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Tuesday Hometime Profile

Tuesday Hometime

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 418 episodes
Local, national and international interviews with activists on human rights, civil liberties and animal welfare issues. The show has been on air since the late 1980s.
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Analysing many wars: on Lebanon, Gaza, and in Sudan | Lecture-free universities? | Denial in a Time of Genocide, discussion Pt. 2 | Tonga Pacific Islands Forum: Deep-sea mining off the agenda? | Life and Legacy of Alberto Fujimori, ex-president of Peru

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy, Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees speaking about war on Lebanon, war in Sudan, lecture free universities, war on Gaza, Part 2 of a conversation between Dr Saree Makdisi, Professor from University of California, and Louise Adler about his recent book Denial In a time of Genocide, James Hita from the Deep Sea Mining Campaign and the absence of this important issue at the Pacific Islands Forum in Tonga and more, PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis and the life of ex-President of Peru, Alberto Fujimori and his legacy. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Denial in a Time of Genocide | Land Forces Weapons expo: an analysis | Nuclear bombs, B-52 bombers in Australia? | Tonga Pacific Islands Forum review, Pt. 2

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy, Conversation between Dr Saree Makdisi & Louise Adler regarding his latest book Denial in a Time of Genocide, Land forces expo at Melbourne Convention Centre: Analysis by Senior Lecturer at RMIT University Dr Binoy Kampmark, & activist, researcher and broadcaster Jacob Grech, Academic, researcher, military analyst and peace activist, Professor Richard Tanter – Are nuclear bombs on board B-52 bombers in Australia? Correspondent for Islands Business, Nic Maclellan and part 2 of his report on the Pacific Islands Forum held in Tonga. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Gaza Freedom Flotilla in Turkey | Tonga Pacific Islands Forum: a review | Cost of no ceasefire for people in Gaza | Threat of Russia-Ukraine war to two nuclear power plants | The Worthy and The Unworthy

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy, Activist Robert Martin and his part in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla forced to stay in Turkey, Correspondent for Islands Business, Nic Maclellan reviews the Pacific Islands Forum in Tonga, Dr Helen McCue, co-coordinator of APHEDA Union Aid Abroad and why there isn’t a ceasefire in Gaza and the cost for the people of Gaza, Professor Richard Broinowki and the dangers posed to the two nuclear power plant complexes in Ukraine and Russia from the ongoing war, Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees and the worthy and the unworthy. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Democratic National Convention protests | Iraq reconstruction and US control | Devastation on Palestinian childrens' lives | Cutting funding to Israeli war machine | Israeli occupation of Golan Heights & killing of Druze Syrian children

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy, US political activist Andy Thayer speaking about his life’s work culminating in protests at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Former senior lecturer at Sydney University, Dr Tim Anderson, back from a visit to Iraq speaking about the reconstruction of Iraq after the US wars on the country and the fact that the US is still there and controlling much of the reconstruction to its benefit, Dr Sue Wareham, President of the Medical Association for the Prevention of War (MAPW) and the devastation of childrens’ lives in Palestine, Senior Lecturer at RMIT University Dr Binoy Kampmark and measures to cut the funding to the Israeli war machine, Activist for Syria Susan Dirgham and the occupation of the Golan Heights by Israel and the recent killings of Druze Syrian children. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts 
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Jewish activism for Palestine | Pacific Islands Forum 2024, Tonga | Push for deep sea mining off PNG coast | History of Venezuela, Pt. 3

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy, Honorary Associate Professor at UNSW Peter Slezak talks about his role as a Jew For Palestine and the attacks on him and fellow activists over many years, Correspondent for Islands Business, Nic Maclellan and the preparations for the Pacific Islands Forum in Tonga, Dr Helen Rosenbaum, Research Coordinator with the Deep Sea Mining Campaign detailing the new push for extraction in the sea off the coast of Papua New Guinea, Final part of research into the history of Venezuela by PhD Candidate Sasha Gillies Lekakis. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Decades of Palestine advocacy in Australia | West Bank: Women collective farmers, solar power | 24th Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Association | History of Venezuela, Pt. 2 | Upcoming Pacific Islands Forum: this month in Tonga

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Margaret Cassar’s decades of advocacy for Palestine working with Adelaide-based Australian Friends of Palestine Association. Women collective farmers in West Bank and support from Australians to install solar power. Speaking with Ken Davis, International Programs Manager with APHEDA Union Aid Abroad. The 24th Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Association and its role in world affairs with Richard Broinowki AO, former diplomat, manager of Radio Australia and adjunct professor at both Canberra and Sydney Universities. PhD Candidate Sasha Gillies Lekakis with Part 2 of his research project on the history of Venezuela. Part 3 and final next week. Part 1 of interview with correspondent with Islands Business, Nic Maclellan regarding the lead up to the Pacific Islands Forum in Tonga 26-30 August Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Right-wing thuggery, Zionist lobby & interim head of Bangladesh | Venezuela election 2024: A firsthand account from one of 1000 observers | Australian nun ejected from Philippines continues human rights advocacy from Melbourne | History of Venezuela Pt. 1

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees on right wing thuggery, analysis of the Zionist lobby and the man who was awarded the augural Sydney Peace Prize, now the interim head of Bangladesh,  Former senior lecturer at Sydney University Dr Tim Anderson, back from a week in Venezuela, where he was a member of a 1,000 strong election monitoring team. What he experienced and his assessment of the election results. Sister Pat Fox, forced out of the Philippines in 1998 for her work supporting peasants facing violence and dispossession, now continuing her work from her home in Melbourne. Part 1 of 3 part research project focusing of the country we now know as Venezuela, undertaken by PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Escalation? Assasination of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders & Palestinian plight | Pushing & pushing pack against GMO | Bougainville class action against Panguna mine & need for PNG inquiry into 1990s war, deaths | Colonisation & Resistance webinar Pt. 2

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Dr Tim Anderson, former senior lecturer at Sydney University, speaking about the fears that the Israeli assassinations of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders has pushed the Middle East to its most dangerous level for decades, while Palestinians continue to suffer Israeli occupation, genocide and famine. Executive Director of the GeneEthics Network Bob Phelps and the continuing push for a genetically modified world and the active resistance against it. Long time activist for Bougainville Vikki John and recent events affecting the people of Bougainville, including a lawsuit against Rio Tinto for the environmental and social impacts of the Panguna mine, and a push for a new inquiry into the deaths during the war on the people from PNG with the assistance of Australia from 1990 to 1996. Part 2 of webinar – Colonisation & Resistance: Palestine, Israel and the Struggle for Liberation with Sydney-based activist and campaigner with Palestine Justice Movement, Ahmed Alabada and Professor Khaled Al Hroub, Professor of Middle Eastern Studies at the northern university campus in Doha, Qatar. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Charges laid: Philippines teachers and others | Analysis of ICJ Advisory Opinion | US protests for Gaza & RIMPAC's effect in Hawai'i | Zionist Federation taking journalist to AHRC | GeneEthics class action

   His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Court decision in Philippines for those charged with assisting Lumad children blockaded by the government in Mindanao – human rights activist Peter Murphy Retired South Australian QC Paul Heywood-Smith analyzing the ICJ advisory opinion regarding the unlawful presence of Israel in the Palestinian occupied territories. Retired US Colonel, now anti war activist Ann Wright speaking about demonstrations in Washington and elsewhere in the US about genocide and the Impact of the RIMPAC war games in Hawaii. Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees and the impact of the Zionist Federation of Australia taking freelance journalist Mary Kostakidis to the Australian Human Rights Commission. Director of the GeneEthics Network Bob Phelps on the dismissal of the class action of 800 non Hodgkin lymphoma patients on round up use. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Support and Solidarity with Gaza: SA teacher's 2,000 km walk, Melbourne healthcare workers, and US anti-war activists | Colonisation & Resistance webinar Pt. 1

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy SA high school teacher Craig Nielsen recalls his 1,971km walk from Norseman, WA to Adelaide in SA raising funds for Palestine. Here in Melbourne, healthcare workers supporting fellow workers injured, killed and jailed in Gaza – Dr Margie Beavis from the Medical Association For The Prevention of War. In the US, anti war activist Kathy Kelly and the organization World BEYOND War putting pressure on governments to work to end siege and slaughter in Gaza..Part  I of webinar – Colonisation & Resistance: Palestine, Israel and the Struggle for Liberation with Ahmed Alabadla and Professor Khalad Al Hroub. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Actions in concern and support of Palestinian health workers | ALP treatment of Sen. Payman | On the persecution of Assange | International Tribunal: War crimes in the Phillippines | Cowardly ALP inaction on Palestine

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Dr Bianca Webb-Pullam from Health Care Workers For Palestine Victoria speaking about concerns about and action in support of Palestinian health workers, Nasser Mashni, President of Australia Palestine Advocacy Network and the treatment of Senator Fatima Payman by the ALP and the stand taken by the ALP since 7 October, RMIT University senior lecturer Binoy Kampmark and his opinion of the persecution of Julian Assange, Human rights activist Peter Murphy on his recent visit to Brussels to attend the International Tribunal to try the US, Duterte, the Marcos Jr for war crimes in the Philippines, Dr Helen McCue, co-coordinator of APHEDA Union Aid Abroad on what she sees as the cowardly ALP inaction on Palestine which will neither forgotten or forgiven. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Standing up for children in Palestine | Coalition's nuclear policy | Int'l League for Peoples Struggles | work to secure Assange's release | US and allies committing to another forever-war | Sydney Human Rights prize to Assange in 2011?

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Amin Abbas, co-founder of Olive Kids – Anti-Palestinian racism in Australia, words but no action from the ALP government on Palestine except to expect a Senator from the caucus for standing up for Palestine and the children of Palestine, Matters nuclear with the national nuclear campaigner with FOE Dr Jim Green in light of the policy announcement by the coalition, Visit to Penang, Malaysia for the Assembly of the International League For Peoples Struggles of human rights activist Peter Murphy, Activist and broadcaster Jacob Grech, and the work to secure the release of Julian Assange, Social commentator John Queripel talking about the US committed to another forever war and the allies waging their tails to follow, including Australia. Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees and the awarding of the Sydney Human Rights prize to Julian Assange in 2011 after our Prime Minister accused Julian of having no moral purpose and having committed criminal offences. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Israel lobby & building support for Palestine in US and AU | Second anniversary of Roe v Wade in US Supreme Court | Sasha Gillies-Lekakis nearing the end of his PhD journey | GeneEthics: food and what is now called food

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy, Michael Shaik from Free Palestine Melbourne speaking about Israel, Palestine, the Israel lobby in the US and Australia and build support for Palestine in both countries, Nancy Cato from the National Mobilization For Reproductive Justice in the U.S. on the second anniversary of the Supreme Court decision revoking Roe v Wade, Sasha Gillies-Lekakis nearing the end of his PHD journey, Executive Director of the GeneEthics Network Bob Phelps focusing on food and what is now called food. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Palestinian children, men and women in Israeli jails | Return of the Taliban and permaculture in Afghanistan | Exposing the truth in occupied Western Sahara | Tackling hopelessness as genocide in Gaza continues | Labor down-payments on our own destruction

 Dr Helen McCue, co-coordinator of APHEDA Union Aid Abroad talking about the treatment over decades of Palestinian children in Israeli jails in addition to men and women, Part 2 of interview with permaculture pioneer, educator and author Rowe Morrow about her work in many countries with refugees from war, The situation in occupied Western Sahara and the work of underground Equipe Media journalists to expose repression and human rights abuses with the co-founder of the organization Mohamed Mayara, Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees on the feelings of helplessness as the genocide in Gaza continues, Australian journalist, author and former public servant Dr Alison Broinowski AM pointing to down payments on our own destruction under the Labour government. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Protests for Palestine: Local on-the-ground activism | Critical situation in New Caledonia: Mainstream media, and the effect of events in Europe | Syria reportback and support for Palestine in the Middle East | Working with refugees of War

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy, Broadcaster, activist, campaigner Jacob Grech on the background work needed to put on the rallies every week at the State Library, the march and the completion in the city centre, as well as rallies outside factories, the dock area and university campuses, Nic Maclellan, Correspondent with Islands Business talking about the situation in New Caledonia now the mainstream media has lost interest. Also the impact of the ultra-right victory in European elections and the snap election announced for France, Dr Tim Anderson speaks about his time in Syria and the support for Palestine throughout the Middle East, Permaculture educator and author Rowe Morrow and her work with people made refugees in many countries by war. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Australian churches silent in condemnation of Israel | Student encampments and university administrators' reactions | Panguna mine in Bougainville: class action against Rio Tinto | Breaking our Addiction to Empire | History of Panama, Pt. 2

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Why aren’t the Australian churches voicing condemnation of Israel in Palestine – Bishop George Browning, former President of APAN, Senior Lecturer at RMIT University Dr Binoy Kampmark analyses the student encampments and the reaction of university administrators, Class action against Rio Tinto relating to the environmental and health impacts of the Panguna mine in Bougainville – human rights activist Vikki John, Part 1 of a speech by Professor Emeritus Joseph Camilleri titled Breaking Our Addiction to Empire, PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis with Part 2 of the history, present life and politics of Panama, situated between Central American and South America. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Can ICC and ICJ bring Israel to justice for its crimes? | Kanaky New Caledonia update | Role of Australian warships and helicopters in Yellow and South China Seas? | Persecution of former US pilot facing extradition, Dan Duggan | History of Panama, Pt. 1

 How the International Criminal Court and The International Court of Justice operate; can they bring Israel to justice for its crimes? Recently-retired Adelaide QC Paul Heywood-Smith, also an active member of Australian Friends of Palestine Association. Update on the situation in New Caledonia with correspondent – Islands Business journalist Nic Maclellan John Lander, former Australian Deputy Ambassador to China and Ambassador to Iran, questioning the role of Australian warships and helicopters in the Yellow & South China Seas. Freelance journalist and human rights activist Mary Kostakidis and the persecution of former US pilot Dan Duggan who is facing extradition to the US. PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis with Part 1 of the history and present of Panama, situated between Central American and South America. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Interview with Prof Qumsiyeh, Pt. 2 | Kanaky Independence, and repression by France | Learning and human rights in big-business Australian Universities? | Defining From the River To The Sea | Analysing jailing of David McBride, AU war crimes whistleblower

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy. Part 1 of an extended interview with Palestinian Scientist, Academic, and Writer Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, Journalist Nic Maclellan talking about the situation in New Caledonia as France employs troops and police to put down unrest over French attempts to prevent independence, Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees on the role of the large Australian universities today. Big business instead of learning and concerns for human rights, Retired Adelaide QC Paul Heywood-Smith, and the real meaning of From The River To The Sea, Social commentator John Queripel and the jailing of Australia war crimes whistleblower David McBride. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Full membership of Palestine at the UN? | Interview with Prof Qumsiyeh, Pt. 1 | Anti-GMO campaigning for food equity abroad | Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, influence of Taliban on Afghan youth & Genocide in Palestine | Recent protests in Kanaky

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy, What does the decision of Australia regarding full membership for Palestine in the UN mean? Dr Alison Broinowski AM, former Australian diplomat and member of Australians for War Powers Reform,  Part 1 of an extended interview with Palestinian Scientist, Academic, and Writer Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, Genetic engineering issues, and international work in environment and agricultural equity – Adam Breasley, Anti-GM campaigner, and documentary filmmaker, Taliban's influence on young people in Afghanistan, the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal, and the ongoing genocide in Palestine – US anti-war activist Kathy Kelly, Analysis of protests and recent events in Kanaky, aka New Caledonia – journalist Nic Maclellan. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Sacred Walk to Nevada + protesting a Kansas City nuclear weapons manufacturer | Report back on Congress on Neutrality – a strategy for Global Stabilization, in Bogotá | Solomon Islands election results | GeneEthics monthly report

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Antiwar activist Brian Terrell participated in Sacred Walk to Nevada where nuclear tests carried out on native American land and then to protests at a plant in Kansas City making parts for nuclear bombs Independent and Peaceful Australia Network (IPAN) member Bevan Ramsden reporting back on the event in Bogotá, Republic of Columbia: Congress on Neutrality – a strategy for Global Stabilization Journalist with Islands Business, Nic Maclellan with the results of the Solomon Islands elections and what they mean. Monthly report from the Executive Director of the GeneEthics Network Bob Phelps Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts  
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Student movements at US universities | Health issues in Gaza | Questions of Australian complicity in war crimes and genocide | AUKUS – hastily conceived and falling apart

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Peace activist Kathy Kelly talks about her time in Gaza and the student campus movement in the US. Podcast with Dr Sue Wareham, President of MAPW and Dr Helen McCue focusing on health issues in Gaza and more Senior Lecturer at RMIT University Dr Binoy Kampmark on possible Australian complicity in war crimes and genocide John Queripel and his article in the China Today – AUKUS – hastily conceived, ill thought-out and falling apart Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Intervention to stop genocides | Restoring ALP credibility | Women's peace activism | Life away from West Papua & situation for those who remain | The Auditor-General & Australian War Memorial: an analysis | Upcoming elections in Venezuela

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy. Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees talking about Intervention to stop Genocide – from investigating journalism to freedom flotillas Margaret Reynolds, former councilor and Federal Minister for Local Government talking about what needs to be done to restore the ALP to a credible political party and her peace activism with the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Ali Mirin from West Papua, now studying in South Australia, talking about life away from home and the situation for those who remain in West Papua The Auditor-General has slammed the upgrade of the Australian War Memorial. Dr David Stephens, editor of the Honest History website explains why. Activist, journalist and author Fred Fuentes looking at the political situation in Venezuela as elections expected in July Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Pine Gap and Gaza Webinar | Report on Gaza and the West Bank | Beloved Syria: an EAL teacher's story, Pt. 2

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy. Edited webinar: Pine Gap and Gaza – Blood on our land, blood on our hands. Featuring Professor Richard Tanter, Dr Amy McQuire, Felicity Hayes, Barbara Flick, Nasher Mashni and Peter Cronau. Report on Gaza and the West Bank from Ken Davis, International Programs Manager at APHEDA–Union Aid Abroad. Part 2 of interview with former ESL teacher in Syria, Susan Dirgham, speaking about her visits to Syria and the history of the outside involvement in the recent and ongoing conflict in that country. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts 
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Role of Pine Gap in supporting Israel | OIive Kids: from Australia to Palestine | Beloved Syria: an EAL teacher's story, Pt. 1 | Gaza Genocide in US courts | Human Rights in the Philippines: Exposing Marcos Jr regime's lies

 Professor Richard Tanter discussing Pine Gap’s role in supporting Israel’s alleged genocide in Gaza, Co-founder of Olive Kids, Amin Abbas talks about the role the Australian charity has played over many years supporting the children of Gaza, and the present situation in Gaza and the West Bank, Former ESL teacher in Syria, Susan Dirgham, with her story about the people and the culture of Syria, Part 1, RMIT senior lecturer Dr Binoy Kampmark and efforts in the courts in the US to prove its complicity in acts of alleged genocide in Gaza, and failure to prevent them, Human rights activist Peter Murphy exposing the lies that the Marcos Jr regime has improved the human rights situation in the Philippines. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts 
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Genocide in Gaza | West Papua update | History of the Dominican Republic, Pt. 2 | Nuclear legacies in the Pacific: Oppenheimer and Godzilla

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy, Genocide in Gaza – Nasser Mashni, President of the Australian Palestine Advocacy Network Current situation in West Papua – activist Ronny Kareni, Expert Advisor and Honorary Fellow at the University of Wollongong West Papua Project Part 2 of the history of Dominican Republic – PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis Review of Oppenheimer and Godzilla: Legacies of nuclear testing in the Pacific – journalist Nic Maclellan  Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Genocide in Palestine & the end for Zionist Israel | History of the Dominican Republic, Pt. 1 | Deep Sea Mining Campaign new member | Appeal for medical supplies, Sri Lanka

  Tuesday Hometime 26 March 2024: His Week That Was – Kevin Healy, Genocide in Palestine. This signals the end for Zionist Israel – Dr Tim Anderson Part 1 of the history of the Dominican Republic – PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis New member of the Deep Sea Mining Campaign, James Hita Appeal for medical supplies for north Sri Lanka – Dr Sathi Seevanayagam from Australian Medical Aid Foundation Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Gaza’s agony: the hinge point in the loss of Western dominance | 70th Anniversary of Pacific Island bomb tests by Britain, France, and US | Pro-Israel lobby's media influence | GeneEthics report, Pt. 2

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy, Former ambassador and retired academic Tony Kevin speaking about his article in Pearls & Irritations, entitled Gaza’s agony: the hinge point in the loss of Western dominance, The 70th anniversary of the bomb test on Bikini Atoll in the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the many others in the Pacific by Britain, France and the U.S. journalist Nic Maclellan, Freelance journalist and human rights activist Mary Kostakidis and the influence of the pro-Israel lobby in the media, etc, Part 2 of the GeneEthics report with Bob Phelps, Executive Director. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Why Marcos Jr. should not have been invited to Australia | Tribute to Prof. Johan Galtung | Consequences of secretive ADF deployments in Middle East | Looking back at 1992 peace walk in Israel, and preparing for the 60k Nevada peace walk

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Sister Patricia Fox on why Ferdinand Marcos Jr. shouldn’t have been invited to Australia Tribute to Norwegian Professor Johan Galtung by Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees Former diplomat, public servant, author (and much more) Richard Broinowski AO on the consequences of the secretive ADF deployments in the Middle East US anti-war activist Brian Terrell talks about his arrest and jailing in Israel in 1992 for participating in a peace march and his preparations for the 60k Nevada peace walk Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts 
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Free Palestine Melbourne | MiningWatch Canada + destruction by the Cobre Mine in Panama | Marxism and music: Pulling a 'Swiftie' | Current situation in Cuba, Pt. 2 | Links between Julian Assange and Palestine

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Palestinian Australian Muayad Ali and his family’s journey to Australia and the work of Free Palestine Melbourne The destruction of peoples’ lives and their environment by the Cobre Mine in Panama, with Viviana Herrera from MiningWatch Canada Marxist historian Humphrey McQueen and “pulling a swiftie” Part 2 of the situation in Cuba today with PHD Candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis Social commentator, theologian and author John Queripel on the links between Julian Assange and Palestine Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Olive Kids: helping Palestinian children under current bombardment | Cuba since COVID & worsening effects of US embargo | TV series 'Nemesis', Vic Govt secret Memorandum of Understanding & Julian Assange | Betrayal of Australia by Federal Government

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Australian charity for Palestinian children, Olive Kids, trying to assess the consequences of Israeli bombing of Gaza and where to next – Amin Abbas, founding member. PHD Candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis looking at the situation in Cuba in the aftermath of COVID19 and increasing blockade by the US. Senior lecturer at RMIT University Dr Binoy Kampmark reviewing the ABC series Nemesis, Victorian Government’s secret Memorandum Of Understanding with the Israeli military and the plight of Julian Assange Retired Australian diplomat John Lander on how the people of Australia are being betrayed by their government Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Widening of war in the Middle East | UN Special Rapporteur's visit to the Philippines | Increasing censorship for Zionist Israel | The Pacific: support for Palestine, supporting victims of nuclear testing & the West's obsession with security

  Dr Tim Anderson discussing what he predicted – the widening of the war in the Middle East, Visit to the Philippines by UN Special Rappator Dr Irene Khan, an analysis by human rights activist Peter Murphy, Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees on the increasing censorship regarding Zionist Israel, Journalist Nic Maclellan and the support in the Pacific for Palestine, voting to support victims of nuclear testing and obsession with security in the Pacific by western powers. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Interview with Jerusalem Peace Prize 2023-24 recipient | Current situation in Palestine and Union Aid Abroad - APHEDA | Devastating story of two mines in PNG and Bougainville | Story of prizewinning Bougainville artist Taloi Havini

  Interview with recipient of Jerusalem (Al Quds) Peace Prize Dr Helen McCue,  Ken Davis from APHEDA - Union Aid Abroad talking about the aid organization in Palestine and the current situation, Story of two mines which have devastated peoples’ lives and environment: Porgera in PNG with Catherine Coumans from MiningWatch Canada, Panguna in Bougainville with activist Vikki John - who also talks about an amazing Bougainville artist Taloi Havini and her winning a major arts prize in the UK.
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Tribute to late activist, artist, and politician Joan Coxsedge | International Court of Justice: Ruling, reactions, and possible consequences of the case against Israel | Anti-war activism in the early 2000s, Pt. 2

  1-hour tribute to activist, artist and former politician Joan Coxsedge, who died earlier this month, The ruling, the reactions and the possible consequences of the ICJ case brought by South Africa against Israel – Paul Heywood-Smith, retired Adelaide QC Why, how and the aftermath of 2 men painting NO WAR on the Sydney Opera House in 2003, with one of said activists – David Burgess.
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Tribute to John Pilger | Middle East Analysis | Anti-war activism in the early 2000s, Pt. 1 | International Court of Justice application against Israel's attempted genocide in Gaza | Latin America political update

  Tribute to journalist, author and film maker John Pilger from his friend Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees, Analysis of the situation in the Middle East with Dr Tim Anderson, Part 1 of an interview with activist David Burgess who together with his friend Will Sanders painted NO WAR in the Opera House sail in 2003, QC Paul Heywood-Smith looking at the application before the ICJ regarding Israeli attempted genocide in Gaza Journalist and author Fred Fuentes and political events in Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador and Brazil
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Medical concerns for Palestinians | Update on the Middle East | Australia's complicity in Israel's attempted genocide of Palestinians | GeneEthics Network News | Reflections on 2023 world affairs

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy  Dr Sue Wareham, President of the Medical Association For the Prevention Of War, with medical concerns for Palestinians during unprecedented destruction of healthcare services, Dr Tim Anderson with an update on his most recent trip to the Middle East: Occupied Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and more, Jacob Grech on Australia's complicity in Israel's attemped genocide, specifically intelligence and arms manufacturing, A 2023 recap on one of the busiest years for GeneEthics Network – Executive Director Bob Phelps,  A reflection on changes in world affairs throughout the year – John Queripel, theologian, social commentator, and published author living in Newcastle. Head to for full access to links and previous podcast
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Presentations from the 2023 Edward Said Memorial Lecture | Wrap-up of global military issues: AUKUS, Gaza & Ukraine | Update on release of radioactive water from Fukushima

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy 2023 Edward Said Memorial Lecture, featuring: UN Human Rights Rapporteur for the Palestinian Occupied Territories, Francesca Albanese Melissa Parke, Human Rights Lawyer and activist Chris Sidoti,  International Human Rights Lawyer Wrap-up with academic and writer Dr Binoy Kampmark from RMIT University. Update on the release of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan – Associate Professor Tilman Ruff Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Repression in West Bank while focus on Gaza | Francesca Albanese at Edward Said Memorial Lecture | Palestine rally speech | Exposing US weapons manufacturers' links with US Government | GM bananas | Philippines human rights abuses

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Killings and dispossession in the West Bank while the attention focuses on Gaza – Michael Shaik from Free Palestine Melbourne Recently retired QC Paul Heywood-Smith talking about the bringing to Australia of Francesca Albanese for the Edward Said Memorial Lecture and how the UN General Assembly could act to stop Israel, despite the Security Council veto Feminist and author Clementine Ford speaking at a Melbourne rally for Palestine The Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal exposing the four main US weapons manufacturers working hand in hand with the US government – speaking with one of the organizers Brad Wolf Do we want genetically engineered bananas? Bob Phelps, Executive Director of GeneEthics Network Network Exposing human rights abuses in the Philippines – Peter Murphy Chair of the International Coalition for Human Rights in the PhilippinesHead to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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The inspiring life of Olfat Mahmoud in context with Palestinian history | Reporting back on the Tongan health system | How the ABC speaks with and about Palestinians | Plans for more GMOs in our food

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Helen McCue, co-founder of Union Aid Abroad remembers the inspiring life of her Palestinian friend Dr Olfat Mahmoud who died in Beirut in September, linking what happened to Palestinians in 1948, in 1982 in Lebanon and now in Gaza and the West Bank. PHD Candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis returns from his visit to the Kingdom of Tonga speaking with doctors who studied in Cuba with scholarships, about their treatment on returning and the problems with the Tongan health system Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees vents his anger, shared by many, at the bias of some ABC journalists when speaking with and about Palestinians. Executive Director of GeneEthics Network Network, Bob Phelps with more plans to increase genetically engineered organisms into our food Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Elbit forced out of RMIT | Australian Mass Media-Jewish Press alliance | Chinese and Australia Universities | Targeting of Gaza medical facilities | Condemning our government: still no calls for ceasefire!

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Israeli arms manufacturer forced out of RMIT university – Senior lecturer at the university Dr Binoy Kampmark & BDS activist Michael Shaik Associate Professor Jake Lynch from Sydney University and the unholy alliance between Australia mass media and the Australian Jewish press Professor Jocelyn Chey talking about her recent visit to China and links with Chinese and Australian universities Dr Sue Wareham, President of the Medical Association For the Prevention Of War, and the targeting of medical facilities in Gaza and the failing of the Australian government to speak out for a ceasefire Bevan Ramsden from the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network also condemning the Australian government for its inaction on a ceasefire resolutionHead to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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War on Palestine special episode

 This special episode of Tuesday Hometime features a series of interviews focusing on the War Against Palestine, with Writer and activist Kevin Healy Recently retired Adelaide QC Paul Heywood-SmithFormer academic and writer Dr Tim Anderson Founder of Olive Kids - supporters of orphanage in Gaza, Amin Abbas, and elections in Ecuador and Argentina with journalist and writer Fred Fuentes Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Nakba Exhibition | Timor Leste report: 26 Years of independence | Cluster Bombs and Australia | 2,700 km walk for Palestine

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Free Palestine Melbourne and Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network's Nakba Exhibition at St Paul's Cathedral – artist Nell Potter Timor Leste: 26 Years since independence & report on recent trip – activist and journalist Coral Wynter Cluster bombs & Australia: Are we upholding the Convention on Cluster Munitions?  – Richard Broinowski AO (writer former diplomat, former general manager of Radio Australia, adjunct professor at both Sydney and Canberra universities) Walk from Perth to Adelaide to raise awareness for Palestinian justice, self-determination and human rights –  Craig Nielsen Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Threat to democracy: The case for sacking Tange and Pezzullo | The constitution and how to change it without really trying | Closer ties between Australia and The Philippines in preparing for war with China | GeneEthics Network and genetic engineering

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees and author and journalist Brian Toohey talk about two men - who in their time make a mockery of our so called democracy. Mike Pezzulo in 2023 and Sir Arthur Tange in the 1970’s. Marxist historian and author Humphrey McQueen on the constitution and how to change it without really trying Activist and journalist Peter Murphy warning about the closer and closer ties between the Philippines and Australia in preparing for war against China Bob Phelps, Executive Director of the GeneEthics Network, and why be should be concerned about genetic engineering.Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Destruction of Libya by US and NATO | Recent visit to Zimbabwe | Events in the Pacific this month | Australia's involvement in Chile's coup 50 years ago

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Activist and author Dr Tim Anderson and the destruction of Libya by the US and NATO Peter Murphy, a member of the Zimbabwe Information Centre, speaking about his recent visit there Journalist Nic Maclellan reviews events in the Pacific in the past month Academic and writer Dr Binoy Kampmark talking about the role of Australia in the coup in Chile 50 years agoHead to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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BRICS summit | IPAN: mobilising against war with China | Protesting against US nukes in Europe | Recent visit to the Philippines

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy 15th summit of BRICS, where to from here – John Queripel, theologian, social commentator, and published author living in Newcastle Independent Peaceful Australia Network urging mobilization against plans for war against China – Bevan Ramsden (IPAN) US anti-war activist Brian Terrell recounting his activities with other European and US activists protesting at the stationing of US nuclear bombs in European countries Philippines Australia Solidarity Association co-chair May Kotsakis speaking about her recent visit to her home country the PhilippinesHead to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Whistleblowers and the laws that protect them | Kids making weapons - those nuclear subs | History of Guatemala, Pt. 1 | 78th Anniversary concert in Hiroshima

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Whistleblowers – why do people blow the whistle, what laws are there to protect them? – Dr Binoy Kampmark, lecturer at RMIT University Kids making weapons. That’s the reality of the Nuclear Powered Submarine Propulsion Challenge for high school students. Teachers are fighting back, explains Benalla primary school teacher Hamish McPherson Part 2 of the history of the largest country in Central America – Guatemala with PHD candidate and broadcaster Sasha Gillies-Lekakis John Queripel back from Hiroshima where he performed at a concert commemorating the 78th anniversary of the bombing of that cityHead to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Upcoming forum on Israeli military-industrial complex | History of Guatemala, Pt. 1 | Monthly GeneEthics Report, Pt. 2 | ALP National Conference

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy The September 5 forum looking at the Israeli military–industrial complex and its exports to 130 countries – two of the participants: Antony Loewenstein author of the Palestine Laboratory, and Sara Saleh author of Songs for the Dead and the Living PHD candidate and journalist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis with part one of the history of Central American country Guatemala Part two of the monthly GeneEthics Report – Executive Director Bob Phelps Analysis of the ALP National Conference – Dr Alison BroinowskiHead to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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July Coup in Sahel, Niger | War in Ukraine | Macron's focus on the Pacific | Looming IVF case at Monash University

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Activist and broadcaster Jacob Grech looking at coup in the Sahel region, the latest in July in Niger. Former academic and foreign affairs advisor Tony Kevin follows on this theme and also the war in Ukraine Why French President Macron is focusing on the Pacific Nations. His third visit as President – correspondent for Islands Business, Nic Maclellan. Court case looming regarding 700 women against Monash IVF and more – Bob Phelps, Executive Director of the GeneEthics NetworkHead to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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The Week That Was: 40th Anniversary | Visit to Palestine and APAN study tour | Children manipulated into military careers, Leave Those Kids Alone! | Updates on Bougainville

  His Week That Was: 40th anniversary segment – Kevin Healy Visit to Palestine with Australia Palestine Advicacy Network study tour – Dr Colin Sheppard Academic and writer Dr Binoy Kampmark on how children are being manipulated unto choosing a career in the military Erupting volcano on Bougainville, back down by PNG on their MP voting on Bougainville independence, and more – activist Vikki John Richard Llewellyn, former Registrar at the Australian War Memorial with more on Leave Those Kids Alone.Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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War crimes and bravery: Meeting Daniel Ellsberg in 1977 | Those nuclear subs for Australia... Maybe? | First-hand account of the Zionist ethnic cleansing in Palestine, Pt. 2 | Secret US Bases in Australia

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Val Noone and his meeting with Daniel Ellsberg in 1977 Columnist and author Brian Toohey and those nuclear powered submarines. For Australia. Maybe. Part two of a two-part interview with Palestinian writer and political analysist Jafar M. Ramini. The secret US bases in Australia – Academic, researcher, military analyst and peace activist, Professor Richard Tanter.
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First-hand account of the Zionist ethnic cleansing in Palestine, Pt. 1 | History of Native Mounted 'Police' | A comparison of British and Norwegian societies | Plans blocked for nuclear waste dump in SA: An analysis

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Part one of a two-part interview with Palestinian writer and political analysist Jafar M. Ramini, beginning with 1948 when he was a five year old and the Hagenah militia stormed his family home in Jenin. The Native Mounted Police in Australia. Called police but in reality extermination squads employed as extermination squads by colonial and later Australian governments – military historian Professor Peter Stanley Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees talking about the stark differences between the two societies he visited: Britain and Norway. Analysis of the decision to disallow the proposed nuclear waste dump on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia – Dr Margie Beavis, Vice President of the Medical Association for Prevention Of War Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Research trip to the Solomon Islands | Ballarat to Marrickville: A Tamil refugee's walk for justice | Zimbabwe Information Centre's anti-sanctions campaign, Australia | Our changing world: the Middle East, the rise of the BRICS and the fall of the dollar

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy PhD candidate and journalist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis speaking about his research trip to the Solomon Islands Tamil refugee activist and SES volunteer Neil Para leaving Ballarat on 1 August to walk to Marrickville in Sydney to advocate for those refugees without citizenship and unable to live meaningful lives with the fear of being deported. Link to petition here. An anti-sanctions campaign led by the Zimbabwe Information Centre in Sydney to pressure the Australian government to drop the “smart sanctions” imposed on Zimbabwe in 2002 – President, Dr Meredith Burgmann Political economist Dr Tim Anderson looking at the changing world in relation to the Middle East, the rise of the BRICS countries and the fall in the dollar Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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The answer to one of Palestine's secrets | Cluster bombs and Australia's complicity | To tackle climate change, we need peace – and also an accountable Defence Department | Bougainville: PNG stifling rightful independence | Recent recipient of OAM

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy The answer to one of Palestine’s secrets revealed at the Lakemba Ramadan night market – Australian-Palestinian activist Amin Abbas Cluster bombs for Ukraine. Australia has signed the treaty banning them, why aren’t we protesting against their use? – Richard Broinowski AO (former diplomat, former general manager of Radio Australia, adjunct professor at both Sydney and Canberra universities) For climate change we need peace and an accountable defence department, argues Dr Sue Wareham, President of the Medical Association For the Prevention Of War (MAPW) PNG shifting the goal posts as Bougainville seeks its rightful independence – activist supporting the people of Bougainville for 30 years Vikki John Dr Margie Beavis (of ICAN and MAPW) and why she is the recipient of an OAM at a recent event.  Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts 
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Kathleen Folbigg pardoning: Why, and how many other Australians wrongfully convicted? | 1.3M tonnes of radioactive water in the Pacific | First year of Ferdinand Marcos Jr Presidency in the Philippines | Jenin once again the target of Israeli regime

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy The pardoning and release of Kathleen Folbigg after 20 years in Jail - Why did it happen and how many Australians have been wrongfully convicted? Academic and writer Dr Binoy Kampmark The imminent release of 1.3 million tonnes of radioactive contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean – Associate Professor Tilman Ruff What the first year of the Presidency of Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has meant for the people of the Philippines – Human rights activist Peter Murphy Jenin: once again the target of the apartheid Israeli regime – Palestinian activist Amin Abbas Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Life's work of Richard Tanter | Intelligence, A.I. & Can machines think? | GeneEthics: Synthetic human embryos, GM baby food & more | Pacific Nations demand action on climate change

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Life’s work of academic, researcher, military analyst and peace activist, Professor Richard Tanter. Intelligence, artificial intelligence and whether machines can think... questions for Marxist historian and author Humphrey McQueen The push for synthetic human embryos, genetically modified baby food, and much more – Bob Phelps, Executive Director of the GeneEthics Network Climate change: Pacific Nations have had enough, time for action – award winning journalist and researcher Nic MacLellan Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Oakhill Food Justice Farm appeal | Shifting tides to support Palestinian rights | Human rights and Shirtfronting Australia | Report from Lebanon | Latest on fight to free Assange | Rock for Refugee Rights!

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Appeal to save the Oakhill Food Justice Farm in Preston – Dr Nick Rose, Executive Director of SUSTAIN Small but significant: Shifting tides to support Palestinian rights, in Australia and overseas – Jessica Morrison, Executive Officer of Australia Palestine Advocacy Network Human rights and Shirtfronting Australia – Dr Alison Broinowski AM, author, academic, President of Australians for War Powers Reform, and former Australian foreign diplomat Dr Tim Anderson reports back on a recent trip to Lebanon Jacob Grech with the latest on the fight to free Julian Assange Upcoming Refugee Action Collective gig, Rock for Refugee Rights! – Tom Fiebig  7:30pm, Sat 24 June, 2023 HOWLER, MELBOURNE - Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts 
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Radiothon Special: Peace conference in Vienna | Malaysia, 1MDB & murder of translator | Refugees & Asylum Seekers, and RAC Music Event | 100 years of Henry Kissinger

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Anti-war activist and coordinator of Ban Killer Drones activist Nick Mottern at peace conference in Vienna, Malaysia and 1MDB and murder of translator – Malaysian-Australian environmental consultant and activist Lee Tan Music event for Refugee Action Collective and how refugees and asylum seekers are surviving in Australia  – Tim Fiebig The impact around the world of the 100 years of Henry Kissinger – Academic and writer Dr Binoy Kampmark Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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1948 Palestine | Mainstream media and preparing for war | Former US colonel calling for end to Ukraine War | GeneEthics update | Pearls and Irritations online journal

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy 1948 Palestine: with the grandson of one of those forced from their homes – Ammar Abu Shamlet The mainstream media and preparing for war – Dr Sue Wareham, President of the Medical Association For the Prevention Of War (MAPW) Former US colonel Ann Wright among experts calling for an end to the Ukraine war GeneEthics update with Bob Phelps Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees on why the online journal Pearls and Irritations should be read by us all Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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History of Paraguay Pt. 1 | Campaign against OceanaGold human rights abuses and environmental destruction | Nakba Rally 2023 Speeches

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Part 1 of the history of Paraguay in central South America – PhD candidate and journalist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis International campaign to take action against Brisbane based mining multi national OceanaGold over human rights abuses and environmental destruction. – Catherine Coumans, MiningWatch Canada Speakers at 2 Nakba rallies in Melbourne on 15 May Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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What is Honest History? | Release of the the Australian declassified 2023 Defence Strategic Review | A future without a monarchy | History of Ecuador, Pt. 1

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy What is honest history? We find out from David Stephens, editor of the website Honest History The Australian government releases the declassified 2023 Defence Strategic Review. Is it Australian and is it defensive? – Dr Sue Wareham, President of the Medical Association For the Prevention Of War (MAPW) The Queen is dead, long live the King. Or should we have a socialist’s republic? Marxist historian and author Humphrey McQueen believes we should. Part 1 of the history of Ecuador in South America. The country that stood up to the US and UK and supported Julian Assange – PhD candidate and journalist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Tokyo C7 conference, ongoing devastation of Fukushima & concerns about radioactive water in the Pacific | May Day in the Philippines | A history of Russia and Ukraine and the current war

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Natalie Lowrey from the Deep Sea Mining Campaign talking about the meeting in Tokyo with Pacific Islands’ representatives to express their concerns. Natalie also travelled to the area surrounding Fukushima to experience the ongoing devastation and concerns about releasing radioactive water into the Pacific. May Day in the Philippines – human rights activist Peter Murphy A history of Russia and Ukraine and the current war – former Australian diplomat Tony Kevin  Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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How propaganda works | Tribute to the late Bruce Haigh | 75 years since the Nakba | History of Ecuador, Pt. 2

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy How propaganda works – Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees and social commentator and author John Queripel Dr Alison Broinowski with a tribute to her friend Bruce Haigh who died in April As Nakba commemoration approaches we hear from two Palestinian women Noura Mansour who lives in Melbourne and Dan Shaer from the West Bank studying at the University of Melbourne Part 1 of the history of Ecuador in South America – PhD candidate and journalist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Food, glorious food | What's happenning in the Pacific | US prepares for war with Australia a willing participant | Peace for the people of Yemen?

  His Week That Was – Mr Kevin Healy Food, food, glorious food – Savannah Supski, founding member and treasurer of the Just Food Collective What’s happening in the Pacific – award winning journalist and researcher Nic MacLellan US preparing for war and Australia a willing participant – Dr Alison Broinowski, author, academic, President of Australians for War Powers Reform, and former Australian foreign diplomat Will there be peace for the people of Yemen and more – Dr Tim Anderson  Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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US feeling threatened in Middle East | Freedom of Information: ALP and Israel | GeneEthics Monthly Report Pt. 2 | Those Submarines | Confronting TERFs

 His Week That Was – Mr Kevin Healy US feeling threatened re its control of the Middle East – Dr Tim Anderson Using Freedom of Information to find out why the ALP government is denying Israel is an apartheid state – Paul Heywood-Smith QC Part two of the GeneEthics Network monthly review – Bob Phelps, Executive Director Richard Broinowski AO and those submarines Confronting the TERF’s – Debbie Brennan from Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women  Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Anti-war activism in the US | GeneEthics Monthly Report | News from the Philippines

  Two US anti war activists talking about various aspects of that long activism – Anthony Donovan from NYC, and Brian Terrell from Iowa Bob Phelps, Executive Director of the GeneEthics Network with latest developments. Human rights activist Peter Murphy monitoring human rights in the Philippines. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Free Palestine Film: Rachel | Culture and sadness of a Palestinian refugee | Red Alert | Pt. 2: Sri Lanka update | Pt. 2: Profile of El Salvador

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Filming of Rachel and the IHRA – Michael Shaik from Free Palestine Melbourne & Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) Omar Taber – young Palestinian talking about his culture and sadness being a refugee from his homeland Red Alert – Professor Jocelyn Chey Part 2: Situation in Sri Lanka today 5 months after the ousting of the former President – Lionel Bopage former leader of liberation movement in the 1970’s and 1980’s. Part 2: Country profile for March is the smallest country in Central America: El Salvador – PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-LekakisHead to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Are we preparing for war with China? | 75 years of Tamil oppression in Sri Lanka | Profile of El Salvador | Sri Lanka update, 5 months after ousting former President

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Are we preparing for war with China? – Professor Richard Tanter from the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, and activist and 3CR broadcaster Jacob Grech Barathan Vidyapathy, Tamil filmmaker and member of the Tamil Refugee Council speaking about the 75 years of oppression of Tamils in Sri Lanka, Country profile for March is the smallest country in Central America: El Salvador – PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis Situation in Sri Lanka today 5 months after the ousting of the former President – Lionel Bopage former leader of liberation movement in the 1970’s and 1980’s.Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Issues affecting Pacific nations | War Powers Reform: Nord pipelines sabotage, Iraq war anniversary & AUKUS | The tragedy of Palestine | Greening the Desert in SA

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Issues affecting Pacific nations – Journalist and researcher Nic MacLellan Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has exposed many criminal and human rights abuses, the latest being the sabotage of the Nord pipelines. Why haven’t we heard about this? Also, 20 year anniversary of the illegal Iraq War, what’s happening with AUKUS and the War Powers Reform debate – Speaking with Dr Alison Broinowski, author, academic, President of Australians for War Powers Reform, and former Australian foreign diplomat The tragedy of Palestine: the west watches and does nothing – Professor Emeritus Stuart ReesOne year since the devastating floods in northern NSW. Permaculturalist Wayne Wadsworth left soon after for a new challenge: Greening The Desert at Iron Knob in SA.
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Industrial poisonous food industry | Defining antisemitism in universities | For richer not better: arms manufacturers' money in the Australian War Memorial

  His Week That Was – Mr Kevin Healy The industrial poisonous food industry – Marxist historian and author, Humphrey McQueen The pressure to introduce the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-semitism into Australian universities – Dr Nick Riemer, senior lecturer and Fahad Ali lecturer and tutor both at Sydney University. Richer not better – the money coming into the coffers of the Australian War Memorial from arms manufactures. How and why? – former registrar Richard Llewellyn.Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Tribute to Shirley Shackleton | Missing radioactive capsule between northern WA and Perth | Coup in Peru | Western wars and western war crimes

  Tribute to Shirley Shackelton – following the death of her husband Greg and five other Australian journalists at the hands of the Indonesian military in 1975, she devoted her life to bringing both those who carried out the murders and those who ordered them to justice. You will hear two of many interviews with Shirley, these are from the early 1990’s. The missing radioactive capsule on the road between northern Western Australia and Perth. How the needle in the haystack so to speak was found – Dr Margie Beavis, member of MAPW and ICAN.The coup in Peru. Why it happened, who was behind it and prospects for justice for those who have died and continue to die at the hands of the coup administration. Also western wars and western war crimes. Slim or nil chances of bringing western leaders before war crimes tribunals. These two issues – writer, author, theologian and social commentator John Queripel Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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History of work with Palestine | Impacts of recent earthquake on Syria | Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal | GeneEthics monthly report | 20th Anniversary of 2nd Gulf War

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Dr Kevin Bray talking about his working life and commitment to working for Palestine Dr Tim Anderson and the impact of the recent earthquake on the people of Syria Actions on February 14 related to the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal – US peace activist & President of World BEYOND War, Kathy Kelly Bob Phelps, Executive Director of GeneEthics Network with his monthly report. The 20th anniversary of the 2nd Gulf War and war powers challenges – Dr Alison Broinowski, author, academic, President of Australians for War Powers Reform, and former Australian foreign diplomatHead to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Medicare, Medibank and beyond | News from the Philippines | Palestine Solidarity Conference | Disturbing news from West Papua

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Looking at Medicare, Medibank and beyond for wellness – Marxist historian and author Humphrey McQueen Good news and some bad news from the Philippines – Human rights activist Peter Murphy Two attendees at the Palestine Solidarity Conference – Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees and retired QC Paul Heywood-Smith Disturbing news from West Papua – Journalist and researcher Nic MacLellan Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts 
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Rally in Washington to close Guantanamo Bay | Problems with nuclear subs in Australia | Malaysia expansion of Lynas Rare Earths, radioactive polluter | Fiji new PM and other effects on the peoples of the Pacific | two months PhD research in Cuba, Part 2

 Rally in Washington on January 11 to close Guantanamo Bay concentration camp – Herb Geraghty, organiser of the Witness Against Torture Increasing issues concerning nuclear subs for Australia – Dr Alison Broinowski, author, academic, President of Australians for War Powers Reform, and former Australian foreign diplomat  Moves to expand Lynas plant in Malaysia which produces radio active materials – Malaysian/Australian environmental consultant and activist Lee Tan New Prime Minister in Fiji and other areas affecting the peoples of the Pacific – journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan Part 2 of interview with PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis and his two months of research in Cuba Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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Barrick Gold & Tanzanian mine human rights abuses | coup in Peru | plans to dump Fukushima waste in Pacific | two months PhD research in Cuba, Part 1.

 Barrick Gold and human rights abuses in Tanzanian mine – Catherine Coumans, MiningWatch Canada Coup in Peru – Activist and journalist Ben Radford Plans to release radioactive water from Fukushima into Pacific Ocean – Associate Professor Tilman Ruff Part 1 of interview with Sasha Gillies-Lekakis about his two months into Cuba researching for his PHD Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts
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World affairs as US loses its domination | Australian War Memorial, Frontier Wars, and preparation for war with China | all things genetic engineering | looking back: 2022 in the Philippines

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Wrap up of the year with: World affairs as the United States losses its domination – Dr Tim Anderson The Australian War Memorial and the Australian Frontier Wars and preparation for war with China – Dr Sue Wareham, President of the Medical Association For the Prevention Of War (MAPW) All things genetic engineering in our world – Bob Phelps, Co-founder and Executive Director of the GeneEthics Network Peter Murphy, chair of the International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines, looking back on the year in that country Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts.
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Seeking peace in the face of US warmongering | People working together to improve lives and environment, Bass Coast | Prospects for Assange, US proxy war in Ukraine, and possible changes to Australian War Powers | Punishing of Gaza by Egypt

  The situation for those seeking peace in face of the US’s ongoing wars and threats of war – US peace activist & President of World BEYOND War, Kathy Kelly Long time Wonthaggi-based activist Jessica Harrison about the challenges and success of people working together to improve lives and the environment. Prospects of Julian Assange’s ordeal ending, US proxy war in Ukraine and possible changes to  Australian War Powers, taking away the decision from the Prime Minister and the Executive – Dr Alison Broinowski, author, academic, President of Australians for War Powers Reform, and former Australian foreign diplomat The punishing of Gaza by Egypt – Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts.
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Moves to prevent possible disaster in our oceans | Edward Said Memorial Lecture Q&A | Malaysian election results and predictions

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy An update on moves to prevent this possible disaster happening in our oceans — Dr Helen Rosenbaum, Campaign Coordinator of the Deep Sea Mining Campaign Q&A for Dr Yara Hawari at the conclusion of the Edward Said Memorial Lecture Malaysian election results and predictions — Socialist Alliance activist Peter Boyle, and Malaysian/Australian environmental activist Lee Tan Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts.
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Palestine National Day | B-52's and US preparing for war with China | GeneEthics | UN torture convention: Australia's obligations | Ethiopia crisis and Palestine

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Palestine National Day – Palestinian activist Amin Abbas B-52’s and US preparing for war with China – Richard Tanter, Chair of the Australian chapter of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons (ICAN) GeneEthics with Bob Phelps, Executive Director Australia’s obligations under UN torture convention: a lot to be desired – Dr Binoy Kampmark Ethiopia crisis and Palestine – Bishop George Browning, President of Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts.
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Australian Government's policy on Hamas as a terrorist organisation, Urban Gardening Month, history of Bougainville & Brazilian election results.

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Why the Australian Government should reverse the policy of naming Hamas as a terrorist organisation – Paul Heywood-Smith, founding Chairperson of the Australian Friends of Palestine Association An outline of urban gardening as we celebrate Urban Gardening Month – Dr Nick Rose, Executive Director of SUSTAIN A history of Bougainville up to the present day – Journalist Jim Beaton Analysing the results of the Brazil elections – journalist and writer Fred Fuentes Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts.
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Palestinian killings by Israel continue on the West Bank, catastrophic prospects for proposed mine in eastern PNG, Marcos Jr's first 100 days governing the Philippines, & anti-war and anti-drone activism

  His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Continuing of killings of Palestinian children and adults in the West Bank by Israel – Jessica Morrison, Executive Officer of Australia Palestine Advocacy Network Proposed mine in eastern PNG and a 130k pipe line taking tailings, including poisons, to be dumped in the sea near the coast. Possibility pipeline could be ruptured by an earthquake — Emily Mitchell, Research Director with Jubilee Research Centre Australia First 100 days of Marcos Jr. government in the Philippines — Peter Murphy, Chairperson of the International Coalition For Human Rights in The Philippines Life and work of anti-war and anti armed drones activist Nick Mottern (Ban Killer Drones) Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts.
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The Palestine Children's Relief Fund, drug policy and development in Cuba and the Pacific, US war planes refueling in "neutral" Ireland's Shannon Airport? & A recent visit to Lebanon, Syria and Iraq

 His Week That Was — Kevin Healy Journey of US college student to establish a medical humanitarian organisation which has assisted over 2000 Palestinian children during the past 31 years — His name? Steve Sosebee PHD candidate and journalist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis outlines his plan for the thesis — Oceans apart: Drug Policy and Development in Cuba and the Pacific, Lessons and Opportunities for Cooperation How successive governments in "neutral" state of Ireland have assisted the US war machine by allowing their planes to refuel at Shannon Airport — Edward Horgan is a coordination with Shannon Watch. Dr Tim Anderson back from a tour of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts.
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Food systems and food justice, issues with Ranger Uranium Mine, Australia's War Powers Inquiry, & US and the Pacific

 His Week That Was — Kevin Healy  Food systems, justice and sovereignty in Australia — Agroecologist and president of the Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance, Tammi Jonas Three issues associated with Ranger Uranium Mine, NT — Associate Professor Gavin Mudd Responding to the announcement that there is to be an inquiry into Australia's war powers  — Dr Alison Broinowski, President of Australians for War Powers Reform and former Australian foreign diplomat Assessing the promises of more US money and resources to Pacific nations to counter the perceived threat of China in the region — journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts.
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Australian War Memorial and Frontier Wars, IPAN, reflections on war events, campaign to stop deep sea mining, & why Australia has cut aid to Palestine

 His Week That Was — Kevin Healy Is the Australian War Memorial backing down on not properly recognising the Frontier Wars? — Dr Sue Wareham, President of the Medical Association For the Prevention Of War (MAPW) How The Independent Peaceful Australia Network operates to achieve its goals — Bevan Ramsden (IPAN) A reflection of war events — Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees More on the campaign to stop push for deep sea mining — Dr Helen Rosenbaum, Campaign Coordinator of the Deep Sea Mining Campaign Why has the Australian government cut aid to Palestine? — Ken Davis, International Programmes Manager at APHEDA - Union Aid Abroad Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts.
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Brazil politics and upcoming election, impressions of Zimbabwe, greening the SA desert, genetic engineering, & concerns about major funding from Panguna mine

 His Week That Was – Kevin Healy Politics in Brazil with the election for president next week – journalist and writer Fred Fuentes Impressions of politics in Zimbabwe – human rights activist Peter Murphy Greening the desert in South Australia – permaculturalist and hemp activist – Wayne Wadsworth Bob Phelps, founder and executive director of GeneEthics looking at all things genetic engineering  Concerns about major funding from Panguna mine – Bougainville activist Vikki John Head to for full access to links and previous podcasts. 
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US Peace Memorial Foundation and World BEYOND War, did China invade India in 1962 or was it the other way around? History of Argentina Pt. 2 & the worry of Australia in the Pacific.

  His week that was – Kevin Healy US anti-war activist Kathy Kelly talking about the US Peace Memorial Foundation and the organisation World BEYOND War Did China invade India in 1962 or was it the other way around? – Historian and author Humphrey McQueen Part 2 of the history of Argentina – PHD candidate and journalist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis Is China a worry because of presence in the Pacific? We should be far more worried about what Australia is up to in the Pacific – journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan
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Mohammed El Halabi's jail sentence a travesty of justice, Palestine human rights, floods in Pakistan, history of Argentina Pt. 1, Philippines' new president & Australia's own secrecy a contradiction

 His week that was - Kevin Healy Closure of human rights organisations in Palestine, 12 year jail sentence for Mohammed El Halabi - Jessica Morrison, Executive Officer of Australia Palestine Advocacy Network Part 1 of history of Argentina - PHD candidate and journalist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis Palestine human rights, and floods in Pakistan - Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees New president in the Philippines - human rights activist Peter Murphy Australia's secret deals with the US and Pacific nations - Dr Binoy Kampmark
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The Taiwan lobby, nuclear non-proliferation treaty members' meeting in NY, greening the desert & the situation in Sri Lanka

  His week that was – Kevin Healy The Taiwan lobby – historian and author Humphrey McQueen The wash up of the meeting in New York of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty members – Dr Margie Beavis representing ICAN and MAPW Environmentalist & permaculturist Wayne 'Wadzy' Wadsworth, planning to green the desert Lionel Bopage, former leader of resistance in Sri Lanka, assesses the situation there at this time
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Australia Friends of Palestine Association, the world of war and issues of peacemaking Pt. 2, The American Empire: hopefully coming to an end & Australian War Memorial's refusal to include the Frontier Wars

 His week that was - Kevin Healy Work of the Australia Friends of Palestine Association - Founding Chairperson, Paul Heywood-Smith Part 2 interview with anti-war activist Brian Terrell The American Empire: hopefully coming to an end - Dr Tim Anderson Professor Peter Stanley, Military Historian, and the Australian War Memorial's refusal to include the Frontier Wars 
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Women farmers of Gaza and May 2021 bombings by apartheid Israel, Shinzo Abe and his war criminal grandfather, issues of farming and food & the world of war and issues of peacemaking.

 His week that was – Kevin Healy Australian activists working with women farmers in Gaza to try to ameliorate the worst excesses of the previous last bombing of Gaza in May 2021 by apartheid Israel – Amy Tacey from Just Food Collective Like grandson like grandfather: historian and author Humphrey McQueen linking Shinzo Abe with his war criminal grandfather. Issues of farming and food – Bob Phelps, Executive Director of GeneEthics Veteran US peace activist Brian Terrell looking at the world of war and other issues of peace making
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People's Forum on Ukraine War, 51st meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum in Fiji & how you can enjoy an all expenses paid trip to apartheid Israel

 His week that was – Kevin Healy Report back from the People’s Forum on the Ukraine War – Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees and the President of the Medical Association for the Prevention of War (MAPW), Dr Sue Wareham What took place at the 51st meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum in Suva, Fiji – journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan Jessica Morrison, Executice Officer of Australian Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) explains how you can enjoy an all expenses paid trip to apartheid Israel
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First black slave republic Haiti Pt. 2, Rajapaska family impact on Tamils in Sri Lanka, reporting on Palestine and Yemen in contrast to Ukraine, two men Australia could do without & push for deep-sea mining

 His week that was – Kevin Healy Part Two of recent history of the first black slave republic, Haiti – PHD candidate and journalist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis The impact of the Rajapaska family on Tamils in Sri Lanka – Renuga Inpakumar from the Tamil Refugee Council  (follow their facebook page here for updates and events) Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees on the reporting of violence against Palestinians and Yemenis, in comparison to the coverage of war in Ukraine. Also two Australians we could do without: Scott Morrison and George Brandis The continuing push to mine the sea bed and the equally strong opposition – Nat Lowrey from the Deep Sea Mining Campaign
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First black slave republic Haiti Pt. 1, first meeting after signing Nuclear Weapon Prohibition Treaty, collective punishment in Israel and India, report from two weeks in Cuba.

  His week that was – Kevin Healy Part one of recent history of the first black slave republic Haiti – PHD candidate and journalist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis First meeting of those who signed The Treaty For The Prohibition Of Nuclear Weapons – Associate Professor Tilman Ruff Dr Binoy Kampmark looks at two countries who practice collective punishment: Israel and India Dr Tim Anderson back from two weeks in Cuba with activists from the Levant
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BDS in the US, Philippines election report, Malaysian lawyers demonstrating against political interference in the judicial system, is civil war possible for the US? & Left President for Colombia

 His week that was – Kevin HealyBDS in the belly of the beast – Journalist Adrienne Weller Report by the International Observer Mission on the Philippines election in May – human rights activist Peter MurphyLawyers demonstrating in Malaysia about political interference in the judicial system – Malaysian/Australian Lee TanIs civil war possible in the US and much more – anti war activist Kathy KellyLeft president for Colombia – journalist and author Fred Fuentes
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New Philippines President, Celtic Folk Show, taking the advice of a pharmacist in Lismore, French National Assembly elections &  the failure of the Summit of The America

  His week that was – Kevin Healy New Philippines President later this week – Human rights and trade union activist Peter Murphy An activist and broadcaster, what is all means – Anne McAllister presenter of The Celtic Folk Show on 3CR. Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees taking the advice of the pharmacist in Lismore and buying a jam donut Journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan analysing the French National Assembly elections The failure of the Summit of The Americas with journalist and author Fred Fuentes
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Radiothon Thanks: the situation in Sri Lanka, analysing non-conforming and sabotage of law, detangling anti-zionism from anti-semitism & GeneEthics Network Report

  Situation in Sri Lanka – Lionel Bopage, former liberation movement leader Retired solicitor Max Costello with non-conforming of a law and sabotage of a law Associate Professor Jake Lynch from Sydney University on anti-semitism and anti-zionism GeneEthics Network report with Bob Phelps, Executive Director
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Radiothon Special: mining ventures in Bougainville, Colombian first round election results, West Papua Update, draconian penalties for defending forests in Victoria

 His week that was – Kevin Healy The vultures are circling: mining ventures in Bougainville – Fyfe Strachan, Policy Director of Jubilee Australia (Scramble for Resources 2022 report available here) Results of first round of elections in Colombia – David, from United for Colombia Australia (UFCA) Update on West Papua – Ronny Kareni Draconian penalties for saving Victorian fauna and flora – Sue McKinnon  (links: Environmental Justice Australia petition and info, Environmental Justice Victoria website, Human Rights Law Centre media release) 
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30 years of activism for independence for Bougainville, changes to Westminister system with new independents and challenges for ALP, The life and times of Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees + Free Palestine Melbourne

 His week that was – Kevin Healy30 years of activism for independence for Bougainville – Vikki JohnChanges to the Westminster System with new breed of independents and challenges for the new ALP government – writer and academic Binoy KampmarkThe life and times of Emeritus Professor Stuart ReesFree Palestine Melbourne: relatively new activist group but achieving great things – member Melissa Yvonne
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Nicaragua's recent history Pt.2, The Lying Pandemic, what's really happening in the Pacific? + anti-war activists teaming up with actor Martin Sheen to focus attention on drone warfare and efforts to end the war in Ukraine

 His week that was – Kevin HealyPart 2 of the recent history of Nicaragua with journalist, broadcaster and PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-LekakisEmeritus Professor Stuart Rees has identified a new pandemic and its spreading: The Lying PandemicWhat is really happening in the Pacific with someone who really knows – Researcher and journalist Nic MaclellanAnti war activists Kathy Kelly, Brian Terrell and Nick Motten teaming up with actor Martin Sheen to focus attention on drone warfare and efforts to end the war in Ukraine
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Nicaragua's recent history Pt. 1, Philippines elections analysis, views on Ukraine and Russia + Speeches from Melbourne's Nakba Day rally

 Part 1 of recent history of Nicaragua – activist, journalist and PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-LekakisAnalysis of Philippines elections – human rights activist May KotsakisView point on Ukraine and Russia – Dr Tim AndersonSpeeches at Nakba Rally in Melbourne
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SUSTAIN: Sowing seeds of change, final vote results for French President, another setback for Assange fighting extradition + drones, Nevada desert and war in Ukraine

 His week that was – Kevin HealySUSTAIN – sowing the seeds of change – Dr Nick Rose, Executive DirectorResults of the 2nd and final vote for French President – journalist and researcher Nic MaclellanAnother setback for Julian Assange as he fights extradition to US for exposing their war crimes – Academic and lecturer at RMIT University Binoy KampmarkUS peace and anti-war activist Brian Terrell talking about drones, Nevada Desert Experience and the war in Ukraine
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World Press Freedom Day, Witness Against Torture at Guantanamo Bay, why nuclear subs and missiles won't make us secure & Ramadan: a month of violence for Palestinians

  His week that was – Kevin Healy World Press Freedom Day – Journalist and activist Jacob Grech The work of the groups Witness Against Torture at Guantanamo Bay – Helen Schietinger, main coordinator of WAT Why nuclear submarines and missiles won’t make us secure – Dr Margie Beavis vice president of MAPW and ICAN Ramadan: a month of violence for Palestinians and much more – Jessica Morrison executive officer for Australia Palestine Advocacy  Network
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Flood recovery + permaculture in northern NSW and the Maldives, Q&A on the ABC: what it addresses and what it misses, more Palestinian repression during Ramadan, results of Presidential elections in Timor Leste

  His week that was – Kevin Healy, Travel back to Mullumbimby for a report on flood recovery, permaculture project in the Maldives and future permaculture ventures in the northern rivers area of New South Wales – Permaculturist Wayne 'Wadzy' Wadsworth, Q&A, ABC programme, what it addresses what it misses and peace vs war – Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees, More repression of Palestinians during Ramadan – scientist and activist Fahad Ali, Results of Presidential elections in Timor Leste – Peter Murphy
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ANZAC: reclaim remembrance and remember don't repeat, first-round of voting - French elections affect on Pacific colonies, recent history of Colombia Pt.2 & crisis in Sri Lanka and the role of the Rajapaska dynasty

  His week that was – Kevin Healy, ANZAC Day: what it should mean, reclaim remembrance and remember don’t repeat – Dr Sue Wareham, National President of the Medical Association For The Prevention Of War (MAPW), What the results of the first round of voting in the French elections mean for the Pacific colonies – journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan, Part 2 of the recent history of Colombia – PHD candidate and activist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis, The crisis in Sri Lanka and the role of the Rajapaska dynasty – long-time political activist now exiled to Australia Lionel Bopage.
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What is Spain up to in betraying Western Sahara for the second time? Oxfam report on dire situation in Yemen and plight of Afghans, monthly GeneEthics report & recent history of Colombia, Pt. 1

 His week that was – Kevin  HealyWhat is Spain up to in betraying Western Sahara for the second time?  – Kamal Fadel (Polisario Front Representative of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Front in Australia and NZ)Oxfam report on dire situation in Yemen and plight of Afghans trying to escape their country – Anti-war activist Kathy KellyMonthly Genetic Engineering report from Bob Phelps executive director of the GeneEthics NetworkPart one of recent history of Colombia, South America – Sasha Gillies-Lekakis, Activist and PHD candidate
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Who was Madeline Albright? Lynas Rare Earths interview Pt. 2, medical aid for Tamils in Sri Lanka and history of AMAF, pre-election violence in Philippines & floods in NSW

 His week that was - Kevin Healy, Who was Madeline Albright? Goodness personified or a woman who agreed that the deaths of 500,000 children in Iraq was worth the US sanctions on that country. Speaking with anti-war activist Kathy Kelly, Part 2 of interview with activist Lee Tan about Lynas Rare Earths and impact of their plant and radio active waste dump in Malaysia. The Good Friday appeal for medical aid for Tamils in Sri Lanka and the history of the Australian Medical Aid Foundation with the Victorian AMAF Branch Secretary Dr Sathi Seevanagayam, Pre-election violence escalating in the Philippines - human rights activist Peter Murphy, The floods in northern New South Wales. What it's like to be there, why is it happening and how to prevent further floods? - Permaculturalist Wayne Wadsworth.
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Just Stop It! - XR's new campaign, Lynas Corp - new name, same dirty polluter, get Israeli weapons manufacturer out of our governments, elections in Timor Leste & federal plans for a dirty nuclear waste dump on Barngarla country in SA.

 His week that was – Kevin Healy, Just Stop It!  New campaign by Extinction Rebellion against new coal, gas and oil – Mark Conroy, Lynas corp, new name but same dirty polluter in Malaysia and Australia – Lee Tan, AID/WATCH, The Federal government’s plan for nuclear waste dumps on Barngarla country, Kimba SA – Dr Jim Green, national anti-nuclear campaigner for FOE. Israeli weapons manufacturer forced out of our Future Fund, now get them out of Federal and Victorian governments! – Rawan Arraf, Executive Director of the Australian Centre for International Justice, Human rights and trade union rights activist Peter Murphy back from observing Timor Leste elections, 
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Exposing dangers of deep-sea mining, No Nukes campaign, another barrier for Assange to prevent US extradition & "The Good Refugee"

His week that was – Kevin HealyExposing the dangers of deep sea mining – Dr Helen Rosenbaum, Deep Sea Mining CampaignNo Nukes Campaign – pressuring superannuation funds to divest from nuclear weapon manufacturers – Dr Margie Beavis, Medical Association For The Prevention Of WarAnother barrier for Julian Assange to jump to prevent extradition to the US – Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees“The Good Refugee” – Binoy Kampmark, lecturer at RMIT University
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In the Pacific after two years of travel shutdown, elections in Timor Leste and Zimbabwe, hypocrisy of western nations regarding Ukraine whilst ignoring similar conflicts, Brian Terrell back in court in Kansas.

His week that was – Kevin HealyJournalist and researcher Nic Maclellan back in the Pacific after two years of travel shut downElections in Timor Leste and Zimbabwe – Human rights and worker rights activist Peter MurphyMore voices accusing western nations of hypocrisy and racism over support for Ukraine but ignoring other similar conflicts in other parts of the world – Amin AbbasAnti war activist Brian Terrell back in court in Kansas 
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IWD 2022 Special Program: the Palestinian prisoner in jail for over 6 years without trial, moves to end war profiteer's sponsorship deal with the Australian War Memorial & why local clan owners in Bougainville are agreeing to reopen the Panguna Mine

This episode of Tuesday Hometime exclusively featured the voices of women, as part of 3CR's annual International Women's Day special broadcast, 2022. Why has a Palestinian man been in jail for over 6 years, without trial, on trumped up charges of sending millions of World Vision dollars to Hamas? – Palestinian activist Noura Mansour. Moves to end war profiteer Lockheed Martin’s sponsorship deal with the Australian War Memorial – Dr Sue Wareham, National President of the Medical Association For The Prevention Of War (MAPW) What is going on in Bougainville with local clan owners agreeing to reopen the Panguna Mine – activist Vikki John
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Situation in occupied Western Sahara and the refugee camps in Algeria, visit to Venezuela and comments on Russia and Ukraine & upcoming elections in May in the Philippines: likely winner of Presidential race

His week that was – Kevin HealySituation in occupied Western Sahara and the refugee camps in Algeria – Kamal Fadel (Polisario Front Representative of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Front in Australia and NZ)Dr Tim Anderson’s visit to Venezuela and comments on the situation in Russia and Ukraine.Upcoming elections in May in the Philippines and likely winner of Presidential race -  with human rights and trade union rights activist Peter Murphy.
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Racial discrimination complaint against AU Government, US impact on Afghanistan, relentless push of genetic engineering lobby & human rights abuses in West Papua despite silence from the mainstream media

Palestinian Australian Nasser Mashni (APAN Vice-President and 3CR presenter) takes a complaint to the Australian Human Rights Commissions accusing the Federal Government of breaching racism laws.Peace activist Kathy Kelly talks about the impact of US sanctions and theft of assets on the people of Afghanistan.The relentless push by the genetic engineering lobby in all aspects, including human lifeforms – Bob Phelps director of the GeneEthics network.Ignored by our government and mass media, human rights abuses continues unabated in West Papua – activist from West Papua now living in Australia Ronny Kareni.
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France's push for deep-sea mining in the Pacific, new President and hopes for a new future in Chile, more reactions to the Amnesty International report on apartheid Israel & recent history of Honduras Pt. 2

His week that was – Kevin HealyFrance pushing for deep sea mining in the Pacific – journalist and researcher Nic MaclellanNew President, hopes for a new future in Chile – Journalist and author Fred FuentesMore reactions to the Amnesty International report re apartheid Israel – Bishop George Browning, President of APANPart 2 of the recent history of Central American country Honduras – Sasha Gillies-Lekakis, Activist and PHD candidate
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Holiday break recap, Rio Tinto Panguna mine in Bougainville, three months in the Middle East, successful BDS actions at Sydney Festival & recent history of Honduras Pt. 1

 His week that was – Kevin HealyEvents over the holiday break with Professor Emeritus Stuart ReesWill Rio Tinto finally be brought to account over the disastrous Panguna mine on Bougainville – Vikki John, 30 year activist working with Bougainvillians.Three months in the Middle East with Dr Tim AndersonVery successful BDS actions against Israel at the Sydney Festival – BDS convenor for Australia Peter SlezakPart 1 of recent history of Honduras with broadcaster and PHD candidate Sasha Gillies-Lekakis
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Palestine Book Reviews Pt. 3 & 4, A Year Review of GeneEthics Network & Solomon Islands and the Pacific in 2021

 His week that was – Kevin Healy, Part 3 in a series of book reviews focusing on Palestine and Palestinians – Mark Furlong from Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN). His review of A Life of Edward Said by Professor Timothy Brennan, Year review of GeneEthics Network – Bob Phelps, Executive Director,  Part 3 in a series of book reviews focusing on Palestine and Palestinians – Hugh Simpson from Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN). His review of Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History by Nur Masalha, Solomon Islands and the Pacific in 2021 – Nic Maclellan, journalist, researcher and author.
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Election results in Venezuela, human genetic engineering, Food Sovereignty in Palestine webinar Pt. 2, worldwide push for deep-sea mining & further issues of concern for the people of the Philippines

 His week that was – Kevin Healy, Election results in Venezuela – Fred Fuentes, journalist, author and activist, Human genetic engineering – Bob Phelps, director of GeneEthics Network, Part 2 of the launch for the appeal for Palestinian women farmers devastated by blockade and bombing, Food Sovereignty in Palestine webinar – Nick Rose (Executive Director of SUSTAIN), Andrew Laidlaw (president of Global Gardens of Peace), Amy Tracy and Savannah Subski (founders, Just Food Collective), Rasha Tayeh (Nutritionist & Beit e'shai founder), Laurel Thomas (Free Palestine Melbourne), Nasser Mashni (APAN Vice-President and 3CR presenter)New worldwide push for deep-sea mining – Natalie Lowrey from the Deep Sea Mining Campaign,Further issues of concern for the people of the Philippines – human rights advocate Peter Murphy.
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Edward Said Memorial Lecture Pt. 2, Protests in Nevada Germany and Holland, Morrison's Australian way & Launch for Palestinian women farmers appeal: Food Sovereignty in Palestine webinar Pt. 1

His Week That Was – Kevin Healy, Part 2 of Edward Said Memorial Lecture in Adelaide – Professor Noam Chomsky, Protests in Nevada, Germany and Holland – peace and anti-war activist Brian Terrell, Morrison's Australian way – Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees, Launch of appeal for Palestinian women farmers, Part 1 of Food Sovereignty in Palestine webinar – Nasser Mashni (APAN Vice-President and 3CR presenter), Ahmed Sourani (Co-founder, GUPAP), Seham Almusaddar (Environmental Engineer & Volunteer, GUPAP) & Nirmeen Yaser Al-Athamna (Northern Governance Coordinator of UWAF).
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Edward Said Memorial Lecture in Adelaide Pt. 1, looking back on Glasgow COP26, more deeds and disasters of Colin Powell & Palestine book reviews Pt. 2: The Beauty of Your Face

His week that was – Kevin Healy, Part 1 of Edward Said Memorial Lecture in Adelaide with Professor Noam Chomsky, Look back on the Glasgow COP26 talk fest – Journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan, More memories of the deeds and disasters brought about by Colin Powell – Peace and anti-war activist Kathy Kelly, The second in a series of book reviews focusing on Palestine and Palestinians – Claudia Hyles from Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN). Her review of The Beauty of Your Face by Sahar Mustafah.
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Park Hotel Carlton: death trap prison, Palestine book reviews Pt. 1: Dateline Jerusalem, life and deeds of Colin Powell, recent history of Mexico Pt. 2 & "terrorist" label for Palestinian civil society and human rights advocates.

His week that was – Kevin Healy The Park Hotel in Carlton, named by asylum seeker-activists as the death trap prison, with retired solicitor Max Costello (Refugee Action Collective). First in a series of book reviews focusing on Palestine and Palestinians. Jessica Morrison from Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN). Her review of Dateline Jerusalem by John Lyons. The life and deeds of Colin Powell. Why millions around the world will not be celebrating his life. RMIT lecturer Binoy Kampmark explains why. Part two of the recent history of Mexico, with student, activist and broadcaster Sasha Gillies Lekakis. Labelling of Palestinian civil society and human rights activists as terrorists, with Rawan Arraf from the Australian Centre for International Justice.
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Recent history of Mexico Pt. 1, extradition of kidnapped Venezuelan diplomat to US, 2021 Brunswick walking survey, Medical Association for Prevention of War - 40th anniversary & Anti-AUKUS Caucus Pt. 2

His week that was – Kevin Healy Part 1 of recent history of Mexico – Journalist, student and activist Sasha Gillies-Lekakis Extradition of kidnapped Venezuelan diplomat to United States – Joe Montero – Australian Venezuela Support Group 2021 Walking Survey in Brunswick – Nancy Atkin - Brunswick Residents Network 40th Anniversary of the Medical Association for The Prevention of War – President Dr Sue Wareham Final two speakers at recent Zoom forum in response to AUKUS – Talei Mangioni and Scott Ludlam
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When Prison is a Weapon: the Palestinian Reality, two stories from Bougainville, the IHRA definition of antisemitism & Anti-AUKUS Caucus Pt. 1

His week that was – Kevin HealyPalestinian activist, journalist, and much more - Yousef Alreemawi, who participated in the zoom presentation When Prison is a Weapon: the Palestinian Reality2 stories from Bougainville. Human rights award to activist Theonila Roka Matbob against Rio Rinto’s devastation from the Panguna Mine, and a revealing documentary film Ophir which exposes the connections of Australian governments and businesses in the theft of Bougainville resources. Speaking with activist Vikki JohnThe IHRA definition of anti-Semitism. Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees describes it as absurd and abusive.Zoom forum in response to AUKUS with Guy Rundle, Professor Clinton Fernandes, Dimity Hawkins and Dave Sweeney.
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Helping the women farmers of Gaza, Nobel Peace Prize to targeted Filipina journalist and publisher, lifelong activism of GeneEthics Network Executive Director & the causes and way out of the pandemic

His week that was – Kevin HealyA helping hand to the women farmers of Gaza – Nick Rose director of SUSTAINJoint Nobel Peace Prize to targeted Filipina journalist and publisher – Activist Peter MurphyLifelong activism of executive director of the GeneEthics Network – Bob PhelpsThe causes and way out of the pandemic – Debbie Brennan from Radical Women Australia & The Freedom Socialist Party
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Nuclear ban treaty and Asia-Pacific prospects, European court decision affecting occupied Western Sahara, AUKUS and the broader AU-US alliance & the Raucous Anti-AUKUS Caucus

His Week That Was - Kevin HealyAUKUS, and Imagining the Possible: Asia-Pacific Prospects for the Nuclear Ban Treaty - Professor Richard Tanter (Nautilus Institute & University of Melbourne)Important European court decision affecting occupied Western Sahara - Kamal Fadel (Polisario Front Representative in Australia and NZ)AUKUS and the broader AU US alliance- Bevan Ramsden (IPAN)AUKUS and the implications for Australia - Jacob Grech (A Friday Rave - 3CR)Raucous Anti-AUKUS Caucus - Thursday 7th October, 7-8.30pma FREE webinar panel discussion hosted by Renegade Activists on what AUKUS alliance between Australian, the UK and the US means for Australia. Speakers include: Scott LudlamGuy RundleFelicity RubyTalei MangioniDimity HawkinsClinton FernandesJacob GrechDave SweeneyRegister for the free online event HERE.
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Vaccine Apartheid, missing empathy: Amanda Vanstone on Australian Story, recent history of Peru Pt. 2, secrets in national parliament? Drones in the Nevada desert, subs deal and the Pacific

Vaccine apartheid – Dr David Legge –  Peoples Health MovementAmanda Vanstone and her missing empathy shown on Australian Story – Emeritus Professor Stuart ReesPart 2 recent history of Peru – student and activist Sasha Gillies LekakisSecrets in national parliament? – Professor Spencer Zifkak from ACUDrones in the Nevada desert – Brian Terrell coordinator of Ban Killer DronesSubs deal and the Pacific – Nic Maclellan journalist and researcher
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Nuclear powered subs for Australia? Afghanistan through the eyes of Mujib Ibib, recent history of Peru Pt. 1, final report by the Independent International investigation into human rights violations in the Philippines

His week that was – Kevin HealyNuclear powered subs for Australia? – Professor in the School of Politics and Social Studies at Melbourne Unversity Richard TanterAfghanistan through the eyes of Afghan peace activist and academic Mujib Ibib Part 1 recent history of Peru – Sasha Gillies-Lekakis, activist, student and broadcaster3rd and final report by the Independent International investigation into human rights violations in the Philippines – chairperson Peter Murphy
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Friends left behind in Afghanistan, AFP & human rights abuses in West Papua Pt. 2, Venezuelan diplomat's extradition to US, 5 years jail for Palestinian aid worker on trumped-up charges, prospects for a coup in Brazil

His week that was – Kevin HealyFriends left behind in Afghanistan – Kathy KellyPart 2 of exposure of AFP role in human rights abuses in West Papua – Jason MacleodAlex Saab, Venezuelan diplomat facing extradition to US – Joe MonteroPalestinian aid worker in jail 5 years facing trumped up charges – Noura MansourProspects for a coup in Brazil – Fred Fuentes
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Bougainville struggle for independence, COVID-19 and medical apartheid in Palestine and Israel, 70th anniversary of ANZUS and more, AFP and human rights abuses in West Papua

His Week that Was - Kevin HealyBougainville Struggle for Independence - Marilyn HaviniMedical Apartheid - The Unequal Impact of COVID-19 on Palestine & Israel - Dr John GuyThe 70th Anniversary of ANZUS and more - Dr Alison BroinowskaAFP and Human Rights Abuses in West Papua - Jason Macleod
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US to end its war on Afghanistan? A repeat of Tampa 20 years on? GM crops aiding destruction of the Amazon, New Caledonia self-determination referendum Pt. 2, compliance rather than compassion

His week that was – Kevin HealyDoes the US intend to end its war on Afghanistan ? – Anti war activist in US, Brian TerrellTampa 20 years on and are we going to repeat? – journalist and author David MarrGM crops helping to destroy the Amazon rainforests – Bob Phelps director of GeneEthics NetworkPart 2 of journalist and researcher Nic MacLellan’s assessment of the upcoming third referendum on self determination for New Caledonia.Compliance rather than compassion – Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees
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US war on people of Afghanistan, freedom + equality: precursors to Palestinian peace, political turmoil and COVID in Malaysia, Macron in French Polynesia and COVID consequences, Bob Hawke's role in seeking to destroy trade unions + CIA connections Pt. 2

Tuesday Hometime 24 August for podcast His week that was – Kevin HealySpeaking with civil rights activist, member of Freedom Socialist Party and Radical Women in Seattle, Megan Cornish about the US war on the people of Afghanistan.People to people peace initiatives in Palestine must begin with freedom and equality. – Amin Abbas from Olive KidsMore political turmoil and COVID cases in Malaysia – Lee Tan Malaysian/Australian Activist.Macron’s visit to French Polynesia and COVID consequences – journalist and researcher Nic MaclellanSecond part of interview looking back on Bob Hawke’s impact on the left of the union movement and his connections to the CIA - Jim Mcillroy
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What deep-sea mining would mean, Australia's treatment of asylum-seekers, Campaign against the cashless debit card, Bob Hawke's role in seeking to destroy left of trade union movement & secret dealings with CIA Pt. 1

Tuesday Hometime 17 August 2021 His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyDeep Sea Mining – what is would mean – Dr Helen RosenbaumAustralia’s treatment of asylum seekers – Max CostelloCampaign against the cashless debit card – Kathryn WilkesPart 1 the role of Bob Hawke in seeking to destroy the left of the trade union movement and his secret dealings with the CIA – Jim Mcillroy
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West Papua update, US leaving Afghanistan? UK whistleblower to gaol, Philippines human rights activist interview Pt. 2

His week that was – Kevin HealyUpdate on West Papua – Ronnie KareniUS leaving Afghanistan? – Dr Tim AndersonUK whistle blower goes to gaol – Jacob GrechPart 2 interview with Philippines human rights activist May Kotsakis 
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The ALP and Palestine, another example of Israeli apartheid, Gene Ethics network report, Duterte in Philippines, reasons behind demonstrations in Cuba

 His week that was – Kevin HealyThe ALP and Palestine – much to be desired – Jennine KlalikAnother example of Israeli apartheid – Joharha BakerGene Ethics Network report – Bob PhelpsDuterte in Philippines – May KotsakisLooking for reasons behind the demonstrations in Cuba – Sasha Gillies Lekakis
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Medical treatment for Tamil 3 year old Thanicaa, Moreland City Council and Palestine, recent history of Colombia Pt. 2, Julian Assange meeting at National Press Club NY, COVID situation in Malaysia, killer drone whistleblower Daniel Hale - 10 years jail

His week that was - Mr Kevin HealyBreakthrough with investigation into medical treatment for Tamil 3 year old Thanicaa - Max CostelloMoreland City Council meeting debating Palestine and Israel - Sue BoltonPart 2 of recent history of Colombia - Sasha Gillies-LekakisMeeting at National Press Club in New York at end of Julian Assange support tour - speaker Dr Cornell WestContinuing serious COVID situation in Malaysia - Lee TanWhistle blower Daniel Hale facing 10 years in jail in US over killer drones - Kathy Kelly
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Successful campaign against Land Forces 21, democracy on life support in Malaysia, Palestine and the media webinar Pt. 2, recent history of Colombia Pt. 1

 His week that was – Kevin HealySuccessful campaign against Land Forces 21 – Zelda GrimshawDemocracy on life support in Malaysia – Lee TanPart 2 webinar – Palestine and the media (UTS Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion)Part 1 recent history of Columbia – Sasha Gillies-Lekakis
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NY Julian Assange support meeting, fascism alive in Australia, Western Sahara update, Palestine & the media webinar Pt. 1, White House changes and US foreign policy, is Venezuela turning to the right?

 Chris Hedges in New York meeting supporting Julian AssangeFascism alive in Australia – Professor Emeritus Stuart ReesUpdate on Western Sahara – Kamal FadelPart 1 of webinar – Palestine and the mediaIs Venezuela turning to the right? Fred FuentesWhat does the change at the White House mean for US foreign policy – Dr Tim Anderson
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20 years of medical and humanitarian workers in Palestine, France and the New Caledonia independence vote, Prof Jason Macleod and 30 years of activism for West Papua, PNG: the pandemic and multinational extractive industries

 Dr Francis Nathan and Merlin Nathan – Medical and humanitarian workers in Palestine beginning 20 years ago.Why France has brought forward the third referenda on New Caledonia independence vote – Nic Maclellan.Professor Jason Macleod and his 30 year advocacy and activism for an independent West Papua.How the pandemic is affecting PNG and issues surrounding  multinational extractive industries in the country - Natalie Lowrey (Aid/Watch)
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GeneEthics: from mice to mitochondria, Australia's disgusting treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, ICC to take on case against the Philippines, anti-war activist Brian Terrell interview Pt. 2, Macron and Morrison at dinner

 His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyFrom Mice to Mitochondria – Bob Phelps GeneEthics NetworkProfessor Emeritus Stuart Rees and our disgusting treatment of refugees and asylum seekersICC to take on case against the Philippines – Peter MurphyPart 2 interview with veteran US anti war activist Brian TerrellWhat Macron and Morrison talked about over dinner – Nic Maclellan 
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Australia’s cruel and inhumane treatment of refugees and asylum seekers, Dr Margie Beavis' work through the pandemic, Anti-war activist Brian Terrell interview Pt. 1, kidnapping of Venezuelan diplomat on Cape Verde

 RADIOTHON PROGRAMHis week that was – Mr Kevin HealyAustralia’s cruel and inhumane treatment of refugees and asylum seekers – Professor Spencer ZifcakDr Margie Beavis and her work through pandemic with general practice, teaching at university and anti war activitiesPart one of interview with US anti war activist Brian TerrellJoe Montero from the Venezuela Australia Solidarity Network on the kidnapping of Venezuelan diplomat on Cape Verde
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Nakba Webinar, Australia's war machine purchases, Australia's war memorial expansion

 His week that was – Kevin Healy Nakba Webinar, featuring:Dr Tony BirchDr Sary ZananariNasser MaschniDr Jordy Silverstein Australia’s war machine purchases – Dr Alison BroinovskiAustralian war memorial expansion – Dr Sue Wareham
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Update on Burma, political impasse in Samoa, recent history of Chile Pt. 2, Australia's support for regime in Sri Lanka, dangerous situation for West Papuan activists

 His week that was – Kevin HealyUpdate on Burma – Debbie Stothard  Human Rights Activist currently in ThailandPolitical impasse in Samoa – Journalist and researcher Nic MaclellanPart 2 of recent history of Chile – Sasha Gillies-LekakisAustralia’s long support for regime in Sri Lanka – Bartathan Tamil Refugee CouncilDangerous situation for West Papuan activists – Ronnie Kareni
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How to help children of Gaza, young people fleeing Morocco + news from Western Sahara, GeneEthics report, campaign against killer drones, recent history of Chile Pt. 1, fascism and bestiality of Israeli forces

 His week that was – Kevin HealyHow you can help the children of Gaza – Yasmeen from Olive KidsWhy 1000’s of young people are fleeing Morocco and news from Western Sahara – Dr Randi IrwinGeneEthics report with Bob PhelpsWorldwide campaign against killer drones – Kathy KellyFirst part of recent history of Chile – Sasha Gillies-LekakisFascism and bestiality of the Israeli forces – Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees
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Jewish Australian and BDS, Bougainville independence, news from the Pacific, Extinction Rebellion at Parliament House, slaughter in Gaza

 His week that was – Kevin HealyJewish Australian Dr Peter Slezak and BDSIndependence for Bougainville draws closer – Vikki JohnsNews from the Pacific – Nic MaclellanExtinction Rebellion at Parliament House Canberra – TimSlaughter in Gaza  - Dr Tim Anderson
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Palestinians against land theft, letter to the Prime Minister, Tamil genocide day ongoing, nuclear weapon ban update, news from Western Sahara, lèse-majesté law in Malaysia?

 His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyPalestinians fighting back against land theft by Israeli settlers – Rawan Arraf – director of Australian Centre For International JusticeBishop George Browning writes a letter to Scott MorrisonTamil Genocide Day May 16 – ongoing today in Sri Lanka – BarathanProgress report on nuclear weapons ban treaty – Associate Professor Tilman RuffNews from Western Sahara – Dr Randi Irwin edition of Western Sahara e-bulletinIs there a Lèse-majesté Law in Malaysia – Lee Tan
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Australia's obsession with China, urgent alert in the Philippines, two court cases and Australia's treatment of refugees, life and work of Ramsay Clark

 His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyAustralia’s obsession with China – Richard Tanter senior research associate Nautilus Institute University of MelbourneUrgent alert at recent attacks on activists in the Philippines – May KotsakisTwo court cases which could break the camel’s back of Australia’s cruel treatment of refugees – Max Costello – retired lawyer.Life and work of Ramsay Clark who left his former life as US Attorney General behind and became an international humanitarian – anti war activist Brian Terrell
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Children of Yemeni, Lynas deception, Australia's appalling human rights record, OceanaGold deception, ALP decision on Palestine state

 His week that was – Kevin HealyFast in Washington for children of Yemeni – Kathy KellyLynas deception – Lee TanOur appalling record on human rights – Professor Spencer ZifcakOceanaGold deception – Peter MurphyReaction to ALP decision on Palestine State – Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees
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ALP on road to recognising Palestine, new women's movement, Vale mining out of New Caledonia, attempted coup in Jordan

 His week that was – Kevin HealyALP making moves to recognize State of Palestine – Nasser MachniBeginnings of a new women’s movement? – Coral WynterVale to leave New Caledonia – Nic MaclellanWas there an attempted coup in Jordan – Dr Tim Anderson
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Malaysia radioactive waste dump, Brazil post-military dictatorship Pt. 2, toxic pesticide whistleblower, looking back on JobKeeper, Independent Philippines Human Rights Probe report

 His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyFight back in Malaysia and overseas against approval of Lynas Corp radio active waste dump – Natalie Lowrey – AID WatchPart 2 of history of Brazil post ending of military dictatorship in 1985 and the present situation under Bolsanaro – Sasha Gillies-LekakisBob Phelps from the GeneEthics Network on the trail of chemical companies Jim McIllroy looking back on Job Keeper, the good, the bad and the uglyThe Independent Philippines Human Rights Probe presents its first report to ICC – Peter Murphy
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Palestine Land Day, Ecuadorian elections: history and outcomes, stopping killer robot production, Brazil post-military dicatorship Pt. 1

 His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyWhy two women, one Jewish, one Palestinian attended Palestine Land Day – Shams and NinaLooking at history and likely outcome of Ecuador elections – Fred FuentesCampaign to stop production of killer robots – Matilda ByrnePart 1 of history of Brazil post military dictatorship in C20 and situation now – Sasha Gillies Lekakis
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Media in Malaysia, profile of a trade unionist, police compliance & cruelty in Australia, West Papuan update, Home Run 4 Julian

 His week that was – Mr Kevin healyFight back against control of media in Malaysia – Lee Tan Extraordinary unionist Sam BondPolice compliance with cruelty – is Australia part of this? – Emeritus Professor Stuart ReesCurrent situation in West Papua – Ronnie KareniJacob Grech returns from the Home Run 4 Julian
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Carnage in Myanmar/Burma, Fukushima 10 years on (Pt. 2), Pacific nations vaccines & Syria: 10 years of war

 His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyCarnage in Myanmar/Burma – Debbie Stothard – human rights activist living in ThailandPart two of Associate Professor Tilman Ruff’s assessment of Fukushima 10 years  on.Will Pacific Nations get the vaccines and when – Journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan10 years of war on Syria – Dr Tim Anderson
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Christian Porters power, new US anti-war group, war memorial expansion, Fukushima disaster anniversary, war crimes in Palestine

His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyWhy Christian Porter should not have the position of the primary protector of the rule of law inAustralia – Kathryn KellyNew anti war group in the US – Kathy KellyGo ahead for the disputed expansion of the Australian War Memorial – Dr Sue WarehamPart 1 of interview with Associate Professor Tilman Ruff on the 10 anniversary of the Fukushimanuclear disasterDecision by ICC to investigate war crimes in the occupied Palestinian Territories – Noura Mansour
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Activism in Wonthaggi, Australian Western Sahara Association, synthetic biology, human rights abuses in Phillippines

His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyActivism alive and well in Wonthaggi – Jessica HarrisonIntroducing Dr Randi Irwin – new editor of AWSA e-bulletinSynthetic biology and much more – Bob PhelpsIndependent international enquiry into human rights abuses in Philippines to present first report to UNHRC in late March – Peter Murphy
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Tamil refugees on Christmas Island, human rights abuses in Philippines, Coup in Burma, Coup in Burma

His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyFailure of Comcare re Tamil refugees on Christmas Island – Max Costello30th anniversary of Green Left – co-editor Susan PriceAustralian government involvement in human rights abuses in Philippines – May KotsakisCoup in Burma – coordinator of Alternative ASEAN in Burma -Debbie Stothard
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Street 2 Bay report, Occupied Palestine, Green Left celebrating 30 years, Australian Council For Free And Fair Speech, Rumbling in the South Pacific

Street 2 Bay report and EP&BC Act 1999 review – Neil BlakeJudges at ICC have decided that the court has jurisdiction over war crimes committed in Occupied Palestine – Jessica MorrisonGreen Left celebrating 30 years – Pip HinmanAustralian Council For Free And Fair Speech launched – Professor Emeritus Stuart ReesRumbling in the South Pacific – tsunami, breakdown of New Caledonian government and break up of Pacific Islands Forum – Nic Maclellan
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Bougainville; Extinction Rebellion;Impact of Trump’s 4 years on Latin America; Prospects of Biden presidency on genetics; Malaysia; National Peoples Enquiry

Marilyn Havini, human rights and social activist speaking from her home on Buka Island, Bougainville covering elections, education and general situation there.Marion Cincotta talking about her work with Extinction RebellionImpact of Trump’s 4 years on Latin America. With Fred FuentesProspects of Biden presidency on genetics, etc. with Bob PhelpsWhy there is a state of emergency in Malaysia – Lee TanLaunch of National Peoples Enquiry into our strategic dependence on the US. Shirley Winton
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Witness Against Torture, secret detention centres,Julian Assange,Renegade Solidarity Sound System,Renegade Solidarity Sound System,repression of Palestinians

 Richard Srocynski  from Witness Against Torture on the ongoing campaign to close the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay.Sue Bolton speaking about Dutton’s secret detention centres.Jacob Grech discussing Julian Assange, Invasion Day, refugees and asylum seekers and the Renegade Solidarity Sound SystemBob Phelps  executive director GeneEthics Network on issues about chemicals and genetic engineeringBishop George Browning President of Australia Palestine Solidarity Network speaking about ongoing repression of Palestinians.
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Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons, MAPW, ICAN and ACF, Anti-war activism in the US, Legacy of Trump and terror in the phillipnnes

 Analysis of Trump’s 2018 Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific – Journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan Celebrating the coming into force of the Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons:Dr Sue Wareham – President Medical Association for the Prevention of WarDave Sweeney – nuclear campaign with ACFDr Margie Beavis - MAPW and ICanBrian Terrel – peace and anti war activist in the US . Also the legacy of TrumpAccelerating terror in the Philippines – Peter Murphy – Chair International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines.
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Hypocracy and Scott Morrison, Genethics, Dr Tim Anderson and urban landcare champion

 Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees reminding Scott Morrison about hypocracyEnd of year Genethics Network round up – Bob PhelpsDr Tim Anderson and the year that wasTributes to urban landcare champion – George Fotheringham and Neil Blake
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Jailing of Palestinian aid worker, Western Sahara, Voices For Creative Non Violence and a year in the life of an activist

 Jailing of Palestinian aid worker – Jessica Morrison –APAN2020 for the people of Western Sahara – Cate Lewis – AWSAA year in the life of an activist – Peter MurphyVoices For Creative Non Violence closes – Kathy Kelly
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VCNV in Afghanistan 2019, Covid -19 in French Polynesia, Warrior Culture, Academic Cancel Culture

 Sarah Ball VCNV in Afghanistan 2019Covid -19 in French Polynesia – Nic MaclellanBishop George Browning – Warrior CultureDr Tim Anderson – Academic Cancel Culture
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Plow Share activists jailed in the US, GeneEthics, Brereton Report, Morocco in occupied Western Sahara, Australian War Memorial Council, Final Hard Facts For Hard Times

 Three more Plow Share activists jailed in the US – Brian Terrell – fellow activist and friendMonthly GeneEthics report from Bob PhelpsDr Alison Broinowsi looking into the Brereton Report on alleged war crimes by Australian soldiers in AfghanistanAlarming repression by Morocco in occupied Western Sahara – Cate Lewis form the Australia Western Sahara AssociationDr Sue Wareham President of Medical Association For The Prevention Of War talking about the Australian War Memorial and calls for a clean out of the War Memorial CouncilFinal Hard Facts For Hard Times – Joan Coxsedge
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US politics after Trump, Hard Facts for Hard Times, War in Western Sahara, History of anti-nukes

 US politics after Trump – Megan CornishHard Facts for Hard Times – part 2 – Joan CoxsedgeWar in Western Sahara?  _ Cate LewisHistory of anti nuclear weapons campaigns – Associate Professor Tilman Ruff
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Edward Said Memorial Lecture with Melissa Parke (part 2), US Election result, Protets in Thailand, Free speech in Palestine

His week that was – Mr Kevin Healy2nd part of 2020 Edward Said Memorial Lecture with Melissa ParkeUS peace activist Kathy Kelly speaking about the election result in the USProtests continue in Thailand – Giles UngpakornProfessor Bassam Dally and the go fund me appeal for Melissa Parke to protest free speech re Palestine
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No episode on Mlebourne Cup Day

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Bolivian election, Heroes Monument in northern Philippines, Plow Shares activists in the US, Edward Said Memorial Lecture

His week that was - Mr Kevin HealyBolivian election victory for the people - Fred FuentesIncreased pressure to stop demolition of Heroes Monument in northern Philippines - Peter MurphySentencing of 2 of the 7 Plow Shares activists in the US - Brian TerrellPart 1 of Edward Said Memorial Lecture by Melissa Parke
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Venezuela gold, New Caledonia referendum, Julian Assange travesty of justice, La Nina and El Nino, increased police powers

 His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyVenezuela wins UK court decision in battle to get gold back – Dr Tim AndersonMore of the results of the 2nd referendum vote in New Caledonia – Nic MaclellanAnother analysis of the travesty of justice for Julian Assange at the Old Bailey – De Alison BroinowskiLa Nina and El Nino and more – Neil BlakeWhy increased police powers are not Covid safe and how to resist – Debbie Brennan
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Parliamentary Bill on foreign troops and police power in "emergency", Fighting in the Caucuses, New Caledonia referendum, Gene Ethics. US President fitness to control nuclear weapons and Coxsedge: Hard Facts for Hard times part 1

 His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyBill before Parliament to use foreign troops and police in “emergency” – Bevan RamsdenFighting in the Caucuses , engineered by Turkey? – Dr Tim AndersonReferendum result in New Caledonia – Nic MaclellanGene Ethics report – Bob PhelpsUS president on a cocktail of drugs.  Possible impact for the world re nuclear weapons – Assoc Prof Tilman RuffHard Facts For Hard Times – part 1 – Joan Coxsedge
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Palestine virtual tour, US politics, Gene Ethics, Edward Said Memorial lecture, Assange's final week at the Old Bailey

His Week That Was - Mr kevin HealyUnable to visit Palestine? Join a virtual tour with a Palestianian tour guide. We hear about the tour from journailst Andra Jackson who will facilitate the webinarTrump or Biden- the danger tis there for the people of America- a first hand look at US politics with Sean reynolds speaking from New YorkGene Ethics and regenetive agriculture and more with Bob PhelpsThe Edward Said Memorial Lecture also on line this year. Jan speaks with the person who began the lecture back in 2005 - Bassan DalyThe fourth and final week of the extradition hearing for Julian Assnage a the Old Bailey with Jacob Grech  
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Malyasia, Venezuela, New Caledonia, Assange

 His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyPossible elections in Malaysia and update on Lynas – Lee TanPart 2 interview re upcoming election in Venezuela, etc. – Fred FuentesWebinar in week before New Caledonia 2nd referendumJulian Assange at the Old Bailey week 3 – Jacob Grech
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Cruelty or Humanity?, Filipino/Australia human rights, Venezuela, children in Gaza , Trial at the Old Bailey

 His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyPosing the question: Cruelty or Humanity? – Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees.Part 2 of interview with Filipino/Australia human rights activist May KotsakisActivist, journalist and author Fred Fuentes looking at the upcoming election in Venezuela, etc.How to help children in Gaza – Amin Abbas from the Oliver Kids FoundationWeek 2 of the show trial at the Old Bailey with journalist and activist Jacob Grech
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Julian Assange, Timor Leste, Filipino workers and students, Occupied Western Sahara , Increasing use of military in Australia

IntroductionMr Kevin Healy with His Week That WasA week at the Old Bailey for Julian Assange – Jacob Grech – activist and journalistThe Greater Sunrise Development Project in Timor Leste sinks into the horizon – Peter Murphy trade union and human rights activistSituation in Australia for Filipino workers and students – May Kotsakis Migrante AustraliaMonthly report on issues affecting occupied Western Sahara – Cate Lewis – Australia Western Sahara AssociationConcerns at increasing use of military in Australia to address our greatest challenges – Dr Sue Wareham – President of MAPW
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Tuesday Hometime 01 September

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Philippines, Palestine, Paddy Garrity Tribute, GeneEthics and the pandemic, Keffyeh face masks

His week that was – Kevin Healy beginning with an update on murders in the Philippines.Walking For Palestine – John SalisburyTribute to Paddy Garrity – Kevin BrackenBob Phelps from GeneEthics Network focusing on pandemic, viruses and ethics of vivisection.Keffyeh face masks and other fair trade products from Palestine – Barbara Block
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Julian Assange, Anti-terror laws, Philippines, Australian and Us values, Spider Crabs in the bay, Increasing independence

Julian Assange, new anti terror laws here and the Philippines and more – Jacob GrechDo we share the same values as the US? – Bishop George BrowningSpider crabs mounting in Port Philip Bay – Neil BlakeIncreasing need for independence – Bevan RamsdenDeath of a peace negotiator in the Philippines
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Palestine, Philippines, Lebanon, Nuclear waste dump in SA,

His week that was with Kevin HealyWhy Australia needs to stand up and oppose Israeli annexation of Palestinian land – Rawan Arraf Principle Lawyer and Director of the Australian Centre for International Justice.Three of the speakers at an on line discussion on why no nuclear waste dump in South AustraliaSecond part of an on line discussion on planned annexation of Palestinian land with three Palestinians in three countries.The new terror laws in the Philippines and the Australian involvement.Tragedy in Beirut and impact on Palestinian refugees in Lebanon
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Palestine, Malaysia, Timor Leste, Western Sahara and A new cold war?

 His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyPart 1 of webinar “The Palestinian Struggle In The Era of Annexation.”A new cold war? – Dr Tim AndersonConviction of former Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Rasak – Lee TanTimor Leste and challenges re oil and gas - Peter MurphyPart 2 of Western Sahara update – Cate Lewis
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Tuesday Hometime - 31 July 20

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Malaysia, New Caledonia, Philippines, War or peace, Sabesh Sanmugan

His week that was - Mr Kevin HealyIncreasing human rights abuses in Malaysia - Peter Boyle - Green Left WeeklyCabinet reshuffle in France and second referendum vote in New CaledoniaWar or peace - human rights activist Stuart ReesOceanaGold in the Philippines - Kevin BrackenJude Pradesh speaking about his friend Sabesh SanmuganShort interview with Sabesh
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Bougainville, Korea, IPAN and GeneEthics

His week that was – Mr Kevin HealyWork of Marilyn Havini on Buka Island, Bougainville working with Bougainvillians for peace and self determinationThe truth about the reasons why no peace treaty in Korea in 1953 – Dr Tim AndersonPeace not war – Stephen Darley Co-ordinator of IPAN South AustraliaGeneEthics report with Bob Phelps
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RIMPAC in Hawaii, Pandemic in Caribbean and central America, MAPW, PNG mining, Gene Ethics

 His week that was – Kevin HealyOur money going to war instead of well being of community, RIMPAC exercises in Hawaii Dr Margie Beavis vice president MAPW.How countries in the Caribbean and Central America are coping with the pandemic – Sasha  Gillies-Lekakis.Porgera mine in PNG moving closer to total closure  - Catherine Coumans  Mining Watch CanadaBob Phelps from GeneEthics  and the Bayer/Monsanto decision in California.
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West Papua, Bougainville, Palestinian refugee camps, Creative Non Violence, Western Sahara, Lessons  From A Crisis

 His week that was – Kevin HealyGreat relief at short jail sentence for West Papua activists – Ronnie Kareni – West Papuan activistProposed amendments to Bougainville mining laws – Dr Luke Fletcher – Jubilee AustraliaCovid 19 and Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon  - Helen McCuePart 2 of why we need a new normal – Brian Terrell – Voices For Creative Non ViolenceWestern Sahara report with Cate Lewis from the Australia Western Sahara AssociationStuart Rees with an updated  “ Lessons  From A Crisis”.
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Antisemitism, Human right and Panguna mine, lock downs and return to "normalcy", Western Sahara, West Papua,

 His week that was – Kevin HealyJoint statement on antisemitism between AJDS and APAN – Dr Jordy SilversteinAustralian Human Rights Centre  takes on Rio Tinto over environmental and social damages to this day of Panguna mine – Dr Keren AdamsLock down in Brunswick – responses to questionnaire re impacts – Nancy AtkinUpdate on Western Sahara – Cate LewisPart one interview with Brian Terrell re “return to normalcy”.Trial of West Papuans for treason in Indonesia – Activist Ronny Kareni.
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Tuesday Hometime

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Human Rights in the Philippines, Black Lives Matters, Deep Sea Mining, cyclone and Covid-19 virus in Pacific Nations

His week that was – Mr Kevin Healy.Martial law in all but name in the Philippines – Peter Murphy Chairperson International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines.Report back from Black Lives Matters rally and protest in Melbourne – Jacob Grech. New report highlighting likely impacts of deep sea mining – Dr Helen Rosenbaum Deep Sea Mining Campaign.Part 2 – impact of cyclone and Covid-19 virus on Pacific Nations – Nic Maclellan journalist and researcher.
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Porgera mine in PNG, studying in Cuba, Gene Ethics, Cyclone in the Pacific,Nic Maclellan, Venezeula blockade

His week that was – Mr Kevin Healy.Abuses over decades at Porgera mine in PNG – Catherine Coumans from Mining Watch Canada. Last part of interview with Sasha Gillies-Lekakis about three months living and studying in Cuba. Genetically modified issues and viruses – Bob Phelps Gene Ethics Network. Cyclone in the Pacific – Journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan. Breaking of blockade of Venezuela – Dr Tim Anderson. 
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Green bans, logging, Planet of Humans, corona virus disinformation, Cuba, commemoration of flotilla members murders, police powers

His week that was – Mr Kevin Healy.Green bans – activist and artist Joan Coxsedge.Logging in destroyed forests – Chris Schuringa.Planet of the Humans – Mark Diesendorf. Reply to disinformation in videos re corona virus – retired biochemist Coral Wynter.Part 2 of Sasha Gillies Lekakis' 3 months in Cuba.Commemoration of murders in the Mediterranean of flotilla members by Israelis soldiers – James Godfrey.Keeping track of police with too many powers re virus – Sophie L’Estrange FLS.
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The 'Situation in Palestine', Union Activist Jack Mundey, Peace Activist Father Steve Kelly, Cuba

Mr Kevin Healy with His Week That Was.Rawan Arraf Director of the Australian Centre For International Justice, speaking about the decision of the ICC’s Prosecutor to open a formal investigation into the 'Situation in Palestine'.Union activist Dave Kerin and the life and work of Jack Mundey.Peace activist Kathy Kelly with the life and work of fellow peace activist Father Steve Kelly.Part 1 of interview with Sasha Gillies-Lekakis who won a scholarship to study at the University of Havana, Cuba.
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Palestine, Crusie ship industry, Malaysia, Lebanon, PNG

Mr Kevin Healy with 'The Week That Was'. Al Nakba consequences for Palestinians both at home and in exile with Noura Mansour. The dark side of the cruise ship industry with Freya Higgins-Desboilles from University of South Australia. Malaysian politics and Lynas Corp - Lee Tan. History and present of Lebanon with Dr Tim Anderson. Campaign against proposed Frieda mine in PNG with Dr Luke Fletcher of Jubilee Australia.
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Corona Virus, Brazil, Cancelling international debt, St Kilda Eco Centre

Mr Kevin Healy – "His Week That Was". Coral Wynter – retired bio chemist on the Corona Virus then and now.How the Eco Centre in St Kilda is changing to reflect social distancing with Neil Blake. How a GP practice deals with the virus and general peace issues – Dr Margie Beavis. Brazil under Jair Bolsonaro. Campaign to cancel debt of low income countries with Dr Luke Fletcher – Jubilee Australia.
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Wildlife Victoria, West Papua and Covid -19, civil liberties under attack, GM in Australia

Mr Kevin Healy with His Week That Was.  Dr Megan Davidson CEO of Wildlife Victoria with an analysis of the impact on wildlife of the recent fires, what should have been done and hopefully what will be done in the future.  West Papuan activist Ronnie Kareni and the impact of the COVID-19 virus in West Papua.  How two events in the 20th century, 9/11 and the COVID-19 virus which have impacted, and continue to impact on our civil liberties.   Update on attempts to increase GM products into Australia and lessen controls with Bob Phelps from the GeneEthics Network. 
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Covid-19 in the Philippines, Zimbabwe,Timor Leste and Western Sahara; Corona virus support from Cuba;cyclone damage in the Pacific

This week's Tuesday Homtime brings you:The week that was - Kevin Healy.Peter Murphy chairperson of International Coalition for human rights in the Philippines looking at reactions to virus in Philippines, Zimbabwe and Timor Leste.Dr Tim Anderson - how Cuba is coping with virus at home and supporting people in many other countries.Cate Lewis from Australia Western Sahara Association with concerns about prisoners and others in occupied Western Sahara and dealing with virus in the desert camps in Algeria.Journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan describes the impact of cyclone damage in Pacific and efforts to contain virus.  
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Tuesday Hometime Palestine, Venezuela and Voices for Creative Non Violence

Mr Kevin Healy with his Week That Was.Bishop George Browning former Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn now and for the past seven years President of APAN - Australia Palestine Advocacy Networks -  with update on virus impacting on Gaza and West Bank.Activist, author and journalist Frederico Fuentes speaking about the impact of sanctions and the virus on the people of Venezuela.A different angle to the yearly presentations by returning participants of the Palestine Study Tour. Freelance journalist Andra Jackson talks about the gifts she purchased in the West Bank, from whom and their stories.Voices for Creative Non Violence co coordinator Brian Terrell and the situation in the US with illness and also in Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran.
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Kurdistan, Palestine, Timor Leste and Venezuela

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Grandfather expelled from Palestine in 1948, Grandson returns in 2020- Chaler Khazaal 3) Concerns over oil and virus in Timor Leste- Peter Murphy 4) State of play in Vemezuela- Charge D'Affair Daniel Gaspari 5) Kurdistan, past and present and possibilities- Fiona Skiotos, Australians for Kurdistan
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Western Sahara, Sudan, Palestine, Pacific news and more

1) His week that was- Kevin  Healy 2) Pacific news and views with Nic MacLellan 3) Part 2 of report from Western Sahara- Cate Lewis 4) Life in Sudan and journey to Australia- Aziz Hussein 5) First hand experience in Palestine- Kay Wennegal
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Assange extradition, Western Sahara, Malaysia and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Extradition hearing in London for Julian Assange- Jacob Grech 3) Extension of Tindal R.A.A.F. Base- Stephen Darley 4) Coup in Malaysia- Lee Tan 5) News from Western Sahara- Cate Lewis 6) Life of an activist- Ed Kinnane
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Assange, Pine Gap, 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam Moratorium and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Role of Pine Gap in U.S.  drone warfare- Stephen Daley, I.P.A.N. 3) Two of the speakers at the Canberra rally in support of Julian Assange 4) Monthly report from Bob Phelps and the Gene Ethics network 5) 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam Moratorium March- Joan Coxsedge 6) Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University Br Peter Bray
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Coronavirus, courageous whistle blowers, Honest History, Australia's war machine and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) 2 stories focusing on the time Brendan Nelson spent as director of the Australian War Memorial which included his promotion of arms manufacturers as sponsors, and his leaving to take up a senior position with Boeing, one of the sponsors. 3) David Stephens- editor with Honest History 4) Dr Sue Wareham- President of the Medical Association for the Prevention of War 5) What is the Coronavirus and is it being used to promote racism- Coral Wynter, retired researcher in Biochemistry 6) Neil Blake- Port Phillip Bay Keeper with updates on Campaigns 7)The courage of the whistle-blower Brandon Bryant- as told by Stephen Daley from I.P.A.N.
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Venezuela, East Gippsland post-fires, protesting Jokowi and much more

1) News from East Gippsland after the devastating fires- Fiona York 2) Inaugural world anti-imperialism conference in Cararcas, Venezuela- Melbourne activist Joe Montero was a delegate 3) Protest in Canberra during visit of Indonesian president- Ronnie Kareni and friends 4) Ongoing campaign against nuclear waste dumps in South Australia- Dr Jim Green, National Anti-Nuclear Campaigner at F.O.E. 5) Another reaction to the so-called Trump peace plan- Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees from University of Sydney
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Bougainville, Philippines, West Papua, Palestine and more

1) Australian activist for Bougainville speaks about her decade of work leading up to the referendum and beyond- Vikki John, Bougainville Freedom Movement 2) BAYAN - working for national sovereignty, human rights and justice in the Philippines- General Secretary Renato Reyes 3) Ronnie Kareni, West Papuan activist outlines recent events there and his visit 4) Trump's Peace Plan without Palestinians- Jessica Morrison, executive officer Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network
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Invasion day, Ethiopia, Philippines, Malaysia and more

1) Gary Foley at Invasion Day 2) Bruce francis and Brian Newman visit Ethiopia 3) Australian arms sales- to whom? Dr Margie Beavis 4) Joan Coxsedge- commentary 5) Repression in Mindanao, Philippiines- Peter Murphy 6) Lynas going to court again in Malaysia- Lee Tan
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Palestine, Philippines, Western Sahara, Climate emergency and more

1) Part 2 of the interview with Brian Newman and Bruce Francis, looking at their time in Palestine 2) Spotlight on human rights in the Philippines- Lee Rhiannon 3) Monthly Gene Ethics report- Bob Phelps 4) Attacks on journalists and activists in Western Sahara- Cate Lewis 5) Climate emergency- Dr Margie Beavis, Vice President of M.A.P.W.
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Assange, Middle East, Latin America, Bushfires and the Pacific

1) Part 1 of a longer interview with Brian Newman and Bruce Francis about their visit late last year to Jordon, Palestine and Ethiopia 2) Increased need for action to support Julian Assange- Jacob Grech 3) Sasha Gilles-Lekakis' report on 2019 in Latin America 4) Violence greets the New Year in the Middle East - Dr Tim Anderson 5) Reaction to Australian bushfires in the Pacific and the year ahead- Nic MacLellan
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Assange, Haiti, Turkey, Gene Ethics and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Julian Assange meeting at the State Library 3) Gene Ethics- Bob Phelps 4) Wrap-up of the year- Nic MacLellan 5) Anti-nuclear activism in Turkey and plans by the government to build nuclear power plants0 Pinar Demircan 6) Part 3 of the history of Haiti- Sasha Gilles-Lekakis
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Bolivia, speeches from the CICD 60th anniversary celebrations

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Speeches from the CIDC (Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament) 60th anniversary celebrations at the Melbourne Unitarian Church on 10th November- featuring John Lloyd, Marian Harper, Bruce McPhee, Joan Coxsedge, Joe Camilleri 3) Coup in Bolivia- Fred Fuentes- journalist, author and activist 4) Commentary from social activist Joan Coxsedge
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Sri Lanka, Eureka, Philippines, Bouganville and much more

1) His week that was-  Kevin Healy 2) Jacob Grech takes on Canberra 3) Results of Sri Lankan election - Dr Brian Senewiratne 4) Spirit of Eureke celebrations coming up on 28 November- Shirley Winton 5) Part 2 of interview with Philippines/Australian activist Mat Kotsakis 6) Bouganville referendum voting begins this weekend- Nic MacLellan
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Philippines, Haiti, Western Sahara and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Part 1 of oniterview with Philippines/Australian activist May Kotsakis 3)G.M. news- Bob Phelps, Gene Ethics Network 4) Part 2 of history of Haiti- Sasha Gilles-Lekakis 5) Western sahara update- Cate Lewis 6) Results of trial in Georgia, USA of peace activist Brian Terrell
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IMARC, Palestine,Quit nukes and more

1) His week that was- Kevin healy 2) Kevin Bracken at IMARC early  Tuesday morning. 3) Update on IMARC- Jacob 4) Nasser Machni back from a famly visit to Palestine 5)Dr Margie Beavis from MAPW with a new campaign Quit Nukes 6) Bruce Francis preparing for a visit to Palestine 7) Finally Palvember- with Jessica Morrison from APAN
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Haiti, Palestine, a world without war and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Working towards a world without war- Brian Terrel, Voices for Creative Non-Violence 3) Part 1 of a 3 part series in Haiti with Sasha Gilles Lekakis 4) Commentary by writer Joan Coxsedge 5) Recording of a lecture by Dr Salmon Abu Sitta on Palestine- Right of return or a real possibility?
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West Papua, the Andes, Zionism, Middle East and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) The consequences of the stabbing of Wiranta and the impact for West Papua- Ronnie Kareni 3) Part 2 of Coral Wynter's visits to the Galilee Basin in Queensland and then to outback NSW where water is getting scarcer 4) Impact on indigenous Equadorans of mining in the Andes area of the country- Anthony Amis, Melbourne Rainforest Action Group 5) Bishop George Browning and a short history of Zionism 6) Dr Tim Anderson explaining some of the conflicts in the Middle East and why they are occurring
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Western Sahara, nuclear power, Assange, Afghanistan

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) What are the plans for nuclear power here in Australia? Dr Margie Beavis, national secretary of M.A.P.W. 3) Coral Wynter at the coal face in Northern Queensland 4) What was in the letter the Moroccan embassy sent to Sydney University regarding Western Sahara- Cate Lewis 5) Why we must support Julian Assange- activist Jacob Grech 6) U.S. nurse Sarah Ball in Afghanistan
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Western Sahara, Philippines, Iran, Afghanistan, West Papua and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Cancellation of lecture by Western Sahara activist at University of Sydney- Kamal Fadel 3) Actions in support of indigenous peoples in Luxon, Philippines and Venezuela- activist Kevin Bracken 4) Gene Ethics- Bob Phelps 5) Visit to Iran and Afghanistan- Sarah Ball, Voices for creative Non-Violence 6) Violence in West Papua- Ronnie Kareni 7) Brief history of indigenous peoples of the Andes- Sasha Gilles Lekakis
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Afghanistan, Pacific and West Papua, Syria, Assange

1)His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Kathy Kelly's visit to Afghanistan 3) Journalist, researcher and author Nic MacLellan speaking about climate issues, the Pacific and West Papua 4) Dr Tim Anderson will be talking about his recent visit to Syria, his new book Axis Of Resistance, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Venezuela and Australia's role in the Middle East wars 5) Rally in London supporting Julian Assange- John Pilger, Julian's brother and Roger Waters
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Mugabe, West Papua, 80 years of politically active Australian school students

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Former Prime Minister and President of Zimbabwe Mugabe, dead at 95- Peter Murphy from Zimbabwe Information Centre reflects on his life 3) Political commentary by writer Joan Coxsedge 4) West Papua- the activism continues as does the repression by Indonesia- Ronnie Kareni 5) In the lead up to the school strike on September 20, writer Iain McIntyre reflects on 80 years of actions by Australian school students
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West Papua, the Amazon, Western Saharan refugees and much more

1) His week that was-Kevin Healy 2) Situation in West Papua- Ronnie Kareni 3) Trial of youth in Western Sahara- Cate Lewis, A.W.S.A. 4) Situation of Western Saharan refugees in camps in Western Algeria- Tecbar Ahmed Salah 5) History  and present situation in the Amazon- Sasha Gileslicarcus- recorded in the Latin American Update program last Sunday at 10am 6) Australian troops and warfare to Strait of Hormuz- Dr Sue Wareham, M.A.P.W. 7) Life of an activist- Peter Murphy
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Palestine, P.N.G., Pacific Islands forum and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Palestinian/Australian Nada Breik speaks about her family and her visits to the occupied West Bank 3) Natilus Minerals hopefully gone from PNG but others waiting in the wings to mine the sea floor- Natalie Lowrey, media co-ordinator of Deep Sea Mining Campaign 4) Issues impacting on Port Phillip bay and surrounds- Neil Blake, Port Phillip Bay Keeper 5) Journalist, author and researcher Nic MacLellan and issues discussed at Pcific Islands Forum in Tuvalu
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Amazon crisis, Bouganville, Western Sahara, Pacific Islands forum and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Crisis in the Amazon rainforest- Dr Ralph Newmark, director of Latin American Institute at Latrobe University 3) Update on proposed referendum vote in Bouganville- Luke Fletcher, Jubilee Australia 4) Western Sahara update, visit next month of health worker from the refugee camps in Algeria- Cate Lewis 5) Gene Ethics Network monthly- Bob Phelps 6) Report back from Pacific Islands forum- Nic MacLellan, journalist and researcher
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Assange, IPAN National Conference in Darwin, Lockheed Martin and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Dr Margie Beavis from the Medical Association for the Prevention of War protesting at University of Melbourne about the taking of money from Lockheed Martin 3) Speech by Warren Smith- secretary of MUA division of CFMMEU, at the recent IPAN national conference in Darwin 4) World events- Dr Tim Anderson 5) Plough share activists in court in Georgia, USA- Kathy Kelly, VCNV 6) Campaign for Julian Assange- Dr Alison Broinowski
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Philippines, Public housing, IPAN, Cuban revolution and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2_ Dinner with Donald- Bishop George Browning, president of APAN 3) Recording of a talk at the Unitarian Church on July 26th celebrating Cuban revolution- Sasha Gileslicacus 4) Report back from IPAN ( Independent and Peaceful Australia Network) conference in Darwin last weekend- Bevan Ramsden 5) Update on trade wars and Lynas Corporation- Environmental activist Lee Tan 6) Calls for action re: human rights abuses in Philippines- Peter Murphy 7) Jack Verdin from Friends of Public Housing Victoria, speaking at a recent conference
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Philippines, Palestine, Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism, and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Emeritus Professor Carolyn Karcher speaking about her latest publication "Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism- Stories of Personal Tranformation" 3) Australian/Filipino activist May Kotsakis with an update on the situation in the Philippines 4) Brian Terrel, peace and anti-war activist, on his recent activities in Germany and the U.S. 5) Part 2 of the lecture at NSW Parliamentary Theaterette presented by Emeritus Professor Richard Falk- Future of Palestine, B.D.S., International Law and beyond
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Venezuela, Palestine, Gene Ethics and much more

1) HIs week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Findings of enquiry into human rights situation in Venezuela- journalist, author and activist fred Fuentes 3) Commentary by activist Joan Coxsedge 4) Monthly Gene Ethics report- Bob Phelps 5) Legacies of nuclear testing on past yeart- Helen Caldicutt, featured on Ockham Razor R.N. 6) Part 1 of a talk by Professor Emeritus Richard Falk titled A Future For Palestine, B.D.S. and International Law and Beyond
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Occupied Western Sahara, Philippines, Syria, Hiroshima Day and much more

1) HIs week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Campaign to persuade superannuation funds to divest from nuclear weapons- Dr Margie Beavis and Margaret Peril 3) Result of trial journalist in Occup[ied Western Sahara- Kamal Fadel, Polisario Front representative in Australia and New Zealand 4) Campaign to force Oceana Gold out of the Philippines- Kevin Bracken 5) Preparing for Hiroshima Day- Dr Carole Wigg 6) Situation in Syria- Dr Tim Anderson 7)Why Australian mining company should not be in Eritrea- Nazaz Mengesha
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Hong-Kong, Western Sahara, Middle east and much more

1)His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Speaking with a Western Sahara journalist facing a long jail sentence for exposing Moroccan human rights abuses in Western Sahara- Nazha El Khahdi 3) Peter Murphy back from Hong-Kong, his impressions of the protest movements and participation in conferences on human rights 4) Nic MacLellan, journalist and researcher, with a preview of the Pacific Islands Forum 5)Bishop George Browning, president of Australia Palestine Advocacy Network, assessing the 2 day Bahrain workshop that has been labelled a charade 6) Kathy Kelly from Voices for Vreative Non-Violence assessing the impact of economic war on citizens of the Middle East
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Iran vs US, Western Sahara, Assange and more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) What is the likelihood of war between Iran and the U.S.? - Stephen Darley, Independent and Peaceful Australian Network, South Australia Branch 3) Young Sarahawi journalist in court in Morocco could be facing 15 years in jail for reporting violence against citizens- Cate Lewis, Australia Western Sahara Association 4) The Force Posture Agreement with the U.S.- Bevan Ramsden, Independent and Peaceful Australia Network 5) Talk by Jacob Green at Unitarian Church re: Julian Assange
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Bouganville, Chaigos Islands, Wikileaks and Assange

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Ciaron O'Reilly speaking about the history of Wikileaks and the plight of Asutralian journalist Julian Assange 3) Activist and researcher Joan Coxsedge commenting on current affairs 4) Bouganvilleans wait for delayed referendum vote- Vikki Johns, Bouganville Freedom Movement 5) Ghaigos Islands in the Indian Ocean. The one most known about, Diego Garcia, is home to the biggest U.S. base in the world. What happened to the people? Margaret Peril
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Palestine, Tanzania, China and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Olive kids- people working to support Palestinian children- Amin Abbas, Chairperson of Olive Kids 3) Medical aid in Tanzanian refugee camps- Dr Peter Wigg- M.S.F. 4) Monthly segment with bob Phelps- Gene Ethics Networl 5) Is there a link between the Black Plague and Influenza? - Joan Coxsedge 6) China- the boogy man- Nic Maclellan
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Flotilla for Gaza, Pacific issues, Environmental issues and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) THEM - a new play by Samah Sabawi- Palestinian/Canadian/Australian playwright 3) Environmental issues with neil Blake- Eco Centre at St Kilda and Port Philip Bay Keeper 4) Pacific issues with Nic Maclellan- journalist and researcher 5) U.S. Flotilla for Gaza- Sean Reynolds from Voices for Creative Non Violence
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Assange, Occupied Western Sahara, Philippines and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning- Kathy Kelly 3) Trial in Occupied Western Sahara of journalist- Cate Lewis 4) Elections in Australia, the Philippines- Peter Murphy 5) IPAN conference etc - Shirley Winter 6) Nakba, Eurovision- Mai
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Penal laws, world affairs, High Voltage Women and more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Clarie O'Shea and the penal laws- Shirley Winters, Spirit of Eureks 3) Commentary on current world affairs- Joan Coxsedge 4) Part 2 of interview with peace activist Dale Hess 5) Invitation to launch of the book High Voltage Women with Debbie Brennan
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Venezuela, Palestine, Central American refugees and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Situation in Venezuela 3) Gene Ethics network- Bob Phelps 4)The walk of a Peace activist- Dale Hess 5) Susan Fawkner and the reality of life in Palestiine 6) Refugees from Central America- Richard Broinowski
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Sri Lanka, Assange, the Axis of Resistance and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Dr Alison Broinowski and why Julian Assange must be supported 3) Update on Sri Lanka- Dr Brian Senewiratne 4) The Axis of Resistance- Dr Tim Anderson 5) The I.S.D.S. component of trade agreements and efforts to remove it- Peter Murphy 6) 10 years after the massacre which ended the Sri Lankan civil war- Tamil researcher Umesh Perinpanayagan
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Sri Lanka, Philippines, Venezuela, West Papua and more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2)Comment on the bombings in Sri Lanka- veteran peace and human rights activist Dr Brian Senewiratne 3) Increasing controversy at cost of Australian War Memorial extensions- Dr Sue Wareham, President of Medical Association for the Prevention of War 4) Recording of recent speech at Melbourne Unitarian Church about the dire situation in the Philippines by Australian missionary Sister Patricia Fox 5) Views on the why the U.S. has failed to oust President Maduro in Venezuela- Professor Emeritus James Petras 6) Louise Burn and Nadine Rutter talk about efforts to have West Papua included in decolonisation commitee meeting at the U.N.
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Palestine, Assange, Burma, Malaysia and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Comment by young Australian-Palestinian woman Heba ElFara on the re-election of Netanyahu in Israel 3) Comment on world affairs- political and social activist Joan Coxsedge 4) Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees talking about Julian Assange, Palestinian poet refused visa to come to Australia and Brexit 5) Travel to Maylaysia and the takepver bid for Lynas Corporation by Westfarmers 6)The Work of the Burma Children's Nedical Fund on the Thai/Burma border- volunteer Jacqui Whelan
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Philippines, Algeria, Palestine, mining in P.N.G. and much more

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Dr Margie Beavis- secretary of the Medical Association for the Prevention of War speaking about increasing militarism 3) Part 2 of the interview with trade union peace activist Peter Murphy detailing the situation in the Philippines 4) Monthly segment about the situation of Western Sahara in the occupied territory and the refugee camps in Algeria- Cate Lewis 5) 8th birthday for A.P.A.N.- Australian Palestine Advocacy Network CEO Jessica Morrison 6) Looking at the end of Naustilus Minerals and their venture off the coast of P.N.G.  with Natalie Lowery, media person for the Deep Sea Mining Campaign 
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Philippines, Bouganville, Non-violent anti-war actions

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Two friends in the U.S. speak about 16 years of non-violent anti-war actions- Joy First from Wisconsin and Malachy Kilbride in California 3) Duterte's killinig machine in the Philippines- Peter Murphy 4) Two interviews about Bouganville- 1st from the Present Day and 2nd from 50 years ago- Kevin Healy and  Luke Fletcher from Jubilee Australia 
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Venezuela, Gene Ethics, the legacy of nuclear testing

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Visit to Venezuela with Joe Montero 3) Gene Ethics segment with Bob Phelps 4) Hypocracy and hand-wringing- talking with Debbie Brennan 5) Legacy of nuclear tests in the Pacific and elsewhere- Nic Maclellan
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Venezuela, Syria, the Yellow Vests and much more

1) HIs week that was- Kevin Healy 2) The protests in France by The Yellow Vests- who are those participating, why and what could the oputcome be? Journalist and researcher Nic MacLellan 3) Opinion Piece by activist Joan Coxsedge 4) Analysis of situation in both Venezuela and Syria- academic and activist Dr Tim Anderson 5) The work of the Quaker movement, both historically and at the present with an emphasis on a visit to North Korea by an Australian Quaker- Dale Hess
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Central America, Western Sahara, Venezuela

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Why are people from Central America seeking to enter the U.S.- Monica Hill, F.S.P. America 3) Gene Ethics news- Bob Phelps, Gene Ethics Network 4) News from Western Sahara- Cate Lewis, Australia Western Sahara Association 5) Independent Peaceful Australia Network issues- Shirley Winton 6) Coup attempt in Venezuela- Dr Ralph Newmark, director of Intstitute of Latin American Studies at LaTrobe University
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Palestine, Venezuela, Philippines

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Part 2 of interview with Monica Keily who spent 3 months in Palestine/Israel as an unarmed civilian protective person and human rights monitor in occupied West Bank and annexed East Jerusalem 3) Port Phillip Bay keeper Neil Blake back talking about his work 4) Dr Tim Anderson and the verdict on his expulsion from University of Sydney and update on Venezuela 5) Catherinie Coumans from Mine Watch Canada and her fact finding visit to the OceanaGold mine in Philippines
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Sudan, Palestine, Malaysia

1) Sudan- why action is needed to combat human rights abuses- Sudanese Australian Saru Sinada for Act for Peace 2) Work of an ecumenica accompanier in Palestine's occupied West Bank and annexed East Jeruslaem- Monica Keily 3) A look back over decades and the coups in Latin america with USA stamped on them- a segment for the Latin American Update programme last Sunday at 10:30 am 4) More developements concerning the Lynas rare earth processing plant in Malaysia- Lee Tan 5) Another first hand account of life for Palestinians in both Palestine and Israel- Professor Bassam Dally
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Venezuela, Afghanistan, Anti-Fascist action

1) Professor Emeritus James Petras focusing on the push by the U.S. for a coup in Venezuela 2) Human rights activist Peter Murphy who has been speaking with activists in Zimbabwe, Timor Leste and the Philippines about deterioration in situation for human rights and media-free from government interference 3) Co-coordinator of Voices for creative non-Violence Kathy Kelly and her impression on moves towards peace in Afghanistan 4) Debbie brennan, long-time anti-fascist activist, looks at many places in the world where the far right has taken hold.
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Brazil, Venezuela, Guantanamo Bay

1) Another inappropriate developement for the Great Ocean Road area which needs to be stopped- Russell Doppelly, local environmentalist 2) New segment for Tuesday Hometime- monthly comment on world affairs by social and political activist Joan Coxsedge 3) Part 2  of the interview with Si Aguilar and Lo Cardosa looking at politics in Brazil 4) Dr Tim Anderson commenting on the west's plan for Venezuela 5) The history of Guantanamo Bay concentration camp and activism to close it down- Brian Terrell, Witness Against Torture
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Venezuela, ScoMo in Vanuatu and Fiji

1) Scomo's visit to vanuatu and Fiji- journalist Nic MacLellan 2) Nautilus Mionerals deep sea mining project falling into the deep- Dr Helen Rosenbaum 3) Why Venezuela is in finalncial crisis- Jim Mallory, socialist activist who has lived and worked in Venezuela 4) Si and Lo- 2 Brazilians living in Melbourne talking about the past, present and future
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Palestine, Western Sahara, St Kilda Anti-Fascist action

1) Bishop George Browning's visit to Palestine and positive vote at ALP conference on Palestine 2) Tale of 2 Saturdays- January 5th and 12th featuring anti-fascist activists in St Kilda confronting self-proclaimed Nazis, 2nd rally at State Library- Debbie Brennan 3) Update on issues impacting on Western Sahara's living under occupation- Cate Lewis 4) Reviews of books for your summer reading with Bob Phelps from the Gene Ethics Network 5) Dr Tim Anderson, currently suspended senior lecturer at the University of Sydney, explaining the Palestine Exception.
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Middle East, Malaysia, Palestine

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Review of 2018 for Middle East- Dr Tim Anderson 3) Update on the campaign to get the Lynas Corp out of Mlayasia with environmental activist Lee Tan. The majority of the following interviews focus on peace with justice for Palestinians 4) Mary Baxter 5) Bruce knowloch 6) Emeritus Professor Stuart Rees
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Middle East, Philippines, Zimbabwe, Timor Leste, Cuba, Brazil

- It is the Week that was - Kevin Healy wrap up of issues for 2018- 1st Kathy Kelly, co-ordinator of Voices For Creative Non-Violence, with a focus on the Middle East and the U.S. war machine.- 2nd Peter Murphy, human rights and trade union activist, focusing on the Philippines, Zimbabwe and Timor Leste.- Lastly, Dr Tim Anderson recently in Cuba also talking about the new far-right president of Brazil Jair Balsonaro.
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Brazil, Invictus Games, Gene Ethics, New Caledonia

- His Week that Was - Kevin Healy- What Balsonava will mean for Brazil - Dr Ralph Newmark- The Invictus Games - the inconvenient truths - Michelle Fahy (MAPW)- Last Gene Ethics for the year - Bob Phelps-The referendum in New Caledonia - journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan
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Eureka, Western Sahara, Malaysia, Palestine

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Celebrations on 164 anniversary of Eureka- Shirley Winton, Spirit of Eureka 3) Gabby and Cate talking about Western Sahara- Gabby Alamin and Cate Lewis 4) Malaysia's Mahathir approves increase in radioactive waste- Lee Tan 5) Segment from Palestine Remebered re bombing of Gaza- Dalia 6) Decision at VCAT re Toxic Free Fawkner- Brian Snowden
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Philippines, Palestine, Indonesia

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Increasing human rights abuses in the Philippines- May Kotsakis, Philippines Australia Solidarity association 3) Part 2 Fra Hughes visits to Palestine 4) Introducing new president of Medical Association for the Prevention of War- Dr Sue Wareham 5) New book looking at the killings in Indonesia in the 1960s- academic at Darwin University Dr Vanessa Hearman
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Libya, Sri Lanka and much more

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Part 1 Fra Hughes' childhood in Northern ireland and later journeys to Palestine and the Middle East 3) Booklet outlining the history of Libya and particularly how the west destroyed once prosperous Libya- Joan Coxsedge 4) Sri Lanka- a failed state- Human rights activist Dr Brian Senewiratne 5) Looking back on the campaign to force BHP to clean up its act at Ok Tedi and today's campaign to stop deep sea mining- Dr Helen Rosenbaum
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Peru, Gene Ethics and much more

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2)Victory in court in Peru for Indigenous activist- Thomas McDonagh, Bolivian Democracy Movement 3) Issues from Independent and Peaceful Australia Network- Shirley Winton 4) Gene Ethics Network issues with Bob Phelps 5) Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies at Sydney University facing closure- Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees
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Brazil, Timor Leste, Malaysia and much more

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) is Brazil heading towards dictatorship?- Professor Emeritus James Petras 3) Palestine fun run coming soon- Mohommad Othman 4) Lynus under review in Malaysia, cement project in Timor Leste under wraps plus more- Environmental consultant Lee Tan 5) Porgera- Barrick Gold's mine in PNG- the world's worst mine ever- Catherine Coumans, co-ordinator with Mine Watch Canada
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Philippines, M.A.P.W., Peace marches, Middle East

1) The week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Professor Emeritus Stuart Rees to be awarded the Inaugural Jerusalem Peace Prize here in Melbourne next month 3) International People's Tribunal judgement on the Philippines government and those international actors supporting it 4) Part 2 of interview with Dr Tim Anderson, back from the Middle East 5) Dr Peter Wigg from M.A.P.W.- why nuclear deterrents don't work 6) Marches for Peace on Jeju Island, South Korea and Okinawa, Japan- Buddy Bell, V.C.N.V.
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Western Sahara, Nauru, Syria

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) BLF Green Bans- Dave Kerin 3) Update of Western Sahara- Gabby Alamin 4) Part 2 Pacific Forum Meeting in Nauru- Nic MacLellan 5) Dr Tim Anderson-Syria 6) Findings from International People's Tribunal in Brussels, Belgium- Peter Murphy
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Palestine, Nauru, Bouganville

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Bishop George Browning, President of Australia Palestine Advocacy Network, discussing troubling developments relating to Palestine 3) How to make trouble and influence people 2019 diary- Iain McIntyre 4) researcher and journalist Nic MacLellan at the Pacific forum meeting in Nauru 5) Gene Ethics Network's Bob Phelps 6) Graeme Double told to leave Bouganville despite being emplyed by interim government
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Peru, Bouganville and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Documentary "The Opposition" screening in Melbourne- Alan Mogerema and Natalie Lowrie 3) Indigenous communities battle mining in Peru- Thomas McDonagh, Bolivian Democracy centre 4) Bishop George Browning analysing Morrison's personal faith and public values 5) Will Bouganville vote for independence next year?- Vikki Johns 6) Gabby Alamin- only Western Saharawi living in Melbourne. The story of her journey.
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Palestine, Eritrea, Port Phillip Bay

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Zaina Acrec's family history as refugees from Al Nakba and her two visits to Palestine 3) Aftermath of West Footscray fire on Port Phillip Bay and surrounds- Port Phillip Bay Keeper Neil Blake 4) The cosy relationship between arms manufacturers and universities- Jacob Grech, renegade activist 5) Salah Abdurandham- Eritean now living in Australia with history of Eritrea and the long conflict with Ethiopia
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Gaza, I.P.A.N., Palestinian refugees, renewable energies and much more

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Renewable energies are the way to go- today off-shore wind farms- Pat Simons, campaigner with Friends of the Earth 3) New group established to counter neo-fascists- Debbie Brennan, Push 4) I.C.A.N. Nobel Peace Prize Bike ride from Melbourne to Canberra- day 3 with Gem Romuld 5) Another grouping of activists protesting the far right- Shirley Winton, I.P.A.N. 6) History of the Free Flotillas to Gaza- Michael Coleman 7) Analysis of the impact of U.S. withdrawal of funding to U.N. and organisation for Palestinian refugees- Nasser Machni from A.P.A.N.
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Venezuela, I.P.A.N. report, Palestinian children in Isreali detention

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Crisis in venezuela- Fred Fuentes, journalist and author 3) Huge and long term expansion of Werribee land fill- Harry Van Moorst, director Western Region Environment Centre 4) Part 2 I.PA.N. report for August- Beran Ramsden, one of the founding members of 3cr 5) Palestinian children in Isreali detention- 2 founders of the Military Court Watch Salwa Duaibis and Gerard Horton
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Philippines, Nauru, Korea

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) U.S. Peace and disarmament activist Dr Joseph Gerson 3) Professor Gill Boehginger deported from Philippines- Peter Murphy 4) I.P.A.N. report with Bevan Ramsdehn 5) Part 2 of history of Nauru- journalist and researcher Nic MacLellan 6) History of Korea- Dr Tim Anderson
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Peru, Nauru, Philippines

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) More fight backs against mining by indigenous communities. this time in Peru- Thomas McDonagh, Bolivian Democracy Centre and International Allies 3) Reaction to massacre of chilren in Yemen- Kathy Kelly, V.C.N.V. 4) Gene Ehtics report- Bob Phelps 5) Another Australian facing deportation from the Philippines- Peter murphy 6) Part 1 - History of Nauru and the Pacific Islands Forum
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Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Anti-war activists in the U.S and much more

1)His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Hopeful signs that violence is over in Zimbabwe 3) MAPW report- Dr Margie Beavis 4) Anti-war activists active in the U.S.- Kathy Kelly, co-ordinator V.C.N.V. 5) possible awakening of the left in Indonesia- Australian academic Max Lane, now living and working in Indonesia 6) Palestinian/american scholar and human rights lawyer- Naura Erakat
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El Salvador, Zimbabwe, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Oceana Gold out of El Salvador- Helen Bracken, trade unionist 3) Elections in Zimbabwe yesterday- trade union and human rights activist Peter Murphy 4) Life for Pa;estinian refugees in Lebanon- Dr Olaf Mahmoud 5) Life and work of Aboriginal woman Helen Williams- by her friend Coral Wynter
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Western Sahara, Israel and Palestine

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Report back from demonstration in Somerton at the presence of 2 white supremacists- Cebbie Brennan, Radical women 3) Another rally tomorrow regarding the Australian Government's plan to prosecute former ASIS operative and his lawyer for exposing wrongful practices by the government 4)Monthly report on issues relating to Western Sahara- Cate Lewis, A.W.S.A. 5) Monthly report from GeneEthics with Bob Phelps 6) New law in Israel and what it means for Palestinian citizens of Israel- Nasser Machin, representing a number os Palestinian advocacy networks
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Palestine and Israel, Afghanistan, Palestine

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Alt-right Canadians in Melbourne- Debbie Brennan, Radical Melbourne 3) Bishop George Browning speaking about Palestine and Israel 4) Kathy Kelly once again in Afghanistan 5) Elections in Zimbabwe and human rights in the Philippines- Peter Murphy 6) Co-Founder of Code Pink Medea Bengamin- why are Saudi Arabia and Iran treated differently by the U.S. and Israel?
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Nicaragua, P.N.G., Malaysia, Honduras

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2&3) Dr Martin Bush and Dr Madeline Martinella speaking about the Australian Living Peace Museum and the film Against The Odds- the victory over conscription in WWI 4) Professor Emeritus  James Petras analysing the reasons for the violence in Nicaragua 5) The deep sea mining project in PNG increasingly uncertain- Natalie Lowry 6) 9th anniversary of the coup in Honduras 7) Corruption par excellence in Malaysia- democracy activist and consultant Lee Tan
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Palestine, Colombia, Mexico

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Visit to Palestine by Prince William and Trump's deal of the century- Professor Bassam Daly, Vice President of Australia Palestine Advocacy Network 3)Election result for Colombia, South America- Professor Emeritus James Petras 4) Militarization of the world- journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan 5) Other election results- Mexico- Professor Emeritus Barry Carr
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Western Sahara, Bouganville, GeneEthics

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2)Report from Western Sahara- Cate Lewis, Australia Western Sahara Association 3) Peace and anti-war with MAPW- Dr Margie Beavis 4) GeneEthics monthly- Bob Phelps 5) Bouganville referendum one year off, will the Panguna mine re-open? PNG- unrest in the Highlands- Christine Hill, acting executive director Jubilee Association
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Sri Lanka, Eritrea, Philippines

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Australian nun Sr Patricia Fox wins appeal to stay in Philippines but faces another separate case- May Kotsakis, Australian Philippines Solidarity Association 3) Report on human rights in Sri Lanka- Dr Brian Senewiratne 4) News from the anti- war and independence movement- Shirley Winter 5) Another Australian mining company unwelcome in a developing country Eritrea- 3 members of the Perth Eritrean community
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Guatemala, Venezuela, Fawkner

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Arrests at Nuclear Missile Base in Georgia, U.s.- Martha Hennessy, Catholic Worker Movement 3) Report back from V.C.A.T. hearing re: hazardous site in Fawkner 4) Death of Guatemala tyrant Rios Mont and Lula Da Silva- former President of Brazil now in jail there- Professor Emeritus James Petras in New Yorl 5) Venezuela, Middle east fake news re: Russia, why protests in Nicaragua- Dr Tim Anderson
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Timor Leste, Afghanistan, Venezuela

1) The week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Results of Timor Leste elections- Lee Tan 3) Monthly report with Dr Margie Beavis- Secretary of Medical Association for the Prevention of War 4) International Allies- who they are and what their role is- Kevin Bracken, member of MUA 5) Caraly Coe in Afghanistan 6)Election results in Venezuela- Fred Fuentes, activist and author
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Malaysia, Philippines, Paris

1) His week that was -Kevin Healy 2) Nakba- 70 years on- Prof. Bassam Daly, Vice President of Australian Palestine Advocacy Network 3) What next for malaysia now Najib is gone?- Lee Tan, member of Bersih Australia 4) Sister Patricia Fox still facing deportation from Philippines- Peter Murphy 5) May 1968 in Paris- journalist and researcher Nic MacLellan
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Philippines, Malaysia, Timor Leste

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Al Nakba- the origins and reality today, Nasser Machni 3) Gene Ethics monthly report- Bob Phelps 4) Elections in Malaysia and Timor Leste- Lee Tan 5) Report back from the Philipines, focusing on golden rice- Fran Murrell from MADGE
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Timor Leste, Palestine, Zimbabwe

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Dr Margie bearis on the Radio Active tour 3) Dr Tim Anderson's visit to Timor Leste 4) Toxic Faulkner campaign at VCAT- Sue Bolton 5) Report on situation in Palestine- Tasnim Palestine Community of Victoria 5) Alarming news from Western Sahara- Cate Lewis, Australian Westewrn Sahara Association 7) Zimbabwe- has Mugabe relinquished power? - activist and trade unionist Peter Murphy
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Equador, Syria, Palestine

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Threat to important rainforest in Equador- John Seed, Rainforest Information Centre 3) John Bolton's history- political and social activist Joan Coxsedge 4) Assassination of Brazilian activist Marella Franco 5) Threats to rights to advocate for justice and human rights- Cam Walker, Campaign director with Freinds of the Earth 6) Rise of fascism talk by activist and broadcaster Chris Gaffney 7) Update on situation in Syria and palestine- Dr Tim Anderson
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Palestine, Timor Leste, CHOGM

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Massacre of Palestinians on Gaza/Israel border- Dr Bassam Dale from the Australian Palestine Advocacy Network 3) The connection between the giant hydrogen bomb test in the Pacific 60 years ago and the 25th Meeting of the Commonwealth Heads of Government- journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan 4) Western Suburbs  Environment group taking the EPA to VCAT over the Werribee tip Epansion 5) Timor Letse Permaculture Ego Lemas talking about the history of agriculture prior and following the Portuguese occupation and Indonesian occupation
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P.N.G. earthquake, Sri Lanka, Permaculture

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) First in a series of lectures from a Marxist perspective with activist and broadcaster Chris Gaffney 3) What caused the earthquake in P.N.G. Hela Province and what is being done to assist the affected people- Dr Luke Fletcher- Jubilee Australia Director 4) Why are Muslims being targeted in Sri Lanka- Dr Brian Senewiratne 5) Australian permaculture trainer Rosemary Morrow talking about 40 years of work
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Duck slaughter, Anti-G.M, Politics and Massacres

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Another duck slaughter season in Victoria- Laurie Levy, Coalition Against Duck Shooting 3) Independent and Peaceful Australia network- Shirley Winton 4) Anti-G.M. segment with Bob Phelps- Gene Ethics Network 5) Professor Emeritus James Petras- article The Political Economy of Massacres
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West Papua, Timor Leste, Palestine

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) The latest meeting of the Melaneum Spearhead Group- Louise Byrne, West Papuan Office in Docklands, Melbourne 3) Timor Gap and oil- partial ending of dipute between Timor Leste and Australian Government 4) Roger Waters at the Athenaum Theatre on Feb 9 talking about Palestine
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New Caledonia, Western Sahara, Mindanao

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Part 2 of interview on New Caledonia- Nic Maclellan 3) News from Western Sahara- Cate Lewis 4) Br. Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University 5) Crisis in Mindanao- Peter Murphy
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New Caledonia, Palestine, MAPW

1) The proposal dor sea-sea mining in the Bismark Sea- Natalie Lowrey, Deep Sea Mining Campaign 2) Part 1 of history, preasent and future for New Caledonia 3) MAPW monthly report- Dr Margie Bearis 4) Robert Martin speaks with Palestinian Bassem Tamini 5) Robert speaks with Jan Bartlett about his 2 months in Palestine late last year
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Bouganville, Timor Leste, Sri Lanka, Yemen

1)His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Will the Panguna mine on Bouganville ever re-open? - Luke Fletcher, Jubilee Australia 3) Remaining projects in Timor Leste supported by APHEDA- Sam Bond 4) Current situation in Sri Lanka- Australia/Sri Lanka human rights activist Dr Brian Senewiratne 5) The Jewish National Fund- Planting trees or uprooting families? - Vivienne Porazgolt 6) Yemen- Kathy Kelly, co-ordinator of Voices for Creative Non-Violence
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Syria, Timor Leste, Palestine

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) 2nd part of interview with activist Hall Greenland 3) The war in Syria- why it's not a civil war- Dr Tim Anderson 4) Victory for women domestic workers in Timor Leste- APHEDA- Sam Bond 5) Jailing of Palestinian children - Youssef Al Reemawi
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Venezuela, Peace Brigades International, GeneEthics

1) The work of human rights defenders with Peace Brigades International- Ilo 2) Why there is a crisis in Venezuela- Fred Fuentes, journalist and author 3) How GeneEthics came to be and what has been happening in the past 30 years- Bob Phelps, director of GeneEthics Network 4) The life and political activism of Hall Greenland
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Palestine, Guantanamo, Honduras

1) U.S. Government slashes funding for U.N.R.W.A.- United Nations Relief and Welfare organisation for Palestinians in the near East- Youssef Al Reemalawi 2) 2nd part of interview with Brian Terrell from V.C.N.V. re: actions around Guantanamo Bay concentration camp 3) Tribute to the late Dr Alan Roberts- friends and comrade Hall Greenland 4) New elections for Timor Leste- activist Peter Murphy 5) Insurance and gene testing- Coral wynter, research chemist, retired. 6) Violence in Honduras, election fraud and resistance- freelance journalist Sandra Cuffe
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Yemen, Western Sahara, Korea

1) Why Yemen is in crisis- Brian Terrell, V.C.N.V. 2) Afgan Australian Developement Organisation with volunteer Lynn Allison 3) Part 2 of Chris Gaffney and the Russian Revolution 4) Update on Western Shara- Cate Lewis 5) Nobel Peace Prize Award in Norway 6) Visit to Korea- Associate Professor Tilman Ruff
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Timor Leste, Iraq, China

1) Aid, trade, China and the Pacific- journalist and researcher Nic MacLellan 2) New elections for Timor Leste?- Trade Union and human rights activist Peter Murphy 3) M.A.P.W. monthly report- Dr Margie Bearis 4) The Russian Revolution early days- Chris Gaffney 5) A country in Crisis- Iraq - Cathy Breen, V.C.N.V.
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Philippines, Zimbabwa, GeneEthics

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Hapiland in the Philippines not living up to its name- Tom Reddington, APHEDA 3) Last segment for GeneEthics for the year- Bob Phelps 4) The end of Mugabe in Zimbabwa- what does the future hold- Peter Murphy 5) The finale for the Brunswick Coburg Anti-Conscription Commemoration- a street opera in January- Nancy Atkin
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Palestine, West Papua, Malaysia

1)His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Final part of interview interupted last week by technical fault- Brian Newman and Bruce Francis 3) Final segment for the year with Dr Margie Bearis from the Medical Association for the Prevention of War 4) What really happened at the demonstration rally in Melbourne last night against Milo Yiannopoulos- Debbie Brennan 5) Sampari exhibition begins this week, West Papuan Culture and struggle- Louise Byrne 6) Elections coming up in Malaysia- Peter Boyle, Socialist Alliance
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Tuesday Hometime

Details coming soon
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Philippines, Western Sahara, Syria

1)His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Catherine Coumans in Didpio, Philippines 3) Gene Ethics report- Bob Phelps 4) Report from Western Sahara- Cate Lewis 5) Dr Tim Anderson returned from Syria
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Palestine, El Salvador, Afghanistan

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Palestine Remembered- Yousseff Al Rahmedi and Nasser Mashni 3) Palestine Day and Walk for Palestine- Nasser Mashni 4) Anti-fascist issues- Debbie Brennan, Campaign Against Racism and Fascism 5) OceanaGold in El Salvador- Catherine Coumans, Mining Watch Canada 6) Visit to Afghanistan- Brian Terrell, Voices for Creative Non-Violence
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Palestine, Beersheba, Myanmar

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) The Battle of Beersheba and Balfour Declaration- Michael Shaik, Australian Palestine Advocacy network 3) Kim Bullimore, activist 4) Bruce- activist in Palestine 5) M.A.P.W. report- Dr Margie bearis 6) Understanding the plight of the Rejingha in Myanmar- Lionel Bopage
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Malaysia, Timor Leste, Venezuela

1) His week that was- Kevin healy 2) Environmental consultant Lee Tan on Malaysia and Timor Leste 3) Proferssor Richard tanter speaking at the Independent and peaceful Australia Conference 4) Port Phillip Bay Keeper- Niel Blake 5) Results of Governoership elections in Venezuela- activist and author Fred Fuentes
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Venezuela, Israel, IPAN

1)His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) When victorian police officers shot ANZAC veterans- Maritime union former Victorian State secretary Kevin bracken 3) Place to be this evening at 6.30- Debbie Brennan, Campaign Against Racism and Rascism 4) One of the key speakers at the recent IPAN National Conference- James O'Neill 5) Crisis times in Venezuela- activist and writers Coral Wynter 6) RFDS severs ties with Israeli war machione manufacturers Elbit- Ahmet Saleh, Palestine Support Network Australia
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P.N.G., Western Sahara, Geneva

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Human Rights defenders take their evidence of abuse of U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva- Peter Murphy, Human Rights and trade union activist 3) Showdown looming regarding proposal for Deep Sea Mining off the coast of P.N.G.- Natalie Lowery, Deep Sea Mining Campaign 4) Update on Western Sahara struggles for self-determination and justice over resource theft- Cate Lewis, Australia Western Sahara Association 5) Local landowners oppose plans to reopen Panguna Mine on Bougainville- Kuntamari Crafts, first Bougainvillian to gain refugee status in Australia 6) Nobel Peace prize to Internati9onal Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons- letter written by Dr Margie Bearis
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Manus Island, Israel, GMO

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Reaction to the death of another asylum seeker on Manus Island- Dr Brian Senewiratne 3) Michael Kirby praises Israeli judges who support torture and hostage taking- Michael Brull 4) Proceedings at Moreland City Council re: Neo Nazi raid and saying no to development of toxic site in Fawkner- Sue Bolton 5) Thoughts of human rights activist Jack Smit 6) Monthly look at issues about GMO- Bob Phelps 7) Dr Margie Bearis speech at the recent IPAN conference
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Palestine, Pacific Islands, East Timor

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Why Palestine scarves are important- Bruce Francis 3) Report back from Pacific Islands forum- researcher Nic MacLellan 4) East Timor election results and update on situation in Philippines under Duterte- Peter Murphy 5) Ongoing campaign in Moreland to stop developement of toxic site- Sue Bolton
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Lebanon, Palestine, Afghanistan, Spain

1)His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Report on rallies in Melbourne and Sydney- Debbie Brennan, Campaign Against Racism and Fascism 3) Work of APHEDA in Lebanon and Palestine- co-ordinator Jeremy Smith 4) Reaction to news that Trump ramping up war on Afghanistan- Kathy Kelly, Voices for creative Non-Violence 5) Life in Basque county of Spain- tristan Epstein
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South Korea, Palestine, Peace Conference

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Three of the international guests to the Independant and Peaceful Australia Network 3) Olivier Bancoult- Diago Garcia Indigenous People's Leader 4) Sung Hee Choi- artist and human rights activist from South Korea- the situation on Jeju Island and threats of war. 5) Associate Professor David Vine- anthroplogy Department of American University, Washington D.C. talking about U.S. bases worldwide and his work with both the people of Diaho Garcia and Jeju Island 6) Federal Greens Senator Janet Rice talking about her visit to Palestine
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Bouganville, Philippines, Palestine

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) His journey to activism in support of Palestine- Robert Martin 3) Three neo-nazis in court in Melbourne yesterday- Debbie brennan from the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism 4) Opposition to re-opening of Panguna mine on Bouganville- Vikki Johns, Bouganville Freedom Movement 5) What is really happening in Mindanao, Philippines- trade union and human rights activist Peter Murphy
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Tuesday Hometime

  Tuesday Hometime       29-8-17  . His week that was - Kevin Healy . Report on events affecting the people of occupied Western Sahara - Cate Lewis, Australian Western Sahara Association. . Interview with Kim McGrath - Author of "Crossing The Line - Australia's secret history in the Timor Sea. . Why Venezuela has gone from the front pages - Fred Fuentes - Author, Activist and journalist.
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Sicily, Greece, Gene ethics

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Gene Ethics network- Bob Phelps 3) An unsung hero- Jerry Zawada- Mike Bemer, V.C.N.V. 4) Visit to Sicily and Greece- Joe Malignaggi 5) Serenading Adlea- Artistic director Jeannie Marsh
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Drones, Guam, Venezuela, Charlotteville

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) M.A.P.W. report issues of war and peace from a medical perspective- President of M.A.P.W. Dr Margie Beavis 3) Guam in the headlines- Nic MacLellan, journalist and author 4) Killer drones- lives destroyed and they are coming here- Alex Edney-Browne, PHD candidate focusing on drones 5) Venezuela and Charlotteville- Professor Emeritus James Petras
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Sri Lanka, Costa Rica, Nuclear weapons

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Torture report damning Sri Lankan government- Dr Brian Senewiratne 3) History and present day Costa Rica- Andrea Bauer, Freedom Socialist Party U.S. 4) 2017 I.P.A.N. conference- Shirley Winton 5) Historic vote to ban nuclear weapons- Associate professor  Dr Tillman Ruff
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Historian Brian McKinlay, Honduras, Haiti

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Two archived interviews with late historian and author Brian McKinlay 3) Activism in Honduras and Hairi- Beverly Bell, Other Worlds
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Turkey, Venezuela, Gene-ethics

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Where is Turkey heading under Erdogan?- Tim Anderson, senior lecturer in political economy, University of Sydney 3) Gene Ethics Network monthly report- Bob Phelps, director 4) Human rights and asylum seekers- Jack Smit, Project Safecom 5) Crisis in Venezuela- author and historian Fred Fuentes
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Bouganville, Organic farming, Moreland

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Victory at last, Oceana Gold pays up- Kevin Bracken 3) Organic farming- Alan Broughton 4) Victories at Moreland Council meeting- Sue Bolton, Moreland Counsellor and member of Socialist Alliance 5) Move to re-open Panguna Mine on Bouganville- Vikki Johns, Bouganville Freedom Movement
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Philippines, Nuclear weapons and the U.N.

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Increasing violence in Mindanao, Philippines- Peter Murphy, human rights and trade union activist 3) Bay Keeper report- Port Phillip Bay Keeper Neil Blake 4) Historic vote in U.N. to ban nuclear weapons- Dr Margie Bearis, President MAPW 5) A year in Mexico as a Peace Brigades International volunteer- Louis Robertson
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Historic memory, Anti-fascist action, Deep-sea mining

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Recovery of historic memory- Sean Healy, Edmund Rice Centre 3) The Anti-fascist rally last Sunday week and the role of the Victorian Police- Debbie Brennan, CARF 4) the 1967 War between Israel and Arab nations- Kim Bullimore 5) More on plans for deep-sea mining- Natalie Lowrey, Media spokesperson for Campaign Against Mining
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Sri Lanka, Middle East, Europe

 1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Two major U.N. conferences in New York in June- rely on the corporate media and you would have missed both- Nic MacLellan, journalist abnd researcher 3) The latest threat to human rights in Sri Lanka- right wing buddhist thugs- Dr Brian Senewiratne 4) Update on campaign to make Faulkner toxic free- Sue Bolton, Socialist Alliance and Moreland City Counsellor 5) Trump and the Middle East and Europe- Professor Emeritus James Petras
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Philippines, Middle East, G.M.

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Death of a young aboriginal poet, teacher and activist alice Eather- Coral Wynter 3) Monthly report on G.M. issues- Bob Phelps, director of Gene Ethics Network 4) Pride not hate counter rally in Fitzroy next Sunday- Debbie Brennan, Campaign Against Racism and Fascism 5) Violence in Marawi City, Mindanoa Philippines- human rights activist Peter Murphy 6) Wrap around the Middle East- Dr Tim Anderson, senior lecturer in Political Econmy at Sydney University
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Julian Assange, Toxic Free Fawkner, Bishop Hilton Deakin (pt 2), Gardisil, The Amazon

1) His week that was with Kevin Healy.  2) Anti-War activist Ciaron O'Reilly on the continuing detention of Julian Assange.  3) Toxic Free Fawkner with Sue Bolton.  4) Part 2 of the interview with Bishop Hilton Deakin.  5) Gardasil - Fast tracked and Flawed, a book by Helen Lobato.  6) The Amazon under threat with Dr Ralph Newmark, director of the Latin American Institute at Latrobe University.
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Bishop Deakin (pt 1), French elections, Trump, the Middle East and Manchester, Syria, Palestinian hunger strikes.

1) His week that was with Kevin Healy.  2) Part 1 of the life's work of Bishop Emeritus Hilton Deakin.  3) What does the French Presidential election result mean for the Pacific colonies with Nic Maclellan, journalist and researcher.  4) Trump, the Middle East and Manchester.  5) Dr Tim Anderson, senior lecturer in Political Economy at Sydney University and a member of Hands off Syria.  6) The suspension of the hunger strike by 1600 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails with Youssef Al Reemawi, presenter of Palestine Remembered (Saturday 9:30am on 3CR).
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Ecuador (part 2), War and peace, Chelsea Manning, Western Sahara, Trump.

1) His week that was with Kevin Healy.  2) Part 2 of Ecuador: A Recent History with Fred Fuentes  3) A monthly look at war and peace with Dr Margie Beavis from the Medical Association for the Prevention of War.  4) Chelsea Manning: Free at Last with anti-war activist Ciaron O'Reilly.  5) A second ship seized illegally taking Western Saharan phosphate - Polisario Front representative for Australia and New Zealand, Kamal Fadel.  6) How to Judge Trump with Binghamton University (New York) Professor Emeritus James Petras.
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Palestine, Philippines, Ecuador

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) 69th Anniversary of Nakba and Palestinian prisoners hunger strike- Youssef Al Reemawi 3) Where are we heading? Jack Smit, Project SafeCom, 4) Duterte's reign in the Philippines- Peter Murphy, Human Rights and Union Rights activist 5) Election result in Ecuador- Fred Fuentes, activist and author 6) Crisis in Yemen- Kathy Kelly, Voices for Creative Non-Violence
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Venezuela, Sri Lanka, South Africa

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) The true story about Venezuela- Fred Fuentes 3) Part 3 of talks on the Russian Revolution- Chris Gaffney 4) U.N. Human Rights Council meeting on Sri Lanka- Dr Brian Senewiratne 5) Impounding of ship in South Africa holding Western Sahara phosphate rock- Cate Lewis 6) Opposition to development of toxic site at Faulkner- Brian Snowden
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Palestine, Russia, Tamils

1) His week that was - Kevin He3aly 2) Support for Palestinian prisoners- Yousef Alreemawi 3) Banki Moon and the Tamil dictator- Dr Brian Senwiratne 4) 2nd Part of history of Russian Revolution- Chris Gaffney 5) Banning white asbestos- Kate Lee APHEDM 6) GeneEthics Network segment- Bob Phelps 7) Fight back against Trump- Nancy Reiko Cato
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Russia, Palestine,Nuclear issues

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Sea bed mining- Natalie Lowrey 3)Hunger strike starts in Israeli jails by Palestinian prisoners- Marwan Bagoutti 4) 1st of a series of talks re the Russian Revolution- Chris Gaffney 5)M.A.P.W. monthly report- President Dr Margie Bearis 6) Issues nuclear around the world- Nic MacLellan
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Syria, West Bank, Philippines

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Comment on "gas" attack in Syria- Joan Coxsedge 3) Illegal settlements in West Bank- Kim Bullimore 4) OceanaGold ASXOGC Mine in Philippines- Sean Cleary, Edmund Rice Centre 5) Conference re: 1916-1917 Conscription Referendems- Michael Hamel-Green 6) Cancelled visa for Palestinian human rights defender- Bishop George Browning 7) Gas attack in Syria- Dr Tim Anderson
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Tuesday Hometime - Episode 201704041600

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) The house of Saud- Dr Time Anderson, Senior Lecturer in Political Economy Sydney University 3) Trial of human rights activists delayed once again in Morocco- Cate Lewis, Australia Western Sahara Association 4) Great news from El Salvador- Metal mining banned and decision on interest on outstanding debt to El Salvador owed by Oceana Gold ASX OGC- Sean cleary, Edmund Rice Centre 5) Israel is an apartheid state- Kim Bullimore
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Cuba, Monsanto, Malaysia

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Why bees are dying- Coral Wynter, retired research chemist 3) Corporate monster  Monsanto- Alan Broughton, organic farmer 4) Journalist Colm McNaughten's visit to Cuba and Mexico 5) Environment issues in Malaysia and Timor Leste- Asia/Pacific environmental consultant Lee Tan
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Mexico, Iraq, Venezuela

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Annual duck slaughter on Victorian wetlands- Laurie Levy, Director of Campaign Against Duck Shooting (C.A.D.S.) 3) Remembering U.S. nuclear tests on Marshall Islands- journalist and researcher Nic MacLellan 4) Death of Dr Marcela Rojas in Venezuela- Coral Wynter, Socialist Alliance 5) Part 1 of interview with journalist Colm McNaughten about his recent visit to Mexico and Cuba 6) Publication of secret army report on Australia's involvement in the invasion and occupation of Iraq- Dr Peter Wigg, Secretary of Medical Association for the Prevention of War
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Middle East, Israel, Palestine, Japan

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Bishop George Browning- former Anglican bishop of Canberra/Goulburn re: Warren Mundine's opinion piece in Australian Financial Review re Israel/Palestine 3) Gene Ethics Network segment 4) Part 2 of interview with PPort Phillip Bay Keeper Neil Blake 5) Sylivie Leber's visit to the Middle East participating in APAN Study tour 6) The future of nuclear in Japan- peace activist Akira Kawasaki
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Fukushima, Western Sahara

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Anniversary of Fukushima nuclear disater- Ass. Prof Tilman Ruff 3) Port Phillip Bay Keeper- Neil Blake 4) Western Sahara news- Cate Lewis 5) ist anniversary of the assasination of human rights and environment activist Berta Caceras- Beverly Bell, Other Worlds
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Afghanistan, El Salvador, Pine Gap

1) Dale Butler- Memorial Service 2) Netanyahu visit- opposition Nasser Machni and Rian Adassa 3) Carolyn Coe in Afghanistan with the Afghanistan Peace Volunteers 4) Pine Gap protester in court- Jim Dowling 5) OceanaGold ASX:OGC and El Salvador 6) Sean Cleary, Edmund Rice Centre
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Sri Lanka, Cuba, Palestine

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Fishing in the Pacific- journalist Nic MacLellan 3) Structural genocide in north and east Sri Lanka- Dr Brian Senewaratne 4) Cuba in2017 and report on Syria- Dr Tim Anderson, Senior Lecturer at Sydney University and member of Hands Off Syria 5)The challenges for students in Palestine - Br Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor Bethlehem University Palestine
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Philippines, Gene Ethics, Malaysia

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Is Duterte on the way out in the Philippines- Peter Murphy, Trade Union and Human Rights activist 3) Demo on Friday against far-right- Debbie Brennan, Campaign Against Racism and Fascism 4) Final part of interview with Chance Worland, U.S. journalist  5) Gene Ethics report for February- Bob Phelps, director 6) Politics Malaysian style- Kean Weng, Malaysian journalist working in Australia
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South Korea, Palestine, Doomsday Clock

1) Dr Margie Bearis- Peace and Anti-war report- M.A.P.W. President, 2) Part 2 of interview with Chance Worland- talking about life in south Korea 3) French political system- historian and author Brian McKinlay 4) Palestine issues- activist Kim Bullimore 5) The Doomsday Clock- moved to 2 minutes, 30 seconds to midnight- what does it mean? Assoc. Prof Tilman Ruff, co-president International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War and Associate Professor at Nossel Institute for Global Health at University of Melbourne
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El Salvador, Colombia, Wonthaggi

1) Oceana Gold vs El Salvador, Kevin Bracken, MUA 2) Chance Worland's growing up in rural USA and experiences as a volunteer with the US Peace Corp in Colombia 3) Reduction in sentence for Chelsea Manning- reaction from anti-war activist Ciaron O'Reilly 4) Nic Maclellan and the death of a long time friend in French Polynesia 5) Desalination plant at Wonthaggi- Jessica Harrison 6) 8 years of Obama, what holds with Trump- Kathy Kelly, Voices For Creative Non-Violence
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Western Sahara, Palestine, Brunswick/Coburg

1) Brunswick-Coburg Anti-Conscription Commemoration Campaign- Nancy Atkins 2) Report on events impacting on the people of Western Sahara- Cate Lewis, Australia Western Sahara Association 3) Importance of UN vote on Israeli settlements- George Browning, former Bishop of Canberra and President Australia Palestine Advocacy Network 4) History segment with author and historian Brian McKinlay 5) Another historical vote at the UN- journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan
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Creative Non-Violence, 3cr 40 year History

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Life extension for weapons systems instead of life intensions for the world- Brian Terrel, Voices for Creative Non-Violence 3) 3cr history with former station manager Bruce Francis 4) The work of Olive Kids- Mohammed and Nour 5) The MIE as the year ends- Dr Tim Anderson
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Fidel Castro, Palestine Independence Celebrations, an Italian History

1) His week that was _ Kevin Healy 2) Books, Film and a History of Italian Politics- historian and author Brian McKinlay 3) Climate change in Australia and politics in the South Pacific- journalist, researcher Nic MacLellan 4) The passing of Fidel Castro- Joan Coxsedge, former President of Australia Cuba Friendship Society 5) Speech from last month's Palestine Independence Celebration by Sama Sabawi
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Palestine, Sri Lanka, Malaya

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Issues relating to Palestine- Kim Bullimore 3) Final information session on all things G.M.- Bob Phelps 4) Situation in Sri Lanka- Dr Brian Senewaratne 5) Situation in Malaya- Kean Wong, Malaysian journalist
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El Salvador, Palestine, Port Phillip

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Our immigration policies- Jack Smit, Project Safecom 3) Justice for El Salvador- Oscar Fuentes 4) History of slavery in the U.S.- Brian McKinlay 5) Protecting the bay- Port Phillip Bay keeper Neil Blake 6) Palestine National Day- Samor Sabawi
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Nuclear weapons, C.U.B., Trump

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Historic U.N. meeting re: banning nuclear weapons- Professor Tilman Ruff 3) C.U.B. dispute- history past and present- Steve Dustin, ETU organiser 4) What Trump might mean for the US and the world- Professor Emeritus James Petras 5) UN Climate Change meeting in Morocco- Cate Lewis, Australia Western Sahara Association 6) Part 2 interview with Dr Ralph Newmark celebrating 40th birthday of Institute for Latin American Studies at Latrobe University
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Venezuela, Mexico/US

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2)The reality of Venezuela- author and journalist Fred fuentes 3) 40th Anniversay of the Institute of Latin American studies at Latrobe University- Dr Ralkph Newmark 4) March to the Mexican/US border from both sides to protest against expulsion of Latinos to Mexico- Buddy Bell, co-ordinator of Voices for Creative non-Violence 5)American fascism- past and prsent- author and historian Brian McKinlay
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Mongolia, Singapore, El Salvador

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Proposed closure of Oceana Gold's Didipio mine in the Philippines- Peter Murphy 3) Monthly report on anti-war activities etc- Dr Margie Bearis, President M.A.P.W. 4) Environmental activist Lee Tan's visits to Mongolia, Singapore and Hong Kong 5) Monthly activist diary against all things G.M. - Bob Phelps, Director, GeneEthics Network 6) Victory for El Salvador against Pacific Rim/Oceana Gold- Kevin Bracken, M.U.A.
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Palestine, Syria, Gaza

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) The run for Palestine- Nov 6, 10am, Linlithgow Ave, near St Kilda Rd- Nasser Machni 3) What peace activist Graeme Dunstan got up to at Alice Springs and Pine Gap 4) History of Catholic Church- ie. Hitler's Pope and the Vatican Secret Service 5) Dr Tim Anderson update on the real situation in Syria and the wider Middle East 6) Ann Miller, one of the women denied access to Gaza when their boat was boarded and detained off the coase- then deported.
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Northern Africa, Sri Lanka, Malaysia

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Preview of play "1916- No Case for Conscription", director Natasha Broadstock 3) Part 2 author and historian Brian MacKinlay on western influences on northern Africa 4) Part 2 U.S. Peace activist Brian Terrell, Voice for Creative Non-Violence 5) Evidence of Sri Lanka taking over the Tamil north and north east- Dr Brian Senewaratne 6) Environmental activist Lee Tan on Malayasia 7) Part 2 of interview with Frank Anstey biographer Dr Peter Love
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Afghanistan, Palestine, Middle East

1) HIs week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Peace Activist Brian Terrell talking about his work at home in the U.S. and Afghanistan 3) Why isn't the world demanding that Palestinian children not be arrested, tortured and jailed- activist Kim Bullimore 4)A look into the Middle East and Eastern history with Historian and author Brian McKinlay 5) Dr Peter Love answers the question- who was Anstey?
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Brazil, Pine Gap, Pacific Islands

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Coup in Brazil- Dr Ralph Newmark, Directror Latin-American Studies Institute Latrobe Uni 3)Previous action at Pine Gap- activist and former politician Joan Coxsedge 4)Report back from Pacific Islands forum- journalist and researcher Nic Maclellan 5) Propaganda ramping up against Assad- Dr Tim Anderson
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Israel, Syria, Sri Lanka, Pine Gap

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Sad passing of Dr Bill Williams- Dr Margaret Bearis- President M.A.P.W. 3) Exposing Israel's apartheid system- Bishop George Browning- President Australian Palestine Advocacy Network 4) Pt. 2- Jacob Grech and Pine Gap 5) Massacre in Syria and Australia's complicity- Dr Tim Anderson- Hands Off Syria Australia 6) Cultural genocide in Sri Lanka- Dr Brian Senewaratne 7) G.M.O. activism- Bob Phelps, Director Gene Ethics Network
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Western Sahara, Venezuela, Pine gap

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Historian and author Brian McKinlay- anti-conscription campaign 1916/7 3) Western Sahara update- Cate Lewis, Australia Western Sahara Association 4) Venezuela- Fred Fuentes- author and activist 5) Anniversary of Pine Gap- renegade activist Jacob Creek
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Private prisons in Australia, situations in Zimbabwe, Philippines

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Work of APHEDA with their partners in the Pacific- Katie Hepworth 3) Joan Coxsedge speaking 2 weeks ago at the Unitarian Church 4) Food Not Bombs- where it all began, where it is now- Steph 5) Chandaru Singh- private prisons in Australia 6) Situation in Zimbabwe and Philippines- Peter Murphy, human rights and trade union activist
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Thai/Burma border, Cuba, Mexico, Middle East

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Brian McKinlay- history of Mexico 3) Second and final part of interview about this history of Cuba to the present day- Professor Barry Carr, Latin-American Studies Institute at Latrobe University 4) Australian union aid organisation APHEON working with grass roots groups on the Thai/Burma border- Katie Camerena 5) Situation in the Middle east- Dr Tim Anderson
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Cuba, GMOs, Pacific Islands Forum

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Cuba- a history, Prof. Barry Carr, Latrobe University Latin American Institute 3) Part 2 of talk by Dr Judith Smart talking about the role of women in the anti-conscription campaign during WWI 4) Monthly report from President of the Medical Association for the Prevention of War- Dr Margaret Bearis 5) Issues relating to genetically modified organisms- Bob Phelps, director of Gene Ethics Network 6) Pacific Islands Forum and related issues- Nic MacLellan, journalist and researcher
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Israel, Turkey, Slavery, Facism and Racism

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Historian and author Brian McKinlay on Slavery and present day Facism 3) Terror in the Middle East- Israel past and present- Kim Bullimore 4) Arrest and Charging of "patriot" Phillip Galeo- Debbie Brennan, Campaign Against Facism and Racism 5) Role of women in opposition to W.W.I.- Dr Judith Smart 6) Who pulled the coup in Turkey?- Emeritus Professor James Petras
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Malaysia, Philippines, Western Sahara, Australian Prisons

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Malaysia moving closer to dictatorship- Malaysian journalist Keon Kong 3) International Conference on Human Rights in the Philippines- Peter Murphy 4) Calling on U.N. to act on Western Sahara- Cate Lewis 5) Prisoning in Australian- activist Chavender Singh
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Mexico, G.M, Fascism

1) His week that was- Kevin healy 2) Report on all things G.M. with Bob Phelps- director of the Gene Ethics Network 3) Historian and author Brian McKinlay on the virus of fascism 4) Mexico- no stranger to protests and demonstrations- Professor Emeritus Barry Carr- Latin American Studies Institute at LaTrobe University 5) Dr Tim Anderson's visit to Syria, Greece, Germany and Lebanon
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Pine Gap, Colombia, Palestine

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) A chat with the Port Phillip Bay Keeper- Neil Blake 3) What Pine Gap means for war preparation and war- Professor Richard Tanter 4) All you need to know about agro-ecology- Professor Miguel Alteriri 5) Prospects for Colombia with Associate Professor Jeffrey browitt 6) Palestinian Australia Associate Professor Bassam Daly
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Malaysia, Palestine, Philippines

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Response to Chilcot report- Dr Margie Bearis, President Medical Association for Prevention of War 3) Economic and political situation in Malaysia - Keon Wong, Malaysian journalist working in Sydney 4) Prospect for Filipinos under new president Rodrigo Duterte- Human rights and union activist Peter Murphy 5) Palestinian/Australian academic Professor Bassam Daly talking about his family life prior to coming to Australia and activism here 6) Author, journalist, researcher and co-ordibator of Victorian Peace Network in 2003 Nic Maclellan analyses the Chilcot report
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Timor, Syria, Iraq, Brexit

1) Hi sweek that was - Kevin Healy 2) Remembering Lynn Beaton- 3cr broadcaster, activist, trade unionist, academic 3) Monthly segment with Dr Margaret Neavis, President of Medical Association for the Prevention of War 4) More details of cement plant in Timor- environmental activist Lee Tan 5) Update on Syria and Iraq- Dr Tim Anderson 6) Brexit- why and the ramifications- Jack Smit , Project Safecom, Western Australia
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Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Europe

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Europe post WWI- author and historian Brian McKinlay 3) Worsening situation for activists in Malaysia 4) Monthly segment looking at GMO's and why they must be removed- Bob Phelps 5) 60 years of activism for Tamil's rights in Sri Lanka - Dr Brian Senewiratne
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Pacific issues, Bangladesh, Nepal

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Pacific issues- journalist and author Nic MacLellan 3) W.S. mourns their late leader- Cate Lewis, Australia Western Sahara Association 4) Conditions in Nepal one year after the earthquake and what is the situation for garment workers in Bangladesh- Kate Lee, E.O., A.D.H.E.D.A. Union Aid Abroad
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Geneva, Indonesia, Philipines post-Marcos (pt 2), Palestine and Fr Daniel Berrigan.

1) His Week That Was - Kevin Healy.  2) Meeting in Geneva discussing a possible nuclear weapons ban - Tim Wright, Asia Pacific director for ICAN.  3) Jiselle Hanna from A.A.W.L. speaking about her visit to Indonesia.  4) Fr Daniel Berrigan - his life and work by Kathy Kelly.  5) Ramzy Barcud - Palestinian author and journalist speaking in Melbourne.  6) Part 2 of my interview with veteran Phillipines activist - Sonny Melencio - looking at the Phillipines post-Marcos to the present day.
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The Philipines under Marcos, BDS, Nuclear Waste, Brazil and Venezuela

1) His Week That Was - Kevin Healy.  2) History with Brian McKinlay.  3) Why BDS is working - Paul Diffill.  4) Anger at proposed site for nuclear waste dump - Regina McKenzie.  5) The years of Ferdinand Marcos - Sonny Melencio.  6) The real situations in Brazil & Venezuela - Fred Fuentes.
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Palestine, Israel, Malaysia and El Salvador

1) His Week That Was - Kevin Healy.  2) Genethics monthly report - Bob Phelps.  3) Visit to Palestine, Israel and Lebanon - Yaakou Aharan.  4) A.A.W.L. sponsored visit to Malaysia - Jiselle Hanna.  5) Water Not Gold - El Salvador rejects OceanaGold - Oscar Zuleyma.
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Sri Lanka,Palestine, Russia

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) History series continues with author and historian Brian McKinlay- the 2nd Revolution in Russia in 1917 3) Update on situation for Tamils in Sri Lanka icy since the end of civil war- Aran 4) Why antibiotics don't work and what could replace them- retired research chemist Coral Wynter 5) President of MAPW's monthly report- R in S.A. on Nuclear issues, budget, protection for health workers in war, nuclear talks in Geneva 6) Ali Abmemena, co-founder of Elexctronic Antifada taling at syposium on Palestine in Melbourne
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Refugees, Syria and 3cr's 40th birthday book launch

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Part 2 American Peace Activist- Kathy Kelly 3) 3cr book launch- Juliet Fox 4) Dr Tim Anderson in Syria 5) Refugees- rage and disgust- Peter Murphy and Jack Smit
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Venezuela, Chernobyl, Pacific Ocean Alliance

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Russian revolution- Brian McKinlay 3) Pacific Ocean Alliance- Nic MacLellan 4) Report on Venezuela- Jim McIllroy 5) 30th Anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear disaster- Bill Williams
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Weatern Sahara Genethics

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Genethics Network report- Bob Phelps 3) Report on Western Sahara- Cate Lewis 4) One of 3CR's 1st broadcatsers- The Concrete Gang- Ian BVolton 5) Part 1- Story of Kathy Kelly- U.S. Peace activist 6) Visit to Middle East, esp. Palestine- study tour participant Mary Brabenec
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Pacific, Philippines, Palestine

1)His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) History post Irish uprising- Brian McKinlay 3) GMO's in the Pacific- Freqeric Guiren and Claire Chavez 4) Massacres in the Philippines- Peter Murphy 5) Part 2 interview with pro-Palestine activist Alex Nissen
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Pentridge, Cuba, Malaysia

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Anti-conscription campaigns in 1916/17 and campaign today to save what's left of Pentridge Prison- Michael Hammel-Green 3) Monthly report from the Medical Association for the prevention of war- Dr Margie Bearis 4) Professor Emeritus James Petras looking at Obama in Cuba and Reussef clinging onto Brazil 5) Environmentalist Lee Tan report back from Timor Leste and the situation in Mlayasia 6) Jewish Isreali Australian peace activist Alex Nissen- her life and work Part 1
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Ireland Sahara Honduras

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) History of Ireland post C19th 3) Visit of U.N. Secretary General to Western Sahara regugee camps in Algeria- Cate Lewis, Australian Western Sahara Association 4) Bruce Froneis- manager of 3cr from the late 1980's-mid1990's 5) Life of murdered Honduran environmentalist Berta Caceras- Beverly Bell, Other Worlds
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New Caledonia, Palestine

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Round-Up and Irradiated food- why we don't need them - Bob Phelps, director of GeneEthics Network 3) Preparations for 2018 Referendum for Independence in New Caledonia- Nic MacLellan 4) Plastic and the language of litter- Port Phillip Bay Keeper Neil Blake 5) Silencing Palestinian voices- Jake Lynch, director of Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, Sydney Uni 6) Oceana Gold in the Phillipines- Andrew Morrison, Australia Philippines Solidarity Association
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Ireland El Salvador Port Phillip

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Irish history pre1916 - historian and author Brian McKinlay 3) The Language of Litter- Port phillip Bay Keeper  Neil Blake 4) The Hero of Waterbirds, 30 years of activism- Laurie Levy 5) What Australian mining company Oceania Gold has been up to in El Salvador- retired bishop Hilton Deagan
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West Papua, Syria

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Robert Stringer- retired Uniting Church Minister Minister activist visit to West Papua 3) M.A.P.W. President Dr Margaret Bearis- issues concerning the organisation 4) 9/11 revisited with former MUA secretary Kevin Bracken 5) Visit by war crimes perpetrator to Melbourne next Monday 6) Dr Tim Anderson talking about his rercently published book- The Dirty War on Syria and prospects for the fututre
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Tuesday Hometime

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Haiti Malaysia Okinawa

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Gene ethics update- Bob Phelps- Steve Marsh's battle for compensation fails- cloned animals for the table 3) Demonstrations in haiti for free and fair elections and justice- Nicole Phillips, US Lawyer 4) Understanding political situation in Malaysia by way of the past- Peter boyle 5) Visit to Okinawa to take part in anti-U.S. bases demonstrations- Buddy bell 6) Ronnie Kareni leaves 3cr
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Sri Lanka Libya, Afghanistan

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Part 2 of story of Aaven Hughes- visit to Afghanistan, member of Iraq Veterans against the war 3) Update on Sri Lanka- Dr Brian Senewaratne 4) History of libya- historian and author Brian McKinlay 5) Jeyu Island naval base construction, Buddy Bell - Voices for Creative non Violence 6) U.N. decision on Julian Assange- Ciaron O'reilly, anti-war activist 7) Let them stay- support for asylum seekers - Jack Smit, Project Safecom
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Afghanistan, 40 years of 3cr

1) The work of M.A.P.W. -  President Dr Margaret Beavis 2) Iraqi veteran against the war visits Afghanistan- Aaron Hughes 3) 40 years of 3cr broadcasting- Nancy Atkin will be looking back at the early days 4) Fiji and its place in the world- journalist and broadcaster Nic MacLellan 5) Kathy kelly and her work in Afghanistan with Voices for Creative Non-Violence.
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Venezuela, Malaysia, El Slavador, Syria

1) Genethics network, G.M. issues- Bob Phelps 2) Socialist Alliance, recent past and future in Venezuela- Jim Mollroy 3) Bauxite mine investigation in Malaysia- environmentalist Lee Tan 4) Australian owned miner Oceana Gold suing the El Slavador Government- Kevin Bracken 5) Reality of Syria as we enter 2016- Dr Tim Anderson, Sydney University
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History, Pacific

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) History- Brian McKinlay 3) Pacific issues- Nic Maclellan
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Malaysia Santa Cruz Venezuela

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Where to for government in Malaysia- Lee Tan 3) Eye witness to Santa Cruz massacre - Bob Muntz 4) Defeat of left in National Assembly elections in Venezuela- Dr Tim Anderson
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Syria, Venezuela, Indonesia

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Syria and Venezuela elections- Dr Tim Anderson 3) Fires in Indonesia, environment etc in Timor Leste- Lee Tan 4) Syria, Paris, Venezuela elections- Professor Emeritus James Petras
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Melton, Venezuela, Occupation

1) His week that was - Kevin healy 2) Reprt back on counter-rally in Melton on Sundau- Debbie Brennan 3) Everyday life under occupation- Nasser Machini 4) Elections in Venezuela and many more countries, analysis- Professor Emeritus James Petras 5) A look back at the Nuggan Hand Bank- Joan Coxsedge
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Haiti, Rally info, Paris

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) The story of Haiti and what could have been- Nicole Phillip, US support lawyer 3) November 22 rally info- Debbie Brennan 4) The why behind December 13 in Paris- journalist Nic MacLellan
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Refugees, Courts, Eureka

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Author and Historian Brian MckInlay back from his New Zealand Holiday 3) David Spriggs in court after offering Peter Dutton a pair of thongs 4) Appeal for funds to assist washed out and destitute refugees in camps in South West Algeria- Cate Lewis, Australia Western Shara Association 5)m What Eureka means in 2015- Shirley Winter, Spirit of Eureka
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Malaysia, Indonesia

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Political Corruption in Malaysia - Madara Morgan 3) We Know who we are 4) The Intervention, a book review- Coral Wynter 5) Censorship and repression in Indonesia- Dr Vanessa Hym
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Malaysia, Indonesia

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Political corruption in Malaysia- Madari Morgan 3) We know who you are - Ruth Syett 4) "The Intervention" Book review- Coral Wynter 5) Censorship and repression in Indonesia- Dr Vanessa Hearman
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Sugar, Australia, Syria, Palestine/Israel

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Sugar- what is it doing to us?, Jack Smit, Project Safecom 4) Syria- What a difference Russia Made - Dr Time Anderson 5) Why is there viole3nce in Palerstine/Israel- author, activist, playwright, palestinian/Australioan Samah Sabawi
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U.S. Japan, Bendigo

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Winners of the U.S. Food Security Prize- Beverley Bell 3) Part 2 of journalist and researcher Nic MacLellan's month in Japan 4 )Report back from Bendigo on Saturday- Debbie Brennan 5)  A.P.A.N.  Study Tour and the reasons for going- Lisa Arnold  
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Swan Island, Japan, Middle east, Greece

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Report back from the Swan Island Peace Convergence-  Ciaron O'Reilly 3) Captain Trash and Water- more later 4) Politics Japanese Style- journalist and researcher Nic MacLellan 5)Middle East, Greece and Japan with Professor Emeritus James Petras
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Vietnam, Philippines, Western Sahara

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Draft resister from the American War on Vietnam- Bob Muntz 3) Exposing military aggression against the peoples of Mindanao in the Philippines 4) Six weeks living in a Western Saharan refugee camp in Algeria in 2009- writer, teacher, film-maker Maya Kazahn
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Europe, Sri Lanka, Equador and Venezuela

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) European recent history- Brian McKinlay 3) U.N. Human Rights Council decision re: Sri Lanka- Dr Brian Senewaratne 4) Equador and Venezuela- Fred Fuentes
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Mexico, Japan, Spain

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Monsanto after corn of Mexico - Bob Phelps, executive director of Australian Gene Ethics 3) Japan expands military, Australia bombs Syria- Professor Richard Tanter from Melbourne University, 4) Politics in Spain, particularly the Basque country- Tristan, squatter, activist
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Phillipines, Mexico, Indonesia, Syrian refugees

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) International Peoples Conference on Mining in the Phillipines- Fr  Claude Mostovik 3) What about the Syrian refugees already here on Manus and Nauru?- Jack Smit, activist and author 4) Part 2 of history of Mexico- Dr Ralph Newmark, director of Latin American Studies at LaTrobe University 4) Book review - The Incubus of Intervention- Dr Greg Poulgrain, Indonesian specialist
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Mexcico, Africa, Sahara

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) History of Mexico with Dr Ralph Newark- Director fo Latin American Studies, La Trobe University 3) Part 2 of interview with Marian Mayet- director of African Centre for Bio-diversity 4) Report back from the International People's Conference on Mining- Fr Claud Mastowik 5) The life and music of the voice of the Sahara Mariem Hassan, who dies 2 years ago- Cate Lewis, Australia Western Sahara Association.
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Malaysia, Pt Phillip, Sri Lanka, Syria

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Demonstrations in Malaysia- activist Praveen nagalan 3) Noel Blake moves sidewards for younger environmental director at Port Phillip Eco Centre 4) Resluts of the Sri Lankan election- Dr brian Senewaratne 5) Dr Tim Anderson returns from Syria
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South africa, Middle East, Europe

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) History segment with historian and author Brian McKinlay 3) Push for a G.M. South Africa- Marian Mayet, Director of the African Centre for Biodiversity 4) Middle East and Europe- Professor Emeritus James Petras
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Northern Territory, Sri Lanka, BDS

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Cocklear implants and animal experiments- Helen Marsten, Humane Research Australia 3) Talisman Sabre in the Northern territory- Justin Tutty, Basewatch 4) Comeback for former President Rajapaska in Sri Lanka- Dr Brian Senewaratne 5) BDS and the work of the radio documentary producer- Cathy Peters
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Malaysia, PNG, Hiroshima/Nagasaki

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Corruption allegations could mean the end of the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak- Praveen Nagalan, Malaysian activist now living in Australia 3) The 2015 Pacific Games in Port Moresby, PNG, where some issues remain hidden 4) 70 years since the atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki which one rationale concludes that it was an ineffable act of state terrorism committed by the United States- Tilman Ruff, Associate Professor in the Nassal Institute for Global Health at Melbourne University and International health advisor to the Australian Red Cross
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Papua New Guinea Western Australia ALP and Palestine

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Land and livelihoods in Papua New Guinea- Dr Tim Anderson , lecturer in Political Economy at Sydney University 3) Another side to the champion of the "little guy": Don Randall, the late Liberal parlimentarian from Western Australia- Jack Smit, Project Safecom 4) ALP conference motion on Palestine- Professor Bassam Daly, Australia Palestine Advocacy Network
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Talisman Sabre Timor leste Melanesia

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Peace activist behind the lines at Talisman sabre- Rev. Simon Moyle 3) Timor Leste women in Melbourne for a concert emphasising empowering of women against social violence 4) Successful counter-demonstration against the far right in Melbourne- debbie brennan 5) Part 2 interview with Mic MacLellan re: Melanesia, Melanesian Spearhead Group meeting and West Papua
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Melanesia Rockhampton Libya

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) All there is to know about Melanesia and the role of the Melanesian Spearhead group 3) Graeme Davidson in Rockhampton for Talisman Sabre 4) Brian mcKinlay- historian and author on the demise of Libya
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GM, Activism, Far Right, New York during the Depression

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2)Anti-GM Activist Jessica Harrison talking about her time in Berlin and taking part in political actions during her 2 weeks in England 3) Why you should be part of the counter mobilisation againist the Far Right on Saturday 18th July 4) U.S. Activist Martha Henessy talks about her grandmother Dorothy Day who began the Catholic Worker Movement in NY during the Great Depression and Martha's work as a peace and anti-poverty activist
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Western Sahara Germany Peace

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) The death of a young Saharan Man- Cate Lewis Asutralia Western Sahara Association 3) GMO-Free meeting in Germany- Jessica Harrison 4) Independant and Peaceful Australia Networkevent next week- Shirley Winton 5) Prospects for Peace- Professor Emeritus James Petras
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Haiti East Timor Venezuela

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) History and the present day in Haiti- Beverly Bell, co-ordinator of Other Worlds 3) The Significance of May 20th for East Timor- Peter Murphy 4) Death of Venezuelan Feminist Revolutionary Nora Castaneda- Coral Wynter
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Asia, Cook Is, Canada, Philippines

1) His week that was - Kevin Healy 2) Poitical Struggles in Asia- Jiselle Hanna 3) Dr Brian Senewaratne back from Cook Is. and Canada 4) Peter Brock- part of a fact finding visit to Australian connected mines in the Philippines
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Western Sahara, Limmud Oz, Pacific Nations

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) ACTU congress supports Western Sahara- Cate Lewis, Australian Western Sahara Association 3)  Peter Slezak, Associate Professor in the School of History and Philosphy at the University of NSW not welcome at Limmud Oz in Sydney 4) Labour mobility, particularly relating to the Pacific Nations- Nic MacLellan, journalist and researcher
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Books Human Rights Phillipines

1) His week that was - Kevin healy 2) Historian and author Brian McKinlay with two book reviews 3) Human rights activist Jack Smit looking at the lack of humanity in the world today 4) Australian greens's member Bob Munta liaising with greens in the Phillipines
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East Timor Cuba Honduras

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Environmental activism in  East Timor- Lee Tan, environmentalist 3) Cuba- past, present and possible future, Part 2- Dr Ralph Newmarkt, Director of Latin American Studies at Latrobe University 5) Berta Caceras, Honduran indigenous activist wins the Goldman Environmental Peace prize- Beverly Bell, founder of Other Worlds
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ANZAC Day, Kentucky, Malaysia, Cuba

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Reflection on ANZAC Day- Nic MacLellan 3) Peace activist Kathy Kelly and jail in Kentucky 4) Lee Tan talking about Lynas plant in Malaysia 5) Part 1 History of Cuba- Dr Raplh Newmark, Director of Latin American Studies Latrobe University
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Political witchhunts Palestine Refugees Unexploded ordinances

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) 70 years on they still go bang- Nic MacLellan, journalist and researcher 3) Political witchhunt at Sydney University- Paul Duffill, visiting scholar at Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies 4) Palestinian refugees, Part 2 - Yousef Al Reemawi, human rights activist. translator and presenter of 3cr's Palestine Remembered
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Western Sahara, the ANZAC circus, Palestine

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Cate Lewis begins her activism for the people in Western Sahara 3) Another reaction to the ANZAC circus- Jack Smit, Project Safecom 4) The reality for Palestinian refugees- Yousef Reemawi
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Activism, Friends of the Earth, Syd Uni forum on BDS Activist

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Work of an activist- Cate Lewis 3) 40th Anniversary party for Friends Of The Earth Melbourne- Cam Walker 4) Forum at Sydney Uni fighting back at attempts to silence BDS activist- Paul Duffill
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Vanuatu - Bayside - Iran/Persia

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Vanuatu after Cyclone Pam- Nic MacLellan 3) Matters Bayside- Neil Blake 4) Part 2 of a history of Iran/Persia- Brain MacKinlay
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India, Philippines, Pro-Palestinians in Sydney and Iran

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) Onnie Wilson in India 3) Forum on human rights in the Philippines- Peter Murphy 4) Moves against Pro-Palestine activists at Sydney University- Vivienne Porzelt 5) Iran: yesterday and today- historian and author Brian McKinlay
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Colombia, India, Malaysia and much more

1) His week that was- kevin healy 2) Radiothon this Friday- Dr Siva from Australian Medial Aid foundation 3) Argentine President under attack and peace plan in Colombia 4) Afghan and Australian women travel to India for self-sufficiency training- Annie Wilson 5) Part 2 of interview re: Malaysia- academic and journalist Dr Colm McNaughten
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Tuesday Hometime

News, politics and analysis from around the world
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Palestine, Sri Lanka, the Middle East and Latin America

1) His week that was- Kevin Healy 2) 10th Anniversary of demonstrations against apartheid wall in Bilin, Palestine- activist Kim Bullimore 3)What has changed in Sri Lanka with the new government- Dr Brian Senewiratne 4) Middle East and Latin American analysis- Professor Emeritas James Petras