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The Voice of Health with Dr. Robert Prather Profile

The Voice of Health with Dr. Robert Prather

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 617 episodes, 2 days, 14 hours, 51 minutes
The Voice of Health with Dr. Robert Prather airs every Saturday morning at 8 a.m. on Freedom 95--95.9 FM WFDM & 950 AM WXLW--in Indianapolis. And Sundays at 8 p.m. on 93.1 FM WIBC. (
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Structure-Function Health Care (as opposed to Disease Care) is a non-pharmaceutical and safe approach to health for pregnant Moms. In this episode, you'll learn:—Why Structure-Function Care is important for women BEFORE they get pregnant in order to detox the body from heavy metal toxicities or deal with certain gut infections that can't really be dealt with during pregnancy.—How Zinc deficiency can cause Infertility and impact the development of the baby.—The emphasis of diagnostics at Holistic Integration and the reason diagnostics are even more important in the Structure-Function Health Care Model compared to the Disease Care Model. And the shocking fact about how "reference ranges" on lab tests have NOTHING to do with your health.—How almost all women become Anemic during pregnancy. And how Anemia can impact the immune system and intelligence of the developing baby.—The correlation of kidney health to pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. And how to avoid these conditions through proper protein intake.—The value of eating liver (or taking liver capsules!) while pregnant for the health of the baby. And what the placenta reveals about the health of the pregnancy.—How Hemorrhoids can be avoided during pregnancy. And where Hemorrhoids come from. (Not there!)—Why Iodine has been proven to be the biggest factor in your child's I.Q. And its impact on the child's future Thyroid health.—Why nutritional supplementation is so important for pregnant women. And why Dr. Prather says prenatal vitamins are "the bare minimum" required.—The importance for Chiropractic care during pregnancy to help women keep comfortable and have a smoother delivery. Plus, how there are "happy baby" Acupuncture points that help both Moms and babies.
9/28/202452 minutes, 56 seconds
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Both Democrats and Republicans agree that we have a health care crisis, with high costs and poor outcomes.  This week, a fired-up Dr. Prather talks about a proven solution to this crisis.  In this episode, you'll discover:—How America spends the most on health care, but has the worst outcomes when compared to all other industrialized nations.—The drug problem in America, both in terms of illicit drugs and an over-reliance on pharmaceuticals.  And the problem of Polypharmacy, which impacts 40% of those over the age of 65 who are taking more than 4 prescription drugs. —Why Dr. Prather says that, if drugs and pharmaceuticals were the answer to our health care, then Americans should be the healthiest people on the planet.—The reason the news media aren't interested in reporting negative stories on pharmaceuticals.  And the astonishing percentage of news media revenues that come directly from Big Pharma.—Why Dr. Prather says he is actually "proud" of America's Disease Care, but that we're missing the necessary Structure-Function Care which should be our source of primary care for best patient results.—How Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois did a 10-year study that proved the health care model used in Dr. Prather's office lowers health care costs by 60%, while improving patient outcomes by 85%.  And why the pharmaceutical companies oppose this health care model because it resulted in an 80% reduction in pharmaceutical costs.—The importance of Health Savings Accounts (HSA's) in health care reform to put the power in the hands of the patients, not government or insurance company bureaucrats. —How we can have better pharmaceutical drugs and a more innovative pharmaceutical industry through smart regulatory reform. —Why pharmaceutical industry "capture" of the very government agencies regulating them is such a problem. —Plus, how you can attend Dr. Prather's speech on this subject at the Trinity Health Expo on Saturday, September 28th at 1 p.m.
9/21/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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At Holistic Integration, we are inspired daily by the success stories of our patients.  This week, we share with you three of our favorite stories from this year and also talk with Julie Kline of the Trinity Health Freedom Expo about their upcoming event.  In this episode, you'll find out:—The reason Dr. Prather "knows" a patient is improving based on objective lab tests and exams that prove they are getting better, usually even before they start to feel a change in their symptoms.—How Erin lost 70 pounds and also experienced a "night and day" improvement in her mental health through the Holistic Integration DTS Fat Loss Program. —What healthy fat loss looks like and the "critical" importance of diagnostics. —Why a Dentist who came to Holistic Integration called the CranioSacral Therapy he received to be "cathartic" and "freeing".—The conditions that benefit from CranioSacral Therapy, including:  Autism, Migraines, ADD/ADHD, football concussion syndrome.  And how the brain can "actually regenerate" when the Cerebrospinal fluid flow is moving correctly.—How Jayne, a retired doctor, was facing a leg amputation from a wound that would not heal...until she came to Holistic Integration.—Why Laser Acupuncture is effective for wound healing. —Plus, you'll find out how you can hear Dr. Robert Prather speak about "The Solution To Our Health Crisis" by attending the Trinity Health Freedom Expo on September 28th and 29th at the Plainfield, Indiana Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center.
9/14/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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Indiana has an Iodine deficiency. And the list of symptoms associated with Iodine deficiency is LONG. In this episode,we talk about:--Why the Midwest used to be called "The Goiter Belt". And why only 5% of the patients coming through Dr. Prather's office have a normal Thyroid.--The MANY symptoms of low Iodine, including: fatigue, apathy, depression, irritability, weight gain, constipation, menstrual issues, premenstrual syndrome, infertility, insomnia, low libido, carpal tunnel syndrome, sensitivity to cold and heat, recurring infections, high cholesterol, anxiety, panic attacks, poor memory and concentration, anemia, slow healing, hoarse voice, tingling hands and feet, hair loss, dry skin and hair, headaches, water retention, dry eyes, and blurred vision.--How patients have been told by other doctors that their Thyroid is fine, but Dr. Prather finds the tests have not been thorough enough.--The difference between Structure-Function Health Care (like what is used at Holistic Integration) and Disease Care when interpreting bloodwork.--How Iodine is important for muscle development, proper organ function, the entire endocrine system, the brain, and has "a far-reaching effect on every cell of the body”.--The importance of Iodine for a baby's growth and development, along with the I.Q. of a child. --Why Iodine is "essential" for weight loss.  And how Iodine prevents flabby muscles and promotes good muscle tone.--The necessity of proper Zinc levels and proper Liver function for the body to utilize and absorb Iodine.--The way Iodine helps stop infections as an antiseptic, killing bacteria and fungals when put on cuts. And when taken internally, it helps keep infections down.--The "big area that is often missed" of low Iodine kicking off hyperestrogenism in females, which increases a woman's risk of cancer and is associated with premenstrual syndrome. And how Iodine is the cure for Fibrocystic breast disease and is helpful with endometriosis.
9/7/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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Chiropractic Care is not only helpful for injury recovery, but for preventing future injury and improving performance.  This week, we're joined by Holistic Integration's own Dr. Dodge to talk about how Chiropractic care can help you maximize motion and performance in work and at play.  In this episode, you'll learn:—Why Structure-Function Care is necessary for Homeostasis and Homeostasis is the definition of both health and performance.—The reason Dr. Prather compares Structure-Function Care to an IndyCar team trying to achieve a race car's fullest potential.—The use of Structure-Function Care treatments like Chiropractic, Cupping, and Kinesio-tape by Olympic athletes.—How Holistic Integration utilizes a Chiropractic adjusting philosophy that looks for precise alignment and looks at lab tests differently by looking for optimal health ranges instead of the average ranges of lab reports.—The role of Chiropractic in helping to prevent repetitive motion injuries (or lack of motion or unusual motions) from your work and get you to peak performance. —How the ProMotion technology at Holistic Integration has research-proven protocols designed specifically for 18 different Sports like Baseball, Swimming, Tennis, Pickleball, Golf, and Yoga.—The three most common Sports played by adults (Running/Walking, Pickleball, and Golf) and how Chiropractic can help with injury prevention and improved performance.  And the quick balance test that 75-80% of people cannot pass, including those who think they have good balance.—How superstar athletes such as Michael Phelps, Tiger Woods, Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, and Venus Williams considered Chiropractic care as an essential part of their performance.—Why your child or grandchild is probably using their school backpack incorrectly.  And the maximum weight they SHOULD be carrying as a percentage of their body weight. —Plus, you'll hear from Chayoung, a patient at Holistic Integration, and how she "doesn't know where she would be" without Dr. Prather and his staff.
8/31/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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Another school year has started, so this week we talk about ADHD, which is becoming more common and is a worsening problem. In this episode, you'll discover:—Why Dr. Prather says there are so many misconceptions about ADHD, such as "the kid just needs a good spanking". And how ADHD is a real brain disorder with a different structure than a normal brain, along with abnormal function of the brain.——The importance of a Hair Analysis to determine any heavy metal toxicities that can be the root cause of ADHD. And how a lack of breastfeeding is "a huge factor", which results in a 5-times greater likelihood of having ADHD.—Why Dr. Prather says diet is "probably one of the most important" things for ADHD. And why children with ADHD should avoid food coloring and sugar ("which is like putting in rocket fuel" for a child with ADHD).—How children on pharmaceutical drugs to help control ADHD during the school year will actually stop growing, then will grow again when they go off the drugs over the summer.—The reason Dr. Prather says "Structure-Function Care is absolutely essential" in the treatment of ADHD. And why he lists Aluminum "especially" as a heavy metal toxicity and neurotoxin that can be an underlying cause of ADHD.—Why proper fatty acids are important for ADHD, which allows for repair and healing to the structure and function of the brain. And why it is actually a compliment if someone calls you a "fat head"!—How the brain CAN heal itself again "if you get the right nutrition". And the herbals, vitamins, and minerals Dr. Prather recommends for ADHD.—The moving story of a boy whom the teachers wanted to have medicated and put into a Special Education class until his Mom took him to Dr. Prather. And then, he became a straight A student. --Plus, learn how you can receive a free Nutritional consult from Holistic Integration by attending our "Nourish To Flourish" seminar this Wednesday, August 28th from 6 to 7 p.m.
8/24/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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1-in-6 couples globally suffer from the heartbreak of Infertility, with the numbers being closer to 1-in-5 couples in America.  But Dr. Prather has an amazing success record helping couples through the Structure-Function approach to health care.  In this episode, find out:—Why the Structure-Function focus on getting people healthier is needed for Infertility because "a healthy person can have babies and an unhealthy person has trouble having babies". —The story of Dr. Prather's Chiropractor grandfather and his patients who found results for infertility through Chiropractic adjustments alone.—How Acupuncture "has the highest success rate of any treatment for infertility", particularly when it comes to helping underlying issues of inflammation and endometriosis.  And how Dr. Prather even uses a special Acupuncture protocol to flip a breech baby into proper delivery position!—Why getting the Zinc-Copper ratio balanced out makes "a big difference in infertility".  And the crucial role of Folic Acid, Vitamin D, and Iodine, which fertility clinics usually don't even look at.—How Infertility is an issue that requires BOTH the man and the woman to get healthy and is not just a female issue. —Why genetic defects can be prevented by focusing on the nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy. —How Dr. Prather's approach helps couples in all three phases:  getting pregnant, avoiding miscarriage, and a smoother delivery.—The diagnostics Dr. Prather recommends to get to the root cause of fertility issues. —How you can do both IVF and Structure-Function Care at the same time, but Dr. Prather always encourages couples to try the natural approach first before going though the extreme expense and hardship of IVF. —And you will not want to miss the sweet and inspiring story of Seth and Rachel about how Holistic Integration helped them bring their newborn son, Cal, into the world.
8/17/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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20% of all females over the age of 50 have Osteoporosis.  This week, Dr. Prather talks about how the Osteoporosis medications actually INCREASE the number of fractures in patients.  In this episode, we talk about:—Why the pharmaceutical approach to Osteoporosis, which focuses on increasing bone density, doesn’t mean that denser bones are stronger or more flexible.—How the body needs a proper balance between the Osteoblasts that build bone and the Osteoclasts that destroy bone.  And how the pharmaceuticals actually disturb the body's Homeostasis in this process.—The "tremendous number of side-effects from Osteoporosis medications, including:  stomach irritation, severe muscle and bone pain, flu-like symptoms, spontaneous hip fractures, atrial fibrillation, hypocalcemia, fatigue, and kidney disease.  And the dangerous osteonecrosis of the jaw, which Dr. Prather describes as "one of the worst" side-effects that "causes the jaw to dissolve".—How Osteoporosis is diagnosed through the DEXA Scan Bone Density test, which doesn’t measure strength or flexibility of the bones.  And how Holistic Integration often finds Osteoporosis through their X-Rays that are reviewed by one of the top radiologists in the country. —Why the REMS Osteoporosis scan used in Europe is "much more accurate and has much less of an error rate".  And the nefarious reason why it isn't being fully utilized in America.—The reason Dr. Prather says a Hair Analysis should be a standard diagnostic for Osteoporosis to evaluate the minerals and discover where the Osteoporosis is coming from.  And how a Hair Analysis can show if you are headed towards Osteoporosis even before it can be picked up on X-Ray or DEXA Scan.   —How "anytime you have Aluminum toxicity, you develop Osteoporosis".  And the connection Dr. Prather has observed in his patients between low Iodine and Osteoporosis, which he's also noticed isn't talked about very often.—The minerals, herbals, homeopathics, and nutraceuticals that Dr. Prather uses in his office to help strengthen bones, which Dr. Prather describes as "an art" to come up with the correct individualized approach for each patient.—Why Collagen is critical for Osteoporosis.  And the Natrum Naturals Collagen Gummies Dr. Prather helped develop because "everybody" should be taking Collagen to help reverse aging.—How inflammation produces chemicals that break down the bone and can lead to Osteoporosis.  And the pharmaceuticals that cause Osteoporosis, including anti-inflammatories and antacids.
8/10/202453 minutes, 41 seconds
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For our monthly show on Health Freedom issues, Dr. Prather talks about the latest increase in COVID-19 cases and how to best protect yourself.  In this episode, you'll learn:—How the COVID-19 rate is higher now than it was at this time last year.  And how the new variant is more contagious, but not as deadly.—The amazingly low percentage of the population who are complying with the latest vaccine booster recommendation from the CDC.—Why Dr. Prather recommends his patients get their Vitamin D and Zinc levels checked to be best prepared for COVID-19 and other viruses.—The importance of thorough annual diagnostics to know the exact state of your health.  And how Holistic Integration is offering a special 20% discount on those diagnostics through the month of August. —Why Dr. Prather is now telling his immune-compromised patients that Structure-Function Care is not just a nice thing to add, but absolutely "essential" because the mRNA vaccines have made all other infections more virulent. —How Dr. Prather used to see about 25% of his patients showing Stress syndrome in their lab tests, but is now seeing those signs in "pretty much 100%" of the people.—The reason Dr. Prather says the new mantra of "evidence-based care" is actually misleading and not truly based on objective data and evidence at all.  And how medical research is now all about "money, profit, and lies".—Why Dr. Prather believes each patient should be treated as an individual when considering how to treat them, while the "evidence-based care" philosophy seeks to give every patient the exact same pharmaceutical treatment. —The astonishing story about how the opioid crisis was falsely created by so-called "evidence-based care" from Big Pharma and ignored the scientific recommendation that Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Physiotherapy were the best approach for pain. —How we can get better health care here in America, which ranks 39th out of the Top 35 Industrialized Nations in health outcomes.  Plus, how 83% of all Americans over 70 are on at least one prescription drug and 38% of those in their 20's are on daily medication.
8/3/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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Diabetes is a growing problem that has increased more than 10 times since 1958, when less than 1% of the population had Diabetes.  Half the U.S. population is now either Diabetic or Pre-Diabetic.  In this episode, you'll discover:—How there are many people with Diabetes who aren't even aware they have it. And why a patient being thirsty all the time is a red flag.—The increased likelihood that a person will develop Diabetes in their lifetime (either Type I or Type II) if they weren’t breastfed or if their Mother was deficient in Vitamin D.—The dangerous side-effects of Diabetes medications. And how Dr. Prather is able to help patients reduce the amount of Diabetes medication they have to take, which helps them to live longer and healthier lives.—Why Dr. Prather says Structure-Function Health Care and nutritional supplementation is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for every Diabetes patient.--The importance of a Glycemic Diet for Diabetics.  And how Fiber is your friend in preventing Diabetes, keeping Type I Diabetes under control, and reversing Type II Diabetes.--How Vitamin B-3 and Green Tea can actually reverse Type I Diabetes "if you hit it soon enough".—The Stasis Supplements Blood Sugar Formula Dr. Prather helped develop because there wasn't anything else like it available for his patients.—Why Acupuncture is "absolutely amazing" in cutting down blood sugar problems and stimulates wound healing "like nothing else". —How Chiropractic adjustments can cause patients to have to reduce the amount of Insulin or Metformin they are taking because the adjustments will help their body to regulate their levels better.--The diagnostics you should have every year to keep track of your blood sugar, including the Prather Profile Blood Analysis and the A1C blood test.
7/27/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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Less than 10% of the 40 million addicts in the U.S. are being treated for their addiction. In this episode, find out:--Why addiction is a disease, not just a behavioral issue, because of how it changes the function of your brain and your endocrine system.--How the U.S. has 5% of the population, but takes in 80% of all the drugs in the world (both legal and illegal).--That insurance companies are paying for addictive opioid drugs that are proven to INCREASE pain in chronic pain sufferers. Plus, how health care costs would drop by about 25% if we were able to solve our addiction problem in America!--The people who are at a higher risk to become addicted and the deficiencies they have in their bodies. Plus, the role of genetics in determining a person's tendency of becoming addicted...and their future descendants.--How Ritalin and Adderall prescribed to children can dramatically increase their odds of becoming addicts in the future.--Why Dr. Prather says we are not approaching addiction in the proper way. And why he says treating addiction with more pharmaceuticals only adds to the problem.--The Structure-Function Health Care approach to addiction that is taken at The Prather Practice, including balancing out the brain and the hormones to treat the addiction at the root cause.--The nutritional deficiencies in addicts that Dr. Prather says must be addressed in order to properly treat the addiction.--Which herbals have a very strong effect in treating addiction to drugs and alcohol. And why Dr. Prather says Homeopathy is one of the most important parts of their program for treating addiction by lessening withdrawal symptoms.--The Auriculotherapy and Acupuncture combination that is an "excellent means" for balancing the body out by increasing the patient's own natural opiate receptors, the body's natural opioid production, and an increase in the body's dopamine response.--Why bodywork and Chiropractic are "essential" in addressing the neurological imbalances present in an addict.
7/20/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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The number of Cancer cases is increasing in America. This week, Dr. Prather talks about the importance of combining Structure-Function Care with the traditional Disease Care for best patient outcomes. In this episode, you'll discover:—How disease develops in the first place because the body goes out of Homeostasis. And how Structure-Function Care is necessary to bring your body back into Homeostasis. —Why Structure-Function Care helps in the prevention of Cancer, helps keep your body healthy during Cancer treatment, and helps the body to recover after Cancer treatment.—The reason Dr. Prather says that surgery is the best treatment for Cancer. And the importance of "more targeted" and "conservative" Disease Care for better Cancer outcomes.—How there is an 85% reduction of side-effects from Cancer treatment (pain, hair loss, radiation burns, fatigue, etc.) when combined with Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments.—Why several Oncologists have told Dr. Prather how they wish they could have him on staff to help with their Cancer patients.—How keeping a patient from becoming Anemic during Cancer treatments can improve the chance of recovery by 50%. And the role that keeping the Liver clean (through Structure-Function Care) has in improving Cancer outcomes. —Why your gut health is critical for Cancer care, and why you have to get the G.I. fixed in order to get the immune system up.—The story of the young woman who had three different bouts with Cancer because she had LOW Cholesterol. —The importance of identifying heavy metal toxicities, underlying infections, parasites, and free radical pathology. And why Estrogen dominance is one of the big things that can kick off Cancer.—Two of Dr. Prather's "favorite" products that he uses for his Cancer patients to boost the immune system, especially for "the really tough" cases.
7/13/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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It's a common problem as 12% of the population has thyroid disease (and 60% of those patients are unaware). Yet, Dr. Prather says less than 1% of us actually have a properly-functioning thyroid. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why the older you are, the likelihood of thyroid issues increases. Plus, how women are more likely to have thyroid disease.--How Dr. Prather's personal battle as a young man with Graves' Disease (a hyper-functioning thyroid) inspired him to his career.--The two systems that control the body (Nervous and Endocrine) and why Dr. Prather tells patients those must be fixed first. Plus, why the Thyroid is described as the workhorse of the Endocrine system.--How Indiana is in the Top 5 states for thyroid problems due to low iodine in our soil.--How Thyroid affects almost EVERYTHING: hair loss, nail health, weight gain, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, skin health, heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, brain activity, I.Q., infertility, postpartum depression, menopause.--Why most doctors misread blood tests and misdiagnose patients as having properly-working thyroids. And the "can't miss" explanation of what reference ranges on blood tests REALLY mean.--The various diseases of the Thyroid: Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, Euthyroid, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, Thyroiditis, and Thyroid Cancer.--The safe and natural thyroid treatment alternatives to the terrible side-effects from surgery or prescription drugs (Including how 80% of those on Synthroid develop depression). --Why Dr. Prather says the medical approach to thyroid is not successful. And how Dr. Prather's goal is to actually fix the thyroid so that it no longer needs treatment.--How 80% of autoimmune disease starts in the gut and why the gut plays a role for thyroid issues caused by autoimmune problems. And the role that food allergies have on the thyroid.--How Chiropractic and Acupuncture help thyroid function by balancing the nervous system. And how hair analysis can be a key test for thyroid function if there are toxins or an imbalance present.
7/6/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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For our monthly show on Health Freedom issues, we explore the recent testimony of Dr. Anthony Fauci to Congress.  In this episode, discover:—How Dr. Prather was extremely disappointed in the performance of "both parties" in the Fauci Congressional hearings, which was more about "political grandstanding" and less about a search for the facts.—The one grudging COVID mistake Dr. Fauci admitted to for the very first time.  And the story of why the homosexual community hated Fauci for years due to his response to AIDS.—Why the evidence that COVID originated from a lab leaves "no doubt" that this virus was NOT from a natural origin. —How Dr. Prather believes the focus should be on shutting down "gain-of-function" research to prevent deadly outbreaks in the future.—The "Hoosier common sense" that resulted in 45% of the state refusing to take the initial COVID jab.  And how the 90% COVID vaccine compliance rate in liberal Vermont plummeted to just 12% for the latest round of boosters. —Why people still believe the Fauci message about COVID.  And the psychology behind why it is so difficult for people to give up their belief in a delusion even after it is disproven. —The reason Dr. Prather says it is more difficult to promote a lie than the truth, contrary to what most people would think.—Why it is important for us to fight for a free and open Internet.  And what Elon Musk is doing to make that happen with Twitter/X.—How terms like "conspiracy theorist" and "anti-vaxxer" are labels used to silence and discredit critics of people like Dr. Fauci.  And the story of the Merck scientist who helped develop vaccines and was labeled as an "anti-vaxxer" for even raising concerns about mRNA shots.—The history of the movement to improve vaccine safety, which began with the DPT shot for children in the 1980's.
6/29/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we're joined by our Associate Chiropractor Dr. Dodge and Therapist Meghan Walton of the Holistic Integration Structural Team to talk about Cupping Therapy, as well as our high success rate in dealing with shoulder issues.  In this episode, find out:—How the weird marks on Olympic athletes that look like they were attacked by an octopus are a result from Cupping Therapy, which is also called Myofascial Decompression.   —The issues helped by Cupping Therapy, such as:  pain, scar tissue, adhesions, tendinitis, muscle tension and tightness, and range-of-motion problems.—Why the marks left behind by Cupping Therapy are different from bruising and are not painful at all.—How the shoulder is different than any other joint in the body.  And how the shoulder isn’t really a "ball-and-socket" joint like the hip, but a "ball-and-dish" socket that allows the unique range-of-motion offered by the shoulder.—The causes of shoulder pain, including: rotator cuff tear, labrum tear, bursitis, and tendinitis (which is the most common cause).  And the diagnostics and testing involved in shoulder issues.—The JTECH computerized range-of-motion test used at Holistic Integration that provides an objective analysis of your shoulder.  And how Holistic Integration doesn't "do any guesswork".—How 60-75% of partial rotator cuff tears can be healed non-surgically with conservative treatment like Chiropractic treatment and rehab.  And how Holistic Integration experienced an even higher success rate with their patients.—The ProAdjuster SRT Chiropractic adjusting technology used at Holistic Integration that has various tools specifically designed for the shoulder joint.  And how the Rapid Release vibration therapy "does a great job on the fascia". —Why Dr. Dodge says he "hates" frozen shoulder syndrome, but "loves" how Holistic Integration is able to help patients overcome their suffering through "a return to function, decreased pain, and some incredible range-of-motion".—How you can receive a FREE Autonomic Nervous System Test, a $175 value, by attending our upcoming Holistic Integration Open House Event on Wednesday, June 26th at 6:30 p.m.
6/22/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we share how you can receive a FREE Autonomic Nervous System Test, a $175 value, by attending our upcoming Holistic Integration Open House Event on Wednesday, June 26th at 6:30  p.m. In this episode, we talk about:—The philosophy behind Holistic Heart and how it integrates Structure-Function Care and the medical model for the best patient outcomes.—How our Holistic Heart program is designed to give our patients safe, non-invasive, and medically-sound cardiac care that is more than just stents and statins. —The unique diagnostic tests Dr. Prather orders for patients that most cardiologists do not do. —The shocking study from the National Institutes of Health study that revealed stents and bypass surgeries are NOT effective for long-term heart health outcomes. —The External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy developed 60 years ago by Harvard and how it duplicates 5 years of marathon training for the heart in just 7 weeks. And the touching story of how Dr. Prather came to bring this treatment into his office.—How Magnesium for men and Potassium for women are "absolutely critical" for those situations where a person dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a heart attack. —Why high Cholesterol is NOT the underlying problem, but an indicator of Cardiovascular Disease. And why Dr. Prather describes Cholesterol as the firefighters showing up to put out the fire. —How Chiropractic care helps with the Vagus Nerve, POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), and can play a big role for atrial fibrillation (AFib). Plus, the Acupuncture points that can settle down the EKG of a patient while they are having a heart attack.—The Cardiac C-Reactive Protein Blood Test that is the biggest indicator of having a heart attack. And how Cardiologists are "amazed" by how Dr. Prather can quickly and effectively get positive changes in this measurement.. —What the research-grade Autonomic Nervous System test reveals about the nervous system, circulatory system, and heart function. And how Dr. Prather's office is the only one that offers this diagnostic in Indianapolis.
6/15/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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While wound care is not usually the main reason people first come into Dr. Prather's office, patients who come in for other conditions end up finding remarkable results for their wound healing, too.  In this episode, we talk about:—How approaching wound healing from a Structure-Function Care standpoint is ideal because the focus of Structure-Function Health Care is on helping the body to heal itself. —Why Dr. Prather says that Vitamin C is the most important treatment for wound care and would be his choice of treatment if he "only had one thing to do for a wound".  And how Holistic Integration approaches Vitamin C topically, orally, and through I.V. Therapy.—The importance of proper diagnostics for wound healing, including a Micronutrient Panel to determine the nutritional deficiencies in the body that are most of the reason people develop wounds in the first place.  And how Dr. Prather's office uses "the gold standard" diagnostic that can actually "identify neuropathy before patients are even aware of it".—The herbal aloe gel Dr. Prather describes "as a really great product" for wound healing.  And the historical importance of Gold as a treatment for wound healing, which is used by Dr. Prather in a liquid form to speed up healing.—Why Horsetail (which actually is NOT made up of horse tails!) is "an especially important product for wound healing" and "a secret to beauty" for strong nails, hair, and skin.  And how Horsetail Tea was an important treatment for radiation burns used by Doctors Without Borders after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.—How short-wave Diathermy helps with wound healing by increasing circulation and is "a key secret" in Dr. Prather's office for their success rate (over 90%) in getting Neuropathy under control.—The role of different forms of electrical stimulation at Holistic Integration which imitates the body's own electrical current to stimulate cell reproduction, healing, and even going after infections.—Why Laser Acupuncture has a positive effect on wound healing.  And how Dr. Prather even sends a handheld laser home with patients that they can use on a daily basis to stimulate wound healing.—How Acupuncture has a stimulating effect on the regeneration of the body and reduces scar tissue.  And the incredible story of a patient who had deep abdominal scar tissue from a surgery 30-years prior that was completely eliminated after three months of Acupuncture.—And you won't want to miss the story of Jayne, a retired doctor who was facing a leg amputation from a wound that would not heal...until she came to Holistic Integrarion.
6/8/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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For our monthly show on Health Freedom, Dr. Prather gives the latest on the World Health Organization Health Pandemic Treaty deliberations.  In this episode, you'll learn:—How Dr. Prather was excited at first with the apparent delay in the ratification of a World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty…until he realized the basis of the delay is mostly just about money, not disagreement with the fundamental goals of the Treaty.—Why the proposed Pandemic Treaty is a threat to national sovereignty and our Constitutional rights.—The reason Dr. Prather says the Pandemic Treaty "doesn't pass the smell test". —The opposition to the Pandemic Treaty from Republican U.S. Senators, Governors, and state Attorneys General.—Why Dr. Prather says "anyone in their right mind cannot be for this".—The meaning of the term "One Health" and why it is a threat to our individual rights.—How frightening people about their health is the perfect way for tyrants to enslave people. —The two different responses Dr. Prather saw with COVID:  "What can I do to protect myself?" versus "Who (or what) is going to protect me?" —What freedom-loving people should do in response to this Treaty.—Why Structure-Function Health care is important for our freedom and is the answer to our country's health care crisis.
6/1/202454 minutes, 1 second
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Dr. Prather recommends that everyone have three very affordable lab tests every year that will reveal the state of your health. In this episode, discover:--How anything that could go wrong with you shows up in The Prather Profile, an inexpensive, nationally-recognized blood profile that covers all the major systems in your body. --That the reference ranges listed on a lab tests are NOT the same as the optimal values for your health. And why Dr. Prather has to re-teach doctors and nurses how to look for that optimal range.--How Dr. Prather has over 600 hours of reading blood tests in his training compared to the average Medical Doctor who only has 15 hours of reading blood tests in Medical school.--Why Dr. Prather says you can get more information from a blood test than any other type of diagnostic.  And why Dr. Prather says it's "very seldom" someone comes in with ideal blood tests.--How Dr. Prather interprets bloodwork differently in the Structure-Function Health Care model he practices than how doctors in the Disease Care model look at the labs.--Why Hair Analysis is important to reveal the mineral and heavy metal levels in your body. Plus, how Dr. Prather has seen patients diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease have had all of their symptoms go away when the Hair Analysis revealed the true cause of their symptoms was Manganese toxicity.--The importance of the G.I. Effects Stool kit in revealing your gut flora.--Why Dr. Prather says the research that has been discovered on the gut by the National Institutes of Health "will change health care in America" since almost all autoimmune diseases, as well as cardiovascular disease and cancer, are affected by the gut.--The reason why 80% of our immune system is in the gut. Plus, how ALL pharmaceuticals destroy your normal gut flora.--And you won't want to miss the story of Jayne, a retired doctor who was facing a leg amputation from a wound that would not heal...until she came to Holistic Integrarion.
5/25/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we're joined by Holistic Integration’s Associate Chiropractor Dr. Dodge and our Occupational Therapist Meghan Walton to talk about the technology that can "revolutionize" the Chiropractic industry.  In this episode, you'll find out:—The surprising number of different Chiropractic techniques and styles of adjusting systems and techniques.—How Dr. Prather's Chiropractic gentle adjusting philosophy is focused more on precise alignment, while most Chiropractors just focus on getting movement in the joint.—The shocking statistic that the most common diversified technique, practiced by about 80% of all Chiropractors, is actually not preferred by 85% of the population.  And the encouraging message Dr. Prather offers to those people who have shied away from Chiropractic because they don't like that technique.—Why Dr. Dodge says the new ProAdjuster technology at Holistic Integration is "a big shift" from the techniques he and Dr. Prather have been utilizing for decades.  And how the ProAdjuster is consistent with their gentle, non-force adjusting philosophy. —How the ProAdjuster was built based on proven research.  And why an instrument adjustment is a better and more precise approach than the manual "popping and cracking" adjustment.—The reason Dr. Dodge says that, other than their specialty Atlas Orthogonal technique, the ProAdjuster works better in almost all situations than their other adjusting techniques.—The patient success stories of people who are getting out of pain and increasing function quicker with the ProAdjuster technology. —How any spinal and joint condition you would see a Chiropractor for can benefit from the ProAdjuster technology.—The MMT Mechanical Motion Therapy that uses the ProAdjuster SRT to get the joints moving and the ProSoft SRT to get the muscles functioning better for an improved range-of-motion "almost immediately".—The results patients are seeing from the ProAdjuster, including:  adjustments holding longer, a dramatic increase in their range-of-motion, and improved sports performance.
5/18/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, Dr. Prather answers a question people often ask of his patients who refer them to his office.  In this episode, we talk about:—How people often don't understand how their condition can be helped by someone who is licensed as a Chiropractor.  But how their skepticism usually disappears after their first patient exam.—The Diplomate of the American Board Of Chiropractic Internists (D.A.B.C.I.), 3-year post-graduate program that Dr. Prather went through, which only about 5% of students even complete.—Why Dr. Prather says, “If you don't want diagnostics done, then don't come to me."  And how his office offers more thorough diagnostics "than probably any place you've ever been", including for patients who previously went to places like the Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins.—The difference between pharmaceutically-based Disease Care and the Structure-Function Care practiced at Holistic Integration.  And why Dr. Prather says he doesn't treat diseases, but focuses on trying to take care of the underlying cause to the disease and helping the body to work as well as it possibly can. —How 80% of Health Care should be Structure-Function based and 20% of Health Care should be Disease Care based.  And the long-term insurance company study that proved how having a Structure-Function doctor as your primary physician will improve patient outcomes by 85% and reduce health care costs by 60%.—Why EVERYONE should have three basic lab tests every year:  Prather Profile Blood Analysis, Hair Analysis, and a Stool Kit.—How Dr. Prather saw a "huge improvement" in his patient results when he combined the Structural Care he was offering with Functional Care.  And why the combination of both Structure and Function produces results that cannot be duplicated by just Structural care or just Functional care alone. —Why Dr. Prather says that pharmaceuticals, while often necessary, "never make the body healthier" and that "only Structure-Function Care improves the overall health of the body".  And why Disease Care and Structure-Function Care should be working together.—The treatments classified as Structure-Function Care, such as:  Chiropractic, Acupuncture, herbs, nutraceuticals, vitamins, herbs, homeopathy, and Physiotherapy.  And how "everything and anything" can be helped by Structure-Function Care.—Plus, you will be delighted to hear from Mary, a patient of Holistic Integration who was a paramedic for 40 years.  And how Holistic Integration has helped her with multiple health issues.
5/11/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, Dr. Prather answers a common misconception about Iodine and Breast Cancer.  In this episode, you'll discover:—The extensive research showing how Low Iodine causes an increased chance of Breast Cancer and a faster growth in the Cancer.—Why the widespread belief of the medical profession that Iodine is dangerous is actually based upon a falsified study, which was paid for by the pharmaceutical companies and took 5 decades to debunk.—How Iodine used to be the most commonly prescribed medicine out there until the falsified study was published in 1948.  And the useful rhyme doctors used to quote about the importance of giving Iodine to patients.—Why Dr. Prather says that, "if you want good looking breasts then make sure your Iodine stays at a good level".  And how Iodine is important for the skin and has an anti-aging effect. —How Dr. Prather finds that 100% of patients in Indiana have Low Iodine.  And how Dr. Prather's office tests to make sure which form of Iodine will work best for your body.—How Iodine is "one of the most important things for any issue with the Breast", including Fibrocystic Breasts, preventing Breast Cancer, and improving the outcome of Breast Cancer.—The importance of Iodine in balancing our Hormones for optimal health.  And the link between a Hypothyroid (Low Functioning Thyroid) and Breast Cancer.—The Cancers that Iodine has been proven to help with, including: Breast, Stomach, Esophageal, Cervical, Ovarian, and Uterine Cancers.  And how Iodine helps prevent Cancer cells from replicating.—The benefits of Iodine for Men’s health, including boosting Testosterone and being helpful with Prostate Cancer.  And the reason Selenium and the Zinc-Copper ratio are important considerations for Iodine to work properly in the body.—Why the Iodine levels of a breastfeeding Mom "makes a huge difference" for their child's I.Q.  And how proper Iodine levels can make your child bigger, stronger, healthier, and smarter.
5/4/202454 minutes, 1 second
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This week is our monthly show on Health Freedom.  And Dr. Prather begins by talking about the recent news of a Measles exposure at the Children's Museum in Indianapolis. In this episode, you'll learn:—Why Dr. Prather says that most of the Measles and Polio cases today are from the vaccines themselves, not from "vaccine hesitancy".  And why kids should be isolated from other kids for 48 hours after receiving a vaccine.—How Vitamin A deficiency is the most likely reason why a child gets Measles in the first place.  And how Vitamin A is "like magic" for getting Measles under control.—The difference between the older basic vaccinations that Dr. Prather calls "quite effective" versus the mRNA COVID shots that aren't even vaccines, but a genetic manipulation.—The shocking revelation that the CIA's psychological and verbal warfare department first came up with the term "anti-vaxxer”.—What Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says about why Dr. Fauci should be in prison.  And why Fauci is "the reason we have this whole COVID thing" in the first place.—The damage done to "a whole generation of children” and to tens of thousands of shuttered small businesses as a result of the COVID response.—How Sweden had "an amazing response" to COVID-19 and have been "completely vindicated".—The amount of taxpayer money Pfizer received for their COVID jab.  And how they paid ZERO in federal tax in spite of their huge profits!—How Polypharmacy, which is a patient taking more than 4 prescription drugs, is a common problem for those over the age of 65.  And how legally-prescribed drugs are the #3 cause of death in America only behind Heart Disease and Cancer. —Why Dr. Prather says the World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty being voted on in May is "very dangerous" and could be "a critical turning point".
4/27/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we are joined by Holistic Integration's Associate Chiropractor Dr. Clinton Dodge and our Occupational Therapist Meghan Walton to talk about Knee issues, which is the #2 most expensive structural issue (behind Low Back Lain), with almost $134 BILLION spent per year.  In this episode, you'll find out:—Why there are so many problems with the Knee because it takes stress "with almost every motion that we make", with forces of up to 7 times our body weight impacting it.—The reason that most Knee injuries occur because of "improper biomechanics", as most of us cause stress on our Knees through improper movement.—The complex anatomy of the Knee.  And why Holistic Integration just doesn’t look at the Knee when there is a problem, but also all the ligaments and muscles surrounding it. —How most acute Knee injuries happen during sports, while most chronic Knee issues are a result of aging.  And the connection between a young person's growth spurts and Knee injuries. —The importance of the range-of-motion for the Knee to our Activities of Daily Living like going down stairs, putting your shoes on, and standing for longer than 15 minutes.  And why you should "look to the horizon" before you start to lift something. —How Holistic Integration offers patients many different options for gentle, non-force Chiropractic techniques.—Why Decompression Therapy helps patients with "bone-on-bone" conditions to lower the pressure on the joint so that fluid and nutrients can enter into the Knee.  And why Dr. Dodge says our Knees "have a supply-chain issue" when it comes to blood flow. —The necessity of Corrective Exercises for Knee problems.  And how the Knee braces and Orthotics offered by Holistic Integration are fit and tailored to your particular condition. —How Dry-Needling can "jump start" and expedite the healing process, and also relax tight muscles to help keep the Knee properly aligned.—How Jack, a scientist himself, was able to avoid Knee surgery because of his treatment program at Holistic Integration.
4/20/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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There is a debate about whether or not Long COVID is real.  This week, Dr. Prather offers much needed clarity to the topic that you won't hear anywhere else.  In this episode, we talk about:—How Dr. Prather is seeing this right now in about 90% of his patients who developed chronic symptoms that began with their COVID infection.—Why Dr. Prather says that Long COVID includes "every single type of symptom in the entire world", which means that there is no such thing as "Long COVID" with a defined set of common symptoms.  And why the medical model "doesn't know what to do with it".—How Long COVID is not something new, as viruses like Epstein-Barr and Coxsackievirus have been shown to cause long-term chronic symptoms.  And how Long COVID Is more prevalent because the COVID-19 virus is a "manufactured" virus new to the body.—The book by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on "The Wuhan Cover-Up", which Dr. Prather describes as "the most interesting and thorough" book about the history of America's "gain of function"/bio-weapon research. —Why Dr. Prather says the COVID virus (along with the subsequent vaccines for it) has changed the healthcare landscape in a way that no doctor can really deny.—How the mRNA shots "hinder instead of help" the body's response to COVID-19.  And what Dr. Prather says you must do to "supercharge" your immune system to avoid being a statistic.—The affordable lab tests everyone should have to find out the health of your immune system and diagnose your ability to combat viruses.—The 3 natural supplements which Dr. Prather finds to be most effective for Long COVID issues.—The errors with the research studies on Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine.  And the "amazing" natural product Dr. Prather found "that even works better" than either pharmaceutical.—Why Dr. Prather says you are not going to find answers to Long COVID through Disease Care, but through Structure-Function Care which builds up your body's own immune system to combat viruses.
4/13/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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Since COVID, there has been an astonishing rise in the numbers of people affected by Depression, which is actually under-diagnosed.  This week, Dr. Prather shares how Structure-Function Care offers Hope to those who suffer from Depression with solutions that are natural instead of pharmaceutically-based. In this episode, you'll discover:—The 8 clinical signs of Depression. Plus, the symptoms of Depression in children and adolescents and how long these signs must be exhibited for a diagnosis.—The link between Depression and Hormones. And why women in their 40's and 50's are more likely to be diagnosed with Depression and prescribed an antidepressant.—The dangerous side-effects of antidepressants and how 40% of patients stop taking their medications because of them.—Why Dr. Prather says the connection between medications and school shootings should be explored. —The research that shows a link between the COVID-19 virus itself and Depression, not to mention how the lockdowns and social isolation have contributed to Depression. —Why 80% of those on Thyroid medication develop Depression.—How diet and exercise play big roles in Depression. And how Acupuncture produces "amazing" and "immediate" results for Depression and Anxiety.—The disturbing link between pharmaceutical companies and the funding of government agencies that regulate them.—The "very, very important" role of Nutraceuticals in Dr. Prather's treatment of Depression. And the amazing list of natural products that are helpful for Depression.—How Food Allergies, Hypoglycemia, and Low Hydrochloric Acid can play an overlooked role as causes of Depression.
4/6/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we're joined by former Indiana Attorney General and 2024 Republican Gubernatorial candidate Curtis Hill to discuss Health Freedom issues.  In this episode, you'll learn Curtis Hill's answers to questions such as:—"Did Indiana's response to COVID get it right?"—"What should Indiana's next Governor do to make sure the mistakes of COVID never happen again?  "—"Should schools be involved in health care without the parents being present just like they would for any doctor's appointment?"—"What can we do about government use of our personal healthcare data finding its way to third parties for the purposes of public health?"—"What can be done on a state government level to reform our health care system?"Plus, you'll hear Dr. Prather's thoughts on Health Care reform, including:—Why Dr. Prather believes Health Savings Accounts are the key to putting the power in the hands of patients instead of the insurance companies and bureaucrats. —How the path to true Health Care Reform has already been proven with Structure-Function Health Care as the primary physician, resulting in 60% cost savings, 85% improvement in patient outcomes, and a higher satisfaction from both patients and the Disease Care specialists.—The dangerous" Health Czar" legislation that just passed in the conservative Republican state of South Carolina.—Why the true battle for our Health Care Freedom is on the state level.—How our freedom of speech may be in peril due to a pending case at the Supreme Court.
3/30/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Liver is the largest organ in the body.  And Dr. Prather says that almost no one comes into his office as a new patient with a properly functioning Liver.  In this episode, you'll find out:—Why Dr. Prather is AGAINST patients doing a Liver cleanse or a Liver flush on their own and should get professional guidance from someone who knows what they are doing.—The optimal blood test ranges Dr. Prather looks for with Liver function.  And why this is different from the ranges that the typical Medical Doctor looks at.—How the Liver is called "The Chemical Factory of the Body", has 500 known processes, and "can make every single hormone in the body".  And how it can actually REGROW if provided with the proper nutrients. —The connection between Liver toxicity and diseases such as Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease.  And how nausea and fatigue are indicators of a poorly-functioning Liver.—Why Dr. Prather does not recommend Coffee Enemas.  And the much easier and more gentle methods he uses to help patients detox in a healthy way.—The link between high Cholesterol and Liver toxicity.  And the dangers of anti-Cholesterol Statin drugs to the health of your Liver.—The herbals that Dr. Prather says are "very important" to the health of the Liver, but also that you should be guided by a professional who is looking at proper lab tests.—How Homeopathy is "especially good" for children and babies because there are no side effects.—Why Dr. Prather says that Acupuncture is "the amazing way" of reducing inflammation on anybody. And the Acupuncture point that Dr. Prather's mentors said can fix about 80% of patients. —How Chiropractic adjustments are necessary because there is a specific misalignment that occurs when someone has Liver toxicity.  And the short-wave Diathermy treatment that is a gentle and "amazing" way to detoxify the Liver by increasing circulation to the area.
3/23/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we are joined by Holistic Integration's own Meghan Walton and Dr. Clinton Dodge to talk about the benefits of CranioSacral Therapy.  In this episode, we talk about:—The conditions helped by CranioSacral Therapy, including:  Autism, Migraines, ADD/ADHD, Football Concussion trauma/CTE, pain, TMJ, sleep problems, hormonal imbalances, stomach issues, Vagal nerve issues, anxiety, depression, brain fog, and immune system support.—How the brain can actually change shape and can be damaged when the Cerebrospinal fluid is not moving correctly.  And how the brain can "actually regenerate" when the Cerebrospinal fluid flow is corrected.—Why the Cerebrospinal fluid is really important for "the healing of the nervous system” and protects the brain and spinal cord.  And how the Cerebrospinal fluid should flow through your body at a rate of six to twelve cycles a minute. —The history of CranioSacral Therapy and its roots in Osteopathy.  And how the development of CranioSacral Therapy helped to disprove the belief that the cranial bones are fused and no longer move after a certain age.—What the evaluation for CranioSacral Therapy and the treatment are like. —How the CranioSacral Therapy protocols are designed to put patients into a "healing brainwave state" for the brain that activates brainwaves that are also associated with sleep. —Why being in a "fight or flight" sympathetic nervous system mode will impede the flow of Cerebrospinal fluid and cause us to hold tension in our bodies that sometimes we aren’t even aware of.—How patients say CranioSacral Therapy leaves them feeling "relaxed" and "renewed".  And how CranioSacral Therapy sometimes can even result in an emotional release. —The way CranioSacral Therapy and Chiropractic care work together to promote proper Cerebrospinal fluid flow.—The story of a Dentist who has experienced CranioSacral Therapy at Holistic Integration and found it to be "cathartic" and "freeing".
3/16/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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Last week, we began our discussion of Chronic Kidney Disease and how it is one of the most poorly-addressed health conditions.  This week, we talk about the natural treatments and solutions for Chronic Kidney Disease.  In this episode, you'll discover:—Why Dr. Prather says he wouldn't want to treat Chronic Kidney Disease without being able to use herbals.   But also that patients need to be careful and get proper guidance from someone who knows what they are doing.—How Arginine is "extremely important" for the Kidneys.  And how Glandulars provide all the nutrients that the body needs to make the Kidneys and heal the Kidneys. —The "critical" need to properly balance your minerals for the Kidneys to work properly.  And the Homeopathic formulas that are "a secret weapon" in stimulating healing of the Kidneys. —Why Dr. Prather says that table salt is "not fit for human consumption", but Kidney patients should be INCREASING their consumption of alkaline sea salt to see healing in their Kidneys and a reduction in their Hypertension.—The brand of water Dr. Prather recommends to his patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.  And how you can consume too little or even too much water. —The Chiropractic Kidney Lift adjustment Dr. Prather uses to relieve low back pain and remove nerve interference to the Kidneys.—Why Dr. Prather says that Acupuncture is "a missing ingredient" in treating the Kidneys.  And how he sees the results increase for patients who aren't improving like they should once they add Acupuncture to their treatment regimen.—The Diathermy treatment that Dr. Prather describes as "essential” for increasing the circulation and lymph flow to promote the healing of the Kidneys.—The External CounterPulsation/ECP Therapy that is "one of the big answers" for treating Chronic Kidney Disease by providing increased blood flow to the Kidneys, which then lowers high blood pressure by improving Kidney function.—How Larry, who has battled Multiple Sclerosis for 48 years, has Improved his balance with the help of Holistic Integration.
3/9/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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Chronic Kidney Disease is one of the most poorly-addressed health conditions, with most patients having no idea they even have it. In this episode, you'll learn:—How Holistic Integration does "amazingly well" with improving Kidney Health.—Why 9-out-of-10 people who could be diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease, including 1-out-of-3 with SEVERE Chronic Kidney Disease, don't even know that they have it. —The shocking reason why many doctors don't even tell their patients that they have Chronic Kidney Disease. And most doctors don't even screen for it.—The story of when Dr. Prather started out as a Chiropractor and discovered the reason for back pain in many of his patients was often not a structural misalignment, but an underlying Kidney problem.—Why Dr. Prather says that prescription drugs and pharmaceuticals are one of the biggest causes for Chronic Kidney Disease. And why NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) are "the absolute worse thing" for your Kidneys.—The diagnostics Dr. Prather uses to determine Kidney Health. And why Dr. Prather always looks to the Kidneys when a patient has High Blood Pressure, since Kidneys are the cause of Hypertension 70% of the time. —How the Kidneys and the Heart pump together. And that Chronic Kidney Disease is "one of the major causes of" Cardiovascular Disease, which is the #1 killer.—The reason why Dr. Prather says being a Triathlete, marathon runner, or into intense workouts like CrossFit actually puts your health at risk. And how both too much and too little exercise is harmful for your Kidneys.—The link between longevity and good Kidney health. And how athletes see their performance improve as their Kidney health improves.—Why Dr. Prather says that Structure-Function Health Care is "the only way" to fix the Kidneys.
3/2/202456 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week is our monthly show dedicated to Health Freedom issues. In this episode, you'll find out:—The story of a girl who participated in the Pfizer COVID vaccine child for children and is now paralyzed and on a feeding tube.—How patients in the COVID vaccine trials were excluded from the results if they developed adverse reactions.—Why the former head of the Merck vaccine program warned against the trend to make all vaccines mRNA-based.—The results from the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System) that show FAR more adverse reactions from the COVID vaccine than all the other vaccines combined since 1986. —How the 1976 Swine Flu vaccine was pulled after just 25 deaths.—Why Florida's Surgeon General has called for the mRNA vaccines to be stopped. And the potential connection to the dramatic increase in Cancer cases that needs to be researched.—The promises of the V-SAFE program that allowed vaccinated individuals to report vaccine side effects. And how the government has tried to suppress the release of that information. —The reason that Dr. Prather describes Robert F. Kennedy's new book (The Wuhan Cover-Up) as both "powerful" and "terrifying" as it describes the history of the bioweapons system that started after World War 2. —Why Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Is known as "the most censored individual in the world". And why he is running for President in 2024.—How you can receive a FREE Autonomic Nervous System Test, a $175 value, by attending our upcoming Holistic Integration Open House Event this Wednesday, February 28th at 6 p.m.
2/24/202454 minutes, 51 seconds
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This week, we share how you can receive a FREE Autonomic Nervous System Test, a $175 value, by attending our upcoming Holistic Integration Open House Event on Wednesday, February 28th at 6 p.m. In this episode, we talk about:—The philosophy behind Holistic Heart and how it integrates Structure-Function Care and the medical model for the best patient outcomes.—How our Holistic Heart program is designed to give our patients safe, non-invasive, and medically-sound cardiac care that is more than just stents and statins. —The unique diagnostic tests Dr. Prather orders for patients that most cardiologists do not do. —The shocking study from the National Institutes of Health study that revealed stents and bypass surgeries are NOT effective for long-term heart health outcomes. —The External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy developed 60 years ago by Harvard and how it duplicates 5 years of marathon training for the heart in just 7 weeks. And the touching story of how Dr. Prather came to bring this treatment into his office.—How Magnesium for men and Potassium for women are "absolutely critical" for those situations where a person dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a heart attack. —Why high Cholesterol is NOT the underlying problem, but an indicator of Cardiovascular Disease. And why Dr. Prather describes Cholesterol as the firefighters showing up to put out the fire. —How Chiropractic care helps with the Vagus Nerve, POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), and can play a big role for atrial fibrillation (AFib). Plus, the Acupuncture points that can settle down the EKG of a patient while they are having a heart attack.—The Cardiac C-Reactive Protein Blood Test that is the biggest indicator of having a heart attack. And how Cardiologists are "amazed" by how Dr. Prather can quickly and effectively get positive changes in this measurement.. —What the research-grade Autonomic Nervous System test reveals about the nervous system, circulatory system, and heart function. And how Dr. Prather's office is the only one that offers this diagnostic in Indianapolis.
2/17/202454 minutes, 49 seconds
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Endometriosis is a painful and dangerous condition that affects 10% of all menstruating women and causes 50% of all fertility issues. In this episode, you'll discover:--The 80% greater likelihood for a woman to suffer from Endometriosis if they have a female family member who suffers from it. And why a girl starting her period later reduces her chance of Endometriosis, as well as other health problems.--The health benefits of exercise--especially jumping jacks!--in preventing Endometriosis, as well as early periods for young girls. And how higher body fat percentage increases risk of Endometriosis. --Why heavy periods indicate a woman probably has Endometriosis. And how pelvic pain indicates a 75% chance of Endometriosis.--How autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's Disease, Graves' Disease, Addison's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, and Fibromyalgia increase your chances of having Endometriosis.--Why the surgery for Endometriosis usually causes it to come back WORSE than it was before. And how the current medical options, such as birth control pills, aren't very effective.--How hormonal imbalance is the biggest cause of Endometriosis. Plus, the role of a weakened immune system, higher inflammatory rate, and chemical toxicity (such as high Copper) in Endometriosis.--The Structure-Function approach Dr. Prather uses in getting the body in proper balance so that the body itself can treat the Endometriosis. And the role thorough blood tests play in Dr. Prather's approach in getting to the root cause of Endometriosis.--The story of a patient who had been through In Vitro Fertilization Therapy THREE times with no results, but became pregnant after Acupuncture helped eliminate the inflammation of Endometriosis. And why Dr. Prather says Acupuncture "has been shown to be one of the very best treatments for Endometriosis to reduce the inflammation".--How Chiropractic care helps normalize the menstrual cycle and has helped the Endometriosis symptoms to "go completely away" for many patients Dr. Prather has treated. --How Holistic Integration tests "more thoroughly than almost anybody else" for hormone balance. And why the powerful hormone replacement therapies are only necessary in about 2% of the cases, while more natural approaches Holistic Integration uses are far more effective as they stimulate your body's own hormone
2/10/202454 minutes, 45 seconds
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is now officially known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS). The CDC believes this is a vastly under-diagnosed condition. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was a diagnosis that did not get much respect. And why the name change was encouraged by government agencies in 2015.--How the Centers for Disease Control believes that 90-95% of cases are not being diagnosed or treated properly.--That even children can be affected by ME/CFS, though it is more common in women, minorities, and those between the ages of 33 and 50.--Why a person's "phase angle" (or electromagnetic charge around the cells) can indicate the condition.--How one-fourth of those with ME/CFS are bedridden and unable to function. And how the Social Security department wanted to create more awareness of this disease because it costs between $17 and $24 billion annually.--The symptoms of ME/CFS, including: severe fatigue for at least six months, cognitive impairment, muscle or joint pain, headaches, swelling of lymph nodes, sore throat, and complete exhaustion after any kind of mental or physical work.--The underlying viral infections that can cause ME/CFS, including: Epstein-Barr virus, Lyme Disease, Rickettsia, Retroviruses, Bornaviruses, Fungi and Mycoplasma, Flu viruses, Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV), and Cytomegalovirus.--Why The Structure-Function approach used by Holistic Integration is "really the only way of getting success" with this disease process. And why there is really no effective Disease Care approach to ME/CFS.--How Homeopathy stimulates the immune system to combat the underlying viruses that cause ME/CFS. And why those with ME/CFS "do not do well" with pharmaceuticals and antibiotics.--The effectiveness of supplementation, herbals, Chiropractic adjustments, Acupuncture, and therapeutic massage for ME/CFS patients. And the importance of blood analysis every three months for these
2/3/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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In our monthly show dedicated to Health Freedom, Dr. Prather addresses the questions he keeps getting from patients about "Disease X". In this episode, you'l find out:—The update on the China "White Lung Disease" that especially impacted children. And Dr. Prather's explanation for why China got hit harder from this because of their severe lockdowns. —How the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, the World Bank, and "all the major movers and shakers of the world" are talking about the predicted coming of "Disease X” in 2025.—The simulation of a hypothetical Disease X that is predicted to be 20 times worse than COVID. And how prior simulations predicted COVID and Monkeypox with an eerie accuracy. —How the prediction of Disease X is that it will be an intestinal enterovirus, which Dr. Prather is already seeing an increase of in his office (especially in children).—Why patients should not delay in getting help for their health because they are worried they'll be judged for their bad habits. —How the Nipah Virus seems to fit most closely to the predicted Disease X. And how this virus is already undergoing "gain-of-function" research with a vaccine being developed for it. —The draconian lockdowns being promised for the next pandemic response. And the unbelievable definitions of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation—which have nothing to do with the truth. —The one Presidential candidate in the race now who is promising to take a different action than what was done to us during COVID. And the "Zero Draft" pandemic treaty that they are trying to pass in May 2024, which will supersede America's sovereignty and Constitution.—The basic diagnostics and lab tests that everyone should have on an annual basis so you know exactly the state of your health. —Why it is so important for us to not respond with fear, but with an unshakable source of Hope.
1/27/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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An astonishing 75% of adult patients suffer from Insomnia, with 9 million Americans taking prescription medications for Sleep. But Dr. Prather says that natural answers should be your first choice and are really the "only" solutions. In this episode, we talk about:—How women experience Insomnia more commonly than men. And how 20% of teenagers get less than 5 hours of sleep per night, but actually need 10-12 hours of sleep every night. —Why older people and those without college degrees suffer from sleep problems more. And how blue screens from our computers and technology devices are disruptive to our sleep. —The complications that people have from relying on prescription sleep aids for a long-term period.—The underlying causes of Insomnia, including: calorie-restricted diets, pain, Restless Leg Syndrome, alcohol, caffeine, sugar, food allergies, Hypoglycemia, stress, depression, medications, disease, and obesity.—Why the B Vitamins are "extremely important” for Sleep. And the connection between Vitamin D and fatigue. —How Herbals can be "extremely helpful" for Insomnia. And the Herbals that are Dr. Prather's favorites for Insomnia, including the Stasis Supplements Zzz Sleep Formula that Dr. Prather helped develop. —The help that Homeopathy can provide for Insomnia, especially for babies and children in terms of safety and effectiveness. And the Minerals that are "key" for good sleep, particularly a balanced Copper-Zinc ratio, Potassium for women, and Magnesium for men.—Why Chiropractic adjustments are important in the regulation of a person's sleep cycle, especially the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment. —How Acupuncture can help patients fall asleep immediately, even before Dr. Prather leaves the room! —The Physiotherapy treatments (such as Diathermy, Ultrasound, and Electrical Stim) that help patients to gently detoxify since Liver Toxicity is the reason someone wakes up at 3 a.m. And the benefits of Rapid Release Technology in helping people to relax before sleep.
1/20/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we're joined by Jon, who heads up our DTS Fat Loss Program at Holistic Integration. In this episode, you'll discover:—Why Fat Percentage is the main goal of our DTS Fat Loss Program, not just weight loss which can often include the loss of muscle. —How Body Mass Index or BMI is not an accurate measurement. And the better measurements used by Holistic Integration, such as the Body Composition Analysis and the Fit3D Body Scan. —The extremely thorough diagnostics performed through our DTS Fat Loss program, including: The Prather Profile Bloodwork, Hormone testing, the Autonomic Nervous System Test, Gut Zoomer and Wheat Zoomer Gut Analysis, Food Allergies and Sensitivities, Hair Analysis, and Glucose Monitoring. —Why medical monitoring is a key part of our DTS Weight Loss Program since the amount of a person's prescription medications will change as they shed fat and have a healthier lifestyle. —The importance of supplementation in helping to lose body fat in a natural way. —How our DTS Fat Loss Program includes a personalized diet plan developed for you with our nutritionist.—The inspiring story of Erin, who lost 70 pounds and also experienced a "night and day" improvement in her mental health through our DTS Fat Loss Program. —Why Dr. Prather says the latest weight loss drugs "are effective" as weight loss definitely occurs, but also come with horrible side-effects. —The benefits of Fiber, which achieves all of the promises of the weight loss drugs, but without the side-effects. —How to receive a free body scan and Lipo-Laser session by attending our free educational seminar this Wednesday, January 17th at 6 p.m. Click the link below to learn more.
1/13/202456 minutes, 50 seconds
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Building up your body's own immune system is key to protecting your body from infections and diseases. Dr. Prather talks about how the only way to keep your immune system healthy and functioning is the natural way. In this episode, you'll learn:—The proper role of pharmaceuticals and antibiotics when our own natural immunity has failed.—How all pharmaceuticals will actually lower the immune system. And how your immune system will take about three months to recover after taking an antibiotic.—Why never getting sick can actually be a sign of a collapsed immune system. And why Dr. Prather says fever isn’t always a bad thing, but necessary for our immune system to fight. —How 80% of the immune system is around the gut, which is "the most likely place that infections invade the system". And how the NIH determined that all most all autoimmune disease, including Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease, originate in the gut.—The vast amount of information about a person's health that Dr. Prather learns from a patient's stool kit report, which he recommends that everyone have on an annual basis.—How Dr. Prather says that "what you eat is what you are" and that the health of your immune system is determined by what you eat. —Why supplements are necessary for our health because our food is not as healthy as it should be. And the story of the natural dentist who developed the first supplement company.—The importance of the Lymphatic System in our Immune System. And how Fibromyalgia is evaluated by "poking" on the patient.—The critical role of Vitamin D and Iodine for your Immune System, and the need to have your levels tested for both. —The Copper-Zinc balance that is vital for your Immune System. And how low Zinc during COVID was the reason for people losing their taste and smell. —Plus, you'll learn the 6 natural supplements every Mom should have in their medicine cabinet to keep their child's immune system up right now and how you can order all of them in our special Box Of Health for Kids.
1/6/202454 minutes, 50 seconds
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This is the time of year for New Year's Resolutions. But how do we turn those resolutions into achieved goals? In this episode, you'll discover:—The difference between a resolution and a goal.—How high achievers treat goals according to one Harvard University study.—The six different categories of goal setting that Dr. Prather uses in his own life.—How 95% of those who diet end up worse off compared to when they started.—Why Dr. Prather says a medical approach to weight loss is key to achieving a weight loss that loses fat, not muscle.—The role food sensitivities and food allergies play in causing us to retain unwanted weight. And the genetic hair analysis that Dr. Prather uses to determine the foods a patient should avoid for optimal health and for weight loss.—One of "the most proven therapies in the world" that helps people to stop smoking. And the story of a patient who told Dr. Prather he should put this treatment on billboards after he tried everything else.—Why those who are allergic to cigarette smoke are more likely to become addicted to smoking.—How Homeopathy "is excellent" in helping people to quit smoking and stopping the addictive response.—The five different categories of exercise that we need. And the most important category of exercise that makes the biggest difference in our health.—Plus, you'll learn the 6 natural supplements every Mom should have in their medicine cabinet to keep their child's immune system up right now and how you can order all of them in our special Box Of Health for Kids.
12/30/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather says it's a misnomer to think that kids are naturally healthy. As children develop and grow, they actually need more support for their health. In this episode, you'll learn:—How very few children are in a normal range when Dr. Prather checks their blood work.—Why Japan has the best childhood mortality rates....yet the least amount of vaccinations for children.—The role of the Thymus as the center of a child's immune system, while an adult's is based on bone marrow.—How childhood obesity is an increasing problem. And the reason why Dr. Prather believes this is happening.—Why ADD, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorders have dramatically increased in recent years in the U.S., but aren't found like that elsewhere in the world.—The Structure-Function approach to children's health care used at Holistic Integration that gets "better results with less risk" than the Disease Care model of drugs and pharmaceuticals.—Why antibiotics are a poor way to treat Otitis Media/ear infections. And the more effective Homeopathic medicines and natural treatments, like Chiropractic and Diathermy, that work better and quicker.—How Structure-Function Care can provide "amazing results" for childhood asthma by dealing with the underlying problem that causes the condition, such as parasitic infections.—The reason why Dr. Prather says children having parasites, chicken pox, or measles can actually help STRENGTHEN a child's immune system and can help DECREASE autoimmune diseases like Multiple Sclerosis.—How children absorb heavy metals four times faster than adults. And how Aluminum is the most common toxicity Dr. Prather sees in children, which affects their bones and causes learning disabilities.—Plus, you'll learn the 6 natural supplements every Mom should have in their medicine cabinet to keep their child's immune system up right now and how you can order all of them in our special Box Of Health for Kids.
12/23/202356 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather gives latest update on the White Lung Disease in China that is especially impacting children, which has now spread to the Cincinnati area. He tells you what you need to do to protect your children by building up their immune system. In this episode, you'll find out:—How information about this has been heavily censored by the Communist Chinese government. And the bravery of the Chinese people and doctors who are trying to get the truth out about how their hospitals are overwhelmed. —Why Dr. Prather says his goal is not to scare people, but to empower people so they can be prepared for a winter he thinks might be "worse than normal" based on the increase in respiratory infections he already is seeing in his office.—How 85% of hospitalizations and deaths during COVID would have been avoided if their Vitamin D levels were optimal. And how only about 20% of American children have proper nutrition for a good immune system.—The reports that antibiotics are not working on the children in China who have developed pneumonia from the White Lung Disease. And why Dr. Prather says "we can't really count on antibiotics as a line of defense anymore" and must look to alternatives that build up on our own immune system since we are now living in a "Post-Antibiotic Age".—How masks "actually increase the level of pathogens that you are getting". —The natural supplement that "works better" than prescription drugs Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine to help get Zinc into the cells. And the importance of Iodine in building up our immune system.—Why Chiropractic adjustments boost the immune system and should be a part of your child's health care regimen. —The Spleen 21 Acupuncture point that is "a magic point for the immune system" which "can actually stop an infection right in its tracks" and is treated without needles. —The Diathermy treatment Dr. Prather uses in his office that is great for kids and was originally invented to treat pneumonia.—The 6 natural supplements every Mom should have in their medicine cabinet to keep their child's immune system up.
12/16/202352 minutes, 44 seconds
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This week, we're joined by our Chiropractor Dr. Clinton Dodge and our Occupational Therapist Meghan Walton with Holistic Integration's Balance Program to talk about our upcoming free educational seminar about preventing falls. In this episode, we talk about:—The shocking statistics about falls, including how 1-in-4 people over the age of 65 suffers from a fall every year.—Why elderly people in Indiana are more likely to have a fall than elderly people in Florida. —How even kids are at risk of falls that can cause injuries with long-term consequences.—Why Dr. Prather says Holistic Integration is "uniquely positioned" to help patients avoid falls or recover from a fall. —The assessment everyone should give to their own home to look for potential stumbling blocks that can lead to falls. And how most falls happen in your own home.—The 5 Components of Balance. And how those with hearing loss are three times more likely to have a fall. —How your diet and your medications can contribute to the risk of falling. —The ProBalance360 at Holistic Integration that is described as a "secret weapon" in helping to prevent falls and improve balance. And how this treatment has been shown to be 97% effective.—Why Dr. Prather says that good balance is important for everyone, from helping older people to stay youthful to even helping children have a higher I.Q. and perform better in school.—How you can receive a FREE Balance Assessment and Posture Screen by attending our educational seminar this Wednesday, December 13th at 6 p.m.
12/9/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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In our monthly Health Freedom show, we focus on a disturbing new report from the United Nations agency, UNESCO, on Freedom of Speech. In this episode, you'll discover:—How UNESCO is calling for the creation of an "Internet of Trust" that censors what they call "conspiracy theories, misinformation, and disinformation". —Why Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump withdrew from UNESCO. And how Biden rejoined and paid all past dues owed.—The nation that this UNESCO report gives an "A" grade to, while giving America an "F". (Spoiler alert: It's Communist China!)—The definition of "hate speech", which includes quoting the Bible.—How the UNESCO report expresses concern about questioning "the experts" on public health issues or questioning the legitimacy of elections.—Which political party in America is now 75% in favor of suspending our First Amendment rights of Freedom Of Speech.—Why Article 29 of the United Nations Universal Declaration Of Human Rights takes a VERY different view than America's Founders about where our rights and freedoms come from.—How UNESCO encourages the United States to suspend our Constitution. —Why the "White Lung Disease" respiratory infection now circulating in China seems to be especially dangerous for children. And how this virus is spreading around the world.—Dr. Prather's advice for parents on how to protect your children from viruses this Winter.
12/2/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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We are so thankful for our patients at Holistic Integration and how they inspire us daily. This week, we share some of our favorite patient success stories from this year to help encourage you on your own health journey. In this episode, you'll learn:—How Ben received "life-changing" relief from long-term pain associated with Knee and Back injuries. And his inspiring story about how Holistic Integration helped his family.—The story of Terri, who suffered from a very bad knee for over 20 years and did not want to have surgery. And how, after just a two to three weeks of treatment at Holistic Integration, she was able "to dance a little jig" because she was walking normally again.—How Nathan came into Holistic Integration due to redness and irritation on his eyelids, but discovered a previously-undiagnosed neck fracture and found relief from Migraine Headaches that he's had for years. —How Elizabeth suffered from Scoliosis back pain since the age of 9 (and even endured the surgery), but is now pain-free after less than 2 months of care at Holistic Integration.
11/25/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are autoimmune diseases that are both categorized as forms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). This week, Dr. Prather talks about his "very high success rate" of patients going into remission from their symptoms without pharmaceuticals. In this episode, find out:—The difference between Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. And how patients can actually have BOTH at the same time.—The connection between Antibiotics and the rise of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. And the genetic component that increases your chances of having Inflammatory Bowel Disease. —The symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, which are "not fun".—How the Disease Care approach is to prescribe Antibiotics and Corticosteroids that are known to actually CAUSE Inflammatory Bowel Disease.—The Structure-Function Approach Dr. Prather uses for Inflammatory Bowel Disease that focuses on building up the body's immune system and balancing your gut health.—The diagnostics that are "critical" for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. And why Dr. Prather refuses to treat a patient with Inflammatory Bowel Disease unless they get a G.I. Stool Kit first.—Why a Hair Analysis is important to identify heavy metal toxicities in an IBD patient. —How an Ulcerative Colitis researcher called Dr. Prather to ask his "secret" after seeing several of Dr. Prather's patients who had their conditions reversed. And how the researcher was actually DISAPPOINTED in Dr. Prather's answer because each patient is treated with a unique protocol tailored for them. —The Nutraceuticals important for Inflammatory Bowel Disease and how it is "guaranteed" someone with IBD has "very, very strong" nutritional deficiencies. —The Herbals that are "essential" for IBD and how Holistic Integration can find the ones that work best for each patient. Plus, the Dietary issues relating to Inflammatory Bowel Disease, including the dangers of Gluten and the importance of Fiber as a "cure" for IBD.
11/18/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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We open the show with a special Veterans' Day tribute. Then, Dr. Prather talks about the health benefits of CBD and why you need to be careful when choosing a CBD product. In this episode, we talk about:—What CBD is and the surprising number of plants that contain CBD, including chocolate, cinnamon, and oregano. And how our own body naturally produces it through our Endocannabinoid system that helps regulate our health and well-being.—The difference between harmful THC and beneficial CBD. And how CBD does NOT make you "high" in any way. —The conditions that can helped by CBD, such as: anxiety, stress, sleep disorders, pain, muscle aches, arthritis, fibromyalgia, mood regulation, appetite regulation, digestive issues (like ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome), dementia and Alzheimer’s, addiction issues, fertility, and urinary issues. Plus, the promising research on CBD in the areas of lung cancer, ADD/ADHD, epilepsy (especially in children), and irritable bladder syndrome.—Why there is a concern about the quality for CBD products that can contain THC, heavy metals, pesticides…and even zero CBD at all. —The various forms of CBD such as gummies, oil, creams, and strips. And how to determine which form will work best for you. —Why Dr. Prather chose Jace Clinical Solutions CBD products to offer his own patients after rejecting most CBD brands as "garbage".—How The Voice Of Health Radio listeners can receive a 25% discount on Jace Clinical Solutions CBD products using our special discount code.—Plus, we announce the date and topic for our next Holistic Integration Open House event.
11/11/202356 minutes, 50 seconds
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Candida and Yeast overgrowth can cause mouth, vaginal, gut, lung, and systemic infections. And it's also the root cause of a myriad of health issues that "can mimic almost anything". In this episode, you'll discover:—How coating on the tongue indicates mold and yeast growth and can indicate issues elsewhere in the body. Plus, the symptoms of thrush, which is a yeast infection of the mouth.—Why central Indiana and Indianapolis are endemic to Histoplasmosis. And how the Histoplasmosis problem is connected to the story of how Indianapolis was built upon a swamp. —How yeast overgrowth literally causes your body to decompose! —Why yeast overgrowth in the gut is the source of yeast overgrowth elsewhere. And how toenail fungus indicates a yeast problem elsewhere in the body.—How yeast overgrowth can be the underlying root cause of many issues such as: persistent fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, Colitis, abdominal pain, rectal pain, insomnia, ADD/ADHD, dementia, kidney/bladder infections, muscle aches and pains, arthritis, canker sores, sinus issues, and allergies, headaches, neuropathy, anxiety, and skin problems.—The role of birth control pills in causing yeast infections. —Why pharmaceutical prescription medications can actually encourage the growth and spread of yeast throughout the body on a long-term basis. And the reason Dr. Prather says going after these infections with a natural approach is where you "get the best results". —The incredible story about the teetotaler politician pulled over for drunk driving, when his "inebriation" was a result of a yeast infection. And how Dr. Prather testified as a special authority on his behalf.—The effectiveness of herbals in protecting the body from yeast overgrowth. And "the number one killer of yeast and fungus" that is "a hundred times more effective" than any pharmaceutical out there. —How Holistic Integration utilizes "the latest and greatest" probiotics backed by National Institutes of Health research to combat infections in the gut. Plus, the only kind of butter that Dr. Prather uses, which helps to introduce short-chain fatty acids into the gut.
11/4/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we share how you can receive a FREE Autonomic Nervous System Test, a $175 value, by attending our upcoming Holistic Integration Open House Event on Wednesday, November 1st at 6 p.m. In this episode, you'll learn:—The philosophy behind Holistic Heart and how it integrates Structure-Function Care and the medical model for the best patient outcomes.—How our Holistic Heart program is designed to give our patients safe, non-invasive, and medically-sound cardiac care that is more than just stents and statins. —The unique diagnostic tests Dr. Prather orders for patients that most cardiologists do not do. —The shocking study from the National Institutes of Health study that revealed stents and bypass surgeries are NOT effective for long-term heart health outcomes. —The External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy developed 60 years ago by Harvard and how it duplicates 5 years of marathon training for the heart in just 7 weeks. And the touching story of how Dr. Prather came to bring this treatment into his office.—How Magnesium for men and Potassium for women are "absolutely critical" for those situations where a person dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a heart attack. —Why high Cholesterol is NOT the underlying problem, but an indicator of Cardiovascular Disease. And why Dr. Prather describes Cholesterol as the firefighters showing up to put out the fire. —How Chiropractic care helps with the Vagus Nerve, POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), and can play a big role for atrial fibrillation (AFib). Plus, the Acupuncture points that can settle down the EKG of a patient while they are having a heart attack.—The Cardiac C-Reactive Protein Blood Test that is the biggest indicator of having a heart attack. And how Cardiologists are "amazed" by how Dr. Prather can quickly and effectively get positive changes in this measurement.. —What the research-grade Autonomic Nervous System test reveals about the nervous system, circulatory system, and heart function. And how Dr. Prather's office is the only one that offers this diagnostic in Indianapolis.
10/28/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather provides the latest update on our Health Freedoms in our popular monthly show on this important subject. In this episode, you'll learn:—Why Health Freedom is a cornerstone of all of our other Freedoms.—How the citizenry can be manipulated into giving up their Freedoms more easily by telling them that it is for the good of their own health. And the switch that happens from looking at an issue through a rational, honest debate to a fearful, emotional reaction when the public is told their health is at stake.—The drop in America's standing on the global Health Freedom Index in the past 3 years. —How the greatest transfer of wealth in history happened during the COVID lockdowns at the expense of the poor and the middle class. —What happened to our mortality rate, health, and well-being after COVID. And it wasn't a result of COVID, but government policies in response to COVID. —Why we should oppose the "One Health" agenda that is being pushed by the same people who believe we should dramatically reduce the world's population. —How the likeliest place to die during COVID was in the hospital because the hospital treatments and protocols were killing people.—The evidence that shows America's public health officials, like Dr. Fauci, knew from the start that COVID came from a lab-leak and not from natural origins. And why Dr. Prather describes "gain-of-function" research as "a nicer way of saying bioweapon".—Why Dr. Prather says that the individualized approach of Structure-Function Care is the best way to take responsibility for our own health and to empower our Health Care Freedoms. —Plus, how you can receive a FREE Autonomic Nervous System Test, a $175 value, by attending our upcoming Holistic Integration Open House Event on Wednesday, November 1st at 6 p.m.
10/21/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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About 80% of us will suffer from low back pain at some point in our lives. But Dr. Prather says it's important to try "everything else first" before considering surgery. In this episode, we talk about:—How you are 40 times more likely to have back surgery if you see an Orthopedic surgeon or Neurosurgeon first instead of a Chiropractor. And how only about 50% of back surgeries are considered successful. —Why Chiropractic care for proper alignment is absolutely critical for low back pain and disc health. And how improper alignment MULTIPLIES the amount of pressure and weight on a disc.—The reason why Dr. Prather says that not doing corrective exercises after Chiropractic care is a "disservice" to patients that robs them of the full benefit of the adjustment. And why you need X-Rays to know which corrective exercises are the right ones for the patient.—How Decompression Therapy is designed to gently "pump the spine" to improve the hydration of a disc, which helps the disc to heal. And how Dr. Prather has even seen patients with 70% degeneration reverse the degeneration to 40%, 30%, and even 20%—which "isn't supposed to happen". —Why Acupuncture "is one of the best things" to get people out of pain and speed up healing from disc injuries and low back pain. —How smoking and alcoholism make it more likely for someone to suffer from Low Back Pain. —The two most important nutrients for the healing of discs that are the building blocks of cartilage.—The incredible story of Knox Gelatin and how it began as a nutritional supplement for the back and the discs.—Why IV Therapy can be helpful in getting the nutritional deficiencies that cause back pain turned around quickly. —Plus, how you can receive a FREE Autonomic Nervous System Test, a $175 value, by attending our upcoming Holistic Integration Open House Event on Wednesday, November 1st at 6 p.m.
10/20/202354 minutes, 35 seconds
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This week, we talk about the most common Cancer in Women and the Structure-Function treatment options that can boost your odds of survival. In this episode, you'll learn:—The risk factors for Breast Cancer.—How breastfeeding reduces your chance of developing Breast Cancer. —The percentage of Breast Cancer cases due to genetic factors. And how most Breast Cancer can be avoided with lifestyle changes.—The herbs that are most helpful for fighting Breast Cancer. —The vitamins that are most helpful for treating painful and Fibrocystic breasts.—The recommended role of Chiropractic and Acupuncture for Breast Cancer patients, which can reduce adverse symptoms in patients by 80% (like hair loss, fatigue, and neuropathy).—Why Dr. Prather says Homeopathy provides the "quickest and most dramatic changes" in the body. —The crucial role the Lymph System plays for Breast Cancer. And why underwire bras should be avoided for good breast health.—The imaging options available for women. And why mammograms are controversial.—And in our "Restoring Hope" segment this week, you'll hear a powerful interview with Kim Biggerstaff of Ascent 121, an organization dedicated to helping the victims of child sex trafficking in Indianapolis.
10/7/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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In our monthly Health Freedom show, Dr. Prather gives an update on the latest CDC guidelines for the COVID jab and how to best protect yourself for Winter by building up your immune system. In this episode, you'll discover:—How only 17% of the country is in compliance with the CDC recommendations for the COVID shots. —Why you should never give a vaccination during a pandemic because of the mutations the vaccines will cause to the virus. —How the vaccinations aren’t keeping up with the various mutations in the virus, rendering the shots "worthless".—The internal e-mails from the CDC that admit the Flu vaccine does NOT work for older people. —How natural immunity is "the best way" to protect yourself from COVID. —Why Dr. Prather gets BLEEPED when talking about the Pfizer clinical trials. (In his defense, he was just quoting someone else!)—The research conducted (or NOT conducted) for the new Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. And what microbiologists found in both the Pfizer and Moderna shots that should raise alarms. —The reason that the FDA's two best vaccine experts QUIT.—The 3 most important supplements Dr. Prather recommends you get tested for to make sure your immune system is ready for Winter: Vitamin D, Zinc, and Iodine. And how just getting Vitamin D up to optimal levels would have reduced COVID deaths by 85%.—Why the government has censored discussions of natural solutions for our health.
9/30/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Tickborne illnesses are often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Dr. Prather has seen all the most common ones in his office, but finds more Rickettsia infections in Indiana. In this episode, find out:—Why a tick must be on you for several hours to transmit a Tickborne illness.—How to properly remove a tick. And why it is helpful to keep the tick in case you get sick in the future.—The natural, non-toxic spray Dr. Prather recommends to avoid bug bites. —How all ticks do not transmit Lyme Disease. And the kind to look out for that does.—Why using antibiotics as the first treatment after a tick bite is actually discouraged by the CDC. And how Dr. Prather can usually look at a bite and determine whether it will become an infection. —The "latest and greatest" lab tests Dr. Prather uses to properly diagnose a patient's infection. And why the test used for Lyme Disease is described as "so-so". —The Homeopathic treatments that Dr. Prather considers to be his "secret weapon" for success with Tickborne illness. Plus, the nutraceuticals and herbal supplements that make "an incredible difference" in the healing and recovery of the body from Tickborne illness.—How joint pain is a standard indicator of Tickborne illness. And how Chiropractic is important for Tickborne illness because the infection often causes a structural misalignment that "must be fixed to be able to get the body better".—Why Dr. Prather "absolutely requires" Acupuncture for his Tickborne illness patients because it makes an "incredible and immediate difference"". —Plus, hear the details about our upcoming Holistic Integration Open House on Lyme Disease and Tick-borne Diseases on Wednesday, September 27th at 6 p.m. And how you can receive 20% off of tick-borne diagnostics for attending.
9/23/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Fibromyalgia and Myofasciitis are often confused with one another, even by doctors. But, Dr. Prather explains that both are unique and must be treated very differently. In this episode, we talk about:—How Fibromyalgia is an inflammation of the Lymphatic tissue, while Myofasciitis is a dysfunction of the muscles and the fascia material.—Why "poking" 11 different Lymph areas and being able to produce pain is a sure sign of Fibromyalgia. And how Myofasciitis can be diagnosed through palpation and those areas feeling "like a rock".—How 85% of all adults will suffer from Myofasciitis at some point in their lives. And the Rapid Release Therapy Dr. Prather uses in his office that makes a difference for patients who have found no relief from other treatments.—The reason Fibromyalgia is found 85-90% of the time in women. And its association with Chronic Fatigue, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and a shortened life-span.—Why "gentle" is the key word with any treatments for Fibromyalgia patients to get results and relief for them.—The importance of treatments like Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Rapid Release, and Physical Rehab for both Fibromyalgia and Myofasciitis, but the approach and techniques of those treatments have to be used in completely different ways.—Why Acupuncture provides "immediate relief" for both Fibromyalgia and Myofasciitis. But Fibromyalgia should use only one or two points at a time, with Laser and Powder Acupuncture techniques used more often by Dr. Prather than the needles. —The importance of Diathermy for Fibromyalgia patients to increase blood flow and lymphatic flow, while increasing detoxification and boosting the immune system. And why Dr. Prather calls it an "amazing" treatment for Fibromyalgia.—How Dr. Prather says "you are never going to get anywhere" with Fibromyalgia without proper supplementation, which is "a game-changer". And how Dr. Prather estimates about 50% of his Fibromyalgia patients actually have both Fibromyalgia and Myofasciitis.—Plus, hear the details about our upcoming Holistic Integration Open House on Lyme Disease and Tick-borne Diseases on Wednesday, September 27th at 6 p.m. And how you can receive 20% off of tick-borne diagnostics for attending.
9/16/202356 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather says that Folic Acid, Zinc, and Fiber are the three biggest dietary deficiencies he sees most commonly in his patients. In this episode, you'll learn:—The reasons why we are deficient in each of these nutritional requirements (and each one has a unique reason).—Why the suggested daily requirement of Folic Acid is different in Dr. Prather's model compared to the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) standard. Plus, why Folic Acid is important for preventing Cancer and for fighting Cancer.—The importance of Folic Acid in preventing birth defects. And how the birth control pill depletes Folic Acid in a woman's body.—The symptoms of Folic Acid deficiency, including: anemia, anorexia, fatigue, depression, constipation, digestive disturbances, swelling of the tongue, growth impairment, headaches, insomnia, memory impairment, paranoia, and restless leg syndrome.—How stress, vegetarianism, and diabetes cause Zinc deficiency. —The symptoms of Zinc deficiency, including: osteoporosis, anemia, stunted growth, infertility, lack of taste, acne, alopecia, anorexia, depression, impotence, diarrhea, brittle nails, eczema, high cholesterol, infections, irritability, memory impairment, GERD, stomach upset, and night blindness.—What white spots on your fingernails indicate about your body's Zinc levels. —Why Dr. Prather says doing G.I. Stool Kit testing really highlighted how much of a problem we have with fiber deficiency. And the shocking numbers of what we SHOULD have versus what we ACTUALLY have in terms of fiber balance in our gut.—Why Dr. Prather says "the one nutrient that makes the biggest difference in everybody's health is fiber." Plus, how every single vitamin and mineral is absorbed better with more fiber in your system.. —How more fiber will ALWAYS cause weight loss and "almost always cures Type II Diabetes". And how we could reduce both Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease by 65% if we had the right levels of fiber consumption.
9/9/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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In our monthly show on Health Freedom issues, Dr. Prather gives a bipartisan breakdown of the Top 4 Presidential Candidates based on their Health Freedom stance. In this episode, you'll discover:—Why Dr. Prather believes the 2024 Presidential election is so critical to our Health Freedom and will be one of the most important elections ever.—The record of Ron DeSantis as Governor of Florida on the most important Health Freedom issues.—How Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is "the most censored individual in the entire World".—Why Dr. Prather says Joe Biden and his Administration are "the antithesis" to Health Freedom. —How Donald Trump has refused to admit his COVID lockdown decisions in 2020 were a mistake, in spite of overwhelming evidence of the harm that the lockdowns have caused. —The recent push for new COVID lockdowns, masks, and social distancing that is "testing the waters" to gauge the response of the American public.—The remarkable story of how an earthquake and "crazy" Italian jurisprudence actually gave the green light for the COVID lockdowns in American and around the world. —Why the Modular Open Source Identity Platform (MOSIP), promoted by Bill Gates as a digital identification that everyone in the world should have, is a threat to your Health Freedom. (And all of your other Freedoms, too!)—How free speech advocates who were excited when Elon Musk purchased Twitter (now called "X") have been let down. —The threat to Health Freedom and online speech from the "nefarious" foreign-based group called the Center For Countering Digital Hate. And how this group brands people as "terrorists" for disagreeing with government talking points on COVID and the COVID jab.
9/2/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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80% of our immune system is found in the gut. In this episode, we give you a preview of our upcoming Open House Event on Food Sensitivity where we'll teach you how to make Food your medicine. In this episode, find out:—Why everyone today is dealing with a compromised gut health. And why Dr. Prather says that, if you can just give one supplement to people, it would be Fiber.—The many factors that go into our gut health. And the role that the Liver and Gallbladder play in gut health.—Why Dr. Prather says that proton-pump inhibitor medications for stomach acid issues like GERD will actually make the problem worse instead of healing it.—The specific supplements Dr. Prather uses to heal gut issues. And the G.I. Effects Stool Kit that identifies exactly what your body needs.—What Food Sensitivities are and how they are different from Food Allergies. And the symptoms that can occur with Food Sensitivities, such as: digestive issues, skin conditions like Eczema and Acne, Joint pain, Arthritis, Brain fog, Fatigue, and a connection to Autoimmune Conditions.—The importance of looking at Food Sensitivities as the possible root cause of many conditions and diseases, such as: Thyroid Disease, Hashimoto's, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Inflammation, Atherosclerosis, IBS, Depression, and mood disorders.—How Holistic Integration utilizes state-of-the-art Food Sensitivity testing with a 96% accuracy rate that is well above any other test on the market.—The amazing story of the patient who was scheduled to have her Thyroid surgically removed, but no longer needs to after Holistic Integration helped identify a Food Allergy to the Soy Milk she was drinking daily. —Why Dr. Prather says the Open House event on Food Sensitivity will provide "a world of information that can make a really big difference in your health and well-being" because "health begins in the gut".—How you can receive $100 off our Food Sensitivity test, plus a FREE consultation to review your results, by attending our Open House Event this Wednesday, August 30 at 6 p.m.
8/26/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Obesity is the number one disease process in America, with almost 60% of adults now having this issue. But most weight loss programs will actually result in you being heavier in 5 years than if you did nothing. In this episode, we talk about:—How focusing on Fat Loss is more important than just Weight Loss, because Weight Loss can include the loss of important muscle.—Why the body burns fewer calories the higher your body fat percentage goes.—How the Structure-Function approach to Fat Loss is focused on making you healthy and getting your body into Homeostasis.—Why the government was actually behind changing Americans from being "lean, mean, fighting machines" in the 1940's to being far heavier today.—The new experimental prescription drugs for weight loss that patients are asking about and the negative problems that are associated with them, including a measurable spike in ER visits, "saggy butt", "drooping face", and kidney issues.—Why diagnostics are crucial to know how to get the body working correctly so that it can begin to lose the fat.—The 8 Pillars of the DTS (Dedicate, Transform, Succeed) Fat Loss Program at Holistic Integration and how each of those pillars contribute to long-term, sustainable fat loss. —The Fit3D 3D Body Scan technology used at Holistic Integration to accurately measure your body fat and is used it track your progress. —How "supplements get your body back into Homeostasis and good nutrition keeps your body in Homeostasis".—The services offered through the DTS Fat Loss Program, including: Supplementation, Nutritional Consultation, Diathermy, Infrared Sauna, Lipo-Laser, Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy, and Personal Training.
8/19/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Surgery for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is the second-most common musculoskeletal surgery in the U.S., but it has only a 23% success rate. Dr. Prather says there are more effective, non-invasive options that should be explored first. In this episode, you'll learn:—The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which affect 8 million people per year.—The surprising connection between hormones and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. And how Liver Congestion, Thyroid issues, Diabetes, and Kidney Disease influence Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.—Why Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, and Iodine can make a difference for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome patients when the surgery made no change in their symptoms.—How Dr. Prather finds most of his patients diagnosed by other doctors with Carpel Tunnel Syndrome actually DON'T have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but issues such as Palmaris Longis Syndrome or even a pinched neck.—Why Dr. Prather says appropriate diagnostic steps are so important to correctly diagnose Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but that too many doctors are skipping those for just an Electrodiagnostic test that can lead to a misdiagnosis.—The reason why Dr. Prather believes only 10% of the Carpal Tunnel surgeries are necessary.—How a combination of Chiropractic adjustments, Acupuncture, Physical Rehabilitation, and Nutritional support are used at The Prather Practice to help Carpal Tunnel patients.—Why Auriculotherapy (electro-stimulation of points on the ears) is necessary for anyone who has had Carpal Tunnel pain for over six months.—How the wrist needs to be strengthened through proper Physical Rehabilitation exercises to get back full function. And how a bucket of rice is a great exercise tool to strengthen wrists!—The "nerve flossing" exercise that is "one of the best things" that can be done for Carpal Tunnel pain. And the value of wrist bracing during the night to keep the wrist in a neutral position.
8/12/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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At least 10% of all Americans are estimated to have Gallbladder issues, but Dr. Prather says he thinks the number is actually closer to 30% of adults. In this episode, you'll find out:—What the Gallbladder does. And why removing a bad Gallbladder (even though necessary at times) does not solve a person's problem.—How the Gallbladder doesn’t work right if the Liver isn’t working right, and the Liver doesn't work right if the Gallbladder isn't working right.—Why you can have Gallbladder issues without actually having Gallstones. And the "urp" (which is different from a burp) that is a symptom of Gallbladder issues. —How pain in the right Scapula area as well as pain on the inside of the knee are associated with Gallbladder problems. And the connection between loss of eyebrows with Gallbladder problems.—Why Dr. Prather says you cannot lose weight without fixing the Gallbladder. And how obesity causes Gallbladder problems, but Gallbladder problems cause obesity. —How "you can't really absorb Vitamin D" if your Gallbladder isn’t working right. And how the Gallbladder can affect your overall health, including Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer. —The role hormones, ethnicity, and age play in Gallbladder issues. And how taking birth control pills will increase your risk of Gallbladder issues.—The foods that contribute to Gallbladder issues, such as: pizza, cheese, chocolate, pork, and man-made fats like margarine. And why Dr. Prather says increasing your fiber "basically eliminates all problems associated with the Gallbladder" and that Buckwheat is "a magic food for the Gallbladder". —Why moderate coffee use is protective for the Gallbladder, but should be avoided when you're having a Gallbladder attack. And why a little bit of Olive Oil is good for the Gallbladder, but Olive Oil flushes are DANGEROUS and can be life-threatening. —The herbals, nutraceuticals, homeopathic remedies, and supplements Dr. Prather finds which work best for his patients with Gallbladder problems. And the "magic formula of Lecithin and Ox Bile" that dissolves Gallstones.
8/5/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week is our monthly show focused on Health Freedom. And Dr. Prather delivers another blockbuster! In this episode, you'll discover:—The reason that Health Freedom is so important for preserving all of our other freedoms.—How "they" attempt to take away our freedoms by arguing that it is for our own good. —Why Dr. Prather says that the area of health care is "probably the biggest suppression of honest dialogue" in our country, which dates back to the 1920's. —The shocking numbers of Americans who are in favor of censorship for speech about health care information. And how these numbers have become much worse since 2018, particularly among Democrats. —Why the signs that say, "Science Is Real", actually show a dangerous misunderstanding of true Science.—Why President Dwight Eisenhower's Farewell Address was correct in warning about a "military-industrial complex" that is now correctly described as the "military-industrial-pharmaceutical complex".—How the Democrats in Congress attempted to censor Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. during a Congressional hearing about…censorship! And the absurd and untrue attacks on him from his fellow Democrats that he made anti-Semitic comments. —The tactics used to avoid honest debates by attacking your opponents with lies and accusations. And why Dr. Prather ESPECIALLY wants to hear from those who have been censored! —What Governor Ron DeSantis has promised to do, if elected President, for those in the military who were kicked out because of the COVID mRNA jab.—How radical organizer Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals", which he dedicated to Lucifer, influence our politics today.
7/29/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Structure-Function Care is essential to help Scoliosis patients to avoid surgery, but can even help patients who already have rods in their back. In this episode, we talk about:—Why Dr. Prather says that you will never get Scoliosis under control unless you also look at the Endocrine System and the balance of the hormones. And the natural products that Holistic Integration uses to get the hormones balanced correctly. —The importance of the Copper-Zinc ratio for Scoliosis and how Dr. Prather saw "a huge difference" and "much quicker results" with his Scoliosis cases once his office started focusing on this ratio. —How Elizabeth suffered from Scoliosis back pain since the age of 9 and even endured the surgery, but is now pain-free after less than 2 months of care at Holistic Integration. —Why girls suffer from Scoliosis at a rate of 10 times the rate of boys, but Scoliosis is "usually more severe" if boys have it.—The different types of Scoliosis diagnosed. And why the difference between Structural Scoliosis and Functional Scoliosis should be discussed more. —Why the hormone Leptin is an important factor for girls who have Scoliosis. And how Scoliosis is starting to develop at earlier ages than in the past.—How major organs like the heart and lungs are affected by Scoliosis. —How it can be determined whether or not a back brace will help a Scoliosis patient just by seeing if their pain is "immediately" relieved when they put it on. —The gentle Chiropractic care techniques offered at Holistic Integration and how they are different from the traditional "pop and crunch" approach. And how the top vertebrae in the neck (the Atlas) and the feet are actually important considerations for Scoliosis. —The corrective exercises that are helpful for Scoliosis (and the activities and exercises that AREN'T helpful). And why men who put a wallet in their back pocket, kids who don’t use both straps on their backpacks, and women who carry heavy purses are at greater risk of back problems.
7/22/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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The number of Cancer cases is increasing in America. This week, Dr. Prather talks about the importance of combining Structure-Function Care with the traditional Disease Care for best patient outcomes. In this episode, you'll learn:—How disease develops in the first place because the body goes out of Homeostasis. And how Structure-Function Care is necessary to bring your body back into Homeostasis. —Why Structure-Function Care helps in the prevention of Cancer, helps keep your body healthy during Cancer treatment, and helps the body to recover after Cancer treatment.—The reason Dr. Prather says that surgery is the best treatment for Cancer. And the importance of "more targeted" and "conservative" Disease Care for better Cancer outcomes.—How there is an 85% reduction of side-effects from Cancer treatment (pain, hair loss, radiation burns, fatigue, etc.) when combined with Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments.—Why several Oncologists have told Dr. Prather how they wish they could have him on staff to help with their Cancer patients.—How keeping a patient from becoming Anemic during Cancer treatments can improve the chance of recovery by 50%. And the role that keeping the Liver clean (through Structure-Function Care) has in improving Cancer outcomes. —Why your gut health is critical for Cancer care, and why you have to get the G.I. fixed in order to get the immune system up.—The story of the young woman who had three different bouts with Cancer because she had LOW Cholesterol. —The importance of identifying heavy metal toxicities, underlying infections, parasites, and free radical pathology. And why Estrogen dominance is one of the big things that can kick off Cancer.—Two of Dr. Prather's "favorite" products that he uses for his Cancer patients to boost the immune system, especially for "the really tough" cases.
7/15/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Infertility affects 10% of all Americans, equally divided between men and women (and is growing worse). But Dr. Prather talks about a natural approach that has a success rate between 80-90%. In this episode, find out:--Why Dr. Prather says the first approach to infertility should be focused on getting healthy before costly medical intervention like In Vitro Fertilization.--How most of Dr. Prather's infertility success stories already went through all the medical interventions (unsuccessfully) and how damaging to health those infertility treatments can be.--The diagnostics and lab tests Dr. Prather uses for infertile patients. Plus, why your gut health and your fat percentage are important indicators of your fertility.--Why the top Infertility clinics are incorporating Acupuncture. And what Dr. Prather says are the two things Acupuncture does to help Infertility patients.--How Chiropractic adjustments help fertility by balancing a woman's hormones and giving her a more regular menstrual cycle.--Why the toxins in our environment today make young people more likely to suffer from infertility than previous generations.--How the Structure-Function approach to Infertility that Dr. Prather uses causes patients to feel so much better in their overall health, while the conventional medical treatments can take a toll on a woman's body.--The correlation between vitamin and minerals deficiencies to infertility.--How Homeopathic Medicine helps target specific toxicities in the body that contribute to Infertility. And why Dr. Prather says this is an important treatment for his toughest cases.--How birth control pills contribute to Infertility.
7/8/202354 minutes, 49 seconds
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This past week, Dr. Prather was a part of a ZOOM Roundtable with Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Dr. Prather shares the health freedom issues and policy proposals raised in that discussion. In this episode, you'll discover:—Why Dr. Prather says that Health Freedom is the battleground for all the other Freedoms. And how the first step for tyrants to capture a society is to control your health care. —How a society is able to be manipulated when fear and emotions take govern their response instead of logic and reason. —The political office that can make the most difference for Health Freedom. —RFK's proposal to restore the World Health Organization to its original mandate instead of the tool of special interests that it has become. —Why it's important to ban advertising by pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical company sponsorship of medical journals. —How the FDA receives a large percentage of their budget from the very pharmaceutical companies they are supposed to regulate.—How a massive amount of data held by HMO's is not allowed to be used, but could be utilized to immediately improve the health of America if the information showing the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of various pharmaceuticals and medical treatments is made public.—The National Institutes of Health scam that uses taxpayer funds for research that Big Pharma then uses for their own exorbitant profits. —Why gain-of-function research just "gets us into trouble" and "has no benefit". —How "our real problem with health" is not from infectious diseases, but from chronic diseases that are best treated through Structure-Function Care.
7/1/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather says about 50% of the patients who come into his office have knee problems--the most common musculoskeletal complaint. Knee problems can cause additional issues in the feet and lower back. In this episode, we talk about:--Why Dr. Prather has a high success rate in treating knee issues.--How knee misalignment is the fundamental issue of knee problems (even AFTER surgery).--Why your low back pain might be caused by knee misalignment.--The effectiveness of treatments such as Chiropractic, Acupuncture. Electrical Stimulation, Ultrasound, and Diathermy.--How a torn meniscus can be healed without surgery, and why surgery does NOT fix a tear (but actually damages it more).--Why athletes should have chiropractic knee adjustments on a regular basis to avoid injury.--The various knee problems such as Osgood-Schlatter Disease, Patellar Tendinitis, Ligament injuries, Bursitis, and Arthritis.--Why a nutritional imbalance (low Copper, low Manganese, or low Vitamin C) can be a cause of knee problems.--The story of Terri who suffered from a very bad knee for over 20 years and did not want to have surgery. And how, after just a two to three weeks of treatment at Holistic Integration, she was able "to dance a little jig" because she was walking normally again.--The EFAC Cream that helps patients find relief from joint pain.
6/24/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather says that 80% of all the problems we have in America are from Chronic Diseases. But the Disease Care Model is not effective for Chronic Diseases, which is why we have some of the worst Health outcomes. In this episode, you'll learn:—How Chronic Diseases are on the rise all across the World, especially in America and especially in the last 3 years.—What the Top 10 Chronic Diseases in America are, including a couple on the list that might surprise you.—Why Dr. Prather says Disease Care does not work very well for Chronic Diseases. And why Structure-Function Care that rebuilds our health is the answer.—The Heart Rate Variability Test done in Dr. Prather's office that shows how well a person's body can achieve Homeostasis on its own. And how Homeostasis is the definition of Health.—The Blue Cross/Blue Shield study of tens of thousands of patients that show a 60% decrease in Health Care costs and an 85% improvement in outcomes by utilizing Chiropractors trained in Structure-Function Care as the Primary Care Physicians. —How Disease Care focuses on the symptoms and how to suppress them, but Structure-Function Care focuses on getting to the root cause of illness by restoring the balance of the body.—Why Diagnostics are even more important to Structure-Function Care. And the 3 lab tests Dr. Prather says everyone should have every year.—How keeping the Liver Clean helps patients to be able to continue with Cancer treatments, which is a good example of how Structure-Function Care and Disease Care can work together.—Why there is opposition to the Structure-Function Health Care Model. (Hint: it might have something to do with an 85% reduction of pharmaceutical use if the model is fully implemented.)—What steps someone with Chronic Disease should take, including rejecting the idea that "there isn't anything can be done for it anyway."
6/17/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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June is Men's Health Month and, let’s face it, men do not take care of their health as well as women do. In this episode, find out:—How the life expectancy for Men has dropped in the past three years, reversing decades of progress. —The main causes of the recent drop in men's life expectancy, including drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and suicide. —The Top Killers of men, with Heart Disease and Cancer accounting for over 50% of deaths.—Why married men live longer than single and even cohabitating men. But, funny enough, married women do not live longer than unmarried women!—How women are the primary drivers of health care for their families. —Why Dr. Prather says America would see a dramatic difference in our longevity and get "more bang for the buck" by adding Structure-Function Care to "the best Disease Care in the world".—The 3 annual lab tests Dr. Prather recommends for everyone to get a true blueprint of their health: The Prather Profile Blood Test, a Hair Analysis, and a G.I. Effects Stool Kit.—Why Dr. Prather says Vitamin D and Iodine are two of the most important levels to test. —The detailed Cardiac work-up done at Holistic Integration that patients have said is "much more thorough" than anything they've had done at even the top Cardiology hospitals.—How low Testosterone is an increasing problem for Men, which impacts much more than just a man's libido. And the effect Marijuana, Pornography, and video games have on dropping Testosterone levels.
6/10/202353 minutes, 51 seconds
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In our monthly show on Health Freedom, we cover breaking news about the DNA contamination found in a certain shot. In this episode, you'll discover:—Who microbiologist Kevin McKernan is and what he recently found when analyzing the COVID-19 vaccines.—How even the biggest critics of the COVID-19 jab were SHOCKED to find out what is contained within them, which "is far worse than anything we could have ever imagined".—What you should know about the Simian virus 40, its connection to vaccines, and how it causes Cancers at an accelerated rate. And the increase in Cancer and Cancer deaths that has happened since the introduction of COVID vaccines. —How Indiana was the 2nd-lowest state of COVID vaccination compliance. And how COVID vaccination rates have dropped dramatically since the first shot.—The data from Walgreen's, as well as the British and Israeli health care systems, that show the vaccinated were more likely to get COVID…and actually get it worse! —Why joining Stand For Health Freedom is one of the best things you can do to make your voice heard in the political process.—How attacking Health Freedom is "the avenue to enslavement" and leads to the loss of all of our other freedoms.—The threat to national sovereignty (and your freedom) from the International Health Regulations (IHR) Treaty. —Why Dr. Prather says the worst thing you can hear is, "We're from the World Health Organization, and we're here to save you."—The two Presidential candidates Dr. Prather believes are the potential 2024 choices for those who believe in Health Freedom.
6/3/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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The best part of Holistic Integration is the amazing patient success stories we have. This week, we bring three of our favorite stories from patients who say they wouldn’t be alive today without Dr. Prather. In this episode, we talk about:—Why Dr. Prather says his favorite part of what he does is that he "knows" (without guessing) when patients are getting better because the objective lab tests and findings prove they are making progress. And why he says the lab tests usually indicate a patient is getting better BEFORE the symptoms start to improve.—How a young radio talk show host, unable to walk or talk after a battle with a brain tumor that included almost a year in an induced coma, was brought to Dr. Prather as a last-ditch effort to save his life. And how this turned into The Voice Of Health Radio being launched.—Why Pat's general practitioner said she wouldn’t be alive today if it weren't for Dr. Prather helping her after a diagnosis with Lupus 25 years ago. And how Dr. Prather helped Pat so much that she ended up working for him for 17 years before her retirement at age 79!—The amazing story of Joy, who is now Cancer-free after coming all the way from southern Mississippi to Dr. Prather's office after being diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer. And how her story has inspired many others to become Dr. Prather's patients as well. —Plus, a special Memorial Day tribute from The Voice Of Health, featuring President Ronald Reagan.
5/27/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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COPD is the 4th-largest cause of death in America. But only 50% of those who have it have actually been diagnosed. In this episode, you'll learn:—The symptoms and complications of COPD. And why lung problems are the #1 cause of death for widowed men within two years after the death of their wife. —How smoking is the #1 cause of COPD. And how Acupuncture and Auricular Therapy are powerful smoking cessation treatments Dr. Prather sees incredible results from for people who have tried everything.—The connection between COPD and Cadmium Toxicity. And the Genetic Risk Factor you should be tested for that predisposes a person to COPD.—The reason why Histoplasmosis infection is common in Indianapolis and can eventually cause COPD.—How your longevity is determined by how deep you breathe. And the Spirometey lung function test everyone should have at least once per year. —Why Dr. Prather says Structure-Function Care is "absolutely necessary" for COPD and is "one of the most important things you can possibly do".—How smoking marijuana will make you more likely to develop COPD than cigarettes and "is actually the worst of them in causing COPD". And the Arsenic toxicity that Dr. Prather is finding in patients who take up Vaping. —Why cough suppressants can actually make the problem worse because it stops mucus from being expelled from the lungs. And the natural products that are helpful for expelling and thinning the mucus from your lungs.—The Homeopathic remedies that can help reduce cravings for Cigarettes. And the reason why Vitamin D (especially from sunshine) is very important for lung health. —Why the short-wave Diathermy treatment is "the most important" modality Dr. Prather uses in his office for COPD patients. And the role Chiropractic care plays in improving your lung health.
5/20/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather always says the correct balance in our Health Care system for optimal patient results is 80% Structure-Function Care and 20% Disease Care. In this episode, you'll find out:—The two different categories the FDA uses to classify health care: Disease Care and Structure-Function Care. And the true definition of "disease" that might surprise you. —How a product can only be defined as a pharmaceutical if it has the potential for harm.—Why a Structure-Function physician is correctly described as a "Health Doctor" as the goal is to bring balance or Homeostasis to the body.—The 8 Principles of Structure-Function care that Dr. Prather organized as "The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health" to evaluate his patients. —Why Dr. Prather says the terms "Complementary" and "Alternative" Health Care are slurs that were designed to control the language by Disease Care practitioners. And the true origins of the term "quack". —How what is called "modern" medicine is actually based on the Egyptian and Asclepieion system. And how Pergamum referenced in the Book of Revelation was the center of this system. —The reason Dr. Prather says the philosophy of Structure-Function Care is "as old as time itself". And King Solomon's role in Structure-Function Care.—Why Dr. Prather says his office is trying to do something "that's never been done is history" by promoting a balanced Health Care system that combines the best of Disease Care with the best of Structure-Function Care.—How Nathan came into Holistic Integration due to redness and irritation on his eyelids, but discovered a previously-undiagnosed neck fracture and found relief from Migraine Headaches that he's had for years. —And in a very special treat, you'll get to hear from Jim, our X-Ray Technologist at Holistic Integration and a favorite of our patients.
5/14/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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We devote the entire show this week to a Health Freedom Update, which includes news of a major takeover attempt of our global healthcare system that was thankfully defeated in April. In this episode, you'll discover:—What is "the greatest threat to health freedom" in the U.S. and in the world.—How the World Health Organization is pushing to be "the main determiner of your health and well-being and how you live."—The April 2023 attempt before The World Council For Health to implement a Chinese-style digitized health surveillance system that was defeated, but will be up for vote again in May 2024. —Why Dr. Prather says that "health is the vehicle" for those who want to "takeover and control your very life and death".—Where the World Health Organization gets their funding. —How the State of Florida has "without a doubt" done the most for Health Freedom. And why Dr. Prather says state-level action is the best way to ensure our health care freedoms.—Why Dr. Prather encourages listeners to join Stand For Health Freedom. —The role pharmaceutical companies play in politics and in media. And what Dr. Prather has to say about Fox News after they fired Tucker Carlson.—How the Biden Administration is "the antithesis of Health Freedom" and is "a complete disaster". And how the Democrats in favor of Health Freedom now have a candidate in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.—Why Structure-Function Health Care helps you to take control and responsibility over your own health instead of just sitting back and taking whatever pill is thrust upon you.
5/6/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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1-in-3 people will get Shingles. And the older you are, the more likely you are to get it. In this episode, we talk about:--That Shingles is on the rise since around 1994, but it's not certain as to why.--How the exact same virus which causes Chicken Pox also causes Shingles. And how the pattern of Shingles follows along the pathways of the nervous system.--Why Dr. Prather calls Shingles an "opportunistic" virus caused by a lowered immune system from illness, stress, and even prescription medicines (such as cholesterol drugs and antibiotics).--The symptoms of Shingles, including pain that is usually confined to one side of the body. And how Shingles can be dangerous enough to cause death, blindness, or hearing loss.--Why you can't get Shingles from someone, but you can get the Shingles virus from someone.--How Shingles can be prevented. Plus, the effectiveness of the Shingles vaccine.--The natural treatments for Shingles used at Holistic Integration, including certain herbals, vitamins, and minerals that boost the patient's immune system.--How Homeopathy and Chiropractic adjustments can help with Shingles. And the amazing story of how a Colorado hospital started using a homeopathic spray formula to relieve Shingles because Dr. Prather sent it to the daughter of a patient.--Why keeping your body alkaline will decrease your likelihood of getting Shingles. And why Dr. Prather calls red laser acupuncture one of their "secrets" to effectively treating Shingles.--The foods you should avoid to prevent Shingles, including chocolate and carbonated beverages. And the foods you SHOULD eat to help with Shingles.
4/29/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Over 1-in-4 Americans can be diagnosed with Anxiety, with a 25% increase in Anxiety during the last 3 years. But there are natural solutions to Anxiety Disorders that are more effective than prescription drugs, which you can learn more about at our Free Holistic Integration Open House next Saturday, April 29th at 10 a.m. In this episode, you'll learn:—The definition and symptoms of Anxiety. And the "Fight, Flight, or Freeze" response to Stress.—The astonishing statistics about Anxiety, including how 94% of workers report being constantly stressed at work.—How 85% of the first responders to 9-11 had PTSD, but only 25% of the first responders developed PTSD if they were treated with Acupuncture.—The Autonomic Nervous System Test Dr. Prather does in his office to scientifically measure a person's Stress levels. —The shocking number of people on prescription medication for Anxiety. And why Dr. Prather says prescription drugs for Anxiety are definitely warranted at times, but should be temporary and not taken for more than one month. —The Vitamins and Minerals that are important for Anxiety.—The Botanicals and Herbals that patients say work better than prescription medications for their Anxiety. —How Chiropractic helps to change Anxiety patterns "pretty much immediately" by balancing out the Nervous System and removing Vagus Nerve interference.—Why military medics are now trained to use Auriculotherapy (Ear Acupuncture) in battlefield trauma situations, which reduces the need for morphine by 80% and also reduces the potential for PTSD by 80%.—How you can schedule a FREE Acupuncture appointment by attending the Holistic Integration Open House Event on Anxiety next Saturday, April 29th at 10 a.m.
4/22/202352 minutes, 43 seconds
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Parkinson's Disease is the fastest-growing neurological condition in the world. While there is no cure, there is hope for patients to help relive the symptoms of this disease. In this episode, you'll learn:—How constipation can be an early symptom indicating Parkinson's Disease. And the involuntary "pill rolling" motion that is usually the very first sign of Parkinson's.—Why Dr. Prather says getting your Glutathione level up is one of the most important things you can do for preventing Parkinson's Disease and even helping to reverse its damage. And how IV Therapy is the best way to get Glutathione into the body.—Why Dr. Prather "highly, highly" recommends patients seek "very effective" pharmaceutical treatments for Parkinson's Disease in addition to Structure-Function Care that "every Parkinson's patient should have" to help alleviate the symptoms.—How Dr. Prather helps his patients to reduce the side effects of Parkinson's medications, while keeping patients on those important medicines. —The reason Dr. Prather says "Hair Analysis" is "one of the most critical" diagnostics for Parkinson's patients. And how he has found about 10% of his Parkinson's patients have a "false Parkinson's" diagnosis that actually comes from Manganese toxicity.—The "absolutely critical" dietary changes for Parkinson's, including high Fiber and low Protein, which will "almost always" cut a patient's required medication "at least in half".—The "dramatic improvement" Dr. Prather sees when nutritional deficiencies associated with Parkinson's are addressed, including: Folic Acid, Niacin, Thiamine B1, B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E. And why Dr. Prather recommends Green Tea, Ginkgo Biloba, Velvet Beans, and Fava Beans.—Why the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Technique is "the biggest thing for Parkinson's" that results in an immediate change in the neurology and symptoms. Plus, the exercises and neck brace that correct the Forward Head Posture, which then causes "most of the Parkinson's symptoms to go away". —How Dr. Prather uses a particular Acupuncture protocol for Parkinson's patients, including a point on the tip of the nose that he never uses otherwise.—The Auriculotherapy protocol for Parkinson's that works on the brain by stimulating points on the ear.
4/15/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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30-50% of all referrals to G.I. specialists are for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, with an estimated 15% of Americans suffering from this very debilitating condition. In this episode, you'l find out:—How IBS is "one of the most common things" that people come into Dr. Prather's office for, with a 95-98% success rate in improving IBS symptoms of patients.—The symptoms of IBS: pain, distention, diarrhea, constipation, gas, and nausea.—Why IBS can lead to Anorexia because people are afraid to eat.—How Fiber is "THE biggest answer" to IBS and is the #1 supplement Dr. Prather always recommends that everyone needs more of. And why Probiotics are essential for IBS.—Why the Food Sensitivity test at Holistic Integration can help diagnose the foods that don't work for you and the foods that you CAN eat which are healing for your body. And the particular FODMAP diet that helps an estimated 70% of those with IBS.—The natural products that help relive IBS, such as: Peppermint Oil, Artichokes, Chamomile, and Licorice. —The connection between IBS and Stress. —How Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy, and Chiropractic can provide relief from IBS symptoms. —The diagnostics essential to get to the root cause of IBS, including a detailed Blood Analysis and a G.I. Stool Kit.—Plus, you'll hear how Sarah felt ignored by her doctors for 30 years, but now "feels better than she's ever felt" and has "a new lease on life" after her experience at Holistic Integration.
4/8/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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90% of all anxiety drugs in the world are consumed by Americans. While prescription drugs have their place, our health care system has overused prescription drugs when there are drug-free alternatives. In this episode, we talk about:--Why you should see a Structure-Function doctor FIRST before seeking Disease Care (and the difference between the two types of care).--When the stress response becomes unhealthy ("DIStress") causing damage to your endocrine system, a fried nervous system, and harmful changes in the body.--How we can feel emotionally paralyzed (not being able to move forward or backward) and why it is called the "reptilian brain" response. --How too much Copper in your body can lead to an over-excited nervous system and over-excited endocrine system, leading to an improper stress response.--That Calcium-Magnesium imbalance, high Mercury, and high Lead all throw off proper stress response. And why having the appropriate lab tests is so important to determine these things.--Why Dr. Prather says 80% of the patients he sees are in the wrong "Fight-Flight" Sympathetic System mode where they have a "broken down endocrine system". --How to rebuild the nervous system, rebuild the endocrine system, and boost the body's immune system to battle anxiety through Functional Care. And the different products available (80,000!) that Dr. Prather uses to help renew and rejuvenate the body, including Nutritionals, Herbals, Flower Remedies, Homeopathics, Glandulars, and Mineral Balancing products.--The Structural Care options to treat Anxiety, such as Chiropractic and Acupuncture. Plus, how Auriculotherapy helps relieve Anxiety.--Why Dr. Prather calls it one of his "secrets to success" to combine Functional and Structural Care to achieve better patient outcomes.--How TMJ in your jaw involves a nerve that leads directly to your brain's emotional system. Plus, the role toxicity in your body plays in Anxiety and how Diathermy helps the body to detox.
4/1/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we continue our new format of focusing on the topic of Health Freedom for the last show of each month. And we're joined by Leah Wilson of Stand For Health Freedom to discuss the important Health Freedom Legislation pending in the Indiana General Assembly right now. In this episode, you'll discover:—Why our Freedom (including our Health Freedom) is dependent upon Free Speech. —How Robert Kennedy, Jr. reports that 75% of all Democrats believe that Free Speech should be restricted. —Why Health Care seems to be an easy topic to restrict Free Speech. —The new definition of "misinformation" and how it says that what is considered misinformation can even be…TRUE! —The coalition of groups who have declared themselves the ultimate authorities on deciding which health information is considered "misinformation" and who should be censored.—The two most important bills for Health Freedom during this session of the Indiana General Assembly.—How Indiana Senate Bill 4 expands Public Health spending by over 2000% after our public health bureaucrats were wrong about everything over the past three years. —The importance of passing Indiana Senate Bill 321 to make sure school-based health centers do not undermine parental knowledge and authority over their children's health.—The big victory for Foster families in Indiana who will no longer be discriminated against because of their vaccination stance.—How you can receive alerts about important Health Freedom legislation by signing up at .
3/25/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we're joined by Meghan, an Occupational Therapist at Holistic Integration certified in Dry Needling. Dr. Prather and Meghan talk about the differences between Dry Needling and Acupuncture and how both are helpful with pain. In this episode, you'll learn:—The conditions helped by Dry Needling, including: Carpal Tunnel, Headaches, Neck Pain, Back Pain, and Myofascial Disorders.—How Dry Needling is also helpful for dysfunction, helping to speed up healing and improving range of motion.—The definition of Trigger Points. And Dr. Prather's ability to find those hypersensitive spots! —Why the secret of successful results at Holistic Integration is the combination of multiple Structural Therapy options, such as Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Corrective Exercises, Massage, Ortho-Bionomy, and Rapid Release.—When "Wet Needling" is the best treatment option through Trigger Point Injections. —The contraindications for Dry Needling, including: active Cancer, pregnancy, history of uncontrolled seizures, bleeding disorders, abnormal sensation issues, dementia patients, and extreme phobia of needles.—How almost 100% of Holistic Integration Physical Therapy patients are receiving Dry Needling as a part of their treatment because of the results it produces.—The history behind the development of Dry Needling and how it became widespread in the 1980's.—Why Dr. Prather says that John F. Kennedy was only able to run for President because of Trigger Point Therapy from the Physical Therapist who helped develop Dry Needling.—And you'll hear from Ben, a patient at Holistic Integration, who received "life-changing" relief from long-term pain associated with Knee and Back injuries. And his inspiring story about how Holistic Integration helped his family.
3/18/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Kidney Stones are incredibly painful and are "growing at a surprise rate". But Dr. Prather says there are natural approaches to preventing and treating Kidney Stones. In this episode, we talk about:—The different types of Kidney Stones and how correctly identifying which one you have is important for how it is treated.—Why Fiber is important for preventing Kidney Stones. And how switching chronic Kidney Stone patients from White Bread to Whole Grain Bread reduced the number of Kidney Stones by 50%.—Why Dr. Prather describes High Fructose Corn Syrup as "Kidney Stone forming material". And why the Southeastern U.S. is called "The Kidney Stone Belt".—How Dr. Prather as a Chiropractor will often have patients coming to him for low back pain when the real cause of the discomfort is Kidney Stones for about 20% of those patients.—Why Dr. Prather says getting your body more Alkaline is "one of the important things you can possibly do" since Acidic urine is the cause of 80-90% of Kidney Stones. And the brand of water Dr. Prather recommends for proper hydration. —The "magic formula" for most Kidney Stones. And the herb (which even Dr. Prather has difficulty pronouncing) that is "like the magic Kidney Stone dissolver".—The importance of having a Hair Analysis done for Kidney Stones. And why Dr. Prather says those with high Cadmium are "guaranteed" to have Kidney Stones and "not just one a year".—The man who called into Dr. Prather's office ready to commit suicide because of chronic Kidney Stones. And how the recommendation of Lemon water and Magnesium Citrate cleared up his issue without him ever even coming into the office.—How Apple Cider Vinegar is "one of the best medicines" for Kidney Stones that prevents Kidney Stones and can "completely dissolve" Kidney Stones when taken regularly over a period of time.—What you can do at home for a Kidney Stone. And how Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy, and an IV Therapy Hydration bag can provide "amazing relief" for Kidney Stone pain.
3/11/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Hip Replacement surgeries are growing at a rate of 10% per year. But Dr. Prather says that proper Structure-Function Care can help people avoid Hip Surgery, delay surgery for years, and even help those who have already had surgery. In this episode, you'll find out:—How Osteoarthritis is the #1 cause of Hip Replacements. And 40 million Americans have Osteoarthritis, including 80% of those over the age of 50.—How NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) can temporarily help the pain, but will make the problem worse by dissolving the cartilage in the joint. —How Hip Surgeries have "dramatically" improved over the years with increased patient satisfaction rates. But, you will still be considered permanently disabled after a Hip Replacement.—The natural products that work better than drugs to help with joint pain, including Glucosamine and Chondroitin. And how the Natrum Naturals Vegan Collagen Boost Gummies are helpful for Osteoarthritis, while making your hair and skin look better, too! —The Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbals that are beneficial for joint health.—Why a combination of Chiropractic and Physical Therapy makes things go so much better for a patient. —The difference that treatments like Orthotics, Acupuncture, Dry Needling, Decompression, Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation, and Diathermy can make for patients with Hip problems.—Why Dr. Prather calls the Rapid Release treatment "absolutely wonderful for Trigger Points" and has "been like a miracle" for patients. And the Chinese Liniments that are "highly recommended" to relieve pain.—What an exam for Hip Problems should include. And why good Imaging is important to figure out exactly what is going on, so the right treatment plan can be made. —The surprising connection between gut issues and hip degeneration.
3/4/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Three years ago, we began opening each show with a COVID-19 update. This week, we launch a new format in which we'll devote an entire show each month to the topic of Health Freedom. In this episode, you'll discover:—The reasons behind our new format change, including the censorship being placed on The Voice Of Health Radio from multiple platforms.—Why Health Freedom is "THE most important thing" to those who are trying to take away all of our Freedoms. And how the events of the past three years have proven, "If you can control people's health, you can control their Freedom."—The strategy of "mass formation psychosis" to control a population through propaganda. And how Freedom has been reduced around the globe during the past three years because of COVID.—How the overwhelming majority of Democrats polled say that Freedom of Speech should be curtailed when it comes to health care. —Why unelected bureaucrats should "absolutely not" be making our health care choices. —The two goals of "The Great Reset": Eugenics and Transhumanism.—The deisturbing American roots of Eugenics and how it spread to become implemented in Nazi Germany. —How the proponents of Transhumanism believe they can achieve immortality and avoid death through genetic modification and artificial intelligence. —Why information and Truth are the best weapons in the battle for Health Freedom.—How 75% of advertising revenues now on the mainstream media are now coming from pharmaceutical companies. And why Dr. Prather believes that pharmaceutical ads should be banned.
2/25/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Cardiac issues are not only the leading cause of death in the United States, but the entire world. This week, Dr. Prather talks about our Holistic Heart program that is designed to give our patients safe, non-invasive, and medically-sound cardiac care that is more than just stents and statins. In this episode, you'll learn:—The philosophy behind Holistic Heart and how it integrates Structure-Function Care and the medical model for the best patient outcomes.—The unique diagnostic tests Dr. Prather orders for patients that most cardiologists do not do. —How the shocking study from the National Institutes of Health study revealed that stents and bypass surgeries are NOT effective for long-term heart health outcomes. —The External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy developed 60 years ago by Harvard and how it duplicates 5 years of marathon training for the heart in just 7 weeks. And the touching story of how Dr. Prather came to bring this treatment into his office.—How Magnesium for men and Potassium for women are "absolutely critical" for those situations where a person dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a heart attack.—Why high Cholesterol is NOT the underlying problem, but an indicator of Cardiovascular Disease. And why Dr. Prather describes Cholesterol as the firefighters showing up to put out the fire. —Why Chiropractic care helps with the Vagus Nerve, POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), and can play a big role for atrial fibrillation (AFib). Plus, the Acupuncture points that can settle down the EKG of a patient while they are having a heart attack.—The Cardiac C-Reactive Protein Blood Test that is the biggest indicator of having a heart attack. And how Cardiologists are "amazed" by how Dr. Prather can quickly and effectively get positive changes in this measurement. —What the research-grade Autonomic Nervous System test reveals about the nervous system, circulatory system, and heart function. And how Dr. Prather's office is the only one that offers this diagnostic in Indianapolis. —How you can receive a FREE Autonomic Nervous Screening test by attending the free Holistic Integration Open House event on Wednesday, February 22nd.
2/18/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather says it is a myth that cholesterol is the CAUSE of Cardiovascular Disease. High cholesterol is instead a SYMPTOM of Cardiovascular Disease. In this episode, you'll learn:--How the pharmaceutical companies had the labs change the reference ranges for cholesterol levels when cholesterol medications were developed. And why reference ranges on lab tests are NOT the ideal number Dr. Prather looks for.--That cholesterol is an essential building material the body uses to help heal damage in the body and is key to hormone production.--Why the Coronary Risk Factor ratio in your cholesterol number should be more of a focus than the overall cholesterol number.--How LOW cholesterol can cause fatigue, difficulty thinking, increased risk of cancer, loss of memory, mental confusion, and greater susceptibility to viruses.--The harmful side effects of statin drugs. And why Type II Diabetics and those with high liver enzymes should NOT take statin drugs.--How the #1 reason for high cholesterol is a sick liver. And the various underlying causes of high cholesterol: Low thyroid, Type II Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, mineral imbalances, low Vitamin D, kidney disease, pancreatic disease, and chronic pain.--That Cholesterol is more of a warning instead of the disease process itself. And why Dr. Prather says the key is finding the underlying cause and reason of high cholesterol.--Why Cancer patients need to keep their cholesterol levels HIGH. And why cholesterol drugs can actually increase your chance of Cancer.--How to regulate your cholesterol through diet by eating what Dr. Prather calls "real" food and by shopping only on the outside aisles of the grocery store.--Why you should have a goal to get off of statin drugs as soon as possible. Plus, the increased nutritional needs of your body when you are on statin drugs.
2/11/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Too many patients and health care professionals believe that antibiotics solve almost anything and are a cure-all. Unfortunately, that belief has led to a health care crisis where antibiotics are overused when there are more appropriate and more effective alternatives. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Dr. Prather calls antibiotics "a precious resource that we are destroying" by over-prescribing. And why he says we should respect antibiotics more to make sure the next generation still has them.--That, in 2010, there were 258 million antibiotic courses ordered out of 309 million people. (That's 833 antibiotics for every 1000 people!)--That the Centers for Disease Control has a goal to reduce antibiotic use by one-third and want to make it easier for doctors to tell the patients "No" when it comes to antibiotic prescriptions.--Why children are three to six times MORE likely to get infections if they wrongly receive antibiotics.--How Homeopathy was effective in fighting Cholera epidemics. And why Homeopathy can get faster results than an antibiotic in relief of symptoms.--How herbal medications were the most effective remedy when the SARS outbreak occurred in China. And the herbals you should always have in your medicine cabinet (especially for parents with young children who are looking for a safe and gentle option).--How Vitamins and Minerals fight infections. For example, Vitamin C along with an antibiotic makes the antibiotic 50% more effective.--Why Chiropractic adjustments help fight infections.--How 85% of Cancer patient complaints are resolved if the patients are undergoing Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments at the same time.--How Antibiotics actually destroy the good bacteria in the gut and why Probiotics are necessary for anyone on Antibiotics.
2/4/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with our "Health Freedom Update" about how the gathering in Davos, Switzerland affects your Health Care. Then, we focus on the benefits of IV Therapy and the 10% discount we're offering at Holistic Integration through the month of February. In this episode, you'll discover:—The agenda and goals of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, including Eugenics and Transhumanism.—Why Health Security is a "perfect vehicle" for limiting our freedoms. —The three steps we must take in order to protect our freedoms and stop the "COVID Cartel". —How IV Therapy is valuable because most patients notice the results and benefits within an hour.—The astonishing story about the hospital in Washington State which got in trouble after saving one of their own doctors from dying of COVID by using Vitamin C IV Therapy.—The 11 different specialty treatment IV Therapy options offered at Holistic Integration, including: Athletic Performance, "The Original", Hydration (which is great for hangovers), Energy, High Dose Vitamin C, Libido Enhancer, Mood Support (for depression and anxiety), Recovery, Cosmetic (for wrinkles and acne), Diet and Detox, and Aches and Pains.—How Holistic Integration is able to use diagnostics to determine EXACTLY the IV Therapy that is most beneficial for the patient.—The 6 additional "add ons" to the IV Therapy bags offered by Holistic Integration, such as: Zinc (which was so important for COVID), Vitamin B-6 (for the nervous system and stress), Arginine and Taurine (for cardiovascular and kidney health), Glutamine, and Glutathione.—Why Dr. Prather says Glutathione is "the big one" and the reason he really wanted IV Therapy added to his practice. —The new audio book project narrated by our own Lisa Prather: "The Purple Life" by Angie Nuttle. Order here…
1/28/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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We open the show with our "Health Freedom Update" about the whistleblower who was shocked at what she witnessed during the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine research trials. Then, we conclude our four-week Weight Loss series. In this episode, you'll learn:—Why Dr. Prather says every news station should be talking about Brook Jackson, who was one of the people in charge of the Pfizer COVID vaccine trials.—How you can learn more about the Pfizer whistleblower lawsuit and help support the case by going to—The reason that Structure-Function Care is so effective in treating Obesity by getting to the underlying reasons for the weight gain.—What role the Endocrine System and the Hormones of the body play in Obesity. And why detailed lab work is so essential for healthy weight loss. —Why toxins are an important consideration for Fat Loss. And how 80% of toxins come from our food, making a Food Sensitivity Test crucial for determining which foods are helpful (and which ones are harmful) for your body. —The importance of Thermogenesis in burning calories. And how Holistic Integration helps stimulate Thermogenesis naturally. —The Lipo Laser treatment at Holistic Integration that is an exciting tool which helps our weight loss patients to both "kick-start" a weight loss program and "solidify" a weight loss program.—How the Lipo Laser red light therapy at Holistic Integration helps tone the body and can reduce body fat by as much as 1% (or more) per session. —Why Holistic Integration combines the Lipo Laser with our coaching program in order to achieve the best results for our patients.—The inspiring story of how Paula, a patient at Holistic Integration, lost 40 pounds and went from 43% body fat to 27% body fat!
1/21/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with two fiery segments for our "Health Freedom Update". Then, we focus on how Obesity is the biggest contributor to Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, and Type II Diabetes. In this episode, we talk about:—How groups like the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization are planning for the NEXT pandemic, with plans that are much harsher than the response to COVID.—Who was at most risk for COVID-19 and the groups that fared the worst through the pandemic. And why the groups with low Vitamin D levels (such as the elderly and black populations) were hit the hardest.—The huge benefit to the wealthiest that the COVID pandemic provided (at our expense).—How to determine if someone is trying to impart propaganda or bring forth Truth. And how 85% of COVID deaths could have been avoided if effective treatment protocols had not been suppressed. —The way you can protect yourself from the new variants by making sure you are tested to determine your Vitamin D, Zinc, and Iodine levels so that you know the exact state of your immune system.—How Obesity increased a person's chance of being hospitalized from COVID. And the doctor who was called "fat-phobic" for recommending that people avoid donuts for breakfast and instead make healthier choices. —Why Body Fat Percentage is more important to look at than Body Mass Index (B.M.I.) to see how fat changes the Homeostasis and Health of your body. And how you can get a free Body Composition Analysis at Holistic Integration that determines your Body Fat Percentage with an accuracy within 2%. —Why Government and Big Business were behind the dramatic increase in obesity levels from the 1960's to today.—The difference between "white fat" and "brown fat".—Why 95% of all weight loss programs will result in a person being fatter in five years than if they had done nothing at all. And the difference that Holistic Integration provides in making sure patients wind up healthier and able to maintain their fat loss.
1/14/202354 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with two segments dedicated to our "Health Freedom Update". Then, we talk about why having a Health Coach is important to help you to reach your fat loss goals. In this episode, find out:—Why we are changing the name of our "COVID Update" segment to our "Health Freedom Update" after three years.—What is happening right now with a child care crisis as the country has a "triple-demic" of flu, RSV, and COVID. And the reason why the immune systems in children are compromised right now as a result of the lockdowns and isolation. —The major change in their COVID policy that the Communist regime in China just made after their people rose up in protest. And why Dr. Prather says that the surge of COVID in China proves that "lockdowns don't work, masks don't work, and the vaccines don't work".—How the current COVID vaccine is ineffective against the current COVID variants. And how you are more susceptible to get the latest variants the more shots and boosters that you receive. —The mechanism of the vaccine that triggers an IgG4 response in your immune system that treats the COVID variants as a harmless pollen instead of as a more dangerous virus. And how this same response was previously seen in RSV vaccination campaigns in Africa that made it more likely for someone who was vaccinated to get RSV. —The increased risk of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in young men and athletes who have received the COVID vaccine, which has caused other countries to actually ban the vaccine for young men.—How you can protect yourself and your loved ones by building up your immune system. And the "critical" importance of correct diagnostics to find out the exact state of your health (such as Vitamin D, Zinc, and Iodine levels).—The story of Robert, a patient at Holistic Integration, and how he lost 45 pounds in his first three months on our Fat Loss Program! —Why having a Health Coach to guide and encourage you is so important when you are trying to make positive, long-lasting changes in your health. —How you can get a free consultation with our Health Coach (which includes a Body Composition Analysis and Fit3D Scan) by attending our free Open House Event on Wednesday, January 11th at 6 p.m.
1/7/202355 minutes, 50 seconds
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The number one resolution for the New Year is always weight loss. But Dr. Prather says it is more important to focus on achieving a healthy Body Fat Percentage instead of just focusing on losing pounds. In this episode, find out:—How there is a renewed push for people to wear masks again, even though Dr. Fauci and the Biden Administration COVID Coordinator both admitted there are no peer-reviewed studies to show they are effective.—The revelation this week from the Twitter files that proves government officials actively sought to censor any dissenting opinion during the pandemic. And how The Voice Of Health radio was even censored by multiple platforms.—The reason Dr. Prather says the pharmaceutical industry has too much influence on our health care, our media, and our government. And how governments are using COVID to further erode basic human rights and freedom.—Why a Body Composition Analysis is a more accurate measure of Body Fat Percentage than Body Mass Index.—How a G.I. Effects Stool Kit will reveal the balance of two major kinds of gut flora in your body. And how changing this balance can allow you to cut the calories your body consumes IN HALF without even changing your diet.—The way that toxins actually create fat. And how Dr. Prather uses bloodwork to improve the function of your Liver, Gallbladder, Thyroid, and Adrenal Glands so that your body can achieve fat loss. —Why Food Sensitivities are important for Fat Loss. And the "rather unique" Hair Analysis done at Holistic Integration that helps to identify the foods you shouldn't (and those that you should) eat to help you improve your health and achieve your fat loss goals.—Why it's important to have a Health Coach to guide and encourage you in a Weight Management program.—The value of diagnostic tools like the Body Composition Analysis and Fit3D Scan used by Holistic Integration to help patients achieve their fat loss goals.—How you can get a free consultation with our Health Coach (which includes a Body Composition Analysis and Fit3D Scan) by attending our free Open House Event on Wednesday, January 11th at 6 p.m.
12/31/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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The holidays are a time of joy and family, but also can be a time of stress. This week, we talk about how to deal with that stress and how an attitude of gratitude can actually add seven years to your life. In this episode, discover:--The physiological definition of stress and how our emotions can take our bodies out of their normal balance.--That there is an increase in suicides, stress-related hospitalizations, and death around the holidays.--How the Centers for Disease Control reports 90% of all diseases have an underlying cause of stress, including Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and weight gain "around the middle".--The most common denominator in patients with low back pain and how it relates to their work.--How men and women react differently to stress, including which sex gets stressed more easily and which sex cannot maintain stress levels as long.--A quiz about signs of stress and anxiety symptoms that you might have.--How 80% of the Chiropractic adjustments that Dr. Prather makes are related to stress. And which muscles that Dr. Prather calls his "tension evaluation points".--How 25% of all pharmaceuticals prescribed are for stress-related issues like depression and anxiety. And the natural alternatives to prescription drugs that Dr. Prather recommends to his patients such as homeopathic and herbal formulas, vitamins, and minerals.--The technology that allows Dr. Prather to test specifically for the exact natural products to which your body will best respond.--How an attitude of gratitude actually lowers the levels of stress hormones in your body.--Why you need to learn to breathe properly to shift your body from a fight-flight response to a rest-digest mode. And why Dr. Prather says "the biggest indicator of how long you live" is connected to how deep you breathe.—And we bring you a special guest to talk about an amazing program called "Trades Of Hope" that is changing lives all over the world.
12/24/202256 minutes, 51 seconds
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After receiving tremendous audience feedback from last week's COVID update, Dr. Prather continues to reveal the plans being made for the next pandemic response. Then, we talk about how incorporating medicinal mushrooms can boost your immune system and benefit your health this Winter. In this episode, you'll learn:—What you should know about the recent simulation in Belgium by the World Health Organization and Bill Gates about the next pandemic (or maybe "PLANdemic").—The difficulty Dr. Fauci had while he was under oath in recalling key details about his actions during the pandemic.—How Duke University refused a kidney transplant to a 14-year-old girl for not taking the COVID vaccine…even though she already had COVID.—The promising research going on right now about how mushrooms can help with COVID-19, including COVID long-hauler symptoms.—How different kinds of mushrooms provide a greater benefit when combined than if used individually. And the 5 kinds of mushrooms you need to know about for your health.—Why Dr. Prather is proud that the Stasis Supplements Mushroom Immune Complex he and his team developed is a particular combination of mushrooms that hasn't been been used that much.—How the Natrum Naturals Mushroom Elixir Gummies offer the benefits of mushrooms in a fun, accessible, and tasty form that makes it easy to take. And the difference between the culinary mushrooms that we eat and the medicinal mushrooms that are beneficial for our health.—The benefits customers have reported after taking the Natrum Naturals Mushroom Elixir Gummy, including: improved brain function, energy regulation (both in boosting energy and helping people relax based on what the body needs), and immune support. Plus, the latest research on how mushrooms can be helpful for the central nervous system, heart function, inhibiting allergic responses, improving liver function, boosting the immune system, and helping to improve outcomes for Cancer patients during chemotherapy and radiation.—The people who can benefit from the Natrum Naturals Mushroom Elixir Gummy Vitamin, including those dealing with: Chronic Fatigue, Sleep Issues, Autoimmune Diseases, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Hypertension, Elevated Cholesterol, Diabetes, and Cancer treatments.—The special 20% discount you can receive on your Natrum Naturals Gummy order by using the code "VOICEOFHEALTH".
12/17/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, Dr. Prather spends two segments on an explosive COVID update about the planned future of your Health Care Freedoms. Then, our show focuses on the growing mental health care crisis in America and the hope we can offer for anxiety and depression through non-pharmaceutical options. In this episode, you'll learn:—Why you should know about the recent 56-page report, "The Lancet Commission On Lessons For The Future From The COVID-19 Pandemic".—The reason Dr. Prather calls the recommendations of this report "Medical Fascism".—How this report promotes mandates and lockdowns for any future pandemic. And the one bright spot in the report that admits the possibility of COVID being the result of a lab leak. —Why the simulation exercise prior to COVID was eerily accurate in its predictions of what actually happened. —What "Prosociality" is and how your individual Constitutional rights are a threat to that goal. And the international vaccine passport recently agreed to by the Biden Administration and the G-20 nations.—The history of Bach Flower Remedies and the results Dr. Prather sees in using them to help his patients deal with emotional issues and crisis situations.—Why Acupuncture and Auriculotherapy are so important in the treatment of trauma and PTSD. And how the 9-11 first responders who received this kind of treatment were less likely to develop PTSD.—The role heavy metal toxicity (like Copper, Arsenic, and Mercury) plays in mental health situations.—How the balance of your Endocrine system is key to you mental health response. And why taking Adrenal Glandulars can help you deal with stress and anxiety.—The importance of proper diagnostics like bloodwork and hair analysis to determine the root cause of mental health issues. And how Homeopathy, Acupuncture, and Chiropractic are effective drug-free options for mental health issues.
12/10/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Most have never heard of this gentle adjustment of the top vertebrae, but Dr. Prather calls it "the most important thing you can do for your health". And 4-out-of-5 people need it. In this episode, we talk about:--How Dr. Prather is the only board-certified Atlas Orthogonist in the state of Indiana. And why the top chiropractors say the Atlas is the most important adjustment to make in the body as well as the most difficult adjustment to make.--That the top vertebrae (also known as the Atlas) weighs only 2 ounces but supports the weight of the entire human head (which weighs between 15 and 30 pounds).--How the entire nervous system goes through the Atlas, which tells the rest of the body what to do. And how this treatment formed the basis of Dr. Prather's entire practice.--The personal health benefit that Dr. Prather received from this adjustment in his battle with Graves' Disease as a young man, which inspired him to become an Atlas Orthogonist.--How the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment is a gentle, non-force technique without any of the "popping and cracking" many associate with chiropractic techniques. And why the Atlas Orthogonal technique is extremely safe.--The reason Dr. Prather says using an instrument to adjust (as with the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment) is more effective than if he used his hands to adjust.--Why everyone (including babies) should be checked for this adjustment on an annual basis. And how birth trauma can cause babies to have their Atlas out of position.--The symptoms you might see as a result of your Atlas needing this adjustment. —Why the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment has a huge effect on Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, ALS, concussion trauma, and severe headaches.—How you can get a free Atlas screening this Tuesday, December 6 at the Holistic Integration Atlas Orthogonal Open House Event featuring Dr. Prather and Holistic Integration's Associate Chiropractor, Dr. Clinton Dodge.
12/3/202254 minutes, 51 seconds
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Rapid Release technology is "the secret weapon" in Dr. Prather's office to combat the aches and pains that come from soft tissue disorders and musculoskeletal issues. In this episode, you'll discover:—How scar tissue develops in the body. And how surgery to remove scar tissue can even cause it to grow faster.—Why Acupuncture helps the scar tissue to "melt away" and be absorbed by the body.—How adhesions cause a loss of motion in the body. And how Dr. Prather's office uses the combination of Chiropractic adjustments, Rapid Release Technology, Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, and Physical Therapy Exercises to restore full motion.—The recent research that has shown the Fascia material throughout the body is all one organ. And how Fascia is the main thing that determines your posture and has a very big effect on the nervous system.—Why the optimal frequency vibration of the Rapid Release Technology works to break up abnormal tissue and helps the body to lay down normal tissue that is fully functional.—The conditions that Rapid Release Technology is beneficial for, including: Carpal Tunnel, Shoulder Issues, Rotator Cuff Tears, Golfer's Elbow, Tennis Elbow, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Headaches, Sciatica, Scoliosis, TMJ, Knee Conditions, and Plantar Fasciitis.—Why several of Dr. Prather's patients consider Rapid Release Technology the only thing that helped them when everything else they tried before failed.—How you can get your own Rapid Release Technology Pro3 for $200 off the regular price during our Black Friday sale.—The best price of the year for this weekend only on our Natrum Naturals Medicinal Gummies that you hear about on The Voice Of Health. —A preview of next week's show about why Dr. Prather calls The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Adjustment "the most important thing you can do for your health." And details on the December 6 Open House event at Holistic Integration where you can receive a free screening for this crucial adjustment that 80% of patients need.
11/26/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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As we approach Thanksgiving week, we are so grateful for our patients at Holistic Integration.  We're inspired daily in our office by their success stories.  So this week, we're sharing some of those  stories to inspire you on your own health journey. In this episode, you'll hear from:—Rebecca, who shares her story about how she lost over 50 pounds and reduced her Body Fat Percentage from 47.7% to 27.7% with the DTS Weight Loss program at Holistic Integration.—Jack, a scientist himself, who describes how he appreciates the scientific approach at Holistic Integration and how it has helped him avoid Knee surgery.—And Emily, who felt defeated in her health battles until she found Hope at Holistic Integration.—Plus, you'll learn how you can relieve aches, pains, and body tensions and DOUBLE your savings on the Rapid Release Technology you hear about every week on The Voice Of Health. Our Black Friday sale is offering the Rapid Release Pro3 for just $999.—And, we'll tell how you can get the best pricing of the year on our Natrum Naturals Medicinal Gummies (Vegan Collagen Boost and Mushroom Elixir Gummy Vitamin) through November
11/19/202256 minutes, 50 seconds
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In our opening COVID update segment, Dr. Prather talks about the "triple-demic" of flu, RSV, and coronavirus facing us this fall and winter. Then, we talk about ADHD, which is becoming more common and is a worsening problem. In this episode, you'll learn:—How we are seeing flu and RSV numbers that are higher than they've been in years.—Dr. Prather's recommendations on how to protect yourself and your loved ones during this time, including getting updated bloodwork to determine your Vitamin D and Iodine levels, plus a hair analysis to determine your Zinc levels.—Why Dr. Prather says there are so many misconceptions about ADHD, such as "the kid just needs a good spanking". And how ADHD is a real brain disorder with a different structure than a normal brain, along with abnormal function of the brain.——The importance of a Hair Analysis to determine any heavy metal toxicities that can be the root cause of ADHD. And how a lack of breastfeeding is "a huge factor", which results in a 5-times greater likelihood of having ADHD.—Why Dr. Prather says diet is "probably one of the most important" things for ADHD. And why children with ADHD should avoid food coloring and sugar ("which is like putting in rocket fuel" for a child with ADHD).—How children on pharmaceutical drugs to help control ADHD during the school year will actually stop growing, then will grow again when they go off the drugs over the summer.—The reason Dr. Prather says "Structure-Function Care is absolutely essential" in the treatment of ADHD. And why he lists Aluminum "especially" as a heavy metal toxicity and neurotoxin as an underlying cause of ADHD.—Why proper fatty acids are important for ADHD, which allows for repair and healing to the structure and function of the brain. And why it is actually a compliment if someone calls you a "fat head"!—How the brain CAN heal itself again "if you get the right nutrition". And the herbals, vitamins, and minerals Dr. Prather recommends for ADHD.—The moving story of a boy whom the teachers wanted to have medicated and put into a Special Education class until his Mom took him to Dr. Prather. And then, he became a straight A student.
11/12/202254 minutes, 45 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with some inspiring news in our COVID-19 update. Then, we talk about CBD and how it can benefit your health. In this episode, we talk about:—How Italy completely rejected the harmful COVID mandates by electing a new government that has promised to restore the jobs and back pay of the unvaccinated who were fired from their jobs.—The stunning Swiss study that showed every single person who received the mRNA vaccine had an injury to their heart, with 1-in-27 being diagnosed with myocarditis. —Where you can find out where the candidates stand on Health Care Freedom before you vote on Tuesday.—What CBD is and the surprising number of plants that contain CBD, including chocolate, cinnamon, and oregano. And how our own body naturally produces it through our Endocannabinoid system that helps regulate our health and well-being.—The difference between harmful THC and beneficial CBD. And how CBD does NOT make you "high" in any way. —The conditions that can helped by CBD, such as: anxiety, stress, sleep disorders, pain, muscle aches, arthritis, fibromyalgia, mood regulation, appetite regulation, digestive issues (like ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome), dementia and Alzheimer’s, addiction issues, fertility, and urinary issues. Plus, the promising research on CBD in the areas of lung cancer, ADD/ADHD, epilepsy (especially in children), and irritable bladder syndrome.—Why there is a concern about the quality for CBD products that can contain THC, heavy metals, pesticides…and even zero CBD at all. —The various forms of CBD such as gummies, oil, creams, and strips. And how to determine which form will work best for you. —Why Dr. Prather chose Jace Clinical Solutions CBD products to offer his own patients after rejecting most CBD brands as "garbage".—How The Voice Of Health Radio listeners can receive a 25% discount on Jace Clinical Solutions CBD products using our special discount
11/5/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with some good news in our COVID-19 update. Then, we talk about the benefits of Chiropractic as we celebrate Chiropractic Month. In this episode, you'll find out:—How the recent ruling from the New York Supreme Court has established an important legal precedent restoring the jobs and back pay of public employees fired for being unvaccinated. —Why the CDC really added the COVID vaccine to the childhood immunization schedule. And why this doesn’t apply to 21 states, including Indiana.—The stunning "about face" in Australia concerning the COVID vaccine.—The history of Chiropractic and how it was established.—Why Chiropractic is more about the nervous system than the bones. And why Dr. Prather says you cannot get the best results from Functional Medicine without having the Structure in place.—Dr. Prather's own inspiring health story about how Chiropractic changed his life during his battle with Graves' Disease as a young man when he wasn't expected to live past the age of 35.—The link between the history of Chiropractic and the history of X-Rays. And how Dr. Prather's X-Rays are read and analyzed by the author of the textbook used in medical schools. —The various kinds of Chiropractic techniques and how Dr. Prather specializes in gentle adjusting techniques without the "popping and cracking".—How the higher you move on the spine, the more nerves and organs are impacted by a vertebrae being out of alignment.—Why everyone should have at least an annual spinal check just like they have regular dental exams.
10/29/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show by talking about a government program you need to know about that compensates those injured by the COVID vaccine. Then, we're joined by Dr. Clinton Dodge of Holistic Integration to talk about how Decompression Therapy can help you avoid surgery and help those suffering from failed surgeries. In this episode, you'll discover:—What the Countermeasures injury Compensation Program is and how it can help those injured or harmed by the COVID vaccine.—How the injuries reported to the government's own VAERS database for the COVID vaccine over the past two years have exceeded the number of injuries reported for ALL vaccinations prior. —Why the government tried to prevent the V-safe database information from being released after it showed a shocking number of adverse events and hospitalizations for people after they received COVID vaccine.—Why Holistic Integration's own Chiropractor Dr. Dodge describes Decompression Therapy as one of his favorite treatments.—The variety of conditions Decompression Therapy is helpful for, including: Sciatica, Bulging Disc, Degeneration of the Disc, Facet Syndrome, Neuropathy, Neurological Issues, as well as Knee and Hip Degeneration.—The benefits of Decompression Therapy, not just for the back, but for knees, ankles, and the extremities as well.—How Decompression Therapy works and what the contraindications are for this treatment. And the difference between Decompression Therapy and an Inversion Table.—The astonishing 80-90% success rate from Decompression Therapy.—Why Dr. Prather says Decompression Therapy is "one of the best things" he ever added to his practice because of the huge difference it makes for patients in their pain level and range of motion.—Plus, all the details about Tuesday's free Open House Event on Decompression Therapy at Holistic Integration.
10/22/202251 minutes, 49 seconds
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Auriculotherapy is a safe treatment that uses micro-current electrical stimulation on the ear to make changes throughout the body. In this episode, learn:--Why Dr. Prather calls Auriculotherapy "one of the most powerful therapies we do".--How Auriculotherapy "rewires the central computer (the brain)” using the ear as the conduit to your brain.--Why it is called "the most proven therapy in the entire world".--How Auriculotherapy is especially helpful in chronic pain patients.--The life-changing story of a fibromyalgia patient who, after years of suffering, eliminated three different pain medications after just one week of treatment.--Why Auriculotherapy provides amazing changes for patients who have tried everything else, had nothing work, and have no hope.--The remarkable way that the ear is a perfect representation of the entire body, and how you can affect anything and everything in the body by working on the ear.--How Auriculotherapy helps with addictions (food, drugs, smoking), anxiety, insomnia, learning disorders, emotional issues, PTSD, and phantom limb pain.--How children with ADD/ADHD are transformed through this therapy (and without drugs).--Why Dr. Prather believes Auriculotherapy is one of the major futures of health care in providing natural pain relief instead of dangerous, addictive prescription
10/15/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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In our opening COVID update segment, Dr. Prather talks about a Biden Executive Order you need to know about. Then, we discuss why Acupuncture is one of the fastest-growing health care treatments and how it can benefit "everything" regarding your health. In this episode, we talk about:--How Joe Biden called to congratulate a hero in the Coast Guard who is about to be fired because of Biden's vaccine mandate.—Why Sweden is not allowing children under 18 to receive the COVID vaccine and Denmark recommends that no one under 50 receive it.—What Transhumanism is and why it is a threat to your health care freedom.—The amazing stories about how Acupuncture stimulates healing of very old surgical scars. Plus, how Acupuncture is beneficial for anti-aging and rejuvenation. —The importance of Acupuncture for pain patients and how it stimulates the body's own natural opioids.—The various non-needle Acupuncture options such as powder and lasers.—Why every Cancer patient should include Acupuncture in their care to reduce pain, hair loss, nausea, and fatigue symptoms by 85%.—Why Acupuncture is "one of the most powerful things you can do" for addiction issues and can actually stop the withdrawal symptoms.—How Acupuncture is extremely effective for infertility and is utilized by the top fertility clinics. —How Acupuncture provides relief for insomnia and
10/8/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID update about why the response to the new COVID booster is considered "an embarrassment". Then, our show focuses on how patient complaints of pain and discomfort during Cancer treatment can be reduced by 85%. In this episode, find out:--How people are losing confidence in our medical system, including doctors and scientists. --Why Dr. Prather thinks the upcoming Flu season is going to be "a really bad year". And the 3 vitamins and minerals that could make a huge difference in protecting yourself from viruses.--How Structural Care (Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage) eliminates pain and discomfort for Cancer patients and helps reduce patient complaints.--The gentle Chiropractic adjustment techniques Dr. Prather uses that are perfect for patients who have fragile bones or cannot handle much force.--How Functional Care is associated with proven longevity for Cancer patients by dealing with areas such as Liver Toxicity and Anemia. And why a Functional Medicine doctor like Dr. Prather needs to coordinate with the Oncologist to make sure these treatments interact safely with Cancer treatments.--Why Diagnostics and Lab Tests (X-Rays, Blood Work, Hair Analysis) are MORE thorough in Structure/Function Care than Disease Care.--How Dr. Prather's post-graduate education as a D.A.B.C.I. is helpful when it comes to knowing what's going on in the patient.--Why you probably wouldn't develop Cancer in the first place if your immune system was functioning prooperly. And how boosting the immune system should be a key part of any Cancer patient's health care.--The Food Rotation Diet recommended by Dr. Prather to Cancer patients to relieve stress on the immune system. And the specialized diets he recommends based on different types of Cancer.--How Structure/Function Health Care benefits patients who have completed their Cancer
10/1/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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In our opening segment, Dr. Prather talks about Joe Biden's announcement that the pandemic is over. Then, we talk about the upcoming Flu season and how to protect your health. In this episode, discover:—How Joe Biden's statement that "the pandemic is over" was immediately reversed by the White House.—Why COVID is no longer a pandemic, but an endemic.—The stunning statement by former CDC Director Robert Redfield (and Fauci friend) where he accuses Fauci of a cover-up about the true origins of COVID.—How the flu is one of the leading causes of death in the world and something to take seriously. —The difference between a cold and the flu. And why Dr. Prather says this is an "an odd year" with more flu cases in the summer than normal.—Why the flu virus seemed to disappear during COVID. And what the flu season in the Southern Hemisphere indicates about the upcoming flu season here.—How the flu shot is only about 40% effective…in a good year.—The multiple kinds of flu shot available and the importance of discussing those options before you get it.—Why Dr. Prather says he "absolutely loves botanicals for the flu". And which ones are helpful in boosting your immune system. —The natural Flu-B-Gone product Dr. Prather uses in his office. Plus, the list of natural Homeopathics and Vitamins that are most helpful in preventing and combating the
9/24/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather talks about the new COVID-19 booster shot in the opening segment. Then, we focus on the increasing problem of Low Testosterone and how to boost Testosterone naturally. In this episode, you'll learn:—How the new booster shots had zero human trials before being approved and released.—Why Dr. Prather says we would have never had any pandemic emergency if the original COVID virus was like the Omicron variants that are most prevalent right now. —The reason Dr. Prather thinks the new booster will be "a huge embarrassment". —The studies showing the average young man's Testosterone levels have fallen 1% per year for the past 40 years. And how that problem is actually worsening.—How Testosterone levels are falling worldwide (and even in animals). —The harmful role marijuana and pornography play in low Testosterone.—Why Testosterone is "a fountain of youth", where low Testosterone makes men more susceptible to diseases like Cancer, in addition to low sperm count and infertility.—The importance in getting the body to boost Testosterone levels naturally instead of through pharmaceuticals. And why Dr. Prather says it is "quite impossible" to balance Testosterone in the body (for both males and females) without glandular supplements.—How Dr. Prather was dissatisfied with the results of other supplements on the market and decided to develop Stasis Supplements Grass-Fed Orchic Powder to get the desired results for his patients in boosting Testosterone levels.—Why COVID (and the COVID vaccine) has negatively affected Testosterone levels. And the connection between Zinc and low
9/17/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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The show begins with a COVID update about the need for a honest debate and discussion in this country instead of censorship and divisiveness. Then, Dr. Prather discusses why proper bloodwork is absolutely vital for everyone on an annual basis. In this episode, we talk about:—Why a CNN Medical Analyst who was previously in favor of lockdowns is now being called "unscientific, unethical, and fat-phobic" for changing her mind.—The potential dangers from Original Antigenic Sin and Immune Imprinting related to the COVID vaccine. And why this may explain the "crazy stuff" that is happening with people's immune systems right now that cannot be explained.—The story you will not believe about how hospitals are using improv theater to deal with vaccine hesitancy.—How blood work reveals both what is wrong with the body and what could possibly go wrong.—Why Dr. Prather often identifies problems in someone's bloodwork when several other doctors said there was nothing wrong. And the difference between Disease Care and the Structure-Function Health Care model Dr. Prather uses when evaluating blood work.—The reason why health care costs would dramatically decrease and patient results would improve if our health care system was based more on the Structure-Function Health Care model instead of Disease Care.—Why The Prather Profile blood test is considered "an executive level" blood test identical to what the President of the United States would get. And why Dr. Prather does MORE lab tests as a Structure-Function doctor than Disease Care doctors.—How The Prather Profile blood panel includes more than 50 different tests that covers anything that could possibly be wrong in the body from A to Z.—How Dr. Prather's training included over 650 hours of training on interpreting blood work, while the average medical doctor only has 15 hours of training in medical school.—Why Dr. Prather looks beyond "the normal" reference ranges on blood work, which actually are not the optimal ranges of where you should
9/10/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update about what the federal government is doing that you need to know about. Then, we wrap up our Anti-Aging series by talking about the growing problem of Alzheimer’s Disease, which is the seventh-leading cause of death. In this episode, you'll find out:—How the new COVID-19 vaccine being approved has not gone through any human trials and is based on a prior variant of the virus that no longer exists.—The reason why Dr. Prather calls continuing vaccine mandates "absurd" and don't make any sense according to the CDC's own guidelines.—About the new Department Homeland Security cartoon encouraging children to report their family members who spread COVID "misinformation". And why citizens should be concerned about the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency. —The shocking increase in Alzheimer's Disease in recent years compared to the past. And WHY this increase is happening. —How Alzheimer's is expected to "exponentially increase" as a result of the neurological damage caused by the COVID-19 virus.—Why your fingerprints can be a surprising indicator of Alzheimer's Disease. —The problems with Alzheimer's medications and the recent controversies questioning the research behind them. —The connection between Alzheimer’s Disease and heavy metal toxicity, like Aluminum. And why Structure-Function Care needs to be a part of every patient's care.—What role Mushrooms play in helping with Alzheimer's. And the benefits offered by the Stasis Supplements Mushroom Immune Complex and Natrum Naturals Mushroom Elixir Gummy Vitamin products from Holistic Integration. —How Chiropractic and Acupuncture can help reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. And the diagnostics and annual tests you should have for Alzheimer's Disease.
9/3/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update about how the virus is here to stay, but responds very well to natural treatments. Then, we continue our series on Aging by talking about the growing problem of Diabetes. In this episode, you'll discover:—How the numbers of those with the COVID virus are at the highest they have ever been, but not as deadly as the original virus. —The three different types of Long COVID and why Dr. Prather says it is a very big problem. —Why exercise is NOT recommended for Long COVID patients, contrary to Dr. Prather's standard advice that exercise cures a world of ills.—How there are many people with Diabetes who aren't even aware they have it. And why a patient being thirsty all the time is a red flag.—The increased likelihood that a person will develop Diabetes in their lifetime (either Type I or Type II) if they weren’t breastfed or if their Mother was deficient in Vitamin D.—The dangerous side-effects of Diabetes medications. And how Dr. Prather is able to help patients reduce the amount of Diabetes medication they have to take, which helps them to live longer and healthier lives.—Why Dr. Prather says Structure-Function Health Care and nutritional supplementation is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for every Diabetes patient.—The Stasis Supplements Blood Sugar Formula Dr. Prather helped develop because there wasn't anything else like it available for his patients.—Why Acupuncture is "absolutely amazing" in cutting down blood sugar problems and stimulates wound healing "like nothing else". —How Chiropractic adjustments can cause patients to have to reduce the amount of Insulin or Metformin they are taking because the adjustments will help their body to regulate their levels
8/27/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show by talking about how those who were censored during the pandemic are now being vindicated as the CDC is backtracking on their prior claims. Then, we continue our Anti-Aging series by focusing on why natural solutions are a better approach to Menopause symptoms than pharmaceuticals. In this episode, you'll learn:—Why Denmark has BANNED COVID-19 vaccinations for those under the age of 18.—How the "completely untested" Monkeypox vaccine could cause an even worse Smallpox outbreak.—The Pfizer vaccine trial data showed a 44% miscarriage rate for pregnant women who took the vaccine. And the shocking statistics about vaccines and pregnancy from Scotland and Israel. —The connection between a correctly-balanced Endocrine Symptom and a smoother Menopause. —How Dr. Prather "can't think of anyone" his office has not been able to help get their Menopause symptoms under control through Structure-Function Care.—Why Dr. Prather does NOT recommend Hormone Replacement Therapy or Bioidentical Hormones. And what the studies reveal are the risks of such therapies.—The "easy fix" for why American women have the highest rate of Menopause symptoms in the world, while most women in the world have "zero" Menopause symptoms.—The reason Dr. Prather says Acupuncture is "the most effective and fastest treatment" for hot flashes, which affects 80% of American women.—Why supplementation is "absolutely necessary" for the symptoms of Menopause and to achieve long-term changes.—How the Stasis Supplements Women's Daily Herbal Support Formula from Holistic Integration helps to support women in all stages of life and why women are giving it "rave reviews"
8/20/202254 minutes, 41 seconds
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This week, we continue our series on Aging, as Dr. Prather explains how Collagen is one of the fountains of youth and is something that everyone needs more of. In this episode, we talk about:—The shocking conclusions from the prestigious medical journal The Lancet's scientific commission investigating the origins of COVID-19. —What the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) has shown so far about the COVID vaccine. And how the U.S. Government has spent zero money compensating those with vaccine injuries.—The data from U.S. life insurance companies showing an unprecedented increase in deaths among adults under the age of 40 and a shocking increase in those diagnosed with Cancer.—How Collagen is involved in every single organ and system of our body.—The reason why Dr. Prather says Collagen is almost always involved in diseases of aging. And how you would look like you were 25 for the rest of your life if your Collagen was up to par.—How Collagen begins to drop off at the age of 25 and is the substance most connected to how youthful and beautiful a person looks. —Why Collagen supplementation works best when taken in a chewable form.—The reason why a vegan form of Collagen is the best for the body to process. And the findings that Collagen derived from animals has been found to be high in heavy metal toxicity.—How "everybody" needs more Collagen, but especially Women after Menopause.—Plus, the story of how Holistic Integration's own Natrum Naturals Vegan Collagen Boost Gummy was developed and the ingredients
8/13/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we begin a new series on Aging and how optimal Testosterone levels help men to fight off the symptoms of aging and stay young. In this episode, you'll find out:—Why Dr. Prather changed the name of our regular "COVID-19 Update" segment to "Pandemic Update".—How a group of health care employees won a multimillion dollar lawsuit after their employer refused them religious exemptions from the COVID vaccine. —Why doctors are puzzled about the way the normal pattern of viral infections have shifted post-COVID so that we're seeing severe illnesses in the summer instead of the winter.--How 25% of men (in all age categories) have low Testosterone, most without even realizing it. Plus, how Low Testosterone can even cause problems in women.--The symptoms of Low Testosterone: low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, low motivation, lower cognitive ability, lower muscle mass, weight gain, irritability, and depression.--Why your motivation in life is directly related to your Testosterone levels. --The health risks of Low Testosterone: Prostate Cancer, Cardiovascular, Osteoporosis, Type II Diabetes, Obesity, Alzheimer's, Dementia, and Depression.--How stress, chronic pain, drugs (such as Marijuana), alcohol, the food you eat, lack of rest, the water you drink, and medications (even over-the-counter ones) can all destroy Testosterone.--The treatment options for Low Testosterone from Testosterone injections to more natural solutions such as herbals and supplements.--Why Dr. Prather's goal is to get patients who are on Testosterone therapy to the point where their body produces its own
8/6/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update that reports we now have a greater number of cases than at any point in the pandemic. Then, we talk about how the gut is "the #1 determinant" to a person's health, but is even more important for children. In this episode, you'll discover:—How the World Health Organization declared Monkeypox as a "world health emergency"…in spite of the decision-making panel voting NOT to declare it an emergency.—The huge changes between the original COVID strain and the latest variant. And the controversial theory that explains why we're seeing so many variants.--The "revolutionary" findings coming out from National Institutes of Health research on the gut that will change how our health care system treats diseases. --The reason why every child should be checked for gut health, but especially children with learning disabilities, tummy problems, allergies, eczema, ADD, ADHD, autoimmune issues, and ear infections.--Why Dr. Prather says it is a "disaster waiting to happen" if a child has had six or more antibiotic treatments while under the age of 5.--How a child is more susceptible than an adult for gut problems to impact their brain. Plus, how ear infections are related to gut health.--How all autoimmune diseases are a result of a failed immune system. And why the standard medical approach of destroying the immune system for autoimmune disease is wrong and contradicts science.--Why gluten leads to a "leaky gut". And why people today are having more problems with gluten than in the past.--What a G.I. Effects Stool Kit will reveal about your health. And how Dr. Prather rebuilds gut health for patients.--Why a stool kit is "absolutely essential" for pregnant women as the health of a child will be determined by the Mom's
7/30/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update that contains some good news in the fight for health care freedom. Then, we're joined by Dr. Dan Williams, an expert in Regenerative Medicine, to talk about his new collaboration with Dr. Prather and Holistic Integration. In this episode, you'll learn:—The court ruling that is giving hope to members of our military who refuse the COVID vaccine.—The latest update from the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) and how people are being censored and de-platformed from social media for just quoting the accurate numbers from this system. —How the Swine Flu Vaccine in 1976 was pulled from the market after just 25 people died as a result of the vaccine. —Why key government health care officials in charge of vaccines actually resigned their positions instead of going along with the government approval of COVID vaccines for children.—How you can receive a special discount on a Regenerative Medicine service package by attending a special Open House event at Holistic Integration this Tuesday, July 26 at 6 p.m. —The reason why amniotic and umbilical stem cells are not nearly as effective as using stem cells that come from a patient's own body.—Why Dr. Prather says Regenerative Medicine can help patients to keep their own body parts and avoid joint replacement surgeries. —The extensive research database that includes every patient that receives Regenerative Medicine treatment. And how this helps give every potential patient a candidacy rating of Good, Fair, or Poor based on their expected outcome.—What to expect during a Regenerative Medicine treatment and what the recovery from the treatment is like.—Why Regenerative Medicine is a beneficial approach for conditions such as Rotator Cuff tears, Shoulder and Knee Arthritis, Plantar Fasciitis, Tennis Elbow, Neck Pain, Headaches, Shoulder Pain, and Carpal Tunnel
7/23/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update about the increase in cases from the new BA.5 sub-variant. Then, we discuss how to live a longer, healthier life by lowering your biological age. In this episode, we talk about:—How the new COVID sub-variant is producing 100,000 new cases each week.—Why trying to come up with a vaccination for the rapidly-changing coronavirus variants is "like chasing the wind".—What a shocking new Swedish study shows about the Pfizer vaccine and its potential to change the DNA structure in human tissue (which we were assured was impossible and could never happen).—The difference between your chronological age and your biological age. And why a normal biological life span is 10 times the age of puberty. —The factors that influence your biological age. —Why reducing toxins in your body is important for reducing your biological age. And why Dr. Prather says there is a correlation between a person's health and their heavy metal toxicity.—The potential for regenerative farming to produce food that would increase our nutrition, reduce the need for chemicals, and make the environment healthier.—The diagnostics and lab tests that reveal your chemical exposure and your heavy metal exposure. And why Dr. Prather says Hair Analysis is "the best way" to give an accurate picture of your heavy metal toxicity.—Why heavy metal toxicity testing is particularly important for children, a majority of whom have heavy metal toxicity.—How Holistic Integration has very specific methods of removing each and every heavy metal toxicity. And why Dr. Prather says his office "has never had a situation" where they could not remove heavy metals from a patient's
7/16/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with our weekly COVID-19 update. Then, we talk about the three lab tests that Dr. Prather recommends that everyone have on annual basis. In this episode, you'll find out:—How the nations with the highest vaccination rates are experiencing the highest hospitalization and death rates from COVID-19. —The dominant COVID variants that are spreading across the world and why the vaccinations do not work on the new variants. —The astonishing drop in births being seen around the world and what the research shows about how the COVID-19 vaccine affects fertility. —Why the increase in drownings may be associated with the COVID-19 vaccine.—How The Prather Profile Blood Analysis shows up everything that could go wrong with you in one blood test. —The difference in how Dr. Prather interprets bloodwork versus how the Disease Care model looks at bloodwork. And why the reference range on bloodwork is NOT the optimal range. —The necessity of a Hair Analysis to reveal the mineral and heavy metal content in your body.—Why anyone concerned about Osteoporosis should have a Hair Analysis. And how a patient diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease found Manganese toxicity in their Hair Analysis that, once corrected, eliminated their Parkinson's symptoms.—Why Dr. Prather says that anyone who really wants to be thorough on what is going on in their health needs to have a G.I. Effects Stool Kit.—How six antibiotics before the age of six will cause a child's gut flora to "be completely shot", which contributes to ADD, Autism, and even Cardiovascular Disease and
7/9/202254 minutes, 46 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update. Then, we're joined by Christine, a Massage Therapist at Holistic Integration, to talk about a gentle form of bodywork called Orthobionomy and why it is called "Homeopathic Bodywork". In this episode, you'll discover:—How the World Health Organization determined that Monkeypox is not a health emergency and is not as contagious among the general population as first feared.—The Israeli study that found a decrease in sperm count and quality following the COVID-19 vaccine. —What the recent release of 80,000 pages of Pfizer vaccine clinical trial documents has revealed. And the "amazing" number of adverse reactions recorded when it was reported that there weren't any. —The two new variants of the Omicron variant and how the vaccine is not effective for either one. And "the stealth variant" that does not show up on the COVID test even if you have it. —How Orthobionomy works. —What Orthobionomy is good for. And why it is helpful to speed up healing from both new or very old injuries and accidents.—How Orthobionomy before and after a surgery helps speed up healing.—What you can expect during and after an Orthobionomy session.—Why you should try Orthobionomy instead of Massage for muscle knots.—How Orthobionomy is different from Chiropractic. And how it complements and enhances your Chiropractic
7/2/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we conclude the discussion we began last week on the growing issue of Depression. Then, Dr. Prather brings a COVID-19 update with the latest news. In this episode, you'll learn:—How the research shows that almost 100% of those who have had a severe case of COVID also experienced some sort of mood disorder.—Why the side-effects of anti-depressant prescription drugs need to be considered as a potential contributor in mass shootings. —The disturbing link between pharmaceutical companies and the funding of government agencies that regulate them.—The "very, very important" role of Nutraceuticals in Dr. Prather's treatment of Depression. And the amazing list of natural products that are helpful for Depression.—How Food Allergies, Hypoglycemia, and Low Hydrochloric Acid can play an overlooked role as causes of Depression.—Why the FDA approval of the COVID-vaccine in babies is being met with low demand from parents.—How the vaccinated have the highest numbers of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID-19.—The injury rates from the COVID vaccine, including "a lot of" patients Dr. Prather is treating with issues like Myocarditis and Guillain-Barre. —Why insurance companies are reporting huge increases in the number of deaths in the 18-65 age group. —Plus, you'll hear Emily's story about how she felt defeated in her health battles until she found Hope at Holistic
6/25/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update that includes what you need to know about Monkeypox. Then, we talk about the rise in cases of Depression and how Structure-Function Care offers Hope to those who suffer from Depression with solutions that are natural instead of pharmaceutically-based. In this episode, you'll learn:—How Florida's Governor stood up for Special Olympics athletes who were told they wouldn’t be allowed to participate unless they were vaccinated. —The "poor" research surrounding COVID-19 vaccines in young children who are already at very little risk from the virus.—How the pharmaceutical companies that received FDA approval for their COVID-19 vaccinations have admitted they will never produce a single dose of the FDA-approved version.—The 8 clinical signs of Depression. Plus, the symptoms of Depression in children and adolescents and how long these signs must be exhibited for a diagnosis. —The link between Depression and Hormones. And why women in their 40's and 50's are more likely to be diagnosed with Depression and prescribed an antidepressant.—The dangerous side-effects of antidepressants and how 40% of patients stop taking their medications because of them.—Why Dr. Prather says the connection between medications and school shootings should be explored. —The research that shows a link between the COVID-19 virus itself and Depression, not to mention how the lockdowns and social isolation have contributed to Depression. —Why 80% of those on Thyroid medication develop Depression. —How diet and exercise play big roles in Depression. And how Acupuncture produces "amazing" and "immediate" results for Depression and
6/18/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update about the future of vaccine mandates. Then, we share three patient success stories from Dr. Prather's office that will inspire you on your own health journey. In this episode, you'll find out:—How 14 states, including Indiana, require that businesses allow their employees religious and medical exemptions from vaccine mandates.—The necessity of public pushback to defeat vaccine mandates and demand health freedom from the government. —Why Dr. Prather says "the science and the data don't support the vaccine".—The reason the government has had a tunnel-vision approach to vaccines being the solution to the pandemic and ignored all other treatments.—The new vaccine that is a potential alternative to the new Pfizer and Moderna vaccines that is more along the lines of traditional vaccines. —The shocking COVID results being seen in Australia after they strictly followed a strategy of lockdowns and vaccine mandates.—What policy the airlines are trying to change concerning international travel. —Why Pam decided to come see Dr. Prather after suffering from extreme stress and discovered for the first time that she has Scoliosis. And why she says, "I didn’t know I could feel this good" until she experienced the treatments at Holistic Integration. —How Katy went to almost 20 different specialists for help after a random neck fracture, including The Cleveland Clinic and The Mayo Clinic, and found no answers until she came to Dr. Prather's office. And how she's so excited to be WALKING again after being close to needing a wheelchair. —And in a special treat for long-time patients of Dr. Prather, we will be joined by Pat, a beloved employee in Dr. Prather’s office who retired after 17-years. Hear how she first came to Dr. Prather as a patient after being diagnosed with Lupus and why her general practitioner said she wouldn’t be alive today if it weren't for Dr.
6/11/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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June is Scoliosis Awareness Month. Scoliosis affects 4 million children, mostly girls between the ages of 10- and 15-years-old. In this episode, you'll discover:—The plans for an International Pandemic Treaty that will give the World Health Organization authority to override national sovereignty in a pandemic.—Why the COVID-19 pandemic was always a Level One pandemic, but was reacted to as if it was a Level Four pandemic. —How Indiana is the 4th-worst (or best, according to your perspective) state for COVID vaccine compliance.—How 80% of Scoliosis cases are "idiopathic" or cases that have no known reason why it has occurred. And how this reflects Dr. Prather's teaching that 80% of our Health Care should be Structure-Function Care and 20% Disease Care.—Dr. Prather's theory that "a perfect storm" of several different things go wrong to cause the development of Scoliosis. And why you should have your child screened for Scoliosis on an annual basis by a doctor who specializes in spinal health. —Why Dr. Prather says that Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Corrective Exercises, and Physiotherapy are all "essential" to treat Scoliosis. And the critical importance of getting an Atlas (the top vertebrae) adjustment as the first step in any Scoliosis treatment.—The necessity of back bracing for Scoliosis patients, but also back braces that are undetectable to protect the emotional and psychological health of kids who have to wear them. —How Dr. Prather "always, always, always" finds a Hormonal imbalance with Scoliosis. And why that imbalance needs to be corrected in a natural, not a pharmaceutical, way.—The diagnostics necessary to diagnose Scoliosis…and not just the expected imaging such as X-Rays.—The Copper-Zinc imbalance that is found in every single Scoliosis case. And the Hair Analysis that discovers this, as well as any Heavy Metal
6/4/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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In honor of the Indianapolis 500, we present our "Race Into Health Special". Would you rather your body be treated like a high-performance IndyCar or a broken-down clunker on the side of the road? You'll be surprised to find out the similar principles between a winning Indy 500 team and the Structure-Function Health Care approach in Dr. Prather's office. In this episode, you'll learn:—How Structure-Function Health Care takes an IndyCar approach in focusing on how to maximize the performance of your body, while Disease Care is more like trying to fix a car broken down on the side of the road.—Why Structure-Function Health Care relies more on diagnostics than the Disease Care model. Just as IndyCar engineers rely on a multitude of data points on the car's performance, Dr. Prather uses data to discover exactly what is going on in the patient's body.—The need to achieve proper balance, both in an IndyCar for maximum speed and in your body to achieve the true definition of health. —How you need a winning Pit Crew to get you into Victory Lane, and you also need an entire health care team working together to help you to achieve your health goals.
5/28/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens with the latest COVID-19 update on the Biden Administration's Disinformation Board and whether this idea is truly defeated. Then, we talk about the upcoming Open House event at Holistic Integration on Tuesday, May 24 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. and the free health screenings that will be provided. In this episode, we talk about:—What the recent memo from Indiana's Attorney General revealed about the CDC's own disinformation about COVID-19.—Why Dr. Prather says we could have "easily" prevented 85% of COVID-19 deaths and that most of those deaths were a result of the government mishandling the pandemic. —The Posture Analysis screening that we will be offering on Tuesday night and what it reveals.—The degeneration now being seen in the necks of people in their 20's that used to only be seen in people over the age of 50.—The computer analysis included in our Posture Analysis that calculates the health of your posture and also objectively measures the progress of your treatment in our office.—How a forward head posture of just one inch will add an additional 10 pounds of weight to your head. —What the Body Composition Analysis reveals about your health.—How the Body Composition reveals a more accurate Fat Percentage measurement than the traditional Body Mass Index.—Why Dr. Prather says the "phase angle" measurement in the Body Composition Analysis is the gold standard for research to measure the overall level of your body's health.—How visitors to our Open House event are going to LOVE the free Rapid Release Therapy they'll have the opportunity to
5/21/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather spends the first half of the show with a COVID-19 update that reveals the latest efforts that would increase government control over our health. Then, we continue our discussion from last week about Knee Pain and how you can find relief without drugs or surgery. In this episode, you'll find out:—How the California legislature has introduced a bill that would regulate how medicine is practiced and would force doctors to subordinate their decisions to public health bureaucrats. —The "chilling" proposal for a central vaccination registry. And the California bill that would allow minors to be vaccinated without their parents' consent.—The push for a treaty that would allow the World Health Organization take over in a pandemic and supersede national laws. And why Dr. Prather says the United States should actually pull out of the WHO.—How the Walgreens vaccination statistics show you are more likely to get COVID the more times you are vaccinated.—Why Dr. Prather says, while pharmaceuticals and surgery are sometimes necessary, the only way you can really fix a Knee is through Structure-Function Care.—The reason why your Knee will function better if you just lose 5% of your Body Fat Percentage. —The importance of Chiropractic adjustments and corrective exercises in relieving Knee Pain and reversing Knee degeneration. Plus, how Physiotherapy electrical stimulation can provide "an immediate change" in a patient’s pain level. —How just one Acupuncture session caused a patient's surgical scar from Knee surgery to immediately change color from white to pink.—The role Decompression Therapy played in helping numerous patients in Dr. Prather's office to cancel scheduled Knee surgeries.—Why Glucosamine "works better than pharmaceuticals" and gives the building blocks of cartilage. And how specialized topical herbal liniments at Holistic Integration can relieve pain almost immediately and promote healing.
5/14/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update. Then, we talk about how Knees pain is the #2 cause of chronic pain, with 30% of all American adults suffering from Knee pain during their lives. In this episode, you'll discover:—What is happening with the COVID-19 lockdown in China and how their government is able to track its citizens with government-issued cell phones. —How the data has shown the COVID lockdowns to be an unsuccessful strategy because the virus is "here to stay". —The prediction made by Bill Gates that the worst COVID surge yet is coming. And how he wants national sovereignty to be removed so that the World Health Organization can make all the decisions during a pandemic. —The stunning news that the Centers for Disease Control tracked Americans through our phones to check compliance with their COVID lockdown orders. —How obesity contributes to Knee problems, not only because of the extra weight on your joints, but because obesity interferes with your body's ability to regenerate Knee cartilage.—The two types of Knee alignments, including the one that 60% of all Olympic Sprinters have. Plus, how this alignment that provides an athletic advantage when you are younger will wear out more quickly as you age.—The botanical medicines, nutritionals, and homeopathic medicines that can actually regenerate Knee cartilage, which Dr. Prather sees on the X-Rays in his office on a regular basis.—Why Dr. Prather says NSAID's (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are effective in the short term for Knee pain, but cause long-term problems because they cause degeneration of Knee cartilage as well as damage to the liver, kidneys, and heart.—How there were about a million Knee replacements in America in 2020, with a growing number expected in future years. And why Dr. Prather says Knee replacements are not an answer because it means "you automatically have a disability for the rest of your life".—Why Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Physical Therapy represent a better way of getting the Knees in proper alignment for the healing and regeneration of the
5/7/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with an update about the latest court ruling overturning the CDC mask mandates on airplanes.  Then, Dr. Prather reveals the shocking reason why some people have a negative view of Chiropractic care without realizing why they have a negative opinion. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why the perception of Chiropractic being unsafe and unscientific was the result of a conspiracy on the part of the American Medical Association that was proven in a landmark Supreme Court case.--How insurance companies prove the safety of Chiropractic by offering Chiropractors the lowest malpractice rates of any health care professional. And how low malpractice rates surprisingly result in a lower reimbursement rate for Chiropractors.--The variety of techniques in the Chiropractic profession (over 700!) and the gentle, non-force adjusting techniques Dr. Prather uses in his practice.--The most common mobilization technique in Chiropractic that makes the "cracking and popping sounds". Plus, why Dr. Prather doesn't use that technique.--Which health conditions require specialized Chiropractic adjusting techniques, including Osteoporosis and post-surgery.--How the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment of the top vertebrae is a specialty of Dr. Prather, who is the only board-certified Atlas Orthogonist in the state of Indiana.--How the study connecting strokes to Chiropractic adjustment was composed entirely of cases where the adjustments were made by people who weren't even Chiropractors!--Why going to your hairdresser to get your hair washed is a higher risk than getting a Chiropractic neck adjustment.--Why even post-surgical Scoliosis patients with a rod in their back can get relief from a safe, gentle, reflex adjustment technique.--The benefits of Chiropractic adjustments for patients who have had knee and hip
4/30/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather is seeing an increase in patients who are suffering from headaches after getting COVID and also after getting the vaccine. He calls it an "under-reported and under-treated problem" that there are answers for. In this episode, we talk about:—What happened to California's planned COVID vaccine mandate for children to attend school.—The "dystopian" lockdowns that are happening right now in Shanghai, China that are "like a concentration camp".—Why Britain just stopped releasing all COVID data after 90% of the people hospitalized or dead from COVID were vaccinated. —How chronic headache sufferers are reporting the worst headaches they've ever experienced after having COVID. —The "rebound headache” that can occur because of the headache medications themselves. And why Dr. Prather says headache medications are great for short-term relief, but "stink" for long-term relief.—Why "easily 50% or more" of those who have had the vaccine are reporting headaches. And why this is a common side-effect for all vaccinations.—The importance of thorough diagnostics for anyone who had issues post-COVID or post-vaccination that could potentially save your life.—How one-sided migraine headaches (especially on the left side) and a visual aurora associated with them are a common pattern in post-COVID headaches.—Why Chiropractic is "always involved for those who get immediate relief from their headaches". And the importance of the gentle Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment as "the King of headache fixers", which is a specialty at Holistic Integration.—How Acupuncture can provide immediate results and will work on 100% of the post-COVID headache patients. And how Acupuncture "ALWAYS gives relief" for patients after their Structural issues have been fixed through the Chiropractic
4/23/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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There are 700,000 Gallbladder surgeries every year in America. But while Gallbladder problems are increasing exponentially, Dr. Prather says Gallbladder issues can be cured "if you know what you're doing". In this episode, you’ll find out:—The states that performed the best and worst in their COVID-19 policies. —How the World Health Organization appointed "the number one culprit" to investigate the origins of COVID-19 in a dramatic conflict of interest. And why Dr. Prather says this is like having the Fox investigate who is stealing the Chickens.—The plan by the United States Government to develop a program to put the vaccine into your salad…without your knowledge or consent.—How women have a higher rate of Gallbladder Disease than men. And the racial groups that are at most risk for Gallbladder Disease.—Why you will ALWAYS have digestive issues and will need supplementation for the rest of your life even after you have your Gallbladder surgically removed. —That spasms in your SHOULDER on the right side and pain between your shoulder blades are an indication of Gallbladder problems.—Why Estrogen Dominance in your hormones are connected to Gallbladder Disease. And how Dr. Prather figured out how to solve Gallbladder issues by dealing with underlying food allergies.—How medications, especially Cholesterol-lowering drugs, can be one of the major contributors to Gallbladder Disease. And the connection between Gallbladder Disease and Hemorrhoids. —Why Dr. Prather says that herbals "are absolutely critical" for Gallbladder work. Plus, how the combination of Peppermint Oil and Ox Bile will dissolve gallstones and is "the best treatment for the Gallbladder".—The "amazing" combination of Chiropractic and Acupuncture to stop Gallbladder attacks "immediately" and relieve the
4/16/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update about what the future holds for the virus. Then, we continue our discussion from last week on how to treat Adrenal Fatigue, which Dr. Prather is now seeing in 100% of patients—including himself. In this episode, you’ll discover:—How COVID-19 is here to stay and is not something we are going to get rid of, much like how we continue to deal with the same virus that caused the 1918 flu pandemic.—The shocking stories of healthy athletes who are suffering from cardiovascular issues (and the theory about WHY that is happening).—Why Dr. Prather says you cannot find the protein sequences of the COVID-19 virus in nature, but you CAN find them in the patent office. And the impossible mathematical odds that the COVID-19 virus and the Omicron variant emerged naturally from nature. —How the diagnosis of Hypoadrenia has been replaced and is now usually diagnosed as Anxiety or Depression…which can actually be a result of depleted Adrenal Glands.—The benefit of Structure-Function Care in treating Hypoadrenia and why Dr. Prather says it is the only way to approach it because all pharmaceuticals actually wear out the Adrenals.—The nutrients that play a big role in building up the Adrenals, including: Vitamin C, B-complex (especially Pantothenic Acid B-5), Magnesium, and CoQ10.—Why Adrenal Glandulars (in pill form!) are "the best and quickest way" to restore the Adrnenals. And how the Adrenals are one of the things in the body that "can bounce back very fast" if treated properly.—The story of how Licorice was actually developed as a treatment, not as a candy, and is an herbal beneficial for the Adrenal Glands.—How your sensitivity to pain, inflammation, and arthritis will increase as a result of lowered Adrenal Glands. And how proper Adrenal function will actually help you deal with Stress
4/9/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show by discussing "The 10 Biggest Mistakes On COVID-19". Then, he talks about how the lab tests used to show about 25% of patients suffered from Adrenal Fatigue, but that number is now at 100% of patients. In this episode, you’ll learn:—Why the emphasis on surface transmission of COVID-19 was "absolutely ridiculous". —How the closing of schools was "a waste of time" and has caused a huge amount of long-term problems that we'll be dealing with for years to come.—The Natural Immunity from COVID-19 is 2.5 times more effective than the vaccine, while taking the vaccine will actually cause you to LOSE any Natural Immunity to the virus. —Why making people die alone and isolated from their loved ones was completely unnecessary and cruel.—The reason Dr. Prather says that the people who are in charge "should be put on trial" for what they've done over the past two years.—How an under-functioning or exhausted Adrenal Gland is "the forgotten diagnosis" when it comes to Chronic Fatigue or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.—The LONG list of symptoms of Hypoadrenia, including: fatigue and exhaustion, light-headedness when you stand up, sleep disorders, headaches, depression and anxiety, low blood pressure, mood swings, low libido, poor concentration and memory, frequent infections, low back pain, inability to lose weight, joint and muscle aches, and slow reflexes. —How Dr. Prather describes Adrenals as "the workhorse of the body" and Adrenal Fatigue as "when your get-up-and-go got up and left".—The role that pharmaceutical companies played in getting doctors to stop diagnosing Hypoadrenia and replace it with a diagnosis of Anxiety or Depression instead. Plus, how "all pharmaceuticals actually damage the Adrenals".—Why Dr. Prather says that Structure-Function Care is "the ONLY way" to treat Hypoadrenia. And the importance of the Sodium-Chloride-Potassium levels in bloodwork and the Sodium-Potassium balance in a Hair Analysis when diagnosing
4/2/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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After our discussion on Erectile Dysfunction two weeks ago, this week Dr. Prather talks about the effective and natural treatments for Erectile Dysfunction that get to the root cause of the problem. In this episode, we talk about:—Why men should be able to be sexually virile up until their 80's if they are healthy. —The importance of Nitric Oxide for male virility, which pharmaceuticals like Viagra are based on. And the natural solutions that increase Nitric Oxide without the side effects of the prescription drugs.—Why Structure-Function Care looks for a more permanent and long-term solution to E.D., while the medical approach only offers a temporary fix by targeting the symptoms.—How the nervous system is key to making the sexual act work. And the role of Chiropractic in keeping the nervous system working properly without any interference.—Why Dr. Prather says herbals are one of the best ways to go about helping with sexual performance. And why you will most likely be ripped off if you try to buy these herbal products online.—How Ginkgo Biloba is the most important herbal for sexual performance in both males and females, improving sexual performance in 76% of men and 91% of women.—The aptly-named herbal that prevents and treats Erectile Dysfunction, while also increasing lean body mass and changing fat into muscle.—The effectiveness of External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy in increasing circulation, improving overall cardiovascular health, and helping with Erectile Dysfunction. —How Holistic Integration uses lab tests and diagnostics to determine the root cause of the issue and which solutions will work best for each individual patient.—How Hypothyroid is one of the most common reasons for reduced sexual performance. And how the Liver actually plays a very big role in sexual
3/26/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Graves' Disease is a hyperthyroid condition. Dr. Prather had it when he was a teenager, which inspired him to do what he does today. In this episode, discover:--The health battle Dr. Prather endured while still a teenager with Graves' Disease. And how he overcame it and is now cured of it.--The symptoms of Graves' Disease. And the diagnostics that determine a diagnosis of Graves' Disease.--How women are three times more likely than men to develop Graves' Disease. And that the highest age group for risk is between 18 and 40.--How President George H.W. Bush, Barbara Bush, and their DOG all developed Graves' Disease. And the surprising thing that caused it.--Why the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment of the neck (which is a speciality of Dr. Prather's) is important for Graves' Disease.--Why Structure-Function Care gets to the underlying problem of Graves' Disease by helping to build a person's immune system. And the risks and additional health issues that come from the Disease Care approach of drugs and surgery.--How acquired food allergies contribute to Graves' Disease.--Why Acupuncture helps with Graves' Disease through specific points that help the Thyroid.--The risk-free benefits of Homeopathy for Graves' Disease, which Dr. Prather calls "a secret weapon" that is "one of the best ways" to treat Graves' Disease.--The benefit of cruciferous vegetables for Graves' Disease. And why those with an under-active thyroid (hypothyroid) should avoid those 
3/19/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Erectile Dysfunction affects 20-30 million American men and is likely under-reported. But 85% of cases are due to underlying health issues like Cardiovascular Disease. In this episode, you'll discover:—The difference between Male Impotence and Erectile Dysfunction.—How pharmaceuticals (like anti-Cholesterol medicines, Beta Blockers, and anti-depressants) are big contributors to E.D.—The astonishing statistics about declining Testosterone levels in military men since World War II. (And how these low levels are even being seen in young men who are still teenagers.)—The role Atherosclerosis and Diabetes play in E.D. And how Atherosclerosis is the #1 contributor to E.D.—Why it is "very rare" for men over 50 to have E.D. due to psychological and not physical causes. And how your libido is a key indicator for your overall health.—The "Hand Test" Dr. Prather says you can use to gauge the health of a man's erection. —Why alcohol has a negative effect on male performance and can actually shrink the testicles. And how smoking even TWO cigarettes can cause E.D.—The dangers of marijuana use for male sexual performance, including issues of infertility. And why Dr. Prather says it is "really difficult" to get Testosterone levels back up to normal levels in marijuana users.—How pornography is actually destroying male sexual performance, not enhancing it. —Why Dr. Prather says your sexual life is linked to your nutrition and "the better your nutrition, the better your virility". And the natural supplements that help with male sexual
3/12/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a list of the top lies we were told about COVID-19 over the past two years. Then, we are so proud to be joined by Rebecca who shares her inspiring story about how she lost over 50 pounds and reduced her Body Fat Percentage from 47.7% to 27.7% with the DTS Weight Loss program at Holistic Integration. In this episode, you'll learn:—Why Dr. Prather says the government authorities deserve "an F-minus" for their COVID-19 response and got everything wrong.—The top lies we were told about COVID-19 over the past two years and how those who told the truth were censored and fired from their jobs.—How the latest major study from Sweden reveals that the COVID-19 vaccine DOES change DNA within as few as six hours after vaccination.—Why obesity is "the #1 factor" for how severe your COVID-19 response is going to be.—The importance of a Health Coach to help hold you accountable, to guide you, and to encourage you on your weight loss journey.—How Rebecca's husband also lost about 30 pounds since he was eating the same things she did!—How The Fit-3D device takes about 2000 images of your body to evaluate the trends of your body and helps structure the program to help you meet your goals.—The importance of an individualized Food Sensitivity Test to determine which foods are good for you and which foods cause issues like inflammation in your body.—Why even "healthy" foods can even be shown to be bad for your body through the Food Sensitivity Test. —The shocking statistic about how the average American carries between 15 and 20 pounds in just inflammatory weight.
3/5/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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80% of us will have TMJ in our lives, often being unaware that is the cause of our health issues. In this episode, find out:--How TMJ is one of the joints that gives feedback to the brain about where the body is, giving it a global effect on the body. And how your jaw actually contains a disc.--The surprising emotional effect of the jaw due to a nerve that goes directly to the brain's emotional center. (It's why the jaw tightens when you get tense or nervous.)--Why TMJ is connected to suicides, and the amazing story that inspired Dr. Prather to get involved in treating TMJ even as a student.--How you MUST have the Atlas (the first vertebrae in your neck) properly aligned in order to fix TMJ. And how TMJ causes pelvis, shoulder, and elbow problems.--How TMJ is a major cause of unresolved headaches, and how Dr. Prather usually knows the source of headaches just hearing the patient describe them in the consultation.--The gentle adjustment techniques Dr. Prather invented himself for TMJ that feel like a "puff of air" to the patient.--Why Acupuncture is extremely helpful in relieving TMJ, especially in helping inflammation and with "immediate results".--How Auriculotherapy (micro-current stimulation of ear Acupuncture points) is "the most proven treatment in the entire world" and how it helps long-term TMJ patients.--That lymphatic congestion connects to TMJ and vertigo issues. And how short-wave Diathermy helps drain lymphatic congestion.--The exercises you can do to help TMJ. And what you should do when you wake up in the morning to release the jaw muscle. Plus, the supplements helpful for
2/26/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Cardiovascular Disease and Strokes are the #1 and #4 killers, causing 30% of all deaths. And Atherosclerosis is the root cause of those issues, with the first symptom of Atherosclerosis usually being fatal. In this episode, you'll find out:—The overwhelming evidence from the Johns Hopkins study that showed the COVID lockdowns had an extreme negative effect on the health of Americans and were "a complete fiasco".—How a new study from the Netherlands shows the COVID vaccination collapses the immune system, while the data from Israel shows the vaccinated more likely to die than the unvaccinated.—Why Dr. Prather says masks have caused a tremendous amount of harm in childhood development that "we'll be paying the price for" in the future.—The damage caused by Free Radicals, toxins, and drugs (prescription and non-prescription) to the endothelial lining of our arteries.—Why smoking causes a 70% greater risk for Atherosclerosis. (And the smoking cessation program Dr. Prather uses for his patients.)—How 90% of Atherosclerosis is determined by lifestyle factors, such as controlling Diabetes and Hypertension.—The different perspective Structure-Function Care has towards Cholesterol, which is "a symptom of and not the cause" of the problem. (And the surprising reason why those who live to be over 100 usually have an extremely high Cholesterol level around 300.)—Why the Total Cholesterol to HDL ratio is a more important consideration than just the overall number. And how Cholesterol being too low is actually dangerous to the body.—How External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy is the #1 treatment for Atherosclerosis in Japan and China, which helped them to cut their Cardiovascular Disease patients by over a third.—The crucial role Fiber plays in fighting Atherosclerosis (and why Dr. Prather would choose Fiber as the #1 supplement recommendation). And how Vitamin D is "absolutely critical" in Atherosclerosis
2/19/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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In honor of Valentine's Day, this week's show focuses on Sexual Health. In this episode, you'll find out:--How often is considered a healthy libido?--Why sex plays a role in your overall health, and how sex affects your immune system.--The reason why newlyweds can actually make each other sick (for up to 4 years!)--Why monogamy is healthier for your immune system.--How sex impacts your hormones and can promote healing and improved brain health.--How men can lower their rate of prostate cancer. (And how a man's angle of erection can reveal a lot about his health).--The natural, non-prescription answers for low libido and erectile dysfunction. (And why men who rely on drugs like Viagra probably have underlying health issues.)--The impact of pornography on low libido and a decrease in sexual health. (Plus, how Structure/Function medicine can help with addiction issues, including pornography.)--The STD that is a major cause of infertility and how a woman's sexual satisfaction improves
2/12/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Diabetes is the fastest-growing disease in America.  35 million Americans have Diabetes, and about 80 million are pre-Diabetic. Diabetes-related deaths climbed 17 percent in 2020 and 15 percent in 2021 from where they were before the COVID lockdowns. In this episode, you'll discover:—Why Diabetes is a growing problem. And why this issue is unique to America.—The (really gross!) story behind the name Diabetes and how the Ancient Greek doctors used to diagnose it.—How Dr. Prather finds "there are more people who come into our office who are pre-Diabetic than aren't."—The role of viruses like Coxsackie B in kicking off Type I Diabetes.—The 3 P's of Diabetes symptoms to be aware of.  Plus, how weight loss is a "red flag" symptom of Diabetes...which is often caused by weight gain.—How the nerves, the kidneys, and eyes are damaged by Diabetes.  And the increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer that come from Diabetes.—The two reasons why the Millennial generation will be the first generation to not live longer than their parents.—How Type II Diabetes  "HAS to be" dealt with through Structure-Function Health Care, while Disease Care is "totally worthless" in getting Type II Diabetes under control.—Why herbals are "amazing" for dealing with Diabetes.  And the role Homeopathy plays in dealing with Diabetes, especially when dealing with children.—The WORST food for Diabetes that increases blood sugar more than any other food.  And how fiber is "probably one of the best medicines" for Diabetes.—How Vitamin utilization is decreased by Diabetes, while the need for Vitamins is increased by Diabetes in order to prevent damage to your body.  And why Chromium is described by Dr. Prather as a "magic" mineral for
2/5/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather spends the first half of the show on the latest COVID-19 update that will cause your blood pressure to rise. But don't worry, because he spends the rest of the show talking about how to get your Hypertension under control! In this episode, you'll learn:—How the CDC now admits that the cloth face masks we've been told to wear for almost two years are not effective in preventing COVID infections. —The latest reports showing a huge increase in children experiencing speech delays because of masks.—How the new rules from The Biden Administration on Monoclonal Antibodies make no sense and are causing people to die.—Why anyone who tells you the vaccine works against the Omicron variant is LYING. And how the data shows the vaccine actually makes your body's response to the Omicron variant WORSE. —Why pregnant women should not take the vaccine and the shocking statistics on miscarriages in the last year. Plus, how vaccines are resulting in changes in the menstrual cycle, with the highest accumulation of the spike protein being found in the ovaries.—How half of all American adults actually have Hypertension, with most not even realizing it.—Why Hypertension is known as "The Silent Killer" and how every system in your body is damaged by it.—Only 25% of those diagnosed with Hypertension are successfully controlling it with prescription drugs.—The importance of correct mineral balance in your body to normalize blood pressure. And the connection between heavy metal toxicities like Cadmium, Mercury, and Lead as the root cause of Hypertension in many patients.—The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Adjustment that research has shown can have a greater effect on blood pressure than prescription drugs.
1/29/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather talks about how The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment is the most important procedure you can do for your health. And he pays a moving tribute to his mentor and the founder of the technique, Dr. Roy Sweat, who just passed away at the age of 94. In this episode, we talk about:—How the vaccinations are not effective for the Omicron variant and actually have a negative effect, causing a more severe infection if you have been vaccinated.—Why all vaccination mandates and restrictions should be suspended.—How people can have multiple infections at the same time with the Omicron variant.—The actual death rate from COVID-19 and how the CDC is now calling for us to STOP testing people without symptoms. —The importance of the Atlas, the top vertebrae of your spine, and how that area controls the body's entire autonomic nervous system.—Why Dr. Prather says if he just had one procedure that makes the biggest difference and offers the greatest change in the health and well-being of the body, he would choose The Atlas Orthogonal program. And why he calls this technique "the secret to our success in our office".—The incredible story of how Dr. Roy Sweat became Dr. Prather's mentor and the inspiring life lessons he taught. —The 80% of us who actually need the Altas Orthogonal adjustment, most of whom don't even realize it. And the reason why Dr. Prather says it is important to know when to adjust the Atlas and when NOT to adjust it.—Why the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment can lower your biological age by 20 years and is a big determinant for how long you live.—How The Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment is shown to make a bigger difference in blood pressure than pharmaceuticals and is "probably THE most important thing" for Multiple Sclerosis patients.
1/22/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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A 10-year insurance company study showed that using Structure-Function Care as primary care resulted in 60% cost savings, 85% improvement in outcomes, 90% patient satisfaction rate, lower hospitalization rates, fewer pharmaceuticals, and a 98% approval rating from specialists. In this episode, find out:—Why the "stunning news" from an Indiana-based life insurance company that the death rate of working age adults increased by 40% last year is a result, not of COVID-19, but the policies in reaction to the virus.—How Dr. Prather says everyone in charge of our health care policies should be fired. —What people should do to protect themselves in light of our government failures, including the importance of testing Vitamin D levels.—Why the American health care model is broken, as "we spend the most and have the worst outcomes".—How natural products that get amazing results are shut down by our government. And how the government and insurance companies give the highest reimbursement rates to the procedures that have the highest risk of a patient dying. —The reason why Dr. Prather says we have the best Disease Care in the world, but we are "just wasting our time" if we do not include Structure-Function Care for the best patient outcomes.—That pharmaceuticals have to be poisons in order to be classified as a pharmaceuticals and, by their very definition, only control symptoms but do not make you healthier. —Why this Health Care model would eliminate the drain of health care costs on businesses, increase the wealth of this country, and make a huge difference in the pain and suffering of our citizens.—What is necessary to make this Health Care model work in our country. —How Structure-Function Health Care has a greater reliance on diagnostics and lab tests than the Disease Care model.
1/15/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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The number one New Year's Resolution is weight loss. 3-out-of-4 adults are obese, which Dr. Prather says must be approached as a disease process and not just a lifestyle issue. In this episode, you'll discover:—How the latest British Medical Journal data show the COVID-19 Vaccine provided an effectiveness of less than 1%. And that the clinical trials prior to approval were a "sham". —The Oxford University study that shows Vaccinated Males under 40 have a 14 times greater risk of getting Myocarditis and Pericarditis from the vaccine than from the virus.—The Israeli statistics that show a vaccinated person is 28% more likely to get the Omicron variant than if you are unvaccinated. —How VAERS now reports over 1 million adverse events from the COVID vaccine and Columbia University's study estimates there are over 400,000 American deaths associated with the vaccine.—The insurance company announcement that they have witnessed an unprecedented 40% death rate increase in those 18-50 (and it's not from COVID-19).—Why Dr. Prather emphasizes the importance of proper blood work prior to any weight loss program. And how hormonal balance is critical to any fat reduction. —How the G.I. Effects Stool Kit Dr. Prather uses for his patients reveals the state of your gut health, which impacts how well your body processes calories and nutrition.—The Fit 3D Body Scan that Dr. Prather uses in his office that reveals exactly how many pounds of fat you have and why he says it is "a good motivator".—Why a thorough Food Allergy test is important to identify the specific foods that cause 80% of the toxic stresses in your body.—Why BMI is not accurate and the Body Composition Analysis which tells you what your real fat percentage
1/8/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather uses The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health to evaluate the health of his patients. How does your health rate? In this episode, we talk about:--How Dr. Prather's battle with Graves' Disease as a teenager influenced the development of this system.--The 5 systems of the body's energy flow, and why all pain is caused by a blockage of energy flow.--How proper oxygenation in the cells prevents cancer, and why anemia IS a big deal (in spite of what some doctors say).--What Xenobiotics are and how it impacts several systems in your body.--What the correct balance should be for water within and outside of your cells, and how this balance impacts your health.--The blood test you should have annually to determine the vitamin and mineral balance in your body.--The 5 categories of exercise essential for good health.--What your "phase angle" is and the test that measures how well our body's battery is charged.--The importance of our attitudes and outlook in our health (and the role homeopathy and flower remedies can play in improving this area).--How several different patients with fibromyalgia each had a different underlying cause that needed to be addressed (and why an individual approach to health care is vital)
1/1/202254 minutes, 50 seconds
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We present our Christmas special on The Voice Of Health Radio this week. You won't want to miss Dr. Prather's moving message that opens the show. Then, we share inspiring patient success stories from this past year to encourage you that your health CAN get better.
12/25/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather gives an update on the new Omicron variant and how it may be the most contagious variant of all (but this might actually be a good thing). Then, he talks about the health benefits of mushrooms, including the latest research on how mushrooms may be beneficial for COVID-19. In this episode, you'll learn:—How the Omicron variant has 50 changes to the virus (including 30 to the spike protein), making it "almost like a brand new virus".—Why Omicron is "a virus of the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated".—The good news about the Omicron variant being much easier on the body than prior variants and "more like a cold".—How chewing gum may be able to help protect you from getting the COVID-19 virus and prevent you from transmitting it.—Two books about COVID-19 that you might want to add to your Christmas list.—Why the data on the first two weeks after vaccination is being hidden.—The promising research going on right now about how mushrooms can help with COVID-19, including COVID long-hauler symptoms.—How different kinds of mushrooms provide a greater benefit when combined than if used individually. And the 5 kinds of mushrooms you need to know about for your health.—Why Dr. Prather says he's proud to offer a particular combination of mushrooms that hasn't been been used that much.—The ingredients in the new Stasis Supplements Mushroom Immune Complex that Dr. Prather and his team have
12/18/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with our weekly COVID-19 update. Then, we're joined by Leah Wilson, co-Founder and Executive Director of Stand For Health Freedom. In this episode, we talk about:—How the mutations in the spike protein of the Omicron variant reveal the variant was caused by the vaccine. —Why Dr. Prather says it is "ludicrous" to say the unvaccinated are causing the variants. —How natural immunity is 13 times more effective than the vaccination in protecting a person from COVID-19. —Dr. Prather's analysis of what should have been done differently to better protect people from COVID-19 in the past two years.—The history behind Stand For Health Freedom and how it has rapidly grown in the past two years.—The latest rulings from the courts on the Biden vaccine mandates.—How Indiana's leadership has fared so far in protecting our health care choices during COVID-19.—The tools offered by Stand For Health Freedom to help us make our voices heard by our elected officials.—Why the Montana health freedom legislation is superior to the Iowa health freedom legislation. And why this is important to consider for upcoming legislation here in Indiana.—What you can do right now to influence our Indiana State Legislature to protect our health care freedoms in the upcoming January
12/11/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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20% of the population suffers from chronic pain. But Dr. Prather points out that our health care system is not handling pain well. In this episode, you'll find out:—The latest on the Omicron variant and how it is "a major genetic change" in the virus. And how the Omicron variant is mild in its symptoms, but seems to affect younger people more. —How it is a "complete lie" that the variants are due to the unvaccinated, but it is the VACCINATED that put pressure on the virus to mutate.—The latest judicial decisions that have stopped the vaccine mandates from going forward. —The four types of pain and how each type needs to be treated differently. —How Dr. Prather's office has a success rate "pretty close to 100%" for Headaches when most Headache patients have given up hope for finding a solution.—Why someone in their 30's is more likely to suffer from back pain than someone over the age of 65.—How the medical answer to pain has been "a complete disaster" that led the opioid crisis, which killed 100,000 people in just the past year. And how Dr. Prather believes that number is an under-estimation of the real death toll.—Why you have to start with Chiropractic as the basis of any pain care.—The role of Acupuncture in helping with opioid addiction. And how Acupuncture stimulates the production of the body's own natural opioids and heals the opioid receptors that have been damaged.—Why Auricular Therapy (or Auriculotherapy) is one of the most powerful therapies in Dr. Prather's office that targets Acupuncture points on the
12/4/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Rapid Release technology is the secret weapon in Dr. Prather's office to combat the aches and pains that come from soft tissue disorders and musculoskeletal issues. In this episode, you'll discover:—How Joe Biden's OSHA mandate for vaccines have hit a roadblock in the courts.—The latest data that reveals the places with the highest number of COVID cases are the areas with the highest rates of vaccination.—Dr. Prather's 5 reasons that the COVID-19 vaccine must be voluntary.—How scar tissue develops in the body.  And how surgery to remove scar tissue can even cause it to grow faster.—Why Acupuncture helps the scar tissue to "melt away" and be absorbed by the body.—How adhesions cause a loss of motion in the body.  And how Dr. Prather's office uses the combination of Chiropractic adjustments, Rapid Release Technology, Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, and Physical Therapy Exercises to restore full motion.—The recent research that has shown the Fascia material throughout the body is all one organ.  And how Fascia is the main thing that determines your posture and has a very big effect on the nervous system.—Why the optimal frequency vibration of the Rapid Release Technology works to break up abnormal tissue and helps the body to lay down normal tissue that is fully functional.—The conditions that Rapid Release Technology is beneficial for, including:  Carpal Tunnel, Shoulder Issues, Rotator Cuff Tears, Golfer's Elbow, Tennis Elbow, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Headaches, Sciatica, Scoliosis, TMJ, Knee Conditions, and Plantar Fasciitis.—Why several of Dr. Prather's patients consider Rapid Release Technology the only thing that helped them when everything else they tried before
11/27/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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About 5-6% of people suffer from Spondylolisthesis, but they represent almost 1-out-of-3 patients in Dr. Prather's office suffering from low back pain. In this episode, you'll learn:—Who has benefitted from the COVID-19 pandemic and who has suffered the most from it.—The shocking statistic about the increase in drug deaths.—Why it is important to distinguish deaths WITH the virus and deaths FROM COVID-19. And why Italy dramatically reassessed their COVID-19 death numbers to only 3% of previously-reported deaths.—How Spondylolisthesis is considered one of the most difficult low back problems to correct.—Why Dr. Prather's approach to Spondylolisthesis gets results for patients who have had no success elsewhere. —Those at highest risk for Spondylolisthesis, including: gymnasts, cheerleaders, offensive linemen, and active children. —Why proper imaging and diagnostics are so crucial for a correct diagnosis and treatment for Spondylolisthesis.—The reason why Dr. Prather says surgery for Spondylolisthesis makes him "cringe" and why he considers it "the least effective of all surgeries out there". And how he is able to still offer help for those who have gone through the surgery.—How the RIGHT Chiropractic adjustment is necessary for successful treatment of Spondylolisthesis. And the types of Chiropractic adjustments that should definitely NOT be done for Spondylolisthesis cases.—The relief that Acupuncture, nutritional supplementation, and corrective exercises provide for
11/20/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, Dr. Prather spends most of the show on the latest in COVID-19 news, including the controversy surrounding Aaron Rodgers. Then, he tells you what you need to know about Vitamin D as the days become shorter and we get less sunshine. In this episode, we talk about:—How San Francisco is targeting CHILDREN as young as 5 for vaccine passports in order to be out in public.—The percentage of parents who can't wait to get the COVID-19 vaccine for their children. And the percentage of parents who say "over my dead body".—What the statistical analysis shows about how many children's lives will be saved from the vaccine versus how many children will die from vaccine complications.—Why two New Zealand epidemiologists have called for a halt in the COVID-19 vaccine for children, pregnant women, and those of childbearing age. —How government health agencies changed their definitions of "vaccine" and "gain of function research".—Why the authors of the book, "The Truth About COVID-19", are suing Senator Elizabeth Warren.—Why Italy dramatically revised their official COVID-19 death numbers to just 3% of their original number.—The importance of Vitamin D in fighting COVID-19.—How the optimal range of Vitamin D is over 80, but the average person only has levels in the 30's.—The link between darker skin color and Vitamin D
11/13/202154 minutes, 44 seconds
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Have you ever looked at the health care system in America and wondered, "How in the world did we get here?" This week on The Voice Of Health Radio, Dr. Prather talks about the roots of our modern health care system, the forces behind its establishment over 100 years ago, and why that history explains what we are seeing today. In this episode, you'll find out:—The difference between getting the virus and getting COVID-19.—How the flu is a greater risk for children than COVID-19.—What the data from Israel and Great Britain reveal about how long the COVID-19 vaccine is effective.—Why The Flexner Report in 1910 is considered the start of our modern health care system.—The shocking story behind how the recommendations of The Flexner Report were adopted in the name of "science".—How there were 35 different philosophies behind medical schools prior to 1910, but all were closed down in favor of the Asclepian system that is the basis of our health care system today.—Why our health care system would be 80% Structure-Function Care and 20% Pharmaceuticals if we had a true free-market system instead of a government-backed monopoly.—How the philosophy of Humanism influences modern medicine.—The connection between Eugenics and the Humanist movement.—Why Plato's "Republic" reveals what "The Great Reset" is trying to implement in our society right
11/6/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather spends two segments this week on the COVID-19 update because there is so much news to cover. Then, he talks about Infection Prevention Week. In this episode, you'll discover:—How the FDA approved the COVID-19 vaccine for children 5 and older this week by going against their own rules and approval process.—The outrageous comment made during the FDA approval hearing for the vaccine where they admit that they won't know if it is safe for children until they give them the vaccine.—How children in Indiana are now being refused treatment because they have not received the COVID-19 vaccine.—The claims made by the escaped Chinese scientist and what she is saying about the true origins of the COVID-19 virus. —What the latest data from Israel and Britain reveals about the actual effectiveness of the vaccine and how the vaccine may be interfering with your body being able to develop a natural immunity to the virus.—The beneficial role vaccines and antibiotics have played in reducing infections and, conversely, the problems that have been created through their misuse.—Why the CDC, FDA, and WHO state that we are in a "post-antibiotic society" and that we should seek out alternatives for antibiotics unless they are absolutely necessary.—The reason Dr. Prather says all of our antibiotics would still be effective if we practiced the model of Structure-Function Care being responsible for 80% of patient care, with 20% of care reserved for pharmaceuticals and surgery.—How veterinary medicine research is showing the effectiveness of herbals over antibiotics in treating infections.—The effectiveness of Homeopathy in helping to build natural immunity. And why Homeopathy is especially important to use as a safe treatment for
10/30/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which drives our discussion this week after Dr. Prather provides a COVID-19 update, In this episode, you'll learn:—The difference between a vaccine given intramuscularly versus intravenously. And the adverse reactions associated with the COVID-19 vaccine being administered incorrectly.—The threats of dishonorable discharge and crippling fines for members of the military who refuse to take the vaccine.—How the CDC changed their minds after first saying it was dangerous to mix COVID-19 vaccines from different companies.—Why having children and breastfeeding help to reduce the chance of a woman developing Breast Cancer.—The dangers of underwire bras in contributing to Breast Cancer.—Why Iodine is so important for a woman's breast health in both preventing and treating Breast Cancer. —How herbals like Venus Flytrap, Mistletoe, and Echinacea can be helpful for Breast Cancer.—The "critical" connection between proper hormone balance and Breast Cancer. And how Dr. Prather finds that 90% of patients being tested do NOT have a proper hormone balance.—Why Cancer patients who have Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments report 80% fewer adverse symptoms during their Cancer treatments.—Plus, you won't want to miss hearing the inspiring story of Joy, who is now Cancer-free after first coming to Holistic Integration with Stage 4
10/23/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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We conclude our two-part series we began last week on the importance of supplementation. In this episode, we talk about:--How the symptoms of aging are actually nutritional deficiencies, making supplementation especially necessary for older people.--Why children are in need of additional supplementation.--That your chance of surviving Cancer increases by 50% if you are not anemic. Plus, how anti-cholesterol statin drugs decrease your CoQ10 levels...which causes heart problems the drugs are supposed to prevent.--How the American Cancer Society says that 60% of all Cancers are caused by nutritional deficiencies.--The link between nutritional deficiency during pregnancy with postpartum depression and eclampsia.--How every addict suffers from severe nutritional deficiencies and are in need of supplementation in order to be restored to health.--Why 80% of all girls involved in school athletics are Iron deficient. And the incredible story of how Dr. Prather helped an entire girls cross-country team to win the state title with Iron supplementation!--The importance of not guessing when it comes to a patient's supplementation by doing proper lab tests such as bloodwork, hair analysis, and stool testing.--Why Dr. Prather uses a technology called Electrodermal Screening (EDS) to help provide accurate individual recommendations about which supplements will work best for a patient and give them "the most bang for the buck".--How often someone should be checked for their nutritional health and supplementation needs.—Plus, you'll hear all about the new Stasis Supplements Sleep and Relaxation Package from Holistic Integration.
10/16/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Very few of us receive the nutrition that we need from our diet, making proper supplementation a vital part of our health. 68% of all Americans take supplements on a regular basis. In this episode, find out:--The 4 different categories of supplements.--Why Dr. Prather does NOT recommend multivitamins for most patients.--The safety of supplements and why you need lab tests before taking any supplement. (And the shocking number of deaths per year from PROPERLY prescribed pharmaceuticals.)--How the Structure/Function Health Care model practiced by The Prather Practice, by the FDA's own definition, truly does no harm.--Why Dr. Prather says America has "the best Disease Care in the entire world", but "one of the worst Health Care models in the entire world".--How "we could solve the health care crisis in America", improve patient outcomes, and reduce health care costs.--What the first line of patient care should be for pain management. (Hint: It's not opioids.)--The approach taken by Holistic Integration to determine exactly what supplementation a patient needs. And why Dr. Prather considers supplementation as "a very critical part" of his practice.--How 97% of all Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease cases are AVOIDABLE.--Why the nutritional quality of our food has deteriorated, making it "impossible to be healthy" from the food we eat.—Plus, you'll hear all about the new Stasis Supplements Pain Relief Package from Holistic Integration.
10/9/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Years of gains in longevity have been reversed in the past couple of years, with American males having the greatest reduction in life expectancy out of any group in the world. Dr. Prather talks about how we can have an impact on our life expectancy by taking control of our health. In this episode, you'll discover:—How children are at the lowest risk of any group from COVID-19 according to the CDC statistics. —The good news from the latest COVID-19 statistics in the past week that show a downward trend of the Delta variant.—Why Dr. Prather says the reduction of life expectancy is due more to the RESPONSE to COVID-19 than the virus itself. —The difference between dying "with" COVID-19 and "from" COVID-19 and how the official death numbers have been "skewed". —What steps a person should make to take control of their health.—Why Dr. Prather says the first step to health is getting a "true" evaluation of your health, with thorough diagnostic tests.—The Body Composition Analysis Dr. Prather performs on all new patients and what the "phase angle" reveals about the state of a person's health.—How Vitamin D and Zinc are crucial in the battle against COVID-19. And why Dr. Prather does NOT recommend people take those without proper lab tests and guidance.—Cathy's inspiring story about how she was able to avoid a spinal fusion surgery and found relief from "severe pain" through the teamwork approach at Holistic Integration. —Plus, you'll hear about the new Energy Boosting package from Holistic
10/2/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, Dr. Prather answers the most common questions he is being asked about COVID-19. In this episode, you'll learn:—The survival rate of COVID-19 (based on the latest CDC numbers) and how it compares to other pandemics in history.—How the CDC has a Pandemic Severity Index with five different categories based on the case fatality ratio. And the category level that COVID-19 falls in based on the CDC guidelines.—The stunning difference between the government response to COVID-19 and their own guidelines from the Pandemic Severity Index. —What you can do to protect yourself right now. —Why you should NOT mix the vaccines from different pharmaceutical companies. —How receiving the vaccine while you have an active infection can result in "serious effects". And how they are not testing people for an active infection before giving the vaccine, even though they should.—The new treatments coming out for COVID-19, such as monoclonal antibodies and an "exciting" study out of Israel that has almost 90% of severe patients leaving the hospital within 5 days.—How Structure-Function Care can help protect you from COVID-19 by building up your body's resistance.—Why Vitamin D can help reduce symptoms by 85% from the COVID-19 virus. And why Zinc is critical to your body's defense against viruses and is the most common deficiency out there. —The role Vitamin A plays in respiratory infections, which isn’t being talked about much. And the "amazing" results you can get from a type of Vitamin C that is almost the same as getting an I.V. of Vitamin C. —Plus, you'll hear about the new Stress and Anxiety package from Holistic
9/25/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Who should have the final say on your health?  You, the government, or your doctor?  In this episode, we talk about:—How the World Health Organization reports that this is the first week the number of COVID-19 cases DECREASED.—Why the World Health Organization recommends that those under the age of 18 should NOT be vaccinated for COVID-19.—What's happening in Britain and Israel where they have high vaccination rates, but also have the highest COVID rates they've ever had.—The "totalitarian" government that has emerged in Australia with their COVID-19 response. —The story of The Voice Of Health Radio Podcast was CENSORED last week and how you can listen to "the banned episode".—How doctors are being overruled by the government, censored, and have even lost their licenses for expressing their opinions on vaccinations.—How the American Psychological Association has proposed labeling those who refuse to get vaccinated as mentally ill and unable to make their own health decisions.—The importance of patient choices and options in the Integrated Health Care model Dr. Prather practices in his office.—What you can do to preserve your health freedoms.—Plus, you'll hear about the new Weight Loss Support package from Holistic  
9/18/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Blue Zones are 5 areas of the world that have a large number of people living active lives over the age of 100.  This week, Dr. Prather talks about the lessons we can learn from those places and how we can achieve healthy longevity in our own lives.  In this episode, you'll find out:—How Israel has one of the highest rates of vaccinations…and one of the highest rates of COVID infections.  And how Israel is already preparing for a FOURTH vaccine shot.—The 13 times greater protection offered from natural immunity than from the vaccinations.—The update on the latest Mu variant of COVID-19, which is now in all 50 states and may be vaccine-resistant. —Whether vaccine passports are inevitable and will lead to totalitarianism.—The 5 pockets of the world with large populations of people living to over the age of 100.  And the area that is found right here in the United States. —Why being happy, active, and stress-free is important for longevity.  And why pain does not have to go along with the aging process.—How pharmaceuticals are rare among those in the Blue Zones.  And why Structure-Function Care is key for healthy longevity.—How Dr. Prather often shocks people with the results of their lab tests who were unaware of the bad state their health.  And why proper diagnostics are important so that we know exactly where we are at in our health.—Why proper exercise for longevity is not as intense as most people think, but consistent and moderate.  And the surprising average age of death for extreme athletes like marathon runners.—The importance of calorie reduction as we age with diets rich in nutrients, fiber, and nuts.  And how 4-of-5 Blue Zones featured daily moderate alcohol consumption.  
9/11/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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We are in the middle of stressful times, where everyone is under stress to the point Dr. Prather can see it in the bloodwork of his patients. This week, Dr. Prather offers heartfelt advice on how to manage the stress we are all facing. In this episode, you'll discover:—How the Pfizer vaccine just approved by the FDA is the fastest approval ever granted by the FDA, with no formal hearing for the first time. —Why the FDA-approved vaccine is not yet available…because it has not yet been made.—The shocking fact that the list of the vaccine's ingredients are only released after FDA approval because the ingredients were kept secret under the Emergency Use Act. And the surprising revelation that each batch of the vaccine has been different. —The latest data from the government's own VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System) database regarding injuries and deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines, which is more than all other vaccines combined in the past 30 years.—How young men seem to be most at risk for Myocarditis and Pericarditis as side-effects from the COVID-19 vaccines.—The vaccine brand that produces the most antibodies with better results in preventing the breakthrough infections and seems to be the longest-lasting.—How HEALTH CARE WORKERS are one of the biggest groups who are hesitant to get the vaccine. —The reason that Montana is receiving a large number of applications from Nurses and Doctors across the country. —Why Joe Biden's claim that COVID is a "disease of the unvaccinated" is not true according to the data coming out of Britain and Israel.—Plus, hear Dr. Prather's first comments about the launch of Holistic Integration's own supplement line, Stasis
9/4/202154 minutes, 41 seconds
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We kick off the show, as we have for a while now, with the latest COVID-19 update.  Then, Dr. Prather teaches how you can build up your own immune system to better protect yourself.  In this episode, you'll learn:—Why the FDA's approval this week of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will likely lead to more mandates and requirements to get the vaccine.—How only 1-in-1.7 million children are at risk of dying from COVID-19, but 1-in-9 children are having an adverse event associated with the vaccine.—The good news out of Israel regarding a new medication that results in 90% of severely-ill patients getting out of the hospital within 5 days.—Why building up your own resistance can also help protect others, too.—The lab tests Dr. Prather uses to measure a patient's immune system.  And the difference between reading lab work from a Disease Care perspective versus a Structure-Function perspective.—How a higher "phase angle" (the electromagnetic charge around the cell) makes you more resistant to the virus than a lower phase angle.—The most important nutritional aspect for fighting the COVID-19 virus.  And the vitamin that can cut down negative COVID-19 outcomes by 85%.—The importance of proper lab tests so that you can know exactly what vitamins and minerals you need.—The vitamin that is known as the defense mechanism for the lungs.  And the best and safest way to take it to keep respiratory infections under control.—Why Dr. Prather says that Iodine is just as important as Vitamin D for immune health.  
8/28/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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(This the episode that our podcast hosting service forced us to delete. Find out what information they tried to censor from you!)Dr. Prather has been inundated with questions from patients and radio listeners calling into his office.  So, this week, we devote the entire show to answering those questions.  In this episode, we talk about:—How the latest data shows that vaccines do not protect from getting the virus or spreading the virus, but in lowering the symptoms from it.—The disappointing results showing the vaccines are wearing off after just a few months.  And, the initial reports that the vaccines do not work at all on the new Lambda variant.—Why a third booster shot is being proposed without any clinical trials on what a third shot would do to a patient.—The treatment protocol recommended by top doctors and the high success rate this protocol is having.—Why you should be tested for COVID-19 before you take the vaccine because those with active cases can have deadly results from taking the vaccine.—Whether or not you should receive the vaccine if you have already had the COVID-19.  And what you should know about  Antibody Dependent Enhancement and vaccines.—The latest reports on vaccine passports and companies requiring vaccines as a condition for employment.—How masks only delay transmission of the virus by 5-minutes and can actually cause a greater chance of transmission because people constantly touching them.  And how Tinnitus increased as a result of mask use.—Why Structure-Function Care is necessary to build up your immune system to resist the virus.  And the importance of testing your levels of Zinc, Vitamin D, Copper, Calcium, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Vitamin A, and Iodine.—How the numbers of children being hospitalized right now are being driven by RSV and not
8/21/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Lymph System is the unsung hero of the body, but few of us know much about it. In this episode, you'll find out:--How it was just recently discovered that the Lymph System goes to the brain (after years of medical schools teaching otherwise).--That the Lymph System will back up if we don't have enough movement in our bodies to "pump" it. And why waking up with aches and pains is a sign of your Lymph System backing up.--How all autoimmune diseases start with the Lymph System. And how Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease of the Lymphatic System.--The giant lymph nodes of tonsils, adenoids, and the appendix. And why you have a greater chance of colon cancer and colon infections if your appendix is removed.--Why Dr. Prather checks the spleen for soreness to indicate the presence of a virus. And how the spleen will hold the Epstein-Barr virus to combat it.--The role the Lymph System plays in balancing fluid in our bodies and the problems that can occur such as Lymphedema and Lymphadenopathy.--The connection between breast cancer and the Lymph System. And why Dr. Prather is adamantly opposed to underwire bras.--Why Dr. Prather says you "cannot really treat cancer if you are not looking at the Lymphatic System".--The breeding ground of infections (and cancer cells) that occurs when the Lymph System is backed up.--The Structure-Function treatments for the Lymphatic System including: supplements, specific Lymphatic Chiropractic adjustments, specialized Lymphatic massage, Lymphatic exercises to "pump" the system", Diathermy, and  
8/14/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens with a COVID-19 update about how people have doubts about what they are being told by the government about COVID-19.  Then, he talks about how we can reduce our chance of getting Cancer by up to 70%.  In this episode, you'll discover:—How a new lawsuit from a group of doctors is challenging the accuracy of the data about COVID-19 released by the CDC.—Why the latest numbers out of Israel show the vaccination immunity wears off in a matter of months. —The results of Sweden's approach to COVID-19, which had no lockdowns, no mask mandates, and a low vaccination rate.—The number one thing you should do to avoid Cancer.—Why obesity is a major contributor to at least seven different types of Cancer (as well as Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and COVID-19 risk).  And why Fiber is so important for weight loss and longevity.—How the FDA gives more problem to those trying to improve the diet than the food manufacturers who are producing processed foods that actually remove Fiber in place of substances that make us eat more. —The role of Free Radicals in the development of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease.  And how Dr. Prather sees Cholesterol levels go down as Free Radical levels go down in the body.—How alcohol contributes to Cancer.—Why Heavy Metals (Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, Nickel) should be evaluated for Cancer prevention.  And how Hair Analysis is one of the best ways to measure that.—The importance of exercise, sleep, and proper life balance in getting healthier and avoiding  
8/7/202154 minutes, 40 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens with a COVID-19 update.  Then, he talks about how Aerobic Exercise and External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy are the treatments that benefit every patient with all types of Cardiovascular Disease.  In this episode, you'll learn:—The new law in New Hampshire preventing anyone from being discriminated against for not taking the COVID vaccine.  And the mind-blowing way the government categorizes those who have had both vaccine shots as "unvaccinated".—Why Dr. Prather says what we are seeing in the response to COVID-19 is not science, but a religion.—How one of the developers of the mRNA vaccines has even been censored for raising questions about the vaccines. —The amount of Aerobic Exercise each person needs to prevent or reverse Cardiovascular Disease.  (And why everyone reading this probably does not measure up!)—Why ECP Therapy was designed by Harvard decades ago to do Aerobic Exercise for patients who can't even walk across the room without losing their breath.  Plus, how long-distance runners are using ECP to help them set new records. —How Dr. Prather called the FDA to ask if it would be OK to offer ECP Therapy in his office and was actually encouraged by them to do this therapy in his office. —The "amazing" safety record of ECP Therapy that has NEVER had a single injury reported in decades of use.—The screening Dr. Prather does on patients prior to ECP Therapy for potential contraindications to ensure patient safety.—Why Cardiologists refer for ECP Therapy after everything else has been tried.  And why everyone who has been referred to Dr. Prather for it lived.—How ECP Therapy benefits Angina, Congestive Heart Failure, Atherosclerosis, Hypertension, Kidney Disease, Restless Leg Syndrome, Diabetes, Cognitive Brain Function, and Erectile Dysfunction.  
7/31/202154 minutes, 40 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update about the door-to-door vaccination visits from the Biden Administration.  Then, Dr. Prather announces the launch of Holistic Heart, the new division of his office focused on Cardiovascular Health.    In this episode, we talk about:—How door-to-door visits have started asking people if they have received a COVID-19 vaccine and offering the vaccination on the spot.—The infringement on our Health Care Freedom this presents and where this can lead if the government is in charge of our health care decisions. —Why the latest numbers from Israel and Britain show that vaccinated people are hospitalized and dying from COVID-19 at the SAME rates as the unvaccinated.—The philosophy behind Holistic Heart and how it integrates Structure-Function Care and the medical model for the best patient outcomes.—The unique diagnostic tests Dr. Prather orders for patients that most cardiologists do not do. —The shocking National Institutes or Health study that shows stents and bypass surgeries are NOT effective for long-term heart health outcomes. —The External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy developed 60 years ago by Harvard and how it duplicates 5 years of marathon training for the heart in just 7 weeks.  And the touching story of how Dr. Prather came to bring this treatment into his office.—How Magnesium for men and Potassium for women are "absolutely critical" for those situations where a person dies suddenly and unexpectedly from a heart attack.—Why high Cholesterol is NOT the underlying problem, but an indicator of Cardiovascular Disease.  And why Dr. Prather describes Cholesterol as the firefighters showing up to put out the fire. —Why Chiropractic care helps with the Vagus Nerve, POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome), and can play a big role for atrial fibrillation (AFib).  Plus, the Acupuncture points that can settle down the EKG of a patient while they are having a heart attack. 
7/24/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update on how the variant now predominant in Indiana differs in symptoms from previous strains of the virus.  Then, we talk about how Prostate Cancer is the #1 Cancer in males and almost all men over the age of 80 will develop it.  In this episode, find out:—How the Delta variant is now the predominant version of COVID-19 in Indiana and has different symptoms than the prior strains of the virus.—Why the vaccines are not as effective on the Delta variant and "don't work at all" on the new Lambda variant.  And why Dr. Prather says actually having the COVID-19 virus itself is "absolutely the best protection you can have". —The reason Dr. Prather changed his original optimism on the effectiveness of the vaccines after reviewing the latest statistics from Britain and Israel, which show "no difference" in hospitalization and death rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.—Why low Testosterone is the leading cause of Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH).  And why having BPH makes it more likely that you'll develop Prostatitis and Prostate Cancer.—How the military has measured men's Testosterone levels since World War I and has seen a consistent reduction in those levels over the decades. —Why Estrogen dominance is "one of the terrible things" to occur in men.  And why we're essentially poisoning ourselves with the chemicals we're using. —How Dr. Prather sees low Testosterone levels in "probably about 90%" of patients and is surprisingly seeing lower levels more commonly in younger men than in older men. —The impact of marijuana, "screen time", and pornography on men's Testosterone levels.—The two "extremely important" minerals and the four major herbals for the Prostate.  Plus, why you will "automatically have low Testosterone" if you are on a Cholesterol-lowering drug...which increases your chance of developing Prostate Cancer.—The effectiveness of Acupuncture in providing "immediate relief" from Prostatitis and the surprising location of the needles.  (No, not there!) 
7/17/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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On this very special edition of The Voice Of Health, Holistic Integration's Associate Chiropractor Dr. Clinton Dodge shares his inspiring story about overcoming Traumatic Brain Injury.  In this episode, you'll discover:—The difference between an acquired brain injury and a traumatic brain injury.—The "staggering" number of Americans who sustain traumatic brain injuries every year, including the number who suffer from permanent disabilities.—How a Traumatic Brain Injury affects the entire body. —The 3 different categories of changes that can come from a Traumatic Brain Injury.—How Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are often linked.—Why it is important for a Traumatic Brain Injury patient to set up "compensations" to help them deal with their injuries in daily life.—Why Dr. Dodge says is a MYTH that "the longer you wait to treat a brain injury, the less likely you'll have a positive outcome".—How imaging such as a CT Scan or MRI coming back as normal does NOT rule out a Traumatic Brain Injury. —The important treatments for Traumatic Brain Injury:  Neuropsychologist Testing, Nutritional Supplementation, Proper Imaging, Chiropractic Adjustments, Occupational Therapy, Acupuncture, and Auriculotherapy (Ear Acupuncture).—Why it's important to be aware of the potential of Traumatic Brain Injury in children and to get things checked out when you notice behavioral or physical 
7/10/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather begins the show with a COVID-19 update that reveals the BIGGEST risk factor for the virus that no one is talking about.  Then, our show focuses on the source of 80% of all disease—the gut.  In this episode, you'll learn:—How there is "very little risk" of the virus for those under the age of 50.—The two risk factors that lead to COVID-19 hospitalization:  age and obesity.  And why Dr. Prather calls the data "very startling" that connects obesity to higher COVID-19 risk, especially among young people.—Why there have likely been more deaths from the lockdowns than from the COVID-19 virus.  And who is at more risk from the vaccination than from the virus.—The fascinating difference in bacteria throughout each area of the digestive system and why it is important to have the right bacteria in each area for optimal health.—The symptoms of SIBO:  bloating, abdominal distention, pain, discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, and weakness. —How "everyone" who has a hypothyroid has SIBO.   And the many causes of SIBO, including:  prescription drugs, endocrine balance, surgeries, and gallbladder issues.—Why Dr. Prather includes a stool kit as one of his standard lab tests on patients, at least on an annual basis.—The difference between SIBO and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).  And how one can lead to the other.—How antibiotics are the normal course of treatment for SIBO, but the SIBO will come right back "100% of the time".  And how the Structure-Function Care that Dr. Prather practices is "the only way" to successfully treat SIBO.—Why fiber supplementation, probiotics, and probiotics are essential for treating SIBO.  And why gut health is important to analyze from babies with colic to elderly people with 
7/3/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we're joined by Leah Wilson of Stand For Health Freedom to talk about what you can do to defend your family against health mandates that violate your conscience.  And Dr. Prather talks about the increasing reports of heart damage being seen in young people after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. In this episode, we talk about:—The heartbreaking story of Simone Scott, a 19-year-old freshman at Northwestern University, who died of a heart problem one month after taking the second dose of the Moderna Vaccine.—How the CDC convened an emergency meeting about young people being affected by heart damage following their COVID-19 shots.—Which COVID-19 vaccines have the issues regarding heart inflammation.  (Spoiler alert:  All of them.)—Why Dr. Prather says he wishes they would reduce the COVID-19 vaccine dose in young people by HALF for both safety reasons and for better results.—How COVID-19 itself can cause heart inflammation, which Dr. Prather has treated in his office.  And whether young people face the higher risk of heart inflammation from the virus itself or from the vaccine.—How a warning label has now officially been added to COVID-19 vaccines about the potential of heart damage in young people.  And why that obligates physicians to report any adverse effects of vaccines to the VAERS database on vaccine harm.—The three different types of heart inflammation, each with a different set of symptoms and a different set of treatments.—Why Dr. Prather recommends blood tests and an EKG following the COVID-19 vaccination.—And we're joined by our special guest Leah Wilson, Executive Director of Stand For Health Freedom to talk about how you can have a voice on issues such as mask and vaccine mandates.—The resources and tools offered by Stand For Health Freedom to let your voice be heard and to engage your lawmakers on the health freedom issues you care about. 
6/26/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Experts predict that the summer of 2021 will be a "Tick Bomb".  So this week, Dr. Prather talks about Tick-borne Diseases, such as Lyme Disease and Rickettsia.  In this episode, you'll discover:--Why it is hard to diagnose tick-borne disease, frustrating both patients and doctors as it mimics other diseases.  And why doctors often roll their eyes when they hear the term Lyme Disease and the controversy over testing for it.--How tickborne disease can lead to an autoimmune disease. And how Lupus patients are often misdiagnosed when they really have an infection.--How immune-suppressing drugs are often given that make the problem MUCH worse.--That Rickettsia infection is far more common in Indiana than Lyme Disease and that they have to be treated differently. And how most patients who say that they have Lyme Disease actually have something else.--Why dog owners are at a higher risk for such diseases. And why you should not allow your dog to sleep on your bed.--How Homeopathy can make a huge difference for patients who have exhausted every antibiotic known to man.--How getting the gut working properly is the key to rebuilding a person's immune system.--Why Dr. Prather says no one is better at determining how to battle an infection than the body itself...IF it's given the opportunity to do so.--Why thorough blood tests and a G.I. Effects stool kit are important to effectively battle these kinds of diseases.—Plus, you'll hear the inspiring story of Susan, a patient at Holistic Integration, and why she says that LOVE is what differentiates Holistic Integration from other health care options.
6/19/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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COVID-19 Long Haulers are patients who continue to have symptoms past 4-6 weeks.  Dr. Prather says that using a Structure-Function approach to their care has been "100% successful".  In this episode, you'll discover:—How even those with mild cases of COVID-19 are showing up with Long Hauler symptoms. —How COVID-19 Long Haulers are mostly young women between the ages of 15 and 45.—The connection between COVID-19 Long Haulers and patients who previously had Auto-Immune Disease and Epstein-Barr Virus.—The symptoms of COVID-19 Long Haulers, including Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (formerly Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), Fatigue, and being sore all over.—The Medical treatments being given for COVID-19 Long Haulers, including anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, and Beta Blockers.  And why the CDC says that this approach is not working.—Why Dr. Prather tells COVID-19 Long Haulers to avoid being near their smart phone, computer activity, and all Electro-Magnetic energy.—How the lab tests in these patients actually look good, except on one special test that most physicians do not run (but Dr. Prather does). —Why Dr. Prather calls Acupuncture "the key" for the treatment of these patients.—The spinal change pattern associated with COVID-19 Long Haulers  that has been identified by the CDC and "consistently" observed in patients coming into Dr. Prather's office.—Why Homeopathy is "especially helpful" for COVID-19 Long Haulers to see "immediate changes"
6/12/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a bombshell COVID-19 update about the evidence showing the true origins of the virus.  Then, he talks about how there is hope for Dementia, which affects about 10% of those over the age of 65 and at least 50% of those over the age of 85.  In this episode, you'll learn:--The difference between dementia and Alzheimer's Disease.--How Alzheimer's Disease is increasing and is now the sixth-leading cause of death in America.--The risk factors for dementia, such as: family history, drugs use (both pharmaceutical and recreational), alcohol use, smoking, diabetes, poor nutrition, and cardiovascular disease.--Why medications are often a cause of dementia symptoms, especially cholesterol medications.--How the Structure-Function approach to Health Care focuses on getting the body into homeostasis and should be 80% of our health care. Plus, how Structure-Function Care is more reliant on diagnostics than Disease Care.--Why Dr. Prather says dementia symptoms are usually a multi-faceted process and not just a singular cause.--The importance of Hair Analysis to discover heavy metal toxicities in dementia patients.--The connection between hormones and dementia. And the relationship between inflammation in the body and dementia symptoms.--Why Chiropractic can produce "great results" for dementia patients and can make a person's thinking clearer.--How Acupuncture has been found by the World Health Organization to help with Alzheimer's Disease and dementia. And the connection between depression and
6/5/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather always says that Fiber is the #1 supplement he recommends, but Iodine is the #1 supplement sold by his office.  But first, he provides a COVID-19 update about why we need to be asking some key questions about the origins of the virus and what the science shows about the vaccinations.  In this episode, we talk about:—How the CDC is now investigating young people being affected by heart inflammation (Myocarditis) after their COVID-19 vaccination.—That young people have the least problems with the actual COVID-19 virus, but the most problems with vaccine side-effects.  And why colleges and universities requiring COVID-19 vaccines might not be the best idea.—How Dr. Prather used Iodine to help with swelling of his gums for an infected tooth.—Why Dr. Prather added Iodine to his Prather Profile Blood Analysis.  And how Dr. Prather finds his patients need Iodine 80% of the time.—The reasons why Indiana is deficient in Iodine and is known as the Goiter Capital. —The history behind Iodized Salt and the beginning of modern Western Medicine.—How Iodine used to be the #1 prescribed medicine in the United States and Europe..until the pharmaceutical companies started discouraging its use in the 1960's.—The reason Dr. Prather says that Iodine is "THE answer" for the Thyroid to get better and there is "no way" the Thyroid can get better without proper levels of Iodine going to it.  And why Thyroid medicine will actually deplete Iodine levels in the body. —Why Dr. Prather says that women on Iodine supplements will have "younger breasts".  And the role Iodine plays in breast development and breast disease, including Fibrocystic Breast Disease and Breast Cancer. —How Dr. Prather says "probably 80%" of all infertility problems can be taken care of with Zinc and Iodine.  Plus, how Iodine helps eliminate hot flashes during menopause and is "absolutely critical" for the immune system. 
5/29/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather updates us on the news about when Indianapolis and Marion County will end the mask mandate.  Then, Holistic Integration's own Functional Health Coach Keira joins us to talk about how Herbals can benefit your health.  In this episode, you'll find out:—When the mask mandate will be lifted for Indianapolis and Marion County.—The percentage of people who are "vaccine hesitant".  And how the Military and the state of Indiana rate in this category.—The contradictory and confusing messages coming from Dr. Fauci and the CDC on the science behind wearing masks.—Why Dr. Prather is concerned about pregnant women getting the COVID-19 vaccine.—The difference between folk medicine that uses Herbs and the clinically-based, scientific approach to Herbalism practiced at Holistic Integration.—How the Western Herbal Medicine is different from Chinese Herbal Medicine and Ayurveda.  And the impact of Native American knowledge and practices on modern-day Western Herbal Medicine.—The influence of Herbs on modern-day pharmaceuticals.  And how the development of Aspirin was derived from Willow Bark.—The Herbs that are most beneficial for anti-aging.  And how anti-aging should be focused on from an internal perspective, not just a focus on the skin.—Why it is important to have an Herbal expert and proper lab testing guide you on which Herbal remedies you should be taking.  And why you shouldn’t just take something you've ordered off of the Internet or picked up in a health food store.—The Herbs that are most helpful for helping to counteract the effects of Stress on our 
5/22/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we talk about Arthritis Awareness Month.  But first, Dr. Prather updates us on how the COVID-19 vaccines are working in terms of effectiveness (which is "hard to refute") and safety (which is the big question right now).  In this episode, you'll discover:—Why the latest numbers found in official government databases on the issues reported with the vaccines are "pretty alarming".—How the problems from the COVID-19 vaccines are in greater number than ALL vaccination issues reported in the past 30+ years combined. —The blood-clot issues resulting from the vaccine, especially in younger people and women of child-bearing age.—How 52 million adults and 300,000 children are diagnosed with Arthritis.  And how 80% of everyone over the age of 55 will show Osteoarthritis in their spine.—Why Osteoarthritis in young people is becoming very common now, when it used to be extremely rare.—The role genetics plays in Arthritis and how Dr. Prather can see the same patterns in members of the same family. —How the physiological changes that come with obesity contribute to the development of Arthritis.  And how Dr. Prather sees "really excellent results" in Arthritis just by getting the fat percentage down in patients.—The big difference proper nutritional supplementation and lowering inflammation has on reducing Arthritis pain in patients, with clinical studies showing that herbals work better than almost all over-the-counter medications without the side-effects.—The great deal of benefit of Chiropractic care for Osteoarthritis, even helping patients to postpone knee replacement surgeries for years.  And the help diet changes can make in reducing severe Arthritis pain.—Why Dr. Prather says "everyone who has Arthritis should be looking at Acupuncture" and that Homeopathy "can make the biggest difference" 
5/15/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we focus on National Neuropathy Awareness Week, which affects more than 30 million Americans.  But first, Dr. Prather updates on the latest COVID-19 numbers in Indiana.  In this episode, you'll learn:—How Indiana is doing "quite well" in the number of positive COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths.  And the percentage of Hoosiers testing positive for the new COVID-19 variants from the U.K., South Africa, and Brazil.—Indiana's rank in the percentage of people who have already received their COVID-19 vaccination.—Why Dr. Prather says it is a legitimate argument that we would be over COVID-19 by now had more people been allowed to be infected with the original strain and build an immunity to it.—How Neuropathy and Neuralgia are actually under-diagnosed.  And how Dr. Prather is able to catch it early (and reverse it) in his patients through circulatory and nerve testing. —That 70% of all Diabetics, 40% of those who have had Chemotherapy , and 30% of HIV patients have Neuropathy. —The risk of amputation from Neuropathy.  And how Dr. Prather has a high success rate in helping patients cancel their amputation surgeries.—How Neuropathy can be completely avoided or reversed with proper nutritional supplementation.  And why Vitamins (and which Vitamins) are "the biggest key" for Neuropathy.—Why you need proper lab tests to determine which Vitamin supplements you need since too low or too high levels can kick off Neuropathy.—The Copper-Zinc mineral ratio that must be kept in proper balance for   Neuropathy patients.  And the herbals that are "extremely helpful" for Neuropathy.—Why Diathermy is "very important" in treating Neuropathy in Dr. Prather's office and helping to cancel amputation 
5/8/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with an update about the latest statistics from the government's own database on the potential harm caused by the COVID-19 vaccines.  Then, Dr. Prather reveals the shocking reason why some people have a negative view of Chiropractic care without realizing why they have a negative opinion. In this episode, we talk about:--Why the perception of Chiropractic being unsafe and unscientific was the result of a conspiracy on the part of the American Medical Association that was proven in a landmark Supreme Court case.--How insurance companies prove the safety of Chiropractic by offering Chiropractors the lowest malpractice rates of any health care professional. And how low malpractice rates surprisingly result in a lower reimbursement rate for Chiropractors.--The variety of techniques in the Chiropractic profession (over 700!) and the gentle, non-force adjusting techniques Dr. Prather uses in his practice.--The most common mobilization technique in Chiropractic that makes the "cracking and popping sounds". Plus, why Dr. Prather doesn't use that technique.--Which health conditions require specialized Chiropractic adjusting techniques, including Osteoporosis and post-surgery.--How the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment of the top vertebrae is a specialty of Dr. Prather, who is the only board-certified Atlas Orthogonist in the state of Indiana.--How the study connecting strokes to Chiropractic adjustment was composed entirely of cases where the adjustments were made by people who weren't even Chiropractors!--Why going to your hairdresser to get your hair washed is a higher risk than getting a Chiropractic neck adjustment.--Why even post-surgical Scoliosis patients with a rod in their back can get relief from a safe, gentle, reflex adjustment technique.--The benefits of Chiropractic adjustments for patients who have had knee and hip
5/1/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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4/22/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather talks about the side effects and censorship surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines.  Then, he talks about the virus more contagious than COVID-19 that is seeing an increase right now.  In this episode, you'll discover:—How they are pausing the Johnson & Johnson vaccine due to blood clot issues. —Why Pfizer's vaccine seems to be safer than the Moderna vaccine at this point.—The state Attorneys General who are calling for more censorship of any discussion surrounding vaccine safety, even scientific discussions in peer-reviewed articles.—That young women and pregnant women seem to be at the highest risk for vaccine side effects, but older people seem to be experiencing the fewest side effects. —How there is an increase in Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) right now, which patients are mistaking for COVID-19.  And how the virus is "stronger than normal" based on what Dr. Prather is seeing in his patients.—Why RSV is the most common form of cold out there, but most people have never even heard of it.—The risk of RSV in turning into pneumonia. —How there is no medical treatment for the RSV virus.—Why Chiropractic and Acupuncture are helpful for combating viruses.  And how draining the lymph system is "the game-changer" for fighting viruses.—The natural supplements most effective for boosting your immune system and fighting 
4/17/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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High blood pressure is a contributor to cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, and kidney disease. But 95% of those with hypertension have no symptoms and have no idea of the danger they are facing. In this episode, discover:--What range is considered to be high blood pressure. And which of the numbers (systolic or diastolic) is considered the most important.--Why high blood pressure kills people and how many deaths per day are attributed to hypertension.--How high blood pressure statistics differ based on sex and race. Plus, the risk factors for high blood pressure.--The different kinds of high blood pressure and the treatments for hypertension.--The problems with medical treatment of high blood pressure, such as the kidneys being worn out by the prescription drugs.--How 70% of the contribution of hypertension comes from the kidneys. And why the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is a key number to be aware of for hypertension patients.--How a chiropractic adjustment of the Atlas (the first vertebrae) has been shown to have a greater effect on balancing blood pressure than medication.--Why acupuncture can oftentimes get someone's high blood pressure down immediately. And which herbals have been shown extremely effective for hypertension by strengthening the kidneys without the negative effects of pharmaceuticals.--The 40 different Homeopathic options for helping high blood pressure that can be tested and individualized for each patient.--The "very strong correlation" between vitamins, minerals, and
4/10/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather updates us on the continued good news about COVID-19 in Indiana.  Then, he talks about why he has seen an increase in Tinnitus cases in his office due to COVID-19.  In this episode, we talk about:—The symptoms associated with Tinnitus.—How the tragic suicide of the CEO of Texas Roadhouse inspired this show.—Why COVID-19 has caused an increase in Tinnitus.  And how a shocking 1-out-of-5 adults have Tinnitus.—The lack of effectiveness in medical treatments for Tinnitus.—Why Structure-Function Care is "definitely" helpful in healing the underlying causes for Tinnitus.—How fixing the neck through proper Chiropractic adjustments is key to getting results for Tinnitus patients.  And why wearing masks have contributed to kicking off Tinnitus because of TMJ Syndrome.—The clinical trials that have shown Acupuncture as an effective treatment for Tinnitus. —The connection between low Zinc levels and Tinnitus.  And how the Copper-Zinc ratio, Calcium, and Magnesium can all play a big role in Tinnitus.—Why Dr. Prather calls Homeopathy the "magic bullets" for treating Tinnitus.—Plus, Health Coach Justine Turner gets the month started off right with a Motivational Moment about exercise that will inspire you to get moving!  
4/3/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather gives a VERY encouraging COVID-19 update about what is happening in Indiana. Then, we talk about the importance of Chiropractic adjustments to keep you in optimal health.  In this episode, you'll find out:—When the mask mandate ends in Indiana.—How the numbers of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are plummeting in Indiana.—Where Indiana ranks nationally in COVID-19 vaccinations.—The two systems in your body that tell everything else what to do.  And why Dr. Prather always starts there with his patients.—How Chiropractors aren't just bone doctors, but really are dealing with the nervous system.—The gentle upper-neck adjustment that is a specialty of Dr. Prather's and how it impacted his own life and health. —How Dr. Prather's adjusting techniques are so gentle that they can be done on newborns or an elderly person with brittle bones.—Why the Chiropractic adjustments in Dr. Prather's office are able to hold for a longer period of time compared to other adjusting techniques.—The "secret sauce" of combining Structural and Functional Medicine together to get the best results for
3/27/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather gives a COVID-19 update filled with good news.  Then, he answers the question that he gets at least four times a day about the safety of vaccines.  In this episode, you'll discover:—Why some scientists believe we might have achieved herd immunity.—How the COVID-19 "long-haulers" (who continue to have symptoms after they have recovered from the virus) are seeing their symptoms disappear within a couple of days after taking the vaccination.—Which COVID-19 vaccine brand Dr. Prather calls "the game-changer".—Why you should definitely make sure you test negative for COVID-19 before you take the vaccine.—The reason why Dr. Prather says the history of vaccines have probably been "the most successful health campaign ever".—How vaccines, like all pharmaceuticals, always carry some risk even though their benefits far outweigh the negative incidents.—The history behind the legislation that made pharmaceutical companies and doctors no longer liable for vaccination lawsuits.  And the government vaccine injury fund that exists to pay damages for vaccine injuries.—Why Dr. Prather says vaccines are safer than ever before, but the risk comes because there are more vaccines being taken by children than ever before (and often at the same time).—The protocol Dr. Prather uses to help prepare patients for vaccinations so that they will not have any negative reaction or side-effects.—How Dr. Prather has been able to help every patient who has come to him with a vaccine injury through "good Structure-Function Care" 
3/20/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a COVID-19 update about which medications to avoid while taking the COVID-19 vaccine.  Then, we talk about why Nickel is the most toxic and dangerous of all heavy metal toxicities.  In this episode, you'll learn:—Whether you should take the vaccination while you are sick with COVID-19. —Why NSAIDs (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs) should be avoided while taking the COVID-19 vaccine.—How a 90-day waiting period is recommended after having COVID-19 before you take the vaccine.—The sources of Nickel Toxicity, including:  jewelry, cookware, batteries, cosmetics, baking powder, imitation whipped cream, hydrogenated peanut butter, margarine, heart stents, hip and knee prosthetics, cigarettes, and vegetable shortening.—Why Dr. Prather always treats Nickel Toxicity as a crisis and emergency situation.  And the symptoms of Nickel Toxicity.—How women and children are at greatest risk for Nickel Toxicity.  And why you should NEVER wear Nickel jewelry of any kind (especially piercings).—The connection between dental work and Nickel Toxicity, including in young children.—Why Nickel Toxicity can be an underlying cause of auto-immune diseases, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Infertility, and Cancer.—How to test for Nickel Toxicity.  And Dr. Prather's "secret" to a 100% success rate in removing Nickel Toxicity from the body.—Plus, you'll hear from Michaela about how The Prather Practice helped to turn around her health after years of suffering from injuries sustained in a car 
3/13/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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As Dr. Prather says, women are the ones who take care of everyone else, but too often neglect to take care of themselves.  In honor of Women's History Month, we focus on Women's Health this week.  In this episode, we talk about:—How the COVID-19 infection and death rates have dropped significantly, which is great news.—Why the new "variants" of the COVID-19 virus are more contagious and deadly forms of the virus, which is the bad news. —Whether prior infection and vaccination will protect you from the new COVID-19 variants.—How the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccination (that Dr. Prather calls "a real game changer") is based on the Ebola vaccination, which is proven to be safe and effective. —The importance of sleep, exercise, social time with friends, and reflective time to maximize a woman's health and well-being.—The difference between P.M. sleep (before Midnight) and A.M. sleep (after Midnight).  And how P.M. sleep has a bigger effect than A.M. sleep, providing the benefit of two hours of sleep for every hour you are asleep. —Which health screenings women should get on a regular basis.  And why everyone should have a Structure-Function Care physician to provide 80% of their health care.—Why Heart Disease is increasing in women.  And why cervical cancer screenings have been one of the most successful tools in reducing death rates among women.—How healthy weight loss can dramatically impact your bloodwork and overall health. —Plus, Health Coach Justine Turner of The Prather Practice joins us for a Motivational Moment segment to talk about ways we can practice 
3/6/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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In honor of Black History Month, this week's show is about how the Black community was hit harder by COVID-19 than any other population group.  In this episode, you'll find out:—How the new Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has several advantages over the other brands, including the lack of allergic responses seen in other vaccine brands.—When herd immunity for COVID-19 is expected to be reached and restrictions (like lockdowns) reduced.—Why they currently expect the COVID-19 vaccine to be an annual shot, similar to the flu.  And which masks are "worse than not wearing a mask at all".—How the CDC reports we have lost, on average, a year of life expectancy for the first time since World War II.  But the Black community lost almost three times as much life expectancy during the pandemic.—The underlying health risks in the Black community (such as Hypertension, Obesity, Type II Diabetes) and how these issues contributed to the higher adverse reactions to COVID-19.—How the natural African diet is higher in Arginine, which is a supplement Dr. Prather finds to be especially helpful in combating Kidney Disease and Hypertension for Black patients.—Why Dr. Prather says Vitamin D needs to be tested more for patients with darker skin, which has been a key factor in how people have reacted to COVID-19.—The damaging effects of Low Vitamin D on Cardiovascular Health, Cancer, Autoimmune Disease, and Asthma. —The importance of increased use of Structure-Function Health Care to see improvements in the health of the Black 
2/27/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Fiber isn't something most would describe as "sweet". But Dr. Prather explains that fiber can have many sweet benefits for our health. In this episode, we talk about:--How the modern diet has replaced fiber with sugar, resulting in "untold consequences to our health and well-being".--The experiment a college professor of Dr. Prather's conducted by adding fiber to the diets of the hogs on his farm.--Why Dr. Prather calls fiber "a magic and missing" ingredient in someone's diet if you want to change their health.--The amount of fiber Dr. Prather recommends for daily intake (and why he disagrees with the official recommendation amount).--Which sweeteners Dr. Prather recommends instead of the highly-processed sweeteners that are dangerous to our health.--How our fiber-sugar ratio is the "quickest, easiest" way to reduce obesity levels.--Why a digestive system with proper bacteria from fiber can reduce the fat produced by our body by 50%!--The multitude of health benefits just from increasing your fiber intake. How fiber can help with Type II Diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.--The good sources of fiber Dr. Prather recommends (including the kind of bread Dr. Prather buys from Europe).--Why supplementation of fiber is necessary since it is difficult in modern America to get the fiber intake we need. And how Dr. Prather has found "no one" with proper fiber intake based on the G.I. Effects stool
2/20/202155 minutes, 50 seconds
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6 million Americans suffer from Congestive Heart Failure, which is the #1 reason for hospitalization for those over 65. More people are coming down with Congestive Heart Failure than ever before, costing us $100 billion a year. In this episode, learn:--The causes and risk factors of Congestive Heart Failure.--Signs and symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure.--Why Dr, Prather considers Congestive Heart Failure a disease of rich nations and a lifestyle disease that is "completely unnecessary".--How certain pharmaceuticals--like cholesterol drugs--can actually kick off Congestive Heart Failure.--Why disease care can slow down Congestive Heart Failure, but never reverse it. (And why you need Structure/Function health care to reverse Congestive Heart Failure.)--How Dr. Prather approaches Congestive Heart Failure in his patients.--Why Dr. Prather says the heart is the "most easily fixed organ in the body with the highest capacity of regenerating itself".--The machine Dr. Prather uses to help his patients achieve the benefits of aerobic exercise...without the patients actually having to exercise.--Why patients can have hope to reverse their Congestive Heart Failure even though there aren't any good medical options available.--The preventive measures to avoid Congestive Heart Failure, and the tests you should have done to diagnose heart 
2/13/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy is a safe, non-invasive solution for heart disease. In this episode, we talk about:--Why ECP Therapy is "like having a second heart" and how it helps the heart to function better.--How ECP Therapy oxygenates the heart and gives your heart the benefit of five years of marathon training in just SEVEN WEEKS.--The reason why Dr. Prather calls ECP Therapy the only hope for congestive heart failure, which has become "medical disaster".--The incredible safety record of ECP Therapy without a single negative incident or injury reported to the FDA and with no negative side effects.--How ECP Therapy helps reduce heart pain and helps patients to lower their medication needed for angina.--Why ECP Therapy is able to open up collateral circulation and dormant arteries (and can even GROW new arteries).--How the improved circulation and oxygenation from ECP Therapy improves all organ systems and helps with dementia, erectile dysfunction, and can reverse Type 2 diabetes.--The five-part heart evaluation Dr. Prather recommends for every patient over 50.--The stories of patients who went from over 90% blockage in their arteries to less than 10% blockage through ECP Therapy.--Why many pro athletes and Olympians have incorporated ECP Therapy into their regimen to extend their careers and set new
2/6/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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We conclude our series, "New Year, New You", by talking about why supplementation is necessary to have proper nutrition.  And Dr. Prather gives a groundbreaking COVID-19 update, including the latest research on whether schools should be open or closed.  In this episode, you'll find out:—How the World Health Organization has determined the COVID-19 tests were too sensitive and yielded too many false positives...right after Joe Biden was inaugurated.  (And how this will drop the number of positive cases by an estimated 40%!)—The definitive research from the Centers of Disease Control stating that there is NO scientific basis for schools to be closed because of COVID-19.—Why RNA vaccines "change the basis of how your body works" and is truly revolutionary in the approach to vaccines.  And why we don't really know the ramifications of this approach.—How the people with good vitamin and mineral levels are the ones who are able to fight off viruses like COVID-19 (as well as other viruses and chronic diseases).—Why Dr. Prather says, "If people had proper nutrition, vaccinations wouldn't be necessary." —The reason Dr. Prather is "shocked" that a health care professional would ever state that supplementation is not necessary.  And why Dr. Prather says the pharmaceutical companies are in charge of educating doctors (to the detriment of our health).—Why Dr. Prather says you should "never, ever, ever, ever" be on more than 4 pharmaceuticals at one time.—The deficiency in our soil that makes supplementation necessary to have a well-run body.  And how Indiana is deficient in Iodine, making us a part of "The Goiter Belt".—How Fiber is the most important supplement if you want to change the health of an individual the most. —The story about how Dr. Prather helped a High School Girls Cross Country team qualify for State for the first time by putting them all on Iron supplementation. 
1/30/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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We continue our series, "New Year, New You", by talking about why obesity makes a person more susceptible to COVID-19.  And Dr. Prather tells about the 4 key nutrients recommended by the Centers for Disease Control that make a difference in fighting COVID-19.  In this episode, you'll discover:—The current projected safety of the COVID-19 vaccines.  And why some European countries want to evaluate them more.—Why the COVID-19 strain found in pigs in China is cause for concern if that variant spreads into the human population.—How long you should wait to get the COVID-19 vaccine after you've already had the virus.—Why a higher fat percentage causes your body to have a lower thermogenesis, which is the body's ability to burn calories.—How the body's hypothalamus has an "image" of what your body's set weight should be and will fight you to keep this set weight (even if it's a bad weight).—The difference between "obesity" and "overweight".  And why BMI (Body Weight Index) can be "misleading".—The danger of "skinny fat" and why Dr. Prather focuses on fat percentage. —How 42% of adult Americans are obese, making America the fattest country in the entire world.  And the myriad of health issues associated with obesity, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and kidney disease.—The World War II military reason that INTENTIONALLY designed an American diet which increased recommended calories.—Why Dr. Prather emphasizes diagnostics and lab tests to help patients determine how to get where they want to be with their weight goals.  And how this approach helps eliminate frustration for patients who aren't getting results even with proper diet and exercise 
1/23/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather provides an update on the Coronavirus in our opening segment.  And then, he shares the revolutionary technology that is "amazingly effective" for "basically almost every type of musculoskeletal issue out there".  In this episode, you'll learn:—How scar tissue develops in the body.  And how surgery to remove scar tissue can even cause it to grow faster.—The "secret weapon" technology that Dr. Prather calls "revolutionary" for breaking up scar tissue in the body.  And how this gentle technique replaces the Graston Technique that actually uses a piece of metal to scrape scar tissue away.—Why Acupuncture helps the scar tissue to "melt away" and be absorbed by the body.—How adhesions cause a loss of motion in the body.  And how Dr. Prather's office uses the combination of Chiropractic adjustments, Rapid Release Technology, Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, and Physical Therapy Exercises to restore full motion.—The recent research that has shown the Fascia material throughout the body is all one organ.  And how Fascia is the main thing that determines your posture and has a very big effect on the nervous system.—Why the optimal frequency vibration of the Rapid Release Technology works to break up abnormal tissue and helps the body to lay down normal tissue that is fully functional.—The conditions that Rapid Release Technology is beneficial for, including:  Carpal Tunnel, Shoulder Issues, Rotator Cuff Tears, Golfer's Elbow, Tennis Elbow, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Headaches, Sciatica, Scoliosis, TMJ, Knee Conditions, and Plantar Fasciitis.—Why several of Dr. Prather's patients consider Rapid Release Technology the only thing that helped them when everything else they tried before failed.—How you can own your own Rapid Release, professional-quality medical device to ease aches and pains for a VERY special price through the end of
1/16/202154 minutes, 48 seconds
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We continue our series, "New Year, New You", by talking about the Essential Diagnostics you must have in order to get a blueprint to your health.  And Dr. Prather provides a COVID-19 update.  In this episode, you'll learn:—Why the CDC is advising people with allergic reactions to bring their EpiPen with them when they get the COVID-19 vaccine.—How there are new mutations of the  COVID-19 virus called the United Kingdom and South Africa mutations. —That the U.K. mutation is thought to be more contagious (but not more deadly) and the new COVID-19 vaccine is not expected to be effective with the South African mutation.—Why a Structure-Function practice (like Dr. Prather's office) is actually MORE dependent on lab tests and diagnostics than the Disease Care model.—The three diagnostics Dr. Prather recommends that everyone (even babies)have at least once per year.—How The Prather Profile Blood Analysis checks every organ system in the body.—Why pharmaceuticals do NOT bring your body into homeostasis (the definition of health), but are designed to deal with a person's symptoms.—How Structure-Function Care interprets blood work differently than Disease Care.  And how Dr. Prather has to re-train Medical Doctors and Nurses in his office to analyze blood tests.—The reason you should get a Hair Analysis every year to get a picture of the mineral levels and heavy metal toxicities in your body.—The importance of a G.I. Stool Kit every year because the health of your gut is "the biggest Influence on your immune system" than anything in your body.  And how an estimated 80% of all auto-immune diseases come from the 
1/9/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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2020 was a stressful year for all of us, but 2021 gives us a fresh start and new beginning to develop new healthy habits in our lives.  This week, we're joined by Justine Turner, Patient Coordinator for our weight loss program at The Prather Practice.  In this episode, we talk about:—Why accountability is key to any successful weight loss program.—How it is important to remove habits (and people!) from your life if they are not serving you well. —The 3 different weight loss programs offered at The Prather Practice and the strategies behind each approach.—How the HCG hormone produced by women during pregnancy can burn 3,500 calories each day when targeted at fat cells.  And how this can be safely used in both men and women without messing with their hormones.—Why HCG helps to "reset" your body's metabolism.—The reason diagnostics and lab tests are required before any patient begins a weight loss program at The Prather Practice.—Why weekly check-ins and weigh-ins are helpful in a successful weight loss program.  And how an "Apple Day" can help patients to continue their progress if they plateau on their weight loss. —How a patient (especially women) might find themselves losing inches more than pounds during the process. —The unique and personalized Food Sensitivity Test used by The Prather Practice to test over 600 different foods to find out which foods work best for your body and which foods are causing problems for you.—The difference between a food intolerance (or sensitivity) and a food allergy.  And how identifying food intolerances helps with weight loss and even reducing joint or muscle inflammation.
1/2/202154 minutes, 50 seconds
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Christmas weekend is supposed to be a time of great joy, but so many people are hurting right now after a difficult year.  Suicides and drug overdoses have increased.  But Dr. Prather wants those struggling with Depression to know that there is hope.  In this episode, we talk about:--How depression can be kicked off by pharmaceuticals (including drugs for ADD/ADHD and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories).--If you have 5 of these symptoms for more than 2 weeks, you should seek help for depression.--Why Structure/Function health care should be a part of your care for depression in order to get to the underlying cause.--How hormones, structural issues, nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, and imbalances in minerals are important considerations as a cause of depression.--How 70% of depressed patients in one study had thyroid issues, and how antidepressants can often be eliminated after the thyroid is working properly.--How low iron is a common cause of depression in teenage girls, and the inspiring story of the Mom who now has her daughter back.--The tear-jerking story of an 84-year-old woman who avoided being put on antidepressants and being admitted to a nursing home because Dr. Prather discovered too low cholesterol and low fat levels as the source of her problem.--Why Dr. Prather says acupuncture "almost consistently" helps bring people out of a depressive state and gives patients relief from anxiety and insomnia.--The natural, non-pharmaceutical treatments Dr. Prather uses in his office to help those with depression.--The story of a man who tried to commit suicide 5 times and whose life was transformed by getting his copper/zinc ratio balanced 
12/26/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather gives an update on the COVID-19 vaccine.  Then, he talks about how Aluminum Toxicity is the most common toxicity he sees on lab tests.  In this episode, you'll find out:—Why there are two shots necessary for the new COVID-19 vaccine.  And the symptoms and side-effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.—How the vaccine does not prevent someone from getting the COVID-19 virus, but is attempting to reduce hospitalizations and deaths.  And whether you still need the COVID-19 vaccine if you have already had the virus.—How Aluminum is used in Dialysis treatment, which can lead to Aluminum Toxicity as a major cause of death in Dialysis patients.—Why deodorant, toothpaste, antacids, buffered aspirin, vaccinations, Aluminum cookware, and Aluminum being used in foods as a preservative increases the issue of Aluminum Toxicity more than past generations.—How Anorexia has been "solved" by Dr. Prather by treating the underlying Aluminum Toxicity. —The connection between Aluminum Toxicity and ALS, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer's Disease, ADHD, learning disabilities, and psychological problems.  And how Aluminum Toxicity can often imitate the symptoms of certain diseases.—That 65% of children have heavy metal toxicity, with Aluminum being the most common one found.  And how Dr. Prather finds 30-40% of older people have Aluminum Toxicity.—The lab test EVERYONE (even infants) should have once per year to check heavy metal toxicity. —Why Dr. Prather always skips the salad bar and packaged salads.—The 100% success rate The Prather Practice has in detoxing patients "very quickly" from Aluminum Toxicity in a safer and more gentle way than  
12/19/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, we're joined by a special panel of experts from The Prather Practice to talk about the importance of posture to our health.  In this episode, you'll discover:—The three main components of posture:  Balance, Alignment, and Motion (BAM).—How The Prather Practice uses a special app to analyze a patient's posture and track their improvement.—Why Chiropractors are now seeing problems in posture that they never used to see before in younger patients. —How proper posture helps avoid deterioration and pain in our joints, reduces chance of injury, and lessens fatigue.—The research that shows, for every inch the head is positioned forward, the muscles have to work as if it adds an extra 10 pounds to the head.—Why poor posture compresses the heart and lungs, negatively affecting circulation and breathing.  And how The Prather Practice has to teach patients how to breathe properly. —The emotional and psychological impact of posture on stress and anxiety. —How 80% of all Americans have back pain at some point in their lives, with low back pain the most common cause of disability in those under the age of 45.—Why Chiropractic, Massage, Acupuncture, Rehab exercises, and Kinesio Tape are all important treatments to help improve posture.—The exercises you can do at home to help improve your 
12/12/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with an update on the COVID-19 vaccines.  Then, he talks about the most common type of infection that people go to the doctor for.  In this episode, you'll learn:—Who will get the new COVID-19 vaccine first, according to Centers for Disease Control guidelines.—Why children are NOT recommended to receive the vaccine.—How the vaccines' reported side-effects will make you feel "horrible".—The symptoms and causes of Urinary Tract Infections, which cause 10 million doctor visits per year.—How 84% of all UTI's are in females and 60% of all women have recurring infections at some point in their lives.—Why 30% of those who go to the doctor with symptoms actually don't have a bacterial infection.  And how Dr. Prather is able to help patients in these situations when antibiotics are not helpful.—The reason why Dr. Prather says that antibiotics should not be the first line of treatment for a UTI. —How herbals are "extremely effective" for the treatment of UTI's.—Why Dr. Prather says Cranberry powder is more effective than the juice in helping with a UTI.  Plus, how Blueberry juice is just as effective as Cranberry juice, but has one advantage over Cranberry.—The importance of saving "precious" antibiotics for kidney infections when bladder infections are usually more easily taken care of using natural approaches.  And the Vitamins and Minerals most helpful for UTI's. 
12/5/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Attitude has a huge impact on our health and well-being. Dr. Prather includes it as one of his 8 Pillars of Perfect Health. In this episode, we talk about:--The surprising studies that show most of what we see and hear is not based on reality, but is created in our brains.--How our attitude can change our physiology and even be reflected in our bloodwork.--The scientific studies that show how even the crystal structure of water can be changed by the words we use.--Why Dr. Prather believes there is a problem of negativity in the medical community that helps create and perpetuate disease (and the alternative model that restores hope).--How Structure/Function care centers around the body healing itself, where the body is the hero.--The proven and direct link between our immune system and our attitude (and our hormones and our emotions).--Alternatives to anti-depressants and anti-anxiety prescription drugs.--How an imbalance in your Copper/Zinc ratio can cause emotional turmoil, including suicidal thoughts.--The immediate changes Acupuncture brings for relaxation and combating insomnia.--Why Dr. Prather says 80% of people are stuck in the "fight-flight" mode and the dangers it poses to our immune system and overall 
11/28/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Centers for Disease Control reports that obesity may triple your risk of being hospitalized from a COVID-19 infection.  Dr. Prather offers the solution with the six keys to healthy fat loss that are used at The Prather Practice.  In this episode, you'll find out:--The negative impacts to your body's physiology when your fat percentage is out of homeostasis.--Why most diets result in the INCREASE of fat percentage. And the studies that show most diets result in people being worse off after five years than if they had never done the diet in the first place.--How the reduction in nutrients per calorie consumed is the reason for the explosion in America's obesity rates. And how you will be less hungry when you eat foods with a higher nutritional value.--Why "abs are made in the kitchen". And why we should get our food from farmers, not corporations, to reduce the toxicity level in our bodies.--The importance of having your hormones balanced correctly if you want to see any results when it comes to losing fat.--How The Prather Practice has a unique approach in NATURALLY balancing out a patient's hormones. And why Dr. Prather says bioidentical hormones are "extremely dangerous" and increase your cancer risk.--Why the goal should be to have the BODY regulating your hormones, not the doctor.--The role that the brain's image of your body (in the hypothalamus) plays in setting your body's weight. And how the HCG Diet tricks the brain to focus on eating fat, not muscle or organ tissue.--How to increase your body's thermogenesis (the body's rate of burning calories).--The reason why a person's gut health can often be the number one reason they are not losing 
11/21/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Homeopathy is extremely safe and acts immediately, making it something that should be included in your first aid arsenal.  Plus, Dr. Prather gives the latest COVID-19 update.  In this episode, you'll discover:—How the Centers for Disease Control estimates about one-third of Americans have had COVID-19 so far, even though only about a tenth of that number have tested positive for it.—The latest news on the COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer, which is reported to be 90% effective.  And the questions that remain about it.—Why the regular flu is "almost non-existent" right now.  And the theory about how COVID-19 may be crowding out the flu.—The differences between President Trump's COVID-19 plans and Vice-President Biden's COVID-19 plans as we await the final election result in the coming weeks.—How Homeopathy was once the dominant form of medicine in the United States and was even used by Eli Lilly.—The example Dr. Prather uses of Nitroglycerin, which is a Homeopathic medicine that most people don't even realize is a Homeopathic.—Why Homeopathic medicines are especially excellent for children as they work immediately and do not have any side-effects like pharmaceuticals.—The reason for opposition to Homeopathy and the resurgence we are now seeing in it. —How Homeopathy can be used to help a variety of conditions, including:  bruising, sprains, fractures, fear, blows to the head or spine, heat stroke, black eyes, frostbite, wounds, cuts, and bleeding.—Why Homeopathic medicines are effective in your First Aid kit for issues such as:  joint sprains, muscle strains, tendon injury, poison ivy, nerve injury, pain in fingers and toes, insect and animal bites, bee stings, burns, sunburn, shingles, splinters, ear aches, abuse of alcohol and drugs, and 
11/14/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather says it is possible to turn back the clock on your biological age.  He talks about how to determine your biological age and what you can do to reverse that number.  In this episode, you'll learn:—Why Dr. Prather says the COVID-19 lockdowns are "a political decision, not a scientific decision".—How the death rates for COVID-19 are not rising in proportion to the rise in the number of reported cases.—The mysterious phenomenon we are seeing as "there is no flu", which we should be seeing as the flu season begins.—The difference between your chronological age and your biological age.—The techniques Dr. Prather personally uses to reduce and manage stress.—Why Dr. Prather says "how deep you breathe determines how long you live". —How kidney function is a good marker that reveals our biological age and how long we will live.  And what your hormones show about the aging process.—How the people who live over the age of 100 all have something surprising in common with their cholesterol levels.—Why the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Adjustment provides "immediate effect" in improving your balance, which is a key indicator of your aging process. —The importance of your "phase angle" and what it reveals about the state of your health. 
11/7/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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With the COVID-19 pandemic, riots across the country, and a heated election, Dr. Prather is seeing Adrenal Fatigue in "everyone" as a result of the stress this year.  In this episode, we talk about:—How the death rate for COVID-19 is not increasing even while the media hypes the increase in the number of cases.—Why Italy is facing "an insurrection" as citizens resist further lockdowns from COVID-19.—The latest update on Eli Lilly's COVID-19 antibody treatment and why a clinical trial on it was stopped.—How "literally everyone" is suffering from Adrenal Fatigue right now, when the blood tests used to show 20-25% of the population suffered from this. —The Biblical mention of Adrenal Glands and their importance. —Why Dr. Prather describes Adrenal Fatigue as "when your Get-Up-And-Go got up and left"!—How Adrenal Fatigue contributes to weight gain, difficulty thinking, fatigue, anxiety, and depression.  And the connection between PTSD and total Adrenal collapse.—The way we get stuck in the "Fight or Flight" mode when we should be spending 80% of our time in a "Rest and Digest" mode.  Plus, the Four Stages of Adrenal Fatigue.—Why low back pain and abdominal pain can be caused by Adrenal Fatigue.  And why Adrenal Fatigue can be the underlying reason for Type II Diabetes.—The treatments for Adrenal Fatigue, including:  supplementation, diet, exercise, Massage, Acupuncture, and Chiropractic.  And why the combination of those is most effective. 
10/31/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Most have never heard of the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment, which is a gentle adjustment of the top vertebrae.  But 4-out-of-5 people need it. In this episode, you'll discover:--How Dr. Prather is the only board-certified Atlas Orthogonist in the state of Indiana. And why the top chiropractors say the Atlas is the most important adjustment to make in the body as well as the most difficult adjustment to make.--That the top vertebrae (also known as the Atlas) weighs only 2 ounces but supports the weight of the entire human head (which weighs between 15 and 30 pounds).--How the entire nervous system goes through the Atlas, which tells the rest of the body what to do. And how this treatment formed the basis of Dr. Prather's entire practice.--The personal health benefit that Dr. Prather received from this adjustment in his battle with Graves' Disease as a young man, which inspired him to become an Atlas Orthogonist.--Why the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment is a gentle, non-force technique without any of the "popping and cracking" many associate with chiropractic techniques.--Why the Atlas Orthogonal technique is extremely safe.--The reason Dr. Prather says using an instrument to adjust (as with the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment) is more effective than if he used his hands to adjust.--Why everyone (including babies) should be checked for this adjustment on an annual basis.--How birth trauma can cause babies to have their Atlas out of position.--The symptoms you might see as a result of your Atlas needing this adjustment. Plus, why the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment has a huge effect on Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, ALS, and concussion trauma, severe 
10/24/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather recommends the three most important nutritional supplements in his latest COVID-19 update.  And then he talks about the importance of kindness right now with all that is going on in the world.  In this episode, you'll discover:—How the number of COVID-19 cases have risen as of late, but the death rate has remained the same.—That 94% of all COVID-19 deaths have had co-morbidities (other causes of death).—Why sending COVID-19 patients to nursing homes was, in Dr. Prather's opinion, "one of the stupidest things you could have done."—The importance of having empathy in our response to the anger from others. —How we need to remember that we have more in common with one another than the differences that divide us.—Why Dr. Prather's experience in Structure-Function Health Care helped teach him tolerance as doctors who refused to talk with him 30 years ago are now trying to do Structure-Function Health Care.—How Dr. Prather had a pharmacist friend who was completely opposed to what he did...until she needed his help for her health issues.—The actual physiological changes that occur in our nervous system when we practice kindness towards others.  And the shifts that happen in our bodies when we are aggressive towards others.—Why The Prather Practice can help patients break the anger and aggression cycle in their lives through Structure-Function Care like Chiropractic Care, Acupuncture, and Massage.—The role flower remedies can play in shifting people to different emotional 
10/17/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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As Dr. Prather says, "If you don't test, you don't know." Proper diagnostics are key to getting to the root cause of your health condition so that the doctor knows which direction to go. In this episode, you'll discover:--The three tests you should have every single year to find out what's going on in your body.--The difference in training and focus on bloodwork between Dr. Prather and the average Medical Doctor.--Why Dr. Prather often notices abnormalities in his patients' bloodwork when a patient's Medical Doctor describes them as "normal".--The Prather Profile comprehensive blood analysis that covers "every aspect of your health" and is recommended annually for everyone.--The story of a 12-year-old girl who was struggling in school and having Attention Deficit problems. But after discovering low iron in her blood tests, she had a complete turnaround after just a couple of days of iron supplementation.--Why an annual blood test can help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease as those diseases are developing long before they are diagnosed.--What is included in The Prather Profile Blood Analysis, and how it checks every organ system.--How too LOW cholesterol can be more dangerous than high cholesterol, and why high cholesterol is "anti-aging". (Plus, why the HDL and LDL ratio is what you should be looking at instead of the overall number.)--The connection between an improperly-functioning liver and hormonal imbalances. (And how hot flashes in women can be eliminated when the liver is balanced out.)--How Dr. Prather almost never finds a patient with a correctly-working hormone system. (And how patients can eliminate anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications once the root cause imbalance is dealt with.) 
10/10/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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COVID-19 "long-haulers" are those who continue to have symptoms after their infection is gone.  Over one-third of COVID-19 patients are experiencing this.  In this episode, we talk about:—The updated CDC numbers showing the survival rate of COVID-19.  And it might surprise you.—That it is estimated over 25% of the U.S. population have already had COVID-19.  And what this estimate reveals about how quickly this will be over.—How COVID-19 long-haulers are developing Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).—The posture changes, digestive problems, and food allergies that are seen after Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.  And the connection with autoimmune diseases such as Lupus, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and Multiple Sclerosis.—The anxiety and depression that is a result of these symptoms.  But many doctors are wrongly treating such symptoms with antidepressants and are dismissive of patients (especially women) who are suffering from this condition. —How Myalgic Encephalomyelitis can shorten a person's lifespan usually by 25 years and is a major cause of disability in our country.—The heart issues that occur due to diminished oxygenation in the body. —Why Structure-Function Care is the ONLY answer to treating Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.  And how Disease Care only offers pharmaceuticals like antidepressants, which actually makes the problem worse.—The necessity for Chiropractic Care (especially the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Adjustment) to treat the nervous system.—The specialized Acupuncture technique Dr. Prather has discovered which takes care of the pain throughout the body for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis patients.  And how patients who previously tried Acupuncture unsuccessfully are seeing results from this 
10/3/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Our phones and tablets are causing posture changes in young people that were previously only seen in the elderly.  And those posture changes are causing serious health ramifications.  In this episode, you'll find out:—The "great news" about Indiana reaching the Stage 5 reopening in the COVID-19 lockdown. —How the Centers for Disease Control conservatively estimates that 65 million Americans have contracted COVID-19, which might mean we are approaching "herd immunity".—Why kids are starting to grow bony "spikes" on the back of their heads, which Dr. Prather had never seen until about five years ago.—How 70% of older people have a Forward Head Posture.  But 90% of teenagers now have it, which was previously unheard of.—The physiological health issues that are caused by this Forward Head Posture, including Heart, Lung, and Digestive issues.—Why Dr. Prather feels iHunch is going to be a major factor in reducing the longevity of the current generation of young people.—How iHunch kicks off TMJ, headaches, neck pain, vertigo, and tinnitus.—Why posture can affect a person's emotional and psychological health.—The solutions offered by The Prather Practice to correct these posture problems:  Chiropractic Care, Rehabilitation Exercises, Trigger Point Therapy, and Massage.—Plus, you'll hear the story of Judy, a retired dental hygienist whose career caused her posture problems.  And why she chose to drive all the way from another state to find help at The Prather 
9/26/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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After all that 2020 has brought us, Dr. Prather tells us what to expect for the upcoming Flu season.  Plus, Dr. Prather shares good news about new COVID-19 treatments.  In this episode, you'll discover:—The new promising COVID-19 antibody treatment that "could be a real game-changer".—How a Multiple Sclerosis treatment has been helping to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.—That 30% of people with COVID-19 aren't getting completely well and are experiencing ongoing symptoms.  And how The Prather Practice has been able to help them.—Why the Southern Hemisphere Flu season indicates optimism for what we might experience as our Flu season begins in October.—The one Midwestern state that is experiencing a higher-than-normal level of Flu cases, while the rest of the states are experiencing lower levels.—When it is recommended to get a Flu shot to make sure it lasts through the entire Flu season.  And which categories of people are most encouraged to get the Flu shot.—Why all Flu shots are NOT the same.  And why you should find out which one is best for you before taking one.—The strain of Swine Flu being monitored right now in China for a potential severe pandemic, which people would not have any immunity to or any vaccination for.—How Structure-Function Care can help protect us from infections. —Why The Prather Practice recommends three key tests to keep our immune system healthy.  And why Dr. Prather can show all the abnormal things on a patient's blood work when the patient had been told by other doctors that their blood work was "fine" 
9/19/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather opens the show with a Coronavirus update.   Then, he talks about how kidney stones are a growing problem, responsible for 500,000 emergency room visits each year.  In this episode, you'll learn:—The "encouraging" news about COVID-19.—How suicide rates and drug overdoses are climbing during the COVID-19 lockdown.—Why doing a lockdown for a Level 2 Pandemic is "ridiculous".—What causes kidney stones and how to avoid getting them.  And the particular brand of water Dr. Prather recommends to help avoid kidney stones.—The influence of hormones, osteoporosis, heavy metal toxicity, and obesity on kidney stone development.—Why some kidney stone patients actually never pass a kidney stone, but present other symptoms like low back pain and fatigue.—How Dr. Prather identifies kidney stones in his patients early and finds that 20% of patients are dealing with the effects of kidney stones (without realizing it).  But only 20% of kidney stone patients actually pass them.—The connection between kidney stones and Cadmium Toxicity.  And how someone who has had their gallbladder removed is a "red flag" for potential kidney stones.—Why fiber and Coca-Cola are helpful for kidney stones.  Plus, the herbals that Dr. Prather considers to be a "magic formula" that get "remarkable results" for kidney stones.—How the combination of Magnesium and Vitamin B-6 is "a really great way" to go after kidney  
9/12/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Decompression Therapy is a treatment used at The Prather Practice that has helped people to avoid surgery.   In this episode, we talk about:—The shocking revisions from the Centers of Disease Control this week about the number of people who actually have died just from COVID-19.—Whether or not COVID-19 is being overstated by the media.—How European leaders have stated that the COVID-19 lockdowns were a mistake and that they would not do them again.—The Decompression Therapy that has resulted in "remarkable results" to help patients avoid knee or hip replacement.—How degeneration in a joint was considered irreversible until Decompression Therapy was invented.—The way Decompression Therapy "primes the pump" to get the necessary nutrients back to the joint.—Why Decompression Therapy can even make a patient TALLER.—The conditions Decompression Therapy helps, including:  Sciatica, Bulging Disc, Degeneration of the Disc, Facet Syndrome, Neuropathy, Neurological Issues, as well as Knee and Hip Degeneration.—How Decompression Therapy produces an 80-90% success rate for patients.  And why Decompression Therapy is a treatment that should NOT be done at home.—Why good imaging is such an important aspect of Decompression Therapy.  And how The Prather Practice uses one of the top radiologists in the country to analyze their 
9/5/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Former New York Times investigative reporter Alex Berenson's new book has described COVID-19 as "regrettable, inevitable, and overstated".   In this episode, you'll find out:—How the free expression of ideas is now being censored if something does not align with a certain narrative.—The time period in which a lockdown would have been effective to stop the spread of COVID-19.  And how doctors sounding the alarm during this period were silenced.—Why COVID-19 is now going to be a part of our world from now on and is not going to go away.—The five levels of pandemics and which level that COVID-19 is ranked (which may surprise you).—How Dr. Prather is treating patients for PTSD over their panic from COVID-19...even though they haven't been seriously ill from it.—The three most dangerous places for COVID-19 transmission.  And the places where you are the LEAST at risk.—Whether or not it is "selfish" to want to open our economy or refuse to wear masks.—How mental health issues, child abuse, domestic violence, and suicides have skyrocketed since March.—The Centers for Disease Control studies that state lockdowns DO NOT work for a pandemic past a certain point.—Why Dr. Prather says our nation needs to be checking people for their Zinc, Vitamin D, and Vitamin A  
8/29/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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We have been inundated with negative and fear-based stories for months.  This week, we wanted to do something special to remind us all that we CAN control our own health destiny.  In this episode, you'll hear:—How Judy came into The Prather Practice unresponsive and requiring others to speak for her.  The staff even suspected dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease.  But after discovering the Lymphedema that was the root cause of her symptoms, Judy's health has been transformed!—The remarkable story of Joy who had been to FORTY-NINE different doctors before finding The Prather Practice.  Joy has faithfully traveled to her appointments all the way from Mississippi for two years after first coming in to The Prather Practice with a Stage Four Breast Cancer diagnosis.  But now, she is FREE of Cancer!—Why Marrty decided to come into The Prather Practice after listening to the radio show.  And how she went from feeling that she wouldn't have very long to live to now thriving with a new lease on life! 
8/22/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Former New York Times investigative reporter Alex Berenson has authored new books on the truth about COVID-19, which have come under fire from certain quarters.   In this episode, you'll learn:—How Amazon originally refused to publish Mr. Berenson's book on their platform for violating their rules on reporting about COVID-19.  And how Elson Musk intervened on his behalf to make sure the book was published.—The "tremendous amount of pressure" on anyone reporting on COVID-19 that has resulted in censorship on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.—Why even President Trump was censored by Facebook and Twitter for comments about COVID-19.  And why he was actually right in what he said about COVID-19 and children.—How the Imperial College London study predicting millions of COVID-19 deaths in America was revised to reduce their originally-predicted deaths by an astonishing 90%.  And how that original study drove the media reporting on COVID-19 and calls for a lockdown. —The patients Dr. Prather sees in his office suffering from PTSD and are "traumatized" by the COVID-19 reporting (even though they don't have COVID-19).—Why the COVID-19 "cure" of a lockdown is worse than the actual COVID-19 disease.—How the Centers for Disease Control statistics reveal the majority of COVID-19 deaths would have died within the year anyway, even without COVID-19.  Plus, the gunshot victims listed as COVID-19 deaths!—The comparison between worldwide COVID-19 deaths and deaths from traffic accidents.  (But does anyone propose that we stop driving cars?)—Why Dr. Prather agrees with the statement by Alex Berenson that COVID-19 is "regrettable, inevitable, and overstated".—The way masks are becoming "a religious symbol" instead of a scientific method of preventing the spread of
8/15/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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We constantly hear the negative news about COVID-19.  But are there any positive things that we can be thankful for during this crisis?  In this episode, we talk about:—How people have been inspired by the COVID-19 crisis to focus on building up their personal health.  And how supplement sales have doubled in the U.S. during this time.—The shortcomings of our health care system that have been revealed over the past few months.—Why this has been an opportunity to re-evaluate their lives and reflect on the things that are important to us.—The shocking World War II origins of the current American diet to "beef up" the population that was deemed "too skinny" to carry a rifle and backpack.  And the increase in cardiovascular disease and Cancer that resulted from the change.—How Structure-Function Care focuses on helping patients to balance their physiology, balance their structure, and balance their life.—Why a potential COVID-19 vaccine would likely be a similar to an annual flu shot that may or may not be effective.  And what Dr. Prather suggests as "better ways of dealing with this".—Why Dr. Prather says it's "stupidity", not science, to say that COVID-19 is somehow being spread by people being outside in the sunshine and fresh air.—The Adrenal support supplements Dr. Prather most commonly gives to patients who are dealing with stress.  And how EVERYONE is needing extra stress support during this time.—How the research from the Centers for Disease Control said that lockdowns in a pandemic were ineffective after a certain point.  And how the CDC disregarded their own research in response to COVID-19.—The results seen worldwide from using natural remedies to fight COVID-19.  And the doctors in America who have gotten in trouble for using scientifically-proven  
8/8/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather gives the weekly update on COVID-19.  Then, he shares why Zinc, Vitamin D, and Vitamin A are important factors in fighting COVID-19.   In this episode, you'll find out:—How the death rates of COVID-19 are the equivalent of a "bad flu season".—Why Dr. Prather says COVID-19 is "not a panic situation", but something to be aware of and prepare for if you have certain risk factors.—The Centers for Disease Control Director testified that the suicide and drug overdose death rates from the lockdown are higher than COVID-19 death rates.—The COVID-19 treatment protocol used in one of the worst slums in India that has led to a low death rate in "absolutely terrible" conditions.—How the loss of taste and smell in COViD-19 patients indicates Zinc depletion in the body.—The importance of Zinc in interfering with Coronavirus reproduction.—Why Vitamin D levels are a key indicator to predict whether or not you'll wind up on a ventilator.—How Dr. Prather believes the higher COVID-19 fatality rate among Black patients is linked to low Zinc and low Vitamin D.—The reason that the World Health Organization states that Vitamin A is "the first line of defense" for upper-respiratory infections.—Why Dr. Prather says that Beta-Carotene is one of the best ways to get Vitamin A into your body and boost your immune  
8/1/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather is seeing an increase in TMJ issues as a result of the use of masks.   In this episode, you'll discover:—That there is race for a COVID-19 vaccine between America and China.  And the threat of intellectual property theft by the Chinese.—How the COVID-19 vaccine being developed actually does NOT contain the Coronavirus, but a genetically-modified Adenovirus.—The goal of herd immunity to slow down the spread of the disease and the three philosophies on how to achieve this.—Why stress and emotional issues are directly connected with increased TMJ syndrome.—The kind of mask Dr. Prather recommends to reduce the stress on the jaw and ears. —How TMJ pain can cause pelvis, low back, arm, and shoulder issues.—The link between TMJ and emotional response, including suicidal tendencies.  And the first case Dr. Prather had that inspired him to develop his own techniques to treat TMJ.—Why Dr. Prather says the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment is the first thing that needs to happen before working on the jaw.—How Acupuncture and Auricular Therapy work to reduce inflammation and stop the pain cycle.—Which vitamins, minerals, herbals, and homeopathics are most helpful for treating TMJ in a "long term" way.   
7/25/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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The biggest debate right now concerns whether or not it is safe to open up schools in light of COVID-19.  In this episode, you'll learn:—How anxiety and stress are high right now, which weakens the immune system.—Why the death rate is NOT increasing even while the number of reported COVID-19 cases is increasing.—The results of Sweden's strategy, which declined to have the lockdowns of other nations in dealing with COVID-19.—How "everyone" will eventually get COVID-19 "unless you live in a bubble for the rest of your life."—The status of a COVID-19 vaccine.  And how one of the top researchers disagrees with Dr. Fauci on when a vaccine will be released.—Which treatment is being shown to "turn things around on a dime" for those with severe COVID-19 cases. —Why most of the children who get COVID-19 have no or few symptoms. —The health conditions in children which place them more at risk for COVID-19.—The Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome that has occurred in children from COVID-19.  And how it is being confused for Kawasaki Disease or Toxic Shock Syndrome.—Why Dr. Prather says "it is one of the worst things you can do" to give antibiotics and prescription drugs for children with COVID-19.  And the two cases Dr. Prather has personally helped with after children infected with COVID-19 were given the wrong  
7/18/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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In the vigorous debate over mandates to wear a mask, Dr. Prather presents a balanced discussion of both the potential benefits and potential harms of wearing a mask.  In this episode, we talk about:—How the Coronavirus has mutated to become more contagious, but not as dangerous or deadly.—Why COVID-19 is "not nearly the deadly plague we were concerned about", but is a "really bad flu season".—Dr. Prather's expectation that the COVID-19 death rate will go even lower.—How those working on a vaccine now say they don't expect a vaccine until 2022.—The encouraging news about the treatments for COVID-19 that are working, especially blood plasma from those who have previously had it.—The divide in political perspective when it comes to wearing a mask.—Why masks can potentially be beneficial for reduction of transmission between 3 to 17 percent.—How masks cause lower oxygenation, an increased viral load, and headaches.  And how wearing a mask impacts TMJ syndrome and jaw tension.—The patients Dr. Prather has seen in his office who have fallen because of lowered oxygenation from wearing a mask.—The increase in PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders) from COVID-19 patients, even those who did not have serious cases.  And how Dr. Prather has been treating those PTSD patients with Acupuncture and natural  
7/11/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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7/4/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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This week, Dr. Prather discusses the 5 risk factors for COVID-19:  Gender, Age, Race, Exposure, and underlying Health Conditions.  In this episode, you'll discover:—How 72.9% of the COVID-19 deaths are males.—The nutritional deficiencies and underlying health conditions that Dr. Prather believes are the reasons older people are at greater risk of COVID-19 complications.—Why co-morbidities (other causes of death) are a key part of the COVID-19 death count in 85% of the cases.—How those with darker skin are at greater risk of dying from COVID-19 .  And how this is linked to Vitamin D levels.—The importance of the "viral load" exposure to COVID-19.  And Dr. Prather’s recommendation to rotate health care workers to minimize this viral load exposure.—Dr. Prather's explanation about "natural vaccinations" (from being mildly exposed to a virus) are stronger and longer-lasting compared to getting a shot.—How chronic Kidney Disease, not Lung Disease, is the #1 factor that makes COVID-19 worse.  And how Dr. Prather finds that 95% of patients over the age of 30 show signs of Kidney Disease.—Why Free Radical pathology and Cardiovascular Disease seem to be one of the major contributors to COVID-19 being more serious.—The toxins created by Diabetes that allow the COVID-19 virus to become much more "prolific" in the body.  And the nutritional deficiencies from Diabetes that are directly related to COVID-19 response.—Why obesity is "the new smoking" in America and makes someone more susceptible to  
6/27/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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At the same time our nation had the COVID-19 pandemic, we also continue to battle an opioid pandemic.  Dr. Prather talks about the three waves of the opioid pandemic.  In this episode, you'll learn:—How Hawaii has been the most restrictive state in the country regarding COVID-19.  And the recent history that makes the state more sensitive to outside diseases.—The (rather cheap) steroid that is being used for the most severe COVID-19 cases and is saving between 60-70% of people who would otherwise die.—Why Dr. Prather says it is incorrect to say we're seeing "a second wave" of COVID-19 cases right now.—How this year is expected to see a record number of opioid deaths based on what we've seen so far.—The autopsy results of George Floyd that reflect both pandemics, showing both Coronavirus and drug use.—How pandemics usually come in three waves.  And how this is also seen in the opioid pandemic, where we are in the third wave.—The alternatives to using opioids for pain.  And why opioids are only to be taken for an acute situation for no more than two weeks.—Why Structure-Function Health Care is the answer to the opioid epidemic as it gets to the root cause of the pain problem. —The importance of Acupuncture to stimulate your body's own natural opioid production and heal your body's opioid receptors.—The 5 Sources Of Pain in the body and why all 5 must be  
6/20/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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At the same time our nation had the COVID-19 epidemic, we also continue to battle an opioid epidemic.  Dr. Prather talks about the three waves of the opioid epidemic.  In this episode, we talk about:—How the opioid epidemic began in the 1990's with a new approach to pain control based on greed and faulty science.—Why the reduction of reimbursement rates for chiropractic and physical therapy by insurance companies contributed to the increased use of opioids.—The "brainwashing" of patients to believe that a pill solves everything.—The shocking story of an 85-year-old pastor's wife who became addicted to heroin as a result of an opioid prescription from her doctor.—How opioids "make pain worse" and destroy the body's own natural opioid receptors.—Why opioids should ONLY be used for acute pain and for less than two weeks.—The deadly synthetic opioids such as Fentanyl (which comes from China) that are causing a worsening third wave of our country's opioid epidemics.—How 80% of all opioid consumption in the world is done in the United States.—The story of how the movie "Groundhog Day" was censored by drug companies because it had a positive message about Chiropractic care.—Plus, a special final segment with a Mom who lost her son to opioid addiction and is now helping other families from having to experience this tragedy.  Go to for more 
6/13/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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50% of severe headache sufferers have given up going to doctors because they have not found any relief.  But Dr. Prather offers Structure-Function Care solutions that provide hope for those with headaches.  In this episode, find out:—How the Swedish approach to COVID-19 currently looks in comparison to the lockdown model in America and other countries.—The latest progress on a potential COVID-19 vaccine.—Why the accuracy of the COVID-19 antibody test (which is supposed to be 100% accurate) is something that Dr. Prather has "doubts and suspicions about".—How 3-out-of-4 adults have had a tension headache in the past year and almost 20% have had a migraine in the past three months.—The most common age for headaches (18 to 44) and the surprising percentage of children who have headaches.—The correlation  between women's menstrual cycles and headaches.  And how 80-90% of cluster headaches are found in men...especially taller men who are married to shorter women!—Why the jaw is associated with headaches that people have when they wake up in the morning.—How food allergies are often associated with migraine headaches, along with the Copper-Zinc ratio and birth control pills.—Why hormone headaches are "an endocrine issue, not a structural issue".  And the approach Dr. Prather takes in treating headaches associated with sinus and allergy issues.—The connection between "rebound headaches" and pharmaceutical 
6/6/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather gives the weekly update on COVID-19 and discusses the pre-existing conditions most associated with a severe Coronavirus reaction.  In this episode, you'll discover:—Why Dr. Prather describes the information coming out about COVID-19 as "very confusing".—The surprising political party difference for Coronavirus infection rates.—How it might take up to TWO YEARS for the statistics and information about COVID-19 to be fully analyzed and understood.—How 85% of Coronavirus deaths have other causes of death (comorbidities) that they are dying from.  And the difference between dying FROM COVID-19 and dying WITH COVID-19.—The pre-existing conditions that affect COVID-19, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hypertension.—How free radical pathology is associated with worse results from COVID-19 and why antioxidants are "extremely important".  Plus, Dr. Prather's frustration in how Vitamin C treatments for COVID-19 are not being allowed in this country, even though they are being shown effective in other countries.—Why COVID-19 seems to be more involved with the circulatory system instead of the respiratory system.  And the symptoms of "COVID-19 feet".—The top causes of death in America (and which ones are getting worse).—Why stroke and aneurysms are linked to free radical pathology.—The alarming increase in deaths from Alzheimer's 
5/30/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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60% of us have low Zinc levels.  Dr. Prather says it is probably THE major nutritional factor for keeping the Coronavirus under control.  In this episode, you'll learn:—How the Measles and Flu vaccines differ from one another.  And what this means for a potential COVID-19 vaccine.—The way COVID-19 attacks the circulatory system, causing blood clots and even amputations.  And how COVID-19 in children is being frequently misdiagnosed as Kawasaki Disease.—How the loss of taste and smell is one of the signs that you will potentially have a very strong reaction to COVID-19.  And how this is connected to your Zinc levels.—The role Zinc plays in some forms of Hair Loss and Alopecia.   And how adding Zinc supplementation can cause someone's hair to grow back in certain cases.—The symptoms of low Zinc:  loss of taste and smell, hair loss, poor wound healing, poor immune function, diarrhea, acid reflux, acne, mental disturbances, and white spots or ridges on your nails.—Why Dr. Prather says you cannot have a properly-functioning immune system if you are low on Zinc.  And how Zinc interferes with Coronavirus reproduction.—The reason why Dr. Prather does not recommend everyone go take Zinc, but advises they be tested first.  And the toxic effects that can occur from taking too much Zinc, including a lowered immune system.—How Zinc is the leading reason for fertility issues and low libido for both men and women.  And how Zinc impacts Testosterone and sperm count.—Why stretch marks are not a result of pregnancy, but low Zinc.  And how 80-90% of pregnant and breastfeeding women are low in Zinc.—How alcohol, cigarettes, and pharmaceuticals interfere with Zinc.  And why about 90% of older people are deficient in 
5/23/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Recent research has shown a connection between low levels of Vitamin D and COVID-19 severity.  This also helps to explain why African-Americans and the elderly have been hardest hit by the virus.  In this episode, we talk about:—The big effect from Vitamin D on our hormones, kidney function, bowels, immune system, sleep, nervous system, and mood.--Why you can't really get Vitamin D from a vegetarian diet. And why we were made to get our Vitamin D from sunshine.--Why Flu season is during the time when we get the least amount of sunshine and Vitamin D.--How skin color is designed to absorb Vitamin D. And why you need to have your Vitamin D checked more often if you have darker skin.--How Cod Liver Oil became a staple because it helped with Vitamin D deficiency. And the story behind how milk became fortified with Vitamin D.--How the majority of people are low on Vitamin D...BUT putting someone on Vitamin D without first checking can be toxic. And the other vitamins and minerals that need to be checked alongside Vitamin D, as they all work synergistically together.--The link between upper-respiratory infections (cold, flu, and tuberculosis) and a Vitamin D deficiency. And how Vitamin D has been shown to help prevent Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, and Congestive Heart Failure.--How low Vitamin D can cause you to put on weight because of its effect on the Thyroid.--Why those on cholesterol-lowering drugs are more likely to have lower Vitamin D levels. And how improving your Vitamin D levels can lower your cholesterol.--The issues of aging that are linked to a Vitamin D deficiency, including hearing loss, tinnitus, vision loss, and falls. And how low Vitamin D is linked to bowel issues such as Crohn's Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Ulcerative
5/16/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather provides an update on the Coronavirus in our opening segment.  Then, we talk about how Dr. Prather is now seeing stress indicators in the bloodwork of EVERY patient he tests.  In this episode, you'll find out:—How there is an incentivizing for doctors to put down COVID-19 on death certificates even when that is not the cause of death.  And Dr. Prather answers the question, "Are the statistics on COVID-19 accurate?"—Why we need to make sure the cure is not worse than the disease in our national response to COVID-19.—The statistics showing that at, at this point, least one-third of all Americans, have already been infected with COVID-19.—Why the stress and fear as a result of the Coronavirus may cause more death and damage than the virus itself.  And why Dr. Prather says you should get outside in the sunshine and not cower in fear inside your home.—The shocking increase in the number of anti-anxiety drugs prescribed in the past two months...and 75% of those are first-time prescriptions.—What stress does to a body's immune system and how it makes a person more susceptible to infections.—Why Structure-Function Health Care should always be tried first (before Disease Care) in the management of stress and anxiety.—How social isolation causes an increase in our stress levels.—The importance of good stressors to challenge our immune system.  And how extreme social isolation "could actually backfire and weaken our immune systems".—How Vitamin D from the sun is more powerful than the Vitamin D that you take.  And the natural remedies Dr. Prather recommends to help reduce 
5/9/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather provides an update on the Coronavirus in our opening segment.  Then, we talk about how most people have no idea of what a Trigger Point is..."but everybody has Trigger Points someplace".  In this episode, you'll discover:—What the latest statistics are showing about the Coronavirus infection rate and death rate.  And why these numbers are good news!—How Coronavirus patients who take an antibiotic are being misdiagnosed with Kawasaki Disease.  And why cardiovascular and circulatory issues cause a higher risk from Coronavirus due to the virus affecting the clotting mechanism.—How a large percentage of deaths during the Spanish Flu of 1918 were caused by aspirin toxicity due to the large amounts of aspirin prescribed to patients.  And the safe recommendations from Dr. Prather to help protect you from Coronavirus.—Why Dr. Prather believes the scientific evidence shows that opening up everything will be of help as we build herd immunity among young and healthy people, while protecting the vulnerable.—The President Of The United States who claimed he wouldn't have been able to become President without Trigger Point Therapy.—The issues caused by Trigger Points, such as:  back spasms, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, and problems with knees, hips, and ankles.—Why a gallbladder attack will cause a spasm in the right scapula area.  And how Dr. Prather can diagnose a pancreas problem from a particular pattern of the trapezius muscle.—The spray that can be used across an abdominal muscle to stop Pre-Menstrual Cramping immediately.—The various modalities and treatments used at The Prather Practice to treat Trigger Points.—How liniments "make everything work better" and enhance treatments for better and faster results.  And how Trigger Point Injections  don't actually 
5/2/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather provides an update on the Coronavirus in our opening segment.  And in the remainder of the show, he shares the revolutionary technology that helps with soft tissue disorders of the body such as scar tissue and adhesions.  In this episode, you'll learn:—How the COVID-19 virus differs from most upper-respiratory infections by affecting the circulatory system and causing blood clots.—Why natural anti-inflammatories are showing to be helpful in relieving Coronavirus symptoms.—The role high-dosage intravenous Vitamin C is playing in saving the lives of Coronavirus patients.—How scar tissue develops in the body.  And how surgery to remove scar tissue can even cause it to grow faster.—The "secret weapon" technology that Dr. Prather calls "revolutionary" for breaking up scar tissue in the body.  And how this gentle technique replaces the Graston Technique that actually uses a piece of metal to scrape scar tissue away.—Why Acupuncture helps the scar tissue to "melt away" and be absorbed by the body.—How adhesions cause a loss of motion in the body.  And how The Prather Practice uses the combination of Chiropractic adjustments, Rapid Release Technology, Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, and Physical Therapy Exercises to restore full motion.—The recent research that has shown the Fascia material throughout the body is all one organ.  And how Fascia is the main thing that determines your posture and has a very big effect on the nervous system.—Why the optimal frequency vibration of the Rapid Release Technology works to break up abnormal tissue and helps the body to lay down normal tissue that is fully functional.—The conditions that Rapid Release Technology is beneficial for, including:  Carpal Tunnel, Shoulder Issues, Rotator Cuff Tears, Tennis Elbow, Neck Pain, Low Back Pain, Headaches, Sciatica, Scoliosis, TMJ, Knee Conditions, and Plantar 
4/25/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Did you know that 80% of your immune system is around your gut?  In this episode, we talk about:—The debate over the origin of the Coronavirus and whether the virus came from a Wuhan research laboratory.—Dr. Prather's view on how the World Health Organization responded to this pandemic.—How the current Coronavirus test is only 60% accurate.  And Dr. Prather's idea on how we can encourage innovation and research in the development of better testing.—What the latest research by the National Institutes of Health has revealed about the dramatic changes that can occur in the immune system when you change the gut health. —The story about how Dr. Prather's Chiropractor Grandfather was ridiculed in Court because he told his patients that smoking was bad for their health!—What the G.I. Stool Kit test used by The Prather Practice reveals about your gut health.—Why the G.I. Stool Kit is so helpful in getting to the root cause of autoimmune diseases. —The importance of short-chain fatty acids to your gut health.  And how to get short-chain fatty acids through ghee butter and coconut oil.—The scientific reasons why coconut oil can help with weight loss.—How antibiotics destroy good gut flora and can increase the chances of a child developing learning 
4/18/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather provides an encouraging Coronavirus update.  And Lisa Prather shares her recent speech on how we can cope during this time.   In this episode, find out:—Why Dr. Prather says "we should see the light at the end of the tunnel soon" in this pandemic.  And why the next two weeks are critical.—Dr. Prather's view about who lied about the Coronavirus outbreak, which damaged our nation's ability to respond.—How the Wuhan doctors were "incredible heroes" in speaking out about the original outbreak.—How Dr. Prather has found 50% of patients getting diagnostics in his office recently were previously unaware of their underlying conditions that make them a higher risk of Coronavirus.—The immune system Vitamins that excessive alcohol consumption will deplete.—Why we should balance staying informed during this time with not excessively watching news programs that create panic.—The importance of reaching out to others during this time of anxiety and stress.  And the difference between physical isolation and social isolation.—How to rest in new rhythms of work and play.  And why getting outside is a GOOD thing right now.—Why we should change our focus on the things we can control instead of on all the uncertain things completely outside of our ability to influence.—The three zones we could be in right now.  (Which one are you in?)  
4/11/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather gives a Coronavirus update.  And he explains how Homeopathy has performed during past epidemics and the reason it can help you boost your immune system now.  In this episode, you'll discover:—Dr. Prather's encouraging response to those who are fearful of the Coronavirus and frightened that it's a death sentence.—The reason why a Homeopathic is included in The Prather Practice's Immune Booster Package being offered during this time.—How other nations are using Homeopathy in their Coronavirus response.--The Law of Similars which is the basis of Homeopathy. And how the laws of Homeopathy are the basis for the treatment of allergies.--How Homeopathy saved France and Napolean's Army from Typhoid and Cholera.  Plus, how 1918 Flu Epidemic had a 90% death rate in the medical hospitals, but only a 10% death rate in the Homeopathic hospitals.--Why Dr. Prather calls Homeopathy "the secret weapon" of The Practice. And how Dr. Prather is able to give a Homeopathic to offset the side effects of prescription drugs, including Chemotherapy.--Why Homeopathy should always be the first line of treatment for children before they are given a pharmaceutical. And the recent studies showing how Homeopathy outperforms Antibiotics in children with ear infections.--How Homeopathy has no side effects and has never reported an incident of damage to a patient.--That Homeopathy has recently been shown superior to pharmaceuticals for epidemics of Whooping Cough (Pertussis), Cholera, Dengue Fever, Diphtheria, Hepatitis, Influenza, Japanese Encephalitis, Meningococcal Disease, and Malaria.--How Homeopathy stimulates the body's own defense mechanisms to keep the body strong and healthy, while pharmaceuticals lessen the body's own ability to fight off 
4/4/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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At a time when everyone is concerned about the state of their immune system, Dr. Prather offers natural ways to boost your body's immune system.  In this episode, you'll learn:—Whether Dr. Prather believes COVID-19 is as big of a deal as the media is making about it.  And how much longer he thinks the Coronavirus will last.—Why the Coronavirus is not triggering our body's own immune system to fight it.—How the number of times you are exposed to a virus and the concentration of a virus can determine how dangerous it is to a person.   And why nursing homes and hospitals are such deadly places for infections.—The three products in the Immune Booster Package offered right now by The Prather Practice that are flying out the door as soon as they arrive.—How Structure-Function Care works on your body, not on your disease.  And why Dr. Prather says we "have blown it" when it comes to the "proper use of pharmaceuticals".—The herbals that boost your immune system, including:  Aloe Vera, Astragalus, Echinacea, Garlic, Onions, Shiitake Mushrooms, Siberian Ginseng, Bromeliain, Elderberry, Lomatium Dissectum, Oregano Oil, and Ginger.—The vitamins that boost your immune system, including:  Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin E.—The Minerals that play a huge part of your immune system, including:  The Copper-Zinc ratio, Germanium, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, and Selenium.—What Glandulars are and how they boost your immune system.  And which one is especially best for children.—Why Dr. Prather calls Homeopathy "our greatest, secret weapon" to make tremendous changes in the body without any possibility of injury or 
3/28/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Coronavirus and other viruses like the flu become dangerous and deadly when they turn into Pneumonia.  In this episode, we talk about:—An update on Coronavirus, including the regulatory changes that allow doctor's offices to respond more efficiently to patients without making sick patients come into the office.—The definition of Pneumonia.  And the symptoms you should be aware of.—Why having a fever is the reaction of a healthy immune system.—The different kind of cough associated with the Coronavirus and why the body is responding differently to it compared to other viruses.  And, how a cough that produces mucus is actually a sign that you DON'T have Coronavirus. —When you want to AVOID taking an antibiotic so that you don't weaken your immune system.—How Pneumonia is diagnosed and which tests you should get first to rule it out.—The different types of infections that are the causes of Pneumonia:  Bacterial, Viral, and Mycoplasma.  And the definition of "Walking Pneumonia".—How Dr. Prather helps patients to boost their immune system.—Why your liver and kidneys are key indicators to how susceptible you are to Pneumonia.—The treatment offered at The Prather Practice that was actually invented to combat Pneumonia.  Plus, the Immune Booster Package being offered at The Prather Practice to help people at this 
3/21/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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If you don't know what's going on, how can you treat? Dr. Prather tells some amazing patient stories that show the crucial role of patient history, a thorough exam, and in-depth diagnostics. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Dr. Prather believes taking shortcuts on proper procedures could be disastrous for the patient and why he refuses to compromise.--The importance of patients being willing to take the time to make sure they are getting the care that they need.--Why the doctors that rush you in and out of the office are more likely to be concerned with making money instead of patient care.--That 90% of the diagnosis comes from the patient's history. (And how that history also designs out the basis of the patient's care.)--Why Dr. Prather takes his patient histories in a living room environment instead of a sterile exam room setting. (And how Dr. Prather compares his job to being a detective.)--The role family medical history plays in proper patient care.--What Dr. Prather teaches to Medical Doctors and Nurse Practitioners about patient examinations.--Why proper imaging should not be neglected in order for the patient to receive the right treatment--particularly with Chiropractic care.--The reason why Dr. Prather's X-rays have been said to be in the Top 1%.--Plus, A Coronavirus update.  And Dr. Prather shares the Immune Booster Package he recommends to his
3/14/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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30% of Americans suffer from some sort of Anxiety.  Dr. Prather discusses how to treat these disorders in a natural way, plus gives an update on the Coronavirus.  In this episode, you'll discover:—The precautions that should be taken for babies, children, and the elderly when it comes to avoiding illnesses like the Coronavirus.—Why Dr. Prather says wearing surgical masks will NOT protect you from contracting Coronavirus and give a "false sense of security".—The 3 natural supplements The Prather Practice offers to patients to help them boost their immune system and protect themselves from viruses.—The reason why those on Cholesterol-lowering drugs are MORE susceptible to getting viruses like the Coronavirus.  And the supplement Dr. Prather recommends to avoid this.—How Stress "is the biggest thing that wreaks havoc on your immune system".  And how watching a funny movie can give an "immediate" boost to your immune system.—The reason women suffer from Anxiety disorders more commonly than men.—The herbal remedies most effective for relieving Anxiety and Stress.—Why flower essences can deal specifically with emotional issues.—Why Vitamin B-6 ("the nerve vitamin") has been shown more effective than Carpal Tunnel surgery in helping to settle down the nerves.  Plus, how a person with an Anxiety disorder can become "a new person" once their Zinc-Copper levels are properly balanced.—How changing the position of the body causes changes in someone's mental 
3/7/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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An estimated 10 million Americans suffer from "the invisible disease" that has been misunderstood by doctors. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Dr. Prather considers it to be an autoimmune disease of the lymph system, and how the lymphatic system ("the sewage system of the body") works.--The common misdiagnosis between Fibromyalgia and Myofascitiis. (Distinguishing between lymph system and the muscles.)--The many causes of Fibromyalgia (digestive issues, food allergies, Lyme Disease, Epstein-Barr, environmental sensitivities, weakened immune system) and why correct diagnostics are absolutely necessary to properly treat each patient individually.--The symptoms of Fibromyalgia (pain throughout the body that lasts at least three months, 11 of 18 palpation points where the lymph system is congested, fatigue, brain fog, sleep disturbance, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and migraines, anxiety and depression).--Why the National Fibromyalgia Association states that Chiropractic is the most helpful treatment for Fibromyalgia. (And the specific Chiropractic adjusting techniques that are effective for Fibromyalgia.)--The effectiveness of Acupuncture and Dr. Prather's analysis of the flawed research conclusions on the subject. And why Dr. Prather sees better results when combining Chiropractic and Acupuncture.--The dramatic changes Auriculotherapy can bring for Fibromyalgia in getting the autonomic nervous system functioning correctly. And the Quantitative EEG (qEEG) treatment that can restore proper brain wave activity after Fibromyalgia throws off your brain waves.--How short-wave Diathermy opens up lymphatic tissue. And why 100% of Fibromyalgia patients have a weakened immune system.--The role of diet and lifestyle in fighting and preventing Fibromyalgia. (Plus, why Dr. Prather says "everyone with Fibromyalgia has food allergies" and the 5-day rotation diet he recommends to relieve 80% if the stress on the lymph system.)--The three major pumps of the lymph system and why Fibromyalgia patients need to exercise those three areas. And why depression and anxiety increase your odds of developing Fibromyalgia
2/29/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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2/20/202054 minutes, 49 seconds
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3 out of 4 children experience ear infections by the age of 3--which can lead to learning disorders and hearing loss. But Dr. Prather points out that ear infections should not be a normal part of childhood if a child has a strong immune system. In this episode, you'll find out:--What causes ear infections. And why bacterial infections are usually only the cause of about 20% of ear infections, with most infections being viral.--Why keeping the Eustachian Tube open is the key to preventing ear infections and also a key to preventing sinus and upper-respiratory infections.--How the muscle of the Eustachian Tube is the same material as the small intestine, making gut health crucial to stopping ear infections (and 80% of your immune system).--Why the angles of a child's Eustachian Tune make children more susceptible to ear infections than adults.--The reason why Dr. Prather recommends pregnant women (and women trying to get pregnant) get their gut health in order so they can help prevent future ear infections in their children.--Why a baby with colic is likely to get ear infections. And the correlation between antibiotics and learning disabilities such as ADD and ADHD.--The shocking research on the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of antibiotics for ear infections and how children are three times as likely to develop future ear infections if they receive antibiotics.--The natural approaches to ear infections, including how Dr. Prather manually opens up the Eustachian Tubes on both children and adults to provide immediate relief. Plus, the role of Chiropractic adjustments and Diathermy.--How Tinnitus and Vertigo in adults are associated with the Eustachian Tubes even though adults do not get ear infections at the rate of children.--The Homeopathics, Herbals, and Supplements that are most helpful for Ear Infections and perfect for children since they have zero side 
2/15/202054 minutes, 48 seconds
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Pain is a communication from our body to our brain telling it that something is not right. But there are different theories among scientists about pain. In this episode, you'll discover:--There are those who cannot feel pain, which is actually a very dangerous condition as pain is an important part of our survival.--How our emotional state affects our pain perception.--The Bradley method of childbirth that makes a big difference in the pain level during labor.--Why it is so hard to study pain from a scientific and ethical perspective.--The influences that play a part in pain perception. And how a Doctor's lack of understanding causes a patient's pain to increase.--The Energy Flow Theory and The Pain Threshold Theory of Pain that The Prather Practice utilizes in treating patients.--The five pathways of energy in the body and how pain is caused when any one of those pathways becomes blocked.--How Dr. Prather treats the pain pattern in the brain that can sometimes remain even after the pain is gone. (And how opiates contribute to this problem and make a patient's pain WORSE.)--The Auriculotherapy treatment for pain that Dr. Prather describes as "the keyboard to the brain" and "THE most proven therapy in the world".--The P-Stim therapy at The Prather Practice (worn on the ear for four days at a time) that gives amazing results for patients with conditions such as Arthritis, Joint Pain, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Migraines, Sciatica, Depression, Addiction, Smoking Cessation, Fibromyalgia, and 
2/8/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Coronavirus is the biggest health story in the news this week.  Dr. Prather tells you everything you need to know about it.  In this episode, you'll learn:—Which animals are the source of the Coronavirus infections that have spread to humans.—The symptoms and complications caused by the Coronavirus.—Why China is an area where infections such as these so often originate.—Dr. Prather's opinion on the response of the World Health Organization to the virus.  Plus, his views on the risk level this virus poses to Americans.—The protocols health care offices in the United States must follow if one of their patients tests positive for Coronavirus.—How natural remedies work better than the "pretty worthless" pharmaceutical drugs in combating Coronavirus.—Why Dr. Prather says the question is not IF another pandemic like the 1918 Spanish Flu will hit, but WHEN another pandemic will hit. —The latest update on the current flu season (and how it compares to the Coronavirus threat).  And how this current flu season ranks in terms of severity.—How this year's vaccine matched up against the most common flu strains infecting people.  And how the vaccine makers "didn't get anything right" for last year's flu season.—Why those on Cholesterol lowering prescription drugs are at greater risk of getting 
2/1/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Modern technology devices can be a wonderful source of accessing information and connecting with the people we love.  But too much screen time is rapidly becoming a source of many health problems  In this episode, find out:—How "text neck" is literally causing HORNS to grow on the skulls of young people, which was never seen prior to the last five years.—Why text neck is causing teenagers to have issues associated with aging, such as senility and balance issues.—The number of hours the average teenager spends on their mobile devices daily.  Plus, how teens actually have panic attacks if they are separated from their devices.—The shocking number of all teenagers who are on psychiatric prescription drugs today compared with teenagers in the 1970's.—How the blue screen of modern technology devices causes poor sleep and insomnia.—The approach Dr. Prather advises parents to take in order to protect their children from the dangers of too much screen time.—How big corporations know 50,000 points of information about you to exploit.  And which social media platform reveals the MOST about you to marketers.—Why erectile dysfunction in young men (18-30) was previously unheard of, but now affects 28% of young men.—The way online pornography is "more addictive than any drug".  And the huge percentage of men who are now considered addicted to online pornography.—Why too much screen time has been shown to divert 25% of young men from achieving their 
1/25/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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Michael was a young radio talk show host unable to walk or talk after a battle with a brain tumor that included almost a year in an induced coma.  As a last-ditch effort to save his life, he was brought to The Prather Practice.  in this episode, you'll learn:--How Dr. Prather being the only Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist in the state of Indiana was exactly what Michael needed.  And how the gentle Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment stopped a seizure in progress.--Why Michael says the Auriculotherapy treatment at The Prather Practice was "amazing" in helping to stabilize and heal his neurological deterioration.--The reason why Michael says the approach taken by Dr. Prather is "the most evidence-based” health care he has ever received.--About the Electrodermal Screening (EDS) technology used to eliminate the guesswork when recommending products from the natural pharmacy at The Prather Practice.  --How Michael had an eye surgery CANCELLED after four acupuncture treatments from Dr. Prather made the surgery unnecessary. 
1/18/202054 minutes, 49 seconds
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This is the time of year for New Year's Resolutions.  But how do we turn those resolutions into achieved goals?  In this episode, we talk about: —The difference between a resolution and a goal.—How high achievers treat goals according to one Harvard University study.—The six different categories of goal setting that Dr. Prather uses in his own life.—How 95% of those who diet end up worse off compared to when they started.—Why Dr. Prather says a medical approach to weight loss is key to achieving a weight loss that loses fat, not muscle.—The role food sensitivities and food allergies play in causing us to retain unwanted weight.  And the genetic hair analysis that Dr. Prather uses to determine the foods a patient should avoid for optimal health and for weight loss.—One of "the most proven therapies in the world" that helps people to stop smoking.  And the story of a patient who told Dr. Prather he should put this treatment on billboards after he tried everything else.—Why those who are allergic to cigarette smoke are more likely to become addicted to smoking.—How Homeopathy "is excellent" in helping people to quit smoking and stopping the addictive response.—The five different categories of exercise that we need.  And the most important category of exercise that makes the biggest difference in our 
1/11/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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As people go on diets, they often become more unhealthy. As people become more unhealthy, they gain weight. That's why studies show those on diets actually tend to gain more weight than those who are not on diets. In this episode, discover:--The best way to measure weight (and it is NOT your scale).--Why Dr. Prather does not recommend low-calorie diets to his patients.--The health issues created by low-fat diets, and why ADDING certain types of fatty acids can help you LOSE weight.--The danger of low-protein/high-carbohydrate and high-protein/low-carbohydrate diets.--The 4 BALANCED diets Dr. Prather recommends that make you healthier and get you better results.--What Dr. Prather calls the "guaranteed" way to lose weight (and why our ancestors had a 4 times higher intake of this essential item).--The "Royal Court' trick to a healthy diet.--The test that reveals what you should eat to achieve your normal weight and results in a 100% success rate.--The shocking, man-made reason why gluten sensitivity is higher today.--The importance of evaluating the health of your 
1/4/202054 minutes, 50 seconds
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People get sicker, have more depression, put on weight, and have more injuries in the winter. In this episode, you'll learn:--How lack of sun in winter impacts our immune system, our mood, our brain function, and our endocrine system.--Why you live longer if you live in a harsher, northern climate when you're young and live in a warmer, southern climate when you're old.--Why this is a good time to check your Vitamin D levels. And why you SHOULD NOT just take Vitamin D without getting blood work first (as too much Vitamin D can damage organs in your body).--Why we gain weight in the winter (between 5 and 10 pounds on average for adults). And why'd we'd gain weight in the winter even if we ate the same amount of calories (which we don't).--How our endocrine system is affected by colder weather. (And how our body "winterizes" itself.)--The dietary changes that should be made in the winter to avoid weight gain. And one of the "guaranteed ways to lose weight".--The favorite natural supplement Dr. Prather recommends in the winter that everyone should have in their medicine cabinet.--Why infections increase during the winter. And the problem we now have due to antibiotic overuse. Plus, the number of times in your life you should have an antibiotic.--The tool Dr. Prather uses to determine which supplement or product (out of thousands of possibilities) will work best for your body.--How cholesterol lowering drugs make someone more susceptible to 
12/28/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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Candida and Yeast overgrowth can cause mouth, vaginal, gut, lung, and systemic infections.  And it's also the root cause of a myriad of health issues that "can mimic almost anything".  In this episode, you'll find out:—How coating on the tongue indicates mold and yeast growth and can indicate issues elsewhere in the body.  Plus, the symptoms of thrush, which is a yeast infection of the mouth.—Why central Indiana and Indianapolis are endemic to Histoplasmosis.  And how the Histoplasmosis problem is connected to the story of how Indianapolis was built upon a swamp.—How yeast overgrowth literally causes your body to decompose!—Why yeast overgrowth in the gut is the source of yeast overgrowth elsewhere.  And how toenail fungus indicates a yeast problem elsewhere in the body.—How yeast overgrowth can be the underlying root cause of many issues such as:  persistent fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, Colitis, abdominal pain, rectal pain, insomnia, ADD/ADHD, dementia, kidney/bladder infections, muscle aches and pains, arthritis, canker sores, sinus issues, and allergies, headaches, neuropathy, anxiety, and skin problems.—The role of birth control pills in causing yeast infections.—Why pharmaceutical prescription medications can actually encourage the growth and spread of yeast throughout the body on a long-term basis.  And the reason Dr. Prather says going after these infections with a natural approach is where you "get the best results".—The incredible story about the teetotaler politician pulled over for drunk driving, when his "inebriation" was a result of a yeast infection.  And how Dr. Prather testified as a special authority on his behalf.—The effectiveness of herbals in protecting the body from yeast overgrowth.  And "the number one killer of yeast and fungus" that is "a hundred times more effective" than any pharmaceutical out there.—How The Prather Practice utilizes "the latest and greatest" probiotics backed by National Institutes of Health research to combat infections in the gut.  Plus, the only kind of butter that Dr. Prather uses, which helps to introduce short-chain fatty acids into the 
12/21/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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The people of the United States are extremely stressed, which is contributing to many health problems.  In this episode, you'll discover:—How America is the most-stressed country.  And the shocking amount of money that is spent annually on America's stress problem.—The numbers of Americans with stress and anxiety disorders (which is actually an under-diagnosed problem).  And how a majority of those in the younger generation have already been diagnosed with a mental illness.—The "Refrigerator Rights" theory that reveals how many people we truly connect with in a close relationship.—Why social media does not produce the same hormonal and emotional response that meeting people face-to-face does.—How Dr. Prather says "this is not the same population" he dealt with when he began practice 35 years ago when it comes to stress and anxiety problems.  —Why Structure-Function Health Care should always be your first-line of defense when combating stress, not pharmaceuticals.—The role of touch and therapeutic massage in lowering stress and actually changing your bloodwork. And how Chiropractic helps relax the muscles and nerves, taking stress off of the body.—How Acupuncture is being utilized to deal with trauma and PTSD.  And the Auriculotherapy treatment on the ear that is like "the keyboard to the brain" that  helps reverse the damage of trauma upon the brain. —Why changing your breathing changes your physiology, your pH, and your autonomic nervous system.  And why Dr. Prather says how deeply you breathe is "the best indicator" for how long you will live. (48:00)—The way herbals and homeopathy help combat stress in a safe and natural way with no side-effects.  And why Dr. Prather says flower remedies are one of his "favorite things" to use for stress, even helping to get patients out of a catatonic  
12/14/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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Diabetes is the fastest-growing disease in America.  35 million Americans have Diabetes, and about 80 million are pre-Diabetic.  In this episode, we talk about:—Why Diabetes is a growing problem. And why this issue is unique to America.—The (really gross!) story behind the name Diabetes and how the Ancient Greek doctors used to diagnose it.—How Dr. Prather finds "there are more people who come into our office who are pre-Diabetic than aren't."—The role of viruses like Coxsackie B in kicking off Type I Diabetes.—The 3 P's of Diabetes symptoms to be aware of.  Plus, how weight loss is a "red flag" symptom of Diabetes...which is often caused by weight gain.—How the nerves, the kidneys, and eyes are damaged by Diabetes.  And the increased risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer that come from Diabetes.—The two reasons why the Millennial generation will be the first generation to not live longer than their parents.—How Type II Diabetes  "HAS to be" dealt with through Structure-Function Health Care, while Disease Care is "totally worthless" in getting Type II Diabetes under control.—Why herbals are "amazing" for dealing with Diabetes.  And the role Homeopathy plays in dealing with Diabetes, especially when dealing with children.—The WORST food for Diabetes that increases blood sugar more than any other food.  And how fiber is "probably one of the best medicines" for Diabetes.—How Vitamin utilization is decreased by Diabetes, while the need for Vitamins is increased by Diabetes in order to prevent damage to your body.  And why Chromium is described by Dr. Prather as a "magic" mineral for 
12/7/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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December to February is the Flu season. As Dr. Prather says, getting the flu "is as easy as breathing". In this episode, you'll find out:--What to expect for this year's flu season based upon early reports so far. Plus, how well the flu shot is expected to match up with this year's virus.--The surprising time period in which you must take the major flu medications (Tamiflu and Relenza) for them to be effective or it's a "waste of time".--The Structure/Function Health Care approach Dr. Prather uses to fight the flu by building up the patient's immune system. And the blood test you should have to determine the strength of your immune system.--The shocking story of a patient whose left arm was paralyzed after getting a flu shot (and how Dr. Prather helped him).--The LOW cholesterol number that weakens your cell walls and makes you more susceptible to viruses.--How the gut makes up the most critical portion of the body's immune system.--Why a balanced Copper/Zinc ratio helps you to fight bacteria and viruses.--The role the lymphatic system plays in fighting off secondary bacterial infections (like pneumonia), which are the main cause of influenza deaths.--The homeopathic hospitals that had less than a 10% death rate during the 1918 Spanish flu (while the disease care hospitals had a death rate of 90%). And the homeopathic product Dr. Prather suggests everyone have in their medicine cabinet to get over the flu quickly.--The safe and extremely effective cough remedy you should have on hand (as opposed to cough syrups which have caused deaths in children)  
11/30/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather recommends that everyone have three very affordable lab tests every year that will reveal the state of your health. In this episode, find out:--How anything that could go wrong with you shows up in The Prather Profile, an inexpensive, nationally-recognized blood profile that covers all the major systems in your body.  --That the reference ranges listed on a lab tests are NOT the same as the optimal values for your health. And why Dr. Prather has to re-teach doctors and nurses how to look for that optimal range.--How Dr. Prather has over 600 hours of reading blood tests in his training compared to the average Medical Doctor who only has 15 hours of reading blood tests in Medical school.--Why Dr. Prather says you can get more information from a blood test than any other type of diagnostic.  --How Dr. Prather interprets bloodwork differently in the Structure-Function Health Care model he practices than how doctors in the Disease Care model look at the labs.--Why Dr. Prather says it's "very seldom" someone comes in with ideal blood tests.--Why Hair Analysis is important to reveal the mineral and heavy metal levels in your body. Plus, how Dr. Prather has seen patients diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease have had all of their symptoms go away when the Hair Analysis revealed the true cause of their symptoms was Manganese toxicity.--The importance of the G.I. Effects Stool kit in revealing your gut flora.--Why Dr. Prather says the research that has been discovered on the gut by the National Institutes of Health "will change health care in America" since almost all autoimmune diseases, as well as cardiovascular disease and cancer, are affected by the gut.--The reason why 80% of our immune system is in the gut. Plus, how ALL pharmaceuticals destroy your normal gut 
11/23/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy is a safe, non-invasive solution for heart disease, America's #1 killer. In this episode, you'll discover:--Why ECP Therapy is "like having a second heart" and how it helps the heart to function better.--How ECP Therapy oxygenates the heart and gives your heart the benefit of five years of marathon training in just SEVEN WEEKS.--The reason why Dr. Prather calls ECP Therapy the only hope for congestive heart failure, which has become "medical disaster".--The incredible safety record of ECP Therapy without a single negative incident or injury reported to the FDA and with no negative side effects.--How ECP Therapy helps reduce heart pain and helps patients to lower their medication needed for angina.--Why ECP Therapy is able to open up collateral circulation and dormant arteries (and can even GROW new arteries).--How the improved circulation and oxygenation from ECP Therapy improves all organ systems and helps with dementia, erectile dysfunction, and can reverse Type 2 diabetes.--The five-part heart evaluation Dr. Prather recommends for every patient over 50.--The stories of patients who went from over 90% blockage in their arteries to less than 10% blockage through ECP Therapy.--Why many pro athletes and Olympians have incorporated ECP Therapy into their regimen to extend their careers and set new  
11/16/201954 minutes, 49 seconds
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Graves' Disease is a hyperthyroid condition. Dr. Prather had it when he was a teenager, which inspired him to do what he does today. In this episode, discover:--The health battle Dr. Prather endured while still a teenager with Graves' Disease. And how he overcame it and is now cured of it.--The symptoms of Graves' Disease. And the diagnostics that determine a diagnosis of Graves' Disease.--How women are three times more likely than men to develop Graves' Disease. And that the highest age group for risk is between 18 and 40.--How President George H.W. Bush, Barbara Bush, and their DOG all developed Graves' Disease. And the surprising thing that caused it.--Why the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment of the neck (which is a speciality of Dr. Prather's) is important for Graves' Disease.--Why Structure-Function Care gets to the underlying problem of Graves' Disease by helping to build a person's immune system. And the risks and additional health issues that come from the Disease Care approach of drugs and surgery.--How acquired food allergies contribute to Graves' Disease.--Why Acupuncture helps with Graves' Disease through specific points that help the Thyroid.--The risk-free benefits of Homeopathy for Graves' Disease, which Dr. Prather calls "a secret weapon" that is "one of the best ways" to treat Graves' Disease.--The benefit of cruciferous vegetables for Graves' Disease. And why those with an under-active thyroid (hypothyroid) should avoid those 
11/9/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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Acupuncture has been in existence for over 5,000 years. More people have probably been treated with Acupuncture than any other treatment. In this episode, find out:--How almost all Acupuncture patients fall asleep during treatment.--Why Acupuncture needles are painless (rounded on the end, not sharp, and thin as a hair).--The non-needle Acupuncture options for those who are still afraid of needles (including powder, laser, and electrical options).--Why Acupuncture beats Cortizone shots for pain relief and treating inflammation.--The World Health Organization and National institutes of Health research that shows Acupuncture effective in treating anxiety, depression, insomnia, abdominal issues, sinusitis, tinnitus, PMS, and headaches.--Hear from a patient who had "immediate relief" from Acupuncture for a sinus infection.--The 80% success rate Dr. Prather sees in patients dealing with infertility and the role of Acupuncture.--How Acupuncture can help students score better on exams (and why it works better than anti-anxiety drugs).--How Acupuncture can help with Parkinson's Disease, Stroke Recovery, and Cancer patients (including an 80% decrease in complaints from patients on chemotherapy and radiation).--Why Acupuncture is an effective treatment for addiction issues, including 
11/2/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in women. In this episode, learn:--The risk factors for Breast Cancer.--How breastfeeding reduces your chance of developing Breast Cancer.--The percentage of Breast Cancer cases due to genetic factors. And how most Breast Cancer can be avoided with lifestyle changes.--The herbs that are most helpful for fighting Breast Cancer.--The vitamins that are most helpful for treating painful and Fibrocystic breasts.--The recommended role of Chiropractic and Acupuncture for Breast Cancer patients, which can reduce adverse symptoms in patients by 80% (like hair loss, fatigue, and neuropathy).--Why Dr. Prather says Homeopathy provides the "quickest and most dramatic changes" in the body. --The crucial role the Lymph System plays for Breast Cancer. And why underwire bras should be avoided for good breast health.--The imaging options available for women. And why mammograms are controversial.--And hear the inspiring story of Joy, to talk about the remarkable success she has experienced at The Prather Practice in her battle against breast 
10/26/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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October is National Chiropractic Health Month. At The Prather Practice, we see lives changed daily through Chiropractic Care. In this episode, find out:--How Chiropractic runs in Dr. Prather's family, which has four Chiropractors in it.--Why Chiropractic was not accepted and faced opposition for a long time. And how the pharmaceutical companies over one hundred years ago eliminated 85% of the health care systems in America to have complete dominance of our health care system.--The landmark court case that proved the American Medical Association fostered false information against Chiropractic.--How the American Medical Association commissioned six studies to prove Chiropractic didn't work, but the studies showed Chiropractic was more effective than drugs or surgery!--The changes we are seeing in our health care system today with more integration between Disease Care and Structure-Function Health Care systems for the benefit of patients.--How Chiropractors have the lowest malpractice insurance of ANY health care profession out there. And how Dr. Prather has had nurses work for him who paid higher malpractice insurance than he did!--Why television shows and media outlets have actually been paid by the pharmaceutical companies to promote negative information on the Chiropractic profession. And why Dr. Prather says there is evidence that this practice might be continuing today.--The journey of Dr. Dodge, our Associate Chiropractor at The Prather Practice, and how he changed professions to become a Chiropractor after realizing it was where he was supposed to be.--The different adjusting techniques in Chiropractic care. And the gentle techniques used by The Prather Practice that avoid the "popping and cracking" techniques that frighten so many people away from Chiropractic.--Why Chiropractors are better described as "doctors of the nervous system" instead of being described as "bone doctors".www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.com  
10/19/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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Vitamin K is known for its connection to blood-clotting. It is associated with easy-bruising, bone formation, mitochondrial function, and pain reduction. In this episode, discover:--How you can get too much Vitamin K, which can destroy your red blood cells. And why you need to get the appropriate lab tests before you start taking Vitamins on your own.--Why people who are on blood thinners should carry Vitamin K with them. And why you have to understand WHICH form of Vitamin K to take with which drug.--The indicators of low Vitamin K, including: spider veins, slow healing, osteoporosis, menstrual cramps, severe menstrual bleeding, and bloody noses. And how headaches often respond well to Vitamin K.--The homeopathic that Dr. Prather recommends every Mom keep in her medicine cabinet to help with bruising.--How proper amounts of Vitamin K help to quickly heal a fracture and makes the healed bone stronger. And the homeopathic that can help heal a fracture twice as fast.--How Vitamin K can oftentimes be "the missing ingredient" in fixing osteoporosis. Plus, find out one of Dr. Prather's favorite products that the British used to call "the King's cure-all".--The very important role Vitamin K plays when it comes to fighting Cancer. And how mitochondrial levels can help Dr. Prather to determine whether his Cancer patients are improving or not.--How Dr. Prather estimates that 80% pregnant and lactating Moms (and their babies) are deficient in Vitamin K. And how Vitamin K "solves nausea and vomiting", as well as stretch marks and spider veins.--Why Vitamin K can bring "excellent relief" for rheumatoid arthritis. And the analgesic effect of Vitamin K in helping with pain issues, particularly mitochondrial myopathies and fibromyalgia.--Why gallbladder malfunction (or one that has been removed) impacts Vitamin K absorption. And why Dr. Prather tells patients there are certain supplements they will ALWAYS have to take after they have a gallbladder 
10/12/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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1-in-7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, the most common cancer among men and the #2 cause of cancer deaths in men. In this episode, you'll discover:--The problems that can occur with the prostate. (Prostatitis, BPH, Cancer.)--When it is appropriate to "watch and wait" with prostate cancer.--The different kinds of Prostatitis--which 16% of all men will have--and why 93% of those cases have an unknown cause with no effective medical treatment options available.--The prostate issue that 60% of men 60 years of age have and that affects 80% of men 80 years of age.--The Structure/Function Health Care approach versus the Medical and Disease Care approach. (And why the underlying cause of the disease is crucial to Dr. Prather's approach.)--How low Testosterone can be associated with prostate problems.--The natural supplements, herbal remedies, and nutritional support products helpful for prostate issues.--How obesity makes it almost impossible to have a healthy prostate.--The role of fiber and the health of the colon in the health of your prostate (And how a diet heavy in soy can be dangerous to your prostate).--Why a healthy (and monogamous) sexual relationship is beneficial to prostate 
10/5/201954 minutes, 49 seconds
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September is "National Preparedness Month". Dr. Prather was recently invited to a seminar by FEMA to help get the word out about being prepared to respond to disasters. In this episode, you'll learn:--The 5 Core Capabilities that help us to successfully prepare for a disaster response.--How being prepared for a disaster helps to mitigate trauma and the effects of a disaster.--Why FEMA has asked Chiropractic Acupuncturists to volunteer in case a national disaster occurs. And the role Chiropractors and Acupuncturists played in helping first responders after the 9-11 disaster.--How there is an immediate response to Chiropractic and Acupuncture care that you can't achieve with drugs or any other type of therapy: reduction of fatigue, lowered fear response, better mental clarity, improved cognitive ability, and the ability to sleep.--Why Acupuncture helps the body normalize in "a way that almost nothing else can" to switch it from the Fight-Flight mode to a Rest-Digest mode. And why Dr. Prather says that everyone who has a traumatic experience shows the need for Chiropractic adjustment.--The funny story about how FEMA called up an Acupuncturist to respond to Democrats who had Post-traumatic Response to the 2016 election.--The way Acupuncture can help take a victim of trauma out of a catatonic state in the most disastrous of situations.--How trauma causes physiological changes that, left untreated, can become permanent and change the shape of the brain and how the endocrine system works. Plus, how military medics now are being trained to do battleground Acupuncture.--The symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.--How the effects of PTSD can be reversed, even after having it for long-term, if you get the proper treatment. And the proper treatments you should consider.www.TheVoiceOfHealthRadio.comResources mentioned during this show:*FEMA Ready Campaign*Red Cross Step-by-Step Program*Environmental Protection Agency Program*National Weather Service*Centers for Disease Control*American Academy Of Pediatrics*Homeland Security Digital Library Video Series  
9/28/201954 minutes, 49 seconds
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Most mammals can make their own Vitamin C, but humans are one of the few that cannot.  In this episode, find out:--The difference between natural Vitamin C and synthetic forms. And why Dr. Prather uses both for his patients.--How Vitamin C helps with collagen formation, which is the building block of the entire system. And why bleeding of the gums when you brush your there is a sign of Vitamin C deficiency.--The connection between back pain and Vitamin C deficiency.--How symptoms of scurvy can be seen in those with diabetes, congestive heart failure, as well as those on dialysis. Plus, how smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs can lead to symptoms of scurvy.--The reason why Vitamin C can help reverse an older person's skin being easily broken. And how Vitamin C helps as an anti-inflammatory with sinus issues, allergies, joint pain, and every kind of arthritis (such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis).--Why Vitamin C is helpful in preventing atherosclerosis, reversing atherosclerosis, and in getting rid of excess cholesterol.--How Vitamin C requirements are even higher for those with diabetes. And how "it was like magic" when Dr. Prather used powdered Vitamin C to help a diabetic patient's wound to heal.--The reduction in Vitamin C levels seen from anyone taking aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, steroids, and cholesterol drugs...which only increases the problem that caused the patients to take those medications in the first place.--Why Vitamin C helps prevents stretch marks in pregnant women and varicose veins. And how it reverses cataracts and macular degeneration.--How Vitamin C is important in helping the body to handle stress. And the dosage of Vitamin C that helps to quickly improve male  
9/21/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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We're concluding our series on the 18 different B Vitamins and the major impact they have on our health. In the past two weeks, we've covered the first six. In this episode, discover:--Why vitamins and minerals are truly classified as "life-giving", while pharmaceuticals exist to stop a crisis situation.--How Vitamin B-7 (Biotin) is known for hair and nail growth and is added to hair products. And how Biotin deficiency is the cause of loss of eyelashes, loss of eyebrows, "cradle cap" in babies, and blood sugar levels that are all over the place.--The reason Vitamin B-8 (Inositol) is used in conjunction with Vitamin B-18 (Choline) for liver congestion and gallbladder function, along with neurological conditions that affect the myelin sheaths (like Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer's). And why Dr. Prather says the liver and the nervous system are linked so that what helps with one usually helps the other.--How Vitamin B-9 (Folic Acid) is the most common vitamin deficiency in the entire world, contributing to birth defects such as cleft palate and spina bifida. And how proper Folic Acid levels help with infertility, the prevention of Cancer, restless leg syndrome, and Down Syndrome.--Why Vitamin B-10 (PABA) is known as "the sunscreen vitamin" and helps with skin issues such as eczema and psoriasis. Plus, how Vitamin B-10 is beneficial for female infertility, hair loss, and irritable bowel syndrome symptoms.--How numbness and tingling in the hands and feet are often indicators for a Vitamin B-12 deficiency. And how Vitamin B-12 deficiency in older people dramatically increases their chance of falling.--Why Vitamin B-12 is one of the most sensitive vitamins to pharmaceuticals. And why vegans and vegetarians are going to have a B-12 deficiency.--The importance of Vitamin B-13 for our energy production and in helping our heart to function when recovering from a heart attack.--The reason Vitamin B-15 is known as the sports performance vitamin (and is banned in many countries). And it helps with hangovers, too!--The role Vitamin B-17 plays as the anti-Cancer 
9/14/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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There are 18 different B Vitamins, and they have a major influence on your health. But last week, we only covered three! So the saga continues... In this episode, we talk about--Why Vitamins should not be taken for granted as they are the building blocks for getting well and having optimal performance.--How you need a daily supply of water soluble vitamins like Vitamin B and Vitamin C.--The reason that Vitamin B-4 (Adenine) isn't often covered in discussions of Vitamin B, but is often in need of supplementation. And the role Adenine plays in healing damage to the heart, improving the immune system, and boosting function of memory and the brain.--How Adenine supplementation helps with Fibromyalgia, cardiac arrhythmia, chronic constipation, diabetes, infections, and Armenia. And how Dr. Prather says Adenine is absolutely critical for almost every Parkinson's Disease patient, as well as patients with Alzheimer's Disease.--The importance of Vitamin B-5 (Pantothenic Acid) supplementation for the adrenal glands. And how Vitamin B-5 is known as the anti-stress, anti-anxiety, and anti-depression vitamin.--Why almost everyone with neuropathy in the feet needs Vitamin B-5 supplementation. And why The Prather Practice gets "really good results" in getting neuropathy under control.--The three populations most at risk for Vitamin B deficiencies: children, pregnant women, and the elderly. And the way Vitamin B-5 supplementation can help the elderly with coordination and balance issues to avoid falls.--The big difference Vitamin B-5 can make for acne and skin irritation issues.--How Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) is helpful for almost everybody with carpal tunnel syndrome. Plus, how Vitamin B-6 helps with sciatica, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, oily face, kidney stones, and PMS.--Why cracks of the lips and tongue indicate Vitamin B-6 deficiency. And why Vitamin B-6 is "extremely helpful" for learning disorders, dyslexia, and 
8/31/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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There are 18 different B Vitamins. Being deficient in these Important vitamins can have a major influence on your health. In this episode, you'll learn:--The difference between water soluble vitamins and fat soluble vitamins. And why you need a steady supply of water soluble vitamins like Vitamin B.--How a deficiency of Vitamin B-1 (also known as Thiamine) plays a role in Anemia and a deficiency in Hydrochloric Acid, which increases your chances for allergies and acid reflux.--Why Thiamine can help boost a child's growth, improve function of those with Autism, and increase memory and learning ability.--The beriberi disease that is actually a Vitamin B-1 deficiency and has symptoms of thinning hair, gastric problems, swelling in legs, and fatigue.--Why vitamin deficiencies are more common for growing children, pregnant women, and the elderly. And why Dr. Prather says many of the symptoms associated with aging are actually vitamin deficiencies, not just a matter of aging.--How Vitamin B-2 (also known as Riboflavin) is the second-most common deficiency of all Vitamins. And how Riboflavin deficiency can result in low energy and impact how your body processes other vitamins and minerals.--The connection between migraines and Riboflavin deficiency, particularly for women on birth control. And why cracks at the corner of your mouth, inflamed tongue, or reddening of the eyes are almost always signs of a Vitamin B2 deficiency.--Why Dr. Prather is not a fan of Multivitamins.--The Vitamin B-3 (also known as Niacin) role in energy formation, cognitive function, mood and memory, along with muscle strength. And the Pellagra disease that is actually a Niacin deficiency which shows symptoms of dermatitis, diarrhea, depression, schizophrenia, weakness, fatigue, anorexia, nausea, canker sores, and halitosis.--The reason why Dr. Prather says beer can be good for you "if it's made right" 
8/24/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dr. Prather says breastfeeding is "the gift that keeps on giving" and the #1 determination for a person's health throughout their life. In this episode, find out:--Why society needs to support breastfeeding Moms (including support from the father, from employers, and from public attitudes).--The shocking lack of training and support our health care system offers for Moms when it comes to breastfeeding.--That only 40% of all children in the world are breastfed. And how companies selling baby formula influenced this.--Why the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control say that 800,000 fewer babies would die every year if they were breastfed instead of using formula.--How breastfed babies have dramatically lower odds of suffering from Acute Ear Infections, Eczema, hospitalization for respiratory infections, Asthma, childhood obesity, Type II Diabetes, Childhood Leukemia, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.--How your ability to fight off infection starts and ends with what you get from your Mom (and why your immune system is impacted by it for the rest of your life).--The amazing feedback feature between the baby's saliva and the Mother that will actually shift the nutrition the child needs from the Mother to the baby.--How a baby's future emotional and psychological health is strengthened through breastfeeding. Plus, how a baby's I.Q. is increased by breastfeeding.--How moms who breastfeed have a reduced risk for Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and Postpartum Depression.--How Structure/Function Health Care at The Prather Practice benefits pregnant and lactating moms who cannot be treated with Disease Care (drugs or surgery) 
8/17/201954 minutes, 48 seconds
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Are treatments in Alternative Medicine such as Acupuncture compatible with Christianity? Dr. Prather answers that question. In this episode, you'll discover:--The difference between Structure-Function Health Care as practiced by The Prather Practice and the perceived definition of Alternative Medicine.--How Dr. Prather answered one woman whose pastor told her not to do Acupuncture treatments because it was associated with Buddhism.--Why Homeopathy has no religious or spiritual connotations, but includes evidence-based medicines such as Nitroglycerin.--The role of Quantum Physics as the basis of Homeopathy and why it works.--How atheists are the ones suppressing scientific advancement and knowledge today by denying scientific evidence of God. And why Israel is seeing more scientific advances and new inventions than any other country.--Why the Disease Care Model that is the basis of our health care system is NOT a Christian-based system. And why the philosophy of "modern medicine" is actually an ancient system based on pagan religion.--The connection between the ancient Asclepius cult, modern humanism, and our health care system today. And the Abraham Flexner report (written by a passionate opponent of Christianity) in 1910 that forms the basis of our health care system.--How the philosophy that you should ONLY use pharmaceuticals to heal is ludicrous. And why Dr. Prather advocates an 80%-20% balance between Structure-Function Care and Disease Care.--The Asclepian philosophy that formed the American Medical Association to combat Homeopathic Medicine.--Why Dr. Prather adheres to the health care philosophy known as the Physiologists, who were the ones who basically came up with all of our blood tests and lab 
8/10/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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Free Radicals travel through the body and damage the system. If you could control your Free Radicals, you'd look like you're 21 for the rest of your life. In this episode, we talk about:--Why Dr. Prather compares Free Radical Pathology to a rusty gate or a cut apple turning brown.--How Free Radicals have a strong correlation to both cardiovascular disease and cancer, the top two killers.--The way Cancer treatments like Chemotherapy and Radiation can cause more Free Radical production in the body, which can lead to an increased likelihood for a recurrence of Cancer.--The ways we get Free Radical damage in our body, including: sunburn, X-Rays, heavy metal toxicities, nutritional deficiencies, a toxic bowel, and even things that are good for us like exercise.--How most skin problems like skin tags, moles, liver spots, and wrinkles are connected to Free Radicals. And how cataracts are 100% a Free Radical issue, along with eye floaters.--Why Fibromyalgia and bodily aches and pains can go away once Free Radical levels are brought under control.--The specialized electrical conduction test at The Prather Practice that checks on the nervous system and circulatory system to reveal the level of Free Radicals. And how the clumping of blood cells reveals Free Radicals.--How Free Radical pathology can be prevented or reversed. And how the best anti-aging that you can possibly do is control your Free Radical pathology.--Why exercise in moderation helps control Free Radicals, but heavy exercise such as marathons, triathlons, and CrossFit can produce Free Radical damage. And the importance for athletes to take antioxidants to prevent Free Radical damage.--The reason that smoking produces more Free Radical pathology than anything else you could possibly do. And how pharmaceuticals are big Free Radical pathology producers in your 
8/3/201956 minutes, 50 seconds
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Structure-Function Health Care (as opposed to Disease Care) is a non-pharmaceutical and safe approach to health for pregnant Moms. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Structure-Function Care is important for women BEFORE they get pregnant in order to detox the body from heavy metal toxicities or deal with certain gut infections that can't really be dealt with during pregnancy.--How Zinc deficiency can cause Infertility and impact the development of the baby.--The emphasis of diagnostics at The Prather Practice and the reason diagnostics are even more important in the Structure-Function Health Care Model compared to the Disease Care Model. And the shocking fact about how "reference ranges" on lab tests have NOTHING to do with your health.--How almost all women become Anemic during pregnancy. And how Anemia can impact the immune system and intelligence of the developing baby.--The correlation of kidney health to pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. And how to avoid these conditions through proper protein intake.--The value of eating liver (or taking liver capsules!) while pregnant for the health of the baby. And what the placenta reveals about the health of the pregnancy.--How Hemorrhoids can be avoided during pregnancy. And where Hemorrhoids come from. (Not there!)--Why Iodine has been proven to be the biggest factor in your child's I.Q. And its impact on the child's future Thyroid health.--Why nutritional supplementation is so important for pregnant women. And why Dr. Prather says prenatal vitamins are "the bare minimum" required.--The importance for Chiropractic care during pregnancy to help women keep comfortable and have a smoother delivery. Plus, how there are "happy baby" Acupuncture points that help both Moms and
7/27/201954 minutes, 49 seconds
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A child's immune system is "totally different" than an adult's immune system and requires a different approach to their health care. In this episode, find out:--Why prescription drugs for children cannot be classified as "evidence-based medicine". And why pharmaceuticals for children should always be considered a "last resort" reserved for life-threatening situations.--The reason why Dr. Prather says 95% of all care for children should be Structure-Function Care and only 5% of their care should be based on Disease Care.--The alternatives to pharmaceuticals for children, including Homeopathy which produces zero side effects.--How Nitroglycerin is a Homeopathic the surprise of many doctors who prescribe it.--Why children react "better and quicker" to Homeopathy than adults and is a great first line of defense for their health. And why Dr. Prather says Homeopathy is "made for children".--The shocking underestimation of deaths every year from PROPERLY prescribed prescription drugs.--The effective herbals that can safely be used for children to boost their immune system and improve their health.--Why Dr. Prather recommends that children (as well as all adults) should have a blood analysis, a hair analysis, and a gut analysis every year.--How children absorb heavy metals four times faster than adults. And how Aluminum is the most common toxicity Dr. Prather sees in children, which affects their bones and causes learning disabilities.--The importance for children to receive Chiropractic Care as "the first step in getting their health in order". And how Chiropractic Care is really targeted at the nervous system, not the 
7/20/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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It's a misnomer to think kids are naturally healthy. As children develop and grow, they actually need more support for their health. In this episode, you'll discover:--How very few children are in a normal range when Dr. Prather checks their blood work.--Why Japan has the best childhood mortality rates...yet the least amount of vaccinations for children.--The two biggest modern advances that reduced childhood mortality: better sanitation and the ability to give fluids through an I.V.--The role of the Thymus as the center of a child's immune system (while an adult's is based on bone marrow.)--How childhood obesity is an increasing problem. And the reason why Dr. Prather believes this is happening.--Why ADD, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorders have dramatically increased in recent years in the U.S., but aren't found like that elsewhere in the world.--The Structure-Function approach to children's health care used by The Prather Practice that gets better results with less risk than the Disease Care model of drugs and pharmaceuticals.--Why antibiotics are a poor way to treat Otitis Media (ear infections). And the more effective Homeopathic medicines and natural treatments (like Chiropractic and Diathermy) that work better and quicker.--How Structure-Function Care can provide "amazing results" for childhood asthma by dealing with the underlying problem that causes the condition, such as parasitic infections.--The reason why Dr. Prather says children having parasites, chicken pox, or measles can actually help STRENGTHEN a child's immune system and can help DECREASE autoimmune diseases like Multiple 
7/13/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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With the advancing of the years, we can actually turn back the clock according to Dr. Prather. In this episode, we talk about:--The difference between chronological age and biological age, and how the two may not always line up. (And why, biologically,we should live to around 160.)--Why the lungs are the best way to determine your biological age. Plus, how your kidneys, nervous system, and skin help determine biological age.--The treatment Dr. Prather uses to take 20 years off of someone's biological age.--The closer you are to homeostasis, the younger you are. And the more you are out of homeostasis, the older you are.--How stress is the biggest barrier to longevity. And the muscle measure Dr. Prather uses to measure stress in the body.--Why stress is the leading reason people seek out Chiropractic care. And how Chiropractic reduces biological age by changing the nervous system.--How you'd look 21 for the rest of your life if you are perfectly oxygenated. And how to improve your low oxygenation.--How proper balancing of hormones (which most people do not have) can change the aging process. And why Dr. Prather says his office has more ways of accomplishing that than almost anyplace in the country.--How 70% of depression issues are related to the endocrine system (which also impacts weight gain and certain types of cancers). And how 60% of all cancers are related to your diet.--How free radicals cause aging (liver spots, macular degeneration, cataracts) 
7/6/201954 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Centers for Disease Control is alerting the public to the danger of antibiotic overuse and misuse. Dr. Prather has the answer with alternatives to antibiotics. In this episode, you'll learn:--The recommended natural products that are available to combat viruses, such as Vitamin A for Measles and Echinacea to keep the Lymphatic System flowing.--The two ways of going after infections: (1) Going after the infection itself with pharmaceuticals and (2) Building up the body to battle the infection with its own immune system. And why natural methods of Structure-Function Health Care should be the first line of defense before resorting to the pharmaceuticals.--The side-effects of antibiotics such as a head-to-toe rash, diarrhea, fungal and yeast infections, difficulty breathing, facial swelling, watery or bloody stool, mouth sores, nerve damage and permanent neuropathy, and C. Diff. infection.--The proper testing to do in advance to see which antibiotic will work (or if it will work) before it is given. And how only about 5% of all infections are even touched by an antibiotic.--The approach The Prather Practice uses to combat C. Diff. infection by rebuilding the gut flora through short-chain fatty acids and bacterial spores. And why this method is more favored than fecal implant procedures that sre often only temporarily effective.--Why Gold is "extremely effective" in getting MRSA under control when other methods failed.--How children under the age of one-year have a 10 times greater chance of reactions than adults. And why Dr. Prather says you should ALWAYS try to find an alternative to antibiotics when treating children.--Why Dr. Prather says it is "a crazy thing" to use antibiotics on ear infections, which do not work because the infection is almost always viral or swelling related to teething. And the best way of treating bacterial ear infections through short-wave Diathermy and natural products such as homeopathy and Vitamin A.--The method Dr. Prather uses to help Moms open up the Eustachian Tubes for ears that are backed up. And how he trains Moms on what to look for in their child's ear.--How if a child has six or more antibiotics before the age of five, they are six times more likely to have a learning 
6/29/201954 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Centers for Disease Control is alerting the public to the danger of antibiotic overuse and misuse. Dr. Prather has the answer with alternatives to antibiotics. In this episode, find out:--Why the World Health Organization says we are now in a "post-antibiotic age" and what that means for our health.--How post-surgical infections are more deadly today because bacteria no longer respond to the antibiotics.--The problem with physicians getting their education from pharmaceutical companies instead of taking their guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and the Surgeon General.--How good bacteria that we need are also killed by antibiotics along with the bad bacteria. And how this can set us up for more problems if we take too many antibiotics.--Why antibiotics are really supposed to be used only for life-threatening infections one or two times during a person's lifetime. And the fear of those who discovered antibiotics about how they would be misused.-That only 10% of upper-respiratory infections and sore throats should receive an an antibiotic because they are viral and antibiotics do not touch viruses. Yet antibiotics are the most common treatment for upper-respiratory infections.--How GOLD is the strongest antibiotic known to mankind and does not produce antibiotic resistance. And how MRSA infections have been helped by gold when antibiotics failed.--Why Dr. Prather says 89-90% of all antibiotic use is NOT NECESSARY. And the shocking amount of antibiotics given to livestock (and put into our food supply) every year.--The recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control for patients to actually challenge whether an antibiotic is necessary when the doctor is writing the prescription.--How Dr. Prather's office enhances the effects of antibiotics and helps offset any negative side-effects in the rare instances when an antibiotic is
6/22/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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Indiana has an Iodine deficiency. And the list of symptoms associated with Iodine deficiency is LONG. In this episode, discover:--Why the Midwest used to be called "The Goiter Belt". And why only 5% of the patients coming through Dr. Prather's office have a normal Thyroid.--The MANY symptoms of low Iodine, including: fatigue, apathy, depression, irritability, weight gain, constipation, menstrual issues, premenstrual syndrome, infertility, insomnia, low libido, carpal tunnel syndrome, sensitivity to cold and heat, recurring infections, high cholesterol, anxiety, panic attacks, poor memory and concentration, anemia, slow healing, hoarse voice, tingling hands and feet, hair loss, dry skin and hair, headaches, water retention, dry eyes, and blurred vision.--How patients have been told by other doctors that their Thyroid is fine, but Dr. Prather finds the tests have not been thorough enough.--The difference between Structure-Function Health Care (like what is used at The Prather Practice) and Disease Care when interpreting bloodwork.--How Iodine is important for muscle development, proper organ function, the entire endocrine system, the brain, and has "a far-reaching effect on every cell of the body”.--The importance of Iodine for a baby's growth and development, along with the I.Q. of a child. --Why Iodine is "essential" for weight loss.  And how Iodine prevents flabby muscles and promotes good muscle tone.--The necessity of proper Zinc levels and proper Liver function for the body to utilize and absorb Iodine.--The way Iodine helps stop infections as an antiseptic, killing bacteria and fungals when put on cuts. And when taken internally, it helps keep infections down.--The "big area that is often missed" of low Iodine kicking off hyperestrogenism in females, which increases a woman's risk of cancer and is associated with premenstrual syndrome. And how Iodine is the cure for Fibrocystic breast disease and is helpful with endometriosis. 
6/15/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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25% of men (in all age categories) have low Testosterone, most without even realizing it. Low Testosterone affects a man's health in many negative ways. In this episode, we talk about:--How Low Testosterone can even cause problems in women.--The symptoms of Low Testosterone: low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, low motivation, lower cognitive ability, lower muscle mass, weight gain, irritability, depression.--Why your motivation in life is directly related to your Testosterone levels.--How low Testosterone causes men to have difficulty following directions.--The health risks of Low Testosterone: Prostate Cancer, Cardiovascular, Osteoporosis, Type II Diabetes, Obesity, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Depression.--How optimal Testosterone levels help you fight off the symptoms of aging and help keep you young.--How stress, chronic pain, drugs (such as Marijuana), alcohol, the food you eat, lack of rest, the water you drink, and medications (even over-the-counter ones) can all destroy Testosterone.--The treatment options for Low Testosterone from Testosterone injections to more natural solutions such as herbals and supplements.--Why Dr. Prather's goal is to get patients on Testosterone therapy to the point where their body produces its own 
6/8/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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70% of all Americans are deficient in Vitamin E. And you might be surprised to know just how important Vitamin E is to our health. In this episode, learn:--Why natural Vitamin E is far more effective than synthetic Vitamin E. And the several different forms of Vitamin E.--How infertility issues are often connected to low vitamin E. And how Vitamin E levels can impact a woman's chances for miscarriage.--The importance of Vitamin E for the heart, including: arrhythmia, oxygenation of the heart, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, and the prevention of arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis.--Why Vitamin E is one of the best things for venous thrombosis and varicose veins.--How Vitamin E is very important for cellular repair and helps with cuts, burns, or any damage to the skin (including liver or age spots).--How Vitamin E is important in the prevention of Cancer by prohibiting tumor growth.--Why macular degeneration and cataracts are caused by a Vitamin E deficiency. Plus, the help Vitamin E can provide to diabetic patients.--The reason why Dr. Prather is not a fan of multivitamins and aren't something he usually recommends.--How Vitamin E is a "big time" help for neurological issues (like Parkinson's, neuropathy, neuralgia, Multiple Sclerosis) and is "better than pharmaceuticals" for the prevention of degeneration in Alzheimer's patients.--Why Vitamin E is considered the vitamin for Muscular 
6/1/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather says that Vitamin A is ”the most critical vitamin" because it has such wide-ranging effects on a person's health. In this episode, find out:--Why Vitamin A is key for the treatment for the Measles. And that complications and deaths from Measles are correlated to Vitamin A deficiency.--The connection between night blindness and bumps on the back of the arms with Vitamin A deficiency. And why Vitamin A is considered the Cancer-preventative Vitamin.--How Vitamin A made a huge difference in the life-expectancy for children. And how the World Health Organization found that Vitamin A supplementation could reduce child deaths worldwide by one-third and makes an even bigger difference than improving the vaccination rate.--The very best treatment for upper-respiratory infections (especially viral) is Vitamin A. And the number one reason for complications to vaccinations is a lack of Vitamin A.--Why Dr. Prather says "no one should be suffering from acne" and that "you can always clear up acne" by properly managing Vitamin A levels. And how 4-out-of-7 people have their Psoriasis cleared up by getting their Vitamin A levels up properly.--Why "every major disease in the gut is always helped by Vitamin A", including: Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Diarrhea, Constipation, and Cystic Fibrosis.--The link between hearing loss and low Vitamin A.--How the requirements of Vitamin A are even higher for breastfeeding Moms than for pregnant Moms. And how, if you take the wrong kind of Vitamin A, it can lead to birth defects.--The association between alcoholism and Vitamin A.--How Vitamin A will help your kids to avoid crooked teeth and the need for 
5/25/201954 minutes, 52 seconds
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It's a common problem as 12% of the population has thyroid disease (and 60% of those patients are unaware). Yet, Dr. Prather says less than 1% of us actually have a properly-functioning thyroid. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why the older you are, the likelihood of thyroid issues increases. Plus, how women are more likely to have thyroid disease.--How Dr. Prather's personal battle as a young man with Graves' Disease (a hyper-functioning thyroid) inspired him to his career.--The two systems that control the body (Nervous and Endocrine) and why Dr. Prather tells patients those must be fixed first. Plus, why the Thyroid is described as the workhorse of the Endocrine system.--How Indiana is in the Top 5 states for thyroid problems due to low iodine in our soil.--How Thyroid affects almost EVERYTHING: hair loss, nail health, weight gain, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, skin health, heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, brain activity, I.Q., infertility, postpartum depression, menopause.--Why most doctors misread blood tests and misdiagnose patients as having properly-working thyroids. And the "can't miss" explanation of what reference ranges on blood tests REALLY mean.--The various diseases of the Thyroid: Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, Euthyroid, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, Thyroiditis, and Thyroid Cancer.--The safe and natural thyroid treatment alternatives to the terrible side-effects from surgery or prescription drugs (Including how 80% of those on Synthroid develop depression). Why Dr. Prather says the medical approach to thyroid is not successful. And how Dr. Prather's goal is to actually fix the thyroid so that it no longer needs treatment.--How 80% of autoimmune disease starts in the gut and why the gut plays a role for thyroid issues caused by autoimmune problems. And the role that food allergies have on the thyroid.--How Chiropractic and Acupuncture help thyroid function by balancing the nervous system. And how hair analysis can be a key test for thyroid function if there are toxins or an imbalance
5/18/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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Stress has dramatic impact upon our health--causing an estimated 30% of all disease. In this episode, you'll find out:--How you can accomplish more and be more productive when you reduce stress levels. And why overwork can cause you to accomplish less.--Why ZERO stress in your life is NOT good for you. And the healthy balance of stress versus relaxation we SHOULD have.--The research that shows how stress can cause hormonal collapse, digestive failure, cardiovascular disease, cancer, insomnia, depression, loss of libido, and premature aging of the body.--The Fight-Flight response of our body's sympathetic and parasympathetic systems in response to stress. Plus, the body's stages in response to stress.--Why stress is a large factor in weight gain (especially in the gut), and how stress can even lower I.Q.--The diagnostics you need that can measure how stressed you are and how people carry stress differently in their bodies. Plus, what low back pain indicates about your feelings towards your job.--How Chiropractic can help relieve stress upon the body by getting the nervous system balanced properly. Plus, the study that shows Chiropractic is more effective in lowering blood pressure than the medication.--The role Auriculotherapy (microcurrent stimulation of the ear) can play in reducing anxiety and relieving stress by shifting the body to a rest and digest mode.--Why men see their Magnesium levels depleted during times of stress and how this contributes to sudden heart attacks.--The role Homeopathic medicines can play in eliminating panic and 
5/11/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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Measles were eradicated from the U.S. in the year 2000, but is now dominating news headlines. We are now seeing a three-times increase in worldwide cases of Measles. In this episode, we talk about:--How Measles is one of the most contagious diseases around, in which nine-out-of-ten people in a room with someone that has Measles will catch it.--The potential serious complications that can come from Measles, including Encephalitis and even death. And how you can be contagious for several days without showing any symptoms.--Why foreign travel is responsible for the large increase in Measles cases in the United States.--How the Measles vaccination (with its 91% compliance rate in America) is very effective, but you can still get the Measles even if you have been vaccinated. And you can even catch Measles from a vaccinated person.--How the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization recommend Vitamin A as the most effective treatment for the Measles. And how your levels of Vitamin A determine how serious your Measles symptoms will be.--Why Chiropractic adjustments help improve the immune system to fight infections, even helping to break a fever.--The difference between an adult immune system and a child's immune system. And why your focus should be on keeping your children's health in homeostasis.--The importance of the Thymus for a child's immune system and the supplement that is "extremely effective" in boosting a child's immune system. Plus, how vaccinations damage the Thymus.--The role vaccines should play in a child's health. Plus, the dramatic increase in learning disabilities and chronic diseases we're seeing in children today.--Why parents of children who have been injured through vaccinations often end up in Dr. Prather's office. And how The Prather Practice helps parents prepare for vaccinations and protect their children from vaccination 
5/4/201954 minutes, 49 seconds
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The most powerful pain killers ever invented have created the worst addiction crisis in American history. In this episode, you'll find out:--How opiates block our body's own pain-killer mechanism and takes away a person's ability to feel pleasure. Plus, the situations in which opiates should (and should not) be used.--The impact of marketing from pharmaceutical companies on the amount of prescriptions being prescribed. (And how doctors are prescribing FOUR TIMES as many opiates than in 1999.)--How prescription opiates have fueled the rising use of heroin in America. (And how it has increased HIV and Hepatitis-C through the sharing of needles.)--The shocking number of PREGNANT women prescribed opiates and how their babies are being born addicted.--How Acupuncture gets "quicker and longer-lasting pain relief" compared to prescription opiates by helping your body produce its own pain-killers. (Plus, why the Veterans Administration refers patients to Dr. Prather for Acupuncture,)--Why Auricular Therapy (micro-current stimulation of the ear) Is described as "one of the most powerful things we do" in Dr. Prather's office and "the most proven therapy in the world".--Why it is not enough to get patients out of pain, but necessary to also restore function through rehabilitation and corrective exercise.--How the new standards given this year by The Joint Commission (the leading health accrediting agency in the United States) line up with the integrated treatments at The Prather Practice.--If a patient goes to a Chiropractor first, less than 1% require surgery. If a patient sees a surgeon first, 40% require surgery.--The recommended treatments for those suffering with the disease of addiction (including Counseling, Auricular Therapy, and Non-Addictive Pain Relievers such as Homeopathics, Herbals, and Topical Prescriptions developed by the military) 
4/27/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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Vitamin D is essential for regulating the minerals of the body, especially Calcium and Phosphorus, which are essential for our body's function. In this episode, you'll discover:--The big effect from Vitamin D on our hormones, kidney function, bowels, immune system, sleep, nervous system, and mood.--Why you can't really get Vitamin D from a vegetarian diet. And why we were made to get our Vitamin D from sunshine.--Why Flu season is during the time when we get the least amount of sunshine and Vitamin D.--How skin color is designed to absorb Vitamin D. And why you need to have your Vitamin D checked more often if you have darker skin.--How Cod Liver Oil became a staple because it helped with Vitamin D deficiency. And the story behind how milk became fortified with Vitamin D.--How the majority of people are low on Vitamin D...BUT putting someone on Vitamin D without first checking can be toxic. And the other vitamins and minerals that need to be checked alongside Vitamin D, as they all work synergistically together.--The link between upper-respiratory infections (cold, flu, and tuberculosis) and a Vitamin D deficiency. And how Vitamin D has been shown to help prevent Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, and Congestive Heart Failure.--How low Vitamin D can cause you to put on weight because of its effect on the Thyroid.--Why those on cholesterol-lowering drugs are more likely to have lower Vitamin D levels. And how improving your Vitamin D levels can lower your cholesterol.--The issues of aging that are linked to a Vitamin D deficiency, including hearing loss, tinnitus, vision loss, and falls. And how low Vitamin D is linked to bowel issues such as Crohn's Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Ulcerative 
4/20/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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It's that time of year, when 1-in-5 of us suffer from allergy symptoms. In this episode, discover:--The difference between allergies and sinus congestion (which 1-in-3 have).--The role of the liver in sinus congestion (and why it has to be treated in cases where the patient tests negative for allergies).--How acupuncture (even non-needle options!) can provide "immediate relief" from allergy symptoms.--The 100% success rate chiropractic adjustments on sinuses have in providing relief.--The safer, less-invasive approach homeopathy provides instead of allergy shots (with no side-effects and no risk).--Why Dr. Prather practices an individualized approach to health care and how he identifies which approach is right for the patient.--How a stronger immune system leads to fewer allergies (and how to repair your immune system).--The connection between the gut (which is 80% of your immune system) and allergies.--How parasites are a root cause of almost all adult-onset asthma (and in many children, too).--How an improperly-functioning liver (which most people have) can cause
4/13/201954 minutes, 49 seconds
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Decompression Therapy is a treatment for protruding or bulging discs in the back or neck, often a non-invasive alternative to surgery. In this episode, we talk about:--How it treats protruding discs that cause sciatica.--How disc degeneration can be healed, as well as an unloading of the joints (such as a facet problem).--Why Dr. Prather says surgery ISN'T necessary with a bulging or protruded disc. (And when surgery IS necessary).--How decompression therapy (with its pumping action) differs from traction and inversion therapies.--How decompression therapy helps the neck, as well as the back, by putting the body into healing mode and "reverses the aging process".--How inflamed or degenerative joints such as knees and elbows can benefit from decompression therapy.--Why decompression therapy makes a patient TALLER.--The decompression therapy table Dr. Prather prefers and why it made him a believer after his initial skepticism.--Why decompression therapy is a cheaper and more effective option than surgery.--The story of a patient who drove from another state to receive treatment from Dr. Prather when options closer to home failed
4/6/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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Spondylolisthesis is the slippage of the vertebrae, most often the L5 vertebrae. It's often difficult for patients to find help for this condition. In this episode, we talk about:--The reasons for Spondylolisthesis, including fractures, genetics, nutritional deficiencies, and an elongation of the bone that can develop in childhood.--The story of how Dr. Prather surprised a specialist who didn't realize Spondylolisthesis can actually be healed.--How 40% of NFL linemen have this condition and are often forced to retire because of the pain.--Why Dr. Prather believes 10-15% of the population has this condition, even though textbooks state it's 5-7% of the population. And why MRIs and X-Rays can often miss this condition.--How the independent radiologist who reads the X-Rays of patients at The Prather Practice can take more time to read the scans than the typical radiologist in a more corporate or hospital setting.--The symptoms of Spondylolisthesis, including leg weakness and urinary, bladder, and bowel issues.--Why "you can't really deal with" Spondylolisthesis if you do not include Structure-Function Care, which is "essential". And why Dr. Prather has to approach Chiropractic adjustments of Spondylolisthesis in a specialized technique.--The reduction of inflammation that can occur from Acupuncture in a "quicker, better way" than through using non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs that can damage the liver and kidneys.--How Dr. Prather insists every Spondylolisthesis patient receive rehabilitation exercises to keep the Chiropractic adjustments stable and in place.--Why Spondylolisthesis can cause issues of infertility, additional back pain for pregnant women, and a more difficult
3/30/201954 minutes, 48 seconds
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There are 30 million adults in the U.S. diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease  and 340 people per day begin dialysis. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Dr. Prather days "you are as young as your kidneys".--How almost 50% of those in Stage 4 of Chronic Kidney Disease haven't even been diagnosed, which makes it a silent killer.--The proper tests that patients should have at least once per year to identify and prevent Chronic Kidney Disease. And how Dr. Prather sees only about 20% of patients have normally-functioning kidneys.--How Cardiovascular Disease can be precipitated by Chronic Kidney Disease. And how Diabetes is the leading cause of Chronic Kidney Disease, with Hypertension as the second-leading cause.--Why African-Americans have far greater rates of Chronic Kidney Disease. And how supplementation is helpful to reverse this risk.--The role NSAID's (non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs), antibiotics, and blood pressure medications play in damaging kidneys.--The reason why Dr. Prather says Structure-Function Health Care is "really the only way you can make a difference for Chronic Kidney Disease".--Why a Chiropractic visit for low back pain can reveal Chronic Kidney Disease. And the non-painful "Kidney Lift" Chiropractic adjustment can alleviate pain, reduce blood pressure, and improve bloodwork immediately.--The "secret weapon" of Acupuncture that can improve Kidney Function when nothing else is working.--How Raspberry is an "extremely effective" herbal that has been used for centuries that Dr. Prather calls "a magic little formula" for Kidney health. And how taking Kidney glandulars is "one of the most important nutrients" to heal up the
3/23/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. It is the second-leading cause of Cancer deaths, but Dr. Prather says it is ”very preventable”. In this episode, you'll discover:--How only around one-third of us are getting the proper screenings for Colorectal Cancer.--The increased risk of Colorectal Cancer from obesity.--Why most people with Colorectal Cancer "show no symptoms or signs whatsoever".--The important information revealed through the G.I. Effects Stool Kit that can help someone avoid developing Colorectal Cancer in the first place.--How Chiropractic and Acupuncture can reduce pain and discomfort complaints by 80% for those dealing with Cancer.--Why your chances of surviving many Cancers (including Colorectal Cancer) will improve by 50% if you do not have Anemia.--The reason why some people who never get sick actually have a WEAKENED immune system.--The chances of developing Cancer increase if you have a Liver that is not functioning properly. And the connection between Cancer and pH of the body.--Why it is critically important for Disease Care and Structure-Function Care to work together to produce the best outcomes for patients.--How 90-95% of all Cancer in the United States can be
3/16/201954 minutes, 49 seconds
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There are one million Americans diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. That's more cases than Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, or Muscular Dystrophy combined. In this episode, you'll find out:--Why Dr. Prather focuses on "keeping the head back" in his Parkinson's patients to help with gait and balance issues.--How a low-protein diet can "make an immediate difference" for Parkinson's patients. And the importance of food allergy testing for Parkinson's patients.--The reduced limb pain and improved balance through Chiropractic treatments. And how Chiropractic adjustments increase the body's production of dopamine, serotonin, and adrenaline (all deficiencies for Parkinson's patients).--The "immediate change" in the neurological condition from Acupuncture along with reduced rigidity, decrease in pain, and better balance. And the importance of exercise like boxing and Tai Chi to slow and even reverse Parkinson's symptoms.--Why Folic Acid is touted in the prevention of Lewy Bodies from forming. And why Niacin deficiency is caused from Parkinson's pharmaceuticals.--The importance of Thiamine for Parkinson's prevention. And the hereditary tendency for Parkinson's Disease.--The vitamins helpful for Parkinson's patients: B6, C, and E. And how those with Copper or Iron toxicity have a greater chance of developing Parkinson's Disease.--How Manganese toxicity causes the same symptoms as Parkinson's. And the story of how Dr. Prather had three patients whose Parkinson's symptoms went away after their Manganese levels were properly balanced.--How your chances of getting Parkinson's are three to four times higher if you have LOW Cholesterol.--The "magic bullet" of Homeopathy that Dr. Prather uses to see "really excellent health effects" in Parkinson's patients. And how Dr. Prather recommends to his Parkinson's patients the Methylene Blue supplement and External CounterPulsation (ECP)
3/9/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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Cancer is the #2 killer of Americans. But there are strategies to help prevent 85% of Cancer cases and improve your chances of survival and quality of life. In this episode, you'll learn:--How the Structure/Function approach to health care doesn't treat the disease, but focuses on the homeostasis of the body.--The difference between the two FDA classifications for health care: Disease Care and Structure/Function Care.--The effectiveness of the Disease Care model for Cancer, and how the effectiveness depends on the type of Cancer.--Why you need a Structure/Function doctor to build up your body while an oncologist fights your cancer.--What causes Cancer and how long it takes for Cancer to develop. Plus, the factors that must be present for Cancer to occur.--Why anemia is a huge factor in Cancer and reduces your chances of survival by 50%.--How a toxic liver can lead to Cancer, and why detoxification of your liver and kidneys are important in fighting Cancer.--How Structure/Function Care helps build your body's immune system to prevent and fight Cancer.--Why pH is "so important" in Cancer and why minerals are key to pH. (And the right approach to the Alkaline-Acidity balance.). Plus, why Dr. Prather calls distilled water "Cancer Water" and advises AGAINST it.--The steps you should take if you or a loved one is diagnosed with Cancer. Including how there are 85% fewer complaints (pain, nausea, etc.) if a Cancer patient receives Structure/Function care along with their Cancer
3/2/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is now officially known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS). The CDC believes this is a vastly under-diagnosed condition. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Chronic Fatigue Syndrome was a diagnosis that did not get much respect. And why the name change was encouraged by government agencies in 2015.--How the Centers for Disease Control believes that 90-95% of cases are not being diagnosed or treated properly.--That even children can be affected by ME/CFS, though it is more common in women, minorities, and those between the ages of 33 and 50.--Why a person's "phase angle" (or electromagnetic charge around the cells) can indicate the condition.--How one-fourth of those with ME/CFS are bedridden and unable to function. And how the Social Security department wanted to create more awareness of this disease because it costs between $17 and $24 billion annually.--The symptoms of ME/CFS, including: severe fatigue for at least six months, cognitive impairment, muscle or joint pain, headaches, swelling of lymph nodes, sore throat, and complete exhaustion after any kind of mental or physical work.--The underlying viral infections that can cause ME/CFS, including: Epstein-Barr virus, Lyme Disease, Rickettsia, Retroviruses, Bornaviruses, Fungi and Mycoplasma, Flu viruses, Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV), and Cytomegalovirus.--Why The Structure-Function approach used by The Prather Practice is "really the only way of getting success" with this disease process. And why there is really no effective Disease Care approach to ME/CFS.--How Homeopathy stimulates the immune system to combat the underlying viruses that cause ME/CFS. And why those with ME/CFS "do not do well" with pharmaceuticals and antibiotics.--The effectiveness of supplementation, herbals, Chiropractic adjustments, Acupuncture, and therapeutic massage for ME/CFS patients. And the importance of blood analysis every three months for these
2/23/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dr. Prather uses short-wave Diathermy to increase circulation and lymphatic flow. It's best described as a large-coiled magnet. In this episode, discover:--How Diathermy was used as a treatment for pneumonia prior to antibiotics being developed. And how it's still an effective alternative to antibiotics or can help to make antibiotic treatment more effective.--The "amazing healing properties" Diathermy can offer by increasing blood circulation and lymphatic flow. And why Dr. Prather says it's important to use Diathermy on a particular setting to be effective and safe.--How Bursitis, Arthritis, and pain in the joints are common uses of Diathermy in a medical setting. And how Diathermy helps with congestion in the liver and gall bladder while going through Detoxification.--The benefits for children with ear infections in just 15-minutes on the Diathermy treatment. And why patients request Diathermy before an airplane flight.--The anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal effects of Diathermy. Plus, how Diathermy provides immediate relief of sinus congestion.--Why Diathermy is an "essential" part of any vertigo treatment in Dr. Prather's office and makes "an incredible difference" for Tinnitus.--The amazing story about how a Diabetic amputation surgery was cancelled after 24 sessions of Diathermy. And how Diathermy helps circulation issues like Neuropathy and Raynaud's Disease.--How Diathermy helps lung issues such as Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and infections where Antibiotics are ineffective. Plus, why Histoplasmosis is endemic to the Indianapolis area and why "almost everybody" in the area will test positive for it.--How just half-an-hour on the Diathermy unit makes Insomnia patients feel as if they had a full night's sleep. Plus, how Bladder Infection and Prostatitis patients find the irritation goes away after a Diathermy treatment.--Why Diathermy helps your Thymus and Spleen for very quick results and relief from chronic fatigue associated with Epstein-Barr Virus or
2/16/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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In honor of Valentine's Day, this week's show focuses on Sexual Health. In this episode, you'll find out:--How often is considered a healthy libido?--Why sex plays a role in your overall health, and how sex affects your immune system.--The reason why newlyweds can actually make each other sick (for up to 4 years!)--Why monogamy is healthier for your immune system.--How sex impacts your hormones and can promote healing and improved brain health.--How men can lower their rate of prostate cancer. (And how a man's angle of erection can reveal a lot about his health).--The natural, non-prescription answers for low libido and erectile dysfunction. (And why men who rely on drugs like Viagra probably have underlying health issues.)--The impact of pornography on low libido and a decrease in sexual health. (Plus, how Structure/Function medicine can help with addiction issues, including pornography.)--The STD that is a major cause of infertility and how a woman's sexual satisfaction improves
2/9/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather says your weight is not what is important, but the fat percentage in your body. The focus is "fat loss, not weight loss". In this episode, we talk about:--The negative impacts to your body's physiology when your fat percentage is out of homeostasis.--Why most diets result in the INCREASE of fat percentage. And the studies that show most diets result in people being worse off after five years than if they had never done the diet in the first place.--How the reduction in nutrients per calorie consumed is the reason for the explosion in America's obesity rates. And how you will be less hungry when you eat foods with a higher nutritional value.--Why "abs are made in the kitchen". And why we should get our food from farmers, not corporations, to reduce the toxicity level in our bodies.--The importance of having your hormones balanced correctly if you want to see any results when it comes to losing fat.--How The Prather Practice has a unique approach in NATURALLY balancing out a patient's hormones. And why Dr. Prather says bioidentical hormones are "extremely dangerous" and increase your cancer risk.--Why the goal should be to have the BODY regulating your hormones, not the doctor.--The role that the brain's image of your body (in the hypothalamus) plays in setting your body's weight. And how the HCG Diet tricks the brain to focus on eating fat, not muscle or organ tissue.--How to increase your body's thermogenesis (the body's rate of burning calories).--The reason why a person's gut health can often be the number one reason they are not losing
2/2/201954 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Body Composition Analysis is a test given to all new patients at The Prather Practice. Dr. Prather says it's one of his favorite tests. In this episode, find out:--How the Body Composition Analysis reveals what your body is made of and the state of your health before Dr. Prather runs any other tests.--The "gold standard" accuracy of the simple, painless Body Composition Analysis.--Why Dr. Prather says your fat percentage is a better measure of your body's health compared to the Body Mass Index (BMI).--The dangers of being "skinny fat", including a failure to reproduce (in both men and women) and organ failure.--How it is harder to lose weight the higher you go in your fat percentage, causing "a vicious cycle" that changes the entire physiology of how your body works.--Why the next generation will not live as long as their parents' generation.--The reason why most diets do not work.--Why Dr. Prather says to "forget weight" and "focus on body fat percentage".--How the measure of your body's water percentage (both within your cells and outside of your cells) affects the physiology and homeostasis of your body.--The "phase angle" of your body and its importance to your
1/26/201954 minutes, 51 seconds
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GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)

30% of all Americans have GERD at some point in their lives. GERD is often described as heartburn or acid reflux. In this episode, you'll discover:--How women are more likely to get GERD than men. And the causes of GERD, including a hiatal hernia and gallbladder disease.--The damage GERD can do to the larynx, vocal cords, and esophagus.--Why getting GERD at night is even a greater problem and is a sign of a more advanced case.--How pharmaceutical companies make a ton of money off of drugs for GERD, but the drugs can damage the stomach over a period of time and actually make the GERD problem worse in the long-run.--The foods that should be avoided with GERD and what time you should eat to avoid symptoms. And the foods that are helpful for GERD.--The natural supplements that are effective for combating GERD without the side effects of pharmaceuticals.--The Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies that can kick off GERD.--Why every GERD patient should be tested for food allergies.--How chiropractic adjustments provide relief from GERD. And the immediate relief and healing that Acupuncture can provide for GERD patients.--Why the Diathermy treatment makes "an amazing difference" for GERD patients by increasing blood flow and lymphatic
1/19/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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As we kick off 2019, it's time to set goals and resolutions. But what are your goals and resolutions to maximize your health this year? In this episode, you'll learn about:--Why "You don't know if you don't test" should be a guiding principle for your health care. And the three lab tests that everyone should have every year.--How you need to have your nervous system working properly for anything else to work right in your body.--Why what you do in your 40's and 50’s helps determine how your health will be in your 80’s and 90's. And why it is never too late to make positive changes to your health.--The five different categories of Exercise and how each one is important for your health and well-being. And the category of Exercise that is the most important to increase your life-span (if you only picked one).--The reason why the BMI (Body Mass Index) is NOT the best way to measure your body's fat percentage. And the more accurate Body Composition Analysis that has an error rate of 2% or less.--How most diets fail because they burn muscle and organ tissue to lose weight and cause your fat percentage to increase. And how the weight loss approach of The Prather Practice targets the burning of fat.--Why our attitudes and reactions to circumstances can create diseases in our bodies and change our body's physiology.--How learning how to breathe properly can control your stress levels and shift your autonomic nervous system to a healing "rest and digest" mode.--The 80-20 rule for balancing the sympathetic "fight and flight" mode of the body and the parasympathetic "rest and digest" mode of the body.--The specific Chiropractic adjustments (Logan Basic, Cranial-Sacral) that Dr. Prather uses to balance out the nervous system and the respiratory system in his stressed
1/12/201954 minutes, 50 seconds
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As we kick off 2019, it's time to set goals and resolutions. But what are your goals and resolutions to maximize your health this year? In this episode, we talk about:--The importance of finding out the exact state of your health through proper annual lab tests.--Why The Prather Profile blood analysis is called "The Blueprint To Your Health" and is designed to show everything that could possibly go wrong with someone.--How Dr. Prather helped a Girl's High School Cross Country team qualify for State for the first time after diagnosing the entire team with low Iron levels. (And how several girls on the team were able to stop taking prescriptions like Concerta and Adderall after that.)--The reason why a PSA test is important for every man over the age of 45.--Why an annual stool kit is recommended for EVERYONE at least once a year.--How a Hair Analysis can show heavy metal toxicities and mineral deficiencies in the body. (And why it is especially important for neurological conditions like Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, and ALS, as well as learning disabilities.)--The importance of taking care of your nervous system. And how the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment specialty at The Prather Practice can affect a person's health more than anything else.--Why a sedentary lifestyle might mean this current generation will be the first one to not outlive their parents.--How "excess sitting" is linked to 35 different diseases and conditions including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and depression.--The shocking number of hours Americans sit each day compared to Americans in the
1/5/201954 minutes, 52 seconds
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When you have done everything right and still can't shed the weight, oftentimes the problem is hormonal. In this episode, you'll find out:--How the hormones have a regulatory influence on your weight.--The influence outside chemicals (such plastics or food additives) have on our hormonal balance.--The link between a man's hormones and prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, and obesity.--Why taking testosterone for low testosterone (which impacts both men and women) can actually make the problem WORSE and result in even lower testosterone.--The reason why men's hormones are much easier to balance compared to women.--The huge influence of the liver (which Dr. Prather calls an "endocrine balancer") in analyzing your hormonal balance.--Why your chances of getting cancer are SIX TIMES greater if you are overweight due to your hormones.--How fat itself produces imbalances in your hormones.--Why Dr. Prather believes 98% of patients would be harmed by pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapy or biodentical hormones. (And the subtle, safer, and natural adjustment they need instead to balance their hormones.--The reason why Dr. Prather insists on thorough lab testing for his weight loss
12/29/201854 minutes, 50 seconds
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Surgery for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is the second-most common musculoskeletal surgery in the U.S. But it has only a 23% success rate. Dr. Prather says there are more effective, non-invasive options that should be explored first. In this episode, find out:--The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which affect 8 million people per year.--The surprising connection between hormones and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. And how Liver Congestion, Thyroid issues, Diabetes, and Kidney Disease influence Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.--Why Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, and Iodine can make a difference for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome patients when the surgery made no change in their symptoms.--How Dr. Prather finds most of his patients diagnosed by other doctors with Carpel Tunnel Syndrome actually DON'T have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but issues such as Palmaris Longis Syndrome or even a pinched neck.--Why Dr. Prather says appropriate diagnostic steps are so important to correctly diagnose Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but that too many doctors are skipping those for just an Electrodiagnostic test that can lead to a misdiagnosis.--The reason why Dr. Prather believes only 10% of the Carpal Tunnel surgeries are necessary.--How a combination of Chiropractic adjustments, Acupuncture, Physical Rehabilitation, and Nutritional support are used at The Prather Practice to help Carpal Tunnel patients.--Why Auriculotherapy (electro-stimulation of points on the ears) is necessary for anyone who has had Carpal Tunnel pain for over six months.--How the wrist needs to be strengthened through proper Physical Rehabilitation exercises to get back full function. And how a bucket of rice is a great exercise tool to strengthen wrists!--The "nerve flossing" exercise that is "one of the best things" that can be done for Carpal Tunnel pain. And the value of wrist bracing during the night to keep the wrist in a neutral
12/22/201854 minutes, 50 seconds
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They cause 1 million ER visits per year. 10% of all men and 3% of all women suffer from kidney stones. In this episode, you'll find out:--The cause of kidney stones, including the role of dehydration, obesity, fiber in diet, and what kind of salt you use. Plus, how Cancer survivors and Osteoporosis patients are more likely to get them.--The Body Composition Analysis that determines the water concentration in your body (and how it shows about 50% of people are dehydrated). Plus, how painful feet when you wake up in the morning is an indication of dehydration. And why being dehydrated actually changes the chemistry of the body.--How hormones determine your mineral balance. And why reducing Calcium intake is NOT effective in preventing kidney srones.--Why Cadmium levels are a crucial key for those with chronic kidney stones.--The role of table salt and high fructose corn syrup in kidney stone development. And how almost everyone with bariatric surgery gets kidney stones because of the pH changes in the body.--The Structure/Function Health Care approach to treating kidney stones. And the surprising connection between Coca-Cola soda fountains in old-time drug stores and the treatment of kidney stones!--The homeopathic formula that brings "almost immediate relief" from kidney pain. And how lemon juice can help change the pH of urine and prevent kidney stones.--The foods you should AVOID when you have kidney stones (including a long list of HEALTHY stuff!). And the foods you SHOULD be eating to help eliminate kidney stones.--The long-term damage that can come from kidney stones (including high blood pressure).--How even children can get kidney
12/15/201854 minutes, 51 seconds
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'Tis the season to be jolly! But it's also the season where we feel the additional stress of holiday obligations. Dr. Prather says there are ways we can help manage this stress and remain healthy through the holidays. In this episode, learn:--What stress does to our health and our immune system.--Why Dr. Prather says that stress is "the number one reason people die earlier". And how stress causes "every single organ in the body to work improperly".--The 80-20 balance we need between a "rest and digest" mode (parasympathetic nervous system) and the 'fight or flight" mode (sympathetic nervous system) to have a healthy nervous system.--The importance of proper diaphragmatic breathing to manage stress and change your nervous system. And why people make fun of Dr. Prather for breathing so loud! :-)--How deeply you breathe is the BIGGEST indicator of how long you live (and can also keep you younger).--Why massage is an important part of your health regimen for managing stress.--The direct effect on the nervous system that chiropractic adjustments have on the body.--How Acupuncture "immediately changes the hormones of the body" and increases the body's own natural opiate production. Plus, how Acupuncture removes the cravings of those dealing with opiate addiction.--The powerful Auriculotherapy treatment that works on ear acupuncture points to change your brain waves and helps with anxiety, depression, addiction, and other psychological disturbances. And why Dr. Prather calls this "the most proven therapy in the world".--Why exercise helps give a physical release to the body's "fight or flight" reaction to stress. And the negative impact sugar has on a person's stress
12/8/201854 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dr. Prather says that Folic Acid, Zinc, and Fiber are the three biggest dietary deficiencies he sees most commonly in his patients. In this episode, we talk about:--The reasons why we are deficient in each of these nutritional requirements (and each one has a unique reason).--Why the suggested daily requirement of Folic Acid is different in Dr. Prather's model compared to the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) standard. Plus, why Folic Acid is important for preventing Cancer and for fighting Cancer.--The importance of Folic Acid in preventing birth defects. And how the birth control pill depletes Folic Acid in a woman's body.--The symptoms of Folic Acid deficiency, including: anemia, anorexia, fatigue, depression, constipation, digestive disturbances, swelling of the tongue, growth impairment, headaches, insomnia, memory impairment, paranoia, and restless leg syndrome.--How stress, vegetarianism, and diabetes cause Zinc deficiency.--The symptoms of Zinc deficiency, including: osteoporosis, anemia, stunted growth, infertility, lack of taste, acne, alopecia, anorexia, depression, impotence, diarrhea, brittle nails, eczema, high cholesterol, infections, irritability, memory impairment, GERD, stomach upset, and night blindness.--What white spots on your fingernails indicate about your body's Zinc levels.--Why Dr. Prather says doing G.I. Stool Kit testing really highlighted how much of a problem we have with fiber deficiency. And the shocking numbers of what we SHOULD have versus what we ACTUALLY have in terms of fiber balance in our gut.--Why Dr. Prather says "the one nutrient that makes the biggest difference in everybody's health is fiber." Plus, how every single vitamin and mineral is absorbed better with more fiber in your system.--How more fiber will ALWAYS cause weight loss and "almost always cures Type II Diabetes". And how we could reduce both Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease by 65% if we had the right levels of fiber
12/1/201854 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dr. Prather recommends that everyone have three very affordable lab tests every year that will reveal the state of your health. In this episode, find out: --How anything that could go wrong with you shows up in The Prather Profile, an inexpensive, nationally-recognized blood profile that covers all the major systems in your body.   --That the reference ranges listed on a lab tests are NOT the same as the optimal values for your health. And why Dr. Prather has to re-teach doctors and nurses how to look for that optimal range. --How Dr. Prather has over 600 hours of reading blood tests in his training compared to the average Medical Doctor who only has 15 hours of reading blood tests in Medical school. --Why Dr. Prather says you can get more information from a blood test than any other type of diagnostic.   --How Dr. Prather interprets bloodwork differently in the Structure-Function Health Care model he practices than how doctors in the Disease Care model look at the labs. --Why Dr. Prather says it's "very seldom" someone comes in with ideal blood tests. --Why Hair Analysis is important to reveal the mineral and heavy metal levels in your body. Plus, how Dr. Prather has seen patients diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease have had all of their symptoms go away when the Hair Analysis revealed the true cause of their symptoms was Manganese toxicity. --The importance of the G.I. Effects Stool kit in revealing your gut flora. --Why Dr. Prather says the research that has been discovered on the gut by the National Institutes of Health "will change health care in America" since almost all autoimmune diseases, as well as cardiovascular disease and cancer, are affected by the gut. --The reason why 80% of our immune system is in the gut. Plus, how ALL pharmaceuticals destroy your normal gut flora. 
11/24/201854 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Gallbladder is a very small organ that can have a very big impact on a person's health. About 20% of us have Gallbladder issues, with that percentage rising to around 40% after you reach the age of 65. The Gallbladder In this episode, discover:--How a malfunctioning Gallbladder can effect your absorption of key vitamins. And how a Gallbladder problem "will put a tire on your middle" and cause weight issues.--Why your bowels will not function correctly with a Gallbladder problem and result in constipation, cancers, and cardiovascular disease. And the meaning of light-colored stools in terms of Gallbladder health.--Why you MUST have nutritional supplementation if you have had your Gallbladder removed. And when you should have your Gallbladder removed.--How Dr. Prather has never come across a true case of Gilbert's Syndrome because the issue is always the Gallbladder.--The connection between right shoulder blade pain and Gallbladder problems. And how GERD, Acid Reflux, and Hemorrhoids can be an indicator of Gallbladder problems.--Why women, African-Americans, and Native Americans are more likely to develop Gallbladder problems.--How weight loss and increased stress can cause additional Gallbladder problems.--The reason a Mediterranean diet is helpful for those with Gallbladder issues. And why Dr. Prather says "fiber is one of the quickest ways to get your Gallbladder under control".--The importance of an alkaline diet and avoiding eggs, pork, and onions if you have Gallbladder issues. And the improvement Dr. Prather has seen in his Gallbladder patients after identifying food allergies.--The "immediate relief" Gallbladder patients with "emergency room pain" feel from Chiropractic and Acupuncture. And the "secret weapon" of Diathermy to help Gallbladder
11/17/201854 minutes, 49 seconds
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Michael was a young radio talk show host unable to walk or talk after a battle with a brain tumor that included almost a year in an induced coma.  As a last-ditch effort to save his life, he was brought to The Prather Practice.  in this episode, you'll learn:--How Dr. Prather being the only Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist in the state of Indiana was exactly what Michael needed.  And how the gentle Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment stopped a seizure in progress.--Why Michael says the Auriculotherapy treatment at The Prather Practice was "amazing" in helping to stabilize and heal his neurological deterioration.--The reason why Michael says the approach taken by Dr. Prather is "the most evidence-based” health care he has ever received.--About the Electrodermal Screening (EDS) technology used to eliminate the guesswork when recommending products from the natural pharmacy at The Prather Practice.  --How Michael had an eye surgery CANCELLED after four acupuncture treatments from Dr. Prather made the surgery unnecessary.
11/10/201854 minutes, 50 seconds
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About 23 million Americans are diagnosed with Diabetes, but over 30 million Americans actually have it. Over 84 million Americans are considered pre-diabetic. In this episode, we talk about:--Why the next generation, for the first time in American history, is not projected to live longer than the previous generation.--How Structure-Function Health Care (like what is offered at The Prather Practice) helps to improve an individual's overall health to better combat or avoid diseases like Diabetes.--The "amazing benefits" of Homeopathy for diabetic patients and can help stimulate the body's own production of insulin.--Why Dr. Prather believes in thorough lab tests to properly diagnose what is going on in his patients. And why Dr. Prather says a Structure-Function doctor like him is MORE dependent upon diagnostics than a medical doctor.--The damage that occurs to a diabetic's body from taking insulin. And the damage that occurs to a diabetic's body from not having enough insulin.--How 90% of Type 2 Diabetes patients that come to The Prather Practice are able work themselves off of taking insulin.--The dietary changes Dr. Prather recommends for someone to combat Diabetes.--How Dr. Prather had at least six patients in the past year who were misdiagnosed by other doctors as diabetic, which made them even sicker as a result of taking insulin that they did not need.--Why balancing out minerals such as Zinc, Copper, Manganese, and Chromium is important for fighting Diabetes.--The critical role of gut health with Diabetes, including a correct balance of bacteria to properly digest fiber and
11/3/201854 minutes, 50 seconds
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About 23 million Americans are diagnosed with Diabetes, but over 30 million Americans actually have it. Over 84 million Americans are considered pre-diabetic. In this episode, find out:--The difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. And the role of the Coxsackievirus as a cause of Type 1 Diabetes.--How Type 2 Diabetes "can always be reversed".--The correlation between the rise of Diabetes and the rise of obesity in America.--Why Dr. Prather says it is not a matter of calories consumed, but chemicals being consumed through our food. And why Dr. Prather says to stay on the outside aisles of the grocery store in order to stay healthy.--The Body Fat Percentage range that will make your chances of getting Diabetes very slim. And why Dr. Prather prefers a Body Composition Analysis to a Body Mass Index measurement.--The Glycemic Diet which Dr. Prather recommends for his Diabetes patients.--Why the less insulin you have to take, the better it will be for your health and longevity.--How early diagnosis (through annual checks) can make a huge difference for Diabetic patients.--How the Endocrine System (which includes the Pancreas) and the hormones must be properly balanced FIRST before a patient can focus on weight loss without leading to frustration and failure.--Why Chiropractic adjustments and Acupuncture can make "amazing changes" for Diabetes patients. And why Dr. Prather says that herbs are "an excellent way" to treat
10/27/201854 minutes, 50 seconds
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1.5 million Americans have Lupus, which is a painful autoimmune disease that is difficult to diagnose. Some say it is "the most difficult disease to treat". In this episode, learn:--How Lupus mainly affects women from ages 15 to 44. And how you are more likely to have Lupus if it runs in your family or if you are a woman of color.--The connection between Lupus and the menstrual cycle.--Why Dr. Prather calls Lupus "the great imitator" that usually takes several years and many doctors to finally get to a correct diagnosis.--How Lupus patients are more likely to also have other autoimmune diseases, such as Hashimoto's Disease.--Why opiates given to Lupus patients to help their pain will actually make the pain WORSE.--The impact of Lupus on the lungs, kidneys, and cardiovascular system.--The reason why a MINIMAL amount of pharmaceuticals is key to treating Lupus effectively. And why Lupus is "very poorly treated" from a pharmaceutical perspective.--Why the Structure-Function Health care model (like what is done at The Prather Practice) is where Lupus patients can really find results.--How diet and proper supplementation are critical for treating any autoimmune disease like Lupus. And the necessity of a G.I. Stool kit and food allergy testing for correctly treating a Lupus patient at The Prather Practice.--The "secret weapon" of Homeopathics where Dr. Prather sees "the best results" for patients with autoimmune diseases like Lupus. And the "immediate effect" Chiropractic can have in helping Lupus patients with
10/20/201854 minutes, 50 seconds
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Homeopathic medicines can be used for every single disease and condition with ZERO side effects. It's also the fastest-growing part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine today. In this episode, we talk about:--The Law of Similars which is the basis of Homeopathy. And how the laws of Homeopathy are the basis for the treatment of allergies.--How Homeopathy saved France and Napolean's Army from Typhoid and Cholera. Plus, how 1918 Flu Epidemic had a 90% death rate in the medical hospitals, but only a 10% death rate in the Homeopathic hospitals.--The influence of Homeopathy in the standards and manufacturing of the pharmaceutical industry, including Eli Lilly. And why Homeopathics cannot be given a patent.--Why Dr. Prather calls Homeopathy "the secret weapon" of The Practice. And how Dr. Prather is able to give a Homeopathic to offset the side effects of prescription drugs, including Chemotherapy.--Why Homeopathy should always be the first line of treatment for children before they are given a pharmaceutical. And the recent studies showing how Homeopathy outperforms Antibiotics in children with ear infections.--How Homeopathy is a great option for conditions that have no pharmaceutical treatment available, such as Kidney Disease and Congestive Heart Failure. And how The Prather Practice uses Homeopathics to help kidney patients avoid Dialysis.--Why Homeopathy has no side effects and has never reported an incident of damage to a patient.--That Homeopathy has recently been shown superior to pharmaceuticals for epidemics of Whooping Cough (Pertussis), Cholera, Dengue Fever, Diphtheria, Hepatitis, Influenza, Japanese Encephalitis, Meningococcal Disease, and Malaria.--How Homeopathy stimulates the body's own defense mechanisms to keep the body strong and healthy, while pharmaceuticals lessen the body's own ability to fight off illness.--The excellent results from Homeopathy for infections and diseases, as well as mental and emotional issues such as Depression and Anxiety. And how Dr. Prather says Homeopathy is "absolutely amazing" in helping to eliminate withdrawal symptoms from opioid and drug 
10/13/201854 minutes, 47 seconds
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Dr. Prather uses these 8 items to evaluate the health of his patients. How does your health rate? In this episode, we talk about:--How Dr. Prather's battle with Graves' Disease as a teenager influenced the development of this system.--The 5 systems of the body's energy flow, and why all pain is caused by a blockage of energy flow.--How proper oxygenation in the cells prevents cancer, and why anemia IS a big deal (in spite of what some doctors say).--What Xenobiotics are and how it impacts several systems in your body.--What the correct balance should be for water within and outside of your cells, and how this balance impacts your health.--The blood test you should have annually to determine the vitamin and mineral balance in your body.--The 5 categories of exercise essential for good health.--What your "phase angle" is and the test that measures how well our body's battery is charged.--The importance of our attitudes and outlook in our health (and the role homeopathy and flower remedies can play in improving this area).--How several different patients with fibromyalgia each had a different underlying cause that needed to be addressed (and why an individual approach to health care is vital)
10/6/201854 minutes, 51 seconds
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About 10% of those over the age of 65 and at least 50% of those over the age of 85 show signs of dementia. In this episode, discover:--The difference between dementia and Alzheimer's Disease.--How Alzheimer's Disease is increasing and is now the sixth-leading cause of death in America.--The risk factors for dementia, such as: family history, drugs use (both pharmaceutical and recreational), alcohol use, smoking, diabetes, poor nutrition, and cardiovascular disease.--Why medications are often a cause of dementia symptoms, especially cholesterol medications.--How the Structure-Function approach to Health Care focuses on getting the body into homeostasis and should be 80% of our health care. Plus, how Structure-Function Care is more reliant on diagnostics than Disease Care.--Why Dr. Prather says dementia symptoms are usually a multi-faceted process and not just a singular cause.--The importance of Hair Analysis to discover heavy metal toxicities in dementia patients.--The connection between hormones and dementia. And the relationship between inflammation in the body and dementia symptoms.--Why Chiropractic can produce "great results" for dementia patients and can make a person's thinking clearer.--How Acupuncture has been found by the World Health Organization to help with Alzheimer's Disease and dementia. And the connection between depression and
9/29/201854 minutes, 50 seconds
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September is National Drug-Free Pain Management Awareness Month. Opioid addiction is a national crisis that is destroying lives. In this episode, find out:--How OxyContin was originally (and wrongly) promoted as a pain solution with little possibility of addiction.--The influence of pharmaceutical money in pushing our nation's healthcare system to promote the increased use of addictive prescription opioids.--Why the United States has an over-reliance on Disease Care to the detriment of our health care system's results. And why Structure-Function Health Care should be 80% of our health care system.--The role of the American Medical Association in discouraging the use of safe and natural alternatives to dangerous pharmaceuticals.--The astonishing number of deaths annually from "PROPERLY-PRESCRIBED" prescription drugs.--Why opioids are NOT helpful for chronic pain and should only be used for seven days (and never more than two weeks) in acute pain situations.--How prescription opioids destroy your body's own opioid receptors and decrease your body's ability to handle pain.--Why Dr. Prather believes Structure-Function Care should be the primary care physician and that most pharmaceuticals should be written by specialists instead of general practitioners.--How a study showed a 60% cost savings and 85% decrease in adverse conditions with Structure-Function Care being used as the primary care physician.--The signs that show when you are truly addicted to
9/22/201854 minutes, 52 seconds
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September is National Drug-Free Pain Management Awareness Month. Opioid addiction is a national crisis that is destroying lives. In this episode, learn:--Why Dr. Prather calls it a "plague" on our country "that didn't need to happen".--The safe, effective, and non-addictive alternatives to Opioids for pain relief.--How Opioids can be "a gift to mankind", but only if they are used properly.--Why Opioids should never be the first line of treatment for pain relief. And why the Structure-Function Health Care model of The Prather Practice achieves "true pain relief".--How Chiropractic Care is more effective than Opioids for chronic pain.--The treatment called EAD (Electro Auricular Device) that works on the brain receptors through points on the ears to relieve pain and to treat addictions.--How Acupuncture increases your body's natural opiates and lessens the body's sensitivity to pain. Plus, how Acupuncture helps eliminate the cravings for opioid addicts.--The "extremely helpful" Homeopathic treatment for both pain and opioid treatment without any side-effects or addiction.--Why opioid medications actually make the pain WORSE.--The stunning statistic that 80% of all heroin addicts began with a pharmaceutical
9/15/201854 minutes, 50 seconds
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Pain, numbness, and tingling can be associated with Peripheral Neuropathy. About 20 million Americans are diagnosed right now, with three times that number being borderline of a diagnosis. In this episode, we talk about:--How there are over 100 different types or neuropathy and a wide variety of underlying causes.--Why Diabetic Neuropathy is the most common type of diagnosed neuropathy.--The extreme importance of being treated nutritionally for Neuropathy.--How a person's Copper-Zinc ratio plays a key role in a person's nervous system.--The role Herbal supplements can play in helping a person's circulation.--The vitamin most critical for patients who suffer neuropathy as a result of chemotherapy.--Why it's important to determine if the cause of the neuropathy is neurological or circulatory (or both).--How Dr. Prather has been able to prevent scheduled amputations through Structure-Function Care.--Why the health of your gut is important for peripheral neuropathy.--The "secret weapon" of Homeopathy for dealing with peripheral
9/8/201854 minutes, 50 seconds
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Pain, numbness, and tingling can be associated with Peripheral Neuropathy. About 20 million Americans are diagnosed right now, with three times that number being borderline of a diagnosis. In this episode, discover:--The three kinds of Peripheral Neuropathy and the symptoms associated with each.--How sores on the bottom of the feet from nervous and circulatory issues can be associated with Peripheral Neuropathy.--Why it is important to discover the underlying cause of the Peripheral Neuropathy with diagnostic tests in order to properly treat it.--How 70% of all Peripheral Neuropathy cases are Diabetics.--That Peripheral Neuropathy can be caused by infections (Guillian-Barre, Epstein-Barr, Coxsackievirus), autoimmune diseases (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjögren syndrome, Systemic lupus erythematosus), and heavy metal toxicities (Cadmium, Mercury, Lead).--Why Dr. Prather says that "Structure-Function Care is the best way to treat Neuropathy" and is the reason so many Medical Doctors refer Neuropathy patients to The Prather Practice.--How Chiropractic care is "absolutely essential" for Neuropathy and brings "immediate changes". And how The Prather Practice is able to, not only adjust the spine, but extremities like the feet.--The research that shows Acupuncture is one of the best ways to relieve the symptoms of Neuropathy. (And The Prather Practice is ranked #1 for Acupuncture in Indianapolis.)--Why Diathermy can help improve circulation for Neuropathy patients...and even help patients avoid scheduled amputations.--The Auriculotherapy treatment that is "amazing for relieving the pain of Neuropathy" and is used as a substitute for dangerous
9/1/201854 minutes, 52 seconds
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How you feel is how your immune system feels. Dr. Prather says that 80-90% of patients have a compromised immune system when he reviews their blood analysis. In this episode, find out:--How to avoid just guessing when someone goes to a vitamin shop to buy supplements. And the proper diagnostics we require to know which supplements our body really needs.--That the gut is 80% of our immune system and "the key" to all autoimmune diseases. And the annual test we all need to check our gut health.--Why Structure-Function Care looks to improve the health of the body instead of just treating symptoms as in the Disease Care model.--What Dr. Prather looks for in a patient's blood work in regards to the immune system. And the reading that indicates if you have a six times greater likelihood of dying within the next few years.--How Dr. Prather finds patients usually underestimate how they feel with they talk to the doctor because doctors too often don't take their patients' complaints seriously.--The difference between fatigue and being tired.--Why the Copper-Zinc ratio in your body is one of the most important measures of how well your immune system works.--How any heavy metal toxicity (such as Mercury and Lead) always weakens the immune system. And how Dr. Prather has "never" had a heavy metal toxicity case that they couldn't get balanced out.--That a compromised immune system will have more allergies, which are increasing in our population. And how the pharmaceutical approach to allergies will compromise the immune system even more.--Why you should get as much of your body exposed to the sunshine as you possibly can (without offending the neighbors!). And how sunshine can prevent breast cancer and varicose
8/25/201854 minutes, 51 seconds
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How you feel is how your immune system feels. Dr. Prather says that 80-90% of patients have a compromised immune system when he reviews their blood analysis. In this episode, you'll learn:--How all of us have cancer cells in our body, but cancer develops when our immune system fails.--The different parts of our immune system, and the two main components of the immune system (that Dr. Prather classifies as "snipers" and "bombers").--Why a child's immune system is completely different from an adult's immune system.--The autoimmune diseases that wrongly attack our body, such as: Cron's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, and Multiple Sclerosis.--How the Structure-Function Health Care analysis of blood work is different than the Disease Care analysis. And why patients must choose between a Disease Care approach that further suppresses the immune system or a Structure-Function Health Care approach that rebuilds the immune system.--Why Dr. Prather says Homeopathics are a "magic weapon" for the immune system and that doctors are doing a "disservice" for patients if they are trying to treat the immune system without Homeopathics. Plus, why pharmaceuticals should be used sparingly, while Homeopathics should be used generously.--The "extremely dramatic" results ("better than any pharmaceutical") Dr. Prather has seen with Homeopathics for patients that have longstanding infections such as Epstein-Barr virus, Rickettsia, and Lyme Disease.--The critical role of Vitamin D for the immune system and the connection between cholesterol and Vitamin D. And why those on cholesterol-lowering drugs are more susceptible to a weakened immune system.--How Zinc deficiency (which most people have) is a major problem for the immune system.--Why chicken soup really does help boost the immune
8/18/201854 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Lymph System is the key to our immune system and the sewer system of our bodies, but few of us know much about it. In this episode, we talk about:--How it was just recently discovered that the Lymph System goes to the brain (after years of medical schools teaching otherwise).--That the Lymph System will back up if we don't have enough movement in our bodies to "pump" it. And why waking up with aches and pains is a sign of your Lymph System backing up.--How all autoimmune diseases start with the Lymph System. And how Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease of the Lymphatic System.--The giant lymph nodes of tonsils, adenoids, and the appendix. And why you have a greater chance of colon cancer and colon infections if your appendix is removed.--Why Dr. Prather checks the spleen for soreness to indicate the presence of a virus. And how the spleen will hold the Epstein-Barr virus to combat it.--The role the Lymph System plays in balancing fluid in our bodies and the problems that can occur such as Lymphedema and Lymphadenopathy.--The connection between breast cancer and the Lymph System. And why Dr. Prather is adamantly opposed to underwire bras.--Why Dr. Prather says you "cannot really treat cancer if you are not looking at the Lymphatic System".--The breeding ground of infections (and cancer cells) that occurs when the Lymph System is backed up.--The Structure-Function treatments for the Lymphatic System including: supplements, specific Lymphatic Chiropractic adjustments, specialized Lymphatic massage, Lymphatic exercises to "pump" the system", Diathermy, and
8/11/201854 minutes, 51 seconds
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Over 75% of us will experience foot problems in our lives. It's no wonder, considering that our feet endure 5 TONS of pressure every year. In this episode, discover:--How your back, neck, or knee pain may be connected to problems in your feet.--How chiropractic care should be your first option in treating foot problems (such as Plantar Fasciitis, Metatarsalgia, Morton's Neuroma, Hallux Valgus (bunions), Shin Splints, & Iliotibial Band Syndrome).--The computerized analysis that can diagnose one of 45 abnormal motions in the feet.--The treatment that Dr. Prather days has "almost 100% results" in improving circulation and has even helped patients avoid amputation of toes and feet.--Why oncologists refer patients to Dr. Prather to help with the neuropathy that comes as a side-effect of chemotherapy.--How custom orthotics retrain and rehabilitate the function of feet.--The mineral that Dr Prather "has not had an exception" in eliminating foot odor.--How neuropathy and nutrition are linked.--Why women have more feet problems than men (and why flip-flops and baby shoes can harm feet)  
8/4/201854 minutes, 50 seconds
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18.6 million people visit the doctor every year with knee problems--the most common musculoskeletal complaint. Knee problems can cause additional issues in the feet and lower back. In this episode, discover:--Why Dr. Prather has a high success rate in treating knee issues.--How knee misalignment is the fundamental issue of knee problems (even AFTER surgery).--Why your low back pain might be caused by knee misalignment.--The effectiveness of treatments such as Chiropractic, Acupuncture. Electrical Stimulation, Ultrasound, and Diathermy.--How a torn meniscus can be healed without surgery, and why surgery does NOT fix a tear (but actually damages it more).--Why athletes should have chiropractic knee adjustments on a regular basis to avoid injury.--The various knee problems such as Osgood-Schlatter Disease, Patellar Tendinitis, Ligament injuries, Bursitis, and Arthritis.--Why a nutritional imbalance (low Copper, low Manganese, or low Vitamin C) can be a cause of knee problems.--The story of a gentleman who was told he needed surgery on his knee, but no longer does after Dr. Prather's treatment.--The EFAC Cream that helps patients find relief from joint
7/28/201854 minutes, 51 seconds
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We are in Week #8 of our series, "Your Health From Head To Toe". The hips are too often overlooked as a problem for those with low back or leg pain. In this episode, you'll learn:--How hips are the root cause of a patient's problem 30% of the time, but only diagnosed correctly 5% of the time.--That hip replacement surgeries are doubling every few years.--Why Dr. Prather says hip misalignment is the reason for increasing hip problems.--How most of the imaging is done on the low back, while imaging of the hip is neglected (which too often leads to a misdiagnosis).--Why a doctor MUST be able to reproduce a patient's pain for a correct diagnosis.--The consequences of misdiagnosing a hip issue, such as unnecessary surgery or treatments without any benefit.--How the life of a hip replacement is about 15 years. And how the second hip replacement surgery does not go as well as the first one.--That recovery time after a hip surgery can be cut by 50% with proper Chiropractic care.--Why proper nutrients and minerals can reduce the amount of pain medication a patient needs.--Why Dr. Prather says chiropractic combined with rehab is necessary for long-term results so that the problem does not have to be fixed
7/21/201854 minutes, 51 seconds
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We are in Week #7 of our series, "Your Health From Head To Toe". Low Back Pain is the #2 reason for all doctor visits, costing the economy in $50 billion direct costs and $100 billion in indirect costs EVERY YEAR. In this episode, you'll learn:--That 50% of all people will have an episode of Low Back Pain every year, with the number of people dealing with back pain on the rise every year.--Why you are more likely to suffer from back pain if you work in a sitting position.--How the cause of Low Back Pain is only correctly diagnosed 1-out-of-9 times! And why Dr. Prather's examination differs from the traditional medical model.--The best treatments for Low Back Pain: Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Physical Therapy/Exercise, and Massage. And why recent Standards of Care for Low Back Pain have been changed away from prescription opiates.--Why Dr. Prather says prescription opiates actually CAUSE increased pain. Plus, how Acupuncture increases the body's own natural opiate production, decreases inflammation, speeds up healing time, and causes scar tissue to go away.--How studies by orthopedic surgeons show that surgical patients for back pain always have a WORSE long-term outcome compared to those who do not have surgeries.--Why The Prather Practice is able to achieve success with Low Back Pain by using a combination of treatments and a team-based approach of therapists.--The low numbers of patients over Dr. Prather's 30-year career that required a referral for surgery.--The Auriculotherapy Therapy treatment that is "the most proven therapy in the entire world" that is "extremely good for Low Back Pain and Sciatica".--The over 200 Homeopathic, Herbal, and Enzyme remedies in The Prather Practice natural pharmacy that are more effective than pharmaceuticals (and without the dangerous side-effects of drugs)
7/14/201854 minutes, 50 seconds
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We are in Week #6 of our series, "Your Health From Head To Toe". In a world where people spend more time working on computers, there are increasing issues in wrist and elbow Repetitive Strain Injuries. In this episode, you'll discover:--The main elbow and shoulder conditions, such as: Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer's elbow), Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow), Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, & Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.--How Carpal Tunnel is misdiagnosed 40% of the time--causing the surgery to fail--when the real problem is the palmaris longus muscle.--The difference between disease care (drugs and surgery) and Structure/Function care in treating these issues.-How a chiropractic adjustment can provide "instantaneous" and "immediate" relief from these issues.--Why Acupuncture is the best method to deal with inflammation and provides results "quicker than any other method".--How Trigger Point Therapy can release muscles that are in chronic spasm.--The benefits of treatments such as ultrasound, diathermy, electrical stimulation, and liniments.--How Vitamin B-6 (the nerve vitamin) can provide relief for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and why Manganese and Copper can have a huge effect on tendon and ligament strength.--The stretches and exercises that help wrist and elbow issues. (And why rehab of injuries does NOT have to be painful.)--How to prevent injuries of the wrist and 
7/7/201854 minutes, 49 seconds
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We're in Week #5 of our series, "Your Health From Head To Toe". Dr. Prather says that you are "almost as old as your spine". 80% of us will be sidelined at some point in our lives because of back problems. It's the #2 reason for missed work. In this episode, find out:--How to avoid unnecessary pain and unnecessary expense by maintaining your spinal health.--How the upper-cervical area of your spine impacts your entire nervous system.--Why untreated spinal injuries can lead to long-term degeneration. (And why too many hospitals wrongly tell accident victims they are fine after an accident.)--That you'll have a 40% chance of having surgery if you see an orthopedic surgeon, but only a .5% chance of having surgery if you see a chiropractor first.--That one study showed 50% of young men had a bulging disc. But just because you have a bulged disc does not necessarily mean you'll have a problem with it. (Plus, how SMOKING can cause a bulged dic.)--The natural anti-inflammatories that work better than pharmaceuticals without the side effects. Plus, how acupuncture relieves inflammation.--How chiropractic adjustments have a bigger impact on blood pressure than pharmaceuticals. And how they also help asthma, ear infections, and stomach pains because of the change in the nervous system. (And the story of the patient whose acne cleared up because of the adjustments!)--Why ADD and ADHD can be settled down by chiropractic adjustments, and how autism is impacted by an improper flow of cerebrospinal fluid.--Why decompression therapy is a cheaper and more effective option than surgery to treat protruding or bulging discs in the back or neck. Plus, how it puts the body into healing mode and "reverses the aging process" 
6/30/201854 minutes, 50 seconds
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We're in Week #4 of our series, "Your Health From Head To Toe". Dr. Prather says about half of his patients have some sort of shoulder or arm condition, many of whom have given up on finding relief from past injuries. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Dr. Prather has about a 90% success rate with shoulder and arm issues, even getting improvement in situations like Rheumatoid Arthritis that have severe damage.--How the combination of a broad array of treatments offered at The Prather Practice is the key to their successful results.--How to reduce your chance of having surgery from 25% to 2%, plus have better outcomes compared to the surgical option. (Hint: Which doctor you see FIRST makes all the difference.)--Why Structure-Function health care is vital for those with repetitive motion injuries, such as athletes. And the difference between Passive Care and Active Care, BOTH of which are necessary for patients.--How Acupuncture is an excellent anti-inflammatory and stimulates healing (even eliminating scar tissue both externally and internally). And why Acupuncture is a better option for pain relief than addictive opioid drugs.--The "Rapid Release” tool (nicknamed "the muscle mower") that helps break up scar tissue and muscle tension in a relaxing way that patients love.--How patients benefit from treatments such as Diathermy, Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation, Auriculotherapy, and Microcurrent.--How "Trigger Points" can cause pain and dysfunction. Plus, the Trigger Point therapies Dr. Prather uses to provide relief to his patients.--Why it is so important for patients to be supervised when doing precise rehabilitation exercises in the Active Care phase of treatment.--Why Dr. Prather finds Carpal Tunnel is more often than not Palmaris Longis Syndrome. And how Dr. Prather is able to help his patients find a more effective alternative to
6/23/201856 minutes, 22 seconds
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Dr. Prather calls it "THE most important thing you can do for your health." The Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment is a gentle chiropractic adjustment of the first vertebrae in your spine. In fact, 80% of us need this adjustment without even realizing it. In this episode, you'll discover:--How the Atlas Chiropractic Adjustment impacts the lower brain stem in one of the most important areas of the body, controlling all systems of the body.--Why it is considered the most difficult adjustment to make in the body.--Dr. Prather's own personal testimony how this adjustment helped his Graves' Disease as a young man and inspired him to help others.--The two systems in the body that must be working properly for the rest of the body to work correctly.--Why television personality Montel Williams called the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment "the greatest thing that ever happened " to him to relieve his symptoms from Multiple Sclerosis.--How the technique helps any type of nerve problems, central nervous system issues, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), high blood pressure, headaches, migraines, ADD/ADHD, seizures, digestive problems, and vision issues.--How a young woman's acne was even helped by the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment, and how it helped solve a 12-year-old boy's bed wetting problem.--Why everyone should be checked for this adjustment at least once a year.--The testimony from a patient who was involved in a car accident and credits the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment as the procedure "that changed everything" and gave him 100%
6/16/201856 minutes, 51 seconds
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We are in part 2 of our series called "Your Health From Head To Toe".  80% of us will have TMJ in our lives, often being unaware that is the cause of our health issues. In this episode, discover:--How TMJ is one of the joints that gives feedback to the brain about where the body is, giving it a global effect on the body. And how your jaw actually contains a disc.--The surprising emotional effect of the jaw due to a nerve that goes directly to the brain's emotional center. (It's why the jaw tightens when you get tense or nervous.)--Why TMJ is connected to suicides, and the amazing story that inspired Dr. Prather to get involved in treating TMJ even as a student.--How you MUST have the Atlas (the first vertebrae in your neck) properly aligned in order to fix TMJ. And how TMJ causes pelvis, shoulder, and elbow problems.--How TMJ is a major cause of unresolved headaches, and how Dr. Prather usually knows the source of headaches just hearing the patient describe them in the consultation.--The gentle adjustment techniques Dr. Prather invented himself for TMJ that feel like a "puff of air" to the patient.--Why Acupuncture is extremely helpful in relieving TMJ, especially in helping inflammation and with "immediate results".--How Auriculotherapy (micro-current stimulation of ear Acupuncture points) is "the most proven treatment in the entire world" and how it helps long-term TMJ patients.--That lymphatic congestion connects to TMJ and vertigo issues. And how short-wave Diathermy helps drain lymphatic congestion.--The exercises you can do to help TMJ. And what you should do when you wake up in the morning to release the jaw muscle. Plus, the supplements helpful for
6/9/201856 minutes, 50 seconds
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We begin a 10-week series called "Your Health From Head To Toe" with a discussion on Headaches.  90% of all Americans will have a headache at least once this year. But 45 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches (meaning between 10 and 15 days every month). In this episode, find out:--How 75% of chronic headache sufferers give up on seeking medical help after 3 years because they find no relief.--The different types of headaches, both primary (tension, migraines, and cluster) and secondary.--How Chiropractic adjustments are the best treatment for cervicogenic headaches, specifically the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment of the top neck vertebrae in which Dr. Prather specializes.--The role TMJ has in headaches, especially in the temple area. And the specialized Chiropractic adjustment technique for TMJ that Dr. Prather invented.--How Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, and Massage can help with headaches.--The role hormones, food allergies, and mineral imbalances can play in migraine headaches.--That one of the side effects of prescription drugs for headaches is...rebound headaches! And why prescription drugs should NOT be relied upon by those with chronic headaches.--The tests and exam diagnostics you should have done to determine the root cause of your headaches. And why patients found relief at The Prather Practice after being unsuccessful in finding help at some of the top headache clinics in the world.--How headaches can indicate something more serious and the symptoms you should especially be aware of.--How hypoglycemia can be a cause of unexplained headaches along with dizziness and
6/2/201855 minutes, 23 seconds
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Michael was a young radio talk show host unable to walk or talk after a battle with a brain tumor that included almost a year in an induced coma.  As a last-ditch effort to save his life, he was brought to The Prather Practice.  in this episode, you'll learn:--How Dr. Prather being the only Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist in the state of Indiana was exactly what Michael needed.  And how the gentle Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment stopped a seizure in progress.--Why Michael says the Auriculotherapy treatment at The Prather Practice was "amazing" in helping to stabilize and heal his neurological deterioration.--The reason why Michael says the approach taken by Dr. Prather is "the most evidence-based" health care he has ever received.--About the Electrodermal Screening (EDS) technology used to eliminate the guesswork when recommending products from the natural pharmacy at The Prather Practice.  --How Michael had an eye surgery CANCELLED after four acupuncture treatments from Dr. Prather made the surgery unnecessary.
5/26/201857 minutes, 20 seconds
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We conclude our two-part series we began last week on the importance of supplementation. In this episode, we talk about:--How the symptoms of aging are actually nutritional deficiencies, making supplementation especially necessary for older people.--Why children are in need of additional supplementation.--That your chance of surviving Cancer increases by 50% if you are not anemic. Plus, how anti-cholesterol statin drugs decrease your CoQ10 levels...which causes heart problems the drugs are supposed to prevent.--How the American Cancer Society says that 60% of all Cancers are caused by nutritional deficiencies.--The link between nutritional deficiency during pregnancy with postpartum depression and eclampsia.--How every addict suffers from severe nutritional deficiencies and are in need of supplementation in order to be restored to health.--Why 80% of all girls involved in school athletics are Iron deficient. And the incredible story of how Dr. Prather helped an entire girls cross-country team to win the state title with Iron supplementation!--The importance of not guessing when it comes to a patient's supplementation by doing proper lab tests such as bloodwork, hair analysis, and stool testing.--Why Dr. Prather uses a technology called Electrodermal Screening (EDS) to help provide accurate individual recommendations about which supplements will work best for a patient and give them "the most bang for the buck".--How often someone should be checked for their nutritional health and supplementation
5/19/201854 minutes, 38 seconds
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Very few of us receive the nutrition that we need from our diet, making proper supplementation a vital part of our health. 68% of all Americans take supplements on a regular basis. In this episode, discover:--The 4 different categories of supplements.--Why Dr. Prather does NOT recommend multivitamins for most patients.--The safety of supplements and why you need lab tests before taking any supplement. (And the shocking number of deaths per year from PROPERLY prescribed pharmaceuticals.)--How the Structure/Function Health Care model practiced by The Prather Practice, by the FDA's own definition, truly does no harm.--Why Dr. Prather says America has "the best Disease Care in the entire world", but "one of the worst Health Care models in the entire world".--How "we could solve the health care crisis in America", improve patient outcomes, and reduce health care costs.--What the first line of patient care should be for pain management. (Hint: It's not opioids.)--The approach taken by The Prather Practice to determine exactly what supplementation a patient needs. And why Dr. Prather considers supplementation as "a very critical part" of his practice.--How 97% of all Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease cases are AVOIDABLE.--Why the nutritional quality of our food has deteriorated, making it "impossible to be healthy" from the food we
5/12/201856 minutes, 52 seconds
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Last week, we began a two-part series on Vitamins and talked about Fat Soluble Vitamins. This week, we focus on Water Soluble Vitamins (like Vitamins B and C). In this episode, find out:--How water soluble vitamins are needed on a daily basis, while fat soluble vitamins are stored by the body.--Why Dr. Prather "guarantees" that everyone on a pharmaceutical needs additional nutritional supplementation.--That Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) can help with Asperger's, Autism, Heart Disease, and digestion. And why those who drink too much will "automatically have a Thiamine deficiency", but Thiamine can actually help alcoholics to stop drinking.--How 28 million Americans have a Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) deficiency, which causes cracks around the corners of your mouth, inflamed tongue, eye redness, vision problems, skin problems, and nerve problems such as neuropathy. And why Riboflavin is "very, very important" for pregnant Moms, Diabetics, and migraine headache patients.--Why Vitamin B-3 (Niacin) is important for good cholesterol, memory, cognitive function, mood, and red blood cell formation. But Dr. Prather also says "you have to be careful with Niacin" and not take too much of it.--That "organ meats are better for you than regular meats", being lower in fat and more concentrated in vitamins and minerals.--That Vitamin B-5 (Pantothenic Acid) is considered the "anti-stress and anti-anxiety" vitamin that is good for depression, hair loss, and acne. And how Dr. Prather has used this supplement to get patients off of their anti-anxiety prescriptions.--Why Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) is important for ankle swelling, learning disabilities, dandruff, PMS, and cracking of the lips and tongue.--How Folic Acid is "the most common vitamin deficiency", resulting in birth defects, depression, irritability, weight loss, and anorexia. Plus, how Vitamin B-12 must be balanced in conjunction with Folic Acid for both of them to work correctly in your body.--That bleeding of the gums is a sign of Vitamin C deficiency, while diarrhea is a sign that you are taking too much Vitamin C. And that Vitamin C can help with easy bruising and bed
5/5/201856 minutes, 35 seconds
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Vitamins are the organic substances which are necessary for our health and well-being. We begin a two-part series to talk about Fat Soluble Vitamins this week and Water Soluble Vitamins next week. In this episode, you'll learn:--That 50% of the population is taking vitamins and only 20% of the population eats a diet that gives them the necessary nutrition.--Why Dr. Prather doesn't just recommend a single vitamin or supplement to everyone with the same condition, but individualizes his recommendations based on each patient's needs and what the lab tests show.--That 90% of all cancers are caused by lifestyle, with 60% of all cancers being caused by nutritional deficiencies.--How vitamins can be toxic to our bodies if we take too much of something. And why Vitamins A, D, E, and K are the ones that you need to be careful of over-consuming.--Why chronic bladder infections often are linked to low Vitamin A. And the signs of Vitamin A deficiency that can be seen in skin, hair, and nails.--That Vitamin D is not just a vitamin, but also plays a role in hormonal regulation. And why low cholesterol is linked to low Vitamin D.--Why Dr. Prather calls Cod Liver Oil pills a "perfect combination of all the fat soluble vitamins".--How every pharmaceutical will deplete the necessary vitamins and minerals from your body, leaving you with even greater nutritional requirements.--The connection between low Vitamin E and Diabetes, Anemia, and Infertility.--Why bloody noses and easy bruising might indicate a Vitamin K deficiency. Plus, how Vitamin K can help with menstrual
4/28/201854 minutes, 49 seconds
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1-in-3 people will get Shingles. And the older you are, the more likely you are to get it. In this episode, we talk about:--That Shingles is on the rise since around 1994, but it's not certain as to why.--How the exact same virus which causes Chicken Pox also causes Shingles. And how the pattern of Shingles follows along the pathways of the nervous system.--Why Dr. Prather calls Shingles an "opportunistic" virus caused by a lowered immune system from illness, stress, and even prescription medicines (such as cholesterol drugs and antibiotics).--The symptoms of Shingles, including pain that is usually confined to one side of the body. And how Shingles can be dangerous enough to cause death, blindness, or hearing loss.--Why you can't get Shingles from someone, but you can get the Shingles virus from someone.--How Shingles can be prevented. Plus, the effectiveness of the Shingles vaccine.--The natural treatments for Shingles used at The Prather Practice, including certain herbals, vitamins, and minerals that boost the patient's immune system.--How Homeopathy and Chiropractic adjustments can help with Shingles. And the amazing story of how a Colorado hospital started using a homeopathic spray formula to relieve Shingles because Dr. Prather sent it to the daughter of a patient.--Why keeping your body alkaline will decrease your likelihood of getting Shingles. And why Dr. Prather calls red laser acupuncture one of their "secrets" to effectively treating Shingles.--The foods you should avoid to prevent Shingles, including chocolate and carbonated beverages. And the foods you SHOULD eat to help with
4/21/201856 minutes, 51 seconds
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Most have never heard of this gentle adjustment of the top vertebrae, but Dr. Prather calls it "the most important thing you can do for your health". And 4-out-of-5 people need it. In this episode, you'll discover:--How Dr. Prather is the only board-certified Atlas Orthogonist in the state of Indiana. And why the top chiropractors say the Atlas is the most important adjustment to make in the body as well as the most difficult adjustment to make.--That the top vertebrae (also known as the Atlas) weighs only 2 ounces but supports the weight of the entire human head (which weighs between 15 and 30 pounds).--How the entire nervous system goes through the Atlas, which tells the rest of the body what to do. And how this treatment formed the basis of Dr. Prather's entire practice.--The personal health benefit that Dr. Prather received from this adjustment in his battle with Graves' Disease as a young man, which inspired him to become an Atlas Orthogonist.--Why the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment is a gentle, non-force technique without any of the "popping and cracking" many associate with chiropractic techniques.--Why the Atlas Orthogonal technique is extremely safe.--The reason Dr. Prather says using an instrument to adjust (as with the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment) is more effective than if he used his hands to adjust.--Why everyone (including babies) should be checked for this adjustment on an annual basis.--How birth trauma can cause babies to have their Atlas out of position.--The symptoms you might see as a result of your Atlas needing this adjustment. Plus, why the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment has a huge effect on Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, ALS, and concussion trauma, severe
4/14/201856 minutes, 53 seconds
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75% of smokers actually want to quit. Dr. Prather says an individualized approach to treatment is important as there are different causes and triggers to each person's addiction. In this episode, find out:--How only 2% of the modern cigarette is tobacco, while most of the cigarette is CARDBOARD soaked in 70,000 chemicals! Plus, the change that occurs in your brain when you become addicted to cigarettes.--How Dr. Prather calls Acupuncture "miraculous" in helping to eliminate the shakes and anxiety in those who are quitting smoking.--That Auriculotherapy (microcurrent stimulation of points on the ear) helps change the brain waves that are associated with any addiction.--Why Dr. Prather says that CELERY helps with the oral fixation of smoking and the need to do something with your hands.--How those ALLERGIC to cigarette smoke become addicted to smoking. Plus, how Homeopathy helps those with a craving due to the allergic reaction to cigarette smoke.--The importance of detoxifying the body of the harmful toxins from cigarettes as you are in the process of quitting.--How cigarette smoking can trigger low back pain and herniated discs due to the nutritional deficiencies that come with smoking (such as Vitamin B and Vitamin C deficiencies).--How your body can reverse the damage from years of smoking and why it is NEVER too late to quit to benefit your health.--That second-hand smoke produces 60-70% of the harm compared to smoking the cigarette yourself. And how children have three times the chance of developing asthma if their parents are smokers.--Why natural cigarettes made from real tobacco can be a helpful step as someone stops smoking the cigarettes filled with cardboard and 
4/7/201856 minutes, 45 seconds
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6 million Americans suffer from Congestive Heart Failure, which is the #1 reason for hospitalization for those over 65. More people are coming down with Congestive Heart Failure than ever before, costing us $100 billion a year. In this episode, learn:--The causes and risk factors of Congestive Heart Failure.--Signs and symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure.--Why Dr, Prather considers Congestive Heart Failure a disease of rich nations and a lifestyle disease that is "completely unnecessary".--How certain pharmaceuticals--like cholesterol drugs--can actually kick off Congestive Heart Failure.--Why disease care can slow down Congestive Heart Failure, but never reverse it. (And why you need Structure/Function health care to reverse Congestive Heart Failure.)--How Dr. Prather approaches Congestive Heart Failure in his patients.--Why Dr. Prather says the heart is the "most easily fixed organ in the body with the highest capacity of regenerating itself".--The machine Dr. Prather uses to help his patients achieve the benefits of aerobic exercise...without the patients actually having to exercise.--Why patients can have hope to reverse their Congestive Heart Failure even though there aren't any good medical options available.--The preventive measures to avoid Congestive Heart Failure, and the tests you should have done to diagnose heart 
3/31/201856 minutes, 50 seconds
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Fiber isn't something most would describe as "sweet". But Dr. Prather explains that fiber can have many sweet benefits for our health. In this episode, we talk about:--How the modern diet has replaced fiber with sugar, resulting in "untold consequences to our health and well-being".--The experiment a college professor of Dr. Prather's conducted by adding fiber to the diets of the hogs on his farm.--Why Dr. Prather calls fiber "a magic and missing" ingredient in someone's diet if you want to change their health.--The amount of fiber Dr. Prather recommends for daily intake (and why he disagrees with the official recommendation amount).--Which sweeteners Dr. Prather recommends instead of the highly-processed sweeteners that are dangerous to our health.--How our fiber-sugar ratio is the "quickest, easiest" way to reduce obesity levels.--Why a digestive system with proper bacteria from fiber can reduce the fat produced by our body by 50%!--The multitude of health benefits just from increasing your fiber intake. How fiber can help with Type II Diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.--The good sources of fiber Dr. Prather recommends (including the kind of bread Dr. Prather buys from Europe).--Why supplementation of fiber is necessary since it is difficult in modern America to get the fiber intake we need. And how Dr. Prather has found "no one" with proper fiber intake based on the G.I. Effects stool  
3/24/201856 minutes, 25 seconds
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The liver is the workhorse of the body, which supports every other organ and function of the body. You'll learn:--How the liver has 500 different chemical functions in the body (impacting your immune system, your blood pressure, your hormones, your digestive system, and type II diabetes).--Why a sick liver is a major reason for high cholesterol (and why cholesterol medicines can make your liver even more unhealthy).--How a properly-functioning liver can help women with hot flashes, PMS, and low libido.--Why Dr. Prather says close to 100% of patients need extra support for their liver.--How pharmaceuticals (and the chemicals in the foods we eat) damage and add stress to your liver.--The connection between fatigue, sluggishness, nausea and a congested liver.--The emotion that the Talmud connects to the liver, and the behavioral changes Dr. Prather sees as a patient's liver becomes healthier.--The reason why liver detoxification programs usually cause more harm than good, and the more gentle approach Dr. Prather uses for his patients.--How constipation can produce chemicals that cause cancer and heart disease (and how a healthy liver eliminates constipation).--Why everyone with a thyroid problem always has an issue with their liver.--What every cancer patient should know: How a healthy liver can help fight 
3/17/201856 minutes, 28 seconds
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High blood pressure is a contributor to cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, and kidney disease. But 95% of those with hypertension have no symptoms and have no idea of the danger they are facing. In this episode, discover:--What range is considered to be high blood pressure. And which of the numbers (systolic or diastolic) is considered the most important.--Why high blood pressure kills people and how many deaths per day are attributed to hypertension.--How high blood pressure statistics differ based on sex and race. Plus, the risk factors for high blood pressure.--The different kinds of high blood pressure and the treatments for hypertension.--The problems with medical treatment of high blood pressure, such as the kidneys being worn out by the prescription drugs.--How 70% of the contribution of hypertension comes from the kidneys. And why the Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is a key number to be aware of for hypertension patients.--How a chiropractic adjustment of the Atlas (the first vertebrae) has been shown to have a greater effect on balancing blood pressure than medication.--Why acupuncture can oftentimes get someone's high blood pressure down immediately. And which herbals have been shown extremely effective for hypertension by strengthening the kidneys without the negative effects of pharmaceuticals.--The 40 different Homeopathic options for helping high blood pressure that can be tested and individualized for each patient.--The "very strong correlation" between vitamins, minerals, and  
3/10/201856 minutes, 47 seconds
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Dr. Prather says it is a myth that cholesterol is the CAUSE of Cardiovascular Disease. High cholesterol is instead a SYMPTOM of Cardiovascular Disease. In this episode, you'll learn:--How the pharmaceutical companies had the labs change the reference ranges for cholesterol levels when cholesterol medications were developed. And why reference ranges on lab tests are NOT the ideal number Dr. Prather looks for.--That cholesterol is an essential building material the body uses to help heal damage in the body and is key to hormone production.--Why the Coronary Risk Factor ratio in your cholesterol number should be more of a focus than the overall cholesterol number.--How LOW cholesterol can cause fatigue, difficulty thinking, increased risk of cancer, loss of memory, mental confusion, and greater susceptibility to viruses.--The harmful side effects of statin drugs. And why Type II Diabetics and those with high liver enzymes should NOT take statin drugs.--How the #1 reason for high cholesterol is a sick liver. And the various underlying causes of high cholesterol: Low thyroid, Type II Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, mineral imbalances, low Vitamin D, kidney disease, pancreatic disease, and chronic pain.--That Cholesterol is more of a warning instead of the disease process itself. And why Dr. Prather says the key is finding the underlying cause and reason of high cholesterol.--Why Cancer patients need to keep their cholesterol levels HIGH. And why cholesterol drugs can actually increase your chance of Cancer.--How to regulate your cholesterol through diet by eating what Dr. Prather calls "real" food and by shopping only on the outside aisles of the grocery store.--Why you should have a goal to get off of statin drugs as soon as possible. Plus, the increased nutritional needs of your body when you are on statin 
3/3/201856 minutes, 44 seconds
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Too many patients and health care professionals believe that antibiotics solve almost anything and are a cure-all. Unfortunately, that belief has led to a health care crisis where antibiotics are overused when there are more appropriate and more effective alternatives. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Dr. Prather calls antibiotics "a precious resource that we are destroying" by over-prescribing. And why he says we should respect antibiotics more to make sure the next generation still has them.--That, in 2010, there were 258 million antibiotic courses ordered out of 309 million people. (That's 833 antibiotics for every 1000 people!)--That the Centers for Disease Control has a goal to reduce antibiotic use by one-third and want to make it easier for doctors to tell the patients "No" when it comes to antibiotic prescriptions.--Why children are three to six times MORE likely to get infections if they wrongly receive antibiotics.--How Homeopathy was effective in fighting Cholera epidemics. And why Homeopathy can get faster results than an antibiotic in relief of symptoms.--How herbal medications were the most effective remedy when the SARS outbreak occurred in China. And the herbals you should always have in your medicine cabinet (especially for parents with young children who are looking for a safe and gentle option).--How Vitamins and Minerals fight infections. For example, Vitamin C along with an antibiotic makes the antibiotic 50% more effective.--Why Chiropractic adjustments help fight infections.--How 85% of Cancer patient complaints are resolved if the patients are undergoing Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments at the same time.--How Antibiotics actually destroy the good bacteria in the gut and why Probiotics are necessary for anyone on 
2/24/201856 minutes, 40 seconds
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Some people have a negative view of Chiropractic care without realizing WHY they have a negative opinion. In this episode, we talk about:--Why the perception of Chiropractic being unsafe and unscientific was the result of a conspiracy on the part of the American Medical Association that was proven in a landmark Supreme Court case.--How insurance companies prove the safety of Chiropractic by offering Chiropractors the lowest malpractice rates of any health care professional. And how low malpractice rates surprisingly result in a lower reimbursement rate for Chiropractors.--The variety of techniques in the Chiropractic profession (over 700!) and the gentle, non-force adjusting techniques Dr. Prather uses in his practice.--The most common mobilization technique in Chiropractic that makes the "cracking and popping sounds". Plus, why Dr. Prather doesn't use that technique.--Which health conditions require specialized Chiropractic adjusting techniques, including Osteoporosis and post-surgery.--How the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment of the top vertebrae is a specialty of Dr. Prather, who is the only board-certified Atlas Orthogonist in the state of Indiana.--How the study connecting strokes to Chiropractic adjustment was composed entirely of cases where the adjustments were made by people who weren't even Chiropractors!--Why going to your hairdresser to get your hair washed is a higher risk than getting a Chiropractic neck adjustment.--Why even post-surgical Scoliosis patients with a rod in their back can get relief from a safe, gentle, reflex adjustment technique.--The benefits of Chiropractic adjustments for patients who have had knee and hip  
2/17/201856 minutes, 44 seconds
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Auriculotherapy is a safe treatment that uses micro-current electrical stimulation on the ear to make changes throughout the body. In this episode, learn:--Why Dr. Prather calls Auriculotherapy "one of the most powerful therapies we do".--How Auriculotherapy "rewires the central computer (the brain)” using the ear as the conduit to your brain.--Why it is called "the most proven therapy in the entire world".--How Auriculotherapy is especially helpful in chronic pain patients.--The life-changing story of a fibromyalgia patient who, after years of suffering, eliminated three different pain medications after just one week of treatment.--Why Auriculotherapy provides amazing changes for patients who have tried everything else, had nothing work, and have no hope.--The remarkable way that the ear is a perfect representation of the entire body, and how you can affect anything and everything in the body by working on the ear.--How Auriculotherapy helps with addictions (food, drugs, smoking), anxiety, insomnia, learning disorders, emotional issues, PTSD, and phantom limb pain.--How children with ADD/ADHD are transformed through this therapy (and without drugs).--Why Dr. Prather believes Auriculotherapy is one of the major futures of health care in providing natural pain relief instead of dangerous, addictive prescription 
2/10/201856 minutes, 49 seconds
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Around 80% of women and 20% of men are shown to be low in iron. Everyone should have their iron checked at least once per year. In this episode, find out:--The amazing story about how an iron supplementation program helped a girls cross country team qualify for State, improve academic performance, and even be better behaved with their parents.--How eating ice or chewing on pencils can indicate low iron. And the connection between iron deficiency and pregnancy cravings (even a craving to eat dirt!).--Emotional and behavioral issues that result from low iron, and the connection between low iron and A.D.D. (especially in girls).--The symptoms of iron deficiency and how low iron is too often missed by medical professionals.--How iron levels in pregnant women impact the I.Q. of their child.--The foods that are highest in iron (and the food Dr. Prather recommends especially for vegetarians and vegans).--The particular iron level that MUST be checked...which most doctors don't bother to test.--Why Anemia IS a big deal and how it can reduce the length and quality of your life.--How iron toxicity is a very serious problem, especially among older men, and why it increases your chance of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and a FALSE diabetes diagnosis.--The cases where iron toxicity was misdiagnosed as ALS or Parkinson's 
2/3/201856 minutes, 38 seconds
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50 million prescriptions per year are written for anxiety. But there are safer, natural alternatives that are more effective. In this episode, discover:--The 80-20 rule for a healthy stress balance, where we should be in a "rest and digest" mode 80% of the time and in a "fight or flight" stress mode 20% of the time.--How anxiety disorder medications cause about 38,000 deaths annually from PROPERLY prescribed drugs. And why Dr. Prather says these medications should not be taken more than a two-week period.--Why Chiropractic adjustments make "an immediate difference" for anxiety patients. And how Dr. Prather uses gentle, non-force techniques to adjust that are especially helpful for patients with anxiety.--That the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends Acupuncture as a treatment for anxiety. And why people often fall asleep during an Acupuncture treatment!--How Auriculotherapy treats the brain through stimulation of points on the ears, which is helpful for many health issues (including anxiety issues).--The effectiveness of Homeopathy on anxiety disorders without the dangerous side-effects of prescription drugs.--The herbals which are helpful as a "natural sedative" and have been shown to provide an equal or better response compared to pharmaceutical anxiety drugs.--Why Dr. Prather considers massage a key part of his own health regimen and recommends it for stress relief.--The role hormones play in anxiety disorders. And how the endocrine system must be balanced correctly for our body to give a correct response to stress and anxiety.--The diagnostic tests that should be done for anxiety patients in order to determine the root cause of the anxiety disorder. And how The Prather Practice can test for stress response markers and check the autonomic nervous 
1/27/201856 minutes, 48 seconds
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Dr. Prather gives an update on the current flu epidemic, which is expected to last another 11 to 13 weeks. Then, he talks about Anxiety Disorders that impact 6.5 million Americans. In this episode, we talk about:--That this is one of the worst flu seasons in recent history. And how the predictions about this year's flu season were wrong.--Why those taking cholesterol medications or antibiotics are more susceptible to the flu. And why Dr. Prather says almost all pharmaceuticals lower your immune system response.--How The Prather Practice helps patients keep their immune system up to par, including watching their Vitamin D levels. Plus, find out about the homeopathic formula for the flu that proved effective in the 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak and is still available (and effective) today.--What constitutes the clinical definition of an Anxiety Disorder, which goes beyond the anxiety that we all have. And the five different categories for Anxiety Disorders.--How the digestive and endocrine systems are affected by Anxiety Disorders. And what your breathing indicates about your anxiety level.--The connection between Autoimmune Diseases (like Multiple Sclerosis) and Anxiety Disorders.--How Dr. Prather helps Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) with proven homeopathic remedies, certain acupuncture patterns, and Auriculotherapy which directly targets the brain.--The connection between the posture and position of the body to mental and anxiety disorders. And how The Prather Practice uses treatments such as chiropractic and massage to change the posture and muscles of the body, which directly settles a patient's anxiety.--Why Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is not limited to those in the military.--The lowered vitamins and minerals that result from anxiety 
1/20/201856 minutes, 50 seconds
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The HCG Diet is a short-term diet that results in losing a half-pound to a pound daily, while targeting the loss of fat and not muscle. In this episode, learn about: --Why MEDICAL weight loss is important to both maximize your health and maximize your fat loss results.--How The Prather Practice does lab tests to diagnose any underlying cause of weight gain, which must be corrected first before any weight loss program can work.--That the Body Composition Analysis is a better measurement than Body Mass Index. And why focusing on inches lost and fat percentage lost is more important than just the number on the scale.--How the HCG Diet was discovered by a world-renowned endocrinologist when studying pregnant women.  --The amazing side effects of the HCG Diet, including a boost in energy and a testosterone boost for men--How the HCG Diet helps your body establish a new "set" weight that it will maintain unlike the "yo-yo" dieting from most weight loss program results.--Why you should NEVER buy HCG products online, but get them from a reputable source that also monitors your lab tests.--How The Prather Practice can tailor HCG Diet plans for everyone, including vegetarians. Plus, how the HCG Diet is composed of normal foods (”nothing fancy") that are easy to find.  --The three phases of the HCG Diet, which begins with three days of loading up on high-fat foods.--The Lipotropic vitamin injections taken twice weekly to give your body an energy boost during the HCG Diet. 
1/13/201856 minutes, 53 seconds
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Weight loss is one of the top resolutions made for the new year. The Prather Practice has a proven program to help you reach your goals. In this episode, find out:--That the obesity rate has dramatically climbed in the past two decades, including in Indiana which is in the Top 10 of obese states.--How food portions and serving sizes have increased.--Why The Prather Practice's approach to weight loss is more sustainable with permanent results compared to most of the "yo-yo" diets out there with only temporary results.--How The Prather Practice doesn't just have one weight loss program, but an individualized program designed for each patient.--Why eating smaller meals throughout the day is more in tune with how your body absorbs nutrients.--How The Prather Program focuses on body fat percentage and inches lost as more important than indicators such as total pounds or Body Mass Index.--The technique The Prather Practice uses that is similar to "a little Pac Man in the body" that eats up body fat for a 23-day or 45-day program to lose between a half-a-pound and a pound daily.--Why Dr. Prather calls his program a "medical weight loss" program and why he insists on lab work before starting a patient on any weight loss program.--That low Iron anemia will not allow your body to lose weight. And how it's very common at The Prather Practice for Type II Diabetes patients to completely eliminate their insulin after being on the HCG Diet.--The G.I. Effects stool kit that a weight loss patient should have to determine any food allergies or underlying gut issues that directly contribute to gaining 
1/6/201856 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to cut health care costs by 40%, while improving patient satisfaction and health. In this powerful episode, Dr. Prather shares the model for his office and the "seismic finding" of a major insurance company research project. Learn:--The solution for our nation's health care crisis in which we spend more money than anyone else, with "abysmal" results in the health of patients (especially in areas such as cardiovascular and cancer).--The difference between Disease Care and Structure/Function Health Care models and how the best path forward is the best of both worlds.--The 80/20 rule for the appropriate balance between Structure/Function Health Care and Disease Care.--Why the cause of symptoms and disease processes is unimportant in the Disease Care model, but the Structure/Function model is dependent upon discovering the underlying cause.--Why the Disease Care approach is not the first place you should go when you are sick.--When the Disease Care model truly shines.--How you can increase your chances of surviving cancer by 50%.--The 5-year insurance company study that showed the health care model used in Dr. Prather's office reduced overall health care costs by 40%, slashed pharmaceutical costs by 85%, and hospital stays by over 60%. (And decreased adverse patient reactions and malpractice suits by 80%, while boosting patient satisfaction and health!)--What obstacles must be overcome to implement this model nationally, and the plans to do just 
12/30/201756 minutes, 23 seconds
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Imbalance of estrogen--in both women and men--is a common problem that affects 80% of all women and 40% of all men. The older you get, the more likely you are to have this imbalance. In this episode, you'll discover:--How our endocrine system (which produced our hormones) is the master system that tells the body what to do.--The health problems (for both sexes) that can develop when you have an imbalance of estrogen.--Why your hormones cannot properly balance if you have a congested liver (the chemical factory of the body).--How estrogen balance eliminates PMS symptoms, and the times of greatest hormonal imbalance for women (puberty, childbirth, & menopause).--Why it all starts with the liver in the treatment for estrogen imbalance. (Plus, why your Liver and thyroid do not work right with low iodine levels, which is common in Indiana.)--How pesticides, Chlorine, and Fluoride can cause estrogen imbalance.--That you will have twice the risk of cancer if you take bioidentical hormones or pharmaceuticals for your hormones. (And the safer, natural alternatives.)--Why soy products and sugar increase estrogen levels, and why fiber is one of the best ways to balance estrogen levels.--How Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Mood Disorders, Fatigue, and Loss of Libido are all affected by this imbalance.--Why your Copper/Zinc ratio is key for your hormones (and your relationships) to 
12/23/201756 minutes, 36 seconds
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Holidays can be a stressful time on our bodies. And many people are sick right now as a result of that extra stress. In this episode, discover:--The amazing difference in your immune system when smiling and frowning.--How both massage and acupuncture can help you relax and relieve stress on the body. And how some patients say acupuncture is actually more relaxing than the massage!--The natural products and supplements that can help you sleep (with no pharmaceuticals and no risk.)--Why you shouldn't put a winter coat on a child in a car seat.--Why NOW is the best time to get your annual exams since most people have already met their insurance or Medicare deductible.--How Chiropractic adjustments are important in combating the stress that knock you out of proper alignment.--The natural, non-pharmaceutical, products at The Prather Practice to help fight illness.--How you can give the gift of health to loved ones this year.--That dishwashers and washing machines actually help our health.--Why Vitamin D is an important part of keeping up your immune system in the winter, BUT you need to be tested for it to avoid taking too 
12/16/201756 minutes, 51 seconds
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Recent news stories reported that people have been hospitalized with Campylobacter Infection from handling puppies in pet stores. In this episode, we talk about:--What the Campylobacter Infection is and the symptoms of it (including bloody diarrhea, fever, and nausea).--How the Campylobacter Infection is antibiotic-resistant and how people catch it.--That the Campylobacter Infection is the most common infection in the gut with 1.3 million infections each year in the U.S.--How 33% of all chicken meat has Campylobacter on it, but washing chicken can actually SPREAD Campylobacter.--How bacteria becomes antibiotic-resistant and what prescribing and environmental patterns we need to change.--The difference between Acute Campylobacter Infections and Chronic Campylobacter Infections that Dr. Prather often finds patients are unaware of (but is the root cause of their health issues).--The connection between Campylobacter and autoimmune diseases such as Osteoarthritis and Guillain-Barre.--The DNA stool kit testing that The Prather Practice does to diagnose the underlying infection in a patient (and how it is covered by most insurances).--The natural answer The Prather Practice offers for infections that are antibiotic-resistant including infection-killing oxygen drops, herbals, and Homeopathics that stimulate the body's own immune system.--How The Prather Practice builds up the GOOD bacteria in your gut which leaves no room for any additional type of infections. (And how lab tests show that "no one" has good gut flora when they first come into The Prather Practice as patients.) 
12/9/201756 minutes, 22 seconds
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We think of parasites as a third-world problem, but it is actually a greater problem in America than most (including doctors) realize. In this episode, learn:--How The Prather Practice often diagnoses parasites in patients who have "been everywhere" searching for the cause of their health problems but were never able to determine what was wrong with them.--Why Dr. Prather estimates that 65% of those in the Indianapolis area have a parasitic infection right now. --The parasites that the Centers for Disease Control are trying to promote more awareness about, including one that causes blindness in children.--That the Centers for Disease Control has issued a warning for Vietnam Veterans who are developing a form of cancer from parasites they contracted decades ago.--How parasites can even go into the brain and cause seizures, leading to a false epilepsy diagnosis.--That many autoimmune diseases are caused by an underlying parasite and the stress the parasite causes to the body.--Why Dr. Prather says "every single symptom" can be caused by parasites, which makes it difficult to diagnose.--The diagnostic tests Dr. Prather uses to diagnose parasites, including one that everyone should have on an annual basis.--The treatments for parasites offered by The Prather Practice, such as herbals and Homeopathics (which are "the secret weapon" Dr. Prather uses). And why pharmaceuticals are "never enough" to defeat parasites.--Plus, hear the story of a family who comes all the way from Louisiana to Indianapolis just to see Dr. 
12/2/201756 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Centers for Disease Control has said that lead toxicity should be a top priority. Over 500,000 children have high lead levels in their blood. In this episode, you'll discover:--Why children are at greater risk and more susceptible to absorbing toxic levels of lead, and the reason why boys absorb heavy metals more than girls.--How lead toxicity is linked to symptoms such as anemia, anorexia, anxiety, confusion, depression, dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, hypertension, incoordination, irritability, abdominal pain, constipation, muscle pain, restlessness, and tremors.--The link between lead toxicity and learning disabilities or hyperactivity in children. And why even a small exposure to lead can reduce a child's I.Q. permanently.--The treatments for lead toxicity and less traumatic alternatives to I.V. Chelation that Dr. Prather uses such as oral chelation, mineral supplements, vitamins, and homeopathics.--How most people suffering from lead toxicity have no idea what they have and the tests you should have to find out.--Why Dr. Prather says about a third of his patients have some sort of heavy metal toxicity (aluminum, nickel, mercury, cadmium, or lead).--The importance Dr. Prather places on getting to the underlying cause of a health issue (like the Structure/Function health care model) instead of just treating symptomatology (like the disease care model does).--The inspiring story of a patient who went through two years of medical tests without doctors being able to figure out the problem, but found relief after just four weeks with Dr. Prather's treatment.--The reason why everyone--including all children under the age of 5--should have a hair analysis every year to test for heavy metal 
11/25/201756 minutes, 35 seconds
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The GI Effects Stool Kit is a recommended annual test to determine the health of your gut--where 80% of your immune system is found. In this episode, you'll learn:--The huge leap forward through the biogenome project that reveals more about what's going on in our health.--Why you have more "other" cells in our bodies than cells with your own DNA. And how those cells are essential to our health and well-being,--The diseases that originate in the gut: Cancer, Heart Disease, and all Auto-Immune Disease (Sjogren's Syndrome, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Type II Diabetes, Osteoarthritis).--How the GI Effects test not only reveals the underlying problem in your gut, but also reveals the specific products to treat it.--Why low iron is the leading cause of attention deficit disorder in young women (leading to recommendations of prescriptions like Adderall which can worsen the problem) when the underlying cause is really a gut bacterial infection.--Why almost all rashes and skin issues in babies are due to an underlying yeast infection in the gut. And why all acne cases should begin with a check of gut toxicity.--While everyone should have an annual GI Effects Test, those with the following conditions absolutely MUST have one: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, anyone with an immune system problem, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease risk.--How the GI Effects Test can determine your likelihood of developing colon cancer.--How the GI Effects Test helped determine the cause (and treatment) for someone with undiagnosed headaches and has even helped find parasites causing insomnia and sleep disturbance.--The story of the patient who had been everywhere--Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins--and could not find relief from her health symptoms until Dr. Prather determined the root issue through a GI Effects 
11/18/201756 minutes, 52 seconds
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There are 3 tests Dr. Prather recommends everyone have every year to get a blueprint to your health. One of those tests is a Hair Analysis to reveal your body's mineral levels. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Mineral deficiency is common due to the deficiencies in our food, and how entire civilizations rise and fall based on the quality of minerals in their land.--The role stress, pharmaceuticals, and diet play in mineral depletion.--Why Minerals are so important to our health.--What a Hair Analysis reveals.--How heavy metal toxicity poisons your body and dramatically impacts your health. And who is at greatest risk for heavy metal toxicity (such as 80% of dentists and 40% of children).--Why Hair Analysis is key for Cancer patients.--How Aluminum toxicity impacts Autism, Asperger's Disease, ADD, and ADHD. And how we consume an increasing amount of Aluminum through cookware, vaccinations, food preservatives, and anti-perspirants.--Why Dr. Prather will not treat someone with Osteoporosis unless he can do a Hair Analysis. (And how more Calcium can actually make Osteoporosis WORSE in certain cases.)--The most common Mineral deficiency and how it can affect your health in a variety of areas: vision, heart problems, kidney issues, liver disorders, prostate problems, fertility, and eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.--The role Minerals play in triggering 
11/11/201755 minutes, 51 seconds
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We begin a three-part series on The Blueprint To Your Health, where we talk about the 3 tests Dr. Prather recommends that everyone get every year. In this episode, learn:--How blood work reveals both what is wrong with the body and what could possibly go wrong.--Why Dr. Prather often identifies problems in someone's blood work when several other doctors said there was nothing wrong. And the difference between Disease Care and the Structure-Function Health Care model Dr. Prather uses when evaluating blood work.--How Dr. Prather does NOT treat diseases, but is a Health doctor who fixes the underlying cause of any imbalance in the body. And how Disease Care doctors focus on treating symptomatology.--That health care costs would dramatically decrease and patient results would improve if our health care system was based more on the Structure-Function Health Care model instead of Disease Care.--Why The Prather Profile blood test is "an executive level" blood test identical to what the President of the United States would get. And why Dr. Prather as a Structure-Function doctor does MORE lab tests than Disease Care doctors.--That The Prather Profile blood panel includes more than 50 different tests that covers anything that could possibly be wrong in the body from A to Z. Plus, hear the funny story about how this national profile was named after Dr. Prather.--How Dr. Prather's training included over 650 hours of training on interpreting blood work, while the average medical doctor only has 15 hours of training in medical school.--The "secret" Lisa Prather tells about Dr. Prather's own aversion to blood work...which he calls "The Warrior Reflex".--Why insurance companies DON'T like it if you miss your annual blood test. And why they cover The Prather Profile very well.--How Dr. Prather looks beyond "the normal" reference ranges on blood work. And how reference ranges on blood work only reveal where 50% of people tested (which varies by each lab), while Dr. Prather judges blood work on an optimal Homeostasis range for your 
11/4/201756 minutes, 44 seconds
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Flu season runs from October to March in the Northern Hemisphere. Dr. Prather will help you prepare for it. In this episode, find out:--The signs and symptoms of flu. And how to tell the difference between the flu and a cold.--How far water droplets carrying the flu virus can travel when someone sneezes. Plus, how long the water droplets can stay in the air to expose you to the flu virus.--The complications of flu and how long the flu should last before it becomes really necessary to see a doctor.--Those who are at most risk for getting the flu. And the test your doctor should give you to accurately diagnose the flu.--Why a Structure-Function office like The Prather Practice focuses on building up the immune system instead of giving vaccinations. And the potential risks associated with taking the flu vaccine.--Which flu vaccines you should not take because they do not work. And which flu vaccine you should ask for if you do decide to vaccinate.--Why nutritional supplements are really "concentrated foods" you take to boost the immune system. And which supplements Dr. Prather especially recommends for the flu.--How anti-cholesterol statin drugs make you MORE susceptible to the flu. And the supplement Dr. Prather suggests you take to help offset that susceptibility.--That Homeopathic hospitals during the 1918 Spanish Flu had only a 10% death rate while the medical hospitals had a death rate of 90%. And how Dr. Prather uses Homeopathy to "make some amazing changes" in helping his patients fight the flu today.--What can be done to prevent the flu. Plus, find out how bad the flu season is expected to be this 
10/28/201756 minutes, 52 seconds
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The average American eats 75 pounds of sugar each year when we should consume only 25 to 30 pounds per year. In this episode, find out:--Why sugar itself is not a bad thing, but what we've done with it is.--How the amount of fiber versus sugar in our diets has changed over the years.--How sugar affects children differently than adults, as sugar actually changes a child's brain chemistry similar to how cocaine changes a brain. And how sugar addiction can lead to drug addiction.--Why the problem is REFINED sugar that is more like a drug instead of the natural UNREFINED sugar that still contains all the nutrients.--The results of Dr. Prather's tests on his kids and their friends in choosing between snacks made with refined versus unrefined sugar.--Why you need a lot of fiber to properly process sugar. (And why oatmeal cookies can be good for you if done correctly.)--How sugar changes I.Q., speed of learning, and the ability to concentrate.--How sugar affects our immune system. And the links between sugar and cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity.--The healthy alternatives to sugar: Stevia (which Dr. Prather calls his favorite since it contains NEGATIVE calories), Xylitol (which helps with cavities and strengthens teeth), Honey (which if grown locally helps fight allergies), and Rapidura.--How purified fruit juices can be a problem since they take out all the fiber (and why Dr. Prather is pro-pulp) 
10/21/201756 minutes, 33 seconds
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Our Endocrine System influences how we think, our emotions, and who we are. Dr. Prather calls it "The Chemical Master" of our body. In this episode, you'll discover:--That Endocrine System problems include hair loss, weight gain, a general feeling of malaise and fatigue. And even our happiness is connected to it. Anxiety and Depression often go away when the Endocrine System is fixed.--Why women have an Endocrine System that is a moving target, while men have a very simple system. And hear the amazing explanation on why a healthy Endocrine system makes someone more attractive!--How growing boys can become taller (with a variance of up to 4 inches) if their endocrine system is balanced properly. And why Jr. High basketball players come to see Dr. Prather to become taller!--How Pituitary and Hypothalamus can impact the menstrual cycles of young women who often are encouraged to go on prescription birth control to balance out their periods. (And the unhealthy side effects of long term birth control use.)--How pharmaceuticals can damage the Endocrine System. For example, how Synthroid causes depression in 80% of users. And how even Aspirin and Ibuprofen impact our Endocrine System in a negative way.--The role the Parathyroids play in Calcium regulation (which if not balanced properly can lead to Osteoporosis or Kidney Stones).--Why Headaches, Hypertension, Panic Attacks, and Anxiety are linked to Adrenal Gland function. And how 80% of High Blood Pressure is rooted in the Adrenal Glands.--How Dr. Prather says we abuse our Pancreas and its importance to our health and wellness (such as in Type II Diabetes). And why Dr. Prather says Type 2 Diabetes can be controlled WITHOUT medication.--The role of the gonads (the eggs and testes) in our Endocrine system and in regulating our hormones. And how our Endocrine System is directly tied to our sexual health, our muscle strength, and remaining young and vibrant. Plus, why Dr, Prather says declining Hormones result in aging instead of aging being the cause of declining Hormones.--Why the chemicals in our food and water can damage sperm count in men and change the proper hormonal balance in our 
10/14/201756 minutes, 22 seconds
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Trigger points are muscle knots that can refer pain to different areas of the body. Certain Trigger Points are even related to different diseases. In this episode, we talk about:--How EVERYBODY has Trigger Points to some degree. And how every patient at The Prather Practice with Musculoskeletal problems receives Trigger Point Therapy.--The definition of Trigger Points and the pain they cause. And how most doctors can miss the true source of the pain due to a lack of understanding of these Trigger Points.--That PMS cramps "can go away immediately" by releasing Trigger Points. Plus, how spasms of the esophagus and other internal problems can be treated through Trigger Point Therapy.--Why kidney problems can kick off certain Trigger Points. And how those Trigger Points, in turn, can also affect the kidneys.--That releasing Trigger Points can help reduce Anxiety and Depression levels immediately. And why everyone should be checked annually for Trigger Points by a Structure-Function specialist.--How we could achieve a 60% savings in our nation's health care costs with an 85% improvement in the health of the nation if we had a health care system based on 80% Structure-Function Care and 20% Disease Care.--The treatments for Trigger Points, including: Manual Pressure, Spray and Stretch, Rapid Release, Electrical Stimulation, Ultrasound, Needling, and Trigger Point Injections.--Why the body spasms post-surgery and results in every post-surgical patient having Trigger Points.--How Trigger Point Therapy is covered by insurance. And how John F. Kennedy wouldn't have become President of the United States without Trigger Point Therapy.--Why people fly in from all over the country to be treated for TMJ by Dr. Prather. And how Trigger Points are heavily involved with TMJ and 70% of all 
10/7/201756 minutes, 51 seconds
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Copper Toxicity is a common problem that can have a huge effect on your hormones and nervous system. In this episode, you'll learn:--How Copper Toxicity can lead to depression, hormone imbalance, anorexia, fibroid tumors, immune system issues, ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, PMS symptoms, headaches, osteoporosis, and scoliosis.--The relationship between Copper and Zinc in your body, and why they must be in balance. (Plus, why Copper is more associated with females and Zinc is more associated with males.)--Why a Hair Analysis test (which you should have annually) is the least-expensive and most accurate method of measuring your body's mineral levels.--How the brain is very sensitive to Zinc and Copper. (And the interesting relationship between those levels and the tendency to be more right-brained or left-brained.)--The impact of copper pipes and water softeners on Copper Toxicity (and why the shower is the most common source of copper toxicity.)--The children Dr. Prather has seen "cured completely" from dyslexia after getting their Copper-Zinc levels balanced, And why almost 100% of teenage girls have this mineral imbalance.--The dangers of low Copper for increased stroke and cardiovascular risk, and the particular dangers for women on birth control.--How viral, fungal, and bacterial infections are linked to your Copper and Zinc levels.--Why Copper-Zinc ratios can have a dramatic effect on infertility, making expensive fertility treatments unnecessary.--The amazing story of a Mom whose daughter has found tremendous relief after Dr. Prather identified and treated her toxic Copper 
9/30/201756 minutes, 50 seconds
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Compared to 1995, the trend of obesity has skyrocketed in America. This now includes children. In this episode, find out:--Why Millennials might be the first generation that has a shorter lifespan than the one before it. And how obesity is lowering America's economic productivity.--The health risks associated with obesity, including: Type II Diabetes, higher coronary risk factor, fatty liver disease, and cancer. Plus, how a higher fat percentage changes your hormonal system and the pH of your body.--That HALF of Medicare and Medicaid costs could be reduced if obesity rates were brought under control. And how this cost burden is equal to $5,000-$6,000 per person in our country.--The Bioimpedance test Dr. Prather uses to accurately measure body fat percentage in his patients. And why Dr. Prather believes the numbers reported on obesity are underreported.--That most people who go on a weight loss program weigh MORE in five years than they would have had they not gone on a weight loss program in the first place. And why Dr. Prather is focused on the FAT PERCENTAGE and NOT weight in his weight loss patients.--Why Dr. Prather says lab tests are "absolutely critical" for proper fat loss. And how The Prather Practice is able to help people who have failed on every other weight loss program.--How the Hypothalamus is one of the most important aspects to weight loss.--That stress is a big contributor to gut fat as higher stress hormone levels increase this "brown fat". And Dr. Prather's approach to combating brown fat through rebuilding the adrenals, the endocrine system, and the body's ability to handle stress.--Dr. Prather's theories on why obesity has dramatically skyrocketed in the past twenty years. Hint: Look at the amount of chemicals the average person is now taking in today.--How 1-in-3 children will become diabetic (a tripling in just 10 years). And why Dr. Prather says breastfeeding "is one of the biggest determinants" in reducing a child's likelihood of becoming obese in the 
9/23/201756 minutes, 34 seconds
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5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer's Disease, with an estimate of 14 million diagnosed by 2050. In this episode, you'll discover:--How 90% of Alzheimer's cases are age-related, while the remaining 10% of early onset cases are caused by a genetic issue.--The role of free radicals, fatty acids, lowered oxygenation, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, inflammation, head trauma, smoking, depression, and pharmaceuticals in the formation of Alzheimer's Disease.--Why the current treatments for Alzheimer's are described as "lackluster at best". And why the deaths from Alzheimer's are likely underreported on death certificates.--How the Prather Practice helps fight Alzheimer's by dealing with the root issues that cause the disease. And how anemia increases your odds of getting Alzheimer's.--The role aerobic exercise, education level, and diet can play in preventing Alzheimer's. Plus, how coconut oil and B vitamins can benefit Alzheimer's patients.--Why the medical mindset of "one cause, one cure" is not beneficial to treat Alzheimer's, which may have multiple different causes. And why the Structure/Function model of getting the body back into homeostasis can be a more beneficial approach.--The Brain Core Therapy that is the best and most powerful way to exercise and improve the brain to help with ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and Alzheimer's. And why Dr. Prather calls it the "best" therapy now available for Alzheimer's.--How Auriculotherapy (microcurrent stimulation of the ear) helps rewire the brain to make it work better. And why it helps advanced Alzheimer's patients.--The benefits of chiropractic treatment in the Atlas area for Alzheimer's patients (as well as for Parkinson's and Multiple Sclerosis patients). Plus, how Acupuncture can benefit Alzheimer's patients.--How liver congestion can kick off Alzheimer's. And how Aluminum and Mercury toxicity are important 
9/16/201755 minutes, 51 seconds
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Homeopathic medicines can be used for every single disease and condition with ZERO side effects. It's also the fastest-growing part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine today. In this episode, we talk about:--The Law of Similars which is the basis of Homeopathy. And how the laws of Homeopathy are the basis for the treatment of allergies.--How Homeopathy saved France and Napolean's Army from Typhoid and Cholera. Plus, how 1918 Flu Epidemic had a 90% death rate in the medical hospitals, but only a 10% death rate in the Homeopathic hospitals.--The influence of Homeopathy in the standards and manufacturing of the pharmaceutical industry, including Eli Lilly. And why Homeopathics cannot be given a patent.--Why Dr. Prather calls Homeopathy "the secret weapon" of The Practice. And how Dr. Prather is able to give a Homeopathic to offset the side effects of prescription drugs, including Chemotherapy.--Why Homeopathy should always be the first line of treatment for children before they are given a pharmaceutical. And the recent studies showing how Homeopathy outperforms Antibiotics in children with ear infections.--How Homeopathy is a great option for conditions that have no pharmaceutical treatment available, such as Kidney Disease and Congestive Heart Failure. And how The Prather Practice uses Homeopathics to help kidney patients avoid Dialysis.--Why Homeopathy has no side effects and has never reported an incident of damage to a patient.--That Homeopathy has recently been shown superior to pharmaceuticals for epidemics of Whooping Cough (Pertussis), Cholera, Dengue Fever, Diphtheria, Hepatitis, Influenza, Japanese Encephalitis, Meningococcal Disease, and Malaria.--How Homeopathy stimulates the body's own defense mechanisms to keep the body strong and healthy, while pharmaceuticals lessen the body's own ability to fight off illness.--The excellent results from Homeopathy for infections and diseases, as well as mental and emotional issues such as Depression and Anxiety. And how Dr. Prather says Homeopathy is "absolutely amazing" in helping to eliminate withdrawal symptoms from opioid and drug 
9/9/201756 minutes, 50 seconds
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One of the specialties of The Prather Pratice, as they are able to help people find relief after they have lost hope. In this episode, you'll learn:  --How approximately 20% of people have chronic headaches (meaning more than 15 days in a month with a headache). And the shocking majority of chronic headache sufferers that have given up on seeking medical help because they have found no relief.--The difference between tension headaches, migraine headaches and cluster headaches. And which type of headache is more common in women, and which kind of headache is more common in men.--How chronic headache sufferers usually start getting headaches as children. And why Dr. Prather says that is the best time to solve the issue.--The gentle chiropractic adjustment of the upper neck which Dr. Prather specializes in that makes a huge impact on headaches in about 90% of patients.--How you can actually get a "rebound headache" from prescription headache medication! And the more effective alternatives to ineffective prescription drugs.--The various triggers of migraine headaches such as hormones, allergies, infections, anemia, liver toxicity, and kidney problems. And how Dr. Prather can usually stop a migraine DURING an attack.--The diagnostics important for migraines so that the underlying cause can be determined, such as: heavy metal toxicity, food allergies, inflammation in the body, and gut imbalances.--Why Dr. Prather calls Auricular Therapy one of the best pain relief treatments available, especially for migraines. And how the treatment "rewires" the brain.--How taller guys with much shorter wives are usually the ones with cluster headaches. And why Dr. Prather says the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment is the only thing can be done for a cluster headache.--How those with headaches are three times as likely to get depression than the average person. 
9/2/201755 minutes, 53 seconds
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Antibiotic resistance is one of the world's most pressing health problems. And it is due to the misuse and overuse of these important, life-saving drugs. In this episode, you'll discover:--How the inventors of antibiotics feared the overuse of them so that they would be rendered ineffective.--The shocking number of times the inventors of antibiotics felt that the drugs SHOULD be used in one's lifetime.--How antibiotics make viruses and yeast infections STRONGER (but yet some doctors prescribe them anyway).--The procedure a patient SHOULD go through before receiving an antibiotic. (It's unlikely your doctor goes through this process!)--How 80% of the time antibiotics are given in the U.S., the patient doesn't even have a bacterial infection.--Why an antibiotic damages your immune system when you take it. (And how an antibiotic can make a virus more ingrained in your system.)--The number of rounds of antibiotics that increase a child's chances of developing a learning disability by a factor of 10.--How the Structure-Function Health Care Model offers answers to patients in a post-antibiotic world. (Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Homeopathics, Herbals).--Take the antibiotic quiz from the Centers for Disease Control.--What parents should do when their children are sick instead of pressuring the doctor for an 
8/26/201756 minutes, 51 seconds
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While the spine is a crucial part of Chiropractic, the entire body can benefit from Chiropractic adjustments. In this episode, you'll find out:--That 95% of patients who need a spinal adjustment also need additional adjustments in other areas of the body. (But not all Chiropractors adjust extremities.)--The story of how Dr. Prather helped a friend with TMJ who had actually tried to commit suicide because he was suffering so badly from jaw pain.--Why the jaw has a direct connection to the brain's pain centers as well as the brain's emotional centers, And the unique adjusting system Dr. Prather has developed for adjusting the jaw and taught to other Chiropractors.--Why patients will often need their head and jaw adjusted before getting relief from a shoulder adjustment.--How Chiropractic adjustments, Acupuncture, and Physical Therapy can help prevent shoulder surgery (almost 90% of the time) or make the surgery go more smoothly.--Why the elbow is one of the easiest joints to adjust and one of the best in holding the adjustment for patients with Tennis elbow.--That many Carpal Tunnel patients (who even had the surgery with no results) have been misdiagnosed and actually have a Palmaris Longus Syndrome that responds well to adjustments of the bones in the wrist.--Why a Eustachean Tube chiropractic adjustment (basically a tug on the ear) can help with ear infections, tinnitus, and upper respiratory infections.--Why hip surgery can be delayed or even postponed with Chiropractic adjustments. (And how patients who had hip surgery can find relief from an adjustment, too.)--Plus more on how Chiropractic adjustment can benefit ribs, knees, feet, ankles, and 
8/19/201756 minutes, 37 seconds
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Less than 10% of the 40 million addicts in the U.S. are being treated for their addiction. In this episode, find out:--Why addiction is a disease, not just a behavioral issue, because of how it changes the function of your brain and your endocrine system.--How the U.S. has 5% of the population, but takes in 80% of all the drugs in the world (both legal and illegal).--That insurance companies are paying for addictive opioid drugs that are proven to INCREASE pain in chronic pain sufferers. Plus, how health care costs would drop by about 25% if we were able to solve our addiction problem in America!--The people who are at a higher risk to become addicted and the deficiencies they have in their bodies. Plus, the role of genetics in determining a person's tendency of becoming addicted...and their future descendants.--How Ritalin and Adderall prescribed to children can dramatically increase their odds of becoming addicts in the future.--Why Dr. Prather says we are not approaching addiction in the proper way. And why he says treating addiction with more pharmaceuticals only adds to the problem.--The Structure-Function Health Care approach to addiction that is taken at The Prather Practice, including balancing out the brain and the hormones to treat the addiction at the root cause.--The nutritional deficiencies in addicts that Dr. Prather says must be addressed in order to properly treat the addiction.--Which herbals have a very strong effect in treating addiction to drugs and alcohol. And why Dr. Prather says Homeopathy is one of the most important parts of their program for treating addiction by lessening withdrawal symptoms.--The Auriculotherapy and Acupuncture combination that is an "excellent means" for balancing the body out by increasing the patient's own natural opiate receptors, the body's natural opioid production, and an increase in the body's dopamine response.--Why bodywork and Chiropractic are "essential" in addressing the neurological imbalances present in an 
8/12/201756 minutes, 53 seconds
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Not only live to be 100, but live in a vibrant, active, and healthy way. In this episode, find out:--The likelihood you have of living to be 100 and how the odds of reaching that age are increasing.--How 90 year-old males are HEALTHIER with better health and performance than they had 10 years earlier.--Why the senior years can be the most rewarding and fulfilling years of your entire life. And the maximum life span possible according to recent scientific research.--Why Dr. Prather says you'd look like you were age 21 forever if you were fully oxygenated. And how the biggest indicator of how long you live is how deeply you breathe.--What a "balanced" exercise program looks like that includes aerobic, resistance, and kinesthetic exercises. And how your flexibility indicates how young you are.--The importance of avoiding injuries as you age and how a hip fracture increases your likelihood of death. Plus, how Chiropractic care can help the Indianapolis Colts to reduce their terrible injury rate!--Why Structure-Function Health Care and avoiding pharmaceuticals is ESSENTIAL to living to the age of 100.--That how well your kidneys work is one of the best indicators of how your heart is working. And the direct correlation between how old you are biologically and how well your kidneys function.--The key role of your gut health in combating autoimmune diseases (including Type II Diabetes, Cancer, Fibromyalgia, and Myofasciitis). And how Constipation increases your chances of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer.--Why keeping your Hormones balanced properly is essential to aging well and extending your 
8/5/201756 minutes, 44 seconds
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Diabetes causes a great deal of damage to the body, and 50% of those with Diabetes don't even realize they have it. In this episode, learn:--The three different types of diabetes (and why our current lifestyle is causing a huge increase in Type 2 Diabetes).--The annual tests you should have to stay on top of your health, and the symptoms of Diabetes you should be aware of.--Why children drinking large amounts of milk can be a precursor to Type 1 Diabetes.--The viral, autoimmune, and lifestyle causes of Diabetes.--How Type 2 Diabetes can be REVERSED (and why "less sugar, more fiber" is key).--Why carbohydrates and wheat should be avoided by Diabetics (and the stories of patients who reversed their Diabetes and lost weight by doing this).--The best exercise program to get your Diabetes under control and drop your blood sugar levels.--How Dr. Prather is able to help his Type 1 patients reduce insulin needed by 50% with nutritional changes and Type 2 patients to completely reverse their Diabetes.--The role of herbs (low calorie and high in nutrition) in managing Diabetes and which herbs work best in managing your blood sugar.--The vitamins and minerals that are helpful for Diabetes (and why Dr. Prather says he sees quicker changes with Minerals than anything else).--The strong effect on Diabetes from regular Chiropractic adjustments and 
7/29/201756 minutes, 51 seconds
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Scoliosis is an abnormal bending of the spine that occurs in about 3% of the population. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Scoliosis is more common in females, but boys can have a worse case when they do get it. And why Caucasians and blondes are more likely to develop Scoliosis.--The Hormonal and Copper-Zinc imbalances that Dr. Prather believes contribute to Scoliosis. And how Dr. Prather's theories on the causes of Scoliosis are unique.--How infections could lead to a higher incidence of Scoliosis, but are not the main cause of modern cases as they used to be.--The traditional treatments are bracing and surgery, but Dr. Prather finds alternative treatments in his office have a very high success rate if it is caught early enough.--Why Dr. Prather feels Chiropractic is "essential" for Scoliosis patients, particularly the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment that is Dr. Prather's specialty. And the Cerebrospinal Fluid adjustments that Dr. Prather finds all Scoliosis patients need.--How Acupuncture relaxes the muscles in the back and helps the spine shift back into proper position.--The importance of supplementation in balancing out hormones to help with both the Scoliosis as well as the moods of patients. And how almost all of us have some sort of Hormonal imbalance.--The more modern bracing that is contoured to the body to help young girls avoid embarrassment at school. And why surgery is not promoted as much as it used to be.--How Dr. Prather sees balancing out Hormones and Nutrition in his growing patients add as much as four-inches to the height of a boy and two-inches to the height of a girl.--Dr. Prather says he's always able to prevent Scoliosis in his young patients. And why Chiropractic care should be an essential part of children's 
7/15/201756 minutes, 51 seconds
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Pain is a communication from our body to our brain telling it that something is not right. But there are different theories among scientists about pain. In this episode, you'll discover:--There are those who cannot feel pain, which is actually a very dangerous condition as pain is an important part of our survival.--How our emotional state affects our pain perception.--The Bradley method of childbirth that makes a big difference in the pain level during labor.--Why it is so hard to study pain from a scientific and ethical perspective.--The influences that play a part in pain perception. And how a Doctor's lack of understanding causes a patient's pain to increase.--The Energy Flow Theory and The Pain Threshold Theory of Pain that The Prather Practice utilizes in treating patients.--The five pathways of energy in the body and how pain is caused when any one of those pathways becomes blocked.--How Dr. Prather treats the pain pattern in the brain that can sometimes remain even after the pain is gone. (And how opiates contribute to this problem and make a patient's pain WORSE.)--The Auriculotherapy treatment for pain that Dr. Prather describes as "the keyboard to the brain" and "THE most proven therapy in the world".--The P-Stim therapy at The Prather Practice (worn on the ear for four days at a time) that gives amazing results for patients with conditions such as Arthritis, Joint Pain, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Migraines, Sciatica, Depression, Addiction, Smoking Cessation, Fibromyalgia, and 
7/8/201756 minutes, 48 seconds
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Deaths related to pharmaceutical pain killers are on the rise. But Dr. Prather says there are safer, more effective, and natural alternatives to pain relief through Structure/Function Health Care. In this episode, find out:--The shocking statistics about how many Americans are dealing with pain.--The mistake made in 1999 when the increased use of pharmaceutical pain killers was encouraged...with results that are a "complete disaster".--Why Dr. Prather says opiates are good for short-term pain, but "absolutely a complete disaster" for chronic pain.--How pharmaceutical opiates leave you in a "worse pain situation than when you started" by damaging your body's own pain management ability.--That there are 238 million pain prescriptions written every year in the United States, with the U.S. consuming 80% of all world pain medication (yet with less than 5% of the world's population).--How Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy, Massage, and Nutritional remedies have been shown in the short-term to be "as effective as opiates" for pain relief without any of the side effects, but MUCH more effective than opiates in the long-term as they help the body's own ability to fight pain.--Why Dr. Prather says a combination of treatments in his office has been proven far more effective than relying on just one type of therapy.--Why Dr. Prather calls the P-Stim treatment in his office "the future of pain care" as it deals with the impact of pain upon the brain.--That Dr. Prather says the only solution to the opiate problem is to move to where 80% of our health care is from the Structure/Function model (as opposed to the Disease Care model).--How Dr. Prather helps eliminate all drug withdrawal symptoms for those addicted to opiate pain 
7/1/201756 minutes, 38 seconds
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Most weight loss programs and diets fail. The Prather Practice has a proven weight loss plan to help you reach your goals. In this episode, you'll discover:--The health risks associated with obesity, including the top two killers of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer.--Why Body Mass Index (BMI) is not an accurate measurement. And the Body Composition Analysis that will give you an accurate (within 2%) measurement of your body fat percentage.--The role of Vitamin D in your weight and how you'll automatically lose weight if your body has the correct Vitamin D level.--That 95% of the people who diet end up heavier in five years than if they hadn't dieted at all. And why your fat percentage is more important than your weight.--The DTS Weight Loss Initiative (Dedicate, Transform, and Succeed) at The Prather Practice and how it differs from other programs by being a medically-supervised program.--How The DTS Weight Loss Initiative helps you to make a long-lasting lifestyle change.--The different options available at DTS Weight Loss that are customized to your needs, from trimming that last five pounds to completely transforming your body.--The HCG Diet that burns fat rapidly by mimicking hormones produced by pregnant women. And how it "resets" your hypothalamus to your body's new normal weight.--The 7-day meal plans tailored to your tastes and cooking ability by our Nutritionist.--The many kinds of body measurements taken throughout the DTS Weight Loss initiative to track your results, including your "phase angle" which measures the health and life of your 
6/24/201756 minutes, 45 seconds
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Lyme Disease is the #1 reported vector-borne disease and the #6 reported disease in America right now. But Dr. Prather says many patients think they have it when they actually do not. In this episode, discover:--How the test for Lyme Disease is only 70% accurate and can often lead to a misdiagnosis.--Why you should be careful with tests for Lyme Disease that are not approved by the Centers for Disease Control.--The "detective work and investigation" that Dr. Prather says is a part of diagnosing every health situation.--How the most common tick-borne illness Dr. Prather sees in Indiana is not Lyme Disease, but Rickettsia ("Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever"). And how almost all of Dr. Prather's Lyme Disease patients are from the East Coast or from Minnesota.--The story of four friends who all became ill and the only one who survived was the one who was treated by Dr. Prather.--What you should do after you or a loved one has been bitten by a tick. And why an antibiotic after a tick bite could make the situation WORSE.--The signs and symptoms of Lyme Disease. And the different forms of Lyme Disease that have different symptomatology and different treatments.--How the Structure-Function Health Care approach taken by The Prather Practice focus on helping your body to fight the infection, while the Disease Care approach to fighting the infection can actually weaken the patient's immune system. --That we are now living in a "post-antibiotic age". And why Structure-Function Health Care is more necessary than ever because of this.--How only 20% of antibiotics prescribed are actually necessary.  And how adding the appropriate nutrients can make an antibiotic four times more  
6/17/201756 minutes, 50 seconds
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June is Scleroderma Awareness Month. 80% of those who have Scleroderma aren't even aware they have it. In this episode, we talk about:--That Scleroderma is a hardening of skin and connective tissue. And the different types of Scleroderma.--How Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease that can actually be fatal if it impacts the heart, lungs, and kidneys.--Why Dr. Prather says this is an under-diagnosed disease that is "tricky" to diagnose. And why a "post-surgical failure" is a common cause of Scleroderma.--The role hormones play in Scleroderma and how women are more likely to suffer from it.--Why surgery and opioids make Scleroderma WORSE. And how Dr. Prather looks at the scar from surgery to help determine if a patient has Scleroderma.--That Acupuncture is well-documented to be "absolutely wonderful" in treating Scleroderma. And the specialized, gentle Chiropractic adjustments necessary for Scleroderma patients.--What a Hair Analysis can reveal for a Scleroderma patient. Plus, the role of gut health in Scleroderma.--Why Structure-Function Health Care is the kind of care "every person with Scleroderma" should pursue as the best approach.--The supplement that has been shown to extend the lives of the most severe Scleroderma patients.--How most people actually have weakened immune systems. And what The Prather Practice does to help patients rebuild their immune 
6/10/201756 minutes, 49 seconds
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The GI Effects Stool Kit is a recommended annual test to determine the health of your gut--where 80% of your immune system is found. In this episode, you'll learn:--The huge leap forward through the biogenome project that reveals more about what's going on in our health.--Why you have more "other" cells in our bodies than cells with your own DNA. And how those cells are essential to our health and well-being,--The diseases that originate in the gut: Cancer, Heart Disease, and all Auto-Immune Disease (Sjogren's Syndrome, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Type II Diabetes, Osteoarthritis).--How the GI Effects test not only reveals the underlying problem in your gut, but also reveals the specific products to treat it.--Why low iron is the leading cause of attention deficit disorder in young women (leading to recommendations of prescriptions like Adderall which can worsen the problem) when the underlying cause is really a gut bacterial infection.--Why almost all rashes and skin issues in babies are due to an underlying yeast infection in the gut. And why all acne cases should begin with a check of gut toxicity.--While everyone should have an annual GI Effects Test, those with the following conditions absolutely MUST have one: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, anyone with an immune system problem, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease risk.--How the GI Effects Test can determine your likelihood of developing colon cancer.--How the GI Effects Test helped determine the cause (and treatment) for someone with undiagnosed headaches and has even helped find parasites causing insomnia and sleep disturbance.--The story of the patient who had been everywhere--Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins--and could not find relief from her health symptoms until Dr. Prather determined the root issue through a GI Effects 
6/3/201756 minutes, 51 seconds
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The FDA just released new guidelines for pain care which--for the first time--emphasize chiropractic, acupuncture, and physical therapy over dangerous drugs. In this episode, learn:--How "the worst drug crisis in American history" has been created by the pharmaceutical industry, which pressured government to bury recommendations for non-drug options to be the first line of care in treating pain.--The difference between the Obama Administration approach to FDA pain guidelines and the new Trump Administration's revisions to those guidelines. And the new skepticism in the Trump Administration towards the pharmaceutical industry.--Why the push to prescribe more opiate drugs occurred in the early 1990's and how that led to one opioid prescription being written for every man, woman, and child in the U.S. today.--Why Dr. Prather says opioids do NOT decrease pain, but actually INCREASE pain by destroying the body's natural ability to fight pain. Plus, how the very best programs for opiate addiction have less than a 10% success rate.--The difference between pharmaceutical-based "symptom" care and the Structure-Function approach that focuses on the underlying cause. And the research that shows non-addictive, Structure-Function care to be as effective or more effective (even in the short-term) than medications.--How the experts recommend that 80% of all health care be from the Structure-Function model and 20% of all care be from the Disease Care model. And how this balance would solve our health care crisis.--The Auriculotherapy treatment most people have not heard of, but is "extremely effective" in treating neurological pain and in treating addictions. And why Dr. Prather says it is one of the most effective treatments and a "huge answer" for those with opioid addiction.--Why Dr. Prather says the key to targeting pain is often through targeting the underlying inflammation.--The importance of rehab and corrective exercises so that a patient can make sure they don't re-create the problem.--The steps Dr. Prather thinks are necessary to change course on our opioid addiction crisis. (Including what Dr. Prather thinks about prescription drug advertising on television.) 
5/27/201756 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather says, "If you want to be healthy, you have to have proper posture. Otherwise health is impossible." In this episode, discover:--The definition of proper posture and alignment. Do you pass this test?--Why Dr. Prather says it is "surprisingly uncommon to find someone with proper posture". And how most patients aren't even aware of their poor posture.--How good posture keeps you YOUNGER and slows down the aging process. And how poor posture can cause neurological, emotional, cardiovascular, lung, kidney, digestive, and pain problems.--That keeping your body too rigid and straight all the time is actually not a good thing.--Why Dr. Prather says "injuries just don't happen, but are built up over years." --How 80% of people tested show one leg shorter than the other due to postural issues, even though only about 1% of people have an actual difference in the length of their legs.--The importance of the Atlas (the top vertebrae) in controlling the posture of your entire body and in determining your overall health. And the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment that is Dr. Prather's specialty.--Why Dr. Prather says the "most important thing" in getting someone healthy is always in adjusting their Atlas. And how he says it also makes "the quickest difference" in a patient's health.--The corrective exercises (such as the "chin tuck" and "wall angels") to help keep good posture in place.--How The Prather Practice always starts with deep breathing for their rehab patients as the basis for their 
5/20/201756 minutes, 34 seconds
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Detoxification is an important daily part of our body's function. But the vast majority of people need some additional type of detoxification to feel their best. In this episode, you'll learn:--The major systems in our body responsible for detoxification (skin, lungs, liver, bowels, spleen, and kidneys).--Why you automatically become toxic if you are dehydrated.--How toxicity leads to fat accumulation and why detoxification is a key part of weight loss. (Plus, the number of bowel movements you should have daily in order to prevent toxicity and lose weight,)--How your chances of surviving Cancer increase if you can keep your liver cleansed. And how detoxification is extremely important for Cancer prevention, Cancer treatment, and helping to stop Cancer from coming back.--Why you can harm yourself doing a detox, and why Dr. Prather strongly advises having a doctor's guidance through a detox program.--The lab tests you need to see how toxic you are,--Why Dr. Prather prefers gentle detoxifications instead of aggressive detox programs that stress the body.--That 80% of all autoimmune disease comes from the bowels. And how toxins are ALWAYS a crucial part in battling autoimmune disease.--Why you actually need to be healthy in order to fast.--How a 5-day food rotation diet takes stress off of the body and helps to eliminate toxins. (And why Dr. Prather calls it a "major secret to health and longevity".) 
5/13/201756 minutes, 53 seconds
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90% of all anxiety drugs in the world are consumed by Americans. While prescription drugs have their place, our health care system has overused prescription drugs when there are drug-free alternatives. In this episode, we talk about:--Why you should see a Structure-Function doctor FIRST before seeking Disease Care (and the difference between the two types of care).--When the stress response becomes unhealthy ("DIStress") causing damage to your endocrine system, a fried nervous system, and harmful changes in the body.--How we can feel emotionally paralyzed (not being able to move forward or backward) and why it is called the "reptilian brain" response.  --How too much Copper in your body can lead to an over-excited nervous system and over-excited endocrine system, leading to an improper stress response.--That Calcium-Magnesium imbalance, high Mercury, and high Lead all throw off proper stress response. And why having the appropriate lab tests is so important to determine these things.--Why Dr. Prather says 80% of the patients he sees are in the wrong "Fight-Flight" Sympathetic System mode where they have a "broken down endocrine system". --How to rebuild the nervous system, rebuild the endocrine system, and boost the body's immune system to battle anxiety through Functional Care. And the different products available (80,000!) that Dr. Prather uses to help renew and rejuvenate the body, including Nutritionals, Herbals, Flower Remedies, Homeopathics, Glandulars, and Mineral Balancing products.--The Structural Care options to treat Anxiety, such as Chiropractic and Acupuncture. Plus, how Auriculotherapy and Brain Core Therapy help relieve Anxiety.--Why Dr. Prather calls it one of his "secrets to success" to combine Functional and Structural Care to achieve better patient outcomes.--How TMJ in your jaw involves a nerve that leads directly to your brain's emotional system. Plus, the role toxicity in your body plays in Anxiety and how Diathermy helps the body to 
5/6/201756 minutes, 50 seconds
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Since the Prathers are grandparents for the first time with a three-month old grandson, they thought this would be a great time for a show on infant health care! In this episode, find out: --Why Structure-Function Health Care during an infant's formative years can benefit their long-term health. And why Dr. Prather says this type of care is where children should be instead of Disease Care. --That children who have 6 or more antibiotics before the age of 5 are 6 times more likely to develop learning disabilities. And why Dr. Prather says children should be kept away from pharmaceuticals (even over-the-counter ones). --How babies "love" the gentle, non-force Chiropractic adjustments in Dr. Prather's office. And why Dr. Prather says it is the safest form of health care based on insurance premiums of health care providers. --That Colic (which affects 40% of babies) comes from the gut, where infants have "exquisite sensitivity". And how Dr. Prather uses probiotics, herbals, and Homeopathics to give babies relief when medical options have little to offer. --How a baby's gut health impacts their I.Q., the strength of their immune system, and even their tendency to get ear infections. And why Dr. Prather says there is a connection between ADD/ADHD and gut health. --How Dr. Prather helps Otitis Media (Ear Infections) through Chiropractic adjustments, Diathermy, and Homeopathy. And why recommendations of removal of Adenoids and Tonsils are often unnecessary after Dr. Prather's natural approach. --Why breastfeeding is the best way to maintain the health of a baby, with 60% fewer health problems in breastfed babies.   --The diagnostics necessary for young children, including a stool kit every six months up until the age of six. And why Dr. Prather says this will result in an allergy-free child that doesn't get sick. --Why an annual Hair Analysis can help prevent Heavy Metal Toxicity in children, who are far more sensitive to such toxicities compared to adults. And how Centers for Disease Control studies show 40% of children suffer from Heavy Metal Toxicity. --How Chiropractic adjustments on a child's nervous system can even impact their behavior so that the adjustments make recommended medications like Ritalin unnecessary.  
4/29/201756 minutes, 42 seconds
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It's that time of year, when 1-in-5 of us suffer from allergy symptoms. In this episode, discover:--The difference between allergies and sinus congestion (which 1-in-3 have).--The role of the liver in sinus congestion (and why it has to be treated in cases where the patient tests negative for allergies).--How acupuncture (even non-needle options!) can provide "immediate relief" from allergy symptoms.--The 100% success rate chiropractic adjustments on sinuses have in providing relief.--The safer, less-invasive approach homeopathy provides instead of allergy shots (with no side-effects and no risk).--Why Dr. Prather practices an individualized approach to health care and how he identifies which approach is right for the patient.--How a stronger immune system leads to fewer allergies (and how to repair your immune system).--The connection between the gut (which is 80% of your immune system) and allergies.--How parasites are a root cause of almost all adult-onset asthma (and in many children, too).--How an improperly-functioning liver (which most people have) can cause 
4/22/201757 minutes, 2 seconds
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Free radicals break down the body and is the essence of the aging process. It's an important process to understand for staying youthful and living a healthy life. In this episode, you'll discover:--The definition of free radical pathology (and Dr. Prather's memorable rusty gate and rotting fruit analogies).--How wrinkles, moles, and liver spots on the skin are caused by free radicals. And how understanding free radicals could be like unlocking the fountain of youth.--The diseases associated with free radical pathology: Aging, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Autoimmune Diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, and Hearing Loss.--How free radicals cause body odor. The amazing story of an abused boy whose went through such trauma that he smelled terrible and was deemed untrainable. And his dramatic improvement after Dr. Prather started him on anti-oxidants.--How high cholesterol can be corrected by dealing with the free radical pathology.--Why Dr. Prather gets frustrated when reading research about free radicals and his critique on the typical research approach of treating everyone the same.--How 80% of free radical pathology comes from the gut.--The role of hair analysis in determining your mineral levels, which can cause free radical problems. And the individualized approach Dr. Prather takes with his patients to determine the antioxidants each patient needs.--How plants have to fight free radicals and how that impacts our health when we eat it. (Why fresh fruit locally-grown is important for your health.)--Why too little and too much exercise can cause free radical pathology. How strokes are a direct result of free radical 
4/15/201756 minutes, 51 seconds
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About 48 million people get food borne illness every year in the U.S., which may even be underestimated. In this episode, we talk about:--That 128,000 people are hospitalized every year and 3,000 die every year in America from food borne illness. And how IV's have reduced the death rate from this type of illness.--How symptoms of food borne illness can appear as much as two weeks after ingesting the problematic food.--The Oxygen drops product carried by The Prather Practice and used by the U.S. Military for quick relief of food poisoning, which Dr. Prather suggests everyone keep in their medicine cabinet.--When someone should go to the hospital with their food poisoning symptoms. And how Guillain-Barre Syndrome can be caused by food poisoning.--The activated charcoal and clay products that absorb toxins and can damage parasites.--Why Dr. Prather orders cooked foods at restaurants and avoids uncooked foods like salads when he eats out. And why Dr. Prather calls Pork and Chicken "dirty meats" that should always be fully cooked, but says the inside of Beef can be rare without causing too much difficulty.--The 3 things Dr. Prather recommends for people who have food borne illness.--The diagnostic test everyone should have at least once a year to determine the health of your gut flora. And why Dr. Prather says "your health comes from your gut", which is 80% of your immune system.--How food borne illnesses can be long-lasting and turn into a chronic problem including: Cancer, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Liver Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, emotional issues, and even miscarriages.  --The connection between hand washing and the "Happy Birthday" song that Dr. Prather's Mom taught to her grandchildren. And the surfactant products Dr. Prather recommends for washing
4/8/201756 minutes, 51 seconds
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With the advancing of the years, we can actually turn back the clock according to Dr. Prather. In this episode, we talk about:--The difference between chronological age and biological age, and how the two may not always line up. (And why, biologically,we should live to around 160.)--Why the lungs are the best way to determine your biological age. Plus, how your kidneys, nervous system, and skin help determine biological age.--The treatment Dr. Prather uses to take 20 years off of someone's biological age.--The closer you are to homeostasis, the younger you are. And the more you are out of homeostasis, the older you are.--How stress is the biggest barrier to longevity. And the muscle measure Dr. Prather uses to measure stress in the body.--Why stress is the leading reason people seek out Chiropractic care. And how Chiropractic reduces biological age by changing the nervous system.--How you'd look 21 for the rest of your life if you are perfectly oxygenated. And how to improve your low oxygenation.--How proper balancing of hormones (which most people do not have) can change the aging process. And why Dr. Prather says his office has more ways of accomplishing that than almost anyplace in the country.--How 70% of depression issues are related to the endocrine system (which also impacts weight gain and certain types of cancers). And how 60% of all cancers are related to your diet.--How free radicals cause aging (liver spots, macular degeneration, cataracts) 
4/1/201755 minutes, 36 seconds
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Fibrocystic Breast is something that HALF of all women will suffer from at some time in their life. It can be scary and painful. In this episode, discover:--That Fibrocystic Breast should be taken seriously (but sometimes is not by doctors) and is an indicator that something is wrong in your overall health and well-being.--Why it is important to learn how to do a proper self-exam to differentiate between Cancerous Tumors and Cysts.--The controversy on whether Fibrocystic Cysts have a correlation with breast Cancer. And why Dr. Prather believes there is a higher likelihood of getting breast Cancer if you have Fibrocystic Breasts.--How the traditional medical treatments for Fibrocystic Breasts have a low success rate. And the amazing story of a young woman who was recommended for a double mastectomy, but had no cysts just three months after Dr. Prather dealt with the underlying "free radical pathology in her gut".--The "Body Is The Hero" Structure-Function approach to Health Care that Dr. Prather uses to get the body working in proper balance (or "Homeostasis"). And how getting the body into Homeostasis allows the body to heal itself of Fibrocystic Breast.--Why Dr. Prather's Structure-Function Health Care approach relies more heavily upon diagnostic tools and lab tests than the Disease Care approach. And how this reflects an individual approach to a person's health care as the underlying cause of symptoms can be different for each patient.--The many different underlying causes of Fibrocystic Breast including hormones, toxic liver, lymphatic problems, structural issues, low Iodine, low Vitamin D, or an imbalance of Fatty Acids.--That there are 64 different hormones that affect the breasts, the balance of which vary based upon the time of the month. Plus, the gentle approach Dr. Prather uses in balancing out a patient's hormones compared to dangerous pharmaceutical hormone replacement or bioidentical hormones.--How high fiber intake reduces toxins, balances hormones, sheds weight, lowers free radicals, and helps clear up the Fibrocystic Breast condition. And why Dr. Prather says 98% of people need more fiber.--How a backed up lymph system (through infections or allergies) impacts breast health. And why Dr. Prather says to avoid underwire 
3/25/201756 minutes, 51 seconds
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Menopause is when a woman has gone an entire year without having a period. But that natural process can be associated with unpleasant symptoms and increased health risks. In this episode, find out:--The average age of menopause is 51, but it can happen anytime from the late 30’s to the early 60’s.--How "Perimenopause" or "pre-menopause" can last from two years up to eleven years. And how a woman can still get pregnant during this stage.--The LONG list symptoms of menopause, all associated with the hormone changes that are occurring. And why Dr. Prather says that you can avoid or lessen those symptoms by getting your hormones in proper balance.--That increased incidence of alcoholism, drug addiction, and divorce are associated with the turmoil women experience with menopause.--The risks of hormone replacement therapy, such as increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, and osteoporosis. And how studies on bioidentical hormones had to be STOPPED because women died at such a high rate and are "more dangerous than the pharmaceutical hormone replacement".--The Structure-Function Health Care approach Dr. Prather uses to help the body to self-regulate. And how the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and breast cancer DECREASE through this approach.--Why Dr. Prather's Structure-Function Health Care approach is more dependent upon proper diagnostics and lab tests than the Disease Care approach in order to accurately determine what is going on in the body and track the changes being made.--How Menopause can age you if things aren't balanced out quickly. This includes bone loss, cartilage loss, headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, weight gain, increased toxicity and inflammation levels, and lowered immune system.--Why Dr. Prather says herbs are "one of the better things" that "very effectively" shift the body's hormones to the correct balance. And how Homeopathics stimulate the body's own production and are "the quickest way to make changes".--That women who smoke cigarettes have three times the symptoms than non-smokers during Menopause. And how alcohol and caffeine also increase Menopause 
3/18/201756 minutes, 40 seconds
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Endometriosis is a painful and dangerous condition that affects 10% of all menstruating women and causes 50% of all fertility issues. In this episode, we talk about:--The 80% greater likelihood for a woman to suffer from Endometriosis if they have a female family member who suffers from it. And why a girl starting her period later reduces her chance of Endometriosis, as well as other health problems.--The health benefits of exercise--especially jumping jacks!--in preventing Endometriosis, as well as early periods for young girls. And how higher body fat percentage increases risk of Endometriosis.  --Why heavy periods indicate a woman probably has Endometriosis. And how pelvic pain indicates a 75% chance of Endometriosis.--How autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's Disease, Graves' Disease, Addison's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease, and Fibromyalgia increase your chances of having Endometriosis.--Why the surgery for Endometriosis usually causes it to come back WORSE than it was before. And how the current medical options, such as birth control pills, aren't very effective.--How hormonal imbalance is the biggest cause of Endometriosis. Plus, the role of a weakened immune system, higher inflammatory rate, and chemical toxicity (such as high Copper) in Endometriosis.--The Structure-Function approach Dr. Prather uses in getting the body in proper balance so that the body itself can treat the Endometriosis. And the role thorough blood tests play in Dr. Prather's approach in getting to the root cause of Endometriosis.--The story of a patient who had been through In Vitro Fertilization Therapy THREE times with no results, but became pregnant after Acupuncture helped eliminate the inflammation of Endometriosis. And why Dr. Prather says Acupuncture "has been shown to be one of the very best treatments for Endometriosis to reduce the inflammation".--How Chiropractic care helps normalize the menstrual cycle and has helped the Endometriosis symptoms to "go completely away" for many patients Dr. Prather has treated.  --How The Prather Practice tests "more thoroughly than almost anybody else" for hormone balance. And why the powerful hormone replacement therapies are only necessary in about 2% of the cases, while more natural approaches The Prather Practice uses are far more effective as they stimulate your body's own hormone 
3/11/201756 minutes, 50 seconds
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External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy is a safe, non-invasive solution for heart disease, America's #1 killer. In this episode, you'll discover:--Why ECP Therapy is "like having a second heart" and how it helps the heart to function better.--How ECP Therapy oxygenates the heart and gives your heart the benefit of five years of marathon training in just SEVEN WEEKS.--The reason why Dr. Prather calls ECP Therapy the only hope for congestive heart failure, which has become "medical disaster".--The incredible safety record of ECP Therapy without a single negative incident or injury reported to the FDA and with no negative side effects.--How ECP Therapy helps reduce heart pain and helps patients to lower their medication needed for angina.--Why ECP Therapy is able to open up collateral circulation and dormant arteries (and can even GROW new arteries).--How the improved circulation and oxygenation from ECP Therapy improves all organ systems and helps with dementia, erectile dysfunction, and can reverse Type 2 diabetes.--The five-part heart evaluation Dr. Prather recommends for every patient over 50.--The stories of patients who went from over 90% blockage in their arteries to less than 10% blockage through ECP Therapy.--Why many pro athletes and Olympians have incorporated ECP Therapy into their regimen to extend their careers and set new 
3/4/201756 minutes, 51 seconds
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Cavities are more than just a problem in your mouth, but an indicator of your overall health. In this episode, you'll learn:--That a cavity is a hole in your tooth caused by an infection.--The role of pH and bacteria in the development of cavities. And how amalgam dental fillings and stress make your mouth pH more acidic.--That 80% of your immune system is in the gut (and the definition of "the gut" includes your mouth).--How dentists were the first nutritionists and helped form the foundation of nutritional research. And how the first dentists would use diet and nutrition to regrow a damaged tooth instead of putting in fillings.--Why Dr. Prather says pomegranate juice is "one of the best things" you can drink for the health of your teeth. Plus, other drink recommendations to substitute for unhealthy sodas.--How probiotics can play a huge role in preventing cavities by properly balancing out your mouth flora. And why Dr. Prather says, "If things are off in the mouth, the whole digestive process does not work as it should."--Why Xylitol is "one of the easiest and quickest" ways to help the health of your mouth and prevent cavities. Plus, how it is much more effective than Fluoride, as too much Fluoride in your system can cause problems such as Cancer.--That a fiber-rich diet is the most proven way to lose weight, improves your nutrition, plus helps to change your mouth ph and promote good bacteria in your mouth.--That high Copper and high Aluminum will cause cavities, especially in children. And how Vitamin D and Iodine are critical to the health of your teeth.--How The Prather Practice uses Homeopathic Medicines and herbals for detoxification and the supplementation of minerals to improve your overall and dental 
2/25/201756 minutes, 51 seconds
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The use of Botox for cosmetic purposes is increasing, even among young people. But the risks of Botox to a person's health should not be ignored. In this episode, discover:--How Botox comes from the Botulism Neurotoxin, which is putting a poison into the nervous system that cuts off the function of the nerves.--That the strongest warning you can get for a pharmaceutical is called a "black box warning", which is how Botox is classified. And why it shouldn't be taken lightly or casually because people are dying from Botox.--How Dr. Prather sees patients suffering from severe migraines, drooping of the eyes, TMJ, and a weakened immune system as a result of Botox injections. And why he believes we'll discover more problems in the future from Botox injections as the Neurotoxins remain in your body for life.--The protocols you should seek out from a qualified physician if you decide to have Botox injections (instead of attending Botox parties with someone unqualified).--The threat from Botox "knockoffs" with as many unregulated Botox procedures as regulated procedures happening.--That Botox is ONLY approved by the FDA for wrinkles in the forehead, but is being used for a variety of things such as Cerebral Palsy, Migraines, and TMJ. And how children with Cerebral Palsy have died as a result of such use.--The list of expected side-effects from Botox including dry mouth, pain, tiredness, headaches, and neck pain. Plus, the serious ones such as difficulty breathing or swallowing, loss of strength and muscle weakness throughout the body, blurred vision, change or loss of voice, and loss of bladder control.--Safe and painless alternatives to Botox in Structure-Function Care for Torticollis and Migraines. And why Dr. Prather thinks Facial Acupuncture and types of Microcurrent treatments are more effective and permanent than Botox in reducing wrinkles.--How Dr. Prather is disturbed to see salesmen in his office trying to convince him to do Botox injections as a Chiropractor.--The danger of becoming a "Botox junkie". And why you should not have Botox done if you've recently had an antibiotic, have any immune system compromise, or taken an over-the-counter cold, flu, or sleep
2/18/201756 minutes, 51 seconds
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In honor of Valentine's Day, this week's show focuses on Sexual Health. In this episode, you'll find out:--How often is considered a healthy libido?--Why sex plays a role in your overall health, and how sex affects your immune system.--The reason why newlyweds can actually make each other sick (for up to 4 years!)--Why monogamy is healthier for your immune system.--How sex impacts your hormones and can promote healing and improved brain health.--How men can lower their rate of prostate cancer. (And how a man's angle of erection can reveal a lot about his health).--The natural, non-prescription answers for low libido and erectile dysfunction. (And why men who rely on drugs like Viagra probably have underlying health issues.)--The impact of pornography on low libido and a decrease in sexual health. (Plus, how Structure/Function medicine can help with addiction issues, including pornography.)--The STD that is a major cause of infertility and how a woman's sexual satisfaction improves
2/11/201756 minutes, 53 seconds
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Studies show there is a health bonus from being married--longer life, fewer health issues, and faster recovery. In this episode, you'll learn:--The percentage health increase that both men and women get from marriage (and which one gets the greatest benefit).--The health benefits for married men (even positive neurological changes compared to single men).--How the health benefit for women is more sensitive to the quality of a marriage.--How to make your marriage work better (and which spouse studies show has a greater impact on the health and happiness of a marriage).--The funny story that reveals why Dr. Prather is NOT allowed to do laundry. (Men, take notes!)--The different expectations men and women have in marriage (and the importance of unconditional respect and unconditional love).--How your underlying health issues can impact your marriage and relationships, including the balance of your hormones and nervous system.--Why some patients claim their chiropractic adjustments help their relationships.--The story of a patient who took an herbal supplement that boosted her libido and saved her marriage.--How your sex life is a good indicator of your health and the health of your marriage.--Why casual sexual relationships do not have the same health benefits of
2/4/201756 minutes, 55 seconds
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Heavy Metal Toxicity (such as Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, Cadmium, Aluminum, Beryllium, Cobalt, Copper, Nickel, Iron) can be the root cause of health problems that go undiagnosed by most doctors. In this episode, find out:--That Heavy Metal Toxicity impacts a higher percentage of children (40% of all children) than adults. And the connection of Heavy Metal Toxicity to Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Learning Disabilities, Immune Compromise, Kidney Damage, and Liver Damage.--How your well water, proximity to a farm or golf course, or employment in a factory can expose you to Heavy Metal Toxicity.--How Arsenic can result in abnormal behavior as it changes how you think and your personality. And how Mary Todd Lincoln and Michael Jackson both had issues resulting from Heavy Metal Toxicity.--That Aluminum Toxicity is common among children with Autism, Asperger's, and Learning Disabilities. And how Dr. Prather sees "a dramatic change" when they get those levels lowered.--Why each individual dosage of a vaccine can contain different amounts of Heavy Metal Toxicity due to how vaccines are stored.--How Aluminum is listed as a "non-toxic preservative" by the government, which has increased the amount of Aluminum we ingest. And how deodorants contain high levels of Aluminum, which has been connected to Dementia, Alzheimer's, Osteoporosis, and Arteriosclerosis.--That high Copper can cause emotional issues, agitation, and hypersensitivity.--Why Nickel Toxicity is usually associated with dental work. And the weakening of the heart muscle associated with Cobalt (which can come from working in automobile manufacturing).--The Hair Analysis test you should have every year to determine if you have Heavy Metal Toxicity, and why you MUST make sure you are using a well-qualified lab that uses the latest technology to evaluate you. Plus, why Dr. Prather says the Chelation Challenge Test is inferior to the Hair Analysis Test.--Why Chelation to remove Heavy Metals from the body is rarely recommended by Dr. Prather. And why Dr. Prather calls Homeopathy "a magic formula" for detoxification of Heavy Metals in a quicker and safer way with no side effects (and a 100% success rate!).--How high levels of Manganese can produce the same symptoms of Parkinson's
1/28/201756 minutes, 49 seconds
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Infertility affects 10% of all Americans, equally divided between men and women (and is growing worse). But Dr. Prather talks about a natural approach that has a success rate between 80-90%. In this episode, we talk about:--Why Dr. Prather says the first approach to infertility should be focused on getting healthy before costly medical intervention like In Vitro Fertilization.--How most of Dr. Prather's infertility success stories already went through all the medical interventions (unsuccessfully) and how damaging to health those infertility treatments can be.--The diagnostics and lab tests Dr. Prather uses for infertile patients. Plus, why your gut health and your fat percentage are important indicators of your fertility.--Why the top Infertility clinics are incorporating Acupuncture. And what Dr. Prather says are the two things Acupuncture does to help Infertility patients.--How Chiropractic adjustments help fertility by balancing a woman's hormones and giving her a more regular menstrual cycle.--Why the toxins in our environment today make young people more likely to suffer from infertility than previous generations.--How the Structure-Function approach to Infertility that Dr. Prather uses causes patients to feel so much better in their overall health, while the conventional medical treatments can take a toll on a woman's body.--The correlation between vitamin and minerals deficiencies to infertility.--How Homeopathic Medicine helps target specific toxicities in the body that contribute to Infertility. And why Dr. Prather says this is an important treatment for his toughest cases.--How birth control pills contribute to
1/21/201755 minutes, 51 seconds
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The HCG Diet is a short-term diet designed to burn fat and shed inches around your belly quickly. In this episode, you'll learn:--How the HCG Diet is a way to work with your endocrine system to mimic pregnancy hormones that target the burning of fat. And how the HCG Diet boosts Testosterone for men.--Why you need blood tests prior to doing the HCG Diet. And why you shouldn't be ordering it over the Internet.--Why Dr. Prather says his focus is on "fat loss", not just weight loss that can include the loss of muscle.--How the HCG Diet "reprograms the brain" to target the burning of fat instead of muscle. And how the diet targets fat "everywhere" on your body like "a little Pac-Man" eating up the fat.--How the HCG Diet begins with a three-day "loading" phase of high-fat foods that will prevent you from being hungry as you enter into a low-calorie diet.--Why a low-calorie diet can actually be damaging as it wIll lead to the loss of organ tissue. And why the medically-supervised HCG Diet is safe as it burns the "non-essential" fat of the body.--The importance of hydration in the HCG Diet, particularly in helping your body to flush out toxins.--That the HCG Diet actually reduces your biological age and makes you YOUNGER, normalizing liver enzymes and increasing kidney function.--Why Dr. Prather says the HCG Diet is "one of the better cures" for Type II Diabetes. And the adjustment made in the program for diabetic patients.--That you need to be careful with your makeup, your toothpaste, and your deodorant on the HCG Diet. And how coaching is "critical" to making the plan succeed by walking patients through these
1/14/201756 minutes, 12 seconds
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It's that time of year when resolutions turn to weight loss. And we have a proven weight loss plan to help you reach your goals. In this episode, you'll discover:--The health risks associated with obesity, including the top two killers of Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer.--Why Body Mass Index (BMI) is not an accurate measurement. And the Body Composition Analysis that will give you an accurate (within 2%) measurement of your body fat percentage.--The role of Vitamin D in your weight and how you'll automatically lose weight if your body has the correct Vitamin D level.--That 95% of the people who diet end up heavier in five years than if they hadn't dieted at all. And why your fat percentage is more important than your weight.--The DTS Weight Loss Initiative (Dedicate, Transform, and Succeed) at The Prather Practice and how it differs from other programs by being a medically-supervised program.--How The DTS Weight Loss Initiative helps you to make a long-lasting lifestyle change.--The different options available at DTS Weight Loss that are customized to your needs, from trimming that last five pounds to completely transforming your body.--The HCG Diet that burns fat rapidly by mimicking hormones produced by pregnant women. And how it "resets" your hypothalamus to your body's new normal weight.--The 7-day meal plans tailored to your tastes and cooking ability by our Nutritionist (who used to feed Payton Manning and the Denver Broncos!).--The many kinds of body measurements taken throughout the DTS Weight Loss initiative to track your results, including your "phase angle" which measures the health and life of your
1/7/201756 minutes, 38 seconds
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When you have done everything right and still can't shed the weight, oftentimes the problem is hormonal. In this episode, you'll find out:--How the hormones have a regulatory influence on your weight.--The influence outside chemicals (such plastics or food additives) have on our hormonal balance.--The link between a man's hormones and prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, and obesity.--Why taking testosterone for low testosterone (which impacts both men and women) can actually make the problem WORSE and result in even lower testosterone.--The reason why men's hormones are much easier to balance compared to women.--The huge influence of the liver (which Dr. Prather calls an "endocrine balancer") in analyzing your hormonal balance.--Why your chances of getting cancer are SIX TIMES greater if you are overweight due to your hormones.--How fat itself produces imbalances in your hormones.--Why Dr. Prather believes 98% of patients would be harmed by pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapy or biodentical hormones. (And the subtle, safer, and natural adjustment they need instead to balance their hormones.--The reason why Dr. Prather insists on thorough lab testing for his weight loss
12/31/201656 minutes, 48 seconds
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People get sicker, have more depression, put on weight, and have more injuries in the winter. In this episode, you'll learn:--How lack of sun in winter impacts our immune system, our mood, our brain function, and our endocrine system.--Why you live longer if you live in a harsher, northern climate when you're young and live in a warmer, southern climate when you're old.--Why this is a good time to check your Vitamin D levels. And why you SHOULD NOT just take Vitamin D without getting blood work first (as too much Vitamin D can damage organs in your body).--Why we gain weight in the winter (between 5 and 10 pounds on average for adults). And why'd we'd gain weight in the winter even if we ate the same amount of calories (which we don't).--How our endocrine system is affected by colder weather. (And how our body "winterizes" itself.)--The dietary changes that should be made in the winter to avoid weight gain. And one of the "guaranteed ways to lose weight".--The favorite natural supplement Dr. Prather recommends in the winter that everyone should have in their medicine cabinet.--Why infections increase during the winter. And the problem we now have due to antibiotic overuse. Plus, the number of times in your life you should have an antibiotic.--The tool Dr. Prather uses to determine which supplement or product (out of thousands of possibilities) will work best for your body.--How cholesterol lowering drugs make someone more susceptible to
12/24/201656 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Prather Practice is able to get results for their patients when others have failed because they use a combination of Chiropractic care and Physical Therapy to get long-lasting results. In this episode, you'll discover:--How Structure determines Function and Function determines Structure. And what that means for your health.--Why Dr. Prather says "structure overrides function" when it comes to pain in the body. And the difference between Passive Care and Active Care in Structure Health Care.--The "gold standard" J-Tech technology used by The Prather Practice to provide a computerized analysis of your range-of-motion and muscle strength to find imbalances in your body.--Why Chiropractic makes Rehabilitation work better...and Rehabilitation helps the Chiropractic adjustments hold better.--How musicians are vulnerable to repetitive-motion injuries and can benefit from something called "nerve flossing". Plus, how a rice bucket can help strengthen your wrist.--Why picking up MARBLES with your toes can help with Plantar Fasciitis! And how custom orthotics "make all the difference in the world" with long-term results.--Why strengthening the quad muscles is key for knee pain. And how failed knee surgery is something Dr. Prather sees often in his office.--The light and specialized adjustment done at The Prather Practice that provides immediate relief from Sciatica Pain.--How tight hamstrings contribute to low back pain. And why men should avoid keeping a wallet or phone in their back pocket.--The "chin tuck" exercise you can do in the car if you have neck
12/17/201656 minutes, 46 seconds
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As you shop for gifts this holiday season, consider giving gifts that will help improve the health and wellness of those you love. In this episode, we talk about:--How you can give gift certificates for a therapeutic message that no one will want to return!--How The Prather Practice has the best massage prices in the Indianapolis area.--Why Essential Oils can help promote relaxation and other health benefits, in addition to smelling good.--The most technologically-advanced insole on the market that actually molds itself to your foot to provide circulation and support.--How AirFeet reduces fatigue and keeps you feeling refreshed by providing shock absorption for your feet.--Why the active gel in AirFeet targets reflexology points to help patients with plantar fasciitis, diabetic neuropathy, and even takes pressure off of your back, knees, and ankles.--The special radio code to get a 15% discount on your AirFeet order through the end of December!--The natural remedies everyone should have in their medicine cabinet that are a much safer alternative to many over-the-counter drugs.--The topical lotion that "does wonders" in reducing joint and muscle pain (and proven through blood work, too).--The "crowd favorite" that relieves muscle spasms, tension and
12/10/201656 minutes, 23 seconds
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It's that time of year when the flu season charges upon us. What should you do to best protect yourself from the flu? In this episode, you'll learn:--The symptoms of the flu and how those symptoms differ from a cold. And the health conditions and populations which have a greater risk for the flu.--Why Dr. Prather doesn't get a flu shot...and hasn't had the flu since high school.--How last year's flu shot had an effectiveness of 47%, which was considered successful.--How the Centers for Disease Control does NOT recommend the nasal spray vaccine option this year.--Why you shouldn't just rely on the vaccine and should take steps to boost your immune system.--The serious potential side effects from the flu shot, including Guillain-Barre Syndrome patients Dr. Prather has treated whose problems began with the flu vaccine.--Why you need to measure your immune system through blood tests to know the true status of your health. And how your immune system is one of the biggest indicators of how long you'll live.--Why Dr. Prather has a stricter standard when reading blood work than the average Medical Doctor. (The difference between Structure/Function Health Care and Disease Care.)--How Dr. Prather makes it a priority to determine WHY your immune system is compromised (and 80% of the time the culprit is the gut).--That Homeopathic hospitals only had a 10% death rate during the Spanish Flu, while medical hospitals had a 90% death rate. And how Homeopathy can help you to prevent and fight the
12/3/201656 minutes, 48 seconds
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Homeopathy is a safe and proven alternative to dangerous prescription drugs, without any side effects. And it's something you should consider adding to your own health care. In this episode, find out:--How homeopathic hospitals had a 10% death rate during the Spanish Flu, while the medical hospitals had a 90% death rate.--Why we would not have modern medicine today if it weren't for Homeopathy. And how Nitroglycerin is actually a Homeopathic Medicine.--The Law of Similars upon which Homeopathy is based. And how vaccinations and allergy shots are based upon this philosophy as well.--Why Homeopathy works whether you believe in it or not (as there is no placebo effect). And how it works well for animals and children.--How Dr. Prather has access to 80,000 different Homeopathic remedies. And the Electrodermal Screening technology he uses to determine the exact remedy each patient needs.--The dangers of polypharmacy (taking five or more prescription drugs) and why Dr. Prather recommends taking no more than three. And the shocking number of pharmaceuticals prescribed to the average person over 70.--Why Homeopathy is recommended for children (and pregnant women) as a safe alternative to dangerous pharmaceuticals. And the homeopathic remedies Dr. Prather recommends for parents to keep in their medicine cabinet for their children's coughs and fevers.--How Dr. Prather sees great results in using homeopathy for hormone balance, detoxification, infections, viruses, and histoplasmosis.--Why homeopathy should be looked to FIRST before antibiotics.--How homeopathy can also be used to treat patients on an emotional and psychological level for depression and anxiety to bring calmness and relaxation with no side
11/29/201656 minutes, 49 seconds
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The holidays are a time of joy and family, but also can be a time of stress. In this episode, discover:--The physiological definition of stress and how our emotions can take our bodies out of their normal balance.--That there is an increase in suicides, stress-related hospitalizations, and death around the holidays.--How the Centers for Disease Control reports 90% of all diseases have an underlying cause of stress, including Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and weight gain around the middle.--The most common denominator in patients with low back pain and how it relates to their work.--How men and women react differently to stress, including which sex gets stressed more easily and which sex cannot maintain stress levels as long.--A quiz about signs of stress and anxiety symptoms that you might have.--How 80% of the Chiropractic adjustments that Dr. Prather makes are related to stress. And which muscles that Dr. Prather calls his "tension evaluation points".--How 25% of all pharmaceuticals prescribed are for stress-related issues like depression and anxiety. And the natural alternatives to prescription drugs that Dr. Prather recommends to his patients such as homeopathic and herbal formulas, vitamins, and minerals.--The technology that allows Dr. Prather to test specifically for the exact natural products to which your body will best respond.--How Dr. Prather uses Acupuncture to give "immediate relief" to the pain of Pancreatitis.--How gratitude actually lowers the levels of stress hormones in your body. Plus, how positive emotions can add up to seven years to your life.--Why you need to learn to breathe properly to shift your body from a fight-flight response to a rest-digest mode. And why Dr. Prather says "the biggest indicator of how long you live" is connected to how deep you
11/20/201656 minutes, 51 seconds
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It's a common problem as 12% of the population has thyroid disease (and 60% of those patients are unaware). Yet, Dr. Prather says less than 1% of us actually have a properly-functioning thyroid. In this episode, we talk about:--Why the older you are, the likelihood of thyroid issues increases. Plus, how women are more likely to have thyroid disease.--How Dr. Prather's personal battle as a young man with Graves' Disease (a hyper-functioning thyroid) inspired him to his career.--The two systems that control the body (Nervous and Endocrine) and why Dr. Prather tells patients those must be fixed first. Plus, why the Thyroid is described as the workhorse of the Endocrine system.--How Indiana is in the Top 5 states for thyroid problems due to low iodine in our soil.--How Thyroid affects almost EVERYTHING: hair loss, nail health, weight gain, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, skin health, heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, brain activity, I.Q., infertility, postpartum depression, menopause.--Why most doctors misread blood tests and misdiagnose patients as having properly-working thyroids. And the "can't miss" explanation of what reference ranges on blood tests REALLY mean.--The various diseases of the Thyroid: Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, Euthyroid, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, Thyroiditis, and Thyroid Cancer.--The safe and natural thyroid treatment alternatives to the terrible side-effects from surgery or prescription drugs (Including how 80% of those on Synthroid develop depression). Why Dr. Prather says the medical approach to thyroid is not successful. And how Dr. Prather's goal is to actually fix the thyroid so that it no longer needs treatment.--How 80% of autoimmune disease starts in the gut and why the gut plays a role for thyroid issues caused by autoimmune problems. And the role that food allergies have on the thyroid.--How Chiropractic and Acupuncture help thyroid function by balancing the nervous system. And how hair analysis can be a key test for thyroid function if there are toxins or an imbalance
11/12/201656 minutes, 38 seconds
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Most doctors say there is nothing that can be done about Fibromyalgia, making it a very frustrating for patients. But Dr. Prather has a different message. In this episode, you'll learn:--That Fibromyalgia is misdiagnosed a tremendous amount, both telling patients they have Fibromyalgia (when they don't) and telling patients that they don't have Fibromyalgia (when they do).--How Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease of the lymphatic system, where a pathogen or toxin has hit the Lymph system.--How to diagnose Fibromyalgia by "POKING" the patient. And why it is an easy diagnosis for Dr. Prather to make as a Chiropractor, when Medical Doctors have more difficulty.--How proper diagnosis of Fibromyalgia is critical, especially finding which one of the "thousands" of different possible underlying causes behind it. And the 3 types of diagnostic tests you need to determine that root cause.--How Dr. Prather says he finds that the root cause of Fibromyalgia is in the gut for the majority of cases.--Why Chiropractic care to get the nervous system working properly is important for Fibromyalgia patients and can produce "dramatic" results from just getting the body in proper position.--How Acupuncture (even non-needle options!) benefits Fibromyalgia patients through reduced inflammation and decreased pain levels.--Why Dr. Prather says Diathermy is one of his favorite ways of getting the Lymphatic system flowing so that the pain "is just gone " after the treatment.--How Dr. Prather uses Homeopathy to boost the body's immune response to specific infections that cause Fibromyalgia. And why he says that treating Fibromyalgia without Homeopathy is a "disservice" to patients.--How diet impacts Fibromyalgia patients and why figuring out which foods you are allergic to is
11/5/201656 minutes, 30 seconds
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It's hard to diagnose tick-borne disease, frustrating both patients and doctors as it mimics other diseases. In this episode, you'll discover:--Why doctors often roll their eyes when they hear the term Lyme Disease and the controversy over testing for it.--The astonishing number of tickborne infections that are quickly mutating with new ones that are being discovered every day.--How tickborne disease can lead to an autoimmune disease. And how Lupus patients are often misdiagnosed when they really have an infection.--How immune-suppressing drugs are often given that make the problem MUCH worse.--That Rickettsia infection is far more common in Indiana than Lyme Disease and that they have to be treated differently. And how most patients who say that they have Lyme Disease actually have something else.--Why dog owners are at a higher risk for such diseases. And why you should not allow your dog to sleep on your bed.--How Homeopathy can make a huge difference for patients who have exhausted every antibiotic known to man.--How getting the gut working properly is the key to rebuilding a person's immune system.--Why Dr. Prather says no one is better at determining how to battle an infection than the body itself...IF it's given the opportunity to do so.--Why thorough blood tests and a G.I. Effects stool kit are important to effectively battle these kinds of
10/29/201656 minutes, 33 seconds
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80% of our immune system is in the gut. The gut is "the #1 determinant" to a person's health, but is even more important for children. In this episode, find out:--That there are more cells in your gut that are "not you" than are "you" (meaning they match your DNA.). And if you didn't have these creatures inside of you, you'd die.--The "revolutionary" findings coming out from the National Institutes of Health research on the gut that will change how our health care system treats diseases.--How every child should be checked for gut health, but especially children with learning disabilities, tummy problems, allergies, eczema, ADD, ADHD, autoimmune issues, and ear infections.--Why it is a "disaster waiting to happen" if a child has had six or more antibiotic treatments while under the age of 5.--How a child is more susceptible than an adult for gut problems to impact their brain. --How ear infections are related to gut health.--Why all autoimmune diseases are a result of a failed immune system. And why the standard medical approach of destroying the immune system for autoimmune disease is wrong and contradicts science.--Why gluten leads to a "leaky gut". And why people today are having more problems with gluten.--What a G.I. Effects Stool Kit will reveal about your health. And how Dr. Prather rebuilds gut health for patients.--Why a stool kit is "absolutely essential" for pregnant women as the health of a child will be determined by the Mom's
10/22/201656 minutes, 44 seconds
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As Dr. Prather says, "If you don't test, you don't know." Proper diagnostics are key to getting to the root cause of your health condition so that the doctor knows which direction to go. In this episode, you'll discover:--The three tests you should have every single year to find out what's going on in your body.--The difference in training and focus on bloodwork between Dr. Prather and the average Medical Doctor.--Why Dr. Prather often notices abnormalities in his patients' bloodwork when a patient's Medical Doctor describes them as "normal".--The Prather Profile comprehensive blood analysis that covers "every aspect of your health" and is recommended annually for everyone.--The story of a 12-year-old girl who was struggling in school and having Attention Deficit problems. But after discovering low iron in her blood tests, she had a complete turnaround after just a couple of days of iron supplementation.--Why an annual blood test can help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease as those diseases are developing long before they are diagnosed.--What is included in The Prather Profile Blood Analysis, and how it checks every organ system.--How too LOW cholesterol can be more dangerous than high cholesterol, and why high cholesterol is "anti-aging". (Plus, why the HDL and LDL ratio is what you should be looking at instead of the overall number.)--The connection between an improperly-functioning liver and hormonal imbalances. (And how hot flashes in women can be eliminated when the liver is balanced out.)--How Dr. Prather almost never finds a patient with a correctly-working hormone system. (And how patients can eliminate anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications once the root cause imbalance is dealt with.)
10/15/201656 minutes, 48 seconds
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Dr. Prather says that the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Adjustment is the #1 treatment he does in his office to make the biggest change in someone's health. And 80% of us need it. In this episode, we talk about:--How this treatment changed Dr. Prather's life as a young man when he battled Graves' Disease and thyroid issues.--That the Atlas (the top vertebra) is the most important Chiropractic adjustment and also the most difficult adjustment to make.--The two areas of the body Dr. Prather says that MUST be balanced out first in order for someone to achieve better health.--The IMMEDIATE and dramatic results patients see from the treatment.--How Dr. Prather is the only board certified Atlas Orthogonist in the state of Indiana and how people come from all over to receive this treatment.--How the adjustment itself only takes a couple of seconds, but Dr. Prather can sometimes spend an hour analyzing how to set up the precise adjustment.--Why patients often complain of pain in other areas, such as low back, when they really need their Atlas adjusted. And how the Atlas adjustment is "the key" to holding all other Chiropractic adjustments in the body.--Why Dr. Prather says this adjustment makes everything else he does in his comprehensive wellness center work better.--How the control center of every organ center in the body is in the upper cervical spine area.--Why every patient with Multiple Sclerosis should have an Atlas Orthogonal
10/8/201656 minutes, 43 seconds
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A proven plan for 60% fewer hospital admissions, 59% fewer hospital stays, 62% fewer outpatient surgeries and procedures, and 85% savings in pharmaceuticals. In this episode, you'll find out:--How Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois did a seven year experiment of Structure/Function Health Care as the primary health care portal.--How Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois now boasts the Highest patient satisfaction rate of any HMO group in the nation.--The satisfaction rate that specialists (such as Cardiologists and Oncologists) gave the Structure-Function model versus the Disease Care model.--How Structure-Function Health Care gets to the root cause of the problem, while Disease Care focuses on treating symptoms.--How adverse reactions are reduced by an astounding 80% since Structure/Function Health care causes no harm.--Why Dr, Prather sees the need for the Structure-Function Health Care Model to better communicate and collaborate and not be so independent.--Why lab tests and diagnostics are even more important in the Structure-Function Health Care Model.--Why Dr. Prather says that the underlying problem is that we do not have a complete health care system.--The proposed role Dr. Prather sees for Health Savings Accounts in his health care reform solution.--Dr. Prather's prediction of "happy, healthy 120 year-olds" in the very near
10/1/201656 minutes, 51 seconds
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2.8 million older people are treated in emergency rooms every year due to falls, causing $31 billion in annual medical costs. But there are steps you can take to prevent falls as you age. In this episode, you'll learn:--How only half of all older people report their fall to anyone and only 25% even tell their doctor about it. And that falls are the most common cause for Traumatic Brain Injury and most people die within two years of hip injuries.--Why those on blood thinners need to go to their doctor IMMEDIATELY after a fall.--The conditions that make falls more likely, including Vitamin D or B-12 deficiencies that can cause vertigo. And why Dr. Prather says falls are usually an indication that something is wrong, not "just a fall".--That Postural Hypotension is when you feel unsteady or dizzy when you stand up. And the symptoms to look for with Postural Hypotension.--How Aluminum Toxicity from Anti-Perspirants can cause falls, neurological symptoms, and even Osteoporosis. And how Aluminum Toxicity can even be mistaken for Dementia and Alzheimer's.--How low Adrenals are common among older people. And why Dr. Prather has said to many patients, "If I had adrenal function like you, I'd be falling over too!"--That 70% of all medications can be a cause of falls. And why your cholesterol-lowering statin drug may contribute to falls.--Why The Prather Practice is "uniquely positioned" to help their patients avoid falls due to their non-pharmaceutical approach, extensive lab tests, and help with postural issues that lead to falls.--How TMJ can cause vertigo, inner ear issues, and falls. --How Kinesthetic awareness (where you are in time and space) is one of the main issues for age-related illness. Plus, how Tai Chi classes at The Prather Practice is one of the most effective means of preventing falls and maintaining
9/24/201656 minutes, 48 seconds
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Patient complaints from pain and discomfort can be reduces by 85% if Structure/Function Care is added to the Disease Care treatments for Cancer patients. In this episode, discover:--The two different health care categories defined by the FDA: Structure/Function Care and Disease Care.--That "Homeostasis" is the definition of health and the goal of all Structure/Function Care.--How Structural Care (Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage) eliminates pain and discomfort for Cancer patients and helps reduce patient complaints.--The gentle Chiropractic adjustment techniques Dr. Prather uses that are perfect for patients who have fragile bones or cannot handle much force.--How Functional Care is associated with proven longevity for Cancer patients by dealing with areas such as Liver Toxicity and Anemia. And why a Functional Medicine doctor like Dr. Prather needs to coordinate with the Oncologist to make sure these treatments interact safely with Cancer treatments.--Why Diagnostics and Lab Tests (X-Rays, Blood Work, Hair Analysis) are MORE thorough in Structure/Function Care than Disease Care.--How Dr. Prather's post-graduate education as a D.A.B.C.I. is helpful when it comes to knowing what's going on in the patient.--Why you probably wouldn't develop Cancer in the first place if your immune system was functioning prooperly. And how boosting the immune system should be a key part of any Cancer patient's health care.--The Food Rotation Diet recommended by Dr. Prather to Cancer patients to relieve stress on the immune system. And the specialized diets he recommends based on different types of Cancer.--How Structure/Function Health Care benefits patients who have completed their Cancer
9/17/201656 minutes, 48 seconds
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There isn't any part of your body that doesn't work better as a result of exercise. In this episode, find out:--How your risk of Cancer, Heart Disease, Dementia, and Alzheimer's are reduced as a result of exercise.--The percentage of Americans who receive the MINIMAL amount of recommended exercise each week.--How it's "worthless" to try and teach children if physical activity is not included in their schedule.--Why New Yorkers have higher fitness levels than the rest of the country.--The astonishing percentage of those with a gym membership who NEVER use it!--Why you need to design an exercise program with a set schedule that you can stick with consistently.--How just walking for 30 minutes a day and doing resistance exercise for 20 minutes twice a week can transform your health.--The 5 components of exercise that we all need. --How Dr. Prather can duplicate five years of marathon training for your heart in just seven weeks with External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy, which is especially helpful for patients with cardiovascular disease who cannot exercise.--The biggest indicator of how old you are, and why it's the reason older people fall. (And the best exercise for this.)
9/10/201656 minutes, 48 seconds
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This week, the U.S. Surgeon General sent a letter to all health care practitioners asking for their help in combating the growing opiate addiction crisis. In this episode, we talk about:--The mistake made in the 1990's in our health care system where opioid prescriptions were encouraged based on faulty information. And how that mistake has led to our current crisis of prescription opioid addiction and heroin addiction.--That opioid prescriptions have increased to a number that would almost give a prescription to every single adult in America.--The spread of HIV and Hepatitis in Indiana and their link to opiate addiction. And how Indiana and the Midwest are the "epicenter" of the opiate addiction crisis and heroin epidemic.--Why Dr. Prather says the progress in reducing opiate addiction is "terrible' and "a complete failure" as the opiate prescription rate is INCREASING despite the focus and effort.-- How ObamaCare has contributed to the prescription opioid addiction crisis by connecting physician compensation with patient reviews.--Why Chiropractic must be the first line of treatment for pain as a patient must be properly aligned before physical and occupational therapy can be effective.--How the United States accounts for 80% of all opioid prescriptions in the world.--That Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Point-Stimulation Therapy, and Auriculotherapy are Structure-Function Health Care options for combating pain that should be the first line of treatment before prescription drugs.--Why opiates decrease our ability to handle pain on our own and make chronic pain issues WORSE. And how Acupuncture provides both immediate relief and boosts your body's ability over time to fight pain through your own natural opiates.--How Dr. Prather helps patients to become free from opiate addiction through "amazing" therapies like Auriculotherapy and Point-Stimulation ("P-Stim")
9/3/201656 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Zika Virus now has reached the United States and should be a cause of concern and awareness. In this episode, you'll learn:--That mosquito-borne diseases are spreading rapidly, with an area three times as large compared to five years ago.--How 80% of the people who have the Zika virus will have no illness from it. And 100% of those with the Zika virus are immune to it for the rest of their lives.--How the West Nile virus spread all the way to Indiana and why the Zika virus has the same potential.--The travel restrictions you should keep in mind and how to protect yourself while traveling.--How to protect yourself from mosquitoes and the viruses they carry.--How to evaluate your immune system.--Why Dr. Prather says that a very weak immune system can mean that you NEVER get sick (and why that's a bad thing). And the difference between "feeling good" and "being good".--The effective treatments to boost your immune system. And why you are more susceptible to viruses if you are on cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.--That pharmaceuticals aren't very effective in fighting viruses.--Why college students are more likely to get sick from
8/27/201656 minutes, 42 seconds
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Auriculotherapy is a safe treatment that uses micro-current electrical stimulation on the ear to make changes throughout the body. In this episode, learn:--Why Dr. Prather calls Auriculotherapy "one of the most powerful therapies we do".--How Auriculotherapy "rewires the central computer (the brain)” using the ear as the conduit to your brain.--Why it is called "the most proven therapy in the entire world".--How Auriculotherapy is especially helpful in chronic pain patients.--The life-changing story of a fibromyalgia patient who, after years of suffering, eliminated three different pain medications after just one week of treatment.--Why Auriculotherapy provides amazing changes for patients who have tried everything else, had nothing work, and have no hope.--The remarkable way that the ear is a perfect representation of the entire body, and how you can affect anything and everything in the body by working on the ear.--How Auriculotherapy helps with addictions (food, drugs, smoking), anxiety, insomnia, learning disorders, emotional issues, PTSD, and phantom limb pain.--How children with ADD/ADHD are transformed through this therapy (and without drugs).--Why Dr. Prather believes Auriculotherapy is one of the major futures of health care in providing natural pain relief instead of dangerous, addictive prescription
8/20/201656 minutes, 47 seconds
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Treating injuries and preventing injuries are the biggest concerns of athletes. But the same treatment options for Olympians can also help your own health. In this episode, you'll discover:--Why body misalignment and tight muscles will eventually lead to injury.--Why you should always see a Chiropractor FIRST when you have an injury. And why this DRAMATICALLY lessens your chances of having surgery.--How the team at The Prather Practice covers all the aspects of Structure/Function care and are "uniquely qualified" to duplicate all the treatment options available to Olympians.--The Top 10 Sports Injuries. And why The Prather Practice gets results for patients who were told that nothing more could be done for their injuries.--The story of the Orthopedic Surgeon who brought his son with Osgood-Schlatter Disease to Dr. Prather after seeing several of his own patients helped by Dr. Prather.--How Acupuncture is "amazingly helpful" for Shin Splints. And how Acupuncture has anti-inflammatory effects for injuries and speeds up healing (even for scars!).--How Dr. Prather uses Chiropractic adjustments and Homeopathy to help patients with severe concussions become even BETTER than they were before their injury.--Why Chiropractic adjustments to put things in the right position "makes all the difference in the world" when it comes to getting results from Physical and Occupational Therapy.--How Kinesio Tape (seen on many Olympic athletes) helps to treat sports injuries and to prevent injuries. Plus, the Rapid Release instrument that is "revolutionizing" sports injury and soft tissue treatment through its ability to break up scar tissue.--That 95% of young women in Sports are Iron deficient and need supplementation for proper athletic performance and their overall
8/13/201656 minutes, 39 seconds
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Dr. Prather says breastfeeding is "the gift that keeps on giving" and the #1 determination for a person's health throughout their life. In this episode, find out:--Why society needs to support breastfeeding Moms (including support from the father, from employers, and from public attitudes).--The shocking lack of training and support our health care system offers for Moms when it comes to breastfeeding.--That only 40% of all children in the world are breastfed. And how companies selling baby formula influenced this.--Why the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control say that 800,000 fewer babies would die every year if they were breastfed instead of using formula.--How breastfed babies have dramatically lower odds of suffering from Acute Ear Infections, Eczema, hospitalization for respiratory infections, Asthma, childhood obesity, Type II Diabetes, Childhood Leukemia, and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. --How your ability to fight off infection starts and ends with what you get from your Mom (and why your immune system is impacted by it for the rest of your life).--The amazing feedback feature between the baby's saliva and the Mother that will actually shift the nutrition the child needs from the Mother to the baby.--How a baby's future emotional and psychological health is strengthened through breastfeeding. Plus, how a baby's I.Q. is increased by breastfeeding.--How moms who breastfeed have a reduced risk for Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, and Postpartum Depression.--How Structure/Function Health Care at The Prather Practice benefits pregnant and lactating moms who cannot be treated with Disease Care (drugs or surgery)
8/6/201656 minutes, 46 seconds
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Your liver is the chemical factory of your body. Dr. Prather says it is one of the biggest factors in how someone feels and that "everything works better" when the liver works right. In this episode, we talk about:--How Hepatitis is a "silent disease" that many people don't even realize they are carrying. And why Hepatitis cases are increasing.--How your bowels aren't going to work right (loose or constipated) if your liver is not up to par. And why liver issues give you a toxic, tired, "not well" feeling. --The relationship between the liver to Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease.--The major reason for high Cholesterol is a sick liver, but Cholesterol-lowering drugs actually make your liver even SICKER.--How the liver regulates your Hormones. And why hot flashes go away when the liver is cleared up.--How medicines to suppress Gerd (or Acid Reflux) actually make you sicker while they suppress your symptoms.--How Insomnia often clears up when the liver is fixed.--Why Dr. Prather says that Cancer treatments can set you up for getting Cancer again because it destroys the liver. And how he has helped Cancer patients avoid getting sick and losing their hair during Cancer treatments by getting the liver balanced.--How your body will create fat cells no matter how many calories you eat if your liver is not working right.--Why Dr. Prather says they get "almost everybody's" liver enzymes in the normal range. And why the detailed approach to diagnostics is the key to the results seen at The Prather
7/30/201656 minutes, 46 seconds
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The nutritional value of our food today is not as high as the food of previous generations. Therefore, we need supplementation for good health. In this episode, find out:--The connection between longevity and the nutritional value of our caloric intake.--Why we overeat on foods that have less nutritional value.--The different kinds of supplements (concentrated foods, synthetic vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, organ meats, herbals, and Homeopathics).--The importance of proper lab tests and Electrodermal Screening (EDS) to improve your results and eliminate guesswork. (And why you should NOT pick supplements at random at a health food store!)--Why Dr. Prather says, "Very seldom do we find someone with a properly functioning liver."--How Homeopathics (which are free of side effects) are a good option for patients with sensitivities to pharmaceuticals and even vitamins.--Why concentrated organ meats can help our lungs, pancreas, stomach, and endocrine system. (And why patients always seem to choose the pill over eating large amounts of liver!)--The reason why Dr. Prather does NOT like multivitamins and how they can actually make you sicker.--Why pharmaceuticals do not bring you closer to health, but supplements can. (And how Dr. Prather builds the health of his patients so that they no longer need their pharmaceuticals.)--How 60% of cancer, 80% of cardiovascular disease, and 70% of hypertension cases can be attributed to nutritional
7/23/201656 minutes, 46 seconds
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Dr. Prather calls it "THE most important thing you can do for your health." The Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment is a gentle chiropractic adjustment of the first vertebrae in your spine. In fact, 80% of us need this adjustment without even realizing it. In this episode, you'll discover:--How the Atlas Chiropractic Adjustment impacts the lower brain stem in one of the most important areas of the body, controlling all systems of the body.--Why it is considered the most difficult adjustment to make in the body.--Dr. Prather's own personal testimony how this adjustment helped his Graves' Disease as a young man and inspired him to help others.--The two systems in the body that must be working properly for the rest of the body to work correctly.--Why television personality Montel Williams called the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment "the greatest thing that ever happened " to him to relieve his symptoms from Multiple Sclerosis.--How the technique helps any type of nerve problems, central nervous system issues, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), high blood pressure, headaches, migraines, ADD/ADHD, seizures, digestive problems, and vision issues.--How a young woman's acne was even helped by the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment, and how it helped solve a 12-year-old boy's bed wetting problem.--Why everyone should be checked for this adjustment at least once a year.--The testimony from a patient who was involved in a car accident and credits the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment as the procedure "that changed everything" and gave him 100%
7/16/201656 minutes, 49 seconds
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75% of smokers actually want to quit. Dr. Prather says an individualized approach to treatment is important as there are different causes and triggers to each person's addiction. In this episode, find out:--How only 2% of the modern cigarette is tobacco, while most of the cigarette is CARDBOARD soaked in 70,000 chemicals! Plus, the change that occurs in your brain when you become addicted to cigarettes.--How Dr. Prather calls Acupuncture "miraculous" in helping to eliminate the shakes and anxiety in those who are quitting smoking.--That Auriculotherapy (microcurrent stimulation of points on the ear) helps change the brain waves that are associated with any addiction.--Why Dr. Prather says that CELERY helps with the oral fixation of smoking and the need to do something with your hands.--How those ALLERGIC to cigarette smoke become addicted to smoking. Plus, how Homeopathy helps those with a craving due to the allergic reaction to cigarette smoke.--The importance of detoxifying the body of the harmful toxins from cigarettes as you are in the process of quitting.--How cigarette smoking can trigger low back pain and herniated discs due to the nutritional deficiencies that come with smoking (such as Vitamin B and Vitamin C deficiencies).--How your body can reverse the damage from years of smoking and why it is NEVER too late to quit to benefit your health.--That second-hand smoke produces 60-70% of the harm compared to smoking the cigarette yourself. And how children have three times the chance of developing asthma if their parents are smokers.--Why natural cigarettes made from real tobacco can be a helpful step as someone stops smoking the cigarettes filled with cardboard and
7/9/201656 minutes, 47 seconds
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90% of Americans are considered "dietary deficient", with 60% of Cancers being attributed to poor diet. In this episode, we talk about:--The disastrous results of a January 2016 government study on the nutritional health of Americans.--How you have a 50% greater chance of survival when undergoing Cancer treatments if you are nutritionally healthy.--The groups most at-risk for being nutritionally deficient, such as pregnant women, the elderly, the obese, and even athletes.--The increased chance of birth defects and Autism if a pregnant mother is nutritionally deficient. Plus, how low Iodine in pregnant women will lead to lower IQ in the baby.--How the aging process is slowed with proper nutrition as many of the effects of the aging process are actually nutritional deficiencies.--How correcting nutritional deficiencies in an obese person makes it easier for them to lose weight.--The proper balance between vegetables, fruits, grains, and protein in an ideal diet. Plus, why the gut bacteria from fermented foods is very important to your nutritional needs.--How the nutritional quality of our food has diminished over the years. And why everyone needs nutritional supplementation (or "concentrated food"), even with the best diet habits.--The SHOCKING statistics on the source of Americans' calories. Hint: Veggies and fruits didn't even make the Top 20 on the list!--Why proper lab tests and diagnostics are the key to your overall and nutritional health. And how the Structure/Function model of health care that Dr. Prather practices looks at bloodwork differently than the Disease Care
7/2/201656 minutes, 47 seconds
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Death and complications are real risks from surgery, so a non-invasive alternative should always be explored first. In this episode, you'll learn: --That you have a 30% chance of getting a neck or low back surgery if you go to a surgeon first. If you first see a Chiropractor for the same injury, only 2% of patients end up in surgery.--How those who have neck surgery would have had better results five years later if they had not had surgery at all. --The surprising numbers of deaths from anesthesia and why independent studies show those numbers are GROSSLY underreported. And the shocking numbers of knee replacement surgery patients who suffer from blood clots.--The perverse financial incentives of our health care system: the more dangerous a medical procedure is, the higher the reimbursement by insurance companies.--The recent INCREASE in infections from surgery as antibiotics are losing their effectiveness from overuse.--Why you should always seek a second opinion from a "Structure/Function Care doctor" before you go forward with surgery.--The integrated model of health care that Dr. Prather practices in his office to combine the Structure/Function Health Care and Disease Care for best patient results.--The preparations you should make if surgery is truly unavoidable.--The post-surgical strategies that you should follow for best results.--How The Prather Practice helped Charlie to avoid surgery on his wrist and ride his motorcycle
6/25/201656 minutes, 47 seconds
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Pain is a communication from our body to our brain telling it that something is not right. But there are different theories among scientists about pain. In this episode, you'll discover:--There are those who cannot feel pain, which is actually a very dangerous condition as pain is an important part of our survival.--How our emotional state affects our pain perception.--The Bradley method of childbirth that makes a big difference in the pain level during labor.--Why it is so hard to study pain from a scientific and ethical perspective.--The influences that play a part in pain perception. And how a Doctor's lack of understanding causes a patient's pain to increase.--The Energy Flow Theory and The Pain Threshold Theory of Pain that The Prather Practice utilizes in treating patients.--The five pathways of energy in the body and how pain is caused when any one of those pathways becomes blocked.--How Dr. Prather treats the pain pattern in the brain that can sometimes remain even after the pain is gone. (And how opiates contribute to this problem and make a patient's pain WORSE.)--The Auriculotherapy treatment for pain that Dr. Prather describes as "the keyboard to the brain" and "THE most proven therapy in the world".--The P-Stim therapy at The Prather Practice (worn on the ear for four days at a time) that gives amazing results for patients with conditions such as Arthritis, Joint Pain, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Migraines, Sciatica, Depression, Addiction, Smoking Cessation, Fibromyalgia, and
6/18/201656 minutes, 46 seconds
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Deaths related to pharmaceutical pain killers are on the rise. But Dr. Prather says there are safer, more effective, and natural alternatives to pain relief through Structure/Function Health Care. In this episode, find out:--The shocking statistics about how many Americans are dealing with pain. --The mistake made in 1999 when the increased use of pharmaceutical pain killers was encouraged...with results that are a "complete disaster".--Why Dr. Prather says opiates are good for short-term pain, but "absolutely a complete disaster" for chronic pain.--How pharmaceutical opiates leave you in a "worse pain situation than when you started" by damaging your body's own pain management ability.--That there are 238 million pain prescriptions written every year in the United States, with the U.S. consuming 80% of all world pain medication (yet with less than 5% of the world's population).--How Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Auriculotherapy, Massage, and Nutritional remedies have been shown in the short-term to be "as effective as opiates" for pain relief without any of the side effects, but MUCH more effective than opiates in the long-term as they help the body's own ability to fight pain.--Why Dr. Prather says a combination of treatments in his office has been proven far more effective than relying on just one type of therapy.--Why Dr. Prather calls the P-Stim treatment in his office "the future of pain care" as it deals with the impact of pain upon the brain.--That Dr. Prather says the only solution to the opiate problem is to move to where 80% of our health care is from the Structure/Function model (as opposed to the Disease Care model).--How Dr. Prather helps eliminate all drug withdrawal symptoms for those addicted to opiate pain
6/11/201656 minutes, 48 seconds
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1-in-13 people in the U.S. have Asthma, which is a problem that is unfortunately growing. In this episode, we talk about:--The causes of Ashtma, both genetic and environmental. And why cockroaches are one of the biggest contributors to Asthma.--Why Dr. Prather describes Asthma as "more of a symptom and less of a disease". And why individualized treatment for Asthma patients is important.--Why the combination of treatments is a key reason for Dr. Prather's success rate in treating Asthma, especially for patients who had poor success with pharmaceutical options and conventional treatments.--Why allergy testing is critically important for those with Asthma. And why Dr. Prather says he's surprised at how few Asthma patients have had the necessary allergy tests.--The effectiveness of Homeopathic treatments for Asthma and how Allergy shots are based on Homeopathy.--The "very strong correlation" between nutrition and Asthma. Plus, the Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbal remedies proven effective in relieving Asthma. --Why patients should seek additional Structure/Function Health Care solutions in addition to their pharmaceutical program to properly manage their Asthma.--How Dr. Prather sees "dramatic changes" in Asthma patients through Chiropractic adjustments. And how the World Health Organization lists Acupuncture as helpful for Asthma.--Why Dr. Prather says that there needs to be a WRITTEN plan for every Asthma patient.--How low Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach is a key precursor to Asthma and increased
6/4/201656 minutes, 45 seconds
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Too many patients and health care professionals believe that antibiotics solve almost anything and are a cure-all. Unfortunately, that belief has led to a health care crisis where antibiotics are overused when there are more appropriate and more effective alternatives. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Dr. Prather calls antibiotics "a precious resource that we are destroying" by over-prescribing. And why he says we should respect antibiotics more to make sure the next generation still has them.--That, in 2010, there were 258 million antibiotic courses ordered out of 309 million people. (That's 833 antibiotics for every 1000 people!)--That the Centers for Disease Control has a goal to reduce antibiotic use by one-third and want to make it easier for doctors to tell the patients "No" when it comes to antibiotic prescriptions. --Why children are three to six times MORE likely to get infections if they wrongly receive antibiotics.--How Homeopathy was effective in fighting Cholera epidemics. And why Homeopathy can get faster results than an antibiotic in relief of symptoms.--How herbal medications were the most effective remedy when the SARS outbreak occurred in China. And the herbals you should always have in your medicine cabinet (especially for parents with young children who are looking for a safe and gentle option).--How Vitamins and Minerals fight infections. For example, Vitamin C along with an antibiotic makes the antibiotic 50% more effective.--Why Chiropractic adjustments help fight infections.--How 85% of Cancer patient complaints are resolved if the patients are undergoing Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments at the same time.--How Antibiotics actually destroy the good bacteria in the gut and why Probiotics are necessary for anyone on
5/21/201656 minutes, 51 seconds
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3 out of 4 children experience ear infections by the age of 3--which can lead to learning disorders and hearing loss. But Dr. Prather points out that ear infections should not be a normal part of childhood if a child has a strong immune system. In this episode, you'll find out:--What causes ear infections. And why bacterial infections are usually only the cause of about 20% of ear infections, with most infections being viral.--Why keeping the Eustachian Tube open is the key to preventing ear infections and also a key to preventing sinus and upper-respiratory infections.--How the muscle of the Eustachian Tube is the same material as the small intestine, making gut health crucial to stopping ear infections (and 80% of your immune system).--Why the angles of a child's Eustachian Tune make children more susceptible to ear infections than adults.--The reason why Dr. Prather recommends pregnant women (and women trying to get pregnant) get their gut health in order so they can help prevent future ear infections in their children.--Why a baby with colic is likely to get ear infections. And the correlation between antibiotics and learning disabilities such as ADD and ADHD.--The shocking research on the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of antibiotics for ear infections and how children are three times as likely to develop future ear infections if they receive antibiotics.--The natural approaches to ear infections, including how Dr. Prather manually opens up the Eustachian Tubes on both children and adults to provide immediate relief. Plus, the role of Chiropractic adjustments and Diathermy.--How Tinnitus and Vertigo in adults are associated with the Eustachian Tubes even though adults do not get ear infections at the rate of children.--The Homeopathics, Herbals, and Supplements that are most helpful for Ear Infections and perfect for children since they have zero side
5/14/201656 minutes, 38 seconds
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This week, we're joined by Brian Banister of The Prather Practice (Dietetic Technician, Registered) who formerly worked for the Denver Broncos as a Chef Nutritionist (where he fed Peyton Manning!). In this episode, discover:--Why everyone needs a Nutrition Consult to evaluate their diet and how it impacts their health. And why an INDIVIDUAL approach to each patient is important for proper recommendations.--How lab-work and a tool called Electrodermal Screening (EDS) help patients find the EXACT supplements that work best for them.--Why a weekly menu and recipes are included in a Nutritional Consult at The Prather Practice. And how an Anthropometric Analysis helps you target your ideal weight.--Why you especially need a Nutritional Consult if you are Diabetic, if you are Overweight, if you are an Underweight Cancer patient, or if you have a family history of Hypertension or Kidney Disease.--The HCG "fast track" diet in The Prather Plan Weight Loss Program for patients who want to lose large amounts of weight in a quick and healthy manner.--How elevated Cortisol levels from stress are directly related to increased fatty tissue.--Why supplementation is almost ALWAYS needed, even for those who are eating healthy.--That dehydration is a problem for most people and how much water we SHOULD be drinking. And why sodas and caffeine have a dehydrating effect on the body.--How following a Gluten-Free Diet when you don't have a Gluten allergy can actually deprive you of B-Vitamins. How the low-carb Atkins Diet can cause your body to go ketogenic and lead to muscle-wasting. And how the Paleo Diet is a "clean" diet because it cuts out packaged and processed foods.--The ALCAT Food allergy test at The Prather Practice to determine if you have any food allergies or
5/7/201656 minutes, 50 seconds
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Acupuncture has been in existence for over 5,000 years. More people have probably been treated with Acupuncture than any other treatment. In this episode, find out:--How almost all Acupuncture patients fall asleep during treatment.--Why Acupuncture needles are painless (rounded on the end, not sharp, and thin as a hair).--The non-needle Acupuncture options for those who are still afraid of needles (including powder, laser, and electrical options).--Why Acupuncture beats Cortizone shots for pain relief and treating inflammation.--The World Health Organization and National institutes of Health research that shows Acupuncture effective in treating anxiety, depression, insomnia, abdominal issues, sinusitis, tinnitus, PMS, and headaches.--Hear from a patient who had "immediate relief" from Acupuncture for a sinus infection.--The 80% success rate Dr. Prather sees in patients dealing with infertility and the role of Acupuncture.--How Acupuncture can help students score better on exams (and why it works better than anti-anxiety drugs).--How Acupuncture can help with Parkinson's Disease, Stroke Recovery, and Cancer patients (including an 80% decrease in complaints from patients on chemotherapy and radiation).--Why Acupuncture is an effective treatment for addiction issues, including
4/23/201656 minutes, 48 seconds
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Golfing, Tennis, Baseball, and Softball season is here, which means more injuries. Dr. Prather says about half of his patients have some sort of shoulder or arm condition, many of whom have given up on finding relief from past injuries. In this episode, we talk about:  --Why Dr. Prather has about a 90% success rate with shoulder and arm issues, even getting improvement in situations like Rheumatoid Arthritis that have severe damage.--How the combination of a broad array of treatments offered at The Prather Practice is the key to their successful results.  --How to reduce your chance of having surgery from 25% to 2%, plus have better outcomes compared to the surgical option. (Hint: Which doctor you see FIRST makes all the difference.)--Why Structure-Function health care is vital for those with repetitive motion injuries, such as athletes. And the difference between Passive Care and Active Care, BOTH of which are necessary for patients.--How Acupuncture is an excellent anti-inflammatory and stimulates healing (even eliminating scar tissue both externally and internally). And why Acupuncture is a better option for pain relief than addictive opioid drugs.  --The "Rapid Release” tool (nicknamed "the muscle mower") that helps break up scar tissue and muscle tension in a relaxing way that patients love.--How patients benefit from treatments such as Diathermy, Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation, Auriculotherapy, and Microcurrent.--How "Trigger Points" can cause pain and dysfunction. Plus, the Trigger Point therapies Dr. Prather uses to provide relief to his patients.--Why it is so important for patients to be supervised when doing precise rehabilitation exercises in the Active Care phase of treatment.--Why Dr. Prather finds Carpal Tunnel is more often than not Palmaris Longis Syndrome. And how Dr. Prather is able to help his patients find a more effective alternative to
4/16/201656 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr. Prather says it is a myth that cholesterol is the CAUSE of Cardiovascular Disease. High cholesterol is instead a SYMPTOM of Cardiovascular Disease. In this episode, you'll learn:  --How the pharmaceutical companies had the labs change the reference ranges for cholesterol levels when cholesterol medications were developed. And why reference ranges on lab tests are NOT the ideal number Dr. Prather looks for.--That cholesterol is an essential building material the body uses to help heal damage in the body and is key to hormone production.--Why the Coronary Risk Factor ratio in your cholesterol number should be more of a focus than the overall cholesterol number.  --How LOW cholesterol can cause fatigue, difficulty thinking, increased risk of cancer, loss of memory, mental confusion, and greater susceptibility to viruses.--The harmful side effects of statin drugs. And why Type II Diabetics and those with high liver enzymes should NOT take statin drugs.--How the #1 reason for high cholesterol is a sick liver. And the various underlying causes of high cholesterol: Low thyroid, Type II Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, mineral imbalances, low Vitamin D, kidney disease, pancreatic disease, and chronic pain.--That Cholesterol is more of a warning instead of the disease process itself. And why Dr. Prather says the key is finding the underlying cause and reason of high cholesterol.--Why Cancer patients need to keep their cholesterol levels HIGH. And why cholesterol drugs can actually increase your chance of Cancer.--How to regulate your cholesterol through diet by eating what Dr. Prather calls "real" food and by shopping only on the outside aisles of the grocery store. --Why you should have a goal to get off of statin drugs as soon as possible. Plus, the increased nutritional needs of your body when you are on statin
4/9/201656 minutes, 37 seconds
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25% of men (in all age categories) have low Testosterone, most without even realizing it. Low Testosterone affects a man's health in many negative ways. In this episode, discover:--How Low Testosterone can even cause problems in women.--The symptoms of Low Testosterone: low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, low motivation, lower cognitive ability, lower muscle mass, weight gain, irritability, depression.--Why your motivation in life is directly related to your Testosterone levels.--How low Testosterone causes men to have difficulty following directions.--The health risks of Low Testosterone: Prostate Cancer, Cardiovascular, Osteoporosis, Type II Diabetes, Obesity, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Depression.--How optimal Testosterone levels help you fight off the symptoms of aging and help keep you young.--How stress, chronic pain, drugs (such as Marijuana), alcohol, the food you eat, lack of rest, the water you drink, and medications (even over-the-counter ones) can all destroy Testosterone.--The treatment options for Low Testosterone from Testosterone injections to more natural solutions such as herbals and supplements.--Why Dr. Prather's goal is to get patients on Testosterone therapy to the point where their body produces its own Testosterone.--Hear Chris's story about how Testosterone treatment at The Prather Practice improved his health, his life, and his
4/2/201656 minutes, 54 seconds
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LESS THAN 3% of Americans have a healthy lifestyle according to a recent report. How does your lifestyle rate? In this episode, find out:--Why Dr. Prather says that the report's criteria of a healthy lifestyle actually weren't that high...and we STILL failed miserably as a nation.--The four factors considered in this report to determine a "healthy lifestyle": Smoking, Healthy Diet, Normal Body Fat, and Sufficient Exercise.--Why Dr. Prather calls a combination of Acupuncture and Auriculotherapy one of the most effective methods to stop smoking, along with Homeopathic remedies well-proven to stop the addiction.--The difference between what Dr. Prather describes as "real food" versus "chemical food". And how we all need supplements (or concentrated food) to help us make up for our nutritional deficiencies.--What is normal body fat percentage, and the reason Dr. Prather prefers body fat percentage measurement over BMI (Body Mass Index). And the Body Composition Analysis Dr. Prather uses to evaluate fat percentage.--Why Dr. Prather focuses on FAT loss, not just WEIGHT loss (which can include muscle and organ mass).--How The Prather Plan fat loss program discovers the underlying health reason why people have trouble losing weight, such as thyroid or hormone issues.--How The Prather Plan fat loss program "tricks" the body to go after the fat. --What a good exercise program should look like.--How men shorten their life spans by not getting necessary health
3/26/201656 minutes, 48 seconds
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90% of all anxiety drugs in the world are consumed by Americans. While prescription drugs have their place, our health care system has overused prescription drugs when there are drug-free alternatives. In this episode, we talk about:--Why you should see a Structure-Function doctor FIRST before seeking Disease Care (and the difference between the two types of care).--When the stress response becomes unhealthy ("DIStress") causing damage to your endocrine system, a fried nervous system, and harmful changes in the body.--How we can feel emotionally paralyzed (not being able to move forward or backward) and why it is called the "reptilian brain" response.  --How too much Copper in your body can lead to an over-excited nervous system and over-excited endocrine system, leading to an improper stress response.--That Calcium-Magnesium imbalance, high Mercury, and high Lead all throw off proper stress response. And why having the appropriate lab tests is so important to determine these things.--Why Dr. Prather says 80% of the patients he sees are in the wrong "Fight-Flight" Sympathetic System mode where they have a "broken down endocrine system".--How to rebuild the nervous system, rebuild the endocrine system, and boost the body's immune system to battle anxiety through Functional Care. And the different products available (80,000!) that Dr. Prather uses to help renew and rejuvenate the body, including Nutritionals, Herbals, Flower Remedies, Homeopathics, Glandulars, and Mineral Balancing products.--The Structural Care options to treat Anxiety, such as Chiropractic and Acupuncture. Plus, how Auriculotherapy and Brain Core Therapy help relieve Anxiety.--Why Dr. Prather calls it one of his "secrets to success" to combine Functional and Structural Care to achieve better patient outcomes.--How TMJ in your jaw involves a nerve that leads directly to your brain's emotional system. Plus, the role toxicity in your body plays in Anxiety and how Diathermy helps the body to
3/19/201656 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Prather Plan is a safe, proven, medically-supervised, natural weight loss program. In this episode, you'll learn:--How the HCG diet causes your body to burn fat quickly (especially stubborn belly fat).--Why The Prather Plan includes eating HIGH fat foods for the first three days (and why this phase is very important).--The 23 to 45 day low-calorie, medically-supervised, and TEMPORARY 500 calorie per day diet. (And why you WON'T feel like you are starving!)--The pure vitamin Lipotropic injections that help you to feel good and energetic while on the plan. (And the non-needle alternatives available for those who have a fear of needles.)--Why the third phase of The Prather Plan makes the program so successful by making this a healthy lifestyle change (and not a temporary fix) with healthy eating and exercise programs customized for each patient.--The options available for vegetarians under The Prather Plan.--Why 95% of all dieters are worse off after five years than what they were before their diet. (And how they lose muscle and organ weight instead of fat.)--The importance of proper diagnostics so that underlying imbalances in your body can be balanced out so that you can lose weight. And how The Prather Plan is individualized for each person.--How the goal of The Prather Plan is to make you healthier, not just to lose weight and look better. And how it is a natural approach (not pharmaceutical based) with lasting results.--How too much fat increases estrogen, reduces testosterone, and lowers energy in men.--Why coaching and counseling are key for successful weight
3/12/201656 minutes, 52 seconds
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THE BEATITUDES: Pillar Of Perfect Health #8

We're conclude our series on The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health. Dr. Prather describes The Beatitudes as the psychology of health and how attitudes become ingrained in our person. In this episode, discover:--Why Dr. Prather describes The Beatitudes as our emotions, thoughts, will, and spirit coming together. More than just mental, emotional, spiritual, or fleshly desires. --That The Beatitudes are the attitudes we adopt into our lives that make up who and what we are. (And sometimes we are even unaware of them.)--Why the death of a spouse increases the likelihood of the surviving spouse's own death (especially in men).--How mental disease even affects posture. And how changing the physical position of someone's body can relieve them of mental disease.--That Homeopathy is one of the most effective, safe, and quickest methods Dr. Prather uses to help patients and their mental health. And how Homeopathy can help children behave better!--How Dr. Prather has helped patients to get off of their antidepressant prescription drugs in favor of the safe alternative in Homeopathy.--That everyone has their own "unique vibration" that is very revealing about your personality and your health conditions. And how Homeopathic constitutional remedies can be helpful for all of us.--How high Copper levels are linked to anxiety issues, while Depression, ADD, and ADHD can all be linked to nutritional issues. (For example, low Iron in girls can cause ADD.)--Why Chiropractic, Acupuncture, and Massage body work can help relieve and manage our stress.--How Exercise helps release our "Fight-Flight" tension in our 
3/5/201656 minutes, 53 seconds
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REST: Pillar Of Perfect Health #7

We're continuing our series on The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health. Dr. Prather estimates 75% of patients as having fatigue and in need of "recharging our body's batteries". In this episode, find out:--That there are 5 sub-categories of rest: sleep, hormones, meditation, internal exercises, and sex.--How delusions, depression, and dropping immune system are all problems associated with lack of sleep. --How Dr. Prather measures the "phase angle" with a Body Composition Analysis to measure how charged up the body's batteries are.--Why our body's circadian rhythm is important for our sleep patterns. And how traveling through time zones or working nights can negatively impact your ability to sleep properly.--How our hormones are disturbed by lack of sleep (and vice versa).--Why bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can cause an increase in Cancer...and the natural alternative approach Dr. Prather recommends by rebuilding the endocrine gland itself.--That 70% of those on Thyroid medication suffer from depression and are in need of additional supplementation.--How meditation changes hormone and stress levels, while increasing the electrical charge of the body.--Why internal exercises (such as Tai Chi) can help rejuvenate people and extend life.--How sex is a way to rejuvenate the body and balance out your endocrine system. And how there are actually different positions and methods to treat specific diseases. 
2/27/201656 minutes, 51 seconds
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EXERCISE: Pillar Of Perfect Health #6

We're continuing our series on The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health. This week, Dr. Prather explains how exercise "covers a world of sins". In this episode, we talk about:--The 5 different categories of exercise and how each one benefits our health. And how much exercise we SHOULD be getting. (Do you measure up?)--How exercise brings about homeostasis (balance) to the body: better flow of energy, greater detoxification, more oxygenation, better clearance of insulin, and better absorption of nutrients.--The BEST form of exercise for our overall health, for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, and for weight loss. And the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise.--The machine Dr. Prather uses for his patients (many of who CAN'T exercise) to duplicate five years of marathon training for the heart in just seven weeks and cut down on Type II Diabetes.--The SHOCKING increase in obesity rates since 1990 and how that connects with a reduction of exercise in our lives. --How your flexibility measures your longevity and your biological age. And the amazing emotional and psychological responses from flexibility exercise.--That proper muscle balance can help solve back and neck problems, but even benefit internal organs, solve digestive problems, and solve Sinusitis. And why Dr. Prather recommends the "Royal Court" of body weight exercises.--How aging is related to the loss of kinesthetic sense, which leads to falls. And the exercises that can RESTORE kinesthetic sense and reverse the aging process.--The exercises Dr. Prather recommends for kids with ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and Asperger's Syndrome.--Why Tai Chi "keeps older people young"
2/20/201656 minutes, 46 seconds
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NUTRITION: Pillar Of Perfect Health #5

We're continuing our series on The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health. This week, we focus on the importance of nutrition and the need for proper supplementation. In this episode, learn: --Why the food we eat is not as nutritional as it used to be and how that is connected with our soil. And the shocking percentage difference in nutritional value between organic and non-organic foods.--Why Dr. Prather says it is "few and far between" to find a patient who does NOT need additional supplementation (including children). --How Iron Deficiency can cause symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (especially in girls) and the connection between High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) and Arginine Deficiency. --That every pharmaceutical causes a nutritional deficiency. And how anti-cholesterol statin drugs cause a deficiency in CoQ10...which then causes additional heart problems! --How Diabetes is "almost purely" a nutritional issue. And why Cancer and Obesity can be greatly reduced with the addition of more fiber in the American diet. --Why you need help in determining the correct supplementation your body needs instead of just randomly picking out supplements at the heath food store. And why a Multi-Vitamin can be a PROBLEM for some people. --How Migraines and easy bruising in women can be caused by Copper deficiencies from birth control pills (a deficiency that can lead to strokes and aneurysms). --Why Chemotherapy and Radiation patients ALWAYS need additional nutritional supplementation. And how AT LEAST 60% of Cancers are related to diet. --How boosting Hydrochloric Acid eliminated sinus problems, fatigue, and allergies in patients. And the best way to reduce Cholesterol through fatty acids and the proper proteins.  --Why breakfast should be the largest meal of your day and dinner your smallest meal of your day. Plus, why our table salt is wrong for us and the sea salt that we should be using. (And how sea salt is even prescribed to lower blood pressure!)
2/13/201656 minutes, 44 seconds
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WATER: Pillar Of Perfect Health #4

We're continuing our series on The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health. This week, we focus on the impact of water on your health. In this episode, discover: --That we are mainly water (70% at birth) and that it's best to keep our water level at 60% of our body. --The consequences of drinking TOO MUCH water and why it "makes you a little crazy" before it shuts down the kidneys and the heart.  --The consequences of too little water (dehydration), which is bad for the kidneys and the colon. And why the vast majority of people have dehydration. --Why someone's biological age is indicated by how well your kidneys function.  --How dehydration impacts constipation, how young your skin looks, high blood pressure (hypertension), and how your brain works.  --The balance of water you should have within your cells and outside of your cells (and the body composition analysis Dr. Prather uses to determine this).  --How you can tell from the color of your urine if you are drinking enough water.  --Why your pH level can switch the chemical reactions of your body and is a big determinant in many diseases that develop including Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease. And why Dr. Prather calls distilled water "cancer water".  --How much and what kind of water you should drink (including Dr. Prather's thoughts on specific brands of bottled water and the reverse osmosis process).  --The three tests you should have at least once a year that include measurement of how hydrated you are.
2/6/201656 minutes, 11 seconds
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XENOBIOTICS: Pillar Of Perfect Health #3

We're continuing our series on The 8 Pillars Of Perfect Health. Xenobiotics are "strangers to the body" and are anything that take our bodies away from homeostasis. In this episode, find out:--How Pathogens, Viral Infections, Bacterial Infections, Fungal Infections, Parasites, Toxins, Heavy Metals (like Arsenic, Lead, and Mercury), and Allergens are all considered Xenobiotics.--Why one person's poison can be another person's cure (such as Gluten).  And how even too much Vitamin D can damage the liver and can become a Xenobiotic to the body.--The role that the lungs, the liver (the hero that cleans our body up by removing toxins), bowels, kidneys, spleen, and our immune system play in fighting Xenobiotics.--Why a liver detox is so important for Cancer patients to improve their survival rate. And how a malfunctioning Liver can lead to Cancer and a properly functioning liver reduces your chances of developing Cancer.--How food allergies and any type of autoimmune disease relates to Xenobiotics causing stress on the immune system. And why Dr. Prather says autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's Disease, Sjogren's syndrome, Graves' Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ulcerative Colitis, and Crohn's Disease are usually involved in delayed allergy reactions (such as food allergies).--The diagnostic tests for Xenobiotics in your body including a stool kit (G.I. Effects test), blood work, Urinalysis, ALCAT food sensitivity test, and Hair Analysis.--How there are more cells in your body that aren't "you" than the number of cells that are "you" ( and have your DNA). And how we need those "critters" to help maintain our health.--How weight loss can occur once certain bacteria in the gut are eliminated.--The Diathermy machine (which are large magnets) that is one of Dr. Prather's favorite methods of detoxification for his patients.--The amazing story of the Colon Cancer patient scheduled for surgery who was treated by Dr. Prather for parasitic infection throughout the colon (which is a leading cause of Colon Cancer). When he went in for a scan prior to his surgery, the Cancer was gone!
1/30/201656 minutes, 46 seconds
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OXYGENATION: Pillar Of Perfect Health #2

If you were perfectly oxygenated, you would look like you were 21 for the rest of your life. If you want to look young, live long, and be healthy, then breathe deep! In this episode, we'll talk about:--How deeply you breathe is a key indicator of your biological (not chronological) age and is a more important indicator of a person's longevity than even genetics or any other lifestyle habit.--The Spirometry test that reveals your lung function.--How Oxygenation affects Cancer. And why Anemia (which cuts down on your Oxygenation) decreases a Cancer patient's chance of survival.--Why Anemia IS a big deal and how Dr. Prather has a stricter standard for Anemia than the traditional medical model. (Plus, those at greatest risk for Anemia: Pregnant women, young girls just starting their periods, and elderly people.)--How children (especially young girls) diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder are often Anemic, which duplicates symptoms of ADD.--How Oxygenation affects Cardiovascular Disease, and how the Heart has the biggest demand for Oxygen of any organ in the body.--The aerobic exercise machine (External Counterpulsation Therapy or ECP) Dr. Prather uses to increase oxygen to the Heart for his patients. And how it duplicates five years of marathon training for the Heart in just seven weeks!--Why snoring (and sleep apnea) is an indicator that you are low on Oxygen. And how increasing your body's Oxygenation can solve your snoring problem by getting to the root cause instead of just treating the symptoms with a CPAP machine.--The lab tests Dr. Prather uses to reveal a patient's Oxygenation levels, including the Cardiassess test that measures the oxygenation of the heart.--The role of Oxygen in feeling and staying young. And why Dr. Prather says you are never too old to take advantage of the body's incredible ability to regenerate.
1/23/201656 minutes, 48 seconds
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ENERGY FLOW (PART 2 OF 2): Pillar Of Perfect Health #1

In Dr. Prather's "8 Pillars of Perfect Health", Energy Flow is #1. This week, we continue our discussion began last week on Energy Flow since it is the most important pillar.  In this episode, you'll learn:--How Energy Flow in the body (or the body's electrical system) can be measured, evaluated, and monitored.--The 5 categories of Energy Pathways: Nervous System, Cerebrospinal Fluid (TMJ, Headaches, and Disc Problems), Lymphatic System (Fibromyalgia, Toxicity, Infections), Circulatory System, and the Electromagnetic System.--Why Dr. Prather believes GENTLE Chiropractic adjustments work best and how can offer a different type of adjustment than what had been offered even to patients who have been to other Chiropractors.--The Circulatory System is our arteries and veins. But there is also an electrical system transmitted through the Neurovascular System that benefit from gentle Chiropractic adjustment to soft tissue (Liver, Spleen, Intestines, Gall Bladder, Pancreas, Heart, Stomach.)--How Arthritis patients can see great relief from Neurovascular Chiropractic Adjustments such as in hands and knees.--How our body's Electromagnetic System works and why Dr. Prather calls it a "fun" area to work with through Acupuncture because of the changes that can be seen through treatment. --The non-needle Acupuncture options at Dr. Prather's office (such as laser, electrical, and powder) for those who are afraid of needles. Plus, how Acupuncture needles are actually rounded on the end so that the patient often do not even feel them.--That Acupuncture has been shown by the World Health Organizations to treat over 400 conditions (Infertility, Pancreatitis, Headaches, Shingles). And how Pancreatitis patients see "immediate" results from Acupuncture.--If you have pain, you have a blockage in at least one of the five energy pathways. All pain comes from a blockage in one of the five energy pathways.--How energy blockage is involved in almost EVERY disease (even Cancer)
1/16/201656 minutes, 47 seconds
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ENERGY FLOW (PART 1 of 2): Pillar Of Perfect Health #1

In Dr. Prather's 8 Pillars of Perfect Health, Energy Flow is considered the most important and the quickest way to impact someone's health. In this episode, find out:--Why Dr. Prather says that the energy flow of the body has "the biggest impact" on someone's health and well-being. And why it is his "favorite" of the 8 pillars.--How all pain in the body is a result of a blockage in one of the body's energy pathways. (And the five different energy pathways in the body.)--That we have five energy pathways in the body: Nervous System, Cerebrospinal Fluid, Lymphatic, Circulatory, and Electromagnetic.--Why Chiropractors are really focused on the nervous system even though people call them "bone doctors".--How the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment of the top vertebrae is the most difficult and most important Chiropractic adjustment in the body. And why Dr. Prather says it has "the greatest and most long-lasting impact on someone's health".--How our respiratory system is impacted by the Cerebrospinal Fluid system. And how Autistic children rock because they are trying to get their Cerebrospinal Fluid system moving. Plus, how insomnia, mental fatigue, and a feeling of malaise are impacted by our Cerebrospinal Fluid.--That Fibromyalgia is an extreme backup of the Lymphatic system (a circulatory system of the toxins of the body and the immune system). And how allergies or infections occur with Lymphatic system blockage. Plus, why the Lymphatic system is a "huge" cause of Cancer and "critical" area for Cancer patients to address.--Why every patient that has chronic fatigue has a blocked Lymphatic system. And Otitis Media (ear infections) is also caused by blocked Lymph system, but can be relieved in 15 minutes with a Diathermy treatment at Dr. Prather's office. Bursitis, Knee Problems, Lyme Disease, Epstein-Barr Syndrome are also linked to the Lymph system.--How underwire bras inhibit the Lymphatic system from draining properly and can contribute to breast cancer.--That kidney pain can be relieved almost immediately (along with changing the function of the organ) through specific Neurovascular Chiropractic
1/9/201656 minutes, 48 seconds
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We kick off 2016 with a series on The 8 Pillars of Perfect Health.  this week, we give an overview of all 8.  in future weeks, each pillar will have its own show.  You'll discover:--How Dr. Prather's battle with Graves' Disease as a teenager influenced the development of this system.--The 5 systems of the body's energy flow, and why all pain is caused by a blockage of energy flow.--How proper oxygenation in the cells prevents cancer, and why anemia IS a big deal (in spite of what some doctors say).--What Xenobiotics are and how it impacts several systems in your body.--What the correct balance should be for water within and outside of your cells, and how this balance impacts your health.--The blood test you should have annually to determine the vitamin and mineral balance in your body.--The 5 categories of exercise essential for good health.--What your "phase angle" is and the test that measures how well our body's battery is charged.--The importance of our attitudes and outlook in our health (and the role homeopathy and flower remedies can play in improving this area).--How several different patients with fibromyalgia each had a different underlying cause that needed to be addressed (and why an individual approach to health care is vital)
1/2/201656 minutes, 45 seconds
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As you make New Year's resolutions for 2016, we bring you stories to inspire you if you have a goal of losing weight. In this episode, we talk about:--Why Dr. Prather doesn't just look for weight loss, but looks for homeostasis in your fat percentage and your overall health and well-being.--How Dr. Prather says they "don't allow people to gain their weight back" by helping patients maintain a lifestyle to maintain their targeted weight. And how it makes it very easy to lose weight when the underlying individual health issues are dealt with.--Marc's story and how he lost 47 pounds in 5 weeks.--Linsey's story and how she lost 17 pounds in 21 days.--Amy's story and how she lost 21 pounds in 5 weeks.--Ben's story and how he lost 60 pounds in 10 weeks.--Why getting healthy is a more important overall goal than just straight weight loss which can include loss of muscle or organ mass.--How Dr. Prather's weight loss program for patients targets a true loss of fat percentage in the body and a change in the metabolism of the body to maintain the weight loss
12/26/201556 minutes, 46 seconds
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People get sicker, have more depression, put on weight, and have more injuries in the winter. In this episode, you'll learn:--How lack of sun in winter impacts our immune system, our mood, our brain function, and our endocrine system. --Why you live longer if you live in a harsher, northern climate when you're young and live in a warmer, southern climate when you're old. --Why this is a good time to check your Vitamin D levels. And why you SHOULD NOT just take Vitamin D without getting blood work first (as too much Vitamin D can damage organs in your body).--Why we gain weight in the winter (between 5 and 10 pounds on average for adults). And why'd we'd gain weight in the winter even if we ate the same amount of calories (which we don't).--How our endocrine system is affected by colder weather. (And how our body "winterizes" itself.)--The dietary changes that should be made in the winter to avoid weight gain. And one of the "guaranteed ways to lose weight".--The favorite natural supplement Dr. Prather recommends in the winter that everyone should have in their medicine cabinet. --Why infections increase during the winter. And the problem we now have due to antibiotic overuse. Plus, the number of times in your life you should have an antibiotic.--The tool Dr. Prather uses to determine which supplement or product (out of thousands of possibilities) will work best for your body.--How cholesterol lowering drugs make someone more susceptible to
12/19/201556 minutes, 47 seconds
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Brain Core Neurofeedback helps bring brain waves into homeostasis (or balance) to improve a patient's health and well-being in a life-changing manner. In this episode, you'll discover:--How Insomnia can lead to Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Chronic Pain, and Fibromyalgia.  And how Brain Core Neurofeedback came to Indiana because it changed the life of one Mom's son.--Why Dr. Prather calls Brain Core Neurofeedback a "true cure" through its safe, drugless approach.--What conditions are helped by Brain Core Therapy (Attention Deficit Disorder, Addiction, Autism, Brain Injury, Adoption Disorders, Depression, Insomnia, Post-Stroke Disorders, Migraines, Dyslexia, Fibromyalgia).--Why Brain Core therapy can even reduce snoring!--How trauma to the body changes brain waves and how Neurofeedback can help (such as post-cancer patients with "Chemo fog" or "Chemo brain").--The amazing drug-free results Neurofeedback produces for ADHD patients.--How Neurofeedback Increases IQ, memory, and the ability to focus and learn.--The "one big Greek party" of the four primary brain waves that impact our lives.--How your brain waves can be trained to work properly just as you can be trained to have a correct golf or tennis swing. And why you should absolutely avoid the "as seen on television" brain training programs for home use because you can potentially train your brain waves improperly.--The amount of protein everyone must have before Noon each day for our brains to function properly. And how a bad breakfast cause a child in school to duplicate ADHD
12/12/201556 minutes, 49 seconds
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Massage therapy should not just be viewed a luxury to pamper you, but as a part of your overall health care. In this episode, find out:--How massage changes your hormones, circulation, muscles, lymphatic flow, heart rate, organs, and nervous system.--How massage helps with digestion and reducing swelling in your tummy. And how massage can even help with weight loss!--The change that happens in our emotional make-up when we are touched.--The importance of taking a medical history before having a massage. And why communication with your massage therapist is key to getting the maximum benefit.--How massage is a part of the health care system in France and what the research has shown in France regarding back pain relief, comfort in pregnancy, and depression/anxiety benefits.--The requirements to be a licensed massage therapist in the state of Indiana.  --How massage improves muscle tone and helps a patient to hold Chiropractic adjustments.--How lymphatic massage can help boost your immune system and help prevent you from getting sick.--How myofascial release massage can help with TMJ Syndrome and Headaches.--The difference between Deep Tissue Massage and Swedish
12/5/201556 minutes, 45 seconds
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Decompression Therapy is a treatment for protruding or bulging discs in the back or neck, often a non-invasive alternative to surgery. In this episode, we talk about:--How it treats protruding discs that cause sciatica.--How disc degeneration can be healed, as well as an unloading of the joints (such as a facet problem).--Why Dr. Prather says surgery ISN'T necessary with a bulging or protruded disc. (And when surgery IS necessary).--How decompression therapy (with its pumping action) differs from traction and inversion therapies.--How decompression therapy helps the neck, as well as the back, by putting the body into healing mode and "reverses the aging process".--How inflamed or degenerative joints such as knees and elbows can benefit from decompression therapy.--Why decompression therapy makes a patient TALLER.--The decompression therapy table Dr. Prather prefers and why it made him a believer after his initial skepticism.--Why decompression therapy is a cheaper and more effective option than surgery.--The story of a patient who drove from another state to receive treatment from Dr. Prather when options closer to home failed
11/28/201556 minutes, 50 seconds
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One of the specialties of The Prather Pratice, as they are able to help people find relief after they have lost hope. In this episode, you'll learn:  --How approximately 20% of people have chronic headaches (meaning more than 15 days in a month with a headache). And the shocking majority of chronic headache sufferers that have given up on seeking medical help because they have found no relief.--The difference between tension headaches, migraine headaches and cluster headaches. And which type of headache is more common in women, and which kind of headache is more common in men.--How chronic headache sufferers usually start getting headaches as children. And why Dr. Prather says that is the best time to solve the issue.-- The gentle chiropractic adjustment of the upper neck which Dr. Prather specializes in that makes a huge impact on headaches in about 90% of patients.--How you can actually get a "rebound headache" from prescription headache medication! And the more effective alternatives to ineffective prescription drugs.--The various triggers of migraine headaches such as hormones, allergies, infections, anemia, liver toxicity, and kidney problems. And how Dr. Prather can usually stop a migraine DURING an attack.--The diagnostics important for migraines so that the underlying cause can be determined, such as: heavy metal toxicity, food allergies, inflammation in the body, and gut imbalances.--Why Dr. Prather calls Auricular Therapy one of the best pain relief treatments available, especially for migraines. And how the treatment "rewires" the brain.--How taller guys with much shorter wives are usually the ones with cluster headaches. And why Dr. Prather says the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment is the only thing can be done for a cluster headache.--How those with headaches are three times as likely to get depression than the average person.
11/21/201556 minutes, 1 second
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Dr. Prather uses short-wave Diathermy to increase circulation and lymphatic flow. It's best described as a large-coiled magnet. In this episode, discover:--How Diathermy was used as a treatment for pneumonia prior to antibiotics being developed. And how it's still an effective alternative to antibiotics or can help to make antibiotic treatment more effective.--The "amazing healing properties" Diathermy can offer by increasing blood circulation and lymphatic flow. And why Dr. Prather says it's important to use Diathermy on a particular setting to be effective and safe.--How Bursitis, Arthritis, and pain in the joints are common uses of Diathermy in a medical setting. And how Diathermy helps with congestion in the liver and gall bladder while going through Detoxification.--The benefits for children with ear infections in just 15-minutes on the Diathermy treatment. And why patients request Diathermy before an airplane flight. --The anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal effects of Diathermy. Plus, how Diathermy provides immediate relief of sinus congestion.--Why Diathermy is an "essential" part of any vertigo treatment in Dr. Prather's office and makes "an incredible difference" for Tinnitus.--The amazing story about how a Diabetic amputation surgery was cancelled after 24 sessions of Diathermy. And how Diathermy helps circulation issues like Neuropathy and Raynaud's Disease.--How Diathermy helps lung issues such as Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and infections where Antibiotics are ineffective. Plus, why Histoplasmosis is endemic to the Indianapolis area and why "almost everybody" in the area will test positive for it.--How just half-an-hour on the Diathermy unit makes Insomnia patients feel as if they had a full night's sleep. Plus, how Bladder Infection and Prostatitis patients find the irritation goes away after a Diathermy treatment.--Why Diathermy helps your Thymus and Spleen for very quick results and relief from chronic fatigue associated with Epstein-Barr Virus or
11/14/201556 minutes, 51 seconds
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The average American eats 75 pounds of sugar each year when we should consume only 25 to 30 pounds per year. In this episode, find out:--Why sugar itself is not a bad thing, but what we've done with it is.--How the amount of fiber versus sugar in our diets has changed over the years.--How sugar affects children differently than adults, as sugar actually changes a child's brain chemistry similar to how cocaine changes a brain. And how sugar addiction can lead to drug addiction.--Why the problem is REFINED sugar that is more like a drug instead of the natural UNREFINED sugar that still contains all the nutrients. --The results of Dr. Prather's tests on his kids and their friends in choosing between snacks made with refined versus unrefined sugar. --Why you need a lot of fiber to properly process sugar. (And why oatmeal cookies can be good for you if done correctly.)--How sugar changes I.Q., speed of learning, and the ability to concentrate.--How sugar affects our immune system. And the links between sugar and cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity.--The healthy alternatives to sugar: Stevia (which Dr. Prather calls his favorite since it contains NEGATIVE calories), Xylitol (which helps with cavities and strengthens teeth), Honey (which if grown locally helps fight allergies), and Rapidura.--How purified fruit juices can be a problem since they take out all the fiber (and why Dr. Prather is pro-pulp)
11/7/201556 minutes, 45 seconds
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With the advancing of the years, we can actually turn back the clock according to Dr. Prather. In this episode, we talk about:--The difference between chronological age and biological age, and how the two may not always line up. (And why, biologically,we should live to around 160.)--Why the lungs are the best way to determine your biological age. Plus, how your kidneys, nervous system, and skin help determine biological age.--The treatment Dr. Prather uses to take 20 years off of someone's biological age.--The closer you are to homeostasis, the younger you are. And the more you are out of homeostasis, the older you are.--How stress is the biggest barrier to longevity. And the muscle measure Dr. Prather uses to measure stress in the body.--Why stress is the leading reason people seek out Chiropractic care. And how Chiropractic reduces biological age by changing the nervous system.--How you'd look 21 for the rest of your life if you are perfectly oxygenated. And how to improve your low oxygenation. --How proper balancing of hormones (which most people do not have) can change the aging process. And why Dr. Prather says his office has more ways of accomplishing that than almost anyplace in the country.--How 70% of depression issues are related to the endocrine system (which also impacts weight gain and certain types of cancers). And how 60% of all cancers are related to your diet.--How free radicals cause aging (liver spots, macular degeneration, cataracts)
10/31/201555 minutes, 1 second
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This is the 120th anniversary of Chiropractic care, and half of all American adults have been to a Chiropractor. In this episode, you'll learn:--The results of the first annual poll on Chiropractic from Gallup, which show the highest satisfaction rate of any health care professional among those who have actually had Chiropractic care.--How Chiropractors have the lowest malpractice insurance rates of any health care professional (including nurses, medical assistance, and dental assistants) because of the safety of Chiropractic care.--How the American Medical Association attempted to discredit Chiropractic care and how the case went all the way to the Supreme Court in 1987.--How the "study" connecting strokes to Chiropractic neck adjustments did not include a single case in which the so-called Chiropractic adjustments were performed by an actual Chiropractor! And why there is a higher stroke risk in going to a hairdresser.--The differences and similarities in the schooling of Chiropractors and Medical Doctors.--How there are 400 different systems of Chiropractic adjusting. And why Dr. Prather uses a system of gentle adjustment within the range of motion and without the cracking or popping sound.--How Dr. Prather uses light and gentle reflex adjustments for Osteoporosis patients and post-surgical patients.--Why the upper-cervical area below the skull is considered both the most important adjustment and the most difficult adjustment. And how people come from all over the world to get the Atlas Orthogonal adjustment from Dr. Prather (including patients from a cancer doctor in New York City).--How the Affordable Health Care Act (a.k.a. "ObamaCare") treats Chiropractic care and why Dr. Prather likes that provision.--Why Chiropractic is needed in our health care system to battle the drug crisis in America and provide a drug-free alternative to pain relief for those who are
10/24/201556 minutes, 48 seconds
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About 25% of men in every age group have low testosterone. Testosterone levels are tied to your motivation in life, along with your overall health and vitality. In this episode, you'll discover:--How low testosterone in WOMEN can cause problems as well.--The symptoms of low Testosterone (low libido, erectile dysfunction, decreased cognitive abilities, fatigue, loss of muscle, weight gain, irritability, and depression).--How low Testosterone causes a greater risk of Prostate Cancer, Osteoporosis, Type II Diabetes, weight gain, Alzheimer's, and Dementia.--Why Dr. Prather says you don't have to experience the effects of aging if you keep up your testosterone levels, which will add to your longevity and how young you feel.--How insomnia, chronic pain, stress, and medications (even over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen) can lower testosterone.--The role of testosterone shots in treating low testosterone. And how Dr. Prather then focuses on getting the body to naturally produce the testosterone it needs without the shots.--How there has been a 460% increase in testosterone treatment in the last two years, creating a $2.1 billion a year industry. And the dangers of ordering products over the Internet without a doctor's supervision.--The difference in approaching your natural libido through increased testosterone levels versus drugs like Viagra and Cialis. --How anything over 25% body fat percentage will lower testosterone. And the recommended lifestyle changes for those with low testosterone.--The role of hydration in testosterone levels and why you need chemical-free water. Plus, how sleep apnea can lower testosterone
10/17/201556 minutes, 43 seconds
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80% of us will have TMJ in our lives, often being unaware that is the cause of our health issues. In this episode, find out:--How TMJ is one of the joints that gives feedback to the brain about where the body is, giving it a global effect on the body. And how your jaw actually contains a disc.--The surprising emotional effect of the jaw due to a nerve that goes directly to the brain's emotional center. (It's why the jaw tightens when you get tense or nervous.)--Why TMJ is connected to suicides, and the amazing story that inspired Dr. Prather to get involved in treating TMJ even as a student.--How you MUST have the Atlas (the first vertebrae in your neck) properly aligned in order to fix TMJ. And how TMJ causes pelvis, shoulder, and elbow problems.--How TMJ is a major cause of unresolved headaches, and how Dr. Prather usually knows the source of headaches just hearing the patient describe them in the consultation.--The gentle adjustment techniques Dr. Prather invented himself for TMJ that feel like a "puff of air" to the patient.--Why Acupuncture is extremely helpful in relieving TMJ, especially in helping inflammation and with "immediate results".--How Auriculotherapy (micro-current stimulation of ear Acupuncture points) is "the most proven treatment in the entire world" and how it helps long-term TMJ patients.--That lymphatic congestion connects to TMJ and vertigo issues. And how short-wave Diathermy helps drain lymphatic congestion.--The exercises you can do to help TMJ. And what you should do when you wake up in the morning to release the jaw muscle. Plus, the supplements helpful for
10/10/201556 minutes, 21 seconds
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There is a new model for primary care focused on Structure/Function Health Care instead of Disease Care. In this episode, we talk about:--How the Structure/Function Health Care model contrasts with the Disease care model. And why Dr. Prather says, "Disease Care is symptoms; Structure/Function Care is the cause."--How the Structure/Function model offered a 40% cost savings over 5 years (which raised to 60% savings over 10 years) and improved health outcomes better than Disease Care.--The "gatekeeper" role of a primary care physician. And how the definition of health is homeostasis (or an equilibrium in the body).--Why Dr. Prather says that Structure/Function care is actually "more scientific" than the Disease Care model.--Why the "Structure" and "Function" aspects of health care must be combined for the best results.--How 80% of all health care should be Structure/Function Care with the remaining 20% being Disease Care. And Dr. Prather's recommendations on how to get to that ideal.--Who is gravitating towards Structure/Function health care (and why they are likely to be more educated).--The communication gap between Structure/Function and Disease care doctors and why Dr. Prather says integration is key.--Why Structure/Function care relies on diagnostics such as Bloodwork more than the Disease Care model. And is Dr. Prather a "vampire"?!?--A Mom's powerful story on how Dr. Prather helped her 8-year old daughter eliminate prescription seizure medication and how Brain Core therapy helped transform her daughter's behavioral and anxiety
10/3/201556 minutes, 30 seconds
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They cause 1 million ER visits per year. 10% of all men and 3% of all women suffer from kidney stones. In this episode, you'll find out:--The cause of kidney stones, including the role of dehydration, obesity, fiber in diet, and what kind of salt you use. Plus, how Cancer survivors and Osteoporosis patients are more likely to get them.--The Body Composition Analysis that determines the water concentration in your body (and how it shows about 50% of people are dehydrated). Plus, how painful feet when you wake up in the morning is an indication of dehydration. And why being dehydrated actually changes the chemistry of the body.--How hormones determine your mineral balance. And why reducing Calcium intake is NOT effective in preventing kidney srones.--Why Cadmium levels are a crucial key for those with chronic kidney stones.--The role of table salt and high fructose corn syrup in kidney stone development. And how almost everyone with bariatric surgery gets kidney stones because of the pH changes in the body.--The Structure/Function Health Care approach to treating kidney stones. And the surprising connection between Coca-Cola soda fountains in old-time drug stores and the treatment of kidney stones!--The homeopathic formula that brings "almost immediate relief" from kidney pain. And how lemon juice can help change the pH of urine and prevent kidney stones.--The foods you should AVOID when you have kidney stones (including a long list of HEALTHY stuff!). And the foods you SHOULD be eating to help eliminate kidney stones.--The long-term damage that can come from kidney stones (including high blood pressure).--How even children can get kidney
9/29/201556 minutes, 47 seconds
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Our Endocrine System influences how we think, our emotions, and who we are. Dr. Prather calls it "The Chemical Master" of our body. In this episode, you'll discover:--That Endocrine System problems include hair loss, weight gain, a general feeling of malaise and fatigue. And even our happiness is connected to it. Anxiety and Depression often go away when the Endocrine System is fixed.--Why women have an Endocrine System that is a moving target, while men have a very simple system. And hear the amazing explanation on why a healthy Endocrine system makes someone more attractive!--How growing boys can become taller (with a variance of up to 4 inches) if their endocrine system is balanced properly. And why Jr. High basketball players come to see Dr. Prather to become taller! --How Pituitary and Hypothalamus can impact the menstrual cycles of young women who often are encouraged to go on prescription birth control to balance out their periods. (And the unhealthy side effects of long term birth control use.)--How pharmaceuticals can damage the Endocrine System. For example, how Synthroid causes depression in 80% of users. And how even Aspirin and Ibuprofen impact our Endocrine System in a negative way.--The role the Parathyroids play in Calcium regulation (which if not balanced properly can lead to Osteoporosis or Kidney Stones). --Why Headaches, Hypertension, Panic Attacks, and Anxiety are linked to Adrenal Gland function. And how 80% of High Blood Pressure is rooted in the Adrenal Glands.--How Dr. Prather says we abuse our Pancreas and its importance to our health and wellness (such as in Type II Diabetes). And why Dr. Prather says Type 2 Diabetes can be controlled WITHOUT medication.--The role of the gonads (the eggs and testes) in our Endocrine system and in regulating our hormones. And how our Endocrine System is directly tied to our sexual health, our muscle strength, and remaining young and vibrant. Plus, why Dr, Prather says declining Hormones result in aging instead of aging being the cause of declining Hormones.--Why the chemicals in our food and water can damage sperm count in men and change the proper hormonal balance in our
9/19/201556 minutes, 35 seconds
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It's a common problem as 12% of the population has thyroid disease (and 60% of those patients are unaware). Yet, Dr. Prather says less than 1% of us actually have a properly-functioning thyroid. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why the older you are, the likelihood of thyroid issues increases. Plus, how women are more likely to have thyroid disease.--How Dr. Prather's personal battle as a young man with Graves' Disease (a hyper-functioning thyroid) inspired him to his career.--The two systems that control the body (Nervous and Endocrine) and why Dr. Prather tells patients those must be fixed first. Plus, why the Thyroid is described as the workhorse of the Endocrine system.--How Indiana is in the Top 5 states for thyroid problems due to low iodine in our soil.--How Thyroid affects almost EVERYTHING: hair loss, nail health, weight gain, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, skin health, heart, blood pressure, cholesterol, brain activity, I.Q., infertility, postpartum depression, menopause.--Why most doctors misread blood tests and misdiagnose patients as having properly-working thyroids. And the "can't miss" explanation of what reference ranges on blood tests REALLY mean.--The various diseases of the Thyroid: Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, Euthyroid, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, Thyroiditis, and Thyroid Cancer.--The safe and natural thyroid treatment alternatives to the terrible side-effects from surgery or prescription drugs (Including how 80% of those on Synthroid develop depression). Why Dr. Prather says the medical approach to thyroid is not successful. And how Dr. Prather's goal is to actually fix the thyroid so that it no longer needs treatment.--How 80% of autoimmune disease starts in the gut and why the gut plays a role for thyroid issues caused by autoimmune problems. And the role that food allergies have on the thyroid.--How Chiropractic and Acupuncture help thyroid function by balancing the nervous system. And how hair analysis can be a key test for thyroid function if there are toxins or an imbalance
9/12/201556 minutes, 46 seconds
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Last week, Dr. Prather talked about how Chiropractic and Acupuncture are effective treatments for stress. This week, we focus on the role counseling plays in treating stress. In this episode, you'll find out:--Why Dr. Prather incorporated counseling services into his practice.--How being able to talk about what is going on in your life can make a physiological difference.--That many health issues have stress as an underlying cause (sometimes without the patient even realizing stress is the core issue).--How counseling services reflect the holistic approach of the Structure/Function Health Care model of The Prather Practice.--The difference between a "human being" and a "human doing".--How the counselor at The Prather Practice approaches a patient feeling overwhelmed by stress.--Why you need a plan to get out of a state where you feel frozen or stuck in life.--That stress can actually become a lifestyle and how lifestyle develops.--How being anxious can be a learned behavior.--Plus, hear Linsey's story of how she lost 17 pounds in 21 days through the Healthy Habits program at The Prather Practice!
9/5/201556 minutes, 3 seconds
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Stress causes premature aging and disease. And it's something we all have. But there are healthy solutions to stress. In this episode, you'll discover:--The roles of the "Rest and Digest" mode and the "Fight or Flight" mode in our bodies (the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems).--How stress is caused by the "tigers" (both real and perceived) in our lives. And the three categories of stressors in our lives (routine, sudden, and traumatic).--The amount of stress considered healthy (and why zero stress is actually unhealthy). And how your endocrine system and nervous system will physically change from prolonged stress.--How stress contributes to premature aging and disease processes (cancer, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, nutritional deficiencies).--Why you should live until you are 120 or 130 years old from a biological perspective. And why Dr. Prather says stress is the biggest reason we don't reach that longevity.--How men and women cope differently with stress. --Why Dr. Prather says 100% of his patients need treatment for stress.--How Acupuncture relaxes patients and proves to be a better treatment for stress than prescription drugs. --How Chiropractic helps relieve muscle tension and low back pain. (And how long-term stress can even cause arthritis.)--Plus, hear Amy's inspiring story about how she used the Healthy Habits weight loss program at The Prather Practice to lose 21 pounds in 5 weeks!
8/29/201556 minutes, 35 seconds
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If you don't know what's going on, how can you treat? Dr. Prather tells some amazing patient stories that show the crucial role of patient history, a thorough exam, and in-depth diagnostics. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Dr. Prather believes taking shortcuts on proper procedures could be disastrous for the patient and why he refuses to compromise.--The importance of patients being willing to take the time to make sure they are getting the care that they need.--Why the doctors that rush you in and out of the office are more likely to be concerned with making money instead of patient care.--That 90% of the diagnosis comes from the patient's history. (And how that history also designs out the basis of the patient's care.)--Why Dr. Prather takes his patient histories in a living room environment instead of a sterile exam room setting. (And how Dr. Prather compares his job to being a detective.)--The role family medical history plays in proper patient care.--What Dr. Prather teaches to Medical Doctors and Nurse Practitioners about patient examinations.--Why proper imaging should not be neglected in order for the patient to receive the right treatment--particularly with Chiropractic care.--The reason why Dr. Prather's X-rays have been said to be in the Top 1%.--Plus, hear Ben's inspiring story about losing 60 pounds (so far!) in just two-and-a-half months (after weighing over 400 pounds) on the Prather Practice Healthy Habits
8/22/201556 minutes, 30 seconds
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3 out of 4 children experience ear infections by the age of 3--which can lead to learning disorders and hearing loss. But Dr. Prather points out that ear infections should not be a normal part of childhood if a child has a strong immune system. In this episode, you'll find out:--What causes ear infections. And why bacterial infections are usually only the cause of about 20% of ear infections, with most infections being viral.--Why keeping the Eustachian Tube open is the key to preventing ear infections and also a key to preventing sinus and upper-respiratory infections.--How the muscle of the Eustachian Tube is the same material as the small intestine, making gut health crucial to stopping ear infections (and 80% of your immune system).--Why the angles of a child's Eustachian Tune make children more susceptible to ear infections than adults.--The reason why Dr. Prather recommends pregnant women (and women trying to get pregnant) get their gut health in order so they can help prevent future ear infections in their children.--Why a baby with colic is likely to get ear infections. And the correlation between antibiotics and learning disabilities such as ADD and ADHD.--The shocking research on the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of antibiotics for ear infections and how children are three times as likely to develop future ear infections if they receive antibiotics.--The natural approaches to ear infections, including how Dr. Prather manually opens up the Eustachian Tubes on both children and adults to provide immediate relief. Plus, the role of Chiropractic adjustments and Diathermy.--How Tinnitus and Vertigo in adults are associated with the Eustachian Tubes even though adults do not get ear infections at the rate of children.--The Homeopathics, Herbals, and Supplements that are most helpful for Ear Infections and perfect for children since they have zero side
8/15/201556 minutes, 46 seconds
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Free radicals break down the body and is the essence of the aging process. It's an important process to understand for staying youthful and living a healthy life. In this episode, you'll discover:--The definition of free radical pathology (and Dr. Prather's memorable rusty gate and rotting fruit analogies). --How wrinkles, moles, and liver spots on the skin are caused by free radicals. And how understanding free radicals could be like unlocking the fountain of youth. --The diseases associated with free radical pathology: Aging, Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Autoimmune Diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout, Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, and Hearing Loss.--How free radicals cause body odor. The amazing story of an abused boy whose went through such trauma that he smelled terrible and was deemed untrainable. And his dramatic improvement after Dr. Prather started him on anti-oxidants.--How high cholesterol can be corrected by dealing with the free radical pathology.--Why Dr. Prather gets frustrated when reading research about free radicals and his critique on the typical research approach of treating everyone the same.--How 80% of free radical pathology comes from the gut. --The role of hair analysis in determining your mineral levels, which can cause free radical problems. And the individualized approach Dr. Prather takes with his patients to determine the antioxidants each patient needs.--How plants have to fight free radicals and how that impacts our health when we eat it. (Why fresh fruit locally-grown is important for your health.)--Why too little and too much exercise can cause free radical pathology. How strokes are a direct result of free radical
8/1/201556 minutes, 47 seconds
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An estimated 10 million Americans suffer from "the invisible disease" that has been misunderstood by doctors. In this episode, you'll learn: --Why Dr. Prather considers it to be an autoimmune disease of the lymph system, and how the lymphatic system ("the sewage system of the body") works.--The common misdiagnosis between Fibromyalgia and Myofascitiis. (Distinguishing between lymph system and the muscles.)--The many causes of Fibromyalgia (digestive issues, food allergies, Lyme Disease, Epstein-Barr, environmental sensitivities, weakened immune system) and why correct diagnostics are absolutely necessary to properly treat each patient individually.--The symptoms of Fibromyalgia (pain throughout the body that lasts at least three months, 11 of 18 palpation points where the lymph system is congested, fatigue, brain fog, sleep disturbance, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and migraines, anxiety and depression).--Why the National Fibromyalgia Association states that Chiropractic is the most helpful treatment for Fibromyalgia. (And the specific Chiropractic adjusting techniques that are effective for Fibromyalgia.)--The effectiveness of Acupuncture and Dr. Prather's analysis of the flawed research conclusions on the subject. And why Dr. Prather sees better results when combining Chiropractic and Acupuncture.--The dramatic changes Auriculotherapy can bring for Fibromyalgia in getting the autonomic nervous system functioning correctly. And the Quantitative EEG (qEEG) treatment that can restore proper brain wave activity after Fibromyalgia throws off your brain waves.--How short-wave Diathermy opens up lymphatic tissue. And why 100% of Fibromyalgia patients have a weakened immune system.--The role of diet and lifestyle in fighting and preventing Fibromyalgia. (Plus, why Dr. Prather says "everyone with Fibromyalgia has food allergies" and the 5-day rotation diet he recommends to relieve 80% if the stress on the lymph system.)--The three major pumps of the lymph system and why Fibromyalgia patients need to exercise those three areas. And why depression and anxiety increase your odds of developing Fibromyalgia 10-fold.
7/18/201556 minutes, 52 seconds
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Auriculotherapy is a safe treatment that uses micro-current electrical stimulation on the ear to make changes throughout the body. In this episode, learn:--Why Dr. Prather calls Auriculotherapy "one of the most powerful therapies we do".--How Auriculotherapy "rewires the central computer (the brain)” using the ear as the conduit to your brain.--Why it is called "the most proven therapy in the entire world".--How Auriculotherapy is especially helpful in chronic pain patients.--The life-changing story of a fibromyalgia patient who, after years of suffering, eliminated three different pain medications after just one week of treatment.--Why Auriculotherapy provides amazing changes for patients who have tried everything else, had nothing work, and have no hope.--The remarkable way that the ear is a perfect representation of the entire body, and how you can affect anything and everything in the body by working on the ear.--How Auriculotherapy helps with addictions (food, drugs, smoking), anxiety, insomnia, learning disorders, emotional issues, PTSD, and phantom limb pain.--How children with ADD/ADHD are transformed through this therapy (and without drugs).--Why Dr. Prather believes Auriculotherapy is one of the major futures of health care in providing natural pain relief instead of dangerous, addictive prescription
7/11/201556 minutes, 48 seconds
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Stress has dramatic impact upon our health--causing an estimated 30% of all disease. In this episode, you'll find out:--How you can accomplish more and be more productive when you reduce stress levels. And why overwork can cause you to accomplish less.--Why ZERO stress in your life is NOT good for you. And the healthy balance of stress versus relaxation we SHOULD have.--The research that shows how stress can cause hormonal collapse, digestive failure, cardiovascular disease, cancer, insomnia, depression, loss of libido, and premature aging of the body.--The Fight-Flight response of our body's sympathetic and parasympathetic systems in response to stress. Plus, the body's stages in response to stress.--Why stress is a large factor in weight gain (especially in the gut), and how stress can even lower I.Q.--The diagnostics you need that can measure how stressed you are and how people carry stress differently in their bodies. Plus, what low back pain indicates about your feelings towards your job.--How Chiropractic can help relieve stress upon the body by getting the nervous system balanced properly. Plus, the study that shows Chiropractic is more effective in lowering blood pressure than the medication. --The role Auriculotherapy (microcurrent stimulation of the ear) can play in reducing anxiety and relieving stress by shifting the body to a rest and digest mode.--Why men see their Magnesium levels depleted during times of stress and how this contributes to sudden heart attacks.--The role Homeopathic medicines can play in eliminating panic and
7/4/201556 minutes, 45 seconds
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5 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer's Disease, with an estimate of 14 million diagnosed by 2050. In this episode, you'll discover:--How 90% of Alzheimer's cases are age-related, while the remaining 10% of early onset cases are caused by a genetic issue.--The role of free radicals, fatty acids, lowered oxygenation, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, inflammation, head trauma, smoking, depression, and pharmaceuticals in the formation of Alzheimer's Disease. --Why the current treatments for Alzheimer's are described as "lackluster at best". And why the deaths from Alzheimer's are likely underreported on death certificates.--How the Prather Practice helps fight Alzheimer's by dealing with the root issues that cause the disease. And how anemia increases your odds of getting Alzheimer's.--The role aerobic exercise, education level, and diet can play in preventing Alzheimer's. Plus, how coconut oil and B vitamins can benefit Alzheimer's patients.--Why the medical mindset of "one cause, one cure" is not beneficial to treat Alzheimer's, which may have multiple different causes. And why the Structure/Function model of getting the body back into homeostasis can be a more beneficial approach.--The Brain Core Therapy that is the best and most powerful way to exercise and improve the brain to help with ADD, ADHD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and Alzheimer's. And why Dr. Prather calls it the "best" therapy now available for Alzheimer's.--How Auriculotherapy (microcurrent stimulation of the ear) helps rewire the brain to make it work better. And why it helps advanced Alzheimer's patients. --The benefits of chiropractic treatment in the Atlas area for Alzheimer's patients (as well as for Parkinson's and Multiple Sclerosis patients). Plus, how Acupuncture can benefit Alzheimer's patients.--How liver congestion can kick off Alzheimer's. And how Aluminum and Mercury toxicity are important
6/27/201556 minutes, 32 seconds
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The GI Effects Stool Kit is a recommended annual test to determine the health of your gut--where 80% of your immune system is found. In this episode, you'll learn:--The huge leap forward through the biogenome project that reveals more about what's going on in our health.--Why you have more "other" cells in our bodies than cells with your own DNA. And how those cells are essential to our health and well-being,--The diseases that originate in the gut: Cancer, Heart Disease, and all Auto-Immune Disease (Sjogren's Syndrome, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Type II Diabetes, Osteoarthritis).--How the GI Effects test not only reveals the underlying problem in your gut, but also reveals the specific products to treat it. --Why low iron is the leading cause of attention deficit disorder in young women (leading to recommendations of prescriptions like Adderall which can worsen the problem) when the underlying cause is really a gut bacterial infection.--Why almost all rashes and skin issues in babies are due to an underlying yeast infection in the gut. And why all acne cases should begin with a check of gut toxicity.--While everyone should have an annual GI Effects Test, those with the following conditions absolutely MUST have one: Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, anyone with an immune system problem, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease risk.--How the GI Effects Test can determine your likelihood of developing colon cancer.--How the GI Effects Test helped determine the cause (and treatment) for someone with undiagnosed headaches and has even helped find parasites causing insomnia and sleep disturbance.--The story of the patient who had been everywhere--Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins--and could not find relief from her health symptoms until Dr. Prather determined the root issue through a GI Effects Test.
6/20/201556 minutes, 47 seconds
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The most powerful pain killers ever invented have created the worst addiction crisis in American history. In this episode, you'll find out:--How opiates block our body's own pain-killer mechanism and takes away a person's ability to feel pleasure. Plus, the situations in which opiates should (and should not) be used. --The impact of marketing from pharmaceutical companies on the amount of prescriptions being prescribed. (And how doctors are prescribing FOUR TIMES as many opiates than in 1999.)--How prescription opiates have fueled the rising use of heroin in America. (And how it has increased HIV and Hepatitis-C through the sharing of needles.)--The shocking number of PREGNANT women prescribed opiates and how their babies are being born addicted.--How Acupuncture gets "quicker and longer-lasting pain relief" compared to prescription opiates by helping your body produce its own pain-killers. (Plus, why the Veterans Administration refers patients to Dr. Prather for Acupuncture,)--Why Auricular Therapy (micro-current stimulation of the ear) Is described as "one of the most powerful things we do" in Dr. Prather's office and "the most proven therapy in the world".--Why it is not enough to get patients out of pain, but necessary to also restore function through rehabilitation and corrective exercise.--How the new standards given this year by The Joint Commission (the leading health accrediting agency in the United States) line up with the integrated treatments at The Prather Practice.--If a patient goes to a Chiropractor first, less than 1% require surgery. If a patient sees a surgeon first, 40% require surgery.--The recommended treatments for those suffering with the disease of addiction (including Counseling, Auricular Therapy, and Non-Addictive Pain Relievers such as Homeopathics, Herbals, and Topical Prescriptions developed by the military)
6/13/201556 minutes, 48 seconds
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We're joined this week by Art Adams who brings his counseling skills to The Prather Practice". In this episode, you'll discover:--That unhealthy additions can include tobacco, alcohol, drugs, pornography, sex, relationships, or food (includes over-eating and under-eating such as bulimia and anorexia). --How lifestyle develops. Do we learn behaviors by imitation or by genetic tendencies?--The A.N.T. Problem (Automatic Negative Thoughts) and how it impacts your lifestyle.--How our body responds to stored behaviors in our brains.--Why our behaviors can re-wire our brains and affect the way we think.--How to get past the "unfinished business" (like traumas) in our lives so that the bad does not have to define us. --The reason why people gain weight back after losing it (yo-yo dieting).--How to use replacement therapy to deal with triggers and cravings for addictive behavior.--Until the pain of the addiction or compulsion becomes greater than the pleasure of the compulsion, we will stay in that compulsion.--Why Dr. Prather believes integrating counseling services into his office is key to a holistic health
6/6/201556 minutes, 19 seconds
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Detoxification is an important daily part of our body's function. But the vast majority of people need some additional type of detoxification to feel their best. In this episode, you'll learn:--The major systems in our body responsible for detoxification (skin, lungs, liver, bowels, spleen, and kidneys).--Why you automatically become toxic if you are dehydrated.--How toxicity leads to fat accumulation and why detoxification is a key part of weight loss. (Plus, the number of bowel movements you should have daily in order to prevent toxicity and lose weight,)--How your chances of surviving Cancer increase if you can keep your liver cleansed. And how detoxification is extremely important for Cancer prevention, Cancer treatment, and helping to stop Cancer from coming back.--Why you can harm yourself doing a detox, and why Dr. Prather strongly advises having a doctor's guidance through a detox program. --The lab tests you need to see how toxic you are, --Why Dr. Prather prefers gentle detoxifications instead of aggressive detox programs that stress the body.--That 80% of all autoimmune disease comes from the bowels. And how toxins are ALWAYS a crucial part in battling autoimmune disease.--Why you actually need to be healthy in order to fast.--How a 5-day food rotation diet takes stress off of the body and helps to eliminate toxins. (And why Dr. Prather calls it a "major secret to health and longevity".)
5/30/201556 minutes, 43 seconds
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While the spine is a crucial part of Chiropractic, the entire body can benefit from Chiropractic adjustments. In this episode, you'll find out:--That 95% of patients who need a spinal adjustment also need additional adjustments in other areas of the body. (But not all Chiropractors adjust extremities.)--The story of how Dr. Prather helped a friend with TMJ who had actually tried to commit suicide because he was suffering so badly from jaw pain.--Why the jaw has a direct connection to the brain's pain centers as well as the brain's emotional centers, And the unique adjusting system Dr. Prather has developed for adjusting the jaw and taught to other Chiropractors.--Why patients will often need their head and jaw adjusted before getting relief from a shoulder adjustment. --How Chiropractic adjustments, Acupuncture, and Physical Therapy can help prevent shoulder surgery (almost 90% of the time) or make the surgery go more smoothly.--Why the elbow is one of the easiest joints to adjust and one of the best in holding the adjustment for patients with Tennis elbow.--That many Carpal Tunnel patients (who even had the surgery with no results) have been misdiagnosed and actually have a Palmaris Longus Syndrome that responds well to adjustments of the bones in the wrist.--Why a Eustachean Tube chiropractic adjustment (basically a tug on the ear) can help with ear infections, tinnitus, and upper respiratory infections.--Why hip surgery can be delayed or even postponed with Chiropractic adjustments. (And how patients who had hip surgery can find relief from an adjustment, too.)--Plus more on how Chiropractic adjustment can benefit ribs, knees, feet, ankles, and
5/23/201556 minutes, 38 seconds
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It's that time of year, when 1-in-5 of us suffer from allergy symptoms. In this episode, discover:--The difference between allergies and sinus congestion (which 1-in-3 have).--The role of the liver in sinus congestion (and why it has to be treated in cases where the patient tests negative for allergies).--How acupuncture (even non-needle options!) can provide "immediate relief" from allergy symptoms.--The 100% success rate chiropractic adjustments on sinuses have in providing relief.--The safer, less-invasive approach homeopathy provides instead of allergy shots (with no side-effects and no risk).--Why Dr. Prather practices an individualized approach to health care and how he identifies which approach is right for the patient.--How a stronger immune system leads to fewer allergies (and how to repair your immune system).--The connection between the gut (which is 80% of your immune system) and allergies.--How parasites are a root cause of almost all adult-onset asthma (and in many children, too).--How an improperly-functioning liver (which most people have) can cause
5/16/201556 minutes, 51 seconds
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Cancer is the #2 killer of Americans. But there are strategies to help prevent 85% of Cancer cases and improve your chances of survival and quality of life. In this episode, you'll learn:--How the Structure/Function approach to health care doesn't treat the disease, but focuses on the homeostasis of the body. --The difference between the two FDA classifications for health care: Disease Care and Structure/Function Care.--The effectiveness of the Disease Care model for Cancer, and how the effectiveness depends on the type of Cancer.--Why you need a Structure/Function doctor to build up your body while an oncologist fights your cancer.--What causes Cancer and how long it takes for Cancer to develop. Plus, the factors that must be present for Cancer to occur.--Why anemia is a huge factor in Cancer and reduces your chances of survival by 50%.--How a toxic liver can lead to Cancer, and why detoxification of your liver and kidneys are important in fighting Cancer.--How Structure/Function Care helps build your body's immune system to prevent and fight Cancer.--Why pH is "so important" in Cancer and why minerals are key to pH. (And the right approach to the Alkaline-Acidity balance.). Plus, why Dr. Prather calls distilled water "Cancer Water" and advises AGAINST it. --The steps you should take if you or a loved one is diagnosed with Cancer. Including how there are 85% fewer complaints (pain, nausea, etc.) if a Cancer patient receives Structure/Function care along with their Cancer
5/9/201556 minutes, 46 seconds
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 Television host Dr. Oz has been in the news lately as critics have attacked him for his television and radio advice. As a doctor on the radio, Dr. Prather has a personal reaction to the attacks. In this episode, you'll discover:--The background and credentials of Dr. Oz.--Dr. Oz's unique perspective on America's health care system as a true "insider". --The suppression of choices and information in our health care system. (And how this controversy is not just about Dr. Oz, but about our health care freedoms.)--What "The Oz Effect" is and how it influences health care choices.--The Green Tea Extract/Weight Loss research that led to a Congressional hearing. --The conflict of interest for the U.S. Senator who led the attacks on Dr. Oz. --The 10 doctors who are attacking Dr. Oz--and the startling conflict of interest they have.--The history behind how our health care system became centered around pharmaceuticals.--Why supporting local sustainable agriculture that is not chemically-based is important for our health.--The steps you should take for good
5/2/201555 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Secrets Of Healthy Aging

This week, Dr. Prather discusses the science of healthy aging, Living to the age of 100--or more--does not have to mean enduring twilight years filled with the infirmities of aging. In this episode, you'll find out:--How long we should really live and how it compares to our current average life span. --Why people who live past the age of 90 "have few illnesses and disabilities" and are "surprisingly active".--The innovations that have increased our life spans in the past several decades.--Why we may have the first generation in America that will not live as long as the one before it.--What are "Blue Zones" and the patterns they reveal about healthy aging.--Why women live longer than men.--What role diet plays in longevity. (Including the difference between Alkaline and Acidic diets.)--The connection between aging and inflammation. (And the source of 80% of inflammation in our bodies.)--How exercise affects aging (both too little and too much exercise).--Whether marriage adds or subtracts years to your
4/25/201556 minutes, 49 seconds
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Why You Need A Hair Analysis Every Year

There are 3 tests Dr. Prather recommends everyone have every year to get a blueprint to your health. One of those tests is a Hair Analysis to reveal your body's mineral levels. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why Mineral deficiency is common due to the deficiencies in our food, and how entire civilizations rise and fall based on the quality of minerals in their land. --The role stress, pharmaceuticals, and diet play in mineral depletion.--Why Minerals are so important to our health.--What a Hair Analysis reveals.--How heavy metal toxicity poisons your body and dramatically impacts your health. And who is at greatest risk for heavy metal toxicity (such as 80% of dentists and 40% of children).--Why Hair Analysis is key for Cancer patients.--How Aluminum toxicity impacts Autism, Asperger's Disease, ADD, and ADHD. And how we consume an increasing amount of Aluminum through cookware, vaccinations, food preservatives, and anti-perspirants.--Why Dr. Prather will not treat someone with Osteoporosis unless he can do a Hair Analysis. (And how more Calcium can actually make Osteoporosis WORSE in certain cases.)--The most common Mineral deficiency and how it can affect your health in a variety of areas: vision, heart problems, kidney issues, liver disorders, prostate problems, fertility, and eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.--The role Minerals play in triggering
4/18/201556 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Health

Dr. Prather calls it "THE most important thing you can do for your health." The Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment is a gentle chiropractic adjustment of the first vertebrae in your spine. In fact, 80% of us need this adjustment without even realizing it. In this episode, you'll discover:--How the Atlas Chiropractic Adjustment impacts the lower brain stem in one of the most important areas of the body, controlling all systems of the body.--Why it is considered the most difficult adjustment to make in the body.--Dr. Prather's own personal testimony how this adjustment helped his Graves' Disease as a young man and inspired him to help others.--The two systems in the body that must be working properly for the rest of the body to work correctly.--Why television personality Montel Williams called the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment "the greatest thing that ever happened " to him to relieve his symptoms from Multiple Sclerosis.--How the technique helps any type of nerve problems, central nervous system issues, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), high blood pressure, headaches, migraines, ADD/ADHD, seizures, digestive problems, and vision issues.--How a young woman's acne was even helped by the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment, and how it helped solve a 12-year-old boy's bed wetting problem.--Why everyone should be checked for this adjustment at least once a year.--The testimony from a patient who was involved in a car accident and credits the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment as the procedure "that changed everything" and gave him 100%
4/11/201556 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Solution To Health Care Reform In America

A proven plan for 60% fewer hospital admissions, 59% fewer hospital stays, 62% fewer outpatient surgeries and procedures, and 85% savings in pharmaceuticals. In this episode, you'll find out:--How Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois did a seven year experiment of Structure/Function Health Care as the primary health care portal.--How Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois now boasts the Highest patient satisfaction rate of any HMO group in the nation. --The satisfaction rate that specialists (such as Cardiologists and Oncologists) gave the Structure-Function model versus the Disease Care model. --How Structure-Function Health Care gets to the root cause of the problem, while Disease Care focuses on treating symptoms.--How adverse reactions are reduced by an astounding 80% since Structure/Function Health care causes no harm.--Why Dr, Prather sees the need for the Structure-Function Health Care Model to better communicate and collaborate and not be so independent.--Why lab tests and diagnostics are even more important in the Structure-Function Health Care Model.--Why Dr. Prather says that the underlying problem is that we do not have a complete health care system.--The proposed role Dr. Prather sees for Health Savings Accounts in his health care reform solution.--Dr. Prather's prediction of "happy, healthy 120 year-olds" in the very near
4/4/201556 minutes, 37 seconds
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Bloodwork: The Blueprint To Your Health

As Dr. Prather says, "If you don't test, you don't know." Proper diagnostics are key to getting to the root cause of your health condition so that the doctor knows which direction to go. In this episode, you'll discover:--The three tests you should have every single year to find out what's going on in your body.--The difference in training and focus on bloodwork between Dr. Prather and the average Medical Doctor.--Why Dr. Prather often notices abnormalities in his patients' bloodwork when a patient's Medical Doctor describes them as "normal".--The Prather Profile comprehensive blood analysis that covers "every aspect of your health" and is recommended annually for everyone.--The story of a 12-year-old girl who was struggling in school and having Attention Deficit problems. But after discovering low iron in her blood tests, she had a complete turnaround after just a couple of days of iron supplementation.--Why an annual blood test can help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease as those diseases are developing long before they are diagnosed.--What is included in The Prather Profile Blood Analysis, and how it checks every organ system.--How too LOW cholesterol can be more dangerous than high cholesterol, and why high cholesterol is "anti-aging". (Plus, why the HDL and LDL ratio is what you should be looking at instead of the overall number.)--The connection between an improperly-functioning liver and hormonal imbalances. (And how hot flashes in women can be eliminated when the liver is balanced out.)--How Dr. Prather almost never finds a patient with a correctly-working hormone system. (And how patients can eliminate anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications once the root cause imbalance is dealt with.)
3/28/201556 minutes, 20 seconds
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Car Accidents: The Most Common InjurY

Every 10-seconds, someone in the U.S. has a car accident. And injuries do not always show up immediately after an accident. In this episode, you'll learn...--Why you can't rely on hospitals to conduct X-rays after an accident or have injuries correctly diagnosed by your regular doctor. --What Dr. Prather looks for as he examines an accident victim. And how Dr. Prather, as a Chiropractor, can see obvious injuries from an accident years later when hospitals and other doctors missed them.--How Dr. Prather can tell how long ago an accident occurred based on arthritis that has been developed as a result of the accident trauma.--Why lower-speed accidents can cause GREATER injuries compared to high-speed injuries.--The most common injury from car accidents.--Why you need a Chiropractic adjustment following a whiplash injury to get the neck aligned in proper position.--The computerized, range-of-motion muscle test that compares your progress before and after treatment.--The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic adjustment that is recognized as the most effective procedure to bring your neck into proper alignment. (And Dr. Prather is the only board certified Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor in Indiana.)--The role Acupuncture plays in eliminating inflammation instead of taking dangerous prescriptions that are less effective.--What steps you should take after a car accident to get the coverage you
3/21/201556 minutes, 23 seconds
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Hormones: The Key To Unlocking Weight Loss

When you have done everything right and still can't shed the weight, oftentimes the problem is hormonal. In this episode, you'll find out:--How the hormones have a regulatory influence on your weight.--The influence outside chemicals (such plastics or food additives) have on our hormonal balance.--The link between a man's hormones and prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, and obesity.--Why taking testosterone for low testosterone (which impacts both men and women) can actually make the problem WORSE and result in even lower testosterone. --The reason why men's hormones are much easier to balance compared to women.--The huge influence of the liver (which Dr. Prather calls an "endocrine balancer") in analyzing your hormonal balance.--Why your chances of getting cancer are SIX TIMES greater if you are overweight due to your hormones.--How fat itself produces imbalances in your hormones.--Why Dr. Prather believes 98% of patients would be harmed by pharmaceutical hormone replacement therapy or biodentical hormones. (And the subtle, safer, and natural adjustment they need instead to balance their hormones.--The reason why Dr. Prather insists on thorough lab testing for his weight loss
3/14/201555 minutes, 49 seconds
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Transform Your Heart in 7 Weeks

External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy is a safe, non-invasive solution for heart disease, America's #1 killer. In this episode, you'll discover:--Why ECP Therapy is "like having a second heart" and how it helps the heart to function better.--How ECP Therapy oxygenates the heart and gives your heart the benefit of five years of marathon training in just SEVEN WEEKS.--The reason why Dr. Prather calls ECP Therapy the only hope for congestive heart failure, which has become "medical disaster".--The incredible safety record of ECP Therapy without a single negative incident or injury reported to the FDA and with no negative side effects.--How ECP Therapy helps reduce heart pain and helps patients to lower their medication needed for angina.--Why ECP Therapy is able to open up collateral circulation and dormant arteries (and can even GROW new arteries).--How the improved circulation and oxygenation from ECP Therapy improves all organ systems and helps with dementia, erectile dysfunction, and can reverse Type 2 diabetes.--The five-part heart evaluation Dr. Prather recommends for every patient over 50.--The stories of patients who went from over 90% blockage in their arteries to less than 10% blockage through ECP Therapy.--Why many pro athletes and Olympians have incorporated ECP Therapy into their regimen to extend their careers and set new
3/7/201555 minutes, 34 seconds
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Overcoming Obstacles To Weight Loss

We're continuing our series on weight loss. This week, we focus on the obstacles we encounter in losing weight. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why your body's resistance to change is the biggest obstacle to weight loss.--How to get your body to reset your "set point" for weight that it will maintain, which usually has a 95% failure rate on most diets.--That your body's fat percentage is more important than weight loss, which could include loss of muscle. --Why "skinny fat" can increase your chances of cancer.--How your hormones regulate your metabolism and why your hormones must be "tricked" to trigger weight loss, such as through the HCG Diet.--Why an imbalanced thyroid can prevent weight loss, and how correcting the thyroid imbalance can trigger weight loss before a patient even begins a weight loss program.--How your Metabolic Rate determines how fast your body burns fat and how energetic you feel. --The role "gut health" plays in losing weight and how it can unlock the mystery of why certain patients can't lose weight.--The Diathermy treatment that provides immediate relief for a toxic liver.--The role Chiropractic Adjustments and Auricular Therapy play in getting your body converted to a state that burns fat and gains
2/28/201556 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Weight Loss Solution

Obesity has become the biggest health problem in America and is classified as a disease process. In this episode, you'll discover:--The body fat percentage that is classified as obese.--Why Body Mass Index is not a reliable indicator, and the test that IS an accurate measurement of body fat percentage.--That America's dramatic increase in obesity has occurred WITHOUT an increase in calorie intake. (And what is the true cause of the obesity increase.)--The studies that show how 95% people on diets have a higher fat percentage five years later. (And the danger of losing weight in your muscle and organs instead of fat.)--The HCG Diet that helps you lose fat--especially belly fat--instead of muscle. (And why the HCG Diet must be accompanied with a calorie restriction to ensure you burn fat.)--How the HCG program increases men's Testosterone and sperm count, along with energy and libido. And how HCG must be medically-supervised and for a limited amount of time.--The 2-week start-up special for just $99 that runs through the middle of March 2015: "Don't Wait To Lose The Weight".--How Dr. Prather has over 200 methods for weight loss available to get the right individual program for long-lasting results for his patients.--The natural vitamin injections to help flush toxins out of the body and help you to feel good during your weight loss program.--Marc's story of how he lost 47 pounds in five weeks and went from 37% body fat to 23% body fat during that
2/21/201555 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sexual Health

In honor of Valentine's Day, this week's show focuses on Sexual Health. In this episode, you'll find out:--How often is considered a healthy libido?--Why sex plays a role in your overall health, and how sex affects your immune system.--The reason why newlyweds can actually make each other sick (for up to 4 years!)--Why monogamy is healthier for your immune system.--How sex impacts your hormones and can promote healing and improved brain health.--How men can lower their rate of prostate cancer. (And how a man's angle of erection can reveal a lot about his health).--The natural, non-prescription answers for low libido and erectile dysfunction. (And why men who rely on drugs like Viagra probably have underlying health issues.)--The impact of pornography on low libido and a decrease in sexual health. (Plus, how Structure/Function medicine can help with addiction issues, including pornography.)--The STD that is a major cause of infertility and how a woman's sexual satisfaction improves
2/14/201555 minutes, 58 seconds
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Measles: The Vaccine Debate

Measles has been in the news a great deal over the past few days. One of the big debates is whether vaccines for the measles should be mandated by the government. In this episode, you'll learn:--The number of cases in 1960 compared to the number of cases last year. And how most of our measles cases are coming from overseas.--The time between exposure to the measles--when you become contagious without being aware--and the onset of symptoms.--How to become immune to the measles, and why the vaccine does NOT make you immune for life.--Why breastfeeding helped transfer the immune system needed to fight off the measles.--The blood test that can determine if you are immune to the measles. And how you can still get the measles even if you've had the vaccine.--How the Autism rate went from 1-in-10,000 in 1980 to 1-in-50 today. And the connection between vaccines and childhood asthma, which causes 5,000 deaths per year.--Why Dr. Prather recommends the Vitamin A in Cod Liver Oil when children get sick, including the measles. And how Homeopathics can stimulate the immune system.--Why Dr. Prather says the debate is not really about the measles, but really about whether people should be allowed to opt out of vaccinations.--Those who should definitely NOT receive the Measles Vaccination due to potential complications, such as pregnant women, those with compromised immune systems, and those with egg allergies.--The protocol Dr. Prather recommends to minimize reactions for those who do choose to
2/7/201555 minutes, 58 seconds
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Live From Vegas! The Parker Chiropractic Seminar

The Parker Seminar from the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino is one of the largest chiropractic conferences in the world, featuring the latest in technology. In this episode, you'll discover:--Rapid Release Technology and how vibration is beneficial to the health of the body.--The technology that uses resonant frequency to release scar tissue and adhesions from injury, repetitive stress, or surgery to create stable and lasting change for patients (including those who suffer from Migraines, TMJ, Plantar Fasciitis, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.)--Hope for those with peripheral neuropathy that is inexpensive and delivers quick results.--Rock Tape kinesiology tape that is like "duct tape for the human body" popularized by Olympic athletes and can be seen on NFL players (including a Super Bowl team).--Why Rock Tape stays on longer than other kinesiology tapes (up to 5 days) and also prevents skin irritation.--How Rock Tape continues to work on patients AFTER they leave the doctor's office.--How Medical Doctors and Chiropractors can integrate in a marriage of both worlds that is creating a new paradigm of health care for the future.--The remarkable story of the Medical Doctor who changed his practice after he saw the results his patients were getting with Dr. Prather and the Structure-Function health care approach.--How Medical Doctor and Chiropractor Integration can cut costs for insurance companies and make health care more efficient and effective for the
1/31/201555 minutes, 15 seconds
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Stopping Elderly Accidents, Death, and Injuries

The Center for Disease Control is encouraging physicians to educate their elderly patients on how to prevent falls, which occur in 1 of every 3 adults over the age of 65 each year. In this episode, you'll find out:--The surprising statistics, consequences, and costs resulting from falls each year.--The most common types of injuries from falls.--How Chiropractic adjustments can be beneficial in both preventing falls and in aiding recovery after a fall.--The role Acupuncture can play in helping to reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and speed up healing by half the time (even scar prevention and healing of old scars).--How BrainCore Neurofeedback Therapy helps "balance out the brainwaves", helps with dementia, and benefits balance to decrease the chance of falls.--Why pharmaceuticals are a major CAUSE of vertigo, dizziness, and falls in the elderly. And how Dr. Prather helps his patients to reduce their prescriptions in favor of natural supplementation without the negative side effects from drugs.--The Eustachian Tube chiropractic adjustment of the ear that helps patients find relief from vertigo. --The Auricular Therapy treatment that balances out the autonomic nervous system through micro-current stimulation of the ear, and how it helps to restore a patient's kinesthetic sense (the body's ability to know where we are).--How Tai Chi classes offered at Meridian Health and Wellness can help prevent falls and reverse aging.--The checklist of things to look for in your home to help prevent
1/24/201555 minutes, 50 seconds
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Failure Of Prescription Pain Relief

The statistics are outrageous when it comes to the failure of prescription drugs in managing pain. But there are effective, non-drug alternatives to correct the root cause of pain. In this episode, you'll learn:--The new government recommendations for pain that took effect on January 1, 2015 (and why the new recommendations are a dramatic change from the previous "drug-first" recommendations).--Why the first line of treatment for pain needs to be a non-invasive, non-addictive Structure/Function approach. (Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, Physical Therapy)--How opiate addiction is a disease process that causes physiological and physical changes in the brain.--How Medicaid patients are several times more likely to be prescribed an opiate for pain compared to patients not on Medicaid. (And how just 20% of all doctors prescribe 80% of opiates.)--Why Dr. Prather says you are NEVER safe taking even a properly-prescribed pharmaceutical due to their very nature.--The risk to our children from prescription drug abuse, and how pharmaceuticals are fueling the heroin epidemic.--The pain cream containing opiates that reduces the opiate levels in your blood stream by 90% and can help wean patients off of opiates.--Why most doctors are unequipped to provide pain management under the new recommended care standards.--How Acupuncture increases your body's own natural opiates to fight pain and provide a long-term affect in helping your body to handle pain. (And the non-needle Acupuncture options available.)--The Auricular Therapy treatment that electrically stimulates points on the ears to stimulate the brain in order to help manage pain and even fight addiction. (And why Dr. Prather calls it "the most proven therapy in the world".)
1/17/201556 minutes, 1 second
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The Failure of Antibiotics

Antibiotic resistance is one of the world's most pressing health problems. And it is due to the misuse and overuse of these important, life-saving drugs. In this episode, you'll discover:--How the inventors of antibiotics feared the overuse of them so that they would be rendered ineffective.--The shocking number of times the inventors of antibiotics felt that the drugs SHOULD be used in one's lifetime. --How antibiotics make viruses and yeast infections STRONGER (but yet some doctors prescribe them anyway).--The procedure a patient SHOULD go through before receiving an antibiotic. (It's unlikely your doctor goes through this process!)--How 80% of the time antibiotics are given in the U.S., the patient doesn't even have a bacterial infection.--Why an antibiotic damages your immune system when you take it. (And how an antibiotic can make a virus more ingrained in your system.)--The number of rounds of antibiotics that increase a child's chances of developing a learning disability by a factor of 10.--How the Structure-Function Health Care Model offers answers to patients in a post-antibiotic world. (Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Homeopathics, Herbals)--Take the antibiotic quiz from the Centers for Disease Control.--What parents should do when their children are sick instead of pressuring the doctor for an
1/10/201555 minutes, 56 seconds
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The 8 Pillars of Perfect Health

Dr. Prather uses these 8 items to evaluate the health of his patients. How does your health rate? In this episode, find out:--How Dr. Prather's battle with Graves' Disease as a teenager influenced the development of this system.--The 5 systems of the body's energy flow, and why all pain is caused by a blockage of energy flow.--How proper oxygenation in the cells prevents cancer, and why anemia IS a big deal (in spite of what some doctors say).--What Xenobiotics are and how it impacts several systems in your body.--What the correct balance should be for water within and outside of your cells, and how this balance impacts your health.--The blood test you should have annually to determine the vitamin and mineral balance in your body.--The 5 categories of exercise essential for good health.--What your "phase angle" is and the test that measures how well our body's battery is charged.--The importance of our attitudes and outlook in our health (and the role homeopathy and flower remedies can play in improving this area).--How several different patients with fibromyalgia each had a different underlying cause that needed to be addressed (and why an individual approach to health care is vital)
1/3/201554 minutes, 30 seconds
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Achieve Your New Year's Goals!

Almost half of us make New Year's Resolutions, but only 8% report they have success in achieving them. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why people who write down their goals are 10 times more likely to achieve their goals compared to those who don't write them down.--Dr. Prather's six categories for goal-setting.--The program Dr. Prather recommends to achieve the #1 New Year's Resolution of Losing Weight. (And how he personally used the program this past year to lose 20 pounds and 4-inches off of his waist in two weeks.)--The three tests Dr. Prather recommends everyone have at least once a year to get a clear blueprint of your health.--The Stop Smoking program Dr. Prather uses to help his patients reach their goal of quitting smoking. And why Acupuncture, Auricular Therapy, and Homeopathics are key parts of this program.--How to set reasonable and obtainable goals that can be measured.--The importance of setting mini-goals and rewarding yourself.--The problem that most weight loss programs have by causing people to lose muscle instead of fat. (And how to trick the body to burn fat instead of muscle.)--How Dr. Prather's Healthy Lifestyles weight loss program especially targets unhealthy belly 
12/27/201455 minutes, 53 seconds
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Get The Lead Out (Lead Toxicity)

The Centers for Disease Control has said that lead toxicity should be a top priority. Over 500,000 children have high lead levels in their blood. In this episode, you'll discover:--Why children are at greater risk and more susceptible to absorbing toxic levels of lead, and the reason why boys absorb heavy metals more than girls, --How lead toxicity is linked to symptoms such as anemia, anorexia, anxiety, confusion, depression, dizziness, drowsiness, headaches, hypertension, incoordination, irritability, abdominal pain, constipation, muscle pain, restlessness, and tremors.--The link between lead toxicity and learning disabilities or hyperactivity in children. And why even a small exposure to lead can reduce a child's I.Q. permanently,--The treatments for lead toxicity and less traumatic alternatives to I.V. Chelation that Dr. Prather uses such as oral chelation, mineral supplements, vitamins, and homeopathics.--How most people suffering from lead toxicity have no idea what they have and the tests you should have to find out.--Why Dr. Prather says about a third of his patients have some sort of heavy metal toxicity (aluminum, nickel, mercury, cadmium, or lead).--The importance Dr. Prather places on getting to the underlying cause of a health issue (like the Structure/Function health care model) instead of just treating symptomatology (like the disease care model does).--The inspiring story of a patient who went through two years of medical tests without doctors being able to figure out the problem, but found relief after just four weeks with Dr. Prather's treatment.--The reason why everyone--including all children under the age of 5--should have a hair analysis every year to test for heavy metal
12/20/201455 minutes, 57 seconds
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How To Fight The Flu

December to February is the Flu season. As Dr. Prather says, getting the flu "is as easy as breathing". In this episode, you'll find out:--How the flu virus has "drifted" this year to make the flu shot ineffective, according to the Centers for Disease Control.--The surprising time period in which you must take the major flu medications (Tamiflu and Relenza) for them to be effective or it's a "waste of time".--The Structure/Function Health Care approach Dr. Prather uses to fight the flu by building up the patient's immune system. And the blood test you should have to determine the strength of your immune system. --The shocking story of a patient whose left arm was paralyzed after getting a flu shot (and how Dr. Prather helped him).--The LOW cholesterol number that weakens your cell walls and make you more susceptible to viruses.--How the gut makes up the most critical portion of the body's immune system.--Why a balanced Copper/Zinc ratio helps you to fight bacteria and viruses.--The role the lymphatic system plays in fighting off secondary bacterial infections (like pneumonia), which are the main cause of influenza deaths. --The homeopathic hospitals that had less than a 10% death rate during the 1918 Spanish flu (while the disease care hospitals had a death rate of 90%). And the homeopathic product Dr. Prather suggests everyone have in their medicine cabinet to get over the flu quickly.--The safe and extremely effective cough remedy you should have on hand for (as opposed to cough syrups which have caused deaths in children)
12/13/201455 minutes, 27 seconds
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A Proven Weight Loss Plan

Dr. Prather shares a weight loss program that helped him lose 24 pounds in 2 weeks. Obesity is considered the biggest health concern in America at this time. In this episode, you'll learn:--The Body Composition Analysis test to determine your fat percentage. And why Body Mass Index is not a good measure.--Why the French aren't as fat as Americans even though they consume more calories.--The HCG Diet Plan that allows the body to utilize a higher percentage of fat for energy and specifically targets weight around the gut.--The misinformation you should be aware of online about the HCG diet and why you should NEVER do the HCG diet without a doctor to oversee it.--How the HCG diet increases a woman's chance of getting pregnant.--Why balancing out your hormones and endocrine system is key for weight loss, especially for those who have tried everything and found no results.--The importance of detoxification before you begin a weight loss program to avoid feeling sick.--The vitamin injections Dr. Prather offers for patients to help the liver to work better and avoid a toxic feeling through the weight loss.--Why you cannot lose weight if you are eating foods you are allergic to (without realizing you are even allergic to it).--Why a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise provides the best  
12/6/201456 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Health Cars Model of The Future

How to cut health care costs by 40%, while improving patient satisfaction and health. In this powerful episode, Dr. Prather shares the model for his office and the "seismic finding" of a major insurance company research project. Learn:--The solution for our nation's health care crisis in which we spend more money than anyone else, with "abysmal" results in the health of patients (especially in areas such as cardiovascular and cancer). --The difference between Disease Care and Structure/Function Health Care models and how the best path forward is the best of both worlds.--The 80/20 rule for the appropriate balance between Structure/Function Health Care and Disease Care.--Why the cause of symptoms and disease processes is unimportant in the Disease Care model, but the Structure/Function model is dependent upon discovering the underlying cause.--Why the Disease Care approach is not the first place you should go when you are sick.--When the Disease Care model truly shines.--How you can increase your chances of surviving cancer by 50%.--The 5-year insurance company study that showed the health care model used in Dr. Prather's office reduced overall health care costs by 40%, slashed pharmaceutical costs by 85%, and hospital stays by over 60%. (And decreased adverse patient reactions and malpractice suits by 80%, while boosting patient satisfaction and health!)--What obstacles must be overcome to implement this model nationally, and the plans to do just
11/29/201456 minutes, 48 seconds
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How Attitude Affects Our Health

Attitude has a huge impact on our health and well-being. Dr. Prather includes it as one of his 8 Pillars of Perfect Health. In this episode, you'll discover:--The surprising studies that show most of what we see and hear is not based on reality, but is created in our brains.--How our attitude can change our physiology and even be reflected in our bloodwork.--The scientific studies that show how even the crystal structure of water can be changed by the words we use.--Why Dr. Prather believes there is a problem of negativity in the medical community that helps create and perpetuate disease (and the alternative model that restores hope).--How Structure/Function care centers around the body healing itself, where the body is the hero.--The proven and direct link between our immune system and our attitude (and our hormones and our emotions).--Alternatives to anti-depressants and anti-anxiety prescription drugs.--How an imbalance in your Copper/Zinc ratio can cause emotional turmoil, including suicidal thoughts.--The immediate changes Acupuncture brings for relaxation and combating insomnia.--Why Dr. Prather says 80% of people are stuck in the "fight-flight" mode and the dangers it poses to our immune system and overall
11/22/201455 minutes, 57 seconds
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Decompression Therapy

Decompression Therapy is a treatment for protruding or bulging discs in the back or neck, often a non-invasive alternative to surgery. In this episode, you'll find out:--How it treats protruding discs that cause sciatica.--How disc degeneration can be healed, as well as an unloading of the joints (such as a facet problem).--Why Dr. Prather says surgery ISN'T necessary with a bulging or protruded disc. (And when surgery IS necessary).--How decompression therapy (with its pumping action) differs from traction and inversion therapies.--How decompression therapy helps the neck, as well as the back, by putting the body into healing mode and "reverses the aging process".--How inflamed or degenerative joints such as knees and elbows can benefit from decompression therapy.--Why decompression therapy makes a patient TALLER.--The decompression therapy table Dr. Prather prefers and why it made him a believer after his initial skepticism.--Why decompression therapy is a cheaper and more effective option than surgery.--The story of a patient who drove from another state to receive treatment from Dr. Prather when options closer to home failed
11/15/201455 minutes, 55 seconds
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We live in a toxic world. 80-90% of people walking into Dr. Prather's office have a congested liver. In this episode, you'll learn:--How your breathing is the biggest indicator of how long you will live.--Why Dr. Prather promotes a GENTLE detox instead of the harsher detoxification programs most people use (which can cause unnecessary harm to the body).--The connection between the toxicity of your cells and how fast you age. (And the relationship between kidney function and longevity.)--Why keeping the lymphatic system clear reduces your chances of fibromyalgia (which is always linked to a need for detoxification). --How Multiple Sclerosis, Dementia, Alzheimer's, and Parkinsons are related to nervous system toxicity.--How detoxification is a part of the treatment plan for every one of Dr. Prather's patients.--Why good water is important for proper detoxification (and what constitutes "good" water).--How the liver must be functioning properly BEFORE you start a detox to avoid overwhelming it. (And the "cheat" Dr. Prather uses to get his patients' livers functioning properly.)--Why homeopathy is the gentlest form of detoxification.--The importance of detoxification in fighting cancer. (And how the health of the lymphatic system determines the chances of whether a woman will develop breast cancer.)
11/8/201454 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ebola and Enterovirus D68

There are several dangerous viruses in the news lately. Dr. Prather tells you how to protect yourself and your family. In this episode, you'll discover:--The symptoms of Ebola and how Ebola attacks the walls of your cells.--What your chances are for getting Ebola, and why Dr. Prather says getting the flu is a greater risk for you.--How a healthy immune system will help boost your odds to fight off any virus or bacteria you might contract.--How children are at a greater risk for the Enterovirus D68 virus.--The Structure/Function Health Care approach Dr. Prather uses to fight viruses for his own patients. (And the relationship between cholesterol and the strength of your cell walls to combat viruses.)--The shocking number of times someone should take an antibiotic in their lifetime according to the inventor of antibiotics. And why we need a health care system with LESS reliance on antibiotics.--The diagnostics you and your family should have done to protect your immune system (and why Dr. Prather says 80% of people have a compromised immune system).--The "Too Late" model of health care that is the most ineffective and most expensive way of treating our health.--The alternatives to antibiotics that boost your immune system (vitamins, herbs, minerals, homeopathics).--How a hair analysis can reveal the strength (or weakness) of your body's immune
11/1/201455 minutes, 55 seconds
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Chronic Pain

160 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, which is an under-treated and poorly-treated condition. In this episode, find out:--About the major study about how chronic pain is treated that was like a "nuclear bomb" within the health care community.--How the medical community is poorly-trained when it comes to chronic pain.--The dangers of pain medications and the alarming increase in pain prescriptions (and addictions) in recent years.--Why chronic pain is a disease process in and of itself, and why that is a revolutionary thought.--The non-pharmaceutical pain treatment options Dr. Prather offers to his own patients. (Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, Homeopathics, Herbals, Electrical Stimulation, Physical Therapy, Diathermy, Ultrasound, and Auricular Therapy.)--The "100% effective" treatments for migraine patients (often getting complete relief before they leave the doctor's office).--How Dr. Prather has been able to help cancer patients become completely pain-free when even morphine no longer is effective.--The patient who had gone to 14 different doctors for chronic pain and who ultimately found relief after Dr. Prather diagnosed Aluminum Toxicity,--Why Adderall should not be taken lightly, and the dangers it poses to young people.--The risks in overprescribing antibiotics that causes them to lose their
10/25/201453 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Radio Tour of Meridian Health and Wellness

In this episode, take a radio tour of Meridian Health Wellness. Learn...--How the Structure/Function health model differs from the Disease Care model (and how to properly integrate them). --The percentage of your health care that should be in the Structure/Function model and the percentage that should rely upon the Disease Care model.--The health care model that research has shown to increase the state of the patient's well-being, while cutting costs by 40% and medical lawsuits by 80%. (And why Dr. Prather believes this is the solution to our health care crisis.) --Why Dr. Prather says the Structure/Function model his office uses is “diagnostic-based” and not “symptom-based”. (And why this approach takes more commitment and patience to achieve results.)--The importance of proper diagnostics and getting to the root cause of a patient's symptoms.--What to expect at your first appointment. --Why getting your nervous system balanced is one of the most important things you can do for your health. (And why it is a first place to begin in a patient's health and well-being.)--The 8 Pillars of Perfect Health that form the foundation of Dr. Prather's practice.--The Trigger Point Injection Therapy that has helped to immediately release muscle spasms patients have dealt with for years.--The various treatments available at Meridian Health Wellness that make it the most comprehensive wellness center in the Midwest.Learn more at
10/18/201455 minutes, 57 seconds
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Knee Problems

18.6 million people visit the doctor every year with knee problems--the most common musculoskeletal complaint. Knee problems can cause additional issues in the feet and lower back. In this episode, discover:--Why Dr. Prather has a high success rate in treating knee issues. --How knee misalignment is the fundamental issue of knee problems (even AFTER surgery).--Why your low back pain might be caused by knee misalignment.--The effectiveness of treatments such as Chiropractic, Acupuncture. Electrical Stimulation, Ultrasound, and Diathermy.--How a torn meniscus can be healed without surgery, and why surgery does NOT fix a tear (but actually damages it more).--Why athletes should have chiropractic knee adjustments on a regular basis to avoid injury. --The various knee problems such as Osgood-Schlatter Disease, Patellar Tendinitis, Ligament injuries, Bursitis, and Arthritis.--Why a nutritional imbalance (low Copper, low Manganese, or low Vitamin C) can be a cause of knee problems.--The story of a gentleman who was told he needed surgery on his knee, but no longer does after Dr. Prather's treatment.--The EFAC Cream that helps patients find relief from joint
10/11/201455 minutes, 50 seconds
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National Chiropractic Health Month

October is National Chiropractic Health Month. In this episode, find out:--The history and founding of chiropractic. --Why Dr. Prather describes Chiropractic as "healing from the inside out."--The change that occurred in our health care system and medical schools a century ago (and the political corruption that was behind it). --The relationship Henry Ford and Thomas Edison had with Chiropracfic.--The connection between the Rockefeller family's oil interests and the advent of the pharmaceutical industry.--How Eli Lilly began as an herbal and homeopathic company before Rockefeller convinced them to join petrochemical based medicine.--The attacks on the chiropractic profession over the years that even saw chiropractors (like Dr. Prather's grandfather) being jailed. --The changes in attitude towards the chiropractic profession and Dr. Prather's vision on where chiropractic and health care should be going in the future.--The two systems of your body that you MUST have working properly to have maximum
10/4/201456 minutes, 50 seconds
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Copper Toxicity

Copper Toxicity is a common problem (20% of the population) that can have a huge effect on your hormones and nervous system. In this episode, you'll learn:--How Copper Toxicity can lead to depression, hormone imbalance, anorexia, fibroid tumors, immune system issues, ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, PMS symptoms, headaches, osteoporosis, and scoliosis.--The relationship between Copper and Zinc in your body, and why they must be in balance. (Plus, why Copper is more associated with females and Zinc is more associated with males.)--Why a Hair Analysis test (which you should have annually) is the least-expensive and most accurate method of measuring your body's mineral levels. --How the brain is very sensitive to Zinc and Copper. (And the interesting relationship between those levels and the tendency to be more right-brained or left-brained.)--The impact of copper pipes and water softeners on Copper Toxicity (and why the shower is the most common source of copper toxicity.)--The children Dr. Prather has seen "cured completely" from dyslexia after getting their Copper-Zinc levels balanced, And why almost 100% of teenage girls have this mineral imbalance.--The dangers of low Copper for increased stroke and cardiovascular risk, and the particular dangers for women on birth control.--How viral, fungal, and bacterial infections are linked to your Copper and Zinc levels.--Why Copper-Zinc ratios can have a dramatic effect on infertility, making expensive fertility treatments unnecessary.--The amazing story of a Mom whose daughter has found tremendous relief after Dr. Prather identified and treated her toxic Copper
9/27/201456 minutes, 52 seconds
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Common Issues Of The Wrist & Elbow

In a world where people spend more time working on computers, there are increasing issues in wrist and elbow Repetitive Strain Injuries. In this episode, you'll discover:--Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer's elbow), Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow), Cubital Tunnel Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.--How Carpal Tunnel is misdiagnosed 40% of the time--causing the surgery to fail--when the real problem is the palmaris longus muscle. --The difference between disease care (drugs and surgery) and Structure/Function care in treating these issues.-How a chiropractic adjustment can provide "instantaneous" and "immediate" relief from these issues.--Why Acupuncture is the best method to deal with inflammation and provides results "quicker than any other method".--How Trigger Point Therapy can release muscles that are in chronic spasm.--The benefits of treatments such as ultrasound, diathermy, electrical stimulation, and liniments.--How Vitamin B-6 (the nerve vitamin) can provide relief for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and why Manganese and Copper can have a huge effect on tendon and ligament strength.--The stretches and exercises that help wrist and elbow issues. (And why rehab of injuries does NOT have to be painful.)--How to prevent injuries of the wrist and
9/20/201456 minutes, 51 seconds
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Pain Relief Without A Prescription Pad

Prescription pain addiction is a huge problem in the U.S. But there are safe, effective, non-drug pain relief options that get to the root cause of the pain. In this episode, you'll find out:--The health risks in using prescription drugs. --The story of the pancreatic cancer patient who had complete pain relief through acupuncture and completely phased out morphine. --The chiropractic adjustment technique more gentle than a massage that can be used on osteoporosis patients. --The best non-addictive, safe forms of pain relief that are effective without the risks of prescription drugs. --Why the Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Adjustment is one of the most effective forms of pain relief for headaches. --How Dr. Prather sets a two-week goal to get patients out of pain.--The five pathways to pain in the body. --Why you do not need to fear acupuncture needles (and the non-needle acupuncture treatment options for those who are still afraid).--How Auricular Therapy helps eliminate the pain memory in the brain by stimulating points on the ear.--Why Fibromyalgia patients and patients with ear infections need treatment on their lymphatic system.--Natural herbal and homeopathic creams that can help relive
9/13/201455 minutes, 53 seconds
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Obesity: A Weighty Issue

Dr. Prather shares a weight loss program that helped him lose 24 pounds in 2 weeks. Obesity is considered the biggest health concern in America at this time. In this episode, you'll learn:--The Body Composition Analysis test to determine your fat percentage. And why Body Mass Index is not a good measure.--Why the French aren't as fat as Americans even though they consume more calories.--The HCG Diet Plan that allows the body to utilize a higher percentage of fat for energy and specifically targets weight around the gut.--The misinformation you should be aware of online about the HCG diet and why you should NEVER do the HCG diet without a doctor to oversee it.--How the HCG diet increases a woman's chance of getting pregnant.--Why balancing out your hormones and endocrine system is key for weight loss, especially for those who have tried everything and found no results.--The importance of detoxification before you begin a weight loss program to avoid feeling sick.--The vitamin injections Dr. Prather offers for patients to help the liver to work better and avoid a toxic feeling through the weight loss.--Why you cannot lose weight if you are eating foods you are allergic to (without realizing you are even allergic to it).--Why a combination of aerobic and resistance exercise provides the best
9/6/201456 minutes, 50 seconds
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Estrogen Imbalance

Imbalance of estrogen--in both women and men--is a common problem that affects 80% of all women and 40% of all men. The older you get, the more likely you are to have this imbalance. In this episode, you'll discover:--How our endocrine system (which produced our hormones) is the master system that tells the body what to do.--The health problems (for both sexes) that can develop when you have an imbalance of estrogen. --Why your hormones cannot properly balance if you have a congested liver (the chemical factory of the body).--How estrogen balance eliminates PMS symptoms, and the times of greatest hormonal imbalance for women (puberty, childbirth, menopause).--Why it all starts with the liver in the treatment for estrogen imbalance. (Plus, why your Liver and thyroid do not work right with low iodine levels, which is common in Indiana.)--How pesticides, Chlorine, and Fluoride can cause estrogen imbalance.--That you will have twice the risk of cancer if you take bioidentical hormones or pharmaceuticals for your hormones. (And the safer, natural alternatives.)--Why soy products and sugar increase estrogen levels, and why fiber is one of the best ways to balance estrogen levels.--How Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease, Mood Disorders, Fatigue, and Loss of Libido are all affected by this imbalance. --Why your Copper/Zinc ratio is key for your hormones (and your relationships) to  
8/30/201456 minutes, 48 seconds
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Congestive Heart Failure

6 million Americans suffer from Congestive Heart Failure, which is the #1 reason for hospitalization for those over 65. More people are coming down with Congestive Heart Failure than ever before, costing us $100 billion a year. In this episode, find out:--The causes and risk factors of Congestive Heart Failure.--Signs and symptoms of Congestive Heart Failure.--Why Dr, Prather considers Congestive Heart Failure a disease of rich nations and a lifestyle disease that is "completely unnecessary".--How certain pharmaceuticals--like cholesterol drugs--can actually kick off Congestive Heart Failure.--Why disease care can slow down Congestive Heart Failure, but never reverse it. (And why you need Structure/Function health care to reverse Congestive Heart Failure.)--How Dr. Prather approaches Congestive Heart Failure in his patients.--Why Dr. Prather says the heart is the "most easily fixed organ in the body with the highest capacity of regenerating itself".--The machine Dr. Prather uses to help his patients achieve the benefits of aerobic exercise...without the patients actually having to exercise.--Why patients can have hope to reverse their Congestive Heart Failure even though there aren't any good medical options available.--The preventive measures to avoid Congestive Heart Failure, and the tests you should have done to diagnose heart
8/23/201456 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Liver: Organ of Homeostasis

The liver is the workhorse of the body, which supports every other organ and function of the body. You'll learn:--How the liver has 500 different chemical functions in the body (impacting your immune system, your blood pressure, your hormones, your digestive system, and type II diabetes).--Why a sick liver is a major reason for high cholesterol (and why cholesterol medicines can make your liver even more unhealthy).--How a properly-functioning liver can help women with hot flashes, PMS, and low libido.--Why Dr. Prather says close to 100% of patients need extra support for their liver. --How pharmaceuticals (and the chemicals in the foods we eat) damage and add stress to your liver.--The connection between fatigue, sluggishness, nausea and a congested liver.--The emotion that the Talmud connects to the liver, and the behavioral changes Dr. Prather sees as a patient's liver becomes healthier.--The reason why liver detoxification programs usually cause more harm than good, and the more gentle approach Dr. Prather uses for his patients.--How constipation can produce chemicals that cause cancer and heart disease (and how a healthy liver eliminates constipation).--Why everyone with a thyroid problem always has an issue with their liver.--What every cancer patient should know: How a healthy liver can help fight
8/16/201456 minutes, 41 seconds
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Prostate Health

Saturdays at 8 a.m. on Freedom 95--95.9 FM & 950 AM--Indianapolis.
8/9/201455 minutes, 1 second
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Depression: There Is Hope

About 10% of the population seeks medical help for depression. They are also more likely to be put on prescription medicarion, which can cause severe problems. Dr. Prather offers an alternative approach. In this episode, find out:--How depression can be kicked off by pharmaceuticals (including drugs for ADD/ADHD and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories).--If you have 5 of these symptoms for more than 2 weeks, you should seek help for depression.--Why Structure/Function health care should be a part of your care for depression in order to get to the underlying cause.--How hormones, structural issues, nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, and imbalances in minerals are important considerations as a cause of depression.--How 70% of depressed patients in one study had thyroid issues, and how antidepressants can often be eliminated after the thyroid is working properly.--How low iron is a common cause of depression in teenage girls, and the inspiring story of the Mom who now has her daughter back.--The tear-jerking story of an 84-year-old woman who avoided being put on antidepressants and being admitted to a nursing home because Dr. Prather discovered too low cholesterol and low fat levels as the source of her problem.--Why Dr. Prather says acupuncture "almost consistently" helps bring people out of a depressive state and gives patients relief from anxiety and insomnia.--The natural, non-pharmaceutical treatments Dr. Prather uses in his office to help those with depression. --The story of a man who tried to commit suicide 5 times and whose life was transformed by getting his copper/zinc ratio balanced
8/2/201456 minutes, 50 seconds
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Depression: There Is Hope

About 10% of the population seeks medical help for depression. They are also more likely to be put on prescription medicarion, which can cause severe problems. Dr. Prather offers an alternative approach. In this episode, find out:--How depression can be kicked off by pharmaceuticals (including drugs for ADD/ADHD and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories).--If you have 5 of these symptoms for more than 2 weeks, you should seek help for depression.--Why Structure/Function health care should be a part of your care for depression in order to get to the underlying cause.--How hormones, structural issues, nutritional deficiencies, food allergies, and imbalances in minerals are important considerations as a cause of depression.--How 70% of depressed patients in one study had thyroid issues, and how antidepressants can often be eliminated after the thyroid is working properly.--How low iron is a common cause of depression in teenage girls, and the inspiring story of the Mom who now has her daughter back.--The tear-jerking story of an 84-year-old woman who avoided being put on antidepressants and being admitted to a nursing home because Dr. Prather discovered too low cholesterol and low fat levels as the source of her problem.--Why Dr. Prather says acupuncture "almost consistently" helps bring people out of a depressive state and gives patients relief from anxiety and insomnia.--The natural, non-pharmaceutical treatments Dr. Prather uses in his office to help those with depression. --The story of a man who tried to commit suicide 5 times and whose life was transformed by getting his copper/zinc ratio balanced
8/2/201456 minutes, 50 seconds
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Spinal Health

You are almost as old as your spine is. 80% of us will be sidelined at some point in our lives because of back problems. It's the #2 reason for missed work. In this episode, you'll learn:--How to avoid unnecessary pain and unnecessary expense by maintaining your spinal health.--How the upper-cervical area of your spine impacts your entire nervous system. --How untreated spinal injuries can lead to long-term degeneration. (And why too many hospitals wrongly tell accident victims they are fine after an accident.)--That you'll have a 40% chance of having surgery if you see an orthopedic surgeon, but only a .5% chance of having surgery if you see a chiropractor first.--One study showed that 50% of young men had a bulging disc. But just because you have a bulged disc does not necessarily mean you'll have a problem with it. (Plus, how SMOKING can cause a bulged dic.)--Natural anti-inflammatories that work better than pharmaceuticals without the side effects. Plus, how acupuncture relieves inflammation.--How chiropractic adjustments have a bigger impact on blood pressure than pharmaceuticals. And how they also help asthma, ear infections, and stomach pains because of the change in the nervous system. (And the story of the patient whose acne cleared up because of the adjustments!)--How ADD and ADHD can be settled down by chiropractic adjustments, and how autism is impacted by an improper flow of cerebrospinal fluid.--Why chiropractic adjustments are good for newborn babies (and why the kids love it and respond so well.)
7/26/201455 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hypertension: The Silent Killer

Hypertension is the #1 diagnosis that people receive when they go to the doctor. 90% of us will have a diagnosis of hypertension during our lives, including 1-in-4 middle-aged adults. You'll discover:--The damage hypertension causes to our cardiovascular health. --Why it's important to understand the underlying cause of hypertension. (And why prescription medications do NOT change the outcome of hypertension cases.)--The #1 cause of hypertension in 70% of cases (and how your prescription could make this issue even WORSE.)--The side effects of blood pressure medicines, and why Dr. Prather is “almost always” able to get his patients off of their prescriptions.--The non-prescription treatments for hypertension such as nutritional supplementation, chiropractic adjustments, and acupuncture.--The chiropractic adjustment that studies have shown to be more effective than prescriptions in lowering blood pressure.--Why "detective work" is necessary to determine the underlying cause of hypertension, and the diagnostics you should have done.--The role of the gut and food allergies in hypertension (particularly for patients who had no results from other treatment).--The successful smoking cessation program Dr. Prather recommends for patients.--The great results patients see from a "permanent weight loss program" called Healthy Habits and why MALNUTRITION is the real cause of
7/19/201456 minutes, 49 seconds
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Hypertension: The Silent Killer

Hypertension is the #1 diagnosis that people receive when they go to the doctor. 90% of us will have a diagnosis of hypertension during our lives, including 1-in-4 middle-aged adults. You'll discover:--The damage hypertension causes to our cardiovascular health. --Why it's important to understand the underlying cause of hypertension. (And why prescription medications do NOT change the outcome of hypertension cases.)--The #1 cause of hypertension in 70% of cases (and how your prescription could make this issue even WORSE.)--The side effects of blood pressure medicines, and why Dr. Prather is “almost always” able to get his patients off of their prescriptions.--The non-prescription treatments for hypertension such as nutritional supplementation, chiropractic adjustments, and acupuncture.--The chiropractic adjustment that studies have shown to be more effective than prescriptions in lowering blood pressure.--Why "detective work" is necessary to determine the underlying cause of hypertension, and the diagnostics you should have done.--The role of the gut and food allergies in hypertension (particularly for patients who had no results from other treatment).--The successful smoking cessation program Dr. Prather recommends for patients.--The great results patients see from a "permanent weight loss program" called Healthy Habits and why MALNUTRITION is the real cause of
7/19/201456 minutes, 49 seconds
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Why We Need Supplements

The nutritional value of our food today is not as high as the food of previous generations. Therefore, we need supplementation for good health. In this episode, find out:--The connection between longevity and the nutritional value of our caloric intake.--Why we overeat on foods that have less nutritional value.--The different kinds of supplements (concentrated foods, synthetic vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, organ meats, herbals, and Homeopathics).--The importance of proper lab tests and Electrodermal Screening (EDS) to improve your results and eliminate guesswork. (And why you should NOT pick supplements at random at a health food store!)--Why Dr. Prather says, "Very seldom do we find someone with a properly functioning liver."--How Homeopathics (which are free of side effects) are a good option for patients with sensitivities to pharmaceuticals and even vitamins.--Why concentrated organ meats can help our lungs, pancreas, stomach, and endocrine system. (And why patients always seem to choose the pill over eating large amounts of liver!)--The reason why Dr. Prather does NOT like multivitamins and how they can actually make you sicker. --Why pharmaceuticals do not bring you closer to health, but supplements can. (And how Dr. Prather builds the health of his patients so that they no longer need their pharmaceuticals.)--How 60% of cancer, 80% of cardiovascular disease, and 70% of hypertension cases can be attributed to nutritional
7/12/201456 minutes, 45 seconds
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Why We Need Supplements

The nutritional value of our food today is not as high as the food of previous generations. Therefore, we need supplementation for good health. In this episode, find out:--The connection between longevity and the nutritional value of our caloric intake.--Why we overeat on foods that have less nutritional value.--The different kinds of supplements (concentrated foods, synthetic vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, organ meats, herbals, and Homeopathics).--The importance of proper lab tests and Electrodermal Screening (EDS) to improve your results and eliminate guesswork. (And why you should NOT pick supplements at random at a health food store!)--Why Dr. Prather says, "Very seldom do we find someone with a properly functioning liver."--How Homeopathics (which are free of side effects) are a good option for patients with sensitivities to pharmaceuticals and even vitamins.--Why concentrated organ meats can help our lungs, pancreas, stomach, and endocrine system. (And why patients always seem to choose the pill over eating large amounts of liver!)--The reason why Dr. Prather does NOT like multivitamins and how they can actually make you sicker. --Why pharmaceuticals do not bring you closer to health, but supplements can. (And how Dr. Prather builds the health of his patients so that they no longer need their pharmaceuticals.)--How 60% of cancer, 80% of cardiovascular disease, and 70% of hypertension cases can be attributed to nutritional
7/12/201456 minutes, 45 seconds
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Health Benefits Of Love & Marriage

Studies show there is a health bonus from being married--longer life, fewer health issues, and faster recovery. In this episode, you'll learn: --The percentage health increase that both men and women get from marriage (and which one gets the greatest benefit). --The health benefits for married men (even positive neurological changes compared to single men). --How the health benefit for women is more sensitive to the quality of a marriage.--How to make your marriage work better (and which spouse studies show has a greater impact on the health and happiness of a marriage).--The funny story that reveals why Dr. Prather is NOT allowed to do laundry. (Men, take notes!)--The different expectations men and women have in marriage (and the importance of unconditional respect and unconditional love).--How your underlying health issues can impact your marriage and relationships, including the balance of your hormones and nervous system. --Why some patients claim their chiropractic adjustments help their relationships.--The story of a patient who took an herbal supplement that boosted her libido and saved her marriage.--How your sex life is a good indicator of your health and the health of your marriage.--Why casual sexual relationships do not have the same health benefits of monogamy.
7/5/201456 minutes, 30 seconds
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Health Benefits Of Love & Marriage

Studies show there is a health bonus from being married--longer life, fewer health issues, and faster recovery. In this episode, you'll learn: --The percentage health increase that both men and women get from marriage (and which one gets the greatest benefit). --The health benefits for married men (even positive neurological changes compared to single men). --How the health benefit for women is more sensitive to the quality of a marriage.--How to make your marriage work better (and which spouse studies show has a greater impact on the health and happiness of a marriage).--The funny story that reveals why Dr. Prather is NOT allowed to do laundry. (Men, take notes!)--The different expectations men and women have in marriage (and the importance of unconditional respect and unconditional love).--How your underlying health issues can impact your marriage and relationships, including the balance of your hormones and nervous system. --Why some patients claim their chiropractic adjustments help their relationships.--The story of a patient who took an herbal supplement that boosted her libido and saved her marriage.--How your sex life is a good indicator of your health and the health of your marriage.--Why casual sexual relationships do not have the same health benefits of monogamy.
7/5/201456 minutes, 30 seconds
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The 8 Pillars of Perfect Health

A philosophy of care designed by Dr. Prather to evaluate and bring his patients to health. You'll discover:--How Dr. Prather's battle with Graves' Disease as a teenager influenced the development of this system.--The 5 systems of the body's energy flow, and why all pain is caused by a blockage of energy flow. --How proper oxygenation in the cells prevents cancer, and why anemia IS a big deal (in spite of what some doctors say).--What Xenobiotics are and how it impacts several systems in your body.--What the correct balance should be for water within and outside of your cells, and how this balance impacts your health.--The blood test you should have annually to determine the vitamin and mineral balance in your body.--The 5 categories of exercise essential for good health.--What your "phase angle" is and the test that measures how well our body's battery is charged.--The importance of our attitudes and outlook in our health (and the role homeopathy and flower remedies can play in improving this area).--How several different patients with fibromyalgia each had a different underlying cause that needed to be addressed (and why an individual approach to health care is vital)
6/28/201453 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Health Care Model Of The Future

How to cut health care costs by 40%, while improving patient satisfaction and health. In this powerful episode, Dr. Prather shares the model for his office and the "seismic finding" of a major insurance company research project. Find out:--The solution for our nation's health care crisis in which we spend more money than anyone else, with "abysmal" results in the health of patients (especially in areas such as cardiovascular and cancer).--The difference between Disease Care and Structure/Function Health Care models and how the best path forward is the best of both worlds.--The 80/20 rule for the appropriate balance between Structure/Function Health Care and Disease Care.--Why the cause of symptoms and disease processes is unimportant in the Disease Care model, but the Structure/Function model is dependent upon discovering the underlying cause.--Why the Disease Care approach is not the first place you should go when you are sick.--When the Disease Care model truly shines.--How you can increase your chances of surviving cancer by 50%.--The 5-year insurance company study that showed the health care model used in Dr. Prather's office reduced overall health care costs by 40%, slashed pharmaceutical costs by 85%, and hospital stays by over 60%. (And decreased adverse patient reactions and malpractice suits by 80%, while boosting patient satisfaction and health!)--What obstacles must be overcome to implement this model nationally, and the plans to do just that.
6/21/201456 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Radio Tour Of Meridian Health & Wellness

Dr. Prather unveils three new services at his office--the Healthy Habits natural weight loss program, decompression therapy, and the latest imaging technology. In this episode, you'll learn:--Why the health care model of Meridian and Wellness is unique by being an integrated office that covers everything from A to Z.--How the natural weight loss program has a success rate of approximately 90%!--Why your hormones determine what your weight will be (and how Dr. Prather works with patients to get their hormones in proper balance). --The all-natural injection of concentrated vitamins and minerals that helps burn fat and makes you feel more energetic through the taxing process of losing weight.--The body composition analysis to determine if you are drinking enough water and that you are losing fat, not muscle.--How the decompression therapy relieves joint pressure, reverses joint deterioration, and increases range of motion. (Especially helpful for disc herniation and degeneration.)--Why decompression therapy is a well-proven treatment to relive pain in the short-term and reverse degeneration associated with aging in the long-term.--The remarkable accuracy and clarity of the new imaging system Dr. Prather uses for his patients and how the quality of this latest technology beats that of major hospitals. --Why Dr. Prather's philosophy is a little different compared to most chiropractors, without the snapping and popping because he adjusts WITHIN the range of motion. --What new patients can expect when they visit Meridian Health Wellness (and why the initial consultation and diagnostics to determine the underlying cause of the patient's health is so important)
6/14/201454 minutes, 51 seconds
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Treat Heart Disease Without Drugs Or Surgery

External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy is a safe, non-invasive solution for heart disease, America's #1 killer. In this episode, you'll discover:--Why ECP Therapy is "like having a second heart" and how it helps the heart to function better.--How ECP Therapy oxygenates the heart and gives your heart the benefit of five years of marathon training in just SEVEN WEEKS.--The reason why Dr. Prather calls ECP Therapy the only hope for congestive heart failure, which has become "medical disaster".--The incredible safety record of ECP Therapy without a single negative incident or injury reported to the FDA and with no negative side effects.--How ECP Therapy helps reduce heart pain and helps patients to lower their medication needed for angina.--Why ECP Therapy is able to open up collateral circulation and dormant arteries (and can even GROW new arteries).--How the improved circulation and oxygenation from ECP Therapy improves all organ systems and helps with dementia, erectile dysfunction, and can reverse Type 2 diabetes.--The five-part heart evaluation Dr. Prather recommends for every patient over 50.--The stories of patients who went from over 90% blockage in their arteries to less than 10% blockage through ECP Therapy.--Why many pro athletes and Olympians have incorporated ECP Therapy into their regimen to extend their careers and set new
6/7/201455 minutes, 50 seconds
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Benefits of Internal Exercises (Qigong)

Internal exercises help slow down the body, normalize breathing, and open up energy channels to nourish internal organs. In this episode, find out:--How internal exercises help recharge and renew your body, while external exercises deplete the body. (And why you need the right balance between both.)--Why internal exercises are considered "the older person's friend" and can benefit those who are too sick for external exercise. (And how the young can benefit, too!)--How internal exercises can help "gut" issues such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome. --That there are specific prescribed internal exercises for particular conditions (such as thyroid, asthma, blood pressure, kidney, cancer, heart disease, concentration issues, female issues).--How internal exercises help give you more energy and increased performance in external exercise and athletics.--The connection between acupuncture and internal exercises.--The remarkable research on how approximately 80% of near-sighted children no longer need glasses after three months of internal exercises and how internal exercise produces better results for hypertension than prescription drugs. --How the zero impact internal exercises can benefit those who suffer from disability or limited mobility.--The greater relaxation you can expect to experience from doing internal exercises.--And hear from William Bunting of the Indiana Tai Chi Academy about the new Qigong class that will be offered Tuesday evenings at The Prather Wellness Center.
5/31/201456 minutes, 50 seconds
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Managing Diabetes Naturally

Diabetes causes a great deal of damage to the body, and 50% of those with Diabetes don't even realize they have it. In this episode, learn:--The three different types of diabetes (and why our current lifestyle is causing a huge increase in Type 2 Diabetes).--The annual tests you should have to stay on top of your health, and the symptoms of Diabetes you should be aware of.--Why children drinking large amounts of milk can be a precursor to Type 1 Diabetes.--The viral, autoimmune, and lifestyle causes of Diabetes.--How Type 2 Diabetes can be REVERSED (and why "less sugar, more fiber" is key).--Why carbohydrates and wheat should be avoided by Diabetics (and the stories of patients who reversed their Diabetes and lost weight by doing this).--The best exercise program to get your Diabetes under control and drop your blood sugar levels.--How Dr. Prather is able to help his Type 1 patients reduce insulin needed by 50% with nutritional changes and Type 2 patients to completely reverse their Diabetes,--The role of herbs (low calorie and high in nutrition) in managing Diabetes and which herbs work best in managing your blood sugar.--The vitamins and minerals that are helpful for Diabetes (and why Dr. Prather says he sees quicker changes with Minerals than anything else).--The strong effect on Diabetes from regular Chiropractic adjustments and
5/24/201456 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Adjustment

Dr. Prather calls it "THE most important thing you can do for your health." The Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment is a gentle chiropractic adjustment of the first vertebrae in your spine. In fact, 80% of us need this adjustment without even realizing it. In this episode, you'll discover:--How the Atlas Chiropractic Adjustment impacts the lower brain stem in one of the most important areas of the body, controlling all systems of the body.--Why it is considered the most difficult adjustment to make in the body.--Dr. Prather's own personal testimony how this adjustment helped his Graves' Disease as a young man and inspired him to help others.--The two systems in the body that must be working properly for the rest of the body to work correctly.--Why television personality Montel Williams called the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment "the greatest thing that ever happened " to him to relieve his symptoms from Multiple Sclerosis.--How the technique helps any type of nerve problems, central nervous system issues, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), high blood pressure, headaches, migraines, ADD/ADHD, seizures, digestive problems, and vision issues.--How a young woman's acne was even helped by the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment, and how it helped solve a 12-year-old boy's bed wetting problem.--Why everyone should be checked for this adjustment at least once a year.--The testimony from a patient who was involved in a car accident and credits the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment as the procedure "that changed everything" and gave him 100%
5/17/201456 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Benefits Of Diathermy

Diathermy is a large coiled magnet that produces a short-wave beam into the body to increase circulation and lymphatic flow in order to help the body heal itself. In this episode, find out:--Why Diathermy is safe, easy, and very effective. (And how it helps avoid damage to the immune system from repeated antibiotic usage.)--How it helps patients with lung issues such as Pneumonia, Bronchitis, and Histoplasmosis (which is endemic to indianapolis).--How it helps patients with Arthritic joint pain and Bursitis.--Why it is called an "anti-congestion machine" to help with the detoxification and congestion in the body.--The effectiveness of Diathermy in providing IMMEDIATE relief for ear and sinus infections. (And why you should try Diathermy before you try Antibiotics).--The antibiotic, anti-virus, and anti-fungal affect of Diathermy to kill infections (Bladder, Prostatitis, Sinus, Ears, Lungs, and Kidney).--Why Diathermy is "essential" for all Vertigo patients, as well as Tinnitus patients.--How Diathermy resulted in patients scheduled for amputation having their surgeries cancelled. -How Diathermy helps patients with painful and numb feet from Raynaud's Disease and Diabetic Neuropathy. (And the effective combo treatment Dr. Prather uses for neuropathy that Oncologists refer their patients for.)
5/10/201456 minutes, 47 seconds
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Auriculotherapy: The Keyboard To Your Brain

Auriculotherapy is a safe treatment that uses micro-current electrical stimulation on the ear to make changes throughout the body. In this episode, learn:--Why Dr. Prather calls Auriculotherapy "one of the most powerful therapies we do".--How Auriculotherapy "rewires the central computer (the brain)” using the ear as the conduit to your brain.--Why it is called "the most proven therapy in the entire world".--How Auriculotherapy is especially helpful in chronic pain patients.--The life-changing story of a fibromyalgia patient who, after years of suffering, eliminated three different pain medications after just one week of treatment.--Why Auriculotherapy provides amazing changes for patients who have tried everything else, had nothing work, and have no hope. --The remarkable way that the ear is a perfect representation of the entire body, and how you can affect anything and everything in the body by working on the ear.--How Auriculotherapy helps with addictions (food, drugs, smoking), anxiety, insomnia, learning disorders, emotional issues, PTSD, and phantom limb pain.--How children with ADD/ADHD are transformed through this therapy (and without drugs).--Why Dr. Prather believes Auriculotherapy is one of the major futures of health care in providing natural pain relief instead of dangerous, addictive prescription
5/3/201456 minutes, 50 seconds
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Auriculotherapy: The Keyboard To Your Brain

Saturdays at 8 a.m. on Freedom 95--95.9 FM & 950 AM--Indianapolis.
5/3/201456 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Best Cure For Cancer

Cancer is the #2 cause of death in America. And prevention is the best cure for cancer. In this episode, discover:--Why liver function is important in fighting cancer and how you can test it.--The importance of your body being properly oxygenated (and how oxygen kills cancer cells).--The impact of anemia on getting cancer and its impact on cancer survival rates.--How proper pH can cause cancer cells to explode! (And how minerals control pH.)--The five factors that must be present for cancer to exist.--Why proper blood-work is too often overlooked and why it is important in combating cancer.--The surprising percentage of all cancers that are caused by lifestyle.--The amazing story of how a colon removal surgery for a colon cancer patient was CANCELLED after the patient was treated by Dr. Prather for only three weeks.--How chiropractic care and acupuncture reduce complaints of patients undergoing cancer treatments by 80%.--The diet that Dr. Prather recommends for cancer patients and how it boosts your immune
4/26/201456 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Best Cure For Cancer

Cancer is the #2 cause of death in America. And prevention is the best cure for cancer. In this episode, discover:--Why liver function is important in fighting cancer and how you can test it.--The importance of your body being properly oxygenated (and how oxygen kills cancer cells).--The impact of anemia on getting cancer and its impact on cancer survival rates.--How proper pH can cause cancer cells to explode! (And how minerals control pH.)--The five factors that must be present for cancer to exist.--Why proper blood-work is too often overlooked and why it is important in combating cancer.--The surprising percentage of all cancers that are caused by lifestyle.--The amazing story of how a colon removal surgery for a colon cancer patient was CANCELLED after the patient was treated by Dr. Prather for only three weeks.--How chiropractic care and acupuncture reduce complaints of patients undergoing cancer treatments by 80%.--The diet that Dr. Prather recommends for cancer patients and how it boosts your immune
4/26/201456 minutes, 50 seconds
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Iron: More Important Than You Think

Around 80% of women and 20% of men are shown to be low in iron. Everyone should have their iron checked at least once per year. In this episode, find out:--The amazing story about how an iron supplementation program helped a girls cross country team qualify for State, improve academic performance, and even be better behaved with their parents. --How eating ice or chewing on pencils can indicate low iron. And the connection between iron deficiency and pregnancy cravings (even a craving to eat dirt!).--Emotional and behavioral issues that result from low iron, and the connection between low iron and A.D.D. (especially in girls).--The symptoms of iron deficiency and how low iron is too often missed by medical professionals.--How iron levels in pregnant women impact the I.Q. of their child.--The foods that are highest in iron (and the food Dr. Prather recommends especially for vegetarians and vegans).--The particular iron level that MUST be checked...which most doctors don't bother to test.--Why Anemia IS a big deal and how it can reduce the length and quality of your life.--How iron toxicity is a very serious problem, especially among older men, and why it increases your chance of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and a FALSE diabetes diagnosis.--The cases where iron toxicity was misdiagnosed as ALS or Parkinson's
4/19/201456 minutes, 46 seconds
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Iron: More Important Than You Think

Around 80% of women and 20% of men are shown to be low in iron. Everyone should have their iron checked at least once per year. In this episode, find out:--The amazing story about how an iron supplementation program helped a girls cross country team qualify for State, improve academic performance, and even be better behaved with their parents. --How eating ice or chewing on pencils can indicate low iron. And the connection between iron deficiency and pregnancy cravings (even a craving to eat dirt!).--Emotional and behavioral issues that result from low iron, and the connection between low iron and A.D.D. (especially in girls).--The symptoms of iron deficiency and how low iron is too often missed by medical professionals.--How iron levels in pregnant women impact the I.Q. of their child.--The foods that are highest in iron (and the food Dr. Prather recommends especially for vegetarians and vegans).--The particular iron level that MUST be checked...which most doctors don't bother to test.--Why Anemia IS a big deal and how it can reduce the length and quality of your life.--How iron toxicity is a very serious problem, especially among older men, and why it increases your chance of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and a FALSE diabetes diagnosis.--The cases where iron toxicity was misdiagnosed as ALS or Parkinson's
4/19/201456 minutes, 46 seconds
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Acupuncture has been in existence for over 5,000 years. More people have probably been treated with Acupuncture than any other treatment. In this episode, you'll learn:--How almost all Acupuncture patients fall asleep during treatment.--Why Acupuncture needles are painless (rounded on the end, not sharp, and thin as a hair).--The non-needle Acupuncture options for those who are still afraid of needles (including powder, laser, and electrical options).--Why Acupuncture beats Cortizone shots for pain relief and treating inflammation. --The World Health Organization and National institutes of Health research that shows Acupuncture effective in treating anxiety, depression, insomnia, abdominal issues, sinusitis, tinnitus, PMS, and headaches.--Hear from a patient who had "immediate relief" from Acupuncture for a sinus infection.--The 80% success rate Dr. Prather sees in patients dealing with infertility and the role of Acupuncture. --How Acupuncture can help students score better on exams (and why it works better than anti-anxiety drugs).--How Acupuncture can help with Parkinson's Disease, Stroke Recovery, and Cancer patients (including an 80% decrease in complaints from patients on chemotherapy and radiation).--Why Acupuncture is an effective treatment for addiction issues, including
4/12/201454 minutes, 49 seconds
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Acupuncture has been in existence for over 5,000 years. More people have probably been treated with Acupuncture than any other treatment. In this episode, you'll learn:--How almost all Acupuncture patients fall asleep during treatment.--Why Acupuncture needles are painless (rounded on the end, not sharp, and thin as a hair).--The non-needle Acupuncture options for those who are still afraid of needles (including powder, laser, and electrical options).--Why Acupuncture beats Cortizone shots for pain relief and treating inflammation. --The World Health Organization and National institutes of Health research that shows Acupuncture effective in treating anxiety, depression, insomnia, abdominal issues, sinusitis, tinnitus, PMS, and headaches.--Hear from a patient who had "immediate relief" from Acupuncture for a sinus infection.--The 80% success rate Dr. Prather sees in patients dealing with infertility and the role of Acupuncture. --How Acupuncture can help students score better on exams (and why it works better than anti-anxiety drugs).--How Acupuncture can help with Parkinson's Disease, Stroke Recovery, and Cancer patients (including an 80% decrease in complaints from patients on chemotherapy and radiation).--Why Acupuncture is an effective treatment for addiction issues, including
4/12/201454 minutes, 49 seconds
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Allergies–Nothing to Sneeze At

It's that time of year, when 1-in-5 of us suffer from allergy symptoms. In this episode, discover:--The difference between allergies and sinus congestion (which 1-in-3 have).--The role of the liver in sinus congestion (and why it has to be treated in cases where the patient tests negative for allergies).--How acupuncture (even non-needle options!) can provide "immediate relief" from allergy symptoms.--The 100% success rate chiropractic adjustments on sinuses have in providing relief.--The safer, less-invasive approach homeopathy provides instead of allergy shots (with no side-effects and no risk).--Why Dr. Prather practices an individualized approach to health care and how he identifies which approach is right for the patient.--How a stronger immune system leads to fewer allergies (and how to repair your immune system).--The connection between the gut (which is 80% of your immune system) and allergies.--How parasites are a root cause of almost all adult-onset asthma (and in many children, too).--How an improperly-functioning liver (which most people have) can cause
4/5/201456 minutes, 56 seconds
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Allergies–Nothing to Sneeze At

It's that time of year, when 1-in-5 of us suffer from allergy symptoms. In this episode, discover:--The difference between allergies and sinus congestion (which 1-in-3 have).--The role of the liver in sinus congestion (and why it has to be treated in cases where the patient tests negative for allergies).--How acupuncture (even non-needle options!) can provide "immediate relief" from allergy symptoms.--The 100% success rate chiropractic adjustments on sinuses have in providing relief.--The safer, less-invasive approach homeopathy provides instead of allergy shots (with no side-effects and no risk).--Why Dr. Prather practices an individualized approach to health care and how he identifies which approach is right for the patient.--How a stronger immune system leads to fewer allergies (and how to repair your immune system).--The connection between the gut (which is 80% of your immune system) and allergies.--How parasites are a root cause of almost all adult-onset asthma (and in many children, too).--How an improperly-functioning liver (which most people have) can cause
4/5/201456 minutes, 56 seconds
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Poor Posture: What Your Mother Never Told You

Mom always told us to sit up straight. Poor posture can actually be the cause and the indicator of serious health issues. In this episode, find out:--How posture can determine disease and disease can determine posture (and why Dr. Prather says the connection between posture and health is "under-taught and under-utilized" in America's health care system).--How Dr. Prather can determine health problems just by looking at a patient's posture.--Which job will give you a 60% greater chance of colon cancer because of posture issues.--How you can improve lung function, high blood pressure, EKG readings, and IQ & cognitive ability (even reverse dementia) by changing the posture.--What is proper posture and why 60% of patients have poor posture that really impacts their health.--What Dr. Prather considers to have the "biggest effect on a person's health over anything else" and why 80% of his patients need this treatment in an area that controls all functions of the body.--Why the way children sit in schools actually PREVENTS learning (especially for boys).--How posture affects athletic performance (and the trait that 80% of sprinters--and only 20% of the population--have).--How the way you breathe impacts your posture.--The impact of posture in determining your biological
3/29/201456 minutes, 48 seconds
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Poor Posture: What Your Mother Never Told You

Mom always told us to sit up straight. Poor posture can actually be the cause and the indicator of serious health issues. In this episode, find out:--How posture can determine disease and disease can determine posture (and why Dr. Prather says the connection between posture and health is "under-taught and under-utilized" in America's health care system).--How Dr. Prather can determine health problems just by looking at a patient's posture.--Which job will give you a 60% greater chance of colon cancer because of posture issues.--How you can improve lung function, high blood pressure, EKG readings, and IQ cognitive ability (even reverse dementia) by changing the posture.--What is proper posture and why 60% of patients have poor posture that really impacts their health.--What Dr. Prather considers to have the "biggest effect on a person's health over anything else" and why 80% of his patients need this treatment in an area that controls all functions of the body.--Why the way children sit in schools actually PREVENTS learning (especially for boys).--How posture affects athletic performance (and the trait that 80% of sprinters--and only 20% of the population--have).--How the way you breathe impacts your posture.--The impact of posture in determining your biological
3/29/201456 minutes, 48 seconds
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3-22-20014: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Almost 5 million people suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In this episode, learn:--The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel.--How to diagnose Carpal Tunnel (and the common diagnostic error many doctors make).--The surprising underlying health causes of Carpal Tunnel (not just repetitive motion injuries).--Why so many surgeries fail to produce results.--How Dr. Prather has "NEVER", in almost 30 years of practice, has had to refer a patient for Carpal Tunnel surgery.--Why Dr. Prather says the most difficult Carpal Tunnel cases he sees are in patients who have already had Carpal Tunnel surgery.--The treatments for Carpal Tunnel (including the natural anti-inflammatories that work "better and quicker" than pharmaceuticals and without the side effects).--The reason why a neck adjustment can sometimes give immediate relief to Carpal Tunnel symptoms.--The treatment that patients want to put on their Christmas list!--The vitamin that Dr. Prather says is "THE most effective treatment for Carpal Tunnel", with the highest success rate of any
3/22/201455 minutes, 50 seconds
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3-22-20014: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Almost 5 million people suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In this episode, learn:--The symptoms of Carpal Tunnel.--How to diagnose Carpal Tunnel (and the common diagnostic error many doctors make).--The surprising underlying health causes of Carpal Tunnel (not just repetitive motion injuries).--Why so many surgeries fail to produce results.--How Dr. Prather has "NEVER", in almost 30 years of practice, has had to refer a patient for Carpal Tunnel surgery.--Why Dr. Prather says the most difficult Carpal Tunnel cases he sees are in patients who have already had Carpal Tunnel surgery.--The treatments for Carpal Tunnel (including the natural anti-inflammatories that work "better and quicker" than pharmaceuticals and without the side effects).--The reason why a neck adjustment can sometimes give immediate relief to Carpal Tunnel symptoms.--The treatment that patients want to put on their Christmas list!--The vitamin that Dr. Prather says is "THE most effective treatment for Carpal Tunnel", with the highest success rate of any
3/22/201455 minutes, 50 seconds
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3-15-2014: Feet Don't Fail Me Now!

Over 75% of us will experience foot problems in our lives. It's no wonder, considering that our feet endure 5 TONS of pressure every year. In this episode, discover:--How your back, neck, or knee pain may be connected to problems in your feet.--How chiropractic care should be your first option in treating foot problems (such as Plantar Fasciitis, Metatarsalgia, Morton's Neuroma, Hallux Valgus (bunions), Shin Splints, & Iliotibial Band Syndrome).--The computerized analysis that can diagnose one of 45 abnormal motions in the feet.--The treatment that Dr. Prather days has "almost 100% results" in improving circulation and has even helped patients avoid amputation of toes and feet.--Why oncologists refer patients to Dr. Prather to help with the neuropathy that comes as a side-effect of chemotherapy.--How custom orthotics retrain and rehabilitate the function of feet.--The mineral that Dr Prather "has not had an exception" in eliminating foot odor.--How neuropathy and nutrition are linked.--Why women have more feet problems than men (and why flip-flops and baby shoes can harm feet)  
3/15/201454 minutes, 41 seconds
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3-15-2014: Feet Don't Fail Me Now!

Over 75% of us will experience foot problems in our lives. It's no wonder, considering that our feet endure 5 TONS of pressure every year. In this episode, discover:--How your back, neck, or knee pain may be connected to problems in your feet.--How chiropractic care should be your first option in treating foot problems (such as Plantar Fasciitis, Metatarsalgia, Morton's Neuroma, Hallux Valgus (bunions), Shin Splints, Iliotibial Band Syndrome).--The computerized analysis that can diagnose one of 45 abnormal motions in the feet.--The treatment that Dr. Prather says has "almost 100% results" in improving circulation and has even helped patients avoid amputation of toes and feet.--Why oncologists refer patients to Dr. Prather to help with the neuropathy that comes as a side-effect of chemotherapy.--How custom orthotics retrain and rehabilitate the function of feet.--The mineral that Dr Prather "has not had an exception" in eliminating foot odor.--How neuropathy and nutrition are linked.--Why women have more feet problems than men (and why flip-flops and baby shoes can harm feet)
3/15/201454 minutes, 41 seconds
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3-8-2014: Homeopathic Medicine

This week, Dr. Prather uses his almost 30 years of being involved with Homeopathic Medicine to talk about its history and how it is a safe, effective option for your health. You'll learn:--How during the devestating 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, homeopathic hospitals had a death rate of around 10% while the medical hospitals had a death rate around 90%.--That modern medicine would not exist without homeopathy (nitroglycerin, vaccines, allergy shots, drug trials).--What is the Law of Similars that is the basis of homeopathy.--How the war on homeopathy by the American Medical Association led to the formation of the Food & Drug Administration.--How Dr. Prather uses Electro-Dermal Screening to determine which homeopathic medicine (out of 80,000 options) will work best for his patients.--Why homeopathy is the safest, least invasive treatment to start with for any ailment (and why it is especially safe for children and pregnant women who could be harmed by prescription drugs).--How homeopathy is effective when there aren't any medical options (drug-resistant infections, viruses, histoplasmosis).--The effectiveness of homeopathic medicine in avoiding overuse of antibiotics, and why Dr. Prather recommends it to help patients avoid being on more than 3 prescription drugs at once.--That homeopathy helps balance brain chemistry for emotional support as a non-drug solution in dealing with anxiety and depression.--Dr. Prather's "80-20” rule for your health care to help your body heal
3/8/201455 minutes, 30 seconds
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3-8-2014: Homeopathic Medicine

This week, Dr. Prather uses his almost 30 years of being involved with Homeopathic Medicine to talk about its history and how it is a safe, effective option for your health. You'll learn:--How during the devestating 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, homeopathic hospitals had a death rate of around 10% while the medical hospitals had a death rate around 90%.--That modern medicine would not exist without homeopathy (nitroglycerin, vaccines, allergy shots, drug trials).--What is the Law of Similars that is the basis of homeopathy.--How the war on homeopathy by the American Medical Association led to the formation of the Food Drug Administration.--How Dr. Prather uses Electro-Dermal Screening to determine which homeopathic medicine (out of 80,000 options) will work best for his patients.--Why homeopathy is the safest, least invasive treatment to start with for any ailment (and why it is especially safe for children and pregnant women who could be harmed by prescription drugs).--How homeopathy is effective when there aren't any medical options (drug-resistant infections, viruses, histoplasmosis).--The effectiveness of homeopathic medicine in avoiding overuse of antibiotics, and why Dr. Prather recommends it to help patients avoid being on more than 3 prescription drugs at once.--That homeopathy helps balance brain chemistry for emotional support as a non-drug solution in dealing with anxiety and depression.--Dr. Prather's "80-20” rule for your health care to help your body heal
3/8/201455 minutes, 30 seconds
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3-1-2014: Trigger Points–Undiagnosed Pain

Trigger Points are a common problem of pain that too often goes undiagnosed. In this eye-opening episode, discover:--How you can have referred pain due to a Trigger Point far away from the pain.--That Tigger Points can be the cause of severe, unexplained pain such as headaches, jaw pain, chest pain, eye pain, foot pain, tooth pain, and sciatica.--Why Trigger Points can be confusing for doctors and are undiagnosed.--The historical connection between Trigger Point research and the physical therapist who helped JFK with his severe back pain.--How Trigger Points are found and effectively treated in patients who have been put on high levels of pain medications, anxiety drugs, and anti-depressants due to the previously undiagnosed cause of their pain.--Why insurance companies love Trigger Point Therapy. (Hint: Compare unnecessary surgery costs versus the 8 visits in which patients receive full relief through Trigger Point Therapy.)--How stress kicks off Trigger Points and how Trigger Points affect your posture and breathing.--What to expect from Trigger Point therapy.--Why it is important to "rewire" the brain to change muscle memory and retrain the body after suffering from Trigger Points.--How everyone with TMJ has Trigger Points.Learn more at
3/1/201455 minutes, 54 seconds
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3-1-2014: Trigger Points–Undiagnosed Pain

Trigger Points are a common problem of pain that too often goes undiagnosed. In this eye-opening episode, discover:--How you can have referred pain due to a Trigger Point far away from the pain.--That Tigger Points can be the cause of severe, unexplained pain such as headaches, jaw pain, chest pain, eye pain, foot pain, tooth pain, and sciatica.--Why Trigger Points can be confusing for doctors and are undiagnosed.--The historical connection between Trigger Point research and the physical therapist who helped JFK with his severe back pain.--How Trigger Points are found and effectively treated in patients who have been put on high levels of pain medications, anxiety drugs, and anti-depressants due to the previously undiagnosed cause of their pain.--Why insurance companies love Trigger Point Therapy. (Hint: Compare unnecessary surgery costs versus the 8 visits in which patients receive full relief through Trigger Point Therapy.)--How stress kicks off Trigger Points and how Trigger Points affect your posture and breathing.--What to expect from Trigger Point therapy.--Why it is important to "rewire" the brain to change muscle memory and retrain the body after suffering from Trigger Points.--How everyone with TMJ has Trigger Points.Learn more at
3/1/201455 minutes, 54 seconds
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2-22-2014: ECP Therapy–Put The Pulse Back In Your Life

Heart Disease is the #1 killer in America. This week's episode focuses on what Dr. Prather considers to be the #1 treatment for cardiovascular disease--External CounterPulsation Therapy (or ECP). You'll learn:--How ECP Therapy works to provide your heart with the same benefit of 5 years of marathon training.--Who should have ECP Therapy and how it impacts angina, congestive heart failure, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and arrhythmias. --The inspiring story of a patient who went from over 90% blockage in her arteries to 100% clear in just seven weeks!--Why collateral circulation can save you from strokes and heart attacks (and how ECP Therapy opens up new circulation pathways). --How ECP Therapy improves circulation to benefit erectile dysfunction, hypertension, and kidney disease.--The impact of ECP Therapy on athletic performance and why Olympic and professional athletes use it as a part of their training regimen.--Oxygenation is the key to staying young and fighting aging. How ECP Therapy improves oxygenation to the cells more than any other treatment.--The shocking conversation with a cardiologist that motivated Dr. Prather to start offering ECP Therapy for his patients.--The safe, non-invasive, and proven track record of ECP Therapy.--What to expect during ECP Therapy.
2/22/201456 minutes, 7 seconds
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2-22-2014: ECP Therapy–Put The Pulse Back In Your Life

Heart Disease is the #1 killer in America. This week's episode focuses on what Dr. Prather considers to be the #1 treatment for cardiovascular disease--External CounterPulsation Therapy (or ECP). You'll learn:--How ECP Therapy works to provide your heart with the same benefit of 5 years of marathon training.--Who should have ECP Therapy and how it impacts angina, congestive heart failure, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and arrhythmias. --The inspiring story of a patient who went from over 90% blockage in her arteries to 100% clear in just seven weeks!--Why collateral circulation can save you from strokes and heart attacks (and how ECP Therapy opens up new circulation pathways). --How ECP Therapy improves circulation to benefit erectile dysfunction, hypertension, and kidney disease.--The impact of ECP Therapy on athletic performance and why Olympic and professional athletes use it as a part of their training regimen.--Oxygenation is the key to staying young and fighting aging. How ECP Therapy improves oxygenation to the cells more than any other treatment.--The shocking conversation with a cardiologist that motivated Dr. Prather to start offering ECP Therapy for his patients.--The safe, non-invasive, and proven track record of ECP Therapy.--What to expect during ECP Therapy.
2/22/201456 minutes, 7 seconds
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2-15-2014: Sexual Health

In honor of Valentine's Day, this week's show focuses on Sexual Health. In this episode, you'll learn:--How often is considered a healthy libido?--Why sex plays a role in your overall health, and how sex affects your immune system.--The reason why newlyweds can actually make each other sick (for up to 4 years!)--Why monogamy is healthier for your immune system.--How sex impacts your hormones and can promote healing and improved brain health.--How men can lower their rate of prostate cancer. (And how a man's angle of erection can reveal a lot about his health).--The natural, non-prescription answers for low libido and erectile dysfunction. (And why men who rely on drugs like Viagra probably have underlying health issues.)--The impact of pornography on low libido and a decrease in sexual health. (Plus, how Structure/Function medicine can help with addiction issues, including pornography.)--The STD that is a major cause of infertility and how a woman's sexual satisfaction improves fertility.--BONUS Wellness Tip Segment about how you can get a complete heart evaluation this month for just $85, and the tests included in that
2/15/201451 minutes, 45 seconds
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2-15-2014: Sexual Health

In honor of Valentine's Day, this week's show focuses on Sexual Health. In this episode, you'll learn:--How often is considered a healthy libido?--Why sex plays a role in your overall health, and how sex affects your immune system.--The reason why newlyweds can actually make each other sick (for up to 4 years!)--Why monogamy is healthier for your immune system.--How sex impacts your hormones and can promote healing and improved brain health.--How men can lower their rate of prostate cancer. (And how a man's angle of erection can reveal a lot about his health).--The natural, non-prescription answers for low libido and erectile dysfunction. (And why men who rely on drugs like Viagra probably have underlying health issues.)--The impact of pornography on low libido and a decrease in sexual health. (Plus, how Structure/Function medicine can help with addiction issues, including pornography.)--The STD that is a major cause of infertility and how a woman's sexual satisfaction improves fertility.--BONUS Wellness Tip Segment about how you can get a complete heart evaluation this month for just $85, and the tests included in that
2/15/201451 minutes, 45 seconds
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2-8-2014: Thyroid–The Key To Your Metabolism

The Voice of Health series on weight loss continues with a focus on how the thyroid is the key to your metabolism, which is how quickly you burn calories. In this episode, discover:--Why Dr. Prather believes it is a "waste of time" to try and lose weight if your thyroid is not working properly.--The high number of patients that have thyroid problems in Dr. Prather's clinical experience, and why Indiana is one of the unhealthiest thyroid states.--How the thyroid is actually the key to staying young.--The reason why thyroid prescription medications can sometimes result in your thyroid still not working properly (and the holistic approach Dr. Prather takes with his patients with over 40 different medicine options for an individual treatment approach.)--How Dr. Prather is able to correctly diagnose thyroid issues in patients whose doctors have told them they do not have a thyroid problem.--The impact of your diet on the thyroid, and why certain weight loss programs will prevent you from losing weight because they cause thyroid problems. --The connection between behavioral problems (ADD, ADHD) in children and thyroid dysfunction. --Dr. Prather's own personal story about how a specific chiropractic adjustment (Atlas Orthogonal) helped get his Graves' Disease under control. --The positive results from acupuncture to improve results in thyroid patients.--Everyone should have a thyroid check annually--even children.Learn more at
2/8/201449 minutes, 21 seconds
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2-8-2014: Thyroid–The Key To Your Metabolism

The Voice of Health series on weight loss continues with a focus on how the thyroid is the key to your metabolism, which is how quickly you burn calories. In this episode, discover:--Why Dr. Prather believes it is a "waste of time" to try and lose weight if your thyroid is not working properly.--The high number of patients that have thyroid problems in Dr. Prather's clinical experience, and why Indiana is one of the unhealthiest thyroid states.--How the thyroid is actually the key to staying young.--The reason why thyroid prescription medications can sometimes result in your thyroid still not working properly (and the holistic approach Dr. Prather takes with his patients with over 40 different medicine options for an individual treatment approach.)--How Dr. Prather is able to correctly diagnose thyroid issues in patients whose doctors have told them they do not have a thyroid problem.--The impact of your diet on the thyroid, and why certain weight loss programs will prevent you from losing weight because they cause thyroid problems. --The connection between behavioral problems (ADD, ADHD) in children and thyroid dysfunction. --Dr. Prather's own personal story about how a specific chiropractic adjustment (Atlas Orthogonal) helped get his Graves' Disease under control. --The positive results from acupuncture to improve results in thyroid patients.--Everyone should have a thyroid check annually--even children.Learn more at
2/8/201449 minutes, 21 seconds
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2-1-2014: Exercise and Weight Loss

This week, Dr. Prather and Lisa Prather continue their series on weight loss by welcoming Certified Athletic Trainer Jon Prather (also their son!) to talk about how exercise helps you gain muscle and lose fat. In this episode, learn:--How much time you need to exercise every week to benefit.--The importance of proper training and guidance for your workout to be effective.--"Ego Lifting" and its danger.--The test that reveals the key radio of muscle to fat.--The "Mind-Muscle Connection".--The right number of "reps" in exercise.--The trick that works your abs during cardio exercise.--The target heart rate for optimal weight loss.--The inspiring story about how exercise helped empty beds in a nursing
2/1/201449 minutes, 21 seconds
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2-1-2014: Exercise and Weight Loss

This week, Dr. Prather and Lisa Prather continue their series on weight loss by welcoming Certified Athletic Trainer Jon Prather (also their son!) to talk about how exercise helps you gain muscle and lose fat. In this episode, learn:--How much time you need to exercise every week to benefit.--The importance of proper training and guidance for your workout to be effective.--"Ego Lifting" and its danger.--The test that reveals the key radio of muscle to fat.--The "Mind-Muscle Connection".--The right number of "reps" in exercise.--The trick that works your abs during cardio exercise.--The target heart rate for optimal weight loss.--The inspiring story about how exercise helped empty beds in a nursing
2/1/201449 minutes, 21 seconds
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1-25-2014: Take The "DIE" Out of Diet

As people go on diets, they often become more unhealthy. As people become more unhealthy, they gain weight. That's why studies show those on diets actually tend to gain more weight than those who are not on diets. In this episode, discover:--The best way to measure weight (and it is NOT your scale).--Why Dr. Prather does not recommend low-calorie diets to his patients.--The health issues created by low-fat diets, and why ADDING certain types of fatty acids can help you LOSE weight.--The danger of low-protein/high-carbohydrate and high-protein/low-carbohydrate diets. --The 4 BALANCED diets Dr. Prather recommends that make you healthier and get you better results.--What Dr. Prather calls the "guaranteed" way to lose weight (and why our ancestors had a 4 times higher intake of this essential item).--The "Royal Court' trick to a healthy diet. --The test that reveals what you should eat to achieve your normal weight and results in a 100% success rate.--The shocking, man-made reason why gluten sensitivity is higher today.--The importance of evaluating the health of your
1/25/201449 minutes, 24 seconds
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1-25-2014: Take The "DIE" Out of Diet

As people go on diets, they often become more unhealthy. As people become more unhealthy, they gain weight. That's why studies show those on diets actually tend to gain more weight than those who are not on diets. In this episode, discover:--The best way to measure weight (and it is NOT your scale).--Why Dr. Prather does not recommend low-calorie diets to his patients.--The health issues created by low-fat diets, and why ADDING certain types of fatty acids can help you LOSE weight.--The danger of low-protein/high-carbohydrate and high-protein/low-carbohydrate diets. --The 4 BALANCED diets Dr. Prather recommends that make you healthier and get you better results.--What Dr. Prather calls the "guaranteed" way to lose weight (and why our ancestors had a 4 times higher intake of this essential item).--The "Royal Court' trick to a healthy diet. --The test that reveals what you should eat to achieve your normal weight and results in a 100% success rate.--The shocking, man-made reason why gluten sensitivity is higher today.--The importance of evaluating the health of your
1/25/201449 minutes, 24 seconds
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1-18-2014: Obesity–A National Trend

The statistics are staggering for the increasing obesity rates in America. Dr. Prather describes it as "a national trend". In this episode, find out:--The Body Composition Analysis test that is given to every new patient at The Prather Wellness Center.--The definition of "skinny fat" and why it is a health problem.--Why calorie intake has not increased, but the obesity rate has.--The food preparation change in society that contributed to obesity.--The diseases associated with obesity (and how much obesity costs the USA).--The connection between stress and obesity.--Why the 85% of people who diet on their own--without someone to monitor their lab tests--fail to achieve their goals.--How The Prather Wellness Center gets weight loss results for their
1/18/201449 minutes, 22 seconds
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1-4-2014: How To Live Younger

This week, The Voice of Health Radio teaches you "How To Live Younger". As Dr. Prather says, "With the advancing of years, you can actually turn back the clock." In this episode, find out:--The difference between chronological age and biological age.--How The Prather Wellness Center measures biological age.--The technique Dr. Prather uses to take 20 years off of a patient's biological age.--How the Disease Care and Structure/Function health care models affect longevity.--The biggest barrier to longevity in our health care system. (And the first place patients should always go.)--The system in your body that must be checked before starting any weight-loss program, its link to the majority of depression cases, and how it is key to preventing
1/5/201449 minutes, 22 seconds
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1-4-2014: How To Live Younger

This week, The Voice of Health Radio teaches you "How To Live Younger". As Dr. Prather says, "With the advancing of years, you can actually turn back the clock." In this episode, find out:--The difference between chronological age and biological age.--How The Prather Wellness Center measures biological age.--The technique Dr. Prather uses to take 20 years off of a patient's biological age.--How the Disease Care and Structure/Function health care models affect longevity.--The biggest barrier to longevity in our health care system. (And the first place patients should always go.)--The system in your body that must be checked before starting any weight-loss program, its link to the majority of depression cases, and how it is key to preventing
1/5/201449 minutes, 22 seconds
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12-28-2013: New Year's Resolutions–Should I Or Shouldn't I?

It's time to say goodbye to 2013 and usher in 2014. This is the time of year when many people decide to set New Year's Resolutions. in this episode, discover:--The #1 indicator of a person's potential for success according to Harvard studies.--The Top 10 Goals People Set.--The 3 health evaluations everyone should have every year.--A preview of a new program coming in 2014 to help you achieve your weight loss goals.--The stop smoking program that gets results for patients.--Tips for achieving your
12/28/201351 minutes, 58 seconds
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12-21-2013: Holiday Stress

Let's face it, holidays are not only a time of joy, but also a time for additional stress. In this fun and inspiring episode, The Voice of Health teaches you how to combat holiday stress. You'll learn:--The surprising percentage of disease that has an underlying cause of stress, according to the Center for Disease Control.--How men and women react differently to stress.--The Stress Quiz: Do you have these physical signs of stress?--Treatments for stress (and what Dr. Prather calls his "tension evaluation points".--Natural products to combat stress. And what role diet plays in stress, particularly holiday foods.--The personal trait that reduces stress and even adds seven years (and more happiness) to your life.--Why Dr. Prather has to teach people how to
12/21/201352 minutes, 21 seconds
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12-14-2013: Listener Questions

This week, Dr. Prather answers listener questions.--What is Structure/Function health care?--When will I be well?--What are the dangers of the Paleo Diet?--Isn't low cholesterol beneficial?--What about cleanses?--Is diet soda good?--How do we deal with stress?--How does acupuncture work?--How much sleep do we need?
12/14/201352 minutes, 25 seconds
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12-7-2013: Influenza

This week, Dr. Prather talks about influenza. You'll learn:--Which months comprise flu season (and the two months that are the worst for Indiana).--How flu vaccinations can cause harm and when you should always delay taking a flu vaccine.--The Prather Wellness Center treatments for the flu, including the most effective herbals and vitamins.--In the 1918 Spanish flu, 10% of the world's population died. In America, a particular kind of hospital only had a death rate of 10%, while medical hospitals had a death rate of 90%. Find out how this treatment can help you today.--How good diagnostics help you to keep your immune system
12/7/201352 minutes, 21 seconds
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11-23-2013: Kidney Stones

It's been said that kidney stones can be even more painful as childbirth. It's the cause of 1 million visits every year to the emergency room. 10% of men and 4% of women deal with this painful issue--and the numbers are increasing. In this episode, you'll learn:--The link between dehydration and kidney stones.--The imbalances in the body that lead to kidney stones, and which diagnostics you should have to determine the root cause.--The mineral that you must detoxify from your body FIRST before chronic kidney stone sufferers can find any relief.--Which salt can reduce your chances of kidney stones.--The Structure/Function approach of The Prather Wellness Center in treating kidney stones.--The surprising history behind Coca-Cola and the treatment of kidney stones (and how it is still helpful).--The dietary changes you should make.--Which HEALTHY foods you should AVOID if you have kidney stones.--How kidney stones can damage your kidneys long-term.
11/23/201349 minutes, 23 seconds
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11-30-2013: Diabetes

26 million Americans (including 7 million undiagnosed) suffer from Diabetes, while 79 million Americans are Pre-Diabetic. In this episode, learn:--Why Type 2 Diabetes is a "lifestyle issue".--Which diseases diabetics are more likely to develop.--The connection between Type 1 Diabetes and cow's milk.--How the nutritional approach of The Prather Wellness Center successfully diagnoses nutritional deficiencies and can help patients reduce their medications. --The herbals and homeopathics that help diabetics.--How chiropractic and acupuncture increase results for diabetic patients.--Diagnostics you should have done annually. --The relationship between the gut and diabetes, including fiber's role and how food allergies make an impact.
11/23/201349 minutes, 19 seconds
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11-16-2013: The Non-Invasive Approach To Heart Disease

This week's edition of The Voice of Health is about "The Non-Invasive Approach To Heart Disease". You'll learn:--How External CounterPulsation (ECP) Therapy replicates the benefits of five years of marathon training for the heart in just seven weeks.--How patients can avoid heart surgery by trying this effective, safe, and non-invasive approach first.--Why ECP Therapy is really the only treatment for congestive heart failure.--Why patients have called ECP Therapy "the sex machine" because of its benefits in treating erectile dysfunction. And how ECP Therapy benefits Dementia and Diabetes because of the increased oxygenation.--How this technology has been used by Olympic athletes to break records. --Plus, a special bonus segment with Dr. Joel Wallach, author of "Dead Doctors Don't Lie", on his approach to diabetes.Learn more at
11/16/201352 minutes, 20 seconds
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11-9-2013: A Radio Tour Of The Prather Wellness Center

In this episode, take a radio tour of The Prather Wellness Center and Meridian Health & Wellness. Learn...--How the Structure/Function health model differs from the Disease care model (and how to properly integrate them).--The health care model that research has shown to increase the state of the patient's well-being, while cutting costs by 40% and medical lawsuits by 80%. (And why Dr. Prather believes this is the solution to our health care crisis.)--The importance of proper diagnostics.--What to expect at your first appointment.--The various treatments available at The Prather Wellness Center and Meridian Health & Wellness that makes it the most comprehensive wellness center in the Midwest.Learn more at
11/9/201352 minutes, 23 seconds
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11-2-2013: The Natural Approach To Ear Infections

11/7/201352 minutes, 5 seconds
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10-26-2013: Iodine: Why You Can't Live Without It

11/5/201352 minutes, 26 seconds
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10-19-2013: The Liver–The Workhorse of the Body

11/5/201352 minutes, 20 seconds
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10-12-2013: National Chiropractic Health Month

October is National Chiropractic Health Month. This week, Dr. Prather heads for Davenport, Iowa to speak to the students and faculty of Palmer Chiropractic College--the fountainhead of chiropractic. In this episode, Dr. Prather talks about:--The history and founding of chiropractic.--The change that occurred in our health care system and medical schools a century ago (and the political corruption that was behind it).--The attacks on the chiropractic profession over the years that even saw chiropractors like Dr. Prather's grandfather being jailed.--The changes in attitude towards the chiropractic profession and Dr. Prather's vision on where chiropractic and health care should be going in the future.
10/12/201349 minutes, 20 seconds
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10-5-2013: Stress

We live in stressful times. Stress can be attributed to 30% of our health problems including cancer and heart disease. The proper balance for our lives is 20% stress and 80% relaxation. In this episode, Dr. Prather talks about natural methods to restore that proper balance and combat the effects of stress.Learn more at
10/5/201349 minutes
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9-28-2013: Thyroid Disease--The Under-Diagnosed Condition

15 million Americans have been diagnosed with Thyroid Disease, but up to 60 million may be suffering from it. Symptoms include fatigue, weight changes, hair and skin problems, high cholesterol, depression/anxiety, and even infertility.Find out why The Prather Wellness Center is able to correctly diagnose this issue when other doctors miss it and why they have such a successful track record in treating Thyroid Disease using the natural approach.Learn more at
9/28/201349 minutes, 21 seconds
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9-21-2013: Pain Relief Without Drugs

Relief from pain does not always have to come from a prescription pad. In this episode, Dr. Prather talks about safe and effective alternatives to dangerous prescription pain killers. Learn how alternatives such as chiropractic care, acupuncture (even needle-free options!), auricular therapy, natural supplementation, and homeopathy can help you.For more information:
9/21/201349 minutes, 2 seconds
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9-14-2013: TMJ

This week, Dr. Prather discusses TMJ syndrome. 80% of us will have some sort of jaw pain in our lives. TMJ is even linked directly to our emotional health, as well. Find out the techniques Dr. Prather uses to help his TMJ patients on this edition of The Voice of Health.Learn more at
9/14/201348 minutes, 56 seconds
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9-7-2013: Hair Analysis

This is the final week in a three-part series, "The Blueprint To Your Health". In this series, Dr. Prather talks about the three diagnostic tests everyone should have every year. In this episode, learn what information Hair Analysis reveals about your health.Learn more at
9/7/201349 minutes, 20 seconds
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8-31-2013: The Prather Profile Blood Analysis

This is Week #2 in a three-part series, "The Blueprint To Your Health". In this series, Dr. Prather talks about the diagnostic tests everyone should have every year. This week, Dr. Prather tells us about the comprehensive blood analysis that helps his patients get to the root cause of their problems--The Prather Profile.Learn more at
8/31/201349 minutes, 22 seconds
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8-24-2013: Your Health Is In Your Gut

This is Week #1 in a three-part series, "The Blueprint To Your Health". In this series, Dr. Prather talks about the diagnostic tests everyone should have every year. 80% of your immune system is found in the gut. This week, Dr. Prather talks about the importance of the G.I. Effects test.Learn more at
8/22/201349 minutes, 21 seconds
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4-13-2013 Homeopathic Medicine

4/14/201349 minutes, 15 seconds
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4-6-2013 Spinal Health

4/6/201349 minutes, 8 seconds
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3-30-2013 Heart Disease

3/31/201348 minutes, 35 seconds
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3-23-2013 A Radio Tour of The Prather Wellness Center

3/31/201349 minutes, 1 second
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2-23-2013: Thyroid--Is It All In Your Head?

2/23/201348 minutes, 21 seconds
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2-16-2013: Sexual Health

2/16/201349 minutes, 21 seconds
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2-2-2013: Digestive Disorders--Your Health Is In Your Gut

2/2/201354 minutes, 50 seconds
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1-26-2013: Cancer--The Best Cure Is Prevention

1/26/201349 minutes, 21 seconds
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1-12-2013: Managing Diabetes Naturally

1/20/201349 minutes, 21 seconds
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1-5-2013: The Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic Adjustment

1/11/201349 minutes, 21 seconds
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December 29, 2012: How Not To Die (Part II)

12/29/201254 minutes, 49 seconds
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December 22, 2012: How Not To Die (Part I)

12/29/201254 minutes, 51 seconds
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December 15, 2012: The Flu and You

12/15/201254 minutes, 50 seconds
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December 8, 2012: TMJ Disorder

12/8/201248 minutes, 51 seconds
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December 1, 2012: How To De-Stress Naturally

12/1/201254 minutes, 53 seconds
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November 24, 2012: The ABC's Of Vitamins (Part 2 of 2)

11/20/201248 minutes, 51 seconds
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November 17, 2012: The ABC's Of Vitamins (Part 1)

11/17/201254 minutes, 46 seconds
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November 10, 2012: Prostate Health

11/10/201254 minutes, 53 seconds
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October 27, 2012: Chronic Pain

10/27/201254 minutes, 37 seconds
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October 20, 2012: Chiropractic Adjustments

10/20/201254 minutes, 49 seconds
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October 13, 2012: Acupuncture

10/12/201248 minutes, 51 seconds
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September 29, 2012: Minerals--The Unsung Heroes of Your Health

10/12/201248 minutes, 51 seconds
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September 15, 2012: The Truth About Cholesterol

10/12/201254 minutes, 49 seconds
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October 6, 2012: Headaches

90% of all Americans will have a headache at least once this year. But 45 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches (meaning between 10 and 15 days every month). In this episode, we talk about:--How 75% of chronic headache sufferers give up on seeking medical help after 3 years because they find no relief.--The different types of headaches, both primary (tension, migraines, and cluster) and secondary.--How Chiropractic adjustments are the best treatment for cervicogenic headaches, specifically the Atlas Orthogonal Adjustment of the top neck vertebrae in which Dr. Prather specializes.--The role TMJ has in headaches, especially in the temple area. And the specialized Chiropractic adjustment technique for TMJ that Dr. Prather invented.--How Acupuncture, Physical Therapy, and Massage can help with headaches.--The role hormones, food allergies, and mineral imbalances can play in migraine headaches.--That one of the side effects of prescription drugs for headaches is...rebound headaches! And why prescription drugs should NOT be relied upon by those with chronic headaches.--The tests and exam diagnostics you should have done to determine the root cause of your headaches. And why patients found relief at The Prather Practice after being unsuccessful in finding help at some of the top headache clinics in the world.--How headaches can indicate something more serious and the symptoms you should especially be aware of.--How hypoglycemia can be a cause of unexplained headaches along with dizziness and shakes.
10/4/201248 minutes, 51 seconds