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The Science Show - Full Program Podcast Cover
The Science Show - Full Program Podcast Profile

The Science Show - Full Program Podcast

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 579 episodes, 4 days, 9 hours, 49 minutes
The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to prime ministerial biorhythms.
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Dark energy – not necessarily constant

After more than twenty years of observations, Tamara Davis has revealed that dark energy, the mysterious force driving the expansion of the universe may not be constant.
9/28/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Extremely Large Telescope - under construction in Chile’s Atacama Desert.

It might be the largest telescope humans will ever build. We visit the site in Chile’s high dry Atacama Desert.
9/21/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Huxleys – a scientific dynasty

Richard Fidler speaks to author Alison Bashford who has written about a hundred years of modern science and culture, told through a one family history.
9/14/202454 minutes, 5 seconds
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Seabirds have stomachs full of plastic

Plastic is being eaten by seabirds. Some migratory birds can no longer fly. And micro amounts are entering the cells of other creatures. Including us.
9/7/202454 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Science Show celebrates 49 years

The first Science Show was broadcast on 30th August 1975. This week’s program takes a suitably cosmic view of Australia, its origins and its future.
8/31/202451 minutes, 43 seconds
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New chemical reaction promises to slash price of some pharmaceuticals

A new chemical reaction eliminates 6 steps in the manufacture of some drugs promising big savings of time and money.
8/24/202453 minutes, 28 seconds
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Merlin meets Dr Crispy

CRISPR is the most powerful means of gene editing ever developed. It led to Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier being awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2020. Jennifer Doudna speaks with Merlin Crossley about CRISPR, its capability, and the ethical questions which arise.
8/17/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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Fire destroying the Amazon, northern hemisphere forests and a tropical island suffers drought.

Drought in the Amazon has left the forest tinder dry and now burning out of control. Wilderness areas and national parks across north America are on fire. The effects of climate change are hitting hard with threats of major shifts to world weather patterns as shown by the tropical island of Yap in the western Pacific coming perilously close to running out of fresh water.
8/10/202454 minutes, 5 seconds
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Biodiversity crucial on land, in rivers and in our guts

We go to the Scottish Highlands where biodiversity is being reintroduced to cleared fields, and a comic book explores biodiversity in our guts where bacteria perform essential services.
8/3/202454 minutes, 2 seconds
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One billion people at risk as temperatures rise, sex genes, Shackleton VR and tennis

As temperatures rise, it is estimated one billion people will be displaced from their land.
7/27/202454 minutes, 13 seconds
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Stanford University: the great university with a dark side

The University of Adelaide and the University of South Australia are to be combined as one in 2026. So how do you start a new university? You could look at the most successful universities and see what makes them great. Stanford University, just south of San Francisco amid Silicon Valley in one of the great universities. Its graduates have created the high-tech companies which we all now rely on. But Stanford has a dark history with a veil of silence drawn over anyone speaking about the university’s past, or present operations. Sharon Carleton reports. 
7/19/202454 minutes, 4 seconds
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The deep dark ocean – Exploring the abyss

The ocean depths may be out of sight, but they play an important role in climate and the cycling of nutrients.
7/13/202454 minutes, 2 seconds
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The world's largest underground lab and the hunt for dark matter

From deep within a mountain in Italy, scientists hope increasingly sophisticated experiments are closing in on the hidden matter of the universe.
7/6/202455 minutes, 16 seconds
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The hunt for a crucial update to Einstein's revolutionary theories

For the next big steps in physics many believe it's time for a shake-up of the field's core theories - including those proposed by Einstein himself.
6/29/202454 minutes, 7 seconds
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The lab listening to Earth's mysterious seismic rumbles

Deep in an abandoned silver mine in Germany, seismometres monitor the song of the Earth - including its most mysterious rumbles.
6/22/202454 minutes, 7 seconds
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Molecules with their own fingerprint

Just as DNA is unique, it turns out other molecules may also be unique. 
6/15/202439 minutes
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Paul Ehrlich - memoir traces science, activism and concerns for the planet

Paul Ehrlich has released a memoir. It covers his decades of science and activism. There have been some improvements. But mostly his concerns are even stronger.
6/8/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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Age of Monotremes including three new genera

I00 million years ago, there were more species of monotreme, the egg-laying mammals such as today’s platypus and echidna at Lightning Ridge in northern NSW than anywhere else on earth, past or present.
6/1/202454 minutes, 7 seconds
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Are our tall forests really being saved?

David Lindenmayer reveals the ugly truth and what’s really happening in our magnificent tall forests.
5/25/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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Big savings possible for the world’s ships

Ships which hitch a ride on small ocean currents could make big savings on fuel and reduce emissions.
5/18/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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Charcoal reveals secrets of first humans in Australia

There are no bone fragments or similar clues. But the structure of cells of ancient plants captured in charcoal is revealing the diet and lifestyle of the first Australians.
5/11/202454 minutes, 5 seconds
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Getting serious about energy storage. But is it too late as wildfires rage?

Large scale energy storage will allow users to rely on renewable energy alone. The US Department of Energy is funding research to make it a happen.
5/4/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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Scientists protest in Adelaide

Scientists fear research will be hit in proposed changes at the South Australian Museum
4/27/202454 minutes, 5 seconds
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Two inspirational books and new powers for Parkes dish

Two inspirational books for younger readers show an intruiging world and the thrill of chasing a dream.
4/20/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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The science of friendship

Friendship led ancient humans to cooperate and gain an edge over predators. Compassion is seen among 25 primates and other animals. Today we explore these qualities and meet scientists investigating the role of friendship in our evolution and our lives in the modern world.
4/13/202453 minutes, 57 seconds
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The amazing world of alpine plants

Today we meet the people at the forefront of studying alpine plants - including how trees and plants survive in deep snow and ferocious winds. We visit the mushroom lab to discovery why fungi are essential to life on earth and find out what seed collection in the Colorado mountains is teaching us how to adapt in a changing climate. And while we're talking plants - Professor Peter Bernhardt of Missouri describes the thrill when the seventh millionth species was revealed and listed at his own formidable herbarium. All that, plus meeting the winner of the 2023 Jak Kelly Award for his fascinating research on how stars are tearing apart planets - could this have been the history of our own planet Earth?
4/5/202454 minutes, 7 seconds
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Meet the man who changed the world forever

Sir Mark Oliphant of Adelaide was the main person missing from the film Oppenheimer. It was Sir Mark who carried the letter from European scientists to New York to convince the American President that Hitler was trying to make an atomic bomb and needed to be beaten to the chilling quest. It led to the Manhattan Project.Mark also gave us microwave power, initially to equip planes, later to give us microwave ovens; he helped establish the ANU; was the first President of the Australian Academy of Science and became governor of South Australia.He was the 'right hand man' of Sir Ernest Rutherford of NZ who revealed the atomic nucleus and won the Nobel Prize in 1916. It is often reported that they "split the atom" and so enabled the incredible power therein to be released. It was this, as well as the Manhattan Project, that made Sir Mark Oliphant such a voice for peace and tolerance, as this Science Show from 1986 remembers.
3/29/202454 minutes, 7 seconds
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Big things

The Iter Tokamak nuclear fusion reactor is due for completion next year. In the US, a smaller cheaper reactor is also gearing up.
3/23/202454 minutes, 2 seconds
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US National Center for Atmospheric Research

Join Robyn Williams and meet scientists at one of the world’s centres for the study of climate and weather.
3/16/202454 minutes, 7 seconds
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Microorganisms support all life, and plastic in creatures’ guts

Microplastics are everywhere and impacting ecosystems.
3/9/202454 minutes, 1 second
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A supernova has been observed in great detail just 3.5 light years from Earth… and that’s close!
3/2/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Science Show

They’ve lived since the time of the dinosaurs. But the outlook is grim for Tasmania’s Maugean skate.
2/24/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Science Show

A great range of scientific and technical achievements were made in China hundreds of years earlier than in Europe.
2/17/202454 minutes, 5 seconds
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Improved photosynthesis may increase crop yields

More efficient molecules inside plants could bring a big increase in crop yields.
2/10/202454 minutes, 5 seconds
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Climate forces change to traditional lifestyles in PNG

Failing crops and dwindling water supply are forcing change to the traditional lifestyles of PNG highlanders.
2/3/202454 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Science Show’s Top 100 Australian Scientists

People know their sports stars, and their rock stars. Why don’t they know the stars of science who have helped shape our world? The Science Show’s Top 100 Australian Scientists hopes to generate discussion and raise the profile of Australia’s world class scientists.
1/25/202454 minutes, 5 seconds
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Science Extra: Aspects of psychology: ADHD diagnosis explosion—and singing to babies

Aspects of mental health and psychology.Diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) doubled over the past year, and the cost of doing that increased substantially too.And why do parents take so readily to singing to their babies—especially when it's time to change the nappy?With Presenter of All in the Mind Sana Qadarand Investigative Journalist Ange LavoipierreHosted by Science Editor Jonathan Webb
1/20/202422 minutes, 47 seconds
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H. G. Wells – father of science fiction

He imagined the atomic bomb, believed in a world government, wrote books about science and science fiction and was the first popular communicator of scientific ideas. Today we commemorate the life and achievements of Herbert George Wells.
1/20/202454 minutes, 7 seconds
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Science Extra: falling antimatter, chimps, Beethoven's hair, Jupiter, and that telescope

Clearly, there's no such thing as too much AI, you can't escape it; and we can't ignore avian 'flu, or 2023 being the hottest year on record; But, meanwhile ... CERN measured the dynamics of falling antimatter; primatologists measured menopause in chimps; Jupiter got new moons, Beethoven's hair gave up genetic intel, and the James Webb telescope filled in some knowledge gaps.We're with Science Journalist Genelle Weule and Science Reporter Belinda Smith
1/13/202420 minutes, 30 seconds
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Portrait of Isaac Newton

He developed laws of motion, gravitation and mathematical calculus. But with his genius came myths and legends. Sharon Carleton presents a portrait of Isaac Newton.
1/13/202454 minutes, 25 seconds
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Science Extra

The Science Show presents the best in science stories from the year.
1/6/202419 minutes, 6 seconds
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What to do when science doesn’t cut through

Tim Flannery and Robyn Williams discuss how to communicate in a world of denialism, disinformation, and deep fakes. 
1/6/202454 minutes, 6 seconds
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The rise of the thinking machine

The Science Show presents the best in science stories from the year.
12/30/202318 minutes, 45 seconds
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Science Extra: The rise of the thinking machines

The hottest tech story in 2023 has been the rise of artificial intelligence. ChatGPT burst onto the scene and became the fastest-growing internet app of all time, reaching more than 100 million users in only a few months. So what has been the result of ChatGPT and other generative AI? 
12/30/202318 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Anglo-Australian Telescope – approaching 50 years

Robyn Williams visited the telescope site prior to its completion in 1974. In 2014 he returned as astronomers celebrated 40 years.
12/30/202354 minutes, 7 seconds
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Science Extra: It's gettin' hot in here

It’s been a big year for environment news: records broken, a new El Nino, and dire forecasts for a hot summer.In this bonus episode, we’re diving deep into what happened in environment news in 2023, including ... the next frontiers of mining and potential environmental outcomes, possible good news about Amazon deforestation, and very worrying news about black swans.
12/23/202321 minutes, 27 seconds
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The bigger Australian story - Odyssey down under

Historian Tom Griffiths says a new kind of history is called for in the year of the Voice referendum. He wrote his essay Odyssey down under for Inside Story.
12/23/202354 minutes, 5 seconds
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At the age of 87, award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster David Suzuki has stepped down as host of CBC TV’s The Nature of Things. In May, the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto hosted an evening with David Suzuki - Reflections of an Elder.
12/16/202354 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Future Is Now

Carbon dioxide emissions continue to rise. Antarctic ice shelves melt and the Amazon burns. Bob McDonald says the future is now.
12/9/202354 minutes, 7 seconds
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2FC now Radio National celebrates 100 years

We revisit a bold new Sunday night program in 1975, and coverage of the Apollo missions.
12/5/202328 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Bragg Prize for Science Writing, and we remember Sir Clarence Lovejoy

Nicky Phillips has won this year’s Bragg Prize for Science Writing.
12/2/202354 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Science Show

They were close to extinction. Now seashorses in Sydney Harbour may have survived.
11/25/202354 minutes, 4 seconds
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Getting your rocks off

Landscape may be an important unrecognised contributor to climate change.
11/18/202354 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ultrasound moves immune cells and triggers their response and more Prime Ministers Prizes for Science

The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
11/11/202354 minutes, 6 seconds
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Maths is here, it's there, it’s everywhere

Mathematics is a key tool in every scientific discipline
11/4/202354 minutes, 6 seconds
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Australia may join world coalition of collaborative research

Life Scientist award for work on microbes and their role in regulating climate plus Varroa mites – a positive for native bees?
10/28/202354 minutes, 4 seconds
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Prime Minister’s Prize for Science and new insights into the benefits of social interaction

Michelle Simmons had received The Prime Minister's Science Prize for her work on quantum electronics.
10/21/202354 minutes, 4 seconds
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Lockdown behaviour, vaccines for new variants, and evidence for coronavirus source

The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
10/14/202354 minutes, 6 seconds
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Here come the superstars

Nobel Prizes, Covid good luck and Mars Rover's link to QUT
10/7/202354 minutes, 7 seconds
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Why do textbooks leave out so many scientists with one thing in common?

Researchers have found school curriculums are missing the contributions of female scientists. Why is it so important we know the people behind the discoveries?
9/30/202354 minutes, 4 seconds
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What counting trees tells us about the health of the planet

Mathematicians and their models might just be the world's most inconspicuous climate heroes. 
9/23/202354 minutes, 6 seconds
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A battle between consciousness theories, and harnessing resources from thin air

What happens when two theories are pitted against one another? Are we any closer to knowing where consciousness arises?
9/16/202354 minutes, 6 seconds
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Sir John Eccles and the invaluable work of his daughter Rose

This Australian father-daughter duo played a huge part in the science and philosophy instrumental in the mind-brain problem. 
9/9/202354 minutes, 7 seconds
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Sir John Eccles, one of the big brains in neuroscience

Sharon Carleton takes a look at his decades of work in this 2003 feature, coinciding with this year's Eccles Institute seminar at ANU. 
9/2/202354 minutes, 2 seconds
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Cyber hygiene, deep sea parasites and what weeds can teach us about cancer

All the science underway to protect our health, our environment... and our smartphones?
8/26/202354 minutes, 6 seconds
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Big ideas at Beaker Street Festival

Some of the science on display at this year's Hobart-wide celebration of the big, small and occasionally glowy. 
8/19/202354 minutes, 13 seconds
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What can we learn from five minutes of silence?

Sometimes we all need to sit in silence ... but is there ever really silence? Take a seat and let your ears provide the answer. 
8/12/202354 minutes, 8 seconds
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What can we learn from five minutes of silence?

Sometimes we all need to sit in silence ... but is there ever really silence? Take a seat and let your ears provide the answer. 
8/12/202354 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Oppenheimer who influenced our modern science centres

The Exploratorium in San Francisco opened in 1969, and went on to inspire our own science centres in Australia.
8/5/202354 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Oppenheimer who influenced our modern science centres

The Exploratorium in San Francisco opened in 1969, and went on to inspire our own science centres in Australia.
8/5/202354 minutes, 5 seconds
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Pioneering particles, time-travelling molecules and outer space poets

Scientists are harnessing the very small to explore very big things — from faults in massive structures to time reversal at the molecular level.
7/29/202354 minutes, 4 seconds
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Pioneering particles, time-travelling molecules and outer space poets

Scientists are harnessing the very small to explore very big things — from faults in massive structures to time reversal at the molecular level.
7/29/202354 minutes, 4 seconds
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There's no age limit to science

From a teenage enthusiast to a 100-year-old Nobel Prize winner, The Science Show explores the agelessness of wonder.
7/22/202354 minutes, 7 seconds
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There's no age limit to science

From a teenage enthusiast to a 100-year-old Nobel Prize winner, The Science Show explores the agelessness of wonder.
7/22/202354 minutes, 7 seconds
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Protecting habitats and the creatures that dwell within

Climate change is already having far-reaching consequences, for our forests, our oceans and ourselves. 
7/15/202354 minutes, 7 seconds
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Protecting habitats and the creatures that dwell within

Climate change is already having far-reaching consequences, for our forests, our oceans and ourselves. 
7/15/202354 minutes, 7 seconds
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Torres Strait VR, taming CERN's magnets and Fiji's fight against varroa mite

Testing magnets for CERN'S Large Hadron Collider is a high-stakes job, with serious consequences. 
7/8/202356 minutes, 3 seconds
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Torres Strait VR, taming CERN's magnets and Fiji's fight against varroa mite

Testing magnets for CERN'S Large Hadron Collider is a high-stakes job, with serious consequences. 
7/8/202356 minutes, 3 seconds
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Where science can lead: An isolated island, the slimy forest floor, and centre stage for stand-up

Come along for a midnight hunt at a secluded resort, and a dawn boat trip to the speck of land where Hollywood Blockbuster Castaway was filmed.
7/1/202356 minutes, 57 seconds
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Where science can lead: An isolated island, the slimy forest floor, and centre stage for stand-up

Come along for a midnight hunt at a secluded resort, and a dawn boat trip to the speck of land where Hollywood Blockbuster Castaway was filmed.
7/1/202356 minutes, 57 seconds
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Communities team up with scientists to tackle flooding

Meet two groups — one in Scotland, the other in the US state of Georgia — using science against floodwaters. 
6/24/202354 minutes, 55 seconds
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Communities team up with scientists to tackle flooding

Meet two groups — one in Scotland, the other in the US state of Georgia — using science against floodwaters. 
6/24/202354 minutes, 55 seconds
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Helping marine life thrive — from Fiji to Goondiwindi

Tag along for a trip out to sea to meet a woman from the Solomon Islands who is tracking this looming danger in the Pacific Ocean.
6/17/202354 minutes
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Helping marine life thrive — from Fiji to Goondiwindi

Tag along for a trip out to sea to meet a woman from the Solomon Islands who is tracking this looming danger in the Pacific Ocean.
6/17/202354 minutes
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Come inside the vault preserving Pacific plants for future generations

Carl Smith takes a trip to the Pacific to catch up with scientists working to conserve the region's biodiversity. 
6/10/202354 minutes, 10 seconds
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Come inside the vault preserving Pacific plants for future generations

Carl Smith takes a trip to the Pacific to catch up with scientists working to conserve the region's biodiversity. 
6/10/202354 minutes, 10 seconds
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The surprising past — and promising future of women in science

A woman was among Australia's first three science graduates. But it's still far from a level playing field. 
6/3/202354 minutes, 10 seconds
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The surprising past — and promising future of women in science

A woman was among Australia's first three science graduates. But it's still far from a level playing field. 
6/3/202354 minutes, 10 seconds
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The botanist behind Dame Edna's favourite flower, and the virtuous side of weeds

There's a scientific story behind Dame Edna's famous Gladioli, and it involves one of Australia's top botanists. 
5/27/202354 minutes, 10 seconds
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The botanist behind Dame Edna's favourite flower, and the virtuous side of weeds

There's a scientific story behind Dame Edna's famous Gladioli, and it involves one of Australia's top botanists. 
5/27/202354 minutes, 10 seconds
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Nearer the Gods: The enduring legacy of Isaac Newton

He's one of the most famous scientists ever. But who was Isaac Newton, really? Sharon Carleton presents a portrait like no other about the myths surrounding the genius.
5/20/202353 minutes, 59 seconds
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Nearer the Gods: The enduring legacy of Isaac Newton

He's one of the most famous scientists ever. But who was Isaac Newton, really? Sharon Carleton presents a portrait like no other about the myths surrounding the genius.
5/20/202353 minutes, 59 seconds
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Unravelling the mysterious workings of the epigenome — and the universe

Dark matter is assumed to be responsible for holding the universe together. So where is it?
5/13/202354 minutes, 9 seconds
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Unravelling the mysterious workings of the epigenome — and the universe

Dark matter is assumed to be responsible for holding the universe together. So where is it?
5/13/202354 minutes, 9 seconds
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Celebrating David Attenborough on his 97th birthday

Reflecting on Sir David Attenborough's decades-long contribution to our understanding of the natural world. 
5/6/202354 minutes, 10 seconds
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Celebrating David Attenborough on his 97th birthday

Reflecting on Sir David Attenborough's decades-long contribution to our understanding of the natural world. 
5/6/202354 minutes, 10 seconds
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A lab for seas and winds, measuring carbon dioxide and monitoring animal ecology

Dave Keeling started measuring carbon dioxide in 1958, Dave’s son Ralph continues his father’s work today.
4/29/202354 minutes, 7 seconds
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A lab for seas and winds, measuring carbon dioxide and monitoring animal ecology

Dave Keeling started measuring carbon dioxide in 1958, Dave’s son Ralph continues his father’s work today.
4/29/202354 minutes, 7 seconds
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Astronomers watch as black hole pulls dust cloud apart

And bee venom shows promise treating a range of cancers.
4/22/202354 minutes, 16 seconds
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Astronomers watch as black hole pulls dust cloud apart

And bee venom shows promise treating a range of cancers.
4/22/202354 minutes, 16 seconds
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Beaming energy to Earth from space

And one hundred years ago, a scientific expedition in Australia showed Einstein was right.
4/15/202354 minutes, 4 seconds
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Beaming energy to Earth from space

And one hundred years ago, a scientific expedition in Australia showed Einstein was right.
4/15/202354 minutes, 4 seconds
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Technology helps scientists discover new species

As pressure on the natural world increases, new technology is bringing fast results as scientists monitor fauna and flora and identify new species.
4/8/202354 minutes, 8 seconds
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Technology helps scientists discover new species

As pressure on the natural world increases, new technology is bringing fast results as scientists monitor fauna and flora and identify new species.
4/8/202354 minutes, 8 seconds
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Bees communicate intricate information with their dance and Moon mission to map water

By performing their waggle dance, bees communicate information about direction, distance and quality of a food source.
4/1/202354 minutes, 11 seconds
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Bees communicate intricate information with their dance and Moon mission to map water

By performing their waggle dance, bees communicate information about direction, distance and quality of a food source.
4/1/202354 minutes, 11 seconds
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World’s biggest coal port could become the world’s biggest hydrogen port. And Vale Will Steffen

And soft tissues can be fossilised. They help piece together the history of life on Earth.
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World’s biggest coal port could become the world’s biggest hydrogen port. And Vale Will Steffen

And soft tissues can be fossilised. They help piece together the history of life on Earth.
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Academy calls for increased science funding, DNA used to nab wildlife smugglers, and worms reveal secrets of brains and memory.

The Australian Academy of Science has called for a review of science funding in Australia.
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Academy calls for increased science funding, DNA used to nab wildlife smugglers, and worms reveal secrets of brains and memory.

The Australian Academy of Science has called for a review of science funding in Australia.
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Helping young children after burn injury, inside the minds of teens, and behind the scenes at London’s Natural History Museum

In the final Strange Frontiers, Carl Smith takes us into the vault at one of the world’s greatest archives of natural history.
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Helping young children after burn injury, inside the minds of teens, and behind the scenes at London’s Natural History Museum

In the final Strange Frontiers, Carl Smith takes us into the vault at one of the world’s greatest archives of natural history.
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Visit the world’s biggest fission reactor under construction in France and discover the wonders of algae

If successful, ITER promises to provide abundant clean energy.
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Visit the world’s biggest fission reactor under construction in France and discover the wonders of algae

If successful, ITER promises to provide abundant clean energy.
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The value of seagrasses, fish with remarkable powers and how parasites threaten aquatic life

Small unremarkable fish use light to detect and avoid predators.
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The value of seagrasses, fish with remarkable powers and how parasites threaten aquatic life

Small unremarkable fish use light to detect and avoid predators.
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Autonomous minibus and predicting the behaviour of pedestrians

Carl Smith takes us to the Estonian capital Tallinn to ride an autonomous minibus.
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Autonomous minibus and predicting the behaviour of pedestrians

Carl Smith takes us to the Estonian capital Tallinn to ride an autonomous minibus.
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Harry Butler honoured and how a scientist fell in love with a fossil

Murdoch University's Harry Butler Institute honours the well-known warrior for the environment.
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Harry Butler honoured and how a scientist fell in love with a fossil

Murdoch University's Harry Butler Institute honours the well-known warrior for the environment.
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A tour of the antimatter factory and John Wheeler remembered

Carl Smith takes us to the Antimatter factory.
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A tour of the antimatter factory and John Wheeler remembered

Carl Smith takes us to the Antimatter factory.
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Hope from COP27 and atmospheric research from Germany’s highest peak

Hope from COP27 and atmospheric research from Germany’s highest peak
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Hope from COP27 and atmospheric research from Germany’s highest peak

Hope from COP27 and atmospheric research from Germany’s highest peak
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The surprising Huxley family, certainty, and climate prospects for 2023

From T. H. Huxley - ‘Darwin’s Bulldog’ – to author Aldous Huxley to Nobel Prize winner Andrew Huxley, a new book tells the tale of this remarkable scientific family.
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The surprising Huxley family, certainty, and climate prospects for 2023

From T. H. Huxley - ‘Darwin’s Bulldog’ – to author Aldous Huxley to Nobel Prize winner Andrew Huxley, a new book tells the tale of this remarkable scientific family.
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The evolution of galaxies and chasing the big cosmological questions

A cosmological Science Show and competition emerging for Haydn’s Creation!
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The evolution of galaxies and chasing the big cosmological questions

A cosmological Science Show and competition emerging for Haydn’s Creation!
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Celebrating Gregor Mendel the father of genetics

Following experiments with peas and other plants, Gregor Mendel proposed a theory of inheritance which became the basis of modern biology.
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Celebrating Gregor Mendel the father of genetics

Following experiments with peas and other plants, Gregor Mendel proposed a theory of inheritance which became the basis of modern biology.
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Celebrating Charles Todd and the overland telegraph

The overland telegraph connecting Australia to the world was completed 150 years ago. It was built due to the dedication of a public servant, Charles Todd.
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Celebrating Charles Todd and the overland telegraph

The overland telegraph connecting Australia to the world was completed 150 years ago. It was built due to the dedication of a public servant, Charles Todd.
Episode Artwork

A portrait of Dame Miriam Rothschild

She was a world expert on fleas. Despite being self-taught, she was awarded doctorates from Cambridge and Oxford.
Episode Artwork

A portrait of Dame Miriam Rothschild

She was a world expert on fleas. Despite being self-taught, she was awarded doctorates from Cambridge and Oxford.
Episode Artwork

Human impact on and response to changing climate

By mid-century, human activity will have doubled atmospheric greenhouse gases compared to the pre-industrial level.
Episode Artwork

Human impact on and response to changing climate

By mid-century, human activity will have doubled atmospheric greenhouse gases compared to the pre-industrial level.
Episode Artwork

Smart cameras watch for anomalies, Prime Minister’s awards for top science teachers and DNA reveals the history of disease

DNA analysis suggests tuberculosis may have jumped to humans from seals.
Episode Artwork

Smart cameras watch for anomalies, Prime Minister’s awards for top science teachers and DNA reveals the history of disease

DNA analysis suggests tuberculosis may have jumped to humans from seals.
Episode Artwork

PM’s Prizes for Science, koalas, COP27 and Catherine the Great

PM’s Prizes for Science, koalas, COP and Catherine the Great
Episode Artwork

PM’s Prizes for Science, koalas, COP27 and Catherine the Great

PM’s Prizes for Science, koalas, COP and Catherine the Great
Episode Artwork

Recovering aluminium from tailings, aluminium formate to absorb carbon dioxide from power station exhausts, and a Neanderthal family like us

The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
Episode Artwork

Recovering aluminium from tailings, aluminium formate to absorb carbon dioxide from power station exhausts, and a Neanderthal family like us

The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
Episode Artwork

Best Australian Science Writing winners and prospects for computing

Subconsciously humans learn from their experiences. Giving this same information to computers is a big challenge.
Episode Artwork

Best Australian Science Writing winners and prospects for computing

Subconsciously humans learn from their experiences. Giving this same information to computers is a big challenge.
Episode Artwork

New technology brings added value to museum collections

More than 5 million specimens have been digitised at London's Natural History Museum. Just 75 million to go. It’s a slow journey, but the benefits will be immense.
Episode Artwork

New technology brings added value to museum collections

More than 5 million specimens have been digitised at London's Natural History Museum. Just 75 million to go. It’s a slow journey, but the benefits will be immense.
Episode Artwork

How crows use deception, saving freshwater turtles and the history of horses

Around 4,200 years ago, horses began accepting humans. Greger Larson describes the change in a species which changed the course of human history.
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How crows use deception, saving freshwater turtles and the history of horses

Around 4,200 years ago, horses began accepting humans. Greger Larson describes the change in a species which changed the course of human history.
Episode Artwork

Storms changing our coasts, plastic in the ocean, and a call for geoengineering

The Science Show presents unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
Episode Artwork

Storms changing our coasts, plastic in the ocean, and a call for geoengineering

The Science Show presents unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
Episode Artwork

How carbon is our friend and unravelling the mystery of communication in plants

The Science Show presents unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
Episode Artwork

How carbon is our friend and unravelling the mystery of communication in plants

The Science Show presents unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
Episode Artwork

Grid batteries made in Australia and pumped hydro using abandoned underground mines

The Science Show presents unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
Episode Artwork

Grid batteries made in Australia and pumped hydro using abandoned underground mines

The Science Show presents unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
Episode Artwork

Nobel Prizes, climate extremes and how science can help save us

The Science Show presents unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
Episode Artwork

Nobel Prizes, climate extremes and how science can help save us

The Science Show presents unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
Episode Artwork

Vanillin from plastic, battery trailers for EVs, and UK fossils rewriting the story of life

The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
Episode Artwork

Vanillin from plastic, battery trailers for EVs, and UK fossils rewriting the story of life

The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate.
Episode Artwork

Cheap solar, materials to capture carbon dioxide and a cancer test based on breath

Unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to pr...
Episode Artwork

Cheap solar, materials to capture carbon dioxide and a cancer test based on breath

Unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to pr...
Episode Artwork

UN Peacekeepers train with virtual reality, drones for the battlefield and the transformation of Newcastle

Unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to pr...
Episode Artwork

UN Peacekeepers train with virtual reality, drones for the battlefield and the transformation of Newcastle

Unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to pr...
Episode Artwork

Testing Einstein, designing a lunar rover and help for stretched emergency departments

Unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to pr...
Episode Artwork

Testing Einstein, designing a lunar rover and help for stretched emergency departments

Unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to pr...
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2022 Eureka science awards, new insights in the giant dinos and AI concerns

Unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to pr...
Episode Artwork

2022 Eureka science awards, new insights in the giant dinos and AI concerns

Unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to pr...
Episode Artwork

Australia’s megafauna, new building materials, and dung beetles

Unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to pr...
Episode Artwork

Australia’s megafauna, new building materials, and dung beetles

Unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to pr...
Episode Artwork

The story of mammals, how they coexisted with dinosaurs for 225 million years and survived when dinos couldn’t

8/20/202254 minutes
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The story of mammals, how they coexisted with dinosaurs for 225 million years and survived when dinos couldn’t

8/20/202254 minutes
Episode Artwork

Trees – allowing native species to return in Scotland, clearing them away in the Amazon, and seeing how they work in Tasmania

Episode Artwork

Trees – allowing native species to return in Scotland, clearing them away in the Amazon, and seeing how they work in Tasmania

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Vale James Lovelock

We celebrate the life of James Lovelock, father of the Gaia hypothesis which describes how the Earth keeps things in balance favourable for life.
8/6/202254 minutes, 5 seconds
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Vale James Lovelock

We celebrate the life of James Lovelock, father of the Gaia hypothesis which describes how the Earth keeps things in balance favourable for life.
8/6/202254 minutes, 5 seconds
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Best approach for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Climate change to bring mass migration Adrian Smith leads the Royal Society Exhibition shows the role of microbes in chocolate production Aussie Stem Stars - Emma Johnston Prosthetic device offers help for people with damaged or missing fingers We need to fix this. Fast.
7/30/202254 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Best approach for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

Climate change to bring mass migration Adrian Smith leads the Royal Society Exhibition shows the role of microbes in chocolate production Aussie Stem Stars - Emma Johnston Prosthetic device offers help for people with damaged or missing fingers We need to fix this. Fast.
7/30/202254 minutes, 27 seconds
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Celebrating Charles Todd and the overland telegraph

The Australian overland telegraph was a 3,200 km line connecting Port Augusta in South Australia to Darwin. It was completed in 1872 and allowed communication between Australia and the rest of the world. It was one of the great engineering feats of 19th-century Australia and was a significant milestone in Australia’s development. The line was built due to the determination of one man, a government employee, Charles Todd. As we celebrate 150 years since the line was completed, Sharon Carleton looks at the Charles Todd story, who it turns out was the first pioneer of STEM, way before the acronym had come into use.
7/23/202254 minutes, 4 seconds
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Celebrating Charles Todd and the overland telegraph

The Australian overland telegraph was a 3,200 km line connecting Port Augusta in South Australia to Darwin. It was completed in 1872 and allowed communication between Australia and the rest of the world. It was one of the great engineering feats of 19th-century Australia and was a significant milestone in Australia’s development. The line was built due to the determination of one man, a government employee, Charles Todd. As we celebrate 150 years since the line was completed, Sharon Carleton looks at the Charles Todd story, who it turns out was the first pioneer of STEM, way before the acronym had come into use.
7/23/202254 minutes, 4 seconds
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Celebrating 200 years of honeybees in Australia

The first European honey bees arrived in Australia on 20th May 1822. Four bee experts recount the effects on Australia's native bees, on honey production, on ecology and farming. And a new $2 coin is being released featuring bees, golden honeycomb and Eucalyptus flowers.
6/25/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
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Celebrating 200 years of honeybees in Australia

The first European honey bees arrived in Australia on 20th May 1822. Four bee experts recount the effects on Australia's native bees, on honey production, on ecology and farming. And a new $2 coin is being released featuring bees, golden honeycomb and Eucalyptus flowers.
6/25/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
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Environmental laws fail future generations and the history of Antarctic exploration

* Environmental laws for today, not tomorrow
6/18/202254 minutes, 3 seconds
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Environmental laws fail future generations and the history of Antarctic exploration

* Environmental laws for today, not tomorrow
6/18/202254 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Cameras used to count feral cats, and how much of pain is in the mind

* Hobart - Australian city of science * New ways of thinking about pain * Getting the cameras right to count feral cats * Boab nuts used to reflect on archaeology
6/11/202254 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Cameras used to count feral cats, and how much of pain is in the mind

* Hobart - Australian city of science * New ways of thinking about pain * Getting the cameras right to count feral cats * Boab nuts used to reflect on archaeology
6/11/202254 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Goodbye giant kelp – 95% lost in fifty years

* Primary students present E=mc2 The Musical * Giant strides in energy storage and plastic recycling * Seaweeds – thousands of species many with untapped potential * Giant kelp in massive drastic decline * UV light reveals rare fossilised spiders * Tasmania home to 2,499 species of beetles
6/4/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Goodbye giant kelp – 95% lost in fifty years

* Primary students present E=mc2 The Musical * Giant strides in energy storage and plastic recycling * Seaweeds – thousands of species many with untapped potential * Giant kelp in massive drastic decline * UV light reveals rare fossilised spiders * Tasmania home to 2,499 species of beetles
6/4/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
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Parrots and humans – extreme species with shared behaviours and first image of the black hole at the centre of our galaxy

* Black hole images allow theories to be tested * Journals slow to act despite evidence of scientific fraud or misconduct * Parrots and humans – extreme species with shared behaviours * New technology brings new life to exhibits at Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery * Vale Caroline Jones
5/28/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Parrots and humans – extreme species with shared behaviours and first image of the black hole at the centre of our galaxy

* Black hole images allow theories to be tested * Journals slow to act despite evidence of scientific fraud or misconduct * Parrots and humans – extreme species with shared behaviours * New technology brings new life to exhibits at Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery * Vale Caroline Jones
5/28/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Where did the Universe come from?

* Science needs to develop trust for links to grow * Kids space adventure combines human fight for survival with planetary science * Where did the universe come from? * There’s more to geoscience than mining
5/21/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Where did the Universe come from?

* Science needs to develop trust for links to grow * Kids space adventure combines human fight for survival with planetary science * Where did the universe come from? * There’s more to geoscience than mining
5/21/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Musk promises brain implants for spinal injuries and AI and help for Australian sea lions

* A call for more controls over possible brain manipulation and monitoring * Global risks require new approach to governance * Consumption linked to biodiversity and extinction risk * Missouri Botanical Gardens moves its annual orchid show online * Australian sea lions in an ongoing decline
5/14/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Musk promises brain implants for spinal injuries and AI and help for Australian sea lions

* A call for more controls over possible brain manipulation and monitoring * Global risks require new approach to governance * Consumption linked to biodiversity and extinction risk * Missouri Botanical Gardens moves its annual orchid show online * Australian sea lions in an ongoing decline
5/14/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Young scientists forced abroad for work and the twelve experiments that helped make the modern world

* Thankyou Australia and goodbye * Lyrebird song a possible indication of population health * Twelve experiments that changed our world – the story of how we came to understand the universe * Science Media Centres – linking the media to scientists
5/7/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Young scientists forced abroad for work and the twelve experiments that helped make the modern world

* Thankyou Australia and goodbye * Lyrebird song a possible indication of population health * Twelve experiments that changed our world – the story of how we came to understand the universe * Science Media Centres – linking the media to scientists
5/7/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
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Celebrating Gregor Mendel the father of genetics

Celebrating Gregor Mendel the father of genetics
4/30/202253 minutes, 57 seconds
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Celebrating Gregor Mendel the father of genetics

Celebrating Gregor Mendel the father of genetics
4/30/202253 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wollongong transformed, secrets of monotremes revealed, and help for Tonga

* University plays a key role as Wollongong transforms * New ideas about evolution and spread of monotremes * Space missions excite school students for STEM * High anxiety remains after Tongan tsunami
4/23/202254 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wollongong transformed, secrets of monotremes revealed, and help for Tonga

* University plays a key role as Wollongong transforms * New ideas about evolution and spread of monotremes * Space missions excite school students for STEM * High anxiety remains after Tongan tsunami
4/23/202254 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

How our biggest threat is us

* New idea explains the enormous heat of the Sun’s corona * All environmental problems traced to immense human impact * This teenager loves science * Centre for the Digital Child studies impact of technology on children
4/16/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

How our biggest threat is us

* New idea explains the enormous heat of the Sun’s corona * All environmental problems traced to immense human impact * This teenager loves science * Centre for the Digital Child studies impact of technology on children
4/16/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Carbon movie explores the misunderstood element which has allowed life to happen

* Election hopes for science * Carbon – the element with a nice voice * Secondary science – more analysis, less rote learning, not so much time for history * Catastrophe – higher risk than most people might think
4/9/202254 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Carbon movie explores the misunderstood element which has allowed life to happen

* Election hopes for science * Carbon – the element with a nice voice * Secondary science – more analysis, less rote learning, not so much time for history * Catastrophe – higher risk than most people might think
4/9/202254 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

The end of astronauts?

* The end of astronauts? * The First Astronomers * Kiama students' hopes for International Youth Science Forum * Derek Denton – working and publishing science at age 97
4/2/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

The end of astronauts?

* The end of astronauts? * The First Astronomers * Kiama students' hopes for International Youth Science Forum * Derek Denton – working and publishing science at age 97
4/2/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
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Electric outboards making a splash and David Stewart celebrates 40 years recording bird calls

* Soviet scientists locked up or killed for accepting Mendelian genetics * E-boats bigger and stronger * Birds – today’s link to dinosaurs * David Stewart – 40 years recording bird calls
3/26/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Electric outboards making a splash and David Stewart celebrates 40 years recording bird calls

* Soviet scientists locked up or killed for accepting Mendelian genetics * E-boats bigger and stronger * Birds – today’s link to dinosaurs * David Stewart – 40 years recording bird calls
3/26/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

The future of scientific collaborations in doubt following Russia's attack on Ukraine, and warnings of dire climate impacts made years ago.

* Scientific collaborations in doubt following Russia's attack on Ukraine * Warnings on climate and flooding seen in today’s massive property losses * Parkinson's Disease – it’s like walking through honey * New approach for those with OCD to cope with unwanted mental images * Creswell Eastman discovers iodine deficiency disorder, then helps millions of children * Sea stars and urchins move south with warmer waters changing ecosystems * George Ivanoff helps us survive the supernatural
3/19/202254 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

The future of scientific collaborations in doubt following Russia's attack on Ukraine, and warnings of dire climate impacts made years ago.

* Scientific collaborations in doubt following Russia's attack on Ukraine * Warnings on climate and flooding seen in today’s massive property losses * Parkinson's Disease – it’s like walking through honey * New approach for those with OCD to cope with unwanted mental images * Creswell Eastman discovers iodine deficiency disorder, then helps millions of children * Sea stars and urchins move south with warmer waters changing ecosystems * George Ivanoff helps us survive the supernatural
3/19/202254 minutes, 4 seconds
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Compelling novels highlight ecosystems under pressure and vale Richard Leakey

Horridus to help answer questions about Triceratops and other dinos Charlotte McConaghy’s compelling novels built on complex characters in a fast-changing natural world Vale Richard Leakey
3/12/202254 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Compelling novels highlight ecosystems under pressure and vale Richard Leakey

Horridus to help answer questions about Triceratops and other dinos Charlotte McConaghy’s compelling novels built on complex characters in a fast-changing natural world Vale Richard Leakey
3/12/202254 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

We were warned of pandemic in 1994, and hydrogen for far north Queensland

Artificial intelligence – promises and threats Drone helps control invasive species on Norfolk Island Triceratops comes to Melbourne Hydrogen coming for Cape York communities Pandemic – how we were warned
3/5/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

We were warned of pandemic in 1994, and hydrogen for far north Queensland

Artificial intelligence – promises and threats Drone helps control invasive species on Norfolk Island Triceratops comes to Melbourne Hydrogen coming for Cape York communities Pandemic – how we were warned
3/5/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
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How trees are gold – when alive

Human population the driver of greenhouse emissions and all environmental wows Meg Lowman - a voice for trees Flying foxes crashing
2/26/202253 minutes, 57 seconds
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How trees are gold – when alive

Human population the driver of greenhouse emissions and all environmental wows Meg Lowman - a voice for trees Flying foxes crashing
2/26/202253 minutes, 57 seconds
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How tsunami have impacted Australia’s east coast and a new approach to limit the threat

Politicians unfairly maligned – Robin Batterham Risk of tsunami on east Australian coast Submerged mats could dissipate energy of tsunami Despite all we know, biodiversity loss is at an all-time high WA to end logging in native forests
2/19/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
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How tsunami have impacted Australia’s east coast and a new approach to limit the threat

Politicians unfairly maligned – Robin Batterham Risk of tsunami on east Australian coast Submerged mats could dissipate energy of tsunami Despite all we know, biodiversity loss is at an all-time high WA to end logging in native forests
2/19/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
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Advice for scientists confronting doubters and the mysterious pulsing object in space

Scientists: don’t feed the doubt machine Mysterious object in our galaxy sends pulses every 18 minutes Fred Watson – celebrating 25 years on ABC radio IQ tests, genes and environment - views from 1984 and today
2/12/202254 minutes, 9 seconds
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Advice for scientists confronting doubters and the mysterious pulsing object in space

Scientists: don’t feed the doubt machine Mysterious object in our galaxy sends pulses every 18 minutes Fred Watson – celebrating 25 years on ABC radio IQ tests, genes and environment - views from 1984 and today
2/12/202254 minutes, 9 seconds
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Genes help us love nature, geothermal on the cusp, and vale E. O. Wilson

Connection with nature linked to genes Vale E. O. Wilson Geothermal on the cusp in Australia? Ancient Serbian settlement changes the view of early human society in Europe
2/5/202254 minutes, 5 seconds
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Genes help us love nature, geothermal on the cusp, and vale E. O. Wilson

Connection with nature linked to genes Vale E. O. Wilson Geothermal on the cusp in Australia? Ancient Serbian settlement changes the view of early human society in Europe
2/5/202254 minutes, 5 seconds
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HG Wells – father of science fiction with hopes and fears for how science will shape our future

He imagined the atomic bomb, he believed in a world government, he wrote books about science and science fiction and was the first popular communicator of scientific ideas. Today we commemorate the life and achievements of Herbert George Wells. (this program was first broadcast June 2016)
1/29/202254 minutes, 23 seconds
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HG Wells – father of science fiction with hopes and fears for how science will shape our future

He imagined the atomic bomb, he believed in a world government, he wrote books about science and science fiction and was the first popular communicator of scientific ideas. Today we commemorate the life and achievements of Herbert George Wells. (this program was first broadcast June 2016)
1/29/202254 minutes, 23 seconds
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University geology depts becoming smaller or closing

Geology departments becoming smaller or closing Whitley Awards celebrate 50 years Norfolk Island – food bowl for Australia’s first European settlers
1/22/202254 minutes, 24 seconds
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University geology depts becoming smaller or closing

Geology departments becoming smaller or closing Whitley Awards celebrate 50 years Norfolk Island – food bowl for Australia’s first European settlers
1/22/202254 minutes, 24 seconds
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Science Extra: Climate compromise, slime in the city and do fish feel pain?

Do fish and crabs feel pain, what went down at COP26, and how might climate change dampen the spirits of homeowners in low-lying areas? Plus and environmental scientist explains his theory that the earth has a spirit and we meet a researcher with an unusual obsession with slime.
1/15/202249 minutes, 7 seconds
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Science Extra: Climate compromise, slime in the city and do fish feel pain?

Do fish and crabs feel pain, what went down at COP26, and how might climate change dampen the spirits of homeowners in low-lying areas? Plus and environmental scientist explains his theory that the earth has a spirit and we meet a researcher with an unusual obsession with slime.
1/15/202249 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hedy Lemarr actress and inventor who helped develop the modern world

Time to take kids more seriously Norfolk Island once a convict hellhole Hedy Lamarr - actress, inventor, amateur engineer
1/15/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
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Hedy Lemarr actress and inventor who helped develop the modern world

Time to take kids more seriously Norfolk Island once a convict hellhole Hedy Lamarr - actress, inventor, amateur engineer
1/15/202254 minutes, 6 seconds
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Science Extra: The facts on fake news, 3D printed body parts and will Meta be better?

What can we learn from fake news, going electric and formerly Facebook's fate.
1/8/202246 minutes, 21 seconds
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Science Extra: The facts on fake news, 3D printed body parts and will Meta be better?

What can we learn from fake news, going electric and formerly Facebook's fate.
1/8/202246 minutes, 21 seconds
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New fossil site in NSW and the first computer

Rare new fossil site gets palaeontologists excited The first computer – a product of Victorian England
1/8/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
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New fossil site in NSW and the first computer

Rare new fossil site gets palaeontologists excited The first computer – a product of Victorian England
1/8/202254 minutes, 7 seconds
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Science Extra: malaria vax breakthrough, surviving snake bite and, of course, COVID-19

A look back at 2021 – a new malaria vaccine and an Alzheimer’s drug get the thumbs up, COVID vax facts and nutritional myth busting.
1/1/202249 minutes, 13 seconds
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Science Extra: malaria vax breakthrough, surviving snake bite and, of course, COVID-19

A look back at 2021 – a new malaria vaccine and an Alzheimer’s drug get the thumbs up, COVID vax facts and nutritional myth busting.
1/1/202249 minutes, 13 seconds
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Science Extra: Cosmic explosions, bits and bobs from the Big Bang and space rocks on Earth

Why was Mars making news so often in 2021, what sent out mystery interstellar radio signals, and who, if anyone, won the billionaire space race?
12/25/202149 minutes, 42 seconds
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Science Extra: Cosmic explosions, bits and bobs from the Big Bang and space rocks on Earth

Why was Mars making news so often in 2021, what sent out mystery interstellar radio signals, and who, if anyone, won the billionaire space race?
12/25/202149 minutes, 42 seconds
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Science extra: Quantum computing, lucid dreams and bin-flipping cockatoos

How will quantum computing change our lives, why do lucid dreams matter and why do cockies flip bin lids? We have the answers.
12/18/202149 minutes, 2 seconds
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Science extra: Quantum computing, lucid dreams and bin-flipping cockatoos

How will quantum computing change our lives, why do lucid dreams matter and why do cockies flip bin lids? We have the answers.
12/18/202149 minutes, 2 seconds
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Three scientific gift ideas and prospects for 2030

Fears of new biosecurity threats Alan Finkel’s vision for Australia in 2030 Our chief scientist’s goals and hopes for science in 2030 Job insecurity makes science unattractive Cosmos Magazine - the science of everything Corey Tutt – it started with a book about snakes Carl Smith to Germany for six months journalism fellowship Chennupati Jagadish elected 20th president of Australian Academy of Science
12/11/202153 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Three scientific gift ideas and prospects for 2030

Fears of new biosecurity threats Alan Finkel’s vision for Australia in 2030 Our chief scientist’s goals and hopes for science in 2030 Job insecurity makes science unattractive Cosmos Magazine - the science of everything Corey Tutt – it started with a book about snakes Carl Smith to Germany for six months journalism fellowship Chennupati Jagadish elected 20th president of Australian Academy of Science
12/11/202153 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stunning capability, variety and beauty in the natural world

Sharon Carleton is our guide as we marvel at species all around us and see the efforts of scientists to understand the natural world.
12/4/202154 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Stunning capability, variety and beauty in the natural world

Sharon Carleton is our guide as we marvel at species all around us and see the efforts of scientists to understand the natural world.
12/4/202154 minutes, 4 seconds
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Books for children about the origin of life and Einsteinian physics and L’Oréal awards for rechargeable batteries and balancing fish stocks with needs of human nutrition

L’Oréal and UNESCO For Women in Science award for lithium battery research L’Oréal and UNESCO For Women in Science award for research into nutrient value of reef fish Children’s book considers the origin of life Primary students see the big picture with Einsteinian physics New approach for treating strep A throat infection without antibiotics Understanding Machiavellian personalities A Complete Guide to Native Orchids of Australia
11/27/202153 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Books for children about the origin of life and Einsteinian physics and L’Oréal awards for rechargeable batteries and balancing fish stocks with needs of human nutrition

L’Oréal and UNESCO For Women in Science award for lithium battery research L’Oréal and UNESCO For Women in Science award for research into nutrient value of reef fish Children’s book considers the origin of life Primary students see the big picture with Einsteinian physics New approach for treating strep A throat infection without antibiotics Understanding Machiavellian personalities A Complete Guide to Native Orchids of Australia
11/27/202153 minutes, 28 seconds
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Always on? Or better sometimes off? The good and bad of smartphone technology

The Science Brief - Hope for the Amazon and kids and their screens Always On - the smartphone journey and the possibilities which await Aussie STEM Stars - Alan Finkel Aphasia therapy adapted for zoom How snakes use sound in the environment and the cost of venom as a defence weapon
11/20/202153 minutes
Episode Artwork

Always on? Or better sometimes off? The good and bad of smartphone technology

The Science Brief - Hope for the Amazon and kids and their screens Always On - the smartphone journey and the possibilities which await Aussie STEM Stars - Alan Finkel Aphasia therapy adapted for zoom How snakes use sound in the environment and the cost of venom as a defence weapon
11/20/202153 minutes
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How science has been used to justify horrid acts through history

The Science Brief – community power takes off and fusion a step closer How pregnancy shapes the brain – the lifelong effects of motherhood The Science of Abolition Mindfulness helps parents of children with behavioural problems The Icepick Surgeon
11/13/202152 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

How science has been used to justify horrid acts through history

The Science Brief – community power takes off and fusion a step closer How pregnancy shapes the brain – the lifelong effects of motherhood The Science of Abolition Mindfulness helps parents of children with behavioural problems The Icepick Surgeon
11/13/202152 minutes, 32 seconds
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PM’s Science Prize, climate and Indigenous science

2021 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science winner – Eddie Holmes The science brief Student Bragg runners-up IPCC processes questioned Australia’s first scientists
11/6/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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PM’s Science Prize, climate and Indigenous science

2021 Prime Minister’s Prize for Science winner – Eddie Holmes The science brief Student Bragg runners-up IPCC processes questioned Australia’s first scientists
11/6/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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On a roll - Ceridwen Dovey wins Bragg Prize for Science Writing again

The prize winners, the anthology, the history remembered. The Science Show this week is all Bragg.
10/30/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
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On a roll - Ceridwen Dovey wins Bragg Prize for Science Writing again

The prize winners, the anthology, the history remembered. The Science Show this week is all Bragg.
10/30/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
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More hopes for Glasgow, more value from waste, and a new ship for Antarctic research

World sleepwalking into disaster with lukewarm climate action Information for families of children with chronic illnesses The science brief New approach for helping those addicted to methamphetamines New waste sorter recovers 90% of waste previously dumped Nuyina, the Australia’s new icebreaker, supply ship and floating laboratory arrives in Hobart Aussie STEM Stars – John Long, fossil hunter How exercise can improve your sight
10/23/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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More hopes for Glasgow, more value from waste, and a new ship for Antarctic research

World sleepwalking into disaster with lukewarm climate action Information for families of children with chronic illnesses The science brief New approach for helping those addicted to methamphetamines New waste sorter recovers 90% of waste previously dumped Nuyina, the Australia’s new icebreaker, supply ship and floating laboratory arrives in Hobart Aussie STEM Stars – John Long, fossil hunter How exercise can improve your sight
10/23/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Birds, polar ice and hopes for Glasgow climate talks

Crisis awaits if the world fails to act on climate Should nuclear power be part of the energy transition? The science brief Identifying the risks of babies being born small Monitoring ice north and south Time to count birds in your backyard
10/16/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Birds, polar ice and hopes for Glasgow climate talks

Crisis awaits if the world fails to act on climate Should nuclear power be part of the energy transition? The science brief Identifying the risks of babies being born small Monitoring ice north and south Time to count birds in your backyard
10/16/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Prizes, prizes, prizes! Nobels, Earthshot and Eurekas

2021 Nobel Prizes for Medicine, Physics and Chemistry Paul Ehrlich reflects after 50 years Australian finalist for first Earthshot environmental prize 2021 Different cultures, different maps part 2 Eureka Science Prizes 2021
10/9/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Prizes, prizes, prizes! Nobels, Earthshot and Eurekas

2021 Nobel Prizes for Medicine, Physics and Chemistry Paul Ehrlich reflects after 50 years Australian finalist for first Earthshot environmental prize 2021 Different cultures, different maps part 2 Eureka Science Prizes 2021
10/9/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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New ways to inspire young students about the world of science

Avoiding a ghastly future The science brief New communications technology for astronomy and space missions Einstein musical introduces students to physics through performance Pen pal scientists inspire young students Different cultures, different maps
10/2/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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New ways to inspire young students about the world of science

Avoiding a ghastly future The science brief New communications technology for astronomy and space missions Einstein musical introduces students to physics through performance Pen pal scientists inspire young students Different cultures, different maps
10/2/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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As melting ice threatens polar ecosystems hopes emerge that international investment law will help speed transition to clean energy

The science brief Hopes international investment law will help speed transition to clean energy Science and the public good - mathematics Cosmic Vertigo returns Melting ice threatens polar ecosystems Can computers reproduce human culture?
9/25/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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As melting ice threatens polar ecosystems hopes emerge that international investment law will help speed transition to clean energy

The science brief Hopes international investment law will help speed transition to clean energy Science and the public good - mathematics Cosmic Vertigo returns Melting ice threatens polar ecosystems Can computers reproduce human culture?
9/25/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Acacias a new weapon against climate change

The science brief Acacia - another climate solution in easy reach Science and the public good - physics Targeted heat used to treat brain cancer Computer science born in Australia 70 years ago
9/18/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Acacias a new weapon against climate change

The science brief Acacia - another climate solution in easy reach Science and the public good - physics Targeted heat used to treat brain cancer Computer science born in Australia 70 years ago
9/18/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Musical palm cockatoos sing duets and more

The science brief Robots for e-waste Science and the public good - chemistry Palm cockatoos – the singing and drumming parrots on Australia’s northern tip Weight training for general health and therapy Citizen science boosts science literacy
9/11/202154 minutes, 9 seconds
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Musical palm cockatoos sing duets and more

The science brief Robots for e-waste Science and the public good - chemistry Palm cockatoos – the singing and drumming parrots on Australia’s northern tip Weight training for general health and therapy Citizen science boosts science literacy
9/11/202154 minutes, 9 seconds
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Authors combine science with popular characters and gripping story lines

The science brief Science and the public good Astrid Lindgren’s Pippi Longstocking introduces young readers to science Science the basis of LA Larkin’s crime-thrillers
9/4/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Authors combine science with popular characters and gripping story lines

The science brief Science and the public good Astrid Lindgren’s Pippi Longstocking introduces young readers to science Science the basis of LA Larkin’s crime-thrillers
9/4/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Science Show celebrates 46 years with Douglas Adams, a pit full of snakes and a memory from the start

The Science Show celebrates 46 years and recalls a warning given at the start Remembering Douglas Adams The fascinating world of snakes The science brief
8/28/202154 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Science Show celebrates 46 years with Douglas Adams, a pit full of snakes and a memory from the start

The Science Show celebrates 46 years and recalls a warning given at the start Remembering Douglas Adams The fascinating world of snakes The science brief
8/28/202154 minutes, 16 seconds
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Crazy ants, smart birds and an Aussie space mission

How basic research can lead to unexpected breakthroughs Carl’s world of science Curtin University builds resupply craft for Space Station Bird brains more complex than ever imagined Yellow crazy ants threaten ecosystems and agriculture along Queensland coast
8/21/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Crazy ants, smart birds and an Aussie space mission

How basic research can lead to unexpected breakthroughs Carl’s world of science Curtin University builds resupply craft for Space Station Bird brains more complex than ever imagined Yellow crazy ants threaten ecosystems and agriculture along Queensland coast
8/21/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Electrification coming for runabouts and vale Roger Short

Electrification coming for runabouts Slime moulds fascinate the young and old Botanical Ark in far north Queensland The reality of scientific research – 1-yr study blows out to 6yrs Vale Roger Short
8/14/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Electrification coming for runabouts and vale Roger Short

Electrification coming for runabouts Slime moulds fascinate the young and old Botanical Ark in far north Queensland The reality of scientific research – 1-yr study blows out to 6yrs Vale Roger Short
8/14/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Slime moulds, soil, Shackleton and snow

Slime moulds – important forest dwellers that are neither plant, animal nor fungus The story of soil Shackleton’s Endurance – the extraordinary tale of endurance and unlikely survival NZ getting serious about its snow
8/7/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Slime moulds, soil, Shackleton and snow

Slime moulds – important forest dwellers that are neither plant, animal nor fungus The story of soil Shackleton’s Endurance – the extraordinary tale of endurance and unlikely survival NZ getting serious about its snow
8/7/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Science Show - Saturday, August 7

The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to prime ministerial biorhythms.
8/7/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Science Show - Saturday, August 7

The Science Show gives Australians unique insights into the latest scientific research and debate, from the physics of cricket to prime ministerial biorhythms.
8/7/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Drilling beneath volcanoes, reducing the threat of tsunamis, and why the dodo is no more

Drilling beneath volcanoes Protection against tsunamis Treasures from London’s Natural History Museum at Melbourne Museum to Jan 2022 The demise of flightless birds Message to a developing embryo History of Manhattan, and continued push to return jaguars to southern US
7/31/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Drilling beneath volcanoes, reducing the threat of tsunamis, and why the dodo is no more

Drilling beneath volcanoes Protection against tsunamis Treasures from London’s Natural History Museum at Melbourne Museum to Jan 2022 The demise of flightless birds Message to a developing embryo History of Manhattan, and continued push to return jaguars to southern US
7/31/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Mining minerals with plants and time to supercharge recycling

Plants could be used to remediate polluted sites Recycling brings benefits with low impact living Civil society will bring a better world
7/24/202153 minutes, 52 seconds
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Mining minerals with plants and time to supercharge recycling

Plants could be used to remediate polluted sites Recycling brings benefits with low impact living Civil society will bring a better world
7/24/202153 minutes, 52 seconds
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Solutions here now for the climate disaster

Open access science leads to more citations Climate change impacts WA biodiversity Solutions for the emerging climate disaster
7/17/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
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Solutions here now for the climate disaster

Open access science leads to more citations Climate change impacts WA biodiversity Solutions for the emerging climate disaster
7/17/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
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Deadly heat hits North America, better steel, and solutions to climate change feature in Australian Museum exhibition

The 1914 visit that changed Australia Deadly high temperatures hit Canada and US northwest New exhibition presents climate solutions Lighter stronger steel for the construction industry Archaeology could extend knowledge of the history of religion Indigenous kids learn health, nutrition and how to cook for the family
7/10/202154 minutes, 2 seconds
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Deadly heat hits North America, better steel, and solutions to climate change feature in Australian Museum exhibition

The 1914 visit that changed Australia Deadly high temperatures hit Canada and US northwest New exhibition presents climate solutions Lighter stronger steel for the construction industry Archaeology could extend knowledge of the history of religion Indigenous kids learn health, nutrition and how to cook for the family
7/10/202154 minutes, 2 seconds
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The simple solution to two big problems — trees

Siberian cave reveals secrets of human evolutionary history. Aussie tree book for young readers. One solution for two big problems — trees. Tribute to Edward de Bono. Robert FitzRoy — Captain of the Beagle, Governor of NZ and a better scientist than Darwin?
7/3/202154 minutes, 3 seconds
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The simple solution to two big problems — trees

Siberian cave reveals secrets of human evolutionary history. Aussie tree book for young readers. One solution for two big problems — trees. Tribute to Edward de Bono. Robert FitzRoy — Captain of the Beagle, Governor of NZ and a better scientist than Darwin?
7/3/202154 minutes, 3 seconds
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Spinifex, ticks and the important role of fathers in wild animals

Safe cladding and plant-based foods among winners of Academy of Technology and Engineering awards Soil microbes suspected to cause inner plant die-off in spinifex Ticks offer microorganisms a free ride Vale Edward de Bono Wild animal fathers more than just sperm donors Kangaroo Island was nearly French!
6/26/202153 minutes, 47 seconds
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Spinifex, ticks and the important role of fathers in wild animals

Safe cladding and plant-based foods among winners of Academy of Technology and Engineering awards Soil microbes suspected to cause inner plant die-off in spinifex Ticks offer microorganisms a free ride Vale Edward de Bono Wild animal fathers more than just sperm donors Kangaroo Island was nearly French!
6/26/202153 minutes, 47 seconds
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Biased botanists, a new blue kangaroo paw and playing birds have bigger brains and longer lives

Botanists biased towards pretty plants more than the uglies Kings Park Botanic Garden Perth great for a stroll and does top-notch botanical and horticultural research Play behaviour linked to brain mass and life span in a sample of Australian birds Ancient tree-climbing marsupials reveal hints of past environments
6/19/202154 minutes, 8 seconds
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Biased botanists, a new blue kangaroo paw and playing birds have bigger brains and longer lives

Botanists biased towards pretty plants more than the uglies Kings Park Botanic Garden Perth great for a stroll and does top-notch botanical and horticultural research Play behaviour linked to brain mass and life span in a sample of Australian birds Ancient tree-climbing marsupials reveal hints of past environments
6/19/202154 minutes, 8 seconds
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New ideas about plant conservation, the immense diversity of Ashmore Reef, and how ocean noise could threaten whales and dolphins

The legacy of Andrei Sakharov and the state of Russian science today High levels of ocean noise a possible threat to whales and dolphins Race to map Ashmore Reef as aquatic worlds change fast with warming waters New ideas challenge traditional views about plant conservation and restoration Large scale art works take visitors on a journey of ecological awareness Asteroid sample lands in South Australian desert
6/12/202154 minutes, 8 seconds
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New ideas about plant conservation, the immense diversity of Ashmore Reef, and how ocean noise could threaten whales and dolphins

The legacy of Andrei Sakharov and the state of Russian science today High levels of ocean noise a possible threat to whales and dolphins Race to map Ashmore Reef as aquatic worlds change fast with warming waters New ideas challenge traditional views about plant conservation and restoration Large scale art works take visitors on a journey of ecological awareness Asteroid sample lands in South Australian desert
6/12/202154 minutes, 8 seconds
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Fears environmental laws to be weakened, burning practices threaten ecosystems and learning from Indigenous knowledge

A call for strengthened environmental legislation Regular forest burns reduce chances for endangered plants and animals, impact human health Linking modern science with Indigenous knowledge to care for the land Vale Ross Taylor WA Shipwrecks Museum charts early European encounters with Australia Forensic evidence playing an increasing role in criminal investigations
6/5/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Fears environmental laws to be weakened, burning practices threaten ecosystems and learning from Indigenous knowledge

A call for strengthened environmental legislation Regular forest burns reduce chances for endangered plants and animals, impact human health Linking modern science with Indigenous knowledge to care for the land Vale Ross Taylor WA Shipwrecks Museum charts early European encounters with Australia Forensic evidence playing an increasing role in criminal investigations
6/5/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Methane 120 times worse than carbon dioxide, plus the changing world for frogs, bees and human relationships

Politicians need to see linkages in our world Most Australian frogs intolerant of human modified habitats Natural gas not a clean option Coronavirus becomes music How much artificial intelligence will affect our romantic lives Pollinators and Pollination Native bees of south-west Western Australia
5/29/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Methane 120 times worse than carbon dioxide, plus the changing world for frogs, bees and human relationships

Politicians need to see linkages in our world Most Australian frogs intolerant of human modified habitats Natural gas not a clean option Coronavirus becomes music How much artificial intelligence will affect our romantic lives Pollinators and Pollination Native bees of south-west Western Australia
5/29/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Alan Turing – thinker ahead of his time

Alan Turing – thinker ahead of his time
5/22/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Alan Turing – thinker ahead of his time

Alan Turing – thinker ahead of his time
5/22/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Professor Roger Short, reproductive biologist

He is now over ninety, having done work on AIDS, on elephants, on population and condoms. We return to a feature interview from 2011 with Professor Roger Short in Melbourne.
5/15/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Professor Roger Short, reproductive biologist

He is now over ninety, having done work on AIDS, on elephants, on population and condoms. We return to a feature interview from 2011 with Professor Roger Short in Melbourne.
5/15/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Botanical tales, tariffs for renewable energy and extracting fossils

Proposed tariff a disincentive for household renewable energy Extracting fossils from their rocky tombs Peter Raven - Driven by Nature Retired botanist becomes word doctor
5/8/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Botanical tales, tariffs for renewable energy and extracting fossils

Proposed tariff a disincentive for household renewable energy Extracting fossils from their rocky tombs Peter Raven - Driven by Nature Retired botanist becomes word doctor
5/8/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Full-on assault against natural ecosystems

Conservation, what’s that? Natural ecosystems now being removed faster Smart irrigation keeps Adelaide’s parks greener and cooler Scientists petition to end political persecution in Russia Russian science a shadow of its former self Fungal art featured at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney Lockdown allows David Suzuki to reconnect with nature
5/1/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
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Full-on assault against natural ecosystems

Conservation, what’s that? Natural ecosystems now being removed faster Smart irrigation keeps Adelaide’s parks greener and cooler Scientists petition to end political persecution in Russia Russian science a shadow of its former self Fungal art featured at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney Lockdown allows David Suzuki to reconnect with nature
5/1/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
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Suzuki on racism, Darwin on psychology and saving the pines on Norfolk Island.

David Suzuki deplores racism, explores its roots and prevalence today The Psychology of Charles Darwin Aussie Stem Stars – Gisela Kaplan The return of sea birds may save Norfolk Island’s iconic pines Winery takes a low impact approach
4/24/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Suzuki on racism, Darwin on psychology and saving the pines on Norfolk Island.

David Suzuki deplores racism, explores its roots and prevalence today The Psychology of Charles Darwin Aussie Stem Stars – Gisela Kaplan The return of sea birds may save Norfolk Island’s iconic pines Winery takes a low impact approach
4/24/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Seaweed a hope to capture carbon and help cool the planet

Seaweed a strong hope for drawdown of atmospheric carbon Festival reveals the beauty, wonder and potential of seaweed Key indicators of planetary health getting worse faster Do trade unions speak to scientists? Climate change is f*%#ing terrifying. Has the media failed in telling the truth? Saving the threatened plants and animals of Norfolk Island
4/17/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Seaweed a hope to capture carbon and help cool the planet

Seaweed a strong hope for drawdown of atmospheric carbon Festival reveals the beauty, wonder and potential of seaweed Key indicators of planetary health getting worse faster Do trade unions speak to scientists? Climate change is f*%#ing terrifying. Has the media failed in telling the truth? Saving the threatened plants and animals of Norfolk Island
4/17/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Adelaide car plant closes and becomes an innovation hub employing more people than before

ANU plans to end neuroscience research The arts, humanities and sciences dance together Catastrophic scene as rainfall decreases on Norfolk Island How to fix a brain in 5 minutes Adelaide car factory becomes innovation precinct A guide to finding, identifying, collecting and preparing mushrooms for consumption
4/10/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Adelaide car plant closes and becomes an innovation hub employing more people than before

ANU plans to end neuroscience research The arts, humanities and sciences dance together Catastrophic scene as rainfall decreases on Norfolk Island How to fix a brain in 5 minutes Adelaide car factory becomes innovation precinct A guide to finding, identifying, collecting and preparing mushrooms for consumption
4/10/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Restoring shellfish reefs and a helping hand for the green parrots of Norfolk Island

Economic arguments help win funds to restore shellfish reefs Life After Gravity - The story of Isaac Newton's decades in London Overlooked astronomer Vera Rubin showed existence of dark matter Overview effect offers reassurance in hard times Green parrots make a comeback on Norfolk Island
4/3/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Restoring shellfish reefs and a helping hand for the green parrots of Norfolk Island

Economic arguments help win funds to restore shellfish reefs Life After Gravity - The story of Isaac Newton's decades in London Overlooked astronomer Vera Rubin showed existence of dark matter Overview effect offers reassurance in hard times Green parrots make a comeback on Norfolk Island
4/3/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ecological repair for Australian islands east and west

Stem cells - a mix of promise and hype Canberra doctor buys fish fossil site in central NSW Native animals reintroduced on Dirk Hartog Island WA Invasive animals removed, now vegetation being reintroduced on Phillip Island Understanding internet trolls Philosopher Michael Strevens charts how science began in The Knowledge Machine - How Irrationality Created Modern Science
3/27/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ecological repair for Australian islands east and west

Stem cells - a mix of promise and hype Canberra doctor buys fish fossil site in central NSW Native animals reintroduced on Dirk Hartog Island WA Invasive animals removed, now vegetation being reintroduced on Phillip Island Understanding internet trolls Philosopher Michael Strevens charts how science began in The Knowledge Machine - How Irrationality Created Modern Science
3/27/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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$2.4 billion proposal to commercialise science and the importance of infant gut bacteria

$2.4 billion proposal to commercialise science Gut bacteria in infants play a vital role for life-long health Genetic study answers key questions about the pink cockatoo Dung beetles. Without them, we’d be buried in it. Microscopic animal demonstrates UV resistance
3/20/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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$2.4 billion proposal to commercialise science and the importance of infant gut bacteria

$2.4 billion proposal to commercialise science Gut bacteria in infants play a vital role for life-long health Genetic study answers key questions about the pink cockatoo Dung beetles. Without them, we’d be buried in it. Microscopic animal demonstrates UV resistance
3/20/202154 minutes, 10 seconds
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Fossil fish site in central NSW now in safe hands and Manly festival celebrates beauty and importance of seaweed

Less security than a barista for early career researchers in Australia Fossil fish site in central NSW now in safe hands A tribute to Japan’s father of seismology Seaweed festival celebrates importance and joy of seaweed
3/13/202154 minutes, 19 seconds
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Fossil fish site in central NSW now in safe hands and Manly festival celebrates beauty and importance of seaweed

Less security than a barista for early career researchers in Australia Fossil fish site in central NSW now in safe hands A tribute to Japan’s father of seismology Seaweed festival celebrates importance and joy of seaweed
3/13/202154 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Rosalind Franklin aided our pandemic response and attracting the world’s top researchers, despite COVID

COVID pandemic an apt time to rewrite the significance of Rosalind Franklin Iceberg introduces children to Antarctica Scheme attracts the world’s top researchers to Australia Changing language brings pain for some The Botany of Gin
3/6/202154 minutes, 4 seconds
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How Rosalind Franklin aided our pandemic response and attracting the world’s top researchers, despite COVID

COVID pandemic an apt time to rewrite the significance of Rosalind Franklin Iceberg introduces children to Antarctica Scheme attracts the world’s top researchers to Australia Changing language brings pain for some The Botany of Gin
3/6/202154 minutes, 4 seconds
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Changing climate questions where and how we build close to forested areas, and investigating the top speed of sound

New approach needed for urban settlements after apocalyptic bushfires Plans for the Australian Space Agency Sharing the overview effect Investigating the upper limit to the speed of sound
2/27/202154 minutes, 2 seconds
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Changing climate questions where and how we build close to forested areas, and investigating the top speed of sound

New approach needed for urban settlements after apocalyptic bushfires Plans for the Australian Space Agency Sharing the overview effect Investigating the upper limit to the speed of sound
2/27/202154 minutes, 2 seconds
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Fish moving polewards and 3D printing of body parts

3D printers now producing body parts Fish moving polewards so they can breathe What led to Greta?  Perovskites promise new ways of generating solar power Ten Journeys on a Fragile Planet
2/20/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Fish moving polewards and 3D printing of body parts

3D printers now producing body parts Fish moving polewards so they can breathe What led to Greta?  Perovskites promise new ways of generating solar power Ten Journeys on a Fragile Planet
2/20/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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We’ve removed 90% of all large fish from the oceans. Just 10% to go.

2/13/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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We’ve removed 90% of all large fish from the oceans. Just 10% to go.

2/13/202154 minutes, 6 seconds
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Consciousness amongst animals and the story of the dire wolf

2/6/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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Consciousness amongst animals and the story of the dire wolf

2/6/202154 minutes, 7 seconds
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As mining causes roads to crack and houses to collapse, a Swedish city is moved

1/30/202153 minutes, 57 seconds
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As mining causes roads to crack and houses to collapse, a Swedish city is moved

1/30/202153 minutes, 57 seconds
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Science Extra: The Moon is more fun than Venus

Three missions to Mars, phosphine on Venus and water molecules on the Moon. ABC senior science reporter Genelle Weule looks back on the big space news of 2020, with science editor Jonathan Webb.
1/26/202122 minutes, 4 seconds
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Science Extra: The Moon is more fun than Venus

Three missions to Mars, phosphine on Venus and water molecules on the Moon. ABC senior science reporter Genelle Weule looks back on the big space news of 2020, with science editor Jonathan Webb.
1/26/202122 minutes, 4 seconds
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Howard Florey - the Australian researcher who developed penicillin

Serendipity, brilliance and hard work led to the development of penicillin, a drug that has saved billions of lives.
1/23/202153 minutes, 52 seconds
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Howard Florey - the Australian researcher who developed penicillin

Serendipity, brilliance and hard work led to the development of penicillin, a drug that has saved billions of lives.
1/23/202153 minutes, 52 seconds
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Science Extra: What happened to the COVIDSafe app?

What is QAnon and what’s it doing in Australia? What was behind the spread of misinformation during the Black Summer bushfires? And what went wrong with Australia’s ‘sunscreen’, COVIDSafe? Jonathan Webb speaks with the science unit's tech reporter James Purtill about 2020 in technology news.
1/19/202118 minutes, 32 seconds
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Science Extra: What happened to the COVIDSafe app?

What is QAnon and what’s it doing in Australia? What was behind the spread of misinformation during the Black Summer bushfires? And what went wrong with Australia’s ‘sunscreen’, COVIDSafe? Jonathan Webb speaks with the science unit's tech reporter James Purtill about 2020 in technology news.
1/19/202118 minutes, 32 seconds
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A portrait of Sir John Eccles - Australian pioneer of neuroscience

EnviroTeens take young readers on fun adventures learning about the environment A portrait of Sir John Eccles - Australian Nobel Laureate who devoted his life to unravelling the complexities of the human brain
1/16/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

A portrait of Sir John Eccles - Australian pioneer of neuroscience

EnviroTeens take young readers on fun adventures learning about the environment A portrait of Sir John Eccles - Australian Nobel Laureate who devoted his life to unravelling the complexities of the human brain
1/16/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Science Extra: When your flatmate is Homo erectus

What happened when three human species met in South Africa? What caused the biggest gravitational waves we’ve detected so far? Also, alligators on helium. That’s it. That’s the story. Science reporter Belinda Smith reviews her favourite stories from 2020 with science editor Jonathan Webb.
1/12/202120 minutes, 54 seconds
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Science Extra: When your flatmate is Homo erectus

What happened when three human species met in South Africa? What caused the biggest gravitational waves we’ve detected so far? Also, alligators on helium. That’s it. That’s the story. Science reporter Belinda Smith reviews her favourite stories from 2020 with science editor Jonathan Webb.
1/12/202120 minutes, 54 seconds
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A book for children about environmental change, and the discovery of mauve

1/9/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
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A book for children about environmental change, and the discovery of mauve

1/9/202154 minutes, 5 seconds
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Science Extra: A mountain in the deep

Could you survive for a month living off the land? And what’s the skyscraper-sized object found in the waters off Cape York? Also, everything you need to know about carbon accounting. Science editor Jonathan Webb speaks to environment reporter Nick Kilvert about his top stories from 2020.
1/5/202117 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Science Extra: A mountain in the deep

Could you survive for a month living off the land? And what’s the skyscraper-sized object found in the waters off Cape York? Also, everything you need to know about carbon accounting. Science editor Jonathan Webb speaks to environment reporter Nick Kilvert about his top stories from 2020.
1/5/202117 minutes, 8 seconds
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Writing science

Beatrix  Potter – author and amateur pioneer mycologist Peering through the looking glass at Lewis Carroll A tribute to Terry Pratchett A nod to Dylan Thomas
1/2/202153 minutes, 50 seconds
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Writing science

Beatrix  Potter – author and amateur pioneer mycologist Peering through the looking glass at Lewis Carroll A tribute to Terry Pratchett A nod to Dylan Thomas
1/2/202153 minutes, 50 seconds
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Science Extra: Inside a frantic year in health news

What do we know about the origins of the coronavirus? How promising are these new vaccines? And what’s taken the wind out of the sails of one of the most promising treatments for Alzheimer’s disease? Health reporter Olivia Willis speaks with science editor Jonathan Webb about the big health stories of 2020.
12/29/202018 minutes, 21 seconds
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Science Extra: Inside a frantic year in health news

What do we know about the origins of the coronavirus? How promising are these new vaccines? And what’s taken the wind out of the sails of one of the most promising treatments for Alzheimer’s disease? Health reporter Olivia Willis speaks with science editor Jonathan Webb about the big health stories of 2020.
12/29/202018 minutes, 21 seconds
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Two scientists, a man and a woman, who changed the course of history

Portraits of two scientists who changed our view of the world - Rosalind Franklin whose photograph illustrated the double helix structure of DNA, and James Clerk Maxwell, who was up there with Newton and Einstein. He pioneered our understanding of the kinetic nature of gases, studied the rings of Saturn and described the importance of electromagnetism.
12/26/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Two scientists, a man and a woman, who changed the course of history

Portraits of two scientists who changed our view of the world - Rosalind Franklin whose photograph illustrated the double helix structure of DNA, and James Clerk Maxwell, who was up there with Newton and Einstein. He pioneered our understanding of the kinetic nature of gases, studied the rings of Saturn and described the importance of electromagnetism.
12/26/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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A portrait of Dame Miriam Rothschild

12/19/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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A portrait of Dame Miriam Rothschild

12/19/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Would you take a ray gun to ringworm?

Radiation used to treat benign conditions up to the 1960s has led to illness and death Big push into nano medicine at The University of Sydney Children’s book celebrates pioneer of surgical osteointegration Australian trees growing all over the world Similarities between COVID-19 and climate change Space weather a risk for life The fine line for the scientific illustrator
12/12/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Would you take a ray gun to ringworm?

Radiation used to treat benign conditions up to the 1960s has led to illness and death Big push into nano medicine at The University of Sydney Children’s book celebrates pioneer of surgical osteointegration Australian trees growing all over the world Similarities between COVID-19 and climate change Space weather a risk for life The fine line for the scientific illustrator
12/12/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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After the AM, here comes the WAM

The path towards reduced waste in Australia New technology for recycling composite materials Western Australian Museum opens after rebuild New theories about human origins Communicating science and health messages in Africa How humans have changed natural environments
12/5/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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After the AM, here comes the WAM

The path towards reduced waste in Australia New technology for recycling composite materials Western Australian Museum opens after rebuild New theories about human origins Communicating science and health messages in Africa How humans have changed natural environments
12/5/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Australian Museum reopens, a new monkey named and an emu tries to fly

More screen time increases risk of myopia Australian Museum Sydney opens following major transformation Rare monkey finally named NSW Premier’s Prize for battery research NSW Premier’s Prize for research and leadership in medical biological science Journey to Australia, then New Holland by Joseph Banks leads to the publication of hundreds of drawings of new plants and animals Henry the Flying Emu
11/28/202054 minutes, 8 seconds
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Australian Museum reopens, a new monkey named and an emu tries to fly

More screen time increases risk of myopia Australian Museum Sydney opens following major transformation Rare monkey finally named NSW Premier’s Prize for battery research NSW Premier’s Prize for research and leadership in medical biological science Journey to Australia, then New Holland by Joseph Banks leads to the publication of hundreds of drawings of new plants and animals Henry the Flying Emu
11/28/202054 minutes, 8 seconds
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The 21st century so far

Twenty years of climate extremes Barry Jones tracks changes since the 1980s How debating helped in the transition years The Carbon Club exposes those behind Australia’s toxic carbon politics
11/21/202054 minutes, 13 seconds
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The 21st century so far

Twenty years of climate extremes Barry Jones tracks changes since the 1980s How debating helped in the transition years The Carbon Club exposes those behind Australia’s toxic carbon politics
11/21/202054 minutes, 13 seconds
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The profound versus the preposterous - Life vs loony.

What is life? Revisiting the great Carlos hoax
11/14/202054 minutes, 6 seconds
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The profound versus the preposterous - Life vs loony.

What is life? Revisiting the great Carlos hoax
11/14/202054 minutes, 6 seconds
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Three Prime Minister’s Science Prize winners

11/7/202053 minutes, 52 seconds
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Three Prime Minister’s Science Prize winners

11/7/202053 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Prime Minister’s Science Prize

Prime Minister’s Prize for Science awarded for discovery of gravitational waves. Celebrating Ruby Payne-Scott and the birth of radio astronomy.
10/31/202054 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Prime Minister’s Science Prize

Prime Minister’s Prize for Science awarded for discovery of gravitational waves. Celebrating Ruby Payne-Scott and the birth of radio astronomy.
10/31/202054 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hope in Hell?

Hope in Hell Working towards bigger, better lithium batteries Should scientists take a position in the US election? The Human Body Survival Guide
10/24/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hope in Hell?

Hope in Hell Working towards bigger, better lithium batteries Should scientists take a position in the US election? The Human Body Survival Guide
10/24/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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No more fish?

Fish of the eastern Pacific Wild fish catch easily replaced by aquaculture Barramundi breeding restocks our tropical northern rivers National Youth Science Forum boosts young people keen on science Fixing the climate emergency must start now - Johan Rockström part 8, final
10/17/202054 minutes, 9 seconds
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No more fish?

Fish of the eastern Pacific Wild fish catch easily replaced by aquaculture Barramundi breeding restocks our tropical northern rivers National Youth Science Forum boosts young people keen on science Fixing the climate emergency must start now - Johan Rockström part 8, final
10/17/202054 minutes, 9 seconds
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The North Pole, gentle robots and the future of AI

2020 Nobel Prizes. Ten steps for best chance of climate stability - Johan Rockström part 7. Designing our AI future. New roles for robots. The Pilbara - test ground for NASA with school students keen to learn about their ancient land.
10/10/202054 minutes, 5 seconds
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The North Pole, gentle robots and the future of AI

2020 Nobel Prizes. Ten steps for best chance of climate stability - Johan Rockström part 7. Designing our AI future. New roles for robots. The Pilbara - test ground for NASA with school students keen to learn about their ancient land.
10/10/202054 minutes, 5 seconds
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Three exceptional women

Lecture - Futures Past and Possible: Histories of and for Tomorrow
10/3/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Three exceptional women

Lecture - Futures Past and Possible: Histories of and for Tomorrow
10/3/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Venus - another prompt for the regeneration of science?

9/26/202054 minutes, 6 seconds
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Venus - another prompt for the regeneration of science?

9/26/202054 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to eliminate CO2 emissions from agriculture? The answer lies in the soil!

US west coast ablaze. The Amazon regulates the planet’s climate and we’re burning it - Johan Rockström part 4. Soils can play a major role in storing carbon. Conservation co-op provides connection to community and nature. Meteorites bring information about the early solar system.
9/19/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to eliminate CO2 emissions from agriculture? The answer lies in the soil!

US west coast ablaze. The Amazon regulates the planet’s climate and we’re burning it - Johan Rockström part 4. Soils can play a major role in storing carbon. Conservation co-op provides connection to community and nature. Meteorites bring information about the early solar system.
9/19/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Pipsqueak dinosaurs – How did they become top monsters?

Urgent action required to steer clear of climate tipping points - Johan Rockström part 3. Thermal bricks could assist transition to renewable energy. Young people at risk from online gambling. Dinosaurs - from pipsqueaks to monsters. Children’s book features adventures with reptiles.
9/12/202054 minutes, 5 seconds
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Pipsqueak dinosaurs – How did they become top monsters?

Urgent action required to steer clear of climate tipping points - Johan Rockström part 3. Thermal bricks could assist transition to renewable energy. Young people at risk from online gambling. Dinosaurs - from pipsqueaks to monsters. Children’s book features adventures with reptiles.
9/12/202054 minutes, 5 seconds
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Can you have a BBQ 40,000 years before people land?

Stressed planet sending clear warning signs – Johan Rockström part 2. The nudge which opened the door to mathematics. Shells and blackened rocks on the Victorian coast dated to 40,000 years before first people believed to be in Australia. STEM Superstar says go for it! Patient Zero
9/5/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Can you have a BBQ 40,000 years before people land?

Stressed planet sending clear warning signs – Johan Rockström part 2. The nudge which opened the door to mathematics. Shells and blackened rocks on the Victorian coast dated to 40,000 years before first people believed to be in Australia. STEM Superstar says go for it! Patient Zero
9/5/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Lithium potential for Australia and time running out climate change action

Window closing for action to stabilise the Earth’s climate. Cleaner air delivers LA health and economic benefits. Lithium processing a new opportunity for Australia. Children’s book about surgeon Fiona Wood. STEM Superstar prompts government probe on masks. South Georgia Island once rat infested, becomes a rat-free bird sanctuary.
8/29/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Lithium potential for Australia and time running out climate change action

Window closing for action to stabilise the Earth’s climate. Cleaner air delivers LA health and economic benefits. Lithium processing a new opportunity for Australia. Children’s book about surgeon Fiona Wood. STEM Superstar prompts government probe on masks. South Georgia Island once rat infested, becomes a rat-free bird sanctuary.
8/29/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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New ideas about our food choices and how taste and pleasure have helped drive evolution

What really controls our eating decisions? How our bodies tell us what to eat. Taste and pleasure of food offer a new way to understand evolution.
8/22/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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New ideas about our food choices and how taste and pleasure have helped drive evolution

What really controls our eating decisions? How our bodies tell us what to eat. Taste and pleasure of food offer a new way to understand evolution.
8/22/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Shall we join the quantum revolution?

Scientists urged to keep waving the flag. UNSW launches new degree in quantum engineering. Startup building the infrastructure for quantum computing. Reducing the data, energy and emissions of big data computing. Designing the computers of tomorrow. Lasers support our modern way of life.
8/15/202054 minutes, 6 seconds
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Shall we join the quantum revolution?

Scientists urged to keep waving the flag. UNSW launches new degree in quantum engineering. Startup building the infrastructure for quantum computing. Reducing the data, energy and emissions of big data computing. Designing the computers of tomorrow. Lasers support our modern way of life.
8/15/202054 minutes, 6 seconds
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Dr Dolittle turns 100 and the complex behaviour of birds

Dr Dolittle turns 100, The Bird Way: a new look at how birds talk, work, play, parent and think and flies dance to lure their mate
8/8/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Dr Dolittle turns 100 and the complex behaviour of birds

Dr Dolittle turns 100, The Bird Way: a new look at how birds talk, work, play, parent and think and flies dance to lure their mate
8/8/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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The seaweed revolution and keeping brains fit

The stars that time forgot – at the edge of our galaxy. Protect your hippocampus with exercise, diet, socialising and sex. Rope-like filaments common to rouge brain proteins. Kinky proteins suspected cause for Alzheimer’s. Microalgae the basis for fuels, food and more. New seaweed processing plant opens in southern NSW. Singing frogs bid farewell to Mike Tyler.
8/1/202054 minutes, 8 seconds
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The seaweed revolution and keeping brains fit

The stars that time forgot – at the edge of our galaxy. Protect your hippocampus with exercise, diet, socialising and sex. Rope-like filaments common to rouge brain proteins. Kinky proteins suspected cause for Alzheimer’s. Microalgae the basis for fuels, food and more. New seaweed processing plant opens in southern NSW. Singing frogs bid farewell to Mike Tyler.
8/1/202054 minutes, 8 seconds
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The history of Boeing and the future of passenger flight

Basics of naming in biology, museum returns human remains to traditional communities, the history of Boeing and the future of passenger flight, space rockets being developed in Queensland.
7/25/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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The history of Boeing and the future of passenger flight

Basics of naming in biology, museum returns human remains to traditional communities, the history of Boeing and the future of passenger flight, space rockets being developed in Queensland.
7/25/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Pilbara - used by ancient people and NASA, blown up by Rio Tinto

Pilbara used by NASA to prepare for Mars missions. Pilbara Aboriginal site destroyed by Rio Tinto. Predicting earthquakes. Evolution of angiosperms. Mike Tyler reflects on Joseph Banks.
7/18/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Pilbara - used by ancient people and NASA, blown up by Rio Tinto

Pilbara used by NASA to prepare for Mars missions. Pilbara Aboriginal site destroyed by Rio Tinto. Predicting earthquakes. Evolution of angiosperms. Mike Tyler reflects on Joseph Banks.
7/18/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Frog Man remembered + global genomes

7/11/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Frog Man remembered + global genomes

7/11/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Are physicists bonkers?

7/4/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Are physicists bonkers?

7/4/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Could there be a Goldilocks Universe? And how to save our seahorses

6/27/202053 minutes, 57 seconds
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Could there be a Goldilocks Universe? And how to save our seahorses

6/27/202053 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Science Show shares some of its favourite books

From mathematics and mammoths to the woman who found out what stars are made of: Robyn Williams and Carl Smith talk about books with Eddie Woo, Sharon Giltrow, Zofia Witkowski-Blake, Craig Cormick, Danielle Clode and Chris Flynn.
6/20/202048 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Science Show shares some of its favourite books

From mathematics and mammoths to the woman who found out what stars are made of: Robyn Williams and Carl Smith talk about books with Eddie Woo, Sharon Giltrow, Zofia Witkowski-Blake, Craig Cormick, Danielle Clode and Chris Flynn.
6/20/202048 minutes, 12 seconds
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Vale the professor of everything

6/13/202053 minutes, 52 seconds
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Vale the professor of everything

6/13/202053 minutes, 52 seconds
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Climate grief 3 - How comedians approach climate change

6/6/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Climate grief 3 - How comedians approach climate change

6/6/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Tiahni Adamson - first ever Indigenous Time at Sea Scholarship recipient and how hard it is to read faces.

5/30/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Tiahni Adamson - first ever Indigenous Time at Sea Scholarship recipient and how hard it is to read faces.

5/30/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Fear for the Amazon, and a chance to compost yourself!

The plunder and destruction of the vast Amazon forests have been so terrible, that by 2035, they will cease to be a sink for CO2. The burning was so bad last year that the holocaust featured on the cover of The Economist magazine. This week The Science Show receives its first report from Ignacio Amigo who lives in Manaus and writes for the journal Nature. 
5/23/202054 minutes, 12 seconds
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Fear for the Amazon, and a chance to compost yourself!

The plunder and destruction of the vast Amazon forests have been so terrible, that by 2035, they will cease to be a sink for CO2. The burning was so bad last year that the holocaust featured on the cover of The Economist magazine. This week The Science Show receives its first report from Ignacio Amigo who lives in Manaus and writes for the journal Nature. 
5/23/202054 minutes, 12 seconds
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Climate grief 2 - Singer-songwriter Missy Higgins

Talk to our top creative people – writers, musicians, comedians even (especially them) and you find most are deeply concerned about the massive threats to environment. Last week we heard the concerns of marine scientist Ove Hoegh-Guldberg. This week one of Australia’s greatest young singers, Missy Higgins, tells Dr Jonica Newby how climate grief has been at the heart of her most recent songs. Don’t Look Down is a breathtaking example. Missy describes the emotions – and the science – that have inspired her. She comes from a scientifically-minded family and is struggling with the choices confronting most families in this turbulent, uncertain world. 
5/16/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Climate grief 2 - Singer-songwriter Missy Higgins

Talk to our top creative people – writers, musicians, comedians even (especially them) and you find most are deeply concerned about the massive threats to environment. Last week we heard the concerns of marine scientist Ove Hoegh-Guldberg. This week one of Australia’s greatest young singers, Missy Higgins, tells Dr Jonica Newby how climate grief has been at the heart of her most recent songs. Don’t Look Down is a breathtaking example. Missy describes the emotions – and the science – that have inspired her. She comes from a scientifically-minded family and is struggling with the choices confronting most families in this turbulent, uncertain world. 
5/16/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Climate grief

This week professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg from the University of Queensland, a world-renowned marine scientist and contributor to IPCC assessments, talks about the likely loss of the Great Barrier Reef. How does a determined, optimistic researcher keep going amid the upsets. WARNING: This episode contains language that may cause offence to some listeners.
5/9/202053 minutes, 52 seconds
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Climate grief

This week professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg from the University of Queensland, a world-renowned marine scientist and contributor to IPCC assessments, talks about the likely loss of the Great Barrier Reef. How does a determined, optimistic researcher keep going amid the upsets. WARNING: This episode contains language that may cause offence to some listeners.
5/9/202053 minutes, 52 seconds
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A tribute to Australian doctor Catherine Hamlin who dedicated her life to helping young African women damaged by traumatic births

Catherine Hamlin was born in Sydney. She worked in Ethiopia pioneering medical treatment for young women damaged by unsuccessful childbirth. In 2000, Pauline Newman visited Catherine Hamlin and her famous hospital in Addis Ababa. Catherine Hamlin died in March 2020 at the age of 93. By way of tribute today we revisit Pauline’s program from nearly 20 years ago.
5/2/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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A tribute to Australian doctor Catherine Hamlin who dedicated her life to helping young African women damaged by traumatic births

Catherine Hamlin was born in Sydney. She worked in Ethiopia pioneering medical treatment for young women damaged by unsuccessful childbirth. In 2000, Pauline Newman visited Catherine Hamlin and her famous hospital in Addis Ababa. Catherine Hamlin died in March 2020 at the age of 93. By way of tribute today we revisit Pauline’s program from nearly 20 years ago.
5/2/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREVIEW RN Presents — Hot Mess: Why haven’t we fixed climate change?

It has been just over three decades since warnings were first raised about global warming. The 20 hottest years on record have all occurred in the last quarter century. So why aren’t we serious about climate change? Richard Aedy goes looking for answers in a 4-part series on RN - Sunday mornings at 8am from 3rd May and podcast.
4/28/20204 minutes, 41 seconds
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PREVIEW RN Presents — Hot Mess: Why haven’t we fixed climate change?

It has been just over three decades since warnings were first raised about global warming. The 20 hottest years on record have all occurred in the last quarter century. So why aren’t we serious about climate change? Richard Aedy goes looking for answers in a 4-part series on RN - Sunday mornings at 8am from 3rd May and podcast.
4/28/20204 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jane Goodall, Christof Koch and an app to save dollars

How can Jane Goodall have hope for the future, especially for the animals she loves, when the news about extinctions is so bleak? As The Hope, a 2-hour film about Jane and her life, is launched this week by National Geographic Jane joins Robyn on The Science Show to discuss the film, her work and her hope.
4/25/202053 minutes, 51 seconds
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Jane Goodall, Christof Koch and an app to save dollars

How can Jane Goodall have hope for the future, especially for the animals she loves, when the news about extinctions is so bleak? As The Hope, a 2-hour film about Jane and her life, is launched this week by National Geographic Jane joins Robyn on The Science Show to discuss the film, her work and her hope.
4/25/202053 minutes, 51 seconds
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Three superstars – and one’s only 18!

Patrick Webster was head boy at Albany Senior High and became deeply involved with the waters of SW Australia. Which led him to think about climate (yes, we are obsessed by the virus, but this is even bigger). Hear Patrick’s speech to a packed hall in Albany and realise there is hope.
4/18/202054 minutes, 6 seconds
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Three superstars – and one’s only 18!

Patrick Webster was head boy at Albany Senior High and became deeply involved with the waters of SW Australia. Which led him to think about climate (yes, we are obsessed by the virus, but this is even bigger). Hear Patrick’s speech to a packed hall in Albany and realise there is hope.
4/18/202054 minutes, 6 seconds
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Asteroids chock full of water, multiverses, and our planet full of life – deep as you go!

A large asteroid carrying plenty of water will be worth millions of dollars we’re told. But it’s not sloshing around. Instead, the water is carried in chemical form within the rocks themselves. Now Dr Katarina Miljkovic from Curtin University has analysed gases coming off asteroids when they are bombarded as they fly through space. She has found there will be enough water to support human explorers when they venture through the galaxy. 
4/11/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Asteroids chock full of water, multiverses, and our planet full of life – deep as you go!

A large asteroid carrying plenty of water will be worth millions of dollars we’re told. But it’s not sloshing around. Instead, the water is carried in chemical form within the rocks themselves. Now Dr Katarina Miljkovic from Curtin University has analysed gases coming off asteroids when they are bombarded as they fly through space. She has found there will be enough water to support human explorers when they venture through the galaxy. 
4/11/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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A schoolgirl’s plea, a flying monster and kids on screens

Despite shutdowns caused by that virus, we are gaining little benefit in emissions reduction. Rebecca Ford, age 16, who’s at The Senior High School in Albany WA tells The Science Show  why she is so concerned and how much young people need our support. Yes, we are distracted, but climate change won’t go away and could make corona seem like a mere passing sniffle if we’re not careful. 
4/4/202054 minutes, 6 seconds
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A schoolgirl’s plea, a flying monster and kids on screens

Despite shutdowns caused by that virus, we are gaining little benefit in emissions reduction. Rebecca Ford, age 16, who’s at The Senior High School in Albany WA tells The Science Show  why she is so concerned and how much young people need our support. Yes, we are distracted, but climate change won’t go away and could make corona seem like a mere passing sniffle if we’re not careful. 
4/4/202054 minutes, 6 seconds
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Fear! Should we be frightened? ...and survive?

3/28/202053 minutes, 52 seconds
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Fear! Should we be frightened? ...and survive?

3/28/202053 minutes, 52 seconds
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Why is it so cold in here?

Besides the virus, what’s bothering people in offices and cabs around the world? Well, it’s freezing. Especially for women. Tom Chang at the University of Southern California did the tests and found there’s a marked drop in productivity if people are uncomfortable because the air-conditioning is berserk. He published his findings and was astounded to find there were millions of responses. Is there a gender difference? Do men in suits really not feel the freeze? Can we afford to waste the energy on unwanted ice boxes to work in? 
3/21/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Why is it so cold in here?

Besides the virus, what’s bothering people in offices and cabs around the world? Well, it’s freezing. Especially for women. Tom Chang at the University of Southern California did the tests and found there’s a marked drop in productivity if people are uncomfortable because the air-conditioning is berserk. He published his findings and was astounded to find there were millions of responses. Is there a gender difference? Do men in suits really not feel the freeze? Can we afford to waste the energy on unwanted ice boxes to work in? 
3/21/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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The arts meet the sciences - and ads in the sky?

White dwarfs reveal composition of gobbled planets How light pollution impacts animals Plan to create advertising messages in the sky using satellites Tragedy of the commons now being played out in space The arts and sciences dance together with inspiring results Curiosity the cornerstone for artists and scientists
3/14/202054 minutes, 29 seconds
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The arts meet the sciences - and ads in the sky?

White dwarfs reveal composition of gobbled planets How light pollution impacts animals Plan to create advertising messages in the sky using satellites Tragedy of the commons now being played out in space The arts and sciences dance together with inspiring results Curiosity the cornerstone for artists and scientists
3/14/202054 minutes, 29 seconds
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Our superginormous black hole is hungry again

3/7/202054 minutes, 20 seconds
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Our superginormous black hole is hungry again

3/7/202054 minutes, 20 seconds
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The grid is wobbling – what to do? And here comes the WA Scientist of the Year, and he’s running!

2/29/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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The grid is wobbling – what to do? And here comes the WA Scientist of the Year, and he’s running!

2/29/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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The USA, and Australian forests under extreme pressure

2/22/202054 minutes, 6 seconds
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The USA, and Australian forests under extreme pressure

2/22/202054 minutes, 6 seconds
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A wire around the world

2/15/202054 minutes, 2 seconds
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A wire around the world

2/15/202054 minutes, 2 seconds
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The formula - the new science of success

2/8/202054 minutes, 3 seconds
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The formula - the new science of success

2/8/202054 minutes, 3 seconds
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A journalist’s view of The Australian’s anti-science campaign, changes in energy and transport, and a boost for innovation.

2/1/202054 minutes, 4 seconds
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A journalist’s view of The Australian’s anti-science campaign, changes in energy and transport, and a boost for innovation.

2/1/202054 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Coastline – as vital as your skin. Keep it healthy or we die.

1/25/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Coastline – as vital as your skin. Keep it healthy or we die.

1/25/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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How bees see, how fish change their sex and a poem on bushfires, climate, politics and society

1/18/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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How bees see, how fish change their sex and a poem on bushfires, climate, politics and society

1/18/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Science Extra: 2019 in space

The first image of a black hole, Apollo 11 celebrations, and the successes and failures of 2019's satellite missions. Plus what to expect from the Mars-bound missions in 2020.
1/15/202017 minutes, 25 seconds
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Science Extra: 2019 in space

The first image of a black hole, Apollo 11 celebrations, and the successes and failures of 2019's satellite missions. Plus what to expect from the Mars-bound missions in 2020.
1/15/202017 minutes, 25 seconds
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Carl Zimmer explores the history of our understanding of heredity

1/11/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Carl Zimmer explores the history of our understanding of heredity

1/11/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Science Extra: 2019 in environment

Droughts, fires, and discussions around climate change intensified in 2019. A recap of the year in environment news, and a glimpse of what's to come in 2020.
1/8/202016 minutes, 2 seconds
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Science Extra: 2019 in environment

Droughts, fires, and discussions around climate change intensified in 2019. A recap of the year in environment news, and a glimpse of what's to come in 2020.
1/8/202016 minutes, 2 seconds
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Melting ice and burning forests signs of a changing world

3. The importance of Antarctica for the Earth’s climate
1/4/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Melting ice and burning forests signs of a changing world

3. The importance of Antarctica for the Earth’s climate
1/4/202054 minutes, 7 seconds
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Science Extra: 2019 in science

From quantum 'supremacy' to deep life, catch up on the big themes from a busy year of science. Plus will scientists build a brand new eukaryote in 2020?
1/1/202018 minutes, 2 seconds
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Science Extra: 2019 in science

From quantum 'supremacy' to deep life, catch up on the big themes from a busy year of science. Plus will scientists build a brand new eukaryote in 2020?
1/1/202018 minutes, 2 seconds
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Identifying cholera and de-extinction - should we bring back extinct animals?

12/28/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Identifying cholera and de-extinction - should we bring back extinct animals?

12/28/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Science Extra: 2019 in health

Recapping the dangers of vaping and e-cigarettes, and the latest trials aimed at warding off Alzheimer's disease. Plus what's ahead in health news for 2020?
12/25/201918 minutes, 10 seconds
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Science Extra: 2019 in health

Recapping the dangers of vaping and e-cigarettes, and the latest trials aimed at warding off Alzheimer's disease. Plus what's ahead in health news for 2020?
12/25/201918 minutes, 10 seconds
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The role of forensic science in criminal investigations

This discussion from the World Science Festival in Brisbane explores the forensic techniques used to convict 21st century criminals and the issues presented for those in science and the law.
12/21/201954 minutes, 25 seconds
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The role of forensic science in criminal investigations

This discussion from the World Science Festival in Brisbane explores the forensic techniques used to convict 21st century criminals and the issues presented for those in science and the law.
12/21/201954 minutes, 25 seconds
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Big themes for 2020 - Youth, identity, climate, AI and always, birds.

* Zofia bids farewell to her school days * Roots revives early memories of racial abuse for science writer Michael Brooks * Bird Haven festival celebrates the joy of birds * Move aside big banana and big prawn, here comes the big periodic table * Is there life beyond carbon? * Marilyn Renfree – Academy honours a lifetime of research * The march of artificial Intelligence
12/14/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Big themes for 2020 - Youth, identity, climate, AI and always, birds.

* Zofia bids farewell to her school days * Roots revives early memories of racial abuse for science writer Michael Brooks * Bird Haven festival celebrates the joy of birds * Move aside big banana and big prawn, here comes the big periodic table * Is there life beyond carbon? * Marilyn Renfree – Academy honours a lifetime of research * The march of artificial Intelligence
12/14/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Teenagers design museum galleries

12/7/201953 minutes, 57 seconds
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Teenagers design museum galleries

12/7/201953 minutes, 57 seconds
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Seaweed, sex and nano

Nanotechnology brings new challenges, new solutions Quantum computing promises new computing capabilities Micro algae show potential to replace fossil fuel-based products Heartbreak pain is like physical pain to the brain Ode to Antarctica PLC student Phoebe Adam honoured in 2019 Bragg Student Prize for Science Writing Bragg Prize for Science Writing 2019
11/30/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Seaweed, sex and nano

Nanotechnology brings new challenges, new solutions Quantum computing promises new computing capabilities Micro algae show potential to replace fossil fuel-based products Heartbreak pain is like physical pain to the brain Ode to Antarctica PLC student Phoebe Adam honoured in 2019 Bragg Student Prize for Science Writing Bragg Prize for Science Writing 2019
11/30/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Uglies, parrots and Leonardo da Vinci

Why climate change denial persists Abbotsleigh student Arwyn Stone wins 2019 Bragg Student Prize for Science Writing Ugly animals on parade in the Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Ugly Animals Insurance policy for frogs in decline Increasing the efficiency of silicon solar panels Celebrating Leonardo da Vinci Thinking Like a Parrot
11/23/201954 minutes, 8 seconds
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Uglies, parrots and Leonardo da Vinci

Why climate change denial persists Abbotsleigh student Arwyn Stone wins 2019 Bragg Student Prize for Science Writing Ugly animals on parade in the Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Ugly Animals Insurance policy for frogs in decline Increasing the efficiency of silicon solar panels Celebrating Leonardo da Vinci Thinking Like a Parrot
11/23/201954 minutes, 8 seconds
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Dinos, Denisovans and tipping complexity

Self-interest preventing progress on world problems It wasn’t an instant goodnight for all when the asteroid hit Emptying the dustbin to assemble the Iguanodontian tree Opalised dinosaur to star in a film and a new museum Tracing distribution of ancient humans A new approach to treating pancreatic cancer Ancient reefs reveal early history of life on Earth
11/16/201920 minutes, 48 seconds
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Dinos, Denisovans and tipping complexity

Self-interest preventing progress on world problems It wasn’t an instant goodnight for all when the asteroid hit Emptying the dustbin to assemble the Iguanodontian tree Opalised dinosaur to star in a film and a new museum Tracing distribution of ancient humans A new approach to treating pancreatic cancer Ancient reefs reveal early history of life on Earth
11/16/201920 minutes, 48 seconds
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Where are the birds? And mould-breaking young scientists

After 180 years, suddenly we know more about breasts Magic mushroom compound psilocybin shows promise for treatment of anxiety and depression How to build affection for city rivers Insects feeling the heat of changing climate Oxford encourages swifts with a tower of nesting boxes Birds threatened by rapid climate change Unnatural Selection explores and compares selective breeding with natural selection
11/9/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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Where are the birds? And mould-breaking young scientists

After 180 years, suddenly we know more about breasts Magic mushroom compound psilocybin shows promise for treatment of anxiety and depression How to build affection for city rivers Insects feeling the heat of changing climate Oxford encourages swifts with a tower of nesting boxes Birds threatened by rapid climate change Unnatural Selection explores and compares selective breeding with natural selection
11/9/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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Is nuclear safe? Plus, a stroll through the science of secrets

Gerry Thomas questions our fear of nuclear power Could California save the Tarkine by leasing it? The University of Newcastle looks at new uni model, new energy options Electrolysis may help pull carbon dioxide from the atmosphere Look at our beautiful website! You can trust us! British grapes roasted by extreme heat London’s Science Museum presents Top Secret: From ciphers to cyber security
11/2/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Is nuclear safe? Plus, a stroll through the science of secrets

Gerry Thomas questions our fear of nuclear power Could California save the Tarkine by leasing it? The University of Newcastle looks at new uni model, new energy options Electrolysis may help pull carbon dioxide from the atmosphere Look at our beautiful website! You can trust us! British grapes roasted by extreme heat London’s Science Museum presents Top Secret: From ciphers to cyber security
11/2/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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The cancer-causing addictive drug, fourth in line after caffeine, alcohol and nicotine, gets no research

UNSW celebrates 70 years Prime Minister’s Prizes for Innovators and Innovation 2019 Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools 2019 STEM careers extend throughout industry Linking climate passion with education and careers Betel quid - fourth most commonly consumed drug after caffeine, alcohol and nicotine, but this cancer-causing addiction gets no research
10/26/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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The cancer-causing addictive drug, fourth in line after caffeine, alcohol and nicotine, gets no research

UNSW celebrates 70 years Prime Minister’s Prizes for Innovators and Innovation 2019 Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science Teaching in Primary and Secondary Schools 2019 STEM careers extend throughout industry Linking climate passion with education and careers Betel quid - fourth most commonly consumed drug after caffeine, alcohol and nicotine, but this cancer-causing addiction gets no research
10/26/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Growing fish near old power stations

Latrobe Valley aquifer could power new industries New efficiencies coming for the mining industry Eucs a new source of graphene Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science 2019 Should we communicate with ET?
10/19/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Growing fish near old power stations

Latrobe Valley aquifer could power new industries New efficiencies coming for the mining industry Eucs a new source of graphene Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science 2019 Should we communicate with ET?
10/19/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Transformed coal brings promise of new smart industries

Nobel Prizes 2019 PhD candidate investigates proteins and DNA in resistant breast cancer cells Newcastle University helps city move from smokestacks to innovative industries Transforming coal to a high value resource, not one that is burnt for 10c per Warming England has mice on the move Robots allow scientists a few more hours sleep How physics inspires and consoles Tim Radford
10/12/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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Transformed coal brings promise of new smart industries

Nobel Prizes 2019 PhD candidate investigates proteins and DNA in resistant breast cancer cells Newcastle University helps city move from smokestacks to innovative industries Transforming coal to a high value resource, not one that is burnt for 10c per Warming England has mice on the move Robots allow scientists a few more hours sleep How physics inspires and consoles Tim Radford
10/12/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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Meet the first female editor of Nature, and who are the orphans of Apollo?

Nature celebrates 150 years New missions bring new excitement for the Moon The mystery and complexity of our sense of smell Lignin a possible basis for new bioplastics Polluting petrochemical solvent replaced by green biochemical alternative
10/5/201953 minutes, 54 seconds
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Meet the first female editor of Nature, and who are the orphans of Apollo?

Nature celebrates 150 years New missions bring new excitement for the Moon The mystery and complexity of our sense of smell Lignin a possible basis for new bioplastics Polluting petrochemical solvent replaced by green biochemical alternative
10/5/201953 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Science Show is sent to Coventry

UK’s Warwick University – collaborative projects and filling skills gaps Alice Roberts – how to approach humanity’s huge challenges High-res scans reveal dodo’s violent death Autonomous vehicle for those sprawling campuses and shopping centres How car batteries will change over time Talking to young children helps with language development Seed collection conserves genetic diversity of vegetables
9/28/201954 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Science Show is sent to Coventry

UK’s Warwick University – collaborative projects and filling skills gaps Alice Roberts – how to approach humanity’s huge challenges High-res scans reveal dodo’s violent death Autonomous vehicle for those sprawling campuses and shopping centres How car batteries will change over time Talking to young children helps with language development Seed collection conserves genetic diversity of vegetables
9/28/201954 minutes, 10 seconds
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Where did the Moon come from?

What can time-travelling seeds teach us about climate change? Five schools across four continents look to the stars together Under the stars: a new book introducing children to astrophysics Where DID the Moon come from? The Moon: A History for the Future
9/21/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Where did the Moon come from?

What can time-travelling seeds teach us about climate change? Five schools across four continents look to the stars together Under the stars: a new book introducing children to astrophysics Where DID the Moon come from? The Moon: A History for the Future
9/21/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Magic of Mushrooms

9/14/201954 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Magic of Mushrooms

9/14/201954 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Future of Australia's Space Industry

Australia has a long history of space activities. But how will the newly formed Australian Space Agency be supporting future space industry and technology?
9/7/201954 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Future of Australia's Space Industry

Australia has a long history of space activities. But how will the newly formed Australian Space Agency be supporting future space industry and technology?
9/7/201954 minutes, 15 seconds
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Forty-Four Years Later!

The first Science Show had a warning about fossil fuels - 44 years ago
8/31/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Forty-Four Years Later!

The first Science Show had a warning about fossil fuels - 44 years ago
8/31/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Let’s save the gorgeous pangolin!

New tech to help trace pangolin poachers Research and education a key part of Sydney’s Taronga Zoo Celebrations for Riversleigh’s 25 years as a World Heritage site 50 years of marriage celebrated - with a wasp Ants - the gardeners of the forest Australia’s insects disappearing before being described and named Cameras the best way to observe animal behaviour Our chemical homes
8/24/201953 minutes, 52 seconds
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Let’s save the gorgeous pangolin!

New tech to help trace pangolin poachers Research and education a key part of Sydney’s Taronga Zoo Celebrations for Riversleigh’s 25 years as a World Heritage site 50 years of marriage celebrated - with a wasp Ants - the gardeners of the forest Australia’s insects disappearing before being described and named Cameras the best way to observe animal behaviour Our chemical homes
8/24/201953 minutes, 52 seconds
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Gravity, with Einstein

Australia should adopt the British model of science advisors for each ministry says Peter Newman Understanding gravity Illustrating the universe Resistant nerves could lead to treatment for neuro degenerative disease Startups aim at efficiency and waste in food production Improving photosynthesis to boost crop yields
8/17/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Gravity, with Einstein

Australia should adopt the British model of science advisors for each ministry says Peter Newman Understanding gravity Illustrating the universe Resistant nerves could lead to treatment for neuro degenerative disease Startups aim at efficiency and waste in food production Improving photosynthesis to boost crop yields
8/17/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hard questions and hydrogen

Bees worldwide under serious threat The Rescue Project presents stories of land repair Reducing emissions won’t be enough to limit rising temperatures Coordination required to build a hydrogen-based economy Science should emulate sport in supporting women Social influences can help problem gamblers Tom Gleeson BSc back with another season of tough questions
8/10/201954 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hard questions and hydrogen

Bees worldwide under serious threat The Rescue Project presents stories of land repair Reducing emissions won’t be enough to limit rising temperatures Coordination required to build a hydrogen-based economy Science should emulate sport in supporting women Social influences can help problem gamblers Tom Gleeson BSc back with another season of tough questions
8/10/201954 minutes, 9 seconds
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How did just five species of dinosaurs survive Armageddon 65 million years ago to give us 10,000 species of birds today?

Concerns with funding shift for OECD science Dinosaurs reveal further details of history of life on Earth Field sound recordings show ecosystems changing fast Thomas Harriot - forgotten Elizabethan scientist comes to life The little extras needed to engage US humanities undergrads in biology basics
8/3/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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How did just five species of dinosaurs survive Armageddon 65 million years ago to give us 10,000 species of birds today?

Concerns with funding shift for OECD science Dinosaurs reveal further details of history of life on Earth Field sound recordings show ecosystems changing fast Thomas Harriot - forgotten Elizabethan scientist comes to life The little extras needed to engage US humanities undergrads in biology basics
8/3/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Was Einstein right?

7/27/201954 minutes, 8 seconds
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Was Einstein right?

7/27/201954 minutes, 8 seconds
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Anyone fancy $315 billion?

The voice of Apollo - how ABC science broadcast the Moon landing Open source data the basis of research, democracy and scientifically-based decision making Australia back of the pack in digital innovation University of Tasmania focussed on local challenges, opportunities and community University of Otago celebrates 150 years Primary students lap up Einsteinian physics
7/20/201953 minutes, 57 seconds
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Anyone fancy $315 billion?

The voice of Apollo - how ABC science broadcast the Moon landing Open source data the basis of research, democracy and scientifically-based decision making Australia back of the pack in digital innovation University of Tasmania focussed on local challenges, opportunities and community University of Otago celebrates 150 years Primary students lap up Einsteinian physics
7/20/201953 minutes, 57 seconds
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Bringing them back

7/13/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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Bringing them back

7/13/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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The library of life on Earth

We've now described about 1.75 million species on our planet - but it's believed there are millions more that we haven't classified yet.
7/6/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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The library of life on Earth

We've now described about 1.75 million species on our planet - but it's believed there are millions more that we haven't classified yet.
7/6/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Love, feelings, and flavour

Lovers in the lab
6/29/201954 minutes, 12 seconds
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Love, feelings, and flavour

Lovers in the lab
6/29/201954 minutes, 12 seconds
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Taking tech into your own hands

Building your own artificial Pancreas
6/22/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Taking tech into your own hands

Building your own artificial Pancreas
6/22/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Wild things

The first/last Danish wolf Making Tasmanian devils less Tasmanian How to control Australia's wild dogs A world without humans
6/15/201958 minutes, 24 seconds
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Wild things

The first/last Danish wolf Making Tasmanian devils less Tasmanian How to control Australia's wild dogs A world without humans
6/15/201958 minutes, 24 seconds
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Nine stories about our nine pints of blood

Most people have a minimum of 9 pints of blood in their bodies. In her book Nine Pints, Rose George takes us on a journey with nine stories exploring the science of blood and our changing attitudes to blood in different cultures.  We produce 2,000,000 new red blood cells each second. The cells have a lot of work to do. They carry oxygen to organs and tissues. They carry nutrients, heat and hormones. Blood transports waste products and where necessary, clots to stop the flow. It fights infections and foreign invaders. In Nepal Rose meets girls challenging taboos around menstruation. In the Canadian prairies, she visits a controversial plasma clinic. She tours a leech farm in Wales and learns about the role leeches play in modern surgery. Rose George is heard in her appearance at Adelaide Writers Week.
6/8/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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Nine stories about our nine pints of blood

Most people have a minimum of 9 pints of blood in their bodies. In her book Nine Pints, Rose George takes us on a journey with nine stories exploring the science of blood and our changing attitudes to blood in different cultures.  We produce 2,000,000 new red blood cells each second. The cells have a lot of work to do. They carry oxygen to organs and tissues. They carry nutrients, heat and hormones. Blood transports waste products and where necessary, clots to stop the flow. It fights infections and foreign invaders. In Nepal Rose meets girls challenging taboos around menstruation. In the Canadian prairies, she visits a controversial plasma clinic. She tours a leech farm in Wales and learns about the role leeches play in modern surgery. Rose George is heard in her appearance at Adelaide Writers Week.
6/8/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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Electric brains and ‘magic’ furniture

Headset provides soundtrack for the vision impaired Buzzing ball trains the brain with degraded proprioception Magnetic brain stimulation trials for Multiple sclerosis Adelaide hosts first Asian Physics Olympiad held in Australia New wheat varieties for the changing climate Amphibians threatened worldwide Ecosystem services vital, though not always obvious
6/1/201953 minutes, 53 seconds
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Electric brains and ‘magic’ furniture

Headset provides soundtrack for the vision impaired Buzzing ball trains the brain with degraded proprioception Magnetic brain stimulation trials for Multiple sclerosis Adelaide hosts first Asian Physics Olympiad held in Australia New wheat varieties for the changing climate Amphibians threatened worldwide Ecosystem services vital, though not always obvious
6/1/201953 minutes, 53 seconds
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Bees on fire!

Tasmanian forest fires leave people feeling threatened Prairie voles a model for human love and attachment High drama in the lives of honey bees The key role of insects in crop pollination Response to damaged genes linked to Parkinson’s Disease Secrets of those who bloom in their senior years revealed
5/25/201953 minutes, 58 seconds
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Bees on fire!

Tasmanian forest fires leave people feeling threatened Prairie voles a model for human love and attachment High drama in the lives of honey bees The key role of insects in crop pollination Response to damaged genes linked to Parkinson’s Disease Secrets of those who bloom in their senior years revealed
5/25/201953 minutes, 58 seconds
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Open the door - or else!

Sulawesi hit by rare supershear earthquake in Sep 2018 Nuclear and renewables or nuclear or renewables? Challenges for Alzheimer’s research How Australia’s first regional university offers more Pouched rats sniff for land mines and medical samples
5/18/201954 minutes
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Open the door - or else!

Sulawesi hit by rare supershear earthquake in Sep 2018 Nuclear and renewables or nuclear or renewables? Challenges for Alzheimer’s research How Australia’s first regional university offers more Pouched rats sniff for land mines and medical samples
5/18/201954 minutes
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Fancy a brain diet?

New evidence helps rewrite the human story Mass migration of human populations predicted ALP promises funding boost for science How gut bacteria affect our brain Who controls autonomous systems? The amazing, bedazzling bird-of-paradise
5/11/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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Fancy a brain diet?

New evidence helps rewrite the human story Mass migration of human populations predicted ALP promises funding boost for science How gut bacteria affect our brain Who controls autonomous systems? The amazing, bedazzling bird-of-paradise
5/11/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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Frogs! Frogs! Frogs!

Ode to the typewriter and vale poet Les Murray Phone recordings provide status update for frogs Spread of chytrid fungus linked to human transport Hashtag era gives activism a face Coalition promises for science Judge finds scientist’s dismissal unlawful Major changes in human history linked to geological forces
5/4/201953 minutes, 58 seconds
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Frogs! Frogs! Frogs!

Ode to the typewriter and vale poet Les Murray Phone recordings provide status update for frogs Spread of chytrid fungus linked to human transport Hashtag era gives activism a face Coalition promises for science Judge finds scientist’s dismissal unlawful Major changes in human history linked to geological forces
5/4/201953 minutes, 58 seconds
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Impacts of high-tide flooding on local economic activity Mysteries of the bizarre ancient fish, the coelacanth Life at extreme ocean depths Vale biologist Sydney Brenner Challenges for AI visual recognition Nine amazing stories about blood
4/27/201953 minutes, 52 seconds
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Impacts of high-tide flooding on local economic activity Mysteries of the bizarre ancient fish, the coelacanth Life at extreme ocean depths Vale biologist Sydney Brenner Challenges for AI visual recognition Nine amazing stories about blood
4/27/201953 minutes, 52 seconds
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The psychology of going to Mars

New telescope to probe the formation and evolution of the universe Building teams for missions to Mars
4/20/201954 minutes, 8 seconds
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The psychology of going to Mars

New telescope to probe the formation and evolution of the universe Building teams for missions to Mars
4/20/201954 minutes, 8 seconds
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A science-led election?

Bill Shorten describes science under a Labor government Australian hydrogen could power the world many times over Antarctic coasts melted by warmer oceans Slime moulds exhibit memory New ideas about ridged teeth of large aquatic feeders Deciphering the social behaviour of ants
4/13/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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A science-led election?

Bill Shorten describes science under a Labor government Australian hydrogen could power the world many times over Antarctic coasts melted by warmer oceans Slime moulds exhibit memory New ideas about ridged teeth of large aquatic feeders Deciphering the social behaviour of ants
4/13/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Scientists support worldwide moratorium on editing human embryos

Budget provides science a nudge Moratorium call on editing human embryos Energy used to produce wasted food in US could power whole countries Measuring the universe may lead to new physics, and new model of the universe Worldwide bird sightings collated at eBird Interactive experience for visitors at SF Exploratorium
4/6/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Scientists support worldwide moratorium on editing human embryos

Budget provides science a nudge Moratorium call on editing human embryos Energy used to produce wasted food in US could power whole countries Measuring the universe may lead to new physics, and new model of the universe Worldwide bird sightings collated at eBird Interactive experience for visitors at SF Exploratorium
4/6/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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The making and breaking of memory

President Trump heading for the far side of the Moon Early prep for human missions to Mars Lights affect migratory birds NestWatch tracks breeding success of birds across the US Where memories are held New focussed approach to brain therapy Miniaturisation and wifi bring hope for patients with epilepsy and vision impairment
3/30/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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The making and breaking of memory

President Trump heading for the far side of the Moon Early prep for human missions to Mars Lights affect migratory birds NestWatch tracks breeding success of birds across the US Where memories are held New focussed approach to brain therapy Miniaturisation and wifi bring hope for patients with epilepsy and vision impairment
3/30/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Is IQ fixed?

How racial prejudice can easily appear in classrooms The human race - a race of one Henry Sutton an inspiration for students at Federation University Project FeederWatch feeds birds, unites people, provides valuable data Fairywren Project collates bird sightings to monitor changes in populations and range
3/23/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Is IQ fixed?

How racial prejudice can easily appear in classrooms The human race - a race of one Henry Sutton an inspiration for students at Federation University Project FeederWatch feeds birds, unites people, provides valuable data Fairywren Project collates bird sightings to monitor changes in populations and range
3/23/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Stopping the plunge in achievement in STEM at school and university

Understanding not memorization the key to learning maths New approach to teaching hopes to improve retention in STEM Carl Sagan inspires search for life beyond Earth Elements of interest to Australia Racial prejudice from teachers lessens student results
3/16/201954 minutes, 4 seconds
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Stopping the plunge in achievement in STEM at school and university

Understanding not memorization the key to learning maths New approach to teaching hopes to improve retention in STEM Carl Sagan inspires search for life beyond Earth Elements of interest to Australia Racial prejudice from teachers lessens student results
3/16/201954 minutes, 4 seconds
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HIV, Trump and David Baltimore

New battery launched for life beyond lithium Hunt for exoplanets continues after Kepler David Baltimore - early work led to first HIV drugs Happy 150th birthday to the Periodic Table
3/9/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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HIV, Trump and David Baltimore

New battery launched for life beyond lithium Hunt for exoplanets continues after Kepler David Baltimore - early work led to first HIV drugs Happy 150th birthday to the Periodic Table
3/9/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Reports from the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Washington DC

Microorganisms produce more CO2 in a warming world Drought, heat and fire leave massive tree graveyards on all continents Biggest nuclear fusion experiment on schedule in southern France The Bail Project helps low income people in NYC Smithsonian Museum and Zoo records the natural world as it collides with human civilisation Apprenticeship scheme leads to low Swiss unemployment The third revolution in warfare after gun powder and nuclear weapons is on its way - autonomous weapons
3/2/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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Reports from the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Washington DC

Microorganisms produce more CO2 in a warming world Drought, heat and fire leave massive tree graveyards on all continents Biggest nuclear fusion experiment on schedule in southern France The Bail Project helps low income people in NYC Smithsonian Museum and Zoo records the natural world as it collides with human civilisation Apprenticeship scheme leads to low Swiss unemployment The third revolution in warfare after gun powder and nuclear weapons is on its way - autonomous weapons
3/2/201954 minutes, 6 seconds
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What is life?

Investigating processes which control the expression of genes New chemistry emulates nature Climate politics – it’s short-term gain for some versus long-term well-being for all The secret of life - explanation through new physics
2/23/201953 minutes, 58 seconds
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What is life?

Investigating processes which control the expression of genes New chemistry emulates nature Climate politics – it’s short-term gain for some versus long-term well-being for all The secret of life - explanation through new physics
2/23/201953 minutes, 58 seconds
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Coral spawning, and the hopes and hurdles of assisted evolution

2/16/201953 minutes, 58 seconds
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Coral spawning, and the hopes and hurdles of assisted evolution

2/16/201953 minutes, 58 seconds
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An ancient whale mystery hidden in the cliffs around Bells Beach

2/9/201953 minutes, 52 seconds
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An ancient whale mystery hidden in the cliffs around Bells Beach

2/9/201953 minutes, 52 seconds
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The vital importance of public enterprise

2/2/201953 minutes, 52 seconds
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The vital importance of public enterprise

2/2/201953 minutes, 52 seconds
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Holidays in space?

1/26/201954 minutes, 7 seconds
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Science Extra: You're not eating enough fruit and veg

A look back at some big stories of human health from 2018. Why do scientists keep studying the same genes, why are Aussies still not eating enough fruit and veg, and what can we learn from the catastrophic 1918 flu pandemic?
1/19/201913 minutes, 1 second
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How young people view our scientific world – and our uncertain future

1/19/201954 minutes, 5 seconds
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Science Extra: What did we learn from social media in 2018?

We discuss 2018 in tech news — from social media behaving badly to 'deep fake' videos and concerns about My Health Record.
1/12/201914 minutes, 51 seconds
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William Whewell - coined osmosis, conductivity, ion and scientist!

1/12/201953 minutes, 52 seconds
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Science Extra: Emergency departments leave mental health patients waiting

We review the year in health: an investigation into out-of-pocket medical costs, mental health patients visiting the ED and changes to abortion laws.
1/5/201911 minutes, 50 seconds
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Frankenstein - It’s alive!!!

1/5/201953 minutes, 52 seconds
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Science Extra: Landings, launches and a solar probe

2018 was a big year in space. We look back at a mission to the Sun, a slew of mysterious radio bursts, and the ancient glimmer of the very first stars.
12/29/201814 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Willy Show

A couple of weeks ago, The Science Show featured The Vagina Museum in Britain. Today, in the interest of genital balance and gonad diversity, we present The Willy Show.
12/29/201853 minutes, 52 seconds
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Science Extra: IPCC report warns Earth's climate is in serious trouble

We review 2018 in environment news — going vegan for the environment, dire climate warnings from the UN, and the troubled life of the world's largest organism, the 'trembling giant'.
12/22/201812 minutes, 35 seconds
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Is birdsong music?

12/22/201853 minutes, 52 seconds
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Science Extra: An ancient jawbone reveals movements of modern humans

Looking back at 2018 in science, we learn about our ancient ancestors, our planet's core and a really, really bad headache.
12/15/201814 minutes, 1 second
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The Vagina Museum is born

The Vagina Museum Superstars of STEM to encourage girls to take up STEM study Santa Sabina produces prize-winning writers Study of one equation leads to advanced imaging Mining brings arsenic to the surface Federation University Australia prepares students for jobs in renewable energy The Quantum Astrologer’s Handbook
12/15/201853 minutes, 42 seconds
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Inventing TV in Australia in 1885

Australian inventor Henry Sutton remembered The palm oil dilemma Mental health services barely available in Indonesia Biofabrication brings solutions for skulls, hearts, ears and more
12/8/201854 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to grow a new leg

Bill Shorten promises funding boost for science UN Climate Report warns current emissions reduction won’t keep warming under 2 degrees New frog’s leg encouraging step towards human regenerative success Animal poaching for traditional Chinese medicine threatens key species Tim Flannery traces the natural history of Europe from the time of the dinosaurs
12/1/201854 minutes, 6 seconds
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Screens spoiling brains?

Communications skills diminished by excessive screen time Mars InSight lander to monitor Mars interior Is the system stacked against women in science? Bragg Student Prize for Science Writing winner Preethika Mathan Victoria Fellowship to help develop new treatments for shigella QUT STEM Camp introduces school students to real-world STEM scenarios
11/24/201854 minutes, 4 seconds
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Here comes the Sun

University of Sydney opens new mathematics research institute Science Museum shines light on the Sun Bats - just squeaks or language? Help for gliders crossing busy roadways Behind the scenes of award-winning science journalism
11/17/201853 minutes, 54 seconds
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Top women on the good news

Andrew Olle remembered at fund raising dinner Minister blocks bird song research Best Australian Science Writing 2018 Enova puts power into the hands of the community Balliol welcomes its first female master in 755 years Explaining risk New techniques help genetically controlled eye conditions
11/10/201854 minutes, 4 seconds
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Innovation for energy, fertilisers, roads and crops

Finisar team wins Prime Minister’s Prize for Innovation for internet switches Soft plastic used in new road surface Call for non-medical research future fund Ammonia’s big future in fuels and fertiliser Angel Investment Network links scientific start-ups with investors Supercharging crop growth and yield Hope that non-lethal, infertile cane toads could save Australian wildlife
11/3/201854 minutes, 6 seconds