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The Meditation Podcast Profile

The Meditation Podcast

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 21 episodes, 7 hours, 50 minutes
The Meditation Podcast creates an extraordinary meditation experience for people in their everyday lives. Founded in 2006 by husband-and-wife team Jesse & Jeane Stern, TMP uses guided meditations, binaural beats, mindfulness, and 20+ years experience in Healing Arts. Please use headphones, and do not listen while driving or operating machinery. For our complete archive of meditations, please visit our web site or
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Breathe Easy Meditation

When we experience stress, our bodies tighten, which can restrict our lungs, air flow, and the subtle Life Force energies flowing through us (chi, prana, reiki, etc). In today's meditation, we align our physical and energetic bodies with our breathing. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
9/3/202422 minutes, 55 seconds
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Easy Reset

Use this short meditation when you want to shift gears, recenter, or simply check in with your self. In today's meditation, we reground, recenter, reset - with ease! This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
8/2/202412 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Twenty

The Twenty is a meditation I developed using techniques from yoga, yoga nidra, and qigong practices. We inhale deeply, release our exhale, and count each breath to twenty. This simple practice helps to regulate the nervous system and gently observe our racing minds. In today's meditation, we count our breaths to twenty. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
6/30/202420 minutes, 59 seconds
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Nervous System Reboot With Reiki

Debilitating aspects of stress build over time. One way to reset our baseline stress levels is via self care toward the nervous system, specicifically the Vagus nerve. In today's meditation we use breathing, movement, and reiki to 'reboot' the nervous system. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
6/2/202430 minutes, 54 seconds
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Your Heart's Desire

What is a heart's desire? It can be a desire of the moment: to sleep, to daydream, to smell the ocean, to eat my favorite meal, to spend time in community or with loved ones. It can be a lifelong desire: What is my purpose, my calling, my service, my passion? What would I do every day if I could do anything ... where hours pass, and it feels like minutes? Whether we are in a life-milestone crisis, seeking to adjust course, or simply checking in about what we really want, acknowledging our heart's desire can help us to align our choices with our values and needs. In today's meditation, we seek our heart's desire. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
5/3/202426 minutes, 21 seconds
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Reiki For Letting Go

Life events can overwhelm us. In addition to the challenges of daily life, we also carry the change and loss that many of us experienced during the pandemic. In today's meditation, we practice letting go. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
4/2/202420 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dr Charles Brown

Dr Charles is a Minister and Babalawo, father, mentor, and friend. To describe the impact he has made on my life would take hours, so I will simply share his words with you. In today's meditation, I am honored to introduce Dr Charles Brown. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast Please note that Dr Charles uses language referring to God as 'he' and people as 'men'. It is intended and understood that 'men' includes all people, and that the infinity and mystery of God is beyond body and gender.
2/29/202416 minutes, 55 seconds
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A Simple Meditation (2024)

Meditation, in its simplest form, is simply awareness. In today's meditation, we practice awareness. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
2/3/202415 minutes, 47 seconds
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Reiki For Big Feelings

Overwhelm, anxiety, stress, grief, frustration. These intense, 'big feelings' can sap our energy, our drive, our focus, our presence, and our joy. In today's meditation, we allow the Universal Life Force of Reiki to help us experience peace, even within the intensity of our big feelings. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
12/4/202326 minutes, 1 second
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Reiki Together

When we direct life force energy toward ourselves, we sometimes get stuck in an isolation loop. This can happen when our need to receive healing energy conflicts with our power to give it. By directing our power toward others, we allow it to flow more fully - including within ourselves. In today's meditation, we practice moving life energy together. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
11/2/202346 minutes, 5 seconds
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Autumn Seed Meditation

As we enter the fall season, nature shows us an example of turning inward. Like plants dropping their leaves to allow their outward selves to fall away, we can also drop the parts of ourselves that no longer nourish us. This is part of a global life cycle, nourishing the essence, the seed of life within us. In today's meditation, we focus on our inner essence, and prepare for the darkness of winter. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
10/4/202321 minutes, 26 seconds
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Reiki For Fatigue

I don't know about you, but I've been feeling exhausted. My energy levels alternate between hyperfocused and hyperalert to lethargic and unmotivated. I go to bed buzzing, and I wake up tired. I need a recharge! In today's meditation, we use the Universal Life Force of reiki to restore fatigue and rebalance ourselves. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
8/1/202320 minutes, 5 seconds
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Home Blessing

Since 2020, our concept and purpose of 'home' has evolved. For many of us, home has become more of a refuge, a sanctuary, an office, a workspace, and we may have experienced significant changes in where we lay our heads. In today's meditation we fill our home with awareness, peace, appreciation, and unconditional love. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
7/5/202313 minutes, 59 seconds
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Inward Smile

Smiling feels good, calms our stress levels, stimulates the Vagus nerve, and sends a message to our psyche that we are ok. As a mindful practice, smiling disrupts patterns of self-judgment by circulating kindness and unconditional love to ourselves. In today's meditation, we smile inward. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
6/2/202326 minutes, 18 seconds
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Reiki Meditation For a New Year

As we flip our calendars to a new year, we face an opportunity to revisit our intentions. Which parts of our human experience would we like to drop, diminish, add or amplify in the coming year? In today's meditation, we infuse the new year with Universal life force of Reiki. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
1/1/124 minutes, 40 seconds
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Healing Frequency

Being human is naturally resilient. I believe that our natural state is health and wholeness. It is also a natural human process to lose track of our wholeness, to 'forget' who we are. When we forget our nature we are often tempted to 'try' to 'fix' ourselves, when our most effective action may be to simply allow. In today's meditation, we amplify our healing ferquency, and allow our bodies, minds, and spirits the space to heal. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
29 minutes, 10 seconds
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Eye of the Hurricane

Modern life is full of distractions. Our jobs, screens, and apps all pull our attention by design. Environmental noise from people, animals, and machines can all distract our focus and affect our mood. We tend to shift our attention to whatever alert, sound, or nudge is the loudest and most persistent. When our environment feels out of our control, we may lose focus on our current task, and we may off-track our habits and intentions. In today's meditation, we center ourselves in the eye of the hurricane. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
5/1/202314 minutes, 13 seconds
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Experience Your Divine Nature

A paradox of human existence: when I turn my attention upon myself, am I the self being observed, or am I the Self that is observing? The idea of a 'higher self' is one way to experience the part of ourselves that exists both within and outside of us, independent of our bodies, independent of the physical world. In today's meditation, we experience our higher self, our divine nature. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
4/2/202316 minutes, 7 seconds
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Should Compassion

Last Friday I slipped on ice, hit my head on a stone stair, and got a concussion. It affected my thought process quite a lot. I was tired, had splitting headaches, and had trouble comprehending and speaking words. Until yesterday I felt strange, not like myself, like something was off. I am ok, and am now recovering, but with my brain working on healing itself, I have not had much capacity for complex thought or "strenuous mental activity". This experience led me to think a lot about shoulds. The things I feel I should be doing, the life or career milestones I should have reached by now, the project I should start, or the project I should finish. Shoulds come from our survival needs and fears, our societal and cultural messages, the voices of our well meaning friends and families, and our own self talk. Our shoulds are often tied closely with our self worth. And so, in today's meditation, we listen to our shoulds with compassion. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
1/3/202321 minutes, 37 seconds
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Peaceful Heart

When we raise our inner voices of self-loathing, criticism, and doubt, the noise can grow into chaos. We need a consistent inner voice - the quiet internal rhythm that literally pumps life through our bodies. In today's meditation, we center our attention on the heartbeat. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
20 minutes
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Grieving and Healing

Welcome to The Meditation Podcast. This is Jesse Stern with Episode 109, Grieving and Healing. My oldest friend died last week. We were born 6 months apart, friends since birth. He was like a brother to me. He was my first companion in meditation and healing work. He was severely abused as a child. The trauma of his abuse led to severe mental illness. He spent many years of his adult life between housing stability and homelessness, and between mental stability and schizophrenia. He died alone. I am in shock, I am angry, and I am sad. In today's meditation, we honor and grieve for those we love.. This podcast is made possible with great thanks to our subscribers on Patreon. Join our community at Patreon (dot) com (slash) theMeditationPodcast
12/4/202223 minutes, 20 seconds