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The Obvious Choice

English, Fitness / Keep-fit, 5 seasons, 443 episodes, 5 days, 16 hours, 37 minutes
A podcast for fitness and health coaches who want to simplify and improve their client care, business, marketing, and social media. New episodes every Monday and Wednesday. -- The Obvious Choice is presented by QuickCoach -- free professional software for fitness and nutrition coaches that raises the value of what you do by delivering a good-looking, aesthetically clean program every time. Join 23,000+ users and claim your free account at www.QuickCoach.Fit
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Episode 127 - The End Of A Chapter

Today the team talks about what the podcast will look like going forward and all the changes listeners should be excited about.   The Episode: The Final Episode   We have learned so much over the last year, doing this show twice a week, and today we are announcing how we are shifting things moving forward. We also believe there is a lot of value here for students, in our decision to evolve and change things up, as businesses are always in motion and one of the biggest strengths you can have as a business owner is the ability to adapt and grow with these changes. Doing this show, in the format you have come to know, has been a great experiment that has taught us so much, and as we have said before, actually doing this is often the best teacher. As we streamline the podcast, with shorter episodes, less fluff, and a bit more of a direct approach, we hope you will join us for the next leg of this journey, and continue to learn and evolve too!   In This Episode  A big announcement about the podcast going forward [0:02:03] What to expect on future episodes [0:05:23] The two fundamental lessons we teach in the academy [0:07:41] Embracing evolution and change [0:11:06] How the podcast has served the business in general [0:15:54] Learning through doing; lessons from the last year [0:18:00] Putting oneself out there and overcoming personal hurdles [0:22:40]   “Our mantra moving forward is 'Do less, better''.” — Jonathan Goodman   Formatting Changes for the Podcast The next time you tune into the Online Trainer Show, you can expect to only hear from Jonathan and Amber, and while this may seem a bit different, we think you should be excited about this change. There will still be two episodes a week, however, they will be shorter and more to the point than they have been in the past. We intend to keep some of the lighthearted energy but want to really focus on getting into the most valuable parts as quickly as possible for all our listeners. We had to decide which way we wanted to lean with the podcast, and the decision has been made to double down on the educational aspects of what we do.   How Would This Look If It Were Easy? A mantra we will be repeating going forward is to do less, better. We have always believed in making strong leadership decisions and this is one of those. A simple format, with less, more direct information is the route we are pursuing. A lesson here that can be applied to any training business is the attitude to embrace changes and evolution, stripping away unnecessary complexity can be a huge step forward. Just because certain things are a certain way does not mean they have to stay that way!   The Original Idea for the Podcast One of the main tenets of this show was as a way to promote the academy, and in truth, the show was not doing this as well as it could. We have had so much fun doing this podcast in its current format, with so many jokes, laughter, and learning, and now we want to drill down on growing the OTA and making money for the business in order to keep delivering great value to our clients. We have been so happy to experiment and lean into the human side of what we do, all these lessons will be of great help moving forward. Stay tuned!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
8/12/202128 minutes, 18 seconds
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My Client Isn't Checking in, Can I Still Charge? #126

Today the panel discusses clients who have become distant, what could cause this problem, and the best ways of dealing with it.   The Episode: My Client Isn’t Checking In, Can I Still Charge?   The nature of an online training program is that opportunities for connecting in-person with clients are scarce. This can lead to situations where clients do not show up for predefined online check-in sessions. There are a few problems associated with this type of situation, the first being that as coaches we can start to feel like we are failing and that our clients have disengaged because our services are not up to scratch. Another big issue here is that we have possibly not set up a program for checking in that suits the client. Today on the show we dive into these and other issues and share our thoughts on the best way of managing them.   In This Episode Feeling guilty for billing clients who are not present [0:12:18] The main problems at play in situations where clients are not engaging [0:14:15] Negative stories we tell ourselves and how to overcome them [0:15:11] Being compassionate to the personal reasons for why clients might not show up [0:17:57] Setting up systems for keeping in touch with clients [0:20:41] Designing your course to allow for life at its most complex [0:23:28] Whether an absent client means client who is not engaging in your course [0:26:33] Asking clients about their preferred schedule [0:30:37]   “There’s a thousand reasons for why people ghost their coaches. Some are related to the coach. A lot of the time it has nothing to do with anything the coach did in particular, so stop making assumptions.” — Carolina Belmares   Avoiding Slipping into Negative Thought Patterns If a client becomes distant, it is easy to blame ourselves. Taking things personally in this way can lead to a lot of issues, and we can even start to feel guilty about billing clients because from the outside it feels like they are not getting any value from the program. The first thing to remember here is that just because communication between a coach and client has broken down, this does not mean the client has stopped engaging in the program itself. The second point is that there could be a thousand reasons why a client is not engaging in a program. People’s lives are complicated. As coaches it is our job to be compassionate and set up our programs to accommodate for life’s unexpected crises. If you are in the loop with what is going on in your client’s life, then you are better equipped to decide to charge or not for a particular month.   Setting Up Systems for Keeping In Touch The second major problem that could be responsible for a gap in communication between coaches and clients has to do with systems. You could have a fantastic course that the client is getting a lot of benefit from, but your systems for communication could be poor, and this could be the reason you have not heard from them. It is useful to keep in mind that the types of people who engage the services of online trainers often have personality types that struggle with regular communication. One way of handling the different personality types of your clients is to have a candid conversation about how they like to communicate from the outset and design your systems around this. As you progress with your client you should measure how your systems are working, and tweak them as you go, because there is often a gap between what clients say they want and what they actually need.   Keeping Focused On Your Main Responsibilities At the end of the day, the job of the online trainer is to offer clients their skills and knowledge in a digestible program, not to be their best friend who they chat to all the time. Ultimately, the responsibility of putting in the work and keeping up with the program is the job of the client and not the coach. Keeping this in mind can help you rest easy if you have not heard from a client in a while. Provided that the program you offer is of a high quality, the client has the choice to either engage with it or not, and the choice they make should not be used as a measuring stick of the quality of your services.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
8/10/202138 minutes, 58 seconds
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How We Program For Clients #125

The topic for today's episode is how to create achievable and inspiring workout programs for your clients.    The Episode: How We Program For Clients   Creating the right program for your clients is one of the determining factors of the success and results they will experience. If you can set out a plan that keeps them engaged, is easy enough to follow, and helps them stay on track, they are that much more likely to achieve their fitness goals. In this episode, you will hear about the importance of simplicity, templates, variety, and some of the common hurdles to overcome.   In This Episode Deciding on where to start with clients and their programs [0:16:28] Examples of programming and the templates that can be utilized [0:21:20] Common challenges that clients start out with [0:24:32] Considering the utility of variety and simplicity [0:26:50] Working with what clients already have access to [0:36:01]   “It has to be simple, when it comes to training. Because otherwise it can feel overwhelming.” — Carolina Belmares   The Foundations of an Achievable Program Your clients may have a variety of aims or all very similar ones, this depends on the market you serve. Generally speaking though, most people who employ a trainer want to get into better physical shape, whether they express this as fitting into clothes, looking better naked, or feeling stronger. You want to help your people to access this sense of achievement, and this can be aided by using a similar template with small specifications for individuals according to their needs and abilities. You also need to think about a set of minimum commitments in terms of days and sessions, that you can hold them to.   The Mindset Component Oftentimes, successful programming is about instilling discipline. Most people go to a fitness coach to help them stick to their plans and get it together in a way that is more difficult independently. So as a coach, one of your most important roles is to help organize time and mindset in relation to workouts. There are connected issues such as diet and lifestyle choices, and only when these things are in place can a workout schedule and program really be effective.   Balancing Simplicity and Variety You want to use enough variety to keep them engaged and alert, but do not want to overcomplicate things. They actual workouts you use can border on being boring! Think about what your client really needs to help them stay on track, remain committed, and show up as planned. It is much more about this component than creating exquisite workouts for every person you work with. Prioritize their results, and use your listening skills as a building block to approach what they need and can benefit from.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
8/5/202141 minutes, 42 seconds
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Inclusivity In The Fitness Industry #124

Our diverse panel of experts discusses the important and pressing issue of transformation and inclusivity in the world of health and training.   The Episode: Inclusivity In The Fitness Industry   The issue of diversity and inclusion stretches far beyond the reaches of the fitness industry but is very prominently present in our field too. In this episode, we get into the pervasive nature of othering, the historical standards that have informed the inequality we still see today, and the micro-aggressions and that many people of color have to endure on a constant basis. Transformation is a necessary challenge for professionals to confront in this space, so join us to hear some thoughts on a way forward.   In This Episode How the fitness industry reflects society at large [0:09:37] The importance of diversity in industries such as health and wellness [0:12:17] Appropriate and authentic responses to inequality [0:17:42] The pressing issue of representation in the training industry [0:20:11] How client-centered work can help steer the ship [0:24:19] Examples of the othering of indigeneity [0:28:02]   “You have to be really, really careful in how you assess somebody for a position because oftentimes the conventional way to assess somebody for a position is completely irrelevant to the job.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Monolithic Nature of the Fitness Industry The fitness industry has historically been centered around white males, and even today, there seems to be more exclusion than inclusion in the space. The issue is also reflected in qualifications and representation, with diversity and equality being more of an anomaly than anything else. Real meaningful change will take time and considered effort from the people that make up the industry at large, and there is still a long way to go to reach a better status quo.   More Inclusive Hiring Practices There are many assumptions that underlie interview processes, and many of these are not even related to the job. Part of what needs to happen is these assumptions need to be checked and care needs to be taken in challenging the way these processes have been practiced. It can be quite difficult to put together diverse teams and panels, as the lack of opportunities afforded to minorities has lead to unequal skills and a lack of practice.   Taking Action for Representation and Opportunity Real change needs to be more than a public relations stunt, it needs to be authentic. We cannot continue to have panels and events that have the same people represented over and again when there are others that need to be given a chance. This starts with reassessing commonly held assumptions, and as trainers, another great guiding force can be to remain focussed on each client. A client-centric approach can help direct your efforts in a more inclusive direction.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
8/3/202136 minutes, 57 seconds
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Avoiding Damaging Dogma In Order To Become A More Complete Professional #123

The team discusses how to avoid the dogma that is so pervasive in the fitness industry.   The Episode: Avoiding Damaging Dogma In Order To Become A More Complete Professional   As with many industries, the fitness world is filled with sub-sectors, echo chambers, and dogma. The problem is that falling into a specific lane and never leaving it can result in a weaker service to your clients, and a less-rounded practice around training. There are a few strategies that can minimize the negative effects of this human tendency, and keep you and your knowledge base challenged and growing. Tune in to hear our suggestions and thoughts on how to keep an open mind and embrace different perspectives.   In This Episode Pitfalls of the fitness industry around dogma and bias [0:13:53] Dealing with dogmatic clients [0:19:10] Embracing disagreement and learning from other perspectives [0:21:36] Drawing the line between being dogmatic and polarizing [0:28:23] Signs and signals of dogma within your philosophy [0:31:37] The tension between nuance, transparency, and building a platform [0:35:01]    “The best solution is almost never the solution you used last week.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Pervasiveness of Dogma There are so many solutions out there, and applying the same solution to many different situations is usually not the best idea. In order to provide a great service to clients, you need a range of wisdom and how to deal with specific people and circumstances. We all fall into schools of thought and need to be aware of that tendency, while a certain level of bias is unavoidable, it is necessary to at least try to avoid rampant dogma. The other side of this coin is that you will encounter clients who have their own dogma too!   Learning and an Open Mind We should all be going out of our way to learn from intelligent people with opposing views. We can all miss parts of the picture, so seek out situations and people that challenge you! Aiming to develop particular solutions to particular cases is a great way to balance the need for systems with an individual philosophy to different clients. This means balancing your best methods with an open-minded attitude to gaining new ones.   Ways to Combat Your Own Bias  Strong reactive feelings are often a sign of dogma, so we recommend noticing these and taking a pause to consider where these feelings may stem from. The world of health and fitness is fundamentally science-based, and the scientific approach is inquisitive above all else. Embody that in your own journey and fight against the tendency to avoid nuance and transparency!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
7/29/202143 minutes, 54 seconds
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Overcoming Boredom In Your Business #122

Our team of trainers talk about how to overcome the issues of boredom that arise when running your own business.   The Episode: Overcoming Boredom In Your Business   As entrepreneurs and business owners, we have to endure the peaks and valleys of running the show. One of the challenges that most of us have to deal with is the boredom around repeating certain parts of what we do, and the things that are not necessarily our favorite parts of training. So with that said, we wanted to share some thoughts on how you can overcome these hurdles and keep your business going through the less exciting times! No matter your interest and excitement levels, you need to maintain your relationships and programs with existing clients, you also need to be communicating about the work that you are doing. Staying at least somewhat present on social media is equally important, and a great way to stay on track with this is to switch up your content to other interests you might have. The last thing to say about boredom is that it can drive inspiration and innovation, so it does not always have to be a bad thing!   In This Episode The business landscape and the rise of localized markets [0:12:10] Getting away from the negative results of the repetitive nature of running a business [0:20:08] Maintaining interest levels through enjoyment [0:23:46] Manifesting higher energy levels [0:27:36] Non-negotiables for the keeping things going [0:29:20] Staying present and showing up to stay in the public eye [0:33:38] Recapping the basics of making it through trying times [0:36:36]   “Don't feel bad, don't beat yourself up if you disappear for a while, it's totally fine, just get back on it!” — Carolina Belmares   The Reality of Business and Repetition The truth about running a business is that it is repetitive. There are certain things that you will need to do over and over, and setting up good systems and templates is a part of achieving success. You also want to create a business that you enjoy running, that has tasks that do not drain all the life from you. These are things to keep in mind while building a business, and while adjusting it along the way.   Techniques for Staying Interested and Engaged If you can keep your business fun, you will find yourself bored less often. One way to do this is to track your own behaviors around tasks and try and minimize the activities that seem to result in feeling disengaged and bored. There will always be work to be done that is not your favorite, but the less of this, the easier it will be to face. Another great resource to draw on when you are struggling to stay motivated is your network. Communicate with your friends and mentors because conversations can always help you out of a tight spot.    Energy Levels and Excitement We recommend looking for any methods that can give you a boost. What gets you going? Find that out and make use of that knowledge! There are foundational factors that will keep your business running, and as long as you have those bases covered, it does not matter if you abandon some optional stuff in the meantime. Make sure your clients are happy, that you are showing up, and that people are hearing about you, the rest is gravy.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS   Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
7/27/202140 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Secret to Irresistible Online Training Sales (Hint: It all comes down to the offer) #121

Today our panel of expert trainers talk about the secret to creating irresistible online training programs to sell to clients.   The Episode: The Secret to Irresistible Online Training Sales   One of the most important steps in the process of a functioning training business is the initial interactions with clients around selling and intake. So if you can get this element of your business down, you may just be able to set yourself up for better results further along the road. Engaging new clients with quantifiable and specific goals, and then delivering on these is what will solidify your value to them. By creating a structure that you can achieve with your new clients, you can make sure that they buy in fully to your systems and rewards, and keep coming back!     In This Episode Why trainers fail to achieve results with clients early on [0:10:48] The cycles of business and times for evolution [0:16:19] Basic structures for a great offer [0:19:10] Putting enough energy and attention into a launch [0:27:47] The specifics that set you and your clients up for success [0:33:01]   “Trainers are often really, really bad at showcasing process and identifying when goals are met.” — Jonathan Goodman   Installing and Communicating a Process It is an unfortunate reality that many trainers are not proficient at communicating their processes with clients. We need to be able to lay out a plan and then show when goals are met. This is an area that can always be improved upon, so do not shy away from evolving these parts of your business. In order for clients to get excited about what you are offering you need to share the transformation that they can identify with.   The Components of a Great Offer Our recommendation is to create a high-ticket front-end offer as a start. Coupling this with a quantifiable goal and continuity in your program can get people to sign on and buy in, which will, in turn, manifest credibility and belief in what you are doing together. This also includes timelines, so that when a goal is reached on schedule, you can set new goals and get clients to carry on their work with you!   The Importance of the Launch We think it is key to be very invested in the launch period of your program. Prioritizing the intake process will set you up for future success, and can set the tone of the specificity and intentionality of your regimen. A big part of this connection is to learn about your clients and how to support them, because when they feel that, they will find it easy to commit and work with your expertise. Do not forget, there are many different types of quantifiable goals, so just find the ones that work for you and your people.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
7/22/202139 minutes, 23 seconds
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What Disney World and Online Training Have In Common #120

Today, we talk about what Disney World and online training have in common. These two things might sound worlds apart, but they have way more similarities than we think!   The Episode: What Disney World and Online Training Have In Common   You might be confused about why we would be talking about Disney World on the show today, but, as trainers, there is actually so much for us to learn from Disney. Ren, Carolina, who is celebrating her birthday, and Amber, sit down to talk about some of the valuable lessons we can all take away from the iconic brand. From niching down to expert onboarding and creating memorable experiences, Disney offers it all, and there’s no reason why you can’t either. You are capable of providing your clients with truly great programs that will stay with them forever. Tune in to hear it all!   In This Episode Hear what Carol did to celebrate her 39th birthday. [0:05:45] What Ren learned about business from his time at Walt Disney World. [0:13:19] How Disney’s approach to niching down applies to trainers. [0:19:00] What Disney teaches us about onboarding your clients. [0:21:07] People buy with emotion and rationalize with logic afterwards. [0:27:40] Create an experience that matches the price you are charging for your program. [0:36:04]   “What happens in Disney rides, as well as in our business, is that when you start giving people things that are engaging, now they are really sold on your process.” — Carolina Belmares   The Power of Niching Down  Wherever Ren goes, he is always thinking about Amber, Johnny, and Carol, and going to Walt Disney World was no different. The whole time he was there, he was thinking about the business lessons he could share. Disney is a big umbrella brand, and underneath it, there are so many niches that appeal to a wide range of people. These parks are niched down so that everyone feels included. Despite how wide they have cast the net, it is all still very congruent, and you can clearly tell it is under the Disney brand.     How to Onboard Like a Boss  What stood out to Ren most was the park’s onboarding process and ability to sell. Even though there was a two-and-a-half-hour wait, each part of the onboarding process had a different stage, giving you a new experience. Just like how we have to keep our clients busy, Disney also kept Ren entertained and engaged, even though he was still waiting. The change of scenery while he was waiting made him feel like he had graduated and was one step closer to where he needed to be. Disney has done what all great businesses should do; just when you feel like your customer is getting annoyed with waiting, you give them something new so they will continue the journey with you. Similarly, in the world of training, when you have signed a client to a program, there is a time before they start when they are in limbo. During this stage, it is key to keep them engaged and remind them of the adventure that is to come. If you do it right, your clients shouldn’t even know the difference between being on the program and onboarding.     Create Experiences that Stand Out  So, after you have gotten off a ride at Disney World, guess where you end up? In the gift shop. This makes perfect sense because you have just had this incredible experience, and your emotions are naturally heightened, making you a perfect sales target. Just like Disney does not think about how much money people might have, this should not be a concern of yours either. When your clients have finished a program, present them with the next option; it is up to them to decide whether or not they can afford it. Like with Disney, if you have generated enough emotional attachment to the experience, the next step will be a natural graduation. If you are struggling with your price point, focus on creating an experience that matches how much you are charging. It is not your place to judge people and how they spend their money. All you can do is make sure they get what they are paying for. Work on all of your touch-points so that your client feels they are getting the best.    Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
7/20/202138 minutes, 36 seconds
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The A-Team Delivers #119

Today Alex and Amber talk about making new hires and how to make sure that the new member on a team is as good a fit as possible.   The Episode: The A-Team Delivers   Hiring the right staff is one of the most important parts of scaling a business and many things need to be considered when it is time to engage in this process. With this in mind, we dedicated this episode to the subject of hiring new coaches and other team members. Joining us for this discussion is our very own Alex Cartmill who has a lot of experience in this area as he is the former head coach for OTA level 1 and is currently running our OTC program. We get into the whole process of making a new hire, covering how to know when you need somebody new, what skills to look for, the qualities they should inherently display, the application process, training, and more.   In This Episode  How to know when it is time to start looking for new team members [0:07:14] Different types of new hires and when to hire which [0:13:00] How to find the right person for a position you are hiring for [0:18:15] Qualities that are tough to teach new hires through training [0:21:09] The best way to set up an application process [0:24:32] Keeping a new coach in check versus giving them freedom [0:30:51] Final tips for hiring and managing coaching staff [0:30:51]   “I will take someone with a good attitude and the right mindset and have to teach them the skills any day of the week before someone who happens to have all the skills.” — Amber Reynolds   How to Know When It is Time to Hire A New Coach  Even before you start looking for employees you should understand where your strengths and weaknesses lie. This way, when you look for new people, you know what to hire for. As far as knowing when to hire somebody new, the time will be right when one of two things happens: you either want help with scaling or with handling the business you already have. When it is time to make a new hire it is important to understand which roles you can afford to fill with new talent and which ones you need to keep doing yourself. By all means, hire people that allow you to focus on your zone of genius, but do not just outsource for roles you can’t stand doing even though you should be the one doing them.   What Qualities to Look For In New Candidates When it comes to hiring new coaches, you will find that candidates will fall into two main categories, complementary and supplementary. Supplementary coaches will have a similar approach as your own and can be hired to fill roles you used to occupy yourself. Complimentary coaches on the other hand think differently than you and these types of candidates can be used to help grow the business by expanding the range of services you offer. Knowing which of these two types is right for your business at any particular phase goes back to self-awareness. If you understand where your strengths and weaknesses lie it will make it easier to know which type you need. That being said, often the first hire people will make is a supplementary one. Regardless of which type of coach you need, we recommend looking for people who are empathetic, curious, and display naturally good interpersonal skills because it is hard to teach these qualities.   How to Find the Right Person and How to Train Them Once you know who you are looking for the next step is finding them. Here at the OTS, we often don’t need to look much further than our preexisting network. Once you have a team that you can trust the chances are they will know somebody right for the position and you can build a shortlist in this way. If you are still in the beginning phases, the question you need to ask is how can you make the application posting appealing enough to grab the attention of the talent you are looking for. Posting the salary you aim to offer is one good way to do it. On the topic of salary, you need to be willing to reimburse a person for the value they will be adding to your team. You can assess how much to pay based on how replaceable a new hire will be. Once you have made your hire and are in the process of training them there is a fine line that needs to be towed between giving them the freedom to be their authentic selves and keeping them in check with the branding of your company. Giving them freedom is important but it means they will make mistakes, and it is important to have systems in place to handle this.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
7/15/202146 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Women Have Taken Over #118

Today Carolina and Amber discuss the power of women and share some of the role models that most inspire them.   The Episode: The Women Have Taken Over   Today on the show, Ren and Jonathan are both away which gives Amber and Carolina a chance to take the slot for themselves, and they use it to talk about their role models. If you are a man and your first thought is that this episode will be worthless because it is hosted by women, then this is an opportunity for you to check yourself. As Carolina and Amber get into the women who impress them most, they also talk about why, and we get to hear the many different qualities that make women like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Dr. Jen Gunter, and Sonya Renee Taylor great. In this way the conversation covers themes like authenticity, challenging stereotypes, handling conflict with grace, and a whole lot more!   In This Episode Carolina and Amber’s woman role models growing up [0:08:12] The types of influencers that women gravitate towards [0:13:00] Tips for coming up with content for social media [0:15:03] The woman influencers who Carolina and Amber follow [0:18:06] Issues with the value proposition of coaches who offer ‘empowerment’ [0:18:06] Sharing content that comes from sources other than you with clients [0:25:14] Respect for women who can handle confrontation with grace [0:26:41] Following accounts that challenge your beliefs [0:28:23] Equipping ourselves with the vocabulary to help clients with body issues [0:31:05]   “We are not trying to indoctrinate you into anything. We are trying to open your world into understanding that women are super complex.” — Carolina Belmares   Amber and Carolina’s Role Models Part 1 Carolina and Amber kick the show off by talking about the woman role models they had as children. From there, they weigh in on the influential women who have made the biggest impressions on them and talk about why. Megan Calloway shares a ton of workout content in a way that is to the point and easy to understand, and she is known for designing some great pandemic workout workarounds. Tori Dunlap does an amazing job of making the topic of how to build wealth as a woman relatable and easy. Amie Tollefsrud is fantastic at teaching people everything they need to know about how to work Instagram for their business. One of the best things about Kristina Kuzmič is her authenticity and her ability to call things out in ways that give us space to reassess ourselves.   Amber and Carolina’s Role Models Part 2 The conversation continues and our hosts share even more of the superwomen who inspire them. Dr. Jen Gunter is the author of The Vagina Bible and is also known for the smackdowns she delivers to men who say stupid things. Likewise, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is an utter powerhouse with a razor-sharp mind who displays an amazing ability to handle conflict in a graceful way. Our hosts love Sonalee AKA the @fatsextherapist because of their advocacy and skill at challenging heteronormativity. Claire Diaz-Ortiz is an author who is enjoyable to learn from as far as social media and productivity. Lastly, Sonya Renee Taylor is the New York Times bestselling author of The Body is Not an Apology and her content can help coaches work with women who struggle to accept their bodies.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
7/13/202135 minutes, 24 seconds
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Sleep Training For Busy Folks #117

Today the team discusses the importance of sleep and finding routines and boundaries for getting the best sleep possible, in order to be operating optimally.   The Episode: Sleep Training For Busy Folks   There are plenty of dangerous myths about entrepreneurship, running a business, and getting enough sleep. We believe getting a good night's sleep as often as possible should be one of your highest priorities if you want to make progress in your life and coaching! In today's conversation, we talk about some different approaches to winding down at the end of the day, avoiding things that detract from your rest, and some basic rules and boundaries that can aid your efforts to be on top of your game!   In This Episode Sleep, preparedness, and increased productivity and efficiency [0:15:52] The impact of life events such as parenthood [0:20:10] Removing the things that detract from sleep [0:21:04] Creating boundaries that can improve sleep patterns [0:23:41] Finding the unique conditions that suit your needs [0:28:12] Avoiding mixed-use of sleeping spaces and items [0:31:23]   “A lot of entrepreneurs suffer because they do work in bed, or they do work in the bedroom.” — Ren Jones   Better Sleep Habits There is a popular myth that if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to sacrifice your sleep. This may be the route that some individuals take but it is definitely not a rule you should follow. All the evidence shows that good sleep is part of optimal health and performance. Now, sleep may look different for different people, at certain stages of life, as there are other factors to balance such as parenthood, and of course work responsibilities. This means it is necessary to have realistic expectations with regards to your sleep goals but does not mean it is impossible to always be well-rested!   Proactive Approaches to Sleep Simple, practical strategies can make a big difference to the quality of your sleep, and while these differ from person to person, there are some good general rules to consider. Avoiding electronics before going to bed, and even in the bedroom at all, is becoming more and more widely accepted as a sleep-enhancing habit. The more you can turn your bedroom into a sanctuary, the more tightly your mind will associate that space with rest. Another good measure is to set boundaries for yourself and those you live with, around what you need in order to sleep well. These might be bedtimes or considerations in the evening and early morning. Routines and limitations can have a huge impact and are a reasonable request to make of those around you.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
7/8/202139 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Best Books That Every Online Trainer Should Read #116

Today's discussion focuses on some recommendations of the best books to read as an online trainer.   The Episode: The Best Books That Every Online Trainer Should Read   There are many avenues to explore to learn and improve your online training business, and one of the most fruitful is the books you can read to up your game. Impactful books are not limited to a specific field, and today we speak about a selection of recommendations from different genres that can help push the needle in your life and business. Learning and improving is what will take you from average to highly successful and profitable, so adopting this kind of mindset is a must!    In This Episode  The range of books that can help you and your business [0:16:02] How Ignite the Fire can provide a great foundation for a coaching business [0:17:41] Dan John's Never Let Go and the philosophy of training [0:19:41] The importance of the lessons in The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel  [0:20:55] Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic and how to follow your curiosity [0:25:47] Applying the lesson from How To Talk So Kids Will Listen [0:28:35] Frameworks for coaches from The Simple Path to Wealth [0:29:36] The profound wisdom of All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten [0:34:14]   “You don't listen to financial advice from somebody who has different financial goals and risk appetites. Good advice could be good advice for somebody else, and not you.” — Jonathan Goodman   Mindset and Money There are so many different types of books that can help you, so do not restrict yourself to a certain area or genre. We recommend figuring out your goals (something that books can help with too!) and then seeking out experts on the subjects related to those goals. A great starting point for the basics of mindset comes from our very own Jonathan Goodman and is called Ignite the Fire. From there you can dive into the philosophy of training and commitment in the amazing Never Let Go by Dan John, an older book but one with so much relevance and wisdom. On the financial side of things, The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel can set you on a path to better management and building the life that you truly want. While The Simple Path to Wealth by J L Collins is a great addition to your explorations into money and securing your future.   Curiosity and Life Lessons There are some amazing lessons about passion and curiosity in Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic, another must-read for any creative person or business owner. The application of small lessons to bigger areas of your life is exemplified by the applicability of How to Talk So Kids Will Listen, as we believe that these ideas can be used beyond parenting! The last recommendation we have for you today is the fun yet profound All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, which is a series of essays about how to keep your life simple and healthy.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   Books Mentioned Today: Ignite the Fire —   Never Let Go —   The Psychology of Money —   Big Magic —   How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen —   The Simple Path to Wealth —   All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten —   Mr. Money Mustache Blog —   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
7/6/202141 minutes, 19 seconds
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What's Your Programming Recipe? #115

Today we have a discussion about the unique nature of programming and how to find the best way to do it for your online coaching business.   The Episode: What's Your Programming Recipe?   It is quite common for newer trainers to struggle with confidence around their programming. In fact, most of us feel like we can always learn more, and want to constantly improve our programs no matter how far along we are. The reality is that all trainers do this part of their work slightly differently, and that is not a bad thing! Think of your program as containing your own unique flavor, a recipe using common ingredients that all trainers have, that is tailored to your skills and your clients' needs. So lean into your strengths and style and deliver something worthwhile and helpful to the world!   In This Episode  The unique recipe that each trainer uses to create a program [0:17:39] Common hurdles on the way to confident programming [0:21:35] What our trainers do in their own workouts [0:25:24]  No two programs will be the same [0:35:29]   “Understand that people are going to come to you for your flavor of programming. Thrive on that. ” — Jonathan Goodman   Different and Unique Programs It may be useful to think of trainers as chefs, creating different recipes and flavors with the same ingredients. Clients and trainers alike, need different things, and there is also a huge variation in terminology, combinations, and approach within the world of coaching. If you can continue to learn and adjust your unique 'flavor', adding ingredients and strategies as you go, you can both become more specialized, while also broadening your reach and impact!   Doubts About Programming We often witness trainers dealing with feelings of inadequacy around their programming and that they are doing it wrong. This imposter syndrome shows more about the insecurities that creating programs elicits than anything else. The chances are that if you are available and helping your clients to move and exercise, the program is working to a certain extent. Another way to combat these fears is to have conversations and share information with other trainers. This way you can contextualize what you are doing while adding appropriately to your programs.   Adaptation and Formulation In-person coaches generally have approaches that include more on-the-fly adaptation, whereas the online route leads to more strictly planned programs. There are so many unique recipes out there, with so much valuable variation, how you adapt and formulate your schedules is solely up to you. But the message here is to have some confidence in your own style, the dish that you are cooking, and bring that to the table so that people can enjoy it!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
7/1/202143 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Marketing Approach You Should Start Doing #114

Today we hear about the power of permission marketing and why you should be adopting this approach as soon as possible!   The Episode: The Marketing Approach You Should Start Doing   The message remains clear: whatever program you are creating or perfecting, do not build it in a cave! We want to remind you of the importance of speaking to people and collecting useful feedback on your offers. This all comes under the umbrella of the idea of permission marketing, an approach championed most famously by Seth Godin, in which you use past clients, peers, and colleagues, to develop a more impactful business. The basics of the process are speaking to people who will be interested in what you offering and using the feedback about your offer to direct your decisions and testing. The system also allows you to create a network of invested individuals who feel a real connection to what you are doing, which is a great foundation for any venture.   In This Episode  Reaching out to colleagues in a different way [0:04:02] The conversations that can help you find out what is important [0:22:20] Building your programs based on conversations with experts [0:27:41] Scheduling a time and having an impactful first call [0:30:41] Creating buy-in and bringing people along on your journey [0:35:41] The process of iteration and going live with an offer [0:37:35]   “If you start marketing something when that something is ready, you are four to six months too late.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Initial Outreach Once you have identified people that you can speak to, you can reach out as early as possible, before you even have a request to make. If they seem interested, then when the time comes you can ask them to share and spread the word about what you are doing. The first steps are just about gathering information and getting some feedback from different levels of expertise. Speaking to people enables you to learn about your offer in a way that is not possible on your own.   Narrowing Down Your Offer These conversation can be quick and to the point. You are refining your idea, and getting specific about the most powerful parts of what you are offering. By adopting an accommodating and forthright attitude you can lead the communications in way that is inclusive and mutually beneficial. This is all part of a more general approach to networking, and you can utilize whatever platforms that you have at your disposal. The important thing is to get out of the 'cave' and connect with others to keep learning and iterating!   Following Up and Moving Forward It can be very diligent to mention how things will move forward from the start. Including your network in the process allows you to set out a roadmap for the growth of your program. You can also consider offering early or trial versions of the service in order to really test your work. This will all lead to more talk and knowledge of what you are doing in the lead-up to any official launch. You are creating a real investment and community, something that can be built organically and slowly, and continually improved upon!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
6/29/202143 minutes, 52 seconds
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Working With Clients Who Aren't Like You #113

The panel sits down to chat about ways to connect with an audience and work with clients that are different to you.   The Episode: Working With Clients Who Aren't Like You   For some of us, running a training business means connecting and working with clients who are different from ourselves. If that is the case, we need tools and strategies to do this successfully, to meet our clients where they are, and really serve their needs. In this episode, we break down some simple ways to approach these challenges, avoid the easy mistakes that can occur, and underline the importance of listening! One of the main takeaways here is to remain open and humble, allowing space for experiences and perspectives that are not your own, in order to be of better service.   In This Episode  The gender imbalances that are so prevalent in the training industry [0:12:09] Ways in which a trainer might differ from their clients [0:19:45] Learning the language of an audience in order to connect [0:21:00] Locating the spaces to connect with your target market [0:28:09] Finding content and messaging that resonates [0:31:57] The importance of reflection and open-mindedness [0:36:29]   “Let's get immersed in the language of whoever it is that we are serving. We've got to learn to speak the language of the demographic.” — Ren Jones   Patriarchy and the Training World We all know there are many more men training women than the converse. This is just one of a plethora of results of the legacy of patriarchy in the fitness world, and there are many dynamics that contribute to this issue. There are, however, other forms of disparity, between trainers and clients, for example, diet preferences, age range, and body type. These are all relevant to this conversation, as hurdles to overcome.   How to Learn and Connect Fundamentally, trainers and their clients must be able to communicate and understand each other. That leaves the onus on the trainer to learn the language of the markets they are trying to serve. A great way to do this is to find books and publications that are popular among a target market and internalize the style of communication and diction used. The other branch of this is to find the places and platforms where your ideal audience spends time. By engaging and absorbing information in these forums, you can really get to grips with your people!   The Right Kind of Attitude As a trainer, you need to find things that resonate with your clients. The best way to do this is to involve the people from that segment of the market, listen to what they are saying, and don't assume things before learning. This all relies on your abilities to listen and reflect, so you have to stay open and responsive. Despite the need to share expertise, you want to avoid presenting yourself as an expert on areas that do not relate to your own lived experience.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
6/24/202140 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to beat IG Influencers at their own game #112

Today the panel talk about how online coaches that might not have the biggest following can exist in a market flooded with influencers.    The Episode: How to Beat IG Influencers At Their Own Game   Getting started on the task of building influence online can be daunting because the thing that seems to define a successful influencer is their monumental amount of followers. In this episode, we make the main point that a huge following does not by any means equate to a successful online coaching business. In fact, content creators or influencers can be seen as a completely different breed to online coaches. It is totally possible to have a very limited amount of followers and still make a brilliant income each month as an online coach. The secret ingredient here is looking after the followers you do have and working your circle of influence, no matter how small. If you look at your online strategy as a process of building one authentic relationship at a time, your business will thrive. There are concrete strategies for finding the right audience, and nurturing those relationships, and we get into a few of these on today’s show.   In This Episode Redefining the meaning of the word ‘influencer’. [0:15:28] We all have our circle of influence and should focus on working it. [0:17:40] Avoid getting caught up in trying to play the influencer game. [0:21:44] Differentiating between content creation and coaching business models. [0:23:10] Tips for coaches starting out who haven’t partnered with a content creator. [0:25:24] Forming connections with audience members who actively engage. [0:25:34] The way that algorithms boost the organic reach of highly engaged users. [0:29:42] Tendencies to be robotic on the internet and how to be more human. [0:33:59] Focusing on building real relationships online rather than optimizing for an algorithm. [0:34:23]   “It’s not about the numbers, it’s not about the massive presence. It’s about what you do with the influence that you have.” — Carolina Belmares   Focusing on Your Immediate Circle of Influence Here at the OTA we often encounter aspiring coaches who feel as if they don’t have what it takes to compete with social media influencers, and they harbor this belief because they don’t have a large following. As we have said here before, social media influencers and online coaches are two different business models. It is also valuable to redefine our understanding of the word ‘influencer’ here. Being an influencer does not mean you have a ton of followers, but rather that you have a valuable reputation towards a subsection of people. A staple of the OTA is that you need 30 clients at $200 per month to make $72,000 per year. It is not about numbers but what you do with the influence you have in your immediate circle. If you can forget the paradigm of needing to call yourself an influencer to be successful as a coach, then you can start focusing on working your circle.   Dialing Into Your Audience and Seeking Out The Road Builders Competing with influencers is in some senses a matter of playing a totally different game to them. All influencers do is create content, whereas online coaches build an actual business around a service that they offer people. These two models can however work well together, so if you are a coach and can partner with an influencer, this is one good way to start building your following. If you are starting from scratch and can’t partner with a content creator, then it is vital to remember that don’t need a big number of followers but, rather, valuable ones. The best way to start building a small network of engaged followers is by dialing in on your audience. What we mean by this is finding what we call ‘road builders’. Road builders are people with a high likelihood to be interested in your service and an equally high likelihood to engage in your account online. You can find these people by looking for coaches who offer a similar service as you, taking note of the people who interact with them often and reaching out to these people to build a relationship. These are the people who will be your brand ambassadors. An extra nugget here is that when you engage on social media, the algorithms boost your organic reach.   Focusing On Building One Relationship At A Time Forming real relationships online is not about copy-pasted responses and bulk strategies but about being human. We see a lot of people acting like robots online and this kind of behavior boils down to fear of being trolled or rejected as a result of being themselves. Equally, many of us seem to be obsessed with optimizing for social media algorithms but we are here to tell you that building a business is dependent on your ability to build relationships with individuals. Will Smith talks about how his career was a process of laying one careful brick at a time. We resonate highly with this idea and believe that just building a relationship with the one person that is in front of you is a masterful strategy for building actual influence on social media, instead of taking the “influencer” approach and going for a big numbers of followers. Each genuine relationship you build amounts to a small deposit, and over time these all compound!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
6/22/202140 minutes, 1 second
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How To Use Social Media When You Hate Using Social Media #111

Today the panel talks about the difficult but important act of using social media as far as growing a coaching business. They share a few tips for how to use it in the most effective and painless way possible.   The Episode: How to Use Social Media When You Hate Using Social Media   Here at the Online Trainer Show, we understand that using social media is something many people just cannot stand. While it is true that the constant work involved in putting ourselves out there online can feel like a stretch, there are definitely a few strategies to follow that make this process a little easier. For starters, it is important not to compare yourself to people who are further along in their audience-building journey. As long as you start with your existing network and platform, make sure your offer is consistent with your strategy, and get to know your audience as well as possible, your social media game will be as on point as it needs to be before you know it!   In This Episode Being aware that not everybody is at the same stage in their journey [0:16:39] You don’t have to repurpose content to different channels at first [0:18:35] The value of starting your social media journey with your existing network [0:24:04] Understanding your game and playing it better than anybody else [0:27:10] Listening to the advice that is coming from inside your field [0:28:33] Making more effective and less frequent posts by knowing you audience [0:29:42] Creating franchises; or themed content that repeats on specific days [0:35:50]   “It’s not about number of followers. It’s about the quality of followers that you have.” — Carolina Belmares   Start with Where You Are For many of us, the number of steps involved in building credibility around our offers can seem daunting. For this reason, a lot of people feel very negatively toward the social media side of marketing. One way of taking the pressure off is by remembering that the people who seem to be doing well online have most likely been at it for a long time. Your posts will never do this well off the bat, so don’t expect them to and then get disheartened when they don’t. Take things slow and start by posting on one platform. It is not necessary to obsessively repurpose a piece of content to get your messages heard by the right people and nab your first clients. Additionally, bear in mind that you will already have some loyal fans in your existing network of social media followers, so start by looking after them. A big following does not equate to a high conversion rate!   Play to Your Strengths Many people who are trying to get into the coaching business are looking toward content creators for inspiration. The truth is that coaching and content creation are actually two completely separate businesses. You don’t need to be out there creating premium content every single day to build credibility as a coach. What you listen to and who you take advice from is very important. There is an old lesson that says that often the most important learnings reside in the details we pay the least attention to. So if you are wanting to excel as an online coach maybe it is time to stop placing all your focus on what content creators are doing, and do what you do best instead!   Be A Sniper, Not A Machine Gun One of the things that make the social media game daunting is the false assumption that one has to be out there posting every second of the day. The truth is that throwing out content like there is no tomorrow is only a necessary strategy if you have no idea what your audience wants. If you get to know exactly who you serve, then you can be intentional about what you post, meaning you can post less because of the effectiveness of the posts that you do make. A final word of advice for feeling less daunted about posting consistently is around creating systems or 'franchises’. If you give each day of the week a theme that you post according to, you will feel less like you are having to create ‘new’ content each time you make a new post.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
6/17/202142 minutes, 33 seconds
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The One Without Ren #110

Today our usual panel, minus Ren, talk about the importance of working and collaborating with other professionals in the online training world.   The Episode: The One Without Ren   Today we are missing our main master of ceremonies but the show must go on! Despite Ren sitting this one out, we have a great conversation about the power of collaboration, networking, and helping out other trainers and peers. There may be some fear attached to referring clients to other businesses, but we strongly believe that this idea of scarcity is based on a false premise. There is so much more to be gained from building these bonds and linking with other like-minded individuals, and you will soon see that there is more than enough business and money to go around!   In This Episode A recent post in the OTA group about the power of guest training [0:10:27] How this podcast incorporates different personalities and approaches [0:14:02] The fallacy of competition [0:16:55] Different avenues to explore for your brand and business [0:19:48] Good practices around helping others [0:24:29] Examples of unexpected results from reaching out [0:28:26] Lessons in giving in to generosity [0:32:41]   “Don't be afraid to help others. There is actually great benefit from helping others in your world, in your industry.” — Carolina Belmares   Ways to Connect with Other Professionals There are so many ways that you can build amazing bridges to other trainers. Think about guest training or providing supplementary services to their clients! There is also the option to share clients and refer people to someone who is perhaps a better fit. We all have different skills and can benefit from bringing these together. There are so many different ways and avenues for making money in this business, so we recommend putting yourself out there and adopting a generous attitude.   Abundance Instead of Scarcity Connecting and sharing will bring you many more positive results compared with the supposed immediate loss of business. This mentality around competition and scarcity is generally built around false perceptions anyway, so knowing who is good at certain parts of the game and reaching out to them is most often your best bet. Why not reach out to people you admire? Make new friends and make your social and professional circle bigger! The rewards for this kind of approach can come in many different forms and at unexpected times, further down the road.   Give Freely and Receive Willingly Putting yourself in line for the fruits of the labors and a generous attitude does not mean doing everything with a devious or ulterior motive. We think it best to help for the sake of helping, and not to make deals in your head that others might not be aware of. This is another reminder about clear communication, and remember, this is a long-term game so be patient with your networking efforts. Our last message, and a truly powerful one, is to not resist doing nice things for others; when you think of it, do it!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
6/15/202137 minutes, 21 seconds
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How To Create More Time In Your Business #109

Today the team sits down to chat about how you can go about creating more time in your business.   The Episode: How To Create More Time In Your Business   In many forms of freelance and online work, schedules and your time can become a messy concept to deal with. How do you make sure that you are delivering great value to your clients while also avoiding being continually swamped and overcrowding your planner? Listening in today, you will hear a few different strategies and simple methods for staying on top of your time, and how structure and planning can actually lead to more freedom, rather than restraining you!   In This Episode The question from the academy that prompted today's discussion [0:16:00] Figuring out what is truly necessary for your clients [0:18:12] Taking note of how you actually spend your time in order to optimize [0:22:41] Setting boundaries and designing your ideal week [0:25:52] The importance of structure to any business or project [0:33:22]   “The absolute best way to lift people up is to create unbelievably high standards for them and then give them the opportunity to rise up.” — Jonathan Goodman   Taking the Lead with Your Schedule There is usually a way that you can trim the fat from your commitments, and this means going through and taking note of what is absolutely essential to the service you are delivering. Clients usually do not need long weekly phone call check-ins for instance, so anything that falls into that category can be cut from your diary. Communication is also key, as when you are spending time on someone, making sure they know when you need to finish and respecting those deadlines can help a lot.   Set Healthy Boundaries   We recommend gaining some self-awareness around how you actually spend your hours. Using a notebook and jotting down how your days pan out can be quite illuminating in this regard! When we leave things unaddressed, tasks tend to bleed into other times of the day such as the evenings or social time, so try setting out boundaries for yourself. You can even design your dream week, and see what that looks like and if you can achieve it.    Freedom Within Structure The paradox of implementing more structure in your days is that it can actually lead to more freedom! This structure will also grow and change along with your situation, and there will always be tradeoffs that you will have to make. But we recommend putting in place as many benchmarks as possible, these will impact your approach to work and time and will most likely increase your energy for different parts of your day!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
6/10/202144 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Difference Between Building An In-Person and Online Coaching Business #108

Today we get into the differences of an online coaching business, compared with the in-person model.   The Episode: The Difference Between Building An In-Person and Online Coaching Business   As more trainers catch onto the benefits of working online, marketing and business strategies need to reflect these trends. One of the main arguments we make here on the OTA show is that online coaching is not the same as an in-person service, and so there are clear ways in which your methods need to evolve if you are wanting to make this switch. In this episode, we focus on a few elements that are vital to a successfully run online training business and dispel some myths and misconceptions around niching down and your actual selling points.    In This Episode What most people sell when doing in-person training [0:15:29] The challenges of switching from in-person to online [0:20:10] Why narrowing down your target market is not so dangerous [0:25:01] Location bias when working as an in-person trainer [0:28:32] How marketing changes when you move online [0:32:51] Taking your business cues from your own life [0:36:10]   “What you can do for somebody in person is much harder to do for them online, it's harder to replicate.” — Jonathan Goodman   What In-Person Coaches Offer In-person training is predominantly about making someone feel good while they are working out with you. However, whether in-person or online, you should always be selling the transformation that is possible through your program. The problem is that a lot of people do not do this! Although different customers might look for different things, you need to promote the real value that you offer and double down on that. Online training allows us to focus more on those results as there is less focus on the actual sessions.     Switching to an Online Model There are a number of challenges that coaches can encounter when making the switch to an online business. Pricing is a big part of making the change, and your mentality towards your prices and value will determine how things work out for you. We urge you to be very conscious of your mindset around this time and try to see if you can catch and curb any limiting thoughts that might be present. Until you do this you will be stuck within those limitations.   Narrowing Down Your Market is a Positive Step Trying to serve and help everyone is a fallacy, and will not actually enable greater impact or reach. When you narrow down your lane to something more defined, you usually make it possible to connect with more people, rather than exclude possible clients. Your whole business will evolve over time, so there is no need to overcomplicate things, especially in the beginning. The beauty of online training is that it allows you to drill down on what you really offer, and remove noise and hype from what attracts clients to your business.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
6/8/202143 minutes, 17 seconds
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How To Have More Than One Target Market #107

Today on the show the focus is how to expand your online coaching business into other target markets.   The Episode: How To Have More Than One Target Market   One of our main messages for students is to identify and focus on a single target market or defined client avatar. But this does not mean that you can never branch out and serve other markets and a broader range of people. This episode is all about how and when you can do this and is also a reiteration of keeping things simple in the beginning. Ultimately you want your online coaching business to grow and change according to your needs and skills, so listening to feedback and staying authentically yourself should be the guiding principles of whatever choices you make.    In This Episode Expanding a target market after the initial phase [0:21:34] Tricky transitions into new areas [0:24:43] Allowing space for organic growth and reinvention [0:29:12] Making appropriate shifts that suit you and your lifestyle [0:30:53] Sharing the unique and quirky parts of yourself [0:34:42]   “When you are starting, you need a competitive advantage, you need something that is going to give people a reason to take a shot on you.” — Jonathan Goodman   The First Steps As we often say, keep it simple when you are starting out, and this means focusing on one target market! Once you have an established customer base in a market, you can begin to consider expanding it, or approaching other demographics. This is not a necessity, and it is completely acceptable to stay in your lane and never leave, it is up to you! What you definitely do not want to do is mess things up by trying to juggle more than you can handle.   The Problem with Branching Out It can be a real challenge to transition from an in-person practice to something strictly online, and this is mostly because becoming accustomed to one way of doing things can make it hard to recognize its flaws and abandon it. The reality is that in-person training is just not a good business model anymore and does not serve any of the people involved as well as it should. You can train whoever you want to but try and free yourself from the limitations of your past experiences.   Staying Flexible and Open-Minded In the early stages of a coaching business, you will not know what it will become. So do not focus on executing a big vision initially, you want to leave space for trying new things and for exploration and reinvention. You can really adapt your business to your life, and we highly recommend staying genuine and quirky because that is what people will connect with! As always, real-time feedback is invaluable, so take notice of what people relate to and what they are saying.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
6/3/202145 minutes, 5 seconds
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What We Wish We Would Have Known #106

Our panel sit down to talk about what they wish they had known when starting out in the online training space.    The Episode: What We Wish We Would Have Known   No matter where you start out with your training business, things will change and grow over time. This means that you should not get hung up on what you know and don't know at this point. We all begin this journey with a lot to learn, and this process will mirror the type of business you end up building, so allow that to happen in its own time and enjoy the developments as they happen. Instead of focussing on having it all figured out, rather pour your energy into taking action and learning, this is a much better pathway to lasting success, and with this attitude, you can build a much more genuine and sustainable business.   In This Episode Wasting time on choosing a name for your business [0:11:16] The pressure of feeling like you have to have it all figured out [0:12:19] It's fine to be a little clueless in the beginning! [0:16:51] Avoiding procrastination and the benefits of urgency [0:23:49] Taking action will lead to results of some kind [0:26:29] Potential damage done by an overactive ego [0:28:29] Learning as you go and building slowly towards success [0:35:17]   “I knew nothing when I started. I literally started a blog and did not know what the word 'blog' meant.” — Jonathan Goodman   Figuring Things Out As You Go It is quite easy to get preoccupied with small things in the beginning, like fretting over the exact name you choose for your business. There is also a looming pressure that we often experience about feeling like we have to know everything, but we are here to tell you that it is okay to learn as you go! Don't beat yourself up about your blindspots. You can use the process of trying things out to figure out what you like and where you fit in. What you want to focus on is realizing how you can create an impact!   Avoiding Stagnation and Overthinking When starting out, we all know very little and that is fine because you will learn as you go. In fact, having the space to be inventive and creative is a real benefit. When you know more, you can actually get into a space of overthinking and finding reasons not to do something, whereas early on, when you are more fresh to the space, this is not an issue. We have seen experienced coaches trick themselves into thinking they are moving forward, when they are stuck in a comfortable place, not making any progress.   Evolving at a Natural Pace As we often say, taking action will lead to progress! Stagnation and indecision will not serve you and your business, so you need to allow space for evolution through the time you spend on your business. Having a sense of urgency, or some sort of impetus that means you need to succeed, can be a real gift, so do not shy away from making things count! The last thing to avoid is getting too tied up in the ego, as it can result in us being both overconfident and insecure, all leading to less action!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
6/1/202141 minutes, 5 seconds
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How To Successfully Fail #105

Today the team looks at how to approach the inevitable failures and hurdles that coaches encounter, in order to set yourself up for long-term success.     The Episode: How To Successfully Fail   Failure and disappointment are part of life and part of business. Here at the OTA we often encounter students and coaches expressing feelings of failure and inadequacy based on certain events. This is to be expected and in some ways can be out of our control. What you do have control over, however, is how you address these situations and bounce back from them. Challenges have a way of weeding out those who are not up for them, so who do you want to be with your online training business?   In This Episode   Feelings of failure that are common to aspiring coaches [0:13:13] The time and failure that are inherent to starting a business [0:17:00] Sticking with it and collecting feedback to reap the rewards [0:20:13] Using your strengths as a way to overcome hurdles [0:23:57] The importance of this kind of resilience [0:29:49]   “Just because we fail, doesn't mean we are a failure. That can help us move forward.” — Amber Reynolds   A Better Approach to Failure At certain points in your journey, you will fail in some way or another, and you have to expect this. If you can incorporate this into a stronger mindset around failure, it will take the sting out of losses. We are not defined by our failures but rather by how we respond to them! Most things will not come out perfectly or occur in a perfect setting, so see if you can switch your perspective on these failures, to learning experiences.   Responding and Improving By sticking things out, you can improve the ratio of success to failures, hopefully learning along the way. It is fine to be disappointed when things do not work out, but it is all about your reaction to these scenarios. If you let a failure lead to giving up, then you will truly never succeed. We believe the key to keeping going is to gather feedback, and if you can collect and accept this in the right way it will give you more clarity and the fuel for improvement.   How to Stay Committed  It is important to have a progressive outlook, searching for ways around the inevitable obstacles. Think about your strengths and goals, and build strategies that can get you through the more difficult times. The process of encountering challenges will separate the truly committed from those who are not cut out for it, so you can decide which camp you fall into. Focussing on the day-to-day processes, and the joy that is available in those, instead of the variable results, can also help to build a stronger mentality and a more resilient attitude.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast -   Stitcher -   Spotify -   YouTube -
5/27/202134 minutes, 10 seconds
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How To Price Online Training #104

The OTA panel of experts talk about getting past the tricky hurdles of pricing your online training packages.   The Episode: How To Price Online Training   When thinking about pricing for your online training business there are a few very important things to consider and ways to make this somewhat difficult process a little easier. First of all, there are big differences between a badly planned, cheap package, crammed with unnecessary filler features, and something more high-end that offers and delivers the kind of value that clients actually want. The other important part of this conversation revolves around the process of scaling your pricing model in a secure way, in order to build the right kind of foundation to move upwards. In the end, you have to be the one that shows clients what you have to offer and the value of that, so tune in to hear more!   In This Episode   Confusion, misunderstanding, and misinformation around pricing [0:09:05] The cheap pricing model versus the high end-model [0:18:20] Selling the benefits and transformation instead of features [0:21:58] The value of collecting client testimonies and feedback [0:28:54] Mapping out your plan, the time involved, and then the price [0:30:46] Understanding where you are in your pricing journey [0:38:37]   “What will your client become as a result of doing the program? That's what matters.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Hurdles of Pricing Your Package Pricing can be a very confusing subject at times and has only been muddied by the work of marketers. If we look at the two ends of the spectrum, with the very high-end packages on one side, and the more underpriced and entry-level stuff on the other, we can begin to see where the problem lies. As we often say, we need to be selling benefits instead of features. You want to drill down on the emotional elements of what you provide. And this comes back to good communication with your clients!   Giving Clients What They Need Promising extra features can actually drive clients away if they are not services that they want! It is also important to remember that clients often do not know what they want, and it is up to you to show that to them. Early steps in this process as a trainer include collecting feedback and testimonials to start to gauge where your real value lies. Once you have this figured out you can begin to work out the monetary value of that and create packages based on what you need for a viable business.   Price Adjustments and Increases Once you have an initial pricing scheme laid out and have sold a few packages, you can begin to bump up the price accordingly, but wait until you have sold successfully at the lower level before doing this! This is the systematic way to increase your income until you are at the level you believe you are truly worth. Conversations with clients, again, form an important piece of this, so get good at asking them questions and collecting their responses.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
5/25/202145 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Importance of Collaboration #103

This episode sees the panel look at how collaboration can help you in addition to others you work with.   The Episode: The Importance of Collaboration   There is a certain narrative in the online world around the scarcity of business and the need to look after oneself at the expense of others. We are here to tell you just how false this is and how reaching out, collaborating, and helping others can be one of the best things you can do for your business and its success. With the never-ending pool of potential clients and the multitude of other professionals doing great work, why not link in to what is happening and join the party?   In This Episode Finding the right people to connect and work with [0:15:05] Providing value to others and offering help where possible [0:20:42] The reality around the size of your potential market [0:25:28] A rising tide and the benefits of sharing ideas [0:28:02] Actionable steps for kickstarting collaboration [0:32:15] Reaching and out complimenting good work [0:38:41]   “Ten times out of ten, if you are able to communicate with peers in your industry you're going to get opportunities that you don't have otherwise.” — Ren Jones   Building a Network of Relationships A good first step in collaboration is to find people who produce content that you like. There are too many clients out there for you to work with by yourself, but you can serve more people by connecting and sharing ideas with other trainers. Through a simple practice of reaching out, you can easily build meaningful relationships over time, and these connections will push your boundaries and expand your opportunities.    Generosity and Its Benefits There is a lot to be said about how far you can get through serving and offering help to others. A generous attitude is always possible, so when you find your people it can be very easy to create a nurturing and supportive environment. We also recommend continuously thinking about how you can further extend these branches and broaden your horizons even more. So don't be afraid to reach out to those people you have identified that you like and respect.   Celebrating Others and Getting in on the Action If you want a booming business, you want to be close to the action, and where the people in your field are located. This means getting involved in groups, networks, and events. By pooling ideas with others you also improve your chances and output, and there are loads of ways to do this in real life and on social media. Don't forget to celebrate your colleagues, tell someone they are awesome today!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
5/20/202146 minutes, 10 seconds
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Value is Not Measured in Effort #102

Today the discussion focuses on the misconception that the value you offer through your service is equal to the effort you exert while providing it.   The Episode: Value is Not Measured in Effort   Sometimes we can begin to think that in order to truly provide value to clients we have to put in the most effort possible. Here at the OTA we believe this is fundamentally untrue, and that almost always, the best possible outcome is for things to just work. That means that less is often more, and the true measure of your expertise commonly lies in how simple and easy you are able to make things for the people you work with. This inner dialogue that we have with ourselves about our ability to help and provide value can be harmful and so we are here to remind you of what your clients are actually coming to you for!   In This Episode The OTA community question that sparked today's discussion [0:16:37] Glorification of 'difficult' and why it's okay to not have a problem [0:19:26] Valuing your own work and expertise first [0:26:09] Working less for higher returns [0:30:02] Examining your own feelings about your worth [0:33:39]   “Your job is to give a client what they need, when they need it. It is to optimize for the client.” — Jonathan Goodman   Giving Clients the Right Amount Simply put, online training involves more upfront effort, and less as time passes. Coaches and clients can make assumptions about the value that is on offer, but on examination, it is clear that value is not directly correlated effort. If you imagine things from your client's perspective, there is a point where giving them more, can make your service worse. You do not have to add on extra unnecessary challenges and components to their plan!   Shifting Perceptions of Expertise The online world often leads us to too much emphasis on difficulty, but it is also completely fine to not have a problem. Although part of the modern, social media-influenced psychology, this is a long-standing human tendency, where if something appears easy or quick, we possibly value it less. When paying for services, it is useful to remember that you are not only paying for the actual labor or advice, but also the expertise that has been acquired over time in order to carry out the work.    Working Less for Better Results The common experience of imposter syndrome also plays into this, and when we feel unsure of ourselves we can often feel as if we need to do more. But true expertise is being able to do things more successfully with less effort! We see that this issue is mostly about our own feelings and that if we remain focused on client outcomes and feedback, we can allay many of these doubts.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
5/18/202141 minutes, 17 seconds
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Online Training Should Be Fun #101

The panel breaks down how you can make your coaching business a little more fun, and how this can benefit you and your clients on multiple levels!   The Episode: Online Training Should Be Fun   Any business will have challenges and entrepreneurship is not a walk in the park. When you can bring some joy and fun into your work, whether it is the process of answering emails or the time you spend with clients, you can alleviate and mitigate much of the fatigue and stress that is to be expected. This can mean making things more in alignment with your unique personality, learning ways to lighten the mood with clients that are struggling, or just leaning into your expertise in order to feel more relaxed. Whichever ways suit you, we highly recommend making fun a priority for yourself and your clients.    In This Episode Injecting some joy into the stresses of online coaching [0:15:33] Creating an outlet to boost your energy and productivity [0:21:32] Insisting on enjoyment in your life and business [0:24:49] Reframing difficult client conversations [0:30:00] Bringing humor into your content and lightening the mood [0:34:01] Execution is everything [0:39:03] Enjoying the journey of building a business [0:42:17]   “Having the ability to interject humor when you're communicating with a client, wherever you can, is really a great way to better enjoy what you do.” — Ren Jones   The Difference that Fun Can Make Adding some levity to your work can make a big difference and make the tough times much more tolerable. Most of us know that entrepreneurship can sometimes be a lonely and tricky road to walk, so adding in some adjacent outlets and elements to your workflow can boost your energy and excitement. Remember, fun is physical and allowing space for that type of energy in your coaching can impact the results of your clients too, which should be your priority. Professionalism and fun are not mutually exclusive, you want to love the process of building a successful business!   Business Does not Have to Be So Serious There is no reason to suffer through your work, because running things as a coach can be such a creative pursuit. The idea of gamification has grown in the popular imagination in recent times, and this method for bringing the fun back into potentially arduous parts of work can be really powerful. This entails knowing yourself and what gets you going and how you can inject your personality into your work. All of these little strategies will be appreciated by those you work with, and have lasting effects on your success.   The Relationship Between Humor and Confidence Another important thing to keep in mind is that your content does not have to be completely serious. Sometimes we get confused about this, but in actual fact, usually, more expertise and confidence lead to more fun-filled content. When we present materials we have created, we should be free and easy with it, that is a good sign of the level to which you are in control of what you know. When you know your message well, you are free to adapt it and play with it, so go out and do something fun and remember, execution is everything!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
5/13/202144 minutes, 44 seconds
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How To Be Consistent #100

In this episode, the team break down the importance of consistency, and how to bring more of it into your online training business.   The Episode: How To Be Consistent   This episode is all about how to experience success that can be relied upon in the future, and refocussing your vision away from quick wins. There is a strong relationship between simplicity and consistency, especially in the beginning, so we recommend avoiding aiming for extremes, and unrealistic goals. What you really want to do is make it possible to keep doing what you are doing! The first step in laying the foundations is staying consistent, and then using the resultant success to build.   In This Episode  The superpower of consistency [0:13:10] Focusing on the work instead of the results [0:19:41] Creating a business that allows you to succeed [0:25:22] The majority of people give up at some point [0:27:01] Setting and then hitting the right goals [0:32:25]   “You've got to take pleasure in the work, not necessarily in the results of the work. Because the results are going to come as a result of doing the work consistently, relentlessly, while ignoring the day to day highs that happen.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Advantage of Consistency It pays to remember that consistency is actually a superpower for whatever business or project you might be working on. It is the thing that will take you to the next level, and it does not even require any talent! If you really want to separate yourself from your peers or competition, work consistently. The other thing that will happen when you work on the same things over an extended period is that you will slowly become really good at them, and can experience that success that takes time to accumulate.   Work Over Results Struggling with the day-to-day work of a business after the excitement of starting out forces many business owners to give up or drop the ball. It can get boring having to put in that time so tirelessly, so you have to find a way to stick with it through these valleys. Appreciating small wins and the people around you are two good examples of how to do this and will help you stay on track with your plans. This plan also needs to help you get away from the feeling that you are a slave to your business, and prepare you for the hiccups that are to be expected.   Simplicity and Consistency You need to be able to match what is realistic, with what you set out to do. Find a way to set realistic daily goals that can facilitate success over an extended period. The fact is that so many people give up at some point before they really reap the rewards of the early work they do. If you can just show up every day and do that realistic amount, this can be so different for you! Some days will just be about surviving, and that's okay, because if you can survive those days, some days will be about big wins!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world-leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast -   Stitcher -   Spotify -   YouTube -
5/11/202147 minutes, 10 seconds
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What To Do When You're In A Rut #99

This episode focuses on how to manage feelings of being stuck and what to do when we find ourselves in a rut in life and business.   The Episode: What To Do When You're In A Rut   The inevitability of better and worse times in your career does not have to be an unnecessarily big problem. Through a little persistence and patience, we can ride out the tough times and will slowly experience the temporary nature of the valley we might fall into. These are lessons that are learned over time and through life, but we are here to affirm you, that some self-awareness, kindness, and faith, can make everything more manageable, even when it does not feel that way! As we have often said on the show, comparisons are almost always the enemy, and the more you can hold that thought in your mind, the easier the tricky periods will be. A slump can be kept in context if we do not spiral into a negative way that exacerbates the issue. Simple and patient action will get you through and prepare you for your next great success!   In This Episode Seeing through the plateaus and difficult periods between successes [0:16:23] Staying away from unnecessary comparisons [0:24:41] Getting accustomed to the tough times [0:30:59] The questions and doubts that can creep into the mind [0:33:21] A process to follow to break a negative cycle [0:35:48] Following your own needs with regards to routines and rest [0:38:03]   “Success comes, not in short, incremental gains, but quantum leaps.” — Jonathan Good   The Hills and Valley of Business It is a common experience to level up in life and business, and then for things to slow down. In order to keep going, we have to learn how to endure these periods, as they can trick you into feeling like a failure! One of the most foundational aspects of this is considering and examining your beliefs about success and money-making, and laying out a plan of unique goals and how to work backward from these.   Playing Your Own Game Each of us, to a certain extent, is playing a different game, and we should not be making comparisons between these sports with different goals and different rules! Ask yourself, what you really want from your life and your business, this will allow more space for your own success, and even celebrating others'. Unhealthy comparisons seem to almost be a part of human nature, but that does not mean we cannot learn better habits!   Negative Cycles and Thought Patterns The first time we go through a dip or a tough time with our business, it can be very hard and overwhelming. There is no easy answer, as we have to just stick it out, identify what is happening, and catch your thought patterns. These cycles can lead to questioning and doubts, and there are definite trigger points for this, often when we are less productive or inspired. The issue here is that the doubts and comparisons are mostly based on assumptions rather than reality, so as soon as we start making choices from a place of more awareness we can take action against any feelings of despair!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
5/6/202144 minutes, 6 seconds
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How The Needle Actually Moves #98

Today we get into a discussion on the hard work and dedication that goes in before the needle can move in a big way for you and your business.   The Episode: How The Needle Actually Moves   This episode takes a more philosophical approach than usual as we get into the important themes of growth and success. The biggest message we want to deliver while addressing getting the needle to move is staying the course, and trying to keep some focus on the macro picture, instead of paying too much attention to the micro. It is all about doing the right thing in your business, day in and day out, essentially playing the odds in the right way. The needle does not move slowly and steadily, and you never know when you are about to strike gold, the trick to success is staying committed so that you don't quit just before you find the treasure you have been digging for!    In This Episode The lesson we should be learning from surprises [0:13:20] Putting your head down and sticking to the work [0:18:32] Harnessing a nothing-to-lose mindset [0:21:40] Your story might be different to everyone else's [0:30:29] Bearing the fruit of consistent effort and work [0:34:18]   “It's easy to zoom out on somebody else's life, and hard to zoom out on your own.” — Jonathan Goodman   Winning Through Consistent Work The events of life and business can be surprising! The truth is that we do not often experience slow and steady growth, but rather we have periods of intense growth and leveling up. It might even feel like a lot of stagnation, interspersed with a few lucky breaks. So what we really need to do is keep enough space open, by staying focused, for the five percent of the time that things go right, and make up for the other harder times.    Making the Most of Your Advantages There is a certain freedom that comes with feeling like you have nothing to lose, so that is a good energy to embody when working towards a big goal! It can come as a big surprise when your ship comes in, and the less you can focus on external stories and comparisons the more you will be able to enjoy it when it does. We recommend trying to zoom out on your life and path, even though this can be quite tough sometimes!   You Can't Predict When the Needle Will Move No one can know how and when the rewards for hard work will arrive, and it can feel daunting pouring yourself into something so unknown. But at the same time, things can change really quickly, and this is why sometimes it seems that someone comes out of nowhere and is an overnight sensation. In reality, this is almost always the result of years of work and the eventual success that comes from that!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
5/4/202148 minutes, 26 seconds
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How To Assess Clients Online #97

Today the discussion focuses on how online coaching assessments can be conducted in the most effective way.   The Episode: How To Assess Clients Online   We have seen, time and again, how newer coaches give too much attention to assessments with their clients. That is not to say that assessments have no utility, rather that, too much emphasis is placed on this part of a coaching plan. You do need a way to measure progress, as well as maintain an understanding and excitement around your program though, so how should you go about approaching assessments? As usual, the simplest solution seems to win: keep the assessments basic and safe, while tailored to a particular person's needs. That way, you get away from redundancy and any pitfalls around motivation and injury. If you can find suitable ways to show the progress a client is making, you will keep them interested, committed, and engaged!   In This Episode  The potential usefulness of simple assessments [0:16:51] Finding reliable ways to measure and assess online [0:22:49] Basic steps for beginners and assuming the need for this [0:26:20] Real-world assessments based on applicable measures [0:29:58]   “You really do have to favor reliability over validity.” — Jonathan Goodman   Keeping Assessments Simple and Effective The reality is that assessments do have their uses, but are not quite as important as they are sometimes made out to be. The trend also appears to be that as trainers gain more experience, they rely less and less on assessment protocols. This might be because stock processes can lead to improper conclusions, or just the lessons you learn make them less necessary. You may want to do a basic assessment around pain and discomfort when starting out with a new client, but the number one thing to keep in mind is to favor reliability while you are trying to track progress.   Parts of Assessments to Avoid When beginning a client journey, with an individual and a group, it can be quite powerful to start with the very basics, which makes the needs for assessments less pressing. Newer trainers seem to feel the need to do more assessment, which is somewhat unsurprising as they feel more compelled to exhibit so-called value. Unfortunately, this justification is not well-founded, and we recommend matching your assessment and plan more closely to a particular client's needs. You want to avoid the kinds of processes that might bring them down and stall their momentum!    The Focus of Your Client Assessments A great place to start if you are looking for assessments to do is with real-world applicability. This can be around clothes that a person wears, or an activity they do consistently, through which they may notice some progress. Your priorities should be to keep them safe, and measure progress. Avoid thinking in terms of impressing peers and even your clients, keep your eyes on the goal of serving your client before all else.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
4/29/202144 minutes, 31 seconds
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When To Pay For Advertising #96

Our team of experts discusses the right time to pay for advertising and the important steps that lead up to this moment.   The Episode: When To Pay For Advertising   It is a relatively common mistake for online business owners and coaches to start throwing money into advertising in order help or save their business. We are here to give you a simple message with regards to your advertising budget, spending money on advertising can add fuel to the fire, but is not a substitute for putting in the important work that starts a business. You need to get clear on your messaging and your target market before even thinking about spending on paid ads! The main idea here is that advertising can help you and your business, but will not save something that is failing otherwise.   In This Episode Using the power of paid advertising correctly [0:17:28] Ads on social media can be very effective for reaching your audience [0:22:51] Alterations to online platforms and their algorithms [0:26:08] Will paying for an ad help you to connect? [0:30:05] Spending money on advertising is not the first step! [0:32:12]   “I have found, in my experience, that a lot of people seem to jump to paid advertising far earlier than they should because it is a way to avoid doing the actual hard work.” — Jonathan Goodman   Building a Strong Foundation There is definitely a place for paid advertising for many businesses, but when is it appropriate and when is it most effective? The simple answer is after you have your messaging figured out and then you can add fuel to the fire by spending some money. We have seen how ads do not work without that strong foundation, and you cannot avoid putting in the hard work and getting things in motion before throwing money at it. If you can build a small and strong customer base first, then when you spend some funds on advertising it will have a great jumping-off point!   The Efficacy of Advertising on Different Platforms The truth about social media advertising is that it can be highly effective, but can also get expensive very quickly! If that strong customer base is in place, then you are able to reach that target audience in an engaging and powerful way. Remember, the online advertising space is a highly competitive environment where you are bidding against others for digital real estate. Pouring money into ads for the sake of it is to be avoided.   Tips for Better Advertising Posts When formulating ads or posts, you need to assume that the audience has no context for your content, this will help you be more effective in your messaging. We really recommend refining your copy with free social media posts before venturing into the paid territory, so that you can make the most of your budget when you do take the step. Another important tip is to keep your language simple and approachable, in order to cast the widest net.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
4/27/202140 minutes, 40 seconds
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How To Build An Online Business When Youre Tech Illiterate #95

The team sit down to discuss the most fundamental aspects of starting an online business.   The Episode: How To Build An Online Business When You're Tech Illiterate   One of the most powerful tenets of what we teach at the Online Trainer Academy is to keep everything as simple as possible. The First Principles framework can help a lot with building a strong foundation on which you can grow, and by removing what is unnecessary you can focus more time and energy on what is! All of this can be applied to the tech side of your training business. We want you to ask yourself, 'What would it look like if this was easy?' And to also address the areas where you might be able to cut costs. This message rings true for us all, but in the beginning, when you probably do not have a lot of income, or any at all, you definitely want to focus on minimizing expenditure that is not absolutely essential. There are so many useful technologies that are available to you that you are already familiar with, from text messages and email to PayPal and beyond, so why start paying for and learning new systems, when you and your audience are already accustomed to others?    In This Episode The power of simplification and using First Principles [0:06:02] How unnecessary complexity can stifle your business [0:14:53] The basics of building an online business [0:19:40] Utilizing existent and appropriate content and platforms early on [0:26:22] Automation and technology is not always the answer [0:33:11] When to consider leveling up your tech [0:35:01]   “To login and figure out what you don't need, is often a bigger job than figuring out what you do need.” — Jonathan Goodman   Simplification and First Principles One of the best indications of a good understanding of something is the ability to keep it simple! On top of this, adding complexity to your business can hold it back, so all you need to do, especially in the beginning, is cover the important bases. For an online training business starting out this means having a way to communicate with your audience, a method of accepting payment from clients, and a program through which you can serve your people.    Shortening the Road to Execution As we have underlined before on the podcast, there is so much useful online content that can be utilized for your business. The last thing you want to do is roadblock your progress by trying to create your own videos for routines and programs, that in all likelihood won't do more for your clients. Remember, you want to be spending the least amount of time and money on this before you start actually making money. The other guiding star should be how you can make things as easy as possible for your prospective clients.   The Downside of Automation Starting an online business will mean that you have plenty of learning to do, you will be engaging with many new things, and so you do not want to compound this by opting into unnecessary technologies and platforms. We have seen how automation and technology that is aimed at convenience can actually add barriers, so be wary of this! Automation works when it works, but can also be a pain to get familiar with.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
4/22/202138 minutes, 11 seconds
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How To Execute #94

Today the panel of experts talk about the important process of execution and how to turn training into a business.   The Episode: How To Execute   Education and learning are important parts of becoming an online trainer, but none of the steps that happen before execution mean anything if you cannot put your plans into motion. Taking the steps towards executing will teach you more than any course, and will push things forward in ways that nothing else can. We understand that this can be the most difficult and scary step to take, it is a challenge for all of us! No matter what stage of your online business you are currently in, confronting these hurdles is a common experience, and is so necessary to move forward. We want to send you the message to take the leap, holding back will hold you back! There are always rewards from giving something a try and pushing up against your doubts and fears.   In This Episode The post that motivated today's discussion on the question of execution [0:15:39] Components of successful execution [0:20:20] Common fears that we all hold about external judgement [0:22:01] The gift of struggling and how it enables connection [0:23:55] Trying, failing, and the courage that develops [0:26:45] Getting past imagined suffering and confronting fears [0:31:58]   “Two people often have similar goals, the person who ends up succeeding is not because their goal is different, it is because their actions are different.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Challenges of Putting Oneself Out There We all suffer from issues of comparison, imposter syndrome, and struggling to get clear on our audience. All of these factors can lead to a lack of confidence in executing our plans and reaching our goals. It is important to remember that success depends on actions and not goals and that just planning forever does not count for much. We have seen so many times how once this piece of the puzzle is understood, trainers are able to crush it! It does take time, but it will all be worth it when you can execute confidently and successfully.   Internal Pressure and External Judgement We all have fears around judgment, and taking what you have learned and shifting it into a space that is exposed can be quite scary. In these moments of doubt, it can be helpful to remember that we all mess up, fail, and make mistakes. The more you expose yourself to these conditions and discomforts, the easier it is to face them! It is possible to prove to yourself that you can do hard things and the inevitably of mistake is not something to hold you back. The more you can embrace the freedom and a certain recklessness of diving in, the faster your business will progress.   The Power of Struggle and Relatability Shifting your mindset around struggle can be such a powerful move, and when we start to view it as a gift, it is like learning a superpower. Encountering struggle allows you to connect because it makes you relatable to an audience. The people you are trying to reach are undoubtedly also struggling with certain challenges and fears, so do not undervalue this circumstance that connects them to you! It takes a lot of courage to create, and when you exercise this courage it builds on itself and you will find that your worries wane in response. So double down on that enthusiasm for trying, and keep in mind that suffering happens more in the imagination than it does in reality.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
4/20/202140 minutes, 8 seconds
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What You Can Learn From Our Past Launches #93

The team shares some of the lessons learned and the challenges posed by the process of launching a program.    The Episode: What You Can Learn From Our Past Launches   The launch cycle makes up a large chunk of the work of any online trainer and there are unavoidable learning curves and hurdles that everyone will encounter in the process. That being said, we wanted to share some of the biggest lessons we have learned, and hopefully avoid extra unnecessary strife in your business, if possible! Remember, learning comes from encountering challenges and the knowledge you take forward will serve you in the long run, so don't be afraid to make a misstep. In this discussion, we cover the wrong kind of marketing, avoiding apathy in relation to your offer, confidence and selling yourself, payment mistakes, and more! We also dive into tactics to keep you visible between your launches and why you need to minimize potential pitfalls early on in the enrollment process.    In This Episode  The roots of knowledge lie in challenges and mistakes [0:13:37] Avoiding over-the-top and misleading marketing [0:14:43] The impact of self-doubt on selling yourself and your offer [0:18:11] Lasting effects of early issues present in the enrollment period [0:21:04] Taking payment up front, no matter what [0:25:01] Creating excitement and energy for your launch [0:28:46] The power of identity and appealing to certain sectors or demographics [0:35:01] Staying visible between launches and looking for feedback [0:36:12]   “The thing about lying is that once you start to lie, it starts to spin out of control very, very quickly. And then you have to lie to cover up your lies, and then lie again to cover up those lies. And all of sudden your entire business is just a lie.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Growth Opportunities Offered by Mistakes Launches present a multitude of challenges for online trainers and these, in turn, offer many opportunities for learning! The first thing to keep in mind is that problems that are present in the early stage of a launch can linger, so best to keep a handle on things from the start. As we often say, you want the right kind of clients to work with you, so appeal to your ideal audience, get people excited, sharing your offer, and wanting to sign up!   Honesty and Self-Belief  Honesty is always the best policy and this is true with marketing too. As soon as you start lying or even stretching the truth, you are setting yourself up for unnecessary and unwanted stress. Leading with transparency from the start will have direct results in your program and the experience of those that sign up, so make this a priority! Honesty will also force you to be a better and more accurate communicator, serving your business in the long run. The next point relates to your confidence and how you are able to present and sell yourself. If you are clear on your offer, it is that much easier to be proud of what you doing and launch in an impactful way!   Payment and Excitement Generation We have seen many times how deferring payment in some way can lead to a number of issues. We highly recommend taking full payment upfront, as this will set the tone for a professional relationship, which is what you want. One of the most important things about any launch is the creation of excitement and energy, so you want to try and enhance this as much as possible. Get your things in order and organized, and then see the process through. You want to be hosting the party that everyone wants to go to, so double down on the celebratory aspects of your launch to get people interested.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
4/15/202142 minutes, 6 seconds
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When Clients Want To Go Off Plan #92

Today our panel talk about adherence and what to do when your clients want to go off an agreed training plan.   The Episode: When Clients Want To Go Off Plan   From time to time, clients will come to you with a question or request regarding something they saw or heard about elsewhere. This can be a new fitness fad or a recommendation from a magazine or celebrity trainer, but it might not fit in with your current plan. What should you do in these situations? There are two broad ways to respond to these scenarios, the first is around sticking strictly to the plan and asserting your authority as the coach. The other way you can tackle this issue is to adopt a more supportive and explorative tact. You can allow your client to try something, with your guidance, and perhaps you can both learn something! The main thing is to use the advantage you have, which is the personal credibility you have as their trainer.   In This Episode The question that sparked today's topic about adherence [0:17:01] What a distracted client shows about your training [0:22:30] Ways to deal with requests to go off plan [0:26:02] Supportive versus strict coaching [0:30:52] The inevitable occurrence of these kinds of interactions [0:33:54] Lessons we can learn from client requests and questioning [0:35:01] The strengths of a personalized approach to fitness programs [0:38:20]   “Part of coaching women is remembering and understanding that women have complete and full autonomy over their body. They can do and not do, with their body, whatever the heck that they want.” — Carolina Belmares   The Ups and Downs of Fitness Trends It can be quite tricky to deal with the influence of current trends and changes in the fitness landscape. Clients can get shiny object syndrome very easily, so it is important to stay focused on the personal connection you have as a personal trainer! Questions and doubts do not have to lead to losing a client and can actually lead to learning and present opportunities to grow and assist someone in new ways.   Responses to Client Requests A small tip that can be very helpful is to always celebrate a client's engagement and interest in their fitness and health. You should let the nature of your relationship with them lead the way in terms of how you deal with things too, certain people can be pushed a little harder while others might need a more gentle approach. Being present in the process of a client's learning is a plus, so if you can keep them safe while staying within your scope and expertise, that is usually a good thing.   The Two Methodologies Dealing with these scenarios is somewhat inevitable at some point, so having your responses in order is advised. Whichever way to you chose to go, taking your ego out of it and making their health and fitness journey the priority will always be best! There is also the added dimension of what these kinds of queries can signify, and if you can keep in mind the idea of helping them in ways you might have been missing, you can strengthen your coaching relationship rather than undermine it.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
4/13/202144 minutes, 25 seconds
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Onboarding New Clients The Right Way #91

Today we unpack some helpful thoughts on the onboarding process and how to welcome in new clients in the best way.    The Episode: Onboarding New Clients The Right Way   The process of onboarding new clients has a big impact on customer retention, commitment, and the growth of your coaching business going forward. Eliminating gaps and confusion for the client, and making the path ahead crystal clear, will increase the likelihood of their buy-in and resultant success. An important piece of this project lies in understanding each client and their particular needs and then making the necessary adjustments accordingly to usher them along the first part of their journey. What do they need early on? A quick win? Reassurance? Understanding these dynamics is vital and the better you are at mapping out potential hurdles on the way to their goals, the more they will value your service!   In This Episode Mapping out the onboarding touchpoints [0:11:50] Optimizing the client experience at each juncture [0:17:23] The needs of different clients [0:19:32] Reacting to each client and keeping the focus on them [0:23:46] The importance of check-ins and continuity in the process towards goals [0:26:54] Accountability through community [0:30:01] Keeping the onboarding process simple and easy [0:31:47]   “Great trainers recognize this kind of stuff in their clients and build it into their program.” — Jonathan Goodman   Making Use of Important Opportunities Going into relationships with new clients means being aware of the important touchpoints in your customer journey. Each step in the early parts of the process, from messaging and receipts to check-ins, are opportunities for better communication and to show your value. If you pay attention and respond accordingly, you can easily differentiate yourself from other trainers, and stand out in a crowded field! We recommend putting yourself in their shoes and trying as much as possible to meet them where they are.   Stand Out from the Start The onboarding process is the first real opportunity to show your clients who you are and what you have to offer. And when you couple this sort of communication with an understanding of the different sectors that you serve and how any particular client fits into this framework, you are able to tailor very strong messaging that connects with people! People might have similar goals, but generally, there are different ways to get there. Another area that seems to often be neglected is the continuity related to progress; if you have laid out a plan, then let them know how far along they are at any given time. You want to build buy-in and enthusiasm!   The Role of a Helpful Trainer As we have said before, keep the focus on the client and put yourself and your goals second. If you can prioritize building trust and confidence, it is that much easier to maximize positives and minimize negatives! All of this important stuff is accessible as early as the onboarding process, and should not be left for a later stage of a relationship. In fact, if pieces of this are missing from the start, a client's journey might come to an early end.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
4/8/202136 minutes, 58 seconds
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What's The Best Lead Generation Method? #90

The panel discusses some opinions about the best lead generation methods for your online coaching business.   The Episode: What's The Best Lead Generation Method?   There are plenty of avenues that can be effective ways to generate leads for your coaching business. The foundation of all of these, however, comes back to a message we often underline: knowing your story, your audience, and how to communicate it to them. We recommend that whichever method or methods you choose, that you occupy spaces that you will find your ideal clients in, and then allow opportunities to present themselves as a result of showing up. It is somewhat irrelevant how exactly you generate the leads or which platform you utilize. It is possible to do a small amount of actual work on this, but if it is smartly positioned and timed, your leads can blow up! In the game of lead generation, timing and patience trump force every time so if you can exercise these virtues you will be well-positioned to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself.   In This Episode The recent PTDC issue on Instagram and the lesson it contains [0:12:20] Confusing traffic numbers on Facebook and online communities [0:17:32] Independence from specific funnels for your business and leads [0:22:05] The power of Facebook Groups for generating new leads [0:27:04] Doubling down on whichever avenue you pursue [0:27:04] Building from a foundation of understanding and strong communication [0:36:48] Rounding up some general tips for effective action [0:39:55]   “All of these things work, what probably won't work is trying to do all of them.” — Jonathan Goodman   Get Involved in Communities Connecting on platforms such as Facebook Groups can build a powerful bond and then an opportunity to pitch to your ideal clients. The trust that grows from showing up authentically and sharing with people online, should be valued and built over time, and the benefits that can result might be surprising to you! A great way to connect is by sharing knowledge and telling your story in the right spaces, this can lead to all types of chances to turn casual interactions into business.   Choosing a Route to Pursue  Whichever route you decide on, whether it is through forums, email newsletters, or even ethical bribes, make sure you have your method down. You do not necessarily even have to use social media, it is up to you and the needs of your business. More important than where is how; if you can communicate well with the right people, you will reap the rewards and harvest the fruits of your labor.   Tips For Effective Lead Generation Not every interaction has to be about business, so showing up and sharing naturally, with lowered open expectations, will lead to better relationships and immersion within a community. In fact, we believe that this kind of approach will have better results from a strictly business perspective too, as people will be more in tune with exactly who you are and what you do.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   How Online Personal Trainers Should Be Mastering and Profiting from Their Niche (the Right Way):   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
4/6/202143 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Boring Legal Stuff You Must Know When Training Clients Online #89

Our team gives an overview of the necessary pieces you need to put in place to take care of the legal side of your coaching business.   The Episode: The Boring Legal Stuff You Must Know When Training Clients Online   You cannot escape the realities of running a business, and this means that there are inevitable legal hoops you have to jump through at certain points. We are here to tell you that the sooner you do this, the better. Clearing your mind of any concerns will help you sleep better at night and will also make sure you are securer in your work going forward. You do not want to pay the price for avoiding necessary work that you can do now and put it to rest. If you run a growing business, which most of are or at least want to, the chances are that you will encounter some legal issues at some point. This does not have to be a train smash if you have the right things in place, so let's get these out of the way and move on to more fun stuff!   In This Episode Taking responsibility for a coaching business and its expenses [0:11:25] The importance of financial literacy and realistic expectations [0:15:12] Four essential components to a legally functioning business [0:16:28] The situations that arise that can derail you [0:22:20] A proactive approach and how it will serve you down the line [0:25:03]   “When you become an online trainer, even if it's a side hustle, you are operating a business. You should act like you are operating a business. Most people do not.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Expenses of Running a Business If you are not clear on this already, here is a reminder: it will cost some money to run a business. That is just part of what it means to start something and keep it afloat, and expenses are to be expected. Unfortunately, this part of financial literacy seems to be frequently missing from many businesses and is a basic building block for becoming a functional entity.   Four Legal Components of Business The four legal areas we want to highlight as most foundational to coaching are insurance, terms of service, privacy policies, and a PAR-Q. If you are able to cover these bases, making sure the way you are set up in relation to your clients and their information, your relationship with our insurance company, your records, and so on, you are well on your way to moving past these administrative hurdles. Getting the help of a professional for any task is advised, as this will make the ins and outs a bit more comprehensible to the average person.    Reasons to Stay Proactive It is not possible to be in control of when an issue or difficult legal situation might arise for you. Most often these things happen when you least expect them, or worse, when you are least able to deal with them. For these reasons you want to be ahead of the game, and putting things in place while your business is still small, will mean that it will be that much more simple. It will also give you time to learn the ropes and get used to the particulars of the legal side of your business, so there is no good reason to delay!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
4/1/202129 minutes, 42 seconds
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People Just Aren't Buying Right Now #88

Today we examine the validity of the common complaint that 'people just aren't buying right now'.   The Episode: People Just Aren't Buying Right Now   At the OTA we regularly hear from students and coaches that it feels like people are not buying at a certain time. While there may be hills and valleys across the seasons, we believe that mostly this is a false perception and is much more to do with your side of things than external forces. Don't shoot yourself in the foot by believing you cannot sell at any given time. With that in mind, we have compiled a checklist that you can run through in order to better assess your prospects and figure out where you need to improve.    In This Episode Assessing the perception that people seem to not be buying right now [0:15:40] Getting clear on who you help and how you do that [0:18:58] Sharing your human side along with your profession [0:22:39] Creating an appropriate solution to your clients' problems [0:23:30] Sending a clear and consistent message about being open for business [0:27:50] Communicating your value in the correct way for your audience [0:32:50] Focussing on the mission of building relationships with people [0:33:57] Growing a network by engaging in spaces you would find your ideal client [0:33:57] Making sure people know about you! [0:40:50] Collecting testimonials and referrals from past and current clients [0:41:06]   “Saying what you think is right, or what you think is the biggest opportunity is inarguably a mistake that our entire community makes, that sets them down the wrong path and gets them frustrated.” — Jonathan Goodman   Getting to Grips with The Problem We are aware that it can sometimes feel like the market is flat or that people are not responding to you. But this checklist can help clear up where the issue is, and in our experience, it is usually something you can do something about! This feeling of powerlessness can be crippling for you and your business, so it is best to get ahead of it and move forward. The foundation, as with many of the things we teach at the OTA, is knowing your audience and how you help them. Once you are aware of this, you can begin to build relationships and grow your client pool. An important aspect of that is shedding light on your human side, to balance out the professional and business-focused content you are posting.   The Fundamentals of Communication You need to be creating solutions that are suited to your ideal clients, and this means a higher level of focus on them, instead of yourself. Learn and then speak their language! Another thing we have touched on many times before is the constant message that you have to send about being open for business and what exactly you offer. If you do not explain this to people, they will not know to come to you. Communicating your value in a meaningful and benefit-focused way will also help you make the most impact on prospective clients, and you need to be talking to people and building relationships consistently.   Showing Up and Branching Out  A lot of what we do as online trainers is about the growing network that you nurture. One of the best ways to do this is to spend time in spaces and on platforms where you would find your ideal client. In these types of spaces, you need to show up authentically and consistently and work hard at letting people know what you do. The last piece of this puzzle ties it all together; collect testimonials and referrals from your past and present clients in order to keep the fire burning and the circle growing!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcasts - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
3/30/202149 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why You Should Definitely Share Your Story #87

Our panel sits down to chat about the importance of sharing your personal story and getting over the fear of opening up.   The Episode: Why You Should Definitely Share Your Story   You may be forgiven for feeling like you always have to show your best side on social media and when interacting with clients. We are here to remind you that showing flaws, vulnerability, and failures can actually positively impact your coaching business and gain you more clients. When you humanize yourself through personal details about your journey and struggles, it makes you more relatable and approachable. In fact, you may say that it is hard to truly respect someone with that sort of perspective of them. It will take some time and practice, but the sooner you can get comfortable opening up to the public, the sooner you will reap the rewards.   In This Episode  The fear that exists of sharing personal things [0:11:02] Natural progress in getting comfortable on different platforms [0:17:01] The humanizing power of details specific to your circumstance [0:20:49] How personal information impacts getting hired by clients [0:23:32] An exercise in sharing something sensitive on social media [0:27:29] Human connection is often missing from coaching businesses [0:32:47]   “That's what we mean when say share your story, share how your current life circumstances shape the decisions that you make with your health.” — Carolina Belmares   Getting Past the Fear of Sharing There is a noticeable hump that we have to get over in order to properly share our true story. Doing this will become easier after every time, but the bottom line is you need to get comfortable telling people about the different parts of yourself. Doing this can definitely leave you feeling exposed, but it is also the best way to connect with others, so get accustomed to letting your guard down.   Avoiding Comparisons and Humanizing Yourself No matter your line of work, honesty makes you more approachable, and the sharing of your story can make you less intimidating to clients. You need to be talking about how your current circumstances are impacting decisions to do with your health, this coupled with a less than perfect picture of yourself will build rapport. There are reasons that people choose coaches, and trust and connection are usually high up on that list.   Authenticity and Vulnerability Do not be afraid of vulnerability, it can really count in your favor. Getting hired is reliant on respect, respect is reliant on understanding, and your story is the quickest route to understanding. You can test all of this out very easily by posting something vulnerable on social media, and using it as a means to start a conversation. You may be surprised just how much engagement you receive on this kind of content. We all share insecurities, so why not use them to connect?   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
3/25/202139 minutes, 3 seconds
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How To Build Packages As A Nutrition Coach #86

Our team shares some thoughts on building a package based on nutrition and how these lessons apply to fitness and diet.   The Episode: How To Build Packages As A Nutrition Coach   Today we look at how the lessons from the OTA can be applied specifically to the role of a nutrition coach. Despite some outward differences, fitness and nutrition coaching have many fundamental similarities and as far as the lessons we teach here, they can be viewed in the same way. The same foundational principles apply when you are helping clients improve their diet and relationship with food. You need to understand your clients and your ideal avatar really well, there needs to be some tailoring and individual attention spent on each case, and you have to ask yourself and your clients the right questions. It all ties back into the issue of knowing your business, the service you provide, and who you are providing it to!   In This Episode Introducing the conjunction fallacy and what it teaches us about probability [0:12:25] Focussing on selling the results of your service [0:17:20] How a wider view of benefits applies to nutrition coaching [0:22:13] Food and nutrition can be a sensitive subject for many people [0:25:06] Increasing the individualization of programs across different tiers [0:29:40] Staying clear on the problem each package solves [0:31:10]   “If you try to sell what you do, you're going to have a hell of a hard time. If you effectively sell the results of what you do, you're going to have a really easy time.” — Jonathan Goodman   Applying The Model to Nutrition There is a large amount of overlap between fitness and nutrition coaching, and we offer the same approach to improving each business. The first lesson is to take the focus away from the nuts and bolts of what you do and shine a light on the results you are offering. So do not get caught up in the details that nobody cares about! You want to take your clients to the top floor and show them the view, not tell them how the skyscraper was built.     Sell Results, Not Technical Details When it comes to food, avoid getting too specific about the technical side of the diet. It is so much more effective to share reassuring messages about what they will be eating and how it is achievable. You definitely do not want to scare them off by over-emphasizing how difficult it will be to give up certain parts of their usual diet. So you have to find a way to transition their current habits into something healthier without upending their whole life. A further dimension to this relates to the sensitivity many of us have around food; it can be tied to identity, culture, and heritage, and thus should be respected and considered properly.   Tailoring A Plan To Suit Your Ideal Clients Like fitness coaching, work in nutrition is all about the articulation of the benefits. You have to find a way to make your approach work for your different clients, and this takes some individual care. You may want to implement a tiered model of different packages, with increasingly tailored plans across the options. Whatever you decide, there is a level of clear communication needed, and you want to be sharing exactly how your service will solve a specific problem.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
3/23/202136 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Ask for the Sale (And Why You Should Do it Way More Often than You Are Right Now) #85

Our panel of trainers discusses the importance of asking for sales, gaining more clients, and how often to put your offer out there.   The Episode: How to Ask for the Sale (And Why You Should Do It Way More Often Than You Are Right Now)   Running an online training business means creating calls to action in order to make sales. The catch is that most people do not do this nearly enough! We may fear many things around self-promotion and sounding 'salesy' but the reality is that if people are not aware of what you are selling and when, they will not give you their money. You need to build towards an understanding with your audience as well as grow that community, and this means regularly putting your offers out there, and ideally building a sales cadence into your content. Another great point to keep in mind is to persist when things slow down, as these are the times that you need to make sales more than ever.     In This Episode  You can't get new clients if you do not promote yourself regularly [0:02:38] How to build a simple sales cadence across a four-week period [0:07:01] Developing a sense of expectancy amongst clients [0:09:04] The time it takes for a community to gain awareness about a business [0:15:16] Utilizing persuasion and 'presuasion' to empower client decisions [0:18:24] The psychology of your business strategy [0:25:29] Leaning into your offers when things get quiet [0:30:03]   “If you build a cadence into your content, it makes everything easier because promotions go into that.” — Jonathan Goodman   Getting Your Offer Out There Think about when last you did an enrollment period and told the public that they can pay you to be their coach. How long ago was it? Chances are, you are due for another one, as you cannot do too much of this. It is obviously important to pitch to the correct people too, as this will boost your numbers. A great way to make promotion easier and more natural is to build your sales cadence into your content, and we suggest laying out a schedule of about four weeks in which you create a customer journey leading to a sale.   The Priorities of Your Business As entrepreneurs, we all have to avoid procrastination, and this applies to the formulation of your business too. Steer away from perfectionism and extras, focus on selling first! Once you have started to generate some sales you can begin to add new layers and features that might benefit you and your clients. It takes time to gain the attention of an audience or community, so get out there and message people to start that fire. You will most likely find that people are really receptive to you reaching out, so plant those seeds for the short and long term.   Breaking Down Your Strategy  As we have said before, you needn't worry about the reactions of people who are not going to hire you. Focus on those you can and will work with! The other element to keep in mind is that the contemporary attention span is very short and we all find it hard to remember stuff on the internet. It takes multiple repetitions to create an impression, so why not start the party, show people why they should get involved, and stay committed to making it happen!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   Quintin Smalls Rap Video:   SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
3/18/202136 minutes, 21 seconds
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Taking Control Of Self-Sabotaging Behaviors #84

Our panel of expert trainers discusses ways to take control of self-sabotaging behaviors and operate your business in healthier ways.    The Episode: Taking Control Of Self-Sabotaging Behaviors   This episode is all about mindset. Being an entrepreneur means taking on a certain set of challenges and there are commons ones that crop up in the business of online training that we can address. A large portion of this relates to expectations and the standards we set for ourselves, which far too often are imported from what we see elsewhere, in other businesses. In a small operation, such as many of us have, it is so vital to maintain a good level of positivity, which can easily be dampened by too much comparison and over-thinking. We are here to remind you to stay patient and see things through, non-immediate rewards are the worthwhile ones! This also means practicing mindfulness and awareness of your feelings and moods, so we do not fall into reactive and unhealthy patterns.   In This Episode Common topics and questions that arise for coaches around mindset [0:13:17] Different types of self-sabotaging behaviors in the coaching industry [0:18:24] Silencing the inner critic that we all carry [0:20:52] Play your own game and set your own goals! [0:24:02] Separating goals and measurements for better results [0:29:03] Understanding where inner criticisms come from [0:33:29]   “If you are a long term investor, you don't take investment advice from a day-trader.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Mindset of an Online Trainer Online trainers are a particular kind of entrepreneur, with a particular set of hurdles and dynamics. One of the most common pitfalls in the industry comes about through too much comparison, and this kind of exercise can lead you to serious meltdowns and feelings of inadequacy. This bad cycle is what you have to escape! It is thus necessary to take control of our inner voice, which can so easily become overly critical, and keep it in check.   Success Should Be Judged According Your Own Needs You never know the game that others are playing, so stick to what you know and what applies to you. You will only encounter problems by copy-pasting external things on to yourself and your business. Take the time to get in touch with your strengths and aspirations, and that way you can make meaningful progress according to your own situation. Remember, anything worthwhile takes time, so patience is key.   Focussing on Your Purpose  Something helpful and healthful to keep in mind: goals and measurements are not the same thing! If you can concentrate on your purpose rather than reaching certain numbers, you will be better prepared for long-term success on many levels. We all have so many different contributing factors in our work; we start at different points, have different talents, and require different outcomes. So do your thing, and lean into what you are good at.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
3/16/202142 minutes, 43 seconds
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Respect, Dawg #83

The team has a conversation about respecting other people's time and ways to manage unforeseen circumstances.   The Episode: Respect, Dawg   When you provide a service to clients and work with people in any capacity, how you treat those around you will have a rippling set of results on your life and business. Respecting other people's time is a foundational element of this, and keeping appointments and good communication are central. We all encounter unforeseen circumstances and emergencies, but people will soon get the message if you do not take the care to communicate well or appear to disregard their time. Whether these behaviors are directed towards colleagues, clients, or potential business partners, you will reap what you sew, as fewer and fewer people will work with an inconsiderate and selfish person. Respect goes a long way and is an important component of any trainer's skills and approach!     In This Episode The importance of good communication around plans and meetings [0:06:02] How bad communication and inconsiderate behavior can impact your work [0:11:58] The message you send when you disrespect someone's time [0:19:32] The real differences between succeeding and failing [0:23:36] Building habits around time management and scheduling [0:29:40]   “If I say I'm going to meet you at ten o'clock at a certain place, I'm going to be there.” — Jonathan Goodman   Better Communications Practices Good communication and sticking to plans show a level of respect that should be a baseline for us all. When you flake on a meeting or do not show up for an appointment it reflects really badly on you and your business, and this will have an effect on the short and long-term success you experience. People will generally not forget if you waste their time and energy, or if you do not seem invested enough to care, so make the effort!   Tools and Methods for Staying on Track There are so many helpful tools that you can use to stay on track, so why not utilize these if you are finding it tricky to keep up with your appointments? You want to avoid the message it sends when you miss meetings, as these events will suppress your ability to be successful elsewhere. Here at OTA we strongly believe that how you do one thing is the way you do everything, and sending the wrong message about your attitude can bleed into the rest of your work.   The Results of a Lack of Respect If there is one message we want you to take away, it is that you will reap the rewards of your actions. Time is the most valuable resource for all of us, so make sure to respect it for others! Ignoring this basic principle will only result in things working out unfavorably for you, so the awareness of what is important is central to your work as a trainer.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
3/11/202135 minutes, 37 seconds
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Dealing With Negativity On The Internet #82

Today on the show we talk about the inevitability of being criticized on the internet as online trainers and how best to deal with these situations when they arise.   The Episode: Dealing With Negativity On The Internet   As an online trainer, the very nature of your business is to create content and share it – to share your opinions publicly, in a nutshell. We all know that sharing our opinions online will lead to some pushback though. This is inevitable because there will always be people out there with different opinions to our own. We can’t control what those people think but what we can control is how we respond when they share their response to something we have said. If you can prepare yourself by understanding all the different, opposing opinions to the one you have, then in a situation where you hear one of them, you will be much less sensitive to it.   In This Episode Why the hosts of this show don’t take negative feedback too seriously [0:10:20]  Planning your content carefully as a way of dealing with negative criticism [0:16:16] Understanding the arguments against a position before adopting it [0:17:20] Should you change after getting negative feedback, if you have prepared for it? [0:19:45] We all want to be liked, but this is not a justification for stewing after criticism [0:22:06] How to take negative feedback and use it as an opportunity to grow [0:23:03] Are personal trainers more inclined to care what others think and is this a hindrance? [0:26:17] How obsessions with content creation can make content less thoughtful [0:29:10] Getting clearer about your core values so your content is authentic [0:32:45] The Dunning-Kruger effect; legit coaches doubting themselves and vice-versa [0:34:25] Why it is important to share your knowledge if you have it [0:36:56]   “It is very easy to have a rash emotional response and get taken down by any kind of criticism or negativity on the internet directed towards you if you haven’t thought about what you are doing enough and why you are doing it, and all of the potential ramifications to it.” — Jonathan Goodman   Develop Resilience By Preparing Before Creating Content There is always going to be somebody who has a critical opinion about something you have put out online. If you truly understand what you are saying and the possible negative responses to it, you will be much more prepared to deal with them when they emerge. Following what Nassim Taleb says in Skin In The Game, you are only allowed to have an opinion once you understand all the arguments against it. If you understand the arguments against a point of view, but have still chosen to adopt it, this means that none of the counterarguments to that point of view were strong enough to stop you from doing so. If, on the other hand, your content is copied and inauthentic, the chances are that you have not gone through this process of truly grappling with why you chose it. Therefore criticism will be far harder to deal with.   Using Criticism As An Opportunity For Self-Reflection We all want to be liked by others and be accepted as widely as possible. Therefore if somebody criticizes you, it is natural to feel some sense of hurt afterwards. This is even more true for personal trainers. This is because part of the psychology of the personal trainer is related to making the physical body look as good as possible, which is connected to a need to be acceptable or attractive to others. What is not okay though, is allowing oneself to wallow in this negativity. A far more productive response to a feeling of being attacked after receiving bad feedback is to dig into why it is that you felt attacked in that way. The chances are that you could learn a lot about yourself and grow even more if, rather than just feel hurt, you stepped outside of this hurt and figured out why you felt it.   How The Dunning-Kruger Effect Plays Out For Online Trainers The Dunning-Kruger effect describes a situation where people who have a small amount of knowledge about a topic feel confident to share their opinion and vice versa. As we begin to learn more about something, we start to see the gaps in our knowledge and feel self-conscious about sharing what we know. This phenomenon is especially rife in the world of online coaching because the barrier to entry is so low. The problem here is that you get a lot of beginners spreading misinformation as a result. So, if those of us with slightly more knowledge spoke up, there would be overall a higher quality of information to be consumed. It is therefore the responsibility of those with more knowledge to share what they know publicly. Hopefully, this can help you feel more confident to share your knowledge if you have it.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   Jonathan Curling:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
3/9/202140 minutes, 41 seconds
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Growing And Hiring Trainers To Work For You #81

In this episode, we discuss when to hire trainers to work for you and how to build systems into your business that will allow it to keep thriving if you need to replace anybody.    The Episode: Growing And Hiring Trainers To Work For You   As your coaching business scales, it will require different strategies when it reaches different sizes, and an important one is how you go about hiring staff. At first, you will be able to handle things alone, but then, having an assistant becomes necessary, and after that, one or more full-blown coaches become necessary. Once you reach this stage, you need to make sure that your system is resilient enough to cope if you need to replace anybody. This is all about building redundancy into your roles, which can be done easily if you standardize your curriculum as well as hire people with the intangible personality traits that your program requires.   In This Episode 1. Different approaches for different stages of growing your business. [0:04:24] 2. The stage of your business’s growth where hires become necessary. [0:06:05] 3. How employees affect profit margins and new expenses they add. [0:10:05] 4. Avoiding becoming dependent on a coach you hired by building in redundancy. [0:14:00] 5. Standardizing your intellectual property and curriculum [0:17:00] 6. Intangible qualities to look for in new hires. [0:18:36] 7. How to find people with the right qualities to fill new positions in your business. [0:19:35] 8. Hiring people who are graduates of your program. [0:22:07] 9. Working around small problems with a new hire who is perfect for the role. [0:24:30] 10. Building a system that selects for people’s individual skill sets. [0:27:20] 11. Going back to first principles; restructuring a business operationally as it grows. [0:29:13]   “You can’t build a business where you are over-reliant on one person. It cripples you.” — Jonathan Goodman   Start Your Business From A Place of Self Awareness Before implementing any of the strategies discussed today, and before even starting your business, you must know what you want to get out of it. There are so many gurus out there these days who sell a certain image of what your coaching business should look like, but you don’t need to follow a particular model, and you should not try to implement them all at once either. Whether you want to be the sole provider of a service to your clients or grow your business until it has over a hundred employees, each of those models is totally perfect. Drilling down on what your mission is will give you clarity and purpose as you take the first steps. If you do get to the point where you need to hire though, this concept of honing in and narrowing down becomes applicable again. There is a misconception that one trainer you hire has to be good at everything so they can contribute to all sides of your business. Inevitably though, each person you hire will have a different strength, so leverage these strengths to optimize different sides of your business!   Different Strategies For Different Stages of Your Business’s Growth At each stage in the growth of your business, you will need to implement a new set of strategies. Taking your business from zero to one requires a completely different approach than from one to five, five to 20, and 20 to 100. The zero to one phase is all about landing some work and not following any system, but rather trying things out and laying the foundation for some systems to be built at the following stage. From there, once you have an idea of what your systems need to manage, you can begin to implement them. Then it is all about keeping the flywheel running. But as you do scale, you will reach different ceilings where your entire operational structure will need to be rebuilt. This has been measured and a general rule of thumb is that this needs to occur after you hit three, 10, 30, and 100 employees respectively. Bear in mind that your profit margins will go down as you start to take on more staff. Another thing to remember is that the process of hiring the right staff can also either make or break your business.    Building Redundancy Into Your Roles When you have reached the point where you will have to start hiring coaches to serve the audience you have grown, it is essential not to fall into a space where you have hired somebody who is so good that they become irreplaceable because your business relies on them. This is why you have to build systems that can cope if somebody leaves and you have to fill their place. The first way to do this is by standardizing your intellectual property and curriculum. Having a curriculum that drives the business rather than a person means that if that person leaves, their replacement simply has to be taught the curriculum for the wheel to keep turning. The second way of building in redundancy is by isolating the intangible personality traits your coaches require and hiring people who possess them. An easy way to do this is by hiring people who have already done your course because they already know your curriculum. Now all you need to find out is if they possess the personality traits you require, and you are good to go!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
3/4/202140 minutes, 31 seconds
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12 Thoughts On Content Creation #80

In this episode, our team shares and discusses twelve helpful thoughts on creating content for your online coaching business.   The Episode: 12 Thoughts On Content Creation   A big part of the work of an online trainer is content creation. Coaching your clients and reaching new clients on different platforms requires that you create impactful and helpful content to deliver your knowledge online, and the better you become at doing this, the more success you will experience in your business. Here we have listed twelve great ways to improve your process of creating content, talking about consistency, tracking, research, swipe files, and many more. These twelve tips are bound to take you up a few levels and make sure to stay tuned for the last one, that just might change your life!   In This Episode 1. Stop making things so complicated [0:11:32] 2. Be mindful of who your audience is [0:14:37] 3. Stay consistent with your posting schedule [0:18:22] 4. Have fun with your content! [0:22:42] 5. Target your audience and their needs [0:24:56] 6. Use keyword tools to gather information on common searches [0:26:54] 7. Listen to episodes 68 and 71 of this podcast! [0:27:56] 8. Maximize any content you make as much as possible [0:28:29] 9. Keep track of posts and their performance [0:30:16] 10. Start simple on a single platform [0:32:55] 11. Create a swipe file for your content [0:34:48] 12. Document and celebrate everything [0:36:09]     “If you have to say the same thing over and over again, put it in one place really well, and then refer to it always.” — Amber Reynolds   Simplifying, Mindfulness, Consistency, and Fun  The first thing to keep in mind is to keep it simple! Your content does not need to be complicated, complex, and above the heads of your audience, so just remember who it is you are speaking to. A part of that relates to knowing your audience, and then making content for them accordingly. We do not need to concern ourselves with people beyond our audience, let everyone else ignore you, and scroll past your posts. Next up is consistency; make a plan that you can stick to in terms of content frequency, and then follow through on that. We also would highly recommend having fun with what you post, it does not need to be overly serious and in many cases, fun and lighthearted content trumps the more serious, high-level stuff!   Targeting, Keywords, Past Episodes, and Maximizing Coming back to your audience, we want you to zero in on them and their needs, in their language. To help you with that, we recommend utilizing tools like AlsoAsked and AnswerThePublic, which provide great information on what certain demographics are searching for online. We have already had a couple of episodes of the podcast focused on content creation, so if you have not already listened to those, go do that ASAP! With all the different platforms and formats, make sure to maximize each piece you post, milk it for everything it is worth for the greatest reach.   Tracking, Platforms, Swipe Files, Documenting, and Celebrating A big piece of successful content creation comes down to tracking your posts. You need to know what is working and to zoom in on why it works. That allows you to enhance these features and double down on success. Another great tip is to make things more manageable by sticking to one platform early on, you can always branch out at a later stage. Next up is using swipe files; this means having one place where you collect and dump all your great ideas and inspiration for an easier process and those days when you feel like you have no new ideas! Last but not least, we want to remind you to document and celebrate every part of the journey, this is what will truly connect you with your audience and help you create the biggest impact.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   Also Asked: Answer the Public: Episode 68: Episode 71: Online Quote Maker - Amber's Brainstorm Method for Content  — Join the Online Trainers Unite Facebook Group to access   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
3/2/202142 minutes, 51 seconds
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Building An Online Training Business When You're Broke Part 2 #79

This is the second part of the team's conversation on the topic of building a training business on a budget.   The Episode: Building An Online Training Business When You're Broke Part 2   Many online training businesses are built on a budget and these financial limitations do not need to curb your growth and success. The key here is to make the most of your strengths, focus on the vital parts at the appropriate times, and avoid big wastage of time and money. There are some helpful ways to think and go about this and the first of these is to separate real, effective action from different forms of procrastination. If we are able to drill down on the important work and ignore the array of distractions around us, your business will flourish and your client base will grow. Bootstrapping a business is all about smart investments at the right time, and the key to these lies in the needs of your specific clients!   In This Episode The philosophy and psychology of getting things done without money [0:18:50] Avoiding waiting for motivation to arrive [0:23:49] The power of simplifying and bootstrapping your business [0:27:48] Make a proper game plan for spending on your business [0:32:14] Setting yourself up for the results that you actually want [0:39:36]   “There are a lot of things that we do when we are scared to take action because we might not quite understand what we should be doing or what we shouldn't be doing.” — Jonathan Goodman   Don't Confuse Spending with Action Fear of proper, forward-facing action can, at times, lead us to do other things that occupy our energy. Purposelessly spending money can be a real way to procrastinate and has the doubly negative effect of wasting your energy and your financial resources, both of which you need desperately. If you are a relatively inexperienced coach, you do not need to fixate on what other coaches are doing, especially big shots who are at a completely different stage of their career, rather focus on serving a few clients really well, and prioritize this above all else.    Keeping Things Simple and Cheap The simple act of saving where possible and bootstrapping parts of your business should never be underestimated. There is an infinite number of useless expenses at any given time, so do not fool yourself into thinking you are making progress when in fact you are just spinning around. A huge tool in this regard is coming up with a good game plan that takes into account what is appropriate for your clients and where you are at on your business journey.    Intelligent Spending on Your Business It almost goes without saying that when your resources are limited, as they usually are in the beginning, you need to spend your money intelligently. This means letting your clients co-create your processes through their needs. It is no good pouring time and money into features and elements of your business if they do not suit your tribe. Another important thing to keep in mind is the longevity of your investments. You should aim to put your time and money into things that are adaptable, transferrable, and actionable in the long term.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
2/25/202144 minutes, 51 seconds
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For Trainers Who Suffer From Mental Health Struggles #78

Today we have a discussion about the importance of focussing on your mental health.   The Episode: For Trainers Who Suffer From Mental Health Struggles   As trainers and coaches, we are well aware of the power of a proactive approach to health, and this is no different in the case of mental health. We believe that therapy or any form of counseling can help anyone, and does not have to occur as a reaction to a difficult situation or setback. In fact, just as with physical fitness, the best approach is a proactive and preventive one. There is such a wide array of difficulties that humans face, whether these are related to past traumas or anxieties and stresses, so speaking to the right person can make a huge difference to our lives and even our business and work with clients.    In This Episode  The decision to see a mental health professional [0:16:01] Finding the right person to speak to [0:22:30] Gratification, patience, and learning styles [0:28:38] Therapy should be a proactive measure instead of a reactive one [0:36:03] The natural way that mental health work fits into work as a fitness coach [0:39:20] Reaching out and finding the support you need [0:42:01]   “Some people don't like labels, then don't use the label. If the label fits and if it is something that is helpful to you in terms of understanding how your brain functions, then use it!” — Carolina Belmares   Seeking Out the Help that You Need Talking to a therapist can be one of the most valuable things you spend your time and money on. We already know the value of coaching, and this is no different, you will experience the rewards just as you do in fitness! It is incredibly empowering and life-changing to gain self-knowledge and the useful tools that therapy provides, so this avenue of development should not be neglected.   The Proactive Approach to Mental Health It is important to take the time to find the right person, and usually, a good fit will be immediately apparent. There is an obvious financial investment necessary but if you can bite this bullet you will undoubtedly reap the rewards. If you are lucky enough to have the cost covered in some way, whether it be through work or insurance, that is a bonus, but do not let the cost discourage you from pursuing something so central to your wellbeing. You also do not have to wait for things to go wrong, a proactive approach will always trump a reactive one!   Making Positive Changes At this point, there is an abundance of literature illuminating relationships between how our minds work and the success we experience in our lives. Through self-awareness, we are able to build our practices in ways that suit our unique tendencies, and therapy will shed light on these. There is an argument to be made that everyone should do some form of therapy as we can all benefit from talking about our history and problems, so do not shy away from seeking help. Why wouldn't you want to break the cycles that cause issues in your life?   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
2/23/202146 minutes, 43 seconds
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But What If I Don't 'Look' Like A Trainer? #77

The OTA team look at the common doubts trainers have about appearances and external expectations.    The Episode: But What If I Don't 'Look' Like A Trainer?   There is space for every type of trainer in the world of online coaching. The common image of a half-naked influencer that we see so often on social media is not the only legitimate model for how to help clients. There are elements to your training that are more valuable than the way you look, and trying to reach the peak of physical conditioning in order to validate your work should not be your aim. In this episode, we explore the importance of relatability, communication, and a unique set of skills that can help your clients believe in themselves and achieve their goals.   In This Episode Stepping into the shoes of a client and why it's great for coaches to have coaches [0:04:03] Misconceptions about the appearance of trainers [0:17:05] Making the most of the uneven nature of the playing field [0:21:21] Finding your own strength and skillset to offer [0:27:19] Normalizing your timeline and journey [0:31:33] Comparison is not inspiration [0:35:50] Keeping your interactions with social media and external standards healthy [0:41:04]   “You have to really, really understand that there are different playing fields. You have to understand the game, and you don't get frustrated playing someone else's game.” — Jonathan Goodman   Focussing on Relatability We often field questions and concerns around appearance and presentability as a coach. It may come as a surprise to some, but you do not need to be in perfect shape or even near-perfect shape to be a coach or to help others. Knowledge, experience, and the ability to relay your stories are a lot more valuable than how you look. If clients are able to relate to your journey, this is a huge plus, so talk about your unique story and challenges!   Finding your Own Story and Power It is necessary to acknowledge the biases that exist towards certain standards of beauty and physical appearance. There is a reason why Instagram influencers look the way they do. But all this means is that you need to play to your strengths; it is a waste of time to compete in a race that does not suit you. You need to thrive in your own game, a game in which you can connect with an appropriate audience that you can offer value to.   Accessing Real Inspiration We often confuse comparative content and media with inspiration. With the array of different people, body types, and needs out there, there is an equally wide range of inspiring coaching that is needed. All you need to do is look at high-level athletes and their coaches to see this. The idea that there is only one way to be a coach and help people is a huge misconception, so find what type you are and believe in yourself!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   Jonathan Curling:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world-leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
2/18/202145 minutes, 28 seconds
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Get Social Proof To Add Validity To Your Online Training Business #76

Today our team talks about the usefulness of collecting social proof and testimonials from your clients.   The Episode: Get Social Proof To Add Validity To Your Online Training Business   Apart from being your focus, your clients are also your greatest resource as a trainer. Their experiences are what can take your business to the next level, so leveraging this possibility should be on your to-do list. Collecting information and feedback from them can take many forms but essentially what you want to do is to understand, as clearly as possible, the benefits they are experiencing so that you can share this with a wider audience. Incentives can make this process easier, but the main thing is to engage your clients in a way that helps them, your business, and the individuals you work with in the future.     In This Episode Strategies for the midpoint of a program you are running [0:18:58] The questions that can help elicit the most from your clients [0:23:40] Using giveaways and incentives as extra motivation [0:27:45] Holding and sharing the information that you collect and using it wisely [0:31:38] Building a stone wheel for your business [0:36:29] The compounding effect of creating ambassadors for your work [0:41:59]   “If you give people the option to say one thing about themselves like that, now you know what the one most important thing is, or the biggest pain for them is. You can start creating content around that.” — Jonathan Goodman   Tools for Collecting Information After a few weeks of a program, it can be very useful to re-energize all your clients with something exciting and inclusive. You can use questions, giveaways, or check-ins, but it is a great time to collect some feedback and proof from your people! This information can help you so much with your future clients and will improve your ability to market your business and attract new audiences.   How to Use the Information You Collect Once you have collected information, using it wisely is the next step. The obvious way is to incorporate it when launching a new program, but it can be adapted in many different ways and formats. You might want to create social media posts with attractive graphics, or just a simple and authentic screenshot might suit your needs. Using the proof you collect to direct the content you create is an added dimension, as this information essentially categorizes the reasons why your programs are worthwhile.   Creating Ambassadors and Systems with Momentum  As trainers, we always need to be able to back up our claims and what we advertise and client feedback and testimonials are possibly the best way to do this! Organizing this information and then utilizing it down the line is a part of putting in place the pieces of a functioning system, and the more systematized your business is, the more momentum you will be able to create. The goal here is to allow a compounding effect to occur, where you grow while requiring less and less direct effort in the same fundamental areas.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast -   Stitcher -   Spotify -   YouTube -
2/16/202147 minutes, 3 seconds
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Building An Online Training Business When You're Broke #75

The panel discusses some helpful strategies and tips for building a training business on a small budget.   The Episode: Building An Online Training Business When You're Broke    Many of us who pursue a career in online training start from humble beginnings. Whether this be bootstrapping from the start because of financial restraints, or just starting small as a side hustle, many online trainers build things up where possible over a period of time. This approach is not always easy but is definitely not impossible, and if you can focus on smart and affordable ways to deliver your routines, track clients' progress, and receive payment, you can experience great success without a large amount of initial capital.   In This Episode The shoestring approach to building an online business [0:06:01] Finding the areas where you can save early on [0:11:52] Thoughts on good methodologies; spreadsheets and more [0:16:31] The best ways to deliver workouts to clients [0:21:47] Communication with clients on a budget [0:27:47] Tools for gathering payment from online clients [0:30:47] Extra tools and apps to boost your business for little to no money [0:34:47]   “Your Instagram and your Facebook, that is your stage.” — Carolina Belmares   Building from the Ground Up When starting out there are many points of possible overwhelm, whether it be the technology or tools that you have at your disposal. We believe that focussing on certifications and reinvesting in learning should be your priority. If you can grow your business and skills as you earn, you will reap the rewards. You also need to cut corners where possible, and see where you can save on things like work premises and an internet connection to get off the ground.   Clever and Cheap Methodologies Keeping track of information and communications is key to any client-based work, and whether you use spreadsheets or other means, you need to track all the data you collect. Facebook Groups and Google Sheets also have a multitude of useful features that can be utilized and are free! These tools will help you organize your content and stay on top of things as your client load grows.    Delivering Routines, Communicating with Clients, and Collecting Payments There is no reason why you cannot effectively interact with clients in very simple ways. Using emails containing links to existent content and videos can be very useful in the beginning too. The content you share does not even have to be your own, as long as it is serving your client! Facebook is usually a good place for communications as most people are reachable through it. In terms of payment, it seems that PayPal is a very popular service among online coaches, as it is safe and familiar; features that will work in your favor.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   Online Training Client Tracker: Google Sheets: PayPal: Canva: Magisto: Supercook:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
2/11/202140 minutes, 20 seconds
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Tough Clients — When To Troubleshoot Or Let Them Go #74

A selection of our usual panel talks about dealing with difficult clients and when to let them go.   The Episode: Tough Clients — When To Troubleshoot Or Let Them Go   Some clients are naturally easier to work with, while some people will not be as good a fit for a variety of reasons. There comes a point where no amount of troubleshooting and communication can get people on the same page in a way that is beneficial to both parties, and this point is what we discuss in today's conversation. As a trainer or coach, you have an undeniable responsibility to set things out; expectations, boundaries, and important information. But even if this is done correctly, you and your client might find yourselves facing interpersonal challenges that cannot be overcome. It is in these situations that going separate ways may become advisable.   In This Episode The difficulty of 'firing' a client [0:10:50] Conducting the conversations around these difficulties and letting a client go [0:17:38] Taking responsibility for an unsatisfactory situation with a client [0:22:10] Unforeseen circumstances and deal-breakers [0:25:26] A healthy place for a coach in a person's self-care and support structure [0:31:00] Signs that an arrangement has to change or end [0:32:45] Doing what you can before looking to end work with someone [0:35:03] A proactive approach to expectations and important information [0:38:32]   “For me that was the hard line I was not willing to pass, so I fired her.” — Carolina Belmares   Anxiety Over Clients and Ending a Relationship Chances are that you have or will experience a client stepping over a boundary of yours. This can take the form of refusing to do the necessary work or can be something more imposing that makes you feel unsafe or taken advantage of. These are legitimate issues that should be addressed, and taking note of the warning signs is step one.   How to Have the Necessary Conversations It is vital that when issues arise, we as coaches facilitate healthy and progressive conversations.  If the issues extend beyond our skill set, this is a good time to refer someone more appropriate, but the bottom line is you need to protect yourself and your mental health, while also considering the needs of the other person involved. There are different approaches to these troubled waters, and these will be determined by you, the client, and the nature of the issue.   The Responsibility of the Coach Certain problems can arise from mistakes that you may have made, or areas that you overlooked. If things do not work out between a coach and a client, that is completely fine, but we need to remind ourselves of our role. Honesty and full disclosure from both sides can really aid the entire process and make any trouble more navigable. The more you are able to separate the facts from your feelings and maintain a clear picture, the easier it will be to find the right solution.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   Motivation Interviewing:   Crucial Converstions:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world-leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
2/9/202144 minutes
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How To Renew The Clients You Should Be Getting #73

Today the discussion focuses on how you can make sure to get the renewals you deserve and boost your numbers of returning clients.   The Episode: How To Renew The Clients You Should Be Getting   Running a successful online coaching business requires a certain level of continuity between programs and number of returning customers in order to create stability and loyalty. You do not need every client to renew with you, but the ones that can return, should not be neglected and lost. This is related to how you lay out your offer from the very first step, the way you communicate during your programs, and how you set up checkpoint and renewal calls as a program comes to an end.    In This Episode The need to evolve communication styles and language [0:08:55] Realistic expectations and practices for client renewals [0:11:09] Important steps to take from the start of the process [0:18:34] Tactics for great service to clients that stimulates renewals [0:24:43] Points to remember for renewal calls [0:31:29]   “Every single client who joins your program is joining it with the intent that they are going to do one spin around the sun with it.” — Jonathan Goodman   Putting in Place the Foundations for Renewal Calls It is important to start with clear communication about how your service can extend beyond the immediate program. This will ensure that those who wish to renew have this in mind from the get-go. Not every client will be a good fit for renewing, but without laying these foundations in place you will miss the ones that are a right for further work together. It is not about magic words, but don't be scared to double down and underline the good feelings and results you witness, and your customers experience.   Early Steps in the Renewal Process The communication starts in your advertising and intake process, and by staying ahead of the game and prepared you can set yourself up for success early on. Checkpoint calls and the scheduling of these as someone signs up, make the end of the program and moving on from it, that much easier and smoother. The clearer the idea you share of the work moving, the better for you and the customer.   The Power of the Service That You Offer There is an obvious correlation between the experience of a customer and their likelihood to renew, so focussing on delivering will also boost your numbers. One way to approach this is to frame your programs as a starting point, that way the future is already in the conversation! You are then able to talk about what comes next during the current program, and perks like reduced rates for loyalty will enhance this.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
2/4/202138 minutes, 48 seconds
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How To Balance Your Day Job, Family, and Online Business #72

Our team of experts discusses strategies for balancing the demands on your time while maintaining your online training business.    The Episode: How To Balance Your Day Job, Family, and Online Business   No matter your current lifestyle and domestic set up, chances are that if you are starting or running an online training business, you do not have extra time on your hands. There are a few factors that can make these difficulties a little bit more manageable on a daily basis. The first step is prioritizing, you can then use this hierarchy as a tool for preparation. An important addition to these measures is the acceptance of what is realistic for you to take on, as it is unlikely you will be able to do everything you might initially want to. All of these areas require a level of self-awareness and responsiveness, which enables a well-tailored and suitable schedule for time management.   In This Episode Family duties, gender roles and managing commitments [0:15:41] Time is a constant constraint so use it wisely and smartly [0:20:45] Scheduling your day in order to maximize your productivity [0:24:02] Looking at your strengths, weaknesses, and boundaries and working within them [0:30:03] Prioritizing, preparing, and staying realistic with accomplishments [0:33:19]   “Online training is kind of like a big stone wheel, where it takes a ton of pressure and effort to get it going at first and then once you get that thing moving, all you gotta do is just tap it.” — Jonathan Goodman   Mapping Out A Personal Plan You may have a full-time job and many familial commitments on top of your online training hustle and managing these demands on time is never easy. One of the great things about online businesses though, is that after the initial effort it takes to get the ball rolling, the momentum can carry it forward with much less required from you.   Working Within the Limitations Balancing and deciding between different commitments can be a big challenge, and many of us have children and financial limitations that are serious hurdles to getting things off the ground. However, there are always ways to bootstrap your coaching business in the beginning, so it is all about finding the corners you can cut and the gaps that you can make use of; put in the work now and set yourself up for future success!   Time-Blocking and Smart Scheduling The setting and detailing of your priorities is a major step in your success. Laying out a plan for the day or week ahead can make this much easier and save time and energy during your workflow. This sort of proactive approach is an investment and requires energy in order to reap the rewards. This again comes back to self-awareness and setting up your systems to suit individual strengths and weaknesses. You need to know your own limitations, capabilities and how these fluctuate at different times.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   Jonathan's Priority Block Post:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify -
2/2/202139 minutes, 14 seconds
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Your Content Is Your Life #71

For this episode, the team shares some thoughts on creating authentic content and connecting properly with an audience.   The Episode: Your Content Is Your Life   The content you publish as an online trainer determines a large part of your success. The more closely you can align what you put out, with your own story and life, or at least an authentic vision, the more longevity and impact you will have. If you can tie yourself into the offers that you make, clients will connect much more deeply with your service and how it is promoted. This means taking an active role in your offers, bringing more of yourself into your media, and staying authentic and relatable. This approach also ensures you will have a good store of ideas and material going forward, as you will be communicating about things that you understand and experience.   In This Episode  Your life is your content — your content is your life [0:08:41] The three categories in question for creating content [0:10:28] Aligning your content to an authentic vision of your life [0:14:03] How to relate outside of your demographic [0:22:25] Business content on social media; pros and cons [0:28:41]   “They should be the focus, you shouldn't be the focus. I think a lot of trainers perhaps don't do that.” — Jonathan Goodman   Aligning Yourself with Your Content Take an inventory of yourself and your business and find the most authentic and relatable parts of this to be your guiding force in the content you put out. Your priority should be creating content that draws directly from this well and is relatable to your audience or intended market.   Authenticity is Powerful The number one thing that will help you connect with an audience is authenticity. If you have similarities to your customer base, show this. Mirror what they are going through and the bond that emerges will be that much stronger. This works both ways, as tying yourself into your programs and plans will create accountability for you too. Building awareness and expectation with your audience will create momentum and the tendency towards growth and progress.   Making The Content You Publish Relatable It is also possible to create authentic content that does not draw directly from your own story. You do not have to be a mom to deliver an authentic service to moms. But it does take a lot of observation and empathy, so pay attention to your community and see what they are saying and what they need. This is another great opportunity to let your customers shine, and by making your platform more about them, you double down on relatability and reach.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   Amber's Photoshoot:   SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy: Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify -
1/28/202138 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Real Life SOLD OUT Online Training Launch Example #70

Our panel sits down to discuss an example of selling out an online course and the important steps in this process.   The Episode: A Real Life SOLD OUT Online Training Launch Example   A big part of being an online trainer is launching and selling programs, and today we look at a great example of how this can be done successfully, leading to a sold out offer! We break down the whole process, talking about the steps to start with, that come before the actual launch, how to manage the first sales and facilitate the later ones, sticking to a plan, as well as packing as much value in the course as possible through collaboration and clear branding.   In This Episode A little bit about the course that Carolina just sold out [0:10:04] The preparatory steps that Carolina took before launching [0:12:54] Turning initial interest into sales [0:19:30] Asking for what you want and preparing to hear no [0:25:03] Lessons learned from each launch to carry forward [0:29:30]  Deciding on what to name a program and who to work with [0:31:42]   “If you are not hearing no multiple times, then you are missing out on a tremendous amount of opportunities. Most people do not ask enough for what they want.” — Jonathan Goodman   The First Steps for a Launch A launch starts before you actually launch, and the early steps in the process are some of the most important. You need to create excitement about your offer and some urgency and scarcity is also not a bad thing. You can do this through some posts on social media and carefully-chosen conversations to raise awareness in the right way. The real goal is to try and sell as much as possible in the shortest space of time after the offer goes live.   Sticking to the Vision and Strategy The usual pattern of online launches is that you will have a bunch of sales at the start, a little dip and then a last-minute rush for the last tickets. Through this you need to stick to your script and see the launch through, you can even become more fearless after that initial spike. Launching is a constant learning process and the lessons you learn this time will help in your next launch too.   The Finishing Touches on a Program It is a great idea to use different platforms and forums to speak to your people. Collaboration and inclusion can help get your launch over the line and can also make for a better and more attractive offer to customers. Try not to limit yourself, other professionals can complement what you are doing and everyone can win.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   Founding Client Challenge:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast -   Stitcher -   Spotify -
1/26/202137 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to turn public criticism into sales #69

In this episode, the team talks about ways to turn negative feedback or criticism into sales for your online training business.   The Episode: How to Turn Public Criticism into Sales   Any business will have disappointed customers in some form or another. As online trainers, we experience this too, and this negativity often plays out for us in the form of a negative review in a group or forum. Although these can be tricky situations, they are actually great opportunities and can be used to benefit everyone involved in certain ways. By dealing with complaints or criticism in a caring way you can allow a dissatisfied customer to leave having had a positive experience; this is all about being clear on who your offer is specifically for and the process of dealing with negativity is a part of that journey.   In This Episode Reframing feedback and healthy ways to deal with negativity in a forum [0:14:56] A few specific examples of cases of criticism from the OTA groups [0:21:45] Responding to bad reviews with context, useful information, and care [0:26:38] Making things right by a disappointed customer or client [0:32:22] The value of negativity and how this can help your sales [0:39:50]   “What is very, very important in any kind of a response, particularly a public response on social media, is understanding who you are responding to and who is going to see that response.” — Jonathan Goodman   Dealing with Negativity Directly If you ignore and ban anyone who posts something negative in a group you will create more of a problem for yourself and your business. That person will then leave more upset, with a worse view of how you run things. It is much better to deal with complaints in a transparent way, trying to answer what has been raised, and taking responsibility for the dissatisfaction.   What to Include in a Response No offer is for everyone, so complaints are inevitable at some point. Keep in mind who you are talking to and who will see your response, this can help you stay focussed on crafting the best communication possible. The first thing to do is to contextualize any comments, if you can do this, coupled with demonstrating the care you have for your offer and your customers, you can make progress towards allaying unnecessary negativity.   Clarity and Care for All Customers Any training program will have tradeoffs, and in the end, you are not trying to convince everyone that your offer is for them. You want the right people to find you and your value. You need to make sure that even the people your package does not suit, leave feeling like they had a positive experience, and the most important part of this is to be clear on who your offer is for and who it is not.    Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify -
1/21/202143 minutes, 12 seconds
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How To Be A Content Creating Machine #68

In this episode, our panel discusses the best ways to create and publish fitness content online.   The Episode: How To Be A Content Creating Machine   In the world of online training, the content you put out occupies a sizable chunk of your work and determines much of your resultant success. In order to build and grow, this needs to be an area in which you improve and, ultimately, connect. A few major points here are knowing where your message is going, systematizing your creation process, achieving a level of consistency and getting away from sporadic and confusing messaging. If you can connect these dots, you have that much more chance of reaching your ideal clients and striking gold.   In This Episode Making sure you stay productive and have enough content [0:16:31] Selecting the right platforms to post your content [0:22:20] Taking imperfect action and including calls to action [0:24:22] Utilizing your ideas when they arise [0:29:01] Batching your content creation process [0:32:58]   “I think perhaps the best use of social media in a lot of cases is to test material, and is to test messaging.” — Jonathan Goodman   Upping Your Productivity It can be helpful to find the times and spaces that you are at your most creative and focussed. This can also mean scheduling time for content creation, so that you can get away from normal distractions. Knowing where the content you are creating will go can help improve your productivity, drilling down on a specific format or message to make the most of your time.    Creating, Compiling, and Posting As we have said before, calls to action are what move the needle, so do not neglect this amazing tool! Another useful tip is to use social media as a space to test your material and messaging, gauging reactions, and even crowd-sourcing ideas that can improve what you are posting! A lot of the time, your messages do not need to be overly complex, they can be as simple as stating questions that you encounter and offering an answer — and this usually comes naturally to coaches!   Some More Ideas for Content Creation Making the most of your ideas as they arise will save you a lot of effort, so find a way to collect your thoughts, whether it is jotting things down in a notebook during the day or spending time brainstorming, there are more than enough opportunities to come up with things to share. Remember, content creation is like any other exercise, you get better at it by doing the reps!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast -   Stitcher -   Spotify -
1/19/202144 minutes, 44 seconds
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How Melissa Shevchenko Had Her First $9500 Month Online from Challenges #67

In this episode, Jonathan sits down with Melisa Shevchenko to talk about how she has built a successful and highly profitable online training business utilizing challenges.    The Episode: How Melissa Shevchenko Had Her First $9500 Month Online from Challenges   The way that you lay out your service as an online trainer has a clear relationship to who signs up with you. Today we get to hear from Melissa, an OTA 2 graduate, about how she has built her courses and upped her prices over time, and the lessons she has learned along the way. Melissa centers her work on six-week challenges that clients are able to sign up for, with a focus on fat loss and she explains how these challenges enable her to quickly get longer-term buy-in from her customers, and how this benefits everyone involved.    In This Episode The specifics and structures of Melissa's six-week challenge [0:03:02] Benefits of the early introduction of challenges [0:06:34] Comparing Melissa’s conversion methods before and after OTA 2 [0:09:18] How Melissa facilitates her challenges through a Facebook Group [0:16:00] The process of check-ins and the calls that Melissa holds with clients now [0:17:39] Some of the landmark learnings that Melissa remembers from her OTA course [0:24:26] Melissa's thoughts on joining OTA 2 for those considering it [0:29:28]   “If you don't use something to buy into what you are doing early on, you can have a really hard time getting them to commit longer term.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Six-Week Challenge that Melissa Offers Creating connection and accountability can go a long way with clients, and personal attention and check-ins are great ways to do this. Melissa aims to make the process of fat loss as simple as possible, breaking it down for her clients into manageable segments. She has adopted an approach based on habits and calories, which has a general format and then elements that are tailored to individuals.    The Development of the Program and its Conversion Methods The challenge format has allowed Melissa to build community early on in the course. This is enhanced by serving a specific type of client, which also means finding the right people, who are truly ready for the challenge. Melissa facilitates her challenges through a dedicated and private Facebook Group, as well as holding three-week checkpoint calls with participants, to keep them going.   Lessons Learned in the Process We hear from Melissa about the growth of her confidence over time and the boost that the OTA 2 course was able to give her. One of the big lessons taught in the OTA is how to call and communicate with prospective clients and there are established ways to develop the best script possible for these calls. Once these calls become comfortable and successful, they can even be outsourced, if you would rather focus solely on training, or vice-versa.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world-leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy: Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
1/14/202131 minutes
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Jim Gazzale's $1,500, One-New-Client-A-Week Method #66

In today's episode, Jonathan speaks to Jim Gazzale about his method for gaining new clients in his online coaching business and how he has raised his prices incrementally.   The Episode: Jim Gazzale's $1,500, One-New-Client-A-Week Method   Building a profitable online coaching business is all about taking action. Jim Gazzale joins us on the show today to talk about the steps he has taken, along with taking part in the OTA, towards building his dream online coaching service. We hear from him about the way he has improved his business, built confidence, and most importantly increased his prices! Jim underlines the power of paying attention to clients, delivering results over empty talk, and taking imperfect action towards your goals.   In This Episode The $95 a month model that Jim had previously for nutrition coaching [0:01:44] Managing the transition to a higher price model among other commitments [0:04:41] How Jim approaches time management, getting things done, and client preferences [0:08:40] The way Jim increased his prices and improved his business philosophy [0:17:21] Targeting new clients and communicating effectively [0:23:41] Jim's expenses and profitability [0:26:08] Surveying clients and connecting through good questions [0:27:06] Thoughts on joining OTA and Jim's message for those considering it [0:27:06]   “My biggest thing is, the night before, writing out three to five things that I need to get accomplished. For me, it's things that I need to do not things that I want to do.” — Jim Gazzale   Getting Things Done For Jim, making sure to cross important things off his to-do list every day is vital. This means writing out a handful of necessary items for the next day each evening. This can take the form of social media content or outreach, but whatever it is, it is all about prioritizing and making sure it gets done!   Confidence and Strategy for Raising Prices It is not easy to jump into online training and start charging your target prices. It is more realistic to incrementally increase your prices as your service and confidence grow. The confidence piece of this puzzle is vital; you need to be able to show people that you know your worth and the value you are advertising.   Paying for Results and Delivering What Clients Need Running a business such as Jim's means finding new clients and communicating effectively. Although these conversations are central, clients pay for results, not conversation, so the quicker you can get them working towards their goals, the better. Jim has improved his communication with new clients by noting the language of his client-base and drilling down on that. This aids connection and when you speak the language of the market you are aiming for, you will reap the rewards.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy: Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
1/12/202133 minutes, 16 seconds
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Overcoming Fears of Rejection In Online Training #65

For this episode, the team sits down to talk about the task of overcoming fears of rejection as an online trainer.   The Episode: Overcoming Fears of Rejection In Online Training   Work as an online trainer is littered with different types of rejection, refusal, and even supposed failures. This is part of what it takes to make progress and succeed, as you cannot make it to your goals without experiencing adversity and challenges. Here we talk about how to get past the fear of these losses in order to reach the wins, new ways to think about 'nos', and the power of asking for what you want in your life and work.   In This Episode Rejection and disappointment as a trainer [0:11:31] Examples of responses to offers and reaching out [0:18:00] The disconnection between trainers and clients [0:24:39] The difficulties that arise most often and the ones to take seriously [0:27:24] Asking for what you want and facing rejection head-on [0:33:02]   “Odds are pretty good that anybody that is in a position that you aspire to be in, has worked way harder, for way longer, and gone through way more shit than you could ever imagine and that you will ever see.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Human Tendency Towards Negativity Our negative bias has a strong impact on how we weigh results. It is very easy to gloss over positive factors in a situation and zoom in on small negatives that upset us. In most situations where you feel a sense of critique or rejection, those examples sit in a sea of positivity that our brains easily forget, so just remember to try and keep a clear perspective when encountering challenges such as this.   The Gap Between Trainers and Clients It is difficult for clients to always remember just how much hard work has gone into a trainer's journey. This can cause a disconnect between expectations and experience. As trainers, we need to become comfortable with this dynamic as the arising challenges never go away. Rejection and problems in this area are a staple part of even the most successful of coaches' businesses.   Confronting Issues and Accepting Rejection In the end, it is all about how you deal with the problems that do arise, whether it is a rejection of an offer, a complaint about your service, or any other adversity that occurs in the business. You know how much hard work you have put into your progress and success, even if others forget. The last part of this picture is asking for what you want, and when we can do this with as little fear of failure as possible, we enable ourselves to succeed in new ways.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world-leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
1/7/202142 minutes, 34 seconds
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What To Do When Other Trainers Steal From You #64

In this episode, the team discusses the topic of having material stolen by other trainers.   The Episode: What To Do When Other Trainers Steal From You   What do you do when someone steals your intellectual property? Unfortunately, this is an experience that many of us have had, whether it be a piece of content posted online, brand mimicking, or any other type of plagiarism. Naturally, this can be quite upsetting and potentially difficult to deal with, but we are here to remind you that most of the time the best policy is to try and let it go. Doing the work is the only sustainable way to progress and success, so the trainers or individuals that try to take these shortcuts are shooting themselves in the foot, and you should not let that sort of shortsightedness worry you!   In This Episode What it feels like to have your material stolen by customers [0:09:38] Blatant plagiarism and the tendency of some people to steal ideas [0:18:39] Emotional responses to stealing by other professionals [0:25:01] Times to take this kind of stealing more seriously [0:31:55] Why stealing is always the wrong way to go [0:36:34]   “If there is potential reputational damage involved, I get litigious very quickly.” — Jonathan Goodman   Experiences of Materials Being Stolen Many of us have had this happen to us, and the truth is that it is mostly a result of jealousy or inferiority. The other positive side to this unfortunate circumstance is that it shows you are doing something right, that others want to jump on. In the end, putting in the hard work will pay off, so stick to your guns, and do not let small things like this get you down.   How to Respond to Different Cases of Stealing It is unsurprising that we have emotional responses to the shamelessness and invasion of stealing. It is helpful to keep in mind that most acts of this kind come from a fearful and frustrated place, often when someone is struggling with one issue or another. As we see in fitness, you cannot get someone else to do your reps for you, so when someone steals, they are actually robbing themselves of the opportunity to grow and learn.   The Most Damaging Kinds of Robbery There are some times when 'letting it go' is not the best option. If someone is adopting your brand or identity in order to scam clients, this can be very dangerous. At these times, depending on your business and the severity of the case, it may be wise to pursue the issue legally.    Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   Howard Stern Video (Profanity Warning!):   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world-leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:    Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast -   Stitcher -   Spotify -
1/5/202143 minutes, 43 seconds
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How To Simplify Your Online Business in 2021 #63

How To Simplify Your Online Business in 2021   Episode 63: Show Notes.   In this episode, our panel talks about the power of simplifying your business and how you can do this in 2021.   The Episode: How To Simplify Your Online Business in 2021   One of the main issues that are experienced by fitness trainers lies in overcomplicated the services and programs that are offered. Your business as an online trainer should be as simple as possible, and keeping your target market, marketing channel, conversion method, and programs as streamlined as possible, will lead to better results than trying to cater to too many different people and styles.    In This Episode Simplifying in a way that will serve your business [0:10:36] Defining your unique selling point before all else  [0:16:48] Programming for a specific target market [0:20:50] Building the best program template and then fine-tuning [0:23:45] The expert details do not matter to your clients [0:26:10] Streamlining your marketing to just one channel [0:33:10]   “Your business should have one target market, one marketing channel, one conversion method, and one program. That is it.” — Jonathan Goodman   Simplifying Things in Your Favor By focussing on your offers and programs, you are able to deliver in a much stronger way. Don't dilute your efforts by spreading your work too thin! Singular targets and methods will keep things manageable and allow you to concentrate that much more on what you want to offer. This all starts with clarity around your unique selling point, so begin there.   Clearer Targets Improves Programming If you are able to build a client base of similar types of people, whatever your focus may be, it will make creating your programs a lot easier. This, in turn, will give you time and energy to improve and refine your programs, which will benefit the clients you have. In the end, you want to have a great template for your training, and something that can be fine-tuned for specific customers in small manageable ways.   Coaching is for the Client Sometimes we get caught up in the nitty-gritty of coaching and fitness and forget what the real purpose of what we do is: to deliver an effective service to our clients. They do not care about the overly technical industry jargon that goes into your work, they want results! You need to know who you are talking to and where to find them, so narrow down your aim. This is all about simplicity, so do not overcomplicate it.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world-leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast -   Stitcher -   Spotify -   YouTube -  
12/31/202041 minutes, 20 seconds
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Carolina's Time To Shine #62

This episode sees the team talking about how you can be ready for success when your thing becomes the thing.   The Episode: Carolina's Time to Shine   In the world of online training and beyond, you do not need to win every time in order to be successful. Most really successful individuals only hit the bullseye a couple of times at most. The key is in preparing for when that day arrives so that you can make the most of it and allow that success to become sustainable. Important aspects of this lie in your authenticity as a trainer, so becoming and staying clear on yourself and your audience is vital.   In This Episode Where will you be when your thing becomes the thing? [0:09:21] Hitting gold on occasion is enough — increase your odds strategically [0:16:02] Paying attention to the market and its trends without being swayed [0:23:37] Capitalizing on popular movies and events [0:30:03] Setting yourself up for success and sticking to your unique strengths [0:33:40]   “You only need one big win. You don't really know what those are going to be, you're certainly not going to win every time. Odds are you are not going to win the first time. You should try a bunch of different things strategically in order to increase your odds of hitting gold that one time.” — Jonathan Goodman   Being Ready for When Your Ship Comes In There are so many examples of times when your service might grow in high demand. It happened to OTA when the pandemic began and it is happening now with chess coaches since the spike in popularity of the series The Queen's Gambit. If you can stick to your thing, when the time comes, you can hit gold, and by staying authentic and consistent, you can make your offer that much more solid for that time!   Staying True to Your Unique Values and Personality  A huge piece of this puzzle is to avoid hopping around and changing your offer. No matter who and where you are, it is likely there are potential customers and clients for your service. So hone that thing you do every day, and pay attention to the markets and trends, but do not let them sway or dishearten you.   Getting Ready for Success As it is often said, luck happens where preparation meets opportunity and this is exactly what you are facilitating here. You need to be ready to seize that opportunity when it presents itself. The preparation that goes into your work is around your unique personality and value, and by strengthening that authentically, you will be readying yourself when that time inevitably arrives!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world-leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast -   Stitcher -   Spotify -   YouTube -
12/29/202040 minutes, 44 seconds
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What Your Clients Are Really Paying For (When Information Is Free) #61

Today the team breaks down the actual value that clients pay for from their trainers.   The Episode: What Your Clients Are Really Paying For (When Information Is Free)   With so much information readily and freely available on the internet, a common question for online trainers is how and when to price your services and expertise. The consensus among today's panel is that the more generous one is with information, the better, as what you should really be selling is the application of that knowledge and its tailoring to a specific case.   In This Episode Using temptation bundling to get through leg-day [0:03:13] Free information versus paid information [0:08:12] Keeping the value in the application of the service you provide [0:21:36] The links between generosity and a good coach [0:26:21]   “There is pretty much nothing that I know that you can't get for free on the internet.” — Jonathan Goodman   Free Information in the Internet Age Most information and content is available for free somewhere on the internet, therefore by adding a paywall, you might only be creating a barrier to access between your business and prospective clients. This is not to say that you cannot charge for parts of your service, but information should not be the focus of how you make money.   Center Your Exclusive Value in Your Service If everyone can access information, what is it that differentiates you as a trainer? This has two basic levels; the first is your unique skillset and personality, and secondly how these might be applied to the needs of your clients. This is what they should be paying for, not information they can find elsewhere for free.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast -   Stitcher -   Spotify -   YouTube -        
12/22/202035 minutes, 12 seconds
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Putting The Social Back Into Social Media To Gain Clients #60

Today's episode sees the team breaking down how to up your social media game and improve your engagement and resulting business.   The Episode: Putting The Social Back Into Social Media To Gain Clients   As online trainers, the role of social media and the platforms we use to reach an audience is an integral part of what we do. Running a successful page or profile can mean your business is alive and kicking, as an online audience provides so many different avenues to explore and grow into. In this episode we tackle the basics of building an engaging and sustainable online presence, breaking down some of the common mistakes and ways to address them.   In This Episode The personal side of social media that is often missing from businesses [0:04:42] Finding your thing; looking for unique aspects of who you are to highlight [0:08:55] Staying consistent with who you are is a superpower [0:16:20] How to revive engagement on a quiet social media group [0:23:39] Continual connection is your first goal — the metrics are secondary to this [0:29:55]   “You have to figure out how to get in front of people and the way to do that is to appeal to them in a much more personal way, on an individual basis.” — Jonathan Goodman   Problems with Many Social Media Accounts We often notice that as individuals build a business profile on social media, the personal side of things is neglected. It is so important to show who you are while conducting business online, and balancing these two aspects is key to having any kind of success.    Staying Authentic and Consistent It has been proven beyond doubt that authentic content generates more engagement, so sticking to who you are and the strengths you truly have, will serve you and your business. Doing this over an extended period of time, while avoiding cliches and boastful content, will create a stronger bond between you and your audience, which will in turn attract new people.   Ways to Revive a Dead Group Lowered engagement and Facebook Groups that feel like a wasteland are not uncommon. There are so many ways to inject some life into these spaces, including asking better questions, going live, running polls, calls to action, driving new traffic and telling personal stories. Another important lesson in igniting engagement is to start the conversation, don't wait for others to engage with your content, go out there and connect with others on their profile!   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -   YouTube Embed Link -      
12/17/202037 minutes, 55 seconds
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Closing The Information Gap To Make More Sales #59

This episode deals with the issue of the informations gaps that are present in the fitness industry, in both trainers and clients. The Episode: Closing the Information Gap to Make More Sales Many problems that trainers face are rooted in the asymmetry of knowledge in the field of fitness. This plays out in clients not fully understanding the information that underpins their programs but is also an issue where trainers might have gaps in their own training and education. Today we talk about some of the steps that trainers can take to smooth out these points of friction, looking at reinforcing realistic expectations and creating programs that keep clients engaged. We have found that these disconnects often lead to a lack of drive and confidence in trainers and understanding the underlying science can help you overcome these issues and improve all areas of your programs!   In This Episode  The asymmetry of information in the fitness industry [0:19:41] Surprising gaps in knowledge for trainers as well as clients [0:24:01] The amount of work it takes to actually create the right program [0:28:04] Helping clients get over the rocky terrain to rewarding results [0:32:40] Misconceptions around training protocols and watered down information [0:37:55] The dangers of accepted information in the training industry [0:42:02]   “There is a massive asymmetry of information between people who buy our services and us.” — Jonathan Goodman   Getting Everyone on the Same Page Misinformation and skewed expectations are in the recipe for difficulties down the road. The goal for trainers should be to have the most comprehensive knowledge-base possible and then to be able to communicate the necessary parts of this to any client. The transfer of information is so important, as it can help clients with motivation, dedication, and patience towards their goals.   The Issues That Arise from the Information Gap Encountering gaps in information can lead to an array of problems in any training relationship, notably around pricing and value. Creating the right kind of program for a client, one that actually addresses them specifically and targets their goals is more work than most people think. Often results take more time than clients will initially be prepared for and so maintaining commitment and focus is part of the trainer's job. You have to be able to fill in the gaps to help clients buy into the program!   Practices for Becoming a More Informed Trainer It seems that there are often preconceived notions that trainers hold, and these can be around client expectations and abilities. These theories need to be checked in order to filter out the ones that do not stand up to reality. With so much biased information out there, education is a pursuit that takes a little more than cursory glances over blog posts. Seek out the original source material, and do the research, this will help fill in the gaps and ultimately reflect in the quality of service you offer.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world-leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast -   Stitcher -   Spotify -   YouTube -
12/15/202048 minutes, 42 seconds
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$35K In 30 Days: How Marc-André Seers Dominates His Market In A Language Other Than English #58

Today we talk about how Marc, a fellow online trainer, has up-leveled his skill and how this has allowed him to maintain his impressive numbers.    Click here to listen to this episode on iTunes Click here to listen to this episode on Spotify Click here to listen to this episode on Stitcher   The Episode: $35K In 30 Days: How Marc-André Seers Dominates His Market In A Language Other Than English   In this episode, Marc-André Seers share how he has improved his business by building out his skillset and getting more strategic about selling and converting. One of the most important aspects of converting a prospective client is by asking the right questions to establish what their biggest pain point is. When you have allowed them to talk and listened intently to their problem, you can close the deal by explaining exactly how your offer will address their problem.    In This Episode  Why Marc decided to promote himself as a French coach [0:02:53] The process of getting better at selling and converting [0:04:13] How Marc improved his business by leveling up his skillset [0:05:38] Marc explains what his process is for onboarding new clients [0:07:03] Three questions that get potential clients talking [0:11:18] Why preparing yourself with sales scripts are important [0:17:05] Who the coaching OTA program is designed for. [0:23:25]   “Most objections that people will say to you are not actual objections – they’re procrastinations.” — Jonathan Goodman   Get Clients Talking In addition to being clear about what you offer, you want to get the clients talking so that they reveal what their real pain point is. When they have made themselves vulnerable by sharing openly what they are hoping to change, they are more likely to go forward with you since you have the opportunity to explain how you can solve their problem.   Why Now? This might sound like an irrelevant question to ask a potential client, but it is really important. The reason they want to get in shape at this point in their lives can become a powerful hook to remind them why they signed up if they ever consider postponing or quitting. Knowing the answer to their “why now?” will help you motivate them when they want to opt-out or find excuses. In answering this question, they remove the possibility of objections later on.    Master Your Scripts No one likes being sold to, and clients might call you out if you are too obvious with your scripts. When you’ve gained experience, you will be able to seamlessly incorporate scripts into your discussions with clients without sounding desperate. People want you to hear them, and you have to respond authentically. The mastery lies in using scripts subtly.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale?  Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world-leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy: Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
12/10/202026 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Importance of Building Positive Relationships With Colleagues #57

The team discusses why focusing on relationships is a central part of any coaching business, and how the work you put into this part of your job will pay off.   The Episode: The Importance of Building Positive Relationships with Colleagues You simply cannot make it in the fitness coaching world without some strong relationships. Most work that you will get in this space will be through personal connections and the people you meet on your journey. Clients will naturally gravitate towards coaches who they know, like, and trust, and treating people well, and respectfully can go a long way in fostering these feelings.   In This Episode  The positive results of building relationships [0:12:10] Learning and improving your communication skills [0:18:54] Leveling up the company you keep [0:28:09] Bad energy and behavior will come back to you [0:35:50] Coaches are some of the best clients you can hope for [0:39:03]   “People don't change, people might pretend that they change, but history repeats itself.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Three Big Payoffs When we give attention to the relationships in our lives, there is an array of benefits we can accrue. Three major ones are the learning that can occur through these relationships, the interesting networks of people that can be accessed, and of course, getting hired and finding more work. When we learn how to teach and meet others where they are, knowledge is shared and this becomes immediately valuable to any client.   The Karma of Your Actions We all have different experiences and expertise, so it is a matter of creating the best way to offer what you have. If you treat people badly, it will be noticed and remembered and the same goes for respectful and considerate behavior. Putting in the work with your colleagues, acquaintances and, ultimately, future clients will ensure that there are rewards to be reaped in the future.   Already at $1,000/month online and want to scale? Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -  
12/8/202045 minutes, 26 seconds
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What the Week of an Online Trainer Looks Like #56

Today we share what the week of an online trainer looks like, getting into specifically your engagements with clients.     The Episode: What the Week of an Online Trainer Looks Like Have you ever wondered what the weekly schedule of an online trainer is like and what the expectations for interaction are from the client’s perspective? In this episode, we give you a behind the scenes look at a week in the life of an online trainer. From the frequency of video calls to those encouraging messages mid-way through the week, we cover it all. (And since Jonathan is clean-shaven for this episode, you can bet he’s got some impressive plans up his sleeve!)   In This Episode The value of sending out an accountability questionnaire to your clients on Sunday [0:15:40] What to include in a short video for those clients who answered the questions [0:16:45] An office hours post on Monday lets clients know when you are available for calls [0:17:45]  Creating a touchpoint in the middle of the week to check in on progress [0:18:51]  Ren talks about the funny scales he comes up with to establish where clients are at [0:19:12]  The potential for contact is more important to your clients than the actual contact [0:20:27]  Some of us work in a more unstructured manner – and that’s also fine! [0:26:01]  Understanding that your job will largely involve encouraging and hand-holding [0:26:54]  Be like a Facebook algorithm by looking for keywords in your clients’ dialog [0:27:37]  The importance of considering your personality type in setting up a work structure [0:29:16]  Amber shares how she plans out her week while also enjoying spontaneity [0:31:17]  When journey-mapping skills and automating responses come in handy [0:33:05]    “Your clients don’t need you there every second; they need you there when they need you, and they need to know that you are there for when they need you.” — Jonathan Goodman   Create the Possibility for Contact   Here’s an interesting observation: it is more important for your clients to know that you are there for them when they need you than what it is to be in constant contact with you. People live busy lives and do not have all day to speak to their coaches, but knowing that you are there when it matters is crucial.    Stay Up to Date There are many ways you can touch base with your clients. In addition to video conferences, you could send out a questionnaire on Sundays to establish how they fared over the past week and check in with them in the middle of the week to keep them going strong. Your job as an online trainer will also involve putting out fires, so when your client sends you an anxious message, you have the chance to put their minds at ease and get them back on track.    Be Conscious of Your Process  Whether you prefer a methodical, proactive, or reactive process and structure, it does not matter – as long as you know that this is the process that works best for you and your personality type. Being aware of your preferred structure also allows you to enjoy your engagement with clients rather than getting burnt out and wanting to give up.    Ready to scale up your online fitness business?   Apply for OTA 2 here:   SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:     Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast -   Stitcher -   Spotify -   YouTube -
12/3/202040 minutes, 43 seconds
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Why Your Story is Crucial to Building Your Online Business #55

In this episode, we discuss why sharing your story is a crucial part of landing new clients and building a thriving online business.    The Episode: Why Your Story is Crucial to Building Your Online Business Who can disagree that we relate better to people whose stories we know? When we understand what someone has gone through, we find it easier to relate to them and it makes meaningful connection possible. That is why your story is a powerful tool for building your online business.   While you might think that your story is mundane or irrelevant, others don’t see it that way. The different things that make you unique could be exactly what resonates with your target audience and get the business streaming in!   In This Episode The common erroneous assumption that your credentials will make people hire you [0:16:21] What watching Simone Biles can teach us about the importance of telling your story [0:17:10] How a person’s story is what gets others to buy into and care about them [0:18:02]  The importance of an authentic story in boosting your unique selling proposition [0:19:16]  An example of how your story can be leveraged to get people emotionally invested [0:19:54] Hear how you get a lot further in the online space when you have an authentic story [0:25:01]  The issue with saying what you think others want to hear and pursuing a big market [0:26:34]  Focusing on the “right” thing versus focusing on the right thing for you [0:28:07]  Why it is worth spending the time to define the things that make you unique [0:30:42]  When a story resonates with your audience, keeping pushing that message [0:33:54]  The reward of staying true to yourself and ignoring the likes and opinions of others [0:36:24]    “What I find a lot of people try to do is they try to say what they think is the right thing.” — Jonathan Goodman   Credentials Are Not Everything  While you might think that all your qualifications and certifications are what will convince people to work with you, the truth is that they seldom know what all the letters stand for. Other coaches will recognize your credentials but, to your ideal clients, it will mean little.    The Value of An Authentic Story  A person’s story – including their personal and professional highs and lows – is a powerful tool for making them more relatable, thus easier to connect emotionally with. People want to see your human side and the challenges you have overcome, as this gives them a reason to like and root for you. Even the highest performing athletes need an authentic story to maintain a strong following.    Stop Focusing on the Shoulds  Whatever you do, do not try to create a USP based on trends or what you think other people want. When you choose to serve a target audience with whom you have nothing in common, there is going to be a disconnect between you and them. Choose an area that you have personal experience in and that is true to you.     Ready to scale up your online fitness business?  Apply for OTA 2 here: SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
12/1/202042 minutes, 53 seconds
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How To Keep Your Online Clients Engaged #54

Today’s episode is all about overcoming client boredom and keeping them fully engaged so that they stay long enough to get the results they want.  The Episode: How To Keep Your Online Clients Engaged  In an overstimulated, distracted world, it is hard to retain your clients’ attention and focus. When they find an exercise boring or uncomfortable, they won’t be as committed to doing it right and will thus fail to reach the desired outcomes. Knowing how to keep your clients engaged will, therefore, be most beneficial to both you and them.    In This Episode Why we need our clients to be attentive, committed, and in the zone [0:21:22] Identifying what the client finds engaging and helping them through the boring bits [0:21:58] Striking the right balance between incorporating variety and sticking to what works best [0:22:43]  Examples of how you can switch up exercises while maintaining efficacy [0:24:26]  The value of focusing on a specific element instead of the workout as a whole [0:27:45]  Creating a distraction to support your client through an uncomfortable exercise [0:28:48]  Leveraging the fact that some clients are motivated by data and how to spot them [0:34:08]  Knowing your client well will guide you in keeping them engaged at all times [0:37:52]    “We need clients to be attentive, we need clients to be committed, we need clients to be in the zone when they are doing our programs in order for them to get results.” — Jonathan Goodman   The Value of Attention  In the world we live in, it is easy to get distracted by the many things demanding our attention. But for a client to get optimal results from your program, they have to be attentive and committed, otherwise they will fail to make the progress they hoped for. When this happens, both you and the client loses out.    Narrowing Your Clients’ Attention  There are four strategies for ensuring that you retain your clients’ focus. Although introducing variety into your program can combat boredom, you have to be careful to not compromise the integrity of the workout. You can also let them focus on one element rather than the workout as a whole, or you could distract them during exercises they find boring or uncomfortable. If they are interested in data, you can talk to them about tracking the metrics to keep them zoned in.    How Well Do You Know Your Client? If you have taken the time to get to know your client, you will know what will interest them and you can tailor the program to keep them engaged and focused. When an exercise they find boring or uncomfortable is unavoidable, there are ways to distract them to get it done easier but with the same impact.    Ready to scale up your online fitness business?  Apply for OTA 2 here: SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy: Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast - Stitcher - Spotify - YouTube -
11/26/202042 minutes, 44 seconds
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How To Help Clients When Life Throws Them a Curveball #53

Today's discussion focuses on the role of the trainer in helping a client through difficult times, and how this might play out in different scenarios.   The Episode: How To Help Clients When Life Throws Them a Curveball All of us go through the ups and downs of life, no matter who we are, and your clients are no different. There will be times, as an online trainer, that you will be confronted with the difficulties that someone is experiencing, and the better you can manage these, the better for your business and for your clients.   In This Episode Avoiding toxic positivity when dealing with clients' emotions [0:11:22] How personal discomfort can lead to reacting in ways that are unhealthy [0:17:26] Jonathan's own story of a downward spiral and finding his way out of it [0:22:08] Getting to grips with our emotions and where they come from [0:27:12] Finding a niche and catering directly to a specific need [0:31:00] Holding space, providing what is asked for, and respecting a client's autonomy [0:33:29] Clear boundaries and remembering the limits of your role [0:35:44]   “An emotion is not an objective experience. Things are not intrinsically good or bad.” — Jonathan Goodman   Less is Sometimes More Positivity can help clients, but is not always the answer. By allowing negative emotions in ourselves and others, it becomes possible to move through them at a healthy and realistic speed. Most people do not want to, and should not want to, be driven out of a depression.   An Understanding of Emotions A more intimate understanding of the roots of our feelings can make them more manageable. As trainers, pieces of knowledge around emotion are really helpful in our work with clients, and although clear lines around the services we provide are vital, an understanding of these factors can make a world of difference.   You Are Not A Therapist A client is coming to you for the training that you offer. Keep in mind the limitations of your role will serve the relationship, and ultimately their success. Make sure to take the lead in setting the tone and boundaries for your interactions.    Ready to scale up your online fitness business?  Apply for OTA 2 here: SPONSORS  Get started TODAY with the world-leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -   Apple Podcast -   Stitcher -   Spotify -   YouTube -
11/24/202038 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Get Started In Online Training in 2021 #52

Coming to the end of the strange and surprising year of 2020, we are looking ahead at how you can get ready for next year in the world of online training. The team takes you through the seven steps to getting started with your own online training business, and Jonathan weighs in on the most important things to focus on as well as certain things that might not work as well. We discuss the remote model and what this might look like going forward in a post-pandemic world before looking at income, bootstrapping, pricing models, and how to build lasting relationships with new clients! As usual, we are here to solve all your problems and more, so make sure you tune in! In This Episode: Reflecting on 2020 and how little sense it has made as a year [0:00:41] Jonathan's experiences in a small town while travelling through Tasmania! [0:09:19] The current climate forcing trainers to go online [0:15:07] Variance in income for personal trainers and the geographic constraints in the space [0:17:19] The first steps in getting started in online training; decisions, differentiating, templates and more! [0:18:06] Bootstrapping is a great way to get your feet wet — don't wait for 'enough' clients [0:31:30] Setting your price at the right level to maximize your signups and income [0:32:33] Why the low-end membership model is usually a bad idea, and the possible exceptions [0:36:09] Creating an application process; gathering information, giving virtual handshakes, and following up [0:37:49] Setting up your payment process in order to collect money from clients [0:38:37] “The secret to online training is to be the right person to a few people.” - Jonathan Goodman   Ready to scale up your online fitness business?  Apply for OTA 2 here: SPONSORS Get started TODAY with the world leading certification and business development program for personal trainers, nutrition coaches, and gym owners – The Online Trainer Academy:   Enjoy this special offer of 60 days FREE on PT Distinction from The Online Trainer Show! -    YouTube -
11/19/202042 minutes, 25 seconds