Clears

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – With the absence of human data and mutations to BQ and XBB, the BA4/BA5 bivalent vaccines have been viewed as obsolete without a compelling indication and no safety assurances. Here the CDC reports 19.3% of adults have taken one of the outmoded injections. A report from Klaassen et al. has indicated that 94% of Americans have had...
2/28/202359 minutes, 7 seconds
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Closing the Pandemic Crisis Down Under

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Most of Australia’s cases of COVID-19 were among the fully vaccinated, and in some reports, far in excess of 95% of the hospitalized cases and deaths occurred in the context of breakthrough infection. The government effectively ran a “no jab, no job” policy, and the citizens were forced...
2/20/202359 minutes, 8 seconds
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Medical Countermeasures at the Heart of Pandemic Corruption

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – The crisis has been compounded by a wave of corruption that has swept through public health agencies, regulatory authorities, health systems, the courts, and most prominently among the “biopharmaceutical complex.” The worldwide syndicate, which is singularly focused on mass vaccination, tracking, and...
2/14/202359 minutes, 6 seconds
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Mind-Blowing Reality of Death after Injection

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – No matter what source is used, the number of deaths is far too large, and the campaign should have been terminated for excess mortality before February 1, 2021. The first call for a pause on the vaccines came in March 2021, and in December 2022, Dr. McCullough officially called for all COVID-19 vaccines to be pulled from the market for...
2/7/202359 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why are Some Injured and Others Not with COVID-19 Vaccination?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – It has been reported that 80% of the Pfizer deaths have come from ~30% of lots, whereas 80% of the Moderna deaths have come from 20% of lots. Thus the lot number must be a proxy for mRNA content, contaminants, or some other factor related to the product. Patient susceptibility factors that make a syndrome...
1/31/202358 minutes, 19 seconds
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While Some Are Blind, Others See Clearly

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – To make matters worse, the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland is generating a series of press clips not about world economics, interest rates, or income inequities, but rather on transhumanism, gene editing, digital currency, and misinformation as a propaganda tool to usher in a new world order...
1/24/202359 minutes
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Burden of COVID-19 Side Effects Becoming Unbearable

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – There were 770 different types of adverse events that showed safety signals in ages 18+, of which over 500 (or 2/3) had a larger safety signal than myocarditis/pericarditis. The CDC analysis shows that the number of serious adverse events reported in less than two years for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines is 5.5 times larger than...
1/17/202359 minutes, 8 seconds
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Peoples Republic of China Red Hot with New Omicron Subvariants

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – There are major factors form the backdrop of the current Chinese outbreak: 1) failed “COVID-19 Zero” policies that kept a large fraction of the population in lockdown, thus preventing the more permissive general spread and immune challenge, 2) mass deployment of the Sinovac Coronovac killed whole virus vaccine...
1/10/202357 minutes, 49 seconds
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“Anecdotals” Penetrates Human Mind in Emotional Overdrive

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – How could a mantra of “my body my choice” migrate to mandatory vaccination or face severe social and professional reprisal? Jennifer notes her new friends tend to be those on the right who previously have been too conservative for a liberal, young African American woman. Now the conservatives are for individual rights, and the liberals are for totalitarianism...
1/3/202358 minutes, 1 second
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US Senate Panel on COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Details on the dangerous mechanism of action of the long-lasting genetic vaccines were given by concerned scientists and doctors who have witnessed firsthand severe injuries in the cardiovascular, neurological, hematological, and immune systems. Message was clear; the vaccines are not safe for children or pregnant women...
12/27/202258 minutes, 30 seconds
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“No Vaccines, No Education,” California Drives a Wedge in Family Medicine

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – In many ways, California has been the vanguard of mandating indiscriminate vaccination for public school attendance which ups the ante for reluctant parents. This has made it difficult for families with a child who has either religious or medical exemptions or for those who simply want to defer on...
12/20/202255 minutes, 19 seconds
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Hospitals Blocked Doctors from Saving Lives

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Dr. Meyer describes the snowballing of events that led to his termination from hospital medical staff and his search for independent practice. Dr. Meyer describes a chilling case where he ordered ivermectin for a critical COVID-19 patient, and the hospital pharmacist and nursing staff did not execute that order...
12/13/202258 minutes, 53 seconds
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New Normal of Cardiopulmonary Arrest in the COVID-19 Vaccine Era

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Josh Yoder of US Freedom flyers describes a recent in-flight disaster where a 36-year-old pilot, without any known medical problems, has a cardiac arrest shortly after takeoff. You can imagine the panic that occurred in the cockpit and in the following minutes. You must listen to this segment to find out...
12/6/202257 minutes, 26 seconds
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Why COVID-19 Vaccines are Pregnancy Category X

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Shockingly, in the very first week of mass vaccination in December of 2020. The news reels were full of images depicting well-intentioned pregnant mothers getting injected with lipid nanoparticles laced with mRNA coding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology wild-type Spike protein. Reaction from prudent doctors...
11/29/202258 minutes, 52 seconds
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World Doctors Alliance Rises Against Global Corruption

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Dr. Mohammad I lqbal Adil found himself suspended from a busy surgical practice at a tertiary medical center in the UK. There was an immediate loss of civil rights, including equal protection, due process, and free speech. We dedicate the Report to the unbelievable odyssey of this prominent Pakistani-born UK surgeon who has found himself in...
11/22/202257 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Should We React to Public Health Mistakes?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – In this issue of the Report, we dedicate time to reaction to this suggested quick move to amnesty for what many consider are crimes against humanity. To skip investigations and service of justice and move directly to amnesty seems premature to Fox News Laura Ingraham and many other commentators...
11/14/202258 minutes, 55 seconds
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Department of Defense Driving Mass Vaccination While FDA and Vaccine Companies are Powerless to Stop It

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Because the US Department of Defense, under the Emergency Use Authorization countermeasures program, is the ”developer” of the vaccines, there is a complex array of biological defense contractors that make the components of the vaccines. Specifically, private contractors do the fill-and-finish manufacturing...
11/8/202257 minutes, 23 seconds
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Genetic Vaccines Made “Routine” for Children to Seal their Fate

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – For example, does an unvaccinated child start with the obsolete Pfizer or Moderna products from two years ago and then two months later get a bivalent booster for a total of three shots in four months? What about a fully vaccinated child — does this mean annual boosters when the theoretical benefit, if any, only last six months?
10/31/202258 minutes, 9 seconds
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Art and Science of Medicine vs False Government Narrative

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Newsom and this bill essentially muzzle doctors preventing them from rendering medical opinions on COVID-19. The law states that doctors must follow an approved consensus that is judged by the California Medical Board, and violations will result in penalties and potential loss of licensure...
10/24/202257 minutes, 32 seconds
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Building a Better Way, World Council for Health

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – This evidence-based, widely cited report is used in court proceedings and with public health agencies making the case that COVID-19 vaccines are not safe for human use. The organization is important to the health freedom movement supporting patient autonomy, access to early comprehensive treatment, and...
10/18/202259 minutes, 15 seconds
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For So Many Departures, An Irish Blessing

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – In this issue of the Report, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny does a deep dive into the history of the pediatric and adult vaccine schedules, how it all happened, and what the modern-day concerns are with the burgeoning list of vaccines and numbers of injections given over the course of young lives with the stated goal of...
10/11/202258 minutes, 46 seconds
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Courage to Face COVID-19 in Central America

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – With the worldwide nature of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, with >600M people affected and so many doctors engaged, it should come as no surprise that many different approaches developed over time and were found to be successful based upon empiric observations. While the world had a...
10/4/202258 minutes, 48 seconds
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Breach of COVID-19 Bedside Medical Ethics Leads to Family Outrage

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Did the patients and families feel all of these rights were fulfilled, and patients received the maximum treatment possible? Sadly, many families think none of these standards were met, and to that end, lead attorney Daniel Watkins has filed the first class-action lawsuit in California...
9/27/202258 minutes, 44 seconds
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Health Care Economy Shifting to Meet Desire for Patient Autonomy

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – As more Americans realize the denial of early COVID-19 treatment and the blinded drive to have all patients vaccinated by most major health systems has resulted in a biological catastrophe, trust in the US health care system is crumbling. While all the same chronic medical needs persist, more and more Americans feel...
9/19/202257 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Story of Medical Heroism Out of Africa

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – What happens next is astonishing; Dr. Stone is hunted by health authorities funded, she believes, by The Wellcome Trust, which is a charitable foundation focused on health research based in London. Stone ends up being jailed on bogus charges without due process and, since...
9/13/202258 minutes, 57 seconds
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Moderna Sues Pfizer as Both Companies Drain the US Treasury

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – These acts of reckless regulatory malfeasance are unprecedented, and Americans should understand clearly, that administration of these vaccines, whether voluntary or under some form of duress such as an employment or school mandate, places the liability squarely on the person who accepts these shots into...
9/6/202256 minutes, 44 seconds
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US Pandemic Response Leaders Concede Mistakes and Head for the Exits

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – The most important issue the CDC has resolved is that from a public health perspective, there is no distinguishment between a vaccinated and an unvaccinated citizen. This statement alone, if followed, should end all school, employment, military, and travel vaccine mandates since...
8/30/202258 minutes, 14 seconds
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Spike Protein Drives Explosive Heart Inflammation in Teenagers

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – With a size of 180–200 kDa, the Spike protein has been found in the human heart and is believed to be the causative agent for the burgeoning epidemic of heart inflammation that has a 90% male predominance, peak incidence at ages 18-24 but can extend down to toddlers and up to men over...
8/23/202257 minutes, 49 seconds
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Who Will Be the Last COVID-19 Victim?

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Into our third year of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, it is clear that “COVID-Zero” thinking and related policy has evolved into “COVID-Inevitable,” meaning all of us are likely to get the virus, and thankfully the illness has become progressively milder and easily treatable in high-risk patients...
8/15/202259 minutes, 8 seconds
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Propaganda is a House of Cards

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – As for vaccines – that house of cards is crumbling, globally, where adverse reactions and the deaths of young, healthy people pile up around leaders who mandated compliance against every social norm. You could say that these were mistakes, but a government with absolute truth does not...
8/9/202257 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ivermectin Flows to Americans via Physician-Pharmacist Collaboratives

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Now that physicians have had experience with all of the antivirals: hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, Paxlovid, and mulnipiravir, many doctors have concluded that the most rapidly acting agent is ivermectin and at 0.6 mg/kg per day for 5-10 days, it is the most effective and the safest of all of the drugs in...
8/2/202259 minutes, 5 seconds
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Hunting the Unvaccinated

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – The COVID-19 pandemic is not over, and countries are wary of a next and potentially more brutal campaign of unwanted COVID-19 vaccination. The very few unvaccinated left in most societies are wondering where to turn as they feel “hunted” and being run to exhaustion...
7/27/202259 minutes
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How to Administer a Proper Emergency COVID-19 Public Vaccination Program

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – If the US vaccine program had the proper structure with a vaccine program administration (separate from the CDC/FDA/NIH), the FDA could do drug safety evaluation and pharmacovigilance advised by independent critical events, data safety monitoring, and human ethics committees reviewing...
7/19/202258 minutes, 47 seconds
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Vaccinated Pounded by Paxlovid Rebound

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – Vaccination may be making COVID-19 worse for the most compliant persons. Two studies in 2021 suggested that “immune imprinting” is likely to occur with every six-month injection of mRNA or adenoviral DNA for the extinct Wuhan wild-type spike protein. What this means is that the human immune system becomes...
7/12/202259 minutes, 10 seconds
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Evidence-Based Medicine Supports the Practice of the Art of Medicine

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – The “McCullough Protocol” and others from FLCCC, AFLD, Raoult, and Zelenko, all rely on early signals of benefit and acceptable safety to use in combination. Low-quality, small, randomized trials that cannot detect the signal of benefit because of Type II error, are not helpful since they can mislead the...
7/5/202258 minutes, 46 seconds
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Nothing is More Natural than Pregnancy without mRNA or Spike Protein

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough – With FDA warnings for heart damage, blood clots, neurological damage, and severe allergic reactions, one can imagine if the scope of information were restricted to that provided by the US FDA alone, a reasonable woman and her husband would decline an experimental injection...
6/28/202259 minutes, 11 seconds
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World Council for Health Calls for Global Removal of COVID-19 Vaccines 

The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough - With >3.5 million injuries and >40,000 deaths, a gross underestimate, the vaccines must be pulled. On this week’s show, we have a wonderful song from Emma Ohm (We are the World 2022) and an exclusive interview from World Council for Health, Dr. Kat Lindley...
6/21/202256 minutes, 58 seconds
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Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine—A Possibly Safer Choice but Likely Obsolete

The technology differs from Pfizer and Moderna’s shots, which were the first ones using messenger RNA technology to receive FDA approval and have resulted in catastrophic rates of injury, disability, and death. In the Novavax clinical trial experience, there were no hospitalizations or deaths due to COVID-19...
6/14/202258 minutes, 37 seconds
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Differential Diagnosis and Approach to COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Syndromes

From a regulatory perspective, any death that occurs after an investigational product within 30 days is attributed to the article under investigation. For traditional vaccines, special adverse events of interest have a 24-month window of observation and potential concern. For genetic products (e.g., mRNA and adenoviral DNA), this window is extended to five years...
6/7/202256 minutes, 41 seconds
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Monkeypox? Are We Going Bananas?

In a hyperbolic over-reaction, the US government announced the purchase of 13 million doses of the clinically unproven Jynneos vaccine. Some vaccine enthusiasts have proposed perimeter or rim vaccination of monkeypox contacts. This appears unjustified since the virus spreads by intensive physical contact (kissing, sex, touching blisters/pustules) and is not...
5/31/202258 minutes, 47 seconds
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Vaccination Train Never Stops to Exit

The COVID-19 vaccines, of which there are 16 in use or about to be deployed, under any conditions cannot improve human health. There is a strong body of evidence that they are leading to a marked decline in the well-being of humans and resulting in record numbers of serious adverse events, disability, and death...
5/23/202258 minutes, 26 seconds
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Tackling Post-COVID Syndromes

For the post-COVID syndromes, the most important clinical issue is to make a diagnosis. Characteristic symptoms include headache, hearing loss, tinnitus, loss of olfactory function, sleep disturbance, muscle aches, weakness, fatigue, and chest or abdominal pain. With this array of symptoms, it has been my approach to utilize testing according to...
5/17/202258 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Passage from Bangkok to Mumbai: Tracking a Killer

Because all the vaccines are loaded with side effects and have a palpable risk of death, each and every victim plays a game of Russian Roulette with their health in order to eke out a few more months before the next spin of the gun barrel in this agonizing and deadly game...
5/10/202259 minutes, 19 seconds
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Liver Problems Heighten Global Medical Concerns

The Spike protein damages the endothelial cells that line blood vessels, and it directly causes blood clotting even in the absence of platelets; thus, blood vessel injury and clotting, which is common in many acute organ injury syndromes, should be considered a complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection and or COVID-19 vaccination until proven otherwise...
5/3/202258 minutes, 29 seconds
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Absurdity is Diagnostic for the False Narrative

We always knew that masking on airplanes was not taken seriously but served persistent as a symbol of the false narrative meant to remind us to be fearful and compliant and to distrust all around us — unless during the time when drinks were served and all packed like sardines enjoyed reprieve from the ceremony and drank thirstily sans mask...
4/25/202258 minutes, 56 seconds
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Maternal Instincts and the Health of Children

Pfizer should have voluntarily withdrawn their product from the market in January or February of 2021 at the latest due to record fatal and non-fatal COVID-19 vaccine side effects. Instead, Pfizer/BioNTech, FDA, and CDC pressed on featuring mRNA vaccinations to progressively lower age groups, 12-17, and then 5-11 years of age...
4/18/202258 minutes, 39 seconds
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OPTIMIST and the Truth About COVID-19

Dr. McCullough was hosted by former Olympic swimmer Andy Knowles and leading physician Dr. Denotrah Archer-Cartwright, of OPTIMIST: Offering Preventive Therapeutic Interventional Medicines Increasing Safety & Trust. This group has brought together physicians, attorneys, leaders of faith, and community leaders to voice their concerns and...
4/11/202258 minutes, 56 seconds
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Freedom is Healthy

Each one of us is responsible for our own health and must take matters into our own hands. Programs for lawmakers, doctors, and the general public have drawn great interest as the scientific data are presented on the treatment of COVID-19 and vaccine safety and efficacy...
4/5/202259 minutes, 13 seconds
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Attack from within After COVID-19 Vaccination

With the genetic vaccines, particularly mRNA, for the first-time human cells are forced to produce a highly abnormal, pathogenic Spike protein. The body reacts to this almost immediately with an attack on any cell that has taken up mRNA and expressing the Spike protein. Dr. Panagis Polykretis explains that every human cell, tissue, organ, and body that has taken a COVID-19 vaccine has been damaged...
3/28/202259 minutes, 8 seconds
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Injuries and Deaths Concealed as Vaccination was Steamrolled

Additional concerning areas include fetal loss in ill-advised conceiving or childbearing women to take one of the vaccines and the emergence of either de novo or accelerated cancers. For all of these reasons, people are protesting in large numbers to stop the vaccine programs whilst CEOs are pushing the fourth shot. The tension could not be any greater...
3/21/202259 minutes, 14 seconds
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Deceived by a “Needle in Every Arm” 

The Omicron wave has pulled the rug out from under-vaccinated persons as they readily contract and spread SARS-CoV-2. Companies are dropping mandates, having learned that their valuable workers are willing to sit out for a while to preserve their health free of the investigational vaccines. More politicians are running on platforms of “medical freedom.”
3/14/202256 minutes, 39 seconds
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COVID Q & A with Dr. Peter McCullough #16

I started experiencing what I would call depression, sadness, hopelessness, and extreme fatigue after my first vaccine. Is there any information on a link between depression/anxiety with the Covid Vaccine? If a young adult male had to get a vaccine for entrance into the military, which one would be the one with the least chance of problems? I want to ask Dr. McCullough if there is any evidence of infant death linked to vaccinated breastfeeding?
3/12/202258 minutes, 39 seconds
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Laboratory and Clinical Findings Create Distrust for the CDC

The mRNA was introduced into a hepatic cell line and the assembly of base pairs of DNA for a portion of the mRNA was demonstrated and then this code was subsequently found in the nucleus. The liver cell line is important since the liver is where a large number of circulatory proteins are produced such as albumin and blood clotting factors...
3/8/202257 minutes, 13 seconds
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Death by COVID-19 Vaccination Could Impact Society on Mass Scale

In this issue of the report, we summarize fatal vaccine-induced myocarditis and concern from the HART Group in the UK that actuarial mortality up across the board in young men for 2021 is concerning given the high rate of vaccination. For older adults, there are several reports from insurance companies that deaths among the working-age groups are up 40%...
3/1/202258 minutes, 35 seconds
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Rogan Under Attack after Revealing Scientific Truth

Many asked why the attack on the world’s greatest podcaster? What set off the maelstrom? It is because Rogan, through a string of interviews with Drs. Weinstein, Kory, McCullough, and Malone revealed medical truth. Rogan’s audience is younger and very connected to contemporary issues and, importantly, is unplugged from cable TV...
2/22/202258 minutes, 55 seconds
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COVID Q & A with Dr. Peter McCullough #15

I am hoping that Dr. McCullough will update us on Omicron. Some in the news media are saying that it is causing a high number of hospitalization and deaths. What is the truth? I saw videos online that the spike protein is sticky and causes blot clots. Also, the spike protein causes pericarditis/myocarditis. Is there a protocol for the covid recovered, so they don’t get blood clots, myocarditis, or pericarditis?
2/18/202258 minutes, 46 seconds
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Truckers Arrive to Save a Country and Possibly the World

Scientist-physician leaders have made stage presentations and have gone up in the rigs to support the truckers, including former White House pandemic advisor Dr. Paul Alexander, leading academic pathologist Roger Hodkinson, MBBS, renown virologist Dr. Byram Bridle, and ethicist Dr. Julie Ponesse. The event has spellbound audiences around the world, and the Canadian authorities appear to have no answers...
2/15/202256 minutes, 20 seconds
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Dr. Peter McCullough & Col. Lawrence Sellin on Viewpoint This Sunday

This is the largest study to date in measuring the long haul complications of cardiovascular disease and Covid... we will ask Dr. McCullough his initial reaction in reading the report and studying the data. We'll talk to Col. Lawrence Sellin on the timing of the threat of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Any reason why now - that Putin is choosing to challenge the US, NATO, and the West? Is an uprising in the cards for China’s future?
2/13/202258 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Second Opinion on US COVID-19 Pandemic Response

Sen. Ron Johnson held a panel discussion with a group of world-renowned doctors and medical experts to provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy, and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be...
2/8/202258 minutes, 36 seconds
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Defeat the Mandates and Preserve Freedom

The diverse crowd peacefully grew despite airline cancellations and impediments to visitors in Washington, D.C., including a requirement for proof of vaccination before customers can be served in restaurants. The crowd was chanting appreciation for the heroic doctors and nurses, but above all, wanted to hear the truth from respected leaders...
1/31/202259 minutes, 7 seconds
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Cracks in the Wall of the Ivory Tower of Public Health

“While use of additional boosters can be part of contingency plans, repeated vaccinations within short intervals would not represent a sustainable long-term strategy,” the EMA’s head of vaccines strategy, Marco Cavaleri, said. Boosters “can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something that we can think should be repeated constantly,”
1/25/202258 minutes, 9 seconds
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COVID Q & A with Dr. Peter McCullough #14

Can Dr. McCullough, talk more about pericarditis? Everyone mentions myocarditis, but there are never any statistics mentioned for pericarditis. In Australia, there are twice as many reports of pericarditis than myocarditis from vaccines. What are the dangers of having Covid naturally and then getting vaccinated? Wasn’t there a thought that you should not get vaccinated for 90 days after having Covid?
1/23/202255 minutes, 15 seconds
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Justice Will Be Restored

In this issue of the McCullough Report, we will learn firsthand what the outcome of that approach was delivered to the faith community. We will also hear about the book by Robert F. Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci. We listen in on RFK’s speech in Milan, Italy, where he indicates as a seeker of justice, how in 22 months we have had a progressive...
1/17/202258 minutes, 24 seconds
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COVID Q & A with Dr. Peter McCullough #13

Is the new Paxlovoid pill just a "reworked" ivermectin? What do you think of the data? Love the show. My question is, is it safe to take the provolone iodine with hypothyroid? There is a history of heart disease in my husband's family so the thought of my boys getting any vac scares me, especially since I have 3 teenage sons. Will there be a 'safe' alternative? Will Novovax or Covax be safer?
1/15/202259 minutes, 6 seconds
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At-Home Management of COVID-19 Everyone Can Do

Most patients now get through the illness with simple over-the-counter measures and without the need for prescription medications or monoclonal antibodies. For severe cases in seniors or those with many background medications, the monoclonal antibody to seek is sotrivimab from GSK. This product was designed to be more effective against mutant strains...
1/11/202257 minutes, 30 seconds
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Omicron Unleashes Mass Illness and a New Reality

While many have said, Omicron is “mother nature’s booster,” it will be some time before we can celebrate as the blend of Delta and Omicron, which present with similar features but take two separate clinical courses, is bound to confuse both the patients and the doctors trying to grapple with this new clinical reality. We have the rockstar of evidence-based medicine, Dr. Paul Alexander who will...
1/4/202258 minutes, 7 seconds
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Krikorian, Powell, McCullough & Shaffer

Is this the year in 2022, when liberty and justice are restored to the shining city on a hill? Over the next hour, you'll hear from each of these leaders with their heartfelt thoughts, wisdom, and predictions for the new year. Four outstanding leaders in their respective fields: Krikorian, Powell, McCullough & Shaffer...
1/2/202259 minutes, 11 seconds
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COVID Q & A with Dr. Peter McCullough #12

I thought one had lifetime immunity once getting covid. I’ve already had Covid-19. Can I still get infected with the Omicron variant? How accurate are the Covid 19 antigen tests? If they’re not accurate, how do I find out for sure if I had Covid? My heart feels like someone is holding it and squeezing it gently, is there a blood test to see if I got an injury from the vax? We'll answer a record number of questions with Dr. Peter McCullough...
12/28/202159 minutes, 8 seconds
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Hope and Compassion Overcomes Fearmongering in a Time of Crisis

We have an update on the Omicron variant in the monologue and then an extensive discussion with molecular biologist and research physician Dr. Robert W. Malone, who has been credited with seminal work on mRNA vaccines. A recent analysis by Drs. Pantazatos and Seligmann from Columbia University clearly show the vaccine program is causing excess death in the US and overseas...
12/28/202159 minutes, 3 seconds
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Medical Care in the Most Severely Ill with COVID-19

Because the hospitalization is often later in the course of illness, corticosteroids and full-dose anticoagulation are more important than antiviral therapies such as remdesivir. Most importantly, like so many physicians, Dr. Marik believes that a significant fraction of hospitalizations is avoidable with early multidrug therapy for high-risk...
12/21/202157 minutes, 53 seconds
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COVID Q & A with Dr. Peter McCullough #11

What are some symptoms that can show up in unvaccinated - already had Covid people, who are around a lot of vaccinated people? Is the povidone-iodine rinse and nasal swab safe for young children? Novavax vaccine appears to be submitting its evidence soon and requesting EUA from the FDA by the end of 2021 here in the US. Does Dr. McCullough have any insight into the clinical trials/ safety and efficacy shown regarding Novavax?
12/15/202159 minutes, 4 seconds
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Hearts on Fire Fueled by mRNA

Sadly, there are 15,424 cases of confirmed myocarditis/pericarditis in the US CDC VAERS system. The explosion of sudden cardiac death among high-level athletes has drawn attention to the possibility that COVID-19 vaccination forced upon the players may induce a subclinical or perhaps denied syndrome of myocarditis that can last for months...
12/14/202157 minutes, 21 seconds
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Omicron On the Move

The PCR test alone will give a signal for this variant, while the prior variants all worked to generically turn the PCR test positive when SARS-CoV-2 was in the oral or nasal samples. In this issue of the Report, we give the first modeling analysis of Omicron and its anticipated transmissibility based on the S1 receptor binding domain mutations...
12/7/202158 minutes, 22 seconds
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COVID Q & A with Dr. Peter McCullough #10

What's the risk of receiving blood from a vaxed person for surgery? How do people with suppressed immune systems (Multiple sclerosis) handle COVID? Which is more dangerous, getting clots or forcing my platelets too low? I was told I have Covid hair. How long will this last as my hair is really thin now? And What should I take to stop the hair shedding? We'll start this Q & A with an update from Dr. McCullough on the Omicron Variant...
12/1/202157 minutes, 31 seconds
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Free-Floating Anxiety Yields Mass Formation Psychosis

Free-floating anxiety and its resultant psychosis has blinded the masses from critical thinking, independent decision making, and has allowed the loss of autonomy and human rights across the globe. How far our health systems have fallen and what a long road they have to win back the respect of doctors and patients who are furious over therapeutic nihilism...
11/29/202159 minutes, 11 seconds
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Unwanted Vaccine Mandates Casting Fall Red Darkness

There were no major US hospital outbreaks of COVID-19 due to good airflow standards and the use of reasonable contagion control methods. Yet, health systems proudly announced COVID-19 vaccine mandates and had no concerns about firing the same workers who risked their lives as frontline workers caring for patients with COVID-19...
11/23/202158 minutes, 6 seconds
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COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Disease Emerges as Leading Public Health Threat

As the viral pandemic ebbs, we can expect to learn and hear more about how the COVID-19 vaccines, which are now administered by mandate and in some countries by force, grow in strength as the leading public health threat and, instead of preventing disease, become significant determinants of a whole new class of illnesses leading...
11/16/202155 minutes, 16 seconds
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Covid and Your Cells Q & A with Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Vincent Giampapa

Do you give any weight to the theory that the spike protein of the virus contains a prion-like domain? Is there any way to detox at a cellular level after receiving the Covid19 vaccine? In theory, would taking an anti-viral prior to the covid vaccine help limit the damage the spike protein might do my the veins/heart? Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Vincent Giampapa join us in a unique setting on The Voice of a Nation...
11/12/202158 minutes, 11 seconds
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COVID-19 Vaccination: Stop Now Before It’s Too Late

Since we know the spike protein causes cell and tissue damage, blood vessel injury, and blood clots, it now makes sense that persistent spike protein in the body explains the "long-COVID" syndrome, which can last months after the respiratory infection. It is disturbing to think that the COVID-19 vaccines all cause the body to...
11/8/202156 minutes, 45 seconds
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COVID Q & A with Dr. Peter McCullough #8

Blood clots, heart problems have occurred in people months after covid vaccination. Are there any preventative steps, i.e., low dose aspirin, or prescription treatments? What Dr. McCullough's opinion is on the Novavax vaccine. I currently am in a vaccine mandate, and I am going to lose my job. However, someone told me that the Novavax vaccine might be like traditional vaccines and safer?
11/6/202158 minutes, 28 seconds
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Failure of COVID-19 Vaccination to Prevent Hospitalization and Death in the Elderly

We must redouble our efforts on prompt diagnosis and early medical therapy for COVID-19 to reduce the intensity and duration of symptoms, hospitalization, and death. In that process, each and everyone can help those who are ill in recognizing the sheer panic that sets in with the realization that this could be fatal for our seniors, and they know it...
11/2/202158 minutes, 16 seconds
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Paralysis of Hospital Care for COVID-19

There are innumerable reports of long lengths of stay, unhappy patients and family members, and clear evidence of therapeutic nihilism where patients are not offered the full continuum of care that optimally is started as an outpatient. Patients and family members should demand "shared decision making" and enforce a patient bill of...
10/26/202159 minutes, 12 seconds