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The Revival Fellowship

English, Religion, 1 season, 376 episodes, 2 days, 8 hours, 18 minutes
Talks and testimonies from various sources within the Revival Fellowship
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The Battle Of The Serpents

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 15th September 2024. When God created Adam and Eve, they were created as spiritual beings in physical bodies. The serpent first pretends to offer a greater source of blessing than God, and temps them to believe him rather than God... A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
9/14/202445 minutes
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Building Yourself Up

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 10th September 2024. The revelation from God that we are created for a positive purpose and the fact that he is prepared to reveal these purposes, is the most wonderful knowledge that any human could ever experience. The opportunity to be anointed (enlivened) by God's Spirit and the promise of eternal life almost seems to good to be true. The Bible not only reveals these truths, but also reveals the best way to deal with problems as well. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
9/9/202433 minutes, 54 seconds
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A Trilogy Of Parables

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 3rd September 2024. Jesus give us an understanding of what Spiritual truths are, how God sees us, and how he deals with us relative to mercy and forgiveness. The parable of the lost sheep, The parable of the lost coin, and the parable of the lost son.
9/2/202430 minutes, 35 seconds
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They Shall Cast Out Devils

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 1st September 2024. We will particularly look at Mark 16 and the 'casting out of devils'... why is casting out devils listed first? Let's see how the word 'devils' is used in scriptures... The Jews had no words for mental illness as we now have today. Many of the 'demon possessions' in the scriptures are mental illnesses and are quite definable by modern medicine (let's not confuse the cause with the solution... God heals and cleanses, and this also includes both spiritual and mental problems). This presentation is not denying the existence of devils and demons as some understand them, but is revealing that there are often other options or explanations for the same event. Not every 'devil' that is healed or cast out is a reference to supernatural possession.
8/31/202445 minutes, 32 seconds
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To Walk With Jesus

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 28th August 2024. To walk with Jesus, simply means to follow in his footsteps with the same motivation and intensions that he had. This starts with a personal invitation... A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
8/27/202427 minutes, 39 seconds
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Square Watermelons

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 18th August 2024. Every member of the human race is shaped by the culture and the community they live in...every one of them will also die. The bible offers a solution to the problem of death by introducing a spiritual culture that comes with evidence and scriptural support. This dates back for a couple of thousand years. Better is offered. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
8/21/202439 minutes, 9 seconds
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Delivered by Byron Carragher on Sunday 11th August 2024. This talk looks at the example of Joseph in the scriptures relating to adversity and we can draw encouragement from the ups and downs of Joseph's life which can often mirror our own up and down experiences. Daniel and Paul are two other such examples of many in the scriptures that we can draw encouragement from knowing that what we face as adversity is ultimately for God's ultimate plan and purpose.
8/13/202438 minutes, 18 seconds
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A Bit About Goats

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 11th August 2024. The Bible frequently use symbolism to help us to understand spiritual principles and human success or failings. Goats are often used as a multifaceted symbol or metaphor because of their varying characteristics. Goats can symbolize sacrifice and atonement... obtaining reconciliation. Goats are also used to reveal the difference between righteousness and unrighteousness... clean or sinful. Goats were seen as clean animals for the purpose of sacrifice and were clean for food, according to God. A PDF copy of the talk notes is available at:
8/10/202432 minutes, 10 seconds
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Something Is Badly Missing

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 28th July 2024. Unlike the animals, all humans have a conscience that determines between right and wrong. Being Spirit filled by God offers us an unlimited supply of moral inputs, that shapes our conscience in a way that is able to sustain eternal life. The Holy Spirit inside us provides a consistent and enduring sense of right and wrong... both approving or condemning the things we think or do. It reflects on what others do and determine whether they are right or wrong.
7/27/202440 minutes, 11 seconds
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The S'mikhah (Authority) Of Jesus

Delivered By Chris Tankey on 21st July 2024. Jesus says "take my yoke upon you and learn of me" {Mat 11:29}. We know that means to understand and to submit to His teachings and example. But the "yoke of the Torah" also meant the specific teachings, interpretations and behaviours of each Rabbi. A few outstanding Rabbis had S'mikhah - the authority to make their own "yoke". Jesus' yoke - easier than strict yokes of most Rabbis of the day - is the only true and correct yoke. It is what we will be judged against. A PDF copy of the Powerpoint presentation is available at:
7/20/202430 minutes, 42 seconds
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Revelation 21 Interesting Points

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2024. A few interesting observations out of Revelation 21... the second last book in the bible. These observations are not stated as doctrine, but expressed as interesting possibilities. The words in Revelation were not written for nothing... they are there for a God given reason.
7/15/202435 minutes, 9 seconds
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Sin Is Not The Real Problem

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 14th July 2024. When God created mankind, his intention was that the family unit would be the basis of all society. The family groups would provide for each other as God gave them the increase. Selfishness led to the first sin where Adam and Eve chose personal benefits ahead of God's plans. This sin has led to every other sin that plagues the human race. Selfishness and greed has also led to physical and spiritual death.
7/13/202440 minutes, 49 seconds
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A Love Of The Truth

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th June 2024. God has purposely equipped us with the wisdom (an unconditional gift of the Spirit), so we can have a clearer understanding of the purposes he has for us. The following scriptures contain surprising truths about some aspects of God's love and how it is determined.
6/15/202445 minutes, 41 seconds
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Getting Miracles To Work Pt3

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 9th June 2024. Part 1 was delivered 5th May 2024, and Part 2 was delivered 2nd June 2024. In very plain terms, miracles occur when people simply do what Jesus asks them to do... this is still happening today, because nothing has changed within God's promises. Miracles come from obeying and doing the Lord's will.
6/8/202434 minutes, 5 seconds
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Getting Miracles To Work Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 2nd June 2024. In very plain terms, miracles occur when people simply do what Jesus asks them to do... this is still happening today, because nothing has changed within God's promises. Miracles come from obeying and doing the Lord's will.
6/1/202445 minutes, 58 seconds
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When Gods Way Is Not Enough

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 28th May 2024. Everyone of us is different and we all have differing opinions and expectations when it come to the things of the Lord. The simple answer is the same as the answer that Jesus' mother gave the servants, just before the first miracle where Jesus turned the water into wine.
5/27/202428 minutes, 9 seconds
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Getting Miracles To Work

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 5th May 2024. In very plain terms, miracles occur when people simply do what Jesus asks them to do... this is still happening today, because nothing has changed within God's promises. Miracles come from obeying and doing the Lord's will.
5/4/202445 minutes, 54 seconds
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God Will Not Be Mocked

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 30th April 2024. The human Race is very slow to learn that mocking God comes at a great price. The bible reveals thousands of years of people trying to deny God and they have paid for doing so. Bible prophecy clearly reveals the fate of all those who mock the source of their existance and the only source of their future life.
4/29/202428 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Most Fearful Time In Human History Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 21st April 2024. Part 2 of this topic. Part 1 was delivered on the 7th April 2024. The human race is facing a collective barrage of destructive forces they have never seen before. Not only is the risk of an unsurvivable world war upon us; but we are also witnessing the complete breakdown of all social values and the rapidly escalating corruption of all forms of leadership and integrity.
4/20/202438 minutes, 40 seconds
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Walking In The Spirit Pt3

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 17th April 2024. Part 3. Many people do not know what it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and of those who are filled with the spirit, even fewer understand what it means to walk in the spirit. See also the notes on 'True Salvation Is Built On Signs' (27th August 2023).
4/16/202426 minutes, 20 seconds
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Fruits Of The Spirit - Summary

A series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Fruits Of The Spirit. Delivered between October 2023 and April 2024. The Fruit of the Spirit is a message for all mankind. It is a list of characteristics that will lead you to be the best you can be. As Christians, it is our guide for salvation. When you keep these things, then you are truly walking in the Spirit. A PDF copy of the talk/presentation notes is available at:
4/13/202431 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Most Fearful Time In Human History

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 2nd April 2024. The human race is facing a collective barrage of destructive forces they have never seen before. Not only is the risk of an unsurvivable world war upon us; but we are also witnessing the complete breakdown of all social values and the rapidly escalating corruption of all forms of leadership and integrity.
4/6/202440 minutes, 47 seconds
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God Has You Covered Pt3

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 2nd April 2024. God has prepared a gospel for the weakest of the weak, right through to the strongest of the strong. God cares for us much more than we can imagine. When we are weak, we can become strong, because that is when we hand over to God and let him do the work that we cannot. God can cover our sins as easy as Adam and Eve covered themselves with a fig leaf. God went one better and covered them more permanently with animal skins. By forgiving our sins, God gives us room and time to grow and learn from mistakes and weaknesses... to develop spiritually. However, a working faith is required... to believe God by acting upon his directions (to obtain salvation and live in it).
4/1/202435 minutes, 35 seconds
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Getting Faith To Work

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 26th March 2024. This is one bible definition of faith. Hebrews Ch 11 v 1: "Now faith is the substance of (the reality of bringing about) things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (getting results from God)". Faith is almost undefinable as an emotion or a feeling, yet it works through actions and steadfastness for those filled with the Spirit. Faith is not a singular definable action, but rather it is the desire to place ourselves where God can work.
3/25/202433 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Truth About Us

From Genesis to Revelation, God regularly expressed his consistent view about the nature of mankind. In Genesis, even after the flood, God recognised that "every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually". This is repeated in Jeremiah, in Psalm 14, and in Romans 3, with specific descriptions, the end result is the same... we are not able to obey the law, and not able to gain salvation by ourselves. But God promised to find a way, and we know that Jesus' sacrifice is that way. We must humbly acknowledge that we are human, and must turn to Jesus for our salvation.
3/23/202421 minutes, 28 seconds
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Gods Of Death

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 24th March 2024. We live in a world where people get to invent the Gods of their choice... but cannot handle the evidence.
3/23/202442 minutes, 17 seconds
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Fruits Of The Spirit - Meekness And Temperance

A series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Fruits Of The Spirit. Delivered between October 2023 and April 2024. The Fruit of the Spirit is a message for all mankind. It is a list of characteristics that will lead you to be the best you can be. As Christians, it is our guide for salvation. When you keep these things, then you are truly walking in the Spirit. A PDF copy of the talk/presentation notes is available at:
3/16/202426 minutes, 48 seconds
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Fruits Of The Spirit - Faith - The Foundation

A series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Fruits Of The Spirit. Delivered between October 2023 and April 2024. The Fruit of the Spirit is a message for all mankind. It is a list of characteristics that will lead you to be the best you can be. As Christians, it is our guide for salvation. When you keep these things, then you are truly walking in the Spirit. A PDF copy of the talk/presentation notes is available at:
3/2/202434 minutes, 28 seconds
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Walking In The Spirit Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 27th February 2024. Part 2. Many people do not know what it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and of those who are filled with the spirit, even fewer understand what it means to walk in the spirit. See also the notes on 'True Salvation Is Built On Signs' (27th August 2023).
2/26/202427 minutes, 20 seconds
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Walking In The Spirit

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 25th February 2024. Many people do not know what it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and of those who are filled with the spirit, even fewer understand what it means to walk in the spirit. See also the notes on 'True Salvation Is Built On Signs' (27th August 2023).
2/24/202439 minutes, 42 seconds
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Scriptural Signs And Symbols

The Bible is full of God given signs and symbols that are often used to identify prophetic truths, prophetic dates and seasons, spiritual truths and metaphors, etc. These signs and symbols are often reflected in creation itself, thus taking on a dual role of natural functionality and spiritual metaphor at the same time. There are also supernatural signs and wonders that God uses to give credibility to spiritual truths and promises. In this age of the Spirit, Jesus spoke of the signs which would identify the believers. They included speaking in tongues, the voice gifts in the meetings, healings, etc. This brief study will address a few signs and symbols that relate to astronomical and heavenly symbols.
2/17/202444 minutes, 21 seconds
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Fruits Of The Spirit - Gentleness And Goodness

A series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Fruits Of The Spirit. Delivered between October 2023 and April 2024. The Fruit of the Spirit is a message for all mankind. It is a list of characteristics that will lead you to be the best you can be. As Christians, it is our guide for salvation. When you keep these things, then you are truly walking in the Spirit. A PDF copy of the talk/presentation notes is available at:
2/10/202432 minutes, 13 seconds
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Stepping Out In Faith

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 4th February 2024. Many of us understand the concept of stepping out in faith, but many fear they will weaken, make mistakes or be ignored by God. Abraham and Sarah are a good example for us to follow... they were guilty of all the above and more!
2/3/202430 minutes, 11 seconds
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Pentecost In Church History

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 28th January 2024. A look through church history demonstrates that the Pentecostal experience did not end with the apostles, on or soon after the day of Pentecost, they received the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues (Acts 2).
1/27/202442 minutes, 17 seconds
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Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 23rd January 2024. When God offers you an amazing opportunity but you do not know how to do it; make your mind up to step out in faith... then ask God how to do it.! The word 'opportunity' was a term first used by sailors of wind driven ships and had a particular application. Its main usage came when the wind changed its direction and started to blow towards the harbour. This was the best time to head for safe and controlled mooring.
1/22/202434 minutes, 22 seconds
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Lessons From Daniel

We get great lessons from Daniel about making a stand and not partaking of Babylon's delicacies. God has a plan and our encouragement from Daniel is to make our stand and let God sort it out, whatever may come. Babylon's power is all the pleasures of this life, but if we make a stand for God, He will lift us up.
1/20/202439 minutes, 53 seconds
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Fruits Of The Spirit - Longsuffering

A series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Fruits Of The Spirit. Delivered between October 2023 and April 2024. The Fruit of the Spirit is a message for all mankind. It is a list of characteristics that will lead you to be the best you can be. As Christians, it is our guide for salvation. When you keep these things, then you are truly walking in the Spirit. A PDF copy of the talk/presentation notes is available at:
1/13/202433 minutes, 54 seconds
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Calming The Storm

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 7th January 2024. There are many types of storms... there are those that are related to the weather: even our sun produces storms that cause havoc here on earth. There are emotional storms and relationship storms and health storms, etc. Every part of life is made up of many challenging moments... storms can appear without warning, often doing great damage and sometimes claiming lives. Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is able to lead us safely through all of life's storms. Recorded on Zoom consequently the audio suffers some stutters.
1/6/202436 minutes, 23 seconds
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Gifts For The Unworthy

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 17th December 2023. The nature of gift giving in the western world stems from concepts clearly established in the bible. From the scriptural point of view, Creation, Life, Eternal life are all gifts that no one is ever worthy of. This is simply the nature of God... the giver of gifts. The gifts given to Jesus by the Magi (wise men), represented the destiny he would fulfil as the Son of God... these gifts were also symbolic of the gifts he would grant us... the unworthy.
12/16/202334 minutes, 36 seconds
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Fruits Of The Spirit - Peace

A series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Fruits Of The Spirit. Delivered between October 2023 and April 2024. The Fruit of the Spirit is a message for all mankind. It is a list of characteristics that will lead you to be the best you can be. As Christians, it is our guide for salvation. When you keep these things, then you are truly walking in the Spirit. A PDF copy of the talk/presentation notes is available at:
12/9/202331 minutes, 12 seconds
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Uncomfortable Truths Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 3rd December 2023. When Paul wrote his letter to the Corinthian church, he touched on many things that they were not aware of, or had missed in their priorities to serve God. Some of God's purposes were confused with their own ambitions. The following scriptures reveal a variety of scriptural truths that most people may not be aware of... some comfortable and some not so comfortable.
12/2/202342 minutes, 26 seconds
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Uncomfortable Truths Pt1

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 26th November 2023. When Paul wrote his letter to the Corinthian church, he touched on many things that they were not aware of, or had missed in their priorities to serve God. Some of God's purposes were confused with their own ambitions. The following scriptures reveal a variety of scriptural truths that most people may not be aware of... some comfortable and some not so comfortable.
11/26/202345 minutes, 45 seconds
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It Is Not About You

Delivered By Mick Milazzo on 26th November 2023. A timely reminder that we are called, in Christ, to serve others. The more we deliberately serve, getting out of our own thinking, our problems and shortcomings, the more God can use us. Our joys and fulfillments of life are found in serving. Fellowship is the best place to do this. A great example of a life well lived is our sister Elva Joske. Serving and encouraging all around her. Her timely advice to us all at her 93rd birthday, keep going to church and keep praying.
11/25/202319 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Battle Between The Flesh And The Spirit

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 14th November 2023. Roman's chapter 7 and 8 contains a lot more than most people imagine. This talk covers a brief overview of how Paul understood the battle between the spirit and the flesh and the remarkable way he explained it.
11/13/202333 minutes, 9 seconds
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Don't Repair The Curtain

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 29th October 2023. The temple curtain separated the Holy Spirit from the people due to their sins. Only the high priest could enter, once a year, for the sins and ongoing blessings of the people. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ gave people the ability to access the holy spirit and its blessings, without the need for separation (the veil was torn in half).
10/28/202339 minutes, 55 seconds
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Fruits of The Spirit - Joy

A series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Fruits Of The Spirit. Delivered between October 2023 and April 2024. The Fruit of the Spirit is a message for all mankind. It is a list of characteristics that will lead you to be the best you can be. As Christians, it is our guide for salvation. When you keep these things, then you are truly walking in the Spirit. A PDF copy of the talk/presentation notes is available at:
10/14/202330 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Day The Earth Stops

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 08th October 2023. In the 1860s, a 'dead line' within or around a prison. Prisoners would be shot for crossing the 'dead line'. However, the sense of a deadline that is most commonly found today ("a date or time before which something must be done") did not begin to see use until the early 20th century. A newer translation has come about in recent history where it has taken another meaning. We are all confronted with deadlines. Bills must be paid, licenses renewed, tax returns filed... the list goes on and on. Despite the different meanings, one deadline is of supreme importance. It is one we all face.
10/7/202347 minutes, 19 seconds
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Fruits Of The Spirit - Love

A series of talks by Pastor Arthur Marshman on the Fruits Of The Spirit. Delivered between October 2023 and April 2024. The Fruit of the Spirit is a message for all mankind. It is a list of characteristics that will lead you to be the best you can be. As Christians, it is our guide for salvation. When you keep these things, then you are truly walking in the Spirit. A PDF copy of the talk/presentation notes is available at:
9/30/202331 minutes, 17 seconds
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If It Can Be Destroyed By The Truth, It Should Be!

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 17th September 2023. Part 1. Today, we live in an age of increasing madness where just about any stupidity can be called truth... and people believe them. Lack of integrity and tested truth are obvious to many, but how many dare challenge such foolishness? God already warned the West (the descendants of Abraham) that these troubles were coming.
9/16/202340 minutes, 18 seconds
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If It Can De Destroyed By The Truth, It Should Be!

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 10th September 2023. Part 1. Today, we live in an age of increasing madness where just about any stupidity can be called truth... and people believe them. Lack of integrity and tested truth are obvious to many, but how many dare challenge such foolishness? God already warned the West (the descendants of Abraham) that these troubles were coming.
9/9/202340 minutes, 40 seconds
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Using Wisdom As God Intended Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 5th September 2023. The best way to get the best results is to get the best advice. One of the greatest gifts of the Spirit is wisdom. It teaches us the things we could never learn without a lot of heartache and trouble. God's wisdom empowers us to know things that are often impossible to learn and to look longer term for a better life. Today we will be looking at the efficient use of wisdom and one of its greatest revelations.
9/4/202330 minutes, 39 seconds
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Evil Men Waxing

Delivered By Neil Creek on 3rd September 2023. The apostle Paul alerted Timothy that evil men will wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. Moving away from God's word is never a plan for success and Paul encourages Timothy and also Titus to hold fast to what they have been taught. We would do well to do the same today.
9/2/202324 minutes, 23 seconds
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True Salvation Is Built On Signs

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 27th August 2023. All of the world's great religions are based on historic and established beliefs. Not one of them offers any God powered evidence (observable evidence), of their claims. Not only is true salvation based on signs, most major events in God's creation and his plans for his people have been identified with signs and wonders... it is God's way.
8/26/202343 minutes, 3 seconds
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Freed From Condemnation

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 13th August 2023. The human race needs to know the facts about God's salvation and the positive effect that flows from it. The clarity and assurance of forgiveness needs to be the primary understanding for the church. The role of the priest has always been one of clear and precise intercession on behalf of the person they are dealing with. It was God's intention that people would confess, offer a sacrifice and leave the temple with a clear understanding of forgiveness. Too many times, the doctrinal or economic corruption of the priesthood left people uncertain about their spiritual status. We can help others avoid the same problem by having a clear understanding of how forgiveness and New Testament salvation works.
8/12/202347 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Fields Are Already White To Harvest

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 6th August 2023. When Jesus spoke of the fields being white unto harvest, he was using a natural agricultural reality to describe a natural truth. It is rather easy to work out when wheat is ready to harvest... the tops of the grain turn a whitish colour. Jesus then related to the spiritual harvest; the saving of souls. Firstly we have to look up, or turn Godward or we won't gain an increase. It is God that pricks the hearts and prepares people to understand scriptural blessing. We share our testimony and experience and they have their chance... But it is always their choice.
8/5/202328 minutes, 34 seconds
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Delivered By Pastor Arthur Marshman on 23rd July 2023. When God created mankind he gave them dominion over the world he created. A result of this is that each individual has dominion over their own life. Just like when we choose a car, we have options to choose from. How we live our lives is determined by the options we choose. God gives us the options of: light and darkness, good and evil, life and death. The right choices lead to eternal life.
7/22/202331 minutes, 20 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt1

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202335 minutes, 38 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202321 minutes, 12 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt1

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202343 minutes, 3 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202319 minutes, 37 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202326 minutes, 13 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202325 minutes, 55 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202325 minutes, 59 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202321 minutes, 8 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202320 minutes, 49 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202325 minutes, 52 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt1

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202335 minutes, 53 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202326 minutes, 6 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202326 minutes, 17 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202319 minutes, 41 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt1

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202330 minutes, 34 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt1

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202335 minutes, 46 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202333 minutes, 14 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202326 minutes, 24 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt1

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202343 minutes, 3 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202321 minutes, 5 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202326 minutes, 20 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202320 minutes, 43 seconds
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Nothing Changes Till Something Changes Pt2

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 16th July 2023. To get a change from your circumstances, something a lot more than being aware needs to happen. Prayer, fellowship, the gifts, witnessing, all need to occur by changing... they require steps of faith and momentum. Thoughts and desires need to be activated. Most people don't realise that every prayer to God revolves around him changing something... every answered prayer changes something... And that is the key to getting blessings.
7/15/202325 minutes, 39 seconds
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Tell Us Something We Don't Know

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 12th July 2023. "Trivia" comes from a roman god of the same name, who was very fond of sprouting random and irrelevant facts. He was named Trivia because he was the god of the intersections of three roads, and that's where he would waylay travellers with his useless knowledge. Three roads, hence the name tri-via, Latin for three roads. Thus, trivia (or trivial) has now become the label used against facts or truths that are considered unimportant or unwanted. 'Tell us something we don't know' is a more recent form of sarcasm used to imply that the line of thought or truth is now out of fashion and not to be discussed... it is implied that it has been exhausted or settled and nothing more can be learned from it. Cancel culture is a much blunter way of silencing people who they don't want to hear (often labelled as hate speech). There are many more ways used by people who simply are not honest enough to face or debate rational facts. God has had to deal with these human deceits from the beginning of creation.
7/11/202333 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Law Of Unintended Consequences

The law of unintended consequences refers to the idea that actions or decisions can have unforeseen and unintended consequences, often in ways that are not immediately apparent. This can occur because complex systems often have multiple interconnected parts, and a change of one part of the system can have ripple effects that are difficult to predict. This is also true for those who reject a relationship with God.
7/8/202343 minutes, 29 seconds
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Salvation Is A Gift Not A Reward

Delivered By Pastor Brad Smith on 2nd July 2023. The human race is able to enjoy all of God's natural and Spiritual creation without charge. Everything we see and love, every person we know and care about, are all created by God as a free demonstration of who he is and what he stands for. He is the giver of life and gifts. Nothing God gives us is able to be earned; it is all a free gift for his creation. Salvation is the greatest gift of God for humanity. It gives us the chance to move away from our human greed and failings and give us eternal life... all free of charge.
7/1/202346 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Threshing Floor

The threshing floor in scripture is used as a strong metaphor as a place of separation and revelation. A place where God's harvest is prepared by separating the grain from the useless straw and husk (natural body and its failings)... by threshing (pressure) and the wind (the spirit of truth). The concept of threshing and separation are used to describe God's dealings with men and their future blessings.
6/24/202340 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Bread From Heaven

There are many examples in the scriptures which identify differing relating to the bread from heaven. These notes will focus on one aspect which is clearly detailed and explained in the scriptures. We will continue from the theme "The Threshing Floor", where the concept of separation and purification is also established. One of the primary themes in John's prophecy in Mat 3:11 talks about a covenant change where Christ will make it possible for our worldliness and sins to be permanently cleansed from us.
6/24/202334 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Need For Simple Directions Pt2

Part 2. The human race is in desperate need of simple and effective directions... Ask the Lord to teach you His ways and to direct your steps according to His Word. Then read His Word often and follow the instructions.
6/19/202332 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Need For Simple Directions Pt1

The human race is in desperate need of simple and effective directions... Ask the Lord to teach you His ways and to direct your steps according to His Word. Then read His Word often and follow the instructions.
6/17/202344 minutes, 38 seconds
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One of the victims of our age is truth. It seems that opinions are more important than facts. Life itself is a search for the truth. God is the author of truth and Jesus came to show us the truth. After he left he sent us the Holy Spirit to guide us in the truth.
6/11/202333 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Power Of The Conscience

Our conscience forms a reaction to ethical, moral and spiritual values and gives us directions for our thoughts and life actions. For Christians our conscience has had an extra element added to it by the input of the Holy Spirit. This not only gives us a far different perspective to life, it also adds a few unwanted confusions between natural and spiritual ideals. These are discussed in this topic.
5/29/202331 minutes, 55 seconds
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Few Shall There Be

The principles of New Testament salvation are already established in the judgements of the Old Testament. In the end, it is always up to the choices that we make and the path we choose.
5/27/202338 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Hope Within You PBS

The following thoughts help us to shape ourselves so we can be more effective and recover more quickly from disappointments. God has called us to be a positive testimony of his blessings to humanity; this cannot be done if we misunderstand what is actually being offered to us as Spirit Filled people.
5/20/202331 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Hope Within You NC

The apostle Peter encourages us to always have an answer of the hope within us. On the day of Pentecost, Peter was able to give an answer to the Jewish people who witnessed the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. His well constructed answer caused listeners to be "pricked in their hearts" and ask for a way forward.
5/20/202315 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Hope Within You PAM

Summary here
5/20/202314 minutes, 36 seconds
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Eli And Sons

Spirit-filled Christians can see, hear and learn spiritual lessons from life. The Philistines in 1Samual chapters 4 to 6, ignored the evidence of God's power and authority in the story of Israel's defeat and loss of the Ark, and learnt nothing from it at all. Israel could have done better too.
5/9/202327 minutes, 5 seconds
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Take Up The Mantle

A famous saying is that we must "pass on the mantle". Few realise that it comes from the bible story of Elisha taking over the ministry from Elijah. Even fewer realise that it was a prophecy of Jesus taking over the mantle from John the Baptist, and he then passed it on to us. As Jesus' disciples, we now carry the of his ministry. Go forth and preach.
5/6/202332 minutes, 5 seconds
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Before And After

The way of the Lord was initially prepared by John the Baptist who identified Jesus and the anointing of the spirit. After the death of Jesus, it was needful that someone would prepare the way of the church and lead them into developing the powers and uses of the Holy Spirit... Paul (Saul) did theat. This talk expands those thoughts and reveals that this is your job now.
5/5/202325 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Priest And The Shepherd Pt2

The bulk of God's complaints about the priests related to their indifference and unscriptural behaviour towards the weak, the poor, and the sinners. God often directs us to observe the actions of a good shepherd, who often has a completely different mindset than the priest. All animals are important to the shepherd. He will make real efforts to save every lamb... particularly the sick and the weak. The good shepherd also refuses to accept the loss of a lamb; he will look till he finds it. The role of the priest should be the same as the shepherd.
4/29/202350 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Hardest Questions Have Easy Answers

If God were to give professing believers a quiz on Christianity, many of us would score well. They would be able to answer "Yes, it's true" to questions as: Did Christ die for your sins? Did He rise from the dead? Is the Holy Spirit essential? Do true believers speak in tongues? Is He coming back to earth? Many of us grow up saying yes to these types of biblical doctrines. But eventually we sense that God is asking us some new questions....
4/27/202328 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Priest And The Shepherd Pt1

The bulk of God's complaints about the priests related to their indifference and unscriptural behaviour towards the weak, the poor, and the sinners. God often directs us to observe the actions of a good shepherd, who often has a completely different mindset than the priest. All animals are important to the shepherd. He will make real efforts to save every lamb... particularly the sick and the weak. The good shepherd also refuses to accept the loss of a lamb; he will look till he finds it. The role of the priest should be the same as the shepherd.
4/22/202341 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Parable Of Lazarus

The parable of Lazarus and the rich man contains certain scriptural truths that need to be worked out by comparing spiritual truths with the contents of the parable. The parable contains revelations the being rich is not a guarantee of success with God and being poor doesn't prevent God's great blessing. In the parable the tables are turned with the poor man Lazarus getting God's blessing. Some believe that the references to hell and torment refer to an eternal fiery torture of those who fail, but the parable does not support this view with scriptural truths. Many of the quotes are about the Pharisees beliefs, not the scriptures. It ends with the prophecy of Jesus' death and resurrection and the ongoing denial by the Pharisees of Christ and his power.
4/10/202329 minutes, 31 seconds
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Getting Faith To Work

This is one bible definition of faith. Hebrews Ch 11 v 1: "Now faith is the substance of (the reality of bringing about) things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (getting results from God)". Faith is almost undefinable as an emotion or a feeling, yet it works through actions and steadfastness for those filled with the Spirit. Faith is not a singular definable action, but rather it is the desire to place ourselves where God can work.
4/8/202345 minutes, 25 seconds
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Learning How To Love

The love of God is much more than our version of love and is far bigger than feelings and expressions. Everyone craves love and longs to be loved. It is highly improbable that there is anyone on earth who would avoid love. We can be also sure that there are lots of people that don't feel lovable. Perhaps they don't know how to love, and therefore, they feel unlovable themselves. Many relationships fail because one of the partners hasn't learnt or has never moved past romantic infatuation. We must first learn to love God, then ourselves and then learn to let it flow over into the lives of others.
4/1/202343 minutes, 33 seconds
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Out Of The Darkness

There is a lot more interesting events surrounding the arrest of Jesus in the garden than many may realise. The following is a brief expansion of that memorable event that turned the whole world upside down.
3/28/202318 minutes, 40 seconds
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When Do Christians Rise To Meet The Lord Pt2

Qualifier.... This talk and these notes in no way support or allude to the 'secret rapture' nor any other futurist concepts. Part 1 of this talk was delivered by Pastor Brad Smith on Sunday 5th March 2023. Part 1.2 of this talk was delivered by Pastor Brad Smith on Tuesday 7th March 2023. Please listen to these talk prior to listening to this one.
3/25/202342 minutes, 56 seconds
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When do Christians Rise To Meet The Lord Pt1.2

Qualifier.... This talk and these notes in no way support or allude to the 'secret rapture' nor any other futurist concepts. Part 1 of this talk was delivered by Pastor Brad Smith on Sunday 5th March 2023. Please listen to that talk prior to listening to this one.
3/6/202335 minutes, 20 seconds
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When do Christians Rise To Meet The Lord

Qualifier.... This talk and these notes in no way support or allude to the 'secret rapture' nor any other futurist concepts. 1. The first aim of this short study is to distinguish the age ending actions bought about by mankind, as opposed to and in conjunction with, the age ending destruction by the hand of God (accompanying the return of Jesus Christ). 2. The second is to establish what happens to the saints (overcoming Christians), while God's fiery judgement is in process. Many people seem to be confused as to what happens when these two events collide. Some saints feel that God's people are going to be subject to the fiery judgement of God while others while others feel that God is more loving and merciful than to allow that to happen. There are a few different opinions on these things, but the following is a consistent theme.
3/4/202344 minutes, 46 seconds
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Relationships In God's Church

Starting with creation and moving through further scriptural revelations, we see a consistent and common theme revealing God's purposes behind human life and the ability to sustain it long term. The Biblical family unit (husband, wife, children) defines the basis for lasting cultural stability and longevity. These values give people the best chance for cultural and spiritual survival through specifically defined relationships. The following are simple examples of God's revealed purposes towards physical relationships.
2/25/202348 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Power Of Fellowship Pt2

Part 2. The concept of fellowship relates to coming together for Godly service... we cannot have one without the other. Gathering together is a strong bible principle... and had its beginning in the Old Testament as the peace offering. This offering was not only the most common offering, but included a feast, also symbolising fellowship and oneness with God as well as each other.
2/11/202344 minutes, 1 second
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Preparing The Way Of The Lord

The kingdom of God doesn't have a flashing neon sign over the entrance gate, nor does it have clearly lit street signs leading to it. The way of God is hidden from all men, because it is not discerned through the natural senses. The natural senses of sight, hearing, touch, etc, reveal nothing. The way of God is a spiritually discerned path and can only be found through the instructions given by God's people. The right instructions bring the right results.
1/30/202328 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Power Of Fellowship Pt1

The concept of fellowship relates to coming together for Godly service... we cannot have one without the other. Gathering together is a strong bible principle... and had its beginning in the Old Testament as the peace offering. This offering was not only the most common offering, but included a feast, also symbolising fellowship and oneness with God as well as each other.
1/28/202336 minutes, 29 seconds
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My Kingdom Is Not Of This World

Jesus told Pilate that his servants would not fight because his Kingdom is not of this world. Christians are engaged in a spiritual warfare, a spiritual military campaign to hold fast to the teachings of the Word of God. Christians have access to "mighty" power from God to assist them in their battle.
1/14/202328 minutes, 54 seconds
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God's Power Is Not An Option

We live in a world where opinion continually outweighs provable facts and reality like no other time in history. Not surprisingly there are numerous times in history where the facts and realities have not suited the rulers of the day and have been denied. It was quite common to jail or murder those who dared reveal unpleasant realities. That is why God offers signs and wonders... it gives the honest heart something to build confidence upon, without having to rely on the opinion of others.
12/27/202233 minutes, 8 seconds
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A Time When You Think Not

There would be few people in the world who have never heard of the concept of Armageddon or the return of Jesus Christ. These stories have one thing in common. Jesus Christ is returning to save the world from a fiery, self-destructing end. At which time he will rule for a thousand years and judge all peoples both past and present. Many of the Bible prophecies relating to this time are clear, and currently unfolding. Despite this, the vast majority of people are totally unprepared for what is ahead of them; nor do they care... at the moment.
12/17/202242 minutes, 22 seconds
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Let God Open Your Eyes

It should not be surprising that the creator of the universe wants to reveal himself to his creation. If we pray for God to open people's eyes, we have a further tool for self development; to build up people in the church and to open the hearts of the unbelievers. However, we need to make sure our eyes are open before we can open the eyes of others.
12/10/202242 minutes, 12 seconds
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Don't Forget The Why

The apostle Paul was raised in a strict Jewish sect, however he understood that, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, salvation was open to all men, jew and gentile alike. Paul explains that he seeks to be "all things to all men, that he might save some".
12/3/202235 minutes, 50 seconds
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You Are Not Who You Say You Are Pt2

In our modern world, there is a destructive trend called 'identity politics': where people are encouraged to bypass rational thought, make unscientific choices about who or what they think they are. This is foolish and has extended into gender, sport, business, law and order, etc. Much of our social order is breaking down, allowing confusion and crime to escalate rapidly. People may feel free to make their choices on the earth... but there are spiritual consequences. Lets have a look at God's view on all these modern points of debate.
11/21/202232 minutes, 20 seconds
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You Are Not Who You Say You Are Pt1

In our modern world, there is a destructive trend called 'identity politics': where people are encouraged to bypass rational thought, make unscientific choices about who or what they think they are. This is foolish and has extended into gender, sport, business, law and order, etc. Much of our social order is breaking down, allowing confusion and crime to escalate rapidly. People may feel free to make their choices on the earth... but there are spiritual consequences. Lets have a look at God's view on all these modern points of debate.
11/19/202237 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Mercies Of David Explained

The following is a short study on the introduction of mercy and forgiveness outside the Law. You may be surprised at the clarity of understanding that was available well before Christ's sacrifice on the cross.
11/10/202232 minutes, 13 seconds
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God Has You Covered Pt2

Part 1 was delivered 4th May 2022. God has prepared a gospel for the weakest of the weak, right through to the strongest of the strong. God cares for us much more than we can imagine. When we are weak we can become strong, because that is when we hand over to God and let him do the work that we cannot. God can cover our sins as easy as Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig leaves. God went one better and covered them more permanently with animal skins. By forgiving us our sins, God gives us room and time to grow and learn from mistakes and weaknesses... to develop spiritually. However, a working faith is required... to believe God by acting upon his directions (to obtain salvation and live in it).
10/31/202233 minutes, 38 seconds
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Your Gold And Silver Are Cankered

The book of James identifies the prophetic peoples of the latter times. The total economic failure of the latter times and the failure of the western nations which will lead to the fiery judgement of God.
10/20/202219 minutes, 8 seconds
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Kingmakers Of The Temples Pt2

Part 2. The temple was the only place on earth where God and the people could meet safely. Both of these meeting places were made possible by two sons of David, both kings... Solomon and Jesus. Both of these men were mentored and trained by kingmakers, before they were able to go bring about their chosen blessings.
10/15/202244 minutes, 18 seconds
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Worry Is A Waste

There is a lot of talk these days about the amount of waste that we humans produce. One significant form of waste that has always been around, and that is very hard to get rid of, is worry. In the Lord, we are instructed to have faith, and not to worry (which is a form of fear). This doesn't mean we don't care about anything. The scriptures give us instruction on how to handle our concerns and how to deal with suffering.
10/8/202232 minutes, 32 seconds
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Kingmakers Of The Temples

The temple was the only place on earth where God and the people could meet safely. Both of these meeting places were made possible by two sons of David, both kings... Solomon and Jesus. Both of these men were mentored and trained by kingmakers, before they were able to go bring about their chosen blessings.
10/1/202237 minutes, 50 seconds
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When Help Is Needed

Both the saved and unsaved have a common problem... we both need God's help. The unsaved have their own problems... Firstly, they are spiritually dead. Followed by that they are all normal failings, fear and needs that all spirit filled people face.
9/17/202238 minutes, 33 seconds
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Bible Facts

The following is a list of interesting facts relating to the Bible and its makeup.
9/12/202228 minutes, 17 seconds
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Stupid By Choice

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King Jr (1964). He stated this great truth in relationship to the religious and national ignorance towards the African American peoples and other minorities. Conscientious stupidity means that people are purposely choosing to live in error, or to believe untruths and misinformation, at the expense of provable reality. This has been the choice of mankind towards God for the extent of Bible history and is even more relevant today. Not only do minorities suffer as a result; the whole human race suffers under the same delusion. The reality of physical and spiritual death faces all of us, but those who hold power tend to dominate the weak rather than help them. God has been trying to awaken humanity to the false reality and the wilful ignorance that they have chosen... he offers them life in far greater abundance than they could ever imagine. This is where our role comes in as spirit filled ambassadors... we have proof.
9/10/202236 minutes, 44 seconds
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A Bit About God's Nature

God is the same at all times and never changes. When Jesus came on the ministry scene, he also had the same nature as God... Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. As time passed, God has been able to bring in better covenants that are more effective than others. This is due to the gains and opportunities made by faithful men and women. After the death and resurrection of Christ, God had a mechanism for continually providing the bulk of his desired blessings for all humanity... the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Interestingly, God has always offered mankind the same types of blessings, but he never had a consistent and effective way of doing so. God's nature has never changed... as the following verses indicate.
7/23/202239 minutes, 6 seconds
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Basics: Seeds Of Life

Every Spirit Filled person has once pondered the icy cold prospect of death. That is why the vast majority of people have joined God's fellowship by being anointed in the Spirit. Someone sowed the seeds of life into your heart, by telling you what God's offering. There is a very good reason why death needs to be defeated... without life, there is nothing... without God there is no life... without the Holy Spirit there is no after life. That is the message we take to the world. God motivated us to acquire our salvation through the promise of eternal life... this precious knowledge needs to be shared. The seeds of life are sown by words of truth and power.
7/20/202225 minutes, 44 seconds
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hen Jesus began His ministry, He exercised authority to cast out demons, to heal, and forgive. It was both controversial and exciting. It is important that we recognise God's authority in every aspect of our lives, and exercise the authority that He granted to us.
7/18/202233 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Start And The Building Of God's Church Pt4

Once filled with the Holy Spirit we need to make the second greatest choice of our lives. We need to be just as diligent in prayer and action to stay saved as we did to get saved. Then comes our third responsibility... to restore where possible those who have failed to build themselves up and continue on with their salvation in the way that God has made available. These 3 actions lead us to understand the principle that supports them all... the Love of God.
7/9/202236 minutes, 12 seconds
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Time is all we have and we all have the same amount. We can invest our time, we can spend our time, or we can waste our time. This life of ours is about the time we have been gifted by God.
7/9/202219 minutes, 20 seconds
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Faith To Grow

We are continually encouraged by God to give ourselves room to receive more blessing. This simply means that we give up some more of the non productive parts of our lives and make increases in the spiritual commitments that are on offer. In other words, we put more into our walk in the Lord. The action which permits us to trust God, is called faith... and faith is what we need to apply. If we learn to identify opportunities, then we can put our faith into action, but if we never see opportunities, then faith can never be exercised. Opportunities are evident, because prayer brings them to the surface... they are exposed so attention can be focused on them. Lack of prayer probably means that there will be no recognizable opportunities and yet they exist around us every moment of the day.
7/4/202231 minutes, 57 seconds
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New Creation

The Bible tells us to be filled with the Spirit, speaking to ourselves in psalms, and hymns and spiritual songs... the following presentation examines the scriptures that are relevant to a popular chorus, I am a new creation.
7/2/202223 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Start And The Building Of Gods Church Pt3

Once filled with the Holy Spirit we need to make the second greatest choice of our lives. We need to be just as diligent in prayer and action to stay saved as we did to get saved. Then comes our third responsibility... to restore where possible those who have failed to build themselves up and continue on with their salvation in the way that God has made available.
6/25/202239 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Start And The Building Of God's Church Pt2

Once filled with the Holy Spirit we need to make the second greatest choice of our lives. We need to be just as diligent in prayer and action to stay saved as we did to get saved. This is always our choice and our choice alone. We have already used bible examples to disprove many myths and false doctrines about salvation... we also rejoice because we are shown how to use God's power, wisdom and obedience to remain in our saved state.
6/18/202236 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Start And The Building Of God's Church

Here is a brief summary of the purpose and content of the books of the New Testament. The Gospel books... The historical, prophetic and spiritual record of Jesus, the son of God... his words, his deeds and promises... death and resurrection. The book of Acts... The only detailed accounts of the founding of the church and of full scriptural salvation. The first history and missionary journeys of those who preached the gospel of Jesus Christ, how the spirit was recognised by miracles signs and wonders, and the opposition they faced. The Epistles... Letters and some prophecies to the churches/leaders in various stages of development. They deal with all life issues and how to maintain faith and sound doctrine through the power of God... for everyone.
6/11/202241 minutes, 8 seconds
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How Old Was Timothy

How old was Timothy when this scripture was written? 1Timothy 4:12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in faith, in purity. It is falsely assumed that Timothy was in his late teens or early twenties when these verses were written, but a quick check of bible chronology, and the established dates of the writings of the following letters, give us a far better grasp of Timothies age through the scriptures.
6/9/202230 minutes, 2 seconds
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The world we live in is, and always has been, full of controversy. With the advent of the all-pervasive communication modes that surround us today, the volume of controversy seems to have increased significantly. The Word teaches us that we shouldn't be consumed in controversy, and the world's supposedly controversial issues just disappear when seen in the context of God's plan and promises. A lot of disagreements exist because people are asking the wrong questions. Lets look at what the Word tells us about the right questions.
5/28/202232 minutes, 29 seconds
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Forgiveness Is A Daily Opportunity

Most often when we think of forgiveness, we tend to think of ourselves and what we need to improve, but this is not the best way to go. Once we are forgiven and walking in the spirit, the greater gains will come from, forgiving others and building better relationships. Once freed from sin, we should have far much more energy to direct towards the weak and unsaved... this is our daily opportunity.
5/24/202229 minutes
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Death And Hell

Is the finality of judgement about punishing or eternal punishment..... One of the common mistakes made when trying to interpret the bible comes from overlooking the most basic rule of study... comparing the scriptures with themselves. The concept of eternal punishing is strangely missing from every prominent Old Testament reference. It is very hard to imagine why God would not warn Adam and Eve and numerous other key players in their times right up to Christ, that death would include eternal torment filled with unrelenting pain and horror for all of time... with no relief whatsoever. There is a huge difference between death (which is often quick and uneventful) compared with eternal torturous pain. Why would God hide, or disguise such a hideous result for thousands of years, if such a terrible punishment were literally true.
5/21/202248 minutes
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God Has You Covered

God has prepared a gospel for the weakest of the weak, right through to the strongest of the strong. God cares for us much more than we can imagine. When we are weak we can become strong, because that is when we hand over to God and let him do the work that we cannot. God can cover our sins as easy as Adam and Eve covered themselves with fig leaves. God went one better and covered them more permanently with animal skins. By forgiving us our sins, God gives us room and time to grow and learn from mistakes and weaknesses... to develop spiritually. However, a working faith is required... to believe God by acting upon his directions (to obtain salvation and live in it).
5/3/202231 minutes, 56 seconds
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Free From Debt

Since Adams first act of disobedience, man has struggled with sin and the separation from God that it caused. Under the law, we owed a debt to sin paid only through blood. Jesus paid that blood price for us, freeing us to approach the father unimpeded. We are a new creation, a brand new man. We live a new life no longer burdened by the weight of sin, placing our burdens at the saviour's feet.
4/30/202213 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Gift Of God

God has a single gift for all mankind, and he sent his son to earth to deliver it to us. This Gift is the Holy Spirit, receiving it is an experience that is variously described as; a baptism, an outpouring, an infilling, or being born of the Spirit. On receiving this gift, we open it to find signs and wonders following: speaking in tongues, healing, miracles, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, faith, discernment, and prophecy. As we walk with the Spirit of God, our lives become full of the fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. If you would like to receive this gift, read these bible references.
4/30/202232 minutes, 45 seconds
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Unfulfilled Prophecies The Return Of Jesus Christ

Pas Bill Allen talks about the unfulfilled prophecies prior to, leading to, the coming of Jesus Christ.
4/28/202227 minutes, 34 seconds
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Starting And Building God's Church

A brief summary of the books in the New Testament. The Gospel books... The historical and spiritual identification of Jesus, the son of God, his words, deeds and promises... death and resurrection. The books of Acts... The only detailed accounts of scriptural salvation and the founding of the church. The first history and missionary journeys of those who preached the gospel of Jesus Christ, how the spirit was recognised by signs and wonders, and the opposition/persecution they faced. The Epistles... Letters and some prophecies to churches/leaders in various stages of development. They deal with all life issues, how to maintain faith and sound doctrine through the power of God, for every true believer.
4/16/202241 minutes, 48 seconds
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To Walk With Christ

What does it mean to walk with Jesus Christ (to walk in the Spirit)? To walk with Jesus is the most important thing that anyone can possibly do... this is where the Lord will take you... to walk with the word... to walk with God... to walk with the Holy Spirit... to walk in a path that you have never been down before... to walk in power and wonderment...
4/9/202239 minutes, 24 seconds
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God's Culture

Please note that the PDF notes for this talk were uploaded as "The Culture Wars". Culture can be defined as all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population, that are passed down from generation to generation... these cultures are adjusted and changed as needed. God's culture is built on spiritual principles and powers which are revealed once we are filled with the Holy Spirit. This requires us to move away from natural thinking and exercise spiritual principles. This will vary according to the culture we live under.
4/2/202243 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Power Of Knowledge

To know God is to know the power of God. To understand God is to understand how to use his power. The only way we come face to face with God, is by receiving the anointing power Of the Holy Spirit. Once we meet God... we need to learn what he wants from us and how to use the power that we have received. This is achieved through various facets of learning. Reading, instruction, revelation and commitment all play a vital role in the learning process. As we progress, our knowledge needs to be turned into effective action and service.
3/28/202233 minutes, 14 seconds
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Turning Weakness To Greatness

God has always been able to turn weak people into great people, and failed people into overcomers. He also made a great nation out of weak people, who he made great.
2/13/202235 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Events Of The Lord's Return

A simple bible study of the revealed order of details surrounding the return of the Lord. See also the talk "In Our Lifetime" delivered on 4th February 2022.
2/9/202230 minutes, 19 seconds
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In Our Lifetime

There is one thing common to all of us on the planet... we are born and we die. This is inescapable. However, there is something else that is totally overlooked by the great majority... all will have to answer to God (who is their creator), for the things they have done with their lives.
2/3/202230 minutes, 30 seconds
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When Truth Doesn't Matter Pt2

Part 2 of When Truth Doesn't Matter. The world has very quickly moved to the point where the truth is not the driving force behind most decisions. Tribal loyalty and desired opinions are more important than facts, because people prefer their own reality and build upon their own 'truths'. Throughout the western world, reality and provable science have given way to the 'science' of personal beliefs. This 'science' is also selectively applied... eg., I might choose to believe that I am female, even though I am genetically, physically and visibly male, yet governing bodies will pressure everyone to agree with my choice. However, it I identify as fully vaccinated without evidence, I risk being rejected and isolated from society. These corruptions are prophesied, because they lead to the denial and corruption of everything that relates to God's creation, purposes and values. A clear pattern emerges... Humanities main goal is more about appeasing very fragile and deluded egos, than it is about improving or sustaining human life.
12/18/202133 minutes, 41 seconds
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When Truth Doesn't Matter Pt1

The world has very quickly moved to the point where the truth is not the driving force behind most decisions. Tribal loyalty and desired opinions are more important than facts, because people prefer their own reality and build upon their own 'truths'. Throughout the western world, reality and provable science have given way to the 'science' of personal beliefs. This 'science' is also selectively applied... eg., I might choose to believe that I am female, even though I am genetically, physically and visibly male, yet governing bodies will pressure everyone to agree with my choice. However, it I identify as fully vaccinated without evidence, I risk being rejected and isolated from society. These corruptions are prophesied, because they lead to the denial and corruption of everything that relates to God's creation, purposes and values. A clear pattern emerges... Humanities main goal is more about appeasing very fragile and deluded egos, than it is about improving or sustaining human life.
12/11/202140 minutes, 29 seconds
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Led By The Spirit Pt2

The sequel of two earlier talks by Pastor Brad Smith, Led Of The Spirit 211121, and, Washing Of Feet 211123. Being led of the spirit is not just knowing what is right or wrong, it is practicing what is right. To serve God (to be led by the spirit) is to serve others .
12/7/202127 minutes, 8 seconds
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Washing Feet

The same notes as used for Led By The Spirit..The Holy Spirit is the energy or power of God in action, just as our deeds (as opposed to our thoughts assets) display our nature to those around us. For those who are anointed/filled with the Spirit, it's God's intention that we utilize the same power for the salvation of others, so God's purposes can be established in us. Thus, we become the children of God, because our spiritual DNA is the same as God's... we are his offspring rather than the world's and we are motivated to act accordingly.
11/22/202130 minutes, 26 seconds
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Led By The Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the energy or power of God in action, just as our deeds (as opposed to our thoughts assets) display our nature to those around us. For those who are anointed/filled with the Spirit, it's God's intention that we utilize the same power for the salvation of others, so God's purposes can be established in us. Thus, we become the children of God, because our spiritual DNA is the same as God's... we are his offspring rather than the world's and we are motivated to act accordingly.
11/20/202130 minutes, 58 seconds
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My Yoke Is Easy

In the popular Charles Dickens story 'A Christmas Carol', the mise Ebeneezer Scrooge worked his long suffering employee Bob Cratchit to breaking point (this is where we get the insulting term 'scrooge' from... meaning someone who has plenty, but is not generous or caring to those who don't). He provided only minimal heating, expected Cratchit to work on holidays and constantly displayed an air of criticism and suspicion. No one would want to work for a boss like Scrooge, who represented the worst, yet common traits of humanity.
11/16/202130 minutes, 26 seconds
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Gods True Rest And Refreshing

By the act of confusing spiritual priorities and values, it becomes clear why people build unfulfilled lives based on powerless spiritual precepts. Gods Spirit is still bound by the accuracy of his word... we cannot add nor subtract from those things which the Lord has laid down. If we start letting small things slip by, or add little things that please us that are not in his word... then they can accumulate to the point where destruction is assured!! Safety margins are an act of wisdom when it comes to conforming to God's directions. By limiting natural appreciations, stimulations and actions, we make more room for the Spirit to move... thus we end up with more accurate results. Mistakes are going to cost a large number of Gods saints their salvation. These things are written so true rest and refreshing can be attained.
11/6/202141 minutes, 2 seconds
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Promises Of God

There are promises which surround us in everyday life, from lifetime commitments to the daily expectations towards and from other people. However, the expected outcome and fulfilment of promises made are rarely guaranteed in the fluctuating and inconsistent society in which we live, as rules, laws, and personal conflicts run interference with the decisions and commitments we seek to maintain. Only the promises of God are yay and amen, being assured to every person who walks according to His will and purpose.
11/6/202118 minutes, 1 second
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Worshipping The Creator vs The Creation

The apostle Paul, when writing in the first chapter of his epistle to the Romans, commented on how man had become focused worshipping the creation and not God... the creator of all life. Today, many in society are following the same pattern of focusing on the issues on how mankind manages the environment and fail to acknowledge God the creator. As the apostle Paul wrote "worshipping the creation and not the creator".
10/30/202130 minutes, 11 seconds
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Set Your Affections On Things Above

We choose how to spend our time. God counsels us to spend some of that time on higher purposes...setting our affections and renewing our minds in Him.
10/30/202117 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Final Age Of The Victim

If you have a victim mentality, you will see your entire life through a perspective that things constantly happen 'to' you. Victimisation is thus a combination of seeing most things in life as negative, beyond your control, and as something you should be given sympathy for experiencing, because you deserve 'better'. At it's heart, the victim mentality is a way to avoid taking any responsibility for yourself or your life. By believing you have no power then you don't have to take action... and it is not your fault. The victim mentality has gone mainstream in the West. It's through the ideology commonly known as 'identity politics', which neatly divides society into victims and oppressors. It's an ideology that tells various minorities that they're hapless victims of an oppressive system: whether of Power, Gender, Race, Age, Wealth, Bodily shape and size, Personal beliefs. In reality everyone is a victim and an oppressor at the same time.
10/19/202133 minutes, 19 seconds
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God Knows Principles That We Dont

The following thoughts and activity are presented in the interests of being able to follow and trust God... even if we are or a bit confused or don't understand all that is happening. We are not asked to stress or strain our understanding... rather we are asked to be obedient. Therein is our victory and therein God is given room to work. We don't know how God does what he does, but we know that he does it... that is what we stand on.
10/16/202136 minutes, 39 seconds
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Gods Balance Between Sin And Forgiveness Pt2

Part 2. The human race now has the ability to overcome their original fall. Jesus Christ has opened the door to the tree of life once again. Through repentance, water baptism and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, we are returned to the eternal future which was ours from the beginning. However, Satan has not changed, he is still out to deceive and destroy. Satan teaches Christians first to doubt, and then to deny. We need to manage our sins as God says, not by natural logic. It's in our interest to learn what God says and get the balance right.
10/2/202141 minutes, 14 seconds
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Gods Balance Between Sin And Forgiveness

The human race now has the ability to overcome their original fall. Jesus Christ has opened the door to the tree of life once again. Through repentance, water baptism and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, we are returned to the eternal future which was ours from the beginning. However, Satan has not changed, he is still out to deceive and destroy. Satan teaches Christians first to doubt, and then to deny. We need to manage our sins as God says, not by natural logic. It's in our interest to learn what God says and get the balance right.
9/11/202144 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Power Without The Frills

Two thousand years after Christ, the Holy Spirit is being poured out like never before, but the power is not properly understood. The way the Spirit is received and used is often compromised through ignorance or pride. Humans have a great need to improve or modify the effective and powerful ways of the spirit. It is Gods will that we be aware of these failings and to protect people from this type of compromise. The simple but powerful promises in the bible are more than enough for all Christians to overcome this world... but they need to know these truths and it is the duty of those who understand to promote it for the Lord.
8/28/202134 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Great Outpouring

The New Testament began with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit... a new and living way that is able to deal with all the sins and failings of all the people (all backed up with signs).
8/19/202133 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Tailor Of Eden

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden they lost their innocence and became aware of many things. They understood both their physical and spiritual nakedness and that they could not appear before God that way. God clothed them in the garden. Scripture makes it clear that the spiritual covering we need to be right before God is righteousness. We cannot clothe ourselves in righteousness no matter how hard we try.. only God can provide the robes of righteousness and the garments of salvation. He does this willingly. He paid for the material with His Son's death, and He will clothe those who come to Him in repentance, faith and humility.
8/10/202123 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Plan Of God

Jesus’s crucifixion was part of God’s plan. This world celebrates the birth of Jesus in the main more than the death of Jesus. We celebrate the death of Jesus because without it we would not have the Spirit to know and understand God and his plan. Our faith is based on Christ crucified. All things are happening as part of God’s plan and he has us under his care. God’s plan is revealed to us via the Spirit.
8/3/202118 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Bit About The Holy Spirit

Firstly, the Holy Spirit is an intelligent, personal force... the effectual 'conscience' of God. The bible proves this point by describing the loving and caring manner of how the Spirit acts for those who faithfully obey God. So we see that the Holy Spirit is much more than a source of power alone. It is the life and breath behind all creation and life... and continues to do so.
7/31/202136 minutes, 44 seconds
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Soul Mates

The concept of a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament and purpose being called a 'soul mate' or 'one true love', originated from the Greek comedy playwright, Aristophanes around 450BC. It is interesting to note that the bible reveals a broader idea on the concept of a 'soul mate' and that originated 4000BC. The bible adds a new twist to this saying revealing a much bigger plan than what many imagine.
7/17/202140 minutes, 5 seconds
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The First And Second Death

To those that are in right standing with God; the first death at the end of natural life is a temporary sleep before being resurrected into a new spiritual body. Those who have died are not even aware of death; the dead do not know they are dead; their cycle of awareness is over. God explains that the natural life of the unsaved as being little different than being dead. We are encouraged to make wise choices before our time runs out (not just leaving it to the last moment). No one knows how long they have to live. For those of us who have the Holy Spirit, we are encouraged to keep our perspective and be mindful for the lives of others.
7/10/202135 minutes, 26 seconds
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Glass Darkly

Our salvation has been sealed by the Holy Spirit. It is really a down payment of greater things to come. We see through the glass darkly, we see a limited view of the future. God knows more about us than we do!! God has unlimited resources (riches) to help us.
6/26/202135 minutes, 36 seconds
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Greater Works

There is an intriguing scripture in the gospel of John that alludes to our works surpassing that of Christ's. John 14:12. It is interesting for two reasons... the first is the statement that we will have the potential to do the works of Christ (miracles)... and the second, which is the most amazing, reveals that we have the potential to do even greater works then Christ.... how can that be? What is something that Jesus did not do, or could not do while he was on the earth as opposed to what we can do while he is in heaven? The best way to solve this question is to look at the changes that occurred after he left. We do not need to go too far into the book of Acts to find the answer.
6/19/202129 minutes, 43 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare

6/12/202148 minutes, 34 seconds
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6/5/202122 minutes, 16 seconds
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What And Why

6/5/202142 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Sign Of The Prophet Jonah

The sign of the prophet Jonah is only one of approximately 350 prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ that were recorded up to 4000 years before he was born. Prophecies act as signs and proof of the credibility of God and of his ability to save people from certain death. The salvation message that Jesus made possible, is also built upon prophetic signs, miracles, and wonders. The sign of speaking in tongues is the confirmation of being anointed by the Spirit. The sign of the prophet Jonah is a precursor of the salvation message that Jesus provided and described.
5/29/202141 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Power To be Saved

When it comes to the things of God, most people have no understanding of what they are dealing with. God is trying to save people from permanent extinction (death), but most are blindly adhering to lifestyles that are more appealing to their human nature. God is not demanding a life of permanent denial and abstinence of all pleasures. He is trying to save people from certain death. Our natural perspective is short term and certainly devoid of any spiritual awareness. Spiritually speaking, the human is brain dead, they are devoid of any potential and they are powerlessly living out their time; spiritually crippled... awaiting permanent death. On the other hand, God is offering us the power to be saved.
5/24/202133 minutes, 8 seconds
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Election Of God

5/22/202144 minutes, 5 seconds
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This Is Us

The church is filled with volunteers from all walks of life, all having differing skills and abilities. All of us are filled with the Holy Spirit with the same evidence of speaking in tongues, with all spiritual gifts available.
5/22/202132 minutes, 42 seconds
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A summary by Pastor Brad of our recent Prayer and Fast on Unity. Themed from Psalm 133 v1.
5/15/202119 minutes, 1 second
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The Thief On The Cross

Much has been said and made of the Thief on the cross. Many people have taken comfort from the story of the thief to whom Jesus makes the famous quote, "Verily I say onto Thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." Unfortunately for the people who quote or rely on this scripture, the meaning of this verse is not what they believe. Before we discuss this scripture, we need to understand why people have placed so much significance on these words. Many today want to take the easy way out (with little responsibility or commitment), or they are looking for Godly hope and they find it very comforting to think, that when they are on death's doorstep, they can simply say sorry and all will be well. They are wrong! The other concept which comes forward is the appreciation that when you die, you go straight into heaven to be with the Lord. That also is error. Let us have a closer look at the words of Jesus and see what He is truly saying.
5/1/202147 minutes, 47 seconds
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Our Emotional Stability

4/28/202117 minutes, 9 seconds
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The End Of The End

The Bible describes a series of events which define the return of the Lord. One such line of prophecy is called "birth pangs", being likened to the onset of human birth. This is a very interesting metaphor, because many of the events of human labour are easy to identify, and by their nature, continue to intensify and are irreversible.
4/24/202145 minutes, 18 seconds
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Speaking Hope

4/17/202138 minutes, 6 seconds
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Dealing With Dung

4/10/202134 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Old And New Temple Of God Pt2

Part 2 of a brief outline comparing the old and new temples of God.
3/20/202143 minutes, 18 seconds
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To Live By Faith Is To Give By Faith

Many Christians feel obliged to prioritize their service to Christ by telling him through prayers, music, public speaking and testimony; how much they love him. This is often promoted and perceived as one of the greatest and most rewarding deeds of the Christian life. Sadly, this is wrong, and ill conceived. Many would be surprised how few times Christ or God mentioned their love for each other. It is not that it wasn't there, it is just that they preferred to display their love for each other through actions and deeds... rather than words. Jesus lived by faith and wants us to imitate his love towards others through deeds and actions, not just words.
3/15/202130 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Calibration Of Life Vancouver

This talk was previously delivered by Pastor Brad in Brisbane on 7th March. This talk is slightly more condensed (precise). All sciences have tools or documented comparisons so any device or formula can be calibrated against a proven measure or standard. The reality of bible salvation is based on a series of promises and actions which God has promised through His Holy Spirit, of which He confirms. God is well aware of human failure and has thus calibrated His word and blessings with signs and evidence outside of intellectual and emotional factors alone. Like the Prime Meridian (the 0 degree line of longitude) used for all charting and travelling on the earth's surface, the church needs a fixed starting point of reference, or natural wisdom will corrupt spiritual truths.
3/10/202133 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Calibration Of Life

All sciences have tools or documented comparisons so any device or formula can be calibrated against a proven measure or standard. The reality of bible salvation is based on a series of promises and actions which God has promised through His Holy Spirit, of which He confirms. God is well aware of human failure and has thus calibrated His word and blessings with signs and evidence outside of intellectual and emotional factors alone. Like the Prime Meridian (the 0 degree line of longitude) used for all charting and travelling on the earth's surface, the church needs a fixed starting point of reference, or natural wisdom will corrupt spiritual truths.
3/6/202143 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Basics Of Accountability Pt2

Part 2. The fatal human trait of blaming others for the things that go wrong in our lives, will always leave us at the mercy of others. Blaming others is not empowering; it traps us in failure rather that building our character. The solution is short term and often painful... we need to take responsibility for our life and the outcome of our choices, especially when they go wrong! The Bible offers a perfect solution and with lots of help along the way.
2/23/202133 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Basics Of Accountability

The fatal human trait of blaming others for the things that go wrong in our lives, will always leave us at the mercy of others. Blaming others is not empowering; it traps us in failure rather that building our character. The solution is short term and often painful... we need to take responsibility for our life and the outcome of our choices, especially when they go wrong! The Bible offers a perfect solution and with lots of help along the way.
2/20/202147 minutes, 28 seconds
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Credentials Of An Overcomer

2/13/202132 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Principles Behind Prayer And Fasting

Prayer and Fasting. Fasting is a form of self discipline... exercising personal humility Prayer is a form of self discipline... exercising spiritual humility
2/4/202138 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why Do The Heathen Rage Pt2

On 14th June 2020 Pas Brad gave a talk titled Why Do The Heathen Rage. This is part 2 of that topic. The PDF notes are posted in the "resource / articles" area of the website. The natural position of 'non or anti-Christians' is to rage against God's laws and principles, despite them giving humanity the best opportunities for a fair and sustainable life. The more they rage, the worse life becomes for the free world, with one failure leading to another. Sadly, yet predictably: the human race never learns from its mistakes. Pride and ignorance always lead to the failures that the past generations also suffered.
2/1/202129 minutes, 21 seconds
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Prayer That Works Pt2

Part 2. There are two main identities that God reveals about himself when dealing with us on a personal level. The first identity he takes on is "Father" and the second main identity he takes on is "Friend". God takes on these identities so he can be better visualised and easily understood. These identities make it a lot simpler to know how to approach him and what to build our expectations upon. The salvation message of repentance, water baptism and the receiving (anointing) of the Holy Spirit gives us new status, or a fresh start.
1/25/202137 minutes, 1 second
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Prayer That Works

There are two main identities that God reveals about himself when dealing with us on a personal level. The first identity he takes on is "Father" and the second main identity he takes on is "Friend". God takes on these identities so he can be better visualised and easily understood. These identities make it a lot simpler to know how to approach him and what to build our expectations upon. The salvation message of repentance, water baptism and the receiving (anointing) of the Holy Spirit gives us new status, or a fresh start.
1/23/202140 minutes, 51 seconds
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Fact Checking The Gospel

The world is full of fake news and fake gospels. We can't always fact check the news, but we can always fact check the salvation gospel and its content: by comparing the Bible with the works God is doing with his people.
1/16/202140 minutes, 47 seconds
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Parables For The End Of Time

The response by Jesus to the questions asked by His disciples regarding the signs of the end times.
1/11/202138 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Church Is A Family Pt2

Part 2. It should not be surprising that the church of God is structured on the same principles as the family unit. Almost all the benefits and challenges of a family are also part of church life. The Bible offers some wonderful insight.
12/19/202041 minutes, 11 seconds
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Comfort 4 of 4 John The Baptist

On the 6th September 2020 Pas Brad Smith gave a talk titled Turning Failure Into Great Comfort. The notes are available from the resources tab of our website. This talk is a more detailed summary of the benefits gained by John The Baptist for the Spiritfilled saints of this time.
12/16/202015 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Church Is A Family

It should not be suprising that the church of God is structured on the same principles as the family unit. Almost all the benefits and challenges of a family are also part of church life. The Bible offers some wonderful insight.
12/12/202038 minutes, 34 seconds
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Comfort 3 of 4 Phineas

On the 6th September 2020 Pas Brad Smith gave a talk titled Turning Failure Into Great Comfort. The notes are available from the resources tab of our website. This talk is a more detailed summary of the benefits gained by Phineas for the Spiritfilled saints of this time.
12/9/202018 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Gift Of God

God has a special gift for mankind, His Holy Spirit. It is the most precious present anyone can receive. Listen to the blessings that follow on from this amazing expression of God's love.
12/5/202033 minutes, 42 seconds
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Trust With What You Do

12/5/202018 minutes, 30 seconds
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Comfort 2 of 4 David

On the 6th September 2020 Pas Brad Smith gave a talk titled Turning Failure Into Great Comfort. The notes are available from the resources tab of our website. This talk is a more detailed summary of the benefits gained by David for the Spiritfilled saints of this time.
12/2/202014 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Tale Of Two Kings

The differences between King Saul and King David can teach us a lot about ourselves. Having good intentions and actually performing them require different approaches. Thus, the salvation and overcoming message in the bible, teaches us how to make better spiritual choices, because it shows us how to think, then how to act.
11/28/202040 minutes, 43 seconds
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Bible Versions

A presentation on how the King James Bible came about, and why a slew of "new" bibles are contrary to Gods Word.
11/26/202039 minutes, 35 seconds
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Comfort 1 of 4 Abraham

On the 6th September 2020 Pas Brad Smith gave a talk titled Turning Failure Into Great Comfort. The notes are available from the resources tab of our website. This talk is a more detailed summary of the benefits gained by Abraham for the Spiritfilled saints of this time.
11/25/202012 minutes, 55 seconds
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Righteousness Justice Steadfast Mercifull Love

The scriptures instruct us that we should know and understand God. Whilst there are many aspects of God's nature that are made clear in the Word, this talk focuses on righteousness, justice and steadfast merciful love. These attributes are described together a number of times in the Old Testament, and correlate with many instructions in the New Testament. There are significant implications for us here and now, whether or not we are already Spirit filled.
11/21/202045 minutes, 18 seconds
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Robes Of Righteousness

Many people get confused over the method and principles by which God saves his people from their human shortcomings and sins. We are not subject to a balance sheet of good verses evil every week to see if we are passing or failing. Just as our clothing covers our nakedness, the indwelling Holy Spirit, covers our spiritual on an ongoing manner. Thus, Jesus not only protects us from the powers of sin and temptation, but from the penalty of such weakness... every minute of the day.
11/14/202042 minutes, 7 seconds
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Water And Fire

The world is on the brink of a disaster that will eliminate almost all forms of human and animal life. This is the second time that the bible has recorded such far reaching disasters... the first time was the great flood and the next and soon to come calamity relates to the fiery death for almost all forms of life. God had Noah build an ark to save those who believed the prophecy of the coming flood and Jesus Christ is building another ark... called the church; which will also deliver those who prepare for the coming fire. Both destructive judgements are the result of human rebellion against the principles of God.
11/12/202026 minutes, 45 seconds
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God Doesn't Forget

Our memory is a very unreliable keeper of the truth. Due to a variety of reasons we forget things... we forget facts and truths. When something is forgotten, then those memories are unable to be shared with others and that particular truth can be lost forever. Mankind has consistently forgotten the things that God has done for them; hence many are unaware of His promises. Just as the passing of time assists us to forget historical facts (allowing it to be rewritten); so to has mans potential relationship with God been distorted. God keeps us in touch with the truth through the continuous working of the Holy Spirit; always prompting us to offer the truth of Eternal Life to others. God's memory doesn't dim or change with the passing of time. Now that we are filled with His Spirit, we should never forget who we are, or what we stand for.
11/3/202028 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Failure Of The Priesthood Brisbane

This talk is part 2 of a series, part 1 being titled Chasing The Wrong Dream (18th October 2020). It is suggested that you listen to that talk first. This talk was delivered in Brisbane on 1st November 2020. It is further noted that Pastor Brad also delivered this talk to the Fresno Fellowship on 29th October 2020. There are slight differences in the talks. Jesus worked miracles amongst the needy and the sick, fed the hungry and offered salvation to the sinners and the lost. How did those who were supposed to serve the same people react? The priests had him tortured and murdered on false charges, not caring one bit for the pain and suffering He was solving. The priesthood was corrupt and spiritually sick: that is why God brought it to an end and a new way was born.
10/31/202043 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Failure Of The Priesthood Fresno

This talk is part 2 of a series, part 1 being titled Chasing The Wrong Dream (18th October 2020). It is suggested that you listen to that talk first. This talk was delivered to the Fresno Fellowship on 29th October 2020. It is further noted that Pastor Brad also delivered this talk to the Brisbane Fellowship on 1st November 2020. There are slight differences in the talks. Jesus worked miracles amongst the needy and the sick, fed the hungry and offered salvation to the sinners and the lost. How did those who were supposed to serve the same people react? The priests had him tortured and murdered on false charges, not caring one bit for the pain and suffering He was solving. The priesthood was corrupt and spiritually sick: that is why God brought it to an end and a new way was born.
10/28/202035 minutes, 42 seconds
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Chasing The Wrong Dream

The whole world is losing its way very quickly. The people of the nations are struggling to find significance in their beliefs, their values and their reason for existing. The continuous undermining of God given ethics and human respect, is now turning everything on its head.
10/17/202040 minutes, 13 seconds
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Noahs Ark, A story that is still relevant today. The Bible says the last days will be like Noahs. Consequently, like Noah, we must live a righteous life and follow God's instructions if we wish to be saved.
10/10/202035 minutes, 48 seconds
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The book of Malachi represents the last word of God to the nation of Israel for about 400 years.
10/10/202028 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Basics Of Speaking In Tongues

The first thing that we need to observe is that God chose tongues as a sign and also designed their spiritual usage. God has given us plenty of details and directions, to work out everything we need to know about tongues. Good doctrine needs to be established by the sound use of scripture... not by feelings or personal beliefs.
10/3/202046 minutes, 35 seconds
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God Will Never Give More Than You Can Handle

10/3/202014 minutes, 50 seconds
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Values - Don't Lose Focus

Each of us lives our lives according to our values. It can be that the way we behave is not in accordance with the values we think we have. God is specific about what our values should be as born again Christians. It starts with our love of God and our love for our neighbour.
9/26/202043 minutes, 19 seconds
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When Proof Isn't Enough

Sadly, most people don't care about evidence; all they want is someone to agree with their world view. Believing in God is not the same as obeying God... sticking to beliefs that are doctrinally weak, or denying scriptural signs, will fail those seeking eternal life. God has always offered scriptural support and backed it up with evidence. The choices we make in faith, determine the opportunities God can work with.
9/19/202041 minutes, 43 seconds
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Anxiety And Fear. We Need To Trust

Anxiety - We Need to trust; We do not need to fear. Whilst the Bible does not use the word anxiety, it does have a lot to say about fear. Generally this sits in one of two categories, a reverential fear (respect) (by analogy to be in awe of), or alarm or fright (terror). This talk covers some references of types of fear or anxiety that we may feel, discusses patience as the process to remove anxiety (or fear), cross references scriptures that tell us not to do things in our own strength and works, through a couple of psalms of David to help paint mental picture that God has all things in hand. He is our refuge and we have nothing to fear.
9/19/202026 minutes, 37 seconds
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Turning Failure Into Great Comfort

The Bible is full of faithful people who despite moments of weakness and failure, were able to provide great blessings for God's people. Some have provided far more blessing than they thought possible, perhaps even more than we yet realise. The gained comforts from the following acts of faith are far greater than even they could have imagined. All these blessings have come out of tribulation, despair or weakness. Consider it a great joy to fall into tribulation, because all the great blessings have come out of such trials..
9/5/202039 minutes, 58 seconds
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When We Hit The Wall

Many marathon runners face a difficult problem in the latter stages of the race... that is when they hit the wall. This refers to depleting their glycogen (glucose, stored in the liver and muscles)and the feelings of fatigue and negativity that come with it. It is the most readily available fuel source to burn when exercising, so our bodies prefer it. When we run low on glycogen, our muscles hurt and our brain wants to shut down activity as a preservation method... this may lead to negative thinking, forgetting the big picture. Most people come to the Lord for the same reason... the easy answers stop coming. Also it is not uncommon for people who serve God to hit the wall from time to time. God excels when the easy way is not available.
8/22/202037 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Age Of Offence

People responding poorly to facts that they do not want to hear is a rapidly escalating problem... both in this world and sadly within God's church. There is a certain reality about unwelcome words... The truths revealed in God's word trigger the way we think and act. Scriptural truths can be seen pleasantly or offensively, then choices are made by each individual.
8/8/202043 minutes, 46 seconds
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God's Healing Is Complete Pt2

The Bible concept of healing is far more than physical and mental restoration. There are numerous encompassing scriptures that reveal just how big the offered blessings are. Our primary problem is that man is mortal, and God is immortal. Through Jesus Christ, God has provided unlimited and far-reaching healing opportunities for the human race.
8/4/202032 minutes, 45 seconds
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God's Healing Is Complete

The Bible concept of healing is far more than physical and mental restoration. There are numerous encompassing scriptures that reveal just how big the offered blessings are. Our primary problem is that man is mortal, and God is immortal. Through Jesus Christ, God has provided unlimited and far-reaching healing opportunities for the human race.
8/1/202036 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Trojan Horse

We find a story in Greek mythology of how the impenetrable city of Troy was defeated by a much smaller and weaker Trojan army. Troy had huge walls around the city that couldn't be breached, so a clever plan of getting into the city was devised. A multi story wooden horse was built and rolled to the front gates of Troy as a gift to Troy's superiority. The wooden monument had soldiers hidden inside and once accepted into the city. Under the cover of darkness the hidden soldiers opened the city gates and Troy was defeated. Thus, malware (computer viruses) are often called "trojans" for the same reason. They are disguised as legitimate software and can be used by cyber thieves and hackers to gain access to your computer, your data and your assets. Likewise, Christians should be fully aware that this type of attack against their faith is the most common ploy that Satan uses against them.... once our faith is weakened, unbelief and failure can soon follow.
7/25/202040 minutes, 48 seconds
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Baptism Of The Spirit

Arthur defines the reason for, and the method of, receiving the Holy Spirit.
7/18/202043 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Prodigal Son

The parable of the prodigal son came about because of the criticisms of the Pharisees and the Scribes who rebuked Jesus for always being in the company of sinners. The Pharisees believed that God wanted the church to keep away from its defaulters. Furthermore, they added many extra burdens on those who wanted to be restored and who wanted to serve God. Jesus responded with these 3 parables.
7/11/202036 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Humility Imperative

Humility, from the spiritual perspective. What it is. Why it is important. What it is not. How do you get it.
7/5/202033 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Healing Of Sarah

Sarah was Abrahams wife and was born on a timeline halfway between Adam and Jesus Christ. She had been incapable of having children and was 90 years old when God healed her. She still had to wait another 25 years after being specifically told she would be healed. To make matters more challenging, not only was she barren, but she had entered menopause... two major impossibilities at a natural level. Like all of us, she had to address the needs of the here and now, but at the same time was facing two seemingly impossible promises. This is how her story unfolds and how her ongoing faith gave them one of the most amazing testimonies in history.
6/27/202036 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why Do The Heathen Rage

The natural position of ‘non or anti-Christians’ is to rage against God’s laws and principles, despite them giving humanity the best opportunities for a fair and sustainable life. The more they rage, the worse life becomes for the free world, with one failure leading to another. Sadly, yet predictably; the human race never learns from its mistakes. Pride and ignorance always lead to the failures that past generations also suffered.
6/13/202039 minutes, 4 seconds
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Gods light in our lives
6/2/202016 minutes, 52 seconds
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Give God Something To Work With

Give God something to work with and he will give you something to work with. Everyone can have a wonderful life with the Lord if they stop long enough to give him something to work with. Moses is perhaps one of the greatest examples of God’s ability to turn an average person into a remarkable powerhouse. The turning point came when Moses saw a burning bush and stopped to hear the message (just like us when we were witnessed to)
5/30/202042 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Works, Fruit And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

The gift of the Holy Spirit, and it’s work in our lives, is a very large topic. It is fundamental to finding and maintaining our relationship with God. Today we will look at just a few aspects of the Holy Spirit in our lives. In particular, what we can learn from comparing and contrasting the “fruits” and “gifts” of the Spirit, and how we apply that here and now.
5/26/202035 minutes
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Hidden In Plain Sight

An elderly woman in France had the surprise of a lifetime late in 2019, when she discovered the old wooden panel painting, that sat above the kitchen stove was worth more than $7.7US million. She was selling her house and was going to send it to the tip with other ‘junk’ except for an auctioneer suspecting it might have some value. Having been valued at $7.7US million it actually sold at auction for $26.6US million. We may be equally surprised to find that God has also set a value upon us; a value that is far beyond what we could ever dream of. Like the auction above, once we are restored (saved), our value is multiplied many times more to God, much more than we could ever believe. Our eyes and minds alone can’t see God’s values.
5/16/202037 minutes, 10 seconds
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Believe The Science

We are continually pressured to ‘believe the science’, even though many scientists disagree with each other. Quite often, the term ‘science’ is used when a political or religious outcome is desired. It would be more convincing to see the evidence than respond to an appeal to authority, which is a false and unproven argument.
5/9/202037 minutes, 35 seconds
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When You Are Feeling Alone

Loneliness (doubt, fear), is a perception we can all feel when our confidence drops below our spiritual reality. God has already offered a solution to this well known problem.
4/25/202036 minutes, 55 seconds
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Raising The Dead

God has identified himself as much more than the powerful creator of the universe and the life in it. He has expressed an attitude towards the human race, that is common to humans themselves. He demonstrates love and care, concern and assistance; like any caring father or mother would do. His interest and regard for us is much more than that of any parent, because his capacity is far greater than ours. We cannot care for ourselves with the same certainty and authority that God offers. If the worst comes to the worst, God is capable of raising the dead. That is something we cannot do for our families. Yet, God now offers us the power to raise the dead.
4/14/202030 minutes, 54 seconds
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When The Wheels Fall Off

‘When the wheels fall off’ originated from overloading, or abusing a work vehicle to the extent that it breaks down and is no longer useable. The west was built on the principles contained within the ten commandments, despite the weaknesses of humanity (a certain level of weakness and failure was already factored in to the system). However, as they have been further weakened, we have been overloaded and failures are appearing everywhere. It’s the abuses of the principles that leads to failure, not the principles themselves. The bible reveals many of humanities worst failures thousands of years before they have finally come about.
4/11/202036 minutes, 4 seconds
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God works with Gideon.
4/7/202028 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Will Of God

The will of God. An outline of God's instructions and blessings for us today.
4/4/202028 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Church Is What You Make It Pt2

Part 2. Once we receive the Holy Spirit, everything changes. As a part of God's kingdom we have spiritual responsibilities. We have a job that requires a completely different mindset, and the first question we must ask is... What does God want me to do: Not how do I fit God into my list of priorities.
4/2/202030 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ephesians Study 7 of 7 Ch 4 v 16

Part 7 of 7. A study of Ephesians Ch 4 verses 11 to 16. This recording studies verse 16.
3/31/202029 minutes, 43 seconds
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A History Of Isolation And Opportunity

The Bible contains many stories of people who needed to go into lockdown to escape a variety of threats coming upon the earth. On all of these occasions, preparations and warnings were made to all people; offering everyone a way of escape. There was always a great need for God’s people to listen carefully to his survival guidelines. Some obvious examples were Noah and the ark, the Passover when the tenth plague destroyed the first born, also the modern spirit filled church is a vessel of separation for escaping spiritual death.
3/28/202031 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ephesians Study 6 of 7 Ch 4 v 15

Part 6 of 7. A study of Ephesians Ch 4 verses 11 to 16. This recording studies verse 15.
3/21/202029 minutes, 4 seconds
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Pharaoh Challenges The Word Of God

God calls Moses to reveal His power to Pharaoh in order to set His people free to serve God. The ten plagues inflicted on Egypt do not affect the Isrealites.
3/21/202047 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Church Is What You Make It

Once we receive the Holy Spirit, everything changes. As a part of God's kingdom we have spiritual responsibilities. We have a job that requires a completely different mindset, and the first question we must ask is... What does God want me to do: Not how do I fit God into my list of priorities.
3/14/202039 minutes, 32 seconds
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Ephesians Study 5 of 7 Ch 4 v 14

Part 5 of 7. A study of Ephesians Ch 4 verses 11 to 16. This recording studies verse 14.
3/14/202019 minutes, 38 seconds
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New Every Morning

In this world, obtaining something new can be exciting and fun, but the excitement doesn't last and we can end up chasing the next new thing. Solomon reflected that there is "nothing new under the sun". The truth is that God has done something new in us. Not only that, but it is new every single day. The excitement need never fade.
3/7/202022 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ephesians Study 4 of 7 Ch 4 v 13

Part 4 of 7. A study of Ephesians Ch 4 verses 11 to 16. This recording studies verse 13.
3/7/202029 minutes, 43 seconds
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Physical Healing

This talk provides an overview of a number of topics relating to physical healing. Topics are: 1. God's will to heal, 2. Jesus Compassion, 3. Facing the future with faith, not fear, 4. Our choices, 5. Giving glory to God, 6. Worshipping God in humility.
2/29/202034 minutes, 8 seconds
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Never Too Late Never Too Hard

Sometimes everything we see indicates that it is just impossible to for us obtain God's promise. It's just too late and too hard. God has given us some examples in the scriptures to demonstrate that this is NEVER the case. God always has things under control, no matter what circumstances look like.
2/15/202035 minutes, 41 seconds
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Ephesians Study 2 of 7 Ch 4 v 12

Part 2 of 7. A study of Ephesians Ch 4 verses 11 to 16. This recording studies verse 12.
2/15/202019 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Law Of The Spirit Pt2 Personal

This is the 2nd part of this series. Part 1 considering the natural laws and part 2 considering the spiritual laws As with natural laws, spiritual laws are replicable, and if broken there will be consequences, albeit not necessarily immediately.
2/10/202049 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ephesians Study 1 of 7 Ch 4 v11

Part 1 of 7. A study of Ephesians Ch 4 verses 11 to 16. This recording studies verse 11.
2/8/202016 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Law Of The Spirit Pt1-2 General

A continuation of part 1 from Sunday 26th January 2020.
1/28/202040 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Law Of The Spirit Pt1 General

When we naturally obey a law, be it criminal, civil, scientific or moral,we can be unaware of the effects of that law. But there are consequences of breaking the law. Being ignorant does not alter the outcome. Spiritual laws are usually ignored by the greater majority because there is no immediate or visible consequence of breaking them.
1/25/202042 minutes, 18 seconds
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Praying For One Another

There is great value in praying for others beside self and family. God is able to bless people who would not normally receive a blessing.
12/28/201946 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Failure Of Christmas

Christmas is recognised as a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus, with His ongoing purpose to bring peace and life to mankind.
12/21/201940 minutes, 8 seconds
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Something is Missing

Despite the abundance of modern technology and knowledge, people are struggling with the issues of life and lack true purpose and contentment.
12/10/201930 minutes, 40 seconds
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What Rights? Part Two

Part two of the "What Rights?" talk.
11/30/201938 minutes, 2 seconds
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What Rights? Part One

People can be very vocal about their 'rights'. However, many are ignorant about certain spiritual rights, that God can actually enforce.
11/23/201942 minutes, 23 seconds
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Fight the Good Fight of Faith

You can make a real difference in the ongoing battle for souls, salvation and doctrine.
11/16/201930 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Intercessor

The Bible contains many stories around the concept of 'intercession'.
11/2/201942 minutes, 50 seconds
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Eternal Impact

We can achieve a lot in our lifetime. Raise families, build businesses, achieve goals. Many achievements end with this world. When we have the Spirit, we have the opportunity to do things here and now that will have impact in the eternities. Achievements that will last forever. We thus have an important choice as to where we direct our time and attention.
10/19/201929 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Pattern of Good Works

There is a responsibility and duty after becoming part of God's family.
10/12/201939 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Bible talks about things which are spiritual absolutes. Understanding these can change your viewpoint for the better.
10/5/201935 minutes, 48 seconds
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What is The Holy Spirit?

A deeper examination of The Holy Spirit, a person, part of the Godhead.
9/14/201934 minutes, 15 seconds
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Turning Weakness Into Strength

Despite our best efforts, humans have failings that only God can address.
9/7/201946 minutes, 57 seconds
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Controlling the Narrative

Whoever controls the narrative, can influence the minds of society.
8/17/201943 minutes, 43 seconds
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New Every Morning

Sin can trap many, but the Lord has the power to renew.
8/6/201934 minutes, 48 seconds
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A History of Betrayal

Historically, religiously and politcally, when it comes to Christianity, there are many instances of bestrayal.
7/27/201943 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Two Greatest Enemies of the Church

Unfortunately, enemies of the church can come from within.
7/20/201947 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Two Greatest Enemies Of The Church

The true church brings life to the hearer... the enemies of the church risk God given life, with death. The two main enemies of the church are titled, 'the son of perdition' and 'antichrist': both come from within
7/20/201945 minutes, 54 seconds
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There Are None So Blind

Mankind has a habit of being wilfully ignorant of God's truths.
7/13/201941 minutes, 17 seconds
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Pressure to Change

It's important to hold on to fundamental truths instead of appealing to 'itching ears'.
6/18/201939 minutes, 8 seconds
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The End Is The End

How should Christians conduct themselves in a society that is rapidly departing from God's ways.
6/18/201940 minutes, 34 seconds
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Famous Mothers in the Bible

A lot can be learned by looking at how certain Bible mothers lived their lives.
5/11/201949 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Secret of Overcoming

Diligence and boldness in faith are the keys to a successful walk.
5/8/201934 minutes, 3 seconds
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Have You Got The Look?

Fashions may come and go, but God offers to clothe people spiritually and provide a covering for their sins.
4/27/201940 minutes, 23 seconds
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All Speaking in Tongues at Once

A look through the scriptures in 1 Corinthians.14
4/20/201940 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Final Regret

The final regret - facing the Lord's judgement after choosing not to walk in God's ways.
4/13/201937 minutes, 2 seconds
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When the Lord Brings Comfort

Did God give us the Holy Spirit, just for eternal life?
3/30/201944 minutes, 48 seconds
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Context Is Everything

In the Bible, context can make a big difference in how words are interpreted.
3/19/201942 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Power to Make Changes

The Lord has given us power to make real changes
3/16/201944 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Five Greatest Questions

Five questions are answered in the Bible, which cover the most important aspects of life and Christianity
3/9/201940 minutes, 53 seconds
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This is God's Calling

Jesus Christ clearly identified what the purpose of the New Testament Church is, and how it should operate.
2/16/201943 minutes, 47 seconds
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The False Comfort of Lies

There are many statements that bring comfort to humanity, but often they are untrue and can distract from the real truth of the Bible.
2/9/201939 minutes, 31 seconds
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I Have Chosen You

God can keep making choices for our lives, if we allow Him.
2/2/201939 minutes, 18 seconds
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Forgiveness - Freedom to Live

The humility to forgive is the real power to overcome.
1/29/201933 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Real Sin of Sodom

What was the real downfall of Sodom, and what are the parallels with today's time?
1/26/201943 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Harmony of the Two Greatest Judgement Plans

There are many parallels between Noah's flood, and the coming juedgement of fire.
12/22/201839 minutes, 16 seconds
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When God Challenges - Part two

Part two of the 'When God Challenges' talk.
12/8/201835 minutes, 43 seconds
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When God Challenges - Part One

God challenges mankind to make a choice between light and darkness.
12/1/201839 minutes, 29 seconds
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A God Given Identity

God gives his followers a true sense of identity, that is eternal.
11/24/201840 minutes, 30 seconds
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Anointed for Action

A deeper dive into the life of David and the parallels between him and modern Christians who act in faith.
11/3/201853 minutes, 9 seconds
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Managing Common Doubts

Some strategies to manage the doubts that occassionally can come upon Christians.
10/16/201831 minutes, 9 seconds
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Connecting God and You - Part Two

Another overview of the importance of the connection between God and mankind.
10/13/201852 minutes, 21 seconds
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Connecting God And You

Many fail to understand the connection that God offers mankind.
10/6/201842 minutes, 4 seconds
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Blessing Roundup

A collection of scriptures around the word 'up', which combine to form a good approach to life.
9/24/201830 minutes, 19 seconds
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Hard Sayings Reveal Easy Solutions

Hard sayings can become powerful solutions if we maintain a humble attitude.
9/22/201842 minutes, 1 second
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When Things Go Wrong

When things go wrong, God has the answer.
9/15/201837 minutes, 3 seconds
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You Cannot Handle The Truth

Mankind often turns a blind eye to spiritual truths that God is trying to reveal.
8/12/201840 minutes, 49 seconds
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Inspiration From God

A look at the inspiration behind many famous hymns and psalms.
8/6/201831 minutes, 56 seconds
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Serving God Never Got Easier

God's mercy is an ongoing part of your salvation.
7/10/201835 minutes, 39 seconds
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It Is Finished

Three of the most important words ever spoken, yet often people fail to comprehend their true significance.
7/7/201844 minutes, 34 seconds
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Spiritually Powered

Imagine your life if you continuously applied the concept of 'asking, seeking and knocking'.
6/23/201843 minutes, 49 seconds
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Choking to Death

Many Christians fall victim to the cares and pleasure of this world, instead of bearing spiritual fruit.
6/16/201841 minutes, 39 seconds
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God's Love Is Greater Than You

You are not supposed to just absorb God's love, but also share it with others.
6/12/201828 minutes, 45 seconds
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Nothing Surer Than Death and Taxes - Part Two

Part two of the Nothing Surer Than Death and taxes talk.
5/8/201831 minutes, 40 seconds
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Fighting the Wrong Battle - Part Two

Part two of the 'FIghting the Wrong Battle' talk.
4/10/201836 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Law of the Universe - Part Two

Part two of 'The Law of the Universe' talk.
4/7/201836 minutes, 59 seconds
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Nothing Surer Than Death and Taxes - Part One

When it comes to eternal life, God offers certainty.
4/5/201837 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Church is Meant to be God's Testimony

Our job is to be a shining light to draw people to God.
4/3/201839 minutes, 17 seconds
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Fighting the Wrong Battle - Part One

Many Christians are preoccupied by things which have already been taken care of.
3/31/201849 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Law of the Universe - Part One

Just as there are physical laws, there are also spiritual laws that should be well understood.
3/24/201850 minutes, 7 seconds
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Mankind Cannot Save Themselves

Mankind can come up with solutions to all kinds of problems, but Jesus Christ is necesssary for salvation.
3/17/201849 minutes, 1 second
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What Most People Don't Want To Hear - Part 2

Part two of the 'Most People Don't Want To Hear' (about personal responsibility) talks
2/27/201835 minutes, 22 seconds
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Body of Evidence

What is the evidence that can convince us of the God of the Bible, and whether our beliefs are valid?
2/24/201844 minutes, 48 seconds
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What Most People Don't Want to Hear

Everyone needs to take responsibilty for the direction of their own life.
2/13/201838 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Should We Live

You now have the power to take charge of your life. God will take care of your failings as you focus on spiritual growth.
2/3/201833 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ignorance is a Choice

Dont be blind to the promises and opportunities God offers.
1/16/201848 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Last 500 Years Part Two

Part two of the Last 500 Years talk
12/16/201746 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Last 500 Years Part One

A historical overview of the last 500 years.
12/9/201747 minutes, 25 seconds
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God Is Working

The power and blessing of God is available in your life daily, yet distractions can be blinding.
12/2/201746 minutes, 12 seconds
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This is How God Works

Just having information about God and Bible principles is often not enough to move into a position of blessing and power.
11/11/201747 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Battle For Your Mind - Part Two

Part two of the 'Battle For Your Mind' topic.
9/5/201731 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Battle For Your Mind - Part One

It's not about a complicated mode of thinking. It's about believing the promises of God and acting on them.
9/2/201732 minutes, 18 seconds
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Trending Prophecy Part One

Looking at the big picture can give clarity that is lost in the day-to-day. Troubling times are ahead, but there is a way out.
8/26/201741 minutes, 37 seconds
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Of Sin and Salvation Part Two

Part two of the Sin and Salvation talk.
8/22/201735 minutes, 58 seconds
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Of Sin And Salvation

It's up to you how you respond to God's offer of forgiveness of sin, and the promise of eternal life.
8/19/201738 minutes, 41 seconds
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Reviving the Dead

Helping people who were spiritually dead to recover is a great calling.
8/10/201734 minutes, 31 seconds
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The End is Nigh...Again Part Two

A continuation on the original 'End is Nigh...Again' message.
6/27/201742 minutes, 48 seconds
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The End is Nigh...Again

Human-kind seem to be incapable of learning lessons of the past. Only God is capable of altering human nature.
6/24/201742 minutes, 50 seconds
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What's Next?

What is God expecting from you in the next part of your Christian jouirney?
6/17/201742 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Path to Lasting Joy

Walk in the Spirit, and not in covetousness, to have lasting joy.
6/3/201737 minutes, 18 seconds
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Any Answer Except God

Of the many solutions to life offered by this world, God seems to be continuously left out. [Poor audio quality]
5/27/201738 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Right Tree Part Two

God no longer wants us to be just eaters of the tree, but producers of fruit as well.
5/22/201734 minutes, 25 seconds
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When God Calls

Jesus' sheep hear his voice and they follow him.
4/29/201742 minutes, 39 seconds
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God Knows Principles That We Don't

An enquiring mind is a good thing, but when it comes to God there are some things that are out of reach of human comprehension, and need to be relied on by faith.
4/24/201734 minutes, 52 seconds
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Resistance Is Futile

Resisting the work and will of God can only have a negative outcome.
3/11/201747 minutes, 18 seconds
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The First Priority

Humans are primarily spiritual beings. Understanding this allows people to make better decisions about priorities.
3/4/201745 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Hard Facts of Life

The certainty of some future events is guaranteed. How then, should you act in the present?
2/25/201740 minutes, 42 seconds
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Always Abounding Part Two

God has the ability to keep spiritual growth happening indefinitely.
2/18/201730 minutes, 25 seconds
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Almost Gone - Part Two

A continuation of the theme about western society's degrade away from Bible principles.
2/14/201729 minutes, 34 seconds
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Almost Gone

Society is distancing itself from Bible principles. What will the end result be?
2/11/201743 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Right Tree

People have always had two choices before them: life and death.
1/31/201734 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Best of Both Worlds

Putting the Lord first has both present and eternal benefits.
1/28/201733 minutes, 21 seconds
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Distractions Can Be Deadly

In modern times, it's easy to become distracted and lose focus on your calling.
12/17/201645 minutes, 30 seconds
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Victory Through Faith and Prayer

Jesus has the ability to deal with everyone, regardless of their personality-type. An examination of raising Lazarus from the dead.
12/13/201632 minutes, 18 seconds
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The New Ark

An examination of the similarities between the New Covenant and Noah's ark.
12/10/201646 minutes, 30 seconds
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All Speaking in Tongues at Once

An exposition on 1 Corinthians 14, around what the Bible says about speaking in tongues.
12/6/201640 minutes, 32 seconds
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Simple Bible Study Examples

A lookat four different ways to study the Bible.
12/5/201638 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer

A closer inspection of the Lord's prayer reveals some interesting insights about praying.
12/2/201639 minutes, 31 seconds
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Equipped to Minister

From the moment you receive the Holy Spirit you are able to be effective for God.
11/26/201639 minutes, 48 seconds
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Water Fire and Judgement

The Bible clearly prophesises that there will be a future calamity involving heat and fire. Mankind needs to focus on eternal things, rather than the transient things of this world.
11/12/201642 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Seed and The Sower

The parable of the Sower and the Seed is still relevant to Christians who have walked in God's ways for many years.
10/22/201633 minutes, 22 seconds
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Prophets of Repentance and Life

Repentance is not necessarily a one-off event, but rather an ongoing attitude towards God and towards other people.
10/15/201639 minutes, 36 seconds
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Turn Away From Natural Thinking

The natural way of thinking often does not apply to situations where spiritual principles are involved.
10/8/201643 minutes, 43 seconds
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Every Eye Shall See

Make sure the knowledge of Jesus Christ's return isn't forgotten. Don't let personal dificulties hinder us on our sevice to God.
10/1/201639 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Great Divide

This is the other side of the Mercies of David concept which requires servitude to God’s people and the unsaved as a result of having our sins and failings managed by God.
9/17/201643 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Heart of David

A continuation of the Sure Mercies of David topic. What does it mean to have a heart like David?
9/10/201646 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Two Trees

A continuation of the Mercies of David talks.
9/3/201639 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Restoration of Joy

God is able to turn a negative situation into something good. The restoration of joy allows Christians to focus on their calling and is part of the covenant promise.
8/15/201633 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Mercies of David Two

A further examination of new covenant promises.
8/13/201647 minutes, 29 seconds
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Everyone has an Opinion

Opinions become irrelevant when compared with the truth of the Bible.
8/6/201642 minutes, 22 seconds
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God Gives Personal Loyalty Like No Other

God is offering loyalty that is far greater than human loyalty.
8/2/201635 minutes, 43 seconds
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Truly Great Christians

In Chrstianity, greatness comes through servitude.
7/12/201634 minutes, 8 seconds
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The First Day of Eternity

For Christians, eternity begins upon their conversion.
7/2/201642 minutes, 30 seconds
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There Are Only Ever Two Choices

Sometimes we spend so much effort on choices that are unimportant. The choice of eternal life needs to be given priority.
6/25/201637 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Most Urgent Need

People focus on all kinds of natural difficulties, but escaping physical death is often overlooked.
6/4/201644 minutes, 4 seconds
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Vessels of Life

God knows how to make vessels which protect and sustain life (planet earth, Noah's ark). Your physical body is not going to last, so what solution is God offering? [Bad audio quality]
5/28/201634 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Fear of the Truth

People fear Christianity because they fear it is too difficult, or fear they are unworthy.
4/23/201641 minutes, 19 seconds