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Willow Creek Weekend Podcast Profile

Willow Creek Weekend Podcast

English, Religion, 2924 seasons, 292 episodes, 6 days, 22 hours, 6 minutes
Willow Creek Community Church holds to a core belief that people matter to God. They matter to us, too. With an understanding that Jesus Christ came to earth to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10), But Jesus went beyond a mere rescue mission; he transformed lives. Jesus came to redeem this broken world, and it is on this core belief that Willow has built its mission statement: to turn irreligious people into fully devoted followers of Christ. Willow is committed to carrying on Christ's mission by reaching out to those who are far from God, coaching those who follow Christ by equipping them for their spiritual journey, and unleashing unprecedented levels of compassion and justice into our broken world. Weekend messages are a key component in reach out to others and encouraging and inspiring them along their spiritual journey.
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How to Grow With God | Dave Dummitt

In our new series, This is The Way, we're studying some of the foundations of Christianity–namely, spiritual disciplines and why they're important. Jesus taught the disciples all about spiritual practices that would keep them close to God. Things like; how to pray, live generously, give time to others who need it, and Bible study. And these spiritual disciplines help us today to stay close to God, too. Pastor Dave tells us how these practices are still relevant to our lives as he teaches from 1 John 2.
9/4/202240 minutes, 17 seconds
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I Don't Fit In | Megan Marshman

God designed us to be in community with others. It's not healthy for us to be alone. Isolation is dangerous to our mental health. But how many of us have felt like outsiders, misfits, or 'other' at some point in our lives? This week Pastor Megan Marshman talks about the distinction between sameness and belonging. Every person has a place in the Kingdom of God to belong and contribute to the community. As the community of Christ, we are to care for the parts that are hurting. We are to offer belonging to one another, combating loneliness and isolation, even if all some of us can do is be present.
8/28/202236 minutes, 32 seconds
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I Don't Matter | Dave Dummitt

Every single person is placed on Earth by God, and He has a purpose for all of us. We each have a myriad of reasons as to why we are here, even if we can't see it. When life's circumstances get us down, it can be hard to discern our purpose and how to keep going. What impact is my life really having? Would the world be better without me? No, it wouldn't! God put you here for a reason. Even the most challenging parts of your life can be used for good in God's plan. This week, Pastor Dave teaches from Ephesians 2:10 to help us tackle the devil's most damaging lie: that we don't matter.
8/21/202235 minutes, 51 seconds
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I Don't Want to Keep Going | Dave Dummitt

A healthy mind comes with healthy rest. A large part of our mental health self-care is rest and resting well. God designed our bodies and minds to function at their peak with rest! Pastor Dave shows us how Elijah was forced to stop and rest on his journey in 1 Kings, demonstrating that rest is essential and God-given. Without rest, we can't function at such a high capacity without facing burnout and crash.
8/14/202233 minutes, 22 seconds
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I Don’t Like Myself | Shawn Williams

What does "Love the Lord your God... with all your mind" mean? Mark 12:30 gives us the greatest of all commandments, but 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ But we tend to neglect the mind part. Pastor Shawn talks with a mental health professional about how God wants us to be of a healthy mind, body, and soul and how caring for our mental health honors God.
8/7/202247 minutes, 5 seconds
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Faith That Works-How To Pray-Dave Dummitt

How to speak to God or how to pray can be mysterious, even confusing. Pastor Dave uses James Chapter 5 to teach us how our prayer life can offer a great first defense line or help us step out into unknown and daring places knowing God has got us. And, it is easy! How to pray and speak to God are covered here, plus why prayer matters.
8/1/202237 minutes, 49 seconds
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Faith That Works-Taming The Tongue-Dave Dummit

God created the world by speaking. And when God created us in His image, He gave us the gift of language marked by incredible power. But that power can either build up or devastate and destroy. This week we take a look at the power of our words and how to steward them well.
7/24/202231 minutes, 56 seconds
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Faith That Works-How We Love Matters-Albert Tate

Pastor Albert Tate is back with us this week, talking about 'How We Love Matters' and how to get past any judgments we may hold in order to serve God and love all people well.
7/20/202249 minutes, 58 seconds
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Faith That Works-Sharing Your Faith-Thomas Anderson Jr

Sharing faith can be tough; there's no doubt. Did you run out and tell everyone when you first became a Christian? Probably not. It can feel awkward, especially when it comes to sharing our faith with non-Christian friends and family. But, as soon as we decide to follow Jesus, sharing our faith and spreading the gospel is exactly what Jesus wants us to do! How can we do that, practically, without sounding a little bit out there? Our Campus Pastors look at James 1:19 and how we can both talk about and show God's love.
7/10/202234 minutes, 53 seconds
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Faith That Works-Why Does God Allow Suffering-Megan Marshman

Why does God allow suffering? How could a 'good' God want to see us in our pain and suffering? The truth is, He doesn't. But He does want us to come to Him with our troubles. God wants to help us in our suffering and gives us a framework to redeem our suffering and use it for good.   Pastor Megan Marshman leads us through James chapter 1 and the framework God has given us.
7/3/202238 minutes
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Unsung Service-Volunteers-Dave Dummitt-Shawn Williams

Unsung |Unsung Service | June 26 | Dave Dummitt We’re celebrating acts of service with our amazing volunteers! Jesus asks us to give of ourselves, our time, and energy in service to the ‘body of Christ’. But what does that look like? This week we’re bringing you stories of volunteering and how people have changed lives, even their own lives, being the hands and feet of Jesus in service to others. What are opportunities to volunteer near you? How can you experience the joy of volunteering? Get inspired by these heartwarming stories.
6/28/202226 minutes, 31 seconds
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Unnsung Guidance- Jodi Hickerson

This week we celebrate all the men, fathers, and father figures in our lives! Guest speaker Jodi Hickerson, a Teaching Pastor at Mission Church, joins us to celebrate her father, former Willow Teaching Pastor Mike Breaux.
6/19/202229 minutes, 43 seconds
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Unsung_Crucial Conversations_Dave Dummitt

Some of the greatest heroes are the people who call out the broken parts of us and walk us through the process of restoration and healing. This week we take a look at what it means to “restore a brother or sister gently,” and share stories of how lives have been changed and saved because someone courageously stood in the gap and walked the hard journey of healing with someone else.
6/5/202227 minutes, 55 seconds
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Unsung -The Woman With The Alabaster Jar -Miguel De La Mora.

Unsung | The Woman With The Alabaster Jar | May 29 | Miguel De La Mora Her name is not shared in the Bible, but she sure makes a significant impact! The woman with the alabaster jar, seen in the book of Luke, who anoints Jesus’ feet with her expensive perfume, shows us that no matter who you are, Jesus loves you. This woman sacrifices worldly possessions for forgiveness and eternal life with God.
5/29/202240 minutes
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Unsung-Benaiah-A Beacon of Courage-May 2-Dave Dummitt

This week in our Unsung Heroes series, Pastor Dave teaches about a lesser-known character from the book of 2 Samuel who demonstrates how God equips us to be courageous; Benaiah. Throughout Benaiah’s life, he shows up to all the challenges he faces and gets through them with the kind of courage that only God can give. Because of this, he became a valued leader under King David. What battles are you facing that require Benaiah-level courage?
5/22/202232 minutes, 59 seconds
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Unsung Wisdom_Esther and Mordecai_Shawn Williams

The story of Esther is one of a woman full of courage and faith, willing to step into a dangerous situation to save an entire nation. But this week, Shawn will take a look at the unsung hero behind Esther: her cousin, Mordecai. Through unseen, unseen, and overlooked spaces Mordecai coached, equipped, prayed for, and encouraged Esther along her journey.
5/15/202240 minutes, 54 seconds
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Willow Creek-Mothers Day-2022-Hannah-Dave Dummitt.

Happy Mother’s Day to all moms, mother figures, and amazing women in our lives! Today we learn about an incredible mother in the Bible: Hannah. Hannah did what any mother would do: feed, protect, guide, and pray for her son Samuel. And when she gave her son to God, God saw to it that Samuel would go on to lead and protect a whole nation. It’s this sacrificial love that moms display that can go on to change the world. Thanks for spending Mother’s Day 2022 with us!
5/8/202229 minutes, 24 seconds
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Celebration Of Hope_Is It Better To Give Than Receive_Shawn Williams

You've heard the phrase, "it is better to give than to receive," but is it? Teaching Pastor Shawn Williams explores through 2 Corinthians 8, that's not what God is saying in the Bible. The Bible tells us that we should give what we can to meet others needs and receive in our own needs. We don't give generously to help others as an act of charity; it's an act of reciprocity. We receive even greater gifts when we understand that we have much to learn from our partnerships
5/1/202231 minutes, 52 seconds
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Celebration Of Hope 2022-Wk 1-What is God Growing in the World-Ron Bueno

Where is God in the pandemic? What has God been doing during the global pandemic? Does it feel like God has disappeared? Ron Bueno, Executive Director of the non-profit organization ENLACE, shares stories of God's incredible work through churches in hard-hit communities worldwide and how God is equipping the church to help rebuild these communities.
4/24/202236 minutes, 10 seconds
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Easter At Willow Creek Church-2022-Dave Dummitt

Join Willow as we celebrate Easter, 2022. Hear the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection from a new point of view, seeing that hope isn’t something we need to search for actively; it’s already here. When our world is shaky, we reach for hope. At times, it can feel far away—nearly impossible to grasp. This Easter, hear the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection from a new vantage point, seeing that hope isn’t something we need to search out, it’s already here. Come experience a hope that came near.
4/17/202225 minutes, 57 seconds
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M2215_Read All About It_The Compassion Of Jesus_Megan Marshman

Many of us have heard of Jesus' miracle, feeding 5,000 with just five loaves of bread and two fish. This story in Luke 9 tells us about Jesus' power and His immense compassion for people. Megan Marshman shows us exactly how much Jesus cares for us all in this week's teaching.
4/10/202237 minutes, 15 seconds
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Read All About It-The Power Of Jesus-Dave Dummitt

Continuing our series in the book of Luke, we look at Luke 8, where Jesus is sleeping in a boat, then calms the storm on the lake, displaying His supernatural power. Who commands even the waves and the water? Learn more about the power of Jesus.
4/3/202238 minutes, 46 seconds
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Read All About It-Wisdom of Jesus-Shawn Williams

Read All About It: Seek and You Will Find: The Wisdom of Jesus | March 27 | Shawn Williams The gospel of Luke tells us a lot about the wisdom of Jesus, who sometimes uses parables, or stories, to illustrate a point. This week, Pastor Shawn takes us through Luke 11, in which Jesus famously advises, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find." But what did He mean? Let's find out!
3/27/202234 minutes, 5 seconds
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Read All About It-The Humanity of Jesus-Dave Dummitt

As we explore and learn about the humanity of Jesus through the book of Luke, we look at Luke 4 and how the devil tempted Jesus. When temptation is keeping us from focusing on God, what can we learn from Jesus’ response?
3/20/202238 minutes, 22 seconds
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Amen & Amen-Celebrating Baptism-Ed Ollie

What is Baptism? Baptism is a public declaration of your new life as a Christ-follower. But how do you know if you're ready for baptism? What happens through baptism, and why is it an important part of your faith journey? Learn about Jesus' baptism and why He did it.
3/13/202230 minutes, 19 seconds
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Amen and Amen-The Sacrament of Communion-Shawn Williams

What is Communion?If you've ever heard the word 'communion' and wondered what it was, why Christians practice it, or how to take communion yourself, this teaching will help. Willow Creek pastors take us through the importance of the practice of communion, what each element means, and how to enter into communion on a personal level. Communion is an important tenant for Christians to remember Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. If you're ready to try communion, grab some crackers or bread and juice and practice along with us.
3/6/202233 minutes, 8 seconds
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More Than Money-Principle of Surrender-Dave Dummitt

Abraham was a man who completely surrendered to God even when it wasn’t clear—and even when it didn’t make sense. The story of Abraham tells us what full surrender and trust could look like in our lives and in the way we steward the resources God has given us. Join Pastor Dave Dummitt as we conclude More than Money with a challenge to be generous in all aspects of our lives.
2/27/202245 minutes, 37 seconds
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More Than Money-Free to Live Generously-The Principle of First-Robert Morris

What comes first in your life? This week we're exploring the Principle of First: first things first. But, what should come first? Learn from Robert Morris on how to prioritize and make sure we're living fully for God.
2/20/202234 minutes, 29 seconds
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More Than Money-Freedom To Live Generously-Dave Dummitt-Miguel De La Mora

Did you know that God gave us a blueprint for money management? How can we use that to get ourselves out of debt so that we can save and live generously? This week in our More Than Money series, Pastor Dave Dummitt explores what the Bible says about money, which Scriptures talk about money, and how to apply that in very practical ways to our own lives.
2/13/202246 minutes, 22 seconds
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More Than Money-THe Principle of Freedom-Megan Marshman

Jesus said that we cannot have two masters.  The way we use our money points to what we value most. What does it look like for the way we use money to be an act of worship?
2/7/202232 minutes, 57 seconds
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More Than Money-Principle of Posture-Dave Dummitt

How do you hold your wallet? Defensively? Protectively? Like a security blanket? This week we will take a look at the different postures people take towards money and what Jesus has to say about the role of money in our lives.
1/30/202231 minutes, 58 seconds
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We Are Willow - Change The World-Shawn Williams

Our world has experienced crisis after crisis, and at times, the needs around us can be overwhelming. What if we became obsessed with seeing those needs change, one act of kindness, love, and generosity at a time? Kids would have homes, marriages would be restored, families would have food, loneliness and depression would lower, debt would be erased, justice would be found, and lives would be transformed in the name and power of Jesus.
1/23/202233 minutes, 55 seconds
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We Are Willow - Love People - Dave Dummitt and Panel Discussion

It’s easy to love people who encourage, are friendly, and agree with us, but God longs for us to love all people across all boundaries, pursuing the type of community where no need is left unmet. Let’s seek to be an Acts 2 church, committed to loving how He first loved us.
1/16/202234 minutes, 21 seconds
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We Are Willow - Love God - Dave Dummitt

At times, we can be selective about when and how we love God, but He desires for us to love Him wholeheartedly all of the time. We can display our love for Him in every area of our lives, from how we pray and worship to how we interact with strangers and live generously.
1/9/202232 minutes, 37 seconds
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Thrill Of Hope-Light of the World-Dave Dummitt

The Bible begins with light, and Jesus ultimately becomes the supreme Light of the world. Wherever there’s darkness, there’s an absence of God. But when we receive Jesus, we embrace Him as our light and are able to share His love, presence, and grace with others—He can shine through us!
1/3/202214 minutes, 24 seconds
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Gabriel encounters the shepherds and says, “Fear not. I bring you good news.” He announces that the fear breaker, Jesus, is here.  Good news that will cause great joy; good news that causes doesn’t mean life gets easier. Why did they say it’s good news?  Christmas means that all fear is conquered because Christ has come.
12/19/202133 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Thrill Of Hope-Mary-Unexpected Hope-Albert Tate

After 400 years of silence, God speaks through the angel Gabriel twice in six weeks. This time Gabriel encounters Mary, and her reaction to the angel’s news was very different from Zechariah and Elizabeth’s. A poor teen girl shows us that however small you may feel. God can use your life. If you are willing to live in faith.
12/12/202135 minutes, 20 seconds
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Thrill of Hope-Zechariah-Unbelievable Hope-Dave Dummitt

Gabriel encounters Zechariah informing him that his prayers have been heard and his wife Elizabeth would give birth to a boy named John who would prepare the way for the Messiah. Through this encounter, we learn that what God does in you and through you while you wait is just as important as what you are waiting for.
12/5/202130 minutes, 56 seconds
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The God Who Receives The Rejected-Hope For Youth-Jon Kelly

For some at-risk youth in our communities, prison becomes a probability. Jon Kelly, lead pastor of Chicago West Bible Church, teaches out of Mark 5 and shares some of his own incredible story of imprisonment and redemption.
11/28/202140 minutes, 35 seconds
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Monsters Within-Greed and Generosity-Dave Dummit

Greed holds onto resources believing that through wealth and resources we will have everything we need to stand up against life’s storms and struggles. But when we live with our fists clenched, holding tightly to the constant need for more wealth, more for ourselves, we cannot have open hands to receive what God has to offer us which is far better and more secure.
11/28/202133 minutes, 14 seconds
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Monsters Within-Pride and Humility-Albert Tate

Pride says I’m number 1 and everyone else is not. Humility says God is number 1 and I am not. Pride makes everyone a potential competitor. Humility makes everyone a potential partner. Pride always seeks assurance that you are number 1. Humility needs no proof as it recognizes that God and others are first. This is baptism weekend, so this will drive towards humbling ourselves before God, acknowledging our need, and giving our lives to Him. 
11/14/202132 minutes, 16 seconds
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Monsters Within-Envy and Fulfiullment-Dave Dummit

When God’s provision isn’t enough. In Numbers 11 we God’s people have left Egypt but have not yet obtained the promised land. God provides everything they want, but they still grumble and complain. This week we see that envy is getting bitter when others have it better. But we combat envy with celebration and looking for the good right where we are.
11/7/202136 minutes, 28 seconds
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Monsters Within-Wrath and Reconciliation-Shawn Williams

Wrath starts as rejection that builds as resentment that boils up to retaliation. We harbor bitterness and resentment at the wounds we have carried and so we allow hate, malice, and wrath to build to boiling points that ultimately poison and destroy relationships and our very own souls. But God calls us to the freedom of forgiveness and release.
10/31/202132 minutes, 1 second
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Monsters Within-Gluttony and Self-Control-Miguel De La Mora

 Overindulging an insatiable appetite. Binging. Gluttony is often a food issue but it isn’t limited to food. Binging entertainment. Binging in spending. Overindulging appetites of all kinds that never seem to be satisfied is a way that we try to fill the voids and cope with pain. But Jesus offers us true and lasting satisfaction and sets us free to receive good things like food and entertainment without looking to them for our ultimate satiation.
10/24/202136 minutes, 8 seconds
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Monsters Within-Lust and Purity-Shawn Williams

Lust is when we satisfy our own desires, rather than loving how God loves. God wants us to move from lust to love and fully embrace His plan for purity. There’s evil in this world, but more often than not, what’s most dangerous are the monsters within. These monsters lead us to become the darkest versions of ourselves, and too many times we feel isolated to fight these battles on our own. But we’re not alone. Even though evil tries to rob us, Jesus has already overcome it. Instead of falling victim to sloth, lust, gluttony, wrath, envy, pride, and greed, let’s call on the name of Jesus and clothe ourselves with diligence, purity, self-control, reconciliation, fulfillment, humility, and generosity. When we allow Jesus in, the monsters have nowhere to hide.
10/17/202138 minutes, 25 seconds
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Monsters Within-Sloth-Fabian Garza-Dave Dummit

We often think of sloth as being lazy. But the reality is that sloth may actually look very very busy doing lots of the wrong things. Sloth is settling for what is easy instead of fighting for what is good. Sloth takes a look at what God may be asking me to do and then chooses not to step into it because it looks too hard or the cost appears too high. But faith calls us to courage and calls us to lay sloth aside to step into what matters most.
10/10/202125 minutes, 51 seconds
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Against All Odds-Unlikely Victory-Dave Dummit

God uses our strengths, but God also shows off in spite of and even through our weaknesses. When we feel insufficient, ill-equipped, incompetent, or outnumbered God is positioned to work mightily in and through us to do great things. Gideon was hiding when God called him a mighty warrior. God looks beyond what appears to be, and calls out something more.
10/3/202136 minutes, 41 seconds
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Against All Odds-Sam and Emmanuel Acho

Against all odds, God is still moving in real people’s lives. Sam and Emmanuel Acho share personal stories of the importance of cheering on one another, telling each other difficult truths, and above all, encouraging a deep relationship with God.
9/26/202132 minutes, 17 seconds
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Against All Odds-Unlikely Strength-Dave Dummit

When a young shepherd boy came up against an incredible giant, he ran to meet the challenge because of his confidence in his great God. God had been preparing David all of his life to face that giant and to prepare him for what many might describe as an “unlikely victory.”
9/19/202128 minutes, 34 seconds
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Against All Odds

The New Testament Church was a group of unlikely, ragtag leaders who went on to change the world. Because Jesus was their cornerstone, this group of leaders was able to cross all kinds of societal and cultural lines to create a life-changing, world-shaking community.
9/12/202141 minutes, 12 seconds
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Willow Creek_Mission-Vision-Values_Dave Dummit

God has been working in and through Willow for 46 years—bringing people into eternity-altering relationships with Jesus, mending marriages, healing families, impacting entire communities, and sharing His Good News across the globe. As we step into the future together, Senior Pastor Dave Dummitt and the team are excited to share about the hopes and dreams that God has been stirring in our midst. Be part of praying, worshipping, and hearing what’s next for Willow at our Worship & Vision Night
9/9/202130 minutes
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Alive Without Breathing-Prayer for the Church Hosanna Wong

: How can we deploy people to be the church where we live, work, and play? Hosanna will teach from her new book “How Not To Save the World” which tackles lies we believe that hold us back from sharing the Good News of Jesus with those around us, with a specific focus on believing the lie that our prayers don’t matter. Other lies  people believe: There is no way for my loved ones to know God, no way for that person to come to church, I’m not smart enough, skilled enough…I attend but I’m not a part of building this church. Hosanna will aim to challenge Willow to hold fast to the belief that our greatest witness will be our with-ness--our being with people.
9/9/202133 minutes, 2 seconds
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Nicodemus, The Pharisees, and Sharing Our Faith-Dave Dummit

What compels someone to risk everything for something they believe in? This weekend we look at the life of a man named Nicodemus and how he journeyed from hidden faith to public conviction.
9/5/202134 minutes, 50 seconds
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Alive Without Breathing - Prayer For The Church - Hosanna Wong

How can we deploy people to be the church where we live, work, and play? Hosanna will teach from her new book “How Not To Save the World” which tackles lies we believe that hold us back from sharing the Good News of Jesus with those around us, with a specific focus on believing the lie that our prayers don’t matter. Other lies people believe: There is no way for my loved ones to know God, no way for that person to come to church, I’m not smart enough, skilled enough…I attend but I’m not a part of building this church.
8/29/202132 minutes, 59 seconds
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Alive Without Breathing - Week 2 - How to Listen to God - Shawn Williams

As Jesus was leaving his disciples to go to the cross, he told them that he would send the counselor, the Holy Spirit, who would instruct them in all things and remind them of Jesus’ teachings. But how do we hear the Holy Spirit? How do we discern the voice of God in our lives?
8/22/202134 minutes, 53 seconds
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Alive Without Breathing - How To Pray - Ed Ollie Jr.

Many people believe they need to have a pastor or clergy member pray for them; that God doesn’t hear the prayers of anyone else. But because of Jesus, we have been given access to the Father and we can talk to Him freely. He INVITES us to talk to him, to pray, and Jesus shows us how.
8/15/202133 minutes, 26 seconds
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Road Trip Radio - Track 105 - Shawn Williams

Too often we compartmentalize worship. We think of worship as this thing we do between 10:30-11:30 on Sunday morning. Worship is meant to absorb and soak into every hour and every place in your life.
8/8/202138 minutes, 37 seconds
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Road Trip Radio-Track 119-Miguel De La Mora

Many of us are in a rhythm that is taking us down a certain path and leaves us feeling frustrated & confused. We're off beat. However, there is a rhythm for your life that God wants you to live, because He knows what’s best for you. And when the Word of God comes into our life and instructs us how to live, it interrupts those other rhythms. To experience all that God wants for us, we need to learn to move to the beat of His heart and not our own.
8/1/202132 minutes, 9 seconds
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We cannot avoid conflict, but we can control our response to it. Will we seek refuge through our earthly desires, or will we trust God and run to Him, allowing Him to be our refuge, strength, and fortress?
7/26/202135 minutes, 18 seconds
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Road Trip Radio - Track 23 - Ed Stetzer

We live our lives at a breakneck pace aiming to be as independent as possible, pursuing whatever we think will satisfy us but in the end leaves us hungrier and more tired than ever. But when we submit to Jesus as the Good Shepherd, we find rest, stillness, and the ability to follow the God who works for our good and our care.
7/25/202132 minutes, 56 seconds
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Road Trip Radio - Track 103 - Shawn Williams

Many people think of God as temperamental, just waiting to blast us for messing up, like God has a short fuse, ready to blow at any time. But the Bible says exactly the opposite. God has a long fuse. He doesn’t fly off the handle, he doesn’t over react.  God is patient with us and we cannot outsin his love and the redemption available to us through Jesus.
7/11/202132 minutes, 46 seconds
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Courage to Pray Big Prayers - Ed Ollie

Big problems are catalysts for big prayers. God moves through the prayers of His people, especially when those prayers are anchored in His promises. Using Joshua 10, we will look at how we can approach the problems of our lives as opportunities to see God show up in big ways. Sun standing still - never before had God moved that way - it moved the heart of God. Prayer + God can more than what we ask, think or imagine.
7/4/202135 minutes, 24 seconds
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Words Of Life-Gene Appel

The tongue has the power of life and death. ... Gen 1 = words bring life; Gen 3 = words bring death.  John 1 = Jesus the Word uses words to bring light and life. Then an application section on life giving words of 1. Affirmation 2.. Speaking the truth in love.  3. Affection
7/4/202138 minutes, 29 seconds
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Courage To Pray Bold Prayers

Big problems require big prayers. God moves through the prayers of His people, especially when those prayers are anchored in His promises. When we pray, God can do more than we could ever ask, think, or imagine!
6/27/202135 minutes, 24 seconds
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Courage to Face Challenges - Dave Dummit

God had promised his people the promised land, but they would need to work hard and fight for it. God called Joshua to lead the people, and told Joshua he would need courage for the calling. Joshua was able to lead people to take the hill because of a clear call from God. In the same way in our own lives, we grow in courage when we gain a clearer picture of what God is calling us to do and when we are anchored in His word.
6/20/202136 minutes, 30 seconds
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Courage To Navigate The Wilderness - Dave Dummit

God’s people had to maneuver through the wilderness to get to the promise. A wilderness is any season of our lives between where we used to be and where we want to be, and moving forward from the desolate spaces requires tenacity and courage. This week, we will look at Joshua 3 and discuss what we should do if we want to see God do amazing things that move us forward.
6/13/202136 minutes, 1 second
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Courage For Your Calling - Dave Dummit

God had promised his people the promised land, but they would need to work hard and fight for it. God called Joshua to lead the people, and told Joshua he would need courage for the calling. Joshua was able to lead people to take the hill because of a clear call from God. In the same way in our own lives, we grow in courage when we gain a clearer picture of what God is calling us to do and when we are anchored in His word.
6/6/202138 minutes, 32 seconds
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These Are My People - The Parent Trap - Miguel De La Mora

Taking a look at a parent/child relationship. These days things seem to be falling apart for so many people, especially for Parents & Children. Anger, bitterness, and resentment creeps in and relationships are torn. When this happens, a Parent/Child defaults to sitting in either the Self chair, the Spiritual chair, or the Shame chair. But there is one other chair we can choose...the Surrendered Chair. We are all in one of these chairs. What chair are you sitting in?
5/30/202132 minutes, 58 seconds
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These Are My People-Frenemies From Birth-Siblings-Ed Ollie Jr

Our brothers and sisters can be our greatest friends or our biggest enemies. Looking at the story of Joseph and his brothers, we see heartache, but also redemption. When it comes to our siblings, are we able to forgive those closest to us?
5/23/202133 minutes, 24 seconds
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These Are My People - Love Worth Fighting For - Dave Dummit

5/16/202138 minutes, 59 seconds
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These Are My People - Mothers Day- Panel Discussion

Motherhood consists of moms from all across the board: working moms, stay-at-home-moms, single moms, adoptive moms, empty-nesters, and moms of children with special needs just to name a few. These moms gather and share what being a mom means to them, each coming from their own unique perspective.
5/9/202136 minutes, 37 seconds
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These are my People-One Big Imperfect Family - Shawn Williams

From the beginning, family was God’s idea: a source of help, comfort, and friendship, but our families often fall short of those expectations. Even though our families may be broken, baptism is a way of celebrating those who’ve become part of God’s eternal, perfect family.
5/2/202121 minutes, 58 seconds
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Celebration of Hope 2021-Go Global-Christian Mungai

As Christians, we’re told to be a light, not hide our light. By being the light of Jesus in service to others, we show what can happen when a church works together to make a lasting legacy--worldwide. Jesus calls us to be a light to the rest of the world, so let’s be a church that is continually growing, moving, and giving. Let’s offer hands of help to our neighbors, near and far, and share the love of Jesus with them. We’re told to be a city on a hill that cannot be hidden: it’s time to let our lights shine as we serve, share, and give, being the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we go.
4/26/202132 minutes, 37 seconds
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Celebration Of Hope-2021-Week 2-Love Local-Dave Dummit

We want to be the kind of church that our communities would miss if we were gone. We want to be a church known for generosity and open-handedness where we live, work, and play. To do that, we ought to have a prayerful, listening posture (BLESS) with eyes towards meeting the real needs of people around us.
4/18/202129 minutes, 34 seconds
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Celebration Of Hope 2021 Change Your World John Maxwell

Everyone has the ability to change the world right where they are; be willing to learn, value others, and collaborate to make gospel-centered change.   Jesus calls us to be a light to the rest of the world, so let’s be a church that is continually growing, moving, and giving. Let’s offer hands of help to our neighbors, near and far, and share the love of Jesus with them. We’re told to be a city on a hill that cannot be hidden: it’s time to let our lights shine as we serve, share, and give, being the hands
4/11/202140 minutes, 14 seconds
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Easter at Willow Creek 2021 Dave Dummit

The Easter story starts all the way in the beginning. God created a beautiful world. But while there beauty in the world, there is also pain, destruction, and devastation—so much so that we not only feel far from beauty, but far from the God who created it. And just when it feels like we are left condemned with the broken pieces of life in our hands, Jesus masterfully recreates and brings dead things to life. 
4/4/202124 minutes, 16 seconds
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Bless - Serve and Share - Albert Tate

As we listen to the stories and the needs of people, how are we intentionally serving them to meet their needs? And as we build relationships, get to know stories, and serve people, we begin to gain the credibility to share the hope we have in Jesus.  Jesus modeled this by changing the world from the bottom, up.  Jesus said, “I’m not going to change the world on a power trip.  I’m not going to take over the government and change lives from the top down.  That’s how the world operates.  That’s what the world thinks greatness is.  I’m going to change the world from the bottom up.”
3/28/202138 minutes, 37 seconds
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Bless - Eat - Albert Tate

Jesus communicated a LOT by the seemingly mundane act of eating at Matthew’s house with him and his socially outcast friends. Something powerful happens when we come across tables from one another and share nourishment. The first thing Jesus did after Matthew said “yes” to “follow Me” was share a meal with him. He didn’t have him take a class on how to be a disciple.  He didn’t get Matthew started studying the bible and memorizing Scripture. He went to Matthews house to eat.
3/21/202132 minutes, 46 seconds
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Bless - Begin With Prayer - Dave Dummit

 Jesus is the one we follow. His whole life was a blessing to the world. Every place that he went, every person he encountered experienced a “God moment” in his presence. Jesus lived out the BLESS practices in his daily life on earth, and he did that by beginning with prayer. If we are going to help people take next steps with God, we have to begin with prayer.  But we have to also listen. Get to know people. Listen to their stories, genuinely get to know people: their struggles, their pains, in the places God sent you.Jesus models this by showing us that He didn’t assume He knew what people needed. So He asked questions. He listened. The best way to accomplish the Jesus mission of reaching  and restoring is to be a “blesser,” not a “converter.”
3/14/202131 minutes, 2 seconds
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NEXT - Together One Church - Ed Ollie Jr. - Shawn Williams

At the heart of the Gospel is reconciliation. Jesus’ prayer was that His church would be one. During this message, Dave Dummitt will preach about the ethos of reconciliation, Jesus’ vision for His church, and how that starts at the individual level. Are we pursuing peace and reconciliation in the relationships around us? Dave will address reconciliation at Willow; sharing about ways the Elder Board and senior leadership team have been pursuing reconciliation with those hurt and broken from Willow’s recent history. Dave will teach towards ways we can link arms with the “Big C” church and go farther together. Dave will also teach towards racial, political, socioeconomic, and other needs for reconciliation.
3/8/202129 minutes, 23 seconds
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Next - X-Factor Multiplication - Dave Ferguson

Jesus understood exponential growth. By taking 12 ragtag, misfit men and training them, discipling them...the world turned upside down. We can live lives of exponential impact by following the ways of Jesus to be and make disciples. We also believe that the church is the hope of the world. New churches baptize many more people than older churches or churches that are not involved in church multiplication. Willow wants to be actively engaged in multiplying at every level---disciples, groups, teams, campuses of Willow Creek, and launching independent church plants domestically and globally.
2/28/202125 minutes, 1 second
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Everyone In A Group-Every Group On Mission-Megan Marshman

 As a church, we’ve spoken heavily about getting connected into small groups, but we are going to double-down. Part of our NEXT vision is becoming a church OF small groups, not just a church WITH small groups. We want to make “big church...small” with everyone in a group and every group on mission.
2/20/202122 minutes, 57 seconds
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Next - New Public Spaces - Albert Tate

As Christ-followers, we have a unique opportunity to break down barriers and go where the people are, offering real and lasting hope.
2/13/202123 minutes, 40 seconds
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Church can be fun and meaningful at the same time. Albert Tate and Megan Marshman bring their A-game to The Big Game as we wrap our series, “Game On.”
2/6/202131 minutes, 9 seconds
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Game On-Step Forward in Financial Freedom-Dave Dummit

2020 took a hit on many people’s finances. Jobs were lost, businesses closed, and many people racked up even more debt. How to we get back in the game with our finances? Dave Dummitt teaches this week using Bible-based principles found in the book of Proverbs, Colossians, and I Timothy to help people, regardless of where they are financially, take next steps towards financial freedom.
1/30/202140 minutes, 54 seconds
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Game On-Step Forward in Faith-Dave Dummit

What happens when we fail or make regrettable decisions? Does God condemn us and consider us done for? This week we’ll take a look at the most regrettable moment of a man named Peter and how God redeemed that moment to strengthen his faith and give him a do over so he could get back in the game.
1/24/202119 minutes, 36 seconds
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Game On-Step Forward in Peace- Derwin Gray

Happy are the merciful. In the story of the Good Samaritan we see a man show tremendous compassion on someone others had labeled an enemy. When we remove human labels and instead look for common humanity we can experience power and goodness. Treat everyone like Jesus died for them, because He did.
1/19/202135 minutes, 48 seconds
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Game On-Step Forward in Health-Dave Dummit

Our physical health impacts our entire well being. But in order to have victory in living as the healthiest versions of ourselves, we have to start with right motivation. Our decisions about personal health impact ourselves, impact those around us, and impact our relationship with God.
1/10/202123 minutes, 54 seconds
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Whatever It Takes - Ed Ollie

A group of friends wrecked a roof to get their friend to Jesus; they were committed to relentlessly doing whatever it took for their friend to experience the transformation that only Jesus offers. What does it mean for us to live on mission, committed to doing whatever it takes to reach people with the hope of the Gospel?
1/3/202121 minutes, 49 seconds
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Christmas at Willow-Great God

What's in a name? When a new baby is born, parents give a name for lots of different reasons, but in ancient Hebrew culture a name set the course of a child's life. This week we take a look at the naming of Jesus out of Isaiah 9:6: 6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
12/24/202014 minutes, 37 seconds
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Great Expectations - Great Joy

It’s amazing how important a kick can be. This week we will take a look at one of the most significant kicks in history as we pursue understanding one thing: There is a direct correlation between proximity with God and Joy.
12/21/202024 minutes, 31 seconds
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Great Expectations - Great Redemption

Matthew 1 digs into the genealogy of Jesus. We all come in here with scandalous schizophrenic family trees not just in our past but in some degree scandalous and schizophrenic ourselves. But that should never trump the fact that when you give your life to Jesus all of a sudden. You have a greater pedigree. You have a greater spiritual DNA. You have a greater genealogy that you can refer to when life doesn’t go the way you think. Recorded for Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, IL. Discover: Watch:
12/15/202027 minutes, 30 seconds
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Great Expectations - Great Interruption

Divine interruptions have a huge impact on our spiritual lives because if we don’t recognize them and respond to them, we miss out on some of the most important things God wants to do in our lives.
12/10/202030 minutes, 2 seconds
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Thanksgiving - Gratitude

Even during seasons when hope is running low, God’s hand of care is not removed. This week Shawn Williams teaches us that having eyes to see God’s goodness—gratitude—is a key ingredient to living a joyful life.
12/10/202025 minutes, 57 seconds
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Journey Through Daniel - Living Hope

This is such a powerful moment. Do you see what Jesus is doing? He is revealing his purpose in this world as one sent by God to bring about restoration to that which has been broken. It’s the fully restored relationship with God that gives us the promise or guarantee that one day everything will be made new. And it is often our greatest seasons of challenge and difficulty in this life that bring us to the one who can (and desires to) restore us eternally for the next.
12/9/202027 minutes, 47 seconds
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Journey Through Daniel - Week 4

2020 has been an incredibly challenging year for the entire world. This weekend we will be meeting people in the wake of a major presidential election. Some people will be celebrating and hopeful, others will be frustrated or even fearful. In the middle of tough and uncertain circumstances we have a decision to make: do we trust God or not? Using the story of Daniel in the lions den we are going to take a look at a decision each one of us. And in the lion’s den that we face we often come to that moment when we say “I don’t want to be in here, I don’t want to face this, I don’t know where to go so God I’m coming to you. Please let this pass by”
11/16/202028 minutes, 30 seconds
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Journey Through Daniel - Week 3

God is able. But what will you do even if he does not? This week we will look at Shadrack, Meshach, and Abednego and their confidence in God in the middle of dire circumstances. While they were hoping to get delivered from the furnace, God chose to deliver them in the furnace.
11/16/202031 minutes, 41 seconds
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Journey Through Daniel: Week 2

Ever felt powerless? What’s the secret to having peace and calm when you can’t control much of anything? This week Albert Tate takes us through week 2 of our Journey through Daniel to take a look that even in powerless circumstances we have access to an all-powerful God.
11/3/202028 minutes
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Journey Through Daniel: Week 1

Have you ever felt like an outsider--like a foreigner in a strange land? Meet Daniel--the central character in our Journey series. This week we ask one primary question: How do you follow God in a culture that doesn’t?
11/3/202031 minutes
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This is such a powerful moment. Do you see what Jesus is doing? He is revealing his purpose in this world as one sent by God to bring about restoration to that which has been broken. It’s the fully restored relationship with God that gives us the promise or guarantee that one day everything will be made new. And it is often our greatest seasons of challenge and difficulty in this life that bring us to the one who can (and desires to) restore us eternally for the next.
11/3/202021 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Goat | The Greatest Visionary

People have been asking what is the next vision for Willow Creek in this new season of ministry. But the real question is: what is God’s vision for His church. This week, Senior Pastor, Dave Dummitt shares more about where we are going as a church.
10/12/202030 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Goat | The Greatest Giver

God so loved the world that He gave His only son. He gave. He is the greatest giver, and wants us to experience more joy, more purpose, more freedom than we can imagine when we choose to emulate his generosity with our own lives. Open-handed living opens hands to receive real fullness.
10/12/202022 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Goat | The Greatest Neighbor

Jesus crossed cultural lines to change the paradigm of people’s thinking regarding the greatest commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
9/28/202023 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Goat | The Greatest Teacher

Jesus chose the disqualified and disenfranchised, the outcasts and the overlooked, to be his students who would in turn change the world. Jesus has also promised to teach us.
9/28/202030 minutes, 40 seconds
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The GOAT: The Greatest Servant

The power of life existed in flesh in Jesus. And yet in all of his power and authority, Jesus modeled the life of a servant showing us that the way up is down. Pastor Albert Tate teaches.
9/14/202022 minutes, 2 seconds
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The GOAT | The Greatest Healer

We seek doctors when we are sick, but Jesus does even greater work: he resurrects what is beyond remedy. If Jesus raises the dead to life, no situation we face is beyond hope or healing.
9/10/202027 minutes, 23 seconds
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Jesus Over _____: Jesus Over Everything

Many of us keep striving for faulty prizes: the house, car, family, & finances are our grown-up trophies. Turns out the roof will wear out, the car’s getting rusty, family isn’t what Instagram says it is, and that trophy broke years ago. This week we are going to see what faith in Christ looks like and how that can change the prize we strive for in life.
8/28/202029 minutes, 21 seconds
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Jesus Over _____: Humility Over Pride

We live in a culture that says things like "Take pride in your work" and "Be proud of who you are.” But is it possible for pride to go too far? Could the limiting factor of joy in your life be due to pride? Join us this week as we look at the posture of pride and unpack a better way to lasting joy.
8/28/202020 minutes, 23 seconds
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Jesus Over _____ | Joy Over Sorrow

Life is hard. Circumstances can knock us down and threaten to rob us of joy and peace. But what if the story is bigger than what we see? What if it’s really true that God will finish what He started and that the end of the story for all of God’s children is good? What if we can really have lasting joy in spite of circumstances?
8/10/202023 minutes, 30 seconds
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So You Want To Be Great

We strive to become great. We climb the ladders, aim for the trophies, and strive for the titles. Jesus has a thing or two to teach us about what lasting greatness really means. He flips the scripts to teach us that to climb up we must get low, and the best leaders are servants.
8/10/202023 minutes, 32 seconds
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Summer At The Lake - Walking on Water

Sometimes Jesus calms the storms. But sometimes Jesus walks on the choppy waters with us. The question is: are we asking for big enough things? Are we asking for things that move us closer to Jesus?
7/27/202029 minutes, 39 seconds
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Summer at the Lake - Jesus Calms the Storm

Love being waterside in the summer? Jesus did too. This week we’re continuing “Summer at the Lake.” Megan Marshman takes us through a time when twelve men who had left everything to follow Jesus find themselves in peril on the water. Meanwhile, Jesus is...taking a nap? What do you do when life happens and it seems like God is off-the-clock.
7/21/202025 minutes, 41 seconds
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Summer at the Lake - Salt and Light

Summer means fun in the sun and lots of water play. Jesus had a thing for water too. Throughout this series we’re diving into some of Jesus’ most profound moments in and near water. Albert Tate takes a look at Jesus’ most famous sermon to challenge us that what we perceive as ordinary will actually change the world.
7/21/202029 minutes, 46 seconds
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Get Out Of Your Mind - I Am Alone

Covid is not the only pandemic. In a culture that lives at a breakneck pace during healthy seasons, tens of millions of people suffer from anxiety, depression, and more. Suicide rates are on the rise. During a global health crisis, more and more people feel a sense of fear, hopelessness, and wondering if there’s a way out of the prisons of their own minds. This series endeavors to address the all-too-real mental health issues that so many people face by using the story of Elijah to highlight real and lasting hope that God offers in spite of circumstances.
7/6/202026 minutes, 33 seconds
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Get Out Of Your Mind - I Can't Slow Down

Covid is not the only pandemic. In a culture that lives at a breakneck pace during healthy seasons, tens of millions of people suffer from anxiety, depression, and more. Suicide rates are on the rise. During a global health crisis, more and more people feel a sense of fear, hopelessness, and wondering if there’s a way out of the prisons of their own minds. This series endeavors to address the all-too-real mental health issues that so many people face by using the story of Elijah to highlight real and lasting hope that God offers in spite of circumstances.
7/6/202024 minutes, 17 seconds
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Get Out of Your Mind - My Life is Worthless

What defines your worth? We spend a lot of our lives trying to do enough to feel like we measure up, meanwhile many of us struggle to wonder if we will ever feel worthy of love, affection, or respect. This week we're going to take a look at what God has to say about our worth. Pastor Albert Tate teaches.
6/24/202024 minutes, 54 seconds
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Get Out of Your Mind - There's No Way Out

I Kings 19:3, “Elijah was afraid and fled for his life. He went to Beersheba, a town in Judah, and he left his servant there. Then he went on alone into the wilderness, traveling all day. He sat down under a solitary broom tree.” Vs. 15, “Go back the same way you came and travel to the wilderness. When you arrive there, anoint Heazael to be king of Aram.” We think that there is no way out of the situation so we run from reality. We try to get as far away from reality as possible. Elijah’s reality is so distorted at this point. emphasize in this message how God meets his physical needs and then actually tells him to go back the way he came. The way back is the way out. There is a way, but it’s not easy, and a lot of the time it’s hard work. Part of the lie that is connected to this is that it will always be this way. I can’t change. My situation will not get better. I will always be depressed. I will always be sad. I will always have anxiety.
6/24/202023 minutes, 38 seconds
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So What's Next?

In a world experiencing crisis and rapid change, everyone is navigating new waters. Here at Willow, we are welcoming our new Senior Pastor, Dave Dummitt, and everyone is asking, "So, what's next?" This week Dave opens up in Matthew 3 and 4 to take a look at how Jesus began his public ministry and how that ought to shape the way we navigate through significant change.
6/8/202021 minutes, 12 seconds
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Standing Strong in a Forgetful World

It’s easy for any of us to forget what’s brought us through hard times and what will carry us into brighter ones. In Deuteronomy 8, as God’s people prepared to step into the Promised Land, Moses reminded them to look to who God had been. The one who freed them, defended them, fed them, mended them, and led them, is the one who would continue to be with them. Will we remember that our God is faithful in the wilderness and beyond?
6/8/202030 minutes, 17 seconds
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Standing Strong in an Isolated World

Social distancing has quickly entered the common vernacular. But how quickly does social distancing devolve into social isolation? Some of us are further than we’ve ever been, and others of us are closer than ever. But are any of us together? How can we can lean on and learn from one another, each helping the other to stand strong?
6/8/202023 minutes, 2 seconds
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Standing Strong In a Weary World

We all left normal behind months ago, and as we look toward finding a new normal—one full of new challenges and real hope—we can feel weary with the weight of all that we’ve endured. Even when we know the power of the resurrection.... Even when we know the truth… it can be a hardship to live in the in-between, that place between where we were and where we will be. As we look at John 21, we’ll ask: How do we find what it takes to persevere?
6/8/202026 minutes, 20 seconds
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Standing Strong in an Uncertain World

We often wonder where strength comes from in times like these, and it can be easy to turn toward external options. But the strongest among us—and especially some of the moms we know—seem to possess a deep-down kind of strength. God longs to strengthen us in our “inner being,” gracing us with an unshakeable faith. But what is faith, exactly? Is it a wish? A belief? This Mother’s day, let’s explore a deeper understanding of what it means to have faith..
5/11/202025 minutes, 46 seconds
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Standing Strong In a Confused World

Most of the things in which we trusted are crumbling at the foundations. Perhaps the cracks had already begun to show, but this crisis has fully (and quickly) revealed just how fragile they were all along. Is there something greater in which we can trust? As the headlines shout facts that threaten to overwhelm us, is there a Truth that can stand even stronger?
5/3/202026 minutes, 48 seconds
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Standing Strong In a Worried World

When it feels like the whole world is changing, God suggests that one of the ways in which we might cope is by making some changes of our own. God invites us to have our minds changed, renewed, and transformed, reshaping our worry and anxiety into worship and gratitude. 
5/3/202020 minutes, 24 seconds
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Standing Strong In a Shaken World

April 18 & 19  | Ray Johnston Throughout the pages of the Bible, calamities strike, desperation is on display, and empires rise and fall. But God has not changed, an unshakeable presence even when all of history has been in tumult. Even in troubled times we can let God love us, change us, and use us.
4/20/202031 minutes, 14 seconds
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Easter at Willow - 2020

4/20/202026 minutes, 47 seconds
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Journey Through Mark - Not What You Think

The invitation to follow Jesus is not filled with comfortable or predictable answers. In fact, even Jesus' disciples were struck with how sobering the reality of following Him was. In what ways have we made following Jesus about ourselves and our comforts? Where do we need to sacrifice? In what areas of our lives can we begin walking in courage and faith instead of timidity and fear as we follow Him? Pastor Albert Tate teaches from the book of Mark.
4/6/202028 minutes, 7 seconds
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Journey Through Mark - Lifesaving Measures

Jesus made himself comfortable with the ones who made most people very uncomfortable. Jesus saw that all of us are like the sick and dying, and like a doctor with the cure, he rushed into the middle of the pandemic. Who doesn’t measure up to our standards? Who have we deemed beyond help? Who would we prefer to cordon off from our lives?
3/30/202026 minutes, 53 seconds
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Journey Through Mark - Jesus At His Best

Most of us believe in the idea of second chances... in theory. But when it comes to giving second chances to others or receiving them ourselves so many things can get in the way. Pride, fear, failure, and unforgiveness can hold us back. What can we learn from Jesus about offering second chances? And what can we learn from those who were willing to take him up on the offer?
3/23/202021 minutes, 31 seconds
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Journey Through Mark - Come On Now

To go, we have to leave. To take something up, we have to lay something down. If we follow, we can’t lead. The call of Jesus is courageous and uncompromising: to be a part of the world reshaping work of Jesus, we will need to leave our old world behind. Pastors Steve Gillen and Ray Johnston teach on the book of Mark.
3/16/202034 minutes, 59 seconds
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All The Things - All The Healing

3/9/202034 minutes, 11 seconds
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All the Things - All the Hope

What’s next? If we’re to have hope for tomorrow, we have to look to the past. Who has God been? What has God done? Psalm 68 is a love letter, extolling the triumphs, the character, and the heart of the one who made the universe.
3/2/202044 minutes, 26 seconds
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All The Things - All The Love

PSALM 139: ALL THE LOVE February 22/23 - Megan Marshman What if you really knew me? We get used to living life like we’re on a perpetual first date, hiding our quirks, our baggage, our past, and our innermost thoughts and feelings. After all, how could anyone love all of that, right? Psalm 139 is a close-up examination of our intimate God, the one who sees it all, knows it all, loves us all, and has all along.
2/24/202040 minutes, 38 seconds
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All The Things - The Most Encouraging Message You've Never Heard

2/17/202045 minutes, 19 seconds
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All The Things - All The Heartache

PSALM 42: ALL THE HEARTACHE February 8/9 - Matt Wright Is it okay to not be okay? Many of us feel the need to always put on a brave face, hoping to keep the world, our loved ones, and even God from knowing what’s really going on. But inside we’re hurting, heartbroken, or depressed. Psalm 42 gives voice to these feelings and offers them as an honest prayer, and a cry for help and hope.
2/10/202037 minutes, 36 seconds
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All The Things - All The Doubts

PSALM 13: ALL THE DOUBTS February 1/2 - Matt Wright What if I have doubts? Sometimes the only thing of which it seems we’re certain is that everything seems uncertain. God feels a million miles away, and we feel abandoned. We wonder if he’s listening or if he’s even out there at all. Psalm 13 begins with a brazen question, “How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?” The Psalmist wants to know when God will reveal himself, when will he come through?
2/3/202031 minutes, 41 seconds
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All The Things - All the Searching

Is it okay to be seeking and wondering? Psalm 14 offers two encouragements for the person who is still searching for the truth about God. The first is that seeking is a great place to be; the real fool is the person who’s made up his or her mind without ever beginning the hunt. The second is that as each of us searches for God, he’s searching for us too.
1/27/202031 minutes, 49 seconds
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All The Things - All The Justice

PSALM 7: ALL THE JUSTICE January 18/19 - Eugene Cho   What about the world? Our broken world is filled with stories of transgressions and oppression. And whether we are among the “woke,” the weary, or somewhere in between, the Bible leaves little room for apathy and little doubt about God’s commitment to justice. Psalm 7 and Amos 5 are scathing rebukes of injustice, but they’re also mirrors we must hold up to our own lives, begging the questions: What have I done, and what can I do?
1/20/202039 minutes, 27 seconds
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All The Things - All The Guilt

PSALM 51: ALL THE GUILT January 11/12 - Megan Marshman What about this thing in my past? None of us can escape the stain of sin, and most of us are helpless to avoid the spiral of shame. That shame makes us hide from each other and from God. But Psalm 51 shows us that the way out of the cycle of sin and shame is to go through. To come out of hiding we need to go through confession and repentance.
1/13/202044 minutes, 13 seconds
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All The Things - All The Fears - Psalm 23

PSALM 23: ALL THE FEARS January 4/5 - Albert Tate What about when I’m afraid? Psalm 23 is among the most comforting and beloved of the psalms. But it’s written for real life. It’s written to remind the weary and the wary that no matter the path ahead, the darkness around, or the enemy nearby, even in our worst fears, God is near.
1/6/202032 minutes, 38 seconds
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All the Things - Why the Psalms

ALL THE THINGS December 28/29 - Eugene Cho The Psalms have it all. They reflect the full gamut of human experience and emotion, harboring no-holds-barred doubts, fears, and frustrations alongside sincere worship and praise. The Psalms also hint at the fullness of God, his character, his power, and his willingness to welcome all we are to all he is. Let’s begin a journey into sacred space.
12/30/201940 minutes, 28 seconds
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Christmas At Willow - Prison Packs 2019

PRISON PACK Weekend December 7 - 8 | Albert Tate The Christmas story resounds with the message: You are not alone! Extend that message of God’s hope and compassion to some of the most lonely and isolated people this Christmas, the incarcerated. During services, we will assemble gifts for every inmate in the state of Illinois.
12/9/201931 minutes, 58 seconds
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Christmas at Willow - Worth the Wait

Throughout the sweep of the Old Testament, a consistent theme rings out. Whether through temple or tabernacle, in the best and the worst, God longs to be with his people. For generations, God promised to be with them, but the world had to wait for the full fruition of that promise. Finally, in the surprise and miracle of Matthew chapter 1, we see the great lengths to which God went to make the waiting worth it.
12/2/201944 minutes, 8 seconds
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Christmas At Willow - One in Ten

On His way to Jerusalem, Jesus passes through a village and comes upon ten people with a terrible thing in common: they all suffer from leprosy. He sends them off to the priest, miraculously healed, but only one returns to thank Jesus. What does this one man’s act of gratitude have to teach us about our own hearts?
11/25/201942 minutes, 43 seconds
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Journey Through Philippians - Content in All Circumstances

Content in All Circumstances (Philippians 4:10-14) November 16 & 17 - Albert Tate Despite the overwhelming blessings most of us enjoy living in Chicagoland (when compared with the rest of the world), it's quite common for us to feel discontent, especially when we compare our situations with others. What Paul teaches, and also models, is that joy and contentment are possible even in the most difficult circumstances.
11/18/201936 minutes, 57 seconds
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Journey Through Philippians - Peace in a Place of Anxiety

November 9 & 10 - Megan Marshman Anxiety is something we all face, and Paul was not immune to it (Philippians 2:28). What Paul teaches us, however, is that peace is possible when we face trying times. It begins with recognizing God as the source of peace, turning to Him with our requests, and not forgetting to thank Him for what He has already done.
11/11/201935 minutes, 57 seconds
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Paul had quite a number of personal attributes in which he could place his confidence. But what he discovered after he became a Christian was that everything he previously clung to was like human waste compared to the value of knowing Christ. Nothing compares to having a relationship with Him, so Paul pressed on every day to get to know Him better.
11/3/201934 minutes, 57 seconds
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Journey Through Philippians-Make My Joy Complete-Steve Gillen

Of all people, Paul should not be joyful. He’s been called to hard ministry. He’s imprisoned. He’s potentially looking at a death sentence. And yet a sense of joy permeates the book. How can we live with the mind of Christ and practice joy in all circumstances?
10/28/201938 minutes, 38 seconds
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Journey Through Philippians - Whatever Happens

Journey Through Philippians - Week 1
10/21/201939 minutes, 32 seconds
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We Are Here - Who We Are Becoming

SHARE: Who We’re Becoming // Steve Gillen, October 12/13 As we wrap up, each of us have decisions to make about the kind of people we will become. We will only become the church we hope for when each of us chooses to become the person God calls us to be.
10/14/201925 minutes, 35 seconds
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We Are Here - The E Word

SHARE: The E Word // Eugene Cho, October 5/6 Evangelism has become something of a dirty word, funny considering that the root of the word means “good news.” What are the fears and excuses that hold us back from sharing the best kind of news?
10/7/201944 minutes, 30 seconds
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We Are Here - Wide and Deep

9 SHARE: Wide & Deep // Steve Gillen, September 28/29 Jesus called each of us to go into all the world. But do we know people who need Jesus? Do we see their desperation for this good news? And do we go to them, meeting them in that place?
9/30/201941 minutes, 46 seconds
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We Are Here - When You Pray

When You Pray // Megan Marshman, September 21/22 The disciples noticed something unique, something radically different in the way Jesus conversed with God. That fascination prompted them, in Luke 11, to say, “Teach us how to pray.”
9/23/201946 minutes, 14 seconds
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We Are Here - Learning To Speak

PRAY: Learning To Speak // Matt Wright, September 14/15 What can often impede our prayers are our misconceptions of who we are and who God is. Our most real prayers are made possible when the real us learns to speak with the real God.
9/16/201935 minutes, 20 seconds
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We Are Here - Pray More

6 PRAY: More // Albert Tate, September 7/8 When Paul writes to the Ephesians, he doesn’t just tell them, “I’ll pray for you.” He prays for them! And his prayer pushes past their circumstances to the very heart of life in Christ.
9/9/201941 minutes, 17 seconds
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We Are Here - Growing in Worship

5 WORSHIP: Growing in Worship // Eugene Cho, August 31/September 1 What role does the Holy Spirit play in worship? And in what ways can our experience of worship as a body (and with our bodies) spill into our everyday lives as children of God?
9/2/201937 minutes, 29 seconds
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We Are Here - Worship Begins Here

4 WORSHIP: Worship Begins Here // Megan Marshman, August 25/26 When we roll into church on Sunday it’s easy to think it’s just another service, forgetting that we’re together to worship a holy God. But what is worship? And why do we gather and sing together?
8/29/201947 minutes, 20 seconds
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We Are Here - Made For This

3 SERVE: Made For This // Matt Wright, August 17/18 Ephesians 2 tells us that we are created by God to do work he’s called us to do, so when we serve, we are more of what God has made us to be than at any other time.
8/19/201936 minutes, 12 seconds
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We Are Here - Just Like This

2 SERVE: Just Like This // Steve Gillen, August 10/11 In John 13 Jesus wraps a towel around his waist, gets down on his knees, and does the job no one else deigned to do. And then he says, “Do like I do.” How do we join Jesus in his humility?
8/12/201936 minutes, 31 seconds
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We Are Here - Welcome to the Party

Week 1: Welcome To The Party // Eugene Cho, August 3/4 What if the Church were where the hungry came to be filled and where you received the best meal you’d ever eaten? What if the Church were like a potluck where everyone brought his or her best dish to the table?
8/5/201940 minutes, 5 seconds
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Summer at Willow - Resurrection Power

7/29/201942 minutes, 35 seconds
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Summer at Willow - Let Them Come

Let Them Come Steve Gillen | July 13 & 14 Pushed the fringes, kept out of sight, sent to the back of the line. That’s how Jesus’ followers treated the children when they came to see Jesus. After all, Jesus was too busy, too important, too distracted to make time for the little ones. But Jesus said, “Let them come.” He welcomed them, he listened to them, he looked them in the eyes, and there he saw the glimmer of the kingdom he’d come to bring.
7/15/201939 minutes, 3 seconds
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Summer at Willow - What is Grace?

What is Grace? Eugene Cho | July 6 & 7
7/8/201932 minutes, 57 seconds
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Summer at Willow - A Great Gardener

A Great Gardener Megan Marshman | June 29 & 30 As the summer heats up, the fruit begins to grow; that’s what plants are made to do, right? But compare apples to apples and you’ll often find a big difference. Great fruit is the product of a great garden. A great garden is most often made by a great gardener. John 15 reminds us that the same is true for the fruit we hope to produce in our own lives.
6/30/201934 minutes, 59 seconds
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Summer at Willow - Four Little Words

Four Little Words Steve Gillen | June 22 & 22 Four words... four little words with profound meaning tell the story of who God is, who we are, and what is possible. Those words are: love, sin, justice, and rescue. Love is who God is. Sin is the mess we’ve made. Justice is what’s necessary. And rescue is what God offers. But beyond those four words, God has given us two ways—communion and baptism—that help us remember and celebrate the sacrifice and promise of what God has done.
6/24/201931 minutes, 40 seconds
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One Big Happy - Fathers Day - Lessons From the Garage

FATHER’S DAY: LESSONS FROM THE GARAGE June 15 & 16  | Steve Gillen Whether intentionally or accidentally, whether we’re trying or not, fathers and parents of all kinds are always handing down lessons to our children. By watching the things we do, what we say, and the things that are important to us, our kids are learning. What would happen if chose to be intentional about the lessons we’re passing down? How can we think through the big things, the little things, and the fun things we want our children to learn?
6/17/201931 minutes, 58 seconds
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One Big Happy - Somewhere To Be

SOMEWHERE TO BE June 8 & 9  | Eugene ChoAn appointment, a commitment, a recital, a practice, a lunch, and on and on and on. So much of our time is spent herding our tribes and our lives from one thing to the next, desperate to keep the schedule on track. Is there a way to find relief from the constant hurry? What if we could stop being busy long enough to just be. And what if we asked ourselves the dangerous question of... why?
6/10/201936 minutes, 14 seconds
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One Big Happy - When I Was Your Age

WHEN I WAS YOUR AGEJune 1 & 2  | Mike Breaux Our world is constantly shifting and changing, and each generation faces new challenges and opportunities. But what are the lessons that can stand the test of time? What can the experiences and practices of different generations teach one another about how to handle family, parenting, and all the other relationships in which we live?
6/3/201937 minutes, 55 seconds
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One Big Happy - Lets Talk

LET’S TALK May 25 & 26  | Matt Wright/PanelSometimes it can feel like our relationships are conducted through tin-can conversations, muffled words reverberating along a too-taut string. We’re not entirely sure we’re being heard and not too confident we’re listening well either. Maybe it’s time to set aside our tin cans for some new tools while we explore how our ability to see one another affects our ability to hear one another.
5/26/201939 minutes, 52 seconds
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One Big Happy - Say You're Sorry

SAY YOU’RE SORRY May 18 & 19  | Eugene ChoFew things can damage relationships more deeply than unresolved conflict, creating distance, ambivalence, and bitterness that can usually metastasize over time. And the effects of unforgiveness are known to pull at the fabric of all our other relationships as well. How can we learn to give forgiveness generously and also to receive it graciously?
5/20/201940 minutes, 3 seconds
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One Big Happy - Mother's Day: Hand Me Downs

MOTHER’S DAY: HAND-ME-DOWNS May 11 & 12  | Megan Marshman  | Genesis 1-3How do we hand down faith and the lessons of life to our children? How do we make a lasting impact on the people around us? Well, the first step may be recognizing the things that are our job and the things that aren’t. Our job is not to change people but to introduce them to the life-changing power of the Holy Spirit. How do we as parents and as people create environments where our children, friends, and everyone around us can encounter God?
5/13/201938 minutes, 9 seconds
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One Big Happy - Spitting Image

SPITTING IMAGEMay 4 & 5  | Matt WrightFor better or worse, we each bear the telltale marks of the families that made us; we hold the hurts and hopes that were fostered in us from our earliest memories. But how do we sort the good from the bad, holding on to the best parts and releasing the rest? And how do we learn to embrace our place in a different kind of family, as the children of a loving God?
5/6/201933 minutes, 48 seconds
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Willow Creek Easter - 2019

Have you ever lost anything? Something really precious? Something of such worth that you’d do anything to get it back? Jesus had a lot of things to say about lost things. Two of his stories have captured the minds and hearts of people for centuries. One story tells about a child who lost his way and wondered whether he’d ever be welcome home again. That child finally went looking for a way to come home. Another story tells about a sheep who wandered off and the shepherd left the whole flock to find the one. That shepherd went on a rescue mission for that sheep. These stories are Easter stories because they help us begin to grasp the unfathomable truths of what Jesus did, the cataclysmic lengths he went to to welcome us and bring us home. No matter how far we’ve wandered, we’re always welcome. And no matter the cost, God is relentlessly pursuing. Easter is a celebration of when Jesus made a way for us all to find our way home.
4/22/201923 minutes, 36 seconds
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Celebration of Hope - Give

GIVE April 13 & 14 • Steve Gillen His time. His love. His creation. His resources. His affirmation. His purpose. His plan. His mercy. His restoration. His glory. His Son. Our God gives and gives and gives and gives. And gives some more. He is giving hope and a future to people around the world, and one of the ways we can partner with him is by giving too. This isn’t a one-time kind of giving but an emptying out. God asks us to GIVE of our time, our hearts, our abilities, and our resources to join what he has in store for the restoration of everything.
4/15/201937 minutes, 2 seconds
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Celebration Of Hope 2019 “GROW”

Each year we’ve heard stories of the work God is doing through our partners around the world. These stories have consistently helped to GROW our understanding of the deep needs of those around the world and GROW our faith in a God who is big enough to supply the very deepest of those needs. This year, we’ll be hearing from many of our partners in person as they share the places where they’ve seen God at work, where they’re still waiting, and what God may be calling them to next.
4/7/201943 minutes, 25 seconds
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Celebration Of Hope 2019 "GO"

GO March 30 & 31 • Eugene Cho Jesus called us to live lives that are characterized by going. But the command to GO is about more than simply signing on to a project. GO is about going out of our comfort zones. It’s about going where we have proximity to a need we may never have seen up close. It’s about going beyond what is comfortable, what is familiar, what we’ve done before. When we GO in these kinds of ways, God can use our disorientation to change us and change his world.
4/1/201940 minutes, 22 seconds
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New Math - Healthy, Wealthy, and Foolish

HEALTHY, WEALTHY, AND FOOLISH MARK 10:17-23 | MARCH 23-24 | ALBERT TATE He has everything, youth, money, and a world of opportunity. When the rich, young ruler comes to Jesus, it appears as though every door is open to him, but Jesus can see that he’s living in a prison of his own choosing, his heart held fast by his fortune. How do we keep from letting money make a fool out of us?
3/25/201946 minutes, 24 seconds
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New Math - The Adventure of Surrender

THE ADVENTURE OF SURRENDER 2 CORINTHIANS 8:1-5 | MARCH 16-17 | STEVE GILLEN We often approach financial advice in the same way a child approaches his or her chores. We do it “because so-and-so said so.” What if, instead of following God’s teaching on money “because he told me to,” we followed because we get to? What if we began to see that God’s guidance on money is an open invitation to an exciting and surprising adventure?
3/18/201931 minutes, 35 seconds
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New Math - Money That Matters

MONEY THAT MATTERS LUKE 12: 13-21 | MARCH 9-10 | EUGENE CHO Money is the second-most talked about topic in the pages of scripture, referencing the subject well over 2,000 times. Taken together, these passages paint a picture of finances that is personal, practical, and eternal. God wants to free us, help us, and make us part of something much bigger, an eternal future that is truly worth our investment.
3/11/201945 minutes, 6 seconds
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Journey Through John - I Have Seen the Lord

JOHN 20:1-31, 11:25, ROM 6:4 | MAR 2-3 | STEVE GILLEN The tomb is empty. His followers are stunned. Then Mary Magdalene sees him, followed by most of the disciples, and finally, Thomas. The crestfallen, the terrified, and the incredulous have all become convinced: Jesus has risen! John makes his intentions clear. He’s shared this story so “that you may believe... and by believing you may have life.” For all of those who, like Mary, cry out “I have seen the Lord!” baptism is a symbol of the resurrection that has occurred in our own lives.
3/4/201931 minutes, 39 seconds
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Journey Through John - All of Them One

JOHN 17:20-23 | FEB 23-24 | ALBERT TATE Three years of teaching, ministering, provoking, healing, and friendship are drawing to a close. Jesus and his closest friends are gathered for a final meal, a fact only Jesus fully understands. At the end of the meal, he looks heavenward and starts to pray: Father, make them one. He knows that the coming hours will challenge them. He knows that the coming centuries will be a challenge for all of us, one that continually threatens to rip the church apart. But the church can be one, united in Spirit and purpose!
2/25/201947 minutes, 28 seconds
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Journey Through John - Do as I Do

Do As I Do JOHN 13:1-17 | FEB 16-17 | DANIELLE STRICKLAND Garbage. Sewage. Filth. The streets Jesus and his friends walk aren’t pretty. Neither are their feet. And yet Jesus, disregarding every cultural norm, gets down on his knees and washes the feet of his followers. Jesus’ whole mission on earth was one long act of service, one that shouldn’t ever end because it continues to this day... in us. We’re called to serve the poor, the hurting, the disenfranchised, and our brothers and sisters in the faith. Will we accept the challenge to do as he has done?
2/18/201936 minutes, 43 seconds
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Journey Through John - A Sign of Things to Come

JOHN 11:11-15, 25, 33-43 | FEB 9-10 | STEVE GILLEN Jesus’ friend, Lazarus, has died. When Jesus arrives, he’s already been in the tomb four days. Lazarus’ sister, Martha, tells Jesus, “You’re too late.” But Jesus knows he’s come at the perfect time. As with all of the miracles John mentions in his book, this one points to a deeper truth, unveils some part of who Jesus is. Jesus holds the power over all things, including death. In his words, in his tears, and in his miracle we get a glimpse of Jesus’ whole purpose. He offers life to all of us!
2/11/201933 minutes, 45 seconds
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Journey Through John - More Than Enough

A massive crowd is following Jesus, and they’re hungry. As is often the case, Jesus is the first to perceive their need. He turns to his disciples, “What do you think we should do?” They scramble. Then they come up with a hopeless plan. But Jesus has a plan too, he’s had it the whole time, a way to use their meager efforts to make something much bigger. Jesus can provide in ways we cannot foresee, cannot even imagine. Where do we need him in our lives? And might he have even more to offer than we realize?
2/3/201937 minutes, 12 seconds
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Journey Through John - Come and See

JOHN 1:35-39 | JAN 26-27 | MIKE BREAUX John’s book begins like a movie. A dramatic and poetic prologue sets the scene. A supporting player summons us to anticipate the arrival of a promised hero. And then, as that hero steps into the light, we wonder who he might be, awaiting his very first line. Those first words come in the form of a question: What do you want? That question is closely followed by an invitation: Come and see. Over the next six weeks, let’s try to answer Jesus’ question and even accept his invitation to come and see who he really is.
1/28/201942 minutes, 22 seconds
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Everyone Loves Justice... Until There's a Cost

Before this was the calling of Martin Luther King, Jr., it was the message of Jesus. Jesus brought a message of justice and crossed lines of prejudice. When we take a look at the stories, he told we find that many of the main characters, the heroes aren’t who we’d expect. They’re the down-and-out and the disenfranchised, the hated and the hurting. But Jesus didn’t just tell stories of those kinds of people, he entered into their stories with them. In fact, he went out of his way to do so. In John chapter 4 we read the account of when Jesus took the path no one expected him to take so that he could enter into the story of a lonely woman at a well. Throughout their encounter, Jesus knocks down stereotypes, prejudices, and expectations, and through this scene, we begin to see answers to some of our biggest questions.
1/21/201941 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Crux of Community

We are a body of many parts, but diversity alone does not guarantee that all those parts will work together. True community requires diversity, humility, empathy, and... most of all... love. Love is the rebar in the concrete of community, the undergirding for all of it. And without love, well, we’re nothing but clanging and chaos. Will we let love come alive among us?
1/13/201946 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Worth of Community

Life tells us the lie that we are better off alone, that in isolation we show our real strength. The writer of Ecclesiastes tells a very different tale.     - “Two are better than one.”     - “Three strands are not quickly broken.” The message is clear... we need one another. Life will inevitably bring calamity, but who will be there with you when it comes?  
1/6/201936 minutes, 25 seconds