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Wisdom for the Heart with Stephen Davey Cover
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Wisdom for the Heart with Stephen Davey

English, Religion, 1 season, 436 episodes, 1 day, 14 hours, 20 minutes
Wisdom for the Heart features a daily sermon from Stephen Davey, taking you deep into God's Word to help you know God, think biblically, and live wisely. Wisdom for the Heart is a ministry of Wisdom International which provides radio broadcasts, digital content, and print resources designed to make disciples of all the nations and edify followers of Jesus Christ. Stephen Davey is the Senior Pastor of The Shepherd's Church in Cary, North Carolina.
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Humanity has long been obsessed with predicting the end of the world. From doomsday clocks to apocalyptic theories, people everywhere are searching for signs of impending catastrophe. But when Jesus speaks about the future, we need to listen closely. In Luke 21:25-33, Jesus outlines the true signs of the end times, pointing not to human destruction but to the divine judgment that will come during the Tribulation. This is no fictional story—this is the reality that God has foretold. Join us as we explore Jesus' predictions of cosmic chaos, global panic, and the ultimate redemption that will follow. Discover why, in the face of the world's fears, we can find hope and safety in the Rock of Ages.
9/6/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Forecasting the Future

Throughout history, countless predictions have been made about the future—some accurate, most not. But when Jesus forecasts the future, we know it’s time to pay attention. In Luke 21, Jesus provides a striking prediction about the fall of Jerusalem, which came to pass 40 years later with devastating accuracy. His warning is not just for the people of that time but serves as a reminder for us today. As we examine the destruction of Jerusalem and the prophecy of the times of the Gentiles, we uncover a timeless truth: God is holding the hourglass of time, and it’s running out. Join us as we explore the implications of these prophetic words and consider the most important decision you’ll ever make—choosing the right King before time runs out.
9/5/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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What to Expect in Life

What would you do if following Christ meant risking your life? Around the world today, countless believers face persecution that demands more than just their comfort; it requires their very lives. In Luke 21:12-19, Jesus prepares His followers for the trials to come, promising that persecution and even death will be part of their journey. Yet, within this daunting prediction lies a powerful assurance: in the end, not a hair of your head will perish. Join us as we delve into these verses and uncover the strength, hope, and guaranteed victory that only Christ can provide—even in the face of the fiercest opposition. Discover how, through faith, suffering becomes an opportunity to bear witness, and death is swallowed up in eternal life.
9/4/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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The End is Nearer than Ever!

The world is fascinated with the idea of a coming apocalypse, and it’s not just in movies—there’s an intuitive sense that something catastrophic is on the horizon. But what if the Bible has already given us the ultimate early warning system? In Luke 21:5-11, Jesus foretells events that will precede His return, describing wars, natural disasters, and cosmic disturbances that will shake the world to its core. Are these just distant predictions, or are they closer than we think? Join us as we explore what Jesus said about the end times and what it means for us today. Discover why, even in the face of these terrifying predictions, believers can find hope and assurance in the One who holds the future in His hands.
9/3/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Widow’s Mite

In Luke 20:45-21:4, Jesus delivers a scathing critique of the religious leaders and then shifts His attention to a poor widow who gives two small coins at the temple. While others give out of their abundance, this widow’s offering, though seemingly insignificant, is praised by Jesus as the greatest of all. What was it about her gift that moved Jesus so deeply? Join us as we explore the principles of sacrificial giving, the heart behind our offerings, and what this powerful example of the widow teaches us about true devotion and trust in God. Discover how the smallest act of faith can make the greatest impact in God’s eyes.
9/2/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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One Final Riddle

In Luke 20:27-44, the Sadducees, who deny the resurrection, approach Jesus with a riddle they think will stump Him. They present a hypothetical situation about marriage in the afterlife, hoping to discredit the belief in the resurrection. But Jesus, with divine wisdom, not only answers their riddle but also exposes the flaws in their thinking. Through His response, Jesus reveals profound truths about the resurrection, the afterlife, and His own divine identity. As the Sadducees are left in stunned silence, we’re invited to reflect on the reality of life after death and the importance of recognizing Jesus as both Savior and Lord. Join us as we explore this final confrontation and the eternal implications it holds for us today.
8/30/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Paying Your Dues

As Jesus faces off with the religious leaders in Luke 20:1-18, He delivers a profound lesson that resonates with believers today. The Pharisees and Herodians, despite their differences, unite with a common goal: to trap Jesus with a tricky question about paying taxes to Caesar. Jesus, with divine wisdom, answers in a way that not only silences His opponents but also sets a precedent for how believers are to navigate the tension between earthly and heavenly responsibilities. Join us as we explore what it means to "render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's," and discover how this teaching shapes our lives as both citizens of this world and ambassadors of God's eternal kingdom.
8/29/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Heir Has Arrived

In Luke 20:1-18, we encounter a dramatic moment in Jesus' ministry, where He clarifies His authority, challenges the religious leaders, and delivers a sobering parable that still resonates today. As Jesus enters Jerusalem, He is immediately confronted by the Sanhedrin, who question His authority. Jesus responds with a profound parable about a vineyard owner and his beloved son, pointing directly to Himself as the heir and cornerstone of God's kingdom. This narrative not only exposes the rejection of Jesus by the religious leaders but also serves as a warning to all who hear it: the patience of God is vast, but not infinite. Join us as we explore the depth of Jesus' message, the significance of His role as the cornerstone, and the urgent call to align our lives with His divine authority.
8/28/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Jesus Wept . . . Again!

In the late 1940s, Charles Templeton was a rising star in Christian ministry, preaching alongside Billy Graham. But doubts crept in, leading him to eventually abandon his faith and attempt to convince others, including Billy, to do the same. Near the end of his life, Templeton, now an atheist, confessed a deep admiration for Jesus, yet admitted he had missed Him. As Jesus entered Jerusalem in Luke 19:41-48, the crowd cheered, waving palm branches and singing praises. But Jesus wept. Why? Because He knew that despite their outward adoration, many would ultimately miss Him—just like Templeton. Join us as we explore the sobering and powerful moments when Jesus wept over Jerusalem, not just for their rejection but for what was to come. Discover how His tears reflect both His compassion and the perfect timing of His plan, even when He knew He would be rejected.
8/27/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Perfect Timing!

On May 6, 2023, the world watched as King Charles III was crowned in a ceremony full of grandeur, with gold-covered carriages, priceless jewels, and centuries-old traditions. But centuries ago, another King made His entrance, not with pomp and circumstance, but with divine purpose and perfect timing. As we journey through Luke 19:28-40, we’ll witness the sovereign King’s arrival in Jerusalem—a moment planned and orchestrated by God down to the last detail. Discover how Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem fulfills ancient prophecies and foreshadows the ultimate sacrifice, showing us that God’s timing is always perfect, not just in history, but in our lives today.
8/26/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Last Lap

How far would you go to defend your faith? In the early 1500s, Christians in England risked their lives to teach their children the Lord's Prayer in English. William Tyndale's translation of the Bible led to his execution, yet his work changed history. Similarly, Paul faced unimaginable trials for his faith. Join Stephen Davey as we explore the final chapter of Acts and uncover the profound lessons from Paul's last days. Learn how Paul's unwavering faith and courage can inspire us to stand firm in our beliefs, no matter the cost.
8/23/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Finally . . . Rome!

Do you ever feel rushed and overwhelmed by life's demands? Paul, the ambassador of Christ, was no stranger to a fast-paced life. But as he sailed towards Rome, God taught him valuable lessons in patience and faith. Join Stephen Davey as we explore Acts 28, where Paul finds unexpected encouragement and strength from fellow believers. Discover how to find courage in the midst of trials and how to be a source of support for others. Let's learn together how God's plans unfold, even when we feel stuck or confined.
8/22/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Island of Refuge

Have you ever found yourself in an unexpected place, facing unplanned challenges? When we last left Paul, he was shipwrecked on the island of Malta. In this episode, we’ll explore how Paul’s experiences on Malta reveal surprising truths about God's plans. From the hospitality of strangers to miraculous healings, discover how God used an unforeseen detour to bring about remarkable ministry. Join Stephen Davey as we uncover how to find refuge and purpose even in the storms of life. Let’s learn together how God’s providence can turn unexpected trials into profound blessings.
8/21/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Have you ever faced a storm so fierce that it left you feeling helpless? In this episode, we'll explore Paul's journey to Rome through a literal hurricane in Acts 27. Just as we prepare for physical storms, Paul teaches us how to brace for life's storms with faith and confidence. Join Stephen as we uncover practical lessons from Paul's trial, discovering how to hold onto the anchors of God's presence, His promises, and our identity in Him. Let's learn how to weather any storm with unwavering faith.
8/20/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Last Herod

Have you ever wondered how you'd defend your faith before the powerful and influential? In this episode, we'll look at Paul's remarkable testimony before King Agrippa and the elite of his day. Despite standing trial before rulers who were the "movers and shakers" of their time, Paul boldly proclaimed the gospel. Join me as we explore how Paul's courage and conviction can inspire us to stand firm in our faith, no matter the audience. Let's uncover the power of living for Christ and the higher calling that defines true significance.
8/19/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Later . . . Lord!

Have you ever put off something important for later? In Acts 24, we encounter Felix, a governor who did just that with the most crucial decision of his life. When confronted by the Apostle Paul with the truths of righteousness, self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix trembled but ultimately said, "Later . . . Lord!" Join us as we delve into this powerful chapter, exploring the consequences of procrastination in matters of faith, and learn why "today" is always the best time to respond to God's call. Discover the timeless truths that challenge us to make the most important decisions without delay.
8/16/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Losing Your Cool

Have you ever faced a situation where you just lost your cool? In Acts 23, even the Apostle Paul found himself in such a moment. Misunderstood and maligned by the Jewish leaders, beaten by a mob, and nearly flogged by the Romans, Paul’s patience finally snapped. Join us as we delve into this dramatic chapter where Paul stands before the Sanhedrin, responds with frustration, and then receives divine encouragement. Discover how God’s sovereignty shines through our failures and learn timeless truths about maintaining our testimony even when we falter.
8/15/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Reaching the Resistant

Ever wondered how to reach those who seem completely resistant to the gospel? In Acts 21:37-22:29, we find Paul facing a hostile crowd in Jerusalem, accused of desecrating the temple and leading people away from Moses. Despite the mob's fury, Paul delivers a powerful testimony that provides invaluable lessons for us today. Join us as we explore how Paul spoke respectfully, shared his conversion story, and emphasized his divine commission, all while demonstrating unwavering faith. Discover practical insights on how to share your faith effectively, even with those who seem the most resistant.
8/14/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Personal Suffering 101

In our journey through life, we often face decisions that require more than just our wisdom. We long for clear direction from God, just like the Israelites received. Yet, life isn't always that straightforward. The Apostle Paul faced a similar challenge in Acts 21:15-36, where his resolve to follow God's will led him into misunderstanding, opposition, and suffering. Join us as we explore Paul's deep desire to know Christ, even in suffering, and learn how we, too, can navigate our own struggles with faith and perseverance, ultimately playing our lives for the audience of One—Jesus Christ.
8/13/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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When the Multitude of Counselors is Wrong!

What do you do when you need advice? Where do you turn? Decisions like taking a job offer, choosing a school for your children, or saying yes to a marriage proposal can be daunting. As Christians, we often wish for clear, audible directions from God, much like He gave Joshua at Jericho. However, life isn't that simple, and we must rely on patience, prayer, and wise counsel. In Acts 21:1-14, we find Paul in a surprising situation where all his counselors and friends were wrong. Join us as we explore this passage to learn valuable lessons about receiving and giving biblical advice, even when it seems everyone around you disagrees. Discover how to navigate major decisions with wisdom and faith, ensuring your life aligns with God's divine purpose.
8/12/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Sad Farewell

In this episode of Wisdom for the Heart, we delve into Paul's heartfelt farewell to the Ephesian elders as recorded in Acts 20:32-38. Paul's final words resonate with timeless truths about commending others to God, the essential nature of grace, and the profound challenge of giving one's life in service. Drawing parallels with modern experiences, we'll explore the significance of spiritual vigilance and the importance of unwavering faith in the face of challenges. Join us as we uncover the layers of Paul's message and find practical applications for living a life committed to God's grace and truth. Discover how to guard your faith, serve others selflessly, and remain alert to spiritual dangers in today's world.
8/9/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Describing the Deceivers

In this episode of Wisdom for the Heart, we explore a powerful warning from the Apostle Paul, highlighting the critical responsibility of church leaders to protect their congregations from spiritual deception. Drawing from Acts 20 and historical insights from Sardis, we'll examine how false teachers and deceptive doctrines can infiltrate the church, threatening its spiritual vitality. Discover practical advice on how to stay vigilant and maintain spiritual integrity in a world filled with misleading influences. Tune in to learn how to guard your faith and lead with wisdom, ensuring the church remains a beacon of truth and life.
8/8/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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A Warning about Wolves

In this episode of Wisdom for the Heart, we delve into the critical role of church leaders in safeguarding the faith community against the relentless encroachment of false teachings. Drawing parallels to the ever-expanding Sahara desert, we explore how the church, as an oasis of living water, must remain vigilant against spiritual threats. With insights from Acts 20 and Paul's warnings to the Ephesian elders, we uncover the essential responsibilities of pastors and elders to protect, guide, and nourish their flock. Tune in to discover how effective church leadership can keep the desert of error at bay and ensure the church remains a vibrant source of life and truth for all who seek it.
8/7/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Shepherds in Biblical Style

In this episode of Wisdom for the Heart, we challenge modern misconceptions about church leadership, delving into the biblical responsibilities of pastors and elders as outlined in Acts 20. Discover why the true role of church leaders extends beyond being administrators or motivational speakers, and learn about the crucial duties of teaching, shepherding, and safeguarding the flock. This message, inspired by the Apostle Paul's heartfelt farewell to the Ephesian elders, calls professional millennials to reconsider their expectations of church leadership and embrace a more profound understanding of pastoral responsibilities. Tune in to gain a clearer perspective on the essential elements of effective Christian leadership and its impact on the church and beyond.
8/6/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Four Habits of Highly Effective Christians

Join us on Wisdom for the Heart as we delve into Acts 20:17-24, where Paul bids an emotional farewell to the Ephesian elders. Discover the profound lessons in effective Christianity that Paul shares, emphasizing humility, perseverance, and steadfast ministry. This episode challenges professional millennials to stand firm in their faith, embrace their responsibilities in Christ, and remain unwavering in their commitment to the gospel, even in the face of trials and uncertainties. Tune in and be inspired by Paul's legacy and the timeless relevance of his message for our lives today.
8/5/202428 minutes, 34 seconds
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Easter at Troas

Throughout history, several individuals have claimed to be the long-awaited Messiah, capturing the hearts and hopes of many. From Simon ben Koseva in 135 AD to Menachem Schneerson in modern times, these figures ultimately fell short, unable to conquer death, the ultimate enemy. In stark contrast, Jesus Christ's resurrection stands as the defining proof of His authenticity as the Messiah. Join us as we explore the profound implications of Jesus' resurrection, the true source of eternal life, and how it validates His divine identity. This episode will delve into Acts 20 and highlight the power of Christ's resurrection, illustrating its impact both historically and personally.
8/2/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Riot

In Acts 19, we witness the apostle Paul's electrifying ministry in Ephesus. For two years, Paul preached, taught, and performed miracles, leading to a public burning of occult books worth millions today. This transformation threatened the lucrative industry centered around the Temple of Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Join us as we explore how the early Christians, by simply living out their faith, challenged the spiritual strongholds of Ephesus and made a lasting impact on their society. This episode will inspire you to see the power of God's Word and the effect of a pure, unwavering faith in today's world.
8/1/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Burning Bridges . . . Killing Spiders

Charles Spurgeon once said, The Bible is like a lion; you don’t defend it, you just let it loose. In Acts 19, we see the Word of God let loose in Ephesus, a city entrenched in the occult and dark arts. Join us as we explore how Paul’s ministry of teaching, healing, and exorcism transformed lives and dismantled the strongholds of darkness. This powerful narrative illustrates the unmatched potency of God's Word and the profound impact of spiritual purity on the growth of the church.
7/31/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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1st Century Van Winkles

Imagine waking up after twenty years to find the world completely transformed. That's what happened to Rip Van Winkle in Washington Irving's famous story, and it's a perfect analogy for the spiritual awakening we see in Acts 19. As the apostle Paul encounters followers of John the Baptist, he introduces them to the full revelation of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Join us as we explore how these first-century believers, much like Rip Van Winkle, awaken to a new reality in Christ and discover the transformative power of the New Covenant.
7/30/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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In the Hands of Tentmakers

Imagine an iron rod worth mere pennies becoming a component in a luxury Swiss watch, valued at thousands of dollars. The transformation is all about whose hands shape the material. Similarly, in Acts 18, we witness Apollos, a new believer with great potential, being refined by seasoned saints. As Apollos learns and grows, his impact on the early church becomes profound. Join us in exploring how the raw material of Apollos's life was crafted into a powerful tool for God's kingdom, and discover how God can similarly transform your life for His purpose.
7/29/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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This Was Your Life

What have you learned in life? Some lessons come with humor, while others carry profound truths. Today, we'll delve into Acts 18 and explore the contrasting lives of Gallio, an indifferent bystander, and Paul, an impassioned believer. From Gallio's missed opportunities to Paul's unwavering commitment, we'll uncover essential insights on making life count. Join us to learn how personal commitment, private devotion, and public obedience to Christ can transform your life's narrative. This episode will challenge you to consider: is there anything about your life that's truly worth writing down?
7/26/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sin City

Paul had previously ministered in Athens, a city steeped in philosophy and intellectualism, hungry for the truth. Now Paul arrives in Corinth, and the differences between these two cities are stark. Where Athenians dialogued, Corinthians drank. While Athens had ten thousand idols, Corinth had ten thousand religious prostitutes. It was a city addicted to immorality and debauchery. As we delve into Paul's approach to this incredibly wicked city, we'll uncover six principles that can guide us in living for Christ in even the most challenging environments. Join us as we explore how to find strength and opportunity in the midst of darkness, just as Paul did in Corinth.
7/25/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lessons From Sinning Saints

Today, we come to an unfortunate passage of scripture in Genesis 9. While in our last study we discussed the ingredients of integrity, today we will learn a lesson from a sinning saint. Unfortunately, both lessons revolve around the same individual. That gives us the point that anyone can sin. In fact, no one is above sin or temptation—not even one like Noah. Join us as we uncover how even the godliest among us can fall, and how we can learn from their failures.
7/24/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ingredients of Integrity

We live in a world filled with violence and corruption. From rising crime rates to a culture saturated with immorality, it can be overwhelming to think about how we, as individuals and families, can not only survive but also impact our generation for Jesus Christ. In Genesis 6, we find the story of Noah—a man who lived with integrity in a corrupt world. What can we learn from his example? Join us as we uncover four essential ingredients of integrity that helped Noah not only survive but also make a significant impact in his generation. Discover how purity, obedience, patience, and worship can transform your life and influence those around you for the glory of God.
7/23/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Truths From an Ancient Record

If you’ve ever tried to read the Bible from cover to cover, you might have hit a major hurdle in Genesis 5. It's easy to feel discouraged as you walk through what seems like an ancient obituary column. But why did God record this chapter? What can we learn from the genealogy of Adam? In this episode, we uncover three key reasons God included these records and explore the hidden gems within Genesis 5. You'll discover how God keeps His promises, always preserves a remnant of believers, and never forgets His own people. Join us as we delve into the significance of names like Enoch and Methuselah and their impact on our faith today. Learn practical insights on living a life that pleases God and be encouraged to keep moving forward in your walk with Him.
7/22/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Curse of Cain

Genesis, chapter 4, provides the only authoritative account of early civilization. Contrary to popular belief, early man wasn't a caveman dragging his woman by the hair. They were incredibly intelligent, inventing musical instruments and metallurgy. Today, we'll explore how Cain's descendants rapidly advanced society and debunk myths about primitive man. Plus, we'll tackle the age-old question: where did Cain get his wife? And we'll uncover why God refused Cain's offering, leading to a powerful lesson on obedience and faith. Don't miss this insightful journey into the brilliance of early man as we continue our study of Genesis. Join us and discover the fascinating truths hidden in this ancient text!
7/19/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Goodbye to Paradise

Genesis chapter 3 is the saddest, most tragic chapter in all of the Bible. Yet, as we study this chapter today, we'll find interwoven into its tragic tapestry, the threads of hope and salvation. In verse 1a of chapter 3, we are told, "Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made..." Oh, Satan is indeed crafty. In fact, two times we are warned of Satan in scriptures by the apostles. We'll discover the five-fold deceit of Satan in tempting Eve and the consequences of sin. But we'll also find God's promise of victory, the potential for marital unity, the hope of a re-established paradise, and the assurance of physical immortality. Join us as we explore these profound truths and learn valuable lessons from the fall of man.
7/18/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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God's Design for Marriage

Today, we'll delve into the powerful principles of marriage as laid out in these foundational chapters. We'll explore how God's creation of man and woman reveals His perfect design for marital relationships. We'll uncover the significance of leaving and cleaving, the deep commitment between spouses, and the true essence of companionship. Join us as we discover timeless truths that can strengthen and transform our marriages today.
7/17/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Climax of Creation

In Genesis chapters 1 and 2, we see God’s incredible power in creating the universe and His tender care in forming man and woman. The name Elohim speaks of His majestic strength, while Jehovah reveals His loving covenant. As we explore these chapters, we'll discover how God’s power and personal care intertwine, making us in His image and setting the stage for His redemptive plan. Join us to understand the profound significance of these names and the detailed care God took in creating humanity, highlighting His desire for a relationship with us.
7/16/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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And God Said . . .

In the opening chapters of Genesis, we find the foundation of our faith, yet these very chapters face relentless attacks. If we believe that God created the heavens and the earth, we can trust in the entirety of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. Join us as we delve into why these first chapters are so crucial, explore the numerous theories that challenge them, and reinforce our understanding of a God who is both Creator and Redeemer. Discover how this ancient text stands firm against modern skepticism and why it remains the bedrock of our faith.
7/15/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Book of Beginnings

Ready to dive into the Bible's very first book? Join us on this journey that promises not just to deepen your knowledge but transform your life. We’ll explore why the Bible is entirely true and profitable, backed by fulfilled prophecy, its miraculous preservation, and the undeniable impact of transformed lives. With compelling insights and practical applications, discover how studying God’s Word can equip you for every good work and assure spiritual maturity. Tune in and begin this transformative adventure with us.
7/12/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Judgment Day

Join us in this episode as we explore the humorous and insightful story of FBI agents ordering pizza at a psychiatric hospital, illustrating the challenges of communication. This leads us into the heart of Paul's sermon to the Athenians in Acts 17, where he introduces the Unknown God to a world filled with idols. Discover how Paul's bold declarations reveal the true nature of God as more than a monument, the Creator of all, and the Divine Magistrate of the coming judgment. Tune in to understand how Paul's message remains relevant and transformative for us today.
7/11/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Stumbling over Elephants

In this episode, we dive into the thought-provoking idea of how our evangelical culture has downsized God, turning Him into something He is not. Drawing from Joseph Stowell's editorial and Paul's bold declarations in Athens, we explore how idolatry in its modern form diminishes the true nature of God. Discover how our understanding of God's omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence shapes our faith and why it's crucial to reclaim our awe of the Almighty. Join us as we challenge the trivialization of God and seek a deeper, more reverent relationship with our Creator.
7/10/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Almighty Mover & Shaker

In this episode, we explore the profound truth that God, being omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent, is beyond our full understanding yet deeply involved in our lives. We delve into how the Bible reveals His nature and why knowing God is crucial for navigating life, challenging the modern church's trend of trivializing His majesty.
7/9/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Introducing the Creator

Join us as we journey back to Acts 17, where the Apostle Paul stands amidst the centuries-old idolatry of Athens. In this episode, we draw a fascinating parallel between the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, which unlocked the secrets of ancient Egypt, and Paul's bold declaration of Jesus Christ as the key to understanding the mysteries of the universe. Just as the Rosetta Stone enabled us to read and comprehend the forgotten language of the Egyptians, Paul reveals Jesus as the "Rosetta Stone" for the Athenians and for us today, translating the ultimate truths of creation, existence, and the divine. Explore Paul's two pivotal points: "My God is more than a monument" and "My God made it all," and see how these truths confront various worldviews and challenge us to acknowledge the sovereignty and creative power of God. Discover how Paul’s message not only addressed the Athenians' search for meaning but also provides us with the ultimate answers to life's deepest questions.
7/8/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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More Than a Monument

In today's episode, we explore the apostle Paul's journey to Athens, a city filled with wisdom and wealth yet spiritually empty. Paul’s encounter with the Athenians provides valuable insights into addressing a world filled with false beliefs and misconceptions about God. Join us as we uncover how Paul's message about the "Unknown God" reveals the true nature and character of our sovereign, gracious God, and how this knowledge can invigorate our faith and mission.
7/5/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Plea For Judges

In this episode, we delve into the persistent challenge of false doctrines and the importance of discernment in the Christian faith. From Joseph Smith's creation of Mormonism to the rise of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the spread of New Age beliefs, we explore how the church must respond to these spiritual deceptions. We’ll uncover how the early Christians, like the Bereans, diligently examined the Scriptures to verify the truth and how we can adopt the same practice today. Join us as we emphasize the necessity of judging teachings against the word of God to uphold true doctrine and spiritual purity.
7/4/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Have You Upset Your World Today?

In today's episode, we explore the significant impact of spreading the gospel and upsetting the world for Christ. Despite seemingly scattered and challenging results, Paul's missionary journey in Acts 17 reveals a revolutionary movement initiated by God. We will uncover six essential elements needed to upset our world for Christ, drawing from Paul's experiences and teachings. Join us as we delve into the word of God and learn how to create a spiritual revolution in our own lives and communities.
7/3/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Amazing Grace, Part 2

In this episode, we delve into Acts 16 and explore the profound questions of salvation and belief. We'll look at how Paul and Silas, imprisoned and beaten, sang hymns of praise at midnight, leading to an earthquake that opened the prison doors. This miraculous event prompted the jailer to ask the most important question, "What must I do to be saved?" Join us as we uncover the biblical definition of belief, the simplicity of the gospel message, and the assurance of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
7/2/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Amazing Grace, Part 1

In this episode, we continue our journey through Acts 16, where Paul and Silas face opposition after casting out a demon from a slave girl, disrupting a profitable business tied to the Apollo temple. This led to their imprisonment and a remarkable display of faith as they sang hymns at midnight despite their suffering. We explore the themes of grace through suffering, the power of God’s intervention, and the profound question asked by the jailer, "What must I do to be saved?" Join us as we uncover the simplicity of the gospel message and the transformative power of faith in Jesus Christ.
7/1/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Tale of Two Women

In this episode, we dive into Acts 16, uncovering the rich lessons from Paul’s missionary journey and the unexpected stops along the way. Discover the powerful story of Lydia, a successful businesswoman, and the slave girl tormented by a spirit of divination. Both encounters highlight the transformative power of the gospel and the significance of divine timing. Through these narratives, we explore how God's direction and the Holy Spirit's leading can turn obstacles into opportunities for spreading the gospel and deepening our faith.
6/28/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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And He Shall Direct Your Stops

In this episode, we continue our journey through Acts, focusing on chapter 16. As Paul and his new assistant, Silas, embark on their second missionary journey, they experience unexpected delays and roadblocks orchestrated by God. We'll explore how these divine stops are as crucial as the steps in God's plan for our lives. Through the story of Paul, Silas, and the new recruit Timothy, we'll see how God’s timing and sovereign direction lead to remarkable outcomes, including the addition of a vital companion, Dr. Luke.
6/27/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Stubborn Servants . . . Second Chances

In this insightful episode, we delve into the resolution made by the Jerusalem council in Acts chapter 15, which safeguarded the essence of the gospel, emphasizing faith in Christ alone for salvation. Despite the significant unity achieved in doctrinal matters, personal disagreements still arose, as seen between Paul and Barnabas. This episode explores their sharp contention over John Mark, revealing how their disagreement ultimately led to a broader spread of the gospel. We also reflect on the importance of handling disagreements within the church and the transformative power of second chances.
6/26/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The First Reformation Part 2

In this engaging episode, we delve into Acts chapter 15, exploring the significant challenges and transformations within the early church. From humorous anecdotes to deep theological discussions, we uncover the crisis of circumcision that threatened to divide the early believers. Discover how key leaders like Peter, Paul, Barnabas, and James navigated this contentious issue, ultimately affirming the doctrine of salvation by faith alone. We also reflect on the implications of church unity, the balance between liberty and responsibility, and the relevance of these historical debates in our contemporary faith journey.
6/25/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The First Reformation

In this enlightening episode, we dive deep into the defining characteristics of a Christian and explore the diverse perspectives that exist today. From humorous anecdotes to historical insights, we trace the roots of Christian identity back to the Reformation and the pivotal role of Martin Luther. Join us as we unravel the complexities of faith, doctrine, and the ever-relevant cry of "sola scriptura." This episode challenges us to reflect on the true essence of Christianity and the importance of adhering to the scriptures alone for guidance and salvation.
6/24/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Phases of Effective Ministry

In this episode, we continue our study of Acts, delving into chapter 14 and the remarkable phases of Paul and Barnabas' first missionary journey. Drawing from Calvin Miller's insightful description of church growth stages, we'll explore how these early church planters navigated through initial enthusiasm, growing pains, and eventual reproduction of new ministries. We’ll reflect on Paul’s deeply personal account of his hardships, revealing a transparent and encouraging perspective on the challenges of ministry. Despite being stoned and left for dead, Paul and Barnabas demonstrated incredible resilience, preaching the gospel with unwavering determination. Discover the stages of their journey: from the Initiation of preaching Christ’s truth, through the Orientation of establishing churches and appointing leaders, to the Evaluation of their mission’s impact, celebrating all that God had done through them. This episode highlights the importance of perseverance, the power of human encouragement, and the necessity of God's involvement in any lasting, eternal work. Join us as we uncover timeless lessons from Paul and Barnabas' experiences, applicable to our own lives and ministries today.
6/21/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Missionary Memoirs

In today's episode, we dive back into our study of Acts, focusing on chapter 14, where Paul and Barnabas face the highs and lows of their first missionary journey. Contrary to what many might think, their experience was marked not only by success and effectiveness but also by intense affliction and discouragement. Join us as we explore Paul's deeply personal reflections from 2 Corinthians 1:8, where he candidly shares the overwhelming challenges they faced, which even led them to despair of life itself. We’ll learn practical lessons from their journey, highlighting the importance of acknowledging the emotional and physical burdens of serving God while ultimately relying on His strength. We will witness their experiences in Iconium, where despite severe opposition and poisoned minds, Paul and Barnabas stayed and spoke boldly for a long time, relying on the Lord. Then we move to Lystra, where a miraculous healing leads the locals to mistake them for gods, only for the mood to turn deadly as persecution arises. This episode offers a balanced perspective on handling both undue praise and severe opposition, showing how Paul and Barnabas refused flattery, refocused attention on God, and risked losing everything for the sake of truth. Their story is a powerful reminder that in every circumstance, whether in triumph or trial, God remains faithful.
6/20/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Message

In this episode, we dive into the contemporary challenge facing the church today: the call to replace traditional preaching with more modern, less confrontational methods. Despite the growing trend of "McChurch" services, where fast-paced, light-hearted, and non-confrontational elements are prioritized, we reaffirm the timeless importance of preaching God's Word. We'll explore how scripture mandates the preaching of doctrine and truth, referencing key biblical passages where Jesus, Paul, and other apostles emphasized the necessity of preaching. We discuss the cultural shift away from preaching and its implications, drawing from 2 Timothy 4:2-4, where Paul warns Timothy to remain steadfast in his preaching role despite the inevitable turn of people towards myths and ear-tickling teachings. Join us as we journey through the book of Acts, particularly Acts 13, where we witness the first missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas. We unpack Paul's powerful sermon in Pisidian Antioch, highlighting the two key aspects of his message: the history of Israel and the proclamation of Jesus as the promised Savior. We also reflect on the significance of forgiveness and freedom in Christ, as presented by Paul, and the immediate impact of his preaching on both the Gentile believers and the opposing Jews. This episode challenges us to hold firm to the biblical model of preaching, ensuring that the transformative power of God's Word continues to be proclaimed with boldness and conviction. We emphasize the need for the church to uphold and honor preaching as a vital method for spiritual growth and truth dissemination.
6/19/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Wrestling Rasputins

In this episode, we explore the incredible story of a first-century encounter that reveals the power of the Holy Spirit and the boldness required to stand against spiritual opposition. Starting with the dramatic history of Rasputin, a demonically empowered holy man whose influence led to the downfall of the Russian monarchy, we draw parallels to a biblical account from the book of Acts. We delve into the mission of Paul and Barnabas, who confronted Elymas, a magician with evil intentions, and how God intervened in a miraculous way to protect His mission and spread the gospel. We will examine the leadership of the church at Antioch, a diverse and united community that became a model of missionary zeal and doctrinal courage. As we study Acts 13, we see how the Holy Spirit called and sent out Barnabas and Saul, leading to the dramatic confrontation with Elymas and the subsequent conversion of Sergius Paulus, a Roman proconsul. This episode challenges us to open our eyes to the global harvest fields, strengthen our grip on biblical truth, and develop courageous hearts that expose the father of lies while worshipping the Father of truth. Join us as we uncover the timeless lessons from this powerful narrative and learn how to apply them to our lives and ministries today.
6/18/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Glory to God . . . Alone!

In this episode, we journey back to the first century to explore the rise and fall of the most powerful and infamous family of that era—the Herods. Known for their ruthlessness and political maneuvering, the Herods were at the height of their power during the birth of Christianity. From Herod the Great, who reigned during the birth of Jesus, to his descendants who continued his legacy of tyranny and opposition to God's plan, we delve into their historical impact and ultimate downfall. We'll examine the intriguing history of Herod the Great, his sons, and grandsons, who played significant roles in the New Testament narrative, including the execution of James and the imprisonment of Peter. As we delve into Acts 12, we'll see how God's sovereignty triumphs over political power and human evil. Herod Agrippa I, the persecutor of the church, meets a dramatic and divine end, illustrating the timeless truth that God's purposes cannot be thwarted by human schemes. Join us as we uncover the lessons from this historical account, reflecting on the unstoppable spread of God's Word and the ultimate futility of opposing His divine will. This episode is a powerful reminder that no matter how mighty the earthly rulers may seem, the King of Heaven reigns supreme.
6/17/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Answer Came Knocking

In this episode, join me as I share a compelling story that underscores God's mysterious ways. Tracy Daniels, the 16-year-old daughter of a pastor, recounts an unexpected and providential event that awakened her family one winter night. The incident reminds us of the sovereignty of God, whether the outcomes are smooth or stormy. As we delve into Acts 12, we witness scenes of both panic and providence, chaos and contentment. The chapter opens with the martyrdom of James, a pioneering apostle, and the subsequent arrest of Peter by King Herod. While Peter faces what seems like an inevitable execution, the church fervently prays for his deliverance. What unfolds next is a miraculous escape orchestrated by God, filled with surprising details and divine interventions. Through this narrative, we explore lessons on contentment in impossible circumstances, the power of fervent prayer, and the assurance of God's control over every situation. We see how God's plans are unstoppable, His will irreversible, and His ways often beyond our understanding. Tune in to discover how the early church navigated these tumultuous times with faith and reliance on God's providence, and learn how these timeless truths apply to our lives today.
6/14/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Antioch Example

Join me on a journey to the golden city of the Roman Empire—Antioch. Known as the queen city of the east, Antioch's main street, paved with marble and lined with marble columns, was a sight to behold. Despite its beauty, Antioch rivaled Corinth in its sinfulness with chariot racing, gambling, and rampant immorality. This city never slept and seemed an unlikely place for an evangelistic crusade. Yet, as we explore Acts 11, we discover an incredible example of God's grace and the power of the gospel. The church in Antioch, born amidst this sin city, becomes a beacon of light and an example of godly living. In this episode, we will uncover the transformative story of how ordinary men from Cyprus and Cyrene, burdened for the lost, brought the message of Jesus to the Greeks in Antioch. Despite their unconventional methods, the results were undeniable—Antioch was never the same. We will also delve into the role of Barnabas, the encourager, who was sent from Jerusalem to verify this revival. Upon witnessing the grace of God, he rejoiced and sought out Saul (Paul) to help shepherd this growing church. Together, they taught and discipled new believers, with the disciples first being called Christians in Antioch. This episode will challenge you to consider how you are living up to the name of Christian and inspire you to embrace new opportunities for ministry, just as the church in Antioch did. Let's learn from their example and strive to walk worthy of our name, making a lasting impact for the glory of God.
6/13/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Church that Changed

Perhaps you can identify with having recently changed your geography, your career, or your family dynamics. Whether it's moving from the coast to dryer land, transitioning from an office career to a stay-at-home life with a newborn, or experiencing an empty nest as children leave for college, change is a constant in our lives. No change is easy. We naturally resist the rough waters and hardships that come with it. One of the most difficult changes is regarding lifelong traditions and past heritage, especially when it involves our relationship with Christ and how we worship. In Acts 10, we see a significant change in the early church as Peter's lifelong beliefs are challenged. Peter, staying in the home of Simon the tanner, receives a vision from God that contradicts the Old Testament dietary laws and paves the way for the inclusion of Gentiles into the church. This vision required Peter to set aside his traditions and embrace something new. Upon returning to Jerusalem, Peter faces criticism from the Jewish believers for associating with Gentiles. However, he calmly explains his vision and the work of the Holy Spirit among the Gentiles. This moment in church history marks the dramatic inclusion of Gentiles into the body of Christ, breaking down long-standing barriers. As we navigate changes in our own lives, we can learn from Peter's example. He was willing to change something ancient for something new, embrace someone different, and defend something new. This willingness to change allowed the early church to grow and include all believers, regardless of their background. As believers today, we must be open to change, especially when it comes to following God's leading. We need to distinguish between godly disciplines and legalism, and learn to embrace biblical commands while letting go of personal preferences that are not scripturally mandated. In the drama of the Christian life, change is inevitable. The key is to embrace it with a heart open to God's direction, trusting that He is guiding us through each scene of our lives.
6/12/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Drama of Change

On stage, the hope of everyone is that everything goes as planned. In life, you are never really sure what God has planned for you until it happens. On stage, you stay in character – whether it is happy, congenial, or sad. In life, you are required to change your character – and you never really master any one expression. On stage, you hope you never need the help of the prompter sitting off stage, who whispers what you are supposed to say or do. In the Christian life, the prompter does not hide in the shadows and whisper, but rather, He, the Holy Spirit, directs prominently. In fact, in life, every actor is to depend on the prompter – to look for Him; to wait for His cue. A play is predictable for those involved; you are supposed to stick to the script. In life, everything is unpredictable; the scripts are written only after you have lived through the scene. And then, suddenly the scene changes; you have never seen one quite like it before, so you look for the prompter or better yet, you keep your eye on the Director. The subtitle to the play of life could be called The Drama of Change. Paul wrote in II Corinthians 5:17: if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things are passed [continually passing] away; behold, new things have [constantly] come. In other words, the Christian’s middle name is Change. Nowhere is such a dramatic change about to occur than in Acts, chapter 10. We arrive at this chapter in our study, and we are about to discover a great drama unfolding before our very eyes. It is the drama of change that will eventually build a bridge between the Jewish and the Gentile nations. It was dramatic to see news clippings of the Berlin wall toppling down – a wall that had stood for thirty years. In Acts, chapter 10, we will see the crumbling of a wall between two people groups that had lasted for thousands of years. Chapter 10 must be observed as an entire unit, so we will actually read the entire chapter today. The drama that unfolds in this chapter can be divided into four scenes. I will interrupt periodically to provide some insight or commentary. Join us as we witness the transformative power of the Gospel and the unfolding of God's grand design for His church.
6/11/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Making of a Pearl

In this heartfelt episode, we delve into the later years of Nehemiah's life and explore the enduring trials he faced even at the age of 70. Reflecting on the humorous yet profound realities of aging, we find ourselves drawn to Nehemiah's steadfast faith and unyielding commitment to God's work. Despite his desire for a simpler life, Nehemiah confronts ongoing challenges with remarkable resolve, teaching us invaluable lessons about perseverance and faithfulness. We explore Nehemiah's decisive actions against compromise, selfishness, materialism, and disobedience among the people of Jerusalem. Each scenario underscores the importance of maintaining spiritual integrity and the necessity of immediate and unwavering responses to sin. Nehemiah's story reminds us that our greatest tests of faith and character often lie ahead, and that past victories do not guarantee future ones. As we navigate our own lives, faced with trials and tribulations, Nehemiah's example inspires us to fashion pearls out of our struggles. His life serves as a testament to the hard work of the Christian journey, urging us to stay vigilant, to remain gatekeepers of our faith, and to trust in God's enduring grace. Join us as we uncover the timeless wisdom embedded in Nehemiah's final chapter and find encouragement to continue our spiritual race with unwavering determination.
6/10/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Declaration of Dependence

In this episode, Stephen delves into Nehemiah 10-12, where the people of Israel demonstrate their renewed commitment to God following their revival. Drawing parallels to the signing of the Declaration of Independence, Stephen explains how true revival is marked by a declaration of dependence on God. He highlights four key evidences of true revival: rededicating one's feet to follow God's precepts, rededicating family life to biblical purity, trusting in God's providence, and dedicating finances to God's priorities. Join us as we explore the transformative power of revival and the joy that comes from a restored relationship with God.
6/7/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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True Confession

In this episode, Stephen explores the importance of true confession and transparency in the Christian life. Drawing insights from Nehemiah 9, he highlights how genuine revival begins with a humble approach to God's presence, a complete admission of personal sinfulness, and a clear acknowledgment of God's greatness. Stephen emphasizes that true confession involves exposing our inner struggles, embracing God's Word, and understanding the gravity of our sin while also recognizing God's grace and forgiveness. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of authentic confession and its role in fostering spiritual revival.
6/6/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lord, Send a 'ReBible'

In this episode, Stephen tackles the critical issue of biblical illiteracy and its impact on the church and society. Drawing from Nehemiah 8, he highlights the essential ingredients for true revival: a revived appetite for Scripture, a respectful attitude toward God, a radical application of biblical truth, and a repentant awareness of sin. Stephen underscores the urgent need for believers to return to the Word of God and live out its truths passionately. Join us as we explore how a "rebible" can transform our lives, churches, and communities.
6/5/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Roll the Credits

In this episode, Stephen explores Nehemiah 7, highlighting the often-overlooked contributions of those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Drawing from Eugene Petersen's insights and real-life anecdotes, Stephen underscores the importance of recognizing and valuing the unsung heroes in our lives. From the gatekeepers and singers in ancient Jerusalem to the volunteers and staff in our churches today, this episode reminds us that while most noble acts go unnoticed on earth, they are always seen and rewarded by God. Join us as we roll the credits and celebrate the faithful servants who make it all possible.
6/4/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Psst . . . Have You Heard?

In this episode, Stephen dives into Nehemiah 6, exploring the relentless attacks Nehemiah faces from both outside enemies and internal betrayers. As the Red Dragon, the Devil, ramps up efforts to stop the rebuilding of Jerusalem, Nehemiah encounters ridicule, fear, and discouragement. Stephen highlights the critical piece of armor Nehemiah relies on: the helmet of salvation, which protects the mind against the enemy's assaults. Join us to discover how Nehemiah's steadfast faith and discernment amidst the enemy's schemes can inspire and equip us in our own spiritual battles.
6/3/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Me, Myself & I

Selfishness can be a powerful force that disrupts relationships, ministries, and even entire churches. In this episode, we explore how the Red Dragon uses selfishness to halt the work of God’s people, just as he attempted in Nehemiah's time. Stephen delves into Nehemiah 5, revealing how the Israelites faced internal conflict and selfishness that threatened to stop their progress. Discover how Nehemiah confronted and resolved these issues, demonstrating unselfish leadership and unwavering commitment to God's purpose. Join us to learn practical steps for overcoming selfish tendencies and fostering unity within the church. How can we ensure our actions align with God's will and not our personal desires? Tune in to find out and be inspired to prioritize God's glory over "Me, Myself, and I."
5/31/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Are you feeling stuck halfway through a daunting task? Nehemiah’s story of rebuilding Jerusalem's walls offers valuable lessons on perseverance and faith. When faced with opposition, Nehemiah and his team pushed through the ridicule and discouragement to complete their mission. Join us as we dive into Nehemiah 4 and explore how the halfway point often brings the toughest challenges. Learn how Nehemiah responded to criticism and threats, and how his unwavering commitment to God’s plan led to ultimate success. What can you do when you hit the halfway mark and feel like giving up? Discover practical insights and encouragement to help you overcome obstacles and stay the course in your spiritual journey. Tune in and find the strength to keep building, no matter the challenges you face.
5/30/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones

In 1845, John Franklin led a confident but ill-prepared expedition to find the Northwest Passage, resulting in tragedy. Similarly, Jesus warned His followers of the trials they would face. Are you ready for the challenges of your spiritual journey? Join us as we explore Nehemiah's story in rebuilding Jerusalem amidst fierce opposition. Discover how Nehemiah's preparation and reliance on God mirror the need for spiritual readiness today. How can we, like Nehemiah, withstand the winds of adversity and stay committed to God's mission? Tune in to learn how to avoid the traps of ridicule and opposition, and find inspiration to press on in your faith, fully equipped for the journey ahead.
5/29/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Construction Sites & Church Cafeterias

Ever wonder why so many churches close their doors? Today, we explore a critical reason: not following God's directions. While most of us meticulously follow instructions for new gadgets or medicines, many Christians forget that the church needs divine direction too. Dive into 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4 with us to discover how the church, the "called out ones," operates like a human body. Each member has a vital role, from pastors and teachers to every individual part contributing to the church's growth. Learn why following God's blueprint is crucial for a thriving, impacting church. How does your role contribute to the body of Christ? What happens when we ignore God's instructions? Tune in to find out and be inspired to follow God's plan for building His church.
5/28/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Blood, Sweat and Tears

Are you facing challenges that seem insurmountable? In this episode, we draw parallels between Winston Churchill's unyielding spirit during World War II and Nehemiah's leadership in rebuilding Jerusalem's walls. Nehemiah's story starts with silent prayers and ends in open battle. With the king's support and a clear vision, Nehemiah tackles the monumental task of rebuilding amidst opposition. Just as Churchill promised victory through "blood, toil, tears, and sweat," Nehemiah asks the same of his people. Join us as we dive into Nehemiah 2:9-20 to see how true opportunity often comes with opposition. How does Nehemiah's approach to leadership and perseverance provide a blueprint for overcoming our own challenges today? Listen now and be inspired to rise and build, no matter the obstacles in your path.
5/27/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Real McCoy

In this episode, Stephen Davey explores the authenticity of Nehemiah's faith, comparing him to a Real McCoy - genuine and unwavering in his devotion to God. Through Nehemiah's story, we witness his fears, vulnerabilities, and unwavering dependence on God's strength. We also see his unwavering faith and determination to rebuild Jerusalem despite overwhelming obstacles. Discover two key principles from Nehemiah's life that will inspire and challenge you to become a "Real McCoy" believer yourself: God's delays are not God's denials. True believers refuse to take credit for God's work. For more life-changing Bible teachings from Stephen Davey, visit
5/24/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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In Jesus Name, Amen

What kind of prayers does God listen to? How do you gain God's maximum attention? Nehemiah shows us. For more life-changing Bible teachings from Stephen Davey, visit
5/23/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Prayer Path

In this episode, Stephen Davey delves into the power of prayer through the example of Nehemiah, a man burdened by the brokenness of his people and city. Discover the three components of a godly burden and how they can lead to a life of extraordinary impact. Learn the first two steps on the prayer path that will help you gain the maximum attention of God: recognizing His sovereignty and acknowledging your own sin. Through practical insights and biblical wisdom, you'll be equipped to deepen your prayer life and experience a greater intimacy with God. Join us as we explore the transformative power of prayer and discover how it can lead to personal revival and a renewed passion for serving God's purposes. For more life-changing Bible teachings from Stephen Davey, visit
5/22/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Introducing an Ordinary man

Have you ever wondered about your purpose in God's eyes? Do you feel ordinary, insignificant? In this message, Stephen Davey delves into the remarkable story of Nehemiah, an ordinary man who achieved the extraordinary through his unwavering faith and character. Discover how God used Nehemiah to rebuild the broken walls of Jerusalem and restore hope to a discouraged nation. Through Nehemiah's example, you'll be encouraged to embrace your own unique calling and discover how God can use you to make a lasting impact on the world around you. Uncover the 26 characteristics of ordinary people who God can use in extraordinary ways and learn how to apply them to your own life. If you're looking for a message of hope, inspiration, and practical guidance for living a life of purpose, this episode is for you! For more life-changing Bible teachings from Stephen Davey, visit
5/21/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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It Will be Worth it All! | Stephen Davey

The Tribulation is known for being a time of great fear and destruction. Men and women will be forced to receive the mark of the beast and anyone who refuses will be killed. But out of that tribulation the Gospel will spread and people will accept the mark of the cross instead. The blood of the martrys has always been and always will be the seed of the Church.
5/20/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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144,000 | Stephen Davey

Christians and non-Christians alike have long debated the mysterious number 144,000 in the Book of Revelation. Are these Jewish witnesses? Are they an elite group of believers destined to survive the end times? In this riveting message, Stephen Davey examines the Scripture and uncovers the identity and purpose of the 144,000. Discover their significance and learn how their profile should impact the way we live out our faith today. Key Takeaway: The 144,000 are a potent reminder that God's promises to Israel remain and that the urgency of sharing the gospel is real. Let their example ignite your witness! Want to learn more? Head over to Wisdom Online ( for additional resources and deeper exploration into the wisdom of Scripture.
5/17/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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When the Sky Began to Fall | Stephen Davey

In one of the most dramatic scenes from Revelation, Stephen Davey paints a vivid picture of the coming Day of the Lord, when cosmic chaos and natural disasters devastate the unrepentant world. But amidst the terror, God's wrath makes one thing clear: the urgent need for salvation. Tune in to discover the one escape from judgment and experience the hope that only Christ offers. Key Takeaway: Earth may be doomed, but there's hope for you. Trust Christ and be rescued from the wrath to come! Want to learn more? Head over to Wisdom Online ( for additional resources and deeper exploration into the wisdom of Scripture.
5/16/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Marvel of a Martyr's Prayer | Stephen Davey

The world is becoming increasingly hostile to Christianity. In this gripping message, Stephen Davey unpacks the scene of persecuted martyrs in Revelation 6. Are they weeping? Do they remember what happened? Must they wait for their vindication? Discover the startling answers in this powerful message that will challenge your thinking about Heaven and ignite your hope in Christ. Key Takeaway: Earth may be filled with suffering for the believer, but heaven is filled with rest and reward! Want to learn more? Head over to Wisdom Online ( for additional resources and deeper exploration into the wisdom of Scripture.
5/15/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Death Came Riding | Stephen Davey

In this stirring message, Stephen Davey unpacks the chaos and despair of Revelation 6 and the Four Horsemen. Discover how the wrath of God is unleashed on a world that has rejected Him. But in the midst of darkness, there is hope! Find out how to escape God's judgment and experience eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. Key Takeaway: We all face death, but for believers in Christ, it isn't the end! Choose today to leave the funeral procession and join the wedding party of the Lamb. Want to learn more? Head over to Wisdom Online ( for additional resources and deeper exploration into the wisdom of Scripture.
5/14/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Disappearance of Peace | Stephen Davey

In this eye-opening episode, Stephen Davey unpacks the chaos of Revelation 6 and Ezekiel 38-39, revealing the devastating wars that will plague our world during the Tribulation. Will America defend Israel? What happens to those who reject Christ? Discover the lasting peace found only in Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Key Takeaway: World peace will vanish, yet through Christ we can experience His eternal peace. Today is the day to sign the peace treaty with the one true Messiah! Want to learn more? Head over to Wisdom Online ( for additional resources and deeper exploration into the wisdom of Scripture.
5/13/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Reading Tomorrow's Headlines Today

In this riveting study of Revelation 6, Stephen Davey reveals the terrifying truth behind the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Explore the biblical warnings about the Antichrist's deceitful rise to power, the devastation of global warfare, and the impending terrors of the Tribulation. Gain insights into how these ancient prophecies offer wisdom for recognizing deception and finding true peace in a turbulent world. Key takeaway: Discernment and grounding in God's Word are essential for navigating the deceptions that pave the way for the Tribulation. Remember, only Jesus Christ offers true salvation, lasting peace, and hope for the future. Want to learn more? Head over to Wisdom Online ( for additional resources and deeper exploration into the wisdom of Scripture.
5/10/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Crash Course on the Coming Tribulation Part 2

Stephen Davey continues his in-depth exploration of the Tribulation. Discover the profound purpose behind this time of intense trial, from preparing Israel for Christ's Kingdom to redeeming believers worldwide. Learn about the seals, the horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the hope that shines through despite the suffering. Key takeaway: Even in the midst of judgment, God's faithfulness and justice are unyielding, and His promises will be fulfilled. Want to learn more? Head over to Wisdom Online ( for additional resources and deeper exploration into God's prophetic Word.
5/9/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Crash Course on the Coming Tribulation Part 1

Today, Stephen Davey begins a groundbreaking study on one of the most anticipated and debated events in biblical prophecy—the Rapture and the Tribulation. Dive into the biblical truth behind these events, understanding God's wrath and the timeline of His plan. Discover what will happen right before the Rapture, and why we believe it happens before the Tribulation. Key takeaway: The Bible describes future events so that we can be informed, motivated, and prepared for what lies ahead.
5/8/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Tested, True and Triumphant

In this lesson, Stephen Davey explores Philippians 1:9-10, examining how to make godly life decisions in a world that distorts truth. Discover Paul's prayer for believers to develop discernment, examine their lives according to God's Word, and live with purity by rejecting hypocrisy. Key takeaway: The Bible is our ultimate guide for evaluating all information, attitudes, and actions. It helps us pursue excellence for God's glory. Want to learn more? Head over to Wisdom Online ( for additional resources and deeper exploration into the wisdom of Scripture.
5/7/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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All We Need is (Real) Love

In this lesson from Philippians 1:8-9, Stephen Davey explores Paul's remarkable prayer list for the Philippian believers. Discover how to cultivate an overflowing, passionate love for God and others, fueled by biblical knowledge and godly discernment. As Paul delves into his prayer requests, he reveals God's desire for us to grow in our understanding of genuine love and apply it to every aspect of our lives. Key takeaway: True love, guided by God's Word, will transform your relationships, your outlook, and your purpose. Want to learn more? Head over to Wisdom Online ( for additional resources and deeper exploration of God's blueprint for a life of love.
5/6/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Recipe for Joy

Discover the surprising secret to true joy! In this episode, Stephen Davey reveals how to rise above negative circumstances and choose a joyful spirit. Learn the essential ingredients to cultivate gratitude, faithful prayer, meaningful participation in your community, and an unshakeable devotion to Christ.
5/3/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Not Just an Ordinary Hello

Does life feel like a losing battle? Do you find yourself longing for joy and peace that seem forever out of reach? In this powerful message , Stephen reveals the surprising source of lasting peace even in the midst of struggle. Discover the transformative power of God's grace and the victory that is already yours in Christ.
5/2/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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More Than a Whisper of Treason

What if the path to joy isn't found in what you achieve, but in who you follow? In this engaging episode, Stephen Davey delves into the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippians, a church founded amid unexpected circumstances. Discover surprising lessons on finding contentment in trials and how the transformative power of faith can reshape your outlook on life. Gain insights that will help you weather life's storms with steadfast joy and purpose.
5/1/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Meaning of Life

Discover the true meaning of life in this powerful episode featuring the teaching of Stephen Davey. Explore the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippians as he unpacks what it means to be a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Gain inspiration from the story of Timothy, a young pastor raised in a broken home, who finds purpose and fulfillment. Reflect on the transformative power of spiritual guidance and the freedom that comes from true surrender to Christ.
4/30/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Introducing the Church in Philippi

What happens when God's path seems blocked and his "no" becomes a "go"? In this captivating episode, we explore the unlikely beginnings of the first church in Europe. Join us as we travel to ancient Philippi and meet a wealthy businesswoman, a demon-possessed slave girl, and even a hardened jailer. Discover how the gospel of Jesus Christ transcends societal divides, heals the broken, and sparks a spiritual revolution that would eventually transform a continent.
4/29/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Playing With Fire Part 2

Welcome back! In the previous episode, we witnessed the tragic beginning of Samson's downfall. Blinded by lust and tempted by the lure of forbidden things, he began a dangerous slide into compromise. Samson, a man of legendary strength, succumbed to the weakness of his own desires. Now, as his story continues, we'll see the full extent of his crash... and the glimmering possibility of redemption amidst the ruins of his life. Let's rejoin Stephen as he dives deeper into this cautionary tale from the Book of Judges.
4/26/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Playing with Fire Part 1

Have you ever felt the seductive pull of temptation? That nagging voice that promises a thrill but ultimately leads to destruction? In this riveting episode, Stephen explores the downfall of Samson, a man who possessed incredible strength yet couldn't resist his own desires. Join us as we unpack his story and discover the critical lessons we can learn about the dangers of compromise, the devastating consequences of sin, and the profound hope of redemption in God's grace.
4/25/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Toying with Temptation

In this episode, we delve into the captivating yet cautionary tale of Samson from the book of Judges, particularly focusing on chapter 16. Samson, often remembered as the Herculean figure of the Old Testament, reveals a deeper narrative of temptation, compromise, and tragic consequences. Key Points: The Whales and the Sardines: We begin by drawing a poignant analogy between Samson's pursuit of forbidden pleasures and whales chasing sardines, ultimately leading to their demise. Samson's Slide into Tragedy: Despite his immense potential and divine calling, Samson's life serves as a vivid illustration of Israel's spiritual decline. His actions reflect the nation's apathy and rebellion against God. The Slippery Slope: Samson's journey starts innocuously with a desire for a Philistine woman, setting off a chain of events that culminate in his downfall. The Illusion of Invincibility: As Samson displays incredible physical strength, his moral integrity crumbles. Power without purity becomes his downfall. Internet Trail vs. Life Trail: Drawing parallels to modern-day struggles, we reflect on how our choices shape our trajectory and the importance of staying vigilant against temptation. Prayer for Strength: We conclude with a prayer from "The Valley of Vision," seeking God's strength to resist temptation and walk in His ways. Join us as we unpack the timeless lessons embedded in Samson's narrative and glean wisdom for navigating the temptations of our own lives.
4/24/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Oh Be Careful Little Eyes Part 2

Our modern culture bombards us with messages that distort God's design for sexuality. This can leave us feeling confused, trapped, and even ashamed. But the Bible offers a clear path to freedom. This episode explores the biblical teaching on sexual morality in a non-judgmental and compassionate way. Discover the physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences of sexual sin, and importantly, the hope and transformation found in God’s grace. Learn practical steps to resist temptation, pursue purity, and experience true freedom. Key Points Covered: The Culture Clash: Why purity seems like an outdated concept and the harmful impact of society's message on our hearts. The Consequences of Sin: Understanding the real-world risks of sexual immorality, from disease to broken relationships. The Path to Purity: How the Bible provides a roadmap to overcoming temptation and living a life honoring to God. Grace and Forgiveness: The transformative power of God's love and His ability to heal and restore. If you're struggling with sexual sin, longing for a life of purity, or simply seeking to understand God's plan for your sexuality, this episode is for you. Discover how to combat the cultural chaos with biblical clarity and find the freedom you desire.
4/23/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Oh Be Careful Little Eyes Part 1

Our modern culture bombards us with messages that distort God's design for sexuality. This can leave us feeling confused, trapped, and even ashamed. But the Bible offers a clear path to freedom. This episode explores the biblical teaching on sexual morality in a non-judgmental and compassionate way. Discover the physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences of sexual sin, and importantly, the hope and transformation found in God’s grace. Learn practical steps to resist temptation, pursue purity, and experience true freedom. Key Points Covered: The Culture Clash: Why purity seems like an outdated concept and the harmful impact of society's message on our hearts. The Consequences of Sin: Understanding the real-world risks of sexual immorality, from disease to broken relationships. The Path to Purity: How the Bible provides a roadmap to overcoming temptation and living a life honoring to God. Grace and Forgiveness: The transformative power of God's love and His ability to heal and restore. If you're struggling with sexual sin, longing for a life of purity, or simply seeking to understand God's plan for your sexuality, this episode is for you. Discover how to combat the cultural chaos with biblical clarity and find the freedom you desire.
4/22/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Battling the Beast Within: Finding Purity in a Culture of Chaos

Has our modern culture embraced sexual expression at the expense of our well-being? In this episode, we explore the timeless wisdom of the Bible on purity and the dangers of succumbing to cultural pressures. Discover why the apostle Paul challenged early Christians to champion moral purity, the consequences of sexual immorality, and the life-changing power of God's grace. Get ready to examine your own heart and find the freedom to live a life that honors God. Key Points Covered: The Battle is Real: The timeless struggle between our fleshly desires and God's design for purity. Cultural Confusion: How societal norms have shifted away from biblical standards, promoting a distorted view of sexuality. Consequences and Grace: The potential physical, emotional, and spiritual toll of sexual sin, balanced with the transformative power of God's forgiveness. Holiness is a Goal: Practical steps for resisting temptation and pursuing a life that honors God. Join us as we delve into these thought-provoking questions and find the courage to live differently, embracing the beauty of God's plan for our lives.
4/19/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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In the Slough of Despond

Have you ever found yourself in a state of despair? King David did. He experienced circumstances that caused him to fall into deep despair. He made a desperate appeal to God while working through the emotional turmoil his despair caused. Looking at what David said about despair can teach you invaluable lessons about both the crippling effects of despair and the comforting effects of devotion to God. This is Wisdom for the Heart. Today, your Bible teacher, Stephen Davey, looks at this issue that plagues so many and offers help and hope from the Word of God.
4/18/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Me First: The Power of Godly Ambition

Many people feel adrift after retirement. Discover the fulfilling power of ambition aligned with God's purpose. In this episode of Wisdom for the Heart, Stephen Davey shares the story of Dr. Charles McCoy, who found a lifetime of impact in his 70s. Learn how to shoulder your load, shape up your life, and showcase the light of Christ. Get ready to be inspired! Visit for more resources.
4/17/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Price of Character: A Lesson from Joshua's Integrity

Have you ever compromised your values for a quick win? In this episode of Wisdom for the Heart, Stephen Davey examines the Old Testament story of Joshua and the Gibeonites. Discover the true cost of dishonesty and the enduring power of integrity. Learn how your choices define your character and impact those around you. Visit for more resources on building a life of godly character.
4/16/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Strangled by Worry

Does worry steal your joy and rob your peace? Join Stephen Davey on Wisdom for the Heart as he digs into Jesus' teaching in Matthew 6. Learn how to break the stranglehold of worry and live with an unburdened heart through faith in God's goodness and provision. Learn more and access additional resources at
4/15/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Truth About Treasure

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Some pastors today are teaching that a commitment to Jesus will ensure a wealthier life. But what did Jesus teach? Stephen answers that today in his look at Matthew chapter 6.
4/12/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Dressed Up to Kneel Down

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Satan has his schemes by which he and his demons attempt to discredit us. So what can we, as Christians, do to stop him? How can we protect ourselves? Ephesians 6 gives us the answer.
4/11/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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What to Wear to War

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  In his series "Angels, Demons, and Other Flying Creatures," Stephen has pulled back the curtain on that invisible world to give us a glimpse into the spiritual warfare being waged all around us. In this message he shows us an armory that is filled with incredible offensive and defensive weapons. This arsenal was outfitted by God with specific items for us to wear to war, so let's get suited up for battle!
4/10/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Unmasking the Serpent

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  To see someone who is physically possessed by the devil is terrifying because the effects are not only visible, they are often brutal. In part one of his message "Unmasking the Serpent," Stephen reveals that Satan's most devastating tactics are the not-so-visible ones. Let's join him now to discover what they are.
4/9/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Fallen Cherub

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  When we think of cherubs, we think of the fat little angel babies that have been popularized in famous works of art. But did you realize that Satan is a cherub? In this message Stephen clears up our misconceptions about these mysterious creatures and warns us not to take the angelic world lightly.
4/8/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Guardians & Gallant Warriors

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: The public has always been fascinated by the idea of guardian angels, but is there even such a thing? Find out in this message as Stephen tests common-held beliefs against the Scriptures.
4/5/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Legends, Fables & Biblical Origins

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: Questions abound regarding the mysterious life and work of angels and demons. Do people have a guardian angel? Can demons possess a Christian? Are angels and demons really fighting all around us? Answers to these questions abound in our culture . . . but in this message Stephen gives us the answers from the source that matters: Scripture.
4/4/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: People are obsessed with the angelic world today. There are angel books, angel clubs, angel jewels, and angel TV shows. But what does the Bible say about angels? What does God want us to know about these mysterious creatures? Join Stephen in today's message and find out.
4/3/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Unending Praise

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: "Unending Praise" based on Romans 16:27 is a fitting culmination to the Book of Romans. The sermon celebrates the integrity of the gospel and the character of the church, as Stephen reflects on the powerful impact of preaching scripture in its entirety. In the final doxology of Paul, Stephen unpacks the profound layers of praise encapsulated in the words "to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be the glory forever." This message emphasizes the uniqueness of God, the accessibility through Jesus Christ, and the commendable nature of God's wisdom and glory. It's an invitation to embrace this unending praise, affirming the truth of God's word and committing to live it out. As the exposition of Romans concludes, we're left with a heartfelt "Amen," an affirmation of the truth revealed and a commitment to carry these teachings forward. This message is an experience of growth, reflection, and an unwavering dedication to the truth of the gospel.
4/2/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Let's Sing It!

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Join Stephen as he explores the profound influence of Thomas Ken's Doxology, a hymn of praise that has resonated through the ages. Written by a courageous 17th-century pastor and scholar, this timeless poem has become a cornerstone of Christian worship. Discover the story behind the words "Praise God from whom all blessings flow," and delve into the Greek origins of 'doxa', revealing its evolution from a simple opinion to a declaration of divine glory. This episode isn't just a history lesson; it's an invitation to contemplate your perception of God and the profound reputation of Jesus Christ. It challenges you to align your views with the true nature of Christ. Whether you're seeking to deepen your faith or simply curious about the historical significance of a beloved hymn, this message offers a unique blend of historical insights, spiritual reflection, and practical application. Join us in elevating our perspective of Jesus Christ and celebrating the glory of God through the timeless words of the Doxology.
4/1/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Resisting the Lull of Laziness

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: In Luke 19:11-27, you are confronted with the potential responses of diligence, laziness, and defiance in your service to Christ. The parable illustrates that, as a follower of Christ, you are entrusted with divine investments, and your response determines your position in the coming kingdom. Develop a godly perspective of anticipation, recognizing that you are entrusted with divine assets. You are called to engage in service for the Lord until His return, using your talents, responsibilities, and opportunities to honor Him.  
3/29/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Snapshots of Ruin & Rescue

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: While you probably know the Sunday school song about Zacchaeus the tax collector, chances are you may not understand the extent of his sin and the miraculous nature of his restoration. Only Jesus Christ can deliver the kind of life-transforming grace that would cause the richest cheat in Israel to become a compassionate, benevolent, above-and-beyond kind of follower of Christ.  
3/28/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Cure for Spiritual Blindness

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: Physical sight doesn't guarantee spiritual insight. Physical blindness doesn't limit spiritual vision. Jesus demonstrated perhaps the ultimate Messianic power when he restored sight to a believing blind man. But many people in the crowd had perfectly good vision, but couldn't see their Savior standing right in front of them. Stephen Davey teaches on Bartimaeus’ miraculous healing.  
3/27/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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How a Camel Illustrates Conversion

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: We know that there is no works-based test to become a Christian. You don't have to present your bank account to God and prove how poor you are for Him to allow you into heaven. So why does Jesus connect our entrance into God's kingdom with how much money we have? As Stephen Davey explains, it's not a matter of prosperity, it's a matter of priority. Money is not the same as love of money--particularly the love of money that supersedes all other loves. That's the lesson Jesus taught the rich young ruler, and it’s a lesson He's still teaching today.  
3/26/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Children: An Endangered Species

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: If it's a dangerous time to be a child in the 21st century, it was exponentially more so during the days of Jesus. Many children never lived to adulthood, or even to their teenage years. Those who did survive infancy were marginalized in their culture. But Jesus changed all that. Through a simple act of showing interest and care in the lives of children, Jesus began a cause that, to this day, Christians all around the world continue to strive for: protecting and cherishing our children.
3/25/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Scoundrel and the Saint

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Things--and people--are rarely what they seem to be. Social media has trained us to be more "image conscious." People even arrive to church more concerned with displaying a righteous exterior than experiencing the convicting of the Holy Spirit. And this is nothing new. In Jesus' day, He often rebuked the Pharisees as self-righteous, image-conscious hypocrites. Let's learn to avoid their tragic example.  
3/22/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Surviving the Fainting Spells of Life

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  What are your expectations when you pray? Do you expect God to answer in a certain way, or on a certain timeline? The truth is: our prayers are only effective when we conform to God's will, not when we insist upon our own. Jesus taught His disciples this truth using a parable of a poor widow and a corrupt judge.  
3/21/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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What the World Is Like Before Judgment, Part 2

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Just like our world is today, the disciples in Jesus' day were obsessed with the end times. What happens next when the world ends has been a fascination of all cultures in all times throughout human history. And Jesus provides some clarity and guidance about how future events should impact our present living.  
3/20/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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What the World Is Like Before Judgment, Part 1

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Just like our world is today, the disciples in Jesus' day were obsessed with the end times. What happens next when the world ends has been a fascination of all cultures in all times throughout human history. And Jesus provides some clarity and guidance about how future events should impact our present living.  
3/19/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Fifty Yard Dash to Thanksgiving

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Because we can't physically see God--although we do see His works--and although we can't physically hear God with our ears--although we do read His words in our Bibles--it can be hard to remember to thank God for the blessings He gives us. It's much easier to remember to be grateful when you can see and hear and touch the person you're thanking. When Jesus healed ten lepers, only one remembered to be grateful. Stephen Davey challenges us to be like him in this lesson.  
3/18/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Let's Get Real about Accountability

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Jesus called His disciples to follow Him, but He also called them to be in community with each other. Jesus wanted them, and us, to understand that the Christian life is not meant to be lived in solitude. Accountability is a vital element of our discipleship, our sanctification, and our service. Through three teachings, Jesus urges us to make accountability a vital part of our churches and our fellowship.  
3/15/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Billionaire and the Beggar, Part 2

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Our world finds hell too disturbing, too painful, too seemingly cruel, too convicting to talk about. Some pastors and teachers have watered down the orthodox teaching of hell, saying instead that hell is not painful, or not permanent, or not real. But Jesus' teachings on hell are clear, and so are the lessons we need to learn from it. For the believer, if the reality of hell isn’t spurring on your evangelism, you don't understand it well enough. And for the unbeliever, if the reality of hell isn’t causing you to turn to God for mercy, you haven't yet realized the eternal judgment that right now awaits you--but can be avoided.
3/14/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Billionaire and the Beggar, Part 1

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Our world finds hell too disturbing, too painful, too seemingly cruel, too convicting to talk about. Some pastors and teachers have watered down the orthodox teaching of hell, saying instead that hell is not painful, or not permanent, or not real. But Jesus' teachings on hell are clear, and so are the lessons we need to learn from it. For the believer, if the reality of hell isn’t spurring on your evangelism, you don't understand it well enough. And for the unbeliever, if the reality of hell isn’t causing you to turn to God for mercy, you haven't yet realized the eternal judgment that right now awaits you--but can be avoided.  
3/13/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Biblical Reasons for Divorce and Remarriage, Part 2

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Discover the biblical perspective on divorce and remarriage in this thought-provoking sermon by Stephen Davey. Drawing from Luke 16:14-18, Stephen explores the challenges of marriage, the importance of commitment, and the consequences of unrepentant sin within the marital relationship. Gain insights into the exceptions for divorce outlined in the Bible and learn how to navigate difficult situations while upholding God's design for marriage. Stephen answers common questions such as, "Must an abused wife remain in her marriage?" Find encouragement and guidance for your own marriage or for supporting others who may be facing marital struggles.  
3/12/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Biblical Reasons for Divorce and Remarriage, Part 1

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Discover the biblical perspective on divorce and remarriage in this thought-provoking sermon by Stephen Davey. Drawing from Luke 16:14-18, Stephen explores the challenges of marriage, the importance of commitment, and the consequences of unrepentant sin within the marital relationship. Gain insights into the exceptions for divorce outlined in the Bible and learn how to navigate difficult situations while upholding God's design for marriage. Stephen answers common questions such as, "Must an abused wife remain in her marriage?" Find encouragement and guidance for your own marriage or for supporting others who may be facing marital struggles.  
3/11/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Parable for Smarter Stewards

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  What you do with your currency reflects your priorities. Jesus taught this truth to His disciples through a parable about an unfaithful manager and a shrewd investor. And it's through this story that Jesus gets to the heart of our relationship with money. If your value is in the kingdom, your investments will be put into kingdom priorities.
3/8/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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These Friends are Forever

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  As the Apostle John closes his brief letter in which he was just describing a godly man for us to emulate, his inspired words also reveal why he, John, is also worthy of imitation. Pastor Davey expounds upon these character traits of personal investment, personal influence, and personal interest in others, and why they matter. And he reminds us that when we treat our brothers and sisters in Christ like this, we become a beautiful reflection of our Lord's regard for us.
3/7/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Mile Wide and an Inch Deep

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  What kind of influence do we have as Christians today? Do we merely have a widespread presence but make no significant impact? The depth of our Christian impact depends on our action--and our actions are learned by imitation. Throughout the Bible, we are encouraged to emulate godly people and virtues, and we're warned against imitating evil. Here, the Apostle John introduces us to a specific role model who exemplifies qualities worth imitating, so we ourselves can be worthy of imitation, ultimately deepening the impact we have on the world.
3/6/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Devil in Diotrephes

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Before the creation of the earth, the sin of pride caused separation from God. And since he was cast out of heaven, the prince of this world--Satan--has been using this insidious offense to establish a wedge between us and the Lord. In these verses from his short letter to a friend, the Apostle John warns us of a prideful church leader, describing five symptoms of pride so we can recognize this soul disease in others ... and in ourselves.
3/5/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  A group of people working together can accomplish significantly more than when each person works alone. This is synergy. From the Apostle John's third letter from Ephesus, Pastor Davey expounds upon the call for Christians to work together--in synergy--to support each other. Specifically, as John writes, we are obligated to financially provide for the Lord's workers. But more than obligation, giving is our opportunity to joyfully join in the labor to further the Gospel.
3/4/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Properly Hold the Rope

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  No matter where we live or what stage of life we're in, as believers we are called be ambassadors for Christ right where we're planted. Some are called to go--often to the far reaches of the globe. But, as Pastor Davey explains here, even if we can't personally go out into the world to start an orphanage, preach to Muslims, or live in the jungles, we can become "rope-holders", supporting with prayers, finances, and encouragement those who do go.
3/1/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Questions for the Heart

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Third John is a personal letter between the great Apostle John and one of his closest friends, and it's astounding that the issues they faced haven't changed much over the past two millennia. As Pastor Davey unpacks the first four introductory verses, he raises five questions for which the answers are known only to each of us, respectively, and to God. So, let's use these promptings as a mirror for our souls and reflect upon how we are progressing in our own walk with the Lord.
2/29/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Heart to Heart

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Although John was the last living Apostle, authored several books of the Bible, and was even given a tour of heaven, he used the simple tools of paper and pen--well, papyrus and reed--to provide warm encouragement and rich instruction to the unnamed faithful woman in 2 John. Here, Pastor Davey summarizes the truths of John's postcard into seven key principles for us to apply as we show Christ's love to others through whatever gifts God has given us.
2/28/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Handle a Heretic

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  As Christians living in a world of heretical teaching, we don't need to know about every false religion or belief, we just have to know the Truth. We must keep our eyes open to recognize the shiny distractions of the enemy. Moreover, as the Apostle John writes in these verses, we must shut our doors to those trying to convince us of another gospel. And we must close our wallets to them--don't buy their books, watch their shows, etc.--or we'll be helping to spread the lies.
2/27/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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This is NO Picnic

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  New believers often think that, because they've been saved, life from now on will be a picnic. The truth is, however, that the Christian walk is a battlefield, with pummeling enemy fire and hard-fought victories. Throughout Scripture we are charged to put on our armor and use every weapon the Lord has given us for battle with the enemy. Here, the Apostle John warns us to stay alert, so we don't lose the ground we've gained or forfeit our full reward in heaven.
2/26/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Devil's Great Commission

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  When someone says they believe in Jesus, we can't presume it's the real Jesus. False teachers are proclaiming many different versions of Jesus to give people what they want to hear--and lead them away from the Truth. This is Satan's commission. In this lesson from 2 John, Pastor Davey unpacks John's warning about the deceptive messages being spread (as true now as it was then), equipping us to identify the false teachers so prevalent today.
2/23/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Keep From Growing Old

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Can love be commanded? Isn't it a "feeling" that's out of our control? According to Scripture, Christians are, in fact, commanded to love one another with a divine agape love--love that is choice, love that overcomes feelings. In these verses, the Apostle John defines agape love as obedience to God's will. Here, Pastor Davey expounds upon this truth, describing how walking in love keeps our hearts from growing cold toward others and toward God.
2/22/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Wearing the Dust of the Savior

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Today, as it was in the Garden of Eden, the enemy chips away at God's truth through patient erosion--he tweaks and adapts it until what is believed is no truth at all. Therefore, it's not surprising that our current culture embraces so many lies. As parents, our goal is that our children choose to walk in truth, and this lesson from 2 John calls us to be encouraged when they are ... and to keep praying when they're not.
2/21/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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When Nothing Seems to Last

Listen to the full-length version of this message or the other messages in this series here:  In our culture of moral relativism, "truth" is often defined as "yours" or "mine"--but it's never absolute. However, as Believers, we can rest in the knowledge that there is a Divinely determined truth. In this lesson, Pastor Davey looks to the words of the Apostle John to remind us that Christ-followers are bound together by our love for truth. And, despite the waxing and waning cultural norms, truth endures forever, transforming us through its mercy, grace and peace.
2/20/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Letter to a Lady

Listen to the full-length version of this message or the other messages in this series here:  Even in the salutation of the Apostle John's Second Letter, he offers profound words of encouragement to the anonymous woman to whom he is writing. He calls her "chosen." His letter's opening reminds this woman that she and her children have not been forgotten, and they are loved--by John and the Lord. Whatever our circumstances or challenges, let us remember who we are in Christ and stand firm on the promises of God.
2/19/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Gallery of Grace

Listen to the full-length version of this message or the other messages in this series here: In typical fashion, Paul wraps up his letter to the Romans by greeting and thanking diverse individuals who are worthy of affirmation. But before they get too big-headed, Paul reminds them that God is the One who really deserves the credit. The gallery of our faith is just a hall in the greater gallery of God's grace.
2/16/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Surviving Vanity Fair

Listen to the full-length version of this message or the other messages in this series here: At one point in John Bunyan's famous work, "A Pilgrim's Progress," Pilgrim and his friend travel through a town called "Vanity Fair." The town is a lot like yours and mine: materialistic, self-absorbed, pleasure-seeking, and God-rejecting. Temptation was lurking around every corner. In this message, Stephen asks us to consider how well we are surviving the onslaught of temptation that surrounds us every day in our own Vanity Fair. In Bunyan's allegory, Pilgrim's friend didn't make it out alive. Will you?
2/15/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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We Interrupt This Letter ...

Listen to the full-length version of this message or the other messages in this series here: In Romans 16:17-18, the Apostle Paul interrupts his letter of commendation to warn the Church about false teachers. It's a warning as relevant to us today as it was to those Christians in Rome. So let's join Stephen in this message as he gives us the marks of a false teacher.
2/14/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Hall of Faith

Listen to the full-length version of this message or the other messages in this series here: There's a hall of fame for just about everything nowadays. There's a basketball hall of fame, a bicycling hall of fame, a nurses hall of fame, an aviation hall of fame, a quilters hall of fame; and the list goes on and on! In Romans chapter 16, however, we discover that God has a hall of fame as well. But unlike our worldly displays, the heroes in God’s hall are not praised for great feats of strength, brilliance, or artistry. They are honored for their service and humility. So let's join Stephen now as he shows us a few of the people on display.
2/13/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Choosing Third Class

Listen to the full-length version of this message or the other messages in this series here: Have you ever heard the saying, "No man is an island?" Well the Apostle Paul, spiritual and energetic as he was, would have said the same thing. In Romans 16:3-5, he introduces us to a Godly couple who poured into him as much as he poured into others. Were it not for their persistent ministry, Paul would not have been the Apostle he was.
2/12/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Make Room for My Sister

Listen to the full-length version of this message or the other messages in this series here:  God knows Your name and He knows everything about you. You might walk down the street or walk down the aisle of your Church and feel like just a face in the crowd. But there is coming a day when God will call you by name. He will embrace you as His child . . . and He will reward you for all the things you did for his glory that no one else saw. What a day that will be!
2/9/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Forever and Ever, Amen!

Listen to the full-length version of this message, or the other messages in this series here:   Scripture tells us that one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. In Revelation 5:11-14, that is exactly what happens. But it isn't just men and women singing praise to God . . . animals are singing praise as well! This is a worship service you don't want to miss!  
2/8/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Listen to the full-length version of this message, or the other messages in this series here:   Revelation 5:8-10 is an incredible passage: John takes us to a heavenly worship service where Jesus is finally getting the praise He deserves. Four beasts and twenty-four elders fall on their faces before Christ and worship Him for the work He did on the cross. Will you do the same today?  
2/7/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Secret Scroll

Listen to the full-length version of this message, or the other messages in this series here:   Why is it that the things we run from – pain, discomfort, friction, etc. – are often the best things for us? In this deeply practical look at Psalm 23:5-6, Stephen show us again why we are just like sheep.  
2/6/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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True Sightings

Listen to the full-length version of this message, or the other messages in this series here:   The vision of heaven that John gives us in Revelation 4 is nothing like those we see on television or even imagine in our minds. His poetic imagery is peculiar and almost fantastical at first sight. But as Stephen helps us envision this heavenly scene, our eyes will be opened to the incredible reality of it.  
2/5/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Soon ... and Very Soon!

Listen to the full-length version of this message, or the other messages in this series here: /the-first-hymns-of-heaven.   Why don't we as Christians think about heaven more often? It seems the only times we stop to consider heaven is when a friend or loved one dies or when we're singing hymns like "I'll Fly Away." Well, in this message Stephen gives us a vision of heaven that will dramatically increase our desire for it. Once we see what the Apostle John saw in Revelation 4:1-3, our thoughts of heaven will never be the same.  
2/2/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Inviting God's Searchlight

There are two kinds of prayers that will have dramatic effects on your walk of faith. The first is "God, make whatever You will of me." The second is, "God, take whatever you will out of me." Neither prayer comes easy. Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:
2/1/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Designer Made

Before sonograms, ultrasounds, 3D imaging, and years of scientific research, King David gives us an unparalleled glimpse into humanity's true womb. Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:
1/31/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Reveling in the Omnipresence and Omnipotence of God

Isn't it an amazing thought that God can't lose you? No matter where you are in the world -- whether lost in a crowd of tourists or alone on some secluded mountain -- God is already there. Stephen takes us further in his study of Psalm 139 to show us why that is cause for rejoicing. Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:  
1/30/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Rejoicing in the Omniscience of God

The thought that God knows everything about us is often a disconcerting thought. But it is a thought we should rejoice in every day. David's unforgettable lyrics in Psalm 139 provide the reason for our rejoicing. Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:  
1/29/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The End of the Story

The beginning of Psalm 73 marked Asaph's darkest hour. The ending of the Psalm 73 marks his finest. Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:
1/26/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Turning Point

Where is your sanctuary today? Where do you turn when you feel discouraged, afraid, or confused? The computer? Food? Friends? Hobbies? In today's riveting look at Asaph's spiritual revival, Stephen reminds us that our only true sanctuary is Christ. Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:
1/25/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Forbidden Questions

Habakkuk cried out deep, disheartening questions to God, as did David, Job, and even Moses. But the most difficult questions came from the lips of Israel's head worship leader, Asaph. Not surprisingly, his cry -- as well as God's reply -- resonates like no other. Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:
1/24/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Taste and Treasure

If King David's honest, humble cry at the end of Psalm 19 isn't the cry of our hearts every day, we will waste our lives. Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:
1/23/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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God's Inspired Little Book

Perfect. Sure. Right. Pure. True. Do these words describe any other book in the entire world? Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:  
1/22/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Footprints of God

God has been here. He has walked where we walk. He has stood on the same ground that you and I stand on. How do we know? The proof is all around us. Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:
1/19/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Nasal Flies and Sheep Dogs

Why is it that the things we run from -- pain, discomfort, friction, etc. -- are often the best things for us? In this deeply practical look at Psalm 23:5-6, Stephen show us again why we are just like sheep. Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:  
1/18/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Ruts of Righteousness

When quoting the third and fourth verses of Psalm 23, we often miss the deeper meaning inherent in the text. What we usually translate as "the way of righteousness" is actually better translated, "the ruts of righteousness." Join Stephen now as he explains the many implications that truth has for us today. Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:  
1/17/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Introducing the Creator-Shepherd

God gave us quite of a number of wonderful analogies in scripture to describe our relationship to Him, but none are as poignant as the relationship between a shepherd and a lamb. Join Stephen in this study of Psalm 23 to learn why. Access all of the resources and lessons in this series:  
1/16/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Church of the Closed Door

So far in this series, Stephen has introduced us to diverse snares which can destroy churches. We've learned what happens when a church accommodates culture, embraces false teaching, and forgets how to love. But in this message Stephen warns us of a dangerous and far more subtle snare: the snare of growing comfortable. Access all of the lessons and resources in this series:  
1/15/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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When Little Means a Lot

What can one solitary Christian do for God? In this message Stephen reminds us that spiritual effectiveness is not measured by abilities or numbers, it is measured by commitment. A Christian who is wholly surrendered to God can do more than a hundred Christians who are partially surrendered to Him. Access all of the lessons and resources in this series:
1/12/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Saints go Sleeping One by One

On the surface, a sleeping church looks just like a vibrant church. Services are held, songs are sung, and messages are given. But there isn't any spiritual vitality. So how do you wake up a sleeping congregation? Join Stephen now to find out. Access all of the lessons and resources in this series:  
1/11/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Judging Jezebel

Sin is no respecter of persons or places, which means the Church isn't immune to its deception. So how can we detect false theology and practice before it creeps in? That's the question Stephen answers in this portion of his series Special Delivery. Access all of the lessons and resources in this series:
1/10/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Christian who feels sorry on Sunday for what he did on Saturday but still plans to do it again on Monday is in grave danger! This is the attitude Stephen calls "flexitarianism," and in this message he challenges us to get rid of it. Access all of the lessons and resources in this series:  
1/9/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Crushed Fragrance of Christ Followers

Persecution is not relegated to the ancient past. So as Stephen takes us back in time to witness how believers in Asia Minor stood strong amidst great opposition, we'll learn better how to respond to the antagonism we face today. Access all of the lessons and resources in this series:  
1/8/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Rekindling the Coals of Love

Access this series called Special Delivery here: The Church at Ephesus got so many things right. Their theology was sound, their discipline of sin was admirable, and their fervor was unquestionable. But in this message Stephen brings us the troubling truth that a Church who gets so much right can still get so much wrong.  
1/5/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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What a Sunday!

Access this series called Special Delivery here: The Apostle John had every right to be prideful: he was the author of five books of the Bible, he was the beloved apostle of Jesus, and he was given personal custody of Mary, our Lord's mother. Yet he didn't let it get to his head. Why? Because, as Stephen shows us in this message, when you are captivated by Christ, who you are is not nearly as important as who He is.  
1/4/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Not Just a Hunch

Access this series called Special Delivery here: Revelation chapter 1 is one of the most amazing passages in all of Scripture. So much rich theology and prophecy is given in just a few short verses that it will take more than this lifetime to understand it all. All we need to know is this: Jesus is coming back . . . and when He does, people will finally see Him for who He is!  
1/3/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Ol' Time Revelation

In this message Stephen reminds us that our hope and expectation far exceed any earthly pressure. We are awaiting the promised return of Christ who will one day receive us in the clouds and take us home to heaven with Him. This is an old-time revelation . . . but it is one that never gets old! Access this series called Special Delivery here:  
1/2/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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On Your Mark, Get Set ... Pray!

Listen to the full-length sermons in this series here:   What do you do when God's will seems contrary to the desires God gave you? How do you continue to move forward in your service for God when He keeps closing doors? The apostle Paul wrestled with some of these same questions. In Romans 15, he confides in us his expectations for the future of his missionary work, but these great expectations never become reality. How will he cope with his disappointment? Find out now.  
1/1/202428 minutes, 26 seconds
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Great Expectations

Listen to all of the full-length sermons in this series here:  What do you do when God's will seems contrary to the desires He gave you? How do you continue to move forward in your service for God when He keeps closing doors? The apostle Paul wrestled with some of these same questions. In Romans 15, he confides in us his expectations for the future of his missionary work, but these great expectations never become reality. What will he do when his way does not match God's will?  
12/29/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Magnification of the Master

Listen to all of the full-length sermons in this series here:  An obsession with holy living must first begin with an obsession with the Holy One. Paul's passion to become like Christ was the natural overflow of his deep, intimate walk with Christ. How do we develop a passion for holiness? It begins getting a better picture of our great and holy God.  
12/28/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Gripped by Grace

What motivates you? Have you ever asked yourself that question? There is no doubt about what motivated the apostle Paul. Until his encounter with the risen Christ, Paul was not only a blasphemer, he was also the number one persecutor of the church. Yet the grace offered him by Jesus Christ changed him, empowered him for service, and ultimately motivated him to live a life of holiness. It can do the same for you too! Listen to all of the full-length sermons in this series here:
12/27/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Three Radical Refusals

The life of the apostle Paul was indeed an extraordinary one, but what was so extraordinary was not his natural gifts and abilities; it was his whole-hearted devotion to God. In Paul's letter to the Romans, we get a glimpse of his commitment to holy living and discover that holiness demands that we are willing to say "no" as often as we say "yes." Listen to all of the full-length sermons in this series here:  
12/26/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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More Than the Legend of Zeus

What makes Luke's account of Jesus' virgin birth stand out amongst history's many other virgin birth stories? Stephen brings us a wonderful answer as he gives us a lesson in history, world religion, and Christology. Access the full-length version of this series here:  
12/25/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Unlikely Messenger Boys

More surprising than the priests and kings who missed out on God's humble incarnation were the shepherds and peasants who didn't. Access all of the messages in this series:  
12/22/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Coming King-Makers

How did Persian dignitaries learn about the coming Messiah? Furthermore, why did they associate a star with His birth? Stephen brings us deeper insight into this peculiar yet profound aspect of the Christmas story. Access all of the messages in this series:  
12/21/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Return of the King

Peace is not only a desire during the Christmas season but is a longing of the world throughout the year. Global peace is possible, but it will only take place when the Prince of Peace returns to set up His kingdom on earth. Sadly, our world often attempts to solve global problems ignoring or rejecting the solutions given by the Creator of the world, the Prince of Peace. Fortunately, the God of the heavens and earth provides us with a future plan -- a Kingdom filled with peace, joy, and comfort for 1,000 years and beyond! Access the complete series here:  
12/20/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Names of the King

Christmas is the season to reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ. Though His birth occurred around 2,000 years ago, the church still worships and exalts Jesus as Lord of lords and King of kings, and the prophesied Messiah and Redeemer of the scriptures. The prophet Isaiah focused on His attributes when penning a hymn about His names, granting the church a worshipful picture of the Son of God. Access the complete series here:  
12/19/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Resume of the King

People are convinced of truth if what is predicted will happen in the future actually comes to pass. Prophets, soothsayers, psychics, and diviners have held court worldwide sharing their foresight, and if the predictions materialized as promised, there was no denying the veracity of the prophecy or the one revealing it. What if there were 456 separate clues regarding a single person that were all being fulfilled by one person . . . would that be convincing? Jesus Christ is that person! He has fulfilled the prophecies of His first coming to prove that He is the Messiah, the true King. Access the complete series here:  
12/18/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Light From God, Part 2

The world is lost in darkness not because light hasn't come, but because men have turned their backs to it. Access all of the lessons in this series here:
12/15/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Light From God, Part 1

The world is lost in darkness not because light hasn't come, but because men have turned their backs to it. Access all of the lessons in this series here:  
12/14/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Word From God, Part 2

Just as Christian theology hinges on a literal interpretation of John's opening words, many false religions hinge on a misinterpretation of them. But where does the confusion lie? Is John's meaning really up for debate? Stephen brings us an emphatic answer. Access all of the lessons in this series here:  
12/13/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Word From God, Part 1

Just as Christian theology hinges on a literal interpretation of John's opening words, many false religions hinge on a misinterpretation of them. But where does the confusion lie? Is John's meaning really up for debate? Stephen brings us an emphatic answer. Access all of the lessons in this series here:  
12/12/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Let There be Light

Scripture calls Jesus the "Light of the world," but Jesus didn't light up the sky with fireworks and make an unforgettable appearance at His incarnation. In fact, His arrival was so common that it was almost unnoticeable. Why is that? Join Stephen to see how Luke answers that question. Access all of the lessons in this series here:  
12/11/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Jumping for Joy

This Christmas, if you’re looking for proof of the deity of Christ, you'll find it in the very beginning of Luke's Gospel. Even before the Resurrection and the feeding of the 5,000 and the taming of the sea and the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus -- still a fetus in Mary's womb -- revealed His power in an incredible way. Listen to today's message to find out how He did this. Access all of the resources for this series at
12/8/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Day That Changed Everything, Part 2

The story of Zacharias is a wonderful reminder that nothing is impossible for God. Whenever God calls us to walk by faith and not by sight -- even when all the odds are stacked against us -- He will accomplish His work in and through us to the amazement of all. So join Stephen in this message as he gives us an undeniable reminder of how great our God is! Access all of the resources for this series at
12/7/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Day That Changed Everything, Part 1

The story of Zacharias is a wonderful reminder that nothing is impossible for God. Whenever God calls us to walk by faith and not by sight -- even when all the odds are stacked against us -- He will accomplish His work in and through us to the amazement of all. So join Stephen in this message as he gives us an undeniable reminder of how great our God is! Access all of the resources for this series at  
12/6/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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His Name Shall Be Called John

Whenever Christmas rolls around and we are reminded through songs and nativity scenes about the Christmas story, one significant part of it usually gets left out: the birth of John the Baptizer. John’s life and ministry was also a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy and an important part of the Christmas story. Today, Stephen tells us more about this great prophet. Access all of the resources for this series at
12/5/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Decorated with Stars

The Apostle Paul doesn't give us black and white answers when it comes to issues of Christian liberty. But how could he? There was no such thing as internet and movies and alternative music back in those days! Instead, he supplies us with Biblical principles that transcend every social context generation. He doesn't tell us how to act . . . he tells us how to think. Access all of the resources for his series at  
12/4/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Impersonating the Savior

The Apostle Paul knew of no better way to make it through the fog of life than to follow Christ's footprints . . . step by step. Do you? Listen to the full-length version or read Stephen's manuscript here:
12/1/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Living on Three Levels

Contrary to popular belief, Christian liberty does not say, "I have the freedom to do anything that makes my life better." Instead, Christian liberty says, "I now have the freedom to do whatever Christ wants me to do." So many people get this wrong today. Don't be one of them! Listen to the full-length version or read Stephen's manuscript here: https:/
11/30/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Guarding Stradivarius

Did you know you are a priceless enterprise of God? We are all "under construction" and God wants each of us to treat each other as a work in progress. Stephen calls this the "principle of consideration" and instructs the believer to live it out each day. Listen to the full-length version or read Stephen's manuscript here:
11/29/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Wearing "C" on Your Sleeve

In Romans 14, the Apostle Paul confronts certain factions that had risen in the church at Rome. Some people considered meat that had been offered to idols unclean and others didn't. Also some regarded the Sabbath to be a holy day while others didn't. So who was right in these situations? Which group honored God more? In this message Stephen discloses that it wasn’t the side who made the best argument . . . it was the side who gave the most grace. Listen to the full-length version or read Stephen's manuscript here: https:/
11/28/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Adding the Third Crayon

Our Christian liberty should never be used to offend a weaker brother. But does that mean we have to limit our own freedom because of someone else’s weakness? This is a big question in our day and age and one that many Christians have neglected to answer Biblically. Listen to the full-length version or read Stephen's manuscript here:
11/27/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Oh Be Careful Little Feet

Paul did not commend the church at Corinth for being tolerant; he rebuked them for being arrogant! Likewise, Stephen cautions us to be careful with our theology and practice lest we fall into error as well. Learn more about this series, and read or listen to the full-length version of each message here:  
11/24/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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For Heaven's Sake, Make up Your Mind!

Does "Christian liberty" mean we have the license to sin? Not on your life! Stephen gives us several guidelines that balance our liberty with God's holiness as he reminds us of our responsibility to our fellow believers. Learn more about this series, and read or listen to the full-length version of each message here:  
11/23/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Food Fights

One of the most difficult discoveries in the Christian life is that life is not always black and white; it is often colored in grey. Many of life's daily questions aren't answered in Scripture . . . at least not directly. So in this message Stephen lays the groundwork for dealing with difficult issues as he investigates the highly explosive topic of Christian liberty. Learn more about this series, and read or listen to the full-length version of each message here:  
11/22/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Family Talk

If an unbelieving friend walked into your church on Sunday, what would he or she discover? A place of joy and love or a place of discontent? Unity in the congregation or cliques and social castes? Stephen warns us that if the local church isn't a place where unbelievers find a reason to believe, it will be a place where they find reasons not to. Read oir listen to the full-length version of this message here:
11/21/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Confession to God is the key to a connection with God. When we're not confessing . . . we're probably not connecting. Read or Listen to the full-length version of this message here:
11/20/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Advent Event: Start A New Christmas Tradition

Here's the link: Do you struggle to keep your focus on Jesus during the Christmas season? Does the busyness of the holidays distract you from the true meaning of what you celebrate? We have a resource to help you lead your family in an intentional, Christ-honoring activity. The Advent Event is a fun, easy, and enriching family activity to help focus attention on the birth of Jesus while discovering the big picture of God's plan throughout the entire Bible. Kids of all ages will enjoy the crafts, stories, sounds, and motions that make up The Advent Event. Best of all, it fits easily into your busy schedule.  Get your kit today!
11/18/20232 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ordinary Prayers From Ordinary People

Read the manuscript or listen to the full-length version here: It’s easy for us to think that God hears only the prayers of the most devout Christians, isn’t it? But in this message, Stephen proposes that if God only paid attention to the saintliest of saints . . . none of us would ever be heard! Join him now as he encourages us with the truth that God accepts “Ordinary Prayers from Ordinary People.”
11/17/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Does Prayer + Oil = Healing?

Read the manuscript or listen to the full-length version here: What does the Apostle James mean when he says, "The Prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick and the Lord will raise him up?" Does this verse support the existence of faith healers? Is it a promise that strong Christians will never need hospitals and health clinics? Stephen gives us some much-needed insight.  
11/16/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Honest to God ... and Everyone Else!

Listen to the full-length version or read Stephen's manuscript here: If Christianity rises and falls on Christ's integrity, then our testimony of Christ to others rises and falls on our integrity.  
11/15/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Following the Footprints

Listen to the full-length version or read Stephen's manuscript here: Consider Job. He wrestled with doubt, depression, and frustration with God, yet he didn't fall into the trap of blaming God like we so often do.  So what was his secret? What kept him faithful even in the midst of intense suffering? The Apostle James tells us.  
11/14/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Observations From a Farm

Listen to the full-length version or read Stephen's manuscript here: When you think of the word "endurance," what comes to your mind? A marathon? A battlefield? A hospital room? When the Apostle James wrote about endurance, he thought of a farm. Stephen tells us why.  
11/13/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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True Confessions, Part 2

Listen to or read the full-length version of this message here: Have you ever had someone apologize to you and you knew they weren't sorry? On the other hand, have you ever had someone apologize to you and you knew they were sorry? What was the difference between the two confessions? Stephen gives us the answer from Scripture.  
11/10/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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True Confessions, Part 1

Listen to or read the full-length version of this message here:  Have you ever had someone apologize to you and you knew they weren't sorry? On the other hand, have you ever had someone apologize to you, and you knew they were sorry? What was the difference between the two confessions? What made one real and the other false? Stephen gives us the answer from Scripture.  
11/9/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Under God's Good Hand

Listen to or read the full-length version of this message here:  If you want to please God then be good as He is good. Be a good employee, a good boss, a good parent, a good student, a good mechanic, a good doctor. In this message Stephen challenges us to demonstrate to a lost world that God doesn't just save lives . . . He changes them as well.  
11/8/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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People of the Word

Listen to or read the full-length version of this message here:  We could argue about the value of hobbies, movies, sports, and the newspaper, and never get anywhere! But what about the time these things demand and the influence they exert on us? Is it any wonder that the average Christian knows more about the world than he or she does about the Word? In this message Stephen challenges us get back to the Bible!
11/7/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Puzzle Picture

Listen to or read the full-length version of this message here: Zerubbabel built the temple of God, but Ezra built the people of God. He led them out of spiritual darkness into the light of spiritual truth. And as we prop this puzzle picture in front of us today, we'll discover how it can help us rebuild our own spiritual lives too.  
11/6/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Missing Jewel

Listen to or read the full-length version here -   Looking at the 21st Century American Church, what would you say is missing? What is the one thing we're getting wrong today??Stephen tells us in this message.  
11/3/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Neither Snow Nor Rain ...

Listen to or read the full-length version here -   Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night, nor persecution, nor trial, nor height, nor depth, nor the opposition of rulers, nor the sin of nations, nor the power of Satan, nor any other thing can keep the Sovereign of the universe from fully completing His supreme design and His perfect plan. How's that for a postal service motto! In this message Stephen reminds us that when God makes a promise . . . He always delivers!  
11/2/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Opportunity Equals Opposition

Listen to or read the full-length version here -   Where there is opportunity to advance the kingdom of God, there will surely be opposition. Jesus promised that when He said that all who desire to live Godly in this world will face persecution. Are you facing opposition today because of your faith? Take heart . . . it's a sign you're doing the right thing.  
11/1/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Worship When Weak

Listen to or read the full-length version here -   The city-wide worship service in Ezra chapter 3 gives us a perfect illustration of what Christian fellowship looks like. The Jews had prayed together, suffered together, and now they will finally worship together. Let's learn from their example today.  
10/31/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Go Get Your Harp

Listen to or read the full-length version here -   We are prone to wander, aren't we? We struggle with things like faith and obedience, which effects our worship. But there is coming a day when we'll worship God with all our minds and all hearts and all our strength -- with no sin to stand in the way. Are you looking forward to that day?  
10/30/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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I'd Rather Have Babylon

Listen to or read the full-length version here -  Spiritual schizophrenia is rampant in the church today. Its basic symptom is stated in this fashion: "I believe in God, but I'll never risk my academic standing or my sexual intimacy or my money to give my life to Him. I'd rather have Babylon." In this powerful message, Stephen gives us a road map out of Babylon and back to God. So fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride!  
10/27/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Rumblings of Renewal  After seventy years of captivity, God is about to restore His own people to their homeland by turning the heart of a Pagan King. In this message Stephen reminds us that if God has princes and kingdoms in His hand, He surely has us in His hands as well.  
10/26/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Other Prodigal

Watch, listen or read the full-length version of this message: The Parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the most famous parables Jesus told during His earthly ministry. But whenever someone refers to it, they do it in that way: "Prodigal Son." Singular. But there are two prodigals in Luke's account in chapter 15. The first prodigal came home to his father, expecting rejection but experiencing grace. The other prodigal never left home, expecting recognition but experiencing bitterness. We've studied the lost son, now let’s learn from the son who never left.  
10/25/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Father

Watch, listen, or read the full-length version: The prodigal son prepared to return home with the posture of humility but a heart of pride. He concocted a plan to save face, restore his dignity and increase his status. As he journeyed home, he rehearsed exactly what he would say. But when he arrived in town, the prodigal was confounded by a level of grace so unexpected and irresistible, he forgot his plan entirely. God continues to blow people away with His grace and forgiveness in our world today.  
10/24/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Negotiator

Watch, listen, or read the full-length version of this message: Success often leads to pride, but have you ever considered that failure can lead to pride? Many people hit rock bottom and, rather than fall upon the mercy of God or others, continue to pridefully look for ways to get themselves out of the situation, save face, and restore their dignity. But that’s not the spirit Jesus wants from sinners who realize they are at rock bottom in their sin and desire to come to Him. As He continues the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus reminds us that the posture we bring to Him matters just as much as the fact that we come at all.  
10/23/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Runaway

Watch or listen to the full-length version of this sermon here:  As Jesus continues to effectively use parables to reveal truths about the human condition to His audience, He’s aware of the skepticism His message is facing from the Pharisees and religious leaders. And He has a story ready that will shake even them to their core. If you imagined the least desirable, the least redeemable, the lowest class of person you can think of, that’s the man Jesus now presents to these leaders as an example of the indiscriminate grace of God.  
10/20/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Breaking News in Heaven

Watch or listen to the full-length version of this sermon here:  We all know the feeling of being lost. Maybe you used a GPS or map to find your way again, or maybe a helpful friend or stranger helped you find your way. There's no better feeling than knowing you have been found and are on the right course again. Jesus uses a parable to communicate to His disciples that He is in the business of finding lost people--lost souls--and setting them on the right course. And Jesus also indicates that some very special, though unseen, witnesses are rejoicing whenever a lost soul is found through faith in Jesus.  
10/19/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Welcome Mat for Wanderers

Watch or listen to the full-length version of this sermon here:  Jesus’ earthly ministry had a similar theme when it came to His interactions with others. He showed grace to the humble and lowly and pronounced judgment on the lofty and proud. The religious leaders in Jesus’ day looked down on others, but Jesus saw them for who they were. And he indiscriminately invited everyone to repentance. And He still does.  
10/18/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Life in the Father's House

Watch or listen to the full-length version of this sermon here: This captivating series comes to a conclusion with an exploration of our future heavenly home. Pastor Davey opens the book of Revelation to unpack the architectural immensity—and infinite glory—of the Father’s house and our place in it. Not only will we live in the Celestial City on a perfected earth within a perfected universe, we will be perfected…our lives will be without impurity, our service to Him without inconsistency, and our worship of Him will go on unceasingly.  
10/17/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Living the Dream

Watch or listen to the full-length version of this sermon here: And they lived happily ever after. This is a typical fairytale ending. However, it’s the anticipated truth for every believer. The world around us, as beautiful and colorful as it is, is a mere shadow of the living color and awesome reality to come. In Heaven, our bodies will be immortal and shine with the brilliance of the sun. And our human relationships will be magnified and perfected, without any competition, comparisons, or conflicts. This message pulls from Scripture to paint an exciting picture of our forever happily ever after.  
10/16/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Day You Finally Become Perfect

Click here for the full-length version:  In our culture today, there is a constant striving to stay young looking, despite the natural aging process. But all those efforts inevitably fail. The human body, because of sin, is subject to pain, suffering, and disability. And our minds are equally as fragile. But as followers of Jesus Christ, we are promised a glorified body in heaven--a body without ailments, sickness, or imperfections. In this encouraging message, Pastor Davey shares Scriptural truths about our eternal future of perfection and glory with the Lord…and each other.  
10/13/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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A Volcano that Changes Everything

Watch or listen to the full-length version of this message:  The geological community, primarily driven by evolution, continues to make amazing observations and discoveries, but never connects the dots between the evidence and its substantiation of the Biblical creation account (a global flood on a young earth). Pastor Davey uncovers some amazing geological facts that will have you whole-heartedly agreeing with the Apostle Paul that our world is "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:7)."  
10/12/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Aliens and a Global Flood

Watch the full-length version of this message here: We know from Scripture that God created the heavens and the earth about 8000 years ago--not billions. And, He created mankind to live on the earth and no other planet. In addition to the prevalence of evolutionary teaching, much of our culture is obsessed with aliens and the potential of life on other planets. In this fascinating lesson, Pastor Davey addresses why evolutionists and ET-seekers are really hoping to dispel and disprove a Creator God. And he reminds us how the vast universe reminds us of God’s personal care of us.  
10/11/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Creation of a Goldilocks World

The full-length video or audio message is available here: As David wrote in Psalm 33, when we consider the heavens and earth, it should lead to the reverence of our awesome God. He created the planets, stars, the sun, and every galaxy, each with a specific purpose. In this tour of the heavens, Pastor Davey illuminates the meticulous and miraculous scientific details of the earth and heavenly bodies, reminding us that amid all God’s breathtaking creation, He knows and cares for us even more.
10/10/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Wonder of You

Watch or listen to the full-length version of this message here: Evolutionists believe that humans are the result of an accident...billions of years of randomness resulting in the fascinating intelligence of the human body. From the human eye (which confounded Darwin himself) to minute cellular structures, we see the workings of our Creator God through every intricate detail of our body. This lesson explores attributes of human DNA and how it conclusively reveals meticulous design and function. We are not merely an accident. God created us with--and for--a purpose.  
10/9/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Taught by a Forest of Trees

Watch, listen, or read the full-length version of this message here: // All of nature is a classroom where the Gospel can be illustrated, the Christian edified, the unbeliever warned, and the glory of Creator God revealed. This is no truer than in examining some of the smallest creatures, like the honeybee and the ant. Whether it’s through our own visual observance or the meticulous scientific study of their complexities, we can discover undeniable truths in learning about these creative marvels. This message from Pastor Davey on these tiny teachers will deepen our awe of the marvelous Creator.  
10/6/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Truths From the Tiniest of Teachers

Watch, listen, or read the full-length version of this message here: // All of nature is a classroom where the Gospel can be illustrated, the Christian edified, the unbeliever warned, and the glory of Creator God revealed. This is no truer than in examining some of the smallest creatures, like the honeybee and the ant. Whether it’s through our own visual observance or the meticulous scientific study of their complexities, we can discover undeniable truths in learning about these creative marvels. This message from Pastor Davey on these tiny teachers will deepen our awe of the marvelous Creator.  
10/5/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Metamorphic Phenomena

Watch, listen, or read the full-length version of this message here: // Metamorphosis in nature transforms the weak into strong and the ordinary into magnificent. Most often, this natural transformation results from intense pressure, fierce refinement, or astonishing change. These same examples of metamorphosis can be applied through Scripture to our own Christian lives. In fact, we need all three principles in order to grow and mature as Believers. These processes are not comfortable and can be quite painful…but the result is a beautiful new thing for our good and to God’s glory.
10/4/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Original Jungle Book

Watch, listen, or read the full-length version of this message here: // The Bible happens to be the original Jungle Book. God created all things, from the tiniest bug to the hugest dinosaurs—and He made them all on the same day He made Mankind. Initially, all creatures lived in harmony with each other and with humans (all herbivores!). At the fall, all of creation was affected, even the animals, which would now fight over food and for their lives. Studying these creatures, specifically dinosaurs as described in the book of Job, shows us how magnificent God is, how small we are, and how solid our confidence in our Creator can be.  
10/3/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Nature Gone Wild

Watch, listen, or read the full-length version of this message here: // Do you believe that God is in control of natural disasters—every hurricane, tsunami, and tornado? In His sovereignty, God commands and controls the entire natural world, just as He ordains each moment of our lives. It’s a comfort to know that nothing is by accident. Even when our life and circumstances look and feel chaotic, God has everything under control. And, as we learn in this message, natural disasters have much to teach us about living out our faith in the all-powerful Creator.  
10/2/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Bird Watching for the Wise

We have a full-length version of this message that you can watch, hear, or read.  Birds teach us valuable lessons about our Creator. Throughout Scripture, birds are used as an example of God’s love, protection, and provision for us. They even serve as a Biblical metaphor for repentance. In fact, Jesus actually delivers a command for us to observe and study birds (Matthew 6:26)! Here, Pastor Davey shares four ways that birds teach us key theological truths that can strengthen our daily walk with the Lord.  
9/29/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Curriculum of Creation

Watch, Listen, or read the full-length version of this message here: Creation displays the power of God, revealing the Truth of an amazing Creator. As Christians, it’s imperative that we notice the majesty of God’s handiwork. We must not just look, but see; not just listen, but hear; not just eat, but taste—every sense gives us a reason to praise our Creator God. In this series introduction, Pastor Davey sets the foundation for profound lessons to be learned through Creation…if we pay attention.  
9/28/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Final Promise

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Grace: that's the word that best sums up the whole message of Scripture. And that's the word John uses to conclude his divinely inspired Revelation. After spending 22 chapters sharing with us his apocalyptic visions and indescribable prophecies of the future, he leaves us with a promise for the present: God's grace is with us.  
9/27/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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No Sequel in Sight

Listen to the full-length version, or read the manuscript of this message here: Thirty-nine books labeled Old Testament and twenty-seven books labeled New Testament are what make up that precious book we know as the Bible. But how do we know Scripture ended with Revelation? Stephen gives us age-old insight into that age-old question.  
9/26/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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God's Final Call

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: Ever since The Flood of Genesis 7, God has warned of coming judgment. He spoke of it through the Prophets, through Christ, and here, at last, through the Apostle John's Revelation. Are you listening?  
9/25/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Duty, Honor, Country

Listen to or read the full-length version of this message here:  According to the Apostle John, it isn't enough to simply believe that Jesus is coming again . . . we must live as though He is already on His way.  
9/22/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Refusing a Salt Free Life

Listen, watch, or read the full-length version of this message here: As Christians, what is the analogy of who we are supposed to be? Many would say a fighter—we fight for God and go to war against secular culture. Others would say a peacemaker—we offer a message of love that is offered to everyone on earth. Even more people might say a firefighter— we rescue people from the fire and bring them into a place of safety. But what does Jesus say we are to be? Well, I’m sure you have some of it sitting on your dining room table; it’s so small we rarely give it a moment of thought: salt.
9/21/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Packing for the Right Expedition, Part 2

This is part 2 of a two-part message. Listen, watch, or read the full-length version of this message here: When you go on a trip and begin making your packing list, most likely you begin by checking the weather in the place you will be visiting. You want to ensure that you are packing for the climate you will be entering. Jesus wanted to make sure His disciples understood the climate where they were going on their way to Jerusalem. He knew that many of His followers were expecting a hero’s welcome and a coronation, but He also knew the reality would be quite different. And so, He challenged His disciples to earnestly and soberly count the cost of following Him.
9/20/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Packing for the Right Expedition, Part 1

This is part one of a two-part message. Listen, watch, or read the full-length version of this message here: When you go on a trip and begin making your packing list, most likely you begin by checking the weather in the place you will be visiting. You want to ensure that you are packing for the climate you will be entering. Jesus wanted to make sure His disciples understood the climate where they were going on their way to Jerusalem. He knew that many of His followers were expecting a hero’s welcome and a coronation, but He also knew the reality would be quite different. And so, He challenged His disciples to earnestly and soberly count the cost of following Him.
9/19/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Table Talk

Listen, watch, or read the full-length version of this message here: One Sabbath day, Jesus attended a dinner at the home of a prominent Pharisee. During the dinner, Jesus healed a man, which sparked a debate with the Pharisees over whether it is lawful to heal on the Sabbath. In response, Jesus told a parable about a great banquet. The parable serves as a warning to those who prioritize worldly concerns over spiritual matters. Jesus taught that none of those who were invited but declined to come would taste his banquet. The meaning is clear: those who reject his message will not be able to partake in the blessings of his kingdom. How will you respond to God’s invitation?
9/18/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Living as if Heaven Rules

Listen to the full-length version, watch the video, or read the manuscript for this message here: History books are filled with stories of people the world deems important. Whether they are famous, or infamous, part of society involves determining the important players in the history of the world and documenting their achievements. But in Jesus’ earthly ministry, He didn’t associate Himself with the powerful—the high rollers of history—but with the lowly. And that’s because Jesus knew that the kings on earth had no more power than that which God allowed them. And with that perspective, we see human history—and its influential figures—in a more godly light.
9/15/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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5 Non-Negotiable Truths About Eternal Life, Part 2

Like the “COEXIST” bumper stickers we see on cars, the worldview that many paths lead to heaven is pervasive and politically correct in our culture. But this concept, that “all roads lead to God” is not a new philosophy; in fact, Jesus confronted the same issue during His earthly ministry. The world will call it “intolerant,” “judgmental,” and “exclusive,” but the truth remains: narrow is the path to life. Listen to the full-length version, watch the video, or read the manuscript for this message here: 
9/14/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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5 Non-Negotiable Truths About Eternal Life, Part 1

Listen to the full-length version, watch the video, or read the manuscript for this message here: Like the “COEXIST” bumper stickers we see on cars, the worldview that many paths lead to heaven is pervasive and politically correct in our culture. But this concept, that “all roads lead to God” is not a new philosophy; in fact, Jesus confronted the same issue during His earthly ministry. The world will call it “intolerant,” “judgmental,” and “exclusive,” but the truth remains: narrow is the path to life.
9/13/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Simple Events with Eternal Significance

Often, the “hinge moments” in human history aren’t noticed in real time. We use hindsight and retrospection to understand what moments in history have lasting significance, and which ones may seem important in real time, yet don’t matter in the long term. As Jesus prepares to give a final sermon in the Jewish synagogues, there is no fanfare, no high-ranking dignitaries. This particularly weekly gathering didn’t seem to have any extraordinary meaning. Yet, 2000 years later, we are still reading about this singular encounter between Jesus and an afflicted woman.  The full-length version of this message is available here:
9/12/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Lessons From Unexpected Disaster, Part 2

When tragedy strikes -- like the recent earthquake in Turkey -- we find ourselves shocked and saddened by the sudden loss of life. During the ministry of Jesus, an accident occurred and people rushed to hear His answer. To some, it was uncaring, but to those willing to listen, it reminded them -- and us -- of the brevity of life. The full-length version of this message is available here:  
9/11/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Lessons From Unexpected Disaster, Part 1

Watch or listen to the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here:  When tragedy strikes -- like the recent earthquake in Turkey -- we find ourselves shocked and saddened by the sudden loss of life. During the ministry of Jesus, an accident occurred and people rushed to hear His answer. To some, it was uncaring, but to those willing to listen, it reminded them -- and us -- of the brevity of life.
9/8/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Coming Storm

Watch or listen to the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here:  In this message, Stephen unpacks additional warnings from Jesus about the end times -- clearly drawing a line in the sand between those who'll accept Him as the Messiah and those who'll reject Him.  
9/7/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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On Your Mark, Get Set ... Wait!

Watch or listen to the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here: /teachings/luke-lesson-69. Anticipating our Lord's return is something that true believers eagerly await. But in the meantime, what should we be doing in preparation? In this message from Luke's gospel, Pastor Davey shares insight into Jesus' instructions on the "way to wait" for His second coming.  
9/6/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Antidote to Anxiety

Watch or listen to the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's Manuscript here:  Fear and worry are a natural part of the human experience. Many people feel anxiety when they encounter a big change in life, face struggles, or are unsure how to handle a specific situation. But Jesus taught His disciples that anxiety and worry uncover a deeper problem, they distract us from the total sufficiency of God and our total dependency on Him. From this teaching, we can learn that the closer we align ourselves to God, the less anxiety we will feel about the matters and concerns of our lives.  
9/5/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Consumed by Cravings

Watch or listen to the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's Manuscript here:   Jesus often contrasted satisfaction with covetousness, because He knew that covetous people can never be satisfied; they will never have enough. In this message, Pastor Davey shares that riches are not a guarantee of satisfaction; riches are a test to determine where true satisfaction comes from.
9/4/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Right Kind of Fear

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript for this message here: /teachings/luke-lesson-66   If you ask people what they are afraid of, you'll hear a lot of the same answers. "Heights," "the dark," and "public speaking" will be some of the most common. But Stephen Davey helps us understand that there are only two categories of fear that matter, and they have a lot more to do with who we are than what we are afraid of. Those two categories are "saved" and "unsaved," and the right kind of fear will look drastically different for these two groups.  
9/1/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Become a Better Hypocrite

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript for this message here:    When Jesus accepted the invitation to dine with the religious leaders, they probably didn't expect the confrontation and criticism they were about to receive. In a series of principles for hypocrites, Stephen unpacks how hypocrisy can be tempting for every Christian, and how only accountability and self-reflection can keep us transparent and honest before God and those around us.  
8/31/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to See in the Dark

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:    As Christians, how should we respond to the darkness we see around us every single day? Sometimes, the darkness can seem too pervasive, too corrosive, too evil. Does our light even make a difference? Jesus encouraged His disciples that just a little light can illuminate a dark room, and our example of godliness can set the example in our world.  
8/30/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Turning Down the Greatest Opportunity Ever

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript for this message here:   Stephen unpacks a powerful passage in Luke 11 as Jesus rebukes those in the crowd who demand further signs and miracles to convince them of who He was. Their unbelief was less about having doubts and more about being disobedient . . . something that we can certainly relate to in our current cultural climate!  
8/29/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Drawing a Line in the Sand

Listen to the full-length version and read the manuscript for this message here: The scene of this study is not unfamiliar in the four Gospel accounts. Yet again, Jesus faces challenges among the crowd, who are being stirred up against Him by the Jewish religious leaders. This time, they question from where Jesus has obtained His miraculous power. But, as we've seen so often before, Jesus flips the question back on the corrupt religious leaders, and in the process, reminds us Who's power we are submitting to when we accept Jesus as our Savior.
8/28/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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What's in Your Wardrobe?, Part 2

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: Stephen warns us in this message that sin never keeps its promise and lust never pays off in the end. So run from the deeds of darkness and don't leave a forwarding address!
8/25/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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What's in Your Wardrobe?, Part 1

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: Stephen warns us in this message that sin never keeps its promise and lust never pays off in the end. So run from the deeds of darkness and don't leave a forwarding address!  
8/24/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Children of the Light, Part 2

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: Would you drive a race car without a seatbelt? Would you rappel without a harness? Would you skydive without a parachute? Not on your life! Well, this is your life -- your spiritual life -- so make sure you don't face it without first putting on the armor of Light.  
8/23/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Children of the Light, Part 1

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: Would you drive a race car without a seatbelt? Would you rappel without a harness? Would you skydive without a parachute? Not on your life! Well, this is your life -- your spiritual life -- so make sure you don't face it without first putting on the armor of Light.  
8/22/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Maxing Out Your Love Limit, Part 2

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:  Jesus once said that the whole law can be summed up in two commands: Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. But how do we know when we’re really loving our neighbors? In this message Stephen gives us the answer from Romans chapter 13.  
8/21/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Maxing Out Your Love Limit, Part 1

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: Jesus once said that the whole law can be summed up in two commands: Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. But how do we know when we’re really loving our neighbors? In this message Stephen gives us the answer from Romans chapter 13.  
8/18/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Paying Your Dues

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: How political should we as Christians be? What does the Bible say about government and our responsibility to it? Stephen reveals to us in this message that it says a lot more than we think.  
8/17/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Staying on Task

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: After twenty-five years of ecclesiastical activism, Christians have become like political crusaders, seeking to purge society of its idols rather than pray for its conversion. That's why the Apostle Paul's message in Romans 13 is as relevant to our churches today as it was to the church in Rome all those years ago.  
8/16/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Missing the Mark

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript to this message here: A president once challenged Americans to "ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." But what should we as Christians be doing for our country? Should we try to reclaim the culture through political activism? Should we fight against immoral government sanctions? Find out now as the Apostle Paul talks to us about Politics.
8/15/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Refusing the Urge to Feud

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: You've heard the witty old saying, 'Don't get mad . . . get even." Well in this message Stephen shows us how that way of thinking ruins friendships, families, and testimonies all the time. Is it ruining yours?  
8/14/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Eating Humble Pie

Listen to the full-length version, or read the manuscript of this message here: When the Apostle Paul said that "in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, slave nor free," he was proclaiming a truth that is wonderful in theory, but difficult in practice. It seems that as soon as we step foot in church on Sunday mornings, our own prejudices and biases come out in a number of ways. That's why we need to keep eating "humble pie" as often as we can. We can't be spiritually healthy without it.  
8/11/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Beyond Greeting Cards and the Golden Rule

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: In Romans 12 the Apostle Paul challenges us to stop believing society's self-preserving, self-serving criteria for relationships, and start demonstrating to the world that real love -- God's love -- goes far beyond greeting cards and the golden rule.  
8/10/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Fine Arts of Godly Living

Listen to the full-length version, or read the manuscript of this message here: If you go into your local "Christian" bookstore, you'll find a plethora of self-help books with titles like, "Living Your Best Life Now," "The Secret to Success," and "The Fine Arts of Living." What these books all have in common is that they have little foundation in Scripture. So save your money and instead join Stephen as he shows us from Romans 12:12-13 the "Fine Arts of Godly Living."
8/9/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Every Christian a Cheerleader

Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here: /teachings/romans-lesson-129 It's easy to make a routine of church, isn't it? Every Sunday we might help in the nursery, lead a bible study, go to a service, and sing in the choir, and while these are good things, they sometimes cause us to view Church as a series of programs rather than an assembly of people. In Romans 12 the Apostle Paul interrupts our Christian routines to remind us what "Church" is really all about.  
8/8/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Catching the Right Bus

Listen to the full-length version, or read the manuscript of this message here: /teachings/romans-lesson-128 The Apostle Paul gives us a simple challenge in Romans 12:9 that could change our homes, our churches, and our world if we would take it seriously. "Abhor what is evil… and cling to what is good." Will you take that challenge to heart today?  
8/7/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Sundown at Noon

There is no doubt that the homegoing of a young life, especially one whose life promised so much for the gospel of Jesus Christ, is often confusing and, in our perspective, tragic. One author referred to the death of a committed Christian at the early stages of great potential as, The sun going down at noon. But what we learn from these men and women is that the best time to walk with God is always today. We never know what will happen tomorrow. Listen to the full-length version, or read Stephen's manuscript here:
8/4/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Lost Book

Prior to the reign of young King Josiah, the scriptures had been misplaced. They were lost. Can you imagine what that would be like today? What if all the Bibles in the world suddenly disapeared? The truth is, while we have billions of copies of Scripture in different languages and translations, the Gospel is becoming as lost now as it was then. How do we rediscover God's Word in the 21st Century? The answer is found in II Kings chapter 22. Listen to the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here:
8/3/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Boy Wonder

Have you ever had a 16 year-old for a child? They're tough to manage aren't they?! You don't want them wrecking the house but you also don't want them wrecking your car! It's a hard life. In 2 Chronicles 34 we come to an incredible story that is really very hard fo us to believe -- especially those of us with teenagers. A 16 year-old boy is on the throne in Jerusalem, and He is proving to be one of the godliest leaders Israel has ever seen. Let's join Stephen as he introduces us to this boy-wonder. Listen to the full-length version of this message, or access Stephen's manuscript here:
8/2/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Nothing Like His Father!

There are many fascinating stories of prodigals in the Bible, but the story we find in 2 Chronicles is especially fascinating. Why? Because this prodigal is a King. What made him run away? Find out now. Listen to the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here:
8/1/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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In this message Hezekiah asks God to grant him a wish and God accepts. But what happens next in Hezekiah's life is a warning to all of us. If the moral of this story could be summed up in a single phrase, it would be this: be careful what you wish for! Listen to the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here:
7/31/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Another Goliath

When you get saved it doesn't mean your troubles will be end. It most likely means your troubles will begin! That's not a great sales pitch for following God, but understanding that helps us to not harbor unreasonable expectations. God never promised to keep us away from the Goliaths in our lives . . . but He did promise to give us strength in our stand against them. Listen to the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here:
7/28/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Surprised By Revival

A new king is seated on the throne in Judah. He comes from a line of men who gave no regard to God or His law. It looks to be the same old, same old. But is it possible for a man who grew up in a pagan home with unbelieving parents to love God? Is it possible that this King will finally turn the nation back to the Savior? It would be a surprising conversion, for sure . . . but God is full of surprises! Listen to the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here:
7/27/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The God of Lost Causes

The most amazing thing about the gospel isn't that God saves sinners . . . it's that He saves the worst sinners. Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost. Is that you? Listen to the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here:
7/26/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Bridge Builder

Barnabas gave Saul the support he needed in his early Christian experience and helped set Paul on his way to spiritual greatness. Are you an encouraging bridge builder, too? Listen to the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here:
7/25/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Street Less Traveled

God sent Ananias on a mission to find Saul. But Ananias didn't know that Saul was a changed man. He expected a blood-thirsty zealot but encountered a humble, new Christian. Jesus had forgiven Saul. Would Ananias? Listen to the full-length version, or read the manuscript of this message here:
7/24/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Hunter Was Hunted

Access the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here: That God would save anyone is amazing, but that He would save someone like Paul is particularly remarkable. The church's greatest persecutor became the church's greatest preacher.  It's a mystery that Paul never quite understood. In this sermon, we will explore the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, a man who was once a fierce persecutor of Christians but who was later transformed by the power of Jesus Christ. We will learn how God can use even the most unlikely people to spread his message of love and hope.
7/21/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Just Add a Little ...

Access the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here: Do you think of yourself as a committed Christian? Well, consider Philip. God called him to leave his home and walk a desert road. No mission, no time-table, and no promise of a safe return . . . just a call to go. Are you ready for that kind of commitment? In this sermon, Stephen explores the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch and Philip in Acts 8:25-40. He discusses how Philip was used by God to lead the Eunuch to faith in Jesus Christ, and he draws lessons from this story for our own lives.
7/20/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Baptism: Past, Present and Future

Access the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here: Much of the confusion in Christianity today comes from a desire to get holy in a hurry. People would rather have a short-lived experience than a long-lived obedience. But there is no shortcut to sanctification. Dive into the second part of the Holy Confusion sermon series, exploring the challenges and misconceptions surrounding the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Gain insights into the transitional nature of the Book of Acts and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Discover how God speaks to us today through His Word and the inner peace of Christ. Uncover the significance of different baptisms mentioned in Scripture and the eternal consequences they entail. Join us as we seek clarity in an era of confusion and pursue a deeper understanding of God's plan for our lives.
7/19/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Holy Confusion

Access the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here: The Church is full of people who are sharing their dreams, visions, signs and supernatural encounters. They will not be held accountable to the Word of truth if it disagrees with their experience. We live in an era of Holy Confusion! In this sermon, we will explore the story of how the Holy Spirit came to the people of Samaria. We will learn how the Holy Spirit empowers us to live a life of faith and love.
7/18/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Sorcerer

Why do you call yourself a Christian? Because you think it will help you get through difficult trials? Because it seems to be the right thing to do? Or is it because you were a sinner in need of a Savior? Access the full-length version of this message, or read Stephen's manuscript here:
7/17/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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First Century Graffiti

Shortly after the early church began, any religious freedom they enjoyed was stripped away. Persecution reached the homes and churches of these believers and tested their faith. How did they respond? What was their new message? Watch the full-length version or read Stephen's manuscript here:
7/14/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Like Father, Like Son

Stephen was the first church martyr, but we're all called to carry a cross and put to death our selfish ambitions and pride. So Christian living is all about learning how to die. What does this mean exactly? Watch the full-length version, or read Stephen's manuscript here:
7/13/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Grace Under Fire

The Apostle Stephen was the first Christian martyr.  With no time to say goodbye to friends or put things in order; he was put to death on the spot. But Stephen was ready. Are you? Watch the full-length version, or read Stephen's manuscript here:
7/12/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Trouble ... Again!

What was the first disagreement recorded in Church history? More importantly, how should we respond to division in the body today? Watch the full-length version, or read Stephen's manuscript here:
7/11/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Sanhedrin's Snafu

The Sanhedrin just doesn't get it. They witnessed Christ perform miracle after miracle and still concluded that His power came from the Devil. As the Apostles preached and performed miracles, the Jewish leaders tried to put an end to it. Watch the full-length version or read Stephen's manuscript here:
7/10/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Fellowship Had Fakes

The reputation of your church and of Jesus is whatever your reputation is. Is it one of integrity? Is it clean or is it off-color? Is it humble or is it power-hungry? The early church had fakes, but God exposed them. Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:
7/7/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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False religion, as impressive and wealthy and powerful and magnificent as it may appear, is a facade that cannot stand even the slightest exposure to truth. It is helpless before the simple testimony of a transformed life. Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:
7/6/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Jumping for Joy

Lame men jumped for joy. Blind men could see. Deaf men could hear. The work of God through the Apostles was evident. The church was growing by the thousands, so what does spiritual revival look like? Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:
7/5/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Color of the First Century Church

What happens when a church loses sight of its ultimate goal? It's easy to attend on Sunday, listen to a sermon, sing songs, and go home --all the while forgetting why God called us to meet in the first place. Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:
7/4/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The First Sermon

The First Sermon ever given in the Church age illustrates the Gospel so clearly and reminds us that becoming a Christian is a transaction. Sanctification takes a lifetime; conversion takes a moment. Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:
7/3/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Last Pentecost

Have we bought into the truth that the Holy Spirit really did descend? Do we really believe that the third Person of the Trinity really does permanently indwell every believer? And does it show in the way we live? Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:
6/30/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Throwing Dice ... Drawing Straws

Like drawing straws or picking a hand, we sometimes seek God's will like it's a game of chance. But the tools for discovering God's will are not mystical. So throw the dice away and learn how to discover the will of God. Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:
6/29/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Last Words

A person's last words are his or her most important. That's why Jesus' challenge before He ascended into heaven is called the "great" commission: "Go and make disciples of all men." Are you obeying His last command? Listen to the full-length version or read the manuscript of this message here:
6/28/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Promise

The power of the Holy Spirit was never intended to be an end in itself. The Holy Spirit was given to us to sanctify us -- to set us apart. But people miss this all the time and treat Him like some sort of energy source. Listen to the full-length version of this message, or read the manuscript here:
6/27/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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On the Edge of Their Seats!

The disciples are waiting anxiously in Jerusalem. Jesus has just ascended into heaven and promised that a Comforter would come. But what would His arrival be like? When would He come? How would He come? (Acts 1:1-5) Stephen Davey is the President of Wisdom International. Learn more at
6/26/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Introducing Dr. Luke

When, where, and how did the Church begin? What was the first church like? Did they have Pastors and Deacons as we have? Did they meet in Church buildings or houses? Why does it matter? (Acts 1:1) Do you have a comment or question? Please email us at [email protected]
6/23/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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They're Your Kids ... Be Their Dad!

One minute our children are crawling around the living room floor, the next they’re running down the aisle, arms linked with someone else’s, ready to start a family of their own. Time with our kids is so fleeting, so let’s make the most of it. Want to build a lasting legacy? Stephen has a FREE resource to help you!
6/22/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Failing Where it Really Matters

Your greatest legacy as a father will not be in a pulpit, a conference room, an office, or a mission field; it will be in your home. Are you succeeding where it matters most? (Judges 8) Want to build a lasting legacy? Stephen has a FREE resource to help you!
6/21/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Wise Man Who Became a Foolish Father

Solomon’s biography serves as a timeless warning that past spiritual victories do not guarantee future spiritual victories. Want to build a lasting legacy? Stephen has a FREE resource to help you!
6/20/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Manhood Begins with "M"

If you want to be a godly man, go listen to what the world considers true manhood and then do the exact opposite. Want to build a lasting legacy? Stephen has a FREE resource to help you!
6/19/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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When Money Talks, Part 2

If your wallet could talk . . . what would it say about you? (James 5:1-6) Access the manuscript, or the full-length version of this message here: Our extensive collection of discipleship resources is free and on-demand:
6/16/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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When Money Talks, Part 1

If your wallet could talk . . . what would it say about you? (James 5:1-6) Access the manuscript, or the full-length version of this message here: Learn more about our ministry and access additional Bible teaching resources online.
6/15/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Vanishing Life, Part 2

Time flies, doesn't it? And it never stops either. The second hand is always ticking as minutes turn to days, days to weeks, and weeks to years. So how can we make the most of the time we have left? James tells us. (James 4:13-17) Access the manuscript, or the full-length version of this message here: Get Stephen's FREE resource to help fathers build a godly legacy:
6/14/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Vanishing Life, Part 1

Time flies, doesn't it? And it never stops either. The second hand is always ticking as minutes turn to days, days to weeks, and weeks to years. So how can we make the most of the time we have left? James tells us. (James 4:13-17) Access the manuscript, or the full-length version of this message here: To receive occasional text messages from Stephen, text the word - wisdom - to 833-676-4051
6/13/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Danger of Playing God

Make no mistake about it: words uttered from a judgmental spirit are not merely an affront to the character of our brothers and sisters . . . . They are an affront to the character of God. (James 4:11-12) Access the manuscript, or the full-length version of this message here: How can we pray for you today? Let us know.
6/12/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Reviving the Saints, Part 2

(James 4:7-10) Whenever an author repeats something, it's because the subject is very important. That's why James continues to speak to us about humility. He knows that spiritual revival can't happen without it. Read the manuscript, or listen to the full-length version of this message here: Stephen explores the entire book of James in this practical, pastoral book:
6/9/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Reviving the Saints, Part 1

(James 4:7-10) Whenever an author repeats something, it's because the subject is very important. That's why James continues to speak to us about humility. He knows that spiritual revival can't happen without it. Read the manuscript, or listen to the full-length version of this message here: Learn more about our ministry and access additional Bible teaching resources online.
6/8/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Choosing Enemies ... Making Friends

(James 4:4-6) James accused many Christians in the 1st century of being "adulterous people" because of their cultural compromises and hypocritical actions. What would he say to our churches today? Read the manuscript, or listen to the full-length version of this message here: Stephen has a book that teaches through James. Learn more:
6/7/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Carrot on a Stick, Part 2

(James 4:1-3) Are you satisfied today? In your marriage? In your job? In your church? If not, the Apostle James offers the only remedy. Read the manuscript, or listen to the full-length version of this message here: How can we pray for you? Learn about our Global Prayer Team:
6/6/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Carrot on a Stick, Part 1

(James 4:1-3) Are you satisfied today? In your marriage? In your job? In your church? If not, the Apostle James offers the only remedy. Read the manuscript, or listen to the full-length version of this message here: Receive occasional text messages from Stephen. Text the keyword - wisdom - to 833-676-4051
6/5/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Ways of Wisdom

(James 3:17-18) Godly wisdom isn't a gift . . . it's a reward. And only those who live for God receive it. Listen to the full-length version, or read the manuscript of this message here:
6/2/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Sandcastles Before Tide, Part 2

(James 3:14-16) This is the conclusion to a sermon that began on our last broadcast. Envy is to our souls what mold is to a house. It spreads unnoticed until it has consumed every facet of our lives. Listen to the full-length version, or read the manuscript of this message here:
6/1/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Sandcastles Before Tide, Part 1

(James 3:14-16) Envy is to our souls what mold is to a house. It spreads unnoticed until it has consumed every facet of our lives. Listen to the full-length version, or read the manuscript of this message here:
5/31/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Learner's Permit for Life

(James 3:13-16) God doesn't measure our spiritual success by how much we know. He measures it by what we do with what we know. Listen to the full-length version, or read the manuscript of this message here:
5/30/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Created to Worship ... Prone to Wander

(1 John 5:21) Human beings were made to worship. The object of that worship will either be the one true and living God…or it will be an idol. A “god” is whatever we choose to serve, rely on, find refuge in, and love. And the more we worship that false “god”, the more we come to resemble it. Here, Pastor Davey expounds upon the Apostle John’s warning for believers to guard themselves from idols. Jesus Christ is the only God both worthy of worshipping and worth becoming more like. Anything else is a shallow, temporary substitute. Listen to the full-length version, or read the manuscript of this message here:  
5/29/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Forever in the Grip of God

(1 John 5:18-20) Do you ever doubt your heavenly assurance, worried that you might transgress one too many times for the Lord to accept you into His forever Kingdom? In this teaching on 1 John, Pastor Davey clarifies what the Apostle wants all of us to know with absolute certainty: we are forgiven and saved once and for always through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thankfully, our security is not dependent upon how firmly we grasp Christ. It is found in His grip on us. And God will never lose His grip. Let us know how we can pray for you:
5/26/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Desperate Prayers

Have you ever prayed hard for a prodigal friend or family member and it seemed like your prayers weren’t getting past the ceiling. Well here’s the Apostle John’s advice for you today: keep praying! 1 John 5:16-18 Learn more about our ministry and access additional Bible teaching resources online.
5/25/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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More Than Three Wishes, Part 2

(1 John 5:14-15) The Apostle John makes a bold promise that if we ask anything according to God’s will, He answers us. So why does it often seem like God is silent? Learn more about our ministry and access additional Bible teaching resources online.
5/24/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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More Than Three Wishes, Part 1

(1 John 5:14-15) The Apostle John makes a bold promise that if we ask anything according to God’s will, He answers us. So why does it often seem like God is silent? Download our FREE resource for moms!
5/23/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Eternal Life ... Guaranteed! Part 2

(1 John 5:12-13) Often, our problem as Christians isn’t that we don’t have faith; it’s that we don’t have assurance. It’s not that we don’t have hope; it’s that we don’t have confidence.  But the Apostle John delivers a message that could change all that. Learn more about our ministry and access additional Bible teaching resources online.
5/22/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Eternal Life ... Guaranteed! Part 1

Often, our problem as Christians isn’t that we don’t have faith; it’s that we don’t have assurance. It’s not that we don’t have hope; it’s that we don’t have confidence.  But the Apostle John delivers a message that could change all that. Receive a FREE copy of Stephen's resource, Blessed Assurance.
5/19/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Let the Record Show

Scripture tells what Jesus accomplished in the past, what He is accomplishing in the present, and what He will one day accomplish in the future. Where would we be without this incredible record? (1 John 5:9-11) Want to receive occasional text messages from Stephen? Text the keyword - wisdom - to 833-676-4051
5/18/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Water. Blood and Spirit, Part 2

In 1 John 5:6-8, the Apostle John takes us to the heart and soul of Christian apologetics as he gives us three undeniable proofs of Christianity. 1 John 5:6-8 How can we pray for you? Let us know:
5/17/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Water. Blood and Spirit, Part 1

In 1 John 5:6-8, the Apostle John takes us to the heart and soul of Christian apologetics as he gives us three undeniable proofs of Christianity. 1 John 5:6-8 Learn more about our ministry and access additional Bible teaching resources online.
5/16/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Brand for Every Believer

It’s not the strength of your faith that enables you to endure suffering. It’s the substance of your faith. (1 John 5:4-5) On today's program, Scott mentioned a special offer for moms. Learn more here:
5/15/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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In Defense of Christianity

Our faith is measured by good works – as the Apostle James taught us – but our good works are measured by how much joy we express while doing them – as the Apostle John will teach us. Faith without works is dead, and so are works without joy. Learn more about our ministry and access additional Bible teaching resources online.
5/12/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Almost Happily Ever After

The dust if finally settling in Job's life. The Sun is beginning to break through the clouds again. After 41 chapters of emotional, physical and spiritual suffering, Job is finally set free. The test is over. Job has passed. Will you? Learn more about our ministry and access additional Bible teaching resources online.
5/11/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dragons and Dinosaurs

Did you know that the Bible mentions the animals that we call dragons and dinosaurs? That's right . . . before archeologists found bones of these extinct creatures, Scripture recorded their existence. Job chapter 40 gives us their description. Learn more about our ministry and access additional Bible teaching resources online.  
5/10/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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To the Zoo and Back, Part 2

If Job ever questioned whether God truly cared for him, his questions are about to be answered in remarkable fashion. God will take him on a tour of the zoo and allow him to peer through the glass to witness how each animal is cared for. Job will learn afresh that if God cares so much for animals, He surely must care for His own children. Learn more about our ministry and access additional Bible teaching resources online.
5/9/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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To the Zoo and Back, Part 1

If Job ever questioned whether God truly cared for him, his questions are about to be answered in remarkable fashion. God will take him on a tour of the zoo and allow him to peer through the glass to witness how each animal is cared for. Job will learn afresh that if God cares so much for animals, He surely must care for His own children. Learn more about our ministry and access additional Bible teaching resources online.
5/8/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Lord of All the Weather

Is God in control of natural disasters? Can He stop Tsunamis and earthquakes if He wants to? If so, why doesn't He? In this message Stephen discusses the implications of Christ's sovereignty over nature and how this truth should effect our worldview. Learn more about our ministry and access additional Bible teaching resources online.
5/5/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Water, Earth & Sky, Part 2

Whenever you need a renewed perspective of God’s transcendence and his imminence, just step outside!
5/4/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Water, Earth & Sky, Part 1

Whenever you need a renewed perspective of God’s transcendence and his imminence, just step outside!
5/3/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Finally ... A Word From God, Part 2

When men try to speak for God, the result is deeper confusion and sorrow on the part of the sufferer. When God speaks for Himself, the result is deeper understanding and healing.
5/2/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Finally ... A Word From God, Part 1

When men try to speak for God, the result is deeper confusion and sorrow on the part of the sufferer. When God speaks for Himself, the result is deeper understanding and healing.
5/1/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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This is Why Prayer is Possible!

After teaching His disciples how to pray, Jesus demonstrates the effectiveness of prayer with two parables designed to help us learn more about the heart and desires of God. We not only need to learn what to say when we pray, and what attitude to pray with, but also when and why to pray. These two stories illustrate the readiness of God to hear our prayers, and the reliance we can have on His goodness.
4/28/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Long Live the King!

Your Bible translation may end The Lord’s Prayer where Stephen Davey left off in the last study in this series, but older translations include a doxology to this prayer in the Gospel of Matthew. These closing thoughts present several crucial elements of God that put our prayers and requests to Him in their proper perspective.
4/27/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Living on the Edge of Disaster

Do you have enough willpower to not be tempted? Of course not. How about resisting temptation, do you have enough strength to resist all the temptations to sin that come your way? Every believer knows that they do not. That’s why, as Jesus continues giving us an example of how to pray, He reminds us that temptation is inevitable—it will come—and He reminds us that only through God’s strength can we overcome.
4/26/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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When Prayer is Proven in the Public Square

It is not difficult for someone to fake sincerity in a prayer to God. We can pray for God’s will to be done while privately hoping our will prevails. We can pray that God’s kingdom comes soon, while secretly reveling in the cares of this world. But there’s one prayer that requires a public attitude; one prayer that demands public accountability. As Jesus teaches His disciples, and us, to forgive as we have been forgiven, He challenges us that words are not enough. God requires a lifestyle of forgiveness from His chosen people.
4/25/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Four Words and His Signature

There is an innate feeling of wrongdoing and guilt in all human beings. We all intrinsically know when we have fallen short, and we look to be freed from the guilt and shame we feel inside us. Many people will go to extreme lengths to confess their sins and make themselves feel right again. But Jesus gave His disciples a very simple task to do when they have sinned; in fact, it is only four words long.
4/24/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Prayer Request that Goes to War

We ask God about the big things in life and the small things. We pray about big topics—like the eternal nature of God’s coming kingdom—but also about the matters of life we often take for granted: where we live, what we drink, and what we eat. By modeling this attitude for us, Jesus teaches us that God is so intimately involved in our daily life that even something as seemingly insignificant as a loaf of bread is divinely provided for us by our loving God.
4/21/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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No Longer King of Your Own Castle

When Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, He made sure to stress just how significant a commitment it is to say, “Your kingdom come.” As always, Jesus wasn’t just concerned with the words coming out of His follower’s mouths, He got right to the heart of the matter. Praying The Lord’s Prayer requires a type of surrender that acknowledges God’s divine supremacy and our total dependency. When we pray this prayer, we hand over the key to the castle of our life.
4/20/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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When the Reputation of God is at Stake

The most important question the disciples ever asked Jesus was the question, Lord, will you teach us to pray? As Jesus set out to teach them how, He demonstrated that praying well starts with properly understanding God and our relationship to Him. The very first phrase of The Lord’s Prayer is the key to unlocking a successful prayer life in ourselves as well.
4/19/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Reaching Heaven in Two Minutes or Less

Many Christians are asked the question, What makes Christianity unique? What makes it different from any other religion? The answer can be found in the first two words of the prayer Jesus teaches His disciples to pray in Luke 11: Our Father. No other religion can claim such an intimate, personal communion between God and the worshipper. No other religion calls God their father. As Jesus teaches them—and us—to pray, there are some perspective-changing, life-orienting truths to learn from these two words: Our Father.
4/18/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Greatest Show on Earth

The religions of the world are preoccupied with performance. Prayer, rituals, works, and traditions give people a false sense of righteousness. And this is not a new phenomenon; in fact, Jesus confronted the same themes 2,000 years ago. The Pharisees were the masters of seeming righteous, they performed in all the right ways, but their hearts were far from God. As Jesus calls them out for their hypocrisy, we can glean a valuable reminder about what true worship—and what truly living for Christ—is all about.
4/17/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Learning Curve of Life, Part 2

After enduring bad advice and heartless accusations from his so-called friends for nearly 30 chapters, Job finally receives a real word of wisdom.
4/14/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Learning Curve of Life, Part 1

After enduring bad advice and heartless accusations from his so-called friends for nearly 30 chapters, Job finally receives a real word of wisdom.
4/13/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Last Stand of a Desperate Man, Part 2

His friends have condemned him, his wife has forsaken him, and he must now face the final barrage of enemy arrows in the solitude of his mind. Will this prove to be Job’s last stand or the devil’s?
4/12/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Last Stand of a Desperate Man, Part 1

His friends have condemned him, his wife has forsaken him, and he must now face the final barrage of enemy arrows in the solitude of his mind. Will this prove to be Job’s last stand or the devil’s?
4/11/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Saints in the Hands of Angry Counselors, Part 2

There is a profound lesson to be learned from the first 22 chapters of Job’s diary and it is simply this: when God is silent, don’t speak for Him!
4/10/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Saints in the Hands of Angry Counselors, Part 1

There is a profound lesson to be learned from the first 22 chapters of Job’s diary and it is simply this: when God is silent, don’t speak for Him!
4/7/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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What Christians Want to Know But are Afraid to Ask

The book of Job is so important for us because it deals with questions that we as Christians have all asked but are sometimes afraid to voice. Questions like, "If God loves me, why does He let me suffer?" Or "Is God as good as He says He is?" Join Stephen in this message as we witness Job and his three friends grapple with these issues philosophically and personally.
4/6/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Magnum Opus of Faith

Almost the entire book of Job is a series of conversations between he and his friends regarding the issue of suffering. Questions like "Why do believers suffer?" or "Is suffering punishment for some sin?" are just a couple. Perhaps you're asking the same questions today, so join Stephen in this message as he reveals to us what Job and his friends discovered.
4/5/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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When Fairytales Have the Wrong Ending, Part 2

There is one thing that all fairytales seem to have in common: a happy ending. The prince rescues his princess, the dragon is killed, and the deserving young lovers ride off happily into a glorious sunset. This is the life that Job once lived, but now the Dragon is pummeling Job's shield with his flaming breath and slashing at his armor without rest. Job's fairy tale is quickly coming to an end.
4/4/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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When Fairytales Have the Wrong Ending, Part 1

There is one thing that all fairytales seem to have in common: a happy ending. The prince rescues his princess, the dragon is killed, and the deserving young lovers ride off happily into a glorious sunset. This is the life that Job once lived, but now the Dragon is pummeling Job's shield with his flaming breath and slashing at his armor without rest. Job's fairy tale is quickly coming to an end.
4/3/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Day After You Die

Job is right in the middle of his suffering and his spirit becomes more and more darkened with each passing chapter. His optimism is quickly fading. Thanks to unwise council from friends and lack of answers from God, Job is fast becoming the most broken and most devout cynic of his time.
3/31/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Gospel According to Job

Hundreds of years before Christ came to earth, a man named Job was already preaching the Gospel. There had been no incarnation, no crucifixion, and no resurrection, but God's message to fallen mankind was still the same as it is now. Let's watch how it affects the life of a suffering Saint.
3/30/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Calling the Kettle Black

Speaking the truth is important, but speaking the truth in love is most important. Criticism should always be given to help the other person, not harm them. Job's friend Bildad didn't get that. Not only did he offer bad advice to his suffering companion, but he did it in the most unloving way possible.
3/29/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Escaping the Dungeon of Giant Despair

What do you do when you're depressed? Do you go for a drive? Do you talk with a friend? Do you pray and read Scripture? Do you give up on God? The dungeon of despair often feels dark and lonely, but job's story reminds us that we are never really alone. Jesus knows what it is to suffer . . . and He can sympathize with all our weakness.
3/28/202328 minutes, 30 seconds
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Avoiding the Error of Eliphaz

We live in a generation of “I want what I want, and I want it now!”—and pride is actually encouraged. But, as Christians, we are called to demonstrate humility, imitating Jesus Christ as He humbled Himself for us. Through these verses in 1 Peter, Stephen expounds upon three key qualities of humility by which we can show our love for others and to our Lord.
3/27/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Hitting Rock Bottom, Part 2

If Job -- a man of character, integrity and faith -- can hit rock bottom, you and I can as well. Most of us have already. That is why, when dealing with the problem of suffering, there is no better place for us to turn than to this little Divinely inspired book called Job.
3/24/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Hitting Rock Bottom, Part 1

If Job -- a man of character, integrity and faith -- can hit rock bottom, you and I can as well. Most of us have already. That is why, when dealing with the problem of suffering, there is no better place for us to turn than to this little Divinely inspired book called Job.
3/23/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Ministry of Presence

When a person is suffering, they sometimes need a pat on the back or a get well card. They also sometimes need an encouraging verse of Scripture. But one thing that suffering Saints always need is presence. When you don't know what to say or write to that suffering friend, then don't say anything. Just be there. It will make all the difference.
3/22/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Some Closing Words From Peter

Stephen puts an exclamation point on this practical and encouraging letter from the Apostle Peter by emphasizing the importance of church unity—we believers belong to one another in Christ, and we’re called to live in this world for Him. But how are we to do that when, as in the first century, our culture is increasingly hostile toward Christians? Discover eight action steps to live in the state of peace established by the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.
3/21/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Healer of Broken Hearts

How do you handle suffering? Do you try to deal with it yourself only to ultimately crumble under the stress and sorrow? Suffering serves a glorious purpose—God uses it to refine us, grow us, and make us more like Him. Thankfully, we don’t have to face trials alone. We can rest in the God of all grace, relying on Him for strength and comfort. This lesson expounds upon how, in our heartbreak, God Himself mends us, builds us up, and sets our feet on solid ground.
3/20/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dealing with the Devil, Part 2

Satan is our adversary, our accuser. He accuses us to God and accuses God to us. In this lesson, Stephen highlights some of Satan’s favorite tactics to destroy us, and also reminds us that Satan’s power is Providentially delegated and limited. We also learn from 1 Peter 5:9 how we can resist the enemy’s attacks. But, above all, we must remember that our only hope for triumph is by standing in the Victory already won for us by Jesus Christ.
3/17/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dealing with the Devil, Part 1

Satan is our adversary, our accuser. He accuses us to God and accuses God to us. In this lesson, Stephen highlights some of Satan’s favorite tactics to destroy us, and also reminds us that Satan’s power is Providentially delegated and limited. We also learn from 1 Peter 5:9 how we can resist the enemy’s attacks. But, above all, we must remember that our only hope for triumph is by standing in the Victory already won for us by Jesus Christ.
3/16/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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What Lions Want for Lunch, Part 2

Although as Christians we are eternally secure in the Lord, the enemy—Satan—is on the hunt to devour us. He and his minions have studied humanity since Adam and Eve. They have studied you—your words, actions and even the subtlest responses of your eyes. So even though he cannot read your mind, Satan knows what you’re thinking through his observations…and his attacks are custom designed to trip you up, steal your joy, and doubt your security in Jesus.
3/15/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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What Lions Want for Lunch, Part 1

Although as Christians we are eternally secure in the Lord, the enemy—Satan—is on the hunt to devour us. He and his minions have studied humanity since Adam and Eve. They have studied you—your words, actions and even the subtlest responses of your eyes. So even though he cannot read your mind, Satan knows what you’re thinking through his observations…and his attacks are custom designed to trip you up, steal your joy, and doubt your security in Jesus.
3/14/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Introducing the Angel of Light

Satan is real. And he hates you, desiring nothing less than your destruction. In this teaching, Pastor Davey unveils the very real and constant battle every believer is fighting against the enemy of our souls. But to prepare for victory, we must first understand just who our adversary really is and be able to recognize his masterful schemes to destroy our testimony, our integrity, our joy, and our fruit.
3/13/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Slaying the Dragon of Anxiety

Throughout history, humans have struggled with worry. And becoming a Christian does not, as some would teach, eliminate anxiety or the troubles that cause it. But in God’s Word, the believer is given instruction on how to deal with inevitable worry. Here, we are commanded to surrender not just our cares, but also our circumstances, ourselves, and our lives to the One Who knows, loves, and cares for us.
3/10/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Aprons for Everyone

We live in a generation of “I want what I want, and I want it now!”—and pride is actually encouraged. But, as Christians, we are called to demonstrate humility, imitating Jesus Christ as He humbled Himself for us. Through these verses in 1 Peter, Stephen expounds upon three key qualities of humility by which we can show our love for others and to our Lord.
3/9/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Shepherd's Heart

After having encouraged the Church to stand strong in faith during difficult times, the Apostle Peter turns to Church leaders—the shepherds—to describe three attitude principles of how they are to care for the flock. Like the Good Shepherd, Jesus, they are to serve willingly, enthusiastically, and selflessly. And what is the incentive to shepherd well? Anticipation of the Chief Shepherd’s return…and the awaiting reward for leading the sheep safely to His feet.
3/8/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Job Description For Shepherds

The theme of shepherding is common throughout the Bible, but it’s not really an analogy our culture can relate to like people in Biblical times. It is, however, the perfect illustration of Church leadership. In these verses from 1 Peter, the Apostle defines this divine calling of leadership, reminding Church shepherds to guard, guide, feed and love the flock. But whether a shepherd or a sheep, we must all follow the ultimate Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.
3/7/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Paradise Regained, Part 2

Our real joy in Heaven will not come from seeing golden streets and pearly gates and stunning topography; it will come from seeing God's face at last.
3/6/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Paradise Regained, Part 1

Our real joy in Heaven will not come from seeing golden streets and pearly gates and stunning topography; it will come from seeing God's face at last.
3/3/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Opening Ceremonies, Part 2

The opening ceremony of a great event is always spectacular, but it's never as spectacular as the event itself.
3/2/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Opening Ceremonies, Part 1

The opening ceremony of a great event is always spectacular, but it's never as spectacular as the event itself.
3/1/202328 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Father's House, Part 2

If you're one of those people who thinks heaven will be a dull, boring place of same old, same old, the Apostle John's vision in Revelation 21:9-21 will make you think again.
2/28/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Father's House, Part 1

If you're one of those people who thinks heaven will be a dull, boring place of same old, same old, the Apostle John's vision in Revelation 21:9-21 will make you think again.
2/27/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Fountain of Youth, Part 2

The fountain of life isn't offered to good people; it's merely offered to thirsty sinners who humbly come to Christ for a drink.
2/24/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Fountain of Youth, Part 1

The fountain of life isn't offered to good people; it's merely offered to thirsty sinners who humbly come to Christ for a drink.
2/23/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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No More!, Part 2

When you think of the things in your life now that won't be heaven, what comes to your mind? Pain? Sin? Family struggles? Depression? The awesome reality is that none of us can even begin to grasp the glory of a world without these things because all we've ever known is a world full of them.
2/22/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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No More!, Part 1

When you think of the things in your life now that won't be heaven, what comes to your mind? Pain? Sin? Family struggles? Depression? The awesome reality is that none of us can even begin to grasp the glory of a world without these things because all we've ever known is a world full of them.
2/21/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Brand New World, Part 2

By description, Heaven is out of this world! But by definition, it is still a part of it.
2/20/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Brand New World, Part 1

By description, Heaven is out of this world! But by definition, it is still a part of it.
2/17/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Three Gifts of Great Passion

We are creatures of habit. Muscle memory drives much of our daily routine from driving, to eating, to working; and sadly, it drives much of what we do at church as well. Stephen challenges us to stop coasting through worship and let the Spirit take the wheel.
2/16/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Starting with Socks

In Romans 12:8, Paul reiterates a concept of ministry that goes all the way back to the Old Testament: God is just as concerned with our attitude as He is our actions.
2/15/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Both Muscle and Mouthpiece

The gift of teaching and the gift of service are both gifts of proclamation. One preaches the gospel through words and the other preaches the gospel through works.
2/14/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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An Audience of One

The only way to stay humble in your ministry is to picture Jesus in the audience and then lose sight of everything else.
2/13/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Solving Rubik's Cube

Why do we need the local church? Better yet, why does the local church need us? As Stephen teaches us in this profound message, the answers to both of those questions are one and the same.
2/10/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Puzzle Principles

Beyond our natural talents, genetic wiring, and personality traits, God has given us each a special gift to be used for His glory and for the benefit of His people. Have you discovered yours?
2/9/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Puzzle Has a Designer

Before Stephen gives us an in-depth look at the puzzle called The Church, he gives us a much-needed look at the Divine Designer of it.
2/8/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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I Spy ... and Other Christian Games

You won’t find the answer to the question, “What is God’s will for my life?” in some self-help book. You’ll find it in Romans chapter 12. So join Stephen now as he exposits that passage for us.
2/7/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Breaking Free of Cocoons

If you want to make a difference in the world, you have to be different from the world. Join Stephen now to find out how to do that.
2/6/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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What Makes You Tick

One of the most powerful illustrations of Christian living is found in Isaac’s willingness to let his father, Abraham, sacrifice him in obedience to God. From his example we learn the difficult truth that Christianity is all about stepping up to the altar.
2/3/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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More Than Skin and Bones

In Romans 12:1 the Apostle Paul reminds believers that you can’t have the glory of the Gospel without the grit of the Gospel. Here is Christianity… uncensored.
2/2/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Mrs. Job--Lessons from Secondhand Suffering

Job lost his family, his estate, his friends, his health, and his reputation in a matter of hours. But he isn’t the only person who suffered in this story. Behind the scenes his wife also lost her kids, her home, her reputation, and her security. Mrs. Job only makes a brief appearance in Job 2:9-10, but it’s enough to open our eyes to the silent and lonely pain experienced by secondhand sufferers.
2/1/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Monument of Praise in the Valley of Despair

In a matter of thirty-nine seconds, Job lost his money, his possessions, his livestock, and even his children. He is sorrowing over his loss . . . and for good reason. But he is not the only one sorrowing over a loss. Satan, who was convinced that Job would respond to the torment by cursing God, watched in agony as Job fell down on his face and worshiped God instead.
1/31/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Acts of God

In the quest for answers to life's difficult questions, we discover that the search for strength and security eventually leads us to the foot of the throne. Hope in the valley and peace in the storm can only be found only in the Sovereign God who rules and reigns over all.
1/30/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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No Silver Lining in Sight

When there are no answers on earth; when it all seems so unfair; when life deals one cruel blow after another; when there are clouds but no silver lining; that is when we worship God with childlike faith. That is when we learn to truly worship Him on the basis of who He is, rather than who we expect Him to be.
1/27/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Exhibit A

Is it possible to worship God even when He takes everything away us? Is it possible to love Him even when He seems to have abandoned us? Job's life offers us a resounding "yes!"
1/26/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Wise Man of Uz

If there is a single question that has rattled Christians' minds throughout the ages it is this: "Why do God's children suffer?" Everyone asks it at some point in their lives. It is a question that deals not only with the big troubles but also with little trials as well. So what is the answer? Stephen gives us some insight from the book of Job.
1/25/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Depositing Your Life in the Bank of Heaven

There’s great joy when something is made just for you—a tailor-made suit, a build-your-own sundae, or a custom home. The designed outcome is perfect for you. Did you know that your suffering and trials in this life are also custom-made just for you by God? They are designed to deepen your faith and teach you to fully entrust your life to our Creator God.
1/24/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Cleaning House

As we prepare for the end of this age and Jesus’ return, it’s all about attitude. Instead of seeking control amid growing chaos, we must choose surrender to the Lord’s plan. Instead of merely resting in our salvation and future glory, we must pity unbelievers for the eternal wrath awaiting them.
1/23/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Wearing the Brand Name Well

Jesus was mocked and scorned His whole life. And His followers have been persecuted ever since. As His return draws nearer, the hatred for Christians will continue to grow. How can we stand strong in our faith and glorify God, even when we suffer for Christ’s sake?
1/20/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Firestorms Are Coming!

In his letter, Peter tells us to not only expect trials in life, but to celebrate them! Thankfully, he also describes for us how this is possible for the believer, and he encourages us to use our inevitable suffering to become more like Jesus.
1/19/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Thousand Unseen Gifts

Behind every great event are countless individuals that have worked, often without accolades, to make it happen. The Church is no different, filled with God-empowered Christians serving each other’s needs in support of a single grand purpose: to glorify God!
1/18/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Giving Away Your Gifts

God has given every believer special gifts. But they’re not ours—they belong to Him. And as each day brings us closer to the return of Christ, Peter encourages us to prepare by identifying our gifts and then sharing them for God’s glory.
1/17/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Five Practices for End-Times Preppers

We are living in the last days. And, as believers, we are called to prepare as the end draws near. But the Biblical instruction for readiness contradicts worldly expectations, challenging us to stay focused on others.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
1/16/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Prepping for the End of the World

To believers, “the end is near” means something very different than to the rest of humanity. While the world fears inevitable catastrophe, Christians are anticipating the return of Jesus Christ and our eternal future with Him.
1/13/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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God is Agape, Part 2

Love isn’t just something God does; it’s something He is. And in this message, Stephen explains why that is eternally significant for us as believers.
1/12/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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God is Agape, Part 1

Love isn’t just something God does; it’s something He is. And in this message, Stephen explains why that is eternally significant for us as believers.
1/11/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Putting Teachers to the Test, Part 2

Who are the teachers and who are the students in the body of Christ? In this message, Stephen turns our commonly-held notion on its head as he reveals that we are all called to be stewards of Truth. 
1/10/202328 minutes, 26 seconds
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Putting Teachers to the Test, Part 1

Who are the teachers and who are the students in the body of Christ? In this message, Stephen turns our commonly-held notion on its head as he reveals that we are all called to be stewards of Truth. 
1/9/202328 minutes, 26 seconds