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This Week In Wellness

English, Fitness / Keep-fit, 1 season, 612 episodes, 2 days, 17 hours, 31 minutes
Brett Hill brings you This Week In Wellness, the health news highlights you need. Every week Brett scours the globe to find the most relevant and important health news highlight to bring to his tribe. In just 5 minutes he will get you up to date with the news and share his opinion of what this means for you. So tune in to stay up to date on the wellness world in just 5 minutes a week. Brett Hill brings you This Week In Wellness, the health news highlights you need. Every week Brett scours the globe to find the most relevant and important health news highlight to bring to his tribe. In just 5 minutes he will get you up to date with the news and share his opinion of what this means for you. So tune in to stay up to date on the wellness world in just 5 minutes a week.
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TWIW 224: The final Week In Wellness

This Week In Wellness I have decided to hang up the microphone (at least for the time being) and record the last ever episode of This Week In Wellness. Thank you for all your support over the years and thank you to all those who have supported this journey. You can keep following me at drbretthill on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok at my private practice at and inside my Healthy Lifestyle Choices Facebook group. 
1/7/20246 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWIW 223: Overweight may be a bigger burden than obesity

This Week In Wellness a Norwegian University of Science and Technology has suggested that the costs associated with overweight individuals in the Norwegian population are even greater than those associated with obesity. And given that 75 percent of men and 61 percent of women were overweight or obese these costs are not insignificant.  
12/17/20236 minutes, 16 seconds
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TWIW 222: The vegan twin may have less heart disease risk

This Week In Wellness a study of 22 pairs of identical twins by Stanford Medicine researchers has found that a vegan diet may improve cardiovascular health in as little as eight weeks.
12/10/20239 minutes, 43 seconds
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TWIW 221: Meat may prevent cancer

This Week In Wellness eating red meat and dairy could help to fight cancer according to a new study published in Nature.
12/4/20237 minutes, 28 seconds
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TWIW 220: Up to 80% of the population may be subluxated

This Week In Wellness a paper in the web based peer review journal Cureus, shows that up to 80% of US citizens may be suffering from vertebral subluxation and its side effects.!/
11/19/20238 minutes, 43 seconds
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TWIW 219: Oral Contraceptives may make women fearful

This Week In Wellness a report published in Frontiers of Endocrinology has suggested that use of the Oral Contraceptive Pill may enhance women’s susceptibility to stress-related illness and anxiety.
11/12/20235 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWIW 218: Mobile phones lower sperm count

This Week In Wellness research published in the journal Fertility and Sterility has found that EMF radiation caused by the increased use of mobile phones may be associated with a reduced sperm concentration and total sperm count (TSC) in the semen.
11/5/20234 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWIW 217: Triglycerides lower risk of dementia by 18%

This Week In Wellness high levels of triglycerides, a type of fat, long demonised for their potential role in heart disease and stroke, may contribute to a lower risk of dementia and a slower cognitive decline over time compared to people who have lower levels.
10/30/20236 minutes, 27 seconds
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TWIW 216: Sugary drinks linked to ADHD

This Week In Wellness a new study published in Nutrients has confirmed what many parents and health experts alike have long feared, namely that the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) was associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) symptoms.
10/22/20235 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWIW 215: Tea inactivates Omnicron

This Week In Wellness a study published in Scientific Reports has shown that black, green and matcha tea were all effective at inactivating the Omnicron subvariant of SARS Coronavirus 2.
10/8/20235 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWIW 214: 3000 steps a day as good as blood pressure meds

This Week In Wellness just 3000 steps a day may be enough to reduce blood pressure according to a new study in the Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease.
10/1/20237 minutes, 3 seconds
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TWIW 213: Keto diets may help women with PCOS conceive

This Week In Wellness research from the Journal of the Endocrine Society has shown that the ketogenic (or keto) diet may lower testosterone levels in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), potentially influencing their fertility.
9/24/20233 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWIW 212: Healthy lifestyle helps to prevent depression by 57%

This Week In Wellness a study published in Nature Mental Health has shown that 7 different lifestyle habits can all lower the risk of depression. The most impactful of these habits being adequate sleep which was able to lower depression by a whopping 22%.
9/17/20237 minutes, 5 seconds
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TWIW 211: Round Up class actions come to Australia

This Week In Wellness the class action lawsuits against Monsanto (the makers of Round-Up now owned by Bayer) previously reported overseas on this podcast have now come to Australia with an Australian man now claiming the weed killer has caused him to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
9/10/20237 minutes, 39 seconds
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TWIW 210: Lockdown and gut health

This Week In Wellness research published in the journal Scientific Reports showed that infants who spent most of their first year of life during the pandemic have fewer types of bacteria in their gut than infants born prior to the pandemic.
9/3/20236 minutes, 53 seconds
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TWIW 209: Your brain knows your immunity levels

This Week In Wellness peoples self assessments of their own bodies potential to fight off a pathogen was compared with the actual levels of antibodies in their blood for that same pathogen and the results were surprisingly accurate.
8/20/20237 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWIW 208: Yoga good for asthma

This Week In Wellness a large meta-analysis has shown that yoga, breathing exercises and aerobic training have been shown to improve lung function in asthmatics.
8/13/20235 minutes, 32 seconds
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TWIW 207: Peppermint oil for open heart surgery

This Week In Wellness the British medical Journal has reported that peppermint oil may ease people’s pain, reduce the need for drugs and enhance their sleep after open heart surgery.
8/6/20237 minutes, 54 seconds
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TWIW 206: Lack of sleep increases diabetes risk

This Week In Wellness researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, have uncovered a potential mechanism for the increased diabetes risk seen in those who do not get enough sleep.
7/23/20237 minutes, 54 seconds
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TWIW 205: Birth-control pills negatively impacts women’s stress response

This Week In Wellness a new study has shown that commonly used birth-control pills can negatively impact women’s stress response, in particular the ability to reduce their levels of the stress hormone ACTH when the stress has been removed.
7/16/20234 minutes, 53 seconds
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TWIW 204: Sleep reduces brain benefits of exercise

This Week In Wellness research has suggested that middle-aged men not getting enough sleep won’t get the protective benefits of exercise, when it comes to their brains.
7/11/20234 minutes, 3 seconds
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TWIW 203: Opioids no more effective than placebo for back and neck pain

This Week In Wellness Australian researchers have called into question the use of opioids for acute neck and back pain as research shows that the drugs may be no more effective than placebo.
7/2/20236 minutes, 29 seconds
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TWIW 202: PCB’s linked to ADHD

This Week In Wellness oestrogen mimicking polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been shown to pass down through the generations contributing to a variety of neuroendocrine, metabolic and reproductive problems in the grandchildren of those exposed.
6/18/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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TWIW 201: Breastfeeding linked to healthier diet in kids

This Week In Wellness a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has shown that a longer duration of breastfeeding in Spanish children was linked to a lower consumption of ultra-processed food items in preschool.
6/11/20238 minutes, 59 seconds
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TWIW 200: Fish oil increases your muscle and strength gains

This Week In Wellness supplementing with fish oil may increase the muscle and strength gains of healthy young adults doing strength training.
6/4/20233 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWIW 199: Motor control in kids linked to mathematics

This Week In Wellness better motor skills in first grade have been linked to better performance in reading and mathematics in the 3rd grade in a recent study at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
5/28/20234 minutes, 4 seconds
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TWIW 198: WHO advises against non-sugar sweeteners

This Week In Wellness the World Health Organisation (WHO) has updated their advice on the use of non-sugar sweeteners for weight control to reflect the fact that research shows they do not confer any long term benefit and may in fact increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and all death.
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TWIW 197: Healthy diet improves fitness without exercise

This Week In Wellness a healthy diet has been shown to increase physical fitness in middle aged adults by the same amount as an extra 4000 steps a day. This podcast is brought to you by Healthy Choices Chiropractic. Head to to book a full spinal, postural and neurological examination with me for just $39.
5/14/20236 minutes, 27 seconds
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TWIW 196: Sardines may be better than fish oil

This Week In Wellness a recent study published in the Frontiers in Nutrition Journal has shown that sardines may be more beneficial than fish oil supplements due to the presence of additional micronutrients. This podcast is brought to you by Healthy Choices Chiropractic. Head to to book a full spinal, postural and neurological examination with me for just $39.
5/7/20234 minutes, 41 seconds
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TWIW 195: Healthy diet reduces sleep apnea risk

This Week In Wellness high quality foods lower the risk of sleep apnea by up to 41% regardless of the individual's BMI according to a US study published in Nutrients. However it didn’t significantly impact insomnia or sleep quality.
4/30/20234 minutes, 41 seconds
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TWIW 194: The link between bone density and dementia

This Week In Wellness a study published in Neurology has identified an increased risk of dementia amongst elderly people with low bone density.
4/17/20236 minutes, 10 seconds
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TWIW 193: No such thing as fresh air

This Week In Wellness a study by researchers at Monash university has found that just 0.001% of the worlds population are breathing air below the safety levels recommended by the World Health Organisation (the WHO).  
4/9/20235 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWIW 192: Italian Government bans lab produced meat

This Week In Wellness the italian government has backed a bill to ban laboratory-produced meat, fish and milk including fines of up to €60,000 for those who transgress.    Italian agriculture lobbies have collected half a million signatures in recent months calling for protection of "natural food vs synthetic food"
4/2/20237 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWIW 191: A cheap sleep solution

This Week In Wellness a simple eye mask has been shown to improve memory and alertness in as little as 2 nights despite not affecting sleep timing or duration.
3/19/20234 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWIW 190: Breast milk helps seed microbiome

This Week In Wellness a new Dutch study has shown that 60 percent of a babies microbiome is inherited from their mother and that whilst babies born via caesarian section received less gut and vaginal microbes this may at least in part be made up for by a higher percentage of microbes from mums breast milk, skin and respiratory system.
3/12/20239 minutes, 15 seconds
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TWIW 189: Exercise 1.5x better than meds for depression

This Week In Wellness research from the University of South Australia showing that physical activity is 1.5 times more effective than traditional counselling or medication therapies has led researchers to call for exercise to be the primary approach for managing depression.
2/26/20234 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWIW 188: Purple vegetables are anti-diabetic

This Week In Wellness a new review from the University of Turku, Finland has shown that red, purple and blue pigments in fruits, vegetables, and tubers called anthocyanins may be able to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by modulating energy metabolism, inflammation and the gut microbiome.
2/19/20236 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWIW 187: Walking reduces dementia risk

This Week In Wellness walking and moderate to vigorous physical exercise have been shown to reduce the risk of cognitive impairment or dementia according to a study published in Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association.
2/5/20236 minutes, 15 seconds
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TWIW 186: Gratitude reduces stress, improves heart health

This Week In Wellness researchers from Irish universities have shown that practising gratitude can help to “buffer” stress, both reducing the heart's reaction to stress and also improving its recovery. https://www.researchgate.ne
1/29/20234 minutes, 30 seconds
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TWIW 185: No safe amount of alcohol says Canada

This Week In Wellness new guidelines from the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) suggest that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption and that having more than 2 drinks a week is considered “risky”. This follows a statement from the World Health organisation in the Journal Lancet in January that also stated there was no safe level of alcohol consumption.  
1/22/20236 minutes, 11 seconds
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TWIW 184: Mediterranean diet lowers risk of preeclampsia and gestational diabetes

This Week In Wellness researchers from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai found that pregnant women who consumed a mediterranean diet were 28% less likely to get pre eclampsia, and 37% less likely to suffer from gestational diabetes, both of which can cause complications for both mum and baby.
1/8/20235 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWIW 183: Protein consumption may reduce hip fracture risk

This Week In Wellness a study out of the University of Leeds has shown that for women, consuming just an extra 25 grams of protein a day was associated with a 14% reduction in their risk of hip fracture.
1/1/20234 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWIW 182: Intermittent fasting may reverse type 2 diabetes

This Week In Wellness a new study from China has shown that intermittent fasting for 3 months may be able to reverse type 2 diabetes in up to half of all individuals.  It is estimated that over half a billion people worldwide suffer from diabetes, with 95% of those suffering from the lifestyle-related type 2 diabetes.
12/25/20226 minutes, 29 seconds
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TWIW 181: Aspartame linked to generational anxiety

This Week In Wellness research out of Florida State University College of Medicine has linked the popular artificial sweetener Aspartame to anxiety in mice. In fact not only did it produce anxiety in the mice that consumed it, it also extended to their offspring for 2 generations.
12/18/20225 minutes, 27 seconds
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TWIW 180: 75% of toddler foods fail sugar guidelines

This Week In Wellness research by the Obesity Policy Coalition has found that over ¾ of the tested ready made foods for toddlers exceeded the World Health Organisations proposed guidelines for sugar consumption in a result that Health Minister Mark Butler described as "shocking".
12/11/20227 minutes, 45 seconds
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TWIW 179: Is “protein hunger” driving obesity

This Week In Wellness a new study looking at almost 10,000 Australians has suggested that so called “protein hunger” driven by increased consumption of overly processed and refined foods may play a key role in over-eating and obesity.,body's%20strong%20appetite%20for%20protein.
12/5/20228 minutes, 34 seconds
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TWIW 178: Mindfulness as good as meds for anxiety

This Week In Wellness a study published in JAMA Psychiatry has shown that a mindfulness-based stress reduction program was as effective as the popular antidepressant drug escitalopram in treating people with anxiety disorders.
11/27/20226 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWIW 176: Ancient viral RNA helps ward off new viruses

This Week In Wellness new research published in Science has shown that remnant viral DNA from historic infections can remain in the human genome and serve as antivirals that protect against present day viruses. The post TWIW 176: Ancient viral RNA helps ward off new viruses appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/6/20226 minutes, 3 seconds
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TWIW 175: Banned Monsanto additive found in Tasmanian Salmon

This Week In Wellness residues of an antioxidant added to fish feed and linked to cancer has been shown to be in higher levels in Tasmanian farmed Salmon than were found in European studies before the European Union decided to ban the additive altogether, say experts who are calling for tighter regulations. The post TWIW 175: Banned Monsanto additive found in Tasmanian Salmon appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/30/20226 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWIW 174: Long hours leads to depression

This Week In Wellness a study in the New England Journal of Medicine has shown that working long hours as a first year Medical resident leads to depression with those working 90 hours a week reporting 3 times the rate of depression as those working 45 hours. The post TWIW 174: Long hours leads to depression appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/23/20225 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWIW 173: Lifestyle, not heart disease, raises Covid risk

This Week In Wellness Michigan Medical researchers have determined that it is the lifestyle factors that increase heart disease risk, not the presence of heart disease itself, that raises the risk of Covid-19 death. The study looked at over 5000 people admitted to Intensive Care Units with severe Covid in in the United States and found that those with cardiovascular disease were at no greater risk than those without, once risk factors such as age, smoking and diabetes were adjusted for. These risk factors led to a 30% higher chance of Covid whether they led to cardiovascular disease or not. The post TWIW 173: Lifestyle, not heart disease, raises Covid risk appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/16/20225 minutes, 12 seconds
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TWIW 172: Eating late bad for metabolism, hunger and obesity risk

This Week In Wellness a study published in Cell Metabolism has shown that eating late causes decreased energy expenditure, increased hunger, and changes in fat tissue that may increase the risk of obesity. Retrieve%2fapi%2FS1550413122003977%3Fshowall%3Dtrue The post TWIW 172: Eating late bad for metabolism, hunger and obesity risk appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/9/20227 minutes, 17 seconds
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TWIW 171: New rules proposed for “healthy” foods

This Week In Wellness The US Food and Drug Administration wants to update its definition of “healthy” foods to have a greater emphasis on whole foods and allow foods like water, avocados, nuts and seeds and higher fat fish to be recognised as the health foods for the first time. Alternatively products that currently qualify as “healthy” such as white bread, highly sweetened yoghurt and highly sweetened cereals would be removed. The post TWIW 171: New rules proposed for “healthy” foods appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/2/20226 minutes, 15 seconds
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TWIW 170: Frequency over intensity when it comes to strength training

This Week In Wellness new research published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine has shown that working out more frequently and less intensely maybe be the key to increasing muscle size and strength. The post TWIW 170: Frequency over intensity when it comes to strength training appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/25/20225 minutes, 5 seconds
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TWIW 169: The advantage of naturally acquired immunity for Covid

This Week In Wellness the New England Journal of Medicine has published a study suggesting that the presence of mucosal antibodies in the airways may be responsible for the decreased risk of Omicron Covid infection for those with naturally acquired immunity when compared to those who received vaccinations alone. The post TWIW 169: The advantage of naturally acquired immunity for Covid appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/18/20224 minutes, 45 seconds
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TWIW 168: Ultra-processed foods linked to cancer, cognitive decline and early death

This Week In Wellness two new large studies across two countries published in the BMJ have shown that ultra-processed foods were linked to an increased risk of heart disease, colo-rectal cancers in men and early death in both men and women whilst another study presented at the 2022 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference has shown that just 20% of your diet coming from ultra-processed foods is linked to cognitive decline. The post TWIW 168: Ultra-processed foods linked to cancer, cognitive decline and early death appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/11/20227 minutes, 1 second
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TWIW 167: Your brain is checking your skin-folds

This Week In Wellness a study in Nature has shown that your brain actively surveys your fat cells to determine fat levels and down-regulate brown fat production and fat burning when it deems fat levels too be low. The post TWIW 167: Your brain is checking your skin-folds appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/4/20225 minutes, 39 seconds
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TWIW 166: Australians live longer but sicker

This Week In Wellness a report by the Australian Institute Of Health and Welfare (AIHW) titled Australia’s Health 2022 has shown that while life expectancy has risen, so have the levels of chronic disease. Over half of all Australians now have one or more chronic health conditions and over a third of these due to preventable risk factors such as smoking, physical inactivity or poor nutrition. If you or anyone you know needs help: Lifeline on 13 11 14 Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800 MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978 Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636 or its COVID-19 support service 1800 512 348 Headspace on 1800 650 890 ReachOut at Care Leavers Australasia Network (CLAN) on 1800 008 774 Brother to Brother on 1800 435 799 The post TWIW 166: Australians live longer but sicker appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/21/20225 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWIW 165: Poor sleep linked to fatty liver disease

This Week In Wellness sedentary lifestyle and poor sleep have been linked to fatty liver disease by Chinese researchers. The authors of the study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism said that “People with poor nighttime sleep and prolonged daytime napping have the highest risk for developing fatty liver disease,” and that even a “moderate improvement in sleep quality was related to a 29% reduction in the risk for fatty liver disease.” The post TWIW 165: Poor sleep linked to fatty liver disease appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/14/20224 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWIW 164: Exercise in a pill?

This Week In Wellness researchers at Baylor College of Medicine, Stanford School of Medicine and other collaborating institutions have identified a molecule in the blood that is produced during exercise and can reduce food intake and obesity in mice in an attempt to “understand how exercise works at the molecular level to be able to capture some of its benefits”. The post TWIW 164: Exercise in a pill? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/7/20227 minutes, 10 seconds
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TWIW 163: Wild Bison released to tackle climate change in UK

This Week In Wellness as the UK experiences some of its hottest weather on record, two leading conservation charities are releasing bison back into the wild for the first time in thousands of years in a bit to help tackle the climate crisis. The post TWIW 163: Wild Bison released to tackle climate change in UK appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/31/20225 minutes, 10 seconds
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TWIW 162: Is big pharma buying drug regulators?

This Week In Wellness a report by investigative journalist Maryanne Demasi has drawn into question the independence and trustworthiness of medical regulators all over the world as their finding sources are revealed. The investigation published by The BMJ looked at six leading regulators, in Australia, Canada, Europe, Japan, the UK, and US and showed that industry provides a significant portion of the funding for regulators worldwide and raises questions about the role this has played in medical scandals worldwide. The post TWIW 162: Is big pharma buying drug regulators? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/24/20227 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWIW 161: Less than seven percent of adults have good cardiometabolic health

This Week In Wellness a study of adult Americans has shown that less than seven percent of them have good metabolic health with the researchers describing the results as “a devastating health crisis requiring urgent action” The post TWIW 161: Less than seven percent of adults have good cardiometabolic health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/17/20227 minutes, 55 seconds
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TWIW 160: Poor posture linked to cognitive decline

This Week In Wellness a study published in Nature that looked at over 400 elderly Japanese men and women, has suggested that spinal posture assessments may be a useful tool for detecting cognitive decline in older populations. The post TWIW 160: Poor posture linked to cognitive decline appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/10/20225 minutes, 20 seconds
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TWIW 159: Plans to trial Glyphosate resistant GMO wheat in Australia

This Week In Wellness as the FDA announces that genetically modified, herbicide tolerant, HB4 wheat is safe to eat the US wheat industry spokesperson revealed that they plan to seek approval to plant HB4 wheat in Australia within the next year. The post TWIW 159: Plans to trial Glyphosate resistant GMO wheat in Australia appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/3/20225 minutes, 30 seconds
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TWIW 158: Low Vitamin D linked to dementia

This Week In Wellness following on from last week’s research showing a link between socialising and dementia now a University of South Australia study has shown a direct link between vitamin D deficiency and dementia. The post TWIW 158: Low Vitamin D linked to dementia appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/19/20225 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWIW 157: Social isolation linked to dementia

And this week I have a favour to ask. If you like this show and would like more people to be exposed to this kind of wellness research I would LOVE it if you could hit pause now and head to iTunes to leave me a 5 star review. Now onto the news… And This Week In Wellness a study published in the journal neurology has shown that socially isolated individuals have lower levels gray matter in their brains and a 26% increased likelihood of developing dementia. The post TWIW 157: Social isolation linked to dementia appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/12/20225 minutes, 12 seconds
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TWIW 156: Healthy Fats reduce heart risk

This Week In Wellness a systematic review and meta-analysis of 38 randomised control trials controlled trials of omega-3 fatty acids has shown that the fatty acid improves cardiovascular outcomes. The study, published in eClinical Medicine showed a greater reduction in cardiovascular risk when supplementing with EPA alone rather than combined EPA and DHA supplements. The post TWIW 156: Healthy Fats reduce heart risk appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/5/20226 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWIW 155: “Tech neck” on the rise in Australia

This Week In Wellness the Australian Chiropractors Association is reporting that Australians are now spending 5.5 hours a day on their phones, with the additional 60% of neck flexion caused placing an extra 27kg of weight through the spine and leading to increased risk for physical and mental health challenges. The post TWIW 155: “Tech neck” on the rise in Australia appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/29/20225 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWIW 154: Backroom deals create “draconian” Covid “dictatorship”

This Week In Wellness new South Australian laws enshrining emergency Covid powers into legislation have been described by the liberal opposition as “dark age dictatorship” amid growing concerns that the laws overreach in terms of the powers they provide and lack suitable safeguards. The post TWIW 154: Backroom deals create “draconian” Covid “dictatorship” appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/19/20225 minutes, 54 seconds
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TWIW 153: Do anti-inflammatories cause chronic pain?

This Week In Wellness a recent study by McGill University’s Division of Experimental Medicine, published in Science Translational Medicine shows that inflammation may in fact be necessary for healing acute injuries, throwing into question the common use of steroids and over the counter anti-inflammatories as a first line of defence. “This was very, very unexpected,” said co-author and professor Luda Diatchenko. The post TWIW 153: Do anti-inflammatories cause chronic pain? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/15/202210 minutes, 39 seconds
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TWIW 152: Antibiotic resistant meat in Australian supermarkets

This Week In Wellness a study conducted by World Animal Protection (formerly the World Society for The Protection of Animals) has shown that over half of all beef and over ⅓ of all salmon in Australian supermarkets harboured resistance to a range of antibiotics. The post TWIW 152: Antibiotic resistant meat in Australian supermarkets appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/8/20226 minutes, 59 seconds
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TWIW 151: Environmental action leads to happiness

This Week In Wellness a study published in Environmental Science and Policy has shown that environmentally friendly actions leads to greater ‘subjective well being’ (or happiness) regardless of their income, or values and motivations. The post TWIW 151: Environmental action leads to happiness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/1/20227 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWIW 150: Florida judge voids US mask mandate

This Week In Wellness the US will no longer enforce mask mandates as a federal judge in Florida has ruled them unlawful forcing Joe Biden to concede the mandate would “not (be) in effect at this time”. The post TWIW 150: Florida judge voids US mask mandate appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/24/20224 minutes, 57 seconds
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TWIW 149: Freedom fighting website targeted by electoral commission

This Week In Wellness a website promoting “freedom fighting” election hopefuls, has been targeted by The Australian Electoral Commission for apparently breaching “political authorisation rules”. The post TWIW 149: Freedom fighting website targeted by electoral commission appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/17/20225 minutes, 4 seconds
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TWIW 148: Researcher famed for accusing natural remedies of fraud, accused of fraud

This Week In Wellness Steven Newmaster, a researcher and botanist at the University of Guelph is facing charges of using fraudulent research methods. Newmaster found fame in 2013 publishing a study in BMC Medicine using DNA barcoding on herbal products such as echinacea, ginkgo biloba, and St. John’s wort and accusing the products of containing different plants to those labelled, laden with inert fillers and tainted with contaminants that could cause liver and colon damage, skin tumours, and other serious health problems. These reports had significant impacts on the natural health industry and led to major retailers removing products from their shelves. The post TWIW 148: Researcher famed for accusing natural remedies of fraud, accused of fraud appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/10/20228 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWIW 147: Children 0-4 added to vaccine injury compensations scheme

This Week In Wellness in a move described by News Ltd as being “quietly noted in budget papers” Children aged 0 to 4 years of age have been added to Australia’s vaccine injury compensation claims scheme and Health Minister Greg Hunt suggested planning was under way for “children aged zero to four”, despite no vaccines being approved as safe for those under 5 in Australia at this stage. The post TWIW 147: Children 0-4 added to vaccine injury compensations scheme appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/3/20223 minutes, 57 seconds
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TWIW 146: 95% of dietary guidelines creators conflicted

This Week In Wellness a March 2022 study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition has found that 95% of the advisory committee members that created the 2020-2025 US Dietary Guidelines had a conflict of interest with food and or pharmaceutical industries. The post TWIW 146: 95% of dietary guidelines creators conflicted appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/27/20226 minutes, 15 seconds
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TWIW 145: Medical ‘maximisers’ may be worse off

This Week In Wellness a study has shown that “medical maximisiers”, people who are more prone to race off to the doctor, seek a prescription and demand a treatment may actually be doing themselves a disservice. The study looked at almost 3000 Aussie men aged 45 to 60 who were eligible for a prostate screening and was published on the JAMA Network Open. The post TWIW 145: Medical ‘maximisers’ may be worse off appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/20/20228 minutes, 49 seconds
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TWIW 144: Glucose or Fructose?

This Week In Wellness a systematic review examining the replacement of glucose and sucrose with fructose in foods and drinks has failed to show the harmful effects of Fructose previously suggested and may even suggest some benefit to fructose consumption. The post TWIW 144: Glucose or Fructose? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/13/20225 minutes, 55 seconds
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TWIW 143: Eating meat extends lifespan

This Week In Wellness a landmark Adelaide Uni study has shown that meat consumption leads to increased life expectancy despite what they describe as “research that has thrown a negative spotlight on meat consumption in the human diet,” The post TWIW 143: Eating meat extends lifespan appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/27/20228 minutes, 22 seconds
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TWIW 142: Vitamin D may massively reduce Covid risk

This Week In Wellness as Israel deals with it’s 5th wave of Corona virus despite some of the highest vaccination and booster rates in the world a new study on Vitamin D supplementation in that country is showing a lot of promise. Described as “some of the most convincing evidence to date” Researchers from Bar Ilan University and the Galilee Medical Center have gone as far as to say that they can predict how people would fare if infected based on nothing more than their ages and vitamin D levels. The post TWIW 142: Vitamin D may massively reduce Covid risk appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/20/20227 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWIW 141: Lockdowns didn’t work say John Hopkins Institute

This Week In Wellness economists from the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics have conducted a meta-analysis of the impact of Covid-19 lockdowns on mortality and concluded that they had “little to no effect” on saving lives. Their analysis of the data concluded that lockdowns across Europe and the USA had “reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% on average” with some of the studies actually showing an increased mortality. The post TWIW 141: Lockdowns didn’t work say John Hopkins Institute appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/13/20225 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWIW 140: 3 day wellness festival comes to the Adelaide Hills

This Week In Wellness a 3 day wellness festival incorporating over 60 events is coming to the Adelaide Hills this April as part of their bushfire recovery efforts funded by the Federal Government. Martin Radcliffe, Chair of Adelaide Hills Tourism Board said that it was fitting that the Adelaide Hills was the first region in Australia to be home to the inaugural Wellness Wander event. Bad Back To School >>> The post TWIW 140: 3 day wellness festival comes to the Adelaide Hills appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/6/20227 minutes, 21 seconds
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TWIW 139: Spotify chooses Rogan over Young

This Week In Wellness musician Neil Young has told music and podcasting platform Spotify that “They can have Rogan or Young. Not both,” referring to Joe Rogan, one of the most popular podcasters in the world. Spotify in turn responded by removing all of Young’s music backing in the top-rated podcaster to whom they have exclusive rights. The post TWIW 139: Spotify chooses Rogan over Young appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/30/20226 minutes, 7 seconds
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TWIW 138: If you want your kids to trust you, share your saliva

This Week In Wellness saliva sharing amongst family members helps children discern who they can trust and turn to in times of stress. A 2022 study published in the journal Science showed that exposure to family member spit (or saliva sharing) plays a crucial role in how we define our relationships and it starts from the first few months of life. This episode is brought to you by my FREE mentoring group Healthy Lifestyle Choices. For wellness information, inspiration and mentoring from me just search the group Healthy Lifestyle Choices with Brett Hill on Facebook. The post TWIW 138: If you want your kids to trust you, share your saliva appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/23/20227 minutes, 16 seconds
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TWIW 137: Could your cuppa be causing cancer or birth defects?

This Week In Wellness research published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology has shown that a cup of tea can contain up to 60 disinfection byproducts (DBP’s) including some with unknown health side effects. This episode is brought to you by my FREE mentoring group Healthy Lifestyle Choices. For wellness information, inspiration and mentoring from me just search the group Healthy Lifestyle Choices with Brett Hill on Facebook. The post TWIW 137: Could your cuppa be causing cancer or birth defects? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/16/20227 minutes, 11 seconds
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TWIW 136: DHA may help prevent autism and schizophrenia

This episode is brought to you by my Exercising Resilience mentoring program. For the first time this year Exercising Resilience is open to new members. Head to to get personally mentored by me for free for the first month. This Week In Wellness getting enough DHA during pregnancy may help prevent maternal stress on unborn male fetuses, leading to a reduction in the development of neurodegenerative disorders like autism and schizophrenia. The post TWIW 136: DHA may help prevent autism and schizophrenia appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/19/20215 minutes, 53 seconds
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TWIW 135: Could Vit D halve COVID deaths?

This Week In Wellness acute Vitamin D3 supplementation was shown to almost halve the risk of being hospitalized for more than 8 days in COVID cases with comorbidities compared to cases without comorbidities who did not supplement and decreased the mortality rate by over 2 times. You’ve been listening to This Week In Wellness with Brett Hill. To continue the conversation find us on Facebook at, if you liked this episode please leave us a review on iTunes and for more information about this and other projects from me head to P.s. my small group mentoring program Exercising Resilience is currently taking on new members for the first time in 12 months. If you would like to get involved at the EARLY BIRD rate be sure to head to before xmas day to sign up. The post TWIW 135: Could Vit D halve COVID deaths? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/12/20215 minutes, 16 seconds
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TWIW 134: Not so secret; herbs and spices lower blood pressure

This Week In Wellness a randomised control trial conducted by researchers from Pennsylvania State University has shown that diets high in herbs and spices may reduce blood pressure in people at risk of cardiovascular disease. Join me on the 16th of December for my LIVE streamed webinar on “How to strengthen your body to suit the environment”. Click on the following link to register The post TWIW 134: Not so secret; herbs and spices lower blood pressure appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/5/20216 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWIW 133: Do you have tumour killing bacteria?

This Week In Wellness researchers from the University of Cincinnati are investigating whether helpful bacteria may be used to help break down and destroy cancers. The study, published in the journal Advanced Healthcare Materials looked at “solid cancers” such as those that affect the breast and prostate as these form a barrier around themselves of collagen and hyaluronic acid that can be hard for antibodies and immune cells to penetrate. The post TWIW 133: Do you have tumour killing bacteria? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/28/20216 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWIW 132: Meat consumption leads to better mental health

This Week In Wellness a large meta-analysis published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition show that meat abstention, in other words, vegetarianism or veganism is “clearly associated with poorer mental health, specifically higher levels of both depression and anxiety”, whilst meat consumption is associated with “lower levels of depression and anxiety”. The post TWIW 132: Meat consumption leads to better mental health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/21/20216 minutes, 21 seconds
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TWIW 131: Supportive strategies help picky eaters

This Week In Wellness in a lesson for all parents and caregivers adults who were picky eaters as kids thank strategies that were positive and encouraging for helping them change their palate. The post TWIW 131: Supportive strategies help picky eaters appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/14/20215 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWIW 130: Zinc shortens respiratory tract infections

This Week In Wellness Australian researchers published in the BMJ Open have confirmed that zinc can help shorten respiratory tract infections including colds, flus, sinusitis and pneumonia whilst suggesting that many over the counter cold remedies only offer “marginal benefits”. The post TWIW 130: Zinc shortens respiratory tract infections appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/7/20217 minutes
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TWIW 129: Could Mediterranean countries benefit from switching to a Paleo diet?

This Week In Wellness a study looking at adherence to the PaleoDiet and the relative risk of cardiovascular disease in a mediterranean cohort has shown a 55% relative reduction in risk for those in the highest quintile (or 1/5th) compared to those in the lowest quintile. In other words those most closely in alignment with the diet were significantly less likely to get cardiovascular disease than those least in alignment. This result was consistent across sexes, weight categories and activity levels. This podcast is brought to you by my new Facebook community Healthy Lifestyle Choices with Brett Hill. To get information, videos, podcasts and LIVE mentoring from me just search for Healthy Lifestyle Choices with Brett Hill on Facebook. The post TWIW 129: Could Mediterranean countries benefit from switching to a Paleo diet? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/30/20217 minutes, 22 seconds
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TWIW 128: Is Glyphosate also linked to breast cancer?

This Week In Wellness in yet another potential blow to Bayer (the acquirer of Monsanto) and their controversial weed killer Glyphosate a pilot study published in the journal Environmental Pollution has suggested that it may cause a 4.5 fold increase in the risk of breast cancer. The post TWIW 128: Is Glyphosate also linked to breast cancer? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/24/20216 minutes, 30 seconds
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TWIW 127: Refined carbohydrates harm your memory

And This Week In Wellness just 4 weeks highly processed, carb laden foods have been linked to inflammation, memory loss and Alzheimer’s whilst Omega 3’s and DHA have been shown to reduce the effects, even without other dietary changes. This podcast is brought to you by my new Facebook community Healthy Lifestyle Choices with Brett Hill. To get information, videos, podcasts and LIVE mentoring from me just search for Healthy Lifestyle Choices with Brett Hill in Facebook. The post TWIW 127: Refined carbohydrates harm your memory appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/17/20216 minutes, 37 seconds
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TWIW 126: Clean air matters for brain health

This Week In Wellness breathing in clean air has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Tint particulate matter released by cars and factories known as PM2.5 has previously been linked to memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease due to the capacity of the tiny particles to pass directly up into the brain (via the nose) and hence bypass the blood-brain barrier. It has also been been linked to premature death, particularly in people with chronic heart or lung diseases. The post TWIW 126: Clean air matters for brain health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/10/20215 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWIW 125: Your heart may need more than just walking

This Week In Wellness a small study published in the journal Circulation of the American Heart Association has shown that regular intense exercise for people with early signs of heart failure may be able to increase the elasticity of their heart muscles. The post TWIW 125: Your heart may need more than just walking appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/3/20216 minutes, 9 seconds
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TWIW 124: Could it be carb intake rather than overeating that causes obesity?

This Week In Wellness Dr. David Ludwig, Endocrinologist at Boston Children’s Hospital and Professor at Harvard Medical School has published a paper with the bold claim that over consuming processed carbs rather than overeating is the primary cause of the worldwide obesity crisis. The post TWIW 124: Could it be carb intake rather than overeating that causes obesity? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/26/20216 minutes, 54 seconds
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TWIW 123: Healthy Lifestyle Choices

This Week In Wellness I launch my new online community Healthy Lifestyle Choices. In a world full of information, misinformation, bias, hyperbole and conspiracy theories it is not hard to find information but it is hard to know which information to trust. And in a social media inspired world of echo chambers, where black and white thinking abounds, it is hard to find a place to have a balanced healthy argument, where people are willing to acknowledge the pros and cons of each side of the debate in the search of truth rather than the search to be right. The post TWIW 123: Healthy Lifestyle Choices appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/19/20212 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWIW 122: Reducing sugar could save $160 billion

This Week In Wellness a team of American researchers have shown that reducing sugar by just 20% in packaged foods and 40% in drinks could prevent half a million deaths and save over 2 billion dollars in the US alone within the first 10 years. The post TWIW 122: Reducing sugar could save $160 billion appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/12/20218 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWIW 121: What if we can’t reach herd immunity?

This Week In Wellness with Iceland and Israel in the midst of their biggest Covid outbreaks despite 86% of those over 16 being fully vaccinated in Iceland and Israel having 78% of those 12 and over vaccinated, questions are being asked about whether we will ever be able to reach herd immunity. The post TWIW 121: What if we can’t reach herd immunity? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/5/20219 minutes, 6 seconds
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TWIW 120: Anti-anxiety drug usage soars by 31%

This Week In Wellness the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners has reported that prescription rates of anxiety and depression medication have risen dramatically in recent months amidst the ongoing uncertainty created by the Government’s response to Corona virus. The post TWIW 120: Anti-anxiety drug usage soars by 31% appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/15/20215 minutes, 17 seconds
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TWIW 119: Mercola removes 15,000 articles after media and political pressure

This Week In Wellness popular American Osteopath and wellness blogger Dr. Joseph Mercola’s, who’s website is reported to get over 1.9 million visitors each month, has removed over 15,000 articles from his website published over the last 25 years in response to pressure from media and regulators alike, including the US-based FDA. The post TWIW 119: Mercola removes 15,000 articles after media and political pressure appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/8/20216 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWIW 118: Bayer to phase out Glyphosate in the US

This Week In Wellness Bayer Monsanto have announced that they will no longer sell glyphosate-based herbicides to residential U.S. gardeners as of 2023, following costly lawsuits over the cancer causing weedkiller, under the label Roundup. The post TWIW 118: Bayer to phase out Glyphosate in the US appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/1/20216 minutes, 27 seconds
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TWIW 117: Good Cholesterol may protect liver

This Week In Wellness new research from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis suggests that the so-called “good cholesterol”, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) has a previously unknown role in protecting the liver from injury. The post TWIW 117: Good Cholesterol may protect liver appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/25/20215 minutes, 10 seconds
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TWIW 116: Too deadly for diabetes

This Week In Wellness urban Aboriginal diabetes lifestyle program Too Deadly for Diabetes is creating overwhelmingly positive results in regards to weight loss, blood pressure control and glycaemic control in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people using a low-cost easy to prepare diet and flexible exercise program, providing links to YouTube videos that were sent to participants each week. The post TWIW 116: Too deadly for diabetes appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/18/20216 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWIW 115: Fake meat and meat are not nutritionally equivalent

This Week In Wellness researchers from Duke University have taken a deep dive into the metabolomics of meat and so called “near meat” showing that not surprisingly they are as different as plants and animals. The post TWIW 115: Fake meat and meat are not nutritionally equivalent appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/11/20216 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWIW 114: Swap seed oils for fish oils for a 30-40% migraine reduction

This Week In Wellness a diet high in fatty fish has been shown to reduce both the frequency and intensity of migraines when compared to a diet high in vegetable oils. Researchers from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) studied 182 adults with frequent migraines using a 16-week dietary intervention. The post TWIW 114: Swap seed oils for fish oils for a 30-40% migraine reduction appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/4/20216 minutes, 44 seconds
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TWIW 113: Fruit and veg in pregnancy reduces developmental delays

This Week In Wellness a three-generation cohort study has shown that high fruit and vegetable consumption during pregnancy is associated with a lower risk of developmental delays in the resultant children at age 2. The post TWIW 113: Fruit and veg in pregnancy reduces developmental delays appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/28/20216 minutes, 20 seconds
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TWIW 112: The LAST EVER Wellness Summit

This Week In Wellness The Wellness Couch podcast network has announced that the LAST EVER Wellness Summit will be taking place online in less than a week. I am joined by my co-director Marcus Pearce as we discuss what a Wellness Summit is, talk a bit about the past Summit’s and most importantly what you can expect at this year’s LAST EVER Wellness Summit. To find out more and secure your ticket (no matter where in the world you are) head to The post TWIW 112: The LAST EVER Wellness Summit appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/20/202140 minutes, 7 seconds
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TWIW 111: Journal says “spiritual wellbeing” may help guard against Alzheimer’s

This Week In Wellness research published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease no less, has suggested that “spiritual well being” could help to reduce multiple risk factors and potentially help people age Alzheimer’s free. The post TWIW 111: Journal says “spiritual wellbeing” may help guard against Alzheimer’s appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/13/20215 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWIW 110: 9 in 10 Aussie girls not active enough

This Week In Wellness the cancer Council is reporting that only 16% of Australian secondary school children meet the recommended guidelines for physical activity and the story is even worse for our girls with just 9% reaching that mark. This despite over ¾ of the students acknowledging that both their parents and their school had encouraged them to participate in sport and physical activity. The post TWIW 110: 9 in 10 Aussie girls not active enough appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/30/20217 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWIW 109: A new mental health disorder

This Week In Wellness a small group of researchers are pushing for the clinical construct ‘Sluggish Cognitive Tempo’ characterised by mental fogginess, hypoactivity, sluggishness, staring frequently, inconsistent awareness and slow working speed to become an officially recognised diagnosis paving the way for sufferers to get extra help and medication. The post TWIW 109: A new mental health disorder appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/23/20215 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWIW 108: Microplastics in rice

This Week In Wellness a world first study investigating the levels of plastic in store bought rice has shown that Australians may be consuming up to 13mg of plastic per serve. And this plastic appears to be primarily as a result of plastics used in both agriculture and processing practices rather than packaging. Grab a ticket to the best wellness event in Adelaide this year! Body, Brain and Bank The post TWIW 108: Microplastics in rice appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/17/20217 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWIW 107: Vaccine patents and profits in review

This Week In Wellness whilst the US Government and the European Union have indicated a willingness to discuss waiving intellectual property rights for COVID-19 vaccines, Germany, home to a large pharmaceutical sector and the pharmaceutical companies themselves are rallying against the idea. Drug company share prices have slipped as a result. Grab a ticket to the best wellness event in Adelaide this year! Body, Brain and Bank The post TWIW 107: Vaccine patents and profits in review appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/9/20216 minutes, 29 seconds
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TWIW 106: DHA may help guard against autism and schizophrenia

This Week In Wellness Researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine and the MU Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders have discovered a potential role of DHA (docosahexanoic acid) in guarding against the impact of maternal stress (linked to neurodevelopmental disorders) on unborn males during early development. Grab a ticket to the best wellness event in Adelaide this year! Body, Brain and bank The post TWIW 106: DHA may help guard against autism and schizophrenia appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/2/20217 minutes, 27 seconds
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TWIW 105: Mushrooms may reduce cancer by 45%

This Week In Wellness higher mushroom consumption has been associated with a decreased risk of cancer according to a new study published in Advances in Nutrition. The systematic review and meta-analysis carried out by Penn State Cancer Institute examined 17 cancer studies, with the oldest dating right back to 1966 and a combined database of 19,500 patients. The results showed that those who ate an average of 18 grams of mushrooms a day had a whopping 45% lower risk of cancer than those who eat none. Grab a ticket to the best wellness event in Adelaide this year! Body, Brain and bank The post TWIW 105: Mushrooms may reduce cancer by 45% appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/25/20216 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWIW 104: Paracetamol ineffective for most pain

This Week In Wellness a review conducted by researchers from the University of Sydney and published in the Medical Journal of Australia has concluded that paracetamol (commonly sold in Australia as Panadol) is no more effective than placebo for most common illness and injuries and in that it’s most ineffective use was for back pain. If you are in Adelaide check out my new Chiropractic Practice, Healthy Choices Chiropractic The post TWIW 104: Paracetamol ineffective for most pain appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/18/20215 minutes, 3 seconds
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TWIW 103: Dummy Sterilisation Linked To Allergies

This Week In Wellness a study of 700 Geelong infants has shown that those whose dummies (or pacifiers) were sterilised or otherwise cleaned at 6 months of age were more likely to have a food allergy by 12 months of age. The Barwon Infant Study, published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, showed that babies whose dummies were clean with antiseptic were more likely to develop food allergies and those for whom the antiseptic use was “persistent and repeated” even more so. If you are in Adelaide check out my new Chiropractic Practice, Healthy Choices Chiropractic The post TWIW 103: Dummy Sterilisation Linked To Allergies appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/11/20215 minutes, 41 seconds
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TWIW 102: Government to research magic mushrooms and MDMA

This Week In Wellness the Australian Federal Government has announced that they will spend $15 million funding research into psychedelics for the treatment of mental illnesses including depression, addictions and eating disorders. The trials are set to include both naturally occurring and lab produced psychedelics with the list set to include magic mushrooms, ketamine and MDMA. Get personally mentored by me to be more resilient physically, emotionally and financially. Head to to join my exclusive community. If you or anyone you know needs help: Lifeline on 13 11 14 Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800 MensLine Australia on 1300 789 978 Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467 Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636 Headspace on 1800 650 890 ReachOut at Care Leavers Australasia Network (CLAN) on 1800 008 774 The post TWIW 102: Government to research magic mushrooms and MDMA appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/21/20217 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWIW 101: URGENT input needed into Dietary Guidelines review

This Week In Wellness Australian of the Year and Ophthalmologist James Muecke, former Australian Cricket Doctor Peter Brukner and Orthopaedic surgeon Gary Fettke have written an open letter to the Australian public asking for help participating in a current review of the Australian Dietary Guidelines by the NHMRC (the National Health and Medical Research Council). Get personally mentored by me to be more resilient physically, emotionally and financially. Head to to join my exclusive community. The post TWIW 101: URGENT input needed into Dietary Guidelines review appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/14/20216 minutes, 55 seconds
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TWIW 100: Help me celebrate 100 episodes by helping Joseph!

This Week In Wellness we celebrate our 100th episode. And rather than make it a self indulgent celebration of us, we decided to make it an episode about gratitude. In particular gratitude to our long term podcast producer Joseph who is going through a tough time. If you are as grateful to The Wellness Couch as I am I would love for you to join me in supporting Joseph in this difficult time and contributing to his dear mothers funeral. Whether it is $1, $5, $10 or $100 ever cent counts at this difficult time. So thanks for an amazing 2 years of listening to This Week In Wellness and here’s to many more with the support of our amazing podcast producer Joseph! The post TWIW 100: Help me celebrate 100 episodes by helping Joseph! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/7/20219 minutes, 7 seconds
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TWIW 99: Do plant foods cause cats to kill wildlife

This Week In Wellness a 12-week trial has shown that cats that eat more animal proteins are less likely to impact on wildlife. The study looked at 355 cats in South West England and compared cats whose diet was largely meat derived with cats who were fed more plant-derived proteins. Get personally mentored by me to be more resilient physically, emotionally and financially. Head to to join my exclusive community. The post TWIW 99: Do plant foods cause cats to kill wildlife appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/28/20217 minutes, 55 seconds
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TWIW 98: Street lights may cause cancer

This Week In Wellness The American Cancer Society Journal has published a study showing that street lamps and neon signs may increase your risk of thyroid cancer by 55%! In yet another example of people in the alternative medicine fields being ahead of the game (and ignored or worse ridiculed by conventional medicine) the link between “light pollution” and cancer just keeps getting stronger with this study adding to previous studies suggesting that nighttime light may also play a role in breast cancer as well. Get personally mentored by me for 30 days for just $1! Head to to join my exclusive community. The post TWIW 98: Street lights may cause cancer appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/21/20216 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWIW 97: Outdoor work lowers risk of breast cancer

This Week In Wellness working outside has been shown to lower the risk of breast cancer for Danish women over the age of 50 by new research in the journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Whilst previous research has indicated that vitamin D levels in the blood were linked to reduced levels of breast cancers that evidence was deemed inconclusive. With the primary source of Vitamin D being UVB sunlight this research further adds weight to those findings. Get personally mentored by me for 30 days for just $1! Head to to join my exclusive community. The post TWIW 97: Outdoor work lowers risk of breast cancer appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/7/20215 minutes, 58 seconds
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TWIW 96: Irish soil kills bacteria

This Week In Wellness soil from the West Fermanagh scarp-lands used in ancient Irish folk remedies contains several species of antibiotic producing organisms. The study published in MDPI Applied Microbiology conducted by the Traditional Medicine Group, a collection of scientists from Northern Ireland, Swansea University and Brazil have discovered new antibiotic producing species and believe they may have discovered new antibiotics. Get personally mentored by me for 30 days for just $1! Head to to join my exclusive community. The post TWIW 96: Irish soil kills bacteria appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/31/20216 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWIW 95: Industry influences nutrition research

This Week In Wellness one in every eight peer reviewed nutrition studies has a tie to business, and those that are were 6 times more likely to return favourable results, with industry linked studies finding positive results the majority of the time, versus non linked studies showing positive results less than 10% of the time. Whilst industry influence has long been acknowledged and debated both in terms of how much it occurs and how much it affects the results the authors of this study claim that remarkably this is the first time such an analysis has been applied to the food industry. Get personally mentored by me for 30 days for just $1! Head to to join my exclusive community. The post TWIW 95: Industry influences nutrition research appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/24/20216 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWIW 94: Forest day cares improve the microbiome

This Week In Wellness day cares in Finland have been able to improve the microbiome and therefore immune system of children in just one month by replacing their floors with lawn, forest undergrowth and planter boxes. When compared to other urban day cares where the kids play on pavement, tiles or gravel the forest childcare kids showed an increased in their immune markers in their blood (such as T-cells) in just 28 days. The post TWIW 94: Forest day cares improve the microbiome appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/17/20217 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWIW 93: 2.5 million Britons get free Vit. D

This Week In Wellness 2.5 million care home residents in England will be offered a free supply of vitamin D by the Government as researchers investigate whether there is a link between Vitamin D levels and risk or severity of acute respiratory infections, including Covid-19. Get personally mentored by me for 30 days for just $1! Head to to join my exclusive community. The post TWIW 93: 2.5 million Britons get free Vit. D appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/10/20219 minutes, 7 seconds
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TWIW 92: Single use plastics banned

This Week In Wellness after a brief halt to the plan caused by the Coronavirus my home state South Australia will push ahead with its plan to ban some single use plastics (including straws, cutlery and drink stirrers) by March 1 and indicated that more items are likely to be added in the future. Get Dr Brett’s latest book Rock Bottom; How to not only survive but thrive through personal and professional stress by heading to The post TWIW 92: Single use plastics banned appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/27/20207 minutes, 33 seconds
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TWIW 91: Women were hunters too

This Week In Wellness the bones of a 9000 year old female found in the Andes have shed new light into the role of females in hunter gatherer societies. The skeleton was found with 20 projectile points and blades stacked neatly by her side, indicating that she was likely a high-status hunter. Get Dr Brett’s latest book Rock Bottom; How to not only survive but thrive through personal and professional stress by heading to The post TWIW 91: Women were hunters too appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/20/20208 minutes, 18 seconds
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TWIW 90: A Keto Diet may help Alzheimer’s

This Week In Wellness a new systematic review shows the potential benefits of a ketogenic diet for treating Alzheimer’s disease. With between 400 thousand and 500 thousand Australians suffering from dementia in 2020, and Alzheimer’s accounting for 70% of those, it really is an important finding. Especially as the billions spent searching for a pharmaceutical intervention have been largely ineffective. Get Dr Brett’s latest book Rock Bottom; How to not only survive but thrive through personal and professional stress by heading to The post TWIW 90: A Keto Diet may help Alzheimer’s appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/13/20208 minutes, 33 seconds
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TWIW 89: The 10 most commonly taken drugs in Australia

This Week In Wellness Australian Prescriber published its annual list of the 10 most commonly taken and the 10 most costly prescription drugs for the Australian Government based on Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme data collected between July 2019 and June 2020.’s%20health,than%202%25%20spent%20on%20prevention The post TWIW 89: The 10 most commonly taken drugs in Australia appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/7/20206 minutes, 20 seconds
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TWIW 88: Bottle fed babies swallow millions of microplastics a day

This Week In Wellness a study published in nature food has shown that sterilising plastic baby bottles at the high temperatures recommended causes them to shed millions of microplastics and trillions of nano plastics every single day. Get Dr Brett’s latest book Rock Bottom; How to not only survive but thrive through personal and professional stress by heading to The post TWIW 88: Bottle fed babies swallow millions of microplastics a day appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/29/20207 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWIW 87: Children’s own immune system protects them from Covid-19

This Week In Wellness Doctors and scientists at Melbourne’s Royal Children’s hospital have studied three children who tested negative and did not get seriously ill with Covid-19 despite spending a week and a half with their Covid-19 positive parents and concluded that they had in fact contracted the virus and that it was their own immune system that had been “highly effective” in stopping the virus from replicating. The post TWIW 87: Children’s own immune system protects them from Covid-19 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/21/20207 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWIW 86: Household chemicals alter microbiome

This Week In Wellness common household chemicals may alter the gut microbiome. This study measured the levels of semi-organic compounds found in detergents, plastics, soaps, shampoos, hair sprays and stain and water repellent fabrics in the blood and urine of 69 toddlers and preschoolers and then examined their gut microbiome using fecal samples. The post TWIW 86: Household chemicals alter microbiome appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/15/20206 minutes, 32 seconds
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TWIW 85: Positivity prevents memory loss

This Week In Wellness new research published in the journal Psychological Science showed that people who feel “enthusiastic and cheerful” are less likely to experience memory decline as they age adding to a growing body of research on the benefits of positivity in ageing. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 85: Positivity prevents memory loss appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/9/20206 minutes, 4 seconds
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TWIW 84: The Great Barrington Declaration

This Week In Wellness infectious disease epidemiologists, public health scientists and concerned citizens have come together online to state their grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach called “Focused Protection” in a document titled The Great Barrington Declaration. Over 550,000 concerned citizens, over 11,000 medical & public health scientists and over 30,000 medical practitioners from all over the world have stated their concerns that current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 84: The Great Barrington Declaration appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/1/20204 minutes, 22 seconds
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TWIW 83: Is pink salt healthy?

This Week In Wellness “Independent” Australian researchers Nutrition Research Australia (NRAUS) are asking people to #rethinkthepink suggesting that pink salts contain low levels of nutrients and potentially harmful levels of heavy metals. The study looked at 31 samples of pink salts commercially available in Australia and suggested that the contents were unpredictable and inconsistent in nature. The level of nutrients in the pink salt varied widely with some containing no iron and others 17mg of iron per 100g and some containing 53mg of calcium whilst others contained 574mg. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 83: Is pink salt healthy? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/25/20207 minutes, 17 seconds
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TWIW 82: FDA warns about dental amalgam

This Week In Wellness the FDA has re-evaluated its recommendations on amalgam fillings in teeth. The FDA have now acknowledged that the mercury vapour released from these devices may cause harmful health effects in “certain groups”. In particular pregnant women, nursing women, children (especially those under 6), people with neurological disease such as MS, Alzheimer and Parkinson’s, people with impaired kidney function and people with a “heightened sensitivity to mercury”. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 82: FDA warns about dental amalgam appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/18/20205 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWIW 81: Vaping leads to smoking

This Week In Wellness a new review has found that e-cigarettes triple the chances of a non-smoker taking up regular cigarettes. Researchers from the Australian National University’s national centre for epidemiology and population health looked at 25 studies on e-cigarette use and smoking and found that every single one of them showed that e-smokers were more likely to become smokers. Especially the youth. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 81: Vaping leads to smoking appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/4/20206 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWIW 80: Jenny Mikakos “responsible” for hotel quarantine fiasco

This Week In Wellness Jenny Mikakos, the Victorian health minister who last year controversially called for a review into Chiropractic care for children, despite there being no reports of harm, 98% of parents saying it helped and 99.7% of parents reporting a positive experience, is under fire again. This time from her own premier. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has told the inquiry into the state’s hotel quarantine scheme that he “regarded Minister Mikakos as accountable for the Program. The CCC (Crisis Council of Cabinet) was provided with regular reports by Minister Mikakos containing data relevant to Victoria’s response to the public health emergency,” Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 80: Jenny Mikakos “responsible” for hotel quarantine fiasco appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/27/20204 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWIW 79: Bouncing back from Rock Bottom

This Week In Wellness I have officially launched pre-sales of my new book Rock Bottom. Whether you feel like you are at Rock Bottom, on your way there or on your way back this book has some timeless, practical advice to help you smooth out the journey. Bouncing back from Rock Bottom need not always be a complex recovery process that requires a degree in psychiatry to understand. Sometimes you just need real, simple actionable advice that you can understand and follow step by step to find peace, healing and confidence. The post TWIW 79: Bouncing back from Rock Bottom appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/20/20204 minutes, 23 seconds
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TWIW 78: Oxford Corona vaccine trials paused

This Week In Wellness phase 3 trials of a coronavirus vaccine being developed by AstraZeneca in conjunction with Oxford University have been suspended after an “unexplained illness”. The potential vaccine, which Australia has already secured 33.8 million doses of, has had it’s trials paused in order to allow for a review by an independent committee. Australia has also locked in 51 million doses of a potential vaccine being developed by the University of Queensland and CSL meaning that with those two commitments alone they will have access to a number of vaccines more than triple the Australian population. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 78: Oxford Corona vaccine trials paused appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/13/20205 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWIW 77: The Covid Doctors Network

This Week In Wellness 13 medical practitioners have penned an open letter to Victorian Premier Dan Andrews about his approach to Covid19 lockdowns and the controversial State of Emergency Bill. This letter has since been supported by a further 270 medical and allied health professionals via an online submission called the Covid Doctors Network, a phrase that strangely shows no results when Googled. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 77: The Covid Doctors Network appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/6/20208 minutes, 40 seconds
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TWIW 76: Fructose linked to leaky gut and fatty liver

This Week In Wellness excessive fructose consumption has been linked with leaky gut and fatty liver disease according to a study co-authored by a large group of scientists from all around the world. Whilst fructose is found naturally in fruit, honey and even in root vegetables it has become prolific in the diet due to the use of high fructose corn syrup to sweeten processed foods, especially in America. Whilst the link between fructose and fatty liver disease has been shown before this is the first time it was shown that it was in fact the leaky gut (also caused by the fructose) that preceded the liver damage. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 76: Fructose linked to leaky gut and fatty liver appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/30/20208 minutes, 59 seconds
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TWIW 75: Low carb diets help the elderly

This Week In Wellness a very low carbohydrate diet has been shown to help older adults with diabetes lose weight, improve body composition and improve insulin sensitivity in just eight weeks when compared to a low-fat diet. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 75: Low carb diets help the elderly appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/23/20207 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWIW 74: Boosting not supressing immune system might be the answer for COVID

This Week In Wellness researchers led by scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have suggested that boosting the immune system might be a good strategy for dealing with COVID-19. Whilst this might initially appear like a sarcastic, parody headline it is in fact in contradiction with the immuno-suppressive approaches that have been used around the world. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 74: Boosting not supressing immune system might be the answer for COVID appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/16/20207 minutes, 55 seconds
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TWIW 73: Coke’s “email family” of obesity researchers

This Week In Wellness a paper published online by Cambridge University Press has shown that Coca-Cola paid scientists to downplay the role of sugary beverages in the obesity epidemic. Scientists used information gathered from over 18,000 pages of emails via freedom of information requests made by a US non-profit public health group “Right To Know”. These emails were between Coca-Cola and public health academics at the West Virginia University and University of Colorado who formed part of the supposedly independent anti obesity think tank the Global Energy Balance Network. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 73: Coke’s “email family” of obesity researchers appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/9/20206 minutes, 31 seconds
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TWIW 72: America’s Frontline Doctors

This Week In Wellness a group of physicians calling themselves America’s Frontline Doctors have dominated world wide news cycles and social media channels, despite efforts to censor them. Social media platforms have this week scrambled to delete the repeatedly posted video featuring 7 doctors claiming to be at the front line of America’s Coronavirus response. Critics suggest that whilst these doctors have active medical licenses they are offering little more than personal opinions from supporters of the Trump administration. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 72: America’s Frontline Doctors appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/2/20207 minutes, 40 seconds
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TWIW 71: Human rights concerns over facial recognition CCTV

This Week In Wellness facial recognition cameras being trialled in East Perth have raised concerns about their scope of use and the potential for human rights breaches. Whilst facial recognition software is legitimately used by law and border enforcement officials to identify individuals based on their facial features using artificial intelligence technology, in other parts of the world the scope of use is much more broad, with China using it widely for it’s controversial “social credit system”. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 71: Human rights concerns over facial recognition CCTV appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/26/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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TWIW 70: Bio-diversity linked to respiratory health

This Week In Wellness creating bio-diverse green spaces can help to “re-wild the microbiome” of our environment and as a result improve human health. A research team led by the University of Adelaide published a study in Restoration Ecology compared carrying levels of green space diversity from lawns to re vegetated woodlands has shown that re-vegetation of green spaces can improve soil microbiome diversity towards a more natural, bio-diverse state. It is believed that the increased diversity and number of microbiota may provide immune system training and regulation that is beneficial to the overall health of humans. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 70: Bio-diversity linked to respiratory health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/19/20206 minutes, 24 seconds
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TWIW 69: Could new swine flu trigger new pandemic?

This Week In Wellness scientists have identified a new strain of swine flu in China capable of creating another pandemic. Published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences the paper states that whilst it is carried by pigs, it can affect humans and has “all the hallmarks” of becoming highly contagious in humans and needs close monitoring. Get personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days head to The post TWIW 69: Could new swine flu trigger new pandemic? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/5/20207 minutes, 22 seconds
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TWIW 68: No benefit to reducing Saturated fat says Cardiology Journal

This Week In Wellness a review in the Journal of The American College of Cardiology has stated that not only were there no beneficial effects of reducing saturated fat intake on cardiovascular disease or total mortality, there were in fact protective effects against stroke if the saturated fat intake was retained. Would you like to be personally mentored by me for FREE for 30 days? Head to to find out more. The post TWIW 68: No benefit to reducing Saturated fat says Cardiology Journal appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/28/20205 minutes, 4 seconds
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TWIW 67: Can vitamin D prevent allergies?

This Week In Wellness Australian researchers are investigating whether vitamin D could be the answer to our country’s “allergy epidemic”. With one in 10 infants and one in 20 children in Australia already suffering from food-related allergies, and with the rates seemingly on the rise, researchers from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute are hoping that vitamin D might provide the answers. The post TWIW 67: Can vitamin D prevent allergies? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/21/20207 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWIW 66: Lifestyle can reverse diabetes

This Week In Wellness a new study investigating the impact of lifestyle interventions for early stage type 2 diabetics has shown that nearly two thirds can achieve complete remission within 12 months. The study published in the journal The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology comes on the back of many other studies in recent years showing the success of lifestyle interventions without the need for medication. It investigated 150 subjects with Middle Eastern or North African ancestry and an average age of 42 years. Participants we asked to follow a diet known as the Cambridge Weight Plan whilst also completing at least 150 minutes of physical exercise a week and walking at least 10,000 steps a day and were compared to a control group receiving standard medical care. To join Brett for his FREE group mentoring session on the 25th of June go to The post TWIW 66: Lifestyle can reverse diabetes appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/14/20207 minutes, 6 seconds
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TWIW 65: Couples “should wear masks while having sex”

This Week In Wellness scientists from Harvard University have advised couples to wear masks whilst having sex and suggests they should be advised to engage in sexual activity via telephone, video chat services or masturbation in order to reduce there risk of spreading the corona virus. The post TWIW 65: Couples “should wear masks while having sex” appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/7/20204 minutes, 38 seconds
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TWIW 64: Tummy time leads to better development

This Week In Wellness Australian researchers have shown that infant tummy time is associated with improved development, healthier weight babies and improved head shape. It was also linked with improved social and cognitive function as well as walking. The post TWIW 64: Tummy time leads to better development appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/31/20203 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWIW 63: Social media giants increase censorship

This Week In Wellness social media giants Facebook and Youtube have increased their efforts to censor and “deplatform” debate around Covid19 lockdowns from lay people, scientists and experts alike whilst Twitter has maintained a more open approach and more and more people are flocking to MeWe, founded by entrepreneur and privacy advocate Mark Weinstein. The post TWIW 63: Social media giants increase censorship appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/24/20206 minutes, 11 seconds
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TWIW 62: Meat avoidance linked to depression and anxiety

This Week In Wellness a study from Clinical Reviews in Food Science and Medicine has indicated that avoidance of meat in the diet may be linked to increased rates of anxiety and depression. This is not the first time that these links have been drawn and suggested reasons for the link include reduced omega-3 fatty acid intake, vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies, iron and zinc deficiencies and even the potential for higher levels of pesticide consumption due to the higher consumption of plant based foods. The post TWIW 62: Meat avoidance linked to depression and anxiety appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/17/20206 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWIW 61: Germany to ban Glyphosate

This Week In Wellness Germany has moved to ban the use of the herbicide Glyphosate from 2023 and phase out its use from 2020 as Adelaide council Marion moves to join other Australian councils in phasing out its use. Several legal challenges by over 50,000 Americans against the manufacturers of Glyphosate (ag and pharmaceutical company Bayer) claim it has contributed to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cases with the three trials completed so far all falling against Bayer. Despite this Germany plans on banning the chemical over concerns for their insect populations rather than their human ones, citing concerns for the impact on their food sources. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has labeled glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic.” The post TWIW 61: Germany to ban Glyphosate appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/10/20204 minutes, 54 seconds
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TWIW 60: Shortfalls causing women to birth outside the system

This Week In Wellness a research article published in Biomed Central (BMC) has shown that women choosing to birth outside of hospitals, be that a home birth or a free birth, did so in search of the “best and safest” birth experience. In Australia 97% of births occur in a hospital setting however this paper investigated 28 women who chose to birth outside of that system between 2010 and 2014, with 13 choosing a home birth and another 15 choosing a freebirth (intentionally unassisted by any health professional). The post TWIW 60: Shortfalls causing women to birth outside the system appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/3/20205 minutes, 29 seconds
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TWIW 59: Chiropractic maintenance reduces pain episodes

This Week In Wellness a study has shown that receiving Chiropractic care at regular planned intervals regardless of symptoms had more pain free weeks and shorter painful episodes of lower back pain compared to people who sought care “when needed”. The study was conducted in Sweden where 98% of all chiropractors who are members of the Swedish Chiropractic Association consider maintenance care to be clinically useful and beneficial for patients with recurrent and persistent musculoskeletal pain and was published in Chiropractic and Manual Therapies. The post TWIW 59: Chiropractic maintenance reduces pain episodes appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/26/20203 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWIW 58: COVID-19 cases may in fact be 50-80 times higher

This Week In Wellness a pre-print study published by medRxiv for the first time measured the prevalence of COVID-19 antibodies in a representative sample of the Californian population. Stating that “to date, many epidemic projections and policies addressing COVID-19 have been designed without seroprevalence data to inform epidemic parameters”. “A sero-survey gives you a snapshot in time of who is infected in your given population,” says Kanta Subbarao, a virologist at the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne going on to say that these kinds of studies are very important for a virus that can cause mild or no symptoms. The post TWIW 58: COVID-19 cases may in fact be 50-80 times higher appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/19/20204 minutes, 31 seconds
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TWIW 57: Is Sweden the Covid19 answer?

This Week In Wellness Sweden could be the new model that countries around the world seek to model as their Coronavirus infection rates and deaths plummet despite not imposing the strict lock-downs seen in other parts of the world. Sweden has not closed bars, cafes, restaurants, playgrounds or schools and gatherings of up to 50 people are still allowed. Despite this the Swedish infection rate and death rate for the last two days has dropped lower than it has been in a fortnight as the logarithmic growth charts suggest that the curve is well and truly flattening. The post TWIW 57: Is Sweden the Covid19 answer? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/13/20205 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWIW 56: Movement eases acute mental disorders

This Week In Wellness physical exercise could help reduce the amount of time people spend in acute mental health facilities and reduce their reliance on psychotropic medications when they are there according to a study published in SAGE Journals. “The general attitude of medicine is that you treat the primary problem first, and exercise was never considered to be a life or death treatment option. Now that we know it’s so effective, it can become as fundamental as pharmacological intervention,” explains David Tomasi, a lecturer at the University of Vermont The post TWIW 56: Movement eases acute mental disorders appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/5/20204 minutes, 40 seconds
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TWIW 55: How to track a pandemic

This Week In Wellness whilst the media is reporting the seemingly exponential growth of Coronavirus worldwide some are suggesting that the spread of the disease may be plotting a different path. It is common in the media to show linear graphs of the Coronavirus that show seemingly exponential growth and this growth has been extrapolated by many experts in the media to forecast dire results. Kenneth Chang, science reporter at the New York times argues that we should be looking more closely at the logarithmic graphs of the spread rather than the linear graphs. The post TWIW 55: How to track a pandemic appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/29/20206 minutes
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TWIW 54: Soup broths may help curb malaria

This Week In Wellness traditional recipes provided by the families of London schoolchildren and derived from traditional family recipes originating in Europe, Africa and the Middle East have in some cases been shown to be as effective as malarial medications. Researchers from Imperial College London helped the schoolchildren test their family soup broths for activity against the malaria parasite. These broth recipes had been passed down generations for the treatment of fever. Out of a total of 56 broths, five of these broths were shown to curb the growth of the malaria parasite by 50% including two cases where the reduction was equivalent to the leading antimalarial drug dihydroartemisinin. The post TWIW 54: Soup broths may help curb malaria appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/22/20206 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWIW 53: Preventing Coronavirus

This Week In Wellness the World Health Organisation WHO has officially declared the Coronavirus COVID-19 a pandemic as action is taken all over the world to halt it’s spread including America shutting its borders to the EU, the NBA cancelling the rest of its basketball season and the Australian Government advising against “non-essential” gatherings of 500 people or more, but are things you can do. The post TWIW 53: Preventing Coronavirus appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/15/20207 minutes, 5 seconds
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TWIW 52: “Russian Roulette” for 95% of older Australians

This Week In Wellness the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) through their President Associate Professor Chris Freeman say that “we are neglecting vulnerable older Australians when it comes to protecting them from medicine-related harms” and describes their medicine safety as a game of “Russian Roulette”. The post TWIW 52: “Russian Roulette” for 95% of older Australians appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/8/20205 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWIW 51: Fasting linked to longer life, less disease and better performance

This Week In Wellness a review published in the New England Journal of Medicine has linked intermittent fasting to improved health, slowing or reversing ageing and a reduction in chronic diseases including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers and neuro degenerative brain disorders. Whilst the authors acknowledge that the results can be variable and influenced by things like sex, diet and genetic factors, they claim that the positvie link to longevity is consistent. They show that studies in animals and humans have shown that the many health benefits of intermittent fasting are not just the result of reduced free-radical production or weight loss but are related to more complex adaptive cellular responses that improve glucose regulation, increase stress resistance and reduce inflammation just to name a fee benefits. The post TWIW 51: Fasting linked to longer life, less disease and better performance appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/1/20208 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWIW 50: Healthy lifestyle adds 10 disease free years

This Week In Wellness a healthy lifestyle leads to a life that is free of chronic illness including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer for longer. Using data from the Nurses Health Study and the Health Professionals follow up study this paper in the British Journal of Medicine was able to confirm that never smoking, maintaining a healthy body weight, moderate to vigorous physical activity, moderate alcohol intake and a quality diet were able to add up to 10 years of chronic disease free life as well as increasing life expectancy if they exhibited 4 or 5 of these healthy lifestyle factors. The post TWIW 50: Healthy lifestyle adds 10 disease free years appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/23/20205 minutes, 4 seconds
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TWIW 49: Cooking oils lead to increased obesity in hunter gatherers

This Week In Wellness a Bolivian hunter gatherer tribe famous for its impeccable heart health has seen an increase in their levels in recent years as their levels of cooking oil intake have gone up. The Tsimane’ isolated population have traditionally eaten a whole food omnivorous diet including lean meats, fish, fruits and vegetables and occasional honey. Along with an active lifestyle this has led to very healthy hearts. A 2017 study by the NIH National Institute on Ageing showed that they have low average blood pressure, little heart disease and the best coronary artery calcium scores ever measured. The post TWIW 49: Cooking oils lead to increased obesity in hunter gatherers appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/16/20205 minutes, 29 seconds
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TWIW 48: Purpose adds years to your life

And This Week In Wellness a study of 7000 US adults over the age of 50 has shown that those with the lowest sense of life purpose were twice as likely to die in the following 5 years, even when adjusting for socio-economic status, health characteristics and psychological well-being. In a confirmation of findings from previous studies this 2019 report published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. It used data from The Health and Retirement Study where participants filled in a questionnaire to rank their life purpose, amongst many other things. These same participants were then followed up 5 years later. According to the study heart, circulatory, blood and digestive tract conditions seemed to be especially related to life purpose. The post TWIW 48: Purpose adds years to your life appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/9/20205 minutes, 24 seconds
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TWIW 47: Europe bans bee killing pesticide

This Week In Wellness the European Commission has decided not to renew approval for a pesticide linked to harming bees, meaning farmers will not be allowed to use Bayer’s insecticide known as thiacloprid, sold under brands Calypso and Biscaya, after April 30 this year. “There are environmental concerns related to the use of this pesticide, particularly its impact on groundwater, but also related to human health, in reproductive toxicity,” Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides said in a statement. The post TWIW 47: Europe bans bee killing pesticide appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/2/20205 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWIW 46: Popular sunscreens leading to toxicity

This Week In Wellness sunscreen lotions and sprays may leach up to 360 times more of one chemical alone than the FDA allows, whilst the other 5 chemicals tested also gathered in the blood in levels higher than the recommended amount even days after application. Strangely the FDA and American Academy of Dermatology stresses the chemicals are safe despite the levels being above their own recommendations and with several reports linking them to hormone disruption and liver and kidney failure. The post TWIW 46: Popular sunscreens leading to toxicity appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/26/20205 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWIW 45: Insect damage makes fruit healthier

This Week In Wellness research has found that “wounds” caused by insects may actually make fruit healthier for human consumption showing that the stress response mounted by the fruit actually increases the levels of anti-oxidants. Principle investigator of the study Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, Ph.D.,said that “There was the existing idea proposed by others that insects present in the field in organic farming could cause a stress response in the plant and increase antioxidant compounds, however, this hypothesis or concept was never tested until now, where we mimicked the damage caused by insects. We proved that wounding leaves in plants like those caused by insects produce healthier organic fruit.” The post TWIW 45: Insect damage makes fruit healthier appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/19/20204 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWIW 44: A true Paleo diet includes carbs

This Week In Wellness research published in the journal Science has shown that humans consumed high carb roasted potatoes as long ago as 170,000 years and that it may have played a significant role in our evolution. While some proponents of the ‘Paleo Diet’ recommend followers cut out carbs in favour of high protein or high-fat foods citing our evolutionary past as evidence, new research has shown that roasted potatoes were consumed over 170,000 years ago and may have played a crucial role in our evolution. The post TWIW 44: A true Paleo diet includes carbs appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/12/20206 minutes, 49 seconds
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TWIW 43: Long naps linked to stroke

This Week In Wellness people who nap longer than 90 minutes, people who sleep longer than 9 hours and people who sleep poorly are all at increased risk of stroke according to a study in Neurology, the online journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Whilst napping for less than an hour seemed fine, those napping for over 90 minutes had a 25% increase in their risk of stroke according to the study. Those sleeping more than 9 hours a night had a 23% increased risk of stroke. And those who rated themselves poor sleepers were 29% more likely to have a stroke. The post TWIW 43: Long naps linked to stroke appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/5/20206 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWIW 42: Man’s best friend linked to brain health

This Week In Wellness a study from Johns Hopkins Medicine suggests that kids exposed to dogs prior to the age of 12 were significantly less likely (as much as 24%) to develop schizophrenia later in life. Robert Yolken, M.D., chair of the Stanley Division of Pediatric Neurovirology and professor of neurovirology in pediatrics at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, and lead author of the paper says that “Serious psychiatric disorders have been associated with alterations in the immune system linked to environmental exposures in early life, and since household pets are often among the first things with which children have close contact, it was logical for us to explore the possibilities of a connection between the two,”. “There are several plausible explanations for this possible ‘protective’ effect from contact with dogs — perhaps something in the canine microbiome that gets passed to humans and bolsters the immune system against or subdues a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia,” The post TWIW 42: Man’s best friend linked to brain health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/29/20195 minutes, 3 seconds
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TWIW 41: Alcohol recommendations reduced due to cancer links

This Week In Wellness, in what will not be a very timely announcement for many, the NHMRC’s new draft guidelines recommend that people drink “no more than 10 standard drinks per week” to reduce the health risks, especially cancer. The NHMRC have also retained the recommendation to not drink more than four drinks in one sitting. They state that the link between drinking and developing a number of different cancers is now more certain. These latest recommendations come after three years of research into the pros and cons of alcohol. The post TWIW 41: Alcohol recommendations reduced due to cancer links appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/22/20195 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWIW 40: Maternal fluoride intake linked to lower IQ in kids

This Week In Wellness JAMA paediatrics has published a study linking maternal fluoride exposure during pregnancy with lower IQ scores at 3 to 4 years of age. Fluoride has long been a hotly debated topic due to it’s potential neurotoxicity and that fast that the dosage when included in the water supply is hard to control. Fluoride is known to cross the placenta, accumulates in brain regions involved in learning and memory and alters neurotransmitters in the central nervous system. Water fluoridation is supplied to about 89% of Australians, 66% of Americans, 38% of Canadians, and 3% of Europeans. The post TWIW 40: Maternal fluoride intake linked to lower IQ in kids appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/15/20196 minutes, 20 seconds
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TWIW 39: British Medical Journal takes on big pharma

This Week In Wellness An international team of researchers, clinicians, regulators, and citizen advocates from the British Medical Journal (BMJ) are launching a campaign to separate medicine from Big Pharma. Citing a 2009 Institute of Medicine report, that identified widespread financial conflicts of interest across medical research, education, and practice, the BMJ team say that “endemic financial entanglement with industry is distorting the production and use of healthcare evidence, causing harm to individuals and waste for health systems”. They cite industry sponsored education events and industry sponsored drug trials as major concerns and state that those trials cannot be trusted, in an editorial published on Wednesday. The post TWIW 39: British Medical Journal takes on big pharma appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/8/20195 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWIW 38: 41% of cancer caused by environment and lifestyle

This Week In Wellness a new study has estimated that almost 41% of cancers can be linked to lifestyle and environmental factors. The study, published in Canada by the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) looked at 24 lifestyle and environment-related risk factors for cancer such as smoking, obesity, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of exercise, alcohol and air pollution just to name a few and combined the risk estimates of each. The conclusion was that 40.8% of cancers could be attributed to these 24 risk factors, with smoking being the highest, accounting for 15.7% of all cancers, followed by physical inactivity (7.2%) and excess body weight (4.3%). The post TWIW 38: 41% of cancer caused by environment and lifestyle appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/1/20194 minutes, 59 seconds
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TWIW 37: Australian teens amongst the least physically active in the world

This Week In Wellness a study published in The Lancet has ranked Australian teens 140th out of 146 countries for the physical activity of our teens. The study examined 1.6 million adolescent school students across 146 countries and compared them using the World Health Organisation’s physical activity guidelines that for this age group recommend a minimum of one hour of vigorous physical activity of intensity similar to jogging. The post TWIW 37: Australian teens amongst the least physically active in the world appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/24/20195 minutes, 10 seconds
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TWIW 36: Alternatives for colic?

This Week In Wellness a study reviewing the available evidence supporting complementary and alternative (CAM) therapies to help babies with colic has suggested that probiotics, fennel extract and spinal manipulation, do appear to help. The Systematic Reviews were published by researchers from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) at the University of Bristol and the University of Manchester. It stated that whilst the available evidence was ‘limited’ due to small sample sizes, possible biases, the inability to “blind” practitioners and data collection methods, that the “encouraging” results require further investigation through well-designed RCTs” (randomised control trials). The post TWIW 36: Alternatives for colic? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/17/20195 minutes, 12 seconds
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TWIW 35: Getting dirty could reduce anxiety

This Week In Wellness research from the University of Adelaide suggests that microbes in dust may help improve gut health and by extension mental health. This contributes to a growing body of research linking time in nature with improved health outcomes. Especially from Japan where Forest Bathing or “shinrin-yoku”, which means “taking in the forest”, has been popular for decades and research has been done and benefits have been shown from microbes in the soil right through to scents from the trees. At the same time our urban environment has been linked with reduced health, including mental health disorders. The post TWIW 35: Getting dirty could reduce anxiety appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/10/20195 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWIW 34: Home birth just as safe for low risk mums

And This Week In Wellness a study in the British Medical journal analysing Australian births has suggested that for low-risk pregnancies birthing at home is just as safe and has a 6 times higher chance of resulting in a “normal birth”. Professor Caroline Homer, director of the UTS Centre for Midwifery, Child and Family Health says “home births are associated with fewer incidences of induced labour, epidural, vacuum or forceps delivery and C Sections and there are no differences in the death rates for babies born in hospitals, compared with those born at home or in midwife run birth centres. The post TWIW 34: Home birth just as safe for low risk mums appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/3/20196 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWIW 33: Trans fats raise alzheimer’s risk by 74%

This Week In Wellness high levels of trans fats in your blood may make you 50 to 75% more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease or dementia according to a new study in the journal Neurology. The study was run over 10 years and utilising over 1600 men and women and importantly measuring the actual trans fat levels in their blood over that time (rather than relying on dietary questionnaires) adding weight to the findings. After adjusting for other influencing factors like high blood pressure, diabetes and smoking, the study found that people with the highest levels of trans fats were up to 74% more likely to develop dementia compared to those with the lowest levels. The post TWIW 33: Trans fats raise alzheimer’s risk by 74% appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/27/20194 minutes, 34 seconds
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This Week In Wellness the Australian Chiropractic College (ACC) has announced it will open its doors in Adelaide’s CBD in January 2020 with a promise to deliver ‘job ready’ chiropractors. The ACC say that they will integrate science, philosophy, hands on experience and business studies to deliver a smoother transition from classroom to clinic. The ACC says one of the defining differences between the course offered by the College and other providers, is that the Adelaide-based course is the only chiropractic degree program in Australia with business and management courses integrated throughout the entirety of the curriculum The post TWIW 32: NEW ‘AUSTRALIAN CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE’ LAUNCHING appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/20/20195 minutes, 50 seconds
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TWIW 31: Red meat back on the menu

This Week In Wellness group of papers about red meat, processed meat and human health have been released by the Annals of Internal Medicine suggesting that they are OK to eat and that they couldn’t find any links to heart disease and cancer. Unsurprisingly given the vilification of red meat and processed meats in recent times this has created quite an uproar amongst the general population and researchers alike. The post TWIW 31: Red meat back on the menu appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/13/20197 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWIW 30: Cannabis legalised

This Week In Wellness the ACT Government has voted to legalise cannabis for personal use with residents over the age of 18 allowed to possess 50 grams of cannabis and grow 2 plants. Whilst the possession and growth of cannabis would remain a federal offence and the risk of prosecution is “not entirely removed” in practice the laws will not apply. ACT attorney-general, Gordon Ramsay, says it is time to treat drug addiction as a health issue, and that there needs to be an increase in drug and alcohol services. The post TWIW 30: Cannabis legalised appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/6/20193 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWIW 29: CSIRO recommends low carb approach

This Week In Wellness, CSIRO (an independent Australian federal government agency responsible for scientific research) is recommending a low carbohydrate approach to help curb the obesity epidemic and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease in a dramatic shift from the high carbohydrate, low-fat approach recommended previously. With two in three Australians either overweight or obese, it is a timely shift and one that has come none too soon. Professor Grant Brinkworth from CSIRO says that “For many years, we’ve had the high-carbohydrate, low-fat approach – and research shows it’s only offering people moderate benefits,” The post TWIW 29: CSIRO recommends low carb approach appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/29/20195 minutes, 34 seconds
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TWIW 28: High carbs for longevity?

This Week In Wellness research suggests that a diet low in protein and high in carbohydrates may be the key to living a long life, despite the fact that they led to weight gain and that previous idea on the benefits of caloric restriction may not, in fact, hold up. Nutritional scientist Dr Samantha Solon-Biet suggests that the 2 million-plus Australians who go on a diet every year may be better off focusing less on low-carb, high-protein diets, unless their only goal is weight loss. NB. In this episode, I misspoke when I suggested that historically many humans gained the majority of their energy from animal proteins. I should have said animal sources (this would have included fats and proteins even carbohydrates from dairy). The post TWIW 28: High carbs for longevity? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/22/20196 minutes, 20 seconds
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TWIW 27: Elite fitness causes dental decay

The British Dental Journal says that half of elite athletes have rotting teeth. 352 Olympic and professional athletes were examined and showed higher than usual rates of dental problems despite the fact that they brushed and flossed more than your average person. Researchers hypothesise that is is the high intake of sugary sports drinks, gels and bars that may be the culprit whilst the intense exercise may also cause changes to saliva and the immune system that may be related. The post TWIW 27: Elite fitness causes dental decay appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/15/20194 minutes, 49 seconds
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TWIW 26: Childhood gluten intake linked to coeliac disease

A study in the Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA) has shown that your risk of developing coeliac disease may be increased if you consume gluten as a child. “Our study shows a clear association between the amount of gluten the children consumed and the risk of developing coeliac disease or pre-coeliac disease.”, says Daniel Agardh, associate professor at Lund University, and leader of the study. Whilst the study is observational and therefore does not prove causation, the linkages were strong and matched the findings from a smaller pilot study. They showed that at the age of 2, over 2 grams of gluten a day  (the equivalent of a slice of white bread), was associated with a whopping 75% increase in the risk of coeliac disease compared to a child who has less than 2g. The post TWIW 26: Childhood gluten intake linked to coeliac disease appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/8/20194 minutes, 17 seconds
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TWIW 25: Cancer doctors reticent to offer lifestyle advice

This Week In Wellness Oncologists are unlikely to offer lifestyle tips that improve the health and reduce the risk of recurrence in cancer patients according to a survey conducted by the journal Cancer. The survey of primary care physicians, specialists and oncologists from the Midwestern Health System in America showed that less than 10% of specialists and only ¼ of oncologists would recommend lifestyle changes and that when oncologists did address lifestyle factors, it was usually because the patient brought the subject up. The post TWIW 25: Cancer doctors reticent to offer lifestyle advice appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/1/20194 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWIW 24: Vegan parents sentenced for neglect

This Week In Wellness a vegan couple who fed their children on a strict and insufficient diet have had their three children removed from them after they were found to be malnourished and suffering from Rickets. The couple have avoided jail time but have been sentenced to 300 hours of community service with the judge labelling their parenting as “reckless” and stated that “the abandonment of parental responsibility cannot be excused”. Their 20 month old daughter had been fed a strict vegan diet of just oats, bread and a few mouthfuls of vegetables and weighed in at just 4.89kg. She was malnourished, her growth was stunted, her bones brittle and her motor skills were poorly developed. The post TWIW 24: Vegan parents sentenced for neglect appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/25/20195 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWIW 23: Heart health linked to dementia

This Week In Wellness a study in the British Medical Journal has found that good cardiovascular health at age 50 is associated with a lower risk of dementia later in life. The American Heart Association’s “Life Simple 7” cardiovascular health score, initially designed for cardiovascular disease, has been put forward as a potential tool for preventing dementia. It aims to monitor 7 risk factors for heart health. smoking, diet, physical activity, BMI, fasting glucose levels, cholesterol and blood pressure. Dementia is a progressive disease that can start to develop 25 years before any symptoms develop so this study was designed to measure the cardiovascular health score at 50 and see if there is any correlation with dementia over the next 25 years. The post TWIW 23: Heart health linked to dementia appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/18/20194 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWIW 22: Oestrogen linked to autism

This Week In Wellness high levels of Oestrogen in the womb may be linked to the likelihood of a child developing Autism. In a recent study by a team of scientists at the University of Cambridge and the State Serum Institute in Denmark. Published in Molecular Psychology researchers collected amniotic fluid and compared the levels of sex steroid hormone oestrogen. In the 98 foetuses who later developed autism, all 4 oestrogens were significantly elevated making them more predictive of the likelihood of autism than previously suspected androgens, like testosterone. Prenatal Oestrogens can have an effect on brain growth and also masculinisation of the brain. The post TWIW 22: Oestrogen linked to autism appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/11/20195 minutes, 34 seconds
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TWIW 21: Hot tea linked to cancer

This Week In Wellness drinking hot tea may increase your risk of esophageal cancer. A study published in the International Journal of Cancer has shown that drinking tea hotter than 60 degrees Celsius was associated with a whopping 90% higher risk. Previous studies have shown a link between hot tea drinking and risk of esophageal cancer but this is the first one to show what temperature makes the difference. The study followed 50,045 individuals aged 40 to 75 years for a median of 10 years. Of the 317 new cases of esophageal cancer identified, 285 of the were in the group that consumed 700 ml of tea per day or more at a higher temperature (60°C or higher). The post TWIW 21: Hot tea linked to cancer appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/4/20194 minutes
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TWIW 20: Australian research unreliable

This Week In Wellness the team of science writers behind Retraction Watch has put together a database of unreliable scientific research in Australia and 247 research papers published by Australian scientists (including some of Australia’s most reputable Universities) to be compromised. “The public should be concerned. Almost 250 [papers], that’s a number that many people would find unconscionably high,” said Professor Simon Gandevia, deputy director of Neuroscience Research Australia. The post TWIW 20: Australian research unreliable appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/28/20195 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWIW 19: Barefoot may be better for kids

This Week In Wellness a new study reveals children who are habitually barefoot between the ages of 6-10 show significantly better motor skills including better balance and jumping skills. Shout out to Dr Jacey Pryjma from the Australian Children’s Chiropractic centre for bringing this research to my attention. Published in Frontiers in Pediatrics, this is the first study to assess the relevance of growing up shod vs. barefoot on jumping, balancing and sprinting and shows that children and adolescents who spend most of their time barefoot develop motor skills differently from those who habitually wear shoes. The post TWIW 19: Barefoot may be better for kids appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/21/20197 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWIW 18: Collagen as effective as sutures

This Week In Wellness topical collagen powder may be just as effective as sutures for healing skin biopsy wounds according to a study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology by a team of physician researchers at the George Washington University. In a comparison that included rate of healing, the quality of the wound healing, symptoms and also the early cosmetic outcomes the topical application of collagen powder onto the wounds the collagen powder proved to be just as effective in this small sample size. Collagen powder has been a popular supplement used in recent times for gut healing when taken orally due to it’s important structural role in the skin, gut lining and other organs however it also plays an important role as a signal molecule in wound healing. This helps to stop bleeding, stimulate the immune system and stimulate new blood vessel formation and importantly does so without causing irritation or increasing the risk of infection. “During normal wound healing, collagen acts as a scaffold for cellular entry and growth in the wound bed and encourages the deposition of new collagen,” said Adam Friedman, MD, interim chair of the Department of Dermatology at the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences and an author on the study. “While collagen has been used as a wound healing adjuvant, a good comparison to the standard of wound care has been lacking.” “Given the cost and time to place and remove sutures and the potential reimbursement for collagen, using topical collagen powder for punch biopsy wounds may be easier on the patient, not requiring an additional visit for suture removal and yielding an equivalent or possibly better wound healing outcome,” Friedman said. The post TWIW 18: Collagen as effective as sutures appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/14/20195 minutes, 49 seconds
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TWIW 17: Fructose, trans fats and your liver

This Week In Wellness high fructose corn syrup combined with trans fats has been shown to induce nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (advanced inflammatory fatty liver disease) in rodents.  The incidence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is rising rapidly and much of the blame has been laid on fat. However the impact of high fructose corn syrup and also the type of fats being consumed may have been overlooked in this picture according to a new study published in the European Journal of Nutrition. The post TWIW 17: Fructose, trans fats and your liver appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/7/20194 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWIW 16: Nature Heals

Spending time in nature may be enough to help you feel healthier and happier. In what seems like one of the most common sense studies ever a study published in Nature, analysed over 20,000 people in England and their self reported health and wellbeing. It showed that any time in nature leads to benefits, and that the benefits to health and wellbeing seemed to peak at 200-300 minutes and showed no additional benefit thereafter. Whilst the health benefits of nature have been long known this appears to be the first time that it has been quantified in the research, telling us exactly how much may be beneficial and the good news is that it isn’t a huge amount of time. The post TWIW 16: Nature Heals appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/30/20194 minutes, 31 seconds
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TWIW 15: The bacteria helping to build your baby

This Week In Wellness a mother’s womb may not be as sterile as we were lead to believe. Researchers from the University of Western Australia have found that the majority of babies are exposed to bacteria in the womb and have even postulated that these bacteria may play an important role in development. Lead author Lisa Stinson says that “Over the last decade, numerous studies have detected bacterial DNA in amniotic fluid and first-pass meconium [baby’s first poop], challenging the long-held assumption that the womb is sterile,” In this study Published in Frontiers in Microbiology her team carefully collected amniotic fluid samples from 50 healthy women undergoing planned caesarean deliveries, and found that nearly all (36/43 viable samples) contained bacterial DNA, despite none of the women or babies having any signs of infection. What’s more, all 50 newborns had bacteria in their first poop. The researchers concluded that this ‘fetal microbiome’ would likely have a significant impact on the developing immune system, gut, and brain. The post TWIW 15: The bacteria helping to build your baby appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/23/20193 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWIW 14: Could cinnamon oil could be the key to preventing super bugs

This Week In Wellness research conducted by Dr. Sanjida Halim Topa with colleagues at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has shown that a major component of cinnamon essential oil could be the answer to control the dispersion of superbugs and the development of their biofilm. As antibiotics become less and less effective against superbugs, there is an urgent need to develop alternatives to antibiotics to treat chronic biofilm-mediated infections and researchers are re-examining some traditional methods of bacterial control. The post TWIW 14: Could cinnamon oil could be the key to preventing super bugs appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/16/20193 minutes, 55 seconds
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TWIW 13: ACA President calls for public support

This Week In Wellness the Australian Chiropractors Association President Dr Anthony Coxon is calling for Australian Chiropractors, health professionals and members of the public to make sure that their views are heard on the topic of Chiropractic care for kids. He encourages them to head to the link attached in the show notes and fill in the survey linked to the review. He says that political decisions based on the findings of a review being conducted by Safer Care Victoria could have detrimental effects on the way chiropractors currently practice here in Australia, potentially limiting their ability to treat children under 12. He goes on to say that a strong community response will provide a crucial backdrop to the review’s findings and will help highlight the important role chiropractors play in the paediatric care of thousands of children across Australia. Link to the review >>>> The post TWIW 13: ACA President calls for public support appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/9/20194 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWIW 12: Food producers “gaming” the health star rating system

This Week In Wellness Australia and New Zealand’s health star food rating system has been criticised by Public health researchers and lawyers from the George Institute for Global Health because salty, sugary and fatty products are scoring too highly as producers are accused of “gaming the system”. With the Institute’s public health lawyer, Alexandra Jones stating the system should be based on science not vested interests. The post TWIW 12: Food producers “gaming” the health star rating system appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/2/20196 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWIW 11: Broccoli may reduce your cancer risk

This Week In Wellness in validation of mums and dads all over the world, broccoli has been shown to inactivate genes that play an important role in cancer development. It has been known for some time that cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli cauliflower, cabbage, collard greens, Brussels sprouts and kale have decreased the risk of cancers however recent research published in Science may give us an indication just how it does it. Researchers, led by Pier Paolo Pandolfi, the Director of the Cancer Center and Cancer Research Institute at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, showed that targeting the gene, known as WWP1, with the ingredient found in broccoli suppressed tumor growth in cancer-prone lab animals. The post TWIW 11: Broccoli may reduce your cancer risk appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/26/20194 minutes, 29 seconds
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TWIW 10: Screen time hurts teens sleep and health

This week in wellness 56 percent of parents of teens with sleep troubles believe this use of electronics is hurting their child’s ability to get to sleep and stay asleep. The C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll (conducted by the Children’s Health Department at the University of Michigan) took responses from a nationally representative household survey of 1,018 parents with at least one child 13-18 years old. Forty-three percent of parents reporting that their teen struggles to fall asleep or wakes up and can’t get back to sleep. Not being able to stay off electronics — including social media and mobile phones — was the top reason parents cited for sleep disturbance. Other reasons included homework, worries about school, and concerns about their social life, in that order. The post TWIW 10: Screen time hurts teens sleep and health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/19/20195 minutes, 27 seconds
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TWIW 9: An integrative approach may help reduce the Opioid crisis

This week in wellness an integrative approach may help to decrease the pain and usage in prescription opioid users. With the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) stating that the number of deaths in Australia involving opioids has nearly doubled in the decade to 2016, from 591 to 1119 and AIHW spokesperson Dr Lynelle Moon stating that “Every day in Australia, there are nearly 150 hospitalisations and 14 presentations to emergency departments involving opioid harm, and three people [a day] die from … opioid use,” this is welcome news for an urgent problem. The study, published Feb. 20, 2019, in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, tracked the impact of a program for low-income, at-risk patients with chronic pain at Tom Waddell Urban Health Clinic, in San Francisco’s Tenderloin neighborhood. They were offered group support, acupuncture, mindfulness, massage and gentle exercise with the aim of preventing the progression into drug misuse, overdose and ultimately death. The post TWIW 9: An integrative approach may help reduce the Opioid crisis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/12/20196 minutes, 41 seconds
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TWIW 8: Alcohol advertisers aiming for ‘health halo effect’

This week in wellness alcohol advertisers are attempting to put a “health halo” on their products in order to attract increasingly health conscious consumers whilst Instagram influencers have also been used in quote, unquote “underhanded” alcohol marketing as researchers call for greater regulation. Research at Curtin University and published in Public Health Research and Practice examined both interviews conducted by alcohol industry executive and alcoholic products released to conclude that alcohol advertisers were attempting to regain lost and reduced consumers using labels such as vegan, gluten free, ‘natural flavours’, low carb or sugar free as well as healthy imagery. The post TWIW 8: Alcohol advertisers aiming for ‘health halo effect’ appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/5/20195 minutes, 17 seconds
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TWIW 7: Increasing your muscle power may prolong your life

This week in wellness a study presented at EuroPrevent 2019 showed that those in the lowest quartile of muscle power had a massive 10-13 times higher chance of dying compared to those above the median for maximum muscle-power. The study looked at non-athletes between 41 and 85 years of age and used an upright row test to determine power, defined as the amount of work performed per unit time. The researchers determined each participant’s maximal muscle power by taking the highest value that they achieved over two or three attempts with increasing weight and then calculating the power exertion per kilogram of body weight. The upright row exercise was chosen for the study because it is a common action in daily life for things like picking up groceries and grandchildren. Click here for the link to the press release And here are the fitness references Brett mentions in the show. The post TWIW 7: Increasing your muscle power may prolong your life appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/28/20196 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWIW 6: Sugar labels may save millions

This week in wellness a study, published recently in Circulation, estimates that the US FDA’s added sugar label could prevent or postpone nearly 1 million cases of cardiometabolic disease, including heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, over a 20-year period in the US alone. In 2016, the FDA announced several mandatory changes to the Nutrition Facts label in order to provide consumers with enhanced nutritional information. Among the changes was adding the grams and percent Daily Value of added sugar content, which would help consumers limit calories from added sugar in accordance with the recommendations of the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (which suggest limiting added sugars to less than 10% of calories per day). The links mentioned in the show are as follows. The post TWIW 6: Sugar labels may save millions appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/21/20194 minutes, 45 seconds
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TWIW 5: A back flip on natural therapies?

This week in wellness just days after the removal of health fund rebates for natural therapies came into effect on 1 April, Greg Hunt MP has announced $2 million for updated natural therapy reviews to re-examine which therapies should once again be eligible for Subsidy through the Private Health Insurance rebate. The review update will also look at removing the ‘banned’ list so insurers can cover whichever therapies they want, even if they won’t attract the Subsidy. The instigators of the ‘your health your choice’ campaign have given credit to the 13,323 members of the public who took the time to send a personalised message to Minister Hunt and LNP MPs and Senators and the over 110,000 people who signed the petition. They state that “The Minister and the LNP have been flooded with protest from consumers on a scale that simply could not be ignored”, and that “Removal of natural therapy rebates pushes costs to consumers and makes private health insurance less worthwhile”. A poll of nearly 4,000 people conducted by YHYC in 2018 showed that 95% would either cancel (50%) or reduce (45%) their level of private health cover if the policy went ahead. The link to Greg Hunt’s announcement and to the Your Health Your Choice website’s are below. The post TWIW 5: A back flip on natural therapies? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/14/20195 minutes, 5 seconds
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TWIW 4: Proposed restrictions on integrative medicine

The Medical Board of Australia is consulting on options to regulate medical practitioners who provide complementary and unconventional medicine and emerging treatments. They claim the draft guidelines aim to prevent harm that may occur directly from the complementary and unconventional medicine or emerging treatments or indirectly, from delays in accessing other treatments. The consultation has been extended until the 30th of June. More information about the draft guidelines and the consultation process is on the current consultations page below. In response a website has been set up claiming to be independently created to help gain awareness of, and for anyone to place direct submissions to, the public consultation paper issued by the Medical Board of Australia. They state that The consultation paper is proposing draconian regulation of medical practitioners who provide complementary and unconventional medicine and emerging treatments. The post TWIW 4: Proposed restrictions on integrative medicine appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/7/20194 minutes, 57 seconds
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TWIW 3: Monsanto sued for $80 Million

This Week In Wellness a federal jury in San Francisco has found that Glyphosate, and in particular Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup, was a substantial factor in causing Edwin Hardeman’s Non-Hodkins Lymphoma ( a cancer that affects the immune system). Jurors in the case awarded Mt Hardeman 80 Million dollars in damages amid accusations that they hid the carcinogenic properties of glyphosate, manipulated the science and unduly influenced the EPA in regards to the known dangers of the product. The reputation of Monsanto and Bayer also took a battering with the judge stating “Although the evidence that Roundup causes cancer is quite equivocal, there is strong evidence from which a jury could conclude that Monsanto does not particularly care whether its product is in fact giving people cancer, focusing instead on manipulating public opinion and undermining anyone who raises genuine and legitimate concerns about the issue.” If you want to know more about glyphosate and would like a sample letter to send to your local council or politician I encourage you to listen to episode 296 of the Up For A Chat Podcast with Cyndi O’Meara. The post TWIW 3: Monsanto sued for $80 Million appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/31/20194 minutes, 37 seconds
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TWIW 2: Eggs Associated with Heart Disease and Death

This Week In Wellness eggs have been once again associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death. A study released this week by the Journal of The American Medical Association combining the findings from 6 prospective cohort studies and almost 30,000 people from diverse backgrounds stated that each additional half egg consumed per day was significantly associated with a 17% higher risk of cardiovascular disease and an 18% higher all-cause mortality. Brett talks about the challenges with this kind of study and how this will change his approach to eating eggs. The post TWIW 2: Eggs Associated with Heart Disease and Death appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/24/20196 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWIW 1: An inquiry into Chiropractic care for children

This Week In Wellness COAG (the Council of Australian Governments) has announced that Victoria will commission an independent review of the practice of spinal manipulation on children under 12 years. These findings will be reported to the COAG Health Council, including the need for changes to the National Law. It is stated that ministers will consider the outcomes of the independent review and determine any further changes needed to protect the public. For more information about the inquiry head to To see the ACA response to the inquiry go to  And to sign the petition in support of Chiropractic care for children under the age of 12 head to The post TWIW 1: An inquiry into Chiropractic care for children appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/17/20198 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWG 389: The last EVER episode!

This is the LAST EVER episode of The Wellness Guys. After almost 8 years as the #1 health and wellness podcast in Australia, The Wellness Guys is finally coming to an end. In an emotional episode, Brett and Damian share their thoughts on the last 8 years in wellness, where they think things are going and what they are most proud of from their 8 years on The Wellness Guys. Don’t forget that you can still find Brett and Damian on The Wellness Couch. Damian will remain as Marcus Pearce’s co-host on 100 Not Out and Brett’s new show This Week In Wellness will debut next Monday! So for the last time… Make sure you go to our Facebook page, and tell us what you thought of this episode. Share this podcast with your friends and family and other strangers you think need a wellness update. Subscribe to us on iTunes and while you are there leave us a five-star rating and give us a comment. Until next week, begin creating wellness ‘into your lives’, lead by example and let’s change the world’s health together. Thanks for joining us… on The Wellness Guys Show. The post TWG 389: The last EVER episode! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/10/201933 minutes, 31 seconds
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TWG 388: The biggest announcement EVER!

This week we reveal the biggest announcement EVER on The Wellness Guys! If you are a fan of The Wellness Guys Show you will not want to miss this episode. What has changed? What will stay the same? What does this mean for the future? All will be revealed in this VERY important episode of Listen In The post TWG 388: The biggest announcement EVER! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/4/201932 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWG 387: The Australian Chiropractic College

This week Brett and Damian are rejoined by Patrick Sim (we will explain why you won’t find his name in the previous episodes list) from the Australian Chiropractic College (ACC). This new program is and has been strongly supported by both of the boys as it has fought for registration and accreditation to teach Chiropractic in Brett’s home town of Adelaide. Pat explains why this program is necessary in the Australian health landscape and what will be the point of difference of both the college and it’s graduates. If you are passionate about the kinds of messages that The Wellness Guys share and want to make an impact on the health status of Australians then we strongly encourage you to consider studying at the ACC. For more information head to  The post TWG 387: The Australian Chiropractic College appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/24/201931 minutes, 10 seconds
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TWG 386: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation

This week The Wellness Guys are joined by Gastroenterologist Dr Paul Froomes to talk about the latest research and developments into Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT). Yes FMT is exactly what it sounds like and yes it is getting some great results. Whilst FMT is now well recognised as a treatment for C. difficile infections there are also a number of potential benefits that are being explored. From GI disorders, to obesity, arthritis, depression, Parkinsons and even autism there is research being undertaken and low level research done that may indicate the benefit of FMT in the future. The challenge at the moment is the proposed restrictions on the use and trial of FMT by the TGA. If you want to have your say on the categorisation of FMT by the TGA then click on the link below. The post TWG 386: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/18/201931 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWG 385: Hope For Health

This week Brett and Damian have a chat to Kama Trudgen from Hope For Health who many of you may recognise from the documentary, The Magic Pill. The conversations covers the amazing relationship that Kama and her family have with the people of Arnhem Land and the work she has been doping to help them rediscover their health. It offers a fascinating insight to one of our oldest cultures and what can be done to not only help them but also to help our non-indigenous Australians. To find out more about how you can help, or donate or attend a Together Retreat head to The post TWG 385: Hope For Health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/10/201931 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWG 384: Eat LANCET part 2

Following on from last week and as promised this week Brett and Damian delve a little deeper into the science and funding behind the EAT Lancet diet. Having had an extra week to really get stuck in and research it the boys give their unfiltered opinions about both the recommendations and the way that they were generated. This hard hitting episode is not to be missed and is full of little gems of information and recommendations that you will not want to miss. p.s here is the breakdown on the nutritional sufficiency of the diet mentioned in the podcast. The post TWG 384: Eat LANCET part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/3/201932 minutes, 41 seconds
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TWG 383: EAT Lancet Planetary Health Diet Part 1

This week Damian and Brett delve into a hot topic around the world at the moment the recently released EAT Lancet Planetary Health Diet. This report has been put together by 37 experts from 16 different countries and claims that global uptake would lead to a reduction of 11 million adult deaths annually. Amongst the recommendations of the diet that has proven controversial is a recommendation to reduce your intake of meats to a maximum of 600g per week, including a cap of 200g per week on fish. So tune in as Brett and Damian give their preliminary take on this report in Part 1 this week and be sure to tune in next week for an even deeper delve into the science behind The Planetary Health Diet. The post TWG 383: EAT Lancet Planetary Health Diet Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/27/201932 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWG 382: Masculinity and THAT Gilette ad

This week Brett and Damian have a really robust conversation about THAT Gilette ad. If you haven’t seen it yet you can check it out here. Is this ad an attack on masculinity? Is it yet another nail in the coffin for men and men’s sense of identity or mental health? Or is this merely a call out to men to be better men, to avoid the toxic masculinity and to learn how to be masculine without being condescending or derogatory? This topic has been hitting the headlines all over the world and The Wellness Guys decided who better to weigh in on this important topic. This episode was brought to you by Lotus Peak White Tea. Certified Organic & Australian Owned and available in Woolworths, Coles, Safeway and a range of health food stores. To find out more go to The post TWG 382: Masculinity and THAT Gilette ad appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/20/201923 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWG 381: Navigating Kids Birthday Parties

The Wellness Kids are growing up! Jacko is 18 years old and 6 foot 3 and this week Brett’s little ones celebrate their 8th and 10th birthdays respectively. The boys thought it might be a good idea to talk about how they navigate both their own kids birthday parties, and also other kids birthdays The Wellness Guys way. So tune in for a very non-judgemental conversation with of lots of very practical tips and compromises on how to navigate party time with your little (or not so little) ones. This episode was brought to you by Lotus Peak White Tea. Certified Organic & Australian Owned and available in Woolworths, Coles, Safeway and a range of health food stores. To find out more go to The post TWG 381: Navigating Kids Birthday Parties appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/13/201927 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWG 380: Crazy Wellness Trends Predicted For 2019

Last week Brett and Damian shared with you what they predict will be the trends of 2019 but it seems compared to what others are predicting the boys were a bit tame. This week Brett and Damian discuss some predictions from an article Brett found during the week with some crazy predictions and the boys decided to weigh in with their opinion on all 11 of them. Tune in for a funny and informative episode of The Wellness Guys. And here is a link to the predictions article they are talking about. This episode was brought to you by Lotus Peak White Tea. Certified Organic & Australian Owned and available in Woolworths, Coles, Safeway and a range of health food stores. To find out more go to The post TWG 380: Crazy Wellness Trends Predicted For 2019 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/6/201943 minutes, 5 seconds
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TWG 379: looking forward to 2019

Happy New Year from The Wellness Guys! As we do every year Brett and Damian look forward to what 2019 holds. Find out what big plans the boys have for next year, how their views on goal setting have changed and their predictions on what you can expect in the health and wellness space in the coming year. So have a great New Year’s, kiss and hug your loved ones and remember that what you do between New Years and Christmas matters much more than what you do between Christmas and New Years. This episode was brought to you by Lotus Peak White Tea. Certified Organic & Australian Owned and available in Woolworths, Coles, Safeway and a range of health food stores. To find out more go to The post TWG 379: looking forward to 2019 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/30/201832 minutes, 50 seconds
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TWG 378: The Power Of The Heart

This week Damian and Brett interview producer of ‘The Secret’ Drew Heriot about the topic of his most recent documentary ‘The Power Of The Heart’. Drew shares with us why he believes connecting to your heart is so important and what it can do for your health and your life. He explains why he feels that doing what feels good is a great way to guide your decisions and live a happy life. So tune in for a fascinating episode of The Wellness Guys. This episode was brought to you by True Protein, the premier choice of World-class athletes, sporting teams and wellness enthuasiasts around the world. To get 10% off your True Protein order, use the discount code WELLNESS10 at The post TWG 378: The Power Of The Heart appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/17/201842 minutes, 22 seconds
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TWG 377: Lifestyle and herbal remedies for sleep

This week Brett and Damian are rejoined by Professor Marc Cohen to talk about sleep. Why are so many people missing out on not only quantity but also quality of sleep? What can you do in your day to day life to help ensure that you get a good night’s shut eye? And how might Redormin Forte, a herbal combination of Valerian and Hops (that’s hops not beer!) help with the situation? Tune in for a very informative episode on sleep. This episode was brought to you by True Protein, the premier choice of World-class athletes, sporting teams and wellness enthuasiasts around the world. To get 10% off your True Protein order, use the discount code WELLNESS10 at The post TWG 377: Lifestyle and herbal remedies for sleep appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/9/201836 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWG 376: Should You Quit Sugar

This week Damian and Brett chat about sugar. Quitting sugar has been a popular movement of late but the boys take on the topic might surprise you. The boys talk about low carb diets, high carb diets, the circumstances in which both may work and whether there can be a happy medium that allows you to enjoy both without adversely affecting your health. So tune in for another great discussion between Brett and Damian. This episode was brought to you by True Protein, the premier choice of World-class athletes, sporting teams and wellness enthuasiasts around the world. To get 10% off your True Protein order, use the discount code WELLNESS10 at The post TWG 376: Should You Quit Sugar appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/2/201833 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWG 375: Chronic pain relief

This week Brett and Damian talk to Brendon Lundberg from Radiant Pain Relief about chronic pain. They talk about just how big of a problem chronic pain is in both America and Australia and the challenges that exist with the current mainstream approaches. Brendon goes into the latest understanding of pain and what the latest research is showing about alternative, drug free approaches to manage it. Find out more at This episode was brought to you by Lotus Peak White Tea. Certified Organic & Australian Owned and available in Woolworths, Coles, Safeway and a range of health food stores. To find out more go to For the True Protein ads (recording and dates to follow) can you please add… The post TWG 375: Chronic pain relief appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/25/201834 minutes, 15 seconds
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TWG 374: The Illusion of Choice in Health Care

This week Brett and Damian are joined by Andrew Hicks from The Health Australia Party to talk about the changing landscape of health and of politics in Australia. With the Victorian election looming Andrew shares with us and explains the 5 pillars of the HAP policies (people, environment, society, democracy and the economy). Included in this episode are conversations around the direction of health care, the changes to private health subsidies, our food, the chemicals in our environment and much, much more. Tune in for another great episode of The Wellness Guys! The post TWG 374: The Illusion of Choice in Health Care appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/18/201838 minutes, 38 seconds
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TWG 373: Polished Man

This week Brett and Damian are joined by Kylie Wallace from ygap to talk about tackling poverty and the Polished Man Campaign to help tackle violence against children. Kylie shares with us some astounding stats about sexual abuse and violence affecting kids both in Australia and around the world and explains the link between violence and poverty. She also explains the wonderful work that ygap do and how you can support them by supporting the likes of our very own Damian Kristof in his Polished Man Campaign. To donate head to This episode was brought to you by Lotus Peak White Tea. Certified Organic & Australian Owned and available in Woolworths, Coles, Safeway and a range of health food stores. To find out more go to The post TWG 373: Polished Man appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/11/201831 minutes, 57 seconds
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TWG 372: Improve your breathing, improve your life

This week Brett and Damian chat with Shane and Angelina from about the importance of great breathing and oxygen for your health. Breathing seems like one of those things that everyone knows how to do but Shane and Angelina share with us some great simple strategies to do it even better and more purposefully. So tune in for some great, simple, free tips to improve your health with breathing. This episode was brought to you by Lotus Peak White Tea. Certified Organic & Australian Owned and available in Woolworths, Coles, Safeway and a range of health food stores. To find out more go to The post TWG 372: Improve your breathing, improve your life appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/4/201835 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWG 371: The King Of Bitters

This week Brett and Damian talk to Pam Stone, a naturopath with 35 years in the industry about holistic health care, balancing research with practitioner experience and the ‘king of bitters’ andrographis. Andorgraphis is a herb that has been traditionally used for immune support, it’s anti-inflammatory properties and to improve digestion. Join the boys and Pam for a very informative episode of The Wellness Guys Show. This episode was brought to you by True Protein, the premier choice of World-class athletes, sporting teams and wellness enthuasiasts around the world. To get 10% off your True Protein order, use the discount code WELLNESS10 at The post TWG 371: The King Of Bitters appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/28/201833 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWG 370: LIVE 7 year celebration

A couple of weeks ago Brett and Damian celebrated 7 years of The Wellness Guys by going LIVE on Facebook and answering questions from their fans. In the longest ever recorded Wellness Guys episode the guys hang around to make sure that every single question is answered and reflect back on what has been an amazing 7-year journey with immense gratitude for all those who have contributed to the journey and especially all of those who have tuned in along the way. So tune in for a very entertaining and informative episode of The Wellness Guys. This episode was brought to you by True Protein, the premier choice of World-class athletes, sporting teams and wellness enthuasiasts around the world. To get 10% off your True Protein order, use the discount code WELLNESS10 at The post TWG 370: LIVE 7 year celebration appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/21/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWG 369: Reconditioned Me with Scott Goodings

This week Brett and Damian are joined by Scott Goodings to talk about how to take control of your health and wellbeing. Best known for his diet and cookbook advice (and his role on the hit TV show My Kitchen Rules) Scott talks about his take on the Keto diet (and his thoughts on the new ‘dirty keto’ trend) but also branches into his original specialty PT and exercise and shares his passion for mental health, especially men’s mental health as well. It is  great chat with a down to earth bloke with a lot of knowledge and passion and one well worth tuning in for. This episode was brought to you by True Protein, the premier choice of World-class athletes, sporting teams and wellness enthuasiasts around the world. To get 10% off your True Protein order, use the discount code WELLNESS10 at The post TWG 369: Reconditioned Me with Scott Goodings appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/14/201833 minutes, 28 seconds
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TWG 368: The Fasting Debate

Well, you said you wanted DK and BH to have more episodes just the two of them! You said you wanted them to debate! Well you got your wish, this week Damo and Brett go toe to toe on the topic of fasting and it is an absolute ripper. So buckle in and get ready for the ride, and remember, you asked for it! This episode was brought to you by True Protein, the premier choice of World-class athletes, sporting teams and wellness enthuasiasts around the world. To get 10% off your True Protein order, use the discount code WELLNESS10 at The post TWG 368: The Fasting Debate appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/7/201840 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWG 367: Who is the CEO of your life?

What if you treated your life like a CEO treats a Fortune 500 company? What if you invested just as much energy defining what is important to you and how to make productive change with that knowledge? In this week’s interview Dr Ben Carvosso says that you can. Damian and Brett interview Dr Ben about his new book Life CEO about core values, life legacy, overcoming fear and why profit is not a dirty word. So tune in for another great episode of The Wellness Guys that everyone can benefit from whether you are in business, and employee or a stay at home mum. Find out more about Life CEO at This episode was brought to you by Lotus Peak White Tea. Certified Organic & Australian Owned and available in Woolworths, Coles, Safeway and a range of health food stores. To find out more go to The post TWG 367: Who is the CEO of your life? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/30/201834 minutes, 18 seconds
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TWG 366: Alternate approaches to behaviour and mindset

This week Brett and Damian are joined by fellow Chiropractor Greg Schreeuwer to talk about human behaviour and mindset. Greg has a unique practice that utilises NET (Neuro-Emotional Technique) and NCR (Neuro-Cranial Restructuring) as part of a package of care designed to help people live empowered and fulfilling lives. So tune in for a very informative episode (some of this information is new even for Brett and Damian) and a great chat! Find out more about Greg at This episode was brought to you by Lotus Peak White Tea. Certified Organic & Australian Owned and available in Woolworths, Coles, Safeway and a range of health food stores. To find out more go to The post TWG 366: Alternate approaches to behaviour and mindset appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/23/201834 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWG 365: Should we legislate or educate

This week Brett and Damian chat to Professor Grant Schofield Professor of Public Health, and Director of the Human Potential Centre at Auckland University of Technology. In a wide ranging chat the boys ask the Professor about the work he is doing with the NZ Government and what can be done to help improve the situation both in NZ and over the ditch in Australia. He talks about what he sees as the best approach to tackle the health crisis when it comes to the age old question of whether to legislate or educate when it comes to important topics like sugar consumption. Grant has a very down to earth, practical approach, well backed up by the literature that makes this a conversation well worth tuning in to. This episode was brought to you by Lotus Peak White Tea. Certified Organic & Australian Owned and available in Woolworths, Coles, Safeway and a range of health food stores. To find out more go to The post TWG 365: Should we legislate or educate appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/16/201834 minutes, 39 seconds
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TWG 364: Natural therapies for the community

This week Brett and Damian interview CEO of Blackmores Richard Henfrey about the great work Blackmores are doing in the natural therapies space. Not only are Blackmores providing great quality supplements, they are also doing a lot of research into natural therapies, advocating for natural therapies on a political level, running programs to help the population get moving AND supporting Special Olympics Australia on their road to the games. So tune in for a fascinating interview with one of the top dogs in natural therapies in Australia! This episode was brought to you by Lotus Peak White Tea. Certified Organic & Australian Owned and available in Woolworths, Coles, Safeway and a range of health food stores. To find out more go to The post TWG 364: Natural therapies for the community appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/10/201828 minutes, 7 seconds
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TWG 363: How much screen time should your kids have?

This week Brett and Damian bring on Dr Wayne Warburton from the Department of Psychology at Macquarie University to talk about the impact of screen time and the media on our kids. An ever increasing topic of concern for all parents and everyone who has young children in their lives this is a great episode covering not just how much the kids are on the screens but some of the very concerning stats about what they are watching and playing. They cover what impact this has on their developing brains and how long-lasting the effects may be. So for anyone with a little person in their life this episode really is a must listen! For a couple of fact sheets on screen time head to The post TWG 363: How much screen time should your kids have? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/3/201837 minutes, 7 seconds
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TWG 362: Coughs, Colds and Ivy Leaf extract

It has been absolutely freezing in Southern Australia at the moment and so we thought it would be a great time to get Professor Marc Cohen on to The Wellness Guys Show to tell us all about coughs. Why are they so prevalent in winter, how to treat the cause as well as the symptoms and just why Ivy Leaf Extract might be a great addition to your family tool kit. Marc is a wealth of information so be sure to tune in for another very informative episode of The Wellness guys Show! The post TWG 362: Coughs, Colds and Ivy Leaf extract appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/26/201830 minutes, 58 seconds
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TWG 361: Low Carb, Healthy Fat with Steph Lowe

This week Brett and Damian welcome back The Natural Nutritionist, Steph Lowe. Not only is Steph the host of The Real Food Reel on The Wellness Couch, and author of several excellent books, she is also one of our speakers at The Wellness Summit this weekend sharing her awesome message. In this interview, Steph explains to us what Low Carb, Healthy Fat means, why food quality is so important and why she believes that the key to good health is not only focusing on real food but also making sure that you are personalising the approach to the individual. Her new book Low Carb, Healthy Fat Nutrition is available for pre-order now and is going to be an absolute winner! Powered by Eventbrite The post TWG 361: Low Carb, Healthy Fat with Steph Lowe appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/19/201832 minutes, 28 seconds
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TWG 360: The Art Of Self Love with Kim Morrison

This week Brett and Damian are joined by one of our favourites on The Wellness Guys, in fact she is a favourite for pretty much everyone who follows The Wellness Couch! We are of course talking about Up For A Chat’s own Kim Morrison from Twenty8 Essential Oils. Kim is a fountain of love and in this episode she shares with us some personal and at times emotional tales of where she and her family have fallen out of self love and the road map that she has now created to help them, and the world, return to that state. Her new book The Art Of Self Love is a must have for every household and will be available for the first time EVER at The Wellness Summit in just a few short weeks time where Kim will of course be a key note presenter. So tune in for some beautiful, loving wisdom from the one and only Kim Morrison. Powered by Eventbrite The post TWG 360: The Art Of Self Love with Kim Morrison appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/12/201840 minutes, 50 seconds
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TWG 359: Running With Purpose

This week Brett interviews dual event, dual Olympian Eloise Wellings about her journey to the London and Rio games and beyond. The interview touches on the preparation that goes into such high level of performance in terms of the mental, the physical and also the diet and supplementation programs. Eloise is an absolute inspiration and there are so many little gems in this episode that can be applied to people from any walk of life. So even if running 10km and super high speed is your idea of hell we encourage you to give this one a good listen! The post TWG 359: Running With Purpose appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/5/201838 minutes, 9 seconds
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TWG 358: The Mind Muscle Project

This week Brett is joined by CrossFit coach, author and fellow podcaster Raph Freedman to talk about all things training and exercise. Raph shares why he was attracted to the functional training of Crossfit and why he was inspired to not only start his own gyms (3 of them) but also go on to write a book and host a podcast. He shares his top tips for people of any level wanting to get into fitness and gives is some insight into what to look for when hunting for a personal trainer or gym. So whether you are an exercising master or a novice tune in to this great episode. The post TWG 358: The Mind Muscle Project appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/29/201831 minutes, 50 seconds
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TWG 357: Wayapa – Our Proudest Ever Podcast

This week Brett and Damian share a very special interview about indigenous health and indigenous healing with Jamie Thomas from Wayapa Wuurk. Jamie talks about his journey to rediscover the culture, knowledge and wisdom of his roots from one of the oldest living cultures in the world. He also talks about the work he is doing to help other indigenous and non-indigenous people rediscover their connection to their environment and his unique perspective on ‘generational wellness’. This is a long overdue topic on the wellness guys and we are so proud to have the opportunity to share this unique perspective and knowledge with you. Find out more at The post TWG 357: Wayapa – Our Proudest Ever Podcast appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/22/201840 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWG 356: The facts about krill oil

This week Brett and Damian speak to chemist, naturopath and academic Stephen Eddey about krill oil and the importance of Omega 3’s. Stephen discusses all of the different possible sources of Omega 3’s and how to maximise your intake and bio-availability from plant and animal sources and ensure they are sources sustainably. So tune in for a very informative episode on what is always a very popular topic. To find out more about the krill oil Stephen talks about head to The post TWG 356: The facts about krill oil appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/15/201831 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWG 355: Sports Dietitian Ryan Pinto

This week Brett and Damian have a chat with sports dietitian Ryan Pinto. Ryan has extensive experience with top shelf rugby clubs like the Parramatta Eels and now the South Sydney Rabitohs  and shares some of his unique insights into how these elite athletes perform to their full potential and how you can do so too. Ryan also talks about why he chose to go on from his nutrition degree to study dietetics and the importance of getting your macros right and B vitamins, including why he recommends practitioner only supplements. So tune in for another great interview and to find out more about the Eagle Natural Health supplements Ryan mentions head to The post TWG 355: Sports Dietitian Ryan Pinto appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/8/201833 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWG 354: Auto-immunity with Prof Yehuda Shoefeld

This week Damian and Brett interview Professor Yehuda Schoefeld at the 6th Bioceuticals Research Symposium in Melbourne. Yehuda is not only a highly entertaining presenter but is a world class researcher with a wealth of information to share. He talks all things auto-immunity including why coffee might be good for some auto-immune conditions and not for others, whether chocolate is good for you and why he loves pomegranates! Tune in for another very informative episode with all the latest research. The post TWG 354: Auto-immunity with Prof Yehuda Shoefeld appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/1/201822 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWG 353: The Whole Way

This week Brett and Damian interview Jodie Heselwood from The Whole Way. Jodie is travelling Australia, with 2 kids and a husband in tow teaching everyone how to incorporate healthy food into their lives. After suffering from Chronic Fatigue and depression Jodie was able to turn her own life around and so decided to combine her passion for travel and camping with a new way of life. Through a combination of home stays and cyber coffee catch ups she is helping families all over the country adopt more healthful habits! The post TWG 353: The Whole Way appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/24/201832 minutes, 21 seconds
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TWG 352: Be Script Wise

This week Brett and Damian cover a very important topic in Australian (and worldwide) health, being Script Wise. Would you be surprised to hear that the deaths from opioid medications in Victoria exceeds the road toll? The Boys were! This week we are joined by Bee Mohammed from who shares some alarming statistics about the deaths from prescription and non-prescription medications in Australia, in particular opioids. So tune in for an eye opening discussion around what can be done about this terrible problem. The post TWG 352: Be Script Wise appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/17/201842 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWG 351: The facts about Keto

This week Brett and Damian are once again at the 6th Bioceuticals Research Symposium and this time interview one of the worlds leading researchers into Ketogenic diets Dominic D’Agostino. Keto has been massive over the last year or two and Dominic shines out as a fantastic voice of reason in the community. He understands what the research does (and does not) show better than most and gives a very pragmatic view of what works and what does not when it comes to this way of living. So tune in for another very informative episode of The Wellness Guys Show! The post TWG 351: The facts about Keto appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/10/201835 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWG 350: Overcoming Insecurity

This week Brett and Damian have a fascinating chat with ‘The One Minute Coach’ Jaemin Frazer about overcoming insecurity. The boys question Jaemin about why we are so insecure and what we can do about it. Why do so many people feel like they are not good enough? Is this just life and we need to get over it and push on or is it something that we need to resolve in order to move forward? All this and more in an enlightening episode of The Wellness Guys Show. The post TWG 350: Overcoming Insecurity appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/3/201830 minutes, 39 seconds
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TWG 349: Living Well With Dementia

This week Damian and Brett were joined by inspirational Dementia researcher John Quinn (along with his wife Glenys). John was a school principle when he was “relieved” to get his diagnosis of early-onset familial Dementia. He says that whilst having Dementia was not his choice, he is choosing to live well with Dementia and based on this episode we can confidently say that he is succeeding. John has now done some wonderful research into the field of Dementia and speaks at major conferences about how to thrive with the condition and also about how it affects male masculinity. He will be speaking at the International Dementia Conference in Sydney on the 8th of June. Find out more at The post TWG 349: Living Well With Dementia appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/27/201837 minutes, 18 seconds
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TWG 348: Manuka Honey And Looking After Our Bees

This week Damian and Brett interview James from Egmont Honey ( about Manuka honey. Why is Manuka Honey so good? What do those ratings on the jar mean and how does it impact on the health benefits? What is the difference between Manuka and Kanuka? And What about Australian Manuka (Jelly Bush), what is the go with that? And why the heck would you use a helicopter to move your bees around? All this and more including what Egmont (with their Wiamete Honey range) are doing to look after the bees and help prevent their demise. To purchase this amazing Waimete Honey in Australia head to or your local Woolworths store. The post TWG 348: Manuka Honey And Looking After Our Bees appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/20/201838 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWG 347: Healthy Kids Happy Kids with Dr Elisa Song

This week Brett and Damian interview world renowned integrative paediatrician Dr Elisa Song from at the 6th Bioceuticals Research Symposium. Dr Song shares a wealth if information about Chronic disease in kids including just how prevalent it is, why it is so high and what we can do to not only manage it but also to prevent it. So if you have kids in your life who you love you are not going to want to miss this one! The post TWG 347: Healthy Kids Happy Kids with Dr Elisa Song appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/13/201835 minutes, 54 seconds
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TWG 346: Why Auto-immunity with Dr Amy Meyers?

This week The Wellness Guys are at the 6th Bioceuticals Research Symposium in Melbourne and have been fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to interview the fantastic lineup of speakers. There will be more to come in the following weeks, but this week Brett and Damian had the pleasure of interviewing a world renowned expert in auto-immunity and in particular the thyroid, Dr Amy Meyers. They talk about why auto-immunity is becoming so common, what can be done to prevent it, what can be done to manage it and even what can be done to maintain your health after the worst has passed. So tune in for a wonderful interview with a very intelligent lady! The post TWG 346: Why Auto-immunity with Dr Amy Meyers? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/6/201819 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWG 345: School Holidays!

School holidays have just finished in South Australia and Victoria and with Damo and Brett’s kids at different ages they proposed different challenges (and opportunities) for each. This week the boys discuss how they navigate these busy times with their families and find some harmony between work, family, their partners etc. So tune in for a nice catch up between 2 mates with a whole heaps of little gems sprinkled in between. The post TWG 345: School Holidays! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/29/201836 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWG 344: What A Feeling

This week Damian and Brett welcome on Toni Powell, author of the book “What A Feeling” to talk about positive relationships. Toni has a great way of taking a complex topic and making it seem quite simple with a practical. a no-nonsense approach that seems wise and kind at the same time. This episode is so full of little gems that I am sure it is one you will want to listen to again and again! The post TWG 344: What A Feeling appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/22/201832 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWG 343: The Naked Naturopath

With a name like The Naked Naturopath and a new podcast on The Wellness Couch how could the boys refuse an interview! But seriously Melissa Gearing is a wealth of information on all things naturopathy and especially herbs. She comes on the show to talk about the latest trends in naturopathy and nutrition and how and why herbs can be used as medicine for you and your whole family! Find her new show The Nakes Naturopath on The post TWG 343: The Naked Naturopath appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/16/201832 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWG 342: Keeping the bloggers honest

This week Damo and Brett check out some of the health trends of 2018 and weigh in with their opinion on what does and does not cut the gluten free/keto/vegan/natural mustard. The boys talk about everything from keto to fanny packs and activated charcoal to edible glitter in a very fun episode with a serious Listen In The post TWG 342: Keeping the bloggers honest appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/8/201834 minutes, 54 seconds
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TWG 341: A pain in the…

This week Damian and Brett talk about pain. With the recent changes to the availability of Codeine a lot of people have been asking questions about what to do about their pain? How safe is Codeine? Why was it removed from over the counter? What does this mean for other drugs? What other choices are available to manage pain? And what is pain anyway. Damian lets out his inner geek this week and answers all of these questions and more! EVENT ALERT The Wellness Basecamp hits Adelaide THIS Saturday April 7.  Catch Kim Morrison, Damian Kristof, Brett Hill, JP & Andy from Smashed Avocado and Marcus Pearce for one day of inspiration and education. And the best bit? You can get TWO tickets for the price of one when you click here or buy your tickets below. Bring along a friend or family member to double the transformation and empowerment! Powered by Eventbrite The post TWG 341: A pain in the… appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/1/201835 minutes, 55 seconds
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TWG 340: Vegan Hot Italian Sausage

This week Damian has just returned from a massive “natural foods” expo in the States and chats to Brett about what he found there. What ensues is a serious conversation about what is being passed off as “natural” in our foods and the ways that the real ingredients are being hidden from us as a less serious conversation about some of the more unusual food products Damian found. So tune in as always for a great combination of information, entertainment and humour from The Wellness Guys. p.s. have you got your tickets for The Wellness Basecamp in Adelaide yet? It is coming up SOON! Use the code ILOVEDAMO to get 2 for 1 tickets. The post TWG 340: Vegan Hot Italian Sausage appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/25/201830 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWG 339: Dr Terry Wahls on minding your mitochondria

This week Damian and Brett have the privilege of interviewing Dr Terry Wahls about her amazing journey healing her body from crippling MS and what she has learnt from the process. Terry had gone on to create the Wahls Protocol, a way for everyone to help nourish their mitochondria and heal their bodies. She talks about the importance of essential amino acids, leafy vegetables, sulphur rich vegetables and highly pigmented vegetables and explains how vegans and vegetarians can utilise her protocol as well. Tery will be visiting Australia in a couple of weeks for the Bioceuticals Symposium in Melbourne. The post TWG 339: Dr Terry Wahls on minding your mitochondria appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/19/201832 minutes
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TWG 338: Why Diets Don’t Work

This week with Damian travelling across to America to find out all of the latest food trends Brett is once again joined by Marcus Pearce. The boys reminisce about their childhood diets, when they were strictest about food, how that worked for them and what their lifestyle looks like now in a rollicking conversation. So tune in to find out all the boys dirty secrets, both then and now and also the old nickname Marcus Pearce owns up to that Brett wants to bring back. The post TWG 338: Why Diets Don’t Work appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/11/201840 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWG 337: Cold Showers and the Cross Fit Games

Brett is always experimenting with new and interesting ideas. Barefoot running, Paleo, intermittent fasting, fermented foods, the list goes on. Brett’s latest challenges are a 30 day cold shower challenge inspired by the one and only Wim Hof and the Cross Fit games. Brett has been inspired by the amazing anecdotal stories around the benefits of taking cold showers and ice baths to look a bit closer into the research, to develop his own hypothesis, and to trial it on himself. Damo probes him on what his research found and what results he has seen. The boys also discuss the Cross Fit Games and the balance between being competitive but not getting too carried away with comparisons when it comes to your health and wellness goals. The post TWG 337: Cold Showers and the Cross Fit Games appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/4/201835 minutes, 38 seconds
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TWG 336: The Wellness Couch Community

This week Brett is fresh off of The Wellness Basecamp in Brisbane, so Damo decided that it was a good idea to welcome on Marcus Pearce as well to chat about the experience. The Wellness Basecamp was full of love and community. Not only between the speakers but the exhibitors and the attendees as well. The boys chat about the importance of community and make a very special announcement about The Wellness Basecamp in Adelaide! 2 for 1 code: ILOVEDAMO The post TWG 336: The Wellness Couch Community appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/25/201830 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWG 335: Kanuka (that’s not a typo) honey

This week the boys have a fascinating chat with Mark Sharman and Carmen Alvarado from Sven’s Island about Kanuka honey. The Aotea Kanuka tree is a tree from an island off of NZ and may have even more amazing properties than it’s cousin (the Manuka tree). Both the honey from the local bees and the oil extracted from the leaves have some extraordinary anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Mark’s father in law Sven has been cultivating and extolling the virtues of this amazing plant for years and now it is available in Australia thanks to the Healthy Life stores. The boys can’t wait to get their hands on this new product! The post TWG 335: Kanuka (that’s not a typo) honey appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/18/201835 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWG 334: What should and should not be in your water

This week The Wellness Guys interview Janet from Zazen Alkaline water. Zazen make an incredible range of water filters favoured by pretty much the whole crew on The Wellness Couch so who better to get on to talk about what should and should not be in our drinking water, including discussion on chlorine, flouride and much more. Whether you are on town water, bore water or rainwater there is some great information in this episode about water quality and what makes a great quality water filter. Zazen will be also be demonstrating their filters and hydrating all of the attendees at The Wellness Basecamp in Brisbane, Adelaide and Kiama. Go to for more details. And if you want to get your Zazen, get 10% off AND get free delivery head to and enter the code WELLNESSGUYS The post TWG 334: What should and should not be in your water appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/11/201835 minutes, 31 seconds
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TWG 333: Man Alive with Jordan Travers

This week Brett and Damian interview a young mover and shaker in the wellness world Jordan Travers about his new book Man Alive. Jordan shares a unique and refreshingly simple approach to regaining health and well-being forged from his own near death experience and subsequent journey of exploration. So tune in for a great easy Listen In The post TWG 333: Man Alive with Jordan Travers appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/4/201831 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWG 332: Perspectives On Productivity

This week Damian and Brett talk about productivity. Why do you want to be productive? Is it even important? The boys talk about how their thoughts on productivity have changed over the years, and what they have tried that has worked and not worked for them. They talk about finding the balance between being productive and being kind to yourself and how to ensure that you are enjoying your life not just slugging away for delayed gratification that may never come. This is a fascinating episode of The Wellness Guys and the boys would love to hear what you think at The post TWG 332: Perspectives On Productivity appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/28/201833 minutes, 18 seconds
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TWG 331: Wilderness Fasting with Fouad Kassab

With Damian away on holidays Brett get’s the chance to take the reins. Not only does he bring in one of his favourite Paleo people Fouad Kassab from Quirky Cooking he also brings in a handsome replacement for Damo (Marcus Pearce) to help with the interview. Fouad shares with us the recent 4 day water fast he underwent in preparation for his upcoming 4 day wilderness fast and the insights he gives about the physical and mental benefits of this traditional initiation ceremony  are insightful. Fu also talks about the 4 alienations that people are suffering from which in itself could have been a whole fascinating episode. So tune in for a great interview with a very deep thinking man. The post TWG 331: Wilderness Fasting with Fouad Kassab appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/21/201834 minutes, 5 seconds
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TWG 330: Reviews and Questions

Brett and Damian LOVE 5 star reviews and they really do try and answer all of the questions that they get personally whether it be via email, iTunes or the Facebook page because they care. This week the boys look back over the reviews and questions they have received and answer them ‘on air’ so that everyone can benefit from the answers. So tune in to see if your question or review was covered and head to to interact with the guys. The post TWG 330: Reviews and Questions appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/14/201831 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWG 329: Happy New Year! Trends in 2018

At this time of year Brett and Damian always like to have a chat about the trends in wellness both in terms of what has been in 2017 but also what they see coming in 2018. So tune in to find out which diets will be big in 2018, what trends in 2018 there will be in movement and what mindset and stress strategies people will be seeing the most benefit from. To find out more about Damian go to To find out more about Brett go to The post TWG 329: Happy New Year! Trends in 2018 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/7/201834 minutes, 38 seconds
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TWG 328: The Art Of Natural Running

This week something different, Damian interviews Brett about natural running. Why do some people not like running? Why do some people keep getting injured? What does natural running mean and is it for everyone? Can I still wear shoes? These questions and many more are covered in a fun episode with the boys. Brett shares his experience running a totally barefoot 12km fun run, a marathon and an ultra marathon as well as his secrets to enjoying running. He also gives some tips on getting your technique right to make running more effortless and shares with everyone how they can get a free copy of The Barefoot Athlete eBook he wrote with Kim Morrison (Up For A Chat) and a massive discount on his new The Art Of Natural Running eCourse (just $29, RRP $97). To grab your FREE eBook head to To get the eCourse for just $29 (70% off) head to The post TWG 328: The Art Of Natural Running appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/31/201734 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWG 327: Antibiotics Awareness Week

This week Damian and Brett interview a Doctor with a difference, Dr Cris Beer, about the dangers of over-use of antibiotics both in terms of their impact on the body and also the rise of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria. Dr Cris shares a wealth of knowledge about the awareness needed in the use of antibiotics Listen In The post TWG 327: Antibiotics Awareness Week appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/24/201730 minutes, 1 second
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TWG 326: Diagnosing Energy Issues

This week Brett and Damian welcome back Dr Ross Walker to the show to talk all about energy. Get out your note pad for this one because Dr Ross shares an absolute wealth of information on how to diagnose your energy issues and what can be done to combat them. He shares his 5 keys to health, common medications that can affect your energy and also some supplements that can really help not only your energy but your overall health. So buckle in for a wild ride through the ins and outs of regaining your energy! The post TWG 326: Diagnosing Energy Issues appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/17/201732 minutes, 43 seconds
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TWG 325: Is our health choice being threatened?

This week Damian and Brett have a very hard-hitting and informative episode with homeopath and herbalist Gerry Dendrinos. Gerry is a passionate advocate for alternative medicine and is very concerned about the recent campaign to remove private health rebates from a number of therapies. In this episode, we delve into the research that was used to drive the campaign, whether there may have been bias and what this means for the future of alternative health. If you are one of the 80% of Australians (and similar numbers overseas) who use alternative therapies then NOW is the time to listen and take action. Head to to sign the petition! The post TWG 325: Is our health choice being threatened? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/10/201742 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWG 324: Byron Katie – A Body At Home With Itself

This week we welcome back one of Brett’s favourite interviewees, Byron Katie, to talk about her new book A Body At Home With Itself. This time Damian joins Brett for the interview and both the boys are blown away by the wisdom and calmness of the amazing Byron Katie. Byron talks in more depth about Listen In The post TWG 324: Byron Katie – A Body At Home With Itself appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/3/201732 minutes, 33 seconds
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TWG 323: Open Wide with Melissa Ambrosini

This week Damian and Brett talk to one our favourites on The Wellness Guys Show, Melissa Ambrosini, about her new book Open Wide. Melissa opens up a great conversation about love, relationships and yes, even sex with the boys. We encourage everyone to listen to the wisdom of Melissa, whether you are male or female, Listen In The post TWG 323: Open Wide with Melissa Ambrosini appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/26/201732 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWG 322: Being Lissome

This week the boys interview the inspirational Nerida Bint from Lissome (it means thin, supple and graceful), a women’s only Cross Training facility in Newcastle. Nerida tells the boys how she once attempted to enter a Cross-Fit gym only to be told “Oh darling, Cross-Fit isn’t for you” and how she went on to well and truly prove that rude trainer wrong. So tune in for a great story about a powerful journey from overweight and unhappy to a thriving, not only in her personal life but also her professional one! (coming soon) Facebook Instagram The post TWG 322: Being Lissome appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/19/201732 minutes
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TWG 321: Omega 3 In Depth

This week Damian and Brett chat with pharmacist Gerald Quigley for an in-depth look at the facts around Omega 3 supplementation. Why do we need to supplement? Who needs to supplement? Which is are best, fish oil or krill oil? What about vegetarian sources? These questions and more are all answered in this very informative, Listen In The post TWG 321: Omega 3 In Depth appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/12/201729 minutes, 15 seconds
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TWG 320: The Gut Movie

This week Brett and Damian welcome back a (young) old friend Kale Brock to talk about his latest adventure, The Gut Movie. Kale has journeyed all the way to the Namibian desert to explore the impact of the environment on the microbiome. He shares his journey and a stream of expert interviews (including our very own Damian Kristof) in this amazing film which debuted in Adelaide a couple of nights ago. So tune in to hear all the latest information on the gut, the microbiome and Kale’s amazing adventures. The post TWG 320: The Gut Movie appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/5/201735 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWG 319: Food Safari Earth

This week the boys interview Maeve O’Meara from the amazing SBS show Food Safari Earth. Maeve (no relation to our very own Cyndi) shares her passion for food that has inspired her to investigate the wonderful ways that vegetables are cooked and prepared all over the world. With endless enthusiasm and delight for the food and the journey, we challenge you to come away from this episode and not be inspired to get into the kitchen and create some vegetable masterpieces of your own (even Brett might get a bit fancy!). Check out past episodes of the show at and tune in at 8:30 pm Thursdays for new episodes. The post TWG 319: Food Safari Earth appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/29/201734 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWG 318: RunLab with Vlad Shatrov

Vlad Shatrov is a serious runner. He has world standard times in marathons and ultra-marathons and wants you to know how to get the best out of your running and your life. In this great interview, he shares with us the importance of running, strength, yoga, recovery and especially mindset. Find out more about Vlad at The post TWG 318: RunLab with Vlad Shatrov appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/22/201732 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWG 317: The Happy Mind Movement with Tracey Carmichael

Tracey Carmichael is an NLP and timeline therapy practitioner who specialises in helping people with anxiety and depression. She has a slightly different take on not only how we define it but also how we go about treating it using tools like diet, exercise, meditation, personal development and re-framing. So tune in to hear a very interesting insight into a very important topic and find out more about The Happy Mind Movement book, coaching and online course at  The post TWG 317: The Happy Mind Movement with Tracey Carmichael appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/15/201733 minutes, 59 seconds
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TWG 316: Why sit when you can stand – Daniel Angelini

This week Damian and Brett chat to Daniel Angelini from Movi Workspace about the dangers of too much sitting and how to better design your work space. Daniel has not only created some of the best stand up desks in the business he has literally written the book on the topic. So listen to this great episode then head to, order your desk and go to the book tab and enter the code TWG to get your free eBook download. The post TWG 316: Why sit when you can stand – Daniel Angelini appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/8/201735 minutes, 12 seconds
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TWG 315: Finding Your Voice with Per Bristow

Per Bristow is much more than just one of the worlds leading singing coaches. He has a passion for health, wellness, personal development and mindset and a unique journey to share. If you have something in your life that you want to share with your family, your community or the world then this episode is a great on for you. Click here to find out more about Per and The Singing Zone. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Become A Change Maker In The Health Industry Today! Enroll for The Functional Nutrition Course and become an Internationally Recognised expert on the Vitalistic Philosophy of Food and Nutrition with our friends at The Functional Nutrition Academy! Register now and receive a 6 Week Bonus Accreditation Course providing you with the business tools to start and grow your own business AND a WHOPPING $1000 discount! So don’t delay, and start your health care career today at: The post TWG 315: Finding Your Voice with Per Bristow appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/1/201733 minutes, 50 seconds
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TWG 314: Can social media be healthy?

This week Damian and Brett talk about social media. Is it good or bad? How can it be used well and how can it be used poorly? How are the different generations using it? What do we need to be mindful of when our kids are interacting on social media and how can we use it to our advantage? A great conversation with the boys that is sure to spark some great conversations at your home too. So be sure to tune in to this weeks episode of The Wellness Guys! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Become A Change Maker In The Health Industry Today! Enroll for The Functional Nutrition Course and become an Internationally Recognised expert on the Vitalistic Philosophy of Food and Nutrition with our friends at The Functional Nutrition Academy! Register now and receive a 6 Week Bonus Accreditation Course providing you with the business tools to start and grow your own business AND a WHOPPING $1000 discount! So don’t delay, and start your health care career today at: The post TWG 314: Can social media be healthy? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/24/201735 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWG 313: Health, wellness and infrared saunas with Neil O’Sullivan

This week Damian and Brett interview Neil O’Sullivan from Nimbus and Co infrared and wellness studio. Neil has a great story and a lot of wisdom to share about his journey from the corporate world to the world of health and wellness and how he now deals with the stresses of modern life and helps others do the same. It is a great chat with a fascinating and insightful man so be sure to check it out. Find out more about Nimbus and Co by heading to and follow Neil on all the socials. T: @neilosul I: @neilosul,  @thenimbusco F: /thenimbusco L: /neilosul ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Become A Change Maker In The Health Industry Today! Enroll for The Functional Nutrition Course and become an Internationally Recognised expert on the Vitalistic Philosophy of Food and Nutrition with our friends at The Functional Nutrition Academy! Register now and receive a 6 Week Bonus Accreditation Course providing you with the business tools to start and grow your own business AND a WHOPPING $1000 discount! So don’t delay, and start your health care career today at: The post TWG 313: Health, wellness and infrared saunas with Neil O’Sullivan appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/17/201734 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWG 312: The Wellness Guys Show is BACK!!

Damian and Brett are BACK with the new Wellness Guys Show. Tune in to find out what has changed, what has stayed the same and how you can have your say about this exciting new evolution of The Wellness Guys Show. Also, make sure that you head to The Wellness Guys on Facebook to join in the conversation. P.S. thanks again to Laurence Tham for the contribution and legacy that he is left on The Wellness Guys Show. We wouldn’t be where we are without him! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Become A Change Maker In The Health Industry Today! Enroll for The Functional Nutrition Course and become an Internationally Recognised expert on the Vitalistic Philosophy of Food and Nutrition with our friends at The Functional Nutrition Academy! Register now and receive a 6 Week Bonus Accreditation Course providing you with the business tools to start and grow your own business AND a WHOPPING $1000 discount! So don’t delay, and start your health care career today at: The post TWG 312: The Wellness Guys Show is BACK!! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/10/201711 minutes, 44 seconds
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TWG 311: Celebrating 6 years with a BANG!

If you like The Wellness Guys this is one episode that you are definitely NOT going to want to miss! The boys have reached 6 years of recording The Wellness Guys every single week and they have some BIG news for you. What could it be? Laurence revealing his accent and grammar was just a ploy to capture the North American  and Asian markets? Damian finally giving upon the Richmond Tigers? Brett becoming a Sanitarium ambassador? You are just going to HAVE to tune in to find out! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Developed by naturopath and nutritionist Dr. Damian Kristof, Forage Cereal is 100% Gluten AND Oat Free, with no processed sugar, preservatives or additives, made with only the highest quality ingredients. Forage Cereal offers a range of Paleo, Vegan and FODMAP friendly muesli blends including Bircher, Porridge and Granola. For a limited time only all TWC listeners will receive 20% off ALL online purchases over $50. That’s right 20% off ALL online purchases over $50! Visit and enter the code TWC at the checkout and save! The post TWG 311: Celebrating 6 years with a BANG! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/25/201735 minutes, 7 seconds
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TWG 310: Inspiring Teens with Ranes Sangha

This week Laurence and Brett chat to Psychologist, Social Worker and trained Demartini hods facilitator Ranes Sangha about the challenges facing our teens in our modern world. Ranes shares her journey from uninspired social worker to finding her purpose and remembering who she was and what she was born to do to make a difference in this world. She has discovered the Demartini Method and is now passionate about sharing this with the world and especially teenagers.  Head to and enter the code COUCH to get a very special offer to see Dr John Demartini in Australia! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Developed by naturopath and nutritionist Dr. Damian Kristof, Forage Cereal is 100% Gluten AND Oat Free, with no processed sugar, preservatives or additives, made with only the highest quality ingredients. Forage Cereal offers a range of Paleo, Vegan and FODMAP friendly muesli blends including Bircher, Porridge and Granola. For a limited time only all TWC listeners will receive 20% off ALL online purchases over $50. That’s right 20% off ALL online purchases over $50! Visit and enter the code TWC at the checkout and save! The post TWG 310: Inspiring Teens with Ranes Sangha appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/18/201731 minutes, 58 seconds
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TWG 309: The Fit Mummy Project with Kimmy Smith

This week Damo and Brett interview former professional netballer Kimmy Smith about getting back into exercise after pregnancy. With so much pressure to ‘bounce back’ after a pregnancy and to ‘return to your pre-baby body’ Kimmy wants to help show mums how to look forward rather than backwards and embrace their new life and their new body in a relevant, achievable way. Kimmy shares some great tips on different types of exercise, core work, pelvic floor work and when to consult a professional to get some expert guidance as well as some basic tips on post baby nutrition. So tune in for another very informative episode of The Wellness Guys Show! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Developed by naturopath and nutritionist Dr. Damian Kristof, Forage Cereal is 100% Gluten AND Oat Free, with no processed sugar, preservatives or additives, made with only the highest quality ingredients. Forage Cereal offers a range of Paleo, Vegan and FODMAP friendly muesli blends including Bircher, Porridge and Granola. For a limited time only all TWC listeners will receive 20% off ALL online purchases over $50. That’s right 20% off ALL online purchases over $50! Visit and enter the code TWC at the checkout and save! The post TWG 309: The Fit Mummy Project with Kimmy Smith appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/11/201730 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWG 308: Dr Denise Furness – Genes and Fertility

Damian still in the trenches at the 5th Bio-Ceuticals Research Symposium has an amazing opportunity to chat with one of Australia’s leading fertility experts… in a seriously hilarious and exciting interview, Damian and Dr Denise Furness delve deep into the issues surrounding infertility, genetic influences of fertility and pregnancy outcomes and discuss where modern nutritional and medical science may be going wrong and where they are going right. This is an awesome episode for anyone interested in fertility and genetic expression. You should hear how excited Damian gets!!! let us know what you think. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Developed by naturopath and nutritionist Dr. Damian Kristof, Forage Cereal is 100% Gluten AND Oat Free, with no processed sugar, preservatives or additives, made with only the highest quality ingredients. Forage Cereal offers a range of Paleo, Vegan and FODMAP friendly muesli blends including Bircher, Porridge and Granola. For a limited time only all TWC listeners will receive 20% off ALL online purchases over $50. That’s right 20% off ALL online purchases over $50! Visit and enter the code TWC at the checkout and save! The post TWG 308: Dr Denise Furness – Genes and Fertility appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/4/201735 minutes, 17 seconds
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TWG 307: Vitamin K – could this be the secret to everything? with Dr Hogna Vik

Damian still in the trenches at the 5th Bio-Ceuticals Research Symposium has a world first opportunity to interview the worlds leading expert Dr Hogna Vik about what Vitamin K is, what it does, what it shows promise for and where we get it from!! Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular health and promise for SOOOOOO much more. Let us know what you think! LIVE EVENT ALERT Exceptional Life Blueprint LIVE – Marcus Pearce’s TWO day transformational event is coming to Melbourne for the VERY first time and you’re invited! Join Marcus and a tribe of like-minded souls at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre on June 3 and 4. You’ll transform EVERY area of your life from Mediocre To Magnificent and create a blueprint for your Life Purpose & Career Health Wealth Relationships Spirit & More Early Bird 2 for 1 tickets are ON SALE now at The post TWG 307: Vitamin K – could this be the secret to everything? with Dr Hogna Vik appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/28/201732 minutes
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TWG 306: I’m bloated and it could be SIBO with Dr Steven Sandberg-Lewis

With Brett and Laurence enjoying the high life – Damo is sent into the trenches to attend the 5th Bio-Ceuticals Research Symposium. A world class integrative medicine event that looks at the latest research around natural and integrative approaches to health concerns. This interview will blow your mind… do you bloat? do you have diarrhoea? have you been told that you have IBS? It could be SIBO! If you want more details about Dr Sandberg-Lewis and SIBO check out these videos  let us know what you think! LIVE EVENT ALERT Exceptional Life Blueprint LIVE – Marcus Pearce’s TWO day transformational event is coming to Melbourne for the VERY first time and you’re invited! Join Marcus and a tribe of like-minded souls at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre on June 3 and 4. You’ll transform EVERY area of your life from Mediocre To Magnificent and create a blueprint for your Life Purpose & Career Health Wealth Relationships Spirit & More Early Bird 2 for 1 tickets are ON SALE now at The post TWG 306: I’m bloated and it could be SIBO with Dr Steven Sandberg-Lewis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/21/201733 minutes, 24 seconds
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TWG 305: The Virgin Miracle Mindset

The boys have gone rogue and Laurence brings in a special guest host, his wife Karen, on this episode. If there is one show you do NOT want to miss, it is this one! In episode 305, Karen and Laurence have the privilege of chatting to the very talented and amazing J.J. Virgin. J.J. is a mother of two, a highly successful entrepreneur and business woman with certifications in Nutrition, Fitness, Personal Training and Holistic Nutrition. She is author of 4 NY Times best seller books, writes for major magazines and blogs and is a regular on TV and radio programs. In between all of this, JJ took the time to talk to us about a personal tragedy in her life – how she coped, what her mindset was and how her son and family have changed for the better due to this terrible accident. We all are stronger than we think, we just need to know and believe in what is possible. To inquire and have resilience. As J.J. says, “it only takes a little hinge to swing a big door”. All we need are baby steps! It was so delightful to chat with J.J. that we are sure you’ll want her back for more! Tune in today and leave your comments after the show! LIVE EVENT ALERT Exceptional Life Blueprint LIVE – Marcus Pearce’s TWO day transformational event is coming to Melbourne for the VERY first time and you’re invited! Join Marcus and a tribe of like-minded souls at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre on June 3 and 4. You’ll transform EVERY area of your life from Mediocre To Magnificent and create a blueprint for your Life Purpose & Career Health Wealth Relationships Spirit & More Early Bird 2 for 1 tickets are ON SALE now at The post TWG 305: The Virgin Miracle Mindset appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/14/201732 minutes, 32 seconds
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TWG 304: Wired To Eat with Robb Wolf

This week Brett get’s a bit excited as he and Laurence get a chance to chat to the inspirational Robb Wolf. Robb is such a wealth of information on Ancestral Health and always manages to share it in such an easy to digest, entertaining way. This week Robb drops a few bombshells about the content of his new book, including why we are wired to eat all of the foods that we are striving so hard to avoid and why some people find a Paleo way of life hard to stick to. Tune in for another informative, inspiring episode of The Wellness Guys show! Check out Robb’s book in our Amazon shop here LIVE EVENT ALERT Exceptional Life Blueprint LIVE – Marcus Pearce’s TWO day transformational event is coming to Melbourne for the VERY first time and you’re invited! Join Marcus and a tribe of like-minded souls at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre on June 3 and 4. You’ll transform EVERY area of your life from Mediocre To Magnificent and create a blueprint for your Life Purpose & Career Health Wealth Relationships Spirit & More Early Bird 2 for 1 tickets are ON SALE now at The post TWG 304: Wired To Eat with Robb Wolf appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/7/201732 minutes, 59 seconds
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TWG 303: The game of life with Nik Wood

This week Brett and Laurence chat to Nik Wood about gameifying life. Nik has a really unique way of looking at life and says that it is not so much about winning the game of life as it is about making sure you are playing the right game. So many of us in life are playing a default game, or someone else’s game and Nik says that whilst we are all winning at the game we are playing some of us are less happy about it than others because it isn’t the game we should be playing. If this makes no sense to you at all make sure you tune in to this podcast to hear Nik explain it better! Are you ready to take your Health & Nutrition education to the next level? Study an Introduction to Nutrition Course at Cyndi O’Meara’s The Functional Nutrition Academy for only $197! Find out more here: The post TWG 303: The game of life with Nik Wood appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/30/201735 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWG 302: Awareness, intentions and mindfulness with Paul von Bergen

This week the boys interview Paul von Bergen from Billabong Retreats about leaving the corporate world and creating a life of mindfulness (and why it isn’t always what it is cracked up to be). Tune in as Paul shares a very honest account of his life and his life changes and how he has managed to incorporate awareness, intentions and mindfulness into his life. Thus episode is full of very practical tips and ideas that everyone can benefit from! Go to to find out more about Paul’s beautiful retreat location. Are you ready to take your Health & Nutrition education to the next level? Study an Introduction to Nutrition Course at Cyndi O’Meara’s The Functional Nutrition Academy for only $197! Find out more here: The post TWG 302: Awareness, intentions and mindfulness with Paul von Bergen appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/23/201732 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWG 301: Emma Park from Qiara

This week The Wellness Guys interview Emma Park from Qiara about the microbiome and the importance of probiotics during pregnancy and breast feeding. Emma shares with us how gut health can impact on fertility, pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding and why it is important to start thinking about gut health when you start thinking about conceiving, not just waiting until you are breast feeding. She also talks about the Lactobacillus Fermentum strain CECT5716 strain of bacteria that is actually isolated from breast milk and is present in the Qiara range of probiotics. Whether you are planning a pregnancy or not there is heaps of great gut health information in this podcast that you can all benefit from. Are you ready to take your Health & Nutrition education to the next level? Study an Introduction to Nutrition Course at Cyndi O’Meara’s The Functional Nutrition Academy for only $197! Find out more here: The post TWG 301: Emma Park from Qiara appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/16/201732 minutes, 3 seconds
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TWG 300: The Truth About The Wellness Guys

This week The Wellness Guys turns 300! That’s 300 weeks in a row, without missing a beat, that Damian, Laurence and Brett have produced their amazing #1 wellness podcast. To celebrate the boys decided to have a bit of fun. Laurence found a questionnaire of the top things you should ask a guy before marrying him and decided to throw them around and see how the boys went. So tune in for a whole bunch of fun and to learn some very surprising secrets about your favourite Wellness Guys! Are you ready to take your Health & Nutrition education to the next level? Study an Introduction to Nutrition Course at Cyndi O’Meara’s The Functional Nutrition Academy for only $197! Find out more here: The post TWG 300: The Truth About The Wellness Guys appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/9/201732 minutes, 54 seconds
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TWG 299: Mindful in May is back! – Dr Elise Bialylew

In 2015 the Wellness Guys interviewed a superstar in the making Dr Elise Bialylew as she launched on an ambitious task of raising funds for clean water for poor people around the world. Last year she disappeared!!!! Mindful in May didn’t go ahead. We find out why and look into what happens in life and discover what is happening this year!!? Are you ready to take your Health & Nutrition education to the next level? Study an Introduction to Nutrition Course at Cyndi O’Meara’s The Functional Nutrition Academy for only $197! Find out more here: The post TWG 299: Mindful in May is back! – Dr Elise Bialylew appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/2/201736 minutes, 17 seconds
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TWG 298: Nurturing Us before pregnancy

There are so many things to consider before you fall pregnant and what if you fall pregnant without any awareness of what could be done or what would be ideal to be doing in the lead up to your healthy amazing pregnancy… and there is SOOOO much to talk about with regards how to do it right, because what if you did it wrong!!!???? come in Nurturing Us –  they are midwives, women, mothers, daughters, sisters and friends with a common goal. To inspire confidence in women, build knowledge and enhance wellbeing. In this podcast learn to nourish your body, mind and relationships before and during pregnancy. visit for more information about there retreats REGISTER HERE for FREE access to Kale Brock’s Gut Healing Summit and you will also gain FREE access to the 2016 Wellness Summit Home Study Program – Keep motivated and build momentum with even more health education from 30 of the best speakers across 16 hours of powerhouse wellness. The post TWG 298: Nurturing Us before pregnancy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/26/201732 minutes, 28 seconds
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TWG 297: The Gut Healing Summit with Kale Brock

This week The Wellness Guys interview Wellness Couch superstar Kale Brock about his upcoming Gut Healing Summit. Kale has been interviewing the leading experts from around the world on the topic of gut health and share what he has learnt with the guys. So tune in to find out what the latest experts and research is saying about the gut, whether the importance of the gut is being over rated, whether probiotics or fermented foods are the way to go to heal your gut and much, much more. This is one episode of The Wellness Guys Show that you will not want to miss. REGISTER HERE for The Gut Healing Summit to gain access to the 2016 Wellness Summit Home Study Program – Keep motivated and build momentum with even more health education from 30 of the best speakers across 16 hours of powerhouse wellness. The post TWG 297: The Gut Healing Summit with Kale Brock appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/19/201733 minutes, 37 seconds
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TWG 296: Medicinal Marijuana with Dr Rachna Patel

This week the boys interview Dr Rachna Patel about what is an increasingly discussed and important topic in health (and especially in Australia in 2017 as new laws are brought in to place), medicinal marijuana. For years proponents have argued that marijuana has been held to a different standard to other drugs on the market, seemingly because of political not health reasons. Find out what medicinal marijuana is, how it can help, what the downsides are and make up your own mind on this controversial topic. To find out more head to The post TWG 296: Medicinal Marijuana with Dr Rachna Patel appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/12/201732 minutes, 5 seconds
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TWG 295: Why you should consider floating with Shane Stott

This week The Wellness Guys talk about nothing, but it is a whole lot of nothing that adds up to a whole lot of health. They are talking all things float tanks. No noise, no light, just you and a whole tub of salty water (that you can hardly feel either) just floating around and bumping into the sides. It turns out though that this nothingness has quite a few health benefits and the boys have even given it a go with some impressive results. So tune into a great interview with Shane Stott giving us all the low down on this salty new craze. To help Shane with his documentary – To find out more about Shane: The post TWG 295: Why you should consider floating with Shane Stott appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/5/201733 minutes, 17 seconds
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TWG 294: What is wellness anyway with Amanda McMillan

This week the boys interview Amanda McMillan from Wellineux about her own unique journey to wellness and how she helps her corporate clients find more balance in their lives. Amanda shares her own personal definition of wellness and how she manages to find some balance in her busy life which has not only included incredible business success but some amazing personal journeys as well (including twice acting as a surrogate mother for her bet friends). So tune in to hear from this amazing human being. The post TWG 294: What is wellness anyway with Amanda McMillan appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/26/201733 minutes, 53 seconds
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TWG 293: Hypnotherapy and the mind-body connection

This week Brett, Marcus Laurence and Damian interview hypnotherapist Rene Brent about the mind-body connection and how to release subconscious blocks that keep people stuck and stop the internal battles. In a very insightful episode Rene shares how people can connect with their subconscious mind to see how their own thoughts are actually getting in their way and how they can access the answers that have actually been hiding in plain sight all along. To find out more about Rene head to the links below. @ReneHypnosis The post TWG 293: Hypnotherapy and the mind-body connection appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/19/201732 minutes, 29 seconds
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TWG 292: Preparation with Marcus Pearce

This week Damian and Brett chat to good friend and fellow Wellness Couch director Marcus Pearce about preparation. How does Marcus prepare so well for big events like The Wellness Summit or The Wellness Breakthrough? And just how do these skills translate into his daily life? Great planning is one part of the picture, but what do you do when everything doesn’t go to plan? How do you get yourself back on track? How do you course correct or alter your course so that you can still achieve your life goals? And do we really need to have such high expectations of ourselves anyway? These questions and many more are answered in this great episode! Marcus recently conducted a webinar with members of his Exceptional Life Blueprint on this very subject. Click here to get access to his “Prepare Like A Pro” online masterclass.  The post TWG 292: Preparation with Marcus Pearce appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/12/201731 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWG 291: Hemp foods; Are they good for you?

This week The Wellness Guys interview Paul Benhaim from Hemp Foods Australia about the worldwide usage of hemp as a food source. Find out the difference between hemp, cannabis and marijuana and which ones have intoxicating effects on your body and which do not. Learn the environmental and nutritional benefits of hemp and why countries all over the world allow it as a food source and why Australia may be following suit in the very near future. Tune in for a fascinating episode of The Wellness Guys and learn so much more about this controversial, often misunderstood, topic! The post TWG 291: Hemp foods; Are they good for you? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/5/201732 minutes, 39 seconds
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TWG 290: Gut health and vegetables with Helen Padarin

This week The Wellness Guys welcome back Helen Padarin to talk about gut health and the importance of getting enough vegetable sin your diet. Known for her work in the Paleo circles some people will be surprised to hear Helen’s passion for vegetables but not those who know her (and the Paleo movement) well. She talks about the importance of a well-balanced diet including plenty of healthy, seasonal and varied fruits and vegetables. Following on from the boys’ chat last week on gut health Helen also helps reinforce the message and adds her own gems to this very important topic. To find out more about Helen’s awesome new 9V9 Veggie Challenge check it out here The post TWG 290: Gut health and vegetables with Helen Padarin appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/29/201733 minutes, 9 seconds
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TWG 289: Understanding Gut Health

Gut health continues to be the topic de jour in health and wellness circles and for some people it seems to be creating a bit of confusion. Enter Damian Kristof to clear the fog. In this episode, Laurence and Brett pick Damian’s mind about how we work out what is actually wrong with the gut and whether some of the programs and approaches being actively promoted at the moment may, in fact, be doing more harm than good. Damian gives everyone a clear path to follow to work out what is wrong with them and what they need to do about it (including who they need to speak to get a proper diagnosis and individualised plan of attack). So tune in to get the lowdown on gut health and how you can get yours back on track. The post TWG 289: Understanding Gut Health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/22/201732 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWG 288: Sexual dysfunction with Jacqui Olliver

After popping their cherry and talking about sex a few weeks ago the boys have entered into the danger zone again, this time to talk about sexual dysfunction. It is an important topic that affects the lives of millions and this episode is chock full of important information. From the importance of the right focus, to lifestyle factors, exercises you can do (yes that’s right sexercise) and how much genetic or innate factors play a role. So whether you are suffering from these issues or you just want to maintain your sexual health this is one not to miss! Jacqui’s programs: Get the 5 Crucial Rules of Sex Male Pogram Females Program The post TWG 288: Sexual dysfunction with Jacqui Olliver appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/15/201732 minutes, 9 seconds
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TWG 287: Inspired by Hillary

Folowing on from our last interview with an inspiring human, LT and DK interview yet another inspiring human, Hillary King-Sullivan about how life when it throws curve balls, can be tackled and dealt with accordingly. LT and DK are inspired by Hillary’s courageous story of loss, fight, grit and determination and the lengths she goes to provide an incredible and unique life experience for her two boys at a time when they too are faced with enormous shift. From one woman’s incredible story to another womans’ this week, we are certain you’ll love how Hillary has applied all that she learned in Matcha Picchu with The Up For A Chat girls and with Damian and Marcus in Ikaria in June 2016. The post TWG 287: Inspired by Hillary appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/8/201734 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWG 286: From Homeless to Spartan Racer with Leanne Anders

In this week’s episode, we explore how one woman was able to transform a troubled teen life to a mother and wife of an incredible family.  Life is never without its obstacles.  But for Leanne Anders (co-host of Bumi’s World), the obstacles began early in life.   From a troubled past including being homeless at 16 years of age, she fought through many difficulties, challenges and demons to find a better life. Where most people would have given up, or guided down the wrong path in life, Leanne describes her battles and demons to overcome these obstacles and become a leader in her community.  She opens up to some of these challenges for the very first time and shows how she overcame these challenges in the past and present. She discusses why she enter the Spartan Trifecta Race recently and how she was able to overcome a significant injury in the first of three big races.  She will share with you the lessons she learned and what she has taken away from it. She will inspire you and set you up to create the most incredible year ahead of you. You can check her podcast at The post TWG 286: From Homeless to Spartan Racer with Leanne Anders appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/1/201743 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWG 285: What to do after you indulge over the holidays?

Did you indulge over the holidays a little too much? Good! The Wellness Guys want you to know that it is OK to let yourself go a little over the festive season and it is even better if you have a plan of attack to help you get back on track so a few days of indulging doesn’t turn into a whole year of indulging.  Tune in to find out what Brett, Laurence and Damian do for the festive season and how they make sure they get back on the wagon ready for a massive 2017. Want to kick start your 2017? Make sure you check out The Wellness Breakthrough.  elves on track The post TWG 285: What to do after you indulge over the holidays? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/25/201634 minutes, 22 seconds
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TWG 284: Time with Brett and Damo – answering your questions

This week with Laurence once again away Damo and Brett decide to have another crack at answering your questions. This time from our Facebook page. The boys answer a wide range of questions from immunity to vitamin B12 and from Laurence’s productivity diary to fructose. Chances our if our Facebook fans wanted the answers to these questions that many of you have the same queries as well. So tune in for another very informative, interactive episode of The Wellness Guys Show. The post TWG 284: Time with Brett and Damo – answering your questions appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/18/201634 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWG 283: Chasing transformations and breakthroughs

The other day Brett was contacted by one of our listeners who was lamenting that they have listened to our show for years, they have attended The Wellness Summit and they are still struggling to breakthrough, to make the changes they wish to make. Why is that? What holds people back from making a change? What is the barrier that needs to be overcome so that people can break through? Laurence, Damian and Brett discuss all of this and more in another great episode of The Wellness Guys Show! The post TWG 283: Chasing transformations and breakthroughs appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/11/201634 minutes, 44 seconds
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TWG 282: Stop Chasing Happiness

Are you chasing happiness? Do you think you should be happy all the time? Do you ever feel unhappy that you are not as happy as you should be? Well this is the episode for you! Damian, Laurence and Brett delve in to not only what makes them happy but also why they understand that sometimes it is OK not to be happy and why the pursuit of perpetual happiness may just be denying you the very thing you are searching for. Confused? Good, tune in! The post TWG 282: Stop Chasing Happiness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/4/201635 minutes, 49 seconds
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TWG 281: Sex, Wellness and Empowerment.

After 281 episodes the boys finally bite the bullet and talk about sex. Not an easy topic for 3 blokey blokes with a predominantly female audience (Laurence can barely get the word out in his intro) so the boys decided to get in a sexpert and the conversation goes well beyond just sex. This week the boys talk to Elise Carr from Stella Muse about all things wellness, empowerment, and of course sex. Be sure to tune in for what is a fantastic discussion about male and female roles, empowerment, relationships and life. p.s. here is the article Elise mentions in the show The post TWG 281: Sex, Wellness and Empowerment. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/27/201631 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWG 280: Staying true to you

This one is a bit like a Seinfeld episode. The boys were scratching around trying to think of a topic to talk about and what started out as an episode ‘about nothing’ ended up being a great and very important discussion. As another year draws towards a close Brett and Laurence start to get a but philosophical about what is in store for next year. How do they decide what they want to achieve? Where to out their energy? What to start? What to stop? And how do all of these decision impact on their health, wellness and happiness. Tune in for a very insightful episode of The Wellness Guys Show. The post TWG 280: Staying true to you appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/20/201633 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWG 279: Bend Like Bamboo

This week The Wellness Guys interview Amanda Campbell from Nourissh and Bend Like Bamboo. Amanda has an amazing story, from being diagnosed with MS and having a major attack that left her paralysed (and given a 50:50 chance to ever walk again) to not only running just 6 weeks later but using the knowledge she gleaned from her recovery to help loads of other people rediscover their why and love their bodies with great food, exercise and mindsets. Tune in for a must listen episode of The Wellness Guys Show. Find out more about Amanda at and The post TWG 279: Bend Like Bamboo appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/13/201631 minutes, 39 seconds
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TWG 278: Reflections on Wellness

Facebook LIVE recorded with LT and DK in Palm Cove Cairns, we reflect on what it means to achieve Wellness, The pressure we put on ourselves to achieve wellness and when disaster hits… is wellness still important? What would you say to your 13 year old self and if you project 25 years ahead in time, what would you tell yourself NOW??? in this super interactive and entertaining episode, Damian and LT solve the problems of the world! The post TWG 278: Reflections on Wellness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/6/201632 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWG 277: Integrative Cardiology with Dr Ross Walker

This week Damian and Brett interview Integrative Cardiologist Dr Ross Walker about heart health, happiness, exercise and diet. Find out the keys to looking after your heart in a holistic, preventative way rather than waiting for the crisis and requiring drugs and surgery. Find out why Dr Ross says that diets don’t work and what Listen In The post TWG 277: Integrative Cardiology with Dr Ross Walker appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/30/201623 minutes, 41 seconds
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TWG 276: Exercising while traveling

This week Damian is away, Laurence is about to head overseas and Brett has just been driving back and forth between Melbourne so the boys thought it would be a good time to talk about how they keep in shape when they are traveling. The conversation starts with some great insights into what prevents us from exercising in general but particularly while we are on holidays. It then morphs into some great tips from Laurence and Brett about how to keep on shape on the road and all the different ways you can incorporate your exercise into your trip rather than around your trip. So whether you travel a lot or not there are some great tips in here for everyone around staying in shape! The post TWG 276: Exercising while traveling appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/23/201631 minutes, 5 seconds
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TWG 275: Organic skin care with Jo Lam

This week Brett and Damian interview Jo Lam about organic skin care.  Jo shares with us her wealth of information about the products that are available on the market and why she has chosen the products she has for her shop She also shares with us her go to ingredients for skin care you can either make yourself or look for in a shop and which ingredients should be red flags when you are reading your labels. And it’s not just for the girls. Guys need to consider things like deodorants, toothpastes and shaving products as well. So everyone should tune in for this engaging and informative episode. p.s. Jo has asked us to add the additional note for clarification “One of the first points we spoke about was around regulation. I made the comment that cosmetics in Australia are not regulated by the TGA unless they claim to have therapeutic benefits. I should specify that this is true for most cosmetics but certain sunscreens, skin whiteners and anti-acne treatments do fall under the TGA regulation. Skincare labels obviously have to comply with the ACCC standard for labelling but that gives us little or no assurance surrounding the toxicity or health impact of the individual ingredients on the label. Cosmetic INGREDIENTS have to be listed under the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS). The fact that cosmetic ingredients and industrial chemicals fall under the same umbrella speaks for itself, which is why I always stress the importance of doing your own independent research. Obviously if a product is certified by the ACO, NASAA or any other organic certifier, it provides some assurance that it meets the standards of those independent bodies.” The post TWG 275: Organic skin care with Jo Lam appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/16/201631 minutes, 37 seconds
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TWG 274: The Wellness Guys Review

This week Brett and Damian review listener feedback from iTunes. It has been a while since the boys answered questions from the fans and this week the boys get through a whole bunch of comments and the occasional question and have a whole bunch of fun in the process (and a few jokes at Laurence’s expense. So tune in for a very fun episode of The Wellness Guys Show and don’t forget to submit your questions to the boys through The Wellness Guys Facebook page and also on iTunes! The post TWG 274: The Wellness Guys Review appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/9/201631 minutes, 24 seconds
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TWG 273: The Wellness Summit debrief

After the most successful wellness summit ever Laurence, Damian and Brett get together to chat about their favourite moments, learnings and experiences from presenting to 950 wellness inspired people. The boys not only talk about their favourite moments but also the themes that emerged from the event and how people can apply the knowledge learned from what was a fabulous inspiring weekend. So whether you attended the Summit and want to re-live it through The Wellness Guys eyes or you missed out and want to know more, this is going to be a fantastic episode to tune in to. And don’t forget if you missed out on the Summit and want to catch up on all the action from the comfort of your own home go to to get your copy! The post TWG 273: The Wellness Summit debrief appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/2/201630 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWG 272: LIVE from The Wellness Summit 2016

This week The Wellness Guys are LIVE at The Wellness Summit. Joined on stage by the Up For A Chat girls, Jo Whitton (Quirky Cooking), Tim Robards (The Robards Method and The Bachelor), Kale Brock and Steph Lowe and taking questions live from the audience this a hilarious, informative and interactive episode that you will Listen In The post TWG 272: LIVE from The Wellness Summit 2016 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/25/201632 minutes, 55 seconds
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TWG 271: Double your energy with Yuri Elkaim

This week Laurence and Brett interview nutrition, fitness and fat loss expert Yuri Elkaim. Yuri has an amazing journey from sports jock and soccer player to losing his hair at the tender age of 17! Diagnosed with auto-immune alopecia Yuri embarked on a health and wellness journey which led him to many doctors and specialists who weren’t able to help him. It wasn’t until he attended a holistic nutrition school that he realised the link between his condition and his diet (and subsequently the rest of his lifestyle) and was able to make changes for the better. He now shares his story and what he learnt about energy, metabolism and life with people all over the world as a New York Times best-selling author. So tune in for another great episode of The Wellness Guys Show! If you want to get hold of Yuri’s free book that he mentions in the podcast head to The post TWG 271: Double your energy with Yuri Elkaim appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/18/201633 minutes, 50 seconds
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TWG 270: How to prioritise

This week The Wellness Guys have a fascinating discussion about how to prioritise. How do you know if a particular project or lifestyle is right for you? How do you balance or manage all of your different roles? When is the greater good more important than your own individual goals and desires? The Wellness Guys certainly don’t have all of the answers but what ensues is a fascinating debate and discussion that is well worth a listen! p.s. thanks everyone for making last weekends The Wellness Summit the biggest one ever. With over 900 wellness enthusiasts in the room it was a magic experience. If you missed it make sure you are signed up for The Wellness Couch email list for your chance to buy the downloads. The post TWG 270: How to prioritise appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/11/201633 minutes, 21 seconds
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TWG 269: The failure of expectations

The is an alarming amount of suicide occurring worldwide at the moment with social media buzzing about #22pushupsaday and #itsokaytotalk in support of people in trouble. Even though DK and LT are not experts in resolving conflict nor are they mental health experts – they delve deep into what perhaps are the issues that drive people into dark times and discuss potential ways to help you avoid expectation or perhaps to even meet expectations. The post TWG 269: The failure of expectations appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/4/201632 minutes, 12 seconds
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TWG 268: Holistic podiatry with Dr Michele Summers Colon

This week Brett interviews Dr Michele Summers Colon about holistic podiatry. What is holistic podiatry? What does it look like in practice. This interview covers how Dr Michele integrates her Western medicine learning with her Eastern medicine practices in order to treat the whole person, not just the feet. So tune in for another insightful episode Listen In The post TWG 268: Holistic podiatry with Dr Michele Summers Colon appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/28/201632 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWG 267: Dealing with chronic pain with Mandy Mercury

This week The Wellness Guys speak to Mandy Mercury about scoliosis and dealing with chronic pain. Mandy shares her amazing journey of dealing with scoliosis, chronic pain management and her journey to coming off of medications. She shares with us how she has come to terms with her diagnosis and her situation and how she Listen In The post TWG 267: Dealing with chronic pain with Mandy Mercury appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/21/201630 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWG 266: Functional Gut Disorders

This week The Wellness Guys interview Professor Gerald Holtmann and Gastro-neuro-enterology. The professor shares with the guys all of the latest research on the gut, gut disorders, causes and potential solutions. Including what we now know about the different types of gut disorders, how previously undetected or unknown gut disorders may have been mislabelled and what the latest research is showing about when probiotics may and may not be beneficial. So tune in for another very informative episode of The Wellness Guys! The post TWG 266: Functional Gut Disorders appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/14/201634 minutes, 3 seconds
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TWG 265: The Robards Method

This week Laurence and Brett interview Tim Robards, founder of the Robards Methods and the original bachelor on Australian TV (yes ladies, the one with the abs). Tim shares with us how his upbringing led him to a passion for helping people eat, think and move in a healthy way and how his original inspiration to get fit was to play football and not get picked on. Since then he has studied various forms of health promotion, including chiropractic, on the way to becoming the health superstar that he is today. He talks about the 7/2/1 method for eating healthy, why calisthenics is so great for fitness and much much more. So tune in for another great episode of The Wellness Guys! Also don’t forget that Tim will be a keynote speaker at The Wellness Summit coming up in Melbourne in just a few short weeks. To find out more about Tim and The Robards Method head to The post TWG 265: The Robards Method appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/7/201635 minutes, 43 seconds
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TWG 264: Adrenal dysfunction with Shannon Brenton

This week while is off enjoying the sun in Greece Laurence and Brett spend sometime talking with Nutritionist and Naturopath Shannon Brenton about Adrenal fatigue. It seems to be one of those conditions that is on the rise but is it just better awareness? What is causing so many people to get so run down and what can be done about it? All of this and much more is covered in another great episode of The Wellness Guys Show! The post TWG 264: Adrenal dysfunction with Shannon Brenton appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/31/201634 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWG 263: 180 Nutrition – Guy Lawrence’s AMAZING story!

Help, share and inspire! Prepare to be inspired as DK and LT delve deep into the successes and struggles of pioneering new food paradigms. Understand the how and the why behind Guy’s hugely successful nutrition company. The post TWG 263: 180 Nutrition – Guy Lawrence’s AMAZING story! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/24/201629 minutes, 38 seconds
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TWG 262: DK and LT the Cube

Have you ever had a dream, where you walk through a desert and there is a cube. On this cube you notice a ladder, some flowers and a horse… what does all of this mean???? LT and DK break this down to understand what this all says about each other and we reckon you could Listen In The post TWG 262: DK and LT the Cube appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/17/201632 minutes, 20 seconds
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TWG 261 : My Fight against Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.) with Nissa Lee

Just imagine while you are travelling around Australia at 24 years of age and then you start to lose your balance, eyes start to twitch and other weird symptoms begin to show up.  Then you discover that you are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.)!  In this episode, you will hear how Nissa Lee spends the last seven years fighting back against MS and how she was able to overcome her challenges that come along with MS.   You can also find her at > and for more information.  Be sure to check out this inspirational journey and story that can be applied to everyday life. The post TWG 261 : My Fight against Multiple Sclerosis (M.S.) with Nissa Lee appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/10/201630 minutes, 37 seconds
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TWG 260: Ch..Ch..Ch…Changes – Celebrating 5 years of The Wellness Guys

This week The Wellness Guys celebrate 5 years of The Wellness guys Show. What an achievement! The boys talk about all of the changes that they have seen in the health and wellness world over the last 5 years and the changes that they themselves have made over that time. They also take a peek into their crystal balls to see where they think health (and The Wellness Guys/Couch) are going over the next 5 years and beyond. So tune in for a celebration of 5 years of changing the world’s health together on The Wellness Guys Show! The post TWG 260: Ch..Ch..Ch…Changes – Celebrating 5 years of The Wellness Guys appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/3/201635 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWG 259: The Search for Hurt with Obstacle Racer Champion Matt Murphy

In this episode, Laurence gets to fly solo as he dissects one of Australia’s greatest athlete Matt Murphy. Matt just recently won the Melbourne Spartan Race here in Australia but was also the 2013 runner up Spartan Race World Championship among many other obstacle race accolades. He was the STAR of on ESPN’s Search for Hurt where they test, discover and face some of the world’s most successful athletes, teams and races. In this episode, we dive deep into what it is like to train with the World’s best athletes in their respective sports, how difficult was it to play or face some of these athletes in their territory including boxing champ Danny Green and many others. What their training regime were like, what made them successful in respective to their diet, exercise and mindset. We also discover how Matt trains and keeps fit for his obstacle racing and we also look at his next venture – The post TWG 259: The Search for Hurt with Obstacle Racer Champion Matt Murphy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/27/201637 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWG 258: What’s With Wheat

In this incredible episode, Brett, Laurence and DK have the one and only Cyndi O’Meara back on The Wellness Guys after 210 episodes to explore the perils of wheat, glyphosate, modern day farming! As Cyndi’s blockbuster movie/documentary go live around the globe in just a few days, we thought it would be great to drill Cyndi for more info than what you will get in the movie! DO BOTH!!! watch the movie and listen in and make sure you take notes! Click on this link to find out all about this amazing documentary! The post TWG 258: What’s With Wheat appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/19/201632 minutes, 32 seconds
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TWG 257: The Fat Revolution with Christine Cronao

This week Damian and Brett interview Christine Cronao about the fat revolution. It has been a slow burn over the last few decades but I think it is finally safe to say that fat is back! The boys talk to Christine about all things fat and in particular the benefits of a high-fat diet for people struggling to maintain a healthy weight or overcome autoimmune conditions. So tune in for another very informative episode of The Wellness Guys! The post TWG 257: The Fat Revolution with Christine Cronao appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/12/201618 minutes, 49 seconds
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TWG 256: Dr Happy with Tim Sharp

This week The Wellness Guys chat to Dr Tim Sharp about the science of happiness. Tim brings a wealth of knowledge, education and research to a topic that is so often just taken for granted or ignored. How to be happy! So tune in for a wonderful chat about what the science says about being Listen In The post TWG 256: Dr Happy with Tim Sharp appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/5/201631 minutes, 31 seconds
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TWG 255: Neuro Fit with Jim Costello

This week The Wellness Guys talk to Jim Costello about a topic close to their hearts, the nervous system! Jim shares a wealth of knowledge about the importance of the nervous system and in particular the importance of healthy stimulation of the nervous system through quality movement. He also talks about the stages a human needs to go through in order to properly develop their nervous system and how it is never too late to work on improving it. Join in for another very informative episode of The Wellness Guys Show! The post TWG 255: Neuro Fit with Jim Costello appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/29/201631 minutes, 49 seconds
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TWG 254: A Mind Of Your Own with Dr Kelly Brogan

This week Laurence and Brett interview teh amazing Dr Kelly Brogan about all things mental health, medications and lifestyle. In a very forthright interview Dr Kelly pulls no punches when she talks about the current mainstream approaches to mental health disorders and the industry that supports them as well as sharing her own approach that she has shares both inside her practice and also at keynote lectures all over the world. So tune in for a very passionate, honest conversation about mental health! The post TWG 254: A Mind Of Your Own with Dr Kelly Brogan appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/22/201636 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWG 253: DK, Cyndi and Deanna Minich – which supplements when

At the Bio-Ceuticals Symposium only a couple of weeks ago, DK and Cyndi had the opportunity to sit with Dr Deanna Minich and ask very pointed and direct questions about supplements. With some supplements being manufactured by excipients found in the metro-chemical industry, Cyndi and Damian probe deep and hard for further understanding of what makes a supplement a great supplement! What would you take with you on a deserted island!? Check out Dr Deanna’s Whole Detox Program The post TWG 253: DK, Cyndi and Deanna Minich – which supplements when appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/15/201644 minutes, 10 seconds
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TWG 252: Immunity with Stephen Eddy

This week The Wellness Guys interview Stephen Eddy on all things nutrition, lifestyle and immunity. Stephen shares an absolute treasure trove of information on food, supplements, sleep, exercise, stress and more and how all of these things impact on your innate ability to fight off bugs. So if you want to know how to get your immune system fighting fit then you are not going to want to miss this special episode. The post TWG 252: Immunity with Stephen Eddy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/8/201630 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWG 251: David Perlmutter Sugar (grain) Brain

WOW!!! phwar! massive interview with Dr David Perlmutter. World renowned neurologist and author of 2 best sellers Grain Brain and Brain Maker gives one of the BEST interviews with Damian and Cyndi at the BioCeuticals Research Symposium. King all the tough questions about grain, rice, wheat, sugar and the neuro-degenerative diseases – Dementia etc Cyndi and Damian team up to bring such an amazing interview – Brett, LT, Kim and Carren will be SPEWING to have missed out on this one! The post TWG 251: David Perlmutter Sugar (grain) Brain appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/1/201630 minutes, 44 seconds
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TWG 249: Are Energy bars and cereals healthy?

food marketing and food labelling make it so hard to understand what is truely healthy. people say avoid packaged foods… but lets face it… not all packaged foods are bad for you nor will they all kill you!!! BUT they aren’t all created equal! Energy Balls, Energy Bars, Gluten Free, Nut free etc all make food sound good for you and relatively beneficial… but what Laurence and Damian identify and reveal… is potentially much further from the truth! for a healthy breakfast option and snack option try The post TWG 249: Are Energy bars and cereals healthy? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/17/201632 minutes, 54 seconds
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TWG 248: Karin Ried – Aged Garlic – Ageless Body

With the caveman Brett flying away on his tetradactyl – LT and DK interview acclaimed aged garlic extract researcher, Karin Ried to understand the multitude of benefits research is showing exist for the consumption of standardised aged garlic! Everything from blood pressure reduction to anti-ageing benefits can be linked to this magical plant!!! be careful though, you can’t beat the original and it must be “aged” garlic, not just cooking with garlic! Fascinating episode! Link to Damian’s TV commercial that I did for aged garlic many years ago and here is a link to Kyolic. WE HAVE NOT BEEN PAID to talk about this – we just found it fascinating. The post TWG 248: Karin Ried – Aged Garlic – Ageless Body appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/10/201631 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWG 247: The Magnificent and Colourful Dr Deanna Minich – in living colour

Damian’s love, is of food and when he meets a fellow foodie who subscribes to the same philosophy BACKED BY SCIENCE he is nothing short of pumped. In this episode Damian interviews Dr Deanna Minich discussing the nature of food, the effect of colours in food on health and the body and the many things that people have tried in the past with food and have failed. Deanna and Damian (unfortunately not accompanied by LT or Bretto) have a blast! for more information about Deanna, her books, her detox program and to find out how to see her live!!! check out these links Whole Detox The post TWG 247: The Magnificent and Colourful Dr Deanna Minich – in living colour appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/3/201630 minutes
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TWG 246: Gluten gluten gluten with Dr. Alessio Fasano

In this interview, Damian Kristof is as excited as a little school boy in this episode… Damian and Laurence get to interview Alessio Fasano  is an Italian medical doctor, pediatric gastroenterologist and researcher. He holds the W. Allan Walker Chair of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.   Why Damian is so excited about this episode and so should you is Dr. Alessio and his team discovered zonulin, which regulates the intestinal permeability. In 2003, he published the results of the epidemiological study that demonstrated the prevalence of celiac disease in the U.S. to be far higher than previously thought, at a rate of 1 in 133 persons.[1] His work covers, among others, the pathophysiology of coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity as well as of diabetes mellitus type 1. In this interview we discuss “GLUTEN” and its affect on humans and its contribution to leaky gut syndrome and other autoimmune diseases. Dr. Alessio is the best selling author of “Gluten Freedom” This link for practitioners wanting to attend the BIOCEUTICALS 4th symposium to hear Dr Fassano live To read more about Dr Fassano You do not want to miss this episode! The post TWG 246: Gluten gluten gluten with Dr. Alessio Fasano appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/27/201633 minutes, 28 seconds
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TWG 245: The Health Australia Party

This week The Wellness Guys interview homoeopath, lecturer, researcher and advisor to the new Health Australia Party Dr Isaac Golden. With the US electoral race heating up and talk of an early election in Australia talk of politics is all the rage at the moment. Each party will be talking about how we can spend more on our health care system but as we have seen in previous years this doesn’t always mean that we get better results. The Wellness Guys talk to Isaac about the current political landscape (especially as it relates to alternative health) in Australia and around the world and why the Health Australia party has been created to try and make a difference. This could be a game changer for health in Australia so make sure you tune in for a fascinating episode! To find out more about the Health Australia Party go to The post TWG 245: The Health Australia Party appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/20/201632 minutes, 12 seconds
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TWG 244: Mastering Your Mean Girl

This week Brett welcomes back one of our most prolific guests to The Wellness Guys Show. Melissa Ambrosini returns to the show for a third time to talk about her amazing new book ‘Mastering Your Mean Girl’. Melissa says that rather than trying to conquer or quell your mean girl (or guy) you need to make friends with him/her in order to reach your true potential and spells out a path to choosing love over fear in your daily life. So whether you are male or female, no matter what stage of life you are in there are some absolute gems in this interview that you all can benefit from, so tune in! The post TWG 244: Mastering Your Mean Girl appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/13/201632 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWG 243: Extreme Health

This week Laurence and Brett actually discuss a topic suggested by Damian but in Damian’s absence. The topic of extremes. Are people going too extreme in their search for health and wellness? Is there a tipping point where this actually becomes detrimental to their health? Is there ever a time where going to the extreme can actually be beneficial? Is it good to surround yourself with extreme people who push you out of your comfort zone or is this causing people to lose their sense of self? All these questions and more covered in one very interesting episode of The Wellness Guys Show! The post TWG 243: Extreme Health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/6/201634 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWG 242: Functional medicine with Dr Chad Edwards

This week The Wellness Guys interview Dr Chad Edwards (DO) the founder and medical director of Revolution Health and Wellness. Dr Chad has a wealth of experience having started his time journey in the military where he was a drill sergeant for several years before deciding to pursue his medical studies. He then became a Flight Surgeon and Dive Medical Officer before leaving the army and starting his own practice focusing on functional medicine. Dr Chad talks about the challenges of taking a more functional approach within a very conservative medical model and the strategies that he uses to help people overcome a whole range of injuries and illnesses by taking a more vitalistic view of the body. So tune in for another great episode of The Wellness Guys Show. The post TWG 242: Functional medicine with Dr Chad Edwards appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/28/201630 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWG 241: Values and life purpose with Dr John Demartini

This week The Wellness Guys welcome back one of their absolute favourites Dr John Demartini. John has an amazing story of not just overcoming adversity but of absolutely thriving in spite of it. He has gone from someone who struggled to read and write to one of the wisest, most educated men in the world. He talks about how he has managed to work so hard, be so productive and have such an impact over his decade long career. This is an episode not to be missed from a true giant in the health and wellness sphere. The post TWG 241: Values and life purpose with Dr John Demartini appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/21/201632 minutes, 33 seconds
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TWG 240: The Happy Life with Lola Berry

This week The Wellness Guys welcome back the inspirational Lola Berry to the show for an epic conversation. Lola talks about the recent controversy  about the launch of her new on-line program (covered in episode 234), how she dealt with the criticism and how she bounced back to her happy life and the launch of her new book of the same name. So tune in for another inspirational episode of The Wellness Guys Show! The post TWG 240: The Happy Life with Lola Berry appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/14/201632 minutes, 28 seconds
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TWG 239: Real Detox with BJ Hardick

So you think you need to detox eh? This week Brett and Laurence interview born and bred Canadian Chiropractor BJ Hardick about all things detox. Born the son of a Chiropractor BJ thought that he had lived a relatively toxin-free existence. Eating healthy organic food, being careful of the toxins in his environment and getting adjusted regularly, so he was surprised when his health took a turn for the worst and he was diagnosed with extreme heavy metal toxicity. He is now sharing what he learned about how he got so toxic, and how he got his health back on track, with the world through his book Real Detox. So tune in to find out everything you wanted to know about detoxification. You can also find BJ’s book at The post TWG 239: Real Detox with BJ Hardick appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/7/201634 minutes, 17 seconds
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TWG 238: Finding Motivation

Laurence has motivated Damian, Damian has motivated Brett and now Laurence is getting motivated because DK and BH are catching up! This week the boys talk about fitness and motivation. What gets them up and exercising, what do they do when they are finding it hard, what kind of exercise do they do and how it affects their bodies physically, emotionally and also in terms of productivity. So tune in for a great discussion on motivation (and plenty of friendly banter!) The post TWG 238: Finding Motivation appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/31/201633 minutes, 31 seconds
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TWG 237: Nourish Without Nagging; How to get your kids to love eating healthily

This week Damian and Brett have a great discussion around how to get your kids to LOVE eating healthily. Stimulated by the recent release of Brett’s new book ‘Nourish Without Nagging’ the boys delve into the mistakes parents make and the solutions that have worked for them and the families they have worked with. So tune in to hear two passionate Dads discussing a topic which is very dear to their hearts. If you would like to get your own copy of Brett’s new book for just $9.95 click here.  The post TWG 237: Nourish Without Nagging; How to get your kids to love eating healthily appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/24/201634 minutes, 7 seconds
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TWG 236: Why me?

This week Laurence and Brett talk about a topic that they have been asked about over and over again since the formation of The Wellness guys. How can I influence those around me to be healthier too? Whether it be family, friends, your community or the whole world many of our listeners having made changes in their own lives have become passionate about helping others do the same. In this episode Laurence unleashes shares some of his immense wisdom learnt from years of experience and many, many hours of study and seminars to share with you how you can influence those around you to become a healthier version of themselves (and can even make a career out of it if you wish). So get all your questions answered in this passion filled episode of The Wellness Guys! The post TWG 236: Why me? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/17/201634 minutes, 59 seconds
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TWG 235: Insider secrets of the beauty industry

This week Laurence and Brett touch on a topic that they are by no means experts in so they have gone straight to the top. Rose-Marie Swift is a mane-up artist to the stars working with Victoria’s secret models and and the worlds top magazines. Along the way she has discovered just how much the chemicals in these products have affected her (and others’) health and decided to do something about it. She created a website titled to start informing people of the dangers of the chemicals they are putting on their skin and has now released her own beauty range RMS Beauty. So tune in to hear the real story from the inside of the beauty industry from one of the most passionate advocates you will find! The post TWG 235: Insider secrets of the beauty industry appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/10/201632 minutes, 1 second
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TWG 234: Has Lola gone too far

In the absence of paleo rockstar Brett Hill, LT and DK delve into the book title “Stop being a FAT B*tch” by Lola Berry and take a very interesting and possibly controversial stance on the book title and whether Lola has gone to far! The post TWG 234: Has Lola gone too far appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/3/201635 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWG 233: Consciousness and change with Dr Dain heer

This week Brett interviews author and internationally renowned speaker on consciousness and change Dr Dain Heer. Dain is a chiropractor who despite his tough upbringing and challenges along the way decided not be become a victim of his circumstances and instead discovered personal transformation, courage and resilience. He also realised that the tools that he had used to help transform himself could also be used to help transform others. So tune in for an inspiring, energising, uplifting episode of The Wellness Guys. The post TWG 233: Consciousness and change with Dr Dain heer appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/27/201531 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWG 232: Can wellness become obsessive and harmful?

This week The Wellness Guys discuss a very important issue in health and wellness. When does your striving for wellness cross the line and become obsessive and harmful? How do you know if you are being disciplined or obsessive? Strict or over the top? The Wellness Guys talk about all of the pressures out there in society, media and especially social media and how you stay true to yourself and keep your focus on health and what works for you. So tune in for a very interesting chat on The Wellness Guys Show The post TWG 232: Can wellness become obsessive and harmful? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/20/201530 minutes, 45 seconds
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TWG 231: Mental well-being and resilience with Michelle Mcquaid

This week The Wellness Guys interview Applied Positive Psychologist Michelle Mcquaid about how to discover your strengths, move beyond your fears and discover what it truly takes to thrive. The interview covers many aspects of positive psychology including why we should wait for an adverse event to bounce back from and how to prepare yourself to navigate the high’s and low’s of life with confidence. So tune in for an episode of The Wellness Guys that we can all benefit from. The post TWG 231: Mental well-being and resilience with Michelle Mcquaid appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/13/201532 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWG 230: Ronsley Vaz Feeding entrepreneurs

feeding is so different to nourishment… but many people are too busy to do either. Ronsley Vaz is a chef who dedicates his time to finding effective, tasty and outrageously healthy meals for people on the run! Executives and Entrepreneurs are notoriously undisciplined when it comes to taking time for a great meal… lets understand what we need to do and could do to have a better experience! To find out more about Damian go to To find out more about Brett go to The post TWG 230: Ronsley Vaz Feeding entrepreneurs appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/6/201533 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWG 229: Is Pain Healthy

Pain is still part of Wellness… right? is Pain a good or a bad thing. Often Pain is left out of the conversation when it comes to helping people live incredible lives. Dr Neil Bossenger joins all 3 of the Wellness Guys in this absolutely fascinating dive into pain, its roles and its messages. To find out more about Damian go to To find out more about Brett go to The post TWG 229: Is Pain Healthy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/29/201531 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWG 228: WTF Fermented cod liver oil

This week Damian and Brett talk about all things fermented food. Are fermented foods Paleo? Do we really know what bugs should and should not be in our gut? Are we better off eating fermented foods or should we be taking a pro-biotic supplement? And just what is the go with the whole fermented cod liver oil controversy? So tune in for some great discussion around all things fermented foods and gut health! The post TWG 228: WTF Fermented cod liver oil appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/22/201533 minutes, 4 seconds
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TWG 227: Creating a relationship you love with Andrea Cairella

This week on The Wellness Guys show Brett is joined by Psychotherapist Andrea Cairella from True Potential Counseling for a master class in relationship building. Andrea shares with us why so many people in our modern society struggle with communication, empathy and tolerance in our relationships. She also divulges some absolute gems that you can use in your communication with your partner to help to rediscover passion and intimacy and to create rituals to strengthen your bond. So tune in for a brilliant insight into how to build a relationship you love and be sure to share this one with your friends and family! To find out more about Andrea head to The post TWG 227: Creating a relationship you love with Andrea Cairella appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/15/201534 minutes, 27 seconds
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TWG 225: Omega 3’s and the heart

This week The Wellness Guys interview Professor Peter Howe about the effects of Omega 3 in particular on heart health. This interview raises some great questions about our allopathic approach to heart disease and whether we are in fact our current approach is actually improving the rates of heart disease or whether we are just getting better at keeping people alive once they have it (which is also a noble cause). We talk about fish vs supplements, farmes fish vs. wild caught fish, how much fish you should eat and how to test your Omega 3 levels. So make sure you tune in for this very informative episode. The post TWG 225: Omega 3’s and the heart appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/1/201531 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWG 224: Curcumin and cognition

This week The Wellness Guys interview Professor Andrew Scholey about psychopharmacology (the way drugs and foods affect our moods, sensation, thinking and behavior). The professor talks about why the pharmaceutical approach to the brain “has not worked” and how the answer may be in our foods. He talks in particular about what research is showing about curcumin (an extract of tumeric) and how it can have an impact on inflammation. So tune in to get the low down on the brain from the professor! The post TWG 224: Curcumin and cognition appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/25/201531 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWG 223: Vets All Natural with Dr Bruce Syme

This week The Wellness Guys talk about the health of our furry and feathered friends with holistic vet Dr Bruce Syme. It is amazing to see the similarities between the health of our domesticated animals and the health of domesticated man and Bruce shares with us the common lifestyle diseases that afflict our furry friends and his top solutions for not only dealing with sick animals but also making sure that your animals thrive. Even if you don’t currently have a pet this is one you are going to listen to and share with your animal loving friends! To find out more about Dr Bruce head to The post TWG 223: Vets All Natural with Dr Bruce Syme appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/18/20152 minutes, 12 seconds
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TWG 222: Soulla the wholefood and organic mum

This week The Wellness Guys interview Soulla from Star Anise Organics. Soulla has been on an amazing journey with her own and her families health over the last few decades. She advocates the use of whole foods that are ethically sourced and traditionally prepared and has a passion for the health of not just the individual but the family and the planet too. So tune in for yet another great episode of The Wellness Guys! The post TWG 222: Soulla the wholefood and organic mum appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/11/201532 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWG 221: The Child Obesity Project with David White

This week The Wellness Guys interview David White from The Child Obesity Project. David has launched and ambitious new project with leading experts from all over the world to form this amazing on-line summit. In this episode David shares what he has learned from the likes of our very own Cyndi O’Meara, Brett Hill and world experts like Dr John Demartini about the cause and also hopefully the cure (or even better prevention) of this growing epidemic of childhood obesity. So tune in to find out more about this very important topic! The post TWG 221: The Child Obesity Project with David White appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/4/201532 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWG 220: Thr1ve for kids

This week The Wellness Guys welcome back Josh Sparks from the Thr1ve chain of restaurants. Thr1ve’s model has always been about real food real fast but now they are expanding their in store range to try and appeal more to the kids. Josh is a guy with a real passion for what he does and it is obvious that he is doing this not just to try and expand his product range and target audience but because he genuinely cares about what our kids are eating. So tune in for some great tips on how to get your kids eating healthily! The post TWG 220: Thr1ve for kids appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/27/201532 minutes, 43 seconds
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TWG 219: The Language of Wellness with Marvin Oka

Whilst in San Fransisco I had the opportunity to interview a number of GREAT people. Marvin Oka is one of them. Marvin is a master of change and language. The specificity and precision that he uses around words and sentence structure, has you wanting to be sure that what you are thinking, saying and doing, truly reflects your values and beliefs. The Author of M-Braining, Marvin and I have an awesome conversation about Wellness and its language! You will definitely enjoy this! The post TWG 219: The Language of Wellness with Marvin Oka appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/20/201534 minutes, 34 seconds
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TWG 218: The Gene Genie with Margie Smith

This week The Wellness guys welcome back the Gene Genie (it will make sense when you listen) from Smart DNA Margie Smith. Margie has just recently released her new book Gene Genius sharing some of the amazing breakthroughs we have made in understanding our unique genome and what it means for us in regards to our health and lifestyle choices from how we manage stress, to how we should exercise and what we should eat. so tune in ti find out what your genes might be trying to tell you! The post TWG 218: The Gene Genie with Margie Smith appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/13/201533 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWG 217: Live from The Wellness Summit

Always one of the most popular episodes of the year, this year’s sees The Wellness Guys joined LIVE on stage by The Up For A Chat girls (Cyndi Omeara, Carren Smith and Kim Morrison), Kale Brock (The Kale Brock Show), Steph Lowe (The Real Food Real), Nat Kringoudis, Marcus Pearce and more. So tune in for your one opportunity of the year to hear from all of these amazing presenters at once and soak up some of the fun and frivolity from the #1 wellness event of the year! The post TWG 217: Live from The Wellness Summit appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/6/201535 minutes, 29 seconds
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TWG 216: Journey of me with the girls from Wellineux

This week the boys are joined by the amazing founders of Wellineux (, an amazing company that focuses on wellness coaching, programs, books and much more. Many of you who came along to the Wellineux Wellness Summit (our biggest ever Wellness Summit) a few weeks ago had the privilege of meeting Amanda McMillan and in this interview you will get to meet the other half of the team, Michelle McCartan and find out how and why these girls embarked on a wellness journey to help people find their own unique wellness path, their ‘Journey of Me’. So tune in for half an hour if information and inspiration from these two inspiring wellness girls. The post TWG 216: Journey of me with the girls from Wellineux appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/30/201533 minutes, 7 seconds
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TWG 215: Learning and the brain with the boys from BACKchat

This week The Wellness Guys interview Anthony Coxon and Paul Bergamo, the co-hosts of one of the hottest new shows on The Wellness Couch, BACKchat ( Anthony and Paul are a wealth of information about the brain, the spine and the nervous system and what you can do to optimise the function of all three. This episode is jam packed with not just information but also practical tips on how to get the best out of your brain and hence your life. So tune in for another great episode of The Wellness Guys! The post TWG 215: Learning and the brain with the boys from BACKchat appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/23/201533 minutes, 55 seconds
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TWG 214: Strength and Conditioning with Christian Woodford

This week Damain and Brett chat to strength and conditioning guru Christian Woodford. Christain shares with us his journey to one of the best strength and conditioning coaches in the world and working with some of the best athletes in the word. He alsotalks about the weaknesses of the fitness industry and what you should look for in a great fitness and performance coach. So tune in to hear all about fitness, strength and conditioning from one of the best! The post TWG 214: Strength and Conditioning with Christian Woodford appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/16/201534 minutes, 18 seconds
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TWG 213: Learning difficulties with Barbara Arrowsmith Young

This week The Wellness Guys interview Barbara Arrowsmith Young about education, neuroplasticity and learning. Regardless of your age, or whether you have kids or not there is so much great information in here about ho you can learn to learn new things at any age and how you can get the best out of your own brain and also create a great learning environment for those that you love. So tune in for a great informative episode that you will not want to miss! The post TWG 213: Learning difficulties with Barbara Arrowsmith Young appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/9/201534 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWG 212: Cleaning without chemicals with ENJO CEO Barb De Corti

This week The Wellness Guys interview one of the pioneers of chemical free cleaning in Australia Barb De Corti about the journey that led her to bring the ENJO range of cleaning products to Australia many years ago. Have you ever wondered just what chemicals are the worst around your home? What affect they are having on your health? Which part of your house you should clean out first when it comes to chemical cleaners? Well Barb is your girl, so tune in for a wonderful episode full of great tips and passion! And if this episode inspired you to try an ENJO product go to, use the code wellness25 and spend $100 or more to get a $25 voucher. Offer valid until 11/09/2015 The post TWG 212: Cleaning without chemicals with ENJO CEO Barb De Corti appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/2/201532 minutes, 20 seconds
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TWG 211: Victims of Fashion

Sparked by a remarkable wardrobe malfunction recently in Adelaide that saw a lady hospitalised due to her tight jeans Laurence and Brett talk about the dangers of fashion. Be it tight jeans, high heels, wallets and handbags or even just your phone the boys talk about the health implications of these gadgets and fashion items and how you can minimise the impact now and into the future. Tune in for a fun and informative episode of The Wellness Guys. The post TWG 211: Victims of Fashion appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/26/201533 minutes, 54 seconds
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TWG210: Stress Signals and how to deal with stress hormones with Nat Kringoudis

While travelling in Honolulu, Hawaii, Laurence Tham bumps into Natalie Kringoudis (Hormone and woman’s health expert).  Dr. Natalie has previously been on The Wellness Guys Show three other times and will also be presenting at The Wellness Summit in August 15-16th, 2015 in Melbourne. In this episode, Laurence and Natalie discuss how stress plays out in the body and what are some of the key strategies to deal with this.  They also discuss why it is often difficult for some to unwind during holidays and how to effectively create manage this.  They also discuss how stress affect men and what it means to their hormonal imbalance. Listen in to this great discussion and you will even hear Hawaiian music playing in the background to sooth your mind! The post TWG210: Stress Signals and how to deal with stress hormones with Nat Kringoudis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/19/201535 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWG 209: What causes injuries with Dr Craig Buhler

This week Laurence and Brett speak with Chiropractor Dr Craig Buhler who has worked with elite athletes from all over the world about what really causes injuries and how they can often be healed in much less time if you know where to look. Dr Craig shares with us his wealth of knowledge as well as some amazing stories of injury recovery and increased performance that you will be amazed by. So tune in for another fantastic episode of The Wellness Guys! The post TWG 209: What causes injuries with Dr Craig Buhler appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/12/201533 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWG 208: The health implications of mould with Nicole Bijlsma

This week The Wellness guys welcome back building biologist Nicole Bijlsma to talk about an important topic that is often overlooked in the health and wellness sphere, MOULD. In this episode Nicole shares with us why mould has become such a big problem in our modern world and the plethora of health problems that are associated with it. She also tells us why the current solutions are not working and what you can do to make sure that you have a healthy, mould free home (and body!). So tune in for another very informative episode of The Wellness Guys. Also check out her Body and Soul article on mould here. The post TWG 208: The health implications of mould with Nicole Bijlsma appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/5/201531 minutes, 20 seconds
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TWG 207: Mindfulness in Medicine with Dr Craig Hassed

This week The Wellness Guys speak to a fascinating GP and University lecturer Dr Craig Hassed about how he is bringing mindfulness and well-being concepts into mainstream medicine through his teachings at Monash University. Craig discovered the impact of mindfulness as a way to deal with his own stresses as a medical student and went on to not only study different branches of Eastern and Western mindfulness practices in more detail but took up an opportunity to teach it as well and has now authored 10 books on the subject! So tune in to find out how Dr Hassed is bringing mindfulness into medicine, what have been the wins and challenges along the way and how you can bring some more mindfulness into your own life too. Also find his books on Amazon here.  And the trailer for his documentary here The post TWG 207: Mindfulness in Medicine with Dr Craig Hassed appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/28/201533 minutes, 6 seconds
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TWG 206: Real Stories: An overstressed mum’s journey with Donna Heathcote

This week is the first of what is going to become a regular feature of The Wellness Guys; Real Stories. The feedback we have received from our listeners has suggested that you love to hear real stories from real people rather than just celebrities and experts so here goes. Donna Heathcote is a long time The Wellness Guys listener who has been profoundly impacted by some of the experts and stories from The Wellness Couch and who has embarked on her own remarkable journey back to health and fitness. So tune in for some amazing insights into how this overstressed mum turned her life around! The post TWG 206: Real Stories: An overstressed mum’s journey with Donna Heathcote appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/21/201535 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWG 205: We interview Dr Brett Hill

An inspiring and aspirational human being, co-founder of the Wellness Guys, The Wellness Couch and That Paleo Show living legend Dr Brett Hill bares all for Laurence and Damian. In an episode where the Band gets back together, its a beautiful sound to hear Dr Laurence kick start our podcast and its with absolute joy and privilege that we dive deep into Brett’s life and share with you all inspiration and secrets that will inspire and move you. The post TWG 205: We interview Dr Brett Hill appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/14/201535 minutes, 37 seconds
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TWG 204: One Minute Mindfulness

This week The Wellness Guys welcome back mindfulness guru and host of the new podcast One Minute Mindfulness Vikki Kelly. Do you ever feel like you don’t have time to meditate or de-stress? What if we were to tell you that you could do it in just 1 minute per day? What if we were to then tell you that you don’t even have to stop what you are doing to do it? Well that is exactly what Vikki is here to say. So get ready to zen out in this amazingly informative, scientific and relaxing 30 minute podcast. The post TWG 204: One Minute Mindfulness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/7/201532 minutes, 4 seconds
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TWG 203: The Real Food Revolution

This week The Wellness Guys interview Kristie Ord from The Real Food Revolution. Kristie has an amazing journey of self discovery to share from being ‘the sickest person she knows’ to a world of health, energy and vitality through a journey to real food. Join in to find out how Kristie turned her life around and how she is sharing her amazing story alongside a host of other speakers on the 2015 edition of The Real Food Revolution tour coming to a city near you. The post TWG 203: The Real Food Revolution appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/31/201532 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWG 202: Mind Over Movement

This week The Wellness Guys welcome back on of their very first (and favourite) interviews Diamond Dave Nixon to talk about all things movement and mindset. This time Dave (founder of Functional Fitness Australia) is joined by the co-host of his brand new podcast show (Mind Over Movement), Lauren Heys. Lauren is a life coach and founder of the Moxxi group and together with Dave they delve deep into the motivation required to get not only truly fit but truly successful in life. So tune in to get some great pearls of wisdom and motivation. The post TWG 202: Mind Over Movement appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/24/201532 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWG 201: Nora Gedgaudas, Primal Body Primal Mind

This week Brett is once again on the road in New Zealand. This time joining the amazing Nora Gedgaudas on the Wellington leg of The Paleo Way tour. Nora is a Neuro-Feedback practitioner, nutritional consultant, speaker and educator and author of the ever popular book Primal Body, Primal Mind. Nora is an absolute wealth of information and synthesises her Primal lifestyle principles with the latest cutting edge research in a way that will just blow you away. We know Nora could go for hours on this stuff so we tried to cram as much of the good stuff into just 30 minutes as we could. So strap yourselves in! The post TWG 201: Nora Gedgaudas, Primal Body Primal Mind appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/17/201534 minutes, 58 seconds
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TWG 200: The Wellness Guys celebrate episode #200!

This week is a Wellness Guys episode with a difference. To celebrate making it to their 200th episode executive producer of The Wellness Couch Marcus Pearce turns the tables on Damian, Laurence and Brett to find out a bit more about The Wellness Guys journey to 200 including some insights that you have never heard before. So tune in to find out all the juicy goss, like the times The Wellness Guys almost called it quits and why. The post TWG 200: The Wellness Guys celebrate episode #200! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/10/201534 minutes, 29 seconds
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TWG 199: The Paleo Way with Pete Evans

This week Brett joins Pete Evans on the Auckland leg of The Paleo Way tour in New Zealand to talk about all things Paleo. As Pete has just finished the penultimate seminar of the 26 city Australasia wide tour he shares with Brett what he has seen along the way and the stories from his grand tour. The boys also touch on the controversy that has followed the tour around and talk about how Pete deals with it and also his suggestions for those of you who are meeting resistance to your own health journey. So tune in for the always entertaining celebrity chef and health warrior Pete Evans. The post TWG 199: The Paleo Way with Pete Evans appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/3/201536 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWG 198: Getting Merry with the Sisters

In his last solo interview at the Thr1ve Ancestral Symposium, DK rounds up two of the happiest wellness crusaders on the planet! The Merry Maker Sisters and DK have an absolute ball, laughing and discussing important and often challenging topics around health. Get your tissues ready, coz you could be laughing till you cry… Classic Listen In The post TWG 198: Getting Merry with the Sisters appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/26/201527 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWG 197: Paleo Fitness Primal Play

All by himself once again, lonely and looking for fellow wellness guys, Damian bumped in to Darryl Edwards, Fitness Explorer – the creator of Paleo Fitness and Primal Play at the Thr1ve Ancestral Symposium. In a first for the Wellness Guys, this whole episode was recorded standing up discussing and exploring functional and playful approaches to fitness and wellbeing. Author of “Paleo Fitness” published by Ulysses Press available at Twitter: @fitnessexplorer Facebook: YouTube: The post TWG 197: Paleo Fitness Primal Play appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/19/201530 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWG 196: Interview with Michele Chevalley Hedge

To do this justice in words would take a novel. In this episode, lone Wellness Guy Damian at the Thr1ve ancestral symposium interviewed one of the stand out speakers of the event Michele Chevalley Hedge from – They explore the controversy surrounding Quitting Sugar and explode the myths attached to wellness… this episode is fascinating! The post TWG 196: Interview with Michele Chevalley Hedge appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/12/201528 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWG 195 : Mark Sisson in Sydney

In a ceremonious return to Australia, Mark Sisson, the original Primal Lifestyler, talks with Wellness Guy Dr Damian about the movement within Primal and Paleo after discussing trends in health at the Thr1ve Ancestral Symposium. The post TWG 195 : Mark Sisson in Sydney appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/4/201528 minutes, 30 seconds
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TWG 194: Learn, Lead and Love with Amanda Bisk

In this episode we discuss the rise and fall of a former Australian Commonwealth Athlete in Pole Vaulting – Amanda Bisk.  We discussed the difficult decision of retiring vs. continuing to her dreams of represent Australia in the London Olympics and how this decision lead her to a path of discovery about health, nutrition, and exercise.  Listen to learn how Amanda took control of her own decision and carved out amazing journey for herself while helping others discover the benefits of a healthier life. You can find out more about Amanda at and also check her out on Instagram. The post TWG 194: Learn, Lead and Love with Amanda Bisk appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/29/201532 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWG 193: The amazing Arrowsmith

What if school was specifically tailored to rewire your brain to get the absolute best out of YOU? What if we could could not just learn information whilst at school but learn (or re-learn) how to learn in a much more efficient way or in a way that helps you overcome your current learning challenges. Well Arrowsmith schools have used the latest information on neurology and neuroplasticity to create programs all over the world that do just that. So tune in to find out just what makes an Arrowsmith school and why it might just be relevant information for people of all ages! The post TWG 193: The amazing Arrowsmith appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/22/201533 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWG 192: Fermented Food and The Healthy gut with Kale Brock

This week Laurence and Brett have an awesome chat with Adelaide health and fitness coach Kale Brock. Kale is a wealth of information on all things health and wellness but in particular the gut. Kale shares with us his insights on just what is wrong with your gut (and some of them will really surprise you) and just what can be done about it. He also shares how you can cheaply and easily replace some of the beneficial bacteria in your won gut and why home made fermented foods are so much better than the store bought varieties. Tune in for a fun, informative chat with a bloke who is going places! The post TWG 192: Fermented Food and The Healthy gut with Kale Brock appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/15/201532 minutes, 16 seconds
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TWG 191: Wellness, Chiropractic and Elite AFL

In this episode Wellness guys LT and DK dig deep in to the life of Zac O’Brien from the Brisbane Lions. Not only looking at the tough mental aspects of the game, but also the fierce physical aspects that require fine tuning through appropriate nutrition (injection free), incredible exercise regimes and a masterful balancing act Listen In The post TWG 191: Wellness, Chiropractic and Elite AFL appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/8/201531 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWG 190: The Yoga Lunchbox with Kara-Leah Grant

In this episode, TWG interview the publisher, editor and lead writer of The Yoga Lunchbox – Kara-Leah Grant (  Kara-Leah is the author of two books: Forty Days of Yoga and The No More Excuses Guide to Yoga.  She teaches the boys why Yoga would be an important part of Wellness and how anyone can get started with this practice.  She also spend some time diving deep into some of the myths of Yoga and demonstrate some of the amazing benefits of Yoga for the mind and body! The post TWG 190: The Yoga Lunchbox with Kara-Leah Grant appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/1/201530 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWG 189: TWG on the road with Breakthrough insights

“This is the first Wellness Guys podcast recorded on the road!  After an amazing and successful Wellness Breakthrough where over 40 participants spend 3 days with 9 Wellness experts including Cyndi O’Meara, Kim Morrison, Carren Smith, Marcus Pearce, Stuart Hayes and of course The Wellness Guys, Laurence spend some time on the bus with several of the out of state participants and discusses what they learned and how their lives will forever be changed because of these impactful three days.” The post TWG 189: TWG on the road with Breakthrough insights appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/22/201531 minutes, 17 seconds
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TWG 188: The Vitality Hackers

Have you ever wondered what The Wellness Guys were like when they were younger? Well meet The Vitality Hackers (Nick, Hannah and Jabe) three young chiropractors with a passion for sharing their health and wellness message with the world. The Hackers share their journey towards becoming experts in health and the ‘hacks’ they have learnt along the way that have allowed them to get better results in less time for themselves and their clients. So tune in to hear generation NEXT, The Vitality Hackers! The post TWG 188: The Vitality Hackers appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/15/201531 minutes, 34 seconds
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TWG 187: A Quirky Journey with Leah Follet

This week The Wellness Guys interview superstar mom, wellness coach and podcaster Leah Follet. Leah has gone on an amazing journey towards health and wellness for herself and her family and has learnt many, many lessons along the way. A bundle of joy and energy the passion just oozes out of Leah in this inspirational, informative episode. So tune in to see why so many people are turning to Leah for guidance for themselves and their families and why her podcast show A Quirky Journey (with the amazing Jo Whitton) has quickly become the hottest new show on The Wellness Couch. The post TWG 187: A Quirky Journey with Leah Follet appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/8/201531 minutes, 30 seconds
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TWG 186: The Blood Type Diet – Your Questions answered

Massive episode in response to the 170+ shares on FaceBook about the Blood Type Diet from Dr Peter D’Adamo. LT asks DK “what is.. the deal!?”. Its a great chat about a food based lifestyle choice that has people whispering all over the place. The post TWG 186: The Blood Type Diet – Your Questions answered appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/1/201534 minutes
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TWG 185: The Rock Star, Damian Kristof!

This week The Wellness Guys interview our very own rock star Chiropractor and Naturopath, the one and only Damian Kristof. You may think that over the past 184 episodes you have learnt everything there is no know about this dynamic health warrior but we promise that in this interview Brett and Laurence draw out a few gems that even they had never heard before. So tune in to hear more about Damian’s journey from humble beginnings to rock stardom and hear the nuggets of gold he has learnt along the way. To find out more about Damian (and his awesome cereal brand Forage) you can also check out his website and his Facebook The post TWG 185: The Rock Star, Damian Kristof! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/25/201532 minutes, 33 seconds
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TWG 184: TWG 184 Raising Teenagers with Arne Rubinstein

In an extraordinary interview with the world renowned Dr Arne Rubinstein, Laurence and Damian capture the essence of the importance of the process of raising our children rather than growing them. The delve deep into rites of passage and what it means to transition from one period/stage of life to the next. The post TWG 184: TWG 184 Raising Teenagers with Arne Rubinstein appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/18/201533 minutes, 20 seconds
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TWG 183: 24 hour fitness

This week The Wellness Guys look at one of the hottest trends in fitness, the rise and rise of the 24 hour gym. Is this a good thing? How can you get the best out of a 24 hour gym membership? What do you need to watch out for? Find out the answers to this Listen In The post TWG 183: 24 hour fitness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/11/201531 minutes, 28 seconds
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TWG 182: Interview with Laurence Tham

This week The Wellness Guys interview a VERY special guest and one that you all know VERY well Dr Laurence Tham! What better way to kick start 2015 than with the mindset master Laurence. Find out how Laurence journey from want to be physio to Chiropractor to Chiropractic coach, podcaster and all round superstar. Why is Laurence so perfect? Who inspired him to be who he is today? What would Laurence recommend you listen to to kick start the rest of your life? tune in for this and much more in an awesome episode of The Wellness Guys! The post TWG 182: Interview with Laurence Tham appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/4/201535 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWG 181: Leaky Gut and Your Poo!

This week The Wellness Guys are joined by Naturopath, Nutritonist, Writer and Speaker Kasey Wilson from My Health My Happiness. Kasey is one of the best and busiest naturopaths in Brett’s home town of Adelaide. She joins the guys on the show to talk all things gut health, leaky gut and of course Damian’s favourite topic, POO!  So join in to find out why so many people are suffering from digestive issues, what leaky gut is, what causes it and how to know if you have it and of course what your poo is telling you. So tune in for this very informative and funny episode. The post TWG 181: Leaky Gut and Your Poo! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/28/201431 minutes, 57 seconds
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TWG 180: Reflecting on 2 years of The Wellness Couch

Wow! can you believe it has been two years since The Wellness Guys expanded to form The Wellness Couch? The time has simply flown and this week the guys reflect on what has been an amazing 2 years. We are so grateful for all of our fans and supporters for the wonderful contribution you have all made to making the Couch what it is today. From the expansion from one show to what is now 8 shows (with more on the way), the amazing success of The Wellness Summit, the recent launch of The Wellness Couch Club ( and the excitement of the upcoming Wellness breakthrough ( all get a mention on this episode. So tune in for the inside goss on how The Wellness Couch has grown organically from a simple idea to what it is today! The post TWG 180: Reflecting on 2 years of The Wellness Couch appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/21/201432 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWG 179: Career Mastery

This week we welcome back our Wellness Guys Ninja Dr Laurence Tham to discuss career mastery and what would you do if you had the chance to do it all again… Laurence is on fire, at times peaking at 100 words per minute so you will need to slow this one down! The post TWG 179: Career Mastery appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/14/201432 minutes, 4 seconds
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TWG 178: The 20:20 Diet with Lola Berry

This week The Wellness Guys interview TV star and all round health guru Lola Berry. Lola is a true inspiration in the way she gets her messages out to the public and into the mainstream and she isn’t afraid to put herself out there to get the message across. She has done everything from swallowing the worlds hottest chilli to eating out of a dumpster just to get her message across. So if you want to be inspired and entertained tune in for this awesome informative interview! The post TWG 178: The 20:20 Diet with Lola Berry appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/7/201428 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWG 177: High Performance with Darren Burgess

This week Damian and in particular Brett were VERY excited to interview the high performance manager of the Port Adelaide Football club Darren Burgess. Port have had a big resurgence over the last few years and a lot of that has been attributed to their new found fitness under Darren (formerly of the Socceroos and Liverpool FC) . In an awesome interview Darren talks about a range of topics from how to get people motivated to train, to just how hard you can train, what foods will help you get the best results and even some training methods like heat and interval training. So no matter where you are at on your fitness journey there are some absolute gems in here from one of the best in the business! Tune in for The Wellness Guys Show. The post TWG 177: High Performance with Darren Burgess appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/30/201431 minutes, 23 seconds
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TWG 176: Fitness food motivation with Dani Stevens

This week Damian and Brett interview fitness and food motivator Dani Stevens. Dani is a mother of 4 kids and shares her journey of getting off track with her food and her fitness and she went along the journey of motherhood. Dani was able to spot the mistakes she was making and find the motivation to become the fit, vibrant, healthy mum that she is today and there is a lesson in that for all of us whether you are a mum or not. So tune in to see how Dani’s simple advice has helped thousands of people regain their life. The post TWG 176: Fitness food motivation with Dani Stevens appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/23/201429 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWG 175: Welcome back Cyndi O’Meara

Over the last few weeks we have been revisiting a few our our most popular ever guests on The Wellness Guys show and there were none more popular that The Wellness Couches own Cyndi O’Meara! If you haven’t heard Cyndi on our previous interview or on Up For A Chat on The Wellness Couch (with her best mates Carren Smith and Kim Morrison) then you have been missing out and are in for a treat. If like most of us you already have a love of Cyndi then buckle up and get ready to fall even harder. Cyndi is on a warpath to make this planet of ours healthier and happier and to show that it doesn’t need to be that hard. So tune in for a healthy dose of information, passion and entertainment as we welcome back one of our all time favourites! The post TWG 175: Welcome back Cyndi O’Meara appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/16/201434 minutes, 53 seconds
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TWG 174: Keto Clarity with Jimmy Moore

One of our favourites on The Wellness Couch Jimmy Moore rejoins The Wellness Guys for an update on his incredible journey and a crash course in all things fat, weight loss and ketogenic diets. Jimmy has transformed his life and the lives of millions all around the word with his insights into the role of fats in our diet. No longer the enemy they have been made out to be Jimmy has been helping people see the importance of healthy fats in their diet and in the process has helped himself and thousands of others lose an incredible amount of weight. Tune in to find out what a ketogenic diet is, why it is different from keto-acidosis and how this kind of high fat, moderate protein, low carb diet might be of interest to you! The post TWG 174: Keto Clarity with Jimmy Moore appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/9/201432 minutes, 6 seconds
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TWG 173: The abnormal Psychologist – Carrie Thomson-Casey

This week The Wellness Guys touch on one of the most important health topics in our society today, mental health, and in particular rural mental health. Carrie Thomson-Casey is not your normal Psychologist. Practising in a rural setting and with a keen interest in a holistic view of mental health and psychology. Carrie brings a fantastic outlook to her field and coupled with her work as the owner of a rural organic store she is changing the way country and city folk think about health and mental health. Tune in for another interesting episode! The post TWG 173: The abnormal Psychologist – Carrie Thomson-Casey appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/2/201431 minutes, 40 seconds
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TWG 172: Vegie Head

Being Vegan conjures up all kinds of weird and whacky thoughts, and when Marcus and Damian interview Adele McConnell aka Vegie Head, you’d be forgiven for thinking that this is going to be “One of those” episodes… and you would be mistaken! For the most level headed and down to earth vegan interview you will ever hear – tune in to this week’s edition of the The Wellness Guys Show. The post TWG 172: Vegie Head appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/26/201431 minutes, 37 seconds
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TWG 171: Natalie Kringoudis – Well and Good

On the verge of the release of her new book changing perspectives around female health and hormone control – Well and Good, Dr Natalie Kringoudis is welcomed back to the Wellness Guys show for a second (the first time in Wellness Guys history) to share more about what it takes for women to gain control Listen In The post TWG 171: Natalie Kringoudis – Well and Good appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/19/201430 minutes, 57 seconds
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TWG 170: Tyler Tolman The Conscious Lifestyler

On the verge of a nationwide tour it is with great excitement that The Wellness Guys interview wholefoods expert Tyler Tolman. Tyler is the son of Don Tolman and has some incredible stories, inspiring revelations and insightful knowledge into the world of colon cleansing. The post TWG 170: Tyler Tolman The Conscious Lifestyler appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/12/201434 minutes, 10 seconds
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TWG 169: The Work with Byron Katie

This week Brett was a bit awestruck as he interviewed Byron Katie, someone who he greatly admires and who has had a profound personal impact on his life. ‘Katie’ as she is often referred to shares her amazing life story and the moment that led her to create The Work, a unique way of identifying and analysing the thoughts that are the root much suffering in our world. Tune in as Katie talks us through the simplicity and power that is The Work and you how you can ‘ask four questions and turn it around to create peace in your thoughts and your life. This is one you will want to listen to over and over again! The post TWG 169: The Work with Byron Katie appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/5/201431 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWG 168: Clear the clutter

This week with the loss of wing man Brett Hill, Laurence and Damian explore what is necessary and not necessary. They discuss CLUTTER and openly discuss strategies for clearing clutter in their lives and your life in order to move to the next phase of your journey. A light hearted and honest look at the Listen In The post TWG 168: Clear the clutter appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/28/201432 minutes, 58 seconds
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TWG 167: The Good Chef Janella Purcell

This week The Wellness Guys interview another celebrity chef, this time The Good Chef Janella Purcell. In a riveting conversation Janella not only shares some great recipes and food philosophy but delves into why she is no longer on mainstream TV. Learn what happens behind the scenes in TV land and how the marketing dollar influences the information you are presented. You will not want to miss this behind the scenes look into the life of a celebrity chef. The post TWG 167: The Good Chef Janella Purcell appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/21/201432 minutes, 9 seconds
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TWG 166: The Human Experiment with Therese Kerr

This week The Wellness Guys interview Therese Kerr about a fabulous new movie that is being premiered around Australia as we speak. The Human Experiment lifts the veil on the shocking reality that thousands of untested chemicals are in our everyday products, our homes and inside of us. Simultaneously, the prevalence of many diseases continues to rise. From Oscar® winner Sean Penn and Emmy® winning journalists Dana Nachman and Don Hardy, The Human Experiment tells the personal stories of people who believe their lives have been affected by chemicals and takes viewers to the front lines as activists go head-to-head with the powerful and well-funded chemical industry. These activists bring to light a corrupt system that’s been hidden from consumers… until now. Tune in for this great interview. The post TWG 166: The Human Experiment with Therese Kerr appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/14/201431 minutes, 49 seconds
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TWG 165: The Sugar Movie with Damon Gameau

One of the highlights of The Wellness Summit was a sneak peak at a new movie coming out early next year called That Sugar Film. The movie is going to be huge with some really BIG names featuring and looks destined to get loads of main stream exposure. As part of the movie Damon (who has been living a low sugar lifestyle) committed to eating the national average of 40 teaspoons of sugar a day. The catch was that he had to get it from non “junk food sources”. Damon was easily able to get his 40 teaspoons from so called healthy options like breakfast cereal, low fat yoghurt, muesli bars and iced tea. Tune in for an awesome interview that may just be the start of a revolution! The post TWG 165: The Sugar Movie with Damon Gameau appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/7/201432 minutes, 5 seconds
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TWG 164: Simple meals for the family

Inspired by the knowledge from The Wellness Summit the guys decided that it would be important to share with you some very actionable steps to help turn your motivation into action. So this week The Wellness Guys share with you some of their favourite, simple meals that you can prepare for the family (Ok maybe Damo’s poached eggs weren’t as simple as they could be). Covering everything from breakfast, lunch and dinner through to desserts the boys have all the bases covered. So tune in for some great ideas for you and your family. And don’t forget if you want to get inspired by The Wellness Summit you can get hold of the DVD at The post TWG 164: Simple meals for the family appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/31/201432 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWG 163: LIVE from The Wellness Summit

The week The Wellness guys are recording LIVE from The Wellness Summit. At their live event in Melbourne The Wellness Guys are joined on stage by the Up For A Chat Girls, the queen of the Thermomix Jo Whitton and Celebrity Chef and paleo advocate Pete Evans. Tune in as all of the guests answer attendee questions live on the stage from barefoot running to getting your family to come on board with changes. As always this episode live from the Summit is not to be missed. And don’t forget if you missed out on the Summit and don’t want to miss all of the action you can still get the DVD at The post TWG 163: LIVE from The Wellness Summit appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/24/201432 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWG 162: Perpetual motion running with Graeme Turner

Graeme Turner is an accredited triathlon coach, mentor and certified sports nutritionist. He likes trains everyone from 5km fun runners to iron men and likes to focus on heath first. He also believes in the importance of functional strength, muscle over miles and correct fuelling. In a fascinating interview Graeme debunks some of the myths around carb loading, electrolytes, the need for long training runs and the importance of hydration. We loved this interview and we know you will too! The post TWG 162: Perpetual motion running with Graeme Turner appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/17/201432 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWG 161: Why we attend seminars

On the eve of this years Wellness Summit seminar junkie Laurence discussed with Brett why they both love attending seminars and what they get out of them. Over the years the boys have attended and spoken at literally hundreds of seminars and still do and love it! The boys discuss why this is so important to them including the constant and never ending yearning for knowledge, the relationships fostered and all of the ways they benefit from attending seminars that have nothing to do with the speakers on stage. So tune in for this awesome episode and if you haven’t got your ticket to The Wellness Summit yet (and if they are not sold out already) head over to and find out what all of the fuss is about! The post TWG 161: Why we attend seminars appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/10/201433 minutes, 11 seconds
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TWG 160: Fuelling for long distance with The Natural Nutritionist

This week The Wellness Guys interview The Natural Nutritionist Steph Lowe. Steph is a Sports Nutritionist, triathlete and self confessed cashew butter addict and as you can probably guess has a different take on sports nutrition to the mainstream. Forget carb loading, sports drinks, gels and potions Steph shares with you how you can fuel your body with real food and still perform at an elite level. Regardless of whether you are an elite athlete, an office worker, a keen gardener or a super mum this episode is full of great information to help you perform at your best! The post TWG 160: Fuelling for long distance with The Natural Nutritionist appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/3/201431 minutes, 43 seconds
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TWG 159: Real Fit Food with Andi Lew

This week The Wellness Guys interview the super fit, super inspirational Andi Lew. Andi is an author of 5 health books, mother of a 4 year old boy, TV presenter AND wellness advocate with a real energy and passion for sharing her message and she really brings that to the show this week. Talking all things health and wellness with a particular emphasis on exercises and fuelling your body well this episode is full of gems of information that you won’t want to miss! The post TWG 159: Real Fit Food with Andi Lew appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/27/201431 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWG 158: Dr John Demartini

This week The Wellness Guys finally get to interview one of the first people that ever went onto their list of potential interviewee’s for The Wellness Guys Show. Each of the boys have heard Dr John Demartini speak live and devoured countless hours of his seminars book and programs and he has been a personal inspiration to each of them. So this week The Wellness Guys finally get to interview Dr John and share his amazing wisdom about life, health and business. We are sure you will be as ‘wowed’ by this interview as The Wellness Guys were! The post TWG 158: Dr John Demartini appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/20/201428 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWG 157: I am too busy…

With each of The Wellness Guys performing multiple roles, owning multiple businesses and travelling widely to share their messages one of the most common questions we get is ‘where do you find the time’. So this week The Wellness Guys delve into the business of being busy. The guys talk about how being ‘busy’ is often worn as a badge of honour in our society and how each of the guys have been guilty of falling into the ‘busy trap’. The boys then share how they have each taken an opportunity to start reassessing their lives, to become more productive rather than busy and to find balance in their day to day lives. So how are you? Busy? You had better invest the time in this informative episode! The post TWG 157: I am too busy… appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/13/201431 minutes, 3 seconds
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TWG 156: Three years and counting

Well here we are episode 156 and The Wellness Guys are celebrating their third birthday. The boys reflect on what has been an amazing journey from three mates having a chat and hitting the record button to the top of the pops in Australian health podcasting. In a fun-filled episode worthy of a birthday celebration the guys talk about the lessons they have learned along the way and share some of their funniest moments from three years of The Wellness Guys. So tune in for a birthday celebration and don’t forget to head to to share your birthday messages and let The Wellness Guys know what this show means to you. The post TWG 156: Three years and counting appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/6/201434 minutes, 43 seconds
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TWG 155: THRIVE with Josh Sparks

This week The Wellness Guys interview founder and CEO of Thr1ve Josh Sparks. Josh is passionate about bringing healthy food options and real food to food courts all around Australia and indeed the world. With an impressive background in law and business Josh has combined his considerable expertise with his passion for whole, real, primally inspired foods to form this unique business. Josh talks about his experience with going Paleo, the transformations he has seen within his staff and even shared his favourite recipes. Tune in for this inspired Paleo guy! The post TWG 155: THRIVE with Josh Sparks appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/29/201434 minutes
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TWG 154: Careers Unplugged with Stu Hayes and Rich Sayer

This week The Wellness Guys interview career and finance guru’s Rich Sayer and Stu Hayes from one of the newest and fastest growing podcasts on The Wellness Couch ‘Careers Unplugged’. Stu and Rich talk about why they feel that your career is such an important and often over looked aspect of your wellness journey. They share their on personal stories of work interfering with their lives and wellness and some of the traps and stories they have heard repeated in their fascinating interviews. For many of us a career is a fact of life so tune into to this fantastic podcast to learn how to make it work for you! The post TWG 154: Careers Unplugged with Stu Hayes and Rich Sayer appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/22/201432 minutes, 35 seconds
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TWG 153: Revelations in Education with Dr Lori Desautels

The Wellness Guys go “solo” for the first time in over 150 episodes… Both Damian and Brett were away while Laurence interviews education expert Dr. Lori Desautels on education. They discuss how education is affecting the future generations (our children) and their wellness. Dr. Lori shares why she believe that we need to add emotional story telling to the way we teach to actively engage our children and help them develop the creativity and decision making. The post TWG 153: Revelations in Education with Dr Lori Desautels appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/15/201432 minutes, 45 seconds
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TWG 152: Eat less live long with Jason Shon Bennet

This week The Wellness Guys interview the author of Eat Less Live Long, Jason Shon Bennett. Jason shares with his research into the longest living people on the planet and the secrets that they have disclosed that may help us live longer, happier, healthier lives too. He also delved into what he calls Regular Intelligent Fasting and how you can optimise your health whilst still getting the nutrients your body requires using this unique method. So tune in for a fun episode packed with great information. The post TWG 152: Eat less live long with Jason Shon Bennet appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/8/201432 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWG 151: Overfed and Undernourished the Movie

The Wellness Guys Laurence and Damian delve deep into the motivations of Chiropractor Dr Anthony Golle and Kate Golle, the brains behind the movie to get to the heart of our modern day disease epidemic – OBESITY. This ground breaking documentary style movie starring Don Tolman, Dr John DeMartini, Dr Arne Rubenstein and Joe Cross amongst others, shares the story and life of a 13 year old young man learning to tackle life. We live in a world with increasing levels of Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes and Obesity. Over 70% of foods we consume on a daily basis are processed and according to the World Health Organisation, if current trends continue one billion people will be obese by 2030. With our fast paced life, we have become reliant and connected to devices, TVs, computers, tablets and smartphones and disconnected with the earth and people around us. After heartache, in an attempt to transform his life, 11 year old Liam weighing over 80kg (176lbs) seeks help from his aunty and uncle. Through one boy’s inspiring journey we witness the highs and lows that unite his family, as he gains his health from the inside-out. The post TWG 151: Overfed and Undernourished the Movie appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/1/201432 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWG 150: Operation Move with Kate Young

This week The Wellness Guys interview Kate Young from Operation Move. Kate has a great personal story of how she got up off of the couch and just started moving and how it affected her health and her life. She shares with us the role that her peers and would you believe it social media had in actually helping her achieve her goals and the importance of accountability in helping you achieve your dreams. Tune in for this inspiring interview that will help you just get moving! The post TWG 150: Operation Move with Kate Young appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/25/201431 minutes, 34 seconds
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TWG 149: The Healthy Cook with Dan Churchill

Dan Churchill is a good looking young surfer, he has been on TV, he has set up his own health and fitness business, he has two University degrees, he is an author AND he can cook! What more could you ask for? This week The Wellness Guys interview Dan on his journey to becoming the all round good guy he is now from his own personal experiences, to his work with clients and his time on Master Chef Australia. Dan shares a great philosophy on health and on life and some great simple tips and recipes for making your life healthier in every way. The post TWG 149: The Healthy Cook with Dan Churchill appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/18/201430 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWG 148: The Book List

Have you ever wondered what The Wellness Guys are reading? Where they get their health and wellness information from? Who inspires them on their journey? This week The Wellness Guys talk about what they have been reading recently, who has been inspiring them and what they have learnt along the way. Be sure to tune Listen In The post TWG 148: The Book List appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/11/201431 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWG 147: Real Food Revolution with Kisane ‘Zane’ Appleby

This week The Wellness Guys interview the inspiration that is Kisane Appleby. Zane has a great story of her journey from fat, frustrated and flabby, suffering from bi-polar disorder and on the disability support pension to the inspirational health thought leader she is today. Join us to find out just how Zane turned her life around, what you can learn from her experiences and how her Real Food Revolution is sweeping Australia and the world! The post TWG 147: Real Food Revolution with Kisane ‘Zane’ Appleby appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/4/201431 minutes, 40 seconds
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TWG 146: The Paleo Vegan with Ellen Jaffe Jones

Ellen Jaffe Jones is an athlete, coach and vegan advocate who has written the book Paleo Vegan. At 61 years of age she is a nationally ranked senior runner taking an ancestral approach to her vegan diet. In this interview Ellen touches on a range of issues including just what is a Paleo Vegan and what it means in terms of inflammation, performance and overall health. So tune in for a great episode with this interesting lady! The post TWG 146: The Paleo Vegan with Ellen Jaffe Jones appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/27/201430 minutes, 11 seconds
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TWG 145: The common themes of wellness

This week The Wellness Guys talk about the common themes of wellness. So often the wellness movement takes on an almost gladiatorial feel as different wellness movements are pitted against each other. Vegan vs Paleo, interval training vs yoga or the slow movement vs the motivational speakers, the list could go on and on. But this week The Wellness Guys want to bring everyone together in peace and harmony so we have decided to focus on our similarities rather than our differences and the common things that most health and wellness experts can agree on. The post TWG 145: The common themes of wellness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/20/201432 minutes, 22 seconds
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TWG 144: Mindful in May with Dr Elise Bialyiew

Every now and then you come across a concept that you just can help get excited about and get on board with. This happened to The Wellness Guys this week when they interviewed Dr Elise Bialyiew. Dr Elise is the founder of Mindful in May a fantastic initiative to not only help people be more mindful and get an introduction to meditation but at the same time to raise fund to help impoverished people get clean drinking water. Tune in to see why The Wellness Guys got so excited that they immediately signed up for the campaign and click on this link to join our team! The post TWG 144: Mindful in May with Dr Elise Bialyiew appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/13/201431 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWG 143: Parkrun Australia with Tim Oberg and Campbell Willis

If you haven’t already heard of Parkrun Australia then you have been missing out. Parkrun organise free 5km park runs all over the world and over 100,000 Australians are already registered for a jog. In this great interview the guys talk about everything from their motivation for joining Parkrun to the changes they have seen in their runners and from their own personal running journey to whether you do in fact have to wear shoes, Tune in for another great The Wellness Guys episode. The post TWG 143: Parkrun Australia with Tim Oberg and Campbell Willis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/6/201429 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWG 142: Chemicals that makes us fat depressed and toxic with Kim Morrison

This week The Wellness Guys interview the gorgeous Kim Morrison from the Up For A Chat show. Kim is a wealth of information across a broad range of topics but this week we focus on the toxic chemicals in our personal care products and what they are doing to our hormonal system and our body. Listen In The post TWG 142: Chemicals that makes us fat depressed and toxic with Kim Morrison appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/30/201433 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWG 141: How we deal with stress

This week Laurence and Damian talk about how they deal with Stress. Both working Dads with young families and several businesses on the go at once Laurence and Damian certainly know that life can get a bit hectic at times. So tune in to find out how they eat, think and move in times of Listen In The post TWG 141: How we deal with stress appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/23/201431 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWG 140: Getting Massive with Dan John

Over the last couple of years one question we have received from the fans time and time again is ‘how can I gain mass’? So we thought we would go right to the top and interview the expert of muscle gain and author of the book Mass Made Simple Dan John. Dan talks us through the importance of muscle mass, how to REALLY gain mass and muscle (if that is your aim) but also how these principles can be applied to everyday people if your goal is just to put on a healthy amount of lean muscle mass for wellness. So tune in for some pearls of wisdom (and some cracking one liners) from Dan (the man) John. The post TWG 140: Getting Massive with Dan John appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/16/201430 minutes, 50 seconds
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TWG 139: Real Food Revolutions with Rory Bland

The Real Food Revolution is coming soon to a town near you! This week The Wellness guys interview one of the instigators of the revolution a guy they call ‘The Whole Food Dude’ Rory Bland. Rory shares his story of how the loss of his father to heart disease instigated a change in his diet and lifestyle to a whole food, predominantly plant based diet. He also shares his battle along the way with Orthorexia and how he overcame these challenged to now live a balanced health lifestyle that works for him. You can find out more about The Real Food Revolution and when The Wellness Guys themselves will be appearing at the website ( The post TWG 139: Real Food Revolutions with Rory Bland appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/9/201432 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWG 138: Kelly Starrett of Mobility WOD on Becoming A Supple Leopard

Kelly Starret is a doctor of Physical Therapy and practices as a physiotherapist in one of the first Cross Fit Boxes on San Fransisco. His website and his book Becoming A Supple Leopard have become incredibly popular in the Cross Fit community and beyond. Kelly shares some amazing insights into exercise that had The Wellness Guys inspired and ready to hit the weights before the interview even finished and we know it will have the same effect on you. So make sure you tune into this amazing episode for some great information on the what, how and why’s of exercising well. The post TWG 138: Kelly Starrett of Mobility WOD on Becoming A Supple Leopard appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/2/201432 minutes, 23 seconds
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TWG 137: Birthing choices With Karen Tham

This week The Wellness Guys interview ‘The Voice’ of The Wellness Guys Show, Karen Tham. This week The Wellness Guys wanted to talk about birthing choices and since all three of us are unlikely to ever go through child birth (there was that one guy right…) we thought it would be a good idea to get a female perspective on the show. Karen and the guys talk about all the choices their families went through, why they chose the way they did and how they feel now about those choices. They also discuss the fact that no two families and no two birthing situations are the same and why it is so very important for families to create their own personalised birthing plan. So whether you have kids, are planning on having kids or not you will find some health and wellness gems in this episode. The post TWG 137: Birthing choices With Karen Tham appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/23/201430 minutes, 16 seconds
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TWG 136: Longevity Secrets with Marcus Pearce

This week The Wellness Guys speak to someone well known to The Wellness Couch Marcus Pearce. Not only is Marcus co-host of the ever popular 100 Not Out and Inside The Champions Mind podcasts, he is also the executive producer of The Wellness Couch and the MC at The Wellness Summit. Marcus has a passion and a wealth of knowledge about what it takes to age well. He shares with us his unique insights from his own personal research as well as almost a years worth of interviews on 100 Not Out and there are plenty of gems for you to catch. Everyone will get something out of this amazing episode. The post TWG 136: Longevity Secrets with Marcus Pearce appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/16/201431 minutes, 11 seconds
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TWG 135: Understanding Food Labelling

There aren’t too many people in our modern world who don’t buy any of their food in packets and it can be a minefield trying to navigate the information on the packaging. What should you look for, what should you look out for, what is the important information and what is the marketing spin? The Wellness Guys give the low down on what they look for in a food label, how they choose their foods and what things they absolutely avoid when buying for themselves and their families. If you ever buy food in a packet then this episode is for you. The post TWG 135: Understanding Food Labelling appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/9/201428 minutes, 59 seconds
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TWG 134: Safe Food vs. Monsanto- GMO foods

This week The Wellness Guys interview one of the co-founders of The Safe Food Foundation Scott Kinnear. Scott talks about organic farming, pesticides, GMO crops and more and the impact these farming choices are having on our crops and our health. He also discussed the upcoming case of farmer Steve Marsh who lost his organic certification and potentially his livelihood as a result of cross contamination from a neighbours GMo crop. this episode is very topical and this issue effects all of us so do not miss this one. The post TWG 134: Safe Food vs. Monsanto- GMO foods appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/2/201431 minutes, 29 seconds
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TWG 133: Kickstart your exercise

As we move into yet another new year with The Wellness Guys and lots of people are looking to get a kick along with their wellness and in particular fitness goals we thought it was a good time to have a chat about fitness. The boys talk about what they do for fitness and reveal what types (and times) of fitness just don’t work for them. Tune in to get a real insight into the guys and some real motivation for the new year. The post TWG 133: Kickstart your exercise appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/26/201431 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWG 132: Finding your Purpose with Melissa Ambrosini

This week The Wellness Guys welcome back health coach and wellness blogger Melissa Ambrosini to the show. Avid listeners might remember Mel as one of the Health Talk girls along with Jess Ainscough on an earlier episode. This week though Mel shares with us everything you need to know about living a life that is on purpose. How to find it, how to stay on track with it and how to keep evolving it throughout your life. No matter what your health, wellness and life goal this is one you are not going to want to miss. The post TWG 132: Finding your Purpose with Melissa Ambrosini appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/19/201431 minutes, 29 seconds
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TWG 131: The secret lives of The Wellness Guys

The New Year has come and gone and as many people do at this time of year the boys have been reflecting on what they have done up til this point in their lives and what goals and dreams they still harbour for the future. Inspired by Damo’s recent trip to the movies the boys look at all of the different aspects of their lives including career, finances, family and relationships and talk about what they are proud of and what dreams they have for the future. There is even an invite at the end for The Wellness Guys fans to consider how they might be able to help the guys action some of their bigger dreams. Tune in for an inspirational episode. The post TWG 131: The secret lives of The Wellness Guys appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/12/201431 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWG 130: Well Kids with Dr Jacey Pryjma

Dr Jacey Pryjma is a chiropractor with a special interest in kids health and runs the very successful Well Kids program through chiropractic practices all over the world. In this interview The Wellness Guys talk about what you need to look out for to ensure your kids health is on track and that they are meeting their milestones as well as some great tips for ho you can keep your kids healthy. So whether you have kids, grandkids, nieces and nephew or just plan to have kids one day you will not want to miss this fun episode. Click here to find out more about the Well Kids Program. The post TWG 130: Well Kids with Dr Jacey Pryjma appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/5/201432 minutes
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TWG 129: Raising Healthy Kids

Inspired by last weeks interview with Chiara-Lee The Wellness Guys have decided to revisit this important and much requested topic and delve a bit deeper into what they do to raise healthy kids. With 5 kids in total amongst the three guys and varying ages the guys give a perspective on what they do to keep their kids on track and ensure that their kids are getting the best start. So tune in for another informative episode and don’t forget to jump on The Wellness Guys Facebook page and tell us what you liked (or didn’t like) and what you do to keep your kids health on track. The post TWG 129: Raising Healthy Kids appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/29/201334 minutes, 31 seconds
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TWG 128: 12 year old Chiara blows The Wellness Guys away!

There are not many 12 year old’s who could teach The Wellness Guys a thing or two about wellness but Chiara is certainly one of them. This spark of information and inspiration turns the tables on The Wellness Guys and teaches them a thing or two about how to create wellness and how to share the wellness message, especially with the younger generation. Chiara is funny, confident, knowledgeable and pulls no punches so you will DEFINITELY not want to miss this amazing episode. The post TWG 128: 12 year old Chiara blows The Wellness Guys away! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/22/201331 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWG 127: Christmas Wellness

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… no don’t worry the boys aren’t going to be singing any carols in this episode. Instead we are going to look ahead to the Christmas season and talk about how you can successfully navigate this sometimes stressful, sometimes tempting time of year and still maintain your health and well-being. The guys talk about everything from how to manage your relatives, to what to eat (and not to eat) and what you should be doing with your finances to prepare for the big man in red. So tune in for this very merry episode and have a fantastic Christmas from The Wellness Guys! The post TWG 127: Christmas Wellness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/15/201332 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWG 126: Amanda ‘Crossfit’ Allen

This week The Wellness Guys interview CrossFit champion Amanda Allen. Amanda has a string of achievements in Cross Fit and sport in general as long as your arm and comes onto the show to share her passion and drive with you all. By now if you haven’t heard about CrossFit you must have been living under a rock. The craze is sweeping Australia and showing no signs of slowing down. Amanda shares with us what CrossFit is, who can benefit and just why this exercise craze has become so popular. Tine in for this inspiring, passion filled episode. The post TWG 126: Amanda ‘Crossfit’ Allen appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/8/201331 minutes
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TWG 125: Predictions, trends and the future of wellness

As it nears the end of yet another year The Wellness Guys have decided to look ahead. What are the current trends in health and well-being. Are they going to last? If so how are they going to change and evolve? If not what are they going to be replaced by? What do we need to be on the lookout for in the years ahead? All of these questions and much more and answered by The Wellness Guys including some stirring debate on the different diets and what they represent. The post TWG 125: Predictions, trends and the future of wellness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/1/201330 minutes, 50 seconds
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TWG 124: What’s wrong with the Heart Foundation with Jessie Reimers

This week The Wellness Guys interview consultant, blogger and writer Jessie Reimers. Jessie has a fantastic story to share of how she has transformed her own health through lifestyle changes and her passion for the topic is obvious. She now campaigns for changes to the dietary guidelines of the Heart Foundation and in particular for changes to the way they utilise their famous Heart Foundation tick of approval. Jessie talks about the foundation’s focus on fat and salt and the fact that many foods that do receive the tick are highly processed and laden with sugars and carbs.  Tune in for 30 minutes of passion and inspiration from an awesome young health warrior. The post TWG 124: What’s wrong with the Heart Foundation with Jessie Reimers appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/24/201330 minutes, 30 seconds
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TWG 123: The Caffeine Effect

The most socially accepted and widely used drug like compound found both naturally and synthetically anywhere in the world is Caffeine. For Millennia people have consumed caffeine and caffeinated beverages and foods for fun, taste and performance. This week The Wellness Guys take a closer look at what caffeine actually does to you and for Listen In The post TWG 123: The Caffeine Effect appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/17/201330 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWG 122: Separation and divorce counselling with Diane Viola

This week The Wellness Guys talk about a topic that most people will go through at some stage in their lives, separation. For many people this can be a very difficult time that sometimes takes years to recover from and there is no manual for how to deal with it. The guys talk with relationships counsellor Diane Viola about why separation and divorce is seemingly becoming more and more common and what tools people need to both help prevent a separation and also to deal with it when the time comes. So if you have ever been in a relationship, if you are in a relationship or you ever plan on being in a relationship then this episode is a must! The post TWG 122: Separation and divorce counselling with Diane Viola appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/10/201332 minutes, 23 seconds
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TWG 121: Common ailments, common solutions

In the recent Wellness Guys Q & A episode the boys promised they would come back to one question about finding healthy, natural solutions to common ailments. So this week The Wellness Guys talk about a range of ailments from the common cold to gastro (Damo’s favourite of course) and what you can do to ensure you are healing naturally and healthily (as well as what you can do to prevent them). You won’t want to miss this episode chock full of information to keep you and your family healthy. The post TWG 121: Common ailments, common solutions appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/3/201329 minutes, 44 seconds
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TWG 120: Fermented Foods with Helen Padarin

This week The Wellness Guys interview Naturopath and Nutritionist Helen Padarin from Nourish-Ed. Helen is a wealth of information on all things gut and brain and in particular on the benefits of fermented foods for both. The Wellness Guys find out what fermented foods Helen recommends and uses and how to go about preparing them as well as learning just why they are so good for us. Tune in to find out how to heal your gut naturally! The post TWG 120: Fermented Foods with Helen Padarin appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/27/201331 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWG 119: Your Questions Answered with The Wellness Guys

This week The Wellness Guys are answering questions from our fans. Covering everything from is Rice Bran oil healthy? to natural liver detox and from how to do health on a budget through to what to eat when you have had your gall bladder removed. Did your questions get answered? If not be sure to Listen In The post TWG 119: Your Questions Answered with The Wellness Guys appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/20/201329 minutes, 31 seconds
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TWG 118: Debunking Ovulation with Nat Kringoudis

This week The Wellness Guys interview Nat Kringoudis, Doctor of Chinese Medicine, Acupuncturist and Natural fertility Educator. Nat shares some fantastic information about hormonal health for women. From the dangers of the pill to the devastating effects of our modern lifestyle on hormonal health to how to improve your fertility naturally this is one episode that you all (yes you guys too) will not want to miss. Tune in for a very imformative episode of The Wellness Guys. The post TWG 118: Debunking Ovulation with Nat Kringoudis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/13/201331 minutes, 33 seconds
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TWG 117: Being a healthy triathlete with Nate Walsh

This week The Wellness Guys interview Triathlete Nate Walsh. Nate is one of the top ranked triathletes in Victoria and shares with The Wellness Guys how he takes a slightly unconventional (but very Wellness Guys) approach to race preparation. Nate talks about his previous experiences with carb loading and how it was affecting his performance both in competition and in the rest of his life and how with the help of a good chiropractor and a good naturopath he has been able to gain improvements to both his health and his race day performance. So if you want to get the best out of your body you will not want to miss this great episode. The post TWG 117: Being a healthy triathlete with Nate Walsh appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/6/201332 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWG 116: Why are we so allergic?

This week The Wellness Guys talk about the plethora of allergies that seem to be descending on our population. With Damian having just returned from a gluten free fair and discovered that not only were so many people sensitive to gluten but that many of them had an array of other sensitivities too from eggs to nuts and from fructose to fish. The guys talk about what has caused this seemingly exponential increase in allergies and what can be done about it. Do not miss this informative episode. The post TWG 116: Why are we so allergic? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/29/201331 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWG 115: Back in Motion with Physiotherapist Jason Smith

This week The Wellness Guys interview physiotherapist and author Jason Smith. As chiropractors one of the questions we get a LOT is ‘what is the difference between chiro and physio’? In this episode the guys cover this question and much more with Jason including what role diet and positive thinking play in recovery, what are they key core exercises you could be doing to start your recovery and why Jason loves a fit ball. Tune in for this informative episode. The post TWG 115: Back in Motion with Physiotherapist Jason Smith appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/22/201329 minutes, 3 seconds
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TWG 114: How to GAIN weight

So often when people think about health and wellbeing their focus is on how to LOSE weight. However for some people the opposite can be true. Brett shares why he has unintentionally lost a bit of weight over the last few months and talks about what he is doing now to get back on track whilst Damian gives some great insight into why the weight was lost and how to go about regaining it and Laurence gets into the mindset of bouncing back from adversity and maintaining a healthy weight. Regardless of where you tip the scales you will NOT want to miss this enlightening episode. The post TWG 114: How to GAIN weight appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/15/201331 minutes, 12 seconds
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TWG 113: The Wellness Guys interview Sally Fallon

This week The Wellness Guys interview Sally Fallon from the Weston A Price foundation. Sally is an absolute wealth of information and this wide ranging interview covers topics from raw milk to the benefits of saturated fats and from fluoride to nutrient dense foods. There is so much good information in this one that it Listen In The post TWG 113: The Wellness Guys interview Sally Fallon appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/8/201332 minutes, 6 seconds
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TWG 112: Live from The Wellness Summit

The Wellness Summit in Melbourne was a roaring success with over 600 people cramming into the Crown conference centre for a jam packed day of information and inspiration. Half way through the day The Wellness Guys joined the Up For A Chat girls live on stage to answer questions from the audience in what turned out to be a hilarious episode. Kim actually didn’t realise we were recording a live episode so be sure to tune in to hear Kim get a little bit naughty. The post TWG 112: Live from The Wellness Summit appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/1/201334 minutes, 7 seconds
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TWG 111: The Wellness Guys interview Vikki Kelly

Vikki Kelly a world class thought leader and infoprenuer discusses in this episode the importance, the why and the how to maintain mindfulness and shares with us insights as to the damage currently being done with our children’s minds and communication skills as a result of a device driven generation. Vikki reflects upon methods that Listen In The post TWG 111: The Wellness Guys interview Vikki Kelly appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/25/201338 minutes, 16 seconds
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TWG 110: The Wellness Guys discuss values

In this episode of The Wellness Guys the boys talk about their values. What drives them to do what they do and how they ensure that they are living in a way that is congruent with their values. They also talk about how they sometimes get off track, how that impacts their lives and what Listen In The post TWG 110: The Wellness Guys discuss values appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/18/201331 minutes, 16 seconds
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TWG 109: The Wellness Guys interview Allan Savory

This week The Wellness Guys interview Allan Savory a Zimbabwean biologist, farmer, soldier, exile, environmentalist and the originator of holistic management. Allan has been a worldwide sensation since his 2013 TED talk “How to green the desert and reverse climate change”. Allan has done some truly amazing work all over the world showing people how by carefully managing large herds and mimicking nature we can actually help the environment. This interview is definitely one you will NOT want to miss. The post TWG 109: The Wellness Guys interview Allan Savory appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/11/201333 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWG 108: Exercise for time poor people

One of the biggest complaints we hear about exercise is that people just don’t have the time. Well in this episode The Wellness Guys blow that myth out of the water. the guys are going to show you why exercise creates rather than sucks up time, why exercising longer isn’t necessarily better and give you Listen In The post TWG 108: Exercise for time poor people appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/4/201333 minutes, 11 seconds
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TWG 107: The Wellness Guys interview Michael Skogg

Micheal Skogg is one fit (and kinda scary sounding) dude. He is a certified Neuro Muscular Therapist, Personal Trainer, CHEK institute certified and is an ex- military all round tough guy. He is widely regarded as a worldwide expert in kettlebell training. Originating from Russia at first glimpse kettlebells can seem like they are only for the exercise fanatic but Micheal explains how they can be a cheap, easy and very effective exercise tool for even the beginner. So tune in for this interview with one of the best in the world! The post TWG 107: The Wellness Guys interview Michael Skogg appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/28/201330 minutes, 21 seconds
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TWG 106: Being A Leader

This week The Wellness Guys talk about leadership. Regardless of who you are, what you do or even whether you want to be, all of you are leaders on your own way. You might be a leader in your family, at your work or even just amongst your friends but the fact is that people notice what you do and the way you do it and it has an effect. This week The Wellness Guys talk about what it is to be a true leader and how you can show leadership with the ones that you care about. The post TWG 106: Being A Leader appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/21/201328 minutes, 59 seconds
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TWG 105: Healthy Home, Healthy Family with Nicole Biljsma

Nicole is an accomplished Naturopath, Acupuncturist and Building Biologist who specialises in teaching people how to create a healthy home. Nicole is author of the book Health Home, Healthy family which is like a bible for creating a healthy household covering everything from cooking utensil, to storage containers and from EMF to cleaning chemicals. Tune in to find out just what nasties might be lurking inside your house and making you sick, the top 2 things to look out for might just surprise you! All of you NEED to hear this episode. The post TWG 105: Healthy Home, Healthy Family with Nicole Biljsma appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/14/201329 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWG 104: The Wellness Guys Answer Your Questions

This week The Wellness Guys decided to answer a few of the questions they have been receiving on Facebook. Our Facebook page is the best way to keep tabs of everything that is going on in The Wellness Guys land and many people are surprised but it is regularly checked in on and questions answered by The Wellness Guys themselves. This week we did a call out from our fans and got a range of questions from water quality to healthy eggs and from coffee intake to what to eat before exercising. So check out this information packed episode and don’t forget to head to our Facebook page to join our interactive community. The post TWG 104: The Wellness Guys Answer Your Questions appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/7/201331 minutes, 9 seconds
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TWG 103: The Wellness Guys interview Rich Roll

Rich Roll is a vegan and an extraordinary athlete with an amazing personal story. Rich shares some of his personal experiences overcoming addiction and transforming his health and his life. He shares the secrets to how he ran 5 ultra triathlons inside a week on a plant based diet. He also shares why he feels that everyone in the health sphere should just get along recognising that they have more in common in their individual approaches to health than they think. Make sure you check out this interview with a truly inspirational guy! The post TWG 103: The Wellness Guys interview Rich Roll appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/30/201338 minutes, 4 seconds
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TWG 102: Succeeding with grief and loss

This week The Wellness Guys talk about grief and loss. This is something that everyone goes through at some stage in their life and there is no one right answer in regards to how to deal with it. The guys share some of their own personal experiences with loss in the hope that it will be of benefit to others too. Tune in for this very important episode on The Wellness Guys Show. The post TWG 102: Succeeding with grief and loss appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/23/201331 minutes, 58 seconds
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TWG 101: Ben Greenfield on being Superhuman

This week The Wellness Guys interview fitness expert and pod-casting star Ben Greenfield. Ben coaches and trains individuals for weight loss, lean muscle gain, holistic wellness, and sports performance, both in person and online. He also runs the Rock Star Triathlete Academy, the internet’s top school for learning the sport of triathlon and how to be a better triathlete and was voted in 2008 as the Personal Trainer of the Year. Tune in for some fascinating insights into how you can get all of the functional fitness you need with very little time and effort requirement. No matter your current level of fitness there is great stuff in this episode just for you. The post TWG 101: Ben Greenfield on being Superhuman appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/16/201330 minutes, 34 seconds
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TWG 100: The Wellness guys interview Brad Paull

Haven’t heard of Brad Paull yet? You will. Brad Paull is an inspiration to us all and is the winner of our The Wellness Guys testimonial competition granting him free VIP tickets to The Wellness Summit in Melbourne. Brad has gone on an amazing journey of weight loss, diet change, quitting smoking and much more. Tune in to find out how a regular guy just like you was able to shift his mindset and shift his health utilising the information on The Wellness Couch and find out his top tips for helping you do the same. Do not miss this inspiring episode of The Wellness Guys Show. The post TWG 100: The Wellness guys interview Brad Paull appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/9/201330 minutes, 34 seconds
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TWG 99: Just Desserts

This week The Wellness Guys want YOU to get your just desserts. Do you ever feel guilty about eating dessert? Do you ever regret it the next day. In this episode The Wellness Guys are going to teach you how to literally have your cake and eat it too. Find out how to have a great mindset around eating desserts and how to create a delicious dessert that your body will thank you for right now but also tomorrow and next week too. DO NOT miss this one sweet tooth. The post TWG 99: Just Desserts appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/2/201332 minutes, 28 seconds
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TWG 98.5: How to breakthrough with Carren Smith

This week The Wellness Guys interview the amazing Carren Smith from Up For a Chat. When it comes to dealing with the challenges life throws at you, Carren has been there and done that. Her story of overcoming adversity including surviving the Bali bombings and dealing with a partner who committed suicide is truly remarkable (and gut wrenching). The fact that she has been through all of that to become the incredible woman that she is today is not only inspiring but educational for all of us. The post TWG 98.5: How to breakthrough with Carren Smith appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/30/201334 minutes, 57 seconds
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TWG 98: From Stress To Strength

This week The Wellness Guys interview mindset guru Dr John Hinwood. John had a very challenging childhood as he had a major orthopaedic problem with his legs, and a specialist told his parents he would be disabled and never be able to play sport. He was also a bad stutterer and very dyslexic and was prevented from going to a regular high school as the educational experts said he couldn’t be taught. He went on to be school captain, a judo champion, a very successful chiropractor and now a leading coach. Tune in to find out why we should all ‘expect a miracle’ and how YOU can go from ‘Stress To Strength’. The post TWG 98: From Stress To Strength appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/26/201332 minutes, 57 seconds
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TWG 97: How to win friends and keep them

This week Laurence, Damian and Brett talk about how to win friends and keep them. Having a good support network is crucial on your health and wellness journey. In this episode The Wellness Guys share a bit about themselves and their friendship groups as well as some simple strategies for winning and keeping friends. Everyone Listen In The post TWG 97: How to win friends and keep them appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/19/201331 minutes, 7 seconds
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TWG 96: The Biology Of Belief with Bruce Lipton

This week The Wellness Guys interview developmental biologist Bruce Lipton. Since episode one Bruce is someone that The Wellness Guys have been looking forward to interviewing and you will probably have heard Bruce’s name mention numerous times throughout the podcast. His book The Biology Of Belief and his talks on the same topic were real game changers in the field of epigenetics and helped to solidify the idea that our lifestyle (not our genes) is more often than not the key determining factor in our health outcomes. Listen as Bruce shares the impact of our genes and in particular our thoughts on our health and learn how to create ‘heaven on earth’. The post TWG 96: The Biology Of Belief with Bruce Lipton appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/12/201337 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWG 95: Everything About Fish Oil

The Wellness Guys have had a barrage of questions from our listeners about fish oil, so whilst we have covered this topic previously in brief we felt it was time to dedicate a whole episode to it and really get into detail. The guys talk about why we need Omega 3’s and what affect they can have on our health and well-being  They also cover everything you need to know including the different sources of dietary Omega 3 oils and how bio-available they are in your body to the different choices for Omega 3 supplements. If you have every had any questions about fish oils, Omega 3’s, inflammation or chronic diseases then this is one you simply must tune in for. The post TWG 95: Everything About Fish Oil appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/5/201333 minutes, 27 seconds
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TWG 94: The Gut Brain Connection with Dr Christabelle Yeoh

In this episode The Wellness Guys interview Australian holistic doctor Dr Christabelle Yeoh. Dr Yeoh shares with The Wellness Guys her breadth of knowledge, in particular in relation to the gut, the nervous system and the brain. Dr Yeoh talks about the things in our modern lifestyles that can wreak havoc with our bodies and what we can do to remedy the situation. The conversation covers everything from probiotics to lifestyle stress and diet to chiropractic care. Do not miss this very informative episode. The post TWG 94: The Gut Brain Connection with Dr Christabelle Yeoh appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/28/201331 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWG 93: Overcoming Failure

This week The Wellness Guys talk about overcoming failure. Cricket tragic Brett (don’t worry we don’t talk about cricket too much) most his cricket semi-final recently so the boys thought it was as good a time as any to talk about dealing with failure in all of the different areas of your life be it sport, weight, exercise, family or work. The boys talk about what failure really is and how you can deal with it in a healthy way to help turn a negative into a positive and regain your lost momentum. Everyone fails at some point in their life so this is a vitally important episode for everyone. The post TWG 93: Overcoming Failure appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/21/201330 minutes, 40 seconds
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TWG 92: The Autism Revolution with Dr Martha Herbert

This week The Wellness Guys interview paediatric neurologist, brain development researcher and author of The Autism Revolution Dr Martha Herbert. The topic of Autism has been requested by several of our fans and with good reason as the rates continue to sky rocket and Dr Herbert gives us some insight into the reasons why. The good news is that it is largely to do with our lifestyle and there are things you can do to both help prevent and to manage Autism so tune in for this wonderful episode. Also if you aren’t already a fan of Facebook page be sure to head over there and check out The Wellness Couch page for a special recording with some extra information from Dr Herbert on the impact of EMF on the brain that we didn’t get time for in this episode. Check out Dr Herbert’s book “The Autism Revolution: Whole-Body Strategies For Making Life All It Can Be” The post TWG 92: The Autism Revolution with Dr Martha Herbert appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/14/201335 minutes, 40 seconds
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TWG 91: Barefoot running

This week The Wellness Guys talk about running. Some of our hardcore fans will know that we covered running way back in episode 9 but we felt like it was time for an update and for some more specifics on barefoot running philosophy and technique. Find out which of The Wellness Guys still dislikes running and who has turned the corner. You will also get lots of great info on barefoot/forefoot running technique, exercises and equipment  including all the mistakes Brett made (that you can avoid) on his crazy barefoot caveman adventures. Tune in and share with your friends! The post TWG 91: Barefoot running appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/7/201332 minutes, 5 seconds
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TWG 90: Understanding Women Hormones with Dr. Sherrill Sellman

This week The Wellness Guys interview world renowned expert on women’s hormones and author of the book Hormone Heresy Dr Sherrill Sellman. Most of us now know the truth about the dangers of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) but the extent of the effects will still shock you. Especially once you realise that there are many other forms of HRT (like the pill) still being widely distributed and the effects they are having on the live of the women (and girls) we love. Do not miss this very informative episode. The post TWG 90: Understanding Women Hormones with Dr. Sherrill Sellman appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/31/201331 minutes, 45 seconds
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TWG 89: Strengthening your immune response

This week on The Wellness Guys Laurence was feeling a bit under the weather (wait until you hear his voice) so Dr Damian and Dr Brett give him (and you) some advice on how to get through an immune challenge. The boys cover what to eat, how much to rest and whether to exercise or not when you are under the weather. With the flu season coming soon in the Southern hemisphere you will definitely want to tune in for this one! The post TWG 89: Strengthening your immune response appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/24/201330 minutes, 44 seconds
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TWG 88: Underground Wellness with Sean Croxton

This week The Wellness Guys interview Sean Croxton, host of the amazing podcast show Underground Wellness. Sean shares with the boys his unique philosophy around health and wellbeing including his world famous catch cry JERF (Just Eat Real Food). In this in depth interview Sean and the guys cover the importance of ‘just the right amount’ of exercise, getting enough sleep, a healthy mindset and even gut health. Not to mention Damian’s favorite topic, POO! Don’t miss this funny, informative episode. The post TWG 88: Underground Wellness with Sean Croxton appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/17/201330 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWG 87: Highlight from The Wellness Summit

This week The Wellness Guys are pumped up! Having just returned from a very successful, sold out Wellness Summit on the Gold Coast guys share their favourite stories from the day. The guys start by sharing a few stories from the fans that really inspired them and go on to share their highlights from each of the speakers, what they learnt and how it impacted them. If you missed the summit (or even if you didn’t) you are not going to want to miss this episode! The post TWG 87: Highlight from The Wellness Summit appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/10/201333 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWG 86: Wheat Belly with Dr William Davis

This week The Wellness Guys interview Dr William Davis, preventative cardiologist and author of the New York Times bestselling book Wheat Belly. Dr Davis shares with us why he now recommends all his heart patients to cut out the wheat and the amazing results he has seen. He goes on to share why modern wheat is so different from what it used to be and why all people, especially diabetics, pre-diabetics and kids should consider removing wheat from their diet completely. This episode is jam packed with riveting information so do not miss it! The post TWG 86: Wheat Belly with Dr William Davis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/3/201331 minutes, 58 seconds
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TWG 85: The good and the bad of medicine

This week The Wellness Guys talk about Iatrogenesis (medical misadventure via surgery, advice or more commonly drugs). The guys take some time to talk about the state of our health care system, why we are so sick and the role that our medical system has in actually making people sick. The episode also delves into bias in our medical research and reporting that leads to some interventions to be seen as ‘worth the risk’ when in fact they’re not. You will not want to miss this eye opening episode! The post TWG 85: The good and the bad of medicine appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/24/201330 minutes, 44 seconds
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TWG 84: an interview Dr Sarah Farrant

This week The Wellness Guys interview Dr Sarah Farrant from Dr Sarah is a “tell it like it is”, “no fluff’ mentor for mums. The Wellness Guys chat to Sarah about the difference between parenting in a medical model vs. parenting in a wellness model. Sarah shares her unique philosophy on parenting and raising healthy kids and shares some personal stories of the challenges of doing so. If you are a parent or plan to be a parent you will not want to miss this entertaining interview. The post TWG 84: an interview Dr Sarah Farrant appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/17/201329 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWG 83: Marketing Spin

This week The Wellness Guys talk about marketing spin. ‘Fat free’, ‘sugar free’, ‘organic’, ‘natural’, ‘super foods’ etc. etc. Our supermarket shelves and television screens are full of spin designed to convince you that their products are healthy and that you should buy them but what is the real story. The Wellness Guys pick apart their top 10 peeves when it comes to marketing spin and give you the real story. So be sure to tune in, share it with your friends and family and jump on to Facebook and tell us what your biggest gripe is when it comes to marketing spin. The post TWG 83: Marketing Spin appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/10/201332 minutes, 59 seconds
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TWG 82: Find your natural movement with Movnat Founder Erwan Le Corre

The Wellness Guys interview founder and master instructor of MovNat Erwan Le Corre. Erwan shares his unique natural movement philosophy with The Wellness Guys. Based around natural movement patterns, no machines and functional outdoor play MovNat is a movement that is taking off at the moment. Tune in to learn why the exercise you are Listen In The post TWG 82: Find your natural movement with Movnat Founder Erwan Le Corre appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/3/201330 minutes, 18 seconds
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TWG 81: Obesity Epidemic in kids

This week The Wellness Guys talk about a growing trend that they are very concerned about, Childhood Obesity. A huge problem with many causes and no one solution The Wellness Guys tackle the challenge all the way from pregnancy through to teenage years and across all aspects of diet, exercise and mindset. Be sure to not only listen to this great episode but share it with those you love and let’s create a movement to combat the surge of childhood obesity. The post TWG 81: Obesity Epidemic in kids appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/27/201330 minutes, 55 seconds
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TWG 80: The 4 Hour Wellness with Tim Ferriss

This week The Wellness Guys interview Tim Ferriss author of the best sellers The 4 Hour Work Week, The Four Hour Body and The 4 Hour Chef. The guys were so excited to be interviewing Tim, the expert in what he calls Lifestyle Design about how to get the most out of your life. Tim shares some fascinating facts about time management, the slow carb diet and the proven keys to weight loss that you will not want to miss. Be sure to tune in for this amazing interview with the amazing Tim Ferriss! The post TWG 80: The 4 Hour Wellness with Tim Ferriss appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/20/201341 minutes, 55 seconds
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TWG 79: Health Judgments

Sometimes it can be tough being a health nut. You are different to everyone else, you make different choices and sometimes people will judge you or argue with you because of it. The Wellness Guys talk about some of the common issues they encounter when it comes to health judgement and how they deal with it whether it be abstaining from drinking, food choices, medications or even just getting some sunshine. If ever you have been challenged about your health choices you will not want to miss this episode! The post TWG 79: Health Judgments appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/13/201329 minutes, 18 seconds
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TWG 78: Oral Wellness with Holistic Dentist Dr Ron Ehrlich

The Wellness Guys interview holistic dentist Dr Ron Ehrlich. A wealth of information with over 30 years in his field Ron drops in to share his wisdom with the guys. The interview covers how dental hygiene relates to wellness and why it is essential to look at the person with the tooth rather than just the tooth. The wide ranging conversation covers the keys to dental hygiene, the importance of diet and the truth about amalgams and fluoride all covered in an easily digestible conversation. You will not want to miss this fantastic episode. The post TWG 78: Oral Wellness with Holistic Dentist Dr Ron Ehrlich appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/6/201329 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWG 77: The Process of Goal Setting

2012 is fast drawing to a close so The Wellness Guys sit down to talk about their goal for 2013. Rather than just talk about goal setting in theory The Guys decided to give a real life example. This episode is The Wellness Guys beginning their 2013 goal setting LIVE on air. Find out what The Guys have in store for you in the next 12 months AND get a live demo on goal setting all rolled into one. Don’t forget to head to our Facebook page to give us your suggestions for 2013, your insights into our goal setting and to share your 2013 goals. The post TWG 77: The Process of Goal Setting appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/30/201231 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWG 76: Smart DNA with Margie Smith

The Wellness Guys interview Margie Smith, a molecular geneticist with over 20 years experience in her field. Challenging the ‘one size fits all’ approach to health Margie shares with the guys the developments in the field of genetics that allow for a more personalised approach to wellness. The interview covers a range of topics including epigenetics, genetic predispositions and how lifestyle interventions can affect the way your genes are expressed. So tune in for this very informative episode! The post TWG 76: Smart DNA with Margie Smith appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/23/201231 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWG 75: Day in the life of a Wellness Guy

The fans have asked for this one over and over and The Wellness Guys have delivered. You said you wanted to know what exactly The Wellness Guys do in an average day. When they get up, what they eat, how they snack, what sort of exercise they do, how they work and how they relax. Well here it is you nosey parkers! Just kidding. The Wellness Guys discuss their daily habits and routines in detail and it is a great way to see how easy it can be for you to implement wellness into your life. Tune in! The post TWG 75: Day in the life of a Wellness Guy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/16/201230 minutes, 47 seconds
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TWG 74: Understanding Woman’s Hygiene with TOM’s Organics founder Aimee Marks

The Wellness Guys spend half an hour talking about women’s issues. This week The Wellness Guys venture into the sometimes uncomfortable area of feminine hygiene with Aimee Marks from TOM organics. The guys admit that this is not an area they have given a lot of thought to previously but as soon as the interview started they realised just how important it is. Guys and girls will want to tune in for this important insight into the personal grooming industry and the health hazards to look out for. Tune in this week to The Wellness Guys Show. The post TWG 74: Understanding Woman’s Hygiene with TOM’s Organics founder Aimee Marks appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/9/201230 minutes, 14 seconds
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TWG 73: When doctors don’t listen

The Wellness Guys often get messages from fans that have had less than ideal experiences with their doctors or health care professionals. Often these people have taken into their appointments information gleaned from The Wellness Guys themselves or other informative resources and they haven’t felt heard or cared for by their ‘doctor’. Any number of issues can be at play here. Perhaps the ‘doctor’ is not up to date with the latest information, perhaps they just don’t like being questioned or perhaps they just aren’t very good communicators. Whatever the issue The Wellness Guys are going to teach you how to deal with it and what to do to make sure you remain in charge of your own health! The post TWG 73: When doctors don’t listen appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/3/201230 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWG 72: Up for a chat with Cyndi O’Meara, Carren Smith, and Kim Morrison

The Wellness Guys are very excited to announce that their new podcast network The Wellness Couch will be launched in just one week! To celebrate the launch of the new network the guys interview the girls from one of the couch’s fantastic new shows Up For A Chat. Wellness Guys favourite Cyndi O’Meara is joined by fellow ‘chatters’ Kim Morrison and  Carren Smith for an entertaining interview about their perspectives on health and wellness and what needs to be done to get the world back on track. Do not miss this opportunity to hear six of Australia’s top wellness personalities on the one episode! The post TWG 72: Up for a chat with Cyndi O’Meara, Carren Smith, and Kim Morrison appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/25/201231 minutes, 20 seconds
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TWG 70: Women’s Health with the Girls of Health Talk TV

This week The Wellness Guys interview the Health Talks Girls. Jess Ainscough, Melissa Ambrosini and Nat Kringoudis (in the absence of 4th member Samantha Gowing) talk about what inspired them to start their new weekly show which has already drawn a huge audience. The girls all have a unique perspective and a story to share especially when it comes to women’s health issues. Tune in for a great interview with some very informative (and attractive) girls. The post TWG 70: Women’s Health with the Girls of Health Talk TV appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/11/201228 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWG 69: How to manage your crisis

This week The Wellness Guys talk about dealing with a crisis. It is only a few weeks away from the mythical 12.12.12 where the Mayan calendar ends and if you believe some so does the world. Whether it is the end of the world, a health crisis like cancer or just a crisis of the waist line, The Wellness Guys share their tips for dealing with it. Learn how to prepare for a crisis before it even comes, what to do when it hits and how to come back out the other side in one piece. Join us this week on The Wellness Guys Show. The post TWG 69: How to manage your crisis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/4/201229 minutes, 12 seconds
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TWG 68: Integrating Medicine and Fighting Cancer with Dr. Carole Hungerford

This week The Wellness Guys interview GP Carole Hungerford. Carol is not your run of the mill GP, she is a member of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine and had a very holistic view on health. Carole talks about her frustrations with the mainstream medical system and medical education and why her approach is different. She shares with us some of the politics that exist in health and also touches on how her ‘alternative’ viewpoint can be applied to cancer prevention and treatment. This is definitely one not to miss! You can also check Carole out at The post TWG 68: Integrating Medicine and Fighting Cancer with Dr. Carole Hungerford appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/27/201233 minutes, 6 seconds
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TWG 67: Men’s Health

This week The Wellness Guys talk about Men’s Health. So often guys don’t look after themselves when it comes to health and wellness. In this episode The Wellness Guys talk about why that is and what key things men should look out for if they want to stay healthy. So whether you are a man or are concerned about the men in your life you are not going to want to miss this episode. The post TWG 67: Men’s Health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/20/201229 minutes, 16 seconds
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TWG 66: Sweet Poison – Why sugar makes us fat with David Gillespie

This week The Wellness Guys interview the author of Sweet Poison, David Gillespie. David talks about his journey with dieting and how he finally lost and kept off 40kg and why he believes that sugar is a  poison. He talks about the addictive properties of sugar that make it so hard to give up and how to overcome these addictions as well as the devastating effects that sugar can have on your body. The Wellness Guys also discus with David the foods that contain hidden sugar and what to look out for in your supermarket aisles. Don’t miss this very riveting episode. The post TWG 66: Sweet Poison – Why sugar makes us fat with David Gillespie appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/14/201230 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWG 65: Creating your Wellness Network

This week The Wellness Guys talk about finding a wellness network. In any area of your life it is good to have some trusted advisors and confidants to help you navigate your way through and wellness is no exception. In this episode The Wellness Guys talk about the people you need to have on your team that will help you in your wellness journey. Laurence, Brett and Damian share who they have on their team, what they do and what you should look out for when choosing a wellness advisor.   This episode is a must listen if you want to find true wellness. The post TWG 65: Creating your Wellness Network appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/7/201230 minutes, 24 seconds
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TWG 64: Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type with Dr. Peter D’Adamo

This week The Wellness Guys interview Dr Peter D’Adamo, author of the fantastic book Eat Right For Your Blood Type. In this incredibly informative episode Dr D’Adamo shares with The Wellness Guys how your blood type and even your genetic profile can influence how you deal with certain foods and what you should and should not be eating. Dr D’Adamo talks about the research he has done, going on from the work started by his father into this field and gives all our listeners some simple tips as to how to modify their diet to ensure they are ‘Eating Right For Their Blood Type”. Tune in for this fascinating interview with a world leader in health and nutrition. The post TWG 64: Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type with Dr. Peter D’Adamo appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/30/201233 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWG 63: Swap it for Wellness

This week The Wellness Guys talk about the new Australian Governments “Swap It’ campaign. Has the government got it right? How can it be done better? What are the key things in your life that you should consider swapping and what should you swap to? The wellness guys answer all these questions and more in this fantastic episode. Join us for the conversation on Facebook and tell us what things you think you should swap and what you would like to replace them with. The post TWG 63: Swap it for Wellness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/23/201229 minutes, 42 seconds
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TWG 62: Are organic foods worth it with Tim Marshall

This week The Wellness Guys interview Tim Marshall of The conversation starts with a discussion around the recent New York Times article that suggested there was no benefit to buying organic food. Tim shares with us what the research shows as opposed to what was reported. Tim and the guys then get into a wide ranging discussion around organic certification, what to lookout for, why organic food really is good value and how to get started growing your own organic fruits and vegetables. Join us for this fascinating insight into the wide world or organic food. The post TWG 62: Are organic foods worth it with Tim Marshall appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/16/201230 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWG 62: Are organic foods worth it with Tim Marshall

This week The Wellness Guys interview Tim Marshall of The conversation starts with a discussion around the recent New York Times article that suggested there was no benefit to buying organic food. Tim shares with us what the research shows as opposed to what was reported. Tim and the guys then get into a wide ranging discussion around organic certification, what to lookout for, why organic food really is good value and how to get started growing your own organic fruits and vegetables. Join us for this fascinating insight into the wide world or organic food. The post TWG 62: Are organic foods worth it with Tim Marshall appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/16/201230 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWG 61: Taking Self Responsibility

This week The Wellness Guys talk about being responsible for your life. Many people have been conditioned to think that their health is someone else’s responsibility (perhaps their GP or their trainer) or that it is out of their control (due to genetics or just ‘bad luck’). In this episode The Wellness Guys talk about why your health is your responsibility and how you can go about getting it back not only for yourself but for your whole family. If you have ever felt lost or out of control with your life and your health then this episode is a must listen. The post TWG 61: Taking Self Responsibility appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/9/201230 minutes, 30 seconds
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TWG 60: Perform at your best with Sports Psychologist Jenny Williams

This week The Wellness Guys interview organisational and sports psychologist Jenny Williams. An elite sportsperson in her own right and from a family that knows all about sports success Jenny shares with us her insights on what makes a  champion and how the same tips that she shares with her athletes can be extrapolated and applied to your life too. Whether you want to eat better, do more exercise or simply be happier then this interview will give you some fantastic tools to help you achieve the life of your dreams. Listen in now! You can learn more about Jenny at The post TWG 60: Perform at your best with Sports Psychologist Jenny Williams appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/2/201231 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWG 59: The Truth about Fats and Oil

This week The Wellness Guys share with you the facts about fats and oils. There is so much information and mis-information out there when it comes to which fats and oils are truly good for you and The Wellness Guys share with you the facts that they all agree on… well mostly. Margarine vs butter, saturated vs unsaturated fats, which oils are safe to cook with? These questions and many more are all answered in this informative episode. Be sure to keep listening to the end to catch Damian and Brett’s debate on saturated animal fats and what constitutes a healthy dose. The post TWG 59: The Truth about Fats and Oil appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/26/201231 minutes, 5 seconds
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TWG 58: The Great Cholesterol Deception with Dr. Peter Dingle

This week The Wellness Guys interview Dr Peter Dingle from We talk to Dr Peter about his recent book The Great Cholesterol Deception. Dr Peter shares with us the truth about cholesterol and it’s vital role in the human body. He tells us the real statistics around the benefits of cholesterol lowering medications as well as the amazing list of side effects these medications can cause. We also discuss the healthy ways to ensure you have a strong healthy heart. With such a high proportion of our population diagnosed with ‘high cholesterol’ and so many people taking these medications the chances are that you or someone you love is directly affected so do not miss this episode. The post TWG 58: The Great Cholesterol Deception with Dr. Peter Dingle appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/19/201231 minutes, 44 seconds
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TWG 57: Life by Design with Dr. Jamie Richards

This week The Wellness Guys interview Jamie Richards of Life By Design. Jamie shares how his chiropractic philosophy has driven him to analyse how our bodies are designed to eat, think and move and why he sees chiropractic care as being such an integral part of any health care regime. He shares him simple yet profound strategies for helping you achieve outrageous good health by following his simple blueprints for lifestyle change.   If you want to know more about chiropractic care and the “chiropractic lifestyle” do not miss this great interview.  Dr. Jamie will be travelling to NZ in Sept 2012… if you want to see him live in NZ – you can book your tickets here – The post TWG 57: Life by Design with Dr. Jamie Richards appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/12/201231 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWG 56: The Myth of Perfection

This week The Wellness Guys talk about the 80:20 rule and the pitfalls of perfection. In this insightful episode the boys share with you just how diligently they follow their own ‘rules’ and why sometimes breaking the rules can be a good thing. Damian Laurence and Brett all share instances where they would consider it healthy to break the ‘rules’ and instances in their lives where trying to be ‘perfect’ has adversely affected them  Tune in to find out all of The Wellness Guys’ naughty little secrets. The post TWG 56: The Myth of Perfection appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/5/201229 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWG 55: Livin’ La Vida Low Carb with Jimmy Moore

This week The Wellness Guys interview Jimmy Moore of Livin’ La Vida Low Carb.  Jimmy has become an internet sensation since losing a whopping 180 pounds (almost 90kg) by changing to a Low Carb Lifestyle. He runs three separate podcast shows (podcasting 5 days a week!). He talks about how he got to the stage of weighing over 400 Pounds (almost 200kg), what he did to lose weight so dramatically and why he now likes to focus on food quality (not just quantity and ratio’s).  Don’t miss this awesome episode with Jimmy Moore. The post TWG 55: Livin’ La Vida Low Carb with Jimmy Moore appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/29/201229 minutes, 19 seconds
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TWG 54: What stresses us out and what to do about it

This week The Wellness Guys share some of their secrets about what stresses them out. Three apparently laid back guys Damian, Laurence and Brett talk about what it is that fires up their stress response and share their secrets for not only de-stressing but for preventing stressful situations as well. Everyone has stress in their lives at some point or another and all of us know that at times we could manage it better so don’t miss this informative episode. Head to Facebook and let us know what stresses you out and what you do to de-stress in your daily life. The post TWG 54: What stresses us out and what to do about it appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/22/201229 minutes, 49 seconds
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TWG 53 Make Shi(f)t Happen with Dean Dwyer

This week The Wellness Guys interview Dean Dwyer of Make Shift Happen. Dean shares his unique perspective around how to create real change on your wellness journey. The Wellness Guys delve into the mental aspects of wellness with Dean as he explains why exercise and healthy eating alone aren’t enough to create real, lifelong change. If you have ever found it hard to make a change along your wellness journey or if you have ever made a change that didn’t last you will not want to miss this episode. The post TWG 53 Make Shi(f)t Happen with Dean Dwyer appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/15/201230 minutes, 57 seconds
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TWG 52: The One Year Episode

This week The Wellness Guys celebrate one year of the show including messages from Robb Wolf, Paul Chek, Mark Sisson and many more… The highs, the lows, the exceptional insights and the challenges. Brett, Damian and Laurence share their highlights of what has been a remarkable first year and get a chance to specifically thank a few fans who have really inspired them along the way. Tune in to hear which episodes were The Wellness Guys’ favourites and don’t forget to share your highlights with us on our Facebook page. The post TWG 52: The One Year Episode appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/8/201231 minutes, 44 seconds
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TWG 51: From Fit to Fat to Fit with Drew Manning

This week The Wellness Guys interview Drew Manning.  Have you ever looked at a super fit guy and thought, they are just lucky, it is easy for them or they have no idea what it is like for me. Well that is how people used to look at Drew manning from Drew was a super fit guy until he decided to deliberately stack on over 35kg’s to see how it would feel and what it would be like to try and lose it again. Drew goes into great depth about how the journey affecting him physically, mentally, emotionally (and even sexually). Do not miss this riveting episode of The Wellness Guys Show.  Drew has been on Dr. Oz, CNN, MSNBC, The Tonight Show and Good Morning America and now The Wellness Guys show with his incredible 1 year journey. The post TWG 51: From Fit to Fat to Fit with Drew Manning appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/1/201232 minutes, 31 seconds
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TWG 50: Finding and creating great relationships with John Aiken

This week The Wellness Guys interview psychologist and relationships expert John Aiken. In a wide ranging interview the boys cover everything from why housework is important to how to find your ideal partner to how to get more sex! John’s sage advice shows us channel 7’s The Morning Show has chosen him as their relationship expert and why so many have turned to his books for help.Regardless of your relationship status you will not want to miss this eye opening episode.  To find out more on John, go to The post TWG 50: Finding and creating great relationships with John Aiken appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/24/201234 minutes, 31 seconds
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TWG 49 – Mucous, phlegm, and other bodily secretions

This week The Wellness Guys talk about mucous. Never ones to shy away from talking about bodily excretions this week the wellness guys dive right in. Whether you are heading into winter (flu season) or summer (hay fever season) you will find plenty of great information in this episode including why your body produces mucous, how to prevent it and what The Wellness Guys do when they are doing a bit of a clean out. Don’t miss The Wellness Guys discussing this ‘sticky subject’. The post TWG 49 – Mucous, phlegm, and other bodily secretions appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/17/201229 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWG 48: Infertility and Pre-Conception with Dr. Jennifer Barham Floreani

This week The Wellness Guys interview the author of some of their absolute favourite books Dr Jennifer Barham-Floreani. Chiropractor, author, TV star and super mum Jennifer is an absolute expert in all things conception, pregnancy and kids and in this fantastic episode she shares her tips for healthy conception and also some wonderful advice for any couples who are having issues in this area. If you are intending on having kids at any stage in the future (or your loved ones are) then you will definitely want to tune in for this episode. The post TWG 48: Infertility and Pre-Conception with Dr. Jennifer Barham Floreani appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/10/201231 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWG 47: How to get started with exercise

This week Brett, Laurence and Damian are sharing the top tips that they use with their clients to help them start exercising. The Wellness Guys talk about why people find it hard to get started, how to change your mindset about exercise, how to get started in a sustainable way and how to avoid burn out in your exercise routines. Whether you are a beginner, an experienced exercise or someone who doesn’t even know where to start you will not want to miss this great episode. The post TWG 47: How to get started with exercise appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/3/201229 minutes, 26 seconds
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TWG 46: Your Questions Answered

The Wellness Guys answer your questions from iTunes, Facebook, Twitter and email. The Wellness Guys get an enormous amount of questions through all forms of social media every single week and not only do they answer them all in person they also commit to answering some of the best ones on a regular basis on the show. This week The Wellness Guys answer questions from artificial sweeteners, to barefoot running to why some people get fat and others don’t. Be sure to tune in for this episode and don’t forget to submit your own questions via the website, Facebook and Twitter! The post TWG 46: Your Questions Answered appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/27/201231 minutes, 21 seconds
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TWG 45: Interview with Millionaire Mentor Scott Harris

The Wellness Guys interview Scott Harris. Scott is a millionaire mentor who has worked with the likes of Anthony Robbins, Richard Branson and Donald Trump to name just a few. In this interview he shares with us how the path to health and the path to wealth are exactly the same in many ways. He teaches us how it is often our stories about ourselves that w have inherited throughout our lifetime that are holding us back and stopping us from attaining the health (and the wealth) we really desire. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from one of Australia’s best mentors for free! The post TWG 45: Interview with Millionaire Mentor Scott Harris appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/20/201232 minutes, 17 seconds
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TWG 44: Atkins vs. Paleo Diets

The Wellness Guys talk about the difference between The Atkins Diet and The Paleo Diet. In responding to all of our listeners feedback on Facebook, Twitter and email it has come to our attention that some people are a bit confused about The Paleo Diet the guys have spoken about. Some people have been led to believe that it is about eating meat at the expense of all else. In this episode The Wellness Guys talk about the  importance of balance in your diet (including lots of vegetables) and how that can impact on the pH level of your body. The Wellness Guys show how  important the acid-base balance is for your body and how an imbalance can be linked to a range of health problems. Don’t miss this episode! The post TWG 44: Atkins vs. Paleo Diets appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/13/201231 minutes, 28 seconds
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TWG 43: Interview with Cyndi O’Meara – Part 2

The Wellness Guys share part 2 of our amazing interview with Cyndi O’Meara. If you have already listened to part 1 then we know you have been eagerly awaiting the release of this episode and if you haven’t heard it do yourself a favour and get to it! In part 2 of this amazing interview Cyndi continues explaining the misinformation that is out there around both cholesterol and cholesterol lowering medications (and foods). She also gives some simple strategies you can use to start changing YOUR habits and changing your life. Also stay tuned til the end of the episode to see how you can win a fabulous prize valued at $197 that Cyndi has generously donated. Check out Cyndi’s website – The post TWG 43: Interview with Cyndi O’Meara – Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/6/201231 minutes, 41 seconds
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TWG 42: Interview with Cyndi O’Meara – Part 1

The Wellness Guys interview Cyndi O’Meara (Part 1). In a first for The Wellness Guys this interview was just so good that it had to be stretched out over two episodes. Cyndi gets on a roll discussing everything from food labels to cholesterol to how to change your habits and even the hunter gatherer diet. This interview is so jam packed full of information you will want your pen and paper ready to make sure you get it all. So tune in for this awesome, informative interview. Check out Cyndi’s website – The post TWG 42: Interview with Cyndi O’Meara – Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/29/201230 minutes, 32 seconds
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TWG 41: Why you need to QUIT

This week The Wellness Guys talk about quitting. So often quitting has such negative connotations but in this thought provoking episode The Wellness Guys talk about when you SHOULD quit and how to go about doing it. Do you have a behaviour or a food that you just want to flick? Is there something you do that just doesn’t fit in with your values? Have you tried to quit before and failed? Learn the secrets of how to quit successfully from three of Australia’s leading wellness experts in this fantastic episode. The post TWG 41: Why you need to QUIT appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/22/201230 minutes, 2 seconds
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TWG 40: The Importance of Competitive Sports

This week The Wellness Guys talk about the benefits and the pitfalls of playing sport. The wellness guys love their sport for the wide range of benefits it brings both mentally and physically and want to share these with you in this informative episode. They also want you to know how to prepare yourself properly to ensure that you can not only perform at your best but also minimise the risk of injury. Whether you play sport or not you will not want to miss this episode. The post TWG 40: The Importance of Competitive Sports appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/15/201231 minutes, 46 seconds
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TWG 39: Born to Run – Interview with Chris McDougall

This week The Wellness Guys interview Chris McDougall. Author of one of Brett’s favourite books Born To Run Chris talks about a wide range of topics from barefoot running, to ultra marathons, to varying your exercise routine and an unbelievable super tribe from Mexico. Have you ever wondered whether those expensive runners are really worth the money? Have you ever wanted to give barefoot style running a go but didn’t know where to start? Are you a fan of the book Born To Run? Then this interview is a must listen. The post TWG 39: Born to Run – Interview with Chris McDougall appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/8/201231 minutes, 38 seconds
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TWG 38: Are grains a good or bad carbohydrate source?

This week The Wellness Guys talk about grains. After recent media reports around grains and processed carbohydrates in our modern diets The Wellness Guys thought it was time to set a few things straight. Are grains essential for health? What effect do breads, grains and cereals have one our bodies and on our waist lines? What part do they play in a healthy, balanced diet and if you do eat grains which are the best to reach for? All this and more in this fact filled episode. The post TWG 38: Are grains a good or bad carbohydrate source? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/1/201231 minutes, 9 seconds
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TWG 37: How to have a Champion Mindset with Dr. Jeff Spencer

This week The Wellness Guys interview chiropractor and success guru Dr Jeff Spencer. 7 time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong described him this way “Jeff is part doctor, part guru, part medicine man… we couldn’t have gotten to Paris without him.” In this wide ranging interview Jeff cover many aspects of health and wellbeing and his insights into the ‘champion mindset’ and how it can be applied to everyday life are phenomenal. If you want more success in any aspect of your life you will not want to miss this great interview. The post TWG 37: How to have a Champion Mindset with Dr. Jeff Spencer appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/25/201233 minutes, 27 seconds
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TWG 36: Avoiding Office Stress

This week The Wellness Guys talk about minimising ‘desk stress’. Most people in our modern world sit for much longer than our bodies are designed to and for many of us most of that sitting happens at work. This week the wellness guys share with you their top tips for setting up a healthy work station so that you can avoid stressing your body out, minimise your risk of injuries and increase your energy levels and productivity. If you sit at a computer for any length of time be it at home or at work you will not want to miss these super tips. The post TWG 36: Avoiding Office Stress appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/18/201232 minutes, 18 seconds
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TWG 35: Overcoming Financial Stress

This week The Wellness Guys talk about financial stress and its impact on your health. With Damian spending three years just to get through first year accounting The Wellness Guys certainly aren’t professing to be financial wizards. What they do cover though is the impact of chronic financial stress on your health and some simple strategies to help get you started on your financial journey. This is one topic that literally everyone can relate to at some point in their lives and you will learn some simple habits that will make a difference. So don’t miss this great episode. The post TWG 35: Overcoming Financial Stress appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/11/201233 minutes, 29 seconds
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TWG 34: Interview with Loren Cordain (Author of The Paleo Diet)

This week The Wellness Guys interview Loren Cordain. The Wellness Guys have been having a good look at the Paleo Diet in recent podcasts and as always promoting a diet full of wholesome non-processed foods. So in this episode the guys have gone straight to the source. The instigator of this whole Paleo movement, the ‘guru’, Colorado State University Professor and best-selling author of ‘The Paleo Diet’ Loren Cordain. Not only is Loren the instigator of this movement but he has been involved in much of the research that has backed it up. This episode in information packed and you will NOT want to miss his conversation around saturated fats. The post TWG 34: Interview with Loren Cordain (Author of The Paleo Diet) appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/4/201232 minutes, 21 seconds
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TWG 33: How to keep your joints healthy

This week The Wellness Guys talk about keeping your joints healthy. Have you ever wondered what foods might affect your joint health? Or what supplements might help you restore them? What sort of exercise is best for an aching joint? Or what about the age old ‘should I use ice or heat’? The Wellness Guys answer these questions and more in this informative episode. Regardless of whether you have any joint issues you will want to listen to this episode to ensure that you can keep your joints healthy for a lifetime. The post TWG 33: How to keep your joints healthy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/26/201232 minutes, 21 seconds
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TWG 32 – Interview with Paul Chek

This week The Wellness Guys interview fitness guru and all round wellness expert Paul Chek. Paul is world renowned for his unique, holistic approach to health and wellbeing and shared his unique philosophy on training, eating and life with The Wellness Guys. Tune in to see why everyone from the Chicago Bulls and the U.S. Air Force to regular 9-5 grinders have benefitted from Paul’s practical and effective methods. Paul is so influential in the fitness world that if you haven’t heard of Paul Chek you have probably heard from someone who learnt from him. Don’t miss this great interview. The post TWG 32 – Interview with Paul Chek appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/19/201234 minutes, 1 second
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TWG 31 – Your Questions Answered

This week The Wellness Guys answer another round of listener questions. Laurence, Damian and Brett have been overwhelmed with the amount of questions, support and testimonials that have been flooding in on Facebook, Twitter, iTunes and via email. As promised they have once again dedicated a whole episode to answering the questions YOU want answered. Tune in to see if your questions got answered and if you haven’t asked it yet chances are someone else has. The post TWG 31 – Your Questions Answered appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/12/201234 minutes, 13 seconds
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TWG 30 – The Wellness Guys’ Favourite Things

This week The Wellness Guys talk about their favourite things. Have you ever wondered who these Wellness Guys really are? What are Damian, Laurence and Brett really like? Would you like to know what books they love, what websites they frequent and what they are addicted to? In this enlightening episode The Wellness Guys reveal Listen In The post TWG 30 – The Wellness Guys’ Favourite Things appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/5/201230 minutes, 11 seconds
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TWG 29: Can you be a ‘healthy’ Vegetarian?

This week The Wellness Guys talk about vegetarianism. Is it possible to be a healthy vegetarian? Where do most vegetarians go wrong? What nutrients may you be missing out on if you are on a typical vegetarian diet and how can you do it better? These questions and more are answered By Dr Brett Hill, Dr Damian kristof and Dr Laurence Tham in this informative episode. Don’t miss this on if you or someone you love is doing or considering a vegetarian diet. The post TWG 29: Can you be a ‘healthy’ Vegetarian? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/29/201229 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWG 28: Is Interval Training the best exercise or a fad?

This week The Wellness Guys get a bit intense! Laurence, Damian and Brett talk about the benefits of interval training for your weight, your heart and your health. The boys talk about the benefits of this unique style of training involving short bursts of high intensity exercise followed by a short (incomplete) recovery. If you Listen In The post TWG 28: Is Interval Training the best exercise or a fad? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/22/201231 minutes, 4 seconds
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TWG 27: The Primal Blueprint – Interview with Mark Sisson

This week The Wellness Guys interview another New York Times bestselling author, this time Mark Sisson. Mark and his caveman sidekick Grok are the stars of his blog Mark’s Daily Apple and his bestselling book including The Primal Blueprint. You can check out all of Mark’s products at In this episode, Mark talks about his journey from ultra fit but unhealthy professional athlete through to super fit and healthy baby boomer who sports a killer six pack and says that his body is 80% created by his diet. If you want to know how to live a lifestyle that helps you stay super fit and healthy as you age then don’t miss this great interview. Be sure to check out Mark’s books: The Primal Leap The Primal Blueprint The Primal Blueprint Cookbook The Primal Blueprint 21 Day Total Body Transformation The post TWG 27: The Primal Blueprint – Interview with Mark Sisson appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/15/201231 minutes, 34 seconds
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TWG 26: The Paleo Solution with Robb Wolf

This week The Wellness Guys interview New York Times bestselling author Robb Wolf. The Wellness Guys (in particular Brett) are very excited to interview Robb who’s book ‘The Paleo Solution’, and blog are worldwide phenomena. Robb talks about his transition from a research biochemist  with ulcerative colitis to Paleo diet expert and Powerlifting champion. Robb is a great interviewee and has some really down to earth advice that will change the way you think about food. Don’t miss this great interview. The post TWG 26: The Paleo Solution with Robb Wolf appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/8/201232 minutes, 48 seconds
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TWG 25: Mistakes in Goal Setting and what to do about it

This week The Wellness Guys talk about how to successfully set goals. Often people get frustrated with goal setting because they have tried it before and it hasn’t worked. In this episode The Wellness Guys show you why and teach you what you can do to make sure you are not only meeting but exceeding your goals. The boys share how they set goals, how often and what they do with them once they are created. This episode is going to help you make 2012 your best year yet! The post TWG 25: Mistakes in Goal Setting and what to do about it appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/1/201232 minutes, 24 seconds
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TWG 24: Are sunscreens harmful to your health and the effects on Vitamin D

This week The Wellness Guys talk about one of the hottest topics going around in health circles and in particular health research, Vitamin D. The boys discuss all the latest facts and research about just how important vitamin D is, where to get it from and how to make sure that you are getting enough. They also talk about what to look out for when you are sourcing your vitamin D including which supplements to take, how to be sun smart and what to look out for when choosing a sunscreen. Whether your neck of the woods gets a lot of sunshine or a little you will not want to miss this enlightening episode. The post TWG 24: Are sunscreens harmful to your health and the effects on Vitamin D appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/25/201131 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWG 23: Staying Young

This week The Wellness Guys share their secrets to Staying Young. Dr Damian Kristof, Dr Brett Hill and Dr Laurence Tham talk about the difference between what is common and what is normal when it comes to ageing and show you how you can make sure that you are ageing well. Whether you want to maintain your youthful looks, keep playing sport, maintain your flexibility of mind and body or you just want to keep playing with the kids this episode is a must listen. The post TWG 23: Staying Young appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/18/201130 minutes, 22 seconds
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TWG 22: Wellness Strategies for a Healthy Holiday

Laurence has just returned from a nice family trip to Bali so this week The Wellness Guys decided to talk about how to have a happy healthy holiday. Laurence shares with us his top 10 tips for having a fantastic holiday and still staying well whilst the boys talk about what you can do to make sure you get the full benefit from your holiday time. If you think you need to relax and unwind (and even if you don’t) be sure to tune in for this relaxing episode. The post TWG 22: Wellness Strategies for a Healthy Holiday appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/11/201130 minutes, 32 seconds
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TWG 21: How to have a healthy bowel function

This week The Wellness Guys decided to talk about Dr Damian Kristof’s favourite topic, digestion (or more particularly poo). The Wellness Guys share with you everything you need to know (top to bottom) about your digestive system and how to make it function smoothly. So whether you aren’t as regular as you should be or you suffer from things like gas, bloating, reflux and haemorrhoids or if you just want to make sure you keep things functioning well for the future, this episode is not to be missed. The post TWG 21: How to have a healthy bowel function appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/4/201133 minutes, 8 seconds
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TWG 20: Top Tips to stay in ‘Wellness’ over the Christmas Holidays

With Christmas fast approaching this week The Wellness Guys decided to talk about how to have a healthy festive season. Christmas for some people can be a really busy, stressful time sometimes involving large amounts of food and often a lot of sitting around watching sport. The Wellness Guys share with you some ways that you can really enjoy this festive season in a really healthy way. This show is not to be missed if you don’t want your years good work to be undone this Christmas and New Year. The post TWG 20: Top Tips to stay in ‘Wellness’ over the Christmas Holidays appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/27/201128 minutes, 51 seconds
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TWG 19: The Guys Answering your Questions

This week The Wellness Guys realised that their show has become the number one ranked health podcast in Australia on iTunes! Not only that but our AVERAGE rating was 5 stars out of 5. We decided to thank you our wonderful listeners by answering a few of the many questions you have asked us on iTunes, Facebook and A little bit different to our normal shows in this episode The Wellness Guys go through and give some quick concise answers to your questions. Be sure to catch this information packed episode. The post TWG 19: The Guys Answering your Questions appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/20/201131 minutes, 34 seconds
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TWG 18: Getting Functionally Fit – Interview with Diamond Dave Nixon

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys talk about Functional Fitness with ‘Diamond’ Dave Nixon. Dave shares with his tips on how to make your exercise work for you in your day to day life. Find out what many people are doing wrong with their exercise and what you can do to make your workouts Listen In The post TWG 18: Getting Functionally Fit – Interview with Diamond Dave Nixon appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/13/201129 minutes, 56 seconds
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TWG 17: How to Create Time for your Wellness

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys talk about Time Management. Do you feel like there isn’t enough time in the day? Are you struggling to find time to exercise? To eat right? Or to just relax? This week The Wellness Guys have some great tips for you to help you manage your life better. Listen In The post TWG 17: How to Create Time for your Wellness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/6/201130 minutes, 21 seconds
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TWG 16: Move your butt!

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys talk about “moving your butt”. Our bodies are designed to move and on our modern world we often just don’t move enough. The Wellness Guys talk about the neurological and wellness benefits of moving and how to incorporate more of it into your daily life. They also cover how to minimise the stress of insufficient movement. This episode is a must listen for all of us to help; us negotiate our modern sedentary world. The post TWG 16: Move your butt! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/31/201129 minutes, 25 seconds
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TWG 15: Why Breast is Best with Rebecca Dettman

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys talk about breasts, well breastfeeding anyway. And since we don’t have a set of our own we decided to call in an expert, Rebecca Dettman. Over the course of the interview we cover why breast is best, the challenges of breast feeding and also some tips to help Listen In The post TWG 15: Why Breast is Best with Rebecca Dettman appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/20/201131 minutes, 23 seconds
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TWG 14: Fish – is mercury that bad for us?

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys get a little bit fishy. This week we look into the topic of fish. What are the pros and cons of eating fish? Should we eat them? If so what types should we eat and how much? It is amazing how much there is to take into account in what at first may seem like a pretty straightforward topic. Whether you currently include fish in your diet or not you will not want to miss this episode. The post TWG 14: Fish – is mercury that bad for us? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/16/201128 minutes, 32 seconds
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TWG 13: The Wellness Guys “Exposed”

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys reveal all their dirty little health secrets. This week we did some digging and found out that The Wellness Guys weren’t always so wholesome and pure. We look at where the guys have come from on their health and wellness journey. What they used to eat, how they used to exercise (or not) and what it was that actually helped them change it all around and start off on their wellness journey. Don’t miss this revealing episode. The post TWG 13: The Wellness Guys “Exposed” appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/9/201129 minutes, 3 seconds
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TWG 12: How to be a Caveman – An Interview with The Adelaide Cavemen

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys go back 20,000 years to speak with one of the Adelaide Cavemen to discuss the shifts and changes in lifestyle that we have encountered in just the last 200 years or so. We discuss the enormous effect this has had on our health and wellbeing and explore some insightful advice that has been passed on to us from the cavemen of years gone by. This is a highly entertaining episode – one of our favourites – we are sure you’ll enjoy it and get a load of great information from this episode of The Wellness Guys. The Adelaide Cavemen Website: CLICK HERE The Adelaide Cavemen Facebook Page: LIKE IT The post TWG 12: How to be a Caveman – An Interview with The Adelaide Cavemen appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/1/201130 minutes, 11 seconds
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TWG 11: How to get more energy that you can handle

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys talk about Energy. What is energy and how does our body acquire it? What are the key things that most people do wrong when they try and increase their energy? And what are the simple tips people should consider if they want to have more energy and vitality Listen In The post TWG 11: How to get more energy that you can handle appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/25/201129 minutes
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TWG 10: Creating a Wellness Vision and Purpose

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys talk about Creating Your Vision. Have you ever sat down and consciously created a grand vision for you future? The Wellness Guys have and in this episode they share with us why it is so important to have a vision, how to get make your vision into something tangible and useful and how to set goals that help you get ever closer to achieving your grand vision. If you have ever felt stuck or lacking in direction in regards to your health and wellness (or life in general) you are not going to want to miss this episode. The post TWG 10: Creating a Wellness Vision and Purpose appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/18/201131 minutes, 36 seconds
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TWG 9: How to get a RUNNING start

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys talk about Running. It seems to be one of those activities that people either love or hate. This week the guys talk about the health benefits of running and how to incorporate running into a healthy exercise routine. They also cover some of the basics of running technique that may help you run faster and easier and also decrease you risk of injury. Don’t miss this week’s episode of The Wellness Guys. The post TWG 9: How to get a RUNNING start appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/11/201131 minutes, 59 seconds
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TWG 8: How to lose weight the healthy way

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys share their top 10 tips for healthy weight loss.If you or someone close to you have a desire to shed a few kilos but want to do it in a healthy, sustainable way then this episode is a must. Learn the secrets that The Wellness Guys have shared with thousands of clients over the last decade to help them lose weight and keep it off and get an insight into why some of the methods you have tried in the past have not worked as you had hoped. So tune in for this week’s episode and learn the secrets of healthy weight loss. Click below to download the Top 10 Tips to Healthy Weight Loss: WG Episode #8-Top 10 healthy weight loss The post TWG 8: How to lose weight the healthy way appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/4/201126 minutes, 39 seconds
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TWG 7: How to influence your genetic potential

In this week’s episode The Wellness Guys reignite the old nature vs. nurture debate. So often in recent years are genes have been blamed for any number of ailments and chronic diseases but is this really true? How can a disease be genetic if our genes have been virtually unchanged over the last 100,000 years yet the rate of these chronic diseases has skyrocketed? And if there is more to it than just genes is there anything we can do to help prevent these chronic diseases? Hear The Wellness Guys discuss this and more in this week’s episode. The post TWG 7: How to influence your genetic potential appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/28/201133 minutes, 44 seconds
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TWG 6: Are you STRESSED out?

Are you stressed? Have you noticed that the stress levels of those around you seem to be going up every year? In this episode The Wellness Guys discuss what the stress response is designed for, why it is switched on too much in almost all of us and what we can do about it. If you or those around you are suffering from this epidemic of stress then this episode is one you will not want to miss. The post TWG 6: Are you STRESSED out? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/19/201128 minutes, 43 seconds
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TWG 5: Do we need Vitamins and Minerals supplementation?

Do we need to take supplements? If so which ones should we take and how much? In this episode we discuss the need forvitamins and minerals. We talk about the importance of a healthy diet and what has changed in our lifestyles and farmingpractices that alters our requirements for supplementation. Be sure to tune in Listen In The post TWG 5: Do we need Vitamins and Minerals supplementation? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/14/201141 minutes, 52 seconds
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TWG 4: The importance of Resistance Exercise

Resistance exercise is not just for gym junkies. The Wellness Guys explain the benefits of resistance exercise for people of all ages and explain how it can be tailored in a safe, healthy way to make sure you get all of the health benefits whilst minimising the risks. Learn what resistance exercise is and how Listen In The post TWG 4: The importance of Resistance Exercise appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/7/201132 minutes, 4 seconds
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TWG 3: How to get kids to eat healthy

Do you find it difficult getting your kids to eat healthily? Do mealtimes sometimes feel like a battle? Or are you not even a parent but want to know more about how you developed your eating habits and what tools might help you change them?This episode covers the whole gamut. Learn the tips that The Wellness Guys have used with their own kids and with their clients to encourage healthy eating habits. The post TWG 3: How to get kids to eat healthy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/31/201141 minutes
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TWG 2: The Food Pyramid vs. The Food Plate

The Wellness Guys discuss the controversial The Food Pyramid and the introduction of The Food Plate… but is it a better replacement of the Food Pyramid?  Listen and comment below on your thoughts. The post TWG 2: The Food Pyramid vs. The Food Plate appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/25/201138 minutes, 5 seconds
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TWG 1: Who are the Wellness Guys?

This first episode of The Wellness Guys Show will reveal the 3 prominent Wellness Experts that will guide you on a weekly journey to Wellness for you and your family! So who are The Wellness Guys? This first episode will not only introduce you to them, but will provide some insights into their lives and Listen In The post TWG 1: Who are the Wellness Guys? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/10/201129 minutes, 49 seconds