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The Teaching Series with Brad Gray

English, Religion, 1 season, 194 episodes, 2 days, 18 hours, 35 minutes
This is the audio version of our highly visual, video series, The Teaching Series. Host and Bible Teacher, Brad Gray helps you read the Bible with great clarity and confidence through a deeper understanding of its original context.
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#194 - Life in the Roman Empire Pt 4: Roman Baths

Roman bathhouses were a central feature of daily life across the Roman Empire. Ironically, their primary purpose wasn’t hygiene, but for serving as social hubs where people from all walks of life could relax, socialize, conduct business, and engage in various activities like eating, drinking, exercising, playing games, attending lectures, or having sensual interactions. Due to their popularity, the Apostle Paul drew from bathhouse imagery to urge Christians to “rid themselves” of old, sinful habits, much like shedding old clothes. By the end of this teaching, you’ll be challenged to align your habits with the new heart and status Jesus gave you!
9/10/202416 minutes, 12 seconds
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#193 - Life in the Roman Empire Pt 3: Gladiators & Beast Hunts

Romans loved the blood and gore of gladiators and beast hunts. These explosive spectacles were designed to recall great moments from Rome’s past and were deliberately sponsored by politicians who also distributed cash-handouts, donations for public banquets, and other gifts to secure the public’s favor. Knowing they were about to die, gladiators nevertheless sought to die well. The Apostle Paul seized on imagery and language from gladiators and beast hunts to illustrate what a life fully yielded to God looked like. This fascinating teaching by Dr. Randall Smith (a dear friend of the WTT community!) will spark your curiosity and challenge you to consider how to yield everything in your life to God, including your death. 
8/27/202419 minutes, 35 seconds
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#192 - Life in the Roman Empire Pt 2: Stadium & Chariot Races

The Romans were obsessed with games and sports, to the extent that athletes were treated like celebrities, and passionate fans sometimes rioted. Herod the Great was even voted President of the Olympic Games for life! Among the most popular games were footraces and chariot races, which captivated the public's imagination. The Apostle Paul frequently drew on this imagery, using the idea of running a race to describe the Christian life—urging believers to run well, strain forward, and keep their eyes fixed on the ultimate goal. He did the same with chariot races as well. By understanding these cultural references, we gain clarity on what Paul was admonishing believers to do to be faithful to Jesus in our lives.
8/13/202420 minutes, 27 seconds
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#191 - Life in the Roman Empire Pt 1: The Theatre

Every self-respecting city in the Roman Empire had a theatre. Yes, people loved entertainment, but the theatre was bigger than that. It was a culture-shaping venue where edgy ideas and societal taboos were normalized in order to dictate the direction of culture. The Apostle Paul understood this and made frequent use of theatre imagery to shape people into the image of Jesus. In this episode, you’ll learn how the theatre functioned, how Paul used theatre language, and what we need to be aware of as we engage in the entertainment of our day. 
7/30/202425 minutes, 26 seconds
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#190 - Out of Context Pt 6: My God, My God (Matthew 27:46)

During Holy Week, people all over the world remember Jesus’s words on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Did God really abandon Jesus on the cross? Or was Jesus quoting these specific words at this specific moment for a specific reason? In this final episode of “Out of Context,” we unpack Jesus’s use of a rabbinic technique called “remez” to make a bold claim about his supreme confidence in God’s faithfulness. Once you understand the context of these powerful words, you’ll be inspired by the knowledge that even in our darkest moments, God doesn’t leave us or abandon us! 
3/26/202421 minutes, 38 seconds
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#189 - Out of Context Pt 5: Do Not Judge

“Do not judge or you too will be judged.” These well-known words are quoted by Christians and non-Christians alike, often as a shield to prevent others from speaking into their lives in ways that feel critical. “If you’re a hypocrite, you don’t get to point out my flaws! And since we’re all hypocrites, no one gets to point out anybody’s flaws!” But is that what Jesus really intended with these words? Not even close. By the end of this episode, you’ll discover how confronting our own hypocrisy and condemnation of others empowers us to speak more effectively in each other’s lives! 
3/12/202420 minutes, 45 seconds
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#188 - Out of Context Pt 4: Where Two or Three Gather

At Christian gatherings, you’ll often hear a leader say, “Jesus is present because he promised that ‘whenever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them.’” Now, there’s nothing wrong with reminding people of Jesus’s presence.
2/27/202425 minutes, 48 seconds
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#187 - Out of Context Pt 3: Examine Yourself Before Communion

Communion … out of context … REALLY? That’s not what usually comes to mind when we think about Scripture’s instructions on the Lord’s Supper. In 1 Corinthians 11, the apostle Paul commands believers to “examine themselves” before taking communion so they don’t “eat in an unworthy manner.” Pulled from their context, these words are generally used in worship services to invite personal reflection. But Paul was addressing something far more specific and challenging in the life of the Corinthian church that we cannot afford to miss. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a new appreciation for the power of meals to bring healing in a divided world! 
2/13/202420 minutes, 24 seconds
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#186 - Out of Context Pt 2: For I Know the Plans

Jeremiah 29:11 is a crowd favorite! “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to proper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Who wouldn’t want these plans? Prosperity, comfort (no harm), a hopeful future – sign us up! And then the bottom falls out, and our faith gets upended because we held God to a promise He never made. Jeremiah 29:11 is not about prosperity and protection. It’s about perseverance in the midst of hardship. Stripped of its context, this passage is catastrophic to our faith journey. But understood properly, it gives us the hope and perspective we need to navigate life’s challenges well. 
1/30/202420 minutes, 33 seconds
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#185 - Out of Context Pt 1: I Can Do All Things

Understanding the original context of a passage unleashes the power of Scripture to transform our lives. “Out of Context” is a new series designed to help us train our minds to ask better questions when we read the Bible by exploring famous passages that are frequently taken out of context. By the end of this episode, you’ll understand why Philippians 4:13 isn’t about God empowering us to do whatever we set our minds to, but rather unlocking the secret of contentment in any situation! 
1/16/202420 minutes, 41 seconds
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#184 Proclamations of Christmas Pt 4: Simeon's song

The final song of Christmas included in Luke’s gospel comes forty days after the birth of Jesus on the lips of an elderly man named Simeon. As Simeon holds Jesus in his arms, he begins praising God by joyfully proclaiming, “Lord, now you are dismissing your servant in peace.” Set in its original context, these are some of the most moving and inspiring words for us to consider as we launch into a new year. As we’ll see in this final episode in our series “Proclamations of Christmas,” in a world of transactional relationships and half-hearted commitments, Simeon’s devotion to God will challenge us to ask, “Am I fully devoted to the king, or am I simply going through the motions of a complacent Christianity that has lost the cosmic plot of God’s redemption for all people?”
1/2/202420 minutes, 54 seconds
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#183 Proclamations of Christmas Pt 3: Angel's Song

During the Christmas season, we join the angels in singing “peace on earth.” But earth doesn’t always feel peaceful. In fact, it often feels really chaotic. From personal challenges to family heartaches to friends who are suffering to wars around the world, the idea of “peace” can be confusing and elusive. Which is why we need to understand more fully what the angels were proclaiming, and how to obtain peace and stability when everything is swirling around us. As you’d expect, it has everything to do with one we celebrate in this season – the Prince of Peace. So as we unpack the angels’ song, may we join them in proclaiming, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will among people!”
12/19/202321 minutes, 23 seconds
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#182 - Proclamations of Christmas Pt 2: Zechariah’s Song

Zechariah’s song (the “Benedictus” in Latin) is a potent reminder that God sees us, cares about us, and faithfully show up to us in our lives. It’s a powerful song, but as you’ll see, powerful songs come from powerful stories – usually painful ones. Despite experiencing the disgrace and disappointment of being barren, Zechariah and Elizabeth remained faithful to God and resolute in their humility. Together, this created a powerful opportunity for God to show up and bring forth new possibility. By the end of this episode, you’ll possess a deeper understanding of how our practice of humility can do the same!
12/5/202320 minutes, 47 seconds
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#181 - Proclamations of Christmas Pt 1: Mary’s Song

Christmas songs are powerful! From hymns and carols to drumlines and choirs, few things capture the essence of Christmas like its music. Which is why in this new series, we examine the prophetic songs surrounding the first Christmas recorded in Luke’s Gospel. Beginning with Mary’s song (the “Magnificat” in Latin), we see that she demonstrates a fiery confidence in God’s faithfulness despite centuries of foreign oppression. She believes the world will change and is blessed because of her belief. But Mary’s unflinching belief didn’t just happen. It was the natural byproduct of a life immersed in the Scriptures and animated by hope. May we experience the same this Advent season! 
11/21/202321 minutes, 52 seconds
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#180 - Flora & Faith Pt 6: Resting Under the Rotem

In this final episode of our Flora & Faith series, we meet two biblical characters who come to the end of themselves in the same wilderness south of Beersheba. “Wilderness” is more than just a place on a map. It’s also a territory of the soul where all our safety nets get removed, and our only hope is to depend on God. It’s here that God uses a small desert shrub to deliver a potent message of hope. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a new appreciation for the way small graces become huge gifts when we come to the end of ourselves.
11/7/202320 minutes, 38 seconds
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#179 - Flora & Faith Pt 5: Uprooting Our Atads

In the book of Judges, we meet an obscure tree that serves as a powerful illustration of what a life of faithfulness looks like. In Judges 9, Gideon’s son, Abimelech, convinces the people of Shechem to appoint him as king and then murders all his brothers, except one: Jotham. Having escaped, Jotham tells a fable about several trees that culminates with the atad. The atad looks strong and vibrant on the surface, but its splendor masks a sinister secret beneath the surface. By the end of this episode, you’ll be challenged to identify and uproot the ways in which your aspirations may be hindering those around you. 
10/24/202319 minutes, 22 seconds
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#178 - Flora & Faith Pt 4: Grafted Into the Olive Tree

Arguably the most recognizable tree in the land of Israel, the olive tree is known for its legendary longevity and fruitfulness. As such, it’s referenced repeatedly in the Scriptures. Most notably, the Apostle Paul uses it in Romans 11 to navigate a delicate situation between Jewish and Gentile believers in the church in Rome, and to communicate an authoritative point that has lasting implications. By the end of this episode, you’ll discover why the olive tree is a powerful illustration on how to sustain a fruitful life by making room for others. 
10/10/202320 minutes, 13 seconds
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#177 - Flora & Faith Pt 3: Waiting with the Almond Tree

Waiting on God is one of the most difficult things to do in life. In some seasons, we’re forced to wait so long it’s hard to see any redemptive purpose in it. But, in the Scriptures, the blossoming of the almond tree is a hopeful sign of better things to come. It’s also a symbol that God is watching and working in the waiting. By the end of this episode, you’ll discover how the almond tree teaches us to ask the most powerful, perspective-shifting question while we wait on God to fulfill His purposes. 
9/26/202321 minutes, 9 seconds
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#176 - Flora & Faith Pt 2: Fruit Like a Fig Tree

We’ve all read stories in the Bible that leave us wondering, “Wait! What in the world does that mean?” Jesus’s cursing the fig tree is a prime example. As one of the signature features of the landscape of the Bible, the fig tree developed deep symbolic meaning for the people of Israel. Understanding how a fig tree produces fruit clarifies exactly what’s happening when Jesus curses the fig tree. By the end of this episode, you’ll discover not only how God responds to fraudulent faith but also how fruitfulness starts. 
9/12/202319 minutes, 32 seconds
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#175 - Flora & Faith Pt 1: Abiding in the Vine

Some of the most powerful lessons on faithfulness in Scripture come from flora illustrations. When we understand the flora behind the illustrations, we grasp the lessons at a deeper and more impactful level. As we launch into this new series, we begin in John 15 with Jesus’s famous words about the “vine and the branches.” As we’ll see, placing Jesus’s words in their viticulture context provides a vivid picture of what Jesus wants from his disciples, and what must be done to live a fruitful life! 
8/29/202323 minutes, 13 seconds
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#174 - Jesus in Galilee Pt 7: Microcosm of the World

Jesus lived and ministered in a world of competing agendas, ideologies, and theologies. Nowhere was this more apparent than around the Sea of Galilee. Jesus trained his disciples here because it was a microcosm of the world! By modeling how to engage with Herodians, Zealots, Religious Jews, Gospel Patrons, and Decapolis Pagans, Jesus equipped his disciples for a life of faithfulness after his death. By the end of this final episode in “Jesus in Galilee,” you’ll appreciate why it’s so important for us to be intentional about how we’re leading others to think critically and live faithfully in a complex world. 
8/1/202320 minutes, 5 seconds
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#173 - Jesus in Galilee Pt 6: Zealots of Gamla

Before, during, and after the life of Jesus, the land of Israel was a hotbed of Jewish resistance against Rome. Located just northeast of the Sea of Galilee, the city of Gamla was a stronghold for a group called the Zealots. These were religious extremists who believed the kingdom of God came by force, and who were willing to kill Romans, Jewish collaborators, and themselves if needed. Despite their brutality, the Zealots were often admired as heroes who preserved the Hebrew tradition of zeal for God, but they totally missed the heart of God. By the end of this episode, you’ll learn two specific ways Jesus put an end to the cycle of violence in an angry, polarized world. 
7/18/202322 minutes, 57 seconds
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#172 - Jesus in Galilee Pt 5: Gospel Patrons of Magdala

As an itinerant rabbi with disciples, Jesus was dependent on the hospitality and generosity of others. So, who funded Jesus’s ministry? The answer will make you chuckle and marvel at who God uses to advance His purposes in the world. But in order to find out who funded Jesus, we need to learn about the wealthy city of Magdala. By the end of this episode, you’ll be inspired to be more intentional about using the gifts and resources God has given you to advance His purposes here on earth. 
7/4/202323 minutes, 18 seconds
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#171 - Jesus in Galilee Pt 4: Pagans of the Decapolis

Jesus interacted with all kinds of people. And when he crossed the Sea of the Galilee to “the other side,” it was to be with the pagans of the Decapolis. This league of Hellenistic cities was created to showcase Greco-Roman thought and culture in the region. But the cultural crusading of the Decapolis masked a spiritual starvation for something more. Like Jesus, we’re called to be salt and light in the cultures we inhabit, but influence is always a two-way street. By the end of this episode, you’ll be challenged to think deeply about “Who’s influencing who?” as you encounter the alluring cultures Jesus has sent you to influence. 
6/20/202321 minutes, 56 seconds
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#170 - Jesus in Galilee Pt 3: Religious Jews of the Triangle

Jesus spent an enormous amount of time in a tiny area of the Galilee we call today the “Evangelical Triangle.” Capernaum, Chorazin, and Bethsaida were home to a religious Jewish population that was passionate about following the Scriptures. And yet they proved to be some of the most resistant people to Jesus’s message and ministry. How can the very people who are so fiercely devoted to the Text miss the Messiah when he shows up in their midst? By the end of this episode, you’ll be challenged to examine what keeps you from following Jesus more fully, and why discipleship is way more than simply knowing about Jesus.
6/6/202322 minutes, 9 seconds
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#169 - Jesus in Galilee Pt 2: Herodians of Tiberias

The city of Tiberias looms large over the life and ministry of Jesus because of the powerful group of Jews it represented: The Herodians. These were wealthy, influential people who supported the pro-Roman Herodian regime. When we understand the background and origin of the city of Tiberias alongside the strategic ambition of the Herodian family, it makes perfect sense why the Herodians saw Jesus as a threat. By the end of this episode, you’ll see why integrity and vulnerability lead to human flourishing rather than exploitation. 
5/23/202319 minutes, 3 seconds
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#168 - Jesus in Galilee Pt 1: From Nazareth to Capernaum

Jesus spent 90% of his time ministering around the Sea of Galilee. Why not in Jerusalem? Why not in another part of the country? The answer is simple: Location. Location. Location. Following the arrest of John the Baptist, Matthew’s gospel tells us that Jesus “withdrew to Galilee.” But Jesus wasn’t retreating. He was advancing. He was taking his message into the heart of the crossroads of the world. By the end of this episode, you’ll see the strategic brilliance of Jesus’s decision to proclaim his message where it would have the greatest impact, and why we must do the same today. 
5/9/202320 minutes, 28 seconds
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#167 - Birthday, Deathday & the Resurrection

Holy Week invites us to hold death and life in creative tension. We pause to consider Jesus’s death on the cross, but then we celebrate the new life bursting out of the empty tomb. In a similar way, the book of Ecclesiastes makes a helpful connection between our deathday and our birthday. In this special Easter Episode, we’ll explore what it means that our deathday is better than our birthday, and why connecting our death to Jesus’s death creates a life of greater meaning and purpose, here and now.    
4/4/202320 minutes, 33 seconds
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#166 - Ruth Pt 6: Trust God’s Character

Most stories build to a climactic moment (Boaz redeeming Naomi & Ruth at the city gate) and then conclude with falling action. Not Ruth. Instead, the book of Ruth ends with a genealogy loaded with surprises that reverberate with implications not just for Naomi and Ruth, but for the people of Israel and the whole world. In the final episode of our series on Ruth, you’ll see how trusting God’s character rather than your circumstances will give you the ability to spot God’s hidden presence in your life.
3/21/202320 minutes, 27 seconds
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#165 - Ruth Pt 5: Restored to Fullness

The climactic scene in the book of Ruth takes place in the city gate. Two kinsmen are poised to provide the rescue Naomi and Ruth desperately seek. The first steps in and says, “I’ll do it,” but immediately changes his mind when Boaz mentions Ruth. It’s a confusing moment without the cultural context. But once we have that, it unlocks the story in a powerful way to see why the first one declines, and why Boaz redeems the women at a cost to himself. After watching this episode, you’ll be challenged to share in this costly and compelling love, and to consider how God’s redemption for someone else might just look a whole lot like you.
3/7/202320 minutes, 36 seconds
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#164 - Ruth Pt 4: Praying With Your Legs

More ink has been spilled over what happens between Ruth and Boaz at the threshing floor than any other scene in the book of Ruth. That’s because Ruth 3 is loaded with sexually suggestive language. But the Bible is actually doing something incredibly beautiful and redemptive by inviting us to see Boaz and Ruth as models of integrity who don’t just pray with their lips, but also with action. By the end of this episode, you’ll understand what the Biblical writer was up to and will be inspired to put legs to your own prayers.
2/21/202320 minutes, 34 seconds
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#163 - Ruth Pt 3: In the Path of Blessing

Despite having arrived in Bethlehem, Naomi, and Ruth are still vulnerable widows dependent upon the generosity of others to meet their needs. And in a time when everyone is doing what’s right in their own eyes, that doesn’t bode well for them. But as we’ll see, Ruth’s humility and work ethic caught the attention of a man whose empathy and integrity will change the course of her and Naomi’s life. By looking at these early encounters between Ruth and Boaz, we’ll learn how to place ourselves in a path of blessing for God to do what He desires.
2/7/202319 minutes, 57 seconds
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#162 – Ruth Pt 2: Clinging to Community

In the face of overwhelming loss, Naomi does what many of us do when we’re hurting: she isolates and cuts herself off from those around her. But Ruth embodies a dramatically different response. As we’ll see, Ruth’s response to the experience of loss becomes the core theme of the entire book and solidifies her place as one of the most inspiring characters of the Hebrew Scriptures. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a deeper appreciation for the power of community to help you practice faithfulness in the face of adversity.
1/24/202319 minutes, 54 seconds
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#161 - Ruth Pt 1: Acknowledging Our Famines

One of the most beautiful and moving stories in the Bible is found in the book of Ruth. But it doesn’t start that way. Set in the dark and precarious times of the Judges, the story of Ruth begins in a place of famine and death. As we’ll see, the first five verses are loaded with contextual information that lay a foundation for the rest of the book. Before we can appreciate the beauty of the story, we have to deal with the disappointment and understand why it’s so important to acknowledge our famines so they don’t define us.
1/10/202320 minutes, 22 seconds
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#160 - Characters of Christmas Pt 5: King Herod & King Jesus

In this final episode of Characters of Christmas, we explore a subtle, yet powerful distinction Matthew makes between Jesus and Herod that many people completely miss. Despite being appointed “king of the Jews,” Herod was religiously Jewish, culturally Greek, politically Roman, racially Arab, and ancestrally Edomite. Talk about an identity crisis! As we’ll see, Herod may have possessed the title “king of the Jews,” but he wasn’t the true king, and he knew it. Once you grasp what Matthew is really saying, you’ll see how the Christmas story challenges us to ask whether our allegiance is to Jesus, and to him alone.
12/27/202219 minutes, 36 seconds
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#159 - Characters of Christmas Pt 4: Magi from the East

There’s a lot the Bible doesn’t say about the Magi. For example, it doesn’t say there were only three of them or that they were kings. So, who exactly were the Magi? In order to answer that question, we’re going to have to explore astrology (yep, you heard that right!), the Parthians, the Romans, and, of course, Herod the Great. But don’t worry, by the end of this episode, you’ll understand why it’s so important that the Magi came “from the East,” and how their presence in the Christmas story was a sign that, in Jesus, God’s great reversal was underway!
12/13/202218 minutes, 20 seconds
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#158 - Characters of Christmas Pt 3: Lowly Shepherds

There are multiple aspects to the shepherds and the Christmas story in Luke 2 that we’ve traditionally gotten wrong. By understanding first-century shepherding practices and the agricultural calendar, we’ll learn why Jesus almost certainly wasn’t born on December 25 (and how we got that date in the first place). We’ll also explore whether the shepherds were simple village shepherds or temple shepherds connected to Migdal Eder, and why shepherding was a despised trade in the New Testament era. Finally, we’ll discover what it means to us that the announcement of Jesus’s arrival was first given to lowly shepherds.
11/29/202222 minutes, 12 seconds
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#157 - Characters of Christmas Pt 2: Mother Mary

Traditional Christmas pictures of Mary show a meek, quiet woman keeping watch over her infant. But the cultural implications of Jesus’s birth suggest a very different image of Mary than most of us are familiar with. Mary wasn’t simply “sweet.” She was fierce and courageous. But we can’t fully appreciate her courage until we understand how much she was risking by agreeing to be the mother of the Messiah. By the end of this episode, you’ll see why Mary is a model of discipleship who shows us how the be the kind of people where hope can be born.
11/15/202219 minutes, 16 seconds
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#156 - Characters of Christmas Pt 1: Town of Bethlehem

We’ve all seen the Christmas Pageants where Mary and Joseph show up in Bethlehem within minutes of Mary about to birth. In their moment of greatest need, they’re rejected by family and then by the mean, old innkeeper who informs them “there’s no room in the inn!” Relegated to a stable on the far side of town, and all alone, Mary and Joseph give birth to the savior of the world. Sound familiar? But what if that’s not how it went down at all? What if our understanding of the Christmas story is inaccurate and we need to understand it anew in its original context? That’s precisely what we’re doing with the Christmas story in this new series. We’re beginning with the Bethlehem events recorded in Luke 2. As we’ll see, Bethlehem wasn’t a place of rejection, but of reception for Jesus, and how he was welcomed with wonder!
11/1/202224 minutes, 22 seconds
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#155 - David and Goliath Pt 4: That They May Know

In this final episode of our mini-series on David and Goliath, we’ll look at the number one reason David does what he does. In fact, David’s motivation is a key theme that shows up again and again in the Scriptures. What we’ll learn will challenge you to face a key question: Why do you do what you do? By the end of this episode, you’ll know how to strike the balance between blessing God and owning your gifts so that God’s name is made known to the world.
7/19/202219 minutes, 40 seconds
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#154 - David and Goliath Pt 3: Use Your Gift

David and Goliath is one of the most well-known underdog stories in the world. But what if it’s not an underdog story at all? A closer look at the context reveals David isn’t an underdog (shocking, I know!). In fact, a careful reading suggests the moment David grabs a sling, Goliath is in serious trouble. By the end of this episode, you’ll understand how the context of ancient warfare completely changes the story of David and Goliath, and why it’s so important for you to do what God has uniquely gifted you to do.
7/5/202223 minutes, 17 seconds
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#153 - David and Goliath Pt 2: A Tale of 2 Shepherds

Before there was David and Goliath, there was David and Saul. The literary design of 1 Samuel reveals a tale of two shepherds that clash at the intersection with Goliath. One shepherd is fearful. The other is faithful. One backs down. The other steps up. One is rejected by God. The other is anointed by God. By the end of this episode, you’ll see how the writer of 1 Samuel was dropping hints about the difference between David and Saul, and more importantly, you’ll know what it takes to reflect the heart of God.
6/21/202220 minutes, 57 seconds
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#152 - David and Goliath Pt 1: Guard Your Shephelah

David and Goliath is a story we all know. But like all stories that stand the test of time, there’s more to it than we fully understand. As we launch this new series on this beloved story, we begin by carefully examinating the geography of the event, and understanding the location alone yields a whole new level of insight. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a new appreciation for the urgency of the David and Goliath story, and a helpful metaphor for guarding your heart and mind in our world today.
6/7/202221 minutes, 18 seconds
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#151 - The Easter Pattern

While Christians all over the world celebrate Easter each year, many of us struggle to live out the transformative power of Easter the rest of the year, especially during challenging seasons. But a close look at the Easter story reveals a powerful pattern we can emulate in order to move from death to life. By the end of this episode, you’ll learn how to name your deaths, open yourself to new possibilities, grieve your unmet expectations, let go of what was, and be empowered by God’s Spirit to move forward in the newness of life.  
4/19/202220 minutes, 6 seconds
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#150 – Living Dead to Sin

Despite being dead to sin and alive to Christ, many followers of Jesus inevitably fall prey to excusing or rationalizing our failures. “I’m a sinner saved by grace.” This is true, but not entirely in the way we often use it. According to the Apostle Paul, in Christ, you are dead to sin. Lent is a season of preparation and refinement where we pay attention to the ways we’re making a mess of ourselves and may not even know it (the episode illustration won’t be soon forgotten). By the end of this episode, you’ll be challenged to ask, “What in my life needs to die so that I can step out of the darkness and into the light of Christ?”  
4/5/202220 minutes, 50 seconds
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#149 – Lenses of Context Pt 6: Literary

Our final episode in the Lenses of Context series examines the brilliant and highly intentional literary background of the Bible. We don’t read a legal document the same way we read a poem or a historical account. We’re mindful of the context. Unfortunately, many of us miss the literary clues in the Text that help us know HOW to read that particular section in context. Thus, we need to engage the four aspects of the literary lens: genre, design, what we call “the W’s,” as well as placement. By the end of this episode, you’ll have specific tools to help you engage the literary context of the Bible to ensure you’re reading it the way it was intended to be read. And as you do so, always remember that the end goal isn’t to be smarter, but to be more faithful!
3/22/202219 minutes, 14 seconds
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#148 - Lenses of Context Pt 5: Linguistic

Languages often reveal the values of a culture, which is one of the reasons why understanding the original languages of the Bible is so important. Hebrew and Greek can be intimidating, but here’s the good news: you don’t need formal training in these ancient languages to improve your Bible reading. There are multiple tools and techniques to help you get the most out of the languages of the Bible. By the end of this episode, you’ll know where to search and what to look for to unlock the language of the Bible! 
3/8/202220 minutes, 56 seconds
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#147 - Lenses of Context Pt. 4: Visual

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” “Seeing is believing.” “I saw it with my own eyes.” We humans are deeply visual creatures. In fact, mirror neurons in our brains give us the unique capacity to empathize and embody what we see. Unfortunately, many of us fail to engage the visual aspect of the Bible. Simply seeing photos, videos, or artist renderings of Bible stories can unlock a depth of understanding we can’t access any other way (outside of traveling there). By the end of this episode, you’ll have a list of visual resources and key questions to help you see the Bible in a whole new light, literally!
2/22/202217 minutes, 48 seconds
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#146 - Lenses of Context Pt 3: Geographical

The Bible often uses an economy of words to convey extremely significant information. Nowhere is this more obvious or glaring than when it comes to geography. Scripture is loaded with subtle hints and references designed to show us the connection between place and purpose, but if we don’t know the geography, we completely miss out on the insight. In this episode, we explore several examples from the Bible (including why Jesus was baptized where he was – hold on to your seats for this one) to show you how important geography is when it comes to reading the Bible better. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a whole new set of questions to ask of any passage you’re reading so you don’t miss the connections between place and purpose.
2/8/202220 minutes, 50 seconds
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#145 - Lenses of Context Pt 2: Cultural

If you’ve ever felt confused by the Bible, chances are you’re suffering from biblical culture shock (and probably don’t even know it). One way out of the confusion and into understanding is by learning to see any biblical passage through the cultural lens of its day. By way of illustration, this episode explores a well-known expression from the apostle Paul about walking in the light. As the cultural context of Paul’s Roman connection is brought into view, you’ll see a stunning new reality emerge of what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Furthermore, by the end of this episode, you’ll be equipped with a set of questions and resources to help you learn the cultural background of any biblical passage you read. 
1/25/202219 minutes, 10 seconds
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#144 - Lenses of Context Pt 1: Historical

Perhaps the most frequent question we hear is, “How do I learn to study the Bible in context on my own?” That’s why we wrote a free e-book called The #1 Mistake Most Everyone Makes Reading the Bible. In it, we unpack six lenses of context: historical, cultural, geographical, visual, linguistic, and literary. In this brand-new mini-series, Lenses of Context, we’ll explore each lens, citing specific examples of how that particular lens amplifies the meaning of the Text. In this episode, we unpack how the surprising history of the ancient city of Sardis informed Jesus’s warning to the church there in Revelation 3:1-6. By the end of this episode you’ll be equipped with a set of five questions to ask any passage you’re reading in order to understand the historical context. 
1/11/202219 minutes, 54 seconds
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#143 - God's Perfect Timing

Timing is everything, and no one understands this better than God. When Paul writes, “In the fullness of time, God sent forth his Son,” it’s not empty language. Daniel 2 contains an ancient prophecy about how and when God would establish His everlasting kingdom. As we’ll see in this special Christmas episode, God used four different empires to pave the way for the arrival of Jesus. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a greater sense of confidence that nothing is wasted, that everything belongs, and that God’s timing isn’t just acceptable or plausible — it’s perfect. Enjoy and Merry Christmas, Everyone!
12/24/202113 minutes, 18 seconds
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#142 - Armor of God Pt 7: Sword of the Spirit

The final weapon in the armor of God, and our last line of defense, is the Sword of the Spirit which Paul says is the word of God. When Paul talks about God’s words, he uses a very particular Greek word, rhema, which means “a word that is given.” Sometimes in the midst of battle, the Holy Spirit gives us a word from God to use in the fight. Other times, the Spirit recalls the words of God that we’ve committed to memory, and that we need most to stand firm in the midst of the onslaught. In this final episode of our mini-series, you’ll learn how to wield the very words of God in order to fight a decisive battle against the evil one.
12/14/202120 minutes, 7 seconds
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#141 - Armor of God Pt 6: Helmet of Salvation

When Paul connects the image of the helmet with the concept of salvation, he’s talking about deliverance. Standing firm in the midst of the battle begins with how we think. Our adversary, the evil one, loves to get us thinking in ways that are contrary to what God wants for us. Once planted in our minds, those thoughts wreak havoc on our lives. But spotting those lies and being vigilant about guarding what enters our minds are essential to withstand the assaults. By the end of this episode, you’ll understand just how important what you think really is, and why it matters so much to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.
11/30/202117 minutes, 25 seconds
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#140 - Armor of God Pt 5: Shield of Faith

The Roman military was one of the most formidable fighting forces in the ancient world. They routinely faced and defeated larger opponents because of their unique tactical approach to warfare: they never fought alone. The shield (scutum) allowed Roman soldiers to fight together as a unit, and that’s why Paul connects the shield with the concept of faithfulness. Evil’s desire is to isolate and cut us off from each other because we’re never more vulnerable to attack than when we’re going it alone. By the end of this episode, you’ll learn that it’s impossible to stand firm against evil if we’re not standing with each other.
11/16/202122 minutes, 24 seconds
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#139 - Armor of God Pt 4: Sandals of the Gospel

Roman military sandals were all about traction. They stabilized and grounded soldiers so they could stand firm in the field of battle. According to Paul, the gospel of peace is what stabilizes and secures a follower of Jesus. Unfortunately, many of us fall into the destructive habit of locating our identity in unstable things: jobs, relationships, performance, the approval of others, etc. When we do so, it’s nearly impossible to stand firm against the forces of evil. Which is why this episode will help you spot the ways you’re seeking your identity outside of Jesus and know what to do about it.
11/2/202119 minutes, 28 seconds
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#138 - Armor of God Pt 3: Breastplate of Righteousness

The breastplate was the piece of armor that protected a soldier’s vital organs. And when Paul pairs the word breastplate with the word righteousness, he’s drawing on the Hebrew understanding that righteousness is relational. In other words, relationships are at the very core of who we are, and the enemy’s number one purpose is to wreck relationships. By the end of this episode, you’ll appreciate just how important it is to be vigilant about pursuing and preserving right relationships so the enemy doesn’t take out your heart!
10/19/202118 minutes, 54 seconds
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#137 – Armor of God Pt 2: Belt of Truth

When we’re not truthful, we become vulnerable. Paul’s description of the belt of truth corresponds to the cingulum that protected a Roman soldier’s most vulnerable parts. No matter how big or strong a Roman soldier was, a strike to the groin could bring him down in an instant. The cingulum provided protection so that didn’t happen. Likewise, when we’re not truthful, evil can drop us fast. By the end of this episode, you’ll understand why truthfulness is something we must incorporate every day in our struggle to stand firm against evil.
10/5/202120 minutes, 57 seconds
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#136 - Armor of God Pt 1: The Battle is Real

Paul doesn’t want us to be naïve about the fact that we’re engaged in a cosmic struggle with the forces of evil. Unfortunately, most of us are oblivious to the fact that there’s more going on than meets the eye. And because we’re unaware, we’re often ill-equipped to face the challenges. Which is why we’re launching a brand-new series called the Armor of God. By the end of this first episode, you’ll possess a greater awareness of the struggle in which we’re all engaged and a clear understanding for how God means for us to respond to the reality of spiritual warfare.
9/21/202119 minutes, 57 seconds
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#135 – In The Journey Pt 8: Finish Strong

When we’re nearing the finish line of anything, the temptation is to coast. But it’s the last 10% of any project that matters the most. In this final episode of The Journey mini-series, we explore how both Jesus and the apostle Paul refused to coast across the finish line, and instead accelerated through the point of impact. By the end of this teaching, you’ll have a clear picture of what gets in the way of finishing well so that you can make the last part of your journey, or anything you’re part of, the best part.
9/7/202121 minutes, 47 seconds
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#134 - The Journey Pt 7: Crush the Comparison Game

Comparison is the fastest way to sabotage the unique path God intends for our lives. It’s so easy to get sucked into thinking, “I’ll never be as_______ as ________.” Before long, we’re chasing someone else’s story rather than our own. But as we’ll see in John 21, each of us has a sacred and holy path to walk, and it’s only when we learn to crush the comparison game and follow Jesus that we’ll find true satisfaction and fulfillment.
8/24/202120 minutes, 41 seconds
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#133 - The Journey Pt 6: Discerning God’s Will

One of the most challenging things on the journey is trying to discern God’s will. How do you know if what you’re sensing is from God? For anyone seeking to follow God faithfully, this is the age-old question. This episode offers a 7-part framework for how to discern God’s will. It’s not a formula. It’s not 7 easy steps to discerning God’s will. Instead, it’s a framework to invite your heart and mind into deeper participation with God’s activity in your life. Because if your heart and mind are in the right place, actively seeking God’s face, God won’t play games with you. Instead, God will meet you and give you the courage to trust Him for what’s ahead. 
8/10/202120 minutes, 15 seconds
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#132 - The Journey Pt 5: Goal is to Roll

The Hebrew language of Psalm 37:5 offers an interesting visual for how we’re meant to live our lives. It says, “Roll onto the LORD your path, trust on him, and he will act.” The problem is most of us try to walk God’s path our way. We prefer our comforts, decisions, and preferences to determine how we walk, but that’s not what the Psalm is inviting us into. In this episode, we’ll explore what it looks like to relinquish our own comforts so that God’s path shapes ours and not the other way around.
7/27/202111 minutes, 40 seconds
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#131 – The Journey Pt 4: It’s Not Safe

Following Jesus isn’t safe. It was never intended to be. And yet, many of us make decisions based on what’s safe, comfortable, and predictable. Paul understood that following Jesus didn’t come with those guarantees. And he accepted that because he knew Jesus wasn’t interested in safety; he was interested in faithfulness. Like Paul, we’re called to be faithful whatever the cost. Until we can identify what keeps us from following Jesus to this extent, we’ll struggle to live as faithful disciples on this journey of life.
7/13/202122 minutes, 44 seconds
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#130 - The Journey Pt 3: Give God Something to Bless

One of the classic dilemmas we all face in life is this: What does it look like to live faithfully when we’re stuck and not sure what to do? Exodus 13 and 14 perfectly capture the conundrum many of us encounter. Trapped between the Sea and the Egyptian army, Moses tells the people, “God will help you! You only need to be still!” God’s response to Moses is like something out of a standup comedy routine. “Uh, Moses? Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!” When we’re stuck, many of us do nothing as we wait on God. But maybe God doesn’t want us to do nothing. There are times when we need to be still. And there are times when we need to get moving in order to give God something to bless. This episode will help you figure out how to do just that.
6/29/202119 minutes, 36 seconds
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#129 - The Journey Pt 2: The Next Right Step

If God is a God of the journey, and not the destination, then how do journey well when there aren’t any manifests or roadmaps? That’s precisely the content of this episode. By examining Paul’s first two missionary journeys in greater detail, we get an idea of how to navigates life’s path when we don’t have the luxury of an itinerary, and don’t know what to do. By the end of this episode, you’ll see how a willingness to take the next right step is a crucial component to relinquishing our false sense of control and journeying well with God.
6/15/202122 minutes, 29 seconds
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#128 - The Journey Pt 1: It's Not About the Destination

Abraham is often held up as a model of faithfulness because when God told him to go, he went. No questions. No “yeah buts.” He didn’t even know where he was going. But he started moving anyways. Abraham understood something about God many of us miss: God is the God of the journey, not the destination. And trusting God as we walk into the unknown is challenging for so many of us because we crave clarity. But when we bring that mentality to life with God, things don’t go so well. By the end of this new series, The Journey, you’ll understand how to adopt a journey mindset, what it looks like to journey well with God, and how to spot the things holding you back from moving forward in faith in the midst of the unknown.
6/1/202120 minutes, 3 seconds
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#127 - Ask, Seek, Knock

What does Jesus mean when he says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you?” When we look carefully at where and when he says these words, it becomes clear that he’s not giving us a blank check to pursue whatever it is our heart’s desire. God is many things, but a genie in a bottle isn’t one of them. Instead, Jesus is offering us a helpful way of approaching God with our requests. But prayer is more than just asking. It’s also about listening to God and discerning what we truly need, and then practicing consistent, radical dependence on the Father whose extravagant, generous love is just waiting to meet us in our place of need.
4/20/202118 minutes, 51 seconds
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#126 - Easter at Emmaus

Easter isn’t a day we celebrate. It’s a way of being in the world. It’s a posture of heart that announces, “What Jesus accomplished at the cross and empty tomb changes everything!” In this resurrection episode, we’ll look at the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus—a story only Luke records in vivid detail—and see how Luke’s subtle use of Scripture makes the bold claim that, in Jesus, everything that had been torn apart was finally being put back together. This episode will help you see connections from the resurrection story that are often overlooked. But, more importantly, Jesus’s actions at Emmaus remind us that in a world of shattered hope, we can live as people who have burning hearts of hope because He is risen!
4/6/202123 minutes, 25 seconds
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#125 - Who's the GOAT? Jesus vs. Caesar

The New Testament uses all kinds of words and phrases to describe Jesus and his kingdom. Savior. Son of God. Gospel. Forgiveness of sins. But these aren’t just poetic, flowery phrases. They’re actually concrete ideas everyone in Jesus’s world was familiar with. But not because of Jesus. They were familiar with those ideas because of Caesar. What the New Testament, and especially Paul’s writings, do is they show us two competing narratives: The gospel of Caesar in which peace is imposed by a sword, and the gospel of Jesus in which peace is offered through a cross. One is strong. The other is weak. One dominates. The other is gentle. Which narrative will you allow to order your world? By the end of this episode, you’re going to hear all those poetic, flowery titles for Jesus through a completely new lens.
3/23/202124 minutes
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#124 - Rabbis and Disciples Pt 8: Jesus's Yoke

One of the biggest problems we have when reading the Bible is familiarity. When we’re too familiar with a passage, we start believing we already know what it means. In doing so, we forget there’s so much more it has to teach us, and we rob it of its explosive power to transform our lives. In this final episode in our series, Rabbis and Disciples, we set Jesus’s famous words about “his yoke” in their historical and cultural context, and discover Jesus making a shocking claim that no other rabbi ever made. By understanding this passage anew, you’ll experience the depth, the audacious challenge, and the compelling nature of Jesus’s invitation to life in him!
3/9/202124 minutes, 53 seconds
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#123 - Rabbis and Disciples Pt 7: A Difficult Lifestyle

We all want to live fully and deeply, but in order to do that we’ve got to live as Jesus lived. The problem is we don’t always understand what Jesus’s life looked like. In this episode, we dig into the details of the itinerant rabbinic lifestyle and quickly realize that Jesus’s life as a traveling rabbi wasn’t glorious or easy. It was actually really, really difficult. It came with a cost. But according to Jesus and the rabbis of the day, it was worth it – costly, but worth it. It’s a message we all need to hear or be reminded of, as we seek to faithfully follow Jesus and experience life that is truly life.
2/23/202122 minutes, 39 seconds
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#122 - Rabbis and Disciples Pt 6: Jesus's Occupation

In the culture of Jesus’s day, one was forbidden to receive payment for the teaching of God’s Word. Which is why every rabbi had a trade or occupation. Jesus had one, but the term “carpenter” doesn’t nearly do it justice. In fact, Jesus’s occupation is filled with surprises that perfectly explain how his trade prepared him for his ministry. Speaking of which, the Text implies that once Jesus launches his ministry, he devotes himself entirely to his disciples and teachings. If he wasn’t working and rabbis couldn’t receive payment for teaching God’s Word, how did Jesus and the disciples pay the bills? Let’s find out, and in doing so, let’s gain a deeper appreciation for the way God uses the details to bring about His purposes in our lives.
2/9/202122 minutes, 48 seconds
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#121 - Rabbis and Disciples Pt 5: Having Authority

In the Gospels, people were always commenting on Jesus’s authority. It was clear to everyone that he had it. Some marveled at it, while others scoffed at it. The Scribes and Pharisees even questioned it. But what exactly did they mean by authority? How did Jesus understand it? And does that enhance our understanding of what happens with the Great Commission in Matthew 28? Without question! Welcome to an explosive episode where you’ll gain a deeper understanding of Jesus’s biblical authority and how discipleship with Jesus’s authority leads to the life that God desires for us all.
1/26/202123 minutes, 32 seconds
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#120 - Rabbis and Disciples Pt 4: Walking On Water

Jesus walking on water is one of the best-known stories in the entire Bible. But we often miss the point because we fail to see the discipleship component at play. When we see it, we learn that the story has less to do with Jesus walking on water and more to do with Peter’s actions and Jesus’s response. But the story isn’t just about Peter. It’s about you and me, and all of the ways we doubt ourselves. By the end of this episode, you’ll have deeper confidence because you’ll know God is with you. You’ll be more willing to face your fears and take holy risks because you know God believes in you. And you’ll grow in your trust that God won’t call you to something and then fail to equip you for it.
1/12/202121 minutes, 36 seconds
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#119 - Rabbis and Disciples Pt 3: Being Like Jesus

Most of us love the idea of Jesus as savior. We’re usually less enthusiastic about him being our teacher and reorienting our lives around his. But that’s precisely what it meant to be a disciple. The goal wasn’t to know what the rabbi knew. It was to become who the rabbi was. It meant journeying with him and observing how he spoke, what he noticed, and how he interacted with others. It meant understanding how he made sense of life and then learning to do the same. It’s not the kind of learning that takes place in a classroom. Instead, it takes place on the road and in the experiences of everyday life. By the end of this episode of our Rabbis and Disciples series, you’ll have a clearer understanding of what it means to truly follow Jesus, and you’ll be inspired to follow him more closely in the coming year.
12/29/202023 minutes, 30 seconds
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#118 - Christmas Hope in 2020

Christmas is a season of hope. 2020 has been a season of grief. How do we hold hope and grief in creative tension? Because when things get hard, we feel overwhelmed. And when we’re overwhelmed, our tendency is to check out, numb out, and wish the moments or seasons away. But in our confusion, heartache, and disorientation, God is working in subtle and often unseen ways. By the end of this episode, you’ll be inspired to hold the gratitude and grief of 2020 in tension so that you don’t numb out, but instead embrace this season and the God who is with us in it.
12/15/202014 minutes, 54 seconds
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#117 - Rabbis and Disciples Pt 2: Jewish Educational System

The Jewish educational system in Jesus’s day was astounding. Growing up in that culture was about total immersion in the Scriptures. It was about learning and memorizing God’s Word so that it shaped everything you did. It was also about learning to ask really great questions and debating with your teachers. But much like professional sports, only the best of the best got to keep going and eventually become disciples. Which raises some fascinating questions: What might the Jewish educational system of Jesus’s day reveal to us about his disciples? What might it teach us about God’s intentions for our discipleship? By the end of this episode, you’ll recognize the subtle hints in the Scriptures you’d missed all along and have a deeper appreciation for Jesus’s explosive words, “Come, follow me.” Note: This is a jam-packed 25-min episode. There’s a lot of information in this one. With that said, our goal was to provide you with the single, best resource for understanding the Jewish educational system in Jesus’s day in its entirety. We think we did it. Enjoy!
12/1/202025 minutes, 30 seconds
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#116 - Rabbis and Disciples Pt 1: Laying the Foundation

Being intentional with God’s Word is essential to living a deep and meaningful life. In the biblical period, God’s people were called to not only dig into the Scriptures but also to have an ongoing discussion with their friends and family about them. Formany of us, our time with God’s Word often stops with reading it and we miss out on the critical responsibility of discussion. In this episode, we explore why it’s so crucial to be intentional about our relationship with the Bible so that it permeates every facet of our lives.
11/17/202023 minutes, 36 seconds
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#115 - Placing God's Word Upon Your Heart

Sometimes the Bible speaks right to our hearts by encouraging or challenging us in just the right way. Other times, we walk away uninspired and discouraged, feeling like we didn’t get anything out of it. What do we do in those moments? In this episode, we explore the practice of placing God’s Word upon our hearts, so that when the time is right, and our hearts are ready, they will be available to us. Because the Bible wants to do something in us. It wants to challenge us. It wants to confront us. It wants to help us. But if we get discouraged and disengage, we will miss out on what God’s Word wants to do in our lives. And none of us want that to happen.
11/3/202016 minutes, 34 seconds
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#114 - Being Intentional With God's Word

Being intentional with God’s Word is essential to living a deep and meaningful life. In the biblical period, God’s people were called to not only dig into the Scriptures but also to have an ongoing discussion with their friends and family about them. For many of us, our time with God’s Word often stops with reading it and we miss out on the critical responsibility of discussion. In this episode, we explore why it’s so crucial to be intentional about our relationship with the Bible so that it permeates every facet of our lives.
10/20/202019 minutes, 10 seconds
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#113 - Storms Reveal Your Foundation

Storms are a guarantee in life. We lose jobs. Relationships end. Money gets tight. All of this can leave us feeling anxious and fearful. Therefore, the reason we feel those things is because storms expose what we really trust. We may say we trust God, but a crisis here and a pandemic there, and we’re confronted with the hard truth that our trust lies elsewhere. Which is why Jesus addresses this with a brilliant metaphor in the Sermon on the Mount that will help you diagnose what you really trust in and how to start building on a firmer, more trustworthy foundation.
10/6/202014 minutes, 19 seconds
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#112 - The Dignity of Difference Pt 3: Being Christ in the Chaos

Jesus was a master at navigating the polarized social context of the First Century with wisdom and skill. In this third and final episode in our teaching series, “The Dignity of Difference”, we’ll examine how to be Christ in the chaos. There’s a lot of chaos and division right now. Racism. Politics. Wear a mask. Don’t wear a mask. How are we to respond? By watching Jesus, we’ll learn to live by leading with sacrificial love. We won’t get caught in polarizing categories. And we’ll understand the importance of diversifying our relationships. By the end of this episode, you’ll have new tools to help you navigate the complexity of your world and to be Christ in the chaos! WARNING** This episode is slightly longer than our normal length (29 minutes). However, because of the weight of the conversation, we felt it warranted the few extra moments, and we believe it will be extremely helpful to you.
9/22/202030 minutes, 1 second
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#111 - The Dignity of Difference Pt 2: Seek Justice

Things are heated right now. Tensions are high. People are on edge. And justice is the battle cry of so many. “We want justice for ________!” But what is justice? How does the Bible portray it? And who is responsible for pursuing it? Welcome to the essence of this episode. Justice and Righteousness are two of the most explosive themes in the Bible, and they’re always attached at the hip. But when we fail to understand what they mean, how they relate to one another, and why they’re at the core of Jesus’s ministry, we begin to think they’re optional. For followers of Jesus, they’re not an elective; they’re core curriculum. And they’re what’s needed to heal a broken world. Watch this episode to find out why.
9/8/202022 minutes, 49 seconds
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#110 - The Dignity of Difference Pt 1: Unity Not Uniformity

God is a God of unity, not uniformity. In this episode, Brad Gray discusses how there is a dignity to difference. As a result, diversity isn’t the aberration; it’s the expectation when it comes to the kingdom of Christ. Our world is deeply divided right now. Whether it’s politics, race, or the latest headline, our cultural default seems to be an “Us vs. Them” mentality. What’s fascinating is that this was as true in Jesus’s day as it is in our own. For example, Brad demonstrates how Jesus’s own disciples reflected the vast diversity and difference in his world. As a result, Jesus chose such a group that grew because of their unity, not uniformity. Furthermore, Brad shares how at the heart of the Scriptures is this idea: God wants his followers to live unified through love and respect, and welcome the diversity. This is part one in a series that will explore Jesus’s rich tradition of honoring the dignity of difference. We must come together as a human race to thrive in the world today.
8/25/202018 minutes, 26 seconds
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#109 - Feeling vs. Fixing

Life can be gut-wrenching. And when the bottom falls out, we need people who know how to hold and honor our pain. Unfortunately, most of us don’t know how to respond well to the feeling of pain for others. In this episode we explore Jesus’s response to a desperate situation in Mark 9. His first impulse wasn’t to fix the pain, but to feel the pain. And if we can emulate this in our lives, we’ll understand how to serve one another well, especially in difficult seasons.
8/11/202022 minutes, 45 seconds
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#108 - Entertain the Interruptions

We’re often oblivious to and annoyed by distractions and interruptions because we inhabit a culture obsessed with speed, efficiency, and productivity. But hurry is trouble for the soul. “Hurry,” said Dallas Willard, “is the great enemy of the spiritual life.” This teaching explores how Jesus led an interruptible life, and how our willingness to slow down and entertain the interruptions can allow us to do the same and not miss out on the “holy interruptions” that come our way.
7/28/202016 minutes, 13 seconds
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#107 - Demolishing the High Places

Too often, we live with divided hearts. On the one hand, our hearts are devoted to God. We want God’s best for our lives. We want God’s kingdom to come. On the other hand, we continue to allow places in our lives where evil and sin persist. This episode explores the life of King Asa and our deeply human tendency to be devoted to God without tearing down the high places in our lives. By the end of this episode, you’ll know how to identify the high places in your life and begin the process of demolishing them for good.
7/14/202017 minutes, 43 seconds
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#106 - Grapes in the Desert Pt 6: Enough is Enough

The idea that we don’t have enough permeates our lives. We don’t have enough money. We don’t have enough sleep. We don’t have enough time. We’re constantly looking for ways to acquire more. But “more” rarely delivers the contentment we’re looking for. And the wilderness is the place where God strips away the faulty distractions and excess that increasingly define our lives. In the wilderness, God recalibrates our understanding of what’s essential and what’s enough so we experience the contentment we were made for.
6/30/202019 minutes, 48 seconds
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#105 - Grapes in the Desert Pt 5: Feet for the Path

There are moments in life when the path ahead is unclear or downright scary, moments when everything in us wants out of the situation or circumstance we’re in. It’s only natural to ask God to rescue us or change things. That’s part of what prayer is about. But there’s another dimension of prayer we find in the Scriptures. It’s one we often fail to pray, making our prayers incomplete. It’s the prayer David prayed. It’s the prayer Habakkuk prayed. And it’s an astounding prayer of strength and trust that God will empower us no matter where our path leads. This teaching explores how to pray more completely in the wilderness seasons of life.
6/16/202022 minutes, 9 seconds
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#104 - Grapes in the Desert Pt 4: Trusting God

You’re not where you were, and you’re not where you’re going to be. You’re in between. Welcome to the wilderness. It’s in these ambiguous spaces where we either become who God is inviting us to be or we shrink into the smaller, more manageable stories we write for ourselves. Because it’s easier to be a slave in Egypt than to trust God in the desert. But no one aspires to be the person who shrinks. We want to learn to trust well and become all God intended for us to be. This teaching will give you practical ways to grow your trust in God in hard times.
6/2/202020 minutes, 48 seconds
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#103 - Grapes in the Desert Pt 3: Lament the Loss

The practice of grounding yourself in gratitude is essential to a life well-lived. But in the wilderness experiences of life, gratitude isn’t enough. In those times, we need to identify, name, and express our losses. The Psalms are a case in point. Filled with both songs and prayers of praise, they’re also packed full of songs of lament. Because being grounded in gratitude and lamenting the loss are deeply human and deeply biblical. This teaching will give you a new perspective on how to hold both the gratitude and the loss.
5/19/202018 minutes, 19 seconds
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#102 - Grapes in the Desert Pt 2: Davar in the Midbar

In Hebrew, the root word for midbar (desert) is the Hebrew word davar, which means to speak. While God is always speaking, we usually hear God best in the desert experiences of our lives. Why? Because in seasons of hardship and challenge, busyness and distraction are stripped away, and we become more present and open to God’s voice. When that happens, God often speaks exactly what we need to hear. What if the COVID-19 pandemic is a desert experience in which God is inviting us to pay attention and listen for His voice? If so, we might just receive a davar in the midbar that could change everything.
5/5/202014 minutes, 38 seconds
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#101 - Grapes in the Desert Pt 1: Isolated But Not Disconnected

When things go wrong in life, one of the first things we feel is that we’re alone. And the social distancing and stay-at-home orders of the COVID-19 pandemic only amplify our sense of isolation. In the Hebrew Scriptures, the wilderness is the primary metaphor for challenging seasons of life. But what if the challenges and limitations of the wilderness actually call forth the richness of our creativity? This episode explores how creativity can help us overcome isolation so we can experience grapes in the desert.
4/21/202020 minutes, 32 seconds
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#100 - Life in the 40

The number 40 is hugely significant in the Scriptures. Noah. Moses. Israel. Elijah. Jonah. Jesus. It shows up again and again, and for good reason. The number 40 represents testing, trial, opposition, challenge, and refinement. But all the challenge and struggle are in service of the wisdom and newness that’s seeking to be born. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, may we not give way to fear, anxiety, and self-preservation, but instead, embrace the hope of what life in the 40 will turn into.
4/7/202019 minutes, 55 seconds
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#99 - Parable of the Lost Son Pt 6: Shame on the Cross

Honor and shame played a significant role in the cultural context of Jesus’s life and ministry. Like a stain, shame diminished a person’s worth in the eyes of the community, and shame continues to have this crippling effect on countless people. From start to finish, this parable is saturated with shame, and Jesus seems to have designed it this way on purpose. Why? Because Jesus is telling us something about Himself and what happens to shame on the cross.
3/24/202024 minutes, 40 seconds
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#98 - Parable of the Lost Son Pt 5: Joy is the Test

Two significant (but often overlooked) moments in the parable reveal there’s more than one way to be lost. It’s just as possible to be lost in the Father’s house as it is to be lost in the far country. Countless people end up lost not as prodigals, but by believing they’re earning God’s love and acceptance with their obedience. This is not how the Father runs the house. And this episode explores how joy is the litmus test that keeps us from getting lost on the inside.
3/10/202024 minutes, 38 seconds
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#97 - Parable of the Lost Son Pt 4: Love as Letting Go

Sometimes people walk away from God, but few things are as painful as seeing your children walk away. Jesus’s words strike a deep chord with parents who’ve felt helpless as their children walk their own path. Parenting is a sensitive issue and addresses the most tender place within us: our deep love for our children. In this episode, we examine the Father’s posture of heart towards a son he knows is lost in his own home. Unlike other characters in the parable, the Father doesn’t pursue his son, leaving us wondering, why doesn’t he do more? Jesus offers us a picture of risky love that doesn’t coerce, or force or control, but instead let’s go and waits expectantly with open arms.
2/25/202018 minutes, 5 seconds
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#96 - Parable of the Lost Son Part 3: Embrace the Grace

It’s easy to forget how much we’ve been forgiven. And when we do so, our relationship with God and others suffers greatly. In this episode of the parable of the lost son, we key in on the younger son and unpack his journey of being lost and then found. And in doing so, we get to marvel at the extravagant grace of God who embraces us despite our faults and failures. But until we allow ourselves to be embraced and changed by this grace, we’ll seek to manipulate and connive in our relationship with God, and we’ll also fail to extend to others the kind of grace God expects from us.
2/11/202024 minutes, 33 seconds
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#95 - Parable of the Lost Son Pt 2: Worth Pursuing

Right before Jesus told the Parable of the Lost Son, he told the Parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin. That’s because these three parables go together. And in order to understand what Jesus was challenging his hearers with in the Parable of the Lost Son, we must first understand what Jesus was communicating with the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin. Hence, this episode. And as we’ll be questioned with, if all people are worth pursuing, and God is passionately pursuing all people, shouldn’t followers of Jesus be doing the same? Let’s find out.
1/28/202025 minutes, 46 seconds
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#94 - Parable of the Lost Son Pt 1: Live The Story

Traditionally known as the “Parable of the Prodigal Son,” this story of Jesus has captured the hearts and minds of people for two thousand years. It’s among his most famous teachings, and it highlights the essence of his mission. And like every story of Jesus (and of the Bible), it has a context that is often lost on readers. Which is why in this episode, we begin laying out that context by looking at the reason Jesus tells the parable in the first place. And as we’ll discuss, too many are content knowing the stories of Jesus. But we’re not just called to know the stories of Jesus; we’re called to live the stories of Jesus.
1/14/202020 minutes, 23 seconds
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#93 - Parable of the Rich Fool Pt 4: Setting Rich Goals

92% of New Year’s resolutions fail. Clearly, there’s something wrong with the way we execute our goals. But the biggest problem isn’t with the execution; it’s with the goals themselves. Many of us are setting bad goals, and we don’t even know it. They’re having a negative impact on us, and we’re totally unaware. In this final part on the Parable of the Rich Fool, we’re going to challenge the way we think about goals, assess the ones we have, and ensure that we’re setting the right kind of goals. Because if we don’t set the right goals, we’ll pursue the wrong ones, and find ourselves in poverty to the purposes of God.
12/31/201919 minutes, 16 seconds
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#92 - Parable of the Rich Fool Pt 3: The Christmas Identity

We are not the sum total of our possessions and accomplishments. Nor are we the sum total of our faults and failures. And yet, we often live as if that’s the case. We believe our worth and our value comes from what we have or what we do. Jesus confronted this toxic perspective in the Parable of the Rich Fool. But even more than that, he obliterated it in his coming at Christmas. And until we’ve understood and embraced the Christmas identity, we’re going to struggle significantly, and miss out on one of the most foundational and freeing truths in life.
12/3/201919 minutes, 58 seconds
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#91 - Parable of the Rich Fool Pt 2: We Don't Own It

One of the biggest mistakes we make is believing that what we have, we actually own. In God’s eyes, we don’t own anything. Everything we have – our accomplishments, our possessions, even our lives – all belong to God. We’re simply called to steward what we have on God’s behalf. The rich man in this parable failed to see this, and many of us do as well. Until we recognize this, we’ll struggle with our possessions and we’ll fail to live as generous as God would like. As we move into this Christmas season of giving, this is a teaching we all need to hear.
11/26/201919 minutes, 36 seconds
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#90 - Parable of the Rich Fool Pt 1: Possessed By Our Possessions

Possessions can be tricky. On the one hand, many of them are needed and incredibly useful. But on the other hand, they can possess us in ways that we may or may not realize. In the Parable of the Rich Fool, Jesus warns, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; for one’s life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” His point is easy to understand. But then the question becomes, “Do we actually live as if what he said is true?” Let’s find out.
11/19/201920 minutes, 43 seconds
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#89 - Parable of the Mustard Seed: God Is At Work

Despite what we may think, many people didn’t believe Jesus’s ministry was all that impressive. In fact, they questioned whether or not God’s kingdom was really advancing through him. In response, Jesus told a parable about a mustard seed. Even though it’s incredibly small, its capacity for growth is massive. Jesus challenged his audience to recognize that even though things may not be unfolding the way we think, that doesn’t mean God isn’t at work. Quite the opposite. And what may appear to be small and seemingly insignificant may be germinating into something substantial.
11/5/201923 minutes, 52 seconds
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#88 - Parable of the Good Samaritan Pt 5: The Common Humanity

Did you know that Jesus didn’t manufacture the Parable of the Good Samaritan out of thin air? He was actually drawing upon a story from the Old Testament (his Bible). And it’s one of the most incredible war stories on loving one’s enemies. It’s sitting behind the parable, and this story, coupled with Leviticus 19:18, gives us a window into how we can love all people well, and how we must find the common humanity in others long before we highlight the differences. This is the final episode in this series on the Parable of the Good Samaritan, and so we must ask, “Have we become the neighbor Jesus has asked us to become?” Let’s find out.
10/29/201920 minutes, 12 seconds
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#87 - Parable of the Good Samaritan Pt 4: Imagine The Good

Jesus didn’t tell the Parable of the Good Samaritan so that we would help people in need. That was a byproduct. He told the parable to smash our categories of who’s “in” and who’s “out” to smithereens. The Samaritans were the most hated people on the planet for Jesus’s audience. And yet, to their utter shock and anger, the Samaritan was the hero of the story. Tantamount to saying, “The Good Hamas Member,” Jesus’s audience was confronted with their inability to love their enemy and to imagine that they could be good. If our world is going to change, it requires a radical love that begins with a better imagination.
10/22/201927 minutes, 52 seconds
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#86 - Parable of the Good Samaritan Pt 3: Empathy and Action

There’s a marked distinction between sympathy and empathy. Sympathy stands at a distance and says, “I’m sorry you’re going through this.” Empathy stands in the other person’s shoes and says, “I want to understand your situation so that I can respond in a way that’s truly loving and helpful to you.” Too many of us choose the former. The Good Samaritan chose the latter. And that’s precisely what Jesus was after when challenging his followers to respond in love to those in need. Love must be manifested in action. And in this episode, we learn how to do just that.
10/15/201919 minutes, 13 seconds
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#85 - Parable of the Good Samaritan Pt 2: Shift The Focus

So often, we allow fear or inconvenience drive our response to someone who is in need. In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, we meet a priest and Levite who fail to help a man who is in great need. But a Samaritan does what they were unable or unwilling to do. The priest and Levite were more focused on the implications for themselves than they were for the implications of this man. In this episode, we unpack the stunning details of this remarkable story, and why we must shift the focus from ourselves to others in order to be the kind of neighbors Jesus is challenging us to become.
10/8/201924 minutes, 29 seconds
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#84 - Parable of the Good Samaritan Pt 1: It's a Bad Question

When someone wants to encourage others to ask questions, they will often say, “There are no stupid questions.” But those who’ve been asked too many stupid questions will invariably reply, “Sure, there are no stupid questions – just stupid people who ask them.” It’s their way of humorously (or not so humorously) stating that there are clearly good questions and there are bad questions. In Luke 10, Jesus is asked by an expert, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” It’s a bad question, but not for the reasons you may think. The underlying factors betray his question, and he’s seeking a bare minimum approach to obedience to God. The problem is, many of us do the same thing, but unlike the expert, we may have no clue we’re doing it. If we don’t address it, we’re going to miss the way of Jesus and fail to live the life Jesus is calling us to live right now.
10/1/201922 minutes, 3 seconds
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#83 - The Parable of the Soils Pt 2: Listen and Obey

Did Jesus tell parables to confuse his audience? A literal reading of the Parable of the Soils seems to indicate that. But what most people don’t realize is that Jesus does something with this parable that he doesn’t do with any of his other parables – he bookends it with the words “to hear.” Whoa! Until this phrase is set within the unfolding narrative of the Bible, it’s impossible to understand what Jesus is doing to help and challenge his audience to understand his words, and why he shockingly quotes Isaiah to prove it. He wants his audience to be like a bumper crop. But in order to do so, they must be willing to not only listen to the word of God, but obediently and courageously walk it out. As disciples of Christ, we must do the same, and this parable instructs on how to do so!
9/24/201923 minutes, 41 seconds
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#82 - Parable of the Soils Pt 1: How's Your Dirt

The Parable of the Soils (traditionally: Sower) is only one of three parables that shows up in all three synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke). Of the three parables, it shows up the earliest, and in each one, it kicks off a series of parables. Why do we need to know that? Because it’s a parable about parables. To understand what Jesus is doing in his other parables, it’s imperative to understand what he’s doing in this one, which is why we’re starting here. Jesus portrays his listeners as one of four soils, but only one soil is desired. The question is, “Are we that soil?” And if not, what do we need to do? This episode will help you figure that out.
9/17/201923 minutes, 48 seconds
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#81 - Jesus and His Explosive Parables

Being intentional with God’s Word is essential to living a deep and meaningful life. In the biblical period, God’s people were called to not only dig into the Scriptures but also to have an ongoing discussion with their friends and family about them. Formany of us, our time with God’s Word often stops with reading it and we miss out on the critical responsibility of discussion. In this episode, we explore why it’s so crucial to be intentional about our relationship with the Bible so that it permeates every facet of our lives.
9/10/201921 minutes, 38 seconds
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#80 - The Power of Story

We’re kicking off a brand-new series on Jesus and His Parables. Nearly one-third of Jesus’s teachings are in the form of parables. Jesus knew how to tell a good story. And he leveraged the power of story because he knew it was the most effective strategy for spreading a message. When we understand the power of story, and how Jesus utilized it, we’ll not only better understand his parables, but we’ll also be convinced that we must tell more stories if we want our most significant messages to spread.
9/3/201921 minutes, 27 seconds
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#79 - Do and Teach

How do you get people to change? It’s a simple, yet profound question. What if I told you that the way we typically think people change isn’t the way they change at all – that we’ve got it all backwards? The good news is that Jesus didn’t. He knew exactly how people change, and employed an approach that maximized this. And when you understand what he did and why he did it, the way you approach change in your life and in the lives of others will definitely change. Enjoy!
8/27/201919 minutes, 39 seconds
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#78 - Serving Those Who Serve You

Most people have heard the axiom, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” According to the apostle Paul (in Acts 20), it was Jesus who coined this. He knew this truth more than anyone else, because his entire life was devoted to loving and serving people well. As followers of Jesus, we’re called to do the same. But how can we grow in our ability to do so? I recently had a monumental conversation that gave me a new angle on how to serve people well, and I can’t wait to share it with you. As you implement this strategy into your life, I believe you will experience anew the reality that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
8/20/201918 minutes, 34 seconds
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#77 - Fearing or Revering God

According to Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” Perhaps you’ve heard this before, and maybe, like me, you’ve wondered, “Are we supposed to be scared of God?” Is this what this verse means? Or as some of us have no doubt learned, the “fear” here is really a “reverent fear.” But is that true? In this episode we unpack this passage to understand what “fearing the LORD” entails and how a proper understanding enables us to trust God more in our lives.
8/13/201915 minutes, 32 seconds
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#76 - Be Strong and Courageous

Over and over again in the Bible, we hear the command, “Do not fear.” But what is this command really getting at? Is it simply that we’re never to experience fear, and if we do, we’re disobeying God in some way? Or is there more to it? Fear can be a paralyzing reality in our lives. But it can also be a gift. It all depends on how we engage it. That’s why in this episode, we explore the nature of fear, how it negatively impacts us, and how we can leverage courage to move through it to do what we know we need to do but have struggled to do so.
8/6/201920 minutes, 11 seconds
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#75 - Everyone's Unique Path

Most of us have heard the proverb, “Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they won’t depart from it.” It’s a great proverb about teaching kids how to walk out God’s path in life. But there’s another level to understanding this proverb that I believe sheds light on one of the most significant principles for not only parenting our kids extremely well, but in how we love and lead our co-workers, teams, and others we’re called to serve.
7/16/201917 minutes, 58 seconds
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#74 - Weight Distribution

We often carry our burdens alone. Maybe we don’t want others to know what we’re going through. Maybe we don’t want to burden anyone with our burdens. Whatever the reasons may be, we don’t distribute them very well. And when we do this, the weight of carrying our burdens alone becomes an endeavor that leaves us weary and discouraged, with very little hope that anything will change. We cannot carry them alone. Indeed, we weren’t designed to.
7/9/201916 minutes, 48 seconds
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#73 - The Lord's Prayer Pt 9: Own It

Throughout this series, we’ve looked at all of the various aspects of the Lord’s Prayer. In this final episode of the series, we look at several methods in which we can pray and utilize the Lord’s Prayer on a regular basis to take what we’ve learned and put into a practice. And in doing so, really owning this prayer in our lives so that it governs the way the way we think and live, and ultimately how we follow Jesus in the world today.
7/2/201919 minutes, 54 seconds
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#72 - The Lord's Prayer Pt 8: Temptation and Deliverance

The part of the Lord’s Prayer that asks God not to “lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil” has created a lot of confusion. Even Pope Francis has sought to modify this language. Is God in the habit of leading us into testing and temptation? Is there a difference between the two? And how are we to understand the moments when Jesus was tempted? In this episode, we answer these questions, as well as addressing the reality that when we focus on Jesus’s divinity at the expense of his humanity, we fail to understand how brutally difficult his own trials and temptations were. But when we understand this, and what he did to overcome, we learn how to do the same in our own lives.
6/25/201925 minutes, 25 seconds
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#71 - The Lord's Prayer Pt 7: Forgiveness Has a Source

Jesus told us to pray, “Forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors.” Jesus’s assumption is that we would be forgiving others in the manner in which God has forgiven us. But what happens when we’ve been wronged by someone and we’re struggling to forgive them? What do we do when the pain is so real that we can’t stomach the thought of forgiveness? That’s what we tackle in this episode as we seek to understand the nature of forgiveness. And in doing so, we learn how to forgive others well so that we can not only experience the power and freedom of forgiveness, but faithfully live out this command of Jesus from the Lord’s Prayer.
6/18/201924 minutes, 48 seconds
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#70 - The Lord's Prayer Pt 6: Our Daily Bread

“Give us today our daily bread.” Sounds pretty straightforward, right? But what does it mean to ask for daily bread? How do we bring our requests before God? And what should we be asking for in the first place? These questions and more are the subject of this episode as we seek to understand what Jesus meant by the phrase, “our daily bread,” and what it means to faithfully live out this aspect of the Lord’s Prayer.
6/11/201924 minutes, 37 seconds
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#69 - The Lord's Prayer Pt 5: Heaven Comes Here

Many people believe that the point of Jesus was to rescue us from our sins so that we can leave earth and go to heaven. But the problem is that Jesus doesn’t spend his time teaching about how we from here (earth) to go there (heaven), but about getting there (heaven) to come here (earth). Hold on tight because without question, the content of this episode is the most paradigm shifting aspect of the Lord’s Prayer. And my hope is that we may finally understand what we’ve been praying all along when we’ve said, “your kingdom come, your will be done, here on earth as it is in heaven!”
6/4/201927 minutes, 47 seconds
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#68 - The Lord's Prayer Pt 4: Holy Be Your Name

Hallowed be your name. What in the world does it mean to “hallow” someone’s name? And what is the significance of God’s name? Furthermore, why does Jesus tell us it needs to be hallowed in the first place? As with every aspect of the Lord’s Prayer, this one is loaded with meaning and rooted in Old Testament stories in order to help us understand the absolute necessity of God’s name being recognized in the world, and how our lives bear witness to the holiness of His great name.
5/28/201923 minutes, 40 seconds
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#67 - The Lord's Prayer Pt 3: Always Near Us

When Jesus told us to pray, “Our Father who is in heaven,” it is literally recorded in Greek as, “in the heavens.” Why would Jesus be talking about God being “in the heavens?” What did this mean to the people first hearing Jesus say this? And what does this mean for us in our relationship with God and in our understanding of “Heaven?” All of this and more are addressed in this teaching as we explore not only the God who rules and reigns overall, but the God who is ever-present to us in the midst of our circumstances and our lives.
5/21/201924 minutes, 39 seconds
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#66 - The Lord's Prayer Pt 2: Our Father

The Lord’s Prayer begins with “Our Father.” Whoa! In Jesus’s day, you couldn’t begin a prayer more explosively than that. It’s been said that when Jesus told us to address God as “Our Father” that he was introducing a new way to approach God. Nope! The notion of God as “Father” had been deeply rooted in Israel’s story for fifteen hundred years. What Jesus was doing was calling for revolution, and that revolution would begin as a result of his ministry. The revolution is still underway, and Jesus’s invitation for us is to join it. And it all begins by saying the words, “Our Father.”
5/14/201923 minutes, 41 seconds
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#65 - The Lord's Prayer Pt 1: Daily, Boldly, Collaboratively

The Lord’s Prayer is the most well-known and well-loved prayer in history. But how well do we know the Lord’s Prayer? Sure, most of us can recite it off the top of our heads (and probably in the King James with its “thy’s” and “art’s”), but do we really understand what Jesus was saying and teaching us when he gave this prayer? I know I sure didn’t. But when I began to understand this prayer in context, I was awestruck by how deep and significant it was. And it compelled me to pray more intentionally, live more faithfully, and love Jesus more fully. My hope is that this series will help you do the same.
5/7/201923 minutes, 23 seconds
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#64 - Bread of Life Pt 8: The Holy Spirit and Pentecost

The most monumental event following the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus was the giving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It was a day that changed things forever. And yet, most people don’t know how deep and significant this event was. For example, did you know that Pentecost wasn’t a new festival? Or that it didn’t take place in the Upper Room? Or that it was connected to the Exodus? These details and much more are the subject matter for this episode as we conclude our “Bread of Life” series and comprehend the implications of Acts 2 in light of the resurrection!
4/30/201926 minutes, 20 seconds
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#63 - Bread of Life Pt 7: Firstfruits of the Resurrection

In this episode, we’re celebrating the Resurrection, and we’re going all out! God raised Jesus from the dead on a Sunday. But it wasn’t just any Sunday. It was a Sunday where people were celebrating a significant festival in conjunction with Passover and Unleavened Bread. And the implications of why Jesus rose on this Sunday will astound you, as there is another whole other level of meaning that God was communicating through the resurrection and its timing. Buckle up, Friends, because what God did will leave you speechless, grateful, and exceedingly hopeful!
4/23/201927 minutes, 42 seconds
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#62 - Bread of Life Pt 6: Took, Blessed, Broke, Gave

One of the most challenging passages to understand is Jesus’ “Bread of Life” teaching in John 6 where he tells his audience they must “eat his flesh and drink his blood.” And then he goes on to say that if they don’t, they have no life in them. What is up with that? And then John, who spends more time on the Last Supper than all of the other gospel writers combined, doesn’t even mention Jesus’ discussion about the new covenant or the instituting of communion. What? Astonishingly, these stories, along with the feedings of both the five thousand and four thousand are all linked together! Marvel at how all of the pieces come together as we understand what Jesus was proclaiming with the bread at the Last Supper and the eternal hope we have as result of his sacrifice.
4/16/201926 minutes, 32 seconds
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#61 - Bread of Life Pt 5: Grumble or Eat

What happens when our expectations and our realities do not align? How do we respond when there’s a gap between what we hoped God would do and doesn’t? Answering that is the essence of this episode as we explore Jesus’s bold proclamation in John 6 that he is the “Bread of Life” and that he desires to provide for us in the midst of our circumstances, especially when there is a gap between our expectations and realities.
4/9/201923 minutes, 48 seconds
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#60 - Bread of Life Pt 4: Yeast of the Pharisees

Following the feeding of the four thousand, Jesus and his disciples get into a boat and discuss the “Yeast of the Pharisees” after the disciples forget to bring bread. And then Jesus appears to heal a blind twice outside of Bethsaida, making one wonder if he made a mistake. And we’re left asking ourselves, “What is up with these bizarre stories?” Well, they’re bizarre if you lack knowledge of the feedings of the five thousand and four thousand. But since we’ve already tackled those, it’s time to put all of these pieces together and reveal what Jesus is teaching his disciples, and what he wants to teach us as well.
4/2/201923 minutes, 26 seconds
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#59 - Bread of Life Pt 3: Feeding of the 4,000

We read of Jesus feeding the five thousand. And then shortly thereafter, we read of him feeding the four thousand. What gives? Of all the stories to choose from, why would two of the gospel writers include stories that seem nearly identical? The answer is that they’re not. The difference is in the details, and the implications of those details are astounding! Without an understanding of the geography around the Sea of Galilee or how numbers are being used in this story, we miss one of the most critical proclamations Jesus was making about his ministry.
3/26/201925 minutes, 16 seconds
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#58 - Bread of Life Pt 2: Feeding of the 5,000

Did you know that of all the miracles Jesus performed, only one is recorded in all four Gospels? Yep, only one! And it’s the feeding of the five thousand. Why is this story so central to the ministry of Jesus that all four biographers recorded it? That’s what we begin tackling in this teaching. And like all of the stories familiar to us in the Bible, there’s so much more going on. May you marvel at the details and how intentional Jesus is in communicating in both word and deed what his mission is all about.
3/19/201924 minutes, 3 seconds
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#57 - Bread of Life Pt 1: Source of Sustenance

The season of Lent is upon us! We are on a journey towards Resurrection Sunday, and it is a season that will fly by if we’re not intentional about how we’re going to engage it. In John 6:35, Jesus called himself the “Bread of Life.” In this teaching, we explore the imagery of bread, its significance in the Bible, and how it can be a grounding image for us in this season. Furthermore, it challenges us on who or what is the source of our sustenance in the world. May this be a rich season for you, and may we all draw closer to the “Bread of Life” in it.
3/5/201921 minutes, 48 seconds
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#56 - The Sabbath Pt 8: Answering Your Questions

In John 5, Jesus makes the claim that since his father is “working” on the Sabbath, so is he. Does this undermine everything we’ve explored in this Sabbath series, or is there something deeper going on here? And what is a Christian’s relationship to “The Law?” Does one keep Sabbath out of commandment obedience or because it’s great wisdom? These are the main questions we address in this final episode on the Sabbath. May you continually find freedom and joy in celebrating this amazing gift from God!
2/26/201925 minutes, 8 seconds
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#55 - The Sabbath Pt 7: Getting Super Practical

So what does it look like to observe the Sabbath in our world today? This a question my family and I have been joyfully wrestling with for about fourteen years now. And in this episode, I walk you through what we’ve learned and what the Sabbath looks like for us. The purpose isn’t to imply that we’ve got it all figured out, but to provide you with practical ideas and suggestions on how to make the Sabbath a central feature in your life. Furthermore, I briefly tackle two passages we haven’t tackled yet, and they’re passages that I believe will utterly fascinate you.
2/19/201922 minutes, 42 seconds
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#54 - The Sabbath Pt 6: Unleash The Freedom

Thus far, we’ve been talking about the Sabbath in the context of the Older Testament. And now, we get to hear from Jesus! And my oh my, hang on tight. The Sabbath was ridiculously important to Jesus and he addressed it at every opportunity. He knew what an unbelievable gift it was, and emphatically demonstrated in word and deed what it was intended to do for our lives. May you unleash and experience the freedom that Jesus taught, and may you truly take his “yoke” upon you!
2/12/201921 minutes, 30 seconds
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#53 - The Sabbath Pt 5: Clean The Glasses

Despite God’s pleas and instructions for His people to observe the Sabbath, they struggled to do so. Sure, they “observed” the Sabbath, but they did so in a way that completely missed the point. They were distracted by the things of life and were completely unaware of how blurry their vision had become. Subsequently, their destructive habits went unchecked. The same happens to us as well when we fail to take a break. It’s in the break where we gain perspective. But in order to see what we need to see, we need to be really intentional about what we do. And that’s what this teaching helps us to unpack.
2/5/201922 minutes, 12 seconds
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#52 - The Sabbath Pt 4: Defining Your Identity

We are a culture of accomplishment. We value people based on what they can produce. It’s toxic and oppressive. The Israelites experienced this in their slavery in Egypt. But God brought them out of that system and instituted the Sabbath so that they’d begin to learn that their identity and worth didn’t come from their work, but from something infinitely more substantial. Until we have a proper handle on our identity, we’ll miss the stunning beauty of the Sabbath and how it seeks to rescue us from one of the most destructive realities of our world.
1/29/201913 minutes, 54 seconds
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#51 - The Sabbath Pt 3: Do You Have Rhythm

We are not beasts of burden. We were not designed to go, go, go. And yet for most of us, we struggle to slow down. Our lives are constant noise, and we’re so drowned out in our schedules that we fail to see the insanity for what it is. Sabbath teaches us that there’s a rhythm and a cadence to life. It slows us down and emphatically reminds us that in order to be healthy, we must prioritize rest. Rest is not a reward. It’s a necessity. But even more than that, it’s the engine that’s intended to power our lives.
1/22/201915 minutes, 40 seconds
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#50 - The Sabbath Pt 2: In Whom Do You Trust

Every day we make decisions, and those decisions are based on trust – trust in ourselves, trust in others, and trust in God. But what happens when our trust is misplaced? What happens when the trust we place in ourselves is actually supposed to be in God? For one, it will prevent us from taking a Sabbath because we’ll believe that if we take a break, our needs won’t be met – financially or otherwise. And yet, this was precisely what God sought to address with the Israelites when we instituted the Sabbath following their slavery in Egypt. And God pressed them, and by association, us, with the question, “In whom do you really trust?”
1/15/201922 minutes, 16 seconds
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#49 - The Sabbath Pt 1: A Theology of Work

Mark Buchanan once wrote, “In order to keep the Sabbath well – to embrace the rest of God – we need a right view of work. Without a rich theology of labor, we’ll have an impoverished theology of rest.” I couldn’t agree more, which is why we’re launching this Sabbath series by exploring the dignity of work, what the Bible has to say about it, and how we’re supposed to approach it in our relationship with God. Buckle up. This series is going to be quite a ride!
1/8/201924 minutes, 45 seconds
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#48 - Little Man in the Eye

The New Year is underway and many of you have made resolutions, but do any of them pertain to the Bible? In this episode, we explore one of the coolest Hebrew expressions (that often gets lost in translation) that depicts our relationship with God and His Word in a way that inspires us to dig into His Word in order to truly thrive this next year. And it all has to do with a little man in the eye. Enjoy!
1/1/201919 minutes, 47 seconds
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#47 - Genealogy Christmas Pt 4: Son of God

It’s Christmas Eve! Which means it’s the perfect time to conclude our Genealogy Christmas by looking at Jesus being the Son of God, and how Matthew is helping us understand the magnitude of his identity and calling by using the names “Jesus” and “Immanuel.” As we explore these names, we’ll be reminded of why we celebrate Christmas and are able to have the hope that we have. God became man, and our lives will never be the same because of it. May you be overwhelmed with joy as you’re reminded of the significance of the coming of Jesus, who is Immanuel!
12/25/201820 minutes, 37 seconds
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#46 - Genealogy Christmas Pt 3: Son of Joseph

Have you ever wondered why Matthew tells us that “Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph” and then in the very next verse he tells us that Joseph was planning to “divorce her quietly?” How does that work? And was Joseph being insensitive, or was he demonstrating the noblest of character? I’ll give you a hint – it’s the latter, and the context here is riveting. What’s more, we find that Joseph (and Mary) modeled righteousness that shaped Jesus as he grew up, and it’s a righteousness that’s intended to shape us as well.
12/18/201823 minutes, 41 seconds
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#45 - Genealogy Christmas Pt 2: Son of Abraham

In Pt 1: Son of David, we learned that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Davidic Covenant for the Jews. Now Matthew wants us to understand that Jesus was the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant. But what does that mean? And how does Matthew “prove” it in the genealogy? Well, buckle up, because what Matthew does next is astounding, and its implications for our lives and for this Advent Season will leave us encouraged and grateful that we get to part of the family of such a loving God.
12/11/201820 minutes, 45 seconds
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#44 - Genealogy Christmas Pt 1: Son of David

If you were tasked with retelling the most significant story in human history, how would you begin? Matthew had to ask the same question, and what was his answer? A genealogy. Seriously? Could there be anything more boring than that? We normally skip right over them. And yet, what Matthew does with Jesus’s genealogy is electrifying! The jaws of the first century audience would’ve been on the ground. And over the next four weeks, we’re going to explore this “Genealogy Christmas” and begin where Matthew begins – with Jesus being a “Son of David.” The implications are astounding, and I trust Christmas will take on deeper meaning for you this Advent Season!
12/4/201823 minutes, 6 seconds
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#43 - Psalm 23 Pt 10: Answering Your Questions

Over the last nine episodes, we’ve been digging into Psalm 23 and I’ve been encouraging you to ask your questions. In this episode, I seek to answer those questions. The discussion entails everything from how we teach our kids to understand the Bible’s context to leaders being intentional about setting aside times for rest and renewal to discussing whether Jesus was beaten with a shepherd’s “staff,” “rod,” or something else, and much more. May this discussion help round out some additional aspects of Psalm 23 as we seek to live out the truths of this psalm in our lives.
11/27/201820 minutes, 14 seconds
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#42 - Psalm 23 Pt 9: Practicing God's Presence

David concludes Psalm 23 by proclaiming, “and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” It’s a stunning ending to a stunning Psalm. But what’s David’s context? What’s he declaring? Is he talking about Heaven? Is he talking about the Tabernacle (often referred to as “the house of the LORD”). Is “forever” the best translation? As we seek to answer these questions, I believe we’ll be invited into one of the most significant practices that enables us to grow in our awareness of God, and approach life with a perspective and maturity that we all long to possess.
11/20/201817 minutes
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#41 - Psalm 23 Pt 8: They're Chasing Me

Have you ever had that sense that someone was following you? It’s a deeply unnerving feeling. As a shepherd, David would’ve experienced this on a regular basis. And yet, what’s on his heels in the last verse of Psalm 23 isn’t something threatening, but two of the most significant realities in the entire Bible. And when we understand what’s chasing him, we’ll have great confidence that they’re chasing us as well!
11/13/201817 minutes, 4 seconds
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#40 - Psalm 23 Pt 7: A Generous Host

As soon as David mentions “preparing a table,” “anointing with oil,” and “cup overflowing,” we know he’s no longer communicating a shepherding imagery. You don’t do any of these with sheep. So why the shift? And what’s he conveying? This is one of the most fascinating cultural aspects of Psalm 23, and understanding the imagery shift and its implications will help you see your relationship with God and His world in a renewed, compelling, and gratitude-inducing way.
11/6/201822 minutes, 47 seconds
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#39 - Psalm 23 Pt 6: Rod and Staff (and Sling)

The rod and the staff, comfort David. And likely the sling too! These are what the shepherd carries for various situations. Learning about these alone is utterly fascinating, especially when you find out how David uses them against lions, bears, and Goliath (which we discuss). But how these translate into what God does for us is in the midst of our deep valleys is where the power lies. And once we understand that, we’ll find comfort, courage, and hope just like David did.
10/30/201823 minutes, 38 seconds
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#38 - Psalm 23 Pt 5: Valley of Deep Darkness

We all experience difficult times in our lives that cause fear, frustration, sadness and pain. In Psalm 23, these are the “valleys of deep darkness.” Once in, the only the way out is through. David understood this, and yet he boldly states, “Even though I walk through the valley of deep darkness (shadow of death), I will fear no evil for you are with me.” What exactly was David talking about? Once we grasp what David is saying, we’ll know how to navigate our valleys of deep darkness with hope and resilience and be able to say the same thing!
10/23/201821 minutes, 47 seconds
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#37 - Psalm 23 Pt 4: Paths of Righteousness

When navigating a disorienting landscape, paths are essential. Sheep know this. Shepherds know this. And it’s why David highlights God leading on “paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” But what did David imply by this? What does righteousness even mean? Why is God’s name at stake? And what happens if we stray from the path? All of this and more are discussed in this next episode on Psalm 23.
10/16/201821 minutes, 36 seconds
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#36 - Psalm 23 Pt 3: Still Waters of Rest

Were you aware that sheep won’t drink water if it’s moving? It freaks them out. Thus, when David mentions “still waters” in Psalm 23, it’s intentional. Water is life. And sheep need to drink. But as David is doing throughout the psalm, this isn’t about getting water; it’s about getting something much deeper – something we desperately long for and need in the midst of the hecticness of life. If you ever feel unsettled in all that needs to be done, this is a teaching you definitely need to hear.
10/9/201815 minutes, 30 seconds
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#35 - Psalm 23 Pt 2: Green Pastures

A flock thrives in the desert, so what could David possibly be talking about when he mentions “Green Pastures” in Psalm 23? The answer will likely shock you. I always thought it was a statement about God abundantly giving us what we need or want. And then I went to Israel, and everything changed. This teaching is geared towards doing the same for you.
10/2/201817 minutes, 48 seconds
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#34 - Psalm 23 Pt 1: My Savvy Shepherd

Psalm 23 is one of the most well-known and beloved passages in the entire Bible. And over the next several weeks, we’re going to tackle this culturally-rich psalm, unpacking all the ways it’s as relevant today as it was when written three thousand years ago. In this particular teaching, we learn what it takes to be a great shepherd, and how astounding it is for David to proclaim, “The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
9/25/201816 minutes, 43 seconds
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#33 - 10 Million Dollars Educating You

We all mistakes. We all have blunders. But how we view these failures has a significant impact on how quickly we recover and how much we learn in the process. This episode addresses the redemptive nature of failure and how I believe God views our mistakes, which for many of us, is very different than what we often believe – and it’s dramatically hindering us!
9/18/201812 minutes, 20 seconds
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#32 - A Life Worth Mimicking

In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul encourages his audience to mimic his life because he’s mimicking the life of Jesus. In essence, Paul says if you’re struggling to imitate Jesus, just do what I do. It’s a gutsy statement to make. The question is, “Could we say the same?” That’s what this teaching addresses as we look at the mimicking reality of life and why what we do matters so much.
9/11/201812 minutes, 35 seconds
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#31 - Zacchaeus Pt 7: Answering Your Questions

Over the last six episodes, we’ve been digging into the Zacchaeus story, and I’ve been encouraging you to ask your questions. In this episode, I seek to answer those questions. The discussion entails everything from what salvation meant for the Jewish people in the first century to how we steward our hearts with respect to our money to how Jesus addressed the religious leaders who though they had it all together (and clearly didn’t), and more. May this discussion help round out some additional aspects of the Zacchaeus story as we seek to live out the truths of this story in our lives.
9/4/201821 minutes, 48 seconds
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#30 - Zacchaeus Pt 6: A Wealthy Pattern

Zacchaeus is a “chief tax collector,” which means he’s incredibly wealthy – something everyone would’ve known. So why does Luke go out of his way to include the detail that he was “wealthy” as well? I believe he’s helping his audience connect into a larger theme of “wealth” that has been threaded throughout his gospel. In doing so, he’s encouraging us to see just how revealing and redemptive Zacchaeus’s response of using his wealth appropriately was to the advancement of Jesus’s kingdom movement. This is a teaching that will challenge us all in how we utilize the resources God’s given to us.
8/28/201823 minutes, 59 seconds
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#29 - Zacchaeus Pt 5: The Amos Backdrop

Who cares that it was a sycamore fig-tree that Zacchaeus climbed? Of all the details Luke could’ve included, why this one? Could it be the key for unlocking a substantial element to the story that is often overlooked? I believe so. And what it unlocks will push us all to think deeper and harder about how we live out the biblical concepts of justice and righteousness, and why the entire book of Amos addresses these issues and appears to ultimately inform Zacchaeus’s response. It was these connections that originally gripped by attention towards the Zacchaeus story, and I believe they will grip you as well.
8/21/201824 minutes, 4 seconds
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#28 - Zacchaeus Pt 4: To Seek and To Save

The Zacchaeus story ends with Jesus stating, “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” This wasn’t just a nice summary statement, but an electric proclamation that would’ve sent shockwaves through his listeners’ ears. Drawing upon two substantial prophetic books, Jesus demonstrates that he’s reclaiming the world, that he’s the fulfillment the entire biblical story, and that with extreme compassion, he’s bringing people back into the fold.
8/14/201824 minutes, 16 seconds
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#27 - Zacchaeus Pt 3: Jesus's Shocking Actions

In the first two episodes, we examined Zacchaeus’ actions and how utterly remarkable his responses were. But how were such responses even possible? The answer lies in Jesus’ actions. They’re shocking, perplexing, and infuriating to those in the crowd, but life-giving and healing to those in need of Jesus’ love and forgiveness. May we not only embrace Jesus’ actions, but emulate them to others as well.
8/7/201822 minutes, 35 seconds
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#26 - Zacchaeus Pt 2: A Holistic Response

Following his encounter with Jesus, Zacchaeus’s response is utterly remarkable. He pledges to give half of his possessions to the poor and provide a fourfold restitution to those he’s wronged. He understands what a holistic response looks like, and offers an incredible pattern for us to follow in our lives as well.
7/31/201820 minutes, 2 seconds
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#25 - Zacchaeus Pt 1: Climb A Tree

We’re kicking off a series on Zacchaeus from Luke 19 where over the course of several weeks, we’re going to look at this story from a number of different angles. In this particular teaching, we look at Zacchaeus’ desire to change and what he had to overcome in order to have an encounter with Jesus. It’s going to be quite a ride as this electric story is about so much more than just a wee little man.
7/24/201821 minutes, 16 seconds
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#24 - Fully Present (Put Down The Cell Phone)

How often are we “there,” but not really “there?” How often are we distracted and not fully present in the moments we find ourselves in? What does that do to us, and particularly to those who become collateral damage in our inability to be present? This is what this teaching addresses as we look at a fascinating passage in Exodus 24 and seek to apply it to the various aspects of our lives, especially in our addiction (err, usage) of our cell phones.
7/17/201818 minutes, 13 seconds
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#23 - Divine In The Daily

We generally look for God in the big things, and yet, I believe God is most available to us in the everyday, humdrum activities of life. The problem is, we’re unaware as we speed through life, not slowing down long enough to notice the miracles in our midst and to encounter the divine in the daily. God woke Moses up to this reality, and I believe God wants to do the same for you and me.
7/10/201819 minutes, 10 seconds
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#22 - From Slave To Slave

On July 4th, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted a statement known as “The Declaration of Independence,” announcing that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded themselves as thirteen newly independent sovereign states – no longer a part of the British Empire – and calling themselves, “The United States of America.” The most well-known line within the Declaration indicates that Americans have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Liberty is freedom. But what does the Bible have to say about freedom? That’s what’s tackled in this teaching as we learn the paradoxical truth that in order to find true freedom, we must seek slavery.
7/3/201822 minutes, 38 seconds
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#21 - Complete Like God

Rain was always a downer for me growing up. It spoiled the outdoor fun. As a result, I never understood Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5 about God sending sun and rain on the righteous and unrighteous and then concluding with being “perfect as your heavenly father is perfect” – as if that was even possible. But set in its context, this passage makes all the sense in the world, and Jesus’ words take on powerful implications for our lives.
6/26/201813 minutes, 34 seconds
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#20 - Hagah The Text

Being intentional with God’s Word is essential to living a deep and meaningful life. In the biblical period, God’s people were called to not only dig into the Scriptures but also to have an ongoing discussion with their friends and family about them. For many of us, our time with God’s Word often stops with reading it and we miss out on the critical responsibility of discussion. In this episode, we explore why it’s so crucial to be intentional about our relationship with the Bible so that it permeates every facet of our lives.
6/19/201812 minutes, 4 seconds
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#19 - You Go First

It’s easy to tell others what they should do. It’s more challenging to lead the way first. But we must. In this teaching, we look at how Paul demonstrates this powerful truth in his letter to the Colossians and his reference to John Mark, who deserted he and Barnabbas at the most inopportune time and caused a tremendous amount of pain and friction. Paul knew he couldn’t ask someone to do something he wasn’t willing to do himself. The same is true for us as well.
6/12/201818 minutes, 54 seconds
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#18 - Build Your Central Park

Our lives are incredibly busy, and most of us aren’t intentional about creating space to retreat from the hustle and bustle to find rest, restoration, and rejuvenation. And yet, without such spaces, we deteriorate and lose focus on what’s important. Jesus understood this. In this teaching, we look at Jesus’ rhythm of retreat, and get really practical on how we can do the same in order to live a vibrant and properly focused life.
6/5/201815 minutes, 53 seconds
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#17 - Saying Yes To The Best

We say “yes” to a lot of things, but are they the things we should be saying “yes” to? Jim Collins has said that “the good is the enemy of the great.” We can get so caught up in doing “good” things that we miss out on the “best” things. Jesus understood this clearly. And in this teaching (shot on location in Israel), we look at how Jesus was totally fine disappointing people in order to stay true to his mission. He knew how to say “no” to the good things so he could say “yes” to the best things. Get ready to have your world rocked because this teaching will mess with you!
5/29/201817 minutes, 20 seconds
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#16 - Seizing Tassels

In Luke 8, a woman grabs the corner of Jesus’ garment and is instantly healed. It’s a bizarre story, until you understand the stunning connections she’s making, and why she does what she does. But even more stunning is Jesus’ tender response, and the implications of his invitation for us to come to him for help and healing despite our uncleanness, hesitations, fears, and messes.
5/22/201819 minutes, 34 seconds
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#15 - Loving God By Loving Others

Many of us know Jesus’ statement about loving God and loving others in Matthew 22. But I’m guessing most of us don’t know the Gezerah Shavah behind it that makes it even more fascinating, revolutionary, and challenging than we thought. This is what this teaching tackles as we seek to understand what it more fully means to love God by loving others.
5/15/201814 minutes, 46 seconds
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#14 - Blessing God 100 Times A Day

There’s an ancient Jewish practice that revolutionized my prayer life and fostered an awareness of both God and gratitude that I hadn’t accessed on a regular basis before. In this short teaching, I share what that practice is and how it can have a significant impact on your life as well.
5/8/201812 minutes, 9 seconds
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#13 - Grounded In Gratitude

It’s really easy to focus on what’s not going well in our lives, rather than being grateful for what is going well. But what would happen if we allowed gratitude to be what grounded us? How would we then view the challenging things in our lives? That’s what this teaching addresses by looking at the astounding connections between the healing of Naaman (2 Kings 5) and Jesus’ healing of the ten lepers (Luke 17).
5/1/201819 minutes, 45 seconds
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#12 - Everything Is Intentional

One thing I’ve learned about Jesus is that nothing is random. It’s utterly remarkable how his words and actions tie into the Old Testament story and then propel the overall story forward. Take Luke 7. Jesus raises a widow’s son back to life. It’s incredible. But what makes this story so fascinating isn’t only what Jesus did, but where he did it. When we understand that, we begin to understand just how intentional Jesus is with everything, including your story and mine.
4/24/201822 minutes, 17 seconds
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#11 - To Live Is To Give

The Sea of Galilee is bursting with life and vitality. The Dead Sea is toxic and nothing can survive. And yet they’re both fed by the same source – the Jordan River. How can this be? The answer is utterly fascinating, and its truth speaks to one of the most significant realities of how we flourish in life.
4/17/201819 minutes, 16 seconds
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#10 - Make Music With What Remains

I’m a really hopeful person, especially on the heels of celebrating the resurrection. But at times, I despair about the condition of our world and the struggles of life. Perhaps you do as well. That’s why I share a fascinating story that has helped me tremendously in addressing these moments and finding the courage to press on.
4/10/201811 minutes, 55 seconds
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#9 - Victory In The Garden (Resurrection)

The Resurrection of Jesus is the most significant event in human history, and each of the gospel writers tell the story in a way to highlight different aspects. This teaching explores how John records it, and how he employs the “8th Sign” and “garden” themes to boldly declare that sin, death, pain, brokenness, and chaos do not get the final word.
4/3/201821 minutes, 18 seconds
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#8 - Dying To Expectation

One of the most challenging aspects of faith is unmet expectations – that gap between what we thought/hoped God would do and what actually occurred. So how do we deal with those moments? That’s what this teaching addresses as we explore the bizarre exchange between Jesus and Peter at Caesarea Philippi.
3/27/201816 minutes, 30 seconds
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#7 - Back To The Future

The future is often really fuzzy. And trying to figure out what is to come or understand what God is doing can leave us confused, frustrated, anxious, or even angry. So how we do we approach an unknown future? This teaching seeks to answer this by looking at a key concept in Isaiah 2. Personally, this was one of the biggest lessons I learned in one of the most challenging transitions I’ve undergone.
3/20/201815 minutes, 29 seconds
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#6 - Returning To The Path

There are only two paths in life according to the Scriptures. There is God’s path, and there’s every other path. Life, freedom, and flourishment abound on God’s path. But what happens when we stray from God’s path? How do we effectively return? For many of us, we have confused confession with repentance, and it’s why we keep falling prey to the same destructive habits. But if we learn the importance of both, we’ll have a much better shot at staying on God’s path.
3/13/201815 minutes, 19 seconds
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#5 - God's Instructions For Freedom

Being intentional with God’s Word is essential to living a deep and meaningful life. In the biblical period, God’s people were called to not only dig into the Scriptures but also to have an ongoing discussion with their friends and family about them. Formany of us, our time with God’s Word often stops with reading it and we miss out on the critical responsibility of discussion. In this episode, we explore why it’s so crucial to be intentional about our relationship with the Bible so that it permeates every facet of our lives.
3/6/201819 minutes, 51 seconds
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#4 - You Are The Message

Identity is a big deal. It breeds mission and behavior. It’s why God called His people to be a “kingdom of priests,” and why the Apostle Peter confirms this for all followers of Jesus in one of his letters. It’s a central identity of God’s people and yet most of us have no idea what it means or entails. But once we’re cognizant of its implications, we live more focused, aware, and intentional in the work we do and the people we interact with because we now know what’s at stake (and there’s A LOT at stake!). This next teaching in The Teaching Series helps us understand the significance of this identity and how transformational it is in our daily lives.
2/27/201819 minutes, 16 seconds
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#3 - Shalom In Our Trees

One of the most significant words in the Bible is shalom (“peace”). It’s what the entire Bible is all about. However, most of us have a limited view of shalom, and we miss out on God’s great desire is to bring every aspect of ourselves to wholeness. A critical time to invite His help is during this season that leads up to Easter. This teaching discusses how we enter well into this season and seek the shalom that we all desperately desire.
2/20/201817 minutes, 49 seconds
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#2 - God Walks Between the Pieces

This is a week people celebrate and think about love (Valentine’s Day). It’s also the week that begins the season of Lent that culminates with the death and resurrection of Jesus, whereby God’s immense love for humanity is on display. But God’s extravagant love for humanity is vividly seen much earlier in the Bible. This teaching tackles a monumental moment from Genesis 15, where God does the unthinkable and demonstrates just how far His love is willing to go.
2/13/201819 minutes, 9 seconds
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#1 - Welcome To The Teaching Series

Welcome to the first episode in The Teaching Series! In this episode, you’ll be introduced to the purpose behind the series, how to utilize these short teachings, and what to expect in future episodes.
2/6/201813 minutes