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The Recovery Warrior Shows

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 225 episodes, 5 days, 4 hours, 31 minutes
Motivation and inspiration for your journey to recovery from an eating disorder. Host Jessica Flint interviews recovery warriors and treatment professionals from around the world to get their unique perspective and advice on what it takes to heal your relationship to food and body. This show is for all types of eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and disordered eating
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[The Alchemist] Overcoming DOUBT: How to Listen to the Universe’s Signs

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." – Paulo Coelho, The AlchemistHave you ever felt pulled toward something greater, but doubted if you should go for it or if you can actually have it? In this episode of Love & Learn, we begin our journey through Paulo Coelho’s spiritual classic, The Alchemist. We explore Santiago’s "Call to Adventure" and how it mirrors our own quest to discover and pursue our "Personal Legend"—our unique purpose in life. Using the Hero’s Journey as a framework, we break down how answering the call can transform us from within, even in the face of fear and uncertainty.In this episode, we’ll uncover:What a Personal Legend is and why it’s more about personal fulfillment than fame or fortuneHow to recognize your Call to Adventure and listen to the signs (omens) guiding youThe key stages in The Hero’s Journey and how they apply to your own lifeThe importance of overcoming fear and societal pressures to pursue your true purposeWhether you’re at a crossroads in life or just beginning to explore your potential, this episode offers actionable insights to help you step into your Personal Legend with courage and faith.Actionable steps to start pursuing your Personal Legend:Find What Has Meaning for You: Reflect on what truly excites and inspires you. Ask yourself: What did I love doing as a child? What gives my life meaning now? These clues often point to your Personal Legend. By pausing to reflect upon your own personal values you get to know who you are and what you stand for. Whatever excites your spirit, inspires your mind, moves your heart, and awakens you body is key to discovering who you are and why you are here.Overcome the Fear of the Unknown: Just like Santiago, you may need to let go of the familiar to step into the unknown. It takes courage to set priorities that match your inner values and act on them. The only people who have the power to judge you, control you or hold you back from your destiny are those whom you empower to do so. Consider what’s holding you back and what you might need to leave behind to follow your heart.Trust the Process: As Coelho reminds us, “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” Trust that when you answer the call, the universe will support you in unexpected ways. Tell yourself “I am a unique, authentic, radiant being, living my true values with commitment and divine support. I honor who I am the Universe honors me.”Answering your call to adventure is the first step to living a more fulfilled and purposeful life. Press play to begin exploring your Personal Legend and unlocking the treasure within.JOIN THE RADIANT WARRIOR RETREATRetreat Info and Application PageCONNECT WITH PAULO COELHOWebsiteBooksInstagramCONNECT WITH JESSICA FLINTWebsiteRetreatInstagram
10/2/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 9 seconds
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[A Course in Miracles] Lesson 2: You are a MEANING MAKER

"Lesson 2 is part of a larger journey of "unlearning" the meanings we’ve conditioned ourselves to believe."The aim of the second lesson of the Workbook is to recognize that we project our own thoughts, judgments, and meanings onto everything we see. It's about realizing that what we see is not objective but shaped by our personal interpretations and experiences. LESSON #2 (From A Course in Miracles Workbook)I have given everything I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] all the meaning that it has for me.The exercises with this idea are the same as those for the first one. Begin with the things that are near you, and apply the idea to whatever your glance rests on. Then increase the range outward. Turn your head so that you include whatever is on either side. If possible, turn around and apply the idea to what was behind you. Remain as indiscriminate as possible in selecting subjects for its application, do not concentrate on anything in particular, and do not attempt to include everything you see in a given area, or you will introduce strain.Merely glance easily and fairly quickly around you, trying to avoid selection by size, brightness, color, material, or relative importance to you. Take the subjects simply as you see them. Try to apply the exercise with equal ease to a body or a button, a fly or a floor, an arm or an apple. The sole criterion for applying the idea to anything is merely that your eyes have lighted on it. Make no attempt to include anything particular, but be sure that nothing is specifically excluded.As you practice this lesson, know that you are taking a step toward freedom—freedom from the past, from fear, from old pain stories, and from the limitations we’ve placed on ourselves. I can’t wait to hear how Lesson 2 resonates with you, and I’m here to support you every week.JOIN THE RADIANT WARRIOR RETREATRetreat Info and Application PageCONNECT WITH JESSICA FLINTWebsiteRetreatInstagram
9/29/202426 minutes, 43 seconds
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[Return to Love] Surrender is Faith in Action

"Surrender means the decision to stop fighting the world and start loving it instead." – Marianne Williamson, A Return to LoveHave you ever found yourself clinging to control, thinking it would bring you safety, only to realize it held you back? What if surrender isn’t about giving up, but about embracing love and allowing life to flow?In this episode of Love & Learn, we explore the transformative power of surrender as taught in Marianne Williamson's A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles. We dive into how surrender opens the door to acceptance and peace, allowing us to release the burdens of control and fear around food, relationships, and our career.In this episode, we’ll uncover:The connection between surrender and self-acceptanceWhy letting go of control can lead to deeper connections with ourselves and othersPractical ways to cultivate surrender in your daily lifeInsights on how surrender invites miracles and breakthroughsWhether you’re struggling with the need for control or are ready to embrace the unknown, this episode offers actionable insights to help you find freedom through surrender.Press play to start transforming your relationship with control and experience the peace that comes from surrendering to love.Actionable steps to practice surrender in your life:Pause and Reflect: When you catch yourself trying to control a situation or feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to pause. Reflect on how this need for control is affecting you. Ask yourself: What is trying to control this situation doing to my mind, body, and soul? Suffering is caused by resistance. Suffering = Pain x Resistance. When we resist change in our life we suffer.Allow yourself to recognize where control and resisting uncertainty is creating stress and preventing you from experiencing peace and new pathways.Use the I Don’t Know Mantra: When you feel stuck in fear or uncertainty, use the mantra “I don’t know.” or “I don’t know, but God does”. Silently repeat it to yourself, opening up to the freedom that comes with not having to have all the answers. You can either fear the mystery of life or love it. Loving it will open your heart and mind to possibilities and leave you with much greater peace in the present, which is where we create from.Set an Intention to Surrender: Choose one situation where you feel tension or anxiety. Consciously set the intention to surrender it. This doesn’t mean you’re giving up; rather, you’re choosing to let go of the emotional weight and persistent anxiety it carries. Say to yourself, "Dear God or Dear Universe, I’m feeling anxious about this, but I’m willing see it differently. I’m willing to trust your guidance and the process".Surrender is about finding freedom. Tune in to learn how to embrace this powerful practice in your life.JOIN THE RADIANT WARRIOR RETREATRetreat Info and Application PageALL CONCEPTS FROM A RETURN TO LOVELiving From Love, Not FearHow to Invite Miracles Into Your LifeForgiving Yourself and Others No Matter CONNECT WITH MARIANNE WILLIAMSONWebsiteBooksInstagramCONNECT WITH JESSICA FLINTWebsiteRetreatInstagram
9/26/20241 hour, 40 seconds
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[A Return to Love] Forgiving yourself and others NO MATTER WHAT

"Forgiveness is the key to inner peace because it is the mental technique by which our thoughts are transformed from fear to love." – Marianne Williamson, A Return to LoveHave you ever held onto a grudge, thinking it protected you, only to realize it weighed you down? What if forgiveness isn’t about excusing others but freeing yourself from pain?In this episode of Love & Learn, we explore the transformative power of forgiveness as taught in Marianne Williamson's A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles. We dive deep into how forgiveness allows us to let go of the past, make room for miracles, and shift our perception from fear to love.In this episode, we’ll uncover:How forgiveness is the bridge from fear to loveWhy holding onto anger keeps us stuck in the pastHow to start seeing people as they are now, rather than through the lens of past hurtA powerful Hawaiian forgiveness prayer to integrate into your daily lifeWhether you’re struggling to forgive others or yourself, this episode offers actionable insights to help you release the emotional weight and open your heart to healing.Press play to start transforming your relationships and experience the inner peace that forgiveness brings.Actionable steps to apply forgiveness in your own life:Pause and Reflect: When you find yourself holding onto anger or resentment, ask yourself: What is holding onto this grudge doing to my mind, body, and soul? Recognizing its weight is the first step in releasing it.Use the Ho’oponopono Prayer: A simple yet profound Hawaiian practice for reconciliation and forgiveness, the prayer consists of four phrases: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.” Use it with intention to release emotional burdens and open your heart to love.Make Forgiveness a Daily Practice: Each day, choose a person or situation you feel tension around and set an intention to forgive. Say to yourself, Dear God, I’m angry at this person, but I’m willing to see this situation differently. This practice is more about a willingness to let go of emotional burdens rather than excusing behavior.Forgiveness is freedom. It opens the door to love and inner peace. Tune in to learn how to embrace this powerful practice in your life.JOIN THE RADIANT WARRIOR RETREATRetreat Info and Application PageALL CONCEPTS FROM A RETURN TO LOVELiving From Love, Not FearHow to Invite Miracles Into Your LifeCONNECT WITH MARIANNE WILLIAMSONWebsiteBooksInstagramCONNECT WITH JESSICA FLINTWebsiteRetreatInstagram
9/24/202459 minutes, 40 seconds
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[A Course in Miracles] Lesson 1: Meaning

"A closed mind that thinks it already understands is not open to learning."A Course In Miracles is about love. It’s about relinquishing a thought system based on fear and accepting instead a thought system based on love. You do not need to be religious, nor even identify with the word “God.” The only prerequisite is that you seek to become more or yourself, to develop a deeper sense of peace, joy, and love in your life.I encourage you to remain open to this change. When you are receptive, you will receive the most benefit from it.According to the introduction for the workbook for students of A Course In Miracles:“The exercises are very simple. They do not require a great deal of time, and it does not matter where you do them. They need no preparation. The workbook is designed for daily use for a training period of one year and it’s recommended to not undertake more than one set of exercises a day."Here on Love & Learn, we will be taking a much slower pace and covering a daily lesson each week.”A general rule the comes from the introduction to the workbook for students says the following:“Remember only this; you need not believe the ideas, you need not accept them, and you need not even welcome them. Some of them you may actively resist. None of this will matter or decrease their efficacy. But do not allow yourself to make exceptions in applying the ideas the workbook contains, do not decide for yourself that there are some people, situations or things to which the ideas are inapplicable, whatever your reactions to the ideas may be, use them. Nothing more than that is required.”This first lesson of the Workbook begins the process of opening our minds to the possibility that we may not know what we think we know, we may not really understand what we think we understand. A closed mind that thinks it already understands is not open to learning. Because we believe our safety is in what we believe to be true, we are not likely to welcome something that is telling us the opposite. So with today’s lesson, the Workbook gently begins the process of loosening our grip on what we have believed to be true and bringing it to question.As we make our way to Lesson 1, I want to encourage you stay curious, keep an open mind and an open heartLESSON #1 (From A Course in Miracles Workbook)Nothing I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place] means anything.Now look slowly around you, and practice applying this idea very specifically to whatever you see:This table does not mean anything.This chair does not mean anything.This hand does not mean anything.This foot does not mean anything.This pen does not mean anything.Then look farther away from your immediate area, and apply the idea to a wider range:That door does not mean anything.That body does not mean anything.That lamp does not mean anything.That sign does not mean anything.That shadow does not mean anything.Notice that these statements are not arranged in any order, and make no allowance for differences in the kinds of things to which they are applied. That is the purpose of the exercise. The statement should merely be applied to anything you see. As you practice the idea for the day, use it totally indiscriminately, meaning without preference for one thing over another.Do not attempt to apply it to everything you see, for these exercises should not become ritualistic. Only be sure that nothing you see is specifically excluded. One thing is like another as far as the application of the idea is concerned.Each of the first three lessons should not be done more than twice a day, preferably morning and evening. Nor should they be attempted for more than a minute or so, unless that entails a sense of hurry. A comfortable sense of leisure is essential.JOIN THE RADIANT WARRIOR RETREATRetreat Info and Application PageCONNECT WITH JESSICA FLINTWebsiteRetreatInstagram
9/22/202443 minutes, 45 seconds
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[A Return to Love] How to Invite Miracles Into Your Life

“A miracle is a shift in perception from fear to love.” – Marianne Williamson, A Return to LoveHave you ever wondered how to invite miracles into your life? What if the key to unlocking miracles isn’t about changing your circumstances but changing how you perceive them?In this episode of Love & Learn, we dive deeper into A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles by Marianne Williamson to explore how shifting your perception from fear to love can invite healing and miracles into your life.In this episode, we’ll uncover:How miracles happen when we shift our perception from fear to loveWhy changing your mind about a situation can lead to inner peace and transformationPractical ways to invite miracles into your life by aligning with love and releasing fearActionable steps you can take to apply this shift in perception to your daily lifeWhether you’re facing a difficult situation at work, in a relationship, or within yourself, this episode will guide you in seeing things differently and opening the door to miracles. Press play to learn how a simple shift in perception can change everything.Actionable steps to apply the concept of love over fear in your own life:Pause and Reflect: When you’re in the middle of a stressful or fearful situation, take a moment to pause. Before reacting, ask yourself: Am I seeing this situation through the lens of fear or love?According to A Course in Miracles, 'Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love.' This simple pause can help break the cycle of automatic, fear-based responses and allow space for a different perspective to emerge.Choose Love Over Being Right: In moments of conflict or tension—whether at work, in relationships, or within yourself—make a conscious choice to value connection over being right. Invite God in to help you see this situation differently. Say the magic words, “Dear God, I am willing to see this differently.” From here you will bring more love into this situation, rather than solely trying to control or prove your point. This mindset shift creates a path toward healing and understanding rather than deepening the divide.Focus on What You Can Control: When faced with a challenging situation, break it down into two categories: what you can control and what you cannot. By focusing on what you can control—your thoughts, your actions, your reactions—you create the space for a miracle. Instead of trying to manipulate outcomes, you’re empowered by taking ownership of your perception and actions. This often leads to unexpected solutions or changes in the situation, because your energy shifts from fear to love and trust.JOIN THE RADIANT WARRIOR RETREATRetreat Info and Application PageALL CONCEPTS FROM A RETURN TO LOVELiving From Love, Not FearHow to Invite Miracles Into Your LifeCONNECT WITH MARIANNE WILLIAMSONWebsiteBooksInstagramCONNECT WITH JESSICA FLINTWebsiteRetreatInstagram
9/19/202431 minutes, 50 seconds
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[A Return to Love] Living from Love, Not Fear

"This book is written as a guide to the miraculous application of love as a balm on every wound. Whether our psychic pain is in the area of relationships, health, career, or elsewhere, love is a potent force, the cure, the Answer.” – Marianne Williamson, A Return to LoveHave you ever wondered how fear might be holding you back, keeping you stuck in patterns that no longer serve you? What if love is the answer to unlocking the peace and fulfillment you’ve been searching for? In this first episode of Love & Learn, we dive into Marianne Williamson’s transformative book, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles, to explore how shifting from fear to love can radically change your life.In this episode, we’ll uncover:The difference between love and fear in our thoughts and decisionsHow love can be a healing force for any pain we experience—whether in relationships, health, or careerPractical tips to recognize when fear is driving your decisionsActionable steps you can take to start shifting from fear to love todayWhether you’re stuck in a cycle of self-doubt, anxiety, or worry, or simply seeking more joy, connection, and authenticity, this episode will guide you to start making that powerful shift from fear to love. Press play to begin your healing journey!JOIN THE RADIANT WARRIOR RETREATRetreat Info and Application PageCONNECT WITH MARIANNE WILLIAMSONWebsiteBooksInstagramCONNECT WITH JESSICA FLINTWebsiteRetreatInstagram
9/16/202422 minutes, 32 seconds
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[Body Talk] What POLYVAGAL THEORY and the nervous system have to do with eating disorders with Dr. Kari Anderson

"Love is really a state of safety... and when we're not in a state of fear, we can finally connect, with ourselves and others." – Kari AndersonHave you ever felt like fear was running the show—whether in your relationship with food, your body, or your emotions? What if the key to breaking free was understanding how your nervous system works, and more importantly, learning how to shift it from protection mode into a state of safety and connection?In one of the LAST episodes of The Recovery Warrior Shows before it transforms into Love & Learn, we sit down with trauma and eating disorder expert Kari Anderson, who sheds light on the science of your nervous system, also known as Polyvagal Theory. Kari reveals how the body holds onto fear and how love, safety, and connection are the antidotes. Ready to learn how this can transform your recovery?Here’s a sneak peek into what we’ll cover:How trauma impacts your nervous system and eating behaviorsWhy Polyvagal Theory is the key to understanding your triggersHow love and connection help you climb the ladder toward healingSimple steps to start calming your nervous system todayKari’s insights are truly game-changing, and this episode will leave you with the tools to start feeling safe, connected, and on your way to becoming your best self.JOIN THE RADIANT WARRIOR RETREATRetreat Info and Application PageCONNECT WITH DR. KARI ANDERSONWebsiteAmazon BooksInstagramCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
9/13/202456 minutes, 8 seconds
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[Body Talk] Emotional safety and healing the TRAUMA underneath the eating disorder with Courtney

✨ Join Jessica Flint and fellow warriors for a once in a lifetime luxury glamping experience over Halloween at the Radiant Warrior Retreat ✨"I just want to be accepted as a human—a whole human." Have you ever felt reduced to just your appearance or body size, as though your worth is tied to how others see you (or not see you)? In this raw and honest episode, Courtney, a pre-licensed therapist and longtime Courage Club member, shares her personal story of navigating trauma, body image struggles, and finding emotional safety. We discuss unraveling the trauma beneath her eating disorder and what it truly means to feel safe within her own body.Join us as we do a deep dive into emotional safety, body liberation, and the path to authentic healing. This episode is here to remind you that you’re not alone on this journey, and healing is a process.JOIN THE RADIANT WARRIOR RETREATRetreat Info and Application PageCONNECT WITH COURTNEYInstagramCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
9/11/20241 hour, 3 minutes, 10 seconds
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[Body Talk] Caring what OTHER PEOPLE think or say about your body with Rachael St. Germain

✨ Join Jessica Flint and fellow warriors for a once in a lifetime luxury glamping experience over Halloween at the Radiant Warrior Retreat ✨Rachael is now at a place she's always longed to be...her brain is no longer constantly thinking about eating disorder thoughts and she's no longer letting the fatphobic opinions of others hold her back. For decades she questioned if this was possible, but never gave up. Tune in to learn the steps Rachael took and perspective shifts she underwent to get to the other side of a long battle with an eating disorder.JOIN THE RADIANT WARRIOR RETREATRetreat Info and Application PageCONNECT WITH RACHAELWebsiteFree ResourcesInstagramRESOURCES MENTIONEDMegsy RecoveryMia FinlayAnti Diet by Christy HarrisonCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
9/5/202459 minutes, 8 seconds
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[Body Talk] When you don’t “look” like you have an eating disorder with Keshia

✨ Join Jessica Flint and members of the Courage Club for a once in a lifetime luxury glamping experience this Halloween at the Radiant Warrior Retreat ✨Food was her enemy, something she was in battle with constantly. She was in a constant state of anxiety and hyper-vigilance.Keshia's courageous journey from questioning the need for treatment to finding validation and empowerment serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration. After going all in on her recovery this year, she is connecting to herself and others like never before. She's setting healthy boundaries and doing things she would have said "no" to in the past like joining the Radiant Warrior Retreat. EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS:🌱 Self-Acceptance: Hear about the importance of breaking free from societal norms and embracing yourself exactly as you are. Keshia shares her experiences dealing with the fear of being taken seriously and the struggle to pursue dreams amid negative body image.👚 Fashion Frustrations: From the challenges of finding suitable clothing sizes to the need for more representation, Keshia voices her frustrations and thoughts on advocating for change in the fashion industry.🌟 Community Support: Discover why having a supportive network is crucial, especially when dealing with body image issues. Recovery is not a straight path—as Keshia says, its more like a pinball game—but every small victory is worth celebrating with others. ✨ Radiant Warrior Retreat: Don’t miss out on Jessica's exciting announcement about the Radiant Warrior Retreat over Halloween at a luxury glamping spot near Austin, Texas. Join in to make meaningful connections and lasting memories with fellow warriors!JOIN THE RADIANT WARRIOR RETREATRetreat Info and Application PageCONNECT WITH KESHIAInstagramCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
8/28/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 16 seconds
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[Body Talk] Letting go of clothes that DON'T FIT and control

🚨BIG UPDATE ON THIS PODCAST🚨Louise has been on a long journey to recovery. Now in her 40's, she is not going back, she is going forward. In fact, after she got done recording this episode, she boldly followed through on a challenge and dropped a pair of smaller jeans she was struggling to let go of in the trash bin.Louise wrote, "Tuesday was my Birthday and I decided to throw away one of my clothing items that I was holding on to. These were my favorite jeans for many many years. But they no longer fit so instead of keeping me trapped I’m letting them go to make room for a new favorite pair of jeans. Let the shopping begin!" In This Episode:Body Grief and Size Changes: Louise opens up about how acknowledging body grief helped her with the fear and anxiety that came up when she noticed the sizes of her clothing getting smaller.Finding Joy in Spontaneity: Louise shares her experiences of letting go of restrictive habits, allowing herself to fully embrace social activities like dancing, dating, and even simply enjoying holidays without overthinking about food. This shift has not only brought her joy but also a renewed sense of self.Community and Personal Growth: The community support and challenges inside of the Courage Club has been a cornerstone of food and body image breakthroughs for Louise. It has been her safe container to confront discomfort,  develop self-compassionm and make real changeCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
8/5/202445 minutes, 32 seconds
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[Body Talk] Maintaining a PERFECT IMAGE: Lia Parisyan talks external pressures, emotional exhaustion, and facing bathing suit fears head-on

Join our body image bootcamp for women who have battled their body & obsessed over food for decades​ at 🍑Learn the Body Freedom Framework™️ for actionable steps to body liberationDaily workshopping of specific body image challengesCreate a personalized body freedom planGain powerful tools to break free from debilitating body image strugglesFind clarity and strength among those who truly get itGet your virtual pass NOW at 🍑 (WE START JULY 8TH!)"There's a lot of pressure in my industry and tech to look a certain way, to dress a certain way, to talk a certain way, to behave a certain way."Lia Parisyan felt immense pressure to conform to the perceived ideals of her highly competitive tech industry and diverse cultural background. Observing successful figures around her, she believed that mirroring their appearance, behavior, and lifestyle was essential to her own achievements. Join us for this enlivening and enlightening episode of "Body Talk" with Lia Parisyan where we cover"🇦🇲 Cultural Complexity & Beauty Ideals: Lia opens up about her cultural background - blending French, Armenian, and Arabic influences - and how it created a web of conflicting beauty standards. She shares her struggles with body image amidst these diverse ideals.👙 Journey to Confidence: Lia talks candidly about her efforts to push past swimsuit anxiety and aims to wear a 2-piece bathing suit by summer’s end. Her story is a courageous testament to confronting fears and embracing vulnerability.🔗 Food & Body Image Link: The conversation touches on the role food played in Lia's body image struggles, starting with childhood experiences of restrictive eating, and how these behaviors were tied to feelings of insecurity and rejection.👯‍♀️ Community Support: We explore the healing power of supportive communities like the Courage Club. Lia emphasizes how transformative it is find a community that uplifts and understands you when you're on a journey towards self-acceptance and recovery.JOIN THE BODY IMAGE BOOTCAMPVisit WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
7/3/202451 minutes, 47 seconds
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[Body Talk] Managing a CHRONIC health condition and working through "Mom Guilt" with Joni O'Donnell

Join our 5-Day Summer Bootcamp to Transform Your Body-Image at 🍑Learn actionable steps through the Body Freedom Framework™️Daily workshopping of specific body image challengesCreate a personalized body freedom planGain powerful tools to break free from debilitating body image strugglesFind clarity and strength among those who truly get itGet your virtual pass NOW at 🍑 (WE START JULY 8TH!)"The only reason that I started manipulating food was to manipulate my body."Join us for a candid talk with Joni O'Donnell, a certified intuitive eating counselor, body image coach, and facilitator of the Body Freedom program inside the Courage Club. Joni opens up about her personal journey with being recently diagnosed with Lipedema and the emotional challenges of living in a larger body. Tune in for a goldmine of insights and actionable tips for anyone navigating similar struggles. ✨ Body Acceptance: Joni emphasizes the importance of seeing her body as a teammate, not an enemy.👗 Clothing & Body Image: Joni shares how she has shifted her focus towards comfort and personal style rather than hiding perceived flaws and signs of aging.💬 Breaking the Cycle: Joni is breaking the intergenerational cycle of body shame by having open communication with her three daughters about her recovery journey. Don't miss this body talk aimed at fostering acceptance and body image resilience.  JOIN THE BODY IMAGE BOOTCAMPVisit WITH JONI O'DONNELLJoni's WebsiteJoni's InstagramCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
6/30/202448 minutes, 20 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Breaking FREE from the binge-restrict cycle with Dana Sturtevant

Join our 5-Day Summer Bootcamp to Transform Your Body-Image at 🍑Learn actionable steps through the Body Freedom Framework™️Daily workshopping of specific body image challengesCreate a personalized body freedom planGain powerful tools to break free from debilitating body image strugglesFind clarity and strength among those who truly get itGet your virtual pass NOW at 🍑 (WE START JULY 8TH!)"The more we're aware of our patterns or cycles, the more we can start to change them."Do you fluctuate between trying to be "good" and eating less, until you find yourself bingeing? This one's for you. Registered Dietitian Dana Sturtevant joins us again to explore "The Cycle of Coping". Dana unpacks the intricate patterns we form around eating disorder behaviors, and shows us how to close the loop and move out of the cycle. Here are three key takeaways from this powerful episode:🔄 Understanding the Cycle of Coping:  - Dana explains the repetitive nature of thought, emotion, and behavior patterns that keep us stuck in the binge-restrict-diet cycle.  - Awareness of these patterns is the first step to disrupting them and moving towards recovery.🌪 Identifying the "Shame Shit Storm":  - A deep dive into how shame takes over after what we perceive as food-related mistakes.  - Recognizing this stage can help us replace self-loathing with kindness and curiosity, impacting what happens next in our journey.💪 Rebuilding Trust with Yourself:  - Dana outlines the importance of small, consistent acts over time to rebuild trust with our bodies and ourselves.  - Emphasizes that trust is not instantaneous but a continuous process of self-compassion and understanding.Listen to the full episode and let Dana's wisdom guide you towards a stronger, more compassionate recovery journey.JOIN THE BODY IMAGE BOOTCAMPThis summer, boost your recovery with our Virtual 5-Day Body Image Boot Camp! Get the tools, resources, and support you need to reclaim your confidence and joy.Visit WITH DANA STURTEVANTDana's Official WebsiteDana's Book: Reclaiming Body TrustCenter for Body Trust InstagramCenter for Body Trust Official WebsiteCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
6/28/202424 minutes, 48 seconds
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[Body Talk] Fear of AGING, weight gain, and other’s perceptions that control your IDENTITY

🚨NEW SERIES ALERT🚨 Welcome to Body Talk! The latest series on the Recovery Warriors Podcast Channel.In the premiere episode, hosts Jessica Flint & Andrea Wells explore:The surprising parallels between discomfort around weight gain and aging.Releasing yourself from the shackles of feeling like you need to behave in certain ways to please others.The societal pressures of body image and why your worth isn’t tied to appearance.The journey of reclaiming joy, confidence, and aspects of life overshadowed by body image struggles.Reclaiming your self worth when your body becomes intertwined with your identity. JOIN THE BODY IMAGE BOOTCAMPVisit WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
6/25/202439 minutes, 27 seconds
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[Recover Strong] LOSING the WEIGHT of other people's opinions: Rachael St. Germain's body story

"Life is much more beautiful and free if I'm not constantly scanning the world to see what other people think of my body."Today's episode features writer, mindset coach, and fellow Recovery Warrior Rachael St. Germain. After years of struggling with people pleasing, not feeling good enough, and believing that her physical appearance contributed to her value - Rachael has unsubscribed to society's standards of beauty. She now works to help others find confidence and comfort in their bodies, without trying to lose weight.Discover how Rachael went from body insecurity to liberation, and learn the empowering mindsets that guide her. You CAN unplug yourself from the idea that you need to look or act a certain way to be acceptedJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RACHAEL ST. GERMAINRachael's Official WebsiteRachael on InstagramCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
6/17/202436 minutes, 14 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Revealing what MEN need in eating disorder recovery with Aaron Flores, RDN

"The number of folks who identify as male and experience eating disorders is going up."Take a listen as Registered Dietitian and Certified Body Trust provider Aaron Flores sheds light on the common barriers men face in eating disorder recovery, such as societal stereotypes and stigma, and hear how the power of community and compassionate connection can help bring healing. Aaron reveals the key factors that aid in recovery for ALL genders, and offers heartfelt advice for men struggling with eating disorders. JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH AARON FLORES, RDNAaron's Official WebsiteAaron Flores on InstagramContact Aaron via email: [email protected] WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
6/10/202434 minutes, 24 seconds
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[Recover Strong] The role of BEAUTY IDEALS, body hierarchies, & societal trauma in recovery with Dana Sturtevant

"Our body liberation is bound up in one another. None of us are free until we're all free."Today's episode features registered dietitian, co-author of the book Reclaiming Body Trust and co-founder of The Center for Body Trust, Dana Sturtevant.Dana is a gem of knowledge and inspiration on the topics of body trust, and working with the societal forces of diet culture and other oppressions on the path to recovery. Take a listen as she shares insights on how the societal trauma of living in a world that values smaller bodies disrupts your relationship with food, body, and self - and how to work through it to find trust in our bodies again.JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH DANA STURTEVANTDana's Official WebsiteDana's Book: Reclaiming Body TrustCenter for Body Trust InstagramCenter for Body Trust Official WebsiteCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
6/3/202437 minutes, 24 seconds
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[Recover Strong] EMBRACING your natural body size: Meghan De Maria's journey to body acceptance

"It’s okay to be fat and to stay fat. It’s okay to not pursue intentional weight loss." Today's episode features journalist and body liberation advocate Meghan De Maria. Take a listen as she uncovers her raw and transformative journey toward body acceptance and healing.Delving into the pressures of societal ideals, personal battles with food and exercise, and the profound impact of weight stigma, Meghan's candid revelations offer not just a story of struggle but a beacon of hope. Discover how she found solace in weight-inclusive communities and reshaped her self-worth, turning her life from one of relentless judgment to one of joy and empowerment. Meghan's captivating story inspires hope and healing for your own body image journey. JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH MEGHAN DE MARIAMeghan on InstagramPlus Raleigh on InstagramPlus Raleigh on DiscordCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
5/27/202431 minutes, 51 seconds
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[Recover Strong] What's GRIEF got to do with it? The 5 stages of BODY GRIEF in eating disorder recovery

Discover how waves of grief can guide you towards healing.In this conversation, Hilary Kinavey, LPC, sheds light on the role of body grief. Take a listen as we explore the complex emotions tied to grief and body image, and how we can navigate them with compassion and self-awareness. The 5 stages of body grief are:1. Denial2. Anger3. Bargaining4. Depression5. AcceptanceEach stage is a crucial aspect of the healing process. Understanding them can provide clarity and direction on the path to recovery.JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH HILARY KINAVEYHilary on InstagramHilary's Official WebsiteHilary's Book: Reclaiming Body TrustCenter for Body Trust InstagramCenter for Body Trust Official WebsiteCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
5/20/202434 minutes, 35 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Facing your FOOD FEARS: Exploring the role of a FEAR DIARY in exposure therapy

"Exposure therapy is like jumping off a cliff when you can't see the bottom, and hoping there's a landing."Dr. Carolyn Becker, leading expert in exposure therapy for eating disorders, breaks down how to effectively create and utilize a fear diary to help you find more peace and freedom with food & body.Take a listen as she sheds more light on the most scientifically backed method for reducing fears in recovery. Hear specifically how fear diaries help you pinpoint and confront the triggers of food anxiety, transforming how you heal.CONNECT WITH DR. CAROLYN BECKER & EAT WITHOUT FEARDr. Carolyn Becker at Trinity UniversityDr. Carolyn Becker on TwitterEat Without Fear at AmazonEat Without Fear at Oxford University Press Use promo code ASPROMP8 for 30% off!Previous episode: Eat without fear...harnessing SCIENCE to overcome your food and body struggles with Dr. Carolyn Becker, PhDJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
5/13/202417 minutes, 47 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Reclaiming BODY TRUST with Hilary Kinavey, LPC, of the Center for Body Trust

Is it really possible to trust your body after living with an eating disorder?Today's guest says YES. Body trust is a birth right, and you can find your way back to it again.Licensed professional counselor, educator, author, and coach - Hilary Kinavey joins host Andrea Wells to unravel how societal pressures, fatphobia, and diet culture distort our natural ability to trust our bodies. Learn why setting boundaries is critical for personal recovery and how embracing a non-diet approach can lead to true healing.If you're striving to reclaim trust in your body after living with an eating disorder, this episode is laden with empowering insights and guidance tailored just for you.Take a listen to rediscover your body’s inherent wisdom and why reclaiming this trust is a radical and empowering act of rebellion against harmful societal messages. Let Hilary guide you on how to reshape your personal narrative towards health and self-acceptance.CONNECT WITH HILARY KINAVEYHilary on InstagramHilary's Official WebsiteHilary's Book: Reclaiming Body TrustCenter for Body Trust InstagramCenter for Body Trust Official WebsiteCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
5/6/202434 minutes, 39 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Overcoming BULIMIA and finding recovery in MID-LIFE: Julie Wickham’s body story

Recovery is possible at ANY age.Courage Club alumni, social worker, and fellow recovery warrior Julie Wickham has had a transformative journey finding recovery in midlife through Recovery Warriors' programs. She’s here today to share her body image healing story.Exploring the misconception that 'skinny equals healthy’, Julie challenges harmful cultural narratives and promotes a balanced approach to body, mind, and spirit in health. She also explains how joyful movement and adapting movement for physical limitations has boosted her wellbeing. From restrictive eating and bulimia, to embracing her body’s needs - Julie offers profound insights into overcoming fear of weight gain and learning to trust the body again. Her story is a powerful reminder to resist societal pressures and diet culture, and that recovery can happen at any stage of life.CONNECT WITH JULIE WICKHAMJulie on FacebookJulie on InstagramJulie's previous appearance on the podcastCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
4/29/202435 minutes, 56 seconds
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[Fear Less] Being SEEN for who you are and caring less about rejection

Be seen for all your diverse beauty, sadness, strength, and struggles.In this empowering talk, Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells dive deep into the heart of vulnerability, overcoming rejection, and the transformative power of setting boundaries. They're peeling back the layers of fear that are holding us back and lighting up the path to self-assuredness and visibility.Discover how to confidently establish your space in the world and be celebrated for your true self – No more shrinking into the shadows due to the anxiety of judgment or rejection. Instead, learn to embrace every piece of who you are and let go of the stories that no longer serve you.In the episode you'll hear:- Heartfelt personal stories from Andrea and Jessica- Proven strategies to handle fear and rejection- Tips on boundary-setting and personal growth- Real-life tales of transformation from feeling invisible to unstoppableBOUNDARIES BOOTCAMPGet your FREE virtual ticketJoin the waitlist at jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
4/26/202454 minutes, 41 seconds
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[Recover Strong] "Have you gained/lost weight?" Navigating weight comments and body shame with Dr. Chuks, MD

Unlock the secrets to navigating comments on your body size.Are you struggling with the constant pressure from societal beauty standards? Do comments about your body size trigger feelings of shame or fear? We hear you.Dr. Chuks returns to Recover Strong to share strategies to maintain your strength amidst societal pressures, and reclaim your power over body comments.Take a listen as he dives deep into managing unsolicited weight remarks, and explores the role of body shame in the recovery process.CONNECT WITH DR. CHUKSDr. Chuks on InstagramDr. Chuks on TikTokBook: Eating Disorders Don't DiscriminateCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
4/22/202426 minutes, 59 seconds
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[Fear Less] Confidence vs. Arrogance: Know the difference and OWN your power

What's wrong with being confident?Imagine the cascading effects of waking up with more confidence over weeks, months, yearsYou would likely....Have more opportunities because you would ask for what you want.Experience better treatment because you would ask for what you need.Care less about the opinions and judgments of others.Trust you can navigate your way through the highs and lows in life.Confidence is a birthright of all of ours.Yet, so many of us hold a distorted view of expressing and embodying it.Jessica & Andrea return to Fear Less to break down the difference between confidence and arrogance, and how knowing the difference can help you more forward in a more impactful recovery. BOUNDARIES BOOTCAMPGet your FREE virtual ticketJoin the waitlist at jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
4/19/202453 minutes, 5 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Eat without fear...harnessing SCIENCE to overcome your food and body struggles with Dr. Carolyn Becker, PhD

Dial down your deepest eating disorder challenges using THIS technique.Today is a sneak peek, a little sample, into an exclusive expert Q&A session that recently occurred live inside the Courage Club.Dr. Carolyn Becker, PhD, author of the recently released Eat Without Fear guides us through the transformative world of exposure therapy for eating disorder recovery. Discover how to face your fears around food, body image, weight, emotions, social situations, and more.This episode is a true treasure trove of insights on this proven scientific method. If you want full access to the entire session and the opportunity to directly ask questions and engage with our experts, visit to get on the Courage Club waitlist. Inside the CC, you can explore our life changing vault of recovery wisdom - PLUS receive active daily support to overcome food and body struggles.While you wait, you get access to exclusive content for our waitlisters to prepare you for our next evidence based body image program. Go to to snag your extra perks and join the Courage Club when we open doors again.Now lets dive into this segment with Dr. Carolyn Becker.CONNECT WITH DR. CAROLYN BECKER & EAT WITHOUT FEARDr. Carolyn Becker at Trinity UniversityDr. Carolyn Becker on TwitterEat Without Fear at AmazonEat Without Fear at Oxford University Press Use promo code ASPROMP8 for 30% off!JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
4/15/202453 minutes, 48 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Eating disorders don't DISCRIMINATE: A medical doctor's take on today's recovery landscape

Never underestimate the power of sharing ED stories. In today's conversation with Dr. Chuks, MD, we delve into the heart of eating disorder recovery, and explore ways to overcome common recovery roadblocks on both an individual and cultural scale.Plus, Dr. Chuks shares details on his powerful new book, 'Eating Disorders Don't Discriminate,' which unfolds the diverse faces of these afflictions and strips away stereotypes. He challenges us to open up conversations, embrace cultural dynamics, and push for proactive care.This episode is a call to action—to educate, to celebrate our diverse stories, and to transform recovery into resilience.CONNECT WITH DR. CHUKSDr. Chuks on InstagramDr. Chuks on TikTokBook: Eating Disorders Don't DiscriminateCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
4/8/202432 minutes, 46 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Skip your workout (without feeling guilty)! A joyful movement DEEP DIVE with certified personal trainer Sam Previte

Ever feel like you had a "bad" day if you don't exercise? This one's for you. Today's guest, certified personal trainer Sam Previte says "In order to make peace with movement, we have to have unconditional permission to rest".Take a listen as Sam once again joins host Andrea Wells to dive deep into joyful movement, and peel back the secrets on how to go from using exercise as a punishment or transaction, to moving for joy in a way that truly enhances your life and wellbeing. _____________________________________More about Sam:Sam is registered dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor, and certified personal trainer. After years of struggling with disordered eating and body image, she now runs a weight inclusive, health at every size informed nutrition practice called Find Food Freedom, where she and her team strive to help clients break away from the harms of the diet cycle. With nearly 800,000 followers between Instagram and TikTok, she shares informative content and reels that expose diet culture lies, shed light on the truth about health and weight, along with practical tips on how to improve your relationship to food and movement.Sam has also graced your TV screens as a trusted nutrition expert on programs like CBS Mornings, The Drew Barrymore Show, NBC News, and more. On top of all that she’s the host of two podcasts, What The Actual Fork and the Find Food Freedom Podcast.CONNECT WITH SAM PREVITE & FIND FOOD FREEDOMSam on InstagramSam on TikTokFind Food Freedom's Official WebsiteCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
4/1/202427 minutes, 59 seconds
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[Recover Strong] "What if I never stop eating?!" Navigating INTENSE HUNGER in recovery

To give into cravings, or to resist them - what's the best strategy?Fellow recovery warrior, mental health nurse, and best-selling author Cara Lisette returns to the show to answer a burning recovery question from our audience of warriors about extreme hunger and cravings that can come up in the recovery process.Take a listen and hear just what it is you can do when you feel like you want to eat all the chocolate, sugar, and carbs and worry you may never stop! The answer may surprise you.___________________________________________CONNECT WITH CARA LISETTECara on InstagramCara on TwitterCara's Blog Cara's CornerCara's Book The Eating Disorder Recovery JournalCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
3/25/202425 minutes, 3 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Unlocking the SECRETS to eating without GUILT with Alex Raymond, RD

Guilt after eating is diet culture's shadow.Today's episode is a sneak peek into our latest Expert Q&A with Alex Raymond, RD held inside the Courage Club. In this transformative conversation, Alex and host Jessica explore the intricacies of intuitive eating and how it forms the bedrock for adapting to a life free from eating disorders.Take a listen for invaluable insights on understanding your body's unique hunger signals, navigating food guilt, and challenging societal norms around eating.CONNECT WITH ALEX RAYMOND & COURAGE TO NOURISHAlex on InstagramCourage to Nourish Official WebsiteCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
3/18/202440 minutes, 15 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Are you being LIED to?! Tackling diet culture BS with Sam Previte of Find Food Freedom

Could these lies be holding you back in recovery?"You must be thin to be worthy""It's your fault if you can't lose weight""Weight=health"Today's guest, Sam Previte of Find Food Freedom says "this isn’t working, the system is broken". Take a listen as she joins host Andrea Wells to discuss her work and dive deep into diet culture to peel back it's lies that could be holding you back, to help you move forward into an informed and empowered recovery. More about Sam Previte:Sam is registered dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor, and certified personal trainer. After years of struggling with disordered eating and body image, she now runs a weight inclusive, health at every size informed nutrition practice called Find Food Freedom, where she and her team strive to help clients break away from the harms of the diet cycle.  With nearly 800,000 followers between Instagram and TikTok, she shares informative content and reels that expose diet culture lies, shed light on the truth about health and weight, along with practical tips on how to improve your relationship to food and movement. Sam has also graced your TV screens as a trusted nutrition expert on programs like CBS Mornings, The Drew Barrymore Show, NBC News, and more. On top of all that she’s the host of two podcasts, What The Actual Fork and the Find Food Freedom Podcast. CONNECT WITH SAM PREVITE & FIND FOOD FREEDOMSam on InstagramSam on TikTokFind Food Freedom's Official WebsiteCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
3/11/202447 minutes, 9 seconds
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[Recover Strong] SMASHING stigmas and finding the "you" outside of your eating disorder with Cara Lisette

Who are you without an eating disorder?Today's guest is fellow recovery warrior, mental health nurse, and best-selling author Cara Lisette. Over the years she’s candidly and vulnerably shared her journey of recovering from an eating disorder and bipolar disorder through social media and her blog Cara’s Corner.Cara is passionate about recovery, and breaking down the stigmas around eating disorders and all mental health struggles, while emphasizing the importance of finding who you are outside of your diagnosis, and knowing that these struggles don’t define you.Let's dive in as Cara joins host Andrea Wells to dig deeper into these topics, and discuss her work and her recovery journey, as she shares valuable insights to help set you on a stronger path in healing.CONNECT WITH CARA LISETTECara on InstagramCara on TwitterCara's Blog Cara's CornerCara's Book The Eating Disorder Recovery JournalCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
3/4/202440 minutes, 11 seconds
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[Beyond Body] Letting go of a food and exercise checklist: Errin Witherspoon's story of creative healing and relinquishing control

LAST CALL to APPLY for the Beyond Body 6 month body image accelerator. Applications close midnight, March 1st. Request an invite to apply here. "I was using food and exercise as a way to get control of something, anything. Because the rest of my life felt completely out of control."In this episode, we're honored to have a courageous voice join us – Errin Witherspoon, an amazing alumni of our Recovery Warriors programs.  She takes us through the transformative arc of her journey, and how she found power in her passion of art and creativity in recovery. As we dive deep into conversation, Errin shares her battle with various forms of eating disorders and the relentless pursuit of a control that seemed perpetually out of reach, up until the pivotal moment therapy shed light on her quest for control through food and exercise.Throughout, Errin explores the importance of embracing imperfection, both in our creative endeavors and our body image healing process, and reflects on her newfound career, peace, and the blossoming of her relationships and artistic expression - all fruits of her liberation from the shackles of her eating disorder.So tune in, draw strength from Errin’s story, and learn how her journey towards self-acceptance and embracing imperfection might illuminate your own path to recovery._______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 17, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH ERRIN WITHERSPOON Errin on InstagramErrin's Official WebsiteCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
2/29/202435 minutes, 40 seconds
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[Beyond Body] Saying goodbye to the SCALE with Tiffany Folk

"I thought my body was the problem and that once I lost weight, the eating disorder would disappear. That didn't happen."Fellow warrior and Courage Club member Tiffany Folk returns to the podcast channel to open up about her life-long struggle with body image, and how she's come to a place of focusing on what her body does for her, over how it looks.Take a listen as she candidly shares the pressures that once led her to strive for an unrealistic body ideal – and the profound impact this had on her mental health and relationships, particularly with her children.We'll also dive into a pivotal moment of transformation for Tiffany as she recounts her decision to say goodbye to the scale, a symbol of her long-time body image battle. This act marked a significant step in her path towards recovery and self-acceptance, and hear how she's currently navigating a major scale-related trigger.Prepare to be inspired by Tiffany's discussion on the importance of self-acceptance, joyful movement, navigating recovery curveballs, surrounding yourself with a positive support system, and embracing the natural changes our bodies go through. _______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 17, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
2/27/202430 minutes, 59 seconds
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[Beyond Body] Running ON EMPTY: Finding freedom after decades of bulimia, diet pills, and restriction

"True recovery means that I can eat anything, and trust myself not to purge or compensate afterward." - KimToday we're diving deep with Courage Club member and fellow warrior, Kim. Take a listen as she shares her intense battle with societal pressures, body image, and eating disorders - and the extreme measures and substances she took to get there.She peels back the curtain on the harsh reality of external comments on our bodies and how these offhand remarks can deeply affect confidence, body trust, and self-perception.Through her story, Kim also sheds light on the staggering financial and emotional costs of her struggle with body dissatisfaction—estimating she's spent over $100,000 over 20 years. Hear why she now prefers to invest in herself and into programs like Beyond Body instead. But it’s not all about the challenges. Kim's journey is also one of resilience—a testament to the power of assertiveness, respectful communication, and the courage to set boundaries around food and body comments in her life. By turning to intuitive movement, self-care, and healing, Kim has transformed her struggle into strength, offering a beacon of hope for those on a similar path.Take a listen as we navigate through Kim's experiences—from her early influences on the high school track team, to her collegiate battles with anxiety and disordered behaviors, all leading up to her transformative healing.Prepare to be moved, inspired, and equipped to embark on your own journey of body image healing._______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 17, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH DR. CAROLYN BECKER 👥Dr. Carolyn Becker at Trinity UniversityEat Without Fear: Harnessing Science to Confront and Overcome Your Eating Disorder by Dr. Carolyn Becker, Dr. Nicholas Farrell, and Dr. Glenn WallerTherapy PracticeCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
2/25/202449 minutes, 11 seconds
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[Beyond Body] 5 SCIENCE-BACKED methods to improve body image

Hack your brain to heal your body image. 🧠Dr. Carolyn Becker is a licensed clinical psychologist and professor at Trinity University at the Center for the Sciences and Innovation and co-creator of The Body Project. Through extensive research, she has discovered methods that you can practice in your daily life that are scientifically proven to make a positive difference. These are empirically backed meaning not only have these methods been found to improve body image by one researcher, but multiple researchers have been able to independently replicate these findings.She's here to share five of methods you can start implementing in your life to go from theory, to practice, to mastery today._______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 17, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH DR. CAROLYN BECKER 👥Dr. Carolyn Becker at Trinity UniversityEat Without Fear: Harnessing Science to Confront and Overcome Your Eating Disorder by Dr. Carolyn Becker, Dr. Nicholas Farrell, and Dr. Glenn WallerTherapy PracticeCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤Check out articles on Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
2/22/202429 minutes, 2 seconds
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[Beyond Body] Jessica Flint's story: FEAR OF BEING SEEN, hormonal issues, and guarded intimacy

"I don't want this shackle to hold me back anymore because I want to experience life. I want to win the game of life. Not be on the court worrying about my hair, because in the end none of that truly matters."Grab a tea as Jessica spills the tea on a body insecurity driven by a hormonal condition that has been her shackle to experiencing true intimacy and vulnerability in a romantic relationship. _______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 17, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
2/19/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 10 seconds
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[Beyond Body] 5 INTENSE emotions that come up when healing body image

"At the most basic level, everyone who's struggling with an eating disorder, is struggling with a profound sense of disconnection and shame."In this episode you'll learn about five intense emotions that come up in body image healing work and the eating disorder recovery process. With the right emotional processing and regulation skills, you can get to a place where you can embrace their intensity without turning to behaviors, and have deeper wisdom into what their underlying messages are communicating to you.THE FIVE EMOTIONS:AnxietyDisconnectionShameDepressionAnger_______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 17, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyFEATURED IN THIS EPISODE:Norman Kim  LinkedInBrandilyn Tebo  Website  |  Instagram |  Achievement Trap BookCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
2/16/202432 minutes, 58 seconds
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[Beyond Body] 5 things to know about CONTROL and eating disorders

"An eating disorder starts out as a way to gain control, until it starts controlling you." In this episode, we explore the scientific research on the role control plays in eating disorders and the different reasons it manifests. With an eating disorder, food, weight, appearance, and self-concept become meticulously managed and controlled. You may find that your life gets organized around routines and behaviors that provide a sense of safety and familiarity because when we feel a lack of control in our lives, we seek to make our environments and lives predictable. _______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 17, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
2/14/202437 minutes, 12 seconds
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[Beyond Body] Infertility, early MENOPAUSE, and pregnancy loss: The perfect storm for an eating disorder

"I had so much body grief and body resentment at this time that I completely lost my way. My body image took a huge hit. And a huge hit in terms of my eating disorder. I had so much grief that I was out of control. My body was out of control. I just needed to get to a place where I accepted that I needed help."In today's episode, we're spotlighting the courageous and inspiring Nikki, a long-time member of the Courage Club who writes about her journey of recovering from anorexia and mental health stigma in the medical field on her blog "Squash Stigma Not Fat!." Nikki's journey is filled with resilience, compassion, and acceptance. She shares her experiences with body image at an early age, the challenges of midlife body changes, and the small victories that have kept her moving forward making progress. Join us as we delve into Nikki's story and discover the wisdom she's gained and new purpose she's found by experiencing the grief and going through the darkness.LISTEN: A letter to her YOUNGER SELF ❤️‍🩹_______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 17, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH NikkiNikki’s blog - Squash Stigma Not Fat!CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
2/12/202440 minutes, 44 seconds
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[Beyond Body] How STAYING SMALL kept her from opening up: Sarah Wiseman's story of renewal

"I had really lost myself, but I love who I am now. I love my recovered self."Fellow warrior and Courage Club member Sarah Wiseman joins Jessica to share her powerful journey from struggling with body image, to finding strength and healing through starting a business in floral preservation.From childhood experiences to the pivotal moments in her recovery, Sarah's vulnerability and wisdom will leave you feeling empowered as you work to discover your own passions and envision what a better life looks like beyond severe body image struggles. _______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 1, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH SARAH WISEMAN & RENEWED FLORALSSarah on InstagramRenewed Florals WebsiteRenewed Florals on TikTokCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
2/9/202439 minutes, 8 seconds
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[Beyond Body] Embracing body GRIEF to rebuild body TRUST with Anna Sweeney, RD

"Body image experiencing is not a destination where you get there and it's done."Today we're joined by renowned dietitian and eating disorder specialist Anna Sweeney to guide us through the profound impacts of body grief and the journey to rebuilding body trust.Anna shares her powerful journey of body grief and evolution while navigating a multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Her story resonates with the challenges of embracing a changing body and the uncertainties around it. Take a listen as Anna explores the complexities of body image work, practicing self-compassion, and the gentle art of sitting with difficult emotions. _______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 1, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH ANNA SWEENEY, RDOfficial WebsiteAnna on InstagramAnna's StoreCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
2/7/202431 minutes, 15 seconds
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[Beyond Body] “Activity Anorexia”: When EXERCISE becomes something to CONTROL

"And for some reason, I thought if I was smaller, I would somehow be better at my sport." Sherry is a driven woman. Someone you would want on your team because you would trust that she wouldn't give up and would give it her all.This trait has served her well in her career, academics, and athletics, but not with food and exercise. Sherry starved herself and ran herself ragged for years trying to be smaller. After the sudden and traumatic loss of her Dad when she was only 13, exercise became something she turned to for control when the world around her felt unsafe and out of control. After joining the Courage Club, Sherry's life turned around. She found appreciation for the strength and power of her body. And now that she is not trying to make her body smaller or be beholden to a set of rules, she's found movement that makes her feel wonderful. Listen in for the full story as Sherry shares her body story with Jessica Flint._______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 1, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
2/5/202440 minutes, 26 seconds
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[Beyond Body] The MISSING PIECE to overcoming lifelong food and weight struggles with Joni O'Donnell

It took her over 40 years, but she finally found peace with food and her body. In the process, she gained A LOT of hard earned wisdom. Intuitive eating counselor and life balance coach, Joni O'Donnell is here today to share it all with you.Listen and learn about:- Childhood experiences triggering the pursuit of perfection- Changing inner thought patterns and self-care practices- Letting go of societal rules around food and body- Appreciating the body for what it can do- Importance of self-care and self-worth- Balancing responsibilities of caring for children and parents- Feeling the weight of reaching certain life milestones- The benefits of supportive communities and nonjudgmental spaces_______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 1, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH JONI O'DONNELLJoni's WebsiteJoni's InstagramCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
2/2/20241 hour, 5 minutes, 27 seconds
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[Recover Strong] REDISCOVER your natural HUNGER CUES through these two steps

To meal plan, or not to meal plan? An intuitive eating dietitian chimes in.Take a listen and discover the role of meal planning and regular eating in recovery, and how these two things can help you find your way out of a binge/restrict cycle. Vincci Tsui, RD shares how to navigate meal plans without feeling restricted, and how to tune back in to your natural hunger cues after years of living with an eating disorder. BEYOND BODY: EARLY ACCESSRequest an invite to apply at WITH VINCCI TSUI, RDVincci on InstagramOfficial WebsiteThe Mindful Eating WorkbookCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
1/31/202424 minutes, 40 seconds
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[Beyond Body] From severe body STRUGGLES to body FREEDOM: Andrea's body image journey

"I'm living the life that I never thought I could have, free from the hell of body shame." From childhood insecurities to overcoming societal pressures, Andrea's path to self-acceptance is a testament to the strides that can be made in body image healing. Take a listen as Andrea Wells dives into her inspiring journey, and discover how she embraced her natural body size and redefined her relationship with food and movement to find a life full of joy and deep connection.Check out this in-depth discussion on body image healing for powerful insights to help you along your own journey towards body acceptance and empowerment._______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. If you're selected, you'll invited by email to schedule a Discovery Call to see if the program is a mutually good fit.When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 1, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
1/29/202440 minutes, 26 seconds
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[Beyond Body] She wanted her YOUNGER SELF to know this ❤️‍🩹

“The more you try to “fix” the more you fixate on the “problem”. The problem that’s not even there. But it magnifies and you see it get bigger. This makes you feel more negative about yourself. You obsess over it and this only makes you feel worse.”This is an excerpt from a beautiful letter written by Nikki, a current member of the Courage Club. In this episode, you'll hear the entire letter and the recovery wisdom woven through every word. If you feel inspired, take it further and write a full length letter to yourself.Nikki’s blog - Squash Stigma Not Fat!_______________________________________BEYOND BODY is now open for applications! What exactly is Beyond Body?Beyond Body is 6 month body image accelerator program that provides the guidance, structure, practices, and support you need to make peace with negative body image.It's a premium high-touch program for women in their mid to late 30's, 40's, and 50's who want to come alive and feel more confident and empowered in the skin they're in. With the right approach, skills, and support, your body doesn't have to hold you back from deeper intimacy, connection, and confidence in your relationships and career.The program consists of tangible practices you can call on for the rest of your life and an intimate group format for deep learning, healing, and integration.How do I apply for Beyond Body?Request an invite to apply ​here​. Applications will be reviewed on a first come first served basis. Limited seats are available. If you're selected, you'll invited by email to schedule a Discovery Call to see if the program is a mutually good fit.When does access to Beyond Body begin?Beyond Body officially starts on March 1, 2024. On this date, you'll kick start your 6 months of transformational work with individual guidance from Recovery Warriors team and Jessica Flint through live calls, workshops, and daily community support inside the Courage Club.Click here to request an invite to Beyond BodyCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
1/26/202415 minutes, 25 seconds
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[Recover Strong] OZEMPIC and eating disorder recovery with Vincci Tsui, RD

Can people in recovery use Ozempic? Should they use it?Today we’re diving deep into the world of weight loss injections. We’re talking Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, and all semaglutides. Their increasing popularity is changing the landscape of recovery and diet culture, and raising a lot of questions. Like: how do they work? Are they safe? Can people in recovery use them? Host Andrea Wells and Registered Dietitian Vincci Tsui explore these questions and more, to help you better navigate recovery in a changing landscape with the emergence of Ozempic and weight loss injectionsBEYOND BODY: EARLY ACCESSRequest an invite to apply at WITH VINCCI TSUI, RDVincci on InstagramOfficial WebsiteThe Mindful Eating WorkbookCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
1/24/202438 minutes, 34 seconds
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[Beyond Body] The hidden costs of BODY DISSATISFACTION

The financial & psychological impacts of body dissatisfaction are real.Toxic beauty standards not only impact mental health but also have significant financial implications. Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells share personal experiences and statistics, from costs of care, costs of missed opportunities, to the costs of keeping up, to highlight how body dissatisfaction takes a toll on us as individuals and society at large.BEYOND BODY: EARLY ACCESSRequest an invite to apply at WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
1/22/202442 minutes, 38 seconds
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[Fear Less] Still struggling after ALL these years? There’s hope, even if you feel like you’ve tried EVERYTHING.

Are you in what feels like a never ending recovery/relapse cycle?You're not alone. Community member Amber wrote in to Fear Less to share her experience with a long term eating disorder that persists, even after attempts at treatment.Hear what hosts Jessica and Andrea have to say about this common recovery predicament, and find out if weight restoration really needs to happen before you do the deeper healing work. Resource mentioned: Maslow's Hierarchy of NeedsBEYOND BODY: EARLY ACCESSRequest an invite to apply at MAKEOVERA 5-Day Recovery ResetClick here to enrollCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
1/19/202458 minutes, 36 seconds
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[Recover Strong] "I'm not sick enough to get help": Why you deserve support

"Eating disorders are the only health issue where there's a race to the bottom."If you've ever felt like you are not sick enough or thin enough to receive eating disorder care, this episode is for you. Host Andrea Wells and guest Nia Patterson address a burning recovery question from a community member about feeling unworthy of support due to the size of their body. Nia shares insights on why you deserve eating disorder care regardless of your body size, and ways you can self advocate when you feel like you're not "sick enough". BEYOND BODY: EARLY ACCESSRequest an invite to apply at WITH NIA PATTERSONNia on InstagramNia's Official WebsiteNia's book What's The Story: A Guided Walkthrough of the Stories You Tell Yourself About Your BodyCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
1/17/202422 minutes, 4 seconds
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[Fear Less] HEAD goals vs. HEART goals

What's leading your recovery: your head, or your heart?In preparation for this weekend's Map My Year event, Jessica and Andrea discuss the concept of head goals vs. heart goals and why it’s important to be able to differentiate between the two so you can set goals that fulfill you and you can follow through on rather than goals that deflate you and leave you feeling frustrated.Take a listen to learn more and go through Map My Year yourself to get the full experience. MINDSET MAKEOVER + MAP MY YEAR (BONUS)Get training plus guided activities to help you get clear and confident on your vision for recovery and how you'll make it happenClick here to enrollCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
1/12/202449 minutes, 1 second
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[Recover Strong] RE-WRITING your body image story with Nia Patterson

What stories do you tell yourself about your body?That's what fellow recovery warrior and mental health advocate Nia Patterson asks in their new body image workbook What's The Story?.Nia is a social activist, artist, content creator, podcaster, and business and body image coach. You may know Nia as @thefriendineverwanted online, where they share messages about eating disorder recovery, body liberation, fat activism, body acceptance, and more. In November 2023, Nia released their first book titled What's the Story?: A Guided Walkthrough of the Stories You Tell Yourself About Your Body. In this episode, they join host Andrea Wells to discuss this book and share their experience of pursuing eating disorder recovery as a queer black person in a larger body.Take a listen to hear how you can rewrite your own body story, and how advocating for body liberation can be an important part of the recovery process (no matter what size your body is).Key Takeaways from the episode:Body Neutrality: Nia Patterson introduces the concept of body acceptance spectrum, emphasizing that aiming for body tolerance is a valid step in recovery, rather than solely aiming for body love or acceptance. This nuanced approach allows individuals to acknowledge where they are in their recovery journey and sets realistic goals for progress.Early Focus on Body Liberation: Nia stresses the importance of addressing body liberation as an early step in the recovery process, challenging the traditional approach that prioritizes it as a later concern. This shift in mindset can revolutionize how we support individuals in their recovery journeys.Combatting Internalized Fatphobia: The episode delves into the impact of internalized fat phobia and societal beauty standards on individuals' mental health. Nia provides valuable insights on reframing negative thoughts and the ongoing process of distancing from unattainable beauty ideals.BEYOND BODY: EARLY WITH NIA PATTERSONNia on InstagramNia's Official WebsiteNia's Spectrum of Body AcceptanceNia's book What's The Story: A Guided Walkthrough of the Stories You Tell Yourself About Your BodyCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORSCheck out articles on the Website Follow on InstagramLike us on FacebookLearn more about the Podcast
1/10/202436 minutes, 5 seconds
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[Fear Less] Letting go of FEAR OF JUDGMENT and other's opinions about you

"You've gained weight.""You're too much.""You aren't credible."What judgments are you most afraid of hearing? In this episode, Jessica and Andrea talk about letting go of the confining grips of judgement and others opinions which hold us back from reaching full recovery from an eating disorder.They share strategies and perspective shifts for navigating fears of judgment, and Jessica explains what happened when her specific fear of judgment recently came true. THE 5 DAY MINDSET MAKEOVERVisit to receive 50% off  CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/3/202450 minutes, 39 seconds
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[Fear Less] The WORTHINESS WOUND and fear of gaining weight

What if it's okay to gain weight?In this episode, Jessica and Andrea discuss the worthiness wound and how it ties into fears of gaining weight. They break down societal standards around body size, and explore the topic of internalized fatphobia and how working through it can be the key to taking your power back from an eating disorder.THE 5 DAY MINDSET MAKEOVERVisit to receive 50% off  CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/1/202438 minutes, 9 seconds
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[Fear Less] Making this the year you commit to what you ACTUALLY want

NEW Episode! Stop "should"ing yourself!In this episode, Jessica and Andrea discuss throwing out the long lists of "shoulds" that are holding you back in recovery, so you can embrace what your heart deeply desires in 2024. Referenced video: Rocks, Pebbles and Sand: Prioritizing Your LifeTHE 5 DAY MINDSET MAKEOVERVisit to receive 50% off  CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/29/202342 minutes, 38 seconds
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[Recover Strong] ONE thing that can change EVERYTHING in your recovery

Sometimes it only takes one thing to set your recovery on a new and stronger path.Today we are bringing back a roundtable conversation from Team Recovery warriors. You’ll hear from past and present members of the team, as we each reflect on one key thing that was a game changer for eating disorder recovery.Take a listen with an open heart and open mind, as these insights can be helpful to consider as we make our way into the new year.What will you say made a difference for you? Show Notes: The ONE Thing That Can Change Your Recovery THE 5 DAY MINDSET MAKEOVERVisit to receive 50% off  CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/27/202331 minutes, 33 seconds
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[Love Notes] Affirmations for SELF-ACCEPTANCE and Self-Worth

"There are no prerequisites for my worthiness. I am worthy right here right now in this very minute, in this very body."Welcome to Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmation sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on breaking free from unworthiness and discover greater self-acceptance, as you build a life outside of an eating disorder. Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?Find all of our Love Notes at Recovery Warriors. Link to this specific set is below ⬇️Show Notes: Acceptance and Self-Worth AffirmationsJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/25/202315 minutes, 34 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Navigating TRIGGERING food & body COMMENTS during the holidays

"You look like you've gained/lost weight""Are you sure you want to eat that?"Comments about your body or what you’re eating are upsetting, no matter what size you are. And they're extra frequent this time of year with all the holiday parties and family gatherings going on. That’s why today we’re re-releasing a roundtable conversation we had last year with Team Recovery Warriors. You’ll hear from past and present members of the team, as we share tips to help you cope and stay on track when those unhelpful food and body comments come up. Show Notes: Holidays and Eating Disorder Recovery: How to Survive Family CommentsTHE 5 DAY MINDSET MAKEOVERVisit to receive 50% off  CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/20/202348 minutes, 51 seconds
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[Love Notes] Affirmations for breaking free from societal BODY STANDARDS

"My body is not my worth.""I reject the notion that there is a single definition of beauty.""I let go of judgment and self-loathing about my appearance."Welcome to Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmation sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on breaking free from societal beauty standards that contribute to body image struggles and eating disorders.Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?Find all of our Love Notes at Recovery Warriors. Link to this specific set is below ⬇️Affirmations for Breaking Free From Societal Body StandardsJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comTHE 5 DAY MINDSET MAKEOVERVisit to receive 50% offCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/18/202314 minutes, 26 seconds
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[Recover Strong] 5 ways to TAKE YOUR POWER BACK around holiday desserts & treats

No more fearing, avoiding, or bingeing those holiday treats!It’s that time of year when sweets like candy and desserts come out in full force at holiday parties and family gatherings. When you’re struggling with an eating disorder or stuck in the diet cycle, this can be an extra stressful time. Whether you fear eating too much, or fear eating sweets at all - the struggle is real. It can make you dread the holiday season, and miss out on important moments with friends and family.That's why we’re bringing back this episode today to help you navigate dessert triggers and fears this holiday season.Take a listen to hear tips and insights from members of Team Recovery Warriors on how they made peace with sweets in their life, to help you move towards doing the same.Show Notes: 5 Ways to Take Power Back from Candy & DessertsTHE 5 DAY MINDSET MAKEOVER Visit to receive 50% off  CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/13/202338 minutes, 16 seconds
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[Love Notes] Affirmations for a RECOVERY WARRIOR MINDSET

"The process of recovery may be challenging, but it’s worth it and I know it.""My happiness does not depend on my weight or size.""I don’t need to excessively exercising to deserve food."Welcome to Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmation sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on creating a strong recovery mindset..Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?Find all of our Love Notes at Recovery Warriors. Link to this specific set is below ⬇️Affirmations For a Strong Eating Disorder Recovery MindsetJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/11/202315 minutes, 33 seconds
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Tired of battling an eating disorder? 3 TIMELESS PRINCIPLES to turn around the disappointing feeling of being stuck in the recovery process

Yikes! The end of the year is approaching fast. Are you where you thought you would be in your recovery? In life?If you're feeling the sting of exhaustion, disappointment and discouragement, please know there is no shame in your recovery game. This throwback episode is a pep talk for you to keep your perseverance alive in spite of the delayed gratification and doubts that recovery will ever happen.It can happen. It will happen. You gotta take a step back and get a new approach. Use the 3 principles discussed in this episode to guide you as you step into new ways of thinking, being, and believing in yourself and your recovery in the year ahead. JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/8/202335 minutes, 24 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Do you get full fast? A GI Doctor explains why

Sometimes it feels like an eating disorder and gastrointestinal concerns go hand in hand. This episode is a peek into an exclusive expert Q&A session that occurred live inside the Courage Club recently about all things digestion and gut health, featuring gastroenterologist Dr. Jordan Shapiro.He answered member questions about all things related to eating disorders and the GI system including common symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and more.Take a listen to learn exactly what the gastrointestinal system is, the impacts that different eating disorders can have on it, and one important bodily process called the accommodation reflex. If you struggle with restrictive eating and find you get full really fast and it can feel so hard to eat more, you’ll want to hear about this.Everything you’ll learn today is from the first 20 minutes of the Q&A. If you want to get full access to this hour and a half session and the opportunity to directly ask questions and engage with experts, PLUS active daily support for your recovery - visit to get on waitlist, and we'll notify you when we open doors again.  JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/6/202324 minutes, 43 seconds
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[Love Notes] Embracing uncertainty with CONFIDENCE

"There are positive outcomes I am not yet aware of.""Even when I don’t understand what is happening, I trust the unfolding process of life.""I am choosing to be at peace with what happened, what is happening, and what will happen." Welcome to Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmation sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on embracing uncertainty in life with confidence. Let's explore new ways of accepting and working with the unknown, to better pave the path towards eating disorder recovery. Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/4/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
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[Love Notes] Cultivating greater BODY ACCEPTANCE

"My body does not define me as a person.""There is more to life than shrinking my body size. I’m ready to experience it." "Accepting myself as I am right now is the first step in changing, growing and evolving."  Welcome to Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmation sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on cultivating greater body acceptance. Let's explore new ways of accepting your body no matter what it looks like, to clear the path for growth and healing from an eating disorder.Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?Find all of our Love Notes at Recovery Warriors. Link to this specific set is below ⬇️SHOW NOTES: Affirmations for Cultivating Greater Body Acceptance  JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
11/27/202311 minutes, 22 seconds
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[Love Notes] Healing INNER CHILD wounds

"We are safe now. I'm here to protect and provide for you.""The pain is no longer yours to carry. It never was yours to carry.""You are worthy of love and belonging."  Welcome to Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmation sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on healing your inner child wounds to help you go further in recovery. Let's explore new ways of honoring our past pain and nurturing our inner child to bring on healing and change.Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?Find all of our Love Notes at Recovery Warriors. Link to this specific set is below ⬇️Show Notes: Healing Inner Child Wounds With AffirmationsJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
11/20/202313 minutes, 29 seconds
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[Love Notes] Breaking FREE of unworthiness and shining your LIGHT

"There are no prerequisites for my worthiness. I am worthy right here right now in this very minute, in this very body." Welcome to Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmation sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on breaking free from unworthiness to discover your shining light within, as you build a better life in eating disorder recovery. Let's explore new ways of thinking to embrace confidence and healing.Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?Find all of our Love Notes at Recovery Warriors. Link to this specific set is below ⬇️Show Notes: Breaking Free of Unworthiness and Shining Your Light with Self-Worth AffirmationsJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast Join the Live Holiday Training Discover 3 science-backed secrets to confidently handle food, body, and family triggers during the holidays. Register here.
11/13/202317 minutes, 56 seconds
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[Love Notes] Affirmations for calling in CONFIDENCE and SUCCESS

"I am worthy of what I desire.""I am willing to release old, negative beliefs that stand in my way.""I move beyond past limitations into freedom." Welcome to Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmation sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on confidence, which you can think of as the train that drives you toward success in eating disorder recovery. Let's explore new ways of thinking to embrace confidence and healing.Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?Find all of our Love Notes at Recovery Warriors. Link to this specific set is below ⬇️SHOW NOTESAffirmations for calling in CONFIDENCE and SUCCESSJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
11/6/202312 minutes, 27 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Feeling Judged? 5 ways to quiet FOOD NOISE and BODY SHAME brought on by parents and others with Amir Yass

Food & body judgment from others can really throw you off in recovery. This is a challenge intimately understood by eating disorder survivor and popular content creator Amir Yass.With an impressive 30 million views on Tik Tok, he's no stranger to comments and judgments when it comes to food, body, and his identity as a queer Muslim and LGBTQ+ activist.Amir was raised in Orange County, California by his parents who immigrated from Iran. He also knows the impact that comments from parents can have, especially when coming from strong opinions based in different cultures.Take a listen as he joins host Andrea Wells to share insights and practical steps on rising above outside noise around body and food from parents, peers, and the world at large. The 5 ways to quiet FOOD NOISE and BODY SHAME brought on by parents are: Education Communication Set Boundaries Seek Support From Others Engage in Self Care  Show Notes: Feeling Judged? 5 ways to quiet FOOD NOISE and BODY SHAME brought on by parentsJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH AMIR YASS Amir's Website Amir on Instagram Amir on TikTok CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
11/1/202353 minutes, 32 seconds
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[Love Notes] Affirmations to transform PROCRASTINATION into productivity and prosperity

"By taking care of this present moment, I signal to myself that my well-being matters.""Today I take 100% responsibility for my life.""I have everything within me I need to succeed."Welcome to a Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmations sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on procrastination, a common trigger to engage in destructive eating disorder behaviors. Let's explore new ways of thinking to transform the habit of procrastination.Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?Find all of our Love Notes at Recovery Warriors. Link to this specific set is below ⬇️SHOW NOTESAffirmations to Transform Procrastination into Productivity and ProsperityJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
10/30/202317 minutes, 15 seconds
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[Fear Less] Why we SELF-SABOTAGE: Common inner barriers and blocks to success in recovery

Have you ever felt the urge to retreat back to your eating disorder, despite making progress in recovery?In this episode of Fear Less, hosts Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells discuss the topic of self-sabotage and the common inner barriers and blocks to success that individuals with eating disorders often face. Take a listen and discover what to do when you feel like you're taking two steps forward, and one step back, along with tips on increasing your window of tolerance in eating disorder recovery.Show Notes: Why we SELF-SABOTAGE: Common inner barriers and blocks to success in recoveryJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
10/27/202326 minutes, 43 seconds
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[Love Notes] Allowing Yourself To Be Supported and Guided in Your Recovery

"People have walked my path before and I can tap into their wisdom.""The more support I receive the more powerful I become.""When I say "yes" to support, I say "yes" to my recovery."Welcome to a Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmations sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on allowing yourself to be supported and guided in your recovery.Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?Find all of our Love Notes at Recovery Warriors. Link to this specific set is below ⬇️SHOW NOTESAffirmations for Allowing Yourself To Be Supported and Guided in Your RecoveryJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
10/23/202315 minutes, 47 seconds
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[Love Note] Affirmations for Letting Go of Control

"Needing to know exactly how something is going to end before I begin, holds me back from experiencing life. I choose to experience life in all its rawness and realness."Welcome to a Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmations sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on letting go of control and surrendering into the unknown.Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?Find all of our Love Notes at Recovery Warriors. Link to this specific set is below ⬇️SHOW NOTESAffirmations for Letting Go of ControlJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
10/16/202314 minutes, 38 seconds
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[Fear Less] When recovery feels like it’s TAKING FOREVER and will never happen

If you're struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel, this one's for you. In this episode of Fear Less, hosts Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells explore the topic of timing and time in recovery. They discuss the common experience of feeling like recovery is taking forever and doubting if it will ever happen. The hosts share their personal experiences with this, and share tips on embracing patience in the recovery process.Remember the recovery journey is like a puzzle, where certain pieces need to fall into place before progress can be seen. Take a listen to gain insights and inspiration on what to do when you feel like your recovery is spinning in circles. JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
10/13/202326 minutes, 14 seconds
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[Recover Strong] DECADES of food and body struggles: 5 important things Intuitive Eating Counselor Joni O'Donnell wishes she knew earlier in recovery

Hindsight vision is 20/20. In today's episode, Courage Club alumni & Intuitive Eating Counselor Joni O'Donnell shares what she wishes she knew earlier in recovery, to help you go further in your own journey. The 5 things are: Your body is not the enemy You are not broken Diets don’t work Perfect doesn’t exist You are not alone Take a listen as Joni & Andrea break down these 5 things and share valuable insights about rejecting the diet mentality, understanding the root causes of feeling "broken," the impact of societal pressure, and the liberating concept of self-acceptance. Show Notes: She struggled for DECADES: 5 important things Intuitive Eating Counselor Joni O'Donnell wishes she knew earlier in recoveryJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH JONI O'DONNELL Joni's Website Joni's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
10/11/202356 minutes, 4 seconds
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[Love Notes] Affirmations for forgiving yourself for BINGE EATING

"Binge eating is an opportunity to gain wisdom around what I’m feeling, what I need, what my body is telling me, and my deeper hunger for love."Welcome to a Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmations sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on forgiving yourself for binge eating.Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?Find all of our Love Notes at Recovery Warriors. Link to this specific set is below ⬇️SHOW NOTESAffirmations for Forgiving Yourself for Binge EatingJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
10/9/202314 minutes, 20 seconds
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[Fear Less] Start approaching your recovery like Taylor Swift and watch it TRANSFORM

Sometimes you gotta turn to the pros. What can you learn from professional athletes or musicians like Taylor Swift about going the distance in eating disorder recovery?Join hosts Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells as they discuss the concept of "turning pro" and how treating your recovery as the most important thing in your life can lead to incredible transformations. Get inspired by the dedication and passion of professionals like Taylor Swift and learn how to bring that same energy into your own journey towards recovery. By reframing your mindset and approaching recovery as a professional endeavor, you can unlock a new level of growth and transformation.Show Notes: START APPROACHING YOUR RECOVERY LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT AND WATCH IT TRANSFORMJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
10/6/202325 minutes, 27 seconds
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[Recover Strong] 5 ways to overcome FOOD and EXERCISE OBSESSION

Are you ALWAYS thinking about food? Do you feel like you need to "burn off" everything you eat?In this empowering episode of Recover Strong, Andrea Wells & Jessica Flint share 5 empowering ways to break free from the grips of food & exercise obsession.The 5 things are: Neutralize your relationship with food Use mindful self-observation Avoid comparisons Feed yourself consistently Embrace Joyful Movement JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
10/4/202355 minutes, 33 seconds
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Affirmations for overcoming FOOD GUILT

"My attitude towards food is constantly evolving to a more positive state.""By feeding myself regularly, my body is learning to trust me again.""I need and deserve adult sized portions of food."Welcome to a Love Notes, a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly audio affirmations sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on overcoming food guilt.Love these affirmations? Want to write them in your journal or stick them on post-it notes around the house?Find all of our Love Notes at Recovery Warriors. Link to this specific set is below ⬇️SHOW NOTESAffirmations for Overcoming Food GuiltJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
10/2/202313 minutes, 39 seconds
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[Fear Less] The one BIG LIE that holds you back from taking action and creating change in your life | Lesson 22

Could you be falling for a lie that's keeping you stuck and stagnant in recovery?Get ready to uncover the truth, and find the courage to make BIG strides.Join Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells as they explore the concept of being "ready", and why it's not a feeling, but a decision. They share personal experiences and stories to illustrate how waiting to feel ready can actually prevent us from achieving our recovery goals.Discover the power of taking action and learn how to alchemize fear into courage to create the changes you desire.Show Notes: The one BIG LIE that holds you back from taking action and creating change in recoveryJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/29/202321 minutes, 34 seconds
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[Recover Strong] 5 essential elements you need to STAY ON TRACK and make real progress in your recovery

Do you ever get discouraged with the whole two steps forward one step back rhythm of the recovery process? It's exhausting. This is why for this brand NEW SEASON of Recover Strong, featuring your NEW HOST Andrea Wells we are covering the topic of making progress and what 5 essential elements you want to focus on in order to stay on track.In this episode, you'll learn the 5 C's of Accountability:ConnectionCourageCommitmentCalendarClarityShow Notes: 5 ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS YOU NEED TO STAY ON TRACK AND MAKE REAL PROGRESS IN YOUR RECOVERYJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/27/202351 minutes, 38 seconds
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[Love Notes] Affirmations for a Strong Eating Disorder Recovery Mindset

Welcome to a NEW show on The Recovery Warrior Shows. Love Notes are weekly affirmations sets designed to help you nurture new ways of thinking and being. Today's focus is on creating a strong recovery mindset.SHOW NOTES Affirmations For a Strong Eating Disorder Recovery MindsetJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/25/202315 minutes, 16 seconds
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[Fear Less] A true story to help you see your RADIANT BEAUTY and INHERENT GOODNESS | Lesson 21

In this episode of Fear Less, hosts Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells explore the concept of connecting with our inherent goodness and worth. They share a true story that serves as a metaphor for our true nature and the importance of embracing our inherent wholeness. Jessica & Andrea also recently met up in person for the first time! Take a listen to what they did along with a powerful metaphor they discovered together to help you lean into full recovery. Key Lessons: Embrace the idea of being inherently worthy, good enough, important, and significant. Discover five digestible and practical recovery-focused topics each week in the upcoming new season of Recover Strong. Join the Courage Club, with community-centered support and set learning goals, to enhance your recovery journey. Recognize the importance of prioritizing a long-lasting recovery and staying engaged with a supportive community. Listen to the true story shared of The Golden Buddha to help you find your inherent worth. JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/22/202322 minutes, 58 seconds
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[Fear Less] Have you hit the brakes in recovery? Listen to THIS to accelerate forward | Lesson 20

In this episode, hosts Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells delve into the power of analogies for overcoming fear in eating disorder recovery, before sharing a new analogy in today's lesson designed to help you make courageous changes when faced with fear. Join Jessica and Andrea as they discuss the importance of trust, the concept of confidence, and the deep knowing that comes from lived experience with an eating disorder.Key Lessons: Analogies and metaphors provide visual representations that can change our perspective on fear. Confidence is rooted in trust - a full, all-in trust in ourselves and our abilities to handle fear. Lived experience fosters confidence and allows us to guide others on their recovery journey. Overcoming fear requires letting go of micromanaging and embracing trust to move forward towards our desired outcomes. JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/20/202313 minutes, 46 seconds
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[Fear Less] Try these WORDS OF AFFIRMATION to help improve your body image | Lesson 19

In this episode, Jessica and Andrea discuss the role of affirmations in increasing body acceptance. They share their own experiences with affirmations and explain how they used them effectively during their recovery journeys.The hosts also explain how affirmations can feel disingenuous at first and provide strategies for working through this discomfort, before getting into the lesson which offers various body-focused affirmations you can use in your daily life. Take a listen to gain valuable insights into incorporating affirmations as a tool for self-love and acceptance.Key Lessons: Affirmations can feel inauthentic initially, but offer opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Keep an open mind while using affirmations, acknowledging that beliefs can evolve over time. Create a dedicated journal for affirmations and write down a few that resonate with your struggles. Read and repeat affirmations daily, allowing them to sink in and ponder their possibilities. Shift and update affirmations as you start to believe and resonate with them more. JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/18/202323 minutes, 26 seconds
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[Fear Less] How to go from BODY CRITICISM to body ACCEPTANCE | Lesson 18

Today we dive into the topic of the fear of negative body appearance. Hosts Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells share strategies to overcome internal and external barriers that hinder body acceptance.This episode explores the journey of embracing one's body and how it evolves over time. Listen to gain insights into changing your critical dialogue around your body and transitioning from self-criticism to self-acceptance. This episode also offers a compilation of expert perspectives on body acceptance and its role in the recovery process.Key Topics: The fluctuating nature of self-acceptance and body image. Making peace with yourself and your body. Body acceptance as a universal experience for all in the recovery journey. Challenging critical dialogue: Andrea details her transition from critical and negative self-talk to a more neutral and positive narrative when body fears arise. The power of mindfulness and witness consciousness: the importance of acknowledging thoughts without letting them define yourself or your worth.  SHOW NOTES - How to go from BODY CRITICISM to body ACCEPTANCE  JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/15/202329 minutes, 16 seconds
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[Fear Less] Ask yourself these three questions to help you take the FIRST STEPS to move past fear | Lesson 17

In this episode, we explore three approaches to working with fear: rational, relational, and aspirational. Fear can create psychological barriers and limit personal growth, and addressing it can lead to true freedom from an eating disorder.Key Lessons: The rational approach to fear involves evaluating whether the fear is a real and imminent threat to one's life. The relational approach to fear focuses on the impact of fear on relationships and external judgments. The aspirational approach to fear encourages looking beyond fear to envision the desired outcome and taking steps towards it. Embodying all three approaches allows individuals to navigate fear more effectively. Recognizing that fear does not define one's future and that strength can be built by facing fears head-on. SHOW NOTES - Ask yourself these 3 questions to help you take the FIRST STEPS to move past fearJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/13/202325 minutes, 14 seconds
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[Fear Less] The 3 paradoxes of shame & the MASTER KEY to recovery | Lesson 16

In today's episode, Jessica and Andrea discuss the 3 paradoxes of shame, its ties to fear, and the role of self-compassion in overcoming shame.Take a listen to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between shame, fear, and self-compassion and the role they play in eating disorder recovery.Key topics in this episode: The interconnectedness of shame, fear, and eating disorders – how shame fuels the disorder and perpetuates the fear of not being good enough. The power of self-compassion in breaking free from shame and fostering a transformative recovery journey. Recognizing the disordered cycle of self-criticism and negative motivation and embracing self-compassion as a new approach. Overcoming resistance to self-compassion and taking baby steps towards incorporating it into daily life. The shift from striving for perfection to embracing self-acceptance and messy growth, leading to a healthier, happier version of oneself. SHOW NOTES -  The 3 Paradoxes of Shame in Eating Disorder Recovery JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comTHREE-PART SERIES ON SELF COMPASSIONPart 1: "Am I the Problem?" When You FEEL ALONE in Your Struggles with Food and BodyPart 2: How do I work with CRITICAL THOUGHTS?Part 3: How do I move from SELF-CRITICISM to self-compassion?CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/11/202323 minutes, 40 seconds
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[Fear Less] The surprising link between SELF WORTH and FREEDOM from an eating disorder | Lesson 15

In this episode, Jessica and Andrea delve into the connection between worthiness and fear in the context of eating disorder recovery.They discuss the societal and personal messages that contribute to feelings of unworthiness and shame, and how these beliefs can hinder the recovery journey. Both hosts share their own experiences with unworthiness and their paths towards embracing their inherent worth to move into full recovery, and how you can do the same.Key Topics: The impact of societal and personal messages on feelings of unworthiness The connection between worthiness and self-perception in eating disorder recovery The role of self-compassion and empathy in overcoming feelings of unworthiness Embracing neutrality as a step towards recognizing inherent worthiness The power of storytelling in rewiring beliefs about worthiness and self-acceptance SHOW NOTES -  The surprising link between SELF WORTH and FREEDOM from an eating disorder JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/8/202322 minutes, 16 seconds
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[Fear Less] REPARENTING your INNER CHILD with these soothing self-talk statements | Lesson 14

In this episode, Jessica and Andrea dive into the concept of reparenting our inner child in the eating disorder recovery journey. They discuss their personal experiences of feeling judged and the impact it had on their self-esteem.Together, they explore the importance of validating all stories of recovery and creating a safe space for individuals of different body sizes and backgrounds to share their journey.With a focus on self-compassion and self-acceptance, the episode provides a series of affirmations and practical tips for soothing self-talk to nurture and heal the wounded inner child.Affirmations begin at 15:20The episode also discusses: The power of validating all stories of recovery, regardless of body size or appearance. Recognizing and addressing the fear of judgment and the impact it has on self-esteem. Understanding the importance of representation and inclusivity in the recovery community. Embracing authenticity and individuality as part of the healing journey. Practicing self-compassion and implementing soothing self-talk to reparent your inner child. SHOW NOTES -  REPARENTING your INNER CHILD with these soothing self-talk statements JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/6/202325 minutes, 35 seconds
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[Fear Less] "Anything but THAT!"... Common eating disorder fears explored & two SPECIFIC mantras you can use to face them | Lesson 13

In this episode, hosts Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells explore the topic of finding courage in the face of fear and share two specific mantras that can support you on your recovery journey.Join them as they also dive deeper into the concept of the shadow and how it relates to the denial and avoidance that often accompany an eating disorder. SHOW NOTES -  "Anything but THAT!"…Common eating disorder fears explored & mantras to face themThis episode covers: The concept of the shadow and its importance in recovery from an eating disorder. The need to lean into the areas where one feels denied and unwelcome, in order to experience deeper healing and integration. Shining light on the shadow rather than trying to eliminate it, as it is an integral part of one's wholeness. Personal experiences from Jessica & Andrea in how shadow work was an integral part of their eating disorder recovery. 2 specific mantras you can say to help you build courage in the face of fear. The relationship between fear and excitement, and how this knowledge can help you heal. JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/4/202320 minutes, 43 seconds
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[Fear Less] INTIMACY: A lesson in stepping outside of your COMFORT ZONE to experience love and connection | Lesson 12

In this episode, we explore the power of stepping outside of your comfort zone to live a fuller life in recovery.Hosts Jessica Flint & Andrea Wells discuss the importance of facing fears and overcoming limitations in order to achieve personal growth and recovery. They share personal stories about stepping out of their comfort zones, and discuss the deeper healing work required to confront fears of vulnerability.This episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for your own journey of moving past fears in the recovery process.In this conversation we discuss: The importance of facing fears in recovery. Overcoming limitations. Making decisions that act outside of fear. The concept of a "fear door", representing missed opportunities and avoiding vulnerability. SHOW NOTES -  Stepping outside of your COMFORT ZONE to go further in recovery JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
9/1/202335 minutes, 57 seconds
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[Fear Less] TRIGGERING situations and people: Four simple questions that can change how you relate to them | Lesson 11

In our lesson today, we look at an immensely powerful framework you can use to work with triggering situations and people.Andrea explores using self-inquiry for body judgment fear while Jessica shares how it has helped her reframe abandonment trauma.Then, we get into the lesson where it's your turn to experiment with self-inquiry, to help you rise above situations that hold you back from your highest expression and being your full authentic self.This episode also gets into: Exploring the power of thoughts and beliefs in shaping our emotional state and identity. Challenging and questioning beliefs through the inquiry process to gain clarity and self-understanding. The importance of self-compassion in the self-inquiry process. Addressing judgment based on body size and the impact of challenging societal norms. Embracing uncertainty and finding empowerment in not knowing through a beginner's mindset. SHOW NOTES -  What is SELF-INQUIRY? How you can use it to face body judgement fears JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
8/30/202343 minutes, 17 seconds
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[Fear Less] How a SHADOW WORK practice can help you reach deeper levels of healing and self-acceptance | Lesson 10

Jessica & Andrea discuss the life-changing practice of shadow work and how it can help you face recovery fears around food and a changing body. Shadow work is based on the work of psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung who created analytical psychology (aka depth psychology).The benefits of shadow work include: A healthier relationship with food, body, and self Improved interactions with others Healing generational trauma Learning healthy ways to meet your needs Self-empowerment and accepting your strengths Feeling whole or integrated as a person Take a listen to hear more about what shadow work is, and how it can benefit you in the eating disorder recovery journey.SHOW NOTES - How SHADOW WORK can help you reach deeper levels of healing and self-acceptance JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
8/28/202331 minutes, 7 seconds
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[Fear Less] Try THIS for more CONFIDENCE and COURAGE to face food & body fears

In our lesson today, we will be talking about a way you can find more confidence and courage to face your fears in recovery. We'll drop a little hint for you: "If they can do it, I can too". Take a listen to gain some valuable insight on how to move past fear in recovery.SHOW NOTES - Try THIS for more CONFIDENCE and COURAGE to face food & body fears JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
8/25/202318 minutes, 25 seconds
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[Fear Less] 4 Questions That Will Help You Make Peace With Your Body

In our lesson today, we take a look at four questions to help you rethink fear around body judgments and make peace with your body. These four questions are designed by author and psychologist Dr. Rick Hanson, and he has found them to benefit people greatly in a clinical setting.Take a listen to find out how these questions can help you find peace with your body as it changes in the recovery process. SHOW NOTES -  4 Questions That Will Help You Make Peace With Your Body  JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
8/23/202327 minutes, 12 seconds
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[Fear Less] How to manage INTENSE emotions around food & body

Today's Fear Less is about exploring how to work with intense emotions around food and body in recovery. You CAN develop the ability to turn towards these intense and uncomfortable feelings, instead of running back to eating disorder behaviors.  Let's dive in, warrior.SHOW NOTES - How to manage INTENSE emotions around food & bodyJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
8/21/202333 minutes, 1 second
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[Fear Less] How PERSPECTIVE can help you overcome food & body fears in recovery

Today, Jessica & Andrea discuss the power of perspective and how it can help you in recovery.“The truth is, we know so little about life, we don't really know what the good news is and what the bad news is.”-Kurt Vonnegut Trigger warning: Suicide & involuntary hospitalization discussed from 3:46 to 10:15Lesson starts at 12:05SHOW NOTES - How PERSPECTIVE can help you overcome food & body fears in recoveryJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
8/18/202322 minutes, 3 seconds
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[Fear Less] Overcoming CONTROL around food to embrace FREEDOM

Controlling your food can be a way to reduce anxiety and feel a sense of power. It can also be a prison. In our lesson today, Jessica Flint & Andrea Wells explore the role control plays in the recovery process, and how to move past it to find freedom with food.SHOW NOTES - Overcoming Control to Find Food FreedomJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
8/16/202326 minutes, 6 seconds
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[Fear Less] Two Important Skills For Managing Weight Gain Fears in Recovery

In our lesson today, we will be exploring two essential skills to work on to better manage fear and anxiety in the recovery process.Fear and anxiety are closely related. Take a listen to hear how these two skills can help move you forward and overcome fears in eating disorder recovery.JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
8/14/202320 minutes, 36 seconds
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[Fear Less] Reacting vs. Responding to Fear in Recovery

How many times has fear taken over your better judgement in recovery?Take a moment and recall a specific event where you reacted out of fear.Maybe you reacted with an intense display of emotion, or you ran to destructive eating disorder behaviors to numb outIn this episode of Fear Less, we explored the difference between reacting vs. responding when facing fears in recovery. Listen in to discover how knowing the difference can help you face overwhelming fear and emotions, and hear a powerful analogy that can help you along the way.SHOW NOTES -  Reacting vs. Responding to Fear in Eating Disorder Recovery JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
8/11/202325 minutes, 30 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] How Wellness Culture is More Harmful Than You Think with Dori Steinberg & Laura Cohen

Do you feel like you're in a never-ending cycle of diets, weight loss programs, and disordered eating?Like many, you may have explored the world of wellness culture as a reprieve. But it may surprise you to learn that "wellness" can actually harm your relationship to food and body. Take a listen to find out why. In this finale episode of Equipped to Recover, we dive deep into the hidden dangers of wellness culture. We speak with Dori Steinberg and Laura Cohen, two experts who turned their backs on successful careers in the wellness industry after realizing the truth about "wellness."Get ready to challenge your beliefs around wellness, unlearn harmful habits, and embrace a new perspective on true health and well-being. Topics Covered in this Episode: Dori Steinberg's realization of harm caused by weight-focused approach and her personal experience with an eating disorder The harmful effects of society's focus on wellness, weight, and health and the need for unlearning Approach to work with compassion, empathy, and a keen eye for diet culture language and behaviors Laura Cohen's disillusionment with the diet and weight loss field and her journey to becoming an anti-diet practitioner Dori's personal struggles with weight and eating and their decision to seek recovery and help others Change in mindset and career paths for both Laura and Dory in the wellness culture industry Discussion on the uncertainty and conflicting messages in wellness and diet culture Importance of connection, body image as a process, and avoiding negative language and self-shaming in food choices Recognition of the small success rate of weight loss and acceptance of diverse body types and the detrimental impacts of weight stigma on health SHOW NOTES - How Wellness Culture is More Harmful Than You Think CONNECT WITH DORI STEINBERG & LAURA COHEN Dori Steinberg on Twitter Laura Cohen's The No-Weigh Way Laura Cohen on Instagram CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast Timestamped Summary of Episode:[00:02:29] Dietitian turned anti-diet practitioner helps families.[00:05:44] Successful researcher professor faces internal struggle, seeks help for eating disorder.[00:12:59] Vivid memory of life-changing book experience.[00:17:02] Wellness and diet culture are ambiguous.[00:21:06] Compassionate editor helps clients with disordered eating.[00:24:00] Weight loss success rates are extremely low. The connection between weight and health is complicated, and weight stigma may be more detrimental to health than weight itself.[00:27:59] Sharing impactful journey, dispelling weight loss myths.[00:30:03] Laura and Dori's stories inspire cultural change.
8/9/202333 minutes, 15 seconds
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[Fear Less] 4 CORE FEARS We All Have in Common

Are you tired of fear holding you back in recovery?In the second installment of Fear Less, hosts Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells continue their discussion on fear and overcoming obstacles in the recovery process. They reflect on a parable shared in the previous episode (listen here to get caught up) and its practical application in dealing with fear. Then, Jessica explores the 4 core fears that people with eating disorders commonly face, and how understanding these fears can aid in recovery. Listen in for more inspiration to choose courage over fear, and find freedom from food and body struggles.SHOW NOTES - 4 Core Fears We All Have in CommonJOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAITLISTVisit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
8/7/202322 minutes, 43 seconds
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[Fear Less] From Fear to Courage: How Embracing Fear Moves You Forward in Recovery

Welcome to the first episode of Fear Less, an audio series designed to help you take action toward letting go of your eating disorder.Like every human being ever to walk this planet, we are not immune to fear. It is biologically programmed into our brains. At the same time, we can commit to not letting fear control our destiny. Every time we choose courage over fear we grow stronger and receive what we desire most in regards to our health, love, wealth, and impact in the world. As you listen, think of a fear that's holding you back from making progress in recovery, and join hosts Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells as they start off the Fear Less adventure. You can learn how to alchemize Fear into Courage. 💪JOIN THE COURAGE CLUB WAIT LIST Visit jointhecourageclub.comCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
8/4/202326 minutes, 11 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] Healing Body Image and Challenging Beauty Ideals: Advice from Body Image Experts Ally Duvall & Cara Bohon

Are you tired of feeling trapped in the cycle of negative body image and struggling with societal beauty ideals? Today's guests are body image experts sharing invaluable insights to help you along your healing journey.Meet Ally Duvall and Cara Bohon, two people who are working together to help others heal their body image and live a life of freedom in eating disorder recovery.Ally is the Body Image Program Manager and the Senior Program Development Lead at Equip Health. She’s a recovery advocate and fat activist who uses her lived experience with eating disorder recovery in a larger body to help others on their healing journey.Cara is a clinical psychologist and researcher who has dedicated both her academic and professional careers to helping people with eating disorders. She’s currently the Vice President of Clinical Programs at Equip, and she helped develop the Body Image Program that Ally now manages.In today's episode of Equipped to Recover, Ally & Cara shed light on the journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and dismantling societal beauty standards to heal body image.SHOW NOTES -  Healing Body Image and Challenging Beauty Ideals: Advice From Body Image Experts CONNECT WITH ALLY DUVALL & CARA BOHON Ally Duvall Instagram Cara Bohon Twitter CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast Timestamped Overview:[00:00:00] Introduction[00:04:26] Ally shares her long struggle with undiagnosed eating disorder.[00:08:21] Cara shares how curiosity as a teen sparked an academic career studying eating disorders.[00:15:43] Overcoming body images struggles through cognitive dissonance, body positivity.[00:19:17] Importance of parents in Equip's body image program.[00:22:11] Finding positivity in self-image, overcoming negativity.[00:27:23] Transformative body image program challenges negative self-talk.[00:31:59] Body Positivity vs. Body Neutrality[00:36:03] Neutralizing the power of the word "fat".[00:41:15] Supportive communities offer freedom from negative thoughts.
8/2/202343 minutes, 25 seconds
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[Recover Strong] This ONE decision can lead to surprising positive shifts in your recovery with Jessica Flint and Andrea Wells

Do you struggle making decisions around what to eat? When to eat? Why to eat?The latin root of the word decision literally means “to cut off.”  In this episode, we dive into what happens when we make the decision to go all in and commit to recovery. Commitment not as a concept, but an internal way of being wholeheartedly aligned to what needs to be cut off in order to succeed and experience positive rewards.Speaking of going all in and committing.... check out Recovery Warriors complete redesign at!SHOW NOTES - This ONE decision can lead to surprising positive shifts in your recovery CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on the Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
7/31/202350 minutes, 51 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] Demystifying Eating Disorders in Sports and Athletics with Dr. Katherine Hill

Whether you're an athlete, coach, or parent, the topic of eating disorders in athletes presents a critical concern.As an athlete, these disorders can greatly hinder performance and potentially end a career prematurely. From a coach or parent's perspective, helping an athlete manage such a condition is of paramount importance.Understanding eating disorders and their impact on performance is a vital step in creating a healthier athletic community and a strong recovery. No one knows this better than Dr. Katherine Hill, a board-certified pediatrician and Vice President of Medical Affairs at Equip Health. She's also a former collegiate swimmer who has conducted extensive research on eating disorders in athletes. Listen in as Dr. Hill shares her personal experience and professional knowledge to guide us through the ins and outs of eating disorders in athletes, and explore the best ways to both help and prevent eating disorders in sports. In this episode, you will be able to: Explore the underestimated effects of eating disorders on athletes and the negative impact it can have on their performance. Understand the pivotal role of proper nourishment and how it catapults an athlete's performance. Re-evaluate eating disorders as sports injuries and discover the opportunity to return to the sport post-therapy. Find out about the importance of exercise and balanced living in overcoming eating disorders. Acknowledge the value of support systems in spotting and addressing disordered eating within athletic teams. SHOW NOTES -   Demystifying Eating Disorders in Athletes with Dr. Katherine Hill CONNECT WITH JD OUELLETTE & KINSEY DALBECDr. Hill on Twitter CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast Timestamped summary of this episode:00:00:00 - Introduction, Introduction to the podcast episode and the guest, Dr. Katherine Hill, who is a board certified pediatrician and eating disorder physician.00:01:39 - Risk of Eating Disorders in Athletes, Dr. Hill discusses how athletes, including swimmers, are at risk for eating disorders, even if they do not fit the traditional stereotype of thin, young, white women. The risk is higher in sports with caloric deficits and endurance sports.00:06:16 - Unintentional Caloric Deficit and Medical Consequences, Dr. Hill explains that athletes who unintentionally fall into a caloric deficit due to their sport can experience medical consequences such as changes in heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and gastrointestinal issues.00:08:19 - Shifting Stigma and Acceptance of Eating Disorders, Dr. Hill emphasizes the importance of shifting the stigma surrounding eating disorders and recognizing them as medical conditions. She compares it to seeking treatment for other medical conditions like cancer.00:09:49 - Prevalence of Eating Disorders in Athletes, Dr. Hill mentions that eating disorders can affect athletes in any sport, not just those traditionally associated with eating disorders. She also notes that some sports can be protective against eating disorders if the right environment and values are instilled.00:14:33 - Fueling Your Body for Performance, Dr. Katherine Hill discusses the importance of fueling your body properly as an athlete and how it can impact performance. She emphasizes that looking a certain way doesn't determine athletic ability.00:15:51 - The Impact of Nutrition on Menstrual Cycles, Dr. Hill mentions a study conducted with the women's crew team in New Zealand where irregular menstrual cycles were linked to an energy deficient state caused by inadequate nutrition. By restoring energy balance, their menstrual cycles returned and performance improved.00:16:45 - Treating Eating Disorders as Sports Injuries, Dr. Hill compares treating eating disorders to treating sports injuries. Just as athletes may need to pause their sport for recovery, individuals with eating disorders may need to pause for treatment. However, with proper treatment, most athletes can return to their sport.00:18:21 - Returning to Sport after an Eating Disorder, Dr. Hill discusses the balanced approach to returning to activity after an eating disorder, emphasizing the importance of sustainable and moderate exercise. It's important to watch for signs of compulsive exercise and ensure activity is a positive influence in recovery.00:23:19 - Recognizing Signs of Struggling Athletes, Dr. Hill highlights signs that an athlete may be struggling with disordered eating, such as cutting out food groups or excessive exercise. She encourages teammates and friends to approach the individual privately and offer support, potentially involving coaches or families for further help.
7/26/202329 minutes, 47 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] From Struggle to Strength: How Family-Based Treatment Creates Lasting Recovery with JD Ouellette & Kinsey Dalbec

Seeing someone struggle with an eating disorder can be heart-wrenching. Loved ones can feel helpless, not knowing how to assist in the journey towards recovery. This is where Family-Based Treatment (FBT) comes into the picture.Meet JD Ouellette and her daughter Kinsey Dalbec, together they're living testaments to the power of FBT. For over eleven years now, JD has been using her hard-earned wisdom as a mother who assisted her own child through an eating disorder and is now guiding others as the Director of Lived Experience at Equip Health.Additionally, her daughter, Kinsey, is a beacon of hope. Rising from the depths of her own struggle with an eating disorder as a teenager, she's now in her late 20's, living in a strong and active recovery. A new mother herself, Kinsey is also advancing her understanding of mental health as a Clinical Counseling student, underscoring the significance of family-based treatment.Our special guests will be sharing invaluable insights and practical strategies on how involving the family in the treatment of eating disorders can lead to remarkable results. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how you can play an essential role in your loved one's recovery journey.In this episode, you will be able to: Delve into inspiring personal tales of overcoming eating disorders, underscoring grit, and perseverance. Absorb the nuances of integrating family in treating eating disorders through Family-based Treatment. Discern the paramount importance of timely detection and intervention in eating disorder recovery. Discover the commitment of Dialectical Behavior Therapy in anchoring emotions and behaviors during recovery. Understand the power of true relationships in bolstering the recovery journey and the transformation it brings to interpersonal bonds. SHOW NOTES -  From Struggle to Strength: How Family-Based Treatment Creates Lasting Recovery CONNECT WITH JD OUELLETTE & KINSEY DALBEC JD Ouellete Website JD Ouellette Instagram Open Letter from Kinsey CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast Timestamped summary of this episode:00:00:00 - Introduction, Kristina Saffran introduces the podcast episode and the guests, JD Ouellette and Kinsey Dalbec. They discuss their experience with eating disorders and the importance of family-based treatment (FBT) in their recovery journeys.00:01:25 - Kenzie's Diagnosis and Treatment, Kinsey shares that she was diagnosed with an eating disorder during her senior year of high school. She discusses the quick decline and the role of FBT in her treatment. JD reflects on the early diagnosis and the importance of finding the right program.00:05:16 - FBT and Parental Involvement, JD talks about the counterintuitive nature of FBT for a self-sufficient and independent child like Kinsey. They emphasize the importance of short-term intensity for long-term recovery. They also discuss the role of parents in advocating for treatment and making tough decisions.00:10:32 - Parental Involvement in Recovery, Kinsey acknowledges the crucial role her parents played in her recovery, especially in the early stages when she didn't have the awareness to seek help herself. She appreciates their firmness and lack of choice, which pushed her towards recovery. The external motivation and support from her parents were instrumental in her journey.00:12:07 - The Gift of Parental Involvement, Both Kinsey and JD consider the involvement of parents in recovery as a gift. They discuss the rewards and external motivations that helped Kinsey stay committed to her recovery,00:13:48 - The Importance of DBT in Recovery The guest discusses how DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) was crucial in their recovery from an eating disorder. They found DBT to be practical and helpful in regulating emotions and controlling behaviors. The skills learned in DBT are now used in their everyday life.00:14:48 - The Power of Radical Acceptance Radical acceptance is highlighted as Kinsey's favorite DBT skill. They explain that since there are few things in life that can be controlled, radical acceptance helps them to remain calm and find solutions in challenging situations. An example is given of handling a last-minute change in accommodation plans with ease.00:16:14 - Using DBT Skills as a Parent The guest shares how DBT skills not only helped them personally but also as a parent. They emphasize the importance of regulating their own emotions and using DBT skills to effectively communicate and support their child with an eating disorder. They suggest that DBT should be taught from a young age.00:18:28 - The Challenges of Recovery The guest reflects on the difficulties faced during their recovery journey, particularly during a relapse and the decision to bring their child home from college. They emphasize the importance of having support and accountability from family members throughout the recovery process.00:23:44 - The Role of Adult Treatment Kinsey shares how attending an adult treatment program was a reality check and motivated them to strive for full recovery. 00:27:59 - The Importance of Authentic Relationships in Eating Disorder Recovery, In eating disorder recovery, it is crucial for individuals to develop authentic relationships. JD emphasizes that the eating disorder often becomes a person's "ride or die," hindering the formation of genuine connections. However, recovery allows individuals to regain these relationships and be fully present in them.00:28:54 - Embracing Food and Becoming a Foodie in Recovery, JD shares Kinsey's transformation from having a limited palate to becoming a foodie in recovery. They highlight the joy of trying new foods and recipes, celebrating the ability to enjoy a wide variety of cuisines.00:30:40 - Becoming a Mom and Body Image, Kinsey reflects on how becoming a mother has positively impacted her body image. She shares her love for being pregnant and how it helped her appreciate her body. She also expresses her hope for her daughter to grow up in a world with less diet culture and more body positivity.00:34:05 - Hesitations about Family-Based Treatment (FBT), The guests address common hesitations about Family-Based Treatment (FBT). They discuss the belief that other treatment forms away from home are superior, but emphasize the importance of learning to manage the recovery process in the home environment. They also dispel the fear that FBT will ruin relationships and highlight the long-term commitment and hard work required.
7/19/202341 minutes, 8 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] Navigating Recovery in a Diet-Obsessed Society: Insights from Cole Kazdin

In this episode of Equipped to Recover, journalist and author Cole Kazdin shares her personal journey with an eating disorder and explores the challenges of recovery in a diet-culture society. Listen in as Cole shares details from her book "What's Eating Us: Women, Food, and the Epidemic of Body Anxiety" and hear how researching and writing the book changed the trajectory of her recovery, and how it can change yours.In this episode, you will be able to: Explore the intersection of Feminism and Eating Disorders and break free from societal stereotypes. Grasp the daunting difficulties of recovering from eating disorders in a diet-obsessed culture. Recognize the crucial correlation between sound nourishment and robust mental health. Identify the necessity for radical transformations in eating disorder treatments and studies. Be inspired by the resilient narratives of those who fought eating disorders and discover your own path to recovery. SHOW NOTES -  Navigating Recovery in a Diet-Obsessed SocietyCONNECT WITH COLE KAZDIN Cole Kazdin Website Cole Kazdin Instagram Cole Kazdin Book: What's Eating Us: Women, Food, and the Epidemic of Body Anxiety CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast Timestamped summary of this episode:00:00:00 - Introduction, Kristina Saffran introduces the podcast episode and welcomes guest Cole Kazdin, a writer, and Emmy award-winning journalist. They discuss Cole's book, "What's Eating Us: Women, Food, and the Epidemic of Body Anxiety."00:01:06 - Experience with an Eating Disorder, Cole shares her personal experience with an eating disorder, including her struggles with starvation, compulsive exercise, and bulimia. She talks about the realization that she had a problem and the journey to recovery.00:04:54 - Defining Recovery, Cole talks about the individual nature of recovery and the absence of a standard definition. She emphasizes the importance of not engaging in disordered eating behaviors and finding new ways to disrupt the eating disorder mindset. She also highlights the need to accept and embrace one's changing body.00:08:05 - Active Recovery and Daily Challenges, Kristina and Cole discuss the concept of active recovery and the ongoing challenges of living in a society infused with diet culture. They talk about the importance of having a support system and being aware of potential triggers, especially when it comes to exercise. Cole shares her own strategies for managing her eating disorder mindset.00:12:13 - Recognizing the Mind-Body Connection, Cole shares the importance of recognizing the mind-body connection in recovery. She discusses the role of eating in managing anxiety and how she has learned to listen to her body's cues and address her needs.00:14:56 - The Importance of Regular Eating, The guest discusses how a professional recommended setting a timer to eat every 3 to 4 hours, which initially reminded her of her past eating disorder. However, she found that this helped to bring back hunger and ultimately improved her mental health.00:16:23 - Food as Nourishment, The guest shares her experience of feeding her child multiple times a day and realizing that food is essential for keeping someone alive and healthy. This perspective helped her shift her mindset and view food as a means of sustenance rather than a source of anxiety.00:18:52 - Writing the Book, The guest explains that she decided to write the book after realizing the lack of conversation and research around eating disorders. She dedicated the book to women because she believes that discussions about food and body image are often overlooked in feminist discourse.00:21:34 - The Need for Change, The guest emphasizes the importance of empowering individuals with information to change the conversation around eating disorders. She believes that by addressing the societal normalization of eating disordered behaviors, people can achieve true and lasting recovery.00:24:34 - Promising Treatments, The guest expresses excitement for community-based treatment, temperament-based therapy with support, and research on trauma and everyday racism. She also suggests the implementation of eating disorder screenings during doctor visits and exploring alternative definitions of recovery through harm reduction.00:30:49 - Coexistence of Eating Disorder and Weight Loss Treatment, Cole discusses her personal experience of discovering that her former therapist was involved in weight loss treatment while also treating patients with eating disorders. She expresses her feelings of betrayal and the conflict between trusting her therapist and her own instincts during treatment.00:33:06 - The Ubiquity of Coexistence, Cole explores the prevalence of the coexistence between eating disorder and weight loss treatment. She questions the logic behind this phenomenon and believes that the focus on obesity research hinders progress in eating disorder research.00:35:33 - Changes Needed in the Eating Disorder Field, Cole highlights the need for a standard of care in eating disorder treatment and calls for increased federal funding for research. She also advocates for federal regulations to address weight discrimination and protect individuals from being fired based on their weight.00:37:41 - Hope for the Future, Cole and the host discuss the importance of both systematic changes and personal storytelling in creating lasting change in the eating disorder field. They express hope for the future and the exciting work being done to improve treatment and support for those with eating disorders.00:38:47 - Words of Wisdom for Those in Recovery, Cole offers advice for individuals battling eating disorders, emphasizing the importance of finding trustworthy help, acknowledging the challenges of the system, and reminding them that they are not alone. She also encourages loved ones to support and guide those in recovery.
7/12/202341 minutes, 57 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] How to Help Children Build a Healthy Relationship With Food: Expert Advice from Oona Hanson

What if the words you say around food and exercise are contributing to your child's disordered eating?Discover how to support your child's relationship with food and exercise in this episode of Equipped to Recover, featuring Oona Hanson, a knowledgeable and compassionate educator who holds a Master's degree in Educational Psychology. Oona specializes in guiding parents to support their children in developing healthy relationships with food and their bodies.In this episode, you will be able to: Learn how to foster your child's well-balanced connection with food and physical activity. Decipher and confront the pervasive impact of diet culture in our daily lives. Appreciate the importance of research-supported therapies in the road to eating disorder recovery. Equip yourself with self-compassion and validation tools to support parents through diet culture and eating disorder struggles. SHOW NOTES -  How to Help Children Build a Healthy Relationship With Food CONNECT WITH OONA HANSON Oona Hanson Website Oona Hanson Instagram CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast Timestamped summary of this episode:00:00:01 - Introduction, Kristina Saffran introduces the podcast and Oona Hanson, an educator with a master's degree in educational psychology who supports families in raising kids with healthy relationships with food and body.00:01:25 - Journey to Eating Disorder Field, Oona Hanson talks about her journey into the eating disorder field and how she had a child who developed an eating disorder, despite her background in psychology and coaching athletics.00:04:49 - Accessing Eating Disorder Treatment,Oona Hanson talks about the difficulties she faced in finding the right treatment for her child and highlights the privilege she had in having access to good health insurance, a major metropolitan area, and a personal friend who could help.00:08:03 - Finding Evidence-based Treatment,Oona Hanson talks about the importance of evidence-based treatment and how she found Family-Based Treatment (FBT) to be the most effective in her child's recovery. She also discusses the treatment vacuum in the healthcare system and the need for more training and resources for pediatricians and families.00:13:27 - Challenging Harmful Messages from Diet Culture, Oona Hanson talks about the challenges parents face in challenging harmful messages from diet culture and offers advice on starting with self-compassion and validating their own experiences. She emphasizes the importance of avoiding pressure on children to eat or look a certain way and instead focusing on creating a healthy food culture at home.00:15:11 - Modeling Lifelong Learning as Parents, Parents should model self-compassion and lifelong learning. Families can change the way they approach food and exercise, and nobody regrets it. By disinvesting from the diet culture, parents can reduce their child's risk and support recovery from eating disorders.00:16:55 - Learning from Mistakes, Parents may unintentionally reinforce diet culture messages, like complimenting weight loss, labeling foods as healthy or unhealthy, and demonizing certain foods. Parents should approach the topic with curiosity and ask questions to create a safe haven from diet culture.00:19:36 - Shifting Parents' Thinking, Parents who are entrenched with their own diet culture beliefs may worry about their child's weight or what they eat. It's essential to approach those parents with curiosity, empathy, and without blame. Baby steps can move them from point A to point B, and family mentor roles and support groups can be helpful.00:23:28 - Baby Steps and Approaching with Empathy, To help parents shift their mindset, it's crucial to approach the topic from a non-shaming, non-blaming place, and take baby steps. Parents have been swimming in the diet culture sea for decades, and it will take time to move them into a new mindset. Family groups and support groups can be helpful.00:28:11 - Full Weight Restoration and Fighting Fat Phobia, Full weight restoration is essential for enabling people to live a life free of the eating disorder00:29:34 - Family Support and Growth, Families that support each other and share their experiences have seen incredible growth. Parents realizing that their child needed more than initially thought or that their child is happier at a higher weight has been powerful. Seeing the recovery of others can change hearts and minds.00:31:08 - Preventing Eating Disorders, Parents can prevent eating disorders by taking stock of their beliefs about food and bodies, opening themselves up to learning more, and modeling healthy behaviors. Parents should stay aware of external influences that their children may experience and keep the dialogue going.00:34:35 - Words of Wisdom, Be compassionate with yourself and validate what you are going through. Get the support you need to keep moving forward and avoid getting stuck. Recovery from an eating disorder requires going through a period of discomfort, but you don't have to do it alone.00:35:00 - Staying Connected with Oona Hanson, Oona Hanson can be found on Instagram at @oona_hanson and on her website at She specializes in family support and has worked with the organization, Equip. 00:35:43 - Takeaway, Recovery from an eating disorder is possible and requires self-compassion, support, and discomfort. Parents can model healthy behaviors and provide a safe, supportive environment for their children. Stay connected and reach out for help when needed.
7/5/202337 minutes, 14 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] Q&A: How to build a SUSTAINABLE eating disorder recovery (Mini-Episode)

Have you heard any of these myths about eating disorder recovery?Myth #1: Recovery means never struggling with food or body image again.Myth #2: You have to eat perfectly and never slip up to be in recovery.Myth #3: Recovery is a linear process with a definitive endpoint.These myths can make sustainable recovery seem impossible. In reality, recovery is a journey with ups and downs, and self-compassion is key to sustainable progress.Our guest, Rebecca Eyre, will share her insights on how you can cultivate self-compassion and achieve sustainable eating disorder recovery.In this episode, you will be able to: Discover the crucial elements for lasting eating disorder recovery while maintaining sustainability. Realize the significance of embracing acceptance and exercising patience in your healing journey. Uncover how your past experiences and brain wiring play a pivotal role in shaping your present journey. Learn the art of self-compassion and its impact on overall wellbeing. Find out how to become your own foremost champion throughout the recovery process. SHOW NOTES -  How to Build a Sustainable Eating Disorder Recovery CONNECT WITH REBECCA & PROJECT HEAL Rebecca Eyre on Project Heal Project Heal on Instagram Project Heal Website CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast Timestamped summary of this episode:00:00:01 - Introduction, Kristina Saffran introduces the podcast and the guest, Rebecca Eyre, an experienced therapist and CEO of Project Heal.00:01:13 - Acceptance and Healing, Rebecca highlights the importance of acceptance in recovery and compares the process to acknowledging past traumas. She discusses how understanding yourself and your triggers can lead to more preparedness in dealing with relapses.00:04:41 - Grief and Acceptance, Rebecca emphasizes the importance of acceptance and patience in the recovery process, using the example of the black dog of grief. She urges listeners to be their own biggest champions and to give themselves the gifts that others may not be able to give.00:05:56 - Words of Wisdom, Rebecca advises listeners to be patient and kind with themselves throughout their recovery journey, emphasizing the importance of commitment and self-love.00:06:57 - Conclusion, Kristina thanks Rebecca for her time and the work she does in the field of eating disorder recovery, and encourages listeners to continue their healing journeys.
6/28/20237 minutes, 56 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] Making Eating Disorder Treatment More Accessible with Project Heal CEO Rebecca Eyre

Growing up with close family members struggling with eating disorders, Rebecca Eyre never imagined herself entering the field of eating disorder treatment. But as fate would have it, her journey took her there.After pursuing her education in psychology and counseling, Rebecca found herself drawn to an internship at an eating disorder treatment center. It was there that she witnessed firsthand the transformative power of treatment and recovery, and her passion for the field was ignited.Today, Rebecca is leading the charge as the CEO of Project Heal, breaking down barriers and increasing access to care for those struggling with eating disorders. Take a listen as she shares how Project Heal is increasing access to eating disorder care.SHOW NOTES -   Making Eating Disorder Treatment More Accessible with Project Heal CEO Rebecca EyreCONNECT WITH REBECCA & PROJECT HEAL Rebecca Eyre on Project Heal Project Heal on Instagram Project Heal Website CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast Timestamped summary of this episode:00:00:00 - Introduction Kristina Saffran introduces the podcast and her guest, Rebecca Eyre. They both discuss their work in the eating disorder field and Rebecca's journey into the field.00:03:18 - Lessons from being a family member of someone with an eating disorder Rebecca discusses how growing up around eating disorders taught her that they are about more complicated things than they seem. She also talks about how her relationship with her family members with eating disorders was strained and how it affected her.00:06:09 - Rebecca's journey to Project Heal Rebecca discusses her journey to Project Heal, starting with her clinical internship at an eating disorder treatment center and moving through her work in marketing and philanthropy. She talks about how her past experiences led her to Project Heal and how her mishmash of skills and jobs made her the right fit for the organization.00:08:41 - Goals and focus areas for Project Heal Rebecca discusses how her role as CEO of Project Heal was shaped by the pandemic and the racial justice movement. She talks about how Project Heal doubled down on its mission to help people who can't get into treatment, and how the organization had to reconfigure its resources to help more people. She also discusses how the racial justice movement led to a reckoning in the eating disorder field and how Project Heal became a more overtly social justice-oriented organization.00:13:00 - Systemic barriers to eating disorder treatmentRebecca discusses the eating disorder field's biases00:14:23 - Project Heal's ImpactProject Heal has been able to increase its services by 3416% in the past three years, helping 756 people access care through clinical assessment, treatment placement, cash assistance, and insurance navigation. The organization focuses on helping marginalized communities most impacted by eating disorders, such as BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and disabled individuals.00:17:07 - Barriers to CareThe biggest barrier to accessing quality care is weight stigma, according to Project Heal's Barriers to Access study. 70% of respondents reported it as an issue. Additionally, early screening is lacking, with the average respondent experiencing a five-year gap between onset and diagnosis. The study also found that atypical anorexia, a common eating disorder subtype, is often not covered by insurance due to weight stigma built into the diagnostic criteria.00:18:22 - Solutions and ImpactProject Heal is working to address these barriers by providing clinical assessments and advocating for policy change through their research study. They are focused on breaking down these barriers so that anyone in the U.S. can access quality, affordable care for their eating disorder. The organization has shown significant impact in helping marginalized communities access care and increasing their services over the past few years.00:23:22 - Designing Programs for Marginalized CommunitiesProject Heal has designed their programs to help individuals who have traditionally been excluded from the eating disorder field, and have seen significant success in earning the trust of these communities. 00:28:58 - Eating Disorders and Barriers to CareEating disorders affect not just the individual, but entire families and ecosystems. The biases towards eating disorders prevent people from accessing care, resulting in loss of loved ones. We need more representation from different communities in the eating disorder field and eating disorder competency as a licensure requirement for clinicians.00:30:42 - Improving Eating Disorder Training and DiversityThe eating disorder field lacks representation from different communities and needs to expand. More eating disorder training is necessary to reach other communities outside the homogeneous little bucket we have here. Telehealth and virtual care have been a game-changer in terms of access to quality care from home, eliminating geographic barriers.00:35:32 - The Exciting Progress in Telehealth and Virtual CareThe pandemic has brought progress in telehealth and virtual care, providing access to quality care from home. It eliminates the prohibitive factors for people in rural areas, those with disabilities, multiple jobs or kids, and social anxiety. The progress towards virtual care may continue since diverse communities need access to recovery.00:36:44 - Change Needs to HappenTo make progress in the eating disorder field, a big switch flipped by a significant person with influence, a movie, or a research study that proves things that people assume to be true, aren't. We need to diversify people's visual and mental understandings of eating disorders and expand the eating disorder field to make a difference.
6/21/202339 minutes, 14 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] Q&A: What is Mirror Exposure Therapy, and How Can it Transform Your Body Image? (Mini-Episode)

Struggling with body image? Take a listen to learn more about mirror exposure therapy and how it can help you on your body image healing journey.Kate, a listener from our community, wrote in to share her body image struggle and get her question answered on Equipped to Recover.22222Kate wrote: "I’m so blessed to be physically healthy, however after 20 years in recovery all I can see when I look in the mirror are my ‘enormous legs’. I know this is the shape I will always have. Will there ever be a day that I won’t focus on them? And if so, what additional method of therapy should I try if I've already addressed lessening body dysmorphia with traditional prescribed therapy. How can I own my legs and learn to love them, or just appreciate them and feel neutral about them?"In our mission to help you learn from the best, we connected with Zoë Bisbing to answer this question. She's a therapist and educator who has dedicated her career to helping individuals and families heal from eating disorders and body image issues.Zoë suggested the practice of mirror exposure therapy to help improve body image. It's a practice you can do by yourself, in your own home. Take a listen to discover how it works, and how it can help you.SHOW NOTES -  How Mirror Exposure Therapy Can Transform Your Body Image CONNECT WITH ZOE BISBING Instagram Website CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
6/14/20237 minutes, 58 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] How to Raise a Body Positive Child: Teaching Kids to Appreciate Their Bodies and Embrace All Foods with Zoe Bisbing

Promoting body positivity and food acceptance in children can feel like an uphill battle in our diet and image obsessed society. That's why we brought in expert on the subject, Zoë Bisbing, to share tips on how to raise a body positive child.Zoë is a therapist and educator who has dedicated her career to helping individuals and families heal from eating disorders and body image issues. As the founder of her own eating disorder therapy practice, she's worked to support families in preventing body image injury. She continues to share her wisdom, experience, and dedication to promoting food and body liberation for all in the newly launched Body Positive Home Workshops.She shared practical, research backed approaches for cultivating body positivity, empowering your child to navigate the pressures of modern life with grace and confidence. SHOW NOTESCONNECT WITH ZOE BISBING Instagram Website CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
6/7/202332 minutes, 16 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] Q&A: How to Handle Weight Stigma in Eating Disorder Treatment (Mini-Episode)

How can someone in a larger body find the courage to seek recovery when so much of the world and the medical field overlooks their experience, and treats their size like it’s a problem?This was a question Rachel, a listener from our community, wrote in to be answered on Equipped to Recover. In our mission to help you learn from the best, we connected with Virgie Tovar. She's a popular author, activist, and influential voice in the fight against weight-based discrimination and body image issues. As a larger-bodied person of color, Virgie brings a wealth of knowledge and empathy to her work, and her tireless efforts have led to significant improvements in health outcomes for many individuals.Take a listen to learn the tips she shared to tackle weight stigma in eating disorder treatment and recovery.SHOW NOTES - How to Handle Weight Stigma in Eating Disorder TreatmentCONNECT WITH VIRGIE TOVAR Instagram Website Books Forbes CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
5/31/202310 minutes, 29 seconds
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[Recover Strong] What is your PURPOSE? How to find it with Jessica Flint

How do you know when you've found your purpose? Can your purpose in life change? What holds you back from fulling pursuing your purpose? Jessica answers these questions and more as you go though a 4 part series on the foundations of following your bliss.Risk by Anaïs Nin"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death.Living never wore one out so much as the effort not to live.Life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose, endure adversity, and stumble from defeat to defeat.Perfection is static, and I am in full progress."Following your bliss by Joseph Campbell"Follow your bliss. If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be. If you follow your bliss, doors will open for you that wouldn't have opened for anyone else."REFERENCES"Pursue Your Passion" by Kirk Nugent on YouTubeSteve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech on YouTubeCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
5/30/202343 minutes, 18 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] Virgie Tovar's Unapologetic Approach to Body Positivity & Eating Disorder Recovery

Just when Virgie Tovar thought she had conquered her disordered eating and embraced body positivity, she discovered a powerful lesson in solidarity that she never expected. Virgie is an inspiring writer, activist, and influential voice in the fight against weight-based discrimination and body image issues. Creator of the popular hashtag, #LoseHateNotWeight, and author of the groundbreaking book "You Have the Right to Remain Fat," Virgie has been instrumental in raising awareness for body positivity and inclusivity. Virgie's personal journey as a large-bodied person of color in eating disorder recovery offers a unique and invaluable perspective, as she works tirelessly to promote the idea that weight discrimination is a human rights issue. Virgie has overcome her own struggles with disordered eating and developed a strong advocacy for fat acceptance, empowering others to do the same.In this episode, we dive deep into Virgie's journey and how a sense of solidarity and community helped her transform her life and recovery. SHOW NOTES - VIRGIE TOVAR’S UNAPOLOGETIC APPROACH TO BODY POSITIVITY & COMMUNITY IN RECOVERYCONNECT WITH VIRGIE TOVAR Instagram Website Books Forbes CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
5/24/202350 minutes, 24 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] Rewire your brain to recover from an eating disorder at ANY AGE with Carolyn Costin (Mini-Episode)

Is recovery possible when someone has had an eating disorder for over 30 years? Can they ever fully heal to have a normal life with food?This was a question Kathy, a listener from our community, wrote in to be answered on Equipped to Recover.In our mission to help you learn from the best, we connected with Carolyn Costin. A therapist, author, and speaker, Carolyn has been helping people with eating disorders since 1979. She knows that total recovery is possible, even after thirty years. There is no age limit to recovery.Drawing from her personal experience and professional expertise, Carolyn shared the intriguing concept of neuroplasticity and how it can pave the way for change in neuropathways, offering hope for those struggling with long-term eating disorders.SHOW NOTES:Rewire your eating disorder brain to recover at ANY ageCONNECT WITH CAROLYN COSTIN Instagram Website CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
5/17/20239 minutes, 45 seconds
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[Recover Strong] The power of BALANCE and ALIGNED action in getting unstuck in recovery with Jessica Flint

How can you step into the lab of your life and look at your recovery with an experimenter's mindset?What would it feel like to greet your experience with curiosity, openness, and non-judgement?We ponder these questions and more in this mini series on a 4 step transformational process to gett unstuck.JOIN THE TRUE POTENTIAL PILOT ✨>> CLICK HERE TO APPLY <<GETTING UNSTUCK MINI SERIESEpisode 01  → It SUCKS to be stuck! 3 principles to get UNSTUCK with Jessica FlintEpisode 02 -> DIGGING DEEP: A story of motherhood, fear, loss, grief, and getting unstuck with Jessica FlintEpisode 03 -> What's the UNCONSCIOUS MIND got to do with staying stuck in eating disorder recovery?Episode 04 -> What if the true problem is NOT FOOD and your BODY SIZE? Getting unstuck with Jessica FlintEpisode 05 -> The power of BALANCE and ALIGNED action in getting unstuck in recovery with Jessica FlintEARLY ACCESS to True Potential ✨>> CLICK HERE TO APPLY <<CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
5/16/202321 minutes, 31 seconds
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What if the true problem is NOT FOOD and your BODY SIZE? Getting unstuck with Jessica Flint

What if the true problem was not food or your body size? What if it was the power you gave food and your body size? The power to determine your happiness, the power to numb your pain, the power to punish you, the power to isolate you from connection, the power to play small. What would it look like if you take your power back and focus your energy on problems you enjoy having and solving?These are the philosophical and paradigm shifting questions we touch on today as we explore the idea of "Peripheral Problems" and their role in dismantling an eating disorder and creating a strong foundation for recovery.Examples of 10 Important Peripheral Problems Decision making Boundary setting Time management Emotional distress tolerance Codependency and forming secure attachments Nervous system regulation Community building Connection with self, friends, family, Higher Power Laughter and play Self-expression and creativity JOIN THE TRUE POTENTIAL PILOT ✨>> CLICK HERE TO APPLY <<GETTING UNSTUCK SERIESEpisode 01 → It SUCKS to be stuck! 3 principles to get UNSTUCK with Jessica FlintEpisode 02 -> DIGGING DEEP: A story of motherhood, fear, loss, grief, and getting unstuck with Jessica FlintEpisode 03 -> What's the UNCONSCIOUS MIND got to do with staying stuck in eating disorder recovery?EARLY ACCESS to True Potential ✨>> CLICK HERE TO APPLY <<CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
5/14/202324 minutes, 41 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] Finding the GOOD in your eating disorder traits with Carolyn Costin

Fighting an eating disorder can feel like an uphill battle. You're constantly trying to resist the eating disorder voice telling you to engage in harm. All you want to do is stop, and yet it's SO tempting to continue.Carolyn Costin believes that instead of resisting all your traits and writing them off as "bad", there are some you may actually want to hold on to.Carolyn is a trailblazer in the eating disorder treatment landscape. She's a speaker, author, and therapist with decades of experience in helping people break free from an eating disorder to live a better life. She was one of the first to confidently proclaim that full recovery is possible, and to advocate for the inclusion of recovered people in treatment.Listen in to discover why she believes you may actually want to keep some of your eating disorder traits.SHOW NOTES:Finding the GOOD in your eating disorder traits with Carolyn CostinCONNECT WITH CAROLYN COSTIN Instagram Website CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
5/10/202342 minutes, 39 seconds
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[Recover Strong] What's the UNCONSCIOUS MIND got to do with staying stuck in eating disorder recovery?

Your conscious mind is your "goal setter" and your unconscious mind is your "goal getter". What happens when they are not aligned? How do we bring them into alignment?Tune into this integration episode of the "getting unstuck" series that guides you through the transformational process of breaking free from self-destructive behaviors and limiting patterns that keep you from experiencing life without an eating disorder.2 WEEKS TO YOUR ULTIMATE GLOW UP! ✨Be an Early Access Member to TRUE POTENTIAL 💎>> CLICK HERE TO APPLY << GETTING UNSTUCK SERIESEpisode 01 → It SUCKS to be stuck! 3 principles to get UNSTUCK with Jessica FlintEpisode 02 -> DIGGING DEEP: A story of motherhood, fear, loss, grief, and getting unstuck with Jessica FlintCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
5/9/202332 minutes, 22 seconds
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[Recover Strong] DIGGING DEEP: A story of motherhood, fear, loss, grief, and getting unstuck with Jessica Flint

It's hard to grow beyond something if you won't face your fear and let go of it.Taking Assessment: Analyzing how and why you are stuck What are the underlying patterns? What are your deeper fears? What are you saying "yes" to that is not in alignment with what you truly want? Are there inherited intergenerational traumas or genetic/psychological predispositions in your family line? What happened in previous generations that has had a profound effect on generations to come (including yours)? Tune into the second episode of this multi-part series that'll guide you through the transformational process of breaking free from self-destructive behaviors and limiting patterns that keep you from reaching true bliss and fulfillment.Listen to Episode 01 → It SUCKS to be stuck! 3 principles to get UNSTUCK with Jessica Flint2 WEEKS TO YOUR ULTIMATE GLOW UP! ✨Apply to be an Early Access Member to TRUE POTENTIAL 💎CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
5/5/202356 minutes, 30 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] Why you need to REBEL in eating disorder recovery with Amanda Crew (Mini-Episode)

How do we let go 100%, recover, and get to a place of intuitive eating and food freedom when we live in a world that judges and reduces people to their appearance and body size?This was a question Kelly, a listener from our community, wrote in to be answered on Equipped to Recover.In our mission to help you learn from the best, we connected with Amanda Crew for this mini-episode. She's an actress, activist, and eating disorder survivor. She also sits on the board of Project Heal and is passionate about using her voice to campaign for equity and accessibility in eating disorder care.Her answer to Kelly's question? Rebellion.Listen in to hear why.SHOW NOTES:Why you need to REBEL in eating disorder recoveryCONNECT WITH AMANDA CREW Instagram Website CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
5/3/20238 minutes, 44 seconds
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[Recover Strong] It SUCKS to be stuck! 3 principles to get UNSTUCK with Jessica Flint

It’s never too late to get unstuck. It will take a new approach though! The mindset that got you stuck is NOT the same mindset that will get you unstuck.Tune into the first episode of this multi-part series that'll guide you through the transformational process of breaking free from self-destructive behaviors and patterns that keep you from reaching your true bliss and fulfillment.Apply to be an Early Access Member to TRUE POTENTIAL 💎 WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
5/2/202338 minutes, 49 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Two essential skills for MANAGING ANXIETY and future-oriented fear

(Disclaimer: This episode is a re-run. It was originally published on November 7th, 2022)Anxiety has two demands. It’s wants to know exactly what’s going to happen AND it wants to feel comfortable. Anxiety wants certainty and comfort.In this episode, we take a look at bigger picture ways of working with anxiety by practicing skills. With time and integration, these essential skills can help you reach new levels of mastery in managing your anxiety and future oriented fear.SHOW NOTES:When Anxiety Spirals. How to Let Go of What You Can't ControlFURTHER LISTENING AND READING:5 Intense Emotions Connected to Eating DisordersIs An Eating Disorder A Kind of Anxiety Disorder? An Expert Explains
4/27/202326 minutes, 1 second
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[Equipped to Recover] Celebrity Amanda Crew's eating disorder recovery story and showing up responsibly as an advocate

Amanda Crew is an actress, activist, and eating disorder survivor. She's graced the screens of numerous television shows and movies and is best known as the female lead in the HBO series Silicon Valley. Amanda also sits on the board of Project Heal, and she's passionate about using her voice to campaign for equity and accessibility in eating disorder care. She's helping to spread the message that eating disorders affect people of all ethnicities, genders, and body sizes - and ALL are deserving of care. Listen in as she shares her recovery story, and discusses the responsibility she feels to show up ethically as a thin, white, cis woman in the eating disorder world, where so many voices are silenced for not fitting this stereotype. Click here for SHOW NOTES -  Celebrity Amanda Crew's Eating Disorder Story and Showing Up Responsibly as a Recovery AdvocateCONNECT WITH AMANDA CREW Instagram Website CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
4/26/202336 minutes, 3 seconds
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[Recover Strong] Why RESTRICTION is not just a physical behavior with Isabel Foxen Duke

(Disclaimer: This episode is a re-run. It was originally published on September 27th, 2022)Diet mentality assumes that certain foods or quantities of foods are "okay" and "not okay" to eat. Stop Fighting Food Founder, Isabel Foxen Duke explains how this moralistic mentality of being "good" and "not good" can also creep in on your recovery and attempts to control binge eating. Learn why this isn't helpful.WHAT WE COVER: Why restriction is not just a physical behavior, it's an emotional attitude What people with diet mentality don't want to hear The “Don’t Binge-Eat Diet” and why it’s not helping your recovery The pros of cons of an eating disorder diagnosis SHOW NOTES >> click hereCONNECT WITH ISABEL FOXEN DUKE: Website Stop Fighting Food CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
4/25/202345 minutes, 18 seconds
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[Recover Strong] NO MORE BULIMIA and days taken over by BINGE EATING with Clélia Froguel

(Disclaimer: This episode is a re-run. It was originally published on November 27th, 2023)"I think the most important thing for me to learn was the fact that change was possible. And that I didn't have to keep reproducing the same patterns of behaviors, thoughts, or relationships." - Clélia FroguelToday we have an inspirational story of recovery from a warrior I have personally worked with, Clelia Froguel. She is a shining example of what happens when you ditch diets and stop letting the elusive chase of weight loss be your primary marker of success.Clelia and I go way back to the very beginning of this podcast, when it use to be called the Recovery Warrior Show, I’ve updated the name to the Recovery Warrior Shows because our vision is to expand to bring you collection of unique shows that target different stages and interests in the recovery space.But back to the beginning of the podcast. I just released the Rise Up app and was a few years into working on Recovery Warriors. On the podcast I announced that I was opening up some one-on-one coaching spots, and she was the first person to sign up. We worked together for well over a year and I had the privilege of watching her transform. She showed me that what I was teaching actually works to help other people in their recovery, change is possible. And since then I’ve gone on to create online programs like Map My Recovery that have given nearly 1,000 warriors the training, accountability, and structure they need to make real change happen.But it all started with Clelia, and I am so honored to have her here to share her story and her experience working with me as she recovered from bulimia and binge eating. She truly has become the hero of her own story. CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
4/24/202339 minutes, 36 seconds
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[Equipped to Recover] How doing THIS with diet culture can strengthen your recovery with Benjamin O’Keefe

There are many societal constraints in recovery. You're dealing with constant allusions that morals are tied to food, weight, and exercise. How can we better insulate ourselves against these toxic diet culture messages?This was a question Amanda, a listener from our community, wrote in to be answered on Equipped to Recover.In our mission to help you learn from the best, we connected with Benjamin O'Keefe He's a social change activist and thought leader known for his transformative work in culture, politics, and entertainment. He also has lived experience with recovering from an eating disorder, and now sits on the board of Project Heal.Listen in as Ben explains why the best way to insulate against harmful messages around diet culture and eating disorders, is to not insulate yourself at all.Click here for SHOW NOTES - How Doing THIS with Diet Culture Can Strengthen Your Recovery with Benjamin O’Keefe CONNECT WITH BENJAMIN Website Instagram CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
4/19/20238 minutes, 20 seconds
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Eating disorders don't have a "LOOK" with Benjamin O'Keefe

"This is not your fault. There are many things at play from genetics to society. But at its core, eating disorder behaviors are what people are pushed to on a normal, daily basis. And so we need to remove the shame and instead move with vulnerability and give ourselves grace to acknowledge that this is a real thing that many people battle. But if we fight together, we can win that battle."Benjamin O'Keefe's journey was far from the stereotypical experience of someone with an eating disorder. He grew up in poverty where accessing healthcare was a luxury he couldn't afford. His difficulty accessing care was compounded by the fact that he was black, male, and overweight. What began as a conscious decision to lose weight spiraled out of control and took over his life. The realization that he had an eating disorder was a gradual process, and it took a lot of effort to seek out resources and understand what was happening to him. Tune into this episode of the Equipped to Recover podcast series hosted by Kristina Saffran to hear how Benjamin used his lived experience to became a social change activist and political thought leader holding retailers like Abercrombie & Fitch accountable for discrimination against plus-sized and BIPOC customers.Click here for SHOW NOTES - Eating Disorders Don't Have a "Look" with Benjamin O'Keefe CONNECT WITH BENJAMIN Website Instagram CONNECT WITH EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
4/12/202335 minutes, 49 seconds
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The NEUROBIOLOGY and temperament traits of anorexia with Erin Parks, PhD and Kristina Saffran

What have neurobiologists discovered about the differences in the brains of people with anorexia, and to what degree might these discoveries lead to new treatments?This was a question Bobbie, a listener from our community, wrote in to be answered on Equipped to Recover.In our mission to help you learn from the best, we connected with Dr. Erin Parks and Kristina Saffran, co-founders of the virtual treatment provider Equip Health. Together they’re on a shared mission to bring effective, affordable, and accessible care to everyone with an eating disorder. Whether you live with an eating disorder, or have a loved one who does - it's important to understand the temperament and brain science behind it. Let's dive in and hear what Erin & Kristina had to say about the neurobiology and temperament traits of anorexia.SHOW NOTESTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Letting Go of Control and Surrendering into the UnknownCONNECT WITH ERIN, KRISTINA & EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram Dr. Erin Park's Instagram Kristina Saffran's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
4/5/202322 minutes, 18 seconds
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What the Menstrual Cycle Can Teach You About Rest, Self Care, and Sensitivity

(Disclaimer: This episode is a re-run. It was originally published on September 20, 2022)Fluctuations in your mood, body image, and food it PMS...or is it something else? Dr. Anita Johnston, author, storyteller and eating psychology pioneer has a lot of wisdom to share about the menstrual cycle.We don’t learn how to work with our menstrual cycle. If you find yourself bemoaning your body more than standing in awe of it, this episode is for you.WHAT WE COVER: What is the difference between sacred and shameful secrets? When is the best time of the month to access your creativity and your intuition? A powerful metaphor for understanding your emotions  How rituals and stories can heal your relationship with your menstrual cycle and your body SHOW NOTESTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Letting Go of Control and Surrendering into the UnknownLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH DR. ANITA JOHNSTON Light of the Moon Cafe Website Facebook Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
4/3/202342 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why WEIGHT RESTORATION is important with Erin Parks, PhD and Kristina Saffran

If you follow all the steps and do X, Y, and Z, it should add up to eating disorder recovery, right?Realistically, it's more complex than that. One thing science has shown is that if you're underweight, weight restoration is a necessity to recover.Take a listen as Equip's Erin Parks, PhD and Kristina Saffran explain why.SHOW NOTESTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Letting Go of Control and Surrendering into the UnknownCONNECT WITH ERIN, KRISTINA & EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram Dr. Erin Park's Instagram Kristina Saffran's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
3/29/202336 minutes, 6 seconds
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5 REASONS CONTROL is linked to eating disorders

"An eating disorder starts out as a way to gain control, until it starts controlling you."  When we feel a lack of control in our lives, we experience anxiety and despair. We seek to make our environments and our lives predictable. With an eating disorder our food, weight, and self-concept becomes meticulously managed and controlled. We create routines, build habits, and organize our lives around behaviors that provide a sense of safe and familiarity.In this episode, we explore the scientific research on the role control plays in eating disorders and the different reasons it manifest. With a greater awareness you gain a greater ability to change.SHOW NOTESTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Letting Go of Control and Surrendering into the UnknownLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
3/27/202329 minutes, 28 seconds
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HOW LONG does eating disorder recovery take? Q&A with Maris Degener

How long does eating disorder recovery take? And is there a "right" or "wrong" way to recover?This was a question Laura, a listener from our community, wrote in to be answered on Equipped To Recover.In our mission to help you learn from the best, we connected with Maris Degener, director of the peer mentorship program at Equip Health. She shared her insight on the question about the length of recovery, and if there's a right way to go about it.Let's dive in and hear what she has to say on how long recovery takes.SHOW NOTESCONNECT WITH MARIS & EQUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram Maris Degener's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
3/22/202317 minutes, 12 seconds
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5 INTENSE emotions connected to EATING DISORDERS (and how to handle them)

(Disclaimer: This episode is a re-run. It was originally published on October 15, 2022)We've bought into the idea that we're capable of controlling our emotions. We're not. At the same time, our emotions provide us powerful keys to self-awareness. They serve as a way to help us understand our needs, boundaries, and desires better.In this episode we cover five intense emotions connected to eating disorders so you can get to a place where you embrace their intensity without turning to eating disorder behaviors, and ultimately understand their underlying messages.SHOW NOTESRead HERETHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Forgiving Myself for Binge EatingLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast FEATURED SPEAKERSNorman Kim  Ayana TherapyBrandilyn Tebo   Website  |  Instagram |  Achievement Trap Book
3/17/202323 minutes, 48 seconds
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How a MENTOR can support your RECOVERY with Maris Degener

Eating disorder recovery can be deeply isolating, making it crucial to find connection and community along the way. Enter Equip Health, a fully virtual eating disorder treatment center that employs peer mentors to help individuals on their path to recovery.Maris Degener leads the peer mentorship program at Equip. As a mental health advocate, artist, and writer, Maris is a shining example of what's possible for those struggling with mental illness. Through her work at Equip, Maris is dedicated to spreading hope and inspiration, showing others that they too can overcome their challenges.On today's episode, Maris discusses her personal journey to recovery and how peer mentorship is utilized at Equip.SHOW NOTESCONNECT WITH MARIS & EUIP Equip's Website Equip's Instagram Maris Degener's Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
3/15/202333 minutes, 35 seconds
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BODY DISCOMFORT: Key Takeaways From Eating Disorder Dietitian Tammy Beasley

(Disclaimer: This episode is a re-run. It was originally published on October 5th, 2022)Tammy is a registered dietitian with over three decades of experience in the nutrition field. As a sought-after speaker and educator, Tammy works with people to help them create flexibility and enjoyment of all foods without shame or guilt. After experiencing her own recovery from bulimia years ago, Tammy takes her lived experience of recovery and helps other find their own.WHAT WE COVER: Creative nutrition therapy How the “surprise factor” can help you in recovery How breaking the silence of the eating disorder can help you turn a corner What are lateral moves and how they can help you move forward with your food fears A mindset to bring to your recovery that will help you break patterns SHOW NOTES:Read HERE CONNECT WITH TAMMY BEASLEY, RDN, CEDRD-S:[email protected] DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Forgiving Myself for Binge EatingLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
3/13/202337 minutes, 17 seconds
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5 steps to IMPROVE your BODY IMAGE

(Disclaimer: This episode is a re-run. It was originally published on September 30, 2022)“The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself”. -Maya AngelouFor this "5 Things Friday" we're covering steps you can take to improve your body image.How we think about ourselves is such an important factor in how we treat ourselves. Our perception of our body gets filtered through our beliefs, experiences, upbringing, and other sociocultural factors. The good news is our perception of self and body can change.Tune into advice from Summer Innanen on how to break out of the diet culture cage so you can wear, say, and do whatever you want.SHOW NOTES:Read show notes HERECONNECT WITH SUMMER: Website Instagram Twitter Facebook THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Forgiving Myself for Binge EatingLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
3/10/202320 minutes, 19 seconds
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How do you know you’re READY TO RECOVER from an eating disorder? Q&A with Kristina Saffran

How do you know when you're ready to recover from an eating disorder... and will it be worth it?This was a question Nay, a listener from our community, wrote in to be answered on Equipped to Recover.In our mission to help you learn from the best, Kristina Saffran co-founder of Project Heal and CEO of Equip Health has a lot to say about readiness to recover and if it's worth it. Kristina's connected with thousands of people in recovery and has personal experience recovering from an eating disorder. Let's dive in and hear what she has to say on how to know when you're ready to recover from an eating disorder. SHOW NOTESCONNECT WITH KRISTINA & EQUIP Equip's Website Equip Instagram More information about Family Based Treatment Kristina Instagram & Twitter CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
3/8/202310 minutes, 9 seconds
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EXERCISE and FOOD are NOT transactional with Kelly Uchima

(Disclaimer: This episode is a re-run. It was originally published on September 11, 2022)"To truly pursue recovery, you do have to make changes, there's no way that you can keep interacting with life, the way that you are right now with food and your body the way you are, you do need to let go."Kelly Uchima opens up about her need to change her relationship to food and exercise. Swept up in the fitspo community, advice, tips, and "best practices" fueled her eating disorder. As the fitness community validated her body insecurities, she became more and more obsessed with measuring her food and exercise. Now in a strong and active recovery, she has a lot of wisdom to share on her journey from fitspo to self-lovespo.SHOW NOTES:Read show notes HERECONNECT WITH KELLY: Instagram YouTube Therapy Thursday THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Forgiving Myself for Binge EatingLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
3/6/202339 minutes, 1 second
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5 things to FOCUS ON in the eating disorder recovery process

(Disclaimer: This episode is a re-run. It was originally published on September 23, 2022) Want to achieve results in your recovery? Focus on the process! Process by definition means “continuous and regular series of actions meant to accomplish some result”. Recover Strong is here to help you go from eating disorder recovery theory, to practice, to mastery and that takes ACTION and FOCUS. In this episode, you'll learn the 5 actions to focus on in your recovery to get long-lasting results.SHOW NOTESFEATURED IN THIS EPISODE: Tammy Beasley, CEDRN Brandilyn Tebo Dr. Anita Johnston Kelly Uchima Dr. Ann Saffi Biasetti THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Forgiving Myself for Binge EatingLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
3/3/202327 minutes, 7 seconds
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TREATMENT THAT WORKS and getting to a strong and active recovery with Kristina Saffran, CEO of Equip

"The best research says that your best chance of a strong and lasting recovery is once you get to a place of nutritional rehabilitation and stay with your same care team for 6-12 months afterwards to stay in relapse prevention and work on all the comorbidities [anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and substance use] that exist with an eating disorder. You never have an eating disorder in isolation.”Welcome to Equipped to Recover, our newest series on The Recovery Warrior Shows podcast channel where we'll explore the intersection of recovery stories and eating disorder science.Have you ever felt let down by the eating disorder treatment landscape? Today we're chatting with Kristina Saffran to hear how she is tackling major problems of inequity and accessibility of care through Equip Health.Kristina Saffran is no stranger to the world of eating disorders. After recovering from an eating disorder in her teenage years with the help of her family's emotional and financial support, she was determined to help others without the same privilege access treatment. She co-founded Project Heal, which has grown to become a grassroots movement to break down systemic, healthcare, and financial barriers to eating disorder healing. In her time at Project Heal, Kristina connected with thousands of people pursuing recovery and noticed some common themes when it came to difficulties accessing care. Particularly when it comes to getting diagnosed, affording treatment, and achieving a strong long-lasting recovery.Let's dive into this premiere episode of Equipped to Recover, and hear how Kristina Saffran is tackling these challenges, and what Equip is doing to solve them. "It's really hard to ask people to recover alone, you really need support around you to help you do that.”CONNECT WITH KRISTINA & EQUIP Equip's Website Equip Instagram More information about Family Based Treatment Kristina Instagram & Twitter CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
3/1/202336 minutes, 22 seconds
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Preoccupation, Obsession, and Low Self-Esteem: A Different Way to Look at Eating Disorders with Expert Dr. Norman Kim

(Disclaimer: This episode is a re-run. It was originally published October 24, 2022)What precedes an eating disorder? Dr. Norman Kim has valuable insights to share that can change the way you think about eating disorders. Norman is a highly sought after speaker, educator and advocate for Eating Disorder Awareness. He believes that "everyone’s journey to healing is going to be different because everyone’s pain is different." With a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from UCLA and as co-founder of the Institute for Antiracism and Equity in Mental Health combined with decades of clinical research and practice, it's an honor to have Norman share his knowledge and experience with you. WHAT WE COVER What commonly precedes an eating disorder Why eating disorders are a kind of anxiety disorder There is no such thing as being sick enough Treatment is not one size fits all Why reaching out for help can be challenging THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Forgiving Myself for Binge EatingLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH NORMAN KIM, PHDLinkedInCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/28/202340 minutes, 37 seconds
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Recovering in your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and BEYOND with Suzy Unger

"My recovery was based on knowing that if I could find something that mattered outside of my body, anything was possible."Today we have a conversation with Suzy Unger who is living proof that recovery is possible at any age. She spent 20 years working as a celebrity agent in the entertainment industry. People thought she had it all together, but she was struggling deeply with an eating disorder and harmful levels of perfectionism. Suzy entered treatment and discovered her true life’s purpose behind her eating disorder, leaving her career behind to become a licensed therapist. She now helps others heal from food and body issues, and is a proud ally who is passionate about bringing awareness to eating disorder struggles in the LGBTQIA+ community.Suzy has an extraordinary recovery story that she started at age 45, and has carried into her 50's. Now let’s get into this inspiring conversation with Suzy Unger, proving that recovery is possible no matter what age you are, or how long you've struggled.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Forgiving Myself for Binge EatingLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH SUZY UNGER 👥 Website Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/27/202347 minutes, 31 seconds
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5 recovery insights from an EMOTIONAL EATING expert with Mary Anne Cohen

"I realized that people eat for emotional reasons, starve for emotional reasons, and purge for emotional reasons. Emotions seem to be the strongest trigger."Mary Anne Cohen is a licensed clinical social worker and is the director at The New York Center for Eating Disorders. She’s authored three books titled Treating the Eating Disorder Self, Lasagna for Lunch, and French Toast for Breakfast. Mary Anne has DECADES of experience as a therapist helping people heal from food and body issues, and she’s also known for coining the term "emotional eating" back in 1982. Today she has 5 brilliant insights to share to help you recover strong.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Forgiving Myself for Binge EatingLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH MARY ANNE COHEN 👥 Website Facebook Books & Articles CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/24/202333 minutes, 18 seconds
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How FOOD and BODY IMAGE struggles make you STRONGER with Laura Tapp

"I've faced so many hard obstacles in my life that I've grown to appreciate the ones that are to come."Today we have a conversation with Recovery Warriors' community member Laura Tapp. She joined the School of Recovery back in 2018, and has truly embodied the practice of recovery.Laura has been dealt a heavy hand in life, but with resilience and courage, she’s risen above it all. She's gone through the school of hard knocks and graduated with a degree in resilience, compassion, and faith.Let's dive into this inspiring conversation with Laura Tapp.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Forgiving Myself for Binge EatingLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/22/202340 minutes, 26 seconds
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Why intentional WEIGHT LOSS doesn't work (and the approach that does) with Evelyn Tribole

"Trying to lose weight is only going to keep you trapped in the eating disorder cycle." we have a conversation with Evelyn Tribole MS, RDN, CEDRD-S, and she's a true game-changer in the world of eating disorder recovery. Not only is she a registered dietitian with decades of experience, she co-authored the book Intuitive Eating - a revolutionary program that works. This book first came out in 1995, and is considered one of the fundamental books for those struggling with dieting, eating disorders, and body image issues. Evelyn Tribole along with her co-author Elise Resch are true pioneers in getting the word out about intuitive eating, which has become a staple in the recovery journey of so many. Let's dive in to this conversation with Evelyn Tribole.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Breaking Free of Unworthiness and Shining Your LightLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH EVELYN TRIBOLE 👥 Website Instagram Books CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/20/202347 minutes, 14 seconds
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5 SCIENCE BACKED methods to improve BODY IMAGE with Dr. Carolyn Becker

Hack your brain to heal your body image.Dr. Carolyn Becker is a licensed clinical psychologist and professor at Trinity University at the Center for the Sciences and Innovation. She has discovered methods that you can practice in your daily life that are scientifically proven to make a positive difference. These are empirically backed meaning not only have these methods been found to improve body image by one researcher, but multiple researchers have been able to independently replicate these findings.She's here to share five of methods you can start implementing in your life to go from theory, to practice, to mastery today.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Breaking Free of Unworthiness and Shining Your LightLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH DR. CAROLYN BECKER 👥 Dr. Carolyn Becker at Trinity University Therapy Practice CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/17/202325 minutes, 43 seconds
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EXERCISE ADDICTION, food restriction, and extreme perfectionism with Paul Beuttenmuller

"Exercise is a celebration of what the body can do, not a punishment for what it did."Paul spent so much of his life trying to keep up with the perfect "golden boy" image. This included pretending that everything was okay on the outside, while hiding his true struggles and pain from the world.Now, Paul is open about everything he’s been through. And in this inspiring episode he encourages you that it does get better. There’s still so much road ahead of you and there’s so much you can do with it if you’re willing to go through the process. Be vulnerable, seek treatment, and really do what you need to do and you’ll be able to get to the other side and do those things you’ve always dreamed about.For a textbook perfectionist and overachiever, Paul's recovery process has shown him that life is not defined by medals and material things, but by experiences and emotions.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Breaking Free of Unworthiness and Shining Your LightLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH PAUL BEUTTENMULLER 👥 Facebook Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/15/202342 minutes, 58 seconds
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From BODY IMAGE STRUGGLES to body appreciation with Dianne Bondy

You CAN go from hating your body to appreciating it.Take it from Dianne Bondy. She’s a yoga instructor, social equity warrior, and body positive activist spreading the message that yoga is for every body. She’s here to share her journey of finding freedom from the harmful role that diet culture played in her relationship with food and self-esteem and self-worth. THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Breaking Free of Unworthiness and Shining Your LightLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH DIANNE BONDY 👥 Website Instagram Books - Yoga for Everyone and Yoga Where You Are CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/13/202344 minutes, 49 seconds
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The 5 LOVE LANGUAGES and how to translate them into self-care

Self-care is not a nice to have it is a must have. In this episode, we unpack practical ways you can work self-care into your life by way of the following 5 love languages:1. Receiving Gifts2. Physical Touch3. Words of Affirmation4. Quality Time5. Acts of ServiceWhat are your dominant love languages? Here are questions you can ask yourself to find out: What does your loved one do or fail to do that hurts you most deeply? The opposite of what hurts you most is probably your preferred or most natural love language. What have you most often requested of your loved one? The thing that you have most often requested is likely the thing that would make you feel most loved. In what way do you regularly express love to your loved one? Your method of expressing love may be an indication that this expression from another would also make you feel loved. THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Breaking Free of Unworthiness and Shining Your LightLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.BOOK MENTIONEDThe 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary ChapmanCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/10/202341 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Brain Science Behind BINGE EATING with Dr. Kari Anderson

What's happening in the brain when you binge?Today we have a conversation with Dr. Kari Anderson. She is a licensed professional counselor and has a doctorate in behavioral health. Kari runs her own therapy practice that specializes in helping others heal from issues with food, body, and trauma. She’s also the author of three books that focus on healing from binge eating, and she has personal experience recovering from binge eating disorder. Kari is an expert on the science behind binge eating. She's here to break down exactly what is happening in your brain when you experience a binge, and how you can use this knowledge to heal your relationship with food and trauma. Let’s get into some practical and obtainable advice in this conversation with Dr. Kari Anderson. THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Breaking Free of Unworthiness and Shining Your LightLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH DR. KARI ANDERSON 👥 Website Binge-eating books Facebook & Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/8/202349 minutes, 42 seconds
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CHILDHOOD WOUNDS, Trauma, and Hard Times: Jessica Flint's Story of Healing Heartbreak and Releasing Grief

Healing is not a one and done event - it’s a multi layer process that requires an ongoing dedication to confronting your pain and shadow. Healing childhood wounds and trauma is not an easy breezy stroll on a summer day. Opening yourself up to darker dimensions of your story, whether it includes swamps of gooey tar like shame or deep feelings of unworthiness is a brave act. It requires a rebirth. It often requires many rebirths. To a caterpillar the cocoon is its coffin. And to a butterfly the cocoon is its womb. Jessica Flint shares how inside her healing cocoon she found the compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance to remove over 30 years of shame and grief, layer by layer.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Breaking Free of Unworthiness and Shining Your LightLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/6/202344 minutes, 9 seconds
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5 ways UNWORTHINESS shows up in your life (and how to transform it)

Do you struggle with feeling worthy of help, love, or recovery? There are so many ways that unworthiness can show up when you're experiencing an eating disorder. In today's episode, Jessica and Andrea discuss 5 ways this happens, along with helpful ways that you can transform your sense of unworthiness into something worthwhile.You are inherently worthy as you are. LISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Embracing Uncertainty with ConfidenceBOOK MENTIONED 📖The Gifts of Imperfection - by Brene BrownCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/3/202344 minutes, 20 seconds
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Healing FOOD RESTRICTION and having a sustainable recovery with Emily

Small steps add up to BIG changesToday we have a conversation with a member of the Recovery Warriors community. Her name is Emily and we call her our "legacy student" because she has participated in so many of our educational programs over the years. She's had such a determination to recover, and now she’s living a better life and proving that eating disorder recovery IS possible. Emily is also a shining example of how consistency pays off in the long run of recovery. She is full of great advice and mindset shifts that are key to a successful and sustainable recovery.Now, let's get into this inspiring interview.LISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45-minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Embracing Uncertainty with ConfidencePAST LESSON MENTIONED 📖Essential skills for SETTING BOUNDARIESCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
2/1/202348 minutes, 21 seconds
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Are You a Recovering PEOPLE-PLEASER? An Insightful Conversation with Maria Yearsley

Do you work tirelessly to be there for others, but end up leaving yourself burnt out, high and dry?A self-proclaimed people pleaser, community member Maria Yearlsey, kept all of her problems and opinions locked up inside in an effort to be agreeable and keep the peace in relationships. This serious lack of self care fueled her eating disorder behaviors and self-criticism, as it was all left to fester in the darkness of the walls she put up around her. Maria struggled with an eating disorder for over 30 years before she found recovery with the help of some of Recovery Warriors educational programs. Inside the Courage Club, she opened herself up to connection and guidance to build a life of recovery. Not only did her obsession over food and body diminish, she found her voice too, and now she’s not afraid to use it. She learned to embrace disagreements and healthy conflict resolution as an important part of long-lasting relationships. Given the most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves, Maria realized the importance of taking care of herself, and putting herself first in order to be there for others. LISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take a short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45 minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Embracing Uncertainty with ConfidenceCONNECT WITH MARIA YEARSLEY 💞Follow on Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/30/202347 minutes, 2 seconds
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5 things to say when you're freaking out and FEEL OVERWHELMED by life

Ever find yourself on the verge of a breakdown about to cry out..."I can't handle this! This is too much for me!"Moments like these aren't the high reels that get shared on social media, but they are a reality.This episode is a soothing aid for you to learn new ways to communicate with yourself in moments of distress and high anxiety. It's not only possible to calm down, you can also build more confidence in your ability to get through .I share 5 phrases recently added to the Embracing Uncertainty With Confidence affirmation track on The Daily Growth Habit Today, I am safe. In this very moment, I am safe. I have overcome a lot and am able to overcome more. I possess the qualities I need to find solutions to my problems. I am choosing to be at peace with what happened, what is happening, and what will happen. This moment is an opportunity for me to realign with my values and true worth. LISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45 minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request an invite to our private library of audio affirmations - request FREE access now!Latest track: Embracing Uncertainty with ConfidenceCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/28/202324 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to achieve a SUCCESSFUL MINDSET in recovery

When you embrace THIS mindset, anything is possible.Today, we are talking about how to cultivate a warrior mindset to be successful in recovery. When you have a warrior mindset, anything is possible, and everything is figureoutable. This episode is the final installment of a series of past lessons that we pulled out of our educational vault to share with you. Find the links to the rest of the series below. Now let's get into this lesson about cultivating a warrior mindset to be successful in recovery.SERIES OF PAST LESSONS:Essential skills for SETTING BOUNDARIESWant better body image? Listen to THISHow to STOP feeling GUILTY about foodHow to handle INTENSE feelings in eating disorder recoveryTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!Latest track: Embracing Uncertainty with ConfidenceLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45 minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/25/202320 minutes, 6 seconds
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Eating disorder in your 40’s... is it POSSIBLE TO RECOVER? Ask Lisette Hoschek

If you've ever wondered if you're too late, "too old", or too far gone for recovery - this one's for you. Today we have a conversation with an inspiring warrior named Lisette Hoschek. She lived with an eating disorder for decades until she began recovery in her 40s. Lisette is living proof that it's never too late to recover, and hope always prevails. Now, she's a certified Diet Recovery coach that helps women stop hating their bodies and relax around food.But before recovery, Lisette was busy living a life trying to fit the expectations of everyone around her. She was SO worried about what people thought. She exhausted herself every day trying to fit the ideals of being a perfect mom, a perfect daughter, and a perfect wife. A people pleaser, plain and simple. She became so concerned about everyone else, that she lost sight of herself.Now, Lisette is living a life where she’s putting herself first, using her voice, and finding her passions all while living in recovery from an eating disorder. Take a listen to her story, and hear how she got to where she is now. It’s an incredible transformation. PREVIOUS EPISODES MENTIONEDHow Do I Work With CRITICAL THOUGHTS?The SCIENCE OF HOPE: 3 Research-Backed ComponentsTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!Latest track: Transforming Procrastination to Productivity and ProsperityLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45 minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH LISETTE 👥 Official Website Follow Lisette on Instagram and Facebook CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/23/202343 minutes, 10 seconds
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5 LIES the eating disorder tells you

Are you being lied to?The eating disorder voice can be sneaky and deceptive. It feeds you lies that keep you trapped. An important part of the recovery process is learning to separate your eating disorder voice from your authentic voice. This means ruthlessly questioning your beliefs about yourself, about food, and about your worth being attached to your body.To talk about this topic today, team Recovery Warriors is here to break down the lies that the eating disorder tells you.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!Latest track: Transforming Procrastination to Productivity and ProsperityLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45 minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/20/202353 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to handle INTENSE FEELINGS in eating disorder recovery

All of our emotions are welcomed visitors that deserve to be greeted, as opposed to being treated like foreign enemies that we slam the door on.This is a show for the big feelers. Today's lesson is about intense feelings and how to handle them. Emotions are something we ALL feel - for better or for worse, and they can be particularly intense in eating disorder recovery. This is especially true when you’re used to using eating disorder behaviors to cope, but once you start to move away from that, intense feelings can come up. It feels uncomfortable and uncontrollable. Your first instinct might be to fight and resist these waves of emotion, or to turn back to eating disorder behaviors. But we need to learn how to accept and embrace emotions, not resist and push our emotions away. This is super important in the recovery process. It may sound counterintuitive to your natural instinct to fight the feelings away, and it only makes sense that you would want to do that. But there are more helpful ways to regulate emotions that will set you up for much more success in the long run. It’s not always easy to face these emotions and practice new ways to cope, but it's worth it.PAST LESSON MENTIONEDHow to STOP feeling GUILTY about foodTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!Latest track: Transforming Procrastination to Productivity and ProsperityLISTENER SURVEY 🎧Click here to take short survey to get personalized support and help us grow our network of shows.PLUS you get entered into our monthly raffle to win a 45 minute Soul Strength's Strategy Session with Jessica. 2 lucky winners drawn each month. Fill out the survey once and stay in the running month after month.CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/18/202324 minutes, 59 seconds
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Perfectionism... The GOOD, The BAD, and The UGLY with Dr. Colleen Reichmann

Perfectionism is a trait that is SO common in people experiencing food and body struggles. Sometimes it can be a beneficial thing, but often it becomes destructive and debilitating. So how do you know the difference? Today we have a conversation on perfectionism with Dr. Colleen Reichmann. She's a clinical psychologist and the founder of Wildflower Therapy, a practice that specializes in eating disorders and body image. She's also co-author of the book "The Inside Scoop on Eating Disorder Recovery". Colleen has lived experience with recovering from an eating disorder, and is an expert on all things recovery. Listen as Colleen breaks down both the more helpful and less helpful aspects of perfectionism, and discusses how knowing the difference can help you in eating disorder recovery. THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!Latest track: Transforming Procrastination to Productivity and ProsperityCONNECT WITH DR. COLLEEN REICHMANN 👥 Official Website Follow Colleen on Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/16/202346 minutes, 57 seconds
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5 ways to cope with WEIGHT GAIN

It can be hard to accept your body as it changes. You don’t just magically wake up one day thinking "I love my body!" However, there ARE some things that can help the process along.Team Recovery Warriors returns to discuss weight gain. Listen as Jessica, Madeline, Minaya, and Andrea share five ways they used to cope with weight gain and work toward body acceptance while recovering from an eating disorder.Let's dive in and discover 5 practical ways to handle weight gain in recovery.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!Latest track: Transforming Procrastination to Productivity and ProsperityCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/13/202348 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to STOP feeling GUILTY about food

It happened again. You told yourself you would be "good", stick to your diet, and avoid those "bad" foods. But then, hunger takes over and you indulge. Cue the food guilt. How do you break this pattern of guilt around food? It comes up so often when living with an eating disorder and during the recovery process. You might feel guilt over what you ate, how much you ate, when you ate, or who saw you eat. You may also feel guilty for not eating. Food guilt can come up in so many unexpected ways, and it makes you feel like you did something seriously wrong. This guilt can turn into shame and become debilitating. Recovery teaches us that ultimately, all foods are neutral and there’s no morality involved in your food choices and eating habits. But how do you even begin to truly believe and practice this when you’re struggling with intense food guilt? In this episode, we share ways you can move past guilt around food.PAST LESSON MENTIONEDWant better body image? Listen to THISTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!Latest track: Transforming Procrastination to Productivity and ProsperityCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Listen to Want better body image? Listen to THIS Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/11/202320 minutes, 56 seconds
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The parallels between DIETING and ADDICTION with Summer Innanen

"Dieting is the most normalized drug in our culture"Today we have Summer Innanen on the show. She’s a podcaster and a body image coach who uses her past struggles with fitness, dieting, and substance abuse to help others break free from diet culture. Her podcast is called “Eat The Rules”, a show dedicated to empowering you to break free of societal standards and body shame, so you can live life beyond the scale. In this episode, we will be covering body image, the anti-diet movement, the language of recovery, and the parallels between dieting and addiction.  THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!Latest track: Transforming Procrastination to Productivity and ProsperityCONNECT WITH SUMMER INNANEN 👥 Eat The Rules Podcast Work with Summer Follow Summer on Instagram CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/9/202343 minutes, 43 seconds
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The “story arc” of eating disorder recovery in 5 STAGES

We all love a good story. We sit on the edge of our seat, biting our nails, waiting for the plot twist. Hoping with all our heart that the protagonist picks the path that will lead them away from pain and suffering. In this episode, we turn the story inward and draw upon storytelling principles to see that you have options, you can overcome adversity, and rewrite a new narrative for your life in the year and years ahead. Because when you change your story, you change your life.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!Latest track: Transforming Procrastination to Productivity and ProsperityCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/7/202321 minutes, 51 seconds
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Want better BODY IMAGE? Listen to this

You might hear body-positive messages, but it's not easy to just snap your fingers and love your body. How do you realistically walk down the path of building better body image? It's normal to have ambivalence. Improving your body image is a process and a practice, one that is deeply rooted in acceptance. It's not about expecting to love yourself straight away. It's not something you want to fake either. However, you can still be authentic as you learn to build body kindness and respect. In this episode, we break down realistic ways to build better body image in eating disorder recovery.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Listen to 5 Strategies to deal with DIET TALK Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/4/202324 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to be UNSTOPPABLE in your recovery with Julie Wickham

NEVER stop chasing your recovery goals.Today we have a conversation with a warrior who participated in the Courage Club, a community that inspires healing and personal growth powered by Recovery Warriors’. Our guest is Julie Wickham, and she's reached momentous milestones in recovery.She's been called “Unstoppable Julie” because of her intense thirst for recovery after living over 40 years with a life-sucking eating disorder. It's like she was lost in a desert and crawling along by herself for so many years while being parched for connection. Then FINALLY she reached an oasis where she found an abundance of connection, support, and recovery wisdom. Like a dried-up sponge, Julie soaked up the lessons and put them into practice, even when it was hard.Julie really embodies the philosophy of going from eating disorder theory to practice to mastery. And if you want to as well, check out The Daily Growth Habit at to keep you fueled for your journey. It is a private library of audio affirmations designed specifically for you and your struggles with food, body, and love. It's a long road to mastery, but it is worth traveling. Let’s get into this inspiring interview with Julie Wickham.THE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
1/2/202342 minutes, 22 seconds
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Releasing Shame and Leaning into Fear: A Candid Conversation about TRAUMA and SHADOW WORK

Experiences of shame and trauma change who we are, how we think about ourselves, and our sense of self-worth.  When we own parts of your story that are shameful, it liberates us from carrying a heavy burden. And this internal shift is necessary to find greater peace and authenticity. In this episode, Jessica and Andrea have a candid conversation about what they are releasing their focus, energy, and attention on in 2022 and what they will be letting in this coming year of 2023.SHOW NOTES 📝Why Releasing Shame and Leaning Into Fear Are Worth Focusing On This YearTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/30/202240 minutes, 6 seconds
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This one concept can CHANGE YOUR LIFE in 2023

It's so simple. It's often overlooked. And it has the ability to change everything in your eating disorder recovery.When you work this concept into your life, your life transforms. It's not noticeable at first, and that is the point. Ultimately, it is your commitment to the process that will determine your progress.SHOW NOTES 📝The Daily Growth Habit: This ONE Concept Can Change Your LifeTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!QUOTES MENTIONED:Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones“Making a choice that is 1 percent better or 1 percent worse seems insignificant in the moment, but over the span of moments that make up a lifetime these choices determine the difference between who you are and who you could be. Success is the product of daily habits--not once in-a-lifetime transformations.” ~ James Clear“You should be more concerned with your current trajectory than with your current results. ... If you want to predict where you’ll end up in life, all you have to do is follow the curve of tiny gains or tiny losses, and see how your daily choices will compound ten or twenty years down the line.” ~ James Clear“Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. The same way that money multiplies through compound interest, the effects of your habits multiply as you repeat them. They seem to make little difference on any given day and yet the impact they deliver over the months and years can be enormous. It is only when looking back two, five, or perhaps ten years later that the value of good habits and the cost of bad ones becomes strikingly apparent.” ~ James ClearCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/28/202220 minutes, 52 seconds
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Focusing on THIS isn't the answer with Mary Jelkovsky

"Pressuring yourself to be happy, ultimately makes you more unhappy in the long run because you're constantly feeling like you're not reaching that expectation. A more realistic intention is working to feel more connected and to create meaning in your life. It's so much easier to do that instead." - Mary JelkovskyWhen Mary Jelkovsky was deep in an eating disorder, she felt like she had to be that girl who isn't bothered by anything. This lead to her being disconnected from not only her own emotions, but from the emotions of others too.  In recovery, Mary realized that she's more emotionally sensitive than she thought, and discovered the power in embracing this side of her personality instead of fighting it by presenting herself to the world with a cold, hard, exterior.Now, Mary is living in recovery and using her inherent sensitivity and empathy to be a leader in the self-love movement. She's written two books, The Gift of Self Love and the newly released 100 Days of Self-Love. Both books are full of actionable activities you can do to improve your self-love and accept yourself exactly as you are.Let's give a warm welcome to self-love warrior Mary Jelkovsky as she shares her journey of going from struggling with an eating disorder and being disconnected from her emotions - to living in recovery and embracing emotional sensitivity while becoming a leader in the self-love movement.SHOW NOTES 📝A Self-Love Warrior's Journey to Embracing Emotions in RecoveryTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/26/202257 minutes, 53 seconds
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5 strategies to deal with DIET TALK

It's all around talk. It's nearly possible to escape. It can happen on dates, at dinner parties with friends, at work, or even at family gatherings. While some people may consider it seemingly harmless, diet talk can really affect our mental health and make us question our eating disorder recovery.Aristotle wrote, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." Being able to look at and evaluate different values without necessarily adopting them is perhaps the central skill required in changing one's own life in a meaningful way.That is why you need effective strategies to call on when Aunt Edna starts talking about her new weight loss scheme or your fitness fanatic friend shares her new workout routine.What strategy are you most excited about trying. Share in the comments over at recoverywarriors.comSHOW NOTES 📝5 Effective Strategies For Dealing With Diet TalkTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS 🖤 Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/23/202229 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to stay MOTIVATED after a setback or relapse

You're cruising along the path of recovery and feeling like "I got this! I'm on path to recover". But then a setback happens. You get derailed and lose the momentum and direction you had. How do you stay motivated when you want to recover but feel like you keep going backwards? It's common to have one setback after another in recovery, and it can feel SO demotivating when all you want it progress that sticks. In this episode, the team behind Recovery Warriors comes together to share different ways they stayed motivated after experiencing a setback or relapse in their recovery process.“I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” - Thomas EdisonTHE DAILY GROWTH HABIT 🌱Request a FREE invite to our private library of audio affirmations - click here!SHOW NOTES5 Ways to Deal With Setbacks in RecoveryCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS: Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/21/202228 minutes, 42 seconds
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Breaking down walls and LETTING PEOPLE IN with Tiffany Folk

“I need to do it on my own." This attitude can be a defense against being let down. If your needs were not historically met, why trust someone to meet them now? How do you break down the walls to open up, ask for help, and show that you have needs?Listen in on conversation with Tiffany Folk, a member of Recovery Warriors' community, on how she embraced vulnerability and leaned into getting the support she needed.If you're needing more support in your recovery, register for The Daily Growth Habit for free on our website. You’ll get access to our private library of audio affirmations directly from your favorite podcast player. No credit card needed. The affirmations will help you grow your self-esteem, weed out toxic eating disorder thoughts, and empower you - rain or shine. SHOW NOTES:How to Take Control When You Lack Support In Your RecoveryCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS: Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/19/202247 minutes, 32 seconds
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What does eating disorder recovery ACTUALLY mean? 5 DEFINITIONS to explore

Is there ONE way to define recovery? What does recovery ACTUALLY mean, and how do you know when you're recovered? Our featured warriors in this episode share what recovery means to them, to help you find it for yourself.No two eating disorders are exactly the same. Because no two people are exactly the same! We come from different families and have different life experiences that mold us into who we are today. It’s the quintessential nature and nurture way of looking at our development. At the same time, there are many symptoms, emotional states, and behaviors that people share in common when talking about an eating disorder.The same thing goes for recovery - there’s a lot of common ground and common themes, but the term “recovery” can mean different things to different people.  Over the years of hosting the Recovery Warrior Show, I’ve had the opportunity to ask hundreds of experts and everyday warriors for their definition of recovery. Our featured wisdom-sharing for this episode comes from past guests on the Recovery Warrior Show. My amazing podcast producer Andrea, combed through the clips and grouped them into 5 themes that I will be sharing with you today. Which ones will you identify with?Let’s dive in and see.SHOW NOTES:5 Definitions of Eating Disorder Recovery Self-Compassion Q&A Series:Part 1: "Am I the Problem?" When You FEEL ALONE in Your Struggles with Food and BodyPart 2: How do I work with CRITICAL THOUGHTS?Part 3: How do I move from SELF-CRITICISM to self-compassion?CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS: Request FREE access to The Daily Growth Habit Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/16/202221 minutes, 53 seconds
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So I what?

Arrrrrgh, another binge. You promised yourself never again. Leora Fulvio has actionable things to do in the aftermath of binge eating.  Psychotherapist Leora Fulvio, our go-to expert for binge eating, recently joined on another episode titled Why You BINGE Eat (And How To Stop) which focused on the driving forces behind binge eating. Today she's back to discuss immediate, actionable things you can do after experiencing a binge.Not only does Leora have personal experience of recovering from binge eating disorder, she has been helping people recover for nearly two decades through her private practice, online program Stop Binge Eating for Good, and book Reclaiming Yourself from Binge Eating. So, let’s talk about what to do after a binge.SHOW NOTES:How to Cope With Binges and Slips While Trying to RecoverSUGGESTED READING: 10 EXPERT TIPS TO RECOVER FROM BINGE AND EMOTIONAL EATING BINGE EATING: HOW TO NOURISH YOURSELF THIS HOLIDAY SEASON WHY CAN’T I STOP BINGE EATING? THE SOLUTION TO YOUR BINGE EATING STRUGGLES HOW TO MOVE BEYOND THE SHAME OF BINGE EATING DISORDER CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS: Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/14/202219 minutes, 39 seconds
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Essential skills for SETTING BOUNDARIES

Every time you say "no" when you mean no, you're saying to yourself, "I love you I respect you and I will protect you". Standing up for yourself and setting boundaries doesn’t have to be full of drama. It's an important part of the recovery process to voice your needs. Instead of avoiding the conflict or stuffing it down, you can learn to communicate assertively by saying this is where I draw the line. In this episode you'll learn tactical ways to communicate assertively such as using the following "assertiveness formula": When you say ________ I feel ___________ because ___________. For example, when you comment on my weight I feel upset because you know this is a sensitive subject for me. Tune in for more great wisdom around why, when, and how to set boundaries.SHOW NOTES:Exactly How to Set Boundaries (Even if You Think You Can't)FEATURED WISDOM: Dr. Anita Johnston Rosie Molinary CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS: Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/12/202219 minutes, 15 seconds
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5 WORDS THAT SABOTAGE and hold you back in your recovery

The words we use have power. Words not only create emotions, they create actions. And from our actions flow the results of our lives. Ultimately, the words we choose can imprison us or set us free.You may not even realize it, but you could be using words that are hindering your recovery. The more you use these words, the more you deepen neural pathways that keep you stuck in an eating disorder. But, the opposite is true as well. You can replace those words with recovery-supporting terms that help empower you to grow and heal.SHOW NOTES:5 Words That Sabotage and Hold You Back in Your RecoveryCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS: Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/9/202250 minutes, 46 seconds
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Moving from SELF-CRITICISM to self-compassion

Self-critical thoughts are a practice. And they become embedded and habitual. To break their destructive cycle takes time and applying self-compassion. I can promise you, when practiced over time, self-compassion will be the thing that gets you unstuck and keeps you moving forward. Learn how to work with self-critical thoughts in a new way with Dr. Ann Saffi Biasetti, our featured eating disorder and self-compassion expert.Self-Compassion Q&A Series:Part 1: "Am I the Problem?" When You FEEL ALONE in Your Struggles with Food and Body Part 2: How do I work with CRITICAL THOUGHTS?Part 3: How do I move from SELF-CRITICISM to self-compassion?CONNECT WITH DR. ANN Website Befriending Your Body on Amazon Awakening Self-Compassion Cards: 52 Practices for Self-Care, Healing, and Growth CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS: Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
12/6/202218 minutes, 26 seconds
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The SCIENCE OF HOPE: 3 Research-Backed Components

Why do some people lead positive, hope-filled lives, while others wallow in pessimism? In The Psychology of Hope, a professor of psychology reveals the specific character traits that produce highly hopeful individuals. He offers a test to measure one's level of optimism and gives specific advice on how to become a more hopeful person.Learn 3 components all hopeful people have in common? Which one's could you use a little work on?When the going gets tough, the hopeful keep going. BOOK REVIEWED:The Psychology of Hope by C.R. Snyder on AmazonSHOW NOTES:The Science of Hope: 3 Research-Backed ComponentsCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS: Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
11/30/202220 minutes, 47 seconds
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This ONE Thing Changed Everything in My Recovery

What will move the needle most in your recovery?In this episode, the team Recovery Warriors shares how community, self-awareness, and self-compassion played a pivotal role in their recovery from an eating disorder, while bringing to light the notion that recovery is not one-size-fits-all. Recovery will look different for everyone, and there are many steps to take on this journey. Like a handyman with a toolbox, there are endless tools to get the job done, but there may be one trusty tool you keep coming back to. Which one thing will help you most in recovery?SHOW NOTES:The ONE Thing That Can Change Your RecoveryCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS: Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
11/29/202230 minutes, 54 seconds
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NO MORE Bulimia and Days Taken Over By Binge Eating with Clélia Froguel

"I think the most important thing for me to learn was the fact that change was possible. And that I didn't have to keep reproducing the same patterns of behaviors, thoughts, or relationships." - Clélia FroguelToday we have an inspirational story of recovery from a warrior I have personally worked with, Clelia Froguel. She is a shining example of what happens when you ditch diets and stop letting the elusive chase of weight loss be your primary marker of success.Clelia and I go way back to the very beginning of this podcast, when it use to be called the Recovery Warrior Show, I’ve updated the name to the Recovery Warrior Shows because our vision is to expand to bring you collection of unique shows that target different stages and interests in the recovery space.But back to the beginning of the podcast. I just released the Rise Up app and was a few years into working on Recovery Warriors. On the podcast I announced that I was opening up some one-on-one coaching spots, and she was the first person to sign up. We worked together for well over a year and I had the privilege of watching her transform. She showed me that what I was teaching actually works to help other people in their recovery, change is possible. And since then I’ve gone on to create online programs like Map My Recovery that have given nearly 1,000 warriors the training, accountability, and structure they need to make real change happen.But it all started with Clelia, and I am so honored to have her here to share her story and her experience working with me as she recovered from bulimia and binge eating. She truly has become the hero of her own story. CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
11/27/202239 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why You BINGE Eat (And How To Stop)

I have a big place in my heart for anyone struggling with binge eating. I know the struggle. The highs and lows, the disappointment, the discomfort, the shame. The reasons why you binge eat are multifaceted and I’m so grateful to be sharing this show with you because it is full of valuable information on why you binge eat and gives actionable things you can do to stop.Our featured wisdom-sharing for this episode comes from a wonderful woman I have collaborated with for years and years now. Psychotherapist Leora Fulvio is my go to expert for binge eating. Not only does she have personal experience of recovering from binge eating disorder she has been helping people recover for nearly two decades through her private practice, online program Stop Binge Eating for Good, and book Reclaiming Yourself from Binge Eating.SUGGESTED READING: 10 EXPERT TIPS TO RECOVER FROM BINGE AND EMOTIONAL EATING BINGE EATING: HOW TO NOURISH YOURSELF THIS HOLIDAY SEASON WHY CAN’T I STOP BINGE EATING? THE SOLUTION TO YOUR BINGE EATING STRUGGLES HOW TO MOVE BEYOND THE SHAME OF BINGE EATING DISORDER CONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast
11/24/202254 minutes, 5 seconds
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"I want to eat, but I'm so scared." I'm so scared to go out of my safety zone of foods that I have taken out of my life for so long." I'm scared to go to a party and be able to be with others and food at the same time." All these self critical internal voices actually keep you out of life and keep you from engaging with and enjoying the things that you used to love. The more you avoid self-critical thoughts, the more they keep coming back to fight for your attention. Learn how to work with self-critical thoughts in a new way with Dr. Ann Saffi Biasetti, our featured eating disorder and self-compassion expert.Self-Compassion Q&A Series:Part 1: "Am I the Problem?" When You FEEL ALONE in Your Struggles with Food and BodyPart 2: How do I work with CRITICAL THOUGHTS?Part 3: How do I move from SELF-CRITICISM to self-compassion?CONNECT WITH DR. ANN Website Befriending Your Body on Amazon Awakening Self-Compassion Cards: 52 Practices for Self-Care, Healing, and Growth
11/23/202224 minutes, 19 seconds
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5 Annoying Food and Body COMMENTS from Family or Friends

The holidays are right around the corner. Are you counting down the days or is your mind filled with worry and stressful thoughts? When you are going through recovery or living with an eating disorder, the holidays are a challenging and stressful time of year. You may worry about the menu that will be served, the portion of the food, and how to follow your meal plan. On top of this, you might have to deal with potentially insensitive comments made by family members. How will you cope with these triggers and deal with negative eating disorder thoughts that arise?Prepare yourself by listening to a roundtable discussion with Team Recovery Warriors on triggering comments they received and how they handled them.SHOW NOTES: How to Survive Family Comments on Recovery WarriorsCONNECT WITH RECOVERY WARRIORS Check out articles on Website  Follow on Instagram Like us on Facebook Learn more about the Podcast  
11/21/202246 minutes, 37 seconds
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How to Protect Your Peace - 5 Ways to Get Started with Brooke Heberling

"There's nothing stopping us but ourselves." In honor of the debut of “Protecting Her Peace”, author Brooke Heberling is here to share with you 5 ways you can protect your peace. "To see your own potential in this life is a beautiful thing because we all have it. I don't ever want to sit back and not try. I sat back and watched the world pass me by for so long. I'll tell anybody follow your dreams, it is well worth it. Whether you end up with a skinned nose because you fell flat on your face or you are a best selling author, it's all in the universe and God's timing in my belief. We have to live our best life why we have it now."SHOW NOTES: 5 Ways to Protect Your Peace on Recovery Warriors CONNECT WITH BROOKE: Follow her on IG Grab a copy of Protecting Her Peace on Amazon Read her articles on Recovery Warriors
11/13/202225 minutes, 23 seconds
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"Am I the Problem?" When You Feel Alone in Your Struggles with Food and Body

Today we’re debuting a new Q&A feature, where we check in with experts and warriors with lived recovery experience to answer your recovery related questions. Dr. Ann Saffi Biasetti is our featured expert for this Q&A. She’s the author of one of our featured book club reads “Befriending Your Body: A Self-Compassionate Approach to Freeing Yourself from Disordered Eating.” Dr. Ann is a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in eating disorders and body image issues, and has been in practice for over 30 years. Self-Compassion Q&A Series:Part 1: "Am I the Problem?" When You FEEL ALONE in Your Struggles with Food and BodyPart 2: How do I work with CRITICAL THOUGHTS?Part 3: How do I move from SELF-CRITICISM to self-compassion?CONNECT WITH DR. ANN Website Befriending Your Body on Amazon Awakening Self-Compassion Cards: 52 Practices for Self-Care, Healing, and Growth
11/10/202216 minutes, 47 seconds
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Essential SKILLS for Managing Anxiety and Future-Oriented Fear

Anxiety has two demands. It’s wants to know exactly what’s going to happen AND it wants to feel comfortable. Anxiety wants certainty and comfort.In this episode, we take a look at bigger picture ways of working with anxiety by practicing skills. With time and integration, these essential skills can help you reach new levels of mastery in managing your anxiety and future oriented fear.SHOW NOTES:When Anxiety Spirals. How to Let Go of What You Can't ControlFURTHER LISTENING AND READING:5 Intense Emotions Connected to Eating DisordersIs An Eating Disorder A Kind of Anxiety Disorder? An Expert Explains
11/8/202226 minutes, 1 second
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Stressed About Candy and Desserts? 5 Ways to Take Your Power Back

The more you control your food, the more it will control you. Whether you feel guilt after eating sweets or stressed about being around them or feel compelled to "burn off" what you ate the day before to get "back on track", the struggle is real and it can make the holiday season a hard time to navigate.Our featured wisdom-sharing for this episode comes from Team Recovery Warriors. Each member has a personal experience of battling an eating disorder and unique skills that match their passion for helping others find recovery. Learn different ways to take back your power from candy and desserts.SHOW NOTES:
10/31/202235 minutes, 56 seconds
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Shift Your Story from Stuck to Successful

When we ask the right questions, we get better answers. Dr. Brené Brown and Dr. Carl Jung have two questions that will help you change your story from being stuck in a rut to successfully breaking free. In this episode, we cover how to use storytelling as a tool to chisel away at the personal narratives that keep you bound to fear. There is so much power in our stories and the narratives we choose to believe. What we believe is what drives us to act. It rules us.We hold the power within us to change our story. We can live a great story where we have the courage to change our lives for the better. We also have the power to live a stuck story, where we remain the same, or worse get held back from realizing our full potential. The difference between a stuck story and a successful story really comes down to how conscious we are of the patterns we are weaving through our thoughts, words, and actions.
10/28/202216 minutes, 32 seconds
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Preoccupation, Obsession, and Low Self-Esteem: A Different Way to Look at Eating Disorders with Expert Dr. Norman Kim

What precedes an eating disorder? Dr. Norman Kim has valuable insights to share that can change the way you think about eating disorders. Norman is a highly sought after speaker, educator and advocate for Eating Disorder Awareness. He believes that "everyone’s journey to healing is going to be different because everyone’s pain is different." With a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from UCLA and as co-founder of the Institute for Antiracism and Equity in Mental Health combined with decades of clinical research and practice, it's an honor to have Norman share his knowledge and experience with you. WHAT WE COVER: What commonly precedes an eating disorder Why eating disorders are a kind of anxiety disorder There is no such thing as being sick enough Treatment is not one size fits all Why reaching out for help can be challenging CONNECT WITH NORMAN KIM, PHDLinkedInRESOURCES: Recovery Warriors 
10/24/202240 minutes, 37 seconds
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5 Insecurities That Hold You Back

Insecurities….we all have them. Even the people that you think don’t, do. But the real kicker is whether they stop us from living the life we want to live and doing the things we want to do. Really, nothing holds ourselves back more than our insecurities. So let’s explore 5 common insecurities that hold people back and what to focus on instead.SHOW NOTES: IN THIS EPISODE:Mirjam MainlandLinkedin
10/23/202232 minutes, 19 seconds
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Trust the Process (Even When You're Afraid)

How do you trust an unknown future? Can you give up the life you think you're suppose to have in order to have the life that is waiting for you?Today we talk about trust from a few different perspectives.Trust and how it relates to control with food and our bodies.Trust and how it relates to fear of stepping outside of our comfort zones.And trust and how it relates to the overall unfolding of our life destiny.SHOW NOTES: IN THIS EPISODE:Brandilyn Tebo   Website  |  Instagram |  Achievement Trap Book
10/21/202218 minutes, 26 seconds
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5 Intense Emotions Connected to Eating Disorders

We've bought into the idea that we're capable of controlling our emotions. We're not. At the same time, our emotions provide us powerful keys to self-awareness. They serve as a way to help us understand our needs, boundaries, and desires better.In this episode we cover five intense emotions connected to eating disorders so you can get to a place where you embrace their intensity without turning to eating disorder behaviors and ultimately understand their underlying messages.THE FIVE EMOTIONS: Anxiety (4:20) Disconnection (7:15) Shame (10:55) Depression (14:40) Anger (18:05) SHOW NOTES: IN THIS EPISODE:Norman Kim  Ayana TherapyBrandilyn Tebo   Website  |  Instagram |  Achievement Trap Book
10/15/202223 minutes, 45 seconds
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"What Is Going On With My Body?!" with Dietitian Tammy Beasley, RDN, CEDRD-S

Tammy is a registered dietitian with over three decades of experience in the nutrition field. As a sought-after speaker and educator, Tammy works with people to help them create flexibility and enjoyment of all foods without shame or guilt. After experiencing her own recovery from bulimia years ago, Tammy takes her lived experience of recovery and helps other find their own.WHAT WE COVER: Creative nutrition therapy How the “surprise factor” can help you in recovery How breaking the silence of the eating disorder can help you turn a corner What are lateral moves and how they can help you move forward with your food fears A mindset to bring to your recovery that will help you break patterns CONNECT WITH TAMMY BEASLEY, RDN, CEDRD-S:[email protected]: Recovery Warriors 
10/5/202237 minutes, 13 seconds
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5 Steps to Improve Your Body Image

“The real difficulty is to overcome how you think about yourself”. -Maya AngelouFor this "5 Things Friday" we're covering steps you can take to improve your body image.How we think about our self is such an important factor in how we treat our self. Our perception of our body gets filtered through our beliefs, experiences, upbringing, and other sociocultural factors. The good news is our perception of self and body can change.Tune into advice from Summer Innanen on how to break out of the diet culture cage so you can wear, say, and do whatever you want.THE FIVE STEPS: Embrace Body Neutrality (3:00) Ditch the Scale (5:00) Cultivate Self-Compassion (9:00) Stop Checking the Mirror (13:00) Rewire your Brain (15:00) SHOW NOTES: IN THIS EPISODE: Summer Innanen, body image coach and author of Body Image Remix Website  |  Instagram  |  Twitter  |  Facebook
9/30/202220 minutes, 37 seconds
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The “Don’t Binge-Eat Diet” with Isabel Foxen Duke

Diet mentality assumes that certain foods or quantities of foods are "okay" and "not okay" to eat. Stop Fighting Food Founder, Isabel Foxen Duke explains how this moralistic mentality of being "good" and "not good" can also creep in on your recovery and attempts to control binge eating. Learn why this isn't helpful.WHAT WE COVER: Why restriction is not just a physical behavior, it's an emotional attitude What people with diet mentality don't want to hear The “Don’t Binge-Eat Diet” and why it’s not helping your recovery The pros of cons of an eating disorder diagnosis CONNECT WITH ISABEL FOXEN DUKE: Website Stop Fighting Food RESOURCES: Recovery Warriors 
9/28/202245 minutes, 18 seconds
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5 Things to Focus on In the Eating Disorder Recovery Process

Want to achieve results in your recovery? Focus on the process! Process by definition means “continuous and regular series of actions meant to accomplish some result”. Recover Strong is here to help you go from eating disorder recovery theory, to practice, to mastery and that takes ACTION and FOCUS. In this episode, you'll learn the 5 actions to focus on in your recovery to get long-lasting results.SHOW NOTES: IN THIS EPISODE: Tammy Beasley, CEDRN Brandilyn Tebo Dr. Anita Johnston Kelly Uchima Dr. Ann Saffi Biasetti
9/23/202226 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Menstrual Cycle and Eating Disorder Recovery: Honoring Your Body’s Rhythm and Wisdom with Dr. Anita Johnston

Fluctuations in your mood, body image, and food it PMS...or is it something else? Dr. Anita Johnston, author, storyteller and eating psychology pioneer, believes it is and has a lot of wisdom to share about the menstrual cycle.We don’t learn how to work with our menstrual cycle. If you find yourself bemoaning your body more than standing in awe of it, this episode is for you.WHAT WE COVER: What is the difference between sacred and shameful secrets? When is the best time of the month to access your creativity and your intuition? A powerful metaphor for understanding your emotions  How rituals and stories can heal your relationship with your menstrual cycle and your body SHOW NOTES: WITH DR. ANITA JOHNSTON: Light of the Moon Cafe Website Facebook Instagram RESOURCES: Recovery Warriors  Eating in the Light of the Moon on Amazon
9/20/202238 minutes, 53 seconds
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Exercise and Food are NOT Transactional with Kelly Uchima

Welcome to the first episode of Recover Strong! A new podcast produced by Recovery Warriors to help you go from eating disorder recovery theory to practice to mastery. In this episode, Kelly Uchima talks about her wakeup call and rock bottom. As the fitness community validated her body insecurities, she became more and more obsessed with measuring her food and exercise. Now in a strong place in her recovery, she has a lot of wisdom to share on her journey from fitspo to self-lovespo.SHOW NOTES: WITH KELLY: Instagram YouTube Therapy Thursday RESOURCES: Recovery Warriors
9/11/202238 minutes, 54 seconds
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3 Mindset Shifts That Destroy an Eating Disorder

mindset (noun). A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s response to and interpretation of situations. Building a strong recovery mindset involves letting go of attitudes and beliefs that strengthen the eating disorder mindset. In this episode, I cover 3 big mindset shifts that will change your life in wonderful ways once you break through any resistance.Time to say “out with the old and in with the new!”REFERENCE: Chinese Bamboo Story by Les Brown Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss RESOURCES: Recovery Warriors
9/9/202239 minutes, 3 seconds
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Glow Up!!! NEW shows to nurture your recovery

Meet the Recovery Warrior Shows. A collection of podcasts dedicated to all facets of the eating disorder recovery journey. From beginning, to the messy middle, to a successful end and everywhere in-between.You're in the right place if you're looking for inspiration and motivation to heal your relationship to food, body, love, and do the deeper soul work it takes to fully recover from an eating disorder and other addictions.I'm Jessica Flint, the Founder and CEO of Recovery Warriors, a multimedia company that has helped millions and millions and millions of warriors around the world connect to the resources they need to recover strong. I believe it's never too late to recover from an eating disorder. No matter if you’ve been at it for years or are just getting started. Recovery is possible. Recovery is worth it.Our intention at Recovery Warriors is to help you find success at any age. And more importantly to embody the truest most radiant expression of yourself. The you free of an eating disorder. The you that is no longer plagued by low self-esteem and truly believes in yourself. The you that feels lovable and embraces your innate goodness and brilliance no matter what your body, bank account, or relationship status looks like.Our unique lineup of shows like Recover Strong, Follow Your Bliss, Hungry for Love, and Equipped to Recover are designed to empower you to make real change happen - and stop letting fear and a false identity hold you back.Our shows feature heart-to-heart conversations with successful eating disorder and addiction authors, academic researchers, spiritual leaders, and everyday warriors like you about their path to full and long lasting recovery.Subscribe and join us each week here because you deserve to live a life free of an eating disorder. Our curated collection of shows will guide you to cultivating the courage and compassion you need to make full recovery a reality.It's time to BE BOLD, BE BRAVED, and BE INSPIRED.
9/7/20223 minutes
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[TRAILER] The Recovery Warrior Shows

Welcome to the Recovery Warrior Shows, a collection of podcasts dedicated to all facets of the eating disorder recovery journey. From beginning, to the messy middle, to a successful end and everywhere in-between. You're in the right place if you're looking for inspiration and motivation to heal your relationship to food, body, love, and do the deeper soul work it takes to fully recover from an eating disorder and other addictions.I'm Jessica Flint, the Founder and CEO of Recovery Warriors, a multimedia company that has helped millions and millions and millions of warriors around the world connect to the resources they need to recover strong. I believe it's never too late to recover from an eating disorder. No matter if you’ve been at it for years or are just getting started. Recovery is possible. Recovery is worth it. Our intention at Recovery Warriors is to help you find success at any age. And more importantly to embody the truest most radiant expression of yourself. The you free of an eating disorder. The you that is no longer plagued by low self-esteem and truly believes in yourself. The you that feels lovable and embraces your innate goodness and brilliance no matter what your body, bank account, or relationship status looks like.Our unique lineup of shows like Recover Strong, Follow Your Bliss, Hungry for Love, and Equipped to Recover are designed to empower you to make real change happen - and stop letting fear and a false identity hold you back.Our shows feature heart-to-heart conversations with successful eating disorder and addiction authors, academic researchers, spiritual leaders, and everyday warriors like you about their path to full and long lasting recovery.Subscribe and join us each week here because you deserve to live a life free of an eating disorder. Our curated collection of shows will guide you to cultivating the courage and compassion you need to make full recovery a reality.Hit that subscribe button now.Because It's time to BE BOLD, BE BRAVED, and BE INSPIRED.
9/7/20223 minutes
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When life's difficulties shape our DESTINY [Follow Your Bliss]

Recovering from an eating disorder, divorce, job loss, break-up, death of a beloved pet or family member can be devastating. But it's in these difficult times we transform the most. Listen to this famous Chinese parable that highlights why it is important to not assign meaning to events in our life. Because we really, really, really, don't know what the bigger picture is. “The truth is, we know so little about life, we don't really know what the good news is and what the bad news is.” -Kurt Vonnegut“Only to the extent that we expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible in us be found.” -Pema Chödron
8/12/202219 minutes, 18 seconds
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UNSUPPORTIVE FAMILY? Explore this with Colette [Follow Your Bliss]

Have you ever felt that your success intimidates your loved ones? Or that your desire for approval and praise is unmet by the people closest to you? You're not alone. Listen in to this episode of the "Compassion Confetti In the Making" series where we talk about how to stand strong in your pursuing your heart's path and shining your light even if others consciously or unconsciously throw shade your way.
7/30/202246 minutes, 1 second
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What Holds You Back From BEING FABULOUS with Colette [Follow Your Bliss]

If you struggle at times to feel special, relevant, or unique when there's so much noise out there. If you’ve ever found yourself with the thought..."What's the point of trying to do anything...? Others are already doing everything I want to do." Then this episode is for you dear blissener!The "In the Making" series continues with Colette from Compassion Confetti! In the third installment of this 12 part series focused on starting a mission driven business, we talk about the importance of owning your soul gifts and strengths. As well as the comfort and discomfort that goes with being appreciated for them. 
7/22/202251 minutes, 12 seconds
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Why AUTHENTICITY Takes Fearlessness and Practice with Colette [Follow Your Bliss]

The "Compassion Confetti In the Making" series continues with Colette! In this episode, we talk about the process of connecting to your authentic voice. Listen in to why we think embracing your authentic self is scary, not straightforward, but oh so important if you want to live an expansive, liberating life."My life gets easier and easier the more I allow myself to open to my true self." - Colette
7/15/202242 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to Start a Podcast and MISSION DRIVEN Business with Colette from Compassion Confetti [Follow Your Bliss]

Ever wonder what it takes to start a business and podcast from a scratch? And not just any business or podcast, but a heart-centered one that makes a difference in the world. Join Colette and I, as we journey through the making of her social impact business, brand, and podcast. 
7/8/202240 minutes, 30 seconds
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Healing the FATHER WOUND with Sherene Vismaya [Follow Your Bliss]

Y'all, I'm so excited for this show on healing the "Father Wound" with my main mentor and Jungian Analyst, Sherene Vismaya! She's an Empress of all things Esoteric - depth psychology, tarot, and astrology. ✨ I can't wait to go through her upcoming 40-day experiential journey to healing the father wound. It starts June 26th!!!! If you join hit me up on IG and let me know. We can support each other. 👏👏👏 Timing feels so right for this work.Connect with Sherene Website  P40: Healing the Father Wound Instagram
6/24/202255 minutes, 46 seconds
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The 4 Steps of the SUCCESS CYCLE [Follow Your Bliss]

The more we succeed, the more we want to succeed, the more we believe we can succeed, and the more we find a way to succeed. This momentum and certainty fuels the "success cycle". Tune in to learn how you can spiral upwards to success using this 4 step sequence based off the work of Tony Robbins.
3/25/202214 minutes, 55 seconds
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Failure is an ILLUSION [Follow Your Bliss]

"Most people have been programmed to fear failure. They give up to avoid failure, or they do not even attempt just so that they will not fail. Failure, however is an illusion. Through failure, you learn how to succeed. By trying and failing, you refine your thought and point it closer to success. But this is only if you do not give up." -David Cameron GikandiA Happy Pocket Full of Money: Infinite Wealth and Abundance in the Here and Now by David Cameron Gikandi on AmazonBook Synopsis: True wealth is not about buckets of cash. True wealth is not about designer clothes. It is not about a new Mercedes. True wealth, asserts David Gikandi, is about discovering value within yourself and value within other people. It is about a kind of conscious living that incorporates gratitude, a belief in abundance, and the experience of joy.
3/15/202210 minutes, 17 seconds
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Start Living Your Dreams (NOT Your Excuses) with Kirk Nugent [Follow Your Bliss]

Do you let doubt, overwhelm, or the "great unknown" hold you back from stepping fully into what you desire most? Catch this rare opportunity for world-renowned poet, Kirk Nugent, to inspire you to start living your dreams. Through his live performance of the soul-expanding poem "Pursue Your Passion" and personal story of paving a path to greatness, you'll be fired up to do the work to make your dreams a reality.Connect with Kirk Nugent: Website The Sound of Melanin Subscribe to Kirk's YouTube Channel Follow him on Facebook and Instagram
3/7/202241 minutes, 43 seconds
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If SHE CAN DO IT, so can you! [Follow Your Bliss]

We always have the decision to take a step forward into growth or backward into safety. Listen to this story of bravery and courage as this little lady victoriously stepped outside of here comfort zone and was forever changed. 
2/24/202216 minutes, 55 seconds
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Will you ever see the SUCCESS YOU WANT? [Follow Your Bliss]

Do you question whether your dream is possible? Have you been working towards it for years with no real tangible results? Listen up, buttercup. I got some solid advice for you. Let me know how it lands over on Instagram. Follow me here.
2/18/202210 minutes, 58 seconds
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The SCIENCE OF HOPE: 3 Research-Backed Components [Follow Your Bliss]

When the going gets tough, the hopeful keep going. Learn the 3 components all hopeful people have in common. Which one could you use a little work on? Let me know over on Instagram. Follow me here.The Psychology of Hope by C.R. Snyder on AmazonBook Synopsis: Why do some people lead positive, hope-filled lives, while others wallow in pessimism? In The Psychology of Hope, a professor of psychology reveals the specific character traits that produce highly hopeful individuals. He offers a test to measure one's level of optimism and gives specific advice on how to become a more hopeful person.
2/16/202220 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Gift of SELF-LOVE with Mary Jelkovsky [Follow Your Bliss]

What is on the other end of an eating disorder and body image struggles? For author and community builder Mary Jelkovsky, it is the gift of self-love. A gift she generously share with the world through her words. Connect with Mary Jelkovsky: Buy the The Gift of Self-Love Follow Mary on Instagram Check out her beautiful website and retreats
2/14/202248 minutes, 25 seconds
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YOUR STORY MATTERS and can help others [Follow Your Bliss]

Did you know there's a framework for all success stories (including yours)? Let's go through it stage by stage so you know what is up ahead.
2/14/202214 minutes, 42 seconds
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LIFE IS PRECIOUS, and so are you [Follow Your Bliss]

You've been blessed with 3 precious gifts in this life. Let's talk about why you want to start using them NOW.
2/14/202216 minutes, 16 seconds
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Be guided by your VALUES, not by other's approval [Follow Your Bliss]

Join me for a 3-part exercise to clarify your values and how to successfully use them to guide your behaviors, decisions, and actions. Summary of Questions What are your top peak experiences in life, what were the values that were being upheld in those moments? Think about your biggest accomplishments in life. What were the values you exercised to achieve them? What pisses you off? When you're upset, one or more of your values are being violated.
2/11/202222 minutes, 18 seconds
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The opposite of depression is not happiness, but VITALITY and PURPOSE [Follow Your Bliss]

Is happiness the end goal? Or is it a life of meaning and purpose? In this show, we dive into purpose, the first foundation of what it means to Follow Your Bliss.References"Pursue Your Passion" by Kirk Nugent on YouTubeSteve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech on YouTube
2/11/202226 minutes, 52 seconds