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The Practice Podcast Profile

The Practice Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 414 episodes, 3 days, 11 hours, 9 minutes
The Practice is an experimental gathering at Willow Creek Community Church where we immerse ourselves in God’s dream for humanity, practice the historic disciplines that align us with His dream, and carry each other along the way. We are learning to live out Jesus’ teachings in the world.
Episode Artwork

A Counter-Formational Political Practice: Breath Prayer

This guided practice is a part of our series The Liturgy of Politics. As we seek to untangle ourselves from the partisan liturgies of our culture, we are engaging counter-formational practices. In this practice, we respond to the partisan liturgy of fear with the practice of breath prayer.​ With Jesus, we pray the words, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done.” This prayer reminds us, in the words of Pastor Mike Lueken, even if the worst we can imagine happens in this election season, “Jesus is still king. The kingdom is still real, and all shall be well.” And it reminds us that we are invited to join the Holy Spirit in its redemptive kingdom work.
9/16/20245 minutes, 1 second
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A Counter-Formational Political Practice: Welcoming Prayer

This guided practice is a part of our series The Liturgy of Politics. As we seek to untangle ourselves from the partisan liturgies of our culture, we are engaging counter-formational practices. In response to our partisan culture which uses fear as a political tool, we offer a practice that can help us welcome the love and presence of Jesus into our fear so that we might be the kind of people whose political activity is marked by love.
9/16/202411 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Liturgy of Politics: The Partisan Liturgy of Fear

Aristotle said the purpose of politics is to create a people who are better than they would be without it. Politics has a way of shaping how we see ourselves, how we see others, and how we should live in the world. Have you noticed how this is parallel to the task of the gospel? This journey of faith creates us to be someone better than we would be without Jesus. Jesus shapes how we see ourselves, how we see others, and how we should live in the world. Is it any wonder our political activity has gotten so bound up in our understanding of the gospel? In fact, our partisanship and faith have become so wrapped up together, that it is like one big ball of tangled string. They influence one another in various ways (some helpful and some not), and often times it is hard to tell where one begins and the other ends. This month, we will be crafting experiments together. These experiments will center on how we engage politics and how we are being formed by politics. Together we will notice what strings in this tangled mess the Holy Spirit is drawing to our attention, and we will intentionally practice ways of untangling that thread. How can we seek to be formed in the way of God's kingdom and bring that to bear on politics rather than allowing politics to shape how we view the kingdom? We began this week with crafting our experiments. Setting the stage for the journey, we considered the formational nature of politics, and how this nature runs parallel to the gospel. Recognizing how easy this makes it for partisan politics to become entangled with the gospel, we set out to craft experiments that will help ground us in the kingdom of God and allow the Spirit to shape how we see ourselves, how we see others, and how we believe we should live. You can find the handout for crafting an experiments here. For additional resources, please visit our website. Resources for Navigating This Political Season If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
9/15/202450 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Liturgy of Politics: Crafting our experiments

Aristotle said the purpose of politics is to create a people who are better than they would be without it. Politics has a way of shaping how we see ourselves, how we see others, and how we should live in the world. Have you noticed how this is parallel to the task of the gospel? This journey of faith creates us to be someone better than we would be without Jesus. Jesus shapes how we see ourselves, how we see others, and how we should live in the world. Is it any wonder our political activity has gotten so bound up in our understanding of the gospel? In fact, our partisanship and faith have become so wrapped up together, that it is like one big ball of tangled string. They influence one another in various ways (some helpful and some not), and often times it is hard to tell where one begins and the other ends. This month, we will be crafting experiments together. These experiments will center on how we engage politics and how we are being formed by politics. Together we will notice what strings in this tangled mess the Holy Spirit is drawing to our attention, and we will intentionally practice ways of untangling that thread. How can we seek to be formed in the way of God's kingdom and bring that to bear on politics rather than allowing politics to shape how we view the kingdom? We began this week with crafting our experiments. Setting the stage for the journey, we considered the formational nature of politics, and how this nature runs parallel to the gospel. Recognizing how easy this makes it for partisan politics to become entangled with the gospel, we set out to craft experiments that will help ground us in the kingdom of God and allow the Spirit to shape how we see ourselves, how we see others, and how we believe we should live. You can find the handout for crafting an experiments here. For additional resources, please visit our website. Resources for Navigating This Political Season If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
9/8/202453 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Communion of Saints: Thomas Kelly

From the very beginning of The Practice, we have always appreciated the important lessons we can learn from various Christian traditions throughout the history of the Church. This summer, we will spend time learning about our sisters and brothers, some you may know and others you may not. We hope to not only learn about them, but also to listen to what they might have to teach us in this day and age.   This week, Ted Harro invited us to listen to an imagined letter to our community from the Quaker mystic Thomas Kelly. For additional resources, please visit our website. Resources for Navigating This Political Season If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
8/18/202447 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Communion of Saints: Ella Baker

From the very beginning of The Practice, we have always appreciated the important lessons we can learn from various Christian traditions throughout the history of the Church. This summer, we will spend time learning about our sisters and brothers, some you may know and others you may not. We hope to not only learn about them, but also to listen to what they might have to teach us in this day and age.   This week, Juliet Liu invited us consider the example of Ella Baker. In her life and work, Ella might show us how our contemplation to move us to action. She would teach us to take seriously the dignity of all people, even the most ordinary. And she would encourage us not to dispair but to find hope in the people who point us toward joy. You can find the images we used for visio divina here (The Saints of Selma and a photo of Ella Baker.) For additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
8/12/20241 hour, 2 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Communion of Saints: Harriet Tubman

From the very beginning of The Practice, we have always appreciated the important lessons we can learn from various Christian traditions throughout the history of the Church. This summer, we will spend time learning about our sisters and brothers, some you may know and others you may not. We hope to not only learn about them, but also to listen to what they might have to teach us in this day and age.   This week, Julian Davis Reid guided us in a reflection on the life of Harriet Tubman. He asked how we might follow Harriet as she followed Jesus, and invited us to consider two specific practices, sanctuary and sleep. Where and how do we need to encounter sancuary? How can sleep deepen our faith, and how can we turn outward, pursuing sanctuary for others in our world?  For additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
8/5/202455 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Communion of Saints: Desert Mothers and Fathers

From the very beginning of The Practice, we have always appreciated the important lessons we can learn from various Christian traditions throughout the history of the Church. This summer, we will spend time learning about our sisters and brothers, some you may know and others you may not. We hope to not only learn about them, but also to listen to what they might have to teach us in this day and age.   This week, we looked to the Desert Mothers and Fathers. There are remarkable similarities between our culture today and the culture of the fourth century. What word of wisdom might these wonderful saints offer to us in this day and age? What can we learn from their resistance to being carried along by cultural currents? What if God is inviting us to be a little weird, to flee from power, comfort, and significance, and to do it all for the sake of love? For additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
7/22/202452 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Communion of Saints: Irenaeus

From the very beginning of The Practice, we have always appreciated the important lessons we can learn from various Christian traditions throughout the history of the Church. This summer, we will spend time learning about our sisters and brothers, some you may know and others you may not. We hope to not only learn about them, but also to listen to what they might have to teach us in this day and age.   In the first week of our series, we heard about Irenaeus, his stand against gnosticism and how the doctrine of the incarnation helps us avoid gnosticism today. For additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
7/15/202442 minutes, 20 seconds
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Walking in the Promised Land: Judges

In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. Last year we began our journey walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11), the blessing (Genesis 12-50), the exodus, and the wilderness. If you missed the previous series, you can check out these links.  In this series, we will join the Israelites as they enter the promised land. We will explore the themes of Joshua and Judges, noticing how God’s invitation continues to echo from the very beginning. What might the text have to say about our own stories as we consider the successes and struggles of the Israelites? In the third week of our series, Jason Hitchcock invited us to consider how the story of Judges demonstrates the faithful love of God in the midst of Israelite failure. We see God's desire for the people's good, and how hope is able to grow in desperate places. For additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
6/24/202442 minutes, 3 seconds
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Walking in the Promised Land: The Conquest Narratives

In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. Last year we began our journey walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11), the blessing (Genesis 12-50), the exodus, and the wilderness. If you missed the previous series, you can check out these links.  In this series, we will join the Israelites as they enter the promised land. We will explore the themes of Joshua and Judges, noticing how God’s invitation continues to echo from the very beginning. What might the text have to say about our own stories as we consider the successes and struggles of the Israelites? In our second week of the series, Dr. Walton helped us explore some of the troubling passages of Joshua. He said, these stories are really about making room for God's presence. The land, the text teaches us, does not belong to the Canaanites or Israel. The land belongs to Yahweh and is an important part of God's plan for redeeming all of creation. You can read more in Dr. Walton's book The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest. For additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
6/17/202449 minutes, 7 seconds
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Walking in the Promised Land: Joshua

In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. Last year we began our journey walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11), the blessing (Genesis 12-50), the exodus, and the wilderness. If you missed the previous series, you can check out these links.  In this series, we will join the Israelites as they enter the promised land. We will explore the themes of Joshua and Judges, noticing how God’s invitation continues to echo from the very beginning. What might the text have to say about our own stories as we consider the successes and struggles of the Israelites? In the first week, we explored the story of Joshua. We noticed God's resistance to the kind of in or out determinations to which we so quickly jump. And we considered how we can abide in God's rest, provision, and dwelling presence, so that we might join God in extending these kingdom blessings to others as we reflect God's will and ways. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  Last year we began our journey walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11), the blessing (Genesis 12-50), the exodus, and the wilderness. If you missed the previous series, you can check out the links above.
6/10/202440 minutes, 16 seconds
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A Morning with Malcolm Guite

In this gathering, the wonderful poet Malcolm Guite invited us to consider that the Light of the World is writing us into existence. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
6/2/202442 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Gift of Forgiveness: Cutting Ties with the Hurt

Forgiveness is a foundational characteristic of God's kingdom. We understand this easily when we consider our own forgiveness, but how often do we recognize this is also true of our forgiving one another? This month, we seek to respond to God's invitation to forgive as we have been forgiven.  This week, Casey Tygrett invited us to consider how Mark 11:25 invites us to cut our connection to the anger, disappointment, and hurt we so often hold onto that holds us back from a fruit-filled kingdom life. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
5/20/202439 minutes, 1 second
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Practice of Forgiveness

This guided practice is a part of our series The Gift of Forgiveness. Forgiveness is a foundational characteristic of God's kingdom. We understand this easily when we consider our own forgiveness, but how often do we recognize this is also true of our forgiving one another? This month, we seek to respond to God's invitation to forgive as we have been forgiven.  This practice comes from the second week of the series.
5/13/202423 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Gift of Forgiveness: Received When Given Away

Forgiveness is a foundational characteristic of God's kingdom. We understand this easily when we consider our own forgiveness, but how often do we recognize this is also true of our forgiving one another? This month, we seek to respond to God's invitation to forgive as we have been forgiven.  This week, Father Michael continued our examination of Christ's teaching on forgiveness as we considered Matthew 6:14-15. Father Michael reminded us that unforgiveness restricts the flow of grace into our lives and invited us to "recieve the forgiveness and grace only God can bestow, received when given away." For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
5/13/202447 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Gift of Forgiveness: Surrendering Our Right to Get Even

Forgiveness is a foundational characteristic of God's kingdom. We understand this easily when we consider our own forgiveness, but how often do we recognize this is also true of our forgiving one another? This month, we seek to respond to God's invitation to forgive as we have been forgiven.  We began our journey exploring the parable of the unmerciful servant in Matthew 18. Jesus teaches us in this parable how radical forgiveness is a fundamental characteristic of God's kingdom. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
5/6/202452 minutes, 18 seconds
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Experiment in Joy: Fertile Ground

Joy is a foundational element of our faith. It connects us to God, ourselves and one another, it helps us endure difficult seasons, and it grounds our lives in the loving presence of God. This month, we will craft experiments to practice together that will help us deepen our capacity for joy. In the third week of our experiments we asked, what if God is dancing through creation spreading the seeds of joy and connection all over? How might we become fertile soil for those seeds to take root and flourish? If you haven't yet crafted an experiment, it's not too late to join us. You can find the handout for crafting an experiment  here. If you are forming a group or would like help, please let us know! For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
4/22/202439 minutes, 37 seconds
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An Experiment in Joy: Our Joyful God

Joy is a foundational element of our faith. It connects us to God, ourselves and one another, it helps us endure difficult seasons, and it grounds our lives in the loving presence of God. This month, we will craft experiments to practice together that will help us deepen our capacity for joy. In the second week of our experiments, Bethany Timmons reminded us it is okay to wrestle with joy because God is always joyful and always offering joy to us. If you haven't yet crafted an experiment, it's not too late to join us. You can find the handout for crafting an experiment here. If you are forming a group or would like help, please let us know! For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
4/15/202441 minutes, 57 seconds
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An Experiment in Joy

Joy is a foundational element of our faith. It connects us to God, ourselves and one another, it helps us endure difficult seasons, and it grounds our lives in the loving presence of God. This month, we will craft experiments to practice together that will help us deepen our capacity for joy. You can find the handout for crafting an experiment here. In the first week, Nicole guided us through crafting our experiments. She invited us to consider how we might move toward centering ourselves in Christ and cultivate the conditions necessary for joy to grow in our lives. If you are forming a group or would like help, please let us know! For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
4/8/202459 minutes, 26 seconds
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Easter: Resurrection Hope

On Easter Sunday, we gathered to celebrate the risen Christ. This year we considered three great hopes of resurrection. First, Jesus is with us in our suffering. Second, God’s kingdom is present and available here and now, and finally, one day God’s kingdom will arrive in its fullness, God will make all things new and everything sad will become untrue. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
4/1/202433 minutes, 34 seconds
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Practice of Joyful Connection: A Practice of Gratitude and Memory

This guided practice is a part of our series Attached. We were made for joyful connection with God. The truest thing about us is that we were created to live in joy-filled communion with God and one another, but we think we can do better. We choose what is right in our own eyes and introduce disorder into the world. That disorder infects the world, and the pain, sorrow, and injustice leads us to question if God really loves us. In this series, we hope to become aware of what gets in the way of our attachment and deepen our capacity for attachment to God. This is one of the practices from the final week of the series. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
3/18/20249 minutes, 34 seconds
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Practice of Joyful Connection: A Practice of Stillness

This guided practice is a part of our series Attached. We were made for joyful connection with God. The truest thing about us is that we were created to live in joy-filled communion with God and one another, but we think we can do better. We choose what is right in our own eyes and introduce disorder into the world. That disorder infects the world, and the pain, sorrow, and injustice leads us to question if God really loves us. In this series, we hope to become aware of what gets in the way of our attachment and deepen our capacity for attachment to God. This is one of the practices from the final week of the series. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
3/18/202410 minutes, 19 seconds
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Practice of Joyful Connection: An Imaginative Encounter with Jesus

This guided practice is a part of our series Attached. We were made for joyful connection with God. The truest thing about us is that we were created to live in joy-filled communion with God and one another, but we think we can do better. We choose what is right in our own eyes and introduce disorder into the world. That disorder infects the world, and the pain, sorrow, and injustice leads us to question if God really loves us. In this series, we hope to become aware of what gets in the way of our attachment and deepen our capacity for attachment to God. This practice comes from the fifth week of the series. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
3/18/202414 minutes, 11 seconds
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Practice of Joyful Connection: Guided Meditation on the Parable of the Prodigal Son

This guided practice is a part of our series Attached. We were made for joyful connection with God. The truest thing about us is that we were created to live in joy-filled communion with God and one another, but we think we can do better. We choose what is right in our own eyes and introduce disorder into the world. That disorder infects the world, and the pain, sorrow, and injustice leads us to question if God really loves us. In this series, we hope to become aware of what gets in the way of our attachment and deepen our capacity for attachment to God. This practice comes from the fourth week of the series. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
3/18/202423 minutes, 31 seconds
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Practice of Joyful Connection: An Embodied Practice of Centering

This guided practice is a part of our series Attached. We were made for joyful connection with God. The truest thing about us is that we were created to live in joy-filled communion with God and one another, but we think we can do better. We choose what is right in our own eyes and introduce disorder into the world. That disorder infects the world, and the pain, sorrow, and injustice leads us to question if God really loves us. In this series, we hope to become aware of what gets in the way of our attachment and deepen our capacity for attachment to God. This practice comes from the third week of the series. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
3/18/20247 minutes, 59 seconds
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Practice of Joyful Connection: A Practice of Curiosity

This guided practice is a part of our series Attached. We were made for joyful connection with God. The truest thing about us is that we were created to live in joy-filled communion with God and one another, but we think we can do better. We choose what is right in our own eyes and introduce disorder into the world. That disorder infects the world, and the pain, sorrow, and injustice leads us to question if God really loves us. In this series, we hope to become aware of what gets in the way of our attachment and deepen our capacity for attachment to God. This practice comes from the second week of the series. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
3/18/20247 minutes, 59 seconds
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Attached: Practices to Deepen Our Capacity for Joyful Connection

We were made for joyful connection with God. The truest thing about us is that we were created to live in joy-filled communion with God and one another, but we think we can do better. We choose what is right in our own eyes and introduce disorder into the world. That disorder infects the world, and the pain, sorrow, and injustice leads us to question if God really loves us. In this series, we hope to become aware of what gets in the way of our attachment and deepen our capacity for attachment to God. In the final week of our series, we considered how we are being invited to move forward. Rather than seeing this series an end, what if we saw it as a launching pad into a deepening capacity for joyful connection? Our hope in this series is that we gain a framework for understanding how our wounds impact us and our relationship with God, and begin to receive some practices that help us to open ourselves to the healing, delight-filled presence of God. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
3/18/202456 minutes, 1 second
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Attached: Barrier or Conduit?

We were made for joyful connection with God. The truest thing about us is that we were created to live in joy-filled communion with God and one another, but we think we can do better. We choose what is right in our own eyes and introduce disorder into the world. That disorder infects the world, and the pain, sorrow, and injustice leads us to question if God really loves us. In this series, we hope to become aware of what gets in the way of our attachment and deepen our capacity for attachment to God. In our fifth week, Aubrey Reynolds invited us to consider how the barriers to connection we experience, might actually be conduits if we seek to love these wounded parts of ourselves. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
3/10/202450 minutes, 48 seconds
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Attached: Intimacy and Independence

We were made for joyful connection with God. The truest thing about us is that we were created to live in joy-filled communion with God and one another, but we think we can do better. We choose what is right in our own eyes and introduce disorder into the world. That disorder infects the world, and the pain, sorrow, and injustice leads us to question if God really loves us. In this series, we hope to become aware of what gets in the way of our attachment and deepen our capacity for attachment to God. In our fourth week, Nicole invited us to consider what strategies we have employed seeking protection instead of joyful connection. Have we pushed for intimacy without independence or independence without intimacy? She then asked, what it might look like for us to return to joy. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
3/3/202454 minutes, 58 seconds
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Attached: Rupture and Repair with God

We were made for joyful connection with God. The truest thing about us is that we were created to live in joy-filled communion with God and one another, but we think we can do better. We choose what is right in our own eyes and introduce disorder into the world. That disorder infects the world, and the pain, sorrow, and injustice leads us to question if God really loves us. In this series, we hope to become aware of what gets in the way of our attachment and deepen our capacity for attachment to God. In our third week, we reflected on the neuroscience of rupture and repair and how it impacts our capacity for joyful connection with God. Cyd Holsclaw invited us to consider our implicit views of God and how we can engage our bodies as we participate with God in the process of repair. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
2/19/202448 minutes, 57 seconds
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Attached: Curiosity Instead of Shame and Fear

We were made for joyful connection with God. The truest thing about us is that we were created to live in joy-filled communion with God and one another, but we think we can do better. We choose what is right in our own eyes and introduce disorder into the world. That disorder infects the world, and the pain, sorrow, and injustice leads us to question if God really loves us. In this series, we hope to become aware of what gets in the way of our attachment and deepen our capacity for attachment to God. Our series began by wondering if we might see salvation as "a new and active attachment with God that forms and transforms our identities?" What if we grounded our journey in the reality that we are created for joyful connection, and that God doesn't just love us, but God likes us and even delights in us. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
2/11/202450 minutes, 46 seconds
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Attached: What if God Actually Likes You?

We were made for joyful connection with God. The truest thing about us is that we were created to live in joy-filled communion with God and one another, but we think we can do better. We choose what is right in our own eyes and introduce disorder into the world. That disorder infects the world, and the pain, sorrow, and injustice leads us to question if God really loves us. In this series, we hope to become aware of what gets in the way of our attachment and deepen our capacity for attachment to God. Our series began by wondering if we might see salvation as "a new and active attachment with God that forms and transforms our identities?" What if we grounded our journey in the reality that we are created for joyful connection, and that God doesn't just love us, but God likes us and even delights in us. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
2/4/202458 minutes, 46 seconds
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Walking in the Wilderness: Wrestling in the Desert

In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. After spending time in 2023 walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11) and the blessing(Genesis 12-50), and Exodus, we now turn our attention to Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. What teaching can we receive from the story of Israel's journey from Sinai to the promised land? How is grumbling different from lament, and why does Moses tell the next generation over and over to remember their parents? For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
1/22/202450 minutes, 44 seconds
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Walking in the Wilderness: Purity and Sacrifices

In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. After spending time in 2023 walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11) and the blessing (Genesis 12-50), and Exodus, we now turn our attention to Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. What is the story being told by the sacrifices of Leviticus? While burnt and purification offerings may seem outdated and maybe even primitive to our modern sensibilities, they actually offer important teaching about God and God's relationship with us. The teaching of Leviticus shows us how God has made a way for us, people who live close to death and disorder, to live with the One who is the source of life and order. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
1/14/20241 hour, 24 seconds
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Walking in the Wilderness: Leviticus Details

In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. After spending time in 2023 walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11) and the blessing (Genesis 12-50), and Exodus, we now turn our attention to Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. In the first week of our series, we considered how God is with us in the details. Leviticus is full of details, and a part of the Torah (teaching) of this book is, as Casey said, "The good stuff of life is being in the weeds with God." For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
1/8/202447 minutes, 38 seconds
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Advent: Longing for Jesus

Advent is a season of waiting and longing. Through history, the church has identified the weeks leading up to Christmas as a time of preparation, a season to notice our deep and innate longing for Jesus. We anticipate the coming of the Christ child and his presence with us today, and we wait in hope-filled longing for the day when he will come again. As we journey together through Advent this year, we will seek to consider, welcome, and hold our longings as we anticipate the coming of Jesus. We hope for his presence with us today, and we look forward to the day of his return when everything sad will become untrue. This week, Casey Tygrett invited us to consider the longing we see revealed in the Psalms of David. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
12/18/202337 minutes, 56 seconds
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Advent: Longing for Jesus

Advent is a season of waiting and longing. Through history, the church has identified the weeks leading up to Christmas as a time of preparation, a season to notice our deep and innate longing for Jesus. We anticipate the coming of the Christ child and his presence with us today, and we wait in hope-filled longing for the day when he will come again. As we journey together through Advent this year, we will seek to consider, welcome, and hold our longings as we anticipate the coming of Jesus. We hope for his presence with us today, and we look forward to the day of his return when everything sad will become untrue. This week, Nicole invited us to consider our longing for home as reflect on the story of Ruth. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
12/10/202344 minutes, 27 seconds
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Practice: A Prayer to Welcome Our Longing

This guided practice is a part of our Advent journey in 2023. We are seeking to consider, welcome, and hold our longings as we anticipate the coming of Jesus. We hope for his presence with us today, and we look forward to the day of his return when everything sad will become untrue. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
12/3/20239 minutes, 57 seconds
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Advent: Longing for Jesus

Advent is a season of waiting and longing. Through history, the church has identified the weeks leading up to Christmas as a time of preparation, a season to notice our deep and innate longing for Jesus. We anticipate the coming of the Christ child and his presence with us today, and we wait in hope-filled longing for the day when he will come again. As we journey together through Advent this year, we will seek to consider, welcome, and hold our longings as we anticipate the coming of Jesus. We hope for his presence with us today, and we look forward to the day of his return when everything sad will become untrue. This week, we identified our longing in this season and sought to welcome and hold it in hope-filled expectation for the coming of Christ. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
12/3/202338 minutes, 1 second
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Faith Like a Child: Play

In the Gospels, Jesus shows great affection towards children. In Matthew, he says “unless you turn from your sins and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom.” In her wonderful book, Faith Like a Child, our friend Lacy Borgo writes, “Our first and most natural inclination as children is to connect with God in deeply uniting and often ordinary ways.” In this series, we are asking how have we left these childhood aspects of ourselves behind. And more importantly, how can we get them back so we might once again attach to God with faith like a child? This week, Kirsten Hitchcock gtaught us about the formational role of childlike play. Play ushers us into the freedom of Christ and invites us to be with Jesus. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
11/20/202344 minutes, 52 seconds
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Faith Like a Child: Curiosity

In the Gospels, Jesus shows great affection towards children. In Matthew, he says “unless you turn from your sins and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom.” In her wonderful book, Faith Like a Child, our friend Lacy Borgo writes, “Our first and most natural inclination as children is to connect with God in deeply uniting and often ordinary ways.” In this series, we are asking how have we left these childhood aspects of ourselves behind. And more importantly, how can we get them back so we might once again attach to God with faith like a child? This week, Caiden and Jason invited us to consider the role curiosity plays in our childlike faith. Curiosity invites us into deeper relationship and encourages us to live in the freedom of not having everything figured out. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
11/13/202336 minutes, 43 seconds
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Faith Like a Child

In the Gospels, Jesus shows great affection towards children. In Matthew, he says “unless you turn from your sins and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom.” In her wonderful book, Faith Like a Child, our friend Lacy Borgo writes, “Our first and most natural inclination as children is to connect with God in deeply uniting and often ordinary ways.” In this series, we are asking how have we left these childhood aspects of ourselves behind. And more importantly, how can we get them back so we might once again attach to God with faith like a child? This week, Lacy Borgo was here to guide us in considering our image of God including the wonder and wound of our childhood. As we seek to deepen our attachment to God, Lacy invites us into a three step practice: notice, run to Jesus, and look around. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
11/6/202341 minutes, 49 seconds
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For the Sake of the World: an experiment

Our formation is never for our own benefit alone. It is always for the sake of the world. Trevor Hudson has said, “The kingdom of God is creation healed.” This month we ask how is each of us being invited to partner with God in that healing. Whether we know exactly where God is inviting us or we have no idea at all, it is our hope this experiment will help us gain clarity on how our formation is leading us to partner with God for the sake of the world. This week, Andy King from the Dream Center Peoria will share about their ministry to unhoused women and children and encourage us to consider how we might listen to those impacted by the groans of creation we have identified. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
10/23/202356 minutes, 23 seconds
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For the Sake of the World: an experiment

Our formation is never for our own benefit alone. It is always for the sake of the world. Trevor Hudson has said, “The kingdom of God is creation healed.” This month we ask how is each of us being invited to partner with God in that healing. Whether we know exactly where God is inviting us or we have no idea at all, it is our hope this experiment will help us gain clarity on how our formation is leading us to partner with God for the sake of the world. This week, Troy Jackson from the ministry Undivided invited us to consider how we might open ourselves to allow the groans of creation to move from our heads to our heart and into our gut. (A note about the practice: this was a communal practice that does not translate well to a podcast, but we would strongly encourage you to find a way to practice it with someone. It was a deeply meaningful practice.) For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
10/16/202341 minutes, 33 seconds
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For the Sake of the World: an experiment

Our formation is never for our own benefit alone. It is always for the sake of the world. Trevor Hudson has said, “The kingdom of God is creation healed.” This month we ask how is each of us being invited to partner with God in that healing. Whether we know exactly where God is inviting us or we have no idea at all, it is our hope this experiment will help us gain clarity on how our formation is leading us to partner with God for the sake of the world. This week, Gabe Lerma invited us to consider how our stories tie into our experiments and how God might be stirring us to action this week.  For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
10/9/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 47 seconds
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For the Sake of the World: an experiment

Our formation is never for our own benefit alone. It is always for the sake of the world. Trevor Hudson has said, “The kingdom of God is creation healed.” This month we ask how is each of us being invited to partner with God in that healing. Whether we know exactly where God is inviting us or we have no idea at all, it is our hope this experiment will help us gain clarity on how our formation is leading us to partner with God for the sake of the world. This week, we considered which groans of creation echo most loudly in our lives. Where do we sense an invition to join God's work of restoration in the world. It may be a deep need in the world or a need close to home.  For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
10/2/202352 minutes, 35 seconds
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Walking in the Exodus: Tabernacle

In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. After spending time earlier this year walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11) and the blessing (Genesis 12-50), we turn our attention to Exodus. This week, we reflected on the third movement of Exodus. The tabernacle calls to mind Eden over and over and invites us to feel the weight of Yahweh's promise to be with us. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
9/17/202352 minutes, 6 seconds
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Walking in the Exodus: Torah

In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. After spending time earlier this year walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11) and the blessing (Genesis 12-50), we turn our attention to Exodus. This week, we reflected on the second movement of Exodus. Here Israel recieves Torah. Dr. Walton invited us to think differently about Torah. Rather than seeing it as a modern legal code, what if we saw it as an invitation to grow in wisdom? What if Torah offers us wisdom to understand the scope and range of holiness to guide us in forging an identity that correlates with the holy status we have been given as a new covenant people of God? For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
9/11/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 37 seconds
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Walking in the Exodus

In this recurring series, we are walking in the story of scripture, noticing the intricate way God’s story is woven together and shines a light on our own stories. After spending time earlier this year walking in the beginning (Genesis 1-11) and the blessing (Genesis 12-50), we turn our attention to Exodus. This week, we reflected on the first movement of Exodus and observed how Yahweh answers the central question of this foundational book, "Who is Yahweh?" We considered how Yahweh's deliverance of Israel demonstrates the character and identity of God.  
9/5/202347 minutes, 51 seconds
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Ordinary Time: Food

On the church calendar, we are invited into days and seasons of fasting and feasting, but the majority of the calendar is considered 'Ordinary Time.' While there are times for celebration and times for lament, most of life is simply… ordinary. Yet, ordinary does not mean this time is empty of God’s presence and the chance to live with God. This summer, we are examining just a handful of the many opportunities we have to live with God in the ordinary spaces of our lives. This week, Nicole invited us to see the table sacramentally. Feasting is a way we encounter the joy and love of God. "The table," Nicole said, "is an act of defiance in a world at war." PLEASE NOTE: Communion was a part of our practice in this gathering. We would encourage you to join us by gathering the elements to have ready as you join us in the practice. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at 
8/20/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ordinary Time: Story

On the church calendar, we are invited into days and seasons of fasting and feasting, but the majority of the calendar is considered 'Ordinary Time.' While there are times for celebration and times for lament, most of life is simply… ordinary. Yet, ordinary does not mean this time is empty of God’s presence and the chance to live with God. This summer, we are examining just a handful of the many opportunities we have to live with God in the ordinary spaces of our lives. This week, Nick Benoit invited us to consider how we encounter God in story. Story invites us to lean in and search for what is true, and it asks that we walk together in community as we seek to make sense of our stories. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
8/14/202349 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ordinary Time: Music

On the church calendar, we are invited into days and seasons of fasting and feasting, but the majority of the calendar is considered 'Ordinary Time.' While there are times for celebration and times for lament, most of life is simply… ordinary. Yet, ordinary does not mean this time is empty of God’s presence and the chance to live with God. This summer, we are examining just a handful of the many opportunities we have to live with God in the ordinary spaces of our lives. In the fourth week of our series, Julian Davis Reid guided our time as we considered how we might see music as an opportunity to encounter God. With 1 Samuel 16:14-23 as a foundation, Julian invited us to notice how "the goodness of God comes to us in music as both a balm and a charge."  For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
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Ordinary Time: Those on the Margins

On the church calendar, we are invited into days and seasons of fasting and feasting, but the majority of the calendar is considered 'Ordinary Time.' While there are times for celebration and times for lament, most of life is simply… ordinary. Yet, ordinary does not mean this time is empty of God’s presence and the chance to live with God. This summer, we are examining just a handful of the many opportunities we have to live with God in the ordinary spaces of our lives. In the third week of our series, we considered how we might encounter God in those who typically find themselves on the margins. Christina Hite invited us to widen the circle of our families and encounter God as we practice a 'radical kinship' with our neighbors. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
7/17/202350 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ordinary Time: Our Neighbors

On the church calendar, we are invited into days and seasons of fasting and feasting, but the majority of the calendar is considered 'Ordinary Time.' While there are times for celebration and times for lament, most of life is simply… ordinary. Yet, ordinary does not mean this time is empty of God’s presence and the chance to live with God. This summer, we are examining just a handful of the many opportunities we have to live with God in the ordinary spaces of our lives. In the second week of our series, we considered how we might encounter God in our neighbors, but we don't just mean our actual neighbors or even just those with whom we have some relationship. We are including those we don't know and might only have an opportunity to interact with for a second or two. How might we see every one of these interactions as an opportunity to recognize God's presence and join God's work in the world? For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
7/9/202346 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ordinary Time: The Present Moment

On the church calendar, we are invited into days and seasons of fasting and feasting, but the majority of the calendar is considered 'Ordinary Time.' While there are times for celebration and times for lament, most of life is simply… ordinary. Yet, ordinary does not mean this time is empty of God’s presence and the chance to live with God. This summer, we are examining just a handful of the many opportunities we have to live with God in the ordinary spaces of our lives. This week we are joined by Father Albert Haase to consider how we might encounter God in the present moment. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
7/3/202347 minutes, 25 seconds
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Walking in the Blessing: Joshua

Earlier this year, we began a recurring series in which we will walk in the story of scripture. We began in Genesis 1-11, learning God's intention for creation and what went wrong. In Genesis 12-50 we experience the beginning of God's restorative plan, a plan to redeem and bless creation. This week, Jason led us through the final movement of Genesis, the story of Jacob's children. Joseph's story both sums up the entire book of Genesis and points us forward in hopeful expectation for the coming restoration of all creation. You can download the handout of themes from Genesis here. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
6/19/202354 minutes, 15 seconds
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Walking in the Blessing: Isaac and Jacob

Earlier this year, we began a recurring series in which we will walk in the story of scripture. We began in Genesis 1-11, learning God's intention for creation and what went wrong. In Genesis 12-50 we experience the beginning of God's restorative plan, a plan to redeem and bless creation. This week, Bill Donahue invited us to consider how we find ourselves in the blessing stories of Isaac and Jacob, and to turn outward as we consider how we too might extend blessing to those around us. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
6/11/202348 minutes, 51 seconds
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Walking in the Blessing: Abraham and Sarah

Earlier this year, we began a recurring series in which we will walk in the story of scripture. We began in Genesis 1-11, learning God's intention for creation and what went wrong. In Genesis 12-50 we experience the beginning of God's restorative plan, a plan to redeem and bless creation. This week, Amber Riggs led us through the story of Abraham and Sarah. Using the geography of their journey, she invited us to consider how their story intersects ours. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
6/4/202346 minutes, 15 seconds
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Holy Delight: Unseen Celebration

Have you ever considered that celebration is actually a spiritual practice? In a culture overflowing with reasons for despair, what if the practice of celebration is essential to being formed by Jesus to be like Jesus for the sake of the world? This week, Andy invited us to follow the lead of Mary in the ways of 'unseen celebration.' How can we recognize, treasure, and ponder the extravagant gifts of God's presence and love in our lives? For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
5/22/202339 minutes, 49 seconds
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Holy Delight: Delight in the Midst of Despair

Have you ever considered that celebration is actually a spiritual practice? In a culture overflowing with reasons for despair, what if the practice of celebration is essential to being formed by Jesus to be like Jesus for the sake of the world? This week, Erin invited us to consider that holy delight is possible even in moments of despair. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
5/15/202335 minutes, 34 seconds
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Holy Delight: The Practice of Celebration

Have you ever considered that celebration is actually a spiritual practice? In a culture overflowing with reasons for despair, what if the practice of celebration is essential to being formed by Jesus to be like Jesus for the sake of the world? This week, Jason offered three invitations with the practice of celebration. First, how can we more intentionally turn our attention to the presence of our Creator in our delight and celebration. Second, how can we be open to celebration in whatever form it takes in our lives, and finally, how can we be on the lookout for opportunities to celebrate in the simple ordinary moments of our day? For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
5/8/202343 minutes, 45 seconds
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Embodied Faith

We don't often think about the role our bodies play in our faith and formation, but scripture teaches that to be formed by Jesus to be like Jesus for the sake of the world must include our bodies. But what does this mean. How can our faith and formation include our bodies? This week, Chrissie Steyn helps us consider how the enemy inhibits our worship by tempting us to ignore our bodies. Full worship and formation is embodied and connected. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
4/23/202338 minutes, 46 seconds
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Practice: An Embodied Imaginative Prayer

This guided practice was a part of a gathering all the way back in October of 2015 when Eric Conner led an imaginative prayer designed to  invite Jesus into our minds. It might be a helpful practice for you as we consider together the role the body plays in our faith and formation. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
4/19/202317 minutes, 9 seconds
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Practice: An Embodied Examen

This guided practice was a part of a gathering all the way back in November of 2015 when Father Michael led an embodied examen. It might be a helpful practice for you as we consider together the role the body plays in our faith and formation. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
4/19/202312 minutes, 19 seconds
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Embodied Faith

We don't often think about the role our bodies play in our faith and formation, but scripture teaches that to be formed by Jesus to be like Jesus for the sake of the world must include our bodies. But what does this mean. How can our faith and formation include our bodies? This week, Jason asks us to consider how we can listen to our bodies and include them in our practices.  For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
4/16/202356 minutes, 33 seconds
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Easter Sunday: On Earth as it is in Heaven

On Easter Sunday, we gathered to celebrate the risen Christ. Nicole Howe guided our time as we considered how Jesus stands as the connection point between heaven and earth. In Jesus, a new reality is introduced. Just as it did in the garden of Eden, heaven overlaps with earth, and in Christ, we are invited to participate in this new reality. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
4/10/202339 minutes, 7 seconds
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Surrendering Control of God

We have a tricky relationship with control. It is true God gives us agency, and we are responsible to steward that well. However, our agency is limited. We cannot control nearly as much as we would like. So we strive and cling to control, and when the illusion of our control is broken we either cling grasp all the more for power or we resort to deflated inactivity. This year in the season of Lent, we will experiment with surrendering control. If you were not with us last week, we invite you to make some time this week to listen to the teaching of Mandy Smith and craft an experiment. This week, we looked at our tendency to grasp for control of God. What do we do when God doesn't behave the way we expect God to behave? The form for letting us know if you have organized a group or would like help getting connected can be found at For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
4/2/202350 minutes, 32 seconds
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Surrendering Control of Ourselves

We have a tricky relationship with control. It is true God gives us agency, and we are responsible to steward that well. However, our agency is limited. We cannot control nearly as much as we would like. So we strive and cling to control, and when the illusion of our control is broken we either cling grasp all the more for power or we resort to deflated inactivity. This year in the season of Lent, we will experiment with surrendering control. If you were not with us last week, we invite you to make some time this week to listen to the teaching of Mandy Smith and craft an experiment. This week, we looked at our tendency to grasp for control with ourselves. We asked what it might look like for us to surrender ourselves as living sacrifices, to lay down our lives for our friends, to love God and neighbor. How might we, as Jesus promised, lose our lives in order to find them? The form for letting us know if you have organized a group or would like help getting connected can be found at For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
3/19/202351 minutes, 42 seconds
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Surrendering Control of Others

We have a tricky relationship with control. It is true God gives us agency, and we are responsible to steward that well. However, our agency is limited. We cannot control nearly as much as we would like. So we strive and cling to control, and when the illusion of our control is broken we either cling grasp all the more for power or we resort to deflated inactivity. This year in the season of Lent, we will experiment with surrendering control. If you were not with us last week, we invite you to make some time this week to listen to the teaching of Mandy Smith and craft an experiment. This week, we looked at our tendency to grasp for control with our resources. We considered how we might control with subtle manipulation of someone's actions or trying to control their emotions. We also asked how our desiring the best for someone we love might lead to a disordered relationship with control. In our practice, we continued to surrender our grasping and clinging, so we might release and surrender to hold the truth that "all shall be well."  The form for letting us know if you have organized a group or would like help getting connected can be found at For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
3/12/202339 minutes, 37 seconds
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Surrendering Control of our Resources

We have a tricky relationship with control. It is true God gives us agency, and we are responsible to steward that well. However, our agency is limited. We cannot control nearly as much as we would like. So we strive and cling to control, and when the illusion of our control is broken we either cling grasp all the more for power or we resort to deflated inactivity. This year in the season of Lent, we will experiment with surrendering control. If you were not with us last week, we invite you to make some time this week to listen to the teaching of Mandy Smith and craft an experiment. This week, we looked at our tendency to grasp for control with our resources. We considered knowledge and information, our reputation, finances and possessions, and achievements at work and school. We considered how we might respond differently when life feels out of control. Instead of grasping and clinging, what if we release and surrender so we can hold the truth that “all shall be well.”  The form for letting us know if you have organized a group or would like help getting connected can be found at For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
3/6/202334 minutes, 35 seconds
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Surrendering Control: Crafting our Experiments

We have a tricky relationship with control. It is true God gives us agency, and we are responsible to steward that well. However, our agency is limited. We cannot control nearly as much as we would like. So we strive and cling to control, and when the illusion of our control is broken we either cling grasp all the more for power or we resort to deflated inactivity. This year in the season of Lent, we will experiment with surrendering control. In this video, we begin with an interview with pastor and author Mandy Smith. Mandy is the author of a wonderful book, Unfettered that explores our obsession with power and paints a beautiful picture of a childlike faith. Then, we consider our relationship with control and begin the crafting of our experiments. The handout for crafting an experiment can be found at The form for letting us know if you have organized a group or would like help getting connected can be found at The guided practice resources mentioned are the apps Pause, Lectio365, and Pray as You Go, as well as the guided daily office. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
2/24/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 41 seconds
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Walking in the Beginning (Genesis 4-11)

This is the start of a recurring series, in which we will be walking in the story of Scripture. As we slowly and reflectively walk through the story, we hope to experience scripture in a fresh way. We want to develop eyes to see the intricate work of God in creation and encounter our wonderful God as we walk with the story. This week, we continued the thread Dr. Walton began with Genesis 1 and the continuation with Genesis 2 and 3. Nicole guided our exploration of Genesis 4-11 and helped us see the cyclical rhythms. All throughout this opening of our story, we see the themes of garden, choice, wild place,  deliverance through the waters, and covenant promises, and these themes carry on in the whole story of scripture. You can find the handout from this gathering here. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
2/19/202332 minutes, 44 seconds
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Walking in the Beginning (Genesis 2-3)

This is the start of a recurring series, in which we will be walking in the story of Scripture. As we slowly and reflectively walk through the story, we hope to experience scripture in a fresh way. We want to develop eyes to see the intricate work of God in creation and encounter our wonderful God as we walk with the story. This week, we continued the thread Dr. Walton began as we explored Genesis 2 and 3. We considered the choice before each of us to receive the gift of life and wisdom on God's terms or to take it on our own terms. Are we willing to trust God or will we depend control for ourselves? The story of Adam and Eve is one in which we see ourselves, but the incredible gift is even as we rebel by taking and grasping control, God continues to care and provide for us.  For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
2/12/202355 minutes, 41 seconds
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Walking in the Beginning (Genesis 1)

This is the start of a recurring series, in which we will be walking in the story of Scripture. As we slowly and reflectively walk through the story, we hope to experience scripture in a fresh way. We want to develop eyes to see the intricate work of God in creation and encounter our wonderful God as we walk with the story. This week, we start at the beginning in Genesis one. Dr. John Walton will help us reflect on the theme of order and disorder. This theme is carried all throughout scripture and is essential for us to understand.  For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church is your home community, please join the Core Team. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
2/6/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Practice of Study: In Spirit and in Truth

We don't often think of study as a spiritual practice, but it can be. Seeing study as a spiritual practice helps us to move beyond acquiring or accumulating knowledge so that what we learn leads us to wonder and worship. This week, our good friend, Carolyn Arends, encouraged us to see study and contemplation as 'fraternal twins.' Each is incredibly important, but they are much better together.  For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
1/23/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Practice of Study

We don't often think of study as a spiritual practice, but it can be. Seeing study as a spiritual practice helps us to move beyond acquiring or accumulating knowledge so that what we learn leads us to wonder and worship. This week, Eric Case encouraged us to recognize truth is not an axiom, but a person. How will we respond to truth, when Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
1/15/202349 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Practice Church: A Simple Vision

This week, we took time to explore the vision of The Practice Church. Many of us have been formed by our church expereinces to believe a vision should focus on big impact and influence, but what if God is inviting us to something simpler and much more important? For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
1/8/202349 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Kind of God: Shepherds

The season of Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation. We prepare our lives to receive God: in the reality of the incarnation, in this present moment, and in the age to come. In our Advent series, we will explore how God comes into the lives of various people in the story, and we will prepare ourselves to encounter God in similar ways in our lives today. This week, we examined the shepherds and their experience of the extraordinary breaking into the ordinary in Luke 2. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
12/18/202231 minutes, 22 seconds
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What Kind of God: Mary

The season of Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation. We prepare our lives to receive God: in the reality of the incarnation, in this present moment, and in the age to come. In our Advent series, we will explore how God comes into the lives of various people in the story, and we will prepare ourselves to encounter God in similar ways in our lives today. I am really excited about how this series has come together, and I cannot wait to engage this holy season with you. This week, Nicole helps us consider the role of Mary, and ask the important question, "What will we do when the story comes to us? For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
12/11/202242 minutes, 31 seconds
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What Kind of God? Elizabeth

The season of Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation. We prepare our lives to receive God: in the reality of the incarnation, in this present moment, and in the age to come. In our Advent series, we will explore how God comes into the lives of various people in the story, and we will prepare ourselves to encounter God in similar ways in our lives today. I am really excited about how this series has come together, and I cannot wait to engage this holy season with you. This week, Deirdré guided our exploration of Elizabeth's role in the story and invited us to encounter God's gaze of kindness in our shame. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at  
12/5/202244 minutes, 7 seconds
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What Kind of God? Isaiah

The season of Advent is a time of preparation and anticipation. We prepare our lives to receive God: in the reality of the incarnation, in this present moment, and in the age to come. In our Advent series, we will explore how God comes into the lives of various people in the story, and we will prepare ourselves to encounter God in similar ways in our lives today. I am really excited about how this series has come together, and I cannot wait to engage this holy season with you. This week, Dan Crumrine guides our exploration of Isaiah and how we can prepare to encounter God in the waiting. Dan shared two important postures we learn from Isaiah, hopeful anticipation and preparation. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at   You can share a story about how you are encountering God in this season at Join the Practice mailing list.
11/28/202245 minutes, 17 seconds
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Practice: Slowing to Hear God

This guided practice was a part of our gathering on 11.20.22. In this gathering, we seek to cultuvate a conversational intimacy with God through silence and listening prayer. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
11/21/20229 minutes, 18 seconds
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Hearing God: Slowing to Hear God's Voice

Cultivating a conversational intimacy with Jesus is essential in our desire to be formed by Jesus to be like Jesus for the sake of the world. And yet, many in the church today are convinced that either God doesn't speak to them, or they cannot hear God. Our prayer for this series is for each of us to have a greater sense of how we most often hear God so we might grow into a deeper life with God. What if we cultivated a life in which we listened to God in the midst of our ordinary day so we might deepen our friendship with God? This week, Alan Fadling encouraged us to slow down to hear God's voice. Slowing to the pace of prayer, grace, peace, and love cultivates the kind of unhurried life that allows us to deepen our conversational intimacy with God.  For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at   You can share a story about how you are encountering God in this season at Join the Practice mailing list.
11/21/202246 minutes, 59 seconds
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Hearing God: The Good Shepherd

Cultivating a conversational intimacy with Jesus is essential in our desire to be formed by Jesus to be like Jesus for the sake of the world. And yet, many in the church today are convinced that either God doesn't speak to them, or they cannot hear God. Our prayer for this series is for each of us to have a greater sense of how we most often hear God so we might grow into a deeper life with God. What if we cultivated a life in which we listened to God in the midst of our ordinary day so we might deepen our friendship with God? This week, Holly Bosier guided our contemplation on hearing God. We considered the gentle voice of love that comes from the Good Shepherd and the accusing voice of the enemy. As we cultivate a deeper bond with Jesus, we are able to stand against the words of the enemy to follow our Good Shepherd more closely. For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at   You can share a story about how you are encountering God in this season at Join the Practice mailing list.
11/14/202241 minutes, 9 seconds
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Practice: Hearing God

This guided practice was a part of our gathering on 11.6.22. In this gathering, we seek to cultuvate a conversational intimacy with God through silence and listening prayer. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
11/7/202212 minutes, 5 seconds
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Hearing God

Cultivating a conversational intimacy with Jesus is essential in our desire to be formed by Jesus to be like Jesus for the sake of the world. And yet, many in the church today are convinced that either God doesn't speak to them, or they cannot hear God. Our prayer for this series is for each of us to have a greater sense of how we most often hear God so we might grow into a deeper life with God. What if we cultivated a life in which we listened to God in the midst of our ordinary day so we might deepen our friendship with God? This week, we explored God's desire to partner with humanity and, as Dallas Willard wrote, "to live in a free-hearted collaboration with Jesus and his friends in the kingdom." This sort of conversational intimacy begins in friendship, and helps us to live with God more fully in the midst of our everyday lives.  For some additional resources, please visit our website. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at   You can share a story about how you are encountering God in this season at Join the Practice mailing list.
11/7/202246 minutes, 41 seconds
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An Experiment in Sabbath: Attachment

In a culture dominated by busyness, the Christian practice of Sabbath cultivates an important and counter-cultural rhythm orienting our whole lives around the presence and kingdom of God. A Sabbath rhythm is woven into the fabric of creation and creates space for connecting with God, ourselves, and one another. When we intentionally rest from work, productivity, and striving, we open ourselves to God’s profound and personal love. What if a regular rhythm of resting from all the ways we try to earn love is the best way to learn and know deep in our souls that God loves us? This week, we considered how Sabbath serves to deepen our attachment with God. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at   You can share a story about how you are encountering God in this season at Join the Practice mailing list.
10/17/202246 minutes, 38 seconds
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An Experiment in Sabbath: Engaging

In a culture dominated by busyness, the Christian practice of Sabbath cultivates an important and counter-cultural rhythm orienting our whole lives around the presence and kingdom of God. A Sabbath rhythm is woven into the fabric of creation and creates space for connecting with God, ourselves, and one another. When we intentionally rest from work, productivity, and striving, we open ourselves to God’s profound and personal love. What if a regular rhythm of resting from all the ways we try to earn love is the best way to learn and know deep in our souls that God loves us? Last week we acknowledged Sabbath is a practice of both resting and engaging. This week, Keri Wyatt Kent will helps us look more closely at the practices and activities we engage on Sabbath. If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at   You can share a story about how you are encountering God in this season at Join the Practice mailing list.
10/10/202241 minutes, 38 seconds
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An Experiment in Sabbath: Resting

In a culture dominated by busyness, the Christian practice of Sabbath cultivates an important and counter-cultural rhythm orienting our whole lives around the presence and kingdom of God. A Sabbath rhythm is woven into the fabric of creation and creates space for connecting with God, ourselves, and one another. When we intentionally rest from work, productivity, and striving, we open ourselves to God's profound and personal love. What if a regular rhythm of resting from all the ways we try to earn love is the best way to learn and know deep in our souls that God loves us? This week, we specifically considered the resting component of a Sabbath practice. (We'll talk about the connecting component next week.) How might our ceasing of work, productivity, and striving make space for us to know how deeply we are loved? If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at   You can share a story about how you are encountering God in this season at Join the Practice mailing list.
10/3/202257 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Liturgy of Politics: Scripture

In our culture, we are being shaped by our political engagement. We are tempted to find our identity in our political affiliation. We view those on the other side with contempt. We form opinions based on memes and talking heads rather than prayer and discernment. We give in to the way of power and control rather than the Christlike way of surrender and self-emptying love. But what if there is another way? This week, Nicole Howe helped us explore the counter-formational practice of scripture. (A note about the practice: In this service, our practice was a reflection on scripture readings in community. The readings and short reflection are included, but the conversation is not.) You can find our kingdom practice this week at If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at   You can share a story about how you are encountering God in this season at Join the Practice mailing list.
9/18/202236 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Liturgy of Politics: Community

In our culture, we are being shaped by our political engagement. We are tempted to find our identity in our political affiliation. We view those on the other side with contempt. We form opinions based on memes and talking heads rather than prayer and discernment. We give in to the way of power and control rather than the Christlike way of surrender and self-emptying love. But what if there is another way? This week, Jason Hitchcock helped us explore the counter-formational practice of community. (A note about the practice: In this service, our practice was a discerning conversation about who we hope to be as a community. Included in the podcast is the framework for our practice and what we shared as a community.) You can find our kingdom practice this week at If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at   You can share a story about how you are encountering God in this season at Join the Practice mailing list.
9/11/202248 minutes, 44 seconds
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Practice: Our Political Formation

This guided practice was a part of our gathering on 9.4.22. In our culture, we are being shaped by our political engagement. We are tempted to find our identity in our political affiliation. We view those on the other side with contempt. We form opinions based on memes and talking heads rather than prayer and discernment. We give in to the way of power and control rather than the Christlike way of surrender and self-emptying love. But what if there is another way? In this practice, we consider how we have been shaped by our culture of politics. We start with some reflective questions, then have a conversation with God about what we noticed, and finally we listen for how God might be inviting us to respond. As you engage the practice, we encourage you to be honest. When it comes to political engagement, the stakes can feel big. It can be scary or shameful to consider how we have been shaped in ways that are not aligned with the kingdom of God. Be kind and gracious with yourself but to also be willing to be honest. Remember that God loves you more deeply than you can imagine. At the very core, your identity is that you are a beloved bearer of God’s image. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
9/5/202214 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Liturgy of Politics

In our culture, we are being shaped by our political engagement. We are tempted to find our identity in our political affiliation. We view those on the other side with contempt. We form opinions based on memes and talking heads rather than prayer and discernment. We give in to the way of power and control rather than the Christlike way of surrender and self-emptying love. But what if there is another way? This week Kaitlyn Schiess, author of The Liturgy of Politics, will help set the table for our journey.  If The Practice Church has been meaningful to your journey, would you consider a tax-deductible gift? You can give at   You can share a story about how you are encountering God in this season at Join the Practice mailing list.
9/5/202250 minutes, 36 seconds
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Beloved: Sharing Belovedness

Being loved by God is the foundation of our identity and the starting point of everything we do. That is why this summer we are soaking, resting, playing, and even breathing in God’s incredible, personal love for us.  This week, we turned our attention outward. Our formation is always for the sake of the world. We live into our belovedness so that we might share God's love with the world around us. In our time of practice, we considered with whom the Spirit might be inviting us to share the love of God this week. If The Practice Church has been meaningful in your journey, would you consider making a tax-deductible gift?
8/23/202238 minutes, 21 seconds
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Practice: Holding the Gaze of God

This guided practice was a part of our gathering on 8.14.22. In this gathering, we stepped into a practice from Curt Thompson's book, Anatomy of the Soul. This practice of being known helps us hold the gaze of God and live into our belovedness. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
8/15/202215 minutes, 4 seconds
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Beloved: Holding the Gaze of God

Being loved by God is the foundation of our identity and the starting point of everything we do. That is why this summer we are soaking, resting, playing, and even breathing in God’s incredible, personal love for us.  This week, we stepped into a practice from Curt Thompson's book, Anatomy of the Soul. This practice of being known helps us hold the gaze of God and live into our belovedness. If The Practice Church has been meaningful in your journey, would you consider making a tax-deductible gift?
8/15/202230 minutes, 59 seconds
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Practice: Being Seen by God

This guided practice was a part of our gathering on 7.17.22. In this gathering, we stepped into a time of extended practice of imaginative prayer. Beginning in Genesis 16, we placed ourselves in the presence of the One Hagar named "the God who sees me." How might we grow into a deeper attachment to God if we experience God as the One who sees us? A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
7/19/202244 minutes, 13 seconds
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Beloved: Being Seen by God

Being loved by God is the foundation of our identity and the starting point of everything we do. That is why this summer we are soaking, resting, playing, and even breathing in God’s incredible, personal love for us.  This week, we stepped into a time of extended practice of imaginative prayer. Beginning in Genesis 16, we placed ourselves in the presence of the One Hagar named "the God who sees me." How might we grow into a deeper attachment to God if we experience God as the One who sees us? If The Practice Church has been meaningful in your journey, would you consider making a tax-deductible gift?
7/19/202249 minutes, 13 seconds
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Beloved: Notes of Rest

Being loved by God is the foundation of our identity and the starting point of everything we do. That is why this summer we are soaking, resting, playing, and even breathing in God’s incredible, personal love for us.  This week, our new friend Julian Davis Reid guided an extended time of contemplation. With music and thoughtful questions, we pondered the love of God demonstrated in our lives through Romans 8:31-39. You can learn more about Julian on his website If The Practice Church has been meaningful in your journey, would you consider making a tax-deductible gift?
7/11/20221 hour, 46 seconds
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Practice: Breathing Belovedness

This guided practice was a part of our gathering on 7.3.22. In this gathering we began a summer journey of soaking in our belovedness. Being loved by God is the foundation of our identity and the starting point of everything we do. That is why this summer we are soaking, resting, playing, and even breathing in God’s incredible, personal love for us. In this practice, our good friend Father Michael Sparough guided our time as we practice a beloved breath prayer. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
7/4/202211 minutes, 49 seconds
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Beloved: Breathing Belovedness

Being loved by God is the foundation of our identity and the starting point of everything we do. That is why this summer we are soaking, resting, playing, and even breathing in God’s incredible, personal love for us.  This week, our good friend Father Michael Sparough guided our time reminding us we belong to Jesus and Jesus loves us in the same way the Father lavished love on Jesus. We all experience the internal voices of the deceiver and the beloved. Our desire is to recognize and turn down the volume of the deceiver so we can live in the voice of the beloved. To help us in this desire, Father Michael shared the practice of a beloved breath prayer. If The Practice Church has been meaningful in your journey, would you consider making a tax-deductible gift?
7/4/202239 minutes, 25 seconds
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Encountering God: Love and Justice

In this series, our desire is to soak ourselves in the character of God as it is described in Exodus 34:6-7. It’s our hope that we can have a real encounter with the compassion, grace, slowness to anger, loyal-love, and faithfulness of God in this season. This week, we examined the final verse of our passage, examining this hard verse in the broader context of scripture. If The Practice Church has been meaningful in your journey, would you consider making a tax-deductible gift?
6/20/202249 minutes, 2 seconds
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Encountering God: Faithfulness

In this series, our desire is to soak ourselves in the character of God as it is described in Exodus 34:6-7. It’s our hope that we can have a real encounter with the compassion, grace, slowness to anger, loyal-love, and faithfulness of God in this season. This week, we contemplated God's faithfulness and boldly asked God to demonstrate faithfulness to us in this season. You can find the handout used for the practice here. If The Practice Church has been meaningful in your journey, would you consider making a tax-deductible gift?
6/13/202237 minutes, 25 seconds
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Encountering God: Loyal Love

In this series, our desire is to soak ourselves in the character of God as it is described in Exodus 34:6-7. It’s our hope that we can have a real encounter with the compassion, grace, slowness to anger, loyal-love, and faithfulness of God in this season. This week, we contemplated God's loyal love and considered how we might live fully immersed in loyal love.
6/6/202250 minutes, 8 seconds
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Encountering God: Slow to Anger

In this series, our desire is to soak ourselves in the character of God as it is described in Exodus 34:6-7. It’s our hope that we can have a real encounter with the compassion, grace, patience, loyal-love, and faithfulness of God in this season. This week, we examined God's slowness to anger. What makes God angry, and what does God's judgment look like?
5/23/202240 minutes, 38 seconds
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Practice: Encountering God's Grace

This guided practice was a part of our gathering on 5.15.2022 in which we are seeking to encounter God as we contemplate the character of God in Exodus 34:6-7.  In this practice of gratitude, we look back on the pervious day or week to identify and name that for which we are grateful, we examine how these are gifts from God given with delight, then we choose one to experience in which to rest. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
5/16/20229 minutes, 51 seconds
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Encountering God: Gracious

In this series, our desire is to soak ourselves in the character of God as it is described in Exodus 34:6-7. It’s our hope that we can have a real encounter with the compassion, grace, patience, loyal-love, and faithfulness of God in this season. This week, we will contemplated God's graciousness. How can we recognize and rest in the God's gifts of grace in our everyday life?
5/16/202245 minutes, 53 seconds
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Practice: Encountering God's Compassion

This guided practice was a part of our gathering on 5.8.2022 in which we are seeking to encounter God as we contemplate the character of God in Exodus 34:6-7.  In this practice, we imagine ourselves in Matthew 20:29-33 as a way of soaking ourselves in the compassion of God.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
5/9/202210 minutes, 55 seconds
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Encountering God: Compassion

In this series, we are opening ourselves to encounter the Lord as we explore the character of God in Exodus 34:6-7. We are seeking to steep ourselves in God's presence as we contemplate this important passage and see how we might encounter God with a sense of wonder and awe in the process.  This week we contemplate the compassion of God. We see God's willingness to enter into our suffering, and we consider the implications of the Hebrew word rakhum as we rest in the presence of a God who is deeply moved and carries us with the tender care of a mother holding her vulnerable child. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
5/9/202237 minutes, 3 seconds
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Practice: Encountering God

This guided practice was a part of our gathering on 5.1.2022 in which we are seeking to encounter God as we contemplate the character of God in Exodus 34:6-7. In this practice of Lectio Divina, we allow ourselve to steep in the presence of God found in this important text. Find more info on our website.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
5/2/202213 minutes, 54 seconds
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Encountering God

What if we could move beyond a faith based solely on beliefs or right behaviors? Good theology and kingdom living are absolutely important, but what if this life could be grounded in a real encounter with God? In this series, we are going to steep ourselves in the presence of God. We will contemplate God's character as it is outlined in Exodus 34:6-7, and see how we might encounter God with a sense of wonder and awe in the process. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
5/2/202242 minutes, 23 seconds
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Resurrection Sunday

After spending this last season in the practice of lament and recognizing lament is a form of dying, we celebrate the resurrection of Christ by affirming that death is not the end. In fact, the pain and honesty of lament is a doorway into into a whole new encounter with Jesus. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
4/18/202240 minutes, 20 seconds
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Sacred Sorrow: Palm Sunday

After spending the last four weeks in the practice of lament, we consider the invitation of Palm Sunday. As we have been crying out to God in our sorrow and pain, are we willing to trust however God will respond, even if it is not in the way we hope for God to respond?  The practice in our service is an imaginative prayer from Jared Patrick Boyd's wonderful book Imaginative Prayer. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
4/11/202219 minutes, 53 seconds
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Sacred Sorrow: Lament for Loss

This year during Lent, we are diving into a very intentional journey with the spiritual practice of lament. Lament is a good and proper response when we come face to face with the brokenness in ourselves and in the world. During this holy season, we will enter into an experiment which helps us make space in our lives for lament. This week, Joan Kelley helped us understand the need to lament the losses we experience in life. She invited us to see lament as a way of asking God to hold our hearts in the midst of our pain. You can find the handout here. And if you are joining us in the experiment and are not a part of a Table, will you let us know here? We would love to support your experiment. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
3/27/202244 minutes, 25 seconds
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Sacred Sorrow: Lament for Injustice

This year during Lent, we are diving into a very intentional journey with the spiritual practice of lament. Lament is a good and proper response when we come face to face with the brokenness in ourselves and in the world. During this holy season, we will enter into an experiment which helps us make space in our lives for lament. This week, David Bailey guided the next movement of our experiments, Lament for Injustice. David said, "God is a liberating God for an oppressed people, a party throwing God for a partying people, and a reconciling God for a reconciled people. You can find the handout here. And if you are joining us in the experiment and are not a part of a Table, will you let us know here? We would love to support your experiment. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
3/21/202258 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sacred Sorrow: Lament for our sin

This year during Lent, we are diving into a very intentional journey with the spiritual practice of lament. Lament is a good and proper response when we come face to face with the brokenness in ourselves and in the world. During this holy season, we will enter into an experiment which helps us make space in our lives for lament. This week, Casey Tygrett helped us explore the need to lament our sin. He helped us locate our true identity in God's story. Casey said, "Lament for our sin is expressing deep sadness when we forget who we are." You can find the handout here. And if you are joining us in the experiment and are not a part of a Table, will you let us know here? We would love to support your experiment. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
3/14/202254 minutes, 45 seconds
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Sacred Sorrow

This year during Lent, we are diving into a very intentional journey with the spiritual practice of lament. Lament is a good and proper response when we come face to face with the brokenness in ourselves and in the world. During this holy season, we will enter into an experiment which helps us make space in our lives for lament. This week, Nicole Howe began our series, helping us craft an experiment. What do we do to avoid pain in our lives? What might God be inviting us to fast from to make room for lament? How might we deepen our communion with God and one another if we intentionally practice writing psalms of lament in this season? You can find the handout here. And if you are joining us in the experiment and are not a part of a Table, will you let us know here? We would love to support your experiment. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
3/7/20221 hour, 4 minutes, 7 seconds
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Foundations: For the sake of the world

We are beginning this year walking through the five key values of The Practice Church. This week, Father Michael Sparough led us into our final value, for the sake of the world. He guided an Ignatian practice intended to help our contemplation flow into action and our action to flow into contemplation. If you are interested in joining or even hosting a Practice Table, please let us know here. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
2/18/202247 minutes, 19 seconds
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Foundations: Hospitality

We are beginning this year walking through the five key values of The Practice Church. This week, Erin Lonard guided our exploration of hospitality and invited us to see hospitality not as a set of activities but as a way of being.  If you are interested in joining or even hosting a Practice Table, please let us know here. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
2/13/202239 minutes, 4 seconds
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Foundations: Community

We are beginning this year walking through the five key values of The Practice Church. This week, Jason guided our exploration of the value of community. This week, Jason guided us through the value of community. How are practices of community important in our shared desire to be formed by Jesus to be like Jesus for the sake of the world? If you are interested in joining or even hosting a Practice Table, please let us know here. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
2/7/202245 minutes, 33 seconds
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Foundations: Formation

We are beginning this year walking through the five key values of The Practice Church. This week, Mark Scandrette invited us to consider the invitation to be formed by Jesus, and see our time in church as a "Jesus dojo." You can find a simple guide to our practice today here. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
1/31/202253 minutes, 9 seconds
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Foundations: Presence

This year, we are spending time walking through the five key values of The Practice Church. This week, Nicole shared God's invitation to live tethered into the presence of God in our everyday lives. You can find a simple guide to our practice today here. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
1/25/202249 minutes, 45 seconds
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Something New

In the story of Christ's baptism, we see God is up to something new, inviting us to live in a new way. God is calling us to turn away from the influences of the world and to the way of Jesus, a way oriented toward belovedness, surrender, and action. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
1/11/202258 minutes, 46 seconds
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Advent: Hesed with Us

This week, we begin our Advent series, Hesed with Us. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. In this season of Advent, we explore God's hesed as it is expressed in the coming of Christ.  This week, we considered God's undaunted commitment to His promises with Nicole Howe. Will you also join us as we walk through the Advent season with this gratitude practice?  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
12/20/202150 minutes, 9 seconds
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Advent: Hesed with Us

This week, we begin our Advent series, Hesed with Us. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. In this season of Advent, we explore God's hesed as it is expressed in the coming of Christ.  This week, Nick Benoit invites us to recognize, enjoy, and practice the generosity of God. Will you join us as we walk through this Advent season with this gratitude practice?  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
12/13/202144 minutes, 55 seconds
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Practice: Noticing God's Delight in Gratitude

This guided practice of gratitude has us look back on the last 24 hours so we might notice the loyal love of God in our everyday life. Find more info on our website.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
12/6/202113 minutes, 12 seconds
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Advent: Hesed with Us

This week, we begin our Advent series, Hesed with Us. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. In this season of Advent, we explore God's hesed as it is expressed in the coming of Christ. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team?
12/6/202144 minutes, 21 seconds
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Practice: Hesed in Community Reflection

This guided practice is a reflection on our previous series, Hesed in Community. If God is inviting us to cultivate a hesed-shaped community, we can't leave this series behind. We want to take it deeper. How is God inviting each of us to respond to what we have heard? Find more info on our website.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
11/26/202114 minutes, 48 seconds
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Bearing with One Another

This week, we concluded our series, Hesed in Community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. Kellye Fabian-Story helped us consider how we might show hesed to those we find difficult. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team? Nominations for our next council are open until November 21. Join the Practice mailing list here.
11/22/202140 minutes, 53 seconds
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Practice: Preparing to Listen

This guided practice was a part of our gathering in which we examined the spiritual practice of listening. In order to make room to listen, we need to make space in our own lives. We can do that by slowing down to listen to ourselves and allowing God to listen to us. This practice, helps us to make the necessary space for us to listen to those in our lives when opportunities arise. Find more info on our website.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
11/15/20216 minutes, 27 seconds
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Listening into Wholeness

This week, we continued our series, Hesed in Community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. Deirdré JVR guided our exploration of the spiritual practice of listening. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team? Nominations for our next council are open until November 21. Join the Practice mailing list here.
11/15/202135 minutes, 43 seconds
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Practice: Life in Community

This guided practice was a part of our gathering in which we examined life in community. This practice is directed toward The Practice Church community, but you can easily substitute your local church community in its place. Find more info on our website.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
11/8/202110 minutes, 18 seconds
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Hesed in Community: Life in Community

This week, we continued our series, Hesed in Community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. Father Michael Sparough guided us this week as we explored life in community. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team? Nominations for our next council are open until November 21. Join the Practice mailing list here.
11/8/202140 minutes, 4 seconds
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Hesed in Community: Soul Nourishing Friendships

This week, we continued our series, Hesed in Community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. This week, Susan Shadid guided us in an exploration of the practice of spiritual Friendships.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team? Join the Practice mailing list here.
10/25/202146 minutes, 21 seconds
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Hesed in Community: Holy Ground Moments

This week, we continued our series looking at how we might put into practice God's invitation to be a hesed-shaped community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. This week, Sharon Swing invited us to consider how God is inviting us to create space for our souls to show themselves to one another in community. These, Sharon said, are "holy ground moments." A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team? Join the Practice mailing list here.
10/19/202130 minutes, 35 seconds
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Hesed in Community: An Alternative Society

This week, we begin a new series looking at how we might put into practice God's invitation to be a hesed-shaped community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. This week, we Jason Feffer shared how a hesed-shaped community is a way for the Church to be an alternative society in a culture of individualism and tribalism, and we considered the cost of cultuvating such a community in our practice. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team? Join the Practice mailing list here.
10/11/202159 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hesed in Community

This week, we begin a new series looking at how we might put into practice God's invitation to be a hesed-shaped community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, commitment, and generosity. This week, we Bill Donahue guides us as we explore the Biblical basis for hesed in community.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church here.  If you are committed to being a part of the local community that is The Practice Church, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team? Join the Practice mailing list here.
10/5/202140 minutes, 54 seconds
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Practice: A Hesed-Shaped Community

This guided practice was a part of our gathering in which we examined God's hesed. Find more info on our website.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
9/20/202111 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Hesed-Shaped Community

We continue our vision series looking at God's invitation for The Practice Church to be a heed-shaped community.  Find more info on our website.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
9/20/202143 minutes, 26 seconds
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Practice: Resting in God's Loyal Love

This guided practice was a part of our gathering in which we examined God's hesed. Find more info on our website.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
9/14/202112 minutes, 18 seconds
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Hesed: God's Loyal Love

We begin a new series focused on God's invitation to The Practice Church in this season. Find more info on our website.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
9/14/202147 minutes, 29 seconds
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Practices of the People: Storytelling

Jason Feffer concludes our Summer Series, "Practices of the People," with an exploration of storytelling as a spiritual practice. Find more info on our website.  A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  
9/7/202153 minutes, 11 seconds
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Practices of the People: Imaginative Prayer

Nicole Howe teaches on how to engage our imaginations in prayer, and we hear a story from a member of our community on how he has met God in scripture through imaginative prayer.  We have a number of guided imaginative prayers that we have created as a community that we highly recommend. You can access them here. If the Practice has been meaningful on your spiritual journey, consider making a tax-deductible donation here. 
8/16/202130 minutes, 46 seconds
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Practices of the People: Visio Divina

Jason Feffer continues our Practices of the People series with a teaching on Visio Divina. Then, we head outside to practice Visio divina with nature.  You can find a guide to the practice here.  If you would like to give to the Practice Church, you may do so here. 
8/9/202142 minutes, 51 seconds
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Practices of the People: Doodling Prayer

Kirsten Hitchcock introduces us to the practice of doodling prayer and we hear three different stories from the community. Then, we're given space to practice doodling prayer together.  If you've been encouraged by the Practice, would you consider making a tax deductible donation here? 
7/19/202143 minutes, 58 seconds
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Practices of the People: Silence

Jason shares an introduction to the practice of silence and we hear a story from Mark Mixter about his experience with this practice. Then, we pray in silence together. A tax-deductible gift can be given to The Practice Church at  Register for a Sacred Retreat at using the code PRACTICE90 for a $39 discount.
7/12/202139 minutes, 38 seconds
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What is Church? Part Two

Jason Feffer continues our series on the nature of the Church. With an examination of Acts 2, Jason considers the differences between a belief based and a practice based church. Find a guide to lectio divina and more here.  If you would like to give to God's work at the Practice, you may do so here. 
6/14/202151 minutes, 32 seconds
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What is Church?

The first installment of a two part series called "What is Church," Bill Donahue invites us to look at five biblical metaphors for the Church: a Body, Bride, Building, Vineyard, and Family. Then, Bill leads us through a lectio divina style practice of reflecting on these images of the Church and listening for how may God be inviting us to embody the Church in this season. If the Practice has been meaningful on your Spiritual journey, consider making a tax-deductible donation here. 
6/7/202151 minutes, 23 seconds
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Finding Joy in Struggle

Continuing our Easter series on the practice of joy, Stephen Kelley guides us on what it might look like to have joy in the midst of pain and struggle. Then, we practice a prayer of examen looking back on how God was present to us in the midst of our everyday lives. If the Practice has been meaningful for your spiritual journey, consider giving a tax-deductible gift here. 
5/17/202140 minutes, 50 seconds
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Practicing Joy: Delight in God

Nick Benoit shares on the importance of delighting in the world around us as a way of delighting in God. Then, we practice together.  If God has used the Practice on your spiritual journey, consider making a tax-deductible donation here. 
5/3/202138 minutes, 33 seconds
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Abandoned to Joy

Continuing our series on the practice of joy, Jason Feffer invites us to abandon ourselves to joy.  What does it look like for us to exhibit childlike joy in our everyday lives? If God has used the Practice on your spiritual journey, consider giving a gift at  
4/19/202133 minutes, 36 seconds
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Practicing Joy

Nicole Howe begins our Easter series called "Practicing Joy." What is authentic joy, and how might we be shaped through the practice of celebration to be joyful even in the midst of trials? If The Practice has been beneficial to your spiritual journey and you would like to give to gift, you may do so here. 
4/12/202132 minutes, 28 seconds
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Easter Sunday

Jason Feffer delivers an Easter Sunday message and practice. Inviting us into Mary's experience with the risen Christ, Jason helps us understand and engage with the words of Jesus to Mary, "Do not cling to me." If God has used The Practice in your life, would you consider supporting the future of The Practice Church? A tax-deductible gift can be given here.
4/6/202138 minutes, 30 seconds
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Fasting as Union with God

Mimi Dixon continues our Lent series on Fasting as Feasting with God. How might fasting in the wilderness lead us deeper into intimacy with God? Mimi says that fasting in the wilderness ought to be an "expected, unavoidable part of the journey toward union with God." Then, Mimi leads us through a prayer practice with a labyrinth. If The Practice Church is your home we encourage you to support it as you can. If God has used The Practice on your Spiritual journey, would you consider supporting the future of The Practice Church? A tax-deductible gift can be given at ​
3/22/202140 minutes, 28 seconds
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Fasting as Repentance

Casey Tygrett continues our series on Fasting as a way of Feasting on God. While this practice is often misunderstood, it is foundational in our formation in Christ's likeness. Practiced rightly, fasting is actually feasting on God! Fasting also reveals our limitations and guides us to repentance. If God has used The Practice in your life, would you consider supporting the future of The Practice Church? A tax-deductible gift can be given here.  
3/15/202134 minutes, 25 seconds
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Fasting in Lament

Eric Case continues our Lenten journey at the Practice Church, "Fasting: Feasting on God." While this practice is often misunderstood, it is foundational in our Spiritual formation. How might our fasts help us to enter the sorrow of God? If God has used the Practice on your Spiritual journey, consider giving a gift here. 
3/8/202142 minutes, 1 second
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Fasting: Feasting on God

Jason Feffer begins our Lenten journey at the Practice Church, "Fasting: Feasting on God." While this practice is often misunderstood, it is foundational in our Spiritual formation. Jason reminds us that when practiced rightly, fasting is actually feasting on God! Then, Jason helps us craft a practice of fasting for this season of Lent. If God has used The Practice in your life, would you consider supporting the future of The Practice Church? A tax-deductible gift can be given here.
2/22/202150 minutes, 17 seconds
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Desiring Deeply: Freedom

Nicole Howe closes out our series "Desiring Deeply: Freedom and Detachment." After exploring the final result of Christian detachment, interior freedom, we then practice a prayer of discerning where God is inviting us to experience deeper levels of true freedom. Find more info on our website.    If the Practice has been meaningful in your spiritual journey, consider giving a donation here. 
2/15/202139 minutes, 13 seconds
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A Detachment Examen

As we continue our series Desiring Deeply: Freedom and Detachment, we invite you to make room in your day for a practice of the Examen. In this practice, we review our day with Jesus, paying attention to what we notice and having a conversation with the Lord. Will you join us in this practice?
2/6/202111 minutes, 5 seconds
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Desiring Deeply: Disordered Attachments

Continuing our series, Desiring Deeply: Freedom and Detachment, Jason Feffer helps us explore what happens when our desires run amuck. What can we do when we struggle to live in the freedom of detachment? View more information on our website here.  If you would like to give to the Practice Church, you can do so here. 
1/26/202149 minutes, 54 seconds
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Desiring Deeply: Holy Desire

Joan Kelley continues our series "Desiring Deeply: Freedom and Detachment" with an exploration of holy desire. What role does desire play in our spiritual journey? How do our deepest desires help us uncover God's loving will for our lives? After Joan's teaching, we practice a prayer of discerning our desires in God's presence. If you would like to support what God is doing through The Practice Church, visit our website. 
1/18/202138 minutes, 51 seconds
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Embodied Prayer of Detachment

Father Michael Sparough leads us in an embodied practice of detachment. Find the entire teaching here. 
1/12/202114 minutes, 5 seconds
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Desiring Deeply: Freedom and Detachment

Father Michael Sparough begins a new teaching series titled "Desiring Deeply: Freedom and Detachment." We are reminded of the truth that Jesus invites us to hold all things with open hands in order to find the fulfillment of our deepest longings in God alone. Then, we practice a powerful embodied prayer of detachment. Find more info on our website here. 
1/12/202147 minutes, 6 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Advent

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (10:01), and the last for evening (14:00). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we embrace the season of Advent. How might we wait on the Lord in preparation for Christmas?
12/20/202023 minutes, 8 seconds
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Advent: Hoping for Home

Marion Medina continues our Advent journey as we listen to the longings revealed in this season. What is percolating below the surface? How are we being invited into a deeper life with God, into our heart's truest home? For more info on our website here. 
12/15/202037 minutes, 13 seconds
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Advent Lament

Advent is especially needed during a year as painful as this one. In our Advent series, Jason Feffer explores the invitation to lean into all this year has been, to find our longing in it, and to wait for Jesus. Find more info on our website. 
12/7/202055 minutes, 7 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Advent

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (11:23), and the last for evening (15:19). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we embrace the season of Advent. How might we wait on the Lord in preparation for Christmas?
12/6/202024 minutes, 11 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Advent

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (8:00), and the last for evening (11:56). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we embrace the season of Advent. How might we wait on the Lord in preparation for Christmas?
11/29/202021 minutes, 4 seconds
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Love and Incarnational Listening

Ian Simkins concludes our “Love and…” series. Ian reminds us that love begins with listening, the kind of listening that not only hears others but is incarnationally present to them. Find more info on our website. 
11/17/202044 minutes, 24 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: The Sermon on the Mount

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (8:54), and the last for evening (12:52). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we focus on the Sermon on the Mount. How might Jesus form us as we soak in this important teaching for three month.
11/15/202020 minutes, 28 seconds
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Love and Chaos

Nicole Howe reminds us of how God can bring order out of chaos. When everything in us and around us seems to be swirling out of control, we can rest in Our Creator who ordered the whole world, the cosmos, with beauty, goodness, and truth. In our practice, we lean into the chaos while also inviting God's creative Spirit to meet us and bring cosmic order.  Find more info on our website. 
11/10/202041 minutes, 1 second
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Practice Daily Office: The Sermon on the Mount

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (8:54), and the last for evening (12:52). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we focus on the Sermon on the Mount. How might Jesus form us as we soak in this important teaching for three month.
11/8/202019 minutes, 34 seconds
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A Practice of Discernment

As our community discerns the way forward, we offer this practice of discernment. In this prayer, we will listen to the Holy Spirit while letting go of what stands in the way of following God fully, and we will employ the Ignatian concepts of consolation and desolation as we listen with loving attention.
11/5/202017 minutes, 54 seconds
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A Practice Update

Jason Feffer shares two updates about the future of the Practice community, then we lean into God in prayer. Find more information on our website here. 
11/2/202043 minutes, 27 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: The Sermon on the Mount

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (8:00), and the last for evening (11:54). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we focus on the Sermon on the Mount. How might Jesus form us as we soak in this important teaching for three month.
11/1/202019 minutes, 36 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: The Sermon on the Mount

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (11:04), and the last for evening (15:02). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we focus on the Sermon on the Mount. How might Jesus form us as we soak in this important teaching for three month.
10/25/202022 minutes, 5 seconds
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Love and Fear

Jason Feffer continues our series on Love with a look at Love and Fear. In a season that is full of fear and anxiety, how might we allow love to complete its work in us and drive out fear?   Then, we practice a welcoming prayer through our fear. Find more info on our website here. 
10/20/202044 minutes, 52 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: The Sermon on the Mount

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (9:38), and the last for evening (13:36). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we focus on the Sermon on the Mount. How might Jesus form us as we soak in this important teaching for three month.
10/18/202018 minutes, 34 seconds
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Love and Prophetic Witness

Stephen Kelly continues our series on Love with a look at Daniel and God’s invitation for us to be a prophetic witness in this world. How might we speak truth to power in love during this divisive season? Then, Jason Feffer leads us through a prayer of reflection for how we might actually put this into practice. Find more info on our website here. 
10/13/202052 minutes, 19 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: The Sermon on the Mount

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:56), and the last for evening (11:54). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we focus on the Sermon on the Mount. How might Jesus form us as we soak in this important teaching for three month.
10/11/202018 minutes, 38 seconds
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Love and Admitting I Might Be Wrong

Adele Calhoun guides us through the invitation to admit that we might be wrong. In this season of hardship and division, many of us have a tendency to get stuck listening to those with whom we already agree while trying to prove others wrong. Yet, the invitation of Christ is to be willing to consider that we may not have everything right. Adele leads us through the loving idea of admitting that we might be wrong. Then, we practice a reflection and a breath prayer. Find more information on our website here. 
10/6/202036 minutes, 37 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: The Sermon on the Mount

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (9:38), and the last for evening (13:36). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we focus on the Sermon on the Mount. How might Jesus form us as we soak in this important teaching for three month.
10/4/202023 minutes, 15 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: The Sermon on the Mount

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (8:57), and the last for evening (12:54). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we focus on the Sermon on the Mount. How might Jesus form us as we soak in this important teaching for three month.
9/27/202020 minutes, 53 seconds
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Love and Downward Mobility

Jason Feffer continues our series on the self-emptying love of Christ and how it leads to a posture and lifestyle of downward mobility. Then, we practice an embodied prayer of surrender. Find more info on our website. 
9/21/202041 minutes, 3 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: The Sermon on the Mount

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (11:42), and the last for evening (15:42). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we focus on the Sermon on the Mount. How might Jesus form us as we soak in this important teaching for three month.
9/20/202019 minutes, 55 seconds
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Love and...

Jason Feffer begins a series called “Love and…” in which we look at how God is inviting us to love our neighbors in the midst of a divisive season. Jason reminds us of the great commandment of Jesus: to love God by loving our neighbors. Then, we practice an imaginative prayer as a way of experiencing God’s deep love for us, which leads us to love others. Find more info on our website. 
9/15/202040 minutes, 24 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: The Sermon on the Mount

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:57), and the last for evening (11:55). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we focus on the Sermon on the Mount. How might Jesus form us as we soak in this important teaching for three month.
9/13/202019 minutes, 55 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: The Sermon on the Mount

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (11:42), and the last for evening (15:42). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series, we focus on the Sermon on the Mount. How might Jesus form us as we soak in this important teaching for three month.
9/6/202023 minutes, 41 seconds
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Embodied Spirituality: Touch

Eric Case continues our series on embodied spirituality and explores the connection between touch and blessing. In a season when physical touch may be limited, how might we bless those around us by being present to them in a variety of ways? Jason Feffer then leads through a practice of preparation in which we listen for who God is inviting us to bless. Find more info on our website here. 
8/25/202036 minutes, 16 seconds
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Hearing Practice

In August of 2020, we are focusing on embodied spirituality. Each week, we engaged a practice based on one of the five senses. In this practice, we explore the sense of hearing. After grounding ourselves in silence and God's love, we spend time in gratitude for what we hear. Then we pay attention to what we hear around us, what we hear within us, and what we hear from the Lord. Will you join us in this practice?
8/14/202019 minutes, 4 seconds
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Embodied Spirituality: Sight

Eric Case kicks off a series on Embodied Spirituality by asking the question, “How do our senses help lead us toward or away from God’s loving presence?” Beginning with our sense of sight, Eric explores how our eyes can both open us to God’s presence all around us, and sometimes cause us to live by sight, rather than faith. Then, we practice a prayer with images, asking God to open our eyes to the stories that are deeper than our eyes can see. Find more info on our website. Sign up for our email list here. 
8/11/202037 minutes, 45 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Voice of the Good Shepherd

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:57), and the last for evening (14:10). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series we focus on listening to Jesus. We will reflect on scripture and listen for the voice of the Good Shepherd.
7/27/202022 minutes, 7 seconds
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Walking with Jesus: Mercy Prayer

Jason Feffer continues our series on Walking Prayer and invites us to turn our attention outward. What is God's desire for our neighborhoods, and how can we play a role in God's plan to renew all things? You can use this guide for the Mercy Walking Prayer, and find more information on our website. 
7/21/202016 minutes, 42 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Freedom in Christ

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:24), and the last for evening (11:19). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series we focus on freedom in Christ. We will reflect on passages about freedom and pray prayers to help us live in the freedom offered in Christ.
7/20/202017 minutes, 38 seconds
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Walking with Jesus

Jason Feffer invites us into the practice of walking prayer. This ordinary practice opens us up to God's presence in the seemingly mundane moments of life. When we walk beside Jesus, we can learn to hear God's voice more clearly in our everyday lives. Use this guide for the practice of walking with Jesus. Find more information on our website! 
7/13/202019 minutes, 56 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Freedom in Christ

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:56), and the last for evening (11:51). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series we focus on freedom in Christ. We will reflect on passages about freedom and pray prayers to help us live in the freedom offered in Christ.
7/13/202019 minutes, 34 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Voice of the Good Shepherd

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:57), and the last for evening (14:10). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series we focus on listening to Jesus. We will reflect on scripture and listen for the voice of the Good Shepherd.
7/6/202022 minutes, 7 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Freedom in Christ

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:56), and the last for evening (11:51). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series we focus on freedom in Christ. We will reflect on passages about freedom and pray prayers to help us live in the freedom offered in Christ.
7/6/202018 minutes, 10 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Freedom in Christ

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:58), and the last for evening (11:56). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series we focus on freedom in Christ. We will reflect on passages about freedom and pray prayers to help us live in the freedom offered in Christ.
6/29/202019 minutes, 39 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Kingdom of Justice

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:57), and the last for evening (11:54). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series we focus on the justice of God's Kingdom. The morning prayer includes a reflection on a passage from the Old Testament prophets. The midday prayer comes from a person of color, and the evening prayer is a Psalm of lament. How might these prayers open us to be a people of justice in the Kingdom of God?
6/22/202017 minutes, 33 seconds
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Cloister in Place

Vivianne David teaches us to notice the presence of God in the ordinary objects of everyday life. She then guides us through a Visio Divina style practice in which we use our keys as a way of becoming curious about how God may be speaking to us in something we normally overlook. Find more info on our website. 
6/15/202039 minutes, 4 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Kingdom of Justice

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:57), and the last for evening (11:54). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series we focus on the justice of God's Kingdom. The morning prayer includes a reflection on a passage from the Old Testament prophets. The midday prayer comes from a person of color, and the evening prayer is a Psalm of lament. How might these prayers open us to be a people of justice in the Kingdom of God?
6/15/202018 minutes, 31 seconds
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Lament and Confession for Racism

On June 7, 2020, we paused for a night of lament and confession. We lament the injustices woven into the fabric of our country for centuries, and we confess the sins of our nation as well as our own sin. It is not easy, but it is absolutely necessary. Find more information on our website. 
6/8/202037 minutes, 34 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Kingdom of Justice

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (9:51), and the last for evening (13:49). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. In this series we focus on the justice of God's Kingdom. The morning prayer includes a reflection on a passage from the Old Testament prophets. The midday prayer comes from a person of color, and the evening prayer is a Psalm of lament. How might these prayers open us to be a people of justice in the Kingdom of God?
6/8/202019 minutes, 22 seconds
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Practice Daily Office

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (11:58), and the last for evening (15:56). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. This week, we continue a new rhythm, carrying the same prayers with us through the entire week. How might we experience the presence of the Lord more deeply as we steep ourselves in the same passage and prayers throughout the week? This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.
6/1/202023 minutes, 52 seconds
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Practice Daily Office

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (11:58), and the last for evening (15:56). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. This week, we continue a new rhythm, carrying the same prayers with us through the entire week. How might we experience the presence of the Lord more deeply as we steep ourselves in the same passage and prayers throughout the week? This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.
5/25/202024 minutes, 1 second
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Acts of Service Listening Prayer

In this practice, we slow down and listen to the Lord. Who is God inviting us to serve today? How can we serve her or him, and as we do, how might these seeds of serving cultivate pockets of the Kingdom in our world?
5/18/202011 minutes, 27 seconds
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Serving the Kingdom

We continue our Easter journey at The Practice exploring the invitation of Jesus to partner with him in bringing the kingdom of God. How is God inviting us to live the kingdom into every corner of human existence? Jason Feffer challenges us to cultivate pockets of the kingdom through the spiritual practice of service. Find more information on our website. 
5/18/202038 minutes, 17 seconds
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Practice Daily Office

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (11:58), and the last for evening (15:56). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. This week, we begin a new rhythm, carrying the same prayers with us through the entire week. How might we experience the presence of the Lord more deeply as we steep ourselves in the same passage and prayers throughout the week? This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.
5/18/202023 minutes, 55 seconds
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Practice Daily Office

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (10:36), and the last for evening (14:34). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. This week, we begin a new rhythm, carrying the same prayers with us through the entire week. How might we experience the presence of the Lord more deeply as we steep ourselves in the same passage and prayers throughout the week? This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.
5/11/202020 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Kingdom Examen

The good news of Jesus is an invitation to live a life with him in the kingdom of God. This particular prayer of Examen helps us review our day in the loving presence of the Lord, listening to how we have chosen to live in the kingdom of God or the kingdoms of this world. View more on our website. 
5/4/202015 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Kingdom of God or the Kingdoms of this World

We continue our Easter journey at The Practice exploring the invitation of Jesus to live in the kingdom of God. What kingdoms are you living in? Are you submitting the area of control in your life to the kingdom of God or the kingdoms of this world? Jason Feffer challenges us to practice a daily examen and listen to God as we seek to become people who live more fully in God's kingdom. View more on our website. 
5/4/202038 minutes, 4 seconds
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Practice Daily Office

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:59), and the last for evening (11:57). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. This week, we begin a new rhythm, carrying the same prayers with us through the entire week. How might we experience the presence of the Lord more deeply as we steep ourselves in the same passage and prayers throughout the week? This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Fran Pratt.
5/4/202018 minutes, 54 seconds
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Practice Daily Office

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:59), and the last for evening (11:57). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. This week, we begin a new rhythm, carrying the same prayers with us through the entire week. How might we experience the presence of the Lord more deeply as we steep ourselves in the same passage and prayers throughout the week? This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Douglas Kaine McKelvey.
4/27/202020 minutes, 1 second
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The Invitation to Life in the Kingdom

Father Michael Sparough helps us see how Jesus came to bring the Kingdom of God right into the midst of the clashing kingdoms of this world, the flesh, and the devil. He then leads us through a meditation on The Two Standards, in which we join Jesus as he is tempted in the wilderness and as he reveals himself to his disciple Thomas in a tangible way. View more information on our website. 
4/21/202050 minutes, 8 seconds
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Practice Daily Office

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:59), and the last for evening (11:57). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. This week, we begin a new rhythm, carrying the same prayers with us through the entire week. How might we experience the presence of the Lord more deeply as we steep ourselves in the same passage and prayers throughout the week? This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Fran Pratt.
4/20/202018 minutes, 54 seconds
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Practice Daily Office

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (10:12), and the last for evening (14:11). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Walter Brueggemann.
4/17/202020 minutes, 8 seconds
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Practice Daily Office

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (9:24), and the last for evening (13:23). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Walter Brueggemann.
4/16/202019 minutes, 1 second
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Practice Daily Office

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:59), and the last for evening (11:57). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Walter Brueggemann.
4/15/202017 minutes, 54 seconds
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Practice Daily Office

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:22), and the last for evening (11:21). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Walter Brueggemann.
4/14/202016 minutes, 59 seconds
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Practice Daily Office

This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:20), and the last for evening (11:18). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Walter Brueggemann.
4/13/202017 minutes, 15 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Sunday, April 12

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:56), and the last for evening (11:55). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Fran Pratt.
4/12/202018 minutes, 11 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Saturday, April 11

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:56), and the last for evening (11:55). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.
4/11/202015 minutes, 55 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Friday, April 10

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (8:00), and the last for evening (11:58). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Pamela Hawkins' The Awkward Season: Prayers for Lent.
4/10/202018 minutes, 14 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Thursday, April 9

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (8:38), and the last for evening (12:37). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Pamela Hawkins' The Awkward Season: Prayers for Lent.
4/9/202018 minutes, 53 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Wednesday, April 8

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:55), and the last for evening (11:54). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Pamela Hawkins' The Awkward Season: Prayers for Lent.
4/8/202018 minutes, 10 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Tuesday, April 7

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:57), and the last for evening (11:57). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Pamela Hawkins' The Awkward Season: Prayers for Lent.
4/7/202018 minutes, 11 seconds
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Letting Go of Expectations

As the final night of our series on The Invitation to Let Go, Jason Feffer invited us into the story of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus. Just like those in Jerusalem, we all have expectations for who God is and what it means to follow Christ. Yet, Christ often exceeds our expectations and defies our ideas about Him. How might we begin to let go of our expectations and receive the graces God offers? View it on our blog here. 
4/6/202028 minutes, 19 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Monday, April 6

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:56), and the last for evening (11:55). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Pamela Hawkins' The Awkward Season: Prayers for Lent.
4/6/202018 minutes, 14 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Friday, April 3

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:34), and the last for evening (11:32). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful.   This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Ted Loder's Guerrillas of Grace.
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Practice Daily Office: Thursday, April 2

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:36), and the last for evening (11:33). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful.   This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Ted Loder's Guerrillas of Grace.
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Practice Daily Office: Wednesday, April 1

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:37), and the last for evening (11:36). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful.   This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Ted Loder's Guerrillas of Grace.
4/1/202016 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Invitation to Let Go

On 3.29.20, Kellye Fabian shared a Lenten message of letting go.  How do our hearts, souls, minds, and bodies all work together in the act of surrendering everything to God? View it on the blog here. 
3/31/202051 minutes, 41 seconds
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Practice Daily Office: Tuesday, March 31

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:36), and the last for evening (11:35). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful. This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Ted Loder's Guerrillas of Grace.
3/31/202016 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Practice Daily Office: Monday, March 30

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:37), and the last for evening (11:36). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful.   This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer comes from Ted Loder's Guerrillas of Grace.
3/30/202016 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Practice Daily Office: Friday, March 27

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (6:53), and the last for evening (11:53). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful.   This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer was written by our very own Susan Faye Ness
3/27/202017 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Practice Daily Office: Thursday, March 26

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (6:52), and the last for evening (10:49). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful.   This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer was written by our very own Susan Faye Ness
3/26/202016 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Practice Daily Office: Wednesday, March 25

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:27), and the last for evening (12:27). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful.   This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer was written by our very own Susan Faye Ness
3/25/202018 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Practice Daily Office: Tuesday, March 24

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:25), and the last for evening (11:22). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful.   This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. The midday prayer was written by our very own Susan Faye Ness
3/24/202016 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Practice Daily Office: Monday, March 23

In this season of disruption, we invite you to join us in an intentional rhythm of prayer. How might our days be grounded more deeply in God’s presence if we pause each morning, midday, and evening for silence, scripture, and prayer? This resource includes three prayers: one for morning, another for midday (7:54), and the last for evening (13:07). The prayers will follow a consistent pattern each week with new scriptures every day. During the weekend, we encourage you to return to one of the prayers from earlier in the week that you found meaningful.   This practice of the Daily Office will help us live more fully in God’s loving presence as we navigate this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.   The midday prayer was written by our very own Susan Faye Ness
3/23/202018 minutes, 57 seconds
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Finders Weepers, Losers Keepers

On 3.22.20, Mimi Dixon shared a Lenten message of letting go. How might we let go and find our need for safety and significance in Christ? She then guided an embodied practice of surrender. View it on the blog here. 
3/23/202045 minutes, 50 seconds
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Letting Go of the Lies We Tell Ourselves

Sunday night, we continued our journey through the season of Lent, The Invitation to Let Go. Ted Harro taught us that our “emotions are the truth serum to our beliefs,” which help us uncover the narratives that we believe about God, others, and ourselves. These narratives ultimately shape the way we think and act in the world around us. Then, Ted invited us to place ourselves in the narrative of Psalm 23, where the Good Shepherd leads us by soul-quieting waters and comforts us amidst our fears.
3/10/202046 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Invitation to Let Go

Sunday night, we began our journey through the season of Lent, The Invitation to Let Go. Jason reminded us that the core of our identity is rooted in our belovedness in Christ, but there are many voices surrounding us that compete with God’s voice of love. Then, Jason invited us to craft an experiment for the next 40 days that will help us to begin letting go of any false voices that distract us from God’s voice of love.
3/3/20201 hour, 1 minute, 36 seconds
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Liturgy Lesson: Benediction

During our series, Living the Liturgy, we asked members from our community to share why we include certain elements in our practice of worship. In this Liturgy Lesson, Erin Lonard shares why every gathering ends in a Benediction. Would you listen and join us in this practice?
2/22/20204 minutes, 58 seconds
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Liturgy Lesson: Prayers of the People

During our series, Living the Liturgy, we asked members from our community to share why we include certain elements in our practice of worship. In this Liturgy Lesson, Susan Ness shares why we include Prayers of the People. Would you listen and join us in this practice?
2/22/20208 minutes, 30 seconds
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Liturgy Lesson: Passing the Peace

During our series, Living the Liturgy, we asked members from our community to share why we include certain elements in our practice of worship. In this Liturgy Lesson, Kirsten Hitchcock shares why Passing of the Peace is a part of every gathering. Would you listen and join us in this practice?
2/22/20203 minutes, 8 seconds
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Liturgy Lessons: Confession and Assurance

During our series, Living the Liturgy, we asked members from our community to share why we include certain elements in our practice of worship. In this Liturgy Lesson, Ted Harro shares why every gathering includes a confession and assurance. Would you listen and join us in this practice?
2/22/20207 minutes, 44 seconds
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Living the Liturgy: Spiritual Practices

On 2.16.2020, Jason Feffer explored why every gathering includes a spiritual practice.  This is the fourth and final week in a series focused on the core elements of our gatherings. 
2/18/202043 minutes, 8 seconds
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Living the Liturgy: Scripture

On 2.9.2020, we had the opportunity to be guided by Skye Jethani as we examined the importance of scripture in our gathering and our journey with Jesus. Skye challenged us to see scripture as a window, to allow the parables and miracles of the Gospels to change the way we see the world. This is the third week in a series focused on the core elements of our gatherings. 
2/10/202052 minutes, 1 second
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Another Kind of Life: Afternoon Q&A

On 11.16.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us explore the invitation of Jesus to live another kind of life.  This is the afternoon Q&A.
2/3/202027 minutes, 43 seconds
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Another Kind of Life: What is Spiritual Formation part 2

On 11.16.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us explore the invitation of Jesus to live another kind of life.  This is part two of the fourth session, What is Spiritual Formation?
2/3/202026 minutes, 20 seconds
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Another Kind of Life: What is Spiritual Formation? part 1

On 11.16.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us explore the invitation of Jesus to live another kind of life.  This is part one of the fourth session, What is my Spiritual Formation?
2/3/202013 minutes, 26 seconds
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Another Kind of Life: What is my Picture of Self? part 2

On 11.16.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us explore the invitation of Jesus to live another kind of life.  This is part two of the third session, What is my Picture of Self?
2/3/202022 minutes, 3 seconds
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Another Kind of Life: What is my Picture of Self? part 1

On 11.16.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us explore the invitation of Jesus to live another kind of life.  This is part one of the third session, What is my Picture of Self?
2/3/202026 minutes, 20 seconds
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Another Kind of Life: Morning Q&A

On 11.16.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us explore the invitation of Jesus to live another kind of life.  This is the morning Q&A.
2/3/202022 minutes, 12 seconds
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Another Kind of Life: What is my Picture of the Gospel? part 2

On 11.16.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us explore the invitation of Jesus to live another kind of life.  This is part two of the second session, What is my Picture of the Gospel?
2/3/202021 minutes, 8 seconds
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Another Kind of Life: What is my Picture of the Gospel? part 1

On 11.16.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us explore the invitation of Jesus to live another kind of life.  This is part one of the second session, What is my Picture of the Gospel?
2/3/202021 minutes, 19 seconds
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Another Kind of Life: What is my Picture of God? part 2

On 11.16.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us explore the invitation of Jesus to live another kind of life.  This is part two of the first session, What is my Picture of God?
2/3/202032 minutes, 48 seconds
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Another Kind of Life: What is my Picture of God? part 1

On 11.16.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us explore the invitation of Jesus to live another kind of life.  This is part one of the first session, What is my Picture of God?
2/3/202012 minutes, 19 seconds
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Another Kind of Life: What is my Picture of God? (Small Group Edit)

On 11.16.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us explore the invitation of Jesus to live another kind of life.  This is part one of the first session, What is my Picture of God?
2/3/202032 minutes, 47 seconds
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Living the Liturgy: Worship

On January 19th, Sam Tinken helped us explore why we worship the way we do at The Practice. This is the second week in a series focused on the core elements of our gatherings. 
1/21/202048 minutes, 15 seconds
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Living the Liturgy: Eucharist

On 1.12.2020, Brian Zahnd joined us to share why the Eucharist is the central point of our service. This is the first week in a series focused on the core elements of our gatherings.
1/14/202048 minutes, 16 seconds
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Invitation to be Present with God

On 12.15.19, Sam Tinken continued our journey of practicing the presence of God this Advent season. How does the practice of waiting help us to find meaning in the moment?
12/17/201945 minutes, 32 seconds
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Invitation to be Present with God

On 12.8.19, Jason Feffer invited us to the practice expressed in the life of Brother Lawrence, the practice of the presence of God. How might we live fully present with God in our everyday life?…present-with-god/
12/10/201945 minutes, 31 seconds
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Invitation to Doubt

On 11.24.19, Eric Case helped us explore God's invitation to doubt. What if faith and doubt are not opposed to one another? What of doubt is an inevitable part of the faith journey?
11/26/201956 minutes, 39 seconds
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Invitation to Wrestle with God

On 11.17.19, Carolyn Arends guided us in song, teaching, and practice, as we examine God's invitation to wrestle. How can we have a faith that no only survives, but thrives in the midst of unanswered questions. 
11/19/201952 minutes, 32 seconds
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Invitation to Respond (part 2)

On 11.3.19, we continued our series Invitation to Stillness and Response with a panel discussion. Brad and Ben shared their stories of how God has been inviting them into the work of reconciliation in the world. We then examined our stories and noticed where our hearts are broken by the injustice of our world as a way of listening to God's invitation in our lives.
11/5/201952 minutes, 40 seconds
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Invitation to Respond (part 1)

On 10.27.19 we continued our series Invitation to Stillness and Response with David Bailey. David helped us explore what it might look like for us to be a reconciling community in such a time as this. He then guided an inventory practice to help examine how we use our time, talents, and treasures.
10/29/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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An Abiding Contemplation

This is the abiding practice guided by Phileena Heuertz on 10.13.19. It is a part of our Stillness and Response journey, and we invite you to practice this contemplation daily as we seek to cultivate an inner stillness in the Lord's presence as we respond to an invitation to join God's kingdom work in the world.
10/14/201918 minutes, 29 seconds
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Invitation to Stillness (part 2)

On 10.13.19, Phileena Heuertz continued our series, Stillness and Response. Phileena shared the importance of cultivating an inner stillness to carry with us as we respond to an invitation to join God's kingdom work in the world. She then guided us in an abiding practice of stilling ourselves in the presence of God.
10/14/201946 minutes, 15 seconds
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An Outward Examen

This is the Examen practice guided by Father Michael on 10.6.19. It is a part of our Stillness and Response journey, and we invite you to practice this Examen daily as we seek to discern the Lord's invitation to join the kingdom work in the world and cultivate a present spirit in the midst of our response.
10/8/201915 minutes, 58 seconds
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Invitation to Stillness (part 1)

On 10.6.19, Father Michael Sparough started a four-week journey of stillness and response. As we seek to join God's redemptive work in the world, how can we remain present to the Holy Spirit to we can discern where God is inviting us to respond and remain present as we respond? 
10/8/201951 minutes, 58 seconds
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Invitation to find solidarity with one another

On 9.22.2019, Jason Feffer guided The Practice community to consider how God might be inviting us to be a space of belonging and hospitality. 
9/23/201941 minutes, 54 seconds
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Invitation to find solidarity with Jesus

On 9.15.19, Adele Calhoun guided us as we sought to make meaning of our experiences through the lens of Christ's life. She guided us in the following questions. What narratives and slogans have shaped my life? What fears have authored my story? What is the deeper Exodus story behind my roles, titles, degrees, successes, losses, joy, etc.    How did I get from somewhere to somewhere else? Where have I had moments when I felt the Spirit descend on me and affirm me in a calling or direction? (Matthew 3:13-17) When was I in a time of testing and tempted to take control of my life rather than trust God?  (Luke 4:1-13) What are my wilderness seasons?  How did God work in these for my good?  My growth?  And His glory? (Luke 4:1-13) Where have people figuratively tried to throw me off a cliff? (Luke 4:14-30) What are my mounts of Transfiguration? (Mark 9:2-10) Where have I experienced betrayal? (Matthew 26:14-16, 47-50) When have I had mini-gardens of Gethsemane? (Matthew 26:36-46) When have I died on my own mini-crosses? (John 19:16-37) What are resurrection moments in life? (John 20:1-18)…arity-with-jesus/
9/18/201935 minutes, 20 seconds
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Practice Resources: As I Recall Meditations

In this episode, we have a conversation with Casey Tygrett. Casey's recent book, As I Recall, examines of the role of memory in our spiritual formation. In addition to the book, Casey has created six guided meditations to help us hold our memories in the presence of Christ for the purpose of our formation. As an incredible gift, Casey has offered the meditations to our community for free using the promo code: PRACTICE TRIBE As I Recall Meditations -  Use the promo code PRACTICETRIBE to receive the meditations for free. Casey Tygrett -   As I Recall -  Becoming Curious - 
8/13/201954 minutes, 11 seconds
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Practice Resources: Field Guides for the Way

In this episode, we have a conversation with Kristen Kludt and Stephanie Jenkins, co-creators of a wonderful retreat-in-a-box resource called Field Guides for the Way.  Field Guides for the Way -  Use the promo code PRACTICE10 to receive 10% off any orders until July 28, 2019. Kristen Leigh Kludt -  A Good Way Through - 
7/18/201933 minutes, 28 seconds
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Invitation to Retreat

On 6.9.19, Gail Donahue and Joan Kelley helped us listening for God's invitation to a rhythm of retreat this season. Gail offered important, practical guidance for engaging this practice, and Joan guided a practice of discerning how God is personally inviting us into retreat. A link to download the handouts referenced in the podcast can be found here.
6/10/201957 minutes, 13 seconds
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Invitation to Retreat

ON 6.2.2019, Ruth Haley Barton guided a night of exploring how God may be inviting us into a rhythm of retreat in this season. 
6/3/201952 minutes, 31 seconds
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Wisdom from our memories

On 5.19.19, Casey Tygrett guided us through the important role our memories play in the formation of wisdom. “To be ready for what is to come,” he said, “we are invited by God’s Spirit to learn from where we have already been.” For more on this important topic, check out Casey's recent book As I Recall: Discovering the Place of Memories in Our Spiritual Life.  
5/21/201940 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Beauty of Your Identity in Christ

On 5.5.19, Sibyl Towner joined us to help us explore how we might lay down the false narratives we have adopted from our brokenness and receive the beautiful truth of our identity in Christ.
5/7/201954 minutes, 3 seconds
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Lovingkindness Contemplation

On 4.28.19, Chris Heuertz guided us in an examination of why we engage contemplative practices and led us in a lovingkindness contemplation.
4/30/201939 minutes, 31 seconds
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Listening to God Like Children

On 4.14.19, Kirsten asked how we might engage God with our whole selves (bodies, hearts, and heads) in the same way children do. 
4/16/201927 minutes, 55 seconds
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Listening to God in Anxiety

On 3.31.19, Nader Sahyouni guided us in a thoughtful and grace-filled examination of anxiety. How might God be inviting us to respond in prayer to anxious seasons?  For the full recap and prayer prompts visit
4/1/201945 minutes, 51 seconds
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Listening to God in Sorrow

On 3.24.19, Jason Feffer explored how we might listen to God in the midst of our sorrow. How does God redeem our sorrow for the sake of our formation?
3/25/201953 minutes, 19 seconds
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Practice Resources: A New Liturgy

From time to time, we will be sharing a conversation with someone who is offering a resource to help us walk and work with Jesus in everyday life. In this episode, we had a conversation with Aaron Niequist. Aaron, with a group of people, started The Practice. He is also the creator of A New Liturgy, a project designed to create a sacred space in the midst of everyday life using music and scripture. In this conversation, we talk about the 7th liturgy, Lament. Below are links to A New Liturgy and the Practice series we discussed.   A New Liturgy - Why Do We Lament? with Jonathan Martin -  What is Biblical Lament? with Curtis Miller -  How Can I Lament? with Jenna Perrine - 
3/12/201922 minutes, 33 seconds
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Listening to God in Repentance

On 3.10.19, Kimberly Pelletier guided us through an examination of repentance. What unique invitation to repent might Jesus be extending to us this Lenten season?
3/11/201948 minutes, 7 seconds
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Listening in an Age of Distraction - Listening in Our Tears

On 3.2.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us cultivate a listening life and live more fully in God's presence. This is the final talk of the day, Listening in Our Tears. For more information about the conference, including an individual and group reflection guide visit
3/9/201940 minutes, 36 seconds
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Listening in an Age of Distraction - Listening Where We Live

On 3.2.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us cultivate a listening life and live more fully in God's presence. This is the third talk of the day, Listening Where We Live.  For more information about the conference, including an individual and group reflection guide visit
3/9/201938 minutes, 25 seconds
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Listening in an Age of Distraction - Listening in Our Longings

On 3.2.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us cultivate a listening life and live more fully in God's presence. This is the second talk of the day, Listening in Our Longings.  For more information about the conference, including an individual and group reflection guide visit
3/9/201935 minutes, 57 seconds
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Listening in an Age of Distraction - Listening is Our Key

On 3.2.19, The Practice co-hosted a conference with Renovaré to help us cultivate a listening life and live more fully in God's presence. This is the first talk of the day. Due to some technical issues, the first few minutes were not captured. Before you listen, you will find it helpful to read Deuteronomy 6:4-9 For more information about the conference, including an individual and group reflection guide visit
3/9/201931 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Gift of Presence

On 3.3.19, Trevor Hudson and Lacy Borgo guided an exploration into the gift of presence. It will be helpful to engage the practices in this podcast with a clementine and a friend.
3/4/201944 minutes, 55 seconds
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Listening to God in Simplicity

On 2.17.19, Jason Feffer taught about the spiritual practice of simplicity and helped us craft an experiment in simplicity.
2/19/201950 minutes, 32 seconds
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The practice of simplicity

On 2.10.19 Ashlee Eiland helped us examine our need for inner simplicity.
2/12/201942 minutes, 35 seconds
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A base camp of spiritual practices

On 1.27.19, Jason Feffer introduced the concept of a base camp of spiritual practices. How might we order our lives in a way that honors our unique creation and helps us live the with God life?
1/28/201957 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Mystery of Advent

On 12.9.18, Sam Tinken invited us to open our hearts to the mystery of Advent. You can find the image used in the practice of Visio Divina here  
12/10/20181 hour, 31 minutes, 13 seconds
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Advent Waiting

On 12.2.18, Jason Feffer guided a practice to help us wait for the coming of Christ this Advent.
12/4/201837 minutes, 9 seconds
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Listening to God in Rest

On 11.18.18, Keri Wyatt Kent guided us in an invitation to a simple Sabbath rhythm.
11/19/201847 minutes, 28 seconds
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Listening to God in Rest

On 11.11.2018, Casey Tygrett explored the invitation to practice Sabbath not because we have to, but because we are free.
11/12/201844 minutes, 58 seconds
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Listening to God in Prayer

On 10.28.2018, Jason Feffer explored listening to God in prayer and guided a practice of listening.
10/29/201846 minutes, 28 seconds
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Listening to God in Prayer: The Examen

On 10.21.18, Father Michael introduced a particular Examen in which we focused on a virtue or a vice in our practice of the Examen.
10/22/201846 minutes, 3 seconds
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Listening to God in Scripture: Lectio Divina

On 10.7.18, James Bryan Smith taught and guided us through the practice Lectio Divina.
10/8/201835 minutes, 52 seconds
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Listening to God in Scripture: Sacred Questions

On 9.30.18 Kellye Fabian guided us in a practice of listening to the questions that arise within us as we read scripture.
10/2/201838 minutes, 12 seconds
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Listening to God in Community: Listening Groups

On 9.16.18, Jason Feffer introduced the practice of listening groups.
9/17/201835 minutes, 33 seconds
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Listening to God in Community: Spiritual Direction

On 9.9.18 Lacy Borgo guided us through the practice of spiritual direction. How can this practice help us listen to God and find the sacred in the ordinary.
9/11/201850 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Eternal Current: We Need Everybody

On 8.26.18, Aaron Niequist returned to share why we need to thank God for our faith tradition, and why we need to grow beyond it.
8/27/201856 minutes, 25 seconds
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Making Space to Grieve

On 8.12.18, Deirdre JVR helped our community make space to grieve.
8/13/201844 minutes, 9 seconds
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Acorn Faith

On 7.15.18, Kristen Leigh Kludt shared her story and how difficult times help us to know the love of God more deeply.
7/17/20181 hour, 12 seconds
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Stories from our brothers and sisters

On 6.10.18, Darrel Washington taught us about serving those struggling with poverty.
6/11/201854 minutes, 38 seconds
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Stories from the Community

On 6.3.18, we heard from people in the Practice community who have been responding to invitations to join God's kingdom work around the world.
6/4/20181 hour, 53 seconds
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Resurrection Love

On 5.20.18, Father Michael guided us through a contemplation of God's love.
5/22/201849 minutes, 59 seconds
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Resurrection Life

On 5.6.18, Jason Feffer encouraged us to bring our whole selves (heads, hearts, and bodies) into relationship with Jesus.
5/7/201848 minutes, 12 seconds
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Resurrection Hope: Taste and See

On 4.22.18, Jonathan Martin shared the invitation of the risen Christ to live an embodied faith, to taste and see.
4/23/201850 minutes, 28 seconds
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Resurrection Joy

On 4.8.18, Sibyl Towner guided us in a contemplation on the risen Christ and the joy we find when Jesus meet us in our point of need.
4/9/201837 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Passion and Compassion of Our Lord Jesus Christ

On 3.11.18, Kellye Fabian guided us in the truth that Jesus' passion was the greatest act of compassion the world has ever known.
3/12/201854 minutes, 15 seconds
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Agony in the Garden

On 2.25.27, Ashlee Eiland guided us into the agony of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
2/26/201847 minutes, 46 seconds
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Contemplation to Prepare for Lent

Last night, Father Michael led us in a contemplation to help us prepare for the season of Lent. We imagined ourselves at the foot of the cross and asked: How is God inviting you to deepen your practice of prayer during Lent? What might God be inviting you to fast from to experience greater freedom in Christ? How is God inviting you to express solidarity with the poor and suffering face of Christ in the world?  
2/12/201818 minutes, 39 seconds
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Journey to the Cross

On 2.11.18, Father Michael led us into the third movement of the Spiritual Exercises and prepared us for the season of Lent.
2/12/201845 minutes, 37 seconds
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Imaginative Prayer Series: Peter's Confession (Mark 8:27-30)

This is the final contemplation in a series of imaginative prayer resources written by and recorded for The Practice community. Imaginative prayer is way of meeting with the Lord by using our imagination to enter a Gospel story. Using our imagination to experience the sights and sounds of the scene helps to bring our whole selves into the presence of Christ. The purpose of this prayer is to meet Jesus face-to-face and grow in intimacy with Him.
2/8/201810 minutes, 36 seconds
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Imaginative Prayer Series: Jesus Calms the Storm (Mark 4:35-41)

This is the ninth contemplation in a series of imaginative prayer resources written by and recorded for The Practice community. Imaginative prayer is way of meeting with the Lord by using our imagination to enter a Gospel story. Using our imagination to experience the sights and sounds of the scene helps to bring our whole selves into the presence of Christ. The purpose of this prayer is to meet Jesus face-to-face and grow in intimacy with Him. (Jesus in the Storm by Gustave Dore)
1/29/201813 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Rite of Forgiveness

On 1.28.18, Frederica Mathewes-Green introduced our community to the Eastern Orthodox practice, the Rite of Forgiveness.
1/29/201822 minutes, 45 seconds
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Imaginative Prayer Series: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)

This is the eighth contemplation in a series of imaginative prayer resources written by and recorded for The Practice community. Imaginative prayer is way of meeting with the Lord by using our imagination to enter a Gospel story. Using our imagination to experience the sights and sounds of the scene helps to bring our whole selves into the presence of Christ. The purpose of this prayer is to meet Jesus face-to-face and grow in intimacy with Him. (Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt)
1/22/201825 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Public Life of Christ

On 1.22.18, Gail Donahue led us through an exploration of the hospitality of Christ. Hospitality is essential because it is the heartbeat of God.
1/22/201853 minutes, 19 seconds
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Imaginative Prayer Series: Jesus Calls the Disciples (Mark 1:16-20)

This is the seventh contemplation in a series of imaginative prayer resources written by and recorded for The Practice community. Imaginative prayer is way of meeting with the Lord by using our imagination to enter a Gospel story. Using our imagination to experience the sights and sounds of the scene helps to bring our whole selves into the presence of Christ. The purpose of this prayer is to meet Jesus face-to-face and grow in intimacy with Him.  
1/15/201810 minutes, 51 seconds
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Imaginative Prayer Series: The Wedding at Cana (John 2:1-12)

This is the sixth contemplation in a series of imaginative prayer resources written by and recorded for The Practice community. Imaginative prayer is way of meeting with the Lord by using our imagination to enter a Gospel story. Using our imagination to experience the sights and sounds of the scene helps to bring our whole selves into the presence of Christ. The purpose of this prayer is to meet Jesus face-to-face and grow in intimacy with Him. (The final words to consider were written by Tim Keller, and the concluding prayer is from Return To Our Senses: Reimagining How We Pray by Christine Sine.)
1/8/201814 minutes, 33 seconds
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Discovering the Will of God

On 1.7.18, Ashlee Eiland shared how we might move away from experiencing God's will as a formula to solve and build a foundation based on the example of Christ.
1/8/201843 minutes, 22 seconds
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Imaginative Prayer Series: The Baptism of Christ (Matthew 3:13-17)

This is the fifth contemplation in a series of imaginative prayer resources written by and recorded for The Practice community. Imaginative prayer is way of meeting with the Lord by using our imagination to enter a Gospel story. Using our imagination to experience the sights and sounds of the scene helps to bring our whole selves into the presence of Christ. The purpose of this prayer is to meet Jesus face-to-face and grow in intimacy with Him. (artwork by Daniel Bonnell)
1/1/20189 minutes
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Imaginative Prayer Series: Escape to Egypt (Matthew 2:13-23)

This is the fourth contemplation in a series of imaginative prayer resources written by and recorded for The Practice community. Imaginative prayer is way of meeting with the Lord by using our imagination to enter a Gospel story. Using our imagination to experience the sights and sounds of the scene helps to bring our whole selves into the presence of Christ. The purpose of this prayer is to meet Jesus face-to-face and grow in intimacy with Him.  
12/26/201720 minutes, 1 second
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Imaginative Prayer Series: The Visit of the Magi (Matthew 2:1-12)

This is the third contemplation in a series of imaginative prayer resources written by and recorded for The Practice community. Imaginative prayer is way of meeting with the Lord by using our imagination to enter a Gospel story. Using our imagination to experience the sights and sounds of the scene helps to bring our whole selves into the presence of Christ. The purpose of this prayer is to meet Jesus face-to-face and grow in intimacy with Him. (The Mural “Adoration of the Magi” was painted by a group of Benedictine monks from Conception Abbey.)
12/17/201714 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Incarnation

On 12.10.17, Jason Feffer reflected on the scandalous mystery of the incarnation.
12/11/201732 minutes, 50 seconds
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Imaginative Prayer Series: The Birth of Christ (Luke 2:1-21)

This is the second contemplation in a series of imaginative prayer resources written by and recorded for The Practice community. Imaginative prayer is way of meeting with the Lord by using our imagination to enter a Gospel story. Using our imagination to experience the sights and sounds of the scene helps to bring our whole selves into the presence of Christ. The purpose of this prayer is to meet Jesus face-to-face and grow in intimacy with Him. (painting by James Jacques Joseph Tissot)
12/11/201712 minutes, 36 seconds
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Imaginative Prayer Series: The Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38)

This is the first contemplation in a series of imaginative prayer resources written by and recorded for The Practice community. Imaginative prayer is way of meeting with the Lord by using our imagination to enter a Gospel story. Using our imagination to experience the sights and sounds of the scene helps to bring our whole selves into the presence of Christ. The purpose of this prayer is to meet Jesus face-to-face and grow in intimacy with Him. (artwork by Patricia Brintle
12/4/201722 minutes, 57 seconds
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Call of the King

On 12.3.17 Father Michael introduced us to the second movement of the Spiritual Exercises and led us in the Call of Christ the King meditation.
12/4/201744 minutes, 20 seconds
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11.19.17 The Mercy of God

On 11.17.19 Ashlee Eiland guided us in a reflection on God's great mercy and our call to forgive.
11/20/201751 minutes, 32 seconds
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Human Sinfulness

On 11.5.17, Phileena Heuertz helped us explore the Ignatian perspective of sin and practice the discipline of welcoming prayer.
11/6/201747 minutes, 8 seconds
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Called to Freedom

On 10.22.17, Jason Feffer introduced the Ignatian concept of indifference and led a practice to help us surrender our whole selves to the loving will of God.
10/23/201742 minutes, 41 seconds
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All is Gift

On 10.8.17 Joan Kelley joined us to teach and lead us in a gratitude practice. When we open ourselves in gratitude, we are in a posture to more fully receive God’s love. 
10/9/201746 minutes, 17 seconds
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Be-Loved Guided Prayer

As The Practice community journeys through Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises, we are spending at least 15 minutes each day resting in God's love. This is a copy of the practice Father Michael led at our gathering. If it is helpful, you may use this reflection to begin your daily practice.
9/18/201711 minutes, 43 seconds
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Created in Love

On 9.17.17 Father Michael introduced the themes of Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises and led us in a practice to help ground us in our belovedness.
9/18/201751 minutes, 42 seconds
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A Practice Update

On 8.20.17 Jason Feffer shared an update on the future of The Practice.
8/21/201745 minutes, 22 seconds
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Celebrating God's Work

On 6.25.17 The Practice community gathered to share how God has worked in their lives in the last three years, and celebrate everything God has done.
6/26/20171 hour, 10 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Paschal Mystery

On 6.11.17, Jonathan Martin helped us explore the paschal mystery. How can we lean into the holy pattern of Christ's life, death, and resurrection in our own lives?
6/12/201753 minutes, 57 seconds
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Writing a Biblical Lament

On 6.4.17 Jenna Perrine helped us lean into God with our grief and write a lament based on the nine movements of a biblical lament.
6/5/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 38 seconds
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Practice Family Announcement

On 5.21.17, we announced the very sad news that June 25th will be the final Practice gathering.
5/22/201730 minutes, 44 seconds
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God our Mother

On 5.14.17, we explored the mothering images of God in Scripture. It was a beautiful night leaning into our nurturing creator and accepting God's invitation to rest and play.
5/15/201738 minutes, 30 seconds
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Listening on the Emmaus Road

On 4.30.17, David Fitch helped us explore how walking with Jesus and participating in the Eucharist forms us to tend to Christ's presence in one another.
5/1/201736 minutes, 25 seconds
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Listening to my Story

On 4.23.17 Sibyl Towner led us in an exercise of listening for the presence of God in our stories.
4/24/201747 minutes, 31 seconds
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From Fear to Sacrificial Love

On 4.2.17, Curtis Miller helped us explore how we can turn away fear and engage the world from a place of sacrificial love, and Erin Feffer led us in the spiritual discipline, Lectio Divina.
4/3/201748 minutes, 55 seconds
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Knowing our True Selves

On 3.19.17, Ashlee Eiland shared with us a framework for dying to our false selves and knowing our true selves. Listen as Ashlee teaches us to embrace knowing, inspecting, and pruning.
3/20/201751 minutes, 58 seconds
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Tuning our minds to God's presence

On 3.12.17, Frederica Mathewes-Green helped us explore an Eastern Orthodox perspective ofGod's constant presence.
3/13/201741 minutes, 29 seconds
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Crafting a Rhythm of Life

On 3.5.17, Jason Feffer helped us to craft a simple rhythm of life grounded in our desires and the spiritual disciplines.
3/6/201748 minutes, 16 seconds
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Loved to be a Blessing

On 2.20.17, Kellye Fabian helped us understand that God's response to humanity's sinfulness is blessing. We are called to be a blessing, to see, speak well of, and sacrifice to share the love of God with the world.
2/20/201741 minutes, 39 seconds
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Designed to Love

On 2.12.17, Curtis Miller taught us that we were each created to demonstrate the image of our loving, triune God in community.
2/13/201738 minutes, 35 seconds
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God's Beloved: Nurtured and Nourished by God

On 1.29.17, Shauna Niequist helped us understand that "the love of God is the purest nourishment.
1/30/201736 minutes, 37 seconds
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Two Prayers for President Donald Trump

On January 22nd, we offered two prayers for President Donald Trump:  (1) Fr Michael Sparough, SJ, wrote and prayed a priestly prayer, (2) Claudia Heinrich wrote and prayed a prophetic prayer, and then (3) we all stood and prayed The Lord's Prayer.  This very short podcast is the live recording of those prayers.   Friends, please join us as we pray...
1/25/20179 minutes, 36 seconds
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God is not loving; God is love

On 1.22.17, Jonathan Martin helped us explore our images of God and left us with a provocative statement. "God is not loving; God is love."
1/23/201741 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rhythm of Life: Making Our Home in Jesus

On 1.15.17, Jason Feffer helped us identify how our deepest longings draw us to God and how a rhythm of life helps us make our home in Jesus.
1/16/201741 minutes, 35 seconds
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Advent: Hope for new beginnings

On 12.11.16 Curtis Miller led us to identify our longing for new beginnings, and the promise that our hope is fulfilled in God's holy the presence.
12/12/201623 minutes, 24 seconds
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Advent: We begin in the dark

On 12.4.16 Jerusalem Greer helped us enter into the longing of Advent. This season that begins the church year does not begin with the birth of Jesus. It begins in pain, fear, and longing. It is an invitation to open our hearts to the whispered promise of hope.
12/5/201644 minutes, 54 seconds
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Beat Eight: Blessed are Those Who are Persecuted for Righteousness

On 11.20.16 we explored the eighth Beatitude, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Clary and Jason teach the life Jesus invites us into is one of radical love. There is a cost to loving like Jesus. This cost keeps many of us from loving sacrificially, but Jesus promises that those who lose their lives will find it.
11/21/201634 minutes, 51 seconds
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Beat Seven: Blessed are the Peacemakers

On 11.13.16 we lean into the seventh Beatitude, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Rabbi Evan Moffic framed a biblical understanding of shalom for us. Members of our community shared how they have leaned into peacemaking. And Aaron challenged us intentionally resist the temptation to retreat and take tangible steps toward being instruments of Shalom.
11/14/201655 minutes, 17 seconds
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Beat Six: Blessed are the Pure in Heart

On 11.6.16 Mark Scandrette led us in the sixth beat, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God." We are told to wear masks; to hide things we think and feel inside. But Jesus promises we were created as unique and beautiful people, and he invites us to live with undivided and pure hearts.
11/8/201642 minutes, 42 seconds
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Beat Five: Blessed are the Merciful

On 10.23.16 musician/writer Stu G came to share a few songs, stories, and teachings on the Beatitudes--specifically digging into what it means to give and receive mercy. A tender and powerful night.
10/24/201658 minutes, 8 seconds
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Beat Four: Blessed are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

On 10.16.16, Meredith and Curtis guided us brilliantly into Jesus' words "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled". After naming our deepest ache for the world ("I'm hungry and thirsty for a world where...."), we explored Christ's invitation to join God in redeeming and restoring all things, and the lies that hold us back. Finally, Curtis taught us a new practice to help choose one meaningful action this week. 
10/17/201644 minutes, 22 seconds
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Beat Three: Blessed are the Meek

On 01.09.16, Sibyl Towner invited us deep into the beatitude "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth."  We are told that our value is based on comparison; I must be either better than or less than. But Jesus promises that we each have equal dignity as beloved children of God.
10/10/201638 minutes, 35 seconds
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Beat Two: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

On 09.25.16, Jason Feffer explored this beatitude by inviting us into the story of his life. From deep masterful discovering the presence of Christ in lament, Jason's story helped us begin the journey from the pain of Blessed are those who mourn to the promise of For they will be comforted.
9/26/201632 minutes, 9 seconds
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Beat one: Blessed are the Poor in Spirit

On 09.18.16, John and Lori invited us to explore and begin practicing the first beatitude: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. At the end, Jason Feffer shares his story and then invites us into three practices for the week.
9/19/201645 minutes, 15 seconds
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Practicing the Beatitudes: A Journey back to Reality

On 09.11.16, our friend Mark Scandrette returned to cast a big vision and invitation into The Beatitudes. He offered four insights to why these nine statements of Christ are a path of healing and recovery, and he invited us on a "journey back to reality" over the next three months.
9/12/201643 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Theology and Practice of The Other

Pastor Michael Rudzena teaches a Theology of "the other" and invites us into a profound and provocative practice. Based on Jesus' teaching in Matthew 9 ("But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice’") and modern research on the human experience of disgust, Michael helps us move beyond the barriers to love our friends, neighbors, and enemies as ourselves.
8/15/201638 minutes, 42 seconds
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Crafting a Summer Experiment

Jason Feffer guides us through a powerful process to discern God's invitation for this summer, name our deep desires and potential roadblocks, and craft a personal summer experiment to engage over the next 6 weeks. 
6/26/201637 minutes, 9 seconds
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Blessing & Sending

This Sunday marks the fourth and final week of our Living the Liturgy series in which we dive into the sacred ritual of passing the peace and the benediction we practice each and every week. Jenna steps in for Kellye to share how being blessed is the foundation for blessing others and John leads us in a practice of receiving the words of blessing we deeply need to hear from God in imaginative prayer. 
6/12/201641 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Eucharist

Old friend of The Practice Jonathan Martin is joined by our newest friend Nichole Nordeman to continue our Living the Liturgy series with a closer look at the practice at the center of our gathering, the Eucharist. Jonathan leads us to the table with deep insight into how it can nourish us in every season and Nichole leads us into the heart of this great mystery through her music to prepare our hearts. 
6/5/201647 minutes, 54 seconds
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Confession & Assurance

This Sunday our Living the Liturgy series continues with John & Jenna Perrine as we explore the sacred practice of confession and assurance in our weekly liturgy. Through Christ we know we are forgiven forever - so why do we still practice this ritual and how does this communal practice contribute to our growth and spiritual formation? This practice includes a time of guided confession and assurance. 
5/22/201636 minutes
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Engaging Scripture

Curtis Miller begins our Living the Liturgy series by examining the weekly practice of communally ready scripture together on Sundays. Learn we us how the sacred rituals we practice on Sundays, shape us in our daily lives. 
5/15/201642 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stories of Resurrection In Community

The past four weeks at The Practice have been an incredible journey into resurrection, and we have heard some powerful stories in race, religion and Iraq testifying to the power of Christ to bring about new life. This Sunday, we are even more excited to bring the conversation closer to home and get personal with one another as we share stories of resurrection in our very own community. This podcast includes the vision and invitation for why we share and listen with one another, as well as our listening guidelines for our practice time. 
5/1/201629 minutes, 54 seconds
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Stories of Resurrection In Iraq

Friend of The Practice and founder of The Preemptive Love Coalition Jeremy Courtney joins our Stories of Resurrection series to shape his story of Resurrection in Iraq. Includes a contemplative practice time of having eyes to see resurrection in our lives and in the world.
4/24/201643 minutes, 39 seconds
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Stories of Resurrection in Religion

Author Sarah Bessey joins The Practice tribe to share her story of resurrection in the context of religion, discovering new life in a faith that was beginning to feel like death. This podcast includes a contemplative practice time to have eyes to see resurrection in our lives and the world.  
4/17/201650 minutes, 17 seconds
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Stories of Resurrection in Race

Racial reconciliation advocate, musician and gifted producer David Bailey of Arrabon joins the practice to share his story of resurrection in race as part of the Kingdom of God. Hear David's passion and call to reconciliation in our modern day Jerusalems, Judeas, and Samarias. Includes a contemplative practice of having eyes to see resurrection in race.  
4/10/201652 minutes, 15 seconds
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Stories of Resurrection: Vision & Invitation

In view of Easter, this Sunday begins a five week journey called "Stories of Resurrection: Cultivating Eyes to See & Join God’s Redemption Everywhere." This Sunday, our very own Aaron Niequist led us into the vision and invitation of this good news, and set us up with a framework for the journey ahead. This podcast includes a reflective practice time of having eyes to see resurrection in our lives and the world around us.  
4/3/201649 minutes, 42 seconds
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How Can I Lament?

This Sunday, Jenna Perrine invites us into a practical vision for how we can make lament a part of our daily lives, before leading us through a holy workshop in the practice of 9 steps to writing our own lament before God.  Friends, this is where the rubber meets the road. This is where we learn how to put the idea of lament into practice.
2/28/201646 minutes, 57 seconds
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What Is Biblical Lament?

In week two of our exploration of lament in Lent, Curtis Miller helps us answer the key question, "What Is Biblical Lament?" sharing both a biblical framework and a vulnerable insight into the power of this practice. This podcast includes a practice of lamenting with pictures led by Kellye Fabian, which you can follow along with using our handout. 
2/21/201647 minutes, 39 seconds
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Why Do We Lament?

Beloved guest of The Practice, Jonathan Martin kicks off our corporate exploration of the Lenten theme and practice of lament, exploring why this often forgotten practice is so important for our Spiritual lives. This podcast also includes a full Lectio Divina of Psalm 6 led by our dear friend Fr. Michael. 
2/14/201636 minutes, 58 seconds
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Preparing for a season of Preparation

Our dear friend Mark Scandrette is back to help us discern what practices might help us personally create space for God to lead us into a deeper engagement with the season of Lent. Mark invites each of us to craft a personalized plan for lent that meets us in our deepest needs as we prepare for Easter together. 
1/31/201645 minutes, 14 seconds
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A Liturgy of Vocation

To finish our exploration of vocation, Jenna and John created a liturgy to carry us through the whole story of God's work in the world and our invitation to join Him. From Creation to Fall to the Redemption and Restoration of all things--through music, story-telling, scripture, silence, spoken word, and prayer - immerse yourself and explore your contribution to God's Kingdom. This Podcast includes our Redemption and Restoration movement, including a powerful testimony of vocation from beloved friend of The Practice, Katie Ro. 
1/24/201618 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Story of Vocation

John Perrine leads us through the story of vocation to show us how our vocations are part of God's original good and his plan for redeeming and restoring paradise. Includes a guided practice time of imaginative prayer to see our vocations through the eyes of Christ. 
1/17/201635 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Theology of Vocation

Steven Garber kicks off our Visions of Vocation series by exploring the profound truth that our vocations are integral, not incidental, to the Kingdom of God. This podcast includes both Steven's message and a time of Q & A unpacking a theology of vocation. 
1/10/201651 minutes, 57 seconds
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Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Our Advent Celebration is a special edition of the Practice Podcast that invites you into the journey of our full service, exploring the Christmas story through word, song, and reflection on how to prepare Christ room in our hearts this season. 
12/13/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 15 seconds
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Crowding Out Christ In Our Hearts

Beloved friend of The Practice Jonathan Martin leads us into the season of Advent where we explore the theme, 'Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room' by first asking what could be crowding out Christ in your heart this Advent season? Includes an Advent Examen and a guided practice of letting go.
12/6/201536 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Practice Sabbath

Fellow Practitioner Jason Feffer guides us through the practicalities for practicing a rhythm of Sabbath and encourages us to plan and prepare for our next Sabbath rest through a guided journalling tool. 
11/15/201532 minutes, 56 seconds
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Seven Practices for Sabbath Keeping

Beloved friend of The Practice, Rabbi Evan Moffic, leads us into how we can set Sabbath apart as holy by walking us through seven practical practices for Sabbath Keeping. Includes a practice of blessing and reflection. 
11/6/201525 minutes, 20 seconds
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An Embodied Examen

Fr. Michael Sparough explores with us how having an embodied spirituality can deepen our experience of the Examen in our daily lives. Includes a guided practice of an Embodied Examen.
11/1/201543 minutes, 20 seconds
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Brain Science, Spiritual Practices & Christ

Eric Connor and Jenna Perrine invite us into the world of neuroscience and how recent discoveries can help us better integrate our mind, body, and spirit to invite Christ into the renewing and rewiring of our minds. This podcast includes a guided visualization prayer practice. 
10/25/201532 minutes, 17 seconds
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How To Practice A Rhythm Of Silence

Fellow Practitioner Jason Feffer has been studying, practicing, and writing about the discipline of silence for a number of years - here he brings a deeply practical teaching on how to tangibly swim with the rhythm of silence in our everyday lives. 
10/4/201533 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Need For Silence

The brilliant and compelling Shauna Niequist shares her story of what living without silence brought about in her life, and how through seeking the practice of silence, she began to truly honor and protect the Kingdom of God in herself. 
9/27/201541 minutes, 46 seconds
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Connecting To Our Desire

Special guest of The Practice Ruth Haley Barton helps us dive deep into our desire & how it connects to living out God's unforced rhythms of grace through sharing the story of blind Bartimaeus and considering Jesus' response: "What do you want me to do for you?"   
9/20/201541 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Invitation to Unforced Rhythms of Grace

Aaron Niequist begins our Fall journey by unpacking the invitation to "swim with The River" that is God's redemptive rhythm of grace for the sake of the world. 
9/13/201518 minutes, 26 seconds
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What We've Learned

This Sunday marked the end of our 18 month experiment here at The Practice. In our final month we spent much of our time gathering what our team and our community was discerning from God about the future of The Practice. Aaron shares some of what we've learned as we end this first chapter and look to the future.  
6/21/201524 minutes, 38 seconds
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Discernment Through Listening

John Perrine shares with the community three postures of awareness for us to practice when it comes to listening for discernment from God - both in group discernment and in our personal lives.  
6/14/20157 minutes, 21 seconds
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Discerning God's Will

Kellye Fabian shares a part of her story to explore the difference between decision making and discerning God's will in our lives. Decisions are made, but discernment is given from God - listen as we explore how to practice the difference. Includes a practice time of praying a prayer for Holy Indifference over the areas in our lives we desire to know God's will in. 
6/7/201524 minutes
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God Our Mother Liturgy

For Mother's Day this year, part of our liturgy focused on and celebrated how God is revealed through mothering images in Scripture. This podcast includes an original prayer litany that moves through the scriptures of God as mother. You can download a visual of the liturgy here. 
5/10/201515 minutes, 52 seconds
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Broken Open for Peace

This Mother's Day, Lynne Hybels joins us for a powerful message on how the Eucharist breaks us open for peacemaking. Lynne shares her personal journey from the dark night of her soul into the call to be a revoluntionary peacemaker after the example of Christ. 
5/10/201525 minutes, 39 seconds
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Broken Open for Reconciliation

Guest Speaker and reconciliation advocast Austin Channing Brown shares her heart for how the Eucharist breaks us open for the ministry of reconciliation. Learn how Jesus' radical example of 'flipping tables' informs our call to overturn the homogenous tables in our own lives and practice protest in the name of reconciliation.  
5/3/201520 minutes, 25 seconds
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Eucharist As Mission

Guest Speaker, professor and church planting coach David Fitch shares his wisdom on Eucharist as a training ground for Mission. Learn how the postures we assume at The Lord's Table shape us for Mission at the tables in our daily lives. 
4/26/201521 minutes, 39 seconds
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Everyone is Welcome at The Table

Guest speaker and beloved friend of The Practice, Jonathan Martin, shares a powerful message on who is welcome at The Lord's Table - inviting us to consider the radical table practices of Christ himself, and how it should influence our own. 
4/19/201532 minutes, 34 seconds
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A Theology Of The Eucharist

Dr. Scot McKinght kicks off our new series on "Eucharist and Mission" with a foundational theology of The Eucharist. Scot explores the deep connections between Eucharist and Passover, inviting us into the liberation that takes place around the table.
4/12/201529 minutes, 20 seconds
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Dying That We May Live

John Perrine leads us through the Lenten theme of Dying to Self, exploring Jesus’ invitation to take up our crosses and follow him. Includes a guided Examen on putting off the old self and putting on the new.
4/7/201530 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Gift of Repentance

Kellye Fabian explores the beauty of Psalm 51 as a model for our own repentance in this season of Lent.
3/23/201536 minutes, 16 seconds
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Lent and The Examen

Fr Michael shares his wisdom on the season of Lent and leads us through The Examen as a practice to help us prepare for Easter.
3/11/201539 minutes, 8 seconds
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Lead Us Not Into Temptation

Jenna Perrine closes our series at The Practice on The Lord's Prayer in her message, "Lead Us Not Into Temptation, But Deliver Us From Evil." Jenna explores this section of The Lord's Prayer as an invitation to surredner and a prayer for God's leadership through the trials, temptations and testing that are sure to come in our faith.   
3/3/201511 minutes, 56 seconds
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As We Forgive

Guest Speaker Deirdre JVR returns for our series on The Lord's Prayer to unpack the second half of the phrase, "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who have trespassed against us." Deirdre shares a helpful process for forgiveness and leads us through a time of prayer as we explore who we may need to forgive before God.
2/15/201544 minutes, 16 seconds
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Forgive Us Our Trespasses

Guest Speaker Deirdre JVR brings her wisdom and experience from years of counseling and reconciliation ministry, to share with us what it means to really know God's forgiveness. Only those who have experienced forgiveness can learn what it means to become a forgiver. 
2/8/201520 minutes, 36 seconds
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Our Daily Bread

Guest Speaker Jonathan Martin joins us for our series on The Lord's Prayer. In this wonderful message he invites us into what it means to ask and be content with THIS daily bread. This podcast also includes our time of practicing with a guided prayer and response led by Jonathan. 
1/25/201529 minutes, 40 seconds
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Thy Kingdom Come

Guest Speaker Steve Carter joins us for our series in The Lord's Prayer to unpack the complexities of "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done As It Is In Heaven," especially in light of the reality of the now and the not yet. 
1/18/201536 minutes, 35 seconds
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Our Father In Heaven

Aaron Niequist kicks off the beginning of our series on The Lord's Prayer, unpacking the familiar words, "Our Father Who Art In Heaven." 
1/11/201547 minutes, 23 seconds