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The Religion and Ethics Report - Separate stories podcast Cover
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The Religion and Ethics Report - Separate stories podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 688 episodes, 6 days, 49 minutes
The Religion and Ethics Report, where religion and ethics meet news and current affairs in Australia and around the world.
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Pope Francis criticises both presidential candidates

In perhaps his most dramatic intervention into US politics, Pope Francis has called the contest between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump a choice between two evils. What impact could his words have on this tight contest? 
9/18/202410 minutes, 54 seconds
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Is there a crisis of modern manhood?

There's a major challenge for what healthy masculinity looks like. The data on male suicides is harrowing – men are three times more likely to take their own lives. So are the statistics on male violence towards women. On average, one woman is killed every nine days by a current or former partner.
9/18/202417 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why some US Christians are taking up arms

In the US, sporadic attacks on places of worship have convinced some church congregations to form their own armed militias. That's despite church leaders strongly supporting gun control.
9/11/202410 minutes, 9 seconds
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Politics, church, power, and same-sex marriage in Greece

Greece remains the most religious country in the EU. So it surprised many when the parliament voted to approve same-sex marriage, despite the Orthodox Church's opposition. What power does the church retain in the wake of the vote? 
9/11/202411 minutes, 47 seconds
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Sudan's forgotten crisis

A combination of drought, flood, and a civil war in Sudan could leave 25 million people at risk of starvation. That's more than half the population. 
9/11/20248 minutes, 59 seconds
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Countering child sexual exploitation on tech platforms

One of Australia's leading anti-slavery groups is calling on the government to implement tough sanctions against technology companies. That's because many allow their platforms to be used in child sexual exploitation. 
9/4/20249 minutes, 58 seconds
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Could Sweden ban fathers walking daughters down the aisle?

If your vision of a church wedding involves chiming bells, rose petals, as well as a father walking his daughter down the aisle, then Sweden is not the place for you. In a fascinating twist, Sweden's national church insists it's upholding a tradition – one that might surprise you. 
9/4/20248 minutes, 15 seconds
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What roadblocks could Pope Francis face on his historic trip?

Pope Francis is in Jakarta, the first stop on a 12 day tour of Indonesia, East Timor, Papua New Guinea and Singapore. Why is he devoting the longest trip of his papacy to these far-flung outposts of Catholicism?
9/4/202410 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why is the pope visiting Indonesia?

Pope Francis is about to embark on his longest ever overseas tour. It will include a visit to Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim country. Catholics are only 3 per cent of Indonesia's population, and the Archbishop of Jakarta, Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, will be hosting the pope. 
8/28/20248 minutes, 32 seconds
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How does religion affect migration trends?

Immigration is likely to be a major, and possibly divisive, issue in the next election— at home and abroad. People leave their country of birth for many reasons, and often, their religion plays a role in where and why they migrate, as new research reveals.
8/28/20248 minutes, 51 seconds
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Navigating religious conscience in a secular society

What happens if you're a politician, lawyer or judge, faithful to your religious beliefs, but bound to operate in secular democracy? In the US, this question is a lively debate, and on issues such as abortion and the death penalty, it affects both the right and the left. 
8/28/202411 minutes
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Aid workers around the world need more protection

The UN has urged an immediate ceasefire in Gaza to allow a mass vaccination campaign to prevent an outbreak of polio. And on the frontline of these efforts are aid workers, both local and international. In 2024, they've been killed in unprecedented numbers while working in Gaza, and globally. 
8/21/20248 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Yazidi survivors seeking justice

In 2016, the Religion and Ethics Report revealed that several Australians who’d gone to join the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria were implicated in sexual violence against Yazidi women. Eight years on, there's been a renewed campaign to bring the perpetrators to justice.
8/21/20249 minutes, 50 seconds
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Religious and racial fractures after the UK riots

Riots across the UK have died down, as ringleaders have been charged and jailed. But it's left a division in the country that's both racial and religious, and it poses a challenge to the new Labour government. 
8/21/202410 minutes, 28 seconds
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Do Italy's far-right PM and the Pope get along?

Italy’s nationalist prime minister Giorgia Meloni has no trouble upsetting her liberal counterparts across Europe. But why is Pope Francis one leader she's been trying to keep onside?
8/14/202411 minutes, 44 seconds
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Brazil's secret missionaries in the Middle East

In 2008, Brazilian journalist Adriana Carranca arrived in Afghanistan. There, she met a man named Luis, who led her to an underground religious network that resembled a spy ring during the Cold War.
8/14/202420 minutes, 23 seconds
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Professor John Carroll fears 'clash of civilisations'

Australian sociologist John Carroll has long been a zealous defender of Australia’s post-war multiculturalism. But now he’s worried that global tensions, such as the wars in Gaza and Ukraine are creating divisions here. In an essay for the Australian Financial Review he warns we are not immune to a clash of civilisation.
8/7/20249 minutes, 53 seconds
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Peter Khalil appointed special envoy for social cohesion

We often cite the success of Australian multiculturalism -- half of us born overseas or have at least one parent born overseas, coming from 300 different ancestries. But tensions elsewhere and the toxic tone of social media threaten this project. The federal government has appointed Melbourne Labor MP Peter Khalil as the country’s first envoy for social cohesion. His job is even more important since the security service raised the threat level in Australia.
8/7/202412 minutes, 56 seconds
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Religious tensions after ousting of Bangladeshi Prime Minister

The ousting of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in Bangladesh could create religious instability in a country where there’s a delicate balance between the Sunni Muslim majority and the Hindu minority. Since the prime minister fled Bangladesh, there have been small scale attacks on temples. Just a few days ago, the government banned an Islamist party that was growing in popularity. 
8/7/20245 minutes, 34 seconds
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The moral calculus of war

Wars in Gaza and Ukraine have resulted in tens of thousands of civilian deaths. What are the moral obligations of armies - and the politicians who send them into battle - to minimise death and destruction, even when they're fighting an enemy they consider evil?
7/31/202429 minutes, 52 seconds
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Why France has banned headscarves for its own Olympic athletes

The Paris Olympic Games are well underway, but not without religious controversy. The French national team has barred its own athletes from wearing religious items like the hijab. 
7/31/20249 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why the World Council of Churches won't expel the Russian Orthodox Church

One of the most serious consequences of the Ukraine war has been the split in the global Orthodox church. Pew Research estimates there are 260 million Orthodox Christians. The Russian Orthodox Church has not only supported Vladimir Putin’s attack, it’s blessed it as a Holy War. The influential World Council of Churches has been under intense pressure to expel or suspend the Russian Orthodox from the organisation. Its general secretary is the Revd. Dr. JERRY PILLAY. has been in Australia to discuss religious freedom. 
7/24/202419 minutes, 18 seconds
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JD Vance's interfaith marriage draws international attention

The marriage of Catholic convert J.D. Vance to a woman of Hindu Indian background not only defies assumptions about the Republicans, it’s making waves internationally. 
7/24/20248 minutes, 23 seconds
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Religious diversity on the US ballot

Religious practice may be falling in the United States but it remains a powerful expression of political identity. The near certainty that Kamala Harris will be the Democratic candidate for president focuses attention on her background as a woman of both Christian and Hindu heritage. On the Republican side, vice presidential candidate J. D. Vance, who’s in an interfaith and inter-racial marriage, up-ends stereotypes of the Trump Republican Party. 
7/24/20249 minutes, 16 seconds
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Will the decline of the Black church cost Biden votes?

The once mighty US Black churches, which drew congregations in the thousands, are in decline – and it's affecting the Democratic party. 
7/17/20248 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Muslim country that's banning the hijab

A country in which almost everyone is Muslim might seem an unlikely place for the government to impose a ban on the hijab. So why has the parliament of Tajikistan done so?
7/17/202411 minutes, 20 seconds
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Did God protect Donald Trump?

The failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump has not only turbo-charged his supporters, it’s led many to believe that God spared his life so he could retake power.
7/17/20249 minutes, 23 seconds
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Pope Francis excommunicates rebel cleric

The Pope has finally had enough of the rebellious, conspiracy-minded Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who once tried to engineer a coup against Francis. He’s excommunicated Vigano. It’s one of the most severe penalties a pope can impose on any Catholic, especially a cleric. 
7/10/20249 minutes, 41 seconds
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Could Muslim Vote UK replicate its electoral success in Australia?

Even when an election’s a foregone conclusion, such as last week’s landslide victory for Labour in the UK, there’s usually unexpected results. Such was the victory of four independent Muslim candidates in what had been safe Labour constituencies. The major reason for their success – the war in Gaza. How likely is such a scenario in Australia? 
7/10/20249 minutes, 25 seconds
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Dr Jamal Rifi on the prospect of Muslim Vote candidates in western Sydney

The defection of Labor senator Fatima Payman to the crossbench has galvanised many Australians – and not simply those of Muslim or Arab background – to demand the federal government take a tougher line against Israel’s war in Gaza. It has also emboldened activists in the Muslim community to recruit independent candidates to run against Labor MPs in their western Sydney electorates. One of those seats is Watson, held by Tony Burke. 
7/10/20248 minutes, 23 seconds
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Educating for a diverse Australia

4 in 10 students who attend Catholic high schools aren’t, in fact, Catholic. And it got us thinking –  the place where we learn to get along is the classroom. Today, we're in Sydney's culturally diverse west, in Parramatta to discuss educating for a diverse Australia.
7/3/202444 minutes, 35 seconds
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The long fight for the soul of the UK Labour party

The British Labour Party is on the cusp of possibly the biggest victory in its history. But for one well-placed writer, there’s a risk in such a triumph. Labour MP John Cruddas takes a look at  one of the party’s most influential but forgotten traditions.
6/26/202428 minutes, 39 seconds
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Serious questions raised over Australian troops during Iraq war

Nicholas Mercer was a top UK military lawyer during the 2003 Iraq War. He's raised serious questions about the possible involvement of Australian troops in the mistreatment and disappearance of prisoners of war.
6/26/202412 minutes, 52 seconds
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Religion and immigration in the French elections

In the officially secular nation of France, will the elections become a fight over Muslim piety? Religion is never far from the surface of French politics, but it's often dressed up as a debate over immigration. 
6/19/202410 minutes, 4 seconds
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How an FBI stand-off with a cult influenced modern militias

It captivated America and much of the world. In 1993, a 51 day stand-off in Waco, Texas, between the FBI and a religious cult known as the Branch Davidians came, literally, to a fiery end. Those who died became martyrs — but martyrs to whom?
6/19/202426 minutes, 50 seconds
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Why did the Voice referendum fail

Eight months on from the referendum to enshrine an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, many of its key supporters are still trying to understand the reasons for its defeat. Why did six in ten Australians vote "No"?
6/12/202415 minutes, 53 seconds
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Is Hindu Nationalism coming to an end?

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi has hung much of his politics on Hindu Nationalism, but after a surprising election result, are we now seeing an end to this force in politics?
6/11/202412 minutes, 32 seconds
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Religious parties and the South African elections

South Africa's historic election result has left the ruling ANC party short of a majority in the parliament. As it struggles to get the extra seats it needs, will it need to rely on some of the small, explicitly religious parties?
6/5/20248 minutes, 52 seconds
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The untold history of the gay right in America

In a revealing book, historian Neil J Young details the 70 year effort by gay and lesbian Americans to cultivate support among Republicans.
6/5/202431 minutes, 28 seconds
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Hungary's PM styles himself as a defender of Christendom

With the EU elections coming up, Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban has styled himself as defender of a so-called Judeo-Christian Europe.
5/29/202414 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Beijing has co-opted Tibetan Buddhism

Beijing has tried to control Tibetan Buddhism, but how successful has it been in doing so?
5/29/202412 minutes, 32 seconds
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Could Raisi's death lead to reform in Iran?

Could the death of Iran's president Ebrahim Raisi, open up a chance for reform in the hard-line regime?
5/22/20249 minutes, 19 seconds
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Unrest in Jordan over the Gaza war

The war in Gaza has now claimed over 35,000 lives. The nearby country of Jordan has tried to balance its condemnation of Israel’s military tactics, against its relationship with the US and Israel.
5/22/202412 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Vatican's new guide to the supernatural

From statues of the Virgin Mary weeping, to angels appearing in visions, the Vatican has issued new guidelines on how to deal with the supernatural.
5/22/20248 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Vatican's involvement in the birth of IVF

In the past, the Vatican – and even a Pope – played a secret role in the development of artificial conception. And the vital ingredient was a basic human substance.
5/15/202411 minutes, 4 seconds
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Foreign aid funding falls short of targets

The federal budget is in, and foreign aid funding has fallen well short of international targets. Catholic aid agency Caritas has asked for a doubling of the emergency aid fund, but did they get anything like what they sought?
5/15/20247 minutes, 55 seconds
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What age is too young to visit Auschwitz?

Each year, about two million people visit Auschwitz in Poland, and many of them are Jewish teenagers. But how young is too young to visit to the largest death camp of World War II?
5/15/20249 minutes, 1 second
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Pope's statement on dignity joins the left and right

Is Pope Francis a man of the left or a more cuddly version of a classic church conservative? Since the release of his latest statement on human dignity, both sides are claiming him.
5/8/20249 minutes, 30 seconds
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A psychiatrist's view on terrorism

In a timely warning, psychiatrist Tanveer Ahmed says violence can be the darkest form of the search for belonging. What motivates a terrorist, from a psychological perspective?
5/8/20249 minutes, 53 seconds
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French nun case ignites church state tensions

The Vatican and the French government are in a major stand-off. It's over the question of whether the state can prevent the Church from sacking a nun.
5/7/20248 minutes, 58 seconds
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Cool Christianity — when celebrity culture collides with faith

The hand waves, the music pumps, and the preacher wearing branded sneakers, skips across a stage. It's the face of modern religion, but is there a line between belief and entertainment?
5/1/202416 minutes, 52 seconds
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Urgent calls for age restrictions to online porn

Australia's national cabinet met this week to try to curb the domestic violence crisis. And women's advocates have renewed their call to restrict the access children and teens have to online pornography.
5/1/20249 minutes, 37 seconds
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Safeguards to prevent child sexual abuse in churches

In countries where governments drove major investigations into child sexual abuse, churches have since imposed much stronger safeguards for children. That's according to a new study by the Australian Catholic University.
5/1/20246 minutes, 41 seconds
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Is the "golden age of American Judaism" over?

Jewish Americans have made themselves integral, especially to the literary, theatrical and intellectual life of their adopted home. But is the so-called golden age of American Judaism over?
4/24/202426 minutes, 3 seconds
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What factors are important for national belonging?

ANZAC Day is one of the few times left when much of the country gathers together for a secular ritual. How important are such customs like these as markers of belonging, in Australia and abroad?
4/24/20248 minutes, 18 seconds
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Tensions after knife attack in Sydney church

NSW police have declared a knife attack on a Sydney bishop to be a terrorist incident. The violence outside the church after the attack also suggests Australia isn't immune to social tensions, but are they common?
4/17/202410 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ahmadiyya community mourns Feraz Tahir, Bondi stabbing victim

Faraz Tahir was one victim in the almost unspeakable murder tragedy in Bondi at the weekend. Faraz was part of the Ahmadiyya community, a branch of Islam that suffers severe persecution in Asia and the Middle East. 
4/17/20249 minutes, 36 seconds
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Russia officially declares "holy war" on Ukraine

The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church has made it official. He's declared the invasion of Ukraine a "holy war" to "defend the single spiritual place of Holy Russia."
4/17/202413 minutes, 11 seconds
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Human rights Rabbi calls for ceasefire in Gaza

On October 7, Avi Dabush made a narrow escape from the Hamas massacre that killed 1,200 Israelis. Since the escape, he has only been more determined to pursue a peaceful resolution — in Gaza, and the Palestinian West Bank.
4/10/20248 minutes, 39 seconds
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Why America's religious right is getting raunchy

In the days of Donald Trump, there's been a controversial trend on the religious right — leaning into a raunchier, sexier side, over modesty.
4/10/202417 minutes, 38 seconds
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One Jewish leader's pursuit for peace in the Middle East

Robin Margo was a respected Jewish leader. But his passion for reconciliation in the Middle East made him a pariah to many.
4/3/202416 minutes, 22 seconds
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Why matchmaking is on the rise

Despite the many dating apps available, why is matchmaking making a comeback among South Asian Americans of all faiths? 
4/3/202411 minutes, 2 seconds
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The rogue Irish priest who was a spy for the IRA

To those who encountered him, Father Patrick Ryan seemed like a typical village priest in Northern Ireland. But he lived a top secret life, because for almost 20 years, Ryan was a spy for the Irish Republican Army.
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Palestinian Catholics mark Easter in Gaza

At the Holy Family Church in Gaza, where hundreds have taken refuge, they will not abandon their tradition. Despite the destruction in Gaza City, they continue to celebrate Easter. 
3/27/202410 minutes, 31 seconds
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Hong Kong's priests may be required to break confessional seal

Church and human rights advocates fear that Article 23, as it’s known, could require priests in Hong Kong to report anti-government activity they hear about in the confessional.
3/27/20248 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why has Islamic State attacked Russia?

Islamic State carried out a deadly concert attack near Moscow, killing at least 140 people. Why has the terrorist group targeted Russia?
3/27/20249 minutes, 54 seconds
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The war between mafia and priests in Italy

Recently, Father Felice Palamara found a literal chalice that had been poisoned by the mafia. It's another sign of growing violence against priests who speak out against such criminal organisations. 
3/20/202411 minutes, 2 seconds
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What if your boss could monitor your thoughts?

In China, the government is testing technology that allows authorities to monitor a person's thoughts. It’s an AI development that particularly worries federal Human Rights Commissioner Lorraine Finlay.
3/20/20249 minutes, 45 seconds
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Religious concern over discrimination act

A new religious discrimination law would reportedly allow faith-based schools to keep their spiritual character, but some religious groups worry this could be open to endless legal challenges.
3/20/20247 minutes, 6 seconds
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Pope Francis triggers anger in Ukraine and Israel

Did Pope Francis really tell Ukraine’s leaders to hoist "the white flag" — ending a war that Russia began two years ago? Also, the Pope has upset Israel's government in its diplomatic efforts.
3/13/202419 minutes, 21 seconds
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Putin's appeal among US evangelicals

The popularity of Putin among nominally conservative Christians sounds baffling — but why is it a growing phenomenon in the US?
3/13/202412 minutes, 25 seconds
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How South Asian women are breaking tradition and leading change

In the world's largest democracy, India, there's been a huge shift in who is going to the ballot box. 49% of voters will be women in this year's elections  — and they'll outstrip male voters by 2029. ABC's Avani Dias examines this turning point in the country, the leaps and strides women have made, and the barriers still present today. 
3/6/202428 minutes, 36 seconds
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Over 40% of students in Catholic high schools are non-Catholic

Over 40% of students who attend Catholic high schools, aren’t Catholic. In fact, many aren’t even Christian. That’s one finding of a major study involving 1,200 parishes across Australia. 
2/28/20248 minutes, 28 seconds
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Dangers of Gaza war continuing into Muslim holy month

If Israel's military offensive in Gaza continues into the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, it could ignite a wider conflict.
2/28/20249 minutes, 8 seconds
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Do we need to rethink our prison system?

Australia spends $6 billion a year on prisons. But we still have one of the highest rates of repeat offending in the world. So what is prison good for? 
2/28/202410 minutes, 34 seconds
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The small Christian college mixed up in Trump's 2020 election plot

How did a small Christian college in Michigan end up at the heart of Donald Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election?
2/21/202411 minutes, 29 seconds
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When does anti-Zionism become anti-Semitism?

When does anti-Zionism become anti-Semitism? It's possibly the most contentious question of the moment.
2/21/20245 minutes, 59 seconds
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How important was religion in Indonesia's election?

Indonesia's new president Prabowo Subianto has a history of courting Islamists - but religion was far less prominent in last week's national elections.
2/21/202414 minutes, 40 seconds
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Concerns raised over false conversions of asylum seekers in UK

In Britain, concerns have been raised over the false conversion of asylum seekers to Christianity, so they can stay.
2/14/20248 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why many religious "nones" still believe in a higher power

In a trend mirroring Australia, around 30 percent of Americans call themselves religious "nones." They have no affiliation with any organised religion. But a new study reveals that many "nones" still believe in a higher power.
2/14/20248 minutes, 54 seconds
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What's the Russian ideology of Eurasianism?

At the heart of Russia is the vast hinterland known as the Steppe, bordering Mongolia, China and the Central Asian Republics. Around this territory, Putin has endorsed an ideology called "Eurasianism," and it's influenced by Eastern Orthodox Christianity. 
2/14/202415 minutes, 5 seconds
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How Biden's strong support for Israel could impact US elections

Could President Joe Biden's strong support for Israel weaken Democratic support among US Muslims?
2/7/202414 minutes, 24 seconds
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Imran Khan and wife Bushra Bibi convicted of breaking Islamic marriage law

Pakistan's former PM Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi, have been convicted of violating Islamic law. The couple allegedly married too soon after her divorce.
2/7/20248 minutes, 15 seconds
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The ethics of espionage

The business of espionage certainly involves a multitude of sins: deception, blackmail, betrayal, and even murder. So can there be an ethical form of espionage?
2/7/202416 minutes, 43 seconds
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How the CCP is using religion to spread its influence in Taiwan

How Beijing is allegedly using a popular folk religion to spread its influence in Taiwan.
1/31/202412 minutes, 12 seconds
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Rose Hunter speaks out on traumatic experience in sex industry

Rose Hunter is a sex industry survivor, and she's urging South Australian politicians to rethink their support for full decriminalisation of the trade.
1/31/202415 minutes, 23 seconds
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Is Modi using the new Ram temple for political gain?

On the site of a destroyed mosque, India's Narendra Modi opened a huge temple dedicated to the Hindu god, Lord Ram. Is this a curtain-raiser to the national elections later this year?
1/24/20247 minutes, 18 seconds
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Pope's statement on same-sex blessings and surrogacy

Just how adept has Francis become at balancing the interests of the left and the right in the church?
1/24/202410 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Biblical story of Amalek evoked by Netanyahu

South Africa has accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza, a claim that Israel rejects. In its argument, South Africa points to a violent story in the Hebrew Bible, which has been used by Netanyahu.
1/24/202410 minutes, 46 seconds
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The rogue Irish priest who was a spy for the IRA

To those who encountered him, Father Patrick Ryan seemed like a typical village priest in Northern Ireland. But he lived a top secret life, because for almost 20 years, Ryan was a spy for the Irish Republican Army.
1/17/202428 minutes, 3 seconds
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How the west became enamoured with Indian spirituality

British writer Mick Brown recalls the west's search for enlightenment in the 1960s and 70s, looking to the gurus and philosophies of eastern religions.
1/10/202427 minutes, 49 seconds
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When does religious homage become appropriation?

Is it homage or insensitivity to wear clothing, play music, or display symbols from a culture that isn't your own? And what about questions of appreciation, and appropriation, when it comes to religion?
1/3/202427 minutes, 49 seconds
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Isabel Kershner on divisions in society and politics in Israel

Isabel Kershner from The New York Times explores Israel's cultural and religious shifts, which she fears challenges the country's democratic ideals.
12/27/202328 minutes, 10 seconds
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The search for saviours in the secular west

Sociologist John Carroll takes us on a journey through politics, history and, especially, popular culture in search of the new redeemers in the secular west.
12/20/202327 minutes, 21 seconds
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The secular Jewish thinkers who embraced a "Cold War Christianity"

After WWII, how did a group of mainly Jewish intellectuals, come to believe their mission was to uphold certain Christian ideals? But historian Samuel Moyn explains how the good ideas of this group, known as the ‘Cold War liberals,’ turned grievously awry.
12/13/202332 minutes, 22 seconds
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British MP Danny Kruger on building belonging in society

In what can feel like a starkly divided world, is there an alternative to a heartless free market economics, authoritarian populism, and a liberalism that seems to say "if it feels good, do it?" British MP Danny Kruger thinks he’s found another way.
12/6/202320 minutes, 20 seconds
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New report into the significance of religion for African-Australians

Africa is the new powerhouse of Christianity and, for the vast number of Australians with African background, religion is "central to most aspects of their lives." That’s the key finding of a new report into the community.
12/6/202314 minutes, 32 seconds
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Religion in the Dutch and Polish elections

Dutch nationalist Geert Wilders has historically had an anti-Islam and anti-immigration stance. And after last week's elections, he's closer to power than ever. Also, Catholicism in the Polish elections.
11/29/202316 minutes, 21 seconds
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Father Huber, the Secret Service, and the Kennedy assassination

At the time of the Kennedy assassination six decades ago, the Secret Service warned Fr Oscar Huber not to breath a word about what he’d seen. But did he follow their orders?
11/22/202319 minutes, 44 seconds
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Centre-left European parties are conflicted over the Gaza war

The Gaza war is proving uncomfortable for centre-left parties in Europe. Across the continent, progressives find themselves conflicted over their historic support for Israel, and their more recent sympathies for the occupied Palestinians. 
11/22/20239 minutes, 21 seconds
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Päivi Räsänen, religion, and free speech in Finland

To charge someone under a legal code that deals with war crimes and crimes against humanity suggests an offence requiring the toughest punishment. But what if the offence was tweeting a quote from the Bible? With Finnish parliament member Paivi Rasanen.
11/22/20239 minutes, 2 seconds
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The property deal that could threaten Armenian land in Jerusalem

An Australian property developer has attempted to occupy a prized piece of land in the Armenian quarter in Jerusalem. Though it was overturned, Armenian families are threatened with eviction from homes their community has held for centuries. 
11/22/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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Gaza and the case for compulsory ethics in universities

Why a US professor is calling for compulsory ethics to be taught in higher education, in the wake of the Gaza war.
11/15/20239 minutes, 40 seconds
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Over 1.6 million Rohingya Muslims forced to flee Myanmar

In the fog of two wars —  in Gaza, and Ukraine — has the world lost sight of the humanitarian tragedy in Myanmar? Over 1.6 million Rohingya Muslims have been forced from their country.
11/15/20238 minutes, 16 seconds
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Vatican wrestles with divisive questions at synod

Clouded by the news of war, and a papal cone of silence, a major summit on power within the Catholic Church wrestled with some divisive questions. There was a lot of tension in the room, much of it unreported until now. 
11/15/202314 minutes, 27 seconds
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The rogue Irish priest who was a spy for the IRA

Father Patrick Ryan was the embodiment of a kind village priest in Northern Ireland. But he lived a top secret life, because for almost 20 years, he worked undercover as a spy for the Irish Republican Army.
11/8/202329 minutes, 55 seconds
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How the Israel-Hamas war could trigger a future wave of terrorism

The Israel-Hamas war is also having an effect in South Asia, one that could trigger another generation of terrorism. Islamic extremist groups are using Gaza's heavy death toll to recruit young men. 
11/1/20238 minutes, 7 seconds
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The long-term impacts of war on Gaza children

This week, 3,400 children have been killed and another 6,300 injured in Gaza. Tragically as well, there's the long-term impacts of war on children in Gaza, and also Israel.
11/1/20239 minutes, 27 seconds
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How the west became enamoured with Indian spirituality

Along with the drug culture of the 1960s and 70s, there was also a serious search for enlightenment. Many people looked to the gurus and philosophies of eastern religions. And musicians such as The Beatles were particularly inspired.
11/1/202325 minutes, 27 seconds
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Jerusalem's Catholic Cardinal offers himself in hostage exchange

In a dramatic development in the Gaza conflict, the Catholic leader in Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, has offered to exchange himself for the Israeli children that Hamas is holding hostage.
10/25/20239 minutes, 41 seconds
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What churchgoers think about climate change

Christians at the grassroots seem to have heeded the Pope's recent message on climate change. They're environmentally aware, and increasingly active on the issue.
10/25/20238 minutes, 25 seconds
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Israel-Lebanon boarder could become a flashpoint in Gaza war

The borderland of Israel and Lebanon, the so-called 'Blue Line,' could become the most dangerous flashpoint in the latest Middle East war. The area is controlled by the Hezbollah movement, which Israel is also threatening to wipe out.
10/25/202310 minutes, 46 seconds
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How far will Israel go in eliminating Hamas?

The cycle of violence in Israel and Palestine raises the question of how far Israel can go to eliminate Hamas. There's international law, and one of its purposes is to reduce civilian causalities. 
10/18/202312 minutes, 33 seconds
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How Sydney's religiously diverse west voted on the Voice

Western Sydney is Australia’s most religiously and ethnically diverse region. Of the 13 seats in the region, the average "No" vote was 62%. What accounts for this result in the country’s multicultural heartland? 
10/18/20237 minutes, 11 seconds
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The devout Spanish city telling partygoers to cover up

In the religious Spanish city of Seville, the government is cracking down on partygoers — particularly tourists who don raunchy headgear, and even strip down to their underwear. 
10/18/20238 minutes, 29 seconds
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What's Iranian President Raisi's hardline political and religious vision?

Oxford scholar Maryam Aslany calls Iran a neo-colonialist regime exporting its unique brand of harsh Shia Islam to the region. And she says the recent UN speech by Iran's president Ebrahim Raisi reveals the bigger plan. 
10/11/20239 minutes, 9 seconds
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Will the Israel-Hamas conflict remake the Middle East?

After the terror attack by Hamas, Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu says he will eliminate Hamas, and remake the Middle East. But how, and what will that look like?
10/11/202310 minutes, 20 seconds
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Pope Francis on climate denial and same-sex blessings

As the war between Hamas and Israel ignited on the weekend, Pope Francis was leading over 400 delegates in his landmark synod to reshape power within the Catholic church. But it's not just the war that has overshadowed the synod.
10/11/20239 minutes, 12 seconds
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Putin's anti-Semitic turn

As Russia's invasion of Ukraine drags on, an agitated Vladimir Putin appears to be resorting to anti-Semitism as part of his propaganda campaign.
10/4/202317 minutes, 12 seconds
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Combating modern slavery in Australian classrooms

In an Australian first, Notre Dame University has introduced a compulsory unit for its business students, dealing with the increasing risk of modern slavery.
10/4/20235 minutes, 59 seconds
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The misuse of Pakistan's blasphemy laws

Mobs in Pakistan have been using the country’s strict blasphemy laws to justify acts of violence in churches and homes. But fellow Muslims are also targeted, and the alleged blasphemy is often a cover for other motives.
10/4/20237 minutes, 55 seconds
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Will the Vatican synod shake up church power structures?

Next month's Vatican summit has the dullest of names – the Synod on Synodality – but it could lead the biggest shake-up of power in the church for centuries. What should we expect from this huge gathering?
9/27/20239 minutes, 4 seconds
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Thousands of Armenians are fleeing Nagorno-Karabakh

Thousands of Armenians are fleeing the enclave of Nagorno Karabakh after troops from Azerbaijan sealed control of the territory. How vulnerable is the situation of those who remain in Nagorno-Karabakh?
9/27/202312 minutes, 20 seconds
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Is today's liberalism elitist?

Since the end of World War II, liberalism or a variation of the theme, has been the dominant political system of western developed countries. But is liberalism always the natural partner of democracy? And does liberalism today have an elitist tinge?
9/27/202310 minutes
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Do we think our leaders act ethically?

Despite multiple scandals, politicians – Liberal and Labor – speak reverently about corporate bosses. But, according to the latest ethics index, Australians aren't buying it.
9/20/20239 minutes, 52 seconds
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Young Catholic women more conservative than older generations

An large survey finds that young Catholic women are significantly more conservative than older generations.
9/20/20239 minutes, 50 seconds
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Will Malaysia become a fully Islamic society?

As Malaysia celebrates 60 years of independence this month, there's growing pressure to reboot Malaysia as a fully Islamic society.
9/20/20238 minutes, 57 seconds
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Will Japan dissolve the Unification Church?

The Unification Church in Japan is at risk of being dissolved. The government is investigating allegedly predatory financial schemes and shadowy links with politicians.
9/13/20238 minutes, 38 seconds
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A rare look into the Exclusive Brethren

For centuries, some Christian communities have shut themselves off from the outside world. But the Exclusive Brethren sect are especially strict about contact with outsiders.
9/13/202311 minutes, 34 seconds
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Are Australian Jews supportive of Israel?

Israel is tearing itself apart with mass demonstrations, threats of army desertion, even warnings from the president of civil war. So what do Australian Jews think of Israel?
9/13/20238 minutes, 23 seconds
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Is religion still booming in China?

Leading research group the Pew Centre, has done a deep dive into all religion in China.
9/6/202310 minutes, 57 seconds
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Can there be a "colour-blind" anti-racism?

What's different about today's anti-racism movement, compared with that of the civil rights era? We hear from Black American scholar Tyler Austin Harper.
9/6/202317 minutes, 18 seconds
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Malaysian party politics and religion

The Pan Malaysian Islamic Party was an austere movement on the edge of politics. But now it's leading a coalition that did very well in recent state elections. It’s also using images from Islam’s glorious past to build its popularity.
8/30/202310 minutes, 35 seconds
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American meatpackers and religion

Kristy Nabhan-Warren of the University of Iowa discusses her fascinating book  about the vibrant religious life in, of all places, America’s abattoirs and meatworks.  Kristy Nabhan-Warren of the University of Iowa discusses her fascinating book about the vibrant religious life in, of all places, America’s abattoirs and meatworks. 
8/30/20237 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why is Pope Francis visiting Mongolia?

Pope Francis flies into Mongolia this week for his 43rd foreign visit since taking office in 2023. Why is he going?
8/30/20239 minutes, 16 seconds
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FBI investigates Catholic parishes

According to documents turned over to the US House of Representatives, agents from the FBI have been monitoring traditionalist Catholics for possible political extremism.
8/30/20238 minutes, 51 seconds
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The civil theology of Robert Bellah

In the 1970s, sociologist and religious scholar Robert Bellah  predicted neoliberal economics would create a hole in many communities that would one day be filled by an authoritarian populism. Bellah also made famous the idea that as America lost its Christianity, it would create a so-called civil religion.
8/23/202311 minutes, 42 seconds
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More nations in need says NGO

Twenty-two million people are now in dire need in Myanmar following the 2021 coup. The southern African country of Zambia is in a similar situation. They are among the countries where the aid organisation Compassion Australia is starting new projects.
8/23/20235 minutes, 58 seconds
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Whatever happened to Taliban 2.0?

When the hardline Islamic movement regained control of Afghanistan two years ago, there was a lot of talk about a reformed Taliban, conservative but less punitive, open to things like girl's education. That future was not to be. But religion might not be the highest priority for the Taliban regime with the possible dangerous new form of ethnic nationalism driving the regime.
8/23/202310 minutes, 43 seconds
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Christians targeted in Jerusalem's Via Dolorosa

There is an increase in harassment of Christian pilgrims and tourists in Jerusalem's Via Dolorosa, the path said to be where Jesus walked to his Crucifixion.
8/16/20238 minutes, 56 seconds
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Is Israel on the brink of civil war?

New York Times correspondent Isobel Kershner's new book explores the cultural and religious shifts which she fears challenge Israel's democratic ideals. 
8/16/202331 minutes, 8 seconds
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Is Israel on the brink of civil war?

New York Times correspondent Isabel Kershner's new book explores the cultural and religious shifts which she fears challenge Israel's democratic ideals. 
8/16/202331 minutes, 8 seconds
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The pitfalls of inter-faith relationships

About 40 per cent of Americans are in religiously diverse partnerships. Despite herself being in a successful inter-racial and inter-faith marriage, leading writer and commentator Naomi Schaefer Riley says there are pitfalls, particularly with interfaith romances. 
8/9/202310 minutes, 7 seconds
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The pitfalls of inter-faith relationships

About 40 per cent of Americans are in religiously diverse partnerships. Despite herself being in a successful inter-racial and inter-faith marriage, leading writer and commentator Naomi Schaefer Riley says there are pitfalls, particularly with interfaith romances. 
8/9/202310 minutes, 7 seconds
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Is the take home message of movie Sound of Freedom correct?

The Sound of Freedom has become an unlikely movie hit in the US, but there are concerns about its representations of the issue of child trafficking as well as its main star's connection to radical QAnon conspiracies.
8/9/202310 minutes, 12 seconds
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Is the take home message of movie Sound of Freedom correct?

The Sound of Freedom has become an unlikely movie hit in the US, but there are concerns about its representations of the issue of child trafficking as well as its main star's connection to radical QAnon conspiracies.
8/9/202310 minutes, 12 seconds
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Report raises concerns over religious freedom in EU

US report claims minority religions target of new restrictive laws and policies in Europe
8/9/20238 minutes, 33 seconds
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Report raises concerns over religious freedom in EU

US report claims minority religions target of new restrictive laws and policies in Europe
8/9/20238 minutes, 33 seconds
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Purge of Southern Baptist churches with female pastors

The largest protestant denomination in America is expelling churches that have ordained women.
8/2/20238 minutes, 49 seconds
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Purge of Southern Baptist churches with female pastors

The largest protestant denomination in America is expelling churches that have ordained women.
8/2/20238 minutes, 49 seconds
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Young nationalist voters growing in Europe

Young voters in Europe are defying trends in the UK, Australia, and the US by drifting towards the nationalist right. For example, young voters are a major component of the Meloni government in Italy, Le Pen coalition in France, the nationalists in Scandinavia and the resurgent right in Greece.
8/2/202310 minutes, 36 seconds
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Young nationalist voters growing in Europe

Young voters in Europe are defying trends in the UK, Australia, and the US by drifting towards the nationalist right. For example, young voters are a major component of the Meloni government in Italy, Le Pen coalition in France, the nationalists in Scandinavia and the resurgent right in Greece.
8/2/202310 minutes, 36 seconds
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Urban design policies risks widening religious, cultural divides

New migrant groups are being pushed into outer suburbs in our major cities.
8/2/20239 minutes, 2 seconds
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Urban design policies risks widening religious, cultural divides

New migrant groups are being pushed into outer suburbs in our major cities.
8/2/20239 minutes, 2 seconds
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The religious and spiritual ethics of wokeness

Prominent intellectual Ian Buruma explores the religious doctrines behind wokeness.
7/26/202315 minutes, 47 seconds
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The religious and spiritual ethics of wokeness

Prominent intellectual Ian Buruma explores the religious doctrines behind wokeness.
7/26/202315 minutes, 47 seconds
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Pakistan's largest Province censors Barbie movie

The Hollywood blockbuster Barbie release was delayed in Pakistan's largest Province.  It was eventually released with some dialogue cut.
7/26/20236 minutes, 6 seconds
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Pakistan's largest Province censors Barbie movie

The Hollywood blockbuster Barbie release was delayed in Pakistan's largest Province.  It was eventually released with some dialogue cut.
7/26/20236 minutes, 6 seconds
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Congregations dwindle in German Catholic Churches

Could the continuing cover-ups of sex scandals and annual church taxes be behind the alarming number of Catholic Germans leaving the church?
7/26/202310 minutes, 6 seconds
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Congregations dwindle in German Catholic Churches

Could the continuing cover-ups of sex scandals and annual church taxes be behind the alarming number of Catholic Germans leaving the church?
7/26/202310 minutes, 6 seconds
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Hindu nationalism in the Indian diaspora

It started as a simple parade, a celebration of the Indian diaspora in the US in a middle-class suburb.
7/19/202315 minutes, 57 seconds
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Hindu nationalism in the Indian diaspora

It started as a simple parade, a celebration of the Indian diaspora in the US in a middle-class suburb.
7/19/202315 minutes, 57 seconds
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Consulting firms under Senate scrutiny

It’s been an uncomfortable few days in the Senate for the multi-millionaire partners at Australia’s major consulting firms. The scrutiny began after revelations that PwC Consulting had used its contracts with the Federal government to acquire confidential tax information, then pass it onto corporate clients.
7/19/20236 minutes, 23 seconds
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Consulting firms under Senate scrutiny

It’s been an uncomfortable few days in the Senate for the multi-millionaire partners at Australia’s major consulting firms. The scrutiny began after revelations that PwC Consulting had used its contracts with the Federal government to acquire confidential tax information, then pass it onto corporate clients.
7/19/20236 minutes, 23 seconds
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Court rules on Amish toilet systems

For some Amish, shunning even basic electricity and plumbing is part of a religious commitment to simplicity. Now a top US court has upheld their right not to install septic tanks on their land, despite a local government law. 
7/19/202310 minutes, 12 seconds
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Court rules on Amish toilet systems

For some Amish, shunning even basic electricity and plumbing is part of a religious commitment to simplicity. Now a top US court has upheld their right not to install septic tanks on their land, despite a local government law. 
7/19/202310 minutes, 12 seconds
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NSW Parliament to debate Self ID

Self ID would allow transgender people to officially change their gender on government documents. 
7/12/20237 minutes, 1 second
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NSW Parliament to debate Self ID

Self ID would allow transgender people to officially change their gender on government documents. 
7/12/20237 minutes, 1 second
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Could a UN Emergency Peacekeeping force prevent war?

What if the UN had its own permanent peace-keeping army that could step in before the bloodshed has begun?
7/12/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Could a UN Emergency Peacekeeping force prevent war?

What if the UN had its own permanent peace-keeping army that could step in before the bloodshed has begun?
7/12/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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Is it ethical to supply cluster bomb munitions to Ukraine?

What are the ethics of the US agreeing to supply Ukraine with cluster bomb munitions, which are banned by 123 countries because of the danger to civilians?
7/12/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Is it ethical to supply cluster bomb munitions to Ukraine?

What are the ethics of the US agreeing to supply Ukraine with cluster bomb munitions, which are banned by 123 countries because of the danger to civilians?
7/12/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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High demand for financial help initiatives

The Good Shepherd Sisters in Melbourne has been running a financial support program for 40 years, but the demand today is especially great.
7/5/20237 minutes, 23 seconds
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Anti-corruption and the perils of transactional politics

With a national spotlight on anti-corruption, what does it mean for the transactional nature of politics today?  
7/5/202310 minutes, 18 seconds
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The ethics of healthcare funding

The challenges of navigating the fraught terrain of ethical healthcare and funding.  
7/5/202310 minutes, 16 seconds
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The ethics of healthcare funding

The challenges of navigating the fraught terrain of ethical healthcare and funding.  
7/5/202310 minutes, 16 seconds
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High demand for financial help initiatives

The Good Shepherd Sisters in Melbourne has been running a financial support program for 40 years, but the demand today is especially great.
7/5/20237 minutes, 23 seconds
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Anti-corruption and the perils of transactional politics

With a national spotlight on anti-corruption, what does it mean for the transactional nature of politics today?  
7/5/202310 minutes, 18 seconds
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What's in Russia's secret "spiritual security" document?

Buried deep inside key Russian security documents is the doctrine of so-called "spiritual security." It argues that Russia needs to defend not just territory, but also against moral values from the west.
6/28/202315 minutes, 3 seconds
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England's clergy demand pay rise for first time ever

Are the vicars of England about to walk out of their pulpits and onto the picket line? It's the first time in history that the clergy are demanding a pay rise. 
6/28/20238 minutes, 42 seconds
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Question raised over Erdogan's re-election

Türkiye's Erdogan is beginning his third term after a narrow re-election last month. While he's playing peacemaker in Ukraine, at home he grows more autocratic.
6/28/202310 minutes, 33 seconds
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Question raised over Erdogan's re-election

Türkiye's Erdogan is beginning his third term after a narrow re-election last month. While he's playing peacemaker in Ukraine, at home he grows more autocratic.
6/28/202310 minutes, 33 seconds
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England's clergy demand pay rise for first time ever

Are the vicars of England about to walk out of their pulpits and onto the picket line? It's the first time in history that the clergy are demanding a pay rise. 
6/28/20238 minutes, 42 seconds
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What's in Russia's secret "spiritual security" document?

Buried deep inside key Russian security documents is the doctrine of so-called "spiritual security." It argues that Russia needs to defend not just territory, but also against moral values from the west.
6/28/202315 minutes, 3 seconds
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How dowries are fueling violence against women

An increasingly common practice in India is the so-called dowry – the valuables a woman’s family must provide to her husband when they marry. But dowries are also behind a rising tide of violence against wives whose parents struggle to meet constant demands for money.
6/21/20239 minutes, 45 seconds
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Trafficking survivor Sophie Otiende fights to end exploitation

Kenyan woman Sophie Otiende was taken from her family at just thirteen, put to work and denied the education promised by her uncle. She now runs a fund to combat modern slavery globally.
6/21/202312 minutes, 29 seconds
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Over 40,000 trapped in modern slavery in Australia

Modern slavery is a global crisis entrapping 50 million people, including 41,000 in Australia. Human rights commissioner Lorraine Finlay is calling on the federal government to do more to combat modern slavery,
6/21/202311 minutes, 37 seconds
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Over 40,000 trapped in modern slavery in Australia

Modern slavery is a global crisis entrapping 50 million people, including 41,000 in Australia. Human rights commissioner Lorraine Finlay is calling on the federal government to do more to combat modern slavery,
6/21/202311 minutes, 37 seconds
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How dowries are fueling violence against women

An increasingly common practice in India is the so-called dowry – the valuables a woman’s family must provide to her husband when they marry. But dowries are also behind a rising tide of violence against wives whose parents struggle to meet constant demands for money.
6/21/20239 minutes, 45 seconds
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Trafficking survivor Sophie Otiende fights to end exploitation

Kenyan woman Sophie Otiende was taken from her family at just thirteen, put to work and denied the education promised by her uncle. She now runs a fund to combat modern slavery globally.
6/21/202312 minutes, 29 seconds
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Are we building a virtuous society?

Almost 1,200 Australians received honours in the first ever King's Birthday list. Most recipients are involved in community service, thinking of more than themselves. But does our political and economic system foster enough of that spirit?
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Pope Francis takes on trolls and tribalism

Pope Francis is currently fighting on three fronts – recovering from serious surgery, bringing peace to the war on Ukraine, and calming the bitterness and vitriol that consumes social media.
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Pope Francis takes on trolls and tribalism

Pope Francis is currently fighting on three fronts – recovering from serious surgery, bringing peace to the war on Ukraine, and calming the bitterness and vitriol that consumes social media.
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Are we building a virtuous society?

Almost 1,200 Australians received honours in the first ever King's Birthday list. Most recipients are involved in community service, thinking of more than themselves. But does our political and economic system foster enough of that spirit?
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How will chatbots shape religious practice?

Religious sermons are supposed to come from a combination of the head and the heart, from a preacher steeped in the knowledge of their religious text. But to what extent could chatbots take over the job?
6/7/20239 minutes, 14 seconds
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DeSantis, Trump and the fight for religious voters

Two Christian conservatives – Florida governor Ron DeSantis and Trump’s former vice president Mike Pence – have entered the Republican primary. But can they draw religious voters away from Trump?
6/7/202315 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why Hispanic Americans are leaving Catholicism

Two Christian conservatives – Florida governor Ron DeSantis and Trump’s former vice president Mike Pence – have entered the Republican primary. But can they draw religious voters away from Trump?
6/7/20238 minutes, 51 seconds
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DeSantis, Trump and the fight for religious voters

Two Christian conservatives – Florida governor Ron DeSantis and Trump’s former vice president Mike Pence – have entered the Republican primary. But can they draw religious voters away from Trump?
6/7/202315 minutes, 31 seconds
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How will chatbots shape religious practice?

Religious sermons are supposed to come from a combination of the head and the heart, from a preacher steeped in the knowledge of their religious text. But to what extent could chatbots take over the job?
6/7/20239 minutes, 14 seconds
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Why Hispanic Americans are leaving Catholicism

Two Christian conservatives – Florida governor Ron DeSantis and Trump’s former vice president Mike Pence – have entered the Republican primary. But can they draw religious voters away from Trump?
6/7/20238 minutes, 51 seconds
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Archbishop of Canterbury named an influential progressive

Progressive British magazine The New Statesman, has unveiled its annual list of the 50 most influential lefties. And coming in at number 27, is none other than the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. Why did this oil executive-turned Church of England bishop make the list?
5/31/20236 minutes, 6 seconds
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Number of internally displaced people at record high

Around the world, there’s a vast population known as internally displaced people, forced by disaster or conflict to move within their countries. In 2022, that number hit a record high, according to the Norwegian Refugee Council.
5/31/202313 minutes, 40 seconds
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Searching for saviours in a secular world

Even in a rapidly secularising Australia, it's a minority that totally reject the idea of a divine presence or saviour. So what replaces the God of the Bible in this search for a new redeemer?
5/31/202324 minutes, 31 seconds
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Archbishop of Canterbury named an influential progressive

Progressive British magazine The New Statesman, has unveiled its annual list of the 50 most influential lefties. And coming in at number 27, is none other than the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby. Why did this oil executive-turned Church of England bishop make the list?
5/31/20236 minutes, 6 seconds
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Searching for saviours in a secular world

Even in a rapidly secularising Australia, it's a minority that totally reject the idea of a divine presence or saviour. So what replaces the God of the Bible in this search for a new redeemer?
5/31/202324 minutes, 31 seconds
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Number of internally displaced people at record high

Around the world, there’s a vast population known as internally displaced people, forced by disaster or conflict to move within their countries. In 2022, that number hit a record high, according to the Norwegian Refugee Council.
5/31/202313 minutes, 40 seconds
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Narendra Modi and the Australian Indian diaspora

Just how authentic is the local affection for Modi?
5/24/20239 minutes, 9 seconds
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The deep divisions between Orthodox churches

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church says it has broken all ties with the mother church in Russia.
5/24/20239 minutes
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The Vatican plan to broker peace

The back-channel negotiations that could lead to a breakthrough in the Vatican's peace plans for Ukriane and Russia
5/24/20239 minutes, 29 seconds
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The deep divisions between Orthodox churches

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church says it has broken all ties with the mother church in Russia.
5/24/20239 minutes
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Narendra Modi and the Australian Indian diaspora

Just how authentic is the local affection for Modi?
5/24/20239 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Vatican plan to broker peace

The back-channel negotiations that could lead to a breakthrough in the Vatican's peace plans for Ukriane and Russia
5/24/20239 minutes, 29 seconds
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What Australians think about religious liberty

What do Australians really think about religious liberty, especially the hiring practices of faith-based schools, hospitals and welfare organisations? A new poll reveals interesting results.
5/17/20238 minutes, 16 seconds
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Two fathers united in grief and pursuit for peace

Jewish Israeli Rami Elhanan and Palestinian Bassam Aramin both lost innocent daughters in the Israel-Palestine violence. But in their grief, they have become close friends, on a pursuit for peace.
5/17/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Concerns over Calvary hospital's takeover

The ACT government will legislate to forcibly acquire the Catholic-run Calvary Public Hospital in Canberra. The decision raises questions about the independence of faith-based institutions and whether they can operate according to their values.
5/17/20237 minutes, 23 seconds
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What Australians think about religious liberty

What do Australians really think about religious liberty, especially the hiring practices of faith-based schools, hospitals and welfare organisations? A new poll reveals interesting results.
5/17/20238 minutes, 16 seconds
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Concerns over Calvary hospital's takeover

The ACT government will legislate to forcibly acquire the Catholic-run Calvary Public Hospital in Canberra. The decision raises questions about the independence of faith-based institutions and whether they can operate according to their values.
5/17/20237 minutes, 23 seconds
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Two fathers united in grief and pursuit for peace

Jewish Israeli Rami Elhanan and Palestinian Bassam Aramin both lost innocent daughters in the Israel-Palestine violence. But in their grief, they have become close friends, on a pursuit for peace.
5/17/202313 minutes, 1 second
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Catholicism's cultural grip on Australia

PM Anthony Albanese is part of a growing group of Australians calling themselves non-practising or cultural Catholics. Why does Catholicism have a strong cultural grip on Australia, even as religious observance falls?
5/10/202315 minutes
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Islam vs liberalism in Türkiye's elections

Türkiye’s ruling AKP party, led by President Erdoğan, has been trying to frame the election as a contest between Sunni Islam and western liberalism. Erdoğan has even been calling his opponents 'social deviants.' But is it working? 
5/10/20239 minutes, 59 seconds
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Do we need religion to be moral?

Do we need religion to be moral? The Pew Research Centre surveyed 22,000 people across 17 countries, and got some very interesting responses – including from Australia.
5/10/20237 minutes
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Islam vs liberalism in Türkiye's elections

Türkiye’s ruling AKP party, led by President Erdoğan, has been trying to frame the election as a contest between Sunni Islam and western liberalism. Erdoğan has even been calling his opponents 'social deviants.' But is it working? 
5/10/20239 minutes, 59 seconds
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Do we need religion to be moral?

Do we need religion to be moral? The Pew Research Centre surveyed 22,000 people across 17 countries, and got some very interesting responses – including from Australia.
5/10/20237 minutes
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Catholicism's cultural grip on Australia

PM Anthony Albanese is part of a growing group of Australians calling themselves non-practising or cultural Catholics. Why does Catholicism have a strong cultural grip on Australia, even as religious observance falls?
5/10/202315 minutes
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Britain's religious minorities and the monarchy

How has the King’s commitment to religious diversity shaped attitudes towards the monarchy among non-Christian communities? 
5/3/20238 minutes, 56 seconds
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A friendship with Charles III and seeking racial justice

Activist Simon Woolley is a close friend of the King. He’s also the first Black man to head a Cambridge college. He forged a friendship when Charles was Prince of Wales, at the height of the Black Lives Matter movement.  
5/3/202310 minutes, 7 seconds
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Why the coronation is a religious ceremony

For all the pomp and statecraft, the coronation is essentially a religious event, and traditionally Anglican. But how will this coronation reflect a modern, and religiously diverse, Britain?
5/3/20239 minutes, 32 seconds
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A friendship with Charles III and seeking racial justice

Activist Simon Woolley is a close friend of the King. He’s also the first Black man to head a Cambridge college. He forged a friendship when Charles was Prince of Wales, at the height of the Black Lives Matter movement.  
5/3/202310 minutes, 7 seconds
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Why the coronation is a religious ceremony

For all the pomp and statecraft, the coronation is essentially a religious event, and traditionally Anglican. But how will this coronation reflect a modern, and religiously diverse, Britain?
5/3/20239 minutes, 32 seconds
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Britain's religious minorities and the monarchy

How has the King’s commitment to religious diversity shaped attitudes towards the monarchy among non-Christian communities? 
5/3/20238 minutes, 56 seconds
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When does religious homage become appropriation?

Have you hiked the Camino trail in Spain? Some of you may even tinker with a little Zen decor at home. But are these acts of curiosity, taste, or are they appropriating something deeply religious? 
4/26/202327 minutes, 2 seconds
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When does religious homage become appropriation?

Have you hiked the Camino trail in Spain? Some of you may even tinker with a little Zen decor at home. But are these acts of curiosity, taste, or are they appropriating something deeply religious? 
4/26/202327 minutes, 2 seconds
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Mynamar's Buddhist monks divided over military dictatorship

Myanmar's Buddhist monks are divided over whether to voice their support or opposition to the military dictatorship. 
4/19/202314 minutes, 33 seconds
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Mynamar's Buddhist monks divided over military dictatorship

Myanmar's Buddhist monks are divided over whether to voice their support or opposition to the military dictatorship. 
4/19/202314 minutes, 33 seconds
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Split in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church poses threat to peace

A split among Ethiopia's Orthodox leaders could threaten peace in the war-torn nation.
4/19/202316 minutes
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Split in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church poses threat to peace

A split among Ethiopia's Orthodox leaders could threaten peace in the war-torn nation.
4/19/202316 minutes
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Diversity on the rise in UK politics

British politics is no longer the exclusive domain of an Anglo-Christian elite. Does this shift indicate that British multiculturalism is flourishing?
4/12/20238 minutes, 58 seconds
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Peace is elusive in the Holy Land

As Northern Ireland celebrates 25 years of the Good Friday peace agreement, Israel and Palestine plunge deeper into violence.
4/12/20238 minutes, 25 seconds
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How WEIRD nations became prosperous

We live in a part of the world that Harvard biologist Joseph Henrich calls W.E.I.R.D. —nations that are Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and Democratic. And he says part of the reason for their prosperity is a 600-year-old Catholic rule.
4/12/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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Diversity on the rise in UK politics

British politics is no longer the exclusive domain of an Anglo-Christian elite. Does this shift indicate that British multiculturalism is flourishing?
4/12/20238 minutes, 58 seconds
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Diversity on the rise in UK politics

British politics is no longer the exclusive domain of an Anglo-Christian elite. Does this shift indicate that British multiculturalism is flourishing?
4/12/20238 minutes, 58 seconds
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Peace is elusive in the Holy Land

As Northern Ireland celebrates 25 years of the Good Friday peace agreement, Israel and Palestine plunge deeper into violence.
4/12/20238 minutes, 25 seconds
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How WEIRD nations became prosperous

We live in a part of the world that Harvard biologist Joseph Henrich calls W.E.I.R.D. —nations that are Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and Democratic. And he says part of the reason for their prosperity is a 600-year-old Catholic rule.
4/12/202313 minutes, 14 seconds
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The problem with Christian Nationalism

According to a recent survey, 45% of Americans say the US should be a Christian nation. There's differing views on what that means, but some Republican politicians now call themselves "Christian nationalists." This includes far-right congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. We explore why this is a troubling trend.
4/6/202325 minutes
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The problem with Christian Nationalism

According to a recent survey, 45% of Americans say the US should be a Christian nation. There's differing views on what that means, but some Republican politicians now call themselves "Christian nationalists." This includes far-right congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. We explore why this is a troubling trend.
4/6/202325 minutes
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Reflections on the Uluru Statement from a Hindu leader

Soon after settling in Brisbane, Hindu community leader Prakruthi Gururaj met two inspiration Indigenous elders. They became friends but, in a way also sisters, with a lot to share.
4/5/20237 minutes, 24 seconds
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How race is shaping US religion & politics

How has race shaped US religion and politics? "Christian nationalism" has taken hold in the country, especially among white evangelicals. And the country's largest Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, is facing its own reckoning over racial issues.
4/5/202311 minutes, 7 seconds
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The spiritual case for the Uluru Statement

A landmark book makes the case for why the Uluru Statement from the Heart is a profoundly spiritual document.
4/5/202310 minutes, 8 seconds
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The spiritual case for the Uluru Statement

A landmark book makes the case for why the Uluru Statement from the Heart is a profoundly spiritual document.
4/5/202310 minutes, 8 seconds
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How race is shaping US religion & politics

How has race shaped US religion and politics? "Christian nationalism" has taken hold in the country, especially among white evangelicals. And the country's largest Protestant denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, is facing its own reckoning over racial issues.
4/5/202311 minutes, 7 seconds
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Reflections on the Uluru Statement from a Hindu leader

Soon after settling in Brisbane, Hindu community leader Prakruthi Gururaj met two inspiration Indigenous elders. They became friends but, in a way also sisters, with a lot to share.
4/5/20237 minutes, 24 seconds
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New findings on how covid impacted Islamophobia

During the covid pandemic, hatred and conspiracy theories festered online. Many Australian Muslims bore the brunt of covid-inspired abuse, a new report on Islamophobia finds.
3/29/20236 minutes, 44 seconds
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The true cost of chocolate

At this time of the year, supermarket shelves are groaning with Easter chocolates. But there's a troubling story behind these popular products. Child exploitation is a huge problem in the cocoa industry – cocoa being the main ingredient in chocolate. 
3/29/20238 minutes, 7 seconds
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Is Israel headed towards civil war?

Is Israel really on the brink of a civil war? President Isaac Herzog thinks so, using those very words recently, talking about the huge anti-government protests that have gripped Israel.
3/29/202312 minutes, 50 seconds
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The true cost of chocolate

At this time of the year, supermarket shelves are groaning with Easter chocolates. But there's a troubling story behind these popular products. Child exploitation is a huge problem in the cocoa industry – cocoa being the main ingredient in chocolate. 
3/29/20238 minutes, 7 seconds
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Is Israel headed towards civil war?

Is Israel really on the brink of a civil war? President Isaac Herzog thinks so, using those very words recently, talking about the huge anti-government protests that have gripped Israel.
3/29/202312 minutes, 50 seconds
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New findings on how covid impacted Islamophobia

During the covid pandemic, hatred and conspiracy theories festered online. Many Australian Muslims bore the brunt of covid-inspired abuse, a new report on Islamophobia finds.
3/29/20236 minutes, 44 seconds
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How can we address ignorance about Nazism and its monstrous history?

Thirty neo-Nazis stood on the steps of Victoria's parliament house over the weekend, giving the "Heil Hitler" salute. Their behaviour has shocked the Andrews government into legislating a ban on the symbol. But will a law overcome a wider, even growing, ignorance of Nazism and its monstrous history? 
3/22/202312 minutes, 43 seconds
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20 years on — the religious divisions in Iraq after US invasion

20 years ago this week, the United States military began a so-called "shock and awe" campaign against Iraq, bombing the capital Baghdad. 44 days later, then president George W. Bush proclaimed "mission accomplished." But what really happened to Iraq and its people after the US-led invasion, and to the country's multi-ethnic and multi-religious population?
3/22/202316 minutes, 53 seconds
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How can we address ignorance about Nazism and its monstrous history?

Thirty neo-Nazis stood on the steps of Victoria's parliament house over the weekend, giving the "Heil Hitler" salute. Their behaviour has shocked the Andrews government into legislating a ban on the symbol. But will a law overcome a wider, even growing, ignorance of Nazism and its monstrous history? 
3/22/202312 minutes, 43 seconds
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20 years on — the religious divisions in Iraq after US invasion

20 years ago this week, the United States military began a so-called "shock and awe" campaign against Iraq, bombing the capital Baghdad. 44 days later, then president George W. Bush proclaimed "mission accomplished." But what really happened to Iraq and its people after the US-led invasion, and to the country's multi-ethnic and multi-religious population?
3/22/202316 minutes, 53 seconds
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Could religious participation lead to less 'deaths of despair'?

For 30 years, the United States has seen a steep increase in deaths from suicide, alcoholism and drug abuse. Over the same period, there’s been a major decline in religious participation. New research from three leading US economists suggests the two trends could be linked.
3/14/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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Women over 45 are at growing risk of experiencing homelessness

A piece of troubling data reveals that around 400,000 Australian women aged 45 and over are at risk of homelessness. Danusia Kaska of the Xavier Social Justice Network warns of a social crisis.
3/14/20237 minutes, 35 seconds
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Scottish politician Kate Forbes and the role of personal faith in politics

The Scottish National Party is in the throes of a divisive leadership election. A leading candidate, Kate Forbes, is a member of the conservative Free Church of Scotland and has traditional views on sexual and gender identity. There's been a backlash against Forbes for her views. What could this mean for the role of personal faith in politics?
3/14/202310 minutes, 48 seconds
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Scottish politician Kate Forbes and the role of personal faith in politics

The Scottish National Party is in the throes of a divisive leadership election. A leading candidate, Kate Forbes, is a member of the conservative Free Church of Scotland and has traditional views on sexual and gender identity. There's been a backlash against Forbes for her views. What could this mean for the role of personal faith in politics?
3/14/202310 minutes, 48 seconds
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Women over 45 are at growing risk of experiencing homelessness

A piece of troubling data reveals that around 400,000 Australian women aged 45 and over are at risk of homelessness. Danusia Kaska of the Xavier Social Justice Network warns of a social crisis.
3/14/20237 minutes, 35 seconds
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Could religious participation lead to less 'deaths of despair'?

For 30 years, the United States has seen a steep increase in deaths from suicide, alcoholism and drug abuse. Over the same period, there’s been a major decline in religious participation. New research from three leading US economists suggests the two trends could be linked.
3/14/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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The concerns and frustrations of Catholic women revealed in new survey

What do Catholic women want? Pope Francis opened the floodgates when he invited submissions to the Synod of Bishops to address major issues facing the church. Now, the women have spoken. Over 17,000 women, in fact, from 104 countries. It's the largest survey of Catholic women ever undertaken.
3/8/202316 minutes, 32 seconds
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The concerns and frustrations of Catholic women revealed in new survey

What do Catholic women want? Pope Francis opened the floodgates when he invited submissions to the Synod of Bishops to address major issues facing the church. Now, the women have spoken. Over 17,000 women, in fact, from 104 countries. It's the largest survey of Catholic women ever undertaken.
3/8/202316 minutes, 32 seconds
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What is the 'care economy' – and how does it stand in the way of women's equality?

What is the "care economy" – and how does it stand in the way of women's equality? 
3/8/202313 minutes, 43 seconds
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What is the 'care economy' – and how does it stand in the way of women's equality?

What is the "care economy" – and how does it stand in the way of women's equality? 
3/8/202313 minutes, 43 seconds
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Why presidential candidate Nikki Haley's faith background is capturing attention

In the US, at least one Republican politician is challenging Donald Trump for the party's nominee at the 2024 presidential election. Nikki Haley is of Indian heritage but it's her religious background that's captured attention.
3/1/20239 minutes, 12 seconds
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How can we make political debates more constructive?

If the next two years of American politics promises to be as divisive as ever, one group of Americans is trying to create a more civil and constructive environment – by not trying to bury all political difference, and to disagree with more respect. 
3/1/202317 minutes, 1 second
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How religions can help us confront the ecological crisis

In the discussion around global warming, of course you’ll hear a lot from the scientists, and even the economists. But what about the voices of religious leaders and ethicists?
3/1/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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How religions can help us confront the ecological crisis

In the discussion around global warming, of course you’ll hear a lot from the scientists, and even the economists. But what about the voices of religious leaders and ethicists?
3/1/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why presidential candidate Nikki Haley's faith background is capturing attention

In the US, at least one Republican politician is challenging Donald Trump for the party's nominee at the 2024 presidential election. Nikki Haley is of Indian heritage but it's her religious background that's captured attention.
3/1/20239 minutes, 12 seconds
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How can we make political debates more constructive?

If the next two years of American politics promises to be as divisive as ever, one group of Americans is trying to create a more civil and constructive environment – by not trying to bury all political difference, and to disagree with more respect. 
3/1/202317 minutes, 1 second
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How Türkiye's religious authorities have responded to the devastating earthquakes

More earthquakes have struck the Türkiye Syria border region, causing further casualties and leaving hundreds wounded in both countries. The weeks of disaster have affected usual religious requirements for burial in the Muslim-majority country.
2/22/20237 minutes, 59 seconds
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Why does the Vatican care about AI?

How can tech companies deploy AI technology ethically? It's a question the Vatican is attempting to answer with its Rome Call for AI Ethics, first signed between the Vatican, tech companies and the UN in 2020. This year, Jewish and Muslim representatives also signed onto the agreement. 
2/22/20237 minutes, 14 seconds
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How celebrity influenced Christianity and church leaders

What happens when Christianity and celebrity collide? Recent stories of narcissistic behaviour and extramarital affairs have cast doubt on whether there’s enough accountability for celebrity megachurch pastors. 
2/22/202316 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why does the Vatican care about AI?

How can tech companies deploy AI technology ethically? It's a question the Vatican is attempting to answer with its Rome Call for AI Ethics, first signed between the Vatican, tech companies and the UN in 2020. This year, Jewish and Muslim representatives also signed onto the agreement. 
2/22/20237 minutes, 14 seconds
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How celebrity influenced Christianity and church leaders

What happens when Christianity and celebrity collide? Recent stories of narcissistic behaviour and extramarital affairs have cast doubt on whether there’s enough accountability for celebrity megachurch pastors. 
2/22/202316 minutes, 46 seconds
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How Türkiye's religious authorities have responded to the devastating earthquakes

More earthquakes have struck the Türkiye Syria border region, causing further casualties and leaving hundreds wounded in both countries. The weeks of disaster have affected usual religious requirements for burial in the Muslim-majority country.
2/22/20237 minutes, 59 seconds
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Do "humane wars" make conflict more frequent and long-lasting?

There are laws to protect human rights during war, but do they actually create wars without end? Yale law professor Samuel Moyn has written a book on the subject.
2/15/202318 minutes, 23 seconds
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Have Hindu nationalists hijacked the Bollywood industry?

India's major film industry Bollywood is not just hugely popular, it's also very influential on politics and culture. With the rise of Hindu nationalism continuing largely unchecked, hardline protesters are now demanding the film industry join the campaign. And that means Indian Muslims are portrayed in ever more negative ways. With Professor Ira Bhaskar.
2/15/20239 minutes, 33 seconds
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Have Hindu nationalists hijacked the Bollywood industry?

India's major film industry Bollywood is not just hugely popular, it's also very influential on politics and culture. With the rise of Hindu nationalism continuing largely unchecked, hardline protesters are now demanding the film industry join the campaign. And that means Indian Muslims are portrayed in ever more negative ways. With Professor Ira Bhaskar.
2/15/20239 minutes, 33 seconds
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Do "humane wars" make conflict more frequent and long-lasting?

There are laws to protect human rights during war, but do they actually create wars without end? Yale law professor Samuel Moyn has written a book on the subject.
2/15/202318 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Vatican's most influential woman Sister Nathalie Becquart

Sister Nathalie Becquart is Undersecretary to the Synod of Bishops, making her the most senior female in the Vatican. She's often the only woman in the room when some of the biggest decisions are being made about the future of the global Catholic church.  
2/8/20237 minutes, 53 seconds
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What would disestablishment mean for the Church of England?

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has told British MPs he would rather see the Church of England disestablished, rather than see the church split over disagreements over conducting same-sex weddings. That's according to multiple reports.
2/8/20239 minutes, 12 seconds
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X-Factor Malta contestant in court after sharing his story of being ex-gay

Malta was one of the first countries in the world to outlaw gay conversion practices. So what happens when a young man goes on a popular TV show, then a radio show, and shares his experience of being no longer gay because he found God? That's the story of Matthew Grech, whose case has been brought to court.
2/8/202314 minutes, 57 seconds
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What would disestablishment mean for the Church of England?

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has told British MPs he would rather see the Church of England disestablished, rather than see the church split over disagreements over conducting same-sex weddings. That's according to multiple reports.
2/8/20239 minutes, 12 seconds
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X-Factor Malta contestant in court after sharing his story of being ex-gay

Malta was one of the first countries in the world to outlaw gay conversion practices. So what happens when a young man goes on a popular TV show, then a radio show, and shares his experience of being no longer gay because he found God? That's the story of Matthew Grech, whose case has been brought to court.
2/8/202314 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Vatican's most influential woman Sister Nathalie Becquart

Sister Nathalie Becquart is Undersecretary to the Synod of Bishops, making her the most senior female in the Vatican. She's often the only woman in the room when some of the biggest decisions are being made about the future of the global Catholic church.  
2/8/20237 minutes, 53 seconds
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As violence spirals in Israel and Palestine, will there be another uprising?

The spiral of violence worsens in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Could this be the start of a third intifada?
2/1/202311 minutes, 14 seconds
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Hamline University — the debate over academic freedom and artworks of the Prophet Muhammad

One of America’s oldest universities is mired in a debate over Islamic art. Hamline University in Minnesota terminated the contract of an adjunct lecturer who displayed two reverent artworks of the Prophet Muhammad.  This episode raises questions over academic freedom and whether images of the prophet can ever be shown.
2/1/202315 minutes, 29 seconds
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As violence spirals in Israel and Palestine, will there be another uprising?

The spiral of violence worsens in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Could this be the start of a third intifada?
2/1/202311 minutes, 14 seconds
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Hamline University — the debate over academic freedom and artworks of the Prophet Muhammad

One of America’s oldest universities is mired in a debate over Islamic art. Hamline University in Minnesota terminated the contract of an adjunct lecturer who displayed two reverent artworks of the Prophet Muhammad.  This episode raises questions over academic freedom and whether images of the prophet can ever be shown.
2/1/202315 minutes, 29 seconds
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What motivated Cardinal Pell's searing critique of the Pope?

In the days after his death, it was revealed that Australia’s Cardinal George Pell was the author of a searing critique of Pope Francis and his relatively liberal leadership. Writing under the pseudonym Demos, the late conservative cleric branded this papacy a "disaster" and a "catastrophe." So what motivated these claims? 
1/25/202313 minutes, 24 seconds
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Will the global Catholic Church reinvent itself?

If Francis is facing another round of destabilisation from his right-wing critics, how likely is the church to survive?
1/25/20239 minutes, 28 seconds
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Sikh diaspora will vote to establish separate Sikh state in India

Australian Sikhs, along with millions of others around the world, will vote this Friday in a referendum to establish a separate Sikh state in India. Sikhs have faced increasing discrimination in India, especially with the growth of Hindu nationalism.
1/25/20237 minutes, 39 seconds
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What motivated Cardinal Pell's searing critique of the Pope?

In the days after his death, it was revealed that Australia’s Cardinal George Pell was the author of a searing critique of Pope Francis and his relatively liberal leadership. Writing under the pseudonym Demos, the late conservative cleric branded this papacy a "disaster" and a "catastrophe." So what motivated these claims? 
1/25/202313 minutes, 24 seconds
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Will the global Catholic Church reinvent itself?

If Francis is facing another round of destabilisation from his right-wing critics, how likely is the church to survive?
1/25/20239 minutes, 28 seconds
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Sikh diaspora will vote to establish separate Sikh state in India

Australian Sikhs, along with millions of others around the world, will vote this Friday in a referendum to establish a separate Sikh state in India. Sikhs have faced increasing discrimination in India, especially with the growth of Hindu nationalism.
1/25/20237 minutes, 39 seconds
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The consequences of the sexual revolution with writer Louise Perry

Has the sexual revolution that began in the early 1960s had unintended – and possibly damaging – consequences?
1/18/202328 minutes, 34 seconds
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The consequences of the sexual revolution with writer Louise Perry

Has the sexual revolution that began in the early 1960s had unintended – and possibly damaging – consequences?
1/18/202328 minutes, 34 seconds
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How much reform has the Catholic church made on the issue of child sexual abuse?

Cardinal Pell’s sudden death has been met with mixed responses by the public, including an outpouring of anger, disturbance, and sorrow from survivors and survivor groups.  How much reform has the Catholic church in Australia made on the issue of sexual abuse?
1/11/20237 minutes, 45 seconds
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How much reform has the Catholic church made on the issue of child sexual abuse?

Cardinal Pell’s sudden death has been met with mixed responses by the public, including an outpouring of anger, disturbance, and sorrow from survivors and survivor groups.  How much reform has the Catholic church in Australia made on the issue of sexual abuse?
1/11/20237 minutes, 45 seconds
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How effective was Cardinal Pell's work in Vatican finances?

Danny Casey first worked with the Cardinal as business manager of the Archdiocese of Sydney, then as Director of the Secretariat for the Economy at the Vatican. So how effective was Cardinal Pell's work in Vatican finances?
1/11/20239 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Catholic Church after Cardinal Pell and Pope Benedict's deaths

A new phase in the Catholic Church is taking place in 2023 – with two powerful conservative figures passing away within weeks – Cardinal George Pell and former Pope Benedict. So what does this mean for the future of the Catholic Church?
1/11/202311 minutes, 12 seconds
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How effective was Cardinal Pell's work in Vatican finances?

Danny Casey first worked with the Cardinal as business manager of the Archdiocese of Sydney, then as Director of the Secretariat for the Economy at the Vatican. So how effective was Cardinal Pell's work in Vatican finances?
1/11/20239 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Catholic Church after Cardinal Pell and Pope Benedict's deaths

A new phase in the Catholic Church is taking place in 2023 – with two powerful conservative figures passing away within weeks – Cardinal George Pell and former Pope Benedict. So what does this mean for the future of the Catholic Church?
1/11/202311 minutes, 12 seconds
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What is the fear of Black Consciousness? With philosopher Lewis Gordon

The fear of Black Consciousness is, in part, what Afro-Jewish philosopher Lewis Gordon means when we continually fail to deal with the legacy of our history, and address questions like the place for guilt.
1/4/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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What is the fear of Black Consciousness? With philosopher Lewis Gordon

The fear of Black Consciousness is, in part, what Afro-Jewish philosopher Lewis Gordon means when we continually fail to deal with the legacy of our history, and address questions like the place for guilt.
1/4/202328 minutes, 36 seconds
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Is it ever possible for a Ukrainian to forgive Putin? With Yale Professor Miroslav Volf

We explore the question of forgiveness — including one of the most pressing — is it ever possible for a Ukrainian to forgive Vladimir Putin? And what does it take to break the cycle of vengeance and resentment?
12/28/202228 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is it ever possible for a Ukrainian to forgive Putin? With Yale Professor Miroslav Volf

We explore the question of forgiveness — including one of the most pressing — is it ever possible for a Ukrainian to forgive Vladimir Putin? And what does it take to break the cycle of vengeance and resentment?
12/28/202228 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is the Hillsong empire in turmoil?

Pentecostal Christianity is in a three-way race with Islam and Hinduism to become the world's fastest growing religion. In the English-speaking world, one of its biggest names is the Hillsong church. In the past year it's hit turbulence with the departure of its charismatic, and at times controversial, founder Brian Houston.
12/20/202228 minutes, 8 seconds
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Is the Hillsong empire in turmoil?

Pentecostal Christianity is in a three-way race with Islam and Hinduism to become the world's fastest growing religion. In the English-speaking world, one of its biggest names is the Hillsong church. In the past year it's hit turbulence with the departure of its charismatic, and at times controversial, founder Brian Houston.
12/20/202228 minutes, 8 seconds
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As Indonesia toughens laws on sex, how are citizens reacting?

A spat has broken out between Indonesia and the United Nations after the parliament in the world’s biggest Muslim nation passed a new criminal code that includes tougher laws against sex outside of marriage. But for many Indonesians, the new code simply upholds Pancasila, the founding ideology of post-colonial Indonesia.
12/14/20228 minutes, 19 seconds
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2022 in review — is it time for redemption and renewal?

2022 has been a year of political change in Australia, war in Europe, and a pandemic that isn’t going away. But can we see in this time of turmoil, the opportunity for religious themes like redemption and renewal? A panel discussion with Dr Kate Harrison Brennan and barrister Gray Connolly.
12/14/202220 minutes, 7 seconds
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2022 in review — is it time for redemption and renewal?

2022 has been a year of political change in Australia, war in Europe, and a pandemic that isn’t going away. But can we see in this time of turmoil, the opportunity for religious themes like redemption and renewal? A panel discussion with Dr Kate Harrison Brennan and barrister Gray Connolly.
12/14/202220 minutes, 7 seconds
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As Indonesia toughens laws on sex, how are citizens reacting?

A spat has broken out between Indonesia and the United Nations after the parliament in the world’s biggest Muslim nation passed a new criminal code that includes tougher laws against sex outside of marriage. But for many Indonesians, the new code simply upholds Pancasila, the founding ideology of post-colonial Indonesia.
12/14/20228 minutes, 19 seconds
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Will the next coronation reflect a modern and religiously diverse Britain?

The 6th of May 2023 is when Charles III is crowned. The coronation is the big event – both a pageant and a deeply religious ceremony. It's been 70 years since there's been a coronation, and Britain looks vastly different today. Will the coronation reflect a modern Britain with diverse beliefs?
12/7/202216 minutes, 34 seconds
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Protests in China are about more than COVID restrictions

You’ve probably seen the protests roiling China. Tens of thousands are in the streets and on campuses, fed up that almost three years on from the COVID-19 outbreak, the regime still enforces lockdowns on the people. A fire in an apartment building killed 10 people who were unable to flee because of restrictions. But the protests also carry another message for leader Xi Jinping.
12/7/20227 minutes, 46 seconds
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How COVID-19 restrictions impacted religious communities worldwide

The COVID-19 pandemic licensed governments around the world to exercise unprecedented levels of control over their citizens. The debate continues as to how useful, or damaging, the lockdowns were. New findings by Pew Research reveal how faith communities globally were affected by the restrictions.
12/7/20227 minutes, 15 seconds
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Protests in China are about more than COVID restrictions

You’ve probably seen the protests roiling China. Tens of thousands are in the streets and on campuses, fed up that almost three years on from the COVID-19 outbreak, the regime still enforces lockdowns on the people. A fire in an apartment building killed 10 people who were unable to flee because of restrictions. But the protests also carry another message for leader Xi Jinping.
12/7/20227 minutes, 46 seconds
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Will the next coronation reflect a modern and religiously diverse Britain?

The 6th of May 2023 is when Charles III is crowned. The coronation is the big event – both a pageant and a deeply religious ceremony. It's been 70 years since there's been a coronation, and Britain looks vastly different today. Will the coronation reflect a modern Britain with diverse beliefs?
12/7/202216 minutes, 34 seconds
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How COVID-19 restrictions impacted religious communities worldwide

The COVID-19 pandemic licensed governments around the world to exercise unprecedented levels of control over their citizens. The debate continues as to how useful, or damaging, the lockdowns were. New findings by Pew Research reveal how faith communities globally were affected by the restrictions.
12/7/20227 minutes, 15 seconds
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When does religious homage become appropriation?

Have you hiked the Camino trail in Spain? Many of you regularly roll out the yoga mat. Some of you may even tinker with a little Zen decor at home. But are these acts of curiosity, taste, or are they appropriating a something deeply religious? 
11/30/202226 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why the Hillsong empire is in turmoil

Founder of the Hillsong megachurch, Brian Houston, faces court in Sydney this week. But whatever the outcome of the trial, the Hillsong empire is in turmoil, after controversies involving church figures in the US.
11/30/202210 minutes, 3 seconds
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When does religious homage become appropriation?

Have you hiked the Camino trail in Spain? Many of you regularly roll out the yoga mat. Some of you may even tinker with a little Zen decor at home. But are these acts of curiosity, taste, or are they appropriating a something deeply religious? 
11/30/202226 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why the Hillsong empire is in turmoil

Founder of the Hillsong megachurch, Brian Houston, faces court in Sydney this week. But whatever the outcome of the trial, the Hillsong empire is in turmoil, after controversies involving church figures in the US.
11/30/202210 minutes, 3 seconds
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American Catholics have a conservative new leader

American Catholics have a new leader. Archbishop Timothy Broglio, chief chaplain to the US defence forces, is the next president of the national bishops conference. He’s a conservative who could find himself caught up in the next US election and out of step with Pope Francis. In the 1990s, he also worked in the Vatican, for a cardinal accused of protecting an abusive priest. Joshua McElwee from the independent newspaper, The National Catholic Reporter, explains this tense situation.
11/23/20227 minutes, 56 seconds
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Should healthcare workers be allowed to conscientiously vote?

If you’re a doctor opposed to euthanasia or a nurse with qualms about late-term abortion, should you have the right to opt out of such procedures, even when they’re entrenched in law? Australian ethicist Dr Xavier Symons wades into this debate in his new book, Why Conscience Matters: A Defence of Conscientious Objection Healthcare.
11/23/202215 minutes, 57 seconds
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Netanyahu’s right-wing headache

American Catholics have a new leader.  Archbishop Timothy Broglio, chief chaplain to the US defence forces, is the next president of the national bishops conference. He’s a conservative who could find himself caught up in the next US election and out of step with Pope Francis. In the 1990s, he also worked in the Vatican, for a cardinal accused of protecting an abusive priest. Joshua McElwee from the independent newspaper, The National Catholic Reporter, explains this tense situation. More Information Presenter: Andrew West Producer: Hong Jiang Sound Engineer: Russell Stapleton
11/23/20227 minutes, 48 seconds
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American Catholics have a conservative new leader

American Catholics have a new leader. Archbishop Timothy Broglio, chief chaplain to the US defence forces, is the next president of the national bishops conference. He’s a conservative who could find himself caught up in the next US election and out of step with Pope Francis. In the 1990s, he also worked in the Vatican, for a cardinal accused of protecting an abusive priest. Joshua McElwee from the independent newspaper, The National Catholic Reporter, explains this tense situation.
11/23/20227 minutes, 56 seconds
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Netanyahu’s right-wing headache

American Catholics have a new leader.  Archbishop Timothy Broglio, chief chaplain to the US defence forces, is the next president of the national bishops conference. He’s a conservative who could find himself caught up in the next US election and out of step with Pope Francis. In the 1990s, he also worked in the Vatican, for a cardinal accused of protecting an abusive priest. Joshua McElwee from the independent newspaper, The National Catholic Reporter, explains this tense situation. More Information Presenter: Andrew West Producer: Hong Jiang Sound Engineer: Russell Stapleton
11/23/20227 minutes, 48 seconds
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Should healthcare workers be allowed to conscientiously vote?

If you’re a doctor opposed to euthanasia or a nurse with qualms about late-term abortion, should you have the right to opt out of such procedures, even when they’re entrenched in law? Australian ethicist Dr Xavier Symons wades into this debate in his new book, Why Conscience Matters: A Defence of Conscientious Objection Healthcare.
11/23/202215 minutes, 57 seconds
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Historic wins for Muslim candidates in the US mid-terms

The big news in US politics is that the Democrats retained control of the senate in the mid-term elections. One of the lesser known but fascinating stories was the success of American Muslim candidates— who have in fact, made historic gains. 
11/16/20229 minutes, 21 seconds
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Should players and spectators boycott the 2022 World Cup?

Qatar has reportedly spent $US230 billion on the FIFA World Cup, including building new stadiums and public transport. And it's that infrastructure, and the migrant workforce that built it, which attracts controversy. For decades, Qatar used a system of bonded labour that exploited and abused workers from Asia.
11/16/20229 minutes, 36 seconds
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Benjamin Netanyahu and the far-right in his government

Israel's president has officially asked Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu to form a government. Netanyahu will rely on his traditional allies in the orthodox religious parties but also on a far-right parliamentary group called the Religious Zionists. And that's where it gets controversial because this party embraces ethnic nationalism and anti-Arab rhetoric.
11/16/202213 minutes, 39 seconds
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Should players and spectators boycott the 2022 World Cup?

Qatar has reportedly spent $US230 billion on the FIFA World Cup, including building new stadiums and public transport. And it's that infrastructure, and the migrant workforce that built it, which attracts controversy. For decades, Qatar used a system of bonded labour that exploited and abused workers from Asia.
11/16/20229 minutes, 36 seconds
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Historic wins for Muslim candidates in the US mid-terms

The big news in US politics is that the Democrats retained control of the senate in the mid-term elections. One of the lesser known but fascinating stories was the success of American Muslim candidates— who have in fact, made historic gains. 
11/16/20229 minutes, 21 seconds
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Benjamin Netanyahu and the far-right in his government

Israel's president has officially asked Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu to form a government. Netanyahu will rely on his traditional allies in the orthodox religious parties but also on a far-right parliamentary group called the Religious Zionists. And that's where it gets controversial because this party embraces ethnic nationalism and anti-Arab rhetoric.
11/16/202213 minutes, 39 seconds
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Removing exploited labour from supply chains

Australia has signed an agreement with Thailand to fight human trafficking. But with 50 million people around the world falling prey to modern slavery, do we need dozens more bilateral agreements to ensure Australian companies do not use, deliberately or accidentally, exploited labour? With NSW's anti-slavery commissioner Dr James Cockayne.
11/9/202212 minutes, 47 seconds
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Regulating extremism on social media

Since the world’s richest man Elon Musk bought the social network Twitter, he's halved the number of staff, especially those responsible for monitoring content. There are calls for more regulation, particularly over social media's dark side, including from ANU Professor Shirley Leitch.
11/9/20229 minutes, 10 seconds
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Are Hindu nationalists hijacking the Bollywood industry?

India's major film industry Bollywood is not just hugely popular, it's also very influential on politics and culture. With the rise of Hindu nationalism continuing largely unchecked, hardline protesters are now demanding the film industry join the campaign. And that means Indian Muslims are portrayed in ever more negative ways. With Professor Ira Bhaskar.
11/9/20229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Are Hindu nationalists hijacking the Bollywood industry?

India's major film industry Bollywood is not just hugely popular, it's also very influential on politics and culture. With the rise of Hindu nationalism continuing largely unchecked, hardline protesters are now demanding the film industry join the campaign. And that means Indian Muslims are portrayed in ever more negative ways. With Professor Ira Bhaskar.
11/9/20229 minutes, 46 seconds
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Regulating extremism on social media

Since the world’s richest man Elon Musk bought the social network Twitter, he's halved the number of staff, especially those responsible for monitoring content. There are calls for more regulation, particularly over social media's dark side, including from ANU Professor Shirley Leitch.
11/9/20229 minutes, 10 seconds
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Removing exploited labour from supply chains

Australia has signed an agreement with Thailand to fight human trafficking. But with 50 million people around the world falling prey to modern slavery, do we need dozens more bilateral agreements to ensure Australian companies do not use, deliberately or accidentally, exploited labour? With NSW's anti-slavery commissioner Dr James Cockayne.
11/9/202212 minutes, 47 seconds
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The dangers of Christian nationalism

Americans vote in mid-term elections next week and, according to a survey done by the Pew Research Centre, 45% of Americans say the U.S. should be a Christian nation. There's differing views on what that means, but some Republican politicians now call themselves "Christian nationalists." This trend is deeply troubling for Professor Paul D. Miller. 
11/2/202227 minutes, 21 seconds
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Australia is not immune to the scourge of sex trafficking — how can we prevent it?

Over 6 million people are trapped in the global sex trafficking trade – almost 5 million of them are women and girls. Australia is not immune to this. This week, Nine media reported that crime bosses are using loopholes in Australia’s immigration system to run a prostitution ring involving possibly hundreds of vulnerable migrant women. We hear from Kathy Chambers of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Australia.
11/2/202212 minutes, 59 seconds
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The dangers of Christian nationalism

Americans vote in mid-term elections next week and, according to a survey done by the Pew Research Centre, 45% of Americans say the U.S. should be a Christian nation. There's differing views on what that means, but some Republican politicians now call themselves "Christian nationalists." This trend is deeply troubling for Professor Paul D. Miller. 
11/2/202227 minutes, 21 seconds
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Australia is not immune to the scourge of sex trafficking — how can we prevent it?

Over 6 million people are trapped in the global sex trafficking trade – almost 5 million of them are women and girls. Australia is not immune to this. This week, Nine media reported that crime bosses are using loopholes in Australia’s immigration system to run a prostitution ring involving possibly hundreds of vulnerable migrant women. We hear from Kathy Chambers of the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Australia.
11/2/202212 minutes, 59 seconds
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A New York legal case reignites commercial surrogacy debate

An employment tribunal in the United States is set to rule on whether the City of New York should pay for commercial surrogacy to allow same-sex couples to have children.  The case has reopened a debate about the ethical minefield of surrogacy.  We hear from Charles Camosy, a leading ethicist and professor of medical humanities at Creighton University.
10/26/202211 minutes, 17 seconds
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The far right's rise in Israel's election

Israel holds national elections next week — the 5th in just over three years. As Irris Makler reports from Jerusalem, the big change in this election is the popularity of a far-right Jewish religious party.
10/26/20227 minutes, 24 seconds
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Britain's first Hindu Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

History is being made in Britain this week with the appointment of Rishi Sunak as prime minister. Not only is he the first person of colour to assume the job, he’s also the first non-Christian. What does his rise say about a multi-faith and multicultural Britain? And what's its significance for the South Asian diaspora? Professor Gurharpal Singh of London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies and Dr Edward Anderson of Northumbria University explain.
10/26/202216 minutes, 44 seconds
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A New York legal case reignites commercial surrogacy debate

An employment tribunal in the United States is set to rule on whether the City of New York should pay for commercial surrogacy to allow same-sex couples to have children.  The case has reopened a debate about the ethical minefield of surrogacy.  We hear from Charles Camosy, a leading ethicist and professor of medical humanities at Creighton University.
10/26/202211 minutes, 17 seconds
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The far right's rise in Israel's election

Israel holds national elections next week — the 5th in just over three years. As Irris Makler reports from Jerusalem, the big change in this election is the popularity of a far-right Jewish religious party.
10/26/20227 minutes, 24 seconds
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Britain's first Hindu Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

History is being made in Britain this week with the appointment of Rishi Sunak as prime minister. Not only is he the first person of colour to assume the job, he’s also the first non-Christian. What does his rise say about a multi-faith and multicultural Britain? And what's its significance for the South Asian diaspora? Professor Gurharpal Singh of London University’s School of Oriental and African Studies and Dr Edward Anderson of Northumbria University explain.
10/26/202216 minutes, 44 seconds
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What do Christians think about transhumanism and AI?

Anglicans in Melbourne recently voted to step up Christian engagement with science, especially on the pressing issues of transhumanism and artificial intelligence. The Archbishop of Melbourne has also appointed a special advisor for science and faith education.
10/19/20229 minutes, 49 seconds
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Australia's policy on Israel's capital has been reversed — what are the implications?

The Albanese government made a decision to reverse the previous government's position recognising West Jerusalem as Israel's capital. So, what are the implications?
10/19/20229 minutes, 16 seconds
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'War crimes' committed by Russian forces, Ukrainians aged 4 to 82 were targeted

An investigation by the UN and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, accuses Russia of gross human rights abuses targeting Ukrainians between 4 to 82 years old.
10/19/20229 minutes, 28 seconds
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'War crimes' committed by Russian forces, Ukrainians aged 4 to 82 were targeted

An investigation by the UN and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, accuses Russia of gross human rights abuses targeting Ukrainians between 4 to 82 years old.
10/19/20229 minutes, 28 seconds
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What do Christians think about transhumanism and AI?

Anglicans in Melbourne recently voted to step up Christian engagement with science, especially on the pressing issues of transhumanism and artificial intelligence. The Archbishop of Melbourne has also appointed a special advisor for science and faith education.
10/19/20229 minutes, 49 seconds
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Australia's policy on Israel's capital has been reversed — what are the implications?

The Albanese government made a decision to reverse the previous government's position recognising West Jerusalem as Israel's capital. So, what are the implications?
10/19/20229 minutes, 16 seconds
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'The culmination of years and years of grievance' — Why protests in Iran are about more than the hijab

Protests have convulsed Iran for three weeks and counting, following the death in police custody of young Kurdish woman Masha Amini. It's compulsory for women in Iran to cover their heads, but these protests are about much more than headscarf rules.
10/12/202210 minutes, 36 seconds
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What does the average Australian churchgoer look like today?

A nation wide survey of church attendees has some surprising findings; on average, women make up 60 per cent of churches – even though 80 per cent of congregations are male-led. Attendees are also more culturally diverse, about half are first or second-generation migrants.  
10/12/202215 minutes, 16 seconds
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'The culmination of years and years of grievance' — Why protests in Iran are about more than the hijab

Protests have convulsed Iran for three weeks and counting, following the death in police custody of young Kurdish woman Masha Amini. It's compulsory for women in Iran to cover their heads, but these protests are about much more than headscarf rules.
10/12/202210 minutes, 36 seconds
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What does the average Australian churchgoer look like today?

A nation wide survey of church attendees has some surprising findings; on average, women make up 60 per cent of churches – even though 80 per cent of congregations are male-led. Attendees are also more culturally diverse, about half are first or second-generation migrants.  
10/12/202215 minutes, 16 seconds
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Does Andrew Thorburn have a legal case against Essendon?

In Australia, the debate over religious discrimination has flared again. Does Andrew Thorburn have a legal case after Essendon told him to choose between the club and the church?
10/11/20229 minutes, 28 seconds
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Does Andrew Thorburn have a legal case against Essendon?

In Australia, the debate over religious discrimination has flared again. Does Andrew Thorburn have a legal case after Essendon told him to choose between the club and the church?
10/11/20229 minutes, 28 seconds
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Faith versus football — The end of Andrew Thorburn's AFL job

Businessman Andrew Thorburn has quit as CEO of the Essendon football club, less than 30 hours into the job. Thorburn says he had to choose between a prestigious role in Australian sport or an honorary position in his church. There's many issues to unpack in this case. 
10/5/20229 minutes, 57 seconds
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France, Sweden and now Italy — the nationalist backlash in Europe

This year, the politics of France, Sweden and Italy have all been swept up in the tide of right-wing nationalism across Europe. When, or even will, this tide peak?
10/5/202216 minutes, 49 seconds
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Is social justice becoming another religion?

Now here's a question you might not expect in an increasingly secular west — is the social justice movement becoming another form of religion? With British writer Helen Lewis.
10/5/202210 minutes
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Faith versus football — The end of Andrew Thorburn's AFL job

Businessman Andrew Thorburn has quit as CEO of the Essendon football club, less than 30 hours into the job. Thorburn says he had to choose between a prestigious role in Australian sport or an honorary position in his church. There's many issues to unpack in this case. 
10/5/20229 minutes, 57 seconds
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Is social justice becoming another religion?

Now here's a question you might not expect in an increasingly secular west — is the social justice movement becoming another form of religion? With British writer Helen Lewis.
10/5/202210 minutes
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France, Sweden and now Italy — the nationalist backlash in Europe

This year, the politics of France, Sweden and Italy have all been swept up in the tide of right-wing nationalism across Europe. When, or even will, this tide peak?
10/5/202216 minutes, 49 seconds
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Mahsa Amini's death in custody has set Iran back a generation

The recent death in custody of young woman Mahsa Amini, for wearing her headscarf in a way that showed too much hair, has thrust Iran back a generation. Since a controversial election brought President Ebrahim Raisi to power a year ago, social progress has stalled. 
9/28/202213 minutes, 46 seconds
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Tightening restrictions on Australia's 'parasitic' gambling industry

Australia has 20 percent of the world's poker machines and half of those are in just one state – New South Wales. Two leading clergy have begun a campaign to introduce tighter restrictions on an industry they describe as parasitic, taking money from the poor.
9/28/202210 minutes, 30 seconds
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The faith and politics of William Ruto, Kenya's first evangelical president

Kenya's new president William Ruto is the country's first evangelical Christian to become head of state. How does faith play a role in his politics?
9/28/20227 minutes, 57 seconds
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The faith and politics of William Ruto, Kenya's first evangelical president

Kenya's new president William Ruto is the country's first evangelical Christian to become head of state. How does faith play a role in his politics?
9/28/20227 minutes, 57 seconds
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Mahsa Amini's death in custody has set Iran back a generation

The recent death in custody of young woman Mahsa Amini, for wearing her headscarf in a way that showed too much hair, has thrust Iran back a generation. Since a controversial election brought President Ebrahim Raisi to power a year ago, social progress has stalled. 
9/28/202213 minutes, 46 seconds
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Tightening restrictions on Australia's 'parasitic' gambling industry

Australia has 20 percent of the world's poker machines and half of those are in just one state – New South Wales. Two leading clergy have begun a campaign to introduce tighter restrictions on an industry they describe as parasitic, taking money from the poor.
9/28/202210 minutes, 30 seconds
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Charles III's green politics, and confronting a colonial legacy

Charles believes nature and the environment are the best expressions of God and religion. And to the extent that any monarch is allowed to have a political worldview, this is his. But now as King, he must also deal with the violent history of Britain's imperial era. 
9/21/202215 minutes, 40 seconds
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The religious undertones of the far-right party 'Brothers of Italy'

How does religion play into the politics of the far-right in Italy? The party that's leading in the polls is the 'Brothers of Italy,' and its origins lie in a post-war neo-fascist movement. Their leader is Giorgia Meloni.
9/21/202211 minutes, 8 seconds
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The religious undertones of the far-right party 'Brothers of Italy'

How does religion play into the politics of the far-right in Italy? The party that's leading in the polls is the 'Brothers of Italy,' and its origins lie in a post-war neo-fascist movement. Their leader is Giorgia Meloni.
9/21/202211 minutes, 8 seconds
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Charles III's green politics, and confronting a colonial legacy

Charles believes nature and the environment are the best expressions of God and religion. And to the extent that any monarch is allowed to have a political worldview, this is his. But now as King, he must also deal with the violent history of Britain's imperial era. 
9/21/202215 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Queen's sincere faith, and monarchy's future in secular Europe

One of the late Queen's chaplains remembers a sincerely religious monarch, and wonders if the new King Charles can resist the secular tide that is sweeping Europe.  
9/14/20228 minutes, 23 seconds
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Charles III's clashes with the Church of England

In his first speech as monarch, Charles III went out of his way to emphasise his loyalty to the Church of England. But why does the man who is the so-called Defender of the Faith need to reassure people?
9/14/202214 minutes, 33 seconds
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How the Queen tried to overcome a division with the Catholic Church

For a woman who pledged at her coronation to uphold the Protestant religion, the Queen spent a lot time trying to overcome a division that went back centuries — the one with the Catholic Church. Two of the most historic efforts came late in her reign.
9/14/202215 minutes, 4 seconds
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How the Queen tried to overcome a division with the Catholic Church

For a woman who pledged at her coronation to uphold the Protestant religion, the Queen spent a lot time trying to overcome a division that went back centuries — the one with the Catholic Church. Two of the most historic efforts came late in her reign.
9/14/202215 minutes, 4 seconds
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Charles III's clashes with the Church of England

In his first speech as monarch, Charles III went out of his way to emphasise his loyalty to the Church of England. But why does the man who is the so-called Defender of the Faith need to reassure people?
9/14/202214 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Queen's sincere faith, and monarchy's future in secular Europe

One of the late Queen's chaplains remembers a sincerely religious monarch, and wonders if the new King Charles can resist the secular tide that is sweeping Europe.  
9/14/20228 minutes, 23 seconds
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The consequences of the sexual revolution

Has the sexual revolution that began in the early 1960s had unintended – and possibly damaging – consequences?
9/7/202225 minutes, 14 seconds
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Does having strong religious belief correlate with a more satisfying sex life?

According to a new paper published in The Journal of Sex Research, those with strong religious beliefs have more satisfying sex lives. And married religious women are especially happy.
9/7/20229 minutes, 59 seconds
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Does having strong religious belief correlate with a more satisfying sex life?

According to a new paper published in The Journal of Sex Research, those with strong religious beliefs have more satisfying sex lives. And married religious women are especially happy.
9/7/20229 minutes, 59 seconds
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The consequences of the sexual revolution

Has the sexual revolution that began in the early 1960s had unintended – and possibly damaging – consequences?
9/7/202225 minutes, 14 seconds
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The religious, ethnic and cultural competition around the Black Sea

The Black Sea isn't just an area of geostrategic importance for Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine. For centuries it's also been the focus of religious, ethnic and cultural competition.
8/31/202211 minutes, 25 seconds
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Most diverse group appointed, Pope names twenty cardinals from five continents

For months, there have been rumours out of the Vatican that Pope Francis is getting ready to retire. So there's interest around the Pope has naming 20 new cardinals, who will one day choose his successor. They're also the most diverse group ever appointed.
8/31/20229 minutes, 28 seconds
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Combating human trafficking in Timor Leste

With high unemployment and persistent poverty, Timor Leste is especially vulnerable to human and sex traffickers.
8/31/20226 minutes, 9 seconds
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Combating human trafficking in Timor Leste

With high unemployment and persistent poverty, Timor Leste is especially vulnerable to human and sex traffickers.
8/31/20226 minutes, 9 seconds
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Most diverse group appointed, Pope names twenty cardinals from five continents

For months, there have been rumours out of the Vatican that Pope Francis is getting ready to retire. So there's interest around the Pope has naming 20 new cardinals, who will one day choose his successor. They're also the most diverse group ever appointed.
8/31/20229 minutes, 28 seconds
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The religious, ethnic and cultural competition around the Black Sea

The Black Sea isn't just an area of geostrategic importance for Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine. For centuries it's also been the focus of religious, ethnic and cultural competition.
8/31/202211 minutes, 25 seconds
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A home in the world with Nobel Prize winning economist Amartya Sen

Amartya Sen is one of the great minds of the past century. And he has searched around in his life, for what he sees as a place to belong.
8/24/202214 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why is right-wing extremism on the rise?

In the past five to six years, there's been a 300% increase in the rates of right wing political extremism throughout the world.
8/24/202211 minutes, 47 seconds
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Why is right-wing extremism on the rise?

In the past five to six years, there's been a 300% increase in the rates of right wing political extremism throughout the world.
8/24/202211 minutes, 47 seconds
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A home in the world with Nobel Prize winning economist Amartya Sen

Amartya Sen is one of the great minds of the past century. And he has searched around in his life, for what he sees as a place to belong.
8/24/202214 minutes, 33 seconds
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How Russia's Alexander Dugin influenced Putin and the war on Ukraine

The death of Daria Dugina in a car bombing in Moscow recently has shone a spotlight on her father Alexander Dugin. So who is he, and why has he been described as 'Putin's brain'?
8/24/20226 minutes, 17 seconds
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How Russia's Alexander Dugin influenced Putin and the war on Ukraine

The death of Daria Dugina in a car bombing in Moscow recently has shone a spotlight on her father Alexander Dugin. So who is he, and why has he been described as 'Putin's brain'?
8/24/20226 minutes, 17 seconds
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How to have courageous conversations about race

How can we begin a conversation about race? It can be awkward, confronting for white people, and for people of colour, it can be traumatic.
8/17/202213 minutes, 49 seconds
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Australian breakaway diocese announced, separate from global Anglican communion

A breakaway Australian diocese of the Anglican Church has been announced. It will exist as an entity separate to the global Anglican communion, which has the Archbishop of Canterbury as its leader.
8/17/20228 minutes, 27 seconds
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The attack on Salman Rushdie and fatwas explained

What exactly, is a fatwa, and how does the one issued against author Salman Rushdie work? 
8/17/20227 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to have courageous conversations about race

How can we begin a conversation about race? It can be awkward, confronting for white people, and for people of colour, it can be traumatic.
8/17/202213 minutes, 49 seconds
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The attack on Salman Rushdie and fatwas explained

What exactly, is a fatwa, and how does the one issued against author Salman Rushdie work? 
8/17/20227 minutes, 11 seconds
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Australian breakaway diocese announced, separate from global Anglican communion

A breakaway Australian diocese of the Anglican Church has been announced. It will exist as an entity separate to the global Anglican communion, which has the Archbishop of Canterbury as its leader.
8/17/20228 minutes, 27 seconds
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Identity today with Philosopher Charles Taylor - pt 2

Competing identities play a key role in many of the conflicts in our world. With all of our differences, is there any way we can live in peace together? With renowned philosopher Charles Taylor.
8/10/202210 minutes, 36 seconds
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El Salvador's President is framing his war on gangs as a spiritual fight

Since March, over 46,000 people in El Salvador have been arrested over alleged gang connections. Over 60 people have died in custody and children as young as twelve have been detained. President Nayib Bukele has used spiritual language to frame his policies.
8/10/20228 minutes, 30 seconds
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Identity today with Philosopher Charles Taylor - pt 2

Competing identities play a key role in many of the conflicts in our world. With all of our differences, is there any way we can live in peace together? With renowned philosopher Charles Taylor.
8/10/202210 minutes, 36 seconds
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El Salvador's President is framing his war on gangs as a spiritual fight

Since March, over 46,000 people in El Salvador have been arrested over alleged gang connections. Over 60 people have died in custody and children as young as twelve have been detained. President Nayib Bukele has used spiritual language to frame his policies.
8/10/20228 minutes, 30 seconds
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The ethics of strategic ambiguity over Taiwan

The stand-off over Taiwan raises ethical questions over what it means to adopt a strategy of ambiguity. The US, like Australia, recognises one China, but there is enough wriggle room built in for all sides to avoid conflict. But what happens when that ethical ambiguity fails, and are we seeing that now?
8/10/202210 minutes, 36 seconds
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The ethics of strategic ambiguity over Taiwan

The stand-off over Taiwan raises ethical questions over what it means to adopt a strategy of ambiguity. The US, like Australia, recognises one China, but there is enough wriggle room built in for all sides to avoid conflict. But what happens when that ethical ambiguity fails, and are we seeing that now?
8/10/202210 minutes, 36 seconds
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Philosopher Charles Taylor on what binds us together in a polarised world — Part 1

In a world of contested beliefs, rights, and identities, renowned philosopher Charles Taylor ponders over these important questions: what binds us, and how can we live well together?
8/3/202212 minutes, 14 seconds
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Philosopher Charles Taylor on what binds us together in a polarised world — Part 1

In a world of contested beliefs, rights, and identities, renowned philosopher Charles Taylor ponders over these important questions: what binds us, and how can we live well together?
8/3/202212 minutes, 14 seconds
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Spirituality and a Voice for Indigenous people in the constitution

Australians will vote, in a referendum, on a constitutional Voice for Indigenous people. Critical to this is the place of First Nations people in our country, and sovereignty never ceded — that was the message from the Uluru Statement from the Heart which kickstarted this process.
8/3/20229 minutes, 20 seconds
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Spirituality and a Voice for Indigenous people in the constitution

Australians will vote, in a referendum, on a constitutional Voice for Indigenous people. Critical to this is the place of First Nations people in our country, and sovereignty never ceded — that was the message from the Uluru Statement from the Heart which kickstarted this process.
8/3/20229 minutes, 20 seconds
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The killing of Al Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri and the future of radical Islamist groups

Al Qaeda mastermind and former deputy to Osama Bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri has been killed in a US drone strike. Another leader is gone, but the terrorist group still persists.
8/3/20226 minutes, 30 seconds
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The killing of Al Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri and the future of radical Islamist groups

Al Qaeda mastermind and former deputy to Osama Bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri has been killed in a US drone strike. Another leader is gone, but the terrorist group still persists.
8/3/20226 minutes, 30 seconds
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Francis Fukuyama on the state of democracy and liberalism today

At the end of the Cold War, Political Scientist Francis Fukuyama declared the end of history — liberalism and democracy, he said, had triumphed over communism. Fast forward: how does that look today?
7/27/202229 minutes, 40 seconds
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Francis Fukuyama on the state of democracy and liberalism today

At the end of the Cold War, Political Scientist Francis Fukuyama declared the end of history — liberalism and democracy, he said, had triumphed over communism. Fast forward: how does that look today?
7/27/202229 minutes, 40 seconds
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Hip-hop and hymns — Growing up African and Christian in small town Australia

Mawunyo Gbogbo has penned the recent memoir "Hip hop and hymns" which tells of her life growing up in small town Australia, wrestling with her African and Christian identity.  
7/20/202210 minutes, 29 seconds
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Hip-hop and hymns — Growing up African and Christian in small town Australia

Mawunyo Gbogbo has penned the recent memoir "Hip hop and hymns" which tells of her life growing up in small town Australia, wrestling with her African and Christian identity.  
7/20/202210 minutes, 29 seconds
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How religion and violence are shaping Ethiopia today

While the world is focused on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, mass violence is shaking the African nation of Ethiopia, a country largely divided along ethnic lines. How are religious divisions playing into the conflict?
7/20/20228 minutes, 47 seconds
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How religion and violence are shaping Ethiopia today

While the world is focused on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, mass violence is shaking the African nation of Ethiopia, a country largely divided along ethnic lines. How are religious divisions playing into the conflict?
7/20/20228 minutes, 47 seconds
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Shinzo Abe, the LDP and their ties with religious organisations

How is religion playing into the killing of former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe?
7/20/20229 minutes, 33 seconds
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Shinzo Abe, the LDP and their ties with religious organisations

How is religion playing into the killing of former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe?
7/20/20229 minutes, 33 seconds
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Stan Grant Snr on saving the Wiradjuri language

At last week's National NAIDOC awards, Stanley Grant Snr recently received the NAIDOC Lifetime Achievement Award, for his efforts on saving the Wiradjuri language. Stan Grant caught up with his father, and asked him about the importance of language to First Nations people.
7/13/20225 minutes, 22 seconds
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Stan Grant Snr on saving the Wiradjuri language

At last week's National NAIDOC awards, Stanley Grant Snr recently received the NAIDOC Lifetime Achievement Award, for his efforts on saving the Wiradjuri language. Stan Grant caught up with his father, and asked him about the importance of language to First Nations people.
7/13/20225 minutes, 22 seconds
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Are Australian Catholics polarised over women's recognition in the church?

Media headlines have represented the Catholic Church as polarised over the issue of women's recognition in the church. Does that adequately represent what those within the church may feel? And what does the future for female deacons look like in Australia?  
7/13/20226 minutes, 42 seconds
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Are Australian Catholics polarised over women's recognition in the church?

Media headlines have represented the Catholic Church as polarised over the issue of women's recognition in the church. Does that adequately represent what those within the church may feel? And what does the future for female deacons look like in Australia?  
7/13/20226 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why Biden's Saudi trip is drawing out concerns on human rights and Wahhabism's influence

U.S. President Joe Biden will sit down with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman later this week. Questions of human rights are front and centre — but so is the question of Saudi Arabia's influence on Islam around the world, particularly Wahhabism, which has fuelled a lot of radical insurgencies of Islam.
7/13/202210 minutes, 55 seconds
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Why Biden's Saudi trip is drawing out concerns on human rights and Wahhabism's influence

U.S. President Joe Biden will sit down with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman later this week. Questions of human rights are front and centre — but so is the question of Saudi Arabia's influence on Islam around the world, particularly Wahhabism, which has fuelled a lot of radical insurgencies of Islam.
7/13/202210 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sri Lanka's leadership failure — and what comes next

President of Sri Lanka Gotabaya Rajapaksa has fled the country after protests and an ongoing economic crisis. What does this mean for the country which has been riven by ethnic and religious division, but is now coming together with a voice of anger?
7/13/20226 minutes, 35 seconds
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Sri Lanka's leadership failure — and what comes next

President of Sri Lanka Gotabaya Rajapaksa has fled the country after protests and an ongoing economic crisis. What does this mean for the country which has been riven by ethnic and religious division, but is now coming together with a voice of anger?
7/13/20226 minutes, 35 seconds
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Tensions during the historic Catholic plenary

Tensions emerged during this weeks' national Plenary Council as bishops overruled  the people's votes. At one point the bishops rejected  women-in-leadership motions, including ordination to diaconate. Women’s leadership was only one contentious issue.
7/6/202228 minutes, 36 seconds
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Tensions during the historic Catholic plenary

Tensions emerged during this weeks' national Plenary Council as bishops overruled  the people's votes. At one point the bishops rejected  women-in-leadership motions, including ordination to diaconate. Women’s leadership was only one contentious issue.
7/6/202228 minutes, 36 seconds
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What the rise of 'no religion' means for Australian laws

For the first time in Australia's census history, fewer than half of respondents identified as Christian. So, how might the rise of 'no religion' play out in our legal system?
6/29/20228 minutes, 42 seconds
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What the rise of 'no religion' means for Australian laws

For the first time in Australia's census history, fewer than half of respondents identified as Christian. So, how might the rise of 'no religion' play out in our legal system?
6/29/20228 minutes, 42 seconds
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Rebuilding confidence in the church after crisis

After a four-year consultation process, involving 220,000 people, the Plenary Council will reach its second and final assembly in July. Rebuilding confidence in the church will be a significant agenda item.
6/29/202214 minutes, 17 seconds
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Rebuilding confidence in the church after crisis

After a four-year consultation process, involving 220,000 people, the Plenary Council will reach its second and final assembly in July. Rebuilding confidence in the church will be a significant agenda item.
6/29/202214 minutes, 17 seconds
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How the Christian right stacked the Supreme Court

The reversal of constitutional abortion rights in America proves that if you can capture the courts, you can change society.
6/29/202210 minutes, 41 seconds
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How the Christian right stacked the Supreme Court

The reversal of constitutional abortion rights in America proves that if you can capture the courts, you can change society.
6/29/202210 minutes, 41 seconds
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Identity, religion, and extremism in South Asia

How strong is religious extremism in South Asia right now? The fall of Kabul and return of the Taliban last year, raises concerns that we could see the region become a hotbed of militancy once again.
6/22/202219 minutes, 56 seconds
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Identity, religion, and extremism in South Asia

How strong is religious extremism in South Asia right now? The fall of Kabul and return of the Taliban last year, raises concerns that we could see the region become a hotbed of militancy once again.
6/22/202219 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why Gandhi's murderer is being revered in India

The man who assassinated Gandhi, Nathuram Godse, is becoming a celebrated figure amongst Hindu Nationalists, including some in Narendra Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.
6/22/20229 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why Gandhi's murderer is being revered in India

The man who assassinated Gandhi, Nathuram Godse, is becoming a celebrated figure amongst Hindu Nationalists, including some in Narendra Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.
6/22/20229 minutes, 34 seconds
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Are we hardwired for war?

There is always conflict in our world, from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, to Africa, to the Middle East to parts of Asia. World War I was supposed to be the war that ended all wars. So why do we keep repeating the past, one catastrophic conflict after another? 
6/15/202218 minutes, 6 seconds
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Are we hardwired for war?

There is always conflict in our world, from Russia's invasion of Ukraine, to Africa, to the Middle East to parts of Asia. World War I was supposed to be the war that ended all wars. So why do we keep repeating the past, one catastrophic conflict after another? 
6/15/202218 minutes, 6 seconds
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Why the internet is not what you think it is

Sheryl Sandberg has resigned as Chief Operating Officer of Meta, the company that brought us Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. She, along with Mark Zuckerberg have connected us in ways previously unimagined, but it's also opened a Pandora's box of issues including privacy, political meddling and fake news.
6/15/202216 minutes
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Why the internet is not what you think it is

Sheryl Sandberg has resigned as Chief Operating Officer of Meta, the company that brought us Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. She, along with Mark Zuckerberg have connected us in ways previously unimagined, but it's also opened a Pandora's box of issues including privacy, political meddling and fake news.
6/15/202216 minutes
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The erased history of African American sisters in the civil rights struggle

There's a long history of African American Catholic sisters, but it has been overlooked, even erased. Now, a new book tells the powerful story of how these Black nuns brought their faith and voices to the struggle of civil rights in America.
6/8/202214 minutes, 48 seconds
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The erased history of African American sisters in the civil rights struggle

There's a long history of African American Catholic sisters, but it has been overlooked, even erased. Now, a new book tells the powerful story of how these Black nuns brought their faith and voices to the struggle of civil rights in America.
6/8/202214 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Southern Baptist controversy and cover up of sexual abuse allegations

Once again, a church is being rocked by allegations of sexual abuse — this time, it's the powerful American Southern Baptists. Hundreds of cases of abuse that have now lasted for decades, and a shocking cover up.
6/8/202212 minutes, 1 second
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The Southern Baptist controversy and cover up of sexual abuse allegations

Once again, a church is being rocked by allegations of sexual abuse — this time, it's the powerful American Southern Baptists. Hundreds of cases of abuse that have now lasted for decades, and a shocking cover up.
6/8/202212 minutes, 1 second
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Reconciliation week special — The role of faith in truth-telling, justice and healing in Australia

Today, a special edition of the program marking Reconciliation Week. Stan Grant moderated a discussion, bringing together different people to discuss faith, and how that can bring about reconciliation in Australia.
6/1/202255 minutes, 24 seconds
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Reconciliation week special — The role of faith in truth-telling, justice and healing in Australia

Today, a special edition of the program marking Reconciliation Week. Stan Grant moderated a discussion, bringing together different people to discuss faith, and how that can bring about reconciliation in Australia.
6/1/202255 minutes, 24 seconds
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New US report shines light on forced assimilation of Native American children

A new US government report is shining a light onto generations of Native American children who were taken from their families and sent to boarding schools, to be forcibly assimilated. Many, at least thousands of children died in those institutions.
5/25/202211 minutes, 57 seconds
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New US report shines light on forced assimilation of Native American children

A new US government report is shining a light onto generations of Native American children who were taken from their families and sent to boarding schools, to be forcibly assimilated. Many, at least thousands of children died in those institutions.
5/25/202211 minutes, 57 seconds
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Faith groups and the struggle for a First Nations voice to parliament

One of the first things new PM Anthony Albanese has committed to is a referendum for a voice for Indigenous people in the constitution. There is a groundswell of support in the Australian public — including amongst faith groups. You don't hear much about religion and the Uluru Statement from the Heart, but it is a document of profound faith and hope. 
5/25/20229 minutes, 42 seconds
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Faith groups and the struggle for a First Nations voice to parliament

One of the first things new PM Anthony Albanese has committed to is a referendum for a voice for Indigenous people in the constitution. There is a groundswell of support in the Australian public — including amongst faith groups. You don't hear much about religion and the Uluru Statement from the Heart, but it is a document of profound faith and hope. 
5/25/20229 minutes, 42 seconds
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New Fowler MP Dai Le on the elections and Sydney's culturally diverse west

Australians deserted Liberal and Labor in droves. Labor won, but the big winners here were the others, especially the Independents. Dai Le is one of them, she defeated Labor's high-profile Kristina Keneally, winning the seat of Fowler in Sydney's religiously and culturally diverse west.
5/25/20226 minutes, 18 seconds
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New Fowler MP Dai Le on the elections and Sydney's culturally diverse west

Australians deserted Liberal and Labor in droves. Labor won, but the big winners here were the others, especially the Independents. Dai Le is one of them, she defeated Labor's high-profile Kristina Keneally, winning the seat of Fowler in Sydney's religiously and culturally diverse west.
5/25/20226 minutes, 18 seconds
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Holding onto the past — power and history in Russia, China and North Korea

There's an old saying, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" — but is that true? What about those who cling too strongly to the past, and what happens when the past is weaponised?
5/18/202212 minutes, 4 seconds
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Holding onto the past — power and history in Russia, China and North Korea

There's an old saying, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" — but is that true? What about those who cling too strongly to the past, and what happens when the past is weaponised?
5/18/202212 minutes, 4 seconds
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Former PM Kevin Rudd on religious discrimination, personal faith, and the challenge faith presents in China

Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is a political leader who wore his faith publicly. Of course, he's also an expert on China and China's place in the world. We asked him about the future of religious discrimination legislation in Australia, his personal faith, and whether the role of faith in China presents a challenge to the Chinese Communist Party.
5/18/20229 minutes, 41 seconds
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Former PM Kevin Rudd on religious discrimination, personal faith, and the challenge faith presents in China

Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is a political leader who wore his faith publicly. Of course, he's also an expert on China and China's place in the world. We asked him about the future of religious discrimination legislation in Australia, his personal faith, and whether the role of faith in China presents a challenge to the Chinese Communist Party.
5/18/20229 minutes, 41 seconds
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Same-sex marriage and the deeper divide in the Anglican church

Given the headlines you could be forgiven for thinking the Anglican church is tearing itself apart over the question of same-sex marriage. The tension in the church goes deeper as well — what is the future of the clash between progressives and conservatives in the church?
5/18/20227 minutes, 17 seconds
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Same-sex marriage and the deeper divide in the Anglican church

Given the headlines you could be forgiven for thinking the Anglican church is tearing itself apart over the question of same-sex marriage. The tension in the church goes deeper as well — what is the future of the clash between progressives and conservatives in the church?
5/18/20227 minutes, 17 seconds
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What is the fear of Black Consciousness? With philosopher Lewis Gordon

The fear of Black Consciousness is, in part, what Afro-Jewish philosopher Lewis Gordon means when we continually fail to deal with the legacy of our history, and address questions like the place for guilt.
5/11/202222 minutes, 14 seconds
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What is the fear of Black Consciousness? With philosopher Lewis Gordon

The fear of Black Consciousness is, in part, what Afro-Jewish philosopher Lewis Gordon means when we continually fail to deal with the legacy of our history, and address questions like the place for guilt.
5/11/202222 minutes, 14 seconds
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Is' collective guilt' a helpful or harmful idea?

Should the sins of the past be visited upon us? The Abrahamic faiths talk about guilt, atonement and redemption. Indigenous Australians have long called for truth-telling, a reckoning with our past as a way to justice and healing. But collective guilt today is a hot button topic — is the idea a helpful or harmful one?
5/11/202215 minutes, 53 seconds
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Is' collective guilt' a helpful or harmful idea?

Should the sins of the past be visited upon us? The Abrahamic faiths talk about guilt, atonement and redemption. Indigenous Australians have long called for truth-telling, a reckoning with our past as a way to justice and healing. But collective guilt today is a hot button topic — is the idea a helpful or harmful one?
5/11/202215 minutes, 53 seconds
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Miroslav Volf on identity, faith and remembering history rightly — Part 2

In part two of our interview with renowned theologian and Yale Professor Miroslav Volf, we explore identity, faith and remembering history rightly. 
5/4/202212 minutes, 38 seconds
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Miroslav Volf on identity, faith and remembering history rightly — Part 2

In part two of our interview with renowned theologian and Yale Professor Miroslav Volf, we explore identity, faith and remembering history rightly. 
5/4/202212 minutes, 38 seconds
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Violent clashes at the Al Aqsa mosque during Ramadan

Clashes at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem became a feature of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan which ended this week. Israeli officials blame Palestinian militant groups for inciting young men to riot, but many Jerusalem Palestinians say they are fearful that Israel plans to allow Jewish prayer at the Al Aqsa compound.
5/4/20226 minutes, 43 seconds
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Violent clashes at the Al Aqsa mosque during Ramadan

Clashes at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem became a feature of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan which ended this week. Israeli officials blame Palestinian militant groups for inciting young men to riot, but many Jerusalem Palestinians say they are fearful that Israel plans to allow Jewish prayer at the Al Aqsa compound.
5/4/20226 minutes, 43 seconds
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Fake news and disinformation in the Philippine elections with Nobel Prize recipient Maria Ressa

Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is the man likely to become the next president of the Philippines when the nation goes to the polls on May 9. His father Ferdinand Marcos was a dictator and kleptocrat who held a grip on power for two decades between 1965 and 1986. How has fake news and disinformation been influencing this election and the likely return of power for the Marcos family?
5/4/20229 minutes, 18 seconds
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Fake news and disinformation in the Philippine elections with Nobel Prize recipient Maria Ressa

Ferdinand Marcos Jr. is the man likely to become the next president of the Philippines when the nation goes to the polls on May 9. His father Ferdinand Marcos was a dictator and kleptocrat who held a grip on power for two decades between 1965 and 1986. How has fake news and disinformation been influencing this election and the likely return of power for the Marcos family?
5/4/20229 minutes, 18 seconds
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Is it ever possible for a Ukrainian to forgive Putin? With Yale Professor Miroslav Volf

Today we explore the question of forgiveness — including one of the most pressing — is it possible for a Ukrainian to forgive Vladimir Putin?
4/27/202219 minutes, 59 seconds
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Is it ever possible for a Ukrainian to forgive Putin? With Yale Professor Miroslav Volf

Today we explore the question of forgiveness — including one of the most pressing — is it possible for a Ukrainian to forgive Vladimir Putin?
4/27/202219 minutes, 59 seconds
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Has Anzac Day become a civil religion?

This week Australians have commemorated Anzac Day, again remembering the sacrifice of those in war. But is it more than that? What began in Gallipoli in WWI has now become sacred.
4/27/20227 minutes, 4 seconds
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Has Anzac Day become a civil religion?

This week Australians have commemorated Anzac Day, again remembering the sacrifice of those in war. But is it more than that? What began in Gallipoli in WWI has now become sacred.
4/27/20227 minutes, 4 seconds
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Can we reinvent a politics of virtue and the common good?

The federal election campaign descended quickly into a game of political 'gotcha.' The two major parties are trying to focus on leadership, stumbles and scandal. But is it possible to create a politics where there are clear distinctions and a commitment to the common good?
4/20/202224 minutes, 53 seconds
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Can we reinvent a politics of virtue and the common good?

The federal election campaign descended quickly into a game of political 'gotcha.' The two major parties are trying to focus on leadership, stumbles and scandal. But is it possible to create a politics where there are clear distinctions and a commitment to the common good?
4/20/202224 minutes, 53 seconds
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Top expert on religious voting trends in Australia

With the 2022 election campaign now under way, we check in with one of Australia’s top experts on religious voting trends.
4/20/20225 minutes, 40 seconds
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Top expert on religious voting trends in Australia

With the 2022 election campaign now under way, we check in with one of Australia’s top experts on religious voting trends.
4/20/20225 minutes, 40 seconds
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Is Australia still a Christian nation?

Many Australians will enjoy Easter as simply a long weekend. But in a new book, Dr Kevin Donnelly argues that Christianity underpins much of the Australia we know today.
4/13/202213 minutes, 43 seconds
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Is Australia still a Christian nation?

Many Australians will enjoy Easter as simply a long weekend. But in a new book, Dr Kevin Donnelly argues that Christianity underpins much of the Australia we know today.
4/13/202213 minutes, 43 seconds
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Easter in a country under siege

As Russian troops tried to encircle the Ukrainian capital Kyiv last month, and even began shelling the city, the mayor said almost half the population had been forced to flee. One man determined to stay at his post is Fr Aleksey Samsonov.
4/13/20228 minutes, 51 seconds
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Easter in a country under siege

As Russian troops tried to encircle the Ukrainian capital Kyiv last month, and even began shelling the city, the mayor said almost half the population had been forced to flee. One man determined to stay at his post is Fr Aleksey Samsonov.
4/13/20228 minutes, 51 seconds
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Recent report finds 85 per cent of Australian companies are not complying with laws against modern slavery

An astonishing 85 per cent of Australian companies are not complying with national laws against modern slavery. That’s the finding from the International Justice Mission, a faith-based organisation that fights human trafficking.
4/13/20229 minutes, 10 seconds
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Recent report finds 85 per cent of Australian companies are not complying with laws against modern slavery

An astonishing 85 per cent of Australian companies are not complying with national laws against modern slavery. That’s the finding from the International Justice Mission, a faith-based organisation that fights human trafficking.
4/13/20229 minutes, 10 seconds
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Pope's warning of World War III — violence in Ukraine, Myanmar and Yemen

What links the Russian invasion of Ukraine with the Saudi bombing of Yemen and the persecution of the Rohingya people of Myanmar? For Pope Francis, they’re all part of World War III.
4/6/202210 minutes, 31 seconds
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Pope's warning of World War III — violence in Ukraine, Myanmar and Yemen

What links the Russian invasion of Ukraine with the Saudi bombing of Yemen and the persecution of the Rohingya people of Myanmar? For Pope Francis, they’re all part of World War III.
4/6/202210 minutes, 31 seconds
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Anti-immigration and anti-Muslim rhetoric in the French elections

It’s a controversial ritual of French politics: during presidential elections, nationalist candidates push a combination of anti-immigration and anti-Islamic rhetoric. But at this election, even centrist president Macron is using softer language to advocate similar things.
4/6/20226 minutes, 7 seconds
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Anti-immigration and anti-Muslim rhetoric in the French elections

It’s a controversial ritual of French politics: during presidential elections, nationalist candidates push a combination of anti-immigration and anti-Islamic rhetoric. But at this election, even centrist president Macron is using softer language to advocate similar things.
4/6/20226 minutes, 7 seconds
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Pakistan's Imran Khan fights to retain power after no-confidence vote

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan is fighting to retain power after a vote of no confidence in the parliament. He’s blamed a foreign conspiracy – the United States in particular – for trying to thwart his independent foreign policy.
4/6/202210 minutes, 58 seconds
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Pakistan's Imran Khan fights to retain power after no-confidence vote

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan is fighting to retain power after a vote of no confidence in the parliament. He’s blamed a foreign conspiracy – the United States in particular – for trying to thwart his independent foreign policy.
4/6/202210 minutes, 58 seconds
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Pentecostal Christianity after Brian Houston's dramatic fall

Pentecostal Christianity is in a three-way race with Islam and Hinduism to become the world’s fastest growing religion. In the English-speaking world, one of its biggest names is the Australian founder of the Hillsong church empire, Brian Houston. But he’s had a dramatic fall. So just how significant is Brian Houston's resignation for the faith?
3/30/202229 minutes, 22 seconds
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Pentecostal Christianity after Brian Houston's dramatic fall

Pentecostal Christianity is in a three-way race with Islam and Hinduism to become the world’s fastest growing religion. In the English-speaking world, one of its biggest names is the Australian founder of the Hillsong church empire, Brian Houston. But he’s had a dramatic fall. So just how significant is Brian Houston's resignation for the faith?
3/30/202229 minutes, 22 seconds
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Chechnyan Muslims are fighting on both sides in Ukraine

Muslims from the Russian republic of Chechnya are fighting on both sides in Ukraine. Some are Chechens who despise Putin for laying waste to their capital Grozny in the early 2000s. Others are followers of Ramzan Kadyrov, the warlord that Putin installed as leader of Chechnya.
3/30/202212 minutes, 44 seconds
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Chechnyan Muslims are fighting on both sides in Ukraine

Muslims from the Russian republic of Chechnya are fighting on both sides in Ukraine. Some are Chechens who despise Putin for laying waste to their capital Grozny in the early 2000s. Others are followers of Ramzan Kadyrov, the warlord that Putin installed as leader of Chechnya.
3/30/202212 minutes, 44 seconds
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Saudi leader Mohammed bin Salman and his war with the clerics

Another controversial ruler who's been stoking war in a neighbouring country is Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The 36-year-old heir to the House of Saud styles himself as a modernizer, but bin Salman is bombing Yemen and detaining his political enemies — proving that modernisation doesn’t necessarily mean democracy and human rights.
3/23/202217 minutes, 42 seconds
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Saudi leader Mohammed bin Salman and his war with the clerics

Another controversial ruler who's been stoking war in a neighbouring country is Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. The 36-year-old heir to the House of Saud styles himself as a modernizer, but bin Salman is bombing Yemen and detaining his political enemies — proving that modernisation doesn’t necessarily mean democracy and human rights.
3/23/202217 minutes, 42 seconds
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Is it okay to assassinate a tyrant?

US President Joe Biden has labelled Vladimir Putin a war criminal. Would the simplest way to end a war that Putin started be to assassinate him? It’s a shocking proposition but the concept of tyrannicide goes back to ancient philosophy.
3/23/202210 minutes, 30 seconds
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Is it okay to assassinate a tyrant?

US President Joe Biden has labelled Vladimir Putin a war criminal. Would the simplest way to end a war that Putin started be to assassinate him? It’s a shocking proposition but the concept of tyrannicide goes back to ancient philosophy.
3/23/202210 minutes, 30 seconds
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Rabbi Sergio Bergman — the influential leader in the fight against climate change

In Argentina, severe drought threatens the livelihoods of tens of thousands of farmers. These extreme variations in weather have led Argentina's former environment minister to call for an economy that works in harmony with nature.
3/16/202218 minutes, 2 seconds
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Rabbi Sergio Bergman — the influential leader in the fight against climate change

In Argentina, severe drought threatens the livelihoods of tens of thousands of farmers. These extreme variations in weather have led Argentina's former environment minister to call for an economy that works in harmony with nature.
3/16/202218 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ukraine's controversial surrogacy business disrupted by Russia's invasion

Ukraine's controversial surrogacy business has been disrupted by Russia's invasion, with headlines about surrogate children stranded in the war zone.
3/16/20228 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ukraine's controversial surrogacy business disrupted by Russia's invasion

Ukraine's controversial surrogacy business has been disrupted by Russia's invasion, with headlines about surrogate children stranded in the war zone.
3/16/20228 minutes, 52 seconds
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Major changes called to support low income Australians

As the budget looms, one of the Australia's biggest faith-based welfare organisations, Anglicare, is calling for major changes to support low income Australians — one of which includes a universal basic income.
3/16/20229 minutes, 31 seconds
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Major changes called to support low income Australians

As the budget looms, one of the Australia's biggest faith-based welfare organisations, Anglicare, is calling for major changes to support low income Australians — one of which includes a universal basic income.
3/16/20229 minutes, 31 seconds
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How nationalism has hijacked Russian religion - Part 2

Vladimir Putin has long styled himself as a defender of Christian values. But his idea of the Russian Orthodox faith as a global political force has a lot in common with the Islamic concept of the Ummah – the worldwide community of believers.
3/9/20228 minutes, 52 seconds
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How nationalism has hijacked Russian religion - Part 2

Vladimir Putin has long styled himself as a defender of Christian values. But his idea of the Russian Orthodox faith as a global political force has a lot in common with the Islamic concept of the Ummah – the worldwide community of believers.
3/9/20228 minutes, 52 seconds
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Russian dissident priests condemn Putin's war

In a sign of growing dissent inside the Russian Orthodox Church, almost 300 priests have signed a statement not only condemning Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine but warning that damnation awaits those who give orders to kill.
3/9/20229 minutes, 42 seconds
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Russian dissident priests condemn Putin's war

In a sign of growing dissent inside the Russian Orthodox Church, almost 300 priests have signed a statement not only condemning Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine but warning that damnation awaits those who give orders to kill.
3/9/20229 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Vatican's war diplomacy

Pope Francis has begun his own effort to end the war in Ukraine. In an unprecedented break with protocol, Pope Francis walked across to Russia’s embassy at the Vatican to demand a meeting with the ambassador. He not only condemned the bloodshed but offered the Vatican as an intermediary.
3/9/202212 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Vatican's war diplomacy

Pope Francis has begun his own effort to end the war in Ukraine. In an unprecedented break with protocol, Pope Francis walked across to Russia’s embassy at the Vatican to demand a meeting with the ambassador. He not only condemned the bloodshed but offered the Vatican as an intermediary.
3/9/202212 minutes, 27 seconds
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Why Putin believes he's fighting a holy war — Part 1

Vladimir Putin is not just involved in a violent land grab. He believes he's fighting his own holy war to restore the ancient territory of the 'Holy Rus,' with the Ukrainian capital Kyiv as the 'Third Rome.'
3/2/20229 minutes, 16 seconds
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Why Putin believes he's fighting a holy war — Part 1

Vladimir Putin is not just involved in a violent land grab. He believes he's fighting his own holy war to restore the ancient territory of the 'Holy Rus,' with the Ukrainian capital Kyiv as the 'Third Rome.'
3/2/20229 minutes, 16 seconds
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Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the breakdown of human rights law

Russian President Vladimir Putin claims the same justification for his attempted takeover of Ukraine that the US, Britain and Australia claimed for their 2003 invasion of Iraq.
3/2/202217 minutes, 58 seconds
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Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the breakdown of human rights law

Russian President Vladimir Putin claims the same justification for his attempted takeover of Ukraine that the US, Britain and Australia claimed for their 2003 invasion of Iraq.
3/2/202217 minutes, 58 seconds
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What happens when foreign fighters and weapons flood into Ukraine?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called for foreigners to join the fight against Russian invaders. Meanwhile, Australia and NATO countries are sending weapons to the Ukrainian resistance. But what happens when foreigners join a faraway fight and a region is flooded with arms that cannot be traced?
3/2/20228 minutes, 40 seconds
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What happens when foreign fighters and weapons flood into Ukraine?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has called for foreigners to join the fight against Russian invaders. Meanwhile, Australia and NATO countries are sending weapons to the Ukrainian resistance. But what happens when foreigners join a faraway fight and a region is flooded with arms that cannot be traced?
3/2/20228 minutes, 40 seconds
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What's the difference between character and personality — and why does it matter?

What's the difference between character and personality? Character often reflects certain values like self-reliance, restraint and good judgement, whereas personality is about self-expression.
2/23/202210 minutes, 31 seconds
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What's the difference between character and personality — and why does it matter?

What's the difference between character and personality? Character often reflects certain values like self-reliance, restraint and good judgement, whereas personality is about self-expression.
2/23/202210 minutes, 31 seconds
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The fiery Hindu Priest in the Uttar Pradesh elections

India's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, is in the middle of local elections. The current chief minister is the fiery Hindu priest Yogi Adityanath, well-known for his anti-Muslim rhetoric The Indian media are also asking if he could eventually replace fellow Hindu nationalist, PM Narendra Modi.
2/23/20229 minutes
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The fiery Hindu Priest in the Uttar Pradesh elections

India's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, is in the middle of local elections. The current chief minister is the fiery Hindu priest Yogi Adityanath, well-known for his anti-Muslim rhetoric The Indian media are also asking if he could eventually replace fellow Hindu nationalist, PM Narendra Modi.
2/23/20229 minutes
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Will Russia and China take advantage of a divided West?

The West is certainly divided along political lines, turbo-charged by social media. But are Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping poised to take advantage of these fractures?
2/23/20228 minutes, 1 second
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Will Russia and China take advantage of a divided West?

The West is certainly divided along political lines, turbo-charged by social media. But are Vladimir Putin and China’s Xi Jinping poised to take advantage of these fractures?
2/23/20228 minutes, 1 second
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How conspiracy movement QAnon is undermining the fight against modern slavery

A dangerous QAnon conspiracy theory is undermining one of the most important battles today — the one against modern slavery.
2/16/20228 minutes, 23 seconds
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How conspiracy movement QAnon is undermining the fight against modern slavery

A dangerous QAnon conspiracy theory is undermining one of the most important battles today — the one against modern slavery.
2/16/20228 minutes, 23 seconds
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Leading German Catholics speak out against celibacy for priests

Three leading figures in the German Catholic church have spoken out against compulsory celibacy for priests.
2/16/20225 minutes, 20 seconds
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Leading German Catholics speak out against celibacy for priests

Three leading figures in the German Catholic church have spoken out against compulsory celibacy for priests.
2/16/20225 minutes, 20 seconds
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Putin's culture war against an 'increasingly decadent west'

Why has Vladimir Putin's culture wars campaign against sexual and moral liberalism won him support in Russia — and abroad?
2/16/202214 minutes, 17 seconds
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Putin's culture war against an 'increasingly decadent west'

Why has Vladimir Putin's culture wars campaign against sexual and moral liberalism won him support in Russia — and abroad?
2/16/202214 minutes, 17 seconds
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70 years as a monarch — Queen Elizabeth II and the 'divine right' of royal rulers

This week, Queen Elizabeth marks an extraordinary milestone — 70 years as a monarch, the longest reign ever. For centuries, there's been a lively debate over the 'divine right' of kings and queens.
2/9/20229 minutes, 1 second
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70 years as a monarch — Queen Elizabeth II and the 'divine right' of royal rulers

This week, Queen Elizabeth marks an extraordinary milestone — 70 years as a monarch, the longest reign ever. For centuries, there's been a lively debate over the 'divine right' of kings and queens.
2/9/20229 minutes, 1 second
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The paradox at the heart of the religious discrimination bill

Federal parliament is poised to vote this week on the controversial religious discrimination bill. At the heart of the bill is a clash of equally powerful rights, according to Dr Renae Barker.
2/9/20229 minutes, 15 seconds
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The paradox at the heart of the religious discrimination bill

Federal parliament is poised to vote this week on the controversial religious discrimination bill. At the heart of the bill is a clash of equally powerful rights, according to Dr Renae Barker.
2/9/20229 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why Myanmar's junta is appealing to Buddhism

The military junta in Myanmar is presenting itself as the defender of the country's majority Buddhist culture, even planning to build the world's largest sitting Buddha statue.
2/9/20229 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why Myanmar's junta is appealing to Buddhism

The military junta in Myanmar is presenting itself as the defender of the country's majority Buddhist culture, even planning to build the world's largest sitting Buddha statue.
2/9/20229 minutes, 31 seconds
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Reckoning with War Crimes — Australia's damning Brereton Report, North Korea and the Balkans

A special episode looking at who's really responsible for war crimes — the soldiers on the battlefield or the commanders and politicians who sent them?
2/2/202227 minutes, 59 seconds
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Reckoning with War Crimes — Australia's damning Brereton Report, North Korea and the Balkans

A special episode looking at who's really responsible for war crimes — the soldiers on the battlefield or the commanders and politicians who sent them?
2/2/202227 minutes, 59 seconds
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Why televangelist Tammy Faye Bakker drew a large LGBT following

Tammy Faye Bakker, along with her husband, were two of the most popular — and controversial — televangelists of the 1980s. They came out of a very conservative Pentecostal tradition, yet Tammy Faye also became a beloved figure among the gay community.
1/26/202214 minutes, 18 seconds
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Why televangelist Tammy Faye Bakker drew a large LGBT following

Tammy Faye Bakker, along with her husband, were two of the most popular — and controversial — televangelists of the 1980s. They came out of a very conservative Pentecostal tradition, yet Tammy Faye also became a beloved figure among the gay community.
1/26/202214 minutes, 18 seconds
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Pope Francis' warning in major speech of 2022

Pope Francis delivered his first major speech of the year to foreign ambassadors to the Vatican, warning against what he called "ideological colonisation."
1/26/20228 minutes, 30 seconds
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Pope Francis' warning in major speech of 2022

Pope Francis delivered his first major speech of the year to foreign ambassadors to the Vatican, warning against what he called "ideological colonisation."
1/26/20228 minutes, 30 seconds
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The role of Orthodox Christianity in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Russian president Vladimir Putin has been amassing troops along the border with Ukraine, escalating fears of an invasion. But how could Orthodox Christian leaders help ease tensions?
1/26/20229 minutes, 31 seconds
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The role of Orthodox Christianity in the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Russian president Vladimir Putin has been amassing troops along the border with Ukraine, escalating fears of an invasion. But how could Orthodox Christian leaders help ease tensions?
1/26/20229 minutes, 31 seconds
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Has COVID-19 killed liberalism? With Adrian Pabst

Think back to when the pandemic began. Governments around the world spent trillions of dollars – sometimes reluctantly – to businesses that had to shut down. There was lots of talk about a new communitarian age. But is that how it turned out?
1/19/202227 minutes, 52 seconds
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Has COVID-19 killed liberalism? With Adrian Pabst

Think back to when the pandemic began. Governments around the world spent trillions of dollars – sometimes reluctantly – to businesses that had to shut down. There was lots of talk about a new communitarian age. But is that how it turned out?
1/19/202227 minutes, 52 seconds
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Stan Grant on a radically changing world

Today, a deep dive into a world where religion, politics, war, and peace come together, featuring the ABC’s International Affairs analyst Stan Grant.
1/12/202227 minutes, 55 seconds
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Stan Grant on a radically changing world

Today, a deep dive into a world where religion, politics, war, and peace come together, featuring the ABC’s International Affairs analyst Stan Grant.
1/12/202227 minutes, 55 seconds
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How an elite club of Evangelical preachers came to shape America’s hopes and fears

Around 80 per cent of white American evangelicals voted for Donald Trump between 2016 and 2020. For African-American historian Anthea Butler, this says a lot about Christianity in America today.
1/5/202227 minutes, 42 seconds
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How an elite club of Evangelical preachers came to shape America’s hopes and fears

Around 80 per cent of white American evangelicals voted for Donald Trump between 2016 and 2020. For African-American historian Anthea Butler, this says a lot about Christianity in America today.
1/5/202227 minutes, 42 seconds
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The disappearance of Catholic Ireland

How did the Catholic Church lose its grip on Ireland?
12/29/202127 minutes, 53 seconds
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The disappearance of Catholic Ireland

How did the Catholic Church lose its grip on Ireland?
12/29/202127 minutes, 53 seconds
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Is it time to declare Archbishop Desmond Tutu a saint?

Is it time to declare Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a leader of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, a saint?
12/22/202128 minutes, 22 seconds
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Is it time to declare Archbishop Desmond Tutu a saint?

Is it time to declare Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a leader of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, a saint?
12/22/202128 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Catholic social teaching could improve politics with Greg Craven, Tony Abbott, and David Saperstein

This year's ABC Australia Talks survey showed that neither religious nor political leaders enjoy much credibility these days. So it's quite brave to suggest that church teaching might actually improve politics.
12/15/202128 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Catholic social teaching could improve politics with Greg Craven, Tony Abbott, and David Saperstein

This year's ABC Australia Talks survey showed that neither religious nor political leaders enjoy much credibility these days. So it's quite brave to suggest that church teaching might actually improve politics.
12/15/202128 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why Facebook is facing a $150 billion lawsuit from Rohingya refugees

Facebook is facing a US $150 billion lawsuit from Rohingya refugees, who claim the social media giant allowed hate speech to appear on its platform. They say the language contributed to the killing of at least 10,000 Muslims in Myanmar.
12/15/20218 minutes, 16 seconds
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Why Facebook is facing a $150 billion lawsuit from Rohingya refugees

Facebook is facing a US $150 billion lawsuit from Rohingya refugees, who claim the social media giant allowed hate speech to appear on its platform. They say the language contributed to the killing of at least 10,000 Muslims in Myanmar.
12/15/20218 minutes, 16 seconds
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How Menzies' Christianity shaped his liberalism

There have been half a dozen biographies of Menzies but none that have delved deeply into his faith like Dr David Furse-Roberts' new book on Menzies and God.
12/8/202117 minutes, 47 seconds
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How Menzies' Christianity shaped his liberalism

There have been half a dozen biographies of Menzies but none that have delved deeply into his faith like Dr David Furse-Roberts' new book on Menzies and God.
12/8/202117 minutes, 47 seconds
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A rabbi, an ultra-Orthodox sect and a reopened cold case

Why have police in Israel reopened two "cold case" murders from over three decades ago? The suspect is the rabbi of a small ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect.
12/8/20217 minutes, 23 seconds
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A rabbi, an ultra-Orthodox sect and a reopened cold case

Why have police in Israel reopened two "cold case" murders from over three decades ago? The suspect is the rabbi of a small ultra-Orthodox Jewish sect.
12/8/20217 minutes, 23 seconds
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Pope Francis addresses today's refugee crisis and makes a historic apology in Greece

Pope Francis made a dramatic visit to the Greek island of Lesbos earlier this week, urging world leaders not to abandon millions of refugees, and also making a historic apology.
12/8/20217 minutes, 40 seconds
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Pope Francis addresses today's refugee crisis and makes a historic apology in Greece

Pope Francis made a dramatic visit to the Greek island of Lesbos earlier this week, urging world leaders not to abandon millions of refugees, and also making a historic apology.
12/8/20217 minutes, 40 seconds
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Freedom or prejudice? The debate over religious discrimination laws

The federal government’s proposed religious discrimination law has ignited debate over how much freedom faith-based institutions should have to promote their beliefs and doctrine. We look at different perspectives on the bill.
12/1/202114 minutes, 54 seconds
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Freedom or prejudice? The debate over religious discrimination laws

The federal government’s proposed religious discrimination law has ignited debate over how much freedom faith-based institutions should have to promote their beliefs and doctrine. We look at different perspectives on the bill.
12/1/202114 minutes, 54 seconds
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A divided heart — modern France's wrestle with religion

A recent law in France imposes heavy conditions on places of worship, religious funding, and even food.
12/1/202112 minutes, 3 seconds
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A divided heart — modern France's wrestle with religion

A recent law in France imposes heavy conditions on places of worship, religious funding, and even food.
12/1/202112 minutes, 3 seconds
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New law in China bans criticism of the country's communist heroes

China might officially be an atheist country, but it treats its communist heroes like saints. So much so that a new law makes it a crime to criticise the heroes — or so-called heroes — of the 1949 revolution.
11/24/20217 minutes, 56 seconds
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New law in China bans criticism of the country's communist heroes

China might officially be an atheist country, but it treats its communist heroes like saints. So much so that a new law makes it a crime to criticise the heroes — or so-called heroes — of the 1949 revolution.
11/24/20217 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why Muslim leaders have joined the push for the religious discrimination bill

Another bill has also landed in parliament – the long-awaited legislation on religious discrimination. Why are Muslims leaders, in particular, invested in a bill that mainly Christians have pushed so hard for?
11/24/20219 minutes, 43 seconds
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Why Muslim leaders have joined the push for the religious discrimination bill

Another bill has also landed in parliament – the long-awaited legislation on religious discrimination. Why are Muslims leaders, in particular, invested in a bill that mainly Christians have pushed so hard for?
11/24/20219 minutes, 43 seconds
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New bill bans international goods made by forced labour

Centre Alliance MP Rebekha Sharkie has introduced a bill into the House of Representatives to ban the importation of goods made overseas by forced labour. It's designed to strengthen the fight against modern slavery, which ensnares more than 40 million people worldwide.
11/24/20219 minutes, 47 seconds
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New bill bans international goods made by forced labour

Centre Alliance MP Rebekha Sharkie has introduced a bill into the House of Representatives to ban the importation of goods made overseas by forced labour. It's designed to strengthen the fight against modern slavery, which ensnares more than 40 million people worldwide.
11/24/20219 minutes, 47 seconds
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Has the COVID-19 pandemic killed liberalism?

Think back to when the pandemic began. Governments around the world spent trillions of dollars – sometimes reluctantly – to businesses that had to shut down. There was lots of talk about a new communitarian age. But is that how it turned out?
11/17/202127 minutes, 49 seconds
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Has the COVID-19 pandemic killed liberalism?

Think back to when the pandemic began. Governments around the world spent trillions of dollars – sometimes reluctantly – to businesses that had to shut down. There was lots of talk about a new communitarian age. But is that how it turned out?
11/17/202127 minutes, 49 seconds
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Changing China's mosques — what the move means for the country's cultural minorities

At the 700-year-old Dongguan mosque in Xining, the dome and minarets have come down. Anything that looks Middle Eastern is replaced by architecture that looks more Han Chinese. But is this remodelling part of a broader campaign to suppress minority cultures?
11/17/202111 minutes, 33 seconds
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Changing China's mosques — what the move means for the country's cultural minorities

At the 700-year-old Dongguan mosque in Xining, the dome and minarets have come down. Anything that looks Middle Eastern is replaced by architecture that looks more Han Chinese. But is this remodelling part of a broader campaign to suppress minority cultures?
11/17/202111 minutes, 33 seconds
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Longing for home — the Christians who can't return to their ancient homeland

Across the Middle East, millions of Christians have fled their ancient homelands, especially since the U.S. and its allies invaded Iraq in 2003. Most have not returned — and probably never will. Renowned journalist Janine di Giovanni documents their plight in her new book.
11/10/202127 minutes, 32 seconds
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Longing for home — the Christians who can't return to their ancient homeland

Across the Middle East, millions of Christians have fled their ancient homelands, especially since the U.S. and its allies invaded Iraq in 2003. Most have not returned — and probably never will. Renowned journalist Janine di Giovanni documents their plight in her new book.
11/10/202127 minutes, 32 seconds
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West Papua's Catholic Priests call for urgent ceasefire

Almost 6,000 people fleeing violence in Indonesia’s West Papua region have taken shelter in local churches. Now 30 local Catholic priests have signed an urgent appeal for a ceasefire.
11/10/20218 minutes, 29 seconds
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West Papua's Catholic Priests call for urgent ceasefire

Almost 6,000 people fleeing violence in Indonesia’s West Papua region have taken shelter in local churches. Now 30 local Catholic priests have signed an urgent appeal for a ceasefire.
11/10/20218 minutes, 29 seconds
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New anti-slavery app for religious leaders in Africa

Africa has the highest prevalence of modern slavery today, with an estimated 9.2 million victims according to the Global Slavery Index. Now, a new app has been designed to allow for the speedy reporting of slavery and forced labour.
11/3/202110 minutes, 8 seconds
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New anti-slavery app for religious leaders in Africa

Africa has the highest prevalence of modern slavery today, with an estimated 9.2 million victims according to the Global Slavery Index. Now, a new app has been designed to allow for the speedy reporting of slavery and forced labour.
11/3/202110 minutes, 8 seconds
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The loss of freedom — Lebanon, Hong Kong and Afghanistan

For the past two decades, from Beirut to Kabul and onto Hong Kong, the people have built vibrant, liberal societies. But they've also lived with the threat of powerful forces overwhelming them.
11/3/202116 minutes, 35 seconds
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The loss of freedom — Lebanon, Hong Kong and Afghanistan

For the past two decades, from Beirut to Kabul and onto Hong Kong, the people have built vibrant, liberal societies. But they've also lived with the threat of powerful forces overwhelming them.
11/3/202116 minutes, 35 seconds
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Why climate change is more than a culture war issue

With the COP26 climate summit just days away, governments need to build popular support to slash carbon emissions. In the US and Australia, climate change sceptics sometimes pitch their arguments to conservative Christians, suggesting global warming is another culture war issue, like critical race theory or personal pronouns.
10/27/202111 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why climate change is more than a culture war issue

With the COP26 climate summit just days away, governments need to build popular support to slash carbon emissions. In the US and Australia, climate change sceptics sometimes pitch their arguments to conservative Christians, suggesting global warming is another culture war issue, like critical race theory or personal pronouns.
10/27/202111 minutes, 24 seconds
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Defining anti-Semitism can be more challenging than you think

Australia has become the latest country to sign onto a statement that defines anti-Semitism. You might think this is relatively uncontroversial – condemning the world’s longest hatred. But the definition of anti-Semitism has divided even the Jewish community.
10/27/20219 minutes, 30 seconds
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Defining anti-Semitism can be more challenging than you think

Australia has become the latest country to sign onto a statement that defines anti-Semitism. You might think this is relatively uncontroversial – condemning the world’s longest hatred. But the definition of anti-Semitism has divided even the Jewish community.
10/27/20219 minutes, 30 seconds
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Violent attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh

Images posted on Facebook are alleged to have incited a rampage in Bangladesh targeting the Hindu minority. At least ten people have died and about 120 Hindu temples desecrated in the violence.
10/27/20218 minutes, 47 seconds
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Violent attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh

Images posted on Facebook are alleged to have incited a rampage in Bangladesh targeting the Hindu minority. At least ten people have died and about 120 Hindu temples desecrated in the violence.
10/27/20218 minutes, 47 seconds
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How proponents of bible-focused teaching overthrew a revered Principal

What’s the point of church-affiliated schools that don’t teach the church’s values?
10/20/202111 minutes, 5 seconds
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How proponents of bible-focused teaching overthrew a revered Principal

What’s the point of church-affiliated schools that don’t teach the church’s values?
10/20/202111 minutes, 5 seconds
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Helping thy neighbour during the climate crisis

As world leaders gather in Edinburgh next month for the COP26 climate summit, we look at the threat to Pacific nations like Tuvalu, and the Christian case for helping your neighbour in the climate emergency.
10/20/20215 minutes, 22 seconds
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Helping thy neighbour during the climate crisis

As world leaders gather in Edinburgh next month for the COP26 climate summit, we look at the threat to Pacific nations like Tuvalu, and the Christian case for helping your neighbour in the climate emergency.
10/20/20215 minutes, 22 seconds
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ASEAN snubs Myanmar’s junta leader

In a rare rebuke, the leaders of South East Asian nations have shunned the military junta in Myanmar, telling its prime minister he isn’t welcome at next week’s ASEAN summit. Since the junta seized power in February, the UN estimates the Burmese army has killed more than 1100 civilians.
10/20/202114 minutes, 6 seconds
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ASEAN snubs Myanmar’s junta leader

In a rare rebuke, the leaders of South East Asian nations have shunned the military junta in Myanmar, telling its prime minister he isn’t welcome at next week’s ASEAN summit. Since the junta seized power in February, the UN estimates the Burmese army has killed more than 1100 civilians.
10/20/202114 minutes, 6 seconds
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Religious leaders debate over new euthanasia bill

New South Wales could soon legalise euthanasia or voluntary assisted dying, after Independent MP Alex Greenwich introduced a bill this week. Religious leaders hold different views on the bill.
10/13/202113 minutes, 6 seconds
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Religious leaders debate over new euthanasia bill

New South Wales could soon legalise euthanasia or voluntary assisted dying, after Independent MP Alex Greenwich introduced a bill this week. Religious leaders hold different views on the bill.
10/13/202113 minutes, 6 seconds
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Which countries restrict religious practice?

The COVID pandemic confined much of the world’s population to their homes and curbed all kinds of activity. But new Pew Research reveals that even before its onset, religiously motivated violence had been on the decline. Yet at the same time, government restrictions on religion were higher than ever.
10/13/20216 minutes, 24 seconds
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Which countries restrict religious practice?

The COVID pandemic confined much of the world’s population to their homes and curbed all kinds of activity. But new Pew Research reveals that even before its onset, religiously motivated violence had been on the decline. Yet at the same time, government restrictions on religion were higher than ever.
10/13/20216 minutes, 24 seconds
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How the war in Ethiopia puts the holy city of Lalibela in danger

One of the starkest images from Afghanistan in the 1990s was the Taliban’s destruction of the ancient Buddha statues. Now there are fears that the war in Ethiopia could wreak similar destruction on the ancient holy city of Lalibela, a World Heritage listed site.
10/13/20218 minutes, 1 second
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How the war in Ethiopia puts the holy city of Lalibela in danger

One of the starkest images from Afghanistan in the 1990s was the Taliban’s destruction of the ancient Buddha statues. Now there are fears that the war in Ethiopia could wreak similar destruction on the ancient holy city of Lalibela, a World Heritage listed site.
10/13/20218 minutes, 1 second
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Balbir Singh Sodhi, the almost forgotten victim of 9/11

Balbir Singh Sodhi almost became a forgotten victim of the 9/11 terrorist attacks twenty years ago. His story is a poignant one, yet he wasn’t among those who died in the Twin Towers or the Pentagon or Pennsylvania.
10/6/202110 minutes, 28 seconds
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Balbir Singh Sodhi, the almost forgotten victim of 9/11

Balbir Singh Sodhi almost became a forgotten victim of the 9/11 terrorist attacks twenty years ago. His story is a poignant one, yet he wasn’t among those who died in the Twin Towers or the Pentagon or Pennsylvania.
10/6/202110 minutes, 28 seconds
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Analysis of the 2021 historical Catholic Summit

The historic Catholic Plenary is asking how the church can regain public trust after the sexual abuse scandal, bring lost Catholics back to the pews, and give more authority to woman and lay people. Join host Andrew West, ABC Religion Unit specialist Noel Debien and three leading Catholic women to analyse the summit so far.
10/6/202119 minutes, 23 seconds
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Analysis of the 2021 historical Catholic Summit

The historic Catholic Plenary is asking how the church can regain public trust after the sexual abuse scandal, bring lost Catholics back to the pews, and give more authority to woman and lay people. Join host Andrew West, ABC Religion Unit specialist Noel Debien and three leading Catholic women to analyse the summit so far.
10/6/202119 minutes, 23 seconds
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Archbishop Mark Coleridge on the historic Catholic plenary

Is it make or break time for the Catholic Church in Australia? A major summit, taking place in October, is called to consider the future of a church in crisis.
9/29/202116 minutes, 6 seconds
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Archbishop Mark Coleridge on the historic Catholic plenary

Is it make or break time for the Catholic Church in Australia? A major summit, taking place in October, is called to consider the future of a church in crisis.
9/29/202116 minutes, 6 seconds
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A former royal commissioner calls for more transparency in the Catholic church

For the first time in over 80 years, leaders of the Australian Catholic Church and, more importantly, representatives of the churchgoers will hold a major summit to chart the future of the Australian church. Former royal commissioner into child sexual abuse Robert Fitzgerald, says the church needs to seize this chance to confront the secrecy and power that enabled the abuse.
9/29/20219 minutes, 38 seconds
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A former royal commissioner calls for more transparency in the Catholic church

For the first time in over 80 years, leaders of the Australian Catholic Church and, more importantly, representatives of the churchgoers will hold a major summit to chart the future of the Australian church. Former royal commissioner into child sexual abuse Robert Fitzgerald, says the church needs to seize this chance to confront the secrecy and power that enabled the abuse.
9/29/20219 minutes, 38 seconds
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The ethics of mandatory vaccinations for workers

Deputy president of Fair Work Australia Lyndall Dean has said compulsory vaccinations for workers would create ""medical apartheid" in the nation. Ms Dean was dissenting from a majority judgement that upheld the right of a nursing home to sack a worker who refused vaccination. So, can mandatory vaccinations for workers be introduced in an ethical way?
9/29/20218 minutes, 2 seconds
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The ethics of mandatory vaccinations for workers

Deputy president of Fair Work Australia Lyndall Dean has said compulsory vaccinations for workers would create ""medical apartheid" in the nation. Ms Dean was dissenting from a majority judgement that upheld the right of a nursing home to sack a worker who refused vaccination. So, can mandatory vaccinations for workers be introduced in an ethical way?
9/29/20218 minutes, 2 seconds
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Do "humane wars" make conflict more frequent and long-lasting?

There are laws to protect human rights during war, but do they actually create wars without end? Yale law professor Samuel Moyn has written a new book on the subject.
9/22/202126 minutes, 42 seconds
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Do "humane wars" make conflict more frequent and long-lasting?

There are laws to protect human rights during war, but do they actually create wars without end? Yale law professor Samuel Moyn has written a new book on the subject.
9/22/202126 minutes, 42 seconds
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Should the international community recognise the Taliban's regime?

The Taliban continues to impose a harsh religious agenda on Afghanistan, now refusing to allow teenage girls back to school, and urging women to stay in their homes. The militant group are now in charge of a sovereign state — but should the international community recognise the regime?
9/22/20218 minutes, 22 seconds
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Should the international community recognise the Taliban's regime?

The Taliban continues to impose a harsh religious agenda on Afghanistan, now refusing to allow teenage girls back to school, and urging women to stay in their homes. The militant group are now in charge of a sovereign state — but should the international community recognise the regime?
9/22/20218 minutes, 22 seconds
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Are we addicted to achievements?

Has "workism" and obsession with achievement replaced religion? In a new book, Justine Toh challenges the market-driven idea of meritocracy, saying it has created a culture of smugness for the successful and a politics of humiliation for those left behind.
9/15/202111 minutes, 11 seconds
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Immigration policy and religion in the German elections

For a decade, immigration and refugee policy has ignited German politics, but predictions of a new refugee surge out of Afghanistan have not moved voters. There has, however, been an unusual focus on the religious connections of the Christian Democrat candidate.
9/15/20218 minutes, 53 seconds
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Should the "no jab, no entry" rule apply to places of worship?

Pubs, theatres and sporting events may demand patrons have COVID vaccination certificates before entering — but should the same rule apply to churches and places of worship? The Anglican and Catholic archbishops say they cannot turn away people because they are unvaccinated. Constitutional law expert Dr Joel Harrison explains.
9/15/20216 minutes, 51 seconds
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Growing up in the wake of 9/11 — artist Abdul Abdullah

Muslim Australian artist Abdul Abdullah was a teenager in Perth when 9/11 occurred. Abdul recalls the backlash and racism his community encountered in the wake of 9/11, and its role in shaping his identity today.
9/8/20219 minutes, 6 seconds
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The impact of 9/11 on the Islamic world and the west

After the collapse of the World Trade Centre on 9/11, what fractures appeared across the Islamic world, especially between pro-western leaders and their people? How did the terrorist attack turbo-charge nationalism in Europe and the U.S., fuelling the idea of a "clash of civilisations"?
9/8/202120 minutes, 24 seconds
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The world before September 11, 2001

What was the world like on 10 September, 2001? What discontent had been simmering across parts of the Arab and Islamic worlds that fuelled the Al Qaeda plot?
9/8/20216 minutes, 37 seconds
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Protests roiling the Palestinian West Bank

Popular activist Nizar Banat died after he was severely beaten by Palestinian police in late June. But Palestinians are still on the streets — and they’re invoking the cause of a new Arab spring. 
9/1/20218 minutes, 36 seconds
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Could a Kurdish-style solution work in Afghanistan?

With the U.N. predicting that half a million Afghans could try to flee their country following Taliban takeover, is one possible answer a Kurdish-style solution?
9/1/20219 minutes, 7 seconds
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As the Taliban control Afghanistan, what happens to the Afghans who still need to leave?

It was one minute till midnight when the last American plane left Afghanistan this week. The Taliban fired their guns in celebration. They now control the country. But what about the fate of Afghans who still need to leave? 
9/1/20219 minutes, 48 seconds
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Police power during a pandemic

Rubber bullets on the streets of Melbourne, jail sentences for lockdown protesters in Sydney, and what about the NSW Police Commissioner telling officers they’re no longer accountable if they wrongly issue citizens with a fine? Renowned human rights lawyer Justine Nolan explains what happens when you give free rein to police during a pandemic.
8/25/202112 minutes, 2 seconds
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Inside the Taliban's religious school

Where did today’s Taliban leaders and fighters learn their harsh brand of Islam? You may have heard about the madrassas, or religious schools, that have operated throughout Pakistan’s tribal areas for decades. But since 2001, this new generation of Taliban have also been nurtured by technology — and the simple desire for money.
8/25/20218 minutes, 39 seconds
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Australian Christian leaders call for the PM to increase refugee intake from Afghanistan

A group of Christian leaders want the Prime Minister to increase Australia’s refugee intake from Afghanistan. They say Afghans who will suffer under the Taliban will need a safe haven here — and they’ve invoked the founder of Australian liberalism to support their case.
8/25/20219 minutes, 4 seconds
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The fundamental freedoms we've sacrificed in our response to COVID-19

One of the world’s leading human rights scholars, Professor Samuel Moyn, ponders the fundamental freedoms we’ve sacrificed in our response to COVID-19.
8/18/20219 minutes, 18 seconds
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How the Islamic world could reign in the Taliban's regime

As Afghanistan succumbs to the Taliban, could moderate Muslim leaders use their power to tame the extremists?
8/18/20219 minutes
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Does a moderate Taliban exist — or is it a façade?

The Taliban has sealed control of Afghanistan, which raises the obvious question - will it again impose its harsh religious law on the people?
8/18/20218 minutes, 47 seconds
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Jaivet Ealom's daring escape from Manus Island

Jaivet Ealom is the only known refugee to have ever escaped Australia’s offshore detention centre on Manus Island. Jaivet opens up about his story in a new book, Escape From Manus: The untold true story.
8/11/202117 minutes, 6 seconds
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The future of the Hillsong empire after charges against founder Brian Houston

High-profile Pentecostal pastor Brian Houston has been charged with allegedly concealing information about child abuse committed by his late father in the 1970s. The news raises fresh questions about the future of his famous Hillsong megachurch.
8/11/20219 minutes, 52 seconds
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Scott Morrison opens up about his Pentecostal faith in a candid interview

We look at a new book containing a candid interview with the Prime Minister. Despite a lot of public interest, Scott Morrison doesn’t often talk about his faith, but he has opened up to journalist Greg Sheridan.
8/4/202128 minutes, 46 seconds
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Religiously conservative politicians are winning elections but losing in a liberal culture

Religious conservatives have won national power in Australia. But why has the culture become more liberal on their watch?
8/4/202111 minutes, 34 seconds
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What effect has COVID-19 had on global conflict?

The effect of COVID-19 on public health around the world has been stark – some 4 million fatalities. But what’s been the effect on global conflict?
7/28/202116 minutes, 17 seconds
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Lockdowns, lifespans and COVID responses

Do restrictions slow down the so-called longevity machine – that web of economic, family and social activities that have seen our lifespans increase, especially over the past 20 years?
7/28/202110 minutes, 17 seconds
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Australian businesses and slave labour

Australian businesses are at risk of using slave or coerced labour in their overseas and even local supply chains. A survey of 150 top companies has found serious lapses in the way corporations comply with Australia’s national anti-slavery law.
7/28/202111 minutes, 35 seconds
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Report finds Muslim women are the most common targets of Islamophobia

A new study from the Australian Human Rights Commission found that almost 80 percent of Australian Muslims have experienced some form of local discrimination - but a large majority still believe Australia is a welcoming society.
7/21/20217 minutes, 23 seconds
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Is it time to declare Archbishop Desmond Tutu a living saint?

Is it time to declare Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a leader of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa a living saint?
7/21/202130 minutes, 38 seconds
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Faith-based charities and hope

When federal parliament resumes next month, the senate will vote on controversial new regulations governing charities. One leading Liberal senator, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, has expressed her fear that the rule could curb freedom of speech.
7/21/20217 minutes, 55 seconds
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What effect has COVID-19 had on global conflict?

The effect of COVID-19 on public health around the world has been stark – some 4 million fatalities. But what’s been the effect on global conflict?
7/14/202116 minutes, 14 seconds
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Vaccines - not a silver bullet to solve COVID-19 dilemmas

As COVID-19 grips Australia’s largest city, hopes for a return to normal life fade – at least for now. Vaccinations have increased and that will stem the health crisis. But will the fear of disease paralyse the country for years to come?
7/14/20219 minutes, 40 seconds
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Are the worst conspiracy theorists in church pews?

US President Joe Biden has called on Americans to reject the “dark” and “sinister” conspiracy theories swirling around America about the so-called stolen election last November. Most the theories circulate on the internet but many also find followers in the white evangelical church.
7/14/202110 minutes, 13 seconds
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Haiti: An assassination, an evangelical pastor and voodoo believers

In Haiti the mystery over who is responsible for the  assassination of President Moise deepens. Local police have arrested a Florida-based evangelical pastor.
7/14/20217 minutes, 59 seconds
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The disappearance of Catholic Ireland

A new book reveals how the Catholic Church lost its grip on Ireland.
7/7/202128 minutes, 30 seconds
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What's wrong with the 'Fortress Australia' mentality?

The federal government has decided to half the number of overseas arrivals into Australia. So, what are the ethical implications of tightening the borders in a country where almost half the population are first or second-generation migrants?
7/7/202111 minutes, 40 seconds
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Religion in India: Together yet separate

India is the world’s biggest religious marketplace, but it remains a nation with deep religious divides.
6/30/202115 minutes, 15 seconds
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The moral dilemmas of vaccinating the world

While Australians scramble to get vaccinated against COVID-19, one of the world’s top development experts is urging the wealthy countries to share vaccines with poorer nations.
6/30/202110 minutes, 33 seconds
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Shocking report into domestic abuse among Anglicans

The Anglican Church of Australia recently published damning research into the prevalence of intimate partner violence among Anglican Australians. It found that biblical teachings are being used by perpetrators to justify their behaviour. The Melbourne Anglican diocese has been responding to this urgent problem in the form of a family violence prevention program for church leaders.
6/23/20218 minutes, 21 seconds
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Australia Talks survey shows that trust in religious leaders has dropped

The ABC has been releasing this week more results from its Australia Talks National Survey that involved 60,000 participants.
6/23/20216 minutes, 48 seconds
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Is Ethiopia's model for religious and ethnic co-operation falling apart?

The elections in Ethiopia is taking place in the shadow of an unfolding disaster in the northern province of Tigray. A guerrilla war between the National Army and Tigrayan separatists has created conditions that the UN warns could led to the worst famine in a decade.
6/23/202112 minutes, 10 seconds
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How an elite club of Evangelical preachers came to shape America’s hopes and fears

Next week, more than 15,000 members of America’s biggest Evangelical church, the Southern Baptists, gather in Nashville, Tennessee, for their first big meeting since the defeat of Donald Trump. Southern Baptists were part of the Trump power base. Now they are fighting over their future.
6/16/202117 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Orthodox Jewish Prime Minister and the Arab kingmaker

The new government of Israel is the first since 2009 that doesn’t have Benjamin Netanyahu as its leader. The new coalition headed by Naftali Bennett is a patchwork of very different parties – nationalists on the hard right through to the traditional peace camp of the Meretz party on the left.
6/16/20219 minutes, 10 seconds
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Pope Francis toughens laws on sex abuse in church

Pope Francis has released a tough new edict governing sexual abuse in the church, including removing any discretion that bishops have over whether to report accusations of abuse to civil authorities.
6/9/20219 minutes, 18 seconds
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Is the 'Execution Ayatollah' about to become the new President of Iran?

Ebrahim Raisi's election could cement religious control over the presidency, parliament and judiciary.
6/9/20219 minutes, 16 seconds
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Turkish dissident feared to have been kidnapped in Kyrgyzstan

The family of a prominent Turkish dissident hold grave fears for his safety after he disappeared in the central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan. Orhan Inandi is a follower of the influential Muslim cleric, Fethullah Gulen, whom the Turkish government blames for the failed 2016 coup.
6/9/20219 minutes
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A religious-like devotion to politics in America

As traditional religious affiliation declines in the US, people are replacing it with a religious-like devotion to politics. Whether it is the shadowy QAnon on the far right or extreme identity politics on the hard left, many Americans are participating in politics in ones that are eerily ritualistic, from Christ-like representations of Donald Trump to atheist versions of the nativity scene featuring George Washington.
6/2/202113 minutes, 37 seconds
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Why Indonesia stands in religious solidarity with Gaza

As tensions cool in Israel and Gaza after weeks of violence, the plight of the Palestinians continues to raise the temperature of Indonesian politics.
6/2/20215 minutes, 47 seconds
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How twice-divorced Boris Johnson was allowed to marry in the Catholic church

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and girlfriend Carrie Symonds wed in a private ceremony at the weekend. But their happy day turned controversial after the revelation that the twice-divorced Johnson married in a Catholic ceremony at Westminster Cathedral, the seat of Catholic power in Britain.
6/2/202110 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ambedkar's radical reinterpretation of Buddhism

In 1956, India's first Dalit lawmaker and anti-caste activist Dr Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar started a movement that has inspired thousands discriminated against by India's caste system to convert to his unique interpretation of Buddhism known as Navayana. And as Australia's Indian diaspora grows, how does Navayana exist among the community?
5/26/20218 minutes, 57 seconds
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Former Buddhist with Sri Lankan heritage, Kanishka Raffel is the new Anglican Archbishop of Sydney

Kanishka Raffel is the new Archbishop of the Anglican diocese of Sydney. He will be the first person from a non-European background to hold the position.
5/26/202110 minutes, 32 seconds
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Leftist Castillo's populist campaign in Peru attracts religious voters

As Peru heads into a presidential election, all eyes are on candidate Pedro Castillo. While he tilts strongly to the left on economics and workers’ rights, his populist campaign is also attracting a following among Catholics and evangelicals because of its embrace of traditional social values such as marriage and abortion.
5/26/20219 minutes, 6 seconds
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Religion, politics, and history behind the Israel-Palestine conflict

The religious motivations behind the Israel-Palestine conflict. And, we are joined by an expert who warns that Israel’s own Arab citizens are so upset at the way Palestinians are treated, they could destabilise Israel in an unprecedented way.
5/19/202120 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ethical violations, border closures and the "new hermit kingdom"

The Hermit Kingdom is a label normally hung on the closed and secretive country of North Korea. But journalist Amelia Lester says her homeland –  Australia – is the new hermit kingdom because of the border closures that make it all but impossible for ordinary citizens to enter and leave.
5/19/20219 minutes, 25 seconds
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Stan Grant on a radically changing world

The ABC’s International Affairs analyst Stan Grant has a distinguished history as a foreign correspondent. He spent 14 years with CNN, based in China and the Middle East. He had a box seat in the theatre of a radically changing world.
5/12/202131 minutes, 7 seconds
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Uyghurs, sanctions and ethics

When should governments use trade bans to help persecuted minorities? We talk to an Australian Uyghur about a proposed ban on goods produced by Muslim Uyghurs. 
5/5/202115 minutes, 42 seconds
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The budget, inequality and values

The Federal Budget will be delivered next week. Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has made it clear that he will not impose austerity measures.  So, if a budget is a values statement – what should that statement then look like? And, what should it  articulate as Australia emerges from the pandemic, knowing the rest of the world remains in crisis mode?
5/5/202111 minutes, 19 seconds
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How police respond to issues of race

Do police respond differently to suspects from minority ethnic and religious groups? And how can a better screening of applicants for jobs on the force improve police ethics?
4/28/20219 minutes, 25 seconds
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In a historic move Biden recognises the Armenian Genocide

How many countries, including Australia, could follow US President Joe Biden in recognising the Armenian Genocide by Turkish forces during WWI? And could post-war Germany provide a good model for countries that need to come to terms with dark parts of their history?
4/28/20219 minutes, 14 seconds
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The religious Prime Minister causes an uproar

A speech by Scott Morrison to a Christian conference has caused uproar. The prime minister is Pentecostal, part of the fastest growing Christian denomination in Australia. In his speech, he didn’t talk about government policy or even religious freedom. But did say his faith had restored him during a low point in the 2019 election campaign.
4/28/20218 minutes, 28 seconds