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Wisdom Radio

English, Religion, 1 season, 31 episodes, 1 day, 28 minutes
Wisdom Radio is an interview-style podcast that explores life’s divine mysteries. Host Andie Hight searches high and low for amazing and credible guests that provide listeners with a grounding and uplifting experience to fuel spiritual growth, heightened intuition, creativity, wellness, and happiness. Andie started in 2010, driven by her own curiosity, health challenges that were not responding to traditional medicine, and personal spiritual awakening. She quickly realized her growing audience shared her thirst for validation of intuitive experiences, spiritual connectedness, natural healing and desire for personal empowerment. Andie is an award-winning journalist of twenty-years who is also a gifted spiritual intuitive.
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Qigong Energy Healing

Master Mingtong Gu joined Andie to talk about a 5,000 year old form of Chinese medicine called Qigong for mind, body, spirit connectedness, balance, and healing. He received his Qigong training under Grandmaster Dr. Pang Ming, a Qigong grandmaster trained in Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, and the founder of the world’s largest Qigong hospital. Based on what he learned and saw first hand about the incredible healing power of energy — Master Mingtong Gu knew his calling was to return to the States to teach. He founded The Chi Center just outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico, and has been helping thousands of people ever since. It’s a great honor to have Master Mingtong Gu on Wisdom Radio to help us learn more about the mysterious power of Qigong energy healing. Related links: and
6/30/202054 minutes, 32 seconds
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How Thoughts Become Things

Have you ever been curious about the idea that we are what we believe, that thoughts can shape our reality? Is it true?  In this episode of Wisdom Radio, Andie Hight talks with author and filmmaker, Douglas Vermeeren, one of the leading thinkers on the subject. Over the last two decades, Douglas has conducted extensive first hand research into the lives of the world’s top achievers in the areas related to the power of the mind and heart. He has made it his mission to connect the dots and to try to understand why some people are super successful in all aspects of life, while others are perpetually stuck in a rut. He’s written several books, is an inspirational speaker on personal empowerment, and he has a new film out called How Thoughts Become Things. Come listen as he shares his wisdom on how thoughts become things. LINKS: How Thoughts Become Things (movie) Douglas Vermeeren on Youtube Douglas Vermeeran
6/23/202046 minutes, 41 seconds
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Journey to Your Within

Each of us strives to live our truth. It's not always so easy, and life can feel mediocre. But when we're able remember our true essence and passions, and when we can hear our inner voice and follow our heart -- life can become extraordinary. From a young age, Aaron McCormick has been an empath and a bridge for seeking higher connections. Raised by a single mom on the South Side of Chicago, McCormick, at the age of 23 found great business success, earning millions and receiving numerous awards and distinctions. He has been able to become a bridge for those wishing success, but from a deep place of authenticity. With a combination of deep empathy, wisdom, and self-made success, McCormick ignites the innate ability we all have within to decode our own answers for maximum clarity and self-actualization. Aaron has helped countless people of all backgrounds realize greater fulfillment and success in areas of career, personal power, love & relationships, sales, entrepreneurship and leadership. Related links: Aaron McCormick's new book, UNBOUNDED: Journey to Your Within Andie Hight's Channel from Podcast Find Your Passion Larger than life or small . . . the fire burns within until the wind dies. Too much focus on the fire fails to recognize the importance of the air – the giver of flame. The air is not showy. It's not seen at all and yet it contains everything the fire needs to burn brightly. You need to ask yourself, what is my air? What gives me the will to fill myself with the mysterious essence of life itself. For when you know, when you discover, the breath becomes deep and satisfying. It fills the bellows that are your lungs to fuel the fire that is your life's passion.
6/10/202056 minutes, 55 seconds
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Pearls of Wisdom

Harriet Tinka survived a brutal attack. Allen Lycka was given six months to live. In this episode of Wisdom Radio they share their pearls of wisdom on finding peace and joy in spite of bad things happening. Together and individually, they faced their experiences with courage and found inspiration in each dawning day. Dr. Allen Lycka is a recently retired cosmetic dermatologists and Harriet Tinka a former runway and magazine model. They found each other through chance circumstances, and discovered the positive impact they could have on others through their stories and lessons learned. They teamed up to put their wisdom on living joyously and with purpose into a powerful new book called The Secrets of Living A Fantastic Life: The 13 Golden Pearl Within. Listen to this podcast by clicking above.
5/30/202027 minutes, 22 seconds
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Somatics & Life Balance

A lot of people turn to Somatic practices for healing, living life in balance, and discovering their authentic self. Join me as we learn together with Somatics teacher, Kathryn Kimball from Berkeley, California. Somatics has actually been evolving over a long time and its approaches are used in a number of fields—including psychology, movement, dance, and bodywork. The field has been influenced by many other practices, both Eastern and Western — but what they all have in common is they use your internal awareness to bring unknown parts of yourself and your experience into the known. Somatic learning makes the unconscious conscious, and in the process leaves you with more options for moving, acting, thinking, and living.  Here are some of the resources mentioned during the conversation. Daniel Siegel's book, Aware Awakening the Spine, by Vanda Scaravelli Guided Mindfulness Meditation, with Jon Kabot Zinn Helps people tapp into creativity, Michael Gelb
5/20/202049 minutes, 10 seconds
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Human Origins & Consciousness

Where did we come from? What is the true nature of human consciousness? Michael Cremo, also known as the ‘forbidden archeologist’, is hailed as a groundbreaking research pioneer and international authority on archeological anomalies. His landmark bestseller, Forbidden Archeology, and subsequent books such as, The Hidden History of the Human Race, challenge the very foundation of Darwinian evolution. Michael continues to dig up time-bending discoveries in the fossil record and shake up accepted paradigms, exploring famous archeological sites around the world, journeying to sacred places, appearing on national television, lecturing at mainstream science conferences, and as an invited speaker at places like Google to a new generation of seekers. In this episode of Wisdom Radio, host Andie Hight talks to Michael about his experiences and personal theories on what "hidden" scientific discoveries might actually reveal about human origins and the nature of consciousness. Visit Michael's website at 
5/12/202043 minutes, 9 seconds
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Astrology and 2020

In this astrology show, we talk with's chief astrologer Stephanie Shea, who is carrying on the late Jan Spiller's legacy of helping millions around the world with sage advice and wisdom. In this episode we drill down into some of the astrological influences of 2020  (and beyond), including some of the implications for our current situation. Stephanie also kindly reads a few of our listeners' charts (including yours truly) -- which is always fascinating and fun.  Stephanie Shea is a professional astrologer who was fortunate enough to study under the guidance of Jan Spiller from late 2012 until Jan’s passing in July of 2016.  Stephanie is dedicated to keeping Jan’s legacy alive by continuing her teachings in the form of the horoscopes, yearly forecasts, Astrological Edge column and various other astrological updates for the website. She is a 2011 graduate of Emily Trinkaus’s apprenticeship program through the Alcyone School for Engaged Astrology. Whether in writing or in her personal readings, Stephanie pursues Astrology with passion, empathy, enthusiasm, and intuition. It is her goal to leave people feeling excited about their birth chart and give them access to knowledge that can be used on a daily basis.  Resources for listeners from Stephanie as promised during this episode. Classes: Portland School of Astrology - Emily Trinkaus - NORWAC - (NORWAC is a conference, so within that, people can find many different astrologers offering classes and seminars.) And of course, visit: Visit Jan Spiller's YouTube Channel where Stephanie puts out astrology videos on a regular basis:
5/5/202048 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ancient Knowledge & Sacred Sites

Freddy Silva is a best-selling author and a leading researcher of ancient civilizations, restricted history, sacred sites and their interaction with consciousness. Freddy has published six books in six languages, including his latest, THE MISSING LANDS: Uncovering Earth’s Pre-flood Civilization. Described by one CEO as "perhaps the best metaphysical speaker in the world right now,” for two decades he has been an international keynote speaker, with appearances on Gaia TV, History Channel, BBC, and radio shows such as Coast To Coast. Silva is also a documentary filmmaker and leads private tours to sacred sites in England, France, Egypt, Portugal, Yucatan, Malta, Peru/Bolivia, and Scotland. Join us for this fascinating conversation. Freddy Silva's Website: His books and DVDs available on Freddy's website. 
4/30/202047 minutes, 41 seconds
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She Will Rise Again

A few listeners have asked if I would read this poem I wrote on Coronavirus. Sure! Here you go.  She Will Rise Again by Andie Hight Earth is spinning, Moon goes ‘round, the sun still rises, without us around. The ocean’s bluer, the sky is too. Let’s stay locked up, me and you. This speck called Corona, has helped me see, the virus mankind is to the land and the sea. Can we learn to live lighter? Bring a future that’s brighter? Find out what we can do to get Earth out of ICU? Emerge from our homes, in a month or two, with a fresh understanding and a perspective that’s new? Can we fly and drive greener? Eat less meat, be less meaner? Telecommute more Love nature and open the door? I don’t want to be like Corona. I want to show I’m way more than a collection of cells that destroy — What for? Together we can raise her up, pour new life into her cup. Flatten her curve, Learn how to serve. Resurrect her. And show ourselves that we are way more than we were before.
4/29/20202 minutes, 13 seconds
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Healing from COVID Trauma

Dr. Laurie Nadel is a specialist in acute stress, trauma, and anxiety issues. She is considered a thought leader in the emerging field of acute stress and PTSD. She says, "Suddenly, we find ourselves living a nightmare: Contagion meets Twilight Zone. The familiar patterns, habits, and routines that guided us through life have been ripped away. Our map of reality feels like London after the Blitz. Unlike the Germans’ bombing during World War Two, we hear no warning sirens nor are there any truly safe places to seek shelter." This interview helps us understand our collective COVID trauma, ways to cope, and ultimately some insights on healing and moving into a new days individually and collectively. Dr. Laurie Nadel's Website
4/14/202050 minutes, 56 seconds
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Yogi Wisdom

Tapasyogi Nandhi Visionary, yogi, transformational guide Represents the mystical path of the Siddhars of South India The most potent blessing we could ever receive from a sage, a yogi or any enlightened master is to receive the uplifting, igniting grace of our own consciousness.” – Tapasyogi Nandhi. Tapasyogi Nandhi, representing the mystical path of the Siddhars of South India, tells Andie the secrets of reaching higher levels of consciousness, and living in joy and close to your heart purpose and path. He is a visionary, yogi, transformational guide and a humanitarian. Nandhi’s life mission is in sharing consciousness through offerings of empowering Siddhar mantras of ancient grace, through music, through the teachings of mastery of consciousness and through the inspired work of the heart as in the grand visions. He is a regular contributor to the Elephant, and just released the book, Mastery of Consciousness: Awaken the Inner Prophet. These are moments when the intense enlightened energies of the Sages, as consciousness, reach each of us in ease. My purpose is to be the joyful instrument that can uplift humanity to amazing possibilities of consciousness. Imagine a million Mahatma Gandhis, Rumis and Einsteins! This is a possibility in our times. We are the realities of this consciousness.” – Tapasyogi Nandhi. Nandhi's Website Declaration of Consciousness Songs: Dance of the Siddhars and Maha Panchakashara from the album Arakara Books mentions: Mastery of Consciousness: Awaken the Inner Prophet and Autobiography of a Yogi Andie's Dancing Eagle reading on gratitude
1/15/201540 minutes, 18 seconds
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Out of Body Experiences

Albert Taylor Former NASA engineer, OBE experiencer and author Can one travel outside of their own body? My guest, Albert Taylor, believes we all do so nightly when we dream, we just don't remember. What if you could remember? Listen to this interview for Albert's insights about the out-of body-experience, and how to lucidly participate in your own. Find out what can you learn, what can you see, where can you go, and what you can do in this semi-conscious out-of-body state. Albert Taylor is a former NASA aeronautical engineer and space researcher and #1 best selling author. "In my opinion, Dr. Albert Taylor is the number one authority on out-of-body experiences in the world. Taylor knows more details about out-of-body experiences than anyone." Art Bell, host of Coast to Coast and DreamLand. In this interview, Albert Taylor speaks  honestly and very personally about how he escaped his nightly fears of sleep paralysis and now soars consciously and at will through the astral plane and beyond. Some call this astral travel, or an out-of-body experience, but Taylor calls it "soul travel." His term eloquently embodies his philosophy that we are actually powerful, spiritual beings in the midst of a human experience, rather than human beings having minor spiritual experiences. Visit Alert Taylor's Website
1/8/201554 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sound Healing

David Gibson Sound healing scholar and practitioner Sound healing is a powerful tool for physical healing, brainwave entrainment, releasing stuck emotions, opening the heart, and connecting to Spirit. David Gibson is my guest in this episode of Wisdom Radio. He's a leading scholar in the field of sound healing and therapy and is founder and director of the Globe Institute of Sound and Consciousness in San Francisco. His book, “The Complete Guide to Sound Healing,” is one of the top selling books in the field. David is also a recognized sound healing music composer -- and in this episode we'll hear a few of his healing songs. David has been studying esoteric systems of sound healing for over 15 years and has an in-depth understanding of the underlying physics of sound. David’s education in Physics at the University of California at Berkeley gives him a unique understanding of the way that sound affects us physically. David has been exploring the use of binaural beats for brainwave entrainment for over 10 years. Globe Institute of Sound and Consciousness
1/1/201532 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ancient Hidden Wisdom

Marie D. Jones Paranormal researcher and author Behind every myth and legend, hidden within the art, song and structure of ancient times is an encoded layer of truth and wisdom, passed down throughout history -- that's still relevant today! Paranormal researcher Marie D. Jones, a frequent guest of Wisdom Radio, joined host Andie Hight to examine sacred, symbolic imagery throughout the ancient world that continues to influence today. According to Jones, ancient stories about seemingly mythological characters share common motifs and are likely based on real events that became fictionalized through time. Knowledge was embedded in these stories, she says. Jones recently appeared on the History Channel’s Nostradamus Effect series and has been interviewed on hundreds of radio shows all over the world, including Coast-to-Coast AM, Shirley Maclaine Show, NPR, as well as by dozens of magazines, newspapers and websites. Marie D. Jones Website and
12/18/201446 minutes, 33 seconds
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Energy Healing

Brett Bevell Energy Healer, Omega Institute This episode of Wisdom Radio explores the mystery and power of energy healing with guest, Brett Bevell of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in New York. So whether you're new to the topic or feel somewhat of an expert yourself, you're likely to appreciate the wisdom Brett presents in this interview. He has years of practical experience in energy healing and Reiki, and from studying shamanism, visionary art, and vortex healing. Brett leads Reiki training through the master level at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York. He’s an energy healing expert who has written several books including, Reiki for Spiritual Healing and his latest, Energy Healing for Everyone. Brett is an in-demand trainer and remote healer. During the show, Brett did a special empowerment healing that he says will work for everyone listening to the show — even after the fact. Brett Bevell's Website Energy Healing for Everyone
12/7/201438 minutes, 35 seconds
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Indigenous Wisdom – Common Threads

Marie-Rose Phan-Lê Filmmaker, spiritual explorer, author This show explores the common threads of global indigenous wisdom. Many indigenous cultures are threatened or disappearing altogether. My guest, Marie-Rose Phan-Lê, and her intuitively talented family, experienced this threat directly during the Vietnam War. Now grown, Phan-Lê a filmmaker, travels the world to document sacred traditions before they disappear. She has traveled to Peru, Hawaii, Vietnam, Nepal, India and China — and there she has documented local healing practices, in the hopes of preserving some of this ancient wisdom. Talking Story Website Transcript of show's Wise Words: Reawaken your connection, Dancing Eagle
12/4/201435 minutes, 10 seconds
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Power of Gratitude

Nina Lesowitz Researcher and author Living from a place of thankfulness and gratitude -- makes us much happier and healthier people according to my guest Nina Lesowitz.  She has discovered from years of research that grateful living can transform lives. Spiritual advisors and wellness practitioners have long embraced gratitude as a fundamental component of wellness and mindfulness—now scientists are joining the chorus. In this interview, she tells us inspirational stories and tips backed by scientific research from experts who are conducting cutting-edge studies about the ways gratitude improves emotional and physical health, strengthens relationships, work performance, and helps people through crises. Today's reading: Gratitude is the Key Nina Lesowitz is the co-author of The Grateful Life: The Secret to Happiness and the Science of Contentment and Living Life as a Thank You. The Grateful Life Book's gratitude page
11/27/201438 minutes, 33 seconds
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Angels in Science and Spirituality

Matthew Fox and Rupert Sheldrake Co-authors and researcher Just explored angels and the convergence of science and spirituality in this interview with a dynamic duo -- internationally acclaimed spiritual theologian Rev. Matthew Fox and global thought leader, Rupert Sheldrake. Did you know that 8 in 10 Americans believe in angels or intelligent guides? What role do they play in our lives, and especially now — during these difficult times? Rev. Matthew Fox is an internationally acclaimed spiritual theologian. He’s an Episcopal Priest and an activist, and was a member of the Dominican Order for 34 years. Fox has written more than 30 books and has received numerous awards. He is recognized as a trailblazer and one of the leading experts on angels, among other things. Rupert Sheldrake joined Matt and I from London. He's a celebrated biologist and author best known for his theory of morphic fields -- a theory that postulates the universe is alive, with its own inherent memory that we can access. His book Science Set Free won the Book of the Year award from the British Scientific and Medical Network. Matthew Fox's website Rupert Sheldrake's website
11/24/201457 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Near Death Experience

Dr. P.M.H. Atwater Author, researcher, NDE expert Where do we go after we die? Where do we come from? What's our purpose here? Dr. Atwater is one of the nation's leading experts on the Near Death Experience (NDE), and she is convinced not only of the afterlife, but of the existence of God, or the supreme oneness. Over the course of four decades, she has carefully researched nearly 4,000 child and adult experiencers of near-death states — noting what they saw, heard, felt, and suddenly, absolutely, knew—about the afterlife. In her latest book, Dying to Know You, she presents the collective voice, the sum of the many who together paint a picture of what is on the other side of the thin veil between life and death. In this interview, she talks about evidence of the existence of a supreme presence, of our souls, angels, guides, loved ones, and others that live outside of time and space and the physical. We also talked about the relationship between the spiritual and physical realms. P.M.H. ATWATER is the author of more than 15 books, including Future Memory, Beyond the Indi-go Children, We Live Forever, and I Died Three Times in 1977—The Complete Story. She has been re-searching the NDE phenomenon for most of her professional career and is considered one of the foremost authorities on the subject. Sought after as a workshop leader at major spiritual/holistic gatherings, PMH has addressed audiences at such venues as the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS), the United Nations, and in numerous countries. Her books have been translated into over 12 languages, and she has appeared on Larry King Live, Regis and Kathy Lee, and Geraldo. Dr. P.M.H. Atwater's website
11/13/201446 minutes, 40 seconds
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Quantum Reality and the Multiverse

Cynthia Sue Larson Author and researcher Are we at the dawn of a new age of awareness -- a "Quantum Age" when we begin to wake up and realize that we are not just our body or our situation, but instead are pure energy, pure consciousness inside a body? In this interview, Cynthia Sue Larson postulates that we are, and that we have the power to shift our realities. You will hear her talk about the science that indicates we all exist in an interconnected "holographic multiverse" in which we have the power to literally jump from one parallel universe to another with every choice we make. Larson is a best-selling author, researcher, and transformational speaker who helps people visualize and access whole new worlds of possibility. Cynthia writes and teaches about the science of spirituality, and how consciousness changes the physical world. She has been featured on the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, and BBC, and has presented papers at international conferences on science, spirituality, and consciousness. Reality Shifters website Related article: Our future depends on spirituality and science working together by Deepak Chopra "More and more scientists are recognizing this need -- in part because fundamental science has come to a place where the ultimate questions of matter and creation cannot be understood unless consciousness is accounted for and factored in. Consciousness may well be the common ground on which the objective and subjective worlds are derived and united. With this vision, scientists have begun to meet and discuss solutions to global issues of health, hunger, conflict resolution, climate change, and economic injustice from a perspective that joins science and spirituality." -- Deepak Chopra
4/22/201452 minutes, 28 seconds
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Hopi Legends and Prophecy

Gary David Author, Researcher and Archeoastronomer Explore Hopi legends and prophecy in this interview with Gary David -- author and expert on the Hopi people, their legends, wisdom and prophetic vision. In this interview, you'll hear about ancient star cities, Katchinas and star people, little-known Hopi ceremonies and what they signify to the Hopi and world, and Hopi legends about past and future ages and how they survived epic periods of fire, ice and flooding, by going underground. hopi Katchina dancers Gary David's latest book in a series is now available, entitled Star Shrines and Earthworks of the Desert Southwest. All of his books can be found on Adventures Unlimited Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Borders. Gary David's Website
12/2/201351 minutes, 47 seconds
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Natural Living Legend

Imani Mamalution Natural Living Advocate, Author, Activist, Role Model Imani Mamalution is a "natural living" activist, visionary, and mother of six, who has opened her heart and her life to the community, and in the process, has become a local legend and role model. With a sense of urgency, she has been leading a quiet revolution of mothers -- which she calls the "mama-lution" -- to heal the world and make it a better place through intuitively guided feminine wisdom and personal choice. Her willingness to publicly buck the system and question the status quo, is helping thousands of women and men remember and answer the call to come together in love and light for the Earth and the children. Imani believes that many of us have been living in isolation, but that we are realizing we're tribal species that does our best work when we come together. "Whatever  you're passionate about, we all need to come together as one voice, as one movement, as one group that has a voice." She is an author and entrepreneur who, together with her family, runs Alchemy organic cafe in Hartford, Connecticut, that doubles as a gathering place for those who are dreaming the same dreams and changing the world through the power of awareness, sustainable living, and better consumer choices.  In this fascinating interview she talks about the challenges, the lessons, and the rewards of walking the talk. Mamalicious Website
6/20/201242 minutes, 28 seconds
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Healing and Premonitions

Larry Dossey, M.D. Author and Physician Do you have within you the power to heal yourself, or to heal others? Can your thoughts make you sick or well? Can you sense the future? And is all of this power within the realm of science, spirituality, or a combination of both? In this episode of Wisdom Radio, Andie interviews Dr. Larry Dossey, a person uniquely qualified to provide insights into the answers to all of these questions. Dr. Dossey is former physician of internal medicine and Chief of Staff with Medical City Dallas Hospital. He's the author of eleven books dealing with consciousness, spirituality, and healing, including the New York Times bestseller Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine, and most recently, The Power of Premonitions. In this hour-long interview, he touches on a range of topics, including the power of love in healing, what we're learning about power of prayer and healing others from a distance, and learning how and when to trust your premonitions. Dr. Dossey's Website
1/29/201259 minutes, 49 seconds
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Are We Waking Up?

Whitley Strieber Author and Alien Experiencer Whitley Strieber changed the way we look at the universe with the publication of Communion, a bestselling account of his terrifying close encounters with extraterrestrials. He joined Andie to discuss his new book, Solving the Communion Enigma: What is To Come, which revisits his own encounters with The Grays, and examines the myriad ways they fit into a larger story of unexplained phenomena around the world: crop circles, mysterious aerial objects, abductions, and how humanity is waking up -- but is it happening fast enough? Visit Whitley's Unknown Country Website
1/23/201256 minutes, 3 seconds
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Fit Soul, Fit Body

Brant Secunda and Mark Allen Authors and Collaborators, Fit Body, Fit Soul Shaman-healer and MacArthur Award finalist Brant Secunda and six-time world champion Ironman Mark Allen provide insights into how to forge stronger connections between our physical fitness goals and our spirituality. Brant and Mark travel worldwide and teach seminars on fitness, health, and well-being. Their new book, based on the approach they developed, is Fit Soul, Fit Body: 9 Keys to a Healthier, Happier You. Join Andie now for a great discussion with Brant and Mark and learn how their divergent life paths crossed coincidentally to bring us essential insights inherently understood by indigenous peoples. Visit Fit Body, Fit Soul Website
12/16/201156 minutes, 3 seconds
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Miraculous Moments Affirming Life Goes On

Elissa Al-Chokhachy, MA, RN, CHPN, FT Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse Elissa Al-Chokhachy shares some of the 'miraculous moments' of after-life communication that she has collected during her many years as a hospice nurse, and which are now documented in her new book, Miraculous Moments. Her own real-life experiences and the first-hand accounts from family members and healthcare professionals, provide "much reassurances that life does continue beyond physical death." Elissa is a certified hospice and palliative care nurse, and has been helping the dying and the bereaved for almost two decades. She has received the Boston College Alumni Award for Excellence in Nursing, as well as the Dr. William B. Stevens Award for the Nurse Who Enjoys Her Work the Most. Visit Elissa's Miraculous Moments Website
5/23/201154 minutes, 11 seconds
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Release Trapped Emotions and Feel Better

Dr. Brad Nelson Dr. Bradley Nelson Holistic Chiropractic Physician, Craniopath, Medical Intuitive, and author of “The Emotion Code” Do you have unexplained aches and pains? Or perhaps a deep sense of hopelessness, mistrust, or heartache that has been with you for a long time? Listen to this show as Dr. Brad Nelson talks about his breakthrough self-help approaches that will allow you to release trapped emotions -- something he says we all have. He also says around 90% of us have an emotional heart wall that prevents us from living life to the fullest. Find out what to do about it. Dr. Nelson is a specialist in the emerging fields of Bioenergetic Medicine and Energy Psychology. His book, "The Emotion Code" is a distinct and authoritative new work that is destined to become an instant classic on self-healing. Dr. Bradley Nelson graduated with honors from Life Chiropractic College West, in San Lorenzo, California in 1988. He has lectured nationally on the natural healing of chronic illness, and was in private practice until 2004, where he specialized in treating patients from across the US and Canada who were suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. The Emotion Code is his first book. Dr. Nelson is one of the nation’s foremost experts in magnetic healing, and has developed a simple yet powerful self-help method known as “The Body Code,” of which “The Emotion Code” is a part. With the creation of his “Balancing the Body Electric Seminar,” now “The Body Code Seminar,” Dr. Nelson has taught his healing methods to rave reviews. Widely renowned as a speaker and a gifted teacher, he will soon be making his teachings available online at, a membership site providing instructional videos, books and more. Dr. Nelson is married and is the father of seven children. He lives with his family in Southern Utah. Visit Healer's Library
5/13/201147 minutes, 52 seconds
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Finding Radiant Joy and Health

Susan Smith Jones Health, Fitness, and Joy Author and Speaker Feeling physically, emotionally, and spiritually off-kilter? Lost some joy of living? Overwhelmed by life? Wish you could look and feel years younger than your age? Dr. Susan Smith Jones talks to Andie about her common sense, anti-aging approaches to attaining radiant health. Really fun interview with lots of insights to de-stress the holidays, avoid the flu, and live a happy, balanced life. Also a great special offer from Susan for listeners of Wisdom Radio. Susan Smith Jones, PhD, taught students, staff and faculty at UCLA how to be healthy and fit for 30 years! Susan is the founder and president of Health Unlimited, a Los Angeles-based consulting firm dedicated to optimal wellness, health education and human potential. As a renowned author and orator, Susan travels internationally as a frequent radio and TV talk show guest and motivational speaker; she’s also the author of over 1,500 magazine articles (with her picture on many covers) and over 25 books, including her new release The Joy Factor. Visit Susan's Website
12/15/20101 hour, 4 seconds
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Astrology for the Soul

Jan Spiller Astrologer, author and radio personality Learn how the position of the planets, stars, and moon at birth influence your life-long personality. I will interview world-renowned author, astrologer and radio personality Jan Spiller, who takes a revolutionary approach to Astrology, going far beyond the commonly known horoscope signs to give a much more complete portrait of one’s individuality and life purpose. Jan has invested thirty years of research on the Nodes of the Moon and the Moon’s relationship to other heavenly bodies, and she has authored four books that have been distributed worldwide and translated into 15 languages: Cosmic Love, New Moon Astrology, Astrology for the Soul and Spiritual Astrology. You can reach Jan for interviews through her official website:
9/11/201058 minutes, 39 seconds
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Astrology for the Soul – Hour 2

Jan Spiller - Hour 2 Astrologer, author and radio personality In her enthusiasm to bring secret astrological knowledge to as large an audience as possible, Jan Spiller just completed her first season of "The Jan Spiller Show," a live call-in radio Astrology advice show, and she writes a monthly column for Dell Horoscope, the largest Astrology magazine in the world. Jan continues to make guest appearances on popular radio and television shows, and she serves as a featured speaker at Astrology and new age conferences.  
9/10/201053 minutes, 38 seconds
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Spiritual Protection

Sophie Reicher PSI Trainer and author Hour 1 Sophie Reicher is author of Spiritual Protection: A Safety Manual for Energy Workers, Healers, and Psychics. The book is a training handbook for readers interested in deepening psychic abilities, training gifts already in evidence, or simply developing a greater sensitivity to energy.  The exercises presented are also excellent for meditation and learning to still one’s mind.  They can be used to combat one of the most devastating diseases of modern life: stress. Spiritual Protection provides the tools needed for meditation and increasing receptivity to spiritual forces, as well as learning to control one’s gifts and learning effective, ethical, and safe energy-work. Her methods show: •    Psychics and Readers how to cut mental ties at the end of session. •    Healers how to avoid energetic overload during a session. •    Techniques that can be used every day to help with stress and overall well-being. Author Sophie Reicher has 20 years of experience in training psi-talents. Her skills are useful not only for the psychic, but they can be used anyone looking for a healthy psyche and physical body. During the show, Dawn Flanigan joined the call. Dawn is an "Indigo Child" with many talents. She added her own spiritual experiences and insights, and talked about how they helped her to follow the path to her current success running the Eco-friendly Fashion Association of California. She says her's is a company that thrives on the conservation and celebration of Mother Nature and the collaboration of art and fashion as it pertains to the beauty industry. Dawn is a vibrant and fascinating young woman who epitomizes the Indigo way of being. Her enthusiasm and her ability to work the mysterious connections and opportunities that present themselves to her is truly inspirational. Visit Dawn's Eco Friendly Fashion Association Website
8/28/201058 minutes, 26 seconds