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Up For A Chat

English, Health / Medicine, 2 seasons, 399 episodes, 4 days, 3 hours, 58 minutes
Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall when three international speakers, best-selling authors and celebrated business women get together and have a chat discussing issues on health, wellbeing, relationships and mindset? Well here's your chance to hear a trio of professional specialists working with the guys on the Wellness Couch - and they're up for a chat! These girls are about challenging the norm and challenging traditions. Wellness nutritionist extraordinaire Cyndi O'Meara, mindset wellness expert Carren Smith and wellness health and lifestyle educator Kim Morrison believe tapping into one's innate intelligence and using a common sense approach is what makes positive change. They are your professional reminders teaching new truths about health, discussing issues you have thought about - even issues you may not have thought about. Up For A Chat is not just facts, figures and status quo this podcast series is about thinking outside the square, doing things differently so that you can make a difference in your life, in your families life, and not become a sickness statistic mentally, emotionally and physically. And most importantly this trio of girls are a reminder that learning can be fun!!
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UC 401: After The Dating Game with Sexologist Juliet Allen

Juliet is a global leading sexologist and mentor, she is well known. For her bold straight to the point manner and for authentically sharing her own experience as a lover of all things, sex, sensuality and business leadership. The Chatters love this chat with Juliet, she is down to earth, knowledgeable and thinks holistically about relationships and sex.  It’s all about what brings Joy into your life.  The Chatters and Juliet talk about kundalini, tantra, self-love, Gottman, the 60 second kiss, the 20 second hug, vitality, radiance pleasure and intimacy.  This interview brings lots of wonderful surprises and that there is more to sex that sex. Quotes A lot of the challenges we are facing in life are indeed linked to sexuality. The base of the body in the lower two chakras is where sexual energy is stored. Porn is like takeaway food. Our sex education in schools is not the best and it needs to be explored at home. It is so important we get support via therapy to go through and heal from past traumas. There are three types of sex – takeaway sex, good sex and ecstatic sex. We are born with what we look like and the reality is we are all beautiful and unique in our own way. There’s no perfect vagina, we are all perfect. For women the positive pull is our heart, for men it is their penis. We all need the lead-up to be ready to be entered. I am all for one-night stands if people are going into it consciously. It’s about what we want, desire, our intention and what we are seeking then having them all align with our values. I would be very up front about what I am looking for. Everyone’s experience of love is so unique. We will meet someone where we are at. All the little moments build up to the big moments. Where to Find Juliet Website. Podcast. Instagram @juliet_allen Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
9/28/20241 hour, 13 minutes, 47 seconds
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UC 400: The Dating Game with Evan Marc Katz

Evan Mark Katz was a total surprise and absolute wealth of knowledge around the subject of dating. Whenever the chatters asked a question, he related it back to food and health.  The chatters were surprised that there is a protocol to finding your perfect match especially in the realm of online dating. Evans clients are usually smart intelligent, successful 35- to 50-year-old women he tells Chatters that the protocol for dating includes, self-confidence, actually meeting men, going on dates on a weekly basis, understanding men, relationship nurturing and commitment. He is the king of dating and has helped hundreds of women find their perfect match. Kim throws some curly questions in and Cyndi is amazed by his breadth of knowledge of the dating game from both sides of the equation. Listen in if Maybe you’re still reeling from your latest breakup. Maybe you’re wasted years in relationships with selfish men. Maybe you wonder why finding love is so easy for other women. Maybe you’re burned out on apps, texting, and dating. Maybe you feel that there are no good guys left. Maybe you’re afraid of opening your heart only to get hurt again. Maybe you’re conscious of getting older. Maybe you’re afraid of being alone forever. Maybe you feel incomplete without the love you truly want. Maybe you don’t trust your own judgment with men. Maybe you’ve even convinced yourself that love is impossible. Where to Find Evan The Love U Podcast- Free Download for Up For A Chat Listeners   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
9/13/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 10 seconds
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UC 399: Finding Your Passion With Ali Oetjen

Ali Oetjen first came into the Chatters life during the 2013 series of The Bachelor, then onto the Bachelorette and other television series that tested her emotional, physical and mental state.  More recently Ali has come into the Chatters life due a mutual friend. She is one incredible human that wants to make a difference in the lives of not only adults but teenagers. From the heady days of television to a more grounded approach enjoying life as a facilitator and teacher of meditation and breath work as well as an holistic life coach.  Just listening to Ali brings a calm to your very senses.  Listen in as Ali talks about the bachelor but more importantly about how she is helping teenagers and adults find their potential. Ali’s Bio Meet Ali, a nurturing soul with a calm presence, dedicated to holistic living. Drawing from a rich tapestry of personal experiences, study, and extensive training, Ali has emerged as a beacon of guidance, steadfastly leading individuals towards their fullest potential. With a comprehensive certified skill set encompassing meditation, breathwork, yoga, neurolinguistic programming practitioner and time line therapist, she seamlessly weaves together these disciplines to orchestrate transformative journeys for her clients. Offering bespoke 1-on-1 coaching, group and corporate coaching, teen coaching, immersive wellness retreats, and enlightening workshops, all designed to facilitate profound self-discovery and growth. Her dedication extends beyond physical spaces; through her weekly meditation and breathwork subscription service, she extends her wisdom to homes worldwide, touching lives and spreading positivity online. She is a globally published author of Love & Light Mantra Cards, plus offers exquisite crystal necklaces & a signature essential oil perfume roller coming soon, combining spirituality with tangible beauty. Grateful for her chapter in the limelight as a TV celebrity, for it produced the large, loyal following she has today to inspire individuals to embrace their highest, most authentic selves, to elevate global consciousness and care for the earth. Ali’s impact transcends her clients; it reaches all those fortunate enough to encounter her teachings. She stands as a radiant beacon of light, leading the world towards enlightenment and harmony, one soul at a time. Where to Find Ali Instagram: @alioetjen Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
8/22/202450 minutes, 31 seconds
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UC 398: What my Body Is Telling Me with Dr Anthea Todd

Introduction: Dr Anthea Todd is not even 30, she is a published author, chiropractor, she has done studies in Womens Health and Reproduction and is an incredible skateboarder who can, film, talk about health and skate through the busy streets of where she lives.  The chatters are blown away by the calibre of insight, knowledge, experience this generation seems to have harnessed.  They are stepping up to the plate to help humanity and Anthea is one of them.  She will change the trajectory of  human health.  Her fundamentals of health include a well functioning nervous system, healthy metabolism, blood sugar regulation and the need for nutrients.  Her book What’s My Body Telling Me is a must read for all seeking to become the co-creators of their own health and wellbeing.  The Chatters had many aha’s and questions for this incredible young lady.   Quotes I come from a lineage of healers and became obsessed with what the body is telling you. Everyone is so overwhelmed and confused. You are taught there’s nothing wrong with you unless tests can prove it. We are missing the warning signs, the whispers. Is it normal? Or is your body trying to tell you something? Our bodies are always giving us signs and we have to remember it is on our side. You are alive, because your body is always looking out for you. The things you can’t see create the things you can’t see. You need to ask yourself, if your body has what it needs to function at its best. Looking after your body should not be seen as another job. We place too much emphasis on external things to fix us. Use your mind as a resource and your body to make the decision. Listen to all the little things. Get quiet. Use your self-energy. Believe your body is always looking out for you. Ask it if there is anything it would like you to know?   Where to find Dr Anthea Todd Web: Instagram: Linked In: Order Book:’s-my-body-telling-me-dr-anthea-todd   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook –   Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
7/26/202457 minutes, 29 seconds
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UC 397: The GP that makes a difference

Introduction Dr Nelum Dharmapriya is in the chatters neck of the woods, but they had not heard about her until recently.  When people are on the same trajectory there seems to be an invisible connection that draws them together.  Nelum has been a GP for 20 years, but it wasn’t until her own health crisis that she realised that the diagnosis and medication route was not working for her and decided to research and try something new.  She read the Obesity Code by Dr Jason Fung and it made sense.  She chose 4 strategies, she prioritised Real Food, prioritised protein, went low carb and added healthy fats. She realised that perhaps her patients would improve if she also helped them with these priorities.  Dr Nelum began Whole Food Revolution where she teaches her patients the basics of good eating but also ensures their mindset is set for the changes ahead.  1 day workshops help people through the process. Quotes People knew what to do but couldn’t do it. I was taught to diagnose and treat Snoring could be excess fat in the tongue due to visceral fat. Brown fat is in the mitochondria and generates heat. 4 Strategies; Real food, prioritise protein, low carb and add healthy fats Mindset was important. Where to find Dr Nelum [email protected] Facebook:  Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
7/5/20241 hour, 4 minutes, 35 seconds
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UC 396: You can be your own doctor if you pay attention

Introduction Our guest today is Cameron Borg, a 27 year old man, wise beyond his years.  Listen in as we ask questions about his life, his study and his job as a pulmonary scientist and of course his second love Rikki Flow Nutrition Podcast.  You won’t want to miss this one. Cameron Borg is a qualified nutritionist, pulmonary scientist, podcaster and health coach. He has spent the best part of the last decade learning about why our health is deteriorating and what we need to do in order to mend it. He has worked with hundreds of clients on the foundational aspects of their health to allow them to build and optimize their health from the ground up. Quotes You can be your own doctor if you are paying attention What you eat can change the way you feel and impact your life You can learn more from one good book than three years of university I loved being one on one, I’m going in the complete opposite to the conventional way If you really listen to a patient they will tell you what is going on People rarely change by being told what to do they can only be through making your own mistakes Vegetarianism is like a right of passage for those interested in nutrition I was in an intellectually vulnerable space when veganism was introduced to me. Listening to Dr Jack Kruse when the whole facade fell away and I realised there was so much more to this than food. If you are concerned about animals you should also be concerned for yourself. There is so much more to meat equals bad Without seafood we do not have big brains this gives DHA. I needed to be slapped across the face and did that privately (on veganism) There is no time space only conscious agents and realism The most reliable effect is the placebo effect and drug companies have to beat it, everything is measured against it. You must make mistakes in order to get to where you are.   Where to find Cameron @ricciflownutrition Youtube –  Ricci Flow Nutrition Spotify: Ricci Flow Nutrition Podcast   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook –   Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
6/13/202459 minutes, 50 seconds
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UC 395: Positive Birth and Motherhood Stories with Rebekah Rocca

Introduction; When the world tells scary birth stories Rebekah wants to tell positive birth stories.  Rebekah Rocca is a Mum of 4 (soon to be 5), artist, author and incredible story teller.  Listen in as the Chatters chat with this one amazing Mumma and entrepreneur.  We all have 24 hours in a day, but Rebekah is remarkable in how much she can do with that time.   Socials and Website Instagram @everandwild Website;   Books  – Childrens A Place to Belong ABC – Naturally Me 123 – Naturally Me   Quotes So many kids are so fussy, chemicals are tricking them tint thinking they need foods that are not real. You don’t have to do everything they say to do. I want to do what I want to do. I let my body do its thing, I trusted it. I don’t want to have to fight someone to do what I want to do. I handed my kids seaweed not lollypops. It is more about trusting your own body. We need to change our thinking on what it means to give birth. I see what everyone else is doing and do the complete opposite. Quality over quantity. Hospitals are great when you need them in an emergency. We focus so much on what everyone else thinks we should be doing, You are the best parents for your kids and know more than anything what’s best for your kids. Trust ourselves more.   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook –   Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
5/29/202458 minutes, 50 seconds
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UC 394: Perry Venakis- You are never too old to be the best version of you

Introduction;  Perry Venakis is a 60 year old energetic power house that wants to help people be the best version of who they are no matter what age.  His whole life he has been studying , health, nutrition, genetics, fitness, diabetes, longevity, martial arts, biochemistry to name a few.  He specialises in sarcopenia otherwise known as age related muscle loss.  He talks to the chatters about this being a problem intrinsically and extrinsically.  He has the answer and if you are not excited about change after listening to Perry then the chatters are not sure what will get you inspired to make the changes to be the best you can be. It’s a simple formula of lifestyle  and diet changes, but with Perry’s N90 program he has, that is scientifically proven, he can help with that aging muscle loss.  Muscle loss means less activity, less health, less energy, less ability and so much more.  It’s not easily diagnosed but can be easily witnessed in the aging population. Listen in to this incredibly energetic hour with the chatters and Perry Venakis.   Where to find Perry Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube:   Quotes I have seen that body builders have a loophole in their diet, there’s a big hole in nutrition. The more you learn the more you realise you don’t know. There is two parts to wellbeing – the intreinsic and the extrinsic. The human body cannot store protein. As we age we want to grow muscle not lose it. You can turn this around and stop sarcopenia at any age. We are only 5% of a group who want to change. The dose creates the poison. My opinion is this is wrong and we will crash into that brick wall. A question I ask myself is, ‘Did our ancestors eat this way?’ Why N90? 90 days is whre your journey begins. Learn how to eat, what to eat, and how much to eat! Get older comfortably and healthily. You can maintain muscle mass whilst losing weight. Eat, move and be healthy.   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook –   Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
5/15/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 54 seconds
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UC 393: Sleep Breath Heal with Dr Scott Wustenberg

Introduction Dr Scott is a passionate teacher in nutrition and chiropractic neurology as well as Sleep/Airway medicine. Inspired to become a Chiropractor by his uncle, Scott studied Biochemistry and Physiology at Auckland University, and Chiropractic at the NZCA School of Chiropractic. He graduated in the first class, and has practiced in NZ, and Queensland. In addition to his Bachelor of science and his degree in Chiropractic, Scott also holds a Masters degree in Nutrition Medicine, and post Graduate qualifications in environmental medicine. The Chatters talked to Scott about snoring and how can we fix this ever growing issue that has health consequences.  His surprising simple to do’s might mean the men in the chatters life get more sleep themselves. Socials and Website   Book First Principles; How a small problem in early life creates havoc across time by Scott Wustenberg Quotes A drive for survival guided me to look at retraining. Chiropractic is a great starting point, it takes away stress on normal function and flow on nervous system. Airway dysfunction causes sleep dysfunction. The MTHFR gene affects ability of the body to utilise folate. It all starts in pregnancy. Health is a continuum what you have as a child will continue on into your adult life. If you have fragmented sleep you cannot heal. Snoring leads to health consequences. Not sleeping well and snoring will become an inability to be dynamic at 90years of age. It is so important to see that it’s a cost that needs to be paid as an investment. Sleep fragmentation has a huge effect on cognitive function. Deep sleep is where we repair the body. Classic medical models are not providing answers for us. Perhaps we have to learn a new twist on old things? Chewing is much more than getting calories into you, it’s a neurological process. Your brain is very expensive architecture, if you don’t use it you will lose it. Hope allows the capacity for change. Hope is the essential thing to pair with curiosity. We can make a difference and keep moving forward. Sleep, breathe, heal.   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook –   Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
5/3/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 12 seconds
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UC 392: Design a Life with Dr Maria Zuschmann

Dr Maria Zuschmann, affectionately known as Dr M, is an Integrative Chiropractor, Speaker, Author, Podcaster and Stress Adaptation & Performance Coach. Dr M has been in the Health, Wellness and Performance space for over 20 years. Spending her early years in private practice as a Chiropractor developing a very keen interest in helping her clients with their Stress Adaptation structurally and through Posture Correction along with wellness workshops.  The chatters enjoy learning all about stress adaption performance and designing a life.   How to find Dr M   Quotes It’s important to respect each other’s different opinions and know when to pick your battles Unless someone asks for help, I don’t offer it Simplify as much as possible in your world I had somewhat of a spiritual awakening in connection to the Universe I could be really sad, cross and bitter or double down on my self-care and get through this time Relatively speaking I chose to get through that period of grief faster. You can stay in it or ruminate in it, I take all steps to live my best life. Millionaries pay no attention to astrology but billionaires do! Everything will seem like it is out of order but trust it to work out. If you’re not getting adjusted by a vitalistic chiropractor, you should! I am not apologising for it anymore. We’re always magnetising – whether it’s shit or good stuff. Ask yourself… who do I want to be? What we grieve when people leave is often their characteristics too. We have a variety of people attracted into our lives to fill those gaps. Illness can be a lack of integrating stress. You can’t beat yourself up for what you don’t know. We’re either designing our life or someone else is designing it for us. You want to design for the best possible energy. Remove any noise that is not making you feel good. I have a no dickhead policy! I will be who I want to be, it makes connections to others more powerful. I just lean into all aspects of me.   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook –   Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
4/18/20241 hour, 1 minute, 32 seconds
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UC 391: We're Fed Up so Step Up with Dr Gundula Rhoades

Introduction Gundi Rhoades is an author, vet, farmer, mother and nature lover.  She has written the revolutionary book The Food Solution.  Kim and Cyndi quiz her about how we can be part of the solution to look after health and planet health rather than being part of the problem.  We may only be 2 people but if everyone does the right thing by making sure we consume food grown in ecologically rich soils, nor sprayed with chemicals then collectively we can change the trajectory of human, animal and planet health.  Cyndi and Kim and such fun with Gundi, she is intelligent, funny, witty, serious and above all an inspiration.   Quotes Cowgirls dream of being a vet. I was environmentally aware as a teenager. People are grieving, lack of snow, normal weather patterns, they fear but don’t believe they can do anything. We can feed the system that heals planet earth or feed the system that destroys it. Roundup kills bacteria, fungi and plants, modern agriculture puts the chemistry back in the soil, but has no thought for ecology Glyphosate destroys the ecology of the soil. We need to eat for today to save tomorrow. Eat local   Where to find Gundi Facebook Gundi Rhoades Book; The Food Solution   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook –   Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
4/5/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 52 seconds
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UC 390: Love Medicine and Miracles with Dr Michelle Woolhouse

It’s official, Kim and Cyndi have a new crush.  Dr Michelle Woolhouse’s interview was the most heart warming experience for our two chatters.  They talked about the medical model, how it needs to change one practitioner at a time, how 35% of Australian GP’s now call themselves integrative and that more and more were realizing the importance of wholistic health care and not reductionism.  Dr Woolhouse talks about what Evidence Based Medicine is, it is not just about the science but also the clinical judgement by the doctor and the patient values and preferences. The heart was a big topic, not just the physical but so much more. Dr Michelles Bio “It is not only until we explore the whole person, that true health can be found”. Dr Michelle Woolhouse is a doctor, mind-body medicine expert, keynote speaker, Founding Medical Director of health tech start-up Vively, Podcast host and Author of The Wonder Within. She is an expert in mind-body medicine and how by embracing the whole you can change your life, health and relationships. She educates widely in the areas of whole person health including mental health issues, such as anxiety, stress and burn-out, psycho-neuro-immunology and women’s hormones. Dr Michelle has advanced post-graduate training in mind-body medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, nutritional and environmental medicine and holds fellowships with the Royal Australian College of GP’s (FRACGP), the Australasian society of Lifestyle Medicine (ASLM) and Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (FACNEM). Quotes I was young, I was wide eyed, and naïve as a young intern. When we are in fear and panic we cannot look forward I became fascinated that eastern medicine spoke of the heart as the core essence. Healing is neve as easy as we hope it to be but it’s never as hard as we think it will be I see it time again, people searching for answers to their mystery symptoms, bouncing from specialist to specialist. Finally, when a diagnosis comes, the person is left with more questions than answers Hope is such a powerful part of the healing journey. Western medicine has a heart that beats true. Stay connected to my heart the heart of those I see. The older I get the more curious I get. When we are in a state of fear and panic we don’t have access to good judgement. Being in the system I do see so many well-intentioned people. Sometimes looking within gives a greater understanding of the connection. Buddhism in medicine can be a powerful roadmap through tragedies. The Wonder Within is a heart lead playbook for the anxious stressed and burnt out. Be of the most service or help to yourself. The heart communicates to the body through sensations, knowings and emotions. The heart is the one organ fully formed and functioning in the embryo by 4 weeks at the size of a sultana. We know that hostility and loneliness are huge risk factors for heart disease. The heart has incredible depth, we have heart to heart talks, a brave heart, a kind heart. We have become obsessed by science as the only metric but historically there is an acknowledgment of the human being and humanity as a whole. It is vital to have a love of the human in medicine. Evidence based science is simply the best evidence we have at the time. We need to include the patient and their belief system and the clinician and their experience. Indigenous wisdom is about holism, inclusivity and connection. You have to have disruption and fear before a system can change. Healing is never as easy as we hope it to be but it is never as hard as we think it to be. Where to find Michelle Website: Linked In – dr michelle woolhouse Instagram: The Holistic GP Enliven Retreats Book – The Wonder Within by Michelle Woolhouse Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
3/21/20241 hour, 19 minutes, 41 seconds
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UC 389: My Karma Ran Over Your Dogma with Dr Ron Urlich

Dr Ron Urlich is a veteran in the integrative and wholistic health space.  It was soon after graduation from Dentistry that he realized that the mouth was connected to the rest of the body and the mouth was the beginning of the gut and airways, this aha moment took him on the biggest education ride of his life and he has not stopped learning, 43 plus years later. He believes that the more he knows the more he doesn’t know.  He is innovative, unrelenting in his pursuit to help people and a visionary in his field and many other fields.   Kim and Cyndi learn about his journey and what he is doing now.  His love for humanity drives him to do more and he believes we need to start with the education of our corporates and teenagers. Quotes As a dentist it is so easy to get lost in the mouth and forget there’s a whole person attached! The more you learn the more you realise you don’t know. If you have an open mind you find another piece of the puzzle. In order to understand more you have to see it in a historical perspective. Change has to come from the ground up. My karma ran over your dogma. Good health not only makes sense it makes money. Breath and sleep are the foundation for good health. Look for the meaning in life, fulfil your potential and be in good health. Where to find Ron WEBSITE : INSTAGRAM: YOUTUBE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: LINKEDIN: Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
3/7/202458 minutes, 38 seconds
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UC 388: How to Carnivore with Dr Anthony Chaffee

Dr Anthony Chaffee is an American medical doctor specializing in Neurosurgery who over a span of 20 years has researched the optimal nutritional habits for athletic performance and health. It is his assertion that most of the so-called chronic diseases we treat as doctors these days are actually caused by the food we eat, or don’t eat, and can in many cases be reversed easily with dietary changes. He began his university education studying Molecular & Cellular Biology with a Minor in Chemistry at the University of Washington in Seattle at the age of 15, which culminated in attaining his MD from the Royal College of Surgeons. Throughout his athletic career, he saw firsthand the monumental difference that diet makes to performance and recovery, and almost accidentally came across and practiced a fully carnivorous diet from age 20 to 25, having first learned of the toxic nature of plants during his university education. Since then he has rediscovered this truth and more and has dedicated many years and a large part of his professional practice to the study and education of diet and nutrition, and personally practices a fully carnivorous diet to this day, with amazing results. He currently resides in Perth, Australia where he specializes in Neurosurgery and does private consultations and clinics in functional medicine and nutrition. The Chatters had many questions about a carnivore diet and Dr Chaffee was able to graciously debate the two of them.  There is a lot to learn in this episode of Up For A Chat about the carnivore diet and the diet and food industry that is based on religion, propaganda and money rather than what is truly needed for health. Where to find Dr Chaffee instagram @anthonychaffeemd Youtube – The Plant Free MD Podcast – The Plant Free MD with Anthony Chaffee Quotes Our ancestral diet avoided plants. The dose makes the poison. Humans are carnivores. I don’t want to come from a confirmation bias or echo chamber. Life is adaptable, humans are adaptable. We are designed to live to 120 years. We have decades more of a healthy life and we deserve that. We are the home-sapien species and that species thrives on the carnivore diet. Diseases of the west have come from foods from the west. Eat more meat, fat and water. There is a vested interest that profits greatly in us eating the wrong things and getting sick. Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
2/22/20241 hour, 23 minutes, 9 seconds
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UC 387: We Can Fight with Love and Consciousness and Belief in our Future with Adam Gibson

Adam Gibson began his professional life owning gyms in Melbourne.  From gym to coaching health practitioners to build their businesses.  He could see that society in general was not on a healthy trajectory. Over the pandemic Adam began a group called Parents With Questions alongside Charlie Arnott and Jon Farriss (INXS).  His frustration with trying to change things from a top level down wore him out so he decided to become proactive and create Family Farms a model that worked at a grass roots level. Family Farms is group of farms around Australia owned by the people creating organic and regeneratively grown food for the people.   Quotes Society is not on a good trajectory health wise. The way to disrupt an orthodoxy is not by challenging it but by asking respectful, curious questions about it. It’s not about being right but being curious. Corporate motive is the agenda, it’s good for profit, it’s a great business model. It’s deeper and more corrupt that what we even expected. I ask myself what can we do that is creative rather than combative? We are here to reconnect people with what is possible. It is a co-creative process that takes a whole lot of awareness. The harder they push the higher we rise. Fight with love, consciousness and a belief in our future. Seeing how people like Mandela, Ghandi and Schindler react in life in the face of violence inspires me. Robert Kennedy is my current hero, he just keeps showing up. In these times villains get exposed and hero’s get created. A connection to nature, people understanding themselves and healthy nutrition is the foundation to stand on. I’ll be the hero of my story.   Contacts Instagram  @parentswithquestions1.0 [email protected]   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook –   Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
2/9/20241 hour, 14 minutes, 2 seconds
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UC 386: Diet is the Key to Success with Dr Peter Bruckner

Description – The accolades of Dr Peter Bruckner when it comes to sports medicine is impressive, world cups and games, Olympics, Australian Teams in many disciplines, Liverpool Football club and so much more.  His success as a sports medicine doctor was clear but when it came to his own health he avoided what all the tests were saying about his health.  Until he had a conversation with a fellow sports medicine doctor – Dr Tim Noakes, turned his diet around and three months later turned his health and tests around.  His love of now food and sports has become all-encompassing and the miracles he sees with many sports people are awe inspiring. Books by Dr Peter Bruckner A Fat Lot of Good The Diabetes Plan Clinical Sports Medicine 16th Edition Where to find Peter Brukner Website Defeat Diabetes Quotes My first love is sport, I read it, I play it, I watch it and I run sports clubs. I was metabolically unhealthy, I had a family history of diabetes, my father died at 60, I gained half a kilogram every year for 30 years, I had fatty liver, high triglycerides, high insulin but I avoided all the signs. Be useful, have influence, make a difference, wake up and win every day. It was very difficult to change the thinking of a low fat diet. I couldn’t possibly have been on the wrong diet for 40 years but my OCD got the better of me. In my 6 years of medical school there was not one single lecture on nutrition. It will take a courageous government to change the health outcomes of a nation. Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook- Other Informati0n Melbourne Health and Nutrition Summit Tickets HERE Inquiry into Diabetes Submission HERE
1/29/20241 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
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UC 385: WIN- Whats Important Now with Jamie Milne

Jamie Milne is a Guinness world record holder, success coach, endurance athlete, author philanthropist and director of A Successful Strength and Fitness.  He is also an ex-military man, personal trainer and now uses, hypnotherapy, NLP, timeline therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in his arsenal to help people reach their best. Kim and Cyndi don’t muck around on the line of questioning about the mind and body to Jamie Milne, it’s strengths and weaknesses and how we become the best that we can be contributing to society.  What’s the difference that makes the difference, it seems the mind always takes us that little bit further than the body can, but without the body we may not be able to go anywhere.  More about Jamie The JMT brand is a multi-award winning Strength & Conditioning / Mental Performance Facility JMT on the Sunshine Coast & Agnes Water Queensland led by Jamie Milne  Jamie himself is a multi-Guinness World Record holder in a number of Endurance based events, an Author of 3 Books  Founder of Wairua Spirit, documentary and 10-year artefact exploring the intangible drivers of the human experience, and currently involved with a Channel 7 Based documentary on his latest World Record Campaign  A Polymath & Philanthropist raising over $150k for Dementia Australia in 12 years A sought after Public speaker and Podcaster.  A Mizuno Australia sponsored athlete & Jamie has completed over 100 Ultra Marathons in excess of 100km Ex ~ military (Navy ) and Jamie has completed the S.A.S Direct Entry selection course at the ripe old age of 37 A Dementia QLD and Memory Walk and jog Ambassador, with a close to 2 decades dedicated to the development of other human beings physical and mental attributes and performance. Jamie was a qualified practising Personal Trainer In 2003 after serving 7.5 years in the Royal New Zealand Navy and transitioned to a Strength and Conditioning Coach in Cairns Australia 2004. With an initial Business partnership in Auckland CBD in NZ with CrossFit Kia Kaha in 2012  a bricks and mortar company Jamie realised the CrossFit method on its own merits was not for him, so JMT was founded in 2014 in Kuwait U.A.E. Jamie was a sole contractor to the Kuwaiti Royal Family Ghada and Imad Al’saba  And after a 12 month contract completion he relocated to the Sunshine Coast and officially opened our first Jamie Milne Training facility / community n Warana in August 2015 Where to find Jamie Milne Website Instagram @jamiemilnetraining Facebook jamiemilnetraining Pure Jamie Milne Podcast: JMTTv: Quotes The Quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thinking To Thy own self be true We get to decide how things can be, we can have heaven on earth or hell on earth What’s the difference that makes the difference Help them see how they do them The real fountain of youth is your purpose “Always a little further’ Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
1/11/20241 hour, 7 minutes, 46 seconds
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UC 384: Choice, Freedom, Success with Toby Morrison

BIO –  Toby Morrison Founder & Head Coach   CFS Health was founded by Toby Morrison in 2009 after personally experiencing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as a teenager and enduring a long and frustrating journey to recovery. At the age of 16 Toby had a vision that when he eventually did get better, he would make sure that no one would have to go through what he went through on their own. After an extremely painful experience for him and his family after finding little to no help, awareness or available practical day to day treatment for ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia. Since recovering, Toby has dedicated over more than a decade and a half to developing the worlds leading Online step-by-step Recovery Program to help others get healthy and start living again, which has now reached 1000’s of people in over 56 countries.   Website – Youtube – Instagram – @cfshealth Business/life – @tobyjmorrison    Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
12/14/202353 minutes, 25 seconds
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UC 383: Foraging for The Truth with Sheridan Austin

An enlightening story of a successful young nutritionist who is blessed by life and love.  She is an inspiration to all young people wanting to be of service in life.   Motherhood is Sheridan Austin’s service and her gift to help others through a healthy pregnancy and a healthy outcome.   But adversity has also been part of Sheridan’s life and she conquers it with knowledge and action.  Listen in on a truly inspiring podcast.   Sheridans Bio Sheridan Joy Austin, is a speaker, nutrition consultant, recipe creator and writer. She is also a qualified holistic Nutritionist and a certified Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) practitioner, where she uses food as medicine to support health and vitality.   Quotes Question everything, even people you look up to. The penny dropped, OMG I can live without symptoms Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to get back up. Be inspired by your own intuition I had never been told that health and nutrition had anything in common   Where to find Sheridan Austin Instagram – sheridanjoyaustin Instagram- foragedforyou_ Website –   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
11/29/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 29 seconds
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UC 382: Tap it Out with Dr Peta Stapleton

Cyndi and Kim had a fabulous time chatting with Dr Peta Stapleton clinical phycologist and queen of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) research.  Both learnt new and wonderful things about what EFT can do in your life and had a many questions for her.  Even when the recording stopped the conversation didn’t stop. Peta is a gift to the world, a gift to humanity, listen in to incredible information and life changing actions you can do.  Peta has gifted our audience a sleep tap to help you sleep better, make sure you download the link.  Enjoy learning as Kim and Cynd did. Dr Peta’s Bio “Dr. Peta Stapleton is a registered clinical and health psychologist and Associate Professor at Bond University (Queensland, Australia). Peta is a world leading researcher in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT or Tapping) and has been awarded many accolades including the Harvey Baker Research Award for meticulous research and the greatest contribution to the field of Energy Psychology. In 2019 Peta was named Australian Psychologist of the Year. She has authored The Science Behind Tapping: A Proven Stress Management Technique for the Mind and Body (Hay House), which won Best self-help book in the 2019 Best Book Awards sponsored by American Book Fest, and her latest book is out now – Memory Improvement through EFT Tapping.”  Quotes You have the ability to change anything in your life and therefore other people around you will change You can change your thoughts and that means you can change your reality. It’s good to have different change techniques at your disposal We cannot have light  without dark The best thing after deep change work is to sleep Talk therapy can go so far but the thought processing changes profoundly with EFT. Every emotion has a neurotransmitter and neuro hormone associated to it. Emotions are carried within us and effect cellular activity. Where you can find Peta Facebook Website Twitter  LinkedIn   EFT Training Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
11/16/202356 minutes, 51 seconds
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UC 381: Jake Stone and Callan Krause-Corrective Culture, CHEK method and Holistic Health

Bio:  Jake Stone and Callan Krause are leading figures in holistic health, movement and physical therapy in Australia. Together the boys run the esteemed ‘Corrective Culture’ holistic physical rehabilitation facility on the Sunshine Coast, host a popular podcast and YouTube channel all while travelling across Australia and internationally, empowering others with techniques and concepts for maintaining a healthy musculoskeletal system as they age.   About Jake: Jake’s life took a transformative turn when he listened to the still small voice within, guiding him towards a fulfilling path of helping others and living his true dream. Growing up on the Sunshine Coast, his passion for surfing and bodyboarding led him to a 12-year professional career, granting him valuable self-discovery and worldly knowledge. However, a broken back and shattered leg became a pivotal moment, leading Jake to embrace the CHEK method for health and recovery. This physical journey unexpectedly evolved into a spiritual healing journey, unearthing unresolved emotions from the loss of his mother and manifesting as depression, anxiety, and anger. Now driven by a desire to uplift others, Jake and his team strive to bring people to a better place in their lives, facilitating grand-scale transformations.   About Callan: Influenced by his father’s passion for Moshe Feldenkrais’ “awareness through movement,” Callan developed a keen eye for observing asymmetries and exploring the different ways people move and sit. His perspective was further shaped during his time in prison, where he witnessed how posture affected inmates’ experiences. This realisation fuelled his mission to bring confidence and strength to his clients’ rehabilitation journeys. Inspired by Paul Chek’s holistic approach to healing, Callan studied under experts in various fields and developed his own unique system. Through a combination of self-administered massage, targeted exercises, and stretches, Callan has successfully rehabilitated individuals who were recommended invasive surgeries.   Where you can find Jake and Callen Website: IG: Callan: Jake:   Quotes from interview Live it don’t preach it Assessment plus curiosity equals your own system. If you are inflamed none of this shit works Teach people how to connect to their body through food and movement You are not your thoughts Don’t hide the juice of who you really are. Whatever organ you eat heals the organ within The older you get the dryer you get   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook –   Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
11/1/202357 minutes, 56 seconds
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UC 380: Optimal Health through Chiropractic With Dr Brett Hill

Dr Brett Hill is a wellness mentor, host of one of Australia’s top rated health podcasts, public speaker, chiropractor and author of numerous books and e-books. He regularly appears on TV, radio and in print, and his media appearances, seminars, coaching and consulting have inspired thousands of people over the last decade to live a long, happy, healthy life full of energy and vitality. In his early 20s, Dr Brett realised that it was time to make a change. He had been the kind of child who was always sick – not terribly sick, but not terribly well either. For as long as he could remember he had suffered from coughs and colds at least half a dozen times a year, he didn’t sleep well, was low in energy and not particularly fit. He realised that he had been doing the same things over and over again (including regular doses of antibiotics) and kept getting the same results. He decided to do something different. Dr Brett realised that if he wanted better health he was going to have to make better choices. At the time he thought nothing of a lunch consisting of a pie, a pasty, a 1.25L soft drink and a chocolate bar. He would regularly go out and drink more than he should, and he did little to no exercise. Something had to give. Over the course of the next decade he gradually turned his life around. He started getting regular chiropractic care, cleaned up his diet, started exercising well and in the process he learnt what it takes to make real life-long changes to lifestyle and health. In the process Dr Brett has been able to share his journey with his three gorgeous children Tom, Charlotte and Timmy, who have inspired Dr Brett to take his message to the world in order to create a healthier environment for his family to thrive in. Dr Brett’s websites, articles, videos, media appearances and books have inspired people all over the world to make drastic changes for the better in their life and their health. Highlights from Dr Brett’s dynamic career include: Host of the top health podcast ‘This Week In Wellness‘ Co-founder of Australia’s leading health podcast channel The Wellness Couch Editorial in publications as diverse as The Adelaide Magazine, Men’s Health and The Borneo Post and The Advertiser newspaper Online editorial on NineMSN, AdelaideNow and more Radio appearances on ABC, 5AA, FreshFM, Fresh 102.3 and others TV appearances on Channel Seven and Channel Nine Wellness seminars including Queensland’s Dynamic Growth congress, ING corporate work, The Wellness Summit and more Launching popular health resource and monthly newsletter His successful chiropractic practice in St Agnes, South Australia Author of Rock Bottom and Nourish Without Nagging Dr Hill is a Doctor of Chiropractic and holds a Bachelor of Health Science (The University of Adelaide) and Masters of Chiropractic (Macquarie University, NSW). You can find Brett at: Quotes Faced on vitalism and holism our bodies intelligence has evolved to healthy. The body doesn’t need help just no interference The body is far more capable of adapting and thriving then we think Chiropractic is the Art, the Science and philosophy Health comes from within There is a big machine at work constantly promoting the medical paradigm Philosophy is all about asking why Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook –   Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
10/18/202359 minutes, 48 seconds
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UC 379: Dog With A Bone - Health and Politics with Senator Malcolm Roberts

Introduction The Chatters are so keen to speak to Senator Malcolm Roberts.  His a free thinker, an inquirer and thinks a little like the Chatters do.  As they say we like that man he thinks like we do.  The conversation begins with a little background on the Senator and then the conversation goes to the referendum, vaccines, COVID, health, finances, climate fraud (as Malcolm calls it) and much more.  An hour just wasn’t enough.  Senator Malcolm Roberts Malcolm’s passion for freedom, responsibility and service are his guiding principles for his work as a Senator for Queensland.  He was first elected as a Senator with One Nation in 2016 and returned to the Senate again in 2019. The early years of Malcolm’s life was spent in India before moving to Central Queensland with his family as his father worked in the coal mines, then later to the Hunter Valley and finally settling in Brisbane.  Malcolm and his wife Christine have two adult children. His background in engineering and mining started before graduating with an engineering degree (honours) from University of Queensland. After graduation he worked for three years as an underground coalface miner.  Malcolm rose through management ranks to lead and bring about significant profitability and production improvements at underground coal mines and coal processing plants. A keen interest in business leadership and economics led Malcolm to a Master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago’s Graduate School of Business. He led the operational development of Australia’s largest and most complex underground coal project that successfully set many industry firsts.  He then established an executive consultancy specialising in leadership and management services for Australian and international clients. Malcolm brings to the Senate a thorough, practical and analytical approach to examining issues and is deeply committed to listening and thoroughly researching the facts.  He is enthusiastic to work with Queenslanders to understand people’s concerns, connect with people’s needs and work to bring about helpful solutions. Australia’s capacity to embrace its riches and talent has been slowly eroded over time.  Malcolm is committed to optimising our productive capacity by removing excessive government intervention and halting the slow march towards the centralist approach that undermines our ability to take responsibility and have freedom in our lives. This is Malcolm’s reminder that he has been elected by the people, works for the people and is a servant to the people. Malcolm is no servant to corporations, unions or un-elected overseas bureaucracies. Malcolm fights for what is right on many fronts. People trust that he will ask the hard questions, get the right facts, find the data and make the right decision. Among many of these issues, there are a number of areas that are common threads to a lot of problems in the country. These are just some of the things Malcolm sees as needing immediate fixing to help the country. Social Media Links Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: YouTube: Telegram: Website: Quote’s The key is working with people and being firm. Being in politics is like swimming in treacle. The entire political drive is control over people and the transfer of wealth. My frustration is that they gang up to suppress the truth and contradict the data. We used to be independent for almost everything, now we are interdependent which means we are dependent. The voice is all about setting up an entity to create a treaty. We never get any details about this Voice referendum, it’s an insulting process. The whole thing is a sham. There has been a big awakening in the past 4 years due to Covid. I have thought ‘who’s little ol me’ up against thousands of scientists? I won’t make a statement unless I can back it up. There has been a destruction of the education system with indoctrination. Covid was just a massive transfer of wealth. How can we help? Keep doing what we’re doing and spread the word. Remember politicians work FOR you. They need to listen to you and be a voice for you. It’s not about wealth vs poverty, the issue is control vs freedom. We must remember humans are wonderful. Humans are caring. We all have a wonderful ability to think with logic but that is bypassed with fear. Keep reinforcing the good. People only do what they think is good.  Politics is driven by numbers. You have power with your wallet and what you choose to consume when it comes to the media. Parents need to hold principals accountable too. You can’t have anything if you don’t take responsibility. It’s a sure road to ruin if you don’t. How can you trust someone who makes money out of you being sick? We should have a simple tax system that is not about manipulating people. The community and family are a source of welfare. We need a government that is compassionate and doesn’t take responsibility away from the people. The best reward for looking after yourself is your health. Remember you are a caring human, we all are. Back yourself, trust yourself. Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook – Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
10/8/20231 hour, 14 seconds
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UC 378: Toxic Exposure with Chadi Nabhan

In this podcast Chadi Nabhan discusses his new book, TOXIC EXPOSURE: The True Story Behind the Monsanto Trials and the Search for Justice. Chadi Nabhan, MD, MBA, is a board-certified hematologist and a medical oncologist who practiced oncology and treated lymphoma patients for years.  He has over 300 peer-reviewed papers, abstracts, and book chapters. He has worked in diverse health care settings and is the creator and host of the Healthcare Unfiltered podcast.   You can find Dr Chadi Nabhan at: chadi nabhan MD, MBA, FACP (@chadinabhan) / X ( Dr Chadi’s Book Recommendations Book Recommendations – Chadi Nabhan, MD   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook –   Kim Morrison Linksz Website- Instagram- Facebook-
9/27/20231 hour, 4 minutes, 37 seconds
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UC 377: The Regenerative Journey with Charlie Arnott

Charlie Arnotts Bio Charlie, an award-winning grazier, educator, and advocate for Regenerative Farming practices, transformed his family’s conventional, high-input farm into a biodynamically managed one, partnering with nature rather than working against it. With a focus on quality and healthy food production, the farm raises animals using organic, biodynamic, and holistic grazing principles, providing clean, nutritious food to its clients. Charlie emphasises the importance of collaborating with nature, rather than manipulating it, for the health of the farmer, consumer, and land. The farm is transparent, considering its clients as co-producers, and hosts workshops and community events to teach the principles and practices of biodynamics to farmers and families. Charlie is the host of The Regenerative Journey podcast, launched in 2020 with the support of Landcare Australia. You can find Charlie at: Website- Instagram- Podcast-   What Charlie is enjoying at the moment. Podcasts by Robert Kennedy Jnr, Zach Bush Book- King of the Grass Castles by Darne Mary Durack   Quotes from Charlie “Biodynamics is about creating nutrient dense foods” “I’m an advocate for Regenerative Agriculture and Farming”. “Mother Nature is my business partner” “Biodynamics and Biologics include subtle energy” “I’ve made a lot of mistakes but that’s where I’ve learn the most” “A Defining moment in my life was when I watched my paddock top soil blow away” “I’m all about having love, compassion, forgiveness, respect and reverence for the land”.   Cyndi O’Meara Links Website- Instagram – Facebook –   Kim Morrison Links Website- Instagram- Facebook-
9/13/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 46 seconds
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UC 375: Shedding Some Light

The UFAC girls have been asked so many times lately to see if they can record another podcast especially right now as times feel even more challenging for so many. So the girls thought it would be a chance to bring a whole new way of being through uncertainty, and the perfect time to shed some light, direction and clarity. A chance to look at this journey with a little positivity and maybe some girl power! So are we living in a lie? Are we awakening? Is this all obvious corruption? What is really happening through this Covid experience? And are we seeing bands of people coming together and seeing strength in numbers who think differently? In this frank, open hearted conversation Cyndi, Carren and Kim get to explain where they are all at and how they have been traveling the past year. They talk the science, insights, opinions, concerns and the what, why and how. Cyndi explains exactly what the virus Sars-CoV-2 is compared to the disease Covid19. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), also known as the coronavirus, is the virus that causes COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019), the respiratory illness responsible for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. She says to watch Dr David Martin from Weston Price as his dates about the whole thing is impeccable. Here is the link: And here is a chat he also had on the podcast: And here are the other links she suggests to watch: World renowned Cardiologist, Dr. Peter McCullough, discusses the proven devastating harm from COVID-19 vaccine reactions particularly in young people. She says to watch Pandemic with Judy Mikovitz – (it’s only 10 minutes) – And to follow Del Bigtree on Highwire right here: Cyndi talks about this being like Russian roulette, we actually do not know what will be effected. 93% of people with Covid19 have chronic conditions or disease like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The vaccine is not necessarily working at efficacy and that is stated in the research. 634 people have died since the vax program and as a direct result of the v’ax. That’s 2 people a day. But why? How can some get it with no issue and some with major reaction? Why are some seemingly unaffected and others injured? The girls talk lack of liability of vaccine companies and how they are not liable for any injury from a vaccine. All liability was to the Government who paid out $45B for vaccine injuries up until the 80’s. Watch 1986 The Act Andrew Wakefield It has been proven that there have been lies, deceit and misuse of research and information. The girls ask ‘Why are we trusting this?’ Cyndi suggests this time is like book burning. Why are people being censored? Carren shares her journey and how she is curious, she asks questions like, What don’t I see? What am I not seeing? She openly shares what has happened in her family and with her husband Matt. She also admits we are all so far down the food chain that things are designed to confuse and create division. She explains how the vax even has on the box that it is an experiment… until the research is known which will be 2023. There is so much speculation. She talks about crimes against humanity, and suggests we all become ferocious questioners. It is important to be curious and look for better answers. Cyndi talks about the WA Premier in a rather open and dazed way states the truth. You can see the link here: Cyndi suggests we watch Monopoly – Who Owns The World to understand more: She talks about the New World Order and Black Rock and Vanguard as well as what is allowed on main stream media. The girls discuss fear mongering and how the narrative runs on this mainstream media. Kim shares the dynamics of being hypnotised and to watch for the number of times they mention various words and then add fear to the feed. To hypnotise someone you use repetition and intensity. Same same! Kim also shares how her husband was ‘bullied’ into a terrifying position and how that has impacted them all. All three are very aware of the effects this whole pandemic is having on mental health. It is important more than ever for humans to come together as as a collective and share what they believe is the way through this right NOW. SHINING THE LIGHT – Things to do to keep well! Buy local and support local communities Look after yourself in all ways Ground yourself increase electrons and receive more energy Get into the sunshine for Vit D Breath work is key for stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) Get adequate quality sleep Connect with loved ones Have even more gratitude than ever and focus on what you want not what you don’t want Be in nature more Stay present this is a huge awakening, we do not know the future, stay connected to now Drink plenty of good water (2L a day) Supplement with good food based vitamins like Cyndi’s greens and colloidals plus zinc, Vit D, C, A, glutathione, quercetin and turmeric Use essential oils – pine, fennel, eucalyptus, lavender, tea tree, cedarwood and pine (Twenty8 Immune Boost – Know that good will win over evil, follow your spiritual path Carren then shares a beautiful message of hope, resilience and love. We cannot be in resistance of this. Humanity will evolve one way or another, either backwards or bigger, better, faster, stronger… Tap into that strength, invest your energy into the bigger part of you. Remember you are bigger than the virus, the jab the problem. This is true for everyone. Commit to the inner work and know you have got this. Transcend and transform. The world is waiting for you. There is a call for those of us willing to stand in balance of terror. Spend 10 mins everyday saying: I am powerful I am incredible I am the light I am strong I am clean I am powerful I am together… Now is the time for self-ascension, expansion, direction and internal responsibility, tap into that power source. Balance the planet and move through the trauma. At least try it on… there is a call to create and balance for humanity. Cyndi’s Dad always said, ‘Nothing happens in the body until it happens in the mind first.’ To keep connected with the girls stay on the UFAC Facebook page: Cyndi’s Instagram – Carren’s Inner Circle – Kim’s Self Love & Wellness Mentorship Program – Take care everyone… we love you xx The post UC 375: Shedding Some Light appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/10/20211 hour, 25 minutes, 18 seconds
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UC 374: Creating Calm in Crisis

The Chatters couldn’t stay away from their listeners, they felt a need to connect with them in this very different time on planet earth. They also felt a need to connect with each other, so they went to Cyndi’s farm and had a day in nature, eating foods grown on the farm and generally talking about manifesting, life and dreams.  That’s also when they decided to record this extraordinary podcast.  Carren talked about the mental and spiritual aspects of the role the planet and people are going through, Kim talked about her wonderful antiseptic essential oils and how to use them, she will also be in lockdown with her husband Danny and daughter Tayla as they fly back from the Northern Hemisphere, she shared how she will be doing this with food, exercise and growth.  As for Cyndi she talked about how to make sure the immune system is healthy, the no need to panic about lack of food (your body has the ability to survive – as she explains).  The Chatters talk about the calm they feel, the luxury of staying home and encapsulating with family and community and they’re wanting to help people see the gratitude of the situation.  They hope you enjoy this very heartwarming, informational hour and a bit. The post UC 374: Creating Calm in Crisis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/20/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 34 seconds
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UC 373: It’s Not Goodbye

The Chatters have done over 373 hours of talking, chatting and interviews. That’s seven years and the itch has happened. It’s time to finish podcasting and start something new as a trio. Listen in as the Chatters talk about their highs, their laughs, their achievements, their accomplishments and their favorite interviews. A teary farewell at the end, but it’s not goodbye. If you want to stay in touch with the chatters and their new “The Adventure of Self Exploration” go to You can also stay in touch by following, and And don’t forget all the other wonderful Wellness Couch podcasts. The Chatters want to thank the Wellness Couch for hosting them through their podcasting careers. Much love to all Kim, Carren and Cyndi The post UC 373: It’s Not Goodbye appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/11/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 59 seconds
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UC 372: Flashback Chat – Pelvic Mesh Implants Gone Wrong with Justine Watson

As the Chatters take a Summer break, we’re throwing back to six of our most popular and powerful episodes. This week’s episode is … Justine Watson President & Co-Founder of Mesh Injured Australia had a TVT fitted in 2010 for SUI. She discovered in 2017 after a cystoscopy that the mesh had skewered her urethra in several places and was embedded in her bladder. With no other explanations for her years of pain and systemic illnesses and after much researching, she travelled alone to the USA for removal surgery a few weeks later. Justine is a mental healthcare worker with more than 20 years experience and is now an advocate for Mesh Injured people and is currently involved in the co-design of a new Pelvic Mesh clinic in Sydney. Justine is also on the Health Consumers NSW Transvaginal Mesh Steering Committee. The Chatters are silent (for once), they are flabbergasted at Justine’s story, if you know anyone or you yourself have had a pelvic mesh implant or are contemplating having one then this is a not to be missed episode. This is for people with hernia mesh as well as pelvic mesh. As the shock subsides the Chatters have a million questions as you will too. For support 1800 MESHED (637433) toll free national hotline for support Blog: www.justineannewatson/ Mesh – journey to Recovery The post UC 372: Flashback Chat – Pelvic Mesh Implants Gone Wrong with Justine Watson appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/3/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 56 seconds
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UC 371: Flashback Chat – Live Your Passion with Sean Croxton

As the Chatters take a Summer break, we’re throwing back to six of our most popular and powerful episodes. This week’s episode is … What a coo for the Chatters they managed to interview the extraordinary interviewer – Sean Croxton.  Sean began his life as an interviewer with his podcast Underground Wellness, he reached the peak of his career in that space and then walked away from the health realm to move into self help and personal development.  His change was that he understand that there were many modalities to healing, but he noticed that those that healed had a lot to do with their mind and positivity.  He followed his passion and has managed to secure himself as the most informed interviewer about his guest.  He also has interviewed the best in the self help space.  In this interview Sean tells The Chatters about a year of learning and what he learnt about an industry and about himself.  To learn more about The Sessions and Quote of the Day go to The post UC 371: Flashback Chat – Live Your Passion with Sean Croxton appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/27/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 29 seconds
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UC 370: Flashback Chat – White Wash by Monsanto about Roundup with Carey Gillam

As the Chatters take a Summer break, we’re throwing back to six of our most popular and powerful episodes. This week’s episode is … This is an explosive interview that leaves Carren angry, so upset that there can be blatant lies and deception in government and the corporations in agriculture. The Up for A Chatters interview Carey Gillam a veteran journalist, researcher and writer with more than 25 years of experience in the news industry covering corporate America. She is also a Mum, someone concerned about the lies and deception that is hurting humanities health. Carey traces the corruption of science in startling detail, uncovering stories of how agribusiness has taken advantage of “useful” government employees and censored or discredited scientists to bury evidence of harm. Her investigation reveals how political influence has been at work for years in regulatory agencies such as the FDA, USDA, and even within the EPA—the very agency created as a result of Carson’s findings in Silent Spring. Carey’s book Whitewash lays bare unappetising truths about the levels of glyphosate and other pesticides commonly found in our food products. To contact Carey Instagram: truthaboutpesticides Book White Wash by Carey Gillam The post UC 370: Flashback Chat – White Wash by Monsanto about Roundup with Carey Gillam appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/20/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 39 seconds
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UC 369: Flashback Chat – Dr Margie Smith – Smart DNA

As the Chatters take a Summer break, we’re throwing back to six of our most popular and powerful episodes. This week’s episode is … Nutrigenomics and Epigenetics is the topic of this amazing interview with Dr Margie Smith co-founder of Smart DNA.  Have you ever wondered if your DNA can tell you what foods you should eat, what exercise you can do, what drugs you can metabolise and what is that gene SNP called MTHFR.  Well listen in on this fascinating interview about how we can learn through DNA testing what is the best thing for us to live an outstanding healthy life.  Margie is a mix of nerd and absolute inspiring scientist.  Her magic wand moment is worth waiting for, all the girls fell in love with her wisdom and knowledge and the amazing person that they had the privilege of interviewing. Hang in there on this podcast, it begins nerdy but ends life-changing. The post UC 369: Flashback Chat – Dr Margie Smith – Smart DNA appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/13/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 1 second
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UC 368: Flashback Chat – Dr Wayne Todd – Sympathetic Dominance

As the Chatters take a Summer break, we’re throwing back to six of our most popular and powerful episodes. This week’s episode… Dr Wayne Todd is a chiropractor and diplomat of neurology he has been in practice for 28 years. His knowledge of the Sympathetic Dominance (high stress) and what it does to the health of the body is now beautifully written into a book called SD Protocol. The questions are fired at Dr Todd by Kim and Carren, they see sides of themselves in the SD. Without a doubt this is the most eye-opening interview yet. It is recommended to listen a few times as the concepts are revolutionary and could just be the answer to some of your health problems. Not only will you hear what is SD but you will find the answers to what to do. The post UC 368: Flashback Chat – Dr Wayne Todd – Sympathetic Dominance appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/6/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 18 seconds
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UC 367: Flashback Chat – Dr Greg Clark

As the Chatters take a Summer break, we’re throwing back to six of our most popular and powerful episodes. This week’s episode… Dr Greg Clark has worked with Kim in formulating skincare and understanding plant ingredients in the past. He is back in Kim’s life to find new ingredients and formulations for her thriving skincare business – twenty8. Dr Greg is a specialist in the secret life of plants, listen in and learn about the way plants; communicate, protect themselves, have hormone systems and how they can help us in our everyday life. Cyndi, Kim and Carren sat wide-eyed and wide-mouthed throughout the whole interview. Download your episode transcription here: UC122 Transcription Photo by Vero Photoart on Unsplash The post UC 367: Flashback Chat – Dr Greg Clark appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/30/20191 hour, 14 minutes, 31 seconds
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UC 366: The Unbreakable Farmer with Warren Davies – Part 2

Warren Davies is the Unbreakable Farmer, this interview has been broken into two parts. Warren talks about farming today and the mental health crisis and suicide rate amongst Australian farmers. Resilience, Persistence and Determination are the words to describe Warren Davies. Born and bred in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Warren was the son of small business owners. A leader throughout his Primary School years, this confidence was eroded once entering Secondary School, where he was subjected to bullying and not fitting in. His academic achievement began a downward spiral. This is where his skill of Resilience was developed a skill that would be called upon time and time again in future years. In 1982 His family made the massive decision to move to the country and pursue his father’s dream of becoming a farmer. This gave Warren an opportunity to reinvent himself. A direction, a career path: he was going to be a Farmer! Mentored by one of the best farmers in the district, Warren honed his skills and, by the age of 22, he had purchased his first farm. The next sixteen years were to be defining years for him. The harsh reality of being a farmer soon became evident: high interest rates, low commodity prices, flood and drought; all having an impact, but most significantly, was that on his mental health. These events all tested his Resilience, Persistence and Determination and had a massive impact on his young family, relationships and finances all culminating with the decision to basically having to walk off the farm. Although with his skills, work was easy to find, managing large scale operations from Victoria to South Australia, it wasn’t the same, he couldn’t settle, he assumed that he had lost his identity because not only was the farm his career, it was his home, his life! In his eyes he had failed and carried the guilt of failing as a husband and father. Being an avid reader of books he searched for a better way, he began the journey of piecing back together his life, but the road has been long, through his Resilience, Persistence and Determination, he now imparts his skills and pays forward his unique stories, their moral relevant to all ages, from the country to the city, a farmer or the CEO of a large corporation. There is more to this farmer than meets the eye. Listen in as Kim and Cyndi talk to The Unbreakable farmer about the important work he is doing now and how his life has led him to what he does today. Lifeline 131114 The post UC 366: The Unbreakable Farmer with Warren Davies – Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/23/201953 minutes, 33 seconds
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UC 365: The Unbreakable Farmer with Warren Davies – Part 1

Warren Davies is the Unbreakable Farmer, this interview has been broken into two parts. Warren talks about farming today and the mental health crisis and suicide rate amongst Australian farmers. Resilience, Persistence and Determination are the words to describe Warren Davies. Born and bred in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Warren was the son of small business owners. A leader throughout his Primary School years, this confidence was eroded once entering Secondary School, where he was subjected to bullying and not fitting in. His academic achievement began a downward spiral. This is where his skill of Resilience was developed a skill that would be called upon time and time again in future years. In 1982 His family made the massive decision to move to the country and pursue his father’s dream of becoming a farmer. This gave Warren an opportunity to reinvent himself. A direction, a career path: he was going to be a Farmer! Mentored by one of the best farmers in the district, Warren honed his skills and, by the age of 22, he had purchased his first farm. The next sixteen years were to be defining years for him. The harsh reality of being a farmer soon became evident: high-interest rates, low commodity prices, flood and drought; all having an impact, but most significantly, was that on his mental health. These events all tested his Resilience, Persistence and Determination and had a massive impact on his young family, relationships and finances all culminating with the decision to basically having to walk off the farm. Although with his skills, work was easy to find, managing large scale operations from Victoria to South Australia, it wasn’t the same, he couldn’t settle, he assumed that he had lost his identity because not only was the farm his career, it was his home, his life! In his eyes he had failed and carried the guilt of failing as a husband and father. Being an avid reader of books he searched for a better way, he began the journey of piecing back together his life, but the road has been long, through his Resilience, Persistence and Determination, he now imparts his skills and pays forward his unique stories, their moral relevant to all ages, from the country to the city, a farmer or the CEO of a large corporation. There is more to this farmer than meets the eye. Listen in as Kim and Cyndi talk to The Unbreakable farmer about the important work he is doing now and how his life has led him to what he does today. Lifeline 131114 The post UC 365: The Unbreakable Farmer with Warren Davies – Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/16/201945 minutes, 19 seconds
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UC 364: Dr Chris Exley – Mr Aluminium

Cyndi interviews Dr Chris Exley a professor in Bioinorganic Chemistry for her students at The Nutrition Academy. She believes that the information is so important that she is sharing it with Up For A Chat. Dr Exley has been studying aluminum in living systems for well over three decades and was unknown until he began researching aluminum adjuvants in vaccines. He then lost his funding, came under fire and has become the vaccine industry’s number one public enemy. His latest blog released 2nd December 2019 titled Aluminium Adjuvants in Vaccines; Missing Information, is well referenced and suggested reading. Go to his instagram (professorchris) click on the link in his bio and become informed. Christopher Exley’s has published 185 research works with 4972 citations and 11406 reads. Cyndi’s comments on the interview; I’ve been listening to Dr Chris Exley for about a year with regards to The Aluminium Age. Dr Exley is a professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry, began his undergraduate degree at Stirling and is presently a Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry and group leader of the Bioinorganic Chemistry Laboratory at Keele University, and is an honorary professor at the UHI Millennium Institute. His understanding of Aluminium is living things started 35 years ago when he was studying fish. His 2018 published article on Aluminium and Autism you can read it here created a plethora of negative publicity for the humble scientist. But as you listen to this wonderful interview you will begin to understand that he is a scientist seeking the truth. I heard a quote recently by Yuval Noah Harari he said, “Science is about profit not the truth” when it comes to corporations, but individuals seek the truth. Chris and his team have found a truth that profitable corporations don’t want him to find. Listen in as he explains the Aluminium Age. The water Chris Talks about in Australia is called, they are based out of Ballarat. Their silica-rich water is just under Fiji water at 68mg/litre If you would like to contact Chris Christopher Exley PhD FRSB Professor in Bioinorganic Chemistry Aluminium and Silicon Research Group The Birchall Centre, Lennard-Jones Laboratories, Keele University, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, UK Tel: 44 1782 734080; Email: [email protected] Chris’s Medical Blog: you will not want to miss this, it has some great articles which then lead you to science articles written by Chris and other researchers. Here is where you can donate to help Chris with his research Please Donate to Help to Support our Research (choose Professor Exley’s Research from the drop down menu) Instagram: Professorchris The post UC 364: Dr Chris Exley – Mr Aluminium appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/9/20191 hour, 1 minute, 51 seconds
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UC 363: Lets Do The Keto Thing with Cyndi O’Meara

Cyndi is writing a new book called The Healthy Keto Way. What is the Keto diet, why has it become so popular, is it really a diet or a state of being? Kim wants to know more and everyone is asking her about it, so Cyndi and Kim sit down to talk about the history of the Ketogenic diet, which dates back thousands of generations, how do you get into a state of ketosis, what is cyclical ketosis, what is Keto-flu and much more. Cyndi talks about the fact that she has written an article on keto supplements, here is the link and another link about the history of Ketosis The book will not be out until 2020, but the Chatters wanted their listeners to get an understanding of this new fad that in evolutionary terms is something very old. The post UC 363: Lets Do The Keto Thing with Cyndi O’Meara appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/2/20191 hour, 28 minutes, 59 seconds
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UC 362: Gary Woolums on Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy

The chatters have had a lot of speakers on about EMF’s, they’ve also asked some pertinent questions about EMF’s for many of their guests. This week Gary Woolens comes on to talk about native (rather than non-native) EMF’s ones that come form the ground. Gary has been doing PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy for two and a half years. He got into it for personal reasons and it evolved from there. Gary was in a boat accident thirty years ago where he broke his back. He experienced extreme pain and the specialists said there was nothing that could be done as the major sacral nerves and blood vessels ran through four openings on each side of the broken sacrum. He was on crutches for seven months with pain levels of seven on up. While the major pain finally subsided after about nine months, he was left with chronic pain and stiffness that ebbed and waned in varying degrees over the years. He tried complementary or alternative therapy but nothing lasted. He found out about PEMF, did lots of research and loved the science behind it, purchased a system as he couldn’t find anyone doing it in Australia. Four days, twice a day on the full body mat and the pillow pad and 95% of the pain was gone. Sleep has also improved. Gary studied a Pre-Med major for four years but ended up with a degree in Psychology as Allopathic Medicine was just symptom treating to him. He went on to Graduate School in parapsychology and Eastern studies but dropped out when I met a teacher who taught on many levels about health, personal and spiritual development. If you would like to talk to Gary, here are all his details. Gary Woolums Melbourne 0452 527 284 The post UC 362: Gary Woolums on Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/25/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 57 seconds
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UC 361: Rachael Treasure – Down The Dirt Roads

Rachael Treasure is a mother, regenerative agriculturalist and author. She set her sights on becoming a rural journalist and writing a bestseller that would showcase contemporary rural women, who were comfortable in, and caring of, their farming landscape. As a young Tasmanian on ‘the mainland’ Rachael saw a profound disconnection emerging between the land and women in the growing culture of modern industrial agriculture. Her first novel, ‘Jillaroo’ (2002) has become an iconic contemporary work of fiction, changing the face of Australian publishing and kick-starting a boom of rural women’s fiction. Her 7th book is White Horses. The Chatters feel like they have found another soul sister, the conversation bounces between, Cyndi’s love of Regenerative Farming, Carren’s love of mind and spirit and Kim’s love of diving in deep to ask the most pertinent questions to get the best out of our guests. By the end of the chat, all three chatters are keen to read Rachaels books, visit her farm and become her best friend. The post UC 361: Rachael Treasure – Down The Dirt Roads appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/18/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 24 seconds
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UC 360: The Health of the Solomon Islands with Kirsty Wirth and Cyndi O’Meara

Kim interviews Kirsty Wirth from Kultured Wellness and Cyndi O’Meara from Changing Habits after they return from their very successful trip to the Solomon Islands. It’s a wake up call for both business owners. They speak at the University in Honiara, to the Ministry of Health, the Hospital and take time out to go to an island to meet the locals that are living a fairly traditional life. Diabetes in adults and wasting disease in children is the current health crisis. The trend for the past 20 years has been away from the traditional diet and consuming more and more rice and sugar products. For children with wasting disease a ready to use therapeutic food (RUTL) is available for 6 months and above made from hydrogenated vegetable oils, sugar, peanuts and other dubious ingredients. Listen in on their incredible journey and how they are instigating a change back to traditional ways along with Kokonut Pacific – a local virgin oil producer. The post UC 360: The Health of the Solomon Islands with Kirsty Wirth and Cyndi O’Meara appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/11/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 49 seconds
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UC 359: Longevity Movie with Kale Brock

The Chatters interview Kale Brock, an award-nominated writer, filmmaker and speaker. With a background in TV journalism, Kale has a passion for creative story telling with a special interest in health & wellbeing. After the success of The Gut Movie, Kale is about to Launch The Longevity Movie. He has gone from the micro to the marco way to health. He says there is no one secret, but a set of lifestyle factors that create health and longevity. Many people spend their last 15 years of life sick, in hospital or disabled in some way, in the Longevity Movie Kale discovers the Blue Zones and the important factors that create both age and health. @kalesbroccoli The post UC 359: Longevity Movie with Kale Brock appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/4/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 18 seconds
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UC 358: Chatter Catch Up about The Muse

Last week The Chatters spoke with the creator of The Muse – Ariel Garten. Ariel sent a Muse to try. Carren being an experienced meditator critiques this wonderful new meditation helper. The Chatters also catch up on what they are doing from Spirit Hive, Time Line Therapy, NLP and much more. So grab yourself a Listen In The post UC 358: Chatter Catch Up about The Muse appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/28/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 51 seconds
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UC 357: Meditating with The Muse with Ariel Garten

The Chatters interview Ariel Garten, a neuroscientist, psychotherapist, innovator, and brain-tech expert who co-founded InteraXon, the creators of the award-winning brain-sensing technology called Muse. Ariel’s driving purpose is to empower and help others overcome mental obstacles in order to live healthy, happy lives and reach their maximum potential. Muse is a wearable technology that trains, assists, and deepens meditation and mindfulness. It reads the wearers brain activity (the same way as an EEG) and gives real-time feedback or as Vogue put it… “It literally senses your mental state, and functions accordingly with sounds that will ensure you don’t steer away from your calm state.” Muse technology is currently being used by 200+ research institutions and hospitals around the world, such as Harvard, The Mayo Clinic, MIT and NASA. Ariel talks about a few of these projects with the chatters. As a result of these studies, 175 research papers have been published. The Mayo Clinic has been using Muse on breast cancer patients awaiting surgery to study the effects meditation has on their treatment and recovery. Ariel and Muse have been featured in over 1000 media pieces and TV spots, including CNN, CBS, Forbes, Fortune, People, Vogue, WSJ, O Magazine, Tim Ferriss, Huffington Post, Tech Crunch, Business Insider, Men’s Health and more! Ariel has done numerous TED Talks with her Ted Talk “Redefining Consciousness” has over 400,000 views and her podcast Untangle has over 1.7million downloads. She has also been a keynote speaker at conferences, universities and companies worldwide, such as the World Economic Forum, MIT, Le Web and more. The chatters asked the questions about 5G, wifi and bluetooth to make sure that The Muse was something that would use. A very interesting conversation with an exceptional woman. Instagram ariels_musing Podcast – Untangle The post UC 357: Meditating with The Muse with Ariel Garten appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/21/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 22 seconds
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UC 356: From Arnotts to Farming with Charlie Arnott

Charlie Arnott is an award winning farmer, in sustainability, innovation and community. He had a wake up call after going to a week long workshop called Grazing For Profit. He realized he wasn’t farming for people to eat his food, but rather for profit and yield. He was traditionally trained then back to the family farm and doing what he had been taught. He didn’t grow food for himself but rather an industry. After meeting his wife, a real food, organic consumer Charlie changed his farm overnight, it wasn’t easy. Charlie is so very up beat with the Chatters about where food is going and how we are producing our food. We talk about lab based meats v’s real meat, regenerative farming v’s chemical farming and so much more. Charlie is a wealth of information on farming, food and changing paradigms to change the world. The post UC 356: From Arnotts to Farming with Charlie Arnott appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/14/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 39 seconds
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UC 355: Health Choice Erosion with Adam Epskamp

It was Dr Epskamp’s own chiropractor who initially encouraged him to consider chiropractic as a career path. The thought of helping people to improve their health and effecting change the way that his own chiropractor had, inspired him and within six months Adam was sitting in his first-class at Murdoch University, Western Australia. After 5 years of study, Dr Epskamp emerged with a Bachelor of Science (Chiropractic) and Bachelor of Chiropractic with Honours and has been practicing ever since. After working in the industry for a short time, Dr Epskamp decided to extend his knowledge by completing further studies in the area of Paediatric Chiropractic care. Dr Epskamp is now a board member of The Australian College of Chiropractic Paediatrics (ACCP). Dr Epskamp’s passion for supporting the health and wellbeing of his clients extends beyond chiropractic. He has a long history in the fitness industry working as a fitness instructor since 2007. Dr Epskamp is currently a Les Mills Master Trainer and Presenter and you can find him teaching at a number of gyms on the Sunshine Coast. Dr Epskamp’s specialised training in Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) and Functional Movement Screen (FMS) systems also provides a unique bridge between fitness and chiropractic care. Over the last few years, his interests have seen him explore nutrition and gut health to gain a better understanding of how gut microbiome and hormones affect overall health and wellbeing. The Chatters begin the interview with asking Dr Adam Epskamp is history and how he found health to be a passion. The conversation continues with the discussion about our choices being taken away from us when it comes to healthy care. Evidence-based is the new buzz word, but what exactly is evidenced based in health care today. After ten years in the industry working as a chiropractor in Western Australia, Canada and now the Sunshine Coast, Dr Epskamp has finally opened his own clinic in Mountain Creek at the Brightwater Marketplace. Dr Epskamp currently lives on the Sunshine Coast with his wife Savannah and their two cats Penelope and Portia. Contact for Dr Epskamp Silverback Chiropractic Pty Ltd Brightwater Marketplace Shop 3A, 69-79 Attenuata Drive, Mountain Creek 4557 P: 07 5353 0989 | e: [email protected] | w: The post UC 355: Health Choice Erosion with Adam Epskamp appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/7/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 55 seconds
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UC 354: Should I Take That Medication Or Have That Procedure? with Lisa Byrne and Jane London from NPS Medicinewise

One of Cyndi’s students from the The Nutrition Academy, – Lisa Byrne, stops Cyndi at the annual Nutrition Summit to let her know that not only does she love the course but that she works for a organization, who is committed to change. The organisation is NPS (National Prescribing Service – MedicineWise an independent, not-for-profit and evidence-based organisation funded by the Australian government. NPS works across Australia and throughout the Asia-Pacific region to positively change the attitudes and behaviours which exist around the use of medicines and medical tests, so that consumers and health professionals are equipped to make the best decisions when it counts. Lisa Byrne and Jane London both from NPS are on the interview. Jane examines and looks under the hood of what is happening in the health care system between clients and the system and the GP’s and how they can help up skill with new science for the benefit of there health of Australians. It’s a fascinating interview with two articulate women who have a passion to help effect change across the board. Let’s start asking the right questions in order to get the answer that’s appropriate. Here are the questions that the interview finishes with to help both you and your doctor have the best income for all concerned. Do I really need this test, treatment or procedure? What are the risks? Will there be side effects to the test or treatment? What are the chances of getting results that aren’t accurate? Could that lead to more testing, additional treatments or another procedure? Are there simpler, safer options? Are there alternative options to treatment that could work. Lifestyle changes, such as eating healthier foods or exercising more, can be safe and effective options. What happens if I don’t do anything? Ask if your condition might get worse — or better — if you don’t have the test, treatment or procedure right away. What are the costs? Costs can be financial, emotional or a cost of your time. Where there is a cost to the community, is the cost reasonable or is there a cheaper alternative? The post UC 354: Should I Take That Medication Or Have That Procedure? with Lisa Byrne and Jane London from NPS Medicinewise appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/30/201955 minutes, 39 seconds
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UC 353: Combat in the Australian Army and PTSD with Kevin Humphreys

If you’ve got a brain and a blood supply, you’re susceptible to mental illness; it doesn’t discriminate. The question is, will you have the courageous conversations required to turn it around? When Kevin Humphreys joined the Army, he believed his life purpose was to serve his country through the profession of arms. Today, by pulling back the curtains on his own experience, Kevin’s purpose remains to serve but it now involves destigmatising mental illness, and empowering others to show courage and seek help. Kevin breaks down the myths of mental illness. He takes his audience down the rabbit hole that was his deadly serious life at home and abroad in the Army. Through the combination of 34 ADF personnel dying in helicopter accidents, a mid-air collision with a boat, rocket attacks in Afghanistan, as well as leading nine others to knowingly fly into a maelstrom of fire to extract 70 foreign special forces soldiers and balancing his 20 tonne helicopter on a cliff edge in the middle of the night in an effort to insert other special forces soldiers. A precarious endeavour where the slightest kiss of the blades on the rocks would mean it was all over. Perhaps surprisingly though, these weren’t the things that bought Kevin ‘unstuck’. Whilst a drive in the backstreets of Baghdad bought on PTSD, it was the isolation of leadership and a workplace with a toxic command environment that triggered Kevin’s depression, anxiety and ultimately his breakdown and suicidal ideation. Kevin shares his poignant story and the recovery rollercoaster that involved the power of visualisation and reuniting his head and heart, in what he describes as the longest journey one will ever take. And finally, to one of his proudest moments when he was acknowledged as a role model for a recent recipient of the Military Order of William (equivalent to Victoria Cross) in the Netherlands. The Chatters are quiet through this incredible interview The post UC 353: Combat in the Australian Army and PTSD with Kevin Humphreys appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/23/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 43 seconds
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UC 352: Activism with Zen Honeycutt and Mom’s Across America

Cyndi interviews Zen Honeycutt for her education students of TNA, she wanted to share this interview with the Chatter listeners. Zen is the Founding Executive Director of Moms Across America, a non-profit National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms, and author of the new book UNSTOPPABLE: Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment, and a Celebration of Community. With the motto “Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids,” Moms Across America has grown rapidly with over 600 leaders have created 1,000+ community events in all 50 states in the first 5 years of inception. Zen has three boys with allergies and autism symptoms which greatly improved when they went GMO-Free and organic. She discovered that thousands of Moms are seeing the same results. Cyndi talks to Zen about how she became an activist and how this has now become her life and business. The post UC 352: Activism with Zen Honeycutt and Mom’s Across America appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/16/201953 minutes, 34 seconds
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UC 351: Patient Advocacy with Reina Weiner

Reina Weiner is a Healthcare and Patient Advocacy Coach, a former National Oncology Trainer and Nursing Instructor, multi-book author and presently a cancer patient in remission. Reina talks to the chatters about her new book, Trust Your Doctor…but Not That Much-Be Your Own Best Healthcare Advocate offers an honest and insightful book based on both her professional experience and her own personal journey with cancer. Filled with helpful advice, Reina provides a roadmap so you, the patient, can get better healthcare as well as the encouragement and support for what can often be a confusing, frustrating and difficult path. In her book and this interview with the chatters you’ll discover: ▪ How to find the best healthcare provider for you and prepare for a productive office visit ▪ How to build rapport and a mutually respectful relationship with your healthcare provider ▪ What it’s like to participate in a clinical trial? ▪ Why and when do you need to seek a second opinion? ▪ How the words used by your healthcare provider can facilitate your healing ▪ Final plans – choices we all need to create for the end of our lives As Reina states in the intro to her book, “The main objective is for patients to feel empowered and to obtain the answers and treatment they need.” It’s a must-read for anyone who wants to be their own best healthcare advocate or in support of a loved one’s healthcare journey! Reina can be reached at The post UC 351: Patient Advocacy with Reina Weiner appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/9/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 1 second
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UC 350: Root Canals and Dentistry with Ron Ehrlich

The Chatters interview Dr Ron Ehrlich about all things dentistry and beyond. Starting with Root Canals and Cavitations then moving on to oral and complete health, including sleep. They discuss the 5 stressors; emotional, environmental, nutritional, postural and dental stress. Dr Ron is in clinical practice and continues to see patients at his group practice, the Sydney Holistic Dental Centre in Sydney CBD. In 1996, Dr. Ron gained his Fellowship in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (FACNEM). He currently serves on the Board, as President of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM). He is also the author of A Life Less Stressed. Dr Ron is also co-founder and board member of Nourishing Australia, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to informing, educating and inspiring people about the critical importance of healthy soils, nutrient-dense foods, and sustainable farming, bringing together principles of holistic healthcare and holistic farm management for the health of people, communities and ultimately, our planet. The post UC 350: Root Canals and Dentistry with Ron Ehrlich appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/2/20191 hour, 1 minute, 19 seconds
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UC 349: Ayurvedic Medicine with Scott Allan

Scott is a highly skilled Ayurvedic Practitioner with 11 years of clinical experience. Carren and Cyndi are in sync, asking questions about their loves; mind body, spirit and food. Scott began studying Ayurveda in 2006 and completed his Ayurvedic Clinical Diet and Lifestyle Consultants course with Dr Ajit of the Australasian Institute of Ayurvedic Studies in 2008. He also holds a Diploma in Western Herbal medicine and has studied other modalities such as nutrition and iridology. With diversity in treating a range of health complaints, this draws interest from interstate and local seeking his advise, Carren and Cyndi are full of questions on this ancient healing art. The customs of cooking and the use of spices and herbs that can change how the body utilizes the food. There are no allergies, it’s perhaps what we’ve done to the food that is more something to pay attention to rather than completely eliminating the food. Listen in on this calm, soothing interview that is very thought provoking and may want you to get back into the kitchen to heal yourself and your family using ancient principals of cooking. Scott incorporates Yogic tools into his consultations to assist with balancing the mind and body. facebook: yogaayurvedacentre The post UC 349: Ayurvedic Medicine with Scott Allan appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/26/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 18 seconds
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UC 348: Building Biology with Nicole Bijlsma

Nicole Bijlsma is a woman of passion, and her passion lies in environmental medicine. Nicole was a former naturopath and acupuncturist with 15 years of clinical experience who changed her career pathway to become a building biologist after noticing a strong correlation with many of her patients illnesses and health hazards in their home. Nicole is the author of the best seller Healthy Home, Healthy Family, was a columnist for Body+Soul (Herald Sun) and is frequently consulted by the media to comment on health hazards in the built environment (The 7PM Project, Sunrise, The Today Show, The Circle, Channel 7 News, Today Tonight, Channel 74, ABC radio, Fox FM, numerous webinars and podcasts). Nicole has thirty years experience lecturing at tertiary institutions in nutrition, Chinese Medicine and environmental medicine, and has published in peer-reviewed journals. Her extensive knowledge in environmental medicine has seen her speak at various conferences both in Australia and abroad (USA, Thailand and New Zealand). Nicole single handedly established the building biology industry in Australia, was the former President of the Australasian Society of Building Biologists and established the Australian College of Environmental Studies in 1999 to educate people about the health hazards in the built environment. The college is the only institution in Australia to provide nationally accredited training in Building Biology and Feng Shui. Nicole is currently completing her PhD investigating health hazards in the built environment under the supervision of Professor Marc Cohen at RMIT. Instagram/colbijlsma Facebook/nicolebijlsma The post UC 348: Building Biology with Nicole Bijlsma appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/19/20191 hour, 16 minutes, 37 seconds
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UC 347: Who’s Minding The Farm with Patrice Newell

Patrice Newell was once on Television. But she left that industry in 1987 to become a sustainable land manager and writer/researcher dedicated to developing and communicating improved agricultural systems and innovations in an era of rapid climate change. Elmswood Farm has been her obsession ever since. The Chatters talk to Patrice about her latest book – Who’s Minding the Farm. Patrice believes all great things start small and believes that it’s tragic in this economy and climate issues, that needing consumers to buy more is what it means to be a good citizen, and everyone knows that you can’t buy happiness. This is a chat with a highly intelligent woman, who thinks differently and has a passion for things to change, even running for politics has been part of her life in order to make a difference. for more information about Patrice and her farm Elmswood go to: instagram/patricenewellgarlicfarm The post UC 347: Who’s Minding The Farm with Patrice Newell appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/12/20191 hour, 12 minutes, 24 seconds
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UC 346: Anorexia Nervosa Recovery and Eating Disorders with Millie Thomas

Millie Thomas battled Anorexia Nervosa for 15 years and is now fully recovered and providing support and guidance to other Eating Disorder sufferers. She also provides individual coaching and a fortnightly support groups based on the Sunshine Coast for Eating Disorder sufferers and their families. In today’s interview the Up For A Chatter’s delve into what it actually means to live with an eating disorder which is estimated to affect over 16% of the Australian population. Binge eating disorders (BED) and other specified feeding or eating disorders (OSFED) are the most common eating disorders, affecting approximately 6% and 5%, respectively, while anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) each occur in below 1% of the general population. Carren and Kim find out from Millie what it was like for her to endure a 15-year illness and how she became been compelled to turn her pain into purpose. She works with Sunshine Coast-based charity endED and in partnership with The Butterfly Foundation they are about to establish Australia’s first residential Eating Disorders facility – ‘endED Butterfly House. [email protected] Instagram – @endedaustralia Facebook – @endingeatingdisorders Website – For more support you can also contact Lifeline: 131144 The post UC 346: Anorexia Nervosa Recovery and Eating Disorders with Millie Thomas appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/5/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 18 seconds
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UC 345: E171 – Food Additive Effects the Microbiome with Laurence Macia

Listen in as the chatters talk with professor Laurence Macia, one of the authors of a new mouse study out of the University of Sydney published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, regarding E171 a common ingredient found in 900 products including mayo, chewing gum, toothpaste, sunscreen and even paint. The research points to the fact that the food additive titanium dioxide, which appears as E171 on labels, can have a harmful affect on the gut’s natural bacteria causing inflammatory bowel diseases and even cancer. The food additive is used as a whitening agent. Its usage in foods, medicines and clothing has increased considerably in the last decade, despite insufficient evidence about its safety. E 171 is part of a group of nanoparticles. Exposure to nanoparticles has previously been linked to dementia, auto-immune disease, eczema, asthma, autism and increasing the spread of cancer. France has already announced titanium dioxide would be banned from products as of 2020 following a 2017 review into the additive. FSANZ the Australian governing body for food additives is not concerned and there is “no Australian ban planned”. This is about educating yourself about foods in the market place and their additives and being ahead of government guidelines. The post UC 345: E171 – Food Additive Effects the Microbiome with Laurence Macia appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/29/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 4 seconds
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UC 344: Dr Dana Stanley – Gut Health for Humans and Animals

Dr. Don Huber plant pathologist and advocate for more science and testing in the area of glyphosate, GMO’s and soil ecology was interviewed by Cyndi for her education arm FNA and strongly urged her to interview Professor Dana Stanley from Central Queensland University. This podcast is about the health of the GUT, Dana is like the Australian resident Giulia Enders, famed author of GUT. Her research her knowledge of the GUT both for animals and plants is breath taking, but practical. Dana obtained her PhD at Victoria University, Melbourne, in the area of yeast molecular biology and mutagenesis. She then went on to work at CSIRO in the avian research. Dr Stanley is one of Australia’s highest contributors to the field in veterinary science in the area of poultry intestinal microbiota. It was from this that she began to focus on human disease and the microbiota. She is currently developing probiotics with enhanced epigenetic effects to be used in agricultural breeding stock. Complementary to the role of microbiota in health, she is investigating the role of microbiota in disease prevention especially Necrotic Enteritis and Spotty Liver Disease. Dr. Stanley established her reputation as a researcher in intestinal microbiota through long-term investigations in human health that has resulted in high impact publications. Some of her main research projects in 2017 investigate alternative antibiotic development, prostate cancer, bariatric surgery, faecal transplant purification, stroke and colitis. It’s quite the conversation and to Carren’s credit, the chatters talked all things poo! The post UC 344: Dr Dana Stanley – Gut Health for Humans and Animals appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/22/20191 hour, 26 minutes, 12 seconds
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UC 343: The Wellness Summit, Are You Coming?

Marcus Pearce from the Wellness Couch is the co-host today, Carren is away and so Marcus has stepped in for the chatters 343rd show. There is a lot of conversation about podcasting vs live events and what the audience and speakers get from both. This is a conversation for growth both personally and professionally, it’s about being in the arena instead of being a spectator yelling from the side, and being part of the solution instead of the problem. It seems like we may think we have all the answers but like many of the speakers at the summit, they know it’s about digging deeper. It’s a root cause soup out there, and what can we do about it. Listen in to these three amazing educators as they walk you through the importance of networking and finding a group of people who are making a difference not only in their own lives but their families and community. Up For A Chat listeners can come to The Wellness Summit for up to 40% off! Simply go to and enter the code CHATTERS The post UC 343: The Wellness Summit, Are You Coming? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/15/201958 minutes, 51 seconds
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UC 342: Sober in the Country with Shanna Whan

Sober in the Country is a national rural conversation fiercely led by country woman Shanna Whan. After surviving and making a full recovery from alcoholism and near death in a small country town with no support – she’s now using her powerful, raw story to positively impact lives across rural Australia. In this online space, a rapidly growing tribe of like-minded rural Aussie peers are now gathering to openly discuss, question and positively change their own choices with alcohol and the underbelly and real costs of our booze-worshipping culture in remote and rural areas. Shanna’s down-to-earth approach, infectious humour, and her national rural network — along with plenty of lived experience has positioned her as the perfect spokesperson to publicly challenge the entire social license around booze in the bush. And, it’s having a huge impact. Her profile was lifted in early 2018 when she was a prestigious NSW/ACT AgriFutures Rural Woman of the Year finalist recognised for her tireless work as an ambassador, volunteer, speaker, blogger and ‘unconventional educator’ helping raise awareness around not just alcohol abuse but indeed as a well spoken and passionate advocate across many connected rural health issues as a whole. Shanna Says “I actually represent many, many rural men and women in a similar boat. The only difference is that I choose to speak openly and candidly about my story. Because not even nearly enough is being done in this space for our peers. So, I decided to call that out and to basically be the change that was so very overdue and necessary.” Shanna is now being positioned alongside celebrities and influencers like Maz Compton and Talitha Cummins as the (only) ‘official rural ambassador’ for leading national alcohol awareness charity and movement Hello Sunday Morning. The Chatters became infatuated with this articulate passionate woman. facebook – sober in the country instagram/sober_in_the_country Hello Sunday Morning Day Break -App. The post UC 342: Sober in the Country with Shanna Whan appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/8/20191 hour, 9 minutes, 28 seconds
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UC 341: Recovered Ice Addict of 37 years tells her story – Robyn Lewis

Cyndi met Robyn Lewis earlier in 2019 at a Women’s event in a small country town – Beerowa NSW. Her story was so compelling and her departure from 37 years of addiction is a story worth hearing, so the Chatters decided to spend some time learning about Robyn’s life. Robyn see’s her 37 years of addiction as being in training for what she does now – Smart Recovery. Robyn explains what are the signs that you need to look out for as a parent as well as how generations of abuse can lead to more generations of abuse. Time to break the cycle and pull together as a community to turn toward people in trouble rather than turning away. Another riveting episode that leaves you thinking more about our society and the breakdown in mental health, but also a story of hope that recovery is possible. Robyn’s weekly wish to end her life was stopped by a glimmer of hope that she was a good and kind person after all, she just needed to find help. As she explains help is not there, it’s too far away more often than not. The post UC 341: Recovered Ice Addict of 37 years tells her story – Robyn Lewis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/1/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 42 seconds
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UC 340: Religious Rehab with Todd Preston

Elicit – swearing twice bloody and fuck In my twenties I knew everything, my thirties I lost everything, today I question everything…Todd Preston. The Chatters have the opportunity to interview one extraordinary man. Todd was bought up in the Mormon Church at 19 on his mission he knew everything, he says he had cognitive dissonance about his belief, at 25 he realized he knew nothing and began to read, by 35 he needed to leave the church and question everything, but his wife the daughter of an elder would not leave and would not let Todd have anything to do with their, 4 daughters. Penniless he thought about taking his life, but something stopped him and with $300 left and 2 suitcases he landed in NZ in 2010 to begin a new life. Now married and with three children his life begins again questioning everything. The chatters fall for this amazing man who through adversity has come out the other side ready to start life again. He yearns for contact with his 4 daughters who are now merging into adulthood but they believe he is the devil. This Chatter episode is – you can’t hear a pin drop!!! Listen in on this incredible story. Todd is a prolific writer you can read his articles here – Books by Todd Religious Rehab; A Memoir Sacred Road: my journey through abuse, leaving the Mormons & embracing spirituality The post UC 340: Religious Rehab with Todd Preston appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/24/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 3 seconds
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UC 339: Blood on the Rosary with Margaret Harrod

Margaret Harrod leads by example. Despite years of abuse, the former nun, who went on to become a much loved teacher, does not view herself as a victim but as an empowered woman who has managed to grasp her life with both hands in order to be able to reach her dreams. Throughout her healing journey, Margaret held fast to her dream of assisting other women. After leaving teaching she became a crisis supporter and advocate at Lifeline. She now focuses on breaking the silence of the scourge that is sexual abuse. To spread a sense of empowerment and to survivors and their loved ones. Margaret has been married to Rod for 32 years and lives in Canberra. They have two grown up children. The Chatters start the conversation with Margaret asking her about why she chose to speak out about abuse by her father, 2 priests and then finding about her twin brother abusing children, the conversation is riveting, this is one the Chatters want passed around and for everyone to read Margaret Harrods book Blood on the Rosary. ABC podcast Conversations link: One plus One link; The post UC 339: Blood on the Rosary with Margaret Harrod appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/17/20191 hour, 9 minutes, 50 seconds
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UC 338: Beautiful You with Dr Nat Kringoudis

Nat Kringoudis is a doctor of Chinese medicine, Acupuncturist, Author of Beautiful You, Speaker and all-round natural fertility expert. She is the founder of Melbourne women’s health clinic, The Pagoda Tree, creator of Yo’Nuts and producer of HealthTalks TV. Most people associate fertility with pregnancy with a bun in the oven, but being more ‘fertile’ can actually improve your general health and wellbeing. And even if you’re a long way off wanting that bun in the oven, priming your body now will increase your chances of conceiving in the future. It’s time to take the wonder out of your wonderland. It’s Dr Nat’s mission to educate and empower women to get clued up on their body and take control of hormone health. Ditch the stress, the confusion and the endless disappointment, and give your temple the love and attention it deserves. Balance your hormones, balance your life. The Chatters talk about Nat’s new book Beautiful You a book for the teenager and understanding their body and reproductive capacity. Instagram @natkringoudis Facebook Nat Kringoudis The post UC 338: Beautiful You with Dr Nat Kringoudis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/10/20191 hour, 38 seconds
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UC 337: Fertility Breakthrough with Gabriela Rosa

Gabriela Rosa is a world renowned fertility specialist, and the founder and clinical director of the Rosa Institute—an organisation dedicated to helping couples create healthy babies, despite previous reproductive challenges. Since 2001 Gabriela and her team of clinicians blend evidence-based science into a holistic, supportive and education focused approach to fertility treatment. Her proven and effective methodology is the underlying foundation of all of Gabriela’s signature programs, which have now provided reproductive education and empowerment to over 100,000 couples in more than 100 countries worldwide. Gabriela has completed clinical research programs at Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and was awarded The Scholar Award for academic excellence. Currently working towards a masters in public health, Gabriela already holds a Master of Science in Medicine (Reproductive Health and Human Genetics) from The University of Sydney, a Bachelor of Health Science and is trained in numerous health disciplines including naturopathy, nutrition and botanical herbal medicine. Gabriela’s 4th fertility book is due out August 2019. App Natural Cycles – Contraception – Hormone Free Contraception For updates on Gabriela’s latest initiatives visit The post UC 337: Fertility Breakthrough with Gabriela Rosa appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/3/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 28 seconds
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UC 336: EFT Science with DR Peta Stapleton

Associate Professor Peta Stapleton is a clinical/health psychologist at Bond University, Australia, and embraces evidence-based practice and is passionate about new and innovative techniques. Peta is known worldwide for her food cravings/weightloss research using Emotional Freedom Techniques or ‘Tapping’, and has led a world first study investigating the impact of tapping in the brain through a fMRI study. Peta has also led the way to having this stress reduction tool be included in schools worldwide. Tapping in the Classroom® was created as a universal wellbeing program for teachers to use the technique of Tapping with students of all ages in a classroom situation. Peta developed this online training with personal support to give teachers an effective self-applied stress management tool. She also delivers Evidence Based EFT as a skills training for health professionals and has been recognised with the Harvey Baker Research Award for meticulous research in energy psychology, the Global Weight Management Congress Industry Professional Award of Excellence, and the greatest contribution to the field of Energy Psychology. She was most recently named the Gold Coast Women in Business award winner for Innovation and Technology. The Chatters are enthralled with Peta and her science and evidence based research on EFT and Tapping. Website – Research Page – Training website – Facebook – Instagram – LinkedIn – Twitter – YouTube – TEDx Talk – Amazon Author – The post UC 336: EFT Science with DR Peta Stapleton appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/27/20191 hour, 9 minutes, 41 seconds
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UC 335: Grab Life By The Balls Movement with Sam Parker

Being a bloke, being a husband, being a dad its a total rollercoaster ride. There’s the indescribable love you feel for your family. But then there’s the suffocating pressure: ~ the crush of providing for the family ~ the overwhelming sense of failure of where you are with your finances compared to where you want to be ~ the endless frustration of uncertainty of whether or not your doing the right thing with work, money, investments, cheaper electricity ~ then there’s the bullshit bombardment of how perfect everyone else’s life looks, what other blokes are doing and we compare that to our darkest moments- enter the shame and guilt. It’s something us men, and women, need to own for ourselves. There’s no shame or guilt that’s going to change the way we feel about the ups and downs of life. THERE’S NO SHAME IN NOT FEELING AWESOME ALL THE TIME. But, instead we try to suck up that feeling, we push it down, we try to ignore it, we try to toughen up. We end up replaying all of those unwanted emotions and feelings over and over and over… we end up building an overdramatic soap opera IN OUR OWN HEAD. We start to believe in our own drama, thinking its true. What we are all feeling isn’t happening just to us. Remember that other dad, down at the swings, remember the knowing nod that you both exchange. The knowing nod of: ‘Yep, I’m exhausted. Yep, I feel the pressure, too. Yep, I’m struggling to keep my head above water.’ The knowing nod of the grind as you both raise your takeaway cups of coffee to each other…and you both smile as you think you should have saved that 5 bucks and made the coffee at home. It’s not just you. There’s other blokes going through the same shit as you, you’re not alone. How do I know? Because that’s what I feel too. The Chatters interview Sam Parker, Founder of Grab Life By The Balls, Chiropractor, husband and Dad of one has seen Men floundering and decided as a young man wanted to help not only his own self and age group but men of all ages. With mental illness in Australian and NZ men increasing Sam wanted to find a platform for men to be Aussie and Kiwi blocks, honoring who they are, how they do life and reframing and doing things differently allows men to open more possibilities in their life. The post UC 335: Grab Life By The Balls Movement with Sam Parker appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/20/201954 minutes, 17 seconds
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UC 334: Sex and Menopause with Janet McGeever

Janet is the co-author of ‘Tantric Sex and Menopause – Practices for Spiritual and Sexual Renewal’, a practicing psychotherapist since 1999, and TEDx speaker in Noosa, Australia in 2013. She is co-presenter of the life-changing ‘Making Love Retreat’ for couples, as created by her mentor and co-author and originator of the ‘Slow Sex’ movement, Diana Richardson, in Australia since 2012. She has been a facilitator of women’s work for some 20 years and has had a long-held interest in the area of relationships and sexuality, holding couples retreats since 2009. Now 58, she had a difficult time having an early menopause at 38, where she felt like her body didn’t work anymore sexually. The discovery of ‘The Making Love Approach’ in her mid forties, initiated a profound re-awakening of her body and subsequent healing, despite the apparent obstacles that menopause created. She found that the pathway of menopause, and its effects on the body, heralded of a new sensitivity that was to be honoured and which catapulted her into a unique pathway to ‘changing the way we make love’ that was to become her life work. Janet is the creator of ‘Womantime – Ancient Wisdom for the Modern-Day Woman’, a feminine self-care retreat and 6 month course that grew out of the writing of the book, ‘Tantric Sex and Menopause’. Janet’s TEDx talk – The Chatters had a lot of questions for Janet. Enjoy this deep dive into sexuality. The post UC 334: Sex and Menopause with Janet McGeever appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/13/20191 hour, 1 minute, 57 seconds
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UC 333: My Whole Mold Story with Alexx Stuart

Alexx Stuart is the author of “Low Tox Life” and the founder of the thriving online education hub by the same name, made up of several e-courses, a podcast (one of the highest ranked in the health category in Australia), recipes, articles and community action resources for an ever-growing community of people wanting to be healthier and make our planet happier. She’s an educator, change agent, author, columnist, speaker and consultant at the forefront of a movement that’s non-judgmental and tough on the system that got us here.  The Chatters have interviewed Alexx before but never about her mold story, and the array of weird and extraordinary symptoms that it provoked.  Alexx ends the interview with a solution.  Here are the resources she talked about. All the mold info And where to find the book: And courses: The post UC 333: My Whole Mold Story with Alexx Stuart appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/6/20191 hour, 14 minutes, 4 seconds
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UC 332: Pelvic Mesh Implants Gone Wrong with Justine Watson

Justine Watson President & Co-Founder of Mesh Injured Australia had a TVT fitted in 2010 for SUI. She discovered in 2017 after a cystoscopy that the mesh had skewered her urethra in several places and was embedded in her bladder. With no other explanations for her years of pain and systemic illnesses and after much researching, she travelled alone to the USA for removal surgery a few weeks later. Justine is a mental healthcare worker with more than 20 years experience and is now an advocate for Mesh Injured people and is currently involved in the co-design of a new Pelvic Mesh clinic in Sydney. Justine is also on the Health Consumers NSW Transvaginal Mesh Steering Committee. The Chatters are silent (for once), they are flabbergasted at Justine’s story, if you know anyone or you yourself have had a pelvic mesh implant or are contemplating having one then this is a not to be missed episode. This is for people with hernia mesh as well as pelvic mesh. As the shock subsides the Chatters have a million questions as you will too. For support 1800 MESHED (637433) toll free national hotline for support Blog: www.justineannewatson/ Mesh – journey to Recovery The post UC 332: Pelvic Mesh Implants Gone Wrong with Justine Watson appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/29/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 56 seconds
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UC 331: Challenge Your Physical to Find Your Amazing Strength with Jamie Milne

I’ve tasted the bitter flavour of failure. I’ve chewed and brewed over the decision of quitting, and the ripples caused by personal defeat. The small number of times I’ve quit has haunted me to this very day. One day I’ll grow, develop and mature enough to make peace with these moments. These are the words of Jamie Milne, NZ Maori of Ngati Pikiao, and born and raised in Rotorua, is about pushing the body to find your real strength. The Chatters interview this incredible man who wants to know how far he can go, to learn more about who he is and how he can help others. For tickets to the premier of the documentary Wairua Spirit and to learn more about events and Jamie Milne Training. The post UC 331: Challenge Your Physical to Find Your Amazing Strength with Jamie Milne appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/22/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 9 seconds
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UC 330: Life for the Chatters After Dr Jack Kruse and Jason Bawden Smith

Life can never be the same for the Chatters, after their discussions with Dr Jack Kruse (episode 327) and Jason Bawden Smith (episodes 328, 329). All three had their eyes opened, researched more, educated themselves and decided to make some changes. Cyndi had already decided that her lifestyle was already bringing in natures 3 secrets, she just needed to add a few tweaks. She was concerned about Jack’s dismissal of organic foods, and explains this fully. Carren found water that completely quenched her thirst and it’s like miracles started for her and Kim as always succinctly reviewed the conversation, the effect it had on her and the changes she made. Many people have asked the chatters questions about these episodes on light, magnetism and water, but the overarching comments were on how well the chatters handled themselves in the face of some complete contradictions in their own life. The post UC 330: Life for the Chatters After Dr Jack Kruse and Jason Bawden Smith appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/15/201959 minutes, 17 seconds
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UC 329: Part 2 Jason Bawden-Smith, Light Magnetism and Water

The chatters began their conversation with Jason Bawden-Smith last week, the conversation continues on how light, water and magnetism and how they can effect health outcome, good and bad it all depends on whether they are native or non-native. Not having them is one thing but having too much of the wrong type will also cause issues. Here Jason speaks about the solutions; watch the sunrise, take light breaks if you work inside, for every 15 minutes outside you can survive 45 minutes inside, go to the beach, go barefoot, leave the phone out of the bedroom, have holidays in nature, less tech, more nature. The chatters love the fact that Jason gives them the strategies to be the best they can. The post UC 329: Part 2 Jason Bawden-Smith, Light Magnetism and Water appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/8/201954 minutes, 48 seconds
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UC 328: Natures Top 3 Secrets with Jason Bawden-Smith

Jason Bawden-Smith is a successful entrepreneur, author and speaker. He has founded four companies during his business career, including one of largest and most successful environmental consultancy companies in Australia. But financial success came at a great cost. Jason developed 20 chronic diseases and cured himself by going to the beach and eating oysters—- okay it was a little more complex but not that much. His moon-shot goal is to reduce illness in 100 million people by 2030 but first he had to figure out how to heal his own body. This is a two part series as the chatters love his up beat manner, his intellect and his solving of problems especially when it comes to Natures Top 3 Secrets -light, magnetism and water. Website: E-mail: [email protected] The post UC 328: Natures Top 3 Secrets with Jason Bawden-Smith appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/1/201957 minutes, 52 seconds
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UC 327: Water, Light and Magnetism for Health with Dr Jack Kruse

Dr Jack Kruse is a neurosurgeon from New Orleans, he was on Up for A Chat in 2014.  Dr Kruse wants to make  a difference.  He is brash, knowledgable and confronting.  The Chatters are shell shocked and feel like they have had a full frontal assault by the end of the interview.  His three pillars for health are; water, light and magnetism.  He believes our 6th greatest extinction has been created by the making of our own asteroid – 5G and non native EMF’s.  He tells the Chatters after the interview, that they have to up their game, ask the right questions, and polarize the audience.  While you hear the first hour the Chatters have with Jack, the second hour, not recorded, brings out Jacks caring nature.  He has answers and they are not hard; watch the sunrise everyday, reduce blue light in your life and drink low deuterium water.  The Chatters suggest you don’t listen to this episode with your children in the car, its explicit, scary at times and confronting.   The chatters also would like to create a discussion and want to hear your views. instagram/drjackkruse The post UC 327: Water, Light and Magnetism for Health with Dr Jack Kruse appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/25/20191 hour, 22 minutes, 43 seconds
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UC 326: We Love You New Zealand with Tessa Patrick

Our listeners, our selves our husbands are all impacted by the events that happened in New Zealand over the weekend.  Kim, Carren and Cyndi have had messages from their listeners asking to make sense of the shootings.  On Sunday night a vigil took place on the Sunshine Coast.  Our own Kim spoke at the vigil along with a young 23 year old New Zealand journalist – Tessa Patrick.  Tessa’s speech was heart-stopping, so the Chatters asked if she would join them today to try come to terms with violence and bigotry.  Carren being a survivor of the Bali bombing has the answer, which for many of our listeners will bring hope. For more information of Tessa   instagram; @tessapatrick The post UC 326: We Love You New Zealand with Tessa Patrick appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/18/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 43 seconds
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UC 325: A Fat Lot of Good with Dr Peter Brukner

Peter Brukner OAM is a specialist sports and exercise physician whose most recent position has been Australian cricket team doctor from 2012- 17. Peter is the founding partner of Olympic Park Sports Medicine Centre in Melbourne and Professor of Sports Medicine at LaTrobe University. A founding Executive Member of the Australasian College of Sports Physicians, he served two terms as President and played a key role in establishing sports medicine as a medical specialty in Australia. Peter is the co-author of the widely used text book Clinical Sports Medicine and has been team physician for professional football clubs as well as national athletics, swimming, soccer and men’s hockey teams including Olympic and Commonwealth Games. Peter was the SocceroosTeam Doctor at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and subsequently became Head of Sports Medicine and Sports Science at Liverpool Football Club. He is the co-founder of the public health campaignSugarByHalf and is committed to the challenge of improving the nation’s health with improved diet and increased physical activity. His most recent book A Fat Lot of Good was published in May 2018.  The Chatters were so excited to be able to grab an hour of Peters time in order for you to hear about how Peter is making an impact on Australian Health. The post UC 325: A Fat Lot of Good with Dr Peter Brukner appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/11/20191 hour, 2 minutes
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UC 324: The Essential Oils Hormone Solution with Mariza Snyder

Dr. Mariza Snyder believes living a healthy lifestyle shouldn’t be a chore. As a Women’s Hormone Practitioner, she believes that you can heal your hormones without hormones. She balances your hormones naturally using powerful essential oils and self-care rituals. By incorporating simple, daily habits, Dr Mariza says you can transform your life into a healthier, more vibrant one and become the CEO of your own healthcare. Join the chatters as they spend time with another amazing essential oil advocate. You can find Mariza: @drmariza The post UC 324: The Essential Oils Hormone Solution with Mariza Snyder appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/4/201948 minutes, 10 seconds
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UC 323: When Adversity Hits You Twice, Think Differently About What You Are Doing

The Changing Habits Market Place is always on the hunt for new foods, they must be ethical, trusted, organic and/or chemical free and more often than not have a great story about how they came about. Krista is a leader in agricultural innovation and the co-founder and Managing Director of Natural Evolution, a company specializing in green banana and other waste produce products. She is an advocate for innovation and disruption, and passionate about reinvigorating the Australian Food manufacturing industry. Krista’s interest in reducing waste and finding uses for unsaleable produce led to the development of Natural Evolution in 2015. Following tireless work and research, she and husband Rob built the worlds first pharmaceutical grade green banana processing facility and pioneered the process of turning produce in functional foods and cosmetics. The business has experienced remarkable growth, expanding into international markets and winning sustainability and innovation awards in Australia and overseas .   Their product – green banana flour, high in tryptophan and resistance starch, inhibits growth of e-coli and staph as well as tastes good and can be used in cooking or smoothies.   This is a story that gives you goose bumps, a young couple a destroyed crop and now known as the biggest banana flour makers in the world, all in regional Queensland.  Kim and Cyndi interview Krista and are in awe of what she has achieved.  You will notice a background noise, she lives on a farm and it was hard for us to get her for an interview where either the kids were not wanting her or the farm was not working.   To learn more about Krista go to or go to the Changing Habits Market place and purchase the banana flour and sweet potato flour. The post UC 323: When Adversity Hits You Twice, Think Differently About What You Are Doing appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/25/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 17 seconds
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UC 322: Mobilizing The Next Generation Of Parents

Taylor Winterstein is on a mission, a young 29 year old mother of 2 and wife to a professional athlete.  She has a fire in her belly and nothing will stop her helping the next generations of parents to take back control of their family’s health.  She hasn’t always lived the healthy lifestyle, but a documentary woke her up and from there Taylor has become a self educated veracious learner to understand health not only for her family but for all who read and listen to her.  Her instagram tays_way_  has had death threats as she dares to talk about a taboo subject. Taylor has always innately lived her truth and her life unapologetically for herself, never seeking validation off others. She is a fierce truth-seeker and a #mumonamission to help other parents take back control of their families health, tune into their paternal intuition and consciously parent by heart. Listen in as the Chatters find out about her life and now her mission.  For more information go to The post UC 322: Mobilizing The Next Generation Of Parents appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/18/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 19 seconds
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UC 321: What Lurks in Your Tomato and BBQ Sauce?

The Chatters divide themselves and Cyndi is interviewed about her latest study – condiments.  Tomato sauce, mayo, BBQ, sweet chili sauce are slathered on our food and children’s food.  Have you ever thought what lies behind the terms, acidity regulatory, thickeners, binders, flavors, rosemary extract.  Cyndi dives deep into what is written on the label and what is completely missed.  She discusses the agricultural practices of tomatoes and then where the additives come from, how they are made and whether or not they are revealing whether GMO’s have been used.  The chatters finish with what is happening in the world and why in every industry is dishonesty the norm.   They talk about the movie Heal and the 9 attributes of spontaneous healings; Radically changing your diet Taking control of your health Following your intuition Using herbs and supplements Releasing suppressed emotions Increasing positive emotions Embracing social support Deepening your spiritual connection Have a strong reason for living The post UC 321: What Lurks in Your Tomato and BBQ Sauce? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/11/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 1 second
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UC 320: How To Turn Academic Excellence around using agriculture with Ben Stockwin

The Chatters interview Ben Stockwin – CEO of the Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA) he has extensive experience as an educator including 7 years as a teacher and 8 as a school principal in Queensland and Tasmania. PIEFA is the lead coordinating body for food and fibre education in Australian schools and operates the web portals and ‘Career Harvest’. Outside of PIEFA Ben is a board member of the Australian Beef Industry Foundation, a member of Landcare Australia Ltd national advisory group and a director of Surfing Tasmania and has been a member of the Australian Council of Educational Leaders (Tas) executive.  How Ben turned the academic excellence of two schools around using agriculture is quite amazing and eye opening. The post UC 320: How To Turn Academic Excellence around using agriculture with Ben Stockwin appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/4/201946 minutes, 15 seconds
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UC 319: The Australian Aboriginal Culture is Misunderstood

Kama Trudgen (MBBS) is a medical doctor who has worked as a General Practice Registrar in Aboriginal Medical Centres.  She has lived and worked on Elcho Island since 2009 and speaks Gupupuyngu. She is particularly passionate about preventative medicine and empowering people, and has stepped outside the Western medical model of health care delivery. Kama provides the support, education and resources that are needed so that Yolngu can own and control the process of looking after their own health. Along with Dianne Gondarra, she is co-founder of the Hope for Health project.  Carren, Kim and Cyndi are enthralled with her life and what she has learnt about the aboriginal culture. The post UC 319: The Australian Aboriginal Culture is Misunderstood appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/29/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 53 seconds
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UC 318: A Health System in Crisis with Belinda Fettke

Belinda Fettke is the wife of Gary Fettke a Launceston Orthopedic Surgeon who was given a life long nutrition and diet gag sentence without appeal by his medical governing body  (AHPRA) for recommending a low carbohydrate  diet to his diabetic patients.  Belinda is not only supportive of her husband but has uncovered some damming information related to the Dietitians Association of Australia, some members of the food industry  that were party to a witch hunt on Dr Fettke.  The chatters have their jaws on the floor as Belinda tells the story of how her and Gary’s life were turned upside down and then eventually AHPRA gave Gary an apology and withdrew all charges and the gag order.   This episode will inform you about regulatory bodies, the DAA, the food industry and much more.  Not to be missed.   To find out more about Belinda and Gary go to: Following is the link to the article Lifestyle Medicine…where did the meat go? The post UC 318: A Health System in Crisis with Belinda Fettke appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/21/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 36 seconds
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UC 317: Rheumatoid Arthritis with Clint Paddison

Carren is a private person, but in this episode she reveals something about herself that she has not talked about in public.  Clint Paddison helps her get a full understanding of what has been happening to her over the last few years.  Clint Paddison is a man driven to be well.  He was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis but was not happy with the current schedule of drugs needed to suppress the disease, in fact one of the medications he takes makes him worse.  He knows how to research so he reads and acts on his knowledge and goes from someone who can hardly walk to fully functioning, his biomarkers change and so much more. Listen in on an interesting topic and how when you take responsibility for your own health miracles can happen. The post UC 317: Rheumatoid Arthritis with Clint Paddison appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/14/20191 hour, 18 minutes, 16 seconds
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UC 316: Breast Implants – Are They Making You Sick

Alysha Habgood is a naturopath, but as a young woman she wasn’t happy with her body image.  Her breasts were too small.   Living in a modern world she decided she could do something about it by having breast implants. 4 months later she was sick, tired and was presenting with an autoimmune disease.  She tried everything hoping it wasn’t her breast implants, but years later the evidence was clear, she had to remove the implants as well as deal with her belief about her body and breasts.  Alysha is a smart 29 year old, who has learnt a lot on her journey and now wants to make women aware of what implants can do to their health.  She is frank about what it was like removing the breasts and getting her health back.  If you know anyone with breast implants this is a must listen, spread this podcast far and wide, so woman become informed on this crucial health issue. The post UC 316: Breast Implants – Are They Making You Sick appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/7/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 38 seconds
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UC 315: Agriculture the hero in the Climate Change Debate

Charles Massy is a farmer, author, regenerative farmer and OAM and has a Phd in Agricultural Science.  Cyndi interviews this amazing thinker on regenerative agriculture and how this way of farming is the new hero in the climate change debate.  Charles book Call of the Reed Warbler, discusses, the historical perspective of Australian Agriculture when the Australian Aboriginal managed the land.  When soil is healthy it will capture more carbon than anything else we’ve tried.  Listen in on this fascinating interview where both Cyndi and Charles realize they think the same but in different areas of food and nutrition.  This podcast has the potential to change the planet’s health, by getting this information and acting on it, you can make a difference to the health of people, animals and the planet The post UC 315: Agriculture the hero in the Climate Change Debate appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/31/20181 hour, 12 minutes, 13 seconds
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UC 314: Christmas Special with the Chatters

Christmas 2018, the chatters talk about their experience with Christmas, what they are doing, how they celebrate Christmas and all the trimmings.  The discussion talks about family crisis’s over Christmas and how the chatters do Christmas very differently.  Food, decorations, presents are all discussed with some wonderful hints and ideas for a wonderful celebration for this time of year.  The discussion then goes into 2019 and what does that look like for the Up For A Chat podcasts, hosts and life. The post UC 314: Christmas Special with the Chatters appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/24/201853 minutes, 35 seconds
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UC 313: Meditation and Spirit Hive

Cyndi  finished a 7 day meditation retreat with Dr Joe Dispenza on the Sunshine Coast and Carren has launched her Spirit Hive Project in Brisbane and Sunny Coast.  They both are excited about the prospects of what they have been doing.  Kim as always has a knack of asking the right question and getting the best and most out of each of them in order for you to listen in on the growth of these two women who are making great strides in their business and personal journeys.  In fact the three Up For A Chatters are beaming with new projects and loving life. The post UC 313: Meditation and Spirit Hive appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/17/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 17 seconds
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UC 312: Catch up Time with The Chatters

There is a lot happening in the Chatters lives, so it’s catch up today.  Kim talks about her book The Art of Self Love, Carren explains her latest venture Spirit Hive and Cyndi has been in planning mode for 2019 and there is more information regarding her campaign to stop the spraying of Roundup by her council.  As always the catchup has times of rawness, how do they cope with the changes, the inspirations, the though times and the celebrations. This is like being a fly on the wall as the Chatters catch up on each others lives. The post UC 312: Catch up Time with The Chatters appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/10/20181 hour, 9 minutes, 20 seconds
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UC 311: Meet a Cameleer – Lauren Brisbane

Lauren Brisbane owns QCamel, the first Australian camel milking farmer. Lauren is not your usual farmer, she thinks outside the square, her animal husbandry is more like a caring facility for women and children.  You know with Carren and her love for animals that she wouldn’t interview anyone that was not only caring for animals but for the planet.  Lauren’s story is unique, she was a farmer but with drought and many suicides in her community she knew there had to be a better way of farming, it was a matter of being sparked by a conversation, doing some research, starting with just a few camels and now has a herd of over 100.  The health benefits of camel milk are discussed in this interview which Cyndi dives into, and now camel milk is also being used in with essential oils for personal care products.  It’s a heart warming conversation about animals, the planet, organic farming and the 6000 year old history of the Bedouins as Cameliers. The post UC 311: Meet a Cameleer – Lauren Brisbane appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/3/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 21 seconds
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UC 310: Gut Health and Probiotics The Science Behind the Hype

Jenny Tschiesche is a UK nutritionist who is sometimes known as the Lunch Box Doctor.  She asked Cyndi to write the forward for her new book.  Gut Health and Probiotics – The Science Behind the Hype.  Cyndi does not write a forward unless she has read the whole book.  Cyndi loves Jenny’s book and believes that doctors and lay people alike should read this valuable resource. Carren, Kim and Cyndi launch into a barrage of questions how our gut health  not only effects our physical body but our mental state.  Jenny is a wealth of knowledge.   Jenny’s book is available at Angus and Robertson in Australia, other wise amazon world wide. The post UC 310: Gut Health and Probiotics The Science Behind the Hype appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/26/201858 minutes, 46 seconds
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UC 309: The Secret Healer – Elizabeth Ashley

Elizabeth Ashley is one of the world’s leading essential oil researchers, and the author of 20 essential oils manuals including her Amazon category number one best selling work “Cannabis Medicine”. Unlike other authorities, she takes the knowledge of the plant right back to its earliest historical origins and then traces it through to the most contemporary research in the clinical labs. Her mind-body-spirit medicine elucidates how disease emanates from our feelings and emotional responses to life and how an essential oil can liberate us from their bondage. Her engaging writing is full of personality and giggles and she draws from her experiences of messing with bottles of oil in The Secret Healer’s Shed whilst juggling the joys of motherhood of three children, writing for four magazines and her marriage to her most beloved husband, The Strong Silent One. Elizabeth is the host of the brand new online ‘Beyond The Essential Oil Recipe’ Online Summit, which our very own Kimmy is one of the presenters, that you can join for free here The post UC 309: The Secret Healer – Elizabeth Ashley appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/19/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 34 seconds
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UC 308: Live Your Passion with Sean Croxton

What a coo for the Chatters they managed to interview the extraordinary interviewer – Sean Croxton.  Sean began his life as an interviewer with his podcast Underground Wellness, he reached the peak of his career in that space and then walked away from the health realm to move into self help and personal development.  His change was that he understand that there were many modalities to healing, but he noticed that those that healed had a lot to do with their mind and positivity.  He followed his passion and has managed to secure himself as the most informed interviewer about his guest.  He also has interviewed the best in the self help space.  In this interview Sean tells The Chatters about a year of learning and what he learnt about an industry and about himself.  To learn more about The Sessions and Quote of the Day go to The post UC 308: Live Your Passion with Sean Croxton appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/12/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 29 seconds
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UC 307: Motherhood Wellness and Aligning Passion with Income

Cyndi, Carren and Kim met Helen Marshal a fellow Wellness Couch podcaster at the Wellness Summit in Melbourne this year. Helen gave Cyndi a loaf of bread and homemade cookies. Cyndi became interested in Helen’s journey, she was excited to see someone who had taken their passion for being healthy and enjoying being in the kitchen to a ripple effect where her Primal Alternative Franchise is helping communities and families around Australia. Helen’s story is engaging and her AHA moments impactful for all to hear. The post UC 307: Motherhood Wellness and Aligning Passion with Income appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/5/20181 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
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UC 306: 9 Strangers in Africa

9 Strangers set off on an adventure around Namibia and Botswana. They tell of their time in ‘this is Africa” where time slows down, no one is in a hurry and small planes are fixed with gaffe tape. 8 people plus Cyndi venture on an Up For A Chat 2018 adventure to Africa.  After 2 weeks of fun, laughs, learnings and mishaps Cyndi decides to ask them why they came, what they learnt and what was there favorite part of the trip.  It’s surprising that some of the guests wanted to change what they were doing in their own lives.  It’s a fun filled hour, with a few tears, lessons and most of all unbelievable respect for each other after being with each other 24/7. The post UC 306: 9 Strangers in Africa appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/29/20181 hour, 10 minutes, 24 seconds
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UC 305: Makeup – The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Many women love their makeup, but is our daily makeup routine making us sick?  Join the Chatters as they interview Briony Kennedy founder of Adorn Cosmetics as she explains articulately and with amazing knowledge all about makeup industry.  Ingredients, fillers, containers, waste, chemicals, animal testing and so much more is discussed in this important interview.  All three Up For A Chatters are true converts to Adorn Cosmetics after this interview. Instagram @adorncosmetics Facebook; Adorn Cosmetics The post UC 305: Makeup – The Good The Bad and The Ugly appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/23/201845 minutes, 48 seconds
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UC 304: Lessons From Africa

Cyndi has just arrived home from the Annual Up For A Chat hike and adventure from Namibia and Botswana.  Carren and Kim have so many questions, about the highlights, but the conversation flows to what we learn when we travel and put ourselves in places that are foreign to western society.  Cyndi has travelled through remote areas meeting the Himba’s and San Bushman of Namibia as well as the Kalhari Bush People.  It’s an adventure not to be missed. The post UC 304: Lessons From Africa appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/15/20181 hour, 23 minutes, 50 seconds
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UC 303: Under Pressure and How to Deal With It

Carren and Kim talk about Pressure?  Is it a distortion of time?  We all have 24 hours, but some seem to be under more pressure than others.  It’s usually because we have everything riding on what we have planned and time doesn’t work for us.  Physically, mental and emotionally can all be affected when we are under pressure.  Small bursts are fine, but continuous can be an issue.  Kim and Carren discuss pressure and how they handle it in their life using, organization, rituals, healthy food, yoga, meditation, breathing to name a few listen in on this informative podcast. The post UC 303: Under Pressure and How to Deal With It appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/8/201859 minutes, 28 seconds
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UC 302: Learn about Primal Play with the founder, Darryl Edwards

The Up For A Chatters are in fine form with the handsome Darryl Edwards.  Darryl hails from London and his story from corporate financial life to the founder of Primal Play is where the podcast starts.  Now his office is outside, traveling the world teaching people about Primal Play.  Darryl became interested in leading a healthier lifestyle when suffering from an array of lifestyle issues (chronic hypertension, pre-diabetes and elevated cardiovascular disease risk). Seeing amazing results from his lifestyle changes, Darryl quit his career as an IT consultant in Investment Banking and re-trained as a Personal Trainer and clinical nutritionist with a focus on natural movement and food for health. His passion is to share his knowledge and experience with others. His new book Animal Moves combines cardio, resistance and agility exercises to boost power, conditioning and flexibility. It’s an all-in-one playout. Instead of spending 30 min on an exercise bike, 30 min doing weights and 30 min on the treadmill, you can combine it all into one single workout in a much shorter space of time. Website    Twitter / Instagram @FitnessExplorer  Facebook The post UC 302: Learn about Primal Play with the founder, Darryl Edwards appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/1/20181 hour, 1 minute, 23 seconds
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UC 301: Goodbye Depression with Kevin Billet

Description; UK born, Kevin Billett is a world-leading expert in conscious life transformation, positive living and authentic leadership. He is joint founder and CEO of The Journey group of companies. He is Brandon Bays’ husband, Journey Method collaborator and business partner of 20 years. Kevin and Brandon and Kevin’s latest book, Light in the Heart of Darkness, is largely based on his story of healing completely from depression using The Journey Method, and teaching others how to do the same.  Carren and Cyndi dive deep into the subject of depression and how to find light in the heart of darkness.  To find more information go to The post UC 301: Goodbye Depression with Kevin Billet appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/24/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 28 seconds
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UC 300: 6 Years later, 300 shows, The Up For A Chat girls are still chatting

It’s been 6 years and over 300 hours of chatting that has been recorded by these three extraordinary women.  The Up For A Chatters took a chance and wondered if anyone wanted to listen in on their conversations as well as the conversations  they have with other  people. In this episode, they talk about what they have learnt, what they have achieved, their favourite episodes, the laughs, the tears, the love, the awakenings and so much more.  The Chatters also talk about their next adventure, hiking 160km around Mt Blanc through Switzerland, Italy and France, then ending in Como Italy for a food and bicycle tour.  For more information if you want to join the chatters go to The post UC 300: 6 Years later, 300 shows, The Up For A Chat girls are still chatting appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/17/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 14 seconds
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UC 299: Surviving a crisis of Genetic Heart Disease – Holt Oram Syndrome with Juliet Dyer

It’s hard enough bringing up children, but imagine bringing up children who have heart issues, not only that but so does your life partner. Sometimes it’s easy to let yourself go and just cope. Not Juliet Dyer, she realized that in order to cope and live her best life she needed to be the best version of herself by taking the steps to look after herself first. With the help of the Up For A Chatters and the Wellness Couch she changed her attitude and life and reinvented herself and in doing so her family.  If you want to know more about the gene the family had look up Holt Oram Syndrome. If you want to contact this power house of a woman, for further information about the hike around Mt Blanc 2020 The post UC 299: Surviving a crisis of Genetic Heart Disease – Holt Oram Syndrome with Juliet Dyer appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/10/20181 hour, 16 minutes, 18 seconds
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UC 298: From Para to Dakar, overcoming paralysis and conquering the Dakar Rally – a Journey of Courage and Determination with Joey Evans

Joey Evans has always loved bikes.  His dream was to one day ride the most grueling off-road race in the world, the 9000km Dakar Rally.  In 2007 his dream was shattered when he broke his back in a racing accident.  His spinal cord was crushed, leaving him paralysed from just below the chest.  Doctors gave him a 10% chance of ever walking again.  Many would have given up.  The dream of riding in the Dakar propelled him to walk again, then ride and then ride and finish the most grueling race through South America. Listen in to a story of friendship and respect, compassion and kindness.  It is about defying the odds to reach a dream, it is about grit, endurance and raw courage and it’s inspiring and spine-tingling.  His book “From Para to Dakar”. The post UC 298: From Para to Dakar, overcoming paralysis and conquering the Dakar Rally – a Journey of Courage and Determination with Joey Evans appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/3/20181 hour, 19 minutes, 47 seconds
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UC 297: The Journey with Brandon Bays

The Up For A Chatters were beside themselves with excitement that they secured an interview with the amazing Brandon Bays, the author of The Journey.  Brandon’s story sounds like a miracle, one day she has a tumour the size of a football then through doing the Journey it disappears.  Just listening to Brandon puts you into a state of calm, The Chatters are the quietest they have ever been, she has lulled them into absolute bliss. The Journey is a globally recognized, critically acclaimed healing and transformational methodology. It works fast to awaken you to your limitless potential – so you can achieve success in every area of your life.  You can use The Journey for both physical and emotional healing. It’s proven successful with all kinds of physical ailments, emotional issues, depression, relationship issues, career blocks and many of life’s other challenges. Brandon is coming to Australia, Carren is going to her Gold Coast event  and she invites everyone to go with her, here is the link; The post UC 297: The Journey with Brandon Bays appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/27/20181 hour, 13 minutes, 32 seconds
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UC 296: Glyphosate and Roundup causing a train wreck with our health with Cyndi O’Meara

On July 17th 2018 The Up For A Chatters interviewed the author of WhiteWash, Carey Gillam.  That interview was a prelude to today’s podcast.  While Carey’s interview and book is about the corruption, greed and political issues with Monsanto and Roundup, Cyndi continues the story of roundup, going through the history, the health effects and the food that glyphosate is now found in.  But Cyndi doesn’t leave you hanging in the last 20 minutes she gives you the answers to fight back against eating food with glyphosate as well as giving you the tools in order to let your town councils that it is not OK to continue to spray roundup on our parks and streets. Cyndi’s Letter to the council – I would like to reiterate that 10 years seems far too long to stop using a herbicide on our streets, sportsgrounds, dog parks, playgrounds and parklands that has been linked to non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  I’ve sent this email to my solicitor as I feel that if the council gets this information, knows this information, then it is negligence on their part if they continue to spray roundup and glyphosate on the Sunshine Coast.  When I get fined by the council for parking in the wrong place or having a dog on the beach without a lead then I’m told that ignorance is not reason for cancelling the fine.  It’s with this in mind that I want our Mayor to know that ignorance will not be tolerated by the citizens of the Sunshine Coast and I’ll be guided by the law as to what to do, if ignorance is the only reason glyphosate is still being sprayed. I have alerted our local ABC radio station that Carey Gillam the author of Whitewash (on Monsanto and Roundup) will be in Australia.  She will be on radio sometime this week.  Here are some of her articles and the trial happening in the US against Monsanto and the link of Roundup to Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Here is an interesting piece: You can see a long list of Carey’s work at her website on the topic.  She is an investigative reporter – This piece might also be helpful: The history of glyphosate. 1964 patent as descaling and chelating agent to pull minerals out of solution.  It also pulls vital minerals out of the human body. 1969 patent as a herbicide stopping shikimate pathway (which requires the mineral Manganese), in bacteria fungi and plants stopping tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine coenzyme Q10 and folic acid being produced.  Therefore we don’t get these important minerals and our gut bacteria stops making it for us. 1996 Patent for Roundup ready crops allowing this chemical to be sprayed on our foods, so we are not only ingesting it but being exposed to it in the environment. 0.7ppm in ingested water causes Kidney damage. 2000 Used as a desiccant just before harvest on wheat, grain, legumes, seeds, as well as sprayed through fruit and nut groves.  More foods with glyphosate in it, that are ingested at every meal. 2010 patent as an antibiotic.  – this is very disturbing, considering our need for soil bacteria and gut bacteria to have healthy food and a healthy body. I’ve attached a summary of problems with glyphosate by Dr Stephanie Seneff.  I’ve already sent this to the council, but they don’t seem to be reading and taking action. I’ve also attached a report by Rosemary Mason, this is worth a read. The following  link shows the destruction glyphosate is having on the human microbiome by Stephanie Seneff. Here is a brilliant 39 minute talk about the history of glyphosate and it’s effect on humans and animals and plants Here is an interview regarding glyphosate; when the scientist is asked which would he prefer DDT or glyphosate? –  he says hands down DDT (this is a banned chemical) If you want to learn more about agriculture and the use of lignite and peat in solving our eroding soils as well as using an alternative to glyphosate go to    Another alternative that councils have trialed is Slasher (pine oil), it works at the seed level rather than the biochemical level.  Think about a pine forest there is very little vegetation due to the pine oil. I’ve also attached a 20 page report just put out by Sustainability – a worth while read. And finally the following is a food testing report for glyphosate.  It is not pretty, remember that this is an American publication, but it will be similar in Australia as products with glyphosate are used extensively in agriculture and council and peoples back yards. Rate payer and long term resident on the Sunshine Coast. Cyndi O’Meara Nutritionist and Educator Powered by Eventbrite The post UC 296: Glyphosate and Roundup causing a train wreck with our health with Cyndi O’Meara appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/20/20181 hour, 5 minutes, 11 seconds
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UC 295: Less Carb Higher Fat & Fasting for Fat Loss, Hormone Control and Gut Health with The Natural Nutritionist Steph Lowe

Steph Lowe is a Sports Nutritionist, triathlete, founder of The Natural Nutritionist, a hub for celebrating the importance of real food, and author of The Real Food Athlete. With a passion for spreading a positive message about real food and the incredible affect it has on performance, Steph launched The Natural Nutritionist in 2011 and is on a mission to inspire others to make health a priority in their lives. Steph’s extensive nutritional experience spans from elite athletes, to schools, and corporations, where she has worked with the likes of Grill’d (burger chain) to develop new menu items, and educated workplaces about real food for productivity and performance at work. Powered by Eventbrite The post UC 295: Less Carb Higher Fat & Fasting for Fat Loss, Hormone Control and Gut Health with The Natural Nutritionist Steph Lowe appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/13/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 21 seconds
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UC 294: Virtual Hypnotherapy with Dr Karen Phillip

Dr Karen Phillip is multi-talented! She is a published International author on parenting and relationships, writes for the print media, and is a professional Counselling Psychotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist.   She assists people to dissolve issues relating to anxieties and stress, depression, phobias and addictive behaviours.  Listen in as the Up For A Chatters and Dr Karen talk about how powerful the mind is in turning not only mental issues around but also physical.  For more information and Dr Karen Phillip has kindly generated a code for our listeners to use to get a 20% discount on all Virtual Hypnotherapy products the code is UFAC20. The post UC 294: Virtual Hypnotherapy with Dr Karen Phillip appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/6/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 33 seconds
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UC 293: The Hemp Health Revolution with Dr Sherrill Sellman

Hemp Health Revolution explores the latest research in the Hemp Extract world. Dr Sellman gives us the A to Z list of the many chronic illnesses or health conditions that have been proven to benefit from Hemp Extract. The hemp plant, cannabis sativa, has powerful healing, non-psychoactive constituents, known as cannabinoids or Hemp Extract. Capable of restoring balance and harmony throughout the body without any known side-effects. This amazing plant is able to restore the body to inner balance, or homeostasis, through a newly discovered system in the body called the Endocannabinoid System. This podcast with the Up For  A Chatters explains the emerging science of Cannabinoids and, particularly, Hemp Extract and its many proven health and healing benefits. This is an exciting and expanding area of research as more and more scientists from around the world discover the many chronic diseases and health conditions that can be safely and successfully resolved by using Hemp Extract, orally as well as topically. We are talking about the non-psychoactive components of the agricultural hemp plant, not medical marijuana.  These are two totally different forms of the cannabis plant with a different biochemical makeup. The post UC 293: The Hemp Health Revolution with Dr Sherrill Sellman appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/30/20181 hour, 43 seconds
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UC 292: Trevor Hendy, Boot Camp for the Soul

Trevor Hendy is a leader in the field of truth and wellness. It is as a Professional Australian Sportsman that he first became well known. Trevor was unchallenged as “the Greatest Ironman in the World” – the pride of Australian Surf Life Saving, with a very laid back attitude and always having time, and indeed a passion, for helping others Trevor became one of Australia’s most popular identities.  Trevor was awarded as a member of the Order of Australia. He has also been inducted into the Surf Life Saving, Gold Coast and Australian Sporting Hall of Fame. But this is where this conversation starts, he is an awakened person and this conversation goes into places that will enlighten your soul. The post UC 292: Trevor Hendy, Boot Camp for the Soul appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/23/20181 hour, 7 minutes, 19 seconds
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UC 291: White Wash by Monsanto about Roundup with Carey Gillam

This is an explosive interview that leaves Carren angry, so upset that there can be blatant lies and deception in government and the corporations in agriculture.  The Up for A Chatters interview Carey Gillam a veteran journalist, researcher and writer with more than 25 years of experience in the news industry covering corporate America.   She is also a Mum, someone concerned about the lies and deception that is hurting humanities health.  Carey traces the corruption of science in startling detail, uncovering stories of how agribusiness has taken advantage of “useful” government employees and censored or discredited scientists to bury evidence of harm. Her investigation reveals how political influence has been at work for years in regulatory agencies such as the FDA, USDA, and even within the EPA—the very agency created as a result of Carson’s findings in Silent Spring. Carey’s book Whitewash lays bare unappetising truths about the levels of glyphosate and other pesticides commonly found in our food products.    To contact Carey    Instagram; truthaboutpesticides  Book White Wash  by Carey Gillam The post UC 291: White Wash by Monsanto about Roundup with Carey Gillam appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/16/20181 hour, 18 minutes, 39 seconds
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UC 290: Pete Evans like you’ve never heard him before

The Up For a Chatters have known Pete Evans for a long time, Kim married Pete and Nic, Cyndi, Carren and Kim have all spoken on the stage with Pete, and they have all hugged Pete. This is a conversation that went in a completely different direction than what the Chatters ever thought it would.  Listen in and hear about the real Pete Evans, how he feels and thinks, where he sees himself in the big scheme of things and how he treasures his wife and two daughters.  The media have it all wrong, hear the truth from Pete himself.  Facebook; chefpeteevans   Instagram chefpeteevans.   Free program – The post UC 290: Pete Evans like you’ve never heard him before appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/9/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 16 seconds
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UC 289: What Happens When You Sleep?

Davinia Glendenning is a psychologist with a special interest in resilience and sleep.  Her business iExceed focuses on brain based education and neuroscience.  The Up For A Chatters delve into changing the brain through neuroplasticity, behaviour and the importance of sleep habits.  The conversation moves to what happens when you sleep.  A fabulous education on sleep that will have you making sure you get your 7-8 hours sleep each night.  To contact Davinia.  Instagram; iexceeddrc The post UC 289: What Happens When You Sleep? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/2/20181 hour, 13 minutes, 28 seconds
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UC 288: A League of Extraordinary Mothers

Cyndi was recently invited to speak for an online summit; A League of Extraordinary Mothers – HOW TO LAY A STRONG FOUNDATION FOR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS IN YOUR TEENAGE DAUGHTER. One of her graduates – Edwina Murphy-Droomer from the Functional Nutrition Academy was the host of the summit.  So this interview is a little different.  This is an interview where Edwina interviews Cyndi about being a mother to daughters and how she guided her girls through their teenage years.  Cyndi speaks alongside a panel of experts who are part of a collective effort to empower mothers of teenage girls. For more information; The post UC 288: A League of Extraordinary Mothers appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/25/201856 minutes, 38 seconds
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UC 287: Mindfulness Made Easy

We would love you to join us; the Up for a Chatters, along with our mindfulness expert Vikki Kelly, in a life long experiment. To live as openly, connected and passionately as you can, day to day, moment to moment. In the good times and the bad. Vikki wants to explore the depths of compassion for everyone. To cultivate and deepen awareness and capacity to love. To brighten the mind and open the heart. Forget the rules and throw away the cushion. Join Vikki as she explores mindfulness like never before. Her book Mindful 2.0 is about allowing your life to inform your practice towards healthier habits of mind. Over 50, simple, highly effective activities and practices to calm a stressed mind, create space between the ‘rush’ and re-connect you with your inner bliss. Mindful 2.0 is your companion guide in the worthwhile pursuit of a calmer, happier and more deeply connected life. The post UC 287: Mindfulness Made Easy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/18/20181 hour, 8 minutes, 33 seconds
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UC 286: Living a More Simple Life after Cancer Diagnosis

Carolyn Simmonds;  TV and Radio reporter, living the high life interviewing the likes of Kelly Slater, loving life with her family,  her two business – Thermomix & Nourishing and Delicious, helping people cook from scratch and eat as healthy as possible, finds herself with the diagnosis of breast cancer at 38 and the decision of what treatment to do.  Listen in as this energetic, eloquent, thoughtful and wise woman talks about her journey and what she has learnt and how her life has changed.  It’s a thought-provoking episode. The post UC 286: Living a More Simple Life after Cancer Diagnosis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/11/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 6 seconds
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UC 285: Learning More about Health to Heal you, your Family and community Part 3

Cyndi interviews a naturopath and herbalist and Up For A Chat’s one and only Carren Smith who will be speaking at the Functional Nutrition Academy Summit 2018 in Brisbane.  Melonie Thomson’s passion for health and wellness began over 10 years ago, in particular- Herbal medicine, which naturally led her down the path of naturopathy.  By combining up to date professional knowledge and a passion for natural medicine, Mell has developed a range of therapies and strategies including nutrition, herbal medicine, flower essences, integrated screening techniques, iridology, mindfulness and wellness advice, that can transform your health on all levels and bring lasting changes.  Cyndi’s second interview is with Carren Smith, who needs no introduction on this podcast. The post UC 285: Learning More about Health to Heal you, your Family and community Part 3 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/4/201850 minutes, 30 seconds
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UC 284: Learning More about Health to Heal you, your Family and community Part 2

Cyndi interviews two professors that are speaking at the Functional Nutrition Academy Summit this year in Brisbane.  Dr Margie Smith author of Gene Genius and co founder of Smart DNA she is a Molecular Geneticist with over 20 years experience in Neuro-genetics and Cancer genetics and her topic is DNA testing.  Professor Cliff Hawkins topic at the summit will be natural plant enzymes to help with digestion, his interest in this area has led to the invention of the Biohawk technology and the production of Biohawk’s ginger and pineapple products. The post UC 284: Learning More about Health to Heal you, your Family and community Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/28/20181 hour, 22 seconds
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UC 283: Learning More about Health to Heal you, your Family and community Part 1

Cyndi interviews two doctors that are speaking at the Functional Nutrition Academy Summit this year in Brisbane.  Dr Rodney Ford is speaking on The Energy Effect – the value of excellent nutritional health, on food allergy, eczema and “the gluten syndrome”.  While Dr Joanne Messenger will be talking about balancing your hormones.  Listen is as Cyndi asks each of these guests as to why they do what they do and what is the specialty in helping people get well and what will they be presenting at the summit. The post UC 283: Learning More about Health to Heal you, your Family and community Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/21/201852 minutes, 34 seconds
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UC 282: The Clean Lunchbox with Michele Lynch

As a mother have you even been faced with a chronically sick child, gone to the doctor and their only hope is a diagnosis and treatment with a drug?  A mothers intuition is something not to ignore.  Michele Lynch’s son was diagnosed with universal alopecia (not a hair left on his body) she intuitively believed that it may be food that he was eating, so researched and changed the whole families diet.   Not only did she change the diet but wrote and self published The Clean Lunchbox cook book.  Listen into this inspiring mother of 4 young boys as she navigated autoimmunity and dietary changes. The post UC 282: The Clean Lunchbox with Michele Lynch appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/15/201859 minutes
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UC 281: Hormone Health with Sherrill Sellman – Part 2

Part 2 – As Women we are dictated by our cycles, there is an ebb and flow to our life.  If something goes wrong with our cycle the typical prescription is The Pill, HRT or something similar. But what if a problem with your skin or your cycle at no matter what age and this includes menopause, is a wake up call to change your lifestyle including food, movement, products you use, people you associate with and down time you have.  Kim and Cyndi interview the author of Hormone Heresy, Dr Sherrill Sellman, they are enthralled with her knowledge and understanding of the female and what we need to do to change our hormones to work in harmony with us as opposed to against us. The post UC 281: Hormone Health with Sherrill Sellman – Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/8/201857 minutes, 38 seconds
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UC 280: Hormone Health with Sherrill Sellman

As Women we are dictated by our cycles, there is an ebb and flow to our life.  If something goes wrong with our cycle the typical prescription is The Pill, HRT or something similar. But what if a problem with your skin or your cycle at no matter what age and this includes menopause, is a wake up call to change your lifestyle including food, movement, products you use, people you associate with and down time you have.  Kim and Cyndi interview the author of Hormone Heresy, Dr Sherrill Sellman, they are enthralled with her knowledge and understanding of the female and what we need to do to change our hormones to work in harmony with us as opposed to against us. The post UC 280: Hormone Health with Sherrill Sellman appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/30/201844 minutes, 50 seconds
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UC 279: A Week to Change Your Life

Kim has just spent a week at Gwinganna Health Retreat in the Gold Coast hinterland.  It’s not always easy to find a week away from family, business, moving homes and friends, but Kim decided that it was important to do just that.  Listen in as Kim talks about the horse whisperer, organic gardener, the food, treatments, meditations and how each and every person she met had a different experience.  I guess it all depends on what you are looking for as to what you will find in that week to change your life. The post UC 279: A Week to Change Your Life appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/26/20181 hour, 11 minutes, 35 seconds
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UC 278: How To Write Your Own Book

Carren and Kim are in the middle of writing their next books and decided to team up and share the journey of book writing. All three Up For A Chatters, Cyndi included have written books and each have tried various ways of creating them including publishing and self-publishing, solo writing and collaborating. Things discussed today include whether or not you should publish or self-publish, eBooks as opposed to hard copies, genres, ways to brain dump and story board, how important structure and flow is and the power of transcribing your thoughts and just getting started. During the course of this exciting conversation Kim put Carren right in it demanding she sort a webinar for our listeners so they can get more information on this inspiring topic given she is such a guru. Carren is offering coaching, support and ghost-writing skills to you all. So if you have the slightest flurry and would love your dream to write a book come true then email Carren on [email protected] and register your interest immediately. The post UC 278: How To Write Your Own Book appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/16/201859 minutes, 48 seconds
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UC 277: Recovering from an Autoimmune Disease

Karyn Finneseth is one remarkable woman.  Cyndi met this incredible woman at Terry Wahls Conference and then again at Nourishing Traditions in 2017.  At 37 Karyn was diagnosed with an Autoimmune Disease that affected her legs, speech, cognition and ability to function as an anaesthetist’s assistant.  She was given no hope by her specialist who declared the progression of her disease and the medications she would have to take for the rest of her life as well as telling her diet and lifestyle changes had nothing to do with her disease.  Sometimes angels come into our lives and Karyn had several enter including medical doctors, dietitians, cooks and a husband that supported her through not only her own changes but that of the entire family.  This is an incredible interview of determination even though her prognosis was fraught with more ill health. The post UC 277: Recovering from an Autoimmune Disease appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/9/20181 hour, 19 minutes, 4 seconds
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UC 276: Skin Care and the Industry with Megan Larsen

Megan Larsen and Kim have been friends for over 30 years, there love and knowledge of the beauty and essential oil industry is second to none.  With a unique background in aesthetics, aromatherapy, Ayurveda, Transcendental Meditation, biochemistry and natural healthcare, New Zealand-born Megan began making her own skin care products in Western Australia in the early 1990s. There was never any room for compromise. It was 100% natural or nothing.  Listen is as The Up For A Chatters discuss the skin care industry and how do you know what you are buying.  And you guessed it, it is about reading those ingredients. EVENT ALERT The Wellness Basecamp hits Adelaide THIS Saturday April 7.  Catch Kim Morrison, Damian Kristof, Brett Hill, JP & Andy from Smashed Avocado and Marcus Pearce for one day of inspiration and education. And the best bit? You can get TWO tickets for the price of one when you click here or buy your tickets below. Bring along a friend or family member to double the transformation and empowerment! Powered by Eventbrite The post UC 276: Skin Care and the Industry with Megan Larsen appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/2/20181 hour, 5 minutes, 34 seconds
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UC 275: The Magic For Creating Great Relationships and Friendships

The question asked of the Up For A Chatters recently, was had they ever had a major falling out, and if they had how did they recover?  Be that fly on the wall when three wonderful friends express their respect and gratitude for each other.  Listen in when one is troubled and how the others help them through life’s journey.  It’s a special gift to have friendships so strong, the connections made can make life’s ups and downs so much more meaningful and easier. Yes Kim, Carren and Cyndi let you know if they have ever had a major falling out after a decade of close friendship.  You’ll have to listen to find out. The post UC 275: The Magic For Creating Great Relationships and Friendships appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/26/20181 hour, 13 minutes, 57 seconds
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UC 274: Insights into the food and beauty manufacturing industry

Cyndi has just been to the US to the Natural Product Expo 2018.  To say the least she has become despondent by the food and beauty manufacturing industry.  Welcome to the era of natural, Non GMO, sustainable, certified organic ultra processed junk food and beauty products.  Kim and Cyndi discuss what is happening and how even more so now it’s important to be vigilant on what companies you choose to support with your dollar.  Natural Colours, Natural Flavours, Rosemary Extract and Yeast Extract are not what you think.  Listen in and learn about the new buzz word in the industry ‘Clean Labelling’.  Reading the ingredients will give you an insight into the company priority.  Is it to make money or to save the world? The post UC 274: Insights into the food and beauty manufacturing industry appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/19/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 37 seconds
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UC 273: Talking Chemicals, Life and Fame with Therese Kerr

Therese Kerr needs no introduction. A wife, mother and grandmother, this amazing woman is a passionate health and wellness trail blazer in her own right. Diagnosed with endometriosis in 1995 and Hashimotos in 1997, Therese suffered many other conditions including lethargy, being overweight, dry skin, rosacea and migraines. Considering she thought she was a fairly healthy person this was all a massive shock to her, however she resolved to the fact there was little she could do. In 2001 she developed tumours on her spleen which resulted in it being removed. This was Therese’s ‘a-ha’ moment. Wondering what had caused all of this she was grateful to come across Bill Statham’s book, “The Chemical Maze”. This opened up a whole world which started with launching Kora Organic Skincare in 2009 with her famous model daughter Miranda Kerr, her husband Johnny and son Matty. In 2014, The Divine Company began manufacturing the highest quality, purest Australian Certified Organic personal care, men’s care and baby care products on the market with testimonials that have been beautiful and heartwarming. Therese is a well known speaker on the wellness circuit with a real love of people, connection and education. She is a wealth of knowledge and we know you will thoroughly enjoy this amazing insightful and educational podcast with Kim and Carren hosting. You can contact Therese at and follow her on Instagram for daily inspiration at theresekerr. A beautiful interview with a beautiful soul. We hope you enjoy! The post UC 273: Talking Chemicals, Life and Fame with Therese Kerr appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/13/201857 minutes, 12 seconds
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UC 272: Q and A with Cyndi on Functional Nutrition Academy

The Functional Nutrition Academy is ready for their next intake of nutrition students.  Cyndi has done a video series about the philosophy and historical perspective of food through the ages (4 videos in total).  She is now doing a Q and A with perspective students.  2018 first intake begins March 12th.  Listen in as Cyndi Listen In The post UC 272: Q and A with Cyndi on Functional Nutrition Academy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/7/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 4 seconds
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UC 271: The Gut Brain Connection

Carren has always been about the head, what wires together fires together.  Cyndi on the other hand loves anything that goes in the mouth and comes out the butt.  Are they separate or linked?  At the Wellness Basecamp in Brisbane Carren’s presentation talked about neurotransmitters and network systems in the brain that are effected by the food we eat, exercise we do, meditation and yoga that we practice.  Cyndi’s love of the GUT and all that goes through it and how it affects the mind become the topic of conversation.  Both Carren and Cyndi realise that although they come from different ends of the body, both influence the GUT Brain Connection and in turn change our mental and physical health. The post UC 271: The Gut Brain Connection appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/26/20181 hour, 16 minutes, 20 seconds
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UC 270: The Bali Bombing and How it Changed Lives

At the last minute, Kim messages Carren asking her to be the ‘surprise’ guest speaker at her HLE graduation event! With arms waving in the air and hair on fire, Carren can’t think of anything more fun! She races over to Kim’s office and what you’re about to listen to is the most unprepared, unscripted presentation Carren has given, but in her own words: “I loved every minute of it and it was the most fun I’ve had on stage this year!” Covering topics from Byron Katie’s The Work including Carren’s spectacular comprehension of My Business, Your Business and Universal Business, all the way to how to quiet the busy noise between our two ears, Carren encourages us to step up and invite the Universe to be our partner in all things life, love and business. She also explores what the very nature of ‘Self’ is in a way that only she can. Noodle baking, thought provoking, inspiring and remarkably curious, this is a super power Carren Smith special event! We hope that you will forgive the sound quality on this recording as Carren did the best she could with what she had. It’s our hope that you will love this episode so much, you won’t even notice the sound! Enjoy! The post UC 270: The Bali Bombing and How it Changed Lives appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/22/20181 hour, 34 minutes, 9 seconds
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UC 269: Turning your passion into a business

Cyndi has just had her third graduation weekend for the Functional Nutrition Academy.  Graduates are doing great things in their community, helping people make changes to their health by focusing on changing the foods they buy and consume.  Not only is this changing their health but that of their community.  Cyndi interviews three graduates from different backgrounds.  Marni is a self-proclaimed ‘recovering dietitian’, Melinda had a husband who had been in an accident and was not healing and she also had some health challenges and Bec was a Victorian policewoman whose love and passion since having children was teaching healthy eating to not only her children but children in the class room.  This inspirational interview shows vision on all three graduates.  Watch this space?  This is part of a video series that Cyndi has created called The History of Eating – to watch the entire series go to ‘The Evolution of Diet Video Series’ To get in touch with – Melinda Blundell from EMU Wellness or Instagram – @emuwellness Rebecca Warke from Omaha Kids Instagram – @omahamum Marnie Perkinson from Perky – Instagram – @perky_nz The post UC 269: Turning your passion into a business appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/13/201839 minutes, 31 seconds
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UC 268: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

How do you achieve what you do?  This is the question that the Up For A Chat hosts are often asked.  They all run busy homes, businesses and lives.  What gets them up in the morning, what inspires them to keep going in the face of adversity?  Carren, Kim and Cyndi all do it differently and it has something to do with their alter egos.  Many things are talked about but one is the need for energy and rather than just looking at food they begin to talk about other ways.  Grounding is one topic they discuss here is the link they refer to; Listen in to find some simple ways to feel the fear but do it anyway.  The post UC 268: Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/5/20181 hour, 13 minutes, 21 seconds
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UC 267: Flashback Chat – How a Thought or Dream Becomes Reality

Flashback Chat, we have had many requests to replay some of our Most Popular podcasts from the past. It’s funny how the podcasts start. The Up For A Chat girls have a topic and then the topic takes them places they never expect. Today was no different. Cyndi is talking about her next adventure in creating a documentary and the steps she took from the initial thought to it now being a reality with top name health professionals from all over the world saying yes to an interview. From there Kim and Carren talk about the steps to making anything a success. Listen in and be amazed how a thought becomes a reality. Download your transcription here: UC 113 – Transcription The post UC 267: Flashback Chat – How a Thought or Dream Becomes Reality appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/30/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 18 seconds
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UC 266: Flashback Chat – Living with people who do not have your passion, conviction and philosophy

Flashback Chat, we have had many requests to replay some of our Most Popular podcasts from the past. The Up for A Chat girls have been asked the question how do you deal with people who don’t support and share your lifestyle changes and create more positive people in your life with similar beliefs? The girls bring their own real life situations to the microphone and how they deal with people who constantly question their lifestyle and beliefs. And guess what it is not about changing others it is about standing strong in your own passion, conviction and philosophy. It is about being the example, the beacon of light that will create the ripple effect to change a family, community, country and world. The post UC 266: Flashback Chat – Living with people who do not have your passion, conviction and philosophy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/23/20181 hour, 5 minutes, 39 seconds
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UC 265: Flashback Chat – Rituals and Routines

Flashback Chat, we have had many requests to replay some of our Most Popular podcasts from the past. A listener asked The Up for A Chat girls about their rituals and routines, so listen in and hear what Kim, Carren and Cyndi do when they first open their eyes in the morning.  Each does something different that works for them, but may give you some ideas as to how to kick-start your day. They also discuss the personal care, cleaning and household products that they use. They are very different, but there is one common theme, and that is they do have their daily rituals and their choice of products is about being natural and no animal cruelty. The post UC 265: Flashback Chat – Rituals and Routines appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/15/20181 hour, 11 minutes, 12 seconds
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UC 264: Life Changing Cancer – with Ronda Nelson

Dr. Ronda Nelson Phd, began her working career as an accountant.  She married had children and then her eldest daughter was diagnosed with terminal bone cancer at the age of ten with a very poor prognosis.  Ronda’s world was turned up-side down. Through this harrowing experience Ronda’s life changed forever and thank goodness.  Ronda now travels the world teaching practitioners about the endocrine (hormone) system and how food and herbs can support the many organs associated with this system.  Her journey from accountant to Naturopath, herbalist and nutritionist and her knowledge of hormones is not to be missed.  If you would like to learn more about Dr Ronda go to The post UC 264: Life Changing Cancer – with Ronda Nelson appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/8/20181 hour, 10 minutes, 25 seconds
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UC 263: Andrew Wallace – Federal Member for Fisher

Kim recently enjoyed a trip to Canberra and Parliament House. Not only did she get to meet and spend time with the honorable Julie Bishop (who loves her oils incidentally!) she also had an amazing opportunity to interview Federal Member for Fisher Andrew Wallace. This 30minute Interview will give some insights into the world of a politician. Like many, Kim felt watching our political leaders was a bit of a comedy show. Her two-day visit completely changed her mind. The endless hours of work, calls, meetings, decisions, speaking and team targets to accomplish was mind-boggling. Whatever your political tendency, preference or lean Kim speaks candidly with Andrew as a man, husband and father, a leader and a representative of the people. There is no agenda here just an open-hearted discussion on a day in the life of a Parliamentarian. The son of a motor mechanic, Andrew began his working life as an apprentice carpenter and joiner. After completing an apprenticeship, he became a builder and started a business. In his late twenties, and with three young children at the time, Andrew decided to use his experience in the building and construction industry to do a law degree and become a construction lawyer. Andrew practiced law all over Queensland from his base here on the Coast. Andrew has always had a passion for the local community, having first become involved in charitable groups at the age of 14. He has always had a passion for politics too and is now incredibly proud and honored to spent almost half his year in Canberra representing his electorate. The post UC 263: Andrew Wallace – Federal Member for Fisher appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/18/201729 minutes, 25 seconds
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Rich Hungerford the Steve Irwin of Wild Plants

Cyndi (aka Bear Grills) has just spent a weekend with Rich Hungerford doing his course Wild Food Wild Medicine in the wilds of the Conondale Ranges. Rich is an x-SAS, 17 years in the armed forces and survival trainer, his story is like no other that we’ve done on the Up For A Chat podcast. Rich is a warrior first and foremost but there is a wisdom, resilience and peace that is palpable throughout the interview. The post Rich Hungerford the Steve Irwin of Wild Plants appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/11/20171 hour, 1 minute, 45 seconds
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Remote Motivation for Health and Fitness

Cyndi interviews Joy McClymont from Off The Track Training. Joy and Cyndi met on a plane to Longreach, they both have a passion for health and fitness and so the flight went fast and the conversation even faster. Joy lives on a 67,000 acre sheep and cattle station, she loves helping people in remote areas to get fit, maintain health and realize the importance of exercise and diet. It’s a different life that Joy lives where the front gate is 40km from the house and the closest shop is 90 minutes away. To contact Joy The post Remote Motivation for Health and Fitness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/4/201758 minutes, 10 seconds
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A Vegan’s Philosophy – Carren Smith

It is well known that the three UFAC girls have different eating preferences. If we were to give them labels Cyndi would be more paleo, Kim more a pollo/pescatarian and Carren Smith a passionate Vegan. Today Kim interviews Carren on what exactly it means to be vegan. What were the catalysts that changed her eating preferences in her adult life? How much research and bio-hacking has she done to find something that works for her? And as we go deeper what we find out what her true values and beliefs are around a massive desire to make the world a better, more kinder and caring place. Carren mentions Linda Alston and her website from and her exciting new vegetarian health program coming in 2018. Please also find attached Carren’s pride and joy – scrumptious plant called Douglas! Want more UC podcast? Go check it out here: The post A Vegan’s Philosophy – Carren Smith appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/27/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 58 seconds
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Awaken the Change Within – New Zealand – Part 2

New Zealand Tour Part 2; continuing on from last week…leaving your family and your home to go away to another country and to hike in all-weather on a remote trek, helicopter rides, extreme bike riding, with strangers, creates a place to learn.  Nature, challenges, exercise, in-depth talks can bring around change, strong emotions and lessons.  The Up For A Chatters interview the women that joined them on the Awaken the Change Within tour of the South Island of New Zealand. The surprising conversation and lessons learnt are worth listening to. The post Awaken the Change Within – New Zealand – Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/20/20171 hour, 16 minutes, 51 seconds
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Awaken the Change Within – New Zealand – Part 1

New Zealand Tour Part 1; leaving your family and your home to go away to another country and to hike in all-weather on a remote trek, helicopter rides, extreme bike riding, with strangers, creates a place to learn.  Nature, challenges, exercise, in-depth talks can bring around change, strong emotions and lessons.  The Up For A Chatters interview the women that joined them on the Awaken the Change Within tour of the South Island of New Zealand. The surprising conversation and lessons learnt are worth listening to. The post Awaken the Change Within – New Zealand – Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/13/201754 minutes, 28 seconds
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Polly GI Jane Taylor – The NZ UFAC Trip

The NZ trip with the UP For A Chatters is in its 5th day. They are walking with 10 other people through the Queen Charlotte Track. 71km’s of amazing scenery. Their guide is Polly Taylor a fascinating athlete with an amazing life story. Her philosophy on life is not to be missed. She has changed many of the groups determination to make some changes in their life. Facebook/pollytaylor [email protected] The post Polly GI Jane Taylor – The NZ UFAC Trip appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/6/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 19 seconds
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Haters, bullying fake news and social media

Haters, bullying fake news and social media is the topic of this weeks Up For A Chat.  How do you feel when you are attacked on social media? How does it make you feel and how do you react?  When do you know whether news is fake? What is Astroturfing?   The girls talk about their strategies on how they cope with social media bullying, the three of them do it very differently and this week is yet another up for a chat that begins serious but ends with humour and solutions. Important phrases to remember “Bless”, “That’s Interesting” and a good TED video on astroturfing, just 10 minutes. The post Haters, bullying fake news and social media appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/30/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 27 seconds
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Holistic Farming and Permaculture – A Dream come true

This week, Cyndi is alone, Kim is away and Carren is busy with getting all the tickets for the New Zealand hiking trip ready.  Cyndi decides to talk about her farm, the vision she has, manifesting, vitalism and the importance of providing the right resources for our bodies to heal and to be well. Vitamin D, Deep Sleep and Gut Bacteria with Dr Stasha Gominak The post Holistic Farming and Permaculture – A Dream come true appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/23/201751 minutes, 25 seconds
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UC 254: Running Amok – (murderous rage)

Running Amok – (murderous rage): Carren, Kim and Cyndi discuss the recent event in Las Vegas.  As girl friends talking about it for the first time they are confused and perplexed about why someone would hurt so many innocent people.  New evidence comes to light from two prominent US psychiatrists and the Up For A Chatters discuss the theme of their articles.  The nature of the subject creates a somber mood, but the insights are worth listening in for. For further reading: and The post UC 254: Running Amok – (murderous rage) appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/16/201757 minutes, 13 seconds
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UC 253: Dealing with Chronic Fatigue – with Marnie Perkinson

One of Kim’s closest friends was over visiting from NZ and Kim instantly saw an opportunity to interview the gorgeous Marnie Perkinson- especially as she is a runner, nutritionist and lover of all things natural. Her story will resonate with many UFAC listeners as her story is around being a top runner dealing with chronic fatigue and her search to find answers that modern medicine simply could not give her. Marnie is an avid researcher, has set up her own website and blog and is a phenomenal television presenter and educator. Here’s a little more on her background. Marnie Perkinson had been dealing with Post Viral Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for almost a decade. Having been a National Aerobics medalist, NZ representative Mountain Runner, and 2hr41min Marathoner with Olympic aspirations, she quickly realised that when you don’t have energy, life becomes a struggle and the positive, ‘anything’s possible’ person she once knew herself to be, became almost unrecognisable. On the upside, this set her on a journey where – utilising her Post Graduate Nutrition Degree – she set out to learn as much as possible about her condition. Unfortunately, traditional Nutritional Science and Western Medicine offered little useful advice in this area at the time, so Marnie also sorts out ‘alternative’ health fields, in order to get to the bottom of this lack of perkiness and energy. Through this process, she gained insightful information from: Naturopaths, Craniosacral Practitioners, Sleep Specialists, Life Coaches, Psychologists, Chronic Fatigue Medical Specialists, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Osteopaths, Biomedical Nutritionists, Herbalists, Integrative Medical Practitioners, Yoga and Meditation Gurus. She also become an accredited Fitgenes practitioner, and believes that Epigenetics – the study of how we can modify the way our genes are expressed – will provide incredibly useful information to tailor advice in the future. It then becomes less about the hand you were dealt (your inherited genes), but whether you are allowing these genes to negatively affect you, through the food you eat, your living situation, who you interact with, your sleep patterns, how you exercise etc. Marnie also strongly backs the ‘movement’ that gut health is the key to our physical and mental wellbeing. This theory is not new of course, with Hippocrates – the father of modern medicine – proclaiming that “All health begins in the gut”. The only difference today is there is growing scientific evidence to back this theory. She believes that learning how to reduce the chemical insult to our immune systems, from our food, water, skincare, cleaners and medicines (the list goes on), will also go a long way in helping to feel our healthiest and most vibrant selves. You can follow Marnie on her website and social media at The post UC 253: Dealing with Chronic Fatigue – with Marnie Perkinson appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/9/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 44 seconds
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UC 252: Creating Change with Beck Warke

Beck Warke from Omahanutrition drops in to talk about her incredible ride from Police officer to Primary School Nutrition presenter.  Beck won an interview with the Up For a Chatters because of her incredible video she sent after completing the The Functional Nutrition Course and what she has achieved.  She is inspirational, eloquent, dynamic and someone who is going to change the nutrition world in schools. Don’t miss this one.  Facebook/omahanutrition  Instagram/omahamum  And here is the winning video The post UC 252: Creating Change with Beck Warke appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/2/201755 minutes, 30 seconds
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UC 251: Flashback Chat – Habits of Happy People Part 3

Flashback Chat, we have had many requests to replay some of our Most Popular podcasts from the past. This week is the final part of a 3 part series where the Up For A Chat girls discuss the habits of happy people. This week Cyndi, Kim and Carren discuss 1. Know your facts and don’t jump to conclusions 2. Keep things in perspective 3. Take responsibility and deal with any issues and problems in life 4. Speak respectively and be kind to your self 5. Make goals write them down 6. It’s none of your business what people think of you 7. Don’t let strangers effect your mood 8. Be grateful and participate in life. Kim, Cyndi and Carren also have a wonderful goal for 2016 they look forward to sharing it with you in this podcast. The post UC 251: Flashback Chat – Habits of Happy People Part 3 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/25/20171 hour, 17 minutes, 57 seconds
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UC 250: Flashback Chat – Habits of Happy People Part 2

Flashback Chat, we have had many requests to replay some of our Most Popular podcasts from the past. This week is the continuation of a 3 part series on the habits of happy people. The challenge to do one of the habits each day continues. This week Kim, Carren and Cyndi discuss the following habits. 1. Speak kindly of others, look for the good in people. 2. Forgiveness is a noble habit 3. Keep Learning 4. Start and don’t quit 5. Love what you do 6. Enjoy good company and change the relationship you have with self 7. Change negative thoughts around to positive. Once again Kim matches these habits with essential oils that will help you through the daily habit changes. The post UC 250: Flashback Chat – Habits of Happy People Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/18/20171 hour, 15 minutes, 23 seconds
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UC 249: Flashback Chat – Habits Of Happy People Part 1

Flashback Chat, we have had many requests to replay some of our Most Popular podcasts from the past. This is the first part of a three part series on the habits of happy people. Cyndi found an article on the web called the 22 habits of unhappy people and decided to reverse the habits for a more positive spin on the article. Carren, Cyndi and Kim talk about these happy habits and how to achieve them, in fact they set a challenge for all listening in to focus on one of these habits each day. This week the habits include; 1. Stop complaining 2. Create experiences 3. laugh at 5pm 4. Stay in the present 5. Don’t wait to be happy 6. Enjoy hobbies 7. Eat healthy. Kim attaches an essential oil to enhance each of these habits. Listen in and start your happy habits today. The post UC 249: Flashback Chat – Habits Of Happy People Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/11/20171 hour, 15 minutes, 46 seconds
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UC 248: Up for a Chat Q & A 2

When Nutrition and Health Just Isn’t Enough.  The Up For A Chatters tackle another question from their listeners, this is someone who is upset that her body has let her down.  She believed that the basic primal instinct of having a child has failed her, due to an 11 week miscarriage.  It’s hard to have faith in food and health when you think that at a time in your life when you are at your best health wise, your best is just not good enough.  Listen in while each of the Chatters talk about the spiritual, mental and physical manifestations of health. The post UC 248: Up for a Chat Q & A 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/4/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 34 seconds
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UC 247: Up for a Chat Q&A

Q and A time all about acne, dandruff and fertility…  The Up For A Chatters get many questions so today is the answer to one.  Hey gals! I love your podcasts! I would love it if you could cover things related to stopping birth control. I am currently suffering from horrible acne and dandruff since stopping OCP and if I wasn’t hoping to start a family i would be sooo tempted to go on it just to clear my skin again. I eat super well and drink plenty of water and use natural or homemade skin care products. I am sure there are plenty of other girls facing these same issues and i believe a podcast addressing these issues would be very beneficial. Thank you:) We have two pdfs that you can access below. Contraception and Conception Devices Twenty8 Essentials – Eight Ways The post UC 247: Up for a Chat Q&A appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/28/201752 minutes, 50 seconds
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UC 246: The Wisdom of Age with Sandy Morrison

Sandy Morrison a woman in her 60’s and mother inlaw to Kim joins the Up For A Chat girls for an hour that melted the hearts of all listening. Sandy’s wisdom has all the girls silenced and listening intently to her graciousness and words of wisdom. Her voice creates a peace and quiet that has never been heard in the history of Up For A Chat. Listen in and feel the emotion that is so palpable in the room when Sandy describes her life through the beginning of feminism, love, loss of a child, politics and faith. She is truly counted as one of the wise elders of her generation. The post UC 246: The Wisdom of Age with Sandy Morrison appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/21/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 55 seconds
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UC 245: Another MS miracle with Bob Cafaro

Cyndi is at Dr Terry Wahls Protocol Seminar in Cedar Rapids Iowa USA, she is inspired by the many stories of recovery she is hearing not only in the seminar room but through the breaks.  Bob Cafaro is a Cellist for the Philharmonic Orchestra, over an 8 month period he loses his peripheral sight and the use of his hands, a devastating place to be as a professional cellist.   Listen in as his realization of the diagnosis of MS sets in and his determination that it will not define him, but make him stronger.  An inspirational podcast for all. FB & Instagram thebobcafaro His book: When the Music Stopped The post UC 245: Another MS miracle with Bob Cafaro appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/14/201745 minutes, 40 seconds
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UC 244: The Healthy Shift Worker with Audra Starkey

Shift work is hard on the body and mind. But just like statistically there is a chance of heart disease, cancer and mental disorders with shift work, we can change our behaviours, foods and self care in order to breeze through the rigors shift work puts on our body. This is a must for all shift workers. Audra Starkey has been a shift worker for most of her life, she has studied the art of keeping well, by researching and interviewing people who have survived 5 decades plus of shift work. Audra Starkey is a Shift Work Veteran, Accredited Trainer and Clinical Nutritionist living in Brisbane. With over 18 years’ experience working shift work including 3 years as a Trainer for one of Australia’s largest employers of shift workers – Qantas, Audra knows first-hand how hard it is to work irregular rosters and shift rotations – and remain healthy too! Her passion for health and nutrition in a shift working environment stemmed largely from her own personal struggles, which led her to establish a blog called The Healthy Shift Worker – a website designed specifically to assist those struggling to stay healthy despite working 24/7. Audra now works with individuals who may be struggling to improve their own health despite working 24/7, along with delivering Healthy Shift Worker style training programs to shift working organisations both here in Australia, and around the world, with the aim to improve wellness culture within the workplace. Contact The post UC 244: The Healthy Shift Worker with Audra Starkey appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/7/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 18 seconds
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UC 243: Living My Illusion – Joel van der Molen.

The Up For A Chatters like people who think like they do, these are the people that they usually interview, but Joel is someone that challenges all three of them.  This interview is real, it opens up a can of worms and hearts and as women The Up For A Chatters become eloquent in asking Joel exactly what is living an illusion and how he found his truth.  In doing this The Up For A Chatters begin to question their resistance. The post UC 243: Living My Illusion – Joel van der Molen. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/31/20171 hour, 8 minutes, 32 seconds
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UC 242: Anorexia Nervosa with Zhane’ Orr O’Farrell

Zhane’ (pronounced Jarnay) is an Epigenetic Human Potential Coach at the Apeiron Academy in the U.S. currently working remotely in Bali. She is also an avid biohacker. In order for her to get to where she is right now she has an incredibly touching story that is not to be missed.  Kim and Cyndi conduct this interview but have no idea of the depth, rawness, truth and enlightenment Zhane’ gives to the eating disorder Anorexia Nervosa.  This interview is an insight and understanding from an eloquent speaker about what propels a young person to stop eating despite death staring them in the face. This is definitely an interview to tune into if you have been through, or have been touched by, someone with an eating disorder.  If you need to contact Zhane’ she has offered her contact details for you right here  @femalebiohacker Facebook: Ultra Nutrition Co. Email: [email protected] Instagram: zhaneisultra The post UC 242: Anorexia Nervosa with Zhane’ Orr O’Farrell appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/24/20171 hour, 37 seconds
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UC 241: The New Naturopathy with Helen Padarin

Nutritionist, Naturopath, Herbalist, Author and Speaker. Helen is a beautiful friend of the Up For A Chatters, she is visiting Kim for a couple of days and The Chatters decided to sit down and have a conversation about life, health, discrimination, bullying and what it takes to become well in this day and age. There is no doubting Helen’s passion for healthy eating started young, as her request was to eat at a Korean restaurant on her third birthday so she could have kimchi! Helen holds a bachelor degree in Health Sciences (Naturopathy), advanced diplomas in nutrition, herbal medicine and massage and has completed extensive post-graduate training in treatment for metabolic, neurologic, digestive and immune disorders.  Helen has co-authored the book ‘BubbaYumYum’ with Charlotte Carr and Pete Evans, co-authored ‘The Complete Gut Health Cookbook’ with Chef Pete Evans and has written several articles for leading health magazines.  Since 2011 Helen has been a regular presenter and ambassador for the Mindd Foundation, and has presented for Health Masters Live and ACNEM, providing post-graduate education for GP’s, naturopaths, nutritionists and other health care professionals. This beautiful, caring, thought-provoking and passionate soul is also the creator of the 9V9 Challenge If you are interested in more information about gut health and wholistic wellness, including some pretty amazing recipes you can find out more about Helen at The post UC 241: The New Naturopathy with Helen Padarin appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/17/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 14 seconds
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UC 240: Flashback Chat – Depression

Flashback Chat, we have had many requests to replay some of our Most Popular podcasts from the past. The rate of depression and mental illness has increased dramatically in the last decade. The question is asked as to – do you wake up one day and have depression or is it a slow slide – before you finally go to your doctor? How do you get out of the slow slide, what are the steps to take? Carren has been through depression so Kim and Cyndi ask questions to find out the answers. All three Up For A Chat hosts provide valuable information on how does depression start and what are ways to combat mental illness, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This discussion just didn’t stop – the information was just too important, so it goes for 1 hour 16 minutes. The post UC 240: Flashback Chat – Depression appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/11/20171 hour, 18 minutes, 54 seconds
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UC 239: The Healing Power of Nature

The healing power of Nature: National Parks, there is something that our forefathers knew about the power and sanctity of Nature, so much so that they are preserved for us to enjoy. Peru, New Zealand, Africa, and every country in the world has preserved these stunning places, that when you visit them they can change your very state of being. The Chatters explore what is in nature that can change a persons health, mind and spirit.  Carren and Kim talk about how they find nature in a concrete jungle and Cyndi talks about her recent hike through Yosemite. The post UC 239: The Healing Power of Nature appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/3/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 4 seconds
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UC 238: Change your Brain, Change your life!

If you listened to the podcast on the 20th June, 2017, you will know the Kim, Cyndi and Carren had a pretty OUT THERE conversation about the magic of Dr Joe Dispenza as Cyndi had just returned from his Progressive Course in Las Vegas! As a follow on from last week’s show, we thought we’d share the interview that Carren did with Dr Joe back in 2015 and below you will see a brief outline of the conversation Carren had with him. What treat to hear our Carren dive down the rabbit hole with one of the greatest minds of this planet right now! Dr Joe Dispenza is not only one of my heroes, he is also one of the most dynamic, brilliant, powerful and educated men of our time and OMG what an honour to bring him to Carren’s Couch!! In today’s interview I really wanted to know what Dr Joe knows about us humans that could change the way we live and when I asked the question….Boy! Did he give me an answer! Wow! Feeling like I was in the company of pure genius, I took the liberty of exploring questions like “What is the meaning of life?” “How can we be more fulfilled in our experiences?” and “What does science know about reality that we are missing?” And…. These questions don’t even scrape the surface of today’s conversation so get ready to really explore the magic of being YOU in all of your glory! If you’re interested in knowing more about Dr Joe Dispenza, his books, programs and events, just jump on over to his website at The post UC 238: Change your Brain, Change your life! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/26/201744 minutes, 32 seconds
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UC 237: Changing The Habit of Being You

Cyndi has just arrived back from the US very excited about doing a course with Dr Jo Dispenza. Carren is an avid follower and has interviewed Dr Jo. Kim has been doing Dr Jo’s meditations and the Up For A Chatters talk about the power of change, especially mind change. To heal, change careers, mend relationships, there is a fundamental science. This weeks episode explores the science and teaching around neuroplasticity becoming present in the world as opposed to living in the past or future. It’s an amazing hour of thought provoking inspiration and worth listening to over and over. The post UC 237: Changing The Habit of Being You appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/19/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 16 seconds
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UC 236: Reversing Multiple Sclerosis with Sue Moore.

The post UC 236: Reversing Multiple Sclerosis with Sue Moore. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/12/201755 minutes, 59 seconds
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UC 235: Wellness Guy Damian Kristof

Wellness Guy Damian Kristof on life, love, profession and his epic life journey from poverty to New Zealand TV icon and successful owner of Forage an epic breakfast food company as well as his life as a chiropractor.  The Up for A Chatters begin by declaring their undying love for this amazing man and ends with Kim asking the most important question.  Who is your favourite Up for a  Chatter?  The dialogue in between is riveting as Damian unfolds his wisdom, common sense and love for helping people improve their health both physically and mentally. This podcast offers many  strategies for change. The post UC 235: Wellness Guy Damian Kristof appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/5/20171 hour, 10 minutes, 12 seconds
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UC 234: Chewing the Fat with Nora Gedgaudis.

Nora is the author of Primal Mind Primal Body a successful book that looks at the historical perspective of eating as our ancestors did.  Is it Paleo or is it high fat low carb.  Nora and Cyndi discuss the diets of cultures around the world, there is a lot about meat eating, so Carren is particularly quiet throughout.  Kim of course continues to throw the curly questions that have everyone thinking.  Nora narrates a wonderful story of her life and eye opening education on nutrition. The post UC 234: Chewing the Fat with Nora Gedgaudis. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/29/20171 hour, 25 minutes, 27 seconds
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UC 233: Break A Leg with Paula Gowland

Listen in with the Up For A Chatters as they interview one of their incredible listeners, who in 2014 fell off her bed and broke her leg, and with a possible medical mistake ended up losing her leg.  Her story over the last 3 years is riveting, she is calm, relaxed and a force for change in this world, don’t miss this amazing story and the strength of this truly amazing woman.  Kim, Carren and Cyndi would like you to join in helping fund Paula’s new prosthetic leg; go to Many Miles For Paula – The post UC 233: Break A Leg with Paula Gowland appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/22/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 4 seconds
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UC 232: Exceptional Life Blueprint with Marcus Pearce

Exceptional Life Blueprint with Marcus Pearce, hang on to your hats, sit down, strap in, as you are in for one amazing ride about creating the life you want. It may surprise you that food and exercise are down the list a little. Marcus is an expert in teaching people about the principles of an exceptional life he is holding an event in Melbourne that the Up For A Chatters recommend you attend, listen in and learn what you will experience that when put into action changes lives. The post UC 232: Exceptional Life Blueprint with Marcus Pearce appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/16/201755 minutes, 28 seconds
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UC 231: Flashback Chat- Am I Really Making A Difference?

Flashback Chat, we have had many requests to replay some of our Most Popular podcasts from the past. Am I Really Making A Difference?  Is it all worth it?  Before The Up For A Chat girls started recording this podcast, Kim looked at Carren and asked if she was OK.  Carren’s answer was, “Is this really worth it?  Am I really making a difference?”  Carren asked a universal question so Kim, Cyndi and Carren decided to explore that very question.  It’s amazing where the conversation goes.  Do we do things to make a difference in the world or do we do things because we love it?  You’ll hear three vulnerable souls looking for answers.  This podcast is very different to any you’ve heard, The Up For A Chat girls are contemplative and quiet and it is a look into their very soul. The post UC 231: Flashback Chat- Am I Really Making A Difference? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/11/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 55 seconds
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UC 230: Your Body Has The Answer with Elizabeth Hughes

Cyndi and Kim interview Elizabeth Hughes Kinesiologist, the interview covers how to improve your life through Kinesiology.  Elizabeth  has a degree in Psychology but found herself with health issues and was helped by Kinesiology which sent her down the path of healing.  Cyndi and Kim loved the fact that she used many modalities to heal including nutrition, essential oils, flower essences, tapping and much more in order to remove the emotional, mental, nutritional blockages that may be causing ill health.  Elisabeth aim is to teach people to listen to their body so that they can become their own therapist. The post UC 230: Your Body Has The Answer with Elizabeth Hughes appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/1/201755 minutes, 46 seconds
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UC 229: Medicine For Your Spirit with Raylene Byrne

This week the Up For a Chatters interview an amazing thinker who among many talents is a energy healer, meditation teacher, shamanic practitioner and earth guardian.  It’s a wild ride with Carren and Raylene down the rabbit hole, Kim and Cyndi sit back but an amazing feeling moves over both of them, one of peace, tranquillity and grounding.  This is a very different interview with weird and wonderful ideas but strangely calming and comforting. The post UC 229: Medicine For Your Spirit with Raylene Byrne appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/24/20171 hour, 44 seconds
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UC 228: Low Tox Life with Alexx Stuart

“We like that girl she thinks like we do”, is what the Up For A Chatters think about this weeks guest. We live in a toxic environment and none knows it better thatn Alexx Stuart, she was not a well person and then discovered clean eating, detoxing her home and environment and has seen the benefits.  She is that Mum that wanted to tell everyone and now has a successful program teaching people how to detox their life step by step.  For more information on the program go to The post UC 228: Low Tox Life with Alexx Stuart appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/17/201757 minutes, 57 seconds
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UC 227: Questions answered for our Listeners.

The Up for A Chatters have been promising to answer questions from their listeners and finally they got down to it.  It’s amazing what a question brings up, it’s not as simple as a straight answer as their are many things to consider.  Carren, Kim and Cyndi talk about organic makeup, fertility, Paleo, Primal, Western Price Foundation, having ‘the talk’ with your children, good and bad supplements, pregnancy, hypno-birthing, the pill and everything that involves these subjects that could be talked about in just over an hour. The post UC 227: Questions answered for our Listeners. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/10/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 29 seconds
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UC 226: Is the Universe Listening to You?

Carren, Kim and Cyndi haven’t caught up for quite some time, Kim has had a major operation on her back and talks about the importance of self care not only during times of stress but everyday.  Carren has just completed her first Effortless Self Retreat and Cyndi has just come back from facilitating her Noosa Health Retreat.  It’s amazing how much we learn as teachers as much as students.  Listen in as these three amazing women chat about life, hardship, wins and the the power of asking. The post UC 226: Is the Universe Listening to You? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/3/20171 hour, 1 minute
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UC 225: Retreat Yourself.

The concept of retreating to your own home with luxury organic products sent to you 4 times a year and creating a day to change your life is the brain child of Kate Williams.  Along with Kate Cyndi interviews Hannah Buttigieg of Food Intelligence, who is not only a nutritionist but a forensic drug and alcohol worker.  These two young women landed on Cyndi’s doorstep at the invitation of her daughter Tarnea, and after speaking with them Cyndi decided that the Up For A Chat listeners may want some insight into these two amazing young woman. The post UC 225: Retreat Yourself. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/27/201755 minutes, 52 seconds
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UC 224: Flashback Chat- What Gets You Up In The Morning?

Cyndi was at lunch with beach volley ball Olympic Gold Medalist Natalie Cook and they were discussing training and commitment to a sport. Natalie had spoke about her yoga teacher who got up every morning at 4.30am to practice yoga. Natalie asked her yoga teacher whether there was ever a morning that he did not want to get up and his answer was “no”. Cyndi then asked Natalie the same question regarding her quest to get to the Olympics and getting up every morning and training and her answer was ‘no’. The Up for The Chat girls decided to explore why is it that some people are so committed to something in their life that they can’t wait to get up in the morning versus others who just want hit the snooze button over and over and sleep the day away. Kim, Carren and Cyndi have a discussion where they begin to get Aha’s about the love and passion to do something is so inspiring that you can’t wait to get up. They also talk about if your inspiration has waned how to reignite it. The post UC 224: Flashback Chat- What Gets You Up In The Morning? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/21/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 7 seconds
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UC 223: Flashback Chat – How Your Fears Are A Platform For Greatness

Flashback Chat, we have had many requests to replay some of our Most Popular podcasts from the past so today we are starting with Episode 15. Cyndi, Kim and Carren have just finished the Wellness Summit on the Gold Coast and they go on a road trip, listen in on their conversation that even astounds them as to where it goes and finally ends. The conversation starts about the inspiration of the summit. They talk about their butterflies and fears before they speak and from there all three end up down a rabbit hole that questions whether fear holds us back or whether it is there to become greater and grander in your own life. Be prepared to have your mind blown as this podcast will have you questioning everything about life and purpose of life. The post UC 223: Flashback Chat – How Your Fears Are A Platform For Greatness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/14/20171 hour, 10 minutes, 4 seconds
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UC 222: Recovering from MS with V Capaldi (Paleobosslady)

Declutter, clear your life, change everything that you thought was right and start life over because it was a matter of life and death/disabled.  V is an inspiration, her life from social, highflying executive with everything at her feet but miserable and sick, to homeless, and the happiest and consciously living on purpose is the story of V.  If nothing else V really makes you think about the things you do on a daily basis, her recovery from MS is inspiring and her want to help more people is infectious.  Watch her TEDx video here Cultural Collision,  and make sure you check out her social media pages and web page at paleobosslady. The post UC 222: Recovering from MS with V Capaldi (Paleobosslady) appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/6/201757 minutes, 12 seconds
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UC 221: Self-care is not selfish – it’s essential!

This week Kim is live from the Sunshine Coast hinterland and invites a group of beautiful women on her Elevation Retreat to talk openly about the challenges and joys of self care and self love. Topics delve further into motherhood, time management, self worth, relationships, topping our emotional tanks, role modeling and the power of sisterhood. Every single one of these women have an incredible story and offer simple, practical and caring advice. Today’s podcast is a touching conversation and great reminder for us all. The post UC 221: Self-care is not selfish – it’s essential! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/27/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
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UC 220: Retreating – A must in todays fast pace life.

Cyndi and Kim talk about the importance of nature and retreating from the everyday, we can either learn to retreat in our own homes or create a holiday or trek that takes us into a whole new world and way of thinking.  Cyndi and Kim have both completed the grueling 20km hike of NZ’s Tongariro Crossing, they talk about the landscape and the beauty but they also talk about the need to bring the mind in, to take over from the body when you think you can’t take another step.  Both Cyndi Kim and Carren have been busy leading retreats, education summits and conferences, some of them back to back, we discuss how we do this and what are our rituals in order to help us in these times.  Our trips to NZ October 2017 and Africa 2018 are discussed as Cyndi has learnt more about walking with the Kalahari Bush People and learning their tribal ways, one of the things we will be doing.  To follow more about our trip to Africa follow on instagram @SafariFrank and @meno_a_kwena The post UC 220: Retreating – A must in todays fast pace life. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/20/201746 minutes, 44 seconds
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UC 219: Dr Margie Smith – Smart DNA

Nutrigenomics and Epigenetics is the topic of this amazing interview with Dr Margie Smith co founder of SmartDNA.  Have you ever wondered if your DNA can tell you what foods you should eat, what exercise you can do, what drugs you can metabolise and what is that gene SNP called MTHFR.  Well listen in on this fascinating interview about how we can learn through DNA testing what is the best thing for us to live an outstanding healthy life.  Margie is a mix of nerd and absolute inspiring scientist.  Her magic wand moment is worth waiting for, all the girls fell in love with her wisdom and knowledge and the amazing person that they had the privilege of interviewing. Hang in there on this podcast, it begins nerdy but ends life changing. The post UC 219: Dr Margie Smith – Smart DNA appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/15/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 1 second
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UC 218: A Day To Change Your Life.

Cyndi and Carren begin the podcast talking about Carren’s event on the Sunshine Coast – The Effortless Self, it’s a game changer, its about thinking different, it’s about perceived realities in a whole new way, it’s about a day to change your life.  The conversation then changes to Cyndi’s upcoming Health Retreat in late March on Noosa’s Sunshine Coast, this is a weekend to take time out in order to change your health and life outcomes.  We don’t always take time out of our lives to plan our life going forward.  If you don’t know where you are going how are you going to know the signs that lead you in the right direction, this is an hour to change your life.  For more information on Carren’s free events around the country go to and for Cyndi’s health retreat go to The post UC 218: A Day To Change Your Life. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/6/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 30 seconds
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UC 217: Ketosis in a Pill

The Up For a Chatters tackle the trendy new diet – Keto Diet and the new supplement that promises ketogenesis.  Cyndi begins by explaining the term ketogenesis and the different energy systems in the body.  She then explains about exogenous ketones, which Kim reveals she has been taking.  The hour ends with a wonderful recipe – Keto Coffee – 1 shot of coffee, 1TBS coconut oil, 1TBS butter or ghee or cream 2 Changing Habits Caco Wafers and 1 TBS of almond butter, add 1 cup hot water.  Put into thermomix take temperature to 70C then froth by taking the speed to 10 for 15 seconds.  Enjoy a drink that helps you make ketones. Attached is an article on what was talked about in the hour. The post UC 217: Ketosis in a Pill appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/30/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 24 seconds
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UC 216: Precision Medicine vs Imprecision Medicine

Precision Medicine vs Imprecision Medicine; Up until recently much of medicine has been on a protocol basis, but enter genetic testing of not only the micro biome but a persons DNA and we begin to understand the individuality of humans and how one size does not necessarily fit all.  Cyndi interviews Sue Barron and Cara Henstridge who are DNA practitioners working with Smart DNA.  It’s a fascinating look into the future of nutrition and medicine. The post UC 216: Precision Medicine vs Imprecision Medicine appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/23/20171 hour, 18 minutes, 8 seconds
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UC 215: Business Success from Home with Rachel Bermingham

Rachael is one of the partners behind the success of the 4 Ingredients Brand. She has worked with Cyndi and Kim on projects; including the best selling book Read My Lips and successful women’s business seminars on the Sunshine Coast. She marketed Wildly Wealthy Woman and took a conference of 4 people to one with Listen In The post UC 215: Business Success from Home with Rachel Bermingham appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/16/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 13 seconds
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UC 214: Michelle Nielson – The Master Manifestor and author of Manifesting Matisse.

The day Cyndi met Michelle changed her life forever, she learnt the 10 steps to manifesting and after reading Michelle’s book she acted on the steps and was stunned by the results.  That was 6 years ago when she began playing with manifesting but now takes the art seriously and a major part of her Listen In The post UC 214: Michelle Nielson – The Master Manifestor and author of Manifesting Matisse. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/9/20171 hour, 3 minutes, 33 seconds
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UC 213: Kitchen Coaching with Ashley Jubinville

Want to eat healthier, feel better, and enjoy cooking more?   Feeling overwhelmed with where to start or that it’s all too much to sort out in your busy schedule right now?  Enter, your Kitchen Coach, Ashley Jubinville.  Carren and Cyndi interview this inspirational woman who not only teaches Yoga but helps people create healthier pantries. The post UC 213: Kitchen Coaching with Ashley Jubinville appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/2/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 31 seconds
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UC 212: Food Security and Feeding the World with Kelly Mc Jannet from Foodladder.

Kelly McJannet at the age of 30 is one of the 2016 100 Women of Influence.  How does a young woman directly out of university decide that social enterprise is her calling.  Beginning her career with ‘one laptop per child Australia” and succeeding she decides to take on food security and feeding indigenous cultures by donating the infrastructure for enterprise with in the community but also filling a need for fresh food within a community, she has done this in both India and Australia NT.  Kelly had her eyes opened at a young age when her parents took her and her younger sister around the world for 6 months into impoverished areas of the world.  She realized that Sydney was a privileged place and that very trip changed everything for her.  Make sure you check out her social media as it will explain what she is talking about throughout this podcast.  @foodladder  Facebook/foodladder The post UC 212: Food Security and Feeding the World with Kelly Mc Jannet from Foodladder. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/26/20161 hour, 9 minutes, 15 seconds
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UC 211: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do. Part 2

Last week the discussion was focused on; fear, mistakes, power, change, control and risks, and this week the chatters delve into the second half of the 13 Things mentally Strong People Don’t do including focusing on the past, resentment, being alone, expectations and the world owing you everything. The post UC 211: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do. Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/19/20161 hour, 11 minutes, 11 seconds
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UC 210: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do – Part 1

Carren Kim and Cyndi decide to discuss a very much shared article on social media written by Amy Morin. In this first of a two part chat they discuss; fear, mistakes, power, change, control and risks, its an hour of contemplation, etymology and the steps to become strong both mentally and physically.  An 35 minute interview is recommended by Dr Kelly Brogan, which is suggested to watch after you listen to this mind changing podcast.  Here is the link The post UC 210: 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do – Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/12/20161 hour, 11 minutes, 41 seconds
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UC 209: Marketing Health with Michael Maidens

Michael is the marketing brains behind the very successful book and information company – Hay House, amongst other great companies in Australia and world wide. He is the director and producer of the highly viewed documentary The Abundance Code and lives and works where he likes to spend his leisure.  Kim and Cyndi sit down Listen In The post UC 209: Marketing Health with Michael Maidens appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/5/20161 hour, 8 minutes, 45 seconds
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UC 208: NZ 2017 Retreat with the UFAC Girls – Zoe Sparks…

Traveling New Zealand, October 2017, adventure, learning, culture, fun, friendship, challenge, fitness and life changing are all part of the Up For A Chat yearly travel plans.  Zoe Sparks is the travel organizer for the Up For A Chat yearly trips.  After organizing Peru, Zoe has now put together a trip not to be missed hiking and having adventures in luxury (of course the Princess demands this), through the south island of New Zealand.  Listen in as we describe this amazing trip with the Up For A Chat girls in 2017. The post UC 208: NZ 2017 Retreat with the UFAC Girls – Zoe Sparks… appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/28/201653 minutes
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UC 207: The Build Up To Christmas

The podcast begins with Carren talking about how she manages christmas or any project or social get together.  It’s a message that resonates with both Kim and Cyndi, it’s also a message that brings peace and comfort when Christmas can some times be the exact opposite with some families. When the Up For A Chatters get to just check in with each other, their plans, goals, latest projects it’s always an hour of inspiration and fun. The post UC 207: The Build Up To Christmas appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/21/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 44 seconds
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UC 206: How to Handle a Health Crisis

A close friend of Carren’s 20 year old son has just been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, Carren discusses how people deal with crisis and tools to help people in times of crisis.  Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, in this hour the discussion focuses on not only the conventional way of dealing with this issue but also alternatives that are proving over and over to work.  It’s about education, awareness and wanting to be an active participant in the process of getting well.  Some other podcasts are talked about in this show that can be accessed through the following links Dr Natasha Campbell McBride – episode 175 5th April 2016.  and Dr Tom O’Bryan The post UC 206: How to Handle a Health Crisis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/14/20161 hour, 14 minutes, 30 seconds
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UC 205: Autoimmunity with Dr Tom O’Brien

Dr Tom has been influential in Kim and Cyndi’s education regarding health and wellbeing, he is so busy that it has taken months to pin him down for an interview.  He is the expert in Autoimmunity and has written the best selling book the Autoimmune Fix as well as is the director and producer of the new and upcoming documentary series – Betrayal.   His knowledge has been gleamed over the past 32 years with a special interest in fertility, gluten and now the epidemic that is sweeping western countries – Autoimmunity.  He shows the link between all three topics.  This is a must listen to hour that may change your perspective on how we are dealing with the myriad of diseases under the banner Autoimmunity. The post UC 205: Autoimmunity with Dr Tom O’Brien appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/7/201654 minutes, 10 seconds
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UC 204: Body Image with Suzi Le Fanue

Kim spoke at the local screening of Embrace along with Suzi, they were floored by the disrespect many people in the film had,  in despising their bodies and themselves.  The conversation begins with where did this dislike come from what are the outside forces perpetuating this disrespect for oneself and body image. Health of the body is a target to reach rather than striving for the perfect number on the scales, achieving this is harder than we think in this modern world. The post UC 204: Body Image with Suzi Le Fanue appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/31/20161 hour, 9 minutes, 3 seconds
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UC 203: Beckie Taylor – Anxiety Disorder and Thyroid Condition Healed Naturally

This is one you don’t want to miss, Beckie Taylor is an articulate well educated young woman that has been instrumental in healing herself of Anxiety Disorder and Graves Disease.  Her story is incomprehensible especially with her wanting to learn everything about her disease and wanting to try natural remedies but being hindered and mocked by her GP.  Beckie decides to go it alone and sets about getting tests from laboratories and learning all about what she needed to do to stop having to take medications and the very real possibility of her thyroid being removed.  She watches the documentary What’s With Wheat and makes changes with her new knowledge.  The results are stunning.  She has just begun a blog so make sure you sign up for this amazing game changing young woman’s words of wisdom. The post UC 203: Beckie Taylor – Anxiety Disorder and Thyroid Condition Healed Naturally appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/24/201655 minutes, 49 seconds
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UC 202: Dr Brett Hill – Understanding Men

Understanding Men.  Brett Hill one of the wellness guys is interviewed by the Up for A Chatters about his work, his love, his way of thinking and his future.  Brett talks about what he loves about woman, and its that belief in themselves that is the most alluring of all.  Brett’s been through some tough times but has done the work to now be cruising just a little, but there is a fire in his belly to make sure that Natural Health Care remains in the Australian health system.  He is a man on a mission and wonderful insights into relationships and love.  He is also soon to be a Hay House author. The post UC 202: Dr Brett Hill – Understanding Men appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/17/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 7 seconds
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UC 201: Getting Things Done – Elspeth Haswell-Smith

What drives someone to open a cafe, parent 2 children alone, get a degree in psychology and anthropology, counsel in psychology on domestic violence, finish Twenty8 HLE program and the Changing Habits Online Nutrition Course (first graduate), complete her masters and want to journey into a PhD at the age of 31.  Elspeth Haswell Smith has done just that and at a young age has the wisdom of someone much older.  Self love and self respect is something that we delve into in order to see how we can feel the fear but do it anyway. The post UC 201: Getting Things Done – Elspeth Haswell-Smith appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/10/20161 hour, 7 minutes, 1 second
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UC 200: Our 200th Episode

200th Episode – friends, tears, laughs, giggles, stories and cutting edge information on diet, fads, essential oils, mindset mastery, physical challenges and much more have been the theme of the Up For A Chat podcasts for the past 4 years.  The girls reminisce on the past and think about the future direction of the podcast and what they have learnt and what people have taught them.  It is in this episode that the 2017 hiking and adventure trip to New Zealand and 2018 hiking and safari trip to 4 countries in Africa (South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe) are announced.  If you need further information on these two trips send an email to [email protected]. The trips have limited space, between 12 and 15 people will get to go, so put your expression of interest in asap. The post UC 200: Our 200th Episode appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/3/20161 hour, 8 minutes, 7 seconds
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UC 199: Ask a better question to get a better answer – with Fouad Kassab

Kim and Cyndi interview chef, restaurant owner, podcaster, poet, father, husband, soft ware engineer, author and all round nice guy with an amazing out look on life.  His story from war torn Lebanon, health issues to wellness and the clarity around his life is mesmerizing.  At one stage Foaud takes Kim and Cyndi on a short meditation to explain a concept Cyndi was having a hard time understanding.  All became clear.  A thought provoking and eye opening interview with a man that thinks differently. The post UC 199: Ask a better question to get a better answer – with Fouad Kassab appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/26/20161 hour, 20 minutes, 15 seconds
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UC 198: Linda Alston

She trekked Peru with us, she shared our laughs and our tears and she inspired us along the way as she embraced Cyndi’s nutrition course with passion, completed Carren’s Mindset Mastery and has gone on to become a member of Carren’s Inner Circle and today, she shares her journey of investigation and application! Carren and Kim welcome the beautiful Linda Alston to the show this week to talk about the transition from meat to vegetarianism and all things ‘nutritarian’!! Having been a vegetarian since 3 years old, Linda reveals the easy steps to explore this way of relating to food safely and with awareness of the body, it’s needs and how to pay attention to any whispers if things are right. Deeply grounded in and sharing Cyndi’s philosophy of whole foods Linda explores what it means to eat a rainbow and how to do it with ease! Enjoy! PS – Get ready to be hungry after this show…. Linda is a chef extraordinaire and your taste-buds will be left tingling!! To reach out to Linda and to enquire about her upcoming programs, send an email to Carren at [email protected] and all contacts will be forwarded on. The post UC 198: Linda Alston appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/19/20161 hour, 7 seconds
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UC 197: Autoimmune Disease with Madison Wright.

Emerging into her teens Madison was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and the only option that was given to her was drugs for the rest of her life.  A few years later she was further diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, more medications was her only option.  Madison spent much of her teenage years in pain, missing school and missing a teenagers social energetic life.  When all her peers were heading off to university and work Madison was at home.  A chance meeting with an “Angel” changed her life forever.  Madison is now 20 and off all medications but one.  It’s a spine tingling, heart wrenching story with an humble, strong, amazing young lady.  The Up For A Chatters had tears in their eyes throughout the hour. The post UC 197: Autoimmune Disease with Madison Wright. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/12/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 48 seconds
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UC 196: Permaculture with Morag Gamble

Morag is a woman who lives a very different life, 80% of the food she and her family eat she produces, she home schools her children and she thinks about her foot print on the planet and how to teach people to respect not only their planet but the resources that enables all to live abundantly. This podcast is meditative as it takes the Up For A Chatters out of the stress of life and transports them to a whole new way of living. The post UC 196: Permaculture with Morag Gamble appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/5/20161 hour, 13 minutes, 3 seconds
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UC 195: The Wellness Summit 2016.

The Up For A  Chat girls are speaking at the Wellness Summit, this is not so much about what they are speaking about but how profound, inspiring and life changing a live event can be.  They all discuss their latest live conference they attended and the learnings they all got and implemented into their life.  The excitement of meeting their mentors, the information gleamed and the continuing education that they continue to do is all talked about in this podcast, listen in learn and implement. The post UC 195: The Wellness Summit 2016. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/29/20161 hour, 10 minutes, 8 seconds
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UC 194: Bruce Lipton – The Biology of Belief.

Bruce is well known as beginning his life as geneticist and now has morphed into one of the most inspirational spiritual teachers.  He asks the question What would your life be like if you learned that you are more powerful that you have every been taught.  Cyndi interviews Bruce on his level of thinking and Listen In The post UC 194: Bruce Lipton – The Biology of Belief. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/22/20161 hour, 3 minutes, 12 seconds
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UC 193: Pam Peeke – Integrative Doctor talks to Cyndi.

Walking her talk of mental and physical fitness has always been key to to optimizing Pams role as a doctor, coach and educator in integrative health and wellness. Cyndi discusses with Pam her latest book The Hunger Fix where she talks about eye opening new science why with repeated exposure to processed food products your Listen In The post UC 193: Pam Peeke – Integrative Doctor talks to Cyndi. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/15/201659 minutes, 47 seconds
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UC 192: The Effortless Self And A Field Of Lavender!

This week the girls delve into what it truly means to allow yourself to grow and expand in a way that is natural and organic – in other words – EFFORTLESS! Carren has been working in this field of work for the past two decades and this week shares one of her greatest and most profound pieces of work. With topics of conversation around awareness, love, money, health, purpose, family and personal expansion the conversation opens up into all aspects of life. It is exciting, liberating and quite frankly breath taking. And we top it all off with a little lavender love (#lavenderlush) from Provence! If you are interested in Carren’s brand new program check out and if you are keen to know more about Aroma Tours for 2017 check out Oh and the online French Shop is Enjoy! The post UC 192: The Effortless Self And A Field Of Lavender! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/8/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 24 seconds
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UC 191: It’s A Crazy World – Terrorism Love And Fear

Terrorism is usually understood as the use or threat of violence to further a political cause and there is no doubt this has accelerated in recent years. Modern terrorism and the attacks of 9/11 certainly marked a turning point in world history and the beginning of the ‘War on Terror’. Carren has been personally effected by terrorism and Kim recently returned from France where Nice was under attack. This week the girls ask an important question. Has the global campaign against terrorism, known as the ‘War on Terror’, made us any safer? What really is the driver here? The conversation takes a turn when we go deeper and start to look at this crazy world and how things occur when humans act out of both love and fear – and more importantly – how this effects us in our own lives, in our homes and in our relationships. The post UC 191: It’s A Crazy World – Terrorism Love And Fear appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/1/20161 hour, 2 minutes
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UC 190: Peru – Part 2

This is Part 2 of Up For A Chat talking about their latest trip to Peru.  Lives change when 15 strangers go to a foreign country and do things that they would normally not do at home, like climb to an altitude of 4600 meters and walk all day through the Andes as well as test their ability to sustain such conditions.  Such was the Awaken the Change Within tour of Peru and it’s ancient civilization.  Listen in as we talk to the hiking, travelling group and all they learnt about Peru but also about themselves and each other.  A truly heart warming hour. The post UC 190: Peru – Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/25/20161 hour, 8 minutes, 36 seconds
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UC 189: Peru – Part 1

Lives change when 15 strangers go to a foreign country and do things that they would normally not do at home, like climb to an altitude of 4600 meters and walk all day through the Andes as well as test their ability to sustain such conditions.  Such was the Awaken the Change Within tour of Peru and it’s ancient civilization.  Listen in as we talk to the hiking, travelling group and all they learnt about Peru but also about themselves and each other.  A truly heart warming hour. The post UC 189: Peru – Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/18/201658 minutes, 45 seconds
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UC 188: Sabrina Zielinski

Last week  Dr Eric Z was interviewed, he spoke fondly of his wife and it was her passion for essential oils that got him started on his journey, so the Up For A Chat girls decided that they wanted to talk to Sabrina.  Sabrina is a wise soul in a young body, she has three young children and 37 weeks pregnant with her fourth.  All her babies are home birthed. Listen in as she talks about how she not only uses oils for all things in the home but her wisdom in parenting and love.  This chat is a heart warming informational chat with three passionate Mums – Sabrina, Cyndi and Kim.   The post UC 188: Sabrina Zielinski appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/11/20161 hour, 14 minutes, 11 seconds
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UC 187: Dr Eric Zielinski – Aromatherapist.

Kim, Carren and Cyndi have met the male version of Kim, a man who is passionate about his family and the all round beneficial effects of Essential Oils. He studied Chiropractic but after being introduced to the essential oil revolution and has become an educator in natural remedies and empowering life strategies. He loves the Listen In The post UC 187: Dr Eric Zielinski – Aromatherapist. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/5/20161 hour, 4 minutes, 7 seconds
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UC 186: What’s With Wheat?

Cyndi has launched the free screening of her documentary What’s With Wheat, she talks with Carren and Kim about the journey, the people she interviewed as well as the problems she encountered.  This is an insight on the making of the documentary as well as the people on the documentary and their love and passion first and fore most for their families and then wanting to spread their knowledge in order to help other people find health and eventually change the predicament that we now face with climate change and ill health in our younger generations. The post UC 186: What’s With Wheat? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/27/20161 hour, 4 minutes, 49 seconds
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UC 185: Dr Sam Parker

Sam Parker, Speaker, Podcaster, Coach, Chiropractor, husband, coffee lover, bodysurfer, occasional cross fitter and founder of Unleash Your Inner Superstar drops in for an hour to talk to the Up For A Chatters.  This is a young man destined to do great things, loves the nurturing side of women and wants men to get into nurturing each other.  From his morning coffee, to podcasting and creating a movement for men he is inspirational and one to keep you eye out for. The post UC 185: Dr Sam Parker appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/20/20161 hour, 8 minutes
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UC 184: Business Coaches make a difference

Bruce Campbell is Kim and Cyndi’s business coach, he has been invaluable in the growth and organisation of their two businesses.  His words of wisdom around leverage, return on investment, passion, hobbies vs business, accountability, knowing your financials, success and much more are here in this hour with the Up For A Chatters. The post UC 184: Business Coaches make a difference appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/13/20161 hour, 3 minutes, 37 seconds
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UC 183: Cusco with Julian

Cusco is an extraordinary vibrant and colorful city of 600,000 people. It is the gateway to Machu Picchu. The Up For A Chat girls and their tour party are fortunate to be escorted by a beautiful local tour guide whose amazing nature and knowledge has them all mesmerized. Julián Santisteban holds a degree in tourism from the National University Peru at Cusco. He’s worked as a tour guide in Cusco ever since he graduated in 1975. He has guided English speaking tourists from all over the world especially from the States and England. International tour companies like Kuoni England, Bales, Journey Latin America have used him as their guide through local tour operators. He has an amazing outlook on life and to hear his messages is a must. The post UC 183: Cusco with Julian appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/6/20161 hour, 7 minutes, 56 seconds
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UC 182: On the way to the Airport

Cyndi, Kim & Carren are on their way to the airport on a bucket-list trip of a lifetime to Machu Picchu. They are taking 12 amazing Up For A Chat listeners with them. Tune in to see how they each prepared, packed and committed to making this happen. As well as how excited they are Listen In The post UC 182: On the way to the Airport appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/31/201649 minutes, 28 seconds
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UC 181: Dr Jack Kruse – Neurosurgeon.

Cyndi believes that Dr Kruse is the modern day Einstein, he thinks about things differently and has a blog for nerds and non nerds.  He believes Australia is the canary in the coal mine due to it being beneath a hole in the ozone layer where our very energy exchange – electrons are being zapped out of our atmosphere.  His story from fat man to egotistical neurosurgeon to fifty, fit, fabulous and having a lot more humility is an amazing story of an extreme paradigm shift in his life.  His pearls of astounding wisdom will have you grabbing your pen to jot down his every word. The post UC 181: Dr Jack Kruse – Neurosurgeon. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/23/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 58 seconds
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UC 180: Daniel Vitalis – Rewilder

Daniel decided at a very young age to be a vegan, but after 6 years noticed his health declining as he continued to take out more and more foods out of his diet it one day dawned on him that he should be putting meat back on the plate. His story is mesmerizing and educational.  He now consumes food that he catches and gatherers, even his water supply.  Daniel and Cyndi connect and they both talk about their times as vegetarians and how it impacted on their health. The post UC 180: Daniel Vitalis – Rewilder appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/16/20161 hour, 8 minutes, 12 seconds
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UC 179 : Dr. David Perlmutter – Neurologist

Damian and Cyndi met up with NY times best selling Author Dr David Perlmutter. The conversation mainly focused on the GUT and the BRAIN. Preventing Alzheimer’s and Dementia was one of the key topics. Both Damian and Cyndi had a plethora of questions and Dr Perlmutter was generous with information. The post UC 179 : Dr. David Perlmutter – Neurologist appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/2/201630 minutes, 51 seconds
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UC 178 : Dr Deanna Minich – Nutritionist

Damian and Cyndi met up with prolific author, researcher and food advocate Deanna to delve into the world of supplements. How can you tell what is a good supplement and what is not.  Listen in on an amazing insightful conversation about the world of supplementation. The post UC 178 : Dr Deanna Minich – Nutritionist appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/25/201644 minutes, 24 seconds
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UC 177: Talking Organic Turkeys

Kim and Cyndi have the opportunity to talk to the Turkey Man – Ewart Sylvester from GreenAg Organic Free Range Turkeys.  A man with a great passion and knowledge about the poultry industry, the good the bad and the very ugly.  He has his own free range organic turkey farm which Cyndi has visited and enjoyed the gobbling turkeys.  Listen in and make a stand to support these farmers who are passionate about their animals and have animal husbandry that is healthy for the turkey and the humans who choose to consume them. Cyndi’s Turkey Liver Pate 1 garlic clove – crushed 1 medium onion – finely chopped 500gms of chopped turkey livers (white removed) soaked in milk for 20 minutes in the fridge and then rinsed and pat dried 250gms of organic butter + 1 TBS 100ml cream 1 tsp seaweed salt lots of freshly ground black pepper 1 tsp All spice 3 TBS fresh corriander 50 ml of brandy or cointreau Topping Ingredients ground Black Pepper 1 TBS Gelatine ½ cup of hot water (not boiling) Method 1. Saute the garlic and onion in 1 TBS butter until translucent 2. Add the chopped turkey livers and cook for 6 minutes 3. Place the cooked onion, garlic and turkey into a blender (or if using the thermomix just add the rest of the ingredients) 4. Add the rest of the turkey pate ingredients and blend until very smooth (the butter will melt in the mixing process) 5. Divide the mixture into ramekin dishes and place in the fridge overnight covered 6. In the morning sprinkle the top of each pate liberally with pepper 7. mix the hot water and gelatine together and stir until gelatine has dissolved 8. Now top each pate dish with about 1mm thick of gelatine 9. place back into the fridge to set 10. Serve with carrot, cucumber and red pepper sticks or just scoop with a spoon.  Delicious. The post UC 177: Talking Organic Turkeys appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/18/20161 hour, 7 minutes, 48 seconds
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UC 176: Fats

What do you cook with, what shouldn’t you heat and what should you stay away from?  The Up For A Chatters talk all about fats, delving into the fat we put on our skin as well as what we eat.  It’s confusing, for decades we’ve been told fats are bad and now there is talk that fat is good.  But what fat is good, is it saturated, polyunsaturated, omega 3, 6 or 9.  And what about our skin oils, is Bioil safe and what about essential oils.  The topic is huge and the chatters try as much as they can to fit in all the aspects of fats and oils for cooking, dressings and skincare.   The post UC 176: Fats appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/11/20161 hour, 11 minutes, 55 seconds
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UC 175: Dr Natasha Campbell McBride – The power of the mind and body to heal

Cyndi interviews Dr Natasha, it begins with the doctors story of her son, being diagnosed with Autism 25 years ago and her realisation that her own profession – the medical profession had nothing that could help the condition.  Being a mother and a doctor she poured over the books went back to university to find a cure for her son.  What she discovered was a link between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain.  Listen in as the story unfolds and her program GAPS is born along with thousands of children and adults being helped. The post UC 175: Dr Natasha Campbell McBride – The power of the mind and body to heal appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/4/20161 hour, 8 minutes, 44 seconds
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UC 174: The truth about GMO’s with Jeffrey Smith

Cyndi met Jeffrey Smith at a conference in Byron Bay and asked if she could interview him about his books ‘Seeds of Deception’ and ‘Genetic Roulette’ and his views on Genetically Modified Foods.  His knowledge of GMO and how they effect not only the human body but our very mircrobiome is a must to know. You will realise the importance of reading the ingredients in your processed foods after listening to this informative interview. The post UC 174: The truth about GMO’s with Jeffrey Smith appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/28/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 32 seconds
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UC 173: Coconut Oil Pulling

How to do it, how to get started and the joy of it all.  Carren has started to coconut pull but is struggling to get past 1 minute.  Kim and Cyndi teach her the tricks of their 20 minute morning routine.  The conversation morphs from coconut pulling to what we put down our sinks and delves into social and environmental conscience, which then turns into a discussion on the 2015 book Dark Emu by Bruce Pascoe.  It’s a sign of the times, realising that what we’ve been told about toothpastes, brushing teeth and even our own Australian history is perhaps not what is seems.  Listen in on an education not to be missed. The post UC 173: Coconut Oil Pulling appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/21/20161 hour, 8 minutes, 33 seconds
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UC 172: The Essential Miracle

This week Carren and Kim are talking all about their brand new collaboration called ‘The Essential Miracle Retreat’ to be held on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland 10th – 12th June 2016! If you would like to spend a weekend with these two here’s a taster of what you can expect!    Everyone has been asking us how we do it. We’ve been getting calls, emails and requests for the last three years asking how we create magic and magnificence with such ease (especially NOW given how tough life can get ). How do we keep surrounding ourselves with abundance, bliss and peace when life has thrown Carren challenge after challenge in the form of suicide, terrorism and illness and for Kim, how does she keep the home fires burining and the family functioning when her own yearning for greater experience and growth often forces her to chose her focus.   At The Essential Miracle Retreat we are peeling back the curtain to share EVERYTHING we know about creating a purposeful life and living with powerful, profitable intentions day after day. Taking you behind the scenes of self mentorship, self discovery and self realisation, you’ll be doing a new dance in no time!’ Carren and Kim The post UC 172: The Essential Miracle appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/14/201647 minutes, 9 seconds
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UC 171: Husbands and Wives Part 2

We continue the conversation with Howard O’Meara and Danny Morrison but this half of the conversation gets into the nitty gritty of being a man in today’s society, what health means to a man, love, and much more.   The post UC 171: Husbands and Wives Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/7/201656 minutes, 43 seconds
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UC 170: Husbands and Wives Part 1

At last Kim and Cyndi have dragged their husbands into the studio to interview them.  Both Howard O’Meara and Danny Morrison have done incredible things in their lives, listen in on their stories about being an international cricketer playing for New Zealand and Royal Protection Officer for the British Royal Family. The post UC 170: Husbands and Wives Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/29/201654 minutes, 32 seconds
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UC 169 : Passion and Purpose with Jodie Heselwood

Changing ones life can be a bit of a minefield, especially when everything you are doing in your thirties is the opposite to what you were taught growing up.  Having a mentor and a guide helps in this process.  Listen in on as Kim and Cyndi interview Jodie Heselwood who has done just that.  Her change has caused a ripple effect in her community and this interview will give you many ideas on not only how to change in your own life but how a community can be transformed as a result.   The post UC 169 : Passion and Purpose with Jodie Heselwood appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/22/20161 hour, 13 minutes, 18 seconds
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UC 168: Conspiracies

The Up For A Chat girls decide to talk about the top 8 conspiracies in the world today and which have been proven to be truth.  It all starts with the Zica virus and the four conspiracies it already has about it. Where there is smoke there is fire, but what can we believe? The media seems to portray a one sided story but when you delve into the world of conspiracies you find many facets to the story. The post UC 168: Conspiracies appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/15/201659 minutes, 11 seconds
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UC 167: Courage and Strength in the face of danger

Courage and Strength in the face of danger: Cyndi begins the podcast talking about her skiing accident in the USA on Christmas Day.  For her it brings Carren to mind in a very unusual way.  Listen in on what will be a very emotional hour where Cyndi Kim and Carren head down a rabbit hole Listen In The post UC 167: Courage and Strength in the face of danger appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/8/20161 hour, 12 minutes, 18 seconds
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UC 166: Kristie Ord – The Real Food Revolution

The Up For A Chat girls get to interview the amazing Kristie Ord this week. Kristie is the host of the well renowned Real Food Revolution one of the largest health and wellbeing communities in Australia. With over 40 speakers and events all year round the Real Food Revolution is there to help you be prepared and ready to discover the truths around real food and how to be the healthiest, happiest version of you. This remarkable interview shows us how one persons passion has become a major business and is creating a ripple effect that’s helped thousands of people and changed lives worldwide. The post UC 166: Kristie Ord – The Real Food Revolution appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/1/20161 hour, 8 minutes, 6 seconds
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UC 165: Yvette Luciano – Take Your Message To The Masses With Soulpreneur – Part 2

Last week we discovered Yvette Luciano’s story on how she has learned to thrive with her cancer diagnosis and now is a devoted soulpreneur coach, teacher, speaker and the multi-passionate sole director and founder of Earth HQ. Yvette’s 15+ years of media and marketing experience in the entertainment industry began with organising rock shows and promoting bands, which eventually led to marketing and management roles with some of the largest record companies and artists in the world. After her health and soul shift in 2010, Yvette immersed herself in health studies including nutrition and yoga, accompanied by a seachange to sunny Queensland where she founded Earth HQ in January 2013. Through The Earth Academy, Yvette is devoted to coaching and training the new wave of upcoming leaders and healers (YOU!) to live their life purpose and raise their platforms and profiles to create a healthier, happier world.   Yvette’s top self-care tips are –  1. Get plenty of quality sleep 2. Get out into nature once a day 3. Invest in body work at least once a month 4. Use your essential oils daily 5. Body boost using your essential oils 6. Look for the light, live with purpose 7. Make yourself a priority when it comes to food, meditation, yoga, movement. 8. Have lots of fun and PLAY!   If you would love to have someone with this kind of heart, soul and passion mentor you to get your brand and business out there check out and be ready for her 1st February launch. This could be just the kick start you need for what could be the year of your dreams.  The post UC 165: Yvette Luciano – Take Your Message To The Masses With Soulpreneur – Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/25/20161 hour, 5 minutes, 56 seconds
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UC 164: Yvette Luciano – Thriving With Cancer – Part 1

From bass playing musician, to falling in love with the man of her dreams, to partying all through her twenties, you could say Yvette Luciano had it all. However, at 29 years of age life threw a massive curve ball when she discovered a lump in her breast on her honeymoon. She was told it was an aggressive cancer that was spreading through her body and decided in that moment she would make a deal with herself – and the universe – that she would do everything possible to continue living a rich and fulfilled life and make a positive contribution to the world. You can almost hear a pin drop as Carren and Kim listen to Yvette tell her story in part one of a two part podcast on how she has turned such massive obstacles, illness, shock, loss and grief into life-changing opportunities and is impacting the world. If you cannot wait for next week’s podcast and are interested in Yvette’s Soulpreneur Program starting 1st February 2016 click here for more information. You will be wanting more of this woman for sure! The post UC 164: Yvette Luciano – Thriving With Cancer – Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/18/20161 hour, 5 minutes, 36 seconds
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UC 163: The Wellness Summit 2015 with Kim Morrison

Kim Morrison live at The Wellness Summit 2015. Kim delves into what could be the critical missing piece when it comes to health and wellbeing. Talking all things chemicals and nature’s alternatives. This is one not to be missed! The post UC 163: The Wellness Summit 2015 with Kim Morrison appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/11/201649 minutes, 49 seconds
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UC 162: The Wellness Summit 2015 with Cyndi O’Meara

Cyndi O’Meara live at The Wellness Summit 2015. Cyndi explores where we have gone wrong with our health. Don’t miss this empowering discussion about taking responsibility for YOUR health. Are you listening to your body whispers… or waiting for its yells? Come on a journey to discover how you can awaken your body’s innate intelligence. The post UC 162: The Wellness Summit 2015 with Cyndi O’Meara appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/4/201651 minutes, 7 seconds
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UC 161: The Wellness Summit 2015 – Carren Smith

Carren Smith live at The Wellness Summit 2015! Prepare yourselves to go on a ride with Carren down the rabbit hole in search for wellbeing. Get ready to break through limiting beliefs, programs and perceptions that are holding you back from living the life you love. The post UC 161: The Wellness Summit 2015 – Carren Smith appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/28/201545 minutes, 5 seconds
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UC 160: First Aid Essential Oils For Mothers And Children

Kim is pretty excited at the launch of her brand new eBook telling Carren all about the top six must-have essential oils for the home first aid kit, so much so, this week the pair delve into what each of these oils are about and how they can be used on a daily basis in every home. The girls discuss the healing, restorative, balancing, calming and stimulating effects of Eucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint and Tea Tree. Tune in to find out how these six oils can be safely and effectively used to help over 100 conditions like acne, negativity, muscle aches and pains, migraines, skin conditions, exhaustion, stress, even brain fog and confusion. The healing powers of essential oils have been documented for well over 4000 years so whilst aromatherapy may appear to be a new therapy, this ancient modality shows us how to tap into nature and all her glory. The book and First Aid Essential Oil 6-Pack is available at The post UC 160: First Aid Essential Oils For Mothers And Children appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/21/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 7 seconds
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UC 159:  Christin Plint – Saving The Orang-utans

This week Kim and Carren interview a very special guest and listener of The Wellness Couch – Christin Plint. Christin has been listening to the Couch now for well over a year and ensured she caught up on every single show. With a love of nature, plants and animals and all this new-found knowledge sinking in, this special soul decided it was time to take action. So, instead of just adopting an orang-utan which was her original idea she enrolled and paid $5000 to partake in a 21day experience in the Trans Borneo Challenge in 2016 where she is fundraising to help save the forests, tigers and these amazing creatures. This inspirational story shows there is hope for every one of us to make a difference. If you are not too sure about trekking through the forest you can help by donating right here Wishing Christin all our love and the very best for her amazing endeavour! Cant wait to hear all about it in 2016! Feel free to leave your messages of support and well wishes right here so we can show Christin how much we are behind her! The post UC 159:  Christin Plint – Saving The Orang-utans appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/14/20151 hour, 16 minutes, 26 seconds
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UC 158: Our Favourite Things

As Christmas approaches the three Up For A Chat girls get together and have a conversation about some of their most favourite things. From books to broth, crystals to coconut water you will enjoy eavesdropping in on this one and maybe even getting some ideas for beautiful gifts and things to do with your loved ones! With Cyndi streaming in from Bracken Ridge in below zero temps and Kim and Carren in 30degrees here are some thought provoking ideas around the true meaning of giving or planning your next getaway. If you are keen to get on board and give in a very meaningful way here is the link to help one of our most avid listeners Christin Plint help the orang-utans. Just $10 will help 1 ha of forest for these amazing creatures!   The post UC 158: Our Favourite Things appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/7/20151 hour, 49 seconds
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UC 157: Wholistic Dentistry with Dr Lillian Kluge

Wholistic Dentistry, yes it does exist and on the podcast this week we have Dr Lillian Kluge, wholistic dentist, educating us on the importance of looking at the body as a whole not just the mouth.  We talk about amalgam fillings, toxic materials used in dentistry, root canals, tooth removals, oil pulling, fissure protection, cavitations Listen In The post UC 157: Wholistic Dentistry with Dr Lillian Kluge appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/30/20151 hour, 8 minutes, 54 seconds
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UC 156: Eat Think Heal with Margaret Bridgeford

One Family’s story discovering the healing powers of food and thought.  Margaret is part of a generational farming family, they had the best in technology, they had the best productive farm using the latest techniques to boost production, but deep inside this family knew something wasn’t right.  Listen in as Margaret describes the farming practices her family once held true to what she is doing now.  Kim, Carren and Cyndi all have a realisation as to the amazing connection we must have with our food production and energy. The post UC 156: Eat Think Heal with Margaret Bridgeford appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/23/201557 minutes, 44 seconds
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UC 155: Dentistry and Your Health

Kim and Cyndi visit two close friends Dr Carlos Sanchez GP and his partner Cathy Fitzgerald, midwife and child care nurse, just outside of Edmundi on a wet blowy Sunday afternoon.  They are propelled into another world where these amazing souls have created paradise.  The conversation is riveting, so Kim and Cyndi decide to do a podcast.  You are a fly on the wall, spur of the moment, pearls of wisdom from Carlos and Cathy and their journey from conventional medicine to integrative nutritional medicine. The post UC 155: Dentistry and Your Health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/16/20151 hour, 10 minutes, 58 seconds
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UC 154: Eradicating Parasites with Kirsty Wirth

Listen in on an incredible story of healing and strength of a mother who doesn’t lay down and do nothing after her son is diagnosed as non verbal autistic.  This is one mother that is set a challenge who changes the course of her families life and in doing so knows with her education and knowledge she can help other families.  In fact Cyndi’s family has been helped by this amazing woman and her company Kultured Wellness. The post UC 154: Eradicating Parasites with Kirsty Wirth appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/9/20151 hour, 24 minutes, 41 seconds
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UC 153: Let’s Get Physical – Lizzy Williamson

Gorgeous fitness expert and mum Lizzy Williamson joins the Up For A Chat girls this week talking about the love of exercise and how she overcame post natal depression. Kim and Cyndi do not have a problem with regular movement each with a love for running and swimming, WOD’s (Workout Of the Day), yoga, hiking and walking. This leads to an all out challenge to our Carren who cannot find her flow with regular exercise regardless of how good it is for her. She says work will always be her priority. If you are not an exerciser you will enjoy this loving banter and it will be interesting to see if it floats your boat and gets you up and out the door too! And as an extra bonus here is the beautiful Lizzy’s free chair workout to get you started! The post UC 153: Let’s Get Physical – Lizzy Williamson appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/2/20151 hour, 10 minutes, 7 seconds
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UC 152: Discipline and Parasites

Parasites – could they be what is causing your health issues. The Up for A Chat girls start the podcast with catching up on what they have been up to and how they keep disciplined with the work and health when they travel however the conversation takes a u turn when Cyndi talks about her latest travels to New Zealand in order to help her daughter deal with a health issue.  Disclaimer; This podcast is not advice about ridding the body of  parasites, please seek advice from your health care practitioner. The post UC 152: Discipline and Parasites appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/26/20151 hour, 16 minutes, 8 seconds
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UC 151: Wellineux – Amanda McMillan and Maxine Yeates

Carren is winging her way to London and Cyndi is in NZ so Kim took the chance to interview two very special souls at her Retreat in Byron Bay. Amanda McMillan and Maxine Yeates from WELLINEUX’s ‘Journey of Me’ (JOM) spoke beautifully about their book being a powerful catalyst for creating positive life changes in simple, sustainable ways. They speak highly about tuning into the body’s wisdom and finding the tools needed to live a life of vitality, authenticity, health and wellness. This conversation is inspiring and filled with many wellness tips just for you! The post UC 151: Wellineux – Amanda McMillan and Maxine Yeates appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/19/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
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UC 150: Life Changing Up For A Chat completely changes one listener’s life

Life Changing Up For A Chat completely changes one listeners life.  150 Chats later.  Katie Hoodless was introduced to Up For A Chat by a friend, since that day she has lost 30kg, found the man of her dreams, changed her career path, created a series of lectures called While You’re Waiting and has learnt that education is the key to change.  Even the Up for A Chatters were intrigued as to what they said in order to create change. The post UC 150: Life Changing Up For A Chat completely changes one listener’s life appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/12/20151 hour, 4 minutes, 44 seconds
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UC 149: Laurence Tham

One Wellness Guy interviewed by 3 UP For A Chat Girls, exploring what does it take to live an extraordinary life.  The pearls of wisdom that are in this podcast will propel you to make further changes in your life in order to achieve the things you want, whether it be health, prosperity, career, relationships or family.   The post UC 149: Laurence Tham appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/5/20151 hour, 15 minutes, 14 seconds
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UC 148: Ever thought about running your own charity

Meet Josh Bond 30 years old, cofounder and director of Son Life International a company that provides micro finance for communities around the world.  This young man has a passion for helping people do what they want to do to help their community.  He looks for change makers and leaders in order to create change Listen In The post UC 148: Ever thought about running your own charity appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/28/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 49 seconds
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UC 147: Taylor Gunman – Elite World Cycling

Taylor Gunman is a young man of 24 with head on his shoulders well beyond his years.  This young man answers questions from the Up For A Chat hosts with amazing wisdom.  He talks about his love of the sport of cycling, his views on Lance Armstrong, manipulating food for best performance and the mind set he must be in to be at the top of his game.  It is an inspiring interview of a young man and we would hope that for all the women who have sons that this may be a wonderful interview to listen to with them. The post UC 147: Taylor Gunman – Elite World Cycling appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/21/20151 hour, 10 minutes, 49 seconds
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UC 146: Musings

Sometimes the Up for A Chat presenters just want to muse about life and what’s happening in current affairs and in their own lives.   Bear Grylls Cyndi has just been to the country to 1.5 million acres in the middle of Queensland, this is what lifts her energy whereas Princess Carren has different ideas of how she re-energises and of course Tart Kim too has a different idea.    Like anyone else they question all things and today is a day that questions are raised as to the integrity of people and who do you trust. The post UC 146: Musings appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/14/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 59 seconds
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UC 145: Women’s Health Fertility with Nat Kringoudis

Natalie Kringoudis is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine specialising in women health and fertility.  Kim and Cyndi interview Dr Nat about, contraception, conception, hormones, the pill, fertility and ancient wisdom.  It’s a topic on every women’s lips as more women have not only problems with infertility but also their cycles. The post UC 145: Women’s Health Fertility with Nat Kringoudis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/7/20151 hour, 11 minutes, 24 seconds
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UC 144: The Wellness Summit 2015

2015 is done and dusted for the Wellness Summit, nearly 700 people attended this life changing event.  Not only do the Up For a Chat presenters teach but they also learn.  Each of them has their story to tell, the people who they’ve helped, the new friendships formed and the many things they learnt.  It’s an exhausting time for the three of them and so they talk about how they cope after a weekend of non stop questions, teaching and learning. The post UC 144: The Wellness Summit 2015 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/31/20151 hour, 12 minutes, 40 seconds
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UC 143: Dr Wayne Todd – Sympathetic Dominance

Dr Todd is a chiropractor and diplomat of neurology he has been in practice for 28 years. His knowledge of the Sympathetic Dominance (high stress) and what it does to the health of the body is now beautifully written into a book called SD Protocol. The questions are fired at Dr Todd by Kim and Carren, they see sides of themselves in the SD. Without a doubt this is the most eye opening interview yet. It is recommended to listen a few times as the concepts are revolutionary and could just be the answer to some of your health problems. Not only will you hear what is SD but you will find the answers to what to do. The post UC 143: Dr Wayne Todd – Sympathetic Dominance appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/24/20151 hour, 9 minutes, 18 seconds
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UC 142: Stuart Gough – The Transformed Man

Let’s face it Up For A Chat has a following of women with a few men that sneak a listen to just know what we women talk about.  Stuart is one of our listeners, but he has also in the past 3 years listened to every podcast on the Wellness Couch as well as 1000 of Jimmy Moore podcasts and more.  In total 1000’s of hours of learning and as a result transformation from his education.  His honesty and his tenacity leaves the girls spell bound.  This is not one to miss, as Stuart shows what it takes to come back from a severe health crisis.  In the end it is about education and acting to make the difference. The post UC 142: Stuart Gough – The Transformed Man appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/17/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 7 seconds
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UC 141: Jodie Nolan Talking All Things Money

Jodie is a friend of the Up For A Chatters, she purchased her first investment property at 19 and was a self made millionaire long before she hit her 30’s.  The GFC managed to strip her wealth from her, but that didn’t stop her, she is back and has some wonderful advise for people looking to do better financially than where they are now.  Her message is clear, spread your asset base and know your limitations in business. The post UC 141: Jodie Nolan Talking All Things Money appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/10/20151 hour, 8 minutes, 11 seconds
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UC 140: Success

Define success, is it money or happiness or is it a mixture of things?  Is there any such thing as failure?  How do we define failure? And do we really fail in life or is it something that happens for us to create new opportunities.  Listen in as The Up For a Chat girls look Listen In The post UC 140: Success appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/3/20151 hour, 14 minutes, 15 seconds
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UC 139: Leadership

In this day and age of Mummy bloggers, health star food ratings, astroturfing by unscrupulous corporations, it is confusing as to what is the truth and what is there to merely sell a product and increase the profits of corporations that may not be in the interest of the health of the people but rather in the interest of the share holders.  How do we know?  Education and critical thinking and being a leader rather than following what everyone else is doing may just be the answer.  Listen in as Cyndi begins the topic with the New Food Star Rating and Carren finishes with us once again down the rabbit hole. The post UC 139: Leadership appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/27/20151 hour, 8 minutes, 15 seconds
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UC 138: Rachel Favilla – A Young Change Agent

Rachel Favilla is an enthusiastic, eloquent, passionate, driven young woman who passed up schoolies to come and see Cyndi, Kim and Carren in Mooloolaba for a weekend retreat; Awaken the Change Within.  Of course this impressed the Up For A Chat girls and they wanted to learn more about her.  Listen in on this amazing conversation where an adverse situation in Rachel’s life has inspired her to learn and teach others about health. Follow Rachel at The post UC 138: Rachel Favilla – A Young Change Agent appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/20/20151 hour, 6 minutes, 31 seconds
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UC 137: Sophie Wright, actress, dancer, health advocate

What an absolute pleasure it was to interview this amazing young lady. It is so refreshing to see the younger generation beginning to realise that what their parents did for their health and wellbeing may not have been the best. Sophie is on the move with her career moving from town to town, city to city, her uncanny sense of finding the right health options for her is what gives her the energy she needs to do two shows a day of Wicked. Make sure your teenagers listen to this one. The post UC 137: Sophie Wright, actress, dancer, health advocate appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/13/20151 hour, 9 minutes, 58 seconds
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UC 135: Cyndi On An Anthropological Adventure in Namibia

Cyndi has just spent 3 weeks in Namibia Africa and has fulfilled many dreams by meeting the traditional Himba tribes and learning about their culture and tradition, visiting archaeological sites where Homo Erectus and Homo Sapien emerged and spread thought the world and finding community initiated essential oil productions. Listen in as Kim and Carren did into an adventure of a lifetime with lessons that can be learnt about the importance of circadian rhythms and no jet lag as well as the importance of learning lessons from our past. The post UC 135: Cyndi On An Anthropological Adventure in Namibia appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/29/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 38 seconds
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UC 134: Silence

Health is a combination of many things, including good food, movement, sunshine, connection and even quiet time. But how do you quieten a mind and life down in this hectic, information pact life we now live. Carren holds the fort here and takes Kim and Cyndi on a journey of how to quieten the mind. By the end of the podcast you to will have the skills to stop the mind and calm both mind and body. An episode not to miss. The post UC 134: Silence appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/22/20151 hour, 19 minutes, 23 seconds
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UC 133: Nicole Hannan

Nicole Hannan is a Naturopath on the Gold Coast and has a special interest in children’s health. It’s amazing that a mother will probably do a better investigation then the CIA when it comes to their children. Nicole has an amazing survival story to tell about her daughter who was unable to keep any food down including Nicole’s milk, and no one could tell her what was happening. Through persistence and probing and research and food challenges her daughter is now 6 and able to eat more than 40 foods. A miracle considering her start in life. The post UC 133: Nicole Hannan appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/15/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 53 seconds
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UC 132: Mel Kent

Mel Kent is the coach of the Changing Habits Healthy Living Club, she is also an incredible mother, wife and has a story to tell. Mel has lost 55kg over the past few years, defied the odds of pregnancy (she was told she would never conceive naturally due to PCOS). Not only did she get pregnant but managed to rid her ovaries of multiple cysts. Her journey from young slim stunning teenager to sick with glandular fever and stacking on an incredible 60kg and then finding the solution is a journey in itself. But hold onto your seats their is so much more to this young 30 year old. Listen in on her story and be inspired… bring the tissues. The post UC 132: Mel Kent appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/8/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 35 seconds
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UC 131: Charlotte Carr

Charlotte Carr – lives in Sydney with her husband Wes and son Willow, she is famous for “THAT FORMULA” with too much vitamin A and the cook book Bubba Yum Yum.  Listen in on this incredible story about her son Willow and how he went from sickly and not thriving with tendency’s of Autism to a healthy thriving young boy.  It was not a conventional drug treatment but rather one soaked in culture and tradition.  This is a story of triumph, inspiring and life changing.  Charlotte’s book was released 2 minutes before we started the recording.  For a copy of Bubba Yum Yum by Charlotte Carr & Pete Evans go to or to Apple ibooks to download . The post UC 131: Charlotte Carr appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/1/20151 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
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UC 130: MINDD Your Family

MINDD Your Family – Houston we have a problem.  Kim and Cyndi spent 3 days at the MINDD conference in Sydney and decided to do a podcast on what they learnt.  Kim, Cyndi and Carren realise that what they do is impart knowledge to educate people to have choices to improve their life.  It is the people who take that information and act not only for themselves but for their families that will have the greatest impact on healing.  The most significant lesson learnt at MINDD 2015 was that education and change is imperative if we are to create healthy generations to come.  Our children are in trouble in the past 10 years there has been an escalation in many child hood diseases, not so much infectious diseases but diseases of the immune system.  Listen in on an incredibly emotional podcast that should be spread to young men and women planning on having a family. The post UC 130: MINDD Your Family appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/25/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 13 seconds
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UC 129: Breaking a habit

This week the Up For A Chat girls are off around the country training and speaking! So this week, we flash to an oldie but a goodie. We have one of the top 3 most downloaded episodes for you to enjoy… How to break a habit. Habits help us in our daily life, but they can also be our undoing. Learn the five top ways to break and create habits &  be blown away by the girls revelations and connections between the gut, heart and brain. Discover how our subconscious (now known as the “unconscious system”) is what creates rules of thumbs that determine our habits both good and bad. 1. Celebrate getting it right 2. Choose everyday to make each day a new start 3. Create a new payoff and reward 4. Be consistent 5. Create a conscious connection to what you want. List the benefits, costs and payoffs The post UC 129: Breaking a habit appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/18/20151 hour, 6 minutes, 8 seconds
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UC 128: Amanda Rootsey

This week the UFAC girls get to hear from an incredibly special soul, Amanda Rootsey. Amanda is an eco model (working exclusively with ethical, vegan and eco-friendly businesses), she is a blogger, life coach and mentor for teen girls through her program Shine From Within. Amanda was diagnosed with cancer at just 24 years of age. Throughout this interview we hear her story on how she came to terms with the shock of it, survived through it, became friends with the gorgeous Jess Ainscough and now thrives in a very positive, healthy, beautiful, gentle approach to life. You will not want to miss this interview… and you will be left feeling like you want to just give yourself a huge gentle hug! The post UC 128: Amanda Rootsey appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/11/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 41 seconds
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UC 127: Good Looking People Get The Jobs First

Is this a true statement?  Beauty is Pain.  Really?  Kim, Carren and Cyndi broach the subject of plastic surgery and why the trend is increasing in both males and females of all ages.  The Up For A Chat girls don’t necessarily discuss the health aspects of the procedures but rather the reason why we enhance our bodies and faces on a psychological matter.  There is a general consensus but the girls are perplexed by the extreme changes some people indulge in. Download your transcription here: UC 127 Transcription The post UC 127: Good Looking People Get The Jobs First appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/4/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
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UC 126: Weekly experiences can become life lessons

What did you learn this week, personally and professionally?  This was the question asked in the Up For A Chat podcast today.  Education Experience and life lessons are a lifetime pursuit, no matter how old we are or how much we think we know on a topic it never surprises, Kim, Carren and Cyndi how much they learn in a week. Download your transcription here : UC 126 Transcription The post UC 126: Weekly experiences can become life lessons appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/27/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 31 seconds
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UC 125: Should I Take The Pill?

Many questions are asked on the Up For A Chat Facebook page, one recently was questioning taking THE PILL which then lead onto questioning medications, their short term and long term affects as well as what are other options.  Kim Carren and Cyndi talk about their experiences through puberty and the availability of the pill, their nativity and their knowledge now.  The discussion leads to the point that everything is up for question and to perhaps become informed and teach your children to become informed before taking on medications that may lead to infertility, increase in breast cancer or other side affects that are never discussed in the doctors office. Download your transcription here:  UC 125 Transcription The post UC 125: Should I Take The Pill? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/20/20151 hour, 6 minutes, 44 seconds
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UC 124: Primalmum

This week The Up For A Chat girls talk with Leanne Anders otherwise known as Primalmum. Leanne has two children who have PKU, a genetic disorder that prevents the amino acid phenylalanine from being broken down which then builds up in the the brain and causes mental retardation. Every child when they are born is tested for PKU and if the result is positive then a special diet will help prevent the adverse affects of this genetic disorder. The chances of a child in Australia having PKU is 1 in 10,000. Leanne takes on the role of the mother of her two children with PKU with education, understanding, responsibility and grace. Listen in to one amazing mother talk about how she not only deals with two children with PKU but her philosophy as a Primal Mum. Download your transcription here: UC 124 Transcription The post UC 124: Primalmum appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/13/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 43 seconds
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UC 123: Tanja Mitton

Tanja Mitton is a Neurolinguistics master coach and Mindset Coach for the Australian High Performance Dressage and Para Squads.  Carren and Cyndi are fascinated how Tanja uses horses to show people that we respond to people how we feel about ourselves and how horses give instant feedback by responding to teach you  how you are feeling and acting.  It’s a quick feed back loop that shows perception is projection.  Listen in on this fascinating life perception changing podcast. The post UC 123: Tanja Mitton appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/6/20151 hour, 9 minutes, 20 seconds
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UC 122: Dr Greg Clark

Dr Greg Clark has worked with Kim in formulating skin care and understanding plant ingredients in the past. He is back in Kim’s life to find new ingredients and formulations for her thriving skin care business – twenty8. Dr Greg is a specialist in the secret life of plants, listen in and learn about the way plants; communicate, protect themselves, have hormone systems and how they can help us in our everyday life. Cyndi, Kim and Carren sat wide eyed and wide mouthed throughout the whole interview. Download your episode transcription here: UC122 Transcription The post UC 122: Dr Greg Clark appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/30/20151 hour, 14 minutes, 31 seconds
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UC 121: Are we driven by media and public opinion

Astroturfing, or fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages. Is this what is happening in the media today against homemade DIY baby formulas and the Paleo, Real Food Revolution.  Have you heard that Vitamin A is toxic, and that bone broth has bone fragments, perhaps it’s astroturfing that is creating a phobia and public shaming that is based on frenzy rather then the truth.  Listen in as Cyndi, Carren and Kim discuss the social bullying and how to know when media messages are distorted. The post UC 121: Are we driven by media and public opinion appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/23/20151 hour, 13 minutes, 27 seconds
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UC 120: Melissa Ambrosini

The Up For A Chat girls managed to sneak an interview with the gorgeous, life changing Melissa Ambrosini. Melissa found herself 5 years ago in hospital, sick and hopeless. She reached out to Jess Ainscough and her life has never been the same. Melissa started changing her lifestyle and now heads up an amazing company to help women understand who they are and to get rid of the ‘mean girl’ that sabotages their relationship with themselves. Make sure your daughters listen in on this one. Download your episode transcription here : UC 120 Transcription The post UC 120: Melissa Ambrosini appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/16/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 28 seconds
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UC 119: Jessica Ainscough – The Wellness Warrior Part 2

It’s been a very hard couple of weeks for the Up For A Chat girls, their dear friend Jess Ainscough also known as the Wellness Warrior passed away.  February 26th 2015. This last week has been consumed with being with Jess’s family and friends and thus have not put a podcast together.  So they decided to dedicate the next two weeks to Jess.  Carren, Kim and Cyndi interviewed Jess in 2014 and thought you would like to revisit her amazing words and listen to them in a new light. The post UC 119: Jessica Ainscough – The Wellness Warrior Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/9/201559 minutes, 59 seconds
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UC 118: Jessica Ainscough – The Wellness Warrior Part 1

Last week was a very hard week for the Up For A Chat girls, their dear friend Jess Ainscough also known as the Wellness Warrior passed away.  February 26th 2015. This last week has been consumed with being with Jess’s family and friends and thus have not put a podcast together.  So they decided to dedicate the next two weeks to Jess.  Carren, Kim and Cyndi interviewed Jess in 2014 and thought you would like to revisit her amazing words and listen to them in a new light. The post UC 118: Jessica Ainscough – The Wellness Warrior Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/2/20151 hour, 4 minutes, 54 seconds
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UC 117: Bucket List

What’s a bucket list, is it about materialism or is it an experience you wish to have in your life.  Carren Kim and Cyndi explore why people have bucket lists, but as usual the conversation changes to rights of passage and culture and tradition, which then leads onto why we need bucket lists in modern life.  Listen in as the Up For A Chatters explore the importance of distinguishing in stages of life with rights of passage. Download your transcription here:  UC 117 Transcription The post UC 117: Bucket List appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/23/20151 hour, 15 minutes, 45 seconds
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UC 116: The Wellness Breakthrough

Kim and Carren find themselves on a bus in Melbourne, without Cyndi, on the way to the Wellness Breakthrough… They asked the unsuspecting participants of the breakthrough if they were… Up For A Chat! They we captivated by their amazing stories and intentions behind why they were attending this life changing retreat. Come along for Listen In The post UC 116: The Wellness Breakthrough appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/16/201558 minutes, 50 seconds
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UC 115: Emotional Eating

Up For A Chat this week gets into emotional eating.  By the end of the podcast the realisation that no one modality has the panacea but rather delving into mind, body and spirit.  Things that need to be addressed are; the health of the micro biome and thus the health of the body and brain.  Remembering the mind is related to the brain and the brains health depends on the health of the body.  We also have to take into account our attachment to food, Carren addresses this so beautifully throughout the podcast and talks about her new program Eating with Ease and then Kim addresses movement, daily exercise and rituals in order to change to help with emotional eating.  The Up For A Chat girls are mentors and masters at their profession, listen in on an insightful look at Emotional Eating. Download your transcription here : UC 115 Transcription The post UC 115: Emotional Eating appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/9/20151 hour, 1 minute, 22 seconds
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UC 114: Back to School and Home Schooling

Education this week is in the forefront of the Up For A Chat podcast. Kim is in the throws of getting her two children back to school. Her oldest Tayla comes home from the first day of her last year at school to let her Mum know that it was her last first day, that sends Kim into a bit of melancholy as we talk about the first day of school ever for our children. Cyndi talks about the challenges of her son in primary school and the eventual home schooling task she takes on for 3 years with her three children and Carren takes education apart and wonders what we are teaching our children and are there better ways? Download your episode transcription: UC 114 Transcription The post UC 114: Back to School and Home Schooling appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/2/20151 hour, 3 minutes, 20 seconds
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UC 113: How a Thought or Dream Becomes Reality

It’s funny how the podcasts start.  The Up For A Chat girls have a topic and then the topic takes them places they never expect.  Today was no different.  Cyndi is talking about her next adventure in creating a documentary and the steps she took from the initial thought to it now being a reality with top name health professionals from all over the world saying yes to an interview.  From there Kim and Carren talk about the steps to making anything a success.  Listen in and be amazed how a thought becomes a reality. Download your transcription here: UC 113 – Transcription The post UC 113: How a Thought or Dream Becomes Reality appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/26/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 11 seconds
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UC 112: Paleo – To do or not to do?

The Paleo Diet is all the rage at the moment, so Kim and Cyndi (without Carren – she is a vegan!) decided to talk about what it is, how it is helping people and why it is working so well to change health and weight issues. Most people think the Paleo approach is a fad, but in actual fact it is closest to the diet that humans lived on for thousands of years before the invention of the grocery store. Going Paleo is not just about what you eat either – it is about your entire lifestyle, including sleeping patterns, movement, human connection, sunlight and much more. Listen in to understand the science behind this recent shift in thinking and find out how you can create a Paleo lifestyle in the modern world. Download your transcription here: UC 112 Transcription The post UC 112: Paleo – To do or not to do? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/19/20151 hour, 11 minutes, 6 seconds
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UC 111: Matt and Chelsea Horner – A Chiropractic Journey

Matt Horner is the third generation of chiropractors with no less then 13 in his family.  He was born at home, bought up with a vitalistic lifestyle, free from antibiotics and medications and adjusted by his father regularly without any visits to a medical doctor.  He then meets Chelsea, someone with a different out look on life, health and upbringing.  How do two people come together with two different philosophies and find a place where the philosophies about health, bringing up children and love don’t become the deal breakers in their relationship.  Chelsea and Matt are about to have their third child.  All their children have been born at home, so listen in on a story about love, home birth, chiropractic, health, drugless upbringing and fun. Download your transcription here: The post UC 111: Matt and Chelsea Horner – A Chiropractic Journey appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/12/20151 hour, 16 minutes, 51 seconds
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UC 110: All Things Babies

Kim and Cyndi do a podcast without Carren, they decided to talk about something that Carren may not have much knowledge on, pregnancy, birth, breast feeding and introducing solids. We can already see Carren yawning. Cyndi and Kim explore the beginning of new life and the importance of looking after yourself preconception and pregnancy. There are many pearls of wisdom from Cyndi and Kim as they not only explore their own experiences but bring valuable information for anyone in this part of their life. Men are also a part of this scenario, so don’t think we excluded their part in the creation of life. Download your transcription here: UC 110 All Things Babies The post UC 110: All Things Babies appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/5/20151 hour, 15 minutes, 2 seconds
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UC 109: New Years Eve with Marcus Pearce

Marcus Pearce is someone that the Up for A Chat girls call Charlie and he calls them Angels. Yes it is that sort of relationship. Marcus organises The Wellness summit’s each year as well as organising The Wellness Guys and as a result organises Cyndi, Kim and Carren. But that’s not why Marcus is being interviewed; rather he has a new core business that will help you with change in your life. This is a perfect new years eve podcast to get you started for 2015. Download your transcription here: UC 109 NYE with Marcus Pearce The post UC 109: New Years Eve with Marcus Pearce appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/29/20141 hour, 18 minutes, 13 seconds
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UC 108: Christmas with James Colquhoun

OMG James Colquhoun visited the Up For A Chat girls while they were doing their Awaken the Change Within Conference to the surprise of the audience.  Throughout this recording you could have heard a pin drop, the audience and Kim, Cyndi and Carren were memorised by the wisdom and passion of James from Food Matters.  James has gone from looking at a way to save his father from his own health woes by interviewing experts to major documentary productions and FMTV website.  A podcast that will feel you with tears as James talks about the abuse of children and food.  One not to miss. Download your transcription here: UC108 Christmas with James Colquhoun The post UC 108: Christmas with James Colquhoun appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/22/20141 hour, 25 minutes, 17 seconds
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UC 107: Vegie Head

Vegie Head – a name that is on everyone’s lips. She’s young, brilliant, intelligent, motivated, inspiring and The Up For A Chat girls got to talk to her. Her following on Social Media is phenomenal and Adele as she is otherwise known has made the move from the big smoke to the Sunshine Coast and being a local and now a girl friend to Kim, Cyndi and Carren, they just had to have her on the podcast. Her story is amazing and once again The Up For A Chat girls hit the jackpot on a fun hour of chatting, laughing and information. And they each scored Adelle’s cookbook. Download the episode transcription here: UC 107 Vegie Head The post UC 107: Vegie Head appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/15/20141 hour, 12 minutes, 59 seconds
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UC 106: An Interaction with Jacqueline

Over the last 2 years of Up For A Chat, Kim often speaks fondly of a 90 year young lady called Jacqueline, she is a psychologist and seeker of the truth about life. This woman has helped Kim through many tough times so on a beautiful spring morning Kim, Cyndi and Carren go to Jacqueline’s house and enjoy an hour of conversation with this wise, spiritual lady. This is one of those hours that have the Up For A Chat girls in awe and the philosophy of life inspiring. In fact it is such an amazing interview that when the microphone is turned off, Kim, Carren and Cyndi all talk about the fact that they were on the brink of tears most of the hour as the truth about life and solutions to life’s problems are very simple. Jacqueline gives three tools to help find the simplicity of life to the Up For A Chat girls and they will be sharing these with their listeners Download the episode transcription here: UC 106 An Interaction With Jacqueline Extra downloads: Light Therapy Light Meditation The post UC 106: An Interaction with Jacqueline appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/8/20141 hour, 32 seconds
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UC 105: Habits of Happy People Part 3

This week is the final part of a 3 part series where the Up For A Chat girls discuss the habits of happy people.  This week Cyndi, Kim and Carren discuss 1. Know your facts and don’t jump to conclusions 2. Keep things in perspective 3. Take responsibility and deal with any issues and problems in life 4. Speak respectively and be kind to your self 5. Make goals write them down 6. It’s none of your business what people think of you 7. Don’t let strangers effect your mood 8. Be grateful and participate in life. Kim, Cyndi and Carren also have a wonderful goal for 2016 they look forward to sharing it with you in this podcast. The post UC 105: Habits of Happy People Part 3 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/1/20141 hour, 18 minutes, 2 seconds
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UC 104: Habits of Happy People Part 2

This week is the continuation of a 3 part series on the habits of happy people.  The challenge to do one of the habits each day continues.  This week Kim, Carren and Cyndi discuss the following habits.  1. Speak kindly of others, look for the good in people.  2. Forgiveness is a noble habit  3. Keep Learning 4. Start and don’t quit 5. Love what you do 6. Enjoy good company and change the relationship you have with self 7. Change negative thoughts around to positive.  Once again Kim matches these habits with essential oils that will help you through the daily habit changes. The post UC 104: Habits of Happy People Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/24/20141 hour, 15 minutes, 25 seconds
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UC 103: Habits Of Happy People Part 1

This is the first part of a three part series on the habits of happy people.  Cyndi found an article on the web called the 22 habits of unhappy people and decided to reverse the habits for a more positive spin on the article.  Carren, Cyndi and Kim talk about these happy habits and how to achieve them, in fact they set a challenge for all listening in to focus on one of these habits each day.  This week the habits include; 1. Stop complaining 2. Create experiences 3. laugh at 5pm 4. Stay in the present 5. Don’t wait to be happy 6. Enjoy hobbies 7. Eat healthy.  Kim attaches an essential oil to enhance each of these habits.  Listen in and start your happy habits today. The post UC 103: Habits Of Happy People Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/17/20141 hour, 16 minutes, 22 seconds
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UC 102: Tim and Ness and Marriage

With one in two marriages ending in divorce and many people living in relationships that are not fulfilling, the Up for A Chat girls invite Tim and Ness back to talk about values of partners, needs of partners and how to keep a marriage fun, loving and intimate.  All three girls are mesmerised by the knowledge of Tim and Ness, it’s an insightful 1 hour and 40 minutes with some home truths and great advice. The post UC 102: Tim and Ness and Marriage appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/10/20141 hour, 45 minutes, 32 seconds
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UC 101: Tim and Ness and the Relationship with Self

Tim and Ness Join the Up for A Chat girls to talk about relationships. When we think about the word relationships we think about one with other people, but Tim and Ness say not necessarily they believe that the relationship you have with your self is the most important. Once you have a great relationship with yourself then other relationships become easier. Kim, Cyndi and Carren talk with Tim and Ness about the rituals that are not only important for self-love but also the rituals of marriage. The post UC 101: Tim and Ness and the Relationship with Self appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/3/20141 hour, 9 minutes, 52 seconds
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UC 100: An Interview With Lis Kent

The Y generation is known to expect everything for little work or nothing, but Lis Kent, a switched on 23 year old defies that stereotype. There are so many young women and men that are not sure of their path in life, the key is to keep trying and moving until you find your lives’ purpose and passion. The interview with Lis goes through the trials and tribulations of our youth looking for their life’s purpose. The post UC 100: An Interview With Lis Kent appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/27/20141 hour, 7 minutes, 1 second
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UC 99: A candid interview with Fleur Welligan

Fleur is a girlfriend of the UFAC girls, she was also Kim Morrison’s business partner for over a decade. She left Twenty8 to go back to New Zealand to be with her family. Fleur is a beauty therapist who loves to serve, her philosophy on life brings Kim, Carren and Cyndi to silence (a rare Listen In The post UC 99: A candid interview with Fleur Welligan appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/20/20141 hour, 9 minutes, 6 seconds
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UC 98: Reinventing yourself at any age

One of the UFAC listeners requested a podcast on reinventing a life. She had found herself in her 50’s and single and wanted the steps as to what she should do to create an extraordinary life. The Up For A Chat girls discuss the art of reinvention and finish with how they would reinvent themselves. The post UC 98: Reinventing yourself at any age appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/13/20141 hour, 12 minutes, 24 seconds
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UC 97: The Perturbation of the Ponderification

The Up For A Chat girls are on a road trip, it’s late at night, they have been speaking all day and have been driving for 3 hours, you could say they are a little delirious.  They begin a discussion about influence and if they have any influence on people’s lives – Carren asks the question, and in all seriousness to Kim and Cyndi.  They decide to record the conversation and so the button is pushed and you can listen in on this amazing discussion.  There are many rabbit holes that they go down and while you may think that these three amazing women have influence their conclusions are far from that.  This is an Up For A Chat not to be missed. The post UC 97: The Perturbation of the Ponderification appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/6/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 39 seconds
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UC 96: Speaker Secrets Revealed

Kim, Carren and Cyndi decided to talk about why they have become speakers and what it was like starting out. You will not believe that Carren managed to vomit on her audience, that’s just the beginning, her story is hilarious – in hindsight. Cyndi nearly quit speaking after a disastrous mass walk out on one of her talks and Kim’s many faux pas’ will leave you in stitches. It’s a raw look at the beginning of their careers and how they landed themselves in front of 10’s of 1000’s of audiences over the last 20 years. The post UC 96: Speaker Secrets Revealed appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/29/20141 hour, 14 minutes, 57 seconds
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UC 95: A Talk in the Country with a Country Girl

Kirsty Ostwald meets the Up For A Chat girls at the Bunya Mountains, west of Brisbane, she provides them with a beautiful lunch with proceeds from her country garden. The girls are on their way to Chinchilla to speak at Womens RDO. Kim, Carren and Cyndi are definitely city chicks, so they explore what it’s like to be bought up and live isolated from city life and where the front gate may be 45 minutes from the house. The spirit of the country lives beautifully in Kirsty and the conversation explores the harshness of the bush as well as great lessons an isolated life teaches. The post UC 95: A Talk in the Country with a Country Girl appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/22/20141 hour, 19 minutes, 26 seconds
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UC 94: Rituals and Routines

A listener asked The Up for A Chat girls about their rituals and routines, so listen in and here what Kim, Carren and Cyndi do when they first open their eyes in the morning.  Each does something different that works for them, but may give you some ideas as to how to kick start your day.  They also discuss  the personal care, cleaning and household products that they use.  They are very different, but there is one common theme, and that is they do have their daily rituals and their choice of products is about being natural and no animal cruelty. The post UC 94: Rituals and Routines appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/15/20141 hour, 11 minutes, 22 seconds
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UC 93: Quirky Cooking with Jo Whitton

Jo Whitton is a Mum who started looking at her diet after becoming ill.  She not only changed her diet but that of her whole family.  Her friends started to ask what she was doing to improve their health, so she started a blog called Quirky Cooking to share her beautiful recipes and lifestyle tips.  Her blog is a success with nearly 200,000 people following her every cooking and lifestyle move.  Cyndi and Kim begin the chat when Jo first got sick and her amazing journey back to health and the health challenge she now faces with one of her children.  Jo is authentic and wise and the girls are mesmerised by the chat. The post UC 93: Quirky Cooking with Jo Whitton appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/8/20141 hour, 14 minutes, 37 seconds
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UC 92: Interview with Marcus Lovett, Cyndi’s Brother

It’s not often we interview men, but this man is different, he is the brother of Cyndi as well as an olympic freestyle skier, television and radio presenter, producer of the Snow Show and now documentary maker.  His first documentary is “What Ate My Mother and Will It Eat Me”, it is an emotional journey of Cyndi and Marcus’s family who have endured mass decimation at the hands of the medical fraternity, but more importantly the death of their mother from mesothelioma.  Marcus explores whether our health is  a result of the luck of the draw or does diet, movement, chemical exposure, genetics and emotion play a vital role.  Kim and Carren are captivated by Marcus as he tells his story and adventures, his conclusion may not be what you think as to what ate his mother. The post UC 92: Interview with Marcus Lovett, Cyndi’s Brother appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/1/20141 hour, 10 minutes, 58 seconds
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UC 91: Multilevel marketing of health

Carren, Kim and Cyndi are constantly asked if they want to join a multilevel marketing business. They usually have something to do with supplements and skin care. So the Up For A Chat girls decide to talk about Multi level marketing and the products that are being sold by many of the popular businesses. There words of wisdom are about researching the product and not taking the hype of the marketing and advertising as truth. You will be surprised the many claims these businesses make that are not necessarily the truth. Carren, Kim and Cyndi talk about how to investigate them and make an informed rather than emotive decision. The post UC 91: Multilevel marketing of health appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/25/201458 minutes, 29 seconds
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UC 90: Nikki Parkinson – 2011 blogger of the year

Nikki Parkinson joins the Up For A Chat girls, she is a traditional journalist turned award winning blogger. Nikki reveals to the Carren, Kim and Cyndi how she began her blog and the dizzy success of her business. Her wisdom has the girls quiet and listening for most of the podcast. If you are thinking about starting a career as a blogger or looking for some bloggers to read that may help you in your life then listen in to the wisdom of Nikki Parkinson. The post UC 90: Nikki Parkinson – 2011 blogger of the year appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/18/20141 hour, 19 minutes, 27 seconds
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UC 89: Death and podcasting in a cemetery

Kim, Carren and Cyndi have to drive to Brisbane, they are searching everywhere for a place that is quiet when Cyndi see’s a cemetery. Carren and Kim think she is mad but she says that no one will disturb them. Cyndi loves cemetery she finds them full of history and so the podcast starts there and then surprisingly talks about death and dying. All three girls discuss what they believe will happen when they die. A very thought provoking, quiet podcast without any disturbances. The post UC 89: Death and podcasting in a cemetery appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/11/20141 hour, 8 minutes, 22 seconds
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UC 88: Hospital food and how to survive it

There is a real disconnect between the food that is supplied in hospitals and Assisting Living Homes and the health of the human body.  Most of the food is packaged filled with modifications, additives, preservatives, flavours, GM foods and much more.  The cost is around $9.00 a day per person and that includes any supplements, plates, forks and serviettes.  The Up For A Chat girls decide to talk about this national disgrace and give advice on how you can survive a hospital visit, whether it is an emergency or planned.  Listen in on how they change the paradigm of a stay in hospital and the directives that you should write down in order to survive hospital food. The post UC 88: Hospital food and how to survive it appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/4/201454 minutes
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UC 87: Midlife Crisis

It is suggested by one of the Up For A Chat listeners to do a podcast on  “midlife crisis” – surely the girls have never had one and what would they know?  What is a midlife crisis what is the definition is where the chat begins.  From the definition Kim, Carren and Cyndi realise they have had many in their lives and believe it’s not bad to have a mid life crisis but the key is to not remain in the crisis. There is some frivolity and laughter in the beginning and then the seriousness of a midlife crisis takes hold and the advise given by all three girls is mesmerising, thought provoking and life changing. The post UC 87: Midlife Crisis appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/28/20141 hour, 17 minutes, 31 seconds
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UC 86: Complimentary Medicine and therapies

The conversation starts with the Up For A Chat girls trying to name all the complimentary health modalities they know of, it’s amazing what is out there on offer in order to obtain physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.  Each of the girls talk about the modalities that they use and what has helped them the most.  The conversation explores how many deaths occur in hospitals due to mishaps and mistakes and that the best thing is to prevent disease and crisis.  Advice is given on where to start on your healing journey and the plans that should be made in order to prevent a health crisis. The post UC 86: Complimentary Medicine and therapies appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/21/20141 hour, 8 minutes, 53 seconds
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UC 85: Marriage and Love

Has the institution of marriage lost it’s meaning?  The Up For a Chat girls ponder this question.  Carren is in a defacto relationship, Cyndi and Kim are both married?  What’s surprising is that Kim and Carren are both marriage celebrants and Cyndi is about to become one.  Kim talks about the four questions she asks each couple she marries and advises even married couples to ponder these 4 questions.  With Carren being a counsellor and Kim being the wise soul that she is,  Cyndi becomes the listener and asks the questions in this fascinating conversation. The post UC 85: Marriage and Love appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/14/20141 hour, 12 minutes, 28 seconds
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UC 84: Eating Disorders

Orthorexia Nervosa and more. Kim and Cyndi decide they have the disease Orthorexia Nervosa – an obsession with healthy eating. The conversation begins with their love of good food, but then it progresses to eating disorders including ones that include starving, vomiting and even self harm is touched on. The Up for A Chat girls explore what they would do if one of their children or family have such a disorder. What would you do? Each of the girls have a different way of approaching the situation through, mind, soul and body. A conversation worth listening in on. The post UC 84: Eating Disorders appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/7/20141 hour, 11 minutes, 17 seconds
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UC 83: A full moon and Friday the 13th – part two

Carren, Kim and Cyndi continue what they started last week by exploring the superstition behind Friday the 13 and they talk about the collective consciousness that occurs during these events and how they can effect the world wide events.  Another rabbit hole event. The post UC 83: A full moon and Friday the 13th – part two appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/30/201440 minutes, 47 seconds
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UC 82: A full moon and Friday the 13th – part one

Could the coming together of a full moon and Friday the 13th have effects that are beyond our control. The Up for A Chat girls ponder this. It seemed the week that happened that all three girls had something happen dramatic in their life. Carren loses her mojo, Cyndi has three daughters in crisis and Kim feels overwhelmed to the point of exhaustion. Listen in as they go down yet another rabbit hole to understand WTF happened that week. The post UC 82: A full moon and Friday the 13th – part one appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/23/201448 minutes, 8 seconds
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UC 81: Dr Steve Myer Phd – Part 2

The discussion continues, Cyndi get’s to ask more questions in this part, delving into the things that she has learnt since Steve has begun creating the nutrition course for Changing Habits.  Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, metabolic disease are discussed and the knowledge scientist have yet the doctors just aren’t getting and thus able to help their patients with the current research.  This is an interesting hour bringing you up to date with disease processes and health.  It may sound very technical but listen in and hear the knowledge unfold. The post UC 81: Dr Steve Myer Phd – Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/16/20141 hour, 9 minutes, 14 seconds
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UC 80: Dr Steve Myer Phd – Part 1

Kim calls Steve, Mr Phd, he works for Cyndi heading up her Nutrition Education Program and Carren is keen to meet the latest member of the Changing Habits Team.  This is the first male the Up For A Chat girls have interviewed (apart from Julius with his wife and partner Sharny).  Steve is a wealth of knowledge about science, he is a minimalist, environmentalist and has a degree and doctorate in biomedical science.  Kim and Carren are intrigued by Steve and their questions probe into the life of a researcher and scientists, his research the ethics of using animals and the wonders of a reductionist who is thinking like a vitalist. The post UC 80: Dr Steve Myer Phd – Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/9/20141 hour, 1 minute, 28 seconds
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UC 79: The Business of Twenty8

The Business of Twenty8;  Kim tells her story about the rise and rise of Twenty8 – as the podcast proceeds it becomes extremely clear that business is a journey and many lessons are learnt along the way and people come into your business to help you on the way as well as what you conceived in the beginning may be slightly different to where the business goes.  Carren and Cyndi sit back and enjoy the stories and lessons of Twenty8, asking pertinent questions to bring out the best of Kim (not that she needs it). The post UC 79: The Business of Twenty8 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/2/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 19 seconds
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UC 78: Ethical Marketing

The Up For A Chat girls talk about marketing with ethics.  They talk about how to market, where to find media suitable for your topic and the fun and different ways it can be done.  The podcast takes a turn when Cyndi is annoyed about the fact that Mothers Day has been hijacked by Breast Cancer Australia, she explains her reasons then the discussion becomes passionate and perhaps even a little altruistic. Listen in as this may make you think about what is being told to you by the advertisers and media that may not necessarily be the truth. The post UC 78: Ethical Marketing appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/26/20141 hour, 1 minute, 52 seconds
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UC 77: So You Want To Write A Book

So You Want to Write a Book – Carren, Kim and Cyndi have been writing books since 1995 between them they’ve written over 15 books, published by major publishers, self published, e-books, audios, kindle and amazon versions.  They know the book business inside out.  The Up For A Chat girls talk about their journey and Listen In The post UC 77: So You Want To Write A Book appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/19/20141 hour, 6 minutes, 53 seconds
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UC 76: Jessica Ainscough – The Wellness Warrior Part 2

Jessica Ainscough the Wellness Warrior and the Up for A Chat girls continue their fire side talk, exploring death, life, health, love, loss and consequences.  Listen in to the second part of this beautiful conversation that once again brings, tears, laughs and inspiration to all.  The Up for A Chat girls are in awe of Listen In The post UC 76: Jessica Ainscough – The Wellness Warrior Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/12/20141 hour, 32 seconds
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UC 75: Jessica Ainscough – Wellness Warrior Part 1

Jessica Aincough is the Wellness Warrior, her blog has attracted 4,000,000 visits in the last 4 years. She is a good friend of the Up For A Chat girls and they decide to take the microphone around to her house and have a chat about her healing journey. At 22 Jessica is diagnosed with a rare cancer – epitheloid carcinoma. She is given the only option for survival – amputation of her arm. Listen in as she makes a decision to change her life despite the consequences. The conversation goes in many directions and Jessica at the young age of 28 has wisdom beyond her years. The Up for A Chat girls could not stop at one hour so this becomes a two part series. The post UC 75: Jessica Ainscough – Wellness Warrior Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/5/20141 hour, 11 seconds
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UC 74: A Beautiful Love Story

Romeo and Juliet – Kim and Danny are synonymous with extraordinary love stories. Thank goodness Kim and Danny are still around to tell their story. The lights are dimmed the voices are hushed as Kim tells Cyndi and Carren one of the most beautiful love stories. It is a story of true connections, of undying love, of being in the right place of knowing when it was the right time. She doesn’t give all the secrets away but Cyndi and Carren realise that the love story was the unfolding of someone who would touch the world in profoundly unique ways. The post UC 74: A Beautiful Love Story appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/28/20141 hour, 11 minutes, 3 seconds
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UC 73: Carren’s Couch

Carren has a surprise for Cyndi and Kim with regards to a new part to her business. The Up For A Chat girls (Kim and Cyndi) decide to interview Carren about the amazing success of her business from vomiting on her first stage presentation to speaking to millions of people world wide. Carren’s story and her business have evolved and morphed as does the hour with these 3 extraordinary women. Don’t miss the unveiling of Carren’s surprise for Cyndi and Kim. The post UC 73: Carren’s Couch appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/21/20141 hour, 22 minutes, 36 seconds
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UC 72: The Business of Changing Habits Part 2

Carren, Kim and Cyndi began this podcast in Part 1 the previous week, the discussion continued for 2 hours, so it has been broken down into 2 parts. This week the Up For A Chat girls talk about the lessons Cyndi has learnt in business and how this can help other people with an idea to launch into an opportunity for business. This is definitely not conventional business advice, it includes synchronicity, intuition and passion. The post UC 72: The Business of Changing Habits Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/14/20141 hour, 9 minutes, 40 seconds
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UC 71: The Business of Changing Habits – Part 1

Carren and Kim begin the discussion asking Cyndi about her business, Changing Habits. This business started with an idea and has morphed into a business employing 15 people and growing. As Cyndi has evolved so has Changing Habits, it’s surprising the turns and changes that have occurred. Joined by her husband 5 years ago, the business has gone from a place to find information, now coupled with a health food business and emerging into the world wide online health education and study phenomenon. The post UC 71: The Business of Changing Habits – Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/7/20141 hour, 3 minutes, 45 seconds
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UC 70: Near Misses and Presence of Mind

It was an emotional day for Carren, Kim and Cyndi, the podcast started and Cyndi said that she loved Carren and Kim, this may sound soppy but it was prompted by a near miss experience that happened to Kim, the thought of Kim not being in Carren and Cyndi’s life was more then they could bare.  This Up For A Chat is all about Near Misses and how they change our life and help us experience the clarity of living in the present and not being distracted by the past and future.  It is one of the more quiet chat’s that just may bring you to tears. The post UC 70: Near Misses and Presence of Mind appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/31/20141 hour, 4 minutes, 47 seconds
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UC 69: Money, Mindset & Marathons

Kim and Cyndi have just completed the Mooloolaba Marathon, both of them had times when their mind was telling them to stop but they knew they couldn’t let each other down.  Carren explains what was happening with surprising clarity.  The Up for A Chat girls also discuss how they went with No Spend February – Listen In The post UC 69: Money, Mindset & Marathons appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/24/20141 hour, 10 minutes, 6 seconds
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UC 68: Pregnancy

No this is not about horror stories, this is about reviewing pregnancy and birth and looking at all the modern day things we do with regards to pregnancy.  Ultrasounds, glucose tolerance tests, amniosentesis, rh incompatibility injections, foods to avoid, due date, hypno birthing, Vitamin K, Oxytocin, inductions, c-sections, water births and even touch on abortion. Listen In The post UC 68: Pregnancy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/17/20141 hour, 8 minutes, 4 seconds
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UC 67: Thyroid – Part Two

The Up For A Chat girls continue talking about the thyroid gland and all the things that seem to go wrong with it, it’s role in the body and how chemical calories in food, personal care products, the environment and what you think has an effect on the thyroid. Cyndi talks about the importance of Iodine and the necessity to stay away from gluten if you have an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. Kim delves into personal care products and the chemicals that effect the hormones, her new research will make you think twice about the perfume you use. And Carren gets into Behavioural Epigenetics and how our cell biology changes as a result of our thoughts The post UC 67: Thyroid – Part Two appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/10/20141 hour, 10 minutes, 25 seconds
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UC 66: Thyroid – Part One

It seems everyone has a thyroid condition so over the next two weeks The Up For A Chat girls talk about the thyroid gland and all the things that seem to go wrong with it, it’s role in the body and how chemical calories in food, personal care products, the environment and what you think has an effect on the thyroid. Cyndi talks about the importance of Iodine and the necessity to stay away from gluten if you have an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. Kim delves into personal care products and the chemicals that effect the hormones, her new research will make you think twice about the perfume you use. And Carren gets into Behavioural Epigenetics and how our cell biology changes as a result of our thoughts. The post UC 66: Thyroid – Part One appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/3/20141 hour, 9 minutes, 9 seconds
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UC 65: How to FARC in Public

Amanda Gore joins The Up For A Chat Girls for an hour of motivation. Amanda is a high profile international speaker and author and much loved friend of the girls. The chat begins around motivation and what motivates people to change? Amanda has some insightful thoughts on this which leaves Carren, Cyndi and Kim knodding heads and ooing and ahing. FARCing becomes the hot word of the hour, standing for focus, awareness, repetition and celebration. The crux of the talk comes down to how you feel about yourself and whether you are worthy of change. A fabulous discussion that will change your position on motivation. The post UC 65: How to FARC in Public appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/24/20141 hour, 12 minutes, 4 seconds
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UC 64: Are Fat People Lazy?

The Up For A Chat girls tackle a curly question – are fat people lazy. This conversation is prompted by two high profile women, having it out on national radio about whether fat women are lazy? The radio interview ends with one of these women (who happens to be fat) hanging up on the other woman who just happens to be fit and lean. Carren, Kim and Cyndi debate this issue with surprising outcome. The post UC 64: Are Fat People Lazy? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/17/20141 hour, 11 minutes, 51 seconds
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UC 63: Sharny & Julius – The Power Couple

The Up for A Chat girls interview Sharny and Julius, an amazing young couple who don’t know the meaning of compromise.  They have 4 children, 3 under 3 and another on the way, they have a thriving business, both are hands on parents and they have a love and respect for each other that is Listen In The post UC 63: Sharny & Julius – The Power Couple appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/10/20141 hour, 17 minutes, 52 seconds
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UC 62: Menopause

Cyndi and Carren have begun to experience the symptoms of menopause, neither of them are prepared to put up with the discomforts and talk about what they are doing. HRT and drugs are not an option. Listen in as they tell their stories and what they are doing about becoming an even better version of health than they already are. Kim smirks throughout the whole hour. If you could only see her face. But she does come up with one good quote after the hour. “Investigate and Educate don’t complain and complicate”. The post UC 62: Menopause appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/3/20141 hour, 8 minutes, 14 seconds
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UC 61: Living Without Fear

Christmas holidays are over and the Up For A Chat girls are finally back together.  By the time they sit down to record hours have passed, so finally they turn on the record button and talk about their experiences.  Cyndi has just come back from 4 weeks away from the office and social media, Kim and Carren just say that they have noticed her absence. Cyndi is very excited about the Up Lift Festival she has attended and the conversation starts about a near death experience. There was no plan to this podcast but it creates a life of its own and what a life it gets. The post UC 61: Living Without Fear appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/28/20141 hour, 10 minutes, 27 seconds
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UC 60: Cyndi O’Meara LIVE at The Wellness Summit Melbourne

LIVE – In this live recording from the Wellness Summit in Melbourne Cyndi O’Meara exposes why grains aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, and why genes are not the answer to our health and disease. As usual Cyndi has you thinking and going right down the rabbit hole with regards to food and your Listen In The post UC 60: Cyndi O’Meara LIVE at The Wellness Summit Melbourne appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/20/201450 minutes, 43 seconds
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UC 59: Kim Morrison LIVE at The Wellness Summit Melbourne

LIVE – In this live recording from the Wellness Summit in Melbourne Kim Morrison explores what makes us all tick and how we are in fact different and not wrong. Based on the four main personality types – Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic – this interactive, informative and humorous workshop will help you see how Listen In The post UC 59: Kim Morrison LIVE at The Wellness Summit Melbourne appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/13/201448 minutes, 43 seconds
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UC 58: Caren Smith LIVE at The Wellness Summit Melbourne

LIVE – In this live recording from the Wellness Summit in Melbourne Carren Smith tells her remarkable story of survival, how her partner’s suicide took her on a path to self-destruction and what major occurrences and learnings she endured to transform her own life. From depression and dis-engagement to self-empowerment and a business that creates Listen In The post UC 58: Caren Smith LIVE at The Wellness Summit Melbourne appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/6/201454 minutes, 7 seconds
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UC 57: New Years Resolutions

As 2013 comes to a close and 2014 is about to dawn, we listen in on the Up For A Chat girls as they talk about their New Years Resolutions.  What becomes glaringly obvious is how different Kim, Carren and Cyndi view a resolution.  Each of them do them differently and one doesn’t believe in them at all.  By the time this chat finishes all have decided on some key resolutions that they must do for 2014.  The Up For A Chat girls all learnt in this podcast the importance of resolution no matter what time of the year it is. And Carren summed up how to create one, by having a compelling why, state what the goal is and how will it be achieved. The post UC 57: New Years Resolutions appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/30/20131 hour, 16 minutes, 9 seconds
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UC 56: The Wisdom of Age

Sandy Morrison a woman in her 60’s and mother inlaw to Kim joins the Up For A Chat girls for an hour that melted the hearts of all listening. Sandy’s wisdom has all the girls silenced and listening intently to her graciousness and words of wisdom.  Her voice creates a peace and quiet that has never been heard in the history of Up For A Chat. Listen in and feel the emotion that is so palpable in the room when Sandy describes her life through the beginning of feminism, love, loss of a child, politics and faith.  She is truly counted as one of the wise elders of her generation. The post UC 56: The Wisdom of Age appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/23/20131 hour, 8 minutes, 29 seconds
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UC 55: Young Teenage Girls

Three Beautiful, intelligent teenage girls from the local Sunshine Coast area join the Up For A Chat girls on a riveting conversation that was hard to find an end to.  The insight of these teenage girls on life, love, body image, family, food and lots more inspired Kim, Carren and Cyndi more then they could ever imagine.  The last question Kim asked each of the girls was their top 3 tips for other teenage girls.  The tips have been made into A Young Women’s Manifesto which we have shared with you below. Listen in to hear what this young generation really thinks. Young Women’s Manifesto For Life Be Yourself Look After Yourself both mind and body This is me love yourself for who I am Don’t take shit Stand up for yourself Be indépendant No matter what happens see it as a lesson Have respect for your parents Confidence – fake it till you make it Be comfortable in your own skin Instead of thinking the negative of an event and beating yourself up see the good and the purpose in the situation Be Grateful Don’t have a boyfriend just for the sake of it, war for the right one. The post UC 55: Young Teenage Girls appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/16/201320 minutes, 11 seconds
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UC 54: Blame and Responsibility

The Up For a Chat girls have a little mantra of their own.  It goes a bit like this; we take full responsibility for our lives, our health and our relationships, by taking responsibility we are in control of our life.  If we blame we become victims rather then controllers of our destiny.   It is this mantra that begins the conversation this week.  Are you a blamer and a victim or do you take full responsibility of where you are in your life.  Listen in on this wonderful conversation that teaches you to become masters of your life and destiny The post UC 54: Blame and Responsibility appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/9/20131 hour, 10 minutes, 6 seconds
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UC 53: Christmas

Up For A Chat is getting into the spirit of Christmas.  Carren started the conversation by talking about the amazing gift idea she has for her family and friends, Cyndi becomes all melancholy and says that she has so much stuff she doesn’t need another Christmas of gift giving and wants to give it all away to charity, while Kim remains quiet, she loves presents and wants them all.  This podcast is filled with ideas for Christmas gifts, Christmas day and surviving the Christmas parties. The post UC 53: Christmas appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/2/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 34 seconds
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UC 52: Food For Change

There has been a lot of talk in the media about cholesterol, saturated fat and statin drugs (cholesterol lowering).  Cyndi updates you on the latest information much of it has to do with the functioning of the brain and then Carren and Kim talk about how do we make change in a family that is resistant Listen In The post UC 52: Food For Change appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/25/20131 hour, 1 minute, 10 seconds
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UC 51: Conscious Eating

In medicine the brain and body are segmented into different parts, but in actual fact as the girls point out they are very much connected.  Both effect each other.  What you feed one either via thoughts or food dramatically effects the other.  Your Up For A Chat hosts talk about the latest research on how food effects the brain and brain disease such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia or even just foggy brain.  At last the research shows how you can prevent these diseases.  Listen in to hear a mind altering chat. Here are some great references, books and interviews that the girls talk about Grain Brain by David Perlmutter – Why Isn’t My Brain Working by Datis Kharrazian – Lose the Gluten, Lose Your Gut. Ditch the Grain, Save your Brain by Dr’s Thomas & Stephanie Chaney – Sean Croxton’s Underground Wellness interview with Dr David Perlmutter – The post UC 51: Conscious Eating appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/18/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 58 seconds
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UC 50: Girlfriends Whose Lives Have Changed

The Up For A Chat girls invite one of their long time friends in for a chat.  Cathy Ledger is a successful business woman and mother of 4, she has a story to tell that turns her world upside down and then changes it completely.  Looking back she can see the lesson in the death of her third child, although she wishes that she could have learnt what she needed to learn in a far easier manner.  Sometimes it is through adversity that our greatest advances happen.  The passion of Cathy Ledger will propel you to not stop when life gets tough but to find a new path  to heal and live again. The post UC 50: Girlfriends Whose Lives Have Changed appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/11/20131 hour, 2 minutes, 23 seconds
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UC 49: Marketing and Advertising Persuasion

WARNING – Explicit language is used in this podcast One of the Up for A Chat listeners asked the Up For A Chat girls to talk about the topic of Marketing and Advertising Persuasion.  Kim, Carren and Cyndi not only discuss the unscrupulous false advertising produced by drug companies, cosmetic houses, food giants, personal care producers and takeaway business but they point out how easy it is to analyse marketing and advertising to actually see the untruths these companies tell.  Most companies find a problem that may or may not exist, let you know about it and then sell the solution.  By being aware of this you may not be so easily swayed by the selling tricks sold in marketing.  There is a warning on this podcast and that is there are some explicit words that you may not want your children to listen to, but it is part of one particular marketing campaign that Carren just can’t get her head around and so keeps bringing it up. The post UC 49: Marketing and Advertising Persuasion appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
11/4/20131 hour, 3 minutes, 45 seconds
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UC 48: The Importance of Role Models

Cyndi begins this podcast because she is cross, cross with high profile sports people who flaunt their less than desirable drinking and social habits in front of impressionable young adolescents.  Kim and Carren agree entirely, then the conversation changes away from the bad role models and the Up For A Chat girls begin talking about models, actresses, sportsmen and high profile celebrities who are paving a new path.  The podcast ends with realising every person on this planet is a role model for one or many and it is up to us to lead exemplary lives for our children and families. The post UC 48: The Importance of Role Models appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/28/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 14 seconds
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UC 47: Creating Magic in Your Life

When Cyndi reveals her amazing experience after reading the book E2 by Pam Grout, Carren and Kim download the book and begin their own experiment with the universe.  This podcast takes you to places you may not have known existed, the magic of asking for what you want is revealed over and over.  All three girls have stories to tell that will give you goose bumps and create a want to ask your own gifts from the universe.  The post UC 47: Creating Magic in Your Life appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/21/20131 hour, 7 minutes, 52 seconds
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UC 46: Money, money, money

The podcasts starts with a great song by Carren, Kim and Cyndi, all about money.  At that point they realise they will not make it in the music industry and decide to talk all things money.  It’s a talk about how to make money, how to create wealth, the value of money and the anxiety many people have about money.  Money makes the world and our lives go round and it’s an important conversation to have.  Join The Up for A Chat on a more serious podcast than what you’re used to. The post UC 46: Money, money, money appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/14/20131 hour, 4 minutes, 59 seconds
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UC 45: The Importance of Retreat

Carren, Cyndi and Kim have just been in Fiji doing an Awaken the Change Within Retreat with delegates.  They start the podcast by talking about the importance of retreating out of routine and everyday life in order to focus on what’s important in life.  When we become trapped in the routine and hum drum of life it’s hard to stick your head out of the tall trees in order to get an overall picture of what you really want your life to be.  Retreating to an educational retreat is one way to get a new perspective on life.  The Up for A Chat girls are joined in this podcast by two of the delegates, sisters; Kaylene and Naomi. The post UC 45: The Importance of Retreat appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
10/7/20131 hour, 3 minutes, 18 seconds
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UC 44: Sleep – The more you get the longer you live

This podcast is on sleep. It started with a snooze from Carren, she is the sleeper of sleepers.  Why do some people find it hard to sleep and others fall asleep at the drop of a hat.  Carren, Kim and Cyndi explore sleep and why it is important, not only to rest the body but also for health.  Kim begins by saying she will sleep when she is dead and that it is not a priority but by the end she realises that she must change her view point and realise to live a long and healthy life it’s important that sleep become a priority.  Listen in and learn the rituals and rules that must be applied for a good night sleep. The post UC 44: Sleep – The more you get the longer you live appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/30/20131 hour, 9 minutes, 51 seconds
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UC 43: Understanding Food Addictions

Carren, Kim and Cyndi start this podcast with the discovery of a new book and mentor they have discovered in the field of addiction.  They all have AHA moments as to the similarity between all addictions, but they find it perplexing as to why a food addiction is treated so differently to drugs or alcohol when in actual fact they should be treated the same.  Sugar is the main topic and how the food industry has created this addiction knowingly, and The Up For A Chat girls give solutions as to how to break this and other food addictions. The post UC 43: Understanding Food Addictions appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/23/20131 hour, 17 minutes, 19 seconds
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UC 42: Eating for fuel or eating for emotion

The Up for a Chat Girls talk about the two reasons we eat.  Some people eat to fuel their bodies, other people eat because of emotion.  No matter what the emotion is; love, happiness, depression, sadness, anger, some people want to eat for reward or punishment.  Kim and Cyndi are fuel eaters and Carren admits Listen In The post UC 42: Eating for fuel or eating for emotion appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/16/20131 hour, 14 minutes, 9 seconds
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UC 41: The Chiropractic Adjustment for the Soul

Carren has just been to the US speaking at a huge Chiropractic Conference in San Francisco, her AHA’s about Chiropractic begin a conversation of healing, physically, mentally and emotionally.  What is chiropractic?  Is it a healing art or a philosophy or is it a wonderful mix of both that not only helps the physical but aligns the soul with it’s purpose.  Yes it’s another down the rabbit hole that’s worth following Alice (other wise known as Carren) down.   Kim and Cyndi are following her and loving her insight and wisdom. The post UC 41: The Chiropractic Adjustment for the Soul appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/9/20131 hour, 6 minutes, 44 seconds
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UC 40: Manifesting Matisse – Contemplating Life

Cyndi has just been in Greece learning about how to get what you want in a systemised manner.  She has learnt the art of manifesting and talks about the 10 steps to create your ideal life, love and vocation.  And don’t think for a minute it is all about thinking, the 10 steps are all about what you have to do in order to get what you want.  The Secret has missed these vital steps.  The Up For A Chat girls talk about their experiences and they are sure to inspire you to greatness. 10 Steps for Manifesting What You Want 1. Clarity 2. Vision Statement 3. Vision Board 4. Project Board 5. Declutter 6. Develop a relationship with innate 7. Develop a relationship with universal intelligence 8. Remove emotional blocks 9. Trust and Let Go 10. Revise and Repeat Manifesting Matisse e book available from The post UC 40: Manifesting Matisse – Contemplating Life appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
9/2/20131 hour, 11 minutes, 37 seconds
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UC 39: Why Cant You Be Normal Like Me

Kim has just been to the US to study in Houston. Her studies took her further into her love of who we are and why we do what we do.  Is it Nurture or Nature or a mix of the two.  Why is someone orderly and neat and others playful and fun, what drives us to do what we do, why do we act certain ways under stress as opposed to when life is going well?  This hour fascinates Carren and Cyndi as Kim explains the basics of human communication and action and the four basic temperaments. It’s not one to be missed. The post UC 39: Why Cant You Be Normal Like Me appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/26/20131 hour, 11 minutes, 7 seconds
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UC 38: Foods of the World

Foods of The World – Edible Gardens; Kim, Carren and Cyndi have been traveling over the last month, and they discuss the foods of the world.  America does not come up trumps and Kim becomes desperate looking for a Wholefoods during her stay in the US.  Carren falls in love with gelato, pizza and tomatoes while Cyndi is in raptures with the food bearing trees covering the country side of Greece and Spain, she discovers that there is no need to carry snacks and food on the many mountain trails as the nature abounds with all.  It is a magical food tour that evokes the topic of Edible Gardens. The post UC 38: Foods of the World appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/19/20131 hour, 10 minutes, 19 seconds
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UC 37: Laughter Is The Best Kind Of Medicine

The average 4 year old laughs 300 times a day, the average 40 year old only 4. Now you know Kim, Cyndi and Carren love a good laugh they especially love a good belly laugh.  Cyndi thinks that Kim is the funniest person she knows, while Carren believes she is hilarious (but we’ll let you be the judge of that).  This podcast is all about laughter.  When did all the hilarity get replaced with furrowed brows? Are we taking life so seriously, getting so caught up in the pursuit of success, so bogged down with our problems, so busy with our lives, so lost in the web of fiction spun by the mind, that we forget to look at life through the eyes of wonder and mystery and notice just how funny things can be?  Enjoy an hour of stories and fun as the Up For A Chat girls laugh there way through 60 minutes of fun. The post UC 37: Laughter Is The Best Kind Of Medicine appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/12/20131 hour, 8 minutes, 1 second
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UC 36: The Magic of Aromatherapy

The Magic of Aromatherapy is Up For A Chat this week.  Carren and Cyndi sat dumbfounded and in aure while Kim taught them about plants, oils and therapies and how aromatherapy can by used throughout your days and life as instrumental tools in mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.  Kim explored how oils were extracted, how they can be used all the way from Romance to Burns, the podcast gives a warm fuzzy feeling as Kim explains how  the oils are used in rituals, baths, beauty, food and healing. The post UC 36: The Magic of Aromatherapy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
8/5/20131 hour, 6 minutes, 46 seconds
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UC 35: Travel Tips

Travel Tips – Kim, Carren and Cyndi love to travel, they are all experienced with traveling around the country and internationally.  Carren is off on a beautiful trip around Europe and this prompts them to talk about all things travel, from security, currency, travelling with children, essential oils, food, time zone changes, things to pack, healthy first aid kit, luggage weight and much more. Travel Checklist Superfood Powders – especially Greenfood & Probiotics Essential Oils – Twenty8 Immune Boost, Instant Calm, Energy & Vitality and Lavender Olive Leaf Throat Spray Smelling Salts – Himalayan Rock Salt, 5 drops of each Immune Boost, Eucalyptus and Peppermint oils Electrical Adapters – iPhone Healthy Food Snacks like Date Squishy’s, Fruit and Nut Slice, Nuts and Seeds Travel Insurance – either a yearly one or look at a credit card supplier Currency – eftpos card and emergency credit card Personal Care Products – natural skincare, shampoo and conditioner Water – drink plenty of it Oregano Oil Natural Hand Wipes Natural Washing Powder Emergency First Aid Kit – including homeopathics like Arnica, Rescue Remedy, plasters Blender – Thermomix, Bamix or Blender – if easy to take Tea Bags Homeopathic Melatonin Adapt to the arriving city timeline as soon as you depart Sewing Kit Yoga Mat Swim suit for swimming at hotel pool The post UC 35: Travel Tips appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/29/20131 hour, 13 minutes, 29 seconds
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UC 34: Depression

The rate of depression and mental illness has increased dramatically in the last decade.  The question is asked as to – do you wake up one day and have depression or is it a slow slide – before you finally go to your doctor?  How do you get out of the slow slide, what are the steps to take?  Carren has been through depression so Kim and Cyndi ask questions to find out the answers.  All three Up For A Chat hosts provide valuable information on how does depression start and what are ways to combat mental illness, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  This discussion just didn’t stop – the information was just too important, so it goes for 1 hour 16 minutes. The post UC 34: Depression appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/22/20131 hour, 18 minutes, 58 seconds
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UC 33: Cholesterol

Is it as bad as they all say?  Cyndi starts the discussion on cholesterol and how it has been given a bad rap, she goes into how the rate of people with high cholesterol and taking statin medications has risen from 4.5% of  over the age of 45 taking cholesterol lowering medications in 1995 to, in 2010, 30% of the same age group are now taking these medications.  Cholesterol lowering medications are worth $80 billion per annum to the drug industry.  Cyndi brings up some interesting new research and Kim and Carren are stunned that the wool has been pulled over the public’s eye.  Their outrage is palpable, and yours will be too.  Cyndi has offered a list of questions to ask your doctor when he suggests you go on cholesterol lowering medication as well as references for further reading. Questions to Ask Your Doctor if Your Blood Test is High For Cholesterol? Is high cholesterol proven to be a bad indicator of total health? Do our cholesterol levels change from day to day week to week? And if so would I be out of the ‘danger zone” if you took a reading in a week. Is there really such a thing as good and bad cholesterol, or is it a homeostatic mechanism in the body? Do you live longer using statin drugs or does it just lower your cholesterol? Is cholesterol really an indicator of cardio-vascular disease? What percentage of people with heart disease have low cholesterol? Does the body need high cholesterol levels in times of stress? Does the cholesterol we eat make any difference to blood cholesterol? How much cholesterol will the body make if I eat no cholesterol? Is there another reason why cholesterol might be high? Is the body really that black and white – high cholesterol – heart disease, low cholesterol – no heart disease? If my brain largely cholesterol then why is cholesterol bad? If I take statin drugs will I have a Vitamin D deficiency – after all we need cholesterol to make Vitamin D Are there side effects to Statin Drugs – if so what is the complete list? Can you guarantee that if I don’t take the medications that I will die tomorrow of a heart attack or are you just scaring me? Ask your doctor whether they would take the medications? Would diet help? Would a traditional hunter gatherer diet make a significant difference? Would taking wheat out of the diet as well as sugar cause a reduction in triglyceride and cholesterol readings? Do I need my thyroid tested, could that have something to do with why my cholesterol is high? Could it be a iron and copper deficiency that is causing my cholesterol to be high? Perhaps it is the lack of antioxidants in my diet that may be causing my LDL to oxidise, therefore staying in my blood longer? What is the particle size of my LDL’s and have you tested for the many different LDL’s in my blood stream or just calculated LDL results from HDL and cholesterol count? Should I try a diet high in antioxidants and real foods before I use the medication? The post UC 33: Cholesterol appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/15/20131 hour, 6 minutes, 13 seconds
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UC 32: All Things Dairy

The Up For The Chat girls talk all things dairy.  The good, the bad and the downright ugly.  How they manage to talk about dairy for an hour surprises them but when you get down to the nitty gritty our dairy has been changed so much it’s not surprising that it seems everyone is intolerant to dairy.  Cyndi shares how she makes nut milks and Carren and Kim are not happy she had not let them in on her secret. The post UC 32: All Things Dairy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/8/20131 hour, 9 minutes, 13 seconds
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UC 31: Jelly Babies for Fundraising!

JDRF – Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation have just finished their annual fundraising campaign using the sale of Jelly Babies with the following ingredients; glucose, sugar, water, thickener 1400 (wheat), food acid 330, 331, humectant 422, gelatin, flavours, colours, 102, 133, 110, 122, wheat starch, vegetable oil, glazing agent 903, preservative 220. May contain sulphites. Do you think that a charity looking for health for it’s members should sell this product to make money for research to find a cure for type 1 diabetes?   This was the question posed for this weeks Up For A Chat.  The post UC 31: Jelly Babies for Fundraising! appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
7/1/20131 hour, 6 minutes, 24 seconds
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UC 30: Declutter Your Emotional Life

The Power of NOW.  Carren leads the Up For A Chat girls on another rabbit hole experience, each of them have AHA’s as the chat turns into an exploration of how to cope with emotional distress of death, relationship breakdown, financial ruin, loss of job and rejection.  Their pearls of wisdom in this podcast will change the way you think about emotional stress, it will also create a new terminology for the word ‘present’.  Listen in, be a fly on the wall while Carren, Kim and Cyndi change their own perception of time.  This is one not to miss. The post UC 30: Declutter Your Emotional Life appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/24/20131 hour, 2 minutes, 59 seconds
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UC 29: Declutter Your Life

This is a two part series on decluttering.  Physical mental and emotional clutter can become exhausting to the point where it paralyses your every move.  Listen in while the Up For A Chat girls talk about the power of simplicity and decluttering, each have wonderful stories to tell about how they declutter their life physically Listen In The post UC 29: Declutter Your Life appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/17/20131 hour, 4 minutes, 20 seconds
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UC 28: Am I Really Making A Difference?

Am I Really Making A Difference?  Is it all worth it?  Before The Up For A Chat girls started recording this podcast, Kim looked at Carren and asked if she was OK.  Carren’s answer was, “Is this really worth it?  Am I really making a difference?”  Carren asked a universal question so Kim, Cyndi and Carren decided to explore that very question.  It’s amazing where the conversation goes.  Do we do things to make a difference in the world or do we do things because we love it?  You’ll hear three vulnerable souls looking for answers.  This podcast is very different to any you’ve heard, The Up For A Chat girls are contemplative and quiet and it is a look into their very soul. The post UC 28: Am I Really Making A Difference? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/10/20131 hour, 4 minutes, 43 seconds
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UC 27: Awaken The Change Within

Byron on Byron was the venue for the first intensive Awaken The Change Within with Kim, Carren and Cyndi.  They decided to do a live broadcast from the seminar.  The delegates were asked to put questions to them, so this podcast becomes a burning set of questions with The Up For A Chat girls giving Listen In The post UC 27: Awaken The Change Within appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
6/3/20131 hour, 47 seconds
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UC 26: What Gets You Up In The Morning?

Cyndi was at lunch with beach volley ball Olympic Gold Medalist Natalie Cook and they were discussing training and commitment to a sport.  Natalie had spoke about her yoga teacher who got up every morning at 4.30am to practice yoga.  Natalie asked her yoga teacher whether there was ever a morning that he did not want to get up and his answer was “no”.  Cyndi then asked Natalie the same question regarding her quest to get to the Olympics and getting up every morning and training and her answer was ‘no’.  The Up for The Chat girls decided to explore why is it that some people are so committed to something in their life that they can’t wait to get up in the morning versus others who just want hit the snooze button over and over and sleep the day away.  Kim, Carren and Cyndi have a discussion where they begin to get Aha’s about the love and passion to do something is so inspiring that you can’t wait to get up. They also talk about if your inspiration has waned how to reignite it. The post UC 26: What Gets You Up In The Morning? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/27/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 34 seconds
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UC 25: Pet Care

Kim, Cyndi and Carren are all pet owners – horses, cats, dogs, are found within their families.  They decided to talk about pet care as Carren has a crisis with her beautiful dog Jett.  The crisis hits a crescendo after 6 years of constant antibiotics, due to infections and itching.  What started out as a conversation around Carren’s dog Jett and his antibiotics and treatments ends up exposing these three girls love for animals and their dedication and natural approach to the health of their pets.  You will be stunned to hear what ingredients have been put into pet foods as fillers. No matter what you pay for dried food, the ingredients are almost exact.  There are some beautiful stories in amongst all things pet care.  Carren cried, Cyndi got goose bumps and Kim had her life saved. The post UC 25: Pet Care appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/20/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 24 seconds
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UC 24: The Skinny on Fat: Oils ain’t oils and fats ain’t fats.

There has been a lot of misinformation on fat.  The belief that fat makes you fat is the biggest fallacy of all.  Kim, Carren and Cyndi discuss, everything to do with fat, going back in time as to when fat became a dirty word, learning about the research of Ancel Keys and why margarine was first made.  Why does the  heart foundation give it’s tick of approval to a totally manufactured food, with colours, preservatives and flavourings and why has butter been outed.  Should we heat oil, what is the best oil to heat, is coconut oil good and is saturated fat a good fat or a bad fat.  Are oils good for the skin and if so which ones?  Listen in as the three Up For A Chat girls talk all things FAT! The post UC 24: The Skinny on Fat: Oils ain’t oils and fats ain’t fats. appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
5/13/20131 hour, 9 minutes, 1 second
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UC 22: Living with people who do not have your passion, conviction and philosophy

The Up for A Chat girls have been asked the question how do you deal with people who don’t support and share your lifestyle changes and create more positive people in your life with similar beliefs? The girls bring their own real life situations to the microphone and how they deal with people who constantly question their lifestyle and beliefs.  And guess what it is not about changing others it is about standing strong in your own passion, conviction and philosophy.  It is about being the example, the beacon of light that will create the ripple effect to change a family, community, country and world. The post UC 22: Living with people who do not have your passion, conviction and philosophy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/29/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 43 seconds
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UC 21: Superfoods Or Supergroups?

Are super foods just hype or are super foods foods that have been around for centuries that we are now rediscovering. Kim, Carren and Cyndi discuss what is a superfood, because everyone has there own interpretation and own beliefs. Challenging the norm these three believe that a super food is anything that comes from nature.  They discuss; greens, fermented foods, nuts and seeds, ancient foods, sprouted foods, whole spices and root plants as the ultimate when it comes to super foods.  They even give you some recipes to make super foods super. The post UC 21: Superfoods Or Supergroups? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/22/20131 hour, 7 minutes, 6 seconds
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UC 20: Reframing Sickness as a Health Expression?

Reframing Sickness as a Health Expression? In this weeks podcast, the Up for A Chat Girls become four, Dr Sarah Farrant author of The Vital Truth and creator of joins Carren, Kim and Cyndi to answer the question, what is health? Sarah questions everything, explores the true meaning of words and dialogue that we use every day about our health.  Sickness is not sickness but rather we create  a ‘health expression’ and it is seen as an opportunity for growth, awareness and change.    She teaches a new paradigm to health in a very articulate way discussing the beauty of our Innate Intelligence.  She explains that there are many health fields but only three health approaches; Allopathic Alternative and Alternate.  Dr Sarah describes chiropractic in a unique way discussing how an adjustment is about bringing the body back to balance and centres the mind. The post UC 20: Reframing Sickness as a Health Expression? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/15/20131 hour, 10 minutes, 50 seconds
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UC 19: To Chocolate or not to Chocolate?

Even Carren, Kim and Cyndi were surprised that they could talk about chocolate for an hour, but they did.  This is a podcast on all things chocolate.  Kim and Cyndi have just created the recipe book 53 Shades of Chocolate so seeing Carren has such an addiction to chocolate, she admits this in the podcast they decided to talk about the pros and cons of chocolate eating.  Is chocolate healthy?   How is chocolate grown and made?  What is the history of chocolate?  How do you make your own chocolate? Can you have chocolate for breakfast and the biggy….  Does Chocolate make you fat? The post UC 19: To Chocolate or not to Chocolate? appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/8/20131 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
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UC 18: Beauty To Die For

Animal testing in the name of beauty and science. The Up for A Chat girls have gone on a road trip to Byron to find a venue for the next Awaken the Change Within 5 day intensive. They end up in a makeup and beauty shop and on the way home their conversation centres around the beauty industry. They discuss the ethics of makeup and personal care products and ingredients that are used and usually tested on animals and for the most part are harmful to humans. If you are not outraged by the end of this hour you’re not paying attention. Their hope is to inform and ask you to make a stand and become a conscious consumer when purchasing beauty products. The podcast starts with fun and laughs but ends on a very serious note – don’t miss this one. The post UC 18: Beauty To Die For appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
4/1/20131 hour, 9 minutes, 28 seconds
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UC 17: Grain Free

Tears were pouring not only before the podcast but a little through the podcast. Tanya Hubbard is one inspiring woman who is changing people’s lives with her passion for all things grain free. 10 years ago Tanya’s physical and mental health changed when she visited a local natural therapist who summed her up and told her that she should go grain free. Her immediate reaction was what do I eat. 10 years on she is the queen of grain free, armed with recipe books and a thriving company to help people make healthy gluten free, grain free food. The post UC 17: Grain Free appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/25/20131 hour, 4 minutes, 25 seconds
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UC 16: Supplements

Should I supplement? Should I not? If I do supplement what should I take? Should I just take a multi vitamin and mineral or should I be more specific? What about fish oils? If I’m low in Iron should I take iron or a combination of nutrients? If my food is fortified with vitamins and minerals should I need to supplement? If I have a good diet is there a need to take supplements? Are supplements good for me or are they the biggest scam in the $28 billion a year supplement industry? These are the questions explored in Up For A Chat hour on supplements. By the end of this podcast you will know the answers to these questions and know what is a good supplement and what is a total waste of time. The post UC 16: Supplements appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/18/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 21 seconds
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UC 15: How Your Fears Are A Platform For Greatness

Cyndi, Kim and Carren have just finished the Wellness Summit on the Gold Coast and they go on a road trip, listen in on their conversation that even astounds them as to where it goes and finally ends. The conversation starts about the inspiration of the summit. They talk about their butterflies and fears before they speak and from there all three end up down a rabbit hole that questions whether fear holds us back or whether it is there to become greater and grander in your own life. Be prepared to have your mind blown as this podcast will have you questioning everything about life and purpose of life. The post UC 15: How Your Fears Are A Platform For Greatness appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/11/20131 hour, 9 minutes, 50 seconds
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UC 14: Autoimmunity

Autoimmune diseases, are on the rise. It is the second largest killer and one of the biggest causes of disability in the western world. Autoimmune diseases include; osteoporosis, arthritis, dementia, hashimotos, myocarditis and many more. Autoimmune diseases are as a result of the body not knowing itself and begins to destroy parts of the body such as the brain, kidneys, heart, and musculoskeletal system. This is an eye opener filled with valuable information that can change the course of a person’s health. Is it disease, of food, medications, chemicals, what is causing this rise. Cyndi, Carren and Kim talk about what you can do to stop this disease affecting you and your family. The post UC 14: Autoimmunity appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
3/4/20131 hour, 4 minutes, 46 seconds
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UC 13: Heaven on Earth

Getting the Dirt on Relationships. Relationships are a part of life, marriages are disintegrating at a rate of 1 in 2. Common topics around a coffee table often turns to relationships. Carren, Kim and Cyndi discuss what happens behind their closed doors, but more importantly create a new found experience of what our relationships are really all about. With the insights of Up for A Chat you may find a new relationship not only with your partner but with yourself. The post UC 13: Heaven on Earth appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/25/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 48 seconds
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UC 12: Projection, Perception and Protection

The local magazine Profile on the Sunshine Coast comes out at the beginning of every month. There is always a cover girl. The cover girl on this particular month was our very own Up For A Chat co-host – Kim Morrison. This is no ordinary cover this is the cover of Kim at the age of 45 on the cover nude, tastefully hiding any sexual connotations and making it more about the marathon of life and bearing all about her life, trials, tribulations and triumphs. The scandal that emerged was something that we found meaning in and wanted to explore how we project our own fears, create our own perceptions and meanings and how we protect our own beliefs in order to be right about our model of our world and how we see things. Are our perceptions correct or our perceptions a result of our own beliefs, attitudes, identity and insecurities. In this podcast we explore these concepts and questions the validity of our opinion and judgement. The post UC 12: Projection, Perception and Protection appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/18/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 55 seconds
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UC 11: Natural Fertility, Conception & Contraception

Hormones and fertility are not an expert field for the Up For A Chat girls, so they decided to bring the expert in to talk about fertility, contraception and conception. Andrea Bickett teaches all things about hormones and tackles the big issues of hormone disturbances and increasing infertility in the western world. It is an hour of education and awareness about what we need to teach not only ourselves but our young teenage girls and boys. The post UC 11: Natural Fertility, Conception & Contraception appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/11/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 32 seconds
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UC 10: Food Mood and the Mind

The body and the mind are connected, what you eat, think and do with your body affects your mind and in turn your mind affects your body and what you eat and do on a daily basis. Depression, anxiety, personality disorders and mental illness are rampant, causing distress in individuals, families and communities. Conventional medicine prescribes medication – but are there other things that we should do before we alter our minds with chemicals. Foods trigger neurotransmitters in the brain, to help us think – find out what foods and activities create an alert state in the brain and those that calm us down. Listen in on the conversation that will teach you about additives in food that cause aggression and hyperactivity. It is a fascinating hour of education and fun about food, mood and the mind leading up to the new seminars created by the Up for Chat Girls – Awaken the Change Within. The post UC 10: Food Mood and the Mind appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
2/4/20131 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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UC 09: Oils, smells and Anchors

Kim Morrison takes the lead on a journey of sensory ecstasy, tuning into the powers of nature and the connection of smell in our everyday life. The memories evoked both positive and negative. Discover the power of sensory anchors and the influence they have on your past present and future. Create and learn how to take control of your external environment and learn how potent substances such as essential oils will change the way you think and feel in every given moment. The post UC 09: Oils, smells and Anchors appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/28/20131 hour, 2 minutes
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UC 08: Review of Grief and Loss

Carren, Cyndi and Kim explore the loss of loved ones and how it has affected their lives and those around them. Grief can define a life or create change. Is death the end or a new beginning, what happens when we die, what is the purpose of our life, how do we support ourselves, family and friends through the grieving process? What do we learn from the death and loss of loved ones. Do we as a society do death well and what are the 5 stages of grief and the key ways to support each stage. These questions and many more are explored in this podcast. The post UC 08: Review of Grief and Loss appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/21/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 49 seconds
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UC 07: Busy People Staying Healthy

In this busy faced paced life how on earth can we be expected to stay healthy and on top of our game. Listen in on this fast paced hour podcast for as many health giving tips and strategies these three women do to keep healthy in spite of them juggling many balls at once including; business, friends, family, relationships, finances, food, exercise and travel. The post UC 07: Busy People Staying Healthy appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/14/201350 minutes, 59 seconds
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UC 06: Breaking a Habit

Habits help us in our daily life, but they can also be our undoing. Learn the five top ways to break and create habits, and be blown away by the girls revelations and connections between the gut, heart and brain. Discover how our subconscious (now known as the “unconscious system”) is what creates rules of thumbs that determine our habits both good and bad. 1. Celebrate getting it right 2. Choose everyday to make each day a new start 3. Create a new payoff and reward 4. Be consistent 5. Create a conscious connection to what you want. List the benefits, costs and payoffs The post UC 06: Breaking a Habit appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
1/7/20131 hour, 5 minutes, 13 seconds
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UC 05: Weightloss Protocol – Part 2

Is it a fad? Is it a load of crock? Or is this one of the greatest revolutionary protocols you could ever be a part of? Find out how Dr Simeone inspired this revolution in the 1950’s and how these three have taken it even further to create a protocol that is literally changing lives. This programme is about altering the way you think about food. How it changes your taste buds and creates an awareness that sharpens the mind and body. You will understand exactly what foods are good for you, which ones can increase leptin sensitivity and how they can help hormone receptors become more in tune. This is one of the most powerful and empowering ‘health re-sets’ that will change the direction of the food and beauty industries today. The post UC 05: Weightloss Protocol – Part 2 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/31/20121 hour, 39 seconds
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UC 04: Weightloss – Part 1

Did you know weightloss is one of the most highest searched topics on google today? Why are we getting so overweight? Why is obesity at an epidemic? There is a multi-billion dollar industry now supporting it so how do we do it differently? How do we not become one of the crowd? Discover how the mind has such a phenomenal part to play in this huge epidemic. In part one of this two part series you will learn what happens when you don’t eat right and how the whole body is effected in particular neurons in the brain that impact our appetite centre and the way we think and feel. The post UC 04: Weightloss – Part 1 appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/24/20121 hour, 2 minutes, 27 seconds
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UC 03: Nature vs Nurture

Nutritionist Cyndi O’Meara leads this hot topic on all things nature vs nurture. Find out if disease really is genetic or is it environmental? Do genes define your path in life as far as your health is concerned? Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, depression, anxiety, auto-immunity – are these all genetic or a product of lifestyle choices such as food, movement, chemicals and thoughts? You will be amazed at this discussion as it may just be the a-ha you are looking for to change your own genetic potential through lifestyle choices. The post UC 03: Nature vs Nurture appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/17/20121 hour, 1 minute, 54 seconds
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UC 02: Soul Survivor

In 2001 Carren Smith’s partner committed suicide. Immediately, she was catapulted into the depths of darkness and despair. Carrying enormous guilt, responsibility and self-hatred for the next twelve months, Carren decided on the only option that made sense. Taking her own life. Almost twelve months later to the date, the world was rocked as terrorists struck the heart of humanity once again in the 2002 Bali Bombings. Trapped by bodies, limbs and the call of death, Carren found herself in a fight for survival that was driven only by human instinct and the heat of fire at her feet. Hear the intimate truth of triumph over tragedy and how Carren’s collision course with self-destruction has since powered her zest for life now that the dust has cleared. This is inspiration plus for anyone who has been touched by suicide and or depression! The post UC 02: Soul Survivor appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/10/20121 hour, 59 seconds
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UC 01: Introduction of the Up For A Chat Gals

Meet your ‘Up For A Chat’ show hosts – wellness nutritionist extraordinaire Cyndi O’Meara, mindset wellness expert Carren Smith and wellness health and lifestyle educator Kim Morrison and hear what inspired these in ternational best selling authors and speakers to create an eye-opening podcast series for YOU! The post UC 01: Introduction of the Up For A Chat Gals appeared first on The Wellness Couch.
12/3/20121 hour, 3 minutes, 25 seconds