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Weekly Energy Boost

English, Religion, 1 season, 356 episodes, 3 days, 16 hours, 51 minutes
Kabbalah as a universal wisdom that predates the Bible or religion, and can be studied by anyone regardless of their faith or path. Presenting the wisdom from a lineage of great kabbalists, The Kabbalah Centre and its teachers provide a course of study that describes the origin of Creation, the physical and spiritual laws of the universe, including human existence, and the journey of the soul. WEEKLY ENERGY BOOST is a 7-day forecast of each week’s spiritual essence, energy, opportunities, and potential challenges. Based upon kabbalistic writings, we’ll be sharing and discussing our favorite insights, teachings, tools and ͞prescriptions͟ for each unique window in time as it approaches. In addition, we’ll bring stories, concepts and strategies to assist you in elevating your approach to your own daily lives and the situations that you face. Listeners can write in with questions, topic suggestions, and discussion. We look forward to bringing you the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah in a relevant and useful way!
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Judge Yourself Before Others Do

In this episode, we explore the power of self-reflection (not self-judgment!) and its role in personal growth. Learn how evaluating yourself proactively can reduce life’s challenges and discover practical self-evaluation techniques that can in turn enhance your relationships as well as provide tools to manage guilt and shame. We share insights on how to use self-evaluation - not judgment! - as a path to greater self-awareness and spiritual development.Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Join Eitan and Elisheva for a 10 week deep dive into the foundational teachings of Kabbalah, live on zoom: all of our Kabbalah 1 courses globally here: to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
9/2/202434 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to See Things as They Truly Are

This week we receive a powerful gift, which is the spiritual vision to "see" that our circumstance - as well as everyone else's - is no accident. It is our test. Up or down, high or low. When we make our connection to our Source (our soul) our first priority, then no matter what happens, we cannot fail. Discover the mindsets and actions that can align us with the gift of true vision this week and always.Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Join Eitan and Elisheva for a 10 wek deep dive into the foundational teachings of Kabbalah, live on zoom: to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
8/26/202432 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to Live a Blessed Life

Many of us are focused on doing the "right things", being good people, raising our self awareness and improving our character.  And yet sometimes it seems like the more we run after a better life, the further it runs from us.  Kabbalah teaches that gratitude and appreciation are essential for expanding one's capacity to receive blessings. We'll discuss the tools and mindsets that cultivate gratitude daily, especially in difficult times, so that we can overcome challenges with greater ease and find more joy in our lives.Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
8/19/202429 minutes, 54 seconds
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Aligning with Your Perfect Self

When we do fall and we discover that we need help, what do we do? How do we return to the path once we have gone astray? This week, the Universe, in its great wisdom and compassion, gives us a path to return to the Light and plug back into the connection that guarantees a constant source of fulfillment and success. Learn how to open your heart and eye to seeing the truth - we never actually lose our connection to the Light. It is always waiting for us to access it again. Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
8/12/202430 minutes, 7 seconds
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Embracing the Darkness

This is a week to demonstrate spirituality in action; acknowledging that darkness is merely an absence of Light. We are able to see our own darkness more clearly than ever - but then we must choose - to be weighed down by its burden or to elevate out of the darkness by being Light. Join us for consciousness and tools to stay Light, especially as we approach the last of what is known to be three of the most negative weeks of the year. If you’re going through a tough time, hang in there. It’s always darkest just before the dawn and things are soon to get better! Join us for the why and how to ride the wave of energy that can carry us to truly greater heights.Join us for the next episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
8/5/202430 minutes, 6 seconds
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You Don’t Have to Take the Long Way Home

Life can seem, at times, a challenge. However, what keeps us on the journey? Life has its ups and downs, but it can also yield great rewards. As many people who have achieved fame or fortune can attest, those things did not bring them the happiness that they had hoped. When we realize, cliche as it is, that the journey IS the destination, or that the obstacle IS the way, we discover that our greatest source of fulfillment has been all around us all the time.Join us for a special summer mini-episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
7/29/202410 minutes, 18 seconds
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Peace is How You Heal

The Kabbalists have said for centuries that the only job for humanity to do is to put ourselves back together—to the whole that we once were. We don’t see that we are using our own hand to cut off our leg. We are all made different from each other so that we will toil to see beyond the fragmentation and recognize the spark of Light in everyone. It is not easy work, but it is our own and in it lays our power.Join us for a special summer mini-episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
7/22/202412 minutes, 10 seconds
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Living a Lotus Flower Life

This week, we can develop a practice of excavating the diamonds buried in our hearts. The lotus flower blooms in spite of its murky waters. We do have feelings of fear, jealousy, and hatred, but we can see that these qualities do not serve us. We must let them go if we wish to experience the joy and blessings the Universe wishes to bestow on us. Hatred is poison that we take ourselves, expecting the other person to die. It is only in our own best interest to be willing to let go of negativity, even if we feel justified in holding on to it. Join us for a special summer mini-episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #spirituality #flow #energy #soul #cancer #tammuz #kabbalahcentre #ego #light #consciousness #chaos #negativity #positivity #peace #blessings #bringthemhomenow #transformation #unity #loveyourneighbor
7/15/202413 minutes, 7 seconds
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You Are What You Think

This week, the cosmos is offering the lesson of self-realization, self-awareness,  and spiritual maturity. We see the good in our lives and embrace our accomplishments. We are also willing to see the aspects of our experience that are not favorable, and we are given the courage to take responsibility for them. This week, we toss out feelings  of victimhood and take life by the wheel. We hear the call to self-empowerment and self-renewal.Join us for a special summer mini-episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #spirituality #flow #energy #soul #cancer #tammuz #kabbalahcentre #ego #light #consciousness #chaos #negativity #positivity #peace #blessings #bringthemhomenow #transformation #selfesteem #selfworth
7/8/202413 minutes, 25 seconds
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Little Lifequakes

Because of the night we can understand what the day is. It is the challenges and obstacles in our lives that awaken us and encourage us to be stronger on the path of spirituality. Life’s challenges cause us to reach for our inner strength, power, and help us to reconnect to our Light within. We are all striving to be happy in this world. We all desire blessings, prosperity, love, and joy. This week, the universe shows us how to use challenges as advantages and to recognize the Light in all situations.Join us for a special summer mini-episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #spirituality #flow #energy #soul #gemini #sivan #kabbalahcentre #ego #light #consciousness #chaos #negativity #positivity #peace #blessings #bringthemhomenow #transformation #tammuz #cancer
7/1/202413 minutes, 49 seconds
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What’s in Your Blind Spot?

It is human nature to pre-judge a person or a situation at first sight. We think what we see is absolute truth, but what we see is a result of what we believe to be true. What we believe to be negative, we will surely see and experience as such. Whereas, when we know there is the Creator’s hand in everything and acknowledge the Light that abides within all people and circumstances, we see the good and therefore can experience good. When we know there is good in all things and all people, we will always experience the best life has to offer.Join us for a special summer mini-episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #spirituality #flow #energy #soul #gemini #sivan #kabbalahcentre #ego #light #consciousness #chaos #negativity #positivity #peace #blessings #bringthemhomenow #transformation #agenda #ulteriormotives 
6/24/202411 minutes, 55 seconds
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Putting the Soul in Soulmate

This week, we are given the gift of humility to know we depend on the Creator’s Light. We build a greater desire for this partnership. For only when we recognize that we require help, do we create the space for such help to enter. Whether that Light comes to us in the form of a spouse, soulmate, partner or miracle, all partnerships are meant to help us on our journey. We were sent here to walk our own paths in life, but we are certainly moved to hold another’s hand along the way.Join us for a special summer mini-episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #spirituality #flow #energy #soul #gemini #sivan #kabbalahcentre #ego #light #consciousness #chaos #negativity #positivity #peace #blessings #bringthemhomenow #transformation #relationships #marriage
6/17/202414 minutes, 15 seconds
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Here’s What You’ve Been Missing

We are all searching for something. We search for comfort and pleasure. We search for answers. Some search for the Creator, while others devote their lives to searching for their purpose in this world. We are all on a search for more. Kabbalah, with its tools of Light, offers to us that more that we hunger. Every being on earth craves the Light, physically and spiritually, even if we may not realize it. This week, the cosmos turns the Light on for us.Join us for a special summer mini-episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
6/10/202414 minutes, 48 seconds
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Being a Light in the Darkness

Life, at times can be a place of coldness, fears, and doubts. It can feel like the wilderness, like a vast and empty desert.  But it does not have to be this way.  We are here to open our hearts and love one another as much as we can. In the process, reflect and reveal the totality of the Creator’s Light, removing pain and suffering from the world. This is nothing less than our purpose and reason for existing. This week, we are given the strength and ability to draw light where there once was none. Join us for a special summer mini-episode of Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #spirituality #flow #energy #soul #taurus #iyar #gemini #sivan #kabbalahcentre #ego #light #consciousness #chaos #negativity #positivity #peace #blessings #bringthemhomenow #transformation
6/3/202415 minutes, 49 seconds
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Soul Synergy: Deeper Connections with Ourselves and Others

Join us as we unravel the secrets to fostering deep connections and cultivating meaningful relationships, through creating soulful synergy in various aspects of life, including relationships, friendships, and collaborations.  We know we are our own greatest enemy, so how do we change that?  Discover with us the wisdom and tools to nurture and sustain soulful connections with yourself and others.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @Daniel.Naor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #spirituality #partnership #flow #energy #soul #taurus #iyar #kabbalahcentre #ego #light #consciousness #partner #selflove #marriage #friendship #blessings #selfesteem #whoareyoureally
5/27/202437 minutes, 6 seconds
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Loosening Up: Finding Freedom With and Without Routine

All of us run a risk of missing potential blessings when we become too rigid or fixed in their beliefs.  The month of Taurus invites us to examine our comfort zone when it comes to structure and discipline. Routine has its place in spiritual practice,  has long as we’re aware of it's potential benefits and drawbacks. When we recognize the cause of holding on to the pattern of too much or too little structure, we can then use this awareness to creating space for new ideas and growth. The striving for balance between structure and flexibility in personal growth is part of our life’s work.  Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @Daniel.Naor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #spirituality #flexibility #flow #energy #soul #taurus #iyar #kabbalahcentre #ego #light #consciousness #discipline #routine #organized #workflow #blessings #habits #patterns
5/20/202434 minutes, 1 second
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You Are More Than Just a Drop in the Ocean

Do YOU know who you REALLY are? This week the universe wants to show you! The work this week is to make sure you're paying attention to and  working on aligning your actions with your desires and intentions to manifest your fullest potential. Tools like giving without agenda, conversing with the Creator and transforming your ego can help - but when you have the energy of the week and month to support  you, growth and transformation are much easier. The importance of recognizing and embracing one's life purpose as a means to understand our intrinsic power is a big part of our conversation.  Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @MordechayBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week.You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
5/13/202444 minutes, 4 seconds
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Soul Contracts with Our Parents and In-Laws

It's time for Weekly Energy Boost to break down complex family relationships, particularly with in-laws. The kabbalists place importance of making an effort to connect with one's parents and one's partner's parents, showing love and appreciation towards them, and understanding their background and lineage. When we focus on the positive aspects of these relationships, even if they are challenging, we can extract the good from them. Learn how consciousness shapes our reality and how to rise above and work through the potentially negative generational trauma.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week.You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
5/6/202422 minutes, 59 seconds
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Stop People Pleasing Forever: Break Free

Most of us, consciously or unconsciously, are motivated by making other people happy, which can be a noble effort toward making the world and individual lives better.  However when people pleasing causes us to betray ourselves and deny our needs, it becomes an unhealthy cycle, sometimes perpetuated for generations. This week we are discussing practical tools and insights to help listeners break free from this pattern and cultivate self-worth.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @daniel.naor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #healing #soul #ego #parents #family #transformation #peace #kabbalahcentre #consciousness #growthmindset #elevate #connect #fulfillment #potential #Tikkun #contribution #opportunities #light #fawning
4/28/202443 minutes, 9 seconds
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A Light In The World: How To Find Your Unique Ability

This week the universe invites us to leave behind any limiting thoughts, words and actions that inhibit us from shining our unique Light.  The Kabbalists provide us with a holistic approach to unlocking the full spectrum of your individual gifts, which in turn offers us clarity on our path, our innate strengths, and a fulfilling journey of expressing your authenticity. Use both the wisdom and Sacred Sounds meditation in this week’s episode to fuel your spiritual work today and always.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Yehuda Ashkenazi @Ashke72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #SpiritualWealth #AbundanceJourney #MoneyMindset #EnergeticHarmony #FinancialWellBeing #ManifestingAbundance #HolisticProsperity #PositiveMoneyFlow #WealthWisdom #SpiritualFinance #AbundanceAlignment #ProsperousLiving #MoneyMastery #EnergeticAbundance #Kabbalah #Spirituality #Consciousness #Light #Soul #KabbalahCentre #SacredSounds #Meditation #Frequency #Pesach #Passover
4/21/20241 hour, 8 minutes, 50 seconds
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How Evil Speech Shortens Your Life

The importance of mindful speech in daily life cannot be emphasized enough. Most of the world's - and our personal - problems would be solved if we all slowed down and infused our words with consciousness, discernment, and intention. We'll highlight the negative consequences of false flattery and the value of embracing silence. This week, the universe begs us to take our conversations to a deeper level, rather than filling the space with unnecessary words.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #gossip #slander #kabbalah #spirituality #consciousness #soul #metzora #kabbalahcentre #lies #peoplepleasing #flattery #power #ego #mindfulness #pause #zohar #pesach #passover #freedom
4/15/202425 minutes, 57 seconds
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Lighten Up! The Divine Comedy of our Spiritual Path

This is the week to explore and internalize the profound power of laughter and spirituality. Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of Kabbalah, we delve Into the lighthearted realms of the soul, discovering how humor becomes a beacon on our spiritual path. When you recognize the glorious dance between the divine and the joyous, you can better navigate your spiritual journey with lightness. Learning to laugh at the ego is one of the most powerful tools for growth and elevation.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @Daniel.Naor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week.You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
4/8/202441 minutes, 42 seconds
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Harmony Beyond Notes: The Spiritual Power Of Music

Music resonates with our spiritual essence, and can have transformative impact on our emotions, mindset, and overall well-being. From the rhythm of life to the symphony of the soul, we decode the spiritual dimensions of music that elevate our consciousness. Join us for a harmonious conversation on the profound connection between music and the spiritual journey, revealing the timeless wisdom embedded in each melody from a kabbalistic point of view.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, multidisciplinary artist and tech pioneer, @MurrayHidary.Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Learn more about MindTravel and Murray’s work at Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
4/1/202454 minutes, 36 seconds
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Spiritually Navigating Cancel Culture

History has proven that canceling or invalidating people or situations never leads to lasting solutions.  Rather, when we recognize that difficulties are opportunities for growth and spiritual evolution, we can better handle challenging situations and individuals.  The key to permanent problem resolution is embracing inner strength to overcome fears and negativity, rather than externalizing problems to others. Discover the miraculous power of personal accountability and taking responsibility for one's own critical and judgmental tendencies as a means to navigate today's unpredictable social and cultural landscapes.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #KabbalisticWisdom #SpiritualResilience #ModernChallenges #NavigatingGaslighting #CompassionInCulture #KabbalahInsights #AuthenticLiving #WisdomForToday #CulturalUnderstanding #ResilienceJourney #KabbalahGuidance #EnlightenedLiving #SpiritualInsights #ContemporaryWisdom #Kabbalah #Spirituality #Consciousness #KabbalahCentre #Light
3/25/202429 minutes, 19 seconds
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Worthiness: Spiritual Filling Up

There is a spiritual reason why self worth is a universal challenge, and when we understand the purpose behind the challenge, we are better equipped to transform it.  Kabbalah teachers that shifting our perspective is the key to turning obstacles into advantages, and this week we’re digging deep on the blessings that can emerge from focused self worth journey.  Discover empowering insights and practical strategies to overcome feelings of inadequacy and embrace your inherent worth.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
3/18/202430 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Spiritual Guide to Negotiation

When it comes to negotiation, Kabbalah teaches that there is a the delicate dance between give and take, where a deep consciousness of detachment is required for success.   In this episode we cover the keys to navigating business deals, personal relationships, and spiritual journeys, offering transformative guidance that transcends the ordinary, paving the way for harmonious and fruitful negotiations in all aspects of life.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #transformation #kabbalahcentre #blessings #souls #energy #giving #manifestation #love #spirituality #kabbalah #sharing #success #certainty #happiness #lack #fulfillment #abundance #mentor #mentoring #excellence#NegotiationWisdom #KabbalisticInsights #HarmoniousDealings #SpiritualNegotiation #EmpatheticNegotiator #BalanceInNegotiation #CollaborativeSuccess #KabbalahGuidance #Negotiation #MutualBenefit #AligningIntentions #TranscendOrdinary #FruitfulNegotiations #NegotiationStrategies #WisdomInAction
3/11/202425 minutes, 47 seconds
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Finding the Perfect Guides and Teachers in Our Lives

Drawing inspiration from the universal principles of Kabbalah, this episode explores the significance of wise counsel, both spiritually and practically, as well as how aligning ourselves with the right guides can illuminate our path, enrich our experiences, and lead to a more purposeful and fulfilling life. Tune in for timeless teachings, emphasizing the importance of seeking guidance from those who inspire growth, align with our values, and illuminate the way to our true potential. We'll highlight the personal experiences and insights that navigate the essence of finding the right guides for a journey of personal evolution.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #transformation #kabbalahcentre #blessings #souls #energy #giving #manifestation #love #spirituality #kabbalah #sharing #success #certainty #happiness #lack #fulfillment #abundance #mentor #mentoring #excellence
3/4/202428 minutes, 44 seconds
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How Charity Makes One Wealthy

True wealth isn't measured by material possessions but by the richness of one's heart and one's life. Drawing from the teachings of Kabbalah, we'll unravel the transformative power of charitable acts and their ability to elevate the giver and the reciever. As we navigate the intersections of generosity, spiritual abundance, and the path to genuine prosperity, we'll discover how embracing the principles of charity can lead to a wealth beyond measure and a fulfillment that resonates in both the material and spiritual realms.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week.You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
2/26/202428 minutes, 10 seconds
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Dress for the Spiritual Work You Want

Kabbalah teaches that everything in our world, including the clothes we wear, have spiritual and energetic value, each piece containing a spark of Light within it that can be elevated or released. We'll examine how to align comfort, energy, well being and self respect when choosing your wardrobe, and what clothing represents spiritually as a tool and vehicle for expansion, and how embracing authenticity and self expression can help guide you toward the best look for your soul.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, fashion and interior designer, @ErinFetherston. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week.You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
2/19/202440 minutes, 39 seconds
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Coming Home to the Light

The kabbalists teach that our homes have tremendous spiritual influence and that when we design our homes with spirituality in mind, we can foster unity, connectedness and the space for Light to be revealed through us. Kabbalah and spirituality can influence all of our creative processes, bringing us greater clarity and sense of purpose; learn to use its wisdom as a powerful tool to regularly evaluate and make changes in our lives to make room for more of what we want.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, fashion and interior designer, @ErinFetherston. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week.You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
2/12/202442 minutes, 17 seconds
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Spending On Your Soul

Dive deep with us into the world of ego and soul, exploring the body-soul connection between how ego-driven extravagance often overshadows soulful giving.. Why is it easier to spend extravagantly on our egos than to spend on our souls? How do we flip the script on spending for our soul and starving our ego? This week we examine the profound difference between wants and needs and challenge ourselves to flip that script as we unravel the journey from ego-driven spending to soulful generosity. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #CharityMatters #BalancingPriorities #EgoSplurge #SoulfulGiving #WealthAndGenerosity #FlipTheScript #EgoVsCharity #SoulfulSpending #SpiritualAwakening #WantsVsNeeds #GenerosityJourney #EgoCheck #SoulControl #RedefinePriorities
2/5/202429 minutes, 36 seconds
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Cracking The Soul Code: Finding Our Patterns In Chaos

Through the lens of spiritual insights and ancient wisdom, this week’s episode illuminates the path of transforming life's chaos into a divine journey of growth and enlightenment. Once you learn to decode the hidden messages of the universe, you hold the keys to unlock profound spiritual transformation and empowerment. Discover the art of recognizing these messages as sacred patterns, imbued with divine feedback to guide your soul's evolution.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
1/29/202428 minutes, 11 seconds
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Winds Of Change

Radical renewal requires radical consciousness, and this week there is a planetary shift taking place that will foster our growth and expansion for the next 20 years. The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches that humanity is here to achieve mind over matter - not via wizardry but via the conquering of our own inner battles. Discover the tips and tools that can support you in create the radical change you desire and explore the infinite possibilities that are opening up for all of us right now.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Kabbalistic Astrologer @MiriamAshkenazi. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Take advantage of our 20% listener discount for Kabbalistic Astrological chart readings with Miriam through the link at using promo code: PODCAST20You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
1/22/202434 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Invisible Progress of Life

True progress and enlightenment often happen away from the public eye, in the quiet moments of introspection and personal struggle. Come contemplate the hidden dimensions of your personal and spiritual journeys to understand what aspects are typically hidden from us and for what reasons - as well as what our truth really is and how to find it.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution #consciousness #spirituality #mindfulness #kabbalahcentre #LifeReflections #DailyCheckIns #YearlyGoals #FinancialWellBeing #SpiritualHealth #ExpertSelection #DreamTeamBuilding #ProactiveLiving #2024Success #SafeguardingWellness #SpiritualGuidance #Selfhelp #Progress #Revealing #CommunitySupport #WellnessJourney
1/15/202429 minutes, 15 seconds
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Bad Chapters, Wrong Paths and Failed Dreams: How to Put Things Behind Us

Learn how to rewrite the stories from the so called bad chapters of our lives and turn the wrong paths unto the right ones, and how our failures can lead to our most successful outcomes imaginable. Weaving trust and growth mindset together makes the quest for inner peace an attainable one. Together with unconditional acceptance, we'll use this week to climb another spiritual ladder for a soul's eye view on how very perfect the journey has been (so far).Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Kabbalah instructor and breathwork specialist @RachelAuerbachYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Learn more about working with Rachel at www.weeklyenergyboost.comYou can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
1/8/202437 minutes, 51 seconds
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Spiritually Restore in 2024

Embrace the new year with a renewed sense of purpose and spiritual connection. Use the power of kabbalistic tools to enhance inner growth, self-awareness and fill your life with more depth and meaning. Learn how to set the right goals, prioritize self-care, and blaze a new trail toward greater joy, fulfillment and spiritual healing. It may not be the kabbalistic new year, but this week we are celebrating the opportunity to start fresh!Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Kabbalah instructor and breathwork specialist @RachelAYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Learn more about working with Rachel at www.weeklyenergyboost.comYou can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
1/1/202437 minutes, 1 second
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Healing Grief and Loss

In this poignant episode, we delve into a profound exploration of grief and healing, enriched with insightful Kabbalah wisdom. Explore the deep connection between grief, trauma, and the body's natural response to loss as well as the intricate ways in which our physical and emotional selves intertwine in the face of profound sorrow. You’re invited to a heartfelt exploration of the soul having a human experience, offering tools and inspiration to those seeking healing in the face of loss.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Karen Adler, MSW, LCSW. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.You can learn more about Karen’s work at You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
12/25/202340 minutes, 12 seconds
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Bonus Mini-Episode: Karen Adler’s Grounding Visualization

Bonus Mini-EpisodeIn this week's Weekly Energy Boost, entitled "Kabbalah and Mental Health", special guest Karen Adler, MSW, LCSW, shared with us how she begins every session with her clients. Now you can use this same visualization to connect deeply with your soul and create more space for Light to take space within you.You can learn more about Karen’s work at You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
12/20/20236 minutes, 48 seconds
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Kabbalah and Mental Health

Embark on a transformative exploration of inner healing and personal growth in this insightful conversation about mental health, Kabbalah and the impact of self-awareness on one’s well being. Discover grounding techniques for relaxation and enhanced focus, and how these techniques can contribute to a more balanced and mindful life. This week our conversation offers wisdom and insights that bridge the gap between the spiritual and the psychological, offering a holistic perspective on emotional healing and personal growth.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Karen Adler, MSW, LCSW. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.You can learn more about Karen’s work at You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
12/18/202347 minutes
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Creating and Maintaining Soulful Connections

This week’s energy encourages us be discerning about the energy exchanges in our relationships and nurturing connections that are aligned with our values. Now more than ever, our environment matters, so we are offering practical insights and spiritual wisdom on creating and maintaining soulful connections in the face of division and challenges. Tune in for a transformative exploration of the profound impact of spirituality on relationships and personal growth.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
12/11/202328 minutes, 47 seconds
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Spiritual Hibernation

While there is great spiritual value in surrounding ourselves with a nurturing and supportive community, there are also times when taking space from people and situations becomes the bravest step to take. Recognizing the difference between stepping away and escaping, as well as how we spend our time alone can determine the quality of reality when we return. Discover the guidelines and goalposts for going within, and how to use solitude for renewal and restoration.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to learn more about what we discuss each week. You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
12/4/202328 minutes
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Turning Hurt into Harmony

There's no way around it; hurt and resentment have detrimental effects on our mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. 'Tis the season to explore options for moving forward, toward personal transformation through acceptance and empathy. Especially when the resentment is toward the Creator, the universe or fortune, the process of "feel it to heal it" can be especially daunting. There is a well paved path to harmony with others and ourselves as outlined by the Kabbalists, and this week we are given the energy and opportunities for release and relief from old wounds and grudges. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @Daniel.Naor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Learn more about Daniel Naor, Tikkune Healing and how they can support you in your spiritual growth at, where you can find a listener discount on all sessions.You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #TurningHurtIntoHarmony #EmotionalHealing #EmpathyPower #SacredHealing #consciousness #spirituality #soul #resentment #TikkunHealing #InnerChildHealing #PositiveTransformation #SpiritualGrowth #MindBodySoul #SelfEmpowerment #HealingJourney #EmbraceYourPain #kabbalahcentre #kabbalah #heart #light
11/27/202341 minutes, 1 second
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Climbing the Ladder of Consciousness

Consciousness is relative to the individual, and therefore the process of climbing the ladder of consciousness is a personal process. Regardless of your pace or past, it requires practicing radical honesty, perspective shifts, overcoming self doubt, transforming negative beliefs, and a focus on gradual yet consistent steps toward personal growth. Kabbalah teaches that consciousness is not something outside ourselves to reach for; consciousness is something within, to be revealed and expressed. Uncover the mindsets and practices, to reach your highest potential, and inspire others to do the same.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @Daniel.Naor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Learn more about Daniel Naor’s, Tikkune Healing and how it can support you in your spiritual growth at, where you can find a listener discount on all sessions.You can also help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #consciousness #kabbalah #elevating #celebration #holidays #growthmindset #kabbalahcentre #soul #transformation #beliefsystems #perspective #meditation #ego #spirituality #doubt #fear #curiosity #purpose #peace
11/20/202343 minutes, 16 seconds
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No More Trading Off

Human beings are wired to seek pleasure and avoid pain, sometimes foregoing much desired long term goodness for a fleeting yet immediate moment of thrill. How can we strive for greatness when we're constantly chasing relief? What are the tools and strategies that can rewire us for lasting greatness and fulfillment? This is the week to reconcile the inner conflict between instant gratification and long term success, so don't miss out on the opportunity to leave behind whatever beliefs, memories and behaviors that are limiting you.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @allisonchapleau. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit us at to connect with the people we are talking with and the things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
11/13/202340 minutes, 16 seconds
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Finding Your Space

This is the week on the kabbalistic calendar that awakened the first real estate transaction in human history. Therefore, the kabbalists teach that this week we can tap into the very same energy that allowed for a Light-filled, profitable transaction. We'll also delve into the principles and tools that the ancient kabbalists revealed for marketing, buying and selling in a way that's win-win for everyone involved. Grab a pen and paper - you'll want to take notes on the how to's of negotiation, sales and success!Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @allisonchapleau. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit us at to connect with the people we are talking with and the things we’re talking about.Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
11/6/202341 minutes, 26 seconds
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Finding Balance In Uncertain Times

Now more than ever, humanity is polarized. Our world seems to be reaching unprecedented levels of extremism. What role do we play in bringing the human race back into balance? What can we as individuals do to make a difference, especially when we don't see ourselves as part of the "problem"? Peace and harmony are within reach, so we're breaking down the mindsets and processes to tip the scales in favor of love and Light. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit us at to connect with the people we are talking with and the things we’re talking about.Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
10/30/202328 minutes, 44 seconds
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Questions and Answers On Relationships

This week, the universe broadcasts a unique frequency that enables us to draw closer to our soulmates, so we're focusing our energies on everything love and relationships! Based upon listener questions about various relationship dynamics from dating and friendships to family and partnerships, this week's episode delivers insightful and empathetic answers, advice, and even personal experiences. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. If you’re ready to create a daily practice from the concepts you hear on Weekly Energy Boost, we recommend Kabbalah 1, a 10-week journey into the foundational principles and tools of Kabbalah. Courses start October Oct 3-Nov 2. Find your language and location here:
10/23/202332 minutes, 19 seconds
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Navigating Chaos

Today we explore the art of navigating chaos and finding inner harmony amidst life's turbulent currents. In this episode, we embark on a journey of discovery as we delve into how to navigate the storms that arise in our lives. Just as a ship navigates through rough seas, you too can navigate chaos by connecting with your inner compass. By finding your point of calm within, you become the captain of your own ship, steering with wisdom and grace.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. If you’re ready to create a daily practice from the concepts you hear on Weekly Energy Boost, we recommend Kabbalah 1, a 10-week journey into the foundational principles and tools of Kabbalah. Courses start October Oct 3-Nov 2. Find your language and location here:
10/16/202330 minutes, 28 seconds
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Total Eclipse Of The Soul

Every month, the new moon and full moon offer us two distinct energetic opportunities. This week marks the end of the month of Libra, the new moon of Scorpio, and a solor eclipse. In 2 weeks, we'll also experience the full moon in Scorpio and a lunar eclipse. Discover how solar and lunar eclipses can serve our spiritual transformation whenever they happen, and specifically what these upcoming occurences can offer us on our quest to express our soul's greatness and influence the world around us.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalss and special guest, Kabbalistic astrologer @MiriamAshkenazi. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we are talking with and the things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
10/9/202336 minutes, 57 seconds
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Happily Ever After

In our quest for joy and happiness, many of us inadvertently put ourselves in the dark by defaulting to fear, scarcity, people pleasing and stressing out. This is the week to increase our capacity for joy and fulfillment, so we're talking about the practices and principles to keep our vibes high and our joyfulness even higher. Discover your own barriers to living happily ever after, and tap into the abundance of expansion and growth that's available in this unique window in time.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. If you’re ready to create a daily practice from the concepts you hear on Weekly Energy Boost, we recommend Kabbalah 1, a 10-week journey into the foundational principles and tools of Kabbalah. Courses start October Oct 3-Nov 2. Find your language and location here: all parents! Elevate your parenting approach, habits and mindset with the help of our Conscious Parenting Guidance Program:
10/2/202336 minutes, 15 seconds
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Meet Your Unmet Potential

There is a unique opportunity in every week of the year, and according to Kabbalah, this week affords us the ability to access our greatest potential. You can absolutely fake it 'til you make it, and you can also discover the wisdom and tools to become the best version of yourself. Hint: its not about productivity! Tune in for a personal and practical conversation between two individuals who are doing this work alongside you, on moving toward the person you don't even realize that you can become. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @MordechayBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit us at to connect with the people we are talking with and the things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #kabbalah #soul #renewal #spirituality #consciousness #rejuvenation #restart #reboot #sukkot #happiness #newyear #fulfillment #kabbalahcentre #light #freshstart #newbeginnings #rebirth #manifestation #love #connection #peace
9/24/202335 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to Open Your Heart

EXTENDED EPISODE + MEDITATION (meditation begins at 36:15)Our consciousness is a broadcast to the universe, attracting to us the people and situations that can best help us reach our potential. When we learn to slow down our brain waves and direct our intentions to operate more from a heart spece, we unlock barriers and blockages that formerly prevented us from experience joy, connection and fulfillment on a daily basis. Delve into the mysteries of the heart and soul and experience a truly heart healing episode.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest and Sacred Sounds creator Yehuda Ashkenazi @Ashke72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit us at to join the special Sacred Sounds experience for Weekly Energy Boost listeners and learn more about Yehuda Ashkenazi’s work.Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #kabbalah #love #soul #brainwaves #healing #frequency #vibration #chakras #mindfulness #consciousness #kabbalahcentre #hebrew #
9/19/20231 hour, 14 minutes, 21 seconds
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Awakening The Soul: Spiritual Rebirth, Rejuvenation and Renewal

Whether you're seeking to reignite your passion, restore your sense of purpose, or simply immerse yourself in the healing energy of renewal, this episode offers a tapestry of insights and practices to guide you on your path. Join us as we dive deep into the essence of spiritual rejuvenation, uncovering time-honored kabbalistic wisdom that guides us towards personal transformation and spiritual rebirth.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @MordechayBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Register here to live stream Rosh Hashanah with us for a year of rebirth, rejuvenation and renewal: us at to connect with the people we are talking with and the things we’re talking about.Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
9/11/202335 minutes, 22 seconds
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Creating Unity

Join us as we embark on an exploration of the art of unity. We'll uncover timeless wisdom that offer insights into the principles and practices that foster unity among individuals and beyond. Through meaningful conversations, personal stories, and guided reflections, we'll help you discover the keys to creating a world of oneness.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we are talking with and the things we’re talking about.Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #unity #oneness #together #light #soul #consciousness #separation #distance #empathy #space #illusion #light #creator #kabbalahcentre #goals #expectations #leadership #united #spirituality
9/4/202330 minutes, 35 seconds
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When To Extend A Helping Hand: Empathy In Action

Explore the delicate balance of knowing when to step in and offer support, guidance, or assistance to others while also empowering ourselves in the process. Join us as we navigate the complexities of understanding when intervention is necessary and when it's appropriate to step back and let others navigate their own paths. Tune in to this enlightening episode as we navigate the journey of empowering others while nurturing our own growth and fulfillment along the way. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Be a part of our Weekly Energy Boost Global Community on WhatsApp via the link in our bio.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
8/28/202332 minutes, 42 seconds
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Presence: How To Have It, How To Be It

This week invites us to reflect on the moments of transition and departure in our own journeys. As we walk out the door how do we create a presence that can affect peoples lives? How and why should we become more magnetic and show that we are present to all things, all people, all situations. Tap into the energy of the week and learn the art of presence.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Be a part of our Weekly Energy Boost Global Community on WhatsApp via the link in our bio.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
8/21/202325 minutes, 13 seconds
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Quieting The Judge Within: Empowering Self-Compassion

In this transformative episode, we delve into the profound journey of quieting the critical inner voice and embracing the boundless power of self-compassion. Join us as we explore the profound impact self-judgment can have on our lives, preventing us from reaching our full potential. Whether you're battling self-doubt, struggling with past mistakes, or simply seeking greater self-acceptance, this episode is a powerful resource to nurture a compassionate inner dialogue and break free from the confines of self-judgment.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Be a part of our Weekly Energy Boost Global Community on WhatsApp via the link in our bio.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution #Empower #SelfCompassion #InnerPeace #minfulness #MindfulnessMatters #SelfLove #EmbraceYourself #PositiveMindset #tranform #MindfulGrowth #SelfCompassion #LoveYourself #love #Wellness #SelfAwareness #mentalhealth #SelfKindness #InnerStrength #HealthyMindset #SelfEmpowerment #SelfAcceptance #PersonalGrowth #EmbracingChange #SelfDiscovery #kabbalahcentre
8/14/202327 minutes, 20 seconds
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When is it OK to (Not) Break the Rules

This week we explore the invisible barriers we construct for ourselves, often unknowingly limiting our potential and preventing us from reaching new heights. If you’re ready to step outside the comfort zone, and break the shackles of self-imposed rules, then this episode is a must-listen. Get ready to redefine what's possible as we break boundaries and free ourselves from the limitations that have held us back for far too long. It's time to embrace the full extent of our potential and open the door to a life of limitless growth and fulfillment.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Be a part of our Weekly Energy Boost Global Community on WhatsApp via the link in our bio.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
8/7/202333 minutes, 56 seconds
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When You Feel Trapped

Have you ever felt trapped in a situation, by someone's presence, or even in your own reality? We often unconsciously allow our culture, family, heritage - even society - to define us, which can create a feeling of helplessness and confined. Kabbalah teaches that we have all of the answers within us - learn how to tap into that wisdom and let go of the expectations you, your upbringing and society to live more freely and authentically aligned with your essence.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Be a part of our Weekly Energy Boost Global Community on WhatsApp via the link in our bio.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution #consciousness #desire #beliefsystem #pause #fulfillment #soul #ego #rules #light #mindfulness #motivation #inspiration #breakfree #cyclebreaker #trauma #limitations #visualization #meditation #negativity #positivity #kabbalahcentre
7/31/202335 minutes, 4 seconds
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Our Words Made Manifest: Transforming Our Physical Reality

Do our words and actions have the power to shape our reality? The concept of making a vow or an oath is central to this episode, as it teaches us that by making a conscious commitment, we can actively transform our circumstances and manifest our desired outcomes. By making conscious choices, we can actively transform our reality and manifest our desired outcome. We will discuss practical tools as to how we can tap into the power of our words and actions to create the life we want this week and beyond. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Yehuda Yeshurun @yudayesh. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Be a part of our Weekly Energy Boost Global Community on WhatsApp: us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution #manifestation #vows #oaths #tribal #realitycreation #personalpower #spiritualgrowth #mindsetmatters #wordsofwisdom #lawofattraction #chooseyourwords #consciouscommitment #manifesting #createyourreality #kabbalah #vow #marriage #divorce #truth #kabbalahcentre
7/24/202339 minutes, 43 seconds
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Astrology On Money & Success: Part Two of Two

Welcome to part two of our two part series on kabbalistic astrology and its influence on our financial journey and overall success. Discover how the cosmic energies in your birth chart can shed light on your relationship with money and illuminate kabbalistic lessons and past-life experiences that influence your work, career, and financial prospects. Unlock the secrets of the second house, the house of money, and explore how the ruling element of this house guides your energy, attitude, and activities for wealth creation. Learn about the planets that reflect success and abundance, as well as those that may present challenges on your path to achievement. We also explore the Midheaven sign, a powerful tool to gain deeper insights into your career path and aspirations. Tune in for an empowering boost of astrological wisdom to manifest financial abundance this week and unlock your true potential for success for life.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Kabbalistic Astrologer @MiriamAshkenazi. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to for our 20% discount code for kabbalistic astrological chart readings with Miriam Ashkenazi.Be a part of our Weekly Energy Boost Global Community on WhatsApp: #FinancialAbundance #KarmicLessons #DivineGuidance #WealthCreation #SuccessMindset #CareerAlignment #SpiritualProsperity #CelestialInfluences #ZodiacWisdom #Kabbalah #FinancialAstrology #KabbalisticPerspective #DivineTiming #ManifestingAbundance #CosmicEnergies #AstrologyPodcast #MoneyManifestation #SoulPurpose #KabbalahCentre
7/17/202343 minutes, 5 seconds
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Astrology On Money & Success: Part One of Two

Welcome to part one of our two part series on kabbalistic astrology and its influence on our financial journey and overall success. Discover how the cosmic energies in your birth chart can shed light on your relationship with money and illuminate kabbalistic lessons and past-life experiences that influence your work, career, and financial prospects. Unlock the secrets of the second house, the house of money, and explore how the ruling element of this house guides your energy, attitude, and activities for wealth creation. Learn about the planets that reflect success and abundance, as well as those that may present challenges on your path to achievement.We also explore the Midheaven sign, a powerful tool to gain deeper insights into your career path and aspirations. Tune in for an empowering boost of astrological wisdom to manifest financial abundance this week and unlock your true potential for success for life. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Kabbalistic Astrologer @MiriamAshkenazi. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit to for our 20% discount code for kabbalistic astrological chart readings with Miriam Ashkenazi.Be a part of our Weekly Energy Boost Global Community on WhatsApp: #FinancialAbundance #KarmicLessons #DivineGuidance #WealthCreation #SuccessMindset #CareerAlignment #SpiritualProsperity #CelestialInfluences #ZodiacWisdom #Kabbalah #FinancialAstrology #KabbalisticPerspective #DivineTiming #ManifestingAbundance #CosmicEnergies #AstrologyPodcast #MoneyManifestation #SoulPurpose #KabbalahCentre
7/10/202332 minutes, 54 seconds
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BONUS EPISODE: Healing Meditation with Yehuda Ashkenazi

It is important to recognize the empty spaces in our lives. Awareness is the first step, then action to create unity. This can be done by respect and unconditional love towards others. You do not need to agree with someone else’s point of view, but you must be tolerant and understanding. By having tolerance of others, you begin to stop judging and remove space. We must also remember to unconditionally love and respect ourselves. This can be accomplished by accepting who we are and loving ourselves with all our human qualities. These actions have the power to prevent and block negativity from entering our lives.Simply ask yourself: What is the space I need to close in my life? What is the space I must close with another person? How can I accept someone simply based on who they are and be tolerant of different opinions and views? By asking these questions, you will draw down the cosmic energy of healing. This energy will assist you in doing your work and helping remove chaos, pain and suffering from your life and the world. Simply allow unconditional love to enter your heart and share it with everyone. This meditation contains Hebrew letter sequences and mantras from the teachings of Kabbalah. To learn more about these meditations please visit:
7/5/202324 minutes, 29 seconds
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Remote and Spontaneous Healing: Healing Others Through Mystical Means

This week, the universe gifts us with the energy of healing on all levels - physical, emotional, spiritual and mental. You can take advantage of this assistance for yourself and others, through understanding the why and the how, as well as through hearing about others' healing journeys. We'll also be exploring the roles intention and connection in the process of healing and how we can use these principles to create positive change in the world. Delve with us into the fascinating topic of remote healing and discover ways to use metaphysical means to heal ourselves and others.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Sound Healing expert Yehuda Ashkenazi @ashke72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Be a part of our Weekly Energy Boost Global Community on WhatsApp: us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
7/3/202344 minutes, 28 seconds
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Altered States and Ancient Insights: Drugs, Plant Medicine and Spirituality

It seems like everywhere you go someone is talking about plant medicine, or their journey to altered states. But what does Kabbalah and the Zohar have to say about this? We know that drugs can have devasting effects on mind and body, not to mention families. We dig into a contemporary discourse on drugs and plant medicine and investigate the hype in contrast with sage wisdom.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Join our Weekly Energy Boost Global Community on WhatsApp: Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution #Mushrooms #Psychedelics #PlantMedicine #InnerJourney #ExpandedConsciousness #SpiritualExploration #HealingJourney #HigherStates #ShamanicTraditions #MindBodySpirit #Entheogens #SacredMedicine #InnerTransformation #Psychonaut #Sages #kabbalah #kabbalahcentre #energy #consciousness #spirituality
6/26/202326 minutes, 46 seconds
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Quantum Consciousness: The Reality of Our Lives

This week we tackle how the way we observe or choose not to observe has a quantum affect on the outcome in our lives. Observation is a foundational principle of quantum consciousness as well as the wisdom of Kabbalah. We will investigate how our words, perspectives and curiosity can reshape our reality and create miracles, and we'll break down the barriers that prevent us from maintaining a neutral and unbiased consciousness despite the 'facts' and 'evidence'. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest Yehuda Yeshurun @yudayesh. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
6/19/202340 minutes, 38 seconds
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From Bitter To Blissful: Transforming The Sometimes Bitter Taste Of Life

We all have those moments when life can seem bitter and dark. Whether it's a difficult situation at work, a strained relationship, or something else, it can be hard to shake off the negative feelings and see the brighter side of things. Discover the tools that can help you move past bitterness and start living the life you deserve. If you're dealing with a specific challenge or just looking for ways to live a more fulfilling life, we are sharing wisdom around the energy of this week to gain practical tools for a 'sweeter' life.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Join us for a 10 week course that will change your life: Kabbalah 1 is a catalyst that shifts your perspective of reality and positively impacts your life. It is the action. The spark. The first step in a chain of events that gets you closer to reaching your desires. Learn more: a copy of Marc Brackett’s book “Permission to Feel” excerpted in this week’s episode: Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution #OvercomingBitterness #InnerPeace #PositiveThinking #Grudges #Forgiveness #Mindfulness #kabbalahcentre #SpiritualGrowth #Transformation #EmotionalHealing #NegativeEmotions #kabbalah #JourneyToHappiness #FindYourBliss #ChangeYourMindset #ElevateYourSoul #LiveYourBestLife #spirituality
6/12/202331 minutes, 49 seconds
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Startup Consciousness: Failing Faster

How does the entrepreneurial concept of "failing fast" apply to our spiritual lives? What is failure really, and what can we do to keep ourselves from failing tests and making mistakes? Learn how to reframe your perspective on failure so you can use it as a tool for growth and transformation, and as a means of deepening your connection to your own inner wisdom and divine nature. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Join us for a 10 week course that will change your life: Kabbalah 1 is a catalyst that shifts your perspective of reality and positively impacts your life. It is the action. The spark. The first step in a chain of events that gets you closer to reaching your desires. Learn more: us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
6/5/202330 minutes, 6 seconds
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Eat, Pray, Judge: The Energy of Elevating

Even the most spiritual people can be compelled to criticize, sometimes in the name of helping others, and sometimes because they can't help themselves. Delve with us into the underlying motives for criticism, the importance of self-awareness as a tool for healing judgmental tendencies, and techniques to cultivate a more loving and compassionate approach toward ourselves and everyone around us.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Join us for a 10 week course that will change your life: Kabbalah 1 is a catalyst that shifts your perspective of reality and positively impacts your life. It is the action. The spark. The first step in a chain of events that gets you closer to reaching your desires. Learn more: us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
5/29/202331 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Soul's Progress: Measuring Our Spiritual Growth and Fulfillment

How can we measure something that isn't tangible or quantifiable? How does our spiritual progress compare to everyone else's? The wisdom of Kabbalah offers tools and techniques for tracking our spiritual progress and understanding the signs of spiritual evolution, and offering insights and guidance on how to stay motivated and on track in our spiritual journey. We discuss the role of spiritual practice, self-reflection, and inner work in our journey, and share Kabbalistic teachings and real-life experiences of cultivating a deeper connection to the divine and our own soul. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @Daniel.Naor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Open yourself to the unlimited possibilities that lie beyond your belief systems and the habits that no longer serve you with Tikkun Healing Sessions: Coupon code: TH25Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution #selfdiscovery #innerwork #personalgrowth #selfimprovement #souljourney #kabbalah #kabbalahcentre #mysticism #wisdom #selfreflection #meditation #contemplation #mindfulness #innerpeace #soul #ego #consciousness #proactive #reactive
5/22/202349 minutes, 44 seconds
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Why Helping Others Feeds Ourselves: Insights from the Spiritual Path of Giving

Sharing is essential in modern society, and science concurs that its good for our health. Kabbalah takes sharing a step further: sharing is the reason we are alive. In this episode, we share teachings that underscore the essential nature of giving and how it makes for a fulfilling and meaningful life, as well as inspiring stories of individuals who used their gifts and talents to make a difference in the world. Discover how sharing is a key ingredient in our own fulfillment and the ways in which we can use our resources and talents to make a difference in the world.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @Daniel.Naor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Open yourself to the unlimited possibilities that lie beyond your belief systems and the habits that no longer serve you with Tikkun Healing Sessions: Coupon code: TH25Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution #charity #service #feedingothers #transformingtheworld #spiritualpath #personaltransformation #globaltransformation #kabbalah #compassion #empathy #selflessness #altruism #generosity #kabbalahcentre #consciousness #soul #gifts #talents #kindness #humanity
5/15/202343 minutes, 38 seconds
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Rebuilding Trust: Making Things Whole

How do we earn trust and continue to trust? What happens when we need to heal and repair betrayal and deception in relationships? Tune in for ancient prescriptions as well as real life stories of the process of spiritually repairing relationships. This episode contains both restorative and preventative "medicine" for strengthening bonds between ourselves and our loved ones, as well as ourselves and the Lightforce of the Creator.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
5/8/202330 minutes, 57 seconds
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Leaving a Spiritual Legacy

How do we leave a meaningful and impactful legacy for future generations? How can we distinguish between what is worth our time and energy and what isn't? Why is making a difference such an intrinsic part of living a spiritual life? Delve with us into kabbalistic insights and and real life stories about how to use our energy and effort to make a positive difference in the world that will honor our spiritual journey yesterday, today and tomorrow.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
5/1/202333 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Kabbalah of Death: The Most Joyful Way To Die

According to Kabbalah teachings, death is not an end, but rather a transition from one state of being to another. The soul is believed to pass through different levels of consciousness and spiritual evolution, eventually reunited with the divine source. Embark on a discovery of this process to better understand your own life and journey as we unearth kabbalistic secrets and wisdom about the soul's journey after life.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
4/24/202326 minutes, 44 seconds
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Spiritual Meaning Behind Birth: A Kabbalistic Perspective

Birth is a sacred and miraculous event, marking the arrival of a new soul into the world. According to Kabbalah, every person is created in the image of God and is imbued with divine potential and purpose. The birth of a child is traditionally celebrated with great joy and thanksgiving, and many customs and rituals surround the event of childbirth. Learn more about our beginnings in the journey towards fulfilling one's divine potential and purpose. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @MordechayBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
4/17/202340 minutes, 51 seconds
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Spiritual Sanctuary: Tips for Building Your Own

Kabbalah emphasizes the significance of spiritual space and this week we have the support to build our own personal sanctuary no matter where we may be. Discover what to do when you dont have a private location, how to incorporate elements that are meaningful to you, and the inner and exterior aspects of creating a sanctuary for one's spiritual practice. Find out how ritual and intention can establish a sacred space and how to incorporate these elements into your practice.Learn more about Kabbalistic Space Cleansing: us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @MordechayBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
4/10/202343 minutes, 10 seconds
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Finding Your Inner Leader: A Soul's Perspective

It's time to delve into the topic of leadership and how to effectively lead in both business and life. Spirituality can play a powerful role in cultivating strong leadership skills, such as empathy, vulnerability, and authenticity. From setting a clear vision and inspiring others to making tough decisions and leading with purpose, this conversation offers practical advice and spiritual insights for anyone looking to take on a leadership role in their personal or professional lives.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
4/3/202330 minutes, 43 seconds
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Bringing Closure: A Spiritual Guide to Ending Things

This week we discuss "ending things" from a spiritual perspective. Join us as we explore the challenges and opportunities that come with bringing closure to various aspects of our lives, whether it be relationships, careers, or personal goals. Learn practical tools on how to navigate the often-difficult process of letting go and finding peace in the endings of life. Through a combination of personal anecdotes and spiritual wisdom, this episode offers a thought-provoking and uplifting look at the transformative power of ending things.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
3/27/202331 minutes, 16 seconds
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Q&A: Mystical Kabbalistic Facts Part I

You asked, we answer! This episode is dedicated to what our listeners want to know about Kabbalstic practices and principles. From the concept of tzimtzum and the tree of life, to the belief in reincarnation and the importance of tikkun, our conversation offers a wealth of knowledge and insights for those interested in learning more about Kabbalah. Whether you are new to Kabbalah or have been studying it for years, we invite you to join the discussion and keep asking questions!Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution #mysticism #wisdom #knowledge #selfimprovement #selfdiscovery #innerwisdom #innerpeace #personalgrowth #souljourney #enlightenment #truth #understanding #kabbalahcentre #transformation
3/20/202339 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Kabbalah of Public Speaking: A Fear Worse Than Death

Whether your audience is your partner, your office, your family or adoring fans, Kabbalah can help us overcome the fear of public speaking. Discover the spiritual principles for inner strength and confidence when standing in front of an audience and practical tips for calming the nerves and channeling positive energy. By delving into the wisdom of Kabbalah, we unearth a unique and uplifting approach to conquering the fear of public speaking. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Send your questions to [email protected], DM us @weeklyenergyboost, or click the contact button at to submit your questions for next week's Q and A episode!Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about.Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
3/13/202325 minutes, 52 seconds
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Shine Brighter: Being a Light When We Don't Feel It

Whether your audience is your partner, your office, your family or adoring fans, Kabbalah can help us overcome the fear of public speaking. Discover the spiritual principles for inner strength and confidence when standing in front of an audience and practical tips for calming the nerves and channeling positive energy. By delving into the wisdom of Kabbalah, we unearth a unique and uplifting approach to conquering the fear of public speaking. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about.Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
3/6/202328 minutes, 12 seconds
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Finding Your Inner Compass: A Spiritual Approach to Making Big Things Happen

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things may not change in the way we want or expect. This can be frustrating and disheartening, but it is important to remember that change is a journey, not a destination. By letting go of the need to control the outcome and focusing on the present moment, we can find greater peace and acceptance in the face of change.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @MordechayBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
2/27/202342 minutes, 7 seconds
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Loving the Haters

Imagine yourself facing those who criticize or oppose you with understanding and compassion, rather than with anger or resentment. While this can be difficult, it is possible, if we can let go of the ego's need for validation instead focusing on compassion and understanding. Tune into this week's episode and learn valuable tools to help you love the haters!Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @Batya_Solomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
2/20/202334 minutes, 39 seconds
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Spiritual Downtime

Meaningful spiritual expansion requires setting aside dedicated time for rest, reflection, and connection with the divine. Discover practical tips and insights for incorporating regular periods of spiritual downtime into your life, and understand the benefits of taking time to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and connect with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning. Whether you are looking for ways to recharge and rejuvenate, or simply want to find more time for spiritual practice and contemplation, this episode offers the practical whys and methodology of taking spiritual downtime.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @MordechayBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about.Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
2/13/202341 minutes, 4 seconds
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Chasing Greatness: A Spiritual Guide To Achieving Your Dreams

Greatness is not in what we achieve, but in what we overcome. This week we delve into and examine the intense discipline and passion that fuels the pursuit of greatness. From our relationships with mentors, teachers, writers, and the loved ones around us, this episode offers a thought-provoking look at what it takes to achieve greatness - which is the greatest expression of our unique Light. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about.Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
2/6/202339 minutes, 28 seconds
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Deleting Doubt: The Spiritual Path to Confidence

How badly would you like to overcome the doubts and insecurities that hold you back in life? Explore practical tips and and techniques for boosting self-confidence and trusting in one's own abilities. From journaling and meditation to visualization and setting positive affirmations, this episode offers a range of strategies for deleting doubt and embracing a more positive and confident mindset.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @Batya_Solomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
1/30/202341 minutes, 56 seconds
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Transforming Weakness into Strength

Weakness becomes strength when we acknowledge and embrace our vulnerabilities and limitations rather than trying to hide or deny them. By doing so, we tap into our natural power and resilience, and use our weaknesses as a source of strength and growth. Learn how to embrace weakness, cultivate resilience, awaken compassion, and manifest the ability to navigate life's challenges with grace and ease in this weeks episode.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about.Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
1/23/202334 minutes, 30 seconds
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Free Yourself From Patterns

How can we break free from patterns that no longer serve us? Kabbalah offers the principle of Tikkun, or "repair." Bringing awareness to our thoughts and actions in the present moment helps us break free of limiting patterns and as a result, heal ourselves and the world. This week, we will learn to how to see the shells that conceal our true nature, and detach from behaviors that keep you trapped in these ultimately unfulfilling patterns.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #badhabits #negativepatterns #patterns #freedom #growth #selfhelp #transformation #kabbalahcentre #blessings #souls #energy #giving #manifestation #love #spirituality #kabbalah #sharing #success #certainty #happiness #lack #fulfillment #abundance
1/16/202335 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Power in Pain

Pain is generally perceived as a negative experience, when kabbalistically it is regarded as positive and purposeful. This week learn why pain exists and what it can indicate, and discover ways to use it to your benefit. Once you have a better understanding of pain, then you can see it for what it truly is... an opportunity for growth.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
1/9/202337 minutes, 42 seconds
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Spiritual Routine 2023

A spiritual routine can provide structure and purpose to one's life, help foster a sense of connection to a higher power and provide a greater sense of meaning and purpose. Use this New Year to engage in inner growth and self-awareness by incorporating kabbalistic tools for spiritual fulfillment, helping us to live a more deep meaningful and fulfilling life.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
1/2/202333 minutes, 37 seconds
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When You Don't See Results

We live in a world driven by the results. When we don't see results, we immediately assume that we are doing or have done something wrong, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. This week, gain clarity about having a greater vision for life, as well as the tools to see the hidden beauty in all of our efforts. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
12/26/202230 minutes
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Wait For It: The Power of Pause

Pausing is one of the most powerful tools we have. When you learn to wait, you gain control over your life. Avoid the chaos of a reactive life by learning tools to embrace a proactive one. Join us as we dive deep into the power of the pause and learn tools to overcome our reactivity. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
12/19/202233 minutes, 11 seconds
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Settling for More

More often than not, we settle for less when we could be settling for more. Kabbalah teaches that what we receive in life directly correlates to what we choose to settle for. This week, gain the insights and tools to help identify how you are settling and discover the abundant ways we can rise above.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
12/12/202233 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Divine Messengers Around and Inside Us: How to Make Sense of it All

The universe is always trying to communicate with us but many times we are not listening. Becoming more in tune with what's happening all around us can expand our daily experiences of connection and fufillment. Join us in exploring ways to tap into these messages, messengers and how make sense of it all.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Yehuda Yeshurun (@yudayesh). Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about.  Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #reactivity #proactive #hesitation #timing #letgo #growth #selfhelp #transformation #kabbalahcentre #blessings #souls #energy #giving #manifestation #love #spirituality #kabbalah #sharing #success #certainty #happiness #lack #fulfillment #abundance
12/5/202247 minutes, 41 seconds
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Making the First Move: When to Go First

Whether we lean toward hesitation or analysis paralysis, we miss 100% of the shots we don't take. This week, we'll talk through the dos and don'ts of proativity, pausing and the Kabbalistic energy of the week that guides us through making the first move (or not!).Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about.  Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
11/28/202235 minutes, 2 seconds
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Let Go of Recognition: Receive More

We all crave approval and recognition, whether we are aware of it or not. This quest for external validation ultimately stands in the way of our receiving all that we truly desire. This week, we'll discuss how to let go of the need for recognition to make way for more.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
11/21/202231 minutes, 40 seconds
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Leading Without Followers

History's greatest leaders led with certainty beyond logic when others could not. Where does that kind of conviction come from, and how can we use it to lead our own remarkable lives? How can we add value, maintain integrity, and not NEED to know the outcome or the reward? This week, join us as we break down the keys to remaining true to ourselves while raising the bar in our service to others.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at #selfhelp #transformation #kabbalahcentre #blessings #souls #energy #giving #manifestation #love #spirituality #kabbalah #sharing #influencer #followers #success #leader #certainty #happiness #leadership #fulfillment #abundance
11/15/202232 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Antidote to Pain

When faced with any kind of pain, our typical reaction is to run, avoid or numb ourselves. Even when things can seem hard, going outside of ourselves to give to others in those moments is what also helps heal us. This week learn how to use the power of sharing to overcome life's challenges.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
11/7/202234 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to “BE” a Soulmate to “HAVE” a Soulmate

We all want our soulmate, but what does it mean to BE a soulmate? Regardless of if we are currently coupled or not - this week we talk about how to show up like a soulmate in every relationship in our lives. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution
10/31/202234 minutes, 9 seconds
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Tuning into The New Moon of Scorpio: Healing Our Souls and Healing our Bodies

The moon is a powerful force in our lives, yet we pay little attention to it. What practical benefits do we receive when we pay close attention to it, and what if we don't pay any attention at all? This week we delve deeper into this powerful compass of spirituality, especially as we begin the month of Scorpio, notorious for its extreme spiritual weather.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution #moonrituals #astrology #love #moon #balance #manifest #miracles #manifestation #kabbalah #spirituality #limitless #abundance #fulfillment #happiness #joy #growth #selfhelp #transformation #kabbalahcentre #blessings #souls #energy #kabbalah
10/24/202232 minutes, 37 seconds
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Creating Everything from Nothing

Kabbalah teaches that we are here to create in the world and our lives. This week's conversation takes us on a journey toward how we can use tools and the energy of this week to create new beginnings and to come from a place of nothing to build everything.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @davidghiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Visit us at to connect with the people we’re talking with and things we’re talking about. Help make Weekly Energy Boost possible by making a tax-deductible contribution at
10/16/202234 minutes, 30 seconds
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Why Does it Take Time to Manifest...Or Does it?

This week is a powerful time to manifest, grow, and immerse ourselves in an energy that will generate miracles for the coming 365 days. Manifestation isn’t manipulation and it isn’t new agey either; the Kabbalists have been teaching it for millennia. Learn how to manifest the energy of this week and transform your entire year.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @MordechayBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
10/9/202244 minutes, 36 seconds
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7 Self Love Practices for Males and Females

Everyone everywhere is talking about self-love. But what does self-love really mean? Does self-love need to be indulgent and selfish? This week is about better listening to ourselves and tuning into our deepest needs, which always originate on the soul level. Join us for the next WeeklyEnergy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @MordechayBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
10/3/202246 minutes, 13 seconds
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Drinking Our Own Poison and Being Our Own Cure

We all carry grudges; some last longer than others. The emotional gratification of carrying a grudge can pay a heavy physical and spiritual toll - holding us back in every aspect of our lives. Tune in for the wisdom and tools to release grudges completely and permanently.Join us for the next WeeklyEnergy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.#spirituality #sacrifice #certainty #freedom #motivation #selfcare #selflove #obligation #compromise #choices #kabbalah #cure #healing #jealous #envy #pride #anger #depression #cure #cancer #lack #love #lesson #spirituality #vibration #kabbalahcentre
9/25/202233 minutes, 42 seconds
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A Lighter Way of Being: Living Like its the First Day of our Soul and the Last Day in our Bodies

What is Being versus Doing? Why do we feel heavier at times and lighter in others? How can we feel freedom in all things daily, weekly, and yearly? Discover how to use FOMO as a spiritual tool to energize and invigorate every area of our lives.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.#death #life #fulfillment #purpose #rebirth #afterlife #alone #living #kabbalah #miracles #manifestation #spirituality #limitless #surprise #abundance #happiness #love #joy #growth #selfhelp #selfcare #vessel #open #deserve #transformation #kabbalahcentre #blessings #souls #energy #kabbalah
9/19/202233 minutes, 58 seconds
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Kabbalistic Blessings and Curses: How to Protect Our Souls and Live Every Day in Miracles

What does it mean to be blessed? Why do we often feel the opposite? Learn from some of the most ancient teachings that still resonate today, taking us from a lackluster life to a luminous life. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @BatyaSolomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.#miracles #manifestation #kabbalah #spirituality #limitless #surprise #abundance #fulfillment #happiness #love #joy #growth #selfhelp #selfcare #vessel #open #deserve #transformation #kabbalahcentre #blessings #souls #energy
9/12/202236 minutes, 3 seconds
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Tap Into The Most Powerful Energy Of The Year

We are in the midst of tremendous energy according to the kabbalists, not simply this week. This is a period that can shift our entire year to come and potentially move our lives in new directions. The vault is open and we can choose to create new realities once we are aware of them. This week we share how to tap into and harness this power to create everything we want for the coming year. Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @BatyaSolomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
9/5/202240 minutes, 22 seconds
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Raise Your Vibe: How To Live in an Elevated State in Unelevated Times with Unelevated People

We all go through ups and downs, and even on our most conscious days, can be weighed down by external situations and people. Learn practical ways to raise your vibration, protect your energy, and remain in integrity with our purest intentions and soul desires.Join us for the next WeeklyEnergy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.#kabbalah #energy #positive #negative #light #soul #wisdom #consciousness #transformation #ego #light #enlightenment #awareness #mindfulness #vibe #vibration #affinityofform #attraction #powerofnow #kabbalahcentre
8/29/202235 minutes, 50 seconds
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Deserving Miracles

Miracles CAN happen every day; how and when they happen depend on you. There is a simple, ancient, kabbalistic miracle formula and the secret ingredient is your effort. This week, discover the steps to take and the effort to make in order to activate your potential for miracles.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. #miracles #manifestation #kabbalah #spirituality #limitless #surprise #abundance #fulfillment #happiness #love #joy #growth #selfhelp #selfcare #vessel #open #deserve #transformation #kabbalahcentre
8/22/202239 minutes, 21 seconds
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Breaking Bad Belief Systems

We all have belief systems and our own ways of looking at the world. Sometimes they help us and sometimes they harm us. How can we see what biases we hold? How can clean our spiritual lenses and move beyond our limiting beliefs and biases?Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @DanielNaor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.#kabbalah #limitingbeliefs #change #schedule #selfhelp #selfcare #wellness #illusions #growth #mindset #limited #unlimited #limitless #beliefs #therapy #cbt #nlp #overcome #wisdom #spirituality #kabbalahcentre
8/15/202242 minutes, 52 seconds
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Two is Better than One

Many of us strive to be the best, to be the first, to outdo the competition... but is it really better to be number one? The Kabbalists offer a more peaceful path to success, which isn't spiritually synonymous with being number one. Rise to the occasion this week with the tools and wisdom to help you best yourself every time.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and #DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.#kabbalah #love #winning #pair #relationship #partner #work #spirituality #lonely #career #marriage #kabbalahcentre #dating #solo #transformation #change #teamwork #ego #light #wisdom
8/8/202235 minutes, 31 seconds
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Spiritual Mind Games

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the universe and everything in it constantly conspires to bring out the best in us. So why does it feel like most people and situations bring out the worst in us? This week, we unpack the illusions of life on planet earth and how to tap into the real reality behind the facades, so you can learn how to trick yourself into seeing and experiencing the truth.
8/1/202239 minutes, 34 seconds
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Manifesting Millions

Kabbalists believe that there is a specific resonance to money and that there is a recipe for attracting abundance. Sit down with resident manifestor Batya Solomon as she shares unique aspects of money and what those secrets can reveal in our lives.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @Batya_Solomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
7/25/202237 minutes, 53 seconds
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Spiritual Consequences

Thoughts, words, and actions have power. When we make a promise or commit to action, on a spiritual level the deed is done. What happens when we fail to fulfill our promises and commitments? How can we stay true to our word when so much is not in our control? Discover the principles and tools to strengthen your inner compass, and increase the chances of your follow through and manifestation.
7/18/202234 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Kabbalistic Guide to Healing

Today more than ever, humanity has access to conventional and alternative healing methods, yet complete wellness eludes so many. Where does the energy of healing come from? What is spiritual healing? Discover the kabbalistic wisdom around healing ourselves and others, this week and beyond. Learn more about Tikkune Healing here: @weeklyenergyboost@[email protected]
7/11/202250 minutes, 55 seconds
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Listen to Your Listening

Listening isn't always about what the other person is saying. When you learn how to listen beyond words, you can get to the heart of the desires behind them. This week discover thesecrets to listening and how to be heard.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.#listen #hear #heart #words #care #respond #kabbalahcentre #compassion #love #happiness #kabbalah #kabbalahcentre #selflove #goals #purpose #spiritualawakening #presence #consciousness #spiritual #healing #communication #mindfulness #lightworker #wisdom #awareness #soul #life #higherconsciousness #spirituality #transformation
7/4/202228 minutes, 59 seconds
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Kabbalah and Near Death Experiences

What is death? What happens to the soul between lifetimes? Why would someone have a near death experience? Discover the kabbalistic answers to these questions and more as we hear from Batya Solomon's first hand experience with clinical death.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @Batya_Solomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
6/27/202249 minutes, 37 seconds
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Love for No Reason

We can feel anger and hatred for all the "right" reasons, and sometimes even for the wrong ones. Learn how to love to others and yourself for no reason and discover the greatest gift one could ever receive.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.#love #hate #giving #give #care #giveback #kabbalahcentre #compassion #love #happiness #kabbalah #kabbalahcentre #selflove #goals #purpose #spiritualawakening #meditation #consciousness #spiritual #healing #enlightenment #mindfulness #lightworker #wisdom #awareness #soul #life #higherconsciousness #spirituality #transformation
6/20/202232 minutes, 17 seconds
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Coffee with the Creator

What if all you had to do to get more out of life was just ask? This week learn how a more personal relationship with the Creator can benefit you and the world around you.
6/13/202245 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Kabbalistic Path to Inner Peace

Many cultures and spiritual practices talk about the myth of inner peace, but what does Kabbalah have to say on the subject? Is it attainable - why does it elude us - and how can we get it? This week we delve into the kabbalistic principles and practices that can help us attain and maintain inner peace.
6/7/202246 minutes, 36 seconds
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A Rude Awakening

It seems thst everywhere we turn we hear about awakenings. What is an awakening? Is an awakening spontaneous, or can we awaken ourselves? Take a journey into the world of waking up and staying spiritually alert, and be a part of waking up the world as well.
5/30/202241 minutes, 41 seconds
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Building a Spiritually Solid Foundation

Generating spiritual success is no different than physical success; both start with a strong and solid foundation, quality materials, and the best team. Discover the wisdom and tools to support yourself and the world around you to create the greatest odds for long-term success no matter what you are building.
5/23/202232 minutes, 48 seconds
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Making Bad Times Good

We can do much more with lemons than just make lemonade. What we call "bad" can actually be good if you know what to do with them. This week's episode will provide you with the spiritual ingredients and recipes for squeezing the most out of every seemingly dark situation you may face in life.
5/16/202233 minutes, 30 seconds
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Living an Effortless Life

We think life has to be hard, but the kabbalistic truth is that everyting we've ever wanted can come to us effortlessly. What if you could put in less effort and yield greater results? Discover the recipe for gliding through life and how to make the right effort at the right time every time.
5/9/202236 minutes, 59 seconds
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Love to Hate Chaos

Do you feel like you're surrounded by chaos? Although we dislike chaos, it continues to show up in our lives and wreak havoc. Could this chaos possibly serve a purpose? This week, learn the wisdom and tools to shift out of a chaotic life and into a peaceful one.
5/2/202236 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Be Real in a Fake World

Materialism, Inauthenticity, and what happiness is in the age of social media age seem to surround us at every turn. How can we be truly authentic and who we really are given the pressure to perform and perfect? What is authenticty and why is it so difficult for us to be who we truly are? Find out through this week's wisdom and tools for living spiritually in a materialistic world.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.#authencity #trueself #selflove #selfawareness #selfworth #knowyourtruth #freedom #awareness #real #fake #authenticliving #kabbalhcentre #kabbalah #love #soulful #joyful #mindful #soul #ego #energy #consciousness #light
4/25/202235 minutes, 6 seconds
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Opening Our Closed Hearts

How do we peel the layers of hurt and defensiveness within so that we can be truly open to those around us, to receive spiritual messages, and live our lives with open hearts? This week we discuss the energy of doing the elevated work of removing the layers that conceal our pure hearts.Join us for the next Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
4/18/202238 minutes, 44 seconds
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Cleansing the Plagues of 2022

Everywhere we turn we hear about the conflicts and unease that surrounds our lives. Daily we face the plagues of anger, devisevness and resentment among many others. This week we talk about the plagues in our lives, externally and internally, and what practical tools we can use to eradicate them.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.#manifestation #healing #cleansing #surrender #disease #spirituality #transformation #kabbalahcentre #kabbalah #love #soulful #joyful #mindful #soul #ego #energy #consciousness #light
4/11/202232 minutes, 47 seconds
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Becoming a Spiritual Influencer

It is all too easy to get wrapped up into watching infleuncers on social media and think that influencing en masse is more important than influencing one person. This week we discuss how our thoughts, words and actions can influence those around us, help others become spiritual and build a healthier environment for all humanity.
4/4/202232 minutes, 39 seconds
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Growing Up Spiritual

Growing up spiritual or not, we all face issues of guilt, living up to others expectations, facing our fears and many other challenges. This week welcome Yehuda Yeshurun (@yudayesh) and Yehuda Kelman (@ephrummm) to discuss the importance and value of a spiritual environment, of having and being a spiritual influence and the keys to facing and transforming our common challenges.
3/28/202248 minutes, 39 seconds
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You Can't Always Give What You Want

So often we don’t know when to walk away from a person, relationship, business, addictions or other events in life. Learn this week how to give with grace by giving ourselves and others what they need not just what they want.
3/21/202238 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sacrificing Ourselves to Death

When we make sacrifices for our careers, our families, our friends, our relationships, and for ourselves, we often create a trade off in the long term that isn't always obvious. Learning when, how and what to sacrifice is the secret to lasting blessings and successes.
3/14/202243 minutes, 1 second
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Denying Denial

Denial can be an unavoidable response to circumstances, but it can also be a consciouschoice with dire consequences. Discover the wisdom and tools to break the denial cycle so you can experience the extraordinary life you deserve.
3/7/202243 minutes, 1 second
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The Gift of You

How does the way we present ourselves influence how others perceive us? Learn the wisdom and tools to appreciate and unwrap the gift of you and your unique soul - the gift that keeps on giving.
2/28/202244 minutes, 10 seconds
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Who Cares What You Think?

Other people's perceptions of us often take center stage, which can distract us from our goals and priorities. When we can identify and understand why we seek approval - or don't - we can release ourselves from the shackles of the opinions of others.
2/21/202246 minutes, 12 seconds
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Taking Pleasure in Patience

We all want pleasure in life, but how do we make the good times last? Patience is a key to finding - and keeping - pleasure in every moment. Learn to use patience to gain the endless goodness that the kabbalists teach is the birthright of every human being.
2/14/202236 minutes, 58 seconds
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It’s Time for a Change of Scenery

The way we see things can create abundance and flow or lack and negativity. This week, gain insight and tools to shift from evil eye to good eye, and take true control over shaping your reality and changing the scenery around you.
2/7/202235 minutes, 24 seconds
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Our Souls' Capacity

Every soul has a capacity to receive wisdom, guidance and fulfillment of all kinds. Discover how to expand your capacity in order to receive more of what is meant for you, and learn how to stop unconsciously shrinking your vessel.
1/31/202232 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Truth About Lying

More often than not, the difference between a truth and a lie isn’t obvious, nor is the impact that lying can have on our lives. When you understand the tools and spiritual framework to live your truth, you can live in greater alignment and integrity, and draw honesty and transparency into your life.
1/24/202236 minutes, 1 second
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The Impact of Our Energy

Energy is around and inside us, so how do we measure the impact of how we give and receive that energy? This week we discuss how to harness the power of our energy in order to make a lasting impact.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
1/17/202234 minutes, 47 seconds
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Turning Worry into Wonder

Worry is something we all face. By understanding the cause, its purpose and how to be in control, you can turn worry into something wondrous. This week discover how to overcome these feelings and get back into the driver's seat.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
1/10/202238 minutes, 13 seconds
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Starting New in 2022

How do we start something new and ensure it's success?Discover ways to plant the most powerful seeds for 2022 and rejuvenate all areas of your life.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
1/3/202233 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Art of Surrender

Complacency and apathy can be our greatest enemies in the fight against uncertainty. The secret to unlocking happiness, success, peace of mind and freedom can be found through the art of surrender. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
12/27/202135 minutes, 59 seconds
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Proactive Communication

Turn confrontations into conversations. This week, learn the keys for proactive communication so you can stand in your truth while connecting with others for the greatest good. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
12/21/202140 minutes, 38 seconds
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Choosing Your Battles

Every battle is a spiritual one, and according to Kabbalists, the only enemy we need to defeat is within. This week, master your internal energy so you can elevate the reality around you. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
12/13/202131 minutes, 37 seconds
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Transforming Difficult Situations

A new perspective on life can help us overcome adversity. Learn how Kabbalalists decipher feelings of rejection, betrayal, even humiliation as positive indicators of growth and change. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @batya_solomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
12/6/202147 minutes, 25 seconds
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Standing Up for Yourself

Fighting for the things that are important to you can be an uncomfortable and arduous process. This week, rediscover the opportunities presented by conflict so you can face opposition with certainty. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
11/29/202143 minutes, 39 seconds
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Fear is Not an Option

Our own fears, anxieties, and worries can create obstructions our path even before it begins! Learn the essential skills to overcome your fears and move forward. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
11/22/202139 minutes, 5 seconds
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Spiritual Self-Defense

Staying true to your journey takes strength and courage. This week, learn how to defend yourself against spiritual threats and draining situations and ensure safe passage to realizing your life's potential. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @MordechayBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
11/15/202150 minutes, 22 seconds
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Navigating Change

Change is the only constant in the universe. Connect to your inner wisdom to chart your course and plan your next step even in challenging circumstances!Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and Daniel Naor @daniel.naor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Exclusive for Weekly Energy Boost Listeners: Receive 20% off your copy of Fear Is Not An Option by Monica Berg when you use the code “FEARLESS” at
11/8/202150 minutes, 32 seconds
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Signs from the Universe

Divine guidance can help us choose from life’s infinite possibilities. This week learn how to decipher signs from the universe to navigate your own inspired path.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
11/1/202145 minutes, 11 seconds
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Healing Family Wounds

Family patterns often shape who we are and how we relate to the world. This week, we explore how Kabbalistic Astrology can help us improve our relationships with those closest to us and shift our family dynamic for the better. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest Miriam Ashkenazi, @miriamashkenazi. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
10/25/202149 minutes, 43 seconds
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Raising Spiritual Children

Parenting in the modern world can be overwhelming. This week, we’ll discuss some of the challenges and how as parents we can instill spiritual values in our children in a healthy and balanced way.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
10/18/202147 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ancestral Spirituality

Our family lineage can create a trajectory that endures for generations. This week we’ll unlock the secrets to overcoming difficult family patterns, no matter where we or our loved ones are on the spiritual path.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
10/11/202147 minutes, 17 seconds
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Understanding Family Dynamics

The relationships we are born into can be the most meaningful and also the most challenging. This week, we’ll discuss the purpose of familial relationships from a Kabbalistic perspective and share how these connections can lead to life’s most profound lessons.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas, and special guest, Yehuda Yeshurun @yudayesh. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
10/4/202153 minutes, 43 seconds
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Finding Your Power

We may be clear on the direction we want to go in life, but external influences often steer us off course. This week we’ll discover how to take our power back in a way that propels us forward, no matter the circumstances.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
9/27/202143 minutes, 19 seconds
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Exploring Possibilities

Whether we seek small or drastic changes in life, asking the right questions is best place to start. This week we’ll explore new possibilities for defining our specific path and designing our ideal life. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts. Exclusive for Weekly Energy Boost Listeners: Receive 20% off your Personal Guided Meditation with the code: “WEBGUIDED2021” at checkout on
9/20/202143 minutes, 1 second
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Finding Your Purpose

Limiting beliefs can stop us from finding and achieving our life’s purpose, which is the true source of our fulfillment. In this episode, we’ll share how to connect to our unique purpose in a way that leads us out of our thoughts and into action! Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.Exclusive for Weekly Energy Boost Listeners: Receive 20% off your Personal Guided Meditation with the code: “WEBGUIDED2021” at checkout on
9/13/202153 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to Reinvent Yourself

When life becomes stagnant, it’s usually an indication that something needs to change. Sarah Weston joins us to talk about how to reach our potential by redefining who we are and embracing the journey of new beginnings at any age Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas, @DavidGhiyam and special guest, @iamsarahweston. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
9/6/202149 minutes, 13 seconds
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Digital Detox

Our thoughts actually create our reality. This week, author Tiffany Shlain joins us to discuss the influence of information and technology on our minds and how to master our behaviors so we can create an optimal state of health and wellbeing.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas, @DavidGhiyam and special guest, @TiffanyShlain. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
8/30/202148 minutes, 24 seconds
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Cleanse Your Space

When we find ourselves stuck in negative and self-defeating patterns, we may need to call on a higher power. Mordechay Balas joins us to talk about the specific meditations, rituals and everyday actions we can call upon to reset the energy in our space and create a consistent flow of positive energyJoin us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @MordechayBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 ET pm on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
8/23/202155 minutes, 33 seconds
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Working From Home

These unprecedented times have changed the way we live and work. This week Marcus Weston joins us to talk about how to balance the demands of our personal and professional lives and inspire productivity while living and working from the same space. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas, @DavidGhiyam and special guest, @iamMarcusWeston. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
8/16/202141 minutes, 4 seconds
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Declutter Your Home

Our home, or the place where we live, is a direct reflection of our inner being. This week, Batya Solomon joins us to talk about how we can rejuvenate our internal and external space – taking a look at the parts of our home and ourselves that need to be cleared in order to make space for fresh energy and new blessings.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @Batya_Solomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
8/9/202146 minutes, 19 seconds
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Embracing Radical Love

Love is Love is Love. This week Matthew Stevenson joins us to talk about the power of radical love and how it can help us overcome prejudices and preconceived notions to extend love to everyone – regardless of our differences.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam and special guest, Matthew Stevenson. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
8/2/202147 minutes, 31 seconds
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Spiritual Weight Loss

Our physical bodies are a reflection of our soul. Throughout our lifetimes, we experience trauma and naturally carry that in our bodies – with physical weight often being an indicator of “emotional” or “spiritual” heaviness. This week we’ll talk about how to “shed the excess weight” by creating shifts in our consciousness to initiate healthy changes in our body.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam and special guest @iamMarcusWeston. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
7/26/202140 minutes, 48 seconds
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Soul Food

Food is energy that fuels our body, mind, and soul. Different types of foods have different energetic vibrations, and it’s important to know what we are lacking so we can “feed” ourselves with that energy. This week we’ll share how to tap into the spiritual energy within our food and use it to nourish our soul.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam and special guest @Batya_Solomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
7/20/202150 minutes, 16 seconds
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Purposeful Eating

Food is a basic need for survival, but we eat for many other reasons. This week we explore all the ways we use food to fulfill our desires – to relieve stress, to cope with guilt, to feel satisfied – and the issues related to this type of unconscious eating. Chef Elia Herrera will join us to talk about how to be more intentional with our eating – injecting purpose into what we eat, how we eat and even where we eat! Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam and special guest @ChefEliaHerrera. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
7/12/202151 minutes, 48 seconds
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Discover Kabbalah

Hidden for thousands of years, the ancient spiritual wisdom of Kabbalah is now accessible to millions of people around the globe. But why now? This week we'll share how these powerful teachings can help us find meaning and purpose in our lives – giving us the strength to face adversity and create a better reality for ourselves and the world. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam and special guest, @EitanYardeni. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.To register for the current Kabbalah 1 class with Eitan Yardeni and Elisheva Balas visit
7/5/202151 minutes, 57 seconds
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Finding Light in Darkness

Often, dark and trying times can lead to clarity of purpose and positive change. This week we’ll explore how to identify the opportunities within life’s challenges and the tools to transform these experiences and reveal the light hidden within them.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam and special guest, @batya_solomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
6/28/202148 minutes, 45 seconds
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Practicing Unconditional Love

Often our pursuit of perfection can create disconnection with our own inner being and with the people around us. Unconditional love means accepting people exactly as they are – flaws and all! Ourselves’ included. This week we’ll share five ways to practice unconditional love to strengthen our self-love and acceptance of others. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre – YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
6/21/202149 minutes, 53 seconds
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Loving Others

The idea of “love” is often misunderstood. Simply loving someone is very different than loving them for what they do for us or how they make us feel. This week we’ll explore the true meaning of love and how loving others is fundamental to our physical and spiritual wellbeing.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre – YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
6/14/202150 minutes, 21 seconds
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Loving Yourself

The Kabbalists share that “Love your neighbor as yourself” is the most powerful precept of all. And, at closer look, this concept implies the importance of loving ourselves! This week we’ll share why love is the foundation of the golden rule and how self-love is key to loving others.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre – YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
6/7/202150 minutes, 42 seconds
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We all receive messages from the Creator/Universe in the form of intuition. This powerful internal guidance system is always supporting us and guiding us throughout our life’s journey. Often, we’re just too busy to listen. This week we will share tips for tuning into our intuition and accessing our own inner medium. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
5/31/202147 minutes, 21 seconds
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Sharing and Giving

All spiritual paths promote an aspect of generosity and giving. Many wisdom traditions teach that sharing is a powerful tool to create inner change and growth. This week will talk about how we can be more intentional with our giving and make sharing a meaningful way to reveal light in our lives and the lives of others.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
5/24/202151 minutes, 19 seconds
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Prayer and Meditation

Meditation and prayer are powerful tools for creating blessings and miracles in our lives. And at different times throughout the day, we can access different energies to amplify our communication with the divine. This week, we will share ancient scripts and tips for amplifying these spiritual practices.Join us for a special pre-recorded episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @alikatz_. Watch LIVE this Sunday at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
5/16/202148 minutes, 16 seconds
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Visualization and Affirmations

The principles of the “Law of Manifestation” align with the teachings of Kabbalah – that our consciousness creates our reality. To change our reality, we must first change our thoughts and belief systems. This week we will talk about the power of visualization and affirmations according to Kabbalah and how we can use these tools to manifest the life we desire.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam and special guest, @Daniel.Naor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
5/10/202146 minutes, 28 seconds
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Helping Others Heal

Being well requires caring for the whole self – body, mind, and spirit. This week we’re joined by Dr. Allie Evans – a board licensed naturopathic physician and Kabbalah student who brings together spirituality and restorative health to help others heal. We’ll talk with her about the healing arts and how we can best support others in the healing process.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam and special guest, Dr. Allisa Evans. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
5/3/202153 minutes, 43 seconds
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Nourishing Wellbeing

“You are what you eat” is a concept that goes beyond food. What we consume each day – food, media, gossip – has a vibrational frequency that directly affects our own energy. This week we’ll explore ways to get the nourishment we need to maintain a healthy body and a healthy spirit. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre – YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
4/26/202149 minutes, 45 seconds
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Listening to Signals

Part of our spiritual work is to take care of ourselves physically. Our body is always sending signals to let us know which aspects of our physical health need attention. Usually, we aren’t listening or even choose to ignore these signs. This week we’ll discuss how to prioritize physical wellness and integrate spiritual consciousness into our health practices. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre – YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
4/19/202152 minutes, 11 seconds
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Awakening Wholeness

This week we’ll talk about how to clean up our “internal environment” – awakening the flow of energy in all aspects of our life to connect with our wholeness.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre – YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
4/12/202151 minutes, 50 seconds
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Flexibility Factor

We’re all stubborn in one way or another. Whether it’s our attachment to an opinion or belief system, our need to control, or our refusal to give up. And these things can actually block our ability to be happy. This week we’ll explore how we can let go of these behaviors and become more open and flexible with special guest, Batya Solomon.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas, @DavidGhiyam, and special guest, @Batya_Solomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
4/5/202152 minutes
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Be Happy(ier)

Maintaining a state of happiness can be challenging at times. But with a little focus and daily practice, you can generate a strong sense of joy from within. This week we’ll share practical ways to boost your journey to happiness and well-being.Please join us for special pre-recorded episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch Monday at 10 am PT / 1 pm on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
3/29/202142 minutes, 19 seconds
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Health + Happiness Connection

It’s natural to be unhappy at times. But when negative emotions “settle-in” and take over, they can have a lasting effect on our health and well-being. This week Daniel Naor joins us and we’ll discuss the dangers of sadness – physically and spiritually – and how being happy can actually improve our health. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam and special guest @Daniel.Naor72. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
3/22/202154 minutes, 39 seconds
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Lucky You

Are our experiences in life predetermined? Or do our choices influence our circumstances? Can we actually change our destiny? This week we’ll talk about luck, fate and destiny and how – according to Kabbalah – you can change yours! Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre – YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
3/15/202148 minutes, 23 seconds
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Finding Inner Strength

At times the pressures of life become so overwhelming it seems there is no way out of the darkness. So, what do you do when you feel like you just can’t handle it anymore and negative thoughts take over? This week we’ll share the Kabbalistic secrets for overcoming distress and discuss how we can unleash our inner power with clinical psychologist Dr. Richard Oelberger. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam and clinical psychologist @RichardListens. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
3/8/202149 minutes, 52 seconds
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Shifting our Perspective

Sometimes circumstances beyond our control appear to take our lives off course. We often label these experiences as “bad.” This week we’ll talk about the Kabbalistic perspective on “good” vs. “bad” and “right” vs. “wrong” and how shifting how we observe our experiences can help us quickly recover from “bad” situations and effectively support others in creating a new outlook. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre – YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
3/1/202151 minutes, 10 seconds
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Becoming Optimistic

Everybody has good days and bad days – some that stretch into weeks, months, and even years. But how do we stay in a good headspace regardless of what’s going on around us? This week we’ll share techniques for staying centered, balanced, and connected in the face of chaos and challenge. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre – YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
2/22/202148 minutes, 51 seconds
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Staying Motivated

We all have habits that we aren’t good for us, yet we continue to do these things anyway. Likewise, there are important things we know we should do for ourselves and for others, and yet we don’t. When we engage in patterns of behavior such as laziness or procrastination, we undermine our own goals and values. This week we’ll discuss the roots of our own inner resistance and the practices we need to stay motivated and live more purposeful and inspired lives.
2/15/202150 minutes, 32 seconds
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Transforming Grief

Grief and sadness are part of the human experience. These overwhelming and difficult emotions serve as an opportunity for immense spiritual growth. This week we’re joined by trauma informed psychotherapist Karen Adler, MSW, LCSW to discuss how we can approach grief, loss, and the process of healing from a spiritual perspective. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam and special guest @karen.adler.37. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.You can learn more from Karen Adler about grief here:
2/8/202152 minutes, 18 seconds
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Spiritual Sleep

We’ve heard about the physical benefits of sleep, but most are unaware of the role it plays in our spiritual development. This week we are joined by Kabbalistic Sleep Consultant Mordechay Balas, who will share tools and practices to elevate our consciousness and amplify the messages we receive during each night’s sleep. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas, @DavidGhiyam and special guest, @MordechayBalas. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 ET pm on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
2/1/202148 minutes, 49 seconds
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Finding Spiritual Guides

We often seek the input of teachers, coaches, or mentors to help us achieve our personal and professional best. But what about support for our spiritual growth? This week we’ll share how to access spiritual guidance – in the physical and metaphysical world – to help us realize our soul's purpose. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @Batya_Solomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
1/25/202152 minutes, 18 seconds
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Spiritual Community

Humanity is experiencing a collective shift in consciousness. This week, we’ll talk about the importance of being part of a spiritual community and the power that sharing space with like-minded people --- even virtually --- can have in these transformational times.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
1/18/202151 minutes, 2 seconds
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Spiritual Stability

The physical world seems to demand so much of our energy and attention that we often focus more on our physical wellbeing than our spiritual wellbeing. This week we’ll discuss why spirituality is so important and explore ways to make it more of a priority in our lives.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas, @DavidGhiyam and special guest, Marcus Weston @iammarcusweston Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
1/11/202149 minutes, 3 seconds
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Toxic Relationships

How do we reveal Light in dark situations? Is it “spiritual” to stay in toxic relationships and situations to reveal Light? Or can we just walk away? In our final episode of our relationship series, we’ll share the answers to these and other eye-opening relationship questions.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas @DavidGhiyam and certified matrimonial attorney, Tanya Helfand. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre --- YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.For more information from Tanya Helfand, visit
1/4/202147 minutes, 28 seconds
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Understanding Masculine Energy

In the third episode of our relationship series, we’ll delve into the spiritual significance of masculine energy and exploring the unique role it plays in our relationships.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm on The Kabbalah Centre --- YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
12/29/202049 minutes, 50 seconds
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Understanding Feminine Energy

Every person and every relationship possesses both feminine and masculine energies. Understanding these two opposite, yet complimentary forces can help us achieve greater happiness in our relationships. In the second episode of our relationship series, we’ll explore the power of the divine feminine and its role in relationships.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam and special guest Matthew Wade of @MySilentBravery. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre – YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
12/21/202052 minutes, 26 seconds
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Purposeful Relationships

Relationships that reach their highest potential give our lives great meaning. These connections can be a source of strength and happiness, giving each partner a true sense of self and real purpose. This week we’ll demystify relationships, uncovering their true purpose and the qualities that make them great. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre --- YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
12/14/202045 minutes, 49 seconds
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Unlocking Abundance

Kabbalah teaches that everything – even money – has consciousness. This week we’ll the examine the spiritual side of money, exploring the mental and spiritual barriers to abundance and tools and meditations to overcome them.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with Elisheva Balas, David Ghiyam and special guest, David Strulowitz, J.D., LL.M. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre ---YouTube or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
12/7/202051 minutes, 15 seconds
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Prosperity Practices

Habits are an intrinsic part of who we are and how we function. And when it comes to accomplishing goals, our daily habits can contribute more to our success than any other single transformative action. This week we’ll reveal how to align our inner and outer worlds to achieve greater success.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre --- YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
11/30/202046 minutes, 36 seconds
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Saving Time and Energy

From a spiritual point of view, the only thing that truly belongs to us is our time and our energy. Yet, we invest very little consciousness in how we spend these valuable resources! This week we explore how conserving time and energy can actually lead to a more prosperous life. Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre --- YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
11/23/202049 minutes, 33 seconds
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Cultivating Abundance

The universe wants everything for us, including financial success. It’s actually our birthright to be prosperous. But we believe that prosperity is a source of happiness, when in fact it’s a result. This week we’ll discuss how to grow our consciousness around money and begin cultivating an abundance mindset to attract more sustenance into our lives.Join us for this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, @Batya_Solomon. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT/ 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre --- YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
11/16/202048 minutes, 43 seconds
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Kabbalistic Astrology 101

Astrology can help us understand the energetic influences affecting us as individuals, groups, and nations. This week we’ll talk with renowned Kabbalistic Astrologer, Yael Yardeni, as she forecasts what’s in store for the coming year and shares how we can use astrological insights to tap into our strengths to create a new personal and global destiny. Join us for this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Kabbalistic Astrologer @yardeniyael.
11/9/202050 minutes, 31 seconds
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Overcoming Fear

Many of history’s greatest breakthroughs emerged from the transcendence of worry and fear. This week we’ll discuss spiritual strategies for overcoming fears to create our own personal breakthroughs. Join us for this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10am PST on Facebook and IGTV or catch the latest episode anywhere you listen to podcasts.
11/2/202048 minutes, 6 seconds
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Examining Irrational Fears

Some fears are illogical. These unexplainable and paralyzing fears can be the source of serious mental and emotional anxiety. This week we’ll explore what’s behind our deepest fears and share a spiritual approach to break their hold on our lives.Join us for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @Elisheva Balas, @DavidGhiyam and special guest, Dr. Rachel Glik EdD, LPC, @counselor4soulsearchers. Watch LIVE Mondays at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET on The Kabbalah Centre --- YouTube or catch the latest episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
10/26/202049 minutes, 45 seconds
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Deconstructing Fear

Dive deep into your fears and how they create limitations in your life on the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and special guest @Batya_Solomon
10/19/202049 minutes, 20 seconds
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Passion and Spirituality

Sometimes we seek joy and fulfillment by either overindulging or repressing our human desires. This week we explore how to integrate spirituality with our passion to create more balanced and powerful connections. Join us for this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam. Exclusive for Weekly Energy Boost listeners: Receive 30% OFF on with code “WEB30” Get access to a full course with David Ghiyam and more at
10/12/202048 minutes, 27 seconds
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Transcending Limitations

Create a new reality where you can share your unique gifts and reach your ultimate potential. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam for today’s Weekly Energy Boost: Transcending Limitations
10/5/202050 minutes, 26 seconds
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Embracing Evaluation

Find out how self-evaluation can help you move beyond limitations and achieve your goals on the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam
9/28/202043 minutes, 8 seconds
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Manifesting Your Goals

Find out how shifting your mindset can help you achieve your goals and experience the life you want. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam for today’s Weekly Energy Boost: Manifesting Your Goals.
9/21/202050 minutes, 1 second
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Creating Goals

Learn how creating goals can help you manifest the life your soul desires on the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam.
9/14/202052 minutes, 23 seconds
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Power of Forgiveness

9/7/202047 minutes, 21 seconds
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Releasing The Past

Learn the secrets to releasing the past on this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam
8/31/202049 minutes, 46 seconds
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Dealing With Negative Emotions

Learn how to use negative emotions to reveal light on the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam and special guest, trauma- informed psychotherapist Karen Adler.
8/24/202050 minutes, 47 seconds
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Strengthening Positive Thoughts

Learn how positive thoughts can help you create the life you desire. Join Elisheva Balas, David Ghiyam and special guest, Batya Solomon for today’s Weekly Energy Boost: Strengthening Positive Thoughts.
8/17/202050 minutes, 38 seconds
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Understanding Emotions

Find out how to use emotions to change the way you experience life. Join Elisheva Balas, David Ghiyam, and special guests, Chaim & Batya Solomon for today’s Weekly Energy Boost: Understanding Emotions.
8/10/202051 minutes, 9 seconds
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Releasing Anger & Blame

Everyone gets angry; it’s a normal, human emotion. And, despite its bad reputation, anger itself isn’t the problem. It’s when we suppress our feelings that we end up causing harm to ourselves and those around us. When we understand how to process our frustration, it can serve as a powerful tool to help us thrive and grow. Discover the power of releasing anger and blame on this next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam.
7/27/202051 minutes, 53 seconds
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Uprooting Anger

Anger is a powerful emotion that can make us feel like helpless victims of external circumstances. But when we take responsibility and use our feelings as a tool for internal growth, we become the “cause” in our lives – taking back our power and freeing ourselves from this destructive influence. Find out the secrets to uprooting anger on this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam.
7/20/202052 minutes, 10 seconds
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Navigating Challenges

Understanding the purpose of challenges can help you navigate them. Connect to the gifts challenges can offer with Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam on the Weekly Energy Boost.
7/13/202050 minutes, 16 seconds
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Risks & Rewards

Our physical, spiritual, and emotional health depend heavily on our choices. The kabbalists teach that our willingness to get out of our comfort zone and to reach beyond instant gratification can yield great rewards.Strengthen your ability to manifest long-term rewards on the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam.
7/6/202051 minutes, 13 seconds
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Self Sabotage

Though everyone’s self-sabotaging may appear a little different, there are tools to help you discover what yours looks like and how to address it. Getting out of your own way can free yourself to explore new opportunities, work more efficiently, and improve your relationships. Join @ElishevaBalas and special guest, Marcus Weston for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost to understand and reduce your Self-Sabotage on Monday, June 29, at 10am PST / 1pm EDT.
6/29/202052 minutes, 37 seconds
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Accepting Criticism and Rejection

It’s human nature to want to fix things – especially our own faults and shortcomings. But when we embrace criticism and rejection, we can use our flaws to reveal great light.Unlock the secrets of accepting criticism and rejection on the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @ElishevaBalas, @DavidGhiyam, and special guest, @MonicaBerg74
6/22/202053 minutes, 25 seconds
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Learning To Trust

When we focus outwardly on others’ successes and blessings, we tend to arouse our own insecurities and sense of lack. But, when we learn to TRUST that “what’s mine is mine” and “what’s theirs is theirs,” we can instead awaken the power of fulfillment in our lives. Learn the secret to deep and lasting fulfillment on the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with ElishevaBalas and @DavidGhiyam.
6/15/202049 minutes, 50 seconds
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Welcoming Change

Learn to ride the waves of change by welcoming it. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam for Welcoming Change.
6/8/202046 minutes, 6 seconds
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Dialing God

While we are busy creating our own successes and achieving our goals, the kabbalists teach that praying – for ourselves and for others – can be a powerful tool for manifestation. Use this week to open greater pathways for goodness by connecting with the universal force of goodness – within you, for you, and for others near and far. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam to learn the power of conversing with the Creator on this week’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost.
6/1/202049 minutes, 17 seconds
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Connecting To Your Superpower!

Our work this week is to focus on our greatness and the unique power we bring to the world. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam for today’s Weekly Energy Boost Connecting to Your Superpower.
5/25/202045 minutes, 12 seconds
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Becoming Unlimited

Your soul is limitless, an infinite well of potential. The body may be weighed down by its limitations and its desire to receive, but the soul is boundless in its desire to share. This is why it is so important to tap into the divinity of your soul. With a connection to our souls, we can learn that the only limitations are the ones we set for ourselves. Join Elisheva Balas, David Ghiyam and special guest, Eitan Yardeni to learn how to unleash your true potential on this week’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost.
5/18/202049 minutes, 39 seconds
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Certainty in Uncertain Times

Having certainty is essential to walking the spiritual path. It expands our ability to connect to the Light of the Creator by allowing us to experience the inherent goodness that is all around us. But having certainty is often easier said than done, especially in these uncertain times. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam on the Weekly Energy Boost for an inspiring episode on how to strengthen certainty. Tune-in Monday, May 11th at 10am PT / 1pm ET.
5/11/202048 minutes, 6 seconds
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Finding Joy in Life

In a world full of obligations, commitments and responsibilities, it’s easy to see life as a burden. But there’s a secret ingredient to moving through life with ease and grace … JOY! This week gives us the opportunity to bring joy back in our lives. The universe is constantly sending opportunities to diminish our ego and expand our efforts in sharing. Knowing how to use these opportunities and being aware of the powerful impact they can have on our lives and the world is definitely something to be happy about! Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam to learn how to bring joy to everything you do on this week’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost.
5/4/202050 minutes, 11 seconds
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Making a Positive Impact

How aware are we that our thoughts, words, and actions impact others, for better or worse? When our intention is to uplift and inspire others, we will find many opportunities to be a channel for the Light for others. Even while “social distancing”, we can create unity ­­– doing little things to create big, ripple effects of positive energy. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam for this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost to become more aware of how we can more powerfully inspire others.
4/27/202046 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Power of Our Words

Words carry tremendous power. They can build or destroy. Learn how to both the power of speech and inner dialogue to improve your quality of life on today’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @Elisheva Balas, @David Ghiyam, and special guest @Daniel Naor.
4/21/202050 minutes, 52 seconds
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How to Transform Pain

The pain of the world seems greater than ever, yet instead of avoiding it, Kabbalah teaches that we can use the tool of feeling others’ pain to grow spiritually rather than to bring us down. This week, the universe wants us to feel other people’s pain as a means of rising up and being even more powerful channels in our own right. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam for this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost to discover how to use pain as a catalyst for your own growth and success.
4/13/202049 minutes, 33 seconds
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Face Your Ego

The ego is on trial this week! Our work is to see it in all of its glory and hold it under the microscope. What is my main ego? Is it control? Pride? Anger? Judgment? This is the cosmic window that allows us to loosen the grip of the ego on our lives. It takes work, preparation, and plenty of discipline. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam for this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost to gain greater clarity on how ego consciousness is the weight that holds us down when spiritual opportunity presents itself.
4/6/202048 minutes, 1 second
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How to Move Forward

What is it that pushes you to go forward? Is it a reward? Relief? Fear? Recognition? Or do you only make a move when you have no other choice? The universe invites us this week to “just do it,” not out of lack but with a goal of expansion. Join Elisheva Balas, and David Ghiyam for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost on How to Move Forward to learn tips for taking powerful and fulfilling action.
3/30/202048 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to Choose Your Consciousness

You always have two consciousness “broadcasts” available to you – your higher consciousness, coming from the Light & your lower consciousness, coming from your Opponent. This week, the Universe is supporting you to be better at distinguishing between the two. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost
3/23/202044 minutes, 53 seconds
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Just like germs can invisibly contaminate our bodies, unchecked motives and intentions can influence your actions and the eventual results they bear unless you become aware of them. This week, you’re supported to purify your thoughts for any lurking fears, selfishness or limiting beliefs that could be preventing you from enjoying the best results of your actions and efforts. Join @Elisheva Balas, @David Ghiyam and special guest Mordechay Balas for this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost on Purification.
3/16/202042 minutes, 41 seconds
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Take Your Power Back

Actual idols might be a thing of the past, but today’s society has plenty of modern idols many of us may not even realize we’re worshiping. The approval of others, your smartphone, money, career ambitions – they can all become idols if we allow them to alter our mood, mindset, words or actions. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam for this week’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost on how to Take Your Power Back and learn how to shift your energy to connect with the Light.
3/9/202050 minutes, 46 seconds
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Cultivating Humility

When you seek to avoid recognition or acknowledgment, you’re making the effort you need to while allowing the Universe to keep all the credit. That’s the definition of humility, and when you’re not in that humble place, the Universe will conspire to get you back there. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam in this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost on Cultivating Humility.
3/2/202048 minutes, 2 seconds
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How To Earn A 'Real'ationship

Join Elisheva Balas with special guests – and husband and wife – Chaim Solomon and Batya Solomon for the next episode of the Weekly Energy Boost on How to Earn a ‘Real’ationship, Monday February 24th at 10am PST / 1pm EST.
2/24/202051 minutes, 14 seconds
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How To Serve Your Soul

What did your soul come to this lifetime to achieve? This week you can gain the clarity to know and begin to serve your soul’s unique purpose and life’s work. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam on today’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost on How to Serve Your Soul.
2/18/202048 minutes, 46 seconds
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Get Honest With Yourself

Are you able to be truly honest with yourself, both about what needs to transform as well as what strengths need to be highlighted? This is the week you’re supported to look within to see these truths. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for this week’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost to look within and Get Honest With Yourself.
2/10/202048 minutes, 23 seconds
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Time to Take Risks

As they say, the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. Where have you been hesitant to take a risk? This week, you’re supported to dive right in! Whether it be in your career, relationships, spiritually or otherwise; now is the time to do it! Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost all about risk taking.
2/3/202051 minutes
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Be Finished With Fear

Where do you think fear is ruling your life? There’s subtle places and the more obvious, both of which are limiting. Learn how to confront and release those fear-based motivations and begin to make your choices from a place of desire, in this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam.
1/27/202047 minutes, 37 seconds
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Choose Change, or Be Changed

You don’t have to experience challenges and pain, if you know how to embrace change. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam for today’s Weekly Energy Boost on Choose Change, or Be Changed.
1/20/202049 minutes, 50 seconds
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Living Spiritually

When someone is spreading rumors about you, or you’re not making progress toward the goals you’ve worked so hard to pursue – are you able to act in accordance with the spiritual principles you study? Join @Elisheva Balas and special guests @Chaim Solomon and @Batya Solomon for today’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost to learn how to Live Spiritually.
1/13/202051 minutes, 49 seconds
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How to Create Your 2020 Vision

What area in your life could benefit from some focus and energy? This week is the perfect time to reinvigorate it! Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam for today’s Weekly Energy Boost on How to Create Your 2020 Vision.
1/6/202045 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Art of Negotiation

Think where in your life you’re being the effect? Join Elisheva Balas, David Ghiyam and special guest Batya Solomon for today’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost to learn The Art of Negotiation and how to take advantage of this week’s opening for initiating proactive confrontation.
12/30/201950 minutes, 6 seconds
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Living a Miraculous Life

Would you want to see more miracles in your life? On today’s Weekly Energy Boost show, @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam share how you can by strengthening your abilities to be a channel.
12/23/201949 minutes, 30 seconds
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In Your Dreams

Your dreams can impart immense knowledge, if you prepare yourself to receive it. This is the week of dreams, so learn how to make the most of them! Join @Elisheva Balas, @David Ghiyam and special guest Mordechay Balas on today’s In Your Dreams episode of the Weekly Energy Boost
12/16/201945 minutes, 38 seconds
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How To Get Unstuck

Ever feel ‘stuck’ in a certain area of your life? That’s all thanks to an opposing force at work in each of our lives, and this week you have the unique ability to see where it’s impacting you and access to added strength and clarity to overcome it by amplifying your own soul.
12/10/201951 minutes, 10 seconds
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Secrets of Prosperity

Tap into the abundance of the Universe, available to all of us this week, by learning the Secrets of Prosperity on this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam.
12/3/201951 minutes, 10 seconds
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Stop Settling for Less

Where are you seeking out recognition rather than reaffirming the power of the Light that’s already within you? Where in your life are you settling for less? Tackle these questions and learn tools to address them in this episode of the Weekly Energy Boost with Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam.
11/25/201950 minutes, 7 seconds
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You Can Have It All

What’s the secret to really having it all? Learn the spiritual teachings on how you can with @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam on today’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost!
11/18/201946 minutes, 20 seconds
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Spiritually, angels are pockets of energy that can assist you in your spiritual work. You have the power to create them through your words and actions, whether they be positive or negative.Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam on Monday for the Weekly Energy Boost to learn the role that angels can play in your spiritual transformation.Tune-in right here Monday, November 11th at 10am PST / 1pm EST to stream the show LIVE.
11/11/201949 minutes, 3 seconds
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Choosing Success

We all have personal limitations, fears and worries when it comes to achieving access. When we learn how to rise above them, we can redefine what achievement means and feel fulfilled from our efforts.Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for the Weekly Energy Boost to understand your soul’s choices and how to transcend any limits on your journey toward success.Tune-in right here Monday, November 4th at 10am PST / 1pm EST to stream the show LIVE.
11/4/201950 minutes, 8 seconds
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Global Responsibility

Your thoughts, words and actions have an effect on the entire world. Knowing you can impact all of nature and humanity, would you change how you use that strength?Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for Monday’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost on Global Responsibility to discuss how to tap into your inner strength in order to positively influence and inspire others.Tune-in right here Monday, October 28th at 10am PST / 1pm EST to stream the show LIVE
10/28/201949 minutes, 20 seconds
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Turning Stress Into Success

From a spiritual understanding, experiencing stress is actually just the “pressure” of Light trying to come into your life. Your job comes down to creating space for that Light to enter. On this Sunday’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost, join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam on how to Turn Stress into Success, including:- Kabbalistic secrets to prevent stress- Tips to alleviate emotional and physical stressors- How to stop people and situations from stressing you outTune-in tomorrow Sunday, October 20th right here to stream the show LIVE or listen on UBN Radio channel 1.
10/21/201944 minutes, 2 seconds
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Is a state of happiness something you desire? It’s possible to be there, even during challenging times, if you focus on your consciousness and the choices you make on a daily basis. Changing your response is actually the key to changing everything. Join @Elisheva Balas and special guests Batya and Chaim Solomon for this Sunday’s episode of the Weekly Energy Bost to chat all about Happiness:- Tips on choosing to see the good- How to recognize rejection as adoorway to achieve your next level- Ways to detach from the physical(illusionary) realityTune-in tomorrow Sunday, October 13th right here to stream the show LIVE or listen on UBN Radio channel 1, and comment below with your thoughts and questions to join the discussion.
10/13/201950 minutes, 41 seconds
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At some point along the way, the concept of ‘sacrifice’ got a bad rep. Sacrifice doesn’t mean giving-up; it actually means opening yourself up to have much more. On this Sunday’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost, join Elisheva Balas and special guest Batya Solomon to discuss Sacrifice, including:- Why the physical reality is actually an illusion- How to release shame to open up to receive more- The concept of sacrifice being a gateway to receive what you really desireTune-in tomorrow Sunday, October 6th right here to stream the show LIVE or listen on UBN Radio channel 1, and comment below with your thoughts and questions to join the discussion.
10/6/201948 minutes, 54 seconds
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Hitting The Reset Button

There are rare opportunities we are given in life to wipe the slate clean and start anew, and this week is one of those openings. Are you prepared to take advantage of it? On tomorrow’s Weekly Energy Boost (airing on Sunday this week!), join Elisheva Balas, David Ghiyam and special guest Marcus Weston on Hitting the Reset Button on the Game of Life to discuss:- How to utilize your past challenges to awaken yourself to bigger goals- Why this is a time of energy renewal for all of mankind- Creating a strong inner conviction to changeTune-in right here tomorrow, Sunday September 29th at 10 am EST / 1pm EST to stream the show and comment below to join the discussion!
9/29/201951 minutes, 38 seconds
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Forgiving Others

It is said spiritually, when you hold onto a grudge you actually are continually hurting yourself and not the other person. Learning how to forgive and let go of past hurts is a spiritual process of healing and transformation that can be difficult, but hugely beneficial to lift a weight from your shoulders and allow for evolution. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for this Monday’s Weekly Energy Boost on Forgiving Others:- How to (truly) let go of the past- Why healing hurt helps you to move forward- The importance of taking back the Light from old moviesTune-in this Monday, September 23rd at 10am PST / 1pm EST to stream the show live, and comment below with your thoughts and questions to join the discussion!
9/24/201943 minutes, 9 seconds
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Look For The Light

What would happen if you were able to keep in your thoughts that every action we take, person we encounter and conversation we have has Light in it? It’s a difficult goal, but one we’re supported to reach toward through this week’s energy. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for Monday’s Weekly Energy Boost on how to Look for the Light, including:- How to bring more spirituality to the more mundane aspects of your life- Why your consciousness is essential to revealing the Light that exists in everything- Tools and tips on how to actually see the Light in your everydayTune-in Monday, September 16th at 10am PST / 1pm EST to stream the show live right here, and comment below with your thoughts and questions to join the discussion.
9/17/201950 minutes, 43 seconds
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How To Win The Battle With Your Ego

At the end of the day, it really is just as simple as the choice between Light or darkness, soul or ego, cause or effect. This week, the inner battle with our personal Opponent is on full display, and we have the opportunity to strengthen our ability to choose the Light – to be the cause – in this daily battle. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for Monday’s Weekly Energy Boost on How to Win the Battle with Your Ego, including:- How to differentiate between choosing your soul or your ego- The positive spiritual reason behind why your Opponent challenges you- Why choosing the path of the Light is so crucialTune-in Monday, September 9th at 10am PST / 1pm EST to stream the show live right here, and comment below with your thoughts and questions to join the discussion.
9/10/201947 minutes, 39 seconds
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How To Forgive Yourself

Holding onto a mistake actually keeps you from realizing the growth and purpose behind it. What if you could look at what you consider to be your “flaws” and mistakes from your past, as positives? Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for Monday’s Weekly Energy Boost to learn How To Forgive Yourself:- Why our flaws are actually our friends- How to heal scars of guilt and shame- Seeing your true greatnessTune-in live Monday, September 2nd at 11am PST / 1pm EST right here to stream the show, and comment below with your thoughts or questions to join the live discussions!
9/2/201944 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Purpose of Pain

We know that the soreness we experience after a great workout is a good sign of a job well done at the gym. But why is it so hard to apply that same excitement to other areas of our lives when we experience pain or discomfort? It all comes down to knowing why we’re going through it and that it’s only for our growth. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for Monday’s Weekly Energy Boost to discuss The Purpose of Pain, including:- How to experience the Light within challenging moments- Why challenges are actually the opportunities we’ve asked for, to clear out blockages from receiving what we want- The problem with instant gratificationTune-in live Monday, August 26th at 11am PST / 1pm EST right here to stream the show, and comment below with your thoughts or questions to join the live discussions!
8/26/201948 minutes, 38 seconds
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Why Humility Is The Best Policy

n the midst of a conflict, it almost always comes down to one essential choice: would you rather be right, or would you rather be the Light? It’s often the most difficult to let-go of the need to be right, humble yourself in that moment, and ask for the Light’s guidance on what direction to go in for the highest and best for all involved. In the next Weekly Energy Boost, join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam to learn Why Humility is the Best Policy:- What the connection is between humility and health- Why modesty is truly the best policy- How you can begin to enjoy eating “humble pie”Tune-in Monday, August 19th at 10am PST / 1pm EST right here to stream the show live, or tune-in on UBN Radio, and comment below with your thoughts and questions to join the live discussion!
8/19/201948 minutes, 53 seconds
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Your Attitude Is A Magnet

We often speak about consciousness, but which consciousness is the most powerful for us to strive to have? From this week’s energy, we learn that gratitude is the most powerful consciousness as it draws gifts to our lives since the essence of love is appreciation. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for Monday’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost on how Your Attitude is a Magnet to discuss:How to change your attitude in order to shift your destinyWhy our mistakes or weaknesses don’t define usIf appreciation is love, then entitlement is judgmentTune-in Monday, August 12th at 10am PST / 1pm EST right here to stream the show live, and comment with your thoughts and questions to join the discussion.
8/12/201949 minutes, 41 seconds
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See The Good In Everything

As they say, harboring hatred only punishes you. When you can let-go of any hate within you, we can actually help to remove elements of chaos in our own lives. On this Monday’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost, Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam share how to See the Good in Everything: - How to be more compassionate - Tips on expressing love and kindness, even when it doesn’t feel natural - How to be naturally in love with what’s rightTune-in Monday, August 5th at 10am PST / 1pm EST to stream the show live and comment with your thoughts and questions to join the live discussion.
8/5/201949 minutes, 17 seconds
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Calling Your Soul

The benefits of meditation are numerous, from stress reduction to increased self awareness, attention span and focus. From a kabbalistic perspective, meditation is also a tool that allows us to connect to our soul. Join @Elisheva Balas and @David Ghiyam for the Weekly Energy Boost on Monday, July 29th to learn:How to receive messages from our soulWhy meditation helps to awaken our soul’s true desiresHow to avoid being driven by lackTune-in right here to live stream the show at 10am PST / 1pm EST, and comment with your thoughts and questions to join the live discussion.
7/30/201949 minutes, 20 seconds
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Evil Speech

Our words carry immense power, and especially over the coming three weeks, we have the opportunity to positively impact our lives and the world around us through the power of our speech. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for the Weekly Energy Boost to discuss Evil Speech:Why our words are so powerfulHow to keep the balance between your body and soulHow to create the reality you desire through the words you choose to speakTune-in right here Monday, July 22nd at 10am PST / 1pm EST to stream the show live, and comment with your thoughts and questions to join-in on the discussion.
7/23/201949 minutes, 48 seconds
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Heal Your Consciousness

Spiritually, we know that everything starts at a seed level and the seed level of the reality of our lives starts in our consciousness. The way we think about things is how we’ll see the world, and our actions will follow suit. This week, we have the opportunity to connect to a tremendous energy of healing, and apply that energy to our mindset, to effect the root level of our lives. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for this week’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost to discuss:- How reactivity can open up space for dis-harmony or judgement in our lives- The spiritual principle of “like attracts like”- Why sacrificing the small desires of the ego is the key to removing blockagesTune-in to stream the show LIVE right here today at 10am PST / 1pm EST and comment below with your thoughts and questions to join the conversation.
7/15/201949 minutes, 24 seconds
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Protection From Evil Eye

Most of us wouldn’t choose to give evil eye to someone else, but the difficulty about it is it usually happens without us even realizing it! Evil eye is looking at another, and something they have or embody, with jealousy – not only that you too desire it, but that they shouldn’t have it. Giving off that type of energy to another – whether in person, or even through social media! – is a lose lose for everyone involved, but why? Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for this week’s Weekly Energy Boost to discuss:How you can spot when you may be giving evil eye to others, and even yourselfWays to create protection from evil eyeHow to remove the after effects from past evil eyeTune-in right here to stream the show at 10am PST / 1pm EST and comment below with your thoughts and questions to join the conversation.
7/8/201947 minutes, 15 seconds
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Feeling Other's Pain

Empathy is a highly valued attribute, and one that often is difficult to cultivate. In the process of seeking to truly help another, we must be willing to “get dirty” in the process – putting ourselves in their shoes to feel the pain they are experiencing. In this Monday’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost, join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam to discuss:How to embrace the process of transformationWhy reactivity actually strengthens fearsHow to be a conduit for others to find the energy of miraclesTune-in right here to stream the show at 10am PST / 1pm EST, and comment with your thoughts or questions to join the conversation.
7/2/201943 minutes, 52 seconds
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Nature's Wake Up Call

Just as we learn that like attracts like, it works on both ends of the spectrum. When we embody the Light, we can draw that energy into our lives. So too when we have a lack of appreciation, that can draw further lack into our lives. On this week’s episode of the Weekly Energy Boost, join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam to discuss Nature’s Wake Up Call, including:How to prevent disastersWhat Mother Nature’s role is in spiritualityHow to “wake up” before you need a “wake-up call”Tune-in right here Monday, June 24th at 10am PST / 1pm EST to watch the show and comment with your thoughts and questions.
6/24/201943 minutes, 52 seconds
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Complain At Your Own Risk

We often times underestimate the power of our own words. When we choose to speak ill of another, or complain about a circumstance in our own life, we actually create a concealment of the very energy we wish to come into our lives. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam on Monday, June 17th for the Weekly Energy Boost to discuss:How to fight back against “lack” consciousnessThe impact of having an agendaWhat tools to use to support your consciousness, dailyTune-in right here at 10am PST / 1pm EST to stream the show and comment with your thoughts and questions.
6/17/201931 minutes, 38 seconds
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Balance in Our Spiritual Work

If you’ve delved within and focused on your spiritual process, you know that it’s some of the hardest work you’ll ever have to do. So, as with anything that takes time, focus, dedication and persistence, we each need to find our balance in it so we don’t become overwhelmed or burnt out.Tomorrow Tuesday, June 11th, join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for the Weekly Energy Boost to discuss finding Balance in Our Spiritual Work, including:- How to shift priorities when challenges arise- Giving greater credit to spiritual actions- How to prevent the mundane from taking over
6/12/201941 minutes, 27 seconds
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Living Limitless

What prevents you from living your life most fully, with no limitations? Whether it be fear, uncertainty or lack of direction, the only thing ultimately preventing us from each living limitlessly is ourselves. Join Elisheva Balas and special guest and fellow Kabbalah teacher Esther Royo for the Monday, June 3rd episode of the Weekly Energy Boost to discuss: *How to recognize tests and chose to leap into them, vs. shy  away  *Ways to open yourself up to limitless blessings  *How you can embrace even the most difficult processes Tune-in to the show live right here at 10am PST / 1pm EST. Comment here before the show with your questions, and we might select yours to discuss live on air!
6/4/201949 minutes, 14 seconds
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Rising Above The Influence of The Zodiac!

Our astrological signs are meant to be just that, signs as to what we came into this world to work on and what our strengths and gifts are. Not to be limitations on who we can become or what we can accomplish. Join us Monday, May 27th for a special Memorial Day episode of the Weekly Energy Boost show with Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam on Rising Above the Influence of the Zodiac, to discuss: * How to become awakened to the unlimited power within you * The root cause of difficulties you experience * How to overcome and grow from your sign’s unique  challenges
5/27/201944 minutes, 15 seconds
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Working Hard or Hardly Working?

There is a principle of Kabbalah called spiritual earning. When we do the work on ourselves and externally to create the opening for blessings to come in, or the achievement of a goal or dream, it’s our effort and appreciation that enables us to find the Light in both the process and in the achievements we earn. So are you working hard, or hardly working? Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for the Weekly Energy Boost Monday, May 20th to discuss: * How our actions plant the seed that creates our reality * What the feeling of entitlement means spiritually * How to maintain the consciousness of finding Light and  attracting blessings, especially when things appear sour
5/20/201950 minutes, 16 seconds
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Unlocking The Gates of Abundance

What if the way we’re built to chase after success, sustenance and abundance is missing the mark of how to actually unlock it? The understanding of what it means to have control is the key; to let go of controlling the outcome and instead, focusing on having control over our thoughts, words, actions – and reactions. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam Monday, May 13th for this week’s Weekly Energy Boost show on Unlocking the Gates to Abundance, discussing: *How to allow room for the Light to provide for us *Tools to cultivate trust and certainty *Ways to strengthen appreciation of the Light’s involvement in  our lives *How to let go of controlling the outcome without letting go of  our desire
5/13/201948 minutes, 49 seconds
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Creating Peace Inside and Out

The concept of world peace may sound lofty, but when we create peace within ourselves, that’s how we begin to contribute toward global peace. This Monday, May 6th join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for the Weekly Energy Boost show on Creating Peace Inside & Out to discuss: *The hidden dangers of judgement and calculation *How to unite the body and soul to bring peace to our  environment *The connection between healing ourselves and healing the  world Tune-in to stream the show live right here at 10am PST/1pm EST, comment with your thoughts and questions or call-in to join the conversation live at 323-524-2599.
5/6/201950 minutes, 12 seconds
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Transforming The Mundane Into Meaning

As the kabbalists teach, the energy of the Light is omnipresent everywhere, and at all times. It is up to us through our spiritual growth to open up the spaces within to be able to receive this divine energy into every aspect of our lives. On this week's episode of Weekly Energy Boost, Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam to discuss how each of us can open ourselves up to the energy of the Light we all desire, by transforming everyday mundane occurrences into meaningful growth opportunities.
4/29/201950 minutes, 53 seconds
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Leaving Your Legacy!

Leaving a lasting mark in a finite world is something many of us think about as we go though our lives. What will I leave my kids, family or the world? We want our lives to have meaning and value. This week, Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam will explore what leaving a legacy means spiritually and how we can add value in not just big ways but in every way. Join them for the Weekly Energy Boost on Monday, April 22nd when they will discuss. * Adding value at every opportunity  * Coming from an elevated place, even when the person or  situation doesn’t “deserve” it * Choosing your battles * How to know you’ve made a difference
4/22/201950 minutes, 33 seconds
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Exodus from the Ego

The term “ego” often gets a bad reputation, but it actually serves a very essential and beneficial purpose for each of us. Knowing how to distinguish the ego from our true selves is the key to being able to utilize it for its benefits. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for the Weekly Energy Boost this Monday, April 15th to discuss: *What is the ego according to Kabbalah *Why we have an ego and how to use it to our advantage *The secrets of escaping the dangerous and limiting elements  of the ego
4/16/201939 minutes, 41 seconds
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What Are You Talking About?

We all know gossip is not a positive action, yet it seems like it is one of the most difficult things to avoid. It is one of those things that we know is bad but yet somehow makes us feel so good. However, spiritually speaking, spreading rumors impacts the soul in ways that can block us from obtaining the best of what we want to achieve. This Monday, April 8th join us for the Weekly Energy Boost with Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam along with special guest intuitive expert and psychic medium Peggy Rometo to discuss:   * Why we feel compelled to spread rumors * The impact of gossip on others and ourselves * Tools to transform the desire to speak about others
4/8/201954 minutes, 40 seconds
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What Do You Want?

Do you know what you would answer if someone asked you, “what do you want?” What if that ‘someone’ was the Light? Knowing what you want is the first step, strengthening your capacity to contain it is the next. Join @Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for the Weekly Energy Boost podcast this Monday, April 1st to discuss: *How to increase our passive desires to build stronger  motivation for the Light in our lives *How to shorten the process through awakening true desire *Becoming the cause of our realities through our desire
4/1/201944 minutes, 46 seconds
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Feed Your Soul

Feed Your Soul - Food is such an essential part of our lifestyle – it’s a source of pleasure, a centerpiece of how we socialize, and the foundation of our health. But did you know it also influences our spiritual well-being? Coming up on the Weekly Energy Boost, Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam discuss how this week's energy infuses powerful intention and energy into our eating habits. When we’re more conscious, deliberate and thoughtful of the foods we eat and our time and care invested in preparing them, we can receive that much more spiritual fuel and energy. 
3/25/201951 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Power of Your Thoughts

Our thoughts have the most powerful influence on our reality. But do we realize that we always have a choice of what thoughts we give our energy to? We do, and it’s a power that we can learn to strengthen. This Monday, March 18th join Elisheva Balas for the Weekly Energy Boost show to learn how to harness the power of your thoughts, including: * What do we do with negative thoughts? * How can we control our thoughts? * Can directing our thoughts actually change our reality? * How can we draw in more positive thoughts? Stream the show live right here at 10am PST/1pm EST, comment with your thoughts and questions or call-in to join the conversation live at 323-524-2599.  
3/18/201949 minutes, 27 seconds
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Overcoming Fear

Fears can stop us from living a fulfilling and purposeful life. Where do they come from and why do they hold so much power over us? This Monday, March 4th David Ghiyam and Elisheva Balas welcome special guest Kabbalah Teacher Eitan Yardeni to the Weekly Energy Boost show to discuss Overcoming Fears, including:   *What are we really afraid of? *Can we prevent our fears? *How do we combat our fears? *What is the spiritual value in conquering our fears? *How do we achieve fearlessness?
3/11/201952 minutes, 21 seconds
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Creating the Life You Want

We all have areas of our life that might not be what we want them to be. But it is within our power to transform those areas and create the life we want. This Monday, March 4th David Ghiyam and Elisheva Balas discuss Creating the Life You Want, including: - Holding yourself and others to the same loving standards  - Doing more of what you know you should and less of what you know you shouldn’t  - Catching yourself before you do or say something you may regret  - Finding authenticity in the most challenging moments Stream the show live right here at 10am PST/1pm EST, comment with your thoughts and questions or call-in to join the conversation live at 323-524-2599.
3/5/201950 minutes, 22 seconds
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Reveal the Truth

As we evolve on our path of spiritual growth, there may be situations or people we come to realize are no longer helping us to become our best selves. Finding what fuels you is just as important as seeing the truth and filtering out what may not be healthy or good for you. Join Elisheva Balasand David Ghiyam this Monday, February 25th for the Weekly Energy Boost to learn how to reveal more truth in your life, how to discern what is healthy and helpful to your growth and what may not be and what you can do to transform those areas of your life.
2/26/201949 minutes, 38 seconds
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Embracing Your Mistakes

Did you know that making mistakes is part of the spiritual path and our personal processes? There’s actually a higher purpose as to why we make them. Tune-in on Monday, February 18th to join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for the Weekly Energy Boost and learn how to find the lessons from your mistakes or stumbles, consciousness around their spiritual significance and why it’s actually a gift from the Light to support us on our spiritual paths. 
2/19/201949 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Power of Your Soul

Your soul has tremendous power, but only if you believe that to be true. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam tomorrow, Monday February 11th for the Weekly Energy Boost where they’ll share how you can connect to the energy of this week to power-up the Light within your own soul. Learn how to make every word and action filled with more intention and therefore, able to create more impact in your life and those around you. Stream the show live right here at 10am PST/1pm EST, comment with your thoughts and questions or call-in to join the conversation live at 323-524-2599.  
2/11/201949 minutes, 17 seconds
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Love & Marriage

Join us this Monday, Feb. 4th for the Weekly Energy Boost radio show to discuss everyone’s favorite topic…relationships! Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyamwill delve into all aspects of Love & Marriage, from the purpose of a spiritual marriage to living more from your heart and how to choose unity and love, especially in those difficult moments. Ring in the New Moon of Pisces and hear from special guest, The Kabbalah Centre Chief Marketing Officer Paul Geller, about the brand new Kabbalah ONE on-demand spiritual master class.
2/4/201949 minutes, 43 seconds
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Secrets of Reincarnation

As the Kabbalists teach, each of our souls are sparks of Light and energy that have existed before our lifetimes and continue on well after. There are many, many secrets to the teachings of reincarnation that we can learn to support our personal experiences, spiritual growth and journeys in our current lifetime toward the ultimate goal of completing the work our soul came here to do.   Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for the next Weekly Energy Boost this coming Monday, Jan. 28th to learn some of the Secrets to Reincarnation, including why our souls come to this world and why they leave, who we were in past lives and how we can use this knowledge to discover our true purpose.
1/28/201951 minutes, 14 seconds
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You Deserve to Flourish

Coming up on The Weekly Energy Boost, Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyamwill share how to you can flourish by using this week’s energy to: * Convert negativity to positivity * Shift your consciousness, shift the world * Resist your bad habits and selfish tendencies * Rise above what others think and say about us And more!
1/21/201949 minutes, 48 seconds
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Into the Mystic with Karen Berg

This week’s Kabbalistic wisdom reveals ancient mystical secrets for creating miracles and overcoming challenges of all sorts. Tune in to hear insights from Kabbalah Centre Founder Karen Berg on kabbalistic meditation, communicating with souls that have passed on, visiting ancient energy vortexes, and so much more.
1/14/201948 minutes, 55 seconds
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Living Outside the Box

he energy in this first week of the New Year is one that supports us to be unlimited! Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam will share how to Live Outside of the Box in a spiritual way. They will discuss: *Secrets to unlimited thinking *Being creative about spiritual work *Asking for help
1/7/201949 minutes, 28 seconds
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Listening to Your Soul

12/31/201849 minutes, 10 seconds
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Anger in Confrontation

12/24/201848 minutes, 7 seconds
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Proactive Confirmation part 2

12/17/201846 minutes, 22 seconds
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Proactive Confrontation part 2

Coming up on the Weekly Energy Boost, Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam reveal how to take the spiritual route when it comes to confrontation. They will discuss: *Dealing with difficult people *Kabbalistic secrets for conflict resolution *Working smarter not harder *Letting go not giving in... And more!
12/10/201850 minutes, 45 seconds
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Creating Money Miracles

Prosperity is energy of the week. Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam will share how to expand your capacity for prosperity and create money miracles in your life. They will discuss: *Being a money manager not a money owner. *Being a true channel for prosperity. *Understanding the spiritual energy of money. *Desiring more but appreciating what we have so we can  receive more.
12/3/201849 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Conversation with Karen Berg

The Weekly Energy Boost is thrilled to welcome back Karen Berg, the founder of the Kabbalah Centre who will be live in studio on Monday, November 26th at 10 am PST. Joined by Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam, Karen will be answering your questions as well as discussing the energy of the week. 
11/26/201850 minutes, 39 seconds
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Conquering our Inner Demon

Get your spiritual road map for the week with Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam on the Weekly Energy Boost. This week Elisheva and David will be joined in-studio by guest, Jennifer K. Hill, President of JHill's Staffing Services and Kabbalah student. The we conquer our inner demon and: *Gain control over chaos *Embrace humiliation and rejection *Have strength, confidence and certainty in the Light  *Acknowledge that nothing belongs to us *Choose our reaction: loss or gain
11/20/201850 minutes, 19 seconds
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Love Actually

Coming up on the Weekly Energy Boost, Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyamwill discuss: *Injecting love and excitement into everything we do *Deciding to love our challenges *Shortening the process of time *Being in the present *Sharing with pure intentions
11/12/201849 minutes, 46 seconds
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Cheap Thrills

*How to resist temptation *Quenching the thirst for long term fulfillment  *The original marshmallow test *Not letting what we want interfere with getting what we need
11/6/201848 minutes, 32 seconds
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Gimme…It’s Mine

Start your week off with Elisheva Balas and Mordechay Balas as they share the road map for the week on the Weekly Energy Boost, Monday, October 29th at 10 am PDT. They will be discussing: *Connecting to the blessings that truly belong to us *Receiving moments of clarity  *Asking “why me?” when something positive happens in our life *Desiring the Light’s agenda for our soul *Certainty that the blessings that belong to us are already here On, channel 1
10/29/201851 minutes, 7 seconds
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Are You Up to the Test?

Are You Up for the Test? Coming up on the Weekly Energy Boost this week Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam will talk about... - Why tests come to us - How to anticipate when a test will come - How to handle a test when it does come
10/22/201849 minutes, 52 seconds
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On Weekly Energy Boost this week, Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam will be sharing all about soulmates! You will not want to miss it! They will talk about: - What is all the ruckus about soulmates? - How can you know if you’re with ‘the one? - Why bother being with the "One"? - Kabbalistic secrets about attracting and keeping a mate.
10/15/201848 minutes, 15 seconds
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Eco Consciousness

We are back to our usual date and time, this Monday, October 8th at 10 am PDT and welcoming Mordechay Balas to the microphone. He and Elisheva Balas will discuss Eco Consciousness so join us! The discussion this week will include: *Collective responsibility and the power of our actions *Repeatedly thinking, nourishing and investing in our  commitments for positive change *The consciousness of human beings directly affects the earth *Finding protection and certainty by connecting with our inner  peace instead of external sources *Effecting vs being affected
10/8/201849 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Pursuit of Happiness

Join the Weekly Energy Boost with Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam when they will share insight about: -Not needing anyone or anything to ‘make’ me happy -Tools to awaken and strengthen happiness and contentment -The spiritual gift of discontent and other negative emotions -How every day is a chance to begin again  
9/28/201852 minutes, 16 seconds
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Un-Limiting Our Potential

This Friday on the Weekly Energy Boost: * Using this week to expand our potential * Recognizing my responsibility for the collective  * The dangers of escaping to my “cave” * How to step up, step out of my comfort zone, and step into a  greater version of myself Join us at 10 am PDT on, Channel 1!
9/21/201849 minutes, 27 seconds
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Oneness with the Light

Oneness with the Light Description: This week, Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam share what it means to be at one with the Light. They will discuss: *Bringing an elevated mindset to everything we do *Secrets of the kabbalistic masters on how to hold onto a state of elevation *Making everything we do a spiritual endeavor  *Accessing cosmic windows to assist us in our daily lives
9/14/201852 minutes, 40 seconds
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New Year, New You

Join Elisheva Balas and Mordechay Balas this FRIDAY, September 7th for the Weekly Energy Boost. For this week: *Kabbalistic holidays as universal opportunities to draw energy into our lives *Thinking of every area we want blessings and Light for ourselves and the world *Changing the movie of our life by removing the effects of our negativity *Removing the blockages that prevent us from doing our deeper spiritual work *Recognizing that challenges are part of our soul's purpose * Determining the 'quantity' aspect of our lives: prosperity, relationships and length of life
9/7/201850 minutes, 28 seconds
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Closing the Space Between Us, the Light & Others

This week on the Weekly Energy Boost with Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam, Closing the Space Between Us, the Light and Others. Elisheva and David will discuss: *Exposing our negative traits so we can cleanse them *Stopping the victim attitude in order to allow transformation *Taking responsibility to elevate our consciousness *Stopping the Opponent from creating space *Transforming our consciousness from burden to love FRIDAY, August 31st at 10 am PDT on, Channel 1
9/3/201852 minutes, 32 seconds
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Negativity is NOT our Final Destination

This FRIDAY, August 24th at 10 am PDT Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam remind us that Negativity is NOT our Final Destination! * Accept the negativity we created & view it as an opportunity for the Light to give us more * Accept our negativity as a tool for transformation * Examine where the residual of past negativity remains today & where we are still carrying the influence of that negativity * Discover the antidote to jealousy
8/24/201850 minutes, 23 seconds
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Winning Our Internal Battles

Join Kabbalah Centre teachers Elisheva Balas and Daniel Naor  as they discuss Winning Our Internal Battles including: -Understanding the purpose of personal conflict - Providing tools for overcoming indecision - Distinguishing between the voice of the ego & the voice of  the soul - Determining what to do when another person becomes the  enemy
8/20/201849 minutes, 37 seconds
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A Conversation with Kabbalah Centre Founder Karen Berg

This Monday, we are so happy to welcome The Kabbalah Centre Spiritual Director Karen Berg to the Weekly Energy Boost. Karen will join Elisheva Balas for a lively discussion as well as answering any of your questions.
8/13/201849 minutes, 51 seconds
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Spiritual Hearing

Coming up on the Weekly Energy Boost with Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam...Spiritual Hearing. * What are we afraid to hear? * How to unblock ourselves so we can hear the message the    Light wants to give us * How to be open to everyone in order to hear the messages     we need to hear
7/30/201850 minutes, 29 seconds
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Getting to Know God

On this week's Weekly Energy Boost learn...What is a true desire How to eliminate space between us and the Light Why do our prayers go unanswered The secret to keeping the lines open with the Creator
7/23/201846 minutes, 49 seconds
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Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark

It seems like every day there is news of more darkness in the world. It can sometimes feel like the Light isn't around. However, the Kabbalists teach that darkness is a pathway for us to reveal Light. On Monday at 10 am PDT, Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam will share how we shouldn't be afraid of the darkness we see in our lives and around us and how we can transform it and turn on the Light.
7/16/201849 minutes
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Love the Process

Have you ever just wanted something to happen now? Or, wanted something to be over with as soon as possible? How many times have you thought, I can't make it through this? The process of life's journey can be challenging and can push us in ways that seem sometimes to be just too much. But the Kabbalist teach the process is really where the value of our spiritual work lies. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam and they help us to love the process on Monday, July 9th at 10 am PDT on, Channel 1 or this Facebook page.
7/9/201850 minutes, 29 seconds
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Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is impacts the health of your mind, body and soul. This week's energy supports us to enhance and increase our wellness on all fronts for the whole year but to do so means taking action. Elisheva Balasand David Ghiyam will share how we can increase our spiritual health and that of the ones we love as well as the world on the Weekly Energy Boost this Monday, 
7/2/201850 minutes, 30 seconds
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Evil Eye and the Downsides of Judgement

Some may think evil eye is just a myth...something that only the superstitious believe in and protect themselves from. But the Kabbalists knew differently. Judgement, the driver of evil eye, has only downsides to both parties. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam for the Weekly Energy Boost as they discuss how to use the energy this week to overcome our judgmental ways and fight off evil eye.
6/25/201851 minutes, 4 seconds
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There's Always More Than Meets the Eye

Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam this Monday at 10 am PDT for the Weekly Energy Boost and see how the universe is supporting you this week. 
6/18/201851 minutes, 14 seconds
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Overcoming Jealousy

The Weekly Energy Boost is back on Mondays and Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam tackle jealousy...the green-eyed monster. Jealousy might seem harmless but it can often be what is standing between us and so much of what we are trying to accomplish. Join us on Monday, June 11th at 10 am PDT and discover how to use this week's energy to slay the monster! 
6/12/201850 minutes, 53 seconds
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Hidden Agendas

We all have them...the reason behind the reason. The agendas we don't share with those around us. The things that motivate the choices we make and the paths we pursue. Spiritually speaking, hidden agendas actually hide miracles from our lives. Discover how this week's energy supports us to come clean and reveal our hidden agendas and open the channels for more miracles!
6/5/201850 minutes, 37 seconds
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Stop Complaining!

Recent scientific evidence has revealed that complaining is actually bad for the brain! Kabbalists knew this all along. On Tuesday, May 29th Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam will explore the spiritual ins and outs of complaining. What the practice means for our soul and our lives. Most importantly, they share the tools to overcome our complaining nature.  
5/29/201848 minutes, 51 seconds
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It Takes a Village

Some believe that being spiritual means being alone meditating up on a mountain top. But the kabbalists teach that real spiritual growth only happens when we engage with others. We actually need each other to truly transform and reveal Light in this world. Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam as they share how to use this week's energy to give and receive with your village.
5/23/201849 minutes, 20 seconds
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Free Your Mind

There is a lot going on in the universe this week! The heavy energy of the past month is shifting and with the start of the new month of Gemini we are welcoming a time of fast-paced communication and expansiveness. The way to take advantage of this universal energy is to open your mind to everything. If you see things differently, look beyond what you are used to and consider all options this week you will have the support you need to create transformation in your life. Join Elisheva Balas and Alison Serour as they help you to free your mind
5/14/201850 minutes, 45 seconds
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Avoiding Traffic on the Extra Mile

 Human nature is to run away from discomfort, often choosing not to go the extra mile. But did you know the more we run away from being uncomfortable the more uncomfortable we are likely to be? Join Elisheva Balas and David Ghiyam as they discuss how to utilize this week's energy to push ourselves to go that extra mile in our process and be comfortable being uncomfortable.  
5/7/201849 minutes, 39 seconds
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4/30/201849 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why Kabbalah?

Ever wonder why Kabbalah? What makes this spiritual practice one to start on and continue to pursue. On Monday, April 23rd, senior Kabbalah Instructor Eitan Yardeni will share his thoughts in a frank, deep conversation with Elisheva Balas.
4/23/201848 minutes, 33 seconds
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Being Wholly

In Kabbalah, being holy is not about being righteous, it is about being unified within yourself and with others. This week the Universe is providing all of us with an extra boost to create unity in our lives. Join Elisheva Balas, Esther Larkin and Ariel Viner as they discuss not only this important concept but the monthly energy as we embark on the Month of Taurus. Monday, April 16th at 10 am PDT on Universal Broadcasting Network and this FB page.
4/16/201848 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Power of Words

Words have power! We may have heard this time and again, but this week's energy can truly help us to use our words to elevate the world not tear down it down. Join Elisheva Balas, David Ghiyam and Yosef Shvili as they discuss how our words have power and how we can use that power to change our own lives as well as world around us.
4/9/201848 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Conversation with Karen Berg, Spiritual Director of The Kabbalah Centre

we are so happy to welcome Kabbalah Centre Spiritual Director Karen Berg to the Weekly Energy Boost. Karen will join Elisheva Balas for a lively discussion on topics including global spirituality as well as answering your questions.  
4/2/201850 minutes, 15 seconds
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Eating for the Soul

Eating is an essential part of living. Food gives your body the sustenance it needs to survive. But, did you know that food is an critical element to your spiritual life as well? Food has the ability to affect your consciousness. You won't want to miss tomorrow's Weekly Energy Boost as Elisheva Balas, Yehuda Dan and Batsheva Shouster discuss the deep meaning behind the food we eat, when we eat it and how important it is for nourishing our soul.
3/26/201849 minutes, 5 seconds
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Breaking Our Dependency on the External

How many of us want freedom in our lives? The freedom to do what we want, when we want. By this definition freedom can seem like an unattainable dream. But the Kabbalists teach that true freedom means you are unaffected the things that trigger your reactive system. Elisheva Balas, Yehuda Dan and Yosef Shvili discuss how to use this week's unique energy to break the chains our opponent has us bound in and make true freedom a reality in our lives.
3/19/201848 minutes, 52 seconds
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What Do You Think?

Your thoughts, both positive and negative, affect how you feel, and how you engage with others. The Kabbalists teach that while we might not have the power to stop thoughts from coming into our minds we do have the power to choose those that we want emphasize to make for a more elevated day. Join Elisheva Balas, Mordechay Balas and Yosef Antebi as they discuss how to use this week's unique energy to focus on the thoughts that empower you.
3/12/201849 minutes, 25 seconds
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Spiritual Surroundings

This week on the Weekly Energy Boost, Kabbalah teachers Elisheva Balas, Yehuda Dan and Yosef Basham explore the importance of the people and community in which you surround yourself. Choosing your surroundings is truly your most important exercise of free will. Find out why on this week’s engaging and informative show.
3/5/201850 minutes, 3 seconds
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Sharing our Gifts

Last week's energy was all about being humble. This week, the tables are turned and it's time to share your gifts! Elisheva Balas, Ariel Viner and Yosef Robert Basham discuss how sharing our gifts generate circuitry and certainty in our lives.
2/26/201850 minutes, 15 seconds
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Living with Humility

This week's energy helps us connect with humility, a powerful spiritual tool that enables us to amplify the voice of our soul. Join Kabbalah Instructors Elisheva Balas, Mordechay Balas and Yehuda Dan as they discuss how to use the energy available and have a more elevated week.
2/19/201849 minutes, 13 seconds
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Building the Sanctuary Within

When we create space for spirituality in our lives, we have the ability to generate a flow of energy that supports our efforts as well as others. Kabbalah instructors Elisheva Balas, Daniel Naor and Chagai Shouster share the importance of creating this space in your life and how to ensure this remains. They will also discuss the energy of the upcoming New Moon of Pieces!
2/11/201849 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Circle of Life (and Death)

Kabbalah Instructors Elisheva Balas, Mordechay Balas and Yosef Shvili explore reincarnation and how the circle of life and afterlife help us to see our lives from a different perspective. This week’s energy is about zooming out and connecting with our soul’s history. It is also a week to be open to messages from unexpected places or people. This is a week where you can truly feel your soul if you want to hear its voice.
2/5/201848 minutes, 53 seconds
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How To Listen To Your Soul

On this week’s Weekly Energy Boost, Kabbalah Instructors Elisheva Balas, Mordechay Balas and Yehuda Dan discuss how to listen with your soul. Many times we aren't tuned into messages we receive from the Universe. Or if we do hear them, we don't always have the courage or conviction to take action. Join us on, Channel 1 or FB Live on this community page to uncover how we can use the energy of this week to tune in and step up.  
1/29/201849 minutes, 8 seconds
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Consciousness is Everything!

They have a lively discussion about the Kabbalistic principle of mind over matter. We all have the ability to change ourselves and our situations through our consciousness. With a higher level of consciousness we can extract the best out of life all the time. The team will share tools for elevating our consciousness and how to tap into the support the universe offers this week to create more certainty in our lives.
1/22/201849 minutes, 51 seconds
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Spiritual Independence

Kabbalah instructors, Elisheva, Mordechay and Yehuda discuss what Kabbalists define as freedom – the ability to not be influenced by external things but to recognize that you have everything you need inside of you. They will explore why the process even when difficult is the most necessary aspect of spiritual growth. This week also starts the month of Aquarius which supports our ability to break through barriers and the team will provide tools to help you take advantage of this energy.
1/15/201848 minutes, 51 seconds
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Don't Get Mad, Get Even (Happier)

This week’s energy helps support us to overcome some of our more negative traits.  Kabbalah teachers Elisheva Balas, Ariel Viner and Yehuda Dan discuss how we can eliminate our negative patterns, why anger is so bad for us and its antidote and what is truth behind forgetfulness.  They will also delve more deeply into the monthly astrological cycles by examining the end of the month of Capricorn. 
1/8/201849 minutes, 27 seconds
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Everything You Need is Within You

This week's discussion brings teachings from the Zohar together with practical guidance around aligning our desires with the highest good of all parties involved. Ariel Viner, Daniel Naor, and Elisheva Balas share how to shift from selfish to selfless and slavery to freedom on a personal level.
1/1/201851 minutes, 38 seconds
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Its a Marathon, Not a Sprint!

As the energy this week and this month shift, Elisheva Balas, Ariel Viner, and Daniel Naor share wisdom and guidance on how to look at your goals from the past year as a springboard for this year's goals, not simply because its a new year, but because its a powerful habit to maintain regularly - why am I doing what I'm doing, and how can I manifest my goals better and faster?
12/25/201750 minutes, 15 seconds
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Confront with Care

Join Elisheva Balas, Esther Naor and Kabbalistic Astrologer Rachel Schwartz as they lead a lively discussion that transcends this month of Capricorn and takes us into a plan for dealing with difficult conversations - even the ones with ourselves!
12/18/201748 minutes, 3 seconds
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Rising from the Ashes

Join the Weekly Energy Boost team as they discuss the idea of Rising from the Ashes on a spiritual level.  When we are in the midst of our darkest moments it is an opportunity to reach our highest potential.  If we can strengthen our certainty and maintain spiritual discipline then we can rise up and meet our destiny because no matter where we are or what is happening there is always a master plan at work.   They will also discuss the energy of the week connected to the biblical section of Miketz, the cosmic window of Chanukah, and the Kabbalistic teachings around this time of year which emphasizes how the power to create miracles is in our hands. 
12/11/201748 minutes
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Spiritual Complacency

Spiritual work is very rewarding as we see changes in our lives as well as miracles.  But as with anything we do over time, we can become stagnate and complacent in our work.  Elisheva Balas, Mordechay Balas and Daniel Naor will discuss this week’s energy which will support us to awaken from any spiritual slumber we may be experiencing and renew our efforts.  We also have a the opportunity to create even more miracles in the upcoming weeks.  The holiday of Chanukah is almost upon us and this universal opening with energy available to all will provide us the ability to go above and beyond our comfort zone.  Elisheva, Mordechay and Daniel offer practical tools for tapping into this unique window in time.
12/4/201748 minutes, 29 seconds
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Use Your Built In GPS

Our consciousness is the most powerful energy conductor in the universe. Elisheva Balas, Mordechay Balas, and Ariel Viner discuss how to use our consciousness to create our reality, shift relationships with others and create miracles in our lives.
11/27/201747 minutes, 26 seconds
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Family Matters

Our families seem to have the unique ability to push our buttons unlike anyone else. Elisheva Balas, Mordechay Balas, and Daniel Naor discuss how our family can be our greatest teachers and the spiritual tools to navigate the rocky terrain of family gatherings and conflicts.
11/20/201749 minutes, 9 seconds
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1. What it Means To Be Free

11/17/201747 minutes, 40 seconds