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Victory Devotional Podcast

English, Religion, 1 season, 1045 episodes, 4 days, 11 hours, 52 minutes
Start your weekdays with encouragement, hope, and faith. We hope these messages help you connect with God, hear His voice, and live a life that honors Him.
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2024 Set Apart (We are Family): Pastor Janssen Morados

Our families are the first witnesses of our faith and worship to God.
9/16/202416 minutes, 30 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Choose Whom We Will Serve): Pastor CJ Nunag

May our faith in God be a witness to the closest people around us - our family.
9/15/202417 minutes, 21 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Leaders Lead): Bishop Juray Mora

As we follow God, are we leading others to Him too?
9/12/202414 minutes, 4 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Raised to Lead): Pastor Che de Sagun

Even at our low points, do we still worship God?
9/11/202418 minutes, 24 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Urgent and Needed): Pastor Jon Naron

As God calls you to Himself, will you come to Him?
9/10/202420 minutes, 24 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Burning Bush): Pastor Dave Estrera

When God says I am here, we listen and say we are ready to respond.
9/9/202413 minutes, 50 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Commission from the Lord): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

Out of deep gratitude for God’s mercy and grace in our lives, we want to seek, serve, and obey Him all the more.
9/8/202420 minutes, 9 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (To Seek and Save the Lost): Bishop Juray Mora

No one was meant to be alone, Christianity is personal and communal. Discipleship is following Christ personally and together with His family.
9/5/202418 minutes, 41 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Discipleship Reversal): Pastor Michael Paderes

The power of discipleship is in its power to point people to Jesus, who alone can reverse the effects of sin in our lives and bring us to a place of hope and faith.
9/4/202414 minutes, 15 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (To Receive and Respond): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

Worship makes us ready to receive a fresh measure of grace to hear what God is saying and to respond in obedience and faith to what He is doing in our hearts.
9/3/202413 minutes, 42 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Christ-likeness): Pastor Mye Nunag

Jesus coming here on earth is an invitation from God to not just acknowledge Him as Lord but a call to be in a relationship with Him.
9/2/202414 minutes, 58 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Transformed from Glory to Glory): Pastor Dave Estrera

Through our worship, we see and reflect the glory of God.
9/1/202415 minutes, 58 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Always Be Ready): Bishop Manny Carlos

Our consistent devotional life prepares us to be Christ’s witnesses to those around us.
8/29/202420 minutes, 56 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (A Lamp on a Stand): Pastor Ariel Marquez

One of our highest callings is to tell others about Him. Our own experience with the Savior is the most exciting and convincing story to tell.
8/28/20249 minutes, 37 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Confession of Our Faith): Dr. Nixon Ng

"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!" (Psalm 96:3) Let us continue to proclaim, demonstrate, and encourage one another with the Word of God that gives life and makes us feel His love.
8/27/202411 minutes, 6 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Demonstration and Declaration): Pastor Mye Nunag

As Christians, the person and work of Christ should have a positive effect on us.
8/26/202413 minutes, 43 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Pointing Others to Jesus): Pastor Jon Dolor

God calls us to share the gospel with the people around us.
8/25/202412 minutes, 3 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Christ and Lord): Bishop Manny Carlos

It is the loving kindness of God that draws people back to God to worship.
8/22/202422 minutes, 2 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Lord of Our Lives): Pastor Janssen Morados

Do other people truly see and hear that Jesus is the Lord of our lives?
8/21/202413 minutes
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2024 Set Apart (When the Crowds Follow Jesus): Pastor Che de Sagun

The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. (Psalm 19:8)
8/20/202418 minutes, 20 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (King of kings, Lord of lords): Pastor Dennis Sy

Today, we can look at the cross to worship and meditate on God’s love for us.
8/19/202414 minutes, 2 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Jesus is Lord): Dr. Nixon Ng

Worship and trust - our response to the goodness and love God shows us daily.
8/18/202412 minutes, 23 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (All the Nations Belong to God): Bishop Manny Carlos

Won’t it be wonderful to hear the different languages spoken all together praising God?
8/15/202417 minutes, 54 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (A World Saved by God): Pastor Janssen Morados

The LORD delights in the worship and praise of His children. Let’s bring delight to God’s ears and heart today.
8/14/202410 minutes, 37 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The God of All Nations): Pastor Che de Sagun

There is something about the blessing of God, experiencing His grace, mercy, and favor. We are grateful that His face is turned toward us and not away from us, pleased with us and not angry at us.
8/13/202415 minutes
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2024 Set Apart (Outward and Upward): Pastor Jon Dolor

May the promises of Christ to all believers be our reality today, wherever we are and whatever circumstance we are in.
8/12/202412 minutes, 53 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (For God So Loved the World): Pastor Dennis Sy

God gave Jesus as a sacrifice for our sin and wickedness, a sacrifice that we can never fully comprehend, but one that should fill us with gratitude and humility
8/11/202412 minutes, 19 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Meet Our Deepest Needs): Bishop Manny Carlos

In worship, we feel that by God’s Spirit and by His grace, we draw close to His presence.
8/8/202422 minutes, 26 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (All My Children): Pastor Jon Naron

May our worship time encourage and be an example to our families.
8/7/202416 minutes, 52 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Why the Next Generation?): Pastor CJ Nunag

May every age and generation proclaim God and worship Him.
8/6/202411 minutes, 51 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Both Young and Old): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Young and old, may we grow in the knowledge of God, and be radically transformed by His loving grace.
8/5/202412 minutes, 30 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Where Do We Go?): Pastor Keith Tower

May we worship God, for His goodness and loving mercy, wherever the day takes us today.
8/4/20248 minutes, 33 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Called to be The Church): Bishop Manny Carlos

We have been redeemed by the precious blood of Christ and given unique gifts to serve our church and community.
8/1/202420 minutes, 49 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Love God, Love Others): Pastor CJ Nunag

As a church, let us love one another, serve one another, worship and glorify Jesus together.
7/31/202414 minutes, 17 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (We are His People): Pastor Michael Paderes

What a privilege to be chosen by God and joined to others to serve as the dwelling place of God here on earth.
7/30/202414 minutes, 17 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Church of The Living God): Pastor Dave Estrera

Through our worship, we uphold the truth and we are shaped by the message we believe.
7/29/202418 minutes, 22 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Genuine Care): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

Does the love of Christ overflow in our lives that we find delight in journeying with people in both life and faith?
7/28/202415 minutes, 10 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Present Suffering, Future Glory): Bishop Manny Carlos

It is vital that we look to God’s word to renew our hope in the midst of challenges.
7/25/202419 minutes, 49 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Love in Action): Dr. Jun Escosar

May we be reminded that our relationship with God is reflected not just in our religious practices, but also in our daily action and attitudes towards others.
7/24/202411 minutes, 35 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (God's Heart for the Poor): Bishop Juray Mora

Worship begins when we decide to take time to obey God.
7/23/202416 minutes, 51 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Look at the Crowd): Pastor Mye Nunag

May our worship always be rooted in truth and in love for our God.
7/22/202410 minutes, 56 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Are You a Good Samaritan?): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

We are first recipients of God’s love and compassion, we can show God’s love to others and become compassionate towards those who are in need.
7/21/202413 minutes, 58 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Empowered and Effective Witnesses): Dr. Jun Escosar

May we allow the Holy Spirit to refresh us so that we might exhibit the character of Christ, serve with His strength, and speak boldly of His love.
7/18/202413 minutes, 2 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Walk by the Spirit): Pastor CJ Nunag

May we understand and experience God’s grace today as we seek Him in worship.
7/17/202412 minutes, 45 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Role of Prayer): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

Let us cultivate a healthy relationship with God built on prayer and worship.
7/16/202415 minutes, 14 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Body and Soul): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

We have the invitation to come and talk with God and start our morning coming to Him in praise and worship. May we experience His presence and hear from Him today.
7/15/202410 minutes, 37 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Walk by The Spirit): Bishop Juray Mora

Let us worship with a humble, open, and teachable spirit that we may continually grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.
7/14/202416 minutes, 38 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Made Alive in Christ): Dr. Jun Escosar

Our true worship doesn’t depend on a physical location but requires a heart that is aligned with God’s Spirit and God’s truth.
7/11/202413 minutes, 33 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (For the Sake of the Gospel): Bishop Manny Carlos

As we draw near Him in worship, may we know Jesus by experiencing His work in our lives.
7/10/202413 minutes, 49 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus): Pastor Michael Paderes

Our true worship belongs to God because He is true, He is loving, and He is faithful.
7/9/202418 minutes, 14 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Author and Perfecter of Our Faith): Pastor Jon Dolor

Worship helps us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.
7/8/20249 minutes, 35 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (To be Reconciled): Pastor Adam Mabry

May our worship show a deeper appreciation and a genuine response of love to our Lord Jesus Christ.
7/7/202413 minutes, 10 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Disciples in Our Community): Dr. Jun Escosar

As we worship Jesus for His love and faithfulness, let this also be our expression of joy, love, trust, and gratitude towards Him!
7/4/202411 minutes, 23 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (God's Heart and God's Call): Pastor Che de Sagun

Our greatest gain is knowing God, His heart and His voice, daily through worship.
7/3/202415 minutes, 59 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Traditions and Commandments): Pastor CJ Nunag

We hope that our faith in God is growing as we continue to trust Him during this time of Prayer & Fasting.
7/2/202414 minutes, 21 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (You Shall Be Holy): Bishop Juray Mora

Do you know that God is looking for people He can have a relationship with? May we respond to His call with worship.
7/1/202417 minutes, 22 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Zealous for God): Pastor Jon Naron

Setting aside our mornings for God, we honor and lift up His name today.
6/30/202417 minutes, 59 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Family Roles): Bishop Gilbert Foliente

Worshiping and trusting, may we stay planted in God as we go through our days with His guidance.
6/27/202415 minutes, 40 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Dream Family): Pastor Che de Sagun

We choose to posture our hearts to worship the Lord and proclaim His glory.
6/26/202414 minutes, 39 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Family on a Mission): Pastor Dennis Sy

Let us involve our families in worship. Let’s do it together as a family.
6/25/202417 minutes, 21 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Who do You and Your Family Serve?): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

Let us worship with our mouths and voices. Let us hear, obey, and serve with our hearts.
6/24/202413 minutes, 10 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (We Belong to God's Family): Jennifer Tower

Let us worship together as a spiritual family, a family God has chosen for us.
6/23/202413 minutes, 53 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Passing the Baton): Bishop Gilbert Foliente

Do we allow the grace of Jesus and the love of God to dwell in our hearts and lives?
6/20/202411 minutes
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2024 Set Apart (Anchored on God): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

May we remember that nothing can compare to Jesus Christ whom we worship.
6/19/202412 minutes, 29 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Don't Walk Alone): Pastor Dennis Sy

May this time of worship bring the presence of God wherever we are.
6/18/202423 minutes, 11 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Raising Leaders): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

Let us start each day with worship before we do the mission that God has called us to do for the day.
6/17/202412 minutes, 57 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Ability to Lead): Pastor Christian Flores

As we turn to worship, may it speak powerfully to our hearts and inspire us to follow Jesus more closely.
6/16/202421 minutes, 44 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Cost of Following Jesus): Bishop Gilbert Foliente

Our worship shows our whole-hearted commitment to follow Jesus.
6/13/202412 minutes, 45 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Fan or Follower): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Through our worship, may we honor Jesus all the days of our lives.
6/12/202416 minutes
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2024 Set Apart (Faithful Followers): Pastor Christian Flores

Let us think about God’s love and faithfulness over our lives. From those memories, may it cause us to worship God.
6/11/202418 minutes, 24 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (When We Follow Jesus): Pastor Dave Estrera

Jesus knows what and who is important to Him. Our time with Him is important to Him.
6/10/202418 minutes, 35 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Follow Closely): Pastor Che de Sagun

Through our worship, let us celebrate the victory of Jesus in our lives.
6/9/202414 minutes, 37 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Tell the World About Jesus): Bishop Gilbert Foliente

Do we have a great God? Do we have a great experience with our great God? Let’s tell others about Him!
6/6/202413 minutes, 32 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (God Loves Us): Bishop Juray Mora

Let us worship the God whose love saved us and gave us life.
6/5/202412 minutes, 22 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (To Teach and Preach): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

One thing we seek and desire as we worship God, is to know and feel His loving presence.
6/4/202413 minutes, 20 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Great Commission): Pastor Mye Nunag

Let us worship Jesus, the only one who can bring true sense of peace and wholeness that we need today and everyday.
6/3/202411 minutes, 39 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Best News Ever!): Pastor Janssen Morados

We worship in response to God’s love and goodness to us.
6/2/202413 minutes, 56 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Direction and Destination): Pastor Michael Paderes

Worship makes us trust in His purpose, ways, and goodness.
5/30/202415 minutes, 25 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (To Live in Christ): Pastor Dave Estrera

As we worship today, let us invite God’s direction, wisdom, and blessing.
5/29/202416 minutes, 59 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (When Jesus Steps In): Pastor Mye Nunag

May our whole heart praise the Lord as we recount the wonderful deeds that He has allowed us to experience.
5/28/202413 minutes, 17 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Respond to The Call): Pastor Janssen Morados

The response to God's call is what we call Lordship. Let us respond to our Lord in obedience through our worship today.
5/27/202412 minutes, 20 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Rich Young Ruler): Pastor CJ Nunag

Jesus knows what He values more. Do we know that God values us more than anything?
5/26/202412 minutes, 7 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Hope for the World): Pastor Michael Paderes

Let us worship Jesus, who provides us with the hope and solution to all the world’s concerns.
5/23/202415 minutes, 22 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (A House of Prayer): Pastor Che de Sagun

May we find rest and joy in God’s presence as we worship Him this morning.
5/22/202414 minutes, 29 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Going to Every Nation): Pastor Jon Naron

As we worship God today, may His Spirit refresh us and flow through us so we can encourage and bless others as well.
5/21/202419 minutes, 10 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (God’s Plan for the Nations): Bishop Manny Carlos

God wants to fill the earth with His glory. Let's begin by worshiping Him today.
5/20/202423 minutes, 14 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Bless the Nations): Dr. Nixon Ng

This morning, let our voices across every nation sing praise to Him, our Lord and Savior!
5/19/202414 minutes, 27 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Our People Group): Pastor Michael Paderes

By worshiping together this morning, we share a common culture and language - that of praising, honoring, and obeying God.
5/16/202414 minutes, 28 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Young and Inexperienced): Pastor CJ Nunag

We pray that the grace of God will see us through today. May we seek Him with all our hearts.
5/15/202412 minutes, 29 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Window of Openness): Pastor Dave Estrera

We worship a God who is here, near, and present in every season and for every generation.
5/14/202414 minutes, 7 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (For All Generations): Pastor Che de Sagun

May we always choose to start our day in worship and His word.
5/13/202417 minutes, 9 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (God Breathed): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

May God’s Spirit be poured out upon all of us, equipping us for every good work.
5/12/202415 minutes, 59 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Come Together): Pastor Michael Paderes

At home or together at a church location, let us never get tired of worshiping God together.
5/9/202418 minutes, 30 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (One Body with Many Members): Pastor Che de Sagun

How can we develop a heart of service and community that brings glory to God?
5/8/202415 minutes, 26 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Personal and Communal): Pastor Nixon Ng

Let us not just listen to the song but also sing and participate in worshiping God today.
5/7/202416 minutes, 58 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (We are the Church): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

Today, let us open our hearts inviting God’s presence to dwell in us as we worship Him.
5/6/202414 minutes, 22 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Assurance of Faith): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Today is an invitation to enter into the most holy presence of God. Let us open our hearts to receive from His Spirit today as we worship Him.
5/5/202417 minutes, 28 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Our Responsibility to Care): Pastor Michael Paderes

Our worship is a proclamation and demonstration of the gospel in our lives.
5/2/202415 minutes, 42 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (God Cares): Pastor Christian Flores

Let our heart’s worship come from God’s love for us.
5/1/202420 minutes, 46 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Relating to Others): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

Let us also recount our own personal encounters with God and praise Him for being who He is in our lives. Let’s worship together!
4/30/202412 minutes, 25 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (God‘s Compassion): Pastor CJ Nunag

As we worship today, let us not forget to count our blessings and may we desire to be a blessing to others as well.
4/29/202415 minutes, 25 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Love of God): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

How can we express the love of Jesus in our own little corner of the world – a place of responsibility and generosity?
4/28/202411 minutes, 49 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Helper): Pastor Dave Estrera

May the peace of God guard our hearts and minds as we worship Him today.
4/25/202415 minutes, 8 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Wait and Ask): Pastor Christian Flores

Let us remember God’s faithfulness and goodness as we worship Him today.
4/24/202419 minutes, 9 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Teach and Remind Us): Pastor CJ Nunag

Let us sing to the One whose throne is established forever.
4/23/202414 minutes, 28 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Sealed with the Spirit): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

Let our worship be an act of faith, declaring our hope and praising God.
4/22/20249 minutes, 42 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Fulfilled Promise): Pastor Michael Paderes

The presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives helps us to worship God in all truth and love.
4/21/202414 minutes, 22 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Building on Christ's Foundation): Pastor Jon Naron

Are we building our lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ?
4/18/202420 minutes, 30 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (First in Our Lives): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

May the Lord be our priority, the first in our lives.
4/17/202410 minutes, 25 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Focused on Who?): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

May we live to worship Him, as this pleases the Lord our God.
4/16/202412 minutes, 58 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Worthy of Our Praise): Pastor Che de Sagun

May who Jesus is cause us to worship Him.
4/15/202415 minutes, 56 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Our Cornerstone): Pastor Jon Dolor

Let us worship God and declare Him to be the cornerstone and firm foundation of our lives.
4/14/202415 minutes, 33 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Living Hope): Bishop Juray Mora

Let this be the desire of our hearts - To honor Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
4/11/202421 minutes, 19 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (In Whatever We Do): Pastor Che de Sagun

Do we honor God with everything we do?
4/10/202410 minutes, 59 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Live to Honor God): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

Do our lives reflect hope? Do we live to honor and worship our God?
4/9/202413 minutes, 1 second
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2024 Set Apart (Worthy of Honor): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

May our worship be a fitting response to God who is worthy of all honor and glory.
4/8/202412 minutes, 57 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Worthy of Honor and Glory): Bishop Manny Carlos

There is only one true God worthy of love and adoration— the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ!
4/7/202418 minutes, 44 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Gift of Family): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Bishop Ferdie Cabiling was an evangelist whose passion was to reach the lost with the gospel. Today, we will hear from him in this pre-recorded episode on family. May our homes become a haven of worship.
4/4/202419 minutes, 48 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Honor your Father and Mother): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

We are a people ultimately summoned by a Holy God to assemble and worship Him. We are a people called into God’s presence.
4/3/202412 minutes, 33 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Family Fundamentals): Pastor Janssen Morados

Worshiping God together with our families pleases God.
4/2/202416 minutes, 2 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Families build Nations): Pastor Michael Paderes

May our homes be a place of worship and devotion for us and our families.
4/1/202416 minutes, 12 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (We are Family): Pastor Dave Estrera

Let us truly worship God out of our pure love for Him.
3/31/202414 minutes, 25 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Despicable Me): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Thank you Lord, for the opportunity to come and worship you this day.
3/28/202421 minutes, 34 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (For the Purpose of God): Pastor Steve Murrell

Setting apart time to worship God glorifies and pleases Him.
3/27/202410 minutes, 24 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Honorable Blessing): Bishop Juray Mora

May we live a life that truly worship and honor our God.
3/26/202411 minutes, 42 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Transformed and Sanctified): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

May we know that the Lord’s love for us is both steadfast and enduring, it will never fail us in every season and in whatever circumstance. This is reason enough to worship Him.
3/25/202410 minutes, 41 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Planted and Scattered): Pastor Dave Estrera

May God’s Spirit, presence, and power comfort us and lead us to worship Him.
3/24/202419 minutes, 9 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (In Times of Crisis): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

May we never get tired of worshiping God through life's transitions and changes.
3/21/202417 minutes, 59 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Lead with a Purpose): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Let us come to Jesus for intimacy and fellowship. Let’s get our security, significance, and worth in Him alone.
3/20/202412 minutes, 19 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Follow the Leader): Pastor Janssen Morados

May our intimate prayer and heartfelt worship to the Father reveal His heart to us.
3/19/202412 minutes, 48 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (After God's Own Heart): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

Whatever circumstances we are in, let us declare who our God is - mighty and powerful, loving, faithful, and good!
3/18/202412 minutes, 47 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Who are You Following?): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Let us worship our Good Shepherd. Let us know, hear, and follow His lead.
3/17/202411 minutes, 45 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Doing Life Together): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

May our relationship with Christ always include our daily worship of Him.
3/14/202421 minutes, 9 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Pursuing Jesus): Pastor Jon Naron

May our decision to pursue and spend time with Jesus in worship be our priority daily.
3/13/202420 minutes, 15 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Go and Make Disciples): Pastor Che de Sagun

Do we think that following Jesus is the best decision we ever made? May we lead others to follow Him as well.
3/12/202410 minutes, 30 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Follow, Fellowship, Fish): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

May our worship be glorifying God today.
3/11/202414 minutes, 35 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Come Follow Me): Bishop Gilbert Foliente

Following Jesus means loving Jesus supremely above anyone or anything else!
3/10/202415 minutes, 33 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Always Be Ready): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Let us worship Jesus who sits on the throne of our hearts and lives.
3/7/202423 minutes, 41 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Our Mission Field): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

May our worship also be an example and encouragement for others to follow Jesus.
3/6/202411 minutes, 26 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Lost and Found): Pastor Che de Sagun

Let us celebrate with worship for the salvation that we receive from Jesus Christ.
3/5/202418 minutes, 22 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Power to Preach Christ): Bishop Manny Carlos

May our worship declare and proclaim the gospel and the power of God to bring salvation.
3/4/202422 minutes, 36 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Faith for Faith): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

Our worship is our daily thanksgiving to God.
3/3/202418 minutes, 47 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The LORD Bless You & Keep You): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Let us worship with a heart that is fully submitted to the will of God.
2/29/202419 minutes, 34 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (LORD of All): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Are we willing to follow Jesus and submit to His Lordship?
2/28/202417 minutes, 5 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Christ as Lord): Pastor Michael Paderes

Thank you for choosing to start the day with worship!
2/27/202415 minutes, 16 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Jesus.): Pastor Jon Naron

Let Jesus be our source, our first, our only, and always in our lives!
2/26/202416 minutes, 57 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Who is the King and Lord of your life?): Pastor Mye Nunag

May the Lordship of Christ be seen in every area of our life.
2/25/202410 minutes, 50 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Unbroken Chain): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

May we always be reminded and comforted that God is our constant through every age and season of our lives.
2/22/202421 minutes, 53 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Youth On Fire): Pastor Christian Flores

When we recognize the glory and strength of God, when we acknowledge dignity and honor due His name, may our response be genuine, devoted, and wholehearted worship.
2/21/202417 minutes, 21 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (No Age Gap): Pastor Dennis Sy

Do we have a vision of how we and I can partner, influence, be an example, journey and build with the next generation?
2/20/202421 minutes, 40 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Hope for the Next Generation): Pastor Mye Nunag

A reminder for us today: How we live and love God today is being seen by the next generation.
2/19/202414 minutes, 5 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Forever Young): Pastor Dave Estrera

Do we experience the touch of Jesus as a tangible expression of God’s unconditional love for us?
2/18/202422 minutes, 8 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Called to Gather): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

May our Christian experience be daily, joyful, and simple - a worship unto the Lord.
2/15/202425 minutes, 18 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Connected to Church Community): Pastor Christian Flores

May the delight of God bring delight in our hearts, may His love quiet any fear, may He enable us to worship Him with joy that transcends all our current circumstances.
2/14/202417 minutes, 23 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Fellowship of the Believers): Pastor Dennis Sy

The church is you and me. Let's be a devoted church who will bring people to the table to meet and fellowship with our loving Lord and Savior Jesus.
2/13/202420 minutes, 14 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Who do you say Jesus is?): Pastor Che de Sagun

When Jesus is our foundation, builder, and owner— we, His church, will be victorious.
2/12/202415 minutes, 26 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Being Built Together): Bishop Gilbert Foliente

Let us allow Christ to continually build our lives together as His church.
2/11/202416 minutes, 40 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Final Lesson): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Do we consider being kind to others as part of our worship and obedience to Jesus?
2/8/202423 minutes, 45 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Demonstrating Christ's Love): Dr. Jun Escosar

May our acts of love, service, and kindness to those in need demonstrate Christ’s love to the broken world.
2/7/202412 minutes, 57 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Walk the Talk): Pastor Jon Dolor

Let us serve as God’s hands and feet by preaching and demonstrating the gospel to those who are needy, hurting, and helpless.
2/6/202410 minutes, 57 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (God Cares for The Poor): Bishop Juray Mora

May our worship be faith building as it brings peace and infuses strength to anyone who believes in the Lord.
2/5/202412 minutes
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2024 Set Apart (To Show Kindness & Mercy to Others): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

As we sing in worship today, may we be reminded of who the God we serve is, and may our lives reflect His.
2/4/202412 minutes
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2024 Set Apart (By My Spirit): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Know that we are together in Spirit with our brothers and sisters in Christ as we worship this morning.
2/1/202423 minutes, 51 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Promise and The Gift): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

May we have open our hearts and minds while we worship, ready to receive the Holy Spirit.
1/31/202417 minutes, 23 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Filled with the Spirit): Pastor CJ Nunag

As we worship, let us trust that the Holy Spirit will empower us today to do God’s will.
1/30/202414 minutes, 29 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit): Pastor Che de Sagun

Our God is a holy, set apart God. He calls us, His people, to live holy, set apart lives for Him.
1/29/202413 minutes, 18 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (As the Spirit leads): Pastor Dave Estrera

Do we enjoy spending time with God as His children?
1/28/202416 minutes, 28 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Searching Jesus): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

May we treasure in our hearts what Christ is revealing to us this morning.
1/25/202423 minutes, 52 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (New Life in Christ): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

What does it mean to live our new life with Christ?
1/24/20249 minutes, 55 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Jesus at the Center of our Lives): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

May we always make Jesus the center of our lives.
1/24/202414 minutes, 59 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Motivation to Do Good): Pastor CJ Nunag

May Jesus be exalted in every good thing we will do today.
1/22/202413 minutes, 19 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (History with God): Pastor Michael Paderes

May our life of worship and devotion show a Christ-centered life.
1/21/202412 minutes, 12 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Honor Christ in our Hearts): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

What does honoring and worshiping Christ mean to us?
1/18/202410 minutes, 52 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Honor God with Your Body): Pastor Jon Naron

We were designed to worship God in spirit and in truth, in purity and sincerity of heart.
1/17/202419 minutes, 19 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Our Goal in Life): Bishop Juray Mora

Do we have a desire to honor God with our time?
1/16/202415 minutes
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2024 Set Apart (God is working in us): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

May we know that the Lord’s love for us is both steadfast and enduring, it will never fail us. Let us worship Him in every season and in whatever circumstance.
1/15/202414 minutes, 17 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (A God-Honoring Life): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Let our mornings be set apart for true worship and uninterrupted time with God.
1/14/202421 minutes, 13 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Commitment of Holiness): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Our sincere and heartfelt worship today honors God.
1/11/202420 minutes, 21 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Crux of Holiness): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

It is an honor to worship and live a life set apart in Jesus.
1/10/202412 minutes, 9 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Conduct of Holiness): Bishop Juray Mora

Through our worship and faith, may we be channels of God’s kindness, mercy and grace to all.
1/9/202415 minutes, 25 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Challenge of Holiness): Pastor Mye Nunag

Do we desire to live our lives set apart for God?
1/8/20249 minutes, 57 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (The Community of Holiness): Pastor Jon Dolor

May we fulfill the purpose that God has planned and set us apart for, all for His glory.
1/7/202416 minutes, 51 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Spiritual Dedication): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Worshiping God this morning is a form of dedicating our day to Him alone.
1/4/202423 minutes, 47 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (God's Presence is our Confidence): Pastor Che de Sagun

May God’s Word, God’s ways, God’s presence and God’s character be our confidence as we face the year ahead.
1/3/202414 minutes, 24 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Faith and Perseverance): Pastor Jon Naron

Worship always builds our confidence in our faith in God.
1/2/202418 minutes, 57 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Sitting at the Feet of Jesus): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Let’s begin this new year with praise, worship, and spending time with Jesus.
1/1/202414 minutes, 33 seconds
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2024 Set Apart (Called to Be Holy): Dr. Nixon Ng

We start this year setting our hopes fully on the grace of the revelation of Jesus Christ.
1/1/202419 minutes, 13 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Promised Savior): Dr. Jun Escosar

Let’s celebrate and end this season by worshiping Jesus! May we trust in His faithfulness, knowing that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
12/28/202317 minutes, 29 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (God sent His Word): Bishop Juray Mora

But when we cry to God… God hears, God listens, and God responds.
12/27/202318 minutes, 15 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The gifts of the Wise Men): Pastor Dave Estrera

Shall we bring our gift of praise to the LORD today?
12/26/202313 minutes, 41 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Presentation of Jesus at the temple): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Jesus is the ultimate promise we have been given. He is the gift we need and have received. He is the fulfillment of God’s promise.
12/25/202313 minutes, 53 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The birth of Jesus): Dr. Nixon Ng

Today, we can celebrate and rejoice in The Miracle of our Lord Jesus Christ!
12/24/202314 minutes, 1 second
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Miracles 2023 (Zechariah's story): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Let us still dare to believe that God’s promises are true and will be fulfilled in our lives.
12/21/202322 minutes, 33 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The flight to Egypt): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

The miracle of God’s protection: We can worship in the safety of His embrace today.
12/20/202315 minutes, 12 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Magnify the Lord): Pastor Dave Estrera

Let our Spirit rejoice in God who is our Savior!
12/19/202315 minutes, 35 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus is proof of God's love to us): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

Jesus is proof of God’s love and passion to draw near to us in worship.
12/18/202314 minutes, 46 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (God’s promise of restoration): Bishop Manny Carlos

Through worship, we have the assurance of God’s presence in our life.
12/17/202324 minutes, 2 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The birth of Jesus foretold): Dr. Nixon Ng

Throughout this festive season, may our hearts always be ready to obey and worship Jesus.
12/14/202315 minutes, 29 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The Lord is our faithful and sovereign God): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

To worship is to trust God and believe that He who promised cannot lie and is able to do the impossible.
12/13/202314 minutes, 36 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (God is Immanuel. He is always near us): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

Let us see our time of worship as an opportunity to offer a sacrifice of praise to our God and proclaim the power and might of His name and works in our lives.
12/12/202311 minutes, 3 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Hope in God is called Living Hope): Bishop Juray Mora

Putting our Hope in God will lead us to salvation, praise, and worship for Jesus.
12/11/202313 minutes, 56 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The Lord promises peace): Pastor CJ Nunag

May the love and goodness of our Savior fill your heart with so much joy and peace today.
12/10/202310 minutes, 54 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The Anointed one who will save us and be our king): Pastor Dave Estrera

Our worship allows God’s light to shine in our lives.
12/7/202313 minutes, 42 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus is our hope): Pastor CJ Nunag

May we trust Jesus more today. Let us seek His goodness for He is our hope.
12/6/202312 minutes, 4 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (A Christmas revelation): Bishop Manny Carlos

May we have a greater revelation this Christmas of our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace!
12/5/202319 minutes, 33 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (God is with us): Pastor Janssen Morados

May this be an encouragement for us today, that God is always pleased with our worship.
12/4/202317 minutes, 49 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (A blessing and a promise): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Let us enter this most festive season worshiping our King with great joy!
12/3/202317 minutes, 19 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (A blessing and a promise): Pastor Jon Naron

Let us continue to trust God for His blessing and promise.
11/30/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (God's promise): Pastor Dave Estrera

Who do we worship? The LORD God who is perfect in every way.
11/29/202319 minutes, 17 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The Word of God): Bishop Juray Mora

The number one source for hope, for miracles, and for breakthroughs is The Word of God.
11/28/202316 minutes, 41 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Miraculous guidance by the Holy Spirit): Pastor Mye Nunag

May we continue to enjoy the journey of knowing Him, experiencing Him, and being led by Him.
11/27/202310 minutes
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Miracles 2023 (Paul and Barnabas in Lystra): Pastor Christian Flores

Isn't God worthy of our focused worship today? Isn't He worthy of the praise from our lips?
11/26/202319 minutes, 27 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Paul and Barnabas in Iconium): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Today, let’s witness the miracle of Jesus happening in our hearts.
11/23/202310 minutes, 19 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Guidance from the Holy Spirit): Pastor Jon Dolor

This is what we can be thankful for today: The miracle of clear direction that makes us secure in the Lord even when the world is not secure.
11/22/20239 minutes, 51 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The death of Herod): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Praising Him focuses our eyes and hearts to which is good for our faith and our souls as we face each day.
11/21/202317 minutes, 48 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Peter is miraculously freed from prison): Pastor Christian Flores

Because God is good always, to praise Him is always good. He deserves our praise!
11/20/202320 minutes, 3 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (A famine foretold): Pastor Mye Nunag

Are we determined to worship our Lord, the source of our hope?
11/19/20239 minutes, 3 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Peter and Cornelius): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Are we ready to receive the Good News and the power of the Holy Spirit today?
11/16/202329 minutes, 10 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Dorcas raised from the dead): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Let the life of the gospel in us influence the people around us to believe in Jesus.
11/15/202312 minutes, 30 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Aeneas is healed): Pastor Jon Dolor

Are we still actively expecting miracles from God up to now?
11/14/202312 minutes, 20 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The conversion of Saul): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

The miracle of a changed heart and a transformed life is greater, if not the greatest miracle, one can receive.
11/13/202314 minutes, 40 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

As we worship today, may we walk in obedience and trust the leading of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
11/12/202315 minutes, 20 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Philip proclaims Christ in Samaria): Bishop Manny Carlos

Wherever we are, let’s set our hearts in worship to magnify God’s goodness.
11/9/202320 minutes, 33 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Stephen does great miracles but is seized and stoned): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

To worship God confidently without fear is a gift.
11/8/202316 minutes, 20 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The apostles were arrested but were miraculously freed): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

This morning, let's use this time to worship God with all of our hearts, soul, mind, and strength.
11/7/202322 minutes, 46 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Many signs and wonders done among the poeple): Pastor Janssen Morados

We worship God for who He is, for what He has done, and what He can do.
11/6/202316 minutes, 49 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The death of Ananias and Sapphira): Pastor CJ Nunag

Let us all trust the Holy Spirit to enable us to live lives that would worship, honor, and give glory to God.
11/5/202313 minutes, 43 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (More miracles by the apostles among the believers): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

May our worship to God be accompanied by bold faith to see and believe in the miracles coming our way.
11/2/202311 minutes, 16 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Believers pray for boldness and for signs and wonders): Pastor Jon Naron

Let us worship God and pray together as we face whatever each day may bring.
11/1/202316 minutes, 6 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Lame beggar healed by Peter and John): Dr. Jun Escosar

May we cultivate a heart of humility and recognize that any good work or blessing that comes through us, is ultimately from God.
10/31/202314 minutes, 7 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Miracles by the apostles among the fellowship of believers): Pastor CJ Nunag

Let us worship God with all of our hearts, allowing Him to touch our lives today.
10/30/202311 minutes, 3 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The Holy Spirit Descending): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

May the Holy Spirit ignite the fire in our hearts as we worship God today.
10/29/202323 minutes, 49 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus ascends to heaven): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Our worship is the best way we can give thanks for our salvation.
10/26/202319 minutes, 56 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Miraculous catch of fish after the resurrection): Pastor Christian Flores

Why can we confidently approach God today? Because He is gracious, kind hearted, gentle, and loving towards us.
10/25/202316 minutes, 56 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead): Bishop Juray Mora

May God be truly worshiped by the way we live our lives.
10/24/202321 minutes, 13 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals the blind man): Pastor Dave Estrera

No matter what our circumstances may be, we can find joy in His presence.
10/23/202320 minutes, 55 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus walks on water): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

When we hear the voice of Jesus or when we listen to His word, are we glad, eager and willing to let Him in?
10/22/202314 minutes, 37 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus feeds the five thousand): Pastor Dave Estrera

Our response through worship is to believe and have faith.
10/19/202314 minutes, 29 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Healing by the pool): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

May our voices declare God’s power and might over our lives today.
10/18/202321 minutes, 20 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals an official's son): Pastor Che de Sagun

Are we in a desperate situation now? Would you ask Jesus to come to you?
10/17/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus knows us): Pastor Christian Flores

God is most worthy of our affection, focus, adoration, reverence, respect, and worship. So let us give Him the devotion and worship He deserves.
10/16/202317 minutes, 52 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus turns water into wine): Pastor CJ Nunag

Let us be assured of the great plan He has for us! Let us worship and proclaim His goodness forever.
10/15/202312 minutes, 10 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus conceals his identity from his disciples): Bishop Juray Mora

When doubt and fear creep in, may we always remember to go back to worship and His word.
10/12/202316 minutes, 37 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem): Pastor Che de Sagun

He who gave His all and His best, deserves our best worship!
10/11/202316 minutes, 31 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a blind beggar): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

Worshiping God can be a place of refuge for us.
10/10/202313 minutes, 37 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus cleanses ten lepers): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Jesus sees our situation. Jesus speaks to our condition. Jesus notices our response.
10/9/202312 minutes, 29 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Healing a man on the Sabbath): Pastor CJ Nunag

May the love and goodness of the Lord fill our hearts with so much of His grace today.
10/8/202312 minutes, 56 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus continues healing and casting out demons): Pastor Dave Estrera

May God’s kindness lead us to worship Him.
10/5/202310 minutes, 59 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a woman with a disabling spirit): Bishop Manny Carlos

Removing all hindrances and distractions, let us worship God!
10/4/202319 minutes, 18 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus casts out a demon from a mute man): Pastor Rodnel Gascon

Let us worship God while we wait for our miracles to happen.
10/3/202315 minutes, 51 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a boy with an unclean spirit): Pastor Mye Nunag

We are in the best place to receive a miracle!
10/2/20238 minutes, 47 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus feeds the five thousand): Pastor Dennis Sy

To worship God is to seek Him first!
10/1/202319 minutes, 2 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus sends out the twelve apostles): Dr. Nixon Ng

Let us remember to always worship the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
9/28/202314 minutes, 48 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a woman with a discharge of blood): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Is Jesus our true treasure and miracle? Let us welcome and keep Him in our hearts as we worship today.
9/27/202320 minutes, 42 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals Jairus' daughter): Dr. Dave Ward

As we worship God this morning, let us stay in faith and wait in hope.
9/26/202314 minutes, 49 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a man with a demon): Bishop Juray Mora

With Jesus, no one is hopeless. No one is beyond salvation and redemption.
9/25/202315 minutes, 51 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus calms a storm): Pastor CJ Nunag

Are we willing to trust Jesus even in moments when it feels like He does not care?
9/24/202313 minutes, 35 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Miraculously healed women accompany Jesus): Dr. Jun Escosar

Our worship is a celebration and proclamation of our encounter with God.
9/21/202313 minutes, 15 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus shows His miracles to John the Baptist's followers): Pastor Mye Nunag

Let our worship declare who Jesus is, not because we heard about Him, but because we have also seen and experienced Him.
9/20/202310 minutes, 30 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus raises a widow's son): Pastor Ariel Marquez

May worshiping Jesus bring comfort and restoration in our lives.
9/19/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals the centurion's servant): Pastor Jon Naron

Let us raise our voices in worship to our God who deserves all our praise!
9/18/202316 minutes, 46 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a great multitude): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

No one who hopes in You will ever be put to shame. . . (Psalm 25:3 NIV) This morning, let us declare God’s Word through our worship.
9/17/202312 minutes, 6 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a man with a withered hand): Pastor Dennis Sy

Worship is Jesus ushering us into His loving presence and rest.
9/14/202310 minutes, 41 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a paralytic): Pastor Janssen Morados

Do you know that friends and family are our miracles from God everyday?
9/13/202318 minutes, 39 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus cleanses a leper): Pastor Michael Paderes

Who forgives us and cleanses us from all our sins? Let us worship Him, our one true God!
9/12/202315 minutes, 21 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The miraculous catch of fish): Pastor Che de Sagun

Is there something God is asking you to do as an act of obedience? Let’s worship Him and take Him at His word.
9/11/202313 minutes, 43 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals Simon's mother-in-law and others): Pastor Christian Flores

We have confidence and faith to declare: Let Your kingdom come, Let Your will be done!
9/10/202315 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a man with an unclean demon in Capernaum): Pastor Jon Naron

Let us declare God’s word and promises over our lives as we worship Him today!
9/7/202316 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracles 2023 (Jesus miraculously passes through the hostile crowd): Pastor Mye Nunag

As we begin this day, let us be reminded that whatever situation we are in right now, we can rejoice in the Lord.
9/6/20239 minutes, 22 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals Jairus' daughter): Dr. Dave Ward

As we worship God this morning, let us stay in faith and wait in hope.
9/6/202314 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracles 2023 (Jesus curses the fig tree): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

High in faith or low in faith today? May God meet us where we are in our faith as we worship Him today.
9/5/202319 minutes, 5 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals the blind man, Bartimaeus): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

What kind of faith leads to miracles? Faith that believes and receives.
9/4/202313 minutes
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a boy in unclean spirit): Pastor Dave Estrera

Let us worship and put our faith in the one true God who can make our miracles happen!
9/3/202313 minutes, 39 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a blind man at Bethsaida): Pastor Che de Sagun

Let us trust His ways, His timing, His heart and enjoy our journey with Him.
8/31/202311 minutes, 28 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus feeds the four thousand): Bishop Manny Carlos

If we sow in worship, we will reap in faith.
8/30/202314 minutes, 31 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a deaf man with a speech impediment): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

While we worship today, will we trust Jesus for the seemingly impossible situations in our life?
8/29/202314 minutes, 51 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals the syrophoenician woman's daughter): Pastor Christian Flores

Do we have any obstacles that stop us from seeking and worshiping God today?
8/28/202318 minutes, 38 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals the sick in Gennesaret): Pastor CJ Nunag

We can worship God anywhere today knowing He is present where we are.
8/27/202310 minutes, 22 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus walks on water): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Through our worship, God hears the hopes and fears of our hearts.
8/24/202322 minutes, 58 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus shows compassion to the crowd): Pastor Ariel Marquez

As we worship and draw near to God today, may we be blessed and be fully satisfied.
8/23/202318 minutes, 59 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a few sick people in His hometown): Pastor Mye Nunag

Have we become familiar with Jesus that we sometimes forget that He is clothed with majesty?
8/22/202310 minutes, 42 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus raises the synogogue ruler's daughter from the dead): Pastor Dave Estrera

Everything changes when we let Jesus enter our hearts through worship.
8/21/202312 minutes, 29 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (A bleeding woman gets healed by touching Jesus): Bishop Gilbert Foliente

Let’s worship God today! God is not just moved by need but by faith.
8/20/202312 minutes, 33 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a man with an unclean spirit in Gerasenes): Bishop Gilbert Foliente

May worshiping God this morning fill us with His grace, mercy, and peace to get through the day.
8/17/202322 minutes, 2 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus calms the storm): Bishop Manny Carlos

Do we worship Jesus through the storms of life?
8/16/202319 minutes, 11 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (A great crowd follows Jesus for His miracles): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Do we trust God, whether we receive our miracle or not?
8/15/202313 minutes, 20 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a man with a withered hand): Pastor Dennis Sy

As we worship God today, let us remember that in His presence, there is always rest.
8/14/202314 minutes, 55 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a paralytic at home): Pastor Tom Jackson

Let us do whatever it takes to get in the presence of Jesus.
8/13/202312 minutes, 32 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus cleanses a leaper): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

May God show His power and His heart for us as we worship Him today.
8/10/202322 minutes, 38 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus prays and later casts out demons): Bishop Juray Mora

Worshiping God this morning is the first and best choice we made today.
8/9/202319 minutes, 47 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law and many others): Pastor Che de Sagun

As we worship God today, may our hearts be open to know Him more, love Him more, and obey Him more.
8/8/202314 minutes, 34 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a man with an unclean spirit): Pastor Seth Trimmer

Today, may we not miss God’s power and presence as we worship Him this morning.
8/7/202314 minutes, 20 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus and the Little Children): Dr. William Murrell

As His children, we can confidently approach our heavenly Father in worship.
8/6/202314 minutes, 47 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus curses the fig tree): Pastor Dennis Sy

Let’s make our worship today be our prayer this morning.
8/3/202313 minutes, 28 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals the blind and the lame after He cleanses the temple): Pastor Adam Mabry

May our worship today be the first step into faithful obedience to God.
8/2/20237 minutes, 28 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals two blind men near Jericho): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

We can be thankful that Jesus meets our imperfect faith so that we may have greater faith in Him.
8/1/202311 minutes, 39 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus healed the crowds): Pastor Michael Paderes

May we experience everyday miracles as we continue to depend in God.
7/31/202314 minutes, 5 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus miraculously provides for Peter's and His tax): Pastor Janssen Morados

Are we ready to be a channel of God’s miracle to others today?
7/30/202318 minutes, 35 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a boy with a demon who His disciples could not heal): Pastor Che de Sagun

Let us come to Jesus and bring all our concerns to Him.
7/27/202317 minutes, 16 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals many on a mountain near the Sea of Galilee and feeds the four thousand): Pastor Pelham Lessing

Let us open our hearts as we approach God, put our faith in Him, and trust His character.
7/26/202316 minutes, 53 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals the Canaanite woman's daughter): Dr. Jun Escosar

Let us praise Jesus this morning! Let us align our hearts with God’s will and invite His presence into our lives.
7/25/202314 minutes, 4 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals the sick at Gennesaret): Pastor Jon Dolor

May we never miss the greatest opportunity and greatest honor of having Jesus in our lives.
7/24/202310 minutes, 49 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus walks on water and so does Peter): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

May we experience God’s goodness and power at work in our lives today.
7/23/202324 minutes, 22 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus feeds the five thousand): Dr. Elaine Bernius

Today, may we walk in the peace and rest we can find through Jesus’ compassion.
7/20/202313 minutes, 5 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus didn't do many miracles because of the unbelief of people): Bishop Manny Carlos

Let us trust that God’s presence will be with us today and everyday.
7/19/202318 minutes, 28 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus casts out a demon from a blind and mute man): Pastor Dave Estrera

May we be reminded not to miss out the power and work of God in our lives today.
7/18/202314 minutes, 8 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals many but tells them not to tell others): Pastor Brian Taylor

Today, let’s share what we are most excited about: Jesus!
7/17/202312 minutes, 15 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a man with a withered hand on a Sabbath): Pastor Mye Nunag

Let us continue to respond with tender hearts to receive our perfect peace and wholeness in Christ.
7/16/202311 minutes, 13 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus denounces the unrepentant cities): Bishop Juray Mora

Today, let us ask God to open the eyes of our hearts to see His truth and love.
7/13/202311 minutes, 51 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus shows John the baptizer's disciples His miracles): Pastor Jon Dolor

Let us be thankful that miracles can happen every day for us and through us also for the benefit of others!
7/12/202310 minutes, 7 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus predicts the persecution of His disciples): Pastor CJ Nunag

His presence is the best assurance we can have during difficult times.
7/11/202314 minutes, 7 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus healed the crowds and had compassion on them): Pastor Che de Sagun

As we dedicate this time to worship God this morning, may we know and feel His love that is kind and compassionate.
7/10/202314 minutes, 11 seconds
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Miracles: 202 (Jesus heals a mute man): Pastor Keith Tower

May our worship to Him today be a proper response to our God who can and will perform miracles.
7/9/202313 minutes, 51 seconds
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Day 3 (To the End of the Earth: Eye-Opening Miracles through Reluctant People): Pastor Janssen Morados

May our mornings be a time spent worshiping our LORD.
7/6/202317 minutes, 22 seconds
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Day 2 (In Judea and Samaria: Door-Opening Miracles through Persecuted People): Dr. William Murrell

Today, let us come in worship asking God to give us the faith to be bold and courageous for His glory.
7/5/202314 minutes, 50 seconds
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Day 1 (In Jerusalem: Extraordinary Miracles through Ordinary People): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

As we start our week of prayer and fasting in worship, let our hearts be ready to serve Him this week.
7/4/202313 minutes, 26 seconds
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Introduction (Miraculous Power through the Holy Spirit): Pastor Steve Murrell

May we feel the loving presence of the Lord as we worship Him today.
7/3/202314 minutes, 41 seconds
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Preparing for the Fast: Pastor Jon Dolor

As we prepare to pray and fast, let us humble ourselves and acknowledge the importance of God’s Word in our lives.
7/2/202313 minutes, 27 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals two blind men): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

Do we approach God with how we feel and trust Him completely for His plans for us?
6/29/20239 minutes, 52 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals the bleeding woman): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

We have received our greatest miracle in Christ through His life, death, and resurrection.
6/28/202314 minutes, 53 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus raises a ruler's daughter back from the dead): Pastor Jon Dolor

Today, may we see God’s love displayed in our lives.
6/27/202311 minutes, 19 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals a paralytic): Pastor Mye Nunag

Let us put everything aside and come to Him in faith.
6/26/202311 minutes, 48 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals two men with demons in Gadarenes): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Let us draw near God and may we always enjoy His presence.
6/25/202317 minutes, 35 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus calms the storm): Pastor Dave Estrera

Today, let us pour out our hearts to Him in praise and worship.
6/22/202312 minutes, 59 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law and the multitudes): Pastor Michael Paderes

We can be thankful that we have a good God who is able to take care of us.
6/21/202314 minutes, 15 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals the centurion's servant): Pastor Jon Naron

Even if the miracle has not yet happened, His word does not change, so we can keep on believing!
6/20/202316 minutes, 14 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus cleanses the leaper): Pastor Mariam Gonzalez

We can be thankful today for the deep and intimate manner that makes us feel seen and known completely and personally by our God.
6/19/202317 minutes, 21 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus heals the multitudes all throughout Galilee): Pastor Dennis Sy

Let us receive and apply the Lord’s message of faith, love, and hope.
6/18/202316 minutes, 8 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jonah preserved in the fish's belly for three days): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Today, let us seek God and ask Him to give us a new heart of gratitude.
6/15/202323 minutes, 57 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Daniel delivered from lions): Pastor Che de Sagun

May our faithfulness to God’s word, worship, and our work point others to Him.
6/14/202312 minutes, 29 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Mysterious hand writes on the wall): Pastor Jon Dolor

May this truth guide us not just for the rest of the week, but change us for the rest of our lives.
6/13/202315 minutes, 16 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Three men delivered from the fiery furnace): Pastor Dave Estrera

May our lives be marked by God’s favor and grace today.
6/12/202323 minutes, 14 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Uzziah struck with leprosy): Pastor Ritchie Llanto

Let us trust God and believe that His plans are what is best for us.
6/11/202325 minutes, 18 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Hezekiah healed of a deadly disease): Pastor Dennis Sy

Let us remind ourselves that God is faithful, God is devoted, and God is true to His word.
6/8/202314 minutes, 54 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Sennerachib's army destroyed by an angel): Pastor Che de Sagun

Our prayer is that the more we know Him the more we will love and live for Him.
6/7/202316 minutes, 11 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Man raised from the dead through contact with Elisha's bones): Bishop Manny Carlos

Let us thank God for His miracles that confirm his promises.
6/6/202320 minutes, 44 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Ben-Hadad's plans revealed by the LORD): Pastor Dave Estrera

When we trust and obey God, we will see miracles unfold in our lives.
6/5/202317 minutes, 8 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Axehead rises and floats on water): Pastor CJ Nunag

May our worship be a lifestyle.
6/4/202311 minutes, 32 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Gehazi's greed judged with leprosy): Pastor Jon Dolor

Let us open our eyes to the truth that we breathe God’s undeserved grace, mercy, and kindness daily.
6/1/202313 minutes, 50 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Naaman's leprosy healed): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

Today, let us approach God with how we feel and trust Him for His plans for us.
5/31/202312 minutes, 31 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Bread and grain multiplied): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

Are we willing to be blessed because of our desire to be a blessing?
5/30/202319 minutes, 13 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Poisoned stew made edible): Pastor Dave Estrera

Let our hearts be humbled by the overwhelming mercy and grace of God in our lives.
5/29/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The Shunnamite's son raised from the dead): Dr Nixon Ng

As we wait in patient expectation for our miracles, let us hold on to His word that all is and will be well.
5/28/202317 minutes, 13 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The Shunnamite woman bears a son): Pastor Rodnel Gascon

Today and everyday, let us put our faith in God who is faithful to fulfill His promises!
5/25/202318 minutes, 31 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The widow's oil supernaturally multiplies): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Let us remember God’s mighty works, and realize it is to a good and gracious God that we sing in worship.
5/24/202315 minutes, 30 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The LORD miraculously provides water for Jehoshaphat's army): Pastor CJ Nunag

As we worship today, in times of plenty or in times of lack, may God be the first one we seek and go to.
5/23/202314 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracles 2023 (Elijah's mockers cursed and then torn by bears): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Today, let us worship our Father who blesses us and protects us and our families always.
5/22/202318 minutes, 6 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Waters of Jericho purified): Pastor Jon Dolor

Today, let us worship and remember our one true source of miracles.
5/21/202312 minutes, 11 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jordan River divided by Elijah's mantle): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

Let us worship as we remain patient and trust God in the process.
5/18/202310 minutes, 18 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Soldiers consumed when Elijah calls down fire): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Are we meditating on God’s word and willing to obey it?
5/17/202317 minutes, 13 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The LORD answers Elijah's prayer for rain): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

May our daily worship and devotion to God and His word strengthen our faith and our relationship with Him.
5/16/202323 minutes, 54 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The LORD answers Elijah's prayer with fire): Pastor CJ Nunag

Part of worship is recognizing God for who He is. He is God, He is our Lord. He is worthy to be praised.
5/15/202314 minutes, 55 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Elijah fed by ravens): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

Let us persevere in faith because tomorrow could possibly be our day of breakthrough.
5/14/202317 minutes, 47 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Elijah declares a drought upon the land): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

May God’s purpose and power be seen in our lives today as we hold on and declare His word.
5/11/202313 minutes, 18 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Fire from God breaks about against Uzzah): Pastor Jon Dolor

Every day is a demonstration of God’s power and holiness!
5/10/202310 minutes, 51 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Thunder and rain during harvest time): Bishop Juray Mora

Isn’t it comforting to know that God always knows what’s best for us?
5/9/202319 minutes, 28 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The LORD strikes 70 Israelites): Bishop Manny Carlos

We can now draw near to God with a sincere faith in full assurance of faith.
5/8/202319 minutes, 10 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The Ark of the Covenant returned to Israel): Pastor Che de Sagun

We can be thankful today that His plans, promises, and purposes are for our good and for His glory.
5/7/202312 minutes, 51 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The LORD judges Dagon and the Philistines): Pastor Jon Naron

May nothing compete with Jesus’ place in our hearts.
5/4/202317 minutes, 52 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Samson tears down Dagon's house): Pastor Janssen Morados

Let us raise our voices in worship and praise to our God.
5/3/202316 minutes, 54 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Samson removes and carries away the entire gate of a city): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Let us magnify His name and His goodness over us inspite of what’s going on around us.
5/2/202320 minutes, 29 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (God provides Samson with water from a hollow place): Pastor Dave Estrera

God is faithful to us and may we also respond in faith and trust in Him.
5/1/202312 minutes, 47 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Samson breaks free from being tied up): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

We can celebrate today the victory and freedom we have through Jesus.
4/30/202316 minutes, 13 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Samson kills 30 Philistines): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Let us worship God with hearts open and ready to receive from Him.
4/27/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Samson kills the lion barehanded): Pastor Jon Dolor

May we never become too familiar with the grace, mercy, and favor God provides.
4/26/202315 minutes, 11 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (A barren woman gives birth to Samson): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

We can find comfort in the truth that God is steadfast and will not abandon us.
4/25/202321 minutes, 14 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Gideon defeats Midian with 300 men): Pastor CJ Nunag

May we experience miracles today as we trust God, have more of Him and less of ourselves.
4/24/202310 minutes, 47 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Dew on Gideon's fleece): Pastor Che de Sagun

May we have the faith to believe and wait for what He has promised us.
4/23/202319 minutes, 23 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The sun stands still): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

If we want to experience continuous miracles in our lives, we have to start with the Word of God.
4/20/202324 minutes, 31 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The fall of jericho's walls): Pastor Dave Estrera

Let's expect big things from God and attempt big things for Him.
4/19/202318 minutes, 25 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The parting of the Jordan River): Dr Nixon Ng

God is ready to perform His miracles in our lives. Are we ready to receive it?
4/18/202320 minutes, 51 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The donkey talks to Balaam): Pastor Che de Sagun

Today, God is speaking to us. Are we listening?
4/17/202315 minutes, 20 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Healing through the bronze serpent): Pastor Mye Nunag

We can trust His promises but can we also trust His ways for the fulfillment of this promise?
4/16/202315 minutes, 28 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Water from the rock in Meribah): Pastor Michael Paderes

Here’s a reminder for us today: Faith is always the correct response to God’s ways.
4/13/202315 minutes, 26 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Aaron's staff buds): Bishop Manny Carlos

We can rejoice in the good news as we entrust and submit our lives to Him.
4/12/202327 minutes, 27 seconds
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Holy Week (The Persecutor Turned Apostle): Pastor Jon Dolor

Let us be ready when God shows up in times and ways that we'd least expect.
4/11/202312 minutes, 21 seconds
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Holy Week (The Restored Disciple): Pastor Che de Sagun

In Christ, restoration is possible through His finished work.
4/10/202315 minutes, 54 seconds
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Holy Week (The Doubting Disciple): Pastor Ariel Marquez

We can trust God even in hopeless and desperate times.
4/9/20238 minutes, 35 seconds
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Holy Week (The Centurion): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Let's tell the world that Jesus is the Son of God.
4/6/202324 minutes, 25 seconds
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Holy Week (The Repentant Thief): Pastor Mye Nunag

We can draw near to God for Christ has taken away our shame and our greatest pain.
4/5/202310 minutes, 47 seconds
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Holy Week (The Friend and Betrayer): Dr Nixon Ng

May we find hope and comfort knowing Jesus calls us “friend” despite our shortcomings.
4/4/202316 minutes, 51 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Healing of Malchus's ear): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

May we experience the freedom Jesus offered to everyone who trusts in Him.
4/3/202315 minutes, 41 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Jesus curses the fig tree): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

Let us rejoice with people whose faith in God moved mountains.
4/2/202319 minutes, 57 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Plague sent upon the grumbling Israelites): Pastor Rodnel Gascon

We can be thankful for the journey of knowing and trusting God as we wait for our miracle is what matters most.
3/30/202315 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracles 2023 (Ground swollows Korah and company): Pastor Dave Estrera

May we set our hearts aligned to God as we worship Him together.
3/29/202320 minutes, 57 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Miriam given leprosy): Pastor Che de Sagun

We have the assurance that God hears our worship and knows our prayers.
3/28/202312 minutes, 14 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Quail and a plague sent to the Israelites): Pastor CJ Nunag

With grateful hearts, let us set aside everything & honor God by giving Him the worship He deserves.
3/27/202314 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracles 2023 (Fire from the LORD consumes Israelites): Dr. Jun Escosar

In worship, let us remember that God saved us, forgave us, and made us a part of His family.
3/26/202318 minutes, 9 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Fire from the LORD consumes Nadab and Abihu): Pastor Jon Naron

Let us worship in awe of God’s presence today.
3/23/202317 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracles 2023 (The LORD's glory appears and fire from Him consumes Aaron's offering): Pastor Janssen Morados

May we be ushered into His comforting presence as we worship God this morning.
3/22/202314 minutes, 16 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Israel defeats Amalek): Bishop Juray Mora

Today, we lift our hands in worship as an act of obedience and surrender to our Lord Jesus Christ.
3/21/202317 minutes, 45 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Water from the rock in Rephidim): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

While waiting for our miracle, do we run to God in prayer first?
3/20/202322 minutes, 24 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Manna provided): Pastor Mye Nunag

Our miracles begin by knowing God and walking with Him.
3/19/202311 minutes, 35 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Bitter waters made sweet): Bishop Manny Carlos

May we be refreshed by the Holy Spirit as we worship God and proclaim His name today.
3/16/202322 minutes, 7 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The crossing of the Red Sea): Dr. William Murrell

As we worship God this morning, let us open our hearts and be sensitive to His voice and leading.
3/15/202312 minutes, 15 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The pillar of cloud and fire): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Miracles 2023 (The pillar of cloud and fire): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo
3/14/202313 minutes, 52 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The plague on the firstborn): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Today is another miracle of God’s grace. Let us worship God to thank Him for His unending love and compassion.
3/13/202317 minutes, 45 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The plague of darkness): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

This morning, let’s set aside every thought and every plan for this day and simply worship Jesus.
3/12/202314 minutes, 32 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The plague of locusts): Pastor Dave Estrera

We remember, revere and put God first every time we worship Him.
3/9/202329 minutes, 25 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The plague of hail): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Let us worship God and proclaim His name today!
3/8/202318 minutes, 50 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The plague of boils): Pastor Mye Nunag

As we eagerly await miracles, may our hearts always be tender towards God, acknowledging His greatness and sovereign power.
3/7/202314 minutes, 8 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The plague upon livestock): Pastor Jon Dolor

Every day is a new day to experience God’s love, mercy, and faithfulness. May we never fail to thank Him through our worship.
3/6/202312 minutes, 14 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The plague of gnats): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

May our hearts be ready when God shows up in our everyday miracles.
3/5/202317 minutes, 55 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The plague of gnats): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

We were created to worship and serve God today and everyday.
3/2/202316 minutes
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Miracles 2023 (The plague of frogs): Pastor Barry Lee

Today, may we be reminded of the presence and patience of God in our lives.
3/1/202311 minutes, 40 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Water turns to blood): Pastor Che de Sagun

Knowing Christ, our Miracle-Worker, is far greater than any miracle we could possibly receive.
2/28/202314 minutes, 57 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Aaron's rod turns into a serpent): Pastor Jon Dolor

Only God can give real and lasting joy, peace, and security. Let’s worship Him daily!
2/27/202310 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Miracles 2023 (Moses' hand made leprous): Pastor Jon Naron

Let us take that step of faith and obedience to believe for God’s miracles and signs to come through.
2/26/202318 minutes, 45 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Moses' rod changed into a serpent and his hand made leprous): Pastor Janssen Morados

Today, let us praise and worship our Good Shepherd—the one who protects and provides for all our needs everyday.
2/23/202319 minutes, 3 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The burning bush): Pastor Steve Murrell

Let us find comfort in the fact that our God sees, hears, and knows us today and everyday.
2/22/20239 minutes, 17 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt): Pastor Che de Sagun

Have we started to put our faith in Christ and live righteously by His grace?
2/21/202315 minutes, 13 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Sodom and Gomorah destroyed): Pastor Dave Estrera

We can be grateful for the miracles of God that show us His goodness and grace.
2/20/202321 minutes, 1 second
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Miracles 2023 (God rescues Lot by striking the Sodomites blind): Bishop Juray Mora

Today is a priceless miracle that we can live a life that can make a difference for eternity.
2/19/202323 minutes, 27 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Confusion of Languages): Bishop Manny Carlos

Today, let us prepare our hearts to hear God’s voice clearly when He speaks to us.
2/16/202311 minutes, 40 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The Flood): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Let us worship and magnify God today, the rewarder of those who truly seek Him.
2/15/202323 minutes, 28 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Enoch's Translation): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Let us be thankful that every day we can get to know our Miracle Worker!
2/14/202311 minutes, 40 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The Miracle of Creating Humanity): Dr. Jun Escosar

May the miracles of every day draw us closer to God and know Him intimately!
2/13/202314 minutes, 59 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (The Miracle of Creation): Dr. Nixon Ng

Let us be thankful that every single day, we see God’s miraculous work.
2/12/202318 minutes, 28 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 150): Pastor Mye Nunag

May we live out this day in constant praise to the Lord.
2/9/202312 minutes, 43 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 149): Pastor Steve Murrell

May we always have a grateful heart, praising God, all throughout the day.
2/8/20238 minutes, 39 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 148): Bishop Juray Mora

Every day is the best time to praise God!
2/7/202315 minutes, 25 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 147): Pastor Rodnel Gascon

We are created to praise God. And when we praise Him, we experience joy.
2/6/202318 minutes, 14 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 146): Bishop Manny Carlos

Our Lord promises He will never leave us nor forsake us, and He will be mighty for us till the very end. Let’s respond by loving Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
2/5/202319 minutes, 39 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 145): Pastor Jon Dolor

When we realize how God has been so good to us, what will our response be?
2/2/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 144): Pastor Michael Paderes

Today, we can be thankful for the unconditional, undeserved, faithful, and steadfast love of God toward us.
2/1/202313 minutes, 58 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 143): Pastor Mye Nunag

Let us not miss out one of the greatest miracles: to experience true life that comes from God.
1/31/202310 minutes, 56 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 142): Pastor Jon Naron

There is nothing to fear when we know who our protector, defender, comforter and refuge is.
1/30/202317 minutes, 31 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 141): Bishop Juray Mora

May we always allow God to transform our hearts and renew our minds with the truth of His Word.
1/29/202316 minutes
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 140): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Have we discovered where the safest place is? It is in the presence of God.
1/26/202321 minutes, 46 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 139): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

How comforting it is to know that God knows us and what is in our hearts.
1/25/202318 minutes, 12 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 138): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Do we know that every day we are alive is a day to express our faith and make God known?
1/24/202311 minutes, 18 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 137): Pastor Rodnel Gascon

A proper response to all the good God has planned for and given us is our worship.
1/23/202317 minutes, 48 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 136): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

May we give thanks to God today as we witness the miracle of His goodness in our lives.
1/22/202317 minutes, 52 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 135): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

May this year be the year we grow in trusting God as we believe Him for miracles.
1/19/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 134): Pastor Janssen Morados

Do we spend our days living as children of God? Let us honor Him with how we live our lives today.
1/18/202318 minutes, 29 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 133): Pastor Che de Sagun

This year, may our hearts be more sensitive, responsive, and eager to please the Lord.
1/17/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 132): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

As we seek God everyday, may our lives be a living testimony and a witness of God’s miracles.
1/16/202316 minutes, 37 seconds
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Miracles 2023 (Psalm 131): Pastor Mye Nunag

Let’s continue to put our hope not just in what the Lord can do, but for all the days of our lives, may we have confidence in who He is.
1/15/202311 minutes, 11 seconds
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Deliverance (Day 5): Pastor Dave Estrera

As we expect and wait for God’s miracles in our lives, we should not forget that ultimately, our goal is to make Him known.
1/12/202318 minutes, 42 seconds
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Guidance (Day 4): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Heart check: Is our heart’s desire to seek God and pursue Him in every season?
1/11/202318 minutes, 44 seconds
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Provision (Day 3): Bishop Juray Mora

We can enjoy God’s richness and unlimited grace all because of His love and compassion for us.
1/10/202315 minutes, 12 seconds
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Healing (Day 2): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

As we join together in prayer and fasting, let us be expectant of the miracles God is about to do today!
1/9/202312 minutes, 39 seconds
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Pentecost (Day 1): Dr. Jun Escosar

May we start the year in praise and adoration, acknowledging the One who truly rules and reigns in our hearts.  Let us wait in hopeful expectation for the miracles the Lord is about to perform in our lives!
1/8/202315 minutes, 41 seconds
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Preparing for the Fast (Matthew 6): Pastor Dave Estrera

Let us start this year right by acknowledging and honoring God for His is the kingdom, the power and the glory now and forevermore.
1/5/202315 minutes, 27 seconds
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Preparing for the Fast (Matthew 6): Pastor Michael Paderes

May God be our ultimate breakthrough this year!
1/4/202313 minutes, 38 seconds
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Preparing for the Fast (Matthew 6): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

Just like Jesus, let us come to our Father and open our hearts in prayer.
1/3/202314 minutes, 4 seconds
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Preparing for the Fast (Matthew 6): Dr. Nixon Ng

Do we know that we have a Father and that He wants what’s best for us?
1/2/202318 minutes, 22 seconds
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Preparing for the Fast (Matthew 6): Pastor Che de Sagun

God is still our greatest gain as we pray, fast, and consecrate ourselves this week.
1/1/202313 minutes, 4 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 130): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

We can confidently announce the start of a new year with hope because God is already in our future.
12/29/202213 minutes, 7 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 129): Pastor Michael Paderes

Let us recount God’s goodness and faithfulness in our lives and turn to Him for our help and protection.
12/28/202212 minutes, 8 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 128): Bishop Juray Mora

Let us start the new year with the desire to follow God today and every day.
12/27/202213 minutes, 32 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 127): Pastor Mye Nunag

As we end the year, let us reflect on the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord.  May we never waver from entering His gates with thanksgiving and praise as we worship Him.
12/26/202213 minutes, 28 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 126): Dr. Nixon Ng

Whatever was in the past and whatever is in store in the future, as a child of God, we never lose hope because we have a faithful God.
12/25/202214 minutes, 58 seconds
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Christmas Psalms (The Song of Jesus on the Cross): Bishop Manny Carlos

Thank you Lord for the good news of Christmas! Glory to God in the highest and Peace to all men on whom His favor rests.
12/22/202220 minutes, 12 seconds
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Christmas Psalms (The Song of Simeon): BIshop Ferdie Cabiling

What is the greatest gift we can receive this Christmas? Our salvation from our sins and receiving the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
12/21/202216 minutes, 3 seconds
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Christmas Psalms (The Song of the Angels): Pastor Che de Sagun

In this most festive season, may we remember to seek Jesus, to glorify Him, praise Him, and make Him known.
12/20/202214 minutes, 45 seconds
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Christmas Psalms (The Song of Zechariah): Pastor Janssen Morados

Why do we celebrate this season? Because of Jesus - who He is and what He has done.
12/19/202215 minutes, 24 seconds
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Christmas Psalms (The Song of Mary): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Jesus is our Savior! May our souls magnify the Lord and rejoice in Him.
12/18/202211 minutes, 14 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 125): Dr. Nixon Ng

The starting point of abiding in God is trusting God. Those who trust in God cannot be moved.
12/15/202214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 124): Pastor Jon Dolor

As the days get busier, let’s all take a moment to focus on His presence and worship Him today.
12/14/20228 minutes, 17 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 123): Pastor Dave Estrera

In our daily spiritual discipline of continually abiding in the Lord, how has God revealed Himself to you personally?
12/13/202213 minutes, 39 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 122): Pastor Rodnel Gascon

With a few more weeks before Christmas, the greatest thing we can be thankful for is the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.
12/12/202215 minutes, 59 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 121): Bishop Manny Carlos

Abiding in God also means trusting Him with our lives everyday.
12/11/202220 minutes, 1 second
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 120): Pastor Che de Sagun

May the peace of God comfort us today and lead us to encourage others as well.
12/8/202210 minutes, 25 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 119): Pastor Jon Dolor

Let us remember to take time to wait on the Lord daily.  We need to hear Him speak to our hearts and encourage us that we have nothing to fear.
12/7/202212 minutes, 13 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 118): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God is our safe place.
12/6/202218 minutes, 26 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 117): Pastor Michael Paderes

Everyday, we are blessed with the love of God that is true, steadfast, kind and merciful.
12/5/202213 minutes, 34 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 116): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

This is the abiding truth: God is good to us in all areas of our lives.
12/4/202211 minutes, 54 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 115): Pastor Rodnel Gascon

Who do we put our trust in?
12/1/202214 minutes, 34 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 114): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God renews our strength as we abide and wait in Him.
11/30/202216 minutes, 56 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 113): Pastor Che de Sagun

Let us praise God from the moment we wake until our day ends.
11/29/20228 minutes, 38 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 112): Pastor Janssen Morados

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.
11/28/202217 minutes, 57 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 111): Pastor Dave Estrera

Will we let God do His powerful work in us today?
11/27/202218 minutes, 41 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 110): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

May God’s goodness and glory be proclaimed today.
11/24/202219 minutes, 28 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 109): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Let us resolve to follow and seek God through prayer and praise everyday.
11/23/202211 minutes, 38 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 108): Pastor Jon Naron

Today, will we let our hearts be fixed on God’s steadfast love? His love is one that never wanes, never lessens, never fades, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.
11/22/202218 minutes, 3 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 107): Pastor Ariel Marquez

When we go through life’s difficult moments, may we confidently call God and cry out to Him.
11/21/202215 minutes, 7 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 106): Pastor Che de Sagun

What’s one thing you are praising God for today?
11/20/202213 minutes, 45 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 105): Pastor Mye Nunag

As we continue to abide in God, may He grant us the eyes to see, believe, and experience His covenant promises for us.
11/17/202211 minutes, 15 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 104): Pastor Janssen Morados

Abiding in God also means depending on His greatness!
11/16/202215 minutes, 56 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 103): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

When we remember how God has been good to us in so many ways, may it be more than enough reason for us to continually abide and remain in the God that we serve and love.
11/15/202213 minutes, 30 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 102): Pastor Dave Estrera

Abiding in God is not just us letting God know what we are going through.  But may it also lead us to know God more.
11/14/202218 minutes, 9 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 101): Bishop Juray Mora

Let us always cultivate that love for God by establishing our regular time with Him.
11/13/202214 minutes, 27 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 100): Dr Jun Escosar

May we all be committed to make a joyful noise, to serve the Lord with gladness, to come into His presence with singing, to enter His gates with thanksgiving, to enter His courts with praise, and to give thanks to Him and bless His name.
11/10/202216 minutes, 17 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 99): Pastor Jon Dolor

Our ultimate offering to God is our worship and obedience.
11/9/202212 minutes, 27 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 98): Pastor Rodnel Gascon

In what areas of your life are you believing for God’s miracle?
11/8/202217 minutes, 10 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 97): Pastor Michael Paderes

Have we made it a part of our day to share God’s love and goodness to others?
11/7/202212 minutes
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 96): Pastor Che de Sagun

We start our day declaring that You, LORD, are worthy of our worship. And may everything we do throughout the day bring You praise.
11/6/202215 minutes, 3 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 95): Cathy Foliente

The more we know God, the more enriching is our thanksgiving, praise, and worship unto Him.
11/3/202210 minutes, 28 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 94): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Today, let us abide in God and rely on His strength. The LORD is our defender who will protect us and fight our battles for us.
11/2/202216 minutes, 11 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 93): Dr Nixon Ng

We should ask ourselves this daily: Are we letting GOD rule and reign in our lives? Will we respond to Him in awe, worship and surrender?
11/1/202218 minutes, 22 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 92): Pastor Dave Estrera

Times of refreshing will come as we wait and abide in the presence of the LORD.
10/31/202216 minutes, 36 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 91): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

Abiding in the LORD demonstrates this truth: "Nearness is a gift. Closeness is a choice." (Pastor Jim Laffoon)
10/30/202223 minutes, 32 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 90): Pastor Steve Murrell

We cry out together to our God who is worthy of our worship today.
10/27/202210 minutes, 29 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 89): Bishop Manny Carlos

We can sing in worship of God’s steadfast love because we have a King who rules and reigns in our hearts and minds as we have confessed Jesus our Lord and Savior.
10/26/202220 minutes, 19 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 88): Pastor Dave Estrera

It is comforting to know that we can rely on God for shelter, protection, rescue and help.
10/25/202222 minutes, 49 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 87): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

One thing we can be most thankful for today: our salvation and our citizenship in heaven through faith in our LORD Jesus Christ.
10/24/202220 minutes, 52 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 86): Pastor Steve Murrell

Today, let us decide to love the LORD our God with all our hearts, with all our soul, and with all our might.
10/23/202213 minutes, 11 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 85): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Have you put your trust in the complete work of Christ on the cross for your salvation?
10/20/202215 minutes, 57 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 84): Pastor Che de Sagun

Let us make it our goal to seek God every day—to dwell, rest, and enjoy His presence.
10/19/202211 minutes, 55 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 83): Bishop Juray Mora

Find your peace in God. Rest in His grace and receive His joy in His presence.
10/18/202218 minutes, 13 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 82): Pastor Jon Dolor

We are blessed by the comfort of knowing that God watches over us wherever we go and whatever we do everyday of our lives.
10/17/20229 minutes, 48 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 81): Pastor Janssen Morados

Today, let us ready our hearts as we enter the Lord’s presence to worship.
10/16/202212 minutes, 43 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 80): Pastor Che de Sagun

Finding God as we wait and abide in Him is one of the greatest gifts we can ever receive.
10/13/202213 minutes, 32 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 79): Pastor Jon Naron

God is honored and glorified when we put Him first in all aspects of our lives.
10/12/202215 minutes, 44 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 78): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

May our worship is an expression of gratitude to God’s love and goodness.
10/11/202224 minutes, 8 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 77): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

As we begin our day with worship, knowing that God is on our side, we can be confident and have nothing to fear.
10/10/202216 minutes, 14 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 76): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Our heavenly Father knows His children.  He knows us by name and welcomes us every time we run to Him.
10/9/202213 minutes, 45 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 75): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Spending time with our Heavenly Father gives us the peace and security we need everyday.
10/6/202213 minutes
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 74): Pastor Ariel Marquez

God has been faithful in the past, He will continue to remain faithful today and tomorrow.
10/5/202219 minutes, 13 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 73): Pastor Paul Barker

Spending and dedicating time with the Lord is one of the best things we can do daily.
10/5/202214 minutes, 6 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 72): Pastor Mye Nunag

How do we let others feel God’s love through us?
10/3/202211 minutes, 54 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 71): Pastor Dave Estrera

May we be confident of this truth: that God is always at work for our good.
10/2/202214 minutes, 21 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 70): Dr Jun Escosar

When we express a grateful heart to God, it always follows a heart of praise in our worship!
9/29/202213 minutes, 50 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 69): Pastor Rodnel Gascon

Do we know who to call on for help, salvation, provision, mercy and grace?
9/28/202215 minutes, 27 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 68): Pastor Janssen Morados

Through and after the storm, we can praise and thank God for His constant love and protection.
9/27/202214 minutes, 44 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 67): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

There is no better way to start our day apart from spending time with God who gives us the joy in hearts to praise and rejoice in Him.
9/26/202213 minutes, 22 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 66): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

We run to you Jesus, declaring and dedicating this morning, in praise, worship and thanksgiving.
9/26/202221 minutes, 32 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 65): Pastor Michael Paderes

We start our day in worship because God longs for us to come near to Him in confidence and with a pure heart.
9/22/202211 minutes, 41 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 64): Pastor Mye Nunag

How encouraging for us to know that we can hope, we can be strong and we can succeed because our heavenly Father is with us.
9/21/202210 minutes, 3 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 63): Pastor Dave Estrera

We have a loving and gracious God who is always available for us to connect with and have a relationship with.
9/20/202221 minutes, 7 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 62): Pastor Che de Sagun

Today, let us fix our eyes on God as we pray, we trust and we wait.
9/19/202213 minutes, 3 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 61): Bishop Juray Mora

Isn’t it encouraging to know that we have a God who knows what’s in our hearts and cares for us?
9/18/202221 minutes, 48 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 60): Pastor Jon Naron

LORD, help us to live each day in a way that glorifies you.
9/15/202215 minutes, 42 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 59): Pastor Michael Paderes

We worship a God whose love for us is unchanging, unwavering, unshakeable, never ending, and trustworthy.
9/14/202210 minutes, 56 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 58): Dr Nixon Ng

Do we know who to run to when we are sad, weak or tired? The LORD is always available to welcome and care for us in our time of need.
9/13/202221 minutes, 26 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 57): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

We can decide in our hearts to continue to trust in the Lord no matter what.
9/12/202217 minutes, 29 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 56): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Let us set aside everything this morning and give our worship and adoration to the God who deserves all of the worship we can give.
9/11/202213 minutes, 18 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 55): Pastor Che de Sagun

Maybe some of us are weary and tired today. Let us come to God in worship and find rest.
9/8/202213 minutes, 16 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 54): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

We have nothing to fear when we know God is our protector and defender.
9/7/202216 minutes, 6 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 53): Pastor Mye Nunag

Abiding in God means trusting Him with all our hearts, waiting and following His leading.
9/6/202211 minutes, 33 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 52): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Only when we trust in God our Savior—amid the troubles around us—can we experience His eternal joy and protection.
9/5/202214 minutes, 54 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 51): Dr Nixon Ng

Today and everyday, we are grateful that our help comes from our Lord and Savior.
9/4/202219 minutes, 39 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 50): Pastor Jon Naron

When was the last time we asked God to examine our hearts and let Him lead us to the right path? May we experience today His perfect love that draws us to Him.
9/1/202217 minutes, 34 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 49): Pastor Mye Nunag

We can always be reminded of the hope that we have in God and the confidence that it brings.
8/31/202210 minutes, 44 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 48): Dr William Murrell

Every new day is a blessing from our awesome God!
8/30/202218 minutes, 41 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 47): Pastor Dave Estrera

Searching our hearts today, let us give thanks and sing praise to our God!
8/29/202212 minutes, 6 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 46): Cathy Foliente

We have nothing to fear when we know that God is with us today and everyday.
8/28/202214 minutes, 18 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 45): Pastor Jon Dolor

Today, let us open our hearts in praise and worship as we trust in our one true GOD.
8/25/202213 minutes, 33 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 44): Pastor Rodnel Gascon

Take some time today to remember God’s love, mercy, and faithfulness in your life. Who can you encourage to look to God today?
8/24/202214 minutes, 56 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 43): Pastor Mye Nunag

Today, may we experience God as our exceeding joy, and may we respond with giving our everything to praise and give glory to His name.
8/23/202216 minutes, 12 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 42): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

God is worthy of our praise and worship for His love and goodness are always sure.
8/22/202218 minutes, 40 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 41): Paolo Punzalan

Wherever we are today, let us worship God in spirit and in truth.
8/21/202216 minutes, 25 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 40): Pastor Janssen Morados

May this be our declaration of trust in God in everything and in every season.
8/18/202218 minutes, 17 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 39): Pastor Che de Sagun

Today, let’s worship God and thank Him for each day that He has given us.
8/17/202211 minutes, 56 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 38): Pastor Dave Estrera

Let us trust God today to mold us and form us into His image and likeness.
8/16/202218 minutes, 3 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 37): Bishop Juray Mora

We can let go of our worries because God’s will and His promises are established according to His time.
8/15/202223 minutes, 28 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 36): Dr Brian Taylor

God’s goodness is worthy of our attention, worship, and praise! He is loving and faithful, our source of strength every day.
8/14/202215 minutes, 4 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 35): Pastor Che de Sagun

Today, let’s worship God with grateful hearts. We can abide in Him even through tough times—He is our salvation!
8/11/202212 minutes, 31 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 34): Pastor Jon Naron

Abiding in God means continually praising Him together. Let us worship and magnify Him today!
8/10/202215 minutes, 7 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 33): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

We can worship God with grateful and joyful hearts every day—His work is faithful, and His Word is powerful and true.
8/9/202222 minutes, 13 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 32): Pastor Jon Naron

Abiding in God means coming to Him for forgiveness and receiving His steadfast love. When we are struggling with sin, we can humbly confess and find freedom in the Lord.
8/8/202218 minutes, 20 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 31): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Our lives are in God’s faithful hands. In times of darkness, we can always run to God and trust that He will listen to us and redeem us.
8/7/202218 minutes, 29 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 30): Pastor Rodnel Gascon

God journeys with us even through our trials. Our personal encounters with Him can turn into life-giving testimonies of grace.
8/4/202216 minutes, 19 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 29): Jennifer Tower

As we use our voices to give God praise, God uses His voice to give power to our lives and bless us with peace.
8/3/202215 minutes, 46 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 28): Pastor Jon Dolor

God is with us and helps us in our troubles. We can always rejoice in, trust, and worship Him.
8/2/202215 minutes, 42 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 27): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

Conquering our fears is possible when we abide in God. As we make Him the focus of our lives, we can be assured of experiencing His goodness.
8/1/202217 minutes, 23 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 26): Pastor Dave Estrera

In the midst of a changing and imperfect world, we can choose to enjoy God’s presence and abide in His steadfast love.
7/31/202217 minutes, 57 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 25): Pastor Jon Dolor

When we need help and wisdom, not only can we trust in God’s power but also be confident in His love. He knows us better than we do and loves us more than we know.
7/28/202212 minutes, 46 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 24): Dr Nixon Ng

We can approach God when we are righteous before Him. Righteousness is possible because of what Christ has done for us.
7/27/202216 minutes, 12 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 23): Pastor Steve Murrell

God restores our souls in times of rest, but He may also lead us through righteous paths that are dark and difficult. When we go through difficult seasons, we can trust that our cups will overflow–God’s mercy and His presence will be with us.
7/26/202210 minutes, 56 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 22): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Affliction does not mean that we have been abandoned by God. Rather, it is an invitation to deepen our trust in and express our praise for Him.
7/25/202214 minutes, 34 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 21): Bishop Juray Mora

Out of great struggles come great victories and encounters with God. Even when there are little or no hopeful signs, we can always trust that God is at work in our lives and in the world.
7/24/202215 minutes, 22 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 20): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

As we personally get to know God, we will learn not to focus on the difficulties before us. Instead, we will be able to stand upright and see the faithfulness of our God.
7/21/202213 minutes, 10 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 19): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

Holding on to God’s perfect word enables us to face the storms in our life. God’s word is unchanging and dependable, helping us to abide in a good and loving God.
7/20/202218 minutes, 45 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 18): Pastor Dave Estrera

In difficult times, God is our security and source of strength. We can run to Him and trust in His faithfulness.
7/19/202214 minutes, 42 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 17): Pastor Michael Paderes

The world may offer so many good things, but may our hearts find real contentment and joy in the presence of God.
7/18/202214 minutes, 18 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 16): Dr Dave Ward

As we abide in the presence of God, true joy fills up our hearts. It overflows in our lives and how we relate with others, and it strengthens us in the midst of challenges.
7/17/202218 minutes, 38 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 15): Pastor Jon Naron

To dwell in the presence of God means being able to depend on and submit to His will. How much of our life have we entrusted to Him?
7/14/202214 minutes, 5 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 14): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

When things around us seems difficult, we can put our hope on who the Lord is. He is a God who restores His people, an ever-present help to those who are in trouble.
7/13/202215 minutes, 5 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 13): Bishop Juray Mora

Even in our weakest moment, God is with us. Our strength to overcome comes from trusting and abiding in His steadfast love.
7/12/202216 minutes, 40 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 12): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God's words are pure, true, and tested. Therefore we can rely on Him and His promises. If He says He will, He would.
7/11/202212 minutes, 24 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 11): Pastor Jon Dolor

God is holy and we are not. But because of Jesus and the cross, we are made righteous and was given the access to come before Him.
7/10/202214 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Word of God Is Like Fire: Pastor Mye Nunag

How has the word of God transformed you? When God’s word enters our heart, it ignites a fire that is hard to extinguish—we can’t help but share it with others. May we continue to abide in God and live a life that honors Him.
7/7/202211 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Word of God Is Like the Breath of Life: Pastor Dave Estrera

God’s word is His thoughts, feelings, and plans for us as revealed in the Bible. More than a written promise, it is life giving and brings about lasting transformation in us.
7/6/202218 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Word of God Bears Fruit: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Fruit-bearing is a process that takes time. As we continually abide in God, not only will we bear much fruit, but also fruit that will endure.
7/5/202214 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Word of God Is Like Rain: Pastor Che de Sagun

God’s word will never return to Him until it has served its purpose. It is like rain, nourishing and satisfying our souls especially in seasons of dryness and unfruitfulness. We can be confident that His word will fulfill His purpose in us as we remain in Him.
7/4/202218 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Word of God Prunes: Dr Nixon Ng

Pruning can look different for all of us. God works in different areas of our lives and He wants us to be fruitful. But it is only when we abide in Him that we will bear fruit.
7/3/202211 minutes, 39 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 10): Pastor Mye Nunag

In times of difficulties, we can confidently come before God. He sees and knows our condition and He understands our hearts.
6/30/202216 minutes, 54 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 9): Pastor Ariel Marquez

God’s faithfulness in the past is our guarantee that He is always for us. He will never forsake those who put their trust in Him.
6/29/202216 minutes, 52 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 8): Pastor Jon Naron

God is majestic in all the earth and glorious above the heavens, yet He is mindful of us.
6/28/202216 minutes, 54 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 7): Pastor Michael Paderes

When we call upon God as our Refuge, it means we entrust our lives to His care and protection, especially in the face of uncertainty, danger, and opposition.
6/27/202211 minutes, 47 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 6): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Are you feeling down or weary? Come before God with your prayers and pleas, and know that He hears them. In Him, you will have peace.
6/26/202216 minutes, 54 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 5): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

We can rejoice even in the midst of trouble when we remain in the presence of God.
6/23/202221 minutes, 11 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 4): Pastor Jon Dolor

We can cry out to God with confidence because He is the God who hears and moves. We have seen Him do it in the past, He will do it again.
6/22/202221 minutes, 11 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 3): Pastor Che de Sagun

In challenging situations, who do you turn to? When we call on God, He answers. He will strengthen, sustain, and save us in our most difficult time.
6/21/202216 minutes, 54 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 2): Pastor Dave Estrera

Abiding in God is an invitation to humble ourselves, serve Him, and trust His promises.
6/20/202221 minutes, 11 seconds
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Abide 2022 (Psalm 1): Dr Nixon Ng

May we find delight in unhurried moments with God as we take time meditating on His word.
6/19/202213 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ephesians 4 (Part 5): Pastor Michael Paderes

When we are connected to Christ, we are able to stand together, encourage one another, build each other up in love and truth.
6/16/202218 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ephesians 4 (Part 4): Pastor Jon Naron

As a church, we are called in unity to serve one God—our Father, who desires be near and have a relationship with us.
6/15/202218 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ephesians 4 (Part 3): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

What are the things in your life you tend to put your hope in? Our faith in Jesus and our relationship with Him is the reason we can have a hope that is secure regardless of the circumstances we face.
6/14/202213 minutes, 40 seconds
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Ephesians 4 (Part 2): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

We share the same faith in God, united by the Holy Spirit living in all of us, and called upon in one hope, which is Jesus.
6/13/202217 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ephesians 4 (Part 1): Dr Nixon Ng

Because of who Christ is—His character, His example, His name—we are to live a life worthy of our calling we have received.
6/12/202214 minutes, 46 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 46): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Let’s remember in our prayers our leaders in church whom God has lovingly placed in our lives to guide, care for, and lead us closer to Him.
6/9/202218 minutes, 5 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 45): Pastor Mye Nunag

We are called not only to love our family but to show love to those who are a part of the greater community.
6/9/202212 minutes, 39 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 44): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

We owed a debt we couldn't pay, and Jesus paid the debt He did not owe. We have been saved through His finished work, and because of that, our right response is to do all things in thanksgiving to honor His name.
6/7/202218 minutes, 46 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 43): Bishop Juray Mora

Christ’s death on the cross is a proclamation of grace. He paid the penalty of our sins and brought us near to Him.
6/6/202223 minutes, 4 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 42): Pastor Dave Estrera

Because of our faith, we experience God’s sovereignty over our lives, and receive the greater wealth and reward found in Christ.
6/5/202217 minutes, 29 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 41): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Discipline is not the same as condemnation. When God disciplines us, it is out of His love for us as His sons and daughters.
6/2/202216 minutes, 31 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 40): Pastor Jon Dolor

Jesus is the perfect example of having faith to endure and grace to overcome. Let’s fix our eyes on Him!
6/1/202213 minutes, 32 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 39): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Amidst difficulties, our faith in God fuels our hope and keeps hold of the assurance of His promises.
5/31/202215 minutes, 56 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 38): Pastor Che de Sagun

By faith, men and women have experienced and received miracles from God in the midst of their difficult and impossible situations. 
5/30/202215 minutes, 16 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 37): Bishop Juray Mora

Moses knew what was priceless—a relationship with our Savior—and, without turning back, he pursued it with his whole life.
5/29/202222 minutes, 32 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 36): Pastor Jon Naron

How much of your future have you entrusted to God? May our faith in Jesus be our anchor now and in the seasons to come.
5/26/202218 minutes, 46 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 35): Pastor Dave Estrera

Time and time again, our faith will be tested. God allows testings to deepen our trust in Him and reveal His faithfulness in our lives.
5/25/202218 minutes, 46 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 34): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

The promises of God lead us to hope and look forward to what’s to come. Let’s continue to trust and obey Him for He is faithful.
5/24/202217 minutes, 57 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 33): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

In what area of your life do you need to put your trust in God? Let’s go to Him today and ask that He turns our doubt into faith.
5/23/202215 minutes, 1 second
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Hebrews (Part 32): Pastor Michael Paderes

Our faith in God enables us to persevere through the challenges of life towards the fulfillment of His promises.
5/22/202216 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 31): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Our faith in God forms our mindset and influences our actions. It moves us in obedience to God even if our situation is difficult.
5/19/202212 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 30): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

Even in the ordinary things, let us walk with God daily and please Him in everything we do.
5/18/202218 minutes, 46 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 29): Pastor Che de Sagun

Giving is an act of faith. How are we when it comes to giving our best to God?
5/17/202215 minutes, 16 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 28): Pastor Janssen Morados

To live by faith is to fully trust and completely surrender our lives to Christ and His word.
5/16/202222 minutes, 15 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 27): Bishop Juray Mora

Let us not allow our fears to set our life’s direction and interfere with the truth of God’s word. We can continue to move forward for He is our confidence.
5/15/202220 minutes, 6 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 26): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

We are called to persevere in our faith and not lose hope for God is forever faithful.
5/12/202216 minutes, 34 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 25): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

The sacrifice Jesus made on the cross is enough to free and forgive from our sins once and for all.
5/11/202214 minutes, 55 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 24): Pastor Michael Paderes

Our salvation is not just about being saved from our sins. We are also being sanctified continually. When we surrender our lives to Christ, He comes to live in us and us in Him.
5/10/202213 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 23): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Because of Jesus and what He has done for us, there is a future hope we can hold on to.
5/9/202215 minutes, 42 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 22): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

Jesus paid it all. His death on the cross is the only acceptable sacrifice that redeemed us once and for all.
5/8/202216 minutes, 57 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 21): Pastor Dave Estrera

How we used to do things and what we think of as right and wrong are changed by blood of Christ. It has cleansed us to worship and serve God.
5/5/202221 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 20): Dr Jun Escosar

We receive a better covenant through Christ because it is based on a promise of grace.
5/4/202217 minutes, 3 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 19): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Jesus as our High Priest did not just offer a sacrificial lamb, He is the perfect lamb of God. He gave His life on the cross so that we can live.
5/3/202220 minutes, 29 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 18): Pastor Mye Nunag

We can enjoy the fullness of our relationship with God as we continue to put our trust in the finished work of Christ—our High Priest.
5/2/202214 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 17): Pastor Che de Sagun

Our access to God will never cease to exist because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross. We are saved by His sacrifice and we can approach Him with confidence forever.
5/1/202213 minutes, 19 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 16): Bishop Manny Carlos

The grace that comes from Jesus ensures us that whatever we lack, He will fulfill, on our behalf.
4/28/202220 minutes, 13 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 15): Pastor Dave Estrera

This hope is Jesus Christ. He is the great High Priest who doesn’t just stand between God and man, but actually draws us near to God.
4/27/202222 minutes, 48 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 14): Pastor Janssen Morados

When God gives us His word, He will fulfill it. Therefore, we can depend on Him and be certain that what He promised, He will do.
4/26/202227 minutes, 8 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 13): Pastor Che de Sagun

God knows what you do to serve His kingdom and the love you have for Him and His people. He sees all of these and He is pleased with you.
4/25/202212 minutes, 4 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 12): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Let’s continue to build a strong spiritual foundation as we regularly meditate on God’s word.
4/24/202220 minutes, 37 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 11): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Growth requires consistency. We mature in our faith as we live a life of daily obedience to God.
4/21/202213 minutes, 8 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 10): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

Jesus did not only offer a better sacrifice, He offered the ultimate sacrifice—Himself; this is the great exchange that saved us once and for all.
4/20/202222 minutes, 39 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 9): Pastor Michael Paderes

Jesus knows what you are going through better than anyone in this world. Go to Him, let His grace transform you.
4/19/202217 minutes, 13 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 8): Pastor Dave Estrera

Just as God rested, we, too, can also rest. When we enter God’s rest, it shows that we stop trusting ourselves alone to accomplish what needs to be done and start trusting in someone greater than us who is able to take cares of us.
4/18/202223 minutes, 50 seconds
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Of First Importance (Part 7): Pastor Janssen Morados

God has chosen us for His purpose, for His glory. We are called to take part of His mission.
4/17/202218 minutes, 39 seconds
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Of First Importance (Part 6): Pastor Jon Dolor

May this time of reflection bring us back to the heart of worship, where in Jesus’ presence alone can we find hope, peace, and strength.
4/14/202210 minutes, 18 seconds
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Of First Importance (Part 5): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Jesus’ coming was the fulfillment of God’s promise that He will send a Messiah to rescue His people.
4/13/202217 minutes, 55 seconds
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Of First Importance (Part 4): Pastor Jon Naron

As you seek for more of God, He will draw near to you. He is pleased when people also desire for His presence to dwell with them.
4/12/202222 minutes, 9 seconds
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Of First Importance (Part 3): Pastor Che de Sagun

God made a way for His people to dwell in Him. Despite our iniquities, He desires to be with us and be in a relationship with us.
4/11/202221 minutes, 26 seconds
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Of First Importance (Part 2): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

God’s purpose for our lives remains amidst the uncertainties and changes around us. Even in our moments of weakness, He can redeem and restore us. His plans cannot be thwarted; therefore, we can hope in Him.
4/10/202217 minutes, 21 seconds
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Of First Importance (Part 1): Dr Nixon Ng

We see God’s faithfulness through the life of Jesus. He came and made a way to have a relationship with us and fulfill His promises according the word.
4/7/202218 minutes, 51 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 7): Pastor Mye Nunag

Days of testings and challenges give us restlessness. God is inviting us to experience real rest that only comes from Him and be refreshed in His presence.
4/6/202214 minutes
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Hebrews (Part 6): Bishop Juray Mora

Moses was s faithful servant in his lifetime. Jesus is faithful always and forevermore. Jesus’ plans, purpose, and promises are still being fulfilled and established. And because of His faithfulness, we can trust that they will happen.
4/5/202217 minutes, 6 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 5): Pastor Dave Estrera

This is the picture of perfect love of God: Jesus paid the price for our sins and settled everything on the cross. He understands our situation, and He is ready to help to those who are in need.
4/4/202220 minutes, 4 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 4): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

We have been set apart for God's mission, redeemed, and made holy through the life and sacrifice of Jesus.
4/3/202219 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 3): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

God entrusts man the power to rule over all creation, but our fallen nature shows that we are weak and on our own, we fall short. But because Jesus came, what human beings cannot do, He came to fulfill.
3/31/202218 minutes, 36 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 2): Pastor Michael Paderes

Jesus’ message, life, and mission are all captured in God’s word. This is the primary way He speaks to us. As we start our day meditating on God’s word, let’s allow Him to speak to us and change us.
3/30/202213 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hebrews (Part 1): Dr Nixon Ng

Jesus is God. When we encounter Jesus, our knowledge of who God is grows deeper and our faith grows stronger.
3/29/202216 minutes, 23 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 25): Pastor Che de Sagun

As we end our study on 1 Peter, let’s remember to stand firm in God’s grace, be encouraged by His word, and be sustained by His love.
3/28/202212 minutes, 12 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 24): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Suffering is a reality we can’t deny. But because God’s sufficient grace is upon us, we have the assurance that we can overcome.
3/27/202215 minutes, 18 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 23): Pastor Mye Nunag

It takes humility to acknowledge that we need help—not just any help, but God’s help—and it is His grace that will sustain us through the difficulties we face.
3/24/202212 minutes, 30 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 22): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God urges us to encourage others to take heart and hold on to the hope we have in Christ, especially during times of suffering.
3/23/202214 minutes, 21 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 21): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

The difficulties we are experiencing can be an opportunity to glorify God and point people to His goodness.
3/22/202213 minutes, 57 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 20): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Everything God entrusts to us is an extension of His grace and faithfulness. We are called to steward it well and share it with others.
3/21/202211 minutes, 30 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 19): Pastor Michael Paderes

The Church is the visible expression of God’s love and His purposes in this world. Are we pointing others to Jesus by the way we relate with them?
3/20/202213 minutes, 8 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 18): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

Whenever we experience affliction, we must fight to have hope. Because of what Jesus did on the cross and His resurrection, we can hope even in the most trying times.
3/17/202212 minutes, 58 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 17): Pastor Che de Sagun

A new life in God produces a new life for God. Because you have been saved, you are made clean before God, secured by Jesus’ finished work.
3/16/202213 minutes, 30 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 16): Pastor Jon Dolor

We can stand in righteousness even in the midst of persecution and suffering because of the grace and strength we have in Jesus.
3/15/202217 minutes, 49 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 15): Pastor Dave Estrera

God sees and knows your situation. Because He is just, we can continue to do what is good and trust that He will act righteously for our sake.
3/14/202216 minutes, 10 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 14): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

A great picture of what genuine Christianity looks like is seen in the way we react to people who have wronged us.
3/13/202219 minutes, 56 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 13): Pastor Ariel Marquez

The husband and wife must both learn to respect and honor each other. When others see a marriage that is full of peace, harmony, and love, it will lead them to Christ—who showed the greatest example of love by sacrificing His life to serve His bride, the Church.
3/10/202215 minutes, 47 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 12): Pastor Jon Naron

In difficult times, let our hearts be strengthened and encouraged to respond the way Jesus did—faithfully, graciously, and righteously.
3/9/202219 minutes, 40 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 11): Pastor Michael Paderes

Christ is our hope. As we navigate through these tough times, let the example of Christ encourage us to trust God and obey His commandments.
3/8/202214 minutes, 51 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 10): Pastor Che de Sagun

The way we live is a reflection of our relationship with God. May our lifestyle lead others to have the desire to know Jesus. 
3/7/202214 minutes, 25 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 9): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

The world may have rejected you, but God has chosen you. We are called to take part in the mission of sharing the gospel to every nation.
3/6/202217 minutes, 33 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 8): Pastor Dave Estrera

Because of what Christ did for us and the identity we have in Him, we can turn away from hate and evil, and instead long for the truth in God’s word.
3/3/202215 minutes, 3 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 7): Dr Nixon Ng

We are called to love our brothers unconditionally and tirelessly. Even when it’s difficult to love them, because God’s word abiding in us, we can stretch our love over them.
3/2/202225 minutes, 43 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 6): Bishop Juray Mora

Do you see God’s hand in your life? No matter what you’re going through, His purpose for you has not changed. He is constantly at work in our lives.
3/1/202219 minutes, 3 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 5): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

God is calling us to live lives that are set apart for Him—a life that is holy because He is holy.
2/28/202214 minutes, 52 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 4): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Salvation belongs to God. He is merciful and He made us recipients of His goodness. His grace is a gift that can’t be stolen by life’s adversities.
2/27/202213 minutes, 6 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 3): Bishop Manny Carlos

Nobody likes testings and trials because they are painful and bring much grief. But God in His wisdom and sovereignty uses these to strengthen us and refine our faith in Him.
2/24/202219 minutes, 1 second
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1 Peter (Part 2): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

We can stand firm on God’s sufficient grace and abounding mercy, and live a life full of hope because of Jesus.
2/23/202219 minutes, 43 seconds
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1 Peter (Part 1): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

People respond to difficult moments differently. As we abide in the word and depend on God, we can overcome.
2/22/202213 minutes, 33 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 22 of 22): Pastor Michael Paderes

God has made Himself known to us through the word. As we continue to abide in Him, may it bring us guidance, deliver us in times of affliction, and lead us to a life of praise.
2/21/202213 minutes, 16 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 21 of 22): Pastor Dave Estrera

The word of God is not just a source of hope for the future, but also of peace and security.
2/20/202212 minutes, 30 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 20 of 22): Pastor Che de Sagun

In times of affliction, let us call on to God who sees and listens to our cries. He will deliver and carry us through.
2/17/202216 minutes, 8 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 19 of 22): Pastor Jon Naron

It is in encountering God’s word that you will grow in the assurance of the promises He has for you.
2/16/202217 minutes, 28 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 18 of 22): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God’s promises are sure, true, and unchanging. He is faithful to keep them.
2/15/202218 minutes, 7 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 17 of 22): Pastor Dave Estrera

Hold on to the word of God, not just the good promises He has for us, but also the assurance of His protection from the attacks of the enemy.
2/14/202211 minutes, 53 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 16 of 22): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

How long have you been waiting for your prayers to be answered? In times when it seems like it’s taking a while, we need to trust that God’s purpose and timing are better than ours.
2/13/202212 minutes, 35 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 15 of 22): Pastor Che de Sagun

May our love for God and His word cause us to stay away from what dishonors Him, and guide us towards what gives Him glory.
2/10/202210 minutes, 53 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 14 of 22): Pastor Jon Naron

The word of God is the ultimate guide in life. As we read and study His word daily, we grow a deeper conviction to trust and obey what it says.
2/9/202220 minutes
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Psalm 119 (Part 13 of 22): Pastor Dave Estrera

Are you growing in your love for the word? God’s word reflects His character and plans for our lives. As we study it, we will know Him deeper and understand His will better.
2/8/202212 minutes, 14 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 12 of 22): Pastor Michael Paderes

God’s word is eternal and it never changes. His promise is our protection.
2/7/202211 minutes, 41 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 11 of 22): Pastor Che de Sagun

Though challenges may come and we may feel weary and anxious, the word of God gives hope. In Him, we can trust.
2/6/202216 minutes, 46 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 10 of 22): Pastor Ariel Marquez

Each of us has been made for a purpose, carefully and individually designed by God. Because He is the One who created us, we can trust His word that can guide us through life.
2/3/202214 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 9 of 22): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

God is good. He is good no matter what we do or don’t do, what we feel, or what our circumstances are. This is His nature and it will never change.
2/2/202219 minutes, 17 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 8 of 22): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

As we come to a deeper understanding of who God is and see His goodness, our natural response would be obedience to His word.
2/1/202212 minutes, 25 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 7 of 22): Bishop Juray Mora

Where do you get your hope? Even in the midst of trials, the promises of God remain true—He is forever faithful.
1/31/202212 minutes, 46 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 6 of 22): Dr Jun Escosar

The time we spend in meditating on the word shows our devotion to God. Our love for Him is reflected on the way we study and keep His commandments.
1/30/202217 minutes, 13 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 5 of 22): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

When we encounter God through His word, our hearts are changed. May we find delight in studying His word as it brings light to our lives.
1/27/202214 minutes, 32 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 4 of 22): Pastor Michael Paderes

As we abide in God’s word and choose to obey Him, we are transformed and become more like Christ.
1/26/202211 minutes, 18 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 3 of 22): Pastor Janssen Morados

As we continuously seek God through His Word, our eyes are opened and we come to a deeper appreciation for His will for us.
1/25/202215 minutes, 17 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 2 of 22): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

What’s in your heart? Let God’s Word fill you daily and set you up for what’s ahead.
1/24/202212 minutes, 35 seconds
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Psalm 119 (Part 1 of 22): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

A blessed life does not mean a life without challenges. When we abide in God’s Word, it changes the way we think and live.
1/23/202219 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Word of God Endures Forever: Pastor Janssen Morados

God’s Word endures forever. Therefore, we can trust what it says to guide us through life.
1/20/202215 minutes, 3 seconds
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Rightly Handling God's Word: Dr Nixon Ng

God uses us, His people, to be a channel of His word to others. May we continue to abide and hold on to the word of God, even in times of testing.
1/19/202211 minutes, 39 seconds
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Studying God's Word: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

May we continue to dig deeper in the Scriptures daily, examine it critically, and obey its teachings faithfully.
1/18/202219 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Parable of the Sower: Pastor Paolo Punzalan

As we embrace God’s word in our heart daily, may it bear fruit for His glory.
1/17/202215 minutes, 42 seconds
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Jesus' Spiritual Food: Dr Nixon Ng

What motivates you to do what you do? Jesus reminds us to not just know and want the will of God, but to fulfill and accomplish it.
1/16/202215 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Word is a Sword: Pastor Jon Naron

God’s word cuts through the depths of our being to bring life and transformation.
1/13/202214 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Word is a Hammer: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

The word of God has the power to break our hard hearts, take away what is bad, and replace it with the good.
1/12/202215 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Word is a Mirror: Dr Jun Escosar

God is calling us to take action by living out the truth and wisdom of His word, all for His glory.
1/11/202219 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Word is a Light: Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Knowing God’s word will guide us in the right path and provide enough light for every step we take in life.
1/10/202214 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Word is a Seed: Pastor Dave Estrera

It is God’s living word that actively changes us and lead us to live a transformed life.
1/9/202211 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Word is Like Bread: Pastor Janssen Morados

In every season of our lives, God sustains us. We can depend on Him and His word to guide us through life.
1/6/202217 minutes, 51 seconds
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What are the results of fasting? (Part 2): Bishop Juray Mora

Fasting teaches us to stay in the presence of God so we can draw life from Him—that His light, strength, and grace will fill us to overflowing.
1/5/202218 minutes, 35 seconds
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What are the results of fasting? (Part 1): Pastor Michael Paderes

A true fast happens when our hearts are fully submitted and consecrated to Him. As we humbly seek to know God and His will in our time of fasting, we experience restoration, healing, and protection in different areas of our lives.
1/4/202216 minutes
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How should we fast? Pastor Che de Sagun

God does not only look at the external expressions of fasting. The right attitude when fasting is one that reflects a posture of humility, a heart that is willing to be transformed by His mercy and grace.
1/3/202214 minutes, 5 seconds
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Why should we fast? Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

As we seek God and His will through prayer and fasting, our faith grows. When we commit to an extended time of prayer, we draw nearer to God and know Him more.
1/2/202212 minutes, 33 seconds
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A New Ministry: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Jesus makes all things new. As we live in Him, we can be in faith and look forward to entering a new year because we know He has a plan for us.
12/30/202117 minutes, 24 seconds
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A New Hope and Future: Pastor Dave Estrera

As we go through changes in our lives, our confidence is anchored in Jesus and who He is—trustworthy and faithful to His promise.
12/29/202113 minutes, 37 seconds
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A New Commandment: Pastor Mye Nunag

We can set an example of what it means to love like Jesus just as we have received and experienced His love. In doing so, we follow His command to love others.
12/28/202114 minutes, 16 seconds
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A New Heart and Spirit: Pastor Michael Paderes

We experience God’s promise of a new heart and a new spirit through a transformed life in Jesus Christ.
12/27/202113 minutes, 17 seconds
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A New Covenant: Dr Nixon Ng

As we face the new year, we can say better things are coming because we are living in the hope that comes from what Jesus has done for us.
12/26/202119 minutes, 57 seconds
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All New Creation with New Perspectives: Bishop Manny Carlos

Our lives change when we live for Jesus. He gives us a new purpose and transforms the way we see and relate with Him and with others.
12/23/202121 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why Christmas? (Part 6): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

There is redemption in Jesus! He came to turn things around—to restore what was stolen, give life to what is dead, and renew what has been broken.
12/22/202113 minutes, 31 seconds
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Why Christmas? (Part 5): Pastor Jon Dolor

Jesus came on earth that we may live fully and abundantly. Not only that, but in His grace, we are able to reign in this life!
12/21/20218 minutes, 40 seconds
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Why Christmas? (Part 4): Dr Jun Escosar

Jesus shows us the perfect example of servant leadership. He came into the world to serve by dying on the cross, thus saving us from our sins.
12/20/202115 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why Christmas? (Part 3): Pastor Che de Sagun

The Christmas season is a reminder of how far God is willing to go to save us because of His great love for us.
12/19/202116 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why Christmas? (Part 2): Pastor Jon Naron

Jesus came on earth to fulfill what the law requires, on our behalf. He lived the life we should have lived and died the death we should have died.
12/16/202116 minutes, 44 seconds
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Why Christmas? (Part 1): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Through Jesus, we get to experience an intimate and personal relationship with God as our Father.
12/15/202113 minutes, 37 seconds
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God & Government (Part 39): Pastor Ariel Marquez

God is the absolute authority, and He decides what happens in the affairs of our nation, including who He allows to be in positions of leadership. Let us continue to pray for our civil government to function according to God’s design.
12/14/202115 minutes, 25 seconds
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God & Government (Part 38): Pastor Dave Estrera

We can be salt and light as we participate in the political and civic affairs of our nation. However, we should guard our motivation. May the motivation of our heart be always to honor God with our actions.
12/13/202115 minutes, 7 seconds
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God & Government (Part 37): Pastor Michael Paderes

The ultimate standard of what is right and just is the word of God. May we stay faithful by being deeply rooted in Him through the teaching and preaching of the word.
12/12/202112 minutes, 21 seconds
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God & Government (Part 36): Bishop Manny Carlos

Now is the right time to pray for those in authority. Let us unceasingly intercede for them, for wisdom and knowledge of the truth to abound in their lives.
12/9/202118 minutes, 30 seconds
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God & Government (Part 35): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

We are first citizens of the kingdom of God before we are citizens of this nation. Therefore, He is our ultimate authority.
12/8/202113 minutes, 48 seconds
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God & Government (Part 34): Pastor Mye Nunag

The finished work of Christ on the cross can bring transformation in our place of brokenness. Only through Him can things be restored.
12/7/202114 minutes, 55 seconds
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God & Government (Part 33): Pastor Che de Sagun

The standard for morality, what is right and wrong, comes from God. His intention and direction for man’s governance has always been good.
12/6/202114 minutes, 55 seconds
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God & Government (Part 32): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

God has called us as His people to take part in the affairs of our nation to help transform the world through the gospel.
12/5/202111 minutes, 33 seconds
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God & Government (Part 31): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

As a church, we have a responsibility to remember and help the poor. This is part of our calling, in light of the gospel and the grace we have received from God.
12/2/202116 minutes, 16 seconds
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God & Government (Part 30): Pastor Mye Nunag

As a church, the gospel is the message we are called to proclaim. Let us ask God to give us the boldness to preach and demonstrate it to others.
12/1/202112 minutes, 57 seconds
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God & Government (Part 29): Pastor Dave Estrera

As a church, Jesus has commissioned us to go and make disciples. This command comes with the assurance that as we obey, He will be with us, empower us, and strengthen us to fulfill it.
11/30/202112 minutes, 21 seconds
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God & Government (Part 28): Dr Nixon Ng

As we choose to magnify God in our lives, everything—including our worries and fears, become smaller, in light of who He is. Let us continue to worship Him.
11/29/202114 minutes, 55 seconds
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God & Government (Part 27): Pastor Michael Paderes

Our purpose as God’s people is built upon the understanding of who Jesus is, His purpose for our lives and the mission by which He has called us.
11/28/202115 minutes, 15 seconds
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God & Government (Part 26): Bishop Juray Mora

Our relationship with Christ is personal, but also corporate. God has blessed us with people to journey and grow in faith with. How has your church community helped you this season?
11/25/202112 minutes, 18 seconds
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God & Government (Part 25): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

No matter where we are from, our background, or the mission and vision we carry, God gave the same calling to the Church—and that is to serve Him.
11/24/202112 minutes, 34 seconds
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God & Government (Part 24): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Each of us is chosen and set apart by God. As God’s people, the Church, we are called to live righteously and fulfill His divine purpose.
11/23/202114 minutes, 27 seconds
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God & Government (Part 23): Dr Jun Escosar

Regardless of our differences with one another, we are called to pursue unity in the church.
11/22/202117 minutes, 43 seconds
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God & Government (Part 22): Pastor Janssen Morados

We are God’s chosen people, and He has called us to share lives with one another. This means we are not meant to go through life’s challenges alone. The Church is here to stand with you even as you go through tough times.
11/21/202117 minutes, 12 seconds
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God & Government (Part 21): Pastor Mye Nunag

God’s purpose for family is to be a place where we can experience a relationship that reflects His image—a relationship that is full of love, grace, and mercy.
11/18/202115 minutes, 35 seconds
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God & Government (Part 20): Bishop Juray Mora

Our devotion to God reflects our love and trust in Him. Our decision to serve only Him guides our life choices.
11/17/202120 minutes, 23 seconds
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God & Government (Part 19): Pastor Dave Estrera

God has a perfect timing for everything. In the midst of all that we are experiencing, He is continuously at work.
11/16/202114 minutes, 12 seconds
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God & Government (Part 18): Pastor Jon Dolor

As we seek God, may our faith grow stronger and may we be able to declare that He alone has the ability to meet not just some of our needs, but all of them.
11/15/202110 minutes, 15 seconds
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God & Government (Part 17): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

Let us receive every moment as a gift from God and learn to live in the present. When was the last time you called a friend to have a meaningful conversation?
11/14/202113 minutes, 42 seconds
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God & Government (Part 16): Pastor Che de Sagun

Managing our time wisely means we submit to the God’s will over our lives. We can tap into His grace so we can continue to walk in wisdom.
11/11/202111 minutes, 37 seconds
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God & Government (Part 15): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

We honor God with our bodies in view of what He has done for us. Even the simple things we do can be our worship to Him.
11/10/202110 minutes, 59 seconds
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God & Government (Part 14): Pastor Jon Dolor

It matters how we take care of our bodies because the Holy Spirit dwells within us. We are the tangible expression of Christ to the world. The way we live reflects who He is.
11/9/202116 minutes, 34 seconds
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God & Government (Part 13): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Now more than ever, we need to extend encouraging words to one another and help each other shine God's light by doing good.
11/8/202117 minutes, 46 seconds
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God & Government (Part 12): Pastor Ariel Marquez

May this message reminds us to speak gracefully and truthfully to build people up. Send an encouraging message to a friend today.  
11/7/202112 minutes, 7 seconds
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God & Government (Part 11): Dr Nixon Ng

We look into God's word to guide our speech and be more mindful of how we communicate with others. When we rely on the grace of God, we are able to encourage and extend love to those who hear us when we speak.
11/4/202114 minutes, 59 seconds
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God & Government (Part 10): Bishop Manny Carlos

Our words reflect the condition of our hearts.
11/3/202121 minutes, 48 seconds
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God & Government (Part 9): Pastor Michael Paderes

A heart and mind ruled by Christ and filled with His word is one that is able to self-govern. How do you fill your heart and mind with God’s truth?
11/2/202110 minutes, 6 seconds
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God & Government (Part 8): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

We govern our hearts, thoughts, and actions by being obedient to Christ. We align our ways with God's will by seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit and meditating on the word daily.
11/1/202112 minutes, 35 seconds
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God & Government (Part 7): Pastor Dave Estrera

As our study of God's word transforms us, we become more discerning of His will for our lives.
10/31/202114 minutes, 54 seconds
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God & Government (Part 6): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Self-government begins in the heart. We should guard our hearts above all else by aligning with God’s word.
10/28/202117 minutes, 29 seconds
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God & Government (Part 5): Pastor Michael Paderes

A genuine relationship with God means worshiping Him alone with all of our heart, soul, and mind. This is seen in our ability to lead ourselves by being accountable for our actions, life choices, and how we relate with others.
10/27/202114 minutes, 38 seconds
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God & Government (Part 4): Pastor Jon Naron

Self-government means we walk with God daily and allow the Spirit to lead every area of our lives. This is the fruit of a growing relationship with God.
10/26/202114 minutes, 47 seconds
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God & Government (Part 3): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

God’s authority in heaven and on earth is unchanging and everlasting. Because He is  just and righteous, we can trust His rulership over our lives.
10/25/202110 minutes, 44 seconds
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God & Government (Part 2): Pastor Che de Sagun

God created us to bear His image. He entrusted us to govern all that He created in a way that reflects who He is and His goodness.
10/24/202113 minutes, 16 seconds
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God & Government (Part 1): Dr Jun Escosar

God’s kingdom is everlasting, and He is our sovereign Lord. Let us continue to trust that He is in control and and hold on to the peace and hope He has promised to us.  
10/21/202117 minutes, 27 seconds
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Kingdom & Discipleship (Part 12): Pastor Mye Nunag

Jesus reminds us leadership is not about being in a position, but having a heart to serve others.  
10/20/202113 minutes, 23 seconds
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Kingdom & Discipleship (Part 11): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

It takes faith to love and serve our enemies. But because we have experienced the mercy and love of our Father, we will be able to extend the same to them.
10/19/202114 minutes, 40 seconds
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Kingdom & Discipleship (Part 10): Pastor Dave Estrera

Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love God with all of our being. The love we have for God will overflow and naturally be seen in our relationship with others.
10/18/202114 minutes, 7 seconds
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Kingdom & Discipleship (Part 9): Pastor Janssen Morados

When Jesus asked us to deny ourselves and take up our cross as we follow Him, this means that we are to surrender everything to Him and put our full trust and confidence in Him.
10/17/202116 minutes, 21 seconds
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Kingdom & Discipleship (Part 8): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

We all worry about certain things, especially in this time we are in. But Jesus urges us to not be anxious and instead have faith. He promises that as we seek God and put Him first, we will have everything we need.
10/14/202119 minutes, 40 seconds
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Kingdom & Discipleship (Part 7): Pastor Jon Naron

Being part of the kingdom of God is an open invitation. As God’s people, we are commanded to preach the gospel to everyone regardless of their response. To whom can you share the good news today?
10/13/202115 minutes, 16 seconds
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Kingdom & Discipleship (Part 6): Bishop Manny Carlos

Finding the kingdom of God is worth exchanging all that we have. May this message encourage us to keep seeking God and His purpose for us daily. 
10/12/202119 minutes, 32 seconds
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Kingdom & Discipleship (Part 5): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

The advancement of the kingdom of God is unstoppable. Because it is God's will, even if it starts small, it will ultimately grow and spread. 
10/11/202110 minutes, 7 seconds
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Kingdom & Discipleship (Part 4): Pastor Che de Sagun

As a King, God is kind, but He is also just in all His dealings.
10/10/202121 minutes, 37 seconds
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Kingdom & Discipleship (Part 3): Pastor Michael Paderes

The condition of our hearts matters because it determines how we respond to life's challenges. How are you guarding your hearts?   May this message encourage us to take care of our hearts through prayer and the meditation of God's word.  
10/7/202114 minutes, 32 seconds
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Kingdom & Discipleship (Part 2): Dr Nixon Ng

The light shines brightest when it is dark. As the Church, we need to bring the light of hope to others, as Jesus commanded us. 
10/6/202119 minutes, 3 seconds
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Kingdom & Discipleship (Part 1): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth and has commissioned the Church to advance His kingdom. May this message encourage us to obey His command to go and make disciples of all nations.
10/5/202112 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Prayers of Jesus (Part 10): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

This is a prayer of trust that reflects willful submission to the hands of the Father. Let us come to God in full surrender to His will, just as Jesus prayed.
10/4/202114 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Prayers of Jesus (Part 9): Pastor Dave Estrera

Jesus, in His pain and suffering, brought His honest emotions before God. Just like Jesus, we can come to God with our cries and unfiltered prayers, and know that He understands us.  
10/3/202112 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Prayers of Jesus (Part 8): Pastor Mye Nunag

Even when Jesus was at the height of His suffering, He prayed to the Father to forgive those who caused this affliction. Like Jesus, we can look to God for grace to release forgiveness and refuse to let pain affect our relationships with others.
9/30/202115 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Prayers of Jesus (Part 7): Bishop Juray Mora

Coming to God in prayer during difficult times is not a sign of weakness; it is asking Him for supernatural strength, trusting His plan over our situation.
9/29/202119 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Prayers of Jesus (Part 6): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

The love that the Father has for Jesus is the same love that He wants us to experience daily. 
9/28/202115 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Prayers of Jesus (Part 5): Pastor Jon Naron

Like Jesus, let us continue to pray for unity among believers—that we may be one, just as He and the Father are one. 
9/27/202115 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Prayers of Jesus (Part 4): Dr Jun Escosar

We give glory to God when we live according to His word and ways. May we be encouraged to also strive for holiness, just as Jesus prayed for His disciples.
9/26/202116 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Prayers of Jesus (Part 3): Pastor Che de Sagun

To glorify God means to value and acknowledge Him for who He is and what He has done for us.
9/23/202114 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Prayers of Jesus (Part 2): Pastor Michael Paderes

Our current situation may be difficult, but the Cross offers us hope. As we turn to Jesus, may our strength be renewed to overcome life's challenges.
9/22/202112 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Prayers of Jesus (Part 1): Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

God always hears us. The answered prayers we receive are a reflection of His glory and goodness that people around us may also believe in Him. 
9/21/202118 minutes, 9 seconds
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Jesus on Prayer (Part 12): Bishop Manny Carlos

Our circumstances and limitations do not determine whether our prayers will be answered. It’s who we are praying to. We are praying to a God who always hears and answers our call. 
9/20/202118 minutes, 30 seconds
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Jesus on Prayer (Part 11): Dr Nixon Ng

Jesus teaches us to pray not in doubt but in faith, according to His will.
9/19/202121 minutes, 27 seconds
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Jesus on Prayer (Part 10): Pastor Janssen Morados

Jesus invites us to come in prayer together. He assures us of His presence as we intercede and agree in prayer with one another.
9/16/202121 minutes, 53 seconds
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Jesus on Prayer (Part 9): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Prayer matters. May this message remind us that we can pray and ask God confidently because we are His children.
9/15/202114 minutes, 16 seconds
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Jesus on Prayer (Part 8): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

God can be trusted in every situation—even during testings. We can put our faith in Him for He is always for us. 
9/14/202112 minutes, 18 seconds
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Jesus on Prayer (Part 7): Pastor Che de Sagun

This prayer is not just about seeking forgiveness from God but it is also asking for the grace to be able to forgive and be reconciled with others. 
9/13/202117 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jesus on Prayer (Part 6): Pastor Jon Naron

Praying is acknowledging our dependence on our Father. Let us come to God for our daily needs knowing that He is our Provider.
9/12/202114 minutes, 29 seconds
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Jesus on Prayer (Part 5): Bishop Juray Mora

When we pray for God's Kingdom to come, we are asking for the King's presence, grace, and love to fill the whole earth.
9/9/202110 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jesus on Prayer (Part 4): Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

Jesus reminds us that the Holy God we pray to is also our loving Father. Let us approach God with confidence and desire to know and experience Him in a more personal way. 
9/8/202115 minutes, 40 seconds
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Jesus on Prayer (Part 3): Pastor Janssen Morados

The more time we spend in prayer, the more we align with God's heart. May this message remind us to pray in confidence to a God who already knows what we need even before we ask.
9/7/202118 minutes, 20 seconds
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Jesus on Prayer (Part 2): Bishop Manny Carlos

Prayer is an invitation from God to walk with Him daily. Beyond the answered prayers we receive, the greatest reward is being able to know our Father more. 
9/6/202117 minutes, 35 seconds
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Jesus on Prayer (Part 1): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Let us to extend the love we have received from God as we relate with the people around us, especially those we don't necessarily agree with. 
9/5/202112 minutes, 46 seconds
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2 Timothy (Part 3): Pastor Michael Paderes

We can help others to be refreshed by extending God's grace to them. Who can you encourage today with a small act of kindness?
9/2/202114 minutes, 24 seconds
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2 Timothy (Part 2): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Saying a personal prayer for a friend could be the boost of faith they need especially when they going through hard times. Do you know someone who needs prayers? Send a message or call them today.
9/1/202112 minutes, 1 second
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1 Thessalonians (Part 4): Dr. Nixon Ng

God will continue His work in our lives as we respond to Him in His steadfast love. His grace is always with us. 
8/31/202120 minutes, 45 seconds
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1 Thessalonians (Part 3): Pastor Che de Sagun

Faith is not just believing in God and His promises. It also means being rooted in Him despite the persecution and challenges. God is our strength. He is with us and for us.
8/30/202116 minutes, 3 seconds
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1 Thessalonians (Part 2): Pastor Janssen Morados

One of the ways God communicates with us is through the Bible. May this message encourage us to continue reading and meditating on God’s word, and take delight in spending time with Him.
8/29/202118 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Syrian Chronicles (Part 3): Pastor Jim Laffoon

God is the light in the middle of darkness. He is our assurance that there is a future hope that awaits us. 
8/26/202117 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Syrian Chronicles (Part 2): Pastor Jim Laffoon

God wants to open our eyes to give us a glimpse of the world as He sees it. May this message remind us to have faith in the plans God has for us.
8/25/202117 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Syrian Chronicles (Part 1): Pastor Jim Laffoon

Even in the midst of challenges, God is at work. Do not underestimate what God can do through you because no matter what you are facing, He can use you. Nothing is impossible with God.
8/24/202113 minutes, 30 seconds
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1 Thessalonians (Part 1): Pastor Michael Paderes

God looks at the heart. It is the faith, love, and hope behind our service that matters the most to Him. What is your motivation when you serve God?
8/23/202110 minutes, 50 seconds
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1 Timothy: Bishop Manny Carlos

Even if we are in challenging season, God can still use us. Through Jesus and the strength He gives, we can accomplish what He has called us to do. 
8/22/202120 minutes, 18 seconds
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2 Corinthians (Part 3): Pastor Che de Sagun

When we receive correction, it strengthens and helps us mature. May we be reminded that God's heart is to restore all of us back to Him—back to His plans and purposes. 
8/19/202115 minutes, 40 seconds
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2 Corinthians (Part 2): Pastor Jon Naron

It is God's empowering grace that enables us to find comfort and strength to overcome life's challenges. How have you encountered Him this season?
8/18/202117 minutes, 48 seconds
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2 Timothy (Part 1): Pastor Steve Murrell

In this season, if we feel alone, remember that Jesus is with us. He pursued and sought us until we are found, and He will continue to do so.
8/17/202112 minutes, 31 seconds
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2 Corinthians (Part 1): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

When we are in a place of affliction, God comforts us. In the same way, we are called to share the same comfort we have received from God to those who need it. 
8/16/202117 minutes, 27 seconds
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1 Corinthians: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

Take heart! Our faithful God has given us all we need to do what we are called to do, the strength to finish the race. Trust in His grace because there is more than enough for everyone. 
8/15/202115 minutes, 47 seconds
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Philippians (Part 5): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

As we experience God's grace daily, let us also extend grace to others. May this message remind us to take the time to slow down and encourage someone. Why don't you call a friend and pray for them today?
8/12/202114 minutes, 37 seconds
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Philippians (Part 4): Pastor Michael Paderes

Even in uncertain times, we can have peace when our hearts are filled with the hope that comes from Jesus Christ. What fills your heart this season? 
8/11/202113 minutes, 34 seconds
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Philippians (Part 3): Pastor Paolo Punzalan

We can easily get overwhelmed with our situation, especially when challenges arise–but God does not. Therefore, we can have peace which surpasses all understanding because we have an approachable Father who is always for us.
8/10/20219 minutes, 39 seconds
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Philippians (Part 2): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

To abound in knowledge means we increase in our understanding of who God is and His will for us. As we seek God through our daily devotion, may we grow in the knowledge of how it is to live according to His word
8/9/202115 minutes, 13 seconds
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Philippians (Part 1): Bishop Juray Mora

Generosity is not based on the amount given but the heart that goes behind it. The help we extend goes a long way. How can you help someone today?
8/8/202117 minutes, 59 seconds
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Philemon: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Prayers are powerful. When we pray and plead for others, just as Christ did for us, things change. Who can you pray for today?
8/5/202117 minutes, 50 seconds
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2 Thessalonians 1 (Part 4): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Our faithful God is  our deliverer. With His power and might, He will guard us and guide our path through times of uncertainty. 
8/4/202111 minutes, 47 seconds
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2 Thessalonians (Part 3): Dr Jun Escosar

Having hope in Christ changes the way we think and act. May this hope that is anchored in His love strengthen us as we face challenges. 
8/3/202115 minutes, 40 seconds
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2 Thessalonians (Part 2): Pastor Mye Nunag

Living righteously means we follow Christ’s example. Let us pray to have the grace to continue living out the calling God has placed in our lives.
8/2/202112 minutes, 41 seconds
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2 Thessalonians (Part 1): Bishop Manny Carlos

God cares about our situation, but He accomplishes greater things beyond just meeting our needs. Let us remember God's faithfulness, especially in times of affliction, and know that He cares for us.
8/1/202118 minutes, 53 seconds
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Colossians 1 (Part 5): Pastor Jon Dolor

We can have hope even in the midst of the trouble and affliction because we can be sure that Jesus Christ will deliver us.
7/29/202116 minutes, 16 seconds
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Colossians 1 (Part 4): Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

We can live in a manner worthy of the Lord as we tap into His power for strength and grace to accomplish even the daily, seemingly mundane tasks we are set to do. 
7/28/202114 minutes, 16 seconds
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Colossians 1 (Part 3): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

The way we live is based on how we know God as revealed through the gospel. As we grow in our knowledge of Him, this leads us to an understanding of His will and a changed life.
7/28/202115 minutes, 18 seconds
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Colossians 1 (Part 2): Pastor Mye Nunag

The world presents us with so many sources of knowledge, but only God's word can give us true wisdom and direct us to the right path. 
7/26/202113 minutes, 44 seconds
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Colossians 1 (Part 1): Bishop Juray Mora

We are relational beings created by a relational God. Let us continue to grow in faith with our church community as we serve together and experience God's promises fulfilled. 
7/25/202115 minutes, 16 seconds
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Ephesians 3 (Part 5): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God can do above and beyond all that we can ask or think for this generation and the generations to come.
7/22/202114 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ephesians 3 (Part 4): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

There is more of God’s love to know every day. Let's pray that we may experience a greater measure of the love of Christ.
7/21/202113 minutes, 44 seconds
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Ephesians 3 (Part 3): Dr. Nixon Ng

Because Christ dwells in our hearts through faith, the way we live has changed. This means our lives can only be at peace if we live in accordance to His word.
7/21/202115 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ephesians 3 (Part 2): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Because the Holy Spirit is in us, we have an unlimited source of strength and power to face life's challenges. 
7/19/202114 minutes, 56 seconds
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Ephesians 3 (Part 1): Pastor Michael Paderes

God made Himself known as our Father and considers us His children. Our relationship with Him is anchored in love. May this message encourage us to grow more in our relationship with Him. 
7/18/202111 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ephesians 1 (Part 5): Pastor Che de Sagun

Our Almighty God has the authority over all things. When we come to an understanding of who God is and who we are in Him, we are changed.
7/15/202117 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ephesians 1 (Part 4): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

It is one thing to know that God's power is great and another to know that it is for our benefit. His power is at work in and through our lives and because of that, we have hope and security amidst life's challenges. 
7/14/202113 minutes, 34 seconds
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Ephesians 1 (Part 3): Pastor Mye Nunag

We are God’s treasured possession. Therefore, we are valuable. Let us ask God to open our eyes to realize the value that He placed in us.
7/13/202110 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ephesians 1 (Part 2): Pastor Janssen Morados

Hope is found in Jesus alone. May this message give us the confidence to look at any situation and be at peace regardless of the outcome, knowing that God will see us through.
7/12/202119 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ephesians 1 (Part 1): Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

No matter how long we have known and followed Jesus, there is still more to learn about Him. As we pray, let us ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom that we may grow in our knowledge of God. 
7/11/202118 minutes, 26 seconds
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Awesome God: God Is Love: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God does not just possess great love for His people—He is love itself. May we continue to experience His steadfast love that endures forever as we live our lives obeying His word.  
7/8/202116 minutes, 21 seconds
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Awesome God: God Is Our Restorer: Pastor Michael Paderes

God has a greater purpose for everything. He can restore us to Himself and establish us back in His plans for our lives. 
7/7/202111 minutes, 24 seconds
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Awesome God: God Is Our Guide: Pastor Janssen Morados

God, in His wisdom and power, is the only one we can rely on to guide and direct us through this uncertain times. Let us pray that His ways will be made known to us as we seek Him daily.
7/7/202120 minutes, 25 seconds
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Awesome God: God Is Our Comfort: Pastor Che de Sagun

May this message reminds us that even in the face of grief, we can be at peace. Our heavenly Father is the God of all comfort, who comforts us in every affliction. 
7/5/202114 minutes, 48 seconds
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Awesome God: God Is With Us: Pastor Jon Naron

God is with us all the time. His presence changes everything—who we are, our situation, and even our perspective as we face life's challenges. 
7/4/202116 minutes, 22 seconds
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Being Corporately Filled with the Holy Spirit: Pastor Michael Paderes

Corporate worship is God's way of filling and refreshing us with His Spirit. When we come together as a church community, the presence of God is there with us. 
7/1/202117 minutes, 10 seconds
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Walking Together: Pastor Janssen Morados

Our standard for extending love to others is the love which we have received from Christ. Let's ask God to make us grow in the knowledge of His love that we may overflow with it and share it with others.
6/30/202117 minutes, 45 seconds
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Forgiving One Another: Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Because we have experienced God's forgiveness, we, too, can also forgive others. May this message remind us to choose to overlook offense by putting away the things of the past and extending kindness, humility, and love.
6/29/202118 minutes, 32 seconds
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Speaking Truth in Love: Pastor Mye Nunag

Speaking the truth in love is walking in love. When we live our lives this way, it reflects the grace that we have received from God.
6/28/202114 minutes, 3 seconds
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Maintaining Unity: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

We are called by God to live a life worthy of our calling. May this message remind us to walk in humility, gentleness, and peace with one another. 
6/27/202119 minutes, 11 seconds
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Isaiah 65 (Part 2): Pastor Mye Nunag

Having a genuine relationship with God results in great joy. We can enjoy unhindered intimacy and great peace with Him as we grow deeper in the word.
6/24/202114 minutes, 40 seconds
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Isaiah 65 (Part 1): Pastor Jon Naron

God has offered salvation for all. He invites us to surrender our lives back to Him and receive forgiveness and blessings as we seek and know Him more. 
6/23/202118 minutes, 18 seconds
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Isaiah 64: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Because of the steadfast love and grace of God through Jesus, we are made righteous and can live righteously. Let us share this truth to others so that they may experience His love and do the same.
6/22/202116 minutes, 24 seconds
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Isaiah 62: Pastor Che de Sagun

Through Christ, God chose us to have a covenant relationship with Him. This means we now have a new identity and a new destiny. 
6/21/202113 minutes, 50 seconds
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Isaiah 61: Pastor Michael Paderes

Sin and brokenness no longer have permanent hold on our lives because Jesus came to save us and give us hope. 
6/20/202115 minutes, 34 seconds
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Isaiah 60: Pastor Janssen Morados

With all that's happening around us, how do we know what to pray for? Let us be reminded that God's word gives us the hope and direction we need today.
6/17/202121 minutes, 11 seconds
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Isaiah 59: Pastor Che de Sagun

God gives an open invite to all—to call unto Him in time of need. He has made a way for us to have relationship with Him. How have you responded to this invitation?
6/16/202114 minutes, 22 seconds
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Isaiah 58: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Extending a hand to those who are in lack, without expecting anything in return, is an expression of the grace of God. May this reminder encourage us to help someone in need today.
6/15/202118 minutes, 16 seconds
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Isaiah 56: Pastor Pinky Katipunan

God calls us to be a blessing to others. Let us live with the aim of being a blessing through prayer to people and nations through the gospel.
6/14/202115 minutes, 55 seconds
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Isaiah 55 (Part 3): Bishop Juray Mora

God’s Word is all powerful—nothing can stop it. It will accomplish all that it has been sent out to do.   Are you willing to give yourself to God's will and submit to His timing?
6/13/202117 minutes, 56 seconds
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Isaiah 55 (Part 2): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

The word of God will always accomplish the purpose for which He sends it. May this reminder build your faith as you hold on to God’s promise in your life today.
6/10/202120 minutes, 9 seconds
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Isaiah 55 (Part 1): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

In Jesus, we find true satisfaction and intimate relationship, and we can enjoy the choicest blessings.
6/9/202116 minutes, 23 seconds
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Isaiah 53 (Part 2): Pastor Che de Sagun

Because of His great love for us, Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself for us, so we could find forgiveness, healing, new life. 
6/8/202117 minutes, 47 seconds
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Isaiah 53 (Part 1): Pastor Jon Dolor

We can trust in the unfailing love of the one who died on the cross in order to save us. How have you experience God’s unfailing love for you this past week?
6/7/202115 minutes, 38 seconds
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Isaiah 51: Cathy Foliente

In Christ, we can live above fear because His Spirit, who lives inside of us, already broke the power of fear in our lives. Encourage someone with this truth today! 
6/6/202115 minutes, 57 seconds
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Isaiah 49 (Part 2): Bishop Juray Mora

God continues to declare His love for us and fulfill His purpose in us even when we are unfaithful. Recall a time when God showed His unrelenting love and faithfulness to you and share it to a friend.
6/3/202120 minutes, 13 seconds
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Isaiah 49 (Part 1): Pastor Mye Nunag

At the very heart of God is His desire for all people to be saved, redeemed, and restored back to His kingdom. This is why He sent Jesus as our ultimate Savior and Redeemer.
6/2/202114 minutes, 6 seconds
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Isaiah 45: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God will carry us through in every season. He is the only source of deliverance and salvation.
6/1/202114 minutes, 44 seconds
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Isaiah 44 (Part 2): Pastor Jon Naron

The idols in our hearts don’t compare to the glory, power, and love of God. Out of God’s great love, He wants to give Himself, the greatest good in the universe, to you.
5/31/202121 minutes, 13 seconds
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Isaiah 44 (Part 1): Pastor Michael Paderes

God fulfilled His covenant promise to us by sending the Holy Spirit to fill us. As we put our faith in Jesus Christ and we are filled by the Spirit, He cleanses us and strengthens us to live in Him. 
5/30/202113 minutes, 9 seconds
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Isaiah 43 (Part 2): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

The God who was with you in the past is the same God who is with you today and will sustain and deliver you.
5/27/202116 minutes
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Isaiah 43 (Part 1): Pastor Che de Sagun

We may go through suffering, hardship, and trials in life, but we do not have to fear because God is with us and for us. Encourage and pray for someone with this truth today.
5/26/202117 minutes, 24 seconds
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Isaiah 42: Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Jesus came to bring justice. He is setting things right with gentleness, faithfulness, healing, and hope. How does this truth help you in your present circumstances? 
5/25/202113 minutes, 35 seconds
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Isaiah 41: Pastor Michael Paderes

God is always faithful to His covenant, and if we look to Him and keep turning to Him by faith, He will uphold us, He will strengthen us, He will help us, and He will deliver us.
5/24/202111 minutes, 55 seconds
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Isaiah 40 (Part 3): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

God invites us to wait and rely on Him, especially when we’re tired, weary, and overwhelmed. Draw your strength from God every day and He will sustain you. 
5/23/202119 minutes, 7 seconds
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Isaiah 40 (Part 2): Dr. Jun Escosar

When we come to a place where we see and understand that God is all-powerful and all-knowing, we come to a place of peace and security, of awe and wonder. 
5/20/202118 minutes, 17 seconds
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Isaiah 40 (Part 1): Bishop Manny Carlos

In every season of our lives, we can hold on to God’s word. It brings us consolation, restores us to His purpose and blessing, and establishes us on a solid foundation. 
5/19/202122 minutes, 13 seconds
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Isaiah 35: Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Everlasting joy is promised for those who have been redeemed by Jesus. We live this out as we walk with God every day. 
5/18/202114 minutes, 1 second
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Isaiah 29: Pastor Che de Sagun

Jesus through His finished work on the cross and by the power of the Holy Spirit enables us to live a new life for Him and changes our heart from the inside out.
5/17/202116 minutes, 52 seconds
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Isaiah 28: Bishop Juray Mora

Those who put their trust in God will not be toppled or destroyed in crisis. Instead, they will see and live under God’s justice, righteousness, provision, protection, and rest.
5/16/202118 minutes, 7 seconds
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Isaiah 25: Pastor Janssen Morados

God’s faithfulness deserves all our praise. His promise of redemption and Jesus’ glorious return will help us live with an eternal perspective.
5/13/202124 minutes, 57 seconds
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Isaiah 24: Pastor Jon Naron

With everything that is going on around us, as God’s people, we can respond by praising Him and praying for our situation. Today, let us trust God that He will come through for us as He did before. 
5/12/202116 minutes, 33 seconds
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Isaiah 19: Pastor Che de Sagun

God desires for us to be blessed so that we can be a blessing to others and that His name will be glorified. 
5/11/202117 minutes, 31 seconds
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Isaiah 16: Pastor Jon Dolor

For as sure as God is just, He is also loving and wants all to be saved. How have you experience the salvation and love that God has for you? 
5/11/202117 minutes, 27 seconds
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Isaiah 14: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God provided the solution to man’s ultimate problem: Jesus Christ. We can put our trust in Him to forgive our sins and heal our sickness and disease.
5/9/202123 minutes, 31 seconds
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Isaiah 13: Bishop Manny Carlos

The Lord is sovereign and His plan will always prevail. We can take comfort in the truth that He is for us. 
5/6/202117 minutes, 37 seconds
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Isaiah 12: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

God always provides what we need the most. He is who we need Him to be. Who do you need God to be in your life right now?
5/5/202116 minutes, 4 seconds
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Isaiah 11: Bishop Juray Mora

God’s plan and promises will always prevail. We can fully trust Him because He is with us.
5/4/202120 minutes, 40 seconds
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Isaiah 10: Pastor Mye Nunag

Even though we turn away from God and His word, He still offers mercy, compassion, salvation, and redemption. 
5/3/202111 minutes, 43 seconds
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Isaiah 9 (Part 2): Pastor Michael Paderes

God is for us. Because of Him, we don’t have to fear.
5/2/202113 minutes, 49 seconds
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Isaiah 9 (Part 1): Dr. Nixon Ng

Jesus Christ is our great light. Because we follow Him, we will never walk in darkness. 
4/29/202119 minutes, 59 seconds
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Isaiah 8 (Part 2): Pastor Jon Naron

We don’t need to look elsewhere for guidance and hope. God’s word is the standard of wisdom! How has the word of God helped you in times of need and confusion?
4/28/202123 minutes, 12 seconds
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Isaiah 8 (Part 1): Pastor Che de Sagun

The LORD of Heaven’s Armies will fight for us and will keep us safe. Let us put our hope in Him and wait for Him. 
4/27/202114 minutes, 32 seconds
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Isaiah 7 (Part 2): Pastor Jon Dolor

God loves us with an unfailing love. His love never runs out and never gives up even when we are not listening, even when we are not cooperating, and even when we are being hard-headed.
4/26/202113 minutes, 23 seconds
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Isaiah 7 (Part 1): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Though we are faithless, God remains faithful. In what areas have you experienced God’s faithfulness? Encourage a friend with your testimony today. 
4/25/202125 minutes, 8 seconds
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Isaiah 6 (Part 3): Bishop Juray Mora

Our holy God trusts, qualifies, and empowers us to fulfill His purposes in our lives.
4/22/202116 minutes, 2 seconds
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Isaiah 6 (Part 2): Pastor Janssen Morados

In times of discouragement and difficulties, God invites us to look to Him. He is sovereign and in this truth, we can have confidence. 
4/21/202115 minutes, 9 seconds
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Isaiah 6 (Part 1): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

God is holy, but we are not. The good news is He purifies us and gives us grace through Jesus Christ. To whom can you share this good news today? 
4/20/202120 minutes, 9 seconds
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Isaiah 4: Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Through Jesus Christ, God breathes life into our world and brings hope into the direst of situations.
4/19/202117 minutes, 30 seconds
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Isaiah 3: Dr. Jun Escosar

Showing kindness to the poor is a reflection of our understanding of the gospel. To whom can you extend the kindness and love you have received from God?
4/18/202115 minutes, 26 seconds
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Isaiah 2 (Part 2) Pastor Michael Paderes

As long as Jesus is in our lives, we have a new hope and we don’t need to worry because His promises will definitely come to pass.
4/15/202112 minutes, 11 seconds
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Isaiah 2 (Part 1) Pastor Che de Sagun

Jesus is the light of the world. We don’t have to live in darkness, but we can live in His light!
4/14/202114 minutes, 2 seconds
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Isaiah 1 (Part 3): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

We can be at peace knowing that God has already forgiven us of our sins because of what Jesus did for us. We can trust in Him forever and always.
4/13/202121 minutes, 56 seconds
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Isaiah 1 (Part 2): Pastor Jon Dolor

God forgives us and removes the guilt of our sin not because of our good works, but because He made a way for us. We can be grateful for what He is doing on our behalf!
4/12/202112 minutes, 46 seconds
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Isaiah 1 (Part 1): Bishop Manny Carlos

God calls us to return to Him in repentance and humility. As we do so, He welcomes us with open arms to renew us and adopt us into His family. 
4/11/202118 minutes, 50 seconds
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God Is Kind (Part 5): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

God’s rich kindness leads us to change. By His Spirit, He enables us to be more like Christ every day. 
4/8/202119 minutes, 51 seconds
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God Is Kind (Part 4): Pastor Jon Naron

Because of God’s kindness and love, He saved us, made us right in His sight, and gave us confidence that we will have eternal life with Him. 
4/7/202120 minutes, 50 seconds
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God Is Kind (Part 3): Cathy Foliente

God’s kindness for us is unrelenting. This means that He will always love us, He will never give up on us, and He will keep on pursuing us. How does this truth change the way you relate with God? 
4/6/202113 minutes, 5 seconds
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God Is Kind (Part 2): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Because of God’s kindness, we are a chosen and treasured people. We don’t have to strive. We don’t have to anchor our worth on what we do but on who God called us to be. We have a purpose, because of our relationship with Him!
4/5/202114 minutes, 18 seconds
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God Is Kind (Part 1): Bishop Juray Mora

God’s kindness goes the extra mile and is free to all who want to receive His gift. Today, would you receive God’s kindness that He willingly paid for?
4/4/202117 minutes, 17 seconds
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Holy Week (The King's Glory): Bishop Manny Carlos

Because of Jesus’ great love and sacrifice, we are restored to a right relationship with God. How can you grow more in your experience of the love of Jesus and the Father for you?
4/1/202119 minutes, 36 seconds
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Holy Week (The King's Victory): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Jesus has already won over sin and death. Let us live in the victory that we have in Him and share this hope to others, too!
3/31/202118 minutes, 26 seconds
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Holy Week (The King's Healing): Pastor Mye Nunag

Healing and restoration are available in Jesus Christ. Pray for and encourage someone who needs to experience the complete healing that only Jesus could give.
3/30/202117 minutes, 13 seconds
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Holy Week (The King's Forgiveness): Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

Jesus Christ is both the victorious King and the suffering Servant. Because of what He did on the cross, God has cancelled His wrath toward us and we are now free to come to Him. 
3/29/202116 minutes, 17 seconds
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Holy Week (The King's Provision): Pastor Michael Paderes

As we celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, let us remember that He is the greatest provision that God sent for us. 
3/28/202116 minutes, 41 seconds
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God Is Long-Suffering (Part 5): Dr. Nixon Ng

One expression of God’s love for us is His long-suffering nature. Not only did He wait for us to return to Him—He suffered on our behalf so we could be freed from sin and belong to His family.
3/25/202117 minutes, 14 seconds
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God Is Long-Suffering (Part 4): Pastor Jon Dolor

God is long-suffering and abounding in steadfast love, which means that we can approach Him with confidence. He will meet us with His grace, mercy, and love.
3/24/20219 minutes, 3 seconds
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God Is Long-Suffering (Part 3): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Because God is long-suffering, we can hold on to His promises with faith and patience. What promise of God are you holding on to today?
3/23/202113 minutes, 37 seconds
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God Is Long-Suffering (Part 2): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

The God who delivers with a mighty hand is the same God who is a loving and forgiving Savior.
3/22/202115 minutes, 4 seconds
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God Is Long-Suffering (Part 1): Bishop Juray Mora

God is long-suffering toward us, which means that He is compassionate and continues to work out His purpose in us.
3/21/202117 minutes, 33 seconds
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God Is Just (Part 5): Pastor Michael Paderes

As we extend mercy and grace to others instead of vengeance, people will see what it means to follow God. How can you encourage someone with this truth today?
3/18/202115 minutes, 58 seconds
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God Is Just (Part 4): Bishop Manny Carlos

God declares and promises that justice will be done in His timing and in His way. That’s why we can hold on to our faith despite whatever circumstance we find ourselves in.
3/17/202120 minutes, 48 seconds
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God Is Just (Part 3): Pastor Che de Sagun

God doesn’t just declare us righteous. He empowers us to live a righteous life through His Holy Spirit.
3/16/202118 minutes, 54 seconds
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God Is Just (Part 2): Pastor Jon Naron

God, the Judge of all the earth, will always do what is right according to His character, knowledge, and purpose. Therefore, we can trust Him with all our lives and decisions.
3/15/202117 minutes, 25 seconds
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God Is Just (Part 1): Pastor Janssen Morados

We often equate God’s justice with punishment, but a bigger part of God being just is that is about restoration. God desires all people to be restored to Him, and He does so through upholding justice. What character is God restoring in you today?
3/14/202121 minutes, 25 seconds
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God Is Sovereign (Part 5): Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

What impossible thing are you believing God for today?
3/11/202117 minutes, 3 seconds
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God Is Sovereign (Part 4): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

In the midst of pain and suffering, we gain more because we get to become more Christlike. How have you experienced God growing your faith through a challenge you recently experienced?
3/10/202121 minutes, 31 seconds
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God Is Sovereign (Part 3): Pastor Jon Dolor

No matter what, we can be assured that our security comes from a God who is greater than we can ever imagine. What is one thing you can do today to grow in your confidence in God?
3/9/202110 minutes, 10 seconds
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God Is Sovereign (Part 2): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Any situation that was meant for bad, God can turn it around because He is a good God. He has a purpose for every circumstance we face!
3/9/202115 minutes, 15 seconds
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God Is Sovereign (Part 1): Dr. Jun Escosar

God is sovereign and has the absolute right and supreme authority over all things. He is in control, yet He is concerned about us. His purpose for our lives can never be thwarted.
3/7/202113 minutes, 40 seconds
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God Is Unchanging (Part 5): Pastor Jon Naron

God’s unchanging nature enables us to grow toward faithfulness, consistency, and loyalty. Ask God to strengthen your faith in Him as you grow in your understanding of His unchanging character.
3/4/202121 minutes, 16 seconds
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God Is Unchanging (Part 4): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

We can have hope, joy, and contentment because we know that God’s love for us never changes and never weakens. Who can you encourage with this truth today? 
3/3/202113 minutes, 24 seconds
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God Is Unchanging (Part 3): Bishop Manny Carlos

We can confidently grow in our relationship with God because we know that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 
3/2/202117 minutes, 9 seconds
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God Is Unchanging (Part 2): Pastor Mye Nunag

Even if things around us change, God will not. When He gives His word, He will do it.
3/1/202110 minutes, 11 seconds
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God Is Unchanging (Part 1): Pastor Gilbert Foliente

Even when it looks like nothing is happening, God is still up to something because He gives a promise that He does not change. What promise from God are you holding on to today?
2/28/202121 minutes, 33 seconds
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God is Transcendent (Part 5): Bishop Juray Mora

God’s ultimate power was always meant for His grace, His love, and His blessings to cover all creation.
2/25/202117 minutes, 9 seconds
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God is Transcendent (Part 4): Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Life’s biggest blessing is to have a relationship with the God of the universe. What is one thing you can do today to strengthen your relationship with God?
2/24/202116 minutes, 18 seconds
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God is Transcendent (Part 3): Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

The God who is in charge of history showed us His love through His story. How have you experienced the love of God in your life today?
2/23/202117 minutes, 8 seconds
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God is Transcendent (Part 2): Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

We can trust our transcendent God because His thoughts and ways are far wiser and bigger than ours. What is one thing that you can entrust to God today?
2/22/202117 minutes, 12 seconds
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God is Transcendent (Part 1): Pastor Michael Paderes

Our transcendent God is beyond our human understanding, yet He loves us and desires for us to know Him.
2/21/202111 minutes, 30 seconds
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God is Great & Good (Part 3): Pastor Jon Naron

Our awesome God loves us as His own and created us for a purpose. Let us respond by giving Him all the glory and honor He deserves.
2/18/202117 minutes, 44 seconds
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God is Great & Good (Part 2): Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

God is our portion who can truly satisfy our deepest needs, accepts us despite our sinfulness and brokenness, and loves us even in our struggles.
2/17/202120 minutes, 49 seconds
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God is Great & Good (Part 1): Dr. Nixon Ng

Our awesome God is both great and good! He is high and lifted up and, at the same time, He cares for and looks after us in His goodness.
2/16/202117 minutes, 20 seconds
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Psalm 150: Bishop Manny Carlos

Whenever we praise God, we’re not bound by our own limitations. We access the very presence and power of God, who is above and beyond the limitations of our lives.
2/15/202116 minutes, 28 seconds
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Psalm 149: Pastor Che De Sagun

Because God has crowned us with salvation, we advance His kingdom by declaring His praise and proclaiming His word.
2/14/202114 minutes, 1 second
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Psalm 148: Pastor Michael Paderes

God is worthy of all our praise and adoration. When we praise Him, then we learn to value Him and to trust Him.
2/11/202114 minutes, 53 seconds
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Psalm 147: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

We are called to worship God, and as a result we are refreshed and our faith is built up.
2/10/202116 minutes, 34 seconds
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Psalm 146: Pastor Pinky Katipunan

We can fully trust God, for He is our creator and the sustainer of all life.
2/9/202113 minutes, 21 seconds
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Psalm 145: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

No matter where we are in our faith journey, we can look to God, meditate on who He is, and respond in praise. He is always near to us. 
2/8/202115 minutes, 19 seconds
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Psalm 144: Bishop Juray Mora

God is not limited by our circumstances. His word, His promises, His will, and His plan will come to pass. Nothing and no one can stop Him.   Let us continue to trust God and His promises and will in our lives. 
2/7/202116 minutes, 7 seconds
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Psalm 143: Dr. Jun Escosar

In times of trouble, God will hear us, guide us, and answer us with His steadfast love. 
2/4/202119 minutes, 17 seconds
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Psalm 142: Bishop Manny Carlos

God listens and hears our cries and is compassionate toward us. How does this truth bring comfort and hope into your circumstances today?
2/3/202115 minutes, 19 seconds
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Psalm 141: Pastor Jon Naron

In many ways, we are all leaders in our places of influence. We give glory to God when we continue to be strengthened in holiness, discipleship, and resolve.
2/2/202118 minutes, 18 seconds
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Psalm 140: Pastor Che de Sagun

We can find confidence in the character of God because He is our strong deliverer, our sovereign Lord, and our just judge.
2/1/202112 minutes, 49 seconds
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Psalm 139: Pastor Gilbert Foliente

We are fully known and yet fully loved by God. Who can you encourage with this truth today? 
1/31/202119 minutes, 43 seconds
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Psalm 138: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God’s unshakable love assures us of His calming presence as we accomplish His purpose, even in troubled times.
1/28/202113 minutes
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Psalm 137: Dr Nixon Ng

No one can handle our emotion better than God who is compassionate and steadfast in His love towards us.
1/27/202119 minutes, 37 seconds
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Psalm 136: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

God’s steadfast love endures forever for every situation, for every person. How have you experienced the steadfast love of God this past week?
1/26/202115 minutes, 4 seconds
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Psalm 135: Pastor Pinky Katipunan

God chose us, not because of anything good we can do. He chose us simply because He is good and He loves us.
1/25/202116 minutes, 4 seconds
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Psalm 134: Bishop Juray Mora

The pursuit of God is the most important journey you will take in your life. Would you plan, prepare for, and commit to faith to pursue and worship God for the rest of the year and the rest of your life?
1/24/202117 minutes, 20 seconds
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Psalm 133: Bishop Manny Carlos

When the people of God come together, He promises His joy and refreshing upon them. How have you experienced God’s blessing through your church community?
1/21/202111 minutes, 19 seconds
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Psalm 132: Pastor Che de Sagun

Because we know that God fulfills His promise and answers beyond our prayers, we can put our trust in His word and His promises and we can persevere in prayer.
1/20/202114 minutes, 41 seconds
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Psalm 131: Pastor Michael Paderes

God invites us to have a child’s absolute, unfiltered obedience, trust, and confidence in Him. Pray that as you know Him more, He will strengthen your faith in Him. 
1/19/202114 minutes, 37 seconds
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Psalm 130: Pastor Jon Naron

We can hope and wait with certainty because we know that God will fulfill His promises based on His steadfast love. 
1/18/202116 minutes, 21 seconds
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Psalm 129: Dr. Jun Escosar

We can persevere through times of pain, afflictions, and suffering because in Christ, our victory is sure.
1/17/202115 minutes, 54 seconds
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Awesome God: God is Long-suffering: Bishop Juray Mora

Long-suffering is the nature of God that has blessed us and makes us a blessing to a world that needs all the chances it can get. To whom can you extend the patience of God today?
1/14/202113 minutes, 38 seconds
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Awesome God: God is Just: Pastor Pinky Katipunan

God is just, yet He extended His mercy to a people undeserving. In the midst of injustice all around us, we can continue to shine God’s light in this world by being just and fair in all our dealings.
1/13/202113 minutes, 50 seconds
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Awesome God: God is Sovereign: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

God has reasons, purposes, and ways that are beyond ours. We can trust Him because He is sovereign and knows what He's doing.
1/12/202118 minutes, 47 seconds
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Awesome God: God is Unchanging: Pastor Mye Nunag

Because our God is unchanging in His character, will, and covenant promises, we can continue to hope and be steadfast in His word.
1/11/202110 minutes, 45 seconds
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Awesome God: God is Transcendent: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

It’s Day 1 of our prayer and fasting week! Let us hold on to this truth as we dedicate this week to God:  The God who is beyond our reach has reached down to save and sustain us because of His great love.
1/10/202116 minutes
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Psalm 128: Pastor Michael Paderes

Psalm 128 speaks of two seemingly contradictory things: the fear of God and the blessing of God, which actually go hand in hand.
1/7/202112 minutes, 15 seconds
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Psalm 127: Bishop Manny Carlos

Those who rely on God’s word and trust Him will see His blessing.
1/6/202115 minutes, 19 seconds
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Psalm 126: Pastor Jon Naron

As God has been faithful in the past, we can put our faith that the Lord can and will do it again. In what way have you seen God come through for you in the past with an impossibility?
1/5/202116 minutes, 13 seconds
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Psalm 125: Pastor Che de Sagun

We can put our trust in the God who is with us, who is for us, and who surrounds us.
1/4/202111 minutes, 29 seconds
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Psalm 124: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

Even in the midst of our pain, God is with us and for us, and He will bring out good from our situation.
1/3/202116 minutes, 44 seconds
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Psalm 123: Dr. Jun Escosar

Join us and start the year right by worshiping God and listening to His word! Let us dedicate this day to Jesus and look to Him as the source of grace and mercy.
12/31/202015 minutes, 5 seconds
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Psalm 122: BIshop Juray Mora

To worship God is a journey that must be fueled by desire, may face obstacles, and is best made with and for others.
12/30/202016 minutes, 21 seconds
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Psalm 121: Cathy Foliente

Asking God for help is not a sign of weakness, but an expression of our trust in our God who helps us.
12/29/202015 minutes, 30 seconds
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Psalm 120: Pastor Joe Bonifacio

We can call out to God even in the most desperate times because we know that He will hear us and will be with us always.  
12/28/202015 minutes, 44 seconds
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Psalm 119:89-176: Dr. Nixon Ng

God’s word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. How are we to take hold of it?
12/27/202020 minutes
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Psalm 119:1-88: Bishop Manny Carlos

Merry Christmas! Let’s celebrate today by hearing God’s word and worshiping together. What is one thing you can do this Christmas to show greater appreciation for the gift that is Jesus Christ and for the life that you have in Him? 
12/24/202015 minutes, 59 seconds
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Psalm 118: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God expresses His great love for us in many ways, but the greatest expression of this love was sending His Son, Jesus, for us and exchanging His rejection for our acceptance.
12/23/202018 minutes, 15 seconds
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Psalm 117: Pastor Pinky Katipunan

May the lives we live continue to point the rest of the world to the goodness of God and may His name be exalted as we live for Him.
12/22/202014 minutes, 49 seconds
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Psalm 116: Pastor Che de Sagun

How we know God affects the way we respond and relate to Him. Ask God to show you more and more of who He is, so that you can relate with Him better and share His love to those around you. 
12/21/202014 minutes, 33 seconds
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Psalm 115: Pastor Michael Paderes

From what or whom do you draw your sense of security, meaning, and significance? Today, may you look to God because He is our help and our shield, our provider and our protector. 
12/20/202011 minutes, 59 seconds
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Psalm 114: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

With God, all things are possible. He is able to take the things we thought were immovable and move them around for His glory and our benefit. 
12/17/202015 minutes, 13 seconds
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Psalm 113: Ms Deah Mora

Praising God is an act of faith that takes our focus away from ourselves and our situation toward the greatness of God. What passage from the Bible helps you remember to look to God and trust Him even in the midst of your challenges?
12/16/202012 minutes, 49 seconds
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Psalm 112: Dr. Nixon Ng

The fear of the Lord helps us face the darkness, the bad news, and even our adversaries in this life. 
12/15/202019 minutes, 32 seconds
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Psalm 111: Pastor Mye Nunag

In every season, we can trust that God is working to fulfill His purpose in and through us and that He deals with us with His steadfast love. How does this truth encourage you today? 
12/14/202012 minutes, 38 seconds
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Psalm 110: Bishop Juray Mora

In Christ, we have the most powerful, the most favorable, and the most loving connection. Let us take time every day to seek Him and to know His will for our lives. 
12/13/202015 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psalm 109: Pastor Jun Escosar

God is our defender. He will protect us even in the midst of our suffering. 
12/10/202020 minutes, 26 seconds
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Psalm 108: Pastor Pinky Katipunan

Knowing who God is will always keep our hearts in place. Let us continue to grow in our relationship with God as we read His word, pray, and make disciples every day. 
12/9/202012 minutes, 56 seconds
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Psalm 107: Pastor Che de Sagun

There is always something to be grateful for! To whom can you share the testimony of God’s goodness in your life this week?
12/8/202012 minutes, 20 seconds
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Psalm 106: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God’s relentless pursuit of humanity shows His enduring salvation and steadfast love for us. Because of this, we can live in faith, hope, and confidence.
12/7/202013 minutes, 24 seconds
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Psalm 105: Bishop Manny Carlos

Regardless of our circumstance, God is worthy of praise because of who He is and what He has done. What is one thing you are grateful to God for today?
12/6/202015 minutes, 50 seconds
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Psalm 104: Bishop Juray Mora

God can be seen and known in His creation and through His word. You were created with a purpose, with wisdom, and to connect with others. 
12/3/202015 minutes, 37 seconds
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Psalm 103: Pastor Mye Nunag

The same way that David recalled and praised God for His goodness throughout his life, we can praise God because of who He is in our past, present, and future.
12/2/202011 minutes, 20 seconds
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Psalm 102: Pastor Jon Naron

When we remember who God is and His promises for us, we can have peace and hope in the middle of weariness and despair.
12/1/202017 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psalm 101: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

We can walk in integrity as we ponder God’s perfect ways and praise Him for His steadfast love and justice.
11/30/202015 minutes, 41 seconds
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Psalm 100: Bishop Manny Carlos

Because of God’s covenant promises to us, there is always something to praise and thank Him for, whether we feel like it or not.
11/29/202015 minutes, 39 seconds
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Psalm 99: Pastor Michael Paderes

God is above all and deserves all our praise and worship, yet He is near to us and gives us His grace and mercy. We can put our faith and trust in Him, for He redeemed us through Jesus Christ and adopted us into His family.
11/26/202014 minutes, 40 seconds
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Psalm 98: Pastor Pinky Katipunan

“Oh sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things!” (Psalm 98:1) Let us celebrate God for all He has done in and through us. What are you grateful for today?
11/25/202014 minutes, 22 seconds
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Psalm 97: Dr. Nixon Ng

Because the Lord is above all things, we can rejoice in all things. How can you live out this truth in your life today?
11/24/202018 minutes, 36 seconds
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Psalm 96: Pastor Che de Sagun

We can sing to and worship God as He reveals more of Himself to us and as we grow in our knowledge of Him.
11/23/202013 minutes, 16 seconds
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Psalm 95: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

The God who transcends all creation is the same God who speaks to our hearts and deserves our highest worship.
11/22/202013 minutes, 58 seconds
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Psalm 94: Bishop Juray Mora

In this crucial moment on your journey with God, remember that you can find your circle of quiet in God, whose word knows more than science and teaches better than experience.
11/19/202016 minutes, 35 seconds
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Psalm 93: Pastor Mye Nunag

In the midst of turmoil and weakness, we can be victorious by declaring that God reigns and establishes, and that He is mighty and trustworthy.
11/18/202010 minutes, 47 seconds
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Psalm 92: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

We can put our trust in God because He works for our benefit and His thoughts are far beyond ours. 
11/17/202016 minutes, 20 seconds
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Psalm 91: Pastor Che de Sagun

As we dwell in the presence of God and trust in His name, He promises that we will find rest and security.
11/16/202017 minutes, 55 seconds
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Psalm 90: Bishop Manny Carlos

We get a heart of wisdom by finding satisfaction and strength in our relationship with God, seeking His favor, and working as unto the Lord.
11/15/202014 minutes, 33 seconds
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Psalm 89: Pastor Pinky Katipunan

In the midst of difficulty and pain, our greatest weapon is to declare who God is: loving, faithful, and a promise-keeper.
11/12/202013 minutes
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Psalm 88: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

God can sympathize with us in our lowest points in life. We can be honest with Him and draw near to Him, for we are sure that He will lift us up.   
11/11/202020 minutes, 25 seconds
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Psalm 87: Pastor Jon Naron

By God’s grace, He included us in His family. This means that we can have a relationship with Him and live life to the full.    How are you growing in your relationship with God today? 
11/10/202017 minutes, 12 seconds
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Psalm 86: Pastor Michael Paderes

Let us cry out to God and humble ourselves before Him because He is gracious and will answer us with His steadfast love. 
11/9/202015 minutes, 14 seconds
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Psalm 85: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

As we seek God, He will help carry our burden and revive our souls. When He refreshes us, we can accomplish things for His glory. 
11/8/202011 minutes, 50 seconds
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Psalm 84: Bishop Juray Mora

We may have lost things and opportunities in this crisis, but the presence of God is always with us. In His presence, we can find rest, joy, and strength.
11/5/202018 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psalm 83: Bishop Manny Carlos

When we face difficulties and our enemies, we can trust that God is faithful and is for us. As He delivers us, others will turn to Him and give glory to His name.
11/4/202016 minutes, 50 seconds
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Psalm 82: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

As people of a just and loving God, we are called to show God's compassion, mercy, and grace to others. How can you be an extension of God's heart to someone today?
11/3/202019 minutes, 27 seconds
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Psalm 81: Pastor Che de Sagun

God calls us to listen to Him, and as we do so, He promises to fully save, fully satisfy, and fully secure us.
11/2/202016 minutes, 33 seconds
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Psalm 80: Dr. Nixon Ng

Our God is true, holy, merciful, mighty, and able to save. He is stronger than any army and yet has a personal relationship with each one of us.
11/1/202025 minutes, 45 seconds
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Psalm 79: Pastor Jon Naron

Let us always remember that the Lord is the God of our salvation and we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. We can cry out to Him even with our frustrations and doubts. 
10/29/202013 minutes, 25 seconds
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Psalm 78: Pastor Gilbert Foliente

God is calling us to have multigenerational faith. Our lives can be the seed that will help the next generation succeed in their purpose in God. 
10/28/202015 minutes, 18 seconds
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Psalm 77: Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

In times of trouble, we sometimes cannot see that God is working behind the scenes. Let us recall God’s faithfulness in our lives and trust that He will come through for us. 
10/27/202014 minutes, 59 seconds
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Psalm 76: Pinky Katipunan

God is our hiding place and safe refuge. We can run to Him and have peace because He is for us. 
10/26/202012 minutes, 58 seconds
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Psalm 75: Pastor Michael Paderes

We can entrust our lives, our future, and our nation to God because He is good and sovereign. Surrender your worries and fears to God, and ask Him to build your faith today.
10/25/202013 minutes, 46 seconds
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Psalm 74: Bishop Juray Mora

We can have faith in the love of God in the midst of our doubt. He is for us and will never leave us nor forsake us.  Encourage a friend today with this truth. 
10/22/202021 minutes, 20 seconds
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Psalm 73: Dr. NIxon Ng

We can put our worries to rest because God is our portion, and in Him we have all that we need and desire. Today, surrender to God any of your doubts and fears and ask Him to refresh you and grow your faith. 
10/21/202024 minutes, 3 seconds
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Psalm 72: Pastor Mye Nunag

We can have peace knowing that the King of kings is reigning and ruling, and justice will ultimately be served.
10/20/202013 minutes, 19 seconds
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Psalm 71: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

There will be times that pain and suffering will overwhelm us. But God is with us and will walk us through these hardships.  How can you grow in your dependence on God today?
10/19/202018 minutes, 23 seconds
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Psalm 70: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

We can face overwhelming challenges with great faith because the Almighty God whom we serve is always on our side.
10/18/202010 minutes, 34 seconds
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Psalm 69: Pastor Michael Paderes

Troubles and challenges are part of life. But in God we can find all the answers and help that we need. Let us grow in our dependence on God, for He is trustworthy.
10/15/202013 minutes, 5 seconds
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Psalm 68: Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

The God that we serve does not only carry the burden that we carry, but He also loads us with benefits that come from Him.
10/14/202016 minutes, 3 seconds
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Psalm 67: Pastor Gilbert Foliente

Ultimately, we are not just meant to be recipients but also conduits of God’s blessing. To whom can you extend God’s blessings today?
10/13/202017 minutes, 17 seconds
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Psalm 66: Pastor Che de Sagun

We can worship God because He is powerful and is personal toward His people.
10/12/202014 minutes, 40 seconds
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Psalm 65: Bishop Manny Carlos

We can be thankful and rejoice in God because He forgives our sins that we might live in His house and be filled with good things. 
10/11/202015 minutes, 52 seconds
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Psalm 64: Pastor Joseph Bonifacio

We can cry out to God and praise Him even in the midst of difficulty, for we know that He will deliver us.
10/8/202018 minutes, 6 seconds
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Psalm 63: Pastor Mye Nunag

We can count on the steadfast love of God to accompany us all the days of our lives. How can you help others around you experience the steadfast love of God today?
10/7/202012 minutes, 48 seconds
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Psalm 62: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

Those who choose to rest solely in God Almighty are victorious in Christ. Let us continue to wait on Him, for He is for us.
10/6/202012 minutes, 48 seconds
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Psalm 61: Dr. Jun Escosar

Whatever we may face, we can turn to God and live in total confidence that we will overcome in His mighty power. He is our strength and the Rock that is higher than any problem or circumstance.
10/5/202019 minutes, 26 seconds
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Psalm 60: Dr. Nixon Ng

God is sovereign over all, so we can trust Him regardless of what’s happening around us. Only through Him can we be victorious. 
10/4/202022 minutes, 49 seconds
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Psalm 59: Pastor Michael Paderes

We can have confidence and sing of God’s goodness and faithfulness as we cry out to Him and allow His steadfast love to be our fortress. To whom can you share the testimony of God’s protection in your life?
10/1/202012 minutes, 42 seconds
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Psalm 58: Pinky Katipunan

When we hold on to God, we will never be put to shame. He will come through for us. Share this truth with your family and friends today.
9/30/202012 minutes, 28 seconds
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Psalm 57: Pastor Jon Naron

We can trust God’s steadfast love and faithfulness, as He fulfills His purpose for our lives.
9/29/202014 minutes, 36 seconds
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Psalm 56: Pastor Jeng Aguinaldo

Declare God’s faithfulness and protection over your life in spite of every fear and worry. Knowing that God is on our side, we can respond in faith no matter what trials may come.
9/28/202015 minutes, 16 seconds
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Psalm 55: Bishop Manny Carlos

Regardless of your situation, pour out your heart to God and trust in His goodness, righteousness, and mercy.
9/27/202018 minutes, 4 seconds
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Psalm 54: Deah Mora

When we make God our stronghold in times of trouble, no one and nothing can overcome us.
9/24/202014 minutes, 48 seconds
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Psalm 53: Bishop Ferdie Cabiling

God rewards those who earnestly seek Him in Christ, and those who acknowledge His existence are considered wise.
9/23/202017 minutes, 24 seconds
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Psalm 52: Dr. Nixon Ng

As people of God, we can go to Him with our deepest anguish and trust in His steadfast love, which endures forever.
9/22/202020 minutes, 17 seconds
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Psalm 51: Pastor Gilbert Foliente

When we understand the gravity of our sin and the greatness of God's mercy, there is no other right response but repentance. No sin is too great to be beyond God's mercy.
9/21/202024 minutes, 8 seconds
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Psalm 50: Bishop Juray Mora

God has not called us to a life of rituals, a life of religious routine, or even a life of moral perfection, but to a relationship with Him.
9/20/202017 minutes, 30 seconds
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Psalm 49: Pastor Che de Sagun

Where we put our trust and knowing how the story ends matter so much in times of trouble. So let us put our trust in God, our mighty Redeemer, because we know that we have a future glory and victory with Him. 
9/17/202019 minutes, 5 seconds
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Psalm 48: Pastor Michael Paderes

As we dwell in God’s presence and power, we cannot help but stand in awe, live according to His ways, and tell of Him to the ends of the earth and the next generation.
9/16/202015 minutes, 7 seconds