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Tony Evans' Sermons on

English, Religion, 1 season, 449 episodes, 19 hours, 41 minutes
To support this ministry financially, visit: The Urban Alternative is the national ministry of Dr. Tony Evans and is dedicated to restoring hope and transforming lives through the proclamation and application of the Word of God.
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Surviving Life's Storms, Part 2

Life can get so stormy that we sometimes wonder if we’ll make it through OK. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans reveals that even when things are at their worst, there’s something bigger at play than the storm.
9/18/202425 minutes
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Surviving Life's Storms, Part 1

Life sooner or later hits all of us with unexpected problems—difficulties that we never thought we’d have to face. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans reminds believers that they’ve already received the tools needed to weather the storms of life — the question is, will we use those tools — or panic and give up? 
9/17/202425 minutes
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A Crisis that Cries for Revival

We often try to blame Satan when we find ourselves facing tough times. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will present another explanation... and why a crisis may be the best thing that ever happened to us.
9/16/202425 minutes
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Shaking Things Up for Revival

Childbirth is a painful process with a joyous result. In this message, we’ll discover why revival is often the same. It's a look at the "labor pains" that can take place before our revival is "delivered."
9/13/202425 minutes
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Now is the Time for Revival

There are a lot of Christians running around who sound like they’ve experienced revival — but they’re as dead inside as ever. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains that there are two parts to revival — and being only half revived isn’t enough.
9/12/202425 minutes
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The Key to Your Solemn Assembly

When a person — or a nation — makes the decision to turn to God, there are three vital steps needed to transform that idea into a reality. In this message, we’ll explore what it takes to renew our relationship with the Lord.
9/11/202425 minutes
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When Government Replaces God

Government plays a vital role in keeping society from coming apart at the seams. But in this informative message, we’ll learn what happens when government replaces God, and what it'll take to get our country’s priorities in order again.
9/10/202425 minutes
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Saints in a Secular Society

No matter how hard we try to protect our kids, sooner or later they'll come face-to-face with the world's value system and start feeling the pressure to conform to it. Join us for an important look at ways to keep our families firmly rooted in God’s kingdom.
9/9/202425 minutes
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Poison in the Pot

You may be a good cook, but messing with God’s recipe for living won't stir up anything but trouble. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains how worldly ideas and solutions can “poison the pot” of God’s formula for the future. 
9/6/202425 minutes
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When a Nation Forgets God

Forget your keys and you’ll be inconvenienced. Forget your bills and you’ll pay a penalty. But when a person—or a whole nation—forgets God… well, the results are deadly. Find out more in this message as we dig into the topic of ‘When a Nation Forgets God’.
9/5/202425 minutes
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Water in God's House

Without water, no living being could survive. But, no matter how much it rains, a spiritual drought can be even more deadly. We’ll revisit a classic message from Dr. Tony Evans where he talks about what it takes for the people of God to restore the flow of living water to a thirsty world.
9/4/202425 minutes
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Water in God's House

Without water, no living being could survive. But, no matter how much it rains, a spiritual drought can be even more deadly. We’ll revisit a classic message from Dr. Tony Evans where he talks about what it takes for the people of God to restore the flow of living water to a thirsty world.
9/4/202425 minutes
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Dry Bones Dancing

Even though we seem to love staying busy, the things we think will “fill up” our lives often leave us feeling drained and empty. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about how that can turn into a spiritual dryness that only the Holy Spirit can remedy.
9/3/202425 minutes
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Dry Bones Dancing

Even though we seem to love staying busy, the things we think will “fill up” our lives often leave us feeling drained and empty. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about how that can turn into a spiritual dryness that only the Holy Spirit can remedy.
9/3/202425 minutes
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A Solemn Assembly for Revival

Have you ever tried to get your point across to someone who simply wasn’t paying attention? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about how God deals with that problem when he wants to communicate with us, and reveal what we’ll hear when we finally start listening.
9/2/202425 minutes
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A Solemn Assembly for Revival

Have you ever tried to get your point across to someone who simply wasn’t paying attention? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about how God deals with that problem when he wants to communicate with us, and reveal what we’ll hear when we finally start listening.
9/2/202425 minutes
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Revival, The Return of God to His People

Crying out to God for revival can seem very spiritual. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why there’s something we should want even more desperately.
8/30/202425 minutes
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Revival, The Return of God to His People

Crying out to God for revival can seem very spiritual. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why there’s something we should want even more desperately.
8/30/202425 minutes
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The Separation of Church and State

The world keeps trying to convince Christians that religion ought to be so “private” it shouldn’t show up in public—or even have any influence there. In this powerful message, Dr. Tony Evans takes a look at the other side of that debate.
8/29/202425 minutes
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The Separation of Church and State

The world keeps trying to convince Christians that religion ought to be so “private” it shouldn’t show up in public—or even have any influence there. In this powerful message, Dr. Tony Evans takes a look at the other side of that debate.
8/29/202425 minutes
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Loving Your Neighbor

Jesus gave two great commandments that sum up everything the Bible is trying to teach us. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the kind of love God wants us to show others — a love that is both tangible and personal.
8/28/202425 minutes
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Loving Your Neighbor

Jesus gave two great commandments that sum up everything the Bible is trying to teach us. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the kind of love God wants us to show others — a love that is both tangible and personal.
8/28/202425 minutes
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Kindness in the Culture

Despite human failings, God’s kindness should serve as a model for us to follow. In this timeless message, Dr. Tony Evans illustrates how our kindness needs to extend beyond words — becoming actions that reflect the nature of Christ.
8/27/202425 minutes
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Kindness in the Culture

Despite human failings, God’s kindness should serve as a model for us to follow. In this timeless message, Dr. Tony Evans illustrates how our kindness needs to extend beyond words — becoming actions that reflect the nature of Christ.
8/27/202425 minutes
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Giving to Your Enemy

Of all the people we can choose to give to, you’d think our enemies would be at the bottom of our list. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about a gift we give our enemies that’s actually a gift to ourselves.
8/26/202425 minutes
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Giving to Your Enemy

Of all the people we can choose to give to, you’d think our enemies would be at the bottom of our list. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about a gift we give our enemies that’s actually a gift to ourselves.
8/26/202425 minutes
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Activating the Golden Rule

The Christian life is about focusing first on God, then on others. But where do our own needs fit into that equation? In a timeless message, Dr. Tony Evans seeks to address that question as he talks about Activating the Golden Rule.
8/23/202425 minutes
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Activating the Golden Rule

The Christian life is about focusing first on God, then on others. But where do our own needs fit into that equation? In a timeless message, Dr. Tony Evans seeks to address that question as he talks about Activating the Golden Rule.
8/23/202425 minutes
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The Spirit of Unity

God doesn't want believers to all to be the same, but He does want us to be one. In this classic message, Dr. Tony Evans takes a look at God’s definition of unity and the importance of finding harmony in spite of our human differences.
8/22/202425 minutes
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The Spirit of Unity

God doesn't want believers to all to be the same, but He does want us to be one. In this classic message, Dr. Tony Evans takes a look at God’s definition of unity and the importance of finding harmony in spite of our human differences.
8/22/202425 minutes
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Maintaining Christian Unity

It seems like no matter how much the world talks about the value of diversity our differences still separate us. But in a timeless message from Dr. Tony Evans, he explores how and why the church needs to rise above those differences.
8/21/202425 minutes
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Maintaining Christian Unity

It seems like no matter how much the world talks about the value of diversity our differences still separate us. But in a timeless message from Dr. Tony Evans, he explores how and why the church needs to rise above those differences.
8/21/202425 minutes
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The Power of Oneness

When a team works as a team, they’re stronger and more effective than any of the individual players. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why that’s even more true within the church.
8/20/202425 minutes
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The Power of Oneness

When a team works as a team, they’re stronger and more effective than any of the individual players. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why that’s even more true within the church.
8/20/202425 minutes
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Practicing Christian Love

Do you really love God as much as you say you do, or even think you do? In a classic sermon on Christian Love, Dr. Tony Evans talks about a surefire way to tell.
8/19/202425 minutes
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Practicing Christian Love

Do you really love God as much as you say you do, or even think you do? In a classic sermon on Christian Love, Dr. Tony Evans talks about a surefire way to tell.
8/19/202425 minutes
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Returning to God in Unity

Unity among believers was one of Jesus’ final prayer requests before his death on the cross. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans examines the power of a unified church, and points out why we should all be shooting for a common goal.
8/16/202425 minutes
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Returning to God in Unity

Unity among believers was one of Jesus’ final prayer requests before his death on the cross. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans examines the power of a unified church, and points out why we should all be shooting for a common goal.
8/16/202425 minutes
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Praying Through a Crisis, Part 2

When we’re facing a crisis, big or small, we have two choices: listen to our feelings, or listen to our faith. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains how our choice affects how we pray… and how God answers.
8/15/202425 minutes
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Praying Through a Crisis, Part 2

When we’re facing a crisis, big or small, we have two choices: listen to our feelings, or listen to our faith. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains how our choice affects how we pray… and how God answers.
8/15/202425 minutes
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Praying Through a Crisis, Part 1

We all face hard times in life, but when we’re stopped in our tracks by a real crisis, it’s easy to feel helpless and lose hope. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans shares some solid biblical advice on how to cope.
8/14/202425 minutes
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Praying Through a Crisis, Part 1

We all face hard times in life, but when we’re stopped in our tracks by a real crisis, it’s easy to feel helpless and lose hope. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans shares some solid biblical advice on how to cope.
8/14/202425 minutes
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Prayer and Spiritual Warfare, Part 2

Some of the situations we face in life seem insurmountable – and for good reason: they are… without God. In this message, we’ll take a look at how petitioning the Lord is the only way we can overcome the Evil One once he’s set his sights on us. 
8/13/202425 minutes
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Prayer and Spiritual Warfare, Part 2

Some of the situations we face in life seem insurmountable – and for good reason: they are… without God. In this message, we’ll take a look at how petitioning the Lord is the only way we can overcome the Evil One once he’s set his sights on us. 
8/13/202425 minutes
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Prayer and Spiritual Warfare, Part 1

For many people, prayer is just a friendly “thank you” to God before a meal. But in this powerful message, Dr. Tony Evans explains how easily it can become your only defense when things get desperate
8/12/202425 minutes
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Prayer and Spiritual Warfare, Part 1

For many people, prayer is just a friendly “thank you” to God before a meal. But in this powerful message, Dr. Tony Evans explains how easily it can become your only defense when things get desperate
8/12/202425 minutes
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Praying to Move Mountains

The Bible promises God will do anything we ask according to His will. But in this timeless message, Dr. Evans explores God’s two different kinds of will.
8/9/202425 minutes
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Praying to Move Mountains

The Bible promises God will do anything we ask according to His will. But in this timeless message, Dr. Evans explores God’s two different kinds of will.
8/9/202425 minutes
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Praying to Change God’s Mind

If God already knows everything, why would he ever have reason to change his mind? In this classic sermon, Dr. Evans takes a look at when and why the Lord chooses to be flexible. 
8/8/202425 minutes
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Praying to Change God’s Mind

If God already knows everything, why would he ever have reason to change his mind? In this classic sermon, Dr. Evans takes a look at when and why the Lord chooses to be flexible. 
8/8/202425 minutes
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The Authority of Binding and Loosing

The Bible promises spiritual authority to those of us who follow Christ. But in this message, we’ll revisit a classic message from Dr. Tony Evans where he shows that God only grants us the power to use it when we meet certain conditions.
8/7/202425 minutes
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The Authority of Binding and Loosing

The Bible promises spiritual authority to those of us who follow Christ. But in this message, we’ll revisit a classic message from Dr. Tony Evans where he shows that God only grants us the power to use it when we meet certain conditions.
8/7/202425 minutes
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The Kingdom Power of Prayer

In its simplest form, prayer is just talking to God. But in this message from the biblical archives of Dr. Tony Evans, he’ll explain – from a Kingdom perspective – why it’s so much more.
8/6/202425 minutes
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The Kingdom Power of Prayer

In its simplest form, prayer is just talking to God. But in this message from the biblical archives of Dr. Tony Evans, he’ll explain – from a Kingdom perspective – why it’s so much more.
8/6/202425 minutes
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Piggybacking on Jesus' Authority, Part 2

Just as businesses rely on organizational charts to achieve success, God has established a system of authority that ensures the best possible outcome for believers. In this message, we'll discover the importance of being aligned with Christ and submitting to His authority.
8/5/202425 minutes
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Piggybacking on Jesus' Authority, Part 2

Just as businesses rely on organizational charts to achieve success, God has established a system of authority that ensures the best possible outcome for believers. In this message, we'll discover the importance of being aligned with Christ and submitting to His authority.
8/5/202425 minutes
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Piggybacking on Jesus' Authority, Part 1

God has unlimited power; we have continuing needs. It literally seems like a match made in heaven. So why aren't more believers seeing their needs met? In this message, we’ll revisit a message that uncovers the biblical answer to that question.
8/2/202425 minutes
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Praying in Jesus’ Name, Part 2

Power of attorney allows one to make decisions and act on behalf of someone else, carrying their authority. In this message, we’ll hear how a prayer in Jesus’ name invokes the Lord’s divine authority to communicate directly with the Father.
8/1/202425 minutes
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Praying in Jesus’ Name

It’s one of those things Christians do, but don’t always understand — we’re talking about wrapping up a prayer with the words, “in Jesus’ name.” In this message, we’ll revisit a classic from Dr. Evans where he talks about how to connect with the power in that name by using it the way God intended.
7/31/202425 minutes
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Understanding Spiritual Authority

Having access to God’s power is one thing; putting it to work in our lives is another. In this message from the biblical archives of Dr. Tony Evans, we’ll learn why the difference between the two comes down to understanding and then exercising our spiritual authority.
7/30/202425 minutes
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Claiming Your Legal Rights

When we pray, God has the right to say yes, no, or wait. But in this message, Dr. Evans will explain that we have rights, too… and we often get them all wrong. 
7/29/202425 minutes
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The Prayer for Spiritual Power, Part 2

Just as a bridge connects opposing shorelines, Kingdom Prayer connects our human limitations with God's limitless power. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explore how believers can strengthen that prayer bridge with God, allowing them access to the resources of heaven for a powerful impact here on earth.
7/26/202425 minutes
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The Prayer for Spiritual Power, Part 1

In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy eventually learned that she already possessed what she had been seeking to solve her problems. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why Christians often have a hard time making that same discovery.
7/25/202425 minutes
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Touching Heaven to Change Earth

When your only options are bad ones and there doesn’t seem to be any way out of the circumstances you’re facing, that could be exactly where God wants you. Why? Find out when we explore how to ignite ‘Kingdom Prayer’ in this message.
7/24/202425 minutes
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Trusting God, Part 2

Just as a light bulb without a power source is useless, faith in an untrustworthy object is meaningless. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about making sure our faith is based on God, and how trust in Him can turn our impossible situations around. 
7/23/202425 minutes
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Trusting God, Part 1

It’s often been said that anything can be done if we have enough faith. But in this message, we’ll see why that’s only true when we have the right kind of faith.
7/22/202425 minutes
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Freedom from Yesterday, Part 2

Looking back can help us remember where we came from. But in this message, we’ll see that if we don’t turn our eyes forward, we’ll never be able to move ahead with the purpose and direction God desires for us. 
7/19/202425 minutes
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Freedom from Yesterday, Part 1

Until someone invents a time machine, we can’t live anywhere but in the present. But that doesn't stop a lot of Christians from being trapped in the past. In this message, discover why your tomorrow is greater than your yesterday and how to break free from it.
7/18/202425 minutes
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Forgive One Another

It’s easy to talk about forgiveness when someone cuts you off on the highway or does something else to annoy you. But when you’re the victim of a hateful tragedy, it’s a different story. In this message, we’ll explore helpful ways we can follow God’s ultimate example of forgiveness.
7/17/202425 minutes
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Pardon of Prayer, Part 2

When we’re angry or resentful, it’s difficult to find the will to deliberately forgive someone who’s wronged us. But in this message, we’ll learn that making that effort, even when we don’t feel like it, not only benefits us emotionally, but also helps us grow into the person God wants us to be.
7/16/202425 minutes
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Pardon of Prayer, Part 1

God's forgiveness is a gift, but the grudges we hold toward others can prevent us from receiving it. In this powerful message, Dr. Tony Evans takes a look at that phenomenon as he examines the prayer that leads to pardon.
7/15/202425 minutes
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How to Understand a Thorn, Part 2

Even when your life is coming up roses, you'll get your share of thorns to go along with them. In this timeless message, Dr. Evans explains that we get thorns for a reason, and he’ll talk about specific ways we can deal with their discomfort. 
7/12/202425 minutes
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How to Understand a Thorn, Part 1

When life gets thorny, many times our only instinct is to do whatever it takes to get things back to normal. But in this message, Dr. Evans took listeners to the book of Exodus to show that God often has something better in mind for us through those uncomfortable times. 
7/11/202425 minutes
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Living a Life that Lasts

When life gets thorny, many times our only instinct is to do whatever it takes to get things back to normal. But in this message, Dr. Evans took listeners to the book of Exodus to show that God often has something better in mind for us through those uncomfortable times.
7/10/202425 minutes
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Living a Life that Lasts

When life gets thorny, many times our only instinct is to do whatever it takes to get things back to normal. But in this message, Dr. Evans took listeners to the book of Exodus to show that God often has something better in mind for us through those uncomfortable times.
7/10/202425 minutes
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Encouragement that Calms Fears

Getting more of God in your life leaves less room for well, different things for different people. Today, we’ll revisit a classic message from Dr. Evans where he talked about the benefits of making those trade-offs
7/9/202425 minutes
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Encouragement that Calms Fears

Getting more of God in your life leaves less room for… well, different things for different people. Today, we’ll revisit a classic message from Dr. Evans where he talked about the benefits of making those trade-offs
7/9/202425 minutes
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Praying and Waiting for God's Timing

Prayer can bring us pleasure as it draws us closer to God. But our prayers can also be taken to the next levela level that’s much more effective but much less comfortable. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans, explores the qualities of an effectual, fervent prayer.
7/8/202425 minutes
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Praying and Waiting for God's Timing

Prayer can bring us pleasure as it draws us closer to God. But our prayers can also be taken to the next level—a level that’s much more effective… but much less comfortable. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans, explores the qualities of an effectual, fervent prayer.
7/8/202425 minutes
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Committing to the True God

Many people who say they trust in God also put their trust in a lot of other things. In this message, we’ll take a look at why anything short of total commitment to Christ simply falls short.
7/5/202425 minutes
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Committing to the True God

Many people who say they trust in God also put their trust in a lot of other things. In this message, we’ll take a look at why anything short of total commitment to Christ simply falls short.
7/5/202425 minutes
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Living Faith

Just when it feels like God is about to sweep in and deliver you from your difficult circumstances, sometimes that’s when things go from bad to worse. But that’s not the end of the story, and in this message, we’ll revisit a message from Dr. Evans where he helped listeners discover the possibilities they had been overlooking.
7/4/202425 minutes
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Living Faith

Just when it feels like God is about to sweep in and deliver you from your difficult circumstances, sometimes that’s when things go from bad to worse. But that’s not the end of the story, and in this message, we’ll revisit a message from Dr. Evans where he helped listeners discover the possibilities they had been overlooking.
7/4/202425 minutes
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Seeing God's Provision

Cultural trends and events can cause a disruption in our lives that we may not be entirely comfortable with. In this message, we’ll explore a classic message from Dr. Evans as he takes a look at the life of the prophet Elijah, revealing that there’s plenty we can learn in times of disorder.
7/3/202425 minutes
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Seeing God's Provision

Cultural trends and events can cause a disruption in our lives that we may not be entirely comfortable with. In this message, we’ll explore a classic message from Dr. Evans as he takes a look at the life of the prophet Elijah, revealing that there’s plenty we can learn in times of disorder.
7/3/202425 minutes
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The Stages of Maturity

God loves to prosper His people, and all the more when they want to pass His love on to those around them. In this message, we’ll learn how each of us can move to a deeper level of spiritual maturity, regardless of where we’re at today. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/2/202425 minutes
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The Stages of Maturity

God loves to prosper His people, and all the more when they want to pass His love on to those around them. In this message, we’ll learn how each of us can move to a deeper level of spiritual maturity, regardless of where we’re at today.
7/2/202425 minutes
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The Journey to Maturity, Part 2

Sometimes it’s hard to see a little seedling in a pot and envision the full-grown tree it’s intended to become. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will help us see why we need to keep that target in mind as we nurture and protect the seed of faith that God has planted inside us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/1/202425 minutes
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The Journey to Maturity, Part 2

Sometimes it’s hard to see a little seedling in a pot and envision the full-grown tree it’s intended to become. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will help us see why we need to keep that target in mind as we nurture and protect the seed of faith that God has planted inside us.
7/1/202425 minutes
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The Journey to Maturity, Part 1

Sometimes it’s hard to see a little seedling in a pot and envision the full-grown tree it’s intended to become. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will help us see why we need to keep that target in mind as we nurture and protect the seed of faith that God has planted inside us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/28/202425 minutes
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The Journey to Maturity, Part 1

Sometimes it’s hard to see a little seedling in a pot and envision the full-grown tree it’s intended to become. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will help us see why we need to keep that target in mind as we nurture and protect the seed of faith that God has planted inside us.
6/28/202425 minutes
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Pressing On to Maturity, Part 2

Simply standing in a gym won’t build muscles; there has to be some sort of effort and workout involved. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about committing to a divine workout, allowing God to transform us from spiritual infants to mature believers. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/27/202425 minutes
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Pressing On to Maturity, Part 2

Simply standing in a gym won’t build muscles; there has to be some sort of effort and workout involved. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about committing to a divine workout, allowing God to transform us from spiritual infants to mature believers.
6/27/202425 minutes
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Pressing On to Maturity, Part 1

Neglecting your faith is like leaving a garden untended; weeds will eventually take over and what was once vibrant and thriving will become barren and lifeless. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how believers can nurture and tend to their faith and why that’s so crucial for overcoming life's challenges. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/26/202425 minutes
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Pressing On to Maturity, Part 1

Neglecting your faith is like leaving a garden untended; weeds will eventually take over and what was once vibrant and thriving will become barren and lifeless. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how believers can nurture and tend to their faith — and why that’s so crucial for overcoming life's challenges.
6/26/202425 minutes
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The Value of Obedience

Life without God eventually proves empty and meaningless, despite our income, accomplishments, possessions... everything. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will take a look at how a divine perspective can move us beyond momentary satisfaction to a fulfilling present and an eternal future. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/25/202425 minutes
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The Value of Obedience

Life without God eventually proves empty and meaningless, despite our income, accomplishments, possessions... everything. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will take a look at how a divine perspective can move us beyond momentary satisfaction to a fulfilling present and an eternal future.
6/25/202425 minutes
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Wisdom and Folly

Many people are smart, but not so many are wise. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans points out that the difference between the two is dramatic and can make more of an impact on your life than property and possessions combined. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/24/202425 minutes
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Wisdom and Folly

Many people are smart, but not so many are wise. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans points out that the difference between the two is dramatic — and can make more of an impact on your life than property and possessions combined.
6/24/202425 minutes
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A Life Punctuated By God

Healthy ambition can drive us to improve and succeed. But, Dr. Tony Evans says when that ambition morphs into greed, a lot of what we get isn’t what we want! Discover how to live a meaningful life punctuated with God's provision and presence in this message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/21/202425 minutes
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A Life Punctuated By God

Healthy ambition can drive us to improve and succeed. But, Dr. Tony Evans says when that ambition morphs into greed, a lot of what we get isn’t what we want! Discover how to live a meaningful life punctuated with God's provision and presence in this message.
6/21/202425 minutes
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Oppression and Occupation

Life can present us with some pretty difficult realities, especially if we had some disadvantages to begin with. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the biblical principles that can help turn our situation around and empower us to offer hope to others. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/20/202425 minutes
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Oppression and Occupation

Life can present us with some pretty difficult realities, especially if we had some disadvantages to begin with. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the biblical principles that can help turn our situation around and empower us to offer hope to others.
6/20/202425 minutes
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There Is An Appointed Time

It’s part of human nature to seek out a life of meaning and purpose. But seeking it doesn’t guarantee finding it leading to the frustration and hopelessness so many people often feel. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will share the secret of making the most out of life while there’s still time. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/19/202425 minutes
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There Is An Appointed Time

It’s part of human nature to seek out a life of meaning and purpose. But seeking it doesn’t guarantee finding it… leading to the frustration and hopelessness so many people often feel. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will share the secret of making the most out of life while there’s still time.
6/19/202425 minutes
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Pleasure, Profit and Productivity

The world says, work hard enough, and you can have everything life has to offer. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans points out that there’s a catch: the one thing life can’t offer is real life’ itself. Join us as we take a look at one man who learned that lesson the hard way. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/18/202425 minutes
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Pleasure, Profit and Productivity

The world says, “work hard enough, and you can have everything life has to offer.” But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans points out that there’s a catch: the one thing life can’t offer is ‘real life’ itself. Join us as we take a look at one man who learned that lesson the hard way. 
6/18/202425 minutes
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The Meaninglessness of Earthly Life

The Declaration of Independence says we have the right to pursue happiness. What it doesn’t say is that we’ll never find it unless we pursue something completely different. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explores the timeless wisdom of Solomon from the Book of Ecclesiastes. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/17/202425 minutes
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The Meaninglessness of Earthly Life

The Declaration of Independence says we have the right to pursue happiness. What it doesn’t say is that we’ll never find it unless we pursue something completely different. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explores the timeless wisdom of Solomon from the Book of Ecclesiastes.
6/17/202425 minutes
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The Progress of Discipleship

Living things grow. That's just what they do. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the life of a growing disciple, exploring the three stages of dedicated discipleship. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/14/202425 minutes
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The Confessions of Discipleship

Nobody travels incognito in the kingdom. Dr. Tony Evans says if we're going to be fully devoted followers of the Lord, it needs to be something we do right out in the open. In this message, he talks about the importance of taking a public stand for Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/13/202425 minutes
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The Ministry of Discipleship

Car factories make cars. Computer factories make computers. That's what they're designed to do. Well, Dr. Tony Evans says that churches make disciples. That's their purpose and priority. In this message, he'll take a close-up look at what a thriving ministry of discipleship entails. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/12/202425 minutes
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The Experience of Discipleship

Making and multiplying disciples should be a key priority for every church. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans offers advice about making that effort more effective and spells out four elements that should be part of every church’s discipleship experience. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/11/202425 minutes
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The Enemies of Discipleship

The world, the flesh, and the devil three enemies that can distract us from our discipleship. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the steps we can take to derail their agenda by refusing to fall for their tricks and traps. It's part of our look at becoming Jesus' followers, not fans. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/10/202425 minutes
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The Goal of Discipleship

It’s an old saying but it’s still true; God accepts us the way we are, but He loves us too much to leave us that way. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans takes a look at the spiritual makeover process God uses to make us not only look different, but be different. Discover how the road to discipleship can take you beyond education to transformation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/7/202425 minutes
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The Conflict of Discipleship

Choosing to receive Christ as your Savior is a one-time event; following him as Lord is a daily decision one that can be costly and tough. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the conflict that comes when your will says one thing and God's will says another. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/6/202425 minutes
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The Authority of Discipleship

Dr. Tony Evans says even though there's nothing we can do to earn our salvation, there's plenty we can do to make the most of it. And in this message, he explains why people who only come to church for the "show" take so long to get from point A to point B in their spiritual life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/5/202425 minutes
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The Command for Discipleship

God has created a wonderful process that turns ordinary people into sold-out saints. The Bible calls it "discipleship." And in this series, Dr. Tony Evans talks about a subject called "Followers, Not Fans. It's a look at the difference between knowing about the Lord and being a real disciple. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/4/202425 minutes
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The Warning of Fellowship

Dark clouds on the horizon can clue us in to stormy weather ahead and give us time to prepare. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about how we’re presented with similar warnings in the spiritual realm. Discover ways to stay alert and safe. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/3/202425 minutes
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The Assurance of Fellowship

Most of us have wrestled at some point in life with things that have ruled us things that we wished we could rule over. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans shows how intimacy with God can turn you into the overcomer you want to be. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/31/202425 minutes
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The Victory of Fellowship

Most of us have wrestled at some point in life with things that have ruled us things that we wished we could rule over. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans shows how intimacy with God can turn you into the overcomer you want to be. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/30/202425 minutes
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The Demonstration of Fellowship, Part 2

Although it’s true that you can’t always judge a book by its cover, what we wear can tell others a lot about us. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the important characteristic believers model that says so much about who we are. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/29/202425 minutes
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The Demonstration of Fellowship, Part 1

For many people, love is defined as a feeling. But, Dr. Tony Evans points out that love is a commandment and commandments aren’t necessarily attached to emotions. Find out what love one another really means in this powerful message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/28/202425 minutes
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The Test of Fellowship

Dr. Tony Evans says just as diamonds are scrutinized to verify their authenticity, what’s claimed to be true must also be examined. In this message, he’ll caution us to be wary of counterfeit philosophy cleverly masquerading as biblical truth. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/27/202425 minutes
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The Rewards of Fellowship, Part 2

An 18th century poet once famously wrote, To err is human, to forgive divine. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about how God can redeem even the worst part of our lives and use our mistakes, failures, and brokenness to minister to others. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/24/202425 minutes
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The Rewards of Fellowship, Part 1

There’s a simple biblical truth that we’re all probably familiar with: You reap what you sow. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will point to three major benefits believers receive when they sow the principles of biblical fellowship. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/23/202425 minutes
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The Family of Fellowship

The story of Beauty and the Beast illustrates the transforming power of love able to turn an ugly creature into a beautiful being. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans shows that in a similar way, God transforms us, shaping us according to His image and guiding us from our current state to where He desires us to be. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/22/202425 minutes
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The Adversaries of Fellowship

We live in a world of substitutes face-to-face interaction is being replaced with social media; human thought and creativity is making way for artificial intelligence. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will show how even the church has been undermined by Satan’s substitute for intimacy with God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/21/202425 minutes
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The Level of Fellowship

The arrival of a newborn baby to the home is a cause for celebration. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans points out that just as babies won't stay in their cribs forever, Christians can’t linger in spiritual infancy either. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/20/202425 minutes
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The Requirement of Fellowship

Most higher-level college courses require a prerequisite. In other words, you can’t move on without having first laid the proper foundation. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the prerequisite that true fellowship with God demands. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/17/202425 minutes
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The Message of Fellowship, Part 2

Most of us find ourselves swamped with emails, texts, and social media all vying for our attention. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans says the message God has for us is one that shouldn’t be deleted or simply scrolled past. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/16/202425 minutes
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The Message of Fellowship, Part 1

It’s often noted that it's not the length of our days but the depth of our experiences that truly count. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will unpack that thought from a biblical perspective and show why believers don’t need to choose between quality and quantity of life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/15/202425 minutes
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The Concept of Fellowship

Most Christians realize they can have a personal relationship with the Lord. But Dr. Tony Evans says a lot of believers don’t fully understand what that means. Find out what you might be missing in this powerful message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/14/202425 minutes
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The Breath

Dr. Tony Evans says many people who get all the fresh air they need are still suffocating spiritually. In this message, he’ll talk about how to get a deep cleansing breath of something you need even more than oxygen. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/13/202425 minutes
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Mother's Day at the Cliff

When the world around us grows increasingly dim, we need God’s light in order to scatter the darkness. In this special Mother’s Day message, Dr. Tony Evans shares a lesson about a mother and from a mother but one that has benefit for us all. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/10/202425 minutes
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The Seal

When a craftsman applies sealer to a piece of wood, it’s designed to keep good things in and bad things out. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why God’s gift of the Holy Spirit has the same effect on us. Learn more about how God seals our salvation to protect and preserve our link to him. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/9/202425 minutes
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The Intercessor

Dr. Tony Evans says many of us pray Amazon prayers asking for exactly what we want with same-day delivery. But, in this message, he’ll explain how the Holy Spirit upgrades our prayers, moving beyond what we want to what God wants for us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/8/202425 minutes
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The Fruit

Love, joy, peace, kindness The Bible tells us these are some of the fruits of the Spirit. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the consequences of not allowing the Holy Spirit to produce those fruits in our lives and the steps we can take to prevent that from happening. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/7/202425 minutes
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The Wine

Whether a car gets its power from gas or electricity, once it leaves the filling station, it’s going to eventually come to a stop unless it’s refilled. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about how believers need to connect with the Holy Spirit to overcome the power drain of daily life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/6/202425 minutes
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The Lord

A look in the mirror will tell you if you’re presentable on the outside. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why change on the inside only happens with the help of the Holy Spirit and only when we commit ourselves to reflecting Jesus. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/3/202425 minutes
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The Anointing

The Bible teaches that as disciples of Jesus, we are in Christ. But it also says Christ is in us. So, which is it? Dr. Tony Evans will help us sort that out as he continues his look at the work of the Holy Spirit, focusing on what it means to be anointed. Can we really think God’s thoughts? Find out in this message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/2/202425 minutes
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The Dove

When we’re thirsty, we need water from the outside to refresh us on the inside. But, in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about why the only cure for spiritual dryness starts inside us and works its way out. Join him for this look at the work of the Holy Spirit and what Jesus meant when he talked about living water. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/1/202425 minutes
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The Dove

The Bible describes the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus like a dove on the day he was baptized. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will dig into the deep significance of that image and talk about some surprising ways the Spirit shows up in our lives today. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/30/202425 minutes
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The Helper

Most of the time, connecting to a power source is pretty straightforwardjust plug the cord into the socket. But, Dr. Tony Evans will point out that accessing the power of the Holy Spirit is a different story. In this powerful message, find out why we can’t tap into Him until He taps into us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/29/202425 minutes
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Jesus the Lamb of God

It can be dangerous walking around in the dark because of all the hazards that wouldn't be hazards if you could only see where you were going. Dr. Tony Evans says the same is true spiritually and, in this message, he'll tell us how to shine some heavenly light on the subject. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/26/202425 minutes
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Jesus the Word

It can be dangerous walking around in the dark because of all the hazards that wouldn't be hazards if you could only see where you were going. Dr. Tony Evans says the same is true spiritually and, in this message, he'll tell us how to shine some heavenly light on the subject. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/25/202425 minutes
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Jesus the Lord

Sometimes there’s a difference between what we believe and what we admit to believing. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why that can be a dangerous distinction, both during our life and after it. It's a look at the importance of "going public" with our commitment to Jesus. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/24/202425 minutes
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Jesus the Christ

Jesus’ death on the cross brought us redemption. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains that other facets of his ministry brought us relationship and moreand they’re all described by the word Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/23/202425 minutes
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Jesus the Savior

In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will kick off a series on the power of Jesus' names. The Bible uses many of them and each one tells us something significant. He'll start with one of the most familiar and most important. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/22/202425 minutes
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God and Civil Leaders

Dr. Tony Evans says being a kingdom voter means godly values guide our decisions about policies and people. In this message, he’ll talk about the connection between God and civil leaders and offer biblical advice about how to recognize candidates with character. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/19/202425 minutes
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God and Church and State, Part 2

The Constitution guarantees us freedom of religion, but Dr. Tony Evans says that too many people have taken that to mean freedom from religion. In this message, he’ll talk about why God created governments in the first place and explain why the influence and involvement of faithful people is a vital part of keeping them on track. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/18/202425 minutes
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God and Church and State, Part 1

The Constitution guarantees us freedom of religion, but Dr. Tony Evans says that too many people have taken that to mean freedom from religion. In this message, he’ll talk about why God created governments in the first place and explain why the influence and involvement of faithful people is a vital part of keeping them on track. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/17/202425 minutes
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God and Family, Part 2

The family’ is coming under attack these days; much of it from a redefinition based on society’s thoughts and whims not God’s divine standards. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will examine the vital connection between God, family, and our civic well-being. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/16/202425 minutes
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God and Family, Part 1

Dr. Tony Evans says families were God’s idea and no matter how hard people these days try to redefine them, his original design is the only blueprint worth following. In this message, he’ll explain why that truth should not only change the way we live, but the way we vote. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/15/202425 minutes
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God and Life, Part 2

Many of the choices we’ll make in the upcoming election will affect how people live. But Dr. Tony Evans says some decisions will determine whether people live. In this message, he’ll take a look at issues that transcend political perspectives and party affiliations. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/12/202425 minutes
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God and Life, Part 1

Some of the decisions we make at the polls seem like a question of left versus right, red versus blue, this party or that. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans says the real choices on our ballot can literally be matters of life and death. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/11/202425 minutes
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God and Freedom

We celebrate independence in this country, but in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will warn that the kind of independence people tend to declare these days can destroy us. It's a sobering look at God's message to America. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/10/202425 minutes
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God and Government

They say the two subjects we’re supposed to avoid in polite conversation are politics and religion. Well, in this message, Dr. Tony Evans plans to break both of those rules as he talks about principles Christians need to consider as we go to the pollsincluding some thoughts on how to tell good politicians from bad ones. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/9/202425 minutes
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The Concept of Kingdom Voting

Figuring out what side of the political fence you're on is up to you. But have you ever wondered what side God is on? Well, that's the question Dr. Tony Evans will tackle in this message as he explores the concept of kingdom voting. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/8/202425 minutes
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The Remembrance of the Cross

In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will point out that something many Christians consider commonplace could be the key that unlocks the door to victory in our lives. It's a look at how the celebration of communion can turn from a ritual into a revolution. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/5/202425 minutes
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The Stability of the Cross

There’re a lot of things being shaken up in our world today, so how can you avoid getting shaken up with them? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will show that the answer comes down to what you're holding on to and why spiritual problems don't respond to earthly solutions. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/4/202425 minutes
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The Authority of the Cross

When Jesus died on the cross, forgiving our sins was only part of the story. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the authority we have because of the authority Christ hasand how that understanding can help us live above our circumstances instead of under them To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/3/202425 minutes
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The Deliverance of the Cross

Pretending a problem doesn't exist won't make it go away, but probably will make it worse. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why nothing short of the truth can really set us free to bring us the deliverance we need. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/2/202425 minutes
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The Activation of the Cross

Whether you're threading a needle or performing surgery, working in the dark practically guarantees failure. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why the same is true when it comes to getting our life on track. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/1/202425 minutes
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The Power of the Cross

Because of Jesus' death, those of us who believe have life. But it's not just a life that begins when our physical bodies die. Dr. Tony Evans as he explains why there is more to Jesus’ death on the cross than simply our salvation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/29/202425 minutes
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The Purpose of the Cross

It’s a popular expression, and it’s true; God accepts us the way we are, but loves us too much to leave us that way. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains how that process of change works, and how it’s part of the purpose of the cross. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/28/202425 minutes
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The Accomplishments of the Cross

When Jesus died on the cross, our sins were forgiven. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans tells us why that was only the beginning. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/27/202425 minutes
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The Necessity of the Cross

With enough discipline and commitment, most debts can be paid off eventually. But not the most important one of all and that's the one Dr. Tony Evans will talk about in this message. Don't miss this look at the necessity of the cross. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/26/202425 minutes
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The Centrality of the Cross

The cross isn't just the symbol of Christianity; it's the very heart of Christianity. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans helps us understand why. Don't miss this look at the key concept of the Christian faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/25/202425 minutes
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Renewing the Covenant

In this message, Dr. Tony Evans sheds some light on the controversial issue of divorce and remarriage within the Church. If you want to know what’s biblical and what’s not, don’t miss this look at the limitations and liberties that regulate Christian relationships. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/22/202425 minutes
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Divorce Court

Dr. Tony Evans says Christians considering ending their marriage should head to "church court" instead of divorce court. What's that? Find out about this controversial subject of divorce and remarriage for Christians in this message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/21/202425 minutes
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Death of a Marriage

Marriage is an investment that pays lifelong dividends, but in this powerful message, Dr. Tony Evans points out that, just like at the bank, there are penalties for early withdrawal. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/20/202425 minutes
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The Covenant of Marriage, Part 2

When the reality of married life falls short of "happily ever after," divorce is often the result. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains that when that happens, more than just marriage vows get broken. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/19/202425 minutes
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The Covenant of Marriage, Part 1

It's not uncommon these days to know someone dealing with marital issues. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans takes an honest, biblical look at the issue of divorce and remarriage To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/18/202425 minutes
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Making The Sermon Relevant

People dismiss the things they find unimportant, but will connect with the things that are relevant to their lives. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explores the importance of connecting the history and context of the Bible to contemporary life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/15/202425 minutes
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The Preparation for Biblical Exposition

Dr. Tony Evans says success in any task hinges on preparation whether it’s cooking a meal, organizing a work presentation, or studying the Bible readiness is key. Don’t miss this practical presentation for pastors and Bible teachers in this powerful message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/14/202425 minutes
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Case for Biblical Exposition

A lot of what passes for "truth" these days really isn't. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans describes the life-changing power of God’s word and how people’s lives are transformed when challenged with the timeless truth of scripture. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/13/202425 minutes
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Unleashing the Power of the Word

The Bible is an unparalleled book, containing both historical and future accounts of natural and supernatural events. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans presents information that will give us insight into the power and uniqueness of the Bible. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/12/202425 minutes
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Returning to Biblical Manhood, Part 2

Nobody wants to follow a leader who's lost. Well, Dr. Tony Evans offers important intelligence to men who need to stop in their tracks and get some spiritual directions. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/11/202425 minutes
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Returning to Biblical Manhood, Part 1

Men grow up in a series of "hoodsbabyhood, boyhood, manhoodbut making it all the way to Biblical manhood demands a unique kind of growing. Well, in this message, Dr. Tony Evans takes a look at what it means to be a godly man. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/8/202425 minutes
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The Spiritual Patriarch, Part 2

Lots of men have children, but that doesn't automatically qualify them as "fathers." In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains there's a job description that goes along with that title, and offers suggestions on how to carry it out. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/7/202425 minutes
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The Spiritual Patriarch, Part 1

In this message, Dr. Tony Evans takes a biblical look at fatherhood as he explains that there’s more to being head of household than checking a box on your tax form. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/6/202425 minutes
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Portrait of a Real Man, Part 2

The world will tell you that a real man takes care of himself and doesn’t let anybody interfere with his personal agenda. But that selfish attitude is destroying our families, so in this message, Dr. Tony Evans reveals a biblical guide for men who want to reclaim the godly role of leadership in their homes. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/5/202425 minutes
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Portrait of a Real Man, Part 1

Too many men have abdicated their role as leader of their household, and Dr. Tony Evans reveals the consequences of this epidemic. Discover how men can reclaim their manhood and reverse this devastating trend in this powerful message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/4/202425 minutes
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Fathers, Faith and Family

God designed men to be the spiritual leaders of their homes, but Dr. Tony Evans says a good leader has to know how to follow. In this message, he explains why who you follow will shape the spiritual heritage you pass along to the next generation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/1/202425 minutes
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Why God Allows Your Crisis

When our circumstances turn sour, we can't wait for them to change. That's only natural. But, in this message Dr. Tony Evans will talk about an unnatural way to think of a crisis and the benefits it can bring to our relationship with the Lord. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/29/202425 minutes
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Stop Blocking Your Miracle

A logical mind is a great thing to have until we get the idea we can outthink the Lord. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans says that’s just one way we can be our own worst enemy when it comes to receiving the miracles God has planned for us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/28/202425 minutes
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Praying and Waiting for God's Timing

When you order something online, you often get to choose how fast you want it delivered. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why that isn’t the case when you pray. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/27/202425 minutes
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When You Feel Like Giving Up, Part 2

In the face of adversity, it can become tempting to just throw in the towel. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explore the matchless source of strength and hope believers can tap into. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/26/202425 minutes
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When You Feel Like Giving Up

To us, the situation may look hopeless. It may feel like there’s nothing left to do but give up. But Dr. Tony Evans says that God sees a completely different picture. Catch a glimpse of it for yourself in this powerful message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/23/202425 minutes
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Reversing Addiction Consequences

Drugs, alcohol, tobacco... these are only a few of the things people can get addicted to. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain that while people fall into all kinds of different traps, the spiritual issues that keep us stuck are often the same. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/22/202425 minutes
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The Power of Unbelief

We’ve all heard stories about the powerful things faith can accomplish. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why unbelief can be powerful, too, in some pretty disturbing ways. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/21/202425 minutes
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Trusting God in a Storm, Part 2

Sometimes life gets so stormy we wonder if we’re gonna make it through. But, Dr. Tony Evans says that even when things are at their worst, there’s something bigger at work than the storm. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/20/202425 minutes
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Trusting God in a Storm, Part 1

When we’re stuck in difficult circumstances, we’ll often call on God to help get us out. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans says that, even if the storms of life are getting worse, we may already be right where God wants us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/19/202425 minutes
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Heaven's New Community, Part 2

Shared interests and common ground can turn perfect strangers into good friends. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why focusing on our shared purpose as believers is so vital for God’s church. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/16/202425 minutes
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Heaven's New Community, Part 1

In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about how believers need to take the lead in bringing people together cross-culturally, cross-racially, and cross-socially, to model the kingdom of God in the midst of the kingdom of men. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/15/202425 minutes
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Reversing the Racial Curse, Part 2

The Bible has been used in the past to justify racial hatred of all kinds. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain what the Word really says about how we should deal with our physical and cultural differences. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/14/202425 minutes
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Reversing the Racial Curse, Part 1

Racists come in all colors and styles because, as Dr. Tony Evans says, we pay more attention to the things that divide us than we do to the God who unites us. But in this message, he’ll explain how we can reverse the racial curse in our country. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/13/202425 minutes
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Dreaming with the King, Part 2

Just because we can't know the future doesn't mean we shouldn’t be looking and working toward it. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the importance of dreaming big, godly dreams about justice and equality. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/12/202425 minutes
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Dreaming with the King, Part 1

A dream can be powerful enough to set a whole new direction for our lives if we don’t allow discouragement to crush it. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will take a look at the amazing difference it makes when we dream God’s dreams and start seeing them come true. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/9/202425 minutes
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The Sin of Racism, Part 2

Dr. Tony Evans says we’ve excused racial bias in our society and our churches for far too long. In this message, he explains how God’s people can lead the way toward repentance and reconciliation and start healing the deep divides that are tearing our country apart. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/8/202425 minutes
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The Sin of Racism, Part 1

Almost every day now, we’re exposed to stories of prejudice, injustice, and cultural clashes. Dr. Tony Evans says we’re long overdue to recognize the spiritual nature of the problem and to learn from the Bible how to address the issue of racism. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/7/202425 minutes
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Overcoming Discrimination Strongholds, Part 2

Even Christians who believe we’re all equal under God can treat some people like they’re more equal than others. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will discuss how to overcome discrimination, and explain why fairness ought to begin within the family of God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/6/202425 minutes
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Overcoming Discrimination Strongholds, Part 1

Dr. Tony Evans says if we want to measure how close we are to God, we should take a look at how close we are to others. In this message, he’ll talk about discrimination not just as a problem, but as a spiritual stronghold. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/5/202425 minutes
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Maintaining Christian Unity, Part 2

They say there's strength in numbers. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the unbelievable strength and power believers can access when we're bonded together To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/2/202425 minutes
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Maintaining Christian Unity, Part 1

People who sing in harmony are each singing different notes that somehow blend together to make something beautiful. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explore how that same principle applies to God's family as he explains why unity and diversity aren’t opposites. To support this ministry financially, visit:
2/1/202425 minutes
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The Motivation for Godliness, Part 2

If salvation is free, what motivates believers to live godly lives? Well, Dr. Tony Evans will tackle that question as he talks about the importance of approaching life with a strong sense of contentment and an eternal perspective. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/31/202425 minutes
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The Motivation for Godliness, Part 1

We live in a culture where our economy is based on people wanting more. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why that attitude may be good for business, but not for people, as he takes a look at the connection between contentment and godliness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/30/202425 minutes
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The Means to Godliness, Part 2

Most people start an exercise plan to lose weight and get their body in shape. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain that the Lord has a workout program for believers, too one that gets us tuned up for peak performance and godly living. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/29/202425 minutes
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The Means to Godliness, Part 1

While cleanliness may be next to Godliness, it’ll take more than just a bit of scrubbing to clean up our lives. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explore the means God has given us to become more like Him and the benefits we’ll enjoy along the way. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/26/202425 minutes
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The Mystery of Godliness, Part 2

We all love a good mystery, especially that moment when everything clicks into place. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will shine some scriptural light on what it takes to live a godly life, revealing for us The Mystery of Godliness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/25/202425 minutes
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The Mystery of Godliness, Part 1

The world’s most delicious recipe can easily turn into the world’s worst dinner if you don’t use the right ingredients. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why the Lord’s recipe for godliness works the same way. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/24/202425 minutes
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The Meaning of Godliness, Part 2

Desiring to live a life of Godliness is a noble goal, but like any goal, Dr. Tony Evans says we need to know what it looks like before we can make a move toward it. In this powerful message, discover what Godliness is, what it isn’t, and why we should actively seek it. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/23/202425 minutes
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The Meaning of Godliness, Part 1

A student may hand in a first-rate book report, but the teacher probably won’t give any credit if the report is on the wrong book. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why the same is true for believers who have their God-given assignments all mixed up. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/22/202425 minutes
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A Challenge Toward Authenticity, Part 2

A lot of us go to great lengths to give the impression that everything is OK and we’ve got it all together. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why time spent trying to fake it to make it’ is meaningless when there’s no connection with God and eternity. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/19/202425 minutes
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A Challenge Toward Authenticity, Part 1

Dr. Tony Evans says it’s pretty easy to spot a Christian who looks the part, but not so easy to spot one who lives the part a believer who’s authentic through and through. In this message, you’ll discover how to become that kind of disciple as we explore Jesus’ challenge to be authentic. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/18/202425 minutes
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A Challenge of Obedience

A lot of people want to take what Jesus offers but don’t want to follow what He says. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why that strategy doesn’t work as he talks about how the Lord uses his keys to the kingdom to unlock doors for obedient believers. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/17/202425 minutes
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A Challenge to Increased Commitment

Increasing your Christian commitment isn’t a matter of just taking on more activities; Dr. Tony Evans says it calls for something much deeper than that. In this message. you'll discover how to take your faith to the next level. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/16/202425 minutes
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A Challenge to Higher Standards

Sometimes, the church’s efforts to bring more people in can wind up pushing God’s word out. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the reasons why we’re tempted to dumb down God’s standards and the dangers in store when we do. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/15/202425 minutes
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A Challenge to Greater Convictions

Witnesses view events from different angles, but even though their personal perspective may be relative, reality never is. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will teach us how to resist the temptation to go with the flow as the world tries to redefine the reality of God’s word. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/12/202425 minutes
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A Challenge to Faithfulness

When life in Christ stops being easy, what happens to our faith? Dr. Tony Evans says that, unfortunately, it can go either way. In this message, he’ll talk about why it’s more important than ever for Christ followers to be faithful and give us some biblical advice on staying strong under stress. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/11/202425 minutes
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A Challenge to Prioritize Your Priorities, Part 2

Dr. Tony Evans says what we do with Jesus is even more important than we do for him. In this message, he’ll explain why no amount of religious activity can make up for letting the world crowd out your love for Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/10/202425 minutes
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A Challenge to Prioritize Your Priorities, Part 1

Over time, our love for God either tends to grow more rich or more routine. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains that when routine’ becomes the norm, it’s time to take a serious look at what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/9/202425 minutes
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A Challenge to Overcome

It may seem like if you focus on a problem, you’re more likely to find a solution. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will show why, sometimes, our focus is the problem. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/8/202425 minutes
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Time to Cross Over

When our plans and dreams seem to be blown away, the Lord is still in control of those who trust in Him. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will help us discover how the storms of life can actually benefit us as they guide us toward greater things. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/5/202425 minutes
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Finishing Strong

Starting a new year is like starting a new lap in this race we call life. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will offer encouragement to people who’ve wandered off track and reveal ways you can come back and finish strong. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/4/202425 minutes
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Be Happy, Don't Worry

Don’t worry; be happy is a nice catchy phrase but it’s a pretty empty expression if there’s no reality to back it up. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will point out the difference between the bouncy clich and the Biblical command as he explains how worship overcomes worry. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/3/202425 minutes
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Beating the Odds in the New Year

Now that we’re in 2024, how we feel about facing this new year may depend on what's facing us. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how to deal with the issues and obstacles awaiting us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/2/202425 minutes
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The Prayer of Jabez

What's the point in wanting more when we don't appreciate what we already have? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will answer that question as he explains how to ask God for a blessing that’ll not only change your new year, but the rest of your life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
1/1/202425 minutes
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Praying and Waiting for God's Timing

Prayer can be a pleasure as we enjoy the closeness it gives us with God. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will tell us how to take our prayers to the next levela level that’s much more effective, but much less comfortable. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/29/202325 minutes
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Rapture of the Church

How and when it’ll happen have been matters of debate since the beginning, but all Christians agree Jesus is coming back for his church. When he does, Dr. Tony Evans says that things are going to change starting with us. In this message, he talks about what those changes will be like and when we might expect them to happen. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/28/202325 minutes
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Seeing with New Eyes

The same level of thinking that got us into whatever trouble we may be facing won’t get us out of it. We need something more! In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about how we can get it as he teaches us how to look at life through new eyes. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/27/202325 minutes
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Dream Big

Do you see your future full of exciting possibilities or just more of the same problems and pain? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will have some powerful encouragement for people in that second category as he talks about why God wants us to pursue bigger dreams. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/26/202325 minutes
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Born to Rule

In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will help us celebrate Christmas with an encouraging message that reveals the truth and power conveyed in the birth of Jesus. Learn more about what God made ready for us on that first Christmas day. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/25/202325 minutes
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The Anointing

The Bible teaches that as disciples of Jesus, we are in Christ. But it also says Christ is in us. So, which is it? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will help us sort that out as he looks at the work of the Holy Spirit, focusing on what it means to be anointed. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/22/202325 minutes
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Wisdom is more than knowledge it’s understanding how to apply what you know to real-life circumstances. And, in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why it comes in handy when those circumstances turn sour. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/21/202325 minutes
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Returning to God for Reward

When we became Christians, Jesus saved us from hell. But that doesn’t mean we won’t find ourselves standing before the judgment seat of Christ. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will take a look at how God will evaluate the eternal significance of our life’s work. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/20/202325 minutes
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Your Giftedness and Your Calling

Your gifts and talents came from God. But is God getting any of their benefit? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the link between our gifts and our calling and take a look at how the Lord wants to use you to build his kingdom. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/19/202325 minutes
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Returning to God through Scripture

The best aim in the world won’t help you if you don’t know what the target looks like. Dr. Tony Evans says the same is true if you want to get your life pointed directly at the Lord. In this message, he’ll talk about how a wholehearted commitment to God’s word can help you do that. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/18/202325 minutes
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Your Vision and Your Calling

There’s a good reason blind people aren’t issued driver’s licenses. But Dr. Tony Evans says there are many people careening down the road of life who don’t even realize their vision is impaired. In this message, he’ll talk about how we can use God’s vision to guide us safely to the right destination. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/15/202325 minutes
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Trusting God in the Darkness

Life can seem hopeless when you’re standing alone at midnight. But Dr. Tony Evans says there is a way to shed light on your situation, and in this message, he’ll show how praise and thanksgiving can set you free from the chains of darkness To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/14/202325 minutes
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Encouragement that Calms Fears

There are modern-day treatments for depression, but in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will tell us about one that only has positive side effects and doesn’t require a prescription. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/13/202325 minutes
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The Victorious Christian

When we have pain, we want it to stop. When we’re in trouble, we want it to end. And when it does, we call it victory. But, Dr. Tony Evans explains why that word can mean so much more, and how we can make the most of the time we spend waiting for it to come. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/12/202325 minutes
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You can find a lot in the pages of the Bible, but if it doesn’t connect to something inside you, it’s just recreational reading. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will take a look at how to unleash the power and potential of scripture in your life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/11/202325 minutes
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Esther: The Diva God Used

In chess, part of the strategy is to position your pieces where they'll do you the most. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will point out that God often does the same with us and explains what we should do to help win the game. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/8/202325 minutes
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You know the old saying about the best-laid plansthey never quite work out the way we expect. Well, Dr. Tony Evans says there’s a reason why and he’ll tell us about a better approach to planning that takes the spiritual perspective into account. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/7/202325 minutes
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What Happens When You Die?

Some people say life's too short to be "religious. Next time on The Alternative, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why eternity's too long not to be as he takes a biblical look at what happens when we die. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/6/202325 minutes
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Recovering What the Enemy Has Stolen

You win some and you lose some. It's true enough in everyday life, but in this powerful message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how, spiritually, even the battles we lose can be turned into victories. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/5/202325 minutes
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The Secret of the Seed

People who plant vegetable gardens usually expect to wind up with vegetables. But sometimes it’s not as easy as it looks to get from the seed to the salad. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why the same is true spiritually as he talks about how the seed of God’s word takes root in our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/4/202325 minutes
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Recovering Your Purpose

Dr. Tony Evans presents a profound exploration of the timeless question: Why do we suffer? Join him as he navigates the complexities of suffering, emphasizing the spiritual and legal dimensions at play. To support this ministry financially, visit:
12/1/202325 minutes
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The Choices of the Judgment, Part 2

There’s a law in physics that says, For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. Dr. Tony Evans says there’s a law just like it in the spiritual arena: Choices have consequences! In this message, he’ll explain how easily the decisions we make in a moment can affect us for eternity. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/30/202325 minutes
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The Choices of the Judgment, Part 1

In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about a biblical principle of sowing and reaping, and discover why the choices we make or don’t make have eternal consequences. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/29/202325 minutes
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The Preparation of the Judgment, Part 2

Cross-country runners don’t just show up at the starting line. From studying the course to stretching their muscles to tying their shoes, they’re prepared! Dr. Tony Evans says there’s a finish line ahead for Christians, too. In this message, he’ll talk about the kind of spiritual workout that can set us up for victory. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/28/202325 minutes
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The Preparation of the Judgment

Runners who think they’re going as fast as they can often prove themselves wrong when they start falling behind the competition. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how those of us who feel like we’re playing catch up in life can do the same thing: dig deep, tap into the Lord’s strength and finish strong as we face God’s judgment seat. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/27/202325 minutes
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The Perspective of The Judgment

The powerful lens of the Hubble telescope gave us a fresh, new look at the universe. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how the Bible works as the same kind of lens, giving us a close-up view of our lives from the perspective of eternity. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/24/202325 minutes
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The Responsibility of Judgment

You know the saying: With great privilege comes great responsibility. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why that’s true of the greatest privilege of all: being accepted into God’s family through the free gift of salvation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/23/202325 minutes
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The Losses of the Judgment

In the past 55 years, more than 150 Olympic medals have been stripped away from athletes or teams who proved undeserving of their rewards. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why the same thing can happen to unfaithful believers when we stand before the Lord. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/22/202325 minutes
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The Rewards of the Judgment

In the business world, innovation, achievement and exceptional performance are recognized and rewarded. But, does it work the same way in heaven? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the positive side of God’s judgment. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/21/202325 minutes
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The Criteria of the Judgment

College students who complete their classes and meet their course requirements get rewarded with a degree. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will take a look at the benchmarks God uses for believers as they graduate to heaven. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/20/202325 minutes
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The Purpose of Judgment

In the Olympics, the best athletes in the world put every ounce of energy and effort they’ve got into winning the gold. But, Dr. Tony Evans will examine how believers can show the same kind of determination when it comes to serving and pleasing God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/17/202325 minutes
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The Agony of Hell

There are only two options waiting for us when we die, and Dr. Tony Evans will give us a biblical description of the one nobody wants to talk about. In this message, he takes a sobering look at what hell is and isn’t and explains why people have to make a deliberate choice to wind up there. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/16/202325 minutes
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The Glory of Heaven

When something in life is really good, some people call it heavenly. But, Dr. Tony Evans explains that nothing here can even hope to compare with what’s waiting for us there. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/15/202325 minutes
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What Happens When We Die

Some people say life's too short to be "religious. But, Dr. Tony Evans explains why eternity's too long not to be as he takes a look at what happens when we die. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/14/202325 minutes
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The White Throne Judgment

Cartoonists, moviemakers, even Facebook friends it seems like everybody has an idea of what judgment day will look like. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain what the Bible says people can expect when they face the great white throne, and how to prepare for the most pivotal moment in any human life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/13/202325 minutes
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The Millennial Kingdom

It’s common practice for movies and TV series to show previews of coming attractions. Well, Dr. Tony Evans says God has done the same for us in the Bible, giving us a taste of what’s coming up between now and eternity. In this message, he talks about humankind’s longing for a perfect world and what’s kept us from living there so far. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/10/202325 minutes
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The Second Coming of Christ

Action movies are all about building up to a big, exciting finisha larger-than-life battle where the good guys win. But, Dr. Tony Evans says they all pale in comparison to the real-life climax of human history foretold in Bible prophecy. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/9/202325 minutes
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The Coming Tribulation

Biblical prophecy tells us that, in the end, God wins and his kingdom lasts forever. But, Dr. Tony Evans points out that Scripture also predicts some pretty scary things that’ll happen along the way. In this message, find out about one of the scariest and why it doesn’t have to be! To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/8/202325 minutes
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The Judgment Seat of Christ

When we became Christians, Jesus saved us from hell. But, Dr. Tony Evans says that doesn’t mean we won’t find ourselves standing before what the Bible calls the judgment seat of Christ. Find out what you can expect when that happensand what you can do about it in this message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/7/202325 minutes
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Rapture of the Church

How and when it’ll happen have been matters of debate since the beginning, but all Christians agree Jesus is coming back for his church. When he does, Dr. Tony Evans says that things are going to change starting with us. In this message, he talks about what those changes will be like and when we might expect them to happen. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/6/202325 minutes
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Israel and the Church

When Israel rejected Jesus, did God un-choose his chosen people? In this insightful message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the relationship between Israel and the church, and explains why God’s prophetic plans can’t be derailed that easily. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/3/202325 minutes
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The Key to Prophecy

A lot of people think biblical prophecy is a complicated subject. But, Dr. Tony Evans says that it doesn’t have to be if you’ve got the right key to unlock it. Discover the point of prophecy (and everything else in the Bible) in this message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/2/202325 minutes
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Why Prophecy Matters

When the Bible tells us what’s going to happen in the future, what difference does it make in terms of what’s going on today? In this powerful message, Dr. Tony Evans takes us to the book of Revelation to explore the reasons why prophecy matters. To support this ministry financially, visit:
11/1/202325 minutes
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Improving Your Spiritual Eyesight, Part 2

Rule number one in many sports is, keep your eye on the ball. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why, when it comes to the faith, it’s so easy to get distracted by, well just about anything. Learn how to develop spiritual eyesight so sharp that you can actually see the invisible in this message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/31/202325 minutes
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Improving Your Spiritual Eyesight, Part 1

Illusionists work hard to keep their audience focused on things that don’t matter so they won’t notice the things that do. Dr. Tony Evans says that the devil uses the same tactic. In this message, he’ll teach us how to develop the kind of spiritual eyesight we need to filter out the distractions and maintain an eternal focus. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/30/202325 minutes
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The Frequency of Heaven, Part 2

Most of the time when we say, I know what you’re thinking, it turns out that we really don’t. But, in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about how the Holy Spirit can actually help us think the thoughts of Jesus. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/27/202325 minutes
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The Frequency of Heaven, Part 1

You’ll never know what’s on one channel if you’re only tuned in to another. Dr. Tony Evans says that spiritual awareness works the same way. In this message, he talks about how we can tune into the frequency of heaven and connect with the mind of Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/26/202329 minutes, 30 seconds
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Watching Heaven Open, Part 2

Dr. Tony Evans says that we have a closer connection to heavenly resources than we realize especially when hard times make our vision cloudy. In this message, he’ll talk about how the Lord can give us a glimpse of what’s going on in the spiritual realm, and how that new perspective will change the way we face challenges. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/25/202325 minutes
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Watching Heaven Open, Part 1

When all you see around you is trouble or pain, Dr. Tony Evans says that you’re missing the best part of the picture. In this message, he’ll talk about the Bible’s promise that we’ll see glimpses of Heaven, and explain how Jesus is our living link to that expanded perspective. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/24/202325 minutes
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Claiming Your Spiritual Rights, Part 2

When the issues of your life are spiritual, physical fixes won’t do any more than help you manage your misery. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will bring you some biblical therapy that’ll get your twisted up life straightened out as he talks about how to claim your spiritual rights. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/23/202325 minutes
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Claiming Your Spiritual Rights, Part 1

Dr. Tony Evans says that when God’s standard becomes our standard, God’s power becomes our power. In this message, he’ll talk about the spiritual rights the Lord gives us and why we often get those rights all wrong. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/20/202325 minutes
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Seeing With New Eyes, Part 2

The same level of thinking that got us into whatever trouble we may be facing won’t get us out of it. We need something more! In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about how we can get it as he teaches us how to look at life through new eyes. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/19/202325 minutes
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Seeing With New Eyes, Part 1

Real wisdom doesn't come easy, but Dr. Tony Evans says it can change the way we understand and experience everything around us. In this message, he talks about seeing the world through new eyesa kind of vision that only God can give us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/18/202325 minutes
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Rebuilding a Broken Culture, Part 2

It’s getting clearer every day that, in many ways, our culture is in chaos. But Dr. Tony Evans says that focusing on the problem isn’t the answer. In this message, he’ll help us understand why only a heavenly vision can help us navigate through our earthly issues. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/17/202325 minutes
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Rebuilding a Broken Culture, Part 1

Many people are giving up any hope of finding a way to fix our crumbling culture. But, Dr. Tony Evans will explain that it’s been done before and talk about how it can happen again. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/16/202325 minutes
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Rejecting Grasshopper Thinking, Part 2

Big problems can make us feel pretty small and powerless. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how we can get past that grasshopper mentality and get on with the life God has called us to live. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/13/202325 minutes
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Rejecting Grasshopper Thinking, Part 1

Giant obstacles can make us feel pretty insignificant and powerless but that feeling isn't a fact. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how we can overcome that "grasshopper mentality" and fulfill God's purposes in our life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/12/202325 minutes
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Changing God's Mind, Part 2

God can turn very bad news into very good news in as little as a heartbeat. But until that turning point moment comes, how do you know that the Lord will actually come through? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will teach you how to spot the signs that God is on the move and trust in his promise to give you victory. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/11/202325 minutes
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Changing God's Mind, Part 1

If God already knows everything, why would he ever have reason to change his mind? Well, Dr. Tony Evans takes a look at when and why the Lord chooses to be flexible. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/10/202325 minutes
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Experiencing Spiritual Power, Part 2

God has unlimited power; we have continuing needs. It literally seems like a match made in heaven. So why aren't more believers seeing the fruit of that connection? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will look at the benefits of really experiencing God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/9/202325 minutes
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Experiencing Spiritual Power, Part 1

Knowing God and really experiencing him are two different things and in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explore the benefits of that second option as he talks about why seeing your prayers answered isn’t about making the right request, but having the right relationship. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/6/202325 minutes
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Experiencing Spiritual Authority, Part 2

If God gave us the authority to be rulers in life, why do so many of us feel like we’re in chains instead of in charge? Dr. Tony Evans will have the answer as he talks about how to use the power God has already given us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/5/202325 minutes
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Experiencing Spiritual Authority, Part 1

If God gave us the authority to be rulers in life, why do so many of us feel like we’re in chains instead of in charge? Dr. Tony Evans will have the answer as he talks about how to use the power God has already given us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/4/202325 minutes
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The Power of Jesus' Name

There’s an old catchphrase that goes, it’s not what you know; it’s who you know. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why that’s definitely the case when it comes to seeing your prayers answered. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/3/202325 minutes
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NAMB Podcast Episode 6 - The Chaplain

In this message, we’ll hear excerpts from a special podcast exploring Dr. Tony Evans’ life and work, particularly how his sports background helped shape his approach to ministry. You’ll also hear about his years as an NBA and NFL chaplain, a keynote speaker for the Promise Keepers ministry in the 90s, and much more. To support this ministry financially, visit:
10/2/202325 minutes
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The Secret of Jesus' Success

What makes a successful people successful? Well, if you’re talking about corporate giants, there are plenty of books on the market. But if you’re talking about Jesus, there’s only one book with the answer. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will take us to Scripture for a look at the secret of Jesus’ success. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/29/202325 minutes
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The Triumph of Faith, Part 2

The Bible tells us that faith is the evidence of things we don’t see. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will review some of that evidence as he brings us a lesson about the kinds of trials and triumphs we experience when we truly believe. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/28/202325 minutes
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The Power of Jesus' Name

Most of the time, faith makes no earthly sense. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why that’s the point, as he talks about the kind of trust that can bring supernatural power to bear on our earthly problems. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/27/202325 minutes
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Deleting Your Demons

Dr. Tony Evans says that a lot of the problems and pain we experience are really the result of spiritual warfare going on behind the scenes of our life. In this message, he’ll reveal how you can delete your demons and experience liberation from fear, guilt, addiction and more. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/26/202325 minutes
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NAMB Podcast Episode 4 - The Church Planter

In this message, we’ll hear a special presentation from the Start to Finish with Tony Evans podcast talking about Tony’s experience as an NBA and NFL chaplain and the impact he’s made on sports superstars like Tony Dungy and Jon Kitna. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/25/202325 minutes
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Recovering your Purpose

After a disaster (or even a sequence of disasters) is it really possible to lose everything? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will have the answer as he turns to the story of Job who managed to hold onto his faith when practically everything else was taken away. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/22/202325 minutes
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The Verdict of Calvary

Hunger for justice is a godly quality. But so is mercy. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how Jesus struck a healthy balance between the two without looking for loopholes or caving in to compromise. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/21/202325 minutes
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The Benefit of Satan

Deliveries come from all kinds of places the Postal Service, UPS, your favorite grocery store or fast-food place. But, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the most unlikely delivery system of all: the devil himself. Could there actually be a benefit to Satan? Find out in this message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/20/202325 minutes
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Case Dismissed

Congratulations. The judgment on your life is in and the verdict is not guilty. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how that could be true for sinful people and look at what Jesus accomplished in the courtroom of Calvary. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/19/202325 minutes
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Order in the Court

Dr. Tony Evans says that the first step toward becoming a better leader is becoming a better follower. In this message, he’ll explain how to do that by staying spiritually covered and leading your family the way God leads you. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/18/202325 minutes
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The Intercession of Jesus

Lurking behind life’s daily stresses and strains is an even bigger problem: a spiritual enemy trying to grind us into dust. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will remind us that God has set limits on Satan’s activities and demonstrate how the Lord’s love and protection are always present, even in times of trial and temptation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/15/202325 minutes
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Taking the Devil to Court

The problem with Satan’s accusations against us is that, sometimes, they’re true. But Dr. Tony Evans says that’s where the transforming power of God’s forgiveness and redemption kick in. In this message, he’ll teach us how to turn those indictments around by letting the Lord give us a spiritual change of wardrobe. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/14/202325 minutes
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Taking the Devil to Court

Imagine yourself in a courtroom where you’re the defendant and Satan is the prosecuting attorney. Who’s winning? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will outline a guaranteed three-part strategy for silencing the accuser as he continues his look at the authority God gives us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/13/202325 minutes
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The Realm of the Spirit

Every time we let the devil get the upper hand in our lives, we surrender a little bit of territory that doesn't belong to him. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain that it's not too late to go back and turn those defeats into victories. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/12/202325 minutes
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The Courtroom of the Kingdom

In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will decode mysteries from the book of Daniel as he takes us on a journey into the heart of divine justice, painting a vivid picture of heaven’s courtroom and offering a fresh perspective on God’s judgment. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/11/202325 minutes
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Heaven's Help on Earth

God hears our prayers immediately, even if his answers don’t show up until later. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will teach lessons on patience from the life of Daniel, along with a look at how God’s angels fight for us in the spiritual battles going on behind the scenes of our lives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/8/202325 minutes
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Climbing Jacob’s Ladder - Part 2

Throughout the ages, some of those who’ve accomplished the most for God have been those who’ve been through the worst life has to offer. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the life of Jacob and how God let him know in a miraculous way that he wasn’t alone. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/7/202325 minutes
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Climbing Jacob’s Ladder - Part 1

We’ve all wrestled with the question at one time or another: Why do bad things happen to good people? Well, Dr. Tony Evans will turn to the story of Jacob as he talks about God’s faithfulness, his promises, and his presence in our lives, even when we feel alone or lost. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/6/202325 minutes
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Moving the Mountains in Your Life - Part 2

Just when you think you’ve jumped over all the obstacles between you and spiritual victory, you come face-to-face with something that seems immovable and unbeatable. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why little things like mountains can’t stop you when you find the faith you need. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/5/202325 minutes
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Moving the Mountains in Your Life - Part 1

We’ve all heard stories about the powerful things faith can accomplish. But, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why unbelief can be powerful, too, in some pretty disturbing ways. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/4/202325 minutes
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The Power of Spiritual Passion - Part 2

When His people were together in one place, God poured out His Spirit in remarkable ways. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the power of Pentecost, and how it can ignite your spiritual passion so it becomes a fire in your soul. To support this ministry financially, visit:
9/1/202325 minutes
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The Power of Spiritual Passion - Part 1

God not only wants you to follow his plan for your life, He wants you to be excited about it! Dr. Tony Evans will explain how to ignite your passion for God so His priorities become your vision. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/31/202325 minutes
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Trusting the God You Believe In - Part 2

Sometimes the distance between our prayer and God’s answer is a lot longer than we’d like. Dr. Tony Evans says that trust is the bridge that brings the two together. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/30/202325 minutes
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Trusting the God You Believe In - Part 1

When we’re stuck in difficult circumstances, we call on God to get us out. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans says that God may already have us right where He wants us, and explains what we should do while we wait for Jesus to join us in the conflict. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/29/202325 minutes
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God Is Up To Something Great - Part 2

As you face the new challenges that come your way with each new day, wouldn't it be great to drop the burdens of the old ones? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how God uses all your experience -- even your failures -- to reshape your future. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/28/202325 minutes
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God Is Up To Something Great - Part 1

Even if your past isn't a very happy story, it's not too late to rewrite your future. Dr. Tony Evans will explain how God is at work behind the scenes of your life mending the broken pieces and redesigning your destiny. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/25/202325 minutes
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Conquering the Grasshopper Complex - Part 2

Big problems can make us feel pretty small and powerless. Dr. Tony Evans will explain how we can get past that grasshopper mentality and get on with the life God has called us to live. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/24/202325 minutes
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Conquering the Grasshopper Complex - Part 1

Giant obstacles can make us feel pretty insignificant and powerless... but that feeling isn't a fact. Dr. Tony Evans will explain how we can overcome that "grasshopper mentality" and fulfill God's purposes in our life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/23/202325 minutes
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Dream Big - Part 1

Do you see your future full of exciting possibilities or just more of the same problems and pain? Dr. Tony Evans will have some powerful encouragement for people in that second category as he talks about why God wants us to pursue bigger dreams. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/22/202325 minutes
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Dream Big - Part 1

Has it occurred to you that you may not be asking enough of the Lord? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why it’s not a matter of selfishness to dream big dreams with God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/21/202325 minutes
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Dominion and Marriage - Part 2

A divided home can be a miserable place to live. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why that's only the beginning of the trouble when a husband and wife can’t work together under the authority of God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/18/202325 minutes
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Dominion and Marriage - Part 1

There are lots of reasons why couples consider marriage. Most of the time, becoming more effective rulers isn't on the list. But in this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why that ought to be a top priority as he talks about reclaiming spiritual authority in your marriage. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/17/202325 minutes
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Heaven in the Home

Men and women are so different emotionally that many think it’s just about impossible for husbands to truly understand their wives. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans says that when you start taking your cues from the Bible, you can make discoveries that’ll start turning your home into a little slice of heaven. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/16/202325 minutes
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Fasting for Your Marriage

The survival odds on marriage these days are hovering around 50 50. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans says that before you become part of that statistic, it makes sense to try a biblical strategy that couples often overlook. Discover how fasting can help your marriage (and why this ancient discipline isn’t always about giving up food). To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/15/202325 minutes
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The Covenant of Marriage

When married life falls short of the happily ever after standard, divorce is often the result. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why more than just wedding vows get broken when that happens. Don’t miss this look at what marriage means from God's point of view. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/14/202325 minutes
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Sanctified Sex

Society puts the idea of sexual purity somewhere between old-fashioned and impossible. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why God’s idea of sanctified sex still makes sense in our morally-confused culture. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/11/202325 minutes
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Portrait of a Christian Family - Part 2

The moral decline in our country becomes more intense every day and Dr. Tony Evans says it’s taking its toll on families including Christian families. In this message, he’ll reveal the only reliable way to reverse the epidemic of family failure by studying God’s blueprint for the home. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/10/202325 minutes
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Portrait of a Christian Family - Part 1

The traditional family continues to disintegrate and Dr. Tony Evans says it’s because we’ve moved God to the margins of our home life. In this message, he’ll explain how to return the Lord to the center so you can begin to fortify your family. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/9/202325 minutes
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Your Future and Your Calling - Part 2

When we can't see where we're going, we're forced to trust God for guidance. Well, Dr. Tony Evans says that's the best news we could hope for, since our greatest faith lessons are learned in the dark. In this message, we'll look at why we can trust God for our future. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/8/202325 minutes
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Your Future and Your Calling - Part 1

God wants so much for you and me and He’s not willing to let us settle for anything less. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will give us a glimpse into the future through the Lord’s eyes, and explains why hope and prosperity are top priorities in all His plans for us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/7/202325 minutes
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Your Development and Your Calling - Part 2

In this message, Dr. Tony Evans says that each one of us has a custom-designed calling from God. But we often miss out on fulfilling it because we're too busy telling God why we’re not qualified. Find out how to avoid doing your Moses impression when your burning bush moment arrives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/4/202325 minutes
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Your Development and Your Calling - Part 1

When God wants to get his point across, He’s often done it in dramatic and unmistakable ways. But, in this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how God sometimes has to get us ready to listen before the message even arrives. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/3/202325 minutes
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Your Obedience and Your Calling - Part 2

The truth is, your calling from God may not thrill you. But Dr. Tony Evans says the Lord is counting on your cooperation to accomplish His plan even though He doesn’t need it. In this message, we’ll take a look at selfishness versus submission, and the rewards you can expect when you choose to follow where the Lord leads. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/2/202325 minutes
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Your Obedience and Your Calling - Part 1

It’s hard to believe that the Creator of the universe would want our help with anything. But Dr. Tony Evans says it’s true, and in this message, you’ll see how eager God is to have you follow His lead. To support this ministry financially, visit:
8/1/202325 minutes
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Your Vision and Your Calling - Part 2

There’s a good reason that blind people don’t get driver’s licenses. But Dr. Tony Evans says that there are many people careening down the road of life who don’t even realize that their vision is impaired. In this message, he’ll talk about how we can use God’s vision to guide us safely to the right destination. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/31/202325 minutes
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Your Vision and Your Calling - Part 1

The vision that God gives us sets our direction in life... his calling determines the path we'll take to get there. In this powerful message, Dr. Tony Evans will tell us how to make sure the vision we see is really from God and, when it is, how to integrate it into our life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/28/202325 minutes
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Your Career and Your Calling - Part 2

Everybody hopes to find their "dream job." But Dr. Tony Evans says that if yours is more like a nightmare, there’s hope! In this message, he’ll share how turning your career over to Christ can give you a new vision for your vocation. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/27/202325 minutes
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Your Career and Your Calling - Part 1

God’s got a job for you, but Dr. Tony Evans says that it may not be the one you’re commuting to each day. In this message, he’ll explain how connecting your calling to your career can change the way you think about your work. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/26/202325 minutes
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Your Experience and Your Calling - Part 2

We’ve all made good turns and bad turns on the road of life. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain that, either way, God’s still in charge of where we wind up. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/25/202325 minutes
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Your Experience and Your Calling - Part 1

It often seems like those who’ve accomplished the most for God have been through the worst life has to offer. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how your painful experiences can be used to bless and build up the Body of Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/24/202325 minutes
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Your Passion and Your Calling - Part 1

God not only wants you to follow his plan for your life, He wants you to be excited about it! In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how to ignite your passion for the Lord so His priorities become your vision. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/21/202325 minutes
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Your Passion and Your Calling - Part 1

Some people never seek God's plan for their lives because they're afraid he'll ask them to go somewhere or do something they couldn't stand. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how God links our purpose to our passion and how to connect it with your calling. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/20/202325 minutes
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Your Worship and Your Calling - Part 2

In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about how the Holy Spirit can be your personal guidance counselor and explore the connection between your worship and your calling. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/19/202325 minutes
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Your Worship and Your Calling - Part 1

Worship is designed to be something we give to God. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about what worship can give to us, and especially how it can connect us with our calling in life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/18/202325 minutes
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Your Giftedness and Your Calling - Part 2

Your gifts and talents came from God. But is God getting any of their benefit? Well, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the link between our gifts and our calling and take a look at how the Lord wants to use you to build his kingdom. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/17/202325 minutes
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Your Giftedness and Your Calling - Part 1

The Bible says that every believer is spiritually gifted but identifying those gifts and figuring out how to use them can be a challenge. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains how what makes you special can make you effective. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/14/202325 minutes
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Your Commitment and Your Calling - Part 2

How much satisfaction can you get from following your life's calling? Well, Dr. Tony Evans will explain that it depends on who did the calling and how to avoid getting wrapped up in the wrong agenda for your life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/13/202325 minutes
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Your Commitment and Your Calling - Part 1

Nobody succeeds without commitment. But commitment to what? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about how to be sure you're following the right calling in your life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/12/202325 minutes
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The Importance of Calling - Part 2

We know we must be here for a reason. But if figuring out what it is has been a struggle, Dr. Tony Evans will explain how you can be certain about your place in the world and the importance of your calling. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/11/202325 minutes
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The Importance of Calling - Part 1

Self-help books are full of strategies that claim they’ll bring you success. But, Dr. Tony Evans will explain that real success only comes from following your custom-made calling from God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/10/202325 minutes
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The Concept of Calling - Part 2

If each one of us was custom-created to fit into God’s design for our world, why don't more of us feel the sense of fulfillment that truth ought to give us? In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will answer that question as he talks about how to discover your unique purpose on this planet. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/7/202325 minutes
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The Concept of Calling - Part 1

Lots of things can be mass-produced, but Dr. Tony Evans will start a series based on the idea that God builds one life at a time each of us with our own special purpose on this planet. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/6/202325 minutes
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What is Hell Like? - Part 2

Before picking a travel destination, most people will check out websites and brochures to find out what’s in store. But Dr. Tony Evans says few people are that thorough when it comes to their eternal destination. In this message, he’ll paint an all-to-vivid picture of what a future without Christ will be like. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/5/202325 minutes
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What is Hell Like? - Part 1

Some people mock Christians by saying, You don’t know what you’re missing. Well, Dr. Tony Evans describes in detail what Christians actually will be missingthe terror and torment of hell. Here's a biblical look at a place where people were never meant to go. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/4/202325 minutes
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What is Hell? - Part 2

A lot of people who aren't quite sure there's a heaven are totally convinced that there’s no hell. But, Dr. Tony Evans says it's too bad their opinions don't change the reality. In this message, he'll tell us what the Bible has to say about hell and explain why a surprising number of people actually choose to go there. To support this ministry financially, visit:
7/3/202325 minutes
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What is Hell? - Part 1

A lot of people who aren't quite sure there's a heaven are totally convinced that there’s no hell. But, Dr. Tony Evans says it's too bad their opinions don't change the reality. In this message, he'll tell us what the Bible has to say about hell and explain why a surprising number of people actually choose to go there. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/30/202325 minutes
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What is Heaven Like? - Part 2

Storytellers, moviemakers and even theologians have their ideas about what heaven might be like. But, in this message, Dr. Tony Evans describes it from the perspective of people who've been there. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/29/202325 minutes
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What is Heaven Like? - Part 1

When something in life is really good, some people call it heavenly. Well, Dr. Tony Evans explains why nothing here can compare with what’s waiting for us there. Learn more about the place Jesus said he’s preparing for us in this powerful message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/28/202325 minutes
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What is Heaven? - Part 2

It's been said that heaven is the place we go to spend eternity among people we couldn't get along with on Earth. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will tell us about an even more important relationship that's the centerpiece of our eternal future. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/27/202325 minutes
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What is Heaven? - Part 1

Dr. Tony Evans says that the best way to live a more passionate, purposeful life on Earth is to think more about heaven. In this two-part message, he’ll help us learn how to do that and explain how we can know the promise of heaven is true. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/26/202325 minutes
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What Happens When You Die?

Some people say life's too short to be "religious. Well, Dr. Tony Evans explains why eternity's too long NOT to be as he takes a biblical look at what happens when we die. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/23/202325 minutes
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Returning to God through Service

One bite of your favorite dish is all it takes to tell if a key ingredient has been left out. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why Christianity itself is becoming a missing ingredient that’s souring society. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/22/202325 minutes
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Returning to God with Giving

When many Christians think of generosity, they think of it in terms of giving money away. Well, In this message Dr. Tony Evans will explain why it’s really more of an investment than a handout. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/21/202325 minutes
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Returning to God Through Communion

A little piece of bread and a tiny cup of grape juiceto some people, that’s all there is to communion. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why finding the richness in the ritual can get us reconnected to God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/20/202325 minutes
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Returning to God through Surrender

Dr. Tony Evans says that many people worship a designer deitya god who conforms to their standards more than they do to his. In this message, he’ll explain why we need to come to the Lord on His terms, not ours, and talk about the benefits and difficulties of absolute surrender. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/19/202325 minutes
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Returning to God in the Spirit, Part 2

In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about what happens when God energizes us to live life by his power, including a look at why getting closer to the Spirit moves us farther from the chaos we've been living in. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/16/202325 minutes
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Returning to God in the Spirit, Part 1

Human desires are normal, but they’re not always healthyespecially if we turn them loose to control our lives. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will teach us how to turn that job over to the Lord and demonstrate how the power of the Spirit can overcome the pull of the flesh. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/15/202325 minutes
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Returning to God from Worldliness

Dr. Tony Evans says that saying yes to the values offered to us by the world amounts to saying no to God. In this powerful message, he’ll talk about how to avoid making that disastrous choice. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/14/202325 minutes
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Returning to God through Scripture, Part 2

The best aim in the world won’t help you if you don’t know what the target looks like. Dr. Tony Evans says the same is true if you want to get your life pointed directly at the Lord. In this message, he’ll talk about how a wholehearted commitment to God’s word can help you do that. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/13/202325 minutes
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Returning to God through Scripture, Part 1

Not everybody seeks out truth these days. But even many who do aren’t sure what it is. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will settle that for us as he talks about how a firm grasp of biblical truth can get us reconnected to God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/12/202325 minutes
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Returning to God for Reward

When we became Christians, Jesus saved us from hell. But that doesn’t mean we won’t find ourselves standing before the judgment seat of Christ. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will take a look at how God will evaluate the eternal significance of our life’s work. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/9/202325 minutes
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Returning to God Through The Church

We may feel that we need God to come rescue us right now, today. But if the Lord doesn’t feel that same sense of urgency, it can leave us feeling abandoned. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about how we can help each other wait for God’s perfect timing, and look at the power of encouragement. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/8/202325 minutes
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Returning to God in Prayer

When we’ve got nowhere else to turn, we’ll usually think about praying to God to help us out of a difficult situation. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans talks about the not-so-urgent kind of prayer that can help us avoid those circumstances altogether. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/7/202325 minutes
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Returning to God In Unity, Part 2

Unity among believers was one of Jesus’ final prayer requests before his death on the cross. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will examine the power of a unified church and point out that we should all be shooting toward a common goal. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/6/202325 minutes
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Returning to God In Unity, Part 1

God doesn't want us all to be the same, but he does want us to be one. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will take a look at the importance of unity in ministry and how God deals with divided leadership in the church. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/5/202325 minutes
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Returning to God Through Fasting, Part 2

Most people think of fasting in terms of what we don’t eat. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about a very active side to fasting one that proves our act of sacrifice is more than just an act. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/2/202325 minutes
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Returning to God Through Fasting, Part 1

People are designed with a built-in hunger for God. But, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why, sometimes, the best way to satisfy that spiritual appetite is to deny your physical one. To support this ministry financially, visit:
6/1/202325 minutes
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Returning to God

Crying out to God for revival can seem very spiritual. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will explain why there’s something believers should want even more desperately. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/31/202325 minutes
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Lifesavers, Part 2

Some churches are so focused on people coming through the front door that they barely even notice the wounded believers drifting away through the back. Well, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about how to become a spiritual lifesaver by rescuing those who are wandering away from the faith. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/30/202325 minutes
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Lifesavers, Part 1

At the beach, if you start drifting too far away from shore, you can count on a lifeguard to come pull you back to safety. Well, Dr. Tony Evans explains why the same thing should be true at church. In this message, we'll look at how you can come to the rescue of a brother or sister who’s having trouble treading water spiritually. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/29/202325 minutes
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Prayer, Part 2

We’ve all heard the expression, When all else fails pray! In this powerful message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why our best efforts begin with prayer, and will teach us how to make it our top priority in life. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/26/202325 minutes
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Prayer, Part 1

Dr. Tony Evans talks about the Christian’s most under-used resource: prayer. In this message, you'll learn how to beef up your communication with the Lord, and discover how Christians can use one another to "piggyback" their way to God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/25/202325 minutes
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Injustice, Part 2

There’s a lot of conversation these days about racial and social justice. But, Dr. Tony Evans explains why neither one can take hold in society until an important prerequisite is met. Find out what it is in this part-two message. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/24/202325 minutes
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Injustice, Part 1

Our culture seems to say, Why work harder to measure up to a standard when all you have to do is change the standard? But Dr. Tony Evans says that God’s models of righteousness and justice don’t flex to fit our tastes. In this powerful message, he’ll talk about what happens when individuals and nations renew their commitment to heavenly values. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/23/202325 minutes
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Planning, Part 2

You know the old saying about the best-laid plansthey never quite work out the way we expect. Well, Dr. Tony Evans says there’s a reason why and he’ll tell us about a better approach to planning that takes the spiritual perspective into account. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/22/202325 minutes
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Planning, Part 1

The old saying goes "He who fails to plan, plans to fail." But Dr. Tony Evans explains why the wrong kind of planning is just as likely to leave us disappointed or worse. In this message, we'll learn how to chart a course for the center of God’s will. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/19/202325 minutes
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Worldliness, Part 2

Dr. Tony Evans says that worldliness is like a poison that pollutes the church. First, it neutralizes our impact, and then starts eating away at us from the inside out. In this powerful message, he’ll talk about the antidote God has provided for us and why some believers are reluctant to take it. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/18/202325 minutes
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Worldliness, Part 1

God put His church here to change the world. But too often the world changes the church. And Dr. Tony Evans says when that happens, both come out losers. Well, he’ll teach us how to stop the spread of worldliness before it stops us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/17/202325 minutes
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Wisdom, Part 2

Wisdom is more than knowledge it’s understanding how to apply what you know to real-life circumstances. In this message, Dr. Tony Evans explains why it comes in handy when those circumstances turn sour. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/16/202325 minutes
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Wisdom, Part 1

Just like Peter Pan, Dr. Tony Evans says a lot of Christians are living in their own kind of Never-Never Land. Well, he’ll talk about what happens when we refuse to grow up into the mature believers God wants us all to be. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/15/202325 minutes
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Setting Stones of Remembrance

In this special Mother’s Day series, Dr. Tony Evans’ daughters, Chrystal Hurst and Priscilla Shirer will talk about how to help children see and embrace God and recall important lessons they learned from their late mother, Lois. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/14/202329 minutes, 30 seconds
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Remembering and Stepping Out

Don’t miss the final installment of this powerful Mother’s Day series as Dr. Tony Evans’ daughters, Chrystal Hurst and Priscilla Shirer talk about the important lessons they learned from their late mother, Lois including how to cope with life’s challenges by looking backward instead of forward. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/12/202325 minutes
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Remembering the Compassion and Promises of God

One of the best ways to build our confidence in God for the future is to remember what he’s done in the pastboth for us and for others. In this message, Dr. Evans’ daughters, Chrystal Hurst and Priscilla Shirer will talk about ways moms can mark those memories and draw strength from them when times get tough. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/11/202325 minutes
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Setting Stones of Remembrance

In this special Mother’s Day series, Dr. Tony Evans’ daughters, Chrystal Hurst and Priscilla Shirer will talk about how to help children see and embrace God and recall important lessons they learned from their late mother, Lois. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/10/202325 minutes
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Speech, Part 2

The things we say can bring healing and hope, or they can be incredibly destructive. But Dr. Tony Evans says that other people aren’t the only ones affected. He'll talk about how to discover the connection between what God can build into our lives and what comes out of our mouths. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/9/202325 minutes
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Speech, Part 1

Superheroes aren't the only ones who need to be warned to use their powers for good, not evil. Dr. Tony Evans says there's plenty of power in the words we choose. In this message, he’ll explain how to put that power to good use. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/8/202325 minutes
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Temptation, Part 2

Dr. Tony Evans says that temptation comes at us from three different, dangerous sources. In this message, he'll expose each one of them and tell us about ways to recognize and reject their schemes. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/7/202329 minutes, 30 seconds
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Faith, Part 2

Life can seem hopeless when you’re standing alone at midnight. But Dr. Tony Evans says there is a way to shed light on your situation. In this powerful message, he’ll show you how praise and thanksgiving can set you free from the chains of darkness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/5/202325 minutes
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Faith, Part 1

Life can seem hopeless when you’re standing alone at midnight. But Dr. Tony Evans says there is a way to shed light on your situation. In this powerful message, he’ll show you how praise and thanksgiving can set you free from the chains of darkness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/4/202325 minutes
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Partiality, Part 2

Dr. Tony Evans says that people who build their life around status and wealth are in for an unpleasant surprise in heaven. In this message, He'll talk about a problem in our churches that would be a lot easier to solve if people were willing to admit it exists. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/3/202325 minutes
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Partiality, Part 1

Dr. Tony Evans says that people who build their life around status and wealth are in for an unpleasant surprise in heaven. In this message, He'll talk about a problem in our churches that would be a lot easier to solve if people were willing to admit it exists. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/2/202325 minutes
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Scripture, Part 2

It's possible to spend a lot of time reading the Bible, yet never really get into "the word." In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the difference between the two, and explain what can happen when the word is truly planted inside us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
5/1/202325 minutes
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Trials, Part 2

One of the first things a teacher tells students is, "Pay attention. There's gonna be a test. Well, Dr. Tony Evans says that the same is true in this spiritual classroom we call life and today, he’ll talk about what it takes to make the grade. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/30/202329 minutes, 30 seconds
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Scripture, Part 1

It's possible to spend a lot of time reading the Bible, yet never really get into "the word." In this message, Dr. Tony Evans will talk about the difference between the two, and explain what can happen when the word is truly planted inside us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/28/202325 minutes
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Temptation, Part 2

Dr. Tony Evans says that temptation comes at us from three different, dangerous sources. In this message, he'll expose each one of them and tell us about ways to recognize and reject their schemes. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/27/202325 minutes
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Temptation, Part 1

Dr. Tony Evans says that temptation comes at us from three different, dangerous sources. In this message, he'll expose each one of them and tell us about ways to recognize and reject their schemes. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/26/202325 minutes
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Trials, Part 2

One of the first things a teacher tells students is, "Pay attention. There's gonna be a test. Well, Dr. Tony Evans says that the same is true in this spiritual classroom we call life and today, he’ll talk about what it takes to make the grade. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/25/202325 minutes
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Trials, Part 1

Are the tough times in your life going to take you apart or put you back together better than ever? In this powerful message, Tony Evans will explain that even in the midst of those hurtful circumstances, God promises there’s a point to your pain. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/24/202325 minutes
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Recovering What the Enemy Has Stolen, Part 2

Every time we let the devil get the upper hand in our lives, we surrender a little bit of territory that doesn't belong to him. But Dr. Tony Evans explains that it's not too late to go back and turn those defeats into victories. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/23/202329 minutes, 30 seconds
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Unconditional Surrender, Part 2

If you stand on the threshold of an elevator, nobody’s going anywhere until you decide whether you’re in or out. In this message, Tony Evans says the same thing is true in our spiritual life, as he talks about the importance of making an unconditional surrender to God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/21/202325 minutes
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Unconditional Surrender, Part 1

If you stand on the threshold of an elevator, nobody’s going anywhere until you decide whether you’re in or out. In this message, Tony Evans says the same thing is true in our spiritual life, as he talks about the importance of making an unconditional surrender to God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/20/202325 minutes
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Freedom from Irresponsibility

When your problems pile up to the point where you can’t see where you’re going, it can be difficult hold onto hope. In this message, Tony Evans talks about what it takes to trust God in the darkness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/19/202325 minutes
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Freedom from Mismanagement, Part 2

God calls us to be "stewards" (and you can translate that "managers") of everything we have in life. The trouble is, some of us don’t "manage" to do that management job very well! In this message, Tony Evans will have some on-the-job training tips for us as he takes a look at how to invest what God has given us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/18/202325 minutes
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Freedom from Mismanagement, Part 1

God calls us to be "stewards" (and you can translate that "managers") of everything we have in life. The trouble is, some of us don’t "manage" to do that management job very well! In this message, Tony Evans will have some on-the-job training tips for us as he takes a look at how to invest what God has given us. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/17/202325 minutes
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Trusting God in the Darkness, Part 2

Life can seem hopeless when you’re standing alone at midnight. But Dr. Tony Evans says there is a way to shed light on your situation. He’ll explain how praise and thanksgiving can set you free from the chains of darkness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/16/202329 minutes, 30 seconds
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Freedom from Discouragement, Part 2

Life can seem hopeless when you’re standing alone at midnight. In this message, Tony Evans will explain how you can shed light on your situation, and how praise and thanksgiving can set you free from the chains of darkness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/14/202325 minutes
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Freedom from Discouragement, Part 1

Life can seem hopeless when you’re standing alone at midnight. In this message, Tony Evans will explain how you can shed light on your situation, and how praise and thanksgiving can set you free from the chains of darkness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/13/202325 minutes
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Recovering from Low Expectations, Part 2

Lowering your expectations in life may keep you from being disappointed. Join Tony Evans as he explains why healing the "lame" includes more than just people who have a hard time walking. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/12/202325 minutes
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Recovering from Low Expectations, Part 1

Lowering your expectations in life may keep you from being disappointed. Join Tony Evans as he explains why healing the "lame" includes more than just people who have a hard time walking. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/11/202325 minutes
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Recovering What the Enemy Has Stolen, Part 2

Every time we let the devil get the upper hand in our lives, we surrender a little bit of territory that doesn't belong to him. But Dr. Tony Evans explains that it's not too late to go back and turn those defeats into victories. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/10/202325 minutes
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Recovering What the Enemy Has Stolen, Part 2

Every time we let the devil get the upper hand in our lives, we surrender a little bit of territory that doesn't belong to him. But Dr. Tony Evans explains that it's not too late to go back and turn those defeats into victories. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/10/202325 minutes
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Recovering What the Enemy Has Stolen, Part 1

Every time we let the devil get the upper hand in our lives, we surrender a little bit of territory that doesn't belong to him. But Dr. Tony Evans explains that it's not too late to go back and turn those defeats into victories. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/7/202325 minutes
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Recovering What the Enemy Has Stolen, Part 1

Every time we let the devil get the upper hand in our lives, we surrender a little bit of territory that doesn't belong to him. But Dr. Tony Evans explains that it's not too late to go back and turn those defeats into victories. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/7/202325 minutes
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Trusting God in the Darkness, Part 2

Life can seem hopeless when you’re standing alone at midnight. But Dr. Tony Evans says there is a way to shed light on your situation. He’ll explain how praise and thanksgiving can set you free from the chains of darkness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/6/202325 minutes
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Trusting God in the Darkness, Part 2

Life can seem hopeless when you’re standing alone at midnight. But Dr. Tony Evans says there is a way to shed light on your situation. He’ll explain how praise and thanksgiving can set you free from the chains of darkness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/6/202325 minutes
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Trusting God in the Darkness, Part 1

Life can seem hopeless when you’re standing alone at midnight. But Dr. Tony Evans says there is a way to shed light on your situation. He’ll explain how praise and thanksgiving can set you free from the chains of darkness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/5/202325 minutes
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Trusting God in the Darkness, Part 1

Life can seem hopeless when you’re standing alone at midnight. But Dr. Tony Evans says there is a way to shed light on your situation. He’ll explain how praise and thanksgiving can set you free from the chains of darkness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/5/202325 minutes
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Remembering God’s Faithfulness, Part 2

Even the people we think we can count on the most will eventually let us down. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he explains why that’s true even when it feels like the Lord has left us to fend for ourselves. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/4/202325 minutes
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Remembering God’s Faithfulness, Part 2

Even the people we think we can count on the most will eventually let us down. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he explains why that’s true even when it feels like the Lord has left us to fend for ourselves. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/4/202325 minutes
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Remembering God’s Faithfulness, Part 1

Even the people we think we can count on the most will eventually let us down. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he explains why that’s true even when it feels like the Lord has left us to fend for ourselves. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/3/202325 minutes
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Remembering God’s Faithfulness, Part 1

Even the people we think we can count on the most will eventually let us down. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he explains why that’s true even when it feels like the Lord has left us to fend for ourselves. To support this ministry financially, visit:
4/3/202325 minutes
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Samson: The Player God Used

Our society doesn’t always reward people who are different. But Dr. Tony Evans says that, in God’s eyes, what makes us unique also makes us useful. Join him as he’ll explain what happened to one biblical character who gave up his uniqueness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/31/202325 minutes
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Samson: The Player God Used

Our society doesn’t always reward people who are different. But Dr. Tony Evans says that, in God’s eyes, what makes us unique also makes us useful. Join him as he’ll explain what happened to one biblical character who gave up his uniqueness. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/31/202325 minutes
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Esther: The Diva God Used

In chess, part of the strategy is to position your pieces where they'll do you the most good. In this lesson, Dr. Tony Evans will point out that God often does the same with us and explains what we should do to help win the game. Discover the reasons behind the resources God has given you. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/30/202325 minutes
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Esther: The Diva God Used

In chess, part of the strategy is to position your pieces where they'll do you the most good. In this lesson, Dr. Tony Evans will point out that God often does the same with us and explains what we should do to help win the game. Discover the reasons behind the resources God has given you. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/30/202325 minutes
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Peter: The Apostate Who God Used

All of us are capable of much more than we realize... both good and bad. But Dr. Tony Evans will introduce us to a man who failed in a way he never thought he could but came back to accomplish great things for the kingdom. It’s a message on the good news for people who feel that they’re too far gone for God to use. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/29/202325 minutes
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Peter: The Apostate Who God Used

All of us are capable of much more than we realize... both good and bad. But Dr. Tony Evans will introduce us to a man who failed in a way he never thought he could but came back to accomplish great things for the kingdom. It’s a message on the good news for people who feel that they’re too far gone for God to use. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/29/202325 minutes
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Jonah: The Rebel God Used, Part 2

The phrase you can run but you can’t hide is never truer than when you’re describing somebody who’s running from God. Dr. Tony Evans is here to talk about a famous biblical character who tried. Find out why there’s no refuge for the rebellious in this look at the life of Jonah. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/28/202325 minutes
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Jonah: The Rebel God Used, Part 2

The phrase you can run but you can’t hide is never truer than when you’re describing somebody who’s running from God. Dr. Tony Evans is here to talk about a famous biblical character who tried. Find out why there’s no refuge for the rebellious in this look at the life of Jonah. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/28/202325 minutes
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Jonah: The Rebel God Used, Part 1

Even when we’re fighting God, God can be using us. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he shows us why as he talks about the life of Jonah. It’s a look at the costs and consequences of running from God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/27/202325 minutes
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Jonah: The Rebel God Used, Part 1

Even when we’re fighting God, God can be using us. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he shows us why as he talks about the life of Jonah. It’s a look at the costs and consequences of running from God. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/27/202325 minutes
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Rahab: The Prostitute God Used

Her reputation couldn't be worse, but her faith earned her a place in the Bible's hall of fame. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he looks at the life of Rahab and talks about the lessons we can learn from the less than perfect. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/26/202329 minutes, 30 seconds
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Rahab: The Prostitute God Used

Her reputation couldn't be worse, but her faith earned her a place in the Bible's hall of fame. Join Dr. Tony Evans as he looks at the life of Rahab and talks about the lessons we can learn from the less than perfect. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/26/202329 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sarah: The Doubter God Used, Part 2

Join Dr. Tony Evans as he takes a look at why God’s plans aren’t limited by our perceptions, and why the Lord’s will needs to be carried out the Lord’s way. Don’t miss this special look at some lessons from the life of Sarah. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/24/202325 minutes
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Sarah: The Doubter God Used, Part 1

It’s been said that the facts speak for themselves. But Dr. Tony Evans explains why the facts don’t always tell us the whole story as he takes a look at how God’s promises can rewrite our reality. To support this ministry financially, visit:
3/23/202325 minutes