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Warren Wiersbe Sermons

English, Religion, 1 season, 396 episodes, 3 days, 3 hours, 39 minutes
Trusted Bible teacher, Warren Wiersbe preaches through the Bible with sermons from over 50 years of preaching. From the 1950's through the early 2000's, his insights, wit, and simplicity have helped countless people grow in their love for Jesus. Warren Wiersbe's best-selling guides to every book of the Bible, called "The BE Series," continues to be quoted by pastors today. For more information about Warren Wiersbe, visit These messages were recorded when he pastored Calvary Baptist Church in Covington, KY or the Moody Church in Chicago, IL and are posted by ScripTex, Inc.
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Luke 15 - Jesus, The Forgotten Prodigal Son

In one of his greatest messages of all time, Warren Wiersbe unpacks the deeper meaning of Luke 15 as it relates to Jesus himself and what he had to do to make this story possible. This message was preached while Warren Wiersbe was the Sr. Pastor at Moody Church in Chicago, IL. For more information about Warren Wiersbe, visit
9/2/202439 minutes, 18 seconds
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INTERVIEW: Benny Tate on Longevity in Ministry

Dr. Benny Tate, pastor of Rock Springs Church in Milner, Georgia, joins the podcast to discuss his 35 years of ministry and the importance of long-term commitment. He shares the impact Warren Wiersbe has had on his ministry and lessons he's learned by staying in one place as a pastor. Dan and Pastor Benny also dive into the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian life and ministry, why humility is essential for leaders, and why it's a good idea to write a book based on a sermon series. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Connection with Warren Wiersbe 06:17 The Power of Long-Term Ministry 09:16 The Impact of Humility in Leadership 17:37 The Transformative Power of Preaching 22:30 Appreciating and Supporting Pastors 25:58 Making a Difference in the Lives of Others 28:07 Studying the Holy Spirit and Writing 'Unlimited' 30:13 Living in the Fullness of the Holy Spirit 35:03 The Power of Preaching and the Impact of Books Pre-order your copy of Becoming New on Amazon now! For more information about Warren Wiersbe, visit Follow Dan on Facebook & Instagram.
8/30/202449 minutes, 25 seconds
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Luke 15 - Big Brother is Watching

From Luke 15:11-39, Warren Wiersbe looks at the elder brother in the story of the Prodigal Son, which serves as a warning for any of us who think we are getting less than we deserve from God. This message was preached while Warren Wiersbe was the Sr. Pastor at Moody Church in Chicago, IL. For more information about Warren Wiersbe, visit
8/26/202437 minutes, 46 seconds
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Luke 15 - The Lessons of Life

This message from Luke 15:11—32 unfolds the ways the prodigal son learned the hard way about sin, his flesh, and salvation. This message was preached while Warren Wiersbe was the Sr. Pastor at Moody Church in Chicago, IL. For more information about Warren Wiersbe, visit
8/19/202439 minutes, 30 seconds
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Luke 15 - God's Lost And Found

In this four-part series on Luke 15, Warren Wiersbe explains how the three stories of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son make up one larger story about salvation and Christian living. This message was preached when Warren Wiersbe was the Sr. Pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, IL. For more information about Warren Wiersbe or to explore books and other resources, visit
8/14/202442 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer - Part 8 [Do Not Lead Us Into Temptation, but Deliver Us from the Evil One] - Matthew 6

In February of 1993, Dr. Wiersbe traveled to one of his favorite ministries, the Rio Grande Bible Institute to preach their annual Bible Conference. This message is from those morning and evening sessions, Feb 22-26, 1993.  During these sessions, Dr. Wiersbe unpacks the Lord's Prayer (or, The Disciple's Prayer).  This sermon is broadcast with express permission from Rio Grande Bible Institute. 
5/22/202459 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer - Part 7 [Our Daily Bread; Forgive Us; Deliver Us] - Matthew 6

In February of 1993, Dr. Wiersbe traveled to one of his favorite ministries, the Rio Grande Bible Institute to preach their annual Bible Conference. This message is from those morning and evening sessions, Feb 22-26, 1993.  During these sessions, Dr. Wiersbe unpacks the Lord's Prayer (or, The Disciple's Prayer).  This sermon is broadcast with express permission from Rio Grande Bible Institute. 
5/15/202453 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer - Part 6 [Give us this day our daily bread] - Matthew 6

In February of 1993, Dr. Wiersbe traveled to one of his favorite ministries, the Rio Grande Bible Institute to preach their annual Bible Conference. This message is from those morning and evening sessions, Feb 22-26, 1993.  During these sessions, Dr. Wiersbe unpacks the Lord's Prayer (or, The Disciple's Prayer).  This sermon is broadcast with express permission from Rio Grande Bible Institute. 
5/8/202449 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer - Part 5 [Your Will Be Done] - Matthew 6

In February of 1993, Dr. Wiersbe traveled to one of his favorite ministries, the Rio Grande Bible Institute to preach their annual Bible Conference. This message is from those morning and evening sessions, Feb 22-26, 1993.  During these sessions, Dr. Wiersbe unpacks the Lord's Prayer (or, The Disciple's Prayer).  This sermon is broadcast with express permission from Rio Grande Bible Institute. 
5/1/202450 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer - Part 4 [Your Kingdom Come] - Matthew 6

In February of 1993, Dr. Wiersbe traveled to one of his favorite ministries, the Rio Grande Bible Institute to preach their annual Bible Conference. This message is from those morning and evening sessions, Feb 22-26, 1993.  During these sessions, Dr. Wiersbe unpacks the Lord's Prayer (or, The Disciple's Prayer).  This sermon is broadcast with express permission from Rio Grande Bible Institute. 
4/24/202437 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer - Part 3 [Hallowed Be Your Name] - Matthew 6

In February of 1993, Dr. Wiersbe traveled to one of his favorite ministries, the Rio Grande Bible Institute to preach their annual Bible Conference. This message is from those morning and evening sessions, Feb 22-26, 1993.  During these sessions, Dr. Wiersbe unpacks the Lord's Prayer (or, The Disciple's Prayer).  This sermon is broadcast with express permission from Rio Grande Bible Institute.
4/17/202452 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer - Part 2 [Our Father in Heaven] - Matthew 6

In February of 1993, Dr. Wiersbe traveled to one of his favorite ministries, the Rio Grande Bible Institute to preach their annual Bible Conference. This message is from those morning and evening sessions, Feb 22-26, 1993.  During these sessions, Dr. Wiersbe unpacks the Lord's Prayer (or, The Disciple's Prayer).  This sermon is broadcast with express permission from Rio Grande Bible Institute. 
4/10/202444 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Lord's Prayer - Part 1 - Matthew 6

In February of 1993, Dr. Wiersbe traveled to one of his favorite ministries, the Rio Grande Bible Institute to preach their annual Bible Conference. This message is from those morning and evening sessions, Feb 22-26, 1993.  During these sessions, Dr. Wiersbe unpacks the Lord's Prayer (or, The Disciple's Prayer).  This sermon is broadcast with express permission from Rio Grande Bible Institute. 
4/3/202449 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount - Passing God's Final Exam - Matthew 7:13-29

In these three passages, Jesus gives us a few questions to test our hearts: Did my decision to follow Jesus cost anything? Did my decision to follow Jesus change my life? And finally, Is my decision to follow Jesus standing up in the trials of life? This message was preached in 1977 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.  For more information about the preaching and writing ministry of Warren Wiersbe, visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. The Warren Wiersbe Sermon Podcast is owned and managed by Scriptex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved. Verses Cited Matthew 7:13 Matthew 7:14 Matthew 7:15 Matthew 7:16 Matthew 7:17 Matthew 7:18 Matthew 7:19 Matthew 7:20 Matthew 7:21 Matthew 7:22 Matthew 7:23 Matthew 7:24 Matthew 7:25 Matthew 7:26 Matthew 7:27 Matthew 7:28 Matthew 7:29 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
3/27/202442 minutes, 37 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount - Does the Golden Rule Really Work? - Matthew 7:1-12

“So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” We have all heard the Golden Rule, but it’s just a passive phrase or good idea to many people. However, Jesus teaches that the Golden Rule is necessary for believers; it grows our Christian character and gives God glory. This message was preached in 1977 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.  For more information about the preaching and writing ministry of Warren Wiersbe, visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. The Warren Wiersbe Sermon Podcast is owned and managed by Scriptex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved. Verses Cited Matthew 7:1 Matthew 7:2 Matthew 7:3 Matthew 7:4 Matthew 7:5 Matthew 7:6 Matthew 7:7 Matthew 7:8 Matthew 7:9 Matthew 7:10 Matthew 7:11 Matthew 7:12 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. “Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."
3/20/202440 minutes, 27 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount - You Don't Have to Worry - Matthew 6:19-34

Worry and anxiety are ever-present struggles in this life. Jesus challenges us to trust our Father when today's and tomorrow's problems strangle our faith. This message was preached in 1977 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.  For more information about the preaching and writing ministry of Warren Wiersbe, visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. The Warren Wiersbe Sermon Podcast is owned and managed by Scriptex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved. Verses Cited Matthew 6:19 Matthew 6:20 Matthew 6:21 Matthew 6:22 Matthew 6:23 Matthew 6:24 Matthew 6:25 Matthew 6:26 Matthew 6:27 Matthew 6:28 Matthew 6:29 Matthew 6:30 Matthew 6:31 Matthew 6:32 Matthew 6:33 Matthew 6:34
3/13/202438 minutes, 32 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount - When it doesn't pay to Advertise - Matthew 6:1-18

How should a Christian pray? In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus gives us a lesson. But integrity in prayer is built in private, not public. This message was preached in 1977 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.  For more information about the preaching and writing ministry of Warren Wiersbe, visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. The Warren Wiersbe Sermon Podcast is owned and managed by Scriptex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved. Verses Cited Matthew 6:1 Matthew 6:2 Matthew 6:3 Matthew 6:4 Matthew 6:5 Matthew 6:6 Matthew 6:7 Matthew 6:8 Matthew 6:9 Matthew 6:10 Matthew 6:11 Matthew 6:12 Matthew 6:13 Matthew 6:14 Matthew 6:15 Matthew 6:16 Matthew 6:17 Matthew 6:18 1 John 5:1 1 John 5:2 1 John 5:3 1 John 5:4 1 John 5:5 1 John 5:6 1 John 5:7 1 John 5:8 1 John 5:9 1 John 5:10
3/6/202440 minutes, 5 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount - Love Never Fails - Matthew 5:43-48

We all have enemies, but we don’t have to be an enemy in return. In fact, we are called to love our enemies as Jesus loved us, and died for us while we were still sinners. This message was preached in 1977 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.  For more information about the preaching and writing ministry of Warren Wiersbe, visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠. The Warren Wiersbe Sermon Podcast is owned and managed by Scriptex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved. Verses Cited Matthew 5:43 Matthew 5:44 Matthew 5:45 Matthew 5:46 Matthew 5:47 Matthew 5:48
2/28/202436 minutes, 14 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount - Turn Your Weapons into Tools - Matthew 5:33-42

Wherever there is life, there is power. Humans can have physical, intellectual, emotional, or spiritual power. We can wield this power in a constructive way, building up those around us, or we can use it to destroy. Pastor Wiersbe explains how words can change a life, what it means to turn the other cheek, and how to use power as a tool to build. This message was preached in 1977 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.  For more information about the preaching and writing ministry of Warren Wiersbe, visit ⁠⁠. The Warren Wiersbe Sermon Podcast is owned and managed by Scriptex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved. Verses Cited Matthew 5:33 Matthew 5:34 Matthew 5:35 Matthew 5:36 Matthew 5:37 Matthew 5:38 Matthew 5:39 Matthew 5:40 Matthew 5:41 Matthew 5:42 “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but fulfill to the Lord the vows you have made.’ But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you."
2/21/202439 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount - The Price of Purity - Matthew 5:27-32

What does Jesus teach regarding sex? In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches what it means to respect sex, its desire, and its commitments. While this message was preached in 1977, we find it relevant even today. This message was preached when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.  For more information about the preaching and writing ministry of Warren Wiersbe, visit ⁠⁠. The Warren Wiersbe Sermon Podcast is owned and managed by Scriptex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved. Verses Cited Matthew 5:27 Matthew 5:28 Matthew 5:29 Matthew 5:30 Matthew 5:31 Matthew 5:32
2/14/202439 minutes, 4 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount - The Facts of Anger - Matthew 5:20-26

How do we deal with anger, especially as it's revealed in our own hearts? Warren Wiersbe unpacks Matthew 5 in this sermon series to help us understand Jesus' most famous sermon ever.  This message was preached in 1977 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.  For more information about the preaching and writing ministry of Warren Wiersbe, visit The Warren Wiersbe Sermon Podcast is owned and managed by Scriptex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved. Verses Cited Matthew 5:20 Matthew 5:21 Matthew 5:22 Matthew 5:23 Matthew 5:24 Matthew 5:25 Matthew 5:26
2/7/202434 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount - Jesus and the Pharisees - Matthew 5:17

In this sermon series, Warren Wiersbe unpacks Matthew 5 to help us understand Jesus most famous sermon ever.  This message was preached in 1977 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.  For more information about the preaching and writing ministry of Warren Wiersbe, visit The Warren Wiersbe Sermon Podcast is owned and managed by Scriptex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved. Scriptures Quoted: Matthew 5:17 Matthew 5:18 Matthew 5:19 Matthew 5:20 Philippians 3:7 Philippians 3:8
1/31/202435 minutes, 43 seconds
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Sermon on the Mount - What A Christian Really Needs - Matthew 5:1

Jesus begins the Sermon on the Mount by describing the person who really is in the family of God. How should a true Christian act? What should a true Christian’s attitude be towards sin? God? The world? In this sermon series, Warren Wiersbe unpacks Matthew 5 to help us understand Jesus most famous sermon ever. This message was preached in 1977 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL. For more information about the preaching and writing ministry of Warren Wiersbe, visit The Warren Wiersbe Sermon Podcast is owned and managed by Scriptex, Inc.
1/24/202435 minutes, 35 seconds
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What Christmas Promises - Love - 1 John 4:7-21

The greatest lesson we can learn is love. This message was preached while Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL on December 25, 1977.
12/12/202343 minutes, 6 seconds
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What Christmas Promises - Victory - 1 John 3:7-10

Jesus has destroyed the works of the devil and brought about the fruit of God's righteousness, love, and truth! This message was preached while Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL on December 18, 1977.
12/7/202334 minutes, 36 seconds
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What Christmas Promises - Forgiveness - 1 John 3:1-10

Christmas is more than just the presence of God with us; it's God's solution for our sins. Listen as Dr. Wiersbe unpacks the reason Jesus came to earth in this message, originally preached while Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL on December 11, 1977.
12/5/202336 minutes, 25 seconds
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What Christmas Promises - Life - Matthew 4 and 1 John 1

Christmas is about an eternal promise for eternal life! Discover how the birth of Jesus brings new life to those who believe. This message was given when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL, on December 4, 1977.
11/30/202333 minutes, 16 seconds
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Luke 2 - Bethlehem and Jesus - Vintage Christmas

The town of Bethlehem plays an essential part in the Christmas story. Micah 5:2 foretold the messiah coming forth from Bethlehem, and in this sermon, Dr. Wiersbe explores why God chose Bethlehem as the location of his son's arrival.
11/28/202329 minutes, 47 seconds
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Luke 2 - The Shepherds and Jesus - Vintage Christmas

Luke 2:8-20 tells the story of the shepherds on the first Christmas night. Why did God reveal the glory of his son to shepherds? Dr. Wiersbe explores this question and what it means for us in this sermon from December 1977.
11/21/202330 minutes, 6 seconds
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Great Women of Bible History - Esther - Esther 4

God used Esther to bless and help the Jewish nation. God had a plan and a purpose for every person in the story, even those who were working against Him. Dr. Wiersbe connects the story of Esther to our own lives. We are all important to God, and we all have a purpose. God will always accomplish His purposes, and ultimately, He will triumph over evil.
11/16/202344 minutes, 50 seconds
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Great Women of Bible History - Jezebel - 1 Kings 16

Jezebel left a unique legacy in Bible history and causes us to reflect on what we are leaving behind in our lives.
11/14/202335 minutes, 49 seconds
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Great Women of Bible History - Hannah - 1 Samuel 1 & 2

The name Hannah means “grace.” In this message, Dr. Wiersbe examines the grace God gave Hannah as she faced great sorrow in her life and had to depend on the grace of God. As with Hannah, God gives us the same grace in our lives.
11/9/202336 minutes, 1 second
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Great Women of Bible History - Ruth - Ruth 1-4

Ruth is a love story about the love of God. Ruth worked, waited, and sought after Boaz to redeem her. Likewise, Jesus is willing and able to save us.
11/7/202337 minutes, 30 seconds
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Great Women of Bible History - Rehab - Joshua 2 & 6

Rahab, the harlot, is mentioned three times in the New Testament. She is in the genealogy of Jesus and is listed with the men of faith. Rahab is a tremendous illustration of saving faith and teaches us four lessons about this saving faith.
11/2/202340 minutes, 27 seconds
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Great Women of Bible History - Miriam - Exodus 2, 12 & 15

Every time we see Miriam in the Bible, she speaks or sings. Sometimes, her speech is for good, but when she lets sin creep into her heart, Miriam takes her eyes off God and loses her song. Pastor Wiersbe shows us what we can learn from this singing prophetess.
10/31/202338 minutes, 20 seconds
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Great Women of Bible History - Rebekah - Genesis 24

What’s worse than watching someone deteriorate physically? Pastor Wiersbe suggests that it’s watching a person deteriorate spiritually while pulling others down with them.  When we are first introduced to Rebekah in Genesis 24, she is kind, pure, courteous, and spiritual. But by the end of her life, she was a manipulating, scheming, lying, failure. As we study her life, let us be mindful that we are just as susceptible to this deterioration.
10/26/202345 minutes, 49 seconds
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Great Women of Bible History - Lot's Wife - Luke 17 and Genesis 19

Lot’s wife was worldly. Fixated on the things of the world, she couldn’t leave those items behind to follow God. Her life is a warning for believers. She hoped in the world, but we must place our hope in Jesus. We must not take our eyes off Him.
10/24/202343 minutes, 30 seconds
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Great Women of Bible History - Sarah - Genesis 17 & 18

Sarah learned that it doesn’t pay to laugh at God—He always knows what He’s doing. Dr. Wiersbe uses Sarah’s laughter to teach us about our faith and joy. If we rely on the promises of God, we can have faith to laugh.
10/19/202336 minutes, 30 seconds
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Great Women of Bible History - Eve - Genesis 2

"The Woman Who Became a Thief" was preached by Dr. Wiersbe on July 3, 1977 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL. Throughout the Bible, God honors and protects womanhood, and this introductory message to this series focuses on Eve.
10/17/202350 minutes, 26 seconds
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Jonah - Jonah 4 - A Worm's Eye View of Missions

God had Jonah's mind, body, and will, but he didn't have his heart. This message was preached April 23, 1978 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
9/19/202338 minutes, 16 seconds
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Jonah - Jonah 3 - How To Save A City

Jonah 3 is the greatest missionary miracle and one of the greatest second chances recorded in Scripture. Discover the five factors that make this miracle great. This message was preached April 16, 1978 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
9/14/202339 minutes, 18 seconds
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Jonah - Jonah 2 - The Deeper Death

Everyone knows that Jonah ran away from God but eventually returned. But what you might not know are the four stages he went through during this time, which Dr. Wiersbe explores in this message. This message was preached April 9, 1978 when Dr. Wiersbe was Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
9/12/202342 minutes, 27 seconds
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Jonah - Jonah 1 - The Missing Missionary

Jonah was missing the privilege of fulfilling everything God had made him to be. This message was preached on April 2, 1978 at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor.
9/7/202335 minutes, 43 seconds
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Interview: HB Charles

HB Charles is the Senior Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Metropolitan Tabernacle in Jacksonville, FL, and one of the genuinely gifted expositors of our day. Dan and HB talk about preaching, study, word counts, conferences, and how to preach in different cultural contexts.... the conversation is just as fascinating as it is broad. Follow us on X @WarrenWiersbe for book giveaways and big surprises. Find and subscribe to HB Charles' podcast, On Preaching, too!
8/24/202345 minutes, 7 seconds
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John 17 - The Greatest Future Ever Promised

At the end of His prayer in John 17, Jesus prayed for the unity of believers. We are part of the same family if we have trusted Christ as our Savior. This message was preached when Dr. Wiersbe was the Sr. Pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
8/22/202338 minutes, 34 seconds
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John 17 - The Greatest Responsibility Ever Given

The greatest thing we can do in this world is touch people with the truth and love of God. Pastor Wiersbe explains what it looks like to live in the world physically, but be separate from it spiritually. This message was preached when Dr. Wiersbe was the Sr. Pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
8/17/202336 minutes, 27 seconds
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John 17 - The Greatest Security Ever Offered

The world is obsessed with finding security. But Pastor Wiersbe points out six facts about believers' security in Christ. This message was preached when Dr. Wiersbe was the Sr. Pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
8/15/202338 minutes, 39 seconds
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John 17 - The Greatest Knowledge Ever Revealed

Knowledge is one of the most valued resources in the world today. But the world has divorced knowledge from its source, which is God. In John 17, Jesus prayed that we might grow in our knowledge of God. To know God is the greatest knowledge we could ever have. But in order to get to know God, He has to have our heart, mind, and will. This message was preached when Dr. Wiersbe was the Sr. Pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, IL. 
8/10/202337 minutes, 57 seconds
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John 17 - The Greatest Work Ever Finished

All of the works in the Bible, beginning back in Genesis 3, are pointing toward the work of the cross. And all works since the cross are built on that finished work. When you build your life on the finished work of Jesus Christ, it stands firm. This message was preached when Dr. Wiersbe was the Sr. Pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, IL. 
8/8/202333 minutes, 50 seconds
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John 17 - The Greatest Gift Ever Given

Eternal life is the greatest gift ever offered to man. Every single person ever born is going to live forever, even after their time on Earth is over. The question is where will they end up. Of course, heaven is the most desired location in the afterlife, and all we have to do to get there is accept a gift bought and paid for by Jesus. This message was preached when Dr. Wiersbe was the Sr. Pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, IL. 
8/3/202333 minutes, 13 seconds
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John 17 - The Greatest Prayer in the Bible

This is the first sermon in the series John 17 called The Greatest Prayer. Today, Dr. Wiersbe shows how the greatest ministry you can have is the ministry of prayer. This message was preached when Dr. Wiersbe was the Sr. Pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
8/1/202343 minutes, 27 seconds
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Interview: Jerry Vines on being a father, co-lead pastor, conference host, and long-haul preacher

Many thanks to Dr. Jerry Vines for his kind generosity in sitting down with me, Dan, and sharing his experience as a pastor and long-haul preacher!
6/24/202351 minutes, 28 seconds
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Christ in the Old Testament - The Statue of Liberty (Exodus 12:1-15)

In the United States, we experience liberty today because someone died. As Christians, we also experience freedom from death because Jesus died for us. At Passover, the Israelites were protected from death by the blood of a lamb. Christians are protected by the blood of Jesus. Spiritually, we were born into death, bondage, and decay. But the blood of the Lamb changes everything. Is Jesus Christ a lamb, the lamb, or your lamb? This message was preached on July 6, 1975 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
6/20/202338 minutes, 51 seconds
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Christ in the Old Testament - A Captain Courageous (Hebrews 2:8-10)

Joshua, leading the Israelites from the wilderness into Canaan, foreshadows Jesus and the salvation He offers to the world. Joshua conquered his enemies and claimed his inheritance for Israel. Like him, we, through Christ, can conquer the enemy of death and claim our riches that God has provided for those who believe in Jesus. This message was preached on June 29, 1975 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
6/15/202336 minutes, 16 seconds
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Christ in the Old Testament - A Miracle Every Morning (Exodus 16:1-21 and John 6:27-35)

God provides for our every need. Like the Israelites in the desert, God sent us manna in the form of Christ to satisfy our hunger. But this Bread of Life satisfies more than an earthly desire—it fills our spiritual need. Nothing else can satisfy our spiritual hunger. This message was preached on June 22, 1975 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
6/13/202337 minutes, 38 seconds
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Christ in the Old Testament - Do You Need a Place to Hide? (Joshua 20 and Hebrews 6:18)

What is the difference between the unsaved and Christians? Christians realize the danger they’re in and run to God for refuge. In the Old Testament, cities of refuge were designated for people to flee to. Today, Christians have only to flee to Jesus as their city of refuge—a place of safety where God gives us righteousness, a shoulder to bear our burden, fellowship, blessing, and a new citizenship. This message was preached on June 15, 1975 when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
6/8/202340 minutes, 45 seconds
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Christ in the Old Testament - Saved by a Rock (Exodus 17:1-7 and John 7:37-39)

Everyone thirsts for God. After all, He made us to thirst for Him. But people try to satisfy that thirst with things, thrills, and achievements. Only Jesus Christ can fully satisfy us; He is the Living Water. This message was preached on June 8, 1975, when Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
6/6/202335 minutes, 24 seconds
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Christ in the Old Testament - The Savior and the Serpent (John 3 and Numbers 21:4-9)

Jesus explained to Nicodemus the story of the bronze serpent Moses made in the wilderness. By looking at the bronze serpent, the people lived. In the same way, those who look to the Savior are saved. This message was preached by Warren Wiersbe at The Moody Church on June 1, 1975, while Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor.
6/1/202338 minutes, 27 seconds
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Christ in the Old Testament - Too Good to be True (Isaiah 53)

The book of Isaiah is like a mini-Bible with 39 chapters of judgment and 27 chapters of salvation. At the heart of it is Isaiah 53 where we see the voluntary suffering of an innocent man for another person’s sin. Jesus suffered to pay the price for our sin. By His suffering, we were healed—and that’s unbelievable. It is the only way our sins can be forgiven, and the only way God’s demand for justice can be satisfied. Do you believe this Gospel message?
5/30/202336 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Master's Mandates: Taking His Place (John 20:19-23)

Jesus' followers have a role to spread the good news of Jesus to the world. It's a task we dare not take lightly! This message was delievered on April 23, 1978, while Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
5/11/202336 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Master's Mandates: An Effective Witness (Luke 24:36-53, Acts 1:4-8)

This message was delivered on April 16, 1978, while Dr. Wiersbe was the Senior Pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
5/9/202336 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Master's Mandates: He Works With Us (Mark 16:14-20)

In this message, Dr. Warren Wiersbe shows us the incentives and the motivation that God gives us to share our faith in this world. This message was preached on April 9, 1978, while Dr. Wiersbe served as the Senior Pastor at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
5/4/202338 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Master's Mandates: The Orders for Believers (Matthew 28:1-20)

Jesus' authority moves his followers to take up kingdom activity in his ability. This message was preached at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL on April 2, 1978.
5/2/202338 minutes, 19 seconds
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Interview: Jonathan Carswell on how he built 10ofThose to use business to do ministry

It's no secret that Warren Wiersbe was a prolific author. We can't even definitively say how many books he published... Many pastors are preachers who also write. In this conversation with Jonathan Carswell, CEO of 10ofThose, we talk about how pastors can use short books to help deepen their congregation. We also talk about how pastors can publish books to help further the cause of Christ.
4/20/202348 minutes, 46 seconds
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Spiritual Gifts: How To Get The Most Out Of Church (1 Corinthians 14:23-40)

About this Sermon: Dr. Warren Wiersbe discusses the importance of going to church. We see that attending church was a meaningful experience during Paul's day. Today, however, many young people question why we should even bother. Drawing on Paul’s words to answer that question, Dr. Wiersbe explains the purposes, problems, and principles of public worship. This message was preached on May 25, 1975, at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL, when Dr. Wiersbe served as the Senior Pastor. Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 14:23-40 About this Series: When discussing spiritual gifts, it’s common to get caught up in controversial issues. Pastor Wiersbe reminds believers that we each have a gift, and those gifts are to be used for God’s glory and the good of others. Follow along as we dive into the meaning of each spiritual gift and how they are intended to be used. Stay Connected Follow @WarrenWiersbe on Twitter: Visit to search all of Dr. Wiersbe’s books and explore an ever-growing library of sermons like this one. Copyright This podcast is owned and operated by ScripTex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved.
4/11/202340 minutes, 29 seconds
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Spiritual Gifts: The Primacy of Preaching (1 Corinthians 14)

About this Sermon: Speaking in tongues is a controversial topic in the church today. Dr. Warren Wiersbe walks through six common questions about what speaking in tongues means and whether or not it is needed today. This message was preached on May 18, 1975, at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL, when Dr. Wiersbe served as the Senior Pastor. Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 14 About this Series: When discussing spiritual gifts, it’s common to get caught up in controversial issues. Pastor Wiersbe reminds believers that we each have a gift, and those gifts are to be used for God’s glory and the good of others. Follow along as we dive into the meaning of each spiritual gift and how they are intended to be used. Stay Connected Follow @WarrenWiersbe on Twitter: Visit to search all of Dr. Wiersbe’s books and explore an ever-growing library of sermons like this one. Copyright This podcast is owned and operated by ScripTex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved.
4/6/202341 minutes, 27 seconds
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Spiritual Gifts: Spiritual Gifts and Love (1 Corinthians 13)

About this Sermon: 1 Corinthians 13 is often misunderstood because it’s frequently taken out of context. Paul is writing to the Corinthian church because they were fighting over spiritual gifts. As Pastor Wiersbe explains in this message, when we’re not exercising our gifts in love, we cause problems in the church. Love is essential if we are going to use our spiritual gifts. This message was preached on May 11, 1975, at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL, when Dr. Wiersbe served as the Senior Pastor. Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 13 About this Series: When discussing spiritual gifts, it’s common to get caught up in controversial issues. Pastor Wiersbe reminds believers that we each have a gift, and those gifts are to be used for God’s glory and the good of others. Follow along as we dive into the meaning of each spiritual gift and how they are intended to be used. Stay Connected Follow @WarrenWiersbe on Twitter: Visit to search all of Dr. Wiersbe’s books and explore an ever-growing library of sermons like this one. Copyright This podcast is owned and operated by ScripTex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved.
4/4/202344 minutes, 31 seconds
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Spiritual Gifts: One Baptism - One Body (1 Corinthians 12:12-31)

About this Sermon: In order to function how God wants believers to function, we must understand what He says about the body of Christ. Within the body of Christ, no one is inferior—each person has a gift and a place in the body. When the body is functioning properly, all glory goes to God. This message was preached on May 4, 1975, at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL, when Dr. Wiersbe served as the Senior Pastor. Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 About this Series: When discussing spiritual gifts, it’s common to get caught up in controversial issues. Pastor Wiersbe reminds believers that we each have a gift, and those gifts are to be used for God’s glory and the good of others. Follow along as we dive into the meaning of each spiritual gift and how they are intended to be used. Stay Connected Follow @WarrenWiersbe on Twitter: Visit to search all of Dr. Wiersbe’s books and explore an ever-growing library of sermons like this one. Copyright This podcast is owned and operated by ScripTex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved.
3/30/202340 minutes, 25 seconds
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Spiritual Gifts: Unwrapping the Gifts (Romans 12:1-8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

About this Sermon: In 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12, Paul identifies numerous spiritual gifts. We cannot function in the body of Christ if we don’t know how to use our spiritual gifts, and we can’t learn how to use them until we can identify them. Ask God to bless the gifts He’s given you to be used for His glory. This message was preached on April 27, 1975, at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL, when Dr. Wiersbe served as the Senior Pastor. Scripture Reference: Romans 12:1-8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 About this Series: When discussing spiritual gifts, it’s common to get caught up in controversial issues. Pastor Wiersbe reminds believers that we each have a gift, and those gifts are to be used for God’s glory and the good of others. Follow along as we dive into the meaning of each spiritual gift and how they are intended to be used. Stay Connected Follow @WarrenWiersbe on Twitter: Visit to search all of Dr. Wiersbe’s books and explore an ever-growing library of sermons like this one. Copyright This podcast is owned and operated by ScripTex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved.
3/28/202343 minutes, 20 seconds
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Spiritual Gifts: Foundation Facts About Spiritual Gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1-11)

About this Sermon: Dr. Warren Wiersbe explores the foundation Paul lays for the matter of spiritual gifts. The Bible tells us that the Trinity works together to give, administer, and operate gifts. Our spiritual gifts are to be used for the good of everyone and the glory of God. This message was preached on April 20, 1975, at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL, when Dr. Wiersbe served as the Senior Pastor. Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 About this Series: When discussing spiritual gifts, it’s common to get caught up in controversial issues. Pastor Wiersbe reminds believers that we each have a gift, and those gifts are to be used for God’s glory and the good of others. Follow along as we dive into the meaning of each spiritual gift and how they are intended to be used. Stay Connected Follow @WarrenWiersbe on Twitter: Visit to search all of Dr. Wiersbe’s books and explore an ever-growing library of sermons like this one. Copyright This podcast is owned and operated by ScripTex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved.
3/23/202336 minutes, 38 seconds
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Crucial Questions about the Will of God: Living by Faith, or by Chance? (Romans 14:22-23)

About this Sermon: The Christian life begins with and depends on faith. Pastor Wiersbe gives us four questions to ask ourselves that will help us make decisions that align with God's will. Walking by faith means we aren’t dependent on outward circumstances but rather following God’s Word. This message was preached on September 28, 1975, at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL, when Dr. Wiersbe served as the Senior Pastor. Scripture Reference: Romans 14:22-23 About this Series: Have you ever wondered about the will of God? In this series, Dr. Warren Wiersbe defines the will of God. Highlighting Jonah and Gideon, we learn to build our faith and search for answers about God’s will in His Word. Stay Connected Follow @WarrenWiersbe on Twitter: Visit to search all of Dr. Wiersbe’s books and explore an ever-growing library of sermons like this one. Copyright This podcast is owned and operated by ScripTex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved.
3/21/202337 minutes, 24 seconds
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Crucial Questions about the Will of God: Gideon - Don't Get Fleeced (Judges 6-8)

About this Sermon: At the beginning of Gideon’s ministry, God commanded him to tear down an altar to Baal that his father had built. But Gideon tested God in order to authenticate God’s will. Believers today have the Bible to authenticate God’s will, and God uses His Word to build our faith. This message was preached on September 21, 1975, at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL, when Dr. Wiersbe served as the Senior Pastor. Scripture Reference: Judges 6, Judges 7, Judges 8 About this Series: Have you ever wondered about the will of God? In this series, Dr. Warren Wiersbe defines the will of God. Highlighting Jonah and Gideon, we learn to build our faith and search for answers about God’s will in His Word. Stay Connected Follow @WarrenWiersbe on Twitter: Visit to search all of Dr. Wiersbe’s books and explore an ever-growing library of sermons like this one. Copyright This podcast is owned and operated by ScripTex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved.
3/16/202336 minutes, 58 seconds
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Crucial Questions about the Will of God: Jonah - God in the Hands of an Angry Sinner

About this Sermon: Jonah is an example of someone who had difficulty with the will of God—he wrestled with it and tried to run from it. Because believers have a living relationship with God, we can be reconciled to Him, even after we’ve run away. Dr. Warren Wiersbe encourages us to turn back to the Word of God and find delight in following His ways. This message was preached on September 14, 1975, at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL, when Dr. Wiersbe served as the Senior Pastor. Scripture Reference: Jonah 1, Jonah 2, Jonah 3, Jonah 4 About this Series: Have you ever wondered about the will of God? In this series, Dr. Warren Wiersbe defines the will of God. Highlighting Jonah and Gideon, we learn to build our faith and search for answers about God’s will in His Word. Stay Connected Follow @WarrenWiersbe on Twitter: Visit to search all of Dr. Wiersbe’s books and explore an ever-growing library of sermons like this one. Copyright This podcast is owned and operated by ScripTex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved.
3/14/202342 minutes, 46 seconds
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Crucial Questions about the Will of God: Four Views on the Will of God (Psalms 33:11)

This message was preached on September 7, 1975, at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL, when Dr. Wiersbe served as the Senior Pastor. Scripture Reference: Psalms 33:11 About this Series: Have you ever wondered about the will of God? In this series, Dr. Warren Wiersbe defines the will of God. Highlighting Jonah and Gideon, we learn to build our faith and search for answers about God’s will in His Word. Stay Connected Follow @WarrenWiersbe on Twitter: Visit to search all of Dr. Wiersbe’s books and explore an ever-growing library of sermons like this one. Copyright This podcast is owned and operated by ScripTex, Inc, which Dr. Warren Wiersbe founded to manage all of his content. All rights reserved.
3/9/202341 minutes, 19 seconds
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Scriptures That Sing: Praise Changes Things (Psalm 100)

This message on Psalm 100 was first preached at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL on April 4, 1976.
3/7/202336 minutes, 22 seconds
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Scriptures That Sing: The Return of the King (Psalm 72)

This message on Psalm 72 was first preached at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL, on March 28, 1978. 
3/2/202339 minutes, 32 seconds
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Scriptures That Sing: The Most Expensive Things in the World (Psalm 51)

This message on Psalm 51 was first preached at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL on March 21, 1976.
2/28/202332 minutes, 43 seconds
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Scriptures That Sing: If We Only Had Time (Psalm 90)

This message on Psalm 90 was first preached at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL on March 14, 1976. 
2/23/202343 minutes, 47 seconds
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Scripture That Sings: God is Not Hiding (Psalm 19)

This message on Psalm 19 was first preached at The Moody Church on March 7, 1976. 
2/21/202337 minutes, 55 seconds
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Interview: Michael Catt on his friendship with Wiersbe and Vance Havner, as well as leading in a time of Sherwood Pictures

Michael Catt joins Dan for a conversation around the authority of preaching, finding and cultivating friendships in ministry, and how he was blessed to lead Sherwood Baptist Church for over 31 years. We talk about the foundations of preaching as flowing from pastoral leadership and care, and finding your own voice. We also dive into the world of Sherwood Pictures and what that season of leadership was like for Michael. 
2/17/20231 hour, 1 minute, 22 seconds
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Scriptures That Sing: A Place To Hide (Psalm 46)

This message from Psalm 46 was originally preached at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL on February 29, 1976.
2/16/202335 minutes, 18 seconds
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Scriptures That Sing: History's Greatest Marriage (Psalm 45)

This message from Psalm 45 was originally preached at The Moody Church on Sunday, February 22, 1976. 
2/14/202341 minutes, 46 seconds
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Scriptures That Sing: The Glory of Zion (Psalm 87)

From Psalm 87, preached at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL on February 15, 1976.
2/9/202337 minutes, 46 seconds
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Scriptures that Sing: The Safety of a Shadow (Psalm 91)

On Psalm 91. This message was preached on February 1, 1976 at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
2/7/202340 minutes, 46 seconds
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Praise and Thanksgiving: Praise the Conqueror (Revelation 19:1-9)

There are four images of Jesus described in Revelation. This series explores the Creator, Redeemer, King, and Conqueror. Only Jesus is worthy of our praise, and each of these pictures encourages us to sing song of thanksgiving to Jesus for who He is. This message was originally delivered at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL during November 1977.
2/3/202334 minutes, 50 seconds
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Praise and Thanksgiving: Praise the King (Revelation 11:15-19)

There are four images of Jesus described in Revelation. This series explores the Creator, Redeemer, King, and Conqueror. Only Jesus is worthy of our praise, and each of these pictures encourages us to sing song of thanksgiving to Jesus for who He is. This message was originally delivered at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL during November 1977.
2/1/202336 minutes, 50 seconds
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Praise and Thanksgiving: Praise The Redeemer (Revelation 5)

There are four images of Jesus described in Revelation. This series explores the Creator, Redeemer, King, and Conqueror. Only Jesus is worthy of our praise, and each of these pictures encourages us to sing song of thanksgiving to Jesus for who He is. This message was originally delivered at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL during November 1977.
1/30/202339 minutes, 18 seconds
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Interview: Dr. Erwin Lutzer on Wiersbe back then, and Preaching today

Dan sits down with Warren's successor at the Moody Church, Dr. Erwin Lutzer. Their conversation ranges from the day Wiersbe got sick and asked Lutzer to preach on a few moment's notice, to handling culturally explosive topics from the pulpit. Dr. Lutzer's wisdom and insight will make your communication sharper no matter how long you've been preaching.  Let us know how you enjoyed this conversation by messaging us on Twitter, using the @WarrenWiersbe account. More interviews are coming... Who would you like to hear?
1/27/202346 minutes, 45 seconds
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Praise and Thanksgiving: Praise the Creator (Revelation 4)

There are four images of Jesus described in Revelation. This series explores the Creator, Redeemer, King, and Conqueror. Only Jesus is worthy of our praise, and each of these pictures encourages us to sing song of thanksgiving to Jesus for who He is. This message was originally delivered at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL during November 1977. 
1/25/202337 minutes, 42 seconds
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Bible Fires: A Burning Furnace (Daniel 3)

Pastor Wiersbe looks at four instances in the Bible where God makes use of fire to teach us about Himself and our faith. From Moses we learn to seek and follow God’s will; Jeremiah reminds us of the wonder of the Bible; John describes the reality of a coming final judgment; and Daniel and his friends encourage us to be courageous in our faith. This message was first delivered at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL in June, 1976.
1/23/202341 minutes, 26 seconds
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Bible Fires: A Burning Lake (Revelation 20:11-15)

Pastor Wiersbe looks at four instances in the Bible where God makes use of fire to teach us about Himself and our faith. From Moses we learn to seek and follow God’s will; Jeremiah reminds us of the wonder of the Bible; John describes the reality of a coming final judgment; and Daniel and his friends encourage us to be courageous in our faith. This message was first delivered at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL in June, 1976.
1/20/202345 minutes, 57 seconds
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Bible Fires: A Burning Book (Jeremiah 36)

Pastor Wiersbe looks at four instances in the Bible where God makes use of fire to teach us about Himself and our faith. From Moses we learn to seek and follow God’s will; Jeremiah reminds us of the wonder of the Bible; John describes the reality of a coming final judgment; and Daniel and his friends encourage us to be courageous in our faith. This message was first delivered at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL in June, 1976.
1/18/202341 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bible Fires: A Burning Bush (Exodus 3)

Pastor Wiersbe looks at four instances in the Bible where God makes use of fire to teach us about Himself and our faith. From Moses we learn to seek and follow God’s will; Jeremiah reminds us of the wonder of the Bible; John describes the reality of a coming final judgment; and Daniel and his friends encourage us to be courageous in our faith. This message was first delivered at The Moody Church in Chicago, IL in June, 1976.
1/16/202337 minutes, 13 seconds
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Be Rich: You Can't Fight Alone (Ephesians 6:18-24)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
1/11/202335 minutes, 44 seconds
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Be Rich: What To Wear To The War (Ephesians 6:10-18)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
1/9/202339 minutes, 43 seconds
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Be Rich: Labor, Management, And God (Ephesians 6:5-9, Colossians 3:22-4:1)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
1/6/202335 minutes, 51 seconds
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Be Rich: Do Children Have Rights? (Ephesians 6:1-4; Colossians 3:18-21)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
1/4/202338 minutes, 31 seconds
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Be Rich: Four To Get Married (Ephesians 5:22-33)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
1/2/202339 minutes, 16 seconds
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Be Rich: How To Tell If You Are Filled With The Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18-21; Colossians 3:16-21)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/30/202239 minutes, 33 seconds
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Be Rich: Meet The Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:15-21)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/28/202236 minutes, 49 seconds
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Be Rich: Christians, Wise or Otherwise? (Ephesians 5:15-17)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/26/202234 minutes, 28 seconds
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Be Rich: Imitators Wanted (Ephesians 5:1-14)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/23/202233 minutes, 3 seconds
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Be Rich: Christians Are Different (Ephesians 4:25-32)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/21/202240 minutes, 8 seconds
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Be Rich: The Mind Changer (Ephesians 4:17-24)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/19/202234 minutes, 30 seconds
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Be Rich: Measuring A Miracle (Ephesians 4:7-16)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/16/202234 minutes, 18 seconds
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Be Rich: All Together Now? (Ephesians 4:1-6; Psalm 133)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/14/202238 minutes, 16 seconds
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Be Rich: No Power Shortage Here (Ephesians 3:14-21)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/12/202236 minutes, 36 seconds
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Be Rich: I Know A Secret (Ephesians 3:1-13)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/9/202236 minutes, 37 seconds
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Be Rich: The Greatness of the Church (Ephesians 2:19-22)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/7/202239 minutes, 59 seconds
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Be Rich: The Great Peace Mission (Ephesians 2:11-22)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/5/202234 minutes, 34 seconds
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Be Rich: The Way Faith Works (Ephesians 2:8-10)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
12/2/202238 minutes, 8 seconds
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Be Rich: Get Out Of The Graveyard (Ephesians 2:1-10)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
11/30/202228 minutes, 47 seconds
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Be Rich: Better Read Your Bank Book (Ephesians 1:15-23)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
11/28/202238 minutes, 23 seconds
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Be Rich: God's Investments Will Never Fail (Ephesians 1:11-14)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
11/25/202236 minutes, 7 seconds
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Be Rich: What in the World is God Doing? (Ephesians 1:7-12)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
11/23/202232 minutes, 52 seconds
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Be Rich: Get Out of Jail Free (Ephesians 1:7-8)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.
11/21/202235 minutes, 19 seconds
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Be Rich: Salvation from Start to Finish (Ephesians 1:1-6)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL.  Sometimes life makes us lose the concept of how vast and great God’s grace is. Even when he is in jail, Paul praises God for His grace and glory. Paul reminds believers about the greatness of our salvation and of the blessings that come with God’s saving grace. Pastor Wiersbe explains the three magnificent blessings we have because of God’s we have been saved.
11/18/202233 minutes, 23 seconds
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Be Rich: You Were Born to Be Rich (Ephesians 1:3)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL. We have been given many blessings in Christ, and in Him we have all that we need. You were born to be rich in Jesus! These riches are spiritual, permanent, heavenly and given to us by God’s grace.
11/16/202237 minutes, 53 seconds
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Be Rich: Saints Alive (Ephesians 1:1-14)

From the sermon series on Ephesians preached in September 1975 - March 1976 at the Moody Church in Chicago, IL. As Dr. Wiersbe begins this epistle to the Ephesians, he defines his audience: the saints. People have many views on what it means to be a saint, but according to Scripture, anyone who has trusted in Jesus Christ and allows Him to change their life is a saint!
11/14/202236 minutes, 25 seconds
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His Ascension - Milestones with the Master - Mark 16:19-20; Luke 24:45-53; Acts 1:4-11

Dr. Wiersbe explores eight key experiences of Jesus’ life on Earth from His birth to His ascension. Learning about these experiences will help us know more about the person and work of Jesus Christ. This message was preached at Moody Church as a part of the Milestones with the Master series from 1977.
11/11/202234 minutes, 1 second
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His Resurrection - Milestones with the Master - 1 Corinthians 15:12-20; John 10:17-18

Dr. Wiersbe explores eight key experiences of Jesus’ life on Earth from His birth to His ascension. Learning about these experiences will help us know more about the person and work of Jesus Christ. This message was preached at Moody Church as a part of the Milestones with the Master series from 1977.
11/9/202251 minutes, 41 seconds
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His Presentation as a King - Milestones with the Master - Matthew 21:1-11, Luke 19:28-44

Dr. Wiersbe explores eight key experiences of Jesus’ life on Earth from His birth to His ascension. Learning about these experiences will help us know more about the person and work of Jesus Christ. This message was preached at Moody Church as a part of the Milestones with the Master series from 1977.
11/7/202242 minutes, 45 seconds
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His Transfiguration - Milestones with the Master - Matthew 16:13-17:8

Dr. Wiersbe explores eight key experiences of Jesus’ life on Earth from His birth to His ascension. Learning about these experiences will help us know more about the person and work of Jesus Christ. This message was preached at Moody Church as a part of the Milestones with the Master series from 1977.
11/4/202243 minutes, 42 seconds
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His Temptation - Milestones with the Master - Matthew 4:1-11

Dr. Wiersbe explores eight key experiences of Jesus’ life on Earth from His birth to His ascension. Learning about these experiences will help us know more about the person and work of Jesus Christ. This message was preached at Moody Church as a part of the Milestones with the Master series from 1977.
11/2/202248 minutes, 42 seconds
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His Baptism - Milestones with the Master - Matthew 3:1-17

Dr. Wiersbe explores eight key experiences of Jesus’ life on Earth from His birth to His ascension. Learning about these experiences will help us know more about the person and work of Jesus Christ. This message was preached at Moody Church as a part of the Milestones with the Master series from 1977.
10/31/202230 minutes, 40 seconds
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When God Was Born - Milestones with the Master - Hebrews 10:1-18

Dr. Wiersbe explores eight key experiences of Jesus’ life on Earth from His birth to His ascension. Learning about these experiences will help us know more about the person and work of Jesus Christ. This message was preached at Moody Church as a part of the Milestones with the Master series from 1977.
10/28/202245 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Best Is Yet To Come - 1 Peter 5:1-11

Preached at the Moody Church on July 2, 1978 as a part of the 1 Peter series. This sermon accompanies Dr. Wiersbe's commentary on 1 Peter, Be Hopeful [Amazon].
10/26/202232 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Heat Is On - 1 Peter 4:12-19

Preached at the Moody Church on June 25, 1978 as a part of the 1 Peter series. This sermon accompanies Dr. Wiersbe's commentary on 1 Peter, Be Hopeful [Amazon].
10/24/202236 minutes, 25 seconds
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How To Live The Rest Of Your Life - 1 Peter 4:1-11

Preached at the Moody Church on June 18, 1978 as a part of the 1 Peter series. This sermon accompanies Dr. Wiersbe's commentary on 1 Peter, Be Hopeful [Amazon].
10/21/202240 minutes
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The Case For A Good Conscience - 1 Peter 3:8-22

Preached at the Moody Church on June 11, 1978 as a part of the 1 Peter series. This sermon accompanies Dr. Wiersbe's commentary on 1 Peter, Be Hopeful [Amazon].
10/19/202240 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Things That Matter Most - 1 Peter 3:1-7

Preached at the Moody Church on June 4, 1978 as a part of the 1 Peter series. This sermon accompanies Dr. Wiersbe's commentary on 1 Peter, Be Hopeful [Amazon].
10/17/202244 minutes, 38 seconds
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Surrender, or Else! - 1 Peter 2:11-25

Preached at the Moody Church on May 28, 1978 as a part of the 1 Peter series. This sermon accompanies Dr. Wiersbe's commentary on 1 Peter, Be Hopeful [Amazon].
10/14/202238 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Different Should a Christian Be? - 1 Peter 2:1-10

Preached at the Moody Church on May 21, 1978 as a part of the 1 Peter series. This sermon accompanies Dr. Wiersbe's commentary on 1 Peter, Be Hopeful [Amazon].
10/12/202246 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Birthmarks Of The Born-Again - 1 Peter 1:13-25

Preached at the Moody Church on May 14, 1978 as a part of the 1 Peter series. This sermon accompanies Dr. Wiersbe's commentary on 1 Peter, Be Hopeful [Amazon].
10/10/202243 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Eternal Elite - 1 Peter 1:1-12

Preached at the Moody Church on May 7, 1978 as a part of the First Peter sermon series. These sermons accompany Dr. Wiersbe's commentary on 1 Peter, Be Hopeful [amazon].
10/7/202250 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Miracle of a Second Chance

From the sermon series, "Make Your Life a Miracle" For a great resource by Dr. Warren Wiersbe on the miracles of Jesus, see his Classic Sermons collection, "The Miracles of Jesus" (Kregel) [amazon]. 
9/29/202233 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Forgotten Prodigal Son

Luke 15 sermon series with a message about the Prodigal Son
9/28/202240 minutes, 8 seconds
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Hills And Valleys

From the 2002 Fall Bible Conference in Covington, KY.
4/21/202136 minutes, 32 seconds
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A message from Deuteronomy 11
4/14/202142 minutes, 3 seconds
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Fruit Bearing

Warren Wiersbe speaks from John 15
3/31/202138 minutes, 29 seconds
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An Undivided Church

3/24/202159 minutes, 39 seconds
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An Untroubled Heart

Warren Wiersbe speaks at the Fall Bible Conference at Calvary Baptist Church
3/17/202149 minutes, 35 seconds
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An Uncompromising Witness

Warren Wiersbe preaches his second sermon from the 2002 Fall Bible Conference at Calvary Bapist in Covington, KY
3/3/202145 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why Are You Still Alive?

Warren Weirsbe speaks at a Bible Conference at Calvary Baptist Church.
2/24/202129 minutes, 17 seconds
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Theology Of Change Pt 2

From the 2003 SBC Bridge Builders Conference
5/15/201954 minutes, 24 seconds
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Theology Of Change Part 1

5/15/20191 hour, 1 minute, 25 seconds
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From the 2004 SBC Bridge Builders Conference
5/15/201953 minutes, 11 seconds
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Renewed Minds, Hungry Hearts, And Clean Hands

From the 2003 SBC Bridge Builders Conference
5/15/201945 minutes, 9 seconds
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Jesus And The Disciples

From the 2004 SBC Bridge Builders Conference
5/15/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 49 seconds
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Paul And The Churches

From the 2004 SBC Bridge Builders Conference
5/15/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 7 seconds
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Rehearsing For Heaven

From the 2003 SBC Bridge Builders Conference
5/15/201935 minutes, 48 seconds
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Why A True Believer Cannot Be Lost

Dr. Warren Wiersbe finishes up the sermon series on Romans 8. He explains why true believers in Christ cannot be lost.
9/27/201736 minutes, 10 seconds
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History's His Story

Dr. Warren Wiersbe continues his sermon series from Romans 8. Today we take a look at verses 22-30.
9/20/201738 minutes, 19 seconds
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Glorious Groans

Dr. Warren Wiersbe continues his sermon series from Romans 8. Today we take a look at verses 16-27 and the groaning of creation.
9/13/201735 minutes, 6 seconds
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Are You Walking?

Dr. Warren Wiersbe continues his sermon series from Romans 8. Today we take a look at verses 10-15.
9/6/201739 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Matter Of Life And Death

Dr. Warren Wiersbe continues his sermon series from Romans 8. Today we take a look at verses 5-13.
8/30/201736 minutes, 46 seconds
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Outlaws and Inlaws

Dr. Warren Wiersbe speaks from Romans 8:5-13 on our transition from being outlaws of God's kingdom to Inlaws in the family of God.
8/23/201734 minutes, 55 seconds
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Let Freedom Reign

Dr. Warren Wiersbe begins a new sermon series from Romans 8.
8/16/201736 minutes, 40 seconds
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Taking His Place

Warren Weirsbe finishes his sermon series "The Master's Mandates". Teaching from John 20:19-23 and Jesus giving the gift of the Holy Spirit to his disciples.
8/9/201738 minutes
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He Works With Us

Dr. Warren Weirsbe preaches from Mark 16:14-20 on the Great Commission.
7/26/201739 minutes, 33 seconds
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Marching Orders

Dr. Warren Weirsbe begins a new sermon series called "The Master's Mandates". Today He preaches from Matthew 28:1-20.
7/19/201739 minutes, 5 seconds
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Wake Up To A Miracle

This is the last sermon in the Make Your Life A Miracle series. Dr. Warren Weirsbe preaches from Acts 12:10-17 on Peter's miraculous escape from prison.
7/12/201738 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Miracle Of A Second Chance

Dr. Warren Weirsbe continues his sermon series "Make Your Life A Miracle".
7/5/201733 minutes, 38 seconds
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A Little Bird Told Him

Dr. Warren Weirsbe preaches on Peter denying Jesus. This sermon is from the "Make Your Life A Miracle" series.
6/28/201738 minutes, 30 seconds
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Healing Life's Mistakes

Dr. Warren Weirsbe spends time in John 18 teaching on Jesus's betrayal and Peter cutting off the ear of the high priests servant. This sermon is a continuation of the sermon series "Make Your Life A Miracle"
6/21/201735 minutes, 31 seconds
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Walking Through The Storm

Warren Wiersbe continues his sermon series on Miracles. Walking Through the Storm touches on the account of Peter walking on water in Matthew 14:22-33.
6/14/201736 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Miracle Of Money

Dr. Warren Weirsbe continues his sermon series "Make Your Life A Miracle". Studying in Matthew 17:24-27 on money.
6/7/201735 minutes, 4 seconds
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Turning Failure Into Success

Dr. Warren Weirsbe continues his sermon series "Make Your Life A Miracle". This weeks lesson is on turning your past failures into success.
5/31/201735 minutes, 10 seconds
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Miracles Begin At Home

Warren Weirsbe continues his sermon series on Miracles. Preaching from Mark 1:21-33 he concludes that miracles begin at home.
5/24/201732 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Miracle Of Miracles

Warren Wiersbe begins a new sermon series on miracles and how you can make your life a miracle. The first message is from John 1:29-42 and the miracle of miracles.
5/17/201736 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Forgotten Prodigal Son

Warren Wiersbe continues the Luke 15 sermon series with a message about the Prodigal Son.
5/10/201740 minutes, 4 seconds
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Big Brother's Watching You

Warren Wiersbe continues the Luke 15 sermon series.
5/3/201738 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Lessons of Life

Warren Wiersbe continues a series based on the Gospel of Luke regarding the parable of the Prodigal Son.
4/26/201740 minutes, 58 seconds
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God's Lost and Found Department

Warren Wiersbe begins a new series based on the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 15.
4/19/201744 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Greatest Future Ever Promised Part 1

Warren Wiersbe continues the John 17 sermon series with a sermon about Jesus' prayer for all believers.
4/5/201739 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Greatest Responsibility Ever Given

Warren Wiersbe continues the John 17 sermon series with a sermon from John17:9-19.
3/29/201736 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Greatest Security Ever Offered

Warren Wiersbe continues a series based on John 17. In this sermon, he focuses on the security we find in the Lord.
3/22/201739 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Greatest Knowledge Ever Revealed

Warren Wiersbe begins the series based on John 17. In this sermon, he focuses on Jesus' message about being guided by the Spirit.
3/15/201738 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Greatest Work Ever Finished

Warren Wiersbe continues a series based on John 17. In this sermon, he focuses on Jesus' accomplished work on earth.
3/8/201734 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Greatest Gift Ever Given

Warren Wiersbe continues a new series based on John 17. In this sermon, he focuses on eternal life with the Father.
3/1/201734 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Greatest Prayer in the Bible

Warren Wiersbebegins a new series based on John 17. In this sermon, he focuses on Jesus' message about prayer.
2/22/201742 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Prince of Peace

Warren Wiersbe concludes the series "His Name." The message is based on Isaiah 9:6.
2/15/201741 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Everlasting Father

Warren Wiersbe continues the series "His Name." The message is based on Isaiah 9:6.
2/8/201733 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Mighty God

Warren Wiersbe continues the series "His Name." The message is based on Isaiah 9:6.
2/1/201739 minutes, 2 seconds
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Warren Wiersbe continues the series "His Name." The message is based on Isaiah 9:6 and about how the Lord is our Counselor.
1/25/201747 minutes, 7 seconds
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Warren Wiersbe begins a new series called "His Name."
1/18/201747 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Gardener

Warren Wiersbe concludes the series "Help Wanted." He preaches about Jesus' appearance on resurrection day.
1/11/201740 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Potter

Warren Wiersbe continues the series "Help Wanted." He teaches on the passage about the Potter and the clay.
1/4/201754 minutes, 12 seconds
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Love (Podcast)

Warren Wiersbe concludes the series "What Christmas Promises."
12/28/201644 minutes, 22 seconds
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Victory (Podcast)

Warren Wiersbe continues the series "What Christmas Promises." He focuses on 1 John 3:7-15 and the Prince of Peace.
12/21/201636 minutes, 30 seconds
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Forgiveness (Podcast)

Warren Wiersbe the series called "What Christmas Promises."
12/14/201637 minutes, 10 seconds
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Warren Wiersbe begins a new series called "What Christmas Promises."
12/7/201633 minutes, 58 seconds
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A Singer

Warren Wiersbe continues the series "Help Wanted."
11/30/201636 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Messenger

Warren Wiersbe continues the series "Help Wanted."
11/22/201638 minutes, 13 seconds
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A Carpenter

Warren Wiersbe continues the series "Help Wanted."
11/16/201644 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Fisherman

Warren Wiersbe continues the series "Help Wanted."
11/9/201644 minutes, 12 seconds
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An Ambassador

Warren Wiersbe continues the series "Help Wanted."
11/2/201639 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Shepherd

Warren Wiersbe continues the series "Help Wanted."
10/26/201645 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Steward

Warren Wiersbe begins a new series called, "Help Wanted."
10/19/201643 minutes, 8 seconds
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To Rome, With Love

Warren Wiersbe concludes the "Acts" series with a lesson on Acts 28:11-31
10/12/201633 minutes, 35 seconds
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Picking Up the Pieces After the Storm

Warren Wiersbe continues the "Acts" series with a lesson on Acts 28:1-10
10/5/201637 minutes, 3 seconds
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Avoid Storms of Life

Warren Wiersbe continues the "Acts" series with a lesson on Acts 27:1-26
9/28/201637 minutes, 44 seconds
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Christians: Almost or Altogether?

Warren Wiersbe continues his series, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry from Acts 26:22-32.
9/21/201636 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Autobiography of Greatness

Warren Wiersbe continues his series, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry.
9/14/201635 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Delays of Life

Warren Wiersbe continues his series, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's trials.
9/6/201638 minutes, 5 seconds
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Memory or Miracle Part 2

Warren Wiersbe continues his series, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry.
8/31/201617 minutes, 43 seconds
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Memory or Miracle Part 1

Warren Wiersbe continues his series, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry.
8/24/201618 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Logic of Salvation

Warren Wiersbe continues his series, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry.
8/17/201634 minutes, 29 seconds
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Find the Prisoner

Warren Wiersbe continues his series, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry.
8/10/201635 minutes, 42 seconds
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Can You Defend Your Life?

Warren Wiersbe continues his series, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry.
8/3/201634 minutes, 1 second
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The Misunderstandings of Life

Warren Wiersbe continues his series, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry.
7/27/201637 minutes, 46 seconds
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Beware of Detours

Warren Wiersbe continues his series, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry in Jerusalem.
7/20/201636 minutes, 15 seconds
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A Secret of A Great Life

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry in Ephesus.
7/13/201632 minutes, 54 seconds
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A Man On The Go

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry.
7/6/201635 minutes
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Small Craftsman Warnings

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "Acts." He preaches about the riot in Ephesus.
6/29/201635 minutes, 44 seconds
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There's Something Missing

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry in Ephesus.
6/21/201635 minutes, 8 seconds
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Teaching The Preacher

Warren Wiersbe begins his series called, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry and Apollos' boldness.
6/15/201633 minutes, 31 seconds
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You Don't Have To Quit

Warren Wiersbe begins his series called, "Acts." He preaches about Paul's ministry spreading the gospel message.
6/8/201634 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Woman We Must Never Forget (Podcast)

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "Great Women." This week he teaches about the decisions of Lot's wife.
6/1/201644 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Woman Who Laughed at God (Podcast)

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "Great Women." This week he teaches about the life of Sarah.
5/25/201637 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Woman Who Became A Thief

Warren Wiersbe begins his series called, "Great Women." This week he teaches about the creation of man and woman.
5/17/201643 minutes, 34 seconds
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Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "God Answers Man's Suffering." This week he teaches about the cruxificition of Jesus.
5/11/201642 minutes, 46 seconds
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Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "God Answers Man's Suffering." This week he teaches about our inheritance in Heaven.
5/4/201636 minutes, 27 seconds
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Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "God Answers Man's Suffering." This week he teaches about God's discipline.
4/26/201636 minutes, 15 seconds
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Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "God Answers Man's Suffering." This week he teaches about Israel's only Savior, Jesus Christ.
4/20/201640 minutes, 12 seconds
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Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "God Answers Man's Suffering." This week he teaches about the peace and hope we have through Jesus Christ.
4/13/201641 minutes, 51 seconds
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Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "God Answers Man's Suffering." This week he teaches on the sufficiency of God's grace and His power in our weakness.
4/6/201638 minutes, 31 seconds
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Warren Wiersbebegins his series called, "God Answers Man's Suffering." This week he teaches on the first act of sin in the Garden of Eden.
3/30/201639 minutes, 12 seconds
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Living By Faith, Or By Chance?

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "Crucial Questions About The Will Of God". This week he teaches from Romans 14:22-23
3/23/201638 minutes, 36 seconds
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Gideon: Don't Get Fleeced

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "Crucial Questions About The Will Of God." This week he teaches on the call of Gideon.
3/16/201638 minutes
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Jonah, God In The Hands Of A Angry Sinner

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called, "Crucial Questions About The Will Of God". This week he teaches on the story of Jonah and his rebellion against God.
3/9/201644 minutes
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Four Views Of Gods Will

Warren Wiersbe begins a new series called, "Crucial Questions About The Will Of God". This Message is about the different views on God's Will.
3/2/201642 minutes, 52 seconds
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Branded But No Bound

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called "Christian Freedom". This week he preaches about the Christian life and what it means to be branded by Christ and how that brings freedom not bondage.
2/24/201642 minutes, 12 seconds
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Free For All

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called "Christian Freedom". This week teaches us how to bear others burdens and help each other out.
2/17/201636 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Liberty Of Love

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called "Christian Freedom". This week teaches us about our Freedom in Christ and how to walk daily in the spirit.
2/10/201639 minutes, 19 seconds
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High Cost of Legalism

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called "Christian Freedom". This week focuses on the importance of staying away from legalism.
2/3/201646 minutes, 21 seconds
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Born Free

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called "Christian Freedom". This week he teaches that we not born of a slave but we are born free. He uses the example of Sarah and Hagar.
1/27/201641 minutes, 49 seconds
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Christian Freedom

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called "Christian Freedom". This week his message is an overview sermon on all the freedoms we do have in christ if we chose to follow him.
1/20/201644 minutes
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The Statue Of Liberty

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called "Christ In The Old Testament". This week he teaches from Exodus chapter 12 on the passover.
1/13/201640 minutes
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A Miracle Every Morning

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called "Christ In The Old Testament". This week he teaches from the Passage in Exodus 16 on the Lord sending bread from heaven.
1/6/201638 minutes, 21 seconds
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Do You Need A Place To Hide

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called "Christ In The Old Testament", this week Dr Wiersbe teaches out of Joshua chapter 20 on the city of refuge.
12/30/201541 minutes, 25 seconds
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Saved By A Rock

Warren Wiersbe begins a new series called "Christ In The Old Testament", this week dr wiersbe teaches out of Exodus 17
12/23/201536 minutes, 12 seconds
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Saved By A Serpent

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called "Christ In The Old Testament", this week Dr Wiersbe teaches out of Numbers chapter 21.
12/16/201539 minutes, 12 seconds
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It's Unbelievable

Warren Wiersbe begins a new series called "Christ In The Old Testament", this week dr wiersbe teaches out of Isaiah 53.
12/9/201537 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Burning Furnace

Warren Wiersbe continues a new series called "Bible Fires". This week he teaches from the passage in Daniel chapter 3.
12/2/201542 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Burning Lake

Warren Wiersbe continues a new series called "Bible Fires". This week he teaches on the lake of fire in revelation.
11/24/201546 minutes, 31 seconds
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A Burning Bush

Warren Wiersbe begins a new series called "Bible Fires". This week he teaches on the story of the burning bush.
11/11/201538 minutes, 2 seconds
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Christ, The Honored Guest

Warren Wiersbe teaches part two of his series called Seven Suppers.This week he teaches from John chapter 12 on Christ being the main focus at the supper.
11/4/201541 minutes, 16 seconds
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Where To Sit At Supper

Warren Wiersbe teaches part two of his series called Seven Suppers.This week he teaches from the parable of the wedding feast in Luke chapter 14.
10/28/201539 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dirty Dishes, Clean Hearts

Warren Wiersbe teaches part two of his series called Seven Suppers.This week he teaches from the lords prayer.
10/21/201537 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Wilderness Banquet

10/14/201539 minutes, 14 seconds
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An Uexpected Guest

Warren Wiersbe teaches part two of his series called Seven Suppers. This week he tells the story of Jesus eating with a Pharisee and he forgave a sinful woman who was there.
10/7/201537 minutes, 12 seconds
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A New Birthday Party

Warren Wiersbe starts a new series called Seven Suppers. This week we look at Luke chapter 5.
9/30/201534 minutes, 16 seconds
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Like Father, Like Son

Wiersbe teaches on the different ways Jesus lived like the father, as he continues his series on the Sermon on the Mount.
9/9/201537 minutes, 16 seconds
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Turn Weapons into Tools

Wiersbe preaches on the Sermon on the Mount and teaches on how we shouldnt retaliate to others but use those times as opportunities to show Christ love.
9/2/201539 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Cost of Anger

Warren Wiersbe continues a new series called Sermon on the Mount.
8/26/201535 minutes, 35 seconds
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It Takes More Than Having Religion

Warren Wiersbe starts a new series called Sermon on the Mount
8/19/201537 minutes
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What A Real Christian Is

Warren Wiersbe starts a new series called Sermon on the Mount
8/12/201536 minutes, 31 seconds
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God Is Not Hiding

Warren Wiersbe continues new series called Scripture that Sings
8/5/201539 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Place To Hide

Warren Wiersbe continues a new series called Scripture that Sings
7/29/201536 minutes, 20 seconds
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History's Greatest Marriage

Warren Wiersbe continues new series called Scripture that Sings
7/22/201543 minutes, 7 seconds
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Wanted: A Shepard

Warren Wiersbe continues a new series called Scripture that Sings
7/15/201546 minutes, 12 seconds
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God's Favorite City

Warren Wiersbe starts a new series called Scripture that Sings
7/8/201538 minutes, 42 seconds
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Safety Of A Shadow

Warren Wiersbe starts a new series called Scripture that Sings
7/1/201542 minutes
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Praise The Conquerer

Warren Wiersbe continues a new series call Praise and Thanksgiving
6/24/201536 minutes, 20 seconds
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Praise The King

Warren Wiersbe continues a new series call Praise and Thanksgiving
6/17/201538 minutes, 27 seconds
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Praise The Redeemer

Warren Wiersbe continues a new series call Praise and Thanksgiving
6/10/201540 minutes, 32 seconds
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Praise The Creator

Warren Wiersbe starts a new series call Praise and Thanksgiving
6/3/201539 minutes, 29 seconds
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The God Who Is There

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called "The Names of God".
5/27/201543 minutes, 12 seconds
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The God of Righteousness

Warren Wiersbe continues a series called "The Names of God"
5/20/201543 minutes, 32 seconds
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The God Who Wins The Battle

Warren Wiersbe continues a series called "The Names of God"
5/13/201542 minutes, 14 seconds
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Does God Still Heal?

Warren Wiersbe continues his series called "The Names of God". He answers the question this week, Does God Still Heal?
5/6/201537 minutes
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The God Who Sees To It

Warren Wiersbe begins a new series called "The Names of God"
4/29/201534 minutes, 30 seconds
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His Ascension

Warren Wiersbe Preaches in his series called Milestones With The Master.
4/22/201535 minutes, 32 seconds
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His Resurrection

Warren Wiersbe Preaches in his series called Milestones With The Master.
4/15/201552 minutes, 12 seconds
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His Presentation As King

Warren Wiersbe Preaches in his series called Milestones With The Master.
4/8/201543 minutes, 48 seconds
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His Transfiguration

Warren Wiersbe Preaches in his series called Milestones With The Master.
4/1/201545 minutes
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His Temptation

Warren Wiersbe Preaches in his series called Milestones With The Master.
3/25/201550 minutes, 4 seconds
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His Baptism

Warren Wiersbe Preaches in his series called Milestones With The Master.
3/18/201532 minutes
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He Helps You Live By Faith

Warren Wiersbe Preaches in his series called Meet Your Psychiatrist. This week he focuses on the lord helping us walk and live by faith.
3/11/201541 minutes, 56 seconds
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He Teaches You To Pray

Warren Wiersbe Preaches in his sering caled met your Psychiatrist.
3/4/201545 minutes, 44 seconds
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He Helps You Make Decisions

Warren Wiersbe Preaches on how the Lord helps and guides your decisions.
2/25/201546 minutes, 37 seconds
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He Makes The Future Bright

Warren Wiersbe Preaches a message on the Holy Spirit. This sermon focuses on the Lord making our future bright.
2/18/201537 minutes, 34 seconds
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He Sets You Free

Warren Wiersbe Preaches a series on the Holy Spirit, called Meet Your Psychiatrist
2/11/201539 minutes, 12 seconds
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He Makes You Rich

Warren Wiersbe Preaches a series on the Holy Spirit.
2/4/201541 minutes, 12 seconds
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He Overcomes Your Fears

Warren Wiersbe teaches us that the Lord is with us in our fears and desires us to look to him for strength.
1/28/201545 minutes, 37 seconds
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The First Forgiveness

Warren Wiersbe Preaches through the beginning on Genesis, specifically focusing on Gods first time showing forgiveness
1/21/201547 minutes, 11 seconds
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The First Sin

Warren Wiersbe Preaches through the beginning on Genesis, specifically focusing on Adams first SIn
1/14/20151 hour, 17 minutes, 11 seconds
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The First Garden

Warren Wiersbe Preaches through the beginning on Genesis, this week focusing on the Garden.
12/31/201438 minutes, 42 seconds
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The First Man

Warren Wiersbe Preaches through the beginning on Genesis, specifically focusing on Adam and Eve.
11/12/201443 minutes, 15 seconds
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The First Creation

Warren Wiersbe Preaches through the beginning on Genesis, specifically focusing on Gods creation.
11/5/201439 minutes, 12 seconds
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When You Aren't Wanted

Wiersbe continues his series of messages on the Sermon on the Mount form Matthew chapter 5.
10/29/201438 minutes, 17 seconds
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Wanted: Peacemakers

Wiersbe continues his series of messages on the Sermon on the Mount form Matthew chapter 5
10/23/201438 minutes
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Have You Seen God?

Wiersbe continues his series of messages on the Sermon on the Mount form Matthew chapter 5
10/15/201441 minutes, 36 seconds
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Live Like a King

Wiersbe preaches part one from his new series called This Way to Happiness out the book of Matthew.
9/10/201439 minutes, 12 seconds
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Wiersbe teaches on the importance of Love inside the church and how it should be the main way outsiders will see Christ in us.
8/13/201445 minutes
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Unwrapping the Gifts

Wiersbe teaches on how to discover your Spiritual Gifts and how to use them for Gods Glory.
7/30/201443 minutes, 12 seconds
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Foundation and Facts about Spiritual Gifts

Wiersbe preaches a new series on the Spiritual Gifts. This week he preaches on the foundation and just a few need to know facts about spiritual gifts
7/23/201435 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Best is Yet to Come

Wiersbe preaches his final message from his series in 1 Peter
7/16/201433 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Heat is On

Wiersbe preaches on how we will suffering as a believer in Christ.
7/9/201437 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to Live the Rest of Your Life

Wiersbe preaches the way we should pursue the Lord the rest of our lives
7/2/201441 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Case for a Good Conscience

Wiersbe preaches on suffering for the sake of the Gospel, and teaches from 1 Peter chapter 3.
6/25/201441 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Things that Matter Most

Wiersbe preaches on focusing on the things that matter most instead of chasing things that are earthly and not eternal"
6/18/201446 minutes, 2 seconds
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Surrender or Else

Wiersbe teaches from 1 Peter chapter 2 and he entitled this message, "Surrender or Else".
6/11/201438 minutes, 16 seconds
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How Different Should A Christian Be?

Wiersbe preaches the differences in a christian and a non christian
6/4/201445 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Birthmarks of the Born Again

Wiersbe preaches on what the birthmarks look like on a new born again Christian.
5/28/201444 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Eternal Elite

Wiersbe preaches part one of his new series from the book of 1 Peter
5/21/201451 minutes, 3 seconds
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Passing Gods FInal Exam

Wiersbe preaches his final message from the Sermon on the Mount out of Matthew chapter 7.
5/14/201442 minutes, 47 seconds
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Does the Golden Rule Really Work?

Wiersbe preaches on the topic of the Golden Rule and he answers the question, does it really work?
5/7/201440 minutes, 32 seconds
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You Dont Have to Worry

Wiersbe teaches on how we should deal with anxiety from Matthew 6.
4/30/201439 minutes, 6 seconds
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When it Doesnt Pay to Advertise

Wiersbe preaches the next part of Jesus' message called the Sermon on the Mount. This particular part is focusing on humility.
4/23/201441 minutes, 17 seconds
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The High Cost of Anger

Wiersbe continues his series from the Sermon on the Mount out of Matthew chapter five. This passage focuses on anger and how costly it can be if we allow it to take root in our hearts.
4/2/201433 minutes, 52 seconds
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It Takes More than Religion

Wiersbe continues his series from the Sermon on the Mount out of Matthew chapter five. This passage focuses on Christ coming to fulfilling the Law but not being under the law.
3/26/201436 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Logic of Law

Wiersbe concludes his series titled Christian Freedom with speaking on the reasons for the law compared ot the promises of God.
3/12/201433 minutes
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A Man Set Free

Wiersbe begins a new series called Christian Freedom from Galatians chapter one.
2/26/201443 minutes, 45 seconds
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You Cant Fight Alone

Wiersbe finishes his series through Ephesians. This final message is on exactly how we as believers are to put on the armor of God each day.
2/19/201437 minutes, 2 seconds
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What to Wear to War

Wiersbe preaches on puting on the whole Armor of God out of Ephesians 6.
2/12/201439 minutes, 42 seconds
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Labor, Management, and God

Wiersbe preaches out of Ephesians chapter 6 as he continues his series called be rich.
1/29/201436 minutes, 54 seconds
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Four to Get Married

Wiersbe continues his series called Be Rich by discussing on what it looks like to be filled with the Spirit. He using the example of marriage and how we should treat our spouse
1/22/201439 minutes, 52 seconds
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How to Tell if You are Filled with the Holy Spirit

Wiersbe preaches on how we should be filled with the Spirit, and what that looks like.
1/15/201441 minutes, 4 seconds
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Meet the Holy Spirit

Wiersbe preaches about the Holy Spirit in the way that Paul discribes it in Ephesians chapter five
1/8/201436 minutes, 2 seconds
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Christians, Wise or Otherwise?

Wiersbe continues his sermon series out of Ephesians chapter five, on how we should walk as children of the light, and not of dark.
1/1/201435 minutes, 26 seconds
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Imitators Wanted

Wiersbe teaches out of Ephesians chapter five,on how we should be imitators of the gospel everywhere we go.
12/25/201333 minutes, 38 seconds
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Christians Are Different

Wiersbe preaches on how each one of us is different and how we should recognize that as we communicate within the body of Christ.
12/18/201340 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Mind Changer

Wiersbe preaches out of the book of Ephesians on what our new life looks like once we are saved
12/11/201335 minutes, 12 seconds
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Measuring a Miracle

Wiersbe continues his messages on being unified in the body of Christ.
12/4/201334 minutes, 32 seconds
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All Together Now

Wiersbe teaches out of Ephesians chapter 4 on the body being Unified as one.
11/27/201345 minutes, 25 seconds
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I Know A Secret - Part Two

Wiersbe preaches on Pauls letter to the Ephesians on how he prayers for them continuously
11/20/201338 minutes, 33 seconds
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I Know A Secret - Part One

Wiersbe preaches on salvation a part 4 of his series called "Be Rich"
11/13/201338 minutes, 11 seconds
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Salvation from Start to Finish

Wiersbe preaches on salvation a part 3 of his series called "Be Rich"
10/23/201334 minutes, 52 seconds
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You Were Born Rich

Wiersbe teaches on how we are born rich if we are a believer.He continues his series in the book of Ephesians.
10/16/201338 minutes, 49 seconds
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Saints Alive

Wiersbe teaches out of of the book of Ephesians in his series called BE RICH.
10/9/201336 minutes, 50 seconds
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Worms Eye View of Missions

Wiersbe teaches out of Jonah chapter 4 and on how Jonahs view changed completed while inside the belly of the Fish.
10/2/201339 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Save a City

Wiersbe teaches out of Jonah chapter 3 on how Jonah turned things around and changed lives because of it.
9/25/201340 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Deeper Death

Wiersbe preaches on the testing of Jonahs faith, and how during our biggest trials we should be finding ourselves on our knees.
9/18/201343 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Missing Missionary

Wiersbe preaches through the first chapter of Jonah.
9/11/201337 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Woman Who Risked Her Life

Wiersbe preaches on the story of Esther and how she risked her life.
9/4/201346 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Woman Who Ruined her Husband

Wiersbe teaches on the woman who ruined her husband in the book of 1 Kings.
8/28/201336 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Woman Who Knew How to Pray

Wiersbe teaches on the woman who knew how to pray in the book of 1 Samuel.
8/21/201337 minutes
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The Woman Who Was Willing to Wait

Wiersbe talks about a woman who decided to wait on the Lord in the book of Ruth
8/14/201339 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Woman Who Dared to Believe

Wiersbe talks about the woman named Rehab in the book of Joshua who dared to believe.
8/7/201341 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Woman Who Lost Her Song

Wiersbe talks about women in scripture who lost her joy with the Lord.
7/31/201339 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Woman Who Would Not Delay

Wiersbe talks about women in scripture who laughed at God, by not obeying his teachings.
7/24/201346 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Woman We Must Never Forget

Wiersbe talks about women in scripture who laughed at God, by not obeying his teachings.
7/17/201344 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Woman Who Laughed at God

Wiersbe talks about women in scripture who laughed at God, by not obeying his teachings.
7/10/201337 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Woman Who Becomes A Thief

Wiersbe preaches on what submission looks like through the eyes of Jesus Christ our Lord.
7/3/201342 minutes, 23 seconds
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Wiersbe explains the compassion Jesus Christ showed while on the cross.
6/20/201337 minutes, 42 seconds
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Wiersbe preaches on the loneliness that Christ felt while on the Cross.
6/6/201335 minutes, 53 seconds
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Wiersbe explains the compassion Jesus Christ showed while on the cross.
5/30/201337 minutes, 26 seconds
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Warren Wiersbe explains the forgiveness that Jesus offered while on the cross.
5/17/201333 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Walk

Paul’s prayer for the church is that they would have a consistant walk with God.
1/16/201314 minutes, 2 seconds
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The God of Love

Paul’s prayer for the church is that they would be established in love.
1/9/201314 minutes, 2 seconds
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Paul's Prayer: Love

Paul’s prayer for the church is that they would be established in love.
12/5/201214 minutes
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Paul's Prayer: Hope

Paul’s prayer for the church is that they would be established in hope.
11/7/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Paul's Prayer: Faith

Paul’s prayer for the church is that they would be established in faith.
10/31/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Established in the Word

The reason many Christians do not walk in the will of the Lord is because no one has taught them how to stand. Christians must be established in the Word of God.
10/30/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Satanic Attacks - Part Eight

Dr. Warren Wiersbe concludes his sermon set on satanic attacks. Our weapon and defense is the interceding Son of God.
10/18/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Satanic Attacks - Part Seven

A Christian is not sinless; a Christian is someone that does sin less.
10/10/201214 minutes
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Satanic Attacks - Part Six

The Christian has three enemies, the world, the flesh and the devil. Dr. Warren Wiersbe continues teaching on combating satanic attacks.
10/3/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Satanic Attacks - Part Five

Satan attacks the mind with lies. When Satan attacks your mind with lies, your weapon is the Word of God.
9/26/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Satanic Attacks - Part Four

The only weapon that will defeat Satan’s lies in your mind is God’s Word. Thus, it is important to study God’s Word, to learn it, and to know it.
9/24/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Satanic Attacks - Part Three

To live by faith is to obey God’s word and to trust God’s promises in spite of circumstances and feelings.
9/12/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Satanic Attacks - Part Two

We need to know what Satan’s tactics are and how to fight them
9/5/201214 minutes
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Satanic Attacks - Part One

The devil wants us to think we cannot trust our Lord. If Satan can undermine your faith in God’s word, he will ruin your life.
8/29/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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In 1 Thessalonians 3:1-5, Paul emphasizes establishing people in the faith.
8/22/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Timothy was a fellow laborer in the ministry with Paul. Timothy had a natural care for people.
8/15/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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You must teach people how to stand before you teach them how to walk
8/13/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Established in the Faith

The thing that keeps us standing is faith. In 1 Thessalonians 3, Paul seeks to establish the faith of those in Thessalonica.
8/1/201214 minutes
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A Crown

Paul pictures himself as running a race. He receives a crown of rejoicing because of his faithfulness as a soul winner. Warren Wiersbe discusses the requirements to being a winning Christian.
7/23/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Uttermost Wrath

As Christians, we must be doing something to spread the Gospel. Dr. Warren Wiersbe talks about uttermost wrath or eternal judgment and the need for saving grace.
7/18/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Loving Brother

The Apostle Paul felt like a brother orphaned when he was away from the people of the Thessalonian church.
7/11/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Concerned Father

Warren Wiersbe talks about the firmness of a father as seen through Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2.
6/27/201214 minutes
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Child Rearing

Pastor Warren Wiersbe teaches about child rearing using the example of Paul from 1 Thessalonians 2.
6/20/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Gentle Nurse

Paul was a gentle nurse. He put faithfulness to God first and then he showed love to God’s people.
6/13/201213 minutes, 59 seconds
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Pleasing God

We are to live to please God, not to please men.
6/6/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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According to Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2, the message, the motive, and the method have to be right when presenting the Gospel.
5/30/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Dr. Warren Wiersbe teaches about stewardship by following the example of Paul the Apostle.
5/23/201214 minutes
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Pastor Warren Wiersbe talks about how new Christians grow in the Lord.
5/16/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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It is important not only to win souls to Christ, but also to nurture them in the ways of the Lord.
5/9/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Idolatry - Part Three

Idols are robbing Christians of blessings. What are the idols we face today?
5/2/201213 minutes, 53 seconds
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Idolatry - Part Two

Idolatry is worshiping and serving the creature rather than the creator. The result of idolatry is always immorality.
4/26/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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Idolatry - Part One

Idols are false gods, and Jesus is the true God. Idols are dead gods, and Jesus is the living God.
4/18/201214 minutes
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Christians are going to be delivered from the wrath to come.
4/11/201213 minutes, 47 seconds
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God's people are expecting Jesus to return.
4/4/201214 minutes, 2 seconds
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You can't be a leader until you are first a follower.
3/28/201212 minutes, 32 seconds
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Itching Words

Does having the word of God and believing the word of God cost you anything? It cost Paul his life.
3/21/201215 minutes, 6 seconds
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Receive the Word

Your attitude toward the word of God is your attitude toward Jesus Christ. Dr. Warren Wiersbe teaches on receiving the Word of God.
3/14/201214 minutes, 36 seconds
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New Testament Church

Dr. Warren Wiersbe teaches about the church needing to get back to the spirit had by the New Testament church.
3/7/201214 minutes, 37 seconds
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New Testament Evangelism - Part Two

Dr. Warren Wiersbe continues his lesson on New Testament evangelism.
2/29/201214 minutes, 34 seconds
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New Testament Evangelism

Dr. Warren Wiersbe teaches about the five essentials of New Testament evangelism.
2/23/201214 minutes, 34 seconds
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Marks of Election

Dr. Warren Wiersbe teaches about the marks of election as seen in 1 Thessalonians.
2/15/201214 minutes, 37 seconds
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Dr. Warren Wiersbe teaches about election. God chooses, but he also calls.
2/8/201214 minutes, 42 seconds
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A Special People

Dr. Warren Wiersbe teaches about God's special people--people God has called out for His name sake.
2/1/201214 minutes, 39 seconds
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A Love Letter

Dr. Warren Wiersbe teaches about the love of God--God in his grace has given you what you do not deserve and God in his mercy has not given you what you do deserve.
1/25/201214 minutes, 30 seconds
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God's Care

Dr. Warren Wiersbe teaches about the care that God has for his people
1/19/201214 minutes, 36 seconds
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Introduction to 1 Thessalonians

Dr. Warren Wiersbe introduces the book of 1 Thessalonians.
1/12/201214 minutes, 59 seconds