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English, Fitness / Keep-fit, 1 season, 22 episodes, 1 hour, 9 minutes
Having a baby doesn’t have to be petrifying. Learn how to make the most of your pregnancy and influence your birth experience for the better (shorter labour, less risk of tearing, greater comfort). Sophia (birth coach) x
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Episode 22 - 10 Things That Go Through Your Mind When You Find Out You're Pregnant

OMG OMG OMG I’m pregnant and what comes next??? It’s a little bit of EVERYTHING and that’s ok! Here are some of the most common things that women feel / think when they first find out they’re, omg, pregnant!! I’d love to hear yours too! Email [email protected] or come share on Facebook.
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Episode 21 - Bryony's Birth Story (involves cartoon alpacas!)

Imagine a super calm birth that includes flapjack bites, cartoon alpacas, padding about the hospital carpark in your socks and stopping for long, chilled out hugs much to the concern of passersby. Meet Bryony. I love her birth story, hope you do too! xx
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Episode 20 - Baby Reflux - There Is A Solution!

Baby Reflux - it’s a phrase that I see casually flung around like ‘oh he’s just got a bit of reflux’ try x y z. This scattergun approach doesn’t help and leaves your baby unsettled, in discomfort, and can have longer lasting health implications. What’s more the type of birth experience you have CAN be part of the baby reflux jigsaw. The more calm and relaxed the better - another reason I’m so passionate about helping you have the best birth possible!! Determined to get some facts about it from an expert who KNOWS I turned to Aine Homer, The Baby Reflux Lady. You need to listen to this NOW! You can download the baby reflux symptoms tracker HERE. Big love Sophia xx
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Episode 19 - Does my Newborn Need a Sleep Schedule? (with guest speaker Eileen, Fairy Sleep Mother)

You’ve spent the first hours and days in a daze gazing at this amazing little creation but can’t for the life of you work out when that little bundle of joy needs to sleep. Where’s the guidebook? Is there a cheat sheet? Who do you ask? Everyone has an opinion and no two the same. Help! And as if by magic I am bringing you a great chat with Eileen Macdonald, the Fairy Sleep Mother. Listen up lovely, your prayers have been answered! Big love Sophia 💕
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Episode 18 - First time Mum Loved Giving Birth so Much she Wants to Do it All Again

Ever wonder if women really LOVE birth so much they want to do it all over again? Meet first time mum Roxy. There was talk of a c-section, of her baby being too big for her body, and then she had THE most amazing birth. Plenty of brilliant tips in here to keep you feeling your best in the run up to birth. 40 mins. Wondering what The Prenatal Snug we talk about can do for you? Check it out here:
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Episode 17 - First Time Dad Finds a Whole New Level of Love

Ever worried about your significant other seeing you give birth? Feel a bit vulnerable, worry he won't love you in teh same way or find you as attractive? Meet first time Dad George - and grab a box of tissues because his words will make you tear up. Love has a whole new meaning now!
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Episode 16 - What you need to know about using aromatherapy for childbirth

Aromatherapy is so much MORE than just a nice scent! It’s important that you use essential oils safely and in the right way, but with so many people chatting casually about using oils how do you know what’s safe? Lovelies, meet Lindsay Woodman - and enjoy a fab insight into the world of essential oils and their potency! Big love Sophia 💕 Check out Lindsay’s website.
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Episode 15 - Why sharing your birth experience can make a difference!

The Highland Maternity Voice Partnership launched in April 2021. It's an opportunity for you to have your say about your experiences with NHS Highland throughout your pregnancy, birth (and beyond). What was excellent? What needs to change? Your voice can help shape the future of services. Big love, Sophia 💕
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Episode 10 - From home birth to induction & c-section

Chloe had been labouring at home for two days but with meconium evident in her waters and a lull in labour she took the decision to transfer to hospital.
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Episode 11 - What use was hypnobirthing to first time mum Chloe?

Chloe’s birth of baby son Kal didn’t exactly go according to plan. Her dream water birth at home became an induction and a c-section. Was hypnobirthing any use to her at all? Was it all a waste of time and effort? Find out in today’s episode. Big love 💕 Sophia xx
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Episode 12 - First time mum Chloe shares her advice if you're new to being a mum too

Do you feel like you’re winging it as a first time mum? Most new parents tell me they can’t believe the hospital staff let them leave with their newborn ‘how are they supposed to know what to do?” Truth is, everyone feels the same and you will find your way. First time mum Chloe shares a few pearls (and tears) of her wisdom. Big love, Sophia 💕
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Episode 13 - Second time mum Jess shares her ideal birth (that went according to plan)

‘Oh a second time mum always has it easier. Oh it’s tricky for a second time mum if she had a negative experience the first time round.’ Of course there’s no hard and fast rule but here’s what Jess had to say about birthing her second daughter, Isla. Enjoy lovelies! Sophia 💕
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Episode 14 - Second time mum Wendy shares a rapid birth!

Is a long, drawn out labour easier than a rapid one? Or are they just different? Meet second time mum Wendy, a graduate of The Prenatal Snug (online sanctuary for pregnant women). Her births couldn’t have been more different. Find out why. Big love, Sophia 💕
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Episode 9 - Baby in breech position? Considering an ECV?

What happens when a text book pregnancy is no longer text book? Meet first time mum Rebecca who found our her baby was breech at 36 weeks. Rebecca chose to have a procedure known as an ECV (external cephalic version) to see if her daughter would turn. Here she shares her experience. 22 min listen
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Episode 8 - When Your Home Birth is just like Boxing Day!

How does it feel when your home birth DOES GO according to plan? Is it timing and preparation coming together or is it luck? First time mum Lucy and I chat it all out - with plenty of gurgling from baby Coram.
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Episode 7 - What Happens When your Dream Birth Becomes a C-Section

3/19/202152 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 6 - What does moving house have to do with having a baby?

With thanks to for the music
9/16/20207 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 5 - The surprising thing you might discover during hypnobirthing...

What will your partner think about hypnobirthing? Will it make or break your relationship? Will they think it’s weird, you’re weird? Or will they surprise you in the best possible way. Here’s what Bryony has to share. xx
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Episode 4 - Lucy shares how birth preparation helped create an early bond

First time mum Lucy and her husband Martin attended my four week birth preparation course (hypnobirthing and antenatal education). Here they discuss how it helped them create a strong family bond, cope with anxieties, and shape their minds to the positive.
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Episode 3 - Midwife Romilly shares her experience of hypnobirthing

Midwife Romilly and her husband Richard took park in my four week hypnobirthing and antenatal education course (The Wise Hippo). Here Romilly explains what she got out of the sessions, and why it was a huge support for her even though she brings babies into the world every other day.
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Episode 2 - Romilly's Homebirth Story

Attribute:With thanks for the music to
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Episode 1 - What is hypnobirthing?

Traditional hypnobirthing might conjure up scenes of flower power, incense sticks, new age music, daisy chains, chanting, and I imagine, a fair amount of vagina whispering to coax your baby into the world. Today hypnobirthing means different things to different people so if you’re looking to increase your chances of a calm, confident and comfortable birth, have a listen!
7/9/20189 minutes, 33 seconds