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The Vertical Relationship Show: Relationship Goals, Prayer, Biblical Counseling, Dating Advice, Christian Marriage & Healing Trauma Cover
The Vertical Relationship Show: Relationship Goals, Prayer, Biblical Counseling, Dating Advice, Christian Marriage & Healing Trauma Profile

The Vertical Relationship Show: Relationship Goals, Prayer, Biblical Counseling, Dating Advice, Christian Marriage & Healing Trauma

English, Religion, 1 season, 198 episodes, 1 day, 22 hours, 20 minutes
Need GODLY relationship advice? Struggling with your FAITH and relationship with JESUS? Fed-up with being in bondage of the enemy? Are there areas of your life that need authentic HEALING? I get it! I went from a hot mess to totally blessed. Truth… We all have hidden wounds that lie deep within our wounded soul. These wounds have to be purged, removed, and cleansed with GOD in order to have the thriving relationships we truly desire. Getting to the core “ROOT” of your problems & struggles in your personal and professional life will propel you forward with purpose! Hey friends! I‘m Melia Diana (LPTA, ACSM-CPT, FII-CPTS) International & Best -Selling Author, Certified Christian & Clinical Counselor, Certified Biblical Therapist, Relationship & Dating Coach and Ministry Founder. I‘ve dug though the trenches with God to bring you the TRUTH in love, prophetic words, authentic healing, godly counsel, and authentic biblical support & prayer for your health so you can cultivate thriving relationships. No fluff here, my friends! Podcast for JESUS + Healing + Deliverance + Relationship Goals + Godly Dating Advice + Biblical Christian Counseling + Christian Marriage + Trauma Recovery + Prophetic Words + Prayer + Spiritual Warfare + a sprinkle of God‘s Word! Learn what it takes to be a godly woman/man living in an upside-down world. Striving to have healthy relationship goals through healing, God’s Word & Biblical counsel. Start healing from trauma ”God’s Way” for your wounded soul with a Kingdom mindset and heart. Gain clarity why your relationships, health, personal life, ministry, business, and/or family life is out of alignment. No more feeling unworthy, undervalued, and alone! We will dig into many areas of Biblical Christian counseling, spiritual warfare, marriage advice, equally yoked dating tips, inner healing & deliverance, strongholds, chronic pain, toxic wound patterns...and so much more! Let’s learn to have godly relationships and heal with GOD; guided by the Holy Spirit. This encouraging podcast will help empower your relationship with yourself, others, and most importantly- JESUS! Be inspired to start hearing from GOD while enhancing your vertical relationship with Jesus. Allow the veil to be lifted from blinded eyes and ears... reclaim your identity in Christ, learn how to blossom into a Proverbs 31 Woman and Ephesians 5 Man! Get mature, non-secular teachings, counseling, coaching, and consulting tips through truthful prophetic words. Are you a busy Christian woman entrepreneur, stay at home Mom or hard- working Dad? Totally understand- you‘ll get powerful bit-size episodes packed with punch! This show is for the believer who might have lost their way. A follower of Christ who has been saved for years and is ready to know Jesus more intimately. Or curious what this ”JESUS” thing is all about? Praying for clarity and direction to do His will, God clearly told me, “My people don’t fit into categories!” God cares about people... PERIOD! Quite frankly, God does not care about SEO, algorithms, demographics or your Avatar. Just loving on others with His truth that sets us FREE. This show is dedicated to bring God’s glory to His Kingdom while helping lost souls mature in their walk with Jesus. Thrive in your relationships, health, and healing progression with God by your side. Equip yourself with the TRUTH, restoring balance back into your life. Having a VERTICAL RELATIONSHIP will directly affect our horizontal relationships. No more Band-Aids or temporary worldly ways that don’t last. You deserve the TRUTH and not more deceit! Blessings xo, Melia Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia’s Books-> Courses-> Community->
Episode Artwork

EPS 198- FEAR NOT: No-Nonsense Guide to Healing Trauma

Ready to discover the inner depths of trauma? Uncloak from fearful strongholds? Go deeper into healing and deliverance without a showy stage production? Introducing Melia's brand-new audiobook- FEAR NOT; No-Nonsense Guide to Healing Trauma "God's Way" Warfare-Healing-Deliverance for Wounded Souls! Fear Not is to bring light into the dark, unveil hard hearts to the unseen realm, and expose hidden wounds that lie dormant in wounded souls. To bring forth eye-opening revelations of strongholds -AKA- trauma that keeps people in bondage and oppression of the enemy. Get ready to embrace the unseen realm not seen by the naked eye. Learn what it takes to partake in healing and deliverance “God’s Way”. Guard yourself in spiritual warfare and avoid the pitfalls of the enemy’s sneaky tactics. Understand the pain of wounded souls in a no-nonsense and practical way.  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
9/16/20246 minutes, 10 seconds
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EPS 197- PROPHETIC WORD: Burden of 70x7 Guilt-Shame-Rebellion & 7-Fold Spirit

In today's tumultuous world, it's easy to lose sight of God's love for us. The palpable anger of the Lord reveals 70x7 of guilt, shame, and rebellion of mankind. God must take action for a generation that continually grieves Him! Discontent stems from a loving Father who desires nothing but the best for His children. Melia shares a personal testament of experiencing the heavy burden of God's grief and anger, as she pleads for the lost and brokenhearted. A powerful prophetic message about the Lord's burdened heart and judgment on rebellion, guilt, and shame. The solution? A heartfelt repentance and a steadfast return to God’s ways to avoid spiritual blindness. Chapters: 00:00 Judgment and prophecy 00:44 Spiritual cataracts explained 01:19 Spiritual blindness explored 01:52 Sevenfold spirit insights 02:39 Discussing angels and demons 03:07 Personal burdens and spirits 03:38 Feeling misaligned with God 04:01 Seeking divine guidance 04:31 Forgiveness through scripture 04:58 Disobedience and divine mercy 06:14 Significance of the blind ghost 07:17 Call for obedience and repentance Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >  
9/10/20249 minutes, 9 seconds
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EPS 196- Power of the HOLY SPIRIT; Discernment for Spirit of Truth or Deception

Facing challenges in discernment? Without the Holy Spirit guiding us to God's truth, no discernment is dispersed! Too many Christians are not testing the spirit (See 1 John 4:1) because they don't spend time with Jesus or study their Bible to know the difference between a spirit of truth (Holy Spirit) verses a spirit of deception (Satan). Nobody, including myself, will not be able to have wise discernment, without a vertical relationship with Jesus. Exploring the Trinity's power, Melia illustrates how the Holy Spirit acts as our advocate and teacher, revealing the depths within Scripture to determine the difference between falsehood and God's truth! Chapters: 00:10 Melia's mission introduction 01:00 Discerning God's voice 01:38 Holy Spirit's guidance 02:37 Power of the Word 03:09 Steps to salvation 04:04 Holy Spirit advocate 05:24 Struggles with discernment 06:23 Messages of love 07:31 Healing and vulnerability 08:33 Trauma recovery intro 09:40 Prayers 10:22 Closing blessings Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
9/2/202410 minutes, 54 seconds
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EPS 195- PROPHETIC WARNING: Judgement Falls on Christians BLINDED by False Prophets!

Christians who are following and in agreement with false prophets, fall under God's judgment! False prophets and those who seek their guidance will all be punished for their sins. (Ezekiel 14:4-10). False prophets and leaders are only after your money, selfish ambitions, high status, vain imaginations, and loads of followers ... Unfortunately, false prophets do not really care about your well-being. True prophets care about your soul prospering for God's Kingdom; only giving the body of Christ "God's truth" and not compromising with any ounce of falsehood! In an age where ancient practices of sorcery and witchcraft are often repackaged, twisted, and normalized as Christianity, Melia warns of the subtle dangers these practices pose to Christians without discernment! Chapters: 00:00 Warning: False Prophets' Dangers 00:51 Idolatry and False Guidance 01:20 Consequences of Idolatry 02:00 Deceptive False Prophets 02:38 Dangers of Sorcery 03:11 Discern Holy from Unholy 04:25 Urging Repentance 05:29 Healing Soul Wounds 06:26 Reject Ungodly Influences 07:57 Exposing False Women Prophets 09:39 Prioritize God Over Social Media 11:23 Discernment and True Repentance Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
8/25/202414 minutes, 8 seconds
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EPS 194- Christians can Function in Dysfunction and Unhealed Trauma

Did you know that many people, including Christians, can function quite well in their dysfunction? Many times, people operating in unhealed trauma have no idea anything is wrong because it's their normal. But, it's not someone else's. Perhaps, yelling and screaming was an ordinary occurrence in your family? Or promoting promiscuous or hateful behavior without repercussions was perfectly acceptable? Either way, we don't expect Christians to behave improperly, but many still operate from a wounded soul. Find out if you, or someone you love, is functioning in their dysfunction! Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
8/19/20248 minutes, 27 seconds
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EPS 193- Die to Self in an "Equally Yoked" Christian Marriage

Just because you're a Christian and in an equally yoked marriage, does not mean your life will be hunky dory. Although, God tells us to not team up with unbelievers, truth is, you're a target for Satan, now! "Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers" (2 Corinthians 6:14). My husband and I chat about real struggles and how to "die to self" in our godly union. Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
8/12/20245 minutes, 31 seconds
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EPS 192- Healing in NOT Linear or What you Think!

Healing in not linear or what you think! Many people think they know what they need healing from, but don’t. For example, your focus is about your husband or wife, yet God might be wanting to heal a deeper problem within you, that's been buried for years. You are dating and can't seem to attract the right partner, but a traumatic event you experienced is holding you back. I have the pleasure to work with many clients and it comes to no surprise when the Lord revealed something else, they need healing from. I share a powerful story in today's episode ... God reveled a spirit of fear over my client and her horse!  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
8/5/20246 minutes, 56 seconds
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EPS 191- PROPHETIC WORD: Pure Prophets are Metal Testers for the LORD!

Many will never understand what a pure prophet, not compromised with evil, goes through on a daily basis! The high cost to follow God wholeheartedly coincides with severe demonic attacks, constant tears, Astro projection, witchcraft, and endless spiritual warfare battles. God says, "Many are called but only few are chosen" (Matthew 22:14). While these attacks are extremely painful, they are masked with deeper burdens from the Lord, a unique testing of metals. A pure prophetic vessel must be able to manage their gift with balance, grace, love, strength, integrity, and courage. So, I ask... are you this kind of metal tester for the Lord? Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
7/29/202411 minutes, 28 seconds
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EPS 190- Are you RELATIONSHIPS Operating under WITCHCRAFT?

Did you know our loved ones, family, and friends can be operating under witchcraft? Many times, the deceptive nature of evil, that's rooted in witchcraft, has a greater potential for curses to be placed on individuals without them even knowing it! Witchcraft is used by the enemy to attack our relationships by using manipulation, intimidation, and control. More than ever, we need to protect ourselves, stay close to Jesus, and use wise discernment living in this dark world.   Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
7/22/202410 minutes, 12 seconds
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EPS 189- HEAL MY SOUL WOUNDS; Self-Paced TRAUMA Purification Program

It's finally here... Melia's self-paced trauma program just for you! “Heal my Soul Wounds” is not your typical trauma recovery program. It's a powerful 7-step trauma purification process: Inner Healing & Deliverance "God's Way" for wounded souls. This metamorphic program is based on God’s Word, biblical principles, powerful prayer, godly counsel, high investments, brutal hardships, and intense spiritual warfare experiences … carefully designed and structured by prophetic utterance of the Fathers heart! The Holy Spirit is heavenly involved in the healing process, a true partnership with Jesus Christ, will help to navigate your way to set yourself FREE of trauma in your life.  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >  
7/15/20244 minutes, 15 seconds
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EPS 188- Spirit of Infirmity & Getting to the ROOT of Pain

Many times, a spirt of infirmity, is at the root of your pain. Truth is, many disregard the spiritual realm as a myth buster and only believe what their naked eye can see. Therefore, only the physical dimension is witnessed to many wounded souls. Can God heal you from chronic pain and suffering? God is God. You must come to realize the battles are not fought in carnal ways! We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning. (See 2 Corinthians 10:4).  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
7/8/20247 minutes, 38 seconds
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EPS 187- PROPHETIC WARNING: Judgment is Coming; Sounding the Alarm for Broken Covenants & Idols!

Judgment is coming! The Lord is crying out for His sons and daughters to get right with Him... God is sounding the alarm for broken covenants; an agreement with God, a promise to forgive our sins and restore fellowship with those who turn their heart towards Him. Jesus is the mediator of the new covenant. Yet, many Christians are not abiding and convening themselves with other gods-idols! Lacking revenant fear of God still penetrates in the hearts of many men and women. EKK! The Lord is tired of the constant disobedience and idolatry taken root in many souls. You’ve been gentle warned, my friends! This is not to scare you, but give you the truth, which many are not willing to do. Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
6/30/20246 minutes, 35 seconds
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EPS 186- Unhealed Trauma will cause SOUL WOUNDS in your Relationships

No matter if your single or married... You have a responsibility to heal your soul wounds if you desire to have thriving relationships upon your life. Unhealed trauma is an open door for the devil to cause havoc in your relationships and health. Let's not forget that unhealed trauma will also stunt your healing progression causing discord in every area of your life. The Lord can cleanse your wounded soul. Remember: God is Jehovah Rapha; the Lord that heals!  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
6/23/20245 minutes
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EPS 185- PROPHETIC WORD: Rahab Spirit brings STRIFE in Relationships & Inhibits Crossing Over

When you think of Rahab, you most likely think of the prostitute who helped hide the Israelite spies from the enemy. (See Joshua 2). But that is not the Rahab I’m talking about … The Lord revealed a water spirit named Rahab; hovering over cities, countries, states, and nations, affecting people worldwide! Rahab is a prideful, quarrelsome, arrogant sea monster looking to impede your relationships and time of crossing over to your God given purpose. Truth is, many people think this is the Leviathan spirit, while Rahab has been getting a "free hall pass" to mess with your life. Listen to this headful prophetic word so you can be prepared!  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >  
6/17/20249 minutes, 18 seconds
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EPS 184- PROPHETIC WARNING: Chosen Ones falling into Witchcraft

Listen up .... God's Chosen Ones! Our Lord and Savior takes witchcraft very seriously. Point blank- it's forbidden. (See Deuteronomy 18:10-12). Friends, we can't be half in the world and half in Christianity and think the Lord is going to bless and protect us for being disobedient to His Commandments. Especially, His chosen ones who He has called to speak on His behalf. Listen to this headful prophetic warning! Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
6/9/20243 minutes, 16 seconds
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EPS 183- Healing TRAUMA Hurts; Conviction for your SOUL

Let's be honest... Healing trauma hurts! Nobody loves to have their weaknesses and strongholds exposed to the light for correction. Being convicted in your spirit is not fun, but the truth is what will free your soul from the bondage of the enemy! Remember: All Scripture is inspired by God for correction and to teach us His truth so we can realize what's wrong in our lives and change it. (See 2 Timothy 3:16). Friends, healing trauma is mandatory if you want to excel in doing Kingdom work!  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
6/3/20249 minutes, 42 seconds
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EPS 182- Hidden Dangers of the ENNEAGRAM; Christians Be Aware!

Truth be told, if you call yourself a Christian, you should NOT be messing around with the Enneagram! Yet, it's commonly being used worldwide in churches, Christian counseling services, business events, and Kingdom conferences. Even popular Christian book publishers are promoting this New Age tool. Be careful, my friends! The Enneagram is dangerous and has hidden root agendas behind it... You think you're safe, but have you done your research?  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Courses -> FREE Resources - >
5/27/20249 minutes, 37 seconds
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EPS 181- PROPHETIC WORD: The Consequences of Disobedience to GOD

A worldwide shaking is happening ... this nation is under the consequences of disobedience to God. The Lord's anger is fierce, and He expresses great frustration with false prophets, pseudo teachings, the worshipping of other gods, disobedience to His Word, and the prevalence of treachery in the world. Melia emphasizes the need for repentance and forgiveness, with heedful warning of potential disasters if people do not turn away from their wicked ways... God is trying to bring this nation back to Him, but evil still prevails. Will you rise above? Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
5/20/202414 minutes, 4 seconds
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EPS 180- How Deep are your Spiritual ROOTS; Examining your Relationship with JESUS

Just as trees requires clean and properly soiled roots to bear good fruit, we must examine our own rooting system, if we want to become a replica of Jesus Christ. We must ask ourselves: Are we rooted in God or the things of this world? Don't settle for surface-level Christianity! Just like tree roots go deep into the ground to obtain water and nutrients, we need to be deeply rooted in Christ to receive proper nourishment and support. It takes time, effort, and perseverance to develop a deep, rooted relationship with JESUS that bring healthy roots in our lives. Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
5/13/20248 minutes, 57 seconds
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EPS 179- Spirit of Unforgiveness: Bitter Poison for our SOUL

Is it hard for you to forgive someone who betrayed you? Double-crossed you? Cheated on you? Lied to you? I bet! Who really feels like forgiving someone who did us wrong... But, did you know that unforgiveness leads to bitterness and resentment? These unhealthy emotions will turn in bitter poison for our soul without healing and truly forgiving someone. The Lord commands us to forgive even the people who hurt us the most. Release yourself from the bitter poison that takes root in the soul! "If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins" (Matthew 6:14-15). Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
5/5/20248 minutes, 53 seconds
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EPS 178: Deciphering between OVERT vs. COVERT Narcissist in your RELATIONSHIPS

No doubt... and form of narcissism is emotional abuse! Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. Narcissist men and women see everything from a question, “how does this affect me” perspective? This deeply hurts others and lacks genuine empathy. Underneath the surface these wounded souls carry a spirit of pride, but masks it with trying to control and manipulate their relationships. Find out the difference between the signs of overt vs. covert narcissist so, you can get the help you require for your overall well-being!  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
4/27/20248 minutes, 11 seconds
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EPS 177- PROPHETIC WORD: God is Testing His Remnant with FIRE!

God is testing your character. Testing your obedience. Testing your faithfulness. Testing your heart ... Just because you’re a chosen one, a prophet of the Lord, a Christian leader; does not mean you’re saved from persecution or suffering. In fact, you will suffer more for being a mouthpiece of the Lord. The Lord is weeding out the pure and impure. One thing He is clearly releasing through this prophetic word, "For everyone will be tested with fire” (Mark 9:39).  Question is: Are you God's remnant ready to be tested through the blazing fire?  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
4/21/20248 minutes, 25 seconds
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EPS 176- PROPHETIC WORD: Prophets Protect God's Vineyards; it’s Time to Sickle the Harvest!

Back in December of 2023 the Lord started giving me prophetic dreams and messages about vineyards! Vineyards represent the nation of Israel and exists to glorify God and point people back to Him. I started to "see" and "hear" His timely Word as a repetitive confirmation. When the Lord confirms; it's a prophet’s job to go forth and tell people what He is saying. Prophets safeguard fields and vineyards during harvest time. Planting and harvesting are a critical part of a prophet's responsibility to help uplift the body of Christ. God is saying to the nation of Israel, "It's time to sickle the harvest!" Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
4/14/202411 minutes, 26 seconds
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EPS 175- The Role of a PROPHETIC WATCHMAN; Sound the Alarm & Guard the Gates!

Understanding the role of a prophetic watchman is vital for our nation! A watchman is a chosen prophetic vessel picked and appointed by God to guard, guide, warn, and protect people. Prophetic watchmen are called to sounds the alarm, blast the trumpet, and cut off evil intrudes from getting inside the heavenly gates. Watchmen have keen discernment, they can sense evil lurking a mile away in the spiritual realm, when others can’t. Watchmen are spiritual security guards, and their responsibility is to warn God's people of evil and judgment, delivering hard messages wrapped with God's love and truth, rather than being violent or rude.  Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
4/6/202412 minutes, 1 second
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EPS 174- Understanding GASLIGHTING Techniques in your Relationships

Are you an easy target for gaslighters? Gaslighting techniques can easily slide into your relationships ... thinking you're the crazy one! These psychological tactics undermines one's perception of reality, causing confusion and self-doubt. These kind of behavior patterns deeply affect your personal and professional relationships, targeting your sense of self-worth, and have a deep profound impact on your identity in Christ. Truth is, it's all about control! Control, wrapped up in narcissistic personalities are just a few manipulative tools of gaslighters. Understand you have the power to find your worth and identity in Christ alone, rather than seeking validation from others! Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
4/1/20247 minutes, 36 seconds
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EPS 173- Healing your WOUNDED SOUL takes Internal Work; More than Superficial Beauty!

Striking our ego does not come from a thumbs up, smiley face, or heart on social media. Truth be told, for true healing to take precedent in our lives; internal healing must be initiated. Healing your wounded soul takes internal work, not superficial pictures of you flexing in the mirror. Yikes! It's more than external beauty. It's our inner beauty that counts. If you want to survive this evil and cutthroat world, healing with God is required! Look beyond superficial appearances and societal pressures, and receive authentic solutions for personal growth and healing your wounded soul.  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
3/25/20247 minutes, 7 seconds
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EPS 172- Activate your FAITH for Emotional & Physical HEALING

It's a CHOICE to Believe God is HEALING you! Your faith must be activated, it must supersede head knowledge or any naysayer throwing doubt your way. The enemy's desire is to have you focus on your symptoms rather than your emotional and physical healing. Unfortunately, this kind of negative thinking only takes your focus off God! You must trust God's Word with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. You must believe God's Word over any doctor's report, the news. internet, or medical label pronounced over your life!  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >  
3/18/202410 minutes, 24 seconds
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EPS 171- PROPHETIC WORD: Deaf & Dumb spirits; the Veil that covers Hearts and Minds

Many walk around oblivious that the spiritual realm is no big deal−a myth buster. I've been hearing the Lord whisper to me about deaf and dumb spirits blocking people's ears and eyes; an invisible veil over many minds and hearts. Yes, even Christians!  Essentially, the veil that covers our mind and heart needs to be removed when dealing with the spiritual realm. We must take off the veil that has robbed innocent victims of God’s holy truth! Otherwise, we can walk around zombie-like, oblivious to hard hearts, reckless minds, and soul wounds that blind us of from seeing and hearing God's truth. (See 2 Corinthians 3:14-15). Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >  
3/11/20247 minutes, 13 seconds
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EPS 170- PROPHETIC DREAM: Leviathan & Python spirit Revealed in the Sky!

The Lord revealed two high-ranking territorial spirits affecting our nations! While both slithery serpents seem innocent and genuine ... underneath their scaly surface is deception and pride. Furthermore, Melia unpacks the global epidemic of demonic influence, particularly in Christian leadership, and its negative impact on marriages, ministries, and business deals. Find out what the Lord revealed in these dreams and learn how to protect yourself from these dark powers of evil!  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >  
3/4/20249 minutes, 45 seconds
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EPS 169- Simple Breakdown of "The 3 Heavens" and Hierarchy Status

Ever wondered about the heavenly realms? Many scholars believe there are three heavens; I believe this to be true as well. The very first sentence in the Bible mentioned the word heavens. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). We must understand God’s Kingdom is highly structured. Satan’s kingdom is the sphere of demonic reign. God sends His angels, giving them specific duties and tasks to complete. So, does the devil using fallen angels. But the characteristics of light verses dark are drastically different. Let's simplify the understanding of these realms and explore their significance in healing, deliverance, and spiritual authority.  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >  
2/26/20247 minutes, 41 seconds
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EPS 168- PROPHETIC WARNING: Nationwide Outages & Isolation Strategies from the Enemy!

The devil is trying to cut off our communication with others ... Put us more in isolation and cast a spirit of fear upon our lives! Covid worked for a bit, and now testing the waters again, with total isolation from our loved ones. The Lord gave me many prophetic dreams about the weather; hurricanes, flooding, and specifically 4 tornadas in Florida. This weather will affect our communication!  The Lord's already revealed a territorial spirt affecting Florda, Texas, and California. (I did two separate podcast episodes about this). Another dream was given to me about a territorial spirt affecting nations! (Stay tuned for this episode). This nationwide outage is affecting T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon customers this morning. Not only are customers seeing the dreaded "no signal," but thousands are unable to make calls, including emergency calls to 911. Reports say, "It's unknown at this time what has caused the outage, or when services will be restored! Wake up... IT'S THE ENEMY! This is a strong, prophetic warning to things to come this year. Stay close to Jesus, my friends! Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >  
2/22/20242 minutes, 27 seconds
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EPS 167- JEZEBEL is a High-Ranking Spirit after your Relationships!

Is Jezebel after your marriage, engagement or affecting your dating life? Be heedful, my friends! This demonic spirit desperately wants to take over your ministry and business, too! Let's not be surprised that this controlling spirit has a sneaky agenda to seek, kill, and destroy our personal and professional relationships. (See John 10:10). Jezebel is no lower-level demon! Find out the truth about Jezebel, learn your authority in Christ, and learn how to fight using God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons! (2 Corinthians 10:4). Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
2/19/202413 minutes, 28 seconds
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EPS 166- New Age is NOT HEALING and causes Strongholds!

Many innocent people run to New Age without even knowing it. Yet, the truth is: We cannot be knitted with the devil and God at the same time ... Healing doesn't work like that. In fact, New Age teachings and methods causes major strongholds in our life. Without knowing God's truth, we can be easily duped! New Age is not healing ... only clever trickery from the enemy, making you think you're healed and delivered from your strongholds. God says, "They are demonic spirits who work miracles and go out to all the rulers of the world to gather them for battle against the Lord on that great judgment day of God the Almighty" (Revelation 16:14).  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
2/12/20249 minutes, 54 seconds
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EPS 165 - 4 Reasons you Need More than a "Mindset Coach" for HEALING TRAUMA

Working on our mindset in good, but only part of what people truly need for healing trauma. Mindset coaching primarily focuses on helping individuals shift their thoughts and beliefs to achieve their goals. But, is that really enough to heal an individual's trauma? While mindset coaching can be beneficial in many areas of your life, people require more to heal "deep rooted" trauma! In most situations, additional support and guidance from a professional is necessary. Find our 4 reasons why you need more than a mindset coach for healing trauma!  Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
2/5/20246 minutes, 54 seconds
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EPS 164- The Power, Healing, and Peace through a Vertical Relationship with Jesus

In a chaotic world, where do you find peace and strength? During trials and tribulations how is your faith and trust in God? The Lord has power than over exceeds any of our feelings, thoughts, or negative mindsets... but ONLY if we allow Him. Don't settle for temporary illusions of peace, happiness, and stability that the world shoves down our throats. Know this: A vertical relationship with Jesus changes everything! He offers peace that the world cannot provide. Get to know Jesus as your savior, healer, and friend and experience true and lasting peace! Blessings xo- Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >  
1/29/20247 minutes, 6 seconds
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EPS 163- Break-Free from TOXIC Patterns & Omit DATING Worldly Ways for Christian Women

Ladies, are you still dating in a worldly way? We must omit secular dating advice and instead follow God's teachings to avoid toxic patterns in our relationships. Be beware of 'itching ears' when it comes to worldly relationship advice that align ourselves with fleshy desires instead of God's truth. Learn to break-free from toxic patterns and discover the importance of biblical principles on dating God's way and omit carnal methods.  Blessings xo- Dating "God's Way" Course-> Melia's Services -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
1/22/20248 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

EPS 162- PROPHETIC DREAM: A Woman is Getting a Job Offer in November for Core Cancer!

"Exciting news!" A job offer is on the horizon for a woman in November for core cancer! Although this is exciting news for a special woman, this prophetic dream also hinted at the passing of a sister. What could this mean? Many times, the Lord will have me in position to carry the burdens of others ... While this dream has several meanings in the midst, it was clear, within great tragedy- God is working on our behalf.  NOTE: If this is you, I would love to hear from you! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >    
1/16/20242 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

EPS 161- Are you a HSP (Highly Sensitive Prophet) who “FEELS” others Burdens?

Have you ever been told that you’re “too sensitive?” Truth is, you’re not just a highly sensitive person- you're a highly sensitive prophet who feels more deeply than the ordinary, plain Jane. You're a rare breed with a beautiful gift! The problem is many don't understand it or know how to handle their God-given gift. Being an HSP means that you pay more attention to your surroundings, notice little details, reflect on ideas longer, and pick up other people's feeling and emotions more deeply than others do. Find out if you a feeler type of prophet and how to embrace your gift without overwhelm and burnout.  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
1/15/20248 minutes, 45 seconds
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EPS 160- PROPHETIC WORD: Parents ”Spiritual Covering” Responsibility for their Kids in a Confusing World

Aren't parents supposed to be the spiritual covering for their children? Absolutely! So, what's going in this confusing world? The devil is after our children and many parents have no clue they can be opening doors for evil to operate in their children's lives. Melia highlights the spiritual attacks on our children and the need for the parents to be intentional in teaching godly values. Parental responsibility starts in the home; not the church, government, or education system to guard your children against dark forces. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Resources - >
1/8/20249 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

EPS 159- Pornography Statistics & Stronghold Addictions in Christian Men and Women

Did you know that pornography addiction affects both men and women? Most don't thing that Christ followers have any issues with sexual sin, but in fact, statistics show that even pastors and church leaders have strongholds in this area of concern. Pornography addiction can have a devastating impact on relationships. The prevalence of pornography addiction is alarming, but there is hope for healing and change. Join Melia as she delves into the origins of addiction and explore avenues for recovery. Don't let bitterness and resentment destroy your relationship. Seek professional help, pray, and find the strength with Jesus to overcome pornography addiction! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Spiritual Warfare Teaching ->  
1/1/20248 minutes, 52 seconds
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EPS 158- 6 Ways to ”STEP UP” and Fight for your Marriage!

Feel like giving up on your spouse? Let's face it... Marriage is tough, but that does not mean you throw in the towel when things get tough. The enemy's job is to divide and conquer your godly union. More than ever, you have to "step up" and fight for your marriage! Shift perspectives and take a look through God's lens rather than playing the blame game or running away from your marriage problems. Find out 6 ways to fight for your marriage! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> FREE Spiritual Warfare Teaching ->  
12/18/202311 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

ESP 157- PROPHETIC WARNING: The LORD is Moving in ISRAEL & Coming to Bring Justice to Nations!

Another strong prophetic warning from God! The Lord will come back to being justice to nations so we better armor up! Secret agendas and false leaders will be exposed for our future generations to see the truth of God's Word. For years the Lord has been showing me about destruction coming from the north. It's been confirmed in Scripture. I've had dreams of tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and fires in buildings, cities, and on streets, even dreams about bombs and missiles in our waters. Listen to this eye-opening podcast and get the truth of what God is doing behind the scenes in Israel! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> Exploring the Battles of Spiritual Warfare ->
12/13/202314 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

EPS 156 - SPIRIT of REJECTION: 3 Clues this Painful Stronghold has taken ROOT in your Life!

Did you know a Spirit of Rejection can fester within your soul, affecting your self-worth? Rejection can cause fear, self-pity, abandonment, and isolation issues. It's time to address these hidden roots and overcome the spirit of rejection. Don't let rejection hold you back or hinder your spiritual growth. Strive to be more like Jesus, heal, and address these painful strongholds in your life so the enemy can't torment you any longer! Chapters: [00:00] Melia discusses the importance of finding validation in one's identity in Christ and not seeking approval from others. She addresses the negative effects of staying complacent and bonding with the spirit of rejection. [00:36] Melia emphasizes the need to strive to be more like Jesus and work on personal goals for self-improvement. She discusses the negative effects of staying complacent and bonding with the spirit of rejection. [00:58] Melia discusses the negative effects of staying complacent and bonding with the spirit of rejection in various relationships. She emphasizes the importance of dealing with rejection and question why people care so much about the approval of others. [01:38] Melia discusses the issue of feeling rejected and its impact on self-worth. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the root causes of rejection and the negative consequences it can have. [02:18] Melia discusses the negative effects of the spirit of rejection, including fear, trauma, isolation, offensiveness, and feelings of inadequacy. She mentions signs of being trapped in this spirit and the influence of social media. [02:55] Melia discusses the impact of seeking validation through social media and the signs of living with the spirit of rejection. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing that our thoughts, feelings, and experiences do not define truth. [03:24] Melia discusses how negative thoughts and experiences can validate our beliefs, leading to spiritual, mental, and emotional scarring. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the root causes of our reactions and pain. [04:06] Melia discusses the importance of understanding our pain and how it helps us understand ourselves better. She mentions her Signature program, "heal my soul wounds," and the struggle of holding on to toxic relationships. [04:36] Melia discusses the reasons why people hold on to toxic relationships and the importance of trusting in God for protection. She encourages seeking counseling and reference Romans 08:28. [05:06] Melia discusses the impact of rejection on our psyche and the development of strongholds in our hearts and minds. They emphasize the importance of seeking God and godly counsel when feeling rejected. [05:50] Melia discusses the impact of rejection on self-perception and judgment, emphasizing the importance of knowing one's identity in Christ. She mentions the desire for love and acceptance from God. [06:18] Melia discusses the desire to be cherished and the potential sacrifices involved. She invites listeners to email them with questions and promote their services and emphasize the importance of getting rid of baggage and strongholds. [06:48] Melia leads a prayer, expressing gratitude and asking for guidance in understanding the vertical relationship with God. She acknowledges the importance of a relationship with God through Jesus and recognize that there will be trials. [07:23] Melia prays, acknowledging that life is not always easy and there will be trials and disappointments. Melia emphasizes the importance of staying focused on God and pray for those who want to deepen their faith. [07:51] Melia expresses gratitude and encourages listeners to spread the love of Jesus, leave a review, and support God's mission.  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> Exploring the Battles of Spiritual Warfare ->  
12/11/20238 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

EPS 155: Prioritizing GOD Over People: The Key to Thriving Relationships

Are you putting God first in your life? Or do you run to people first for important decision- making? Melia discusses the importance of having a vertical relationship with Jesus and prioritizing God above all other relationships. She emphasizes the need to listen to God's guidance and obey His commands, even if it means making difficult decisions that others will not like. Grab the key element to have thriving relationships with others, yourself, and of course, Jesus! Chapters: [00:10] Melia Diana introduces herself as an international best-selling author, certified Christian counselor, trainer, coach, and podcaster. She emphasizes the importance of a vertical relationship with Jesus for healing and thriving relationships. [01:24] Melia discusses the importance of listening to God's guidance in various aspects of life, including work, relationships, and personal healing. She emphasizes the need to humble oneself and obey God's direction rather than relying on one's own abilities. [02:53] Melia emphasizes the need to let go of idolatry and conform to a spiritual path, putting God first and abandoning personal desires. She discusses the existence of a spiritual warfare and the constant battle between sinful nature and the Holy Spirit. [04:00] Melia emphasizes the ongoing battle between the kingdom of God and Satan, and the importance of equipping oneself against evil spirits. She encourages listeners to be open, teachable, and to deepen their relationship with God for a greater understanding of spiritual truths. [05:20] Melia emphasizes the importance of taking action and investing in oneself, stating that relying solely on hope, prayer, and waiting will not improve one's situation. She encourages listeners to step out, take action, and do what God is showing them, even if it is humbling. [07:05] Melia concludes the video by encouraging viewers to spread the love of Jesus together and support God's mission. She prays for listeners to step up and spread the love of Jesus. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> Exploring the Battles of Spiritual Warfare ->  
12/4/20238 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

EPS 154- Difference between the Gift of Prophecy and Call of a Prophet?

The spiritual gift of prophecy is not to be confused with the call or office of a prophet. Just because someone has the gift of prophecy does not mean they are called to become God's mouthpiece. They are not the same thing. In this episode of the Vertical Relationship Show, Melia explains that the gift of prophecy is a gift from the Holy Spirit that all believers can tap into, while the calling of a prophet is an official position recognized by God. She highlights the responsibilities and challenges that come with being a prophet and emphasizes the importance of having an intimate relationship with Jesus. Chapters: 00:10 - Introduction and commitment to healing through a vertical relationship with Jesus 00:48 - Differentiating between the gift of prophecy and the office of a prophet 01:31 - Gratitude for listeners and call to support the speaker 02:08 - Warning against false prophets and misleading teachings 03:20 - Caution against asking for money and forcing God's hand 03:52 - Importance of staying in one's appointed anointing gifting 04:28 - Divine appointment and anointing for the role of a prophet 04:52 - Multifaceted role of a prophet and the challenges they face 05:15 - The office of a prophet as a supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit 05:59 - Understanding the concept of the office call and its implications 06:28 - Personal experiences and sensitivity as a prophet 07:01 - Importance of being prepared for the backlash and spiritual warfare 07:24 - Being spiritually aligned before speaking prophetically 07:53 - Difference between the divine calling of a prophet and the gift of prophecy 08:25 - Operating in one's own gifting and supporting each other within a community 08:56 - Emphasizing unity, personal growth, and less reliance on social media 09:47 - Conclusion, gratitude, and call to support the spread of the love of Jesus Blessings xo- Exploring the Battles of Spiritual Warfare -> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses ->
11/27/202310 minutes, 32 seconds
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EPS 153- PROPHETIC WORD: Not everyone is CALLED into Healing & Deliverance Ministry

No, not everyone is called into ministry. The Lord chooses who He wants according to your gifting. We can't choose ourselves. Nor do we allow the influence of others to overturn the direction the Lord is leading us, even if they mean well. Unfortunately healing and deliverance is not a call for everyone. Gods says, "And no one can become a high priest simply because he wants such an honor. He must be called by God for this work" (Hebrews 5:4). Find out the prophet words uttered to help you understand why many are not truly qualified to this specific area of ministry.  Blessings xo- Spiritual Warfare Teaching -> Exploring the Battle of Spiritual Warfare Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses ->
11/20/202310 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

EPS 152- How to have BOUNDARIES & Avoid being a ”People Pleaser” in your Relationships

Are you a people pleaser? Do you find it hard to say, "NO" to people? In a relentless age of instant gratification, we must recognize that we cannot please everyone. Set realistic expectations for yourself and know that it's okay to make decisions that are healthy for your mental and emotional health. Learn how to communicate your boundaries without feeling guilty in your relationships. Blessings xo- Free Faith E-Book-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses ->  
11/13/20238 minutes, 19 seconds
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EPS 151- Dangers of Enneagram: a ”NEW AGE” tool used in Christian Counseling, Churches, and Books

Ask yourself, do you really want to engage with a new age tool of occult origins? Probably not. Let's take a deep dive and learn about the deceptive teachings of the Enneagram! Many popular tools, like the Enneagram, are used in Christian counseling, ministries, devotionals, books, churches, team building, and even for financial advice. You think you safe, but God is not a part of mad-made devices that don't honor Him. Learn the truth behind the Enneagram and protect yourself from falling under Satan's gimmicks. Blessings xo- Free Faith E-Book-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses ->  
11/6/202310 minutes, 9 seconds
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EPS 150: PROPHETIC WARNING: Why GOD is allowing War and Destruction in Israel!

In this timely episode, we delve into the deeper spiritual significance of the ongoing conflict and destruction in Israel. As we navigate these challenging times concerning Israel and north its surrounding nations, aim to uncover the Scripture messages, and calls to action that may be hidden within this crisis. Brace yourself for thought-provoking prophetic warnings that aims to shed light on God's divine purposes behind war and destruction in Israel. These prophetic words were given to be for over two years, so be prepared to gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play in this complex situation. Reference Pod Episodes: EPS 7: The LORD has Spoken! EPS 79: ’S JUDGMENT IS NEAR, REPENT & TURN BACK TO JESUS AND AVOID FIRE OF GOD’ S WRATH! Blessings xo- Free Faith E-Book-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses ->
10/30/202312 minutes, 38 seconds
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EPS 149- 10 Ways Unhealed TRAUMA Destroys your Relationships and Health

Often, unhealed trauma can lead to strongholds, unresolved emotions, and unrealistic expectations... which causes more struggles in your relationships and health. Without healing, trauma can cause lingering problems for self and leaky afflictions on others in many adverse ways, showing up in your personal and professional life. Find out 10 ways unhealed trauma can destroy your relationship and health. Blessings xo- Free Faith E-Book-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses ->
10/23/20236 minutes, 19 seconds
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EPS 148- PROPHETIC WORD: False Prophets Preach a ”Counterfeit Gospel” for Personal Profit

Did you know false prophets exist? Everywhere we turn, online and offline, the truth is being twisted. Innocent people are being duped by glowing words and smooth talk. Many are teaching a counterfeit Gospel just for personal gain as opposed to a pure heart. The Bible says, "Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them. Such people are not serving Christ our Lord; they are serving their own personal interests. By smooth talk and glowing words they deceive innocent people" (Romans 16:17-18). We must be careful, my friends. Learn the surprising truth of false prophets that preach for selfish gains! Blessings xo- Free Faith E-Book-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses ->
10/16/202311 minutes, 29 seconds
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Eps 147: Cessationism vs: Continuationism: Theology Debate is Unbalanced!

Why are people throwing Christian brothers and sisters "under the bus" to prove a point? Sorry, but that's not God's character. Among the many denominations and divisions of the Christian faith, theological debates arise! Teachings are being overemphasized or underemphasized. We have one extreme or the other, with no balance in the teachings of Scripture. Healthy doctrine is getting lost with theology debates, which makes a complete mockery of the Gospel.  Blessings xo- Free Faith E-Book-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses ->
10/9/20238 minutes, 16 seconds
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EPS 146- 3 Reasons why Single Christian Women ”Don’t” Attract a Godly Man

Dating apps not working? Tired of the bar scenes? I get it. I know you're fed-up of always attracting the same kind of men in your life. Honestly, there are many valid reasons why single women have a hard time finding quality men. Yet, without addressing past trauma, many will not. Soul wounds need to be cleansed and healed with Jesus to understand the kind of man God wants you to marry. Discover the three reasons why single Christian women "don't" attract a godly man! Blessings xo- Free Faith E-Book-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses ->
10/2/20239 minutes, 2 seconds
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EPS 145- PROPHETIC WORD: Beware of Witchcraft in CHRISTIAN Leadership that hides God’s TRUTH!

Did you know people can be easily hoodwinked from the enemy? Without realizing it, we can follow deception of the evil one, which binds us with the devil. Witchcraft is cleverly disguised to make people think: New Age practices, divination, sorcery, occult, and religion is perfectly fine. Therefore, hurting innocent people to believe they're following Chrisitan values but can be rooted in a spirit of witchcraft. And to make matter worse, its coming from Christian leadership! Remember: "Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14). Be heedful, my friends. The enemy is clever at hiding God's truth making the demonic look quite divine. Blessings xo- Free Faith E-Book-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses ->
9/24/202312 minutes, 38 seconds
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EPS 144: SOUL TIES: Signs you need ”DELIVERANCE” from an Ungodly RELATIONSHIP & How to Break with a Binding Prayer!

Often times, soul ties are tossed aside due to fleshy desires. However, this particular bond is more than releasing hormones; it's a spiritual connection, not seen to the naked eye. When two people are intimate, their souls become closely intertwined, and become one flesh. God says, "And the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh" (Mark 10:8).  The most common ungodly soul ties are formed through sexual sin. Unhealthy relationships can develop; leading to obsessive, narcissist, and co-dependency behavior patterns. Satan will use this strategy, so it has a legal right to harass your mind, will, and emotions. Learn how to break these knitted bonds through a healing prayer so you can be set free! Blessings xo- Free Faith E-Book-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses ->
9/18/202311 minutes, 6 seconds
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EPS 143- The Secret of ”RIGHT MINDSETS” & being Content in Difficult Seasons of Life

Having the "right mindset" takes times and consistency. Wrong mindsets are established when you embrace certain beliefs and attitudes towards others and self. We are to have the mind of Christ... not the mind of the world. So, why is it such a hard process? Don't allow stinking thinking to take "root" in your mind or heart. Find out: the secret of right mindset and being content in difficult seasons of your life! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> Grab your False Healings List->  
9/11/202310 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

EPS 142- 15 Reasons why people reject CHRISTIAN COUNSELING; Abide in my ARC Method to HEAL Trauma!”

Shame, fear, or poverty mindsets will NOT help you heal old trauma. Did you know: Studies have shown that Christian Counselors help 92% of the people they counsel? WOW! Leaning on the power of the Holy Spirit as opposed to man's way is the best route to victory over your life. Christian Counseling allows people to get to the "ROOT" of bondage and avoid temporary Band-aids of secular ways. Find out over 15 reasons why people reject Christian Counseling and don't abide in my ARC Method! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> Grab your False Healings List->  
9/2/202314 minutes, 43 seconds
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EPS 141- GOD Spoke through a Mac Truck; to Teach about the Importance of CORRECT ALIGNMENT & Fruitful RELATIONSHIPS!

The enemy can make anything demonic look divine! Aligning yourself with unfruitful relationships will cause strongholds in your life. Ungodly connections cause delay and can taint your anointing, ministry, and business. EKKK! During this time of testing... God clearly spoke to me for direction, as a huge mac truck pulled out slowly in front of me. You won't believe what it said! Our alignment with Him is utterly important, not only for you, but the direction of your life. Will you listen? Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> Grab your False Healings List->  
8/28/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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EPS 140- PROPHETIC WORD: You’re Responsible for your Happiness, HEALING & Relationship with JESUS!

Do you tend to point your finger at others? Play the blame game? Truth... we must take responsibility for our own happiness. Yikes! The choices we make have consequences, good or bad, but they are indeed our own. Many times, we need to embrace the harsh reality that we may have wounds (trauma) buried deep in our soul. If you're not willing to look "inwardly" this can hinder your healing with Jesus. Jesus wants to restore you. Will you let Him? Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> Grab your False Healings List->  
8/19/20238 minutes, 30 seconds
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EPS 139- How to have Healthy Boundaries, HEAL with JESUS & Avoid Worldly Distractions in your Relationships.

Are you putting up healthy boundaries in your relationships? Avoiding worldly distractions takes effort on your part to become whole and set free. Many times, it’s necessary to step back from the chaos of the world and spend time with Jesus. Without it, you inhibit healing with Jesus. Today more than ever, we have got to get our priorities in order. Can you step away from the clamor of the world and allow Jesus a quiet space in your heart? Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Academy Courses -> Grab your False Healings List->
8/14/202310 minutes, 47 seconds
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EPS 138- SPIRIT OF UNFORGIVNESS: Forgiveness is a Stronghold; NOT a Feeling or Emotion!

Why should you “forgive” when someone double-crossed you, cheated on you, left you, abused you, or turned their back on you? When we grieve a spirit of unforgiveness, we lose the ability to hear God’s voice, think clearly, and hold onto feelings that don't serve us. Worst off, unresolved emotions turn into ugly strongholds when not healed appropriately. Fact is, it keeps us in bondage of the devil. Forgiveness is a stronghold, not a feeling or emotion! A decision to "let go" and release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person who has harmed you is a conscious choice. Remember: It's a Commandment from God. If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins" (Matthew 6:14-15). Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Grab your False Healings List-> Academy Courses ->
8/7/20239 minutes, 19 seconds
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EPS 137- PROPHETIC DREAM: Part 3: ”Territorial & Water Spirits” after God’s CHOSEN Ones!

Chosen ones, you must be ready to go head-to-head against the enemy's hierarchy attacks. Fight for cursed nations and learn how to equip the saints with proper alignment. Why, you ask? Water and territorial spirits are after God's chosen ones! Evil is affecting our land, society, children, and families.  Blind eyes and deaf ears must be open to receive prophetic words from the Lord. The enemy is on a mission to destroy God's anointed vessels, especially with those on fire for the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Will you allow these evil spirits to stunt your progress for God's Kingdom? Be on guard for territorial and water spirits affecting your state, city, region, country, and nation! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Grab your False Healings List-> Academy Courses ->
7/31/20239 minutes, 35 seconds
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EPS 136- PROPHETIC DREAM: Part 2: God Revealed a Strategic “WATER SPIRIT” affecting our Children in Florida!

Did you know that Florida has the highest drowning rate in our nation for children under four? It doesn’t surprise me that "The Sunshine State" attracts young spring breakers to beautiful beaches and families to refreshing pools... BUT the enemy has a sneaky agenda!  Many talk about evil spirits affecting our land, but not water... Well, God revealed a strategic water spirit to me that is affecting our innocent children. "Therefore, rejoice, O heavens! And you who live in the heavens, rejoice! But terror will come on the earth and the sea, for the devil has come down to you in great anger, knowing that he has little time” (Revelation 12:12). The enemy is after our children! Will you take heed of the spiritual dimension ignored and bypassed to help God's children?  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Grab your False Healings List-> Academy Courses ->  
7/22/202311 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

EPS 135- PROPHETIC DREAM: Part 1: God Revealed “Territorial Spirits” affecting Florida, Texas & California!

Have you been affecting by a territorial spirit? The Lord revealed three states in my dreams that carry a specific hierarchy of sexual immorality, lust, prevention, greed, pride, and witchcraft. These evil agents attempt to hinder God’s Word, bring a veil over your eyes, and block your ears from hearing God's truth.  Why? So, you stay stuck in bondage, live in oppression, and continue being influenced by people living in geographical areas. Remember: We life in spiritual realm, not just a physical realm! “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12).   Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Grab your False Healings List-> Academy Courses ->  
7/15/202316 minutes, 12 seconds
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EPS 134- Is your ”Identity in Christ” or in Relationships, Titles, Money & Circumstances?

Our identity does not lie upon people, circumstances, money, or a job status. If this defines who you are… you will continue to feel lost, unworthy, undervalued, and unloved. Many have a natural tendency to search for their value in the unfulfilling, external things. To be able to understand your identity as a follower of Christ, you need to understand how God sees you. Stay closely knitted with our Creator. Let Him build you up, not the other way around. Your identity in Christ “means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun” (2 Corinthians 5:17)! Note: The LORD told me to take my Facebook group down. But, you can still follow me on YouTube, Ministry Page, Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Grab your False Healings List-> Academy Courses ->  
7/10/20239 minutes, 20 seconds
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EPS 133- Christianity + New Age is an Oxymoron; FALSE HEALING Services in our the Medical, Fitness & Health Fields!

Christianity + New Age is an oxymoron, my friends. The devil has made its way into the medical, fitness, and health fields! Did you know holistic, natural, and alternative approaches are expressed from God, but not from our Creator? Society makes these industries appear godly, but it’s demonic at its root! Taking a false healing service and throwing the word Christian in front of it... does you no justice. It creates more harm and opens doors for the enemy. We cannot “Christian-ese” and think it’s safe. Eliminate everything that can be a hindrance to your freedom! God wants more for you. Blessings xo- Grab your False Healings List-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Academy Courses ->
7/3/202311 hours, 59 minutes
Episode Artwork

EPS 132- PROPHETIC WORD: Why True Prophets are Overlooked & False Prophets Rise?

True prophets will give it to you real! So, why are false prophets on the rise? Truth, many people only want to listen to what their "itching ears" want to hear rather than need to hear. This is exactly what false prophets are doing to you! Many insist on hearing positive words that bend down to the devil, taking innocent souls away from the Lord. You cannot walk with God and run with devil! It's an oxymoron. Your loyalty must not be divided “Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do” (James 1:8).  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Academy Courses -> Sow a SEED->
6/26/20238 minutes, 49 seconds
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EPS 131- EMPTY NEST SYNDROME: The “Bittersweet Season” of Mixed-up Feelings & Emotions for Grieving Parents

Empty-Nest Syndrome is a bittersweet season! Big changes are on the horizon. Your kiddo are flying the coop. Your erratic emotions are all over the place. Emotional distress can affect both parents who experience feelings of grief, loss, and fear when our children leave home. This can feel like a slow death and quite devastating to a grieving parent. You're not alone, my friends. Find some positive encouragement and tips how to cope with these mixed-up feelings and emotions!  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Academy Courses -> Sow a SEED->
6/19/202311 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

EPS 130- Are you Opening Doors to DEMONS & Giving Legal Rights for Harassment?

Are you giving evil tormenters (demons) open doorways for harassment? What happens when we come into agreement with the evil one? Without realizing it... You may be given access through open doors such as: watching porn, adultery, partaking in the occult, holding onto unforgiveness, and many other ungodly acts. It’s up to you to slam that doorway closed! Don’t be scared, my friends. It’s your responsibility as a Christ follower to understand the deeper and profound meaning of spiritual warfare. Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Academy Courses -> Sow a SEED->
6/12/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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EPS 129- What is a WOUNDED SOUL: Understanding How “SOUL WOUNDS” affect our Mindset & Relationships

Men and women are a tri part being; body, soul, and spirit. When we receive Christ, we get a new spirit, but not a new body or soul. Unfortunately, our wounded soul still needs work! God does not just drop a new mindset on our lap. He does not snap His fingers and WALA… you naturally inherit a toned or chiseled physique. Although, we do need to take care of our temple, God is not our personal genie. All your problems and behavior patterns don’t disappear into thin air. Your relationships aren't magically better. So, what happens? Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Academy Courses -> Sow a SEED->
6/5/20239 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

EPS 128- PROPHETIC WARNING: Pseudo Leaders and False Prophets Slander the TRUTH for MONEY & IDOLS!

WARNING! There are pseudo leaders and false prophets among us and on the rise... Crawling around in our churches, online and offline, and social media outlets only for your money and their precious idols. You think you’re safe but in reality, are you? These are strong prophetic words from the mouth of God, not on my own accord. "You rulers make decisions based on bribes; you priests teach God’s laws only for a price; you prophets won’t prophesy unless you are paid. Yet all of you claim to depend on the Lord" (Micah 3:11). EEKK! True ambassadors won't care ONLY about the money, but about truly helping the lost and brokenhearted.  Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Academy Courses -> Sow a SEED->  
5/29/202311 minutes, 29 seconds
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EPS 127- 5 Ways ChatGPT is using Demons to create Bondage & Blocks the HOLY SPIRIT from your Life!

ChatGPT has taken over the world! In essence, the devil is slipping into our devices which blocks people from relying on the Holy Spirt for direction and guidance. Yet, still others don’t care, trying to find a quick fix, or don't seem to notice. This processing tool is using artificial intelligence (AI) as a chatbot to generate quick code, craft stories, write essays, produce captivating poems, songs, articles, sermons... and so much more! Divination tools should be avoided, my friends. Keep yourself pure brothers and sisters in Christ. "For God is Spirit, so those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). Find out 5 ways demons are creating bondage and blocks the Holy Spirt from your life!  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->  
5/22/20239 minutes, 37 seconds
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EPS 126- PROPHETIC WORD: 7 Reasons CHRISTIANS give Excuses for “NOT HEALING” with God

Desire the outcome rather than the pain! At some point, you will have to say "enough" and want to do something different in your life. Spinning the infamous hamster wheel is called insanity and does nothing for your healing progression. Find out: 7 Reasons Christians give excuses for “NOT HEALING” with God. God wants more for you, your health, and your relationships. Do you? “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds” (Psalm 147:3 NLT). Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->
5/8/20238 minutes, 54 seconds
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EPS 125- Words are Powerful: Stop putting Worldly LABELS over your Life, “PTSD & ADHD” are Word Curses!

Our society is obsessed with labels! Don’t allow anyone, including doctors, to put you into any worldly category. You may have heard, I have ADHD, anxiety, or PTSD. I’m an introvert. I’m fat...These are actually word curses over your life! Words are powerful. Our tongue can be a might weapon to harm and destroy or build and heal. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). The tongue is a flame of fire that can corrupt your entire body. Don't allow anyone that much control over your life. Who does God say you are?  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->
5/1/20238 minutes, 36 seconds
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EPS 124- God Spoke through a Wounded Bird; to Teach about DISTRACTIONS that Block our Ability to Hear the VOICE of GOD.

I see relationships falling apart from too many distractions. No boundaries set in place. Many times, it’s necessary to step back from all the chaos and jibber-jabber... and be still with the Lord. Distractions happens from a quick glimpse. All it takes is two seconds to separate us from God. I want to share a story with you… God told me to take a break and spoke to me through a wounded bird! God can speak to you, too. Will you lay down the distractions that block your ability to hear God's voice? Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->
4/24/202310 minutes, 14 seconds
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EPS 123- PROPHETIC WORD: False Prophets & World Leaders are taking your MONEY and Compromising to Follow the devil.

God is looking for those who are going to rebuild the walls, not tear it down! The Lord griefs false prophets and lying leaders in this dark world. Yes, even at church, media, news, Hollywood, government, and social media… everywhere! Sadly, many false leaders have taken your hard-earned money with pseudo preaching and prophecies over your life. “Your leaders are like wolves who tear apart their victims. They actually destroy people’s lives for money” (Ezekiel 22:27)! God desires leaders who will not comprise or twist His written Word.  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->  
4/17/20239 minutes, 43 seconds
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EPS 122 -SINGLE LADIES & MEN: ”Throw out the Checklist” if you Desire a Godly Husband or Wife!

Are you a Christian single woman or man? Are you searching for the perfect mate... trying to make "your list" of height, age, weight, and financial requirements? We get lost in fake perceptions of reality coupled with false hope. We get sucked into secular knowledge of the world. Throw out the checklist if you desire a godly husband or wife. Grab a hold of helpful, but challenging questions to get you back on the right track in your single season! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->  
4/10/20239 minutes
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EPS 121- TRAUMA left Unhealed causes STRONGHOLDS in your Life & has Lingering Effects on your Relationships and Health

All trauma is an open door for demonic torment. Therefore, you must come head-to-head with the skeletons in your closet. Spirit of trauma affects us subconsciously by entering our mind will, and emotions. We are a tri-part being- we have a spirit, with a soul, that lives in a body. Therefore, without healing old trauma it causes destruction to our relationships and health. Plus, it can leave open door for the enemy (evil spirit) to trigger what is not healed. Who needs that?  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->  
4/3/20237 minutes, 52 seconds
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EPS 120 - PROPHETIC WARNING: Everyone will go through a “Refining Process” + FALSE PROPHETS & LEADERS must Return the Money they Stole from Oppressed People!

A prophetic warning to the nations: The LORD will take everyone through a refining process... will you abide? God is desperately trying to get people out of wilderness, but idolatry is taking top priority, and not God. Sadly, many Christians are following false prophets, leaders, and ministries, but the Lord says, "I did not send them! They're stealing money from the poor and oppressed people, and it must be returned!" God is not messing around and weeding out those who are truly for Him. Let's get back on track with our Lord and Savior. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->  
3/27/20238 minutes, 45 seconds
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EPS 119 - You’re Here for a GOD GIVEN PURPOSE: Learn the 2 Assessments I utilize in my “Health & Healing Consultation” & Use your GIFTS to Glorify God’s Kingdom.

You're here on earth, for a God given purpose! You ultimately need to understand that God made us so wonderfully complex for a reason. (See Psalm 139:14-16). The way God shapes and molds us is very distinct. Therefore, we cannot compare ourselves to anyone else! Discover the 2 assessments I utilize in my "Health & Healing Consultation" that you will NOT find on any other FREE online platforms, internet, or church settings. This is exclusive to you & goes beyond temperaments and personality tests... Melia's consult is based on your soul; which is you mind, will, and emotions! Get unstuck and dive into your purpose to glorify God's Kingdom! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->  
3/21/20238 minutes, 35 seconds
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EPS 118- PROPHETIC WORD 5 Signs of LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN; Blending in with the World will HURT your Relationship with JESUS!

You cannot walk with God and run with the devil... Period! God will never be on board with Lukewarm Christianity. Besides, what is that really doing for you? Nothing but getting you closer to the devil and hurting your relationship with Jesus. When we walk around half in world and half in Christianity, we are spiritually exposed and vulnerable to Satan’s deceptions. Discover 5 Signs of a Lukewarm Christian and get back on track with God! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->    
3/20/202310 minutes, 32 seconds
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EPS 117 - Taking the ”Higher Road” does NOT mean you Ignore Correction & HEALING with GOD

Some will blame everything on demons. Some will disregard the enemy is causing division. Some will make a million excuses for their wounded soul. Satan desires to have free rein over your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behavioral patterns while causing strife in your relationships and health. When we suppress God's conviction, we can be operating from a spirit of pride or fear. Taking the higher road does not mean you ignore correction & don’t heal with God. It's actually the opposite!  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->  
3/13/20239 minutes, 37 seconds
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EPS 116- Top Signs of a WOUNDED SOUL: Why People deflect Unhealthy Emotions that cause Destruction in their RELATIONSHIPS

Signs of a wounded soul will vary from person to person. Deflecting these toxic emotions can cause destruction to our relationships. These deep-rooted issues hijack our thoughts, actions, and feelings. Not everything is seen at a surface level, and we must turn over to deeper levels to have thriving relationships. We need to deal with "our demons" appropriately. Let's get real with our strongholds, or these soul wounds can cause profound problems in our life. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->
3/6/20237 minutes, 31 seconds
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EPS 115- Premarital & Single Advice: Invest in your RELATIONSHIP- not the Dress, Cake, & Flowers; MARRIAGE is a Forever Commitment

We spend so much money and time for a momentary glimpse... We focus our energy on dating apps and materialist things... What if we were to put our focus on getting to know our fiancée through pre-marital counseling? Or partake in dating coaching, so you're prepared for an equally yoked spouse. Think about it. If you spent half your energy into truly getting to know your forever mate, and healing from trauma, wouldn’t that be a better investment for your relationship? Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->
2/27/20239 minutes, 51 seconds
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EPS 114 - It’s Time to Rise-Up, HEAL, Take Heed of the SPIRITUAL REALM & Drop False Narratives!

It’s time for God’s soldiers to rise-up! Move towards the battle line without being offended. We are living in the infamous end times, yet we still don’t adhere to God’s wholesome teachings. The Kingdom of God is tossed aside while the kingdom of Satan is glorified. Will you drop false narratives? God is shaking off dead branches and replacing it with long lasting, rich fruit that comes from fertile soil. Will you let Him heal you? Will you allow Him to take away what’s not pleasing in His eyes? Or would you rather stay conformed to worldly comfort? Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Melia's Academy Courses ->
2/20/20238 minutes, 46 seconds
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EPS 113- PROPHETIC WORD: I’m Not here for Entertainment- I’m here as God’s Exhorter; Is GOD asking for you to QUIT Social Media?

Do you feel God is telling you to get off social media? I know. I know. It can be quite displeasing. In fact, it's the exact opposite of what all "business gurus" are telling you need in order to have a thriving ministry and business. A lie straight from the enemy! He whispers, "You are not here for entertainment- you're here as God’s Exhorter"! Let's be honest... social media can cause delay and distractions. Find out the shocking revelation our faithful LORD revealed to me and why I had to shut it down! Blessings xo- Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Melia's Books -> Melia's Academy Courses ->
2/13/20239 minutes, 56 seconds
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EPS 112- Become a VERTICAL AMBASSADOR for God’s Kingdom; even if you feel Different & Overlooked!

We are called to be different. The salt and light of the earth. God is wanted to propel you forward with your gifting, by your side, for a Kingdom purpose and not an earthly one. You’ve been handpicked to help others... but you've been overlooked. If you are ready to be surrounded by other authentic Christian leaders, to boldly use your prophetic voice in the marketplace, business, or ministry, and represent Christ with integrity, then this episode is for you! Blessings xo- Vertical Ambassador Mentorship-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Academy -> Partnership->
2/6/20239 minutes, 36 seconds
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EPS 111- PROPHETIC WORD: The Devil wants your SOUL, but GOD wants to Restore your Mind, Will & Emotions

Just because you are "saved" and go to church does not mean you are FREE from the torment and oppression of evil. The devil wants your soul! It’s not through any random acts that our soul is precious to God... Why do you think the devil is after your soul and God desperately wants us to restore it? Without healing, you're giving access for the devil to have a field day with your mind, will, and emotions! We can part way to evil or good, my friends. It’s your choice. Blessings xo- Heal my Soul Wounds Program -> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Academy -> Partnership->
1/30/20237 minutes, 58 seconds
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EPS 110- CLIENT INTERVIEW with Kevin: Men Need HELP & HEALING too; How to Cast out FEAR, Become the Spiritual Leader & Walk Humbly without Shame or Pride!

Does fear, shame, or pride hold you back from requesting help? I'm inviting my private client, Kevin, who reached out when he felt a strain in his marriage. He hit a roadblock, felt stuck, and wanted to seek help with a qualified, nonsecular Christian Counselor getting to the "ROOT" of His strongholds. Men need help and healing too! Thankfully, He started listening to my podcast, The Vertical Relationship Show, and took the plunge! Kevin had major breakthroughs and revelations on only one call with me... Praise JESUS! We will share the vital truth of what it takes to become a humble spiritual leader, inside and outside the home, without shame or pride. You don't want to miss this fruitful conversation! Blessings xo- Heal my Soul Wounds Program -> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Academy -> Partnership->
1/23/202328 minutes, 13 seconds
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EPS 109- HEAL MY SOUL WOUNDS: Powerful 7- Step TRAUMA Purification Process; AUTHENTIC Inner Healing & Deliverance “God’s Way” for Wounded Souls!

“Heal my Soul Wounds” is not your typical trauma recovery program. This metamorphic program is based on God’s Word, prayer, and designed & structured by God. There is a high cost to follow GOD... The Holy Spirit is heavenly involved in the healing process, a true partnership as God’s vessel to bring prophetic utterances through the word of knowledge and spirit of discernment. This is for the no-nonsense Christian who is fully committed & ready, with no hesitation, go “NEXT LEVEL” with God. Gain tremendous clarity of your worth as you build a stronger vertical relationship with Jesus! As I partner with the Holy Spirit, this unique and gentle releasing process is to unlock the hidden spirits of trauma & demonic entry points buried in your wounded soul & finally break-free from soul wounds. (Many don’t realize the pain that is stored in their soul).  Blessings xo- Heal my Soul Wounds Program -> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Academy -> Partnership->
1/19/20234 minutes, 41 seconds
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EPS 108- PROPHETIC WORD: Church Leaders MUST get on Board with “Authentic” INNER HEALING & DELIVERANCE to Lead Flock; without Turning a Blind Eye!

Why are most churches not on board with inner healing & deliverance? That's a loaded question, my friends! If a leader of the church is only focusing on GOD and ignoring spiritual warfare... innocent people are left still in bondage. Therefore, leaving hurt and desperate people in a hot mess with no consistent fruits of the Spirit in their lives. That’s exactly what Satan wants! Turning, a blind eye continues to leave lost souls in the dark. Unfortunately, small and mega church has been doing it for hundreds of years... Rise-up and lead the flock Christian Leaders, even if it's the uncomfortable truth! Blessings xo- Heal my Soul Wounds Program -> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Academy -> Partnership->
1/16/202310 minutes, 40 seconds
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EPS 107- HEALING SOUL WOUNDS is Mandatory: Internal Beauty NEEDS to trump External Fad Diets, Losing Weight & Workout Plans

Our focuses are out of whack... losing weight, fad diets, and working out is NOT going to save your soul! Yes, God wants us to take care of our body, but what about your inner being? You cannot bypass the internal and cut straight to the external. Well, you can try, but it will just backfire. I pray more people would understand a wounded soul requires HEALING with God. It’s more than superficial outer beauty the world portrays- it's our inner beauty God is looking for. We can’t truly shine until we cleanse those toxic soul wounds first with our Abba Father. Blessings xo- Heal my Soul Wounds Program -> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Academy -> Partnership->  
1/9/20239 minutes, 12 seconds
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EPS 106- PROPHETIC WORD: Bring in the NEW YEAR with Jesus- NOT False Prophecy, Fake Healing Methods or Witchcraft!

We live in a culture where we are easily swayed by pseudo leaders, blinded by false prophets, and a society that adheres to shortcuts. Let's bring in the New Year with Jesus-NOT false prophecy, fake healing methods or witchcraft! In a world filled with constant warnings, evil, pressure, and trickery... God is screaming for His children to "wake-up" and follow him wholeheartedly. Stop murmuring and complaining and instead start living the life God meant for you to live since the beginning of creation-with JESUS. Blessings xo- Need a Fresh Start? -> Free Videos & Audio Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Academy -> Partnership->
1/2/202312 minutes, 17 seconds
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EPS 105- ARC METHOD + What it Ultimately and Genuinely takes to HEAL with GOD!

Authentic Biblical Christian Counseling gets to the "root" as opposed to temporary Band-Aids! Leaning on the power of Christ and not techniques to help HEAL and receive a gentle release of deliverance. Studies shown that Christian Biblical Counselors help 92% of the people they counsel. Amazing results! But what else does it ultimately and genuinely take to HEAL with GOD? Blessings xo- Free Audio Chapter-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Academy -> Partnership->
12/26/202212 minutes, 31 seconds
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EPS 104- BITTERNESS to FORGIVENESS: Let Go & Let GOD Restore all Anger, Grudges, and your Painful Past

Have you not forgiven a friend or family member from years ago? Have you not let the sting of your divorce go yet? Are you still seeking revenge? These are clear indications you are still harboring unforgiveness. Unforgiveness leads to bitterness and resentment, causing major soul wounds. Let go and Let GOD restore your anger, grudges, and your painful past. Move on. Forgive and make the necessary adjustments to be free of bondage! Blessings xo- Free Audio Chapter-> Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Academy -> Partnership->  
12/19/20226 minutes, 54 seconds
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EPS 103- 7 Negative MINDSETS affecting your Life, Hurting your RELATIONSHIPS & Creating Self-Sabotage!

Self-sabotage is a stronghold. Strongholds keep us stuck! Low self-esteem and unworthiness issues are being victimized against yourself. It's messing with your mind... your thoughts... Stop disqualifying yourself, brother and sisters. These lying spirits will keep you from not seeing God’s truth. The enemy feeds of our weaknesses to derail our starving, broken, and wounded soul… all which affects your mind and heart. Grab a hold of these 7 negative mindsets that can affect your life and hurt your relationships! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Books-> Academy -> Partnership->  
12/12/20229 minutes, 43 seconds
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EPS 102- PROPHETIC WORD: Church Warning- It’s Time for a Call to REPENTANCE for False Teachings Sprinkled with Satan’s Lies!

God's warning for the church... It's time to stop teaching half-truths sprinkled with Satan’s lies for popularity, church status, and filling the pews! God is looking for a pure and cleansed heart, wholesome teachings to be taught from the pulpit. It's more than fist bumps and a "Hallelujah" shouted from the stage. God is looking for a changed heart; a sincere cry for repentance. People need the TRUTH regardless of church attendance. The Lord says, "Worship only God” (Rev 19:10). Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Books-> Academy -> Partnership->    
12/7/20226 minutes, 24 seconds
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EPS 101- 12 Emotional & Mental Responses you “FEEL and THINK” from SOUL TIES, that Stem from Toxic RELATIONSHIPS

Soul Ties come in many forms... but what are the effects from them? Soul ties can come from people, dead or alive, that have had an ungodly control over your thoughts and feelings...  Gain your authority in Jesus Christ or the devil will continue to manipulate you without authentic healing. Find out if these 12 emotional and mental responses are affecting you! God wants better for you- Do you? Blessigns xo- Unfriend your EX's (YouTube)- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Books-> Academy ->
12/5/20229 minutes, 26 seconds
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EPS 100- PROPHETIC WORD: 5 Truthful Reasons you’re NOT Attracting a Godly Spouse!

The famous question... Why do I attract the wrong partner in my life? Well, my friends, that’s a loaded question! I can tell you we all get stuck in our pain: childhood issues, fear, trauma, and limiting beliefs… the list is endless! Grab a hold of these 5 truthful reasons you're NOT attracting a godly spouse!  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Books-> Academy -> Partnership->      
11/28/202211 minutes, 21 seconds
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EPS 99- UNFORGIVENESS: Spiritual Poison that Stunts our Maturity in Christ

Are you unwilling or unable to forgive someone who hurt, betray or caused you intense pain? How about a church leader, spouse, or a close friend? I know- it hurts! It is not fun, but necessary for healing of the wounded soul. Why should you “forgive” when that person double crossed you, cheated on you, left you, lashed out, or turned their back on you? When we grieve a spirit of unforgiveness, we lose the ability to hear God’s voice, think clearly, and follow world ways. Worst off, it stunts our maturity in Christ and keeps us in bondage!  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Books-> Academy -> Partnership->  
11/21/20229 minutes, 19 seconds
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EPS 98- WRONG MINDSETS: The Secret of being CONTENT in all Circumstances, Chaos & Pain

We are to have the mind of Christ... so why is it such a process? Wrong mindsets evoke themselves through carnal reasoning. Foolish opinions have set themselves against the wisdom, knowledge, and Word of God. Wrong mindsets are established when you embrace certain beliefs and attitudes and allow them to take "root" in your heart. Find out the Secret of being content in all circumstances, chaos and pain! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Books-> Academy -> Partnership->
11/14/202210 minutes, 12 seconds
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EPS 97- PROPHETIC WORD: 3 Ways the Enemy uses Social Media to Tear Down your RELATIONSHIP with JESUS, Marriage & Dating Partnerships!

Let’s be honest. How much time do you spend on social media? Can you stay away for more than an hour? When you hear a "ding" do you jump at the first sign to answer that alert? Without you knowing it... it's destroying your relationship with Jesus! It's tearing apart your marriage and dating partnerships. Find out 3 ways you might be giving the devil a foothold to your relationships! Blessings xo- YouTube Video Un-Friend you EX's Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Books-> Academy -> Partnership->    
11/7/202211 minutes, 46 seconds
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EPS 96- Time does NOT Heal all Wounds; 2 Options for HEALING in your Marriage or Dating Relationship

Time does NOT heal all wounds- GOD does! We must deal with pesky emotions and unhealthy mindsets, or these destructive wound patterns will be on a constant spin cycle of repeat. Anything done continuously without producing fruitful gains is called insanity. We will continue attracting the wrong relationships in our dating life and have the same fights with our spouse... YUCK! Grab a hold of these 2 honest options to help your relationships! Blessings xo-  Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Books-> Academy -> Partnership->  
10/31/20228 minutes, 25 seconds
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EPS 95- 3 Tips for SELF-DELIVERANCE: Will “Casting out a Demon” work for YOU?

Is self-deliverance REAL? Can you do this on your own? All things are possible with God! However, many people open doors for the devil to operate and harass their own soul. TRUTH- you must know what you are dealing with before true deliverance can happen... Find out 3 tips for self-deliverance to help aid your pain and brokenness today! Blessings xo-  Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Books-> Academy -> Partnership->  
10/24/20228 minutes, 59 seconds
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EPS 94- Feelings are Fickle! Resist the Urge to Lead with Toxic EMOTIONS that Destroy your RELATIONSHIPS

Get out of your feelings! Accept where you are and take responsibility to move forward. Feelings are fickle and fluctuate too often. How can you rely on something constantly swaying back and forth? We listen to a feeling rather than the wisdom God freely gives us. We lead with our toxic emotions that gets us in trouble... This can cause division in our relationships, especially with our Abba Father. Lead with God, not your fickle feelings! Blessings xo-  Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Books-> Academy -> Partnership->  
10/17/202210 minutes, 4 seconds
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EPS 93- Are you the “YES” Girl? How to have HEALTHY Boundaries, Avoid Doormat Tendencies & Wasted Energy

Stop saying "YES" to what is taking your precious time and energy away from God's plan. Having healthy boundaries is a must to avoid doormat tendencies. If we don’t say “no” a feeling of entrapment can carry and lodge resentment in our hearts... Worst off, we end up mad at ourselves for not listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. EEK! Guard your heart, my friends. Blessings xo-  Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Books-> Academy -> Shop Items->  
10/10/20228 minutes, 19 seconds
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EPS 92- 10 Targets for Spirit of REJECTION & Putting up EMOTIONAL WALLS in your Relationships

This spirit of rejection whispers to people they are unloved, unworthy, and not wanted... The devil feeds off insecurities, trauma, and fears to undermine a Christian's true identity in Christ. Are you believing these devilish lies attempting to destroy your relationships? Find out the 10 targets of rejection and if you're putting up emotional walls! Blessings xo-  Christian Counseling & Coaching -> Books-> Academy -> Shop Items->  
10/3/20226 minutes, 22 seconds
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EPS 91- TRUTH Hurts but HEALS: Plastic Christianity, Fake Smiles & Secret Backbiting Keeps you in Bondage!

The truth HURTS! "Fake it till you make it" is a SHAM! You will not fool God with plastic Christianity, fake smiles, and secret backbiting! Pretending you have it all together or crying behind closed doors only keeps people in depression, loneliness, and a self-loathing & jealous state of anxiety. Hard hearts don’t surpass healthy relationships or break-free from the bondages of the devil, but the truth does! Blessings xo-  Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> Academy -> Shop Items->  
9/26/202211 minutes, 10 seconds
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EPS 90- PROPHETIC WORD: TRUTH about “Decree & Declare” Statements- it’s NOT a Substitute for Prayer & Relationship with Jesus

Are "Decree & Declare" statements really Biblical? Without knowing it, we can position ourselves above God's will. This often replaces a true vertical relationship with Jesus. Claiming things and our circumstances into existence is not a substitute for prayer and a recipe for disaster! Remember, GOD has complete authority- we don’t. Have you fallen into this trap? Blessings xo-  Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> Academy -> Shop Items->
9/19/202211 minutes, 20 seconds
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EPS 89- Ungodly Connections cause STRONGHOLDS in your Relationships and DELAY in Business & Ministry!

Ungodly connections are the worst! Aligning yourself and coming into unfruitful relationships will put strongholds in your life. Ungodly connections cause delay and can taint your business and ministry. EKKK! Who wants that? Be careful, my friends -The enemy can make anything demonic look divine! Blessings xo-  Shop Items-> Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> Academy ->
9/12/202213 minutes, 15 seconds
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EPS 88- PROPHETIC WORD: Forced Hand is NOT Jesus’ Style in Relationships & Leadership; FREE WILL is Given!

What if our relationships and leadership are unaligned with God? Since the ruler of this world is Satan, are we subjecting ourselves too evil? Many have flipped the tables in a strategy to control and manipulate while others are trying to seriously help. The spiritual battle continues... Kingdom of God vs. Satan. Jesus' hand in never involved with force- He gives us free will! Blessings xo- YouTube-> Christian Counseling & Consulting -> False Healing Methods -> Melia's Books->  
9/5/202212 minutes, 25 seconds
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EPS 87- Crystals & Sage don’t HEAL & ATTRACT Demons to Trick you into False Healing Methods!

It's a big fat “NO” to use crystals or sage for healing purposes! EEKKK... We think it's no big deal, but TRUTH is a majority of people who promote crystals and sage are dancing with the devil themselves without even realizing it. Healing powers come from God alone! Satan often masks itself desirable and attractive as a way to draw souls away from God. Don't fall into Satan's trap!  Blessings xo-  False Healing Methods -> Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Melia's Books-> Blogs->
8/29/202210 minutes, 18 seconds
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EPS 86- My Personal Testimony: How the Devil is behind FALSE HEALING METHODS & Manipulated My Body!

Where are you running to for your HEALING? Alternative therapies, New Age, Healing Methods that contradict the Bible? We think we are doing well for ourselves, but TRUTH is we can further damage our souls without knowing God's truth. I'm going to share my personal testimony how I allowed the devil to manipulate and harass my soul though these False Healing Methods! Blessings xo-  False Healing Methods -> Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Melia's Books-> Blogs->  
8/22/202214 minutes, 51 seconds
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EPS 85 - PROPHETIC WORD: Praying with Impure Motives & Fasting with Wrong Heart Posture is NOT Blessed by GOD

Praying for people who have no intention of giving up sin can be dangerous and contamination for you... Praying without a willingness to change, true repentance, and humbling ourselves is pointless and counterproductive. God actually disapproves! Praying with impure motives and fasting with wrong heart posture is NOT blessed by GOD.  Blessings xo-  Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> False Healing Methods Course -> Academy ->
8/15/202211 minutes, 44 seconds
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EPS 84- How is your VERTICAL RELATIONSHIP with JESUS when Opposing constant Spiritual Warfare?

Do you love God in the midst of warfare? Sounds easy, right? But, when it comes down to the nitty gritty… Do you? Let go of how you think it’s supposed to be. What you think you deserve. How it makes you feel. This walk is way more than invalid misconceptions and assumptions... it's a "Vertical Relationship" with JESUS! Blessings xo-  Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
8/8/20228 minutes, 30 seconds
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EPS 83- PROPHETIC WORD: Our KIDS are Under Attack of the Enemy’s Schemes; GOD’S anger is Fierce!

It’s one thing to for the enemy to go after an adult, who can think for themselves, but our innocent children? God says, “It has gone too far!" His anger is fierce and His cup of wrath will be poured out on devilish schemes and the people behind their wicked ways. Hidden agendas in kids cartoons and Disney movies will be exposed! Parents, we need to stand up and protect our kids... be their spiritual covering. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
8/4/202213 minutes, 35 seconds
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EPS 82- Your Spouse is NOT your Enemy: 6 Coping Strategies for a Hurting & Broken Marriage

Marriage is NOT about self! You spouse in NOT your enemy! Too many times people throw in the towel and give up… Why? We expect others to make us happy. Spouses are relying on their own strength to try and change their husband or wife. Keep in mind: We are not the healers- GOD is, my friends. Discover 6 coping strategies you can do "right now" in your hurting and broken marriage! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
8/1/202213 minutes, 15 seconds
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EPS 81- PROPHETIC WORD (w/Hubby): Stay Away from Worldly Concerns, Ungodly Leaders & Come Back to JESUS!

Worldly concerns take you further from GOD and closer to the devil. Following ungodly leaders can capture lustful eyes with luring idols, fame, and material possessions... instead of the Father's heart. My husband and I chat about the utterance of God's living Word spoken to both of us. God desperately cries out for His children to come back to Him!  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Follow Ministry Page-> VR Ministries -> Books-> Courses ->  
7/28/202219 minutes, 12 seconds
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EPS 80- True Prophets are CHOSEN, Honest, Humble & Speak the TRUTH in LOVE on God’s Behalf.

A true prophet is CHOSEN by God and has the heartbeat of the Father walking in complete wholeness with our Creator. Authentic prophets live for heaven’s applause, even at the cost of man’s outburst against them. It’s not always about blessings, prosperity, and promises... True prophets, like their Father, are honest, humble, and speak the truth in love on God's behalf-even when it hurts and radically unpopular. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> VR Ministries -> Books-> Courses -> Follow ->
7/25/202216 minutes, 13 seconds
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EPS 79- PROPHETIC WORD (with Guest): Lord’s Judgment is Near, REPENT & Turn Back to JESUS and Avoid Fire of GOD’ S WRATH!

GOD is heartbroken and desperately trying to rescue His children before it's too late! Judgment Day is coming... False priests, pseudo prophets, and fake teachings God did not command on His behalf will NOT be tolerated! My husband and I will hash out true prophetic words. Fasten your seatbelt, my friends! This is not comforting, but true prophecy speaks on God's behalf of the Father's heart whether the time is favorable or not. God loves you, REPENT, and turn back to Him... Jesus desires a vertical relationship with you! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> VR Ministries -> Books-> Courses -> Follow ->
7/21/202219 minutes, 32 seconds
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EPS 78- Are you Given Permission for the Devil to ”Harass You” & Evil to Invade your Home?

Are you given permission for the devil to harass you? A demon is not happy unless it has a human host to torment, preferably yours... it searches and lurks for its "sweet spot'. Our flesh opens the door for harassment to invade our home, my friends. Be inspired to stay God centered and not victimized from ignorance of the enemy. “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). Blessings xo Christian Counseling & Coaching -> VR Ministries -> Books-> Courses -> Follow ->
7/18/202210 minutes, 12 seconds
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EPS 77- PROPHETIC WORD: Get Rid of Useless IDOLS & Put GOD First in your Life

God is not a God of disorder. What or who are you putting 1st in your life? Self, money, career, social status or your relationship status? Idols of the world are not sustainable. We must love the light more than the dark. We put everything in front of God and wonder why we are lost and confused... We look at the world for answers that only GOD can provide. God is asking His disciples to return to Him and drop useless idolatry! "So, my dear friends, flee from the worship of idols" (1 Corinthians 10:14).  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
7/14/202211 minutes, 34 seconds
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EPS 76- PROPHETIC WORD: Wisdom of World over GOD derails our Path & sends us Straight to the Enemy!

True wisdom comes from God and not the world. Mic-drop! The wisdom of the world is taking control as it reunites with evil forces in a spiritual realm... it derails our path and sends us straight to the enemy! God gave me a prophetic word to help you, my friends. It's time to STOP following worldly ways... Humanism only brings us closer to the devil. “For the wisdom of the world is foolish to God” (1 Corinthians 3:19). Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
7/11/20227 minutes, 4 seconds
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Eps 75- Poverty Spirit that Creates Self-Sabotage & Tips to Overcome Unhealthy Mindsets

Many times, the excuses and unhealthy mindsets hinder your health, relationships and healing progression for His Kingdom. This poverty spirit illusions will not do anything for your nourishment with our Abba Father. Get some healthy tips and overcome self-sabotage so you can tackle toxic roadblocks! "All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty" (Proverbs 14:23). Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
7/4/202210 minutes, 41 seconds
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EPS 74- PROPHETIC WORD: God Needs to be more Important than Status, Followers & Numbers on Social Media

Who I am is not as important as who's I am! Do you worry about social status, more followers, and massive numbers on social media? Is God trying to advance you to another level, but something is missing? These divine prophetic words release the anxiety-filled truth and a huge problem with our nation. God is more important than a thumbs up and a smiley or heart Emoji- do you believe that? Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
6/30/20228 minutes, 39 seconds
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EPS 73- Strongholds causing Problems in your Relationships, Health & Healing you may NOT be Aware of!

Mundane knowledge gets contorted with wicked and tormented ways from the enemy. These barriers, bondages, and strongholds often remain and prevents us from healing in all areas of our lives... including our relationships and health. Therefore, we chase heavenly drenched half-truths glazed with the enemy sneaky techniques and methods. Thinking you're safe but not, my friends! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Coaching or Consultation -> YouTube Clip-> Breaking Chains with Anointing Holy Spirit Melia's Books-> Sow a Seed -> Academy Courses ->    
6/27/202211 minutes, 55 seconds
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EPS 72- Honest Questions to ask yourself if you NEED authentic Biblical Christian Counseling & Coaching?

Are you questioning hiring a qualified Christian Counselor or Coach? How about both?! Today, I'm asking my listeners some valid and honest questions to see if they NEED authentic Biblical Christian Counseling and Relationship & Dating Coaching... There's nothing to be scared of when asking for help, my friends! Truth is, we should be more scared of not healing with God due to pride, shame, ego, or embarrassment. The devil will only play off those feelings and emotions. God desires more for you! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
6/20/20225 minutes, 53 seconds
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EPS 71- GOD SPEAKS: 7 Ways God Speaks & Calls the Unqualified whose HEART is Right with God

Do you know God speaks every day? Do you think you are not qualified to hear the voice of God? HOGWASH! God has a purpose and plan for your life. Friends, my point is God calls whoever He desires who has a sincere heart for Him. “God searches across the whole earth, looking for people whose hearts are perfect toward him” (2 Chronicles 16:9). Find out 7 beautiful ways how God speaks to you! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
6/13/202211 minutes, 24 seconds
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EPS 70- PROPHETIC WORD: Avoid False Prophecy & Believe and Follow GOD’S Chosen & Anointed Vessels

True prophecy edifies God and brings His Kingdom glory. I love encouraging others, but its more than lip service. Feel good messages (False prophecy) don’t challenge us, help us heal, or mature in our walk with the Lord. God's chosen and anointed vessels adhere to God's Word whether the time is favorable or not. It's not popular and radically misunderstood. God showed me personally- “You must give them my messages whether they listen or not. But they won’t listen, for they are completely rebellious" (Ezekiel 2:7)!  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
6/9/20229 minutes, 35 seconds
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EPS 69- Distractions & No Boundaries in Relationships keeps you from HEALING with GOD

What distractions are you allowing in your life? Are you putting up healthy boundaries? Marriages are falling apart from the devil's schemes... unhealthy distractions have no limits making dating confusing. Are you allowing the influences of social media dictate your path? Why? Many times, it’s necessary to step back from the chaos of the world and spend time with Jesus. Without it, we inhibit healing with God. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->      
6/6/202210 minutes, 47 seconds
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EPS 68- Christians are NOT exempt from Demonic Invaders & Debunking the Confusion of the Unseen Spiritual Realm!

Many Christians don’t adhere to the unseen spiritual realm. Many don’t think Holy Spirit and evil can reside in a person who is saved. Why? Invalid misconceptions, fear, and false accusations from unhealed soul wounds... leaving warped preservations from demonic invaders in our hearts and minds. Let's debunk the confusion and remember Jesus was tempted and harassed by devil- so why are you EXEMPT?  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
5/30/202213 minutes, 24 seconds
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EPS 67- CAUTION: Short Cut Methods will NOT work in Authentic ”Christian Counseling”- God’s Pruning Process is Narrow

Who are you running to for HEALING? Where do you look? Alternative Therapies or New Age techniques that contradict the Bible? Truth is we can further damage our souls without knowing God's truth. God's pruning process is usually longer and harder- the narrow road, which many are not willing to take. Quick or instant healing methods is NOT authentic. Caution: Run from these kinds of promises! Let's talk authentic Christian Counseling, my friends! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
5/23/202211 minutes, 6 seconds
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EPS 66: Witchcraft Trickery: Are you getting ”Hoodwinked” by False Prophets, White Witches & Warlocks?

Have you ever been hoodwinked? Sowed a seed into a false ministry? Are you following a false prophet or white witch? Without realizing it, we follow deception allowing curses upon our lives! Satanists, witches, warlocks, divination, sorcery, and various occult practices, like New Age religions, are all rooted in the spirit of witchcraft. "Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light"(2 Corinthians 11:14). Be heedful, my friends. You might be getting tricked! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->    
5/16/202212 minutes, 38 seconds
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EPS 65: Pornography & Shocking Statistics for Christian Wives struggling with Husband’s Pornography Addiction!

Ladies, does your husband have a pornography addiction? Are you feeling rejected, not enough, abandoned and cheated on? These shocking statistics clearly affects intimacy while further damaging more marriages. Yet, pornographic strongholds still run rampant worldwide... We have a demonic force opposing against us. The devil hates godly union and will do anything to rip it apart! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
5/9/202213 minutes, 6 seconds
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EPS 64: Narcissist Gaslighting! Helpful Tips to Understand Narcissistic Behavior Patterns in your Relationships

What is a narcissist? A person who has an excessive admiration of themselves BUT is it more than what meets the eye? What goes on behind the scenes of one who struggles with narcissistic personality disorder? Get helpful tips to cope and understand these toxic behavior patterns... Find out the real culprit behind narcissist gaslighting in your relationships! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses -> Subscribe on YouTube -> Melia's YouTube Channel  
5/2/202210 minutes, 31 seconds
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EPS 63: PROPHETIC DREAMS: Perfect Love Casts out Fear; Uncircumcised Hearts requires God’s Love and Obedience

What is perfect love? Circumcision of the heart is an inner man commitment that reflects itself by outward lifestyle. God's love through tough obedience! Our hearts need to be changed radically by God. My prophetic dreams were showing me about the heart... How evil, pride, satanic rituals, false religions, and demonic cults of evil forces of the unseen realm keeps a hold of our hearts.  Blessings xo- YouTube-> Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
4/28/202211 minutes, 19 seconds
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EPS 62: GOD FIGHTS our BATTLES; Receiving the Victory through a Partnership with God

God fights our battles for us, but don’t misconstrue our partnership with God. We have to move in action, not just words, in order to receive the victory! We don’t just sit back, pray, and do nothing- we commit to our part, a right relationship with the King of Kings. God is looking for Christ ambassadors who won't run away in a drop of a hat! For you to step up to the plate, push past obstacles, and become a world changer. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
4/25/20229 minutes, 31 seconds
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EPS 61: PROPHETIC WORD: Budda is NOT to be worshipped; Get rid of the Cursed Objects in your Home!

God gave me a prophetic dream for you today! Do you think Buddas are cute and no big deal? Yep, me too until the Lord showed me these were curses objects, demonic, and full of idolatry. The Bible teaches that sacrificing to idols is synonymous as worshipping Satan. The term Buddha literally means enlightened one, a knower. …BUT GOD is the only knower! Stay safe & get rid of all cursed objects in your home! YouTube Video- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
4/21/20225 minutes, 59 seconds
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EPS 60- SOUL TIES: 10 Signs of Co-dependency Soul Ties, Healing Prayer & How to Break Ungodly Knitted Bonds

Two people are physically intimate, their souls are intertwined, just as their bodies are, and become one flesh... this is one example of a soul tie! However, this bond often develops into unhealthy relationships which often leads to addictive, narcissist, and co-dependency behavior. Ungodly soul ties are created through sexual sin and ungodly controlling behavior. Agenda of Satan is to use these soul ties, so it has a legal right to harass you. Break these knitted bonds through healing prayer! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
4/18/202211 minutes, 6 seconds
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EPS 59- Scared to get VULNERABLE? 9 Excuses for Saying ”NO” to Christian Counseling for your HEALTH & RELATIONSHIPS

Terrified to try something new? Step outside your comfort zone? God is trying to mold you, form you into His image, so why won’t you let Him? Yet, many times the excuses come into play that hinder your relationships, health, and healing progression... You won’t grow! You won’t heal! We must get vulnerable first, even when it's excoriating. We can't bear our burdens alone. Will you allow yourself to get honest and real in Christian Counseling?  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
4/11/202212 minutes, 15 seconds
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EPS 58- GOD’S WARNING for REPENTANCE: Part 2: Rebuke Lukewarm Christianity & Spirit of Religion for the Second Coming of JESUS!

The disturbing fact is that the Bible warns us that people who are not “hot” for God will eventually devote themselves to the teachings of Satan. Easily slipping into manipulated teachings: half-truths, pseudo prophecy, and religious spirits. Lukewarm Christians blend in with the rest of the world by the way they talk and behave. Sadly, God calls them His enemies. Let's turn back, repent, and rebuke all rebellion for the second coming of JESUS! SOW a SEED-> Christian Counseling-> Courses -> Books->
4/3/202210 minutes, 19 seconds
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EPS 57- GOD’S WARNING for REPENTANCE: Part 1- Broken World, Lost Nations, Deceit, Idols, Hard Hearts & False Prophets are under a Curse!

This upside world is in an uproar and God is warning us! A broken world, lost nations, hard hearts, idols and false prophecy followed by lies, deceit, abomination, and abandonment of God. Living for self & fleshy desires will NOT cut in any longer. God is not playing games: a worldwide shaken, shedding of dead branches, and revival is a cry for repentance in the spiritual realm. A prophetic message straight from a pure heart! Blessings xo SOW a SEED-> Christian Counseling-> Courses -> Books->  
3/28/202220 minutes, 42 seconds
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EPS 56- What is Inner Healing? 15 Questions to Ask yourself if you NEED authentic Christian Counseling

Inner healing comes when we expose our demons into the light! You must get honest about your problems and real with yourself in order to have any effective outcomes in your health, relationships, business, and healing progression. Inner soul wounds need to be addressed... Without knowing our trauma, barriers, blocks and strongholds- we leave an open door for the enemy. Let's hash out 15 questions to ask yourself if you need or can benefit from authentic Christian Counseling! Blessings xo- Coupon Code - BREAKTHROUGH Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
3/21/202216 minutes, 51 seconds
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EPS 55- Mature Christians don’t take Offense to GOD’S TRUTH: 3 Positive P’s as a Christ Follower

Have you ever been rubbed the wrong way? Feel super vexed about what a person said to you? I get it. God's truth is hard to hear. As we grow in our walk with Jesus, let's walk away from worldly attitudes. A simple concept that people are just hurting... Mature Christians see this as an opportunity to be a light, but offensiveness would rather argue in darkness. Find out the 3 Positive P's as a Christ follower! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
3/13/202212 minutes, 38 seconds
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EPS 54: Deliverance alone is NOT Enough! INNER HEALING is required in Christian Counseling for Eliminating Soul Wounds

There’s a problem... Deliverance alone is not enough! Inner healing is required in Christian Counseling to start eliminating soul wounds. You have to get to the ROOT source of you pain which requires a longer process. Deal with your DEMONS properly! Avoid some common weaknesses in the area of deliverance and start healing your problems the right way with God at the center. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling-> Courses -> Books-> Community-
3/7/202213 minutes, 17 seconds
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EPS 53- SPIRIT of INFIRMITY or Chronic Pain: What’s the culprit being your Pain & Suffering?

While not all sickness is demonic, most walk around oblivious to the spiritual realm. We cannot blame the enemy for everything because we have free will. Our problems can come from many sources... There are medical cases that have a spirit of infirmity as the root behind many undiagnosed conditions. What's the culprit behind your pain and suffering? Blessings xo- Christian Counseling-> Courses -> Books-> Community-
2/28/202211 minutes, 46 seconds
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EPS 52- False Identity Crisis! 3 Truths SPIRIT of RELIGION is ruling our Churches, Relationships & Soul Healing

The Spirit of Religion appears to have outward righteousness. It does not transform the inner man's heart and mind. Instead, it possesses as a false identity. A crude evil that influences a person to replace a genuine relationship with Jesus through works and traditions. Find out 3 truths of the spirit of religion that's ruling our churches, relationships, and soul healing... keeping people in bondage of the enemy! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
2/21/202211 minutes, 56 seconds
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EPS 51- Alone on Valentine’s Day? 3 Self-Care Tips for the Anxiety Filled & Lonely Christian

Feeling alone on V-day? Just going through a recent heartbreak, divorce, or break-up? Does this particular day trigger you? Many of you ladies and men are alone today, but don’t fret. It's just another day... Discover 3 self-care tips for the anxiety filled and lonely Christian! Blessings xo- Community- Courses -> Christian Counseling-> Books->
2/14/202210 minutes, 34 seconds
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EPS 50- Spiritual Warfare: Part 5: Protect Yourself from Transferring of EVIL & Open Doors

We have learned to co-exist with evil. Let me remind you that the enemy has no problem with you sitting at church. Although, it does have a problem when its power is challenged. I'll be sharing a story of my experience with transferring of evil and how I left the door open to evil. Protect yourself, my friends! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
2/7/202215 minutes, 37 seconds
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EPS 49- Spiritual Warfare: Part 4: Top 6 Demonic ENTRY POINTS that’s Destroying your Relationships, Health & Healing

Are you allowing an open door for evil? What "entry points" are you inviting in your lives? Friends, this spiritual realm exists... Questions is: How and when did this demonic oppression come in? Find out the top 6 culprits that's destroying your relationships, health, and healing. Blessings xo- FB Community- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
1/31/202211 minutes, 51 seconds
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EPS 48- Spiritual Warfare: Part 3: Knowing your AUTHORITY in Jesus Christ

God gives us authority over the demonic realm. The devil still has power, but as God fearing Christians, we still have ultimate authority. It's imperative to know our authority- it’s a huge part of knowing your identity in Christ. Knowing God is knowing your supremacy to combat the fiery darts of the devil. Blessings xo- Community- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->    
1/24/202213 minutes, 56 seconds
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EPS 47- Spiritual Warfare: Part 2: Battles of the Unseen Realm: Kingdom of God vs. Kingdom of Satan

We are in spiritual warfare and battling an unseen realm! There are two Kingdoms in constant battle with one another- Kingdom of God vs. Satan. Enemy thrives on us falling while attacking all areas of our lives. Our mind is the sweet spot for the enemy to attack, but do you see it? Do you believe the unseen realm exists even when our senses can't comprehend? Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
1/17/202213 minutes, 46 seconds
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EPS 46: Spiritual Warfare: Part 1: God bringing you to NEW LEVEL & Breaking-Free from SPIRIT of FEAR!

Is GOD bringing you to a NEW LEVEL?... Advancement for His Kingdom means you will have to break-free from the Spirit of Fear. Fear is not a new concept in our world, but how we respond to fear is what matters the most. God has a calling for your life and a spirit of fear will hold you back from propelling forward. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline” (2 Timothy 1:7). Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->    
1/10/202211 minutes, 25 seconds
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EPS 45- Embracing CHANGE: God’s Pruning Process & Growth Opportunities

Don’t be scared of CHANGE- Embrace it! Yes, it can be quite scary... yet, it's a guarantee in life in our relationships, business, and health. Change is something we tend to fear. Most people become anxious of not being in control of life. The good news is that God has a plan for your life that includes hope, future, and growth opportunities when we learn to embrace God's pruning process. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
1/3/202210 minutes, 16 seconds
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EPS 44- Religion vs. Relationship with JESUS: Do you Know the Difference?

Religion vs. Relationship with Jesus... Do you know the difference? Are you judging your efforts by church attendance or how many Bible studies you attend? Are you actually spending time with the King of Kings and studying the Good Book? It’s not about good deeds or church status... yet more importantly, it's all about a vertical relationship with JESUS!  Blessings xo- Hear God's Voice-> Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
12/27/202113 minutes, 16 seconds
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EPS 43- Top 5 Devilish Triggers of SOCIAL MEDIA; Scrolling Addiction & How it affects our Relationships & Health

Is your scrolling addiction feeding the devil? Is social media pointing to self or GOD? There are benefits of social media, but we must not hold it as a candlestick to our relationships and health. Truth is- it can be harmful for both! If we're not careful these triggers can cause destruction giving the devil a foothold "And do not give the devil a foothold" (Ephesians 4:27). Discover the top 5 devilish triggers of social media that may be feeding the enemy and harming your relationships and health. YIKES!  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
12/20/202113 minutes, 12 seconds
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EPS 42- Holiday DEPRESSION, ANXIETY & STRESS? 3 Ways to Have BALANCE though Loss and Trials

The holidays can be very depressing for some people... those who lost a beloved one, fighting an illness, battling trauma, or healing from a broken relationship. Listen up, my friends. You have a GOD that is bigger than depression, anxiety, and stress! Find out 3 healthy ways to have balance in your life though loss and trials. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->    
12/13/202112 minutes, 33 seconds
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EPS 41- Have you Encountered a JEZEBEL spirit in your Marriage, Engagement, or Dating Relationships?

Typical characteristics of the Jezebel spirit is luring, seductive, attractive yet crafty, my friends. All which are clever tactics of the devil. We have the authority in Jesus Christ to rid of these strongholds. We are God's soldiers, fighting an unseen battle in a spiritual dimension. Be bold for your marriage, engagement and dating life... Don't allow this demonic influence to crush your relationships!  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->    
12/6/202116 minutes, 49 seconds
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EPS 40- The ARC METHOD in Christian Counseling: The 3 Types of People you Can‘t Help

ARC Method is a must for Christian counseling to be effective. Christian counseling allows people to get to the "ROOT" and avoid temporary Band-aids of secular ways... Leaning on the power of Christ as opposed to techniques. Studies shown that Christian Biblical Counselors help 92% of the people they counsel. Yet, there are 3 types of people you can't help. "Don't think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves" (See Romans 12:3). Get the help you deserve, my friends. God doesn't want people living in unforgiveness, bitterness, depression or rejection any longer! Blessings xo- Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
11/29/202114 minutes, 43 seconds
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EPS 39- Beware of FALSE PROPHETS: Pseudo-Leaders are ”whitewashing” GOD‘s Truth!

Did you know that we life among false prophets & teachers? Yikes! The Lord has been revealing this to me for years... This world is wrapping up with increased darkness and we NEED truth, not more deceit.  False prophets "whitewash" God's harsh truth. These pseudo leaders are more about comforting words for approval and a feel-good message, that does nothing for your soul.  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
11/22/202111 minutes, 10 seconds
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EPS 38- Will you Follow GOD‘s Narrow PATH or the Enemy‘s wide Route?

The truth is always narrow! Following GOD's narrow path is not easy... this is why most people don’t follow it. As opposed to the wide route which leads to destruction and many follow... Why? It is tempting. Less pleasurable. It's for our will and not God's. It's brutal and not for the faint-hearted. "There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death" (Proverbs 16:25). Which path are you following? Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->    
11/15/20217 minutes, 57 seconds
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EPS 37- Need INNER HEALING & DELIVERANCE? Protect yourself from a Spiritual Dimension NOT talked about in Church!

Are you protecting yourself? Stop opening the door for the devil! Living in a spiritual realm is NOT talked about in church... We must equip ourselves from evil, my friends! For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6:12).  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
11/8/202114 minutes, 34 seconds
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EPS 36- 3 Scenarios of a SINGLE Woman‘s Wounded Soul

Are you single? Did you know women carry pain from their wounded soul in many different ways? In reality, we bury or numb these pains subconsciously. In order to find the possibility of rich joy, you will have to uncloak, and deal with your hurting heart. Our souls need to be cleansed with God in order to understand the kind of man God wants you to marry. Wounds need healing to have thriving relationships- not lacerated souls. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses -> Shop->
11/1/20219 minutes, 2 seconds
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EPS 35- How to Study the BIBLE: The S.O.A.P METHOD - A Simple way to Study the BIBLE & apply GOD‘s WORD to your Everyday Life!

Do you get overwhelmed when you open your BIBLE? Not sure where to start or how to begin reading God's Word? I get it... The Good Book can be quiet overwhelming, but no worries, my friends. Have you heard of the S.O.A.P Method? If you are looking for a simple way to study the BIBLE- check out this practical way to study Scripture and soak up the goodness of God for everyday Christian living. Blessings xo- Shop-> Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
10/25/202110 minutes, 43 seconds
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EPS 34- #1 KEY to Avoid Dangerous MISCONCEPTIONS, ASSUMPTIONS, & TOXIC MINDSETS in our Relationships

Do assumptions cause friction in your relationships? Have you ever twisted someone’s words? Toxic thoughts invite toxic mindsets... Minor misunderstandings slowly start to shove people away- when in reality, it can all be avoided. “Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others” (Proverbs 12:15). Avoid dangerous misconceptions & assumptions that sabotage our relationships with this #1 key! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
10/18/202114 minutes, 33 seconds
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EPS 33- 7 Signs you‘re Living with SPIRIT of Rejection over GOD‘s Protection

Do you care about the approval of others? The Spirit of Rejection will taunt you as its chewable prey by causing you to feel worthless and unwanted... Rejection is a festering wound within your soul that needs to be dealt with. Are you dealing with one of the 7 signs of rejection or is it God's protection? God has more for you! Stop that inner voice from telling you are unworthy, unlovable and undervalued. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses -> Join Community-        
10/11/202113 minutes, 14 seconds
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EPS 32- Do you PRAY? Simple Strategies for your Prayer Life without Perfectionism

Do you find it uncomfortable to PRAY? Do you feel you're not praying correctly? Or struggle with when and how to pray? These awkward feelings inhibit our prayer life. Guess what?! There is no magic formula to pray. Be prepared to start you day with simple strategies instead of perfectionism. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
10/4/20218 minutes, 48 seconds
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EPS 31- Discerning the VOICE of GOD - How to Determine the ”Gift of Discernment” over Fickle Feelings!

Do you have a strong gift of discernment? Or do you struggle to hear God's voice? In order to hear His voice, our spirit and soul needs to be awakened. You're a child of God- the Lord wants nothing more than to speak life into you! Stop listening to your fickle feeling and start following His narrow path to freedom & truth. Find out the missing link to discern the Voice of God. Blessings xo- Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
9/27/202112 minutes, 27 seconds
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EPS 30- Top 3 Reasons we are NOT Hearing God‘s Voice

Struggling to hear the voice of God? I understand the frustration of not getting an answer you're praying about... You think God doesn't care about you or He's not with you. We start losing HOPE. That's silly talk, my friends. God says, "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." Discover 3 reasons why you may not be hearing from God.   Blessings xo-  Join Community- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
9/20/202114 minutes, 19 seconds
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EPS 29- Are you HOLY ROOTED in CHRIST? Why your ROOTS matter and Purposeful for God‘s Kingdom.

What do your ROOTS look like? We will not bear good fruit if our roots are dirty and not soiled properly. Do things need to change in your life? Is you rooting system good or bad? Jesus says, “I am the vine, you are the branches” (John 15:5). The more we are rooted in Him, the more nutrients we receive from Him... Our roots matter for others and God's Kingdom. Let's get "Holy Rooted in Christ!" Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
9/13/202112 minutes, 18 seconds
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EPS 28- Do you FORGIVE easily? The #1 silent killer is a Spirit of Unforgiveness!

Is it hard for you to FORGIVE? I know, it stings! Having unforgiveness in your soul stems from unresolved emotions such as bitterness and anger. An unwillingness to forgive our offenders will keep you rooted in a Spirit of Unforgiveness. We lose the ability to hear from God. Staying parked here doesn't serve anyone... This jaw-dropping truth can cause a variety of health and relational problems! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
9/6/202113 minutes, 24 seconds
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EPS 27- Function in Dysfunction? Repeating what is NOT HEALED sabotages our Relationships!

We repeat what we don’t repair! The primary goal is not comfort, but to confront things in our lives that need work. Guess what? It's going to be painful. EEK! Anything that God is pruning away is not fun, but always worth the reward.  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->        
8/30/202111 minutes, 25 seconds
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EPS 26- Dealing with CHRONIC PAIN? 5 Self-Care MINDSETS to get Out of ”Negative Mode” while Living with PAIN!

Living with CHRONIC PAIN? Struggling with constant pain can mess with every part of your inner being... spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Been there, my friends! We are going to hash out 5 mindsets of self-care to get out of "negative mode" and look at pain through a different lens. Living with pain doesn't have to rule your life!  Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
8/23/202111 minutes, 48 seconds
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EPS 25- WORDS ARE POWERFUL! Is your MOUTH getting you in Trouble & Harming your Relationships?

Have you ever lashed out on someone? Blurted out hurtful words? Responded with offensiveness? Words are powerful... They can build up or tear down. The Bible says, "The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences" (Proverbs 18:21). We must think before we respond, my friends. Let's choose our words wisely.  Blessings xo- Email "HEAL" for limited time special: Sister Support: Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->        
8/16/202110 minutes, 5 seconds
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EPS 24- Preach for PROFIT or HEART? The Surprising Truth of False Prophets in a Hurting World!

Are you attending church that teaches the Word of God? Did you know false prophets exist? Many are teaching the gospel just for money as opposed to a pure heart. The Bible says, “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but really are vicious wolves" (Matthew 7:15). We must be careful, my friends. This is happening in churches, social media, television, movies… Everywhere we turn- false idolatry is present. Learn the surprising truth of false prophets that teach for profit vs. heart. The world needs more TRUTH, not DECEIT! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
8/9/202111 minutes, 29 seconds
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EPS 23- Reason for the Season! 3 Lessons of the ”WHY ME” Seasons of Life.

Have you ever been in a tough season? A season of loss? A divorce or a brutal break-up? You can't seem to wrap your mind around it and wonder "WHY ME?" We all go through ups and down of life... Discover 3 lessons why God allows hard seasons of life! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
8/1/202112 minutes, 21 seconds
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EPS 22- Faithful People have FLAWS! How to Bypass Imperfections & Perfectionism as a ”New Creation in Christ”

Newsflash! Faithful people have FLAWS, too! We are human and make human mistakes... Avoid the perfectionism trap and get a hold of what God wants us to do with our imperfections. Emotional disruptions don't have throw us into a tailspin. So, why do we let them? Blessings xo- Podcast Insider- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
7/26/20218 minutes, 58 seconds
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EPS 21- Prayer Devotional with Melia Diana; Devotionals Infused with Encouragement and Inspiration for Christians.

Who doesn't NEED a little inspiration and encouragement? I'll be sharing my Prayer Devotional from my personal journal with you today... Devotionals infused with encouragement and inspiration from the HEART. Get closer to GOD and allow the Lord to speak to your soul.  Blessings xo- My Books- Signature Programs Community-
7/19/20215 minutes, 17 seconds
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EPS 20- Marriage Struggles? TRUTH, MISCONCEPTIONS & How to ”DIE to SELF” in a Marriage!

Special guest for you today! My husband and I are talking about real struggles, truth and the common misconceptions in a Christian marriage. How to "DIE to SELF" and what it truly means to surrender to your spouse... Johnny and I are bringing you authentic and raw biblical value- the hard truth people don't like exposed! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
7/12/20217 minutes, 26 seconds
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EPS 19- Living in the present with FORGIVENESS and a Kingdom Mindset

Can’t let the sting of a divorce go? Are you till mad about something that happened a year ago? Friends, this is living in the past. Forgive and let go. Forgiveness is vital in our walk with the Lord. It's not enough to forgive today and deliver the offense tomorrow... It blocks our relationship and fellowship with our heavenly Father. God wants more for you! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
7/5/202110 minutes, 5 seconds
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EPS 18- Did you say ”I DO” to an unbeliever? 5 Truth Living with a faithless Spouse & How to COPE as a Christian wife or husband!

Have you found yourself in this position? Give yourself permission for God's grace. Chin up, my friends! GOD can do anything through a marriage. We always have to go back to God's Word and not what others are saying…right? Let's hash out 5 truths living with an unbeliever and how to cope as a Christian wife or husband. Blessings xo- Podcast Insider- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses -> Domestic Violence Hotline #1-800-799-7233  
6/28/202110 minutes, 3 seconds
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EPS 17- – FEELING UNWORTHY? 3 Ways to find Freedom when feeling “Not Enough” in your Marriage or Singleness

Do you feel unworthy? That inner voice needs to go bye bye, my friends. Most unworthiness issues are caused by abandonment, rejection, and being mistreated. These emotions leave you feeling alone, disconnected, shameful... which cause low self-esteem. Get the freedom you deserve with 3 reasons to why you're feeling "not enough" in your marriage or singleness.  Blessings xo, Clarity Call- Community- Connect- [email protected]  
6/21/202111 minutes, 56 seconds
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EPS 16- Tired of feeling FRUMPY? 3 Questions to ask when Hiring a Qualified Personal Trainer and get Back in Shape!

Buyer beware! Not sure what to look for when hiring a qualified personal trainer? Are you ready to start treating your body as God's temple? Protect yourself, my friends! Prepare yourself and ask the right questions before spending your hard-earned money. God cares about your health... Get back in shape with a trainer who has experience, compassion, and knowledge of the anatomical human body! Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
6/14/202112 minutes, 26 seconds
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EPS 15- I’m a Christian; not a Doormat! 3 Practical Points to have Healthy Boundaries.

What happens when you're not treated fairly? Do you retaliate? As a Christian, we are called to be a beacon of light in the dark. To be a replica of Jesus, even when someone lied or taken advantage of your kindness. ARG! Always remember: their fight is with God, not you. Get 3 pointers to have healthy boundaries and gleam the attitude of Christ. You don't have to be a doormat, my friends. Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
6/7/202111 minutes, 17 seconds
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EPS 14- 3 Ways to have a Peaceful Life in any Relationship

In a face-paced world, it sure does make it difficult to receive peace. So, how to we protect ourselves living in an upside-down world? How do we have peace without taking the necessary steps to receive it? Find out: "3 Ways to have a Peaceful Life in any Relationship" and reclaim balance back in your life!   Blessings xo- Learn/Grab you journal in SHOP- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
5/31/202111 minutes, 46 seconds
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EPS 13- 3 Tips Dating ”God’s Way” as a Proverbs 31 Woman

One thing I knew for sure in my single season... I only wanted to be with the man GOD chose for me! Don't you? I had to go against the grain how the world says to date. Not my feelings. Not a man's financial status... nothing but God's best. Grab some quick wins, get back on track, and date as a godly woman. Stop the crippling effects of picking a man the worldly way and seize "3 tips how to date God's Way as a Proverbs 31 woman!" Blessings xo Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
5/24/202110 minutes, 59 seconds
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EPS 12- 3 Tips you are Dating with a Toxic Mindset and Worldly Way

Are you guilty of dating a worldly way? Did you know there is a big difference between dating from the flesh vs. dating God's Way? Yet, sometimes we prefer to listen to those "itching ears" rather than date the way God intends... Find out if you are dating the worldly way with 3 tips to prepare you for the dating scene! Blessings xo,  Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
5/17/202111 minutes, 9 seconds
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EPS 11- I want to get closer to GOD!

I want to get closer to God! I get it, friends. Here's the truth... God wants more than lip service. YIKES! A relationship with Jesus is more than a Sunday church attendance. It’s more than a fish bumper sticker on your car. I’m more than a cross around your neck... Although, I love seeing those symbols of faith, we have to believe in our hearts there is more to this walk. Blessings xo,  Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->                
5/10/20219 minutes, 20 seconds
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EPS 10- Is your IDENTITY in CHRIST or people?

Have you ever felt unworthy? I get it! Here's a little secret... who we are in Christ is who we belong to you. Our identity does not lie upon people, circumstances, money, or a job status. If this defines who you are... you will continue to feel lost, unworthy, undervalued, and unloved. Your identity in GOD "means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun” (2 Corinthians 5:17)! Blessings xo Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
5/3/20219 minutes, 20 seconds
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EPS 9- God is Greater than your Feeling!

By far we live in a world of disorder, chaos, and confusion. What if I can tell you there is another way. Would you listen? Would you believe with you heart, mind, and soul that GOD is greater than your feelings? Your thoughts? Your fears and insecurities?... Blessings xo Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->    
4/26/202110 minutes, 34 seconds
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EPS 8- Drop your Baggage at God International

Drop off your emotional baggage at airport terminal- God International. Restoration is in God’s hands when we bring our hurts to His feet. What are you carrying around that’s depleting your emotions? God can teach us how to deal with our emotions and unfinished issues from the past, but we have to let Him. We can’t change what happened, but we can choose how we respond. God commands us to get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander (See Ephesians 4:31).  Blessings xo Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
4/19/20219 minutes, 4 seconds
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EPS 7- BONUS: The Lord has Spoken!

As injustice, unemployment, pandemics, and sickness continue to plummet our nation- there is one question everyone is asking… Where is God? The Lord has a serious message for you and confirmed with Scriptures. Wowsers! Enjoy this eye-opening BONUS episode and revelation "The Lord has Spoken!" God wants you to be free of sin to live a healthier and more peaceful life... the way He intended in the first place. Blessings xo-  Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->          
4/12/202110 minutes, 1 second
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EPS 6- Discover 3 Types of a Wounded Soul

To the surface, we think we are fine. Yet, you know deep down inside, to the root of your core, something strange is going on!... These sticky emotions make you feel uneasy and quite uncomfortable. So, you mask it. Push it away. Take it out on others. Whatever… just to take the pain away! Maybe you turn to men, alcohol or drugs? We battle with our mind and pretend we are A-Okay. What are we to do with all those unresolved feelings and emotions that get stored in our wounded soul? Blessings xo Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->
4/9/20218 minutes, 44 seconds
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EPS 5- Is Social Media affecting your Family and Business decisions?

Not sure about you friends, but social media drives me absolutely bonkers! Scrolling through feed... I see people hurting, bickering, and complaining, tossing more negativity into the world. Remember that the devil is the ruler of this world. (See John 14:30). We need to be careful what we are allowing in our spirit! How is social media affecting your family and business decisions? Blessings xo- Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
4/5/20219 minutes, 12 seconds
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EPS 4- Are you are ”P31W?” What it Takes to Become a Proverbs 31 Woman in Today’s World.

Ladies, how are you perceived in the world? Living in a fallen world, sure does make it more difficult to be a (P31W) Proverbs 31 Woman. We are told to act, dress, and live up to a certain standard that society calls normal. The world tells us that sex sells... That by dressing and acting provocatively we will attract our mate. Yet, God says to dress appropriately and be modest in our appearance” (1 Timothy 2: 9-10). Be different from the world calls typical on normal. Be the woman that God wants you to be!  Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->              
3/30/20216 minutes, 38 seconds
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EPS 3- Test to Testimony: Turing your Mess into a Message!

What is your testimony? What has God called you to do? Are you ignoring Him? After leaving this toxic relationship... I was told to leave my job by God. I enjoyed my job and loved it, but something was shifting… changing so I can be molded into His image. Find out why God pushes us though uncomfortable situations. Why does God test us to trust on Him alone?! God will test you... Your test can become a testimony for someone else:) Blessings xo Melia Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->      
3/16/202110 minutes, 48 seconds
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EPS 2- What’s your God Given Mission?

What's you God Given Mission? Just because we are saved life does not turn into sunshine and rainbows. This is a deep stretching process. A pruning process hurts because purging anything that is yuck in our soul is always a brutal transformational journey. We will not always get it right- it’s not about perfectionism! It’s about a deep kinship with Jesus as He starts bringing you closer to Him and opening a door to a God given mission! Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
3/16/202110 minutes, 51 seconds
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EPS 1- Who am I & What is a Vertical Relationship?

What exactly is a Vertical Relationship? I use to be a party girl until Jesus got a hold of my heart. I told you I was going to be real and honest here - no fluff. We have too many voices out there and not enough honesty... We definitely don’t need that or false promises. People need authentic and real! We will dig into that later, but my faith and who I am in Christ is why I am here today and talking to you! This is why I podcast, coach, write, teach, and counsel. I was not always committed to my walk in Christ. My relationships were suffering- BIG TIME! In fact, I use to live a very secular and worldly lifestyle until the Lord showed me what a Vertical Relationship was all about! This could happen for you, too:) Christian Counseling & Consulting -> Books-> VR Ministries -> Courses ->  
3/16/202111 minutes