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Vibing Well with Dr. Stacy (A Functional Medicine Approach to Healing) Cover
Vibing Well with Dr. Stacy (A Functional Medicine Approach to Healing) Profile

Vibing Well with Dr. Stacy (A Functional Medicine Approach to Healing)

English, Health / Medicine, 2 seasons, 49 episodes, 1 day, 14 hours, 25 minutes
Dr. Stacy, a traditional Naturopath who specializes in Functional Medicine, is answering your questions in regards to health and healing. From hormones to gut healing and everything in between - listen in as she shares stories of her own healing journey, what she sees clinically, and what she has researched to give you the most up to date answers when it comes to healing holistically.
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#049 All Things Mitochondria; What Tanks Them, What Supports Them, And Why You Should Care!

On today's episode, I spend some time laying the ground work for the next few episodes by talking all things mitochondria (SO MUCH MORE than just the powerhouse of the cell) as you will learn about today!We tallk about things to avoid, things to include, and how nature is the absolute best mitochondrial support imaginable, supporting the body as a WHOLE. We also talk in brief about the water not only that we drink , but the structured water within out bodies. I go into way more depth and detail on this episode here.We also talk about the importance of eating foods that our mitochondria recognizes (local and seasonal foods), as well as ways to work in infrared, light, sun, and groudning as ways to increase the energy in our body while supporting the mitochondria. I talk about a few of my favorite resources such as harmonizers, blue light blockers, and water and those resources (and codes) can be found here:Spring Aqua (my PREFERRED water system!) RA Optics (code DRSTACYND) blue light blockers (day/night)Analemma Water Structuring DeviceMy Favorite Home HarmonizerMy Red Light Panel (Code DRSTACY)For more on these and SO MUCH more, follow me on IG @dr.stacy.ndFor one on one info, apply here.For my group program waitlist, go here! Thank you so much for being here!-Dr. StacyThis information is just that; information only - not to be taken as medical advice. Please contact your primary care before changing anything to your routine. This information is not mean to diagnose, treat, or cure disease.
10/3/202451 minutes, 48 seconds
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#048 Supporting Hormones in the "Right" Order, How to End The Hormone "Balancing" Act For Good

In this episode, I talk about ALL things hormones, how we are often supporting them in a superficial way by not supporting the hierarchy that sex hormones and thyroid are responding to.I go into all the things that impact hormones including our light environments, blood sugar, supressed melatonin, and things that drive cortisol up to name a few!I also talk about testing blood sugar and hormones to know exactly what you body needs to support to get to a place of balance.You can request a DUTCH here to look at hormones including cortisol, sex hormones, their detox pathways, and how they interplay and impact each other.I also discuss blood sugar testing, and this is my absolute favorite app to collect your individual data. (code DRSTACYND)I also talk abotu proper light exposure, red light therapy, and blocking artifical light as much as possible for ultimate hormone function.My FAV blue light blockers are RA OPTICS. (code DRSTACYND)My FAV red light panel is BONCHARGE. (code DRSTACY)The only water system I will support is Spring Aqua. For more on working with me either one on one or in a group setting, head to my website HERE.For more on this topic and so much more, head to my IG @dr.stacy.ndThank you for being here!-Dr. Stacy*This information is information only, not medical advice. Always contact your primary before changing anything to your day to day routine.
9/19/202452 minutes, 3 seconds
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#047 All Things Anxiety and Depression (Panic, Health Anxiety, Recirculating Thoughts, and So Much More!)

In this episode, I talk about ALL things anxiety and depression, everything from our gut, our lighting, our modern environment, our food, blood sugar, hormones, living in survival, and SO much more.Looking at mood disorders requires looking at the individaul to see and know what needs the most support, but I am breaking down the most common root causes that I see clinically, as well as have experienced in my own life personally.I reference a previous episode on light and that can be found HERE ICYMI!I also speak about RA Optics, my preferred Blue Light Blocking company. This can be found here with special discount code: DRSTACYND I also speak about red light therapy to support the gut and neurotransmitters and my favorite can be found here with discount code DRSTACYIf you are interested in working one on one or running labs, you can fill out my intake HERE.For group program registration, head to my website HERE.Lastly, for more on all of these things and more, head to my IG @dr.stacy.ndThank you so much for being here!-Dr. Stacy*This information is just that, information only! Not to replace any medical advice. Always contact your primary doctor before changing anything to your routine!
9/3/202451 minutes, 44 seconds
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#046 Water, Structured Water, Cellular Hydration and Maintaining a Proper "Charge" In The Body

In today's episode - we go into ALL things water; the water we drink, the water in our food, the water in our cells, and how to stay cellularly hydrated in today's modern environment. (And of course, the things that cause cellular dehydration!)I talk about my favorite minerals and molecular hydrogen (as well as trace minerals to add to water). Those can be found HERE.I also talk about using things like infrared to expand our internal (EZ) water, this can be done with heat (sauna) like HIgher Dose: Code: DRSTACY or by cold therapy like DooDip code: DRSTACY I also talk about my FAVORITE and only water system I will use for myself and my family: Spring Aqua talk about the importance of eating seasonally and locally (it is SO much more than just supporting local farms, even though that is a good enough reason! :) It is truly eating in a way that your mitochondria can actually recognize and utilize to produce energy.I hope today's episode shed some light on things in your inner and external environment that might suport you on your healing journey.For more from me, head to my website or my IG, @dr.stacy.ndTo work with me one on one or in a group setting, click here!For all of my affiliate recommendations, click here!Can't wait to chat soon!-Dr. Stacy*This information is information only, not to replace or be construed as medical advice. Always talk to your primary before incorporating anything new into your daily routine!
8/20/202442 minutes, 47 seconds
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#045 The Cortisol Conundrum, Is It "Adrenal Fatigue", Or Is It Something Else?

In this episode I talk about a lot of the "root" causes of cortisol and adrenal issues that I see go by the wayside or are often loverlooked. It is imporant to know the WHY behind what you are supporting because it makes those lifestlye shifts that much easier. Before I forget, this information is just that, it is not to replace any medical advice and always speak to your primary before adding in anything to your daily routine :)If you want more on these topics, get on the list for my group programs here: gave a lot of resources in this episode and they can all be found below:EMF Support/Harmonizing:Aires Tech (25% off) DRSTACY (code) rocks Light Blockers:RA Optics DRSTACYNDBon Charge (red light panels) DRSTACYSpring Aqua Water System: (filtered, mineralized, structured water) Minerals: Dose Sauna: DRSTACYNutrisense CGM: DRSTACYNDFor more on this and all of the things, follow me on IG @dr.stacy.ndThanks so much for being here, we will chat soon!-Dr. Stacy
8/6/202442 minutes, 24 seconds
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#043 Leptin, Leptin Resistance, and Fiber Intake, Why It Matters, and Health Benefits if Adding It In

Today, I am chatting about all things leptin, what it is, what it does in the body, what part of the body receives its "signal", and what can block it! Also, what happens when this signal gets inhibited and how to fix it.We also talk about the pleasure/reward balance from food; how leptin and insulin can be the most amazing regulators in a balanced system for this for appetite control, and how it can be our worst enemy when out of balance promoting a biochemical addiction to quick energy foods, and of course - how to bring balance to the system with these two hormones. I then go into all things fiber, the two types of fiber we need to incorporate more of, and how it is VITAL that we get our fiber from whole food sources for the most impact. I go into everything from hoeing with hormone balance, blood sugar balance, as well as balance in the microbiome and nutrient diversity when we include plenty if dietary fiber in our daily diets.For more on these things and SO much more, follow me on IG @dr.stacy.nd.For more info on becoming a client, start here. Thank you so much for being here!-Dr. Stacy
6/18/202450 minutes, 8 seconds
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#042 All Things Metabolism; What It Means, What Is Metabolic Flexibility, and Metabolic Syndrome

In this episode, we talk about all things Metabolism!Metabolic health, what that means, what it requires, and what inhibits its process. I talk about a few supplements that can support the healing and repair of our cells and cell membranes. Those can be found here. I also chat about lifestyle and habit changes that will support our metabolic health, along with new perspectives and ideas on how to support metabolic health (that includes much more than just controlling calories!) Energy metabolism is a delicate balance of our energy systems as well as a balance between being in an anabolic state and switching to a healing state. Not building ALL of the time, and not breaking down ALL of the time- like everything, it is all about balance!If these are something you need to learn more about, join my Heal Your Metabolism  group, starting 6/3! Regular Registration can be found here, Practitioner Registration Here. For more on these topics and so much more, follow me on IG!
5/28/202450 minutes, 22 seconds
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#041 Things I Needed To Hear On My Healing Journey

In today's podcast episode, I discuss some tidbits that I needed to hear along my journey, things I have seen inhibit my own clients on their journeys, and patterns of human nature that tend to keep us stuck in a place we don't want to be, but we often do not see a way out.To get updates on the next group programs, fill out this quick form here. For more on these topics and so much more, follow me on IG @dr.stacy.ndThank you so much for being here, so grateful for you!- Dr. Stacy
5/14/202450 minutes, 22 seconds
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#040 Meeting Our Basic Human Needs (How We Do This in Positive or Negative Ways and How it Drives Human Behavior)

In this episode, I refer to human psychology and meeting our 6 basic human needs, how this drive human behavior and how we strive to meet these (consciously or subconsciously) with our daily decision making.The 6 human needs are:CertaintyUncertainty/VarietyLove/ConnectionSignificanceGrowth ContributionI encourage you to notice which two are going to influence and impact your decisions and beliefs and to also challenge yourself if you are meeting these needs in a positive and sustainable way or in a negative fashion. When we empower ourselves knowing where we stand now, we can use that wisdom as power to choose differently!Thank you so much for being here! For more on these topics and more, follow me on IG @dr.stacy.nd-Dr. Stacy
4/18/202450 minutes, 22 seconds
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#039 Dopamine, Pain & Pleasure Balance, Current Thoughts on HRT for Premenopausal Women

In this episode, we unpack dopamine (not in regard to gut health) but how it swings and weighs down our pain/pleasure balance in the brain. How these mechanisms overcompensate and try and maintain a state of equilibrium - meaning the more "dopamine heavy" our lives are, for one, the more of that stimulus we need to avoid pain or feeling, but also increasing our susceptibility to physical pain.We talk about adaptation and how fleeting a dopamine hit truly is and how it impacts our sustainable happiness in our lives. We talk about how we are evolved to avoid pain in our lives and this makes the appeal of unnatural dopamine hits that much more attractive. However, if we learn to face our fear and our pain, use it as our guide and teacher, we can learn what these negative emotions are telling us and trying to encourage us to grow.Then, we shift gears and chat about HRT in premenopausal women - sharing true client stories, my own journey, and the suitability in relying on HRT to "mute" our hormonal symptoms and learning WHY hormones go low in the first place, that is where we need to turn to "balancing hormones". Hormones can absolutely be balanced naturally, but it requires CHANGE. It requires doing things differently in the way we synchronize with our hormones, our eating patterns, the way we fuel our bodies, and connect to our natural sleep cycles. All of these and more are how we start supporting hormones and get the body to a place of balance so that our hormones can regulate as they are designed to. To order a DUTCH, to assess hormones, cortisol, the interplay between all of the together, and their detox pathways, click HERE.For more of these things, head to my IG @dr.stacy.nd Thank you so much for being here!-Dr. Stacy
4/2/202450 minutes, 22 seconds
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#037 What it takes to get the body into "fat burn", Why you may be struggling to detox the liver, and How to support your body's drainage pathways

In this episode, we explore what actually happens when we get into fat burn, what is required, where it goes, and what one's ability to get into this state is determined by.I also talked about my upcoming Heal Your Metabolism Group starting in March, here is the form to be notified when registration opens.I speak about using a CGM  (code DRSTACY) and the Lumen  (code: DRSTACY) to measure these things, along with looking at hormones through a DUTCH if needed. I also speak about all too often, how insulin/blood sugar issues are masked as "liver" issues and how it is impossible to detoxify the liver if it is full of stored sugar/insulin.We talk about ways to support the liver through food and lifestyle and then leeway into drainage pathways over all. I talk about my favorite ways to support systemic drainage, clean water, sauna (code DRSTACY),  Therasage (code DRSTACY) and using food and lifestyle as well! I talk about how to incorporate driang and detox support into your daily habits and lifestyle as well as WHAT they are supporting as WHY (two important pieces that will make you stick with something and KNOW that it is working as you do!) Thank you so much for being here, for more info on all of these and more, head to my IG @dr.stacy.nd*The information in the podcast is not to replace medical care. It is also not intended to diagnose or treat disease. Seek out advice from your practitioner before making any changes to your supplements, diet, and lifestyle. 
2/27/202450 minutes, 22 seconds
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#036 How to Tell a Different "Story" When You Are Healing & Insomnia From A Lifestyle Medicine Perspective

In this episode, we unpack how we have to create a new "program" or "story" when we are healing. We know our current lifestyle and where that trajectory has gotten us, but how do we break that? How do we undo past conditioning, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs?We talk about a possible addiction to a life we don't even life and I talk more about this on stress hormones and addiction to them in this previous episode. I also have chatted in the past about neuroplasticity and times in the day where we are most open to change in our subconscious here. We also talk about how to take a step back, how to notice, and how to start setting boundaries, habits, thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs that are in alignment with our future and not our past. We talk about our influences, how to assess if these things are helping or harming us? Next, we talk about looking at insomnia on a "lifestyle medicine" perspective.It is SO much more than just taking a supplement. It involves assessing the lifestyle, connecting with the sun and the body's natural circadian rhythm, things that block melatonin, so many ways that we can assess and address the lifestyle so that we can find balance, get to a restful state of sleep on a regular basis.I also talk about testing that can come in handy, specifically a DUTCH and OAT to look at what may be happening with the hormones and the gut. Those can be requested here. I also talk about red light therapy for some and PEMF mats. This is my favorite brand for these: DRSTACYFor more on these things and SO MUCH MORE, follow me on IG @dr.stacy.nd
2/14/202450 minutes, 22 seconds
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#035 Rethinking "Thyroid" Conditions, Coffee - Is it Helping or Harming, and Setting Intentions for 2024

In the episode, I speak more on the topic of thyroid health, how it is a symptom of a larger imbalance in the body, and how the hierarchy of hormones needs to be considered when it comes to "healing" the thyroid. We also talk about how important gut and liver play a role as most of our thyroid is actually converted in these two areas! We also chat about the things that blow thyroid receptors including heavy metals, halogens, and even insulin. We can test minerals, metals, and toxins through functional labs and those can be requested here. I also talk about the importance of knowing what blood sugar, insulin and cortisol are doing in regard to thyroid, and I always encourage testing your individual response to know for sure with a CGM, like Nutrisense! CODE: DRSTACYND25Next, I talk about coffee, while there can be many therapeutic benefits from any polyphenol contains foods, we all have different responses to caffeine and coffee, so I speak on some of the signs to look for is it is not working for you, testing your own blood sugar response, of course, and emphasizing QUALITY as well if it is something you continue in your day to day!Lastly, I talk about the power of intention setting when it comes to the new year and really anytime! When it is a heart led or intuition led decision or idea, it is going to stick that much more, we are OUT with the resolutions that are based off of fear, guilt, and shame. We work better in a place of love and empathy for where we are while working on the higher version of ourselves we are working towards!Thank you so much for the support, for more on all of these, head to my IG @dr.stacy.nd and stay tuned for more topics and questions I take from my social!With Gratitude, Dr. Stacy
1/17/202450 minutes, 22 seconds
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#034 Weight Loss Resistance, Fat Loss, Why Dieting Doesn't Work, and How to Heal Your Metabolism!

In this episode, I talk about fat loss, the mechism (or WHY we have fat), what is is protecting us from and why diets DON'T work.I also talk about factors that inhibit your body's metabolic processes, what hormones ACTUALLY need to be considered when trying to heal your metabolism and learn how to burn fat in a sustainable way. I talk about my years as a trainer, how dieting culture did the opposite of what it was supposed to do for me, and how to supportively create sustainable fat loss.I also talk about how thyroid and hormones are blamed, but uncovering how these are not causes, but SYMPTOMS.I also talk about lifestyle factors that keep up with metabolic optimization like our lifestyles, our environments, and our chronic stress.I talk about insulin (the fat storage hormone), how and why it's a problem in today's society, and how to learn how to start supporting it. I also talk about symptoms that can hint to you to start looking in on your response to certain foods and situations. Nutrisense is my GO-TO for this! Your $25 off the first-month discount can be applied at checkout with code DRSTACYND25I talk about toxins, endocrine disruptors, and obesogens and how to test for them, a toxin lab can be requested here!I also talk about willpower and how it is impossible to beat it when you have pathogens causing cravings, erratic blood sugar, are chronically underfed, overstressed, or eat foods that contribute to inflammation.Lastly, I talk about my GROUP PROGRAM I am laughing at the beginning of the year! This is dedicated to fat loss, weight loss resistance, metabolic healing and everything in between!I am so excited to work with a small group to get their new year started with INTENTION and DIRECTION! You can't hit a target that you haven't set and we are going to dive deep into all of these topics and more so that you can get to a place of metabolic health and KEEP it!You can register for early bird pricing here! (Pricing will increase on 1/1/23)For all things health and healing, find me on IG @dr.stacy.ndThank you so much for the support, I can't wait to come back with new topics in the new year for you!-Dr. Stacy
12/18/202357 minutes, 3 seconds
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#033 How Nature ACTUALLY Heals and How To Start Incorporating It Into Your Daily Life!

In this episode, we chat about ALL of the things healing and nature- everything from grounding, breath work, sunshine, structured water, our body's natural rhythms, and everything in between!I also talk about ways to support and add in these modalities to your own daily rhythm, to learn how to connect with your individual needs, and so much more!If you are unclear of what needs support, functional testing can be requested here! (DUTCH tests, gut tests, etc!)Also, tuning into your individual rhythms (sleep wake, HRV, and ladies- our cycles) is SUPER helpful to do with an OURA ring so that we can collect our individual data and adjust from there! The PEMF met that I mentioned that includes red light therapy, infrared heat, and simulates the frequency of the earth is from Therasage (Code DRSTACY) you can also find ozone support, red light therapy and so much more!The Sauna I have been using to provide once again that infrared heat to structure my internal water is from Higher Dose. Code DRSTACYLastly, mineralizing water is imperative- here are some of my favorite options for this! For more info on these and so much more, head to my IG @dr.stacy.nd Thank you so much for tuning in and I look forward to chatting soon! 
11/28/202359 minutes, 34 seconds
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#031 Things That Keep Us Hyper-vigilant, Instant Gratification and Long Term Happiness, and How Gratitude Changes Everything

In this episode, following up from last episode, triggers and situations that keep us hyper vigilant, how to notice and bring awareness to them, and of course, how to support removing your triggers and replacing them with more successful options.I also chat about instant gratification- how it affects our happiness, motivation, and overall nervous system and stress adaptation. I talk about things that affect our neurotransmitters, like pathogens and toxicities. Testing for those can be requested here. Also, some times, limbic training can come in hand along with the other options I mentioned. These are my favorite programs for this: GUPTA  and DNRS.Next, I chat about how we can learn to promote change in our brains by simply practicing gratitude daily. I talk about everything from health to our relationships and how those will change with a consistent practice. For more info on testing and ALL things healing, follow me on IG @dr.stacy.ndThank you so much for the support and I can't wait to chat here soon!
10/10/202344 minutes, 48 seconds
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#030 Fight or Flight, What is Happening in the Body and What is NOT Happening In This State, Also, My Thoughts On Healing Tools, Are They More Helpful Than Harmful?

In this episode, I talk about FOF, how it becomes chronic in the body, deciphering the different stages how this affects our body on a chemical level, how it interferes with the body's regulatory processes and lastly how to support pulling out of this constant state of stress. I go through what happens physically in the body in a place of sympathetic vs. parasympathetic and things that keep up in the state of constant FOF.We also discuss the emotions that define each of these stages. Secondly, I chat about healing tools, are they helping us more than they are harming us with more and more data than we know what to do with? Are we losing our intuition in the name of having these fun tools? How to incorporate them into your healing journey without causing more stress and disconnect of the mind and body. I also chat about my faves, how I use them, and when it is best for you to incorporate them into your own journey. The CGM I chatted about can be found here. Your $25 off the first month discount can be applied at checkout with code DRSTACYND25Here is the episode I compare the CGM/Lumen and what you can benefit from either of them! Sauna I LOVE is here: CODE: DRSTACYOzone Modulator/Bubbler here. CODE: DRSTACYHarmonizer: code vibewellness20For questions and more info, follow me on IG @dr.stacy.nd*Consult with your practitioner before adding in any lifestyle changes or tools discussed on this show! This information is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure disease.
9/26/202356 minutes, 26 seconds
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#029 How Thoughts Become Things (More Importantly How They Affect Your Health and Current Situation), Why We Have To Think About Blood Sugar More Than Ever Before, and Lumen vs Nutrisense

In this episode, I discuss how important empowering it is to consider how our thoughts and our mindset affect our current situation. I speak about how these patterns become part of our "program" by things like repetition, emotions, and habits, and how they shape our current state or results in life.  I also chat about how important it is to realize the power of our influences, our community, and media and how they power of suggestibility shapes our thinking as well. I mentioned my brain wave podcast episode so I am linking that here. I also announced that I am hosting a live workshop to start bringing awareness to our own thought patterns, how to challenge and change them! Registration is now open (this event is live, but will be recorded and available after as well!) Register now HERE! I also talk about why we need to think about blood sugar more than ever before and went through the reasons why! (33:22) I talk about more of these things on my podcast on blood sugar here, and insulin here for more in depth on the how to fix it. Lastly, I talk about my two affiliates, the Nutrisense CGM and the LUMEN. (42:48) These are both amazing tools and I line out who they might be the most helpful for and in what order I would utilize them. I have codes for both: Nutrisense: Your $25 off the first month discount can be applied at checkout with code DRSTACYND25Lumen:Code DRSTACY for $50 off For all other questions follow me on IG @dr.stacy.nd For Lab Requests/New Client Inquiry  click HERE.  
8/29/202353 minutes, 21 seconds
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#26 My Health Journey, What I Was Labeled With VS What I Really Needed To Pull Out Of Dysfunction

In this episode, I retrace my history to all contributing factors that set me up for a lifetime of imbalances, dysfunction, and symptoms. I talk about everything from dental infections, antibiotic use, diet, emotional trauma, societal needs not being met, as well as lacking purpose, passion, and drive. All of these things and more set me up for a snowball effect of symptoms, diagnoses, and band-aids (which you will see never worked). I discuss my journey with Hashimoto's, BII, and debilitating anxiety and the testing I finally found that help me learn where I need to put my energy to heal!The testing I used along my journey can be requested here. For my stories on Thyroid, you can listen to this episode. For more on BII, you can tune in here.For more info, case studies, and testing used in context/explanations, follow me on IG @DR.STACY.NDThank you for tuning in and I look forward to chatting soon!Dr. Stacy
7/11/202355 minutes, 44 seconds
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#25 Signs That You Are Healing (That Aren't Talked About), Are You Addicted To Stress?

In this episode, I discuss some hidden and maybe unpredictable signs that you are healing and maybe so motivation to hang in there- change it coming!I also talk about the stress response and how we can become biochemically addicted to it as well as negative emotions.I also talk about ways to get out of this cycle including:DNRSGUPTAAs well as testing for chemical stresses including toxins in the environment as well as pathogenic infections that can keep our bodies in a state of stress. Testing can be requested here.For more on this, follow my IG @dr.stacy.ndQuestions can be sent to [email protected] you for your support and I will chat with you soon! 
6/27/202352 minutes, 24 seconds
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#022 Oxalates, Migraines, and Gluten Cross Reacting Foods

In this episode, I discuss oxalates (either inborn or external sources).Oxalic acid can be found on and OAT test here, or you can request one with my interpretation here. I talk about what foods are the top offenders for oxalates, how to start removing them properly, how they are connected to ASD, and inborn errors that can contribute to their formation.We also discuss root causes of Migraines.I, of course, also like to look at gut and toxin load as these are the top offenders, supporting the liver and drainage, and avoiding inflammatory foods. Also, thinking about exposures in your home, VOCs, mold and air filtration. This is my favorite air filter I use daily. I also talk about mitochondrial support. This is "the one" from quicksilver that I enjoy. Liver support is also highly encouraged. This is what I generally start with for liver support as well as castor oil packs. Lastly, we talk about gluten cross reactors, or foods that the body "tags" as gluten. If you want to see what your reactivity is to gluten and non gluten containing foods, you can run a wheat zoomer. For more info, follow me on IG @dr.stacy.ndEmail me questions/topics at [email protected]
5/2/202342 minutes, 7 seconds
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#021 Methylation, MTHFR, and the Folic Acid Connection with Chronic Conditions

In today's episode, we chat about methylation, why it is imperative to support, how to test if you have any SNPs, (you can find that testing here.) It is important to look at toxin load, I use a Total Tox test for this. It is also super important to look at inflammation and possible gut imbalances if a nutrient imbalances. I use an OAT test for that. I also discuss Folic Acid and how it interrupts your methylation. It is imperative to support with a methylated folate, something that is bioavailable to the human body and that doesn't block important receptors (especially if you or someone you know has SNPs or symptoms of methylation errors.) Follow me for more info on IG @dr.stacy.nd for more on these issues and the labs I run on my clients! 
4/11/202344 minutes, 36 seconds
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#018 Type 3 Diabetes, Eczema/Psoriais, Body Fat and What It is Telling You, and How Your Partner Affects Your Health

In this episode, I discuss Type 3 Diabetes (Neurodegenerative Diseases/Early Onset Dementia), what the risk factors are, what you can prevent, and how to start looking at your options if you are experincing or have a family history of these conditions.I talk about a CGM to measure blood sugar- this is the one I use: NutrisenseYour $25 off the first month discount can be applied at checkout with code DRSTACYND25I also talk about looking at toxin load and the heavy metal connection. Thes labs can be found here. Lastly, I talk about Bodybio Balance Oil and PC Oil to support healthy fats and protect against neuroinflammation.We then talk about skin issues and what to look at when it comes to gut inflammation. I run a GImap or and OAT test to assess these things. Those can be found here.We also discuss liver suport. Here are some of my favorites for this! (Remember, what the bile can't clear, comes to the surface of the skin).Next, we discuss bodyfat and what it means in certain areas. (Everywhere from your cheeks to your knees!) Lastly, we talk about how you and your partner affect each other's heath- so we talk about a few things I see clinically as well as some studies that I came across!The red light that I love is from Therasage.  Code DRSTACY for 10% off.Thank you for your questions and support and follow me on IG as I share labs, case studies, and much more!Dr.  Stacy
2/7/202342 minutes, 7 seconds
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#016 WEIGHT LOSS (What really needs to be considered), Re-framing New Years Goals, and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Detox Habits to Start Incorporating

In the episode, I start out with daily detox habits that we can start incorporating daily (any it really is necessary in the toxic world that we live in) For water, I use a Berkey Filter, for air- an Airdoctor , and always buying organic (and always avoiding the dirty dozen).I think everyone can start incorporating a castor oil pack daily, infrared sauna as much as you can recover from (code: DRSTACY for 10% OFF), and oil pulling with ozonated oil. I also use the somavedic for a home harmonizer (for Wifi and EMF exposure) (Code vibewellness20 for 20% off).I highly reccomend running your home and beauty products through the EWG database to look for possible carcinogens/endocrine disruptors. I also reccomend looking at your toxin load through a total tox test to see what exposures you are accumulating and what is causing dysfunction in your body if you are suffering from any chronic symptoms. When it comes to weight loss- I talk about so many factors that contribute- everything from mitochondria, to heavy metals, to endocrine disruptors, etc. All of that testing can be found here.I also talk about the importance of having high quality complete amino acid profile and getting ENOUGH protein. This is my FAV complete amino acid support. (Code DRSTACY for 15% off) Follow me on IG for more on this topic @DR.STACY.ND and for questions for the podcast, please email me [email protected]*This information is not meant to be taken as medical advice, nor it is meant to diagnose, treat, or cure disease. 
12/13/202252 minutes, 8 seconds
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#014 POTS, PCOS, and Long Term Effects of Disordered Eating

In this episode, we discuss the roots causes that I see for POTS. Everything from nutrient deficiencies (which I check with an HTMA test here. Also, looking for mycotoxins which can be found here. We also discuss overactive nervous systems. I reccomend mindfullness practice as well as a limbic conditioning program like the GUPTA program or DNRS. PCOS, I discuss root causes as well. It is so important to look at phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification as well as methylation capacity when dealing with hormones imbalances. The DUTCH can be ordered here. Lastly, I speak on long term effects of eating disorders. Nutrient deficiencies, overactive nervous systems, and how to rebuild a system that has been restricted for a season in your life.For questions- please email me at [email protected], follow me on IG @dr.stacy.nd for more info on all of these topics!
11/8/202240 minutes, 46 seconds
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#013 Insulin Resistance, Testing for Neurotransmitters, Peri to Post Menopause Support, and Beginner Tips for Starting A Wellness Journey

In this episode, we chat about causative factors for insulin resistance, causes like hormone disruptors  and nutrient deficiencies.We also discuss testing for these things, and those can be found here: also discuss testing for Neurotranmitters, what tests I recommend and what information those can provide.Test I prefer for Neurotransmitters hereWe discuss hormones and how you can support that transition from peri to post menopause gracefully. I also discuss running a DUTCH to check in on your specific pathways hereLastly, I discuss how to begin your journey if you are new.So of the ways to mitigate exposures such as to start looking up products hereI also chat about looking at water supply, air, and ways to start detoxing gently and here are some of my recommendations:Berkey Water FilterAirDoctor Air PurificationCastor Oil PacksSauna Code DRSTACY for 10% offFor more information follow me on IG @dr.stacy.nd and for questions, email me at [email protected]
10/25/202240 minutes, 4 seconds
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#012 Hair Loss in Women, Root Causes of Vertigo, Anemia, and How My Diet Evolved from Plant Based

In thie episode, I discuss many factors tht affect hair loss in women. I mention testing for nutrient deficiencies. This is where I would start : HTMA and Total Toxin testing is always best when it comes to hair loss. You can also assess hormones via a DUTCH test if you have ruled out toxins/deficiencies.We also talk about Vertigo, once again talking about nutrient deficiencies, mold exposure, and even autonomic nervous system dysfunction. On top of testing, I reccomend programs like GUPTA when it comes to nervous system work. Also, the total toxin bundle assesses environmental toxins and mycotoxins.Anemia- I talk about the importance of heme iron as well as addressing parasites with a practitioner.  Looking at your mineral/nutrient levels is highly reccomended with an HTMA test, I talk about diet and how to know if your diet is working for you or against you. I list things to look at to assess markers for this as well. Testing can be found here.For any other questions, message me on IG @dr.stacy.nd or email me at [email protected].
10/11/202243 minutes, 26 seconds
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#011 The Systemic Effects of Alcohol

In this episode, I discuss the effects of Alcohol on the body- from the mitochondria to the microbiome and everything in between.I mention looking at the gut, neurotransmitter, and mitochondrial markers via an OAT test. more info, follow me on IG @dr.stacy.ndFor questions, submit them to [email protected]
9/27/202233 minutes, 30 seconds
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#010 Frequent yeast infections, signs you may have parasites, what to look at for thyroid labs, releasing trauma and more rapid fire questions!

In this episode, I skim the surface on a lot of topics you all wanted me to touch on including:-avoiding chlorine exposure-signs you may have parasites-frequent yeast infections-releasing trauma for healing-causes of malabsorption-frequent viral infections-structured waterI talk about looking at what may be affecting the thyroid when you have symptoms, I usually run a gut test and a mineral test to start. also talk about neuroplasticity when it comes to trauma and healing. This is my favorite program to use personally and for my patients, this is what I use to structure my water (as well as minerals) use code DRSTACYBARCZAKB for 15% off As well as the Somavedic harmonizer (use this link for 10% off) me on IG for more topics and up to dat info @dr.stacy.ndAlso, to have your question answered on my show- send them my way to [email protected]
9/13/202239 minutes, 42 seconds
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#009 The Breast Implant Illness Episode- How do you know if you have it? How to support the body before and after and my personal journey with BII

In today's episode, I discuss BII and my personal journey with it- the struggles, the explant, the detoxing after and everything in between!I mentioned the websites I learned from so I wanted to link there here:https://www.breastimplantillness.comhttps://www.healingbreastimplantillness.comI also mentioned testing that I used and that I recommend for my BII patients to look for toxicities, deficiencies, and imbalances to support their systems before and after. doctor I used for my explant in Lousiville, KY: any other questions and more info, follow me on IG @dr.stacy.nd or email me your questions to [email protected]
8/2/202239 minutes, 9 seconds
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#008 Why are our children so sick?

In this episode we discuss some statistics about children's health today vs the past, discuss what has changed and what has stayed the same, and discuss how we can take control of this impending epidemic and change things!I speak about running an organic acid test also take about exposures in the home we can mitigate- these are what I use in my own home:Berkey water filter doctor air purification system also spoke about Dr. Sear's Book that I found helpful when making decisions about vaccinations. any other information regarding this podcast or to have your own questions answered on the show, please email me at [email protected] me on IG @dr.stacy.nd for ongoing info!
7/5/202243 minutes, 10 seconds
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#007 The Summer Podcast- Traveling Tips, Sunscreen, A Few of My Favorite Brands, and WFH tips

In this episode, I break down the exposures of traveling and how to support stress, sleep, and exposures when on a trip!Some of the products I mentioned from traveling are: Support Protocol also mentioned some of my favorite home and beauty products including:https://thrivemarket.comhttps://www.beautycounter.comhttps://primallypure.comEWG database: also discuss my tips for WFH with kiddos, what I do and how I arrange my schedule so that we can enjoy the summer and get our work done!If you don't already, follow me on IG @dr.stacy.ndLastly, to have your questions answered on the show, email me at [email protected]*This information is not medial advice and not used to treat, diagnose, or cure disease. 
6/21/202241 minutes, 9 seconds
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#006 Clearing Up Cholesterol Confusion, Drainage and Why You Need To Start Supporting This, and BII Chelation for Heavy Metals.

In this episode, I clear up the confusion as to dietary recommendations and what poses the ACTUAL risk to high cholesterol. I also talk about factors that contribute, root causes, as well as diet and lifestyle changes that can help you lower cholesterol naturally.I also mention a mineral analysis test to look for signs of nutrient deficiencies, low stomach acid, and heavy metals. That test can be fond here : also discuss drainge and the role it plays in detoxification. I mention each drainage system, signs of dysfunction, as well as ways to support each system to help the body detoxify naturally.I spoke about some cellcore supports like TUDCA, KL Support, and Hydroxygen. Those can be found here: I briefly mentioned the heavy metal detoxing I chose post-BII, the order of events of how detoxing needs to be addressed, and lightly spoke on what that looked like for me. More to come on this topic!To have your questions answered, please email me at [email protected] me on IG @dr.stacy.nd for more info and details on working with me!
5/31/202238 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode #005 What it ACTUALLY takes to heal your thyroid (what I did to heal mine), what I eat in a day, and what I find to be the biggest setbacks in healing.

On this episode we talk about what it ACTUALLY takes to heal the thyroid, which is SO MUCH more than just taking more synthetic thyroid.I will give you the in's and out's about what I did to get mine back into normal range as well as the length of time it took.I also speak about testing- I had an OAT test and HTMA test ran when I started my healing journey. You can find both of those here, you all wanted to know what I eat day to day, and I give you some guidelines that I follow when choosing my meals. I shoot for diversity, nutrients, protein, fiber, and I base it on my activity level that day.Lastly, I discuss what I find to hinder one's healing journey. What is takes to overcome these, and what matter most when it comes to mindset and healing.To have your question answered on the show, please email me at [email protected] follow me on IG at @dr.stacy.nd for more questions!
5/17/202246 minutes, 36 seconds
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#004 All things hormones! Why hormones get out of balance, post-menopause hormones, BHRT, birth control, and how to start balancing them today!

In this episode, I discuss reasons why hormones get disrupted. We examine the root causes of this dysfunction, what it takes to start balancing them, how to support hormones post-menopause, and how I feel about taking birth control to "fix" your hormones. I discuss my FAVORITE test for hormones, the DUTCH test which can be found here: are a lot of factors that should be examined before starting any sort of hormone therapies, and we will discuss all of these factors!Lastly, when your practitioner tries to put you on birth control to "fix" your hormones, why it may work in the short term, but never fixes the root cause of the imbalance.For your questions to be answered on the show, please email me at [email protected]
4/26/202231 minutes, 12 seconds
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Mythbusting Diets, Finding the "Perfect Diet" for you, weight loss resistance and why "calories in, calories out" doesn't necessarily apply

In this episode, I discuss all things diets, what restriction actually does to the body as a system, and what SHOULD be taken into consideration when planning the "diet" for you!I talk about how it is always best to test the gut if a diet is brining temporary relief- there is usually more to the story. This is my favorite gut test to start with is here : talking about weight loss and weight loss resistance, I always recommend starting with a DUTCH test to actually look at hormones and how they are affecting your body to start.That test can be found here: additional testing and information, follow my on IG @_vibe_wellness or at For questions for the podcast, email me at [email protected] you for listening and I can't wait to hear what questions you have for me!*This information is not to replace your health practitioner. The information provided is not to treat, cure, or diagnose disease.
4/12/202250 minutes, 37 seconds
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#002 Lowering Blood Pressure Naturally, What is Leaky Gut?, and What are the best sweeteners to use for pre-diabetics and the root cause of Type 2 Diabetes.

In this episode, we discuss some of the root causes of high blood pressure. Also, what are some things we can do today to start lowering it or our changes of getting it in the future.Functional Testing Labs: also discuss Leaky Gut, what is is , what it does to the body systemically, what are some signs we may have it as well as triggers.My favorite gut test to start with:, we discuss type 2 diabetes, what are the root causes, what we can do preventatively and what natural sweeteners are recommended. For more information on Vibe Wellness, follow me on Instagram @_vibe_wellness or visit me at To have your questions answered on the show- please email me at [email protected] you and have a wonderful day! 
3/8/202244 minutes, 41 seconds